#i want to be fun to her but i don't get being fun
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Reader yelling at Quinn infront of the boys because he didn't give her a goodbye kiss and them making fun of him (all in good fun)
Totally happy to take requests/ideas/prompts at the moment in my ask box :) Writing Masterlist
"Bye, baby, I'll see you after the game," Quinn smiles at you as he says goodbye and you're already leaning your head back, lips pursed waiting for your usual goodbye kiss when he just...walks away...you blink for a minute, taken aback before your brows furrow and you cross your arms, eyes tracking him as he turns his back to you. Following him as he moves towards Garland and some of the other guys.
You let out a purposefully loud cough low in your throat in an attempt to get Quinn's attention, but he's already in an animated conversation with Conor, laughing at something Conor has said. He doesn't turn your way, doesn't even appear to have heard you. It only makes your frown grow, a pout starting to develop because there was no way you were leaving without your goodbye kiss. It simply wasn't happening.
You try one more time to get his attention politely because you are nothing if not polite in your efforts to get the goodbye kiss that you are entitled to. You were raised correctly after all. Moving a few steps closer before you cough again, louder this time, some of the other Canucks looking in your direction but not the one you want. Kiefer and Tyler both starting to grin at the pout on your lips, the fold of your arms, your clear displeasure with your boyfriend, both knowing they were about to witness a highlight of their day.
You take a deep breath in, collecting enough air so that you're next words come out as a shout, loud enough that there is no possibly way Quinn won't hear you.
"Quinitin Jerome Hughes!"
He stops, freezes, turning slowly towards you with wide eyes. He looks as if he's done something terrible, unsure why you're yelling his full government name at him when he just say goodbye to you. The rest of his team watch on with various emotions ranging from their own wide eyed fear of you to amusement, holding back a laugh. Kiefer in particular is biting his lips hard, resisting the urge with everything in him.
"Baby?" If he sounds mildly terrified that's because he is, unsure of what he's done to deserve his full name being called.
"Don't baby me! Aren't you forgetting something?" You give Quinn an expectant look because of course he'll know what he forgot, right? There's no way he'd possibly forget now.
He blinks at you slowly, once, twice before answering unsure and confused, "I love you?"
"My goodbye kiss, Quintin!" You scoff at him, arms dropping to your sides heavily at his apparent disregard for your most important of goodbye rituals.
"Shit, sorry, baby..." He's scrambling over to you despite the laughs behind him as the team watch their captain practically trip over his own feet to get to you.
Still, your upset is all but forgotten when his hands cup your cheeks, melting into his touch as he leans forward to kiss you. It's not as brief as your usual goodbye kiss, like he knows he has to make it up to you, like he knows a quick peck won't be sufficient.
You ignore the wolf whistles, the shouts, the laughs as he kisses you, smiling into the kiss as your arms wrap around his neck to pull him closer. Because this is a goodbye kiss. Lingering, longing, firmly and insistent, the sort of kiss that leaves you a little breathless when Quinn finally pulls back, forehead pressed to your own.
"Forgive me, baby?"
"You're forgiven."
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☆Yandere platonic cult x reader part 1☆

Summary: you and your friends have been forced to go on a trip to Sweden so they could finish their research paper for extra credit, honestly you were just tagging along for the fun of it not having the chance to go out as much as you’d like to, little did you know your stay at the community would be long overdue.
Tw: religious themes, sacrifice, yandere themes, infantization, death, violence, manipulation. the cult is very yandere for you, mental health issues, panic attack,readers friends are rude.
Taglist: @lilyalone, @stove-top96, @shadowytravelerlover
Word count: 8k
“Come on (name)! Hurry up! We ain’t got all day!” You sigh in annoyance as you look towards your friends and yell back, “I’m coming jeez! Jeez, give me a second okay!”
Your friends look at you with an annoyed expression but shrug it off. You carefully pull your luggage out from the trunk of the rental car you all rode in.
Honestly, it was already exhausting enough having to fly in a plane for 6-7 hours straight and the worst part is, is that you didn’t get one ounce of sleep thanks to your friend's snoring.
So not only are you physically exhausted but you're mentally as well. Just great.
You sigh in relief as your finally able to get your last piece of luggage out of the van.
you close the trunk door and decide to observe the scenery around you. It’s magnificent, you think to yourself.
From the tall yellow-like grass to the crops growing nearby filled with vegetables and fruits.
Then there are colorful flowers of all types surrounding the other side of the field, each being carefully taken care of to the fullest extent.
It mesmerized you To be honest, you've never seen anything this beautiful before, the only extent is the park in the middle of your city and even that can never compare to what you are looking at right now. No wonder people say Sweden is one of the most beautiful places to be because it hasn't been tainted by technology.
The sun reflects down onto you and you can feel the heat radiating off of your skin, but luckily there is a strong breeze to soothe that heat, it's perfect weather today you think to yourself as you continue to admire the fields surrounding around you and your friends, it seems like its endless.
“(name)! Get your ass over here! We ain't got time to dilly dally.” your friend says in an annoyed tone.
You snap out of your trance-like gaze and look towards your three friends, you sigh in annoyance as you pick up your backpack and suitcase and walk over back towards them.
���finally took you long enough.” your friend Mia says in annoyance scanning your form in a scrutinizing gaze, she was always the more moody one out of your group of friends, always having a stick up her ass.
She had dark brown curly hair and hazel irises with freckles littering her tan-like face, she was mostly slender having some curves here and there. “sorry I just got distracted by the scenery.”
you mumble annoyed at her attitude, Mia rolls her eyes, and states
“whatever let's get a move on before it hits sundown I want to get this shit over with anyways.”
Your two other friends Jacob and Cady nod reluctantly cady has long ginger hair with freckles and brown eyes while Jacob has dark brown hair with blue eyes and a more slim build.
and thus began your walk down the fields toward the desolate forest ahead.
“Mia, do you even know where we are going? Did the professor even provide us a map at all?”
you ask nervously having this gut feeling that nothing good is going to come ahead but maybe it's just a feeling.
You haven't really traveled outside of the U.S before so maybe it's just the anxiety of being in new places?
“yes actually i do know where we are going, don't be such a scardy pants and yes the professor sent me the map since I am the team leader.”
she taunts you sigh rolling your eyes at her cocky behavior.
You four continue down the long rocky path which results in you taking a look at the surrounding forest.
The forest honestly had humongous trees well bigger than the trees you've seen before when growing up, which caused the tree's height to block out most of the sunlight.
The rocky terrain your walking on looks worn down like it's been used for years which it probably has. What amazes you the most is how many flowers and wildlife are in the forest your walking through.
Youve honestly never seen so many animals in your life just from being here for liek 30 minutes it truly impresses you.
You occasionally glance at some of the logs or cut-down tree stumps next to the path finding interest in whatever inhabitants are abiding in it.
But you shake your head trying not to get to side tracked while you're here.
You're not here to explore the forest or play with the wildlife your here to work, so that's what you're going to do.
After a least an hour of walking and complaining from Cady you four finally arrive at what looks to be like a wooden gate with two strange-looking people standing in front of it with spears and animal like mask?
Okay well that's very creepy, “what the fuck”
you heard your friend jason mutter in absolute disbelief. It seems he was just a shocked as you but it seems like mia is paying no mind to it as she flaunts towards the gait confidently looking over the two guards and their appearance, you do the same but from a safe distance.
They both seem like males that's for sure from their muscular build to the lack of clothing they are wearing, it seems they are wearing on robes with metal plates on their shoulders acting as a shield.
What you also take notice of is both of them have a wolf mask.
What is even more strange, one of the guards has long wavy blonde hair while the other has short dirty blonde hair. Maybe there siblings?
You shake your head trying to rid your thoughts before you start to overthinking, you refocus back on the scene of Mia trying to flirt with the blonde-haired guard.
Which makes your two other friends sigh in annoyance at her behavior.
You three walk over to where mia is standing infront of the two guards, cady then clears he throat in annoyance
“you done mia so we can get a move on?” mia sighs at cady comments and nods her head
“yes in fact i am done i was just conversing with these two gentleman~ here but they've been ignoring me like a brick wall! And the worst part is, is that they won't even let me in!” mia states dramatically, whining like a puny child.
This causes Cady and Jacob to raise their eyebrow in confusion at her statement of not allowing her inside.
“they won’t? Why the hell not did you tell them that we came here for the research paper? Surely the professor notified the community of our arrival right?” Jacob states in pure bewilderment.
“I don't fucking know I tried to tell them! But nothing seems to go through to them! Like i said their brick walls!”
Mia states loudly which causes you to flinch from her tone of voice which of course your friends don't notice as they start to argue acting as if they arent just talking about the guards in front of them.
You sigh ignoring your friend's argument as you decide to step forward toward the two guards
“Hello there! Me and my friends here are here for a research project on your community, i don't know if you are aware of it or not? But could you please let us in?”
You state nervously, finally the guards look towards you and examine you like your a piece of prey, which unnerves you, to say the least.
But what surprises you the most is when the blonde-haired one speaks.
“So you are the one’s the great one has spoken about”
the blonde man states looking at you with a blank and unnerving expression behind the mask not that you could see or notice it though.
“I-i um yes?” you say confused about who the great one is.
The guards notice this and nod reaching to unlock the wooden gate this of course catches the attention of your arguing friends.
They turn to look at the two guards and you with a surprised look but quickly school it to a neutral one not wanting to piss the guards off.
When the gate finally opens to another pathway straight ahead your friends take this opportunity to push past you and the guards and enter the community.
Of course, this startles you to some degree but you quickly are able to reign your cool.
You then quickly thank the guards before rushing after your three friends.
This action very much surprises the guards having been used to rude and disrespectful behavior from “outsiders” so you doing behaving the opposite of disrespectfully is surprising to both guards but it also is nice that there are at least still some good people out there in the corrupted world outside of their sanctuary, its refreshing to say the least.
You sigh tiredly as you finally catch up with your three friends as they continue to walk down the more clean path.
You all finally make it towards what looks like a town square with a fountain in the middle and multiple other houses around it.
The houses look like they are made out of wood with a brick-like roof on the top of most of the houses. Strange you thought to yourself as you continued to examine the center of the community.
But you finally snapped out of your thoughts when Jacob nudges you in the shoulder to grab your attention. Which causes you to turn to look at him curiously.
That's when you notice the multiple stares directed at you and your friends.
You then look towards the source of those stares and find yourself faced with multiple people surrounding you and your friends, all of them having animal-like masks on.
But what catches your attention the most is the tall lady at the center of the people surrounding you.
She seems to be at least 6 feet tall with her long chocolate-like brown hair flowing down her back with her being nothing but dressed in a pure white dress with golden patterns to it that reaches her feet.
That's when you notice she's barefoot as well.
Strange you think to yourself but you snap out of your thoughts again when the lady clears her throat.
“hello their visitors you must be the foreigners our leader has spoken of, we are enlightened to be in your presence i hope you have a wonderful stay here. I will have one of our members show you towards your sleeping quarters.”
and with that before you and your friends coil question her at all she takes her lead with some of the community members following suit behind her.
“That was strange” Cady muttered anxiously “Yeah no shit” Mia states looking at the community members in a scrutinizing gaze.
You sigh ignoring your friends' spiteful comments, you then hear someone clear their throat which stops your friend's rant.
“if you all are done, I will be showing you to your sleeping quarters.”
you then gaze at the person speaking in a monotone like voice and are met with a tall slim man dressed in a similar fashion to the other community members just with a cow like mask to his face.
Your friends clearly embarrassed clear their throats and mutter a quick apology before returning their gazes to the man.
The man nods approvingly paying them no mind as he starts to walk down the town square, towards where you four will presumably be staying.
You and your friends follow after him at a steady pace.
Of course, you are more distracted than your other three friends, with the agriculture the community has to offer.
This annoys your friends of course but they do not say anything about it.
You four continue to walk down the cement path trailing behind the man. You all start to walk more towards the outskirts area of the community.
after a few more minutes of walking you four come face to face with a cabin-like structure that’s smaller than the houses the community has to offer.
It has a rustic type look with cobwebs poking out on the outside of the porch.
The porch in itself looks like it could've seen better days with some chipped wood poking out with dents on it.
It clearly looks like it has not had inhabitants for years now.
The condition of the cabin causes your friends especially Mia to grimace in disgust.
“Is this seriously what we have to stay in!” Mia states loudly, glaring at the man.
This causes the man to turn back towards her looking at her as if she's a spec of dirt underneath his shoe.
“Would you like to say that again?” he says coldly which causes Mia to flinch as she stutters out “I-I u-um N-never m-mind.”
the man then scoffs but pays her no mind as he walks towards the cabin.
You sigh as you reluctantly follow after him with your three shell-shocked friends. You both stand behind him as he unlocks the door with a wooden-like key, he opens it and motions you all to step inside.
Mia then sighs and steps inside first followed by cady and josh then yourself once you enter you take a good look at the interior presented in front of you.
Its old thats for sure from the rustic interior and the dusty floor all the way to the cobwebs littering the place with broken furniture and a animal like rug placed infront of the living room randomly.
Alomsot like someone didint even want to bother to atleast hide it or place it correctly.
Mia sneers at the predicament clearly unsatisfied with the conditions presented to her. “What the fuck is this shit show?”
she esclaims loudly which causes you to flinch at her loud outburst which doesnt go unnoticed by the man.
He glares at her disapproingly “i suggest you lower your voice and watch your language young lady that is no way to speak to your elders.”
he says calmly but with a hint of annoyance to his tone.
Mia looks baffled by the way he is treating her like some sort of child which of course angers her causing her face to heat up in embarrassment.
Cady and jacob start giggling at her sudden embarrassment finding it amusing that their friend is getting put in her place. You sigh at mia’s obvious childish behavior.
“I apologize for mia’s childish behavior she shouldnt have acted out like that.’”
you say with a tired tone looking at the man waiting for at least a irritated or unbothered response instead your surprised when his gaze softens towards you “oh its alright honey you friends are vert rumbunchs but nothing that we can’t handle”
he says softly with an almost fatherly look in his eyes from what you can tell.
This causes you to flinch not used to nicknames you stutter out an embarsset response which of course he notices and chuckles in amusement.
“your a shy thing arent ya? It’s very cute.” he says in a playful tone which causes you to blush in embarrassment.
Your friends awkwardly stand by as the conversation between you and the man unfolds, Mia then butts in and clears her throat before looking at the man “I think we're fine here its starting to get dark and we still have to unpack.”
she states in an annoyed tone clearly not wanting to be around the man any longer than she had to.
This of course disappoints you having enjoyed the man's company but you push the feelings aside.
The man turns around again to face mia and stares at her indifferently “Very well then have a good night and please if you all need anything, just ask you are our guests after all,”
he says in a dark tone which causes shivers to run up your spine but you shake it.
finally the man exists through the front door leaving you and your friends in a tense silence.
“Well, that was creepy.” Cady says with a nervous tone to her voice.
Jacob nods his head in agreement “Yeah no fucking kidding this whole place is giving off bad vibes and the way they talk to us is patronizing.”
Jacob said in an annoyed tone clearly irritated by the whole ordeal.
“let's calm down okay? How about we start unpacking our stuff and get a good look at this place?”
i say with a skittish tone trying to calm down the clearly pliable tension.
“Fine whatever” cady states as she puts her duffle bag and suitcase on the ground and moves towards the kitchen.
Jacob does the same following behind Cady which leaves you and Mia alone.
“Mia you okay?” I say in a worried tone not used to Mia being so quiet throughout the whole ordeal. “ yeah I'm fine.”
she says in an annoyed tone which causes you to flinch.
It doesn't go unnoticed by Mia as she smirks in response, she then turns around towards the old couches and places her backpack, duffle bag, and suitcase on the dusty couch.
You sigh setting down your luggage near hers as you decide to explore, not wanting to make the tension worse.
You decided on going down the hallway nearest to the kitchen, deciding its the best option to explore first. You could find some bedrooms, This cabin is pretty big after all.
You sigh as you slowly start to trudge down the dark hallway you finally approach what looks to be an old door clearly worn down from the lack of usage.
You reach your hand out to grab the door nob but before you can you hear a loud bang coming from the kitchen which causes you to jump in surprise. You rush back towards the kitchen panting.
“What was that noise what happened.” you say in worry, only for Cady and Jacob to laugh.
“jeez such a scardy pants, aren't you? Dont worry, Jacob just accidentally dropped the pan we were gonna use to cook.”
Cady says in a teasing tone while she playfully smacks Jacob on the shoulder. Jacob sighs, annoyed and glares at her which earns another laugh from Cady.
You sigh in relief “s-sorry just something about this place keeps me on edge,” you say as you try to laugh it off to lighten the atmosphere.
Which of course doesn’t work as Cary shakes her head In Amusement before turning back around to start cooking.
You sigh in annoyance as you leave the kitchen, deciding to at least find a bedroom you can lie in, completely forgetting about the door you were previously going to open.
You walk down the opposite hallway and finally find one of the bedrooms, which is pretty extravagant to say the least compared to the rest of the house.
You look at it in shock, from the pure red blood bed sheets with golden tips to the golden headboard with silver butterfly piercings indented into it.
Then, there's the pure white carpet placed in the center of the room. Finally, there is a wooden closet at the end of the room.
You gasp in shock at how pretty it is before taking notice of the basket of fruit placed directly on the bed. You tilt your head in confusion before finally entering the room.
You approach the basket placed on the bed and finally take notice on a note placed next to it, written in another language.
Whatever you think to yourself as you decide, you should show the rest of your friends the basket.
“Hey guys I found this basket in one of the bedrooms!”
You say as you finally enter the kitchen, which causes Cady and Jacob to turn their heads towards me in curiosity. “Oh, you did What's in it? Let me see,”
Jacob says as he snatches the basket from your hands and searches through it.
Cady sighs in annoyance at his eager behavior.
“Damn it theirs nothing interesting in here just a bunch of fruit and crap.” jacob sighs in annoyance and throws the basket back towards me which causes me to stumble and catch it.
Cady glares at jacob “ stop being an ass jacob” jacob rolls his eyes and mumbkes a whatever before getting back to cooking with cady.
You sigh as you exit the kitchen and enter the living room. You place down the basket next to Mia.
you notice her annoyed expression. “Whats wrong Mia?” mia look towards you and shakes her head in defeat “i cant get any damn service out here!”
you chuckle at her whining behavior in return she pouts towards you but finally takes notice of the basket next to you both “whats that?” she says as she points towards the basket.
“It's just something I found in one of the bedrooms I came across while exploring i dont think it has anything interesting in it all it has is fresh fruit.”
Mia sighs and nods before standing up to grab her backpack and open her laptop and grab her papers.
“since dinner's cooking do you wanna help me fill out these papers, the professor said we had to document everything so might as well start.”
you nod your head in agreement mumbling a sure before being handed a few papers to help fill out.
Finally, for what seems like an hour, cady comes back towards you both to inform you guys dinner is ready which causes you and Mia to sigh in relief.
You both make your way towards the kitchen, which has four plates of pasta placed out on the counter for you all to grab you and mia mutter a thanks as you make you way back towards the couch to coutinue your work, which leaves Cady and Jacob to eat together.
After three more hours of work you and mia finally completed the worksheets needed for today sighing in relief you then state
“I’m going to go and get ready for bed ill see you tommrow mia, dont try and overwork yourself okay? You need to get rest as well since we have a busy day tomorrow.”
mia sighs in annoyance at your worry and nods “yeah yeah dont worry about me just get to bed sleepy head”
you sigh at her nickname and nod your head in amusement as you rab your luggage from the couch and make your way to one of the bedrooms in the cabin.
You pass Jacobs and Cady's room, them having already fallen asleep beforehand.
You finally approach the bedroom you explored beforehand, having decided you'll just sleep in there for the night.
But before you can enter, you hear a strange noise coming from inside,which causes you to halt in your footsteps.
Suddenly, you feel like you're being watched, which causes a shiver to go down your spine. You shake off the feeling before finally entering the bedroom again.
You place down your luggage next to the wooden closet. You sigh as you crouch down next to your suitcase and open it to grab a fresh pair of pajamas and your medication for the night.
You finally finish changing as you hop into bed, laying down on the plush pillows You reluctantly try to fall asleep.
You still feel like you're being watched, but this time, you can't brush the feeling off, which heightens your anxiety.
But after an hour of staying awake, you finally fall asleep only to be woken up again by the noise of the door to the bedroom being opened, which causes you to freeze, you then hear quiet footsteps approach your bed which causes you to hold your breath silently.
You then feel a cold hand on your forehead caressing you like a parent would to your child as the figure starts to hum a soft lullaby which reluctantly causes you to drift back asleep.
But before you fall asleep you hear one last word from the person “dont worry baby youll be home soon.” but before you can process the words you fall asleep.
You yawn as you open your eyes to the sun drifting into the room through the slightly cracked window placed next to your bed.
You rub your eyes in exhaustment as you sit up to look around in the room. What catches your attention though is the piece stuffed animal placed next to your bedside table.
You widden your eyes at the plush lamb finding it absolutely cute your carefully pick it up and inspect it before placing it down on your bed deciding to keep it.
You stand up from the bed ad yawn walking towards your suitcase to grab your clothes.
You finally finish changing and step out of your bedroom as you walk towards the kitchen were jacob and cady are up conversing while mia is doing her makeup in the living room.
“Hey sleepyhead did you sleep well?”
cady says in amusement which causes you to nod hesotantly still thinking abou the events that happened last night.
“well we got a busy day today so you better be prepared to walk alot!”
jacob says as he bites out of a piece of bacon presented on the counters which you nod in agreement.
Mia finally exits the living room “are you guys ready to go? I already have the gear ready so we can document.” you, cady and jacob nod in agreement.
You then go towards the living room to grab some of the gear with the help of Jacob and cady.
You all then exit the cabin and walk down the same long pathway towards the town square of the community.
You sigh in relief as you all finally enter the twon square which causes the commonity members to stare at you all as you enter.
“what’s first on the list of stuff we have to do?” you ask in curiosity “well first we have to gather information on the resources they grow and make here so maybe we hould interview some of the farmers first?”
mia says qustionly, you nod your head in agreement. Jacob and Cady also nod their head, agreeing with Mia.
“alright then, off to the fields we go!” mia says as she approaches a female wearing a lamb mask. “excuse me Ms. if you dont mind could you point us in the direction of the feilds were the farmers work?” mia asks confidently which causes the female to nod and point ahead downanother path.
Mia mutters a thank you and walks off. You three follow behind her as you examine your surroundings.
But you can't help but feel like you're being watched again, which causes you to look around frantically, paranoia creeping up on you.
Finally, after a long walk, you four make it to the grass fields were some community members farm fruit and vegetables. This amazes you, to say the least, on how much effort these people put in to keep the community afloat.
“Okay, (name) you can stay here while we go and interview some of the farmers. Don't wander off, okay?”
You nod in agreement as your friends walk ahead and leave you on your own. But something catches your attention.
A community member struggling with a basket of fruit. You rush over to help her with the basket as you help her put it down.
Then you take notice of how old she looks and a worry look crosses your face.
“oh well thank you dearie for the help my old back hasnt been like it used to be when i was younger.” the woman says in a motherly tone smiling warmly at you behind the tiger mask over her face.
“Its no problem, ma’am im just glad i could help. Is your back okay?” you say in a worried tone. Which causes her to chuckle in amusement. “Oh, im perfectly fine dearie ive been through worse but i do appreciate your help this is the first time outsiders have been as nice as you.” you stare at her in confusion at her statement which causes her tone to turn solemnly.
“we haven’t had the best experience with outsiders as a whole. There have been few that have been here before hand that werent the nicest but of course, we took care of them!”
you look at her sympathetically, but her last sentence catches you off guard. What could she have meant by that? But before you could ask her, she was already walking away.
You sigh in annoyance but shrug it off, deciding to sit down in the grass fields and wait patiently for your friends to return. Hopefully, they’ll be back soon, you think to yourself as you gaze up at the sun.
fiddling with the dandelion in your hand as you slowly start to doze off. But before you could fully fall aslee,p you feel a small tug on your shirt.
And you're surprised to be faced with a child no older than 6 sitting next to you and fiddling with your shirt. You hadn't even heard him approach you. But you smile softly at him, which causes the little boy to flinch.
From what you can tell, he has strawberry-blonde hair and blue eyes with the same white dress that you see all the other members wear he also wears a bird like mask on his face.
“hi, little one do you need something?” you say in an affectionate tone.
You always did have a soft spot for kids. He looks up at you in wonder before muttering, “I... I like your s-shirt,” he says timidly, which causes you to soften your gaze at his timid nature.
You carefully pick him up and set him in your lap.
He continues to fiddle with your shirt as he cuddles against you, which causes you to chuckle as you comb your fingers through his silky soft hair.
He cuddles closer to you before finally falling asleep. The scene just looks to serene and feels so peaceful.
You don't remember the last time you felt like this. Felt at peace.
But of course that peace has to be interrupted at some point as your about to close your eyes, you hear the talking if your friends as they approach you.
I guess they finished you think to yourself.
