#i wanted to model at least his ears before posting him but i can feel the muses leaving me already
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eggsbenedictinurmom · 2 months ago
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watch over him while I smoke pls
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Omfg your writing is so cute !! I already requested a couple times before but I just can’t help it
Sonic x reader that admires Shadow, But Sonic misunderstands this as reader having a crush on Shadow when reader just sees Shadow as a mysterious, cool role model, so this causes Sonic to try and compete and up throw Shadow in order to gain readers affection. Only for reader to confess to Sonic and him being confused like “i thought you liked Shadow???” And reader explains that they just admire him and look up to Shadow, but Sonics the one they actually like!
Sorry if this is hard to understand but take your time!
“The Wrong Idea”
Pairing(s): Jealous Sonic the Hedgehog x Reader, background Knuxadow/Shadknux (Knuckles x Shadow)
Requested: Yes (by an anon).
Description: Sonic the Hedgehog never got jealous! At least…that’s what he tells everybody. So why was it always that faker that made him feel this way?
Notes: Wooooo, request number seven (eight?- technically the eighth one I’m posting-)! And don’t feel bad for requesting multiple! I’m having fun writing these!
(Reader will be gender neutral.)
(Not proof-read/beta-read.)
– – – – – – – – – – – –
Sonic the Hedgehog never got jealous.
At least…that’s what he told everyone.
But right now, it seems like he wasn’t telling the truth.
He has no clue why, but every time he sees you chumming up with that faker, he gets jealous.
He knows it’s selfish, but he wants your eyes on him, not Shadow of all mobians.
Right now, you and Shadow were outside of Rose’s Bakery, Amy’s bakery that she set up with the help of Vanilla and Cream, eating sweets and drinking bubble tea.
Shadow had some kind of coffee-flavored one with tapioca bubbles (because of course he did), while you had a simple fruit tea with your favorite fruit-flavored bubbles.
…Not that he remembered your exact order each time you go to Rose’s…
Oh, who was he kidding. He had a massive crush on you but he was 90% sure you had a crush on the faker.
So all he had to do was one-up him, right?
Sonic zoomed off, paying for a bouquet of your favorite flowers, before zooming back over to where you and Shadow were, only to find you both gone.
His ears droop in disappointment, the flowers drooping as well in a sad yet funny irony.
“(That’s okay, that’s okay. You’ve just gotta catch ‘em next time!)” Sonic thinks to himself. “(It won’t be that hard! You’re the fastest thing alive after all!)”
The next time he sees you both, you’re on your way over to a movie theater, chatting on the way there.
“Hey [Name]! Shads! Good to see you guys!” Sonic says, zooming over to you both.
“Oh! Hey Sonic!” You say, waving at him with a warm smile on your face, one he always cherished.
“Sonic,” Shadow acknowledges. “What are you doing here?”
“Well sheesh, can’t a guy say hi to his friends without the suspicion??” Sonic asks. “Anyway! What are you guys up to?”
“[Name] offered to take me to see a movie in theaters, to have the “full Mobius experience,”” Shadow states, doing air quotes with his hands.
“Oh, sweet! Mind if I tag along?” Sonic asks.
“You sitting still in a theater for hours? Doubtful,” Shadow states.
“I can too sit still in a theater,” Sonic grumbles.
“Sure thing! Though, we are going to see a horror movie, just warning you in advance,” you tell Sonic.
He makes a “Pshhh!” sound, waving you off.
“Puh-lease! Horror is my middle name!” Sonic states.
“I thought it was Maurice-” you start, only for Sonic to take your hand in his, gently pulling you along.
“C’mon! We wanna get the best seats!” Sonic states.
Boy, was Sonic not prepared for this movie. Luckily (or maybe not so luckily, he hated seeing you scared), you weren’t, either, with you and Sonic clinging onto each other every time there was a scary scene.
When you all exited the theater, you were still slightly shaking.
“R-Remind me not to trust movies with holiday names in them anymore…” you mutter.
“You did say it was gonna be scary, [Nickname].” Sonic tells you.
“Would you like me to take you home?” Shadow asks, holding out a hand for you to take.
“I’ll take ‘em home, Shads!” Sonic suddenly announces, putting an arm around your shoulder. “Besides! I can get them there lickity-split!”
“I appreciate that, Sonic,” you say with a small smile, and Sonic swears he sees a light blush on your cheeks, but he brushes it off.
“Sure thing!” he tells you, before scooping you into a bridal-style carry. “See ya later, Shads! Now hold on tight, [Name]!”
You wrap your arms around Sonic’s neck and he rushes off towards your home to get you back safely.
A few days later, when you texted him asking him to meet up, he was nervous.
What if you were mad at him? What if you told him you didn’t want to be friends?
What if you were dating Shadow?!
He took a deep breath, exhaling sharply.
“Calm down, Sonic. They just want to talk with you. It’s fine,” Sonic says to himself before rushing out of his and Tails’ shared home.
Getting there in the blink of an eye, Sonic immediately notices something.
You’re dressed in a really nice outfit and you have a picnic set up, hiding something behind your back.
You look-
“You look gorgeous…” Sonic mutters aloud.
Your face turns pink, and you look to the side, a bit embarrassed, but you wave him towards you, which he does, sitting on the blanket next to you.
“So…” you start.
“So…” he continues.
You clear your throat with one hand before bringing out what was behind your back; a bouquet of blue orchid flowers, Sonic’s favorites. You hold it out to him and he takes it with a shocked expression, his face tinted pink, cradling the flowers carefully.
“I- But- We- I thought-” Sonic sputters. “I thought you had a crush on Shadow!”
You blink twice before bursting out laughing, hunching back before hunching forward, wiping a few tears from your eyes.
“No, silly! I’ve liked you this whole time!” you tell him. “Shadow felt like a mentor to me. And don’t tell him I told you, but he came to me for love advice.”
“Love advice??? Him???” Sonic questions. “Who could he possibly like??”
Looking around, you cup a hand around your mouth before whispering in Sonic’s ear, and Sonic’s face quickly morphs into one of genuine shock.
“HE HAS A CRUSH ON WHO?!” Sonic yells.
“Don’t say it so loud!” you tell him, letting out another laugh.
“I just- Knuckles???” he questions. “I would’ve never thought!”
You giggle before placing a kiss on Sonic’s cheek, a smile appearing on both of your faces.
Neither of you could be happier.
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junosmindpalace · 11 months ago
i find discourse around the rdr women so...fascinating and infuriating at the same time. because a lot of the time it doesn't seem like rdr fans want to apply the same level of complex analysis to the women like they do for the men, but when they do, it still doesnt seem all that well-intentioned or that it does right by their characters.
this is a very long analysis/spam/defense so be warned :,)
even though the majority of sadie's character revolves around the fact she not only lost her home and her husband and was thrust into a new life of crime, but was actively struggling with robberies BEFORE the events of the game, people instead choose to focus on whether or not she had feelings for arthur or whether he actions in the game were actually impactful. she helped saved abigail and john when no else would, she fought alongside the men against the army, she helped john set up a stable life, she helped rob the payroll train, helped ensure colm’s death, she fought alongside arthur TIME AGAIN and took over in a leadership role when half the gang was absent in the guarma chapter. to say that she did nothing more except “be badass” undermines all of these contributions to the story that she was either at the forefront of or helped bring to fruition.
in my opinion, abigail is the EASIEST character to defend out of any of the women, and yet somehow she receives the most backlash from dudebros. I lose ten braincells every time i have to read a theory post over whether or not she slept with other camp members besides john, whether or not she was a rat, and about how much shes a nag. the woman has not known a moment's rest in her entire life. by the age of eight she was working in a cathouse. she was a child prior to then scrapping whatever money she could earn at her young age in saloons and dive bars as a woman and child just to survive as a orphan. jack's birth was clearly not planned, and she has voiced multiple times her grievances at the circumstances of his upbringing. everything she does is for a better life for her son: a life she never had. her constant nagging to get john to man up and be a father is for her son's benefit, not her own. she even says so herself when she tells him that she doesn't mind if a relationship between them doesn't work out, but to at least try being there for jack. she can't work a job because she is a mother living a life of crime and danger; she can't afford to leave the camp and her son unsupervised. she still does her share around camp. why would anyone blame her for not wanting to return to a life that has made her miserable, especially now that she has a child who she wants to model a good life for? many people seem to somehow also forget that she herself was a child when she gave birth to jack; only 17-18. she is 22 in the game in a bad situation with the father of her child and financially. she is doing her best to raise her son when she is not fully equipped to do so. how can anyone even blame her for being skeptical of john when hes affectionate in the epilogue when for so long hes been distant? she does not even ask much of john--just to be there for him sometimes, and to live honestly. she is also incredibly kindhearted. comforting other women in the camp, offering a listening ear, taking care of john when hes injured. she puts in her share of effort when it comes to finding a job in the epilogue and maintaining beechers hope.
molly is a young woman who is presumably incredibly far from her home where her family is, and trying to navigate a way of life completely unfamiliar to her. her stuck up nature comes not only from the way she was raised, but also dutch's uplifting affection and presumed lovebombing in the early stages of their relationship. shes even been suggested to be somewhat sociable until dutch and her became somewhat of an official item, in which she grew somewhat of a bigger ego with a mentality that she was his right hand. she deeply depended on dutch for her stability in every way, and its evident in her eventual spiral. she hated being seen as weak and pitiful as somewhat of an outsider among outsiders. she seemed to be close to no one besides dutch, who repeatedly cut her off when she attempted to talk to him about her growing feelings of anxiety, paranoia and sadness. the loss of the one thing that had built her up, coupled with immense tragedy she just wasnt used to, and desperate for a semblance of respect and dignity that she had presumably been all too accustomed to, of course she was going to come off brash and confront dutch about his distant, high and mighty attitude. it's why by the end, she doesnt care if she is killed: there is nothing left for her. karen's comment about her pretending to rat them out for the sake of attention is also interesting in terms of their relationship and parallels, which i dont see ANYONE talk about.
karen very clearly struggles with...a lot. she has even said so herself when talking with molly. she struggles to accept help, evident in pieces of dialogue where she brushes off concerned gang members about her drinking (mary-beth, arthur, javier), and when she seems somewhat ashamed and embarrassed having to have been rescued by arthur in the valentine mission (SAYING EXPLICITLY "i dont much like being saved"). she struggles with believing people have good intentions/feelings toward her, illustrated in the way she's constantly rejecting sean, yet seemingly disappeared further down the bottle after his death, and her conversation with mary beth and tilly about the world having no equal and fair place for women. her negative experiences in the world as a woman could also influence her view of the world, perhaps being why she finds herself somewhat hostile toward feminist mindsets and why she, for a while, enjoyed the outlaw lifestyle: it was her little slice of freedom. her hatred for the rich can also be because she has experiences as a poor woman, perhaps some direct experiences in which rich people have negatively impacted her life. though molly and karen don't get along through most of the game, karen actually tries to step in and help her near the end, and its this action + defending her after her death that shows she was sympathetic toward her situation and on some level able to relate to it, both craving some kind of love beyond superficial things.
