#i want drama! i want these players nervous!
If both teams can’t lose can the game at least be decided with a penalty shootout
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helen-with-an-a · 30 days
Hey! Was wondering if you could do a Barca x Teen!Reader, where reader gets seriously injured during a game (head injury, studs to chest etc.) Alexia, Luce and Keira all playing at the same time, and notice R go down. Lots of drama, worried parents, terrified/barely conscious reader. As dramatic and angsty as you can make it haha! Love your writing!
Hiiiii - so i've changed it a little but I think it's pretty close to what you wanted. I hope you enjoy it <3<3<3<3
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Barça Femeni x Reader
Description: R gets injured during El Clásico
TW: Injury
Word Count: 4k
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You remembered those conversations vividly. The moments when Leah, Beth, Alexia, and Mapí had shared their stories of tearing their ACLs. Each of them had mentioned a strange, uneasy feeling on the day it happened. Leah had spoken about how she felt abnormally nervous, like a storm was brewing inside her. Beth had echoed the sentiment, recalling how she had chalked up her anxiety to the stress of her personal life, especially her worries about her mum. Alexia, with her sharp instincts on the field, had said that something about the training drills that day had set her on edge, making her second-guess movements that normally came as second nature. Mapí had described it as though the universe was sending her a warning, a subtle but persistent whisper that something was about to change
You wished you had experienced something similar. You wished you had a warning, a sign from someone above you that something was going to change. But it didn’t. It felt like a totally normal match day.
The energy was electric, the changing rooms crackled with excitement and pre-game nerves. The familiar sounds of studs on hard flooring and last-minute strategies filled the warm air.
“Okayyyyyy, let’s go,” Cata shouted as she left the changing rooms, the noise of laughter breaking through the tense silence. Laughter rippled through the team as the door swung shut, momentarily lifting the heavy atmosphere that had settled over the team. This was no ordinary match—this was El Clásico, the fiercest rivalry in football, and the tension was almost palpable.
“Let’s fucking do this thing,” Jana chimed in, her voice light and excited as she slung her arm across your shoulders. Her energy was infectious. You could tell that even the girls who took everything seriously, sometimes too seriously, were lightened slightly at the jokes. Smiles cracked through usual tough game faces as the younger players buzzed around the room.
“Language,” Alexia chided with a smirk, pushing Jana’s head down as she passed. Jana grinned mischievously, sticking her tongue out at her Captain in a mock show of defiance, the affection between them clear.
Just like that, the moment was over. It was like a switch being flipped – laughter replaced with seriousness as you entered the tunnel.
This was no ordinary match—this was El Clásico, the fiercest rivalry in football. The history between the two teams ran deep, a river of passion and pride that had shaped the sport for decades.
As you lined up behind your teammates, the reality of the situation hit you. You were 20 years old, standing shoulder to shoulder with legends. The names around you were synonymous with greatness, players who had inspired you, who had paved the way for your own journey. It was surreal, like a dream you hadn’t fully woken up from.
But there was no time for awe, no time for doubt. If you thought the energy was palpable in the changing rooms – out on the field was something else entirely. You could almost taste it. The crowd was like a tsunami – the wall of sound threatening to drown you. The air around you crackled and snapped like lightening in a storm. The familiar music bounced around the stadium, cheers and chants reminding you exactly who you were doing this for.
The match began with the intensity that was expected of a rivalry like this. Every tackle was fierce, every pass precise. The physicality of the game was a given, an unspoken agreement between both teams that nothing would be held back. You loved it. The rough edges, the sharp elbows, the way your body ached after a particularly hard challenge. It was all part of the game, part of what had drawn you to football in the first place.
As the minutes ticked by, the game only grew more intense. Players were starting to tire, and with that fatigue came mistakes. Feet were left behind in mistimed challenges, arms swung too widely as everyone fought for control. It was chaos, beautiful in its own way, and you thrived in it
It was strange, what you remember about it all. Nothing much remains of that day, but you distinctly remember thinking how sunny it was as you lined up for the corner. It was a simple observation as you squinted in the brightness. Ona had made a crucial block to a shot on goal, sending the ball out of play in the process. She had appeared from nowhere to help cover the gaps as Caicedo played the ball towards Navarro.
“And that’s why I call you, Lightening McQueen,” you quipped, patting Ona on the shoulder in thanks.
“Fuck off,” Ona teased, shoving your hand off with a grin, focussing her mind back on the set up.
You were assigned the task of marking Carmona, who had a knack for slipping in unnoticed at the back post and punishing unsuspecting keepers. As she lingered near the 18-yard box, you watched her closely, aware of her every move. Her brightly coloured boots were a signal, catching your eye as she began to bounce on her toes, a telltale sign she was gearing up for a run.
You took a deep breath as she set off, her movement calculated in a way that you admired. She dodged neatly around you as you side stepped into her path, forcing you into a sideways run.
You were so focused on her, so intent on keeping her in check, that everything else faded into the background. It was a rookie mistake, the kind you usually prided yourself on avoiding. But in that moment, nothing else existed but you and Carmona.
It felt like a wrecking ball had been swung into your back. The impact took all the wind out of you. You could barely breathe. The world spun as you were sent crashing to the ground, your body colliding with the turf in a jarring, bone-rattling thud. Pain flared up in your side, a slow, dull ache that radiated outward like a spark catching dry tinder. Your breath caught in your throat, each attempt to inhale met with sharp, searing pain. You had broken a rib when you were ten, falling off the monkey bars at school and landing on someone’s bag that they had left carelessly below you. Despite the years, you still remembered the icy hot fire that spread across your little body. This wasn’t like that. This was a dull, slow ache that told you, you would be sore tomorrow. Your body longed to breath in fresh, cool air, but it refused to listen to its own commands.
The noise around you became distant, muffled, as if you were underwater. You blinked rapidly, trying to clear the haze from your vision, but everything was a blur. Your brain was slow to catch up, still reeling from the impact.
“Pequeña?” A voice reached you through the fog, soft and concerned. Marta? You weren’t sure, everything was too fuzzy.
“Chica, I’m so, so sorry.” That voice was more distinct—Cata, you thought, though your mind struggled to make the connection. Pina? No, that didn’t make sense.
“Medics, medics,” someone shouted, the urgency in their voice cutting through the confusion.
Gradually, clarity began to return, the world coming back into focus like someone slowly turning the dial on a radio. The muffled sounds became sharper, the voices around you more distinct. You realised that someone was holding your head still, keeping you from moving as you instinctively tried to sit up.
“No, kiddo. Stay still, just until the medics clear you,” Lucy’s voice was calm, steady, a lifeline in the chaos. Her tone was reassuring, a reminder that you weren’t alone.
“Ow,” you croaked, the word slipping out involuntarily. The circle of concerned faces around you broke into nervous laughter, the sound a welcome break in the tension. It was a small reminder that, despite the pain, you were still here, still surrounded by teammates who cared.
“Hey, chica,” the physio called, taking Lucy’s place by your head. “Can you tell me your name?”
“Y/N,” you answered, the word feeling strange in your mouth, like you weren’t entirely sure it belonged to you.
“Beautiful, and what’s mine?” she asked, her voice gentle as she looked at her colleague who was gently pressing along your side.
“Camila, and he’s Luis. And fuck that hurts.” With every word, you felt more like yourself, the shock wearing off, replaced by the familiar, albeit painful, reality. You winced as Luis pressed lightly on one of your lower ribs, the ache intensifying.
Camila chuckled softly, relief evident in her eyes as you became more and more coherent. “Sorry, honey,” Luis offered with a rueful smile.
You grumbled as they continued to check you over, the soreness settling in. You knew you’d have bruises in the morning, but you were fine. Everything was fine.
“Okay, Y/N, we’re going to sit you up,” Camila instructed, her voice warm and welcoming as she guided you into a sitting position. You blinked as stars danced across your vision, the world tilting slightly as you became vertical. The dizziness was overwhelming, your head spinning from the impact, but you were determined to shake it off. You were fine, you kept telling yourself. Everything was absolutely fine.
“Feeling okay?” Luis asked, his concern evident in his voice.
You nodded, even though the world still felt unsteady beneath you. You were helped to your feet, your legs wobbly but holding steady. After a final check from the physios, the referee waved you back onto the pitch, signalling that you were fit to continue.
They had shown you the footage later; looking back – you were in no fit state to return to the field. Maybe it was only truly noticeable to those who knew you, but you could see, as clear as day, that you wobbly on your feet. You kept blinking for too long, discomfort etched into the furrow of your eyebrows and the purse of your lips. It must’ve been adrenaline keeping you up right. That was all you could suggest really.
You remembered nothing from this point on. Not the unrelenting push for a goal that had electrified the entire stadium, nor the quick, strategic short corner taken by Alexia and Pina. Patri's cross into the box, which sailed perfectly through the air, was lost to you, as was the thud of the ball hitting your head. It would have been a fantastic goal – had Misa’s reflexes not been so sharp, her gloves snatching the ball out of the air with a clean, practiced catch. The defending had been sloppy, but in that moment, it worked in Madrid’s favour, leaving you with nothing to show for your efforts.
As you ran back down the pitch, following after your assigned player, the world began to slip away from you. You couldn’t hear the once-deafening roar of the crowd. You couldn’t smell the sweat that lingered in the air. The once-deafening roar of the crowd, which had been a constant backdrop, began to fade, the cheers and shouts dissolving into a distant hum. The familiar scents of the pitch—the earthy smell of damp grass, the tang of sweat in the air—seemed to evaporate, leaving behind an unsettling emptiness. Even the vibrant colours around you dulled; the green of the pitch lost its brightness, and the blue of the sky overhead seemed to bleed away into grey. You stumbled, your feet catching on something beneath you – maybe it was your own feet?
You stumbled, your feet heavy and clumsy as they tangled beneath you, sending you lurching forward. The ground seemed to tilt beneath you, the world spinning as your vision darkened. Strong arms caught you just before you fell, and you inhaled the calming scent of chamomile. You leaned into the warmth, seeking comfort in the embrace. Maybe if you just closed your eyes for a moment, the world would right itself.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” The English had a definite British lilt to it … did that mean you were in Keira’s arms? Or was it Lucy?
