#i want to die in swellview
Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 1
Episode 15: Super Volcano
~The Man Cave~
Ray and (y/n) were sat solemnly at the supercomputer, as Charlotte watched Schwoz make some calculations. The small man was about to explain some horrible news to them all in more detail, but first, they needed Henry to come down in the elevator. The boy screamed on the way down, before stumbling out and into the bright room where his sombre colleagues were waiting.
"Hey, guys, what's the poops?" He said to them in a lighthearted manner, but the look on his bosses' faces made his smile drop. 
"We're all gonna die," Ray said to the boy dramatically. He was holding his best friend to his chest, thinking that he only had a few more days to live with her.
"Whaaaat?" Henry asked, the question completely throwing him off.
"You're not gonna die." (y/n) hit his chest lightly, a sad smile on her face, but Ray just clung to her harder, not wanting to waste a single minute.
"You're indestructible." Schwoz reminded him in a serious tone.
"We're all gonna die," Charlotte added in.
"Well, it's still bad for me. Who am I gonna talk to when you're all dead?" The large man cried, the woman in his lap trying to give him some comfort. Who was he gonna have to love when she was gone?
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What is going on here?" Henry said in bewilderment. He had never seen his boss look so upset, or Schowz without a smile.
"That." The genius said, putting a video of some magma under the Earth's surface on the monitor.
"What is that?" The boy asked, just seeing a load of icky mess on the screen.
"That is a supervolcano, fifty miles below the surface of the earth, right under the town," Ray told him gravely, standing up but still not letting (y/n) go.
"Oh. Hey, you guys think I should get my teeth whitened?" Henry moved offtopic, not understanding the seriousness of the situation.
"Your teeth?"
"Is this kid serious?"
"Are you crazy?" All his friends protested.
"Two days from now that volcano is going to pop like a big, red-hot throbbing pimple." Schwoz described it to him, making Charlotte grimace at the image.
"Billions of tons of hot lava will spew from the ground and melt everything," Ray said, walking over to the boy with the young woman's hand firmly in his.
"You mean melt all of Swellview?" Henry looked at him with a pale face.
"All of the whole world." The smaller man clarified for him, sending Henry into a panic.
"But I just ordered a new bike online." The teen squeaked.
"Well, when does it get here?" Schwoz asked.
"Next week," Henry replied, swallowing a lump in his throat.
"Oh yeah, no, your bike is screwed." (y/n) said to him sadly as the others shook their heads and she hugged Ray's arm. Two days wasn't enough time to tell him everything she had ever wanted to say to him. 
"Oh man, the whole world is going to end? You sure of this?" Henry was starting to feel very nauseous.
"Yes," Schwoz confirmed, going back to the computer.
"Schwoz has been watching the volcano, monitoring the vibrations, doing all the calculations," Ray said, his voice breaking when (y/n) wrapped her arms around his waist. Two days wasn't enough time to do everything he had ever wanted to do with her.
"How much time do we have left?" Charlotte asked the genius. Schwoz hit a button on the control panel, and a countdown appeared on the monitor, showing that there were less than 48 hours to go. 
"Just under two days." (y/n) swallowed and put her forehead on her friend's chest. He cradled her head, believing that in less than two days, he was going to lose her forever.
"Oh, oh, jeez. I got to go tell my mom and dad. And my cousins. and everyone!" Henry shouted, running to go warn his family about what was about to happen. Reluctantly, Ray let go of (y/n) so he could run stop him from reentering the elevators. Using his laser control, he used a traction beam on the boy's butt and pulled him back to the group.
"You could've just said, 'Henry, come back.'" The boy said to him, but the man just tucked his controller into his back pocket and pulled his best friend into his arms.
"We can't tell people about the volcano, Henry." (y/n) said in a quiet, sad voice. 
"Why?" The boy asked her in confusion.
"So they can spend their last two days living their normal lives," Charlotte explained. The last thing they needed was pandemonium on the streets.
"Right. Enjoying the simple, important things like petting their dogs, and watching television, and going on the internet and expressing strong opinions based on little or no knowledge or information." Ray listed off all the things he could think of.
"I do that," Schwoz admitted. 
"Telling girls that you love them?" Henry said back, making Ray go wide-eyed. But the comment went over (y/n)'s head.
"Ooh, Henry, do you like someone?" She smirked at the boy and Ray breathed a sigh of relief.
"Well, if I have only have two days left on this earth, I know what I'm doing," Charlotte said, walking over to the auto-snacker.
"A gallon of ice cream and a spoon." She ordered from the machine.
"She's got the right idea, make that two spoons." (y/n) smiled and walked over to Charlotte.
"A gallon of ice cream and two spoons." The machine produced what they had asked for and the two girls began to dig into the frozen dessert.
"Oh come on guys, you can't spend your last two days on earth just stuffing your faces," Henry said to them, but they didn't care.
"Wanna bet?" (y/n) replied through a mouthful of ice cream.
"Uh, yes, we can." Charlotte agreed with her, so they both walked to the couch to eat their ice cream.
"Dude, you should totally tell (y/n) how you feel," Henry whispered to Ray once the females were out of earshot. Ray looked at him in alarm.
"No! I can't do that!" He snapped, even though he had considered doing just that. 
"Why not?" Schwoz butted in, wanting to see Ray man up in his last two days alive.
"Because, she'd reject me and I'd spend the rest of my life in pain and agony, knowing that I ruined my friendship with her." The superhero ranted, but his friends just groaned.
"You don't know that," Henry said, as they all looked at Charlotte and (y/n), who were chatting and eating away.
"You should tell, you-know-who, that you love him." Charlotte leant over and mumbled into (y/n)'s ear. Her cheeks flushed at the thought, but Charlotte just suggestively raised her eyebrows.
"No, no, no, no. Not happening." The older woman said firmly, the idea of confessing to the man made her feel incredibly flustered. 
"Come on! It's Ray!" Charlotte tried to hint that he'd say yes without revealing the entire truth since she'd made a promise not to tell the other person how they felt.
"Exactly! It's Ray. Gorgeous, funny, silly Ray! The man I watch day in, day out, dating girl after girl, actress after model. The man I can't have." She said, her face in her hands. Charlotte reached out to hold her hand across the table.
"We're all gonna die in two days anyway, you can tell him and not worry about the consequences.." The dark-haired girl reasoned, and (y/n) thought it over for a second. If it all went wrong, she wouldn't have to hide in another country for the rest of her life. If it went right, she would die happy knowing that he loved her as much as she loved him.
"I'll think about it." She twitched the corner of her mouth into a smile and stirred the melting ice cream. She took another mouthful, letting the icy cold sweetness run down her throat.
"Think about Ray in his Captain Man suit. We all see how you check him out." The girl teased in a sly voice, laughing when the woman shoved more ice cream into her mouth to stop herself from squeaking in embarrassment.
~Later that night, Henry's porch~
"Two days from now that volcano is going to pop." "Billions of tons of hot lava will spew from the ground and melt everything." Schwoz and Ray's voices rang in Henry's head, as he took a moment to appreciate the stars in the night sky. He had propped two bright, orang pillows onto the ground and was just sat there, thinking about how in a few days, everything would be gone.
Jasper came walking up to Henry's door and noticed his best friend sat just outside his house with a drunken expression on his face.
"Hey, Henry." The curly-haired boy greeted.
"You ever look at the stars?" Henry asked him, which weirded Jasper out a bit. What kind of question was that?
"Huh?" The kid looked up like his friend.
"Stars are amazing. Thousands of twinkling little lights shining in the night sky," Henry said wistfully, staring up at the cosmos.
"All right." Jasper didn't know what else to say to the boy's poetic words.
"I love you, man," Henry told him, a smile on his face. He had two days to tell his friends how much he appreciated them, and he was going to let them know even if it killed him.
"Okay, dude." The other boy accepted his comment with a shrug of his shoulders. Boy, Henry was being weird tonight.
"Hey, wanna see a pic of my new bucket?" Jasper moved on, taking out his PearPhone. He sat down next to Henry, who really didn't care about his bucket.
"No, not really." He said through gritted teeth, making Jasper's face fall.
"What do you mean?" He asked Henry, wondering what was wrong with his lovely bucket.
"Nobody cares about your dumb buckets." Henry snapped at him, finally telling him what he had wanted to say for years. His best friend gasped at his rude words.
"What's up with you?" Jasper looked at him in concern. He knew Henry better than anyone, and he had never seen him like this before.
"What?" Henry played coyly since he couldn't tell the other teen about the supervolcano.
"First, you tell me that you love me, then, you scream at me. You're acting like my mom." Jasper told him.
"I don't know, man. It's just, life is short and--" Henry's emotional speech was interrupted when Charlotte approached them. After a long day of being (y/n)'s wingwoman in her struggle to confess to Ray before the world ended, she had been to a greasy takeout shop to buy some burgers.
"Here comes Charlotte." Henry pointed out to his best friend, and they watched as Charlotte slowly walked towards them. She sat down on the bench with a plastic bag full of unhealthy food. 
"What's up?" She asked in a tired and depressed voice. 
"You went to Inside-Out Burger?" Henry asked, noticing the logo on the bag.
"Yup." She answered simply, opening the box on the first burger. 
"Since when do you eat chilli cheeseburgers? I thought you were getting in great shape for that 10k run." Jasper pointed out, remembering how strict the girl had been with her diet and exercise regime.
"I was. Now I'm eating this." Charlotte said before taking a huge bite from the delicious sandwich. She wouldn't be alive to do the run, so she might as well eat as much junk food as possible before she got burnt to a crisp.
"Has (y/n) told Ray yet?" Henry asked her and the girl let out a long groan. 
"No, every time he flops his hair or flexes a muscle, she goes all weak-kneed and chickens out," Charlotte told him about the frustration she had gone through with the adults.
"Man, I wish he'd just tell her," Henry grumbled.
"It will take a miracle." The girl said, taking another big bite.
"Can I?" Henry asked, wanting something deep-friend and delicious too.
"Yeah, get in there." Charlotte kicked over the bag, so the boys each took out a burger. They both took a bite and chewed in silence for a moment before Jasper noticed something peculiar.
"These have pickles on them." He pointed out.
"So?" Henry didn't know what he was getting at.
"I thought you both hated pickles." He replied.
"Well, one day Jasper, we may not even be here to love or hate pickles. So while I am here, I'm gonna give pickles a chance." Charlotte snapped at him and bit into her burger.
"Me too," Henry said, also eating his burger. However, the taste of the cucumber made them both gag.
"Okay, pickles are gross," Charlotte said, spitting the little green things back out.
"I can't eat this pickle." Henry agreed, shutting his burger box as Jasper smirked. He knew them better than they did at times. 
~Meanwhile, in the Man Cave~
Ray was dressed in some sweatpants and a white t-shirt with a red, sleeveless jacket. He had been waiting for (y/n) to get ready for ages since she had agreed to help him fulfil one of his not-dying wishes. Hers had been to watch the sunset on a beach in Hawaii, but with the amount of time they had left, it wasn't possible. So, she had decided that if she couldn't achieve her final dream, she would help someone else and that someone was Ray. 
"Let's get to it, (y/n), we don't have much time." He said, taking a swig of water from his bottle. (y/n) came out from the back of the Man Cave wearing a long-sleeved, black, scoop neck shirt, a flowy red miniskirt, some pale pantyhose and red sneakers. She walked over to him swiftly, adjusting the top so her boobs didn't fly out.
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"All right, bossy, I'm here, I'm here. Why's this so important again?" She smiled at him, as he choked on his water at the sight of her décolletage. Her neck looked so soft and delicate and he wondered what it would be like to just bury his face into it.
"I told you. I promised my grandmother that one day I'd learn how to dance the Jitterbug. And in...42 hours, there won't be anybody left on Earth to practice with." He said, reminding himself that he was set to lose her. 
Seeing his broken expression, she put a hand on his cheek and stroked his cheekbone with her thumb. She gave him a sad smile, not being able to imagine being the last human on Earth with no friends or family to love. 
"We have 42 hours, let's make the most of it." She said to him, putting on a brave face. He glanced over her features, thinking that he could just say it. She was here, for now, breathing and standing in front of him so beautifully, it made his heart soar. His lips parted, his tongue dashing out to wet them, and his vocal cords went to make a sound, but before he could tell her, she pressed the button on the stereo and the lively band music began to play.
He let out a small sigh but didn't let her see his disappointment, so he held out his hand for her to take and they began to dance. 
"And, five, six, seven, eight." They moved their feet in time to the music, their chemistry making it so much more intimate and fun. He twirled her around and then they backed up and clapped their hands. Ray grinned at her as they shuffled around the Man Cave, (y/n) giggling as she kicked her legs out. With one final lift into the air, the dance came to an end and the woman fell into her partner's arm.
She looked up at him and dragged her eyes down from his crow's feet to the faint scar on his cheek to his pale, pink lips. It was like he had been sculptured by Greek Gods, and she was the mortal who was blessed to have him in front of her. She returned the hug he pulled her into, thinking that she could just say it. 
"Grandma Manchester will be happy that I can dance now." His voice was muffled in her hair, but she heard him all the same. 
"And she'll be happy that you're a natural." (y/n) teased him, running her hand through the back of his hair. 
"I had a great partner." He mumbled back and she felt content to just hold him for now. 'A silly confession would just ruin the mood.' She told herself, swallowing down the words that threatened to erupt from her throat. 
~The next day, Swellview High~
"Buy a fruit bar." Oliver Pook said to Mitch Bilsky and his horrible friends, offering the box to the boys. Mitch Bilsky was a bully, so when he saw the boy selling the bars, he couldn't help but choose him as his next victim.
"Uhhh, yeah. I'll take a fruit bar." He said to the boy, picking up one of them and throwing it across the hall. Oliver being Oliver, didn't get that he was being bullied and acted like he was another normal customer.
"That'll be two dollars." He deadpanned to the laughing boy.
"You know what, I think I'll take two more of your fruit bars." He threw two more bars, which landed close to the steps that Henry and Charlotte were walking down. 
"I take cash or checks," Oliver said, making Mitch and his friends laugh mockingly.
"I'm going over there," Henry said to Charlotte, wanting to be the person who would finally stand up to the bully.
"No. You don't wanna mess with Mitch Bilsky. He's big and crazy." Charlotte warned him, grabbing his arm to stop him from going up to the larger boy. Henry was puny in comparison and he would surely be squished like a bug.
"But he's picking on Oliver." He stated, seeing the way the boys jeered.
"So? Oliver doesn't even realise it." The girl pointed out, looking over at Mitch who was now stacking the fruit bars on Oliver's head.
"Look, we only have 28 hours left before that volcano destroys the whole world on Friday," Henry said to her.
"I know, but--" Charlotte tried to get him to back down, but Henry was too determined.
"I'm not holding anything back anymore. I told Jasper I don't like buckets, I ate five chilli cheeseburgers after dinner last night, and now, I'm going to stand up to the biggest jerk in school. I fear no man." Henry said, feeling pumped.
He turned around and walked over to the bullies.
"Hey, Mitch! I think you dropped this." Henry yelled at the large kid and threw the fruit bar back in his face. The surrounding kids gasped at his actions, knowing that Mitch was gonna beat his ass.
"Okay, Hart. Now...you and me are gonna fight." Mitch seethed at Henry, lifting the boy off his feet and into the air by his hoodie.
"You know, you really should get your teeth whitened." Henry insulted him, not showing any fear. 
"If you guys fight here, you're going to be surrounded by teachers in five seconds." Charlotte jumped in, seeing that Henry was way out of his depth. The crowd agreed with her.
"It's true." The boy said to Mitch.
"Monday, after school in the parking lot behind that Jewish church." The bully spat in his face, but Henry furrowed his brows at his words.
"They're called Synagogues. IDIOT!" He berated.
"Whatever, Monday after school behind the Cinderdog." Mitch's pronunciation made Henry giggle.
"Monday? Yeah, sure, dude. Let's fight on Monday. Sounds good." The boy said, knowing that Monday would be too late. Mitch dropped him to the floor, and walked out with his posse, as Oliver continued to shout about his fruit bars.
~Later that day~
Oliver Pook walked up behind Henry, who was busy looking in his locker.
"Hey, Henry." He said, spooking Henry and causing him to drop his books.
"What's up, man?" Henry smiled at him, wondering what the boy wanted.
"You wanted to come ice fishing with me a week from Saturday?" He asked the boy, who sighed at the idea of sitting in the cold with the weird teen.
"Oliver, every month you ask me if I want to go ice fishing with you. And what do I say every time?" He put to the boy.
"When I ask in person you say no. When I text you, you just pretend you never got the text." He deadpanned.
"Exactly. Now, guess what?"Henry said in an uplifting tone.
"I'd love to go ice fishing with you a week from Saturday," Henry told Oliver, shocking the boy and Charlotte, who had been listening in from her locker.
"Seriously?" Oliver couldn't believe it.
"Yep." Henry smiled when he saw how happy he had made the other teen.
"Henry Hart, you make me happy." Oliver gave him an awkward hug, before running off.
"Ice fishing with Oliver?" Charlotte asked, walking up to her blond friend. She couldn't believe he'd agreed to put himself through that.
"A week from Saturday, the world won't even be here." He said with a sigh.
"Yeah, I know." The girl said dejectedly and took a bite of whatever she was eating.
"What are you eating?" Henry asked her.
"A stick of butter with sprinkles on it." She told him, and Henry pulled a disgusted/confused face.
"Why not?" Charlotte retorted, before glancing over his shoulder.
"Hey, hey, there's Bianca. Go tell her you like her." Charlotte said, spying the pretty girl near the doors.
"What's the point? None of us are gonna exist after tomorrow." Henry sulked.
"Yeah, but if you tell her, maybe you'll get to kiss her before, you know..." Charlotte imitated the sound of an explosion and her words were enough to convince Henry to walk over to the brunette.
"Hey, Bianca!" He called out to her.
"Oh, hi, Henry." She said to him sweetly.
"I like you. And I don't just mean 'I like you, I mean, I like you, like you.'" Henry came straight out with it. He could teach Ray a few things.
"Cool, anything else?" Bianca asked him, her cheeks turning rosy.
"Nah. Yes. I would like to kiss you if you're down for that." He said in a loud voice, drawing some looks.
"With everyone watching?" The girl looked around sheepishly.
"Yeah. Let's show them how it's done, son." He joked, so Bianca stepped forward and pecked him on the lips. Everyone watching started to clap, as Henry walked back over to Charlotte with a huge grin on his face.
"How do you feel?" The dark-haired girl smirked at him.
"Feel good," Henry said, swaggering to his next class.
~The Man Cave~
Down in the hideout, (y/n) and Charlotte were eating the white cream from the middle of Oreos and then discarding the chocolate cookie. Hey, they were set to die tomorrow, they were gonna spend their last few hours living dangerously. Between them, they had gotten through six packets of the sweet treats whilst they waited for Henry and Ray to return from their outing.
The tubes came down, and the tired superhero duo came plodding into the Man Cave. (y/n) gave them a tired smile, as they walked over to the couch.
"Where you guys been?" Charlotte asked in confusion. They were wearing their super suits, but there had been no emergency call.
"In the Man-Copter." Henry sighed.
"Flying over Swellview, looking around," Ray said, moving towards where (y/n) was sat, and leaned on the back of the couch behind her.
"One last time," Henry mumbled, as (y/n) turned around and draped her arms around Ray as he rested his head and hands on the sofa.
"Nice." The girl said, licking more filling from an Oreo.
"Yeah, I guess."
"Eh." The two grumbled simultaneously. Henry gave Charlotte a pointed look and gestured to the two sulking adults, so the girl kicked (y/n) under the table as Henry poked Ray's back. Each adult looked to a kid and saw them gesturing to the opposite person, hinting that they should admit their feelings.
Ray shook his head quickly, looking at the boy with an agitated face. (y/n), on the other hand, was thinking about it, hard. From where she was sat, she could see the countdown ticking away on the supercomputer and used the stress it gave her to boost her courage.
"R-Ray?" She stuttered, her cheeks feeling red hot and her heart racing like a horse.
"What?" The man didn't look up from his slouch position, and the fact that she couldn't see his face made it a little easier for her. 
"I need to tell you something." She screwed her eyes tight and dug her fingernails into her palms so hard she thought she'd draw blood. Henry and Charlotte looked at each other with wide, hopeful eyes, waiting with bated breath for her to say the three magic words. 
"Yeah?" The man still didn't look to see how wound up she was, so she gritted her teeth and forced herself to speak.
"I--" To their horror, she was cut off as the elevator came down and Schwoz walked into the Man Cave, wearing a gym outfit and holding a piece of paper.
"Hey, peoples, look it. I got membership to Muscle Works." The little man showed them the contract, as Henry and Charlotte held back screams. (y/n) however, was relieved at the intrusion, feeling like she had been saved by a higher power. 
"You joined a gym?" She said to him in an unusually happy voice, wafting her face with her hand to cool down her flushed complexion. 
"Yeah, I paid for five years upfront, which got me two percent off and this tank top," Schwoz explained the crappy deal he got, confusing the others.
"No, no, Schwoz, why did you pay for a membership when you know the world is going to end tomorrow?" Henry asked in a miffed voice, still feeling irritated that (y/n) had been stopped from confessing to Ray. Now, she'd never tell him, it took the threat of a volcano to force her hand, for Pete's sake!