The noise causes the little boy to wake up in confusion but when he sees your friends approaching his grip on your shirt tightens as he galres at them This suprises you of course.
Your friends stop in their tracks as they quietly wisper to each other but to break the tense silence,e you wave them over.
They hesitantly approach causing the little boy to glare even more,e but he still grips onto your shirt.
“hey guys, are you done doing interviews with the farmers?” you say hesitantly trying to ease the tension forming. “yeah, we finished.” Jacob says sharply, and you can sense hes on edge, which causes you to furrow your brows in concern.
“Did something happen? You all seem..tense.” you say in concern as you inspect them. “Well-” but before Jacob could finish what he was saying Mia interrupted him sending a glare to jacob “nothing happened, so you dont need to worry now lets continue our interview so we can get it done before the so-called banquet we were invited to tonight.”
Mia says in a snipped tone clearly not wanting to waste any more time. You flinch at her harsh tone and nod reluctantly in agreement.
Your flinch doesn't go unnoticed by the little boy though as he glares even harder at your friends.
Of course, this goes unnoticed by you, but your friends do clearly notice and their shoulders tense at the harsh glare the boy is receiving to them.
You grab the little boy and place him off of your lap and stand up and dust the grass off your clothes. This causes the boy to pout behind the mask, having wanted to stay next to you a little more longer. But he doesn't voice this because he doesn't want to upset you, you ruffle his hair as you turn to face your friends as you happily converse with them.
But unnoticed to you the boy is having an inner turmoil of his own. Why do they have to capture your attention.
You shouldnt even be looking in their direction your friends are just a waste of space, not worthy of your presence because your his, his sister and he would be damned to let these insects ruin that.
Mama always have said outsiders are nasty people and now hes starting to believe it. But he hopes you can stay here forever with him and the community. Hes sure youd be very very happy.
Plus it's not like you’d miss your own boring life anyways right? You could have everything you need here. A loving community that is ready to do whatever it takes to keep you. And he hopes that that's what his community decides to do. Because he wants you to stay no matter what it takes.
You're extremely tired after four long hours of interviews and interactions with the other community members, you're finally glad the banquet came around the corner faster than expected because you were starting to grow extremely hungry.
Of course you weren’t the only one you noticed how antsy Jacob has been getting, clearly he’s hungry as well.
But the strange is that the little boy from earlier has been following you like a lost puppy which is cute of course but it still bothers you that his parents havent come looking for him at all and when you asked him he just said
“mama and papa are just busy! But thdey know im safe!” which of course has you smiling in relief but you still held that sense of worry.
As the hours stretched on your finally learnt his name, it was Abner. It was a cute name to say the least. But back to the present at hand, you four finally finished all interview needed for the first day and were getting ready for the banquet at 9:00. Which of course, Mia told us we had to dress “presentable” whatever the hell that means.
Of course, you didnt pack anything presentable to her standards so you opted for a black dress shirt and some formal pants with sneakers.
You sigh in contempt as you finally finish brushing out your hair and styling it.
You then exit your room. Then head towards the living room to wait for the rest of your friends to finish getting ready. You then spot jacob already dressed and ready to go as he scrolls on his phone.
Your smile softens when yo see him you then take a seat next to him on the old couch. He notices your presence and smirks “ look at you all fancy looking you look hot.” he jokes as you nudge him in the shoulder, playfully muttering a shut up.
After 30 more minutes of waiting Mia and Cady finally enter the room in ruffles dresses and high heels you sigh and roll your eyes at their so called “presentable outfit” “that’s what you all are gonna wear its not a ball you know?” you say jokily which earns you a galre from Mia and a scoff.
You chuckle again, putting your hands up in mock surrender but before mia could respond cady cuts in.
“stop teasing okay? We have to get a move on so we wont be late we are meeting with the leaders of this so called community. So we have to make a good impresion so we can get as much information as possible so we can pass this extra credit.”
Cady states sternly which causes you all to nod your heads reluctantly in agreement. Not wanting to argue any further you and jacob stand up and make your way to the front door ready to go, cady and mia follow behind you two.
You four exit the cabin and make you way down the path leading towards the community center. You look up towards the moon shining down on all of you.
You’ve always been fascinated by the moon and how it reflects. In your opinion, you say its absolutely beautiful everything about this place is beautiful
Finally, after minutes of walking, you all arrive at the community center and walk towards another pathway leading towards the great hall, an imposing structure that is made out of wood.
After 5 minutes of walking, you all finally arrived at the entrance of the great hall You can see the light peeking out from the large imposing door.
You four walk up the wooden stairs, and Jacob opens the wooden door allowing you three to enter in first.
Mia goes in first then cady, then you as you finally enter the great hall you are in awe at the scenery and design of the place.
From the flower decorations hung up on the walls to the candles and fruits then their is white tablecloth placed on the tables with a bunch of fresh food.
From chicken and beef to vegetables and fruit. All sorts of varieties littered the table which makes your mouth water and your stomach grumble in hunger.
You then take notice of the statue of a naked man standing at the end of the room with a large star like window placed behind him.
It's amazing how people who only depended on natural resources could make all of this happen.
Then you noticed the hundreds, maybe thousands of stairs boring into your back. You look around, finally noticing the community members are not only staring at your friends but specifically at you. Which creeps you out, to say the least.
But what shocks you even more is the 6 imposing figures placed infront of the imposing statue placed infront of the star window. To say they are intimidating is an underestimating it, they loom absolutely terrifying.
But one of the members you recognize as the pretty lady from yesterday which makes you widen your eyes in shock. She catches your gaze a smiles softly standing up to approach you.
You stagger back in shock to shocked to speak “hello its nice to see you again foreigner i would like to request that you join us for supper our leader would like to formally meet you as well as our officials.”
You look at her in shock but realize that you don't have any room for argument, noticing the serious tone her voice holds.
So, with a heavy heart, you nod in agreement, which causes her to light up and smile warmly. She grabs your arm and pulls you forward which causes you to stagger back.
But you reluctantly follow her to the table she pulls the chair out for you and allows you to sit down next to a very tall man. She then takes her seat next to you
“our leader will be here very soon so please dont mind his tartiness. Oh! I never got to introduce myself! My name is Ezra! Whats your name little one.” you pause deciding whether or not it would be a good idea to tell her but you decide to.
“My name is (name).” you say timidly, which causes the female to coo at your shy nature. Which causes you to blush in embarrassment with earns a chuckle from the other 5 officals. Which makes you blush even more in embarrassment.
But before you could respond a the great hall door slams opens as the gaurds from yesterday are stationed next it, bowing to what seems like a very large man maybe 7 feet tall? With long dark white hair that looks almost unnatural, he is wearing something totally different a robe with golden pattern designs with black dress shoes with golden designs as well.
He wears a bear mask, and from what you can tell, he is very muscular and has baby-blue eyes.
This unnerves you, to say the least. He's very intimidating, with a golden robe hanging off the side of his shoulder, and his steps seem precise and planned.
This also unnerves your friends as they glance nervously at you. But you notice the man is staring right at you. His eyes bore into your very soul with an intensity that is so extreme that it makes you uncomfortable. What is his problem?
You think to yourself, nervously picking at your skin as the man approaches with steady footsteps, as all the community members stand up to bow before his presence like he's some sort of god.
This unnerves you even more as his eyes continue to bore into you, analyzing every twitch and breath you make.
Finally he arrives at your table, standing right infront of you, ezra then stands up and bows the official sitting on the right of you does the same thing so does the other four officials.
But he doesn't respond to their formal behavior as he continues to stare at you motionlessly as you anziously pick at your skin.
He then reaches out and imoblizes your wrist from continuing to pick at your skin this leaves you in shock as you freeze in anxiety.
You can clearly see the size difference between the two of you. His hand can fit fully around your wrist like he could easily snap it at any time which scares you to say the least.
His intimidating frame adds even more to the tense atmosphere “ dont do that anymore child; you'll hurt your delicate skin, and we dont want that do we?” he says in a very soft tone which surprises you to say the least, not expecting his voice to sound so soft and velvety.
Which comforts you to some extent that hes not trying to intentionally scare you.
But he keeps a form hand on your wrist letting you know that he won't be letting go of it any time soon.
“I-i just do it out of habit i cant really control it sometimes when im really anxious.” you mutter timidly, not daring to face his gaze as he stares intently into you.
His gaze softens slightly, and he rubs circles into your wrist to soothe your growing anxiety.
Which doesn't exactly work as you can still feel him staring into you, including all the community members and your friends.
You’ve never liked being the center of attention so you're surprised you haven't gone into a full blown anxiety attack right now.
Maybe it's the way he's trying to ground you that prevents that from happening. You don't know, and you don't care you just want to get this over with so you can get back into that comfy bed and sleep.
But before you can dwell on the thoughts plaguing your mind you feel the mans hand let go of your wrist. He turns around to look at everyone else with a calculating look before that look softens to a more serene expression. “ let the feast begin!” he shouts.
He then walks over towards the seat standing right next to the statue. The chair looks more like a throne than anything with its golden pattern designs and the red velvet texture to it, you would think a king would sit on it.
You sigh as you snap out of your thoughts when a plate of food is placed infront of you with apple juice? The food looks absoulty delicious on your part.
From the perifcally roasted beaf with mash potatoes and vegetables on the side to the white rice with chicken in it. Damn you mutter under your breath as your mouth starts to salvate.
But then you take a look around and notice all the adults oncluding your freinds got some type of alcoholic beverage but you just got apple juice.
Thats weird you think to yourself but shrug it off not wanting to dwell on something not worth your time.
You start to dig into your food quickly which causes ezra to chuckle in amusement a she Coos at you.
“Don't eat so fast honey, we don't want you to choke do we?” this causes you to blush I. Emmbaresment putting your hea down in shame which causes her to chuckle even more. But when you took a sip of th apple juice it tasted very sour.
Which is weird but you shrug it off not bothering to worry about it but before you could take another bite, the chattering decreased in the great hall as the leader stans up to approach the center of the room, this of course catches your attention instantly.
“Brothers, and sisters daughters and mothers, fathers and sons tonight our banquet has been honored by the cesilatial god himself to bestow us and our community a blessing and so to thank him we will preform our ceremonial sacrificial ritual for our god and our guests as a thanks.”
he says in a soothing tone and you can tell his voice has a deep effect on these people her from their adoring looks to their devotion you can feel radiating off of them. It awes and unnerves you at the same time.
But what do they mean by a sacrafical ritual?
You think to yourself as you anxiety starts to grow. You look towards you friends who are sitting at a table near you and you also notice their anxious expressions.
But before you could dwell more on your thoughst the great hall door opens as two of the guards carry in a struggling woman.
Which makes you widen your eyes in shock and horror. The guards put down the woman oto the cement like structure of the statue and tie her in place.
Then you notice another community member come in with a large tray of candles a book and a dagger.
This unnerves you even more as you start to shakinly pick at your skin from the growing anxiety creeping up onto you.
What the fuck…what the fuck are they going to do to that poor woman. You think to yourself as you stare in horror at her as she screams and struggles and pleads.
This causes you to close your eyes and put your hands over your ears. You take shaking breaths as you feel an oncoming panic attack. But of course your friends don’t notice or are to shocked to care.
You return you sight to the scenes I front of you as the woman pleads but it falls on death ear as the leader grabs the dagger from the tray
“låt dem vara ljusa och låt vår gud ge dig gåvan av evigt stycke unge” he says to the woman before impaling the dagger in her lower stomach then into her right breast and finally into her forehead the blood from the stand leaks out of her lifeless limp body onto the floor.
You feel like your going to throw up as the community members stand up to clap in celebration like what he did was completely normal.
And you can’t hold it back anymore you dip down and realealse all what was in your stomach to begin with. You gag at the smell and pant feeling tears rolling down your eyes. Then you notice everyone is looking at you now again.
You need to get out of here now you think to yourself as you eyes look up towards your friends who are as equally shocked and disturbed at what took place.
But before you could say or do anything you feel the tightening hold of Ezra rubbing your back soothingly this disturbed you even more at how calm she could be when just witnessing a murder!
You can’t seem to wrap your head around it and your heart is pounding so fast you think you’d have a heart attack any second and maybe that would be for the better because you don’t know what’s going to happen next and you don’t want to find out.
You just need to get out of here now no matter what it takes you refuse to die.
Authors note: y’all I work so hard on this sooo please comment and like a lot I would like this to reach at least 1,000 likes that would be the world to me and I definitely am going to make part 2 which is way more darker and that’s where the more intense Yandere behavior comes in!
#yandere platonic#yandere#yandere cult leader#yandere cult#sweden#infantilism#infintalization#yandere x reader
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Hit Different | Eren Jaeger 𝜗𝜚 part deux
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ Eren meets his match when Ymir's cousin crashes into his life. Classic playboy meets maneater. ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
𖹭.ᐟ modern aot verse! college au!
The sun is a personal attack. Why the hell does it have to be so damn bright right now? You groan, burrowing deeper into the mess of blankets, only to realize—you don’t remember getting into bed. Hell, you barely even remember leaving the party. Your head throbs in protest as you peel open your eyes, met with unfamiliar floral-patterned sheets and a very judgmental Ymir sitting cross-legged at the foot of the bed, scrolling through her phone.
“Look who’s finally up,” she monotonously spews, not even glancing at you, just tap, tapping away at her phone. “Thought I was gonna have to throw water on you.”
You blink, sluggish, trying to piece together the events of last night. “Where am I?” Your voice is hoarse, like you swallowed an entire desert. You somehow still taste tequila on your tongue, with the little remnants of your pineapple juice chaser.
"Our guest room, dumb ass. Had to carry your ass in here when you passed out in our bed after I dragged your ass out of that party.” Ymir finally looks up, raising a sharp brow. “Speaking of—what the fuck was that with Eren?”
Your stomach does an annoying little flip, but you mask it with a slow stretch, feigning nonchalance. “Dunno what you’re talking about.”
Ymir scoffs. “Oh, please. The sexual tension in that kitchen could’ve powered the whole damn party.” She looks at you with an obvious look on her face, as if to say, 'don't fuckin play in my face like I'm stupid and blind'. “Dude was looking at you like he wanted to either fuck you or fight you. Maybe both.”
You snort, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. You notice your lashes were taken off, now on the dresser next to you. “Not my fault he’s got a staring problem.”
"Right. So you just happened to flirt with Jean all night while Eren practically set him on fire with his mind?"
Before you can answer, Historia walks in looking suspiciously awake for someone who was blackout drunk last night. She holds out a bottle of water and some aspirin like she does this every weekend. "You look like shit," she chirps.
"Good morning to you too," you mumble, snatching the water and chugging it.
“Did you check your phone yet?” Historia asks, perching on the bed beside you as she holds out the tiny pain killers. Taking them from her hand, you toss them into your mouth, swallowing quickly.
A slight sense of dread creeps in. “No? Why?”
Ymir smirks, flipping her phone screen toward you, showing a group chat notification. Connie added Eren to 'Brunch, Bitches'. You groan at the sight of the name, flopping back onto the pillows. Of course. Because why wouldn’t fate be a petty little shit?
Meanwhileeee— Eren wakes up to a headache and text from Connie like he does every Sunday morning.
Connie: Lmao, you tryna get brunch? Eren: Why the fuck would I do that? Connie: Bc ur little crushy crush is gonna be there 😉 Eren: Blocked Connie: Damn bro just pull up, it’ll be fun
Eren stares at his phone, jaw tight, remembering the way you looked at him last night—how you didn’t look at him until the very last second. His grip tightens on his phone. Fuck it.
Connie: Yo, brunch at that spot on 3rd? You guys down?
Ymir: I’m always down for food, babe. But don't tell me we're going to that weird place again with the mismatched plates.
Eren: 😑 It’s good. Stop being a snob.
Connie: I’ll pass on the weird plates place if you bring your cousin,, I still don’t have her number lol
Ymir: lmao what do you mean you don’t have her number?
Connie: Yeahhhh I haven't actually talked to her much,, she kinda makes me scared 😅
Eren: 🙄 You mean you're scared she’ll turn you down like the others?
Connie: Stfu says the one who threw a tantrum cuz she was flirting with Jean ✋🏽🤨
Eren: ... I'm bouta leave ts.
Connie: Yeah that's what I thought ho!
Ymir: ugh. you two stop being dramatic. I'll bring her if she's not too dead
Ymir added y/n to Brunch, Bitches
Connie: Sounds good to me. Jean can’t make it,, btw. He has work. Told him to leave his ass at the office 🙄
Eren: His loss. Those pancakes are gonna smack, I'm ready asl.
Ymir: same. you guys better be on time this time. 😒
Connie: No promises 🙈😜😚😚🦧
"So we're all just showing up in pajamas huh?" Ymir stands in the doorway of the room, watching as you lazily curl your lashes, leaning against the headboard in their room.
"Yup," you answer, picking up your mascara and applying a coat. "Besides, this is a track suit. It's like multipurpose."
Ymir raises an eyebrow, crossing her arms as she leans against the doorframe. “A track suit, huh? I mean, I guess it does have boujie y2k bitch written all over it...”
You smile, finishing the last stroke of mascara and setting the wand back in the tube with a twist. “Exactly. It's basically brunch attire and I could probably go for a run after if I felt like it. Double duty, extra fruity.”
She snorts, shaking her head as she pushes herself off the door frame. “Yeah, sure, but I’m pretty sure the only thing you’re running for today is the nearest mimosa.”
"And you're running into the nearest Hot Topic wearing that damn flannel and sweats." You playfully quip back, tossing the pillow on your lap at your cousin.
"Somebody say something about my flannel?" Historia's soft voice rings into the room as she steps out of the bathroom, hands busy tying her hair into a messy bun. Her eyes are wide and confused, making you smile at her naivety.
Your eyes dart down to the flannel pajama bottoms she wears. "Can you two get any gayer?? Matching flannel to brunch? Really?"
Ymir lets out a bellow, her hand resting on the back of Historia's neck as she kisses the top of her head, causing Historia's eyes to shut as she beams a content smile. "Mad cause we're in loooooveeee?"
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever, lesbians. I'd be gay too if I had a choice," you roll your eyes sardonically as you stand up and slip your uggs on.
"Oh hell no, we don't need any evil femmes. Regina George is that cautionary tale. Stay being straight, the male population needs their repercussions."
You laugh, zipping your sweater up halfway. "I think the world is far better off with a few evil femmes, if I’m being honest. Less competition, more fun."
Ymir grins, lazily shoving her feet into her sneakers. "Exactly. You get it."
Historia chuckles softly from where she stands by the bathroom mirror, finishing up with her hair. "You look like you stepped out of a 2000's paparazzi photo."
You shoot her a dirty look but can’t suppress the childish smile that creeps onto your face. "Yeah, well, at least I’m not going out looking like a damn lumberjack." You point a finger between the two girls.
Ymir twirls around dramatically, causing the flannel to swish with her movement. "Heyyy, leave my lumberjack alone, you know she loves to climb trees."
"Gross, I don't wanna hear my cousin say nasty flirty shit with her girlfriend, Miri. Save your kinky lumberjack fantasy for the bedroom." You hold a hand up as you step out of the couple's room.
Ymir bursts out laughing, following you down the hallway, while Historia’s face flushes a soft pink. "You're the one who started it," Ymir teases, nudging you with her elbow.
You groan dramatically. "Yeah, well, I should’ve known better than to walk into this disaster of a relationship." Throwing yourself onto their couch, you mindlessly scroll through your phone. “Why does it always feel like I’m the third wheel?”
"Because you are our third wheel?" Ymir says like it's obvious, which it is really. "But it's okay we don't mind being a tricycle sometimes." Taking a seat at the other end of the couch, she props her feet up on your lap.
Historia follows behind Ymir, still trying to hide her smile. "We’re not that bad, are we?"
"You're like an over-the-top romcom couple," you retort, rolling your eyes playfully. "But like, one of those ones that you can’t fully hate because they’re just so damn cute."
Ymir, who’s still grinning, tosses a pillow at you. "Hey, we’re adorable, and you know it."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." You place the pillow under Ymir's feet, not wanting her beat up converse to dirty the gray cotton sweats you were wearing. You were going for low effort, not slob. "Just don’t bring your cheesy couple energy into brunch. I’m not in the mood to be the only one single at the table."
"Oh, please, you’ll be just fine," Historia says with a wink as she slides her crocs on. "And besides, who says you have to stay single? You’ve got options. Plenty really. If you actually stopped with these maneater shenanigans." She nudges you gently, giving you a look more serious than you'd like.
You scoff, locking your phone and tossing it aside, letting it bounce on the couch before it finds a snug spot by Ymir's leg. "Maneater shenanigans? Excuse me, I prefer to call it ‘strategic non-attachment.’ Sounds way more sophisticated." Your nose sticks up in the air in a playfully bratty way, lips forming into a pout.
Historia rolls her eyes as she zips up her sweater, the ziiiiip sound loud just to be extra dramatic. "Sounds like a fancy way to say ‘terrified of commitment.’"
Ymir hums in agreement, stretching her arms behind her head. "Right? Like, you’re out here collecting numbers like Pokémon cards, but let a dude actually like you, and suddenly, it’s ‘ew, feelings.’" She sticks her tongue out in fake disgust as she mocks your tone, making you roll your eyes.
You lazily point at her, feigning offense. "First of all, rude, I don't sound like that at all, cunt. Second of all, you know my philosophy; love is a scam, and I refuse to be a victim."
Historia snorts, grabbing her bag, the plethora of keychains clanging together and making an off-sound symphony of metal, letting anyone in a mile radius know that she picked it up. "Tell that to Eren, who was practically following you around at the party like a lost puppy."
"He’s a player, remember? He’s got a new flavor of the week by now, I’m sure." Your face stays neutral, but the way you grab your phone a little too quickly does not go unnoticed by the girls' sharp eyes. "Anyway," you say, standing up, "we should go before Connie loses his damn mind. He’s already sent, like, three where are you texts."
Ymir smirks, but doesn’t push the topic. "Fine, fine. Let’s roll out, Breakfast Club."
“Dude, you look like hell.”
Eren groans, standing in Connie’s kitchen, nursing a lukewarm fruit punch Gatorade like it's the last drop of hydration on earth. His hoodie is wrinkled, his hair a mess, and he still reeks faintly of last night’s Hennessy and bad decisions. He'd still be knocked out at home if he wasn't so abruptly woken up by said friend calling him a dozen times.
"Thanks," Eren mutters, feeling like his eye bags were physically weighing him down. "Exactly the kind of encouragement I needed. I shouldn't even be up this damn early."
"It’s literally noon," Connie says flatly, biting into his bagel, cream cheese spilling out of the sides. "And last night? You were gone, man. Like, barely forming sentences. You kept staring at y/n like you wanted to kidnap her ass and lock her in your basement."
Eren scoffs, taking a sip of his drink. "Was not."
"You so were," Connie says, pointing at him with his half-eaten bagel. "And let’s talk about that, actually. You’ve got that look in your eye—like she’s your next target."
Eren rolls his eyes, placing his hands on the counter to steady himself. "She’s not a target, dumbass. She’s just—" He pauses, searching for the words. "She just seems... interesting."
Connie snorts, finding the way Eren stares off into space a tad bit comical and so dramatic in a way only Eren can get away with. "So, what? You wanna wife her up now?"
Eren makes a face. "What? No. I haven’t even talked to her like that yet." He shakes his head as if he's trying to not imagine the thought of him actually, seriously pursuing you. "She’s just… different, y’know? It’s like a challenge."
Connie raises an eyebrow. "So, this is, what, a side quest for you?" Connie would never be one to admit it, but he was rooting for Eren to finally find love, and to finally stop being a damn fuckboy. He was tired of getting at girls only for them to tell him that they had their heart broken by his friend, Eren always leaving a mark on every single one of his hookup's hearts. He just wanted to meet one girl on campus that hadn't fucked Eren.
Eren smirks, leaning his elbows against the counter. "More like a boss level. She’s not like the usual girls. She’s got that whole I don’t give a fuck attitude, and you know I live for that shit." Eren always wanted things he couldn't have.
"So, let me get this straight," Connie says, licking some cream cheese off his thumb. "You’re telling me you spent all night trying to get her attention, and you still couldn’t bag a conversation with her?"
Eren clicks his tongue, looking annoyed and pouty. "It’s not that I couldn’t, it’s just—" He exhales sharply, that familiar frustration from last night coming back for a second. "She was talking to Jean all night. Didn't even glance at me. And then Historia got too drunk, and boom, she was gone before I even got the chance."
Connie bursts out laughing, finally someone was doing what Eren does to him, swooping in on the girl he wants. "Damn. She really curved you before you even got the chance to spit game?"
Eren glares, thick brows furrowing. "Shut up."
"Nah, man, this is hilarious," Connie wheezes. "Playboy Eren Jaeger finally meets a girl who doesn’t immediately fall into his lap? What’s next? Are you gonna start writing music about her?"
Eren rolls his eyes. "You’re so fucking annoying."
"Nah, you’re annoying," Connie shoots back. "’Cause I know you’re gonna spend all brunch trying to get her attention, and if you strike out again, I’m gonna have to sit there and witness the secondhand embarrassment."