“Dizzy,” you managed to whisper before everything went black
Keira's intuition had never failed her before, but this time it felt different—sharper, more urgent. She had been keeping an eye on you ever since the collision, her gaze flicking toward you every few seconds even as she tried to stay focused on the game. Something was off; she could sense it. The way you moved was just slightly out of sync, like your body was fighting to keep up with your mind. It wasn’t obvious, not to anyone who wasn’t looking closely, but Keira was looking closely.
She watched as you darted back into position, tracking the forwards with a determination that would have been admirable if it didn’t make her stomach twist with worry. But then, just as you were about to break into a sprint, she saw it – the slight hesitation, the falter in your step, the way your body seemed to sway as though the ground beneath you had shifted. And then you stumbled.
Keira didn’t think – she just moved. Instinct took over as she sprinted toward you, covering the distance between you in what felt like a heartbeat. When she reached you, your body was already starting to fold in on itself, your knees buckling under you. Her arms shot out, catching you just before you hit the ground, and she immediately pulled you close, cradling you against her chest.
You leaned into her, your weight heavy and unsteady. You looked so childlike. People often forgot how young you were, barely an adult, yet you had been making a mark in football for years now. If she wasn’t so goddamn terrified, she would have thought you looked adorable, your eyes dipping as if everything was suddenly to tiring for you. She could feel your breath against her neck, shallow and uneven. Panic surged through her veins, cold and relentless.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” she asked, her voice trembling despite her best efforts to stay calm.
“Dizzy,” you mumbled, the word barely more than a whisper before your eyes fluttered shut and your body went limp in her arms.
Keira’s heart lurched, her pulse pounding in her ears. She tightened her grip on you, holding you up as best she could while waving frantically for help with her free hand.
“Medics,” she screamed. Why wasn’t the ref blowing the whistle. “I need help. Medics,” Keira tried again.
Finally, after too many long seconds, the referee's whistle blew sharply, cutting through the noise of the game, and suddenly the pitch was alive with movement. People were moving too slowly though. Why weren’t they moving faster? You could’ve heard a pin drop in the stadium. Silence settling over the crowd like a blanket.
“Stay with me, Y/N,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion as she gently rocked you in her arms. “Please, stay with me.”
Alexia was the first to reach Keira, her usual calm demeanor shattered as she witnessed the scene unfolding before her. There was no room for the stoic captain now; instead, she was just a friend, scared and desperate for answers. She pulled the Brit to her feet, wrapping an arm around her and holding her close, the silent support grounding them both in the midst of the unfolding nightmare. They leaned into each other, finding some small comfort in the warmth of the other’s presence, even as their eyes stayed glued to the huddle of medics around you.
“She just, she was… she collapsed,” Keira’s voice was trembling, her words tumbling out in a rush as she tried to explain what had happened. She could still feel the weight of your body in her arms, the way you had slumped against her, the life seeming to drain out of you in an instant. Alexia held her tighter, sensing the panic rising within her, and Keira clung to her, the fear in her heart overwhelming.
“Dizzy,” Keira repeated, her voice rising in pitch as she was gently guided towards the dugout by one of the medical staff. “She started to go, and then she said she was dizzy, and then…” Her words faltered, the memory too painful to continue. Her eyes darted back to where you lay surrounded by the medics, their neon jackets a harsh contrast against the dark blue of the Barcelona staff. The scene was surreal, like something out of a nightmare, and Keira couldn’t shake the feeling of helplessness that had taken root in her chest.
The medics exchanged quick, concerned glances, their expressions growing more serious by the second as they checked your vitals. One of them placed a hand on your forehead, his frown deepening as he turned to his colleague. The tension in the air was palpable, everyone waiting, hoping, that whatever was wrong could be fixed with a few quick interventions. But the look on the medic’s face told a different story.
“She’s unconscious,” he said, his voice low but firm. “We need to get her off the pitch and to the hospital now.”
The whole team watched on nervously as you were lifted onto the stretcher. The gravity of the situation hit everyone around like a tidal wave, washing away any lingering hope that this was just a simple faint or a brief dizzy spell. As you were whisked away, Alexia couldn’t help but note that you looked like you were sleeping – you eyelashes grazing against your skin, a slight pink flush to your cheeks.
“Plasters,” Ona croaked, her voice thick with emotion. “She’s allergic to plasters,” she grabbed at the arm of one of the coaches nearby. “If she’s going to hospital, they need to know she’s allergic to plasters.”
It was clear that no one was in the right mindset to continue the game. You were a favourite amongst the team. Despite only being on the team for a year or so, you had managed to worm your way into everyone’s hearts. You were like a breath of fresh air for the team – a kind-hearted, sensitive soul that knew exactly what to say and when. The fans adored you. You had picked up on Catalan quickly – insisting that interviews be done in the language as much as possible. Your love of the club was easy to see, the interactions between supporters, especially the youngers ones, was something to be admired. You had a natural ease about you that everyone picked up on.
The final ten minutes of the match passed in a blur, the ball moving aimlessly from one side of the pitch to the other. For the Blaugrana players, it might as well have been a hundred minutes or even a hundred hours—time had lost all meaning as their minds were elsewhere, consumed by thoughts of you. The weight of the situation hung heavy over the team, each second dragging on as they tried to focus on the game in front of them. But despite the turmoil churning within them, there was one thing they all knew: they couldn’t forfeit this game. Not to Real Madrid of all teams. Pride and the deep-seated rivalry pushed them to keep going, even as their hearts ached with worry.
When the final whistle blew, signaling the end of the match, there was no usual chatter, no friendly banter as players from both sides met on the pitch. The bitter rivalry, which typically melted away at full-time as friends from opposing teams exchanged smiles and hugs, was forgotten in the wake of what had happened. The tension in the air was palpable, a stark contrast to the usual post-match camaraderie. The Barcelona players rushed through the obligatory handshakes, barely making eye contact with their opponents. There was no lingering on the pitch today, no catching up with old friends—only the desperate need to get off the field and find out how you were doing.
The team almost sprinted through the tunnel, a collective sense of urgency driving them forward. The usual post-match rituals were abandoned; the focus now was entirely on you. Alexia led the charge, her steps quick and determined, her mind racing as she tried to piece together what had happened. She was usually the calm one, the leader who kept everyone grounded, but even she couldn’t mask the worry that gnawed at her as she pushed her way through to the back rooms.
“She’s gone straight to the hospital,” Camila’s voice cut through the chaos, and Alexia immediately locked onto her words. The relief that flickered across the blonde’s face was mirrored in the eyes of those around her, but the concern didn’t fully dissipate. “She’s awake, Ale,” Camila continued, her tone soothing yet still laced with urgency. “She was awake and talking when she was being loaded into the van. Groggy, but she’s fine.”
The words were like a lifeline, pulling everyone back from the edge of panic. Relief swelled amongst the team like a tidal wave, crashing over them and sweeping away some of the dread that had settled in their hearts. It wasn’t complete—there was still worry, still the gnawing fear of the unknown—but knowing you were conscious, that you had spoken, was enough to let them breathe again.
Keira, who had been holding herself together with sheer force of will, felt her legs give way as the tension finally broke. Her knees wobbled, and she sank down onto the nearest bench, the strength draining from her body. She had been replaying the moment over and over in her mind, the sight of you collapsing, the feeling of you going limp in her arms, the helplessness she had felt as the medics took over. But now, with Camila’s words echoing in her ears, she allowed herself to let go, the adrenaline that had kept her standing now replaced by overwhelming relief.
Around her, the rest of the team seemed to collectively exhale, the fear that had gripped them loosening its hold. They weren’t out of the woods yet—there was still the matter of getting to the hospital, of seeing you for themselves—but for now, they clung to the hope that everything would be okay. And that hope, fragile as it was, was enough to keep them moving forward.
The beeping is what woke you up. The annoying, constant, unrelenting beeping that you really wished would stop. You huffed slightly, trying to get comfortable and go back to sleep. Sleep was good. Sleep was helpful. So why wouldn’t this beeping let you sleep?
“Cariño?” Alexia’s voice whispered. Why was Alexia in your house? Come to think of it why was the beeping in your house too?
“Shhhh,” you moaned, your voice sounding far away. “’M sleepin’.” Gentle laughs filled the room. Huh? Too many people were in your house for this to be normal. You cracked one eye open.
Turns out, you weren’t at home. You weren’t quite sure where you were, but you definitely weren’t at home. Your home smelled like the vanilla candles you had stockpiled in your bathroom cabinets. Your home had a soft sofa and welcoming blankets. Wherever you were now smelled like disinfectant, and you were lying on a lumping, stiff mattress.
“Hey,” Keira smiled at you from the other side. Her warm hand resting in yours.
“Hey,” you croaked back. Your voice hoarse and weak, but it was the sweetest sound any of them had ever heard. “Where am I?” You figured it was the best question to start with. Figure out the where, and the why and how might make sense.
“Hospital,” Alexia supplied. Hospital? Ok, the why and how was not making sense.
“Do you not remember?” You frowned, shaking your head slightly.
“You got crashed into by Cata during the match. You hit your head, but no one realised. You carried on playing and then fainted on the pitch.” Keira stuck to the facts. If she stuck to the facts, she wouldn’t cry. She had been crying since she arrived at the hospital.
“Oh.” You vaguely remembered the sunshine. The feeling of wind on the pitch.
You managed a small smile, your fingers weakly squeezing Keira’s. “Sorry about that. Guess I just needed a nap.”
They both chuckled, the sound filled with both relief and lingering fear. “Next time, just ask for a sub, okay?” Keira teased.
You laughed softly, the sound easing the last of her worries. “Deal.”
fcbfemeni just posted
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fcbfemeni We are happy to announced that our no.34, Y/N Y/S/N is wake and talking. After a nasty collision and head injury against Real Madrid on Sunday, Y/N was taken to hospital where she was assessed by doctors. She will be monitored closely by medical staff and her return to play will be phased back gradually. We wish you all the best in your recovery, yourusername
yourusername just posted
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liked by keirawalsh and others
yourusername Next time, I'll just ask for a sub and I won't be so dramatic about it. I'm not 100% just yet, but I'm definitely out of the woods. Thank you to all the medical staff at FC Barcelona and Hospital de Barcelona. Big shout out to keirawalsh for catching my fall and I'm sorry for giving everyone a scare. I'm not sure when I'll be back to playing for the team, but I without a doubt I'll be cheering you on from the stands or my sofa at home. ❤️❤️❤️
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star-girl69 · 3 months
After Midnight
Caroline (KK) Harvey x Fem!Reader
synopsis: flirting with the star hockey player at the frat party isn’t what you would normally do, but it’s after midnight and something about the lights is making everything a little hazy.
feel free to send requests!!! 🫶🫶
a/n: GUYS PLEASE. PLEASE IGNORE THIS. i’m sorry i’ve betrayed all my morals… but i cant sit idly by while my fellow kk lovers suffer… i hope you all enjoy!!