@/cryptidcr3ature said it very well in a post i reblogged recently: mary is essentially "her brother's keeper and her father's caretaker". she herself lives somewhere middle class with traditional notions of the time impacting her views on arthur's lifestyle and anything below those middle class standards being deemed as socially unacceptable (which is evident from the very first letter mary sends to arthur, in which she seems confused on what a polite term would be to refer to prostitutes, who were obviously thought very lowly of in the time). i also don't think its fair to criticise her condemnation of arthur's lifestyle when pretty much all audiences, contemporary and not, including members of the gang, acknowledge that it isnt anything pretty. killing is not fun. running from the law is not fun. mary was not only influenced by her father's views of arthur (a person that, despite being horrible, she still deeply loves), but looking after her own family, herself, and arthur's wellbeing when she ended their relationship + suggested they run away. she had given him an opportunity at compromise. perhaps the first time, scared and unfamiliar with his lifestyle, she had offered arthur an ultimatum: her or his outlaw life, but later was willing to also leave behind her brother and father, two figures that tie her down and make her life more miserable than need be despite loving them very much, in order to settle somewhere with arthur and start over. her asking for arthur's help comes from a place of desperation and excuse to allow herself some semblance of stability when she hadn't had it; at least not since her mother and husband passed. if arthur refuses to help her, she is incredibly understanding and sympathetic. she does not lash out. if arthur does help, she is immensely grateful, and even tries to bond with him despite their years apart.
this post isnt to excuse some of their more negative behaviours and aspects of their characters'-- but im saying that they deserve to be fairly treated and analyzed just like any of the rdr men. many of them are young. many of them have unique challenges as women. that isn’t to say the men have it easier, but their struggles and less prettier aspects of their characters are always met with more sympathy than the women. why do arthur and john get passes as reformed absent fathers and criminals? why does sean receive sympathy when karen rejects his pushy advances? why does hosea get a pass at being better than dutch when he still groomed younger members of the gang for a life of crime alongside dutch? why does dutch get a pass by having his downfall be justified by tough circumstances? lets just be fair
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lgcdongha · 1 month ago
hello everyone, surprise! this is @lgcminki's mun (velvet!) back with a second muse (woah!!).
let me introduce you to ahn dongha, my silly and witty boy who wants nothing but to make the people around him smile, no matter the cost! he's kind of a prankster, likes to spin words around to mess with people just for fun, but trust that he'd never put anyone in danger for the sake of a funny haha. he's also very good with kids!
here's his profile and under the cut i'll summarize his background and some info below! please like this post and i'll come to you for plotting!
what's up with this guy?
his mum and dad were double act comedians! their passion to make people laugh fell onto dongha and the rest of their kids
however, dongha's parents were not exactly ready when they found out they were expecting dongha, but they put their child first and decided to put their career on some sort of halt as they wait for dongha to be born
once dongha was born and can at least walk and talk, his dad kickstarts his career again as a solo act while his mum stays home to care for their child
dongha grew up an artistic child with a love for creating, whether skits or crafting. eventually though, their family grew when two (significantly) younger sisters (twins) were brought in!
his mum began missing her career, so dongha assured her that she should start pursuing it again, start becoming active alongside his dad once more while he takes care of his younger sisters
loved making them laugh, does a lot of silly things just to get his precious sisters to laugh and enjoy themselves! he does start feeling the burden of the oldest child though, but he keeps that to himself
starts getting into digital art, he starts his own webcomic under a pseudonym (won't infodump too much about this but the genre is fantasy, supernatural romance)! he discontinued it when he got signed to lgc in 2023 for obvious reasons
doesn't really know what to do while he's here, thinks he doesn't have enough visual charm to be an idol, actor or model and thinks he should just be a variety guy. has no idea what lgc sees in him
plot ideas!
someone who might've read his comic that was discontinued, i think he was conceptualizing his last arc before he decided to drop it altogether! never revealed his true identity
someone for him to crochet, draw and take photos with! he loves making scrapbooks too
someone who might've known his parents? he admittedly doesn't know too much about the stand-up comedy world so someone to tell him about his parents' achievements would be nice!
the unfortunate victims of his rambles about his cute little sisters, he likes to talk about them and wail about how much he misses them! he'll show you pictures
the silent listener to his yapperism. someone whose ear he can talk off!
someone who yaps along with him! match his energy
someone gloomy/prickly, so that he can make it his mission to make you laugh and smile to varying levels of success
an unrequited love... give him something to write about, someone that he really wants to make laugh, and make him go through the realization that he wants to be the only one to make you laugh for a long time—break his HEARTTTTTT
or maybe it's mutual. idk. it is not up to me it is up to HIM
anything and everything. feed me
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notdiabolika · 5 months ago
A Social Butterfly.
Meeting at the cat cafe.
| Featuring: Kou Mukami & Yui Komori.
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The doors that lead to our bedrooms have locks. And although not always clean, the hallways are safe. 
The garden is unlike the one, filled with roses, I was used to watering. It instead houses a humble plantation that smells of a vivid mix of the most varied vegetables (and fruits). The kitchen too. It alone could house a family of five.
Or maybe, just four. This place is exactly as the name implies: Mukamis’ Mansion.
— You should thank me for asking you out. — The arrogant words come out with a soft hum, meant as a joke. At least I hope so. — That skin of yours could use some sunlight… — While opening the door for me, Kou gives one of his characteristic smiles. The one everybody knows. 
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One of the most popular idols in Japan, from magazines to the streets of the quiet Kanashimashi town. The flushed skin, the slender face adorning blue eyes like the skies, blond hair blowing in the wind, voluminous locks covering the right side of his face. 
Since he likes pink, today he wears a coat with the color arranged in a modern design: fitted and with only two large buttons to close the top part.
— Where are we going? — I ask.
When I compare, the pink of my blouse and the strands of my hair seem to fade next to him…
— Oh, what a silly question! — With an expression of someone who is holding back laughter, he quickens his pace to slide the noisy old gate and, finally, step onto the sidewalk. — Don't be impatient. You're acting like my older brother, always hurrying us up. You'll know when we get there.
The fact is that the atmosphere at home is strange, and that makes me a little scared to walk down the street, like that, without worry.
Ruki burnt the food about three times this week alone. Yuma looks like he slipped his hand and dumped a whole bag of fertilizer on his tomatoes. And Azusa? He insists on cleaning the house alone, he hurts himself way more often than he cleans... 
Out of all the boys, Kou was the one I saw the least daily. Suddenly, he started to dedicate himself twice as much to modeling.
 — I just decided to take you for a walk, masochistic kitten, nothing more... — I cringe with embarrassment at the nickname, some pedestrians staring at us. — Let’s go to a very appropriate place for someone like you… ♥
— Eh— I cover my ear, feeling itchy when his face gets closer to mine. — Don't whisper so close. And… you're making me nervous, saying such things!
— Are you really bothered by so little? — he jokes, putting his arm around my shoulder as we walk. — Isn't that body of yours too tense?
The last thing I want is for any of his fans (or paparazzi) to see us together and jump to weird conclusions! Walking like that, close to him, makes me feel awkward. Maybe it's because of my missteps, or because from afar, we actually look like a couple. 
The walk continues slowly, bringing us closer to a small cafe, far from our part of the neighborhood. Green bricks adorn the windows and the billboard of a smiling pudding-shaped kitten, the windows giving views of the few customers.
— That's... — before I can finish my sentence, he moves his arm away and steps in front. The small bell hanging on the door rings when pushed—
Yes, a traditional atmosphere, complete with the smell of fresh coffee and chocolate cake on the platters carried by the waitresses. However, there was still room for some quirky furniture… Scratching posts, shelves, ladders, toys, and some lined cardboard boxes scattered around the corners, all customized to match the pastel color palette.
— So, did you like it? — he even traces his nails on an empty, more isolated scratching post as we enter. — A shame that the kitten is too big to fit in the toys...
His comment barely reaches my ears — I'm too busy crouching down to pet the gray cat that's come to greet us.
— Wow… — I am enchanted by his way of “greeting”, rubbing himself against our legs before returning to the room. I get distracted enough to say out loud: — It looks like Ruki.
The comment gets a loud laugh from Kou.
— Wow, that needy and clingy lil’ guy? Just like him. — he looks up, narrowing his eyelids until shopping at the top of the highest shelf, where a large orange cat stretches out. — Look, that one looks like Yuma!
Seeing that Kou took it as a joke makes me relieved. I laugh when I notice the similarity.
— Garfield too. — I look at the drawings on the counter, colored, made with chalk. — Oh, there's a kitten in a beret! Just li—
We should have realized.
We were blocking the entrance and as a result, our backs were hit by the door. 
— I'm sorry. — Pulling Kou by the hand, I make room for a scared-looking little girl to pass by. — We better get moving…
— Where do you think you're grabbing?
I let go immediately, thinking he would be angry due to his sharp tone. I was wrong. When I turn around, I find the most superb little grin in his smug face.
— How audacious of you, holding the hand of an idol... I'm going to start to think you're wanting something. — His sarcastic laugh infects the air, and he soon drags a chair over for me to sit on. I had my mouth open, trying to find the words to refute him— Come on, ladies first.
The fact is that Kou always seems to have a good answer on the tip of his tongue, it catches me off guard every time. Right when I have an idea of ​​what to reply, another voice emerges.
— Good morning, dear ones. — A nice old lady comes to give us the menu, a sweet smile on her face. — Do you already know what you’re going to ask?
The menu is cute. Full of stickers and—
— Oh yes. — Kou's hand rests on the top of my head, patting me all of a sudden. — My little sister is having her birthday today. I was wondering if you guys could get a free slice of cake.
… What?
— Wait a sec…
— How wonderful, Mr. Kou! — While I look confused, the waitress looks at us with pure affection, like a grandmother, writing something down in her notebook. — Of course, our promotion is always open. Will you want anything else?
I'm pretty sure today isn't my birthday. And I'm not his sister either.
— Let me see… a croissant for both of us and coffee. I can pay for that part. — I stare at the astronaut cat on the menu. He had a face as confused as mine. — Oh, and the piece of strawberry cake for each, for the free birthday bonus, please.
When she leaves, I stare at Kou.
— … What was that?
— Free dessert, girl. The rest is on me.
That doesn't really explain why he called me sister... and judging by his face, I doubt he'll explain anything. So I leave it aside, wanting to avoid a nuisance.
I observe the free movement of the felines, taking the opportunity to fix my curls tangled by the street wind with my fingers. I'm terrible at starting a conversation. Kou, however, resembles a butterfly with it's wings covered in night shadows. I say this because, from the way his leg was shaking under the table, he seemed anxious — different from the charismatic man who had just invented those lies.
— Ah... You've been working a lot lately.
His expression softens when he hears my voice.
— …So you noticed? Hmm. Good to know I'm missed. — Kou also fixed his hair, turning his head to both sides discreetly, before leaning forward on the table: — It's been quite a struggle. If it weren't for my job, I would be without my products right now. 
I confess that I am surprised by this statement. I look closely at his skin, unable to find any detail that suggests the use of makeup. I've never been very good at noticing changes in people's faces.
— Wait, do you wear makeup outside of performances?
— Of course I do. Just today, I was thinking about buying a little makeup kit to test on you... — one of his fingers starts to twirl a wavy strand of mine, close to my cheek. — Although, to make your cheeks red, all it takes is to make you a little nervous and… voilà. Blush is pretty unnecessary.
I notice that, in the middle of his comment, a group of waitresses approaches our table, with two slices of pink cake on a platter: one with a candle and the other without. I realize what's coming before I start.
— Happy birthday! ♪ Happy birthday to you…
Are they singing… happy birthday? It's very quiet so as not to scare the cats, but most people around are staring. And Kou keeps his face intact, smiling as if nothing was wrong.
I feel coerced. I don't know whether to sing along, whether to clap, whether to wait for it to end—
My ears are burning with embarrassment.
— T-thank you... — They put the cake in my face, a sparkling candle blinding my vision. — Thank you, really…
Do they only do this to people who say it's their birthday and it's not? I try to blow out the candle, which doesn't even shake with the wind.
— Let me help you, little sister ♥
That velvety voice of Kou… certainly has a tone of irony! And the way he looks at me with so much enthusiasm makes it worse. I'm being laughed at. With one breath from the vampire, the spark goes out, the brief song coming to an end. 
The waitresses smile, leaving the cake along with the other delicacies Kou ordered by himself on the table.
— Enjoy! — a moment of peace for me to consume my meal after this crazy story. 
I let a relieved sigh roll out of my lips, taking the warm croissant in my hands, taking a bite. It is very soft, buttery and smooth. Just how I like it.
— Aren't you forgetting something, masochistic kitten? You know, the bare minimum…
I wipe my mouth with a napkin that's decorated with cartoonish feline paws, my gaze unable to hide the merely indignant glow that this whole ordeal made me have. In the end, I end up laughing.
— Thank you, Kou…
A break from the chaos at home is welcome. But thinking about it, his presence already makes a lot of… interesting side-effects. 
We spend a pleasant morning, surrounded by boxes and kittens that snuggle in our legs. The food was on point, and the conversations around us made us want to talk to each other too. 
So we did — we talked and had coffee.
Maybe I'm being too tolerant of Kou, however, as I always see him so excited to do things, I find it difficult to deny his desires. Because it's also very difficult to deal with his bad mood.
