#i was finally able to have some time to do sketches starting with small oc ones and now this big one for a painting ;w;
coccoart · 8 months
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Finally finished a sketch for a watercolor painting I'm going to do! first of this year in probably almost a year of not really doing much painting of this nature;;; here's hoping there's more to come after this one! ;w;
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tormentum-ab-intra · 5 months
Hey! You got a blorbo? I'll draw 'em for ya!
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If you aren't sure if what you have in mind would be allowed, just message and ask! Slots [will update this post as spaces fill]: 1. [filled] 2. [filled] 3. open 4. open 5. open 6. open
reblogs are greatly appreciated ^^
Information on terms and pricing below the cut!
Will do: -ocs -fan characters and fanart -whump -gore and body horror -furries -creature/animal characters -monsters and aliens -risque/nsfw (both you and the character[s] you're commissioning nsfw artwork of must be 18+!) -kink (bondage, noncon or cnc, knifeplay, etc)
Won't do: -heavy sci-fi -mecha/robots -irl people -super detailed character designs -complex backgrounds -complex armor -risque/nsfw of characters who are minors -incest -scat/watersports -hate speech, promotion of bigoted ideas, etc -design your character for you from scratch or draw without any references. -more than three characters in a single commission -I may decline to accept/draw any commission if I deem it necessary Add-ons: -magic FX: $5 -weapons: $5 to $15 -complex hair: $5 -wings: $5 to $20 depending on which color option you've chosen -small animal: $10 to $25 depending on which color option you've chosen -large animal: $15 to $30 depending on which color option you've chosen -complex pose: +25% of base price -simple background: +25% of base price >if it's a forest background, it's only +15% of the base price! love me some trees.
All prices and add-ons are in USD.
If you want to commission me, please contact me in one of the following ways:
DM me here on tumblr!
DM me on discord: @tormentum_ab_intra -- if you message me here, please state that you're interested in a commission or tell me which post you came from or something so I know you're not a bot 😂
shoot me an email: [email protected]. Please put 'commission inquiry' or something of the like in the subject line. I may take a bit longer to respond to emails than DMs. In your message or email, please include the size of the sketch (headshot, 3/4, or full body), the color option you'd like (plain sketch, monochrome shading, flat colors, or colors with shading), and a short description of your vision for the sketch, along with any reference images you'd plan on having me use. If you get a slot and I am able to draw what you've requested, I'll give you a price estimate and we can discuss any further details before I give you a final price! If you don't end up getting a slot this time around, I'll let you know as soon as I'm able. These will be done on a first come first serve basis.
If you aren't sure yet whether you want to purchase a commission, you can still message me with questions! I'd be happy to provide answers or additional examples of the type(s) of commission you have in mind.
Some important terms and additional pricing information:
If you'd like to commission me to draw more than one character, each character will be drawn on a separate canvas and treated like a separate commission. If you would like a commission with more than one character on the same canvas in the same commission, each character will be priced separately and the limit is three characters to a commission.
Payment will be done upfront in full via paypal invoice or venmo in USD. After this I'll start with a little concept/thumbnail sketch and send it to you so you can tell me if there's anything you need changed. From there, I'll move on to drawing the actual piece. I will send at least one screenshot during the drawing process as a check-in, so that you can let me know if I need to change anything before I continue. Depending on the type of commission, the number of check-in points will vary, and I'll let you know how many your commission type will have before I start drawing. Small revisions are no issue, but you can make only one major revision per check-in. Lastly, once it's complete and you've approved the final screenshot, I'll send you the final piece as a jpg and as a png -- preferably on discord since tumblr tends to nerf image quality, but if you'd rather I send it via email or here on tumblr let me know.
You may not use my artwork for AI or NFTs. I'm sure that goes without saying, but just in case.
These commissions are for personal use only; you may print out your commission if you like, but you may not sell prints of your commission or use it for other business/profit purposes.
You can post your commission online as long as you credit me.
Please allow up to three weeks from the date of payment for your commission to be completed. I will do my absolute best to finish it before then, but this way I have a cushion in case anything comes up. If for any unlikely reason there is a delay that looks like it'll result in a wait time of longer than three weeks, I will let you know as soon as it comes up and work hard to get the commission out to you as soon as I'm able! In such cases, I will refund part of the commission price to you to make up for the extra wait.
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glo0b · 5 months
~Cooking With Love~
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(I do not own the art or character)
Content: Sebek x F!Yuu, other ocs are in this and as well as the other first years.
Tw: Some NSFW mentions, this was meant to be a nice fluff cooking fic but my depraved mind can't stop
word count: 2081
note: This took me FOREVER. I kept stopping and continuing so it might not be the best.
“Oh look, the Culinary Crucible sign ups are out again, maybe I could sign up to be a judge.” The five Ramshackle residents were walking down the halls of NRC, heading off to lunch like usual until Felix pointed out the Culinary Crucible sign ups. “Nya, I nearly died last time from Lilia’s cooking” Grim sat on Yuu’s head, it was his favorite spot since her hair was so fluffy. “How did Silver survive all those years with him? Perhaps it made his stomach stronger, I should test that out later, Mumble Mumble” There Donnie went with his evil scientist thoughts again and pulling out his notebook with info about everyone in the school, honestly how could that boy not be best friends with Rook at this point.
Yuu picked up the small paper that was stapled to the cork board, she noticed two familiar names sketched in pen on the parchment. “Hm looks like Floyd and Sebek would be the ones cooking. You may want to reconsider that thought, Felix.” Yuu couldn’t lie, she was slightly excited to see what Floyd and Sebek could do but also terrified of what the food would turn into. She did know a bit of both of their skill sets too. “That damn Eel? Jeeze I already gotta deal with his ass in the Basketball club! I bet he’d poison the food if he could!” Balik groans at the thought of having to see that wicked eel’s face cook for her. “Oh hush! Hmm, maybe I should sign up to be a judge.” Yuu quickly pushed away her fearful thoughts and signed the paper. “If you get a stomach ache from their food don’t come crying to me, henchmen!”
The thought of Sebek cooking for her was on Yuu’s mind all day. She giggled softly and smiled at the thought which started to freak her friends out a bit. “Yuu has been a little too bubbly than usual.” Epel bit into his BBQ, finally able to enjoy it since Vil or Rook weren’t nearby. “I scanned Yuu earlier and her heart rate seems to be more elevated than normal!” Ortho spoke, not eating since he didn’t need food but he still could eat it in a way since Idia gave him a new update! “I couldn’t smell any potions on her breath or anything so it could be something mental.” Jack was clueless to what could have happened to their sweet friend. “Do you think someone cursed her!? I’ll get revenge for Yuu!” Deuce looked like he was about to punch someone. “Wha- no! Who could possibly want to hurt Yuu? Let’s just ask Yuu what happened when she grabs her food.” Finally Ace was actually using his head to think, which if they weren't worried about Yuu, would have freaked the group out even more. "Alright, I'll calm down." Yuu grabbed her food and made her way to the rest of the first years with the other four behind her. Yuu places her tray down and sits next to Ace. “Hello big sis-” Before poor Ortho could greet Yuu he was interrupted by a very concerned Deuce. “Are you ok!? Did someone curse you?! Did you finally snap!?” Ace face palms. “Real nice on staying calm, Deuce.” Yuu raises her brow in suspicion but keeps her sweet smile. “Oh? What’s this now?” The first year group looks back at each other before Epel speaks up. “We’re just concerned since you’ve been acting a little off today….” The other Ramshackle residents finally joined the first years. “That’s just because she’s excited about being a judge for the upcoming Culinary crucible.” Donnie sits next to Ortho while Balik, Felix, and Grim sit next to or across from Yuu. “Really, you aren't getting it? Here’s another hint, loud knight of Diasomnia.” Small ‘Oooohs’ escape the boys’ lips as Donnie explains the reason behind Yuu's state.
Yuu covers her face in embarrassment. “That’s…not the reason..” Balik stabs her food with her fork repeatedly. “Really? Jeeze I can’t tell which one of you is more dense.” Felix rubs the back of his neck nervously. “Yeah, I gotta agree with Balik here.” Ortho stands up- well floats off the ground in excitement. “Maybe we could get you two together! Big brother was playing a game with the same premise the other day!”. “I don’t think that would work. The only thing that guy seems to think about is Malleus just like the only thing Grim thinks about is fancy tuna.” Ace snickers as he looks over at Grim devouring a can of tuna in Yuu’s lap. “Nya?! Hey!” Yuu glares at Ace and he stops right away. “That’s a really sweet idea, Ortho, but I’m not sure it’s the best idea right now.” Ortho looks slightly disappointed but nods his head in understatement. “Ok big Sis! I’ll still make a plan though!” 
The first years continue to talk but soon lunch comes to an end. “Man, I got P.E next. I better go now so I can get changed.” Felix whines as he grabs his empty tray and leaves. Everyone else starts to get up as well and leave for their classes. Yuu holds Grim in her arms as she walks with Ace, Deuce, and Donnie. “Oooh~ We got Alchemy next” Donnie smirks knowing he’ll get an easy 100%. “Don’t act so smug just because you’ve got slightly better grades than us!” Grim kicks his little feet causing Donnie to laugh his unsettling clown-like laugh. “Slightly? Oh please, you’ve gotten Ds and Cs on every test from Professor Crewel!” Donnie’s smirk grows even bigger as he knows Grim can’t make a well backed up argument. hours pass and classes slowly finish up for the day. “Yawn I really wish P.E didn’t kick my ass.” Felix rubs his sore arms. “Maybe it’s just because you’re weak and have little muscle on your bones.” Felix glares at Balik. “Be quiet, will you! You’re hurting my ears!” Grim interrupts their arguing before it could get any more heated. The two glare at each other before shutting up. “Hey, isn't the Culinary Crucible supposed to start tomorrow?” Donnie quickly changes the subject to make sure Balik and Felix don’t start arguing again. “Huh? Oh, yeah. It’s meant to be taking place before lunch, I think.”. Grim pouts. “Why can’t I get free food too! No fair!” Yuu giggles at Grim’s whines. The five reach their dorm and soon settle in for the night awaiting the brand new day full of opportunities to come. A certain half fae walks past the school cork board covered in flyers for clubs and what not, he looks down at the Culinary Crucible sheet. “So she has signed up to be a judge….I’LL DO MORE THAN MY VERY BEST FOR BOTH THE YOUNG MASTER AND YUU!” Sebek hurries his way back to Diasomnia so he can return to his job of guarding Malleus.
Morning comes without fail, birds chirp on cue as the sun rises with its natural beauty. Sebek was out doing his morning jogs before he had to head off to the Culinary Crucible. Sebek had originally signed up so he could learn to cook for his liege but when he found out Yuu was going to be one of the judges he felt even more determined to master the practice of the culinary arts. ‘I have to be able to cook for my future partner!’ That’s what the little voice in his head kept telling him plus Lilia said a good boyfriend should be able to cook for his partner when they’re sick or tired. Sebek finishes his morning jogs and heads inside of Diasomnia to wash off all the sweat on his body. As the cold water hits his body he thinks about how the Culinary Crucible could possibly go. He did learn a bit from Yuu when all the first years were at Ramshackle for a studie night which somehow turned into a small party. Sebek couldn’t help but blush when he remembered how Yuu’s soft hands guided him on how to cut an onion or when he burnt most of the vegetables Yuu just simple laughed it off with a reassuring smile. “How could a human like that make me feel like this….”. Oh Yuu’s soft hands, he just can’t stop thinking about them. All he wants is to have them trail along his body and wrap around his hard- “I must stop thinking about such things of Yuu! I need to get ready!” 
Sebek finishes his shower and gets dressed but not before gelling up his hair like he always does. This man went through almost two jars of gel each week, if Sam didn’t somehow magically have everything in stock Sebek would have been stuck with his natural hair. Sebek quickly checks the time. “On time as always.” And with that Sebek leaves to head off to the Culinary Crucible.
All of Ramshackle’s (living) residents were sitting in the courtyard talking. It was their free time before lunch so Donnie started making bets “Ok, 10$ says Sebek burns it to ash.” Donnie rolls his eyes at Felix’s bet. “Oh please, he’s not Lilia. Althouuuugh, 5$ says he makes it too dry or too bland to eat.” Yuu couldn’t help but laugh “Wow, you really don’t have faith in him? How about 100$ says Sebek makes something that I’ll enjoy.” Both Felix and Donnie’s eyes widen “Henchman, are you feeling ok!?” Even Grim and Balik looked shocked “Yuu is making bets?!” Balik dropped her cool guy act from pure shock. “We don’t even have that kind of money! Crowley doesn’t pay us shit!” Yuu smirks at Donnie’s comment and shrugs her shoulders. “Well~ I just have a lot of faith in Sebek, I guess. Plus I should probably join in on the fun shouldn’t I?” “I guess you do seem to like him a lot.” Balik plainly states. “Seems?? Those two are head over heels for each other!” Donnie throws his arms up in the air in frustration. “We’ll just have to wait and see who the winner of the bet is.” Yuu smiles knowingly. “Nya, I’m going to buy so much tuna with this bet!” Donnie rolls his eyes at Grim’s gluttonous statement before looking down at his watch “Looks like we only have a few minutes till next period.” Everyone lets out a small groan before saying their goodbyes and parting for their next classes. ==============================================
Yuu sat comfortable in the judge’s chair with Idia to her left and Trey to her right. Sebek set a bowl full of chicken pho before her with shaky hands. He looked so nervous, which seemed so unlike him. Once Idia and Trey also reserved a bowl of the chicken pho Yuu took a small spoon full. She looked up at the nervous half fae man in front of her and put the spoon to her lips…..Woah! The chicken had a melt in your mouth texture and the broth was so flavorful! Yuu’s eyes opened in shock as she let out a small moan from the amazing dish. After the other two finished it was time for the results. Yuu was so proud of Sebek, he obviously worked super hard on the dish. Yuu happily held up the sign that had the number ten written on it. “Amazing~! I loved it!”. Trey held up a ten sign as well while Idia held up a nine sign. A big grin spread across Sebek’s face as he saw the high ranking signs, he quickly bowed. “Thank you!”  ================================================
“WHAT!?” Like they planned this Felix, Balik, Donnie, and Grim all yelled in unison. “But how!?” Donnie was still in disbelief, how did Sebek do such a good job!? “My tuuuuuuuna!” Grim whined as his dreams of buying tuna with the bet money went down the drain. “Oh hush, I’ll buy you some tuna.” Grim’s ears pop up at the mention of Yuu buying him tuna. “I guess you get the money then.” Felix lets out a sigh before handing Yuu the money. “Thank you! Now remember next time not to test my intuition~” Yuu chuckled to herself. “Yeah, yeah, whatever and maybe next time we can get to taste this ‘amazing food’.” Balik still doubted Sebek of all people could cook such a good meal. “Yeah maybe…..” Yuu remembered the creamy, rich broth and melt in your mouth chicken, maybe she would have to cook for Sebek some time? Maybe a cooking date? Who knows, there’s so much time in life when you cook with love~!
You have made it! Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it, it took me VERY long to make this. Mental health didn't help much lol. Make sure to get plenty of rest and to drink water dear reader!
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megadraws24 · 25 days
🥳🎉 Commissions Are Open! 🥳🎉
If you like my work and would like to commission me for some art or animation concerning TADC, another Fandom or anything else. Then I'd be glad to take you on as a client. I primarily like to draw TADC art but id be happy to take on ALMOST any project you have in mind, weather its OC redraws, custom Fanart or Custom Animation. Please read this whole post before you decide to commission me :)
I will draw, Fanart, OCs, Profile Pics, Banners, Your favourite Shipping, Soft NSFW. Cute, Creepy, Scary, Funny, Gritty...
I will not Draw: Hard NSFW, Racist imagery, Political, Gore.
If you're unsure please DM me.
I need a detailed description of your project I will require references imagery (for instance a drawing of your OC). I will probably have questions of my own to make sure we're on the same page. Once I'm satisfied with your requirements, you will be invoiced. I will start the process once I receive the full amount.
Depending on my schedule I will send you regular updates where possible. All sketches and paintings will be watermarked through out the process.
Payments Info
Payments are in US dollars and done with Paypal Invoices.
Payments are done upfront before any work starts. I'll need your email address.
