#i want to do more but brain dieded
tomatoscribbles · 4 months
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still unsure if jin and nero would be best friends or despise each other, but that doesnt make them any less fun to draw together
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streetcleanrr · 8 months
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look at it.ok? (it/its only! she/her is fine for the bit though lmao.)
i rotate it in my brain constantly. it has lore and also is simultaneously a sona and an oc. u know how it is
one more doodle under tha cut :3 (and my hcs on streetcleaners.as a treat. to warrant it)
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"u forgot the skirt" nuh uh (i did in its first doodle but we stay silly)
im going ot literally copy paste my various rambles from discord here because iii dont want to summarize :3
"i think lorewise it was a prototype for a lighter and faster streetcleaner . (it was a successful one!) better at multitasking so it can do Several things while it commits arson and a more controlled ability to commit arson future models ditched the extra arms but kept the lightweight body and extra heat vents both the normal streetcleaners and lighter streetcleaners were produced at the same time! usually paired together :3 its part of why in game theyre usually in pairs . even if the same variety, they tend towards being in small groups (2-5!) and prefer it to being alone and it allows them to patch eachother up if theyre injured (very common! even the lighterweight ones still frequently overheat and can gain issues related to it!) THEYRE ALSO !! one of the few machines to use multiple fuel types. obviously they favor blood but can and will use any types of oil additionally. sometimes kindling! its what the chest plate is. an opening for the Other fuels :3
i think most machines r only in groups because they want v1 dieded but streetcleaners r the exception, social mother fuckers.."
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Happy 2024, y'all! 2023 has been a busy year with lots of ups and downs but one thing is for sure : I got my mutuals with me and I want thank them all with a little meme plus some honorable mentions <3 I'll make a separate post for those who I couldn't put here but I still want to thank <3
@deep-space-siren : Diede, Belgian King and band expert. You're such a kind and understanding soul and I'm so grateful to have you in my life for another year <3
@legal-lost-boy : Jeords, my little big bro. I missed you a bit because we were both busy but I'm great you're here with me. You're so creative and kind and I hope the best for your future.
@officialmelkor: Moon, my sweet older sib. You are a great adviser and listener. I'm glad you're in my life giving me comfort and I hope I can do the same for you. Remember your strenght <3
@same-old-crue: Eli, WE MET THIS YEAR! It was the year of the italian bitches who see old men bands and we ace it. I hope the new year brings you peace, and that you can see you're more than what your brain says.
@glamourizedcocaine : Alexis, I'm so grateful to share ideas and talk with you. You get quite a few of my rants against the world and I thank you for that. I wish for you all the peace and the success because you are super talented <3
@morska--vila: Sestra, I was so afraid of have lost you but we found each other and that's what matters. I hope you get all the good things in this wolrd because you deserve them. Stay strong and slay <3.
@arnold-layne: My talented pal, I'm always so afraid of not being cool enough to be your friend but thank you for gifting us with your writing. The future will look brighter and remember your worth is more than numbers or external factors can dictate.
@welcometohollyweird: Oliviaaaaa, hello from uncle CC too! Lots of peace and good vibes for you and I hope we can continue to talk like we have been doing for years. Remember that you are not alone.
@mxliv-oftheendless : From a Liv to another. I'm so happy for your achievements this year and I hope you treat yourself with kindness <3
@what-a-fucking-disguise-this-is: Ollie, thank you for your funny videos and wholesome messages. I wish you all the best and never give up, you're a star.
@aritamargarita: Ritaaaa, never forget to believe in yourself and in your talent. Good luck with everything.
@poisonedraven: Stevie, you are one of the new friends I made in 2023 and I'm grateful for this <3 Remember who loves you doesn't make you feel like crap. We are humans and we are worthy regardless of how "lovable" we think we are.
@emometalhead: Ash! Wonderful soul and friend, I hope you smash everything this year and keep your wonderful sunshine personality.
@ladyshandioftheendless : Shadi, I wish you all the best. You're a great friend and life will get easier <3
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noodle-slurp · 2 years
UuuuuUUUUHU part 7
Idk what im doing anymore. Brain dieded------
The giant returns to sleep soon after they return to the cave. How he manages to pass out so quickly is beyond them, but they suppose they wouldn't have issues sleeping if they were a massive man-eating monster either. Despite the many scars on his tan face, he manages to look almost peaceful like this. It's all too easy to forget he's a predator that will likely eat them once he wakes.
They try to be quiet at first, napping off and on until noon to not risk waking the giant, but eventually, they become restless. Dreams shift into nightmares and they find themselves unwilling to close their eyes again. They lay there, anxious, marinating in their morbid imagination of the future - a future of heat, of darkness…of acid.
Eventually, they roll over and begin to distract themselves with digging in the endless pile of junk he had collected. A lot of it was camping equipment and moth-eaten clothes, but there was also jewelry, trinkets, flashlights, and carved animals as big as their own head. The carvings looked similar to the ones he wore on his poncho, though, somehow, this one seemed unfinished…
They become curious, suddenly. They'd never really seen the details of the giant before today - the times they'd met him prior - brief and often dark.
They tilt their head at the sleeping giant, gauging how asleep he might be. It's difficult to tell with his size, but his breath was shallow enough. They hoped.
They creep forward, eyes darting to his face with each step, and pause roughly ten feet away. They scan the totems woven into the giants poncho, all of them crudely detailed down to the last feather, scale and hair. Some of them were more bleached than the others, faded and stained in a way resembling bone. Maybe it was bone…
A clawed hand reaches up and lazily plops itself on top of them, knocking them on their back and leaving them breathless. The giant exhales deeply, his warm breath washing over them like a wave. Tired light-green eyes open to stare down at them, and all they can do is stare back, breathless.
"You're being too noisy." He murmurs.
Truthfully, he hadn't been asleep to begin with. It was far too difficult to find rest with someone else in his cave - especially when that someone else was a human. He had never been around a human like this. He had eaten every single one he had encountered in his life - and all of them had been delicious. This one was no exception…
It'd be so easy to swallow them down…
"Sorry." They practically squeak, too scared to say much else.
He inhales and exhales with a sleepless grunt. "It's ok" He decides with a teasing chuckle, ignoring the itch to taste them. "If I wanted quiet, I could just eat you."
He wanted to.
They take this more as a threat than a tease. "I doubt that'd make me quieter" they say tightly, clinging to his fingers as if they'd protect them.
"Wanna test that?" He offers, heavily considering doing it anyway. It wasn't that he was mad at them, they were just so tempting and he was so, so hungry.
They balk and pale. "Not really. No."
He hums and closes his eyes. He pulls them closer until they were pressed against his nose and cheek. Stars they smelled so good. Their fear was like a savory spice, delicate and enticing - the hands pushing against his grip an exciting temptation.
He simply lays like that a moment, slowly inhaling their scent and enjoying the sensation of their squirms. The temptation to pull them inside his mouth was strong and a thick strand of drool escaped to dribble down his chin. The strand of saliva soaks into their shirt, he doesn't even need to look to read the fear in their eyes.
Their heart hammers in their chest as they lay against his face. His skin is hot on their hands -toasty, though they knew he could get a lot warmer - especially on the inside. They remember how to breathe and take a hitched breath. "I'm -uh -uncomfortable…" they manage to voice, feeling like they might just choke.
He hums again, thinking, his breath warming them until their clothes became clingy. Humans were so small and soft, delicious and -
He pulls away, allowing them to scramble backwards from him.
"Keep it down - and don't stare at me when I'm sleeping. It's weird." He grumbles, curling back in on himself.
"I was looking at your poncho. The things on it." They clarify, not wanting him to think them strange.
"Hm? 'The things'?" He cracks his eyes open and reaches idly up to the trinkets on his clothing. "Ah. These. They're just some carvings." He breathes out, closing his eyes again.
"Did you make them?" They ask curiously, not sure where else he would have gotten them from.
"Most of em."
"How?" They ask, baffled.
He furrows his brows and cracks his eyes to look at them like they were stupid. "I carved them?"
They tilt their head. "But how? With what?"
He stares at them in baffled silence for way too long before realizing humans lacked the tools giants did. He held out his hand palm first and flexed his tanin-stained claws. "These."
They take a wary step back from his hand, eyes darting between his claws and his face. They weren't sure if they had pestered him with too many questions again, and they had no desire to test that patience. When no grumpy words follow the displayed claws, they allow themselves to relax and marvel at them. The claws were easily as long as their forearm and as sharp looking as a knife - given what they'd seen giants do with them thus far, they may as well have been blades.
"That must take a lot of practice." They marvel, trying to imagine the giant pricking the tiny details into bone and wood.
He grunts and retracts his hand. "Lotta patience, mostly."
"Patience takes practice." They offer. "You're really good at it. I like how you do feathers." They marvel openly, eyes flicking back to a carved bird on his poncho.
He squints at them. Truly, he isn't sure how he feels about that compliment - good, proud, baffled, dismissive, - but outwardly he can only express silent, furrowed browed thought. They read it as annoyance.
He does not continue and they are unsure how else to push the conversation - or if they even should. They feel they are bothering him. They fidget idly, thinking. "Sorry…for waking you again." They finally mumble.
"Mm? I told you, it's fine." He dismisses, rolling over with his back to them. "Just find somethin' to do. I got books in a corner if you like that kinda stuff."
They tilt their head. "Books? Where?"
He lets out a long, exasperated breath through his nose, eager to close his eyes again. He gestures vaguely over his shoulder. "Corner with the red tent."