Eren smirks, shaking his head. "Not happening."
"Mhmm. So what’s the plan, lover boy?" Connie asks, raising his eyebrows.
Eren grins, finishing his Gatorade and tossing the empty bottle into the trash. "Easy. I just gotta get her to talk to me. Once that happens? Game over."
Connie hums, finding Eren's words a bit deluded. "Man, I dunno. y/n’s like a you but hotter and meaner. You might be out of your league on this one."
Eren just chuckles, grabbing his keys. "There’s no such thing as out of my league, Connie."
Connie shakes his head, shoving the last of his bagel in his mouth. "Aight, bet. Let’s see how that works out for you."
Connie picked the perfect spot for a hungover brunch, with the diner being less than busy for a Suday afternoon. The last thing you needed was a packed restaurant full of clanking dishes and obnoxious conversations stabbing through your skull. The scent of coffee and syrup lingers in the air, making your tummy rumble since you hadn't eaten since before yesterday's party. The hostess barely looks up from her tablet when Ymir announces the reservation, tapping at the screen with the kind of dead eyed exhaustion that says she’s one wrong order away from walking out mid shift.
"Ugh, why is it so bright in here?" you groan, slipping your sunglasses onto your face as the three of you follow the hostess to your table. Your feet shuffle against the floor, still wishing you were wrapped up in the heavy duvet in Ymir and Historia's guest room.
"Because it’s daytime, dumbass," Ymir snickers, sliding into the booth with Historia next to her. With a sigh you plop yourself beside Historia, slumping against the plush backing of the booth as if it might absorb your exhaustion. The other side is left empty—reserved for the two idiots who were, as expected, late.
"You’re acting like you weren’t up just as late as I was," you shoot back, lazily flipping through the laminated menu before going straight to the real priority: alcohol. "I need a drink. Immediately."
As if on cue, Connie and Eren show up, strolling toward the table with that casual, 'we definitely didn’t wake up on time but we made it' energy. Connie walks with his usual pep in his step, hands stuffed in his hoodie pocket, looking entirely too pleased with himself for someone who failed at punctuality. while Eren lags behind, looking annoyingly good for someone who was supposedly as hungover as you.
"Would you look at this," Connie announces, sliding into the seat across from Ymir. "The brunch bitches, in the flesh."
"You’re late," Historia points out, arching an eyebrow. Leave it to Connie to be late to something he planned.
"I told you no promises that I'd be on time," Connie dismisses with a limp wave. "We’re here now, and that’s what matters."
You don’t miss the way Eren’s eyes flick toward you as he sits across from you, that lazy smirk playing at his lips. Is this boy always smirking? He doesn’t say anything yet, just leans back in his seat, sizing you up like he’s trying to figure out the best way to approach. You don’t give him the satisfaction of looking at him for more than a second. Instead, you tap your fingers against the menu, eyes scanning over it even though you already know exactly what you want.
"So," you say, flipping the menu shut. "What’s everyone drinking? Because I am not doing this brunch sober." The first thing you do is order a mimosa, needing some sort of substance to numb the shitty feeling your body still harbored.
"Real shit," Ymir agrees, already knowing what's in order. "Mimosas all around?"
"Mimosa tower all around," Historia corrects, already flagging down the waiter with dainty hand.
"That’s my girl," you grin, nudging her shoulder with approval. There’s a silent understanding between you two; brunch isn’t brunch unless you leave a little tipsy.
The server swings by, takes everyone’s orders, and the conversation flows easily—mostly Connie, half-hungover and half-buzzed off life, trying to tell some barely coherent story about a girl he almost picked up last night.
"Bro, she looked just like Jade from Victorious," he insists, hands moving dramatically to prove his point.
Historia gives him a flat look, her usual wide doe eyes now hooded. "You say that about every girl with dark hair and a little eyeliner."
"That’s not even true—"
"It is true," Ymir interjects, rolling her eyes. "Last week it was that bartender at Sina’s. Week before that? The girl at the campus library."
"Okay, but this one really looked like her. Like actually," he tries to defend himself.
"Sure, Connie, sure." Historia nods, knowing how many times he had said this same thing before.
"You have a type," you say in a simple voice, reassuring him . "Own it."
Eren, though? He’s been biding his time, waiting for the right moment. And the second there’s a lull in the conversation, he leans forward, finally addressing you directly.
"So, you," he starts, and you slowly drag your gaze to him. His hair is messy, looking a bit greasy as a few strands fall over his forehead. Who does he think he is? Zayn?
"Me?" you say flatly, feigning disinterest as you take the mimosa flute from the server, keeping your lidded eyes glued on his. Looking away would make Eren feel like he had one up on you in this little staring contest.
"You," he repeats, resting his forearms on the table, emerald eyes locked onto yours. "Tell me something."
"Tell you what, Jaeger?" You take a slow, savoring sip of your drink.
He smirks, realizing you know his name without him ever introducing himself. "Oh, so you do know who I am," Eren smugly drawls, tapping a finger against the table. His posture goes more lax, legs spreading as if he's soaking up the ego that he lost last night.
Your face doesn’t give anything away, but inside, a flicker of irritation sparks. The way he’s looking at you—like he thinks he has the upper hand just because you acknowledged his name—sets something stubborn alight in your chest.
You take a slow sip of your mimosa, letting the bubbles fizz on your tongue before answering. "It’s hard not to when half the girls at that party were either throwing themselves at you or talking about how you used to throw yourself at them." Your memory reels to the blonde girl from last night, calling out Eren's name like he was some sort of damn celebrity.
Connie chokes on his drink, almost spewing his coffee all over the table. Ymir whistles lowly as her eyes dart between you and Eren. Historia presses her lips together, clearly entertained and loving every single moment of this.
Eren tilts his head, clicking his tongue against his teeth as he chuckles lowly. "Damn. You really came out swinging, huh?" He realizes his reputation precedes him, probably making his conquest of you just a little more difficult.
You lift a shoulder in a lazy shrug, setting your glass down with a soft clink. "Just calling it like I see it."
Historia, biting back a smirk, lifts her mimosa to her lips. Ymir’s grin is damn near feral. And Connie? He’s straight up beaming, like he’s witnessing the most entertaining drama of the century unfold before his very eyes.
Eren doesn’t look deterred, though. If anything, he looks even more interested. His elbow rests on the table as he leans in slightly, his gaze on you even more intense, as if that were even possible. "You keep talking like you’ve got me all figured out."
"Oh, I don’t need to figure you out," you reply smoothly, tilting your head with faux sympathy. "You’re a blueprint, Jaeger. Same old story, different haircut."
Connie loses it. "Bro, she just called you a template! A damn copy-paste ass—"
"Alright, alright," Eren cuts him off, but there’s no real bite to his tone. He’s still smirking, still looking at you like you’re a challenge he's determined to win. "I gotta admit, you got a sharp mouth."
"Comes in handy." You wink, picking up your drink again.
"And here I thought you'd at least pretend to be nice to me."
"Oh, Eren," you sigh dramatically, fluttering your lashes. "I don’t pretend for men."
Ymir wheezes. Historia’s dying. Connie is pounding the table with laughter, while Eren just sits back, shaking his head with that same smirk that hasn't left his face.
"You’re fun," he muses, eyes flicking over you, soaking in every detail. "I like fun." His tongue runs over his teeth as one of his arms slings over the top of the pleather booth lining.
"And I like my mimosa," you quip, raising your glass. "So let’s keep this professional, yeah?" You flash him a toothy smile and he would almost say you looked angelic if your attitude towards him wasn't the opposite.
Eren watches you take a sip, something unreadable flashing across his face. Whatever it is, it disappears quickly, replaced with something more playful. "Yeah, yeah. Sure. We’ll see about that."
Connie wipes a fake tear from his eye. "Goddamn, this brunch was worth it." This is exactly why Connie planned this little get together.
The mimosa tower arrives in all its bubbly glory, and Historia immediately starts pouring like she was born to be a rich housewife. She generously pours champagne from the tower's spout and asks everyone what juice they'd like. With the precision of a seasoned bartender (or maybe just a girl who’s been to one too many brunches), starts pouring everyone their custom mimosas.
“Alright, speak now or forever hold your juice preference,” she announces, tapping the spout like she’s about to make a life changing mixology decision. Large pitchers of different juices are lined up in front of her, waiting to be mixed with the bitter bubbles of champagne.
“Orange, obviously,” Ymir says, leaning back in her habitual manner, she could always get comfortable wherever she was, sprawled out like she's on her living room couch.
“Boring,” Historia mutters but obliges anyway, filling Ymir’s glass with the classic.
“Mango,” you say, watching as she pours the golden liquid. She makes yours strong, basically serving you champagne with a splash of mango flavor. Not that you're complaining though, you wanted to get tipsy.
“Classy,” Historia muses before turning to Connie. “You?”
He grins, his eyes scanning over the line up of juice options. “Mix ‘em. I’m feeling chaotic.” You don't know whether to scrunch your nose up in disgust or be impressed by Connie's idiotically genius idea.
Historia rolls her eyes but does it anyway. “Living on the edge, Springer.” His mimosa turns into a dark muddled purplish color.
“Always,” Connie quips, lifting his glass dramatically before taking a sip and nodding in satisfaction.
Then, finally, it’s Eren’s turn. He’s been quiet, just watching, observing, but now he leans forward slightly, lazily tilting his head toward you. “I’ll take whatever she’s having,” he says, eyes looking at the way you hold the champagne flute, making it wonder how your hand would look wrapped around his—
Ymir snorts. “Of course you will.”
You arch a brow at him over the rim of your glass, your lip curling slightly. “Copy-pasting my drink order too now?”
Eren doesn’t even blink. Just smiles at you, taking the glass Historia hands him. “What can I say? I like good taste.”
Historia fake gags. “God, please don’t flirt in front of my mimosa tower. It deserves better.” She downs half her drink like she’s washing away the secondhand embarrassment before refilling her flute with even more champagne and a splash of pineapple juice.
The table dissolves into laughter, the kind that feels warm and familial—like the collective, unspoken agreement that, yes, all of you may be hungover disasters, but at least you’re in it together. Connie and Historia start arguing over whether brunch food is overrated, with Ymir inserting herself into the debate just to get under Historia’s skin. Meanwhile, you feel Eren’s eyes on you every so often, like he’s still turning your words over in his head, still trying to crack whatever code he thinks you are. But you don’t look at him much. He doesn’t get that satisfaction of holding your attention longer than necessary. Instead, you lean back, sip your mimosa, and let the chaotic symphony of your friends fill the space.
"Alright, let’s toast," Connie raises his frankenstein of a mimosa up in the air.
"To what?" you ask with a lifted brow as you slowly raise your champagne flute.
Connie shrugs, trying to think of something clever. "Surviving another night of our dumbassery. And to, uh… new friendships?" He waggles his eyebrows between you and Eren, clearly trying to stir the pot.
Eren meets your gaze over the rim of his glass. He still has that look—the one that says he’s not done with you yet. You don’t react, just clink your mimosa against his without breaking eye contact. It was fun playing this little push and pull game, even if you were mostly pushing.
"Cheers," you say smoothly, a tiny hint of a sly smile on your face.
"Cheers," Eren echoes, mirroring your expression.
The table drinks, and for a brief moment, everything is peaceful—until Connie decides he needs all the attention again.
"So, get this," Connie starts, already grinning. "Eren and I had the most bullshit morning trying to get here."
"Oh god," Ymir mutters. "This better be good."
Connie rubs his hands together. "Picture this. I wake up, head pounding, mouth drier than the goddamn Sahara. I roll over, check my phone, and see like, five texts from you guys asking if I'm alive, and I’m like, ‘oh shit, we should link up and do brunch!’"
"Five texts isn’t even that much," Historia points out.
"Okay, well, it felt like a lot in my fragile, hungover state," Connie retorts before continuing. "Anyway, Eren comes over looking all tired and shit and heads straight for my couch. I tell 'im I'm gonna shower and to wait for me and guess what?? I come out and he's fuckin' snorin'. I try to wake him up, and this dude is fully knocked the hell out, like a damn corpse." He dramatically makes his head fall back, sticking his tongue out like he's dead to mimic Eren.
Eren exhales through his nose, shaking his head. "I was asleep. That’s normal, dumbass."
"Nah, bro, you were dead," Connie insists. "I had to blast music just to get him up."
"Which was so necessary," Eren drawls sarcastically. He swears his ears are still ringing from how close Connie put the speaker next to his ear.
"Yes, it was!" Connie exclaims, still finding the situation hilarious. "Because then this idiot gets up and takes, like, twenty goddamn minutes to stare at his phone instead of—"
"—Because I was looking at something important," Eren interjects.
"Yeah, sure, 'important'. Bro was probably checking his DMs like his life depended on it." Eren doesn’t confirm or deny this, which only makes Connie cackle harder. "Anyway," Connie continues, "we finally leave, and then tell me why this dumbass forgets his wallet, and we have to turn around—"
"I didn’t forget it," Eren argues, taking a sip of his drink. "I just didn’t know where it was."
Historia shakes her head, eyes squinting in exasperation. "That’s the same thing."
"Exactly!" Connie exclaims, arms flailing animatedly. "So now we’re really late, and when we finally get back in my car, the tire pressure light is on. And at that point, I was about ready to just die in my driveway."
"Honestly? You should’ve just let nature take you," Ymir says, stuffing one of the mini quiches the table ordered into her mouth.
"Rude!" Connie gasps, clutching his chest. "Ya know you would miss me if I actually died. Who else would entertain you at brunch?" He tosses a crumple up used sugar packet at her. You glance at Connie and allow yourself a small smile. He’s like a puppy that can’t stop barking, but you kind of like him that way. His antics help distract you from the tension that Eren never seems to let go of. Every time his gaze flickers your way, it’s like a spark of something you can’t name. Not yet, at least.
You softly laugh, finally giving in to the ridiculousness of it all. "So what I’m hearing is, between the two of you, getting to brunch was a damn odyssey?"
"Basically," Connie nods. "But hey, we made it. Even if Eren had to take his sweet ass time getting pretty for you."
You arch a brow at that, glancing over at Eren, whose lips twitch like he’s trying to suppress another smirk. You know Connie’s just stirring the pot, but you can’t deny there’s a certain… appeal in how Eren carries himself. It’s not that he’s trying—he doesn’t need to. And that's what irritates you.
Eren doesn’t even flinch at Connie's comment, instead leaning into it. "Maybe I did," he says smoothly, taking another slow, deliberate sip of his drink. "But even if I didn't I'd still look good enough for ya." It was something about this boy's ego that seemed to tick you off.
You just tilt your head, resting your chin on your palm as you regard Eren with yet another unimpressed stare. "Pretty bold assumption there, Jaeger."
Eren shrugs, an annoyingly smug grin tugging at his lips. "I make good ones."
"Debatable." You gulp the rest of your mango mimosa, wiping the little droplet that was on the corner of your mouth. "But sure, if you wanna tell yourself that." Reaching for a piece of french toast, you dip it in syrup, taking your time as you chew slowly, almost to taunt him. The silence between you both stretches, and for a moment, you allow yourself to enjoy the satisfaction of the game—your back straight, your expression utterly indifferent while his is all too easy to read: that quiet frustration that you’re just out of reach.
Connie, wiping the fake tears from his eyes, waves a hand between the two of you. "Oh, this is good. This is so good. Keep going. I’m invested." Cause who needs reality television when you have two friends at each other's throats.
"You would be," Historia mutters before popping a piece of fruit into her mouth. Although she's just as invested in this fiasco.
Eren leans forward again, that damn smirk still present. "Alright, since we’re making assumptions—what about you? Took extra time getting ready just in case I showed up?" He wants to make you flustered, wants to see you blush or tense up or show any other emotion besides indifference to him.
You let out a short laugh, shaking your head. "Oh, sweetheart, I barely made it out of bed. The only thing I got pretty for was this mimosa tower." There’s no hesitation in your words, no hesitation in the way you look at him. You’ve got to keep your ground. He’s fishing for something, but you’re not biting.
Eren clicks his tongue, feeling stumped. For once he didn't have a clever comeback. "Damn. Shot down again just like that." His fingers tap on the table as he falls back against the back of the booth.
You flash him a mock sympathetic look, plump bottom lip jutting into a pout. "Tragic, really."
Ymir whistles, tearing into yet another one of the quiches like it's popcorn and this is a show. "Alright, this is a slow burn in real time, and I’m loving it." The tension is so thick between you and Eren, it’s almost palpable. Whether it’s sexual, confrontational, or just a game of egos—you’re not sure, but everyone at the table feels it.
Historia leans on her elbow, eyeing you both. The stare down the two of you are having seems almost intimate. "You sure you two haven’t met before? Because this feels... personal."
You roll your eyes, trying to avoid the sudden rush of heat that floods your chest. "Nope. Just have a sixth sense for bullshit." Honestly you were tired of this little act Eren was putting on. From the stories Ymir and Historia had told you he was nowhere near as nice as he's pretending to be right now. You were waiting for his entitlement and attitude to shine through.
Eren huffs out a chuckle at that, shaking his head. "Noted." Despite the sour look you try to put on, Eren can see that flushed look you try to suppress, and although you would deny, deny, deny, he knows that he's slowly but surely gonna get what he wants. With that thing being you.
You take the opportunity to turn away, reclaiming some semblance of control in this little exchange. You busy yourself with refilling your mimosa, making a point to give him nothing else to latch onto. But then you glance over at him again, catching him staring at you, a small, knowing smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. You’re almost sure he’s trying to figure you out, and maybe it’s working. Maybe he’s getting under your skin more than you’d like to admit. But before you can process it, Ymir’s voice cuts through your thoughts.
"You two are ridiculous," she says, leaning back in her chair, as she watches the two of you basically having a staring contest still. "You know that, right?"
You shoot her a look, but before you can respond, Historia accidentally spills her sixth mimosa, her face flushed, a giggle escaping her lips. "Oopsieeee," she hiccups, taking a french toast stick and sopping up the spilled liquid before taking a bite.
"Uh oh," Connie says, grinning. "Looks like someone had a little too much to drink already." Connie honestly loves when Historia gets like this, she's the definition of white girl wasted, always turning into a completely different person once she gets some alcohol in her system.
Historia leans heavily against Ymir, blinking slowly as she chews. "I’m fine," she slurs. "Just a little tipsy."
The whole table laughs as Ymir grabs her arm to steady her, clearly rolling her eyes but not too bothered by it. As the rest of the group focuses on Historia, you glance back at Eren, only to find him looking at you—his expression unreadable now, though the edge of amusement hasn’t left his eyes. You almost think he's going to say something—almost want him to—when Ymir interrupts, loud and clear.
"Okay, enough of you two and your weird ass tension. You’re both insufferable. Let’s get this one home before she turns into a puddle of bad decisions," Ymir grumbles, throwing Historia’s arm around her shoulder. You almost wonder how Historia got so drunk, but then you realize how tiny she is and just how much she drank. Plus, the girl barely touched any of her food, too focused on downing mimosa after mimosa.
You stand up from the table, shaking your head at the chaos of it all. You’re a little drunk, a little tipsy, but mostly, you’re irritated that the moment was so easily broken. You grab your purse, eyes locking with Eren’s one last time as you follow the others. For a split second, you wonder what he’s thinking—if he’s still amused by you, or if he’s over it. You’re not sure. But whatever it is, it’s a thought that will linger long after this brunch ends. As you step out of the diner the cool air hits you, and the rest of the group’s voices fade into the background. You feel his gaze on your back, and the flutter in your stomach is the only clue you need: this isn’t over.
tags ⋆˚𝜗𝜚˚⋆ @cc1306 @booksandbud4me
#eren jaeger fic#eren jaeger#eren yeager#animamii#animamii masterlist#eren yaeger x reader#eren yaeger aot#eren yaeger imagine#eren yeager smut#eren jaeger fluff#eren jaeger smut#shingeki no kyojin#aot#aot fic#attack on titan fic#eren x you#eren x reader#eren aot#snk fanfiction#snk x reader#snk#attack on titan#eren jaeger x y/n#eren jaeger x reader#eren yeager au#eren yaeger smut#eren yeager fic#eren yeager x reader#modern aot#modern aot fic
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please please 🙏🏻 can we get a jealous joaquin torres fic
One jealous Joaquín coming right up! This is gonna take place in the Edelweiss universe because I'm already in love with the dynamic there lol. Hope that's okay!! This takes place right before you leave for college (:
"Are you sure this color looks okay on me?"
Your mother laughs softly, and smooths your hair down. "Yes, honey. Logan will love it. Won't he, Joaquín?"
His silence frightens you.
You turn to him expectantly, only to find a sour look on his face.
Well, that was different.
"If Joaquín doesn't like it, Logan won't either," You say exasperatedly. "I'm gonna have to change. Again!"
Maria groans from the corner of your room, "Please, for the love of God, don't do that."
"He's going to think I look frumpy or something!"
"No he won't, Y/n, you look great."
"No, I-"
Joaquín stands a loud sigh escaping his lips as he scrubs his hands up and down his face. "I like your outfit, alright? Don't change again."
His tone catches you off guard. He has never so much as raised his voice at you in the years that you've been friends, so this knocks you off kilter, to say the least. "What's with the attitude?"
He plays with a loose thread at the bottom of his T-shirt, and shakes his head. "I'm totally fine, I dunno what you're talking about."
You squint at him.
He scrunches his nose back at you.
"Whatever, grumpy," You sigh. "Logan's going to be here any minute. Are you sure my outfit looks alright?"
Maria jokingly knocks her head against the wall a couple of times. "If you say that one more time, I'm going to scream. You look great, hot even. He's gonna be blown away."
Joaquín huffs, crossing his arms.
Before you can get a chance to say something, Maria turns, "And you! Quit being an ass."
"I'm not being an ass, I'm just worried he's not going to be gentlemanly-"
Honking comes from outside. You half-yelp, half-screech, as you look outside and find that Logan's car is sitting in front of your house. "He's here!"
Joaquín rolls his eyes, another huff leaving his lips. "He can't even come to the front door to get you? He just comes here and honks at you? Where did you find this guy?"
You glare at your best friend, before grabbing your bag and shoes. "Relax, Joaquín."
You check your hair and makeup once more before leaving, a rush of adrenaline racing through you as you approach Logan's car. The last date you'd been on was back in high school, and that hadn't been much of a date. It was ice cream, and you had both been too shy to say much to one another. A friend you had through dance knew Logan, and had set the two of you up.
You always held onto the hope that Joaquín might like you, but you couldn't just sit around and wait until you were old and frail and hadn't had any fun. So you told her to give him your number, and he has asked after a week of talking if you wanted to go on a date.
Logan is sweet. He's thoughtful, and kind, and he pays for your dinner. He pulls your chair out, and holds the door open for you as you leave the restaurant.
One date turns into two, then three, then four, and somewhere, along the way, you become official with Logan. You're unsure of if you're in love with him, but you can say pretty certainly that you care pretty deeply for him. He's the type of guy that is easy to get along with, easy to picture marrying and creating a life with.
After six months of dating, you become quite comfortable with the idea of a long term relationship with him.
On a Friday night in late December, you find yourself squeezed on the couch between Joaquín and Maria. It's a big couch, but somehow the three of you have managed to sardine yourselves into the corner, with Joaquín's shoulder pressed against yours. You were hoping to see Logan on your winter break from school, but lately he has been elusive.
"This movie is so cheesy," Joaquín snickers, shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth.
"It's sweet," You retort. "They're in love and won't admit it. When they finally do it's going to be so cute."
He side eyes you, and sends you a playful smirk. "You're such a romantic."
You laugh softly, "Yeah, yeah. Sue me for loving love."
Your phone chimes loudly then, indicating a phone call. "Hand me my phone, please?" You say to Maria, who grabs your phone from the coffee table.
It's Logan.
You don't bother to move from the couch, thinking that whatever he's calling you for won't last long and that it'll be just a quick goodnight call.
"Hey!" You chirp.
Joaquín shifts beside you, fiddling with his fingers.
"Hi, baby," Logan says. "I had a bad day, mind if I tell you a little about it?"
"Yeah, sure. I'm just watching a movie right now."
Logan launches into a story about how he got into trouble at his internship for taking too long of lunch breaks. "It was kind of embarrassing, you know? We kind of got yelled at in front of the whole office."
You shake your head, although he can't see you. "I'm sorry."
There's a beat of silence, "Yeah, I got into quite a bit of trouble."
You take a deep breath, and maybe you're overanalyzing things but...
"You said 'we'."
"Oh, I don't know. You said 'we got in trouble', but then you backpedaled and said that only you did?"
You're not sure why, but dread crawls through the hollow parts of your bones.
Logan laughs, "Oh..yeah. Angie's been going to lunch with me."
You swallow, and flick a piece of popcorn from your lap. "Oh."
"Don't make this into a thing. She's just a friend."
You don't like how defensive he's being. "I didn't even say anything."
Maria shifts, and mouths, 'Everything okay?'
You wave her off.
There's a long pause that makes your stomach queasy.
Logan sighs, and the sound makes tears jump to your eyes. You don't know why you're reacting like this. "I...it's been difficult with you in New York."
