#i wanted to add more people into this but comp was fighting me so
froggtogs · 26 days
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“welcome to Minish Village!”
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fumifooms · 3 months
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Hien x unnamed canary aka Scar
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Them: "Can’t stand this bitch" Also them: stand unnecessarily close to each other even after eveything went to shit
First time I ship an unnamed character but some people on twitter are jumping onto it too so!! Flock to me brethren. Hienbeni is my bread and butter you guys know this but it’s all about Beni to me franky, Hien is a foil in that for me. But Hien really shines in this dynamic imo… Hien’s all about getting stuff done so then, putting her with an obstacle, a challenge and a potential ally all at once… Someone who matches her intensity and might…….
Pitting professional confident rule-bound Hien against a fiery canary criminal would be interesting and ohh I am looking. Professional assassin who grew up with rigid training in a noble household, has never died ‘til a week ago and doesn’t have so much as a scar on her x slums girl who’s toughened it up and has the marks to prove it. She’s lived through some shit and most importantly she’s survived. Someone who overcomes and doesn’t let a thing keep her down for long. No nonsense squad leader who can take a laugh but is here for a job x prisoner here for a job against her will who likes to have a laugh but ready to throw down.
Also they have a matchy thing going on with how one has a scar going over her left eye and the other has dot tattoos under her right eye…
We don’t see Scar in flashbacks to Utaya or Mithrun’s rescue and Kui is big on continuity in background characters, but she was around by the time Rin was taken in a decade ago at the least. Erique is her warden. She has tattoos that do seem to have a magical purpose, but we don’t know what her magic is. [Edit: -hangs my head down- ok so looking closer it does seem like the "scar" is another tattoo… It’s ok I can work with this, not editing the rest of this tho. Even more matchy bc they are tattooed forever, marked by their line of work!!] I like to think she’s relatively new to the canaries because of this. The canaries are said to be understaffed and Misyl for example was recruited despite not having committed major crimes. Indeed Misyl’s "fraudl spread knowledge of ancient magic" is nothing next to Scar’s crimes, but it’s always possible crimes of the prisoners are exaggerated is what I’m saying. Arrest on false charges or overstate the crimes to justify sending to the canaries etc etc. Stuff that could be played with. I do think the murder adds something to hienbeni tho. It’s left ambiguous what the ninja girls’ past jobs have been but Hien is specialized in explosives and is trained to infiltrate places stealthily and fight, so! "Who was your first kill, why did you do it and was it worth it" girls night playing 20 questions.
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There’s truly nothing on her so like. Have this comp. I’ll add panels if I notice her in any other shot.
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Something something "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer". Something something respect growing from acknowledging each other’s abilities. Something something feeling the competency flowing from each other and "If shit goes down I want her on my side" and from a glance telepathically communicating "Ok let’s ally?" "Ok let’s ally" bc something in them already knows they’ll make a duo that gets shit done. Also Scar mocks Hien and Hien taunts Scar and they have a charged homoerotic competitive thing going on of impressing each other. Hien laughs about Scar’s crouched battle stance and promises to teach her a thing or two in sparring but then Scar sweeps the legs and whoops yuri wrestling
Girls I think the biggest threat your intimidation tactic is giving off is a kiss. Girls I think you should remember there is a world around you two and things are happening
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I’m new to the tmnt online fandom, what exactly is this blog? Stupid question I know considering it says in your name 🙈
I don't think its a stupid question. You will get a needlessly detailed answer however.
Basically on tumblr, when they released polls, people were like "omg lets make our blorbos* fight." The blorbos then "fight" by being pitted against eachother in a poll and fans choose who moves on and who dies.
Blogs were created to be able to organize the blorbos fight and gained a lot of traction on tumblr in general. They go through brackets, kinda like March Madness. This is a blog that hosts such a competition.
So Pollmaster Coral (@rottmntpeepawpolls) created the Peepaw Polls to have the Rottmnt Peepaws duke it out for all glory and it made polls very popular, especially within the TMNT tumblr community**. @tmntaucompetition (Pollmaster Shadow) started around this time and
These competitions*** pit AUs against eachother and for propaganda people create VERY cool art. (I love seeing the art so much). I forgot what I was going to add to this paragraph.
Separated AUs are AUs popularized by ROTTMNT. They are AUs were at least one of the turtles is raised separately from the other turtles and end with them usually becoming a family at the end. Like a refound family type trope.
So in summary, this blog hosts a competition between tmnt separated aus.
Currently most of the poll blogs are on hiatus because most mods run blogs on their own and need a break. From what I can tell there's going to be a lot more activity in this coming spring (in the northern hemisphere).
Currently @last-ronin-tmnt-competition @tmnt-oc-comp are actively doing polls if you want to check them out!
*character you like
**I'm not really in other fandoms so polls could be popular in them but I wouldn't know
***I am aware theres comps that have like canon poll stuff (like character battles like Big Mama vs Sloppy Joeseph) but there's a lot of them that are similar (and confuse me) so I am unware of how many there are. So this mostly a discussion of polls that regard AUs
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foryouthegays · 4 years
Alright so my youtube time is up so imma make a list of techno Things (/stims, maybe) that ive noticed he does p often during streams
My FAVORITE is “bu ba daa” when he’s bored, waiting, or theres a silence/break in action and he wants to fill it. He does this a lot on his first smp earth stream, as its a lot of just wandering.
“Literally”. Its just. He says it a lot. And he says every syllable hes like lit er all y not lit trally
“LOUD EXCITED SENTE-same sentence but quieter” usually when something startling, unexpected, or cool happens, he yells something for a second and repeats it quieter
“Sentence, same sentence with “no” or “how” in front or after” usually the first sentence is when something is happening, and the second one is after its already happened.
In general he repeats a lot of what he says, especially when he says it loudly or fast, he says it slower and calmer
He cuts himself off to revisit a former sentence or comment on something else
“Welcome new channel member __, one of us, one of us,!”
Lightly hitting his desk when reading names, usually just once at a time
Clapping!! Again usually when reading names and its super light but i just *happy stim*
“Yeeeeahhh boy” when filling the silence when somethings happening
“Nooooooo, n o o o” when watching his team lose
Completely contradicting himself after he does something wrong (ex, “you cant bridge? K i c k e d. B a n ne d *fails at bridging* in this house we don’t bully people when they make mistakes, they can stay, they learned,” stuff like that)
A more breathy laugh (not AHAHHAHA and more hehehehhh) after being sarcastic, its usually further from the mic and softer, and only lasts a second or so
Rlly just his laugh in general ya know
“Give me your energy!!” @ chat when doing things ( smp earth streams trying to get another chicken for ex)
“OH GOD NONONONONONONOONNONON- not even close” when fighting
Judging peoples abilities based on their in game name
Again w the repeating things, laughing while saying a thing he said a second before
(He usually only repeats things once or twice)
Cutting himself off v well like watching streams sometimes sounds like one of those “perfectly cut screams” comps like hell yell and then just stop and continue talking like nothing happened
Going closer and further to the mic for emphasis
Alright thats it for now pls add more i k n o w i missed so e
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deadmunds-ghostbee · 3 years
Do you have more sensible thoughts on the “love triangle” news? I was pretty mad initially, however, I think it won’t ultimately be that big of a deal…I am more bummed that the book dynamic of Anthony and Edwina being comically indifferent to each other isn’t happening than I am worried the sisters will be “fighting” over him. I also saw some (naive and futile lol) speculation that Edwina is gay after all but she convinces herself she’s in love with Anthony because she should be…we can dream
I do have some new thoughts but they might not be in the same lane as the general discussion about this.
Most of it has to do with theme, arcs, and about the higher ups that make decisions.
I think the easiest place to start is Edwina. From what we’ve heard she’s super optimistic, sees the best in ppl, doesn’t speak up for herself. She’s a romantic and wants a love match and can be a bit wild.
We know she’ll be taken advantage of by the queen and by Anthony bc of these traits, and the betrayal will probably ultimately lead her to make impulsive and stupid decisions. But with all of this, her arc just sounds like a lot. Meaning they have time to focus on this thing with Anthony, this thing with the Queen involving gossip and LW, make her have a fulfilling “soulmates” relationship with Kate and eventually end up happy with someone/no one. It’s a lot for our little side character and we all know (and they’ve made it very clear) that this isn’t the Edwina show so either these subplots will overlap (Maybe the queen meddles in the courtship to cause drama to trap LW?? Who knows) or some of it is getting less screen time than the other. All this being said I think it’s great that Edwina has depth, but I don’t like short selling her with the naivety. Why can’t our diamond be more aware of the world around her? Overall this doesn’t upset me much I just wonder about how they’ll present it all!
I too am feebly clowning around hoping for an Edwina comp-het-hey-wait-let-me-kiss-this-girl-arc. Which really brings me to another point:
If we have genuinely this many NEW characters in addition to a huge principal cast and still have no queer characters???The higher ups can just like. Fuck way the hell off. Especially when, to put it poorly, it would be a great subject to mine for the show. They’d get their diversity clout, we’d get a love story. But moving on.
I think most of the article was great but there was one part that got a little lost in translation for me: the head/heart dichotomy EW was really driving home. I think most people would agree you need both in your relationship to even have a fighting chance to be successful. The stuff on how one sister represents each of them was just so pedestrian and vaguely demeaning to the characters and the audience. BUT I’m also sure the show wont be condemning duty, just critiquing societal expectation and Anthony’s fucked up head.
