#i wanted to draw them when they were younger/closer to when they just fell
shimmershy · 1 year
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Guys look! A totally normal 10-year-old!
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greg-montgomery · 8 months
Aaron going through boxes of old stuff and finding a journal of yours from a long time ago. He opens it out of curiosity and reads about how your younger self always wanted to be called princess from a significant other so he tries it out along with buying a nice bouquet of flowers 🤭
Aaron’s cheeks were almost hurting by smiling all day, because he was surrounded by boxes of your belongings that would soon be all over his house. Your house.
One certain box with the word “memories” in capital letters written on it though, drew his attention. Opening it, he was met with a few books, magazines, cards, and concert tickets.
At the bottom of the box, there was a pink journal with your name decorating its cover.
It looked personal, but it also looked like it was from a long time ago. He couldn’t help it, and with his curiosity getting the better of him, he opened it.
The pages were filled with pink glittery letters, little drawings, and stickers of Disney princesses and Barbie characters.
He smiled with affection while turning the pages and seeing what your younger self used to fill her journal with. He almost skipped a page when his eyes fell on the title written on top of it.
“My dream boy!”
Oh, this is gonna be interesting, he thought.
Aaron found himself competing with the ideal version of a boyfriend your teenage self had. He went through every single point you had written down, and mentally checked it.
That version of you, was still part of who you were today, and the last thing he wanted was to disappoint you or not be enough.
Tall – check.
Dark hair – check.
Sweet – check, well to you at least.
Brings me flowers – check.
Calls me princess – not check.
Princess, huh? That was new.
He knew that you were big on pet names, but princess had never occurred to him before.
A smirk grew on his face. It was time to see if your tastes had changed.
Just the day after, Aaron made sure to visit a flower shop after work and buy your favorite flowers. If he was gonna try something, he was going to do it right.
He found you sitting on the couch, eating a bag of chips and scrolling on your phone, some show on the TV playing in the background. You left it open for company when he wasn’t there and something inside him stung a little.
You threw your head back on the couch and looked up at him as he moved closer. “You’re home,” you sighed with a smile. “Missed you.”
“I did too.” He leaned down to kiss you on the lips and brought the flowers he was hiding behind his back in front of you. “That’s why I decided to get some flowers to my princess.”
Your face lightened up at the sight of the beautiful bouquet and the sound of the pet name. “Aaron!”
You stood up on the couch and threw yourself at him, hugging him with a force that could bring down a bear. “Thank you!”
“You like them, honey?”
“I love them.”
Aaron sighed at the feeling of your lips on his neck, as you left little kisses on the curve of it. “Anything for my princess.”
Your face was still hidden in the crook of his neck but Aaron could feel you laughing.
“What are the giggles for?”
He pulled back just enough so he could look at your face, and grabbed your chin softly. You averted your eyes from him as if you had something to hide.
“It’s nothing!” you insisted. “I just like to be called that,” you added quietly, playing with a button from Aaron’s shirt. You still wouldn’t look at him.
“To be called what?” he asked.
“I know.” He smirked.
“What do you mean?”
“I read it in your diary.”
“What?” you raised your voice and he couldn’t help but laugh.
“I found it through your old stuff.”
“Aaron, I’m gonna kill you!”
“I’m sorry!”
“No, you’re not. You’re laughing.”
“Oh come on, it got you what you wanted.”
“Shut up,” you said , furrowing your brows.
The two of you sat on the couch and he tried to pull you into his arms. After showing resistance for a few seconds, you let him hold you.
“What else did you read?”
“I saw the whole list. About your dream guy.”
“I don’t remember adding ‘he reads my journal without permission’,” you said.
“I do have all the rest though,” he said with a cocky smile.
“You do, I guess,” you admitted, rolling your eyes. “I was manifesting.”
“I hope you’re happy with the guy the universe sent you then, princess.”
“Ah…” you threw your head back with a lovesick smile. “And it's only getting better.”
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frost-queen · 7 months
Elements in Harmony (Reader x Sokka)
Requested by: Anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly @denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn, @iixchloee
Summary: Reader is Zuko's sister. You and Sokka always argue and fight. You keep infuriating Sokka as you won't leave his head, something he can't stand. Certainly not from a fire nation girl. When one encounter leads to an almost kiss. It draws a line when some guy starts flirting with you, leading to Sokka to show you just how infuriating you are to him.
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Appa roared deep, flapping his tail up. Aang petted his furred friend as Momo sat on his shoulder. Katara was poking in the fire to keep it going. Sokka arrived with new wood. His gaze fell upon you from afar. Near the cliff were you practising. Performing graceful moves without actually bending. Your performances calm and at peace. Anything but what Sokka was used to seeing a fire bender do.
Mostly their sequences were brutal and hard. Their fire filled with anger. You seemed odd among them. Anger wasn’t what filled your bending. It was a combination of being soft and tough at the same time. Something your uncle Iroh taught you when you were younger.
Sokka threw the wood on the ground, startling Katara. – “Hey.” – she called out annoyed.  – “Sure let us prepare the fire while princess fire nation over there is just dancing.” – Sokka outed gesturing at you. Katara sighed loud. – “Can you only ever complain?”
Sokka grumpily sat down on a log. Glaring your way. Aang approached them holding a bag open. – “We’ll need to stock more food.” – he held the bag upside down. A fruit fell out as Momo immediately jumped for it. Sokka shooed Momo away, picking up the last fruit. – “And that isn’t for you!” – he called out to Momo who flew above his head. Katara got up holding her hand out to Aang. – “I’ll go see if a town is nearby.” – she suggested.
“No, no.” – Sokka answered getting up as well. – “Let fire girl over there do something.” – he pointed at you from afar. – “Her name is Y/n.” – Katara answered crossing her arms. Sokka came closer to her. – “and I don’t care.” – he outed with a sarcastic smile. Sokka whistled loud catching your attention.
You stopped your practise, making your way over. Sokka snatched the bag from Aang’s hand, tossing it at you. You caught it  as he was aiming for your face. – “We need supplies.” – he said bothered. – “Please.” – you responded wanting him to ask nicely.
Sokka puffed loud. – “I didn’t know you had manners.” – Sokka answered. – “Unlike you I wasn’t raised in an igloo.” – you responded loud. – “Yet I’m not the one banished.” – Sokka fired back. – “Sokka!” – Katara called out, shocked at his rudeness. As a response you threw the empty bag at Sokka. It bumped against his chest as he moved his head back to not get hit in the face.
“Apologize right now!” – Katara insisted with a sisterly scowl. Sokka looked back to you, seeing how his words made you feel. Somehow he felt a bit guilty for being so cruel. Yet he didn’t act upon it. He took the bag in his hand. – “I’ll just go by myself.”  - he spoke turning away. Momo flew on top of Sokka’s head making him stop with a deep sigh. – “We’ll all go.” – Aang spoke to maintain the peace.
The four of you entered the woods in search for food, hoping you’d come by a village soon. You were walking behind Aang and Katara when you noticed Sokka falling in step with you. – “No bending.” – he simply said to you. You mimicked his words like a child, teasing him. – “Oh real mature princess.” – he responded.
 “I’m just lowering myself to your standards.” – you answered with a smile. Sokka stepped in front of you, making you stop all of the sudden. He was brazing, glaring down at you. Your words annoying him. Sokka was glaring at your eyes, his face inches away from yours. His gaze fell down to your lips. He caught himself stare at them, making him turn away.
You gasped breathlessly, slouching back as if you were about to pass out. Sokka caught up with his sister, wanting to be as far away from you as he could. Looking briefly over his shoulder to you, falling in line. Grunting soft, he hated how much you messed with his head. Your presence consuming his mind as if you never wanted to leave. No matter how many times he casted you out. It infuriated him.
You were from the fire nation. Zuko’s sister, the one chasing Aang. The one who caused his village pain. – “You know you can just be nice to her.” – Katara spoke looking briefly at her brother. Sokka sighed loud. – “She’s from the…” – he outed as Katara finished his words in a voice that mimicked his. – “fire nation.” – she then giggled at her own imitation of her brother.
“Not funny.” – Sokka said annoyed as it made Katara just giggle more. Sokka looked over his shoulder again, seeing you chat with Aang.
Katara nudged him hard in the side. Sokka tore his gaze away from you. Some twigs snapped underneath his shoes. – “Aang needs her.” – she told him. – “I know, I know.” – Sokka sighed out. – “Then…” – Katara began as Sokka shushed her. She glared at him a bit for cutting her off. – “Don’t shush me.” – she said annoyed, moving her hands to her hips. – “Stop talking.” – Sokka told her, his focus elsewhere.
Katara groaned loud as he covered up her mouth. It was the only thing he thought would shut her up. – “Why have we stopped?” – Aang asked confused. Sokka was looking at every direction, listening in to nature. His eyes widened when he saw a fireblast fly their way. It hit a tree trunk close to them. – “Fire nation!” – he yelled out. The four of you started to run as more fire benders came from out of the bushes. – “It’s an ambush.” – Katara outed, puffing loud. – “You think?” – Sokka responded to her sarcastically.
Aang swayed his stick across, sending an air blast at some fire benders.  Katara stopped a moment to bend some water out of a puddle nearby. Letting it whip against a fire bender. Sokka grunted as they couldn’t outrun them. They needed to stand and fight. He pulled out his weapon, standing ready.
A fire bender was coming your way as you deflected his fire blast by ducking down. You then kicked at him. He stumbled back making you punch his stomach a few times. Sokka ducked down a punching arm, punching the man in his stomach. He then pressed the back of his weapon on his back. The man dropped to his stomach with a loud oof. He saw fire blasts coming your way as you kept avoiding them with just manoeuvring.
“What are you doing?” – Sokka called out to you. You looked back at him confused. – “Bend!” – he outed, stating the obvious. You kicked a guy away from you. – “You told me not to bend!” – you shouted back at him. Sokka jumped back from a blast. – “Just do it!” – he insisted upon annoyed. Suddenly you smiled with a new set off attitude.
Performing a sequence you conjured fire, attacking your fellow fire nation soldiers. Aang jumped above your head, landing in front of you as he flashed a blast of air at them. You moved back assisting Katara. – “I got it.” – she breathed out. You nodded at her. Looking over your shoulder, you saw Sokka getting cornered.
You ran over to him just as a blast of fire was coming his way. Sokka’s eyes widened seeing the blast come his way from his side. You jumped in front of him, arms forwards, palms pressed together as you split the blast in two. The fire flared beside Sokka and you. Sokka blinked stunned at you. You then attacked with fire of your own. Sokka was staring at you, admiring you despite his infuriation with you.
He was so caught up with you, that he hardly saw the punching fist come his way. He jumped back, avoiding the hit just in time. He was about to knock the soldier on his head with his weapon as a blast of fire pushed him away. Sokka looked confused, till he turned his head. Seeing you in a position, one fist out, panting. You had once again protected him. Sokka smiled admiring at you till his expression turned to shock. You were hit by a blast, sending you rolling on the ground. – “Y/n!” – Sokka called out.
You came to a stop, panting loud. Forcing yourself to get back up. Just as you almost stood up straight, were you hit with another surprise blast. It was if the soldiers were turning their anger towards you. One of their own fighting against them. You got hit as the blast pushed you back.
You screamed when you felt a loss of ground under your feet. An in-sinking in the ground made you slide down the hill. Tumbling and rolling down, you met with the ground hard and fast. – “Y/n?” – Sokka called out concerned. He threw his boomerang at the soldier, hitting him in the head. His boomerang returned as he caught it. Running up to the way where he lost sight of you. – “Y/n?” – he panted out nearing where you last where.
Sokka felt the ground underneath his feet crumble away. A scream caught in his throat as he slid down, arms swaying around. On the ground, you groaned in pain. Slowly pulling yourself up by your elbows. Your eyes widened seeing Sokka slide down. At the bottom, he came to a sudden stop, his chest falling forwards. He fell forwards falling hard against your chest as your back smacked the ground again.
Sokka groaned soft when he set his hands beside you, trying to pull himself up. He lifted his head up, his gaze catching yours as he paused. Paused as his face was inches away from yours. Heart pounding loudly as you were captivated in his gaze. Sokka’s gaze went down to your lips  as it made you feel shy. He neared his head a bit as you sensed he had an urge to kiss you. Your gaze flashed up and down from his eyes to his lips and back. If Sokka was about to kiss you, you wouldn’t protest. Sokka felt himself fall deeper, drawing closer to you. What if he wanted to kiss you in this moment. Would it be that bad?
You were bringing your chin closer to him to decrease the distance. Sokka slowly closed his eyes, feeling his lips tingle with the urge. A gush of wind caught him off guard. His eyes flashed back open, suddenly aware of what he was doing. He rolled over, away from you just before Aang landed down. – “So here you are.” – Aang said. You were staring at the sky, panting loud. Feeling extremely hot that Sokka was this close to kissing you.
Katara had climbed down joining Aang. Sokka had gotten up, dusting some dirt off him. Aang decided to head back to Appa and search a town from above. All of you agreed, walking back to Appa. You climbed on Appa, sitting at the back. Avoiding eye contact with Sokka. Sokka was staring down at his own hands.
Katara looked from you to Sokka. – “Is something going on between the two of you?” – she asked. – “No.” – Sokka answered loud. You lowered your head on Appa’s saddle, watching the scenery you were leaving behind. Momo came landing on your head, laying himself down.
Appa roared loud as he descended. Aang had spotted a town. A small village at the edge of the earth kingdom. Appa landed as all of you climbed down. You held the empty bag following Aang into the village. There were many curious heads turning at your friends. They certainly stand out with their watertribe attire and air nomad clothing. You didn’t receive that much attention as you were earth kingdom clothing.
You had left your fire nation clothing long behind. The moment your father banished you after Zuko’s banishment, you gave them up. There was no hope in finding a new home when you wore enemy clothing. Zuko had been given an ultimatum to return. You never did. Not acceding his expectations and questioning the flaming fist of his way of ruling led to your banishment.
The youngest of your siblings, apart by just one year with your sister Azula. You saw more to fire bending then power and anger. Fire could be beautiful if one found a balance between them. Harmony. Your father found that a weakness. Soft. Not something he could have in his daughter.
You went over to a stall where they sold fruits. Sokka’s eyes fell upon a different stall, making his way over to it, without his friends knowing. You bargained with the owner for some of his best fruit. Katara wondered where her brother was, spotting him at a stall that sold herbs. She furrowed her brows, watching her brother buy a patch of leaves. He turned around holding a little patch as he suddenly noticed his sister watching.
Sokka cleared his throat from afar, moving the patch behind his back. It made Katara quirk her eyebrow up. He joined the others once more letting his sister know to stop staring to weirdly at him. – “Look Y/n a herb stall!” – Aang pointed out. You turned your head to look as well. – “You can make that delicious tea of yours again.” – Aang said pushing you towards it.
“Actually…” – Sokka started feeling the patch in his hand. No one heard him as Aang was too enthusiastic to show you the herbs. Aang pulled you to a stop after having pushed you all the way over. – “Anything you like?” – the owner asked as you looked at his products.
“Do you have any jasmine leaves?” – Aang asked for you. – “I certainly do boy.” – the owner answered. – “Actually I…” – Sokka began wanting to let you know he already bought the jasmine leaves. The owner presented Aang with a patch of jasmine leaves. Aang nudged you to accept them. – “Aang we really don’t need them.”  - you told him. – “Of course we do, you love jasmine tea.” – he encouraged you to take them.
“Your uncle taught you to make it.” – Aang added with a smile. – “Y/n I…” – Sokka spoke wanting to place a hand on your shoulder and reveal his patch to you. A new pair of hands grabbed the patch from the owner. – “I’ll pay for her.” – all of you turned your head to a boy. He smirked flashing a wink at you.
His wink baffled you as you weren’t used to that kind of attention. The boy tossed some coins in the owner’s hand. Sokka got shoved aside as the boy wanted to be closer to you. He held the patch up for you to accept. – “You really don’t have to…” – you said feeling a bit embarrassed someone paid for you.
“Nonsense.” – he grabbed your hand, facing your palm up, placing the patch in your hand. – “Anything should be paid for a pretty girl like you.” – he finished. Sokka puffed with a roll of his eyes. The boy slid his arm over your shoulder, moving you away from your friends. – “You look like a girl who likes tea.” – he spoke as Aang followed behind him. – “How does he know.” – he asked happily astonished that he had guessed. – “We literally stood by a herb cart.” – Sokka answered bothered.
The guy was leading you to a tea shop. His arm was still around you as Sokka found himself glaring at it. Katara and Aang clearly unbothered with Sokka’s concerns. – “Has anyone told you, your smile is like a blossom on a spring day?” – he said. It made you touch your lips shy. – “No.” – you answered. Sokka tensed his jaw. You were about to enter the tea shop when a pull on your wrist pulled you to a stop.
You slowly turned as Sokka had taken a hold of your wrist. Aang, Katara and the guy walked further in. – “Something wrong Sokka?” – you asked confused. – “Are you seriously following a guy like him? Just because he flashes a smile at you and gives you a compliment, you girls fall hard.”
You smiled teasingly. – “What’s so funny?” – Sokka expressed loud. – “Nothing.” – you answered with a shake of your head. – “You are cute when you are so worked up.” – you patted his cheek teasingly. The guy came standing behind you. – “Are you coming sugar?” – he asked placing a hand on your hip. Sokka saw it almost making him lose his mind. – “She’s not!” – Sokka stated clear, grabbing you by your wrist. – “Hey!” – the guy called out when Sokka dragged you away. – “Sokka… Sokka.” – you breathed out as he kept pulling you away.
He went into an alleyway, pushing you against the wall. Sokka groaned loud as you could only stare confused at him. He turned around, grabbing you by the waist as he pressed his lips on yours. Eyes wide with shock, you blinked startled at the touch of his lips on yours. He pulled away half angered at himself for kissing you.  – “Why are you so infuriating.” – he outed. Sokka noticed you were still holding his patch with herbs so he slapped them out of your hands.
“Hey!” – you called out as Sokka gave you his with some roughness. – “I bought these because I knew you liked them.” – he told you. – “I don’t know why I bought you them, because I shouldn’t. Certainly not for a fire nation girl!” – he went on. – “So why do I care for you. Why can’t I get you out of my head, and why did it bother me that, that guy was hitting on you!”
You smiled coming up to Sokka. – “Oh hush.” – you told him, grabbing him to kiss him. Sokka gladly accepted your kiss, holding you by your waist. – “You are cute when you get worked up over things.” – you told him, making him smile sheepishly. Sokka held you again, kissing you once more just because he could. Certainly now when he made peace with himself and simply let himself fall for you.
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scaranation · 2 years
HII I SAW UR REQUESTS WERE OPEN!!! your writing is so amazing i couldn’t resist sending one in after i had binged everything…
may i request headcanons for a totally whipped al-haitham with the childhood friends to lovers trope throughout the years? as in how he was to reader in elementary, middle school, etc. but if not that’s fine!!! your fic with him liking reader since middle school was so 😭😭😭❤️ reader teasing him was so funny and i can’t scream about it hard enough 🥹
i hope you have an amazing day!!! keep up the good work!
thank you smm that rlly means a lot! im so glad you enjoyed my writing ❤️❤️ i love the friends to lovers trope sm writing this involved a lot of giggling and kicking my feet, whipped Alhaitham is just so cute. Anyway I hope you like this I had so much fun with it too 😋😋
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Pairing: Alhaitham x F!reader
Content: fluff, modern AU, childhood friends to lovers, mutual pining, (very) whipped Alhaitham
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You’d first met Alhaitham when you were in elementary. He, being slightly younger, was in preschool. Unlike the other kids, he kept to himself, mainly studying a picture book in a secluded corner. Your play areas were separated by a low fence, one which you often loved to climb over.
“Haitham!” You almost fell onto the grass after scaling this fence once again in the break time, peeking over the smaller boy’s shoulder.
“Is that a kangaroo?” You pointed at the picture book enthusiastically. Alhaitham only looked up at you, blinking a few times with his wide green-orange eyes.
“No, it’s a pademelon.” He spoke surprisingly eloquently, tongue only slightly lisping over the syllables.
“You’re no fun.” You sighed, plopping down next to your self-proclaimed friend and beginning to draw flowers on paper with your new crayons. Upon seeing the curious look on Alhaitham’s face, you handed him the green crayon.
“You can draw flowers with me if you want.” You shifted closer. The boy said nothing, only holding the crayon tightly as he watched you happily scribbling.
Once you’d befriended Alhaitham, there was no turning back. He was shy and quiet, but utterly attached to you. You nodded excitedly whenever he babbled on about a new topic, although you never really understood what he was talking about, and played imaginary games with him in the playhouses. He never really understood the imaginative concept, but you would lead the way as he followed along with whatever you said.
“I am the princess, and I am going to become the queen! Bow before me!” You manoeuvred a figurine across the miniature castle.
“No, the crown prince’s wife will become queen when he ascends to the throne.”
“Oh, okay. You’re so cool, Haitham.”
Alhaitham only smiled at you. The truth was, he thought you were the coolest person in the world. He might know all the logistical facts, but he could never weave a story as you did.
“Huh? Haitham, you’re the knight. You need to go to battle!”
Alhaitham was shaken out of his daze when he realised he’d only been staring at you in awe, quickly grabbing the knight figure to move it. Beneath his long lashes, he’d constantly sneak glances at you - looking for your approval that he was doing the right thing.
Whenever you were absent, Alhaitham would ask everyone else where you’d gone. After verifying that - unfortunately - you really weren’t coming to school and shocking his peers with his sudden friendliness, he’d retreat to the outskirts of the play area. He would collect flowers and rocks, gathering them in his small arms - still a little chubby with baby fat - determined to find the best things to gift to you.
When you came back the next day, Alhaitham would shyly press the gifts he’d collected into your hands, eagerly watching your expression. If you smiled, he would too. Truly, although he was too young to know, you were his first love and the centre of his universe.
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During middle school, you and Alhaitham were in the same class. Due to his intellect, he’d been bumped up by a grade - much to his joy. The truth was, he’d been offered to move higher by two grades, but opted to only move one so he could be with you. Not that he’d ever admit that to you, of course.
Middle school Alhaitham would be better at hiding his feelings. He’d no longer be the the eager boy who openly chased your attention, although he still wanted it just as much. Rather, he’d deploy more subtle tactics, despite them rarely ever working.
It was undeniable that you were quite popular. Given your outgoing, virtuosic personality, you were constantly surrounded by friends. It hurt Alhaitham slightly, knowing that you were his favourite but he wasn’t yours. Despite this, he never changed his aloof demeanour - acting coldly to others, and less coldly to you. It was clear through his gestures that he had a soft spot for you, whether it consisted of paying for your lunch or bringing you snacks.
“Oh, we were supposed to bring a protractor to the test?” You hissed in the silence of the classroom, broken only by the whisper of pencils on paper. The teacher shot you a glare, motioning for you to be quiet.
“Here, I have a spare.” You felt a light tap on your shoulder, and spun around to see Alhaitham holding his hand out. His eyes hesitated before locking into contact with yours, the glasses making them look larger than they were.
“Thank you. You’re so cute, Haitham.” You whispered, shooting him a wry smile before resuming your position hunched over the test paper. You didn’t lie - he really did look adorable, those large eyes and small frame lending him to having a rather endearing disposition.