"It's been difficult for me, too."
"No, you don't understand. Men have needs, honey, and Angie-"
You cut him off, your heart pumping wildly in your chest. "You slept with her?!"
There's another pause that tells you everything you need to know.
You shudder, trying to remain calm as a tear streaks down your cheek. Joaquín places a hand on your shoulder, turning you to him.
"Give me your phone," He commands quietly. Your chin wobbles as you breathe deeply. "I just want to have a word with him. Please."
You hand Joaquín your phone, feeling the weight of the phone call as you pass it to him. He smiles reassuringly at you, before dipping down and pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "Be right back."
Joaquín steps outside, and although you can't exactly hear what he's saying, you can hear the volume in which he's saying it, and he sounds angry.
Maria does her best to calm you down as everything settles in, as you finally realize that, yes, this is real life, and your world has just been flipped upside down. When Joaquín finally slips back inside, your head is resting against Maria's shoulder, sobs wracking through your chest.
"Hey," Joaquín says softly, he sits down beside you, and takes you from Maria. He gathers you into his arms, cradling you against his chest. "I don't think he's gonna bother you anymore."
You sniffle into his green shirt, "What did you say?"
Joaquín's chin presses against the top of your head, "It wasn't polite, and I am in the company of ladies so I can't repeat it."
"Thank you," You breathe. He squeezes you tighter against him, and leans back against the couch.
"Go get her a glass of water, Maria," He says, shooing her into the kitchen. He gently traces a finger up and down your spine, his breathing lulling you back into a sense of calm.
"I'd do anything for you, boots."
You shift, curling up against him. "You're my bestest friend. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Another kiss is pressed to your head. "You're never going to have to find out. I promise."
#joaquin torres#joaquin torres fanfiction#falcon#joaquin torres x reader#joaquin torres imagine#marvel#joaquin torres fic#joaquín torres
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And they were roommates - part 6
Summary: Y/n gets injured and has to stay in recovery for 8 months. It's a good thing her friend and teammate Kyra is more than willing to move in with her. wink wink
Warnings: making out sessions getting interrupted :(
Word count: 5.4k
| PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 |
When the convocation of Australia, England and Spain came out Y/n was alone in the physio room at Arsenal while her other teammates were out on the pitch training,
It felt bittersweet.
She saw the names of her dear friends, and she saw Kyra’s name, which made her so proud, but she didn’t see her name. And she wasn’t going to. It would take more than just getting back into shape after her tibia had completely healed.
Y/n would have to work harder and train harder to prove she was even better than before to have another chance of being called into her national team.
Before, being in the squad had been a certainty in her life because of her great performance as a defender.
Now it wasn’t.
But she realised she wasn’t as sad as she thought she would be. Seeing Kyra’s name on Matilda’s squad was enough for her for now.
Y/n just had to learn to stay on the sidelines and, for the first time in her life, enjoy the football experience without being a player. Y/n would now begin her work as a hyper girl. As soon as she finished her exercises in physio she would look for Kyra and wish her–
“Oh, there you are!”
A voice said from the door of the physio room, ruining Y/n plans.
Y/n turned her head to the side and saw a man with a camera in his hand. It was Greg, the head director of Arsenal Media. He was a sweet middle-aged man, but the look on his face said he wasn't having the best day.
“Oh, hi, good morning,” Y/n said, tilting her head at him. “Can I help you, Greg?”
Y/n looked around the empty room, and then back at Greg.
“Oh yes,” he said bluntly. “We’re filming some content today, for YouTube and Instagram.”
“Okay? I think all the girls are out doing drills, they’re not here–”
“The team’s filming a Q&A with Russo, Williamson, and Wälti today,” he continued, completely ignoring Y/n.
“But the Wälti’s cat died so–”
“Lia's cat died?!” Y/n interrupted, her eyebrows raised as she sat on the physio bed. “That’s terrible.”
Damn, Lia loved that cat. Y/n should call her and ask if there’s going to be a funeral.
“Yeah yeah, whatever” Greg waffed. “She said she’s not coming to Arsenal today, so that's why we need you.”
“Me?” Y/n swallowed and pointed at herself.
“Yeah, Williamson said you'd be a good fit, she said you liked being in front of the cameras.”
Fuck you, Leah.
Y/n had been pretty ‘low profile’ since her injury. She hasn’t given any kind of interviews or statements. She hasn’t been to any Arsenal games to watch the girl. Nothing. She hasn’t even posted on her Instagram stories.
She used to like it. The cameras. The interviews. The attention. But not anymore. Y/n didn’t want people to see her injured, to think that she was any less of a player now. She didn’t want people to feel pity or sorry for her.
“Plus, we don't have anyone else,” Greg said, pinching his nose.
The man was stressed.
“How can you not have anyone else? There are about 25 people on this team.”
“We need someone with a personality, and you’re the least bad option I have at the moment.”
Y/n pointed at her leg. “I can guarantee to you, Greg, I’m not much fun to be around right now.”
“Yeah but–”
“Come on Y/n, don't give Greg here a hard time” Leah walked unexpectedly into the room and patted Greg on the shoulder.
Alessia was standing next to her.
“She doesn’t want to do it,” Greg said.
Snitch, Greg, that’s what you are.
“Of course, she doesn't want to. But she will,” Leah said smiling. “Because we need our charming, funny, and charismatic defender back on media day.”
“Are you on drugs right now? You’ve never complimented me before.”
“I'm trying to be nice,” Leah said, the smile on her face changing to a frown. “Alessia told me to be nicer to you.”
“It's scaring me,” Y/n said.
“See Alessia, I told you, being nice isn't our thing,” Leah said, pointing at herself and then at Y/n.
“Can't you two interact without bumping heads?” Alessia asked, looking like a mom who was tired of seeing her children fighting over and over again. “Just for one day, please?”
“No,” Y/n and Leah said in unison.
Alessia rolled her eyes and ignored them.
Alessia sat down by the physio bed, next to Y/n and wrapped her arms around her. “It’ll be fun, Y/n, I promise! It’s just me, you and Leah.”
“I just know one of the questions will be about my recovery” Y/n said, looking down. “I don’t feel like talking about it yet.”
“It’s been what? 2 and a half months since you got injured?” Leah asked. “You can dodge the questions forever, it’s better to talk about it while we’re doing some stupid card game rather than to give an interview. You can’t hide forever.”
Leah was right. But Y/n wanted to hide forever, at least until her bone grew back, at least. If it wasn't for Kyra and her patience and support, Y/n wouldn’t even be leaving the house.
“I just hate looking like this,” Y/n said, pointing at the cast, “I don’t feel like an athlete… I feel useless.”
Guess it was time to talk about feelings. Uhg.
“You’re no less of an athlete because of an injury,” Alessia said, patting her back. “If people didn’t see you as a player anymore, they wouldn't be asking for you to give interviews, or for you to come to our matches.”
“You make it sound like people only care about you when you’re active and playing, and that’s not true,” Alessia continued. “You mean something to Arsenal, you’ve been here for years. Not as much as Leah, of course, she’s been here since the year dot–”
“Hey!” Leah huffed.
Alessia ignored her. “What I’m trying to say is, that the Arsenal fans miss you, you pretty much disappeared from the public eye after your injury.”
Again, Alessia was not wrong.
“Come on, let’s go, I'm not as patient as Alessia and I miss having you at media day.” Leah nonchalantly picked up Y/n’s crutches that were leaning against the wall and handed them to her.
“I. Don't. Want. To” Y/n said slowly, marking each word as she pushed the crutches away from her face. “Get Kyra or Vic to do it.” Y/n pointed her finger in the air as if she had a eureka moment. “Get Beth! Beth loves to talk.”
“I don’t like listening to Beth!” Leah bit back. “She never shuts up”
“It’ll be fun!” Alessia, said, interrupting the bickering again. “It’s just a questions game like we used to–”
“She’s literally one of our best friends, Leah,” Y/n said, rolling her eyes. “You should try to be nice to her, not me–”
“Before I broke my bone?” Y/n completed.
There was a moment of silence.
“Yeah!” Alessia said innocently, smiling.
Alessia took the crutches from Leah, wrapped one hand around Y/n’s body and helped her to her feet. Y/n had no choice but to take the crutches so she wouldn't fall.
“Russo.” Y/n said in a warning, standing up and squinting her eyes at the blonde. “You’re even worse than Leah. Traidor.”
“ filming starts in 15 minutes,” Greg said impatiently from the corner of the room. “Wear your full kit, please.”
The man left the room. Poor Greg, he had to listen to her, Leah and Alessia yapping non-stop. His day had probably just got worse.
“I hate you all,” Y/n muttered but followed the girls as they left the physio room and headed for the changing room, just a few doors to the left. “Just wait till I get my leg back together, I’ll destroy you both in training…”
The two players ignored Y/n.
They entered the changing room and each of them went to their own lockers to pick up their change of clothes.
“They just want an update on how you’re doing, ” Leah said, a few lockers on her right, putting on her Arsenal shirt and looking in the small mirror on the wall “It’s not that hard.”
“They could just read my medical report, then,” Y/n said, picking up her own shirt.
She hesitated for a moment. She hasn’t worn an Arsenal shirt since her injury. It felt wrong, somehow, wearing it and not playing. Especially as the shirt had been in her locker since her injury, she hadn’t brought it home to wash it, it had a faint smell of dust from being in the locker for two months.
Y/n ignored her rambling thoughts and finally put the goddamn shirt on. Red always looked good on her, but today the colour felt off as if it was mocking her.
“Why are you being so difficult? It's just another video for media day,” Leah said again. “Nobody likes media day, we just have to do it”
“I like media days,” Alessia chimed in from the corner, putting her hair in a low bun. “At least we get to skip some parts of practice.”
“Why do you care if I’m in the video or not,” Y/n asked Leah, ignoring Alessia’s comment. “When you were injured you weren’t on media day duties.”
“Of course I wasn't, I was so snappy they gave up on trying to film me,” Leah said as she sat down and put on her boots.
“Oh, so that’s how you got away with it!” Y/n said, “I guess I’ll be snappy too!”
Y/n remembered when Leah got injured some seasons ago. The woman was completely impossible to be around. For a whole month, she could only talk to Leah on the phone because she refused to meet in person. Of course, Y/n, Alessia and the other girl stayed by her side until she got better.
Now it was Leah and Alessia’s turn to stand by her side. Y/n wasn’t so sure if she liked it.
“If Lia’s cat had just held on a little longer, I wouldn’t have to do this,” Y/n mumbled, “How old was he anyway? I feel like she had that cat forever”
“15 years,” Alessia said. “Poor thing had a whole life ahead of him,”
“No, it didn't. It was a geriatric cat,” Leah said. “But don’t tell Lia I said that she’s very sad it died.”
“Don’t call him it, Leah!” Alessia complained.
“Maybe we could come to Lia’s house later today,” Y/n suggested. “Check up on her, see how she’s doing.”
Lia was a sweetheart to her, it was the least Y/n and the other girls could do.
“Yeah, that’s a good idea,” Alessia agreed. “We can stop somewhere and bring her some food, too.”
“Alright, sounds nice!” Y/n said. “Kyra can drive us, we just have to wait until she’s done with the drills and training.”
Y/n didn’t even ask Kyra if she could drive them to Lia’s or if she wanted to go to Lia’s, but Y/n was sure she wouldn’t mind.
“You know, I was living for the day I would see you as a passenger princess,” Leah teased. “Now tell me, is Kyra that much of a good driver?”
Y/n took a boot from the cubby next to her and threw it playfully at Leah.
“Shut up, man!”
Leah nudged the boot and threw it back at Y/n. She aimed it at Y/n and it hit her right on the head.
"Wow. Hitting a disabled person. New low, Leah." Y/n pouted, patting the sore spot where the boot had just hit.
Leah shrugged, “You started it.”
“Can you two stop throwing things around?” Alessia asked, picking up the boot from the floor, scared Y/n would retaliate. “And that's Kim’s boot, she hates people touching her things.”
“She shouldn't be leaving her stuff scattered around, then,” Y/n said, chin up.
“Bro you took it out of her cubby,” Leah chimed in.
The door suddenly opened and one of the girls from the media said they had everything ready to start. The girls nodded and said they’d be right out.
“Wow, I thought that was Kim for a second,” Alessia said, putting her hand on her chest.
“Me too, I was afraid I was going to get hit twice today,” Y/n said, smiling as Leah nudged her shoulder playfully.
“Come on, the quicker we do it the quicker we finish it,” Leah said, helping Y/n on her crutches as they headed for the media room.
“Here we go,” Y/n said, not very enthusiastically.
Y/n, Alessia and Leah sat at a table with cards in the middle. The mediator of the dynamic was behind the camera, telling the girls that he would chip in when needed.
Arsenal had asked for a natural, chatty video, so that’s what the three girls would do.
The camera was rolling and Y/n was nervous. But she didn’t want people to know that, so she played it cool.
Alessia read the first question on the card and aimed it at Y/n and Leah.
“Y/n, how does it feel to be off the pitch for so long, and Leah, how do you feel as a captain when a player gets injured?”
Alessia gave Y/n a sad look, knowing the girl didn't want to talk about the injury, yet it was the first question that was drawn on the card.
Y/n hesitated, she opened her mouth, but no words came out.
So much for playing cool.
Y/n looked at Leah, a silent cry for help.
Y/n gave Leah a grateful look and nodded as the captain spoke.
“I’ve been in Y/n’s shoes before with my ACL, as you guys know. I was out of the pitch for 9 months, so a whole season and it was very hard,” Leah said, patting Y/n’s leg behind the table as if saying I got you.“Surgery is hard, physio is hard, being off the pitch is hard, seeing yourself without football is hard.”
“It’s more mentally challenging than people think it is,” Leah continued, as Alessia nodded at her as well. “And as captains, we have to help our players by being a safe place for them to talk when they need to, and of course, give them a little push if necessary,” Leah smiled at Y/n.
“When I got injured, having Kim as a captain by my side was very important for my recovery. She pushed me more and more and that’s one of the reasons why I’m here today, so yeah, we captains are annoying but I’d say we’re necessary.”
“And Y/n, do you think your teammates are a vital part of your recovery process?” The man behind the camera asked, clearly wanting Y/n to address her injury somehow, not just Leah.
Y/n hesitated again, but this time she pulled herself together and formed actual words and sentences.
“Oh, yeah, definitely,” Y/n said, her hands shaking slightly.
Why was this so hard to talk about?
“They’re more than my teammates, they’re my friends,” Y/n continued. “Leah and Alessia have been a big part of this recovery, they always try to push me so I can be in the best mental and physical state possible.”
“We’ve seen you get closer to other teammates as well after your injury too, right?” The man asked.
Fuck, that was one of the few questions Y/n absolutely wasn’t prepared to answer. She had to turn this around somehow.
Y/n blushed, she just hoped it didn’t get on camera. But for the looks Alessia and Leah gave her, her embarrassment was very clear.
“Hmm, yeah, I mean, they all are all my support network at the moment, since my family is in a completely different country.”
Y/n tried to dodge the question. She knew exactly the answer the man was looking for, but she didn’t know if she should be mentioning Kyra. Again, it was not a secret they lived together, but Y/n didn’t want everyone to pry too much into their lives.
“But there’s one particular teammate who’s been helping you out more. You even moved in with her? Cooney-Cross?” The man continued.
Y/n could kill this media guy.
If Y/n’s blush had been subtle, it wasn’t now.
Y/n went silent, but the man behind the camera urged her to speak.
“Yeah, I mean, I needed someone to help me around, and my mum couldn’t come live with me, so Kyra offered and—uh—she drives me to physio, and we watch films sometimes—uh, a lot actually—like, not all the time, just—uh—yeah… and we cook sometimes, but not in a weird way, I mean, obviously not weird, just…”
“This is painful to watch, you’re embarrassing,” Leah murmured under her breath, enough so that only she and Alessia could hear.
“Medicines! She reminds me to take my medicines and she—uh—makes sure I don’t fall over in the shower.–”
“What she’s trying to say is that Kyra is very supportive,” Alessia said finally, looking at Y/n, her eyes screaming ‘Shut up, right now you’re making a fool of yourself’.
Leah was a decent friend and cut Y/n’s suffering short by picking up the next card.
The camera continued to roll. The next questions were less personal and more professional, based on actual football rather than Y/n’s private life, so she relaxed more and answered the questions without sounding stupid.
When they were finished the man behind the camera said they were free to go on with their day.
“Was that bad?” Y/n asked the girls as they left the media room.
“It was horrible,” Leah said.
“I bit, yeah. Sorry.” Alessia said.
“You and Kyra need to figure out whatever it is you guys have going on, you can’t freeze up and start rambling nonsense every time her name comes up!” Leah said, rolling her eyes.
Y/n blushed, again.
“Me and Kyra have nothing going on– we’re just good friends and– best friends even and we–”
“See! Rambling!” Leah pointed out.
“Look, I know you’re private about your love life, and I get it, and so do I,” Leah continued. “But me and Alessia have known you forever and we can tell that you’re in love, so there’s no need to try and keep it from us.”
“Besides, Kyra kind of told me she liked you a few weeks ago, so there’s no need to hide that from us,” Alessia added.
There was a moment of silence.
“Kyra said she liked me?” Y/n asked, trying to sound casual.
Y/, and Kyra had been living together for two months now, they had a well-established routine and from the outside, it looked like they had been dating for years.
They kissed and made out all the time. But still, they haven’t had the talk about what they are, because it just didn't feel necessary. Maybe they would never have that conversation and that was more than okay for Y/n. They were just living in the moment.
But to know that Kyra liked her enough to go and tell Alessia? It felt amazing. As if she was sure now that it wasn’t one-sided. Kyra felt something for her, she liked her.
Kyra wasn’t kissing her or spending time with her just because she felt sorry for her. She actually liked Y/n.
Kyra liked Y/n, and Y/n liked Kyra back very much.
Y/n wanted their relationship to be private, not a secret, so it was nice that at least Leah and Alessia knew about it, even if only superficially, so she didn't have to sit down with them and have an awkward talk about it.
Especially with Leah. The girls were closer friends, but they did have a hard time talking about feelings. The last time Leah had told Y/n she was seeing someone she had said she felt like someone was squeezing her chest. Y/n had told her it was love.
“You’re grinning,” Leah said. “Keep that to your lover girl, please. It's disgusting.”
See? Feelings.
Y/n and the other girls walked down the corridor of Arsenal, and when she turned left, Leah and Alessia turned right.
“Where are you guys going?” Y/n asked, confused.
“Oh– we have pitch training right now with the defenders and other forwards,” Alessia said softly as if she didn't want to upset Y/n. “The midfielders just finished their training so–”
“Oh yeah, of course,” Y/n said, faking a smile. “Go on, good training.” She said before turning around and heading for the changing room.
It didn't matter how hard they tried, Y/n still felt like an outsider because of her Injury. She felt like the only kid whose mum wouldn't let her go to a sleepover when the girl had to go to the pitch to play.
Y/n opened the door to the changing room and was more than surprised to see Kyra sitting on one of the benches with her back to her.
Y/n’s sad face quickly turned into a grin when she realised that Kyra was shirtless, just wearing her sports bra and training bottoms.
“Oh hello there,” Y/n said as she walked closer to Kyra. “It’s so hot in here, isn’t it?” Y/n said, waving herself cheekily.
Kyra turned around, smiling. “Hey, gorgeous. Come here.” Kyra patted her own tight.
Y/n put the crutches on the bench and carefully Sat cross-legged on Kyra’s lap. Y/n kissed her face.
“You smell like grass,” She said
“Good thing it's grass and not sweat.”
“Well since you bought it up, sweat too, I was just trying to be nice,” Y/n laid her head on Kyra's shoulder.
“You’re never nice to me,” Kyra said, a fake pout on her face.
“I am, I'm always very–” she kissed Kyra on the lips. “–very nice to you.”
“Try harder,” Kyra said, enjoying the kisses.
“Okay,” Y/n kissed Kyra more deeply, slipping her tongue into her mouth.
“It's it nice enough?”
“I'll think about it and I'll let you know,” Kyra teased.
“You're annoying, no more kisses for you,” Y/n mumbled but still pecked Kyra’s cheek.
“Please? A few more just because I’ve called to the Matildas?” Kyra asked.
Ym smiled and kissed Kyra's nose, then her chin. “Just because you got called up and I'm so proud of you.”
“I was so nervous I wouldn't get in,” Kyra said, stroking Y/n's good leg. “I was in the gym when Steph and Caitlin told me we were all in, it was like I could breathe again.
“You deserve it, baby, Y/n said, wrapping her arms around Kyra's shoulder to balance herself. “You've worked very hard.”
“How’s your day so far? I haven’t seen you on the bench on the pitch today,” Kyra said. Y/n’s breath was warm against Kyra's neck, her fingers tracing small circles on her back.
“I was at physio, and then I had to do some media bullshit,” Y/n mumbled. “Just so you know, don’t watch the next YouTube video on Arsenal’s channel, okay?”
Kyra laughed. “Why? Why did you say that?”
“Well, they brought you up and my brain just froze and I started rambling, but Alessia and Leah pulled me out of my misery as soon as they could.
“Oh? You rambled? Kyra said teasingly, kissing Y/n’s cheek. “You get nervous talking about me? That’s cute.”
“Don’t say it like that, come on” Y/n blushed. “I just wasn’t prepared for them to talk about living together, it caught me off guard.”
“I'll watch the video, just so you know.”
“No, you won’t not.”
“I will, we will be watching it together actually, I wanna see you squirm.”
Kyra’s hand slipped up Y/n’s leg, now almost to the end of her tight. The touch sent shivers down her spine. She pulled back slightly pulled back, her lips brushing Kyra’s ear.
“There are different ways you could make me squirm, you know.” she said against Kyra’s mouth. “fingers, tongue, str–”
Y/n wasn’t a sex freak, but oh God did she want to take the cast off completely so she couldn't finally have sex with Kyra.
Kyra put her palm over Y/n’s mouth. “How are you so blunt?” she said whisper-yelling and looking around the room.
“I just am,” Y/n whispered-yelled back. “why are we whispering there’s no one here, everybody’s…”
The door to the changing room cracked open, and for a split second, it seemed as if the universe was playing a joke on Y/n and Kyra. The girls’ heads turned at the sound of the doorknob.
Beth walked in, her innocent eyes trailing the room until they landed on Y/n and Kyra.
Kyra went pale as Y/n’s stomach dropped.
Beth froze when she saw Kyra and Y/n, a grin on her face replacing the innocent expression from before as she examined the position Y/n and Kyra were in very carefully.
“Am I interrupting something?” She said, wiggling her eyebrows. “You two look very comfortable.”
Y/n and Kyra looked at Beth like a deer caught in headlights.
“I got a cramp in my good leg,” Y/n said quickly and defensively while trying to leave Kyra’s lap. “so I had to– hm– sit down.”
“And there weren’t enough benches so she had to sit –on, hm– my tight,” Kyra finished, blushing hard. “Yep, that’s pretty much what happened!”
Beth looked at them like they were idiots.
“One, two,” Beth counted, pointing to each bench available in the room. “Three, four and five. Five branches available for Y/n” She said, smirking. “You’re a bad liar Cooney-cross, it causes me physical pain.”
Y/n struggled but was eventually able to sit down next to Kyra, but she kept a very safe distance.
“I’m not lying!” Kyra stammered, blushing even more. “I just offered my injured friend a place to–”
“Injured friend?!” Y/n turned to Kyra. “Are you serious?”
“What?!” Kyra shrugged in confusion.
Before Y/n could open her mouth, Beth was already speaking.
“You know what, I’m going to spare you both from whatever the hell that was,” Beth said, walking straight to her cubby “I just wanted to grab this,” she pointed at her shin pads now in hand. “I didn’t mean to intrude on a private moment.”
Y/n wanted to slap the grin off Beth’s face. She was enjoying herself far too much. The girl breathed in and out, trying, trying to think of how to handle the situation or rather, how to handle Beth.
“We can just never mention it again,” Y/n suggested, trying to sound chill.
Yn looked at Kyra out of the corner of her eye and it pretty much looked like Kyra was silently panicking. She was looking at the ceiling, not making eye contact with either Beth or Y/n, while her hands tapped anxiously on her own tight.
So much for trying to act cool.
“Oh no babe, I’m never letting this go.” Beth replied with a mischievous smile “I’m saying I’ll spare you both now because I'm late for the drills.”
“But we’ll talk about this on the way to Lia’s house,” she continued, the grin on her face stronger than ever, “ Leah tells me Kyra is driving you all to Lia’s, do you have a seat for me?”
“Yes, we got one last spot,” y/n mumbled, looking hopelessly at Beth.
Her plan to keep her relationship with Kyra on the download had just gone down the drain. Beth was an amazing friend, but the girl couldn’t keep a secret if her life depended on it. She would eventually let it slip what she had seen in the changing room to the other girls. Beth just couldn’t help herself.
“Great!” She walked to the door. “Bye, lovebirds!”
Kyra's hands immediately shot up to cover her flushed cheeks “Oh God, that was so embarrassing!”
