Not Diabolika
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notdiabolika · 1 month ago
e feliz aniversário da página
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notdiabolika · 1 month ago
my first comission
[minha primeira comissão]
White-haired Reiji! Here he is! Full of stress-
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notdiabolika · 1 month ago
Hello, everyone! It's been a while. I don't believe anyone is going to SEE this, but it's important in case anyone is wondering/just curious. Reasons why I've been unnactive:
I had a nose injury.
Didn't break it, but that's like, the second time this happens in my life??
Once when I was a kid, I was doing parkour on furniture and hit my nose really hard on the sofa.
On december 2024, I was strolling with glasses on, slipped, and it CUT through my skin. Glasses are fine, though. Now I got a cool scar like Azusa.
Actual main reason, before december 2024, I just thought my art looked like trash, so I decide to go and study some anatomy.
I feel slightly better about my art now.
I may or may not become more active, but I'll do my best! Stay safe, everyone ♥️
Olá, pessoal! Já faz um tempo. Não acredito que alguém vá LER isso, mas é importante caso alguém esteja se perguntando/apenas curioso. Motivos pelos quais estive inativa:
Eu bati meu nariz.
Não quebrei, mas é a segunda vez que isso acontece na minha vida??
Uma vez, quando eu era criança, estava praticando parkour em cima dos móveis e bati meu nariz com muita força no sofá.
Em dezembro de 2024, eu estava correndo de óculos, escorreguei e a armação CORTOU minha pele. Os óculos estão bem, no entanto. Agora eu tenho uma cicatriz legal como a do Azusa.
O principal motivo real é que, antes de dezembro de 2024, eu achava que minha arte tava que nem lixo, então decidi estudar um pouco de anatomia.
Sinto-me um pouco melhor em relação à minha arte agora.
Posso ou não começar a ser mais ativa, mas farei o meu melhor! Se cuidem, todos ♥️
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notdiabolika · 1 month ago
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no one asked, but here it is!
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notdiabolika · 3 months ago
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Kanna’s first Christmas Part 1
I might make this into a little mini series…
Seriously tho, was I the only one as a kid who was absolutely shocked and couldn’t believe that not every kid in the world got presents on Christmas Day? I found it absolutely blasphemous!
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notdiabolika · 4 months ago
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♱Lusting for Grief ♱
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∘Submission for Diabolik Lovers, Bloody Gift Exchange
∘This is for @failing-to-write-again !!
∘This event was curated by the head of the DL fandom discord server or also known as @diabolik-lovers-weekly
•┈┈┈••✦ ♡ ✦••┈┈┈•
Content Summary-
Reader is stuck between marrying for love or for the reputation of their family. Luckily, the ever so gracious, Karlheinz, himself proposes an alternate route for the latter option.
With their hands tied behind their back, reader agrees to the King's offer, and now has to comb through life as a siren on land with an overbearing vampire down their neck that has an affinity for fine china.
And so it begins
•┈┈┈••✦ ♡ ✦••┈┈┈•
The weather was uncharacteristically warm that night. Reiji couldn't even focus on doing his nightly dusting before he heard something crash downstairs. His face squeezed and wrung into one of displeasure at the sound of his brothers already causing chaos so early in the day.
He sighed and fixed his glasses with his middle finger before gently resting the duster along one of the table's edges. His footsteps were loud but very rigid, he had made a habit of walking this way so that his brothers may hear him approaching. Like a rattle snake shaking its rattle to let others know the danger they have just put themselves in.
And yet, despite his effort to strike fear into his loathsome family, Ayato was still completely oblivious to his approaching.
And with that one call of his name, the redhead spun around, shock glossing over his usually bright eyes. Ayato cussed before showing Reiji what appeared to be a broken vase.
"And what is this explanation of this?"
Reiji asked Ayato deeply, watching the glass shardes cover the floor near the stairwell. Broken pieces of what was once a beautiful picture of a cherry tree hand painted on the artifact lay still under Reiji's cold gaze.
"Tch- Don't ask me! Ask Kanato! He's the one who broke it in the first place!"
Ayato dirtily spat out. He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as he heard the sound of the overgrown and erratic 4 year old teleport into the room and began throwing a tantrum once more.
"Cease your incessant lies Ayato! I had no part to play in this at all! You're just trying to shove the blame on me like always! You and Laito always bully me! Uuu..."
Kanato begins to sob, but not before the fedora clad pervert can sneakily appear above the stairwell. Not wanting to get closer to the scene.
"Fufu~ Someone called?"
Reiji had enough of this back and forth by this point and angrily commanded him to get down here with the rest of them and explain the situation.
"Geez Reiji, calm down. What's got you in a twist hm?"
Laito cooed out as he made his way next to Kanato.
"What's got me in a 'twist' Laito, is that there's a broken vase here that I'm positive does not belong to this family. Anyone would care to explain why it's here and why is it broken?"
Reiji was tired of his brother's tomfoolery, but that still didn't quench the thirst he had for answers. The vase seemed to be well crafted and worth much more than that of human worldly value. There were bits of raw gold painted onto the flowers of the tree the more he examined it and noted that the material was one made only in the demon realm.
"I dunno what happened but Kanato found it outside in a box-"
Ayato began before getting cut off.
"Ah- so that's what it was, who would've thought?"
Laito chimed in carelessly.
"Haa? You've known that it was here this whole time and never told anyone!?"
Ayato bickered back at his brother.
"No no, nothing like that. I just assumed it was for one of you guys so I waited to see who it was meant for."
Laito said pondering the situation for a brief second before returning to his playful stature. Reiji sighed before asking to see the box.
"So that way we'll know who the sender is! Good thinking Reiji."
Laito commented before grabbing either side of Reiji's shoulders and giving a light shake from behind.
"Now tell me again how exactly it broke in the first place. Based on the contents alone this was an extremely priceless gift from the demon realm and I'm concerned as to where that leads us."
Ayato handed Reiji the brown box, careful to not cut himself in the process as splinters were laden all over the packaging.
"Right where was I? Oh yeah- so Kanato found the box originally... But pancake was missing. So I asked him where she could've run off to, and that's when I saw the package. We uh.... Got to talking and landed on the idea that pancake had a secret admirer. And Kanato got upset and smashed through box so-"
Kanato angrily shouted and cut off Ayato.
"I did NOT just throw the box. You know better than to lie and put the blame on me Ayato! He was the one that thought someone was sending her gifts and started shaking it to see what it was, and I tried to grab it from him because I wanted to know too! But then Ayato wouldn't let me have it! So I held onto the box and he just let it go knowing I'd fall! He did it on purpose so I'd fall!"
Reiji sighed and squeezed his nose bridge. He wasn't sure how much of these childish antics he could put up with.
"It says here that this is a gift from...."
Reiji adjusts his glasses before his eyes went wide with shock.
The entire room fell quiet. Not for long if Ayato had anything to do with it however.
"That old geezer!? What the hell does he want?"
Reiji glared at Ayato before reprimanding his poor speech and lack of respect towards their father.
"I wonder what that man wants? Perhaps another ploy to get us to act like a perfect happy family he sees on television."
Laito cooed out, but anyone with common sense could taste the passive aggressiveness in his voice. Reiji continued to look at the label, ignoring his brothers.
"I- what?...."
Was all he could muster his lips to say.
"What is it now? Stop keeping us in suspense Reiji!"
Kanato shouted angrily at his older brother. Reiji read the label twice before ripping it off the box as his younger siblings watched in amazement. Ayato had enough of his suspicious behaviour and lunged at Reiji, stealing the label from his cold fingertips.
"Finally! Let's see here.... H-huh!? This can't be right- there's no way..."
Laito looked a bit concerned for a fraction of a second before stepping up and asking what everyone's reaction was about.
"F-four eyes here is- Reiji's getting MARRIED!"
Laito and everyone else fell into shock. By this point Subaru teleported into the room with them hearing the commotion.
"He's getting..... What?"
Reiji knew he needed to contact his father to make sure this wasn't some mistake.
"What exactly does that label say Ayato?"
Kanato asked, clenching teddy tighter.
"It says that... That it's a wedding gift for Reiji."
Subaru cussed out and went on a rant about how the "old man" couldn't just do that and it was bullshit. Shu eventually made his way into the room looking off into the distance and not saying anything. By the time everyone was done conversing, the shock finally set into their veins until all they could feel now was fear. Without Reiji, how would this house even remain standing? God knows Shu's not going to take up that responsibility. Despite not saying anything verbally, they all knew what the other was thinking.
"Hey Reiji so does this mean that- haa!? He's gone!"
Ayato said slightly offended. He couldn't help but wonder what would come of this situation.
The sea was harsh as sailors struggled to stay on board their ships, thunder and lightning blocked out their senses. 'People' like you were meant to be extremely careful during nights like these. Rough waters only called for trouble, not just for mortal men but for seafolk as well. Hunting was harder with all the lights people put on their ships these days, humans began getting advanced, in technology and weaponry.
You were built to face the elements, not defy gunshot wounds and spears. Your tail whipped rapidly as you bobbed your body up and down, following the current as your teeth remained clench. Your nictating membrane or second eyelid as more commonly known, was on full display tonight. Even your biology knew something wasn't right. Despite this being perfect weather for some hunting, your gut told you it was best not to.
You tried your best to swim back home, body using its full extent of power to five further and further into the depth of the ocean. Finally you saw what appeared to be a kelp forest. You quickly swam in between the slimy green leaves and stood there, waiting.
Your paranoia began to get the best of you, you watched from below as the ship stopped just above you. Had they actually seen you? Worse yet, today was the day of your coronation. You were meant to be home 2 hours ago. Your parents would kill you.
Suddenly you felt a flipper brush past you, jumping a bit in fright, you spun around and bared your fangs.
"G-geez calm down it's me..."
You 'heard' your brother say. Truthfully it was less hearing and more so knowing. Sound was useless in the ocean and all that would come out is bubbles. Seafolk were able to speak telepathically, a lot of scientists still believe that it was due to evolution since your ancestors originally couldn't.
"Shit... Is dad upset?"
Your brother rolled his eyes as the moonlight shun onto his scales, illuminating the blue and green hues of them. A tinge of purple melting into his pale skin as his long slender tail flipped back and forth keeping himself up. He was different compared to other seafolk. Despite having a tail, he was only born with a single flipper, making him resemble an eel rather than a fish.
"I'm upset with you. Do you understand how many people are waiting on you!?"
He berated you. Despite being your younger brother, he always seemed to act years ahead of you. But it wasn't your fault completely. Being burdened with such heavy responsibilities as the first child of the king made you susceptible to days with no freedom or boring political events. You had a vision for your people sure, but it was tiring sometimes and all you wanted was a break.