Any extra fees will be invoiced upon delivery of the watermarked Final. Once that payment has been made, The final full scale image will be delivered.
Prices are NOT NEGOTIABLE, lets make that clear. Prices are subject to change.
Simple Line art Sketch- $25 per character
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Cel shaded style - $70 per character
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Rendered Style - $125 per character
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No Background (Any solid colour or 0% Alpha) - No Charge
Plus a Simple background - $25
Plus a Complex Background - $50
Price on request, depending on the complexity and fluidity, prices start at $80 per second, per character. The type of Animation I do is NOT CHEAP. I'm still currently accepting Animation commissions now but a full list of options are to come soon in a separate post. Consider this a Beta release for Animation commissions right now! lol
Comic Strips
Also coming Soon.
(IMPORTANT) Notes/Feedback
During the sketch stage you are allowed 5 notes (large or small) for free, any further notes will incur a $5 fee per note. If you have major adjustments that need to be made, make them here. Once I progress from here, making any more changes will be much harder and will extend the delivery time.
After the Sketch stage You are allowed to give 3 small notes (adjusting proportions/poses very slightly, small colour tweaks ) at no cost through out the entire transaction. Any further small notes will incur a $25 surcharge per note.
Any larger notes after the sketch stage (such as large compositional changes, large pose changes. major character changes...) will incur a $50 surcharge per note.
My decision is final on what counts as a Small note or a Large note.
Approx. Turnaround times -
Simple line art - 1 day
Cel Shaded work - 2 to 4 days
Rendered style - 4 to 7 days
Animation - 7+ days
(Depending on Schedule and demand, these times are subject to change.)
A Few more things...
Only contact me about work if you are serious about commissioning me. If you cant afford to commission me for work, I wont be able to do business with you. Again please dont feel afraid or stupid to ask me a question if youre unsure about anything here. I will try to answer to the best of my ability :)
Give me as much info about your idea as possible, refs and detailed descriptions, Size, Proportions, Colour scheme, Composition, Duration (if its an anim)...
At the end of the day, I own the copyright for ALL the projects I make and I do not consent for you to use them in any AI image/animation generation or deep learning applications.
I appreciate credit where credit is due. So a link back to my account is very much welcome if you decide to post my commission.
Cant wait to chat! :)
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seenoversundown · 3 months
Amongst The Stars: Chapter One
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Josh x Quinn (Nonbinary OC)
Warnings: People who are disgustingly in love, mentions of secret relationships, questionable midday PDA, brotherly taunting, Sam, atrocious ex partners.
Word Count: 4k
Summary: Josh has always loved love, and he's finally found it. Buuuut, he can't exactly tell anyone. Join him as he navigates the ins and outs of his sweet, secret romance.
Author's Note: *pounds fists on table* JOSHUA. MICHAEL. MONDAY.
Sorry this is a bit late... they've been too active today and it distracted me Anywayyyyyy. I hope you all enjoy this. I have been obsessed with writing Josh and Quinn and I hope you love them as much as I do (plus, you get a little peek at some other familiar faces).
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I Think We’re Alone Now - Tommy James & The Shondells
“I think we're alone now. There doesn't seem to be anyone around. I think we're alone now. The beating of our hearts is the only sound.”
Present Day
“Thanks, Chuck,” I shout after the older gentleman heading out the front door, “Always a pleasure to see you in here!”  I sigh in relief, wiping down the area he just vacated and placing his used pint glass in the sink beneath the bar as the door closes behind him. It’s midday, and Old Man Chuck is typically our only customer until the after-work rush.  I swear Jake only opens this early to accommodate him, I think as I toss my towel back into the fresh Sani-Water bucket, He could probably save so much money if he stopped. But he loves that old man. 
I dry my hands off and lean my elbows against the bar top. I survey the area and let my eyes fall on the only occupied booth.  Quinn.  A small smile creeps its way up my face while I watch them. 
I take in their intentionally disheveled, curly pixie cut. I take in the way their glasses slide down their nose as they lean over the iPad, sketching away at something with their apple pencil.  Three, Two, One. I mentally count down, and then they push their glasses back up, and my smile widens.  There we go.
The thought of knowing their mannerisms well enough to be able to guess exactly when they’ll adjust their glasses makes my heart soar.  I let my eyes rake over their vintage brown and orange striped sweater and down their charcoal gray cigarette pants, stopping to admire the bit of ankle peeking out between the top of their boots and the cuff of their pants. 
How did I get so lucky? 
I press myself back up off the bar, stopping to pay a small tribute to the small Blackbeard shrine that Jake insisted on setting up behind the bar, and slowly walk around to the jukebox in the corner, ensuring I don't draw attention to my movements. I perused the options, smirking to myself as I keyed in A-23.
I turn around, leaning against the jukebox, as the opening chords to “I Think We’re Alone Now” by Tommy James and the Shondells ring out from the speakers.  I wait a beat to see if Quinn will recognize the song, our song, but they’re so engrossed in their art that they don’t even look up. With that, I walk over to their booth and sit beside them. I quietly sing along to the chorus, grabbing their chin and tilting their head to face me.  “Sorry to interrupt, Bug,” I start, kissing their lips gently, “but I think we’re alone now.”  Giggling, they set their apple pencil down on the table.  “Mhm, there doesn't seem to be anyone around.” 
I wrap my arm around their shoulders, pulling them closer to my side. “What are you working on?”  “Just a new coloring sheet for the kids, nothing important.”  “How many times do I have to tell you? Your work is never nothing important,” I squeeze their shoulder, “those kids love you, and I won't stand for you minimizing that.” 
They breathe a small sigh through their nose and lean deeper against me. I bend down and press a kiss to the crown of their head.  I try to give them some grace, knowing they aren't used to having a supportive partner who believes in them. 
“I love seeing your work, Bug,” I kiss their forehead, “You’re passionate about it, and you're good at it.”  “You do know you’ve already won me over,” they laugh, “right? You don't have to keep unnecessarily complimenting me.”  “They're not unnecessary compliments,” I entwined our fingers together, “and, actually, I hold back most of the time.” I raise our clasped hands to my lips and kiss the back of their palm. “Oh, hush.”  “I don't think I will. In fact, I don't think I can. I could praise you day in and day out, and it still would never be enough.” 
I watch, grinning, as their face heats at my words. I reach out and cradle their face in my free hand, gently rubbing a thumb over the apple of their cheek.  
“Hmm, Cute,” I whisper out.  “Aghhhhh,” they let out a small groan, flopping their head back against the booth behind them, “You’re gonna kill me. You know I’m traumatized.” “I’m trying to fix that, dear,” I giggle, poking at their side. 
My phone buzzes in my pocket, interrupting our moment. 
Of course. Even when we’re alone, we’re not really. There’s always someone waiting to interrupt us. 
I sigh as I pull it out and see three new texts from Jake
Kiddo 🥸: Hey Bub, heading to the Farmer’s Market.  Kiddo 🥸: Do we need anything for the bar?  Kiddo 🥸: I have a list, but maybe I forgot something.  Me: The bar is fine.  Me: Wait, is this a thinly veiled attempt to check on me? Kiddo 🥸: :) Me: You’re getting better at hiding it.  Kiddo 🥸: Gotta keep you on your toes. 
He’s insane. You’d think this bar is his living, breathing child. I mean, shit, it may as well be.
Me: Well, put me in a tutu and call me a ballerina, boss.  Kiddo 🥸: [Picture] Kiddo 🥸: Eat shit
Bark out a laugh, looking at the photo Jake sent me of his middle finger facing the camera. 
Me: Leave me alone. Someone has to run this place while you’re galavanting around town. Me: Tell Lin I said hello. 
I slide my phone back into my pocket and pat Quinn’s thigh under the booth, then begin to slip out of the booth.  
“Unfortunately, Captain’s on my ass. I better go clean something before he accuses me of ‘Ruining All My Hard Work’ when he gets back from The farmer’s market.” Damn, fine Jake impression. 
Before I can get too far, Quinn grabs my wrist, effectively stopping me, and pulls me closer.  I watch their eyes dart back and forth between mine and my lips. “You sure?” they ask, batting their eyelashes.  I groan internally.  “Mhmmmm, yep. I need to —” They cut me off, tugging my arm the extra inch or two needed to connect our lips before pulling back and looking into my eyes.  “You need to what?”  I groan externally.  “I need to work. You need to work,” I gesture wildly at the forgotten iPad in front of them.  “We don't need to do anything, Starlight.”
They're a monster. An ethereal monster. They know I can't resist them when they call me that name. 
I pop my head out of the booth, searching for the open sign lit up at the front entrance.  I could turn it off and take Quinn up to the apartment for a little bit. Jake would never know. We aren’t going to get any more customers for at least an hour.  I lean back in, connecting our lips again.  “Okay, 20 minutes. I can lock the doors for 20 minutes.”  A pleased smirk makes its way to their face, and they let me go, practically shoving me out of the booth.  “I can work with 20 minutes,” they shout after me, laughing.  “Trust me, I know you —“
The fucking door opens as I’m reaching to lock it. 
“OH! Hi, I didn’t see you there!” I practically shout, scrambling to let Quinn know that our plans have been foiled.  Why the fuck did I say that? Of all the things I could have said. Why that?  “Didn’t really expect you to, man,” the man mutters as he shoves past me and makes his way to a seat at the far end of the bar, near the piano. 
His voice sounds familiar. That’s interesting. 
He walked past me too quickly for me to get a good look at him, and a Boston Red Sox cap partially obscured his face, so I chalked it up as me being paranoid about almost getting caught with Quinn in the bar. 
I wish I didn’t have to be paranoid, but the timeline is still too murky for Quinn and me to be open about our relationship. Jake is the only one who technically knows.  Oh, I can’t wait for the day we decide to tell the others. It’s eating me alive. I want to scream my love from the highest rooftop. I want to walk down the cobblestone streets hand in hand. I need everyone to know that I am in a soul-consuming relationship, and I couldn’t be happier. 
I quickly walk back behind the bar, stopping in front of him.
He couldn’t have chosen a closer seat; had to make me walk all the way back over here? Okay, Josh, no need to be bitchy over a customer. You do work in a customer service establishment. It comes with the territory. 
“Sorry about that. I just wasn't anticipating any customers. It's usually a ghost town around this time of the day,” I rush out, setting a coaster and a menu in front of him.  “Perfectly fine, man,” he responds, removing his baseball cap to make eye contact. 
I suck in a breath, eyes widening as I realize that I do know this man. He smiles as he takes in my recognition of him.  Craig, Quinn’s absolute douchebag of an ex-boyfriend. The reason Quinn and I aren't open about our relationship.  I open and close my mouth a few times, apparently having forgotten how to say, “What can I get you to drink?” and his smile widens. 
He's like a fucking shark, and he can smell blood in the water. 
“Whenever you’ve finished cosplaying a goldfish, I’ll take a Miller Lite.”  My mouth snaps shut, and I give him the fakest smile I can muster. “Of course, sir. I’ll have that right up for you, just have to go grab a fresh case from the cooler.” 
I turn on my heel and practically jog from behind the bar and down the hallway beside the jukebox, past Jake’s office and the bathrooms. I don't stop until I turn the back corner to our stock area.  I lean against the wall and rip my phone from my pocket.  I take several deep breaths in through my nose and out through my mouth and pull up my texts to Quinn, seeing that they were clearly a step ahead of me. 
Bug 🐛 : is that Craig?  Me: YES, HIDE  Bug 🐛 : How?! I can't just walk past him.  Me: No, you're right.  Me: When I come back, I’ll distract him and you sneak into Jake’s office.  Bug 🐛 : Do you want the bad news or the bad news?  Me: NO NEWS  Bug 🐛 : well  Bug 🐛 : Childish Sambino and the larger one just walked in.  Me: beautiful! 
I let out a muffled wail before clicking into Jake’s texts. 
Me: Code Red
I walk into the cooler and grab a case of Miller, that I definitely did not need. I need to learn to lie better, while I wait for a response from Jake. 
Kiddo 🥸: The ex? Do you need me? I can be there in 5.  Me: No, it's okay. I just wanted you to know.  Kiddo 🥸: you sure?  Me: yeah, Sam and Danny just got here, so I have backup.  Kiddo 🥸: Okay  Kiddo 🥸: If Quinn is still there, send them to my office.  Me: That's the plan.  Kiddo 🥸: Love you, bub  Kiddo 🥸: You got this. 
I slide my phone back into my pocket and sigh in relief. 
Everything will be fine. It'll work out. If I can't distract Craig, I know that Sam and Danny can. Quinn will be safe. 
I pick up the Miller and walk back to the bar, decidedly calmer. 
I hear Sam before I see him. Though I can't quite make out what he’s saying, I can tell he’s upset about something.  Sucks for him, but by the sounds of it, it should be easy enough to distract everyone long enough for Quinn to slip out. 
I finally round the corner and go to the storage cooler under the bar to put the fresh beer in. 
I pour one beer into a glass and set it on the coaster I placed in front of Craig earlier.  “Sorry bout that, bud,” I shrug and offer him a half smile, “I'm sure you know how it goes.”  He rolls his eyes but pulls out his cell phone and begins browsing through apps. 
Satisfied that Craig is content, I finally turn to Sam and Danny and level them with a fake glare. 
“Why are you two in here harassing my customer?”  Sam opens his mouth to speak, but Danny beats him to it,  “Dude, I cannot speak Kiszka when you all get like this,” he gestures to a distressed Sam, “Please fix your brother.”  Sam says nothing but slowly lowers his head to the bartop and lets out a feeble groan. 
Oh, Sammy, what happened?  My heart lurches at seeing my youngest brother in such a state, but I can’t let him know that right up front. 
“What did you do, Sam?”  He mumbles his answer into the floor beneath him. “C’mon, man. Speak up.” He flings his head back up, meeting my eye. 
Fuck, he looks like he’s about to cry. I can’t do this right now. I’ll cry with him. 
“I need advice, Josh,” he starts.  “Okay,” I stare at him, realizing that was the end of his sentence, “Care to elaborate on that?”  “Girladvice,” he breathes under his breath. ”Come again?” I ask, teasing him a little bit.  “GIRL ADVICE,” he whisper-shouts back at me.  “Ahhhhh. Well, don’t really know why you’re asking me,” I pause, carefully choosing my next words, “I mean, have you seen me with a partner in the last decade?”
Craig huffs out a humorless laugh from the other end of the bar, and I shoot a glare at him Don’t need your commentary right now, bud. But thanks anyway. 
“But, I can try to help.”  “GOD, we’re all helpless, aren’t we? You’re a perpetual bachelor. Jake is married to this bar and then we have One-Date-Daniel over here.”“Hey, you don’t have to be mean to me because you caused a problem,” Danny snaps back.  “I’m just being hooooonest,” Sam groans, tossing his head back again.  “Can we get back on topic,” I interject, stopping an entirely different spiral. 
Sam and Danny are the absolute best friends, and they love each other deeply. But… That also means they sometimes bicker like an old married couple, and no one has time for that right now. 
“You’re right,” Sam acknowledges before recounting his entire work trip to California with Willa Clarke, the bane of his existence (the love of his life, to anyone with eyeballs). 
I glance around the bar and find that everyone, including Quinn, is engrossed in his story. I try to get their attention a few times, and when their eyes finally lock on mine, I entirely naturally, thank you very much, stretch my arms back toward Jake’s office, signaling them to go. 
They shoot an annoyed glance back at me, seemingly angry about having to leave in the middle of the story.  It’s not like Willa won’t tell you everything later, I think as I watch them slide their way back into the hallway next to the Jukebox. I know that Sam and Danny won’t see anything, but I keep an eye on Craig to make sure Quinn doesn’t catch his eye. 
I vaguely hear Jake’s office door swing shut, and I sigh in relief.
”Sorry, Sam,” I turn my attention back to my rambling brother, “Can you please give me the TLDR version of this? I don’t have the Brain Power to sift through your word vomit right now.” “Did you just admit to being stupid? Proud of you,” Sam laughs for the first time since he stormed in from the airport, and I have to try my hardest not to laugh with him.  “All I admitted to was not understanding the raving ramblings of a love-sick fool.”
Sam rests his head back on the bar top and lets out a damn near bone-weary breath.  I fucking hate seeing him like this. Please, I just want to help my baby brother. 