Alhaitham flushed red, his hands fumbling to close the zipper on his pencil case. He pushed his completed test paper to the side and placed his head on the desk, the hard surface cold on his burning skin. He mentally praised himself for always bringing a spare of every stationery item, just in case you needed it.
Whilst Alhaitham swatted away anyone else who dared ask him for academic help, he’d be almost eager to give you any form of assistance. If you were paying attention, you’d see the way his cheeks flushed when you leaned in to copy his homework, or the slight tremor in his voice when he explained a concept to you. Middle school Alhaitham - now hyper aware of his feelings for you - would be a stuttering mess at times, although that would soon change in his high school years.
“So, after completing the square… this equation can translate to- hey, why are you staring at me?” Alhaitham stopped upon noticing your gaze.
“Haitham, you can be so pretty if you tried a little more. I’m so jealous, you have such nice eyes.” You commented, running your fingers through his soft hair.
“… Why would I seek the superficial approval of others?” Alhaitham huffed, crossing his arms. Secretly however, your words spiralled in his head. Perhaps, if he did as you said, you’d like him too…?
He realised your hand was still on his head, and moved back. You whined in exasperation, flopping onto the desk.
“Your hair’s so soft though…” You mumbled, reaching out again.
“We’re here to study.” Alhaitham snapped, busying himself in flipping through the textbook to hide his red face. He found the content mundane, but teaching it to you made his heart flutter in knowing that he could be of use to you.
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Alhaitham in high school was drastically different from his middle school self, to say the least. He’d risen greatly in popularity for being the mysteriously smart and handsome student that barely paid anyone any mind. Much to your surprise, he’d grown even taller than you - making it a lot harder to ruffle his hair. It was rumoured that he’d brutally rejected confessions from many others, and had even made a teacher cry - but the shy boy you knew would never do that, right?
“Where are you headed?” You felt a large hand on your shoulder, stopping you in your tracks.
“I’m… going to study!” You stammered, finally looking behind you to meet a piercing amber gaze.
“Studying? On your way to the bus stop that leads only to the mall?” Alhaitham raised an eyebrow.
“Um, yes, a new cafe opened there and I wanted to study in it.”
“Hey, what’s taking you so long? We’re going to miss the movie at this rate!” You internally cursed as the loud voice of your friends interrupted your conversation.
“Studying, huh… Well, have fun. Don’t expect me to help you this time.” Alhaitham scoffed, releasing his grip on your shoulder.
He sent you his notes later that night regardless.
It was well known around your school that you were friends with Alhaitham, although you vehemently denied any romantic feelings between the two of you - much to his dismay. Because of this, you often had students approaching you and asking to be set up with Alhaitham. Of course, being the epitome of moral excellency, you only agreed if they paid you.
"You know, this girl in my class is pretty cute..." You showed Alhaitham a picture on your phone.
"You like her?" Alhaitham asked, not even sparing a glance to the picture.
"No, I..."
"How much did they pay you this time?"
"What! I would do no such thing-"
"You know, if you just asked me, I could give you way more than whatever they're giving you. Stop trying to auction me off, I have no interest in such things." Alhaitham snapped his book shut. You frowned, tugging on his arm.
"Please? Just one date with her, I'll do anything."
"Kiss me."
"Wouldn't it be awkward if I were on a date with this girl, and I didn't even know how to kiss her?"
"Oh, true." Alhaitham internally winced at how you didn't give it a second thought, only leaning in to seal your lips together. Although he'd mastered the art of maintaining a cool facade, if you'd opened your eyes in that moment, you'd see the flush in his face. He reminded himself to close his eyes, recalling the countless books he'd read about the topic. It definitely wasn't how he'd imagined his first kiss with you to be, but he'd take anything you gave him.
"Now, you're going on that date right? Here's her number." You winked, pulling away. Alhaitham furiously tugged his headphones onto his ears to hide how red they were, shooing you away.
"I'll text you her number then, Haitham!"
You ignored the confusing twist in your chest, attributing it to the kiss. After all, sharing a kiss with anyone would make you flustered - surely, it was nothing special.
Regardless of your efforts to make whatever dates you sent Alhaitham on successful, it never seemed to work. In truth, you had no idea how Alhaitham knew you'd been spying on those dates - after all, you were so inconspicuous, posing as a mere passerby. But he'd grown used to your exact demeanour, and no matter how hard you tried to be nondescript, his eyes were inevitably drawn to you. Unbeknownst to you, your eyes were drawn to him too - perhaps that was why you felt a slight twinge in your heart.
"Which popcorn do you like?" The girl next to Alhaitham giggled nervously.
"Salted caramel." Alhaitham responded cooly. Your jaw hung open from where you sat hidden behind a poster wall. Whenever you got salted caramel popcorn - your absolute favourite - he'd raise an eyebrow and inform you of your poor decision making, muttering something about the awful taste. You closed your mouth to smile to yourself. Perhaps he was trying to impress his date with his (superior) choice of popcorn. Your smile faltered when you realised how close they were standing to each other, before you mentally cursed yourself. What were you thinking? Surely you didn’t… have feelings for the very guy you were setting up with another girl…?
You followed the pair into the cinema, sitting a row behind them. They'd chosen a horror movie, which you absolutely hated, but you bore with it.
A few minutes into the film, you felt a tap on your knee. Alhaitham held out a fistful of popcorn to you from where he sat in front, his arm outstretched behind him. You scowled. He'd shown no prior indication that he'd noticed you - did he have eyes in the back of his head? You took the popcorn anyway, frowning at how Alhaitham played it off by lowering his arm around the girl's shoulders.
As the movie continued, Alhaitham wished it was you seated next to him. He hated the popcorn, but he'd gotten it just for you, anyway. His heart beat a little louder every time you reluctantly accepted his offering, although he had to glare at the girl who'd stolen your spot every few minutes to make sure she didn't think he was blushing for her. How troublesome this ordeal was. From an objective perspective however, this was fair exchange. If it made you happy, then he was happy too.
Alhaitham wasn't particularly athletically inclined, although his scholarship demanded participation in extracurricular sports. Hence, he found himself in the odorous male changing rooms for the second time that week. It would've been a mundane practice session (with him showing off a little if you happened to be watching), until he overheard a teammate's plans to ask you out.
"You should do it, I'm pretty sure she's single." Another teammate encouraged the first, the echo of a slap on the back reverberating through the room.
Alhaitham frowned. He'd planned to play the long game, although this was an unexpected interruption to his plans. Of course, there were other people to factor in. How could he have been so foolish as to exclude that from the equation?
"Yeah, I've had my eye on her for a while." The first guy spoke again.
"She's taken." Alhaitham blurted. Blurted, as in - his mind didn't fully weigh the decision before it left his mouth in a measured tone.
"Oh, sorry man. Are you two...?"
"Yes, we are." Alhaitham lied smoothly. He'd figure out how to deal with the repercussions later, but for now, he had to prevent anyone else from asking you out.
"That's great. Wish the best for you two." With a friendly (although slightly forceful) pat on the shoulder, the teammate left Alhaitham to head outside.
Alhaitham’s confession to you was ultimately very enigmatic and confusing, just as he was. Although he’d more or less practiced what he would say, when it came to you, he was always at a loss. You were a contradiction, a threat - both to his plans and his sanity. Somehow, that was what made him love you so much.
“I’ve heard a rumour that you and I were dating, Haitham. How come I never knew about this?” You tutted.
“Ah, they’re just saying mindless things. We’re just friends, after all.” That was what Alhaitham meant to say. Instead, what came out was;
“So what if we are?”
“We’re dating?” You cocked an eyebrow, failing to hide your flushed cheeks. Alhaitham noted this detail, trying his best to control the situation. What on earth had he just said?
“Yes, we are. Since we both like each other.” Alhaitham explained, internally cursing himself for his straightforward delivery. The situation was so outlandish - he’d just made an assertion, then supported it to somehow (very obviously) gaslight you into being his lover.
“You like me?” You spluttered. Alhaitham smiled. You hadn’t denied that you yourself liked him.
“Yes, because we’re dating.”
“No we’re not.”
“We are now.”
You stared at him in stunned silence, shocked by his audacity. But you couldn’t exactly deny his claims.
“Okay, I guess we are then.” Your mind still spun. Had he just… declared your relationship status?
“… Thank you.” Alhaitham murmured. You fidgeted on the spot uncertainly, before finally mustering the courage to peck his lips. Before you could scurry off however, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back.
“What are you-”
“I’ve waited years for this. God, you’re so stupid for not realising this earlier.” Alhaitham brought your lips to his, fiercely bringing you in to a passionate kiss.
You closed your eyes, melting into his touch as his hands deftly pulled you flush against him by your waist. Unsure of where to put your hands, you placed them on his chest - feeling it heave with every breath he took. His heartbeat thudded under your touch.
It was strange. Most people thought of him as being cold, almost robotic. And yet, he was so human now, from the light sheen of sweat on the column of his neck, to the flex of his jaw as it worked against yours. The slight tremble of his hand as it rose to rest on your nape, almost as though he too couldn’t believe what was happening.
The two of you pulled away after a while, panting heavily.
“I’ve… got to go.” Alhaitham muttered, walking off hurriedly before he could embarrass himself further. Nevertheless, it was alright for him to be selfish for once, right? It had seemed to work out in his favour.
Despite however much he tried to soothe himself, Alhaitham’s face was red, and a giddiness bloomed in his heart. Any other student would’ve been shocked to see the tender smile spread across his face, breaking that infuriatingly stoic expression. His childhood friend - and his first love - was now finally his.
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fiction-is-life · 1 year
Calling Out to You
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Summary: You reconnect with an old friend during the Season, but the young Viscount is not the same as the boy you grew up with.  Requested by @junevoidzombie​
Warnings: Description of injuries, minor character death, period misogyny, Anthony being difficult
“Help!” you called, starting to panic as the evening air grew cooler and the forest grew dimmer.  You sniffled and wiped your nose on the sleeve of your dress; your mama was going to be so angry, but the dress was ruined now anyways.  “Is anybody out here?” you cried.
You heard a twig snapping in the distance, and your head snapped up.  You let out a pitiful hiccup, but you finally stopped your incessant blubbering.  You waited a few more moments, hoping the sound would come closer, but it didn’t.  It must have been an animal, you thought.  
“Who’s there?” a voice called.  It didn’t sound particularly friendly, but any help was better than staying out here.  
“My name is (Y/N)!” you called back.  “I tripped and now I fear I have sprained my ankle.”
“Hold on.  I shall be there in a moment, miss,” the voice called back, this time slightly closer.  
In less than a minute, a figure started to take form in the growing darkness.  As he grew closer, you realized that he was younger than you were expecting - perhaps only three years older than yourself.  He had the most beautiful dark hair and eyes, though, and you became conscious of the horrible disarray you were currently in. 
He knelt beside you.  “I know you said your ankle is injured; is there any way you think you can stand on it, with my assistance?”
You shook your head.  “I have already tried, sir.”
“Anthony,” he interrupted.  He cleared his throat.  “You must call me Anthony, miss.”
Your face lit up with a smile.  “Then you must call me (Y/N), Anthony.  My family just moved here from Hertfordshire.  We now live at Turring Manor, and I was exploring the country when I fell.”
He smiled back shyly.  “Well, it would most likely be easier to carry you to my family’s home.  It is much closer than Turring Manor, and the sun is already setting.”
“That would be most appreciated, Anthony.  Thank you!” you replied eagerly.  
The next thing you knew, Anthony was lifting you off of the ground, being extra careful to not jostle your hurt leg too much.  Once you were off of the ground, however, Anthony looked at you while a blush crept across his cheeks.  “Um, it might be easier to walk if you put your arms around me as well.  I wouldn’t want your leg to pain you more than necessary,” he mumbled, clearly embarrassed.  
“Very well,” you whispered.  You couldn’t help your own blush as you did as he asked you.  Once that was done, he set off in the direction he had come from.
“Anthony, there you are darling!  Wherever have you been?”  A very beautiful woman came down the steps as you approached the very impressive home.  It must be Anthony’s mother; the resemblance was uncanny.  
“I am sorry I am late, mother, but our new neighbor fell in our woods and could not walk home,” Anthony explained. 
The lady’s eyes finally fell on you and concern filled them.  “Oh, you poor thing,” she cried.  “Anthony, bring her up to the yellow bedchamber.  I shall have the maids draw a bath and bring her something to eat.”  
Anthony’s mother sprung into action, and before you knew it, you were being laid upon a soft bed and Anthony was being shooed out of the room.  After a luxurious bath, you were given a silk nightgown borrowed from one of Anthony’s sisters.  
Said sisters (at least two of them - you had heard there was at least one more) came to keep you company before it was time to go to bed.  You could tell you all would become fast friends although the two girls were as different as could be.  Daphne was content to stay and practice piano while Eloise was always ready for an adventure.  Life would certainly not be dull living so close to Aubrey Hall.
“So Anthony really carried you all the way from the woods because you fell?” Daphne questioned as you explained what had happened that day.
“Yes, he did.  I couldn’t be more grateful; my parents would have been worried sick if they had not heard from me,” you said.
Daphne sighed, a dreamy look taking over her features.  “That is so romantic.  Like a knight rescuing the princess in the stories papa tells us.  Right, Eloise?” Daphne gushed.
Eloise rolled her eyes at her older sister’s antics.  “Anthony is hardly a knight in shining armor, Daphne.  You are being silly,” Eloise retorted.
Seeing how a fight was about to break out, you said, “He may not be a knight of olde but he certainly rescued me today.”
Eloise and Daphne looked at each other, slow smiles growing on each of their faces, making you nervous.  “Do you love our brother, (Y/N)?” they squealed in unison.
“What?  Of course not!  We just met!” you protested, but the butterflies flying in your stomach told a different story.
“Anthony!  You and Benedict - and Colin if he can behave himself and not eat all the biscuits - must come to my tea party this afternoon,” Daphne decreed at the breakfast table.  Her proclamation was met with several groans and one small protest of “Hey!”
Anthony scowled at his younger sister.  “Tea parties are for girls, Daphne.  Besides, I have a shooting lesson this afternoon,” he said.
Daphne beamed despite the implied insult.  “No you don’t!  I already asked papa, and he has rescheduled your lesson.  He hopes to join us for a bit after his meeting with Lord Aberly,” she said primly.  Her eyes glimmered with a spark of mischief.  “(Y/N) shall also be there,” she added in a sing-song voice.
“Fine, we shall attend your tea party.”
“Oh, come on, Anthony!  Why did you have to accept for the both of us?”
“Are you excited for the new baby, Ant?” you asked as you strolled in Aubrey Hall’s garden.  
He shrugged, making his broadening shoulders fill his jacket even more.  He had changed so much in the year he had been away at university, but he was still the same Anthony, thank goodness.  “I suppose.  It is always nice to welcome a new sibling, but the novelty has worn off.  Each baby is just like the last,” he chuckled.
You slapped his arm playfully, giggling as well.  “How could you say that, Anthony?” you scolded.  “Are you going to think that of your own children as well?”
You thought you saw his eyes flicker over your form with a strange expression in them, but it must have been a trick of the light for when his eyes returned to yours they were his normal welcoming brown.  
“No, I shall probably become as tender-hearted as my father when each babe is welcomed.  And dote on my wife for bringing such a miracle into the world,” he replied, that funny trick of the light occurring again and making your stomach inexplicably flip.
His father knelt to gather flowers for his mother, prompting Anthony to do the same.  “I shall gather some for (Y/N).  She was just admiring these daffodils the other day,” he spoke as he used his pocket knife to cut the loveliest blooms.  “I believe I will do as you suggested and ask her -”  
A thump behind him interrupted him.  
“Father?  Father!”
“Papa has inherited a piece of land in Scotland.  We are leaving within the week to go there.”  You stood in the door of what was now Anthony’s study.  He looked so small and lost sitting there, his late father’s portrait above him.
He nodded his head briefly before looking back down at the papers before him that required his attention.  “I shall see you when you return then.  Safe travels,” he spoke in a clipped tone.
“You don’t understand.  We are renting out Turring Manor and moving to Scotland.”
His head snapped up at this, but his eyes were distant and cold, his jaw set.  There was a pregnant pause before he spoke, “Then I wish you all the best, Miss (Y/L/N).  May God be with you.”
His terse farewell cut you like a knife.  You swallowed the lump in your throat.  “And with you, Lord Bridgerton.”
  You fled the house before anyone could see your tears fall.
Anthony was in the middle of his set with Miss Sherwood when there was a commotion at the entrance to the ballroom.  He looked to see a family enter, but they were blocked from his seeing their faces.  Accepting defeat, he tipped the corners of his lips up in what Miss Sherwood would know as a fond smile as he resumed their dance, forgetting the interruption entirely as the dance came to an end. 
“Brother!  How was your dance with the lovely Miss Sherwood?” Benedict clapped him on the back and handed him a glass of punch as he joined him near the terrace doors.  
He sighed, letting his austere Viscount visage fade just enough for Benedict to see how tired his brother was.  “She is well-spoken and graceful.”  He looked away from his brother and out towards the crowd.  “She shall make a wonderful Viscountess.”
Benedict’s eyes softened but Anthony refused to look at him.  “Will that be enough for you, Brother?  A wife and a mother to your children?”
Anthony fixed a glare on Benedict that would have made a lesser man shrink back and admit defeat.  “Isn’t that the point of the institution?  I shall gain an heir and somebody to take care of my households while I provide her with a name and protection from material poverty.”
“Some might add love into that mission statement,” Benedict said with a hint of sarcasm.
Anthony paused, but his mind was more made up than ever.  “I gave that notion up a long time ago, Brother.  Love brings nothing but heartache,” he spoke, his voice devoid of any emotion.
The brother’s staring contest was broken by a familiar voice.  “Lord Bridgerton, Mr. Bridgerton.”
The tall, dark haired men bowed.  “Lady Danbury, how do you do?”  Benedict took on the lion’s share of the social niceties as Anthony still had that far off look in his eyes.  He was not attending to the conversation at all, but Lady Danbury did not grow offended at his slight.
“Very well, Mr. Bridgerton.  I wanted to introduce you both to someone.  Her family has just moved back from Scotland - just in time for the season,” Lady Danbury continued, bringing you forward.
“(Y/N)!” Benedict cried, grabbing your hand to place a kiss onto your glove.
Lady Danbury raised an eyebrow in surprise, but her eyes were calculating.  “So you two know each other?”
“Miss (Y/L/N)’s family used to be our neighbors.  We spent many a day together before they moved away,” Benedict explained.  You were glad for it as your tongue was tied.  
“That is wonderful.  Then you two can help me introduce Miss (Y/L/N) to some other members of the Ton,” Lady Danbury smiled but fixed her eagle gaze on Anthony who had broken out of his stupor enough to gaze open-mouthed at you.  “Her family would like to see her settled.”
Benedict’s easy smile flashed.  “That will not be so hard a task for one as lovely as you, Miss (Y/L/N).”
You smiled wryly.  “It may become a little more challenging when people hear this is by no means my first season out,” you spoke, with that familiar teasing lilt to your voice.
“Nonsense.”  Your head snapped up at the almost angry outburst from the Viscount.  He cleared his throat.  “Many men will find you to be all the more acceptable for your age,” he said.
You smiled and Anthony made the mistake of looking at you - really looking at you - this time.  “You are right, my lord.  Many bachelors will be looking to find a wife before they themselves enter their dotage,” you teased, making Benedict laugh.
Anthony could not recover himself fast enough  - perhaps tell you that were more beautiful than the day you left - before Benedict was offering you his hand and leading you towards the dance floor.
“Miss (Y/L/N), may I have your next set?” Anthony intercepted you the moment Benedict led you off the dance floor.  He was spinning his signet ring on his pinkie finger.
“Of course, my lord,” you spoke even as he was already grasping your hand and leading you back onto the floor.
You spent half of the set in silence.  You could tell even after all these years when Anthony needed time to think.  You focused on the steps of the waltz and actively tried to ignore how it felt to be in his arms.
“How was Scotland?” Anthony finally broke the silence.
You blinked, startled.  “It is a most beautiful country, my lord,” you replied.
He nodded.  “Were there no eligible gentlemen there?”
Your brow furrowed.  “Of course there were many,” you sputtered.
“Why did you not wed then?”  The interrogation continued.
Your nostrils flared with your temper.  “I do not believe that is any of your business, my lord,” you stated, a hint of anger behind your words.  “I could say the same for you.”
“Yes, but I am a man; it is different.”
You scoffed, drawing the attention of some onlookers.  “Yes, I suppose it is.  I am but a woman.  Therefore my only purpose is to wed and have babies.”  You stopped dancing and broke out of his grasp.  You stood with your fists clenched at your sides.  “I heard you when you were near the terrace, my lord.  I cannot countenance how much you have changed.”
He watched in equal parts anger and despair as you walked away from him and out the doors.
“Mama, what are these?”  You fingered the petals of the daffodils that had been arranged in a beautiful bouquet.
“They must be from a potential suitor who saw how gracefully you danced with Benedict last night,” she replied, still not daring to mention the scene you had caused when you had stormed away from Anthony.  “There is most likely a card in them, peach.”
There was indeed.  You opened it to find a familiar neat hand.
I remembered these were your favourites, is all it read.
You closed the card and slipped it into your pocket.  “They are just from Lord Bridgerton.  An apology for our row.”
You purposely did not meet your mother’s eye so as not to see the look of disappointment that overtook her features.
“Who is that walking with Lady Danbury?”
“That is Miss (Y/L/N),” Benedict quickly informed the fair-haired earl he and Anthony had been walking with along with Miss Sherwood.  “Would you like me to introduce you both?  She is an old friend of our family.”
“Oh, yes, Mr. Bridgerton, that would be delightful!” Miss Sherwood cried.  “Wouldn’t it be, Lord Bridgerton?”
Anthony nodded, his lips pressed in a thin line.  “Most delightful.”
You and Lady Danbury had already come upon the group, and you paused.  “Miss (Y/L/N), you must allow me to introduce my good friend Lord James Thatcher, the Earl of Wembey and Miss Sherwood of Bath.”
You curtsied politely to the both of them.  “It is a pleasure to meet you both,” you said smoothly, years of good breeding taking over as your mind reeled.  So this was the Miss Sherwood that he had spoken of.  
“Miss (Y/L/N), would you care to join me on a small boat ride on the lake?  It is the perfect weather for it,” Lord Wembey addressed you directly, startling you.  You could feel Lady Danbury’s gaze on you.
“That would be most lovely, my lord,” you spoke as you took his proffered arm.
“Lord Wembey has invited us to attend the theater tonight with him in his box.  Is that not lovely, my dear?” your mama crowed.  This would not be the first time the handsome earl had singled you out in his attentions.  They had become quite marked indeed.
“That is wonderful, mama,” you replied, not looking up from your needlework.  “Shall I wear the yellow silk, do you think?”  And the conversation turned back to fashion plates and fripperies.
The pall mall ball soared into the air - straight into the woods and definitely nowhere near the intended target.  You were never good at pall mall, but what you lacked in talent you made up for in enthusiasm.  And the annual tournament was no exception - especially since it was your first after returning.
“I suppose (Y/N) must return to the woods,” Eloise teased.  “Hopefully you do not need to rescue her this time, Anthony.”
“Rescue her?  Whatever do you mean, Miss Bridgerton?” Miss Sherwood asked.  
