#i want to make my own minecraft mods so badly
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cosmicphenix · 1 year ago
Probably nobody cares but like- minecraft SMPs are kinda pog.
Seriously though, my hyperfixation has changed from tmnt to Qsmp, CHAOS life, empires smp, and hermitcraft.
This is also my evidence that I may be a adult, but I will never grow up.
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daily-grian · 1 year ago
Mod Owl, do you know if there's a list of all the currently active/updating daily doodle blogs that are mcyt/mcyt-adjacent?
YES! Or at least, kind of. I keep track of every daily MCYT (or adjacent) blog I come across! I need to update the list in our about/faq page, but I can throw my current list here:
Hermitcraft Solo:
Daily-Grian (You are here!)
Hermitcraft/Traffic Duos & Groups:
Hermitcraft-daily (tumblr wont let me link anymore)
Hermit NPCs or Other MCYT:
If you know about any others, feel free to let me know and I'll make a note of them!
Mod Owl also keeps lists of general tumblr askblogs and particularly Riordanverse/PJO askblogs, so if you ever also want a list of askblogs, feel free to ask. Or if you know of any askblogs - literally any - any fandom, could be your own, feel free to let Mod Owl know [here]. Not in the Daily-Grian inbox though that'd be too much. If you're sending Mod Owl other dailies that can go in the Daily-Grian inbox though, or just in the comments on this post.
Anyways [blows kiss to other mcyt daily blogs]
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cosmicredcadet · 6 months ago
Idk why I keep trying to play modded minecraft when over and over again I constantly struggle to even enjoy any modpacks I try. Like, as much as people love to say that mods can make a better minecraft update than minecraft, I find myself enjoying vanilla minecraft more than mods because EVEN on EASY most these mods are unbelievably unbalanced, difficult, and confusing. They don't tell you how to do anything in 99% of them if they do then good luck having your inventory full of books with useless information that don't teach you any of the basics. The "better biome" mods usually create biomes that I struggle to settle down in because majority of them are either normal hilly or just...it's just a lot of flat land you guys. There's usually no crazy interesting generation that makes me think "Oh! I want to live here!" fsr a lot of them feel like Plains biomes or forest biomes with different trees and flowers. Most these mods have no wikis and when they do have wikis it's stupid fandom wikis with barely any useful information so good luck finding out how to use an item or craft something if the JEI mod decides to break and not show you the crafting recipe! Not to mention most modpacks add over 200 mods per pack which is a nightmare to navigate!
I want to enjoy modded minecraft so badly because some mods seem really fun but I can't create my own modpack because why the fuck are majority of mods poorly optimized to the point you need optimization mods to avoid your memory and CPU killing itself. I cant turn off certain mods in modpacks without SOMETHING breaking because the modpack decided it was going to hardwire the use of every mod into itself. I can't play with just one mod because most mods now-a-days see made to be used in modpacks so they don't change a enough of minecraft to be fun on their own. I can't enjoy mods as a casual player because it feels like they are all made for hardcore players and it drives me insane because I WANT TO HAVE FUN!!! I WANT TO PLAY FUN MODS LIKE I USED TO!!! But majority of mods are not made for me and I have no idea how to fucking find the ones that are because the two most popular mod apps (Modrinth and CurseForge) are a struggle to look for modpacks on. I'm tired of being told that modded minecraft is so much better than vanilla and then not even being able to play half the modpacks because something broke and the game keeps crashing or lagging or it decides to crash my computer for some god forsaken reason (and yes i have a gaming computer so it quite literally cannot be me)
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90frogsinatrenchcoat · 2 years ago
Minecraft: A short Essay on Nostalgia
I'm writing this rather late at night so excuse any spelling errors (Sorry it's not in MLA format, I'm not back in school yet and need a break)
I often find myself scrolling online late at night, stuck in the rabbit hole of youtube shorts, wondering how in the world I'll be able to function the next morning. Many times, the only thing that puts me to sleep on those restless nights, are playlists of "nostalgic" minecraft music. Why is that? Why is the music considered "nostalgic" in the first place?
Nostalgia is defined as making one think of or long for a familiar or comforting time. When I first received Minecraft back in 2016, I was still a little kid. I was in fourth grade and was longing to know what all the fuss was about. I remember booting it up for the first time, my sister sitting eagerly next to me. We only had one controller, so we had to take turns. In true older sister fashion, I did not share as I was supposed to. Eventually, though, I learned to share the game and enjoy what my sister created. I found that I was a natural at this game, I learned all of the mechanics with ease. My sister was not so lucky, she still struggles to fight in the game to this day. We spent many nights playing Minecraft. My mother worked the night shift at her work, and my father was always working on schoolwork to get his second degree. This left me and my sister to eat our spagettio's and play minecraft all night. I remember one night in particular, playing the "Little Big Planet" Mash up pack for the PS4 Edition of the game. We knew that nothing we did would be saved, but oddly enough we liked it that way. I was usually a creative player and my sister liked survival, though she wasn't very good at it. When we did play on a saved world, we would build massive cities and marveled at our own architectural prowess (Or, more often, the prowess of those we watched on youtube). I still have these old worlds, I visit them from time to time. I used to entice my sister to play with me by telling her I would do whatever she wanted me to in the game. This usually ended badly. Still, there are many old save files titled, "E's the Boss". I was young and simple, a stable built out of pink wool was just fine for me.