"Look I'm sorry- I just..."
His hair made a cloud around his head as the pitch black strands floated about. He was always a traditionalist when it came to how he viewed the world and even himself. Men in their colony would keep the top of their hair short and keep the rest in a singular long braid. Just looking at the jewels adorned on his body was a reminder that that's supposed to be you. You're the one that's supposed to be getting your younger brother put of trouble, you're the one that's supposed to bring honour to your family.
Sometimes you lose your way and that's okay, but having one of the only people that understand the pressure you're under and constantly forgives your childish behaviour isn't. A simple sorry wouldn't do. After a moment of silence, you both swam to your father's castle.
Despite what most fairytales depicted, it wasn't underwater at all. It was a large structure resembling the architecture of 14th century Indian royalty. It was built on a rocky island that was only one of the many small chain islands. Different tribes resided on each island and today was the day they were about to all be under your rule.
Once you and your brother made it onto land, your tail began to seperate into "legs". Your skin still retained it's green and blueish hues, scales littering your legs and fins attached to the back of your calves. Your toes were webbed and all along your body were zebra like markings that were completely white.
Your brother on the other hand was a different story. Once he got onto land, all that remained of him was a singular leg. He would often use an artificial body part to get around on land, but other times, you were there to help him.
Contrary to popular belief, seafolk aren't born with tails, they're born like a regular human with legs. For the most part of their life cycle they're amphibious, but through early ages they stay strictly on land. As they grow older, their fins develop and so does their innate ability to swim, despite needing to be taught exactly how to, the urge to delve into the water becomes stronger and constant.
The jingles of your gold netted attire, attracted the attention of others nearby who either ran to greet you or go to inform the king of your arrival.
Once you were finally at the top of the castle for all to see, your father behind you and a priest near your side, you were more than sure you weren't ready for this. Usually the first born son is chosen to be king by defeating an enemy clan's prince, but your father felt all too much love for you that he decided that certain rules needed to be broken. He enjoyed knowing that he'd leave his kingdom under a matriarchal power such as yourself. But currently you were testing his patience with your half assed speech.
Once the clapping finally ceased and the crown was placed onto your head, you felt bile rise in your throat. God you wanted any and every possible excuse to get out of there as fast as possible, but like the humans say, be careful for what you wish for.
The king took your hands in his and raised them up in the air, demanding cheering from the crowd below. Thunder brewed as rain painted your face.
"My daughter, your new highness, is getting married!"
You ripped your hands away from him and looked as if the world completely fell apart before your eyes. Tears filled your eyes as your father seemed to be the happiest man on earth. The crowd's applause only seeming to mock your distress. You looked across to your brother who seemed to be hiding in the shadows, his head hung low in shame, eyes daring to never meet yours.
"H-how.... Could you!? You-you SELFISH SELF ABSORBANT MAN!"
You felt a hand slap you hard across your face. The crowd went silent as your palm met your cheek. You looked at your perpetrator and all you saw were the teary eyes of a boy you once knew. A boy you once loved. A boy you would once call your brother.
You understand nothing and all you knew that this wasn't what you wanted. These people weren't your family, they were your enemies. Your brother would never hit you, your father would never force something like this onto you. You looked helplessly at the crowd as they gasped and judged you silently.
You ran, you ran as far as those shabby legs could take you.
The night before his wedding, Reiji reassured himself that his father had a greater purpose in mind for this union. Surely, it would prove to be a smart move, one that would strengthen his relationship and prove to his father that he could handle anything thrown his way. Sitting in his study, he absentmindedly ran his fingers over the spines of books on diplomacy and noble bloodlines, envisioning his bride as a refined, obedient woman who would respect the title he worked so hard to build.
He paused, staring into the dim light as a sense of unease swelled. He knew this marriage was a matter of duty, a test to prove his loyalty and worth to his father. Still, he couldn’t shake the stories he’d heard of sirens: tall and powerful, with hearts as deep and restless as the sea. It was unsettling, the thought of binding himself to someone who might lack the discipline and restraint he held so dearly.
He couldn’t afford another woman in his life who wielded power over him. As a child, his mother had been the only woman he’d seen as truly worthy of respect, she held herself with grace and was revered by those around her. Yet for all his efforts, he had never earned her regard. No matter how he tried to impress her, she’d remained indifferent, distant, her gaze seeming to pass over him as though he weren’t there at all. He remembered the countless hours spent studying, practicing, trying to become a son worthy of her attention. But to her, he’d never been enough, and in the end, she was gone, taking with her any hope he’d had of proving himself in her eyes.
He knew in his heart that this would never happen again. Ever. His wife would see him for the man that he was and even more. She'd respect him and obey him and fear him and... Love him? She'd hold him and laugh with him and read and- no. Reiji made up his mind. This woman would have no control over him nor his heart. He didn't care what methods of punishment he needed to take into consideration, he just knew that he needed to be above her and everyone else.
While Reiji sat alone in his study, you paced your quarters, the weight of your fate pressing down on you with each passing moment. Only tonight had you learned the true nature of this marriage, a cruel twist hidden behind the whispers and wary glances exchanged among your kin. You had always known your family harbored secrets, but you never expected to be bound to one, thrust into a union with a stranger for reasons that no one would speak of openly.
You clenched the edge of the vanity table, your fingers digging into the polished wood as anger pulsed through your veins. Tomorrow, you would become the bride of a stranger, a vampire prince whose name was whispered around you but whose face you had never seen. You knew nothing of him, only that he came from a world so different from your own, a world of shadows and secrets. A shiver ran down your spine at the thought of what he might expect from you, this man you were bound to without choice or warning.
The idea of surrendering to this life unsettled you, and a part of you longed to flee, to lose yourself in the open sea, far from the web of silence and secrets that had trapped you here. But you knew you couldn’t turn your back, not yet. Instead, you steeled yourself, vowing that if you were to face this marriage, it would be on your terms. Let the vampire prince try to break your spirit, he would find himself standing against the untamed force of the sea itself.
Your thoughts turned to your kingdom, the vibrant underwater realm that had always been your home. You could almost hear the echoes of laughter from your people, the gentle sway of the currents carrying their songs of joy. Yet, beneath that melody lay an undercurrent of worry. You knew the weight of your responsibilities, the expectations that loomed over you like a shadow. As the current queen, you were supposed to be a guiding light for your people, yet all you felt was uncertainty.
Caught in this emotional storm, you felt torn between your own desires and the needs of your kingdom. Part of you yearned to escape, to dive into the depths and leave this impending marriage behind. But how could you abandon those who relied on you? Your heart ached at the thought of your younger brother, who had always been there to pick up your slack. He bore the burden of expectations with a grace that you often envied, navigating the intricacies of royalty as if they were second nature.
How could you let him shoulder this alone? He had sacrificed so much for your family, standing by you in times of need, embodying the strength you sometimes lacked. The thought of failing him filled you with guilt. You couldn’t let him down; he deserved a sister who would fight for their kingdom, who would step up when it mattered most.
The grand hall was illuminated by the soft glow of candlelight, casting flickering shadows on the elegantly draped walls. The air was thick with anticipation, the rich scent of blooming night flowers wafting through the open windows. Guests filled the pews, their hushed whispers mingling with the distant sound of waves crashing against the shore, creating a symphony of expectation.
At the altar, Reiji stood, his expression carefully composed, though his heart raced with a mix of excitement and dread. Flanking him were his five brothers, their casual banter a thin veneer over the turmoil roiling beneath the surface.
“Tch... I can’t believe four eyes is really going through with this shit. I thought he was supposed to be the smartest of us.”
Ayato whispered to the group, moreso to himself than anyone else.
Laito looked off into the distance, his gaze momentarily lost in thought.
“Why wouldn’t he? This is everything he’s ever wanted.”
The weight of his words lingered in the air, a subtle acknowledgment of the pressure their brother faced. But just as quickly, he snapped back to his usual playful demeanor, a sly grin spreading across his face.
“I just hope his new bride has a good pair of legs. It'd be amusing to see Reiji finally let loose and have some fun fufu~"
Subaru’s expression soured instantly, and he shot Laito a sharp glare, the muscles in his jaw clenching.
He snapped, barely keeping his voice down.
“That’s all you care about? Reiji’s throwing himself into this for our father, and all you can think about is some pathetic joke.”
Beneath his anger, there was something else, a hint of sadness, a weariness at watching yet another brother pulled into the relentless cycle of proving oneself to someone who would never be satisfied. It seemed to Subaru to be a constant variable among them.
“Relax, Subaru,”
Laito replied, shrugging nonchalantly, though his smirk faltered for a second.
“It’s a wedding, not a funeral. Might as well keep things interesting.”
Subaru rolled his eyes and was about to retort back but was interrupted by Kanato.
Kanato’s frown deepened as he clutched his teddy bear closer to his chest, casting a wary glance at Laito.
“You shouldn’t say such things.....”
He muttered, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Teddy doesn’t like hearing such… unpleasant words.”
He hugged the bear tighter, as though shielding it from Laito’s careless remark.
He scoffed, his expression twisting into a pout.
“Reiji wouldn’t know fun if it bit him. He’s just doing this to prove he always does.”
Kanato’s voice took on a sulky, almost whiny edge.
“All he ever cares about is being ‘important’ to Father. He acts like he’s so much better than us, but he’s just as desperate.”
Kanato hummed in thought for a moment before adding on.
Kanato’s gaze shifted toward the aisle, almost lost in thought as he muttered to himself.
“It would be boring if he broke his new bride before they even get started. But I suppose it would make things… entertaining. Maybe he'll finally crumble."
Subaru scoffed at his brother's thoughtless remark.
“You’re unbelievable, you know that?”
Subaru's voice was laced with venom. Sure he hated his brothers, but in times like this, they were the only ones they could rely on. Kanato simply shrugged, brushing Subaru’s reaction off.
“What? Teddy and I think it’s only fair.”
Before Subaru could respond, Shu shifted, glancing up with a half-lidded gaze. His expression was unreadable, and for a moment, his piercing eyes rested on Reiji.
“You’re all wasting your time.”
He murmured, his tone quiet but laced with a hint of sadness. He sighed before responding.
“Reiji’s been chasing Father’s approval for as long as I can remember. He thinks this will finally make him happy.”
Shu’s gaze softened slightly, as though remembering the years they had spent in tense rivalry. Though Reiji’s resentment toward him ran deep, Shu couldn’t ignore the reality that they were still brothers, bound by blood and bitter memories.