You and Anthony both opened your mouths to explain, but Benedict beat you to it.  “Many years ago, Miss (Y/L/N) was walking in our woods when she injured herself.  Luckily for her, though, Anthony was there to help her home.”
“Oh, how wonderful!  It was like fate brought you together,” Miss Sherwood gushed, just as Daphne had all those years ago.
Anthony cleared his throat and brushed his free hand down his pant leg, trying to dislodge an imaginary piece of lint.  “Yes, well, it was a very long time ago, and I am sure the memory has been distorted until it seems much loftier than it is,” he spoke, more harshly than he meant in his flustered state.  “Shall we play on?  I believe it was your turn, Miss Sherwood.”
“I have noticed Lord Wembey and (Y/N) are spending a great deal of time together, Brother,” Daphne spoke as she entered Anthony’s study.  
“Have they?  I have not really noticed,” Anthony spoke with a clenched jaw, his pen arrested in mid air where it dropped a rogue dot of ink on the otherwise pristine page.
Daphne tilted her head and pursed her lips - a look she had perfected from childhood.  “I find that hard to believe, Brother.  Everyone expects him to propose - perhaps even tonight at mama’s ball,” she said.  She huffed lightly as Anthony still did not look up from his work.  “And people are also wondering why you have not proposed to Miss Sherwood yet.”
Anthony finally set down his pen and looked at her.  “How are those two connected, Sister?” he ground out.
Daphne did not break eye contact.  “Some people are saying that you have not proposed to Miss Sherwood because you hold a tendre for (Y/N),” she explained.
“Why would I care about the words of gossips?”  Anthony growled.
Daphne leaned forward, her face set just as hard as his.  “You may not care, but if you do not fix this, you could inadvertently tarnish (Y/N)’s reputation and ruin her chances at an excellent match.”  
Daphne made her way back towards the corridor.  “Maybe think about that, Brother,” she said before she shut the door behind her.
You rode fast and hard, uncaring of anything but getting away.  You did not even care that the skies looked as if they would open up at any second and flood the ground beneath you.  It would only be too fitting for your mood.
Another one.
You had rejected another perfectly suitable gentleman.  
What was wrong with you?  Lord Wembey was everything you were looking for in a husband.  He was young, titled, wealthy beyond measure, kind hearted, well-read.  He could do with some darker hair, but that was beyond his control.
You drew your horse up short at that thought.  Were you seriously comparing Lord Wembey to Anthony - yes, for he was still Anthony in your thoughts - and finding Lord Wembey wanting?
You breathed heavily as that thought washed over you, and you wanted to scream.
As if your thoughts had summoned him, Anthony appeared on horseback.  He cut an even more impressive figure than he used to, but that was no wonder.  His eyes locked on you, and he turned his horse to meet yours.
And you fled.
You could feel him following you, his better knowledge of the ground and larger steed allowing him to gain ground rapidly.  You could feel the promised rain start to pummel your back, but you pushed your horse faster.  Eating up ground faster than you could see it as your vision was blurred with rain and tears.  
“(Y/N), watch out!” were the last words you heard before your body slammed into the ground.
You opened your eyes to see it was already light in your bedroom.  Your mother sat beside you.  “Mama?” you rasped, wincing at how it made your head ache.
The lines on your mother’s face smoothed as she looked at you, before promptly starting to sob.  “Oh, you are awake!  We thought we had lost you forever!”
You scrunched your forehead as you tried to sit up.  You were immediately assisted by two maids.  “What happened, mama?”
“Oh, you would have been lost without him!  Going out for a ride in horrific weather, what were you thinking?” your mother was working up into one of her fits of hysteria.
“Mama!” you broke her off.  “Lost without whom?”
“Oh, Anthony, of course!  He saw you get thrown from your horse, and he carried you all the way back on his.  He personally saw that the doctor was fetched, too, wonderful boy,” she gushed.
You fiddled with the comforter, unsure of what to say.  
There was a knock on the door. You turned your head to see Anthony standing there, fidgeting with his signet ring just as he did in the days immediately following his father’s death.
“I shall leave you two to have a moment of privacy,” your mother whispered as she stood.
You attempted to reach out to her, stop her, but she was too quick.  She beckoned the two maids to follow her but left the door open for propriety’s sake.  
Anthony did not move from his position near the door even after your mother vacated the room.  The air felt heavy, and you were finding it hard to breathe.  You smoothed the bedcovers although they were practically perfect.
“I am so relieved you are awake,” Anthony croaked, his voice raspy with disuse.
You steadfastly continued your study of the linens.  “I am told I have you to thank for that, my lord.”  You congratulated yourself on keeping your tone even.
“Will you stop that?” Anthony’s tone was sharp, and you finally looked at him fully.  His face was drawn, and it was clear he had not shaved in a few days.
“Stop what, my lord?” you asked, genuinely confused.
He walked towards your bed, his face red.  “Calling me that,” he practically spat.  
You scoffed, not believing he was truly acting so childish.  “Well, it is your title.  It would be improper for me not to -”
“Marry me, then.”
You must have hit your head harder than you thought for you were certainly hearing things.  “What?” you breathed.
Anthony knelt at your side and took your hand tenderly in his.  “Marry me, (Y/N), please,” he implored.  He shook his head.  “I should have asked you ten years ago, but I thought I could prevent my heart from breaking by not letting it be touched.”  His gaze fell on your joined hands.  He cleared his throat.  “I was a fool.  I disregarded the fact that it had already been stolen from me.”
His warm brown orbs found yours, and you felt your heart climb into your throat.  You took a rattling breath as your eyes stung with tears.
“Anthony…” you breathed.
No further words were needed as your lips joined in the kiss you had always been waiting for.
My Masterlist
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7ndipity · 10 months
He Forgets Your Birthday
Jin x Reader
Summary: Jin just wants to make your birthday memorable, but what happens when life gets too hectic and makes him forget?
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: angst, swearing
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! Sorry it took me a little bit to get to.
Life moved quickly with Jin, in multiple ways.
The first time you ever met, he asked for your number, fearing you wouldn’t cross paths again and he might not get another chance. You both said ‘I love you’ less than two months into dating, after he accidentally let it slip out during one of your first nights together, you even ended up moving in with him after less than a year when the apartment you were subletting fell through(or more accurately, flooded through, but whatever)
Things also moved quickly because of your careers. Sometimes days would flick by without your realizing, a week would turn into two before either of you noticed, and then suddenly it’s been nearly two months since your last technical date.
Despite your reassurances that you understood, Jin felt guilty at times for the two of you missing out on special occasions like holidays or anniversaries with each other, but one day he promised he wouldn’t let slip past was your birthday.
You weren't exactly a fan of making a big fuss for your birthday, but Jin wanted to make it special for you.
“I’ll cook,” He’d promised you. “I’ll make all your favorites, as well as traditional seaweed soup for good luck, and then we’ll do whatever you want for the rest of the day.”
“What if I don’t want to do anything?” You’d asked, raising a brow as you sat on his lap.
“Then we’ll do nothing together,” He’d replied, pulling you closer. “And have a wonderful time doing it.”
It’d been an easy promise to make when your birthday was still almost a month away, but as the days and weeks passed, things became increasingly hectic. Comeback season was drawing close, and with it came the pressure and chaos of constant rehearsals, video shoots, and promotional activities, leaving Jin little time to think about much else. Half the time you were already asleep before he got home at night, tiredly wrapping himself around you for a few precious hours before starting the cycle all over again.
He didn’t even know what day of the week it was until Jimin spoke up as they slumped against the wall, trying to catch their breath during rehearsals.
“Oh, how’s Y/n? Did they like their gift?” Jimin asked. “I haven't heard from them since I texted happy birthday this morning.”
Jin felt his heart screech to a stop as he looked over at the younger man, hoping he had misheard. “What?”
“The flowers you helped us pick out? I figured they would’ve-” Jimin’s voice trailed off as he noticed the growing look of horror on Jin’s face. “Tell me you didn’t forget?”
Jin’s whole body felt cold as he fumbled for his phone, stomach dropping as he read the date, and then the numerous text notifications from you.
His hands shook as he read your words, his heart pounding loudly in his ears.
‘You left this morning before I got to say it, but love you💖’
‘Do you know what time you’ll be home?’
'Ngl, I'm kinda excited for tonight, it's been ages since I had your cooking😋'
‘Jinnie? Is everything okay?’
‘You’re not coming, are you?’
‘You could at least answer your phone so I know you’re okay.’
Sparing no time explaining to the others, he grabbed his things and bolted out the door, nearly sprinting for the elevators.
He couldn’t believe how badly he’d fucked up, you must’ve been so upset with him. How would he even explain himself to you? Would you even talk to him when he got home? He wouldn’t blame you if the answer was no.
“Y/n?” He called as he opened the door but the house was silent, all the lights off, the stillness seeming to loom over him as he kicked off his shoes.
Tip-toeing through the house, he caught sight of the bouquet of flowers the guys had sent you sitting proudly in the center of the dining table, their cheery brightness almost mocking him now.
As he neared your shared bedroom, he caught sight of a sliver of light slipping out into the hall from the crack in the door.
Peeking in, he found you curled up on your side of the bed, sound asleep, but he could tell by the puffiness around your eyes that you’d been crying, shattering his heart completely.
He slowly sank down on the bed next to you, gently brushing your hair out of your face.
“I’m so sorry, Y/n.” He choked, tears blurring your image in front of him. He felt like the worst boyfriend in the world, how could he have forgotten something like this?! He had promised you!
He’d always tried so hard to live up to his commitments and responsibilities in your relationship, no matter how small, but in the moment when it mattered the most, he’d failed you.
“Jinnie?” Your cracked, sleep laden voice snapped his attention back up to you, meeting your tired eyes.
“Y/n, I’m so sorry.” He said, crying in earnest now.
“ ‘s okay.” You said drowsily, too tired to fight with him.
“It’s not. I made you a promise, and I fucked up.” He said, wiping his face.
You didn’t speak, sitting up slowly and pulling him into a hug. As upset as you might’ve been, you couldn’t stand to see him cry.
You wouldn’t lie, you were deeply hurt, but it wasn’t just for you. You’d seen how hard he’d been working lately, coming home late sore and exhausted, bags under his eyes from fatigue. You hated seeing him so tired all the time, so stressed and not able to do anything about it. You knew that under normal circumstances, he would’ve never forgotten, but your lives weren’t normal.
“I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” He cried into your neck. “I’ll find a way.”
“Jinnie, I don’t care about the dinner,” You said, trying not to start crying again yourself as you pulled back to look at him. “All I really wanted was to be with you.”
“I’m sorry.” He whispered.
“Just come hold me, please.” You half dragged him under the covers with you, winding your limbs around each other tightly.
Neither of you spoke much as you slowly drifted off to sleep, clinging to each other desperately, needing to feel each other to be sure you were both still there.
When you opened your eyes the next morning, you found his side of the bed empty.
Sitting up slowly, you glanced around, questions only just beginning to form in your mind before you heard a faint noise from somewhere in the house, the scent of one of your favorite dishes drifting through the open bedroom door.
Still groggy, you climbed out of bed and followed the smell to your kitchen, where you found your missing boyfriend, his back to you as he stood over the stove, fussing at something he was stirring.
“Why are you so salty? I didn’t even add that much.”
“Maybe it’s just in a bad mood.”
He turned at the sound of your voice, eyes softening as they found you in the doorway, messy hair and sleep clouded eyes, wearing one of his pajama tops as a sleepshirt.
“I thought you were still asleep.” He said softly.
“What are you doing?” You asked.
“Fulfilling my promise to you.” He said, turning back to the stove for a moment as he spoke. “It’s not quite all of your favorites, but it’s a start. Plus, we’ve got the whole day to do whatever else you want to do.”
“I have work.” You said, not unkindly.
“No, you don’t.” He responded. “I left them a message saying you were sick and couldn’t come in today.”
“Sick with what?” You asked.
“Bad boyfriend-itis,” He said, coming over to hook his arms round your waist. “It’s a very serious condition, it requires a lot of rest and care to recover from.”
“You’re not a bad boyfriend.” You said quietly, fiddling with his shirt collar.
“I’m not so sure about that.” He said, frowning.
“Well, I am.” You pushed up on your toes to press your lips to his softly, making him melt instantly. You let your hands slowly trail up and around his neck, earning a slight shiver from him before you pulled away to look at him. “What about rehearsals?”
“I told them the same thing as your work.” He said with a slightly dazed grin.
“You have boyfriend-itis too?” You raised a brow at him questioningly.
“Are you kidding? I’m patient zero.” He replied, earning a giggle from you, making his heart swell as he smiled down at you.
“Go back to bed,” He said softly, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “I’ll call you when it’s ready.”
“I don’t wanna go back to bed.” You said, wrapping your arms around his waist, looking up at him seriously. “I told you last night, I just want to be with you.”
“Alright then.” He hooked his hands under your thighs, boosting you up to sit on the counter with a surprised squeak from you. “You can sit here and be my lovely assistant.”
“I don’t even know what you’re making.” You giggled again.
“Doesn’t matter, just follow my lead and make yummy noises when I show you something.”
The two of you talked as he continued cooking, stopping each time he passed by you to leave a kiss on your waiting lips. Once everything was ready, you moved to the table, sitting close enough that you could reach over and grab his hand as he settled next to you.
He glanced up at you. “What is it?”
“Just thank you.” You said.
He tilted his head. “For what?”
“Being you. Being here.”
Jin felt the familiar twisting in his chest as he leaned over to press another kiss to your lips.
“Always.” He promised.
He wouldn’t make the same mistake again, he swore to himself, he would be there for you, no matter what else was going on. You were his world, his heart, and he would make sure you knew that from now on.
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan
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owliellder · 1 year
The Finer Details
Post DI! Leon Kennedy x f! Painter Reader
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MDNI 18+
(Session 1, Session 2, Session 3, Session 4, Session 5, The Reveal)
Description: Leon realizes that retirement is in his best interest now that he's getting older. All of his accomplishments as an agent mean he's truly earned a painting to commemorate..
Warnings: Not Proofread, Age gap! (reader is anywhere between mid-late 20's and Leon is 40), Porn w/ Plot, Use of she/her pronouns, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Alcoholism, mentions of trauma/PTSD/depression, P in V smut (wrap it NEOW), Leon cries during sex 💔
Tags: Older Leon Kennedy, Younger afab!Reader, Leon is SAD but he is your muse, Crying, mentions of Leon masturbating, starts off with Dom! Leon and Sub! Reader, falls into switch territory because that man needs some serious TLC, Praise kink, Hickeys, Handjob, Nipple play, Oral sex (m! and f! receiving), and a heavy dose of Aftercare
Author's Note: I write these at work and I work nightshift all alone in a little gatehouse, right? I kid you not 3 coyotes were staring at me through the door and I didn't even notice. I saw them running by on the cameras but I honestly thought it was just a group of feral cats cause they were so small.
Anyways, thank you for 300 followers!! I'm geekin' out over that! And Friday morning the last chapter will be out 😈🙏
Cross-posted on AO3
Session 5: Finishing Touches
The word excited was a vast understatement when it came to seeing you again.
Leon's heart was thrumming against his chest as he stood silently in front of your apartment door. His hand was raised up halfway, ready to knock, but a sudden wave of anxiety was holding him back. He was at your apartment. Your apartment.
The drive over was relatively short, it was closer than your workspace, yet he felt confident the entire way here. Now here he was, frozen in place, worried his knock would be too loud or make him seem desperate, even. A ridiculous thought, obviously the man knew that, but it gripped his mind nonetheless.
You must've had a sixth sense, having opened the door before he'd built up the courage to actually knock, when all reality you just recognized the sound of his motorcycle at this point. The sweet smile you gave Leon was enough to draw him into your apartment. He was quick to take his jacket off since he was sweating bullets, hanging it up on the coat rack next to your front door.
You could tell he was nervous just by how jittery he was, it was endearing yet worrisome at the same time. Seeing how worked up you made him was adorable, but at the same time you didn't want him to feel uncomfortable around you.
"Sit wherever, Mr. Kennedy. My house is yours." You placed a hand on his bicep to try and ease him, smile still remaining as you watched him survey the living room. A quiet laugh fell from his lips as he trained his eyes on you. "It's Leon, please. Making me feel real old over here..." You rolled your eyes with a playful groan. It was just a formality you'd trained yourself to respond with when it came to clients. A hard habit to break since you'd never really dated any of them before now.
With a gentle pat, you slowly turned and walked off into your admittedly small kitchen where the faint sound of boiling water could be heard. It took a few seconds before Leon decided to follow you, not totally convinced to take a seat just yet. You glanced over your shoulder at him before turning back to reach up into one of your cabinets, pulling out a couple mismatched mugs. "You like chai?" He nodded, licking his lips at the idea of something to drink.
The man could only stand awkwardly a few feet behind you and watch as you grabbed a couple tea bags from another cabinet, setting reach bag in their respective mug. An electric kettle sitting atop your counter beeped once it reached the selected temperature, prompting you to grab the handle and pour the water into the mugs.
You covered the mugs to let them steep, turning around to lean back against the edge of your counter so you could look at Leon. He looked like a lost puppy, hands in the pockets of his jeans as he took in your kitchen. With a sympathetic sigh, you pushed yourself from the counter and looped your right arm through his, leading him out of the kitchen back towards your living room. "Get comfortable, I'll bring the tea over here, okay?"
He just let you lead him over to the couch, sitting down at your request with a meek nod. He really should be more confident than this, but he was far out of practice when it came to women. The idea of messing this up for himself was terrifying.
Leon's head followed you as you walked around to the front of the couch, watching as you set the mugs on the coffee table before sitting down next to him. He rested his hands on top of his thighs, eyes now stuck to the tea placed in front of him.
"Are you feeling alright? You look like you're gonna throw up." You meant this in a joking manner, even giggling a bit as you spoke, but Leon's head jerked away from the tea to look at you, eyebrows furrowed with worry as he shook his head. "No-.. No, I'm okay, just... Can I be honest?"
That kind of question never failed to make you nervous, and he was quick to pick up on that, clearing his throat after stumbling over his words. "It's... It's been a long time since I've done anything like this. Seeing someone."
Your mouth formed a small 'o' shape at his confession before falling back to that same sweet smile that you welcomed him in with. "You're right to be nervous, Leon. But hey," you paused to scoot closer to him, ".. I've had the privilege to learn a bit of backstory from you already, and after working with a few other agents before you, I have a general idea on just how taxing that kind of job can be."
Leon tightened his lips as he listened to you, worry still plain on his face. You were right and maybe that's why he grew to like you so easily. He didn't have to explain anything since you already knew the basic gist of it all, holding a level of understanding that most other potential partners wouldn't have.
You reached in front of him to grab the mug, carefully placing it in one of his hands before reaching further to grab the other, now having him hold the mug with both hands. He kept fidgeting with his jeans, clearly needing something to hold onto.
"I won't pry, the details of your job seem pretty intense, but I want you to know that I'll never turn you away, relationship or not." You'd grabbed your own mug now, looking down as you pinched your index and thumb on the paper end to the tea bag to jostle it a bit. "You've more than earned the time you have now to just be yourself."
Leon swallowed dryly, turning his attention down to where he was holding the mug in his lap. He didn't even know he needed to hear those words, but dammit were they definitely hitting home.
"Thank you." He managed to say, voice meek and slightly scratchy from just how dry his mouth had become. "You... have a way with words?" He breathed out a chuckle to which you followed up with a laugh of your own. Despite feeling so vulnerable and awkward, he still managed to make a joke.
You closed your eyes as you brought the mug up to your lips, taking a sip of the now perfectly warm tea before opening them again to give the man next to you a smirk. "What a charmer you are, huh?"
And just like every other time the two of you had been around each other, Leon started to relax by the hour; talking more, joking more, getting closer to you, and once you both finished up the tea, he held onto your hand with his own.
He followed you around your apartment when you excitedly asked to give him a tour. It was small, a very humble one bedroom, one bathroom apartment, but to Leon it was probably the most comfortable place he'd ever been. So similar to your workplace in terms of decor, but now it was full of your more personal items.
The smell of the tea from earlier was beginning to fade, making way for the smell of just you, such a pleasant and intoxicating smell to the man.
Your bedroom was the biggest culprit so far, the two of you winding up sitting on the edge of your bed. Shamefully, he'd zoned out as you rambled on about whatever, just soaking in the feel of your comforter beneath his hands. It was soft, but definitely not as soft as your lips were.
While Leon was zoned out, his eyes had gotten stuck again, this time on your lips as they moved. You were focused somewhere else, looking forwards, not really paying attention to where he was staring. He so badly wanted to kiss you again, the last kiss didn't last nearly as long as he would've liked it to.
Leon knew his words would fail him and he wanted to act before his nerves got the better of him, leading him to moving his eyes up to yours, his hand reaching to gently hold under chin so he could turn your head to face him.
The feel of his hand caused you to pause your ramble, letting him turn your head to face him. He looked so handsome with that wanting look, his eyes flittering from your own and back down to your lips.
He seemed to know what he wanted, so you opted to just let him slowly pull you closer into a kiss, eyes closing as your lips touched his. It was a little longer than the kiss you shared the night before, but after pulling away and seeing the shy smile you had, he couldn't help but pull you right back in.
His eyebrows furrowed, hands finding their way to your back to pull you closer, one between your shoulder blades while the other on the small of your back. You arched against his touch, letting him angle you the way he wanted. Leon's hands moved to make way for his arms, biceps flexing as he tightly wrapped them around you. He had to hold on tight, fearing he would lose his little slice of heaven if he didn't.
Your lips felt amazing against his, so soft and pillowy. And god, the way your skin felt when he shifted one of his rough hands up under your shirt. He needed more, all of you.
He let out a low groan, almost a growl as he nibbled on your bottom lip before moving down to your neck. He leaned back a bit so his shoulders were resting against the head of the bed frame, managing to pull you even closer so your chest was pressed up a little higher than his, his head buried into the crook of your neck.
You breathed out a shaky breath as his hands began to wander again, still underneath your shirt. They went up and down your back, moving down to occasionally squeeze your waist. You made the prettiest sounds when he did.
Leon felt so needy, holding onto you like this, for dear life. He couldn't help it. You were his lifeline right now.
His lips trailed along the underside of your jaw and down the front of your throat, making sure to leave a trail of hickeys in their wake. He could feel you swallow and the vibrations from your moans, loving how alive you felt in his grasp.
You ran your fingers through his hair before gently tugging him away from your neck, tilting his head back ever so slightly so he was looking up at you. He was panting, breath cold against your spit-covered neck. You gave him the most endearing look, one hand trailing down to cup the side of his face. You didn't want him to worry even for a second.
"I'm not going anywhere." You whispered, running your thumb along his bottom lip before bringing him into another kiss. His grip on you loosened enough for you to carefully slide down and settle your upper half into his lap.
Leon's lip quivered as he watched you, hands trembling once you'd slid out of his grasp. Your words were comforting, but he couldn't hold onto you the way he wanted when you were down there. Though, with the way you rested your cheek against the bulge straining in his jeans, he wasn't all that worried anymore.
You watched your hand with a lazy smile as you stroked him over his jeans, both arms resting on his thighs to keep them spread apart. Leon needed love and care and you were more than willing to help him make up for the lost time.
After unbuckling his belt and pulling it off, you unzipped his jeans, sitting up to pull them down in the front. You looked up at him through your eyelashes, silently asking for permission to which he eagerly nodded his head. He even reached his hands down to help, but you swatted them away.