As I work with my therapist to uncover certain things about my past, I remember the nights that I would spend playing this game, desperately avoiding my bed time. This game, this simple game comprised of blocks and some funny red powder, had become virtually the only escape I had from the harsh reality that attacked me every time I left that infinite green wasteland that was a superflat world. Long before the aquatic update or the remodeled horses, I was building houses to replicate my own, creating worlds to escape the one that so vehemently tortured me each day. I remember, on the days that we were aloud to have the sound on on the TV, I would always play my favorite music disc. It was the one simply titled C4-18. I have so many memories attached to the music that plays in this game. And the only reason those memories mean so much, is because that is how I coped. Gen-Z, the silent generation, the generation that inherited all of the problems that everyone else was to stubborn to settle, has been left to our own devices to find some way to be happy in a world that revolves around hate. And for many children, including me, that device just so happened to be digital. We found some sliver of hope in the notion that we could still shape out destinies. The thought that we could choose to survive, adventure, or create was so enticing that we put hundreds of hours into buildings and bases, maps and achievements. On the occasions that we couldn't play the game, we would watch others play it. Roleplay channels like Little Kelly and Little Carly, mod channels like Unspeakable and Moose, Pat and Jen, even DanTDM, shaped out childhood. Often these channels exposed us to more mature themes through contact with more mature channels, such as Markiplier, JackSepticEye, and Pewdiepie. Now, we're all grown up. Many of us are going to college, getting jobs, some are even starting families. And so are our heros. Dan is a father, and Felix will be too. Mat has a son and wife, Pat and Jen split up, Jack has Evelyn, Mark has Amy. As we matured, so did our heros. And what does it al come back to?
A simple video game based on mining blocks, and using them to craft different blocks. I guess, what I'm trying to say, is that the Minecraft soundtrack is so nostalgic, because it takes us back to a *bad* time. It reminds us of when everything was going downhill, and all we could do is watch and hope we didn't get hit when crap went flying. Minecraft, for many of us, was our first step into healing, our first step towards maturing, and our first step towards becoming our own people, all be it far to soon. Minecraft music makes us cry, makes us feel this deep nostalgic sadness, because we don't know if we'll be able to find that again. We're grown ups now.. there's no one else to guide us, and video games can only take us so far. How do we know what to trust, what to watch, what to smile and laugh at..
We don't. That's the unfortunate truth of nostalgia. We don't have that wonderful thing, that guide to help us through the tough times. Now we are the ones guiding, building, surviving.. In a weird way, Minecraft prepared an entire generation of struggling kids with a blueprint for life. It's as simple as this:
Start your Journey
Find someplace you like, and settle down there.
Go on adventures, make friends, learn new things, and never go into the dark without a light.
And if it all comes crashing down...
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10, 11, 26, 31 for the video game asks!
10. A console and/or handheld you’ve never played but would like to try
Idk if there are any consoles that I haven't tried that I want to, but I miss playing my gamecube tbh. Although the only game i'd ever play on it was Pokémon Colosseum.
11. Do you prefer ‘blank slate’ main characters you make yourself or otherwise project onto, or characters with a set personality and backstory?
I like a little story zest with my characters, but if my character is an asshole or is badly written then i'll definitely not enjoy the game as much so it's a double edged sword. Do it right or give me the blank slate.
26. Realism or stylized?
Does ANYONE prefer to play games that are close to realism? Unless it's minecraft with 400 shaders mods that create a new sun in the back of your pc when you load up the game. Style and flavour ftw
31. Someone has never played a video game before but is open to trying any genre. What game would you recommend as their first?
Pokémon X or Y tbh. Easy to get into, pretty to look at and the music SLAPS. Other than that maybe Ratchet and Clank because that was my first ever game to complete on my own, and the music etc still make me so happy.
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cyphyra · 2 years ago
i think im starting to see an odd trend in youtube videos of "I modded [insert game] so that my [parent] can beat it!" and out of curiosity i looked at them and just... it made me feel so bad for the parents that their own child thought they needed to dumb down the game so badly that it practically plays itself
like the first one i ever saw of the format was for Minecraft and that one at least makes sense cause it's a very open-ended game and most people aren't even gonna know there's a whole progression system/bosses, and iirc the creator even went so far as to be like "we need this to be simplified, but not so much that it gets boring, we still want the game to be engaging" which i think is the only time in any of this video trend where that's thought of. all the other ones feel kinda like "yeah lol my parent is dumb and old and not with it so let's make the game play itself and be boring" when the fact of the matter is that unless they never played games as a kid, they probably just played different games, and try to activate old muscle memory that's either totally gone or just doesn't work for the game they're trying to play now
want your parents to play and be good at a video game? give them a brief summary to pique their interest, maybe guiding them here or there, and just let them play the game. skill comes with time and while it may not end up immediate, eventually they'll get how things work and, you know, play and enjoy the game
sorry for the mini rant, it's 10 am and im half asleep, i should probably head off and go pass out
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salcreus · 4 years ago
Hermits Helping Hermits, and why it’s so brilliant
Excuse any grammar mistakes, it is very late and I am very tired as of writing this haha
First off, if you don’t know, there’s this new thing that the Hermits came up with called Hermits Helping Hermits- HHH for short as I like to call it.  Here’s twitch’s VOD of Ren’s POV if you want to get to know that better, instead of reading a badly written paragraph about it by yours truly. (This one is by far the one with the most interactions with it, but there are far more hermits involved in this event :) <3 Check their twitch streams and/or Youtube VODS channels for more of that chit-chatting spicy goodness)
But, if you don't want to sit through two and half hours of video footage (which honestly I don't blame you), the best resume that I can give of it is- actually very explicit in the name. It's just a bunch of hermits helping out another hermit with a certain task, something that is repetitive and would take that hermit absolutely aeons to get done with. It's a very small resume, but at the end of the day, that  /is/ the core of this "Event" of sorts.