After Midnight - Chappell Roan
warnings: not proofread!!!, ALCOHOL!!! we are in a FRAT people!!, some swearing ofc, super brief barely there mentions of violence and such, kk is taller than reader by like an inch suck it idc i do what i want, super brief mention of y/n having hair (length unspecified), idk like a bit of kissing and some somewhat suggestive thoughts… y/n is a freak 💔, i’ve never flirted with anyone before how do you do this, so probs inaccurate, i don’t know anything about hockey just prefacing this, i also don’t know how college works rip, as chappell roan said: “i love a little drama, let’s start a bar fight, cause everything good happens after midnight”
“Shit, babe, you look fuckin’ hot.”
This entire night is almost painful for you. Stepping out of your comfort zone on any level is always an adjustment, but trading your early nights in with homework and Netflix for a sexy dress showing everything in all the right and wrong places- is especially hard.
You almost cringe touching the velvet fabric of your revealing dark red shirt, staring at someone in the mirror you don’t even recognize.
“Jackie,” you mumble to your best friend and roommate, “I think it’s.. too much.”
Jackie tilts her head to the side, short dirty blonde hair swaying with the movement. She’s only humoring you, you can tell. “Nope. Perfect.”
You look at the pictures stuck in the slats of the mirror. Pictures of you, Jackie, and the other girl in your trio, Tyla, faces pressed together in bright smiles from various adventures from your freshman year at college.
It was such a relief when Jackie was the sweetest girl and an amazing person to share a dorm with, but when she brought along her best friend Tyla from a few doors down- the three of you fell into a quick and beautiful friendship, like the ones in the movies.
Jackie and Tyla were definitely more on the party girl side than the study girl side, but that was what was so great about your friendship. You reminded them that they did in fact have homework, and they pushed you to do things like this every once in a while.
This was the first time you had ever suggested it. Midterms were over- it would be wrong to not celebrate. To breathe in the few seconds you had left as a freshman, before it all got turned up again for sophomore year.
“Okay,” Jackie breathes, clasping her hands in front of her chest. “Take a deep breath, babe. The fit is a lot, yes, but it’s gorgeous. I mean, damn, where have you been hiding that ass?”
You bite your lip, eyes tearing away from the pictures, meeting Jackie’s eyes in the reflection.
“My ass does look really good,” you concede.
“Hell yeah it does!” Jackie shouts, smiling brightly. “Don’t be nervous, okay? It’s just some random frat party. We can go sit outside if it gets too much.”
It’s break. It’s Friday night. You look good, however uncomfortable you are.
“Fuck,” you mumble. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m good.”
“You’re good?”
“I’m just gonna do a few shots when we get there.”
“That’s my girl.”
Jackie thinks for a moment. “Besides, I think it’s a party to celebrate the girls hockey team winning a game, or something like that. The attention is gonna be far away from you. But…”
She trails off, picking at a piece of thread hanging from her comforter.
“What?” You ask, heart jumping to your throat in fear.
“Dylan might be there,” she shrugs.
Dylan wasn’t even that big of a problem, just a boy you had overzealously dated right when you got to college, when you were adjusting and still kind of lonely, only to find out his obsessive, stalker-ish personality was literal hell to be in a relationship with.
After maybe a week of constant love-bombing and clinginess, you broke up with him- and he tried for literal months to get your attention before he finally seemed to give up.
Once in a while, you’d see him at these parties, and he’d stare at you in a way that was probably supposed to be sexy, but was only weird and uncomfortable.
“Who gives a fuck about him?” You ask, your own surprise reflected in Jackie’s face.
“Damn, girl. Yeah, you’re fuckin’ right. Who gives a fuck about his sad ass?”
“I don’t,” you scoff, refusing to let him ruin your night.
The bathroom door slams open suddenly, revealing Tyla in an even more revealing black dress. Skin tight with cut outs showing her dark skin.
“Jesus Christ, I pity the other girls at that bar.” Tyla runs her hands down her sides, smiling brightly in a way that can only be joking.
And you laugh, and you laugh when she softly bumps you away from the mirror and admires herself even more.
Because of this rash decision to go out, Tyla hadn’t done her usual shopping for the pregame so you were forced to go to the party early- which Tyla actually groaned at and complained about how “embarrassing” it was. But after a few shots, that embarrassment fell away and she was back to being the funny, confident girl you knew her as.
You talked amongst the three of you, and with the two boys who were acting as bartenders, until more and more people slowly started filing in and the sky got dark. It was probably close to 10pm by the time the party really got busy, and those first two hours faded into a montage of alcohol stinging your throat and the sounds of your best friends laughing.
When the hockey team finally arrived, you were sitting on a couch with your girls, Tyla talking in this played-up sensual voice to a random boy who had taken an interest in her, while you and Jackie were busy scouting out the new arrivals and the different kinds of alcohol they placed on the table.
Even if Jackie hadn’t off-handedly mentioned it earlier, you quickly would have found out who this party was for. A large group of girls walked into the party, immediately met with cheers and shots, swarmed with alcohol and congratulations.
Some guy, probably one who actually lived in this house, whipped out a shitty megaphone and shouted their arrival, but it wasn’t even that loud.
Even you, however studious you were, knew about the girl’s hockey team. A bunch of them had played on the Olympic team a few years ago, and all the students of this D1 school were generally pretty proud that the Wisconsin team had won the most national championships.
Most of them were wearing their jerseys, but a few had dressed up. The girl’s hockey team was probably the hottest, most talented group of girls to ever be within 100 feet of you.
It was almost unfair how all of them were so beautiful and so talented, but you suppose that the rigorous workout schedules of Olympic and national athletes didn’t leave a lot of room for anything other than a fuck ton of muscles.
God, half of them towered over you and all of them could probably break your wrist with just a flick.
It was impressive.
What was most impressive, though, is the way the infamous Caroline Harvey walked in carrying about 27 cases of beer, which must have weighed as much as this fucking house, and effortlessly set it all on the ground beside the table full of red solo cups, chasers, and bottles of vodka.
Cheers rang out and people scrambled towards it, ripping the cardboard boxes open greedily and opening them just as fast.
You watched, hiding your parted mouth with your hand, as Caroline accepted an open beer from someone, cheers with a few of her teammates and drank a long sip. When she was done, she laughed and lifted her shirt to her mouth to wipe off some stray liquid, a movement that let just a sliver of her toned abs peek through.
“Holy fuck,” you whispered, quickly looking to the floor and deciding hockey was your new favorite sport.
You knew her from around campus, you both liked to study in the library at the same time- around 3 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and it became kind of tradition to just stare at her for a few minutes in between sections of your work. Almost like some weird little reward. You did feel kind of bad about it, but fuck, there was no way you could stop.
Besides, it’s not like she noticed.
You always sat on opposite sides of the library, and she never once even looked in your direction. What Caroline didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her, and you never see her unless it’s at the library or in passing at parties. But, God, doesn’t it feel good to just relish in how beautiful she is and stare for just a bit.
“Y/N, babe.”
Jackie knocked herself into you, her knees tucked up to her chest, some sort of a smile on her face.
“What’cha doin’?” She asks, smiling in a way that can only be described as evil. “Starin’? Hockey player pique your interest, huh?”
“No,” you say, forcing a laugh into your voice and rolling your eyes. “Just lookin’ at all the commotion.”
You’re trying to sound as nonchalant as possible, but now that Jackie’s mentioned it- those abs did pique your interest. And now they came flashing behind your eyes every time you blink.
“Oh, my God, I think I’m in heat,” you mumble, slightly to yourself and slightly to Jackie.
She wraps a lazy arm around your shoulder, letting out a sigh. “Oh, sweet girl, don’t worry. I’ve got you. Which one is it?”
“Caroline,” you mumble, so quiet and so sudden before you can really think about it.
Jackie hums, tilting her head to the side. “Don’t know a whole lot about her, but I heard she had a girlfriend freshman year, so definitely into girls. Not dating anyone right now, though. Olympian, hockey player, all that sexy stuff.”
“Mhmmmmm,” you mumble, sneaking a quick glance and then looking away immediately when she takes another sip of her drink, not wanting to know what would happen if you caught another glimpse of those god-sent abs.
“You gonna do somethin’ about it?” Jackie asks, nudging your head with hers.
“No, no,” you dismiss. “Just… being a freak. Admiring. God, I’m pathetic.”
Jackie laughs, abruptly standing and pulling you to your feet too. “Come on, babe, time for more drinks, let’s get your mind off of this if you’re not gonna make a move.”
You roll your eyes but follow her to the table of drinks farthest away from Caroline and the other hockey players. You’re not going to do anything, it’s not like you have a chance, and you’re just bored without schoolwork to occupy your every thought.
You take a deep breath, standing next to Jackie and surveying your options. Jackie choses for the both of you, definitely the more experienced party girl, mixing a drink that is majority vodka, making you groan slightly just at the thought of it.
“Here you go!” Jackie smiles, placing the red solo cup into your hand, smiling like she’s not trying to give you alcohol poisoning. Her gaze fixes on something behind you, and you faintly register the way her eyes light up- already a little tipsy from the few shots you’ve done- but you can’t even be bothered to question why.
You eye your drink suspiciously, mentally preparing yourself for the taste.
“Whoops,” Jackie mutters, and you look up at her only to feel her push you back.
“Jackie-” you start, angry, and she quickly scurries away from you. You want to kill her a little bit, at least question her- but you don’t get the chance to.
You gasp as you slam into someone behind you, drink splashing all over your front, alcohol mixing with the rich velvet texture of your shirt in a way that might very well ruin it. You bite your lip, glancing around the room, grateful that the room is so crowded and busy that no one noticed.
“Damn Harvey, knockin’ girls over on and off the ice,” someone laughs. You think you hear the sound of someone lightly hitting another person, followed by a small “ow.”
“Shit, I’m so sorry, are you okay?”