Kyra didn’t mind being seen with Y/n. To be honest she wanted the whole world to know it already. But at the same time, she wanted to keep what they had private. She wanted the affection and the sweet touches to stay in between them.
The less people knew the less they could pry on them. Although Kyra knew it wouldn’t last long, the Arsenal team was very close, they were more than a team, they were a real family.
Fortunately, there was no taboo about dating among players, especially at Arsenal, one of the clubs with the most couples.
Y/n smiled and reached over, gently pulling Kyra’s hands away from her face. She kissed the back of Kyra’s hand. “It’s okay, baby.”
“They’ll know eventually,” Y/n said softly but firmly. “Besides, it wasn’t that bad.”
Kyra’s tensed body slowly relaxed at Y/n's touch.
“Hey,” Y/n said, lifting Kyra’s chin so she was looking at her. “It’s not a big deal, okay?” She planted a gentle kiss on Kyra’s cheek.
“But you were straddling me,” Kyra murmured.
“So? It still could be a lot worse, trust me.” Y/n said with a warm smile, trying to reassure the girl. “Katie and Caitlin were much worse, don’t you remember?”
“Oh yeah, and Beth and Viv didn’t know what personal space was,” Kyra chuckled, before turning serious again as the realisation set in.
“Bloody hell Steph and Caitlin are going to tease the hell out of me, just like I did when they started their relationships.”
Kyra looked devastated. It was cute.
“Karma, baby,” Y/n joked, trying to ease Kyra’s nerves. “You’ll get through, yeah?”
“Whose side are you on?” Kyra asked grumpily.
“Yours, always.”
Y/n leaned back against the bench and picked up her crutches. “Don’t worry about it, yeah?” her tone was reassuring. “We'll figure it out. But now I have to go to my medical exam, I think the doctor is already waiting for me… you make me lose track of time,” she grinned at Kyra.
Before Y/n could walk away, Kyra grabbed her hip. “Hey, what was Beth talking about before? About going to Lia’s house?” Kyra asks, confused.
“Well, as my favourite driver, you were chosen to drive me, Less, Leah and, now Beth to Lia’s, her cat died,” Y/n said, patting Kyra’s cheek.
“Her cat died?!” Kyra asked, eyebrows raised. “Oh damn, I’ll have to pay Katie.
Y/n furrowed her brows. “What do you mean?”
“I bet the cat would last another year,” Kyra admitted, a slight blush on her cheeks. “Katie said it would be dead within a few months.”
Y/n was silent.
“It was Katie’s idea!” Kyra said, holding up both hands defensively.
“You bet on Lia's cat’s life?” Y/n said, her mouth hanging open. “That’s like so fucked up, mate.”
Y/n rolled her eyes. “Of course it was, and you just went along with it, didn’t you?”
Kyra gave her a cheeky smile. “That’s correct.”
“Hm, you pest,” Y/n muttered, giving Kyra one last kiss. “We’ll go after the drill is over, yeah? We can meet in the car park.”
“Okay, I’ll wait by the car,” Kyra said.
“You don’t mind driving us, do you?” Y/n asked just for the fun of it, she already knew the answer. “I didn’t even ask you.”
“Nope, I don’t mind as long as you sit in the passenger seat,” Kyra said teasingly, her thumb caressing Y/n’s skin.
“Good girl,” Y/n said with the same teasing tone. “Now please put your shirt back on or else I won't answer for my actions.”
“You are a pervert,” Kyra said, rolling her eyes, but doing as she was told.
“Yes, that's me!” Y/n said, before blowing a kiss and leaving the room. “See you later, babe.”
| PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 |
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chapter ten

Pairing: Aaron Pierre x Black Original Character
Warnings: Slow burn. 18+. Smut. Sex. Talks of emergency contraception.
Summary: Iriye is forced to face the music at the table read for Paradise Lost but Aaron isn't ready to fall back.
Notes: Better late than never. I wanted to write more of their... lovemaking scene but I will consider releasing outtakes from this story. Enjoy! Drop comments in my ask box, under this post or reblog. I love the responses.
Aaron was used to tense situations. Being an actor meant long days and nights. Different personalities collaborated and clashed with each other. This was a given in every life situation. He had seen his fair share of it, but being in a situation like this was never fun.
Things were a bit tense at the official table read for Paradise Lost, and it hadn't even started. Aaron could sense it, the energies in the room clashing a bit. Aaron saw Tamara had her hands on her hips whenever she talked to someone, her voice low, but her eyes looked frustrated. She was trying to be polite, but there was a tenseness.
Nelly was too jittery. The younger woman always had a pep to her step and a joke on her lips, but she was working overtime. He could tell she wasn’t as cheerful but more on the move, her hair in a messy bun rather than the loose waves she kept together.
“Here’s your script,” Nelly said to Aaron, not stopping for their usual small talk.
“You drunk anything that isn’t dark, Nelly,” Aaron stated, trying to get a chuckle.
“I don't like that accusation,” Nelly stated before she sighed. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you,”
“No, you’re fine. My apologies,” Aaron gave her a small smile. Nelly returned it, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “If you want, I can grab you something if it helps,”
“Thank you, but no thank you. I don’t want to leave Tamara and Iriye alone together,” Nelly said before leaning in. “They are not talking,”
“Isn’t that good?” Aaron asked.
“Aaron, that’s the worst thing. They’re doing this weird passive-aggressive attitude with each other,” Nelly rambled on.
“I have a feeling that I might be the cause of that,” Aaron admitted.
“Yeah, I know. Tamara was freaking out when she realized Iriye was at your place. I didn’t tell her anything. I figured Iriye would,” Nelly shrugged.
“Well, I thought Iriye would, too,” Aaron said. Nelly looked around.
“Walk with me to get something not dark from craft services?” Nelly asked him.
Aaron nodded, and Nelly quickly put the rest of the scripts for the cast at their proper seats.
They wandered over to the craft services area set up for the table read. Nelly immediately grabbed a bottle of water, causing Aaron to chuckle.
“To think I was going to offer my great advice giving skills to you about Iriye,” Nelly rolled her eyes before beginning to look over the snacks.
“Forgive me,” Aaron said througha chuckle. “I’m sorry. I mean it,”
“Yeah yeah yeah,” Nelly pointed a pretzel at him before eating it. She took her time chewing and then proceeded to wash it down with some water before talking. “Iriye has always kept her cards close to her chest,”
“You’re preaching to the choir,” Aaron said, grabbing his own trail mix from the table.
“But once she opens it, Iriye really will give endless love and devotion. I’ve seen it,” Nelly admits.
“With Jay?” Aaron asked. “I kind of figured that they were an item,”
“Yeah but I don’t think she was ever in love with him. And she ended that before she could find out,” Nelly whispered.
“But she was able to be around you guys with him. She never even told you and Tamara about me,”
“I been knew you two were a thing. I didn’t need her to tell me. Hell, I think I knew from the time we all met in the meeting with Davis,” Nelly stated. Aaron raised one eyebrow at him, and she gave him a look. “Please. Iriye went all cool and collected. That’s her tick for nerves. And you’re a great actor. But not when you have the upper hand on someone. You’re too smug,”
“You really notice everything?” Aaron stated. Nelly raised her bottle.
“If you want to be the best assistant, you gotta notice everything and the cracks in between,” Nelly stated. “Iriye is a complicated woman. Delicate underneath it all, but she’s scared to show it,”
“I know. I get why. She told me about her dad leaving…” Aaron said. Nelly paused while sipping her bottle of water.
“Wait, she talked about her dad?” Aaron could see the gears working overtime in Nelly’s head.
“Yes, she did,” Aaron was about to ask something else when he heard Nelly’s phone ring.
“I’m sorry. I gotta take this,” Nelly said, whispering sorry before she got on the phone.
Aaron returned to where his script was, grabbing his pen and adjusting his glasses. As he was beginning to highlight his lines, he felt the chair beside him creak, and he looked to see Vivian.
“Crap, I’m sorry,” Vivian said apologetically, adjusting her bag on the back of the seat.
“No, you’re good,” Aaron said, adjusting himself so she had room to sit. She gave him a small smile before she took out a pencil case and pulled out pens of different colors, arranging them in a way that made Aaron curious.
“What?” Vivian asked, a nervous smile making it to her face as she pulled her hair back into a ponytail. Aaron pointed out her pens. “There’s a method to my madness,”
“No, we actors have ways we handle things,” Aaron raised his hands in surrender.
“How are you handling all of this?” Vivian asked. “You know, thrown into the spotlight, and it’s full-blown on you,”
“It’s something,” Aaron admitted. “I was asked to host events and things. And I keep asking myself, why me?”
“It can be a lot,” Vivian nodded. “Doing all the extra when all you want to do is just act,” Aaron could hear something in her words. “Can I give you some advice? One actor to another,”
Aaron sat up some more, ready to learn.
“Know what you’re willing to fight for and what you’re ready to say no to,” Vivian said. “I wish I had learned that a long time ago. Fortunately, I had some good people in my corner, along with some who cared more about the money than my well-being.”
Aaron nodded, knowing of Vivian through his sister’s tabloids and gossiping when they were younger. Vivian seemed to smile through it all, even when people didn’t have the nicest things to say from what he saw.
“When you set what you will and will not take, it makes it harder for people to shake those boundaries,” Vivian explained. “And trust me, with the level of fame you’re about to experience once your show comes out, you’re gonna need it,”
Aaron nodded, taking it in as Vivian checked her phone, a smile taking over her face.
“It’s my boyfriend. Every time I have a first table read, he always sends me a picture of our dog with a cheesy message,” Vivian explained, showing him the picture. Aaron smiled as he saw an actor he had seen before in something, holding the dog up and a message underneath the photo.
“Adorable dog. He takes after his father,” Aaron joked, Vivian chuckling.
“He does,” Vivian said. “Honestly, it’s nice to know after this and some meetings, I have Gabe and Charleston to go home to,” She said. “They make the boundary testing all worth it because, at the end of the day, I’m living my dream and going home to them,”
Aaron thought about those words, looking toward where he felt eyes on him. He saw Iriye, seeing her in the flesh for the first time in a week. She looked frazzled, and he just wanted to smooth the worries from her head. He would kiss her until she talked to him about the most random things in her life. Aaron would be happy to bask in her presence.
Iriye turned her attention back to the production assistant helping with the table read, not wanting to bud into whatever Aaron and Vivian were talking about. They were too close for her liking, but what could she do? Yell at the two romantic leads of the film she wrote and produced. Tell Vivian to back off of Aaron because he was her man.
But Iriye couldn’t do that because she didn’t want to open up that can of worms. They never explicitly said what they were doing with each other during the three months they had been in each other’s lives. That’s where it got tricky because Iriye was comfortable with what they were doing: going on mini dates at each other’s place before sleeping with each other. Late nights in the grocery store or early mornings trekking through the used bookstores Iriye loved. Eating food that was going against his Lanterns fitness regime and watching him try to work it off with his Lanterns regime at the home gym in his apartment.
Iriye just loved being around him. She loved him. It felt too soon to say that. The moment she realized she was really into Aaron was when he dropped her off at her apartment after picking up the morning-after pill. He seemed calm, but she could tell he was agitated. But he still offered to stay with her, having read the side effects on the box as they sat and waited to figure out the next steps of their plan.
“It says side effects include nausea and vomiting,” Aaron read plainly. Even telling her the worst thing sounded great coming from him.
“It’s not my first rodeo with the morning-after pill,” Iriye said nonchalantly.
“So, you’ve done this before?” Aaron stated.
“There was a broken condom situation when a fellow intern when I moved to LA,” Iriye explained. But she didn’t explain how the pill always tended to make her feel like she was dying. She always got the brute force of the side effects.
“I should probably stay then,” Aaron said. “Make sure you’re alright,”
“I don’t need you for this part, Aaron,” Iriye stated too quickly. “It just makes me sleepy, so I’ll be fine. I’ll probably sleep this thing off all weekend. And you probably need to get prepped for the table read and all,” Iriye knew it was a few days off, but in being around Aaron, she knew when it was playtime and work time.
“Iriye-” Aaron reasoned as she got out of the car.
“See you at the table read,” Iriye stated, walking towards her apartment.
And it was a terrible couple of days. Iriye had been fielding calls and texts from Tamara all while trying not to throw up from the morning after side effects. Once it came to Monday, she decided to stay home but not before Tamara could come banging at her door. Iriye had to pretend to not be home before seeing Tamara slip a note under her door. She waited a while before moving to grab the paper and read it: you can’t run away forever.
Now Iriye was back at the lot, ensuring everything was under control until she saw Tamara.
“Iriye,” Tamara was in professional mode.
“Tamara, I-”
“We’re using your latest script,” Tamara said in her professional voice, and Iriye raised a brow. “We can’t do this right now,”
“I know,” Iriye stated.
Tamara moved to talk with someone else on the sound stage while Iriye went to drop off her belongings at her seat. People started gathering around, with Tamara leading the group in quick introductions of the actors and creatives involved in the film. Iriye quickly introduced herself. Vivian led the group in a small round of applause, and she gave a small and curt smile.
As the reading began, Iriye was lost in everyone getting comfortable with each other. each finding their character's voice and emotional journey. One of her favorite things about being a writer was seeing the discoveries others found in and between the lines of her words.
They took their first break during Act One, and Iriye grabbed a snack from craft services. But she should have been smarter because Aaron was right on her tail.
“We need to talk,” Aaron spoke lowly under her voice. Iriye checked her watch.
“We can’t right now,” Iriye shook her head.
“We got fifteen minutes,” He said. “Enough time,”
“We said we wouldn’t do this, us, on the lot,” Iriye reminded.
“Bullshit, Iriye,” Aaron said under his breath.
“Excuse me?” Iriye was shocked at him being snappy with her. He never was.
“Bullshit. You weren’t saying that in your office,” Iriye cleared her throat, hoping no one heard. “Walk with me, Iriye Edwards,”
Aaron began walking ahead, and Iriye glared at his head. He turned towards her.
“Please, Iriye,” Aaron’s eyes softened at her even if his voice was sharp and clear. Iriye huffed and looked around before following him out. Still being the gentleman, he held one of the doors open for her, following behind her. They walked briefly before Aaron stopped them at a familiar structure: the soundstage where they met.
“We don’t have a lot of time,” Iriye stated.
“How are you feeling after the weekend?” He asked her, a nervousness taking over him.
“I took the pill if that’s what you were wondering,” Iriye stated. “I forgot how sick those things make me,” She said too much, seeing Aaron’s eyes soften more. “Don’t look at me like that. I don’t like when people see I’m sick,”
“What’s wrong with seeing you sick,” Aaron said.
“Because I was gross and hunched over a toilet,” Iriye said. “I can take care of myself,”
“I know that, Iriye. But when you’re with someone. When you want to be in a relationship with them, you let them see all sides of yourself: the good, the bad, and the ugly,” Aaron said.
“Well, here you go. You’ve reached the bad part,” Iriye said. “I self-sabotage before you get a chance to figure out I’m not good enough and leave,”
“You think I’m going to leave?” Iriye chuckled.
“Aaron, it’s a given,” Iriye stated. “You’re handsome. You’re talented. And so deserving of every chance you’re going to get,” Iriye bit her lip. “But so am I,”
Aaron raised a brow at her words, moving closer to her.
“There’s going to be a point where it’s going to be what I want or what you want,” Iriye said. “And I’m afraid that when we get to that point, one of us might make the wrong choice,”
“So you would rather quit while you’re ahead?” Aaron asked, looking at her deeply in her eyes. “Answer me, Iriye,” His gaze was intense, and she wanted to look anywhere but him. But she was in his orbit and hated how close she had allowed him to get.
“I-I don’t know,” Iriye tried looking at his sweater. Aaron tilted her chin up to look up at him.
“We need to talk about this, Iriye. Not right now, because we have to return to the table read. But we’re gonna talk about this,” Aaron stroked her chin.
“Okay,” Iriye said.
Iriye and Aaron pulled apart, trying not to walk too closely to each other as they made it back to the soundstage. Iriye let him enter first, and Tamara stopped her just as she was going to go in.
“Tamara, we’ve got to get back,” Iriye muttered.
“Why didn’t you tell me,” Tamara asked. Iriye bit her lip.
“I didn’t mean to hide it from you,” Iriye whispered.
“But you didn’t,” Tamara said. “Is this about Jay?”
“No,” Iriye admitted. “It had nothing to do with him,”
“I know he and I are still being friends; it bugs you, but he was my friend before you were his girlfriend,” Tamara stated.
“I know, Tam. I wasn’t asking you to take sides,” Iriye said.
“But I wouldn’t have said anything if he asked about your dating life. Maybe that’s why you didn’t tell me,” Tamara stated.
“I know you wouldn’t,” Iriye admitted. “I just… I’m figuring things out, and I didn’t want to say something, and it didn’t work out. Saying something would make it real. Maybe too real,”
“I saw you two at the snack table,” Tamara said. “I was going to talk to you, but I saw him and you,”
“We’re about to start again,” A production assistant interrupted them. Iriye nodded toward them, and they left.
“You like him. Probably more than you ever liked Jay,” Iriye heard Tamara’s words.
“We need to focus back on the table read,” Iriye rubbed her on her jeans.
“It’s okay to feel for him, Iriye. You deserve to be happy,” Tamara said.
“I’m sorry, Tamara,” Iriye moved to hug Tamara, and she embraced her back.
“I’m sorry, too,” Tamara squeezed Iriye. They pulled apart, returning to the table together.
The energy for the rest of the table read felt better, Iriye able to focus at moments, hearing the chemistry building amongst the cast. The reactions to different scenes and dialogues had her feeling like everything she had worked so hard for, was coming to fruition.
By the last scene, Iriye’s eyes were shiny with tears. They got to the last pages and a few of the actors in the cast clapped. Tamara took a moment to speak, letting everyone know that Lanoire productions were thankful for them to join the journey of this film getting made.
The table read was wrapped up and Iriye was grabbing her things from her office when she heard a knock at her door. She looked up and saw Aaron.
“Can I come in?” Iriye nodded and he entered her office, looking around. “How are you feeling?”
Iriye let out a deep breath she felt like she had been fighting. “I feel like… I can breathe a little better,”
“You and Tamara?” Aaron asked.
“We’re good. I’m pretty sure I owe her dinner, two bottles of wine and a gossip session about us,” Iriye said. She saw the smile smile on his face and she bit her lip. “Aaron…”
“You said us,” Aaron moved to grab her bag, packing it up. “Come on,”
“Aaron, I gotta go home,”
“I know. I’m taking you home. I know you didn’t drive your car since you haven’t been feeling good,” Iriye rolled her eyes as the man before her.
“So bossy,” Iriye took her bag from him.
“Don’t think I didn’t see you rolling your eyes at me,” Aaron said as he led her out.
Iriye was quiet as she let Aaron drive her home in his car, his hand on her thigh as Sade played in his car. They didn’t speak but it was enough for Iriye. It made her feel warm and that thought came through her head. She loved him.
They got to her place and Iriye let them in, Aaron taking her bag off and putting it where she kept it normally.
“Go shower. I’m going to make us some dinner and we’re going to talk like adults,” Aaron demanded. “Then if you want to step away from us, you can,”
Iriye was going to say something but she saw the look on Aaron’s face.
“Fine,” Iriye turned to her bathroom and went inside, using the time as she needed. She had to get this fine ass man out of her house. But taking her time in the shower would give her the space to breathe and take in how she would do this. She could go the anger route. Yell at him. Threaten him. Tell him she wouldn’t see him. But she didn’t want that. She wanted him.
Iriye dried off, taking the time to moisturize her skin and she deciped to slip into some sweats and a t shirt. She walked into the kitchen to see Aaron heating up some pasta sauce she had in a jar.
“You need to go grocery shopping,” Aaron pointed out. He had some noodles boiling and she bit her lip.
“Maybe. I’ve just been spending a lot of time at this man’s house,” Iriye said.
“Oh a man. What’s he like?” Aaron asked, playing along.
“Well for one, he’s tall. Really built like a linebacker or something,” Iriye mentioned. “His ears kind of a tad big for his head,”
“Not too much,” Aaron chuckled.
“He’s passionate and sweet and funny. Can go toe to toe with me when we bicker,” Iriye stated. She watched as he continued cooking with what she had, moving to plate the paste with the sauce for her.
“I did the best I could,” He said, moving to get her a glass of water for Iriye. He place it by her. “Now eat,”
“Someone’s bossy,” Iriye dug into the meal. He watched her eat, Iriye knowing that he was focused on her. Once she finished, she watched Aaron move her plate out the way and pulled her chair closer to him as they sat at her counter. “What has gotten into you?” Iriye asked.
“You have, Iriye Edwards,” Aaron spoke, his hand moving to her cheek and cupping it. “So if this is what you don’t want,” His hand sliding up her thigh. “You’ll tell me to stop,” He cupped her pussy through her sweats and Iriye bit her lip.
“Aaron,” Iriye moaned. His hand slid into her sweats, finding her pussy as she didn’t put panties on.
“No panties. You made this so much easier for me, love,” Aaron slipped two fingers inside of Iriye and he quickly found that spot inside of her that made her gasp out.
Iriye was going to shut her legs but Aaron stood, moving to stand between her legs. His hand went to the nape of her neck and twisted his fingers into the hair there, making her look at him.
“You want me to stop, say it,” Aaron challenged her, blue eyes piercing her own. “Say it,”
Iriye couldn’t say anything as she moaned, his fingers working inside of her, his thumb touching her clit.
“The thing is you need me, Iriye,” Aaron said. “And I need you,” He leaned down to kiss her lips and Iriye kissed him back deeply.
Iriye cupped his cheeks as their lips moved against each others, Aaron swallowing every moan and gasp that slipped as he worked her pussy with his fingers, feeling her juices coming out more and more.
Aaron pulled back from kissing her, taking his fingers out of her pussy and sliding them to her lips, letting her taste herself amongst them. Iriye moaned, tasting her sweet juices. He pulled his fingers and kissed her, groaning.
“Come on,” Aaron lifted Iriye up, her hands moving to his neck and her legs wrapped around him. He led them to her bedroom and she gasps as he dropped her on her bed. “Strip,” Iriye sat up and with the look in his eye, she knew not to play around.
Iriye shuffled her sweats down, leaving her bottom half bare and then her shirt came off, her titties bouncing back to their space. Aaron;s eyes took in every part of her body and she felt so exposed like a raw nerve. He got himself out of his shirt, the slight hair on his chest coming into view and the same speckle just above his pants. No belt was in his jeans and she watched as he unbuttoned it, his boxer briefs coming into view to show the hard bulge below as he got out of them.
“Can I taste you,” Iriye asked and Aaron just chuckled.
“You think I’m going to let you have what you want?” Aaron stated. “After you drove me mad all week, worried about you,” Iriye thought it was posessiveness making him act like this but it was more than that. “Get the condom,” Iriye shuffled up her bed to check her sidetable draw. Just as she was about to grab the gold foil, she felt a smack to her ass and she moaned from the sting, looking back at him. “Get the condom, Iriye,”
Iriye grabbed it, shifting till she was laying against the pillow. Like a lion, Aaron crawled over her. He took the condom out of her hands and opened it, slipping it onto himself.
Aaron crawled over Iriye, his eyes meeting her and leaning down for a soft kiss. And Iriye hated that she felt like she didn’t deserve him being sweet for a moment.
“Let me in, Iriye,” Aaron whispered and it wasn’t just her opening her legs and bed to him. It was everything else. Letting him into her life and her heart.
Before she could reply, Aaron pushed into her, a groan leaving his lips as he pressed into her pussy. She gasped as the familiar feeling of her body stretching around his length.
Aaron took a moment to regain himself, his body rocking into her as Iriye’s nail went to his back to find purchase. But he took both of her hands and pressed them to the bed.
“No. You’re just going to feel me. Feel what I do to you. That’s your only focus. Do you understand,” Aaron demanded.
“Yes,” Iriye moaned as she felt him beginning to thrust his length inside of her. Soft gasps left her as Aaron was commited to being slow and steady. His length slide in and out of her, the wet sounds echoing amongst their moans and groans.
Aaron was rolling his hips too good into her. Rocking against her as her feet tried to find purchase on the bed. His chest was rubbing against her nipples, growing harder and making her pussy throb with each movement.
“God, I wish I could feel how wet you are again,” He whispered against her lips, him leaning down to kiss her. Her hands were gasping the covers as Aaron pinned her down.
“You feel so good inside of me,” Iriye moaned out, feeling him thrust a little harder into her and causing her to cry out.
“You really wanted to end this,” Aaron groaned against her neck. “Look at me,” He twisted his hips in a way that had Iriye arching her back, body still rocking slowly into her. “You want me to stop?”
Iriye gasped as he thrust again, hitting her g spot. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head for a second.
“You didn’t answer me Iriye,” He thrust harder into her. “You want me to stop?”
“No,” Iriye whined out. Aaron paused for a moment and she was about to moan her discontent.
“Wrap your legs around me,” Iriye did as she was told, her legs wrapping around his waist. He lifted her back up from the bed. “Arms around my neck,” She wrapped around his neck and that’s when she knew he was trying to ruin her for anyone else.