They follow the half-assed directions, squinting into the dim depths of the cavern. It takes them an awkward amount of time to spot the red cloth, but there it was, half set up as if someone might still be sleeping in it, dented and ripped and - stained…but mostly intact in a dark corner. Inside was a pile of books, weathered and warped from the elements. The genres varied from survival guides to romance, but the majority tended to be fishing magazines. They find a few Jack London books and settle themselves atop a pile of sleeping bags to read.
They struggle,to sit still, to focus on the letters on the page. Their mind buzzes with anxiety of the future and urges them to run away…But, assuming they made it past the giant, where would they run away too? They could try a multitude of directions, surely one would be a safe bet, there couldn't be man-eating monsters -everywhere-.
But what about gas?
Their heart sinks as they recall trucks need fuel to run - and theirs was at half. They weren't sure how far they could get on half a tank, but the idea of being slapped in the middle of nowhere with no supplies, no visible towns or knowing that section of land for foraging, terrified them.
The only thing worse than being eaten alive, might just be withering away in the wilds, bit by miserable bit, until delirium and sickness took them. They'd had heat stroke and various other ailments associated with being outside too long, and, between the two agonies, acid definitely seemed more merciful. At least it'd be over in a matter of hours vs days/weeks….
A morbid assurance…
They lay there, book open in one hand, staring at the pages blankly. They can't stop thinking about what had happened over the past week(s) - or the various ways they were likely to die very soon. It nagged at them, grabbed their focus and pulled them under, drowning out even the faintest hope.
Their injured arm itches and they have to resist the urge to scratch it. It'd healed well despite the damage to it, but still not well enough to encourage them to mess with it. They remember the feel of the light flutter of unpleasant bubbles frothing and popping over them - of acid worming it's way into the wounds.
And they remember the days they were weak and in pain from an infected cut.
Being eaten was a mercy.
They frown at themselves, unhappy and glare at the page harder, willing the words to make sense.
He doesn't sleep.
He can't.
He lays there with his eyes closed, hyper aware of every shift of movement or turning of a page the human made. He imagines their taste on his tongue, the sensation of dragging them down his throat, and, finally, of their weight settling in his stomach. It's so insanely tempting.
His stomach clenched, begging him to fill it.
What would it matter if he ate one more lousy human? There were millions of them on this chunk of dirt….millions. In fact, if he paid attention, he was pretty certain he could smell a camp on the breeze, distant, but there. What did it matter if he ate this one?
They were different.
He wanted to eat them, to drag them down to his core and - and what? He wasn't sure. He didn't want to hurt them…which was an odd thought to have, but also there was no way this would last. He was a monster - they were a human. Mortal enemies. Sure, they had helped him and even been relatively friendly towards him, even seemed more fascinated than scared of him at first, but that had been on their terms - and now things were different.
He wasn't sure what had changed to make the human more scared of him - they certainly hadn't been anywhere near afraid the last time they met….
Though, last time, he had eaten them…He supposed that may make a difference in their opinions of him….
He inhales deeply, holds it, and huffs it out in frustration.
Why did he even want to keep them anyway? To have someone to talk to? Stupid. He'd done just fine alone for decades now. He didn't need them….
He rolls over and stares at the human in the corner. They had sprawled out on his garbage and resigned themselves to staring at the stalagtites above in frustration. They were anxious…and upset.
It'd be so easy to just reach over and-
He rolls back over and curls himself up tight, frustrated in his confusion. He was a giant, this should have been a simple thing, a natural thing.
Giants eat humans. They were human. Simple.
There's a low groan from his guts.
The human goes still as a statue - he doesn't even hear them breathing anymore. He tries to ignore it.
Part of him wants to believe he can keep them. That maybe they could be a …sorta companion…like a dog. Like a pet. His partner would have found this amusing…They would have humored him and told him how much responsibility a human is, how much care they need and how their temperment was important for matching their life style.
He closes his eyes and imagines them here. It's bittersweet, but soothing. His partner would have wanted to test for temperment…maybe he could do something similar….
He could 'test for temperment' and if they couldn't handle his life style…maybe it would be best for both of them if he just got it over with.
There is smoke on the wind, faint but present. Someone, somewhere is camping, doing their best to survive in these new wilds.
His stomach growls impatiently and he chooses to ignore it. He can hunt later
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cupcakeshakesnake · 8 years
Watching Hell Bent for the first time
-If something goes wrong with me I’m gonna blame you, Moffat.
-Why are we in the U.S> all of a sudden
-”JACKSON” “No matter where you go, there you are.”
-Is there a mini USA on Gallifrey
-I don’t even know
-Oh there’s Clara
-Maybe the Doctor’s dead and this is what’s happening his brain
-Maybe it’s another of those places in his mind palace
-Maybe this is an AU
-Maybe everyone died or is in a coma
-Never trust Moffat
-Well, there he is, back on Gallifrey...
-The sisters of Kahn!
-(Did I spell that right)  (Probably not)
-(I only just realized this is a one hour episode)
-Who are those people anyway
-”Who the hell does he think he is?”  “The man who won the Time War, sir.”
-Doctor: “ehhh yeah fuck you and your speech”
-Sooo what does the Doctor want and what do the Timelords want?
-Damn, that slow guitar riff.
-well shit
-Why is Rassilon such a jerk. All the time.
-He didn’t dieded
-They missed on purpose
-Well Rassilon if you’re so angry why don’t you shoot him yourself
-Didn’t you lot, like, give him a new regeneration cycle a couple seasons ago
-I’m still kinda confused about this; are the soldiers all Time Lords or are only the elite called Time Lords and can regenerate
-Dammit Rassilon
-Are we seeing ghosts of Time Lords now
-”Oh, not from you lot. No, you'd cramp my style. Look at your hats.“
-Ow, my ears.
-Ow, my eyes.
-Ow, my senses.
-Well shit
-I don’t like where the music is leading
-I... what THE FUYCK
-”No one take a selfie!”   Okay...
-Doctor: “Fuck the timestream”
-jesus flippity christ
-Well he’s gonna regenerate but still
-And he regenerated into...
-A girl?
-Okay then
-The soldiers look so stumped
-Whhy am I laughing
-She looks like she should be sporting a leather jacket, torn jeans, punk boots and a big earring or two
-weeping angels??!
-ood head?? Is that an ood head?
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Is it??
-say whaaaaat
-Dalek: “Kill... me...”
-Holy fuck
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Like seriously, holy fuck.
-Weeping Angel: “kill me pls”
-Cyberman: “kill me pls”
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Not so upgraded now, are you?
-Fucking Timelords. They don;t even clean their database regularly.
-And they hire ghosts of their own kind to guard it.
-Does Clara notice the 2 billion years of time that passed in his eyes
-Correction: Four and a half billion years.
-”He could have left any time he wanted. He just had to say what he knew. The dial would have released him.”
-Four and a half billion years.
-4,500,000,000 years.
-4.5 billion years
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Unmodified TARDIS
-What happened to his old one?
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Classic season control panel!
-Doctor: “fuck you sis”
-This is not going to end well.
-”What’s out there?”  “Me.”  Little did I know that he was referring to Ashieldr.  (Yeah, turns out it’s spelled with an R. Stupid me.)
-Well... dammit
-”Me, go to hell.”
-Humans are... a warrior race?
-Okay then?
-But he’s not a Hybrid, Eight did say in one of the comics that he was half human but it later turned out he lied to get out of a situation.
-”The lover of chaos, who wants you to love it too. She’s quite the matchmaker.”
-I don’t even know
-Oh, Clara.
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Excuse me my sense of humor is very mature
-well shit
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I only just noticed Ashieldr’s watching all this drama in the background
-”I accept it.”  “I can’t.”
-”Smile for me, Clara Oswald. Go on, one last time.”
-well I guess my heart’s pretty much gone now
-Who’s the guy
-Moffat,  you’ve done it again...
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Watch out for that Statue of Liberty, she might still be pissed about what happened in Series 6.
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TARDIS manual.
-So anyway how the fuck do you read that
-So... girl stuck in the last moment of her death and a girl who was turned immortal by alien tech, traveling together?
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o k a y   b y e
-Welp, now I gotta cry every time I hear that tune.
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*crying intensifies*
-This is random, but I’m kinda wondering if someone else wrote all the chalk letters or if Jenna-Louise Coleman did it herself.
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Is it just me or is the TARDIS a bit more colorful than before
-The paint peels off during dematerialization, huh
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Off we go.
-So, two Tardis’s in the universe. I wonder if they will ever run across each other again?
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elenaturnerge1 · 7 years
Welcome to the new Yoast Academy
Yoast’s mission is SEO for everyone, and one way we work towards that is by providing knowledge on all aspects of SEO to everyone. Our blog has a wealth of knowledge, but it can be quite overwhelming: where to start? To help people easily learn all about a particular aspect of SEO, we also offer several SEO courses. These provide a full package of videos, selected reading materials and questions at the end of each lesson. Today, we’ve taken the first step in our ambitious plans for the future of the Yoast Academy.
New to SEO? Learn the Basics of SEO in our Basic SEO course »
$199 - Buy now »
The first step we take is migrating to another learning management system (LMS), but also improving many aspects of the learning environment. We’re thrilled with how this turned out and would love to share a sneak peek with you! So, in this post, Academy lead Jesse and developer Diede, two of the brains behind all this, discuss the changes and improvements to the front- and backend of the Academy. But first, let’s go back to where it all started!
Want to help improve Yoast Academy? Please fill out our Academy survey to share your ideas!
Origins of the Yoast Academy
The Yoast Academy was founded by Marieke some two years ago, to give people who wanted to up their SEO skills an alternative to reading through loads of posts and eBooks. Each course provides students with everything they need to master a specific aspect of SEO, for example, SEO copywriting, technical SEO or site structure. The tailor-made courses soon proved to be a success. The number of courses steadily grew, to a total of six today.