“That’s me, isn’t it? Love-sick fool,” he lifts his head to make eye contact with me, and I reach out, patting my hand on his shoulder for comfort.  “Unfortunately for you, yes.” “I think Josh is right this time,” Danny adds in.  “Thank you for seeing reason, Danny,” I laugh, “But seriously, Sam, TLDR Me. I can’t help if I don’t know what’s happening, but I don’t need to know every single detail of your trip.”
Sam rolls his eyes but sits back up. I move to make him his favorite cocktail, a Clover Club with extra garnish, as a consolation prize for having to relive what is, clearly, a Traumatic Event. 
He recounts the parts of his story that he deems essential: one bed in the hotel room, drunk girl, sleeping together. I piece together the rest of it as I finish pouring his cocktail. 
“So, if I understand correctly, you got trapped in some Romance Novel level situation with a coworker you hate. And you slept with her?”
God, what an idiot. Everyone knows you never sleep with your coworkers. Poor little shit is just a hopeless romantic, though. 
“That’s the thing, Josh,” he takes a sip of his cocktail, “I don’t think I hate her. I never have. We just butt heads.”
Craig lets out another chuckle from his seat.  If he doesn’t stop eavesdropping… 
“So you decided to work out that tension in the stupidest way imaginable?” “Hey! The heart wants what the heart wants.” “Sure. But, clearly, her’s doesn’t want you if she’s ghosting you now. What else did you do to her?” “I legitimately don’t know,” he lets his head fall into his hands, “From where I was standing, everything went well, and we were finally starting to get along.” “So, when you’re finally getting along with a coworker, your first response is, ‘Wow, maybe I should dick them down!’” I have to laugh, “You realize how unhinged that is, right?” 
I see Danny just nodding along out of the corner of my eye. 
“Yes, Josh. I know it was stupid. But Willa and I are like magnets. I don’t think we could have stayed away from each other if we tried.”“Except, now she is staying away from you…” “Well, yeah, NOW.”  “And you want her to stop that?” “Yes? That’s the whole reason I’m here, so PUH-LEASE take pity on me.”
I take a moment to think about how my dumb brother can get himself out of this situation. It’d be nice if they could get their shit together; I’d love to eventually be able to go to Quinn’s apartment openly. But I’ll kill Sam if he makes it awkward for me. 
“Okay, so, my advice is, replay the whole situation in your head. Everything from the few moments before you slept with each other all the way to the flight home.” “Oh, I’ll have no trouble doing that,” a sly grin forms on Sam’s face. “Gross, dude,” Danny adds.  “Yeah, I can’t imagine why anyone would want to let you get away,” I plaster a sarcastic smile on my face, “anyway, Make a list of things you could have done to potentially piss her off between sleeping together and coming home.”
Sam already begins tallying things off on his fingers. 
“Really, man?” Danny watches as he keeps counting.  “She thinks I’m really annoying, Daniel.” “She’snottheonlyone,” Danny whispers under his breath as Sam keeps counting.  “I resent that, Daniel,” Sam starts, “Do you have a piece of paper, Josh?”
I press the button on the receipt machine, tearing off a length of paper, and I hand it to Sam along with a pen.  I watch him begin to scribble down a list of things and hold in my laughter as I see realization dawn on his face every time he thinks of a new thing. 
While he’s busy, I grab Craig another beer, sneering at him as I place it in front of him. I do a quick lap around the bar, ensuring that all tables are wiped down and Quinn didn’t leave any of their items for anyone to find. Satisfied with the state of things, I head back behind the bar just as Sam sets his pen down. 
I wordlessly extend my hand, asking for Sam’s list, and start to read it. 
“Sam, you can’t be serious,” I say, setting the list face down on the bar top.  “What?” “You have ‘breathed too loudly’ listed here THREE times.” “Well, yes. Willa doesn’t like it when people breathe too loudly before she’s had her morning caffeine.” “Buddy, I don’t think it’s ‘Breathing’ that you need to apologize for. Why don’t you look a little deeper and try to find something more meaningful that you fucked up.”
I see the little wheels start turning in his head, and he quickly stands up from his stool, nearly knocking it over in his haste. 
“You’re a genius, Josh.” “Alright, well, you can thank me later,” I shoo him away, “Always lovely to see you, Danny. But please get Sam out of here. Some of us actually have work to do.” 
I grab Sam’s empty glass and put it in the sink, then wipe down the bar top before finally turning back to Craig. 
“Willa’s going to hate that, you know,” he chuckles, “So, good job potentially dooming your brother.” “Willa is going to hate being apologized to?” “No, Willa is going to hate being apologized to by him. He doesn’t even know what he did wrong, and she has minimal patience for stupid men,” he shoots back.  “Oh, well, I’m sure you’d know about that,” I smirk at him.  “Good one, bud.” "I did think it was kind of funny.” 
I grab the empty from in front of him and toss it in the trash. 
“Speaking of stupid men,” Craig starts, “Are you still trying to hide your relationship with my ex?”
Jesus Christ, can I get one single moment to breathe?
“I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.” “So, Quinn didn’t run to the back while your idiot brother had a mental breakdown?” “Mmm, no. I think I’d know if someone ran back there.”
He turns around and looks toward the booth that Quinn had previously occupied.
“So, that’s not their's?” I follow his eyes down to the floor beneath the table. 
Fucking Apple Pencil. 
“Nah, dude, that could be anyone’s. Do you know how many people are in and out of here every day?”  “Josh, it’s fine,” he stretches his arms behind his head, “You can tell them to come out. I’m not stupid.”  “I’d beg to differ,” I let out a small puff of breath from my nose. 
This might actually be the only time he’s correct about not being stupid. Fuck. 
“It’s not that hard to piece together. Quinn meets you, Quinn breaks up with me. Seems pretty straightforward.” “Did you consider that Quinn left you because you were a lazy prick?” 
I see a look of determination flash across his face as he takes in my words. 
Don’t love whatever that means.
“Okay, Josh,” he fixes me with a sarcastic smile, “You can keep your little secrets. But just know that you’ll see more of me around here.”
He slaps a $20 bill on the counter and stands up. 
“Keep the change.” 
Once the chime on the door stops tinkling and I’m confident Craig won’t return, I lock the door and scurry back to Jake’s office. 
I shove the door open, almost knocking Quinn over in the process. My little eavesdropper.  I let out a manic giggle, “Not to alarm you, dear.. but I think we have a problem.”
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sketch-guardian · 1 month
Never again trying to request or ask something on another tumblr account that isn’t this one 😞
I was looking at this one account and this character was honestly so cool and I was like “woah, I want him to be my dad” so I like asked if they did child reader stuff but then I looked at their request rules one more time. THEY DIDNT DO UNDERAGE STUFF, IM SO EMBARRASSED. I SEJT ANOTHER ASK FRANTICALLY APOLOGISING AND I DONT THINK I CAN LIVE IT DOWN.
sorry for caps lock btw!! It’s very fun 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
You know, at first since Tumblr notifications only show me the start of asks, I read "never again trying to request-" and I was already thinking the worst😳like oh god, what did I do to mess up so badly?🙈Then I read the rest and breathed a sigh of relief🤣Anyway, I'm sure you'll be able to get through such moment eventually!✨Those are small oversights that can happen and I doubt the author of that account will take it out on you for so little, trust me☺I've made a fool of myself before several times, I'm very awkward both online and in reality, but over time I learned to laugh about such mishaps😂Still, I'm happy you feel comfortable sending asks here💕you flatter me and thank you again for your kindness💜I'm sorry if I'm taking a day or two to reply to asks🙈but I'm still trying to finish the New exchange students' true celestial forms sketch, I apologize for being slow😭I promise I'll reply though😥since I just need to start shading the drawing🤞🏻Now, to vary the headcanons a bit, I chose a different race for each OC, inserting half-angel MC for Remiel as you requested😌(I'm glad you like Remiel by the way and don't worry about your writing✨). Also considering you mentioned child reader stuff earlier, I assumed you meant platonic headcanons with child MC, I hope I didn't misinterpret🙈:
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Demya would be curious at the sight of half-orc child MC, having never seen an orc in her entire life, however she would feel admiration towards their race as they are prone to fighting, they would remind her in a certain sense of her own race (fauxsaeva) and she would like to discover more curiosities through half-orc child MC. Demya would coo over half-orc child MC's tusks, finding them adorable and would compare them with her thicker and pointer fangs, perfect for tearing meat, she would also be curious to see how half-orc child MC eats, so Demya would often share her snacks with them, only treats though, because her main and perhaps sometimes bloody meals could be too much for half-orc child MC. Furthermore, Demya would love to play fight with half-orc child MC, as they are quite powerful and resistant for their age, that way she wouldn't necessarily have to worry about risking harming them accidentally
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Domnra wouldn't be too surprised by a cambion child MC, it's not that rare for a demon and a human to fall in love, hell he's seen it happen several times, both in Devildom and on Earth despite himself, so it would be logical to finally see, at least once, a demon half-breed appear. Domnra would feel some kind of connection to cambion child MC, both for their demonic side, a trait they would have in common, and in a certain sense for their feeling in half, given that his soul was literally split in half and then shared by two beings, i.e. Domnra and Mobim, while child MC is half-human and half-demon. Therefore Domnra would defend cambion child MC if someone bothered them regarding their lineage and would help cambion child MC to get more in tune with their demonic side, in short to control it. Mobim would sense cambion child MC's nature, but honestly for the little curse child MC could be anything and it would accept them either way, because that's what true family is supposed to do. In the end Mobim and cambion child MC would become good friends/sibilings
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Azul would be genuinely surprised at the sight of a half-fae child MC, with features and appearance similar to those of a nymph or a fairy, aware that it's a rather rare and difficult race to come across, therefore he would show enthusiasm at the sight of them and probably he would ask half-fae child MC some questions, especially to check if some of their powers are similar or not. Considering that half-fae child MC would probably be very attached to nature, Azul would take them to lie down in some flowery meadows, a habit of when Azul was still an angel, while his familiars, blue morpho butterflies, would flutter around them, as if they were in a classic Disney movie. Azul would also let half-fae child MC experiment with painting, making nice portraits of each other, after all he would find their fae traits inspiring. Azul would try to find out if half-fae child MC had the ability of imposing their will and controlling other people by obtaining their names, because no matter how convenient and fun it might sound, it would still be a problem if such thing happened, so Azul would use himself as an example of bad influence, meaning that half-fae child MC should't try to mimic the bullshit or pranks he pulls off (but in his heart, Azul would be proud-)
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Zuri would be intrigued from a biological point of view by half-siren child MC, wanting to understand how such a union could have happened, given the significantly different anatomy, however she would do research on her own rather than asking half-siren child MC personally, after all Zuri wouldn't know their family situation or conception, it could be a sensitive topic. Zuri would also note that half-siren child MC would be a sea variant siren and not an air one similar to an harpy. Zuri would make sure to get either a small pool or a large water case in which half-siren child MC could swim to their heart's content and stay hydrated, perhaps also adding decorationd such as algae, pearls, shells and corals, to make ambience more pleasant and aquarium like. Zuri would aid half-siren child MC in taking care of their skin by moisturizing their scattered fish scales and help them use their powers responsibly, such as their siren song ability, similar to Zuri's hypnosis
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Odon is an ancient eldritch abomination, so much so that they don't exactly remember the circumstances of their birth or creation, so they have experienced many events during the course of their long life, however Odon would have to admit that it would be the first time they have ever encountered a half-eldritch, especially so young, so it would be a new pleasant experience for Odon to meet half-eldritch child MC and possibly become friends. Odon would find interesting that a human would even consider having a child with a eldritch horror, since they aren't exactly known for their friendliness, helpfulness, or parenting skills, in general it's not recommended for humans to deal with such entities, so Odon would find delightful knowing that there are other eldritch beings tame enough to consider forming such unions, at least they hope. Half-eldritch child MC wouldn't have to fear showing their eldritch side to Odon, because it would have no effect on them, moreover Odon would be able to worry less about their own form being seen, because as a half-eldritch, if child MC were to see Odon's face under their bangs, perhaps they would just get nausea or a headache. Odon would be a good mentor for half-eldritch child MC, teaching them how to control their most abominable side, they would allow half-eldritch child MC to have a friend with whom they can be their true self, after all Odon knows what it means to be alone
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Remiel would be aware of how rare it is to find half-angels like herself, since the Celestial Council usually does not approve such sins of creation and depending on whether or not those half-breed children disturb balance, they are mostly simply repudiated or directly abandoned to die to their fate, therefore at the sight of half-angel child MC, Remiel would be a little surprised and at the same time she would feel a certain bond with them on a deeper level, a soft of kinship. At the beginning probably both half-angel child MC and Remiel would analyze each other in silence with a curious gaze, tilting their heads from side to side like a lost puppy, over time though, considering that half-angel child MC has most likely suffered discrimination due to their heritage as well, they would quickly grow attached to Remiel and take shelter under her much larger feathery wings. During her long existence, Remiel has become numb to certain things, such as mocks or taunts, believing them to be true from a logical point of view, however half-angel child MC's case would be different from her situation and the angel of death would like them to feel safe for once, because it would be what they deserve. Being somber yet blunt, Remiel would have no problem softly explaining to upset conservative angels that since balance allowed half-angel child MC to be born, they have the right to exist. Remiel would help half-angel child MC with cleansing and preening their wings, taking care of their feathers with tender and soothing touch, in the meantime half-angel child MC would help Remiel understanding emotions better, perhaps the angel of death could even teach them to fly if they wished to learn, holding half-angel child MC by the hand, to prevent them from falling, Remiel wouldn't let that happen
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Nathaniel would be aware that there are different races and that crossbreeding can occasionally occur, however he would be surprised and intrigued by the compatibility between a human and a dragon, which would apparently result in draconic bloodline and half-dragon child MC's birth. Nathaniel would find dragons fascinating creatures, thinking of them as wise, honorable and free, therefore he would show interest in half-dragon child MC's dragon traits, such as wings, tail or horns, taking care they do not get hurt during the day, since they could be cumbersome while moving around, Nathaniel would also apply some herbal creams to half-dragon child MC's skin in the areas where their scales begin, such as cheeks or arms, to avoid skin irritation or dryness. One of the times Nathaniel would actually be caught off guard would be if half-dragon child MC, depending on their powers, risked burning, electrifying, or freezing his face off during a sneeze, which would then surprisingly make Nathaniel laugh
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Uriel at the beginning, as a warrior angel serving the Celestial Realm, would be skeptical in believing in other deities, given that god (Father) is the only entity who she has always served and praised together with other angels, therefore she might not immediately believe demigod child MC, she would need proof of them being the offspring of a deity and a human, but once obtained, Uriel would be astonished, because it would go against what she was taught to believe. Once she comes to terms with the half-divine nature of child MC, Uriel would like to test demigod child MC's skills, their resilience and would be quite amazed and proud of what they are capable of accomplish. Uriel would then teach demigod child MC that with great power comes great responsibility and that they should only use their powers to seek justice and fight for the innocent. Moreover Uriel wouldn't tell demigod child MC, but due to her strict education and discipline, she might find the relationship between human and deity sacrilegious, still Uriel would try to overcome her prejudices for demigod child MC's sake
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lovelywingsart · 8 months
//AU// Final Revelations
-- Karl Heisenberg X OC (AFAB, She/They) --
This one is a lil short but I finally had the mental power to work on and edit... Maybe not the best, but I like it more than others!
Also: If you've read my updates before, that means yes- this is actually the 'final' written story until I start on the new sketch comic which will be the actual fight itself and takes place after this! It will be a monumental task and we'll see how long it takes me ALSKDJSAS-
Anyway, enjoy a smol chapter update!
**Remember, check out the Masterlist for more!**
Warnings?: Mention of lies with explanation(and what those lies were), mild hostility, not much else???
Summary: The time has come, and meeting with the other current survivors is necessary... But so is confessing.
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The sound of crumbling ground and curling mold was everywhere, filling what had once been a deafening silence after screams and gunfire. Long black tendrils covered the fields and houses, with Lycans running amok and even dying by the vary substance that created them as it erupted at random and impaled the poor creatures that ran over it. Emelia scurried her way through to a small clearing on the outskirts of the village itself, her chest heaving with occasional snarls and screeching at the creatures if they crossed her. She barked orders at the creatures in their own tongue to make them move, not slowing her own movements for a moment.