Aaron’s muscles weren’t just for looks as he began bouncing her on his cock, lifting her like she was nothing. She began crying out, not caring that her neighbors would most likely complain. If they were getting fucked like this while on their worst behavior, they would understand.
“You really want this to stop,” Aaron lifted her, his cock hitting her g spot just right and her being forced to take the onslaught was wrecking her. They were both trying to breath between gasps and moans. “A-Answer me,” He stuttered as Iriye’s pussy spasmed.
“No. Please! No! Don’t stop,” Iriye cried out loudly. She clutched onto him for dear life as the wet slaps fell against his hips.
“You really wanted to run from this,” Aaron was thrusting up into her harder. “But no one can fuck you like this,” He made sure to puntactate each word with a hard thrust, forcing cries from her body.
“Aaron!” Iriye whined.
“When I am done with you, you’re only going know my name. You understand, love,” Aaron thrust harder into her.
“Fuck! Yes,” Iriye cried out. He thrust up into her as he brought her body down onto his length, cries and moans leaving Iriye’s body as he moved faster. “You’re going to make cum!” Iriye whined.
“Good. Cum on your cock. I’m yours baby,” Aaron leaned in to kiss her. Her lips hungrily found his and she cried out as she felt her pussy spasming. It took a couple more thrusts before Iriye screamed out. Her juices flooding his length just made Aaron thrust harder, him groaning out as his orgasm hit her and they crumpled to the bed, entangled in each others arms. They would have to talk at some point but their bodies did most of the work and that was enough for now.
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Oh my God. Oh my fucking god.
The “crazy together” thing just made me realize SOMETHING.
Remember “The Last of Us”?
Ellie and Riley (both girls) are best friends but secretly love each other.
1. Neon Mall
Riley takes Ellie on a fun / romantic night to the old abandoned mall full of neon lights.
2. Lingerie Shop
They both look at a lingerie shop, get awkward & flustered; and it’s this way that’s implied they feel sexual attraction to each other.
3. Carousel & Ponies
They get on a carousel, ride the horses.
Similar to the “fun” riding pony in Starcourt, which plays the same song that was in the background of the Russian code “blue meets yellow in the west”.
4. Daisy Bell
And BY THE WAY, side note— this extremely creepy song is “Daisy Bell”, the first song to ever be sung by a computer (IBM 7094), in 1961. I know, very unsettling and weird.
And yet, that’s not all. Here are the lyrics:
Daisy, Daisy give me your answer do.
I’m half crazy all for the love of you.
It won’t be a stylish marriage, I can’t afford a carriage.
But you’ll look sweet, Upon the seat, Of a bicycle made for two.
Michael, Micheal, here is your answer true.
I’m not crazy all for the love of you.
There won’t be any marriage, If you can’t afford a carriage.
‘Cause I’ll be switched, If I get hitched, On a bicycle built for two!”
According to the dictionary:
hitch = pull; harness; knot; problem; get married; move (something) into a different position with a jerk
👆👆Keep this in mind for now.
5. Sewers & Falling-Outs
Riley explains what made her leave the organization she and Ellie were a part of:
‘I turn 17 next month, that's when you get your assignment. You know what Kwong gave me? Sewage detail. Standing guard while people shovel s***, that's what they think of me.'
This might not mean much, but I found it interesting because the sewers seem to be a relevant aspect in ST5.
But a part of me can’t help but wonder that maybe this is also a sign of Will having a falling-out/ disagreement with someone on his “side”— a while ago, there was a reliable leak about something like that happening between Will and Dustin. Interesting. Maybe having to do with Hellfire?
6. Photos
Riley & Ellie get into a Photo Booth and pose for pictures.
Not super relevant, but this reminded me that Mike only smiles in photos when Will is also there; does this mean we‘ll have a photo moment with them? Maybe Jonathan takes their pic?
7. Arcade
Riley shows Ellie a bright gaming arcade, Ellie says it’s the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen, and they play Mortal Kombat against each other.
“Palace Arcade”, a place both Mike and Will love… is it just me or does ‘palace’ give romantic vibes?
8. Alcohol & Drugs
They sit together, get drunk, talk a lot, laugh in pure happiness.
Highler = they smoke weed and also get drunk.
9. Betrayal
Riley reveals she’s going to leave for a resistance organization, Ellie sees a pile of handmade explosives, & an argument ensues, because Ellie feels betrayed and assumes that Riley did all that just to try and recruit her.
My guess: while drunk, Will confides in Mike that he’s gay and secretly dating/ having encounters with Chance (who, on top of that, is involved with the jocks who witch-hunted Eddie— hence all the Judas references in s4).
Mike obviously feels betrayed, jealous, gets furious and leaves.
Bonus angst: Will thinks part of Mike’s anger stems from Will being gay, since by this point Will doesn’t know Mike actually loves him back.
10. Regret & Rekindling
Ellie eventually feels bad & comes back.
I think all of us can see Mike Wheeler doing the exact same thing.
11. Heart-to-Heart
They have a conversation, a heart-to-heart, and explain themselves:
'You don't know what it was like to have a family to belong to,' Riley said. 'I belonged to them and I want that again. Maybe the Fireflies aren't what I think they are but they chose me. I matter to them.'
'But you matter to me first,' Ellie said.
Ellie told her she was her best friend and would miss her.
To me, this definitely reads like Will explaining why he felt tempted to get involved with Chance; and Mike emphasizing, reminding him, that he is the one who cared first and is his true best friend.
12. Playing, Kissing & Loving
On a lighter mood, after playfully putting funny masks on and dancing while listening to music, they finally kiss each other.
With byler I think their kiss is going to lead to some kind of sexual contact.
13. Infection & Attack
This is when the infected zombie attacks Riley & Ellie and both get bitten.
The AIDS thing… Mike and Will get infected.
Also Lonnie, metaphorically attacking them… or… him literally & materially coming back to make their lives into more of a living hell?
14. Crazy Together
They both go into despair and this is what Riley proclaims:
'They way I see it we have two options, one we take the easy way out,' Riley said holding a gun. 'Quick and painless. No, I don't like option one. Option two, we just keep going.'
'What are you talking about, it's over,' Ellie said.
'It will be but not yet,' Riley said. ‘We can be all poetic and sh*t and just lose our minds together.’
Sound familiar?
‘Hey Will… if we’re both going crazy, then… we’ll go crazy together, right?’
‘Yeah… Crazy together.’
*Outside the Realm by Big Giant Circles plays*
15. Immunity
As time passes, Ellie realizes she’s immune to the fungal infection. As far as we know, Riley is not.
This makes me think that maybe, there is something about Mike that makes him out-survive Will. Maybe also an immunity, maybe just because he was infected later in life, maybe something else.
Ellie is immune because, as we find out later, she was infected very shortly before birth. Her mother was bitten during the last seconds of pregnancy.
What could this mean for Mike? And Karen???
16. Unknown Fate
Both in the videogame and in the TV show, it’s never revealed what actually happened to Riley.
It’s possible that she was either eventually shot by Ellie, simply turned into a zombie and Ellie left her like that, or some secret third thing no one knows yet.
This aligns with Will’s ambiguous state of life. Did he really die? What truly happened to him? Does he come back? He, too, became the ‘zombie boy.’
17. The Cure
Scientists in Salt Lake City (!!!) conclude that Ellie’s brain holds the key to reverse-engineer a cure / vaccine, but that she will die in the process. She escapes with the help of a guardian / father figure.
As we all know, Salt Lake City also makes an appearance in Stranger Things, which is definitely interesting.
Mike has consistently been described as the key 🔑. What is this key? Is it because he’s intelligent and creative enough to strategize, manipulate reality and write an alternate story? However this would work in the Stranger Things universe?
18. Lore
When it comes to the sci-fi lore of this show, I believe there’s some kind of technology (similar to Nina) that allows for reality manipulation and changing of past events.
Maybe Mike used his imagination combined with the machine’s powers to fabricate an alternate, watered-down narrative, for Will.
You know, a watered-down narrative, exactly what Murray Bauman said in s2.
However, this unfortunately comes with side effects, because the timeline becomes increasingly bizarre as its control is somehow connected to Mike’s mind. And besides creating what he wants, it manifests in increasingly unexpected ways and also aspects of his subconscious (Vecna, etc.).
19. The Tempest & The Forbidden Planet
As I’ve said before, this is very similar to the unique concept of The Forbidden Planet (1956) movie, which is based on The Tempest (1611), a play by Shakespeare. This is highly relevant because The Tempest is referenced in ST set design (a Hawkins High theatre club poster).
Someone in the ST analysis community (sorry I can’t remember who) has a longer post about this play. I’d like to write one about The Forbidden Planet (a sci-fi adaptation of the fantasy original), but this post is already becoming way too long.
I guess my point is, I think that the Duffers are doing a sci-fi meets psychology meets culture meets imagination thing. There is a technological or scientific element in the show’s lore that combines all of this in order to alter reality.
At least, this is my current theory.
I think in the original, realistic, non-supernatural timeline, Will really died and all those horrible things (abuse, AIDS, etc.) did happen.
And as dark as it might be, I think this grim reality is actually going to be revealed in s5— by somehow peeling back the subtext layer (the curtain).
We can infer this by paying attention to the unexplained & nonsensical discrepancies between the two articles about Will’s disappearance in s1 and s2. The fact that the real article about the OG timeline is shown in the series, onscreen, means, to me, that this timeline will in fact be revealed in-universe. I’ll be posting my detailed thoughts on that as well.
How will they open the curtain? I think the simulation machine or alternate reality created is going to be forcibly and unexpectedly shut off at some point, causing the naked raw truth about Will and Hawkins to be revealed.
Side note: If you think about it, they’ve made so many references to systems being suddenly shut off (electricity turning off in the entire Hawkins town in 3x01, them shutting the Puzzle Tales mobile game off for literally no reason while sending weird hint-y goodbye messages, among other instances…).
However, they might be able to fix it, and ultimately, I think there will be a happy ending for Mike and Will, even if it’s in the better world created by Mike.
Thank you so much for reading and let me know what you think.
Tagging: @greenfiend @threemanoperation @strange-anni @erikiara80 @reo-bylerwagon @bylerlipglances
The Nested Universes Theory
and the high chance of a very literal bitter/sweet ending…
Yes, Will and Mike will end up together, but their ending may be both happy and tragic simultaneously.
(This theory may explain why the cast and Netflix executives were crying heavily when informed of the show’s ending…)
I'm warning you guys, take care of yourself while reading this. This isn't an easy read.
CW: CSA, sex, drugs, HIV/AIDS, period typical homophobia, death
Framed Narratives/Stories
Framed narratives are basically a story within a story. Common examples of this are the movie “The Princess Bride” and “Titanic”. Both stories have the story of the narrator and the story within.
Another example is Stranger Things itself. When we see the boys playing Dungeons and Dragons, they are creating a story within a story.
Sometimes, framed narratives are nested, meaning multiple layers of storytelling. An example of this would be the movie “Inception”. In that movie there are dreams within dreams within dreams… It’s a complex but fascinating way to tell stories.
Now, I do think Stranger Things is also a nested narrative story. Meaning, there may be a layer of a story that hasn’t been revealed to us yet (or more than one).
Basically I’m saying: the show itself may be a story created by some of the characters.
I’m guessing two characters in particular. Which two characters? The two most associated with creating stories. The writer and artist. Two of the characters that have existed since the show’s inception.
Mike and Will.
Multiple Universes
I do think there are multiple timelines/universes within Stranger Things… but it’s not exactly what you think. It’s not parallel universes/timelines. They do not exist parallel to each other, they exist within each other.
This is the reason for the “memory within a memory”, “play within a play” references.
It’s a story within a story within a story.
While Mike and Will are creating their DnD campaigns, there is another version of Mike and Will creating the story we see within the show.
Let’s break it down:
Inner layer: Mike and Will’s characters existing within a DnD campaign
Middle layer: Mike and Will within the show creating the DnD campaign
Outer layer: Mike and Will creating the story of the show
Mike and Will’s story within the frame (the outer layer) likely does share a lot in common with the story within the show, with one major difference:
There’s no Upside Down, and no supernatural elements. No superpowers, and no superheroes. There are still monster(s) and heroes, but these monsters and heroes are real.
Living on as “Heroes”

Ever notice the association between characters being referred to as “a hero” after facing their demise?
We have seen this time and time again. It’s not a coincidence, it’s a pattern.
Love for horror and escapism

@threemanoperation has a great post on Will’s love for horror.
It makes perfect sense for a boy like Will to enjoy horror. It can be a great way to process trauma and grief.
We also know even from the earliest descriptions for Mike and Will’s characters that they both love to “escape” into fantasy. They do this together, through DnD.
Gods/Puppet Masters/Creators
Within the show, there are many subtle nods to Will and Mike somehow controlling/manipulating things. These hints have lead to many interesting theories about Mike and/or Will having powers. In a sense, they both are absolutely right! But if this theory is correct, their influence over the show is mainly due to them creating it. They’re the authors, so in a way, they’re both “Gods”.
Solving the “Letter to Willy”/Lettergate puzzle
"Letter to Willy" is a song that plays over three different scenes within ST4. Each scene involves regrets, and survivor's guilt.
Max mourns Billy and reads out her letter "before it's too late" aka before she dies too.
Mike and Will have a heart-to-heart and Mike expresses guilt over El leaving, thinking there was more he could have done. This occurs while they are burying a dead man's body.
Dustin tells Eddie's uncle that Eddie died a hero, despite what the town thought.
This all leads back to Mike and Will within the story's outer layer. This also connects with the writer's incomplete letter they posted years ago on Twitter. I'll get back to this.
A father infecting his child
Oh boy. I hate this part but it requires context so…
Hopper admits to indirectly causing the death of his daughter, Sarah. He had been exposed to Agent Orange which led to his daughter developing cancer at a young age. He has remorse and has been grieving Sarah this whole time.
Now, Hopper is a decent guy and father, and is written as an almost “fix it” version of Mike and Will’s own fathers. He isn’t perfect, but he’s a man who strives to grow and improve himself.
Papa, is not a decent guy, and we also see him injecting El and Henry with needles.
So, what I’m saying is that this may be a hint to what happened to Will (in the 99/100 timeline). Lonnie is hinted to be a drug user, and it wouldn’t be far fetched to say he may have used IV drugs. Exposure to IV drugs is a way to transmit diseases, as blood may be exchanged through contaminated needles. Also, Lonnie has been hinted at, through subtext, to be a horrible monster. (<- click that link for a post about him.)
The “1/100” Timeline

The show itself is the 1 out of 100 timeline. It is the only one where Will was not kidnapped by his parent/guardian (Lonnie).
This means, it is the one where none of the tragic stuff ever happened, specifically to Will and Mike’s story at least. They may encounter challenges, but nothing they cannot overcome together, as a team.
1983: The Demogorgon got Will. He survives the horrors done to him in the Upside Down… but barely. He is taken to the hospital and heals from it all, including flu-like symptoms (cough, nausea/vomiting).
1984: Will suffers from flashbacks. He is also plagued with the nickname “Zombie Boy” and suffering from the Mind Flayer’s possession of him. But with the love of his family, and Mike, is able to return back to his reality.
1985: He then begins to struggle with the pressures of growing up, and having to move away. Plus the Mind Flayer returns and reeks more havoc.
1986: He then moves to a pleasant place. Where things are sunny and warm. Things on the surface seem happy and “normal” but there’s a looming threat hidden beneath the surface. Henry/1/Vecna. This opportunistic threat preys on the weak and begins to take over Hawkins.
1987-1989: Will is back in Hawkins and his ties to the Upside Down increase. He can’t shake it off as easily as before. He also can’t shake off his love for Mike, who grows even closer to him. One thing leads to another and they become lovers (they have sex). They eventually are able to stop the contamination of Hawkins, and save everyone. Will also realizes that he has developed superpowers from his time in the Upside Down, through his blood. Mike also develops superpowers, given to him by Will.
Okay… you might understand where I’m going with this but I still must warn you before reading the next part. It’s devastatingly tragic.
The “99/100” Timeline
(I’m probably wrong on some of these details but this is what I theorize thus far):
1983: Lonnie “got” Will (CSA). Will survives the horrors done to him by his father… but barely. He is taken to the hospital and heals from it all and from flu-like symptoms (cough, nausea/vomiting).
1984: Will suffers from flashbacks. He is also plagued with the nickname “Zombie Boy” and suffering from the flashbacks of his father’s possession of him. But with the love of his family, and Mike, is able to return back to reality.
1985: He then begins to struggle with the pressures of growing up. Plus the memories of Lonnie return and reek more havoc.
1986: Things on the surface seem happy and “normal” but there’s a looming threat hidden beneath the surface. HIV -> AIDS. Opportunistic infections slowly begin to prey on Will.
1987-?: Will can’t shake off colds and infections as easily as before. He also can’t shake off his love for Mike, who grows even closer to him. One thing leads to another and they become lovers (they have sex). Will soon discovers he has HIV/AIDS, which he had transmitted to Mike. Devastated by the news, they do everything they can to fight it together. They cope through creating a DnD campaign together to process everything they’ve gone through. They play DnD in Mike’s basement until Will’s condition becomes critical. Will is forced to stay in the hospital, while Mike is unable to visit (strict rules about visitation due to the disease and because they aren’t/cannot be considered legal partners). So, Mike does the only thing he can do: he writes letters to Will and continues the story. Mike eventually loses Will, for real this time. He’s devastated, and plagued with grief, depression, and survivor’s guilt. He didn’t complete their story in time. But his family and friends support him and encourage him to finish the story. To change the ending before his time runs out too. He completes their story himself, and reads his final letter to Will’s grave.

“anyway I think you’ll like [the ending]. sorry I couldn’t get it done [on time] but you mean so [much to me] and it’s been [so hard being without you] hope this is [enough to] last until [we meet again]. Love, [Mike].”
Attached to this letter is the full campaign. The full story of the show itself, which started on November 6th, 1983. He successfully turned back the clock, and changed their ending. They became superheroes within their story, saving Hawkins with their love. Mike dies soon after and we are met with…
Mike and Will reuniting within their own story. Blue meeting yellow at a gate, one final time, that leads “into the west”.
They continue their story and it’s a never ending story… Living on as heroes, forever and ever.
Some thoughts:
To simplify things, I didn’t include other characters much here but they likely all play an important role in the story. Many characters likely only exist within the mid layer (the 1/100 timeline).
I do think their story likely will be published, and this will be done by another character (my guess is Lucas). Their story will impact others profoundly, perhaps completely altering perspectives. This will lead towards positive change, and increase pressure for the development of a “cure”.
Lonnie obviously dies too, but we won’t see it. He’s significant but irrelevant. We don’t need to see him. Perhaps he rots in jail.
If characters like Nancy, Jonathan, Joyce, and Hopper all exist within the outer layer (the 99/100 timeline) in a similar way, they too may be inflicted with HIV/AIDS. Remember, it wasn’t just gay men, everyone was affected by this awful epidemic.
The time period is super relevant in this story. There’s no way that HIV/AIDS will not play an important role. Think about it… it revolves around two gay boys growing up during that time. This epidemic was widespread and terrifying. Had they been born a decade later, there would have been treatments/“cures” accessible to them.
The biggest reason why I strongly believe this theory is because… this is basically the ending of Stranger Things season 1, on a much grander scale. Think about it. Mike changed the ending of the DnD campaign so Will could be a hero, not a victim. This was further established in the comics.
While Mike and Will within the outer layer (99/100) have a tragic ending, Mike and Will within the show (1/100) do not. They beat the odds. Although it is undeniably a tragic end, remember that somewhere out there Mike and Will are still playing DnD and Nintendo for the rest of their lives.
Free Will and Writing your Own Ending

Free will has always been a reoccurring theme within Stranger Things; meaning we can choose our own destiny, fight chance, and beat the odds.
Do we truly have free will though? Obviously, we don’t know. The point is, we should still live life as if we do have it. To take control where we can, and not let external forces dictate who we are and what our destiny is. I think that’s the message there.
#byler#stranger things#byler theory#stranger things theory#will byers#mike wheeler#my post#chancegate#st chance#st nina#nina machine#the last of us#tlou#ellie x riley#ellie tlou#riley tlou#starcourt mall#aids#byler sexuality#highler#palace arcade#daisy bell#carouselgate#ponygate#lingeriegate#sewergate#timeline theory#st analysis#st5 speculation#Youtube
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Seeing that Luke post get thousands upon thousands notes is giving me hives. How does one become this fandom brained? I know the jokes are "don't mess with fans of X they don't even watch/read/listen to their own film/show/etc." and any fandom is going to cause some amount of ooc behaviour for the sake of jokes and memes and stuff, but surely at some point the character is so bent out of shape you stop to ponder what you're doing.
Who is this Luke Skywalker, collector of wayward orphans? Why would he want to be Reys dad? You get the feeling she might want it at the start of TLJ... And then the rest of the movie happens, going into great detail, at times in overly didactic ways, as to why that's a Bad Idea for her personal growth and the galaxy at large.
Even in older Legends material, where he ends up having actual kids, most of the lauded and beloved portrayals of his character are things like the original Thrawn trilogy, and in that he spends all three books struggling with if there's any place for him in the galaxy after the emperor died. The supposed definitive alternate sequel trilogy is, at least for Luke, largely about if he even should restart the jedi order, since his own training is incomplete and he has a deep fear any students he has are going to eventually succumb to the dark side, and how if they do it'll probably be a direct result of his incompetence. He does naturally, much like in TLJ, overcome these feelings of inadequacy and re-emerge as the definitive hero of the story, but spending a few years wallowing is just a very Luke way to deal with problems in life.
Like yeah I wonder why a bitter, self-isolating old man who views his life as a colossal failure wouldn't be jumping for joy when a younger, more naive version of himself shows up to his house uninvited.
For how desperate to venerate the Nostalgia the sequel trilogy project as a whole is, only TLJ really feels like it actually gives a shit about the story it's supposedly continuing. I didn't think you could look at Lukes death and not feel the overwhelming love and care for him specifically. I always shed a tear when binary sunset kicks in and I'm not even that into the originals. I was a prequel defender in 2010, Luke is the 20th character I think about when people mention SW.
Do people just not engage with the source material at all? Is this a product of the whole fandom tourism boom in the last 5-ish years? I genuinely don't want to be mean. After all, fandom is all of us playing with our toys, and you should always try to avoid a "old man yells at cloud" scenario, but like... It's a movie for 12 year olds that's very deliberately laying out all the cards. A slightly more nuanced and emotionally mature movie for 12 year olds than you might expect but... A child could get it, it's been focus grouped to hell and back so any given child on the planet should get it... How are you as an adult asking why the story had conflict?
I also broke out in hives a little bit when I found out that my addition (?) had made that thing go around. Or maybe it wasn't my addition, I'm actually not sure, but I worry that it was. The OP turned off reblogs, and I can only assume it was because people starting doing absurd bullshit discourse on the post which... hhhh I don't really like being part of inflicting that on anyone over something as unimportant as Star Wars opinions.
Also, the thing I was reacting against really wasn't the fact that people have headcanons about who and what kind of character Luke is - like, that's just normal and generally a good and fun part of fandom. I reacted against the idea of The Last Jedi being thoughtless about his character. It interprets Luke in a very specific way, but that interpretation is, I think objectively, deeply grounded in the history of his character and the thematic throughlines of the Skywalker-focused movies. So it annoyed me a bit to see people treat the depiction like it was some kind of failure to engage with the original material. I think that's not quite fair to what the movie was, and I think it leads to weak criticism of its flaws.
I think that the better angle for critique of the whole sequel trilogy and Rian Johnson's contribution is that obsesses far too much about the original trilogy, and is at its best in those few scant moments when it breaks away from it. If the sequel trilogy hadn't had the corporate mandate to be a kind of Frankenstein remake of the OT, perhaps a kindly old grandfatherly Luke could have been a fun and interesting interpretation of the character's future. Luke is what he is in TLJ because the trilogy absolutely fucking had to recreate the narrative beats of Dagobah, and therefore absolutely had to have Luke learn another lesson from Yoda about learning to let go of his attachments to and fears about the future and be present in the here-and-now.
Johnson is clearly a fucking nerd-ass Star Wars nerd, whose greatest mistake was assuming that other Star Wars nerds would engage with the material with good faith and an eye towards appreciation and discovery, rather than product-brained, screaming entitlement to their supremacy-affirming nostalgia security blanket.
To be clear, here I am talking about the culture war grifter assholes who poison the world, and not fandom people who have a cozy headcanon about Luke as a cheerful old community dad. I don't think it's fandom tourism to have a headcanon about a character, or a favored interpretation of them, even one which feels somewhat divorced from the original source-text. If I had to take a guess, the people on the original post developed that headcanon through fandom - by way of fanfics and fanposting and fanart, by way of fix-it fics and excited speculation. If I had to take a guess, they got their headcanon about Luke the same place everyone gets their headcanons about popular characters: from some combination of appreciation, projection, and a desire to see the thing you love tell a story that you need to hear. That's just human, and I don't think you can spend any significant amount of time in fandom without developing those attachments to certain stories or characters.