In the early days, it was mostly Marieke who spent much of her time on the academy; now we have two more people dedicating their time to improving and creating SEO courses.
The response of our students to our courses has been overwhelmingly positive:
“Getting through the #yoastacademy and LOVING it. Need sleep now. My brain is full for today. @yoast no more exercises today!” -Fiona Smallwood
“ as an entrepreneur it is also important for me to stay on top of the latest SEO developments for my presence. This is where Yoast Academy comes into play. They provide great knowledge transfer at fair prices. I’m really happy with what these guys have created with the Yoast Academy.” – Matthias Wilhelm
All these happy reactions have inspired us to invest more and more time in our courses, to make becoming an SEO expert on all aspects an attainable goal for everyone.
What’s changed with this update?
Of course, we’ve been pleased with our courses from the start, but this update has further improved them in some key areas. The most significant change is found in the learning environment. Jesse explains: “We simplified the course structure, so the lesson page is simpler than it was. We took out as much as we could, so the user has time to focus on the content itself.”
Besides removing distractions, the team added course navigation to the lesson pages. Jesse: “Users can now navigate through the course more easily, and will also have an idea of where they are in the course. So, this is a much more intuitive way to see what role the lesson plays in the course as a whole.”
Another change is that courses in the Yoast Academy are now accessible through MyYoast. This means that you can access your courses directly, no separate login is required. We have also added an interesting new feature in MyYoast. You can now manage your courses in MyYoast. This is especially interesting if you are buying a course as a company. If you buy ten courses, for example, you can assign ten employees to each course. Because of that, buying courses and managing courses for a large number of employees has become much easier.
Also, this migration has made Yoast Academy part of the yoast.com multisite environment. Diede explains what that means for the developers at Yoast: “I’m delighted that Yoast Academy will now be part of the yoast.com multisite. It won’t be a big change for users, but for us, as developers, it’ll be so much easier to work on the Academy. And besides that, it’s just very cool that we can now start using the Academy pages in MyYoast!”
New and improved questions
One final, crucial change that Academy students will notice when finishing a lesson: new and improved questions in four courses. The questions at the end of a lesson are now more interactive in our Basic SEO, Copywriting, Technical SEO and Structured data courses. Jesse explains why this is so important: “Learndash is an LMS that offers several different question types. This allows us, in turn, to have users practice what they should do, and they can test whether they can apply their knowledge, rather than just being told what they should do. So now students can actually practice SEO themselves in the course environment. If you just hear what the theory is, learning retention is much worse, so you simply don’t remember as much as when you practice yourself.” So changing the questions has been an essential step towards an even more meaningful learning experience.
One of these new question types is the ‘gap-fill exercise.’ In the screenshot below, you can see that this type of question not only requires the student to remember what they’ve learned but also to understand how to apply it.
Another new type of question, the sorting question, allows students to check whether they fully understand the steps required to do something. They can easily drag and drop each block in the right order.
Of course, switching to another LMS always takes some work. Diede reveals: “The biggest challenge in all this was to get to know this new plugin, inside and out, in such a short time.” However, having these new possibilities for our courses has been worth the effort.
Learn how to write awesome and SEO friendly articles in our SEO Copywriting training »
$199 - Buy now »
Info Future plans
We’re nowhere near done yet, in fact, we have some ambitious plans for the Academy. Jesse explains: “This migration was quite a big step, I think when you look at it in a vacuum. But we want to do so much more, so in that regard, this was just a preparation that will enable us to achieve much more in the future. We’re going to do more research among our users, to make sure that we know what they want in an academy and what they want to have improved. We’re going to combine that with our ideas of efficient learning to make sure that we make the best academy possible for our users. So in 2018, we’re going to take another big step!”
Check out Yoast Academy
In short, it’s been a great process so far, and you can expect to see a lot more about the Yoast Academy in 2018. We have big plans, and we look forward to carrying them out together. In the meantime, why don’t you check out our courses and explore the new and improved Yoast Academy?
Read more: ‘Yoast Academy: Teach yourself SEO’ »
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mariaajameso · 7 years
Welcome to the new Yoast Academy
Yoast’s mission is SEO for everyone, and one way we work towards that is by providing knowledge on all aspects of SEO to everyone. Our blog has a wealth of knowledge, but it can be quite overwhelming: where to start? To help people easily learn all about a particular aspect of SEO, we also offer several SEO courses. These provide a full package of videos, selected reading materials and questions at the end of each lesson. Today, we’ve taken the first step in our ambitious plans for the future of the Yoast Academy.
New to SEO? Learn the Basics of SEO in our Basic SEO course »
$199 - Buy now »
The first step we take is migrating to another learning management system (LMS), but also improving many aspects of the learning environment. We’re thrilled with how this turned out and would love to share a sneak peek with you! So, in this post, Academy lead Jesse and developer Diede, two of the brains behind all this, discuss the changes and improvements to the front- and backend of the Academy. But first, let’s go back to where it all started!
Want to help improve Yoast Academy? Please fill out our Academy survey to share your ideas!
Origins of the Yoast Academy
The Yoast Academy was founded by Marieke some two years ago, to give people who wanted to up their SEO skills an alternative to reading through loads of posts and eBooks. Each course provides students with everything they need to master a specific aspect of SEO, for example, SEO copywriting, technical SEO or site structure. The tailor-made courses soon proved to be a success. The number of courses steadily grew, to a total of six today.
In the early days, it was mostly Marieke who spent much of her time on the academy; now we have two more people dedicating their time to improving and creating SEO courses.
The response of our students to our courses has been overwhelmingly positive:
“Getting through the #yoastacademy and LOVING it. Need sleep now. My brain is full for today. @yoast no more exercises today!” -Fiona Smallwood
“ as an entrepreneur it is also important for me to stay on top of the latest SEO developments for my presence. This is where Yoast Academy comes into play. They provide great knowledge transfer at fair prices. I’m really happy with what these guys have created with the Yoast Academy.” – Matthias Wilhelm
All these happy reactions have inspired us to invest more and more time in our courses, to make becoming an SEO expert on all aspects an attainable goal for everyone.
What’s changed with this update?
Of course, we’ve been pleased with our courses from the start, but this update has further improved them in some key areas. The most significant change is found in the learning environment. Jesse explains: “We simplified the course structure, so the lesson page is simpler than it was. We took out as much as we could, so the user has time to focus on the content itself.”
Besides removing distractions, the team added course navigation to the lesson pages. Jesse: “Users can now navigate through the course more easily, and will also have an idea of where they are in the course. So, this is a much more intuitive way to see what role the lesson plays in the course as a whole.”
Another change is that courses in the Yoast Academy are now accessible through MyYoast. This means that you can access your courses directly, no separate login is required. We have also added an interesting new feature in MyYoast. You can now manage your courses in MyYoast. This is especially interesting if you are buying a course as a company. If you buy ten courses, for example, you can assign ten employees to each course. Because of that, buying courses and managing courses for a large number of employees has become much easier.
Also, this migration has made Yoast Academy part of the yoast.com multisite environment. Diede explains what that means for the developers at Yoast: “I’m delighted that Yoast Academy will now be part of the yoast.com multisite. It won’t be a big change for users, but for us, as developers, it’ll be so much easier to work on the Academy. And besides that, it’s just very cool that we can now start using the Academy pages in MyYoast!”
New and improved questions
One final, crucial change that Academy students will notice when finishing a lesson: new and improved questions in four courses. The questions at the end of a lesson are now more interactive in our Basic SEO, Copywriting, Technical SEO and Structured data courses. Jesse explains why this is so important: “Learndash is an LMS that offers several different question types. This allows us, in turn, to have users practice what they should do, and they can test whether they can apply their knowledge, rather than just being told what they should do. So now students can actually practice SEO themselves in the course environment. If you just hear what the theory is, learning retention is much worse, so you simply don’t remember as much as when you practice yourself.” So changing the questions has been an essential step towards an even more meaningful learning experience.
One of these new question types is the ‘gap-fill exercise.’ In the screenshot below, you can see that this type of question not only requires the student to remember what they’ve learned but also to understand how to apply it.
Another new type of question, the sorting question, allows students to check whether they fully understand the steps required to do something. They can easily drag and drop each block in the right order.
Of course, switching to another LMS always takes some work. Diede reveals: “The biggest challenge in all this was to get to know this new plugin, inside and out, in such a short time.” However, having these new possibilities for our courses has been worth the effort.
Learn how to write awesome and SEO friendly articles in our SEO Copywriting training »
$199 - Buy now »
Info Future plans
We’re nowhere near done yet, in fact, we have some ambitious plans for the Academy. Jesse explains: “This migration was quite a big step, I think when you look at it in a vacuum. But we want to do so much more, so in that regard, this was just a preparation that will enable us to achieve much more in the future. We’re going to do more research among our users, to make sure that we know what they want in an academy and what they want to have improved. We’re going to combine that with our ideas of efficient learning to make sure that we make the best academy possible for our users. So in 2018, we’re going to take another big step!”
Check out Yoast Academy
In short, it’s been a great process so far, and you can expect to see a lot more about the Yoast Academy in 2018. We have big plans, and we look forward to carrying them out together. In the meantime, why don’t you check out our courses and explore the new and improved Yoast Academy?