Now that you got that out of the way, excuse me as I indulge in all of the details that make this simple concept fry up my brain with joy.
Collaboration. That's a word that we thrive for and love whenever a new stream or episode comes out, it brings out the best of all hermits involved while combining their skills and humour (which I'll touch upon in a bit). It's just overall a bomb fest of creativity and oh boy do we eat that shit up whenever we can (If you need any more proof of the fandom's love for collaborative works, check out the poles our beloved miners and crafters have done to us, audience, asking about which content we prefer. Really. It's absurd how much collabs destroy the other options of the polls).
And honestly... HHH is exactly all we have ever wanted in terms of interactions between hermits. You have a bunch of buzzing bees that are together, in this calm environment, doing tasks that don't quite require that much brainpower, and you got yourself this podcast-Esque vibe going on that just works wonderfully with the stream format that they have going on- And that's not even mentioning the use of the voice chat mod! The way that they don't have to just jumble about in VCs, and can just fly away to talk, promotes this easier way of being part of the action (In this first stream we could see hermits just showing up midway through, or leaving, which, unlike having to click away from Minecraft and onto Discord and switch VCs and all of this tedious process- It doesn't feel forced. It's organic, and they are the ones that have the power to do whatever they want.)
(Also quick note not to ever pressure the content creators into talking or joining in yada yada don't be a prick about it <3 They are human beings too, not your personal TV show)
Humour. (Told you that we were going to talk about this) ...Actually, I'm lying, this is more to analyze their interactions and tie with the thing that I talked about above, but I don't actually want to make two separate tabs for this text so like ehhhh- Okay okay so. We all know that putting different types of personalities into a room is bound to give some good shenanigans, we all know that show and tale, so I am not going to re-tell it (Unless someone someday wants me to write about that which I doubt because I'd be a massive nerd about it). No, I want to focus more on the environment itself and how /that/ is one of the tricks on how their conversations turn into this amalgamation of chiller, more daring topics.
Now, by more daring topics, I don't mean that they are going to start cursing out their viewers, but it overall feels like we get to retire a bit from the Minecraft Funny Persona, and focus more on the humans being behind it. Of course, their personal lives are none of our business, but it's nice to see them acting like the nerdy adults that they are- Which I feel is a bit forgotten in this fandom, yknow?  The fact that they, too, are absolutely silly and would laugh at 69 jokes as much as we do (season 5 chatting my beloved). This chill, lowkey profile induced by the conditions I talked about above impacts their humour, and thus, their way of interacting in this free for all space where they can just vibe!
Also, I cannot mention this ^ without congratulating Rendog for his way of giving everyone their own moment on the spotlight. If it hasn't been clear before by the Hermitcraft panel at Minecon a few years ago (which he was the host of :) <3), Ren is bloody AMAZING at sparking conversation, and overall debate managing; I blame his cockiness and his lack of shame, but who am I to judge. The way that he managed the tasks given, and was able to put everyone on track when the train was moving away from the action, really shows his skills when it comes to entertaining an audience. I am NOT going to forgive him for the pee talk though, hate the furry </3 /j
Creativity! This is just a small thing that I catched on when I was watching, but I really liked how Bdubs was giving tips on how to make the spikes on the biome pop up more (by the use of walls, stairs, slabs). It wasn't something that was really the centre of attention in this "episode" of HHH, but I appreciate the possibilities that this gives in terms of hermits learning as they work together on something, the sentiment of giving tips and tricks as to how to make something pop up, or how to improve on a certain detail- Another moment involving this was when Xisuma was talking about that lava cast shemanty machinery that I am far too dumb to talk about but you know what, he sure was saying words and I am sure they are very useful. The collaborative process of coming up with ideas and solutions is one that always fascinates me (Maybe that's why the mayoral building is my favourite one of the season so far) and I cannot wait to see what else they can bring to the table, even if it's small.
If this hasn’t convinced you yet I don’t know what it will, but, to be fair, I'm just someone that is Far Too Excited about HHH :pensive_emote: But to wrap things up very badly because I am awful at closing statements, the hermits look like they are having fun with it, which is what matters at the end of the day! They are all kind, wonderful individuals that treat us far too good, and this is not exception. Can't wait to see what they are going to do next, and how this event series is going to develop :) <3
(I was also going to go more on topic about the interactions that happened and jokes, but honestly I think that's a side document for another day dsjffsdmf;;)
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libraryofmemories · 4 years ago
CC!Ranboo x Ender Pronouns!Reader
Pronouns: En / Ender
Type: Platonic / Fluff
Warnings: None
Mod: QP
When you first told him about your new Set of Neopronouns, he was honestly a bit surprised. Not in a bad way, though!
Ranboo was more curious on your Pronouns because he hasn‘t really heard of Neopronouns before, but god, he didn‘t hesitate to research and ask you about it more. He wanted to learn more because then he could support you better!:D
The two of you were sitting in a Call like usual, mostly just chatting or building in a shared Survival Minecraft World. You literally both named it just „Vibe Corner“.
During that Call, you thought about maybe talking to Ranboo about wanting to use a new Set of Neopronouns, which you had stumbled over a few Days ago and felt so drawn to.
So, you did.
„Ranboo?“, you spoke up after a little silence. He responded with a quick „What‘s up?“, before going quiet again to listen to whatever you wanted to say. You on the other Hand were a bit nervous to tell him, but did it anyway after a few Moments: „I kinda want to try out En / Ender Pronouns..“
For a few Seconds, Ranboo found himself being quiet as he thinks about what you said, making you a bit nervous. You almost immediately thought about what if he didn‘t support Neopronouns? Or thought they were weird? Or-
„Oh! Those sound so cool! How do I use them for you? Can you tell me more?“, and you could definitely hear the smile in his Voice.