“But if this marriage is just another game for him to win…”
He let out a sigh, his voice tinged with disappointment.
“He’s setting himself up for a lonely life.”
He leaned back, closing his eyes as if to detach himself from the scene.
“Not that it matters,”
He added quietly.
“Reiji wouldn’t listen to any of us, anyway.”
They all fell in a somber silence. No one had anything else to say. They couldn't, it was just too much.
The murmur of the guests faded to silence as you entered, every gaze turning toward you. You stood in the entryway, bathed in moonlight, your figure luminous as you took your first step forward.
Your dress was breathtaking—a gown crafted from woven seaweed, embedded with jewels that caught the light with every movement. Sapphires, emeralds, and shimmering pearls adorned the deep green and blue fabric, each piece glinting like ocean waves in moonlight. The dress cascaded around you in flowing patterns, trailing behind like a living shadow of the sea itself.
Golden bands wound around your wrists and neck, twisted into intricate designs that announced your lineage to anyone who dared question it. Tiny shells and coral pieces were woven into your hair, crowned by strands of delicate pearls. In place of a bouquet, a garland of kelp and sea flowers draped over your hands, an offering from the ocean that spoke of your world beyond this one.
Your skin carried the faint hues of the sea, light blue and green, shimmering softly as though kissed by ocean tides. There was a fierceness to your beauty, an untamed quality that felt powerful, ancient, and strange. As you walked, each step was measured and full of grace, and yet I could sense something more....a quiet strength, perhaps even defiance, beneath the calm expression you held.
As you finally reached the altar, Reiji’s breath caught in his throat. At 6'5", you towered over him, a striking figure that commanded attention. The way you moved, so confidently and gracefully, made him acutely aware of the space between you. How effortlessly you filled it with your presence. He had expected beauty, but the sheer magnitude of your stature and the shimmering hues of your skin left him momentarily speechless.
It was as if the very air shifted around you, drawing the eyes of all who gathered. In that moment, Reiji felt a rush of emotions, intimidation, admiration, and an undeniable spark of intrigue. How could someone so magnificent and unlike anyone he had ever known become his bride?
Two weeks had passed since the wedding, and life in the castle near the shore had become a dance of mischief and challenge. Reiji sat in the sunlit library, a heavy tome propped open before him, its pages filled with complex theories about etiquette and social conduct. You lounged nearby, legs crossed, and glanced over at him.
“What are you reading this time?” you asked, your tone dripping with mockery. “Another guide on how to be a proper gentleman?”
He glanced up, slightly defensive. “It’s called The Art of Nobility, and it’s quite insightful.”
You scoffed, shaking your head. “You need a book to tell you how to be a normal person? Isn’t that an oxymoron?”
Reiji felt irritation flare inside him. “This is important, you know. Understanding how to navigate our world—”
“Oh please, you’re drowning in a sea of nonsense. You think reading this drivel will make you more refined? You’re just pretending!”
With each jab, you pushed him closer to the edge, and he struggled to maintain his composure. “I’m not pretending! I’m trying to—”
“Trying to what? Live up to some outdated expectation? That’s just sad.”
“Sad?” Reiji snapped, unable to hold back any longer. “What do you know about it, Ayato?!”
The slip hung in the air, shocking both of you into silence. As the silence hung in the air, Reiji quickly cleared his throat, eager to move past the awkward moment. “I didn’t mean to—”
“Who’s Ayato?” you asked, curiosity piqued.
Reiji froze, his eyes narrowing slightly as he adjusted his glasses. “My brother,” he replied, his tone clipped.
You raised an eyebrow, genuinely curious. “What’s he like?”
He hesitated, the question lingering in the air. “It’s complicated,” he finally said, his defensiveness surfacing. “I have my own responsibilities to manage.”
You nodded, sensing the tension in his voice. “I get that. Families can be... complicated.”
Reiji felt an unfamiliar urge to share, but he quickly suppressed it, recognizing that he had already revealed too much. “We should focus on our duties,” he said, trying to sound authoritative.
“Of course,” you replied, your tone calm. “I didn’t mean to pry.”
He took a step back, feeling the weight of the moment press down on him. “Right,” he said, his voice tight. “I’ll... I’ll see you later.”
Without waiting for a response, he turned on his heel and left, the air between you heavy with unspoken thoughts.
The next day, Reiji was pacing the halls of the castle, lost in thought about the previous evening’s awkward exchange. He was trying to shake off the unease when he heard muffled voices coming from the other room.
Curiosity piqued, he approached the door to your quarters, where he could hear your voice, thick with emotion. As he leaned closer, he caught snippets of the conversation—your tone was strained, and it was clear you were upset.
“...I’m fine, really. It’s just... difficult,” you said, your voice cracking. “I just wish things were different.”
Reiji hesitated for a moment before gently knocking on the door. “Is everything all right in there?” he asked, his voice calm and collected, though he didn’t genuinely expect a response.
When you didn’t answer immediately, he pushed the door open slightly, peering inside. The sight of you, tears streaming down your cheeks, caught him off guard. You looked vulnerable, a stark contrast to the strong facade you usually wore.
“What's wrong?” he asked, more out of politeness than genuine concern. His instinct was to remain distant, but something compelled him to check on you.
You glanced up, surprise flickering in your eyes. “I... it’s nothing, really,” you said quickly, wiping your tears with the back of your hand.
“It clearly isn’t nothing,” he pressed, the irritation in his voice surfacing. “If you’re going to cry in the castle, at least have the decency to do it quietly.”
You took a deep breath, attempting to regain your composure. “I didn’t mean to disturb anyone. It’s just... family stuff.”
Reiji felt a flicker of interest but quickly suppressed it. “If it’s family, then it’s not my concern,” he said, trying to sound indifferent, but there was an edge to his tone that revealed his discomfort.
“Right,” you replied, forcing a smile that didn’t reach your eyes. “Thanks for checking, though.”
He nodded stiffly, feeling the tension in the air. “Just try not to let it affect your duties. We have a lot to handle.”
With that, he turned on his heel and walked away, the encounter leaving him with a strange sense of unease. The sound of your muffled sobs lingered in his mind, but he brushed it off. Emotions were not his concern; he had his own burdens to bear.
The rain tapped gently against the windows of the sunroom as you lounged on a cushioned chair, staring out at the grey skies. You had hoped for a day to explore the gardens, but the weather had other plans.
Reiji entered, shaking droplets from his hair, looking somewhat annoyed. “I had plans for today, and they’re all ruined by this weather.”
You smiled, glancing up at him. “We could find something to do indoors. There are plenty of games in the study.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Games? You think that will keep my mind occupied?”
“Why not? It could be fun,” you suggested, standing up and moving towards the shelves. “Or are you too busy being the perfect son?”
Reiji’s expression softened slightly at your teasing. “Fine. What do you have in mind?”
After rummaging through the study, you found a deck of cards and challenged him to a game. As the two of you played, laughter filled the room, the tension of earlier days dissipating.
“Do you always cheat?” Reiji asked, mock indignation on his face as you grinned, adjusting your strategy.
“Only when I have to,” you replied, your eyes sparkling. “Maybe you should try it sometime.”
As the game progressed, the playful banter turned into genuine conversation. You shared stories about your upbringing and the pressures you faced, while Reiji opened up about his past and the shadows of his brother’s brilliance that loomed over him.
“I’ve spent so long trying to prove myself that I forgot how to enjoy life,” he admitted, a hint of vulnerability in his voice.
“Maybe you don’t have to prove anything to me,” you said softly.
Reiji's mind reeled. His body becoming temporarily paralyzed as he analyzed your words. He couldn't explain the lump in his throat and he didn't want to.
The grand dining hall was alive with laughter and the clinking of glasses as guests celebrated your recent achievements. You sat at the head of the table, sharing stories and soaking in the compliments when Reiji’s sudden outburst shattered the festive mood.
“Enough!” he shouted, his voice echoing through the hall, silencing everyone. You blinked, shocked at the sudden intensity of his words.
“What’s wrong, Reiji?” you asked, your heart racing as the eyes of every guest turned toward you, the laughter dying down into an awkward silence.
“It’s just—this is ridiculous! You stand there, taking all the credit for everything, while I’m left in your shadow!” he exclaimed, frustration evident in every word.
You felt heat rise to your cheeks, a mix of embarrassment and anger washing over you. “I’m not trying to overshadow you! I thought we were celebrating our success together.”
“Celebrating you, maybe,” he shot back. “It feels like I’m a footnote in your story, and I’m tired of it!”
“Reiji, you need to calm down,” you said, trying to maintain your composure while the guests exchanged bewildered glances.
“No! I can’t just stand by while you steal the spotlight!” He slammed his hand on the table, the noise reverberating in the now-silent hall.
Your patience thinned. “This isn’t the time or place for this! You’re embarrassing me in front of our guests. If you have something to say, let’s say it privately.”
Reiji’s expression faltered, uncertainty flickering in his eyes, but he stood firm. “Maybe you should reconsider how you present yourself if you want my respect.”
You took a deep breath, frustration boiling inside you. “Leave us,” you commanded, addressing the guests. “This conversation is no longer appropriate for this setting.”
The guests exchanged confused looks but complied, rising from their seats and filing out of the dining hall, whispering amongst themselves as they left. The door clicked shut, leaving you and Reiji alone in the suddenly quiet room.
“Now, can we talk?” you said, your tone firm yet calm.
He rubbed the back of his neck, tension evident in his posture. “I... I didn’t mean to lose control like that.”
You crossed your arms, studying him intently. “But you did, and it’s not the first time. Why is it so hard for you to accept that I have my own strengths? I want to work together, but I can’t do that if you see me as a threat.”
God Reiji would do anything right about now to just vanish off the face of the earth. He was losing his mind, his self. Nothing could quell the ache in his battered heart. He took a deep breath before speaking.
"You could never be a threat to me."
And with that he was gone.
The garden was peaceful, the soft rustle of leaves and the distant sound of water creating a calming ambiance. You and Reiji stood beneath a large oak tree, the moonlight filtering through the branches. The earlier tension from the dining hall lingered in the air, but you sensed that he needed more than just words of encouragement.
Reiji leaned against the tree, arms crossed over his chest, his gaze fixed on the ground. You could see the weight of his thoughts pressing down on him, and your heart ached for him.
“Reiji,” you said softly, stepping closer, “I didn’t mean to push you. I just want to understand.”
He remained silent, the shadows playing across his face. You could see the turmoil in his expression, and instinctively, you reached out to touch his arm, offering warmth and reassurance.
“I know things can feel overwhelming,” you continued gently. “You’ve always been so dedicated to your duties. But you don’t have to carry everything alone. I’m here for you, no matter what.”
