#i was a hamilton stan in my day. i know what im talking abt.
wastelandcrown · 2 years
Gerard of Greenleigh has HUGE Alexander Hamilton from Hamilton The Musical energy.
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valdangelodumbasses · 4 years
Valdangelo Headcannons #1
Leo and Nico are both introverts but Nico loves affection
Leo made Nico tiramisu once and he swallowed it faster than Percy could ever
Leo couldn't look him in the eyes for a week or he got so flustered
Nico is lawyer bf 
and a demon at monopoly; him playing w/ Annie is the worst.
gamers! both like monster (specifically mango loco) but Nico also loves tropical redbull
Nico teaches Leo and hazel how to play so they can battle 2v2
Nico wipes the floor and Leo is just glad he understands half the rules
Nico and Leo wear heels. 
and they're good at it too.
Confident Nico>>>>>>  
Leo has a fucking heart attack when Nico pins him to a wall
Leo makes Nico laugh with his jokes and shitty pickup lines
but when Uses shitty pickup lines on him he steals them, after he stops looking like a tomato
Nico does Cosplay and they cosplay together and its so fucking rad
making out while baking/cooking? more likely than u think
Leo tells Nico he looks cute one day b4 they started dating and Nico is like: Is this friendly affection
Caffeine addicts rise up
but Nico hates coffee and honestly same
teas n energy drinks>>> 
Leo is a fucking swine who mixes all his foods and Nico nearly vomits bc he wont let his food even touch goddamit
Piper and Hazel being wingman while Percy and Jason are the matchmakers
p r a n k s
like so goddam many
they are unstoppable and they pin it on the Stolls
or Leo gets caught
Nico n e v e r does bc like? scary emo kid? prankster? nah, NAh,
he sticks his tongue out at leo anytime leo gets caught
bisexual leo or gay leo? leo doesn't even know!
all he knows is that nicos hot and has a cute butt & personality
nico is a theater gay
he sings every musical
his favorites are Heathers, Beetle juice, Legally blond, and the greatest showman
Leo has theater kid energy but probably works the tech stuff
he likes heathers, Chicago, legally blond, Grease, and dear evan Hansen the best
Hamilton is neither of their favorites yet they end up dueting it all the time
Art kid and Repair kid>>>>>>>>>>>>
Percy sees them kiss after dating (and kissing) for 6 months and wait yall are friends?
Hes slow but he means well, Nico sticks his tongue in leo's mouth after percy says that
he's like  “O H , sorry im dumb”
“jackpot” “Valdez shush”
they talk abt their moms
angsty emo boys listen to greenday
and every other emo band
Leo calls Nico mammacita once
never again (Nico started crying)
why? It was commonplace used by his uncles and grandpa
Nico demands leo call him that more though
Leo is Hesitant but obliges
mexican or italian food restaurant arguments
leo steals nicos breadsticks even tho he has some
nico steals leo's nachos when he has his own
they're petty? yes but petty and in love!
and gay/ did i mention g a y 
Demiboy leo rights
leos a fuckin lefty
Trans Nico rights mtf or ftm rights
nico may not be trans but he's also demiboy
demi boys calling each other they all day because nobody uses the they in he/they (speaking as a demigirl)
If nico IS trans tho hades 100% uses magic to transition Nico bc yes good dad
laughing abt trauma and they're friends are like: NO
“get ur hands off my bf”
“kick their ass baby i got cho flower”
imagine, just imagine nico fussing over leos hair because curly is the cutest
leo fusses over nicos when he's in a slump and brushes his hair
skincare is vital to both
Leo does engineering n shit but does it for like 16 hours straight much to everyone's dismay, but Nico who has (arguably) fresh eyes and make sure his physics is right
Nico loves physics fight me
but nico sleeps like 4 times a week for 3 hours or 3 days a week for 12 hours
Insomnia gang don’t rise up go to fuckin sleep 
will keeps giving them melatonin and they always forget to take ti and will is going to fuckin murder them maybe then they'll sleep
u know that comic where they naruto kiss S P I D E R M A N  K I S S I E S
nico hangs like a bat and leo is a memelord
nico also loves spider man
they def try to make spider man gear but annie smashes the shit out of it
dorks! comic!
omg comic book shop au nico owns it
soulmate au where u loose shit n it goes to ur soulmate
nico has NO clue what the hell to do with all this nails n hammers n shit
Leo builds stuff out of nicos lost mytho dupes 
Leo doesnt know what to do with his underwear, or all the mcdonalds receipts and the crumpled up sketches and sketch books
aphrodite ships it as she SHOULD and hades n heppy do too
why did i cal hephaestus heppy ? idk maybe aphrodite calls him that
They both hate yoga with a passion
does nico have an obsession with spn or does he hate it sm that he watches it ?
its as ambiguous as leo's sexuality!
Leos like what if i'm straight
then nico walks in 
No he's definitely not straight
who even heard of greeks being straight smh
Nico in miniskirts, aline, or any skirt makes leo go brrrrrrr
he wears leggings or tights under them though
Nico also wears leggins to bed
or the fluffy pants he steals from leo so leo doesn't have any pants
band band band band band band band band band  Nico can sing and leo plays drums
Nico and katie are friends and Nico has a green thumb so leo is surprised when nico has more houseplants than crowley (Good omens)
He has tons of hanging and not hanging terrariums
Leo tries not to set them on fire
After Leo and Nico start hanging out more Nico bribes Lou Ellen to make his plants fire proof
they are now
Nico knows how to fire a gun and he's good at it
Pirate Nico!! 