Read more: ‘Yoast Academy: Teach yourself SEO’ »
0 notes
evanstheodoredqe · 7 years
Welcome to the new Yoast Academy
Yoast’s mission is SEO for everyone, and one way we work towards that is by providing knowledge on all aspects of SEO to everyone. Our blog has a wealth of knowledge, but it can be quite overwhelming: where to start? To help people easily learn all about a particular aspect of SEO, we also offer several SEO courses. These provide a full package of videos, selected reading materials and questions at the end of each lesson. Today, we’ve taken the first step in our ambitious plans for the future of the Yoast Academy.
New to SEO? Learn the Basics of SEO in our Basic SEO course »
$199 - Buy now »
The first step we take is migrating to another learning management system (LMS), but also improving many aspects of the learning environment. We’re thrilled with how this turned out and would love to share a sneak peek with you! So, in this post, Academy lead Jesse and developer Diede, two of the brains behind all this, discuss the changes and improvements to the front- and backend of the Academy. But first, let’s go back to where it all started!
Want to help improve Yoast Academy? Please fill out our Academy survey to share your ideas!
Origins of the Yoast Academy
The Yoast Academy was founded by Marieke some two years ago, to give people who wanted to up their SEO skills an alternative to reading through loads of posts and eBooks. Each course provides students with everything they need to master a specific aspect of SEO, for example, SEO copywriting, technical SEO or site structure. The tailor-made courses soon proved to be a success. The number of courses steadily grew, to a total of six today.
In the early days, it was mostly Marieke who spent much of her time on the academy; now we have two more people dedicating their time to improving and creating SEO courses.
The response of our students to our courses has been overwhelmingly positive:
“Getting through the #yoastacademy and LOVING it. Need sleep now. My brain is full for today. @yoast no more exercises today!” -Fiona Smallwood
“ as an entrepreneur it is also important for me to stay on top of the latest SEO developments for my presence. This is where Yoast Academy comes into play. They provide great knowledge transfer at fair prices. I’m really happy with what these guys have created with the Yoast Academy.” – Matthias Wilhelm
All these happy reactions have inspired us to invest more and more time in our courses, to make becoming an SEO expert on all aspects an attainable goal for everyone.
What’s changed with this update?
Of course, we’ve been pleased with our courses from the start, but this update has further improved them in some key areas. The most significant change is found in the learning environment. Jesse explains: “We simplified the course structure, so the lesson page is simpler than it was. We took out as much as we could, so the user has time to focus on the content itself.”
Besides removing distractions, the team added course navigation to the lesson pages. Jesse: “Users can now navigate through the course more easily, and will also have an idea of where they are in the course. So, this is a much more intuitive way to see what role the lesson plays in the course as a whole.”
Another change is that courses in the Yoast Academy are now accessible through MyYoast. This means that you can access your courses directly, no separate login is required. We have also added an interesting new feature in MyYoast. You can now manage your courses in MyYoast. This is especially interesting if you are buying a course as a company. If you buy ten courses, for example, you can assign ten employees to each course. Because of that, buying courses and managing courses for a large number of employees has become much easier.
Also, this migration has made Yoast Academy part of the yoast.com multisite environment. Diede explains what that means for the developers at Yoast: “I’m delighted that Yoast Academy will now be part of the yoast.com multisite. It won’t be a big change for users, but for us, as developers, it’ll be so much easier to work on the Academy. And besides that, it’s just very cool that we can now start using the Academy pages in MyYoast!”
New and improved questions
One final, crucial change that Academy students will notice when finishing a lesson: new and improved questions in four courses. The questions at the end of a lesson are now more interactive in our Basic SEO, Copywriting, Technical SEO and Structured data courses. Jesse explains why this is so important: “Learndash is an LMS that offers several different question types. This allows us, in turn, to have users practice what they should do, and they can test whether they can apply their knowledge, rather than just being told what they should do. So now students can actually practice SEO themselves in the course environment. If you just hear what the theory is, learning retention is much worse, so you simply don’t remember as much as when you practice yourself.” So changing the questions has been an essential step towards an even more meaningful learning experience.
One of these new question types is the ‘gap-fill exercise.’ In the screenshot below, you can see that this type of question not only requires the student to remember what they’ve learned but also to understand how to apply it.
Another new type of question, the sorting question, allows students to check whether they fully understand the steps required to do something. They can easily drag and drop each block in the right order.
Of course, switching to another LMS always takes some work. Diede reveals: “The biggest challenge in all this was to get to know this new plugin, inside and out, in such a short time.” However, having these new possibilities for our courses has been worth the effort.
Learn how to write awesome and SEO friendly articles in our SEO Copywriting training »
$199 - Buy now »
Info Future plans
We’re nowhere near done yet, in fact, we have some ambitious plans for the Academy. Jesse explains: “This migration was quite a big step, I think when you look at it in a vacuum. But we want to do so much more, so in that regard, this was just a preparation that will enable us to achieve much more in the future. We’re going to do more research among our users, to make sure that we know what they want in an academy and what they want to have improved. We’re going to combine that with our ideas of efficient learning to make sure that we make the best academy possible for our users. So in 2018, we’re going to take another big step!”
Check out Yoast Academy
In short, it’s been a great process so far, and you can expect to see a lot more about the Yoast Academy in 2018. We have big plans, and we look forward to carrying them out together. In the meantime, why don’t you check out our courses and explore the new and improved Yoast Academy?
Read more: ‘Yoast Academy: Teach yourself SEO’ »
0 notes
lindasharonbn1 · 7 years
Welcome to the new Yoast Academy
Welcome to the new Yoast Academy
Yoast’s mission is SEO for everyone, and one way we work towards that is by providing knowledge on all aspects of SEO to everyone. Our blog has a wealth of knowledge, but it can be quite overwhelming: where to start? To help people easily learn all about a particular aspect of SEO, we also offer several SEO courses. These provide a full package of videos, selected reading materials and questions at the end of each lesson. Today, we’ve taken the first step in our ambitious plans for the future of the Yoast Academy.
New to SEO? Learn the Basics of SEO in our Basic SEO course »
$199 - Buy now »
The first step we take is migrating to another learning management system (LMS), but also improving many aspects of the learning environment. We’re thrilled with how this turned out and would love to share a sneak peek with you! So, in this post, Academy lead Jesse and developer Diede, two of the brains behind all this, discuss the changes and improvements to the front- and backend of the Academy. But first, let’s go back to where it all started!
Want to help improve Yoast Academy? Please fill out our Academy survey to share your ideas!
Origins of the Yoast Academy
The Yoast Academy was founded by Marieke some two years ago, to give people who wanted to up their SEO skills an alternative to reading through loads of posts and eBooks. Each course provides students with everything they need to master a specific aspect of SEO, for example, SEO copywriting, technical SEO or site structure. The tailor-made courses soon proved to be a success. The number of courses steadily grew, to a total of six today.
In the early days, it was mostly Marieke who spent much of her time on the academy; now we have two more people dedicating their time to improving and creating SEO courses.
The response of our students to our courses has been overwhelmingly positive:
“Getting through the #yoastacademy and LOVING it. Need sleep now. My brain is full for today. @yoast no more exercises today!” -Fiona Smallwood
“ as an entrepreneur it is also important for me to stay on top of the latest SEO developments for my presence. This is where Yoast Academy comes into play. They provide great knowledge transfer at fair prices. I’m really happy with what these guys have created with the Yoast Academy.” – Matthias Wilhelm
All these happy reactions have inspired us to invest more and more time in our courses, to make becoming an SEO expert on all aspects an attainable goal for everyone.
What’s changed with this update?
Of course, we’ve been pleased with our courses from the start, but this update has further improved them in some key areas. The most significant change is found in the learning environment. Jesse explains: “We simplified the course structure, so the lesson page is simpler than it was. We took out as much as we could, so the user has time to focus on the content itself.”
Besides removing distractions, the team added course navigation to the lesson pages. Jesse: “Users can now navigate through the course more easily, and will also have an idea of where they are in the course. So, this is a much more intuitive way to see what role the lesson plays in the course as a whole.”
Another change is that courses in the Yoast Academy are now accessible through MyYoast. This means that you can access your courses directly, no separate login is required. We have also added an interesting new feature in MyYoast. You can now manage your courses in MyYoast. This is especially interesting if you are buying a course as a company. If you buy ten courses, for example, you can assign ten employees to each course. Because of that, buying courses and managing courses for a large number of employees has become much easier.
Also, this migration has made Yoast Academy part of the yoast.com multisite environment. Diede explains what that means for the developers at Yoast: “I’m delighted that Yoast Academy will now be part of the yoast.com multisite. It won’t be a big change for users, but for us, as developers, it’ll be so much easier to work on the Academy. And besides that, it’s just very cool that we can now start using the Academy pages in MyYoast!”
New and improved questions
One final, crucial change that Academy students will notice when finishing a lesson: new and improved questions in four courses. The questions at the end of a lesson are now more interactive in our Basic SEO, Copywriting, Technical SEO and Structured data courses. Jesse explains why this is so important: “Learndash is an LMS that offers several different question types. This allows us, in turn, to have users practice what they should do, and they can test whether they can apply their knowledge, rather than just being told what they should do. So now students can actually practice SEO themselves in the course environment. If you just hear what the theory is, learning retention is much worse, so you simply don’t remember as much as when you practice yourself.” So changing the questions has been an essential step towards an even more meaningful learning experience.
One of these new question types is the ‘gap-fill exercise.’ In the screenshot below, you can see that this type of question not only requires the student to remember what they’ve learned but also to understand how to apply it.
Another new type of question, the sorting question, allows students to check whether they fully understand the steps required to do something. They can easily drag and drop each block in the right order.
Of course, switching to another LMS always takes some work. Diede reveals: “The biggest challenge in all this was to get to know this new plugin, inside and out, in such a short time.” However, having these new possibilities for our courses has been worth the effort.