He glanced at you, eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and uncertainty. “It’s not that simple,” he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. “There are things... things I can’t share.”
“Why not?” you asked, your brow furrowing in concern. “I want to help, but I can’t do that if you keep pushing me away. It’s okay to be vulnerable.”
Reiji looked away, the vulnerability in his gaze quickly masked by a wall of stoicism. “You wouldn’t understand. My past... it’s complicated. I don’t want to burden you with it.”
“Reiji,” you said, your tone firm but gentle, “everyone has their struggles. I may not know the specifics of your past, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be here for you. You don’t have to face everything by yourself.”
He inhaled deeply, trying to mask the emotions threatening to spill over. “It’s hard for me to accept help. I was always expected to be perfect, to uphold a certain image.”
You took a step closer, your heart aching at his words. “You don’t have to be perfect for me. I admire your strength, but I also see how hard you are on yourself. It’s okay to let that facade drop, even just for a moment.”
Reiji turned to face you, his defenses wavering as your kindness washed over him. “I’m scared,” he admitted, his voice trembling slightly. “I don’t want to disappoint you.”
“You could never disappoint me,” you replied earnestly, your eyes locking onto his. “It’s okay to show me your true self. I promise I won’t judge you. I just want to be close to you, to support you, even if I don’t know everything.”
For a brief moment, Reiji seemed to consider your words, his walls faltering. But then he took a step back, the distance between you seeming to widen. “I need time,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. “I’m not ready to share everything yet.”
You nodded, respecting his need for space. “That’s okay. Just know that whenever you are ready, I’ll be here. You don’t have to hide from me.”
He looked at you, a flicker of appreciation in his eyes, though uncertainty lingered beneath the surface. “Thank you. You’re... you’re too kind.”
“It’s just who I am,” you replied with a soft smile, trying to lighten the mood. “I’ll always be here to remind you that you’re worthy of love and support, no matter what you’ve been through.”
Reiji’s gaze softened, the tension in his posture easing ever so slightly. “I appreciate that,” he said quietly. “It means more than you know.”
You stepped back slightly, giving him the space he needed while still maintaining a comforting presence. “Whenever you need me, day or night, I’ll be here. Just take your time.”
As you both stood in the moonlit garden, a sense of understanding began to weave between you, a promise of support in the midst of unspoken fears. While Reiji still guarded his past, he felt the warmth of your kindness enveloping him, a beacon of hope amidst the shadows of his insecurities.
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The moonlight spilled across the balcony, illuminating the space where you stood, arms crossed against the night air. The cool breeze offered a fleeting relief from the warmth of your thoughts, but it couldn’t erase the tension that lingered between you and Reiji.
He leaned against the railing, staring out into the night, the weight of his unspoken thoughts palpable. You both had spent weeks navigating this uneasy partnership—an arrangement rooted in obligation and resentment. At first, the two of you were like oil and water, clashing at every turn. But now, as the days passed, the barriers you had built began to show signs of wear.
“Why do you keep looking so serious?” you asked, breaking the silence. Your voice held a hint of challenge, but deep down, you were curious.
Reiji turned to you, his expression a mix of frustration and contemplation. “I was just thinking about how strange this all is. We’re forced into this arrangement, and yet... it feels different now.”
“Different how?” you probed, crossing your arms tighter.
His brow furrowed as he considered his words. “At first, I couldn’t stand the idea of being tied to someone like you. You were impulsive, carefree... everything I’m not. But now... I don’t know. It’s not half bad.”
The admission hung in the air, and your heart raced at the unexpected turn of his thoughts. “What are you saying, Reiji? Are you really implying that you’ve come to tolerate me?”
“Maybe more than that,” he said, stepping closer, the distance between you shrinking. “You’ve challenged me in ways I didn’t expect. I’ve never been good at opening up, but you’ve somehow cracked through my walls.”
A wave of warmth flooded through you, surprising both of you. “I guess I’ve had my own struggles, too. At first, I hated being here. I thought I’d be trapped in a life I didn’t choose, forced into a marriage that meant nothing.”
His gaze softened, curiosity replacing some of the tension. “What changed?”
You took a deep breath, the weight of your confession threatening to spill out. “I was forced into this marriage because of my father’s debts to your family. He was desperate, and I didn’t want to see him suffer. But now... I’m starting to feel like maybe this isn’t as awful as I thought.”
Reiji’s expression shifted, surprise mixing with something deeper, perhaps understanding. “You mean to say you’ve grown to appreciate this situation?”
“I’ve grown to appreciate you,” you admitted, your heart pounding. “Despite everything, you’ve become... more than I ever expected. I don’t think I can keep pretending this is just a business arrangement.”
Silence enveloped the balcony, the gravity of your words settling in the space between you. Reiji’s eyes widened, and for a moment, it felt like time stood still.
“I thought this was just about duty,” you continued, your voice trembling. “But it’s become so much more for me. I’m scared because I didn’t plan to fall for you. I didn’t want to like you. It complicates everything.”
He stepped closer, the vulnerability in his eyes undeniable. “And what if I said I’ve felt the same? That beneath all my irritation, I’ve found myself drawn to you in ways I never imagined?”
Your heart soared at his confession, the tension between you shifting. “Then maybe we can make this work. I want to fight for something real between us, something more than just obligations.”
Reiji hesitated, the flicker of hope igniting in his gaze. “You’re willing to take that risk?”
“I am,” you replied, feeling the fear that had gripped your heart begin to melt away. “I want to be with you, despite our past. I want to see where this can go.”
The air crackled with tension, and in that moment, you both understood the weight of the leap you were about to take. As the moonlight enveloped you, the realization that your feelings had shifted became undeniable.
Reiji reached for your hand, his grip warm and reassuring. “Then let’s explore this together. No more hiding from what we feel.”
You nodded, a sense of relief flooding through you. “Together,” you affirmed, feeling the distance between you dissolve as the promise of something real began to take root.
In the quiet of the night, beneath the vast sky, you both stood on the brink of a new beginning, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, together.
Word count: idk probably too much
From Author: I had so much fun writing their dynamics and I really wanted to do a slow burn but I realized I probably crossed the word limit halfway in and unfortunately had to shorten it. But I loved having this opportunity, I wanna say thank you for @bubblespalace for curating this event, she's working hard to keep the fandom alive and I'm glad I had a chance to be apart of that!
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notdiabolika · 4 months ago
A Halloween Celebration?
The night an indo-caribbean got lost in a vampire’s ball.
Gift for @krispycremecake. Exchange planned by @diabolik-lovers-weekly.
| Featuring: Shu x Indo-caribbean fem reader x Subaru. 
[ ! ] Contains: swearing, biting and blood.
The heavy wooden door, adorned with a strange symbol, had been carelessly left wide open that night, October 31st. Purposeful or not, the fragrant smell of the ball invades the street, attracting curious glances into the hall where the ominous figures circle. — What are those youngsters doing? Listening to classical music, above all… They are not young. — It must be a funeral for the living! Not alive either. — Halloween wannabes. However, it is, in fact, Halloween. But for anyone young and alive, looking for a Halloween party, this seemed like the place to go. It was only strange when the door closed behind them…
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My time in Japan, up until that point, had been splendid. The streets ranged from the most colorful and illuminated by technological standards — like the nostalgic Tokyo — to more isolated, although equally special, places, like Kanashimashi.
Japanese customs and streets are different from those in the Caribbean, in some places they are equally crowded, although oriental architecture has a more minimalist style of housing outside of large metropolises. At least, that's what I thought, until I found this little city treasure and a loose invitation to a gala ball with Halloween props. I didn't even know it was celebrated here, much less planned my visit with this in mind. But I, as a curious person, am more than prepared for a night of mischief that will sweeten my taste buds.
— Excuse me — I barely enter the party before the doors abruptly close behind me, giving me a scare that almost makes me lose my balance.
The eyes that fell on my figure were… intoxicating. I have to confess: my outfits are a bit simple compared to others. I just wear a black floral dress, exaggerated stitching details on the sides and hem, as well as heavier makeup, drawn to blue — a hurried parody of Corpse Bride, which in the middle of production turned into something. It happens to all of us who work under tight deadlines.
Seconds pass, but the vast majority of guests look at me as if I was a seven-headed animal, walking towards the red table, full of sweets filled with scarlet dye. I've never seen any of these before. Maybe it's something from Japanese culture.
I extend my hand to eat some sort of crooked cupcake, which I imagine is on purpose, ignoring those who stare at me and whisper with pure stubbornness.
— What are you doing?! — the poor cupcake goes flying, scattering on the polished floor. The perpetrator of the attack is a tall man, almost six feet tall, albino, frowning, with his sleeves pushed up to his elbows. — Do you have issues?
The words catch in my throat, a mixture of surprise and hatred forming. But I choke on them, his hand tugging at my wrist and making me stumble across the room to try to keep up with his quick steps.
— What the hell… — he even has the audacity to hold me by the waist. — This is the worst thing that could happen today!
That "little" dude, who doesn't look more than eighteen years old at most, is not only rude but also shouts. So I shout back.
— Stop dragging me, mate!
The only response I get is a snort. We crossed a large corridor until we reached the door at the end, with a small window giving a view of the garden outside.
— Shit, locked—
— Hello?! I'm talking to you. — I pull his arm as he tries to move my hand away. Our bodies are almost pressed together as I look him straight in the eyes. — Do I look like a dog to be taken wherever you want me to go?
Those crimson eyes, filled with stormy emotion, turned to me. A flash of guilt. His tense posture gives the impression that the boy is about to jump on something (or someone) without thinking twice. However, that hustle gets a brief glimpse of respite when he stops and looks at me.
Even the rudest of boys could make my face burn with embarrassment by staring at me as intensely as this albino is staring at me. And he's not kind at all.
— Tch, it doesn't matter what you look like. — He turns his pale face away. For someone who has such bold talk, his skin and face have some very delicate features. — And if you want to know, it looks like someone is choking you.
— That was the concept! — more or less.
With one last breath, he opens a random room and barks his orders.
— Come in here, and stay until I find the key to the back door. — He sounds like he's punishing a disobedient child, although I'm sure I'm too old for that. I frown, crossing my arms — Don't make noise, and don't attract attention. And get on with it! Or you die.
The words hit me like a punch in the stomach, a human weakness that runs up my legs and makes me turn to that abnormal figure with a mix of confusion and genuine fear.
Is this a ball… a meeting of criminals?
— Why would I even trust you? — I take a step back, his expression changing to pure frustration with the slightest movement of mine that opposes him. — As far as I know, this is a Halloween ball.