"Yeah, why?" Ray, (y/n) and Charlotte asked together in bafflement.
"You guys didn't get my text?" Schwoz said slowly.
"What text?" Henry and Ray felt like he was about to say something stupid.
"Well, you know how I figured out that the supervolcano go kaboom tomorrow?" The genius said to them.
"Yeah, you stressed that point numerous times." (y/n) said, a tight smile on her face. She had a feeling that she knew what Schwoz was going to say next.
"It's not going to happen tomorrow." The man said, shocking them into silence.
"Then when?" Henry piped up.
"In about 17 million years. I swear I sent you a text." Schwoz said, walking off when he got bored of them looking like goldfish.
The four of them burst into cheers, Ray giving (y/n) a big bear hug. She let go reluctantly but was swept up into another hug with Charlotte, as Henry switched on some disco light and music.
"We gonna live. Ha!" They all chanted as they danced around. (y/n) leapt onto Ray's back and he span her around, Henry and Charlotte watching them with smiles on their faces. Henry whispered into Charlotte's ear, who smirked at the sound of his plan.
"Hey (y/n/n), do you want to grab some ice cream?" Charlotte smiled at the woman, who climbed off of Ray and walked over to the auto-snacker.
"Sure, what flavour?" (y/n) asked, but Charlotte needed her to be distracted, so she ran over with intention of stalling her.
"Uhhhh, let me have a look at them." She replied, and started scrolling through every combination logged in the system. 
"Pssst, Ray, I have an idea," Henry whispered to Ray, bringing him over to the couch. He took the man's laser remote and set the large TV monitor to come down from the ceiling. 
"Kid, what are you doing?" Ray asked, looking confused at the setup. Henry made the couch table go down and ran to the back of the Man Cave where (y/n) stored some scatter cushions in a box. He threw them at Ray, who caught them in confusion. The teen glanced at the two females on the other side of the room and saw that Charlotte was doing a good job of keeping her busy.
"Pillows? Henry, what is going on?" Ray said in a hushed tone, getting the idea that Charlotte was distracting his best friend, but he had no idea what his sidekick had planned.
"Y'know how (y/n)'s always wanted to watch the sunset in Hawaii?" Henry smiled at him as he fluffed the cushions and spread out a blanket. 
"Yeah?" The superhero was beginning to see what he was getting at, and he remembered how (y/n) had described her fantasy to him down to the tiniest detail.
"Well, you're bringing Hawaii to her. Charlotte's on Piña Coladas and ice cream, and we're getting the 'beach' ready." Ray grinned at how sweet Henry was and he ruffled his hair. 
"Wait, what do you mean I'm bringing it to her?" Ray stopped and thought about the boy's words.
"She can't watch it alone, dude." Henry grinned and signalled Charlotte to bring the woman in question over.
"Henry, I can't sit---" Ray was cut off as (y/n) turned away from the machine and gasped. The lights dimmed and she saw the couch had been made all cosy. 
"What's happening?" She said, walking over to the TV area with two bowls of vanilla ice cream. Now she understood why Charlotte insisted on looking at every topping the snack-machine had.
"We can't go to Hawaii, so I'm bringing Hawaii to you." Ray quickly went along with the plan and gestured to all the things Henry had quickly set up. 
Of course, the real Hawaii would have been so much better to anyone else, with a real sandy beach and the crystal blue sea lapping away gently, but then again, Hawaii wouldn't have meant anything without Ray.
"You did all this for me?" She questioned him, her eyes sparkling with tears as she took in the scene. Henry played the video of a Hawaiin sunset on the TV and Charlotte set down the Piña Coladas. Backing away slowly, they left silently in the elevator, high-fiving when they started moving.
"The kids helped a bit," Ray confessed, looking down at his feet. (y/n) raised her hand and peeled the mask off his face so she could read all his facial expressions. 
"My very own beach." She smiled, sitting down and pulling the blanket over her lap. Ray joined her, passing her a drink and placing the ice cream bowl in front of her. She rested her head on his shoulder and gazed at the video on the screen, imagining that they could be looking at a real sunset like this, with matching rings on their fingers.
"What did you want to tell me earlier?" Ray broke her out of the daydream, and she said the first thing that came to her mind.
"Doesn't matter." She immediately felt regret for the first time since she fell in love with him, because for the first time, she wanted to tell him. She had reacted on instinct, having acted the same way for so long now that her mind was disconnected from her heart. 
Ray said nothing, eating another mouthful of ice cream. Like her, he dreamed of taking her to Hawaii and standing on a beach just like the one onscreen. She would float towards him wearing white and they would promise to love each other forever with a sealing kiss.
'Maybe in another life.' They thought together, believing that they were worlds apart when in reality, they had never been closer.
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the-tendo-blog · 6 years
i tried to come up with a witty aesthetic title but i can’t
@xanderdewitt @bijerbear 
so, yall remember i want to die in swellview? yeah, despite my best efforts i can’t finish it even though i really want to. but i didn’t just want to leave the story unfinished like that. so, here’s everything that was supposed to happen i guess.
parts 1-3: 
already established. essentially henry danger 2: it’s dark this time
part 4: 10,000 degrees
we open with minyak and drex in a restaurant discussing these weird new threats, and nobody likes them. just a big bundle of bad news. we also learn drex is completely shameless in his weeaboo tendencies, and was banned from the villain support group. afterwards drex goes home, but gets into a nasty fight with one of the new bad guys (named royal razors) after winning, he gets approached by a shady dude who hates those guys as much as drex does, offering to let him join his organization as a hitman. drex needs money for anime shit so he’s like yeah lets do it
part 5: 122 days
charlotte feels inadequate and like she could never live up to CM and KD, even as scanset this is really bad for her bc she seems to find this way more fun and a better fit than her original life plan. emotional crisis follows
part 6: phantom menace
ray decides the next course of action should be going behind enemy lines. henry’s arm is close to full recovery, so it seems like it’d be good. henry sucessfully infiltrates the royal razors and is partnered up with an elite member who hen instantly recognizes as jasper. henrys like “HELLO??????????” but once the shock wears off he realizes jasper’s actually p cute as a tough guy. minor hensper ensues. ray manages to break up the organization, but not without the leader escaping. 
part 7: krewe du vieux
drex gets kicked out of a fancy restaurant for causing a riot for no real reason, ray and henry think he had something to do with the royal razors so they go up to confront him and bring scanset along. things escalate and a fight breaks out. just when the three are about to knock drex tf out, a new challenger approaches..
this new guy is wild. he comes in and within minutes all 3 heroes are down. he wears a mask of a skull wearing a gas mask and a crown which is dope as fuck, as you can tell. mask guy demands to be drex’s partner in crime and drex says yes.
part 9: coma
ray’s sad now. just becomes hyperaware of all the bullshit that’s happened and starts to think he was a bad influence on the kids. ray starts to plan a suicide and leaves to get jolly beetle tears so it’ll actually work
part 10: long gone
sidney and oliver? in my edgy hd fic? it’s more likely than you think. the two are dicking around in some vr game but suddenly it changes to a vr simulation of downtown swellview and a bunch of the robots from part 3 are destroying the city. thinking it’s just part of the game, sidney and oliver beat the shit out of them until they’re all annihilated and they find out the next day that wasn’t a game, their headsets actually picked up on the robot’s signals and 2 of them fell into their control.
part 11: meet mr NICEGUY
ray is sad 2: electric boogaloo. ray’s walking around downtown swellview to take in everything before his death, and comes across charlotte who was taking a walk to clear her head. they went to go get pizza and talked for a while, and the conversation ends up with them talking about what got them so sad. char helps ray to the best of her abilities and ray does the same. she ends up staying the night at the man cave to make sure ray doesn’t try any shit and ray agrees so char feels less alone.
part 12: carollton
so ray tries to get out of his head by going to a local rave. things go well until those robots come around again. sidney and oliver arrive to ray’s aid (well, their stolen robots do) and they kick ass together. all 3 proceed to turn up since hey, they’re at a rave.
part 13: FUCK the industry
henry and jasper end up famous in swellview’s crime world for being able to take down RR seemingly effortlessly. they desperately try to figure out how to get out of the limelight(?)
part 14: i no longer fear the razor guarding my heel
finale hours babey!!  hen and jasp have figured out where those evil robots are stored and go to try to get rid of them, but are met with mask guy and drex. turns out mask guy lead the royal razors and he’s not very happy. fight ensues, and the kids are losing. henry and jasper are fully convinced that they’re about to die, so they text some friends and family goodbye and just kinda accept it’s the end of the line.
cut to ray, hanging out in a really chill arcade with sidney. ray gets the text and gets the location and RUNS out the door. sidney’s like “ray where are you going!!” so ray tells him henry’s gonna die if he doesn’t go and sidney runs home and gets oliver and follow up with their robots. charlotte had the same thought and got the scanset suit.
the door dramatically slams open to the room drex, mask guy, and the boys are in. ray’s in full captain man mode and much like his 3 companions, he’s pissed. an insane fight follows and hope seems lost, but everyone manages to kick mask guy and drex’s collective ass. sidney and oliver left after the fight, leaving the ot4 together tired, bloody, and bruised, but victorious. everyone pulls into a victory group hug and head to the man cave to get patched up and rested. roll credits.
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alisondepartedbear · 4 years
Just Breathe
Everything is not what it seems in Swellview, a kidnapper is running amok while Henry faces some challenging trials in his life. The boy most overcome what is inside to deal with major life changes.
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four
Can be found on wattpad and fanfiction.net, usernames in tumblr bio
Chapter Five
The police station smelled like burnt coffee and mildew rotted paper. Just from walking in here, my nose started to run. Inside a questioning room, Elena and her parents were crying over each other, thankful for more days together. Watching them made my heart swell and want to call my sister, I couldn't imagine thinking you'd never see someone again because of some monster human.
Outside the room stood Captain Man, Officer Bladell, and myself arguing.
"I found her. Therefore I take her statement." Captain Man's voice booms in the hallway.
Officer Bladell laughs sarcastically, jutting out his hip to rest on the wall. "Well Captain Underpants, you have no say so here. This is my house."
"Actually-" I begin before Bladell cuts me off.
He waves his hand in my face. "Cool it, kid. Convo for grown ups."
I'm not sure if I've ever wanted to hit a man so intensely before. Balling my hands into fits I put them behind back and squeeze my nails into the palm. Someone walks by and a whiff of mildew comes in causing me to sniffle so no snot fell from my nose.
"Aw, little baby boy, gonna cry."
"I'm gonna hit you, man!" I scream pulling my fist back.
"Hey, hey," Captain Man grabs my waist while I try to grab Officer Bladell's hair.
"Wow, Kid Danger, what's going?" Detective Shapiro shows up with his Skyscraper cup. How much coffee does he drink?
"This chub won't let us take Elena Gilbert's statement even though we have the authority to."
"You don't, you child!" Officer Bladell's cheeks turn a ruddy red.
"They do, actually." Detective Shapiro says taking a sip. "Just two weeks ago Captain Man graduated from the police academy. He is much apart of the force as you are, Bladell. Now let him do his job."
Officer Bladell's fists tighten and he huffs out an angry breath before stomping out the back alley door of the precinct. A brief silence falls over us before the detective clears his throat.
"Well," He taps his foot. "Shall we?"
Captain Man asks Elena's parents to leave the room while I sit at the table across from her. She gives me a wiry smile and plays with her fingers. "Do you need water or a snack?" I ask unsure what to say to her.
She shakes her head and folds her hands.
Captain Man comes to sit next to me before clicking a pen open. He flips his little notepad open and smiles up at Elena. "Elena, will be needing to go through your schedule on the day you were abducted. Now if you begin to feel uncomfortable at anytime, tell us and we'll stop."
Elena's blond hair slides off her shoulder as she nods. "I understand."
Elena starts explaining her day. She had woken up around 7:30 to the sound of her mother making breakfast in the kitchen. After eating, she walked to the nearest bus stop to get a ride to school.
"Everything seemed normal," She shrugs running her finger around her pointer fingernail. "That evening my parents and I went to Junk'n'Stuf to strictly browse. My mom told me we couldn't get anything since we had to pay rent this week. But I saw a mini porcelain ballerina and begged her to get it for me. When she said no, I screamed in her face and walked out."
Elena leans forward on her elbow and uses her hand to cover her eyes as she looks down. "I got so mad and I kept running. But when I turned on Salvatore there was a van, a black van. Of course, I'm not stupid...I didn't want to walk anywhere near it so I crossed the street. Then I heard a voice call for me. They knew my name. I stopped but I didn't get to turn around." She places a hand on the back of her head. "I think he hit me, or injected me with something because everything went black."
I hand a tissue to her when I see a tear drop to the table. The room stays quiet for a few moments and then the AC turns on. Elena leans back in her chair and looks up towards the vent letting it hit her face. Her cheeks were red.
"Are you ready to continue?" Captain asks putting a gloved hand on her's.
She nods licking her lips and taking a breath. "When I came to, it was dark and green."
She nods again. "There was a green glow that came from a pool. It looked just like jello with the bubbles inside and steam always rose from it. Its what he put in us."
"H-he put things inside you?" I couldn't control my voice.
"Just whatever that was," With every word, she never waivers. "I noticed tubes in both my nostrils, the green goo running through them. There was such a disgusting burn in my throat. I tried to move my body but nothing happened until I flung my arm backwards hitting flimsy rubber. I could feel something move in my ear which I just think were more tubes. Then I saw the boy. He was hooked up like me. Big, metal handles were clamped around his waist. I tried to see if I was like that but my head wouldn't move. His head though...it just hung there. I called after him but he never moved."
Elena takes a moment before continuing. "I was there for a long time before he came in."
"Who do you believe this he was?"
"The man who kidnapped me,"
"Can you explain him? Features? The way he walked?"
She thinks about it, tilting her head side to side. "He wore dark jeans and regular tshirts but always wore a Nixon mask."
"Richard Nixon?"
She nods. "He was always so cocky. Talking how clueless the police are, how they couldn't follow a clue even if it was right next to them." Her fingers tap on the metal table. "He took something from us, something blue. Almost like the green goo. It was collected in beakers that he drank from." Elena shudders.
Captain Man wrote profusely in his notepad so I took the next question. "How did you escape?
A smile forms on Elena. She shakes her head. "He made me to take showers twice a day. He'd walk to the facility with me and stand outside the door. I kept the water running and waited until I heard him walk away. He's stupid. I simply walked out, and found the stairs. At the top, there was a metal latch door that opened up. I crawled through it to find myself in the woods. So I started running, running so fast." She takes a deep breath and wipes a tear away. "I didn't know I could go that fast. I heard the latch open and him scream for me. Saying I'd die out there alone. But then the door slammed shut and I heard a car start. But I didn't see any road near the opening so I think it was hidden or camouflaged. I ran until I saw a sign splitting the wood between Neighborville and Swellview. I figure that I was close to the park so I just continued. Then I saw your uniforms and knew I was saved."
Captain Man nods, doting and crossing his letters. He looks back up and smiles at Elena. "Did you notice anything special while you were walking through the dungeon?"
Elena nods. "He had a police uniform on the floor near the entrance. A real uniform, not some costume. I think he's on the force." She whispers.
"So did she say anything good?" Detective Shapiro asks. He was sitting at his desk with his feet propped on it, swirling his Skyscraper cup around.
"That and then some," Captain Man says sitting opposite of him. He goes on to explain the situation. When he got to the blue goo part, Detective Shapiro gags on his coffee.
"What in the world would he drink from them?"
"Your guess is as good as ours." I shrug. "We'll know more about that when we speak to our scientist." Hopefully, Schwoz would have some answers.
"The last thing she said is that she found a real police uniform. She believes it's a man on the force."
Detective Shapiro nods. "That's makes sense, since she requested to only speak to female officers." He runs a hand through his curly hair. "I'll have a background done on all the officers. See if any are fishy enough to be suspects."
"From what we gathered, this man likes his authority and almost hates the force. Maybe look for someone who isn't on a higher rank, someone who is a big talker, but not much bulk behind it." Captain Man suggests.
Detective Shapiro nods, writing something down in his notepad. "I'll put someone I really trust on this. If you can, keep this part of the down. We don't want anyone to be suspicious and run."
"Of course,"
"Schwoz!" Ray yells when he steps off the elevator.
"He's not here." Charlotte says from the computer. "He went out with a friend, won't be back until tomorrow."
"Damn it," Ray whispers before retreating back to his room, probably to brood.
"So," She says turning to me. "What happened at the precinct?"
I shake my head. "It's just messed up, Charlotte. Elena thinks he's a police man."
"Of course," Charlotte huffs a breath out. "You can't freakin' trust cops. I hate that for her. She'll never feel safe around one again probably."
"Yeah," I walk closer to the moniter and peer at the screen. "What are you doing?"
She spins around and starts to scroll through listings. "I'm looking at records of unmarked black vans. There's not much to go on but I feel bad for not doing anything. There's not much for me to do here."
I lean down and put an arm around her shoulders. "You're doing great just thinking of this. You're very useful, Char."
"Thank you," She smiles.
I pull into the driveway and immediately slam on the breaks. A silver Mazda sat in my parking space, Mom's car. Before leaving the car, I take a couple of centering breaths, something Charlotte told me to start doing. When I open the door, I hear something fall. Peering behind the door, I see three suitcases. Then I hear my mother's voice from upstairs. A door slams and she comes down the stairs, leaning on the rail heavily. She almost trips on the last step. When she sees me, her eyes flare.
She points a bony finger at me. "Did you know about this?"
Dad walks down the stairs. I look at him. "Know about what?"
"Your father is kicking me out!" She takes a swig out of her water bottle, but even from where I'm standing I can smell that it's not water. "He claims I'm cheating on him and that I drink too much."
"Kris, I know about the motel room in town you keep. Why else would you need something like that if you weren't cheating?"
Mom stares at him for a moment, caught in a lie. Her cheeks flush to a pink color. "Well, I'm taking the kids with me!" She screams. "You'll never see them again."
Dad shakes his head. "No, they will stay here. If they want you to, you can visit them here."
Mom races over and pushes him. "What do you mean if they want me to? You can't keep them from me!" She hits his chest.
"Stop this," He grabs her wrists. "Hitting me is not going to make me change my mind."
"You're an ass!" She screams fighting against his grip. "Let go of me!"
He does and she stumbles in to the suitcases.
"Let's ask them then." She says cockily. "Let's see who they'd rather stay with, Jake. Piper!"
"This isn't a discussion."
"Piper, get your ass down here!"
Piper comes around the door arch slowly. "What's going on?" She asks timidly. She comes to stand next to me.
"Your dad is kicking me out, baby." Mom puts on her nurturing voice. "And we need to figure out where you and Henry will stay. Now don't you wanna stay with momma?"
Piper's eyebrows raise and she looks at Dad. "Really?" She takes another look at Mom.
"Who do you want to live with?!" Mom asks Piper pointedly. Her eyes never met Piper's due to them crossing and closing. "Who do you love more?"
"Kris, do not ask her that!" Dad raises his voice, which he never does to Mom. He puts his hand out to Piper. "You don't have to answer that."
"She's a big girl, Jake. She can speak!" Mom swings her arms motion to her daughter.
I step between Mom and Piper. "Mom, I-"
"Dad," Piper whispers.
"What?" Venom almost leaks from her mouth and her brown eyes almost look red. She takes a step towards Piper, stepping on her untied shoelace. "What?!"
"I'm-" Piper's terrified eyes find mine. I put my hand on her shoulder.
"We're staying with Dad." I say lowly.
"You little-" Mom steps out with her hand drawn back. Before I can move Piper out of the way, her mouth forms an 'o' and she falls, tripping on her shoelaces.
Dad rushes to her, grabbing underneath her arms. "Kris, are-"
Mom pushes him away. "Get off!" Her voice began to be rough and scratchy. Her fire eyes flare at Piper and me.
For a moment the scene reminds of Charlotte and me. I had done the same thing. I pushed her away. Forcing myself to stay on track, I try to remind myself I'm not my mother.
I take a hesitant step to Mom. "This-It doesn't mean we don't love you. But you need to get better." I reach a shaking hand out.
She smacks me away. "You're ungrateful!" She pushes herself up using the coffee table. She sways while yelling. "Who do you think you are? I pick out your clothes! I gave you life! Who do you think picked the best school in the county? Me! I chose the house! I gave you what you have!"
Piper scoffs. Her hands in white knuckled fists. "That doesn't matter when you're a shit parent! You could give me forty PearPhones but it wouldn't matter because...You're. Not. Here. You think you know your husband and children. You don't!"
"Sweetheart," Dad's voice is very small.
Big tears swim down Piper's face. "Did you know I got second place in the science fair? Did you know Henry got straight As? Dad's here! Dad shows us he cares."
Before anything else can be said, Mom starts to cry. A heavy cry I've seen many times. Its the cry when drunks are faced with too many truths. Her shoulders begin to shake and snot comes out of her nose. She's looking at Piper and me. I know she's expecting Piper to apologize. When she doesn't she starts crying harder and looks at me. But I've grown such a disdain and disconnect from my Mother that I can't feel for her tears.
Dad steps forward and sits beside her. He quietly pats her back.
I take Piper's hand and walk out the front door. Without speaking we get into my car. Slowly I back out onto the street.