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For Mating Press March: could you write a love-sick Magnus practically making out with the reader's pussy? Like overstimulating her for hours upon hours and then pounding into her afterwards :3
Yes, yes you may :3 Warnings: smut, cunnilingus, over stimulation and getting fucked absolutely brainless.
I love this big dork.
It was like being on fire, or maybe even electrocuted as your fingers buried themselves in the flowing red mane of Magnus's hair. "Maggy, please, it's too much." You moaned. His only reply was to chuckle against your pussy and he laved his tongue between your lower lips once more. His single eye was focused on your suddenly agonized face as he pressed his tongue in again. Perhaps you should have thought it out your challenge a bit more thoroughly before presenting it to him.
He pictured you two hours ago before he'd begun. Closing the book he'd been transcribing to add to his already impressive library. "I want to spend time with you Magnus." You huffed sadly, but before he could speak you sighed again. "And not with a book involved." You gave him your best sad puppy eyes. "Please, spend time with me, Magnus." The primarch smiled indulgently and lifted your chin with the tip of his quill. "And how should I do that then? What would you like most." Your smile was a reward enough and he endeavored to do what he could to ensure he got to see it more for the rest of the day. "Well, I'm fresh from the bath. If I could be so bold, I would like to have some fun in bed with you." Magnus smirked. "If I recall, which I do, as my memory does not fail me, I ate you out last night." You huffed, and your smile was replaced again by that frown that egged him on so terribly. "Yeah but it was only for a little bit. I want more." "I made you come, did I not? Are you such a greedy little thing that you would demand more from me, of all people." You straightened your back and stood tall, he found it utterly adorable. "Well you only made me cum once with your mouth. But I suppose not all men enjoy seeing their lovers fall apart on their tongues over and over." You sighed wistfully, draping yourself over his desk dramatically, as he moved his inkwell and pages away before you did. "I suppose though if you don't think you could make me cum more than once I shall simply have to make do." The challenge tugged at something inside him and he knew you were just trying to get a rise out of him, but Throne damn him it was working. "Oh my dear I assure you I could melt your mind with such pleasures, until you were begging and crying for me to stop." He tone had taken on that agitated quality it often did when he was question on his skills in any field, but you knew you had him as soon as you heard it. "Oh I don't know about that. I guess you'd have to prove me wrong, but I'm sure your scrolls and books are far more important." There hadn't been time for you to react as he reached out and grabbed you by the waist, hauling you up and across the room, even standing at the height of a regular man for ease of handling his scrolls and books, he still retained all of his inhuman strength.
That's how you found yourself on your back as he held you with his arms across your hips and stomach, pinning you to the bed so that you would not wiggle free and escape his dedicated tongue. It'd gone from a simple need to prove himself to you, to something much more in rather short order. Your sweetness filled his mouth as he drank down your wetness from the most recent orgasm. His eye fluttered shut focusing on the heady flavor of your pleasure and drove deeper searching for more even as you dug your nails into his scalp and cried out in mingled ecstasy and raw overstimulated pain. He should do this more often, he thought and he rolled his tongue over your entrance, sucking the soft folds and nibbling the soft mound over your clit. The startled squeak you gave him was a drug of the mind that he craved more of. More of your sounds, your taste, your warmth and the feminine scent that radiated from every pore. It all came together in his mind as a portrait of you, formed from many aspects of your person. "Magnus." The gasp made him open his eye. Taking in the physical image of you under him. Your chest heaving deep and heavy breaths. His mouth rested over your dripping cunt, your juices coating his chin and even soaking the bedding beneath you. "Maggy, please it's too much." He sighed as he kissed your folds a few times. "You are as divine as it is possible to be my starlight. Please forgive me for losing myself for so long, your body was too good a feast to pass up."
He grunted as he adjusted, his body had become uncomfortable at some point but he wasn't sure why. He lifted himself up and reached down to rub at the source before discovering what had caused it and he quite suddenly felt like a fool. His cock was straining against his clothes, fully hard it had been leaking for some time it would seem. Weeping thick beads of precum that soaked through his undergarments. Magnus tugged them off, leaving his body and fully erect cock bare for you to see. "It would seem that there is something more to take care of before we rest." He purred, his hands taking your still trembling thighs and pulling them around his hips as he came to rest over you. The head of his cock nudging your lower lips just as his tongue had been minutes before. He slid in with such ease, the slickness from his hours of eating you like a favorite snack.
Sighing, but this time in relief as his cock fully stretched you, deeper than his tongue had gone. The nerves weren't quite as frazzled that deep. He trembled as your body gripped his cock snugly, and he bent over you. Resting his weight on one arm and leaning down to kiss you. His mouth still tasted of the juices he'd been drunk on for the past hours but you didn't care. You had had his attention for all that time and despite the fire between your thighs it had been glorious.
His hips rolled smoothly into a slow measured tempo as he kept his mouth on yours. The primarch seemed to forget just how much he enjoyed intertwining with you like this. Allowing his mind to fill with so much work that he neglected the needs of his body. He was grateful to you for reminding him .
He still drank you in, this time it was your sounds, the soft moans and gasps as his cock dragged over that special bundle of nerves that had you grasping at the silk sheet under you. "Oh Magnus~ Right there!" He obliged, his eye fixed on the way your face twisted into an almost tortured expression that he knew so well. It was the face you made when you were close to the edge again. The one he only ever saw when he sent you crashing over that wall multiple times.
"You are radiant, my star." He praised, cupping your cheek and watching how his words sent you over the edge. Your back bowed and he picked up his pace, his hips snapping forward with more force as he prolonged your high for as long as he could. He fought back his own pleasure but knew he wouldn't be able to forever. His cock had been aching for this, as had he, even if he didn't realize it. "That's it, good girl." He continued,
He stroked his thumb over your cheek, and allowed his face to rest in the crook between your neck and shoulder. "I know you have one more for me, my radiance, cum for me again." He moaned as he held out, edging himself, needing to fill you to the brim as he made you cum just once more.
"Magnus.. I-I can't.. I." You practically wailed as your fingers threaded through his hair again and tugged. He grunted, nearly cumming as the pain stacked onto the pleasure. "You can, Starlight, be my good girl and cum for me, just once more." His eye glowed in the golden light of the sun setting through the windows, your aura was blindingly bright and he knew you could handle just one more. "Cum for me." He whispered, and your body obeyed as if given a command. Your hands balled into fists pulling his hair as they did. He growled. "Yes, that's it, good girl, good girl!" He rutted into you, his teeth gritting so hard they creaked as your body tightened around him, milking his orgasm from him. You were both left panting, you from the physical demands and multiple orgasms and Magnus from the emotional high. He lifted you in his arms, cooing softly to you and kissing your face and hair as he took you from the bed and to the smaller bath he'd commissioned for the two of you alone to share. "You did so well, my Radiance." He smiled and stepped down into the water. He would wash you and put you to bed. He contemplated going back to his scrolls but after that he wasn't sure he'd be able to clear his mind enough.
Looking down where you rested on his chest he found you fighting sleep and laughed softly. "Bed it is then." He decided, wrapping his arm around you as he cleaned you with the other.
#warhammer 40k#primarch x reader#warhammer#warhammer 40k x reader#primarch#mating press march#reader insert#my writing#magnus x reader#magnus the red#primarchs
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Giiiiirl, what do you think of our new baby?

(sorry if the quality is bad, I didn't have another photo ಥ‿ಥ)
Yuuna is super cute! I really like the Grim on her phone case :3
I don't have the translations but so far she kind of reminds me of a female Kalim (Good luck, Jamil!) mixed with Cater.
I love all of the Yuus so far! I like Yuuken, but I'm glad they went the route of changing them up for every book. It really leans into the idea that Yuu can be anyone!
Yuuna really exploded in popularity! I don't recall any of the other Yuu's having quite the same reception. I get the feeling that the fandom was really itching for a hyper femme Yuu lmao
I just hope it wasn't because people were looking to validate their own hyper femme Yuus. You don't need canon to tell you if your characters are "allowed". The fun of OCs is getting to do whatever you want. People used to harp a lot on femme Yuus because nRC iS An aLL bOYs SchOOl tHEy wOUlDn'T enROLl a gIRl and then Yuuka came out and that discourse quieted down quite a bit.
Tbh I always thought that it was silly. People were acting like Yuu possibly being a female (or even non-binary) was the biggest offense. I'd argue that Yuu not having magic was kind of a bigger deal?? At a magic school?? NRC enrolled a dire beast and a robot but yeah they draw the line at she/her pronouns lmao
#she and erin have matching nails!!#i really need to do fanart of all the yuus#how is jp twst responding to yuuna?#twisted wonderland#twst#cheekinrambles#thanks for asking!
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could you please write some smut where r and billie are coming home from a party theyre both drunk and end up fucking in the pool late at night (the pool has red led lights) (add strap please🙏🏼) r has been a brat all night so billie is like kinda mean and degrades her

as i rushed to get ready, billie was laying on our bed. she was completely chilled out whilst i was stressing about how i was going to make us late. billie had previously been rushing me, since we had to be there soon in order to not be too late. she eventually resorted to waiting in bed whilst scrolling through her phone, glancing over to me every so often.
"cmon angelll, are you nearly ready?" she practically whined.
"i'm about to be ready bil, promise." i giggled, "can you help me with my eyeliner please?"
"of course, pretty girl." she smiled, getting up from the bed and walking towards me.
i held the eyeliner pencil out towards her, which she soon enough took. she was about to start when she gave me a questioning look, and i knew exactly what she was thinking.
"sit on my lap." i whispered, gently holding her hips and pulling her closer to me.
she didn't complain, and let me practically pull her onto me, before taking the lid off my eyeliner and getting closer to my face. she was being so gentle, careful not to hurt me or poke me with it. after a few short minutes, she was completely finished.
i looked in the mirror with a smile on my face.
"perfect, thank you, baby." i thanked her, then placed a gentle kiss on her lips, my lipstick and lipgloss transferring slightly onto her lips.
i pulled her further into my arms for a minute or so, before she whispered to me that we needed to leave. we were both finally ready, and it was looking like we would still be pretty on time, so we left as quick as we could.
hours passed, we stuck together the whole time we were there, but were both a little drunk. we'd definitely had too much to drink. we were practically all over eachother, whilst the music echoed loud, making us even more touchy.
"can we go somewhere quieter, love?" i heard her whisper into my ear as my back pressed against her chest.
"hmmm, i don't know, i'm quite happy staying here." i smirked.
i'd been planning to tease her, and be bratty. i needed to see how she'd react. and i was hoping she'd maybe punish me too.
the whole night i had been talking back to her, trying to get a reaction from her. but she didn't react. all i got was her rolling her eyes at my words, or her grip tightening on my skin. she didn't push me, but i could tell that she was getting impatient. the alcohol running through us wasn't helping either.
obviously i was desperate for her, but i needed to keep my act up. i needed to make sure i got some sort of reaction from her.
it was only a matter of time before one of our friends came over to us, offering to drop us off on their way home. we hesitated at first, wanting to stay longer and continue our fun, but when our friend brought up how drunk we were, we accepted.
it didn't take long to get home at all, since we lived nearby. we thanked our friend as we got out, letting out drunken giggles as we walked up the driveway towards the front door.
billie had the keys, and she fiddled with them for a bit, trying to find the right one whilst almost dropping them on the floor in the process. this just made us laugh more, and when she finally managed to open the door, get us both inside, and then lock the door behind her, we stumbled straight upstairs.
i flopped onto the bed, whilst billie looked for comfier clothes. i was waiting for her, when i got an idea. a small smirk appeared on my face when i opened my mouth to speak.
"bils? can we go in the pool?"
she turned around with a smile, but then her eyebrows furrowed.
"we don't have anything to wear.. i have no idea where our swimming costumes are."
i groaned and threw my head back out of frustration. i wanted to tease her more. i knew exactly what i wanted to wear to push her over the edge, but obviously that wasnt happening. however, another brilliant idea popped into my mind as i was trying to think of solutions. why did neither of us think of it before?
"we can always go in naked?" i suggested, rolling onto my side and reaching my hands out for her to come towards me.
as my hands landed on her waist, i tugged at her clothes. i was getting desperate for her. i was supposed to be bratty, and instead i was needy. i needed to change my attitude. i had time to be needy later. at least i hoped.
she moved away from my slightly, and pulled me up onto my feet, attempting to pull my clothes off. i shook my head and moved back.
"hmm i think i changed my mind.. it'll be more fun with our clothes on."
i knew that she wanted my clothes off. as much as she loved my outfit, which consisted of the shortest skirt i could find, it only just covered me up, but one wrong movement and everyone would've seen my underwear, which billie had picked out for me before we left. i was also wearing a tight shirt, and no bra, so it was safe to say billie was worked up. and it didn't help that i was talking back, and ignoring her requests. the alcohol made both of us needy, but my defiance made her want need to punish me, and fuck some sense into me somehow.
her tongue poked the inside of her cheek, and i could tell she was getting frustrated.
"you know what? go wait by the pool i'll be out in a few minutes."
i was confused, but i had to keep my act up.
i crossed my arms and shook my head, walking back over to sit on the edge of the bed. my hips swayed as i walked, making sure she saw.
a sigh left her mouth, before she grabbed something from the wardrbe, and walked downstairs without me. i decided it would make her more mad if i didn't follow at all, so i stayed put, looking for my phone which i must've misplaced. i was always more forgetful when i was drunk.
i waited for about five minutes, before realising she wasn't coming back. she was waiting downstairs and wasn't coming to get me. she knew exactly what i was up to. she'd known all night.
i groaned, then headed downstairs, straight outside to where our pool was. there were two towels folded and waiting on one of the chairs by the pool, and i took notice of them before my eyes drifted over to billie, who was completely naked in the pool.
i could only make out her tits under the water, and my eyes were glued to them.
"coming in, angel?" i saw her smirk, the red lights surrounding the pool making it slightly more difficult for me to see her.
"i.. yeah." i managed to stutter out.
i walked over to the side of the pool which was closest to her, before removing my clothes as slow as i possibly could. i first started with my shirt, taking my time to lift it up so that it sat just under my boobs. i pushed the waistband of my skirt down, exposing my underwear slightly, but not quite enough for her liking.
i could see on her face that she was mad, but she was trying her best to hide it. i could see right through her though. i eventually took my top off, letting it fall to the floor.
my skirt slowly followed, and all that was left was my underwear. i thought about leaving them on, but i knew that as much as it would tease billie and test her limits, it would be so uncomfortable.
i slid them off my body, being careful not to lose my balance as i wandered over to the edge of the pool. we were obviously still pretty drunk, so i knew that the second i was next to her, we would be all over eachother once again.
i made my way over to the steps, slowly getting closer to her, whilst she stayed exactly where she was. i made sure to take my time, but as soon as i was facing her, her hands attached to my waist like a magnet, pulling me close.
"you think you're smart teasing me, hm? being a brat? such a needy fucking slut for my attention."
her words were slightly slurred as the gap almost closed between us. i couldn't hold back any longer. i practically pounced on her, my lips finding hers straight away.
she kissed back slightly, before pulling away. she lifted me into her arms, my legs wrapped around her waist, but i felt something. had she kept her underwear on? i was about to ask, when something was slammed inside me. and it would only be one thing.
she had her strap attached around her waist. the one she knew was just that tiny bit too big for me, that made me overstimulated in a matter of seconds. a moan echoed from my mouth, straight down her ear.
she wasted no time speeding her movements to pleasure me, but not for long. i knew it wasn't going to be so simple. i didn't know what she had in mind, but i just needed her. her grip on my waist was enough to leave marks, and her speech was slurred as she thrusted into me. it was a good job i was so wet, otherwise it would've made things more difficult.
"such a desperate, needy slut, isn't that right, love?"
my cries and moans grew so much louder upon hearing her words, my body limp in her arms as i was so close to finishing.
"cmon, need you to answer me. can't just ignore me, baby. that's not nice, is it?"
my moans sounded like sobs as i tried so hard to get the words out for her. i was hoping that our neighbours were sleeping, because i was definitely loud enough for anyone to hear me.
"i'm not even going to think about letting you cum if you don't answer me."
her speech was slurred from the alcohol, but also muffled as her lips pressed against my neck. i felt her sucking marks over me, whilst one of her hands reached my clit, adding onto the other sensations, bringing me right to the edge.
part of me wanted to say it, so that she'd let me cum. but the other part of me was more desperate to continue being bratty.
i threw my head back and held onto her shoulders as tight as i could.
"going to carry on being a brat? suit yourself.." she mumbled with a smirk, before pulling out with no warning.
"no!! no pleaseee. billie, baby, please i'll do anything!! i was going to say it i swear!" i cried out, pulling myself closer to her and hiding my face in her neck.
"nuh-uh. you wanted to be bratty and tease me all night? this is what you get. maybe if you can prove to me that you can be a good girl then i'll let you cum."
her voice was calm. much calmer than mine. i was a whiny mess, trying to convince her to touch me more, to make me cum, but she wasn't having any of it. not until i proved it to her.
"how?! i'll do anything bil!"
"let me fuck you until i finish, yeah? then you can cum. you're gonna take it, and be good for me, okay?"
"yes!! of course! i'll be good for you."
the strap broke through my tight walls once again, the familiar feeling so perfect yet overwhelming at the same time. her thrusts met her previous pace immeiately, making us both feel good. i squeezed my eyes shut tight, letting her basically use me for her own pleasure, and waiting for her to let me finish. the water slightly splashed and made waves around us from our movements.
it felt like ages, but definitely wasn't long before her moans increased in pitch. she sounded so beautiful, it was getting difficult for me to hold onto my orgasm, hearing her whines and feeling her inside me was making the pleasure build up inside me quicker.
as soon as her moans was louder, and more high pitched, i knew she was ready to cum. my own moans mixed with hers, and i let out breathy whines into her ear.
"please, bil. cum for me. i want to cum for you, please. you sound so pretty. so perfect. my beautiful girl." my voice was almost a whisper, but at the same time it sounded so powerful as it echoed through her mind.
that was all it took for billie to cum, the friction of the strap rubbing against her clit helped, but my words threw her over the edge. her voice was so breathy that i almost didn't hear her speak. i was clenching around the strap whilst my nails dug into her shoulder, sure to leave scratches or bruises for her to wake up to in the morning.
"you can cum for me baby! fuck! le- let go for me."
that was the only thing i needed to hear. i'd never came so hard in my life, not bothering to even attempt to keep myself quiet. i didn't care who heard, or who i woke up. we both needed this, and that was all that mattered in our minds in that moment.
as we both slowly came down from our highs, my moans turned into sobs once i started to get overstimulated. she stopped her movements, making sure to hold me closer and pepper my exposed skin in kisses.
i did the same to her, having no intentions of moving away from her yet. but i felt the strap being slowly pulled out of me. her hands ran along my back to soothe me whilst she pulled completely out, somehow managing to take the strap off and throw it on the side of the pool. we stayed where we were, just holding eachother for a while until i was falling asleep, and of course billie noticed when my body slowly grew heavier and slumped against her.
"cmon angel. lets get cleaned up. i've got you." i heard her whisper, before placing a little kiss to my head.
we were soon upstairs in the bathroom, a towel draped over each of our bodies, and while i clung onto her still naked body, she started running a nice warm bath for the both of us. i so badly wanted to help her, and take care of her just like she was doing for me, but i was almost asleep. i was exhausted. still drunk. and fucked out. although billie was also still drunk, and tired, and fucked out, she could handle it better than me. i could barely keep my eyes open.
she added some lavender scented bubble bath, which made my eyes feel even heavier as the smell filled the room. she was still somehow holding me whilst making sure everything was perfect for us. she laid out some clean clothes, fresh towels, and skincare for afterwards.
we finally got in the nice hot bubble bath, our muscles relaxing and tiredness practically taking over us. although i was struggling to keep my eyes open, i insisted that billie laid against me. i wanted her to feel as though i was taking care of her as much as she was taking care of me. so, whilst we were in the bath, i helped her clean her body, wash her hair, and made sure she was relaxed and calm.
she did the same for me, and we spent time letting the water warm us up and pull us further into our sleepiness. we eventually got out, wrapped in the fluffy towels, and fighting to stay awake. we rushed to do skincare, and put our pyjamas on, before we were in bed. sleepy and slurred i love yous, and goodnights, came from us before we were fast asleep.
neither of us woke up once in the night, we were completely worn out, and felt as though all we needed was eachother. it took us a while to actually get out of bed when we woke up, our heads were hurting and the sun seemed way too bright shining through the blinds. when i finally decided to get up, i glanced out of the window after getting dressed. something caught my eye laying on the side of the pool. oh.
#billie eilish#billie eilish fanfiction#billie eilish fic#fanfic#fanfiction#billie eilish x fem!reader#billie eilish x reader#wlw#billie eilish smut#wlw smut#wlw post#wlw blog#smut
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Dyed Blonde
Weiss: Oh My Oum! Yang: I can explain? Weiss: Well I didn't expect this when I when I needed to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Tell me Xio-Long what ARE you doing then? Yang: Well I uh- Weiss: Because I can tell you what I THINK you are doing! It appears that you were never a natural blonde! Otherwise you wouldn't be in the tub touching up your raven-black roots! Yang: Tenses D-don't tell Ruby- Weiss: Your SISTER doesn't know?! How long have you been keeping up this farce Xio Long Yang: Before she was born... A choking silence falls between them Yang: My M-mom, Ruby's birth mom, showed me how... Weiss: Well then, I know how troublesome dying so much hair can be. Hand me that brush! Yang: What? Weiss: You owe me Xio Long After the process... Yang: I'm going to bed Weiss: Stop right there Xio Long! You still owe me! Yang: Listen Weiss I appreciate the help but I've been doing this for years- Weiss: Oh I'll help you alright! You big-titted cow! I just want to secure your end of the deal! Yang: Right... and what do I owe you hm? Weiss: I-uh cuddles? Yang: Weiss Cream wants cuddles? How do I know I won't melt you away~ Weiss: Oh shut it and get on my bed, I'll meet you there Yang: Oh? Who knew Snow Princess could be so forward! Well, what are you waiting for~ Weiss hugs the older girl, Yang couldn't help but pet her hair Yang: So this is what you wanted huh? Weiss: Yang I swear to Oum if you make fun- Yang: No, I get it Weiss: W-well good! And you shound't pet a Schnee! Yang: Want me to stop? Weiss: Gods no! They both soon fall asleep. With Yang's arms wrapped around Weiss's body while Weiss's head rested on top Yang's bosom Ruby: On one hand I'm jealous that Weiss is in my spot but on the other hand I'm happy my Sister and Bestie are getting along! Wah, I still want my morning cuddles dammit! Blake: I never could imagine a Schnee being affectionate... And who's to say we can't do the same? Ruby: Does that mean I get to touch your cute kitty ears!? Blake: ... If you are going to do that, you better not pull on them... Ruby: Oh relax Zwei never complained! Blake: ... Alright then... Later... Glynda: Where is team RWBY!?!? Nora: Renny why didn't we stay in bed! You love my hugs Pyrrha: I wish I could get Jaune to cuddle me... Jaune: What? Nora: Oh Jaune-Jaune gives the BEST hugs! You just gotta ask him! Pyrrha: R-really?
#rwby#freezerburn#if you want#yang xio long#weiss schnee#ruby rose#blake belladonna#yang dyes her hair#primo cuddle smut#cuddles#affection#hugs
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Yandere Cheerleader x Fem! Reader Headcanons
Yandere cheerleader who, on the outside, has everything together, but on the inside is twisted and infatuated with you. Who is too scared to admit it out loud that she is a lesbian, too scared of the judgement, and through her repression turned infatuation  for her only love.
Yandere cheerleader who forces you to be her best friend. Making you go out on "best friend sleepovers" where it's just the two of you in her home. She's dressed in what looks like lingerie, asking who you have a crush on. She'll be heartbroken if you say someone else, but she's so used to masking who she truly is, that hiding it is easy for her.
Yandere cheerleader who constantly stares at you during football games, seeming to be saying the chants at you and only you, like there's a secret message in every word she says. You could've sworn she even said your name..
Yandere cheerleader who uses her wits and charm to get whatever she wants, but for some reason never gets with any man interested in her. "They're just sooo boring, totally not my type," She says, looking at you, "I prefer someone.. cuter."
Yandere cheerleader leaves small gifts and love letters in your locker, lined with hearts and lipstick marks. They start off almost poetic, saying how much she loves you and wants to be with you, until devolving into lovesick nonsense. Please be with me and only me please please please please...
Yandere cheerleader who discourages you from anyone you seem interested in. "They seem nice," She says, "But don't they seem, I dunno, uninteresting? You need someone fun!" She giggles and brings you in to a hug that's a little too tight. You don't notice but she takes in the scent on your neck, shuddering softly.
Yandere cheerleader who constantly stealing your things. She loves constantly having a little part of you with her, even if it is just a pen you used to chew on she likes to lick the chewed up parts.
Yandere cheerleader who tries to subtly match outfits with you. If you wear red, she suddenly "just happens" to wear red too. She’d die if you ever agreed to dress in matching outfits for a game.