She had to hurry... She had left the now empty scrap metal heap left in the field of the factory once her family was safe, listening to the other sounds around her. ANY other sounds that weren't the ones that filled the air. Anything that could tell her where the rest of the small group of mutants remained.
She had ordered her son and partner to run. To go back to their hidden home. They HAD to run. The boy was far too young to fight, and his father... Her throat tightened as she heard frantic speaking above the mold as she neared the smallest clearing. His father had died once already. The man was worse for wear, barely walking by himself with the mangled prosthetic he managed to pull with him at the last second.
He was angry... He was PISSED. Pissed he wasn't able to fight like he wanted to, like he planned for years on doing. It stung him worse than being murdered by the very one those plans were for, but even he knew he had no choice with the state he was in. And so the two boys ran to a place the parents had only discussed while she chose to fight, a decision that even she wondered was for the best now- but she still had work to do. She made it known.
She came to a sudden, choked halt as she finally caught sight of the group she had left to meet, first noticing the now frazzled, once-white dress of Alcina. Her gaze moved between the remaining three Lords, her heart beating out of her chest with an angry anxiety as if finally settled on the one who brought them together-
Ethan Winters.
The man who had beaten her partner close to death. The man who, despite having turned the other Lords against the common enemy they all were about to face with some mild reasoning, decided to look for their son and fight them both without speaking a goddamn word about it until the end. No, to him, Heisenberg was simply a threat, and so was she by extension until she had tobeg for her life- beg for her boys lives. It was his actions that weakened Heisenberg. That weakened HER. He didn't ask questions, he just moved, doing what they thought was trying to take their son. He didn't listen until the last moments, and it made her blood boil. Sure, he may not have known, but a simple question would have left them all fine...
But even then, despite all that, her rage towards him couldn't help but slowly trickle away into a small anger. She knew why he did what he did. And his simple reasoning was something even she couldn't argue with, even if it had caused them this pain that could have been so, so much worse.
She only started moving towards the group once more as the sounds of the mold grew, breaking her from her thoughts and forcing them to the back of her mind as she wiped away the last of the tears that had fallen without her noticing.
Donna had been the first to notice as she approached, her head snapping up with the sound of her footsteps as the Angie began to squirm in her grip.
"EMELIA!!!" She screeched, nearly hopping out of the woman's arms once the grip was loosened. Emelia flinched as all attention was suddenly on her as Angie darted towards her, and she kneeled to meet the doll in a light embrace before picking her up.
"We... We didn't think you'd make it..." the woman said quietly, her voice wavering from a mix of anxiety and fear as Moreau suddenly scuttled forward to follow the doll.
"Oh Emmy, where were you?? Are you ok???" The man said, instantly grabbing her other hand as Angie clung to her shoulders. The poor thing was almost as beaten as Karl, but he was still standing even with the green-ish red blood that covered his back and face. She managed a small smile to reassure him.
"I'm... I'm alright... I'm here." she said. She then looked up at Alcina, who's face had twisted into a strange mix of relief and confusion. "Where are the girls...?"
"With Duke." The woman said simply, though there was a clear amount of worry that appeared more on her face. "I only trust they will be safe with him, as much as I would like them to stay home..."
Emelia nodded.
"Good... Good. He knows where to go. Even I can promise they will be safe and away from this mess." She assured, and the tall woman seemed to let out a breath of full relief. She then looked to the side as she heard footsteps approach closer, only to see the stunned face of Ethan as he limped towards them.
"You..." he said, his own voice a mixture of confusion and caution. "I thought you said-"
"Save it, you bloody prick." She growled lowly. "I have a job to do, and you won't stop me from doing it..."
The other Lords were silent as she glared at him lightly, and he lifted his hands slowly in a surrendering motion while taking a step back.
"I won't. You made your point before." He spoke simply, and she nodded.
Her tone eased slightly as Donna approached on her other side for Angie. Alcina was the first to speak, her now suspicious gaze flicking between her and Winters.
"And, dare I ask... Where is that buffoon? Heisenberg?" She asked, the corner of her mouth twitching as Emelia flinched and Ethan began to speak.
"He's resting." Emelia interrupted quickly, glaring at him again with a silent warning. Another look of confusion entered the mans beaten features.
"But I saw him, he-"
"Leave it, you ignorant wanker." She snarled. "He is resting from his injuries that you had no help in. He's fine."
"But he was dead!!"
The words tumbled out of Ethans mouth before he could stop them despite the clear warning tone in her voice, and a sudden dead silence fell over them. The trio of Lords looked at him as Emelias face went slightly pale.
"D-... Dead...?" Donna nearly whispered, her voice that of mild horror as she stared at him with a wide eye. Ethan shook his head almost frantically, looking to Emelia with his own pale jolt.
"I-... It wasn't me who killed him...!! It was Miranda-"
"But you beat him to the point of weakness even more severe than them!! You LET him die by her hands!!" Emelia growled, her lip curling just slightly. She took an angry step towards him, feeling that small rage bubble up once more. "Had you listened to us, had you even bloody ASKED, he'd be HERE right now instead of-"
"Thats enough!!" Alcina raised her voice suddenly, causing the five heads to turn to her. She turned to Emelia. "If Winters claims he is dead, than how is he alive, according to you?" She asked, and her face fell immediately. "Not that I'd completely believe a man-thing, but he's managed to convince us all of his motives thus far, even by... questionable means..."
"I saw Miranda kill him...!" Ethan said, looking back at Emelia as well, who now looked mildly uncomfortable. "She tore him apart before she got to me. How the fuck is he still alive??"
More silence. All eyes were on her now, and an explanation for the given situation all but demanded simply by looks alone. She looked at them one by one, feeling her breaths become quick and panicked as her mind raced... and then her gaze fell upon Moreau.
Moreau, the only one who had known all those years ago, told a lie to save their skins. Moreau, the one who she knew would have kept the secret, who would have helped them if he could, chased off by anxieties and fear.
Moreau, the one she knew would be the most hurt if she told them all the truth now given the circumstances... but she had to.
She had no choice now.
She shook her head, taking a shaky breath and reaching to rub the back of her neck.
"He was... revived." She said finally, her voice quiet with a nervous tremble. She was met by silence once more, followed immediately by confusion.
"What do you mean 'revived'??" Ethan said, and she frowned.
"I mean exactly that." She spoke, attempting to regain what little confidence she had but failing. She froze as Moreau squeezed her hand.
"Revived... how??" The fish man asked, and she swallowed hard. She stared at the ground for a moment in attempt to think, only finally looking at him with a sad smile.
"By our son." She admitted quietly.
Ethan stared at her, slowly putting the pieces together in his head and the realization settling in his features.
"Wait, you mean... that kid in the factory...? Heisenbergs kid?" Ethan asked, his eyes widening. "You're his..."
"Yes, you bloody idiot. Who else would I have been speaking of when I begged for our bloody lives??" She snapped, only calming down as the fish Lord jumped next to her. She glanced at her friend briefly before returning to the man, keeping her gaze on Ethan hard, but steady. She watched as his face fell, and he took a step back. A small gasp was heard from Donna, and Alcinas brows raised. But she turned her gaze to Moreau, who's confusion grew almost exponentially as he listened.
"He is resting alongside Karl, as he should be..." Her voice suddenly dropped, a proud, calm expression on her face as she lifted her chin. "His power is greater than ours. More potent, even without a Cadou, though we are unsure how... Potent enough to save his father and still stand. He is far more capable than the two of us combined, but he's only a child... We won't let him fight."
"You had another baby??" Moreau asked suddenly, making her flinch while followed by a disbelieving scoff from Alcina.
"'Another'?!" The tall woman said, and the dollmaker whimpered.
"... There was... a first...?" She said quietly, as if events from years prior were suddenly clicking on her mind. Alcina crossed her arms.
"And when would we have learned of this information?!"
Emelia shook her head, waving her off just slightly.
"N-No, no... He isn't 'another', he was the only one... I..." she tried, feeling their eyes burn into her skin. She attempted to find the words, only to sigh and let her hand fall from Moreaus grip. She went quiet, her gaze falling to the ground once more.
"... I lied, Salvatore..." She whispered finally, heavy guilt evident in her voice as the confused- and now somewhat betrayed- stares made an unpleasant chill race up her spine. "I lied when I told you it was gone..."
He stared at her.
"... what...?"
The small squeak in his voice made her flinch.
"It wasn't my idea, and I regretted it every bloody day afterwards... Hated myself for it for years." she continued, looking up at him again to see a nearly hurt expression in the mans face. Fuck... "It was Karls suggestion, but... I agreed to it out of fear, even though I questioned it." She frowned. "I didn't want to lie to you, Sal... But we had to make sure she didn't find out. Every precaution had to have been taken to get this chance, to make sure she didn't rip it from me... And I listened to him."
"... I wouldn't have told her..." the man replied quietly, taking another step back. "I promised..."
"I... I-I know, Sal... I know, and I'm sorry..."she tried, kneeling down just slightly to stay level with him. "But she would have gotten suspicious if I continued to go to you, or bloody god forbid Heisenberg let you in often to check on me..." her voice was torn, that of regret and apology. "She would have known the moment she saw me... I couldn't have even gone to the surface and risk one of her damned birds catching that scent... Even the Lycans would have been tailing me."
The man was silent as she spoke, but nodded slowly as he let her words seep in. It seemed like he understood, but the hurt in his mangled face still sent a massive wave of guilt through her chest, amplifying it completely.
"It's not your fault, Sal. It was different than the shifting of Cadou effects..." she tried, earning another round of confused stares from the other two women. "I could hide that... Hell, I still can. But I couldn't hide the pregnancy... It changed me far too much, far too quickly. She would have known if she saw me a month later after we found out, and we couldn't risk anything... I didn't want to lose a chance at what I wanted for so long due to her selfish needs. I didn't want her destroying this chance like she had so many times before."
Her voice remained quiet as she spoke, the attention still causing shivers... But Moreau soon nodded, shifting slightly on his feet.
"I understand..." the fish Lord muttered, putting his hands together and fiddling with his fingers. He was quiet again before looking at her with the smallest spark of hope in the dark sea gaze. "What's his name...?"
He seemed to relax as she gave a warm smile.
"Adalwulf." She replied quietly. "He's 10 now... He was born healthy, and he's all I could have ever wanted."
"Adalwulf..." the man tried, struggling slightly with the name, but managing well. He seemed to ponder a moment before he managed a small smile and nodded. "I like that name..."
Emelia gave a quiet chuckle.
"He reminds me of his father, in the best possible way... he's a fine young man already." She held out her hand for him, relieved as he did the same. She held it tightly. "He's a kind boy... Always has been since he could walk and speak. I would love for you to finally meet him after this... I talk about all of you quite a bit."
Moreau opened his mouth to speak with a small growing excitement, but stopped as a small rumbling was heard. The group was startled as yet another mass of black mold tendrils erupted from the ground beside them, and Ethan cleared his throat.
"Look, I'm sorry to interrupt..." H started, gesturing to them. "This is... nice and all... But we need to hurry. I need to get my daughter back..." He looked at Emelia, "And you have a kid to raise."
She went quiet, but nodded as her demeanor changed almost instantly. Her expression hardened and she felt her parasite squirm in her chest, making her arm tremble just slightly in an oddly excited anticipation.
"And Miranda needs to die." She growled. Ethan nodded.
"At least we can still agree on something..." He muttered, simply looking at the other Lords. "We need a plan, and we need one quick..."
They looked at each other, their minds clearly working. Alcina frowned.
"We mustn't go in recklessly." She said. "Even I know she is powerful, even more so when desperate."
Ethan nodded.
"I got that..." he sighed, looking at the mold. "Any suggestions?"
There was silence for a moment as Emelia walked to him, joining his side as she examined the tendrils surrounding them. It only took her a few moments until something clicked, and she suddenly turned to them.
"I have an idea..." She said, earning looks once more. "It'll sound mad, and it's of the utmost importance that we're all careful... especially us." She looked at the three Lords before them as well as gesturing to herself. "But it may be insane enough to work."
Ethan looked between them, though nodded as they huddled together once more.
"Alright then. Let's hear it."
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kiwiwinjindouche · 7 months
haiii! 8 for Aldina and 9 for anyone because im interested in general!
(also i'd like to know about Marisol and Ivanoe 👁👁)
Yippee!!! :D
Thank you for your interest!!!! <3
8. Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
Yes. Aldina could probably talk her way out of it, or if things get worse, ask for help from her fathers.
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
I can answer to that with a few of them. I have to think about this for the newer OCs (aka young Kirin's "crew", mostly).
For Vincent, I decided to go with the last line from The Sands Of Serkonos: "We'll slip onto a whaler and maybe we'll escape".
He's been in Karnaca for a few years now, and that song might be one of his favorites. I think he likes to listen to the songs people sing in the streets.
To stay with the whole 'whaler' thing, Aldina's one is simply from The Drunken Whaler: "What will we do with a drunken whaler…"
I like to think they kind of respond to each other, in some way. Also Aldina loves to creep people and to sing slow, disturbing lullabies while behind the walls, at the mansion.
Now, less lyrics and more quotes.
For Sybill, it had to be a Sherlock one, obviously, and I went with one from BBC Sherlock (which I love a lot): "What is it like in your funny little brains? It must be so boring."
I think it suits her and is a good sum up on which kind of person she can be!
And I've got one for Caleb (the grumpy man in the navy). It's from Niccolò Machiavelli: "It is not titles that honor men but men that honor titles."
He has a strong sense of honor and puts a lot of importance to this kind of things. If it wasn't for that one, I would probably have chose another lyric but from Honor For All.
And that's it for the asks! As for Marisol and Ivanoe!! :D
I still have to do better references for them, I only have a small sketch of their heads.
Both are from Karnaca. Ivanoe was a very kind soul, living with his mother. He was 3 years older than Kirin. He liked to take care of the stray animals, the ones even more easily forgotten by Karnaca's cruelty. Always hurt somewhere, too many lights scars on the body, taking care of the unwanted.
He really, really hated Kirin. For his lack of empathy, for that time he killed a cat out of curiosity. Why would anyone in the group let him stay? he's dangerous. But he's Adrian's little brother and the others were fine with his presence.
Unfortunately, one day, Ivanoe disappeared, only to be found by the group few days later. He's been killed by bloodflies. That left a mark on them (except for Kirin, he didn't care much, said it was his own fault).
Marisol's parents were whalers, and they died at sea. She's 4 years older than Kirin, and was in love with Adrian. Young Kirin was a tiny bit jealous, but Marisol had interesting things to say - sometimes - so m'okay you can stay with my brother I suppose? (more or less)
She's always love to draw and had an artistic soul. So, when Kirin was still in Dunwall, at the Academy, and Adrian died in the mines, she decided to leave for Morley. She wanted to stay away from Karnaca, to take a break from the city that ruined her life (Ivan's death didn't help either). She'll have a hard start, but will eventually get a renown there and finally marry another man, Octave (I've talked about him before I think!) Octave is also a very artistic one, interested by animation.
When Octave heard more about Kirin's silvergraphs, and his will to animate things too with them, he wanted to go to Karnaca and meet him, and Marisol followed him, thinking it was finally time for her to go back there and fight her demons. And so, they meet again, after all those years, and start to talk about their life, the changes, and the past.
I'm really too invested into young Kirin's life for some reasons xD Kirin was lonely, but his brother wasn't, so in my headcanons Kirin was squatting (I lack a more proper word lmao) Adrian's group mostly, because Adrian cared about him and didn't want him to stay alone and the such. And (almost) everyone was fine with it.
And I'm adding some interludes with them in my fanfic! I NEED TO FINISH THAT DAMN FANFIC
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asirensrage · 2 years
Succumb - Steve Rogers x OC
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Title: Succumb Fandom: MCU Pairing: Steve Rogers x OC Word count: 4210 Warnings: torture, forced pregnancy, kidnapping, isolation, swearing, illness, biological warfare, dubious-consent, coercion. Also available on Ao3
Summary: Steve Rogers is betrayed. He's not the only one.
