#i want to hang out and chat w people online
gingerjolover · 8 months
recently been thinking about how funny it would be if the soft!gfs teamed up and made one of those tiktoks that's like "we're [blank], of course we..." and the first thing is "we're munagenius gfs, of course all of our partners have kissed on stage"
stop i looooooove this
i love asks like this bc this is sooo soft!gf coded (obvi don't have to be soft or be gf, its a lifestyle) anything in this same like social media vein is so fun to write (and talk to my friends about bc they help me)
"We're munagenius's gfs..."
ofc all of our partners have kissed on stage
ofc we have silly t-shirts made and wear them unironically
ofc we all hang out while our partners are on tour
ofc we share a google calendar
ofc we've met taylor swift
ofc we've cosplayed as our partners and recorded a silk chiffon cover
ofc we listen to our partners music
ofc people think we're unemployed
ofc we watch edits of our partners on tik tok
ofc we get free tickets and backstage passes to shows
ofc our pets have fan accounts on instagram
ofc we screenshot unhinged thirst comments
ofc we have a group chat
ofc we talk shit in said group chat
ofc we know the art of a mysterious photo dump
ofc we aren't media trained
ofc we have all of our favorite products in travel sizes
ofc we have to share our partners with teenagers and strangers online
ofc we all want to be on gayotic
ofc we "salt in the wound", "silk chiffon", and "crying on the bathroom floor" backstage together
ofc when we post on social media the first comment is "where's __?"
ofc we all have matching shirts that say "number one fan"
and matching underwear that says "rockstars only"
ofc we never get tired of saying "I'm with the band"
ofc we are amazing plus ones
ofc we are there to distract during photo shoots
ofc we have tons of bts that the world will never see
ofc we feel very lucky and in love (this is said with sarcastic disdain)
my babies @ever-siince-new-york, @boywithpinkcarnation, and @whore4munagenius helped me w this and i love them and their brains a lot
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AITA for still having a grudge against someone after they left for a stupidly long time?
^ so I can find it later
Me and a group of very close friends have a discord server where we chat and hang out frequently. I would say it’s past the level of normal online friends and is solidly in found family levels. We all respect eachother there, and while on a blue moon we have disagreements, it all gets resolved really quickly.
Me and one other person, X, thought of a RP scenario we could have our characters interact in. Everyone would be able to join, and it was a long time since alot of people were in one RP. We were both really excited, and announced the idea in the RP server we had with everyone.
After a bit, it turned out one of my closest friends, C, left that server due to some personal reasons with someone else (who had left the main friend group discord for a long while.) I really, really wanted them to stay in the RP, so I suggested we could move it to that close friends discord, since everyone else would be there. Here is where I may start to be TA.
I didn’t ‘properly’ inform/ask X, because they were already in the server we were moving to. That is 100% on me, and I know I should have asked them. I just got excited one of my friends still wanted to RP. We made up, and continued the RP. Here comes the main reason, and I still feel really, really terrible for this. X’s character is really afraid of the main environment the RPs take place in. Like, it would be a very, very heavy majority of the RP to take place in this environment, and logically, you cannot change it and make sense at the same time. So, their character got pushed to the side. For a bit, it ended up with them not getting a scene as their character wasn't in a logical place to join. So, they made a new character. (Admittedly, it felt a bit like the usual ‘mysterious character who always helps out and is very emo’ but i digress. We all made characters like that) They ended up having more of a part in the story, but again, and again this is more my fault, the story drifted away from them.
When we eventually got to a very dramatic scene, my character got outnumbered. And to not seem overpowered, I had something take out one of the extra characters. That just so happened to be their other, newer character. In the ooc (out of character) chat, they asked if they were needed. I assumed it was referring to this scene, so I said no.
They soon left the server, and after trying to apologize (not well at first) they claimed they would only return. Next. Year. Note that this halted EVERYTHING to a standstill. The ooc chat STILL doesn't have a SINGLE message since the day they left.
At that point, it was more than 6 months away, and i got furious. I also talked with their partner, and they bluntly said they would only return next year. After a bit i made an apology to X, and they found it acceptable, and we didn't chat at all for months. Fast forward to now, and only now I messaged them and asked if they wished to return early. They said yes, and everyone seems to be happy they’re here. The server is more lively, yes, but… inside, i feel a bit… i don’t know, frustrated?
They already had issues with wanting to be a main character in many RPs, and I fully understand I was in the wrong for not trying to find better ways to incorporate them in more, and even their partner knows its an issue w them. Some of my other friends agree. Some didn’t, but that may have been bc I made a slightly annoyed comment to them privately about the situation. (I said along the lines of if they wanted a main character so badly if they return they can just take my character.)
I really want this feeling to go away so we can continue the RP, and maybe become friends again. I don’t hate them, I rarely hate anyone. I want to have them happy to be in a RP, but I also want them to be okay with not being in the scene all the time… AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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i-rate-horse-games · 1 year
Rating Horse Isle 3 again
yep, i kept playing. the last review describes the horrors of starting fresh in this game. this review is about what i've discovered about the rest of the game since then.
huge shoutout to @piosplayhouse for giving me a horse to explore the game with quicker!! here we are on my ranch! (me on the right)
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tragically, Bogos Binted was silently stripped of his GAY title, but the legacy (and the crime >:) ) live on. we traveled far together. good horse.
this game does not want you to progress quickly. everything is designed to slow you down. want to pick up a rock? that will deduct the limited energy you have, which can easily be depleted to zero with about 10 minutes of chopping wood. want to quick travel to the nearest club, saving you half an hour of your time? that deducts from your travel bar, which when empty will leave you stuck and stranded. want to craft something? that deducts from your focus bar. want to run fast and jump hurdles? that deducts from your horse's stamina bar. many times i have attempted the course of the hour and had to quit because my horse was too tired to finish it and people behind me were crashing into me. (i had to ask for help to figure out how to quit. asking for help in the 'help' chat channel costs you essence.
speaking of essence! you get to pick up floating orbs in every biome you go. sometimes there will be an anomaly, where if you join a gang of determined riders, sometimes you'll make it to a cluster of over 100 essences, and you'll get to see most of the online players in the same place together! but those essence don't actually count as essence you picked up in a biome. which sucks, because you need those to unlock items. the hang glider, for example, costs 1,000 Fjords Essence and 9,000 other essences. there's a tome you can read that lets you pick up 3 of every essence you pick up yourself, but it takes two whole real life days for a tome you've read to start working, and you can only have read one tome at a time. i read the travel tome because i decided to build a ranch near the second most western club in the world.
speaking of other players, here's something i enjoyed quite a lot that was in HI1! water balloon fights!
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as you can see here i came second place :)
i did also find the jump hurdle i saw previously on Tumblr and laughed so hard when the popup messages saying we'd hit an obstacle just kept coming and coming even after we'd gotten through it
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huge shoutout to Velara Village i love you
everything considered, i think what i spent the most time doing in this game was meandering through the wilderness, finding puzzles, and cackling like a wizard when i managed to solve them. I got really excited when it involved math or biology that i somehow remembered from my classes. 'nyeh heh heh' i said. every time. that bit was pretty fun but very time consuming.
i also spent a lot of time just running the game with a calibration weight holding down the W button to keep me slowly slowly traversing the world while i did other things
i did breed 2 horses together! the baby seemed pretty normal i guess. not really sure how you guys are getting Long Necked Beauties but i respect the grind. this game has a lot of grinding. :)
all in all, i'm changing my rating up from 2/5 to 2.5/5!
it takes a lot of grinding to unlock important things with not much payoff. it feels like it wants you to get frustrated and give them money. but i did really enjoy the puzzles, and even though the farming was just waiting based, i like my farm a lot! the community seems very nice and welcoming! everyone works together to get everyone to the essence anomalies, and it's fun seeing people collaborate like that! thank you to the HI3 tumblr community for lending me a hand! :)
trans rights!
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28dayslater · 1 year
alex this is mad embarrassing but you have a lot of friends right, or at least you seem to have a lot going on w different people, so like how do you make those as an adult? I've ended up in this position where I have a few friends from school but who all went to uni and moved away so we chat from time to time and make vague plans to meet up but never do and that's it, and i've got one good friend in person who I do things with but we also don't have a huge amount in common so i still end up doing most things alone. i miss going out to bars with my friends or to gigs or just to like the beach or whatever 😭
honestly all the friends i ever hang out with irl fall into one of two categories: people i've known since we were at school together and bitterly held onto in the decade since, and online friends. like granted i'm in the very lucky position of living somewhere a lot of my mutuals either also live or can get to easily but it really is a case of just finding weirdos online befriending them and making a point to make plans in person. i used to be very shy about these things and now i'm like life's too short i'm just gonna inform you we'll be hanging out. if you know someone you know online lives vaguely near you message them and ask them if they want to hang out this weekend!!!! do it now!!!!
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elizabethsway · 2 years
This month has been fantastic. From game nights to language exchange meet ups, to church potlucks, to movie nights. I've been so busy.
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A few years back I was praying for change, as scary as that can be at times, and I told God I felt like I didn't have a passion or hobbies. I had was in a new place, had not made friends close by and only got to talk to one of my friends regularly and virtually.
I desired to have both a community in Christ and with the world around me but felt lonely. I literally just slept, watched TV and worked.
Occasionally I went out and I found some trivia and gaming events around town. I had went to a gaming event in a public library. The one really cool thing about "nerds" especially the ones that love boardgames, is that they earnestly want others to like gaming too, so they upon first meeting you will find a way to give you a list of every gaming place they have ever been to a long with the time, address and their phone number in case you want someone to join you.
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I found many board gamers and places to have fun for free around my city and through it have people that know me by name. I suppose Cheers had that right when the theme song sang:
Sometimes you want to go
Where everybody knows your name
And they're always glad you came
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But when COVID hit, it didn't greatly change my life but I felt like all the progress I made putting myself out there and talking with strangers had gone to waste.
But in this time I did get really close with my long distance friends and we talked every week of not more.
As restrictions lifted, the gaming community was hurt a bit. Before COVID, a game night was light if 80 people showed up, not it's like a max of 30. In some ways this has been a blessing. I get to know people better and play often with them with less people around.
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That's one thing that Facebook made me realize, that no matter how many people you connect with, if you try to invest in all of them, you will spread yourself too thin. Having a one or two really close friends is all you need, but it is nice to have those extended friends they even call up at a moment's notice and hang out with even if you're not super close to them.