You turn around, Jackie nowhere to be found, and completely freeze when you realize not only did the person you slammed into have enough decency to ask if you were okay, but that person was fucking Caroline Harvey.
You would have laughed at how cliche it was if you weren’t so secretly exhilarated. The only reason you even had this drink was to stop shamefully staring at her.
But she’s right in front of you… and she looks even better like this, cheeks slightly flushed already from the alcohol, a glint in her eyes.
Her eyes meet yours, staring at you in obvious confusion and concern- “Hey? You okay?”
She places her hand on your waist and you suddenly return back into your body, looking anywhere but her eyes that were literally fucking drowning you.
“I’m sorry,” you gasp. “I-I’m fine. I’m just, like, really drunk.” You laugh, awkwardly, trying to pretend that you’re talking to just anyone. Trying to pretend like her hand on your waist wasn’t the hottest thing you’ve ever experienced.
She smiles, Jesus Christ that fucking smile, your knees go a little weak.
“Oh, good. Would be a shame if that pretty head got a concussion.”
You laugh, staring at her smile. Intoxicating. It’s the only word that comes to mind- maybe enchanted. She’s like some drug, and, God, it’s so stupid but you think you might be addicted after hearing her voice just once.
And, the suddenly, so vividly you almost fall over again, you realize what she said to you.
“Here, let me help you,” she says, effortlessly taking the now pretty much empty red solo cup from you and placing it on the table behind you, wrapping her arm around your waist and leading you to what you assume is a bathroom, probably where she was originally going. “I’m Caroline, but you can call me KK.”
Your mouth is slightly agape as she leads you through the crowd, and you suddenly pass by Jackie who gives you a big smile and a thumbs up- disappearing into the crowd before you can curse her name.
Fuck it. She’s right in front of you. The alcohol is getting to your head, the dim lighting is making everything hazy- everything except her pretty blue eyes and her intoxicating smile.
“KK,” you say, testing the nickname. “That’s cute. I’m Y/N.”
“That’s cute,” she echoes, and the way you can hear the smile on her voice seriously makes you almost fall over.
Thankfully, the bathroom she leads you to is kind of out of the way, it’s completely empty and the door clicks behind the two of you.
Your mood immediately deflates when you see yourself in the mirror, your top noticeably darker where sticky alcohol has sunk into the fabric.
“Fuck,” you mumble, peeling the sticky fabric from your skin.
Before you can even think to do anything, Caroline- KK- is running a random hand towel under the sink and gesturing to you. You expect her to hand it to you- but she doesn’t.
“Okay if I touch you?”
God in Heaven.
“Y-yeah,” you choke out, feeling your world literally recalibrate when she puts her hand on your shoulder- so fucking close to your neck- to keep you steady. You always thought it was the stereotype that basketball players have big hands, but apparently hockey players do too.
Her hand is really warm. This bathroom is suddenly really warm. Your cheeks are heating up, and as much as you try to tell yourself it’s from the alcohol- you know it’s not.
“Sorry,” she mumbles after a few more seconds. “I don’t think this is gonna do much. Maybe try putting it in the wash, though.”
You sigh, now turned sideways, hip to the bathroom sink, looking at yourself out of the corner of your eye.
“It’s fine, my friend… bumped into me, and then I backed up straight into you. Not your fault.”
You look up at her, realizing at this close proximity that she’s taller than you, maybe only an inch.
“I might just go home,” you sigh, feeling kind of disgusting in this nasty shirt.
A frown immediately forms on her face.
“Party’s just started, though. Can’t go home yet, baby.”
She wants you to die. She literally wants you to die. She’s secretly an assassin, and you’ve blocked out the memory of some horrible crime you’ve committed, and now she’s here to kill you by calling you baby and having the sexiest abs you’ve ever seen.
Not a bad way to go, though.
“Here,” she says, reaching up and tugging her jersey over her head, again revealing those fucking abs, and she’s left in a black tank top you didn’t even notice the first time you were staring at her abs. “Take my jersey.”
“Oh, no. I can’t, KK. I mean…”
“I was getting hot anyways, it’s good. Take it.”
It’s nicer quality than any other jersey you’ve ever touched before- nicer than the obligatory Wisconsin sweatshirt you bought at the school store.
You cough, taking it with a hand that shakes slightly, not able to look at her.
“…Thank you,” you say after a moment.
She smiles, big and goofy. “It’s no problem. Maybe you can repay me by having a drink with me, though?”
You pretend to think about it, but really you have to knock your knees together so you don’t fall to the floor in excitement.
“That’s a pretty good price.”
You finally meet her eyes, holding your breath as she stares into your eyes like they’re a lifeline.
“Yeah, a drink with my sexy self- pretty good fuckin’ deal.”
You laugh, and she takes a step back, looking you up and down in a way that literally gives you butterflies-
“I’ll let you change,” she says. “Come find me when you’re done, yeah, baby?”
“I’ll find you,” you breathe, turning around to start slipping off your shirt so she doesn’t see the way you literally bite your lip.
The jersey is huge, since they have to be to cover all the padding and gear hockey players wear, and you’re almost worried that you’d look really stupid in it- but your jean bottoms pull it together, somehow.
It smells good. It smells dark, like a forest, still with a hint of something fresh and light. Is this her perfume? You might want to bathe in it.
You still look pretty good, and your mind races, wondering if KK would compliment you in it- but someone bangs on the bathroom door.
“Y/N?!” Jackie. “Y/N? Holy fucking shit- did I just see what I think I saw?!”
Tyla quickly shouts too. “I got dragged away from a really hot guy for this!! Please tell me it’s true!!!”
You open the door wordlessly, holding your hands out wide so Jackie and Tyla can see the the jersey, the Badgers emblem.
“Ladies, hold your applause.”
“What the fuck!” Tyla screams, forcing you to turn around, then tracing a finger along your back, no doubt where Caroline’s last name is printed on. “Harvey. Fucking Caroline Harvey.”
“God, she’s so hot,” Jackie groans, and you whip around to shoot her a glare. “Calm down, jealous bitch, I mean this is hot. Fuck, does she have any friends? This red is a good color on me…”
“Well,” you smile, mirroring Jackie’s own “evil” smile from earlier, “She said to come find her and get a drink. With her.”
“A drink…” Tyla breathes. “With… fucking Caroline Harvey?”
“Fucking Caroline Harvey.”
“I think I might faint from, like, secondhand hotness.”
“Well,” Jackie starts, looking away from the jersey in awe and back at your face, “You look hot. Go over there right now, get that girl, and make out. Just- right on the couch. Fuck right on the couch.”
“I second that,” Tyla smiles, adjusting the jersey slightly. “Fuck her.”
“Okay, shut up, thanks. We’ll see where the night goes.”
“Oh, my God, I can’t even believe you’re doing this. What happened to my little studious best friend?”
“Alcohol,” you shrug, momentarily wondering if you would regret all of this the next morning- but everything is just so goddamn hazy in this frat house, and you can’t think straight, can’t think about anything other than her.
“Okay, okay,” Tyla says, grabbing your shoulders and staring into your eyes like she’s about to gift you with the greatest wisdom. “You want her to come back?”
You inhale sharply. “Maybe.”
“Okay, well, if this goes good- you gotta leave her before midnight.” She glances at her watch, “It’s 11:06 right now, flirt her and romance her, all that, but leave before midnight, got it?”
“Um… why, though?”
“To keep her guessing, to keep her thinking about you, obviously,” Tyla rolls her eyes. “Trust me girl. We’ll meet you outside at 12 and then take an Uber back, right?”
“Right,” you and Jackie both repeat.
“If you really want her, before midnight, okay?”
“Okay, okay, Tyla. I’ll meet you guys then?”
Jackie pretends to wipe a few tears away. “My girl’s all grown up.”
“Shut up,” you laugh, hugging both of them quickly before disappearing into the crowd of people.
You make your way towards a big couch, some armchairs, and a coffee table filled with liquor.
KK’s eyes light up when she sees you, and you notice there’s a conveniently placed empty seat right next to her, and two cups in her hands.
You don’t think anyone has noticed you wearing her jersey yet, and if someone has commented on KK’s lack of jersey, you can’t tell. You smooth it down, take a deep breath and plaster a smile on your face.
A seductive one, you hope, one like Tyla would do. And with the way she mirrors your smile with her own- except this one is just as big and goofy- you think it’s working.
Someone walks past you, then immediately stops and steps back, looking right at you.
“Hi, Dylan,” you mutter, smile falling from your face immediately.
“Y/N. I haven’t seen you in… forever, it feels like. How’ya been?”
“I’m fine, Dylan. I’m sorry, I’m meeting somebody, okay?” His face falls, and you feel sort of bad, so you add on “Talk soon,” to make yourself feel better.
“Wait,” he says, grabbing your arm, eyes moving from yours down to your outfit. “The fuck are you wearing? A jersey?”
“…Yes,” you say after a moment, genuinely confused until you remember how much Dylan despises sports, thinks they’re all just some popularity contest. “Okay, I’m meeting someone. Bye, Dylan.”
“Hi,” a new voice says, and you smile just a bit when you realize it’s Caroline. “I’m Caroline,” she says, ever-so politely, and it kinda makes your stomach twist. “Are you a friend of Y/N’s?”
Dylan’s eyes narrow at her. “No, I’m her ex.”
“Oh, my God,” you mumble to yourself, stepping close to Caroline. “Shut up.”
KK shoots you a look, and you can’t help but avoid your eyes. You tug your arm away from Dylan, but he doesn’t budge.
“Dylan, please,” you sigh. “I have to go, okay? Let go.”
“No, Y/N, come on-”
“Uh, I think she said let go, buddy.” She still has that same smile on her face, but your eyes flick to her exposed arms, now noticing just how much muscle is there too. There’s this glint to her smile, this edge to her voice, and you would genuinely be kinda scared if it was directed at you.
“This doesn’t involve you,” Dylan huffs. “Y/N and I need to talk- why the fuck are you going around trying to purposefully piss me off? You know I hate sports.”
“Dylan,” you start, genuinely having to take a deep breath. “We dated for a week in freshman year. Let go of me, stop embarrassing yourself, and stop talking to us.”
He stares at you, before scoffing and letting your arm drop. “You’re such a fucking bitch.”