"Let me take care of you..." Carefully, you pulled the front end of his boxers down far enough for his cock to spring out and then up against his stomach, already leaking precum. Leon groaned as the cool air hit it, causing his hips to jerk up a bit.
You didn't want to tease the poor man, so you reached your hand up and gripped the base, pulling it upright and to the side slightly. You stroked him languidly before placing a gentle kiss against the shaft. He whined, his legs now starting to shiver from the adrenaline.
Leon never could've imagined he'd get this far with you tonight, let alone get to watch you stroke his dick while giving it kisses and little kitten licks. A pitiful moan was pulled from him when you wrapped your lips around the tip to suck, your hand now stroking him faster.
You were so careful with him, focusing on his pleasure, having even stopped a couple times to make sure he was feeling good and also just to tell him how good he was doing.
With his cock now deep in your throat, tears were streaming down his face, small sobs falling from his lips as you bobbed your head up and down. It was all so much; the smell of your bedding, the feeling your mouth wrapped around him, the sound of his own weak little cries hitting his ears.
"I'm-.. God I'm sorry- I-" He spoke breathlessly through the moans and sobs, hands fisted into your comforter as he began to worry he'd chase you away. You pulled your mouth off of him, hand moving from holding the base to stroking him again. "You're doing such a good job, Leon. Just let go for me.." With your hushed words, you quickly put your mouth back around him, going right back to deepthroating him.
His orgasm surfaced fast, throwing his head back with a high pitched whine as he all so suddenly came down your throat. After pulling away, you gave the tip of his cock a gentle kiss before tucking it back into his boxers for him, staring up at him while running your hand along his thigh.
It was hard for him to look down at you, his head feeling heavy. A few small tears fell here and there, but now he was able to give you a tired smile. "Was that alright?" You asked him again, voice raspy from deepthroating the man.
Leon huffed out through his nose, smile widening as he quickly sat up, reached down, and pulled you up so your chest was pressed against his again. He wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tightly once more before burying his face into your neck.
It would've taken years for him to open up like that with anyone else, but it was different with you. You already knew, you understood, you were patient with him.
You made him feel weak in the best way possible. For once in his life he didn't need to be that strong, stone-cold agent who didn't bat an eye at death. With you, he could be soft.
It only took a few more sessions for Leon's portrait to be finished. All that needed to get done was some finishing touches since little things tend to get smudged along the way. All a part of the process.
Unfortunately for Leon, you didn't let him see the final product, blocking his every attempt to see it while saying something about "You don't get to see the bride before the wedding!" Whatever that meant.
When you told him it would take about two months to dry, he turned into the biggest man-child you've ever seen. Leon was just as bad as Chris in that sense, only difference being Claire was there to help contain Chris when he tried to see their portrait. Now you were left to deal with Leon's shenanigans all on your own.
No matter how much he begged and pleaded, you didn't relent. Hell, you even chased him out of the building with a dirty paintbrush. Two months was too long to wait for something like that. You were basically torturing him.
Luckily for you and him, it was easy to distract the man with the promise of a comfortable night at your apartment with some takeout. Afterwards, he really only ever asked about the portrait when he saw you working on something else. By now you'd hidden the painting away from his prying mind to give it time to dry. Out of sight, out of mind.
In the meantime, you would sketch him at random; while he was sitting on your couch, with his glasses on, naked on the bed posing for you "like one of your french girls", which was pretty funny yet surprisingly helpful. It had been a long time since you had the chance to draw a nude model, and what better than the ex-agent you'd grown so fond of?
Now it was just a matter of playing the waiting game. Leon's portrait was made to be extra special, secretly working on it while he was sleeping or off at the gym. Sure it prolonged the drying process, but you can't rush perfection in the end.
tags!: @greywardensaywhat @xkittiecatx @httpsuguru @k-fallingstar @lysa1201 @bobastayhigh @pocketstoriesstore @agent-dessis-posts @klee-iii @missjoenowhere @bbjposay @lazuliglace @bigtiddiesimp @finsternisle @sweets3rial @sodacolablast (there's a few of you that tumblr wouldn't let me tag for some reason 😭)
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impala-dreamer · 6 months
Tell Me about ...the hair swipe
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Begging For It
Jensen Ackles x Reader
Sexy and Delicious, 18+
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works
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It was such a simple gesture. The sweep of fingers through long dark hair; the subtle shake of his head as the hair fell back into place. It was an unconscious motion that he barely took note of, just something that his hand decided to do now and then. It wasn’t important, it didn’t mean anything. It was just something that he did. 
Something that drove her absolutely wild. 
Y/N watched from across the big living room as Jensen pushed a hand through his hair again. He’d been letting it grow out lately, and he’d never looked more handsome. Occasionally, he’d threaten to cut it, so shave the beard, to go back to trying to look younger, but Y/N wouldn’t have it. She’d beg him to keep the hair longer, refuse to let him dye the grays from his chin. He was stunning in every way, eye crinkles and all. 
No stranger to his beauty, Y/N had no trouble ever looking at her man, but there was something extra in that hair swipe. There was just something about it that drew her attention, blocking out the world around them. Something so intimate in the way his fingers slid through his hair that made her heart race and her breathing slow. She wanted his hands on her body, wanted those fingers sliding through something even more luxurious and warm.
The party was loud. Someone was strumming a guitar off in a corner, and friends were chattering around her, but Y/N was lost to it all. She existed in a soft, pink bubble of arousal, the feeling growing stronger the longer she kept her eyes on him. 
Jensen could feel her staring and looked up with a shy grin. “What?” he mouthed, eyes narrowing in curiosity. 
Y/N bit her lip and cocked a brow. She lifted her glass to her lips and sought out the tiny plastic straw without looking. “I want you,” she replied silently, accentuating the pucker of her lips and closing them around the straw. She took a sip and the vodka and lime mixed on her tongue. 
Jensen licked his lips and looked down at his lap. He had a way of making himself seem so small and vulnerable while drawing her in deeper. He lifted his eyes and looked at her through a curtain of hair. 
She took a deep breath as the racing pulse settled between her thighs.
He lifted his right hand and her eyes went wide. 
He pushed his fingers through his hair and her composure snapped. 
He barely knew what was happening as she rushed across the room. The dregs of her drink sloshed from the glass and dampened his knee, but she covered it up quickly as she straddled his lap. 
“What’re you do-”
She swallowed his words with a heavy kiss and rolled her hips over his dick. Her free hand tugged through his hair and pulled, making him moan deeply into her mouth. 
When she pulled back, his eyes were glazed and his lips were full, shining from her kiss. 
“You’re making me crazy,” she whispered, leaning to lick at his ear. “Playing with your hair all night like you’re not begging me to pull it.” 
Jensen sucked in a private hiss and set his hands on her hips. 
If anyone was watching, they’d see how his fingers tensed there, wanting to reach further down and grab her ass, tug her closer, and rut up into her. But, they stayed put, locked around the soft curve of her waist. 
“Dunno what you’re talking about,” he lied, turning circles with his thumbs underneath her shirt. 
The secret touch made her skin sizzle and she yanked on his locks once more. 
Jensen bucked his hips unconsciously and cleared his throat. “Uh, yeah. Um-” 
Y/N smirked against his ear. “Wanna find an empty room?” 
He shivered and his grip tightened. “Fuck yes, I do…”
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2024 Forever Tags (Always Open! Send an Ask!)
@akshi8278 @babysimpala @beardburnsupersoldiers @chenshemesh1 @cosicas-cuquis @deans-baby-momma @deanwinchesterswitch @feelmyroarrrr @foxyjwls007 @hobby27 @impalaspixie @jackles010378 @kazsrm67 @k-slla @leigh70 @lyarr24 @nancymcl @peachy-vans @pizzagirlxnsfwx @rachiem4-blog @sexyvixen7 @the-wounded-healer05   @suckitands33
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midnightscramble · 3 months
So, here’s my idea if you plan to make an part 2 for the Violet fic: Violet will try to get closer to the maid because of what she was felling but with the excuse she just wants to be friends to the maid and then get this felling away but end up going wrong and the felling just get strong.
It's just an idea that popped into my head, so if you want to add something I'd love it!!, your writing is really good, so I'm sure it will be good
Good luck, Maid! Part 2 (Violet Bridgerton x fem!Reader)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
The Masterlist
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Author’s Note: thanks for the kind words! If it is not to your liking try requesting something else (don’t be shy!) Happy readings to you.
Summary: After an unexpected encounter, Violet and Miss Y/n grow closer and new feelings emerge in Violet.
Warnings: slight internalized homophobia, very tame period typical homophobia, jealousy, somewhat salacious thoughts/daydreams on Violet's end, no Beta read
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Violet woke from a restless sleep. She turned to her side, flinging her hair out of her face. Moonlight filtered through the curtains, reflecting off the white sheets and illuminating the space around her, particularly the side of the bed Edmund used to occupy. Reaching her hand out she smoothed the cool sheet. Similar to dirt on the forest floor churning as spring arrives, the mattress that once so vividly held his imprint now rose to meet her fingertips. 
By the height of the moon she assessed that there would be three hours before the sun emerged. She shut her eyes in hopes of returning to sleep. With no such luck, she gathered the edge of her nightgown and gingerly got out of bed. Perhaps a cup of tea could settle her. 
Knowing it was considered improper, she silently made her way through the halls and down to the kitchen. The knotty pine door was left ajar giving her pause. She stood frozen, peering through the cracks when suddenly the door opened, leaving her face to face with Miss Y/n. The younger woman shrieked before she could register who it was. Once she had, her hand flew up and clasped over her mouth in silent apology.
Whispering, Y/n took a step forward leaving them no more than a foot apart, “Lady Violet, is something the matter?” 
Partially stunned into silence by their proximity, Violet stuttered “uh yes, I just came for tea. I am having trouble settling for the night.” Her nose twitched with unexpressed energy, feeling glued to the floor but wanting nothing more than to sprint back to the confines of her bedroom. 
“Allow me to take care of that…will Chamomile do?” Violet nodded dumbly in response and followed Y/n back into the kitchen. Violet reasoned that by agreeing to this impromptu late night company, she could get to know the other woman in a friendly manner.
As Y/n put the pot on, Violet awkwardly stood beside the kitchen table watching the silhouette of the woman. The nightgown she wore was simple, conservative even, but the way it tightened around her hips and pulled at her chest made Violet’s cheeks heat. Her hands felt restless, an urge to reach out and touch the other woman washed over her. For such a simple nightgown, it was causing complex feelings to arise in her. Feelings that were provocatively, decidedly so, not of a "friendly" nature.
Violet’s gawking was interrupted as Y/n turned to face her, and she flinched at being caught. Not revealing anything, Y/n moved the pot off of the fire and grabbed a cup. She had noticed Lady Violet’s staring earlier in the evening as she got her ready for the Kent’s ball, but had chalked it up to the newness of her company. However, upon this development, unfamiliarity would be a mislabel.
She had known the company of the other woman before, in fact the young maid found herself working for the Bridgerton family after being caught with the wife of her previous employer. To not draw attention to the situation, the Lord of the house released her from service with a graceful letter of recommendation, however made it very clear that if she were to be seen publicly with the Lady of the house, such grace and tolerance would not be repeated. 
Anxiety peaked within Y/n as she tried to avert her eyes from the not quite shear cotton nightgown that adorned Violet, “if I may ask, why does sleep evade you tonight?” Moving the tea to the table, she motioned for Violet to sit with her.
Not realizing she was biting the inside of her cheek, Violet released the chewy flesh and took a seat, “Sleep has been evading me as of late. It seems that once I’ve gotten comfortable, uncomfortable dreams wake me.” She looked down at her fingers, trying to remember the hazy details of tonight’s latest installment. 
“I’m sorry to hear that, and there is no cure for this?” She looked at her with sympathy, she too endured sleepless nights, although her’s were mostly from paranoia. Y/n rested her hands flat on the table, trying to soak in the coolness.
“Is there a cure for loneliness?” Violet wondered out loud.
Pausing, Y/n examined Violet’s face, the way her eyelashes fluttered as her eyes darted across the scratches on the table. She must have taken too long to respond as Violet’s eyes shot up to hers, searching for validation. The pair stared at each other in the faint darkness, acutely aware of the dense air forming between them, making it near impossible to breath. The safety of stolen glances was long gone, neither could gather the courage to look away, neither wanted to. Violet's eyes darkened as she envisioned Y/n hovering over her, holding eye contact as the young woman’s hands parted her legs. Her mouth opened slightly as if it were actually happening. Drawn back to reality, she closed it, but she couldn't shake the thoughts.
Violet’s tongue felt heavy, and she feared she would choke on whatever words left her mouth next. Luckily, Y/n beat her to the punch, “I’ve been looking all my life…  I had found it once, but it was only temporary.”
Abandoning all formalities, Violet moved her hand to clasp Y/n’s. The selfish need to feel the touch of her skin overtook her. “I’m sorry to hear that, was he umm.. a good man?” Questions raced through her mind; had Y/n been left penniless, spoiled and then abandoned, had she been ruined?
“I-I think so, but… he… was far above me. No one cares what commoners do with each other, however it would have been the talk of Ton if anyone had found out” Violet’s grip on Y/n’s hand tightened, somewhat in protectiveness and somewhat in jealousy. To think that someone in her social circle had taken advantage of Y/n and then thrown her away enraged her for more than one reason. 
Y/n cleared her throat, “would you like me to escort you back to your room?” Retracting her hand, Y/n intentionally broke the intimate moment. There was a possibility that if Violet knew the truth of what had occurred she wouldn’t dare touch her. Violet nodded and they walked in silence down the halls and up the stairs. 
Violet’s eyes searched the empty halls as she tried to gather her thoughts. She didn't want this time with the other woman to end, especially when she was just starting to understand Y/n... and what she wanted from her.
Y/n on the other hand was nervously looking over her shoulder after each corridor. Although most would not bat and eye at the Lady of the house needing assistance, the compromising state of dress they were in could fuel destructive rumors.
When they reached her door, Violet paused before entering "If I were to have another sleepless night and ventured to the kitchen, would I happen to run into you?" She tried to contain the hope in her voice to not appear pushy or eager.
Swallowing, Y/n struggled to find an appropriate response, "Perhaps, my Lady."
Once she was alone in her room, Violet’s jaw was clenched and her eyes stung with unshed tears. Although the subtle rejection had wounded her, she knew the girl was only trying to protect herself. She felt bile rise in her throat, who had made Y/n so guarded?
Once it was an appropriate hour, she planned to call upon Lady Danbury, who was bound to know what company Y/n kept prior. The search for who had dishonored Miss Y/n was about to begin.
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kaiijo · 2 years
characters: trey, leona, azul, jamil content: gn! reader, established relationships, mentions of food/eating in trey’s and jamil’s notes: none! hope you enjoy!
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trey clover — acts of service
trey’s love language is acts of service. trey is someone who is always looking out for people he cares about like his younger siblings and the members of heartslabyul. while it may be a bit of a hassle when it comes to other people, trey never feels that way with you. his acts of service range from helping you clean your room to baking you sweet treats specifically tailored for you.
Finals seemed to be never ending. You had reached your limit for studying about fifteen minutes ago, choosing instead to rest your forehead against your stack of textbooks and ponder this dismal state of affairs. Really, how could Crewel and Trein give you back-to-back finals? You swore they planned it.
The knock at your door startled you and you lifted your head, calling, “Come in?”
Trey stepped inside your room, offering you a gentle smile. When he came to stand behind your chair, you sighed and leaned into him. “You’re so lucky,” you said. “I can’t believe you finished your finals two days ago.”
Trey chuckled and that was when you picked up the scent of something sugary and chocolatey. Your eyes lit up as you whirled around. “Are those—?”
He moved his left hand from behind his back and showed you a bag of fresh chocolate chip cookies, ones undoubtedly made from his family’s secret recipe. Your mouth watered as Trey handed them to you. “I figured you could use them after I got your text about an hour ago.”
That’s right, you had sent your boyfriend a message about how inhumane finals were. Your heart warmed as you bit into one and said, “Thank you, Trey, I really needed these.”
“Any time,” he said, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. “And I mean it — any time.”
leona kingscholar — quality time + gift giving
leona’s main love language is quality time. leona values his own time a lot, firmly rejecting things he doesn’t want to do and getting irritated with people who interrupt that time, which means that him actively seeking you out to be with you indicates just how much you mean to him. i think leona’s secondary love language would be gift giving, given that he’s the prince of the sunset savanna and someone who believes you deserve many good things.
You were pretty sure that if looks could kill, Coach Vargas would be obliterated. Leona’s glare was so annoyed that some of your classmates shrank away from him, but you had to give Vargas credit for how he very pointedly ignored the waves of pure vexation emanating from your boyfriend. When Vargas blew the whistle to end class, Leona stomped away as quickly as he could to get changed.
“Seems he’s in a mood,” Lilia noted as you two headed for the changing rooms.
“I know,” you said. “I’ll probably give him some time to cool off.”
Lilia nodded. “That sounds like it’s for the best. I was even a little shaken.” He lifted his mouth in a playful smile and entered the changing rooms.
You finished cleaning yourself up and changing, walking towards the exit of the field when you heard footsteps drawing nearer. Leona fell into step beside you and said, “Where are you going?”
“I was going to go back to my dorm,” you replied.
“You’re coming back to mine instead.”
“Oh? You’re not too grumpy for company?” you asked him teasingly. He frowned but it wasn’t nearly as pissed off as it had been when he directed it as Coach Vargas. He just grunted and you followed him to Savanaclaw and into his room.
Leona immediately flopped down on his bed, letting out a contented purr. He peeked at you and said, “Come here.” You obeyed, slipping into bed next to him. Leona pulled you closer so he could wrap his arms around you, another rumbling purr in his chest. Without another word, you felt the steady rise and fall of his breath and soon, you were lulled to sleep as well.
azul ashengrotto — words of affirmation + physical touch
azul’s primary love language is words of affirmation. you may have thought it would be gift giving but because of his contracts, he felt that gift giving was too transactional for him. additionally, as someone who didn’t receive a lot of affirmations from his peers when he was younger, azul feels that words go a long way to conveying affection. his secondary language is physical touch because he’s a bit touch starved and he craves that physical connection to ground him with you.
Azul watched as you helped Floyd and Jade wait tables at Mostro Lounge. You had dropped by at the height of rush to see Azul about something, but you had sensed how overwhelmed the three of them were, despite none appearing so on the outside. So, you asked Azul if he had a spare apron or uniform around and promptly began working.
As the rush died down, Azul told you that the Leech twins could handle it and brought you back to his office, sitting beside you on the couch. “Thank you for helping out,” he said. “It was much appreciated.”
“Of course,” you said.
“Now,” Azul said, “what was it you wanted to see me about?”
“Oh!” You grinned at him and dug your hand into your school bag, producing a sheet of paper with a bright red ‘A’ at the top. “I got an A on Crewel’s exam! It’s the one you helped me on that I was super nervous for.”
Azul smiled at you. “That’s wonderful! I’m so proud of you.”
Your face heated and you said, “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
Azul said, “You put in the work and time, I just helped a little.” He fixed his eyes and said, “I’m serious, I’m very proud of you.”
jamil viper — quality time
like leona, jamil’s love language is also quality time. look, jamil is very clearly a busy guy, tending to kalim 24/7. because alone time for him is precious and few, he wants to spend it mindfully, so it means a lot when he wants to spend it with you. you probably won’t be doing anything super taxing but jamil likes to just be with you and catch up, especially when he hasn’t had the opportunity to do so in a while.
When Kalim gave Jamil the week off, Jamil very nearly started crying from joy or exhaustion, he wasn’t entirely sure. There had been a streak of birthdays for members of Scarabia, and Kalim had insisted that each and everyone had an extravagant party. Jamil was burned out by the end, which is why Kalim told him to take the week off. The moment he returned to his dorm, Jamil called you.
“Hi!” you chirped. “What’s up?”
“Would you like to meet for lunch today in the cafeteria?”
“You know I’d love to Jamil! What time?”
“Around one?”
“Perfect, I’ll see you then.”
You met with Jamil at the cafeteria entrance, a smile blooming across your face when he popped into view. It dropped a little when you saw the tired bags under his eyes. “Long week?” you ask him gently.
“You have no idea,” he said, reaching down to hold your hand. You waited in line together and found a fairly secluded table to the side. Jamil explained his particular exhaustion and you nodded along, adding your input when necessary.
As he finished his account of the week, you said, “I’m sorry it was so hectic but I’m glad you’re taking time for yourself.” Your eyebrows knit in worry. “I hope I’m not taking away some of your down time.”
“Not at all. I asked you to be with me,” he said, “There’s no one I’d rather be with but you.”
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naughtyneganjdm · 7 months
Good Luck Charm - Chapter 26
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Summary: After being married, Negan decides to take Y/N to a place they visited once when they were younger to give her a honeymoon which brings back old memories.
Characters: Negan, Y/N/reader (OC), etc.
Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Some Smut, etc.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39423063/chapters/135889690
Notes: I have several chapters of this still planned. I know I took a very long break from this one and I'm sorry, but I'm doing my best to finish the stories that I still have opened. I want to make sure to finish them all. Thanks to anyone that might still read this one!
“Do you really think it’s safe leaving the kids with strangers?” Y/N inquired while her and Negan walked through the woods to an area that Negan insisted they get out of the car to walk to. The sound of Negan not walking far behind her was heard and it made her swallow down hard. “I know that you trust these people, but after hearing the way some of them talk to you I’m not sure that they are the safest people for the children to be around.”
“Hey, I know what I’m doing, okay?” Negan snickered from behind her, pushing aside some of the brush that was in front of him while he followed her. “I know some of my men are questionable, but I know who to put my faith in when it comes to the children. I wouldn’t put their lives on the line, I promise you.”
“I want to believe you, but with your past…” she looked over her shoulder at Negan hearing him let out a grumble that showed his displeasure over the fact she was still holding the past over his head. “It takes a lot to regain my trust Negan. I’m not who I used to be.”
“You trusted me enough to marry me,” Negan reminded her, moving in beside her to pinch her bottom causing a yelp to fall from her throat. An amused snicker fell deep from within him and it made her roll her eyes. “I think if you were worried, we wouldn’t be here going away for our so-called honeymoon. You probably would have killed me.”
“I came close a few times,” she pointed out and he let out an amused rumble. “It’s just been hard for me to be away from the children. Since this whole thing started, I’ve never really been apart from them.”
“Exactly, which is why you need this break,” Negan hushed her, his arm hooking loosely around her waist while he led her in closer to him. “For years, all you ever wanted was to be married to me. Now you are and we’re going to do it right. Well, as right as you possibly can in a world like this.”
“Oh, so you’re going to divorce the women that are your other wives?” she blurt out and it was followed by another rumble of a growl. “That’s what I thought.”
“The only real wife that I have is you and you know that,” Negan pushed further, his arm tightening around her in a possessive grasp. “I think we just need to focus on how we’re actually together now. Married. Like a real couple. The way it should have been a long time ago.”
“Mhmm,” she stopped moving, reaching for his hand to pull him to face her. A long exhale fell from her lips while she stared up at him. Palming down over the side of his face, she drew him to her and shook her head slowly. “You know how much I love you Negan. How much I’ve always loved you.”