Learn how to write awesome and SEO friendly articles in our SEO Copywriting training »
$199 - Buy now »
Info Future plans
We’re nowhere near done yet, in fact, we have some ambitious plans for the Academy. Jesse explains: “This migration was quite a big step, I think when you look at it in a vacuum. But we want to do so much more, so in that regard, this was just a preparation that will enable us to achieve much more in the future. We’re going to do more research among our users, to make sure that we know what they want in an academy and what they want to have improved. We’re going to combine that with our ideas of efficient learning to make sure that we make the best academy possible for our users. So in 2018, we’re going to take another big step!”
Check out Yoast Academy
In short, it’s been a great process so far, and you can expect to see a lot more about the Yoast Academy in 2018. We have big plans, and we look forward to carrying them out together. In the meantime, why don’t you check out our courses and explore the new and improved Yoast Academy?
Read more: ‘Yoast Academy: Teach yourself SEO’ »
0 notes
samiaedithg · 7 years
Welcome to the new Yoast Academy
Yoast’s mission is SEO for everyone, and one way we work towards that is by providing knowledge on all aspects of SEO to everyone. Our blog has a wealth of knowledge, but it can be quite overwhelming: where to start? To help people easily learn all about a particular aspect of SEO, we also offer several SEO courses. These provide a full package of videos, selected reading materials and questions at the end of each lesson. Today, we’ve taken the first step in our ambitious plans for the future of the Yoast Academy.
New to SEO? Learn the Basics of SEO in our Basic SEO course »
$199 - Buy now »
The first step we take is migrating to another learning management system (LMS), but also improving many aspects of the learning environment. We’re thrilled with how this turned out and would love to share a sneak peek with you! So, in this post, Academy lead Jesse and developer Diede, two of the brains behind all this, discuss the changes and improvements to the front- and backend of the Academy. But first, let’s go back to where it all started!
Want to help improve Yoast Academy? Please fill out our Academy survey to share your ideas!
Origins of the Yoast Academy
The Yoast Academy was founded by Marieke some two years ago, to give people who wanted to up their SEO skills an alternative to reading through loads of posts and eBooks. Each course provides students with everything they need to master a specific aspect of SEO, for example, SEO copywriting, technical SEO or site structure. The tailor-made courses soon proved to be a success. The number of courses steadily grew, to a total of six today.
In the early days, it was mostly Marieke who spent much of her time on the academy; now we have two more people dedicating their time to improving and creating SEO courses.
The response of our students to our courses has been overwhelmingly positive:
“Getting through the #yoastacademy and LOVING it. Need sleep now. My brain is full for today. @yoast no more exercises today!” -Fiona Smallwood
“ as an entrepreneur it is also important for me to stay on top of the latest SEO developments for my presence. This is where Yoast Academy comes into play. They provide great knowledge transfer at fair prices. I’m really happy with what these guys have created with the Yoast Academy.” – Matthias Wilhelm
All these happy reactions have inspired us to invest more and more time in our courses, to make becoming an SEO expert on all aspects an attainable goal for everyone.
What’s changed with this update?
Of course, we’ve been pleased with our courses from the start, but this update has further improved them in some key areas. The most significant change is found in the learning environment. Jesse explains: “We simplified the course structure, so the lesson page is simpler than it was. We took out as much as we could, so the user has time to focus on the content itself.”
Besides removing distractions, the team added course navigation to the lesson pages. Jesse: “Users can now navigate through the course more easily, and will also have an idea of where they are in the course. So, this is a much more intuitive way to see what role the lesson plays in the course as a whole.”
Another change is that courses in the Yoast Academy are now accessible through MyYoast. This means that you can access your courses directly, no separate login is required. We have also added an interesting new feature in MyYoast. You can now manage your courses in MyYoast. This is especially interesting if you are buying a course as a company. If you buy ten courses, for example, you can assign ten employees to each course. Because of that, buying courses and managing courses for a large number of employees has become much easier.
Also, this migration has made Yoast Academy part of the yoast.com multisite environment. Diede explains what that means for the developers at Yoast: “I’m delighted that Yoast Academy will now be part of the yoast.com multisite. It won’t be a big change for users, but for us, as developers, it’ll be so much easier to work on the Academy. And besides that, it’s just very cool that we can now start using the Academy pages in MyYoast!”
New and improved questions
One final, crucial change that Academy students will notice when finishing a lesson: new and improved questions in four courses. The questions at the end of a lesson are now more interactive in our Basic SEO, Copywriting, Technical SEO and Structured data courses. Jesse explains why this is so important: “Learndash is an LMS that offers several different question types. This allows us, in turn, to have users practice what they should do, and they can test whether they can apply their knowledge, rather than just being told what they should do. So now students can actually practice SEO themselves in the course environment. If you just hear what the theory is, learning retention is much worse, so you simply don’t remember as much as when you practice yourself.” So changing the questions has been an essential step towards an even more meaningful learning experience.
One of these new question types is the ‘gap-fill exercise.’ In the screenshot below, you can see that this type of question not only requires the student to remember what they’ve learned but also to understand how to apply it.
Another new type of question, the sorting question, allows students to check whether they fully understand the steps required to do something. They can easily drag and drop each block in the right order.
Of course, switching to another LMS always takes some work. Diede reveals: “The biggest challenge in all this was to get to know this new plugin, inside and out, in such a short time.” However, having these new possibilities for our courses has been worth the effort.
Learn how to write awesome and SEO friendly articles in our SEO Copywriting training »
$199 - Buy now »
Info Future plans
We’re nowhere near done yet, in fact, we have some ambitious plans for the Academy. Jesse explains: “This migration was quite a big step, I think when you look at it in a vacuum. But we want to do so much more, so in that regard, this was just a preparation that will enable us to achieve much more in the future. We’re going to do more research among our users, to make sure that we know what they want in an academy and what they want to have improved. We’re going to combine that with our ideas of efficient learning to make sure that we make the best academy possible for our users. So in 2018, we’re going to take another big step!”
Check out Yoast Academy
In short, it’s been a great process so far, and you can expect to see a lot more about the Yoast Academy in 2018. We have big plans, and we look forward to carrying them out together. In the meantime, why don’t you check out our courses and explore the new and improved Yoast Academy?
Read more: ‘Yoast Academy: Teach yourself SEO’ »
0 notes
mariaajamesol · 7 years
Welcome to the new Yoast Academy
Yoast’s mission is SEO for everyone, and one way we work towards that is by providing knowledge on all aspects of SEO to everyone. Our blog has a wealth of knowledge, but it can be quite overwhelming: where to start? To help people easily learn all about a particular aspect of SEO, we also offer several SEO courses. These provide a full package of videos, selected reading materials and questions at the end of each lesson. Today, we’ve taken the first step in our ambitious plans for the future of the Yoast Academy.
New to SEO? Learn the Basics of SEO in our Basic SEO course »
$199 - Buy now »
The first step we take is migrating to another learning management system (LMS), but also improving many aspects of the learning environment. We’re thrilled with how this turned out and would love to share a sneak peek with you! So, in this post, Academy lead Jesse and developer Diede, two of the brains behind all this, discuss the changes and improvements to the front- and backend of the Academy. But first, let’s go back to where it all started!
Want to help improve Yoast Academy? Please fill out our Academy survey to share your ideas!
Origins of the Yoast Academy
The Yoast Academy was founded by Marieke some two years ago, to give people who wanted to up their SEO skills an alternative to reading through loads of posts and eBooks. Each course provides students with everything they need to master a specific aspect of SEO, for example, SEO copywriting, technical SEO or site structure. The tailor-made courses soon proved to be a success. The number of courses steadily grew, to a total of six today.
In the early days, it was mostly Marieke who spent much of her time on the academy; now we have two more people dedicating their time to improving and creating SEO courses.
The response of our students to our courses has been overwhelmingly positive:
“Getting through the #yoastacademy and LOVING it. Need sleep now. My brain is full for today. @yoast no more exercises today!” -Fiona Smallwood
“ as an entrepreneur it is also important for me to stay on top of the latest SEO developments for my presence. This is where Yoast Academy comes into play. They provide great knowledge transfer at fair prices. I’m really happy with what these guys have created with the Yoast Academy.” – Matthias Wilhelm
All these happy reactions have inspired us to invest more and more time in our courses, to make becoming an SEO expert on all aspects an attainable goal for everyone.
What’s changed with this update?
Of course, we’ve been pleased with our courses from the start, but this update has further improved them in some key areas. The most significant change is found in the learning environment. Jesse explains: “We simplified the course structure, so the lesson page is simpler than it was. We took out as much as we could, so the user has time to focus on the content itself.”
Besides removing distractions, the team added course navigation to the lesson pages. Jesse: “Users can now navigate through the course more easily, and will also have an idea of where they are in the course. So, this is a much more intuitive way to see what role the lesson plays in the course as a whole.”
Another change is that courses in the Yoast Academy are now accessible through MyYoast. This means that you can access your courses directly, no separate login is required. We have also added an interesting new feature in MyYoast. You can now manage your courses in MyYoast. This is especially interesting if you are buying a course as a company. If you buy ten courses, for example, you can assign ten employees to each course. Because of that, buying courses and managing courses for a large number of employees has become much easier.
Also, this migration has made Yoast Academy part of the yoast.com multisite environment. Diede explains what that means for the developers at Yoast: “I’m delighted that Yoast Academy will now be part of the yoast.com multisite. It won’t be a big change for users, but for us, as developers, it’ll be so much easier to work on the Academy. And besides that, it’s just very cool that we can now start using the Academy pages in MyYoast!”