"I'm not sorry for what I said." Piper says.
"You shouldn't be. She needed to hear something real from us."
After that Piper and I drove around Swellview, talking about school and everything but Mom. She told me about a boy she was starting to like and how she thinks he likes her too. I embarrassingly tried to give her the talk but she wasn't having any of it. She plugged her ears and yelled "la la la" until I laughed and changed the subject.
"Hey, your phone's vibrating." Piper says handing me it, she'd been switching songs. "Charlotte's calling."
I grab the phone and put the device to my ear. "Hey, what's up?"
"Ray wants you here now. There's been another kidnapping. The guy got two young kids this time."
Trying to remain as calm as I could, I said goodbye and hung up the phone. My heart raced and sweat began to bead up on my forehead. How young are they?
"Piper, you mind waiting in Junk'n'Stuf while I go talk to Ray?"
She shrugs. "It's cool. I just hope Jasper doesn't try to talk to me."
Please comment if you’d like to be apart of a tag list!
taglist: @violetride @craploadofandoms @junknstu1f (i tag you since you liked the story so much!) @sasunarushiita
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Share a Lair 10 || Upgraded
Charlotte was extremely excited about Henry’s advancement results. He was now featured on Hero Tracks, and she was THE FIRST person to follow him! Hero Tracks was one of her favorite forms of social media. Hero Tracks (while mentioned before, hasn’t been explained, so… let’s).
Hero Tracks served as a progress and news tracker for your favorite heroes. General updates were for the public, but if you follow a hero, you get more updates and if you’re on the friends list, you get to see their own posts, read DETAILS that they would trust friends with. 
Charlotte generally followed and friended every hero that she met. Henry wasn’t previously on Hero Tracks, because he thought that sidekicks with tracks were lame. “Their hero has a page that has AND and features them. Getting a separate account is try hard,” he told her. So, whenever the Hero League reported his results to him, (which also gets sent to Charlotte, simultaneously), she posted his account from the Tower, followed the account, and congratulated him. Shortly afterwards, Max sent a friend request, which she accepted on Henry’s behalf, and Max also congratulated Henry, “Good  going! Hope this means you’ll move out soon!” She laughed and shook her head. She actually wanted the two of them to possibly work together at some point… and she wished that maybe they could train together. She nonchalantly dropped these desires to both of them at different times, subtly. Max definitely took it in. Henry shot her down.
But. A few days later, Henry received a message from the Hero League.
“I can’t believe my life,” Henry said, disappointed.
Charlotte glanced over and wondered, “What’s happened?” He shoved his phone to her and she read, then cheered, “Max is gonna be your Hero League appointed mentor and trainer?!? Lucky you!” She gave him the phone back with a huge smile. “I’m so proud of this.”
“You had something to do with this, didn’t you?”
“I told Max the same things that I told you and I guess he cared, because that message says that he personally requested this… and Henry… That is remarkable. He’s got global hero status. Henry… This could rocket your hero career.”
He sighed. He knew these things. He still didn’t like it. This meant that he sort of would have to report to Max… and… he still worked for Captain Man. When would he have PEACE, in this arrangement? He groaned and left her workspace to go call Jasper and complain to him about it. HE’D offer some type of empathy for Henry’s plight.
Honestly, it wasn’t bad being under Max’s mentorship and training. Henry found that even though he hated being around him casually, Max was pretty professional and patient with teaching him stuff. Sometimes, Henry could see in his expressions that he thought Henry should know more and was silently judging him for it. But, the one time that he brought it up, Max corrected him by saying, “I’m actually judging Captain Man. It’s almost like he never wanted you to take over for him… or maybe Swellview is too small for your talents. That’s also possible. Hiddenville was definitely too small for mine, and you’re under my wings now, so… your possibilities broaden.” Max gave him a sincere smile, then clapped his hands once and said, “Back to acrobatics lessons!”
Max was… a brilliant fighter! Henry was super impressed with his abilities, agility, and versatility. And, he wouldn’t say it yet, but he was truly grateful for the opportunity to work so closely with him. Also, he was seeing Max a lot differently. Whenever he was satisfied with Henry’s training progress, he said that he would select assignments to bring him on. ASSIGNMENTS. With SuperMax! Henry was not going to fanboy over it… openly. He just wanted to work hard, prove himself, and venture on those opportunities.
Piper decided a get together was in order, because since Henry began training with Max, he hadn’t been in Swellview as much. Hero League business took precedence over Swellview business and Max refuted several of Captain Man’s refusals to let Henry off for various reasons. Max’s requests took precedence. Captain Man was definitely pissed, but Piper missed her brother and friends. Charlotte hadn’t felt the same about Piper since she joined the team and started acting like the guys, but she still hung out with her whenever she got a chance, out of nostalgia for the kid that she used to love and Girl Code. Definitely didn’t make it a priority or effort, though.
There they were, all being at least civil and Piper suggested that they play “Sex, Kill Marry” or whatever the heck it was called. Charlotte rolled her eyes and listened to various requests and answers, from names that Piper spouted out.
Jasper thought for a moment, during his turn, “Hmmm… I guess I’d marry Timothy Chalamet, screw Matthew Daddario, and have to kill Dylan Minnette. (Only because I just don’t love him like the other two…)”
Henry complained, “I HATE THIS GAME. UGH. F word China McClain, K word Selena Gomez, marry Daisy Riddle.”
Piper told him, “That’s not even her name!”
Henry wasn’t to be deterred or have this lengthened. “That’s my answer! This is weird enough to play with my sister involved.”
So, when it was Charlotte’s turn and Piper said, “These three!” And she pointed at the three dudes in then room.
Max raised an eyebrow and gave her an amused glance. Charlotte was extremely surprised. “Everybody else got celebrities!” she pointed out.
“Yeah, but I’m much more curious about this,” Piper said, waving her finger between Charlotte and the guys..
Charlotte reached for her wine tumbler and took a sip. Wow. Ugh. She hated this game too. “Well, Jasper… I love you and all, and it’s been real, but…”
“Kill ME???” Jasper completed the thought. “Why???”
“Well… because my brain just can’t fathom any scenario in which either of the other options could happen,” She shrugged her shoulders and took another drink.
He sank in the couch and Piper reminded him, “Henry will marry you.“
Henry scoffed, "I’m marrying Daisy Riddle.”
“RIDLEY!” Charlotte and Piper both snapped. Then, Piper sighed and looked back to Charlotte.
“With enough wine, I guess Henry gets laid..” she took another sip of wine and Max tried not to smile as big as he wanted to.
Henry on the other hand jumped up, “Do you realize that means you’d choose to marry MAX?"
"I’m glad you said it so I don’t have to,” Charlotte said and stared into her wine glass.
“I’d like to hear you say it,” Max said and smiled at her. She fought a smile of her own and avoided his gaze. They hadn’t been together long enough to even have a conversation about this, so it was SUPER awkward. They hadn’t even… gone very far intimately or officially told their friends about them. As far as everyone was concerned, they were still playing the “will they, won’t they” game. And now Piper’s little messy ass brings this mess in front of everyone, including Max.
“Why do I have to die, but Max gets married?” Jasper asked, breaking into her stressful thoughts.
“Yep,” Charlotte said, relieved for the interruption of her overthinking.
“What?” Jasper asked the sky.
“Huh?” Charlotte asked him.
“Why? You barely know him and what we do know is that he was a teenage villain and I know we can’t prove it, but I’m reasonably sure he stranded me and Henry on that boat!”
“I was at a party all night with Charlotte,” Max said. She nodded her head, making eye contact with him for the first time since her answer, but she quickly looked away.  He squeezed her knee, then turned his attention back to Jasper. “And I can’t believe that the “why” isn’t obvious.” He began to count his qualities on his fingers for Jasp, “I’m a genius. I have great hair. Muscles. Superpowers. A jet. I can fight, dance, award winning skills in a variety of areas, I’m beautiful and handsome, at the same time…”
“You rock a pair of gray sweatpants like nobody else in the world,” Jasper added, seeing Max’s points.
“Like… everyone here should want to marry me,” Max finished off.
"He’s not humble, but he’s correct,” Charlotte said.
“Thank you for admitting that my hair and muscles have value,” he teased her.
“Wait…” When she  looked up; he winked at her and she felt her face warm from a combination of realizing that the person that was just described was… hers (and wine). This was an even more impressive catch than her ex! She smiled at him.
“You’re equally as intelligent as me and I’d be honored to be your hypothetical husband. Imagine our hypothetical offspring!” Max cheered in excitement. He… really could see himself with Charlotte for the long haul and talking about it, even hypothetically… made it more realistic for him.
And she played along, too. “They would have to be intelligent. That’s just genetics. Obviously, they’d be gorgeous. We both have stunning features, good health, perfect teeth, amazing hair…” he just nodded to everything that she said. “Wow. I really chose well. Imagine if I had answered out of loyalty!” They both laughed.
“Jasper’s rocks for brains babies. Henry’s pick any feature and I’ll pick it apart…” Henry and Jasper grimaced at Max’s insults.
“You’re so rude,” she giggled.
“You love it,” he said and winked.
She nodded. “Can’t deny that.“
“Come here for a sec,” he said and pulled her into his lap. She laughed and he kissed her on the neck, “I would have collapsed this entire house if you said anything else.”
“That doesn’t give me confidence in my choice! You’d better not give our hypothetical kids a temper!”
“Temper? I’M not the one with the temper to give them.” He kissed her neck again and she just reveled in it. They hadn’t been this openly affectionate, but she was feeling good and he had the best neck kisses.
“Are you two still talking hypothetical kids?” Henry asked.
“Are you saying that I’M the one with the temper?” Charlotte asked in a low voice, not paying attention to Henry’s question or Piper taking a sneak pic of them.
“You’re the more aggressive of the two of us,” he said.
Jasper let out an extremely loud sigh of relief. “OKAY! So, I had to die because you two are actually officially doing the thing. Okay. I feel better.”
Henry frowned. He didn’t feel better. He knew that there was something between the two of them, but he guessed that he didn’t think it would get to this level… The seeing his second boss kissing his best friend’s neck… He… didn’t care for that. Max squeezed Charlotte and rested on her shoulder. They were having their own little conversation while Piper was posting their photo and asking how many people knew that they were official.
“This bitch is so messy,” Henry heard Charlotte whisper (about his sister, which he didn’t appreciate, but he knew that he was probably more irritated with Charlotte for being with Max).
Was that why he was mentoring him? TO please his girlfriend? He really… didn’t see anything special in Henry, Henry began to convince himself. Did he even mean the encouraging shit he’d said to him during training, or was he just being nice to score p***y points?  Henry got up and asked, “Jasp, Piper, want anything?” Charlotte noted that he didn’t ask her and Max, but she didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. She could talk to him later about it. She was enjoying this… openness.
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neshabeingchildish · 4 years
Road to Dystopia Pt. 1
Hi, Friends! Some of you are familiar with my work, and some of you are not. It can be a bit convoluted at times and maybe even incoherent, but I promise, I try to do my best to clarify and explain the picture that I’m trying to paint. This particular short fic isn’t done in exact chronological order, because I wanted to *sort of sandwich in the things from what we last saw with the parts that we didn’t get to see and maybe throw out a fun or emotional journey. Idk. You might hate it, and that’s cool too, just don’t tell me. I don’t care if you hate it. That’s just gon’ piss me off and I’ma cuss you out and tell you that you can go if you don’t like it. *Short about me. I do this for free, but I’m passionate about it* Here is the first installment of 3 - probably the shortest of them. Present is normal. Flashbacks/Dreams in italics. @sunbeameyes @kiddangers @adorkable-blackgirl @chenoahchantel @daintyurbanprincess @bitchmilsky @ciara-knightly I know some people said to tag, but unfortunately, I did not screenshot and I don’t trust my memory. So, I’m tagging my friends that I remember specifically asking (Unless y’all didn’t, just pretend you did and just don’t read, if that’s the case). A bish is vurry sensitive right now. 
Did We Just Lose Him?
Off of the plane, miles away from the Dystopia city limits, you have to get into an armored car (if you’re wise), to drive into the city. When you’re dropped off, you’re tasked with getting to where you need to be on your own or dealing with price gouging of the cab. And a half built wall at the edge of the place fared a warning in bold red paint, not neon like the city lights, darker, and more akin to the shade of blood, “Turn Around Now!” That was typically everyone’s first image and first memory of the place. Charlotte had read about it. She had studied every piece of information of the place that she could, but sometimes, that wasn’t enough for life experience. She was still ready to take it on, to take on anything with Henry and Jasper. Whenever she saw it, her first memory of the place, she noted in her mind that it was even more sinister in person. It was larger than it seemed in the few photos of it, and the red looked more vivid and bright in those. This warning was ominous AF. Her first memory, but whenever Jasper spoke, she realized not his, and not Henry’s. 
“Charlotte! Look at that statue!”Jasper cheered. “Who IS that dude?”
Meanwhile, Henry asked, “Hey, you got something to translate the signs on those buildings? Which place do we go to for noodles?”
“Oooh, noodles!” Jasper cosigned. She blinked her eyes and looked at the warning sign one last time before stepping forward to enter. Both men placed a hand on her to make sure that they remained close through the upcoming crowd. So… they were more nervous than they were letting on. She liked to think it was in an effort to save face in front of her. Because she certainly wasn’t about to let them see how much some of the cautionary graffiti was alarming her. It was easier for them. “Crimeridden hellhole” was simpler to digest than the facts and stats that she knew in advance. 
The crowd got thicker, the people got pushier and Charlotte, paying attention to both her GPS and the scenery in front of her, was not paying as much to the guys. Jasper hovered protectively around her and Henry hung on to her coat tail, keeping eyes on their environment as she tracked towards their destination deliberately. She had warned them not to make eye contact, look too long, stare too hard at anybody, but Henry saw too many aggressive faces looking their way - like they just knew - These kids don’t belong here. They probably still looked too green. At any rate, he didn’t like some of the looks they were getting. If something went down, Charlotte was basically defenseless and they were all carrying stuff that they could be attacked for. 
She doesn’t want to get too far ahead, but she’s trying to avoid drawing attention to herself by looking around in wonder or confusion, trying to make sure she pays attention to the GPS, and trying not to bump into anyone and make them think they’re being attacked. She began to walk faster the closer that she got, and Jasper and Henry clenched her coat. She vaguely felt it, but there had been this awareness she had since the Man Cave incident - whenever they could tell the others were nearby or had gotten far away. They even were doing it in their sleep. Getting up and going to the bathroom in the middle of the night? That woke everybody up. “What’s going on? Where are you going?” would begin the moment someone was out of range. She credited it to trauma, on her part in particular. The boys both tried to play it a little more smoothly… Neither of their asses were smooth, though, so…
“Aha! Finally!” she said and sidestepped to a tall hotel with graffiti of a man hanging on the sign. “This is the place.” She smiled at the boys, who were both looking at the sign uncomfortably, then she led the way inside. Jasper followed, then Henry… That was how it usually went (well, how it had been going). A lot had changed for them in a short amount of time and all three of them knew that a lot more still would. This was home, for at least a year, now. Home, for the three of them.
Charlotte was rapidly pressing buttons and maintaining contact with everyone in the operation. It was the most dangerous job that she had done, and for some reason, she was somehow calm about it. Probably because Ray and Henry always saved the day. Henry always came home. But… this mission was different. Ray and Henry on that blimp, the Man Drone being knocked out of the sky repeatedly, kids on the scene with Schwoz while he tried things from his end… It. Was. A. Lot. She barely had the chance to process her stress. 
She had been listening in when she realized that… Ray was no longer on the blimp… But… Henry WAS??? “Henry, are you going down with the blimp?” She asked, though she knew the answer, and in that moment, when he confirmed, she knew a fear that she had never had to face before. They… were… gonna LOSE Henry, UNLESS she did something quick!
Now, she was frantic, trying to keep herself grounded because she probably  literally held Henry’s life in her hands. SHE was the one who thinks. She had to have an answer to this in front of her, but she had to find it fast. She had to find it fast, yet she was running out of time. Henry was getting closer and closer to Mount Swellview and he was insisting that she leave him to die. “I’m not leaving you!” She declared, and she meant it. If Henry was going to die, she in a moment of reaction was going to have to, as well. 
“Jasper, get her out of there!” “But Henry!”
And… she was sure, SURE that she had figured out what could be done whenever Jasper hoisted her over his shoulder. Maybe she might have died in the process, but HENRY might have lived and she was being torn from the chance to save him! “HENRYYYYYYYYYYYYY…” 
She awoke with a start and was breathing heavy. Henry was perfectly safe. Sleeping. At this point, not even moved by her waking up so abruptly. Jasper, on the other hand, reached out and collected her to himself. He was more likely to respond in his sleep than Henry was, with regularly doing active sleep things when fighting. She laid on his chest and caught her breath in his arms. Henry stirred a little and wrapped an arm over both she and Jasper. She was able to go back to sleep.
“HENRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY…” Jasper set her down to let her stand and he pressed the button. Her hands were shaking and he was bouncing up and down, silently begging the elevator to let them make it out. Charlotte looked at her hands. “I… I was almost to solution. I know that I was. I… We left him!” She looked up at the side of Jasper’s face. His expression was solemn and his mouth was shut, but he definitely had tears on his cheeks.
“We did what he wanted us to,” he said. The elevator door opened and he grabbed her hand and they rushed out of the store, fearing that it might collapse. Charlotte was weak. She was frustrated and tired and trying, but unable to move forward. Jasper had to drag her away from the building, which definitely was collapsing now. She screamed and moved towards it, but he forced her further and further away. 
“Henry!” She cried. “Our only chance to find Henry just…” Now, she started crying. It wasn’t something that she did a lot and usually, she didn’t do so this hard, but… “Henry…” She whispered. Jasper wrapped her up in his arms and pulled her close. “Tell me that didn’t just happen. Did we? Did we just… LOSE Henry?” She asked, between sobs.
Jasper was shivering and she focused in on it. There was something about his hold that was so different from any other time they ever touched. She knew it, almost right away. He wasn’t holding her to try to console her. He was holding her because he was on the verge of falling apart, himself. When he finally answered, her heart stopped. “I don’t know. But, I can’t lose you too.”
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sunsetcurve · 4 years
starting from the beginning. let me just say that the whole idea of a superhero school is something i’ve always loved and it works SO PERFECTLY here. like i just am happy that ray isn’t thrusting these kids into the whole crime-fighting thing like he did with henry because that shit was problematic as HELL. but i love like, the classes and the training drills and everything. it’s just such a fun vibe and i cannot WAIT to see more of it.
and the kids. oh my god the kids. like i honestly cannot get over how much i love them already? they’ve all got such unique personalities and they’re all SO chaotic together, like it’s just so fun to watch them bicker and chase each other around and be like “he did it!” like they’re just KIDS and i’m baby eyes emoji. i love that they’re SO enthusiastic and they’re not afraid to call ray out on his bullshit. like i think a key difference was that especially early on henry and char and jasper all looked up to ray a LOT as like “swellview’s hero” which made it harder for them to stick up for themselves, but these new kids don’t have the same reservations and i love to see it.
also, i feel like i might like ray at least a little better here. he seems to be going back to like, season 1 ray and he’s learned a lot from his time with henry and the whole like...tired dad!ray vibe is literally everything. him and schwoz are like the parents of these kids and i’m so freaking here for it.
going back to the kids i love every single one of them with my entire heart. bose? pure. angel. no thoughts head empty. SHARTS. miles? chill. constantly vibin. funny as hell. chapa? not afraid to call people the FUCK out. badass. angry and loud and i love her for it. and mika is DEFINITELY my favorite. god i think i’d literally die for her, like i’d die for all of them but MIKA. babe is SO freaking enthusiastic. she wants to be a hero so badly, she is READY, she knows what she wants and she will GO FOR IT. she’s literally so fucking cute and smart and she’s just doing her best like...sdgfjhjljdfhj i love her with my whole entire heart.
stuff i’m obsessed with: can i say the entire episode? but more specifically i LOVE the drill scene. they’re so freaking chaotic together and it took them an hour and a half to just get their suits on and literally like. they’re perfect. i love them all ending up in mika’s room? idk it just...the fact that they all had the same thought of going to her first made it feel like she was the leader, and not just that but i can feel a really really strong friendship in the works. like just...imagining this being a regular thing where they hang out and have sleepovers after school makes me REALLY soft. i love that they’re trying so hard. they all want to be heroes so badly and i just love their enthusiasm and i especially love the fact that they’re not perfect from the get-go.
like, as much as i loved hd, which i did, a lot of the energy this had was REALLY refreshing. we got to see henry grow a lot, we really did, but we didn’t get to see him learning to be a hero in the first place or even figuring out his powers. it was kind of immediate for him; he just put on the suit and got out there. which was fine the way they did it, i think, but i like the way this worked because like...okay, so in HD ray was very easily the most childish out of all of them. we never really got to see the kids being just kids, like there were definitely episodes here and there but like, char and henry especially were pretty consistently responsible and didn’t cause chaos. and like i said, i think that worked for that show, but what i really love about danger force is that like...we get to see these kids being kids. we get to see them bickering and running around and screwing up, whereas i feel like henry wasn’t really allowed that. we get to see them making mistakes and being awful at their job, but that just sets us up to watch them grow so much. i’m not saying this as a better or worse thing, because i really do think that hd had its own way of developing its characters and did it well, particularly for henry, but i am really excited for a new energy. i literally cannot wait to see where this show goes from here, and i really hope it succeeds because it was like...perfect. 