Leo and Hades get along well
So does Nico and heppy
the parents get along too but they diss heras bad mothering
Nico gets de aged and leo is ???? but he's so CUTE AND TINY
Leo babysits him for a week in the bunker and nobody even knows until Percy and Will goes in there looking for him
Nico and Clarisse sparing? Sweaty bf? Leo loves it and chris and leo are just staring and say “yes”
Nico has freckles and leo kisses each one
Leo has these really dark freckles spread across his body but they aren't as frequent as freckles?? y'all know what i mean? ne way nico kisses them
Leo uses Yall. 
It rubs off on nico
jason is a die hard anti y’all
they annoy the shit out of him
nico and leo having bakeoffs
Nico asking piper for advice but editing it so its not super obvious its leo
She figures it out and tells leo like any good bff
nico promptly leaves camp when leo busts in asking if he has a crush on him
hades laughs but understands
leo sulks back to piper and percy is there and Percy got no chill
so he goes down there
Hades ain't too happy w that but Nico just gets so embarrassed and goes back with him
Hephaestus and aphro watching this go down like a romcom
I'm getting tired so im going to stop here anyway stan valdangelo for clear skin
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i have been silent on tumble for way to long and i am sorry. i guess i just lost motivation to write. i decided im gonna take some time off of writing incorrect quotes for the batfam/dc and marvel and show you guys my other interests!
so you probably didnt know this but i am a pretty big kpop fan. suprise. not that original ik. but one of my all time fav (possibly my ult group) is NCT and ive been stanning them since their SM Rookies days so i am a SENIOR fan lol. Recently since school is out and im super free ive been spending a ton of time watching agents of shield, burn notice, naruto, rurouni kenshin, jujutsu kaisen, a ton of movies from my childhood and NCT fan edit videos and meme compilations. soooooo why not put my growing obsession and built up fantasies of NCT to good use and actually make some content? 
ive also been watching a lot of musicals like hamilton, six, dear evan hansen (so excited for the new movie), the greatest showman, mean girls, etc. and the schuyler sisters is currently stuck in my head (no seriously ill just randomly sing “eLiZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” in my head for no reason) so i may or may not make some posts abt that.
ALSO. i am SUPER PUMPED UP abt Black Widow. like even more pumped up than i was for Loki and TFATWS. im sososososososo excited i cant stop talking abt it and pissing off my brothers.
AND THERES A NEW HORIZON GAME COMING OUT. i cant wait to play it. i really really really loved Horizon Zero Dawn  so you can imagine how pumped i am for Forbidden West. honestly i kinda wish they made a whole game abt Rost’s backstory just bc its so fucking sad and you dont really learn much abt it in Zero Dawn but they might go deeper into it in Forbidden West and I really hope they do bc its really interesting and sad.
ive been playing so much TLOU especially TLOU2 and Uncharted. I recently beat The Lost Legacy and it was really great. My brother didnt really enjoy it much for whatever reason but i was just happy to see Chloe and Nadine’s chaotic love hate relationship lol. I also think the new phone feature with taking the pictures and all was a nice added touch, it really accentuated the arrival of a new character and made it really obvious that we werent playing as Nate anymore. Like usually Nate would write things down in his journal and draw the objects and puzzles himself, but i think Chloe using her phone to do the same shows us that shes not as ig “into it” as Nate is. its like shes willing to put in the work necessary but make it easy and fast. kinda goes to show the more thief part of her and the lack of the “history nerd” thing that Nate has, kinda like Sully in a way.
Anyway enough abt me ranting what ive been up to. its time to make a slight change to the profile and username and make my first actual post for MONTHS.
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zoesrequiem · 7 years
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#fansen tumblr meetup hosted by @faistygal!!! i share my face a lot on here so what’s new (y'all are so cute omg i love stan tumblr) i also am nine hours late but we really didn’t expect more from me, did we?
helloooo i’m jani, i’m 16, and i live in nyc!! 
how did jani get into deh?
i was really into hamilton and joined stan twitter bc of it. people started posting about deh so i was like whoop i’ll listen to it. after that, my life was chAnged (for) forever
random things abt jani!
i’m five feet tall and i dont stop making short jokes (so basically, im a loser)
im a rising junior in high school and i cant!!! wait!!! to!! leave!!!!!
christy altomare thought that i took singing and acting lessons bc i tagged her in a cover and she saw and i was like ,,, nope ,,, im literally training to be a lawyer when i grow up but broadway would be nice
i saw deh for the first time thru the deh art program (mine is hanging up in the production office if u wanna see!!) on may 23rd, and for the second time w/ mlb as evan on august 11th!!
every time i go to the city, i always bump into sOmeone from the deh cast they’re probably all tired of me (hopefully except mlb i give him all the hugs whenever i see him)
my fav shows are gossip girl, law and order svu, and jeopardy (u will see me on jeopardy one day; i’m going to be the new ken jennings)
i play the guitar, ukulele, bass, piano, violin, and cello!!!! and i sing (was that obvious)
i have three (3) dogs
i literally dont know when to shut up or when to stop singing
i’m a hardcore slytherin i have sO much house pride
pls be my friend guys i only have one (1) and it’s MY GIRL LUNA @sincerelymikefaist so pls message me and let’s talk about deh and life
did i also mention how cute u all are this was such a good idea
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