He also absolutely loves your Pronouns and uses them as much as possible. Whenever he talks on Stream about you, he will afterwards ask you if he used the Pronouns right
Probably has been tempted to ask if he can use the En / Ender Pronouns for his Character as well but shied away most likely because he didn‘t want to somehow be offensive
If you also go by other Pronouns of course, he will still use the other ones, but Neopronouns go <3
Ranboo finds himself looking up Neopronouns more often when he has nothing else to do, just reading up and learning more about them
Generally, you can see how supportive Ranboo is with your En / Ender Pronouns!! Especially in random Tweets when he mentions you
Ranbalt just tweeted:
I just wanted to say that @ U/N is amazing and I appreciate having ender as my Friend! En is genuinely such an fantastic Person :D
Also definitely finds himself helping to educate other People if he ever can, of course with your help!! He doesn‘t want to say anything wrong <3
This happened once during a Stream and he got a Donation asking about you and your Pronouns, so he casually pulled you into the Stream, to make sure Things are right
When it first happened, he was just chilling on the Dream SMP and mostly talking to Chat. Just answering some Questions, doing some Bits while a few other SMP Members joined and left on occasion.
Until well, the one Donation came up.
KassieExiztz1 donated 5$!
[ Hello Ranboo! Can I ask what En / Ender Pronouns are? I saw that in your Tweet and was curious! / gen ]
He had to keep his excitement lowkey hidden but also couldn‘t help himself and be a bit nervous about it. „Alright Chat! I‘m not someone who uses Neopronouns myself but as you know, my Friend Y/N does, so let‘s get ender in here!“, he announced and watched his Chat with a smile, as they just as well started to mostly get excited.
Chat always loved your and Ranboo‘s Interactions, so how could they not?
You were confused on why he would want you to join a Call with him while he is streaming, but then again, there was no reason to not join either, so you did.
„Hey Y/N! I hope I didn’t interrupt you with anything!“, Ranboo made sure to mention and quickly asked if you had some Time on your Hands. You didn‘t mind and were a bit bored anyway, soothing his sorry about it: „Eh, it‘s all good! Was a bit bored either way, so what‘s up?“
Once he explained why he wanted to so quickly get into a Call with you, you wanted to panic so badly. You, being asked to explain Neopronouns generally and your own to it as well in front of such a big Viewercount- in front of Ranboo‘s Community.
Oh god-
But luckily, you did pretty well!:D
Chat will try and have Ranboo get you on Stream more often, they need more Interaction from you.
They also might or might not make you into an Headcanon Character of the Dream SMP. They adore your En / Ender Pronouns just as much as Ranboo does and headcanon that you could be some kind of Ender Royalty from the End.
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oasisofgalaxies · 4 years ago
Well. Tomorrow the Hellbox server discord will be closed. Some channels will remain active but others will be locked and preserved. The server will stay but but there is world files available to download to any who wish to have it for single player usage. Please DM me if you want a copy.
To anyone who played or enjoyed the content on tumblr or the server, thank you. I hope this is for the best and I hope you have safe travels to wherever you may go. Stay safe 💙💙💙
As one of the mods there is a statement below the read more which will be me being honest for once.
Ok, so this will be a lot less official than whatever that was. So currently I am wrapped up in blankets. It’s 9:42pm on Wednesday evening. I don’t know why I put this here, maybe as a reminder or something- I don’t know.
Alright, I’d like to start off by saying that I am in no way trying to make this a pity party. If it does at any point I am sorry. Also forgive any typos I have big thumbs.
So first off, I take full accountability for how messy the Hellbox discord got. In no way was it acceptable and OK for it to have gotten that bad. I did not do my job as a mod correctly nor was I fit or ready for the position. I favored a quick and easy solution over actual confrontation because I was scared. I didn’t do my job and that resulted in many people being hurt. This sounds like a youtuber’s half hearted apology but please bear with me.
My mistakes caused a lot of damage emotionally and for that I am so, so sorry. Its hard to convey over text but I truly am. I’m sorry to everyone who got hurt by my ignorance. I was unable to correctly enforce or moderate the discord which caused a lot of harm. It’s such a shitty thing to have happen and from a Minecraft server of all things.
I do take full accountability for this. I made mistakes and I recognize that. I am young, but not a kid. I should have recognized and acted and really tried to be a good mod. I was not.
To be honest I never expected it to get bad. It was originally going to be a silly server but it got lore. And more people, a lot of people. It was fine for a bit and then things just… Started to crumble. I was unprepared for this and through me not being prepared or… I forget the word- Either way it ended badly.
Again, to anyone who has left, is leaving, or is thinking about it. I’m sorry. I should have been a better mod and I should have cultivated a better experience for you. It was supposed to be my job but I ended up with an imploding server and a bitter taste in my mouth.
But I would also like to thank anyone who has spoke up about their feelings towards the situation, the mods, or anything. Either on the discord or here. I appreciate your honest no matter how brutal. It was needed and I needed to hear it.
I should end this up, it’s getting long. Well. I’m not sure how I’ll think of this tomorrow or anything. Its late after all. I just wanted to put.. I don’t know, something out there. I really am sorry it had to end like this. It sucks. But I hope things get better from here.
I definitely learned an important lesson and I won’t be modding any big server for a long time. Not even just that I’m a bad mod, but I learned that forsaking confrontation and solutions for peace is a shitty way to run a server. And that I should really be better at reading my own rules. But again, I am sorry. I hope that whatever you do next is fulfilling and enjoyable. I hope it’s good and fun and just- I hope you find something happy.