Notes: shout out to @vixenofcourse who indulged me as I delved into this idea after I read Flowers in the Attic. All of my thanks to her for editing it for me. The sketch used in the banner above is gorgeous and for sale. Check it out here. Also, please let me know what you think. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this (and not just because I have ideas of what happens after...)
This is a darker fic. Heed the warnings.
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Steve Rogers is betrayed.
He’s led down into this place he doesn’t recognize by Sitwell. He’s been back in the world for only a few months, barely long enough to start figuring out the way things work. He’s not entirely sure he likes the people he’s surrounded by but aside from their initial deception after he thawed, SHIELD has tried to help guide him…even though they keep assuming he can’t adapt. 
He hears a woman calling out for help and with a quick glance at Sitwell who doesn’t seem concerned, Steve picks up the pace. He’s locked in with her before he can stop it. Confused, he demands to be released only to be told to think of it as a vacation. One with a willing, warm body for his needs. The woman cries harder at that and all Steve can think about is how fucking stupid he is in this moment. He didn’t even suspect the trap or question the directive that no weapons were allowed past the stairs. 
He tries to break open the door, the walls, anything to be released. Nothing moves. Seems they’ve learned their lesson from his first awakening on their turf. Eventually, he slumps down and looks at the woman who’s been ‘given’ to him. She looks like she just got off work at an office. 
“I’m sorry,” he says. He means it too. 
“It’s not your fault,” she replies, wiping her face free of tears. “You didn’t put me here. Fucking SHIELD did.” 
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Days pass. 
The room they have been forced into is small, especially for two people. Barely long enough to lie down with his feet planted against one wall and stretch his arms over his head to brush the opposite wall with his fingertips . There’s a bare foam pad for a mattress on the floor in the corner and a washroom with a toilet securely fastened down, same with the shower head over the drain in the floor.  There’s no shower curtain or partition for privacy, only a missing door. He’s seen better conditions during the war. 
Steve learns her name, Eurydice, and that she had just recently started working in the Human Resources department of the agency. An agent had asked for her assistance…before throwing her in here a couple days ago, she thinks. They didn’t tell her why. They didn’t speak to her at all until he came. 
Food is delivered only during the night and rationed throughout the day. He tries, over and over, to grab whoever is delivering it. He somehow never manages as it’s shoved through an opening in the door. He spends a couple of days trying to break it but when he attempts it, they’re not fed. He abandons this venture only once his vision is blurring and his hands begin to shake while the woman he’s with is curled in the corner, trying to quell the misery of her hunger. Food begins to arrive again after he stops.
Finally, they are told why they’re there. Why they won’t be released any time soon. 
“You are a rare specimen, captain,” an anonymous voice says. The speaker is buried in the wall. “We were not able to procure a sample of your semen while you were emerging from the ice, so we’ll do this the old-fashioned way. You’ll sleep with the girl, Captain and give us the child.” 
There have been few moments where Steve has actually been overcome with rage. This is one of them. But it is nothing compared to her. 
He‘s never heard some of her swears before, even from the men he’s spent time with in the forties. 
“It’s okay,” he says. “I promise. No matter what. I won’t touch you, okay? It won’t happen. I’ll get us out of this. Now we know what they want so we just don’t give it to them.  We’ve got this.”
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He does not have this. 
Neither of them do. He realizes, likely too late, that he should have tried to actually build relationships with the people he’s met. How many of them are wondering where he is? Is anyone? Or has SHIELD spun a story addressing his disappearance? What about hers? 
There’s nothing to do but talk or draw on the walls with the pen and charcoal he had stashed in one of his pockets that would have held his sketchbook. She is a terrible artist but she fills the silence as he draws.
Eurydice (“Dizzy to my friends”) is 29 and named after the Greek myth. Her father was a classics professor, her mother an accountant. She‘s new to the city and only joined SHIELD because she needed a job, not out of some patriotic duty. She likes spicy food and tacos and green tea. She prefers comedies over action and she misses listening to her father’s voice reading to her. Her voice breaks at that. 
Steve tells her about his mother, about Bucky and even about Peggy. 
She scoffs at that last relationship, with one of the founders of SHIELD, and they fight. It ends with her retreating to the bathroom and Steve nearly breaking his own hand punching the wall. She’s wrong. He wants her to be wrong but part of him worries she’s not. 
Then the music starts. 
It blares from the speakers, causing Eurydice to curl up, covering her ears. Steve tries to find the speakers, to break them, but it’s so loud that he can’t hear where it’s coming from. It lasts for hours and when it finally stops, when they finally have silence after curling into each other trying to help cover their ears, the fight is long forgotten. 
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It doesn’t stop there. 
They don’t get a change of clothes. The temperature seems to drop with no pattern. He offers his warmth, promising to be respectful and not touch her any more than necessary, but they go from trying to huddle together to her choosing to lean against him constantly. She shivers in the dark and it’s all Steve can do to try to keep either of them from freezing. It’s only when they’re curled up together, when her teeth stop chattering as her head rests against his chest, that the cold seems to ease. 
Despite everything, despite being used as an experiment and being seen as a paragon of virtue, Steve is human. He’s a man. In the weeks that pass, filled with mindless boredom and conversation about anything possible, he finds himself entranced. 
She’s quick-witted, funny and while she’s a bit of a pessimist, she’s trying. That means a lot to Steve. Especially when she tries to cheer him up. 
She’s also gorgeous in an old-fashioned way. She reminds him of the faded photographs his mother kept of family and friends gone or left behind. It’s subtle, and he thinks in this time maybe she’s overlooked. He can’t help but watch her and not because she’s the only other person here rarely more than arm’s length away. Eurydice is all soft curves and bright eyes and sharp tongue. He thinks if they had met some other way, he would have been tempted to ask her out. Considered leaving the memory of Peggy in the past to get to know her. 
He wants and wants and wants. But Steve made her a promise. He won’t touch her. He’s not even going to let her know how he yearns. 
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“SHIELD can’t be good,” she tells him one day. “Not when they’re doing this.” 
She’s leaning against him, beyond exhausted. He’s always trying to hide her behind his bulk, away from the door. Away from anything that could hurt her. 
“I know,” he says. He’s been thinking of it since the day they locked them in. The Peggy he knew wouldn’t have accepted this but he’s wondered if he ever really knew her, how early the rot set in, how she and others could have missed it. A romance on and off a battlefield didn’t actually mean they knew every facet of each other. All the good and the bad and what might be seen as an acceptable compromise to secure something that looks like peace and security. After all, history is full of them. 
In the time he’s been here, he thinks he’s seen every side of Eurydice. He’s held her as she cried in despair or raged against their captivity. Slept with her pulled against him, trying to share his body heat. Shared every meal. He’s been subject to her anger even her pain when she menstruated. She’s seen every part of him in return. His anger, his sarcasm, the way he likes to pretend to be the version the public expects and the real him. She’s heard all of his hopes and dreams and frustrations. She knows how he hasn’t fully trusted anyone since Bucky. 
“I wish I could draw you,” he tells her when she’s falling asleep. “I wish—” He stops himself and looks at the walls around them. He’s covered them in landscapes and memories of New York. He’s drawn everything he could think of, anything to keep him from reaching out to her. Even when she’s the one who moves closer, who tries to comfort him. “I’m sorry,” he says. “Only have a pencil but I’m trying to give you the world. However I can.”
“Thank you, Steve,” she murmurs back. He feels her relax further into him and he closes his eyes, trying to focus on the sound of her breathing. 
So of course the music starts again. 
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He feels her eyes on him almost constantly, though it’s long ago become a comforting weight. But lately, she looks away every time he tries to meet her gaze, to figure out what she’s thinking. It’s the only thing she really hides from him. He hates it. He wants her to tell him, to admit it. He wants to know that he’s not alone in feeling like this. 
So he relishes the moments she gives. The way she talks to him when she tries to sooth his anger, how she’s always the first to reach out to him, to tuck herself against his side. She’s the one who moves closer because he swore he wouldn’t and it takes everything in him not to pull her tighter against him and not let her go. 
The soap they share lingers on her skin and he breathes it in every chance he gets. It’s better on her but mainly because there’s some part of him that enjoys her having his scent, as though he can claim her in any way possible without actually crossing the boundary he placed between them. It makes him feel like this is all welcomed. That if he closes his eyes, he can pretend that they’re somewhere warm. That they chose to be together instead of forced. He thinks he’d choose her now over anyone. 
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He doesn’t want to scare her. 
It’s been weeks. Months? He should know but when he’s not thinking about how they’re going to escape, he’s thinking about her. 
Maybe it’s the sleep deprivation. They haven’t been able to grab even a full hour anymore. Any time they get close to falling asleep, the music starts or the temperature drops and they’re forced back to alertness. It doesn’t matter if it’s only one of them or both, they’re not allowed to rest. He can’t help it though. 
He thinks about how she sometimes smiles and how it feels like it lights the whole place up. He thinks about what it would be like to touch her, to have her relax against him completely. He thinks about the way she sometimes holds her breath, the soft sounds she tries not to make when she's in the shower and he pretends he doesn’t hear. He wants to know if she thinks of him then, like he does her. 
 He thinks about how she’s starting to thin out, that the curves he first noticed are beginning to shrink. He doesn’t like it. He doesn’t like how she’s not moving as fast as she used to, that her quick-witted responses aren’t happening as much. Apathy is setting in. 
He thinks about what it would be like if they weren’t here, if they were in some apartment with the sun shining in through the windows and he tries to ignore the itch to draw her. 
He needs to get them out of here. If only so they can have a real chance. 
The sleep torture stops as suddenly as it started and Steve has no idea how long they sleep in the ringing quiet. 
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Something is wrong. 
It starts with a cough. Dizzy tells him that it’s nothing, the air is dry and she’s prone to allergies. He believes her. Until it doesn’t fade. He asks their captors for another blanket, something to help her, but they don’t respond and the cough continues to linger. 
He hears it constantly. It does not ease and Dizzy starts running a fever. She won’t eat and while he should be grateful that they finally get to sleep, she’s sleeping longer and longer. As if it’s getting harder to be awake. 
Then it turns from a mild persistent cough into long barking hacks. He doesn’t need to see the blood speckled in her palm to know that it’s the same thief that took his Ma. 
Steve rages. 
She would have needed to be infected and since he has been her only companion, he knows who’s responsible. 
“God fucking damn it!” he screams at the ceiling. “Heal her!”
There is silence in return until finally the air crackles. “Comply,” the voice says around him. He shakes his head, but fear settles in his chest as Dizzy starts coughing again. 
Steve breaks. 
“Fine,” he swallows and prays she forgives him. He can’t lose her. “Heal her and I’ll do it.” 
Silence answers again. 
“Fuck!” He punches the door. It dents slightly but does not budge and Steve breaks at least one knuckle. 
He hears a noise as the slot where their food is delivered opens. He turns towards it, waiting for it to open. 
“Place your arm through the hole, Captain.” 
“Present your arm for injection.” 
He clenches his jaw, trying to quell the desire to refuse. To reach out and break whoever is there but then Dizzy coughs again, her body wracking with it. He kneels at the door and shoves his arm through the hole. He turns to stare at Dizzy as he waits until he feels the needle. 
When he wakes up, she’s gone. 
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It takes three days. 
They torture him in her absence, filling the silence with sounds of her coughing and wheezing. Sounds of her hacking up blood. He doesn’t sleep and he almost imagines he hears his mother, as though he’s back there in the hospital helplessly watching her die. 
Finally, the door slot opens again. 
“Present your arm for injection.”
“Tell me she’s okay.” 
“Your arm, Captain.”
“Is she okay?”
He almost hears a sigh. “If you want her to return, you will present your arm.” He does. 
This time when he wakes up, his head is in her lap. She’s humming softly as she strokes back his hair. It’s almost as though she’s bathed in light but they don’t have any windows. Maybe he’s hallucinating. 
“You’re okay,” he breathes. 
“Yeah,” she says softly. “They healed me.”
He sits up and cups her cheek softly, looking over her face, trying to memorize every feature. She looks better. She looks alive but he can see the impact that this last attempt to force their compliance has had on her.  
“I’m sorry,” he tells her softly. He's sorry that she's been drawn into this mess. Sorry that they've almost killed her over and over in attempts to get them to comply and he's sorry...that part of him isn't because god, he just wants to touch her and if this is the only way, he'll take it. 
She gives forgiveness in two words. “It’s okay.” 
They demand compliance immediately. He begs them for a reprieve. They are granted three days before they promise to replace her. 
Steve sits on the foam pad, his back pressed against the wall. He’s already confessed to her, told her what he promised in exchange for her life. 
Dizzy moves, throwing a leg over him before she settles, straddling his lap. His hands come up to her waist automatically. He’s so used to touching her now, even just casually. He didn’t realize how much he missed it until she went out of her way to reach for him. Even when it wasn’t completely out of survival. 
“I don’t want to die,” she breathes. “If we…they’re going to kill me either way. I have no value to them except for this. If we don’t, they’ll bring someone new but if…if I get pregnant they’re going to tear the kid out of me and I’ll die knowing I lost them to-” she cuts herself off, closing her eyes and trying to bury her face in his chest. He tries to hold her closer, as though he can protect her from these fears. They’d been here too long. 
“I won’t let them.” He forces himself to sound assured, even though they’ve been trying to find an escape since they’ve been locked in. He won’t let anything happen to her. Ever. “This might look like an unwinnable fight, but I’m not gonna give up.  I don’t know how.  So I’m with you ‘til the end of the line, and that’s not coming any time soon.” He pauses slightly before he tells her, “you’re mine. I’ll kill them if they touch you.” 
He says it like a promise but they both know promises can be broken. They were strangers when they met, when they were forced into this place and no matter what he’s tried, their captors have always been able to outmaneuver him. 
“I can’t stop thinking about you.” She shudders against him when he whispers it, his mouth by her ear. “What you feel like. What you taste like. I want to know every sound, every expression, every shiver.” 
His thumb is rubbing soft circles against the skin of her back. She shifts slightly, trying to get closer and he tries not to buck up against her. He’s relished the feel of her before but this is different. This is a chance to gain everything he’s been dreaming about. 
“Tell me what you want,” he says, his voice low. “What you like.” 
“I don’t know.”
“You do. You’re just too afraid to say it.” He moves so that his face is inches from hers. “If you want me to stop, tell me.” She doesn’t. His gaze darts to her lips before searching hers. All he sees is the same hunger he feels for her. He kisses her. Softly, at first, until she moves her mouth against his and his grip tightens. His kiss deepens and she arches against him. He pulls at the slip she’s wearing, desperate to get closer, to feel anything but the fear and anger and helplessness that has saturated them.
How long have they been fighting this? How long…how long have they been here? The kisses turn frantic as she rocks against him. 
It doesn’t matter. Not anymore. 
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They make her take a pregnancy test. Every morning. The only blessing this offers is that it gives them a way to track the days.
Steve finds he can’t stop touching her. Now that he knows what she feels like, some of the sounds she makes though she tries desperately to be quiet because they’re watched, he can’t resist. They are commanded to fuck at least once a day, to fulfil their end of the bargain they were forced into. He does his best to hide her, to cover her as completely as he can so that he can grant her some small mercy. 
It is destroyed with the tests.
Negative test after negative test. Both of them try to hide their relief. They’ve given in, but they’ll do anything they can to keep a child from being born into this torment. Neither of them will give it up to whatever god forsaken plans their captors have. 
But their luck can’t hold out forever and eventually their fears are confirmed. One morning the test is positive.
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“Stay here,” he tells her. He has spent weeks trying to work his way out and now? Now something is happening and the door…the door is ajar. 
“Absolutely not,” she says. “What if it closes again and then I’m just stuck here. Alone.” 
He swallows tightly. They’re both dehydrated, both hungry but he has to take this chance. He just needs her safe. And safe is with him, he reminds himself. He can’t trust anyone else with her. 
“Okay,” he nods. “But follow me and listen to exactly what I say, okay?”
“Sir, yes sir,” she says dryly. He shoves down the way it makes his cock twitch.
“Come on.” He grabs her hand and angles them so that she’s hidden behind him as they leave. She’s small enough now that he’s certain no one would see her. He could block any attacks. 
The hall is deserted. 
Eurydice stays quiet behind him and if it wasn’t for the fact that he can feel her hand in his, he’d almost think she wasn’t there. 