On days like this, he just takes my arm and I follow him. And we get somewhere.
— Credit, please. — His mood had already improved a little, until it was time to pay the bill.
There was silence, and…
— Card declined.
Kou swallows hard next to me. He gives an embarrassed laugh, even flinching. The final receipt must not have been more than 500 yen.
— Try it again, please…? Haha…
His voice muffles in my ears, just as everything starts to make sense in my head… the extra hours of work, the tension at home— 
Is it possible that the Mukamis… 
Are having financial problems? 
Why didn't any of them tell me? I swore they were mad at me or something. But from Kou's sheer panic, it looks like I was mistaken.
— I-I can pay. — I say, raising my finger. — You took the trouble to prepare all this... the price is just a detail.
His gaze follows me, an astonished face that turns to my desk. I had enough, so I quickly handed over the 500 yen coin and thanked her for the meal, standing up.
He does the same, our chairs clattering.
— You are really as kind as Ruki says... too kind. — Leaning against the table, he tries to suppress another smile. — Most of the girls would be screaming at me to the top of their lungs.
— It's really nothing too serious…
I look up to meet his eyes, noticing a soft red glow behind his bangs. It didn't come from the cheeks.
It was his special power. The iris that reveals the truth.
— No, it's not. — He grabs my shoulders before I can pull away, a mischievous emotion flickering in his eyes. — I think you deserve a reward.
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It all happened so quickly, that I could barely notice the blush that spread across my cheekbones, the cause, or even the reason of everything that had happened.
His lips touched mine...
And for a moment, I was taken to the blue sky.
Floating, stupefied, above the cotton clouds that embraced us in that strangely tender moment, as sudden as the breeze.
— You need to be more honest with yourself. You didn’t go out with me because ‘I got a sharp tongue, no. — He caresses my cheek with the tip of his nail. — You came because you like me.
The weight of the world seems to fall on my head. Smug, powerful words that I feared were true.
But I didn't have time to process any of that.
The old lady who served us just dropped an entire plate of sweets. She looked at us in astonishment.
— Y-you… ?
Finally, with Kou's lackey laugh as he pulls me away, I understand the reason for horror.
— Wait! — Before passing through the door, I shout: — NO, WE ARE NOT SIBLINGS!
She's even shaking. Everyone is looking….
— K-Kou!
I don't think I'll ever go out with him again.
Hello, I'm back! This is an old request that was sent to me in April and I'm only posting it now 💖 (punctuality is not my thing.
I wrote this as if Yui had left the Sakamakis' mansion and was starting to adapt to the Mukamis 🫠 I hope it's decent!
Have a nice day ☀️
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friends-w-ghosts · 1 year ago
Some Edgar & Sabin headcanons because I love them. If they make a FFVI remake I hope we get more dialogue and have side quests relating to each of the characters, I just think every one of them is so interesting and I’d like to see them each get more time to shine.
- He is the furthest thing from a morning person. Unfortunately during the plot of FFVI saving the world generally required getting up before it was even light out. He would much rather get up at 8 and spend until 9 waking up and getting ready. But alas, duty calls.
- Also definitely has the WORST bedhead. I imagine him having fairly thick hair that’s straight but has enough of a wave to it that it makes it time consuming to do in the morning. That and he just cares about looking presentable so he doesn’t cut any corners.
- He loves spending time on his appearance not because of vanity but just because he enjoys it as a form of self expression. He canonly enjoys decorating his room so I can see spending time choosing outfits and jewelry for himself as an extension of that.
- Terra was enslaved to work for the Empire, Locke is a thief, and Sabin is a monk…. This leaves Edgar as the person funding everything. Which he doesn’t mind in the least, money and treasure doesn’t mean much to him. His friends being healed up, fed, well-equipped, and well-rested means much more to him.
- He’s also very good at caring for people when they’re sick! Because Sabin was sick so often when they were younger he spent a lot of time learning how to care for him and all sorts of folk medicine. He can be a little over worried and over bearing with it at times but he means well.
- At the beginning of FFVI he’s very pale because he spends so much time inside and doesn’t really have any free time. Sabin for sure teases him about this and by the end of FFVI his skin tone is closer to Sabin’s and his hair is lighter because he’s actually getting some sun. Aka, Gerad looks different than Edgar because he’s just Edgar after being in the sun.
- The biggest morning person ever, unlike Edgar. He gets up far before anyone else to get ready and train a little before the day starts.
- He also probably has pretty bad bedhead too considering Edgar and him are twins, but it doesn’t matter as much because his hairstyle is pretty messy to begin with. He just throws it in a ponytail and calls it a day.
- He HATES asking Edgar for things (or anyone, but especially Edgar). Knowing that Edgar already sacrificed so much by becoming the king of Figaro to let Sabin go off and have whatever life he wanted, he feels bad asking Edgar for anything more.
- He still gets sick easily, but not nearly as easily and as badly as when he was younger. He also never admits that he’s sick and tries to hide it. You basically have to beg him to rest when he is.
- He actually enjoys being a little bit dressed up but doesn’t because it’s inconvenient with his fighting style and he strictly limits his material possessions to what is necessary. He does wear different bows that Edgar gives him and occasionally small earrings. (I imagine Edgar loves dressing Sabin up too so the bows were completely his idea and bypass Sabin not wanting to ask him for anything).
- Actually the best parental figure to Gau, he probably models his parenting style mostly after Duncan. He’s very kind and surprisingly patient but also very strict at times, which works well with Gau. He also probably gets advice from Cyan. I could write a whole different post about just Sabin and Gau.
- I imagine the world of final fantasy 6 is actually made up of a few different languages, with one standardized language that is none of the characters first language but is built to make communication easy. Or maybe it would be the first language of people in the Empire, because I can see that being one of their grand pursuits or something. Anyway, this applies to Edgar and Sabin because I can see them talking in whatever Figaro’s language would be called when they want to talk privately but don’t get a lot of space from at least 2+ other people.
I wrote this up quickly so sorry for any grammar mistakes/weird sentences. I just wanted to get this out there for fun. If anyone is interested I might write more!
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parkezra · 1 year ago
✨ hello, beautiful citizens of jongnorp! ✨ how the hell are ya?! my name's ryan (h/h, 25+) and i'm so thrilled to finally be posting one of my eight muses' (yes, i know... i know 😅) intros! first up is one of my all-time favorites, ezra park! he's currently working as an influencer who mostly creates fashion, lifestyle, social commentary, and makeover content, but he'll be expanding his résumé with exciting new projects very soon! 👀 below, you'll find a quick breakdown of his life, as well as bits and pieces of his personality. please 💖 this if you'd like to plot!
to keep things simple, he was born and raised to a rather liberal family in queens, nyc. both his parents made good money, he felt very supported, loved, and accepted, and honestly speaking, he had a rather idyllic childhood. i've written this muse before, but in this update of him, i wanted to give him a less grim upbringing.
however, his brighter history has created new flaws. being that he grew up in a rather privileged environment, it's made him ignorant to many things, and upon moving to seoul, he's been hit in the face with plenty of life's harsh realities. he's on his own now (for the most, part, anyway—his older half-brother is also in seoul), he's starting a career for himself, and it's his first time in a part of the world that's dramatically more conservative than the safe haven he surrounded himself in back home.
is he losing his mind? sort of, but he's doing keep his feet on the ground. he'd love it if you joined him on this new journey he's on!
ezra park is a hedonist. he's someone who'll never say no to another drink, or a second slice of cake, or going home wrapped around the arm of a handsome someone. he's over-indulgent like that, and substantially sensual, as well. he's someone who will catch a man's attention by eye-fucking him across the room, then moments later, appearing only to whisper the most delicate compliment in his ear; hoping that the sweet scent of his breath and the feeling of it ghosting along the other's skin is enough to reel him in for a night of fun.
if there is one thing that ezra park values, it's beauty. why else would he host a show on his channel that highlights attractive men from around the city, mostly by giving them makeovers? why else would he be teaching people how to upgrade their closet with clothing that accentuates their best features? why else would he be interested in ensuring that he never leaves the house looking anything other than immaculate? however, he realizes that, like most things, beauty is subjective, and he aches to discover what others find people, too.
ezra park is an individual, much to the chagrin of his grandparents' home country. he's still not gotten used to the stares of his elders whenever he enters public transit, or the glares he receives from his peers when he's a little too "flamboyant" in a public space, but he likes to think he's learning how to comfortably coexist in a place that doesn't fully understand him. after all, that's kind of all he can do. he made the choice to learn about his heritage and expand his career by relocating, and it's a choice he has to live with now. at least for the foreseeable future.
ezra has a show on his youtube channel where he gives handsome men from around the city (often male models, drag queens, and less often men from off-the-street) to interview and give makeovers to. he asks them questions about growing up in korea, and the knowledge they have on queer individuals, and their opinions on certain topics. in addition to this, he also hosts queer people of korea to ask them, specifically, about their experiences living in the country; hoping to shed awareness on stories told by marginalized voices. these could work as connections!
he's been in the city since february of last year, so it's been around a year and he's likely made some friends! maybe they could be your muses?
he's also likely slept around with plenty of men. he's no stranger to jongtaewon, and even hongdae, so if your muses frequent these areas, they've likely ran into him or ended up in his bed.
does your muse watch his content? do they love it? hate it? have them tell him! it'll be a fun time either way!
i'm honestly down for any and all connections, and this is already so long, so let's come up with something incredible together! 🥺💖
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cilil · 8 months ago
5, 6 & 8 for the Eowne week ask?
Thanks for the ask!
Appearance idea
Conveniently I was asked about this by various people before (unrelated to this ask game), so I'm going to take and adapt my summaries from there -
Eönwë's "default" is a mostly humanoid form, basically model "standard angel man". Unlike Manwë's "airiness" he has the muscles, bone structure and just overall mass appropriate for a male humanoid warrior and is therefore significantly heavier and physically stronger than other wind spirits. He also has a pair of (physical) wings that are capable of flight and it looks like he has a pair of small wings as ears, but in actuality he has normal Elven ears that just have feathers on them (and they can emote). He also usually has humanoid legs and feet (to fit into boots and such).
His feathers are white with the occasional golden, brown or black spots, his hair is white golden/pale blonde and curly (inspired by cherubs, since it's my hc that depictions of angels in Middle-earth are based on Eönwë) and his eyes are usually sky/azure blue.
When dealing with fallen/evil Eönwë or him being so enraged he loses his shit, I swap this palette, giving him yellow/orange eyes (like raptors have, though you can also imagine Sith eyes if you want lol) and his skin, hair and feathers all have an eerie, cold blue tint, basically highlighting the wind spirit, storm and bird of prey angle instead of the angel angle (haha).
There's also a more "animalistic" humanoid form - though it only very, very rarely comes out - that is bigger and more eldritch, with additional plumage for example in the shoulder and chest area, tail feathers and bird feet.
Fanon idea I've adopted
That's a bit difficult to tell. Not because I think I'm the master of all things Eönwë who has come up with everything herself or any bs like that, but rather because I've loved him and read and written about him for so many years that it's hard to remember which ideas came when and from where.
I suppose one idea that I can say with relative certainty came from fanon is him having a close relationship with Finarfin, as well as having a relationship with/connection to Maglor. Both of these I've since picked up on in my own writing or am planning to pick up on in future projects and want to expand on.
Favorite friendship/platonic relationship with Eönwë
I'll preface this by stating real quick that with a lot of relationships it's fic and verse dependent whether I write them as platonic or romantic so if you see me talk about some relationships here and write them as romantic pairings another day I wasn't lying to you, I'm just trying out something new/doing requests😆
So one is definitely Ilmarë. I talked about her relationship with Eönwë more in depth in another response yesterday, so I'll keep it brief here: I like them as work besties, being in the weird position where everyone expects them to date, but they aren't really interested in that. In verses where I ship Ilmarë with Arien Eönwë is also very supportive of them, disregarding any feelings he might have - he just wants the girlies to be happy.
I also have to explore Manwë and Eönwë platonically more, I'm now realizing, but I'll get to do that soon with a Lost Tales based fic (which means that Manwë will be his Papanwë in that one). Cute!