As life went on, I can't tell you way but I woke up one day nd deciy Korean sounded pretty and I wanted to learn it. For a month I tried Duolingo and to be fair I still use it, though it's not best for Korean. So after a month I looked online and saw that a registration opened to take a class through their government. I signed up so last minute, four days before class.
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It was a bit chaotic. Our teacher had been in SoKorea and he had emailed everyone registered that he would be doing a zoom class the first time and then we would be doing in person the rest of the semester. But I signed up about like 4 hours after he sent out that email so he didn't know I existed at the time. Luckily another student came in person as well because their email had went to spam. With their help I got the link and we were able to start our Korean journey.
Since then I've met so many other people. The place I take my classes sent out an email back in September about free Korean movies playing in theaters. I signed up for two of the films and after the first film they had a open discussion about the film. Someone mentioned the topic that I was interested in and I wanted to further talk with them after the movie but it was so dark I couldn't see who they were just that they were wearing a black jacket with a white shirt.
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So I tried to hustle out of the theater and find the person. I found a guy that looked similar and asked him if he was the one to ask the question in the theater. He said no and I was mildly mortified, but then he started picking up on the conversation and we had a good 2 hour chat, before I found out that he's three levels ahead of me in the same place I was learning.
After that I invited him into my world of Gaming and he's been helping me out with learning Korean. We both ended up going to the language exchange class as well as some gaming events this month.
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And while at the exchange class I met some ladies who invited me to their Church. I went there and they had a potluck this past weekend. A lady from Spain and a girl from Ukraine were both at the church.
I got to listen to their experiences and had very good conversations with them as well as other members of the church that were more permanent.
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I feel like the more I put myself out there the more connections I'm making, which seems obvious but sometimes I can just feel hard to make that first step of getting out there.
I met so many wonderful people and had fantastic experiences this month. We're even going to do the Korean version of karaoke (노래방) soon and I just went out to eat after getting involved in a Korean Foodie Chat room.
It may seem tough but I encourage you all to get out there, find hobbies that interest you.
If you are not sure what you're passionate about or if you have any hobbies, try anything. At least you'll know if you like it or not once you've tried it, which can help you eliminate things you don't like. And along the way you might find people that have a common interest with you. And after more than not they'll help you find other people with similar interests.
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lilosaur · 3 years
◡̈⋆ʜᴇʟʟᴏ(*´∇`)ノ is it okay for me to request scenarios for mitsuya, inui, angry and kazutora helping their s/o who struggles with online classes? many thanks if you decide to do this one 💖💖
Yess! This was something I could relate too so much, I prefer in person myself it was such a struggle for me doing online. Thanks for requesting! 🤎
༑ ࿐ྂ。Helping You With Online Classes ♡.°⑅
⟶ ticket no. 11 ɞ
w/ Mitsuya Takashi | Inui Seishu | Kawata Souya | Hanemiya Kazutora
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ʚ Mitsuya Takashi ɞ
It was late into the night around 2:30-ish am your eyes were heavy and body drained and worn out while the bright screen reflected in your eyes. Your phone buzzed and you debated picking it up, your arms were so tired. Your phone rang again, maybe this was the third time? You were already losing your train of thought. You reached over to grab your phone, it was your boyfriend? What was he still doing up at this hour?
“Mitsuya? Why are you still up?” You questioned waiting tiredly for a response.
“You never answered my text love, I wanted to make sure your alright. You sound tired though, why are you still up?” He responded, you were confused you didn’t hear a sound of tiredness in his voice.
“Oh um I’m still working on some homework that’s due tomorrow morning.” Your voice cracked and your tiredness could be heard from over the phone “it’s kind of confusing though”
“Hmm do you want me to come over and help you with it?”
You didn’t want him to stay up any longer either, he had a busy life with taking care of his sisters and looking after his friends, you can probably figure this out all on your own anyways. “No no, it’s fine I’ll just be up a little longer.” You lied, you knew this would take a few more hours at least but you didn’t want Mitsuya to worry too much. You both said goodnight as you hung up the phone. You tried your best to look at notes, documents, and even looking up stuff online but everything was worded differently. Your teacher was honestly garbage she made everything sound so confusing when explaining.
It was almost 3am now, you only completed 3/9 of the questions on your assigned worksheet you didn’t even know if your answers were right. A faint knock could be heard from your window which scared the living crap out of you. You peaked through your curtains to see Mitsuya standing outside with coffee and a smile.
Mitsuya told you that he can help you with your school work, he may not have ideal grades but maybe he’d be able to help a little bit. If not then maybe he could email your teachers for you if you get anxious about it.
You and Mitsuya were able to get all questions done, he was so proud of you, for pushing through each day one step at a time. You two ended up passing out on your bed, what a nice night…kinda.
ʚ Inui Seishu ɞ
You and Inui were spending time at a coffee shop talking about how your days were going and new stuff that happened. You had your laptop with you since you two happened to see each other at the cafe but you planned to just do some school work. You told Inui you were gonna do some work but you can still talk, he said he’ll try to be quiet as he pulled out a book to read. You were having a hard time understanding the concept and filling out open note stuff is so hard for no reason. okay but like open note stuff is so annoying like multiple choice >>>>
You about half way into a paragraph answering the third question but your mind hit a blank, you felt so confused. You looked back at other documents, worksheets, and notes you took but it seemed like this was something your teacher explained in class. Let’s just say your teacher wasn’t exactly the best at teaching.
Inui looked over to you and your facial expression said it all, the confusion all over your face and your leg tapping on the floor up and down.
“Do you need any help y/n?”
You didn’t really want to trouble Inui with your schoolwork even though you were heavily struggling, you took a moment to think about it but before you could even respond to him he was already walking over to your side of the table hovering over your shoulders and his eyes directed at your laptops screen. You looked up at Inui, you could tell he was really thinking about the question.
“I’m not really the best with this y/n but maybe we can look it up or ask someone smarter than me.” Inui said while looking back down at you, concerned and confused look on his face he couldn’t seem to decipher this problem either as it’s wording was very strange.
Inui helped you contact someone who was in your class and you were successfully able to complete both sheets of work. Inui gave you a nice hug afterwards to let you know how proud of you he is, he knows it’s hard for you with online classes but you still push through everyday!
ʚ Kawata Souya ɞ
You had to cancel your plans with Souya because your parent/s wanted you to get your school work done before tomorrow morning. You’ve been struggling to even log onto your laptop and show up to your classes. Online school is still just as draining as in person if not more.
You felt so bad for kinda ditching Souya today so you made sure to send him a more detailed message about why you really cancelled and your so sorry and you’ll make it up to him. You just hoped he wasn’t too effected from this. Souya tried calling you multiple times but your phone was set on ‘do not disturb’ mode, you finally took a break from some of your work which your not even half way done when you FaceTimed him.
“Hello? Souya?”
“Hi y/n..” You heard Souya's low voice, he was definitely a bit sad over not being able to hang out.
“Are you done with your homework yet, maybe we could still hang out for a bit.” He asked politely.
“I’m sorry, I’m still working on it. It’s really confusing. But maybe we can hangout tomorrow!” You tried to stay positive knowing that this work was going to take a long while. You honestly felt so bad letting Souya down but your work had to be done.
“Hmm, we’ll maybe I can help you with it. I’m pretty good with anything y/n.”
You never really realized it but Souya really did have good grades. He helped guide you through what problems you were struggling with and he was even able to help you understand all the concepts better. It didn’t even take up too much of your time, you guys got it done in about 1 hour and your pretty positive most of the answer are right…sort of.
You two both talked for a bit before falling asleep while still on FaceTime together, after all it was still a school night. Souya was definitely very proud of you and happy to help, you’ve been pushing through this whole time all alone so he’s thankful he could help make it a bit easier for you! :)
ʚ Hanemiya Kazutora ɞ
You and Kazu were getting a late night snack, you had taken a break from your time consuming study guides and worksheets, barely making it half way through part one of the study guide. It was a struggle but you’d hope that maybe after a snack with your lovely boyfriend you’d feel a little more motivated.
You guys decided to get brownies from a little corner shop and to share a soda. You found a bench to sit at and eat, you two chatted and somehow got to the topic of school. Kazu said he pretty much didn’t take school seriously at all and his grades didn’t really matter because he wasn’t going anywhere good in the future. You told Kazu all about your online school, you didn’t like it one bit. Kazutora understood where your coming from since he despised school just as much as you did.
You told Kazu you were kind of in a hurry because of your school work, Kazu took your little hints and insisted you let him help you out. He wouldn’t let you say no either, he knows you don’t like online school and you have troubles with completing work. Kazutora wasn’t the smartest but he wasn’t the dumbest either so he’d help you as much as he could.
You let Kazu help you and fortunately you were able to finish up most of your study guide and one of your worksheets. Kazutora offered for him to have a ‘talk’ with your teacher but you almost yelled at him to just leave it be..you’ll manage somehow.
You and Kazutora ended off the night with a walk around town talking about all your troubles in the world. Kazu told you how proud he was, you were able to get most of your work done even if it wasn’t right or you still missed some questions it was a start. One step at a time and you’ll be there soon, wherever your trying to end up in life if you just push on a little longer you’ll be there in no time.
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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this one. If you struggle with school in general just know your not alone, a lot of people have mental problems formed from school but I promise with a little bit of effort and if you push through just a bit longer you’ll make it to where you want to be. I believe in you all! :)
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ggukkiedae · 3 years
Happy Miya Day! 💜
vlive 211213, 11:25pm
yoonmi goes live for the last 35 minutes of her birthday (ft. enhypen and jungkook)
italic conversations are spoken in english, see my notes at the end for what’s possibly next to come for posting ajsjdhfj
this is the playlist she plays in the background
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the live starts with yoonmi fixing her hair in a her bedroom, a big 21 in balloons hanging on her wall above her bed and some party hats on her plushies
she’s sitting in silence while waiting for people to come in. she’s scrolling through her phone in silence
after two minutes she smiles and looks at the camera
“hi, everyone! woah, so many people watching already? it’s only been a short while. anyway, do you guys know why i went live today?”
she pretended to think before laughing and tilting out of the way to show her background
“tada! it’s my birthday! i’m officially 21! for those who follow international age, though, i’m 20 today! oh hold on”
she leans to the side and comes back with two bento boxes
two little cakes! she lights the candles on them
“the oppas sent me this one with the bear. this other one is from friends i’ve been talking to a lot more often recently, the 01z”
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she presses a button on her laptop and you hear a lot of voices not synchronized but singing happy birthday. she laughs but sways along to it then blows out the candles once it ends
she claps and looks back down to her phone to see comments
what was that?