He remembers the way. It’s been etched into his head since that door slammed shut behind him. Since he first saw her, tears in her eyes as she looked at him with hope and then fear. 
They don’t come across anyone for several nerve wracking minutes. It’s odd and alarming enough that he pulls her closer. He doesn’t relax, even when he feels her other hand dig into the back of his shirt. He only prys her fingers off of him, ushering her to stand against the wall as he moves forward to the first guard they come across. It’s luck that keeps the man from turning around too soon. It’s Steve who swiftly disarms him and slams the man’s head into the wall, over and over until there’s a bloody smear when he finally lets the body fall. It does nothing to ebb his anger and he looks back for Dizzy. She’s already moving forward, reaching for him again. She doesn’t even spare the body a glance. 
 He takes their gun and radio, which he keeps, and strips them of the bulletproof vest which he quickly puts on Dizzy. Nothing is going to stop them from leaving this place. 
He hears her breath hitch as they pass a window. It had been months, possibly a year, since they even saw sunlight. Since they’ve seen anything except four walls and each other. 
“We’re almost there,” he says softly. “I got you.”
“I know,” she whispers back. It strengthens his resolve. 
He leads her up a flight of stairs before he forces her back against the wall, shielding her body with his. There’s noise at the door and he raises the gun, ready to shoot. 
The door opens and he catches sight of a familiar face before it pulls back faster than it appeared. The next thing he sees is an arrow directed at him. 
“Stand down!” 
“Cap?” The archer peers at him as he moves into view. “Holy shit.” Steve does not lower his weapon. SHIELD forced them into that room. Everyone he’s known has been SHIELD. Eurydice not included. She was betrayed as he was. She was the only one he could trust. 
“Cap, it’s me. Hawkeye.”
“What are you doing here?” Steve demands. 
“What–we’ve been looking for you. Have you…have you been here the whole time?” Clint lowers the bow, loosening his hold on the arrow. It would be so easy for Steve to shoot him. Even he wouldn’t be fast enough and Steve…he needs to get them out of here. “Holy shit,” he says again. “We were told you were on a mission but La–Nat thought something was wrong.” 
Steve forces himself to relax. He steps towards Clint who’s staring at him like he’s never seen him before. It’s likely the facial hair. They never gave them anything that might be turned into a weapon or used to hurt themselves. 
“We have to go,” he tells his former teammate. 
“Yeah, come on. I know a way. There’s a blind spot on the left side–” 
Clint falls. His distraction in pointing the way gives Steve the moment he needs to knock the man out. He’s not taking any chances. 
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He gets them out. 
They don’t stay in the city. They don’t stay still. When they’re finally free, when they’re out of the city and alone, they stand outside in the sun. They breathe. And if Steve takes the chance to kiss her again, to press her against the car and fuck her, all that matters is the fact that she wants him just as bad. That she begs him for more. 
“They’re not going to let you go,” Eurydice says. She touches the lower part of her stomach. “They won’t let any of us go.”
“Then I’ll burn it down,” he promises. “They won’t get another chance.” 
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taglist: @raith-way @arrthurpendragon @zeleniafic @jvstjewels @veetlegeuse @chickensarentcheap @booty-boggins @residentdormouse @delicateblackrose @stanshollaand @cantfighthemoonknight @wordspin-shares @chrissymunson
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so just pour a drink
oc-tober day one: tea (morinel, ft celebrimbor) look, i’m being nice to morinel & celebrimbor for. literally once in their lives💙
Caras Gelebren positively sparkles in the late afternoon of summer, and the tall marble towers are garlanded with flowers, and Morinel sighs contentedly, dismounting from Mithrad's back.
Summers in Eregion are always her favorite – partly because she cannot stand the humid air the shores of Lindon always seem to suffocate her with once the weather begins to warm and partly because she is, in some small part, glad to be in a place where whispers don't follow everywhere she goes -- though, to the Lindondrim's credit, those whispers have gotten very quiet in recent years.
When she finds a place in the stables for her beloved Mithrad (who eyes her with distaste as she leaves), she stretches and readjusts her pack. It’s not too full, among a spare change of clothes, it only contains her rations and her runekeeping supplies, and a handful of other trinkets as she heads to the room she's been staying in every summer since this arrangement began.
By the time she’s done washing and changing out of her traveling clothes into ones she left here last summer, the sun is starting to set and cast the city in the deep purple from the shadows of the mountains. She's tired -- she needs caffeine more than anything, right now, but it wouldn't be right to do anything without greeting her cousin and host first.
By the time Morinel makes it to the top of the stairs that lead to Celebrimbor’s study, her legs ache. At least in Lindon, Gil-galad and Elrond didn’t choose studies that were at the very top of the tallest tower in the city.
It’s easier to get to the roof! I get my best thinking done there, you know. Celebrimbor’s words echo in her head and she rolls her eyes affectionately at the memory.
Finally, she knocks at the open door frame of Celebrimbor’s study, and before Morinel knows it, Ungoleg darts out of the study, purring madly as she wraps herself around her legs. Celebrimbor doesn't look up, engrossed in a project at the work table in the corner of the room.
She sighs, glancing at the mess of shelves behind her cousin's main desk that looks more like a dovecote for paper birds than cubbies or shelves, filled with letters, documents, scrolls and books and sketches and schematics, and stranger items still: gems, jars of illegibly labeled substances, and even a set of robes.
It might be her imagination, but it seems ever so slightly neater than it was last summer.
She clears her throat and Celebrimbor looks up and she stifles a laugh -- there is a very large smudge of ink on his face, under his eye. He grins at her, waving her over to look at the new design schematics spread over his worktable. She listens to him as long as she is able, though, like always, he talks quick, and she can barely keep up when fully awake, let alone now.
Morinel sways a little, stumbling into the corner of the table, and his eyes soften, and asks if she would like to join him in the Dining Hall for some tea. She nods eagerly, and off they set.
The Mírdain, as always, is alive with activity. Those working toward a place among the Masters bustle past, on errands or between lectures, the apprentices distinguished by their white sashes and the journeymen by black. Little knots of people in conversation sat in low, square tables in the Dining Hall, drinking cups of holly tea, warmed by burning braziers as the two of them find a table of their own, with piping hot tea in cups and a bowl of candied citrus peels to sweeten the bitter holly tea. The Sun slowly dips behind the horizon, washing the hills with golds and reds and orange.
They discuss anything and everything: Celebrimbor excitedly tells her about Celebrian's most recent visit to Caras Gelebren and her rapidly growing skill in jewelcraft, and Morinel tells him in turn about the daily goings on in Lindon, and the new additions to the court's library.
When Celebrimbor notices that the table fire is slowly dying, he reaches into one of his sleeves and pulls out a packet of powder. She barely has time to process what it might be before he tosses it into the brazier. Flames leap up around the teapot in long tongues of blue and white. Morinel jerks back, nearly sloshing her holly tea down her tunic, swearing loudly.
Celebrimbor laughs and she shoots him a glare over the rim of her cup. 
“You’re terrible,” she says, scowling.  She takes a sip of her tea – it is still slightly too bitter, and she reaches for the candied orange peel to drop it into her tea. She sips it again – much better.
The fact it happened to have been the last orange peel in the bowl, leaving only lemon peels and lime peels, and caused the less-than-serious affront on her cousin's face is an added bonus.
She sips from her tea again, pretending not to hear. The orange definitely helped, and she can feel her headache caused by lack of caffeine slowly slipping away, like the fading ebb of the tides.
"To be betrayed by my own cousin," he complains dramatically, "In my own halls, after I graciously offered--"
She rolls her eyes when his words are loud enough to make those of the Jewelsmiths turn to look at them. "Will you stop that?"
His eyes twinkle, and she knows that he's going to ask for something. "Only if you bring some of Cirdan's honey-cakes with you next summer."
She finds she can live with such a request and nods her head very gravely, as if she was being asked for a—
(No, even centuries later, that joke is bad taste, and still leaves a sour taste in her mouth—)
As if being asked for the keys to Lindon, is probably a better joke.
“Very well,” she sips from her tea and shuts her eyes.
Morinel smiles.
This is going to be a good summer.
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moblitsoup · 1 year
Birthday Delusion
Self-insert fanfiction I wrote for my friend. Gwen and Eve are our OCs, so if you don't know them that's why.
⸙͎۪۫。˚۰˚☽˚⤹⋆⸙͎۪۫。˚۰˚☽˚⤹⋆⸙͎۪۫。 - MOBLIT - ˚⸙͎۪۫。˚۰˚☽˚⤹⋆⸙͎۪۫。˚۰˚☽˚⤹⋆⸙͎۪۫。˚
Moblit Berner was beyond tired. Hange was on another no sleep kick where they obsessively train with Eren by day and study titans by night, which meant that Moblit couldn’t get any sleep either. But now Hange was safely installed in their nap room and Moblit was free to drink enough alcohol to put himself into a coma for the next 24 hours and catch up on some much needed sleep and finally relax. 
Moblit and Hange usually shared a room, throughout the years Moblit had found it much easier to track what Hange was doing if they slept in the same room every night, no matter how much Hange’s frantic energy would keep him awake at night. Eventually as their relationship progressed, they had decided to have a separate bedroom for when Moblit needed some alone time or when Hange was going to work through the night. 
Dragging his feet and slowly inching his way towards his personal bedroom, dreaming of the bottle of alcohol hidden beneath his bed that Hange didn’t know about, Moblit noticed something strange, there was a soft glow coming from beneath his door.��
‘Aw Shit’. Moblit thought, beginning to tear up, Hange escaped their nap room. ‘I’ll never get to sleep now’, a single tear escaped Moblit’s poor tired eyes. 
Hange’s nap room was a small room in the basement with barred windows with a door that could be locked from the outside. The room was filled with nothing but mattresses, blankets and pillows, along with some snacks and a water bottle. The windows and locked door prevented Hange from trying to escape, leaving them with nothing to do in the room except get some much needed rest. Locking Hange in the nap room was a last resort for when Hange had stayed up more hours than the Survey Corp thought was physically possible. 
Moblit stopped for a moment at the door, hesitating, maybe he could leave, go to Levi or Erwin room. Beg one of them for some alcohol or a sheet to sleep on. But no, Moblit knew he could never do that. Hange needed to sleep, they needed rest and Moblit worried constantly that if Hange went out on a mission tired, they wouldn’t be able to focus enough to get back home. 
Moblit took a deep breath in, steeling himself for another restless night following Hange’s frantic movements, or another few hours of trying to corral Hange into their nap room. Opening the door slowly Moblit entered his bedroom and looked around. 
“Hey Moblit!” exclaimed Gwen who was sitting at Moblits desk surrounded by drawings and pencils happily sketching what appeared to be a small disfigured titan. When Moblit didn’t respond Gwen looked up and noticed the trail of tears making their way down Moblit’s cheek.
“Oh shit! Are you crying? Is something wrong?” Gwen exclaims, standing up quickly, tensing at the thought of another titan attack.
“No Gwen, nothings wrong. I just finally put down Hange for their nap and I don’t think I’ve slept yet this month” Moblit explained, scrubbing away the tears. “I know my job is to follow section commander Hange around all day but sometimes I just need to sleep.”
Gwen sat back down at the desk relieved that she could actually take a break today. 
“Sorry about barging in Moblit, I can leave right away” Gwen said, starting to gather up her papers.
“No no, why are you here?” asked Moblit, picking up a page and reading what seemed to be a list of features. ‘Two titans named Sonny and Bean, one with brown hair and brown eyes, one blond with blue eyes. Both had sunken cheeks and large cheek bones.’ 
Moblit stopped reading and picked up a second page labeled ‘Sonny’ which contained a startlingly good image of the titan Hange had called Sonny. Moblit looked at a third page labeled ‘Bean’ which contained an identical image to the titan Hange had called ‘Bean’. Moblit started to look through more and more drawings of Sonny and Bean, each one getting better and better until he looked at the one Gwen was holding. The drawing contained life like images of Sonny and Bean, looking happy and peaceful like they never had in life, if you could say titans had a life that is. Sitting peacefully outdoors unchained, standing in the foreground was Hange smiling and looking proud. There was a blank space, Moblit wondered what Gwen was going to put there before realizing that this collection of papers might be one of the most insane things he had ever had the misfortune of seeing, and he worked with Hange all day every day. 
“Gwen what is this?” Moblit exclaimed looking up from the drawings. 
Gwen stopped moving as she had been slowly inching her way out of the room desperately trying to make her escape. 
“I think they came out pretty nice” Gwen said, blushing and not making eye contact.
“Why did you do this?” 
“Hange has been so down lately, they won’t sleep and it hardly seems like they are eating and I know they miss Sonny and Bean, so I thought I could make a drawing of you guys together and cheer them up.” Gwen said, looking away. 
Moblit looked down at the drawings again “These are amazing Gwen. How did you do this?”
Mikasa was feeling restless. Nothing interesting had happened in the last month and Mikasa was starting to feel cooped up. ‘I never thought that I would miss fighting titans’ Mikasa thought to herself. 
Eren had been training with Hange and Levi ever since the last mission, coming home tired and going straight to bed and Armin was content with the month of down time and the occasional training drill.
Meanwhile Mikasa felt like she was going insane, ever since the wall fell she’s been moving non stop, running, surviving, training and worrying about and protecting Armin and Eren. Everybody seemed to be enjoying the downtime but Mikasa just could not rest. Yesterday she had snapped at Armin when he asked her if she wanted to come into town with their group of friends, yelling about how they needed to stay and train so they don't have to watch each other get ripped to shreds on the next mission. Safe to say Mikasa had killed the mood and Armin had had enough of her brooding. 
So now Mikasa was, under Armins watchful eye, spending one entire day “relaxing” and “going for a walk”. What a joke. 
Rocks, rocks and more rocks, and the occasional malformed tree. Mikasa was going to lose her goddamn mind.  
‘What the hell’ Mikasa thought to herself, trying to look through the trees and find whoever was trying to get her attention. 
“Mikasa on your left.” Mikasa turned right. “Mikasa, do you not know your lefts and rights???” Mikasa turned left, face flaming red to face Gwen and Eve. 
“What do you guys want?” Mikasa said, embarrassed. It wasn’t like Mikasa and Gwen hated each other, it's just that they had opposite opinions…. about everything. It was safe to say that they did not see eye to eye. Mikasa and Eve on the other hand had an understanding, Eve would not make jokes about Mikasa’s obvious flaming hot crush on Eren and Mikasa would not try to drown her when they were washing their hair. This didn’t stop Eve’s near constant sarcasm but if Mikasa tried to retaliate to every joke Eve made they would both get eaten by titans. 
“We need to talk to Eren.'' Gwen said, talking quickly to interrupt Mikasa's resounding no. “I know you are going to say no but Hange has been so down lately and we wanted to create a portrait for her and Eren is the only person we know who was around when Sonny and Bean were alive, we think he could give us the best idea of what they looked like.”
“We have talked to some people from Hange’s squad who are still alive to get descriptions but nothing seems to come out quite right. Eren is super observant and we can talk to him more than once” explained Gwen. 
“And we know you get all nervous when Eren does something without you” Eve said, winking. “Could you tell him we want to meet him at some point this week? He always goes to sleep so early almost as soon as he gets back from training and we never get to talk to him.”
Mikasa wasn’t sure. Eren was so tired all the time and he never had time to spend with anybody. But Gwen was right, Hange had been more tired and frantic more recently and maybe this could help. “Why don’t you ask Moblit? Isn’t it his job to follow Hange around? He would have seen Sonny and Bean too. I’ve seen Moblit drawing with you Gwen, I’m sure he would make time to spend with you.”
Gwen and Eve glanced at each other. “It’s going to be a family portrait and we want it to be a gift to Moblit too”
“A family portrait?” Mikasa asked, confused. 
“Yeah you know, Moblit and Hange are a couple right?” 
“No,” Mikasa said. She couldn't believe it, how had she never noticed. It was so obvious, how stupid could she be. “Fine, I’ll talk to Eren and let you know when you guys can meet. I’m sure he'll want to talk to you” 
Eren was waiting in his room with his head resting on his arms on his desk, desperately trying not to fall asleep while waiting for Gwen to arrive. He was exhausted from training day in and day out for days now. He knew he needed to get better, fight harder, and learn to use his titan powers better but some days he just wanted to sleep in. No! He couldn’t, he would never be free if he lazed about all day. He would never take a break until his friends were free. Yeah freedom…….
