#i want somebody to be a selkie but idk who yet
somebody help me figure out sea life to match with titans characters for mermay 
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luthorao3 · 3 years
I'm glad you liked the Selkie followup! And yes, Nadia would definitely rock up with a bucket of fish (alongside plain fish, though, seals are also known to eat eels, squid and octopus, so I'm seeing those as the more awful things - also I'm imagining that someone would get an octopus thrown at them in that scenario, don't know who yet though).
In response to the writing thing… yes and no? I do write, but I don’t publish anything online partly because I never finish anything because either I end up hopping onto yet another idea before it’s done, or it’s overly self-indulgent/the general concept is pretty niche (for instance idk anyone who would be interested in a Queen of Thieves story that’s a crossover with/takes concepts from The Magnus Archives, but that is an idea that has been clinging to me for the last couple of weeks and I’ve made notes for since my brain made a leap from myth/folklore creatures to eldritch monster/dread power avatars), or both these things happen.
I have a lot of notes, half-written scenes or several separate scenes for various things. I have fleshed out stories in my head that I know fully how they go but for some reason have issues with getting down on paper. Alternatively I do get it down in a very, very rough draft but it’s in no fit state to share (a recent example: two separate, incredibly early-draft nsfw scenes of Siren!Nadia with no context that exists outside my head).
That post you reblogged a while back (might have been nearly a month ago? My memory is both great and crap it could have been last week) of characters from non-abandoned but long since updated fics climbing up someone’s legs like hungry kittens? That is me. That is me only instead of fics that look abandoned but aren’t it’s this huge cluster mess of folders and files with wips, notes and out-of-context scenes that make zero sense on their own. The ideas and concepts are there, the physical writing… is sometimes partly there when my brain occasionally cooperates with my enthusiasm.
Speaking of which, it’s nearly 2:30 (I need to stop checking tumblr and sending rambling asks while I’m meant to be trying to sleep) and my brain is now drifting back to the QOT/TMA crossover idea and I need to shut up before I get to the point of needing to write something for that idea in order to get to sleep. Thank you for the compliments though! They made me smile and I'm glad you like the asks so far, feel free to go as zombie weird as you like even if I can't (yet, maybe one day) supply fics :)
Have a good night/day!
okokok though!! the BEST pieces of writing are the overly self-indulgent ones. you can FEEL the writer’s excitement when you’re reading them. that’s what makes them so good!! i’ve seen quite a bit of tma across my dash but i’m not 100% sure what it is (i want to say horror podcast?), but it’s always intrigued me. i think, with something like that, you don’t need to find people who love both to enjoy something you produce for it. i would 100% be aallllll over that. 👀 and it’d probably make me spiral into tma because it sounds like EXACTLY the kinda thing i’d love but i’m always putting it off.
that said, though, i feel you so hard on all of this. writing is so much easier when you’re doing it for yourself— daydreaming, writing down loose notes here and there, the rough drafts upon rough drafts. trying to translate that into something that somebody else can read and comprehend is not always easy, but it never has to be perfect. you are very clearly brimming with ideas, though, and idk how long it takes you to send these asks but you can clearly put a rough plot together very quickly. you’ve got the stories down, easy. and if you ever do decide to publish any fic, you have PLEASE gotta let me know so i can read!!
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