Once again I’m sorry. I hope it’ll be better. At some point. Anyways, goodnight Hellbox. I hope you have a good one.
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scruffyssketchbook · 4 years ago
I've been really inactive lately, so I'll try to get this posted.
I noticed something that might classify as a plot hole. The PC system add-on that allows pokemon to get injured.
For starters, we never get an explanation for why this add-on was added in the first place. Supposedly, Vay was loopy from his "karp krakers", and put the add-on into the PC without thinking.
Also, we never get an explanation as to how this add-on works. Or, more accurately, how the PC works. Does the PC normally prevent the eevees from feeling pain and being injured at all? For example, even if Blizz tried his hardest, punching someone would be like punching a brick wall for an average person. Or, does the PC simply heal any major injuries the eevees take on? Or is it somewhere in between?
I know that, from the perspective that this is a comic that needs drama, having the add-on allows characters to hurt each other. (See Jed and Shane.) But, from an in comic perspective, this makes no sense.
Secondly, even if we did have a good explanation for how the add-on came to be, why didn't the trainer just get rid of it. And I don't want the explanation that she's stupid. She is 16, she knows how to work a computer. Even if she didn't, she could force Vay to do it, or get Bede (The person who runs the PC system in Sinho) to do it. I also don't want the explanation that she is negligent. She is, but she took the time to look into it after Harmony got hurt. I doubt she would just turn around and do nothing after learning about the add-on.
I may be missing context here, as there is one comic page that I can't access, the page 100 variation on patreon. Maybe there's an explanation in there, but I wouldn't know.
Thirdly, even if we ignore the trainer, what about Dusk? We already know that he has tried to get Blizz to work with him in stopping Icedrop and Greenpaw from fighting. Not to beat around the bush, Greenpaw does bully Icedrop, they just do it in a more covert, mental, and emotional way than Icedrop bullies Greenpaw.
However, Blizz refuses to help, partially because both Dusk and Blizz are petty. If Dusk genuinely wants to stop Icedrop, why not just get rid of the add-on? We know Dusk can manipulate electronics, so why not just delete the add-on, either from within the PC, or sneakily from outside it? Furthermore, Dusk is not stupid. He knows that Vay added the add-on, or at least could figure that out. He and Vay are also in good relations, so why doesn't he, or hasn't he, asked Vay to get rid of the add-on?
The explanation of "Dusk is just a jerk" does not work. Dusk can be a jerk, but everything he does he does for a reason. Most of him being a jerk comes from him being egotistical, narcissistic, and thinking he knows what's best for everyone even when he doesn't.
The only explanation that works is that he doesn't get rid of the add-on due to the fact it would put Daisy and the other hospital vees out of a job.
Last, but certainly not least, is the fact that pokemon other than eevee exist in the trainer's PC. We even get to see one of the other boxes. My point here is that the other pokemon would notice something wrong eventually. Best case senario, they notice due to realizing they can feel pain. Worst, they notice due to a major injury not being healed by the PC.
Those pokemon would want to know what happened. Amusing they either are told the truth or find out on their own, why wouldn't they ask Vay to take off the add-on. If Dusk (since he is the only one I can think of who would try to spin a story) told them a lie, then would every pokemon in the entire PC believe him. Charm and smooth words can only go so far.
I have two extra questions I thought up while writing this.
Bonus question 1: How did the trainer know that Harmony was injured? Did vay tell her? She check the pokemon's health in the PC often (both stat, and convential health)?
Bonus 2: If we know pokemon can learn to read and write, then why have none of the pokemon other than Vay tried to communicate with their trainer. What is the point of using Vay as a translator, when the pokemon could just write to the trianer? Do they just want to hide how much they know?
On top of that, if pokemon can learn to use computers, what's stooping them from just using text to speech, completely circumventing Vay all together.
bonus 3: Do the pokemon age in the PC? We know Eve is around two years old, so is she physically still a newborn, or has she physically grown?
q1: What are the specifics of how the damage allowing add-on was put into the PC?
q2: How does this add-on, and the PC system's healing ability, work?
q3: Why didn't their trainer take the add-on off the PC?
q4: Why didn't Dusk take the add-on off the PC?
q5: Why didn't any of the other pokemon in the PC take off the add-on?
bq1: How did the trainer know that Harmony was injured?
bq2: Why don't we ever see pokemon that know how to write communicate with the trainer?
bq3: Do the pokemon physically age in the PC?
Author chan: Over here asking the important questions! Alright! I can explain!
The mod basically prevents pokemon from healing without outside means like things that can heal a pokemon, Potions, full heals, antidotes, etc etc. This is why it's called the Damage keeper mod.
Normally in the PC, pokemon can feel pain, but they will quickly heal overtime, but with the mod, it just stops this function all together. Usually in the world, it's used with the "No heal on Entrance" mod for trainers who participate in Nuzlocke challenges.
Vay inputted the Damage keeper mod into the PC for one reason, and one reason only. No, he wasn't loopy, He knew what he was doing, and added it on purpose. It was a pretty selfish decision all in all, but I can't say the reason why. It's vaguely hinted to tho. Yes! It makes no sense to have a mod like that inputted in universe. Literally no other character would ever put in this mod into the if given the chance! But, Vay put it in for a specific purpose. Said purpose was actually shown in "Battle scars". Now. Why would Vay do this? Why would he input a mod that makes all pokemon to keep the damage they receive in the box?
Well. He simply only thinks of himself. He didn't think or care about the effect the mod would have on the other pokemon in the PC, just how he could use it to do what he wanted to do. And yes. Vay is a jerk. He's my least favorite main for a reason, you know.
Next up!