Another friendship I like for Eönwë is Olórin. I see them growing closer post-War of Wrath, not least because Irmo and Nienna saw that Eönwë was struggling and decided to sic one of their emotional support Maiar on him. When Olórin dies in battle against the Balrog, Eönwë is absolutely devastated, wishing he could've helped him.
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epicrox · 1 year ago
Till The End Of The Moon Thoughts - Episode 2
PARTS: 1.1 | 1.2 | 2 |
This is mostly for me to look back on and see the moments that I caught my eye. Nothing analytical. I offer nothing to the table
I'm also a visual person so there's a lot of screenshots x
This is called my thoughts because I refuse to call what I'm writing down as a review. Reviews inform people and this post does nothing for people.
I’ve seen posts on Tumblr calling Tantai Jin a Disney princess cuz he’s being mistreated and talks to animals 🤨
The scenery is so pretty.
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3. There seem to be Chinese subtitles on the right side of the screen indicating that background music is playing but I think they cut it out because I’m not hearing anything. Maybe it’s because I’m watching it on YouTube. I don’t know about other platforms.
4. Yeah, they cut the music now and it just sounds awkward and empty.
5. Omg she’s just leaving him there! Aren’t you supposed to keep him alive?
6. He legit looks like an old man because of the snow.
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7. This man looks so delicate.
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8. Even at the brink of getting hypothermia, he looks like he has a better chance of getting a modelling contract than me.
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9. Disney Princess indeed.
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10. Bingchang looks really sweet. I’m praying she doesn’t turn out evil or two-faced.
11. Wtf is this crow’s voice?!
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12. It sounds like a demonic robot. This further proves my point about this show being sci-fi.
13. The crow’s basically a camera.
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14. Then don’t let him die! That celestial being never told you to kill him and didn’t even mention the evil bone, your dad did. He literally told you that Tantai Jin’s torment and death triggered his demonic powers. All you need to do is prevent that! And what do you mean he deserves this?! He hasn’t done anything yet!
15. Her strategy is irritating me.
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16. It looks like she’s cradling a head. Just the head.
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17. I love that he just had to faint for her to understand the severity of the situation.
18. Wtf is that? His subconscious?
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19. This demonic being reminds me of that demon that trains Luo Binghe after he gets pushed off the cliff.
20. He wants Tantai Jin to give him his soul to allow him eternal peace? Does he want to use Tantai Jin’s body as a vessel?
21. It’s the 2nd episode and we’ve got Xi Wu feeling him up.
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22. Ma’am, how are you sleeping with that on your head?
23. She even got her dangly earrings on!
24. Get over what?
25. Ha! Xi Wu is having thoughts.
26. So am I.
27. She beats him?!
28. Why am I surprised?
29. OG!Xi Wu was an evil person.
30. The fact that she is hesitating about hitting him! Put the whip down! Even though he’ll see you’ve changed and would make him suspicious, at least he’ll be happy about not getting whipped.
31. She cares more about staying in character than changing the past.
32. At least take the gear off before you go to sleep.
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33. After literally TORTURING HIM, you're worried for his health. It seems you’ve figured out actions have consequences.
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34. AHHH!!!
35. Also as an otherworldly being, deity or whatever she is, Xi Wu can be really dense. I’d understand if she didn’t know how some things worked in the mortal world but for someone responsible for saving the world, your strategy is confusing.
36. I know she’s grieving for what had happened but she can prevent tragedies if she were a little smarter.
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37. Is that even comfortable? I’ve always envied my parents for being able to sleep while sitting down because for some reason I can’t.
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38. Awww. I love how confused he is.
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39. He’s so delicate (This man is over 10 years older than me).
40. Yes, she’s possessed.
41. Just like villainess stories, is she hated by her family?
42. Oh no. She seems to be the favourite. Makes sense since the OG!Xi Wu was running around making trouble without much consequence. How can you be punished for your actions if you’re the Apple in your family’s eyes?
43. Also how many concubines does Xi Wu’s dad have? Does Bingchang and Xi Wu have different mothers?
44. It’s very clear from the beginning that the eldest brother is going to be useless.
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45. Ze Yu just vanished. And make Xi Wu apologise to Bingchang. OG!Xi Wu must’ve thought she was entitled to everything. Bingchang must feel ostracised by her own family.
46. Wow, even the kitchen boys are bullying him. They’re probably gonna get beaten by Xi Wu and zapped when Tantai Jin gets into power.
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47. This whole thing must be so humiliating as a prince.
48. How is he working in the kitchens and doing dishes while looking so pristine?
49. Is that ice?
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50. Are they purposefully making him wash dishes in ice-cold water? Or is it something people did historically?
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51. HE HASN'T DONE ANYTHING YET. But he’s going to.
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52. I’m not sure you’re aware of this but you’re in the body of his abuser. Of course, he’s avoiding you. Like didn’t you whip him last night?
53. Also, you haven’t spent long enough in that body to make this statement.
54. Yep. I think they put the ice in to torment him.
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55. This reminds me of a trope you mostly see in isekai mangas/manhwas where the ML is so rude and aloof towards the FL that all the servants start to think they can do it too.
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56. One thing that irks me about these tropes (it irks a lot of other people too) is that when the FL begins to stand up for herself against the servants, she slaps them.
57. Ooh, the music changed.
58. Not only does he speak to robotic crows, but he’s also talking to flies. Or was that a wasp?
59. I was under the impression Tantai Jin would commit murder but he just made the head cook (I think) swallow a fly. His reaction after swallowing the fly would have made you think he was being poisoned or choked.
60. It’s funny that she’s lecturing the staff about how rude they are even though this whole time she kept on saying he deserved it. You left him in the cold and whipped him. You know he’s a captured prince.
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61. She’s putting all the blame on the servants rather than saying that OG! Xi Wu and even herself were wrong.
62. Instead of Xi Wu slapping them, they’re slapping themselves.
63. “If I had dignity, I would’ve died years ago” He really is a Disney princess.
64. More specifically, Cinderella. I saw a video essay from a channel called The Take. They talk about how people victim blame Cinderella a lot for not fighting back her abusers. In one part of the video, they talked about how Cinderella allows the abuse to continue as it is very likely that her stepmother would kick her out if she acted out.
65. Tantai Jin doesn’t know that the Xi Wu in front of him is not the original. So if I were him, I’d be more cautious about what type of food Xi Wu feeds me than the servants. Although, OG!Xi Wu could’ve ordered the servants to poison Tantai Jin’s food.
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66. This man gives me Jin Xixun vibes or Mo Xuanyu’s cousin who died in the first episode of MDZS/The Untamed.
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67. Oh, this is hard to watch.
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68. That guy threw the cake on the ground and then stepped on it. Even if I was hungry I could never take a bite of it. It took me a while to even eat/drink something that someone else touched with their hand or mouth.
69. Is she drugged or drunk?
70. omg
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71. They kissed! And we’re on the 2nd episode. I know it isn’t the FL but still. I count it.
72. Ok, they’re drugged.
73. I remember the two actors were together in a previous drama and there was a make-out scene that everyone freaked out about. So I assume they know what they’re doing in this drama.
74. So someone tried to make Bingchang and Jin Xixun prince spend the night together by drugging them but instead, they both ate it. It was 100% OG! Xi Wu.
75. Oh wait, they actually did it? But they’re clothed.
76. He has every right to be suspicious of you and the food you’ve given him.
77. Gosh. That crow’s voice is terrifyingly comedic. I giggle every time it opens its beak.
78. Tantai Jin is definitely planning something.
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79. At least he’s pretty while doing it. Look at this shot.
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80. This king looks familiar. Wasn’t he the emperor from Ashes of Love?
81. Tantai Jin is definitely ripping his head off.
82. This whole political drama is going to push Tantai Jin to join the dark side.
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aryanightshade · 1 year ago
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This Episode of Stranger Things is Called: Playdate
{two new messages}
“Hi, I’m calling for a… Eddie Manson? No, Munson. Sorry. Jerry writes like a chicken. Uh, my name is Alice, I work for the parks department. You called about the job posting we had up on the community board on Main Street, and I was wondering if you wanted to come in for an interview later today? We need someone in the position ASAP, so please give me a call back when you get the chance. Thanks!”
Eddie wakes up on the couch with the headache of someone mildly hungover. Which is irritating because he didn’t get drunk or high last night. Aside from almost burning down their apartment, he didn’t do anything fun at all, actually. His life has become spectacularly un-fun recently, what with—
Right. Embarrassing himself in front of their neighbor. The one who looks like a swimsuit model. 
Steve with the luscious flowing hair and pretty smile and tan skin that Eddie wants to lick all over. 
That Steve. The Steve who smiled at him and lit Eddie up from the inside like he swallowed a ball of sunlight. 
In the light of day, it’s actually worse than Eddie thought. He slipped while running down a flight of stairs and knocked over a trashcan like a total klutzy idiot. How can he show his face after making such a fool of himself? Steve is going to take one look at him standing on his porch doing his friendly Mr. Rogers thing in one of those tight, preppy polo shirts, and Eddie is going to combust into ashes on the spot, leaving his only child homeless and orphaned. 
The obvious solution here is to become a hermit. Eddie will simply never leave the safety of their house ever again, and therefore drastically decrease his chances of making a complete and utter buffoon out of himself in front of another man.  
Eddie presses a couch cushion over his face and groans. God, he’s pathetic. He sees an attractive man and immediately all his brain cells liquify and trickle out his ears. It’s probably for the best, anyway, him being so weird. Small town Indiana isn’t the best place to be picking up dudes. There’s no anonymity here, and besides, Hot Neighbor Steve has at least one child, which means he likes women enough to procreate with one. He probably wouldn’t respond well to Eddie salivating over him. He probably has a wife. Eddie hasn’t seen her yet, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t exist. She’s probably really pretty and knows how to make Hamburger Helper without burning down the neighborhood, too. 
Realistically, Steve will probably just ignore him. Eddie is self-aware enough to know that he’s off-putting to a lot of people, but a little part of him isn’t sure he wants to be ignored. He’s no stranger to chasing highs, and the one that filled him when those warm hazel eyes pinned him down like a butterfly in amber feels worth sucking into his lungs until he suffocates. Which is stupid. Eddie is gay, but he’s not a moron, and people like his neighbor don’t generally say yeswhen he offers to suck them off between some dumpsters behind a pizza restaurant. 
Not that he would. He would take Hot Neighbor Steve to dinner first. Because he’s a gentleman. But he won’t do that. If he sees Steve Harrington around, he won’t do anything at all, he decides. He’ll be real regular about it and hope Steve doesn’t remember Eddie tripping over his own feet like a moron. 
Eddie’s theatrically self-indulgent misery lasts another ten minutes or so before he screams quietly into the pillow and tosses it aside with a dramatic sigh. It’s fine. This will be fine. This is only temporary, after all. 
He’s trying to be optimistic, so of course, it’s inevitable, like heat death and rich people flouting traffic laws, that Eddie will run into Steve Harrington again. 
Read on Ao3
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Shhh everyone's asleep, post self ship fanfic from ages ago
S/I/OC x Riddler
Tw: nsfw 🔞
Belle was anxious as she waited in her uber going over to Edward Nygma's house. It's the first time she's been invited over- all the banter and clever word play culminating in an actual date. He'd been so *persistent* in a way she found charming, damn her instincts.
She pulled at the skirt of her dress, suddenly feeling self conscious. The choker on her neck felt tight, though she knew it wasn't. Of course she'd decided to dress up! Most of the time when he had seen her, she was so casual, usually in some kind of t-shirt.
What in the world did he see in her anyway? Sure, he'd said there was a list if she wanted to hear it, but- really, what could he want? They were so different in a lot of ways. He was immaculate and always well groomed from what she'd seen. Well spoken, brilliant- a narcissist with plenty of flaws, yes, but she would expect a guy like that to want a model. Or a rocket scientist, at least!
Yet as she read over the texts of the morning confirming her coming over for dinner... he really did want to see her. Maybe for a polite "the chase is over, but I had fun" spiel. No. No, no, he's not THAT socially inept... is he?