“Okay,” you sigh. “Thank you, Dylan, goodbye.” You turn around, wondering if KK is even going to be there anymore. “I’m sorry-”
“What the fuck is his problem?” She says, and you genuinely smile at the pure disgust on her face. “Seriously- what?”
“I’m sorry,” you giggle. “It’s just… you’re so, disgusted by him.”
“You aren’t?”
“Well, yeah. But I know him.”
“And I’m sorry for that. I met him once and I never want to meet him again. Weird fucking bitch.”
You laugh again, linking your arm through hers without thinking. “Thanks for trying to defend me, though. I’m sorry- he’s just… an annoying bug that won’t go away, normally he doesn’t talk to me- but I guess he was bored tonight.”
“Don’t be sorry. I’m sorry, I think we lost the seats I saved.”
You look towards the couch, now completely filled with hockey players. “It’s okay,” you hum. “We can find somewhere else. Wanna go outside?”
With the hum of the party behind you, and the stream of people walking out and walking in, the little bench on the corner of the porch was shrouded in darkness, and you felt like you were just in your own little corner with KK.
You sipped on the drink she had gotten you, exchanging basic information like what majors you were taking, how many siblings you had, and al that boring stuff before she finally stopped talking and just looked at you for a moment.
“What?” you asked, wiping some of your sip from around your lips.
She smiles. “Nothing. My jersey just looks nice on you.”
“Oh,” you say, stupidly. “Really? I was worried it didn’t get the same vibe as my original fit.”
“No, I would say you look even better.”
You smile, taking another sip for confidence before you place your hand on her arm. “So, tell me about hockey. Maybe workout routines?”
She laughs. “Workout routines?”
You softly squeeze her bicep. “Well, you don’t get these by just sitting around, do you?”
She takes a sip of her drink, trying to slyly cover her face, and you smile even wider.
“No, you don’t.” When she looks back at you, there’s the faintest hint of something on her cheeks, you don’t move your hand, sinking back into that addiction of making her blush. “Mostly lifting weights, cardio, boring things.”
“M’kay, what about actual hockey? I heard you were an Olympian, right?”
She flexes her other arm, and you can see a tattoo made up of the Olympics logo, intertwining rings, on her inner bicep.
“I’m defense, number 4, and I’m basically the star of the team.”
“Really?” You laugh, pressing your thigh against hers. “Would your other teammates agree with that?”
“Ehhh, maybe don’t ask them so you stay all impressed.”
You smile, and suddenly you realize you’ve been smiling all night ever since you started talking to her. And it feels so good to smile with her, it feels so good to be all giddy, and even when Dylan was bothering you it felt good knowing she was right behind you. And it felt even better when you turned around and she was still behind you.
“Can I have your number?” You blurt out.
“Course, baby.”
You hand her your phone, feeling like a damn middle schooler with a raging crush, and she hands you hers.
You make your contact name Jersey Stealer and she laughs when she sees it, and that sound might be your favorite thing about her- second only to her abs.
You can feel the night coming to the end, but it’s a good end, a comfortable one, and there’s definitely doors unopened and words unsaid. It feels like a really sweet beginning to something really beautiful.
You check your phone, smiling at the contact name of Hockey Star and seeing the time is 11:58.
“My friends are waiting for me,” you say, almost with a grimace. The night is coming to an end but you still don’t want it to end. And like clockwork, you watch as Jackie and Tyla walk out of the party arm in arm- sneaking subtle glances all the way to the end of the driveway, eventually disappearing out of sight behind a tree.
“Oh,” she says. “No problem.”
She sounds disappointed. It makes your stomach twist yet again, to know she doesn’t want this to end as much as you do.
You both stand up and walk to the edge of the porch, down the steps and onto the concrete walkway to the driveway. Somewhere along the way, your hand had slipped into yours.
You stop where concrete meets driveway, turning around to face her. She tucks a piece of hair behind your ear, and you don’t think you’ll ever get used to the feeling of her skin on yours. It feels like an electric rush, like an addictive high.
“I’m really glad I give you a concussion.”
You laugh. “I’m glad you didn’t either.”
She looks from your lips back to your eyes, and you’re suddenly reminded that, yes, kissing exists- and you suddenly want to kiss her. Badly.
“Okay, well, I’ll let you go.”
You softly place your hand on her face. You lean forward, placing your lips in a grey area between her cheek and her lips.
“Goodnight, Caroline,” you whisper, an inch away from her skin.
Suddenly she surges forward, lips fully pressing against yours, hand on your waist, and God does the feeling of her lips on yours feel so good, so right.
Oh, God. She’s succeeded in killing you, you think to yourself- everything fading out for a moment before it all comes rushing back in. The sounds of the party, the chill of the nighttime air, and the sweet sweet feeling of Caroline’s lips on yours.
You don’t think your lips will ever recover from this feeling, from the weight of her lips on yours- you’ll always be chasing this feeling, this moment.
Tyla’s words flash in your mind. You revel in this moment for a heartbeat longer until, just as quick as she kissed you, you pull back.
“Didn’t know you were the type to kiss girls on the first date, Harvey. How scandalous.”
She seems disappointed you pulled away. You can see it in her pretty blue eyes- it makes you feel like you’re on top of the world.
“Are you really just any girl?”
“Nope,” you smile, silently thanking Tyla and every star in the sky- you can see it in her eyes, the way she wants to kiss you senseless, and if the game didn’t feel so good you would have let her.
And the way she’s looking at you, slightly blown away, completely in awe, lips parted but curling into a smile- it gives you an addictive rush.
“Text me when you want your jersey back.”
You take a step back, softly prying her hand off of your waist, but holding onto it for a moment.
“Oh, no, you can wear that to my next game.”
“Really?” You smile, fingertips grazing the back of her knuckles as she tries to hold onto you, but you eventually let go. “You’ll save me a good seat?”
“The best seat,” she corrects. “For the best girl.”
This time, you don’t bother to try and hide the way she makes you feel. You clench your thighs together and let your tongue dart out to slightly lick your lips.
“I’ll be there. You better win, though.” You turn around, then look over your shoulder to see her eyes fall down to your ass.
“With a pretty good luck charm like you? I’ll probably score the winning goal.”
“Bye, Caroline,” you say over your shoulder, smiling so brightly you’re sure you look all lovesick. You can’t care, it’s just how you feel for her. Maybe you should be embarrassed, the way she makes you feel kinda like silly putty in her hands, but it feels so good. So right.
“Bye, Y/N.” Her voice is breathy.
And when you check your phone, you see it’s after midnight. So much for Tyla’s advice.
But, you think to yourself, shoes clicking on concrete and KK’s gaze on your back, you kissed her after midnight- maybe all the good things just happen after midnight.
laila when kk hit her for saying the taking girls down on and off the ice thing: 😞😞😞💔💔💔💔💔
y/n also being happy that she left kk AFTER midnight bc she doesn’t just want her she actually likes her
jackie and tyla wingwoman supremes i love them sm
dylan you are annoying i wish you suffering
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 3 months
Part one here
Eddie Munson x Reader
Steve Harrington x reader (not for long)
I hope you all enjoy part two 💞💞
Get over it. Those three words were permanently etched in your mind the last few days. Eddie's furious gaze and the venom behind his words.
The words sink in slowly but when you do it's like you can't think of anything else. You had to get over your feelings for Eddie and make them disappear so you didn't ruin your friendship with him over this.
Even with him being mean it was obviously something that you needed to hear. There was no use being a bitch to Emery, she liked Eddie and you could never fault anyone for that, could never fault Eddie for having a modicum of happiness in a town that was such a bitch to him.
You needed to hear Eddie say what he said, it had shocked you into realising that you couldn't spend the rest of your life mooning over him.
Get over it. Get over your feelings. That's what you would need to do. How you would do it was another question. One that played on your mind all week.
Mostly you avoided Eddie. Didn't want to see that annoyed look in his eyes aimed at you or hear the harshness of his voice. It was on Friday that you were offered a solution to your worries at Hellfire club.
Since you missed last week there was no way that you could miss another session, so with slight trepidation, you head into the drama room. Eddie's eyes snap up as you approach the table and he clears his throat.
"Where were you last week? We were a player down. Had to ask Sinclair's sister to step in" You smile and wish you could have seen that. Erica would be a great addition to Hellfire, she was as focused and brutal as you were at the game.
"Sorry, headache" his gaze is still on you and you do your best to avoid his curiosity. For the first time, you're grateful when Emery comes bounding up to him and chatting excitedly about some movie and wanted to see.
Then she's gone again and it's just you and Eddie alone, "I haven't seen you much this week?" He points out and you shrug and say you've been busy.
The rest of Hellfire joins you and Eddie to your relief and also shock, between Dustin and Mike was a very nervous-looking Steve Harrington. What was he doing here?
Dustin wastes no time in telling Eddie that Steve is here to join in for a session. He sounds so excited which is sweet and Steve to his credit musters up enough enthusiasm. This can't be his idea of fun so the fact that he's doing this for Dustin is pretty adorable.
Eddie seems fine with letting Steve join as a guest, though he does mutter that he never thought he'd see a king grace the freaks liar.
You make sure Steve is comfortable throughout and joke with him when he seems anxious. He's good at missions, loyal and a hero as a character.
He's also a huge flirt. It takes you a little bit to notice but when you do it leaves you flustered, Steve was handsome and he wanted to flirt with you? That was something you never expected.
Dustin noticed and eventually so did Eddie, you could see his patience thinning towards the end when Steve was flirting with your character pretty heavily. "This is a campaign, not a dating session" Eddie snaps and Steve winks at you.
You don't notice the way Eddie's eyes darken at the sight but even if you did it's not like it meant anything.
Eddie has never been a fan of Steve Harrington. King Steve. Sure the guy seemed to have come a long way since graduating high school but Eddie still didn't like him. He couldn't believe that Harrington of all people was a great guy, no matter how much Dustin insisted that Steve was a badass.
It was the little butthead that got you and Steve talking, Dustin had begged him to join a Hellfire session and Steve agreed albeit reluctantly. He showed up looking nervous and actually anxious to impress Henderson.
That was fine, Eddie could deal with Steve in his orbit if it made Dustin happy. Maybe Steve was a decent guy after all?
It took Eddie an hour into the session to shake off those good natured feelings because for the last ten minutes Steve has flirted with you, in and out of character.
He's only bothered because it distracts from the game. That's why he's so snippy with you and Steve. It has nothing to do with the dreamy look that you give Harrington. Nothing.