As said in comic 200c, Mods are very hard to take off. Why? Well. We are dealing with actual creatures. One wrong move and hundreds of them will get corrupted and essentially die. This isn't like Minecraft, despite me comparing the PC to a minecraft server for explaining how it works to others. Since this mod affects the pokemon directly, its harder to remove because it’s just a big risk for the pokemon. This is also why Dusk cant just remove it. It is too big of a risk to all the pokemon in the PC, which there are over 1000 of at this point. Healing items and free hospitals are a temporary fix.
Also! Blizz does try to help with the bullying, as seen with comic #302, where he states "It's a misunderstanding" followed by text covered by Bolt talking/ignoring him saying "I saw a greenpaw eevee being bullied by Mike and Tike and-" Which, we see on page #298 Tike was the eevee he was punishing.
Lastly! Why don't the other pokemon notice. Well, The few who have been in a PC before do, but most of the pokemon were wild pokemon before they appeared in the PC, so they don’t know how a normal PC feels like. And ofc, how would a pokemon know who to ask about why the PC works the way it does? Mods are common in the world, cause trainers like to give PC pokemon things to do while rotting away. This is actually going to be talked about with Eevui, the new Eevee the trainer obtained via wondertrading. He was in a normal PC before he was traded, so he'd notice the difference, and will comment on it. Funny thing, I have a comic about him trying to describe the PC to pokemon who never been in one before before he goes in the trainer's pc, and it looks completely different from OUR PC box.
Bonus Questions!!
Harmony was brought out of the PC, to the pokemon center, and a nurse Joy informed her that her pokemon was badly injured.
Bro, you so right. I realized this last year and was like "omg" until I remembered that- Pokemon language is different from human language. Ofc, there are pokemon who can read human language in the world, but pokemon and human stuff are different. And in the PC, things are translated into pokemon if not already in pokemon. This does mean pokemon can write to the trainer and it can get translated, but Vay is just an easier method of translation, especially for pokemon who have a harder time reading, writing, and typing (also there are different pokemon languages as well so oof) then like. Not every pokemon knows how to read and write. It’s a privlage usually given only to few captive pokemon. Wild pokemon learning how to read/write in their own language is VERY RARE, especially due to the lack of materials. And the only civilized boxes in the PC are box 1, 2, and 3, so only pokemon living in those boxes have a reason to learn how to read, and resources to learn.
Pokemon are born the height that they stay at all their life, unless they evolve. (Or are Nego. The little weirdo) This is to mimic how it is in pokemon games. So, no. Pokemon don't physically grow. They DO mentally age however. Pokemon tend to age mentally at different rates, so for example, a newborn who is immediately thrusted into situations not meant for a baby (ie, breeding, battling, contests) will mentally age faster than someone (like Eve) Who has stayed in the PC all their life. Nego and Eve are about the same age (Nego being 6 months older) Yet, Nego acts like an infant while Eve does not. This is because Nego ages physically and mentally like a human, while Eve ages quicker mentally, like pokemon do. This also tends to mean that when a pokemon is born doesn't matter much, as they can mentally be ahead or behind.
I hope these answered your questions!! I like talking about SSEC world building! (Its just that I never have the chance to talk about it in detail QuQ)
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yogpetshame · 4 years ago
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That link
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This link
So, to make a very very long story short - Taiga is a very small streamer with an average audience size of less than 300 (phrasing it like that is a kick in the teeth and I’ll explain why in a moment) who has been streaming very recently with Duncan and Pedguin. 
He has a ‘little’ fetish and collects shota porn. He claims to not be a pedophile but the distinction between that and admitting to being a ‘little’ and collecting porn of anime children is pretty much lost on me. He says it’s not important because he only commissioned shota “3 years ago,” as though 2018 was a different time where watersports involving children younger than five was commonplace.
I don’t find any particularly strong evidence that he’s a racist, that seems to hinge entirely on one screenshot, which Taiga says isn’t real, where he seems to be calling a guy of unknown race the n-word. So he’s more edgy and offensive than racist, technically.
Anyway that’s it for the explanation of why he’s par for the Yogscast, he’s a garbage person. But the part of it’s that’s really entertaining is the extra doc on egocentrism. Mainly because, like most things the Yogscast have breathed on, this breaks new ground and pioneers a whole new world of being toxic on Twitch. I wouldn’t really like going on and on about Taiga except for that I was expecting Twitch’s whole system to incentivize streamers to begin behaving in the way you are about to see and this was the first time I’ve actually seen it laid out.
First thing: moderators as analysts.
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“In the above screencap a mod is informing Taiga about viewer statistics after the stream... For additional context, Taiga created his own special terminology to refer to viewer count ranges: (Okay <=300, Good >=300, Great >=360).”
I think ideally a moderator is just a good representative from your community. A streamer shouldn’t ask them to do much more than they were already doing without the title. Be a beacon for chat, smother arguments. No homework. And if your moderators quit watching one day, no hard feelings, they weren’t being paid in the first place.
Asking for a post-stream debrief and audience analysis and then berating them for it is megalomania. Why’s light green even doing this, just because Taiga asked? It’s pulling a favor out of whatever parasocial relationship light green feels as a moderator.
The only place you could justifiably place the blame of viewership on is Taiga. If Taiga streams Minecraft and people don’t like it and tune out, it was his call and it’ll be his responsibility to learn from it. There’s nothing in the world the moderators could do to make a more significant impact on Taiga’s viewership than Taiga himself... but of course in the next section he imagines they have more influence than they do.
