#i was already like ‘oh haha dipper having a crush on ford i could kinda see it’
cravingpepsimax · 15 hours
shoutout to alex’s commentary where he says dipper is in love with the author and how the final quarter of the series is about his crush on the author. hi! WHAT.
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overthegravityfalls · 7 years
Sooo, I was looking through my old fic ideas and I thought I might as well post this since I’ll probably never write it. I mean, there’s a chance I might. But long-form writing is my kryptonite, haha, it’s really hard for me to stay invested in one thing for so long. If anyone wants to take inspiration from it, that’s okay with me!
(But, jesus christ, Loomy, you wrote 1400 words of just the ideas?)
Anyway, it’s not 100% coherent as a linear plan, more like a jumble of scenes and ideas, so I hope that’s okay! Enjoy! <3
Pinescone figure skating/YOI AU
Wirt (23) and Dipper (20) are good skaters, but not the best in the world. Wirt is especially good at scoring high on PCS, and he deeply invests in the stories he's telling. He'll choreograph parts of his routines, choose the music, maybe even ask someone (family member?) to compose pieces for him. But, he gets anxious and loses out on technical points. His routines always start out bad, when the pressure of thousands of eyes staring at him feel like pinpricks on his skin. He can fall during his jumps often, but he loves doing step sequences and is very flexible. Dipper, on the other hand, is very technically skilled. He can land jumps with ease, quads included, and during his routine, he'll calculate what scores he might get, doing the maths in his head. Afterwards in practises he'll write them down in a notebook to get an idea of how he can improve. But he rarely thinks hard about the components of his programs, only how to technically perfect them, and doesn't care too much about story or themes.
Wirt comes fifth and fourth in his GP series cups, and misses out on the final. Langtree, his coach, gets in touch with him later and says that she is taking time off from coaching because of personal reasons. Wirt would have been happy to leave it there, but she tells him, in painstaking detail, about her fiancé and how heartbroken she is about his disappearance. (Maybe later he calls her and finds out she's teaching kids to skate instead.) Wirt starts looking into who else he can work with. After some research and networking, he decides that Stanford Pines, once a highly skilled figure skater himself, would be the best choice to try and improve his skating. He already has one skater under his wing--a certain Dipper Pines. Huh. He was coaching his own grand-nephew. Wirt thinks he might have skated against Dipper once, in the Grand Prix series, but doesn't really know much about him. Still, he's willing to work alongside the guy, and moves out to Oregon to start training.
Dipper has been missing out on the final too, and Stanford tells him that he'd probably be better off finding someone else to choreograph his routines, but Dipper insists that he doesn't want anyone else to as much as he does Ford.
When Wirt first sees Dipper skating, he's surprised to see him in shorts. Falling onto the ice with all that bare skin would be uncomfortable. But as he stays and watches, Dipper, doing a range of jumps, lands every single one. He didn't have a need to worry about what skin on ice felt like, apparently. That was...kinda intimidating.
Wirt works with Sara, a ballet instructor, often. They’ve been friends since they were teenagers, and Wirt skated a routine for her (with accompanying poetry) when he had a crush on her. He also likes talking with Greg about how his music sounds, and Dipper is surprised he can talk about it in that much depth with a 15-year-old. Wirt says they come from a very musical family.
Wirt started skating because he remembers his dad took him to a small local rink every year around Christmas. He started skating regularly when his dad stopped seeing him, as a way to remind himself of his old family instead of his new one, a kind of spite thing (though Phil (step-dad) was always supportive of it regardless). Dipper thinks his dad died at first, but Wirt says no, just moved far away. He has his own family now, just like Wirt does. They see each other sometimes for Thanksgiving or Christmas, and they call occasionally, but...mostly his dad keeps to his other kids, and Wirt keeps to his new family, too. He stopped skating for his dad and started doing it for himself when he was a teenager.
When Wirt was younger, he’d always do exactly what his coach said. Changed upon meeting Beatrice in the junior league, she suggested he do a different jump in a routine, caught between what Beatrice and his coach suggested, he did what he would have preferred—Beatrice’s suggestion. Also ties into the falling into a lake incident. ((I have no idea what I meant when I wrote this.))
Definitely going to be a whole "woah he looks hot" moment after one of them finished a routine and is all sweaty and panting.
Lorna is a British female figure skater that Wirt is close too. Beatrice is too. They go to the same Grand Prix series at one point and Wirt runs over to Beatrice and greets her with a hug, then she's all like "geez Wirt stop being so desperate" and they sass each other. It shows a side of Wirt that Dipper hasn't seen much.
Dipper will always be best friends with Mabel, and she comes along to all of his competitions to cheer him on, and designs his costumes. They're always super affectionate and playful around each other. Mabel greets Dipper with a big wet kiss on his cheek at one point, and Dip admonishes her for being gross, and Mabel says she wants to see Dipper get stuck to the ice.
Wirt is calling with Greg at one point while he's changing, he has it on speaker phone and Dipper walks in, introduces himself over the phone. Greg replies with “Oh, you’re the guy Wirt’s been talking about so much!” and Wirt hisses out “Greg!” in a warning tone.
Keep the surprise on-the-ice first kiss, maybe also the airport scene at some point. Wirt’s voice breaks when he tries to say “this was the only thing I could think of to surprise you more than you’ve surprised me”
Wirt jokes that Stanford is totally going to play favourites and would want Dipper to win more than he does Wirt. (…Secretly actually anxious about it?)
They help each other become better by learning from the other’s strengths and competing between themselves. When Wirt asks about how Dipper comes up with themes, etc, he says he just kind of goes for whatever might fit with his routine.
Bill is an asshole stray cat who lets himself into Dipper’s apartment and steals food no matter how much he tries to cat-proof it. He scratches and bites and Dipper had to go get rabies shots for it—“he is literally a demon". Dipper’s upset that he happens to be there the first time Wirt comes back to his apartment. Wirt says “A cat named Bill? Really?” and Dipper responds “What’s your point, man-named-Wirt?” “…Touché.”
Dipper had a dream once that Bill was an Illuminati triangle guy
Skating routines based on original shows? Original show music? Or YOI routines/music?
Maybe one routine could be--a story of two brothers getting lost, one failing to look after the other, until something bad happens and the brother comes rushing to help. Music: Into the Unknown instrumental?
Another--about a girl who defies her father to do what's best for their family, almost gets into trouble, until her father tries to save her and ends up disappearing. Music: One Is A Bird?
Theme: family
Dipper: A girl? Why a girl?
Wirt: That's just...the character I see in my head, really. It just fits somehow, you know?
Dipper: And you're playing that character?
Wirt: Well, yeah. Do you think I shouldn't?
Dipper: No, no, it's just... (I wish I could be that comfortable with doing something like that.)
Wirt gets a skirt on his costume, maybe some effeminate makeup done. "Oh my god he looks so beautiful." - Dipper
Dipper invites Wirt to have lunch together at some point, and Wirt says “Sorry, I can’t.” Dipper looks disappointed. “I-I mean, it’s not because I don’t want to—I have, ah, I have a counselling session today."
In the Grand Prix series, they have their first competition together (France?) and the second apart, maybe Skate America for Wirt and somewhere else for Dipper. The first kiss happens in France, the airport scene happens after they're separated for their other matches.
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