Then Hellfire ends and Monday arrives and you're giddy, almost bouncing off the walls and for the first time in over a week you aren't avoiding him.
"Someone's in a good mood" Gareth grins and Mike makes a face. "Ugh don't. She was on the phone with Nancy all of Sunday swooning about Steve while Nancy was crowing about Jonathan, gross" Eddie feels something sour inside of him but puts it down to the after-effects of still being annoyed that Harrington was distracting you from the game on Friday.
"Oh yeah dude, Steve told me about the date" Dustin smiles and begins teasing you. Date. One word that rings in Eddie's ear. You had a date with Steve Harrington?
"We're going to a movie tonight. He's sweet. I like him" Mike and Jeff pretend to fake gag while Lucas rolls his eyes and Dustin looks annoyed at their reactions.
"Steve, you're going on dates with Steve Harrington?" Eddie repeats himself and you beam at him.
"Yes, like I said. He's sweet"
Eddie does not spend the entire day stunned and maybe a tiny bit annoyed that you've fallen for Harrington's charms.
He does not spend all of Thursday bemoaning to Emery when Steve picks you up every day after school and he does not feel like he's been punched in the gut when he sees a hickey on your neck.
No he doesn't. Nope.
Except he does and he doesn't know why the thought of you and Steve keeps him up at night.
Eddie was being weird. It had been that way since last Friday when Steve joined Hellfire but it has kicked up a notch since then.
It escalated even more when Eddie walked in on you and Steve making out on your bed, Steve's arms wrapped around your waist as you sat on his knee. He was shirtless and moaning softly in your ear.
There was a yelp, startled you look up then lock eyes with Eddie who had a faint blush on his cheeks and the strangest expression.
"Sorry, shit. Didn't know you were here Harrington" he practically flies out of the door and you follow him.
"Eds you okay?" He's at the bottom of the stairs and his face is pale, eyes blank and there's a tenseness to the way he stands. He swallows and nods.
"Fine princess. Just didn't realise Steve was here" you shrug and hold a finger to your lips in a shushing motion.
"Shh, the parents don't know that. He snuck in through my window" you expect Eddie to laugh but he's still so quiet and lets out a strangled huff.
"Scandalous" he smirks but his big brown eyes give away his mood. You pause as you take in his expression but he moves away before you can say anything or maybe it's because Steve comes down the stairs while tugging on his shirt.
"I should go, honey, I'll see you tomorrow yeah?" you nod and Eddie is still quiet. He's watching after Steve as he goes with a frown on his face.
"I brought over a movie we could watch. If you want" he holds up the video and you nod eagerly, you're anxious to put this tension behind you and Eddie before it strains your friendship (more than it had been strained already)
So you watch the movie and things are still awkward but it's fine. It will all be fine right?
Steve and Eddie do not get on. In fact, you're pretty sure the dislike is mutual on both sides. There's a party that Chrissy has thrown and you're there with Steve. Eddie is skulking around while doing deals and you can feel his eyes on you several times.
Emery isn't with him which you find strange as usually they are attached at the hip. Steve stiffens and you notice Eddie is walking over to you.
"Hey, sweetheart. Need me to drive you home after the party?" on the few rare times that you attend parties Eddie always drives you home.
"I'm driving her home. We're going to watch a movie after" Steve tells him and Eddie scowls, you can sense an argument brewing and it makes you nervous.
"Easy Harrington. I was just asking, I always drive her home after parties" Eddie snaps and a few people around you stop to watch the growing tension between the two of them.
"Yeah and I'm her boyfriend now Munson so she doesn't need you to" you intervene before things can get really heated.
"Steve, can you get me a drink please?" He nods tightly and heads over to the drinks table, once he's gone, you round on Eddie.
"What the hell is your problem?" you demand and Eddie shrugs, still glaring at Steve.
"My problem is your boyfriend. What do you see in him? His stupid hair and shit. I didn't think you'd ever fall for his shit. I mean what the hell do you even talk about?" you look away flustered and when you catch Eddie's eye his eyes flash with something you can't place.
"Oh I get it you don't talk much" he grits out and you roll your eyes. Your love life was none of Eddie's business.
"We do, he's a really lovely guy. Dustin adores him as does Lucas and even Mike and Gareth. It's you who has some stupid grudge. I get that his friends made your life hell Eddie, they did it to me too but Steve isn't like Carol or Tommy, he hasn't spoken to them in two years"
"You told me to get over whatever was annoying me about Emery, that's what I did," you tell him and he looks confused.
"What does that have to do with Steve? Why do you have to date him" he demands and you glare at him, body vibrating with fury.
"He's a nice guy, he's kind and he's handsome and sweet and if you have a problem with that then maybe you should get over it" You storm off and leave him standing there absolutely stunned as you go and find Steve.
There was a frantic pounding at the trailer door later on that week and Wayne was the first to answer it. He had witnessed Eddie in a slump for almost two weeks now and he would bet it was about you dating the Harrington boy.
If it made his nephew get off his ass and see that you were perfect for him then Wayne was all for it. Emery was a sweet girl and all but Wayne knew his nephew, knew that deep down you held his heart. Even if he was too stubborn to admit it.
So he's not surprised to find you at the other side of the door. He learned from Eddie that he and Emery split up and now you were at the door with a furious expression on your face and the drama continued.
Wayne sighs, "Hey honey. Eddie's sulking in his room" your expression flickers a little.
"Right because he and Emery split up" Oh lord give him strength as he was pretty sure he might have to knock you and Eddie's heads together.
"Nah, that ain't why honey. He's been an idiot and I'm all for you chewing his ass out but maybe not too much yeah? He's realising some things, about time if you ask me" You nod politely and don't dare talk back to Wayne, it wasn't his fault his nephew was a butthead
When you head through to see Eddie he's sprawled in his bed and listening to music but clambers out of bed when he sees you.
"Princess, what are you doing here?" your concern overrides your anger at him as you wonder how he's doing, he and Emery broke up so suddenly. Even if he's been a dumbass he's still your friend, your best friend.
"I heard about you and Emery. I'm sorry" he settles back on the bed.
"It was coming anyway, I shouldn't have dated her in the first place. She's nice but she's not... Anyway, how's Steve?" The question makes the anger inside you spike again and your eyes fill with tears.
"Steve broke up with me because of you, said we obviously had things to discuss and he didn't want to get in the middle of it" you snap and Eddie's face falls as he reaches for you but you step away from him and wipe the tears that fall down your cheeks.
"No don't. What was your problem with Steve and me dating? You told me. You said whatever it is that's causing you to act like a bitch then get over it...so I did, or I was trying to with Steve and I would have if you hadn't acted like such an ass" You're fuming and raise your eyebrow at Eddie in confusion, beg him to tell you what he's thinking.
He swallows and his big brown eyes meet yours, "I was wrong. I don't want you to get over it, get over me" You gape at him and he's hiding his expression while looking away, playing with a lock of his hair as he does, a habit that you've forever found endearing, even now when you're filled with annoyance at your best friend.
"Eddie Munson. Why did you have to go and realise this at the most idiotic time, I don't believe it either. You were so...you were so mean when you told me to get over it, you like Emery...not me" Tears pool in your eyes and he rushes to you and wipes them away.
"She kinda helped me see sense, that no best friend should feel so jealous and feel like they wanted to punch Steve is his perfect teeth just for making you giggle and for kissing you, the thought of you and him tore me up inside and yeah I deserved it".
"I was the one who pushed you into his arms and I hate myself because I'm in love with you"
Frustration fills you and you groan while fighting back tears but there's a part of you that feels elation that he loves you too but you're still pissed. "This isn't fair. I've been trying to get over you, why did you have to realise this now?" Oh shit Eddie's eyes meet yours and he looks stunned.
"You like me?" God, he wasn't dense so why was he being so blind to how you feel.
"I'm in love with you Eddie, that's why I was so weird with Emery" he gapes and closes his mouth then after a minute he speaks again.
"So when I told you to get over what was making you act weird around Emery... Well you did" he finishes quietly.
He swallows back his emotions and desperately wants to hold you but fights down the urge to soothe your fears away. You would only push him away right now.
"Yeah I realised now because I'm an idiot who didn't realise what they had until it was gone but I want to be with you if you still want me" It's the truth, he means it with every fibre of his being.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was an asshole and I get that you have a hard time accepting that I feel the same way, I'm sorry it took all the time to realise how I feel but I promise you that I'm not going anywhere, if you just want to be friends then okay but if you want more then I'll wait for however long it takes"
You wipe your tears away and nod. Then murmur that you need time to think for a bit. Eddie watches you go with a renewed feeling in his heart. He will do anything to help you see that he really does want to be with you.
Before you leave he calls you back and presses a gentle kiss on your hand. "I mean it, princess, I adore you and I'll spend every day proving that to you" You're silent for a few seconds and Eddie bites his lips feeling nervous.
"I mean I get it if you don't feel the same way now, I messed up. Do... do you still love me?" You soften and he waits anxiously for your answer.
"of course, I still love you, Eddie. Fuck, you are so annoying" he beams at this, all dimples and there's a small smile on your face as Eddie walks you out of the trailer. Wayne is watching the scene with a smirk on his face and Eddie blushes at Wayne's knowing look.
"About damn time boy" he proceeds to ruffle Eddie's hair and he hears Wayne laughing all the way as he rushes to his bedroom still blushing.
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meazalykov · 6 days
getting what she wants
lena oberdorf x reader
part four of five
summary: you wonder if she will take this as seriously as you will, since the unfortunate event will turn her life around
warnings: angst, acl injury
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the atmosphere in washington, d.c. was buzzing, the crowd already filling up the stadium for the final friendly before the olympics. 
the last tune-up match. the send off. you should’ve been excited, but your mind wasn’t entirely focused on the game ahead.
your family was here, your non-soccer playing friends have called off from their jobs just to celebrate your achievements.
however, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off, though you hadn’t put your finger on it yet.
emma had decided to rest you for the first half, opting to try out some new formations and lineups before the olympics. 
you were okay with it, knowing that your performance in new york had already solidified your spot in the starting lineup for the tournament. still, sitting on the bench with your legs jittering from the adrenaline that always hit just before a match wasn’t easy.
you sat between tierna and hal, the latter relatively new to the national team setup. hal’s wide eyes scanned the field, soaking it all in as she sat nervously beside you.