The car stopped in front of his home and she felt her heart wanting to stop with it. Instead she gave the driver a thanks and got out, straightening her clothes to be presentable. The dress had pleasant different colored vertical stripes and a collar that dipped down to show *just* enough cleavage. She wished she had a mirror to check her hair and makeup.
Too late to leave now. Her knuckle raps on his door, no indication this place belongs to the illustrious Riddler save for a small green question mark by his mailbox. That and the camera that looked down at her above the door. The place is relatively discreet among all the other buildings around it. If she didn't know how extra he was, it would look like a regular apartment or townhouse on the outside.
She can hear a sort of shuffling behind the door before it opens and immediately her heart goes for a loop.
Her mouth goes before she thinks, "You're casual! I didn't think you even owned a t-shirt!"
Yes, in fact, for all the times she had ever seen him dressed in a full suit- Edward Nygma was in an open button down and plain shirt underneath. His hair wasn't perfectly pushed back with product. His brows might have even been a few small hairs out of place! It spoke to a vulnerability she hadn't quite seen from him before. His bravado lowered.
He clears his throat before grinning, "And you're not! Look at you. Do a spin."
Belle scoffs with a nervous laugh, "Stop. I'm just- I thought-" She rubs her arm and looks away.
It clicks in his mind and he puts his hand to his head, "Of course! And here I thought an evening at home should be more comforting. Should I change?"
"Oh god please don't I already feel embarrassed." She says, "You look good. I was just surprised."
He ushers her into the building, quick to hover his arm just above her waist. He's looking at her up and down, seemingly very pleased.
"And I was thinking while you look wonderful normally... this is something I could get used to." His arm ends up on her shoulder as they go towards the kitchen.
"What, the makeup and everything?" She's ready to roll her eyes.
He leans in closer to her ear, almost in a purr, "No, I meant seeing those legs on full display. And these *curves.*" A finger brushes over her waist and she almost jumps. Before she can scold him, he's pulling away to step in front of her, facing her.
With all her nerves, she hardly even noticed the heavenly smell in the house. As it catches her nose she takes a deep inhale and smiles.
He holds up a finger, "Ah, yes! The menu. Lobster tails."
"Geez, aren't those expensive?" Belle asks, "You didn't have to go all out."
"Then I shouldn't tell you about the steaks." He says with a raised brow, "You finally said yes, I need to impress! Well. I thought the clothing would balance it out, really." In truth, he hadn't expected her to dress up and he wanted to match. Now that he's seen her, however, there's no way he's going to just say that.
The idea of balancing out makes her laugh, "You're a dork. It's cute." Despite herself it rather spills out and she's flush.
What she wasn't expecting was him to flush as well, "O-oh. You... think so?" He clears his throat and is pulling out a chair for her to sit on in the small dining room of his home.
Her heart flutters and she's blunt, "I mean. I always thought so? Not always but. Once I got to know you." She's flustered remembering that first time. Being caught up in one of his schemes and catching his attentions. Being stuck with him for that short time period and seeing, every once in a while, that villainous facade slip.
"Ah yes. That plan should have worked... but I suppose if... if meeting you meant it failing..." he stops talking, his face getting redder, "I wish I'd recorded you saying I'm cute, dear Diana. Proof you're fond of me."
Her eyes narrow. *That* nickname. It had confused her the first time he had called her that, after one of their run-ins. Diana, the goddess of the hunt, of the wild and the moon. Once splashed a hunter with her spring water to be set upon by his own hounds for gazing upon her bathing.
For some reason, Edward associated her with the moon- one of his compulsive little habits was to categorize. One of his "love letters" had even been attached to a Moon tarot card stuck into her door. Animals ended up fitting as he found out more about her. Over their meetings it became a unique pet name.
Belle leans forward in her chair, "I'd hope me being here is proof enough."
"There can never be enough evidence of one's affection." He points out before going back to the kitchen. The smile on his face gave her butterflies. Internally she chastised herself. Ridiculous.
As she looked around she realized his place was... actually nice. Cozy. Way less clutter and organized chaos than hers. She wondered if it had anything to do with his diagnosed OCD or if this was him impressing her.
Green was definitely the main color in different shades. But not so much so to be overpowering. Several pieces of question mark themed furniture or small pieces that she could see. In that way he was delightfully predictable. A shelf of puzzle boxes and complicated brain teasers she could never hope to solve without some help. Another shelf of devices she can only assume he made himself.
No computer that she can see from her seat. Either out of sight or his technology and workspace was somewhere else entirely. A basement? Or a different building entirely? It was nosey, yes, but she couldn't help being curious given his status as a member of Gothams infamous rogues gallery.
All of that wiped from her mind, however, as Edward returned with two plates in hand. Once a plate was put in front of her, she couldn't help but swallow back her excitement. Damn. He really did call her out on what she'd like.
"This looks and smells wonderful!" She praises, "I... didn't know you could cook."
Edward sits across from her, preening, "I'm skilled with more than technology, Miss Jones."
"Oh please, stop the bond villain routine." She scoffs, which just makes him give a short laugh.
He puts up a pointer finger, "Hold that thought." He gets up from the table and digs through a cabinet in the kitchen before returning with a candle and a box of matches.
Belle almost snorts with laughter, "You have not been saving that!"
He returns his own grin, "We get power outages in Gotham, as I'm sure you know. But... it creates a mood, doesn't it?" As he lights the candle he snaps his fingers and the lights in the house dim. Belle moves to cover her mouth, face red, and he would think she's possibly embarrassed if it wasn't for the delighted look in her eyes.
Her hand moves over her eyes and he can see the wide grin on her face, "You're so dramatic, oh my god."
"But you like it." He says, feeling at peace seeing how happy she is.
There's a moment where she pauses and catches her breath. A sigh, "Yes. I do. I really like it. And you."
The admission leaves him with a dopey look on his face and he lets out his dorkiest chuckle. In front of anyone else, he'd be embarrassed for it but for her he feels... safe. At home. It doesn't hurt it makes her laugh just as loud and as embarrassing. It's infectious.
When she realizes, she's putting food in her mouth to change the subject. Immediately she's humming, "This is so good! Thank you for making dinner."
"You're so very welcome." He replies, drinking in her pleased reactions. The rest of the dinner passes as expected. Light anecdotes about their lives, a joke here or there. Nothing too deep or too vulnerable- them having the dinner at all was vulnerable enough.
Yet as everything cleared and she was following him into the kitchen, she felt... there needed to be more.
In fact she jokes, "It's only 8:30. Did you... want to do something? Or-"
"Don't even suggest you've overstayed your welcome." He stops her, putting rinsed plates into his dishwasher, "But what could we do... I suppose hacking Gothams mainframe doesn't do it for you?"
She shakes her head with a grin, "I was thinking more of a movie? Unless that's too low-brow for you."
That laugh again, "Cute. A movie is an excellent choice." She can't see it but he feels the heat under his collar. She wants to spend more time. With him! He needs to calm down. If she'd asked to see the workshop he'd likely hand her the keys and that just won't do.
"What do you think of a mystery?" He asks, that cat like smirk showing over his face, "See if you can figure it out before the credits."
She gives him a look, her brow raising, "Better than a riddle, I guess."
"As you said, the night is young so don't tempt me." He laughs and leads her to his living room. She doesn't say it, but is absolutely not surprised he would have a fancy flat screen and a cushy couch for optimal viewing. She can see game systems tucked into an entertainment center underneath.
He puts out his hand to the table in front of them, grabbing the remote, "Alright. I know a good one."
Dramatic music swells and several familiar names and credits flash over a river. It's older. She doesn't recognize film until she sees that man with the mustache, Hercule Poirot, sitting by a pyramid.
"Death on the Nile?" She asks.
Edwards face goes sour, "You've seen this?"
"It's Agatha Christie." She laughs, "Next you'll try to show me Alfred Hitchcock."
Hitchcock was his next choice.
Belle is quick to pat his leg, "I haven't seen this in ages. It's fine."
The affection is enough to make him completely forget about trying to make her guess. Funny thing, that. The colorful cast of characters, the aesthetic- it's all so easy for her to relax next to him on the couch, slowly coming to lean on him. He tries to be nonchalant about it, his hand going to rest over her arm. It's when she moves her arm and his hand falls to her waist that he hesitates. Her hand laces over his and he feels a shiver up his back.
Internally she's panicking and deciding if she wants to go further. Her eyes close and her head leans on his shoulder.
His breathe tickles as he turns his face, "You can't be falling asleep."
"I'm not." She says clearly, "Just. Enjoying the moment." Her voice is quiet and both of them have racing hearts.
His lips move to her hair and lay a soft kiss atop her head. She feels like she could swoon. Instead she looks up at him and places her own kiss on the corner of his mouth. There's a fluttery sort of sound that comes out of him and he sighs. His grip on her waist gets tighter as his other hand goes to her chin. He guides her face to his and her hand finds purchase against his chest. The kiss between them feels electrifying.
Her lips are still buzzing when he pulls away. There's calluses on his hands that she only notices as they run up her thigh and threaten to push up her skirt. Her breath catches and her hand stops his. He's quick to pull back.
"I- I'm sorry did I-" Did he misread all of that?
Belle shakes her head, "No, I want this I'm just-" She kisses him on the jaw and stays close to his body, "It's just been a minute. I'm worried I- you know-"
His hands go to her face and he looks her over, giving a pleasant smile, "I want you, Belle. All of this." He kisses her forehead and her shoulders untense. The look she gives him... that trusting, soft vulnerable look- its enough to get him right back where he paused.
His hands go up her skirts as they make out and her hands twist in his shirt. There's a look of surprise as his fingers reach a particular fabric. She can feel the friction of his skin against hers as they dive beneath the band of her underwear.
"Lace? For me?" He asks with a smug glance.
She looks away for a moment before admitting, "I thought there was a possibility."
"So prepare." Edward nods, "Oh, I was right. I knew we'd make a great match. From the moment I saw you."
"Is that so?" Belle laughs as his kissing get to her neck. A soft moan and she holds onto him tighter.
"Of course. I'm always right. I'm a genius!" Edward pulls away just enough so she can see his overconfident smile, "And these... oh, these need to go. What color are they, I wonder...?" She says nothing as his hand yanks down on her panties and he catches a peek of the most delightful shade of green. Her face flushes.
Yet he doesn't tease her. Instead he continues his kissing, the underwear swiftly hitting the floor. The pad of his thumb delves at the very edge of her lower lips and Belle shudders. He moves up and over the clit, circling over with just enough pressure.
"Ff... fuck, Edward-" Belle breaks away from the kissing and allows her head fall back.
The riddler goes for her throat, "That's the idea- hm... I think we should change venues." A nip over that soft flesh to feel her shiver.
"Yeah maybe... maybe the couch isn't..." Belle can't complete her thought at first, but feels a quiet whine in her throat when his touching stops.
Edward gets up from the couch, giving her a hand to stand, "As much as I'd love to get it on like teenagers on the couch, I think we'd both be more comfortable on the bed, hm?" Belle briefly thinks on it. Both of their backs. His knee.
"Yeah, that's... that's fair." Belle kicks away her panties and waits for him to pull her down the hallway to his room. Not exactly a tour but she does take in the decorations and art that lines his walls even as they round the corner to the room at the end.
She has to stop herself from laughing at the ridiculous (what she assumes is) custom grey and green comforter- carefully embroidered with question marks and geometric patterns at the bottom. It's so him. The little work desk next to the bed covered in grease, tools and a half finished project. A closet filled with she assumed a various collection of suits. A dresser that she wasn't actually sure of... but she'd love to find out at one point.
All of this she takes in just before she feels his hands unzipping the back of her dress. Instinctively her hands go to her front as the dress falls forward. Those callused hands go to her shoulders, pushing the fabric away. His lips find her bare back and she shivers as she moves her arms to let the dress fall to the floor.
"Cold, dear Diana?" Edward murmurs, "Let me warm you. Let me the grace of touching you. If you should not allow me this, let me be be cast by your spring water and eaten by my hounds-"
Belle finds herself flustered by his words but turns around to stop him, "I want nothing more than for you to touch me, Edward."
She unbuttons his pants as his fingers unclasp the choker around her neck. Then he tries to start on her bra. A growling hum as his pants start to fall and her hand dips over his hard cock. A small squeeze before he's grabbing at her wrists.