A loud, amused laugh erupts from his thin lips, although his voice is thick and full of irritation.
—Halloween?! Look, I'm trying to help you here. — Suddenly, he turns his back. — But if you don't want to, that's fine! See what happens and how it ends. When I find a way to get you out of this place, I'll be waiting, right here.
In a flash, I realize: that boy has just disappeared, right under my nose. I feel around the walls looking for some kind of clue, magic trick, or smoke signal. This has to be some kind of prank, right?
Maybe I'm just in a weird roleplay group…
I laugh but then cover my mouth. No, that's not what I believe. But I would love it if it were true.
I decided that instead of trying to get back to that ballroom, maybe one of these rooms around me could help me. It's not possible that there isn't ONE single window to jump out of in such a big place, because the one the stranger wanted me to enter didn't have one.
The first doorknob is locked. The second is stuck. An event house completely locked to the public, perhaps? Or a simple inconvenience that disrupts my life. The third doesn't even move. I was hoping that the fourth attempt wouldn't decide to give in, because of the popular Japanese superstition that the number four had a direct connection with death. Well…
Guess which of the doors opened.
The dark and cold room really surprises me. None of the furniture is particularly interesting, all covered in a thin layer of dust, similar to what a storage room would be like. The view, however, is soft and bluish — the result of the full moon night outside, mountains in the background framed by the rounded window.
I walk towards it like a dragonfly floating towards the nearest light source. And in this thousandth of imprecision…
… I stumble.
My eyes close reflexively, hands reaching forward and collapsing against the floor. The rest of the fall is cushioned by flesh, a soft grunt below reassuring me that, whatever this is, it's alive. Although strangely cold.
—Haa… why does this always happen to me…
The deep voice resounds in the air, slurred and lazy words from someone who has just woken up and doesn't even think about getting up. The man below me seems to have stepped out of the most distant fairy tales. Blonde, blue eyes that shine so softly that it's as if a firefly had landed between his eyelids and decided to live there. His entire face has a sleepy, dreamlike air that is difficult not to look at.
But of course, he's still a stranger sleeping in an empty room — and his clothes aren't too shabby for him to be in this situation out of necessity.
— You smell like Subaru. And you're a human being… what a peculiar combination for a closed ball like this. —Yet here he is, babbling things I don't entirely understand. When I try to stand up, his hand gently pulls me back. — No. Since you decided to fall on me, now you're not leaving anytime soon…
I don't particularly mind this turn of events.
—What is going on? I just came to take a look, and suddenly this guy… Subaru started pulling me.
At this point, I've convinced myself that the Halloween fun party I saw in the pamphlet is not the same as this one and that, apparently, I need to get out of there as quickly as possible. But I have a very strong curse called curiosity. Also, if it's something illegal, maybe I should run away and tell the police.
— Heh, you don't know much, do you? — the tone is mocking at first, but the soft and carefree expression begins to wrinkle over time, seriousness enveloping his bright irises. — This is a celebration between beings of the night, to congratulate the birthday of our demon king.
Oh, right. It's a sect thing.
Some pretty disturbing thoughts start to flood my mind as I think about what kind of atrocities happen at parties like this. An unpleasant shiver runs down my spine.
— I know… — nothing. — And why don't let me go out the front door instead of the back door, if that Subaru really wants to get me out of here? It doesn't make any difference.
I think I'm having my worries and anxieties ignored when those long lashes cover his eyes, but the low murmur comes quickly:
— Magic. You must have walked into the place of the human we were waiting for and the door closed by itself. It's definitely the last scenario that would cross my mind in a situation like this. Skepticism would never allow it, and it was about to double: — A shame that the only one who has the keys left, looking for Yui. The other vampires will show no mercy if they catch you here.
And with this speech, finally, everything makes sense again.
— Vampires? — assuming it’s not a codename for crazy cultists… — The mythological creature?
His brow furrows again.
— What else would we be talking about?
I fall beside him, laughing like a child on the night of mischief;
— Oh, stop! Mythical creatures roam a ball conveniently open to everyone, even if you say it was an accident, and a handsome young man — the compliment was completely acidental, too — is the one who appears to save the night and remove the person who accidentally ended up here. What chapter of the RPG campaign are we in?
His laugh follows mine, though it's nasal, pure entertainment at my expense.
— You don't believe vampires exist?
— Imagine if there were creatures as fast and fleeting as vampires. One would notice the same faces walking around a small town like this. — A pretty useless argument to have out of nowhere, but what else could I do if I had to wait until the door was opened? — How boring. Everything about this party is just a big prank. It would be cool if they had actual real vampires.
Sure, lip service, but who cares! They are not real.
— And if there were, would you let them bite you?
Still, that story that if I stepped outside, I would have my neck chased by vampires. How cliché.
— Oh, sure. — Irony dances across my lips. I lift the hem of the dress with my hands as I rise from the floor, straightening the wrinkled fabric and making it smooth again. — Now excuse me, I have better places to be.
Praying that the white ghost with red eyes wouldn't appear, I walk around the strange lying man in order to reach the door — until I realize that he's no longer there.
— … Well, you said it. — He pulls me back into a hug. — Don't blame me for listening to your own words before you leave.
The voice behind me surprises me a lot, but no more than the lazy canines that prowl in the space between my shoulder and my neck. The fright makes me shiver due to the sudden cold contact. He's so sharp… Much more than I would be comfortable with imagining that supernatural beings are nothing more than literary tales and stories to scare spoiled little children.
— W-wait a second—
I can almost imagine him smiling as he brushes a strand of my hair away, his princely lips resembling the curve of a demon pressing a kiss to my shoulder.
— You know, it's a really bad night for something like this to happen… the full moon makes us all a little dizzy. But don't worry. I won't let anyone take you from here.
The explosive presence appears accompanied by an equally unexpected slam of the doorknob against the wall — which even has a hole in that exact same place —, nothing in the hands. No set of keys, absolutely no way out of this hell.
— Agh… Shu! What are you doing?! If it wasn't enough that idiot Reiji disappeared with those keys…
Shu. That being moves its teeth away from my skin with some reluctance when it sees the new apparition in the room, staring at the albino over my bare shoulder, due to the model of the dress. His chin slides down, resting against my arm as if he were an innocent, sleepy human. However, I don't think I will find anything like that today.
— It's useless. Unless you want to break the fixed windows and deal with the costs dictated by our father, nothing here opens. — Subaru opens his mouth to argue, but his shoulders slump, as if in the end he finds that his (apparent) sibling is right. —Which means that if we want to protect such a mortal, we will have to stay inside.
My heart feels like it's going to jump out of my mouth at any moment. Maybe I'm having some kind of psychosis, but I swear that before I look, fangs are sprouting from those same rough pouty lips. He looks like an even younger boy as he grimaces and closes the room's door.
— It that serious? I didn't want that. — With a conflicted expression, he covers his face with his hand, walking towards the window to look outside. — It seems like this never ends… it was a bad idea from the beginning, with the shitty weather outside.
I don't think I've ever seen a moon as full and perfectly round as that one. It makes me more aware of my surroundings, beyond the cold air, the small warmth I transmit to the man hugging me, my rapid breathing having to find a spot to calm down.
— I think it's a better alternative than letting vampires walk the streets on a night like this and take anyone as prey… at least, I think that's what that guy wanted to prevent tonight, as the king. — Shu mutters. — And as for the moon… Well, I guess we can't be expected to be able to hold ourselves back in such a situation.
Subaru turns his head immediately, eyes wide as he grabs my arm in an anxious instance.
— Tch, what are you, a forest beast? — suddenly, that guy doesn't seem so angry anymore. The tone is low as if generated from genuine… concern? — What if this attracts more attention and they want to hurt her?
Everything around me is so clear, too nitid to not be real. At that moment I realize, despite the exasperation and his breathless tone, that Subaru really doesn't seem to wish me any harm. He's just irritated and wants to help.
— I didn't want to say it like that in front of a stranger, but… I think just by the way you look at her, I can tell that you haven't had anything to drink in a while.
Shu manages to make the man even paler than he already is, and afterward, a persistent blush covers his cheeks.
— So what?! I can hold on a little longer…
I stay quiet, just wanting to see where this goes.
— You were always very stubborn. — The blonde shakes his head again. — Come on, she said she doesn't mind.
— She did?! — the flustered one sounds almost jealous.
— Just accept the proposal…
One hesitant and the other insistent, their shoes meet the toes of my flats, both looking at me with an untainted yet restrained thirst. My breath seems to catch in my throat after being looked at so intensely. I know I should be scared, still thinking it's all part of some cruel joke…
But if vampires exist, I will never find any where I live— not in a place with an average of thirty degrees during the summer, anyway — and I would never have an opportunity as curiously peculiar as this.
— I'll let you both... try that, I suppose.
When both lips rest above my collarbones, I just close my eyes. I want to feel what it's like without seeing it.
The piercing pain comes quickly, makes you grunt, but soon emerges into anesthetizing relief. Impossible to explain, but it's as if butterflies lodged in your stomach and made you believe that the pain never existed. As if you were floating, with two men supporting your weight as gently as the faint bite of their fangs.
I lose track of time briefly. I just know it's over when I see Shu walking away from me, satisfied with the small feast. A pleasant silence ensues.
— Better? — the blue eyes turn to the red ones, which quickly avoid his.
— Tch. I don't know, whatever…
I end up laughing a little against the worn fabric, leaning against the hothead's chest who still holds me for a few seconds before letting me go. Touching the walls, I sit on a chair to the side.
— I think I need to eat something salty.
And all I saw in that room were sweets…
— It's ideal… — the sleepy man soon leans towards a chair on the other side of the table, sliding down until he appears to be almost lying down. — I think you should go get some sweets, Subaru.
— Hah?! Why me?
It turns out that that strange situation I found myself in soon turned into almost… a date. Subaru, very upset, went out to get a tray of snacks in worrying shades of red.
—Is this… blood? — I ask warily, moving away from the table at the thought.
— Hmph… no, just snacks from the demon world and an excessive amount of ketchup. — Shu whispers with notable disinterest. — The appetite of some vampires is stimulated by the color red.
Curious, I pick up some peculiarly shaped fries and dip them in ketchup. It crackles in my mouth with its crunch, but it's neither greasy nor too salty.
— I think it's ridiculous… it just makes you hungrier.
Subaru's blunt comment makes my chest tighten a little.
— Eat with me, I'll feel bad eating alone.
Another typical nasal laugh comes from the blonde, probably noticing the irony in my concern after being bitten by two vampires at the same time.