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britishchick09 · 4 years
danger force return of the kid livewatch
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the version i’m watching on dailymotion is slightly chipmunked and it’s adorable ^_^
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awww  sweetest hug ever! ♥
chapa: “don’t make me get the crowbar!” omg :o
miles: “you hate to see it” and you love to see the meme ;)
henry’s dad is graduating from an online school how 2020
mika: “we once caught a guy that was stealing books... FROM THE LIBRARY!” omg shocking! :o
henry just said ‘noice’ wtf mr. hart
henry spent ‘his whole childhood’ defeating people but wasn’t he like a tween when he became kid danger?
ray: “henry’s MINE now” awww :)
idk if henry can still become kid danger (i haven’t seen the henry danger finale) but i really hope he does
henry: “everyone thinks kid danger is-“ chapa: “hot?” miles: “dead?” lol
ray wants henry to pick his nail color awww :)
henry wants them to ‘handle it themselves’ does that mean he can’t transform? :o
henry just deleted ‘where are you?’ messages from charlotte HENRY DID YOU SERIOUSLY ABANDON YOUR FRIENDS FOR RAY YOU’RE NOT JOHN WITH YOKO
the audience just gave a quiet ‘aww’ when henry deleted the messages same :/
ray: “you wanna see my axe storing room?” your WHAT room
henry: “do i even have to axe?” eyyyyyyy ;)
ray and henry are the best of friends! :D
they’re playing a just dance ripoff how sweet :)
henry: “this has been so much fun!” ray: “I LOVE YOU TOO!” henry: “what?” ray: “I SAID GET READY FOR ROUND TWO!”
the game is calling for a tango STOP THE SHIPPING
and the game is called PRANCE PRANCE REVOLUTION lol :D
ray wants the kids to leave to spend more time with henry ♥
ray: “quit your bellyaching!” henry: “yeah, this is what you get paid for!” the kids: “YOU GOT PAID???” lol :D
ray wants to stay up there ‘as long as he can’ wowza what a shippy shippy
the intro pops up nearly 6 minutes into the ep what a long and exciting cold open! :D
chapa to mika: “we got your heart to start beating again...” wtf happened :o
bose’s mouth was full did he have a towel in his mouth lol
mikes screaming “I HATE YOU!!” is better than anakin lol
mika isn’t up for this bs YOU GO MIKA!!!!!
omg henry and ray started a totally sick rock band yo!
henry: “don’t need to practice when you’re already perfect, dude!” hannah montana wants to know your location
why is ray obsessed with henry’s mom creepy
henry: “gotta save my messages to the cloud!” F U T U R E!!!!”
char’s messages are like ‘you can’t run from this’ HENRY WHAT’S GOIN’ ON HMMMM?????
ray: “...that didn’t sound like your mom.”
henry asked if he was ‘totally untrackable in the man’s nest’ WHAT DID YOU DO HENRY
ray: “finding you in here would be like trying to find a gray hair on my head!” henry: “there’s one right there.” ray: “whaaat?”
henry’s been there for 3-4 days HENRYYYY!!!!
chapa: “we also think we should be able to vaporize someone FOR NO REASON AT ALL!!!!” daang chapa p-i-double wuble s-ed too!
ray: “time is a tall glass of water” henry: “please don’t punch my glass-” ray: *PUNCHES GLASS LIKE A BOSS*
ray: “next crime that calls is goin’ home in a body bag” sweet serenity celestia captain man calm down
henry: “who knows when the next call will come in?” call: *comes in* lol
HENRY TRANSFORMED YAAAS!!! and i guess the dark outfit he wore in the insta teaser pic is his new hero form?? :o
henry: “up the tube!” captain man: “...we go down the tube.” lol :D
and awayyyyy they go!
robber: “part of the reason i rob people is for the connection i feel and i feel like you’re (the cashier) not here with me right now!” awww ♥
the cashier walked past captain man’s book first of all awesome call back and secondly why is a book being sold at a convenience store
captain man: “let’s slow fight this crime”
robber: “is this your sidekick?” ray: “naw, we’re just vibing!” henry: “you don’t even know what that means” ray: “it’s means, like, we’re together but not really” johnlock wants to know your location
henry really wants to get back to the man’s nest what’s goin’ on here????
a drone just said ‘henry hart located sending bounty hunter’ first of all wtf and secondly BOBA FETT CROSSOVER WHAT
even captain man’s like ‘wtf dude?’
mika: “i finally got mom and dad to fall asleep! you know what that means...” others: “SCREEN TIME!!! :D” kids these days...
chapa; “i wish i had a phone!” the way she said it is a total ‘god i wish that were me’ meme
the ad on is for ‘imdb tv’ THEY HAVE A STREAMING SERVICE??????
mika has a big phone or a tiny tablet
mika to a caller: “WHAT DO YOU WANT????” miles: “YOU’RE INTERRUPTIN’ SCREEN TIME!!!” sweet serenity you two CALM THE FRICK DOWN
captain man: “the kid and i are in a bit of a jimmy jam...” jimmy john’s wants your location
henry: “you want to fly the mancopter? get a bunch of puppies?” you’d think the kids would want to fly the flipping mancopter but they want puppies instead. kids these days! :D
captain man: “what’s gotten your brisket in a basket?” lol
henry: “dystopia’s really scary-“ well duh you live in a town called DYSTOPIA what did you expect
henry messed with a guy WHO EATS PEOPLE’S SOULS WTF
captain man reaction: “...so you didn’t come to swellview to see me?” i think you should be focused on the, i don’t know... EATING PEOPLE’S SOULS PART RAY
the lights just went out OH MAN
henry: “we’re gonna die, dude!” captain man: “hold on gotta try and think of an opening quip-“ this is like yakko saying ‘we need a perfect opening’ line in the animaniacs reboot lol :D
captain man: “knock knock-“ the blackout guy: *shoots captain man into a wall* captain man: “typically you’d say ‘who’s there?’“ lol
shoutout: “how did you miss the floor awol?” awol: “at least we’re here! we could’ve been in another country!” oh miles! :D
chapa: “why are the lights out?” henry: “it’s blackout! he’s a bounty hunter from dystopia-“ chapa: “aaalllllready stopped listening.” why does nobody care about a soul-sucking bounty hunter tho??
captain man has a wall on his back like peter being stuck to the couch in that one family guy ep lol
the lights go on and everyone cheers! :D
captain man: “i said i wasn’t done with my quip! knock knock-“ *gets thrown to the ground* he’s never gonna get to that quip huh
henry: “looks like captain man is taking care of him.” no i think HE’S BEING ATTACKED HENRY
henry: “tell schwoz he can keep my dirty laundry-” why didn’t he pick it up before he moved tho
awol: “captain man says you’re the best superhero he’s ever seen!” henry: “that doesn’t sound like him.” brainstorm: “he also says you have a surprisingly good singing voice.” henry: “i guess i’m alriiight...;)” lol
volt: “captain man says that we’re garbage and we’ll never measure up to you” geez ray be a bit nicer to them (especially chapa) not everyone’s your bf henry
awol: “let’s take this guy down together! ... that sounded really cheesy” lol i love how they all agree except for shoutout :D
the blackout guy wants to know why captain man’s not dying DOES RAY NOT HAVE A SOUL????
blackout falling down because of a scream is the best :D
yay they did it!!! :D
captain man: “what do you get when you cross a duck with a shutzu?” nice dodging the nickelodeon censors ray ;)
barrow raffle ad: “you could win a million dollars! if you ask us, that’s a win-win” a win-win is letting me finish this ep
captain man kicked blackout and he didn’t respond IS HE DEAD??? :o
schwoz left an alive present in henry’s jeans WTF SCHWOZ
henry: “tough group of kids you got there.” ray: “yep, it always surprises me how much grit and determination each one of them has- oh my god, they’re baby-talking the puppies” lol what a perfectly delivered line :D
henry: “buh-bye dangers!” awww dangers!!! :’)
the higher-pitch of the vid makes mika’s puppy voice SO ADORBS! ♥
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*phone alarm* henry: “that’s my guber!” i know it’s an uber pun but henry’s getting a goofy goober ride awwww yeah! B)
ray doesn’t want to let go awww :)
yo schwoz put a turtle in henry’s pocket lol :D
ooh there’s a post credit scene! :D
and it’s bloopers how sweet :)
that was a great ep as always (probably my fave ep along with the quarantine special)! him and captain man have awesome chemistry and henry with the kids is great too ♥ see ya soon henry! (and danger force)
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heyimtavia · 4 years
Hey party people! Sorry I’ve been a bit out of the loop. Due to what’s going on in the world, adulting sorta got in the way and I have to DVR the final episode. No one tagged me, but I just wanted to add my two cents since this is officially the end and this is a really cute tag.
1. Who was your overall favorite member of Team Danger and why?
Charlotte hands down. She was brilliant, sassy and just a great friend to Henry no matter what. She’s one of the main reasons why I decided to tune into the show. I saw a lot of myself in her. I was once that little smart black girl that no one listened too. But it’s okay though, but that GLOW UP is real! I know from experience lol.
2. Who was your favorite non-team danger character and why?
Y'all know I love Fran the security guard. She should’ve gotten more air time. I just think she’s hilarious! I’d loved to see her try to wrestle a dolphin any day!
3. Who was your favorite villain and why?
Dr. Minyak & Nurse Cohort. I just gotta respect his hustle. Other than Rex and Rick Twitler, I feel like he’s the only everyday villain who always came close to defeating Captain Man & Kid Danger. He always had unique plans; from capturing and brain-altering Charlotte to taking Piper and the man fan hostage, he was always creative. Plus I love his little temper tantrums he sometimes throws. 
4. What were your top five favorite Henry Danger episodes of all time and why?
1) All time Fav would go to The Great Cactus Con. From the dopeyness of how everyone can do a backflip instead of Ray. How Charlotte gets to show off her fashion design skills. How Piper unofficially works with Team Danger. Plus I love the cute romantic bit between Jasper and Patina. 2) Rumblr- That whole episode was just comedy gold for me. They should’ve brought Kyle back for the finale and had him show up at kid danger’s funeral  3) I dream of Danger - Its Char’s episode. I like how it alluded to Charlotte’s dream might come true but it doesn’t. However, I don’t like how they just moved on like the episode never happened even when Jasper thinks that char likes him. 4) Flabber Gassed- I love that char got to show off her fighting skills and how happy Jasper was to be a superhero. 5) Holey Moley- I straight up die for laughter every time I see that episode. I love how Henry kept saying, “oh look, a downside.” I feel like that episode would have been a sketch on All That or the Amanda Show. It just felt like good ole Nickelodeon comedy.
5. What were your top five least favorite Henry Danger episodes of all time and why?
1) Henry’s Birthday- Call me a diva, but if anyone treated me like that on my birthday, the party is OVER! 2) Captain Makini (I think that's what it’s called). Sorry, I'm not really a fan of Frankie Grande and though he was great for the musical, I really don’t think he needed a second episode. 3) Meet Cute Crush- I’m sorry, anything involving Piper is just physical and emotionally draining. All that girl does is yell. Thank u, next. 4) Sick & Wired- Because I got sick and tired of Ray’s shenanigans. 5) JAM Session- Now Piper isn’t my favorite character, but how that girl was manipulated all over a bet was just stupid and disrespectful.
6. What was your favorite running gag and why?
1) Fran’s line, “There’s only one in the whole world, and we got it!” Swellview must be a fun, mysterious place that always gets amazing things lol. 2) When everyone says “Click” before hanging up their phone. I find it funny because I’m pretty sure the kids had never owned a flip phone in their lives.
7. What was your favorite one-off throw away gag and why?
When shwoz referenced his song from the musical when he said, “Science, science, science, I’ve said this already.” I think he said this in Theranos boot. And also the grammar fights and how grammar rules don’t apply to Charlotte lol.
8. What episode, which character and which duo made you laugh the most?
I think Holey Moley & Rumblr both made me laugh the most. Those were great episodes. Jasper would have to be the funniest. That boy says the darndest things lol. Hensper. Because of how Henry loved Jasper’s mustache and wanted to get one too. And when Jasper and Henry were both “Dude. Bro. Dude. Bro. DUDE!” Over the Patina situation and Charlotte had to break them up.
9. What episode, which character and which duo made you the most emotional?
I think it was Second episode of the finale episodes, when Henry was freaking out at the end because he was alone and Rex had sent Ray A Million and one years into the past. The fact that he literally had to think like all of his friends because obviously that’s what he was used to, everyone being there to help figure out a plan and keep swellview safe. And the fact that for that moment he was kid danger and all alone was really scary for him.
10. How would you rank each season from 1 to 5, one being the best and five being the worst?
I would rank season 5 as 1. It overall had great episodes and delved into different genres and fun tv and movie tropes. It made it a joy to watch, though some episodes leading towards the end didn’t quite catch me. Season 4 would be like a high 4 but not exactly a 5. Season 3 was sorta Meh to me. So maybe a #.  Season 2 would be a 4 and season 1 would be like a 4 because it was a the beginning to a great show and was still working out the kinks a bit.
11. Who was your favorite duo in the show (romantic or non-romantic)?
Chenry 100%. The friendship that those two have is great! Now I must say, I hate that Nick was still posting about them on their youtube page for clout knowing that it wasn’t gonna happen. I felt like they did that just so people would watch the final episodes. I was gonna watch regardless, but really Nick? Really?
12. What was your favorite Henry and Ray moment/episode?
The bro song! Plus I love that it kept getting referenced after the musical as well.
13. What was your favorite Chenry moment/episode?
 When Char was controlling  Henry in flabber gassed, she made him jump up and down while clapping! I love that even shwoz joined in too lol. And when Henry was concerned about her after she ate bad meat from the auto snacker.
14. What was your favorite Hensper moment/episode?
The mustache scene from Grand Theft Otto, “dude if I had one, I’d be Man Danger!”
15. What was your favorite Chensper moment/episode?
This also kinda includes Ray but when they were all stealing Joss Ross’s gift from her birthday party and they were just casually leaving. And how Jasper kept saying, “It’s not stealing if it’s from a criminal.” Plus I like the episode when Hen and Char have to pretend to date just to see if Jasper would keep their secret. The boy poured a whole bowl of pees down his shirt lmaoooo!!
16. If you could go back and change one element of the show, what would it be?
 Have Ray grow up and stop fawning over Henry’s mom. It was just plain creepy! Oh and put some respect on my girl Charlotte’s name.
17. If you could say one thing to each main character in the pilot, what would it be?
Life isn’t always about one day getting a statue, (I’m looking at YOU Captain Man). Crime-fighting is fun and being a sidekick could literally every kid’s dream. But don’t forget to be a kid. Hangout with your friends, go to school, go on dates. Do the whole growing up thing. But at the end of the day, you have to do what’s best for you.
18. If you could say one thing to each main character in the finale, what would it be?
Thank you for sharing your lives with me and I am so so sooo proud of you all! 
19. Were you satisfied with the finale? What part was your favorite and what part was your least favorite?
 Honestly, I think it was okay for what it was. My fav part was when Jasper literally had to carry Char out of the mancave because she refused to leave Henry behind. I love that they decided to stick together. They did leave a lot of storylines open. I thought Joss Moss would be revealed as the real Mob boss. I thought Rick Twitler would regain his memory. Where the heck is Gooch? Caitlin? Chenry (for obvious reasons). I'm just spitballing here. Was it good? Yes. could it have been better? Hell yes.
20. What would your ideal Henry danger spin off look like?
 Charlotte and Henry have powers and Jasper can fight! Dystopia. That was the spin-off that I wanted! I don’t really care about the new kids as much. They’re college-aged too? Just imagine the shenanigans they would get into! But we need to kick the Charlotte hating writer off the staff though. Can The CW pick this show up?
21. Where do you personally see the characters 10 years from now? What are they doing, who are they with, where are they in their lives - what do you think happened to them? Most importantly, are they happy?
 I honestly haven’t thought about it. But I believe no matter what they do or where they may end up, they will be happy. They’ll probably always be a team.
22. What was your favorite part of the show and why did it initially draw you in?
It became an escape from my normal adult life. (I’m saying like I’m old. I’m only 23.) I randomly flipped it on one day, I can't remember what episode it was, but from then on, I was hooked. I used to watch it a while back, but I fell off, but at that moment on time, it was easy for me to fall right back into it.
23. What was your favourite part of the fandom and why did it initially draw you in?
The friends I’ve made, the people have met! They are the best out of all the fandoms I’m a part of. I’ve been on tumblr for years and never had I have a group of people be so nice, supportive and just incorporate me into things. I love you guys so much!
24. Describe your overall emotions/feelings regarding the show being over and the show in general, looking back on it as a whole, with one quote from the show.
It’s a bittersweet feeling. I hate to see it go. But all good things must come to an end. But I guess there’s nothing better to say than, “Feels Good.”
25. If you were able to add one scene in the finale, what would you add?
 I don’t know honestly. Maybe we could have seen him reunite with his friends and family. Especially Charlotte and Jasper, Afterall, they probably thought that their best friend was dead for all they knew.
26. Favorite outfit/hair style?
 Charlotte’s Date outfit with Jack Swagger. Sis was rockin that romper. Also when Jasper and Charlotte were helper bunnies! Those outfits were hilarious and cute.
27.Least favorite character?
I'm sorry but Piper. She was worse than the whole annoying little sister trope. I swear all ash did was yell through most of the seasons and then they gave this chick a driver’s license, I mean what?? Plus i think her reaction to finding out Henry was kid danger was better in Broken Armed and Dangerous, than in twisted sister. 
28. What is question you would like to ask the writers/ producers?
Im tagging @adorkable-blackgirl @chenoahchantel
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invisiblebrad · 5 years
Listen, that blimp scene not only showed Henry’s true character, but it also showed Ray’s. And here’s my ultimate opinion on this man: he’s a bad hero, but a good friend deep down. He was ready to leave the blimp with Henry and had 0 problems with letting it crash into the baby hospital. That’s the exact opposite of what a real hero (Henry) would do. But, when Henry said that he was going to stay, Ray wanted him to leave and let him crash the blimp into mount swellview. Ray wanted to stay to control the blimp because he didn’t want Henry to die. In this scene we really do see that Ray cares about Henry, even though he doesn’t show it in most of the show. So my final statement is that although Ray is a bad hero and should not be Captain Man, he is a good friend, and I wish we saw more of that in the show.
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mysamcedesmadness · 5 years
So, Let’s Just Enjoy the Time We Have
How many days did they have left together?
Henry's time as Kid Danger had been the most enjoyable when he wasn't someone's serious boyfriend. With that new responsibility, he was always mindful that he needed to come home safe, especially after Thanksgiving.
Charlotte gave him a scrapbook for Thanksgiving. He was a little bit salty about it, because he didn't know that they were giving each other stuff for Thanksgiving. While she said that they weren't, but she just wanted him to have this - what "this" was; it was something that he would always be grateful for.
She had used her research and interviewing skills to find articles and stories about Kid Danger and to ask people around Swellview, "Why are you thankful to have Kid Danger?" Their answers were quotes that she included in this scrapbook and the last page was "Why am I thankful to have Kid Danger?"
She went on to give this long detailed report of how she felt about Kid Danger and how Swellview would never have been as safe without him. She had him all choked up and he kept that thing in a lockbox and looked at it every single night since she gave it to him.
Then, they had Christmas together. She spent the morning and afternoon with her parents, but met him at the Man Cave at 4. Everybody did gift exchanges, but Henry told her that hers were at his house, so she opened what she had from the rest of their friends and gave him his gift.
He laughed and asked, "What do you think that you can even give me at this point, after what you did for my birthday and for Thanksgiving?" But, whenever he opened it, he almost started crying. "Is this what I think it is?"
"Do you think that I made an award winning gizmo for the gizmo fair and gave you the improved version so that whenever you're killin' it at Swellview U, you won't have to worry about your spelling?"
He smiled brightly and bragged as he pulled it from the box, "Hey, Guys! Charlotte made me a Pocket Dyslexicon!"
"Actually, it's called the Communiclicker, because it helps you to make things click."
Schwoz wondered, "What does it do?"
Henry began to show him, "It has a voice to text feature that pretty much never gets your words wrong. You can record and save all of your reports or whatever and send them to documents to print… or email or whatever. And she has a feature where I can write a sample onto the screen and it can even create files in my handwriting, from my voice."
"Until more people are empathetic about how difficult reading and writing can be for him, he needs a little boost," Charlotte said, humbly.
"You are always making his life easier and better," Schwoz said. Henry smiled. That much was true. Everything about her was pure and true, to him. He just wanted to give her everything.
Then, whenever they went back to his house, she confessed, "I got you something else."
"Because that one was more functional. I wanted to also give you something nice."
"This IS nice. It's one of the nicest gifts ever."
"Yeah, but open this one," she said and gave him a small box.
Henry opened the box and there was a kinda gaudy, but he actually still loved it, pinky ring. It was white gold with November birthstones topaz and citrine, and clear crystals to look like diamonds. "I have been wanting a badass pinky ring for ages!"