“oh, i recorded it earlier! channie oppa arranged an online party for my birthday with my close friends and family! i’m still self-quarantining right now. i’m actually alone in the dorm since i don’t have my own place like the oppas”
she looks around and laughs but she obviously looks a little upset
she clicks around on her laptop and puts on a pretty chill playlist
“i hope you don’t mind while i indulge in this playlist. i’ve been playing it for the past hour, and i kind of want to keep going. i’ll end the live when this ends”
she nods her head and quietly sings along while going through the comments. she reaches below the camera and her hand comes up with chips and dip. she’s munching while reading comments
i thought you were on break? why go live?
“i thought maybe i could spend my birthday with you guys, too, so here i am. oh, i see all the birthday greetings in the comments! thank you so much!”
who was the first person to greet you today?
“definitely yoonseollie! i was on call with my brother starting around 11pm yesterday, so she greeted me the moment the clock struck 12”
who are the 01z?
“oh? i’m pretty sure beomgyu mentioned this on his live already. it’s me, him, seri, enhypen’s heeseung, stray kids’s jeongin, and justb’s lim jimin. funnily enough, we were two separate friend groups but beomgyu got frustrated and added me and seri to the group chat with jeongin and jimin”
there’s a smile on her face while she’s talking about this. she stood up and walked out of frame. a box lands on the chair. from inside she pulls out a giant bear paw
she pushes her chair away and steps back to properly show the big paw
“the 01z sent me this! it’s a big white bear paw that’s actually a small floor cushion type chair! heeseung and beomgyu apparently left this outside my door last night, but they only messaged me to get it this morning. oh let me set up on the floor so i can use this”
she steps back and you can see her walking back and forth across the camera while bts’s home plays in the background
around a minute later, she moves the camera down and adjusts it to catch her on the chair with her plushies and snacks. the end of her bed was the backdrop of the video
“mi casa, with you imma feel rich”
she laughs while singing along
“i really do feel rich with all the things people sent me today. my friends and family are all really nice, and i don’t know if i deserve half the things they sent as presents”
there’s a few minutes of quiet snacking on her chips and even a slice of cake while she read comments
what did you get for your birthday? what did mark get you?
she laughed at that
“i don’t think you guys would want to sit through me going through every single thing i received. but i can tell you that mark oppa sent me a very large bouquet of roses like he always does and usb with something he wrote. please understand that i’d like to keep its contents between us, thank you. oh! speaking of mark oppa, it’s irreplaceable by the dreamies! let me go grab the bouquet to show you guys while this song plays”
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she disappears off cam. seconds later, flowers fill up the screen. she’s just in giggles while she tries to settle on camera without blocking herself.
eventually the bouquet is settled on her bed and she has the bento cake from her members on her lap
“i’m going to have to split this into many vases later. anyway, this is really good cake. i don’t normally like cake, but i guess the oppas knew me well enough to get me a cake i’d really like. i miss them.”
she looks through the comments after eating a bit of cake
have you spoken to the other members?
“of course i do! everyday, actually. my day isn't complete without speaking to at least three of them. also i talk to ggukoo oppa everyday, you should see how bored he is in quarantine. we were on call for i think six hours earlier today”
all of a sudden, her phone rang. her eyes widened and she picked up her phone. she smiled
“it’s my baby ari! you guys know my baby ari? let me pick up”
she pressed a button and before she could say anything there were multiple voices singing happy birthday to her
it was loud enough to be heard even if it wasn't on speaker
she laughed and cheered with them when they finished then put them on speaker
“thank you guys! is everyone there?” “yes unnie! we wanted to be the last to greet you happy birthday before the day ends. it was heeseung oppa’s idea” “that’s sweet of you, seung. oh, i’m live right now, by the way” “noona, we know. jay hyung and jake hyung were watching your live”
the last comment from who sounded like ni-ki made her laugh. she shook her head amusedly and said thank you once again before removing the phone from speaker and holding it up to her ear
“hold on for a second guys, i just have to talk to ari real quick”
she’s off camera for a while until the somg switches, and it’s almost halfway through girl of my dreams by juice wrld and yoongi when she comes back
“i missed the start of the song! anyway, listen to girl of my dreams. it’s a really nice song”
she sits back down and looks at comments
how’s it like having instagram? did you know you have 56 million followers
“what? no way, guys, that’s literally not real. hold up”
she opens her phone and looks through it for a bit before gasping and covering her mouth
“you aren’t kidding! wow! than you so much i didn’t think that many people would be interested in my instagram? i literally still only have three pictures on there. i’ll post another one in a few days as a thank you!”
as soon as the song switches again, she jumps a little
“it’s ggukoo oppa. he wants to video chat. oppa, say hi to army! may i show you?” “yeah, go ahead”
she turns her screen and shows a smiling jungkook on video call with her. he waved and yelled a hi before yoonmi turned him back to her
“oppa, was six hours not enough for you?” “i saw the enhypen kids called you, i can’t let them be the last to greet you today. put me on the bed so they can see me, i’ll sit through your live and eat your cake with you” “you have cake?” “i ordered one too”
she laughed at him but did as he said. they did a virtual cheers with a spoonful of cake before coming to an agreement that jungkook would read her questions from the comments
“oh, here’s one. what did jungkook buy for you? i got her a bag and i painted it, but it’s with yoonsung hyung for now because health safety reasons” “i thought you’d ask me questions?” “right, sorry”
they both just burst into a mini laugh fit for a minute
“oppa, we’re halfway through the next song, pick a question!” “yeah yeah”
silence between them while jungkook looks for a question and yoonmi eats
“ah, how were the concerts?” “oh amazing! i can’t explain how happy i was to be able to be on stage with army in front of us again.” “it felt surreal, didn’t it?” “for sure, yeah. i don’t think there was one day of permission to dance where i didn’t cry whether during or after.”
they talked about the events they could remember like megan being tall, their viral moment from the AMAs, filming crosswalk musical, and when they snuck out of their hotel
pretty much just army thirdwheeling jungmi on their little reminiscing session
eventually, the cake was mostly eaten, and the playlist was coming to an end with my universe
“oppa! you were supposed to ask me questions!” “i think they enjoyed our stories, though. are you gonna say bye now?”
yoonmi turned to the live and gave a sheepish smile “just in time. it’s almost the end of the playlist, and it’s two minutes until tomorrow. thank you for celebrating my birthday with me. i love you army”
jungkook sang her one last happy birthday, to which she giggled and swayed her head to. she waved
“bye! sleep well! oh! and be sureto greet jinki oppa because it’s his birthday tomorrow!”
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c’s notes: yoonmi honestly never goes live without a plan aksndnf anyway now that this is up, expect the next things i post to be seri’s birthday greeting to soobin, hannah’s outfits for nct 2021, mama and mma tweets for the three, and ptd cons/la tweets for yoonmi~
taglist: @sunflower-0180 @seaoffangirling @yourwonderbelle @1-800-enhypenbibi @kamiiyou @strwberrydinosaur @uraveragefangirlsposts @caratinylyfe @1-800-minji @woopetals @kimhyejin3108 @starlighthwa @akshverse
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pinkacademic · 3 years
Virtual Pink Academia Hangout
Even if you're still staying away from other people as the pandemic goes on, or you and your long-distance besties want ideas for your zoom calls, you can still hang out with your friends and maximise the aesthetic Virtual movie night apps and sites such as: Teleparty, Amazon Prime Watch Party, and the Disney+ group watch feature, or just cuing up the video at the same time and hoping you all pressed play in sync when one person counts down (my go-to strat) are useful ways to watch movies together, even when you're apart. Everyone get your favourite snack, hop into a chat or zoom or whatever, and make sure to mark out time after to rant about the themes and motifs, effects, music, colour palette, and very attractive actors. Fun bonus ideas: - a trivia quiz about the movie - themed costumes- yes, even in remote viewing! - make it a monthly film club and prepare notes and short essays on your thoughts Virtual Study Party -If you're all in the same online class, you can turn it into a quiz! DIY it, or make your own Kahoot game together. - share paragraphs or essays on Discord and get feedback from your friends - if you like the study technique of teaching someone else, zoom your friends and a group can all rate their understanding! If anyone else in the group does the subject, they can also help you make sure you’ve gotten everything - the above works for if you have to learn off poems or lines in a play.
Virtual Sleepover You can get on your comfiest jammies and a face mask and have a great couple of hours! Talk is free, and you can all just order separate deliveries. For a little more of a familiar feel, get delivery in a circle: Person A pays for Person B, Person B pays for C, and C pays for A.  Here’s some ways to play classic party/sleepover games online:
https://cardsagainsthumanityplayonline.com/ Cards Against Humanity!
https://cardgames.io/ Loads of classic card games, and you can customise a little avatar!
https://psycatgames.com/app/truth-or-dare/ Truth or dare. There’s no group feature, but truth or dare has never really been confined. This is mostly to come up with ideas.
https://garticphone.com/?spm=BlogArticle.InArticleHyperlinkWord&clickId=4eabd41946 a fun drawing game
and there’s always a possibility of an Among Us revival. (I still spiritually main pink w/ the flower on my head)
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honklore · 4 years
Can you do headcanons for sapnap with a shy reader please?❤️💌
shy!reader headcanons | sapnap
(gender neutral, non-au, this is less of a headcannon and more of a small story sorry about that)
listen to: georgia by vance joy
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okay firstly to premise, i think sapnap is a pretty shy guy himself. he’s absolutely the guy who refuses to correct a waiter after they read their order back to him wrong
so he would get it. i don’t really think he would try to push you out of your comfort zone
lets say you guys met in a csgo lobby lol. sapnap was practicing before a stream, playing with strangers, and you popped up
and you didn’t speak for the first like. five rounds. you were AMAZING with last minute clutches but you never spoke so people just kind of assumed you didn’t have ur mic on
except one round, sapnap lost focus and nearly ruined the round, forgetting to call out his location for a cover
luckily you came in with the clutch and shot the enemy before they could get to sapnap, saving the round
and so while in the lobby, sapnap turns on his mic and just “[user], thanks for saving my ass out there.”