I also def think the head and heart will “align” so to speak in the end for Kathony, so maybe my problem is with EW and the talking points. whatever.
Last thing I’ll say is that I like that they’ll show things Edwina and Anthony have in common. It’s not romantic to understand someone else’s situation and sympathize. It’s a good idea to add something to that relationship beyond comical indifference. In-law relationships are great and it’s great to love them for more than just your sibling! Anthony and Edwina deserve that. Built-in homie, basically. There are other ways to to preserve the comedic tone of the book without details like that, that was very clear with that one group photo we got.
Also I closed asks again bc I don’t feel like answering more than three today and I’m not good at ignoring things so here we are.
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bluebellhairpin · 3 years
I had a though I figured you'd appreciate but what about an attack on titan AU but it was just them in haikyuu??
Okay I do appreciate this though so hold on for a second while I think some extra thoughts to go with this AU (sorry it got long, this excited me more than I anticipated);
Levi is a Libero. No, I'm not just saying this cause he's short yes I totally am lmao but people in this position on a volleyball team need to be fast, durable, and reliable. Levi is all three of those things and just like if I were fighting titans, in a game of volleyball I'd want someone like him to be watching my six.
Eren can't play. He's a horrible player. He's benched most games and switched out within like three sets. But he's got the spirit so good for him I guess. He tries to be an Ace.
Erwin I can see being a lot like Daichi. He's a rock, very grounding when it come to games, and he's able to keep up his team when they're feeling a little down. He's a Wing Spiker.
Bertholdt is a Middle Blocker, but unless Reiner is blocking with him his head isn't always in the game. When he is living the moment, he plays his part like a fucking machine.
Reiner can't block for shit, but he's got one hell of an arm, and just as good of an eye for aim. He's the best spiker the team has without a doubt - mainly because if he can't find a gap, he can power though and make one.
Connie - sweet, sweet Connie - has always been the Tanaka of the AOT universe in my mind so he is another Wing Spiker. He's got the energy, and with practice I think he could make some excellent spikes.
I have to add Miche in because (he's too tall to not be added?) I can actually see him being a really good setter. He's not much into talking, instead he watches and analyzes - both are things that make up a good setter. He knows his team, and he knows when to play what cards in order to come out victorious.
Ymir and Hange both managed to get on the team with all these men cause they both have the same wild, tough streak they can get while playing that means they can just keep up. They're also the most brutal and merciless players on the whole team.
Jean is another Middle blocker, but he's working to move into being the setter for when Miche leaves/if Miche is hurt and can't play. He's good at both, however he's unsure which he wants to continue with at the moment.
Armin is the team manager - along with Moblit. Armin works more on the team and it's strategies, while Mobilt is more morale and first aid.
Mikasa doesn't play because she doesn't want to upstage Eren and make him look bad. Or worse than he already looks.
Historia is Ymir's supper supportive girlfriend and makes a new banner or poster for every game they play. She may or may not bring snacks for after practice.
Sasha is another 'stand sitter' - her two besties are in the team, and they've been to every eating comp she's entered so she returns the favor and holds the other end of Historia's banners.
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[1/?] oh, you want to know about In My Head Story, Coven while you wait for my beautiful rant? well let me share with you. When Zoe and Madison went to the frat party, Kyle approached Zoe (just like in the much inferior show, AHS). He tries to flirt with her, but Zoe turns him down, clearly looking at Madison laughing at something some random (respectful) man said. Kyle gets it, him and Zoe keep talking, and now they are himbo and WLW solidarity friends. This means a lot to Zoe, because this totally asshole looking frat boy accepted her so quickly, when usually she was the odd one out. He invites her to another party at his "frat house" (? idk about fraternities) knowing that she wants to make more friends in town, and Zoe promises to lend him a book she recommended (yes she is one of those literally but wlw, fight me). When Zoe and Madison show up to the house, they see a swarm of people crowding around what seems to be a bunch of flowers. After closer inspection, they see photos of Kyle and realized that he had died in a car crash. Zoe is visibly upset, and since Madison is a lesbian who has been comp het all her life she doesn't know how to interact with women she likes (Zoe, duh). So, she offers to bring Kyle back to life to wIN HER FAVOR?? MADISON JUST COMFORT HER YOU CRAZY PERSON!! I love them.
this is GREAT and i LOVE this but can i add that kyle stays alive longer and kinda hangs out with zoe (but she just. doesn’t tell him that she’s a witch or anything and he kinda just comically Misses all the witchy stuff at the house) and meanwhile madison takes it as they’re dating so there’s even more oblivious nonsense and that way there’s more of an emotional impact when kyle dies
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bellaslilpapercut · 3 years
Eclipse reread part 3 bewr bewr bewrrr! Covering the entire rest of the book in ONE post so buckle on in baybee: 
1. Absolutely everything about chapter 15 (wager) is disgusting. To a certain extent I appreciate how successfully meyer captures how frustrating assault is as a woman, how futile it feels to fight against it. But at the same time the way she handles the aftermath is unbelievably disappointing and infuriating. Charlie doesn't get up to help his own daughter, Jake trails after Bella into the house and sticks around, there's just no relief or reflection that feels satisfying. Bella can ask where the justice is when she finds out Jake isn't aging but just ignores Charlie defending her assailant? And to some extent I get it, I've shut down after assault before to the point where it took years to recognize that some of the things that happened even were assault. But when there's a pattern within the series of men being narratively rewarded for assault and abuse and women being punished for reacting to abuse it feels like the narrative is reinforcing the status quo of women<men. I'm not stupid, I understand when a book is trying to make me uncomfortable and I don't need villains to be punished to know that they're villainous. This doesn't come across that way at all. Meyers handling of misogynistic abuse and violence lack the nuance to make me believe that she sees this violence as something to be critical of rather than something that just happens to women. And again, because it's a pattern in her writing, women getting no reprieve from gendered harm, I don't believe she's making a statement. There's just no self awareness and that's the key difference between a story like Brave New World or Lolita and Twilight.
2. Also this quote that precedes the assault is just so so frustrating:
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Bella is not mean for setting boundaries! She isn't stringing you along! I would love to hit meyer in the head with a rolled up newspaper. Anyway.
3. Bella keeps saying things like "this would be annoying if it weren't so scary" in regards to having her clothes stolen by vampires that want her dead and having to lie to people around her, again because dozens of vampires want her dead. And y'know after the third time she said she would be annoyed if she weren't scared I'm just left to believe she isn't scared at all. I don't feel rising tension, the newborn army feels like a minor nuisance and even after they connect it to victoria (who still hasn't shown up at all) I'm just like...okay well get on with it then! Meyer makes bella "shudder" (I'm still tempted to make a comp of every time she shudders in this fucking book lol) instead of showing us her actual fear. I don't believe she's scared, I don't care about the "threat," and I don't believe anything bad will happen to Bella. There are Literally No Stakes here. I'm not invested in this story at all.
4. Alice is a bad friend lmfao
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Girl, you're psychic you know she wanted to wear red why are you just dressing her up for your brother.
5. Okay returning to point 3 because I read chapter 17 and had an epiphany: Bella says she isn't scared for herself and I get that I do. But smeyer also hasn't shown us that she's selfless- just that she doesn't care if she dies. If bella actually cared for her human friends, in any way, I would believe that the newborn army was a scary threat because the people she loves might get hurt. But I don't believe that she cares about that I only believe that she- like Edward- has a weird martyr complex.
6. The Mirror chapter also reinforces this. I can’t stop thinking about how much more impactful it would have been narratively if it had been Angela in Bree’s position (because she’s the only human friend Bella seems fond of but if Bella showed interest in any of the other humans, honestly any of them would do). Imagine the moment where the newborn vampire first lifts her head to look into Bella’s eyes and it’s someone she knows. Someone she cares for. There should have been consequences for Bella beyond “Jake got some bones broken and now I feel bad :(” which was also a shitty punishment because smeyer is inflicting physical trauma on an indigenous character just to make Bella feel bad. Okay. Anyway, it would have built the tension I was missing for- quite literally- over 300 pages of this book if Bella’s friends and classmates and Fork’s residents had been going missing the whole time. Suddenly, at the end of the battle, there’s Angela. Or Jess. Or Katie fucking Marshall. Someone Bella knew should have been there and maybe I would have cared about this book at all.
7. Going back in time to this quote which comes before the battle:
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UGH!!! SHUT UP SMEYER! She literally poisoned Jake’s character from the moment she made him a main character and she has zero self reflection to see the damage that she’s causing here. I’ve said before that I don’t think Jake’s actions were a romantic deal breaker and that stands out now more than ever after reading Eclipse. THIS is the moment that Bella realizes she’s in love with Jake too. Smeyer not only sees abuse and aggression as romantic, she also lacks the braincells and reflection to see that she’s playing directly into racist stereotypes. Edward got to grow up- marginally- but Jake had to remain aggressive. I still don’t think she ever once meant to villify Jake- I think that there was no way in a hell a racist woman could ever successfully portray an indigenous character. His tenderness is tainted by the aggression she forces on his character and in the end he never had a chance because- again- he was being written by a racist woman with fucked up views of indigenous people.