"I know!" He gave her a hug and put it on, then took her hand.
Charlotte's gifts were plentiful. Henry figured he could do one good quality one and supplement it with a quantity of others. So, for her quality present, he got her this personalized surfboard, because the school she was going to was near the beach and she said that she would want to learn to surf. They were good at listening to each other. And she loved it, even if she wasn't sure if she would actually have the time to learn to surf.
He got her several articles of jewelry, a naturalista holiday gift basket, and the new Captain Man and Kid Danger talking figurines with 20 rhyming lines. "In case you miss us."
"I'm gonna be in communication with you. But, I love these. I was gonna buy them myself, but Jasper told me not to. Now I see why. Wow. In a few blinks, it'll be months from now and I'll be heading off…"
"I don't want to think about that."
And he didn't speak of it, but he certainly did think about it.
Valentine's Day was epic. Henry planned a VDay Weekend Staycation for them. He cooked, pampered and loved on her for three straight days. It was excellent. She had found the most traditionally romantic gifts that she could think of for this day, since it was really her first real one and simultaneously probably their last one for a while.
He got a huge platter of chocolate covered berries from her, a gigantic teddy bear, roses, a jumbo sized card, and she wore shirts the entire weekend that said, "Henry's Girl" on them. And Henry ate it up.
The Airbnb was in town, but he made sure that they didn't have to leave by providing everything that they needed, along with all the candles and rose petals and stuff he used to woo her for days.
Plus, he bought her a ring, too. "Is this a Pulse Promise ring?" She asked, taking it out of the box. "Henry… these cost A LOT of money…"
"I had it," he said. "Remember whenever you said that you'd rather know as soon as possible if anything ever happened to me?"
"Yeah, but that didn't mean get me a ring with your ding dang pulse attached to it!" But, as she fussed, she slipped it onto her hand. She could feel his pulse in it and she placed her hand over his heart, to feel them in tandem. "It works." She said, then sadly added, "And if God forbid something terrible happens, I'll know right away…"
"I always do my best to come back to you safely," he said. It's basically to confirm for you that I'm okay when you're too far away to really see for yourself."
"Just a couple of months…" she said.
"Shhhhh. We've got all weekend to enjoy. Don't bring it down."
It wasn't that he was avoiding the inevitable, but he really didn't want to dwell on it. Spring Break was litty. He and Jasper hung out while she checked out spaces near her college. She only had two days to actually chill with them, so they made the most of it without her.
For her birthday, since she hadn't allowed them to do anything last time, Henry told her that she'd BETTER BELIEVE that they were doing something this time. This time, she had a party with Jasper, Henry, Schwoz, Ray and Piper. They put her on a throne that Henry decorated, in a crown that he bought her and did a gift presentation. "This is really extra," Charlotte observed. "But I'm enjoying it."
Ray came up, patted himself down and pulled out a folded envelope, "Happy Birthday!"
She accepted it, looked at it and told him, "This is my paycheck."
"Hand delivered to you. You're welcome."
"I mean… I earned it, so it isn't a gift…"
"The gift is that I hand delivered it to you. You are welcome."
She rolled her eyes and waved him away, excited for whatever Henry's gift would be, though at this point, she was positive that they had been spending WAY MORE than they should have this close to their independence. Henry told her, "Don't freak out. Your gift isn't something that you can take with you…"
" Why would I freak ou…?"
He showed off his collarbone and revealed to her a tattoo that made her not only gasp but almost choke on her own saliva. "It's an infinity symbol with our names scripted into it." Everybody but Jasper gasped too.
Piper said, "Mom is going to kill you! I'm texting her right now!"
"I'm 18, Piper!" He reminded her, then asked Charlotte, "What do you think?"
"I think that's a serious and permanent decision!"
"That you love?" She was stunned. Ray pulled him aside before she could respond and she was glad, because that was SO overboard, in her personal opinion. She would NEVER get a boy's name tattooed on her. Not even Henry.
Ray whispered, angrily, "You put an identifying mark on Kid Danger's body???"
"I put it on MY body. My body, my rules."
"Your rules are being VERY reckless right now."
"Dude, if ever someone gets Kid Danger naked, I doubt they'd have left the mask on and if I die or something like that, I'll be dead. Chill out." He patted him on the back and returned to the Queen of the Day.
She came off of her throne and spoke quietly. "Why did you do that? Henry, have you ever once considered that this might not BE a forever thing?"
"Of course I've considered it. I consider it all the time. But, I know how I feel, what you mean to me, and who we are. Even if "this" isn't a forever thing, these are forever feelings for me. Besides, you're my best friend." She sighed. It was done now. "You hate it."
"I don't hate it, it's just… scary. Do you know how close we are to our lives and relationship changing drastically?"
"I'm not concerned about it…"
"Less than two months and our world shifts. We have no idea what the future holds."
"Okay, but that means you don't know if after you're done with school, we'll be inseparable again. So… I'm confident in my decision."
"If you like it, I love it."
"THAT is all I wanted to hear!"
But, she was right. Less than two months. How many days did they have left together?
"Not enough," he said to himself.
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 2
Episode 7: Secret Beef
~The Man Cave, (y/n)'s PoV)
I had been waiting for Henry and Ray to return for about half an hour when the kid sent me a quick text saying that our plans to go out for Chinese food were gonna be delayed. Apparently, a news crew had rocked up with stupid Evelyn Hall and all her... feminine assets. I remembered how Ray loved to flirt with her and it turned my mood sour. 
"We have some breaking news. It seems like Captain Man and Kid Danger have captured the Time Jerker. Now, let's go to Evelyn Hall, live at the Swellview Clocktower." I watched Trent Overrunder interrupt his colleague and sighed as Evelyn's pretty profile came on the computer's monitor.
"Thanks, Trent. Captain Man and Kid Danger, can you tell us what happened here?" The woman asked Henry and I could see the Time Jerker struggling behind Ray, who was posing for the camera. Always a showoff.
"We found out that the Time Jerker was--" Henry tried to explain, but Ray interrupted him as he flirted with Evelyn. I felt my jealousy bubbling up in me as I watched him shove the poor kid out of the way and cosied up to her. 
"Hello." He smiled at her, making tears spring up in my eyes. I hated that he couldn't see how I was here, in his home, waiting for him. It hurt me so much that he saw something in her that I hadn't got. Whatever she had, I desperately wanted.
"Hey." Evelyn breathed out dreamily and I could see the way my best friend's devilishly handsome good looks melted her heart. He always had that effect on women, including me and sometimes I couldn't help but feel so damn stupid that I lined myself up to be the next fool. I loved him, but I wasn't going to be another notch on his bedpost or another broken girl chucked out on the street the next morning. I'd die before I became another faceless name on his list of ex-lovers; the friendzone seemed much better.
"So, about an hour ago, I swung in here, swung through that glass and captured that Time Jerker you see right over there," Ray reported, making me scoff. Who was he kidding? I knew Henry had helped out and that he was just begging himself up in front of the gorgeous news reporter. Honestly, he pissed me off sometimes.
"I also participated." I saw Henry lean over and try to get himself onscreen, but I knew it was pointless. When Ray had his sights set on a girl, sadly, he didn't take them off until he had his way with them.
"Well, Captain Man, once again, the city of Swellview owes you a big, fat thank you." Evelyn purred at him, making me feel nauseous. I could never be that seductive with Ray, it just made me feel silly and clumsy with my tongue.
"I also participated!" Henry reiterated, but this time more loudly. Still, they ignored him, poor kid.
"Ehhh, I don't do it for thank yous. But there is something that I want." Ray mentioned, which piqued my interest. If he was about to announce he wanted to take her on a date on national television, I might just puke or faint or both. 
"Sure...anything...uh, I mean, what?" My eyes nearly popped out of my head at how hard I rolled them. At least I tried to be subtle.
"As I'm sure you already know, there's a very special steakhouse here in Swellview, called Montego's." Ohhhhhh, so that's what he was after. I remembered how Ray had banged on and on about that restaurant for months after it opened and despite his status as Swellview's greatest hero, he still hadn't been invited. I had listened to his whining like a good friend and I was well aware of the hype surrounding Montego's. 
I had a friend there who worked in the kitchen as a head chef or something. It was a fancy job, I think, but I had never really asked. They had even wangled me a few free dinners with them about a year ago, not that I had mentioned it to Ray. I didn't want him to be upset that I had tried their award-winning steaks before he did. As I always said: what Ray didn't know wouldn't hurt him.
"Right, I've heard of Montego's." Evelyn's dulcet tones broke me from my daydream and I focused on the interview again.
"Right, well, did you know that you can't get a reservation at that place? You have to be invited by the owner." I chuckled at how petty Ray was being. I mean, the steaks were good, but they weren't worth whining on TV for.
"Anyway, we're really glad that we were able to capture the Time Jerker---" Bless Henry's little cotton socks. He didn't have Ray enormous ego and he was just happy that he had made our city that much safer for its citizens.
"--So to the owner of Montego's restaurant, hey! It's me, Captain Man, guy who keeps the whole city safe." Ray bragged to the owner who was probably watching. Geez, he was so needy.
"You really do." Evelyn praised him, her gaze soft and star-struck like he was a God put on the Earth for us mortals to behold. I wondered if I ever looked at him like that. God, I hope not. How to out myself in one simple step. 
"I like steak. I like it a lot, so...feel free to invite me to your restaurant at Montego's." I snorted as he just came out with it. Well, I suppose if you don't ask, you don't get.
"I also like steak." Henry jumped on the bandwagon, hoping the invitation extended to him too. Maybe if I was lucky, they bring me home a doggy bag.
"I'm Evelyn Hall, single and ready." Okay, that definitely stung, especially when Ray smirked at her and stepped into her personal space.
"Try being ready for like eight years, love. He still doesn't notice." I mumbled to myself as I turned off the computer. I was ready to be swept off my feet, to love and be loved, to give him everything he was looking for. The only questions I had were, would he accept me? Or would I be another Evelyn, Hannah, Grace, Monica, Rebecca or Fiona walking out his door?
~Two weeks later, 3rd person PoV~
(y/n) was supervising Henry and Charlotte as they worked on the supercomputer. They were trawling through the database, memorising each criminal and their details.
"Okay, next criminal." The woman told Charlotte after Henry had scanned the information for a few minutes. 
"They call him Malkov. He steals dogs and then shaves their hair sells it to wig shops." The girl read out, making Henry grimace at the odd man's gross crimes.
"Ugh. Sick weirdo." He grumbled as (y/n) agreed, Yeah, Ray never liked dealing with Malkov.
"Hey, hey! Guys, guys! Hey, hey!" Ray yelled, sprinting down the steps as he returned from his bathroom break. This had been happening for the past two weeks; non-stop interruptions from the large man, who was desperate to get into Montego's.
"For the five hundredth time, no, Ray, that damn restaurant hasn't called you." (y/n) sighed, causing Ray to swat his fists in frustration.
"Dang it!" He cursed as (y/n) put a calming hand on his bicep. She didn't know it, but the simple touch made his heart flutter more in ten seconds than a whole interview with Evelyn Hall did. 
"Dude, if you want steak, let's just go to Backout Steakhouse." Henry reasoned, but Ray rejected the offer with a sour face.
"No! I'm not gonna go to Backout Steakhouse." Ray mocked the restaurant by putting on a phoney Australian accent. He couldn't go there, he wanted to take (y/n) to a classy restaurant at some point and Backout Steakhouse wasn't classy. He need to try out Montego's, then he could take his girl for the meal of her life.
"I wanna go to Montego's!" He whined, making Charlotte roll her eyes.
"Raymond, I want you to sit down, relax and finish your juice, like a good boy." (y/n) took charge of the situation and manoeuvred Ray like a child so he could sit and calm down. He flushed at her nickname for him and hid his red face in his beaker, gulping his cool juice so he could relax.
"Don't you feel better?" (y/n) bent down next to him and smiled up at him kindly.
"Yeah, I do." He told her gently, her smile melting his anger. She looked so perfect when she gazed at him like that and he couldn't stay mad.
"I just don't get it. I said it on the news two weeks ago." Ray carried on looking sadly at the computer as (y/n) connected their hands by holding onto his pinky with her. It was a small connection, but a sweet one.
"I said, feel free to invite me to your restaurant, Mr Montego. He probably heard me say that, you know it!" He ranted, finishing his tirade by placing each hand over (y/n)'s ears and gazing into her eyes intensely, making her breath catch.
"Should I be concerned?" She asked carefully, trying to stop her face from warming up under his palms. However, she didn't have to worry for long since the computer started beeping, indicating they had received a message.
"Maybe that's Montego's!" Ray exclaimed and dashed over to where Charlotte was sat, leaving his stunned friend in a bit of a daze.
"Move, move!" He yanked a protesting Charlotte off the chair and sat down himself.
"Hello, Captain Man hotline, what is it please?" The superhero asked in a polite tone as his friends scowled at his erratic behaviour.
"Hello? I'm calling from the Swellview Home for the Elderly--" A frail voice started, but it wasn't what Ray wanted to hear.
"Dah, you're not Montego's" He snapped and hung up, shocking Henry, who's moral compass was at the forefront of his crime-fighting persona.
"Dude, you can't just hang up on people like that." He scolded his boss who had shrunk back from (y/n)'s glare.
"That could've been an emergency." Charlotte pointed out, making Henry go back to the computer as the hotline rang again.
"Yeah, hi. What's your emergency?" Henry answered, intent on responding properly this time.
"Uh, a man broke in here and stole all our money and our clothing. We're all here naked, can you help us?" The terrified man said, making Ray, Henry, Charlotte and (y/n) think about the situation for a second. Old people and nakedness. Ew. 
"I'm sorry, did you say you were all elderly and naked?" Henry asked tentatively as (y/n) shuddered and leant back into Ray, who crossed his huge arms across her chest.
"Yes." The man on the line confirmed.
"...Sorry, wrong number," Henry said after thinking for a minute. Yeah, he didn't want to deal with wrinkled skin and flabby...things. He'd just stay at home in pure, ignorant bliss.
~Swellview High~
It was a rare occurrence in school that Miss Shapen searched for a student with good news. However, today was just one of those occurrences and Henry was the lucky recipient.
"Henry Hart! Henry Hart! We're looking for you!" She shouted happily as the marching band played behind her. She scoured the halls for the lucky boy, who just so happened to turn the corner as she called his name. He looked at all the fanfare with utter confusion, as the crappy band of kids stopped playing.
"Hi." He greeted his teacher carefully, wondering what all the fuss was about.
"Heyyyyy." She gave him a rare smile, which hinted to Henry that something was up.
"What's up?" He asked Miss Shapen, nerves bubbling in his stomach.
"Henry, three weeks ago, I was injured, lying on the gym floor. But you found me and you pulled that long, rusty, bloody nail right outta my foot." The woman recalled as a crowd began to gather around the teacher and her student.
"Yeah, I remember," Henry said. How could he forget? It was one of the most disgusting moments of his life.
"Well, because of your good deed, I hereby present you with this gift bag because you, Henry Hart, are Student of the Month." She exclaimed and the crowd burst into applause. Well, Henry's day just got brighter.
"Wow, thanks, cool." He smiled at Miss Shapen.
"Well, we wanted--" The teacher was cut off by the loud, offbeat playing of the band and she quickly whipped around and sharply yelled at them to quit it.
"Now, look what's in your bag." She told Henry, who excitedly peeked in the paper bag and pulled out a chain with a dirty nail on it.
"What's this, a necklace?" Henry asked.
"Yeah. That's the nail you pulled out of my foot." Only Miss Shapen would get him a gift like that.
"Oh, yeah. Dried blood." Henry gaged and quickly put the thing back in the bag before he yacked.
"Keep going." She encouraged him, so Henry dug through the tissue paper and pulled out a card.
"A gift card?" He asked, hoping it was something good.
"Yep. That gets you dinner for two at Montego's restaurant!" She revealed, making Henry grin excitedly. This was perfect! Now, Ray could go to Montego's with him and try the steak so he could see if it was a good place to take (y/n). He always felt like if he could impress her, she'd see him as someone on her level and maybe she'd look at him the way he looked at her. If only he saw how she longed for him to do the same.
"No way! How'd you get this?" Henry asked his teacher, bewildered as to how Sherona Shapen had such a prestigious contact.
"Well, the principal's wife is the second cousin of Mr Montego's brother-in-law." She explained the very distant relation, but it didn't matter to Henry. He just cared about how he was going to Montego's!
"Thanks." He smiled at her, but she couldn't help but have an ulterior motive.
"You know, that's, uh, dinner for two. You wanna take me with you?" She asked hopefully, but it was the worst suggestion Henry had ever heard of. Dinner with Miss Shapen? No, thank you!
"No." He answered simply.
"Are ya sure?" She pushed, thinking that he might change his mind.
"Yeah." His direct statement made Sherona walk off with her marching band, leaving Henry to smile at his prize. Boy, he couldn't wait to tell Ray the good news.
~Later that day~
Henry had returned home that afternoon to find a group of people sat in his living room. His parents, Jasper, Charlotte, Piper, even complete strangers were in his house, all bearing gifts to sway Henry to their side. He was utterly puzzled as to why they had all gathered on the couch, there was even a homeless guy called Herb on the end seat.
"So, Henry, we heard that part of your Student of the Month prize was dinner for two at Monetgo's." A neighbour piped up and that was what tipped Henry off when they all acted like they had no idea what she was talking about. They really needed to work on being subtle.
"OH, PLEASE TAKE ME!!" Jasper pleaded with his best friend and his shouting set everyone else off.
"Why would he take you? I'm his best friend." Charlotte argued, setting off a bitter quarrel between the two over who Henry deemed his favourite friend. Not that he did.
"Hey, a boy's best friend is his mother!" Mrs Hart argued, not being above using her motherly relationship to muscle her way into a steak dinner with her son. Mr Hart certainly had something to say about that. So did Herb. In fact, the whole group did and it all descended into an argument that Henry struggled to stay on top of it.
"Hey!" Suddenly, Ray burst through the door with (y/n) on his heels, both of them out of breath from legging it to Henry's house. Ray was desperate to get that dinner place and (y/n) didn't want to miss out on anything.
"Hey, Henry, hi. I just heard about your prize, y'know, oh god." He smiled at his sidekick as (y/n) fanned herself, she and her friend sweating profusely.
"I think I'm having a heart attack." (y/n) wheezed, as her legs burned from sprinting. Unlike Ray, she wasn't a perfectly trim and fit superhero and she hadn't run like that in a while.
"Why are you both wet?" Henry asked them and (y/n) sat on the floor, too tired to give a shit about the neighbours' judgemental stares.
"We're sweating. We just ran nine miles to get here." Ray panted.
"I'm dyingggg." The young woman whined her head in her hands as the nine-mile run caught up with her. It had felt a lot longer than nine miles once she'd gotten past the two-mile mark.
"What's the dog leash for?" Henry pondered, seeing the red leash still in his boss's fist. Only, there was no dog.
"Oh, we were walking a friend's dog. You know how (y/n) loves them and wants one, but we can't keep one." He explained as his breathing started to even out.
"Where's the dog?" Henry asked with a frown on his face.
"I don't know," Ray said, grabbing a kid's glass of water and taking a swig from it before giving the majority to (y/n). She stood up on wobbly legs and leaned against him as he held the glass to her lips. 
"Hey, who are these guys?" A woman holding a lamp and looking the couple up and down asked. Ray leaned back with (y/n) held to his chest as she held the lamp aloft.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Henry calmed everyone's confused whispers and they all fell back into line.
"For those that don't know, this is Ray, my boss at Junk-N-Stuff and this is my co-worker, (y/n). Ray has been dying to go to Montego's for years, so...I'm taking Ray to Montego's." Henry broke the bad news to everyone else as Ray starting jumping in delight.
"Hahahahah. Yeah, baby, who's got the lamp now?" Ray gloated as the crowd grumbled and groaned in disappointment. 
"You do!" (y/n) giggled with him as he pulled her and Henry into side hugs. He couldn't help but think about how she'd answered his rhetoric after he slipped in the "baby" bit and god, it felt so right to imagine actually being able to call her that. If he could just wow her, he might just stand a chance. He might just get to call her baby.
~The next day, Swellview High~
Henry strolled to his locker, feeling pretty good about himself since he'd been on a lucky streak lately. However, when he opened his locker, a confetti cannon exploded in his face and pushed him backwards. Bianca giggled as Henry stumbled back to his feet.
"Happy lockerversary!" She exclaimed after she'd shuffled over to him as quickly as she could in her cutesy flats. 
"I'm sorry, happy what?" Henry asked as politely as he could. What the hell was a lockolerlyversary or whatever?
"Lockerversary." Bianca clarified, thinking the portmanteau was pretty self-explanatory.
"I'm so lost." Henry smiled at her nervously, looking for some help.
"It was six months ago today when you and I first started sharing this locker!" The brunette explained and everything became clear for her boyfriend.
"Ohhhhh, okay." Henry smiled. That made sense.
"Wait, wait, wait. For you!" Bianca held out a mini replica of their locker with a copper-coloured ribbon stuck to the top of it. An odd choice for a good, but it was kind nonetheless. Opening the mini-locker, Henry was shocked again as a mini-confetti cannon exploded in his face. Again.