and your voice just comes through, a little clipped and very shy, “no problem,” before your mic is muted again
sapnap ends up saving ur gamer tag and inviting you whenever he needs someone to play with or fill a lobby
this turns into playing every day, and you guys become rlly good friends thru the screen. you both keep to yourselves for the most part, a strict csgo relationship if you will
and then sapnap is like. i rlly like them. i want to be their bestie.
so he asks if you want to play with him and his friends sometime, maybe in minecraft or jackbox
and you’re a little overwhelmed bc you know they have a decent online presence. but he’s nice to you and you don’t have many online friends so you say yes :)
and he’s like SO excited bc all of his friends are going to meet his new friend
only he’s been talking abt u to karl and dream and george and q for like. ages. since like. THE NIGHT he met u on csgo. (bc he’s a pisces and he gets v attached to anyone who breathes in his direction)
(i’m a pisces i can say it)
when you join the lobby (no one is streaming) he has the boys in a separate call to give him advice just in case he needs it
you don’t really speak unless spoken to, and when the boys get rlly loud they can kind of forget to include you
so sapnap always brings you back into the convo by asking you a question or making a quick joke
george in their chat: simp
you guys play jackbox, and you rlly like quiplash and survive the internet and others where you can just type
(and you’re really good at it like the boys think ur rly funny and clever)
but of course the boys want to play mad verse city, and you’re like,,, rlly nervous and don’t really want to rap,, so sapnap raps for you,, and he’s the loudest to hype you up after each of your verses
and you’d slowly get more comfortable with the boys. it’s easy to flow with them bc they’re so loud and obnoxious that you can mind your own business and still feel like part of their convos.
so anyways it’s months into your friendship, and sapnap has developed the fattest crush on you. if he’s not on call with the boys, he’s on call with you
chat knows about you bc sapnap always has you on his alt streams to talk and hang out with him. surprisingly, chat is very protective over you and cheer you on even if you’re on a different team than sap
i imagine sapnap gives you his minecraft info and lets you go around the dsmp the same way dream lets drista hang out with his info
just... a stream where he leads you around and just talks to you in vc while you share your screen with him,,, and chat is like. sapnap you are so in love.
you spend your time in the smp making a cottage and a house for yourself. you even tame a cat.
(it’s the first pet on the server that sapnap doesn’t try to kill. that’s how chat knows he’s in too deep.)
and the thing is,, he wants to ask u to be his s/o,, but you’re so shy that he has no idea how you feel about him
you’re not flirty and you’re friendly with everyone, so it’s hard to see any signs.
(sapnap is also just kinda dumb, bc he doesn’t realize that you only address him when you talk, you’re only comfortable in calls if he’s there too, you have made him a playlist called “sapnap <3”, you made him a flower garden in minecraft and literally mined netherite for him to return to when he came back on the server)
like sapnap is thinking on such a large scale that all of these little things you do don’t register as anything more than friendship
and he’s in call w the dteam one day and he’s just like “guys :/ idk if they like me :/”
dream calls him a dumbass
george hangs up
when george comes back, you join the call too, and sapnap can only assume george messaged you to join
“tell them, sapnap”
“george you’re such an idiot, y/n don’t listen to him we were just messing around.”
“okay,” you say. “but i’m here to talk if you ever need me.”
sapnap wants to burst because he likes you so much, he’s just so terrified of messing up what you guys have that he would rather stay silent
he doesn’t want to run you off, but he doesn’t want you to think he doesn’t like you either
“can i call u?” he asks “without these two nimrods to hear us?”
you agree, and you start talking as soon as you two are in a separate call. “sap? are you okay? you’ve been acting weird lately.”
“i rlly like you,” he just blurts it out, because it’s the easiest way for him. he can’t take it back, but at least you know.
“oh,” you say, voice just as timid as it was that first csgo game ages ago. “i like u too”
cue blushy sapnap
always talks about you on stream. you don’t join streams too much bc they make you nervous, but you’re always talked about lol
sapnap will bring you up literally every day on twitter or smth
when the two of you finally meet in person, you’re both so shy that dream has to start the convos for the first hour or so
but once you get comfortable it’s like two long lost souls
you guys just fit
sapnap speaks up when you’re quiet, and vice versa
you guys get ur own shared mc server and sapnap kills mods while you plant flowers
you use your twitter to show off your builds and sapnap always retweets and hypes you up
he suggests you stream your builds but it’s something you just like to do on your own, so you decline. sometimes you’ll appear on his streams and give his chat a lil tour tho :’)
sapnap is pretty protective over you. he will fight anyone for u <3 that’s just how he is lmao.
you get along with everyone pretty well though, and sapnap fits in with your friends as well
it’s still mostly a long distance relationship, but the two of you are used to it so you make it work
and sapnap will correct a waiter if they get your order wrong. so, character development.
thanks for requesting and for liking landslide !!
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howelljenkins · 2 years
u dont have to respond but. ive always admired your ability to set boundaries and i wanted advice. im a hs junior and ive come to the realization that i truly do not like 80% of my friends. they are the chronically online, academically obsessed, screenshotting others grades type. and i hate being around that kind of negative energy, especially as i believe this snake like behavior does nothing to improve your own achievements and numbers. especially in junior year, id like to maintain a (1/?)
more calming presence to combat this. ive recently expressed this to them but they all have such a phat ego they think it applies to everyone but then. i dont know how to ease off talking to them or even cut them off without seeming like a bitch, but i really am sick of all the stupid comments and passive aggressive talk. i cant tell if its just paranoia or maybe i have that bad vibe where i attract friends like this, and ik if i cut them off i wont have a lot of people in my circle at all (2/2)
it sucks bc high school is such an insular environment with a much more centralized culture that emphasizes and encourages certain attitudes so it’s way harder to not only escape it but also to find ppl who also don’t mess w the culture. that being said if ur ok with being more low key and having a smaller circle of friends u should def pull away from them. no matter what at the end of the day u might come off as a bitch but that can’t be helped unfortunately. i think the least painful way to do this for both parties would be to just stop returning any energy and muting any group chats and maybe moving around ur seat at lunch etc. things to keep in mind to return as little energy as possible is sticking to one word answers, “nah im good” whenever ppl ask u to hang out, vaguely indicating distaste whenever they try to include u in negative conversations (“yeahhhh y’all know i don’t rly mess with all that..” while pulling a stank face does wonders), etc etc. tough situation all around but hopefully either they change or u succeed in getting some space from all that. you could also just say “honestly i don’t fw any of u guys anymore lol” and dip but that may be a little more drama than it’s worth lol
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idk where else I should be posting this but I just want to get this out of my system
my crush/college mate has invited me to watch thor 4 w him and his circle... and im overthinking things
College of Engineering
he's that kind of "everybody's crush" guy and he's also fairly popular within our batch bc of his good looks. when we were in our 1st year, we became close as I am "one of the boys" kind of girl (yes I have more guy friends than girl friends) and I became close w the boys circle.
bc I was hanging out so often w the boys circle and sometimes the boys would intentionally sit apart from us...people started shipping us (they say we look good together). i didn't really believe it til our circle had a kind of an open forum.
during that open forum, some of the guys asked him if he was courting someone or if he has a crush. suddenly he looked at me for a split second and he says he's thinking but it's possible that he wants a girlfriend soon.
fast forward>>>>>
i confessed to him on our 2nd year of college. I thought I assumed right with us getting closer with each other but during that time he only said "Thank you" back to me and reassuring me that we were good friends and he appreciates my adoration for him. that hurts but maybe I was just really wrong about us being mutual in feelings.
3rd year I decided to join another group circle as some of the boys circle priorities do not align with mine (yeah they'd want to be on internet cafes all the time whilst I wanted to be at the library to study). that was the start of my friendship with them falling apart... but I couldn't do anything much. I need to study hard and I also would want to move on from the hurt 😞
fast forward>>>>>
in middle of our 3rd year 2nd semester, he and his family decided to move to japan. I didn't even get to say goodbye personally nor do I want to chat him online about it. I kind of wanted to forget him...
One year passed. I was walking home...I saw 2 familiar men walking out of a car. I saw his dad and then I saw him. I was frozen at the spot. My brain went haywire thinking 'that's not him. it's impossible. he is in Japan.' While I was stunned, I didn't realize his dad saw me and called him. He suddenly ran to me and hugged me without words. I was hesitant to hug him back bc im not used to guy friends hugging me back. It was kind of a relationship thing only. But I slowly did. It was a good minute of hug. Also, his perfume was so damn good! We took a step back and I was just screaming questions to him like 'why are you here? are you taking a vacation? why did you not tell us you're coming back? like if I did not see you here today I wouldn't know.' he answered he didn't want anybody to know yet and he wanted to surprise his friends (his childhood friend circle). But he told me he was glad to see a familiar face and that it was me, the first person to know that he's back.
He didn't return to the same college. He came back but he studied in a different university. So our interaction, was good as the last (I rarely chat w him). Or so i thought...
4th and 5th year of college went by. I graduated along with all of our batch. It was a satisfying victory! I took the licensure exam and passed the following year then continued to find work the suceeding months.
Then came the pandemic, the lockdowns.
Most of my social needs were fulfilled by video calls and gaming w strangers turn friends online. It's because I created a discord server and the game devs recognized it as an official discord server so yeah, my name (or perhaps username) got kind of popular among the players of the game. I wasn't really good at the game really.
Also to note, the guy and I don't follow each other in our social media accounts. And I was surprised during the early 2020, he followed me on IG. And chatted me about the discord server bc he heard about it and thought maybe I could play w him and his friends sometimes. I said yeah why not. I just shrugged like what could go wrong. I don't have any feelings for you anymore (I'm talking to myself) so it'd be just another typical gaming nights w friends. It was really fun ngl. I got to keep up with the boys again. They tell me stories of their shenanigans and I tell them mine. We pretty much hung out every night during 2020-2021. But with everybody getting busy with their work, also I. The online hangout gradually stopped during early 2022.
Oh yeah I forgot to note, we love MARVEL. It's all we talk about, me and the boys. So when a new marvel show or movie comes out, for sure we'll be chatting about it.
Then come Thor 4 and my obsession with Taika...