8. Okay, I get it. They’re like Cathy and Heathcliff. Fine. I buy it.  
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This isn’t even the last time she compares them to Cathy and Heathcliff. Kate Bush isn’t gonna write a song about you, meyer! Give it a rest! (Also lol at “like wuthering heights”)
9.  Jumping right to the end here because to be completely honest the only actual event in the entire book was the newborn battle. Jane was a bitch, fine. Edward talked at Victoria and bored her to death (presumably) and the action never felt very action heavy. I knew if from the “best friend (and werewolf)” line that this book was presumably written for idiots given how little is left to the imagination at any given time. I can’t stand when books treat the audience like dummies and I especially can’t handle YA books that do this. Teenagers aren’t stupid!! Young adults can pick up on subtlety in literature!! AND young adults can handle suspense and action. smeyer doesn’t do either well and the editors never once said “hey you know teens aren’t stupid right? like your audience will pick up on hints that you scatter you don’t have to forcefully explain everything?”  
10. Smeyer can’t stop interrupting herself even in the very last sentence of the book proper:
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What, pray tell, is wrong with “Where it would stay for the rest of eternity.” Why did you have to sow doubt in the sentiment right after Bella made her For Real Final Decision???? And why the em-dash!? Again: the editors of the twilight saga are my nemeses but also my favorite conmen. What were they paid for?
11. Back to the editors real quick: if i was given a draft of eclipse I would instantly say: this story is almost 400 pages of nothing, you need to play with the structure of the story. You need to build suspense and if that means playing with POV like you randomly start doing in the epilogue, then do that. Or you can play with the plot. Nothing happens for 300 pages. It takes 300 pages to get to the newborn battle and nothing that happens before the newborn battle makes me feel worried about it. Again, kill off some humans, raise the stakes, do SOMETHING. This was so painfully slow to read because meyer tried to center this book on a love triangle that I didn’t even believe in myself. And even then, it took 14 chapters for the love triangle to get real action (as in an Event, not necessarily physical action). 
12. The epilogue. Oh man. Was the r-slur really so acceptable in 2007 that not one single editor questioned its use? I won’t type the quote in full but Jake refers to his fake arm sling as r-word. Like??? What? And THEN smeyer has him call Leah a “bitter harpy.” Shut up. 
In conclusion, nothing felt like a bigger waste of time than Eclipse. Genuinely, to be completely honest. Two (2) important things happened, at least in Bella’s narrative (I agree with Vinelle that the Volturi debacle was important from Carlisle’s perspective, it adds nothing to Bellas and Bella learns nothing important from it.): 1. Bella made a decision, she chose Edward. Who could have seen that coming? Whaaaat? 2. Rosalie told Bella her backstory. Not that Bella even used that to reflect on her decision to become a vampire but hey, at least it felt like an important moment. Jasper’s backstory only mattered for the newborn battle which didn’t matter at all (and it never informed his character and no one ever brings up that the confederacy was a terrible dark stain on US history (along with the rest of US history but that’s a full dissertation or two on its own)). I can’t imagine a way to improve this book as a standalone book. You could split up the plot (using that term loosely) so that New Moon and BD are both a little longer and BD a little more organized. But without completely changing the plot beats in Eclipse, its just pointless.
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crystalelemental · 3 years
I don’t know of you have said this before, but which BP master pair would yo pick? I think that Coballion is the best, but I think Ill go for Evelyn simply for not being the protag.
I don't recall anyone asking, so I think you're the first. For what it's worth, I'm still slightly under 9k, so it will be a while before I can get any of them at all. But from my cursory glance...
Cobalion has crit buffing and accelerated move gauge, Team Fast Track, and what is a near guaranteed defense drop on Rock Smash. I'd say the only nodes substantially altering its performance are Ripple Effect and Synchro Healing, which is nice for stall teams and for just healing up in general. Everything else is pretty optional and limited? That said, I do think the reduction in physical defense at a 50% rate to the side allies isn't as valuable as it sounds, but that's also spoken from someone who much prefers stalling out and letting sync buffs stack up for damage.
There's also a really big issue, to me at least. Fighting type. There are exactly three. Wally, who does get Ramming Speed which is slowly and inconsistently buffed by Cobalion, and mostly uses Focus Blast which Cobalion can't support. Korrina, who does kinda like the defense buffs to get to that "in a pinch" effect, but otherwise doesn't get a ton. And Bea, who is specifically designed to partner with this, thanks to Inertia and physical offense and being slow as dirt with a 4-gauge move. Outside of that, the Fighting Teamwork passive is going to be super limited. So I really don't think it has great teammates right now, in that regard. And like, if you want to be real, Scyther Bugsy exists, packs the same move gauge acceleration, crit buffing AND attack buffing, and a consistent opponent team debuff in Leer, a similar rate of boosting speed passively, and a grid that confers First Aid and Syncho Healing as well. AND it gets Safety Tether for Endurance. Outside of the strict Fighting support bonuses, nothing Cobalion does is something Bugsy cannot, so I have a tough time saying Cobalion is altogether worth it.
Regirock's positives are that it's a consistent buffer of attack and defense, and has a signature skill that can heal, which is great. Potion but also with +2 defense and gradual healing is super solid. The problem is that all its good stuff is 3/5, and it really wants that, which means using 5* Support Candy. First Aid, Ripple Effect, a Master Healer and MPR on trainer move, Synchro Healing. All of this is 3/5. Which is damning. Because Regirock's base sets aren't great. Crit buffing is superior as a support, and none of its inherent abilities are interesting or all that good. And apparently even Sand Shelter is 3/5, which is really damning as a Rock support with the Rock Teamwork passive, because you'd want to support Rock types. And a good Rock type striker almost universally wants Sandstorm present. The only exception is Classic Blue. Who is specially offensive, and easily buffs to max attack anyway. Regirock just seems kinda bad as a pick.
Evelyn is my personal favorite, entirely because it's not the MU. But yeah she's also not that fantastic. She has exactly one buff skill, and it's a nice +4 to both defenses, but it's 1MP, doesn't get MPR until 3/5, and is in a really awkward spot in her grid. And First Aid 4 also only shows at 3/5, which is a massive problem. But. I do think she's got the best passives of any of the three. Revenge Boost 9 is fantastic gauge control, Quick Cure is nice for the tank, but Team Fist Bump is really what sets her apart. 40% chance to restore HP when a move is successful. It doesn't specify how much, but I'm guessing 20%. These kinds of skills are usually on the lower end. But that's still really good for a unit that can massively buff defenses, applies Gradual Healing to the team, and can pretty reliably burn.
I'm also gonna say it: I don't agree with people who argue she's bad on Fire comps. Blaine or SS Erika for sun setting (probably Blaine because of her passive), a striker, and Evelyn is perfectly acceptable for that kind of team. There's a bit of give and take though, and I think people are acclimated to the idea of making the support unit speed up SS Red or Leon's nuking so they don't spend much time buffing. But a buff to defenses to keep them alive is also a valid approach, and one I think is often overlooked. Especially when she can burn. Not to mention two Master passives at once if she's with Anni N or Leon. That's a lot of damage mitigation.
Short version: I think Evelyn's the most useful of the three. I do acknowledge her faults, especially with how many of her best tools are locked behind 3/5, and how a 1MP move is generally a disaster. Not having any support for pure offense is also kinda limiting. But I think she supports just fine for offensive threats that can self-buff, supplying them with survival, and is actually great for stall despite having no immediate heal moves thanks to Team Fist Bump (inconsistent, but 40% isn't bad). Cobalion is the close second, thanks to rapid crit buffing and the defense debuff support, but Fighting isn't a great type right now, and Scyther Bugsy does everything it does probably better. And Regirock is just kinda not great. Like it's fine, but debuffing speed is the least useful option, and it doesn't offer much without full 3/5 grid at all.
Personally, I'll likely take Evelyn, but I also might hold off a while. I don't necessarily need any of them, and if they add more Master pairs, I'd want to be ready. Especially since heads of frontiers seems to be the focus, and if there's even a chance of BP Master Caitlin, I have to be ready.
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copiouscouples · 3 years
Big Brother HGs Ranked
Who Will Win to First Boot
Kyland (29)
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Seems like he’s into ALL the things - chess, parkour, movies, and the list goes on and on and ALL the mottos - who has 3 mottos in life?
I predict an all boys’ alliance for him
I think he has a natural charisma that’s going to serve him well in the house
I like how he realizes the factor that luck plays in life
Xavier (27)
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Seems very personable and gregarious, but I can see how he could be strategic too
I worry that he might have his life TOO together compared to most of the others. He’s only 27 but he gives off early-mid 30s vibes with his maturity level.
I will try to look past his dislike of coffee. Coffee is life, y’all.
I could see him plowing through the competition in the right alliance, but I could also see him being a pre-jury target based on his potential comp beasty-ness.
I know Azah said she didn’t want a showmance, but I can see him winning her over.
Whitney (30)
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She gave me Holly vibes from her picture (the cheekbones) but she seems more real and authentic than Holly.
These cast photos aren’t the greatest because so many of the cast looked way better on video. Whitney, in particular, looked tons prettier in the interview.