"Too much?" She teases, biting her lip.
Edward has a desperate dry tone to his voice, "Get on the bed. And get that damn bra off." He gives her hands back, his own pressing on her hips and guiding her to lay down. The bra quickly thrown off somewhere in the room. His pants and underwear thrown somewhere else in the room.
He's quick to knock her legs apart and press his middle digit inside of her, curling along her walls. Pumping slowly, his thumb going back to her clit. The sharp sound of her moan makes him twitch and he kisses at her torso, then her breasts. His tongue goes to work around a nipple, trying to study what elicits the best response.
She can hear him take a deep breath and sigh out. Her own concern brushes his hair back and gives a light tug and he stops his ministrations. Her voice is soft in the dark room, "You okay?"
"Y... of course! I'm just... is this good?" Edward Nygma for once struggling to find the words, "You're so beautiful. I want to taste and touch everything." His finger slides out of her and she leans up on her elbows, seeing him better.
She wishes she could save this image in her mind. His flush face and messy hair. His cock leaking precum and she hasn't even really done anything yet. How desperate he looks right now for her.
She could get emotional, someone being like this for her.
"It's so good, Eddie." She leans forward to kiss him, "I just want to feel you inside me. Is that okay?"
His eyes widen and he seems to have lost his brain function for a moment, "....Yes! Yes. Yes, yes. I can- hold on!" And he's digging in a drawer next to the bed feverishly before pulling out a condom, "Let me just-"
"Let me." Belle moves to stand on her knees on the bed. She pulls the condom from his hands and tears it open with her nails. Just as she positions it, she moves closer to kiss his chest and then his jaw. Her hand rolls down over his cock and she can feel him shudder at the attention. It isn't long before she's moving her hand up and down. His hands go around her back and his face goes to hide in her neck.
Its only for a moment before he's sighing, "Come on. There's plenty of time for that later."
"Oh, you're expecting rounds?" Belle laughs before she lays on her back and spreads her legs.
Edward has that smile on his face as he lines himself up, "No. But I am expecting you'll be wanting more of me." She can't even make fun of him, of his narcissism- he presses his cock inside of her and any laughter turns to a giggling moan.
A smile on her face and she wraps her legs over his, pulling him deeper. Hands in his hair, this time to pull his face closer. Her lips going to his shoulders, tasting and nipping. Something about it, her using her teeth just so makes him calculate his thrusting. Pulling out slowly just to fill her up in a swift push. Pausing just that one moment to feel them joined at the hip.
Her own mind gets hazy and she looks him in the eye to tell him, "You're so handsome, Eddie...."
He gulps, moving faster, eyes focused on her, "I... I am?"
Belle nods, lopsided grin on her face, "You are. You're handsome and smart and- oh, you feel so good-" He seems almost stunned by the sudden compliments and his movements get... sloppy.
He loses his words and moves to kiss her neck, teeth and tongue as she had done to him. Her nails pressed into his back but she resisted the urge to scratch or accidentally hurt him.
"Please don't stop-" was all she could manage as she started to reach that peak, "Edward, fuck, please please I'm so close-" her grip around him was almost white knuckled as she came. He pressed in deep, the stimulation of her finishing almost pushing him over the edge.
"Edward..." she murmured as she came down and his own actions sped up. Her body clenched slightly at the sensitivity as he continued. She wound her fingers in his hair and mumbled in his ear, "You're amazing... You're so handsome and I feel so, so good and- and- ah, ah-"
As she stuttered, Edward moved his lips over hers. The sloppy thrusting moved to a standstill before he pressed in again, his groan quiet against her.
He collapsed over her for a moment, his arms wrapping around her. He could feel her heart beating hard in her chest. His eyes fluttered.
"That was..." he paused to think of exactly what he wanted to say, "...spectacular." There. Amazing. You did it.
Belle put her own arms loosely around his back and sighed, "Yeah. That was- probably the best- You get it."
His brain booting back up, he smirked, "Oh? The best? I'm the best you've ever had?"
Belle pushes his face back lightly, "Get off. Your ego is blowing up with hot air." A scoffing laugh before she leans up to kiss him again. A soft smile. He's definitely going to remember that.
With a soft grunt, he rolls over and off of her, his hand going to his bum knee. As her eyes had adjusted to the light she could see the scars of multiple surgeries across the skin. He was lucky he didn't have a rod in there by this point. Still weary, her movements were slow, her hands going to his knee. Feeling the scar tissue.
"Ah. Yes, you've never seen that." He says, "I'm greeted by the sight every day."
Belle hums, "Didn't hurt too badly with you on top, did it?" She kisses his knee and he feels his heart flutter.
"N-no. No. Unless that's an offer for you to be on top next time." Edward winks. She rolls her eyes.
"Where's the bathroom? I'd like to clean up." She asks and receives a point to the right direction. The moment she's out of sight, Edward is ditching the used condom in the trashcan and finding underwear to put on. Getting back under the sheets and covers and almost posing for when she returns. Not too posed, though.
When she does return, she seems so... nervous. Her mouth opens, "Do you want me to...?" She makes a movement with her thumb behind her.
"Leave?! No!" Edward almost loses any of what he thinks is his cool appearance, "I- I mean if you WANTED to, I won't stop you but if you wanted to stay... I... wouldn't mind that either."
Belle laughs at the whiplash of his reaction before trying to cover her smile, "If it's really okay... can I stay?"
Edward has this look on his face that resembles a sad kitten left out in the rain, "I would like you to." The facade broken. As tired as he is, he realizes how desperate he is for more contact and affection.
Which is why he gets into a perfect spooning position for Belle as she gets into the bed with him. At some point during cleaning up she found her phone for an alarm in the morning. It's placed next to her glasses on the nightstand. As he holds her he thinks of how nice this would be... all the time.
Can't move too quickly, he knows. No, this is going to be healthy with healthy boundaries. From what he knows about her, she definitely deserves that much. She's so cute and warm and soft to hold-
Even as he falls asleep, Edward's hands and body find new ways to brush against her even as she moves around. Magnetic, almost. Her dreams are light and she feels... safe as she sleeps. Even the one or two times in the night when she wakes up, she sees Edward next to her and immediately falls back to slumber.
In the morning they'll both rush off to do different things in their lives. But she tells him goodbye with a kiss and that she'll talk to him soon. That along with the instant ping on his phone once she's home reminds him- yes, he was absolutely right to take the grand effort for her attentions.
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loztimelines · 2 months ago
Ramblings about the designs here! In order so I can get thoughts out.
So, when designing these guys I thought; remember, you do not have more than a basic 3d model of these guys and will constantly have to redraw them. Details are nice, but unless you feel you can easily stamp it, don't add it.
Roughs and descriptions under cut
Unfortunately and fortunately…Skyward Sword's Link's offical design is entirely uninteresting. It's so basic. So unlike the others I could up the design instead of pulling it down. I straight up pulled several design elements from Zelda of Skyward, including the belt buckle and sail clothe. I also kept him blond but upped his skintone as he's a people who are constantly in a sunny environment. The only reason for the blond bit was I headcanon that when people get exposed to the divine light of Hylia end up getting gold in their hair. It doesn't always go blond, but it will change from a more normal browns, reds, etc to something with a golden sheen. I decided to make him big after I researched his 'official height' and it was like 5'7". So he's big, physically and height. I know official heights and memes but I feel like these guys are actually humans who became Hylians, after Hylia saved them, so they'd be kinda the last vestiges of their human ancestry, their ears are shorter than later Hylians and their faces are rounder too. They're straight up called humans in the Hyrule Historia, though I am admittedly cherry picking from that as I see fit.
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As you can see, he went through a redesign, as he had more of a Cossack look (Ukraine) but then I looked more at Zelda and realized she's wearing what appears to be a viking dress so I went more in that direction for his final design.
Outset went through several designs before I landed on where it was. Admittedly I really chased the island aesthetic before landing where I was when I realized that if I decorated Outset in all the tattoos I had planned then I might find myself in trouble with having to redraw them all again and again, even if that would me putting down a stamp. So, he got long sleeves…the tats are still under that, which I I'll post later (when I get a good version done.)
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See…so many tats. So pretty.
Poor Hyrule, I probably went through like 3 redesigns for this poor fae. I knew I wanted them awkward looking, but even their official art flies wildly between cute and smol to spindly with the only consistent thing being dark eyes and darker hair. They're also the literal first Link, so their clothing is super simple. 'But!' I thought, 'They're a king!' So, you know, their things have to be a little fancy. I don't see them running around in a codpiece, by any stretch, but they've likely at least got a less threadworn tunic on. So I just upped his basic design by making it a little prettier.
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As you can see I played around with this a lot before settling a couple things. Main one that their hair isn't curly anymore. It does have a lot of volume still but I figured that Outset's curls were fine for now. Plus, the logical side says that unless someone is maintaining their curls for them, it's going to be short as they literally live in caves, alongside most of the population. So, no curls, sorry.
Okay, not gunna lie; Hateno looks pretty much how he looks in offical art with the only change being; I did not want to draw that much armor over and over again. So, I combined between BOTW and TOTK at random and as I saw fit. I also did not like the zonia arm, so he also didn't get that.
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Poor kid, a major case of; what I don't like. This, that? Cool, remove them.
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So here's the first Link's line up!
Descriptions below!
Skyloft; From Skyward Sword. He's 27 years old, has 2 daughters with his Zelda, who will be nicknamed Sun. They're both in a relationship with Groose. He’s leader with Sun of the peoples of Skyloft, the first Hylians. They don't have kings, that comes later (at force) from the Zonia. Groose is currently traveling the world in search of other peoples who survived the sealing wars, since supposedly there were 5. Skyloft is generally pretty settled, but the effect of fighting a literal god has reduced his stamina and made him susceptible to asthma attacks. He has a 'puffer' of Sundelion. He also occasionally suffers from terrible nightmares, visions of the far off future, and even occasional present-future, but these are sometimes mixed into actual nightmares, which causes some insomnia.
Outset; From Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass. His/their pronouns bounce between he and they and they are 22 years old. Co-creator of New Hyrule with his Zelda, Tetra. She is Queen, he/they are not King, he didn’t want the title as they prefer the freedom to travel without a retinue of knights. He and Tetra have a pretty good relationship but her new duties have meant that she’s often too busy to do much more than see him when he ferries people into New Hyrule. They have a daughter together, and he is her father, but Tetra and themselves are not married, and both have agreed to an ‘open’ relationship. Outset captains a ship with his friend and first mate Linebeck on (technically) Linebeck’s ship.
Hyrule; From LOZ 1&2, Link’s Adventure. Hyrule is 17, and technically what one might consider intersex, though it is magical in nature. They can have either genitals, but usually have one genitalia when large, and the other when they’re a fairy. They’re technically king of Hyrule, as they were married to Zelda 2 shortly after Link’s Adventure, but Hyrule doesn’t rule. The two Zeldas rule together as co-ruler queens, and yes they are both Zelda, and yes it can get very confusing. They mostly go by Zelda the Elder, (LOZ2) and Zelda the Younger (LOZ1). Hyrule doesn’t really understand marriage, as both themselves and Zelda the Elder were too young for it, and Hyrule tends to just sleep with whomever whenever they feel like. It’s generally seen as fine, since ‘Kings’ often have mistresses, though people do whisper about how they take as many male lovers as they do female. They tend to be very awkward in the castle as they have no idea how to be a king and aside from going out and helping people, and have no intention to learn. Their fine tunic and jewelry is supplied by Zelda the Elder, their wife.