No one was ever going to stop me talking about my love for Taika and my anticipation for Thor: Love and Thunder and our group chat was no exception. He then invited me to their scheduled gala (hang out). It will be the boys circle again and me. I went with them, we watched thor 4 and guess what...HE SAT BESIDE ME. No one was sitting on my other side so I could hear his breathing or when he whispers something to my ear when he points out something that is going on on TLAT (we had our theories for the plot). I was basically squealing and sobbing throughout the movie and I can hear him silently laughing at me bc he knows I love Taika and he'll point out EVERY single scene whenever Korg is there lmao.
I had a really good fun! That was the first time ever after 4 years that I got to see them, and him, in person.
And because of that, I'm overthinking again. I thought I'd moved on but idk anymore. Maybe I have feelings for him again??? GOSH HELP ME
PS. He is single.
PPS. But I'm not sure if he's courting/dating someone so I'll never know. Guess I'll die.
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mindofharry · 3 years
EVIE have u ever thought about pornstar h 🥴? i basically just watched a video on the cut where 2 pornstars interviewed each other and it like was KINDA CUTE bc they were roommates and like they just were like so fun and flirty and all i thought i was like omg concept being besties living w harry and hot sexy time whenever
OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS??? and the video you described 🥺🥺 no but harry would be so popular in the porn industry and EVERYONE AND I MEAN EVERYONE WANTS TO MAKE VIDEOS WITH HIM. for the exposure and the pleasure, let’s make that clear. harry always has a hard time trying to mesh with people in the industry because he can never quite tell if they’re genuine or not?? if that makes sense??? he likes to hang out with the people before hand, even if it’s just a quick chat. because at the end of the day he does “porn” to pleasure people. HARRY JUST LOVES PLEASURING PEOPLE!!!! so when he gets asked to do a sort of Q&A video, he’s very much up to it. what he doesn’t expect is how much he meshes with that other porn star, Y/N. she’s easy to talk to, very flirty which harry loves!!! i can imagine they both stay in contact, and maybe get a place together out in LA??? AND OH MY GOD THE VIDEOS THEY MAKE TOGETHER. i’m sure they had heard of each other before the Q&A video, and they had probably talked online to each other once or twice, but never did they expect the passion and electricity to form that quickly or early on….. their “relationship” was so easy. bored? let’s film. need a new video up for the end of the week? harrys game. ITS JUST SO EASY FOR THEM BECAUSE THEY BOTH LOVE SEX AND BRINGING PEOPLE PLEASURE 🥺❤️‍🔥 AND ITS LIKE YOU SAID IMAGINE CONNECTING WITH SOMEONE, ENDING UP BECOMING BESTIES AND THEN HAVING SEX WHENEVER YOU WANT??? A DREAM HONESTLY.
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shoezuki · 4 years
are you a technoblade channel member? if so is it worth the five bucks a month
I am ya!!! nearly on my 6 months a bein in here 
n like! its p damn good imo. the stream chat is Great if you actually wanna like Talk bout streams as they happen n since techno dont stream so much its used for Other streams especially ranboo’s.
the people in there are chill altho fuckin WILD at times ofc n like. it can be overwhelming if you aint good w groupchats. but its Way smaller and more closed off than Any cc discord i’ve been in since it’s only a channel member one and like. techno hunts ppl for sport sometimes. 
id say its worth it but also depends on ur expectations. if you want a chill place to hang out n talk about the stream n to support techno? fuck yea. but sometimes ppl come in with the expectation to like. that techno Is Always Talking and to @ him and bother him or some shit. which it aint that
oh and on techno: he’s apparently Way more active than any other cc is in their own discord which is so fuckin funny. mans usually either Not online for weeks OR he’s jus talkin like One A The Lads. for instance that time he bet like All his cash money on tubbo winning chess he was Screaming in the stream chat about moves tubbo would make its fuckin funny
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bunnyywritings · 4 years
tenya iida x fem!reader
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[a/n: he’s so cute hehehe 🥺 here’s my first Iida fic, it’s your basic summer trope but...I simp for this man on the daily, I was a little sad to see that there aren’t many Tenya fics out there so I took it into my own hands, this is slightly self-indulgent but other than that, he deserves some love so uh yeah, enjoy! -yours truly, bunnyy -`ღ´-]
Class 1-A just couldn’t take the heat anymore so they begged and begged and begged until Aizawa finally gave in and planned a class trip to the beach.
Today, the girls decided to head to the mall and buy some new swimsuits since wearing the very non-flattering school issued swimsuits would be absolutely terrible. You had gone along since you didn’t really have a swimsuit, you had one from back in middle school but it hadn’t fit you anymore. So far, they had all been able to find one they liked except you. You had been to countless stores but hadn’t really found one that caught your eye but the girls insisted on going to one more store so you could look around. As you looked around, you had started to doubt that you’d actually find one. That doubt was realized when all the ones you had tried on were the wrong size.
Once back in the dorms, Momo had offered to make you one. An offer that you gratefully accepted. You had searched online and showed her what type of bathing suit would be ideal. After thanking her 100 times or so, you had gone down to the kitchen.
“Oh (y/n), You’re back. How was the mall?” I don’t think Todoroki realized how loaded that question actually was. He and Midoriya seemed to have been just chatting, eating snacks. Iida had been making some tea.
“Uhh well it was great, the girls were able to find some bathing suits.” You sat down across from your two friends.
“Is someone wrong? It doesn’t sound like you had a good time?” The freckled boy asked carefully
“I had a good time. It was nice to hang out with the girls but I’m just a little tired.” He nodded understandingly, Shoto had grabbed the packet of pocky and held it out to you in a silent offering. You giggled and accepted the offering, he nodded in approval when you took two of the strawberry flavored biscuits. You had joined their conversation about which pro hero had the best costume, a cup of tea was placed in front of you. Looking up, Iida offered you a small smile before sitting besides you and contributing to the discussion about All Might’s costume. You blew at the surface of the drink before taking a sip. It was black tea sweetened with just the right amount of honey and a bit of milk. You blushed at the fact that he remembered how you liked your tea. Too distracted in your thoughts, you nearly jumped out of your seat when Midoriya called you out.
“You agree with me (y/n), right?” Your eyes widened before you cleared your throat. Iida’s heart started to pound when he could see the mischief in your eyes.
“Well why are we even bothering to discuss All Might’s costume when Endeavor’s is clearly the best. Todoroki. Thoughts?” He had been friends with you long enough to know that you were just pulling his leg.
“Well, as much as I see your point. Why don’t we talk about how Kamui Woods has the worst costume.” Your jaw dropped.
“Okay now wait a second.” He knew that he was your favorite pro. “That’s a little much when someone like...”
Iida gave his 2 cents here and there but he enjoyed seeing you giggle and smile while joking with the other two. He couldn’t really explain why but his heart would pound harder any time you asked for his opinion or the butterflies in his stomach would go wild when you smiled.
Finally, the beach day came. Everyone had woken up bright and early to make sure everything was ready and loading everything onto the bus when it had arrived.
“IF YOU AREN’T IN THE BUS BY 9AM, WE WILL LEAVE YOU HERE! OH YEAH!” Aizawa cringed from beside Present Mic as he made that announcement. That meant that there was half an hour before you guys would leave. You nodded, amazed at the fact that you could hear your teacher while he was still outside. You finished packing your bag before getting changed into your swimsuit, standing in front of your mirror and scrutinizing your reflection. It was nothing to do with the swimsuit itself, Momo had done an amazing job. You were just...insecure. It was a one-piece with an opening at the stomach. It looked cute when you had seen it on the model online but on you, it seemed wrong. It made your thighs look like they were bulging out of the material and the pudgyness of your stomach seemed to be accentuated. Sighing, you pulled on your shorts and tank top before making your way out to the bus. Aizawa crossed your name off the list before you boarded and took a seat beside Ochako. Midoriya and Iida in the seats behind the two of you and Shoto and Tokoyami in the row in front.
Thankfully, the ride to the beach was only about an hour and a half long. Everyone unloaded the bus, as instructed by Iida. The beach was relatively empty so it gave you guys the abilities to claim a huge spot for the entire class. 1/3 of the class had instantly stripped down to their swimsuits and ran to the water. While the rest had set up the tent, some chairs, the volleyball net, or their personal umbrellas. You had offered to share yours with Tokoyami since it was big enough and he didnt seem too keen for on being in the sun too much. Even then, he had still peeled off his shirt and was sat on his towel in nothing but swim trunks as Dark Shadow had made an appearance and started to play with the sand.
You had sat down criss cross on your towel, book in hand. You had put it down from time to time to watch your classmates laughing and having fun. Midoriya had approached the two of you and asked if you guys had wanted to join their volleyball game. You had accepted the invitation but Tokoyami had politely declined. You were on a team whith Shoji, Shoto, Denki, and Shinso. Ochako, Midoriya, Iida, and Sero were on the other team. Mina, Tsuyu, Aoyama, and Momo were watching on the sidelines, cheering for both teams of course.
Halfway through the game and you all took a hydration break but you were starting to feel the heat. Quirks were allowed so with that and the fact that your quirk had to do with fire meant that your body ran warm.
“Are you okay (y/n)?” Shoji asked as he handed you a bottle of water. His question caught the attention of the others as they noticed that your cheeks were a bit more flushed than normal.
“Yeah, why don’t you change into your swimsuit?” Ochako asked, head tilted to the side.
“I-I have it on but well...” you sighed, deciding to be honest. “I’m just a little s-self conscious.” You looked away, slightly embarrassed as the words left your lips.
“Aww (y/n), no!! You’re super cute! Come one, I bet you look great!” Mina grinned encouragingly. “Plus, the girls have seen you pretty much naked before so there’s no need to be shy.”
“Mina!” There were calls of embarrassment from both the boys and the girls.
“You do have a point...” you mumbled to yourself. You walked off to the side and started to unbutton your shorts. All the boys had looked away to give you your privacy. (because they drink their respect women juice every morning)
“O-okay. D-done.” You nervously announced as you handed your clothes to Mina.
“See! I was right!”
“W-whoah! (Y/n), no disrespect but you look hot!” Denki smirked, nodding appreciatively. As the others had started to compliment you, no matter how hard Iida tried to restrain himself, he couldn’t stop his eyes running over your body. More specifically, your thighs. The way they slightly strained against the material of your bottoms made him blush. He couldn’t help but glance at them once the game had started. The way they flexed when you had gone to bump the ball or the slight jiggle they had when you ran for the ball. Don’t get me wrong, Iida likes you for you. Your personality, your kindness, and your intellect were very attractive to him but your body was a definite plus.