Like her “Why not?” philosophy but I still expect her to wind up a Floater. Don’t expect her to add anything to the game, but I think she’ll get along really well with others and will be a good sheep for whoever is her alliance leader.
Alyssa (24)
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Girl most likely to get in a showmance
Says she’s outspoken like Jess Graf but we’ll see - I think it depends on the situation and whether or not she feels like she has people to back her up
The Office is her favorite show so she’s all right in my books.
Floater who makes it far because of a showmance
Travis (22)
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Another young’un
Seems like a Brett wannabe with a side of BB17 James
Like Hannah worry about real life experience
Could see him in a guy’s alliance but will be a follower not the brains
Possible first HOH
Derek F. (29)
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My favorite so far
Very personable and funny - he’ll be the entertainer in the house
As long as he doesn’t go too hard, too soon - I can see him making it far
Dad is boxing legend, Joe Frazier (the first guy to beat Muhammad Ali), that’s pretty cool
Christian (23)
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Kind of sounds like he’s expecting BB to be like summer camp
Sounds like his strategy is similar to Tyler’s - come off as more clueless and dumber than he is
Winner of most random life motto “Sometimes your ice pop falls on a penny.”
I think the fact he’s only had one girlfriend is kind of sweet
Depends on others in the house as to how far he will get - I think if he gets in a group with other like minded individuals he’ll make it to jury easily
Tiffany (40)
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“My strategy for winning the game is to learn as much as I can about everyone else and keep my mouth shut.” - Love this, BUT…use what you know to your advantage. Keep quiet about your plans but spread juicy goss about the other players
Her bio’s a little vague and we got a very short interview with her…I’m uncertain where she’ll land.
I can see her making it to the middle. She can cook and she doesn’t seem like she’s gonna be on anybody’s hit list right off the bat. 
Chill people make it far.
Azah (30)
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Leader vibes
Looks like she’ll connect well with others
Strong game plan, but maybe too strong? Usually women that win surf on the coattails of others until jury and then some. THAT SAID it’d be refreshing to see a bold, independent thinker like her go far
Is she gonna keep her strategy to herself or overshare with others?
Claire (25)
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Sigh, it’s another I really want an all-girls alliance hopeful… I want that too but the boys always get in the way
Hard to judge…I don’t know her personality since she was an alternate
Super fan! Super fan! She’s super fanny!
Depending on her personality she might bond with Xavier since they’ve got professions that are pretty demanding/intellectual
Hannah (21)
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So young and very academic - concerned about how much real world experience she has
Side-eyeing her for listing Paul/Victor as one of her favorite duos
Good secret keeper - “Never give up all your information”
Wasn’t in the interviews so I don’t feel like I’ve got a very good read on her
Methinks I spy a potential floater
Sarah (27)
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My fave female cast member so far - really like her vibe
She’s planning on being a floater which honestly when you’re not super athletic or outgoing is a good strategy
I think I’ll like her but not her game play - I imagine she’s gonna be a sheeple
Derek X. (24)
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Please don’t throw anything at me, but he kind of gives off Ovi vibes. I think I’m gonna love him, but I don’t know how he’ll interact with other HGs.
Another bad photo that doesn’t do the HG justice
He gives off introvert vibes in his bio and that’s hard to overcome in BB
Brent (28)
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He’s single and ready to mingle - not opposed to a showmance
Seems like a social introvert - likes being around others but needs “me” time - not sure how well that will work out in the BB house
May be overestimating his ability to be charming
Asked for note taking materials - may be more on the strategic side of things
I could see him being successful if he gets a group to follow him, but if not I expect him to crash and burn in the first 3 weeks
Frenchie (34)
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I think he’s gonna be this season’s lone wolf. I’m not sure who else would have similar interests to him? I think he’s gonna fight for his life each week. Might make it far winning some POVs
That said…he might get in with a boys’ alliance
He came off better in his written bio than his interview. He sounded kind of fun in the bio, but he gave off a very serious vibe in the interview
Britini (24)
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Girl is a talker
She’s either gonna be super annoying or super endearing
SO intense!
Another dancer
My prediction for first boot.
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jonathanraychapman · 4 years
Using Qin Shi Huang Effectively
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This is just a quick discussion about how to use Qin Shi Huang in battles and what I think of him.  I’ve played through about 50 battles with him using various combinations of servants and I wanted to show my notes on using him.  I’m waiting on the Fous next month to give him another +1000 ATK/HP so please excuse that.  I am also working to 10/10/10 his skills as events come out.  Still, I’ve been able to experience the best team comps even with the emperor not as his best.
First of all, I see a lot of people talking about solo’ing with him.  I don’t think this is really the best idea since he’s just not speedy in achieving victory alone (i.e. with full support, I’ve seen him crit for 150-200K damage with just one buster card).  When you’re just fighting normal quests you’re not on any real clock and so the fact he’s a ruler (i.e. half-damage) with healing skills really helps in those cases and it seems like he’s almost overpowered.  And I’m sure that yes you can take certain challenge quests with him alone on the field (baring berserkers with break bars or something).  But I don’t really think that’s the right use for the emperor and the battles will take forever.  FGO is a team battle system and you should use your team.  And when you’re doing real challenge quests with servants firing off NP’s every other turn due to charge skills that invincibility every other turn might not be the greatest thing.
I’ve tried treating the emperor as a stall servant and just wasn’t satisfied.  It’s not different than soloing.  The battles take forever and it’s not feasible to win real challenge quests where you’re put on a clock.  I’ve also tried using him as an arts servant (using MLB Azure Magical Girl for the 30% NP generation and MLB Prisma Cosmos for 10% charge every turn) - focusing on NP charge and firing his NP as often as possible - and that wasn’t the greatest idea either.  The problem with that plan is that you want all three front-line servants hitting their arts cards in these teams.  And this dilutes the emperor’s own effectiveness.  You want to use those two buster cards and even the quick and if you’re playing arts then you’re not doing that.  You’re using two cards out of 5 so it really slows down the DPS and sort of dilutes the whole plan with his NP (and in the end I’m not looking for chip damage).  The arts strategy really works where your DP has an arts NP that deals the real damage.  That’s just not the emperor.
His kit isn’t greedy (like Jeanne Alter), but it also doesn’t really make sense to treat him as a semi-support when he’s capable of being a boss-killer.  Focus on Qin and he’ll win the day quite easily.  Like Jeanne Alter, he really wants to crit and naturally he wants stars to do so.  His NP really focuses this fact by giving him attack and star absorb.  He’s a ruler and gets a natural 1.1x damage multiplier as well as a base 100 star absorb.  He may seem weak due to the massive amount of HP on him over ATK but it works out to make him more balanced in combat (although I believe a 2000 ATK CE is a must).  He’s really a power-house and you don’t need to worry about protecting him.  Feed him attack buffs and stars and follow the ebb and flow of the battle (basically when his cards come up).  That’s the true nature of using Qin effectively.
Stars are the first thing to discuss, so let’s talk about 2030 (a CE that gives 10 stars every turn and 2000 HP).  Qin doesn’t need 50 stars every turn with his star weight and he doesn’t need additional HP (really at all).  So a three MLB 2030 CE setup is really consistent (trading 2000 attack on the CE for 10 more stars), but isn’t really optimal.  With the emperor, if you don’t hit at least 30 stars then you drop the chances of crits on turns when his NP effect isn’t up.  You really need to crit every time with the attacks to either maximize his NP charge, damage, or stars.  So for this reason, Talk of the Hot Sands is just a really good fit with Qin’s kit.  MLB’ed, it gives 600% star absorb (extremely useful with his 100 base star weight),  2000 attack (which remember gets boosted over and over through NP and skills so it’s really good to get that base higher), and a 25% critical damage boost.
And you can further make sure the stars go to the emperor by pairing him with casters (who already have half his star weight at 50).  Just to show an optimal team, I added Waver and Merlin here and let me tell you why.  Merlin’s kit really fits well with the emperor (I mean really really well).  His first skills gives NP and attack and the third skill gives a massive buster and critical boost (and the HP boost - which is sort of wasted).  So you can charge Qin into a NP on the turns where you don’t get the buster cards (often getting two of his NP effect’s durations to overlap) and then on the next turn or two be attacking for NP-level damage on each of those cards.  Waver is similar (and in fact can be switched out for many other casters - like Helena).  But - like Merlin - he offers Qin critical damage and attack boost as well as NP charge.  The reason I like Waver here is that he can keep Merlin’s NP level boosted as well so that he can fire his NP - which further helps Qin by creating more stars and NP generation (almost all of which go to the emperor).
This team works very well and gives you the strategy of knowing when to build up and when to let loose and be able to pick targets by card order and the first target.  Of course, there’s another option here - using Summer BB’s Moon skill to lock the cards for three turns (which seems amazing on paper assuming you have three of Qin’s cards up).  While I love that this skill also provides stars (to ensure the emperor’s attacks crit), it seems a little less effective than the Merlin/Waver setup because BB here is really a semi-support with an amazing third skill and so you’re either ignoring her cards to favor the emperor’s or using that skill to make sure her cards don’t come up.  Summer BB can really be a DPS all on her own and that’s where she shines.  By replacing Waver or some other caster, you’re leaving too many good boosts and NP charge skills behind.  It’s good and fun to play with, but just not optimal as far as damage output.  Also she has some star weight of her own for what that might matter.