Hateno; From Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. They’re 24, and their pronouns tend to be whatever they feel like being at that moment. They are, previous to BOTW, effectively transgender, as they were born female and became male when they became Champion. After they awoke in the shrine they didn’t feel like any gender and are agendered. Post BOTW they’re in a relationship with his Zelda, later nicknamed Scholar, but while she generally sticks to him, he doesn’t do the same and had taken lovers all over Hyrule pre defeat of Calamity Ganon. Hateno didn’t want to stop post BOTW and while it has caused tension, is now simply how they are. She tends to travel all over Hyrule with Scholar, doing research, helping rebuild Hyrule as they had pre TOTK. There are calls about Scholar becoming Queen, and officially marrying Hateno, neither have pursued either call. The scars Hateno has are mostly just cosmetic in nature and he has full range of movement, though their seem to be a couple side effects from a hundred years in the Shrine of Resurrection…
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eluxcastar · 2 years ago
Childe but now he's a little brother
── ୨୧:childe & reader
୨୧﹑synopsis :: childe was a troublemaker as a child, basically
୨୧﹑genre :: fluff
୨୧��content :: child childe, gn reader, use of childe's real name, mm family fluff and childe embarrassment served hot and fresh, reader is impled to be significantly older than childe
୨୧﹑words :: 724
generally all of my family/platonic works cover the other character being the more mature, role model-ish figure, but then I wondered about the reverse probably because I woke up with the worst stutter possible and here we are. childe isn't my first choice but something about hearing him say he wanted to team up against his siblings in a snowball fight made me think 'man what if he got punted into the sun with a snowball by his older sibling' and now we're here
all little siblingification posts
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something about Ajax's tendency to behave stronger than he is is cute, always trying to be the best for his younger siblings like he doesn't have older siblings who do that for him. he is always running off to get into trouble but when he was younger the trouble was at least manageable enough that you could go get him. there are many times that though he does not call on you, he secretly feels safer having an older figure to hide behind when you come to his rescue in the face of whatever trouble he got into.
at his age, he can barely believe it when you somehow find him every time he gets himself in danger and have no problem getting all up in the face of whoever he pissed off enough to put him in danger. yes he gets a stern talking to and a smack on the head for putting himself there in the first place, but the way you would endanger yourself for him... it makes him hug you on the way home every time and often lies as he promises he won't do it again.
he thinks you're just the coolest thing sometimes, but Ajax also likes when you care for him in other ways, like when he comes to you with a book well past his bedtime and begs you to read 'just that one' to him before bed. you grab a blanket for both you and him to hide under and tell him the story he picked, a simple pleasure but he likes how warm it is when he snuggles up to your side and you wrap your arm around him. he likes when he falls asleep there, head resting on your chest where he tries to watch the pictures as the pages turn.
he gets tingles up his spine when you stroke his hair as he listens to your voice speak softly next to his ear, calming yet memorising him. it's easy to fall asleep there, hard to wake up wrapped up snug in a blanket but without you there anymore. he tends to drag himself out of bed with his blanket to see where you went and refrains from whining about it when he finds you tending to one of the younger ones at the request of your Mother. you always make room for him to curl up in your lap anyway and hand the baby off to someone else.
but that's not his favourite thing. his favourite thing and when you and your Father scoop him up and take him out to go ice fishing, carrying him along on your shoulders to the lake your Father must've picked up thick with ice that he tries to help you chisel out though he provides little in the way of help, as you tell him some story you had heard about and even gossip of your own Father's adventures knowing he finds them exciting.
he wants to hear about 'what you do all day anyway' as he waits for his fish, and you usually tell him some story he thinks is boring and asks to hear about something better but with little else to say you have to laugh it off and smother him in your lap in his puffy coat to keep him warm. until something bites and he excitedly hops up to get it like the cold doesn't bother him, like the ice isn't slippery and like he won't slip and fall on his butt like he always does.
something about your little trifles changes as he grows, and something about him becomes less and less like little Ajax, though you coddle him all the same. you always have, he feels so cold in your arms after going missing for three days, hugs you so tightly like you think he'll fall apart even though he says he's fine. he lets you carry him home and scrub him clean in a warm bath, fuss over him like you always do.
and again you will run to him to protect him when he runs off to start fights far worse than before.
but a little Ajax has to grow into a big Tartaglia someday, doesn't he? Tartaglia doesn't need to call for your help, though the moment he does, you will find him—wherever he ventures.
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sturchling · 3 years ago
Hi, so glad that you are back ^^
Would it please be possible to do a continuation of Marinette collapsing from too much work and Damian Wayne helps her
Like after the first part where they leave the class and head to her house, Major Adrien Salt where he follows and tries to guilt trip her
Meanwhile, Damian has fitted Marinette with stealthy headphones to listen to music or silence while she relaxes
Plus, Damian is stealthily recording Adrien's guilt rant
When Adrien is done, Damian reveals that Marinette heard none of that and that he would post Adrien's guilt trip online for all to see
Hi! So glad to be feeling better and be back! Glad you liked the part one so much, hope you like this one too. For any who didn't read the first part, you can find it here -> Part 1
Damian and Marinette had begun walking out of the school, and were in the courtyard, when Damian heard it. The sound of rushing footsteps behind them. He glanced over his shoulder and saw that idiot of a model racing after them with a panicked and yet also angry look on his face.
After their discussion last night, Damian had given Marinette some custom headphones he had made for her. They were similar in shape to an airpod, but were completely noise cancelling, to help her relax. He had planned to give them to her for her birthday but after last night, they seemed appropriate. Now he was glad he gave them to her. He quietly asked her to slip them in her ears before Adrien got to them, and she did just that. On the off chance some of his voice got through the headphones, he played some relaxing music through them, just in case.
Right as the music started, Adrien called out. "Marinette wait right there, I have to talk to you." Now, Damian could have just walked Marinette out of the school, and stopped Adrien from following them himself. But he didn't want to make the situation worse at school for Marinette. At least until he convinced her to transfer, but that is a matter for a different day. But then Damian thought better of it, and realized he could get some revenge for his angel. So, he subtly pulled his phone out and started recording without Adrien noticing.
And Damian was so glad he did when he heard what that twerp wanted to say. "Marinette, that was really wrong of you. The whole class is counting on you to be class rep and handle things for them. It's a really simple thing, and you won't even do that for them? Are you really so bitter about Lila that you would ruin things for everyone? Now all the fundraisers and trips this year probably won't work out and it is because of you. How could you let everyone down like that? I thought you were a good person, but maybe not if this is how you are going to behave. By throwing temper tantrums, being lazy and saying it is too much work, and then bringing in a random stranger to lecture Mrs. Bustier, and the class. And he is suing Lila? You should have put a stop to that immediately! We agreed we would take the high road, but that was really low of you."
As Adrien stopped ranting, he waited for Marinette to respond. He expected she would do what she always does when confronted like this. He expected that she would cry, and say she was sorry. That she would tell this jerk next to her to take a hike, Wayne or not. And then the two would go back upstairs where she would apologize to the class and Mrs. Bustier, resume her duties as class rep, and things would go back to normal. But that didn't happen. Marinette didn't do anything. She just stood there, staring at him. Adrien felt his anger grow again at Marinette ignoring him, and went to start in on her again, but Damian stepped in at that point.
"I'm going to stop right there Agreste. First, she hasn't heard a word you said, thanks to the headphones I gave her. So none of that nonsense you said will be heard by her. Second, you will not speak to my angel at all after not helping her with liar, let alone in that tone. She isn't selfish or mean at all. Third, after saying all of those horrible things to her, I want to tell you now, I will make sure you regret ever meeting me. Finally, I think it only fair to warn you, I have been recording this entire conversation, including your attempt of a guilt trip. And I think the world would love to hear it."
Adrien started to panic and tried to convince Damian not to post the video. But he couldn't get his voice to work. He watched as Damian and Marinette turned and left the school, leaving him standing in the courtyard alone. Later that night, it happened. Damian posted the recording. It went viral in a few minutes, and was all over the internet. Adrien's fans turned on him quickly, having heard the horrible things he said. News stories ran the next day about the story, and not only about Adrien, but also about the Gabriel brand as a whole. The whole word turned against the Agreste family in the brink of an eye. Damian had been right. Adrien regrets the day he met Damian, cause now his life is ruined.
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featherquillpen · 2 years ago
FE3H Meta: Hubert and Dedue parallels
I have written before to compare and contrast Hubert and Dedue's relationships with their respective lieges, but over time I realized that there are even more parallels between these two retainers that I didn't cover in that post.
Disrupting the Dynamic
An interesting point is how both the Edelgard/Hubert and Dimitri/Dedue pairs feel about the power dynamic in their relationships. Both Edelgard and Dimitri wish for a more equal relationship with their vassals. Dimitri hates that Dedue calls him "Your Highness"/"Your Majesty" and dreams of the day Dedue can call him Dimitri and stand beside him as a friend. In their A support, Edelgard tells Hubert, "If I'm the center of your world, you should be the same for me, too." And in their A support in Three Hopes, Edelgard says, "Just once, I wish our roles could be reversed."
Dedue also wants his relationship with Dimitri to become more equal. He knows that his role as vassal is a necessity; Faerghus will never tolerate him being anything else. But it's not what he wants.
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Hubert, by contrast, has a more ambivalent relationship with being a vassal to Edelgard. Hubert expresses repeatedly that he chose to be her vassal, he likes that position, he doesn't want anything else, and says in their A support in Hopes "I prefer when you are in charge." And yet, Hubert says this line at tea time:
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So somewhere buried deep down, there is some part of Hubert that wants things to be different.
Performing Masculinity
Another parallel between Hubert and Dedue is that they both must play a role to survive. That role is an intimidating masculine performance, and neither of them are comfortable with it. We can see this at tea time, where Hubert and Dedue's animations are the same: they have intimidating, standoffish body language.
I talked about this extensively in my trans femme Hubert manifesto, but to review, Hubert acknowledges playing a role as a "cold, crafty, unreadable servant" out of fear that behaving in any other way would invite violence against him or Edelgard from those who slither in the dark. But Hubert is not comfortable with this role. Hubert wants to be a person who wears a flower to make Bernadetta smile, not frighten her as a looming shadow. Hubert secretly wants to be a pegasus knight, not a scary vampire man. Performative masculinity seems to chafe at Hubert like an ill-fitting suit.
Dedue is also uncomfortable with his role as the intimidating Faerghan vassal knight. There are a lot of hints that in Duscur, masculinity is very different from Faerghan masculinity. Dedue learned cooking from his mother, which is not the case for any Faerghan man we meet. In Hopes, he wears an earring, which is not something we see Fódlaner men wearing. One of his likes is needlework, which I find hard to believe he picked up in Faerghus, given Dimitri's relationship to needlework in his Mercedes support.
Dedue likes gardening and making flower crowns. He hates that he is frightening to people. Overall, he's had to hack away at his own identity as a Duscurian man to make himself fit the proper Faerghan model of masculinity: a vassal knight to the king. Just like Hubert feels obliged to play this masculine role for fear of violence from Thales and his goons, Dedue is forced into this model of masculinity for fear of violence from.... well pretty much every Faerghan except Dimitri, at least until he starts making Blue Lions friends. To be anything but the perfect model of a vassal knight to Dimitri, stoic and intimidating, is to risk his very life.
Becoming the Monster
Now, here's a contrast between Hubert and Dedue that I find very, very interesting.
On Crimson Flower, unless you go to a great effort to prevent it, Dedue turns himself into a monster to protect Dimitri. Meanwhile, on Azure Moon, Hubert dies a human. It is Edelgard who turns herself into a monster to defend her dream to the last.
Hubert sacrifices everything for Edelgard, but not his humanity. Dimitri watches his retainer die as a monster, but he gets to die as a human.
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soyouthinkucanwrite · 4 years ago
I can be your mirror - Daniel Ricciardo smut!
You feel insecure when you see his ex's instagram and Daniel decides to show you why you don't need to be
Warnings: smut! unprotected sex, low self esteem, etc
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You were just chilling in the hotel bed, scrolling through your phone while Daniel finished taking a shower. It was Thursday night in Hungary, and media day was relatively calm (all eyes were still on Max and Lewis, after the whole Silverstone incident).
Your relationship was still new, you guys had just went public a couple months ago, and you liked that you were still discovering things about each other everyday, like how he prefers his eggs in the morning or that small scar under your chin he just noticed yesterday. Yet, some things weren't as fun to find out, like what his exes looked like.
A few fan accounts had started following you, including some F1 WAGs accounts, and you followed some of them back - you wanted to the updated, after all (or at least that's what you told yourself). The thing is, comparisons were inevitable to you - no matter how much you tried to be reasonable, low self esteem was always an issue to you. When a WAGs account posted about Daniel's ex hanging around in the paddock today and how cute her outfit was, you quickly found yourself clicking on the tag and stalking her ig. Perfect. Fucking perfect. You just have to set your own heartbreak up, don’t you? If at least you could let life do that, but no, you had to go and fall for the guy with the instagram models as his exes. You smiled ironically to yourself.