"But, I feel bad 'cause I didn't get you anything," Henry told her as he put his locker in his locker. Funny.
"Aw, you didn't have to." Bianca smiled, relaxing Henry twisting insides.
"Oh, awesome." He breathed out.
"I mean, what's better than the two of us having dinner together at Montego's?" The girl said happily, but Henry felt anything but happy. 
"Wait, what'd you say?" He asked, a tight smile on his face as he tried not to freak out in front of her.
"You're taking me, right?" Bianca's tone made Henry's stomach drop. How could he tell her he was taking his boss, not her?
"Well, yeah. Duh. I mean, what kind of person wins dinner for two and doesn't invite his girlfriend?" Henry lied, unable to tell her anything else. Ah, geez.
"A terrible person." She confirmed, unknowingly making her boyfriend feel even worse. Did he dare tell Ray?
~Later that day, in the Man Cave~
Henry fell down in the elevator and stumbled out to see his boss sat happily in the middle of the Man Cave at a fancily-clad dining table. (y/n) was sitting at the couch table, her head and arms rest on the back of the couch as she watched as Henry's face crumpled in confusion.
"Hi." Henry greeted tentatively, seeing how Ray smiled brightly at him. 
"Hey, Henry, you wanna join me?" The large man asked as (y/n) rolled her eyes. The whole set-up was weird to her; Ray even had a cardboard cutout of a waiter.
"For what?" The boy asked, puzzled as to what was going on.
"A "rehearsal". He's practising what he's ordering when he goes to Monetgo's. God knows why." She said in a bored tone, ignorant to the fact that this was a setting that Ray fully intended to take her to, once he'd ironed out all the wrinkles. 
"Okay, Ray. I gotta talk--" Henry tried to stop him before Ray could get all excited, but it was too late. (y/n) could see that something wasn't right and she felt a sense of dread at what Henry was trying to say.
"--Uh, yes and I'll have the steak. I'll have the 16-ounce ribeye and I want that medium-rare." Ray pretended that he was in the restaurant and looked at the "waiter" like he was actually taking his order.
"Of course, and would you care for anything else?" He wobbled the cutout and spoke in a silly voice. 
"Yeah, I'll have two more steaks!" Ray laughed at his little joke as Henry's face twitched as he tried to smile. Oh god, this was going to break his heart.
"Oh, Henry. You don't know what this means to me." The superhero thanked his generous sidekick as his best friend came over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. Her touch just made his heart shine brighter.
"It's just beef, man." Henry tried to play it all down, but nothing could dampen Ray's spirits. 
"Look, I didn't tell you this but, I've been going through a rough patch lately," Ray confessed to Henry, walking over to the kid and putting his arm around his shoulders. (y/n) gulped as he divulged his feelings to Henry; she hadn't known he'd been feeling bad. Why hadn't he come to her?
"Ah, geez." Henry breathed out as Ray turned to him for support. This was (y/n)'s area of expertise, not his. 
"I've just been feeling so depressed the last couple of months until you invited me to go to Montego's for dinner," Ray told him. He had felt a bit useless recently; he had been having difficulties as Captain Man and had been pining for his girl for too long. His heart yearned for her, but he couldn't gather the courage to ask her out. Montego's was his chance. 
"Well, yeah, but.." Henry stumbled, trying to get the words out, but Ray wouldn't let him.
"Is it okay that I tell you that I think of you as family? You're like the little brother or nephew I never had." Ray cooed, squishing Henry into a hug. Okay, that definitely made (y/n)'s heart soar. Henry was like her little brother/ nephew too and she loved him just as much as Ray did.
"Ray, I can't take you to Montego's!" Henry exploded, his feelings bursting out as the pressure became too much. The young woman behind Ray cringed at what he said, this news would kill Ray.
"What'd you say?" Ray shook his head, thinking he misheard the boy. His stomach dropped as Henry gave him a sympathetic look and (y/n) shuffled closer to the boys timidly, not wanting to flare any tempers.
"I gotta take Bianca. I'm sorry." The boy apologised, but Ray just didn't want to believe him. He'd been dreaming about this for so long.
"Ahhh, you're joking." He smiled at his sidekick, hoping it was all some big prank.
"No..." Henry replied quietly as Ray began to feel a bit sick.
"You're...joke-making." The man continued, praying that if he said it more, it would come true.
"No." Henry reiterated more firmly, looking behind Ray to (y/n) with pleading eyes. If he'd listen to anyone, it would be her.
"You're making a joke." Ray chuckled bitterly, his emotions not being able to process what he was being told.
"Ray, he's not joking." His best friend said as gently as she could, putting a delicate hand on his arm to see if it would ground him.
"He is too. He's telling a terrible, awful, mean joke, but it's all gonna be okay 'cause he's still taking me to Montego's...with you right?" He looked at Henry as he ranted. He daren't look at the glossy-eyed girl next to him, gulping as he thought about how no Montego's meant he'd failed. If he couldn't get into one, measly restaurant, what kind of boyfriend would he be for her? A lousy one, in his mind.
"Ray..." Henry shook his head.
"I said, you are still taking me to Monetgo's with you, right?" He repeated fiercely, his eyes glancing sideways to remind Henry about why he wanted to go to the restaurant in the first place. Not for the steaks anyway.
"Bianca's my girlfriend, I gotta take her." The teen exclaimed, feeling trapped in the situation.
"W-Why?!" Ray yelled as tears sprung up in the corners of his eyes.
"'Cause I do. I'm really sorry." Henry sighed, making Ray deflate as his disappointment reached its peak.
"Okay." He accepted, walking past his little dining table.
"Ray, it's just a steakhouse." (y/n) whispered to him and squeezed his hand, but she didn't know that it was so much more for him. He saw it as a chance to do a boyfriend thing, seeking out a place that she'd like and then building up the courage to take her there. She should've just told him that Montego's was just another restaurant to her. The steak was nice, but she didn't need anything fancy, she only needed him.
"Dude, look. Maybe later, you, (y/n) and I can--" Henry tried to suggest something that would fix the mess, but Ray didn't want to hear it.
"Don't worry about me. I'm fine." He smiled at the boy and sat down on one of the little chairs. (y/n)'s heart ached for him, there had to be a way to get him into that damn restaurant.
"Are you sure?" Henry asked, not really believing him.
"You don't look fine." The young woman interjected, seeing his bloodshot eyes and tense muscles.
"Yeah, I'm fine." He swallowed, but his rage exploded as he picked up his chair and threw it at the cardboard waiter. (y/n) squeaked in surprise and fear as he ripped it to shreds in anger. Seeing him that angry was a rarity. She tiptoed over to Henry and ducked behind him whilst Ray continued his temper tantrum. How was she meant to deal with that?
"Ray..." Henry started in a surprisingly level voice considering the show his boss just put on.
"I'm fine." He replied throatily, his heart turning to water as he saw how (y/n) had recoiled from his splenetic actions. He couldn't bear to see her apprehensive gaze and he felt so stupid and childish that he just walked away. Maybe it was cowardly, but everyone knew he needed a minute to calm down.
Henry sighed as the secret door closed, leaving him alone with (y/n).
"Well, that went horribly." She retorted, unclenching her fist which she hadn't noticed had curled up tightly after Ray's outburst.
"I feel so bad," Henry confessed, his eyes lowered glumly to the floor.
"Look, I know Monetgo's is good, but it's just steak. Trust me, he'll be fine." The woman reassured him, putting both of her hands on his shoulders.
"Yeah, but, what if he hates me?" He worried, thinking about how he could lose his job or worse, his friend.
"All that stuff he said before about how you're family to us, that was true. He doesn't hate you." (y/n) said softly, smiling at the kid who had grown to be like a brother to her.
"Really?" Henry chuckled, suddenly feeling a lot better. She really knew how and when to say the right thing.
"Yeah, totally. And he doesn't have a lot of family left and mine doesn't live in Swellview. Believe me, kid, you're not going anywhere." She ruffled his hair with a giggle and he laughed with her.
"Thanks, (y/n/n)." Henry gave her a quick hug, glancing at his watch as he did so.
"Oh, shoot, I gotta get home." He exclaimed, realising that he had to go home and groom himself for his big dinner with Bianca.
"Better get a move on. Bianca will expect the best." (y/n) teased him as he dashed to the elevator.
"I know!" The boy said over his shoulder.
"And don't worry! I can deal with Ray!" She yelled as the elevator door slid shut and took the boy away. Left alone in the main room, the task ahead of her was daunting.
"I think." She gulped. Looks like she'd have to pull a few strings to make her best friend happy again. After all, she'd do anything to see him smile.
~Later that evening, Montego's restaurant~
Well, it seemed that (y/n)'s scheming hadn't gone quite to plan. Against all her protesting, advice and best efforts to stop him, Ray had convinced Schwoz to put on a wig, dress and makeup and the two of them had arrived at Montego's in disguise. 
Yep, they were masquerading as two teens, Henry and Bianca, and it was safe to say that it wasn't very convincing. Sauntering down the restaurant's steps from the entrance, Ray and Schwoz approached the maître d'hôtel, who looked at them in bewilderment and disapproval. Ray really didn't suit being blond.
"Your names, please?" The formal man. asked politely, maintaining his manners despite his odd guests.
"Uh, yes, I'm Henry, Henry Hart and this is my girlfriend, Bianca...Smathers." Ray lied, swallowing his nerves as Schwoz gave the man a not-at-all charming smile. This wasn't the way he'd dreamed about going to Monetgo's with a girlfriend in tow, that's for sure.
"It's our lockerversary," Schwoz said in a high-pitched voice, the two men not noticing Henry or Bianca coming down the stairs. Oh, shit.
"Ray?" Henry frowned at his boss. He knew he was desperate to come here, but he didn't think he'd try to impersonate him.
"Uh, no, I'm Henry Hart, teenager." The superhero stammered.
"Sir, I'm Henry Hart." His sidekick corrected, irritated that Ray was embarrassing him like this.
"Wait, isn't that your boss from Junk-N-Stuff?" Bianca asked in confusion.
"Yes!" Henry growled.
"No, I'm in ninth grade, dude!" Someone needed to tell Ray that teenagers don't sound like that.
"Pardon me, where's the ladies' room?" Schwoz asked in his "lady" voice, which wasn't fooling anyone. 
"I know you're not a girl." The maître d'hôtel told him, turning the genius's mood sour.
"Prove it," Schwoz growled, thinking he played at being a girl brilliantly. Ray and Henry descended into an argument and they didn't see how they were causing a scene in the middle of the restaurant.
"Okay, let's have some decorum, please!" A soft, but still authoritative voice shouted. Everyone broke apart to see (y/n) trotting down the stairs, the young woman growling at the fighting boys as she folded her arms next to Bianca.
"I'm so sorry, Bernard. Are they causing trouble?" She looked at the host politely, who smiled at her with familiarity. Wait a second, how did she know his name?
"Yes, Miss (y/l/n). They're upsetting my diners." He grumbled, causing (y/n) to sigh. Of course, her friend would be troublesome in the one place she had some refined, sophisticated friends. 
"I'm so sorry, please, let me apologise for their behaviour." She crooned, using her most endearing smile and her best manners to sweeten her acquaintance's mood. 
"Bernard? How do you know him?" Henry asked as Ray silently watched the situation. He noticed that she was nervous and uncomfortable and he wondered what was putting her on edge.
"Miss (y/l/n) has dined with us many times. She is our head chef's personal guest." The host butted in, making Henry, Ray, Schwoz and Bianca look at her in shock. She had been before and not said anything?
"I mean, many times is a bit excessive." She nervously laughed as Ray stepped towards her.
"You know the chef and you've been here before? You—you never told me..." He looked at her in hurt, making her feel like the bad guy. She didn't want him to react like he was reacting now, she didn't keep the secret to be nasty or malicious. It just seemed better to day nothing at all. 
"Why are they here pretending to be us?" Bianca piped up, her confusion bubbling over.
"Why are you here pretending to be us?" Schwoz shot the question back to her as (y/n) looked away from her best friend and rubbed her eyes. She couldn't cry in public. He just focused on winning the argument since he was too deep now to quit. Although, he was desperate to see this chef that had beaten him to the chase.
"Stop it!" Henry scolded them as they picked on his girlfriend. This was all getting too complicated for him.
"Look, they did this 'cause... Ray's been, like, dying to come to this restaurant for years." Henry said, looking over his shoulder at his boss who bashfully avoided eye contact. 
"Well, now I feel all bad," Bianca said sadly and (y/n) could relate to that. She was wracking her brain for a way to make it up to the man she loved.
"No, you shouldn't." Her boyfriend replied, hating that he had put her in this situation.
"But I'm not even into steak," Bianca revealed slowly.
"What?!" Ray cried in disbelief and disgust. She came to a steakhouse but didn't like steak? What was wrong with the girl?
"The chicken's pretty good here too." (y/n) told him in an attempt to build a bridge, but it didn't really work out.
"Oh, no, no, no, no!" He whined and stomped his feet around the foyer, behaving like a spoilt child, which disheartened (y/n) and irritated Henry.
"Ray, you're embarrassing me." He hissed at his boss, eyeing the way the young woman next to Bianca fiddle with her bag's strap as she lost herself in melancholic thought.
"Oh, I'm embarrassing you?" Ray scoffed, ignorant of how his selfish behaviour was affecting those who loved him most.
"Yes!" Henry snapped, having had enough of his brattish actions.
"Or is it your chicken-loving girlfriend there?" Oh, that crossed a line and (y/n) decided that she wasn't going to let him bully poor Bianca just because he was jealous.
"No, it's definitely you, Raymond." She hissed, shocking Ray with her harsh tone. Bernard, Schwoz and Bianca looked on awkwardly as Henry and (y/n) tried to sort things out.
"Ray, please go home." The boy pleaded, grabbing his boss by the elbow and leading him to the stairs.
"I promise I'll make this up to you." (y/n) swore, hoping the sincerity in her voice would convince him that she was unbelievably sorry for keeping the truth from him.
"Bianca and I--" Henry started as the woman's words edged Ray towards the exit, but his girlfriend butted in.
"No, it's okay. Seriously, I don't care that much about eating here and your boss really does so, have dinner with him." Bianca said graciously, her kindness melting everyone's anger. What a sweet girl.
"You sure?" Henry looked at her in shock.
"Sure she's sure! That's what sure people look like!" Ray squealed in happiness.
"Yeah, I'm sure." Bianca giggled at his antics and returned the gift card. She wasn't one for fancy restaurants anyway.
"Alright, man. Looks like we're having dinner here together." Henry told his boss with a grin, making him jump a little in excitement. He even gave (y/n) a grin and brief side hug. She was beyond relieved that his anger was fleeting.
"Me too?" Schwoz asked hopefully, but he had no chance of eating with them.
"The reservation is only for two." The maître d'hôtel clarified, making the little man contemplate his situation. He had nothing to lose so...
"Look, balloons!" He shouted and used the opportunity to run into the dining area and steal a steak before running out. The sneaky little...
"Hey, come back here!" A deep masculine voice called from the dining area and an alarmingly handsome chef ran into the lobby. Oh, god.
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"Well, well, well, I thought that you'd be here if there was trouble, (y/n) (y/l/n)." The chef spoke smoothly, his sudden appearance making (y/n) tense. He wasn't a bad person, just not someone she felt would integrate well with her closest friends.
"Hello, Jesse." She smiled warmly, stepping forwards to give him a quick hug that in Ray's eyes, lasted forever. His mouth turned dry and his face paled as this...guy took his girl into his arms and pressed his cheek into her shoulder, just like he did. His heart broke at how she seemed to fit into another man's arms so easily, a chef's no less. The chef at Montego's, the place he couldn't get into despite him being Captain Man. He felt so inferior, so unworthy, it just hurt so bad. 
"You and your friends making all the ruckus out here? I could hear you lot in the kitchen." Jesse chuckled as his friend playfully hit his arm, not realising that the movement was like a stab to Ray's heart. She hit him like that, it wasn't special like it seemed and that made him feel...small. 
"Yeah, this is Henry, Bianca, Schwoz and...Ray." She introduced them all, feeling nervous as she came to her protector. Jesse knew all about her love for him and she was praying he didn't say anything revealing or humiliating.
"Ah, the famous Ray Manchester. Pleased to meet you, man. (y/n)'s told me all about you." Jesse extended his hand for him to shake, the twinkle in his eye stemming from his amusement at finally meeting the man his friend had gushed about. The man who outshone all other guys in her eyes, the man she wanted so desperately but thought she could never have. 
"Nice to meet you too, Jesse," Ray said curtly. He really didn't want to exchange niceties with the man who had taken his sweet girl on several dates to the restaurant he wanted to take her to. It felt like he was being mocked for being too late, Jesse had taken her heart before he could even make his move. 
"Gentlemen, your table is ready." Bernard interrupted the tense moment as he tucked two menus under his arm. He really knew how to pick his moments.
"Ray, come on." Henry tugged on his boss's sleeve, hoping to avoid a fistfight between the two men since Ray had clearly labelled Jesse as a rival. Not that he actually had anything to worry about.
"You eating here tonight?" The handsome man smiled at Ray, clearly not bothered by the way the other man was brushing him off and acting tough. Jesse knew he didn't stand a chance against Ray, (y/n) had been chasing him for years and had no intention of stopping now. Not that he wanted to chase her, he saw her as a little sister.
"Yeah, we better go sit down." The superhero mustered all his manners to force out the sentence and allowed Henry to lead him away, but not before he heard the other man bid his best friend goodbye.
"I gotta get back to the kitchen. See ya later, sugar," Jesse said charmingly, which made Ray's blood boil and his stomach drop. Someone else had a pet name for her? He felt less and less important to her as each second revealed something new. How had he never seen this coming? Why hadn't she mentioned him? Had he kissed her—or worse? What did Jesse have that he didn't?
Why did she love him when he'd been waiting all along? 
~10 minutes later~
"Dude, let it go, he's just a friend," Henry told Ray as a waiter placed some warm bread rolls in front of them.
"How do you know that? He hugged her and called her...a gross thing. What if she's dating him or if she likes him? God, I want her to be happy but not with that asshole. She's way too good for him..." The large man grumbled and ranted, his stomach still twisted in a jealous worry from (y/n)'s interactions with the head chef. 
"Whoa, man, calm down. I just know that (y/n) doesn't see him that way." Henry insisted, trying to explain that the woman in question never looked at any other guys romantically. She had everything she wanted in Ray, but Henry couldn't tell him that; it would break every promise he'd ever made with her.
"Yeah, whatever. Anyway, you feel that? You feel that warm bread?" Ray diverted the topic. He didn't want to think about Jesse kissing and holding his girl anymore, he just wanted to drown his sorrows in a damn good meal before he was put off his meal. 
"This is how bread should feel." Henry agreed, dropping the topic of Ray's jealously. For now.
'Right! Okay, ready?" The man asked, lining up his bread for tasting.
"Yeah." Henry nodded and they both took a bite out of their warm bread, the exquisite taste making them fall back with pleased groans.
"Hey, after we finish our steaks what do you wanna get for dessert? I think we should get more steak." Ray suggested, thinking that he might as well eat until he exploded since there was no point in him coming back here. The restaurant wasn't that special to him or (y/n) anymore.
"You want steaks for dessert?" The teen looked at him weirdly.
"What would you rather have? The chicken?" Ray teased, still not above poking fun at Henry's girlfriend.
"Okay, don't make fun of Bianca. She gave up her dinner for you." He said defensively. If he wanted, two could play at the girlfriend mocking game.
"I know! So stupid!" Ray giggled, irritating Henry further.
"I could just march to the kitchen and set (y/n) and Jesse up on a date, what'd you think about that?" Henry snapped, ceasing Ray's laughing. Okay, that was a bit mean but it worked. Ray couldn't bear the thought of his girl in another's arms, even if she chose them and not him. The heartache to have her was too much. 
"Hey, that's not fair!" The large man whined, his heart twinging again at the thought of that stupid chef holding (y/n)'s hand over a table or feeding her pasta.
"Dude, I don't get how you can just--" Henry's reprimand was cut off by Ray shushing him as two people behind his sidekick caught his eye.
"What?" Henry asked, wondering what the superhero had seen.
"Okay, you remember two weeks ago, the robbery at that jewellery store?" Ray recalled.
"The robbers who stole that jewellery?" Well, that was a dumb question.
"Yeah. Their names are...(y/n) saved it somewhere...Ert Landers and Bernie Caldwell. They're right over there." Ray said, scrolling through the list of criminals his helper had downloaded onto his phone.
"For real?" Henry spluttered and gulped when the man gave him a sharp nod. Deciding that he had to see this for himself, Henry picked up his fork and "accidentally" dropped it on the floor. Turning around to pick it up, Henry got a good look at the two men sat at the table behind them and knew that it was definitely the two criminals.
"That is Ert and Bernie!" Henry confirmed, dropping his cutlery back on the table. 
"I know. Punks! Hey, they're about to leave." Ray gasped as the men threw down a couple hundred dollars to pay for their meal.
"Well, that's our cue," Henry smirked and took out his gum tube, but his actions were slowed as he noticed Ray's slow, hesitant movements.
"Pop a gumball." The kid instructed, making his boss squirm in thought.
"But I haven't had my steak yet." He mewled, wanting to eat first then fight.
"They're criminals," Henry stated firmly.