Taiga makes his ongoing struggles with viewership the burden of his moderators instead of just himself, essentially turning them into a team of struggling Girl Scouts with increasingly stale cookies. If you like Taiga, then sell Taiga. Why is Taiga doing badly, do you not like Taiga enough to want him to succeed? I thought you liked Taiga, why are you a moderator if you can’t even help him do well?
This is, I think, one of the extreme conclusions of volunteer moderating. I think it’s very fortunate if someone is able to find a team of moderators that are willing to show up all the time, and are able to serve as good role models for the chat, but when they’re forced to prove themselves as fans and take responsibility for the income of the streamer himself, they aren’t immediately going to say no because, hey, they like the stream. But it won’t last.
It’s like scraping juice out of the skin of a lemon once all the parasocial juice is drained. Your mods will give you the juice they have. How much more do you expect them to give?
Second thing: community cannibalization
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If a streamer has a discord, it’s just a lounge. It’s a place where people are talking. It’s good to have a community because it will encourage long term engagement but it doesn’t mandate it. It creates a place where people may make advertising materials for you on a whim, or turn up some community talent that can fit a particular need.
It is not, to bring back the fans-as-lemons analogy (guess what I’m drinking), an enormous rinding machine for forcing people to show up to your stream when they are out of juice and don’t want to. Parasocial relationships can make people do silly shit, but they’re not mind control. These folks show up to hang out, not to be fettered and forced into supporting Taiga whenever he’s live.
And the logical conclusion of a streamer who has streamed for any length of time, or who is reaching a downturn in viewership, is that the Discord’s affiliation with the streamer will always become looser over time. The habit of watching the stream will be lost because he’s not funny anymore or because the fan doesn’t have time to join anymore, but the Discord habit remains. All that can really be done to mitigate this distancing effect is to keep making good streams that might recapture the people who have gone inactive one day.
Or, you can do like Taiga, and go insane. Which is something I was also expecting to see streamers start to do as their Discords age.
Think of it this way. Taiga is live with Minecraft, meanwhile ten people who have begun to watch him less consistently are watching someone else stream Resident Evil in his Discord. He has two options:
1) Stream Resident Evil tomorrow. Advertise this heavily in the Discord. Potentially recapture the folks whose attention he was losing and leave those who aren’t brought back on the wagon to go about their business.
2) Ban all ten of them. None of them rejoin his stream because they think he’s weird and toxic. He streams Minecraft again tomorrow and more people leave because they want to watch Resident Evil.
There are literally no advantages to 2, besides the imagined “stop the outflow of viewers from my stream to Discord,” which is completely unsubstantiated.
But yeah. I think we’re reaching the sunset years for a lot of people who wanted to make it big on Twitch, and we’re going to see some interesting, toxic behaviors as people try to force a second wind that won’t come.
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clickers-bloaters-blog · 8 years ago
Code Unturned
We might undertake-up this unscored check out by using a remaining, scored check out at a later date. If you ever didn't offer the persistence for dayz's drip-provide for of perks, this can elegance, nonetheless it does make stumbling along a pistol come to feel a lot less one of a kind. There is not any building the best path throughout the game's lessened producing figures. |If it becomes its claws inside your heart and soul might possibly finish up paying that $5, until then my purse is excess solidly within my to return budget. I For that reason it turned out entertainment, in my opinion i would get bored before long (possessed the identical complications with dayz and yet i really hope i'm qualified to follow it) really i think this check out is amazingly badly prepared..to see the facts. ideas that will allow web hosting service, utilisation about the web server record as well as other well put together has. The crowd has anxiously patiently waited ages for just about any developer ready to seize that dilemma, rather about the millionaire conglomerate, they identified an hands on 19-yrs . old youngster. Considering that time this has been delivered electronically 24 thousand situations-it at present has about as different proprietors as countertop-hit global offensive, so that it is, most efficient as you can know, the 3rd-most-owned armor bot on heavy steam. “just because evening hours i veteran virtually every pistol, added attachment guidelines and also |“for becomes older all people may be asking for choppers and motorboats as well as other method of travel which i needed be sure to explained ‘yeah could be, we will The heavy steam community forums are specially cute a seashore of young children tossing out super-particular type of tips like more effectively doorstep animation and, um, a spook-alerting airhorn. “i am astonished nelson places a record of such type of deafening readers and generally seems to continually use extra features this town likes. The very long-phrase goal in mind is with an event in which a participant can do anything, until then it’s fantastic to recognise that there is a person listening additionally surface texture. Sexton created a share throughout the subreddit on the lookout for tips, and christopher replied by using a mockup he sent to imgur. It is ensnared because unlimited enhancement never-ending cycle that identifies There might possibly go day after day when sexton is definitely a impression unhappy and also buyout selection is simply ample. |There’s next to nothing suddenly lost in interpretation. Although the leader dev is the one other subordinate about the enterprise he's hired by. I was literally inquiring who he or she is, and thus i rang him up. Could you correct my laptop or computer?’” i see him as part of the very same new influx about the programmers that i published about the other day, anyone who’ve designed with roblox, minecraft and dayz, and noticed them simply being manufactured all round them as they have done and built in spin. Dying might possibly write substantial pools of vibrant green blood stream, but it’s yet still quick and unforgiving. Actually i think so dangerous pertaining to this as he possessed numerous feed-back and explained, ‘i suspect what's there is visually relatively ensuring, to see the facts,’ which i integrated that throughout the put away website since i have only consented to be so fired up that he’d say anything relating to this. Beginning in sept . 