"y/n," she said, her voice soft, like she wasn’t sure if she should even speak to you. 
you turn your head to look at her, with a light smile letting her know that she can speak to you anytime. 
"i know you’re going through a hard time, according to the team. and i feel like you should hear this since we haven’t talked much but i’ve just... i’ve always admired you. as a midfielder, i mean. your control, your playmaking, it’s... i don’t know, you’re so goated."
you turned to her, surprised by the compliment. you hadn’t interacted with hal much since this was only her third call-up to the senior team. she was still finding her spot, but her genuine words made you smile, if only a little.
"thank you, you don’t understand how much that means to me right now" you replied, offering her a nod of acknowledgment. 
"you’ve been doing great too. i can’t wait to play with you more often."
hal gave a nervous smile, then added, "i know there’s been... a lot of drama lately. with carmine and everything. but i want you to know that i’d like to be your friend, no matter what. i don’t care about the rumors that might make you look bad or any of that stuff."
her words took you off guard, and you felt a wave of gratitude wash over you. 
it wasn’t easy to open up to new people, especially after your ex ruined your trust for a temporary period, but hal’s sincerity was a breath of fresh air.
"i’d like that," you said, meaning it. 
"friends sound good."
the game started, and for the first half, you sat watching intently, analyzing the way emma was testing out the new players. 
mexico was tough, just as they had been in the gold cup back in february, but you knew that your team had enough firepower to break them down eventually.
at halftime, it was still 0-0, and you were itching to get on the field. 
emma must’ve sensed it, because in the 63rd minute, she called your name.
"y/n, you’re going in. i want you to play in your normal position, just like last game, prioritize the opportunity. stay in the line– i trust you."
you nodded, already mentally preparing yourself as you stripped off your warm-up gear and jogged to the sideline. 
when the whistle blew, you stepped onto the pitch replacing rose lavelle, ready to make an impact.
within minutes, you found your rhythm, linking up with mallory, lynn, and sophia effortlessly. you could feel the game starting to open up, and you knew it was only a matter of time before the breakthrough came.
and then, in the 78th minute, it did.
lynn made a run down the left wing, drawing two defenders toward her. you saw the space open up in the middle and called for the ball. 
she cut it back to you, and without hesitation, you took a touch, then drilled it into the bottom corner of the net.
the goalkeeper dives too late to save it.
the crowd erupted as you run to the corner to celebrate. you see your family and personal friends and give them a heart with your hands, happy to see them here.
your teammates swarming you. it wasn’t a hat trick like the last game, but it was your fourth goal in two games, and it felt good—really good.
after the final whistle, with a 1-0 victory secured, you headed back to the locker room. 
the energy was high, the team buzzing with excitement, but there was a heavy pit forming in your stomach. 
something didn't feel right before the game, and you couldn’t shake it.
as you sat on the bench, wiping the sweat and grass dirt from your face, lindsey walked over, her expression serious. she motioned for you to follow her, pulling you into one of the private areas of the locker room.
"hi?" you asked, sensing something was wrong.
is she confronting you about the drama? you weren’t sure. lindsey reassured you many times that everyone still loves you, so you hope there were no new problems now.
lindsey hesitated for a moment, her eyes searching yours before she spoke. 
"i didn’t want to tell you before the game, but... lena got injured in germany’s friendly against austria. it’s her knee. popp thinks it’s her acl."
your heart dropped into your stomach, the words hitting you like a freight train. 
"what?" your voice cracked, panic already rising in your chest.
"she’s in the hospital back in germany right now," lindsey continued softly. 
"i’m sorry, y/n."
you didn’t think twice. without another word, you grabbed your phone and hurried outside to find a quieter space. 
it was 11:30 p.m. in dc, which meant it was 5:30 am in germany. 
lena would still be awake, especially if she was in the hospital.
with shaky hands, you dialed her number. the phone rang twice before she picked up, her voice groggy but filled with pain.
"hey," lena murmured. 
"i was hoping you’d call. nice goal by the way, i saw it on tv."
"lena, i just found out," you said, your voice tight as you tried to hold back the wave of emotions crashing over you. 
"your acl? are you okay? i—i should’ve called sooner but i had that game—"
"i’m... i don’t know," lena admitted, her voice breaking slightly. 
"it hurts like hell, and i couldn’t sleep. i was supposed to start my first game with you at bayern after the summer, but now... now i don’t even know when i’ll be back."
your heart ached hearing the defeat in her voice. 
lena was one of the toughest people you knew, but this was breaking her.
"i’m so sorry," you whispered, your throat tight. 
"i’ll be there for you, okay? after the olympics, i’ll help you with your recovery. i’ll make time, i promise."
"you don’t have to do that," lena said quietly, though you could hear the gratitude in her tone. 
"i don’t want to be a burden on you. you have so much going on—" she switches to german. 
"lena," you cut her off, your voice firm. 
"you’re not a burden. you’re a priority. i want to help you. i’ll be there for you, whatever you need. i promise."
there was a long pause on the other end before lena spoke again. 
"thank you," she whispered. "i... i don’t know what i’d do without you right now."
you sat there, the weight of her words sinking in. the truth was, you didn’t know what you’d do without her either. 
shes been in contact with you everyday since that night. unless there were training or games, there wasn’t a single long-period where you weren’t texting about something– or anything.
despite everything—despite the complicated mess you’d been through with your ex, and the uncertainty that had surrounded your relationship with lena—you realized just how deep your feelings for her ran.
you weren’t official with lena. not yet. but the way your heart was breaking for her right now told you everything you needed to know.
after a long pause, lena spoke again, her voice softer now. 
"i’ll still make time for you, even with everything going on."
"no," you said firmly. "i’m going to be there for you, okay? i’ll help you recover. you won’t have to go through this alone."
"thank you," lena whispered again, her voice filled with emotion. 
you sat there, the phone still pressed to your ear, your mind racing. this wasn’t how you’d imagined things would go. 
lena was supposed to start fresh at bayern after the summer, and now... now everything had changed.
when you returned to the locker room, the news had already spread. the atmosphere was a mix of excitement from the win and the heaviness of what had just happened to lena. 
your teammates, especially the ones who knew her well like tierna, gave you sympathetic looks, but no one said much.
as the team prepared to leave for d.c., the weight of everything that had happened in the past few weeks hit you all at once. 
from the messy breakup with sloan to lena’s injury, it felt like everything was spinning out of control. 
and yet, despite it all, one thing became clear to you as you boarded the plane for the olympics: 
you wanted to be with lena. not just as a friend, not just as someone helping her recover, but you wanted to be hers. and her to be yours. 
the thing is– you weren’t sure how it would all work out with lena, but you knew one thing for sure: you were in too deep to turn back now. 
when all of this was over, you and lena could figure it out together. 
the olympics came and went in a blur, the pressure mounting as you advanced through the tournament. 
the uswnt played like machines under emma hayes, and before you knew it, you found yourself in the final against brazil, the stakes higher than ever.
the atmosphere at the olympic final against brazil was electric. you were in the 2020 olympics with the team, but winning bronze doesn’t compare to this.
you stood shoulder to shoulder with lindsey and sam, eyes fixed on the opponents you’ve had faced so many times before. 
brazil was known for their speed and creativeness, but you knew alyssa naeher was more than prepared to keep them at bay. 
today wasn’t just another game — it was the olympic final. and you were more determined than ever to bring home gold. just to prove to yourself that nothing could stop your game, not your cheating ex— nobody.
but as the national anthem played, you couldn’t help but think of lena. 
you hadn’t spoken to her much over the last few days, mostly because she was in the thick of her recovery then traveling to meet up with her national team. 
though, lena was in the audience. you knew that. lena visited her german teammates as they won the bronze medal match against spain. to say that you were happy for them would've been an understatement. 
now the germans were here before the ceremony, ready to watch you put on an outstanding performance for gold.
your heart ached when you thought of her, the injury that had thrown both of your worlds off course. 
she was supposed to be thriving, ready to become a star at bayern, and now she was sidelined for months.
but right now, you had a job to do.
the whistle blew, and the final kicked off.
brazil came out swinging, full of energy, and the first twenty minutes were a back-and-forth battle in the midfield. 
every time adriana or marta touched the ball, your heart skipped a beat, but you knew alyssa was solid in the back. 
the triple espresso were pushing the attack, but brazil’s defense was holding strong.
at around the 30-minute mark, you found yourself in space, sam coffey threading a pass your way. 
your first touch was sharp, pushing the ball ahead of you as you glanced up to see the keeper off her line. the triple espresso was blocked by defenders, so without a second thought, you wound up and took the shot from just outside the box, sending the ball curling toward the top corner.
the sound of the net rippling sent a surge of adrenaline through your veins, and the stadium exploded in celebration. 1-0. 
you threw your arms up, letting the emotion wash over you as your teammates rushed to engulf you in a hug.
something inside of you wanted to cry in joy– but you held it in. there was still work to be done, and brazil wasn’t going to back down easily.
the rest of the first half was intense. 
brazil pressed hard, but the u.s. defense, led by alyssa, naomi, emily, crystal, and tierna, stood strong. 
when brazil did manage to get a shot off, alyssa was there, calm and collected, making crucial saves to maintain the lead.
at halftime, the locker room was a mixture of adrenaline and focus. 
the 1-0 lead felt good, but you knew it wasn’t enough. brazil was dangerous, and if you let up for even a second, they’d capitalize.
emma gathered the team for a quick pep talk, her voice steady but full of fire. you listened, making sure that you put on the best performance of your career in this second half.
as the second half kicked off, you could feel the tension. 
brazil came out with renewed energy, and for the first 15 minutes, they pinned you back, testing alyssa with shots from distance. 
she held firm, pulling off save after save, keeping the clean sheet intact.
you cheered, externally or internally, everytime. 
in the 65th minute, emma made a tactical switch, bringing in fresh legs to maintain the pace. fortunately, you weren’t subbed out. 
the game shifted again, and you found yourself back in the attack. mallory broke down the wing, flying past her defender, and whipped in a cross toward the penalty spot.
you were already there, timing your run perfectly. the ball floated in, and without hesitating, you leapt into the air, connecting with the header. 
it wasn’t the hardest shot you’d ever taken, but it was placed perfectly, tucking into the bottom corner past brazil’s keeper.
the stadium erupted, louder this time, the roar deafening as you run around the pitch with your arms up high. your  teammates chased then mobbed you once again. most teammates from the bench even jumping up to hug you in celebration. 
a two-goal lead in the olympic final. you could taste the gold now.
with brazil rattled, the game started to open up. there were more chances on both sides, but your defense was unbreakable. 
alyssa, naomi, and emily were locked in, keeping brazil at bay with every attack they mounted. it felt like nothing could get past them, and you could see the frustration building in the brazilian players.
as the clock ticked down, the final whistle was nearing, but you kept your foot on the gas. 
brazil was desperate, throwing numbers forward, and that left them exposed at the back.
in the 88th minute, you found yourself in possession again, just outside the box. 
sophia made a darting run to pull the defenders away, giving you just enough space to take a shot. you faked to your right, cutting back inside, and then unleashed a low, driven strike toward the far post.
the ball hit the bar, but trinity recovered it and tapped it behind the net. 