"But I wanted my steak!" Ray whined, his childish side coming out again.
"Ray, pop a gumball in your mouth right now, or I'll call (y/n)." The boy threatened, knowing that the mention of the young woman would kick Ray's butt into action. And it did. Standing up together, they rounded the corner so they could transform away from prying eyes, just as a red-shirted waiter place their dinner on the table. Hoping to get a small nibble, Ray briskly walked back to the table and tried to take a bite, but Henry pulled him back to his duty. It was hero time.
Just as Ert and Bernie were standing up to leave, Captain Man and Kid Danger stood in the entrance arch, blocking their exit. 
"Hey, Ert."
"And Bernie." Ray and then Henry quipped as the robbers paled at the sight of Swellview's greatest crime fighters.
"Aw, man." One of them groaned, knowing that they probably wouldn't get away from this.
"That's aw, Captain Man! Now, can you count from one to bam?" Ray asked them confidently, cracking his knuckles in preparation for a fight.
"I'll try. One---" Ert started to count, not realising what Ray was doing.
"Bam!" The superhero smashed his fist into the. criminal's face, sending him flying across a table as Henry swung at Bert. The diners looked on in horror as Bert tried to whack Kid Danger with a chair, thank god the kid was too quick for him.
Tackling him to the floor, Henry slapped his criminal with a piece of meat as Captain Man sat down to eat his steak whilst Ert groaned in pain. However, he couldn't cut through it quick enough, Ert was back on his feet before he could even savour a morsel.
Seeing that he had no choice but to fight, Ray ditched his knife and fork and gave Ert another punch to the jaw. He tried to eat another person's steak, but the criminal kept getting back up. Henry dusted himself off as he left Bernie on the floor and picked up a large pepper grinder from a table.
"Care for some fresh pepper?" He asked sarcastically before smacking the man on the head with it and grinding some of the burning granules into his eyes. Ouch. Seeing that Ert had his legs around Ray's neck, Kid Danger skidded over and freed his boss.
"Watch out!" Captain Man shouted at his sidekick as Bernie came over with the pepper grinder. Stopping him in his tracks, Henry twisted the man's arm around and then whacked him several times in the nose. As Ert rubbed his eyes, Ray grabbed a painting off the wall and cracked it over his skull, the canvas tearing from the blunt force. With a final show of his superhero strength, Captain Man pushed Ert into the wall, the guy collapsing in agony.
""I'd say that was a job...well done." Ray giggled with Henry as two cops arrived on the scene and took the criminals away.
"Take him away, boys. And now, some cow." Ray smirked at Henry and the two of them returned to their table, fully intending to finish their meals. But...
"Excuse me, Captain Man and Kid Danger." Bernard the host said as he stood next to their table.
"What's up, big guy?" The two superheroes asked nonchalantly, not seeing that they had a major problem.
"I'm sorry, but your names aren't on our dinner list and you can't eat here without an invitation." He told them, stopping their cutting as they stammered. They screamed in protest as a waiter came over and dumped their dinners into a bowl and took it away.
"WHY?" Looks like they were going steakless tonight.
~Back in the Man Cave~
Schwoz was sat at the couch table, reading a random magazine as he waited for Henry and Ray to return. (y/n) had gone out about fifteen minutes before, intent on seeking a way to brighten up Ray's crappy evening. The man in question and his sidekick came down the tubes with grumpy faces, feeling like they'd been cheated out of their food.
"Hi. How were your steaks?" The genius asked kindly, unknowingly rubbing salt into their wounds.
"You better shut your mouth, Schwoz, you better shut your dirty mouth," Ray growled as he walked across the Man Cave. 
"Geez!" Schwoz recoiled at his mean words as Ray sat down at the computer and rubbed his forehead tiredly. He needed his happy girl, where was she?
"Why are you still wearing that dress?" Henry looked at the little guy with a confused expression.
"Cause, it's so comfortable and I like how the cool air blows up in here." Schwoz shook his hips and twirled around so the skirt fanned out. 
"Hey, you wanna go to Backout Steakhouse?" Henry asked his boss, who was exceedingly moody since he'd been robbed of a steak dinner and didn't have his girl nearby.
"No, I wanna go to Montego's!" He snapped in a tetchy voice.
"Schwoz, where's (y/n)? He's being moody again." He called to the small man at the couch, but he just shrugged in response.
"She's not here. She went out." He replied dryly as he flicked through the magazine again, his words making Ray groan again. She was probably out being wooed by that dumb Jesse guy knowing his luck. Shit, why did that idea hurt so much?
"We can't get steak from Monetgo's." Henry reminded him, thinking about how he would now have to handle this child trapped in a man's body.
"W-what is that? Is that? Do you know what this is?" Ray gasped all of sudden and plucked a piece of meat from Henry's tunic. 
"Steak." The boy answered obviously, not seeing the correlation or importance of one tiny bite of meat. 
"From Montego's!" Ray squealed as he held the precious piece between his index finger and thumb.
"Whoa, it must've fallen down here when we were fighting Ert and Bernie." Henry smiled as he remembered being covered in a load of food.
"I know! Can I have it?" Ray asked the boy after sniffing the savoury meat and loving its smoky scent.
"Can we split it?" Henry asked back, knowing that a fifty-fifty split would be fair. Ray stared at him intensely as he contemplated his proposal. Maybe it would work.
With the cardboard waiter taped back together, Ray and Henry sat down at the little table again. With the chunk of steak cut in half, Ray served them both a slice, the whole situation feeling cutely depressing.
Skewering each piece with their forks, Henry and Ray took a moment to examine their tiny mouthful with a magnifying glass. They chinked their cutlery and ate their steak cubes. Damn, that was good steak, well, it was while it lasted. 
"Wanna go to Backout Steakhouse?" Henry reiterated his question from earlier as the moment was over all too quickly. Yeah, it tasted amazing, but he was hardly satisfied after some a meagre chunk, he just wanted food now. 
"Yeah, I guess." Ray sighed and the two stood up to go to the elevator. A crap steak was better than no steak, right? 
However, the elevator door slid open before they could even press the button and a rosy-cheeked woman stepped out: (y/n).
"Hey, guys." She greeted them in a slightly breathless voice, her energy being sapped by the numerous, heavy bags of takeout food she had walked home with. Well, well, well, what did she have there?
"Hey, what you got there?" Henry asked in confusion whilst Ray stepped forward to take the bags off her. She chuckled slightly as her best friend took the bags to the table and peeked inside, her laughter increasing as he recognised the logo printed on the takeout cartons.
"It's—it's food...from Montego's." He stuttered out and snapped his gaze to his flushed best friend. Did she get food for him? How? 
"What? For real?" Henry gasped and dashed over to look in the bags himself, exclaiming in delight as his boss pulled out several boxes of steak dinners with perfect fillets and all the trimmings to boot. Ray couldn't believe it, after all his brattiness, she'd spent her own money on what looked like a very expensive round of takeout, just for him and her friends. Sweet girl...
"I didn't know Montego's did takeout." Schwoz frowned as he was given his food, everyone's hearts fluttering when they saw how she'd gone above and beyond just to make them smile.
"They don't." Ray breathed out, making the young woman nervously scratch the back of her neck. This shouldn't have been possible, no one got the leftovers from the restaurant, not even those who offered to pay for it. Doggie bags were so common and distasteful, plus, some unscrupulous people might sell their leftovers on for a profit—that's just how popular Montego's was. 
"Well, I had to pull a few strings with Jesse, but luckily, a lot of food wasn't served after Captain Man and Kid Danger had a brawl in the restaurant. So, he gave most of it to me." She smiled, Ray gulping slightly at the mention of him. He wasn't sure if he wanted to eat something from that guy and he shuddered at the thought of (y/n) seeing him again. 
"And the easy clean up meant that he could go home to Angela early, so it's a win-win for everyone." She added on the end, freezing Ray's inner panic. She couldn't mean...could she?
"Angela?" He asked in a small voice whilst Henry plated up all the food with Schwoz. He figured it was best for (y/n) to explain everything jow so they could fall back into being all loved-up and gross.
"Yeah, Angela. I went to school with her. She's Jesse's finacée, that's how I know him--" She was cut off when the superhero dragged her into a tight hug, his arms returning to their natural home around her waist.
"Sweet girl, I'm sorry for being so damn horrible earlier." He mumbled into her neck, feeling so stupid that he had judged her friend before he knew him. He couldn't help it; in his view, every man could see how perfect she was and that terrified him.
"You were pretty grumpy. But I know you and I know that you were just upset." She replied quietly, burying her fingers into his soft hair. She loved being in his embrace, it just felt like home.
"And I'm sorry for not telling you the truth about me going to Montego's." The young woman apologised too, her chest feeling so much lighter now they'd aired their grievances. 
"You don't need to apologise." He reassured her as they pulled with gentle smiles on their faces.
"Do you want some steak?" She asked him in a cheeky tone, her tongue poking out to wet her lips, making Ray burn with desire. He had lost count of the times he'd dreamt of tasting those lips and exploring the depth of her. God, he was sure no man would ever love her and take his time with her the way he would. She was a goddess and she deserved to be worshipped.
"Of course." He answered calmly, letting her lead him to the table where the hot food was plated and ready to be eaten. He couldn't help but smile at the scene. 
She was the heart of his little family: Charlotte, his little sister, his friend, Schwoz, his little brother, Henry, and his love, (y/n). She was the centre of everything he had built and everything he adored, she just didn't know it yet.
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the-tendo-blog · 6 years
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Yeah chapter 2 is great so far
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zenryverse · 2 years
kinda random but i started thinking about i want to die in swellview again after years of it like not entering my brain at all (probably bc i was listening to the album it was based on for nostalgia) and thinking “dang i wish i did a few things differently like actually finish it” and then i remembered. i made an ao3 in a moment of weakness and i COULD finish it actually. so i might but idk if i will bc i don’t want to abandon it again after one chapter -ry
Bruh, I 1000% get it. Like, from the writing side, I keep wanting to pick up DoD again and I still am actively working on it, but there's also a part of me that's like "okay, so you post chap 9 and then what? You post a few more chapters and then abandon it again, probably for good?"
but like. coming from a reader's POV, I'd LOVE to read another chapter if you were willing to put it out there (no pressure at all, ofc!) even if I knew that was all I was ever going to get. (like, this is going to be the worst comparison in the world because my brain isn't working due to pain and exhaustion so I apologize, but I guess it's kinda like. shows that were cancelled before they ever got to reach a conclusion, like even though I never got to see them come to a concrete ending, that doesn't stop me from rewatching a billion times because they're still beloved to me) And your writing slapped back then, but it does even more so now, like I still think about that short piece I read from you several months ago, like i was in a deep depressive state when I read that and then I was like "actually there is so much good in the world" so I just know it would be insanely amazing if you choose to write another chapter
but, again, there's absolutely no pressure at all. I guess, my long-winded, really messy point, is that you'll always have an audience with me if you want to, and you have the motivation and time and energy, and even if it's only going to be just one more chapter
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alisondepartedbear · 4 years
Just Breathe
Everything is not what it seems in Swellview, a kidnapper is running amok while Henry faces some challenging trials in his life. The boy most overcome what is inside to deal with major life changes.
Part One / Part Two / Part Three
Chapter Four
"Good morning, this is Cheryl Gomez with Channel Six News." says the very attractive newscaster as she does every morning. I've had a huge crush on her since I was twelve. Every time I've been interviewed by her, being Kid Danger, I blush insanely under the mask and always have the biggest toothy smile.
"At 3:30 this morning, Elena Gilbert was reported missing. She was last seen crossing the street from Melbourne to Salvatore. She's five feet tall, dark brown hair-"
Piper gasps beside me when the photo of the girl appears on screen.
"She's in my grade! She's in my 3rd block!" Piper yells.
Oh my god.
"I saw her on Friday. She walked into the store." I whisper remembering her and her family.
"That would've been the day she went missing," She says. "You know, since it takes at least 24 hours to report a person."
A chill runs through my body at the possibility of her parents, Jasper, and me being the last people to see her. I have to go talk to Ray before school. Picking up my phone for the time I see its only seven. Ray couldn't possibly be awake but this was serious.
"Uh, Piper, I gotta go swing by work." I get up and grab my keys from the console table by the door.
"What do you mean? You're my ride!"
I spin back to her and tap my foot, putting my hands on my hips. "Piper,"
She rolls her eyes and looks to her phone. "Fine, I'll get a friend to take me."
"Thank you," I bow to her before walking out.
When I pull onto Thames street, I notice a cop car outside Junk'n'Stuff. I pull in behind them and park. Walking into the store, I see Ray, a cop, and an unknown man standing at the counter.
"Hey, kid," Ray says trying to conceal a confused face.
"Hey, what goes on?" I ask. My heart starts to speed up as I near the policeman. I always have this gut feeling that they know who Ray and I are.
Both men were dressed in the classic blue slacks and button up. Their badges shine from the lights in the room, almost blinding me. A man with thick framed black glasses and an Afro smiles at me.
"I'm Detective Shapiro," His voice was smooth and soft; trusting. "How are ya this morning?"
"Henry Hart, and I'm fine. What about yourself?" I can almost see the physical cringe when he clasps his hand onto my sweat soaked one. He shakes quickly before taking his hand back and wiping it on his shirt.
"Oh, just dandy. Do you know Ray or are you just a customer?"
"He's my second-in-command." Ray says with a smile that makes me beam. I get giddy when someone brags about me. It's like a dog wagging its tail; I almost always sit up and smile. "My left hand man,"
"Oh, that's great! Ray and I go way back, went to high school together."
I glance at his partner and know he's annoyed. This guy had a five o'clock shadow and tired eyes. He kept switching his gaze from his partner and the security monitors. He looked how I felt...dead. After my family's pity party yesterday, I couldn't help but create my own in my bedroom until late in the night. Standing here under the bright lights were making objects beat and pulse, I can't imagine what it'll be like at school.
"Oh, really," I force out. "Ray doesn't talk much about high school."
"There's a reason for it." I hear Ray say under his breath.
I look at him. He has his back turned to us doing what seems to be searching in a box. "Hey, Ray, can I help?"
"Yeah, do you know where the security tapes are from yesterday? For inside and outside."
I nod and walk behind the counter to get them.
"I can't believe you still use tapes. You're probably the only guy in town." said the unnamed partner.
Ray scoffs like he knows something magical about using tapes. "Well I guess we just like doing it the original way." He leans on the glass. "So have you guys got leads on the girl yet? Heard she was headed towards a bookstore on Salvatore,"
"There's not much to say." Detective Shapiro says shrugging. I turn back to them and set the four tapes on the counter. He picks them up. "But these tapes will sure help." He tapes them a few times with his fingers.
"Well, just hit me up if anything else is needed."
Detective Shapiro winks. "Of course, of course, let's go Parker." The silent cop follows after the Detective. That wink didn't help my nerves.
"Do you think they know who we are?" I ask Ray when the door shuts.
"No," He immediately says. Ray turns to me now, looking up and down. "You look a wreck. Why are you here?"
"For Elena! I just saw on the news. We gotta do something. This is the second kidnapping-"
"I know, and I got it. I'm just thinking." Ray makes his way to the back. I follow him.
"What are you thinking?"
Ray stops at the elevator and turns back. "Fine, I don't have any thoughts. But I did make an extra copy of those surveillance tapes." He says with a wicked smile.
"Good! We can go-"
"Nope," He grabs hold of my arm before I make it passed him. "You're going to school."
"I need-"
"I'll watch the tapes with Schwoz and make highlights. There's probably nothing on them. They said she was on Salvatore Street anyway."
"Ray, ple-"
"No, get out." Ray points to the front door sternly, eyebrows raised high.
I make it to school but not into the building. Something has me rooted to the seat. Glancing up at the school, I see our security man walking the perimeter, making sure no one was leaving cigarette butts in the parking lot, and that no kids were out smoking weed, skipping class, or having a panic attack.
A gasp runs through my chest with a sharp pain that makes me clench the skin above my heart. Closing my eyes, I try to breathe through my nose and out my mouth, but each release is gasps of air. My eyes squeeze shut and I lean forward. Without a thought, I recline the seat and lay back to curl into myself. Dad's words run through my head from last night, wondering how long he knew. The tears from last night return too. They fall harder when the images of Elena pops in my mind. Wishing I could go back and tell her parents to watch her all night. Last night I found the name of the boy that was kidnapped. Trevor Millton. He's only 11. I wonder how scared they are. How fast their hearts of beating from fear. If they're being feed. Trevor's been gone for almost five days. The body can't go without water for long.
I lay curled up and crying for a while, letting my mind slip into circle thoughts. Thinking about the kids dying, and about how I want to die. I wish it were cold enough to freeze me. I wouldn't need to deal with this if I were a ghost I think. But now, right here, my eyes burn and hurt. They feel tired from all the crying from the past twelve hours. Blindly, I reach in the back floorboard for a water bottle. After finding two, I take the cold bottles and press them on my eyelids. Some shuddering breaths come out from the sudden cold but I give in to the numbness it brings and sleep.
I peek with an eye over my shoulder to see Charlotte with a pinched face. Huffing a huge breath as I flip over, I raise the seat. When I open the door a warm breeze whips through almost shutting it again, Charlotte grabs a hold to open it wider.
"What are you doing?" She doesn't miss a beat.
"Taking a nap," The sun have risen a bit and I squint my eyes at her with a little smile. "What are you doing?"
"Checking if you're dead," She crosses her arms and leans against the door. "Officer Poke saw you and rather than yell at you, called for me to."
I snicker before letting my smile fall, remembering why I was taking nap. Charlotte sits on the concrete in front me. She wore jeans and a yellow shirt marked with little white sharks. Her hair was up showing off her dangling diamond flower earrings. I raise my finger to my ear and flip the lobe.
She smiles and puts her hand to her ear too. I don't know if it's the heat outside but I could've sworn her cheeks looked tinted just then. "Thank you,"
I wave my hand at her, trying to be nonchalant. My fingers play with the frayed strings on the cut in my jeans. Another breeze comes through.
"What's going on?" She taps my shoes with her's.
I look down at her as I curl into my knees. "My-" I shield my eyes from her with my hand. "Things aren't great."
"I know, Henry. But I really believe that you and Ray-"
"Besides the obvious," I raise my voice. She's wrong. She's wrong.
Not wanting to get irritated, I close my eyes and try to control my breathing. Then the smell of orange blossoms come and I open my eyes again. Now Charlotte's standing in front of me, leaning against the door frame. Just a lot closer than before. Her doll eyes search over my face.
"What else is wrong?"
"My family," I could only manage a whisper. I didn't think she heard me until she reached with her hand and grabbed mine.
Squeezing my hand, she whispered back. "Do you want to talk about it?"
I shake my head. She steps back and lets go of my hand. Whipping my head up, not ready to let go, I see her with her arms a little open. "Hug me then,"
Stepping out of the car, my legs feel wobbly. She grabs my waist and pulls me close. I put my arms around her and lay my head against hers. My chest swells and I can't breathe again. I gasp and she starts to rub her hand on my back. With all my muscles I want to relax and let her comfort me, but a shake runs through my body and I let my head fall to her shoulder. My fingers grip her shoulders while I try to steady myself.
"Charlotte," I gasp out.
Charlotte holds me tighter, bringing me down further. "I know, I'm sorry." She repeats a few times. "I wish it wasn't like this."
A few minutes pass before I know I can look her in the eyes again. I pull away and sit back in the car. She looks down at me with soft smile and squeezes my shoulder.
"Please, talk to me when you're ready, even if it's super late. Okay?"
I nod.
"Alright," She steps back. "I'm telling Ms. Polly in the office that you need ten more minutes and then you'll be in. You cannot miss school. Ray will have you're head."
I nod returning the smile. "Thank you,"
She nods too before turning to leave.
That afternoon Charlotte, Jasper, and I went straight to Junk'n'Stuff. Jasper took his post upstairs while Charlotte and I headed down to Ray and Schwoz.
"We watched almost seventeen hours of footage, and found nothing." Schwoz says popping a cheese puff in his mouth. He looked very tired while he rested his head on the table with the couch.
Charlotte puts her hands on her hips. "You guys suck." She walks to Ray who was sitting at the computer.
"We have nothing to work off of!" Ray stands to pace about the front of the room. Charlotte takes her usual seat at the computer. "If we had all those security tapes the police do, we'd be golden."
"Well you don't." Charlotte logs into the computer and begins pulling up websites and programs.
"Little girl, we won't be friends if you keep talking like that." Schwoz snaps his fingers at her.
"Are we friends?" She asks putting an emphasis on the first word.
Schwoz scoffs in annoyance. I laugh at them as I sit next to him. When I steal a few cheese puffs, he pats my hand away. "So how was school?" He asks as he does everyday like the dad he is.
"Lame," I tell him shoving the puffs in my mouth, grabbing more.
"He's just saying that because he lost at HORSE twice." Charlotte doesn't even look back as she sasses.
"Why do you gotta tell him?" I whine. Ray passes me for a third time while pacing. "Why don't you ask your detective friend for help again? He seemed nice."
"Shapiro?" Ray scoffs. "No, he won't help. Too loyal to the force," He mocks.
"I'm not. Charlotte, you think you can get into police records?" I ask.
The phone on the desk rings. Charlotte picks up without answering me or the phone. She just sits and listens.