Some more-budget-minded ideas here (not that it’s really my focus) are using Hans Christian Andersen and Helena.  Hans has skills to generate stars, his own NP charge and boost critical damage.  Also his NP boosts attack when it goes off (as well as boosting Qin’s NP in a chain).  It’s a pretty good fit and he’s cheap to field as a one-star servant.  Helena also has a skill to generate stars and a party-wide NP gain skill.  Both work well holding 2030′s (which help them survive) and both won’t pull stars away from the emperor.  But both are less effective than Waver/Merlin (of course since these are the best of the best supports).  If you’re at the point that you’ve got the 2030′s then you might not care about the budget options as much.  
Tamamo also seems solid, but Qin isn’t a loop servant and so - while the Arts up skill is great - it’s not super effective (although she can definitely work if you just want to use her).  At least her quick attack card has great stars and of course her NP is amazing with Qin’s skillset.  Sherlock seems like a good fit on paper too since his NP gives ignore defense and critical boost, but it also isn’t effective and it’s hard to keep NP’ing with him in this setup since you’re not going full arts or using the detective as the DPS (same problem with Summer BB really).
As far as Mystic code suits, I really prefer Mage's Association Uniform because of the 20% charge boost and the reshuffle ability.  The healing is sort of wasted I admit. Chaldea Combat Uniform would be good if you need to swap characters for some challenge quest.  Anniversary Blonde seems pretty solid with the buster boost and star skills, but since Qin isn’t necessarily going to go all in on a one-turn kill, those might not matter as much.  Arctic Region Chaldea Uniform is similar, but offers evasion like with Mystic Code: Chaldea.  Atlas Academy Uniform offers some good utility for challenges as well with the Invulnerability.
Well that’s it.  Emperor Qin is an amazing servant, but he needs a little help.  He’s really is a team player and - if you set him up right - you’ll get back amazing results.  This isn’t just the typical case of making a flawed servant useful. Qin isn’t flawed and by what you’re doing here is focusing or channeling your support skills into someone that will add their own magnification as well.  There’s a lot of synergy here and sustained DPS damage that’s hard to find outside of NP loop teams.
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rennyforpresident · 4 years
Renny’s BBSim: Second Chances Week 5: The Fake JUMPED Out
Welcome back to Biiiiiiiiiig Brother!
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@brentrobinson​ @cirie-sandra-michaela​ @flopbb-22​ @flungevictee​ @fucklauryn​ @iantxrry​ @kaysarswhore​ @maxdoesbb​ @music-obsessednerd​ @pawn2393​ @paymeincashnottears​ @phylisisley​ @rennyforpresident​ @swampassthing​ @theminionjcfucked​ @wheremy--demons--hide​
Previously, @wheremy--demons--hide blew up the house on her way out, and everyone is still reeling. Will the explosion bring people together, or push people further apart?
As always, let’s see what those alliances look like
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For the first time, our alliances remain intact! The bonds that are left are strong, and won’t be breaking anytime soon (except @kaysarswhore who just voted out her ally and he STAYED sdkfldsfadsf)
Time to crown the next Head of Household. This person will not only guarantee their safety this week, but will guarantee themselves a spot on the jury!
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Who has the courage and the strength to remain until the end? 
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@swampassthing and @paymeincashnottears both are the first out, stepping out as soon as BB pours pig blood into their bathtubs.
@kaysarswhore drops after them, after the pig blood begins to congeal and gets nasty to sit in
@maxdoesbb and @fucklauryn both drop at the next item: heapings of mayonnaise.
@maxdoesbb in the DR: “It was disgusting. I’ve never been a fan of mayo, and to have it thrown all over me? I thought I could take it but I could NOT”
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@phylisisley, @flopbb-22, and @rennyforpresident all drop at the next add-in: live earthworms
@flopbb-22 in the DR: “DISGUSTING. You can’t pay me to let worms crawl all over me. You just can’t”
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These three are tough, and put up with a lot more crap being thrown in their tubs. Olive oil, macaroni salad, mashed potatoes, dead crickets. Eventually, @theminionjcfucked turns to the other two and says, “Let’s make a a deal. Who wants it?”
@pawn2393: “I do. I need that letter from home. I miss my family and I’ll stay here all day if it means I get to hear from them.”
They come to an agreement, and @pawn2393 agrees to keep both of them safe for the week. Which means this week’s HOH is...
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@pawn2393! You have secured safety for the week (and a spot on the BBSim Jury), and have earned the power to nominate two of your fellow houseguests for eviction.
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It’ll be a tough decision, but let’s find out who’s on the block this week
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@pawn2393: “I have decided to nominate @rennyforpresident and @phylisisley. @rennyforpresident, you were on the block last week, and I feel like you’ve been walking around the house too confident. Maybe another time on the block will humble you. @phylisisley, you were one of the victims of the call-out speech. I don’t think you’re loyal, and I can’t trust you in this game. For those reasons, you all need to be on the block this week.”
@rennyforpresident in the DR: “Part of me is really pissed, but I have my alliance and I’m confident that I’m safe. I’m sure I’m the pawn this week, and @phylisisley is the biggest target in here. She’s definitely gone.”
@phylisisley in the DR: “I’m confused? I didn’t think @pawn2393 and @rennyforpresident were after each other? The only thing I can think of is that this is all an elaborate plot to take me out of the game, and I’m honestly pissed about it!”
After @pawn2393′s nominations, it’s time to pick players for the veto competition!
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@pawn2393 chooses @kaysarswhore to participate, because she wants someone to win who won’t use the veto. He’s confident in his nominees and wants them to stay the same. We’ll see if @rennyforpresident and @phylisisley have anything to say about that!
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The competition is tense, but there are some clear targets to take out early. After a few rounds of play, it comes down to three players
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@phylisisley aims her pool cue at @kaysarswhore‘s ball, and knocks it in, eliminating her from the competition!
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But now it’s @theminionjcfucked‘s turn. She lines up her cue for the perfect shot to take out @phylisisley.....
@phylisisley takes the opportunity and knocks the last ball into the pool, securing the veto for herself!
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@phylisisley will definitely be using the veto to save herself, but who will go up in her place? Will we have an epic backdoor?
Houseguests gather in the living room, and the veto ceremony begins
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@pawn2393: “This person is someone who has won comps and who has made waves in the house the past couple weeks. Last week, you saved @rennyforpresident from the block. Now, let’s see if you can survive it when you’re on the block against him. @swampassthing, take a seat.”
@swampassthing in the DR: “In this house, it’s fuck @pawn2393 all day everyday. Don’t trust him, don’t talk to him, don’t even look at him. I had his and his friends’ backs, and now he chooses to take me out of the game? No, he hasn’t seen the last of me.”
Tensions are HIGH in the house, and the events of the week SHOW IT
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During the veto competition, @theminionjcfucked accused @kaysarswhore of targeting her unfairly. “You know you were aiming for my ball! Next time, mind your own business and take out the people who are actually gonna do something with the Veto!”
@kaysarswhore doesn’t take it well. “You think I’m scared of you? I know you’re coming after me, and you can go fuck yourself if you think I’m ever gonna listen to you.”
From there, the exchange gets even more heated, until other houseguests step in to separate the two.
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In more positive news,
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@phylisisley, knowing her position on the block, works to steal away votes from @rennyforpresident. “ @cirie-sandra-michaela, I’m really glad you’re in this house with me. I know we don’t talk too much, but you’ve always been a really positive presence for me here.”
@cirie-sandra-michaela blushes.
The energy in the house is calm and relaxed after that lovely exchange, until chaos comes back one more time.
@pawn2393 and @kaysarswhore were sitting in the HOH room, just hanging out and watching the cameras on the houseguests downstairs, when @kaysarswhore sees @swampassthing head into the backyard.
@kaysarswhore: “Do you know what we should do? What tradition we should keep alive?”
At the same time, both of them turn to each other and say: “FLIP THE BED!!”
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This time, when @swampassthing finds their bed in the living room, they raise hell. “Who the fuck did it? Who wants to fucking fight?”
@pawn2393, from upstairs screaming downstairs: “What the fuck are you gonna do about it! Consider it your goodbye gift!”
The screaming continues, but @pawn2393 stays upstairs and @swampassthing stays downstairs. They fight for almost an hour, going back and forth with nonsense jabs.
Wow, what a week. And what better way to end it than with a live eviction?
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Julie: “Hello houseguests! It’s almost jury season! It’ll be fun to see which one of you doesn’t make it!”
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@rennyforpresident: “Guys, I know I’m a loud-mouth and hard to live with, but I really do want to stay here. @swampassthing, I will always be grateful to you for saving me last week, and I could never campaign against you, but I desperately want to stay and play with you all! I hope you vote to keep me here.”
@swampassthing: “I’m kind of over you all after flipping my bed, so really, all I’ll say is keep me. That’s it.”
Julie: “Wow, I wonder what happened between you all. I’ll never know since I don’t watch the show, but it sounds interesting! Let’s move on to the vote!”
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(It wasn’t even close, I-)
Julie: “Remember houseguests, when I read the name of the evicted houseguest, they will have one minute to gather their belongings, say their goodbyes, and exit the Big Brother house.”
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@rennyforpresident, come on out!