“Of course I do,” Negan whispered, his thumb drawing lines over the side of her face. “You know I love you too. Very much. And once you came back into my life I decided that I was going to stop wasting fucking time. I’m gonna focus on being a good dad to my children. Nathan and Evie are gonna know what it’s like to have a good father in their life. You’re going to know what it’s like to be pampered the way you are meant to be.”
Tipping up on her toes, Y/N met Negan in a faint kiss that made him hum against her flesh. Stroking his fingers over the side of her face, Negan pulled back ever so slightly and his hazel eyes were locked on hers. There was always something in the way that Negan looked at her that took her breath away. She hated it, but also loved it at the same time.
“I love you,” Negan slurred, leaning in to skim his lips in over hers drawing her to close her eyes tightly. Warmth flooded her veins when he finally claimed her lips in a heated kiss. His right hand palmed in over her bottom and she huffed out. “What?”
“Are you ever going to tell me where you are taking me? Are we almost there or…?” she braced her hand over the center of his chest, purring out when he nibbled at her bottom lip. “Negan.”
“We’re almost there, here…” Negan reached for her hand leading her through the woods, looking back at her with an amused expression. “I wanna see if you remember this place…”
“What do you mean?” she smirked knowing that they had been walking for a while toward an area that felt uphill. When he pushed aside one of the bushes, she let out an amused sound when she saw the group of tiny cabins that sat at the top of a hill that overlooked a large body of water. “God, not this place.”
“So you remember this place?” Negan felt her pulling her hand from his when she moved toward the center of the camp to gaze around. “I thought maybe you would forget it.”
“How could I forget this place? Sure things are overgrown, but I would never forget this place,” she let out something that resembled a giggle and Negan smiled brightly, shoving his hands into his pockets while she looked around. Pointing to one of the cabins, she looked back at Negan and saw him nod. “It was the first year that we were dating. You wanted to go on a road trip with no plans. Just hit the road and see where we ended up. So we got on your motorcycle and just started off in whatever direction I picked.”
“And not far into the trip you started getting handsy so we pulled off here and decided to break into one of these cabins,” Negan added to the conversation hearing her let out an amused sound. “We both agreed these things were ridiculously small, but they were good enough for what we needed which was to just have sex. We couldn’t keep our hands off each other…”
“And we didn’t close the door the first time and there was that deer,” she recalled making Negan huff out when she turned to face him.
“The deer was a pervert that just wanted to spy on us,” Negan walked across the gravel toward her when she moved up the steps to the cabin that they had snuck in together almost fourteen years ago. “I still think that deer wanted a piece of me.”
“You would,” she noted looking into the windows of the cabin to let out a sigh. “We ended up just staying the night after you chased the deer off. I remember late into the night you thought it was the deer coming back and you ran out buck ass naked…” her laughter grew louder making Negan’s face flush over with warmth. “And it was a group of campers that were actually staying here coming back from their hike…”
“Thank God they were all college kids,” Negan snorted finding amusement in the fact that she still found what happened back then so funny. “College kids that understood our situation and let us continue to stay the night in our cabin.”
“I told you to put some pants on when you went to chase the thing off, but you were so…I don’t even think I know the word,” she recalled their past, pushing open the door to see that there was a small mattress set up in the tiny cabin along with a few things and she gazed back at him over her shoulder. “This was your idea for our honeymoon?”
“Listen, we always wanted to go and be by the water, but we were so focused on screwing around that we never got the chance. I thought you might enjoy the memory,” Negan reasoned with her, leaning against the doorframe when she moved into the small cabin. “I had the boys clean up the place and make sure that it was livable for us for the night. I thought maybe we could go for a walk by the water and then…”
“Have sex?” she suggested and it was followed by Negan letting out a thick rumble of laughter. “I assume that’s what you were looking for here?”
“Well,” Negan stepped forward, cornering her inside of the cabin. His breath was hot over her lips while his hazel eyes ate her alive with his stare. “I originally thought I would be romantic with everything. Go for a walk by the water hand in hand. Talk about things. Then maybe we would come back here, have a small dinner, make some smores and then afterwards I thought the two of us could get comfortable with one another and I would make love to you inside of the cabin,” Negan informed her drawing her breathing to get caught in her throat when he pressed his body in against hers. “But, if you want…I’d have no problem getting you on your knees to have you suck on my big cock before I feast on your beautiful, wet pussy. Then we can have sex on the beach. Grab one of the towels, take our clothes off and lay out on the sand. We can go as fast or as slow as you please. We can have sex all day if that’s what you desire. As long as you give me a few breaks to hydrate myself and allow the big guy some time to recuperate. I can have your pussy full and dripping with my cum by the end of the night if that’s what you want.”
“Jesus Negan,” she gasped when he curled his fingers underneath her thigh to pull it up and over his hip. Heat flooded her face and she felt her heart hammering inside of her chest. “Why do I suddenly feel like that girl at the bar all over again wanting you to deliver on everything you just said?”
“Because I still turn you on,” Negan’s nose nuzzled hers, his palm snaking between the two of them to caress over her most intimate parts. Tipping up, she brought their lips together and Negan’s tongue flicked out against hers. Their breathing grew louder when they started pawing at one another touching the other. “My cock is so fucking hard already.”
Dropping her hands, she fumbled with his belt and pulled apart his pants working to tug them open. Finding trouble at first in getting the zipper down, she didn’t hesitate to push down his pants and his boxer briefs when she undid the material. Almost immediately his cock sprung free from the cotton prison it was behind and her palm wrapped around his girthy length.
“Good girl,” Negan complimented her, his forehead pressing to hers while she jerked him off. Grunting, Negan watched her lowering down to her knees like he had suggested earlier. Pressing his left hand against the wall, he used the right to hook his fingers into her hair while she pressed wet kisses against the shaft. Closing his eyes, he bit down on his bottom lip as her lips wrapped around the tip. Moaning out, he enjoyed the way that her tongue lapped at the sensitive tip while she took her time bobbing her head over the length of him. The damp warmth of her mouth around him felt incredible. Even after this many years, he could never get sick of sexual acts with her. She knew exactly what to do in order to please him and it was exciting every time. “So good.”
The wet sounds her mouth made over him was turning him on even more with his hips bucking up toward the back of her throat. Her caress worked over his length as well and he was very verbal with her about everything. Praising her consistently. He knew that she loved that.
“Fuck,” Negan moaned out, falling forward when she deep throated him. Wincing out, it didn’t take much for him to be coming down her throat and having her swallowing down every drop of his release. When she pulled back, she wiped at her bottom lip and collected the taste of him before sucking at her fingertips. “You’re gonna be the death of me.”
Forcing her to him, he kissed her with everything that he had, tasting himself against her and groaning out against her flesh. Working open her pants, Negan was eager to get them from her body hearing her gasping when she almost fell over with his strength. Dropping down to his knees, Negan reached for her left leg and threw it in over his shoulder to give himself some space. Gasping out, she dug her fingers into his shoulders to brace herself when he peppered wet, hot kisses over the inside of her thigh. Once his mouth centered in over her core, he could feel her fingers sinking into his hair and clinging tightly to it.
Eagerly pleasuring her, Negan did what he knew she loved using his tongue and fingers in unison. It had her grasping at the wall with her free hand to try to brace herself. From the caresses of his tongue, the slurping and kissing over her most sensitive parts, it had her panting out his name and he loved every second of it. When she hit her first orgasm, he didn’t stop what he was doing. No, he wanted her not regretting a moment of agreeing to marry him after everything. Plunging his fingers into her, he caressed over her g-spot while his tongue and lips worked perfectly in unison over her clitoris.
“Negan,” she cried out his name when she came again and he let out an amused rumble when he lazily pulled his mouth away from her, bringing his fingers up to his lips to suck over them with a proud expression. “You’re something else.”
“I know,” Negan placed another small kiss over the inside of her thigh and carefully placed her leg back down. Standing up, he pressed his body to hers and smirked down at her. “Let’s go fuck by the water.”
“And what if a walker shows up?” she muttered against his lips hearing him snicker and he shrugged his shoulders.
“I’ll bring our lunch, our weapons and if a walker shows up while I’m balls deep inside of you, then we will deal with it,” Negan’s nose wrinkled when she rolled her eyes and pushed into the center of his chest. “How are your legs? Do you need me to carry you down there? They were kind of shaking up a storm.”
“My legs will work,” she answered working her pants back over her body. At first, she didn’t think they would genuinely do exactly what he said, but they did. Negan led her to the beach, laid out a towel and lowered her down on top of it after undressing her. They had sex on top of the towel that was much more passionate than she would have imagined it would have been, but afterwards when he was laying in over her, she found herself caressing at the back of his neck. With their bodies tangled together and the warmth of him over her, she closed her eyes and let out a long exhale. “It’s moments like this where the world actually feels normal again.”
“With my dick going soft inside of you,” Negan teased against the side of her neck. Letting out a disgusted breath had him snickering against her flesh. “I’m fucking with you baby.”
“You’re always going to be Negan,” she sank her fingers further into his damp, dark hair. Pressing a kiss to his temple had his head lifting and the weak smile he gave her made her heart skip a beat. “I mean when we are alone like this. Out on a beach with no one here. It reminds me of when we were younger without a care in the world.”
“Well we can make this world as normal as we can,” Negan grabbed her hand that had her ring on it. Peppering faint kisses over the back of it had her smiling. It made him happy to know that she could find happiness with him again after everything. “We’re starting slowly, but over time we can start building this world together.”
“This was all I ever wanted,” she reminded him with Negan’s thumb sweeping in over the ring that she was wearing. “To be married to you. To have you look at me the way you are.”
“I know,” Negan acknowledged with a hesitant smile, lowering his head to press his forehead to hers. “And now we get to spend the rest of our lives together working on the relationship that we should have been having this whole time.”
There was a silence that filled the air between them when Negan sighed. Pulling his hips back had both of them letting out muted moans before Negan laid in beside her. Having her cuddling in closer to his chest had his arm immediately wrapping around her to hold her tightly to him.
“I was thinking,” Negan began, licking at his lips when he lowered his head down to cuddle his chin in over the top of her head. “Mostly about our family. I want to work on building our family back up. I want to be a good father and a good husband. I think we can make this whole thing work together. Maybe when things get settled down the line, we can actually try adding to our family again. So I can do things right from the start. I fucked up so bad when you were pregnant with Evie and then with Nathan…”
“I don’t think we should have more,” she interrupted Negan, a sincerity in her eyes when she expressed how she felt about things. “Evie was hard, but nothing can describe just how hard it was having Nathan. I love that boy and I’m so thankful to have both of them in my life, but doing everything on my own was just too hard. With the way the world is right now Negan, we’re just lucky to have the two that we do have.”
“I know that,” Negan stressed, his brow line furrowing in frustration. Y/N’s fingers were stroking through the dark curls of hair that was over his chest showing that she wasn’t mad at him, just stressing her feelings to him on the subject. “I just want another chance to do things right.”
“You have a chance to make things right,” she reminded him, her fingers tracing up over the side of Negan’s face drawing his hazel eyes to her. A lump developed in Negan’s throat when those words hit him hard. “Having a new baby isn’t going to make things right. Focusing on your relationship with your son and daughter will. You have everything you could ever want and more in both Evie and Nathan. A boy and a girl. A little girl that loves you more than anything and would do absolutely anything for you. I think the real testament to your love and your hope for change is how hard you work on building your relationship with the two of them. What you do to make things right for them.”
“I’m going to spend the rest of my life loving my children, I just don’t think adding one more to the family would be a bad thing,” Negan suggested, his thumb sweeping in over her jawline to admire her with the way she was looking at him. “We make good looking babies and that’s something the world needs. More babies to fill it that aren’t totally ugly.”
“Nice sell honey,” she rolled her eyes, tapping playfully at his chest. Laying her head back down over his chest, she listened to the sturdy sounds of his heart beating and sighed. “We have so much to work on, I think that just needs to be a thought very far out in the future.”
“Well, you never know how much time you have with someone,” Negan countered, his tone shaken when he thought about his time with Lucille and how long they had been apart. “The world has always chose when the two of us should have a child, so I guess I’m going to leave it in mother nature’s hands.”
“You do that,” she replied with a hesitant smile, her lips pressing faint kisses over his chest again. “I don’t want to raise a baby in that place Negan. It’s hard enough thinking about how we are going to raise Evie and Nathan there.”
“The Sanctuary?” Negan responded, his face scrunching up in confusion when she nodded. “It’s safe there Y/N. We have food, crops, protection…”
“Enemies, nowhere to raise a family except for your bedroom, no real places for them to play and people who despise you,” she stopped him before he could continue to sell what a good place it was for their children to grow up in. Bracing herself over his chest, she shrugged her shoulders and sighed. “Part of me wishes that you come to your senses and you decide that you’re ready to give up this life. That you just want to be a dad and a husband.”
“I do want to be a dad and a husband,” Negan countered, his thick eyebrows bouncing up when he defended himself. “That’s all I want right now. To be with you and the kids. To continue working on my family so we can be happy.”
“It’s not going to happen at The Sanctuary Negan,” she declared, a sense of sadness flooding her features when she continued. “The best thing for your children would be for you to step down and move to the farm. We have everything there. Protection that you could enhance. Food that you are capable of growing. A home. A real home for the children to grow up.”
“You know that I can’t do that,” Negan frowned feeling the guilt that was eating away at him with her lecturing him about the farm again. “I know that you think that life is capable…”
“It is,” she interrupted him, her hand lifting up to stop him from going off any further. “You quit. You move to the farm and you be the family man that you insist you want to be. It’s that simple.”
“And I explained to you, it’s not that simple. I have people that count on me. I’m the leader of this group and if I walk away from it, I’m letting everyone down. People will die because of me leaving,” Negan pushed once more and he could tell that she wasn’t buying the story that he was selling. “I keep a balance there. I keep harmony between all of them because if I was gone, it would be a fucking disaster there.”
“You are in the middle of a war with another community that is hell bent on killing you,” she reminded Negan making his lips part. He went to say something, but he just huffed and made it clear by his lack of eye contact that she was right. “The people there, they hate you. Some might hero worship you, but mostly they are scared of you. I love you for the man that I know you to be, but the Negan that is in charge of that community? It’s the darkest parts of you I didn’t want to remember you for. Staying at The Sanctuary is just going to give your children a hostile environment to grow up in. It’s never going to be fully safe there Negan. You know that just as much as I do. I think you know that leaving and going to the farm is the best place for you. For all of us.”
“I can’t Y/N,” Negan whispered, his Adam’s apple bouncing in his throat. “This is the one thing I built on my own. Maybe I don’t run it the way that I should, but through the years we were separated I learned really fast that being the good guy leads you to nothing but pain. All the good guy does is die. I don’t think I’m bad, but I don’t think I’m good either. I just do what I have to in order to keep people alive.”
“You know there was a day when that farmhouse was your dream,” she brought back their past and it had the color draining from Negan’s features. “That’s why I bought that house. It was everything you ever wanted. You wanted animals, a place where we could just have a family and be together. It was never my dream, it was yours.”
“I know,” he asserted, his hazel eyes tearing over when she looked upon him with such high expectations. “You’re right.”
“Then why are you so against that life?” she wondered, but he didn’t have an answer for her. In fact, it just made him uncomfortable and kind of emotional. “I love you, so fucking much. That’s why I agreed to marry you. That’s why I agreed to all of this crazy shit. Because beyond all doubt in this world, I know that my heart completely belongs to you. But right now, you are picking to be this character over your own family. You’re trying to balance the two, but you’re not. We’re secondary in your life Negan. And this Sanctuary Negan is going to continue to rule over the dreams you really had in your life. Not these false dreams that this world created for you.”
“I can’t be the man that I wanted to be when I was in my twenties Y/N,” Negan stated with a frown, his head shaking slowly. “Yeah. More than anything I wanted to be a dad. That was the thing I wanted more than anything. I wanted to be happy and I wanted to have a big family. That farmhouse was never achievable for me.”
“It was,” she shook her head with a scoff. “And it still is.”
“The world will not let me be the man that I always wanted when I was younger,” Negan repeated, his hands reaching up to cup her face in them tenderly. “I’ve done things. Things that I can’t take back and…”
“But you can run away from that life Negan,” she pushed, her eyes tearing over when she stared down at him with physical pain at the idea of what he was saying. “I know that you like feeling important. I know that you like having the power. Power feels good. But in the eyes of your children? You’re the most important person in the world. You are their hero. You’re their silly, amazing father that loves them. What more in the world could you possibly want?”
Parting his lips to say something, Negan huffed out with his bottom lip trembling and he was actually getting really emotional, “You have your second chance Negan and the world is holding it out for you. It’s giving you your second chance. It’s just waiting for you to take it. Because you have two beautiful children and a woman that loves you. A woman that has always loved you. A woman that has put you above her time and time again because all she ever wanted was to make you happy. A woman that just wishes that for once…” in that moment her words stopped and he saw that she pushed up to sit down on the towel. Slowly lifting up, Negan looked to her and saw that she was trying to hide that she was getting emotional herself. “A woman that wishes for once you would choose her. That choosing her over your own ego is what you really want.”
“I did choose you,” Negan curled his finger in underneath her chin to get her to look at him. His breath hitched when he saw the tears that were sliding down her face. “That’s why we are married Y/N. I chose you.”
“I just want to be enough for once Negan,” she informed him, a whimper falling from her parted lips. “You always told me that I was perfect. And god I hated hearing it. Because there was always that but that followed. You’re perfect Y/N. You’re just not perfect for me…”
“That was the past,” Negan reasoned with her and she let out a hesitant laugh. “I was so blinded by my own stupidity to see how things really were.”
“Negan, The Sanctuary is your Lucille now,” she spoke quietly, her jawline flexing when his hand lowered. Hearing that was like a kick to the gut. “You’re picking The Sanctuary over me. Over your children. And once again, I’m perfect, but I’m not perfect enough to give up this life for. I gave up all of my dreams for you Negan. Every single one of them. All I’m asking you to do is to finally take the dream you wanted from the start. The one you begged me for twelve to eleven years ago. Be a father. Move to the farm. Forget this life. You got to be powerful. You got to experience it. If you really, genuinely love me…be the family man you always wanted to be. Become that farmer. Take care of the crops and the animals. Cowboy Negan was always a very good look for you.”
“Shit,” Negan scoffed lowering his head down and letting out an upset breath. When she laid that out on the table before him like that, things really started to make sense to what she was saying. Stroking at the back of his neck, Negan shrugged his shoulders and sighed. “Fine. Yeah. You’re one hundred percent right.”
“About what?” she was curious seeing him wiping at his eyes with the back of his hand drawing attention to just how beautiful his hazel eyes truly were.
“That I need to give that place up. I have my family back,” Negan answered admitting to her that she was finally right. “I have my wife and my children back in my life and that farm was my dreamhouse. Which I’m fully capable of having now. I’ll move my men out. I will grab the things I want and we can go there. Be together. Live our life there and be happy.”
“Come on,” she sighed feeling like it was just something he was saying at this point. “You can’t say things that you don’t plan to follow up on Negan. I’ve known you for fifteen plus years.”
“Then look at me,” Negan demanded, reaching for her to get her to lock gazes with him again. “I promise you, when we get home I will let everyone know that I’m done. They can pick amongst themselves who they want to be their leader and I will take you along with the kids to the farm. We can be happy together. Like we always should have been. We’ll be out within the week.”
“Tell me you’re being serious,” she begged of him and Negan nodded his head.
“I’m very serious. You’re absolutely right. For too long you’ve been living your life for me. It’s time I finally lived the life I always stressed that I wanted,” Negan declared with a simple shrug of his shoulders feeling his chest aching. For so long she was in pain because of him and he knew that. “You are perfect. Perfect for me. Perfect for the children and I just want to spend the rest of my life proving to you how perfect you really are. I can’t do that at The Sanctuary. I swear to you with everything that I am. I fucking mean it.”
An amused rumble of laughter fell from his throat when she leapt forward into his arms knocking him back into the sand. Holding her close, Negan laughed and nuzzled his nose in against the side of her neck. He couldn’t remember a time that she was happy like this because of him making the right decision for once.
“I love you more than anything,” Negan admitted, his words vibrating against her flesh after he pressed kisses against her lips. There was something in the way she looked at him that took his breath away. “You’re everything to me. You and those kids. I’m not going to fuck it up this time.”
“Thank you Negan,” she breathed out, her forehead pressing to his while he stroked his fingers through her hair. “You have no idea how much this means to me.”
“I have an idea,” Negan whispered, squeezing her tightly in his arms. “It’s time I picked you for once. And that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”
It was late into the morning and by now Negan should have been on his way back with Y/N to The Sanctuary, but he couldn’t find it in himself to move. Yesterday they had spent more time on the beach together before finding their way back to the cabin. Inside of it, they had shared memories and just talked for a while before falling back into one another again. Y/N had fallen asleep easily last night in his arms, but Negan didn’t get much sleep if any at all. Instead he just held her in his arms and watched her sleep. Everything she said the night before was true and he knew it was time for him to finally step up to be the man he always promised he wanted to be.
The sun was shining in through the small window, hitting them just enough from where they were laying together on the tiny mattress they were stretched out on together. Being someone that was a full-time father and farmer he knew they wouldn’t get as many chances to have these wild, crazy sex nights together. At The Sanctuary, he had people to watch over the children, but now he had to be one hundred percent dad. Even though he enjoyed moments like that, he was willing to finally take on that role. Honestly? Negan had never really been a fulltime dad. Not since Evie was born. Even though he was always on backup, Negan was a fulltime dad two weeks a month for seven years. Then the world fell to shit and Lucille got sick. That’s when he gave up being a dad completely. And that was the biggest mistake he felt like he ever made in his life.
Picking solely Lucille and throwing away his daughter was a stupid mistake chosen out of fear. So many days he wished he could take it back, but he couldn’t. Now he finally had the chance to make things right. For Evie. For Nathan. For Y/N and finally himself. Most of his nights had been fueled by nightmares since he lost Evie. Now he had the chance to live the life he always wanted. He should have taken it from the start, but now he was finally seeing just how important it actually was for him to take this step.
“You have the prettiest eyelashes I’ve ever seen,” Y/N’s voice was quiet while she shifted over his chest from where she had been sleeping. Gazing down, Negan saw that behind her tired eyes, she was staring out at him. “I was always drawn to your eyes and your smile.”
“I think little man has the eyelashes too,” Negan noted, stretching his body out finally when he knew that she was fully awake. All night he had tried to stay still because he was afraid of waking her up. “I think he’s going to be a charmer when he’s older. Winning the hearts of whoever he sets his sights on.”
“He has taken on a lot of your physical traits,” she agreed with Negan, a tiny smile pulling at her fatigued features. “Nathan has your looks. Evie has certainly got your personality.”
“I’d like to think they were an equal mix of both of us,” Negan gave her a wink, squeezing her in closer to his body with a snicker.
“Being at the farm will give me time to work on things with Evie too,” she admitted, her fingers stroking over the center of Negan’s chest. “For years our relationship has been terrible. She’s hated me for something I couldn’t control. Hopefully, with us being a family again and being at the farm we can finally make things right.”
“I thought things have been getting better,” Negan suggested, his eyes narrowing when he thought back on his discussions with Evie to be better to her mother. “I’ve heard her tell you that she loves you.”