Eren woke up with a start and quickly wiped the drool from his mouth quickly turning around towards his bedroom door. Gwen was sheepishly reaching towards the book she had dropped. 
“Sorry for waking you up Eren”
“It’s fine, I agreed to meet with you after dinner” Eren said, straightening up and stretching his back, turning to look out the window only to notice it was pitch black outside. “WHAT TIME IS IT”
“I came to talk to you hours ago” Gwen laughed, “But you were sleeping so peacefully and mumbling about freedom, it looked like you were having fun in your dream so I decided to come back another day but when I was getting ready for bed I noticed your candle was still burning and I thought I’d come check on you. Sorry for waking you up again.”
“It’s no problem Gwen” Eren said, rubbing his eyes, “What did you want to talk about? Mikasa said something about those two titans that were killed?”
“If you are sure you are up to it I was wondering if you could tell me if these drawings look close to what Sonny and Bean looked like? I’m making a present for Hange.” Gwen said, holding out a stack of drawings. 
“Um” Eren said, looking through the drawings. “You’ve drawn Bean almost perfectly, I think he might have been a bit bigger than that but that's all I would change. Sonny looks like a combo of these two drawings” Eren said, holding up two drawings from Gwen's stack “The cheek bones, height and hair are perfect in this picture and the eyes, body and rest of the face are perfect in the other image.”
“Thank you so much Eren” Gwen said, frantically writing down notes about what Eren had said. “Do you mind if I show you a fixed version tomorrow?” Gwen asked, gathering all her things together and heading towards the door. 
“Yeah sure no problem Gwen. See you tomorrow.” Eren said, yawning widely. Then realizing something said “But Gwen, I only ever really saw Sonny and Bean when they were dead. You should probably show Moblit or someone to be sure that they are accurate”
“I talked to whoever I could find from Hange’s squad and Eren to get some good descriptions and I showed them my drawings so they could tweak the details and I could get it right.” Gwen said, still not looking Moblit in the eye. I just wanted to make sure that Sonny and Bean were perfect before I finished the drawing and made a final version.”
Moblit was floored, this was without a doubt the most thoughtful gift he had ever heard of. Hange was going to love it. All thoughts of drinking himself into a coma vanished and Moblit started to feel giddy and wide awake. 
“Gwen these are perfect, even Hange looks perfect. What are you going to put into that blank space?” Moblit asked. 
“I’m going to put you of course Moblit! This is a family photo.” Gwen said, smiling hesitantly. 
Moblit felt his tears return… a family photo, him and Hange were going to have a family photo. No matter what happened in the future, if one of them survived, if neither survived, they wouldn’t disappear, there would be something tangible to prove that they had been there, together as a family. It didn’t matter that his and Hange’s relationship was unconventional, sometimes a family could be a man a…. researcher and their two dead titans.
“Thank you Gwen, Hange is going to love this so much.” Moblit said through his tears. “When is it going to be ready?”
“It should be done tomorrow, maybe the next day. I’ll let you know so you can get the final version together. Is that ok?” Gwen said.
“Of course Gwen, I can’t wait to see it” Moblit said.
Gwen smiled, so glad that her idea had panned out. “Get some sleep Moblit, I was going to ask to draw you tonight but I think you are way too tired to stay up for this. I think I can draw you from memory and if I can’t I’ll come back tomorrow and draw you.” Gwen said, grabbing their stack of drawings and heading towards the door. “Goodnight Moblit”
Moblit watched Gwen close the door and head towards her room. 
Moblit got ready for bed, thinking about how glad he is that he noticed a brand new survey recruit drawing on her day off, and how glad he is that they have formed a routine of taking breaks together and drawing while unwinding. 
Moblit laid down in his bed, falling asleep, thinking of the alcohol he has hidden in his room, ‘I don’t think I’ve gone on a drinking binge in a few months’ Moblit thought to himself, realizing that drawing had taken over as a coping mechanism for dealing with Hange eccentric life and he rarely got the urge to drink anymore. In fact, drawing, more specifically drawing Hange’s unique frantic hairstyles or the posses an exhausted Hange would fall asleep him was actively helping him unwind every day. 
Hange woke up 2 days later, bundled up in the nap room more refreshed than they had ever felt in their entire life. ‘I should sleep more often’ Hange thought as they stretched and stood up, heading towards the door and trying to open it. Quickly finding it was locked. Hange knocked on the door wondering how long they would have to wait for someone to check on the door. Hange didn’t need to wait long as almost instantly after knocking on the door, Moblit opened it. 
“Heyyyyy baby” Hange screamed, throwing themselves at Moblit, knocking him over. They both laid on the ground Hange pecking Moblit on the face over and over again.
“Hange you were asleep for the entire time we’ve been apart, there is no way you could have missed me” exclaimed Moblit embarrassed. 
“Of course I missed you” Hange said, giving Moblit puppy eyes. “I’ve been so lonely here all by myself. What have you been doing without me for all these hours?”
“I’ve been sleeping mostly” Moblit replied, “And Gwen has a present for you once you’ve cleaned up and eaten something” 
“A PRESENT,” Hange exclaimed, jumping up and running to their room to get dressed, more willing to take a bath and clean themselves than they have ever been in their entire life. 
“Calm down Hange, the present won’t disappear in the next few minutes. The only way you won’t see the present is if you choke on your food and die while rushing to see it.” Moblit said, following Hanges frantic attempts to get ready, as he always did. 
Eve was hanging out in Gwen's room, staring in horror at the page on top of Gwen’s latest book of drawings. 
“Gwen, is this Connie fucking Springer???” asked Eve in horror. Eve understood that there weren’t many men her age here, especially men that Eve had faith would survive the next mission. Maybe Gwen was feeling the hormones and adrenaline from surviving the latest titan attack together. But CONNIE? Eve just didn’t get it. Maybe Gwen had finally lost it after seeing so much death. She knew Gwen liked Connie and his stupid jokes but making art of him was going too far. 
“NOOO, don’t look at that!” Gwen screamed, hurdling into Eve, knocking the book out of her hand and throwing it away. “Don’t make fun of me!”
Eve stood up rubbing the pain out of her arms where they had knocked into the side table. “You didn’t need to try and kill me man, I would have put it down if you -” Eve stopped staring at a page that had fallen out of the book, the same page that Gwen had been drawing while waiting for Moblit to arrive two days ago. “NO WAY you drew Eeby Deeby.” 
Eeby Deeby was a disfigured 4 meter titan, perhaps 3 meters, barely taller than a tall human, you could barely call him a titan really. Gwen and Eve had run into him on a mission and found him kind of cute. Gwen had gotten too attached and named him, and now apparently drew art of him. 
“Noooooo” Gwen wailed, “Don’t look at him!”
While fighting, Gwen and Eve had failed to notice that Hange and Moblit had arrived at Gwen's room and had tried knocking on the door. Never one to miss out on a good fight, Hange had opened the door and was watching the girls fight with a huge smile on her face. Moblit on the other hand was standing behind Hange trying to look away and somehow, close his ears to the friend's argument. 
“Wow guys!” Hange exclaimed, clapping their hands. “That sure is an interesting fight and I’d love to watch some more but I have a busy few days ahead of me and my dear Moblit told me that someone had a present for me.”
“Of course, good morning Hange.” Gwen said, standing from where she had been attempting to smudge Eve’s glasses. “Here”
Gwen reached behind the headboard of her bed and handed Hange a frame wrapped in a bag to hide what the present contained. Hange quickly ripped off the bag. 
Hange froze, being completely still for perhaps the first time in their entire life staring at the drawing. “Is this….. my babiiiiies” Hange sobbed hugging the picture to their chest tears streaming down their face. 
“Oh Hange” Moblit said, turning Hange’s face into his chest and hugging them close. 
“I love it so much, when Sonny and Bean died, they dissolved like all the titans do and I had nothing physical to prove that they were ever alive at all.” Hange said, looking down again at the image. Hange looked up at Gwen giving them a watery smile. “Thank you”
“It was no problem Hange, I know you are sad that Sonny and Bean are gone, and I thought this might be a good way of remembering them,” Gwen said. “Eve found that frame, with the picture behind the glass it should be well protected and last for a long time as long as you keep it out of the sun and away from water.”
Hange carefully handed the photo to Moblit, making sure he was holding it before turning towards Gwen and giving them a hug which they usually reserved for Moblit and titans. Hange gave one last squeeze and left Gwen and Eve their room and went off to find a good spot in her and Moblit’s shared room to put the photo. 
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phoenix-creates · 2 years
What's this? More of my OC Posting?
It's more likely than you think.
We're gonna talk about another gal of mine, this time it's Ivory!
Ivory is a small but powerful half elf with mysterious origins. She vaguely remembers her parents but she's still searching for answers.
Now, Ivory got her start a while ago but the first time I drew her was in 2019 iirc. And it was ROUGH.
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What tf even is Anatomy??
A while later she came back for an RP campaign with some really cool people, as a captain of a pirate crew. While I don't have that initial piece (I drew it but can't find it), I do have the gorgeous sketch by my good buddy and bestest pal @enjisquared
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Fuckin beautiful (also pls yeet money at my friend En.)
Then came Ivory's introduction to Genshin Impact as a Hydro character.
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(The first pic is her finalized design, the second is a Genshin-esque character poster of her, and the third is her after sustaining heavy damage)
That's it for this post. Ivory is only one of many many ocs I'll be posting and I hope to be able to do more with them in the new year! That's all from me!
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mako-ink · 2 years
I made a small mention of this on Twitter but I am letting my hand rest for a couple days.
This past April I had considerable pains in my dominant hand, and later found out I have a cyst on the tendon of one of my fingers. Orthopedist couldn’t do much at the time, and I was going to college soon after that so I wasn’t able to do a follow up appointment yet. (The next step after that might be surgery but that’s for another time) The pain subsided for awhile but in the past 5-6 weeks the pain has come back and with finals it’s only exasperated the pain/exhausted my hand.
Doesn’t mean I can’t still draw though! I just wanted to make note that I may not be able to create much outside of my classes again if the pain persists. Hoping it does calm down a bit bc I have so many art ideas in my head I feel like I’m going feral.
So in short I just have to monitor my hand and make sure I don’t overuse it to the point of searing pain lol. Some things may take longer for me to draw now but by the gods I will finish what I started. I thought I’d give a somewhat thorough explanation since it seems a lot of my followers here on tumblr aren’t people I recognize from my Twitter or Instagram, so I didn’t wanna just make anyone think I dropped art or went on a random hiatus. I know I don’t owe anyone an explanation but I feel it’s appropriate to say since I appreciate the people who take the time to look at and comment on my work.
Going to do my best to keep up with monthly Dislyte art if I can’t sketch silly little stuff like I have been, and try dipping back into drawing my ocs again. Hopefully winter break will be like a reset for me lol.
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klm-zoflorr · 2 years
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2022 art recap!
And here's the past years, ever since i started my digital art journey in 2020:
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I love seeing these, they turn out so pretty! I especially love comparing them to the past year's
Notes on this year: I loved this year, so much that I wasn't able to fit everything I wanted with only 12 slots available (so I allowed myself five extras!). I feel like I've kinda reached a point where my art looks good and pretty and I'm satisfied with it. So now we're kinda reached what looks like a "plateau" but is actually a great opportunity to explore different things and diversify stuff! I've drawn a lot of front facing portraits this year, yeah, but that's what's makes me happy so is there anything wrong with it really?
Big things I've done this year: There's the whole Fairytaled AU, that went on for like 4 months, try to find the small Niki hidden in the image! That whole series about drawing ATLA characters but completely by myself this time and in a way I find comfortable. It was great! Lots of AMAZING collabs, lots of redraws of past artwork (eheh yes, you can do that with two years under your belt!), briefly got back into AOT and finally did some fanart for it, the expressions challenge (still open to suggestions btw! Just search "ask game" on my page). A lot of traditional sketches, expressions practice and just letting my imagination go wild. A lot of mcyt too, a bunch of OC stuff and a bit of a slowing down towards the end of the year. It's fine, I still love art, I'm just not as obsessed as I could have been!
I can't believe 2021 was already so long ago!
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
[Aubrey, she/her, 24, Romantic, Your oc's or creepypasta :). No gender preference. ]
Hello! You can call me A! I sent with this letter a large jar of tiny keys that I've been collecting since I was twelve, along with the little keychain my Nana gave to me to start my collection. I'm also giving you my first ever sketchbooks and notebooks filled with the short stories I used to write!...Please take care of them, even if I am extremely embarrassed by the horrible quality of my old art they are still really important to me. OH, and one more thing! This stick I found a few years ago while on a hike covered in lichen! I know it's weird but I've been taking care of it for a few years now- his name is Larry. Did you know that certain lichens can live forever?
I would describe myself as an imaginative and creative person. I am extremely artistic and love trying out most art mediums, but I typically do digital drawings of mostly inhuman creatures and beings ... I believe myself to be kind, I try to be friendly to anyone who approaches me and I love talking to people but unfortunately I'm a pretty bad introvert . I get really anxious when I know I have to talk to someone and can be really, really awkward and shy. I have a hard time getting close to people and only hold a few people dear to me. Though I am extremely loyal- and a great listener. I can also be really crazy and social around my friends!
I have a bad habit of... not really existing in the now? I space out a lot- usually thinking about the novel I'm trying to write or various other senarios that pop up into my head. It's one of the ways I pass time I suppose. As you already know, I'm interested in drawing and writing and I love listening to music! My top genre is rocktronic ... kind of heavy stuff, but I can't help it. The best drops are awesome. I also love anything horror, cryptids, paranormal, you name it. I hate watching television and watching movies if it isn't in some way horror. I also love horror-romance novels.. don't judge me okay lmao. I am an animal and nature lover. Over my life I've had many different types of animals, varying from rats, spiders, pigeons, to just dogs and cats. I also love sleeping late and staying up late. My sleep schedule is really messed up, but It's usually just because I get most of my inspiration at night.
I tend to enjoy the "dark cottagecore" aesthetic. One of my dreams is to live in a nice little cottage or cabin really far away from civilization and in the middle of a forest. I would grow my own food and spend my days wandering the forests and writing books. I also aspire to be a child service worker, or a psychologist. I enjoy dressing in button up shirts and shorts and I keep my hair cut short and love dyeing it unnatural colors.
i'm not sure what else to say! I hope you have a good day!
[Disclaimer: The Red String of Fate event is a special event I'm running from August 12th, to September 4th 11:59 pm US Central time! Check out rules HERE]
[AN: Yue Lao and I took a small break but we're back!]
He's almost certain he's seen your name before. The way you write, the things about you, you are familiar. Familiar, familiar, familiar. You feel like an old friend. His fingers lace lovingly over the things that you've left him, with the sketch and notebooks being the things he finds most interesting. There's a small, tired, but soft smile on his weathered face as he thumbs the pages and reads the things you've written. While you were clearly much younger, he finds himself entranced with the worlds you were able to build. The art he finds sweet as well. Chuckles arise from his lips as he gazes over the characters you've drawn, the things you put love into. The jar of keys is given to his beloved cat, Bao. She carries the jar on her back and it is placed in the room she calls hers in his large palace.
And finally comes the stick you've dubbed Larry. Larry is a nice stick. His finger tips feel the lichen and he hums softly to himself, wondering just who he should place you with. He's already placed a red string on your pinky, something stable but smells of peaches. It's the string of dreamers. He continues to hold onto Larry as he looks down on the faces of the beautiful planet earth. From what you're describing yourself as, the god thinks that he wants to put you with someone similar! Someone who could give you a sense of deep love, just as artistic and just as starry eyed as you, but then he remembers the purpose of balance. He does not want to place someone with you who will admonish you, no, no. Absolutely not. But someone who can give you what you don't have, and you to give them what they lack.
Yue Lao thinks it over. He strokes his beard for a few moments before finally laying his moonlight glazed eyes at someone he knows would suit you well, very well. The man he's placing you with looks a bit tired as he pulls a ski mask off of his face, unaware that the god is seconds to tethering him to his soulmate. When he lifts the water bottle to his lips, his hazel colored eyes come to see the brilliant red thread that materializes, tugging slightly before it droops down to the ground and out. He stands up to see the connected thread fall from the heavens down to the forest floor, where he assumes it will lead him to something important.