Ray walks up to stand behind her chair. "What are you doing?" He whispers.
She holds a finger up signaling him to be quiet. Silently, she writes a couple things on a piece of paper with her fluffy blue pen. Before too long, Charlotte puts the phone down.
"I got cop information." She says holding the paper as if it was gold. "There's a lead."
Ray snatches the paper from her to read. He smiles at Charlotte. "Good job. She found out about a tip. The person said there'd be another kidnapping at Swellview Park."
"How'd you do that?"
"There's a cop at the precinct that I pay to give me tips, as long as when he calls me I stay silent. He said there's a chance the line is recorded." She shrugs. I smile at her with pride. As always, she's three steps ahead of the rest of us.
"How much you pay him?" I ask.
"100 or 200 depending on the case,"
"That's smart," Ray nods then he whips his head to her. "Whose money are you using?"
"Yours," She says with a smile. "You don't pay me that kind of money to use my own."
"I know that's why I asked! You can't-"
"Shouldn't we go to the park?" I ask stepping in. "See if they need help,"
Ray gives up on yelling at Charlotte to grab his bubblegum. I do the same. We head to the tubes to leave.
"Wait, you need to be sneaky. He said they were planning to set up around the perimeter and put decoys in. So look for a big van or something they'd be in." Charlotte warns.
"What are you doing here?" The officer asks looking us up and down. He stood in the doorway of an unmarked black van parked near the back exit of Swellview Park. Two other cops are stuffed in behind him sitting at monitors.
"We figured you'd need the help and all." Captain Man says with a forced smile.
"Look, Captain Man," He leans against the door frame. "We don't need your help or your kid's. So go on back to the Bat Cave."
This happens a lot. We try to help and the police turn us away. They typically don't like us coming in and saving the day. Lately people have been gossiping about the police force and the hundreds of unsolved cases they set aside. Yesterday I even heard people saying Captain Man and Kid Danger were faster than the ambulances and the emergency teams. An elderly lady said we were the true heroes since we didn't get paid by the public. People in Bordertown and Neighborville were even chatting about wanting their very own Captain Man and Kid Danger.
Captain Man balls his fist before pointing a finger at the man. "Alright, loser-"
"Captain Man, how nice of you to join us?" Detective Shapiro says stepping out of an SUV. The car quickly speeds off after he shuts the door.
"Detective," He crosses his arms over his chest, looking up at the officer and smirking. "Just seeing how we could be of service,"
Detective Shapiro takes a sip from a Skyscraper Coffee cup. He smiles. "Of course, the more to help the better." He looks up at the van. "Evening, Officer Bladell,"
"Did you call him here?"
"No," Detective Shapiro pushes his glasses up his nose. "But we need the help if we want those kids back. You want those kids back, right, Officer?"
Officer Bladell says something under his breath as he backs into the van. Detective Shapiro hoists himself on the steps before turning back to us.
"How about you patrol the east side of the park near the woods? Also, if possible try to remain unseen. We don't want to tip this guy off."
Twenty minutes later, we're sitting in the woods. I found a fallen tree and took a space. We were at the edge of the woods and park, just barely hidden by low branches and leaves. For a moment I curse our red and blue suits for being so obnoxious and bright. I poke at the colorful fabric. To be honest, I don't think anything will happen tonight. The police department get tips like this all the time. But something must be different about this one. I wish Charlotte could get the written report instead of just word of mouth. We need a description of the voice. Was it a man, woman, or a child? Did they sound scared or cocky? Could they trace the call? Or was-
"Do you hear that?" Captain Man asks looking over his shoulder into the deep wood. I look with him.
Peering in the darkness, I see the over grown trees that have tangle together, vines, and even rope from old tire swings. I stare for a minute. "No, I don't hear anything."
Captain Man turns fully now to look into the woods too. I can see him really straining to mark out any noises that were animal, human, or vehicle.
"Hello," It was a far off echo. The voice was so faint I thought I made it up.
And then there's a wisp of white and I hear an echo of the word. I stand up, facing the direction. "I hear it now."
Captain Man begins marching to it and I follow him. I see another wave of white and start to move fasting.
"Hello," echoes around.
"Hello," I call back.
Branches break and another "hello" surfaces."
"Stay where you are," Captain Man calls. "Let's go, kid."
We run towards the noise and color. Thorns scratch my face and catch on my suit, I'm pretty sure ripping it harshly. My stomach feels bloated and large as I make it to a small meadow clearing. What was I expecting? I look around the area in excitement and terror. Then I notice a girl standing in a white gown near a black tree. Almost like ghost.
"Captain Man," She screams. The dark haired girl runs the remaining feet to crash into Captain Man. "Thank you. Thank you. I'm so cold! I've been running for hours."
"Shh," Captain Man hugs the girl back. "It's alright. You're safe with us."
She looks up to meet my eyes and smiles. "I knew you'd be the two to find me."
My mouth falls open and a lump forms in my throat. I force out words. "Elena Gilbert?"
Her smile doesn't falter. "Yes,"
Chapter Five
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taglist: @craploadofandoms @violetride
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henry-hart · 6 years
I have the big writer’s block so I don’t have much but uhhh how about some good ol fashioned squad fluff with ray and the kids?
I hope I remember it well enough
(I feel that writer’s block frustration. It’s a mcfreakin’ pain in the butt, my dude.)
I made it a little goofy as well as fluffy bc I really like the comedic dynamic of HD. I hope you like it!!!! :)))))
I just got back from a beach trip, so let’s go with that
it’s summer in Swellview and it’s crazy hot
that summer heat is taking no prisoners
Ray is down in the Man Cave and everytime the elevator opens up, it lets out all the hot and stuffy air from the store
he’s all “no. nope. not happening. I’m here sweating when I could be on the beach sipping from a coconut with one of those frilly umbrellas. this is unacceptable.”
he calls Schwoz and the kids and tells them he’s taking them on a spontaneous beach trip
he says he wants them to come with bc he doesn’t want to be alone and look like a creep
but it’s really bc he enjoys their company and wants them to have fun
he sends the kids home to get ready while he closes shop
“Can Piper come?” “Who’s Piper?” “My little sister, Ray.” “Aw, no. Is she that little loud girl?” “I guess she can be loud? Anyway, can she come or not?” “I feel like saying ‘not’ would make me a bad person but I really don’t want to say yes….” “Come on, man.” “UuuuuUUUggggGGGGhhhHHH fine. Paper can come.”
they all pile into Ray’s car
the ride there is a bit chaotic bc the beach is 45 min away and the car is cramped and it’s hot and no one can agree on a radio station to listen to
“Henry, I’m not going to say it again. Move. Over.” “Piper, I’m not even touching you.” “You’re about to touch me.” “Are you kidding me?” “No, I’m not.” “Where do you want me to move? There’s only so many seats in the car.” “I don’t care. I can feel the heat coming from your gross body.” “Okay, I’m not gross, for one, and I would scoot over if Jasper would get in his seat.”
“I already told you I can’t be by the window. I get carsick.” “Then why did you choose the window seat?” “Because I get claustrophobic in the middle seat.”
“Henry, I’m gonna kill him.” Char overhears and intervenes. “Hey, Piper, why don’t you sit with me on the way back?”
Ray heard all of their bickering, so he rolled the top down to cool them all off
as soon as they got to the beach, Schwoz shot out of the car blurting out something about having to pee
Ray packed food from the auto-snacker (sandwiches, chips, fruit, etc.–things he thought the kids would like), so he grabs the ice chests full of food/drink while the kids get their stuff
there isn’t too many people on the beach, so they don’t have a problem finding a quiet spot
Char x Piper get Hen to take pics of them right where the waves meet the sand
Piper posts them with captions like “beach day with my best-ay” and some lyrics about summer
she even takes a few with Hen for their parents
Jasper brought wayyyyy too much sunscreen
“I don’t joke about my skin care. Skin cancer is not a joke. Do you think I maintain this ivory color by not using sunscreen?”
Piper agrees with him bc she’s fair-skinned too
Hen doesn’t like it too much bc he doesn’t like how it feels, but it beats sunburn
Ray, however, won’t use it.
“I’m indestructible. The sun is no match for me.” “It’s literally a ball of fire in the sky.” “Psh. I’ve had worse.”
the kids don’t agree with him, but they know arguing is futile so they let it go
Hen brought a beach ball and some paddles with a matching little ball
the Harts used to go to the beach a lot, so Hen had a lot of stuff to choose from
he and Piper team up like they used to when they were younger and together they are un-beatable
no one else wins. at all.
they have this ridiculous handshake/victory dance they do every time they win and it’s so over-the-top (like Ross x Monica’s new years dance routine for you friends fans)
even Ray thinks it’s a bit much
Char x Jasp have no idea what to think
they’ve never seen Hen like this
“I always thought Piper was the scary one.” “I know. Did you see Hen’s face when I scored a point?” “He looked like he was going to kill you.” “Yeah, and Piper looked like she was going to help him get rid of any evidence.”
(I like that little ride or die sibling bit ajksjslksj)
Schwoz comes back from the restroom and Ray scoops him up, running to the water to throw the little man in
everyone joins in
the tide is pretty rough and Ray’s a little worried
esp for Char and Schwoz and whatever her name is bc they’re all pretty short
Hen is chasing Jasp x Piper, pretending to be Jaws
a pretty big wave comes and washes over all of them
Hen x Jasp are okay bc they could just easily stand up but Piper is a lot shorter
Hen starts freaking out when she doesn’t come up
Ray is worried too
he sees the little girl and immediately yanks her out of the water and into the air
“Paper! Paper! Are you okay???”
she swallowed a good bit of nasty saltwater that burned her throat/nose, but she’s okay
“It’s Piper.”
Hen sighs in relief, moving the hair out of her face. “She’s fine.”
they take a break from the water for a bit to eat lunch
Ray unpacks the food he brought for them
Hen x Jasp eat their lunch on an inflatable unicorn inner tube :)
Piper takes some more pics of the gang eating
she records a snapchat video of Hen being attacked by a swarm of seagulls after his sandwich
he takes off down the beach after them but gives up, hoping the birds at least enjoy it as much as he did
he doesn’t bother asking Pipes to delete it bc he knows she won’t
after lunch Hen x Char go off alone to collect seashells
Hen finds a really pretty spiral shell to give to his mom
Jasper tries to get Ray to at least put on a little sunscreen, but Ray is still being ridiculous
Piper is flying a kite, but Schwoz keeps pestering her about using a new device he created that’s supposed to make the kite fly ten times higher
she lets him do it just to shut him up, but it goes wrong
the string gets cut, and her favorite kite flies away just like the birds did with Hen’s sandwich
she’s furious
Ray jumps between them just in time
a second later and Schwoz would be pummeled
“Look, Paper, I know he’s an idiot, but I kind of need him, so if you could just not kill him, I’d really appreciate it.”
“Its. Piper.”
Hen x Char return from collecting shells and everyone gets back in the water
he won’t let Piper go out in water that reaches any higher than her stomach (she put up a fight but she agreed, not wanting to drink anymore disgusting water)
Jasp x Hen played a game where they’d wait for a big wave and then turn around so that they could fall backwards into it
a fish brushed against Schwoz’ leg, and he tried to jump up on Char to get out of the water
she just dropped him so the he ended up going under right where there was a school of fish
Ray let Char x Piper get on his back so he could tow them around
he also picked them up so he could toss them into the water (playfully, of course)
a fish nibbled Jasper’s foot, and he wanted to catch it so he could bring it home as a pet
no one could catch it, and there was no way of telling which fish it was
Hen got a pretty gnarly sting from a jellyfish, so they all decided it was time to get out of the water
the sun was beginning to set anyway so the others weren’t too upset about getting out 
there was still some food left over from lunch, so Ray made a little campfire and they all ate a light dinner
they watched the sun dip down below the horizon line
the sky turned dark
Ray reached behind his back and pulled out a surprise: s’mores
Hen’s leg was still hurting so Ray handed the s’more fixings to Piper
“Here, Piper. Why don’t you make one for Henry?”
she just stared at him, shocked that he had used her real name for the first time
she didn’t say anything 
she just took the food from Ray and made her brother a s’more just the way she knew he liked it: marshmallow extra crispy, chocolate extra gooey, and graham cracker as is
Ray smiled to himself, knowing Piper’s reaction was bc he’d remembered her name
he didn’t call any attention to it though, knowing neither of them wanted that
they ate their s’mores in comfortable silence
Char noticed Schwoz was smiling mischieviously
“Schwooooooz…..why are you making that face?” 
he just giggled and produced a small guitar from behind his back
everyone groaned
“What? What? Why the not happy sounds?” Ray just rolls his eyes. “Because, Schwoz, no one wants to hear you play.” “Why? What’s wrong with my tunes?” “Your ‘tunes’ sound like a dying cat.” “So does your singing, but I never tell you you can’t.”
he plays anyway and…he’s actually…..really….good???
“Schwoz, where’d you learn to play like that?” “I had lessons.” “When? You never leave the Man Cave?” “………from Lelani….”
Char keeps Ray from jabbing Schwoz with his hot s’mores stick
Schwoz keeps strumming away while they all sit around the campfire, listening to it crackling, listening to the waves crashing against the shore, watching the light flicker on everyone’s faces, watching the smoke from the fire rise up the the stars
the kids almost fell asleep, but Ray got them up and in the car, deciding it was time to go home
he let them get seated while he packed everything up
the kids did fall asleep on the drive home
Ray kept the hood down so the cool night breeze makes its way to everyone
he finds an alternative station that’s playing a slow, soft, hypnotic song that’s perfect for night drives
he keeps checking on everyone in his rear view mirror and smiles big when he sees them all sleeping soundly in the same seating arrangements that had caused problems before
Hen x Piper are leaning against each other when they’d been complaining about being too close before
Jasp is propped against the window, no longer needing to worry about getting car sick since he’s sleeping
Char even let Schwoz use her as a makeshift pillow despite the fact that he drools
Ray turned the radio up a little bit
he drove on under the yellow street lights in the quiet night, listening to the quiet pulsing song, feeling perfectly content and happy
it had been a good day 
Ray wakes up the next morning and screams at the top of his lungs
he’s as red as a stop sign
he got sunburned after all (just as everyone else knew he would)
“Sun: 1 Ray: 0″
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neshabeingchildish · 5 years
So, in true Nesha fashion, I’m gonna go a little bit in a direction that I’m unsure of whether or not it’s what is being sought out, but my interpretation of the prompts. Idk if I’ll keep up with it this week. We’ll see what type of feedback I get about today’s… Which… Anybody paying any attention to me will know that Fluff is not my ministry, but I’ll give it a try. Here is my premise: I am going to take the AU universes that I put out last week and give y’all a drabble for each with this week’s concepts. At least, that’s my goal. So, here goes.
Fantasy  ♡ Full Moon Over Swellview
Jasper handed out Valentines’ cards to everyone in the school that he knew. A lot of people were EXTREMELY happy to get them, to Charlotte’s surprise. They were 16 years old. Who the heck cared about Valentines’ Day Capitalism? Apparently everyone but her. Henry had even made himself a little business on the side, accepting flower gram orders for $3, since the high school didn’t do them anymore after a budget crisis that Captain Man caused.  Charlotte found it appalling that Henry would profit off of a service that he was at leas partially responsible for the school having to give up, but… who was she gonna tell but he and Jasper? Nobody knew that Henry was Kid Danger, and she valued that secret. She’d SOONER tell them that he was a vampire. She wouldn’t tell either.
Whenever she got to her locker, she found a red sack attached to it and sighed, opening it up and looking inside. It was some type of scroll. Trusting no one, she glanced around and when she was convinced that the coast was clear, scanned it to be certain it wasn’t a set up of dark forces. It was just from Jasper. She laughed and opened it. An invitation to a Valentine’s Day dinner. She tossed the scroll and the sack into her locker and yelped when she turned around and Henry was there with a bouquet. “Hey! I got you some flowers!” He said. She put her hand over her heart. “There are A LOT of people who like you. Never would’ve guessed.” She took them and stuffed them in her locker, not even bothering to glance at the cards that went with them. “Wow. So playa,” Henry said, impressed.
“I HATE these aspects of Valetines’ Day!” she complained. “You know… it wasn’t even initially candy and card sales. It was a love lottery for fertility. We should be banging, if we really want to celebrate.”
“I have no problems with that,” he said. She threw him a look. “It’s all in good fun. NOTHING that we celebrate has it’s original meanings. Well… I mean, the rest of us. You’re probably gonna Pagan the heck out of today, huh?”
“No, not really, but I did make something for Jasper, because of the whole  Lupercalia lore.” She could tell from Henry’s face that he had no idea what she was talking about, so she gave him the quick notes, “Old Pagan custom is kinda a part of werewolf history.”
“So, I made him these little Romulus and Remus, feeding on the She Wolf.” Henry’s eyes were wide in confusion. “He will maybe know what it represents and probably like it!” She snapped and slammed her locker. “This holiday is stupid, anyway! Who spends all the time and money that people spend on these things for high school relationships? None of the couples that you unethically charged for flower grams are gonna last.”
“You are the Scrooge of Valentine’s Day,” Henry commented.
“I am the Scrooge of any observation that the Christians stole and remarketed when they were traveling the world killing people for being unbelievers. No offense to the ones that just go to church and go home until they die, but let’s be very factual about how much history and culture that religion has taken and ruined! And in the name of such a progressive miracle working practitioner!”
“How about this? Forget the Christians stealing it and making it about cards and candy and just look at it as a night to get to pet Jasper’s belly and scratch behind his ears by candlelight. That’s what I’m doing.” Henry said. “Nobody hates Christianity more than the vamps. We literally will burst into flames at a crucifix wielded with enough holy hate.” She laughed at the phrase “holy hate.” But… that was a good way to take her mind off of things.
The truth was that a lot of warrior witches lead lonely lives. Battling the evils that defied nature, the ones that misuse nature for their dark purposes, and so on… That almost guaranteed that she couldn’t get close to people, make many friends, or fall in love. The fact that these normals were always “falling in love” only to throw it away in a few months and still made an entire DAY of it was irritating to behold. They took so much for granted all of the time and she was frequently sick of it. But, if she was gonna spend time with her friends, that was at least cool.
Jasper made a setting in the Man Cave for the three of them. He’d of course invited both of the “loves of his life” to this Valentine’s Day event, set the table with stuff that the three of them loved and decorated the place with red and hearts. He got them into their seats and then took his own. “So… I hope that everybody enjoys everything. I wanted to treat you both to something special, because I love both of you and I know that neither of you believe that you’ll ever find love, (both Henry and Charlotte began to try to argue with that assessment) whether or not either of you will admit it. But, I love you both. So, Happy… Day of Love.” He didn’t want to say the “V” word around Charlotte and start a tangent.
“Charlotte’s got a present for you, Dude.” Henry said, reaching out to adjust the bouquet that Jasper had placed in the center of the table. It needed a little bit of work. Jasper looked at Charlotte, excitedly. The “wagging his tail look,” she thought of it as, because if he was in wolf form, she knew that he would be.
“Yeah… It’s probably stupid. You might not even like it, just in observance of this time of year, I made this little display…” She reached into her satchel and pulled out something wrapped in a red fabric. “Actually made from 100% Jasper hair and fur… also wood, from a very sacred tree, to my family… and some crystals that I… had…” She was TRYING not to blabber, because that made the gift even more important, she realized with everything that she said.
He was now looking at the unwrapped thing. Twin boys with hair like his suckling on a lady wolf with twinkling eyes and the word Lupercalia carved into the base. “This is the most beautiful thing that anyone has ever given me,” he said in a small voice. “I love it… and you!” He gave her a hug and a kiss and set it on the table, near the bouquet. “I’m gonna cherish this forever.”
“Henry, I also got YOU a gift!” Henry gasped. He honestly hadn’t expected one! She was SO against it, and as far as he knew, there were no vampire ties to this holiday, and even if there were, she was still pretty anti-vampire, no matter how much she tried to accept him, personally. She pulled out a jewelry box and he opened it to see a glass vile, attached to a necklace with symbols. “Is… is this YOURS?” He asked.
“Yes.” It was super forbidden in her practice to offer her blood to a vampire. Vampires would drain witches dry and discard all remains, in order to keep safe from possible attacks. So, for her to offer it to him was a huge show of faith, and huge sign of love. He rushed to give her a hug and a kiss too, then she helped him put it on. He was never going to take it off.
She wondered, “Did you two get each other anything special?”
Jasper shrugged and said, “I have a pitcher of blood on the table for the feast.
Henry said, “I got him some of those Valentines Day chew toys from the pet store.”
“You two are SO romantic,” she said sarcastically. They laughed, then everybody paused when Ray came in, dressed like cupid and setting food on the table. Charlotte shook her head and said, “Nope.” Then got up from the table.
“Charlotte! You can’t leave now. It’s the feast time! We can do fertility stuff if you want!” Henry called.
“Ray is in a little toga with wings! A LINE HAS BEEN CROSSED!” Truth be told, she was filled up with emotion from everything that had taken place. She just needed to breathe for a moment. Did she wanna see Ray in a toga? Absolutely the entire heck not. But... she was never gonna say that she wasn’t 100% against “doing fertility stuff” with her boys. She blushed, glad that none of them could hear her thoughts.
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