“Yeah, but hopefully this can help heal our daughter’s heart,” she whispered, pressing a faint kiss over Negan’s shoulder. “She’s become someone I hardly know over the last few years. She used to be the happiest, smiley little girl. Whether she was with you or me. I always knew you were her favorite, but she loved me a lot too. Maybe we can finally get back to that at the farm. So I can spend more time trying to be a good mother to her. Focusing on her.”
“You’ve been an extremely good mother to her,” Negan stressed, his fingers sweeping in underneath her chin to get her to look up at him. Sadness remained from her talking about their daughter and Negan shook his head. “You kept our children safe. You made sure that they were always well kept and alive. Protected. You’re an amazing mother Y/N and I promise you, Evie is going to see that one day soon. And then everything will be back to normal.”
“I hope so,” she sighed, cuddling her head in against the center of Negan’s chest. “We should probably get ready to go, huh?”
“Eh,” Negan scoffed, his nose wrinkling in discomfort. “Let’s just wait a little while longer. This is the last time we can really fuck off as parents. Let’s take our time together and then slowly make our way back. I want to focus on the time I have with you for a little while.”
“So you want to have sex again?” she inquired, her eyebrow arching in amusement. Placing his free hand over the center of his chest, Negan shook his head. “Fine, I’ll just get dressed…”
Watching her crawling away made Negan huff when he swiftly moved in over her, pinning her down face first on the small bed that was beneath her. With a giggle, she felt Negan’s lips kissing down over the side of her neck and she purred out, “that’s what I thought.”
“You flash your ass at me, what am I supposed to do?” Negan wondered turning her onto her back to get her to look up at him with her arms hooking around his shoulders. “I am a man after all. My dick is already hard in the morning and then you go flashing your ass at me.”
“You’re a dork,” she snickered with Negan’s lips covering hers. Each kiss grew in intensity having her gasp out when Negan adjusted her legs to have them wrap around his waist. “Wait.”
“What is it?” Negan breathed out, nibbling at her bottom lip eliciting a purr from her. “You don’t want this?”
“I want this,” she assured him, stroking her fingers down over the side of his neck taking her time to stare up at him. “Can you just drag it out for me? As much as I like sex, I’m just kind of hoping for something where I feel loved. Where it feels like you are making love to me.”
“I have absolutely zero problems with that,” Negan whispered behind loving and passionate kisses.
And he gave her exactly what she asked of him. It was slow and unhurried. There was lots of touching, praises and careful movements. What she asked for, he delivered and afterwards they just laid together for a little while longer before starting to pack up with things.
“I think I’m going to steal a stash of the candy, coffee and the ice cream before we leave The Sanctuary,” Negan announced while they gathered their things and started heading back toward the car that Negan had parked down at the bottom of the mountain.
“Maybe some seeds for planting might be good too,” she suggested moving in beside him and making him yelp out when he felt her pinching his ass. It made him smile though that she was open to being that way with him.
“The hands woman!” Negan was loud and silly when he swatted her hand away from him. Once they had everything packed up back inside of the car, Negan reached for her hand to pull her in against his chest. “I love you. So fucking much. You know that.”
“Hmmm…I don’t know,” she whispered, she tipped up on her toes wrapping her arms around the back of his neck to pull him in closer to her. “Maybe you should say it again so I can think harder about it.”
“I fucking love you,” Negan slurred against her lips pulling her in closer to him. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” she whispered against his mouth, humming when they pulled away. “I always will.”
“Good,” Negan teased with a wrinkle of his nose. Palming down over her back, Negan’s palms squeezed at her bottom before peppering a few final kisses over her lips. “We need to start back on our drive. But just know, this is a day I won’t soon forget.”
“Nor will I baby,” she agreed with a wink following Negan to the car where he opened the door for her to get in. Taking the seat, she watched Negan almost skip to the other side where he got in himself. The smile on his face was contagious. And it made her happy to see. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you this happy for me.”
“I could say the very same thing about you,” Negan muttered, his fingers reaching out to sweep in over the side of her face. “I’m just glad that I’ve been lucky enough for you to give me so many chances Y/N. I never deserved them, but you never gave up on me. You were the one person that never did.”
Instead of saying something, she led him to her again to kiss him. It took his breath away and he nuzzled his nose in against hers. There was a need deep inside of his veins to show her all the love in the world. And he hoped that she felt it. Especially after everything he put her through. He wanted to spend the rest of his life trying to prove it too. And that started with finally giving up The Sanctuary to focus solely on his family.
On the drive back, they would have silly discussions since it was quite a distance for them. Just to keep each other focused. When they weren’t super far away from The Sanctuary though, Negan had noticed a small town that they hadn’t searched before.
“Why don’t we go search to see if there is something good?” she suggested, pointing in the direction of it. “It’s a town right off the water. There might be some good supplies there. We can find something for the farm and snag it before other people find it?”
“Shit,” Negan stopped the car, gazing over at her with a huff when he realized she was right. “I probably could just have them run out tomorrow and go search for things honey. That way it’s back at The Sanctuary before we actually leave.”
“I don’t mind Negan,” she offered seeing that he was actually considering his options. “It gives us more time together for our honeymoon.”
“Fine,” Negan grumbled under his breath, turning the car around so they could head back toward the city. Driving through it, Negan made sure that it seemed pretty much abandoned before parking on the main street in the small town. “There is no one here which makes me think it’s probably picked over babe.”
“Or we can just be lucky,” she eagerly got out of the car and stretched. Grabbing his weapon and Lucille, Negan was quick to follow after her as they made their way up main street looking over the stores that were there. “I remember when we went to places like this all the time when I had my days off. Your favorite place to eat was always that seafood restaurant.”
“I do love a good lobster roll,” Negan sighed thinking about the past when she used to pamper him. “God, I’d kill for one of those. They had the best biscuits, lobster rolls and soup. I probably could have eaten there every day if I wasn’t poor as fuck. I miss that shit.”
“If you get a few lobsters before we leave, we can try to recreate the recipe,” she suggested looking back over her shoulder at him with a simple shrug. “We aren’t that far away from the coast, right? I’m sure we can get someone to find some.”
“True,” Negan agreed with her, noticing the way that she was eyeing over the storefronts as they would pass them. “Do you remember when I was a deadbeat and I would make dinner for us all the time when you were at work?”
“Sure,” she smirked at the thought of him calling himself a deadbeat. “I remember Lucille telling me that when you lost your job at the school you became an even better cook.”
“Right,” Negan’s expression became somewhat serious when she brought up two negatives from his past. Lucille and losing his job at the school. “I was going to say that when I was living with Lucille, we didn’t get lobster a lot because we didn’t always have the funds, but there was one point where I made these two really incredible versions. I did the Maine style and the Connecticut style. I think I was on the verge of getting it just right.”
“You should have became a chef,” she commented, finding herself surprised when Negan’s fingers hooked with hers attempting his best to hold her hand. “I know you loved your sports, but you always loved cooking. I would have supported you.”
“You always took care of me Y/N,” Negan reminded her, stopping her enough to get her to look out at him. Reaching out, he brushed his fingers through her hair and sighed. “The sad thing is, I do believe if I told you I want to be a fucking chef, you would have opened a restaurant for me.”
“I would have done anything for you,” she breathed out, her eyes hooked on his and it made him let out a long exhale.
“I never doubted that,” Negan alerted her with a sigh leaning in to press his forehead against hers. “I probably would have been so much happier if I did become a chef.”
“Probably not,” she teased him, tipping her head back to stare into his hazel eyes. “The first time someone complained you would probably come out and dump the food over their heads before kicking their ass. I’d be bailing you out of jail all the time.”
“Touché,” Negan snickered, nuzzling his nose in against hers before something caught his attention in the corner. “From where we are I see a grocery store, a toy store and a bar. Let’s go hit up all three.”
“Sounds like a date we would have had when we were younger,” she suggested with a weak smile causing Negan’s nose to wrinkle. Keeping his fingers tightly around Lucille, he grabbed a hold of her hand and led her first toward the grocery store. The glass on the doors were shattered and she didn’t have a lot of faith that there would be much of anything after all this time. Tugging at the doors that were held together by a chain, Negan made enough room for her to get between them before following her in. Inside shelves were pushed over, broken glass covered the floor and there was a flickering light coming from the back of the store. “I’m going to guess this is a no go.”
“We’ll still look,” Negan hushed her, motioning her to wait. Tapping Lucille against the floor several times, Negan waited to see if he could draw out any of the walkers. When nothing happened, he looked back at her with a shrug. Grabbing a cart, Negan reached for it and pointed toward the basket. “Get in.”
“You must be joking,” her nose wrinkled looking down at the cart and he huffed.
“Have some fun,” Negan snickered, holding his hand out to help her into the cart after she rolled her eyes. Like he usually could, he convinced her to do what he wanted in getting into the shopping cart. Putting Lucille into the cart with her, Negan started rolling the cart throughout the store observing what was left on the shelves. “We used to fuck around a lot when we were younger.”
“In what fashion?” she tipped her head back and he smirked. “We got in some trouble in the first year together.”
“We did,” Negan snickered stopping in one aisle when he saw some cans sitting on the shelves. Reaching for the first few he wiggled them about causing her nose to wrinkle since it was sardines. Tossing it into the cart with her, Negan grabbed a few of the other cans that were left there knowing that it was things that were just picked over, but it didn’t hurt to have non-perishables. “I just meant we would do silly things like this. I remember when I did this with you that one time we ended up getting kicked out of that store.”
“Rightfully so, we were being stupid,” she reminded him with a hesitant laugh, “you were racing up and down the aisles like a maniac.”
“But you had fun,” Negan grumbled under his breath grabbing a firm hold of the handle starting to push the cart down the lanes quickly like he had done when they were younger. It had her grasping tightly to the sides of the cart with every sharp turn he took. Hearing her laughter made him smile figuring that she was reminiscing about their past and just having fun being silly.
“Negan!” she squealed out when one half of the cart went up on its side but he managed to catch it, slamming it down onto the ground. “You’re going to kill me if you keep doing that.”
“I’ve got you. You’re safe with me,” Negan assured her, pressing down to steal a quick kiss from her lips. Being more careful, they went through every lane and grabbed the things that were still left before he took her into the back. As soon as the door opened, Negan heard her let out an uncomfortable sound when they saw the long-decomposed corpse of someone that had hung themselves. “Well fuck.”
After some silence, Negan cleared his throat and moved around the body, “He probably had a stash in here somewhere if someone didn’t steal it already.”
“Negan,” she frowned noticing that Negan didn’t have a care in the world that there was a body hanging before them. Managing to work her way out of the cart, she was careful in the way she moved when she observed the body. “I don’t see any marks on him.”
“Some people just couldn’t handle the stress of things Y/N,” Negan let out an excited breath after pushing through some of the bags to see that there was one hidden with a bunch of supplies. Lifting the bag up, he moved in beside her to show her what he had. “Jackpot. Looks like they have some guns, food and tools.”
“Don’t you feel bad taking his things?” she pushed hearing Negan scoff when he set the bag down in the shopping cart.
“Why? He’s not using it,” Negan suggested moving around the back of the store. There were a few sleeping bags in there so he was surprised this was the only body they actually found. “You know Y/N, I learned to stop caring about people a long time ago. When you care about people it’s only going to get you killed.”
“You care about me,” she reminded him and Negan scoffed.
“That’s different,” Negan countered with a quick tip of his head.
Gasping out, Negan tugged at one of the bags knocking over one of the shelves. It had both of them jumping when a hidden area was revealed behind one of the walls. Clearing his throat, Negan’s eyes narrowed when he realized what was being hidden. Y/N went to step forward and Negan immediately shook his head, “Don’t.”
“What is it?” she of course couldn’t listen to him and moved in beside Negan to see what looked like three walkers that were fading away almost completely. Two of them looked like children and the other was a woman. “Jesus.”
“Come here,” Negan pulled her back toward him noticing the sadness that flooded her features. “You can’t let things like this bother you Y/N. They aren’t people anymore.”
“They were babies Negan,” she felt her throat going dry assuming that the body they found hanging was likely the father and the husband of the bodies that were almost completely fading away. “It bothers me to see what has happened to so many children.”
“It happened to most of the world,” Negan hooked his arms around her, pulling her into a tight squeeze. “Instead of being upset about people we never knew, you have to focus on the fact that all four of us are still here.”
With a nod, Y/N forced herself to look away and Negan urged her out away after doing another quick scope of what was left. There was a door they could get out of easier in the back. Taking the things back to the car, Negan packed them up and then led her toward the bar. When the doors were locked, Negan grumbled to himself and managed to break one of the windows. Crawling in, he motioned her to wait and then pulled the tables away from the door so she could get in. Once she was, Negan pushed the tables back and instructed her to wait for him while he checked the kitchen. And he was glad he had her stay where she was because there were multiple sets of bones in the freezer. Around the bar he was able to find some alcohol bottles and some bags of flour that hadn’t been used. After he was done setting them aside, he could see that Y/N was standing behind the bar and it made him smile.
“Does this bring back old memories for you?” Negan slid his hands across the bar top and stopped before her. Tapping his hands against the top of it, Negan bobbed his head about and she snickered. “I bet every time you came to a bar you thought about our first time together.”
“I did,” she agreed with him, looking behind the bar and her eyes fell upon a bottle of whiskey that was left there. Picking it up, she set it on top of the bar and watched him smile. “Believe it or not, I actually enjoyed being a bartender. I was good at it. And for the most part, it was always nice learning things about people. Sometimes it felt like people just came here to have someone to talk to because they had no one.”
“You want a drink?” Negan grabbed a hold of the bottle wiping it off with his white t-shirt. Managing to get it open, he smelled the alcohol inside before taking a long swig of it. Hissing out, he tipped his head to the side and sighed. Extending his hand out, he saw her eyeing over the bottle before accepting it. Considering her first sip, she shrugged her shoulders before taking a long drink of it as well.
“Do you remember when we first started dating? You used to come to the bar every night after that guy tried attacking me. You would just take the corner table at the start of my shift and you would stay until I left,” she pointed toward the back corner of the bar they were in and he smirked when she brought up their past. “I thought I was the luckiest girl alive. This incredibly handsome stranger saves me from getting hurt. He’s so good looking, charming, he’s good at sex and he’s well equipped,” she rambled off causing Negan’s nose to wrinkle and he snickered. “And he wants to keep me safe. I couldn’t believe that someone would ever be dumb enough to dump him. Sure, he may have been going through a rough time, but he was…perfect.”
Negan’s jawline flexed when she looked down toward the bar top and sighed, “I don’t know if you remember, but you used to draw all the time while you were waiting. I would come over and you’d have all these little things drawn out on bar napkins and you’d write me these notes.”
“I was always drawing back then. I used to think Evie started drawing because I was always doodling,” Negan noted, setting the bottle down and reaching out to stroke his hand in over Y/N’s. “What about it though?”
“I kept all of those,” she admitted with a weak smile, her head shaking when she let out a long sigh. “I used to always put them in my top drawer when I got home. I think I had even put them in a booklet at one point. It’s at our old house somewhere. Probably in my closet if it wasn’t stolen. There were two I always kept with me though. It was the ones where you would draw us as cartoon characters. The first one you ever drew me…and…”
“And?” Negan’s eyebrow arched in curiosity when her lips parted and she let out a tremoring breath.
“There was one you drew when I was pregnant of what was supposed to be us at our wedding. It was us at our wedding holding the baby. It was really cute. I still have them in the nightstand beside the bed at the farm if your men haven’t destroyed it. I had a few pictures in there too,” she declared with a long sigh grabbing the bottle to drink more than he expected her to.
“You really kept those?” Negan wondered, his throat tensing up when she nodded after setting it down. “They were just meant to be silly little things. I thought you would throw them away.”
“I was head over heels in love with you,” she reminded him grabbing the bottle before moving around the bar to go over toward the corner of the seating area to sit on the floor. Moving in beside her, Negan slowly lowered down and could tell that she was upset thinking about things. “You know, originally our four-month ultrasound was supposed to be a week later. You were just so excited that when they had an opening and called me, I took it.”
“Why are you doing this?” Negan’s Adam’s apple bounced in his throat when he noticed that she was getting upset again about their past. “You have to stop hurting yourself over our past.”
“You don’t ever think about how things would have been if we didn’t take that appointment that day?” Y/N inquired with Negan’s features growing sad. Tipping her head to the side, she shrugged her shoulders and sighed. “Of course you don’t. It gave you back Lucille, so why would you never want it to happen?”
“It gave you Lucille too,” Negan countered reaching for the bottle when he thought she was drinking too much of it. “And you loved Lucille too.”
“I love Lucille. Her dying didn’t stop me from loving her,” she corrected Negan, a shuddering breath falling from her throat. “A lot of my life I considered the what ifs. Like what if I would have taken that later appointment? We could have found out about our little girl. You would have been happy. You would have missed Lucille completely. We would have gotten married. Maybe we would have been living happily in that farm all along.”
“Or maybe I would have been bitten while working at the school,” Negan reasoned with her noticing the tears that were in her eyes. “I can’t even begin to apologize enough to you for our past. I fucked up. I fucked up so fucking bad. I know that. But it happened and we can’t change what happened. What matters is that we are together now. You always wanted to be married to me. Now you are. We have two beautiful children and by the end of the week we will be living at the farm together. You’re going to get everything you ever wanted in life. Everything I ever wanted in life. You have to think about that stuff and not the past.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry,” she apologized with Negan grabbing a hold of the bottle of alcohol to drink a hefty amount from it.
“Here I was thinking about the two of us absolutely plowing each other in the bar nightly. Whether it was the first night or every night after when you would close up. We had so much fun,” Negan recalled with a hiss when he lowered the bottle from his lips. “I had so many of the best memories from those nights. We figured out so many different ways to have sex in a bar…”
A loud sigh was heard and he noticed the way that Y/N was staring out at him from the things that he remembered, “What?”
“Nothing,” she shook her head letting out a long sigh. An uncomfortable laugh fell from her throat and Negan felt a warmth flooding into his face. “That’s really your best memories with us? The two of us fucking in the bar? I’m talking about the things you did that made me feel happy and safe. And all you can think about is us fucking?”
“I get in a bar Y/N and my dick gets hard thinking about it,” Negan answered with a simple shrug of his shoulders. Pointing down toward the center of his pants, Negan scoffed and let out a long exhale. “I was kind of hoping that we could have another round. Relive the past a bit. That’s why I picked a bar in the first place.”
“Of course you did,” she stole the bottle from him and stood up from the floor to pace.
“What’s wrong with me wanting to bend you over the bar and fuck you?” Negan questioned, his brow line furrowing when he let out a grunt as he tried pulling himself up. “It’s our honeymoon so to speak. I don’t see a problem with it. We like fucking each other. Our first time was in a bar and a significant part to the beginning of our life was fucking in a bar. So yes, I get in a bar and I think about fucking you which are pretty incredible moments.”
“I was searching for some of your favorite moments that you spent with me. Instead you responded with sex which is what I always thought our relationship was anyways. It would have been nice hearing some good memories that weren’t sex related,” she rolled her eyes, heading for the back when she heard Negan call out to her.
“The first night you let me sleep in your bed with you, I never felt more wanted in my entire life. I was never a hero. In fact, in my life I never felt as good as I did when I saved you that night. I’m not a hero Y/N. We both know that, but never in my life could I ever top that moment. I remember you were laying in my arms and I thought about how much I loved you. How much I wanted to keep you safe. I still remember the way you looked sleeping on my chest that night,” Negan rambled out, drawing her to walk back into the room with him when he approached her. “The day we got Darwin together is one of my absolute favorites. I close my eyes and I can still picture what it was like. His ears were so damn big and he was so fucking small. We would play with him in the backyard and he would trip over his ears. One of my favorites was when we moved in to that home after being in your apartment. I remember carrying you over the threshold thinking about how in that moment, it felt like everything was right in the world. Or the night you told me about being pregnant. I’ve never been happier in my life.”
Negan was getting emotional when he threw his hands up in the air, “Even if it wasn’t special for you, the day that Evie was born. I remember sitting in bed beside you, holding that little girl in my arms and nothing ever topped that feeling again. That happy, fucking through the roof feeling to know that we created something so fucking beautiful. Something so fucking perfect.”
Holding his hands out like he was holding onto a baby, Negan huffed out and shrugged his shoulders, “I’m not much of a romantic Y/N. We both know that. We both know I’m an asshole. We both know I say the dumbest shit. My mouth runs before my brain even considers what it’s doing. But that doesn’t mean I’m not head over heels in love with you. My favorite nights were those times we would just sit on the couch together watching old episodes of the Twilight Zone. So please, if I’m being fucking horny don’t think all I care about is sex because I really fucking love you. And I’m doing my best. I’m just a dick that is trying his best. I have a lot to work on, but I’m trying. And hopefully moving to the farm will help push that along.”
A shuddering breath fell from Y/N’s parted lips when he wiggled his fingers at her, “So why don’t you set that bottle of alcohol down and come here so I can kiss the shit outta you.”
“You have a way with words, don’t you?” she rolled her eyes, setting the bottle of alcohol down on top of the bar. Heading across the small bar, she felt Negan’s arms wrapping around her when he lowered down to capture her lips in an extended, passionate kiss that had her wrapping her arms around his shoulders. When they finally did part, Negan nuzzled his nose in against hers. “You’re lucky I love you.”
“I know,” he agreed with her, an arrogant smile tugging at his features when he started to pepper faint kisses over her lips. Sliding his hands down in over her bottom had her letting out an uneven breath. “I’m going to guess bar sex is out of the question now?”
“Will it make you happy?” she frowned with him considering her question before nodding. “Then fine. I would do anything to make you happy.”
Tags:@slutlanna976 @fuckthis-and-fuckthat @jennydehavilland @felicity291 @ibelongtonegan @smallsadjellyfish @labyrinthofheartagrams @msjamesmarch @thebeautysurrounds @hotfornegan @redmercysugar @caprithebunny @tuttifuckinfruitty @emoryhemsworth @a-girl-interupted @akumune @stoneyggirl2 @xsarcasticwriterx @haleygreen23 @xhannahbananax03 @sanctuaryforthelost @burningredaffair @killaweiser @dead-of-niight @ayumi-wolf @neganswoman @ravenrose18 @xojdmasf
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femd-archive · 2 years
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pairing: haikyuu!! — atsumu x fem!reader
word count: 0.8k
content warning: femdom!reader | sub!atsumu | mommy kink | use of toys (dildo) | oral sex (fem receiving) | praise kink | hair pulling | face-fucking | masturbation (masc.) | hands-free orgasm
summary: atsumu thinks you only had a birthday gift for his brother and forgot about him, but you got him the most special present.
📎 side note: never knew how to write someone eating a woman out lol, so it might be a disaster
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"Why is only 'Samu getting a gift? It's ma birthday too!" the blonde twin whined, one of his cheek resting against his girlfriend's shoulder.
"Maybe she likes me better" the black-haired one said, still focus on opening the gift box.
"She's ma girlfriend!" Atsumu whined once again, being quiet down by [Name]'s hand over his mouth and a soft 'shhh'.
The couple focused back on the younger twin, who finally opened the box and took out the items out of it; 3 sets of 9 porcelain rice bowls, coming along with their soup spoon and their pair of chopsticks. In the bottom of the box layed a new apron, with the slogan "Onigiri Miya" along the chest.
"If you liked those there are more in the back of my car, but if you don't we can just go together and buy new ones. Just wanted to help you a little bit with the new things for the shop" shrugging her shoulders, [Name] now became a little bit nervous under the quiet twin's silence, as ironic as that sounds.