Yandere cheerleader who forces you to go to homecoming with her. If you’re not planning on going to homecoming, suddenly you have no choice—she "somehow" gets you nominated for homecoming court just to ensure you’ll be at the dance. Bonus points if she rigs the votes so you have to stand next to her.
So just stay close to her, okay? Keep being her best friend, keep letting her love you. Don’t make her do something drastic. After all… she just can’t live without you~
#yandere#yandere oc#yandere lesbian#yandere x reader#yandere x you#yandere x darling#yandere x y/n#actually yandere
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Joaquín Torres x Female Reader (Chapter One)
Disclaimer: Since there isn't much of a backstory for him, this is kind of setting up a background for both him AND you, plus, I gave him a little sister. I thought the dynamic would be fun to explore and could add to the story in a good way. :) Also, I just came up with a name for their mom because I wasn't sure if she's been spoken about canonically.
Synopsis: The seed of love once planted during your childhood with Joaquín never had the chance to bloom due to the weight of circumstance. Years later, you find yourself still totally and completely in love; but perhaps, after all this time, that love will finally be allowed to bloom.
Moving to Miami is as exciting as disorienting.
It had been incredibly hard; leaving all of your friends behind. But your father simply couldn't pass up the job offer that he had been given.
Being only twelve years old meant that you didn't pay any mind to the house your parents had bought. You did pay attention, however, to the fact that this neighborhood actually had other kids. Back home, there were only older folk, who wanted absolutely nothing to do with eager-to-face-the -world children.
It also helped that there was a beach only a few miles from this house.
You stepped onto the front lawn and observed your new home. The possibilities seemed endless; a sprawling front yard, perfect for the game of tag, a sidewalk just waiting to be drawn on with colorful chalk, and a huge tree sat in the backyard, beckoning you to climb it.
You were helping your father unpack boxes from the moving truck, relishing in the pride laced into his tone when you lifted a particular heavy box with ease. You set it on the curb, wobbling slightly as you noticed the neighbors that were chatting away with your mother.
A beautiful woman stood beside a gentle looking man, her hand hooked in the crook of his elbow, a smile splayed across her face. Between them, a young boy and even younger girl stood; the splitting image of both of their parents.
"Honey, introduce yourself," Your mother encourages softly.
You smile bashfully, fingers moving to grasp at your mother's long skirt. Bowing your head, you introduce yourself. When you peek back up, the boy is watching you carefully.
He catches your gaze, and smiles softly, dimpled cheeks becoming an instant comfort for you.
"I'm Joaquín," The boy says proudly, "And this is my little sister, Maria." He swings an arm over her shoulders.
Joaquín grins then, and it's so bright, that it makes you think that maybe he's the sun incarnate. In fact, you're almost positive that he is.
"Would you like to show Y/n around the neighborhood?" Their mother, Cecelia, asked quietly. Joaquín nodded enthusiastically.
You realized rather quickly that Joaquín didn't do anything half-heartedly. He didn't do anything without complete and utter certainty, and that apparently included becoming friends with you.
The little neighborhood you had moved into was safe. Kids could be seen wandering about the streets without supervision, because that's how secure everyone felt in their little community. You could turn a corner and be sure to see a familiar face.
You followed close behind Joaquín and Maria, rolling the sleeves of your shirt up your arms as rays of sunlight bit at your skin.
"We can stop by Max's and get a cold soda, if you'd like one," Joaquín says.
"I don't have any money."
"That's okay. Max always gives us our drinks for free!"
Maria, who had been quiet up until then, laughed loudly. "Yeah, but that's 'coz you annoy him. He doesn't want to deal with you."
In a few years, you'll look back on this moment and only have fond thoughts about it; the moment you met you're two greatest friends. Joaquín, who was always quick to say what was on his mind, always so ready to speak up about the things he believed in. And Maria, who was soft-spoken, always choosing to spill her thoughts on paper rather than from her mouth.
A cluster of businesses stood proudly in your neighborhood, all small, locally owned. In the middle, a group of men were attempting to set up what looked to be a fireworks display. Joaquín looked over his shoulder at you and then pointed toward the square.
"When it gets closer to Christmas, they'll put up a massive tree. It's pretty sweet! But one year, a hawk flew into it and knocked off one of the big bulbs. It hit Gloria in the head. Knocked her out, but it was kind of funny. She was fine, by the way. Well. Not really, 'coz she's kind of crazy, so I think it might have made her crazier-"
You were about to interrupt him and ask who Gloria was, but you didn't have to.
Maria jammed an elbow into her brother's ribcage, "Shut up."
A woman, who could have only been Gloria, based on the fear that emanated from the Torres siblings, was walking across the street. Right at you.
"Oh no, she looks like she's on a mission. Let's make a break for it," Joaquín whispered, beginning to turn in the opposite direction, toward the pharmacy.
"Hey, wait!" Gloria called. "I want to meet the newest addition!"
Joaquín grimaced. "Can you run fast?"
You shrugged. You weren't sure what fast was to him.
"Sorry, Gloria! Maria's real sick, you probably shouldn't get too close." And then he clapped Maria on the back. Maria bent at the waist, coughing loudly. Joaquín turned around and made a show of pointing at his little sister. "See! Nasty cough. Wouldn't want you catching that. We have to get her medicine, anyway."
The three of you took off running then, though Maria was still coughing wildly. "What is the matter with you?!"
Joaquín only giggled.
Even though you didn't really need to go into the pharmacy, you did anyway. The old metal sign hanging from the awning sighed loudly as the wind caught it, and you couldn't help but admire it for a moment. It was old, a testament to how long some of these businesses had stood in this little square for. The bell above the door chimed as the three of you stepped through, the elderly man behind the pharmaceutical desk greeting you all with a friendly smile.
You had only just moved to Miami, and already you felt like you belonged. That's just how it was there. It could get frustrating, not having much privacy, but you always knew you had people in your corner.
A month passes. Friendship festers.
Turns out, Maria did have a bit of a rebellious side to her. Though it only presented itself once she got comfortable with you.
The whole thing had been her idea.
Once July hit, the temperature spiked, and the days were often scorching. Playing outside was a no-go, with the weatherman warning of too high temperatures. Lazing around the house proved to be a hard task for a couple of twelve-year-olds, so you had to get creative.
It's how you find yourself climbing the tall fence running the perimeter of the Miami Shores Country Club swimming pool with Joaquín and Maria.
Joaquín climbed up with ease, lifting himself up and settling down on the top before reaching down to help you and Maria up.
You spent the day floating around the pool together, rummaging through your pockets once the sun got to be a little too hot for loose change so you could buy ice cream from the little concession stand. By the time you left, (that's how you all chose to tell the story; the real version was that you got caught and were kicked out), there was melted popsicle dripping down your fingers, and your hair smelled like chlorine, but you couldn't have been happier if you tried.
It was getting dark by the time you were finally heading home, so you wouldn't have come across it if it weren't for Joaquín getting distracted and crashing his bike. He had landed in a woody area, the thick grass breaking his fall. You and Maria quickly dismounted your bicycles and hurried after him. He had already gotten up and climbed through the brush. You weren't sure what you were expecting to find on the other side, but it certainly wasn't a massive meadow that you were expecting. It was as if the rows and rows of wildflowers were endless.
Without warning, you took off into the field, causing a swarm of fireflies to burst from the flowers. It looked like the stars were falling from the sky.
You caught one of the fireflies, and gently cupping it in the palms of your hands, you made a wish. You wished to always have these friends, to always have the security of the Torres siblings next door.
Joaquín wanted to keep catching bugs, and had been prepared to set some ground rules for a game (not that he ever really followed the rules back then), when you turned, and said the last thing he had ever expected.
"Come dance with me, guys!"
Heat burned Joaquín's cheeks. "Ah, I don't know...go ahead and dance, Maria. I think I'll just hang back here and look for bugs."
He wasn't sure why he felt so embarassed about it.
"Whatever, boys suck anyway," His sister announced as she brushed past.
The next few minutes were some of the worst that he'd ever endured in his short lifetime. He watched, partially in amusement, but mostly in horror, as Maria stepped all over your toes, as she apologized over and over again every time she did so. Finally, he got frustrated with having to watch you grimace and try to cover it up with a smile every time your toes got stepped on. He shoved off of the tree that he had been leaning on, and told Maria to watch and learn.
"Wait, where did you learn how to dance?" You asked, placing a hand on Joaquín's shoulder.
"Oh, our cousin got married last summer, so our Ma taught us."
There was a moment of silence, of pure joy as Joaquín twirled you slowly, and then...
You were so sure that you were going to have to break up a fight once the look of realization passed across Joaquín's usually passive face. Even more so once Maria laughed smugly at him.
Joaquín swore to never fall for one of his sister's deceptions ever again.
Another month passes, the gravitational pull grows stronger.
Daisy, your younger cousin, flew down with her mother to spend the remainder of the summer with you. It was a tradition you had back home, for your aunt and cousin to come and stay with you for one month out of the summer. You were excited that even though the location was different, that the tradition wasn't ending. You liked Joaquín and Maria, loved them even, but you were happy to have a familiar face around.
Joaquín had recently gotten into heroes, and nearly every day, at the crack of dawn, he'd drag you, Daisy and Maria to the meadow down the street to play a game of heroes with him. Though, on this particular day, only you were able to go.
Thankfully, you had proven to be just about up for anything, so when he asked you the night before if you still wanted to go, you quickly agreed. The next morning, he found you waiting on your front porch steps for him, and then you took off running for that meadow that had become a safe haven for your little trio.
The crack of a broken branch echoed through the muggy August air as you leapt from one tree to the next. Normally you'd be the sidekick in Joaquín's story, but now that Maria and Daisy were both at home, someone had to play the villain.
"That was sick, Y/n!" Joaquín broke character for just a moment, a shocked laugh escaping from his chest. "But please be careful."
You laughed wildly, feeling the freedom of air as you swung yourself from the branch and landed in front of Joaquín.
"This is fun. I want to be the villain every time!"
His mouth twisted down into a little frown, "But I like you being my sidekick."
"I do think we make a good team," You replied thoughtfully.
"Wait, really-"
He was cut off as a raindrop splattered along the ridge of his nose. You looked up, and took note of the angry gray clouds that were rolling in.
There weren't many things that frightened you.
Storms were one of the few things that did.
Not many people would've noticed that it wasn't just concern that danced in your eyes, but a deep-rooted fear as well. But Joaquín did. He always noticed things about you that no one else did.
"Hey, let's get home, yeah?" He commanded quietly, grabbing your hand. You stood in place, like a frightened fawn that hasn't quite learned how to leave its mother's side yet.
He realized then, that he would have to do anything he could to get you to move, that this was his chance to get a jumpstart on being a hero.
"Hey, rainboots," He said playfully, nudging your bright green boot with the toe of his sneaker. "Race you home? Winner gets the loser's dessert for the next week."
Now that caught your attention. Your mothers had grown close quickly and had implemented dinner's together three times a week. They collaborated on both dinner and dessert, but the dessert was always the best part of the meal.
Even though it was technically supposed to be a race, you didn't let go of Joaquín's hand when you took off into the rain.
He was quicker than you, but the both of you knew that he was going to say that you won the race.
You were only halfway home, when a crack of thunder tore through the sky. It wailed deafeningly loud, the ground shaking beneath your feet in response. Dense raindrops smacked at the tops of your heads as you ran down the street. You could barely hear over the roaring thunder, could barely see through the thick curtain of rain, but you weren't scared anymore. You couldn't feel anything but calm.
You just couldn't find it in yourself to be afraid when sunshine was running just a few steps ahead of you.
Summer descends, Autumn howling at its heels.
School was right around the corner, the dread finally settling in at the prospect of (forced) early mornings, homework, and shorter days. Daisy was due to go back home the next day, and then the following week, you'd start school with Joaquín and Maria.
You were spending the day with Joaquín, sipping sweet tea on the front porch as you played a game of cards. Daisy was down on the sidewalk, near the street. She was trying to catch a toad, and splashing around in the puddle's leftover from the rainstorm the previous night. The two of you were hidden from sight, so you didn't know what was about to happen until it was too late.
Joaquín always thought that it would be extremely difficult to envision you as an angry person. You were just so kind to every person you came across. You would sing to honeybees, even as everyone else was running away screaming. If Maria (or Daisy) dropped their ice cream cone on the sidewalk, the first person to offer theirs up would be you. Strangers would gawk at your sometimes unruly behavior, and would sometimes frown upon your boisterous laughter, but you'd just grin at them in response.
He came to a realization that day, though.
There was a boy who lived in your neighborhood. He liked to pick on people, but only if they were smaller than him and couldn't really fight back. He hadn't ever gotten brave enough to try anything with you guys, since he was always outnumbered. But he hadn't seen you or Joaquín up on the porch that day.
Neither of you realized what was happening until Daisy screamed. You watched in horror, as Beau shoved Daisy. She teetered back on her heels before losing her balance completely, her elbows skidding across the pavement as she landed. Her cries sent the both of you to your feet. Joaquín was the first to make it down to the sidewalk, his anger propelling him forward.
Joaquín was only inches from Beau, his hand reaching out to grab at him, when a blur flew past.
He slowed to a stop, watching in utter amazement as you gathered the back of Beau's shirt into your hands and yanked him back as hard as you could. Beau scowled as he turned, ready to strike. But then he saw you standing there, and laughter bubbled up in his chest, up and up, until it burst from his mouth, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. He lunged at you, his fist raised as if he was about to hit you. Joaquín took a step forward as you took a step back.
Beau smirked. "Yeah, that's what I thought." He tugged a piece of your hair, before turning on his heel.
You tapped him on the shoulder. When he turned back around, you smiled innocently up at him, and rocked back on your heels.
Your smile dropped.
"You forgot something."
And then you swung your fist into his nose.
It was at that moment that Joaquín realized that, yes, you were kind, and friendly, and often went out of your way to help others, even if it meant you got slighted in the end.
You were also fiercely protective.
A year passes.
Middle school came, and while schools changed and so did the students, you and Joaquín remained the best of friends.
You fell in love with art, and ballet. Joaquín joined various sports, intent on becoming strong so that he could protect and provide for his loved ones.
The two of you were really finding yourselves. It was beautiful.
Two years pass, then three.
The shift happens when your world suddenly turns on its axis.
Everyone called it the Blip. You called it the worst, yet most defining five years of your life.
It was odd, how your parents had been there and then suddenly...they just weren't. Maria, and Joaquín's father were gone too. But both he and his mom were safe, still in that house next door.
His mom had practically begged you to stay with them, but you couldn't bring yourself to. You couldn't bear the thought that your parents might show up again, that they might only appear just long enough that you'd miss them if you were out of the house. So you stayed, even as the echoes of what once was haunted you.
Home went from love and laughter and so much fun with your parents to the kind of quiet that was capable of driving someone mad.
Joaquín, however, was determined to redefine what home meant to you.
Having a bedroom across from yours had its perks, one of them being that he could very easily cross the tree that connected your bedrooms whenever he pleased. He had been doing it before the blip, when the two of you decided one night that it would be fun to have your own way of communicating. One flicker of your bedroom light meant 'lets watch the stars together', two flickers meant 'i'm bored, let's talk', and three meant 'sos come over as quickly as you can'.
So it wasn't necessarily strange for him to come over at all hours of the night, but it was different when the blip happened. It became less fun, and felt more like something you both needed.
It isn't a surprise for you when you hear that familiar knocking on your bedroom window at half past midnight. You call out softly, telling him to come in. What you are surprised about, is the tinge of nervousness you feel when he climbs through the window, moonlight washing over him.
You pull your covers up and around your shoulders, as if that could protect you from the newfound feeling.
"Are you cold?"
"Yes," You reply.
Joaquín nods in understanding, and motions for you to scoot over in your bed. It shouldn't be strange, this had been the routine for a long while. But when he settles in beside you, face set in a peaceful expression, it gives you butterflies so badly that you think you might vomit.
"You okay?" He asks softly.
You only nod, too afraid that if you open your mouth that you'll say something stupid.
Joaquín shifts closer.
You're unsure of how and when this happened. You're unsure of when he became so...handsome. Somehow, it's only now occurring to you how much space he takes up in your bed, how broad his shoulders are when he rolls onto his side to look at you.
"Rain boots," He whispers, "Tell me what's wrong?"
Unable to look him in the eye, you roll over and stare at the blindingly red numbers on your alarm clock. "Just miss my parents."
It's not a lie.
You expect him to do what he always does. You expect him to offer some advice, to tell a joke so that you smile, you expect him to poke at your sides until you have no choice but to erupt with laughter.
You don't expect him to shift closer to you, an arm reaching out to drape over your waist. You don't expect the warmth of his breath against your neck. His chest presses to your back, and you have to stop yourself from dying right then and there. Tentatively, he slides his hand into yours, before he squeezes three times.
"Close your eyes, boots. I'll be right here when you wake up, okay? I'm not going anywhere. Not ever."
You do as he says, trying to get your breath back to its normal rhythm.
"Goodnight, Y/n."
"Night, Joaquín," You breathe.
The last thing you remember thinking, before sleep finally claims you, is that Joaquín's heart is beating in tandem with yours.
Two more years.
Joaquín always knew that you were destined for things far greater than you could have ever possibly imagined. It was apparent to him from the very beginning.
Growing up next to you had plenty of perks; one of them being that you had the ability to keep Maria entertained unlike anything else ever had. You had always managed to come up with fantastical scenarios, assigning the siblings their roles as you acted them out. From a young age, the world had been your stage.
You never seemed to mind that not everyone wanted to attend the show, you were always so unendingly free.
So it's absolutely no surprise to him that you seem so comfortable on a real stage.
You just...belong there.
The stage lights are bright, but not nearly as much as you are. You're radiant, a cosmic entity.
"This is beautiful," His mom announces quietly as she takes in the venue. After the blip, after everything was said and done, you decided not to waste any more time and accepted your offer into Julliard.
It had been difficult, moving away from home after everyone you loved came back. But if the blip had taught you anything, it was that life was short, and you wanted to make the most of it when you could. And now, here you were.
You'd always dreamt of performing in The Nutcracker. You weren't supposed to tell anyone when you found out, but you couldn't keep it from Joaquín that you'd gotten the role of the Sugar Plum Fairy. And to think, after all your hard work, you were performing with the New York City Ballet!
"She is so beautiful," Joaquín agrees.
"Not to diminish her, because she is very beautiful-but I said the venue was beautiful."
Joaquín looks to the side, at your mother's and at Maria. "That's what I said, too."
Maria snickers, and rolls her program up before smacking her brother with it. "That is definitely not what you just said, you dork."
He hates to admit it, but she's right. She was right all those years ago in that meadow when you were so excited to dance with them. She was right to trick him into dancing with you. Even when Maria was gone, he could almost feel her eyes on him any time he laid with you at night. He could almost feel the way she'd say, "Make a move you big dummy!"
But he was afraid.
He was afraid that he would put his heart on the line for nothing. He was afraid, because he was leaving in less than a week for the Air Force.
But mostly, he was afraid that he would get hurt, or worse, and that he would totally and completely break your heart.
So he kept quiet about it, though it was almost physically painful for him.
During curtain call, you take your final bows, and Joaquín can't help but leap from his seat. The entire audience follows suit, and he sees the way that your eyes light up. He sees the tears (that he knows are happy) that gather on your waterline. He sees, because out of everyone in the audience, you look for him.
And, damn it, if that doesn't make him want to drop to his knees and tell you right then and there how truly and completely he adores you.
But he's leaving, and you'll be here, dancing. He's leaving, and he'll be in dangerous situations that he'll be sure to not divulge with you. He's leaving, and you'll be here, safe and sound. So he keeps his mouth shut for a while longer.
Afterwards, you take them out to your favorite sushi spot. You're ecstatic, practically glowing. You had taken your hair down and taken the makeup off, but you couldn't have been more beautiful if you tried.
"This is insane," You gush, squeezing your mom's hand as you press the button on the crosswalk. "I can't believe this is my life right now!"
"Rain boots."
You glance at your greatest friend, the boy who isn't as much of a boy as he is a man now. "Joaquín."
I love you.
But he can't say it yet.
"I'm so proud of you."
You smile softly, and wrap your hands around one of his biceps before crossing the street as a group. He thinks that's all you're going to answer with, that this is where it ends. But right before you walk into the restaurant, you lean your head against his shoulder, and although you say it quietly, he hears you loud and clear.
"I'm proud of you, too."
Annnnd chapter one finished❤️ I'll get more into the plot of TFAWTS/CABNW, but I wanted to set up the back story and allow you guys to get a feel of the dynamic. (:
#joaquin torres#joaquin torres fanfiction#joaquin torres imagine#falcon#joaquin torres x reader#marvel#fanfiction#falcon x reader#danny ramirez#danny ramirez x reader#joaquin torres fic
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MANNN so. sooo. all this talk about pilot fear got me thinking about pilot Joyyyy...we should talk about her too because good Lord, she is…such a piece of work. i NEED to throw rocks at her <3 it's really fascinating how early concepts of joy just, like...straight up made her mean? spoiled? abrasive? not a control freak, not a toxic optimist, not a well-intentioned extremist looking out for riley...just...a whiny brat! she instantly complains about anything she doesn't get immediate gratification from, and doesn't want riley to grow up because it means she can't have fun anymore. which makes sense i suppose, given a lot of the earlier drafts for inside out were about joy's immaturity rather than her being controlling...
if you factor pilot fear into all of this, too, i feel like he'd have muuuch more reason to actually, you know. turn Evil and try to kill joy. pilot joy always gave off villain protagonist vibes to me…she's awful, but mostly unaware how much the others resent her—fear in particular. she's too full of herself to really grasp that.
much of the vague draft i've written in my head about this revolves around fear's betrayal ultimately shattering joy's worldview…i do still think the joy-sadness angle in the final movie was probably the best choice to go with (especially since there weren't any complications of dealing with the aftermath of AHEM. ATTEMPTED MURDER), but daaamnn if i don't think the pilot stuff is Neat!!
alsooo if you're unfamiliar with pilot joy i highly recommend checking out this storyboard, which illustrates her personality pretty well. i actually stole a few lines directly from this storyboard, which is…certainly saying something about this version of joy, lmao. there's definitely more stuff out there, but this is probably the best example. anyways. please throw rocks at her with me <3
#SORRY for the long caption but. just know it COULD have been longer. i love talking about the og drafts for io DHKFJHKJ#anyways i had so much fun with expressions here YAY!! storyboards always provide such good inspo for that <3#yes i made her call fear a killjoy on purpose....foreshadowings. and such#immm. not sure if i'll do anything with that vague draft in my head....we will see i guess. sniles 😁#inside out#inside out 2#inside out joy#inside out fear#sketchbook
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man the losa am i right hahaha. wanted to finish this before ros came back and they potentially get more doomed. i have been insane over this concept since it was mentioned. presenting my LoSA-themed castle build!!
my yappings are under the cut
this took like 15+ hours total i think?? this was my second go at building a losa-themed castle and also my first time using axiom (editor mode is scary but fast placing/breaking was amazing for me). i'm not a super crazy builder (how do i word this without being self-deprecating but also not hyping myself up) so something fun i noticed when building was how much depth ros tends to give her builds' walls. i tried emulating that a little? but that is not my strong suit and i wound up not doing much of that. there's no real interior but i honestly love that part of building so i may do that another day. anyways design choices! two things i learned: we need more purple blocks, and we need more actual blue blocks. sneeg gets the big copper/prismarine tower, and the little side balconies have platforms that can be tridented from. i also want to add bits of water floating around his tower and maybe a bit of sculk :3 clown gets the nether brick tower with the fancy windows (stolen from mythicalsausage, like a few other things i used in the build (i love this man's builds)) and some fancy floating candles because archmage. i also learned i want more blocks similar to nether bricks in color. last but not least ros gets the smaller two towers. i want to do something more with ros' towers but im not sure of what exactly to do (and what i can physically do lol). maybe a butterfly somehow..somewhere... i think the reason why she'd get the smallest towers is because of her horrible self worth issues!! but it balances out because there's a lot of non-personal space that can be used. also going from purple concrete powder to amethyst bothers me and i want more light purple blocks, and more purple blocks in general now. im not sure if ros likes sunflowers and/or if aimsey likes them but i added them to the build anyways. i wanted to go for a bit of an older-feeling build at first but i lost that along the way since i was just having fun placing blocks and forgetting what vibe i wanted to go for initially. more moss would start to recorrect the vibes i think? looking at it now i don't like the calcite texturing on the smaller blue tower. i added it cause i thought it'd be cool but now i think its too distracting and i either need to get rid of it or add in more calcite texturing elsewhere. anyways i am absolutely abusing shaders/fov to make the build look prettier but even without them im very happy with how it turned out lol.
#the realm smp#trsmp#roscumber#sneegsnag#clownpierce#losa#league of secret alchemists#stompedchild builds#<- first ever tag for myself yippee#also first time posting anything ive made on tumblr i think so go easy on me#anyways idk how doomed the losa is but in case theyre super fucked#i can be delusional and figure out what to do with the NIGHTMARE interior i made#should be more fun than i had with texturing tho i love the bookshelf/flower pot spam
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