— If you feed me, maybe so.
— Hey! That's not fair- I want some too.
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I have been trying to find the username of this person [@krispycremecake], but haven't found it on Tumblr! If someone could help me I would be very greatful.
Wish everybody a good night 🖤
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notdiabolika · 5 months ago
An infamous duo
Kino + Little D No. 2
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Uma dupla famigerada
Kino + Little D Nº 2
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notdiabolika · 5 months ago
22 notes · View notes
notdiabolika · 5 months ago
What does the Orca say?
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notdiabolika · 5 months ago
Spooky Scary Simeon!
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notdiabolika · 5 months ago
How Ayato and Yui would look like as Teddy Bears!
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(App: FloraSpeak)
Como Ayato e Yui seriam se fossem ursos de pelúcia!
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notdiabolika · 5 months ago
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notdiabolika · 5 months ago
A Borboleta Social.
Se encontrando em um café de gatos.
| Estrelando: Kou Mukami & Yui Komori.
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As portas dos nossos quartos têm tranca. E, embora nem sempre estejam limpos, os corredores são seguros. 
O jardim não é como aquele que me acostumei a regar, repleto de rosas. Este abriga em si uma plantação humilde que cheira à mescla vívida dos mais variados vegetais (e frutas). A cozinha também. Ela, sozinha, poderia abrigar uma família de cinco pessoas.
Ou talvez, apenas quatro. Este lugar é exatamente como o nome implica: Mansão dos Mukamis.
— Deveria me agradecer por te chamar para dar uma saidinha. — As palavras arrogantes saem com um ar suave, puxado para a brincadeira. — Essa sua pele tá carente de um sol… — Ao abrir a porta para mim, Kou dá um de seus sorrisos característicos. Aquele que todo mundo conhece. 
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Um dos ídolos mais populares do Japão, das revistas até as ruas da pacata Kanashimashi. A pele corada, o rosto delgado adornando olhos azuis feito o céu, cabelos loiros ao vento, mechas volumosas ocultando o lado direito de sua face. 
Como gosta de rosa, hoje veste seu casaco com a cor disposta em um design moderno: justinha e com dois únicos botões grandes para fechar em cima.
— Para onde estamos indo? — Pergunto.
Quando comparo, o rosado da minha blusa e das mechas do meu cabelo parece até desbotado…
— Ah, mas que coisa! — Com aquele semblante de quem está segurando o riso, ele aperta o passo para deslizar o portão barulhento e, enfim, pisar na calçada. — Não seja impaciente. Tá parecendo o meu irmão mais velho.
Fato é que os ares de casa estavam estranhos, e isso me deixa um pouco acuada de sair andando rua afora, assim, sem preocupação. 
Ruki errou o ponto da comida umas três vezes só essa semana. O Yuma parece que escorregou a mão e despejou um saco inteiro de adubo nos tomates. E o Azusa? Insiste em ficar arrumando a casa sozinho, se machuca bem mais do que limpa… 
Dos meninos, Kou foi quem menos vi durante o dia-a-dia. De repente, havia começado a se dedicar o dobro no trabalho de modelo.
 — Apenas decidi te levar para passear, gatinha masoquista, nada mais… — Me encolho de vergonha com o apelido, alguns pedestres nos encararando. — Vamos para um lugar bem apropriado para alguém como você… ♥
— Eh— Cubro a orelha, sentindo cosquinha quando sua face se aproxima da minha. — Não sussurre tão perto. E… falando desse jeito, você me deixa nervosa!
— Tá se incomodando só com isso? — brinca, colocando o braço ao redor do meu ombro enquanto andamos. — Será que esse seu corpo não está tenso demais?
A última coisa que quero é que alguma de suas fãs (ou paparazzi) nos veja juntos e chegue a conclusões precipitadas! Andar assim, próxima dele, me deixa toda sem jeito. Talvez seja por causa dos meus passos em falso, ou porque de longe, nós até parecemos um casal. 
A caminhada segue devagar, nos aproximando de um pequeno café, distante da nossa região do bairro. Os tijolos verdes adornam as vidraças e o outdoor de um gatinho sorridente em formato de pudim, as janelas dando vista aos poucos clientes.
— Eh, isto é… — antes que pudesse terminar minha frase, ele já afasta o braço e se coloca na frente. O pequeno sino pendurado na porta toca ao ser empurrado—
Sim, um ambiente tradicional, com direito ao cheirinho de café fresco e bolo de chocolate sobre as travessas levadas pelas garçonetes. No entanto, ainda havia espaço para alguns móveis peculiares… Arranhadores, prateleiras, escadas, brinquedos e algumas caixas de papelão forradas espalhadas pelos cantos, tudo personalizado para combinar com a paleta de cores pastel.
— E então, curtiu? — ele mesmo traça as unhas por um arranhador vazio, mais isolado. — Uma pena que a gatinha tá grande demais para caber nos brinquedos…
O comentário dele mal chega aos meus ouvidos — estou ocupada demais me agachando para acariciar o gato cinza que veio nos receber.
— Nossa… — fico encantada com seu modo de “cumprimentar”, se esfregando em nossas pernas antes de voltar para o salão. Me distraio o suficiente para dizer em voz alta: — Parece o Ruki.
O comentário arranca uma sonora gargalhada do Kou.
— Eita, mas carente desse tanto? — levanta o olhar, estreitando as pálpebras até chegar no topo da estante mais alta, onde um grande gato laranja se espreguiça. — Olha, aquele lá parece o Yuma!
Ver que o Kou levou na brincadeira me deixa aliviada. Rio quando noto a semelhança.
— O Garfield também. — Dou uma olhada nos desenhos do balcão, coloridos, feitos com giz. — Ó, tem um gatinho de boina! Lembra o—
Nós deveríamos ter percebido.
Estávamos bloqueando a entrada e, por consequência, nossas costas foram acertadas pela porta. 
— Me desculpe. — Puxando Kou pela mão, abro espaço para que uma garotinha com cara de assustada passe. — Melhor a gente se mexer…
— Onde você pensa que está segurando?
Solto de imediato, achando que estaria bravo pelo seu tom afiado. Que nada. Quando me viro, acho o sorrisinho mais soberbo na boca dele.
— Quanta audácia a sua, segurando na mão de um ídolo… vou começar a pensar que está querendo alguma coisa. — Sua risada sarcástica contagia o ar, e ele logo arrasta uma cadeira para que me sente. Eu estava de boca aberta, tentando encontrar as palavras para refutá-lo— Vamos, primeiro as damas.
Fato é que Kou sempre parece ter uma boa resposta na ponta da língua, me pega desprevenida toda hora. Quando tenho alguma ideia do que lhe falar, outra voz surge.
— Bom dia, queridos. — Uma senhorinha simpática vem nos entregar o cardápio, um doce sorriso em sua face. — Já sabem o que vão querer?
O cardápio é uma fofura. Cheio de adesivos e—
— Ah, sim. — A mão de Kou repousa no topo da minha cabeça, fazendo cafuné. — Minha irmãzinha tá fazendo aniversário hoje. Tava pensando se vocês não descolam um bolinho de graça.
— Hã…
— Que maravilha, senhor Kou! — Enquanto estou com cara de confusa, a garçonete nos olha com pura afeição, feito uma avó, anotando algo em sua caderneta. — Claro, nossa promoção está sempre aberta. Vão querer algo a mais?
Tenho certeza que hoje não é meu aniversário. E eu também não sou irmã dele.
— Deixe-me ver… croissant pros dois e um cafézinho com leite. Essa parte eu pago. — Fico encarando o gatinho astronauta no cardápio. Ele tinha uma cara tão confusa quanto a minha. — Ah, e o pedaço de bolo de morango pro bônus gratuito de aniversário, por favor.
Quando ela sai, fico encarando Kou.
— Mas o que foi isso?
— Sobremesa de graça, oras. Salgado fica por minha conta.
Isso realmente não explica porque ele me chamou de irmã… e julgando pela sua face, duvido que vá me explicar o motivo. Então deixo de lado, querendo evitar confusão.
Observo a livre movimentação dos felinos, aproveitando para arrumar com os dedos meus cachos embaraçados pelo vento da rua. Sou péssima em começar uma conversa. Kou, no entanto, se assemelha a uma borboleta com asas cobertas por sombras noturnas. Digo isso porque, pelo jeito que treme a perna debaixo da mesa, parecia ansioso — diferente do homem carismático que acabara de inventar aquelas mentiras.
— Eh… Você vem trabalhando bastante ultimamente.
Sua expressão suaviza ao escutar minha voz.
— … Então você percebeu? Hm. Bom saber que faço falta. — Kou também deu uma arrumada no cabelo, virando a cabeça para os dois lados de maneira discreta, antes de se inclinar para frente na mesa: — Tem sido um perrengue e tanto. Se não fosse o meu emprego, estaria sem minha base agora. 
Confesso que me surpreendo com esse comentário. Olho bem para sua pele, incapaz de encontrar qualquer detalhe que sugira o uso de maquiagem. Nunca fui muito boa percebendo mudanças nos rostos das pessoas.
— Espera, você usa maquiagem fora das apresentações?
— Óbvio. Logo hoje que eu tava pensando em comprar um kitzinho de make para testar em você... — um dos seus dedos começa a enrolar um fiozinho ondulado meu, proximo da minha bochecha. — Se bem que, para te deixar com as bochechas coradas, basta te deixar um pouco nervosa e… voilà. Blush é desnecessário.
Noto que, no meio de seu comentário, um grupo de garçonetes se aproxima da nossa mesa, com dois pedaços de bolo rosa na travessa: um com vela e o outro sem. Percebo o que está por vir antes de começar.
— Parabéns para você! ♪ Nessa data querida…
Estão cantando… parabéns? É bem baixinho para não assustar os gatos, mas algumas pessoas ao redor ficam encarando. E Kou mantém a face intacta, sorrindo de leve como se nada estivesse errado.
Me sinto coagida. Não sei se canto junto, se bato palma, se espero acabar—
Minhas orelhas estão queimando de vergonha.
— O-obrigada… — Me colocam o bolo na cara, uma vela faiscante ofuscando minha vista. — Obrigada, de verdade…
Será que fazem isso só com quem diz que é seu aniversário e não é? Tento assoprar a velinha, que nem sequer treme com o vento.
— Deixa que eu te ajudo, irmãzinha ♥
Aquela voz aveludada do Kou… tem certamente um tom de ironia! E o jeito que ele olha para mim com tanto entusiasmo piora tudo. Estou sendo motivo de piada. Com um sopro do vampiro, a faísca se apaga, a breve cantoria chegando ao fim. 