Finally looking up, the couple could see the tears that were swimming on Osamu's eyes, quickly making Atsumu mirror his state and bringing fresh tears to his own eyes as well.
Osamu walked to them, envolving [Name] on a warm hug, hidding his face on her neck. Atsumu catches his cap that fell down with the motion, thinking that this wasn't the right time to jokingly whine about [Name] being his girlfriend and that Osamu couldn't touch her. Instead, he ruffled his twin's hair when he heard him sob.
"They are perfect" he mumbles, as clear as he can. "Thank you" he whispers, giving a last little squeeze to the woman's body before letting go from the hug. "'M sorry" he laughed, starting to dry out his tears.
"Aww, look at the crybaby" Atsumu teases, putting the cap back on on Osamu and softly slamming the envelope that he quietly slipped out of his pocket on his twin's chest.
He looked at the blonde with a quizzical look, opening the envelope to only find money, a lot of money.
"Shut up" he closed the envelope once again and tended it to his brother.
"Just take it" Atsumu insisted, pushing Osamu's hand.
"This is too much. I can't accept it, not even from you" Osamu refuses.
"Well, that's what brothers are for…right?" Atsumu shrugged, looking away.
It took a few moments before the two males envolved in another warm hug, both of them holding up the tears on their eyes.
"Jeez, you're gonna make me cry guys" [Name] laughed, pressing her ring fingers on both lacrimals to prevent her from crying.
"Oh man, I'm gonna call ma and tell her about it. She won't even believe that ya have money of yer own" Osamu says, slipping of his phone out of his pocket, walking towards the sliding door of the store to go outside.
"Shut yer mouth!" Atsumu yelled, being flipped off by his brother before he closed the door behind him.
[Name] giggled, even after all these years, she never got tired of the twin's antics.
"Baby?" Atsumu called at her.
"Is it true?" he asks, snuggling closer to her.
"What baby?" she welcomed him in her arms, leaving a kiss on the top of his head.
"That you like 'Samu better than me" a pout drawed in his lips, which [Name] was quick to kiss.
"Oh silly 'Tsumu" she leaves another kiss on his nose. "I love you more than anything in this world, please don't doubt that" now she kisses his cheek. "I do have a gift for you, but it's something that I can't give you in front of 'Samu" she whispers over his lips, a grin drawing over hers at the slight face of surprise her boyfriend has now.
"Oh" was the only thing that came out of Atsumu's mouth, making [Name] chuckle, leaving another kiss on his forehead.
"Mhm. So wait a little bit longer like the good boy you are and I shall give it to you, okay baby?"
"Yes mommy" he answers obediently, earnign another kiss on the lips.
"Good boy" she whispers, pinching his cheeks with affection.
Sitting at the feet of the bed and smiling against her hand, [Name] couldn't tear off her eyes away from her pretty boy Atsumu, who was also at the feet of the bed, on the floor.
"You look so pretty baby" she praised.
"Tha-thank you mommy" the setter whines, hips still working their way slowly on that new pretty dildo, his precious birthday gift.
"How do you like your gift, baby?"
"I love it mommy! Thank you..." he whispers, leaving a kiss on her knee. "Wanna please you...please?" looking up, he gazed at her with his puppy eyes.
"Mmh? But it's your birthday honey" she remembered him, caressing his hair with her fingers
"Then...f-for ma birthday, I wanna make ya feel good" he whined, "please"
And how could she say no to those pretty teary eyes?. Undressing herself from her bottom clothes, [Name] opens her legs in front of Atsumu, who looks dreamily at her pussy.
"Come closer baby" she says with a sweet tone.
The setter barely lifts himself up from his dildo to move closer to his girlfriend, shaky hands bringing the toy along with him to sink over it again as he burries his head between his girlfriend's legs.
His tongue started moving along your folds in search for your clit, and when he finally found it he started to lick and suck on it like a starved man. You throw your head backwards, enjoying your boyfriend's skillful tongue; your hand comes to his hair, fingers running through his strands.
"Good boy 'Tsumu, you're such a good boy for me" your praises fall from your lips like a fountain of honey, and he's drinking it all.
His hips started to move faster on top of his 6 inches new dildo, the tip of it starting to hit his prostate again and again. He moans in your pussy, sending vibrations all over your body.
"F-fuck...baby, you feel so good" you whisper, moving your hips to his face, starting to face-fuck him gently.
Atsumu kept moaning, shivering everytime a praise fell out of your mouth. His dick twitched and leaked over the floor as he used both of his holes. He looked up at you with teary eyes, admiring how beautiful you looked as you lost in pleasure, the pleasure that he's giving you.
"Fuck my face" he whispers agains your folds, "grab my hair, do it harder mommy" he pleads, and you oblige.
Your body separates from the bed as you raise your hips and move them against your boyfriend's hot face. His tongue sticks out of his mouth to let you use it as you please as he keeps on bouncing on his toy.
"Touch yourself baby, you deserve it" you say in between heavy breaths. "Taking it all so good for me, looking so pretty...hah, my pretty birthday boy"
Atsumu obeys and finally wraps a hand around his swollen cock and start pumping it at the same pace of his hips. He was already close, and jacking off bring him closer.
Your grip tightens on his blonde locks, making him moan once again as your move your hips desesperatly.
"Gonna cum baby, gonna cum all over your face" you moan and Atsumu can only nod in agreement. He was close too, and he couldn't hold it any longer.
You ended up cumming hard on Atsumu's mouth, body trembling as you hold into the bed sheets to keep steady.
"Fuck...that was intense" you whisper, legs trembling slightly because of your orgasm. Atsumu looked up at you, same puppy eyes gazing at you as your juices dripped off his chin. "Gonna cum too baby? Want me to help you? or you can cum with your new toy?"
"G-gonna cum with my toy...gonna show you how good I am" he mumbles, starting to ride the dildo once again.
"I know that. You're my good boy baby" your hands cups his cute face, pulling him closer and connect your lips together in a heated kiss.
Loyal to his word, he proved to you that he was a good boy and he enjoyed his birthday gift cumming hands free on the floor. His moans got muffled by your lips as his hips twitched with every rope of cum that spilled from his dick. He gasped for aire once you pulled apart from the kiss.
"There you go baby, you did so well" you praised, leaving little kisses all over his face as he normalized his breath. "Come here baby" you helped him get up f the floor with his trembling legs. You both layed on the bed, Atsumu resting on top of you as he regularize his breath.
"Did you like your birthday present, baby?" you ask softly, leaving a kiss on his forehead.
"I loved it mommy. Thank you" he snuggles closer to you, his eyes feeling heavy with laziness.
Before you can even prevent it, he fell asleep on top of you. You feel all sweaty and sticky, but you're also too tired to stand up and clean the both of you. So, just for this time, you give in into the sloth and feel asleep with your boyfriend in your arms.
You're sure you're gonna regret it in the morning.
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dyushas · 10 months
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I return two months later with another people standing image but this time it's Younger Character Designs for the Wayfinder Trio, because I don't think they should look exactly the same for four years straight of their adolescence. So this is how I imagine them when Ven had only just arrived in the Land of Departure
Thought-process notes under the cut (mild spoilers ig):
-I think Terra is a creature of habit and has been dressing mostly the same since at least puberty, especially since his style is the most like Eraqus' (in my opinion) and I think most people would copy their parents less as they get closer to adulthood instead of more, but what do I know? Idk what I'm even talking about half the time. It's ultimately vibes, I just think that's his brand of autism. But I had to do it at least a little differently to justify the drawing
-Obviously he is like four years younger or something here so he's not as good at things yet or he would've just taken the Mark of Mastery then, so he's got a wrist brace to show he has fucked up his wrist. To show he's still not good at things. I am very intelligent
-I didn't want to draw the full arm piece but I pretend it's because he hasn't worked his way up to handling that much extra weight on one side yet
-I think the red shirt and the patterns look nice so I also did that
-Aqua cut his hair and she isn't that good at it
-I think he's meant to have brown eyes
-She's got so many flowy bits in her canon outfit and I think it probably took her awhile to achieve the kind of control needed for those to not just be a hazard, so at this point she's a younger teen and she isn't there yet, but she can still afford to add a bit of flair
-I was looking at ballet warm-up clothes like those trash bag shorts cause she's got this dancer thing going on
-She and Terra have the same style of shirt because I thought it would be cute and emphasize their closeness as well as the fact that Ven is somewhat of an outsider here at this point
-She has a knee thing. She hurt her knee. She probably fell trying to figure out that fuckass twirl she does sometimes or something
-She cut her own hair but had Terra help with the back. Mistakes were made
-Terra's nails are painted, too, I just drew him with the wrong hand position to show it. The two of them have been the only other kids around for a good while so they hang out when they're supposed to be asleep sometimes to study their keyblade stuff and then get distracted with something silly and joke back and forth, and they paint each other's nails and share clothes sometimes, although this is getting harder cause they're less and less the same size. And then the next day, Eraqus has to tell them off because Aqua is mad Terra's hogging the bathroom and now they're at each other's throats. Just the way it is
-I can write off everyone looking the same in the flashbacks in BBS cause it was a PSP game and they'd already made a lot of new character models so like. I can think "it was just a practicality thing, they probably didn't actually look the same back then" but Ventus also has the same outfit in UX and I pretend I do not see it. There's no way. He needs something else, his skin is sticking to his clothes. It's just not right, it's not ethical, he's only a boy
-I let him keep the waistcoat though cause it feels SO UX era, everyone in that damn game has a little waistcoat and then no one (?) in the console games does. So my thought process is that this one thing is for SURE from tha past and he just keeps wearing it. He's a little vintage
-He has shorts because ummm :P
-Sora had shorts both as a little baby in BBS and a larger baby in KH1, and then as he's been depicted as less kiddish and more teenaged they have him in those cropped pants now. So it's a Sora parallel. Shorts are just the little boys garment
-"But what if his legs get cold?" Well clearly I thought of that
-He has no armor bits because at this point in time he's just been through a lot of trauma and has only just woken up from a mild coma (for him), so he's all kinds of unwell and I don't think he's really doing any proper training yet. Eraqus already kind of babied him in the main story, so he was probably truly swaddled back then. He's dressed for COMFORT
-This meant he also needed different shoes so I drew some. They're not very remarkable
-I gave him a little jacket because I tried drawing him just without one and I didn't like it, he didn't look enough like he spends his days skulking around and looking sad and not getting to hit things with his keyblade, so I gave him something haori-adjacent like it's maybe something Eraqus had lying around and let him wear like how my mom starts putting her jackets on me when she thinks I'm acting sick. But it has black and white checks on the sleeves because I had to put them SOMEWHERE or else it wouldn't be right and every other option I could think of sounded ugly
-I CAN'T EXPLAIN THE LEGWARMERS, I just wanted him to have a unique silhouette that makes him look like he's been sitting the fuck around
-He just has the same hair as he had in UX, which is his original hair but shorter
That's it unless I forgot something in which case you can ask and I may or may not have an answer.
I might also draw Vanitas in this time period even though I'd just give him the same outfit he always has since it's a magic outfit or whatever, but like for the sake of imagining him Small. Vote now on your phones if I should or not so I can disregard it and do whatever I feel like anyway
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willowed-wisp · 2 months
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Ser Harwin Strong x female!OC/x reader
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WARNINGS: mentions of non-con, suggestive themes, mentions of death, descriptions of childbirth
Their bliss had to end at some point. And it was business as usual. Logistics hadn’t been taken into account upon being wed.
Where would they take up as permanent residence?
With Harwin being in the City Watch and her wanting to watch over Alicent and Rhaenyra, they were to remain in King Landing. The Princess would have ordered she remained in Court anyhow.
Elspeth secretly hoped to smuggle her younger sibling away - from the grasp of the Crown and Lord Hand. It would have been easily done… not in her condition, though. She could barely smuggle herself anywhere, let alone another.
She had no idea where Cannibal was. Dragon tamers unable to keep them in the Dragonpit, what was the point in having a dragon if she didn’t know where it roosted?
The newly-wed bride did not want the stress- and she wouldn’t tolerate it. Harwin had left for watch with a kiss. At least they were allowed to sleep in the same bed- in the same chambers.
Despite the ethereal haze she found herself in the thralls of, Elspeth was aware of the wariness of the council concerning Viserys’ marital standings. Rhaenyra had been less exuberant, watching her father walk around gardens with a twelve year old Laena Velaryon. It wasn’t her business to expose Alicent, but with this growing sense of betrayal the Strong found herself approaching the princess’s chambers.
Knocking in a weak motion with her left hand, “Rhaenyra…” A voice came from the other side. The woman plodded through the door, Rhaenyra getting ready for cupbearing duties. A frown turned to smile seeing Elspeth.
"I trust you enjoyed your afternoon with Ser Harwin..."
"You should not think about such things, princess..." A gleeful tone, "I hear Lord Corlys and Rhaenys are in Court... as is little Laena..." That struck a cord in Rhaenyra. Elspeth closed the door, withdrawing further into the room. "You can talk to me, you know... I'm no longer a Hightower, after all." Picking at her nails, not sure when the right time was.
"How does it come so easy for you?"
"What are you referring to?"
"Being yourself. Everybody tries to smother me from me... what are the 'order of things' supposed to be? My father named me as his heir, they all bent the knee to me... and so their loyalty..." Rhaenyra slumped against whatever was closest- the foot of her bedframe. "You didn't relent for two years when your father lined up suitors for you and planned engagement after engagement against your will, yet here you stand, a Strong because you fell in love and made the choice," Tears brewed as her blood boiled- Elspeth could feel it from across the room.
The woman dragged herself closer, "I thought you wanted to 'fly around on Syrax with me and eat cake'? Not the throne. What's changed, Nyra?"
The girl struggled under the green gaze, "I don't know... I never thought I would ascend to the throne... just because I am a girl. If my father remarries and produces male heirs, my claim along with the memory of my mother and Baelon fades into the background. I will not be thrown to the wayside by my father's new bride..." She spat with pure venom.
Now was the time, "There's something you should know..." Risen blonde eyebrow in response, "My father coerced and manipulated Alicent to give company to the King..."
Rhaenyra's eyes glossy, "Why are you telling me this?"
"Because I think you deserve better than to lose a friend because of a moronic play at power for a stupid chair," Elspeth did not care how Rhaenyra reacted- this could dissuade serious ramifications, "Blame Otto Hightower, not my sister."
The Princess was statuesque- thinking, "How long have you known?"
Her gut felt torn- wavy. "A half-year," A simple nod, but Rhaenyra chewed her lip while Elspeth tore her nail down to the cuticle- both drawing blood, "The King was so devoted to Queen Aemma, that I never thought the King would remarry..."
Her blonde hair shook, "You always have and always will be a Hightower. You didn't think to tell me that Alicent of all people was going behind my back to marry my father... I haven't lost one friend... I have lost two sisters!" The Princess had screamed, growing in closeness so that it was directly in Elspeth's face.
"You will address me as 'Your Grace'! Now leave before I have you removed..." Elspeth was utterly defeated... how had she thought Rhaenyra would act anything less than what she had? Because she hoped that she would see Alicent as her best friend and not as an usurper.
But know she saw Elspeth Strong as one in the same.
Though Elspeth would stand by what she said and the honesty she held. Hoping that the blow was lessened to the Princess when Alicent was named as King Viserys' betrothed. The woman would hold her baby sister as she cried- allowed to in Elspeth's arms, instead of the Princess who did so alone in her chambers and on the back of Syrax.
She ventured out that very afternoon on the back of her horse, unaware of where Cannibal had abandoned her to. No guard would have been able to capture the wild Lady Strong- as she rode like the wind on the back of Slapdash- or 'Dash'. She ventured down to the beaches- greeting remarks unto the fishermen that scattered the sodden beach at lowtide. "Lady Hightower, or should I say 'Lady Strong'..." The wise, feminine voice spoke from behind- settling at her side. “Congratulations are in order.”
"Princess Rhaenys, I'm flattered that you even know my name," She was still gorgeous- moon-kissed hair and soulful eyes. She had never been the 'Queen That Never Was' to Elspeth, she had always thought, 'The Queen That Should Have Been'.
A slight laugh caught the ferocious howling winds, "You're much too modest... you've defied every order you have ever been barked, I admire that kind of strength," They continued to ride at a steady trot, beside one another.
"You flatter me so. But I think you speak for reason, Princess, not out of necessity- what business do you have with me?"
"Yet you are a wildcard. Just like your father... at least you are shrewd.”
"I have never heard the Lord Hand be called a wildcard before..."
The Princess stopped, "I may live off-shore, Elspeth, but I am no fool. The Hightowers have never married into Valyrian heritage- bar your sister now. So how by the Seven, did you manage to bond with a dragon," not a question, "Otto Hightower is not your father. Prince Daemon is, but from the look on your face... that is not news to you."
Elspeth turned around her horse, to face the Velaryon, "With all due respect, Princess, what does that matter? Nobody at court is aware, and they never will be." Rearing Dash around, away from Rhaenys.
"Those blonde hairs will keep regrowing," A smile- Elspeth didn't know of what kind- graced Rhaenys' lips as she spun her head back, "Alyrie Florent, unlike everybody in her House- had always held such beauty, like yours. I used to call her 'Red', not very inventive but it suited that gorgeous hair and her temperance. She was my closest friend even before Otto was made Lord Hand to my cousin." Contemplation slowed the Princess- memories behind those eyes unravelled as she spoke.
"Why did she never mention it?" A tear slithered down her cheek, quickly wiped away before facing the now much closer Princess Rhaenys. Eyes solemn and kind- she could imagine her mother being friends with such a formidable lady.
Rhaenys gave a warm smile, "When Alyrie was first with child- with Gwayne- I was there during his birth and through till his second nameday. Then she was with child again- you, she was different. Taken unwillingly by Prince Daemon... and mortified that you carried the blood of the dragon," she paused, a soulful gaze, "I never spoke to her again after that. Otto Hightower forbade her associating with Targaryens or Velaryons because of what happened. And so, I never got to know her other children and Gwayne will have no memory of me."
Elspeth fought that urge to bawl, "I will repeat the question, Princess. Why does any of this matter?" Not preventing the droplets descending down her cheeks- not unnoticed by the Velaryon, who garnered closer- touching distance.
"When Viserys marries your half-sister, she will produce male heirs and then a battle for succession will take place. When you have to pick a side- Rhaenyra's or the new claimant, I wanted you to know," The woman grabbed Elspeth in her gloved hand- locking eyes with one another, "That you are always safe and welcome at Driftmark- with your Lord husband and future kin." Elspeth was not one for physical affection from those she didn't know, but she held tighter onto that hand- as if it were that of Alyrie Hightower.
"That is very generous of you, my Princess," Those doe eyes looked upon the younger woman.
Hand still holding hers, "No need for such formalities. It is Rhaenys to you, as it should have always been."
"Am I-," Hesitant to ask- fearing the answer, "Am I like her? When she was my age?"
Rhaenys gave a low laugh, "Forgive me. It is just... I have to remind myself that it is not her hand in mine. You are the spitting image and essence of her. In every way, shape and form."
Lady Strong had returned to the Red Keep. Head clearer and shoulders bore less weight. Settled in her husbands chambers- looking at the blank page on the desk. To her elder brother.
No ink, parchment remained. She didn’t exactly know what she wanted to write- she needed stability for the good of her and so she could better the lives of those she loved. Gwayne had remained so clear and fair in Oldtown. But she could not muster the words to ask him and so that blank slate remained the same.
Until firm hands braced her shoulders, she sat there trying to come up with some kind of genius that awaited. Thumbs wound into the tense muscles from being hunched over. A moan slipped through her parted lips, “Lady Strong,” it was him, “watch your mouth, I may put it to other uses…” a heat inside of her funnelled.
Lips on hers, tongue delving as she keened her face to his- bearded and rough. “Get on the bed, Ser.” Her last words before only screaming his name and curses.
Hopefully the entire Red Keep heard who she belonged to that looming sunset.
When the sunrise hooded the sky in peach and aqua- she knocked at the Princess’ door, knowing she would be up and ready to ride Syrax, without word she entered. Sharp blue eyes burned her, “You are not welcome in here…”
But she was not leaving, “I know that, Princess. But may I explain- you didn’t give me chance the other day - if our friendship was worth anything, let me do that much?”
She weighed up the idea, “You have five minutes.”
“My father wanted a linchpin in the Crown... and Alicent was his way in,” the Princess was listening with care, “She had been taking some of my gowns and some of our mother’s- I approached the Lord Hand, who… forcefully…. stopped my investigation,” her hand went to the spot that had been bruised, before it dropped to her side. Rhaenyra seemed to get the insinuation.
“If we are to be friends again. Are there any more secrets you are keeping from me?”
“Your uncle, Daemon, is my father. Hence I bonded with the Cannibal- not that I know where the beast is…”
Rhaenyra was taken aback at first, before realising the similarities between the pair.
The personalities were uncanny, yet Elspeth held remorse and accountability for her own actions while Daemon had never been the honest type. “And how long have you been withholding that from me?” Impatience rued Rhaenyra’s voice, not that Elspeth was entitled to give her an answer- it hadn’t necessarily been the princess’s business. But she wasn’t to say that aloud.
“Not even a week… my father told me. Mother was attacked by the Prince, I am the result.” Rhaenyra was young, Elspeth truly hoped that when she grew older that she would see the bigger picture if she didn’t already see it in that second.
Elspeth never wanted to hurt anybody - she wanted the least collateral damage for those she cared for. And sometimes that meant keep information secret. Rhaenyra had such loses in that year, she couldn’t bear to scorn her with dragonfyre onto the already burned girl.
“So what did you come here to say? Make excuses?”
“I came to say that I’m sorry. For lying to you, Princess,” it took everything Elspeth had not to drop to her knees, “And I hope you can forgive me because I cannot lose a true sister of the soul- I will never lie to you again, lest I be sent down to the Seven hells-,” cut off by the Princess’ body wrapped around her own. Chin nestled into one another’s shoulders. Rhaenyra cried from the bottom of her heart. As she always had been able to in the arms of Elspeth Strong.
And Elspeth was neither Florent, Hightower or Targaryen… from that day onward she was a Strong and she upheld that name well.
Especially when she was carrying the future heir to their House. The woman discovered a week after Alicent’s wedding.
She had nearly forgotten about her dragon, but it showed up when she discovered the news. Despite the advice from Maesters not to ride dragons in her condition- who was going to stop Elspeth Strong?
Upon her return- smelling like dragon - she thought her husband would be a little more concerned of her dealings but he just twirled her around. Causing her to giggle. The pair went against another advisory of the Maesters…
The more she flew on the Cannibal they became acquainted, friends. One soul. And she detested calling her companion ‘the Cannibal’. So she asked the dragon about itself… not much response was received- dragons only understood Valyrian, not spoke it. They circled around the plains Dragonmont; the beast’s nest.
She had asked its name over and over- when it reached that midnight indigo dusk, the Cannibal roared at the horizon.
Remembering her mother’s words.
'The one of dusk and blood.'
She spoke, “Ebrion,” the dragon roared.
Ebrion the Cannibal. But for all intents and purposes he was no longer a cannibal- that’s what Elspeth told herself anyway.