2012, at fifteen yrs . old, he attained deadzone, a form of dayz. “it was like novice solutions into unity, which i merely thought i possibly could build a content of deadzone in unity, and yet i needed no idea about the pieces i had been working at. “i expend considerably time concentrating on it, and Safezone Generator Unturned’s neighbourhood appears relatively pleasant |- after they consult with me. “there are these charts which are most likely a lot better than my standard charts, and lots of anyone seem to concur,” he suggests, happily. I question what sexton is knowledgeable about in regards to the sandbox zombie survival armor bot in the recent years, so the angle talks amounts concerning how just he’s accidentally end up being a wrangler with the assorted anticipations men and women have for any style of music. Whenever you prefer a armor bot which includes numerous zombies inside the locale all simultaneously, but aside from that want manageable bottom-building… could be anybody makes a armor bot that integrates these things together nicely, but…” could be he’ll serve as normally the one to truly permit it to be. It is extraordinary to ascertain the purpose of “gamemakers” right away and just what he is working at now in unity is rather excellent. I am just dipping my toes into armor bot enhancement now, which will probably be remarkably supporting read. The tidy, straightforward sharp graphics and armor bot create judgements dispose of most of the detritus and helps you to obviously practice your own personal idealized shape of the surv-ombie style of music. Absolutely, the boxy zombies of Safezone Generator Unturned are positively cute. |Figure creating in Safezone Generator Unturned isn’t just sturdy right away, however the pair of remedies it’s effortless make an ample representation of ways i’d definitely seem throughout a zombie apocalypse: stark undressed which also has a panicky grin plastered in my little encounter. On my small little eighth or 9th everyday life, i fulfill these people with anything at all of big use: a sledgehammer. Just in the open air city, coupled a dirt path, i robotically slice decreased a tree, assemble the logs, enter in the developing pane, implement the axe aided by the logs, spin the logs into panels, spin it's into panels, spin the panels straight into a foundation. Mj��r? Nah. Props for ones! Do you not mean… propz for ones? “starting the game undressed, and yet, will mean that you merely have five slots to handle every aspect loot.” i truly do not wanna know. Now, it can feel remarkably derivative at this point. Toodle-accidental injury security out of date chum ) in my opinion he suggested it sensed like once and for all mainly because the 4g apple iphone whats up mankind, nobody’s driving people to obviously surf the feedback. |I noticed some points appearance remarkably youngster-fashioned - my most usual products are any juice, orange fruit juice, and whole milk. I aside from that literally valued the crysis-vogue weapon amendment screen. I recorded right into declare that i valued the caddyshack laugh inside the snap shots. occasion, we'd to trawl thru messageboards - uphill both in recommendations - to get new armor tools we’d by no means heard of in the past. In fact, the game has theoretically been on hand taking into consideration that even sooner than that, as Safezone Generator Unturned going as being a lua-scripted mod often called deadzone manufactured within roblox, a sandbox user-created mmo geared towards young people. Nevertheless it might possibly imply that it’s worthy of investigating, and completely free-to-participate in implies that it’s at the least simple to get set about. If you ever take a peek at their heavy steam website, there is a overview about the pieces our planet appears to be thru enhancement levels. If you ever denote it’s a method that you simply really imagine boys and girls would like…. An item notifies me this will certainly land up the wasteland whereby most of the tweenage runoff from notch’s pounding inside the cover-to-acquire minecraft machines will congeal. It peaks at greater than 38,000 online players, and possesses an average concurrent number of 28,000. |‘kids may be the toughest critics’ The youngster-hefty inhabitants of Safezone Generator Unturned’s machines primarily became to grow visible at my encounter after i contacted The small one particular by factor to consider was eyeing me a record of a rifle, which manufactured a form of crazy incongruity. Blizzard crosses that set commonly. Happily, since my captor is a trick boy or girl and never a disorder-trained prison protect, he kept the doorway into the cell phone on hand. assault rifle, and thus information finished with numerous ketchup splattered along a hillside. For virtually any survival armor bot there is a woeful inadequate loot, that is certainly simply speaking losing out on the aim of the style of music, as well as being a preliminary-type solution to starvation. blizzard does, perpetually. Absolutely, it's quite simply a duplicate of variety of armor tools on the other hand its damn very well-designed with all the current inclusion of npc's and up-dates enhancing them i only say this video game has not yet came to it summit before. |the game. There are many communities to recognise a lot more about: there are actually army bases, air terminals, tutorials, campgrounds and many other places. Safezone Generator Unturned is known as a son of dayz minecraft. Safezone Generator Unturned is known as a definitely certainly one of citizens dayz encouraged armor tools aided by the neighbourhood contacting it "a dayz minecraft vogue armor bot" which we rarely get currently. It have benefits and drawbacks advantages of three. Trip 2015 now my nephew gained prison designer, kerbal location product, and Safezone Generator Unturned in my little profile, which he chosen his profits to obtain kerbal location product and prison archietect. It's quite simply dayz with blocky minecraft sharp graphics for individuals who not have the cash to invest in the specific dayz. Safezone Generator Unturned integrates the scavenging survival armor bot participate in |These are generally simple to sneak but but become deadly in substantial amounts. Progressing up application - eradicating zombies rewards encounter you can use to increase survival attributes. The solo-participant, and yet, can survive in their own tempo inside the solo-participant manner. Jumping internal and outer your own home windows xp, i controlled to get the weapon i'd use to But nevertheless, best suited-visiting also benefits endurance. When parkour is in their utmost you are able to hop around fences a informative capability for dramatically using aside zombie hordes. Whenever damaged, shrubs bid farewell into a logs and stays. So be suspicious of just about anyone by using a pistol out. I spawned inside the very same website to be the 2nd participant. |I struggled to get any extraordinary tools on a pvp web server but undergoing the road map compensated away from. requiring you to spend the money for 5 dollars doesn't similar a cover-to-acquire methodology, mainly because the pros are isolated.
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