As atendentes sorriem e deixam o bolo junto com os outros quitutes que pedimos em cima da mesa.
— Aproveitem! — um momento de paz para que eu aprecie minha refeição depois dessa história maluca. 
Deixo rolar um suspiro aliviado dos lábios, pegando o croissant quentinho em minhas mãos. É muito macio, amanteigado e suave.
— Como que se diz, gatinha masoquista?
Limpo minha boca com o guardanapo decorado com cartunescas patinhas felinas, meu olhar não conseguindo ocultar o brilho meramente indignado que essa confusão me fez ter. No fim, acabo rindo.
— Obrigada, Kou…
Uma pausa do caos de casa é bem-vinda. Mas pensando bem, a presença dele já traz uma algazarra que só. 
Passamos uma manhã agradável, cercados de caixas e de gatinhos que se aconchegam em nossos sapatos. A comida estava no ponto, e as conversas ao nosso redor nos fizeram querer falar um com o outro também. 
Então o fizemos — conversamos e tomamos café.
Talvez eu esteja sendo muito tolerante com Kou, porém, como sempre o vejo tão animado para fazer as coisas, acho difícil negar suas vontades. Até porque, é difícil lidar com seu mau humor.
Em dias como esse, ele apenas me pega pelo braço e eu o sigo. Até chegarmos aqui.
— Crédito, por favor. — O seu ânimo já havia melhorado um bocado, até no momento de pagar a conta.
Houve um silêncio enquanto a pequena máquina processava, e…
— Não passou.
Kou engole seco do meu lado. Ele dá uma risada constrangida, até se encolhendo. O recibo final não deve ter dado mais que 500 ienes.
— Vê de novo, por favor… ? Haha…
A voz dele se abafa em meus ouvidos, assim que tudo começa a fazer sentido na minha cabeça… as horas de trabalho, o desânimo dos outros— 
Será possível que os Mukamis… 
Estão com problemas financeiros? 
Por que nenhum deles me contou? Jurava que estavam bravos comigo ou algo do tipo. Mas pelo puro pânico de Kou, parece que me enganei.
— E-eu posso pagar. — Digo, levantando o dedo. — Você se deu ao trabalho de preparar tudo isso… o preço é só um detalhe.
O olhar dele me segue, um rosto espantado que se vira para a minha carteira. Eu tinha o suficiente, então logo entreguei a moeda de 500 ienes e agradeci pela refeição, me levantando.
Ele faz o mesmo, nossas cadeiras fazendo barulho.
— Você é realmente tão gentil quanto o Ruki fala… gentil demais. — Se apoiando contra a mesa, tenta suprimir um outro sorriso. — A maioria das garotas estaria gritando comigo até as lâmpadas estourarem.
— Isso é besteira…
Levanto o olhar para encontrar seus olhos, notando um suave brilho vermelho atrás de sua franja. Não vinha das bochechas.
Era seu poder especial. A íris que revela a verdade.
— Não é não. — Ele segura meus ombros antes que eu possa me afastar, uma emoção travessa cintilando em seus olhos. — Acho que você merece uma recompensa.
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Foi tudo tão rápido, mal pude perceber o rubor que se espalhou pelas maçãs do meu rosto, a causa, ou sequer o porquê de tudo que tinha acontecido.
Seus lábios tocaram os meus…
E por um momento, fui levada ao céu azulado.
Flutuando, estupefata, acima das nuvens de algodão que nos abraçaram naquele momento estranhamente terno, súbito como a brisa.
— Você… precisa ser mais honesta consigo mesma. Cê não saiu comigo porque ‘eu sou bom de fala’, não. — Ele acaricia minha bochecha com a ponta de sua unha. — Você veio porque gosta de mim.
O peso do mundo parece que cai sobre a minha cabeça. Palavras convencidas e poderosas que eu temia serem verdade.
Mas não tive tempo de processar nada disso.
A senhorinha que nos atendeu acaba de deixar cair uma travessa inteira de— doces. Olhava para nós com espanto.
— V-vocês… jovens?
Até que, enfim, com a risada de lacaio do Kou me puxando para longe, eu entendo o porquê do horror.
— Espera! — Antes de passar pela porta, berro: — NÃO, A GENTE NÃO É IRMÃO!
Ela está até tremendo. Estão todos olhando….
— K-Kou!
Eu acho que nunca mais vou sair com ele.
Olá, estou de volta! Esse daqui é um velho pedido que me fizeram em abril e eu só estou entregando agora 💖 (pontualidade não é meu ponto forte.
Escrevi como se a Yui tivesse saído da mansão dos Sakamakis e se adaptando aos Mukamis 🫠 espero que esteja decente!
Tenham um ótimo dia ☀️
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notdiabolika · 5 months ago
A Social Butterfly.
Meeting at the cat cafe.
| Featuring: Kou Mukami & Yui Komori.
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The doors that lead to our bedrooms have locks. And although not always clean, the hallways are safe. 
The garden is unlike the one, filled with roses, I was used to watering. It instead houses a humble plantation that smells of a vivid mix of the most varied vegetables (and fruits). The kitchen too. It alone could house a family of five.
Or maybe, just four. This place is exactly as the name implies: Mukamis’ Mansion.
— You should thank me for asking you out. — The arrogant words come out with a soft hum, meant as a joke. At least I hope so. — That skin of yours could use some sunlight… — While opening the door for me, Kou gives one of his characteristic smiles. The one everybody knows. 
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One of the most popular idols in Japan, from magazines to the streets of the quiet Kanashimashi town. The flushed skin, the slender face adorning blue eyes like the skies, blond hair blowing in the wind, voluminous locks covering the right side of his face. 
Since he likes pink, today he wears a coat with the color arranged in a modern design: fitted and with only two large buttons to close the top part.
— Where are we going? — I ask.
When I compare, the pink of my blouse and the strands of my hair seem to fade next to him…
— Oh, what a silly question! — With an expression of someone who is holding back laughter, he quickens his pace to slide the noisy old gate and, finally, step onto the sidewalk. — Don't be impatient. You're acting like my older brother, always hurrying us up. You'll know when we get there.
The fact is that the atmosphere at home is strange, and that makes me a little scared to walk down the street, like that, without worry.
Ruki burnt the food about three times this week alone. Yuma looks like he slipped his hand and dumped a whole bag of fertilizer on his tomatoes. And Azusa? He insists on cleaning the house alone, he hurts himself way more often than he cleans... 
Out of all the boys, Kou was the one I saw the least daily. Suddenly, he started to dedicate himself twice as much to modeling.
 — I just decided to take you for a walk, masochistic kitten, nothing more... — I cringe with embarrassment at the nickname, some pedestrians staring at us. — Let’s go to a very appropriate place for someone like you… ♥
— Eh— I cover my ear, feeling itchy when his face gets closer to mine. — Don't whisper so close. And… you're making me nervous, saying such things!
— Are you really bothered by so little? — he jokes, putting his arm around my shoulder as we walk. — Isn't that body of yours too tense?
The last thing I want is for any of his fans (or paparazzi) to see us together and jump to weird conclusions! Walking like that, close to him, makes me feel awkward. Maybe it's because of my missteps, or because from afar, we actually look like a couple. 
The walk continues slowly, bringing us closer to a small cafe, far from our part of the neighborhood. Green bricks adorn the windows and the billboard of a smiling pudding-shaped kitten, the windows giving views of the few customers.
— That's... — before I can finish my sentence, he moves his arm away and steps in front. The small bell hanging on the door rings when pushed—
Yes, a traditional atmosphere, complete with the smell of fresh coffee and chocolate cake on the platters carried by the waitresses. However, there was still room for some quirky furniture… Scratching posts, shelves, ladders, toys, and some lined cardboard boxes scattered around the corners, all customized to match the pastel color palette.
— So, did you like it? — he even traces his nails on an empty, more isolated scratching post as we enter. — A shame that the kitten is too big to fit in the toys...
His comment barely reaches my ears — I'm too busy crouching down to pet the gray cat that's come to greet us.
— Wow… — I am enchanted by his way of “greeting”, rubbing himself against our legs before returning to the room. I get distracted enough to say out loud: — It looks like Ruki.
The comment gets a loud laugh from Kou.
— Wow, that needy and clingy lil’ guy? Just like him. — he looks up, narrowing his eyelids until shopping at the top of the highest shelf, where a large orange cat stretches out. — Look, that one looks like Yuma!
Seeing that Kou took it as a joke makes me relieved. I laugh when I notice the similarity.
— Garfield too. — I look at the drawings on the counter, colored, made with chalk. — Oh, there's a kitten in a beret! Just li—
We should have realized.
We were blocking the entrance and as a result, our backs were hit by the door. 
— I'm sorry. — Pulling Kou by the hand, I make room for a scared-looking little girl to pass by. — We better get moving…
— Where do you think you're grabbing?
I let go immediately, thinking he would be angry due to his sharp tone. I was wrong. When I turn around, I find the most superb little grin in his smug face.
— How audacious of you, holding the hand of an idol... I'm going to start to think you're wanting something. — His sarcastic laugh infects the air, and he soon drags a chair over for me to sit on. I had my mouth open, trying to find the words to refute him— Come on, ladies first.
The fact is that Kou always seems to have a good answer on the tip of his tongue, it catches me off guard every time. Right when I have an idea of ​​what to reply, another voice emerges.
— Good morning, dear ones. — A nice old lady comes to give us the menu, a sweet smile on her face. — Do you already know what you’re going to ask?
The menu is cute. Full of stickers and—
— Oh yes. — Kou's hand rests on the top of my head, patting me all of a sudden. — My little sister is having her birthday today. I was wondering if you guys could get a free slice of cake.
… What?
— Wait a sec…
— How wonderful, Mr. Kou! — While I look confused, the waitress looks at us with pure affection, like a grandmother, writing something down in her notebook. — Of course, our promotion is always open. Will you want anything else?
I'm pretty sure today isn't my birthday. And I'm not his sister either.
— Let me see… a croissant for both of us and coffee. I can pay for that part. — I stare at the astronaut cat on the menu. He had a face as confused as mine. — Oh, and the piece of strawberry cake for each, for the free birthday bonus, please.
When she leaves, I stare at Kou.
— … What was that?
— Free dessert, girl. The rest is on me.
That doesn't really explain why he called me sister... and judging by his face, I doubt he'll explain anything. So I leave it aside, wanting to avoid a nuisance.
I observe the free movement of the felines, taking the opportunity to fix my curls tangled by the street wind with my fingers. I'm terrible at starting a conversation. Kou, however, resembles a butterfly with it's wings covered in night shadows. I say this because, from the way his leg was shaking under the table, he seemed anxious — different from the charismatic man who had just invented those lies.