New and improved questions
One final, crucial change that Academy students will notice when finishing a lesson: new and improved questions in four courses. The questions at the end of a lesson are now more interactive in our Basic SEO, Copywriting, Technical SEO and Structured data courses. Jesse explains why this is so important: “Learndash is an LMS that offers several different question types. This allows us, in turn, to have users practice what they should do, and they can test whether they can apply their knowledge, rather than just being told what they should do. So now students can actually practice SEO themselves in the course environment. If you just hear what the theory is, learning retention is much worse, so you simply don’t remember as much as when you practice yourself.” So changing the questions has been an essential step towards an even more meaningful learning experience.
One of these new question types is the ‘gap-fill exercise.’ In the screenshot below, you can see that this type of question not only requires the student to remember what they’ve learned but also to understand how to apply it.
Another new type of question, the sorting question, allows students to check whether they fully understand the steps required to do something. They can easily drag and drop each block in the right order.
Of course, switching to another LMS always takes some work. Diede reveals: “The biggest challenge in all this was to get to know this new plugin, inside and out, in such a short time.” However, having these new possibilities for our courses has been worth the effort.
Learn how to write awesome and SEO friendly articles in our SEO Copywriting training »
$199 - Buy now »
Info Future plans
We’re nowhere near done yet, in fact, we have some ambitious plans for the Academy. Jesse explains: “This migration was quite a big step, I think when you look at it in a vacuum. But we want to do so much more, so in that regard, this was just a preparation that will enable us to achieve much more in the future. We’re going to do more research among our users, to make sure that we know what they want in an academy and what they want to have improved. We’re going to combine that with our ideas of efficient learning to make sure that we make the best academy possible for our users. So in 2018, we’re going to take another big step!”
Check out Yoast Academy
In short, it’s been a great process so far, and you can expect to see a lot more about the Yoast Academy in 2018. We have big plans, and we look forward to carrying them out together. In the meantime, why don’t you check out our courses and explore the new and improved Yoast Academy?
Read more: ‘Yoast Academy: Teach yourself SEO’ »
0 notes
lindasharonbn · 7 years
Welcome to the new Yoast Academy
Yoast’s mission is SEO for everyone, and one way we work towards that is by providing knowledge on all aspects of SEO to everyone. Our blog has a wealth of knowledge, but it can be quite overwhelming: where to start? To help people easily learn all about a particular aspect of SEO, we also offer several SEO courses. These provide a full package of videos, selected reading materials and questions at the end of each lesson. Today, we’ve taken the first step in our ambitious plans for the future of the Yoast Academy.
New to SEO? Learn the Basics of SEO in our Basic SEO course »
$199 - Buy now »
The first step we take is migrating to another learning management system (LMS), but also improving many aspects of the learning environment. We’re thrilled with how this turned out and would love to share a sneak peek with you! So, in this post, Academy lead Jesse and developer Diede, two of the brains behind all this, discuss the changes and improvements to the front- and backend of the Academy. But first, let’s go back to where it all started!
Want to help improve Yoast Academy? Please fill out our Academy survey to share your ideas!
Origins of the Yoast Academy
The Yoast Academy was founded by Marieke some two years ago, to give people who wanted to up their SEO skills an alternative to reading through loads of posts and eBooks. Each course provides students with everything they need to master a specific aspect of SEO, for example, SEO copywriting, technical SEO or site structure. The tailor-made courses soon proved to be a success. The number of courses steadily grew, to a total of six today.
In the early days, it was mostly Marieke who spent much of her time on the academy; now we have two more people dedicating their time to improving and creating SEO courses.
The response of our students to our courses has been overwhelmingly positive:
“Getting through the #yoastacademy and LOVING it. Need sleep now. My brain is full for today. @yoast no more exercises today!” -Fiona Smallwood
“ as an entrepreneur it is also important for me to stay on top of the latest SEO developments for my presence. This is where Yoast Academy comes into play. They provide great knowledge transfer at fair prices. I’m really happy with what these guys have created with the Yoast Academy.” – Matthias Wilhelm
All these happy reactions have inspired us to invest more and more time in our courses, to make becoming an SEO expert on all aspects an attainable goal for everyone.
What’s changed with this update?
Of course, we’ve been pleased with our courses from the start, but this update has further improved them in some key areas. The most significant change is found in the learning environment. Jesse explains: “We simplified the course structure, so the lesson page is simpler than it was. We took out as much as we could, so the user has time to focus on the content itself.”
Besides removing distractions, the team added course navigation to the lesson pages. Jesse: “Users can now navigate through the course more easily, and will also have an idea of where they are in the course. So, this is a much more intuitive way to see what role the lesson plays in the course as a whole.”
Another change is that courses in the Yoast Academy are now accessible through MyYoast. This means that you can access your courses directly, no separate login is required. We have also added an interesting new feature in MyYoast. You can now manage your courses in MyYoast. This is especially interesting if you are buying a course as a company. If you buy ten courses, for example, you can assign ten employees to each course. Because of that, buying courses and managing courses for a large number of employees has become much easier.
Also, this migration has made Yoast Academy part of the yoast.com multisite environment. Diede explains what that means for the developers at Yoast: “I’m delighted that Yoast Academy will now be part of the yoast.com multisite. It won’t be a big change for users, but for us, as developers, it’ll be so much easier to work on the Academy. And besides that, it’s just very cool that we can now start using the Academy pages in MyYoast!”
New and improved questions
One final, crucial change that Academy students will notice when finishing a lesson: new and improved questions in four courses. The questions at the end of a lesson are now more interactive in our Basic SEO, Copywriting, Technical SEO and Structured data courses. Jesse explains why this is so important: “Learndash is an LMS that offers several different question types. This allows us, in turn, to have users practice what they should do, and they can test whether they can apply their knowledge, rather than just being told what they should do. So now students can actually practice SEO themselves in the course environment. If you just hear what the theory is, learning retention is much worse, so you simply don’t remember as much as when you practice yourself.” So changing the questions has been an essential step towards an even more meaningful learning experience.
One of these new question types is the ‘gap-fill exercise.’ In the screenshot below, you can see that this type of question not only requires the student to remember what they’ve learned but also to understand how to apply it.
Another new type of question, the sorting question, allows students to check whether they fully understand the steps required to do something. They can easily drag and drop each block in the right order.
Of course, switching to another LMS always takes some work. Diede reveals: “The biggest challenge in all this was to get to know this new plugin, inside and out, in such a short time.” However, having these new possibilities for our courses has been worth the effort.
Learn how to write awesome and SEO friendly articles in our SEO Copywriting training »
$199 - Buy now »
Info Future plans
We’re nowhere near done yet, in fact, we have some ambitious plans for the Academy. Jesse explains: “This migration was quite a big step, I think when you look at it in a vacuum. But we want to do so much more, so in that regard, this was just a preparation that will enable us to achieve much more in the future. We’re going to do more research among our users, to make sure that we know what they want in an academy and what they want to have improved. We’re going to combine that with our ideas of efficient learning to make sure that we make the best academy possible for our users. So in 2018, we’re going to take another big step!”
Check out Yoast Academy
In short, it’s been a great process so far, and you can expect to see a lot more about the Yoast Academy in 2018. We have big plans, and we look forward to carrying them out together. In the meantime, why don’t you check out our courses and explore the new and improved Yoast Academy?
Read more: ‘Yoast Academy: Teach yourself SEO’ »
0 notes
mariathaterh · 7 years
Welcome to the new Yoast Academy
Yoast’s mission is SEO for everyone, and one way we work towards that is by providing knowledge on all aspects of SEO to everyone. Our blog has a wealth of knowledge, but it can be quite overwhelming: where to start? To help people easily learn all about a particular aspect of SEO, we also offer several SEO courses. These provide a full package of videos, selected reading materials and questions at the end of each lesson. Today, we’ve taken the first step in our ambitious plans for the future of the Yoast Academy.
New to SEO? Learn the Basics of SEO in our Basic SEO course »
$199 - Buy now »
The first step we take is migrating to another learning management system (LMS), but also improving many aspects of the learning environment. We’re thrilled with how this turned out and would love to share a sneak peek with you! So, in this post, Academy lead Jesse and developer Diede, two of the brains behind all this, discuss the changes and improvements to the front- and backend of the Academy. But first, let’s go back to where it all started!
Want to help improve Yoast Academy? Please fill out our Academy survey to share your ideas!
Origins of the Yoast Academy
The Yoast Academy was founded by Marieke some two years ago, to give people who wanted to up their SEO skills an alternative to reading through loads of posts and eBooks. Each course provides students with everything they need to master a specific aspect of SEO, for example, SEO copywriting, technical SEO or site structure. The tailor-made courses soon proved to be a success. The number of courses steadily grew, to a total of six today.
In the early days, it was mostly Marieke who spent much of her time on the academy; now we have two more people dedicating their time to improving and creating SEO courses.
The response of our students to our courses has been overwhelmingly positive:
“Getting through the #yoastacademy and LOVING it. Need sleep now. My brain is full for today. @yoast no more exercises today!” -Fiona Smallwood
“ as an entrepreneur it is also important for me to stay on top of the latest SEO developments for my presence. This is where Yoast Academy comes into play. They provide great knowledge transfer at fair prices. I’m really happy with what these guys have created with the Yoast Academy.” – Matthias Wilhelm
All these happy reactions have inspired us to invest more and more time in our courses, to make becoming an SEO expert on all aspects an attainable goal for everyone.
What’s changed with this update?