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Julie: “ @rennyforpresident! I noticed you only hugged @swampassthing, @cirie-sandra-michaela, and @fucklauryn​ on your way out. Hard feelings?”
@rennyforpresident​: “Oh absolutely hard feelings. I had votes promised from almost everyone in that house. The fact that so many of them lied to my face and voted me out anyway? Screw those guys.”
Julie: “The other vote to keep you was @phylisisley​. What are your thoughts on that? Surprised?”
@rennyforpresident​: “Honestly? That doesn’t surprise me. She’s always been real and honest, and I completely disagreed with her being called out last week. I’m sending her and all of my Alliance #1 homies all of my love and luck (which I apparently didn’t have a lot of sdf;lkj;slk)”
Julie: Well, it sucks to see someone from Old School BB go so soon, but it was lovely watching you play again!
Now that jury has begun, how will houseguests change their games? Find out next time. For now, from outside the Big Brother house, I’m Julie Chen. Goodnight.”
I HATE YOU ALL AND I’LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU (jk I love you all and I’m still rooting for you <3)
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mithrasisgay · 5 years
@tyrias-library Hope it’s okay to tag you, even though this doesn’t fullfill a prompt!
On AO3
SUMMARY: The pirates of the Chimaera are well aware what eerie lights on the Open Sea mean - Krait. Their prisoners using these lights to wave down ships, begging for help. Every sailor worth their salt knows to avoid these dreaded towers, for their own good.
The fog lies heavy on the surface of the Unending Ocean, making navigation fort he Chimaera nigh impossible. The ship glides slowly through the waves, as distant thunder cracks, lighting up the impenetrable blanket of mist.
“Lights! Lights on the Horizon!” calls Cariyen, the ship’s only Sylvari from the Crow’s Nest, then swings over the small platform’s railings and descends the mast. “Starboard side, Captain.” She elaborates, when she is down on the main deck.
Captain Asha Gaets, flanked by her loyal First Mate Snezz, is already peering through her spyglass, brows furrowed as she strains to make out anything. “I see ‘em. Very faint. Think they’re moving a little.” She says, lowering the spyglass from her eye and looking down to her asuran companion. “Mh, bad idea, Captain.” Snezz remarks. “We’re too far out to be encountering anything friendly.” “I know.” Asha responds. “Krait.” “Those lights mean that they have prisoners, trying to wave down ships.” Snezz speaks up a little, as the crew gathers around. “We’d do best to avoid them, unless we want to join them in their cages.”
“Prisoners?” a sharp voice enter the conversation, as Farris Nightrunner, a young Charr, squeezes her way through the small crowd. “Boss, we gotta help them. Who knows what the greasy snakes are doing to them!” “That’s a terrible-…” Snezz begins, but is cut off quickly by Farris’ growl. “Coward! If we leave them, their blood’s on our hands. Your hands!” she snarls at the small Asura, who does not even flinch. “These waters are their domain, Farris.” He calmly argues. “If we engage, we will all suffer their fate. There’s courage, and there’s recklessness.” “Are you calling me a fool, you sniveling runt? You might run from a challenge, but we-…” Farris stops mid-sentence, interrupted by the Captain firing a gunshot into the skies.
“Good thing that decision isn’t up to you two.” Asha says, stowing her flintlock on her belt again. Snezz looks up to her with hope in his eyes, but she only graces him with a crooked grin. “Farris, you’re right. We’re going in.” “Captain-…” “No. Zip it up, Snezz.” Asha raises her hand for emphasis. “I’m not leaving these people.” A brief beat of silence occurs, in which Snezz leans back against the mast and huffs in exasperation, wondering how Asha Gaets even stayed alive before she met him, but elects not to further defy his Captain. Not out of respect, but because he knows her well enough to understand when she won’t budge on a decision.
“Cariyen, Liamu, Farris and Auri.” Asha calls again. “I want you with me on a rowboat. Snezz, you have command of the ship. Bring us in, but stay out of visual range.” “Aye.” Snezz says, and makes his way to the wheel. One of their deckhands is already pushing in a crate for him to stand on, while another two begin lowering the rowboat. Asha steps forward, her striketeam in tow. Her eyes narrow as she gazes at the lights.
There’s a tense silence among the rowboat’s passengers, as it approaches the Krait Deeps. Asha sits in front, staring on ahead, while the two Charr, Farris and her mother Auri are busy rowing behind her. Cariyen, the Sylvari is behind them, carrying a magical light in her hands to illuminate their immediate vicinity. At the back end of the boat sits Liamu, the tiny asuran necromancer, currently in the process of summoning a selection of horrors to aid in the fight to come.
“Cariyen.” Asha says, and the Sylvari snuffs out her light. She looks up, now much closer to the lights she’d spotted and feels oddly nostalgic, reminded of the glowing pods in the Pale Tree’s boughs she used to look upon from below. But that is where the similarities end. The closer the rowboat gets to the Deeps, the more the area’s eeriness is replaced by horror. Pained cries pierce the silence, the sound of whips and hateful voices taunting. Farris’ upper lip pulls back in a snarl.
“Get ready.” Asha order in a hushed whisper and draws her rifle. A splashing sound briefly draws her attention, but it’s just Liamu’s minions jumping overboard and swimming ahead. The group holds their breath and listens. Minutes go by, and Asha’s gaze rests on Liamu’s face.
The little woman has her eyes closed, and an expression of deep concentration on her features. “Twenty, maybe more.” She reports. “There will be many under the surface. I am drawing their attention to my minions.” “Cause some chaos.” Asha orders. “Once they’re busy with your little friends, we jump into the fray.” Liamu nods, digging a tooth into her lower lip, as she coordinates several individual undead at once.
An angry hiss sounds, then a battle cry and a cacophony of combat noises breaks loose. Asha stands up in the boat. “Auri, element of surprise.” The Mesmer nods and hands her oar to Farris. The air distorts around the boat as she raises her hands, channeling her magic, cloaking the group in a veil of invisibility. “Let’s give ‘em hell.” Asha growls and steps off the boat, just as it comes to a stop on the Deeps’ surface gangplanks.
The rest of the team follows her, Cariyen leaving last and pulling the boat onto the wooden planks. They stick close together, watching Liamu’s minions maiming and being maimed by their serpent enemies. Asha assumes a crouching position and levels her rifle on the largest Krait she can see, aiming directly for his head. When her shot rings out, her invisibility falls off her in a flash of purple magic. A barrage of bright blue arrows arches over her head and comes down on the Krait with the fury of a god. The group swarms out from behind their Captain. Cariyen seeks high ground, while raining her magical arrows down on the enemy. A cloud of toxic locusts ascends the tower, gathering around the heads of a group of Krait that were about to come to their brethren’s aid. Shrill cries fill the air, broken up and distorted by time itself warping and twisting from Aurelia Sharpwit’s shield. Clockhands made of ethereal light spin in reverse, rewinding the Krait into their previous positions, opening them up to attack. That attack being a jet of fire from the mouth of Farris’ flamethrower. Those that do not immediately die, shriek and try to slither away, into the water, but Auri’s magic freezes them in motion and her daughter’s flames consume them entirely.
While the battle on the central platform rages, Asha makes her way upward, rifle at the ready. The prisoners are all in the upper levels of the tower, locked up in crude cages. There are some stragglers in her way, most of which she can dispatch at range, or punt off the ledge with the butt of her rifle.
“Help! Please! Please help Quaggan!” cries a prisoner as Asha approaches the first set of cages. They’re unguarded, as most of the Krait are currently down, fighting her crew. Only one of them has movement inside, a little quaggan, all alone. Left and right are only putrefying corpses, picked at by birds. Asha rushes over, pulling her crowbar out of her backpack, and getting to work on levering the cage open. “Don’tcha worry. That’s why we’re here.” She assures the prisoner inside. The poor quaggan is beaten and bruised, and holding one of its hands close to its chest, clearly broken. It takes her some elbow grease, but Asha manages to wedge the doors open, and the quaggan limps out, fearfully looking up at its savior.
“It’s okay. Stick with me. My friends are distracting the Krait.” Asha explains. “I’m going further up. There’s more prisoners there.” “Quaggan will follow you.” They reply. “Too wounded. Nowhere else to go.” “I’ve got a ship. We’ll patch you up and take you home.” Asha promises as she moves on up, mindful to reduce her speed, so the quaggan can keep up with her.
Another voice addresses her as soon as she comes in view of the next set of cages, one platform up. “Hey, you! Let me out right now!” demands an Asura, with enough spirit in her to rattle at her cage’s bars. She wears black and red, tattered, but still very much recognizable as Inquest. Asha pauses, but shakes her head and jogs over to her, then gets to work on the door. “How’d someone like you end up so far from Maguuma?” she asks while she works, and the Asura huffs and puffs for a moment before responding. “We were on our way to Orr. That’s all I’m classified to tell you.” “You the only survivor?” Asha inquires, and the door creaks open under her assault with the crowbar. “I think so. I haven’t seen any of my krewemates.” The Asura steps out of the cage and Asha positions herself protectively between her and the quaggan. “Great. Well, I saved you, which means you owe me. So keep your mouth shut while I free the other prisoners and we all get to go home alive.” She states and moves on the next cage. Inside is a humanoid creature Asha cannot discern. They’re blue, but clearly breathing, clad in a full-face mask and adorned with a pair of luminescent wings.