Your team had won the game and while Mina, Momo, and Tsu were congratulating you, Mina caught a glance at Iida. He had looked at you, eyes softened, and a blush on his cheeks before looking away.
“Ooh it looks like you’ve caught the eye of mister class rep.” She teased.
“W-what? Mina stop m-messing around like that.” You stuttered, her previous statement was making your heart want to burst.
“It’s true though! Don’t you have a thing for him too?”
“Well yeah but-“ you were cut off by her calling him over.
“Hey Iida! What do you think of (y/n)’s swimsuit? It’s nice right?” Oh how you wished the earth would split open and swallow you whole.
“Y-yes, I do. It’s very flattering (y/n).” His answer made your heart do somersaults. “May I o-offer some advice?”
“Oh uh yeah, sure.” You were a bit confused but wanted to see what we had to say.
“As a young hero, you work hard every day to get stronger and make sure you can be the best hero possible. You should be proud of your body because it’s the fruit of that hard work and well...because you look r-really beautiful. Regardless of what other people may say.” His sudden confession made your eyes widen but before you could respond, he had run off while shouting at Bakugo about the dangers of grilling without proper supervision.
Throughout the day, the girls teased you about your crush on the class rep. Currently, you were drying yourself off after having been in the ocean for a bit. You had wanted to confess to Iida. You had been slowly gathering the courage to do so, the other also helping hype you up.
“Hey uhm Iida. Would you maybe want to get a smoothie with me? From that place up the cove?” You were fiddling with your fingers.
“I would be glad to accompany you (y/n).”
So the two of you had gone off to get some smoothies. Chatting about trivial things as you waited. He had opted for an orange and carrot smoothie while you went for the simple mango smoothie.
“So uhm, before we go back. I h-have something to tell you...” he motioned for you to continue as he sipped at his smoothie. “Right. Well I just-well I...” you sighed, taking a calming deep breath before continuing. “I like you Iida, like uhm r-romantically. I have for a while now and I just thought I’d let you know.” He was silent, still sipping at his drink while processing your words.
“Well that’s a relief. I’ve been figuring it out over the passed couple of days but I have romantic feelings for you as well, (y/n). And seeing as the both of us seem to do relatively well in our normal studies and our hero studies, I could see that balancing a relationship with schoolwork should be relatively doable.” His words stunned you.
“Wait so does that mean-“ You really we’re at a loss for words.
“Yes. It means that I would like to pursue a relationship with you. As boyfriend and girlfriend.” The turn of events made you very giddy with happiness.
“C-could I hold your hand, Iida?” You asked nervously as the two of you walked back. He chuckled and nodded, taking your hand in his.
“I can do you one better.” He had leaned down, noses inches away. “If you’ll allow me to?” You nodded, closing your eyes and leaning forward to close the distance. Lips moving together, it was inexperienced but sweet and soft nonetheless. Both of you a blushing mess as you pulled away. The rest of the class cheering from a distance as they watched the exchange.
Later on that night, during the bonfire, the both of you sat next to each other. Having already changed into some sweats to protect yourself from the cold, he had let you wear his navy blue hoodie since you were still shivering. He hesitantly wrapped an arm around your waist, relaxing when you had moved closer and snuggled up to him. He watched with a soft gaze as you joked around with Shoto and the others and partaking in eating some s’mores. The way your cheeks puffed up as you gave him a tight lipped smile, mouth full of the concoction of gooey marshmallows and chopped made his chest feel fuzzy and warm.
Even as he held you close, as you nuzzled into his chest because the ghost story Tokoyami was telling was a little too scary for you, he still couldn’t believe that you had reciprocated his feelings. The girl that he had his heart set on since the second week of school was now his girlfriend. It was times like these that made him expect the unexpected.
gєиєяαℓ тαgℓιѕт (open): @ohbois-biggay-bnha​
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Let’s Make A Star! (MHA)
Let's make a star!
To the surprise of no one, Mineta was spending his Friday night doing what he did well, just about every night in his room: Looking at porn online. the shameless pervert was proud of his status though even if he was finding increasingly weird porn to look at, and tonight he'd decided to look into a fetish to spice things up. 'Man does not exist on tentacle porn alone' He thought with a little giggle, going to his favorite my porn site. Hmm'ing and ha'ing for a second, he decided what the hell and typed in adult diaper and soon was browsing the kinky world of grown women and men acting like babies and crapping themselves, though it wasn't quite getting him the thrill he was looking for. Not ready to give up the fight yet (he prided himself on being able to get off to almost anything after all) he went into a chat room for the ABDL's and asked if anyone had any good video's or pictures to recommend, saying he was looking for a super red faced or embarrassed diaper boy or girl. the response's lit up and he was showered with links, though most of them he had seen already to his disappointment.   the last link however was one he'd have to pay to unlock, but since it was only 5 bucks and the title of it was 'super embarrassing diaper mess while cleaning the potty' Mineta figured it would be worth it. As the video started and he saw who the star was the pervert grinned ear to ear, this was WELL worth the five bucks!
Katsuki was in a bad mood Saturday morning. Not only had he had to go to class despite it being the weekend to do a stupid make up test for one he'd flunked, He'd been getting non stop text messages from grape head about wanting to meet up. 'Because THAT'S what I wanna do, hang out with a pervert.' Katsuki thought, just ignoring the texts, and having to turn his phone off while taking the test anyways. After handing the test in Katsuki was free to go and found the fucking perv waiting for him outside of the classroom. "You know, Ignoring people is rude." The little shit said, wagging a figure at Katsuki. "all the fucks I give about what you think are in my hand.. Oh look! there's nothing there!" Katsuki said and kept walking. Mineta apparently wasn't to be ignored, and dashed to catch up to him. "You know, you should be nicer to someone who could get you expelled." He huffed. THAT caught Katsuki's attention, and with it being just the two of them in the hell he turned around and looked at the pervert. "Really? and how are you going to get me expelled? By pissing me off so much I blow you up? I'd likely get a god damn medal." Katsuki pointed out with a smirk. "well as i understand it, Hero's aren't suppose to have pay to see porn out there, though yours is more interesting then most." Mineta said, a evil smile on his face. The smirk instantly dropped from Katsuki's face and his jaw dropped. "I-I don't know what your talking about." he stammered. "Really, so your NOT 'stinky little diaper boy for pay'?" Mineta asked, a mock look of surprise on his face. "That's odd, you must have a twin out there then, but hey, maybe I'm wrong, let's bring up a video an-" And the little shit was bringing up his phone and indeed was going to his saved video's folder. "W-wait!" Katsuki whimpered, his cheeks bright red. "Ok ok it's me, what the fuck do you want?" "Well what I want is a few things, but I think we should go back to your room and talk in semi private don't you?" Mineta asked, a smug look on his face. "..Yeah ok." Katsuki huffed, and lead the way.
Coming into Katsuki's dorm room Mineta was shocked at how pleasant it smelled in there when about 70 percent of the blond's video's had him taking a dump in his huggies. 'then again he would of been busted long ago if he hadn't of learned how to take care of it.' The pervert thought. Strolling over and taking a seat on Katsuki's bed, Mineta pointed at the floor for Katsuki to take a seat, and chuckled as he meekly did so. "So I think it's clear by now that I could destroy you with little to no effort on my part. the higher ups don't want anther pervert hero out there making the hero community look bad." Mineta started, enjoying the look of worry on Katsuki's face. "But before I make my list of demands, I'd like to know what exactly prompted you to start crapping yourself in huggies for pay." "I uh..I.." Katsuki was turning SUCH a cute shade of red and Mineta found himself loving his power over the much bigger and deadlier boy. "yes? Go on.." Mineta chuckled. "I needed to make some money fast for a bike I wanted, and my mom was refusing to help. then some pervert old guy said he'd buy the bike for me if I crawled around in a diaper and sucked on a pacifier for 2 hours. I figured I could always blow him up if he tried to cheat me or do anything weird but the deal went off. After I realized they had to be A LOT of people like him, and it was easy money..S-So Next time I got some money from mom I got a pack of diapers and well.. You know.." Katsuki trailed off. "Set up a pay to view porn channel where you crap your diapers and do walks of shame. And your saying nothing you do is really YOUR fetish, just doing it for the money?" Mineta asked. "Well um..I.." Katsuki whined big time and was poking two fingers together. it was so unlike him that Mineta was having to bite his tongue to keep from laughing. "I Might of semi kinda come to MAYBE like it a little...but it's mostly for the money. A lot of what I do is actually fan submitted requests and I only do the ones that come with a tribute attached to them." He finished up. "well I think if your gonna keep charging as much as you do, you're gonna need to step up your game and your camera work. I know it's tough for you to film yourself so I'll be helping you with that from now on." Mineta said, and seeing a argument starting to form on Katsuki's lips he stopped it in it's tracks."That's part of my demands to keep quiet so don't even think of fighting unless you wanna be famous around school. Second item on my list is that half of what you make though being a diaper filling perv goes right into my greedy little hand. I'm not helping you and keeping my mouth shut for free after all." Katsuki glared but then huffed and pouted, crossing his arms and glaring at the floor. "Third part of my list of demands is that you wear a diaper to class at least twice a week, we'll get you some thinner ones and you won't have to use it but I think it'll keep you from getting any big ideas. That's all, for now." Mineta finished up and gave Katsuki a look that dared the diapered for pay boy to just try and argue. "Your a fucking bastard you know that?" Katsuki growled. "Just for that, whenever we're in private from now on you'll call me daddy. go ahead little boy, keep mouthing off." Mineta said. "..Fine you win.." Katsuki huffed and slumped, knowing he was beaten. "I'm sorry, 'you win' what?" Mineta asked and leaned down and cupped Katsuki's chin, making the blond look him in the eyes. "..You win..Daddy." Katsuki whimpered. "Good boy! Now let's go and get you all padded for a new video." Mineta laughed and gave Katsuki a condescending head pat.