Of course, we’ve been pleased with our courses from the start, but this update has further improved them in some key areas. The most significant change is found in the learning environment. Jesse explains: “We simplified the course structure, so the lesson page is simpler than it was. We took out as much as we could, so the user has time to focus on the content itself.”
Besides removing distractions, the team added course navigation to the lesson pages. Jesse: “Users can now navigate through the course more easily, and will also have an idea of where they are in the course. So, this is a much more intuitive way to see what role the lesson plays in the course as a whole.”
Another change is that courses in the Yoast Academy are now accessible through MyYoast. This means that you can access your courses directly, no separate login is required. We have also added an interesting new feature in MyYoast. You can now manage your courses in MyYoast. This is especially interesting if you are buying a course as a company. If you buy ten courses, for example, you can assign ten employees to each course. Because of that, buying courses and managing courses for a large number of employees has become much easier.
Also, this migration has made Yoast Academy part of the yoast.com multisite environment. Diede explains what that means for the developers at Yoast: “I’m delighted that Yoast Academy will now be part of the yoast.com multisite. It won’t be a big change for users, but for us, as developers, it’ll be so much easier to work on the Academy. And besides that, it’s just very cool that we can now start using the Academy pages in MyYoast!”
New and improved questions
One final, crucial change that Academy students will notice when finishing a lesson: new and improved questions in four courses. The questions at the end of a lesson are now more interactive in our Basic SEO, Copywriting, Technical SEO and Structured data courses. Jesse explains why this is so important: “Learndash is an LMS that offers several different question types. This allows us, in turn, to have users practice what they should do, and they can test whether they can apply their knowledge, rather than just being told what they should do. So now students can actually practice SEO themselves in the course environment. If you just hear what the theory is, learning retention is much worse, so you simply don’t remember as much as when you practice yourself.” So changing the questions has been an essential step towards an even more meaningful learning experience.
One of these new question types is the ‘gap-fill exercise.’ In the screenshot below, you can see that this type of question not only requires the student to remember what they’ve learned but also to understand how to apply it.
Another new type of question, the sorting question, allows students to check whether they fully understand the steps required to do something. They can easily drag and drop each block in the right order.
Of course, switching to another LMS always takes some work. Diede reveals: “The biggest challenge in all this was to get to know this new plugin, inside and out, in such a short time.” However, having these new possibilities for our courses has been worth the effort.
Learn how to write awesome and SEO friendly articles in our SEO Copywriting training »
$199 - Buy now »
Info Future plans
We’re nowhere near done yet, in fact, we have some ambitious plans for the Academy. Jesse explains: “This migration was quite a big step, I think when you look at it in a vacuum. But we want to do so much more, so in that regard, this was just a preparation that will enable us to achieve much more in the future. We’re going to do more research among our users, to make sure that we know what they want in an academy and what they want to have improved. We’re going to combine that with our ideas of efficient learning to make sure that we make the best academy possible for our users. So in 2018, we’re going to take another big step!”
Check out Yoast Academy
In short, it’s been a great process so far, and you can expect to see a lot more about the Yoast Academy in 2018. We have big plans, and we look forward to carrying them out together. In the meantime, why don’t you check out our courses and explore the new and improved Yoast Academy?
Read more: ‘Yoast Academy: Teach yourself SEO’ »
0 notes
rodrigueztha · 7 years
Welcome to the new Yoast Academy
Yoast’s mission is SEO for everyone, and one way we work towards that is by providing knowledge on all aspects of SEO to everyone. Our blog has a wealth of knowledge, but it can be quite overwhelming: where to start? To help people easily learn all about a particular aspect of SEO, we also offer several SEO courses. These provide a full package of videos, selected reading materials and questions at the end of each lesson. Today, we’ve taken the first step in our ambitious plans for the future of the Yoast Academy.
New to SEO? Learn the Basics of SEO in our Basic SEO course »
$199 - Buy now »
The first step we take is migrating to another learning management system (LMS), but also improving many aspects of the learning environment. We’re thrilled with how this turned out and would love to share a sneak peek with you! So, in this post, Academy lead Jesse and developer Diede, two of the brains behind all this, discuss the changes and improvements to the front- and backend of the Academy. But first, let’s go back to where it all started!
Want to help improve Yoast Academy? Please fill out our Academy survey to share your ideas!
Origins of the Yoast Academy
The Yoast Academy was founded by Marieke some two years ago, to give people who wanted to up their SEO skills an alternative to reading through loads of posts and eBooks. Each course provides students with everything they need to master a specific aspect of SEO, for example, SEO copywriting, technical SEO or site structure. The tailor-made courses soon proved to be a success. The number of courses steadily grew, to a total of six today.
In the early days, it was mostly Marieke who spent much of her time on the academy; now we have two more people dedicating their time to improving and creating SEO courses.
The response of our students to our courses has been overwhelmingly positive:
“Getting through the #yoastacademy and LOVING it. Need sleep now. My brain is full for today. @yoast no more exercises today!” -Fiona Smallwood
“ as an entrepreneur it is also important for me to stay on top of the latest SEO developments for my presence. This is where Yoast Academy comes into play. They provide great knowledge transfer at fair prices. I’m really happy with what these guys have created with the Yoast Academy.” – Matthias Wilhelm
All these happy reactions have inspired us to invest more and more time in our courses, to make becoming an SEO expert on all aspects an attainable goal for everyone.
What’s changed with this update?
Of course, we’ve been pleased with our courses from the start, but this update has further improved them in some key areas. The most significant change is found in the learning environment. Jesse explains: “We simplified the course structure, so the lesson page is simpler than it was. We took out as much as we could, so the user has time to focus on the content itself.”
Besides removing distractions, the team added course navigation to the lesson pages. Jesse: “Users can now navigate through the course more easily, and will also have an idea of where they are in the course. So, this is a much more intuitive way to see what role the lesson plays in the course as a whole.”
Another change is that courses in the Yoast Academy are now accessible through MyYoast. This means that you can access your courses directly, no separate login is required. We have also added an interesting new feature in MyYoast. You can now manage your courses in MyYoast. This is especially interesting if you are buying a course as a company. If you buy ten courses, for example, you can assign ten employees to each course. Because of that, buying courses and managing courses for a large number of employees has become much easier.
Also, this migration has made Yoast Academy part of the yoast.com multisite environment. Diede explains what that means for the developers at Yoast: “I’m delighted that Yoast Academy will now be part of the yoast.com multisite. It won’t be a big change for users, but for us, as developers, it’ll be so much easier to work on the Academy. And besides that, it’s just very cool that we can now start using the Academy pages in MyYoast!”
New and improved questions
One final, crucial change that Academy students will notice when finishing a lesson: new and improved questions in four courses. The questions at the end of a lesson are now more interactive in our Basic SEO, Copywriting, Technical SEO and Structured data courses. Jesse explains why this is so important: “Learndash is an LMS that offers several different question types. This allows us, in turn, to have users practice what they should do, and they can test whether they can apply their knowledge, rather than just being told what they should do. So now students can actually practice SEO themselves in the course environment. If you just hear what the theory is, learning retention is much worse, so you simply don’t remember as much as when you practice yourself.” So changing the questions has been an essential step towards an even more meaningful learning experience.
One of these new question types is the ‘gap-fill exercise.’ In the screenshot below, you can see that this type of question not only requires the student to remember what they’ve learned but also to understand how to apply it.
Another new type of question, the sorting question, allows students to check whether they fully understand the steps required to do something. They can easily drag and drop each block in the right order.
Of course, switching to another LMS always takes some work. Diede reveals: “The biggest challenge in all this was to get to know this new plugin, inside and out, in such a short time.” However, having these new possibilities for our courses has been worth the effort.
Learn how to write awesome and SEO friendly articles in our SEO Copywriting training »
$199 - Buy now »
Info Future plans
We’re nowhere near done yet, in fact, we have some ambitious plans for the Academy. Jesse explains: “This migration was quite a big step, I think when you look at it in a vacuum. But we want to do so much more, so in that regard, this was just a preparation that will enable us to achieve much more in the future. We’re going to do more research among our users, to make sure that we know what they want in an academy and what they want to have improved. We’re going to combine that with our ideas of efficient learning to make sure that we make the best academy possible for our users. So in 2018, we’re going to take another big step!”
Check out Yoast Academy
In short, it’s been a great process so far, and you can expect to see a lot more about the Yoast Academy in 2018. We have big plans, and we look forward to carrying them out together. In the meantime, why don’t you check out our courses and explore the new and improved Yoast Academy?
Read more: ‘Yoast Academy: Teach yourself SEO’ »
0 notes
wendyjudithqe · 7 years
Welcome to the new Yoast Academy
Yoast’s mission is SEO for everyone, and one way we work towards that is by providing knowledge on all aspects of SEO to everyone. Our blog has a wealth of knowledge, but it can be quite overwhelming: where to start? To help people easily learn all about a particular aspect of SEO, we also offer several SEO courses. These provide a full package of videos, selected reading materials and questions at the end of each lesson. Today, we’ve taken the first step in our ambitious plans for the future of the Yoast Academy.
New to SEO? Learn the Basics of SEO in our Basic SEO course »
$199 - Buy now »
The first step we take is migrating to another learning management system (LMS), but also improving many aspects of the learning environment. We’re thrilled with how this turned out and would love to share a sneak peek with you! So, in this post, Academy lead Jesse and developer Diede, two of the brains behind all this, discuss the changes and improvements to the front- and backend of the Academy. But first, let’s go back to where it all started!
Want to help improve Yoast Academy? Please fill out our Academy survey to share your ideas!