“She’s put up a good fight.” The Asura comments. “And the Krait pressured her tenfold for that.” “She’s alive, though.” Asha says and gets to work on the door. “That’s enough for me.” “Quaggan knows her.” The quaggan adds. “She got captured near Quaggan’s home.” “When?” Asha asks. “Quaggan does not remember.”
“They were here when I was locked up. So, more than a week ago.” The Asura contributes. “Hey, do you have a ship or something? I’m not a good swimmer.” “I do. She’s circling the Deeps just outside of view.” Asha responds and gets the door open. She casts her crowbar aside and crouches down to inspect the creature. She looks horrible. There are deep gashes all over her arms and back, likely caused by bladed whips. Her wings have holes and the left one’s main bone is completely shattered, as if intentionally crushed. Under the creature’s heavily damaged armor, Asha gets a glimpse of greenish black flesh, an ugly infection, or a necrotic curse. She presses two fingers against the creature’s neck, feeling a slow, but steady pulse. Relying entirely on the mechanical exoskeleton around her left arm, Asha lifts the creature up and takes her out of the cage.
The rest of her team is luckily just ascending the planks. “Ah, good. We’ve got wounded.” Asha says and hands the creature over to Cariyen. “You and the Quaggan can go back to the boat and row over to the Chimaera. Tell Snezz to bring ‘er in, then take care of these two. Be ready for more wounded. The rest of you, spread out and gather any survivors on the central platform. Me and my new friend here will establish a perimeter.”
While she speaks, Asha pulls one of her pistols from her belt and hands it to the Asura she freed. “Don’t try anything funny. You’re outnumbered.” She hisses to her as she passes. “C’mon.”
Cariyen, and the Quaggan accompany them down to the platform, before getting on the boat. “I will see you soon, Captain. Be safe.” The Sylvari says, before grabbing the oars and starting to make her way back to the ship. “You too.” Asha calls after her, then turns back to the Asura.
“What a massacre.” She comments, as she steps over the piled up Krait bodies, burned, pierced and rotted away by Liamu’s magic. “They deserve worse.” Asha simply justifies. “You don’t look too hurt.” “I’m not.” The Asura admits. “They were too busy beating the living daylights out of my neighbor. I thought I could use that to slip away, but… Where would I go?” “Fair.” Asha says. “You got a name?”
The Asura hesitates visibly. “It’s Mhido.”
It took a good twenty minutes to reach the ship, but once she is back on the Chimaera, with Asha’s command passed on to Snezz, Cariyen has time to care for the wounded. She already cast a mild regeneration spell on the quaggan’s superficial wounds while on her way back. “Let me see your hand.” She asks, and the small creature shyly extends their arm to her. It causes them obvious pain, so Cariyen already has a numbing spell ready on her fingertips when she makes skin contact. The bone is, thankfully, cleanly broken. Cariyen closes her eyes, gently nudging the bone back into its regular place, and funnels healing into the quaggan’s body. Both bone fragments slowly connect again, a fragile connection, but with time and care, the injury would mend fully. She puts the arm in a splint and wraps it in a bandage for good measure.
Then, she turns to the unconscious creature. Her hands brush lightly over her whip marks, closing the open wounds and rejuvenating her body’s natural regenerative powers. Likely awakened by that energy, the creature jolts and grabs Cariyen by the wrist. “Where am I?” she asks in a sharp, heavily accented voice, attempting to sound menacing, but her fear shimmers through. “Be at ease.” Cariyen soothes. “You are safe. We attacked the Krait Deeps you were held in and rescued you. You are badly injured. Will you let me mend you?” A few seconds pass, and the creature’s grip loosens. “You defeated the Krait?” “Not alone. My crew and I did.” Cariyen responds and gently frees her hand from the creature’s. “I have to set your bones straight before I can mend them. This will hurt.” “Do not hold back. I can endure.” The creature says and Cariyen gets to work on the mangled wing. It is entirely limp, and the creature is likely unable to move it at all. One by one, Cariyen reconstructs the shattered bone, making her way from the base to the tip of the limb. The entire time, the creature is completely silent, only the odd, sharp inhale hinting that she feels pain. “What were you seeking among the Krait?” she eventually asks, while Cariyen begins mending the wing. “Their victims. We saw the lights from afar and decided to intervene.” The Sylvari explains. “In exchange for what?”
Cariyen pauses and looks up at the creature’s mask. “We did not do this for a reward.” She states and the creature falls silent again, in quiet contemplation of what altruism might be.
The sounds of a second rowboat being returned to the ship has Cariyen looking up. The Inquest Asura, Farris and a number of freed prisoners step onto the deck, in varying degrees on injury and weariness. There is more work to do.
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ofillyria · 4 years
I have been toying around with A LOT of WIP ideas recently and I’m not really sure where I want to focus my energy or which ones I want to add to my WIP list or make intros for. So I figured I’d make a masterlist of all of my ideas that I have a rough plot and character list for so y’all can peruse! If there’s one that jumps our at you, a few you like, or any that you have questions on please please flood my inbox! There’s no better way to get me jazzed about a WIP than to send me asks! I’m putting them under the cut since there’s so many!
NIGHT TWELVE: Vi crashes into enemy territory and is taken in by the army. She's given an assignment: win the heart of the wealthiest woman on the planet to procure war funding. But she's already fallen in love with her superior officer.
DAVID’S PEAK: In the small, Oregon town of David’s Peak people are being mysteriously abducted, and blame is placed on possessed park ranger Diane Atwood. She has a choice: prove herself innocent by finding the real culprit, or say goodbye to the friendly voice in her head.
YOUNG DEMONS: After failing her first spell Cecily Young swore off magic. Her power is building, brewing. The repressed magic is manifesting as a hurricane set to destroy Louisiana in a month's time. She must find a way to expel the magic in time, without tearing herself apart in the process.
THE GODLING TRILOGY: Lea is the firstborn child of Morpheus, making her the most powerful godling in a millennium. Which means she’s the perfect scapegoat for Zeus to send to do his dirty work. Including murdering the ancient being known as Nyx, who’s determined to plunge the modern world into eternal night.
BERSERKERS: Gal pals turned fearsome warriors. When the clique dons their fur coats they gain the strength of the animals they wear. It’s time for revenge on selfish exs, bigoted teachers, and abusive parents,. That is, if the consequences don’t catch up to them first.
THE BLITZKRIEG BREAKER: When Teddy’s clock repair shop becomes both the epicenter of a magical war and the London blitz, he is tasked with keeping a strange device out of the wrong hands. In a world filled with demon dogs, falling bombs, and a mysterious shapeshifting witch it’s hard to know which threat to focus on.
HELL’S EMPTY: Sometimes, the dead get restless. There are a few who manage to slip through the cracks and back into the world of the living. On autopilot, the soul takes the first available body and become a zombie. Over time the body, incompatible with its new soul, will begin to decay. Desperate to live, but falling apart, these creatures seek new fresh bodies to enter, even it means killing to get them. Luckily, hell, like any good business, has a lost prevention specialist. And she’s ready to go hunting.
WASTELANDERS: In a post apocalyptic wasteland, a team of two girls band together to fight to survive. When crossing the desert from ration station to ration station they encounter a man on the side of the road, he claims that his car was stolen with his young daughter inside. The two girls venture to find the lost girl in a no holds barred rescue mission through deadly dive bars, life or death road races, and russian roulette tournaments.
TRAGEDY ANNE: Anne,  a bandit known for terrorizing the rich folks of Round Rock, caught wind of the local mine owner’s plan to blow out the dam. Even if it means washing out Round Rock in the process. Anne wants to save her hometown but no one will listen to a lying, cheating thief.
SOUL: SOLD: Six years ago Jac sold her soul to a demon so that she could say goodbye to her mother. But now her contract is up and she only has a week before she becomes a demon herself. The plan: find the family heirloom, use it to barter with the crossroads demon, and avoid damnation at all costs.
AMELIA BRIGHT PETSITTER TO THE ABSURDLY RICH: Amy loves her job: nice houses, free food, and cute puppies. But when she’s accused of stealing jewelry from a rich client everything falls apart and her reputation is destroyed. She has to prove her innocence. Hopefully, before the super hot CEO she’s dogsitting for returns from a business trip.
THE TEMPEST PROTOCOL: Mira’s mission is to study the defunct pleasure planet which orbits a black hole. But the mission is overturned when the owner of the planet returns and kidnaps Mira’s team. Mira has to rescue her crew before they are all swallowed by the looming void or murdered by the psychopathic resort owner.
THE ELECTRIC PIGHT - Winona is an archaeologist that studies the fallen society of the 21st century. When her brother returns home severely injured, she’s determined to use old world medicine to save his life even if she has to travel for days to find it. But the way to the city of old is guarded by militiamen, cannibals, and rabid dogs. Winona’s attempt to save her brother and prove her theories right might kill her first.
WELCOME TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD - Bee has been demon of the month over nineteen thousand times. She’s assigned a meager corruption mission and saddled with a newbie demon. Now, she’s determined to prove to Satan that she doesn’t need a partner. She has to find a way to kill her ‘husband’ without it looking suspicious. All while corrupting the perfect 1950s suburbia around her.