Katsuki was thankfully allowed to pick his own outfit and diaper himself as Mineta was busy going though the fan requests that Katsuki had been giving, using Katsuki's laptop and also copying his login information. "If I go to log in later and you've changed the password.." The purple haired bastard had said, trailing off but his threat clear. "I won't daddy." Katsuki promised. Katsuki went with one of his teddy bear print diapers, with a blue back round and then picked out a tank top that was slightly too short and showed a little bit of belly so the diaper wasn't covered at all, Blue back round and a big teddy bear on the front. 'I might as well look stylish if I'm gonna be blackmailed.' Katsuki reason, and then opened up a locked drawer in his desk. inside was a selection of 5 different pacifiers and of course each one went with a outfit/ and or diaper print he had. So naturally he had a blue paci that had a teddy on the mouth guard and had a string of darker blue cord so he could wear it around his neck. (he'd tried using paci clip's with ribbon but had almost gotten busted when he'd caught his nipple with one and shrieked out in pain.) Finishing up the outfit was to no ones shock a pair of blue socks with a smiling bear on the ankles. "heh, adorable. So how much have you actually sunk into this? because getting a outfit that cute couldn't of been cheap if you had to get it mailed in." Mineta asked. "The uh.. first half dozen or so shows were all about shocking up supplies." Katsuki admitted then added. "There was one outfit a fan sent me along with 300 bucks to do a private video but I got nervous and trashed it." "Tsk, naughty naughty! what was it?" Mineta asked. "...A fairy costume, with winks and everything and a really short tutu. I just.. I wore it to do the video and then got rid of it, lying and said my mess had leaked on it while changing. the customer got mad and hasn't talked to me since and actually blocked me." Katsuki said, wishing he had kept his mouth shut. Actually he was wishing a lot of things at the moment to be fair. "I See, well thats a shame they blocked you. we'll have to get you a replica at some point so you can do a free video to make it up to them. I assume it's too late to go and get it out of the trash." Mineta said with a disappointed look on his face. "Y-yeah, that was 2 month's ago." Katsuki squeaked. "Hmm, do you have the video saved somewhere? I'd like to see it." "N-No..I just sent the clip to him and then..like i said, got paranoid and deleted it from my computer. I doubt he even kept it." Katsuki whimpered. "heh, actually I bet he just went and uploaded it onto a free porn site to show everyone the naughty sissy baby..But I'll look for it later." "I-I don't think he'd of done that! It would be breaking a rule an-" Katsuki started, he'd never thought of that possibly before and now was going semi pale. "If it's on the net, I'll find it. but as I said that's a matter for latter. for now I've picked out one of the fan requests that's been sent four times already but you've turned it down each time." Mineta said with a evil grin. Katsuki's gut dropped and he whimpered, already knowing what request it would be.  the fan in question was offering a tribute of a extra 200 bucks if the clip got made, but what they wanted was one of Katsuki's limits. A stroll in the halls in one of his baby outfits during the day. "W-We can't you have t-" Katsuki started to whimper but Mineta just gave him a evil smile. "Relax, if we're nice and fast about it, there's no way anyone will catch us..they're all out having fun, visiting their folks or studying in their dorms. Trust me, I don't want you busted and outed, then i lose my hold over you and end up a scorch mark on a wall." Mineta said. Katsuki huffed but had to admit Mineta had a point and they started to plan out how they were gonna do it.
25 minutes and one diaper change later (Katsuki's nerves had gotten to him) and the pervert was out in the halls, his camera phone set and gave a gentle cry of all clear to the door, then started to record. Katsuki poked his head out of his room, and looked around, then slowly walked out holding a series of smallish pieces of white cardboard and waddled down the hall closer to the camera and with his paci in his mouth, held them up to the camera. 'Hi! I'm a big silly stinky diaper boy, and right now I'm at school.' Katsuki counted down from 20 in his head then switched to the next card. 'I've been getting requests to show off my diaper butt in the halls during the day. it's Saturday so almost no one is here but still..' And he grimaced and suckled loudly looking around as he counted down then swapped card. 'I REALLY hope no one see's me in the halls like this! I'm kind of a bully and this would RUIN me!' ruin had 3 underlies under it and Katsuki scrunched up his face and squirms, and when it was time... 'But I feel so excited and naughty out in the halls like this! Thanks Meaniesitter_345 for the request!' putting the cards under one arm, Katsuki used the other hand to rub the front of his diapers and then walked away from the camera, going down to almost the end of the hall and coming back. He was gonna go and do the same for the other side of the hallway when some loud voices were heard. "Mannn i can't believe you got us kicked out of the arcade Hanta!" grumbled the voice of Mezou. "hey, that little bugger was hogging the machines, Somebody had to do something!" came Hanta's reply. Katsuki's eyes went wide in fright and he shot a look at Mineta who nodded and pointed for Katsuki's door, both of them rushing and barley getting in and slamming the door before the other other boys could round the corner and see them. laying against the door in case they tried it and both the baby and the perv panting, they could hear the boys keep arguing, only pausing to ask if the other smelled baby powder. "nah, we have to be imaging it. I mean, who wears baby powder around here?" "I dunno, Izuku cries a lot soo.." Both boys laughed and kept going.
'Almost busted in the halls' was uploaded a hour later after some minor editing and with in the first 15 minutes it had been viewed 70 times. with the clip only being a dollar and shot much better then his others it was going like hot cakes and the comments were pouring in, Katsuki was more popular then ever. 'LOL bet baby crapped himself when he was almost caught!' 'Boooo! you should of stayed in the hallway and let them see you!' 'Was anyone else hoping his door was gonna be locked? LOL' 'OMG your so cute!' 'Hey, how do I request a clip? do I just PM or what?' It was that last one that Mineta answered first, telling people to send all and all requests to the inbox, Blondie baby had a new manager who would make sure as many of them could filled as possible, though tributes would help push certain ideas over others. Katsuki for his part sat on the floor, hugging his stuffie and rocking back and forth a bit, hoping that Mineta wouldn't notice the slight smell coming from that wasn't going away. when he'd almost been caught he'd started to mess himself but had clamped his bowels down, and had been told to wait till 'daddy' was finished with the big boy computer stuff before asking permission to use the potty. His tummy was gurgling and it was getting harder and harder to hold his back door bomb in and he whined and whimpered around his paci as he suckled it, then waved one arm trying to get Mineta's attention from where the perv sat up on the bed, using Katsuki's laptop. "-Sigh- what is it Baby butt?" Mineta asked, a slight tone of annoyance in his voice though mentally he was delighted. It was pretty clear that the blond diaper bitch had at least started to fudge his huggies, even if Katsuki shook his head no every time he was asked if he had. 'just like the fucking big baby your dressed up as.' Mineta mused. "I-I gotta go poo poo!" Katsuki whined, having taken his paci out and whimpered. "it's gonna be a BIG one! Please let me use the potty!" Dropping his teddy bear, Katsuki knelled forward, both hands pressed together. "..Allllright..but only because I don't wanna change a shitty diaper. off you go." He said, smirking and jerking a thumb to the bathroom. Katsuki nodded and smiled and relaxed a bit, and moved to crawl into the bathroom.Sadly as it would turn out, relaxing was the last thing he should of done. He barley moved when a loud gurgle from his tummy was heard and Katsuki gasped and whimpered. "N-Nooo!" he whined and grabbed at his tummy while going face down and ass up in front of the bathroom door, about to load his diapers. Never one to pass up a opening like this, Mineta grabbed the phone and started to record as Katsuki loaded the seat of his diapers, blorting out the back of the teddy bear diaper and making them vanish. 'heh, This is gonna be SUCH easy money." Mineta thought, then the smell hit him and he wrinkled his nose. 'Maybe not as easy as I thought...'
the end for now.
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cakejots · 3 years
this is us trying, Chapter 6 - The Pounce
In this AU, they don’t know each other outside of the suit. And in this AU, Ladybug and Chat Noir love each other. But in this AU, Chat doesn’t want their identities revealed.
Written for @ladynoirjuly 2021
notes: this is a coherent story based on all the prompts; each chapter contains at least 3 prompts. this chapter has 4 prompts
Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 | Ch 6 | Ch 7 | Ch 8 | Ch 9 | Ch 10
Read on AO3
17. Secrets
Marinette was sure she didn’t have any alarm set for the day. And even if she did, it wouldn’t be this early in the morning. Her video call with Adrien the night before lasted well over a few hours, and it was the second day in a row where she wasn’t sleeping her usual routine. Though tired, she really can’t find herself regretting her actions. She was sure Adrien felt the same, he didn’t want the video call to end so soon and always managed to find something new to chat about.
She thought she could ignore the constant buzzing of her phone, but she’s only clowning herself if she believes that. Marinette tried to use her pillow to cover her head to block out the noise, but to no avail. She tried again with her thick blanket but eventually gave up. She was too disturbed to go back to sleep now anyway. With a grunt, she lifted herself off of her comfy bed and grabbed her phone from the shelves above her.
She eyed the screen and saw the time, as well as the caller.
“Woah, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”
“Care to check how many times you’ve called me?” Marinette pinched the bridge of her nose. “You know I hate it when my sleep gets interrupted.”
“I’m really sorry Marinette, but this can’t be put off any longer. Why didn’t you tell me? Are there any more secrets you’re hiding from me?”
“Huh? What are you talking about?”
Her phone gave off a chime, and it was a link Alya had just shared. “Access that link.”
Marinette grew wary as she saw the first few words of the link. The name of the biggest gossip magazine was etched within it.
“Uhh, Alya, what’s this? You know I hate reading things from gossip magazines.” She’s pissed that she was woken up for this useless bullshit.
“I know I know, just click it please, it concerns you.” Alya pleaded.
Marinette paused. “Me?”
Her mind imagined the worst-case scenario. Was her secret identity compromised? She didn’t manage to read the rest of the link as she quickly clicked on the link.
The first thing she saw when the site loaded was a video embedded at the top of the page, and the thumbnail of the video was of her and Adrien throwing affectionate gazes at each other, with Adrien’s hand buried deep within her hair. Fear shot through her entire being. When was this?
She further inspected the thumbnail and saw that she was in pyjamas. It was the night they revealed themselves, they had just exited the park and were ready to head home.
“Marinette? Did you manage to read the article?”
She couldn’t take it anymore, she hastily closed the tab. “No, but I see myself and Adrien on the video thumbnail. Shit...” She admitted, not bothering to hide since Alya already saw it.
“Are you okay?”
“What did the article say?” She whispered.
“They were speculating if you’re Adrien’s new fling— ”
“The fuck?”
“—or romantic partner, but they don’t know who you are, so you’re safe.”
“But he’s not! I need to make sure he’s okay.” She was jumping out of her bed when Alya’s voice stopped her in her tracks.
“Marinette, I think that might be a problem. Herds of reporters are situated outside the Agreste mansion.”
She felt a vein pop in her temple. “Are you there?”
