#i warned you guys i was gonna overshare asjkldghljkaskjdg
punk-pandame · 6 months
weird asks that say a lot
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
i have an emotional support water bottle i refill like three times a day and i love her, she's obviously my favorite. but she is exclusively for water. anything other beverage, i drink it out of a coffee mug; except when i want a Special Drink (same beverage drank out of a milkshake glass) to treat myself.
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
lollipop. orange pwease :3
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
BUBBLEGUM! i love to chew i love to stim i love to bite i love to loosen my jaw I LOvE to blow a jolly round bubble :D bubblegum <3
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
anything but a can. the mythbusters episode grossed me out. if you know you know.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
ngl summer is genuinely hard for me in both the seasonal depression way and the poor heat tolerance + bad air quality asthma trigger way, so honestly? vegetating in my room with the AC running, writing or drawing or listening to music. i do love swimming tho so i can be lured outside with promises of a pool or a beach :3
38. lemonade or tea?
arnold palmer me babeyyyy i drink tea more tho, it's true
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
yknow i was just asking myself this the other day. for a long time it was "survive out of spite". and that was a good thing for me then, i think, because spite was really all i had left at some points to keep going with. but im in such a different environment and headspace and stage in life that i don't think it really applies anymore. i would say "do no harm but take no shit" but i take auto insurance claims on the phone all day. i do nothing but take shit and "do harm" in that insurance itself is a fucking scam and corporate america is the antithesis of everything i believe in as a person. so uh. idk maybe "livin' the dream". cause its something i can say in response to the customary "how are you" question that everyone knows means i'm killing them in my head. but also objectively my life is rather nice right now. i've come a long way. i have a great support network. i have a future i can actually look forward to. in quite a few ways, i really am living the dream. the duality of man? nah. the duality of "livin' the dream"
65. any permanent scars?
oh yeah, tons. i'm one clumsy fucker and my skin sucks alshjkghaj. mild injury descriptions below
most notable to me are:
the ones on my right ring finger from smashing a cup in my hand while handwashing it
the ones in my left knee from falling in gravel and getting a rock stuck in it and having to pull it out with tweezers at home (not fun) and then getting an infection from a rug playing lazer tag (i fell again)
burn-like scars behind my ears from an allergic reaction to tape :) that was a fun thing i learned in drama club that i was not expecting to learn
brand new but deep scars on my left big toe from stepping in glass
burn scar on the back of my wrist from the pizza oven at my first job when i was 15. it used to be like four inches long but now its just a little little pucker shaped mark. the way that healed still blows my mind,
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