— Ah... You've been working a lot lately.
His expression softens when he hears my voice.
— …So you noticed? Hmm. Good to know I'm missed. — Kou also fixed his hair, turning his head to both sides discreetly, before leaning forward on the table: — It's been quite a struggle. If it weren't for my job, I would be without my products right now. 
I confess that I am surprised by this statement. I look closely at his skin, unable to find any detail that suggests the use of makeup. I've never been very good at noticing changes in people's faces.
— Wait, do you wear makeup outside of performances?
— Of course I do. Just today, I was thinking about buying a little makeup kit to test on you... — one of his fingers starts to twirl a wavy strand of mine, close to my cheek. — Although, to make your cheeks red, all it takes is to make you a little nervous and… voilà. Blush is pretty unnecessary.
I notice that, in the middle of his comment, a group of waitresses approaches our table, with two slices of pink cake on a platter: one with a candle and the other without. I realize what's coming before I start.
— Happy birthday! ♪ Happy birthday to you…
Are they singing… happy birthday? It's very quiet so as not to scare the cats, but most people around are staring. And Kou keeps his face intact, smiling as if nothing was wrong.
I feel coerced. I don't know whether to sing along, whether to clap, whether to wait for it to end—
My ears are burning with embarrassment.
— T-thank you... — They put the cake in my face, a sparkling candle blinding my vision. — Thank you, really…
Do they only do this to people who say it's their birthday and it's not? I try to blow out the candle, which doesn't even shake with the wind.
— Let me help you, little sister ♥
That velvety voice of Kou… certainly has a tone of irony! And the way he looks at me with so much enthusiasm makes it worse. I'm being laughed at. With one breath from the vampire, the spark goes out, the brief song coming to an end. 
The waitresses smile, leaving the cake along with the other delicacies Kou ordered by himself on the table.
— Enjoy! — a moment of peace for me to consume my meal after this crazy story. 
I let a relieved sigh roll out of my lips, taking the warm croissant in my hands, taking a bite. It is very soft, buttery and smooth. Just how I like it.
— Aren't you forgetting something, masochistic kitten? You know, the bare minimum…
I wipe my mouth with a napkin that's decorated with cartoonish feline paws, my gaze unable to hide the merely indignant glow that this whole ordeal made me have. In the end, I end up laughing.
— Thank you, Kou…
A break from the chaos at home is welcome. But thinking about it, his presence already makes a lot of… interesting side-effects. 
We spend a pleasant morning, surrounded by boxes and kittens that snuggle in our legs. The food was on point, and the conversations around us made us want to talk to each other too. 
So we did — we talked and had coffee.
Maybe I'm being too tolerant of Kou, however, as I always see him so excited to do things, I find it difficult to deny his desires. Because it's also very difficult to deal with his bad mood.
On days like this, he just takes my arm and I follow him. And we get somewhere.
— Credit, please. — His mood had already improved a little, until it was time to pay the bill.
There was silence, and…
— Card declined.
Kou swallows hard next to me. He gives an embarrassed laugh, even flinching. The final receipt must not have been more than 500 yen.
— Try it again, please…? Haha…
His voice muffles in my ears, just as everything starts to make sense in my head… the extra hours of work, the tension at home— 
Is it possible that the Mukamis… 
Are having financial problems? 
Why didn't any of them tell me? I swore they were mad at me or something. But from Kou's sheer panic, it looks like I was mistaken.
— I-I can pay. — I say, raising my finger. — You took the trouble to prepare all this... the price is just a detail.
His gaze follows me, an astonished face that turns to my desk. I had enough, so I quickly handed over the 500 yen coin and thanked her for the meal, standing up.
He does the same, our chairs clattering.
— You are really as kind as Ruki says... too kind. — Leaning against the table, he tries to suppress another smile. — Most of the girls would be screaming at me to the top of their lungs.
— It's really nothing too serious…
I look up to meet his eyes, noticing a soft red glow behind his bangs. It didn't come from the cheeks.
It was his special power. The iris that reveals the truth.
— No, it's not. — He grabs my shoulders before I can pull away, a mischievous emotion flickering in his eyes. — I think you deserve a reward.
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It all happened so quickly, that I could barely notice the blush that spread across my cheekbones, the cause, or even the reason of everything that had happened.
His lips touched mine...
And for a moment, I was taken to the blue sky.
Floating, stupefied, above the cotton clouds that embraced us in that strangely tender moment, as sudden as the breeze.
— You need to be more honest with yourself. You didn’t go out with me because ‘I got a sharp tongue, no. — He caresses my cheek with the tip of his nail. — You came because you like me.
The weight of the world seems to fall on my head. Smug, powerful words that I feared were true.
But I didn't have time to process any of that.
The old lady who served us just dropped an entire plate of sweets. She looked at us in astonishment.
— Y-you… ?
Finally, with Kou's lackey laugh as he pulls me away, I understand the reason for horror.
— Wait! — Before passing through the door, I shout: — NO, WE ARE NOT SIBLINGS!
She's even shaking. Everyone is looking….
— K-Kou!
I don't think I'll ever go out with him again.
Hello, I'm back! This is an old request that was sent to me in April and I'm only posting it now 💖 (punctuality is not my thing.
I wrote this as if Yui had left the Sakamakis' mansion and was starting to adapt to the Mukamis 🫠 I hope it's decent!
Have a nice day ☀️
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notdiabolika · 5 months ago
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The little amount of fanart for dark deception, is an actual crime! It’s such a good game and the story is so good. Agatha has always been my personal favorite, and I’m honestly surprised no one has done art based on superhorrorbro’s theory about Agatha being the daughter of Bierce’s maid. Seriously, why is there so little of this?! It’s honestly a mystery to me!
Also I might have to do more 1930s outfits, idk why they were so much fun to draw. 😅
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notdiabolika · 6 months ago
Watch as he explains nothing, probably- 🔥 HAUSHAU
Title: They are Vampire's!?
Chapter 2/10- We need to take care of a kid?
(Requested and suggested by @notdiabolika )
(Themes:Slight blood,implied abuse, threats of death)
Yui was shaking, still clinging onto the male in glasses staring at all 3 of the confirmed vampires "'re vampires!?" She'd ask in fear, earning a look from the male she was hugging, he picked her up holding her in one arm as the other rests on his side. "Let us discuss this in the living room young lady" he said, he was never usually nice to any humans brought here but in this situation he couldn't make Yui feel unease knowing it will only cause him trouble with her after all.
Soon, all 3 men were in the living room, the black haired man sitting across from the other two who were staring at Yui who was sitting on a sick clutching her plushie tightly, feeling fear from their stern glares. He cleared his throat before looking at the girl "Well before we introduce ourselves we will be waiting for the others to arrive, so tell us about yourself" he said, with a calm yet strict voice causing Yui to feel more intensity in the room, she sighed and nodded "Well names Yui Komori, my father told me I'm staying here until he comes back from his trip overseas, but...I don't understand why he's sent me to you guys ...all you wanna do is eat me" she replied, hugging her plushie even more as Ayato giggled at her response "Well...still debating on it..I'm thirsty" he sneered smirking sadistically at the young girl earning a strong glare from Subaru "Tch Fucking ass.." he mumbled looking at the redhead.
Yui tensed up clutching her bunny plush feeling immense fear towards the redheads threats, she saw those sharp teeth..she wouldn't be able to handel being a blood bag let alone surviving as one. Reiji lightly pushed his glasses up staring at Ayato with annoyance at his repeated remarks towards the young girl, he felt disgusted actually even as a vampire who cares little about human life, this situation was different since yui isn't like the other women sent here she is but a child, of course he'd feel pity and remorse for her "Ayato...hold your tongue otherwise you'll be expecting 18 lashes from my whip understood?" He'd say, reminding him of his place as the third brother. "Now then-" he was interrupted by a giggle from above the stairs belonging to another male.
"Oh~ I see the bride has arri-...huh?..what's this? This isn't the...bride is it...please tell me it isn't reiji ?" He asked in concern and disgust about his own question. Reiji shook his head "No Laito I can assure you she isn't a bride she's supposedly a blood bag but I'm trying to figure out why a child was sent here instead of a proper sacrifice" he said looking over at Yui who seemed more scared, he sighed and went over patting her head "No need to be so scared Yui we have no intention of hurting you" he said looking down at the scared girl. Yui sighed looking up at him clinging to her plushie " are you going to do with me?" She'd ask him feeling fear enter her mind, knowing these guys were vampires she was worried they'd drink her blood or eat her up as if she were just food.
Ayato looked over and smirked with his terrifying glare showing off his fangs "Well I know that I WILL gladly EAT YOU..brat" he replied coldly to the young girl earning glares from Reiji and Subaru once again and then Laito. Yui tensed up backing up slightly only to bump into someone who was not in the mood at all "Who interrupted me and teddy's tea party!?" The figure said angrily. he had short violet hair with purple eyes he seemed shorter than the others and had a teddy bear in his arms. He glared down at Yui "Was it you?...and another thing..why are you here you tiny brat?" He added seeming more annoyed.
Reiji pushed his glasses up "Ayato Kanato stop that you are scaring her" he scolded them both before a long sigh was heard from across the room. There was a blonde male laying on a sofa with earphones in his ears he opened his blue eyes seeming to have a numb expression "hm..could you guys keep it are all ruining my music" he mumbled sitting up slightly. The girl looked over at him not knowing there was more of the brothers..God she is so screwed she is SCREWED. Reiji grew annoyed even more hearing the other males voice "..we may as well introduce ourselves since we are all here now....That deadbeat over there is Shu the oldest son and My name is Reiji I'm the second oldest next are the triplets Ayato,Kanato and Laito the youngest is Subaru" he said watching Yui look at all the brothers one by one as their name is called out.
Suddenly a loud slam was heard from the main doors causing each vampire to look over with their senses bouncing off the walls. Yui looked over holding her bunny plush tightly seeming worried over the noise as did Reiji who was more concerned " isn't another human..their scent seems familiar" he said looking over at the entrance with a stern expression. Footsteps were heard as the mysterious figure walks inside the living room wearing a sinister smile on his face staring at the Sakamaki's with an innocent facade, it caused the brothers to freeze in place staring at the other figure with cold glares whereas Yui looked scared and nervous. The figure was a male with long white hair yellow eyes and paler skin, he looked down at the girl before facing his son's as he opened his mouth to speak.
"...Hello my dear son's~ I'll explain everything"
@notdiabolika 👀👉👈
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