“What? No! The clip is rolling live on TV.”
She switched on her TV and sure enough, the mansion was surrounded by reporters.
“Adrien...” Blood drained from her face as she looked at the sheer number of reporters outside his house. Her vision started to blur. He was no doubt going to blame himself for this again.
“A-Alya, I’m sorry, I need some time alone. T-Thank you for telling me,” she stammered.
“Don’t sweat it. And I’m sure you have reasons for keeping your secrets, I won’t pester you now, but I hope to get an update on the both of you once this is over. And please promise me you’ll tell me about it later.”
Comfort flooded her chest, “Of course, Alya. Thank you so much.”
Marinette hung up and was left alone with her own thoughts.
Thinking back, Adrien was acting slightly weird after they got onto the streets. He had asked her to transform out of nowhere. Was that when he had realised they were being followed? Why didn’t he tell her? Marinette browsed her messages and calls, there was nothing she missed from Adrien.
Why was he pushing her away again? Even after the reveal. Why isn’t he opening up to her?
She wiped her tears. This is no time to be questioning his decisions. She needed to save her kitty as soon as possible. He must be feeling devastated dealing with this all alone.
18. Can’t Transform
Adrien was curled up by the side of his bed, his phone all blown up with notifications, calls, and messages from gossip news agencies and the public. It was till the point that he had to reconfigure his “Do Not Disturb” function to stop all the ringing and buzzing that wrecked his phone. He was so overwhelmed that he disabled everything.
His phone was currently by his side, his chat with Marinette on the display. Marinette was online earlier on, and he was happy to see that, but she was gone as soon as she came. Adrien really wanted to ask her for help, but he was sure that she’s pissed with him right now. He didn’t have the right to ask since he brought this upon himself. He just hoped she forgave him for allowing her face to appear on the news.
Marinette (09:01): chaton?
A chime brought his attention back to the phone. Adrien saw her message, but he just stared.
Marinette (09:01): chaton i can see you online
Adrien (09:02): hi
Marinette (09:02): can you call me?
Marinette (09:02): my calls can't seem to get through
Adrien (09:03): i muted everything
Marinette (09:03): oh
Marinette (09:03): then can chat call me?
Adrien (09:03): i can't transform
Adrien (09:04): i don't want to risk them seeing the transformation
Marinette saw that he typed and stopped a few times. She’d be patient with him, he’s allowed to take as long as he needed.
Adrien (09:06): i'll call
Adrien (09:06): but can you give me a while?
Marinette (09:06): of course :)
Perhaps it was her staring at her screen, knowing that Adrien was there. Perhaps she was solely focused on seeing something happen on her screen. Or perhaps she managed to will Adrien into calling her, because he eventually did. And it didn’t feel like it had been 10 minutes.
The line had gone quiet. So quiet that she was about to remove her phone from her ear to check if the call had ended when a voice spoke through the speakers.
“Hey, Marinette.”
He sounded apprehensive. Was she coming off too strong?
“How are you feeling?” Her voice gentler this time.
He still took a while, but it was definitely faster than the one before.
“Okay, okay. Are you okay with waiting a while more?”
Is Marinette coming to get him?
“I guess.”
“Nice. Do you think you can transform after the herd of reporters is gone?”
“I think so.”
“Very good. Would you be comfortable with sleeping in my house for a few days?”
Adrien wasn’t sure if he wanted to stay with Marinette after all this was over. What if she interrogated him? Was he ready to tell her why he did what he did? The whole truth? What if she leaves? Or rather, kick him out after she learnt the truth. He didn’t want that. Enough people had already left him. He doesn’t want any more of that. They can’t leave if he wasn’t there in the first place.
But Adrien wanted to be with Marinette. Even more so after what his actions had led to. He may be selfish right now, but he wanted the affirmation that she’d still have him, even after he messed up. He didn’t want to be alone after this ordeal. She has proved repeatedly that she wouldn’t abandon him. And right now, she’s inviting him into her life, willingly.
Justifiably, Marinette is in no wrong here, but Adrien found himself finally believing what she had promised. It might be that words of assurance could only go so far for him. But certainly, it was her actions that solidified his belief in her.
“Mhm.” He sniffled.
Adrien wanted to explain. He wanted her to know how much this meant to him.
“My lady, I… I—”
“It’s okay, Chaton. Your safety and wellbeing take precedence.”
“W-Wait! Are you going to hang up?”
19. Trust
“Do you trust me?”
“Always,” he answered so effortlessly.
“Then yes, I’m going to hang up. But I guarantee you that you’ll see me soon enough,” Marinette assured. “Would that be okay?”
“Yes, my lady.”
“Thank you, Chaton. Wait for me.”
They said their goodbyes, and Marinette waited for a while before she hung up. She got to her feet and went to work straight away.
“What is he doing in there? Can’t he see us? Just come out already!” One of the reporters threw his papers on the ground, getting agitated from standing outside the Agreste mansion for at least 2 hours. “This is taking far too long!”
“Hey! Look!”
He noticed someone pointing upwards and he lifted his eyes.
Soon, the herd of reporters directed their collective attention and cameras to the top of the mansion. They were so determined on getting any footage they could on the occupant of the building that all but one of them failed to realise that Ladybug and Chat Noir had appeared on the rooftop, with Chat Noir piggybacking their target.
“What is this?” Ladybug shouted at the crowd beneath her feet. “Is this any way to treat Paris’ Golden Boy? His love life is none of your concern!”
And with that, she jumped away from the persistent sound of cameras clicking coming from the crowd. Chat Noir followed without missing a bit, with Adrien hugging him tightly.
When Ladybug and Chat Noir had disappeared out of their sight, the media quickly got onto their vans and chased them down.
As the commotion was happening, Marinette texted Adrien to ask for the directions to access his room.
Adrien (09:32): the windows to my room are open. you'll see it once you get to the back of the mansion
She made sure the crowd had dissipated entirely before emerging from her hiding spot from the surrounding rooftops; she then made her way towards the mansion.
Sure enough, she found herself swinging into his room within seconds.
Adrien’s room was one of the biggest rooms she has ever seen in her life when she landed. It was at least twice the size of her previous bedroom, so big and spacious with various game areas across the first floor and a large library of books and CDs on the second.
She was still admiring his expansive room when she heard tiny sniffles coming from the side of the bed.
Snapping her head towards the bed, she spotted Adrien hugging his knees, head buried within his arms. “Adrien.”
Adrien lifted his head and saw her watching him.
He stood and wiped his tears, trying to smile. Turned out, wishing she was by his side was one thing. Having her actually be here with him was an entirely different thing.
Lady Rouge? Rena Bug? Marinette did not look happy. She was biting her lower lips before she started walking towards him.
Adrien began moving backwards bit by bit, anxious about her reactions towards him.
“Tikki, Trixx, Separation.”
Was that disappointment in her eyes? He didn’t know. Ladybug was quickly catching up to him and when he saw that she had raised her hand, he shut his eyes.
He was expecting some reproaching from her. He was expecting some pounding on his chest, or even a slap to his face. But all he felt was a hand wrapped around his head, settling itself within his hair and pulling him into a hug.
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” she breathed.
Adrien opened his eyes in startlement, before relaxing into her. Ladybug’s other hand was on his back, pressing him into her. And he circled his arms around her waist, returning the gesture.
“My lady, I’m covered in snot and tears right now.”
“Yeah, you’re disgusting.” But she pulled him in even more and tightened her hold on him nonetheless.
20. Save Me
Adrien wished he could’ve stayed in Ladybug’s embrace longer, she was so full of warmth and love, unlike the mansion. But he needed to pack his clothes for his impromptu stay at Marinette’s over the next few days, to avoid the scandal they were currently in.
Ladybug was exploring his huge room, but he couldn’t see her from the bathroom, so he assumed she was checking out his vast collection of books and CDs on the second floor.
He didn’t like how quiet it had gotten.
“My lady?”
Within seconds, Ladybug dropped from right in front of the bathroom door, face worried. “Adrien?”
“Could you… um, could you stay on the first floor?” He squeaked.
She relaxed and chuckled. “Of course, mon Chaton.” She looked around a bit. “I’ll just take a look around the arcade stations.”
He nodded before continuing his packing. It was quiet again, but at least he knew she was exploring on the first floor.
“Adrien?” He lifted his gaze from his bag and saw Ladybug standing beside his bed, pointing at it. “Can I sit on it?”
“Of course! Go ahead! I don’t see why not.” Surprise laced in his voice by her question.
“Just wanted to make sure,” she replied cheekily before she bounced on his bed.
Adrien was about done with his packing, but he didn’t want Ladybug to be bored.
“My lady, what happened to those illusions?”
Ladybug widened her eyes. “I was sure that the media would follow those illusions, so I had them travel to the outskirts of Paris before making them disappear right before their very eyes.” She then scratched the back of her head and smiled sheepishly. “That was the plan. But uh, the illusions should be gone as soon as I reverted to just being Ladybug.”
Adrien had finished packing and was walking out of the bathroom, bag in his hand. “So, they might be back?”
Ladybug immediately stood and walked to his windows. “I don’t see or hear any crowd outside. So I guess they are still trying to figure out where those illusions went.”
Adrien came up to her, Trixx and Plagg in his hands. “Then, for extra precaution, why not use Trixx’s power again to conceal ourselves?”
Ladybug’s eyes shone with understanding. “That’s a great idea! I didn’t think of that!”
When Ladybug called for her unification, her outfit was similar to Rena Rouge’s. Her dark hair was tied up in a thick ponytail with the ends highlighted in white. A tail was also added to her suit. “Come on, let’s go!”
But Adrien hadn't called for his transformation, and she raised an eyebrow.
“Uhh— right!” Adrien blushed and quickly turned around to retrieve his bag from the side of his bed before calling for his transformation.
“Oh, I see,” a smug look on her pretty face. “You just wanted to see me in this.”
Chat Noir was still blushing when he returned to her side. “Can you blame me? You look amazing in this. Can’t I admire how stunning my girlfriend looks?”
It was her turn to flush. “You can, you absolutely can.” She turned away, ready to use her flute when Chat Noir grabbed her hand.
“In fact, you look beautiful all the time.” He gazed into her eyes. “Marinette, for the plan you concocted to save me, thank you.”
“Anything for you, Chaton.” She grinned.
Chat pulled her into a hug and squeezed. His hand was on the back of her head, pressing her into his neck. “Thank you, so so much.”
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