She had never experienced such pain liked childbirth. Nor had she felt it being restrained from the touch of her husband- who had been barricaded outside of the door. With the Lord Hand and Ser Gwayne- who she had sent a letter to two months prior, requesting him there to meet his future niece or nephew.
Elspeth wouldn’t have heard the end of it if she hadn’t. He had always been a diva.
But the woman wanted one person as her head went numb from the pain, “Harwin!” A banshee, the Maester attempted to calm her down. She batted his hand away, “I want my husband. Harwin!”
A ruckus from outside. There he was, barrelling through the heavy doors- a midwife swiftly closed them. His fingers weaving through her hair. Elspeth’s heart rate dropped, she could breathe easier… now he was here. Holding her hand in his over side palm. Kissing her temple. “You’re doing beautifully, my heart…” His voice low and charming. Her gentle knight…
An involuntary push.
And the cries of a babe filled the room. All the chaos in the room background noise. She purely focused on that sweet, innocent face as the babe was wrapped and cleaned by one of the many women in the room. “It is a boy, Ser Strong.” Harwin’s nose nuzzled into her neck.
The woman witnessed her husband - her heart - fall in love with another person. As he had seen with her the entirety of her pregnancy. She had spoken to this tiny human being for nine months in her stomach. And now he was finally there. “Do you have a name, my Lord?”
“Alyric.” Her heart beamed, looking into the bluebell eyes of her beloved. And back to the identical ones of Alyric Strong. Named after his grandmother, and looked wholly like his father. Down to the dark hair and that grin.
Once in his father’s arms Alyric stopped his crying and fell into a sleep. She was covered once again- bloodied sheets and afterbirth out of the room with Maester and midwives.
The room filled by her father and brother. “Meet Alyric Strong.” Her father looked tired as per usual but adoration filled his eyes at the boy cradled in her arms. Gwayne was instantly reaching to hold the boy.
A smile on his face, before finding himself again. Clearing his throat, “May I hold my nephew, dear sister? Ser Harwin?” They both gave gentle nods, handing the bundled babe to his uncle- whose eyes glazed over. “He resembles his father.”
As she rested against the muscular shoulder, she looked at her father. The Hand of the King couldn’t take his eyes away from Alyric. “You may pass Alyric to our father, Gwayne. If you wish, father?” The brown haired man nodded, cradling Alyric much better than Gwayne had- he would learn when he had children of his own.
Her father didn’t say much at all. Leaving a kiss upon the boy’s forehead, Harwin received his son back into his arms; where he could stay for the rest of his life simply looking upon the babe.
The men left for the duties. Gwayne would return back to Oldtown in a week’s time. Ser Lyonel, avoiding the Lord Hand, arrived later that day. While Elspeth slept. Her sister carried the King’s child, and for the duration of her pregnancy had not been allowed to exit her chambers but she was due in three months. Little Alyric was not starved of visitors, blessed with the love of two Targaryen princesses.
Rhaenyra visited the day of his birth. Claiming he was a handsome child who would grow up with the fairness of his mother.
Rhaenys visited while her husband Corlys was fighting in the Stepstones- alongside Daemon. “You have been blessed with a handsome boy,” she arrived while Harwin was in attendance. “If you ever wish for him to be sent to Driftmark… all you need do is ask,” a warning. If Daemon made it out of the war against the Triarchy, she may indeed make use of that offer.
But, “I will not be scared of tyrannical Prince,” Elspeth warned a smile from the princess.
“I didn’t think you would, Elspeth.”
Elspeth loved being a mother, but she also loved to fly around on Ebrion. The dragon did not devour young Alyric upon meeting the future inheritor of Harrenhal- the dragon merely nuzzled the boys forehead with gentle touch. But she limited the encounters while he was so young- not blind to Ebrion’s past.
Elspeth’s own nephew was born with a mane of angelic Valyrian hair. Prince Aegon Targaryen. Rhaenyra’s claim was diluted. Her father called for Aegon to be named heir, because of his sex.
Harwin’s uniform had been ripped off his body by his Lady wife every night he returned from patrols. And she was with child four months after the birth of Alyric.
Despite the strengthened relation with Otto Hightower, Elspeth couldn’t help but support her Princess’ claim to the throne.
She would follow Rhaenyra to whatever end. But hopefully it did not come to that.
Her and Harwin would protect their children fiercely. With a dragon at her call.
Even if that meant facing against her family in a battle of succession… at least she knew their weaknesses…
If you wanna be tagged just message me or leave a comment!
Series taglist:-
@llynx7 @babyred7
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spicycinnabun · 7 months
pt. 1 2 4 🧜🏻‍♂️
Mickey glanced up from his book when he heard a soft splashing in the water near him. He thought maybe it was a bird that had landed by the boat, but…
“Holy fuckin' Christ!”
Mickey jerked back. That had to be the biggest goddamn goldfish he’d ever seen. Or maybe it was a giant man-eating fish that wanted him for dinner. Mickey didn’t know what the fuck lived in the lake. Jesus, did Lake Michigan have sharks? Either way, it was quickly coming in his direction.
He scrambled to stand up, getting his legs out of the water in case whatever it was decided to take a nice big chunk out of him. His book slid off his lap and fell into the lake with a plop that he barely noticed because he was too busy watching the glittering…
Wow, those colors…
Mickey blinked a few times, dumbfounded by its beauty, as it twisted and twirled in the water, doing a little dance. His fingers suddenly itched for his markers and drawing pad. At the same time, he shook his head quickly to snap himself out of it and reached for the gun in his shorts’ pocket.
It was just instinct, alright? Could you shoot a fucking fish in the water? Mickey didn’t know!
Mickey aimed and loaded, finger poised on the trigger as it got closer and closer. He grunted in shock when he saw a human torso. His eyes couldn’t comprehend what they were seeing. Was the fish eating a guy already, and the guy was trying to swim away?
“What the fuck?!”
Ian knew that he had gotten too close—that he had been spotted—when he heard shouts above the surface of the water. For some reason, he didn’t feel scared. He popped his head out of the water to check, bright green eyes widening when he saw the short, raven-haired land fish pointing a peculiar object at him.
Mickey was losing his goddamn mind. That was a red, curly-haired head of a guy probably not much younger than himself. His eyes were so bright they were twinkling, catching the sun mesmerizingly. And down below the water, though it was blurry, was a fucking fishtail. Attached to the guy. Half fish, half man. Mer…merman. Mickey gulped.
Then the guy opened his mouth—an alluringly pink mouth—and let out an unearthly sound.
It wasn’t unpleasant. It was soft, almost like music, caressing Mickey’s eardrums. His grip went slack on the gun, and he dropped it in the water, watching with a dazed expression as the merman (fuck, man, this really couldn’t be happening to him) dove below the water to fetch it.
Ian smiled up a storm as he resurfaced. “What is this thing?” he asked, holding the heavy contraption by the barrel and pointing it at himself. It wasn’t so scary now that the land fish didn’t have it. Ian looked up, distracted again as he took in the colorful markings on the land fish’s arms. “Whoa, cool scales!”
Mickey’s head cleared whiplash fast. He lifted his hands in alarm. “Jesus, don’t fuckin’—be careful! It’s a fuckin’ gun. What the fuck do you think? It’s loaded, don’t pull the trigger.”
The guy had a grin on his face like he’d just opened a fucking Christmas present. Maybe he was a dimwit, Mickey didn’t know—he also didn’t know why his heart lurched into his fucking throat. And he was thrown by the compliment. Cool scales. What? What?
Mickey was more concerned about the gun that could be turned towards himself any second.
“Fuckin’ gun,” Ian repeated, looking at it. Something to be careful with. Don’t pull the trigger? (What was a trigger?) He furrowed his brow, not wanting to keep holding something that could hurt either of them. Maybe it was like a harpoon. Ian had seen fish being harpooned by humans many times. It was awful.
Mickey might’ve barked a laugh if the guy hadn’t been holding the gun. He didn’t know what a gun was? Was he insane or just great at acting?
“Look, can you put that down?” Mickey gestured towards the stern—poopdeck, whatever. He was… thirty percent sure now the guy wasn’t out to eat him. “I won't hurt you. I’ll put it away.”
Ian contemplated it only momentarily, then put the gun down on the boat.
Mickey held his breath and slowly crouched to grab it. He kept his eyes on the merman as he lifted the red seating cushion from one side of the boat, which was also a storage space. He nearly shot himself in the foot first, though, at the following words that left the merman’s mouth.
“I knew that you weren’t going to hurt me. You sounded so scared. You don’t look scary. You look pretty,” Ian complimented. “I’m not going to hurt you either.”
Mickey choked on his spit and blushed crimson—something he hadn’t done since he was about fourteen, and his sister caught him with his hand down his pants, jerkin’ it to one of the heartthrobs in her Seventeen magazine.
He hastily clicked the safety on and dropped the gun in the storage compartment, closing it. Pretty? How the fuck was he supposed to respond to that? The guy said it with such honest fuckin’ sincerity, too. Didn’t seem to be yanking no chains.
Mickey really didn’t know what the fuck to do, so he decided to ignore it, shoulders relaxing slowly. This merman was acting more like a puppy than a human-eating monster.
Ian swam closer to splash Mickey with his tail, presenting himself and showing it off. Maybe he could be friends with the lovely land fish.
The rush of cold water hit Mickey’s chest and made him shout again. “Ay!”
Ian loved that reaction. What a funny noise. He knew the land fish would be grateful since he looked so hot. That was the worst part about being above the water, or so he imagined. Ian hated being hot and only was when he was above the surface for too long.
The combination of his sunburnt skin and the cold lake water felt fucking freezing. Water dripped down Mickey’s chest, leaving a wet patch on his shorts, already drying from the relentless heat. But he felt an insatiable urge to get a closer look at that flapper.
Before he knew it, Mickey was sitting on the edge of the boat again, watching the sunlight hit iridescent, shiny scales in colors he wondered if he’d even be able to recreate on paper. Probably not. He wasn’t a goddamn Picasso.
Stopping himself before he did something like reach out, Mickey returned the merman’s gaze. Then something occurred to him, and he felt like the most gullible asshole on the planet. “Is that a fuckin’ costume?”
Of course it was. Maybe this guy was one of those weird cosplayer people. The ones that dressed up like crazy characters from their favorite shows and pretended to be them and shit.
Mickey knew some girls liked buying fake mermaid tales to swim with and pretend to be mermaids. Maybe this was just that on an… extreme level. It all looked so real.
Ian was happy that the land fish had settled, looking comfortable again. He followed Mickey’s gaze to his tail. “My what? That’s my tail.”
Mickey paused, then shook his head. “You need a ride back to your boat or somethin’, man?”
Not that Mickey could give him one, now that he’d lost his fuckin’ book and had no idea how to sail anywhere.
“I don’t have a boat. Don’t need one, obviously,” Ian replied. He flicked his tail again pointedly. Maybe this land fish wasn’t so smart.
Mickey raised his eyebrows, amused now that he knew he wasn't going crazy and talking to an actual fucking merman. “Right, course,” he replied.
If the guy wanted to keep up his weird charade, who the fuck was Mickey to stop him? It could have also been the fact that the “merman” was otherworldly levels of attractive and was sort of flirting with him, that Mickey didn’t tell him to just cut the psycho bullshit.
There weren’t many pretty guys in the clink—and if there were, they hadn’t been able to scratch that particular itch Mickey needed scratching. Mickey hadn’t had a proper tumble in over two years. He wouldn't be too choosy about sticking his dick in crazy if it meant finally getting scratched.
“Do you need help getting back to the shore?” Ian asked worriedly. “Boats like this aren’t normally out this far. Not that I want you to go…"
It was refreshing to see a young, hot land fish all the way out near the findom. Ian started to swim around Mickey's dangling feet, needing to burn off some energy. He was too excited.
“Ah fuck, I did come out too far then. Kinda what I thought.” Mickey scratched at his jaw and his itchy five o‘clock shadow.
That was a real problem, but if his new acquaintance knew how to work those sails and take him back, that’d work. And it was probably just an excuse to get back to wherever the fuck the guy came from.
Mickey watched the graceful loops around his legs the merman was performing. He must’ve practiced for a long time to get that good at wearing the tail. He didn’t seem tired at all.
“A’right, fish boy, hop aboard. You’re gonna have to de-tail yourself, though. Promise I won’t look.” He wondered if the guy would go as far as flopping around on the boat like an actual fish out of water.
Ian stopped swimming around, glaring up at the land fish. “I’m not a fish boy. I’m a merman. Also, I have a name. It’s Ian.”
Ian couldn’t go onto the boat. He couldn’t be out of the water that long, let alone help sail the boat or take off his tail. What the fuck?
Mickey almost chuckled. The power of that glare was pretty impressive… but still amusing as hell. “Oh. I see.”
Ian’s glare vanished. He grabbed one of Mickey’s legs and gave it a tug, pulling it further into the water. “Come swim with me. I wanna play, don’t you? I can push you in the right direction after we have some fun.”
Mickey quickly grabbed onto the side of the boat, inching his way back when his butt slid to the very edge, heart going slightly faster at the thought of falling in and sinking right down into the dark depths below.
His brows furrowed skeptically at the invitation and the fact that the guy wasn’t planning on getting on the boat. Maybe he was just nervous. Mickey had almost shot him, after all. But they were in the middle of the fucking lake, and unless he was planning on swimming to shore, he would have to get on eventually.
“I don’t think so, man,” Mickey said just as Ian went for his feet, nipping at his ankles playfully. Mickey jerked them away from him. Jesus, those teeth were sharp! He kicked at Ian but only ended up splashing him. “What the fuck! Ay! Stop bitin’ me, you fuckin’ piranha!”
Ian ducked the kicks, laughing up a storm and causing small waves as he just got splashed. He enjoyed that thoroughly. He was already having so much fun. He was glad now that he had been spotted. Usually, he wouldn’t dare get this close to a human, but he had a really good feeling about this one.
“Land fish tastes pretty good,” Ian teased, licking his lips.
“Land fish? I’m human, bitch. And I got a name. It’s Mickey.” Imitating Ian’s earlier attitude, Mickey huffed. His stomach was acting weird, doing little somersaults as he listened to that strangely melodic, joyful laughter. He’d never heard anyone sound so carefree. “Yeah, I’m not lookin’ to be fish food today, sorry.”
“Human bitch,” Ian repeated. Was that a different kind of human? Ian hadn’t heard of the human bitch before, but it was obvious now that Mickey… was different. Ian smiled. He liked the human bitch’s name. It was just as cute sounding as he looked.
Jesus Christ. “No, that’s not—” Mickey rubbed his face. God, this guy was fucking deranged. A human parrot who wanted to be a fish. “You know what? Forget it.”
Ian calmed and leaned back into the water, putting his hands behind his head and looking up at Mickey. “I wish you’d join me. It’s so hot above water.”
Mickey took his pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and lit one, taking a deep pull as he watched the wannabe merman. As if he needed reminding of how fucking hot it was outside. He was burning to a crisp on deck, while Flipper down there was cool and refreshed.
Mickey exhaled his smoke, tongue dry in his mouth and sweat rolling down his spine as his gaze roved over the impressive body stretched out, glittering and glistening beneath him. Mickey squinted a little against the sunlight, trying not to let his eyes stay on the spot where Ian’s dick was hiding beneath his tail. There wasn’t any indication of a bulge there, so he probably wasn’t packing much.
“Can ya do any tricks then?” Mickey asked, changing the subject. “Little flips, merman parkour on the coral?”
Ian had relaxed long enough. Without a word, he smirked and dove under the water, disappearing from view.
Mickey’s eyebrows climbed to his hairline. He looked around, trying to spot that tail, but saw nothing. A few seconds of silence passed, and Mickey started to feel a little uneasy, with just the noise of the mainsail flapping against the boom where Mickey had lowered it improperly. Then he heard something behind him, and something shot out of the water and flew above him in an arc, right over the boat and then back into the water again.
 “Holy shit!” Mickey said, nearly dropping his cigarette onto his shorts.
It was Ian. Mickey, once again, couldn’t believe his fucking eyes. That was actually… that was amazing. Mickey’s jaw was practically in his lap. He’d only just managed to close his mouth by the time Ian resurfaced.
“How in the fuck did you do that?” Mickey asked him. “You in the fuckin’ Cirque Du Sun or some shit?”
That had to be it. The crazy makeup, the dancer-like movements, the acrobatics, the ridiculous body. Circus freak, for sure.
Ian laughed at the first question. Before he could answer, Mickey asked a second question that he didn’t understand. He furrowed his brow instead of repeating it and shook his head. “I don’t know what you’re asking me, but that’s one of my favorite things to do when I’m bored or want to show off... I’ve been jumping over things like that since I was a merlad, so I’ve gotten pretty good.”
A merlad. Cute. That was fine. Ian could keep his secrets if he wanted to. Mickey bit his chapped bottom lip. “Mhm.”
“Now it’s your turn to show me something,” Ian said. “It’s only fair.”
If Mickey wouldn’t join him in the water, he could entertain Ian another way.
co-writing with my ian, @batty4steddie 🩵
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teyamloving12 · 2 years
Neteyam being readers first and after that he moves onto different girls, and he sets up a plan to go out with one, when the reader shows up after tying the girl to watch them
Watch Carefully
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Warning: bondage, virginity loss, public sex, angst, overstimulation, age gap,etc.
Pairing: Neteyam(22)x Reader(20)
Synopsis: Neteyam took your virginity. You thought he would be devoted to you for life afterwards but the outcome was different.
Neteyam wasn't all sunshine and rainbows as many though of him to be. He used his handsome and chiseled face and his strong build to get what had wanted. He took the most important thing a girl could have from you. Your virginity. You remembered it clearly. It was a night full of passion and pure lust.
"Neteyam what if your parents catch us doing this?", you asked as he walked towards his parents' tent with your legs rubbed around his waist as he kissed you hungrily. "Forget about them.", he whispered in your ear. He laid you down gently on the bed. "You're so beautiful, Y/n. Eywa made you from me and only me.", he said fixing himself between your legs before slowly pushing himself inside of you.
Your hymen broke proving you were untouched and pure. Now Neteyam made you into a woman. You whined at the sudden pain. "Calm down baby I know it hurts, m'kay?",Neteyam cooed hoping it would stop you from crying underneath him. He kissed your tears away and proceeded to reach your clit. The sudden sensation made you jolt in pleasure. Your pussy opened up a little for the rest of his length.
He took this to her advantage to put his cock deeper into your sensitive and inexperienced hole. You kissed him pulling his body onto you. Your tongues battled for dominance and of course Neteyam won by a fair match. Neteyam began to move at a normal pace before picking up his speed. Your moans were disgraceful, consuming the hut with sounds of your pleasure.
What a beautiful memory, indeed. You lost your purity to the man you loved but he ignored you after such as graceful night. What do you do? Did he not like it? Maybe your moaning were annoying? You watched as he went out dates with other girls in the village and even had sex with them too.
You couldnt believe it. So he had time to get his cock hard for other girls but he could even sy a word to you. You understood you were younger than him but this is no excuse it straight up ignore and push you aside. "So we are on tonight, right?", Neteyam asked Qui'zei with a smile brighter than the sun itself. She nodded happily. How disgusted you were at the sight. You smirked realizing you had an uphand in the scenario.
You recalled Neteyam giving you a note to meet him in the forest. Was this mean? Yes it was but you didnt care. While Qui'zei was out, he sneakily slip the note in her hut. Now it was time to wait.
I sat in the tree about to give up until your prey arrived. Finally! "Neteyam, are you here?", she shouted only to hear crickets in the background. It was no or never, if you didn't strike now then it would be too late! you looked at the powder in your hand wondering if this was the right thing to do. Is this how to truly win him back? But then you suddenly remembered how he abandoned you after taking the most important thing out of your life.
You drizzle the powder above her head. One sniff would do it and she would be knocked out until Neteyam actually came. You watched as her legs became limp and her body slowly fell onto the ground. Your plan was going perfectly, now he just had to show up.
There was no turning back. It was already done. You tied her unconscious body to a tree nearby. Step one was completed. You heard wrestling through the trees, he was finally here! You felt yourself smirking at the fact that your plan was going so well.
Neteyam call Qui'zei's name. You jumped down from the tree. Neteyam start to back up as he realized you came closer to him. He planed to draw from his knife but thats never scared you. He fell his back hit the tree. You frowned looking at the crotch and you stooped down to inspect it.
"Get out of me!", he yelled. Raising his knife, he felt his hand become weak and you rubbed his hard on. You took up the knife that fell on the ground and grazed your fingers over it. "You know i have all right to cut your dick off, right?", his eyes widen immediately. You slid the knife under his loincloth. "Dont move, I wouldnt want to you get stabbed.", you chuckled out.
He was breathing heavily as you looked at his hard and glistening cock. You looked at the cock that took your virginity with awe. How dare you fuck someone other than you? You licked the tip before taking him into your mouth. He moaned at the sensation of your soft and wet tongue. He was in a heat before realizing something. A few meters away was an unconscious Qui'zei. He was shocked.
He pulled you off his cock with anger. You whine as the shivering pain of pulling of your scalp. You pouted as his cock was above your face. "What the fuck did you do to her?", he asked. "Teyam please don't be mad I just want to you myself.", you said with a trembling tone. "You want muself so bad, are you a fucking whore?", you were shocked at his words that were thrown at you.
Before you could ever protest against his nasty words, he forced you back on his cock. You gagged not using to being so deep on him. You tapped her thigh causing him to get even angrier. "Dont fucking beg me to pull out. You wanted this, remember?", he said, pushing his hips in your mouth with an unholy pace. Tears formed from your eyes. But the truth was he was right you did want this, you always have.
Your juices dripped on the ground in large puddles, you attempted to reach from your clit but Neteyam pushed himself even deeper inside of you. You grabbed his thighs as a sign to get even faster. What a dirty girl you were!
He pulled out of your mouth. A string of saliva connecting his dick and your tongue together. He was still rock hard. He grabbed you by the neck and pushed you through the tree you backed him up on. His cock rubbed against your puffy clit causing a scream to be released from your mouth. You realized Qui'zei was slowly waking up. You forgot about your plan completely. Neteyam took a quick glance at the girl who was tied up as her consciousness slowly came back to her.
The sound of clapping was heard in her ears. She was looking at the two blurry figures in front of her, trying to make out who it was, she immediately realized it was Neteyam with another woman. That was supposed to be her. "Neteyam, what are you doing?", she yelled as he rutted inside your sensitive pussy. Tears stained her face as you watched her while you moan from the delight of having Neteyam to yourself.
"Neteyam pls-- nnmgh-- go faster-- ahhh!", you spoke trough your moans as Qui'zei attempted to escape from the ropes. Neteyam licked your neck up to your jaw and blew on your air. Your wail wagged back and forth. "Such a pretty girl, love you so much!", he said through his thrusts. "Neteyam please dont do this to me! You said you loved me!", she screamed. "I love her pussy more! And shut the fuck up, I'm busy over here!", he said with venom in his tone. He licked his lips at the sight of your bouncing breasts.
He pulled out and made you bend over to look at Qui'zei in the eyes. Her eyes were bloodshot red from crying. You didnt care. Thats how you felt. That stole Neteyam from you and this was payback. He pushed himself inside of you once again. The pleasure in your cunt got greater than before. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Your juices ran down your legs and some on his cock.
You stare at Qui'zei who had tears in her eyes. Guilty overcame you but the pleasure was stronger. Now Neteyam was finally yours and yours alone.
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