Origins of the Yoast Academy
The Yoast Academy was founded by Marieke some two years ago, to give people who wanted to up their SEO skills an alternative to reading through loads of posts and eBooks. Each course provides students with everything they need to master a specific aspect of SEO, for example, SEO copywriting, technical SEO or site structure. The tailor-made courses soon proved to be a success. The number of courses steadily grew, to a total of six today.
In the early days, it was mostly Marieke who spent much of her time on the academy; now we have two more people dedicating their time to improving and creating SEO courses.
The response of our students to our courses has been overwhelmingly positive:
“Getting through the #yoastacademy and LOVING it. Need sleep now. My brain is full for today. @yoast no more exercises today!” -Fiona Smallwood
“ as an entrepreneur it is also important for me to stay on top of the latest SEO developments for my presence. This is where Yoast Academy comes into play. They provide great knowledge transfer at fair prices. I’m really happy with what these guys have created with the Yoast Academy.” – Matthias Wilhelm
All these happy reactions have inspired us to invest more and more time in our courses, to make becoming an SEO expert on all aspects an attainable goal for everyone.
What’s changed with this update?
Of course, we’ve been pleased with our courses from the start, but this update has further improved them in some key areas. The most significant change is found in the learning environment. Jesse explains: “We simplified the course structure, so the lesson page is simpler than it was. We took out as much as we could, so the user has time to focus on the content itself.”
Besides removing distractions, the team added course navigation to the lesson pages. Jesse: “Users can now navigate through the course more easily, and will also have an idea of where they are in the course. So, this is a much more intuitive way to see what role the lesson plays in the course as a whole.”
Another change is that courses in the Yoast Academy are now accessible through MyYoast. This means that you can access your courses directly, no separate login is required. We have also added an interesting new feature in MyYoast. You can now manage your courses in MyYoast. This is especially interesting if you are buying a course as a company. If you buy ten courses, for example, you can assign ten employees to each course. Because of that, buying courses and managing courses for a large number of employees has become much easier.
Also, this migration has made Yoast Academy part of the yoast.com multisite environment. Diede explains what that means for the developers at Yoast: “I’m delighted that Yoast Academy will now be part of the yoast.com multisite. It won’t be a big change for users, but for us, as developers, it’ll be so much easier to work on the Academy. And besides that, it’s just very cool that we can now start using the Academy pages in MyYoast!”
New and improved questions
One final, crucial change that Academy students will notice when finishing a lesson: new and improved questions in four courses. The questions at the end of a lesson are now more interactive in our Basic SEO, Copywriting, Technical SEO and Structured data courses. Jesse explains why this is so important: “Learndash is an LMS that offers several different question types. This allows us, in turn, to have users practice what they should do, and they can test whether they can apply their knowledge, rather than just being told what they should do. So now students can actually practice SEO themselves in the course environment. If you just hear what the theory is, learning retention is much worse, so you simply don’t remember as much as when you practice yourself.” So changing the questions has been an essential step towards an even more meaningful learning experience.
One of these new question types is the ‘gap-fill exercise.’ In the screenshot below, you can see that this type of question not only requires the student to remember what they’ve learned but also to understand how to apply it.
Another new type of question, the sorting question, allows students to check whether they fully understand the steps required to do something. They can easily drag and drop each block in the right order.
Of course, switching to another LMS always takes some work. Diede reveals: “The biggest challenge in all this was to get to know this new plugin, inside and out, in such a short time.” However, having these new possibilities for our courses has been worth the effort.
Learn how to write awesome and SEO friendly articles in our SEO Copywriting training »
$199 - Buy now »
Info Future plans
We’re nowhere near done yet, in fact, we have some ambitious plans for the Academy. Jesse explains: “This migration was quite a big step, I think when you look at it in a vacuum. But we want to do so much more, so in that regard, this was just a preparation that will enable us to achieve much more in the future. We’re going to do more research among our users, to make sure that we know what they want in an academy and what they want to have improved. We’re going to combine that with our ideas of efficient learning to make sure that we make the best academy possible for our users. So in 2018, we’re going to take another big step!”
Check out Yoast Academy
In short, it’s been a great process so far, and you can expect to see a lot more about the Yoast Academy in 2018. We have big plans, and we look forward to carrying them out together. In the meantime, why don’t you check out our courses and explore the new and improved Yoast Academy?
Read more: ‘Yoast Academy: Teach yourself SEO’ »
0 notes
elenaturnerge · 7 years
Welcome to the new Yoast Academy
Yoast’s mission is SEO for everyone, and one way we work towards that is by providing knowledge on all aspects of SEO to everyone. Our blog has a wealth of knowledge, but it can be quite overwhelming: where to start? To help people easily learn all about a particular aspect of SEO, we also offer several SEO courses. These provide a full package of videos, selected reading materials and questions at the end of each lesson. Today, we’ve taken the first step in our ambitious plans for the future of the Yoast Academy.
New to SEO? Learn the Basics of SEO in our Basic SEO course »
$199 - Buy now »
The first step we take is migrating to another learning management system (LMS), but also improving many aspects of the learning environment. We’re thrilled with how this turned out and would love to share a sneak peek with you! So, in this post, Academy lead Jesse and developer Diede, two of the brains behind all this, discuss the changes and improvements to the front- and backend of the Academy. But first, let’s go back to where it all started!
Want to help improve Yoast Academy? Please fill out our Academy survey to share your ideas!
Origins of the Yoast Academy
The Yoast Academy was founded by Marieke some two years ago, to give people who wanted to up their SEO skills an alternative to reading through loads of posts and eBooks. Each course provides students with everything they need to master a specific aspect of SEO, for example, SEO copywriting, technical SEO or site structure. The tailor-made courses soon proved to be a success. The number of courses steadily grew, to a total of six today.
In the early days, it was mostly Marieke who spent much of her time on the academy; now we have two more people dedicating their time to improving and creating SEO courses.
The response of our students to our courses has been overwhelmingly positive:
“Getting through the #yoastacademy and LOVING it. Need sleep now. My brain is full for today. @yoast no more exercises today!” -Fiona Smallwood
“ as an entrepreneur it is also important for me to stay on top of the latest SEO developments for my presence. This is where Yoast Academy comes into play. They provide great knowledge transfer at fair prices. I’m really happy with what these guys have created with the Yoast Academy.” – Matthias Wilhelm
All these happy reactions have inspired us to invest more and more time in our courses, to make becoming an SEO expert on all aspects an attainable goal for everyone.
What’s changed with this update?
Of course, we’ve been pleased with our courses from the start, but this update has further improved them in some key areas. The most significant change is found in the learning environment. Jesse explains: “We simplified the course structure, so the lesson page is simpler than it was. We took out as much as we could, so the user has time to focus on the content itself.”
Besides removing distractions, the team added course navigation to the lesson pages. Jesse: “Users can now navigate through the course more easily, and will also have an idea of where they are in the course. So, this is a much more intuitive way to see what role the lesson plays in the course as a whole.”
Another change is that courses in the Yoast Academy are now accessible through MyYoast. This means that you can access your courses directly, no separate login is required. We have also added an interesting new feature in MyYoast. You can now manage your courses in MyYoast. This is especially interesting if you are buying a course as a company. If you buy ten courses, for example, you can assign ten employees to each course. Because of that, buying courses and managing courses for a large number of employees has become much easier.
Also, this migration has made Yoast Academy part of the yoast.com multisite environment. Diede explains what that means for the developers at Yoast: “I’m delighted that Yoast Academy will now be part of the yoast.com multisite. It won’t be a big change for users, but for us, as developers, it’ll be so much easier to work on the Academy. And besides that, it’s just very cool that we can now start using the Academy pages in MyYoast!”
New and improved questions
One final, crucial change that Academy students will notice when finishing a lesson: new and improved questions in four courses. The questions at the end of a lesson are now more interactive in our Basic SEO, Copywriting, Technical SEO and Structured data courses. Jesse explains why this is so important: “Learndash is an LMS that offers several different question types. This allows us, in turn, to have users practice what they should do, and they can test whether they can apply their knowledge, rather than just being told what they should do. So now students can actually practice SEO themselves in the course environment. If you just hear what the theory is, learning retention is much worse, so you simply don’t remember as much as when you practice yourself.” So changing the questions has been an essential step towards an even more meaningful learning experience.
One of these new question types is the ‘gap-fill exercise.’ In the screenshot below, you can see that this type of question not only requires the student to remember what they’ve learned but also to understand how to apply it.
Another new type of question, the sorting question, allows students to check whether they fully understand the steps required to do something. They can easily drag and drop each block in the right order.
Of course, switching to another LMS always takes some work. Diede reveals: “The biggest challenge in all this was to get to know this new plugin, inside and out, in such a short time.” However, having these new possibilities for our courses has been worth the effort.
Learn how to write awesome and SEO friendly articles in our SEO Copywriting training »
$199 - Buy now »
Info Future plans
We’re nowhere near done yet, in fact, we have some ambitious plans for the Academy. Jesse explains: “This migration was quite a big step, I think when you look at it in a vacuum. But we want to do so much more, so in that regard, this was just a preparation that will enable us to achieve much more in the future. We’re going to do more research among our users, to make sure that we know what they want in an academy and what they want to have improved. We’re going to combine that with our ideas of efficient learning to make sure that we make the best academy possible for our users. So in 2018, we’re going to take another big step!”
Check out Yoast Academy
In short, it’s been a great process so far, and you can expect to see a lot more about the Yoast Academy in 2018. We have big plans, and we look forward to carrying them out together. In the meantime, why don’t you check out our courses and explore the new and improved Yoast Academy?
Read more: ‘Yoast Academy: Teach yourself SEO’ »
0 notes