Brian Thomas, that was the name he used to go by when he wasn't living the life he was saddled with. Now, he goes by Hoodie which he admittedly finds quite redundant. He doesn't have a heart pounding desire to find whatever's on the other end of his string and lets it wait as he goes about his business until a strange little creature meets him while he's staring up at the stars in a parking lot. They're hardly there, the stars. Too much light pollution. But the barely audible, soft footfalls of a cat's paw tears his attention away. And he smiles. "What're you doing here?" He asks as he crouches down, noticing the large walking stick in the feline's mouth.
She looks up at him and mews, blinking gorgeous jade colored eyes as if she wants him to take the stick. Brian does so, his gloved hand tracing the lichen much like Yue Lao did before noticing the red ribbon tied around it. "Oh," he hums. "Am I taking too long?" He chuckles as his free hand reaches out to pet her head. Bao purrs and rubs against his knee before mewing up at him once more. Her tail swishes and wraps around his forearm, then the walking stick before she nudges him in the direction of his string.
Brian sighs with a small smile and watches as the cat takes off in the direction he knows he's supposed to go. He really shouldn't keep you waiting any longer, should he? He tucks the stick under his arm, slides into the driver's seat and turns the car on. It's about time he finally comes to see you.
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gothhisoka · 3 years
𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖕 (𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔 𝖝 𝕱𝖊𝖒𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗)
Title: Worship
Pairing: Chrollo x Femreader
Warnings: Smut, minors DNI, 18+, explicit content
Word Count: 3116 (I promise it is worth it. Oh god is it worth it)
Note: This is from my cross-published fanfic called Hunter University! It is available if you click here on Wattpad and AO3. My fanfic is x OC, but I upload x Reader versions of some chapters here on Tumblr. In short, it is a dark academia college AU with Chrollo as the main love interest.
Background: You are an artist in college and Chrollo is your fellow classmate. You just returned from a night out at a ball, drunk. Chrollo appeared at the door to your dorm room as he promised he would after you danced with one another at the ball.
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Chrollo was surprised you looked so intact. He was sure you would come waddling to the door in pajamas as you did the last time he visited your room. Although it had been an hour since the ball ended, your makeup hadn't smudged a bit. Sure, it was faded, and your hair was significantly messier, but overall you looked as remarkable as you did at the start of the ball.
Your tired eyes widened with surprise at the sight of him. He was just as unimpaired as you were. Though now he was missing his suit jacket. His hair had become slightly disheveled, losing its styled waves. He still had on those signature silver rings and little cross earrings.
You attempt to soak in his sight with your intoxicated brain. He looked even more captivating in this particular state.
“Hi…” was all you could utter.
“Can I come in?”
You realized he was waiting for your permission. He didn’t need it.
You stepped aside to let him in and shut the door. Your room was the same as the last time he saw it, with your drawings hung on the walls and lights strung above the desk. Their small bulbs reflected against the night-stained window.
Upon shutting the door, the tension noticeably rose. It was dark in the small space and you were alone. Chrollo took his black dress shoes off near the door, placing them neatly side by side.
So he plans on staying. You tried to hide a smile. The hour of his visit was surely suspicious. There could be only one thing on his mind.
"So what're you doing here?" you spoke nonchalantly, acting like you didn't just fantasize about what could happen in the next few minutes.
Chrollo opened and shut his mouth, his response escaping him. He turned back to you and used his eyes to convey a craving far deeper than any words could admit.
"I said I would come to find you, didn't I?" He said lowly.
He had begun to walk around the room, absentmindedly stopping at a piece of art from time to time. You were too tired to care. The collection included nature scenes, portraits of people he didn't recognize, anatomy studies, and...
He paused, noticing a drawing on the wall behind the place where the door would otherwise be covering.
It was a full-body anatomy study of yourself. To be specific, it would fit further in the category of a glorified nude. It was on a miniature piece of parchment sketched in charcoal. It was obviously you: the woman had your (hair color) hair and distinct mouth and nose. The paper was hardly noticeable amongst the scatter of papers. You wouldn't see it unless you had a careful eye such as that of Chrollo.
You hardly noticed when he reached the particular spot on your wall. Your tiredness had waned significantly with Chrollo's entrance, but it still fogged your mind.
Additionally, you had long forgotten about your secret behind-the-door location for your drawings that were not meant to be seen by a single soul.
Chrollo attempted to hide a mysterious smile. He turned to you, “You draw wonderfully.”
“Thanks?” you reply, with more question in your tone than you hoped to show.
The heat in the room shot through the roof. You were sure if you checked the temperature it would be well above its normal chilly state. Perhaps it was the heat in your cheeks that was causing such a change.
“So…” he began.
“So,” you replied, trying to avoid eye contact. Please, just let it happen already.
You thought you had a good idea of why he had come to your room at one o'clock in the morning after a night of drinking and questionably close dancing. You couldn't be certain, though, because that was just how he was: unpredictable and exceedingly complicated.
You didn’t think him so complicated as to not be able to admit why he was at your room, though.
You waited as he thought about what to say next. This is taking too damn long.
Luckily, you prepared an excuse. You never failed to come ready for something you could expect. And this, the direction in which your encounter is headed, is inevitable. You had been rehearsing the line in your head for the duration of their conversation like reviewing terms for a test.
This was the only way to test if your assumptions are correct.
Blame it on the champagne if I am wrong. But I really hope I'm right.
You look directly at him. Time to be daring.
You took a breath and did your best to look directly at him, "Well, I actually do need some help. You see, this dress is quite difficult to take off by myself..."
Walking towards him, you place a hand at the hem of your dress. Your delicate fingers wrap around its lacy fabric.
Chrollo looked amused. He sizes you up, looking from your hand holding the hem of your dress to your unfazed expression. Unfazed, yet your cheeks were slowly turning a shade of scarlet. Nice try, Chrollo thought.
He gestured, "Turn around."
You obeyed. You desired something far more than the unzipping of your dress, but you were not presumptuous enough to say it. The expression on Chrollo's face told you that he was hoping for the same thing. He hid many emotions well, but being turned on wasn't one of them.
Chrollo brushed your hair away from the zipper, delicately placing it over your shoulder. His fingers purposefully grazed your back as he did this, causing your breath to hitch slightly.
His hands moved to the zipper, carefully pulling it down. It went past the clasp of your bra to your lower back. There was complete silence. Both of you were still. Are we still hesitating?
Chrollo was the first to move. He pulled you close to him so that your back was touching him. His left arm wrapped across your chest possessively, holding you in a tight embrace. With his other hand, he brushed your hair back from your ear. He smelt of sweet alcohol. Clearly, he was slightly drunk as well, for the next words he said couldn't be uttered by a sober man.
His whispered breath tickled your neck, husky with the threat of sleep, "I want you so bad right now."
You tensed with a sudden surge of desire. Your impression had been right. He let his strong arm remain around you, patiently waiting for a response.
You choked out your reply, "The feelings' mutual."
Under his touch, your streak of audacity from earlier dissolved into compliance. You suddenly wanted nothing more than to submit to his words.
With complete control, Chrollo took your shoulder and turned you around. Your dress was now loose on your shoulders. He placed his hands around your hips firmly. He looked at you under his thick eyelashes and slowly leaned in. The pressure was growing to an unbearable level, but he still wouldn't go all the way.
Then his lips crashed against yours with the force of weeks of pent-up desire. This kiss didn't speak of courtesy, of patience. This was raw passion. It was furious and messy. you preferred this to sensitive steps around the intensity they both craved.
"You must still be drunk," you said playfully as you both pulled away to catch your breath. You held your hand to Chrollo's chest. His heart was beating surprisingly fast.
"If I'm drunk, then what are you?" Chrollo said with a lazy smirk.
"I'm drunk as well."
Chrollo threaded his hands through your hair, pulling the long strands through his fingers. He pulled you in close again with his hand at the back of your head.
You opened your mouth to allow for Chrollo's tongue to slip in. He lessened the intensity and slowly moved his tongue against your own tongue and lips. You couldn't help but let out soft moans that made Chrollo weak at the knees.
He pushed you against the wall to deepen your kiss. Drawings fluttered down, becoming detached with the sudden movement. Including that drawing.
Chrollo pulled away, much to your shock. You were left panting with reddened cheeks. Please don't let this end now.
He displayed a shit-eating grin. Even with his ego, in the current moment, his expression made you melt. His face was inches from yours, looking down into your (eye color) eyes.
He shifted his gaze down to the floor and said, "Nice drawing you have there."
You finally noticed what he had been so smug about. Shit. Your face flushed ten different shades of scarlet.
Chrollo leaned in as he did before and murmured in your ear, "I wish I could see the real thing."
You failed to not show your excitement. The way your eyes lit up exposed you. "I can arrange that."
At that, Chrollo leaned in again, this time moving to your neck. His lips fluttered down your throat to your collarbone. You leaned your head back and tried to control your uneven breath.
His lips reached the edge of the neckline on your dress. He raised his eyes to meet yours, asking for permission to go further.
You let out a breathy, "Yes. Please."
What you wanted to say was, Please, take me now.
It could be too soon for him. But based on how this was going, you expected it was leading to something more. Whatever that was, you wished you could know right now. The growing tension between your thighs began to ache.
Chrollo slipped his hand across your skin to the hemline of your dress, moving it completely off of your shoulder and down your arms. Your black see-through bra was now in full view. Your nipples grew hard at the sudden exposure.
At least I went with my fancy bra. You suddenly grew very shy. The last time you went even this far was years ago.
He evidently liked the lingerie for his hands immediately traveled to your breast to caress it as he continued to kiss you.
"You're so beautiful," he whispered against your neck. Your heart fluttered at his words.
Chrollo then moved his lips progressively further down as he slipped your dress off of your body. Soon your underwear came into view, then your feet. He helped your step out of the dress.
"Your turn," you said, unbuttoning his shirt. All the while he continued to distractingly leave lazy kisses upon your face, one on your forehead, your cheek, your lips.
After an agonizingly long time, you pulled off his shirt. Fuck.
You knew he would be defined. But him, this boy standing in front of you, resembled more of a greek statue than an actual human. It looked like his body had been sculpted by the finest stone on earth. He had a six-pack, defined pectoral muscles, and prominent collarbones. His biceps flexed as he leaned his hand against the wall, bracing himself. It was you who needed to brace yourself. Your breath hitched again at the sight of him.
You ran a hand up his firm body as you planted your lips upon his once again. This time Chrollo put his hands beneath your thighs, his fingers pressing into your soft skin. He picked you up easily.
You wrapped your legs around him as he brought you to the bed, kissing him all the while.
He dropped you down gently, releasing his grip off of your thighs. You took this time to look up at him and admire the beauty of his aroused state. He had a dangerous and wild look, with tousled hair and a constant smile playing at his lips. His heavy-lidded eyes were lazily focused upon you.
You continued to make out on the bed, its white silk sheets creating an angelic halo around you. Chrollo couldn't stand looking at you like this, underneath him. It was far too much power for one man to hold.
You reached to your back to undo the clasp of your bra. You threw it to the ground. Chrollo immediately began to touch your naked tits in a way that made you want to dissolve. He moved in circles around your nipples first, watching as they grew harder under his expert touch. Then he moved his mouth to the sensitive area, playing with you and biting slightly. You audibly moaned at the gesture. Damn the neighbors.
Chrollo sensed your desire to take it further. He looked up, grey eyes filled with lust, "Y/n...let me pleasure you."
It wasn't the suggestion you were expecting, but you were satisfied nonetheless. You didn't care about anything in the world besides what he could do to you at this moment, whatever it may be.
"If you say my name like that you can do anything you want to me," you said breathily. It was exactly what he needed to hear.
Chrollo smirked and moved to take off your soaking underwear. Under his pants, his dick grew visibly harder. He threw the underwear onto the floor.
Gently placing his finger at your throbbing core, he began to stroke. Upon receiving his touch your back arched involuntarily. You were beyond eager.
"Fuck... Chrollo..."
This served as encouragement for him to insert his finger deeper into you, curling it slightly. It hit your g-spot repeatedly, eliciting ungodly sounds from you.
As he was doing this, he slowly positioned himself on top of you, grabbing onto the bed frame with his spare hand. He just wanted to look at your face as you opened your mouth in delight.
He inserted one more finger which caused your arousal to heighten. God, he really knows how to do this.
Just as you felt the heat in your core escalating, he slid his finger out. You whimpered in protest.
Chrollo looked down at you with a wicked smile. "Beg for it."
Oh fuck.
You gladly would. It was more your instincts speaking than any coherent thought.
"Please... Chrollo..." you said between breaths.
You wanted to not only plead for him, you wanted to worship him.
This is what you had been missing out on all those weeks. And oh god, did you eat it up.
"FUCK please do that again," you exclaimed.
It was enough to convince him. Chrollo moved his face towards your slickened pussy.
Is he about to...
He pushed his hair back out of his face with his clean hand, his forehead tattoo revealed. For only a second, he raised his eyes to gaze into yours. You fell for him all over again at that simple glance.
Then he entered you. His tongue made you want to weep. He devoured your insides, soaking up the salty juices. You couldn't help but hold his head, pulling it closer to your body. You ran your hand through his soft black hair. There was so much heat between them that you were both perspiring.
You began to shudder." I'm going to... oh... fuck," you gasped.
You felt the sweet release of cum spread below you onto the sheets and Chrollo himself. You felt self-conscious for a moment. That is until Chrollo began to lick up your juices. He ran his tongue up your soft thighs.
"You taste so fucking good, darling."
Chrollo looked at you like he had fallen all over again as well. You grinned back at him. Your cheeks grew even redder, if possible. Your heart screamed to continue but you were too physically exhausted to move. Still, wouldn't Chrollo want his turn?
You laid there, naked and panting on the silk sheets. Chrollo flopped next to you, unaffected beside his flushed cheeks and a wide grin.
The lights were still low in the little room. Looking out the window, you saw that the sun had yet to rise. This was a positive fact because the only thing you needed to do now was to sleep. And preferably, cuddling with the boy next to you. You hoped he would stay. It was more than hope, really. Your body couldn't spend any more time away from him after that.
Damn. He was good. He was really, really fucking good.
He knew his way with words, to begin with. He said exactly what needed to be said to escalate your arousal. You wanted to worship those fingers, the way he so expertly felt around you like he had memorized a map. And his tongue was even more worthy of revere.
You flipped over to your elbows. Your breasts brushed against the bedding, noticeably making Chrollo gulp. You boldly reached to touch the front of his pants.
"You don't want a turn?" you smirked.
"This was more than enough for me."
He stared into your eyes as if he was calculating a complex math problem rather than looking at the person who just received the best head of their life.
You yawned, despite yourself. Your body ached with all the action of the night.
"Go to bed, sweetheart. I'll be here."
Those were the last words you heard before your eyes drifted shut. Exhaustion stilled your naked body. Chrollo reached over you to turn off the bedside lamp.
He wasn't nearly as tired. He could've gone for a couple more rounds, perhaps take it a step further if you so desired. But he knew you needed the sleep. Most of your makeup had rubbed off, displaying the dark circles under your eyes.
He slipped off his pants and threw them onto the floor with the rest of the clothes. He found the soft sheets and pulled them across you and himself. The bed was small but cozy. His strong chest was flush against your back.
Your (hair color) hair smelt of a summer day, like sunlight and wildflowers. He took this opportunity to feel up the rest of your glorious body. He ran his hand lightly from your shoulder to your hips, to your thighs. All of it was angelic to him.
He moved you closer with his arm, protectively wrapping it across your front. Somehow holding you like this felt far more intimate than any sexual activity. The way the moonlight graced your skin was majestic.
How had he fallen so hard, so fast? It was unlike him to act with such recklessness.
Through it all, he still had his mind. you had no way to tell the extent of his feelings. He made sure of this. His libido could act one way, that was clear from tonight. But he was an expert at controlling his outward emotions. You would never know. If you did, it would be over for him. All the planning will be for naught.
He closed his eyes before he could fall upon any more worries. He had already pondered the issue for many sleepless nights.
He fell into a dreamless slumber with you safe in his arms. You both slept soundly until the sun peeked through the window.
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