"Did you see Max shutting down that reporter on the press conference today?" Daniel said walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his torso and another drying his hair. You quickly locked your phone and looked up, startled like a kid caught with their hands on the cookie jar.
"Hum?" you asked him.
“What were you looking at?” he grinned you, throwing himself on the bed and sitting by your side.
“Nothing” you answered quickly, looking away.
“Don’t be like that. Tell me” he asked again, nudging you with his head.
“It’s nothing Dan, just silly old instagram”
“You wanna know one of the things I love most about you?” He asked before continuing. “You don’t really have filters. And even when you try to hide what you’re thinking, your face and body gives you away” He said. “That’s why you’re so perfect, you’re genuine” he touched your nose with his. “Let’s be honest with each other. Tell me what’s going on in there” Then he tried to lighten the mood saying "Can't be shirtless pictures of me that got you smirking, cause here I am in the flesh for you" you rolled your eyes but smiled at him.
“I’m laughing at myself” You said and he just looked at you, waiting for you to continue. “I’m setting myself up for heartbreak, more and more, and it’s just like me”
“What you’re talking about?”
“Please don’t say it’s stupid” you said before continuing. “You’re like, a rock star… fast cars, VIP, supermodels… these stuff are routine for you, you have the most interesting life. And you could have any girl. And your exes are like movie stars, fucking supermodels, and I'm not sure how much longer till you realize that and just, you know” you said gesturing to yourself and waving your fingers in front of your throat like who says 'abort mission'.
"I should know better, I really should and this might be nothing, but the deeper we get in this, the harder it's to wrap my own head around it and it’s so stupid, but how can anyone compete with that?” You weren’t making any sense, you knew and he was looking at you with his eyebrows raised and lips pressed, like he was holding a smile. “I’m rambling, forget I said anything it's so stupid” You said hiding your face behind your hand.
“I thought you said it wasn’t stupid” He said opening up a smirk and you opened your fingers to look at him. He pulled your hand down. “But you’re right, it is fucking stupid, because there’s no competing with you. I don’t care if I have to repeat that a thousand times for you to believe me, I mean…you had to have a flaw, huh?” You turned your head to the side. “This insecurity of yours, that you’re not good enough, it’s just the most crazy thing ever. Because I feel exactly the same. I’m the one that’s not good enough for you. You’re so smart, and good and you actually do good in the world. I’m just the lucky bastard that got picked to drive in circles around the world”
“You know that’s bullshit” You said.
“I’m serious. This whole stuff, fame, whatever… doesn’t mean anything. It’s just not real. I’m glad I realized that when I did” you were watching him intently. “Racing, challenging myself, working with the team, you... what we have, those are the stuff that are real to me, what really matters".
"Okay" you nodded agreeing.
"If you must to know, the reason why I didn’t work out with anybody else, it’s because we were never more than fuck buddies. Those girls are great fun, but they're more worried about showing than being, you know? And I’m not really interested in talking about them because it doesn’t mean anything, but I’ll tell you anything you ask me” You were dying to ask him more, to know every little details and to learn from their mistakes, but you knew you’d become obsessed with comparing yourself to them and didn’t he just tell you he wasn’t interest in anything about it?
“Sorry” you said quietly.
“What for?”
“Being a nag. Killing the mood” he smiled.
“Don’t-” “you-” “dare-” He kissed your face in between every word. “apologizing-” “for-” “your-” “feelings” he pulled away and looked at you. “Specially not to me. I meant it, let’s be honest, huh?” you nodded smiling back at him. “And if I’m ever a dick, please tell me before screw things up. This is not nothing, okay?”
“And I’m flattered you think I could have any girl” he said grinning. “I mean, I AM pretty hot, but-”
“Shut up. You know I’m right”
“Maybe any girl who cares about that stuff, and my amazing six pack” he says laughing and kissing you.
“And hard butts” you replied laughing and reaching to squeeze his, playfully.
“And hard butts” he agreed, rolling so he was on top of you.
“Those girls are usually the hottest”
“Do you honestly don’t have a mirror at home?” he said pulling away slightly from you. “It’s okay baby” he said in your ear, lifting your shirt over your head, then nibbling at your earlobe, making you moan. “I can be your mirror” he said in a low voice, taking your hands over your head and pinning them with his own.
Then he used his knees to push your legs apart. You were following his face, trying to kiss his mouth but he was holding you down, his lips barely touching your skin now, him hovering over your neck, your collarbone, your exposed breasts. You were squirming now, trying to get some release. He just wouldn’t let you have any yet.
“You have the most amazing skin” he begin saying. “So soft” he looked up to you, you had your eyes closed now. “The most amazing boobs. Fucking perfect tits, so round… and these perking nipples, so hard when you’re turned on” his lips touched your breasts lightly, barely.
“Your hair always smells so good, it’s the perfect frame for your perfect face” He went up again and kissed your lips, biting them lightly and dragging them out. “I love your lips, I love how plumped they are. I’m kind of jealous actually” he chuckled and you opened your eyes rolling them. “And those eyes. Fuck, I know it’s the first thing anyone notices about you, isn’t it? Are you sick of it by now? So big and green. I love seeing them rolling back when you come” he brought one hand down, pulling your pijama pants down and holding both of your hands up with only one of his. “I’m getting there in a minute” he said grabbing your pussy. “I just want to tell you about your ass first” he said sliding his hand through your hips until he reached your ass, grabbing it then releasing to give it a slap. You let out a yelp. “You in the mood for a little rough love?” he slapped you again and you smiled through your moan, this is so hot. And the best part of it was that no one else knew this side of his, just you. It's petty yeah, but you decided to indulge yourself in that thought.
“I love your ass, I swear I was trying to be respectful today, but you were such a tease, on those little shorts, made me hard as soon as you walked in the paddock” he went down to suck your left boob in his mouth and you were so sensitive you couldn’t help but moan, loudly. “Yeah baby, let me hear you. Let everyone hear you” He said releasing your boob and nibbling at it. “I saw how the guys were staring at your ass today. Fuckers, couldn’t help themselves. Let them stare…as long as they know who you belong to” he said leaning down to suck on your other boob. “Tell me who you belong to” his voice was so low.
“Uh…you” You were a moaning mess.
“You, Daniel! I’m yours”
“That’s right”
“Please” you begged.
“What is it? What you what baby?” he whispered against your skin.
“Touch me, please”
“But I am touching you baby” he said and you heard the smirk in his voice. “Oh, I see what you mean… you want me to touch your pussy?”
“Yeah” you nodded. At the same time this was torture, it felt so, so good.
“This fucking perfect cunt of yours” he said sliding two fingers through your lips and opening them to spread you to him, you were soaking wet and pulsating, clenching around nothing. “Fuck, look at this” He said almost to himself, licking his lips. Then he slid his fingers in, curling them up, making a ‘come here’ motion. He dipped his head down, kissing the inside of your leg, then right over your clit, taking it in between his lips and sucking. You moaned loudly. “Oh sorry baby… you wanted it rough, huh?” he sucked your clit harder, then bit on it lightly. You could scream at how much pleasure he was giving you.
“Fuck! Oh my god Dan” He started to tease you with another finger meanwhile.
“Think you can take another one?” his words sending vibrations against you and making you forget how to form words. “I know you can, you take me so well. Such a good girl for me” he inserted another finger and started to pump them in and out of you faster. “So fucking tight. Can’t wait to feel you around me. That’s my favorite place you know? Buried deep inside your cunt” that was it, you came, hard. Arching your back and hips, Daniel releasing your hands to push you down and hold you there while you came and he kept sucking and licking and biting your clit. You couldn’t take anymore, you pushed him away, pulling his hair.
“Can’t-” You tried to say. “Dan”
“Yes, you can. Come here” He said pulling away and lifting you, dragging you out of the bed and into the bathroom, the rest of your clothes and his towel getting lost in the way. He pushed you against the sink, pulling your face up, making you look at yourself on the mirror. He was pressing against you from behind, his cock leaking in between your legs. “I want you to see what I see” he said staring at you through the mirror. “Gonna fuck you so good, you don’t ever forget how fucking perfect you are” and with that he slammed inside you. “Fucking-” he had one hand on your hair and the other around you, between your folders, massaging your clit. “Fucking heaven, taking me so good”
“Ah Dan” You screamed. He started to fuck you hard and fast, pushing you against the sink. You lifted your head and looked at the mirror, it was the most erotic thing you’ve ever seen. Daniel was dripping sweat, thrusting with perfect precision. His eyes were locked on yours and you knew he was as close as you. The thought of how deep the connection between you were at that moment made you clench again and he lost it, giving you one final thrust and a guttural groan. You came again, shaking more than ever, the feeling too much this time. “I can’t-” You tried to say again. “Too much-” Squeezing him over and over, so he pulled out, still spilling, making a mess over your legs and on the bathroom floor. He was still holding you though.
“I’m right here baby. Right here” He whispered on you ear from behind. You both were riding out your orgasms, rocking slightly, your body leaned on the sink, pressing your boobs against it, and he leaning over you, breathing hard.
After you both calmed down, you tried to move but his weight was too much. You let out a weak laugh and he moved. “Sorry” he said kissing your back. When you got up, you turned to him and kissed him lightly.
“You are-” You said against his lips “amazing”. And kissed him again, lovinly. “Thank you. You make me feel so good, Daniel. Let me take care of you now”
Daniel's POV
This woman is trying to kill me. “Baby I don’t think I have it in me-” “Not like that” she smiled. “I meant with a bath” she said gesturing to the bathtub.
“Yes, please” I said already opening the tap and letting the water run. She went back to the room and returned with a water bottle, taking a sip before passing it to me. I took it from her hand and almost finished it, before giving it back to her.
“Do they have any bubbles? Bath salts?” she asked.
“Hum…I don’t think so, baby” I answered looking around on the sink.
“That’s fine” she smiled, getting in the tub and motioning for me to sit in between her legs. Her hair was up in a knot, but some of it was clinging to her neck due to the sweat. She was so beautiful, I can’t believe she wants me.
“You don’t want me to stay behind you?” she shook her head smiling and I did as she asked, leaning on her. The tap was still running, filling the tub with hot water, while we two of us just soaked in there, relaxing. “This is nice,” I said while she ran her hands through my hair. When the tub was full enough, she turned off the water and applied some body wash on my skin, running her hand over my back and shoulders, it felt so good, so comfortable, like I didn’t have a worry in the world. Then I washed her legs around me, kissing her feet and calves and making her giggle. She kept massaging my shoulders. We stayed there for good while, half an hour? More or less? There’s nothing else in the world other than this bathroom anyway, so who cares?
“Can we stay here forever?” She asked me after a while, kissing behind my neck. I just hummed in response. “Actually, scratch that. I’m getting hungry. And thirsty”
“The limitations of the human body” I said jokingly but got out of the tub after a few minutes. If m’lady wants to eat, I’m getting her food. I dried myself, wrapping a towel around me and holding hers open for her to step out of the tub.
We went back to the room, she picked her clothes from the floor and put them away in her travel bag back inside the closet. I watched as she got a fresh pair of underwear and a clean bra, while I put on boxers and sweatpants. She wore some leggings that hugged her ass perfectly, what a view. I noticed her going through her bag, probably looking for a shirt but I just wanted her to wear some clothing of mine, so I took the hoodie I was going to wear and passed it to her. She smiled and accepted it, it looked oversized on her and covered her ass, but maybe that’s a good thing, I don’t need anyone thirsting over what’s mine, I don’t care how much of a prick that makes me sound.
"Do you wanna order or go out to eat?" I asked her.
"Let's just go downstairs, to the restaurant?"
"Yeah, that's fine" I say and peck her lips.
I put on a sweatshirt, and hold the door open for her. We walk out and the temperature was a bit colder out here in the hallway (or maybe it was just too hot inside the room), so I just take her hand and intertwine our fingers, passing my arms around her and holding her closer. I just love that I can do that whenever I want.
And I plan on doing that for the rest of my life.
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