HELL FIRED - When one of the groundskeepers for the underworld goes on maternity leave her coworker has to find a suitable replacement. So they set up a reality show competition and the last person standing wins the role of right hand man to Hades’ right hand man. Which is sort of an honor.  
ARTEMIS AND APOLLO - Agent’s Artemis and Apollo have been working together for nearly twelve years. He’s the impulsive rogue and she’s the one who actually gets the job done. But now that she’s getting married he’s worried the agency will realize his incompetence. Instead of fighting it, he’s determined to make their final mission together the wildest ride possible.
FUN FUN AT THE BOARDWALK - Daniel works at the Santa Cruz boardwalk and knows for a fact it’s haunted. The giant stuffed animals have started to roam at night and recently, one tried to kill him. He has to round up a team to help him fight back but first, he has to make people believe him.
VIENNA - After being exposed to radiation from the sun an astronaut returns to earth to find that she is imbued with starlight. She’s recruited into an organization of mutants and tasked with rounding up others like her. But the more she uses her powers to render outside threats inert the more she risks burning out and turning herself into a black hole.
10 PERFECT DATES - Katherine Day’s website claims she can set up the most romantic date possible just for a small fee of $200. Rory, an investigative journalist, is determined to prove this offer a scam. So they buy 10 and ask Katherine to be the one to join them on these so-called ‘perfect’ dates. Rory thought this would be a disaster worth writing about, but the only problem is Katherine herself seems like the perfect person for Rory.
SOUL SEARCHING - A witch and her disembodied wife search for a body that can house the wife’s soul. The witch becomes a spiritual guide to people in comas, entering their minds and helping them through to the other side to open a space for the wife to have a body again.
CRITICALLY MISSED. After the death of David’s father he invites all of his childhood friends back to his childhood home for a reunion game of dungeons and dragons. When they start to fight they are interrupted as they are pulled into the game. The old friends are forced to fight off giant spiders, ogres, and long buried resentment. If they die in the game do they die in real life? And is an epic takedown worth risking your brother’s neck?
These ones don’t have titles yet so I’m just gonna give some comps so you get the vibe:
WES ANDERSON x THE HALF OF IT - Mindy’s life is going exactly how she wants. She has perfected her waffle recipe, a successful b&b, and no friends. But when her mom decides to get remarried Mindy is faced with the reality that the world goes on without her even when she constructs an eden for herself. So she enlists the help of a childhood friend to teach her how to deal with change.
STRANGER THINGS x PARANORMAN - Ryann drowned, and was resuscitated minutes after being declared dead. Now the kid sees ghosts: unmoving, unblinking figures staring at a singular location.  Ryann must discover why the spirits are back and what it is they want that’s in the Courthouse.
TOMB RAIDER x UNCHARTED - The Bloodright Chalice is the last unrecovered piece of known treasure, and Kel is determined to find it. With the help of a tagalong history nerd, she must fight off mercenaries, navigate perilous terrain, and withstand the draw of a magical artifact.
KICKASS x DAREDEVIL - Kimberly Price is trying to be the hero her powers deserve, but her moral ambiguity keeps leading her off track. Upon discovering an underground crime ring, Kim discovers her big break and that the mob boss, a mutant like her, can break any bone in her body with his mind.
INCEPTION x ARRIVAL - Dr. Parson has been having dreams recently of waking up next to a woman who he doesn’t know and she claims to be his wife. His new research partner on the particle accelerator is revealed to be the very same woman he’s been dreaming of since the beginning of the project.  He knows more about her than he should and it feels like an abuse of power, but he cannot help but fall in love, or rather stay in love. But how can he be honest when it would paint him as insane and ruin both his relationship with her and his plans for the project?
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losangelesvalorant · 5 years
interesting things from tactical crouch’s interview w toronto assistant coach/analyst barroi on 1/19
barroi talks about why the team failed last year, the atmosphere/coaching of the new team, beast and nevix and why he believes in them, and the meta. [link to the full podcast]
on why the team failed last year
team atmosphere was biggest problem which lead to stellar retiring, tried to "better" atmosphere by trading envy to shanghai. going mixed roster didnt improve atmosphere and it just spiraled
Said toronto was beating everyone in scrims in stage 1, barroi thought they were a 4th place team and just got unlucky w getting shock in playoffs. Emphasized this several times during the podcast
team wasnt built for atmosphere, "long-term sustainability," was built to perform well but exploded "sooner than expected" and they HAD to make changes which was where they made bad decisions and it spiraled.
biggest thing he learned was coaching was all abt psychology, keeping morale up, small things to do to keep everything working, learned its HUGELY important
last season toronto's structure wasnt as great as it is this year
barroi was part of the roster building, thinks building a roster the way they did will always fail
implied toronto scrimmed way way too much last year and burned everybody out
noted specifically that ivy was nervous onstage even in later games
on the new team’s atmosphere/chemistry:
new team made for morale and high team atmosphere, all personalities will mesh well. that was the most important thing and its been working insanely well. everyones not best friends but its working well. 
happy with the players and environment they have, thinks adding an extra element might disturb that not in current plans to add anyone else. they are thinking abt contingency plans tho, have plans in case of emergencies
some competitiveness in the roster, but not a high level. Doesnt like the idea of an a and b roster bc every day is a high pressure environment where the better squad will start
Toronto scrims 2 blocks a day 6 days a week. do 3 blocks sometimes but not every day. def lower than highest hours of scrims in the league since some teams do 3 blocks a day.
when asked if fefe drives the coaches/players differently responded with "YES." 
fefe is rly good at motivating people, rly knows how to "get to people." may not be the biggest brain but knows his stuff and knows how to create a good environment. "hell of a difference" compared to last season (sounds like drama w bishop to me!)
everyone in coaching staff has their own role, like a venn diagram, bc of how specific their structure is. everything is really efficient
there's never been any discipline things on toronto yet, theres rules for scrims but no ones broken any of them yet
doesnt think toronto is gonna be a top 5 team. thinks maintaining a top roster + taking team psychology into account is very difficult
its possible that toronto could hit a really high high, but its a low possibility
last season barroi was worried abt pressure on stage bc everyone was silent, atmosphere was different, is not at all worried now. thinks the team drives itself very well, points to kariv and beast as motivators and nevix and logix as people who will never perform bad under pressure
on beast and nevix
beast is a huge motivator and a really fun guy for the team, keeping the team atmosphere up. has a huge competitive drive, learns REALLY fast and takes any and all feedback. theyre putting more and more emphasis on beast's role and more responsiblities bc theyre really satisfied w how he performs and learns. thinks beast is a very good pick for them
people on roster were chosen for specific reasons, beast was chosen bc he's super competitive. 
beast is kind of person where having a backup mt would motivate him even more, he wouldnt shut down if he was benched he would fight for the starting spot
nevix is "not the best player in the world" (in response to reddit saying he is the best player in the world). has been a good asset to the team, goes to the coaches/teammates most w questions. rly wants to prove himself
on the meta
in scrims sometimes offtank plays orisa now since mt is playing something else
"2 big archetypes" everyone is running in scrims. poke and rush comps. rush is reaper/mei/orisa/rein/lucio moira/bap. poke is mei hanzo, dif flex sups, orisa, no lucio. variation within those comps but its only those 2. the comps play very differently despite having similar heroes bc of dif win conditions and styles. poke is map dependant, wins over rush when speedboost cant close gap fast enough. theres not a core meta comp thats as ridiculous as goats, tho rush is similar to goats. 
teams playing junk, widow, probably double sniper, more diverse than past but again 2 archetypes of comps. running one or the other is very team/style dependant, for instance shock is probably sticking to rush and nyxl is probably sticking to poke based on their histories. wont talk abt what toronto runs
dive is map dependant, not smth you want to do all the time bc the other two comps are very good, rush is a natural counter to dive. doesnt sound like hes scrimmed dive comps often. sees dive having a place and being good at times but thinks its very team and map dependant. map and team both have to be good for it for it to work. dive is not the third archetype. if you have a good sombra vs poke, dive could work but was kinda like /shrug
havent scrimmed any teams in asia, which makes sense
thinks this season is exciting bc of scrim bubbles, nobody knows whats happening on other regions. each bubble conforms to one thing, may be different may not be, one may be superior but nobodys gonna know til they play each other.
yiska thinks theres gonna be some wild meta diversity since some teams have long breaks and can afford to grind out new comps, also bc there will be patches
misc things i thought were worth including
theres a german player coming to owl who hasnt been announced
apparently not a lot of other teams have that kind of good structure. Also mentioned that toronto’s scrimming outlaws
yiska brought up the csgo(?) team moscow 5 as an example of how the best teams can crumble completely and become bad under the stress of travel
roky is the person who grinds ranked most on the team, nevix is 2nd
barroi thinks defiant will place better than 13 (in response to tactical crouch thinking theyll place 13th), things would have to go “seriously wrong” for them to place lower. Thinks theyll have a strong first half and is sure if they do that the 2nd half will be even better. Convinced theyll at least make playins
barroi thinks chengdu will do fairly well especially w the scrim bubbles. Thinks they’ll be one place below defiant maybe. 
difference between coaching completely mixed roster and a 1 language roster, dont have to put as much emphasis on making sure everyone understands each other. depends mainly on the philosophy of the head coach, which changed so its different. probably the same without the head coach factor tho
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