3-0. the gold was yours.
the crowd exploded in celebration as you dropped to your knees, overwhelmed with emotion. 
trinity laid on top of you, crying with you. 
your teammates swarmed you, hugging you, lifting you up, the joy infectious. you had done it. olympic champions.
as the final whistle blew, the team celebrated like there was no tomorrow, hugging, crying, laughing. 
you had your gold medal moment, standing on top of the world. 
your hands were on your face as your sobs came out uncontrollably. if you told yourself a month ago that you’d be this happy and relieved, you wouldn’t believe it. 
lindsey and tierna comforted you as you stood up to go to the locker room, getting ready to shower before the ceremony. 
as you had a moment to settle down, your thoughts drifted back to lena.
you hadn’t realized how deep your feelings for her had grown.
the fact that she was there, the fact that she was hundreds of feet away in the stadium, recovering from an injury that could derail her season instead of celebrating bronze with her team, weighed heavily on your heart.
later that night, after all the celebrations, after the medals had been handed out and the photos had been taken, you found a quiet moment to yourself. 
the weight of the gold medal around your neck was a reminder of everything you’d worked for, but the ache in your chest was for something, someone else.
you pulled out your phone, glancing at the time. 
lena was probably asleep by now after partying with her national team, but you couldn’t help it. you needed to talk to her.
you dialed her number, your heart pounding as the phone rang. after a few rings, she picked up, her voice groggy.
"hey," she mumbled. 
"you did it!" she cheered through her tired voice. 
"yeah," you whispered, your throat tight. 
"we won."
there was a long pause on the other end, and you could hear lena shift slightly, probably trying to get comfortable in her bed. 
you know that she is someone who sleeps on her stomach, so the brace might make it hard for her. 
"i’m so proud of you," she said softly.
"i wish you were here with me," you admitted, the words slipping out before you could stop them. 
"this doesn’t feel right without you, even if you do have a different nationality than me." you giggled.
"i wish i was there too," she replied, her voice filled with longing. 
"but... i’ll be here when you get back. we’ll figure everything out then. until then, please enjoy your win."
you smiled, tears stinging your eyes. "i’m coming home to you. as soon as all of this is done."
"i’ll be waiting," lena whispered.
as you hung up after the goodnights, the weight of everything hit you all at once. 
the olympics, the gold, lena’s injury, your breakup with sloan, the confusion about what you and lena really were—it was all so much. 
one thing was clear in your mind as you stared down at the gold medal around your neck: it didn’t matter what obstacles lay ahead now. 
you moved on from whatever was in the past and you were in this with lena now, for the long run.
part five, the final part, here
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didishawn · 1 year
Then can I request a kylian fic where the reader is Jude and jobe Bellingham’s older sister and she is about 20/21 yo and she gets sm dms from different players, basketball players singer etc etc.. but then she gets a dm from kylian ( and kylian is her celeb crush) so she is over the moon then her brothers find out and become so overprotective over her.
Thank you for reading this long request bbs
Celebrity crush (Kylian Mbappe x Reader)
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Warnings: none really, just celebs flirting with you and being kind of suggestive I guess
Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5
"Hey, Jude, care to tell me what your friend is doing on my dms?"
That definitely catches your brother's attention, walking over and taking the phone from your hand, his eyes widen when he sees Haaland react to your story with heart eyes, fires and a: looking good, Bellingham
"What an asshole" your brother says, scrolling up to see more messages like that from his friend "Any other friend of mine over your dms?"
You see your brother's intention of checking out more messages, you stand up, taking the phone off his hand, making him and Jobe -sitting on the couch, previously distracted, but now with a watchful eye staring at you-surprised.
Jude raises an eyebrow "What was that about?"
You give him a nervous smile "What was what about?"
"Taking the phone off his hand" Jobe says "What are you hiding?"
"Nothing, just don't want my little brother going through my dms"
"Do you have a boyfriend that you don't want us to know about?" Jude asks, his arms crossed, imitating your father whenever he saw you with some boy.
"And where did you get that from?"
"I don't know, you have been pretty cheery recently, not as annoying, and know are hiding something on your phone"
"You really want to see who else dms me?"
"I surely want to know if you are -Jobe cover your ears- hooking up with any of my teammates"
"I know what hooking up is...."
"Seriously, Jude? Fine, here, take it, I don't think you will find any of your friends there, but who knows?"
Honestly, Jude was kind of joking when he made his drama queen act about the dms, but he is not about to miss the chance of seeing who messages his dear sister.
Pedri González: coming any time soon to Barcelona? I can show you around the city and some real fun
Jamal Musiala: looking great, makes me want to show you who the best team of the Bundesliga really is
Harry Styles: wanna come to my next concert? Then we can find something better to do
Hero Fiennes Tiffin
Jude doesn't have time to read what that one said as his eyes go to the next name, he has that look that says: bullocks.
"You can't be serious, Kylian Mbappe?" he shouts, Jobe is instantly next to him watching your screen, your cheeks red.
Your brothers are speechless as they scroll over months of conversations in between you and who they know to be your celebrity crush, unbelieving when they see it was Kylian -or, Kyky as you call him-was the first to reach out to you, reacting to some story of yours of you tanning on the beach.
The man has invited you to France and all, and even offered to be the one to come and see you, doesn't matter if you are in Germany or England, he says he wants to see you.
"I can't believe it..." Jude sighs, Jobe nods.
"And you didn't tell us!"
"Because just look how crazy you are now. Besides, it's nothing serious, we are just friends"
"Yeah, right, that's why he constantly ssays you are hot and is desperate to see you"
"We are friends"
"You still should have told us!" the younger of the two says.
Jude is still for a second, seemingly deep in thought -you refrain from commenting how your never thought him to be one capable of thinking- he opens the camera, pointing at him and Jobe, whispers something at the younger one, you are confused, but refrain from saying anything as you see him press record.
"Hello Kylian, I am Jude, this is Jobe, but you must already know that judging by how much you seem to talk to my sister. You see, this video is just a warning to be very careful on whatever match we see each other next in, because I will be going after you. What on Earth is this about flirting with a maybe-future teammate's sister. Not cool at all, right Jobe? "
"Yeah! Not cool! At all!" you can't help but snort.
"So, yeah, just sleep with an open eye, and also, forget about my sister, she is too good for you even if she is pretty annoying"
"What? I am not annoying!"
"Yes you are, now shut up, I am not done yet" Jude turns again to the camera "Or you can continue talking to her and see what happens. Anyways, now I am finished, see ya around, Kyky"
They send the video, looking pretty proud of themselves.
Kylian opens your message as soon as it arrives as he always does, Jude and Jobe expectant for his reaction.
A couple of minutes later, a video from him arrives too, your brothers opening it without delay.
"Hello, Jude, Jobe, of course I know who you are, because you are right, I spend day and night talking with your sister and I don't intend to stop. I am pretty exited for what you will supposedly be doing next time we see each other Jude, I am sure you have some tricks up your sleeve - so do I, by the way. Really hoping we do end up as predicted on the same team, to see the look on your face when y/n uses my number instead of yours. Also, tell your sister to call me later, and don't be surprised when she travels to Paris on the next couple of weeks, she will be with me, my treat. Take care care you two, and give the phone back to your sister, I have something to show her"
Your brothers are speechless, and you, can't hp but laugh, taking your phone you start walking off, but turn to them "Oh, yeah, I will be asking you later for some tips about what to wear to Paris. I want to look my best, you know?"
You laugh at their expressions, a gentle smile taking over your face when a text from the man himself arrives, this time for you.
Your brothers are pretty funny, love, but we will also have to make sure to fill up the internet with photos about us when you come to me. Just as a payback.
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uluvjay · 1 year
Injuries- T.Zegras
In which your baby of a boyfriend is home for a few days nursing a lower body injury
Trevor zegras x Established relationship reader!
Warnings?; kissing, talk about sex
Lightly proofread!
Trevor had gotten hurt a few days ago against the Avalanche and since then has been home with a lower body injury. Your boyfriend was tough..on the ice, at home however he acted like a baby.
He could pick a fight with veteran players that tower over him but needs you to shower with him because he ‘can’t wash his hair right’ and needs you to scratch his back or play with his hair before he can fall asleep.
And due to how nervous you got after seeing him limp off the ice and how you rushed down to the medical room, he was making sure he exaggerated his injury around you as much as he could. 
All morning for example his leg hurt so he needed all the kisses he could get because they made him feel better, and you had to let him use your heated blanket because the heat helped. He also was in to much pain to get up and make his bowl of cereal.
Currently you were in your shared bedroom getting ready to join Trevor at his checkup with the teams doctor and physical therapist.
“Where are you going?” He asked as he walked into the room to get changed.
“With you”
“What why?”
“Well you know, since your in so much pain still I figured it would be best for me to come and learn what I could do to help. Plus I already asked your Pt and she said it was okay” you told him as you turned to face him with your arms crossed
“You dirty dog” he said laughing
“What? I’m just trying to make sure my poor boyfriend gets better” you said walking over and kissing his cheek “oh and I’m driving”
“What no, your cars so low” he whined
“I know, that’s why we are going to take yours ” you said giggling knowing how he was about people driving “His baby”
After a long ride of Trevor acting like you didn’t know how to drive and keeping his hand tight around your thigh, you made it to the arena.
Trevor walked around to your side as you were getting out and took the keys off you, “My poor baby” he said as he tapped the hood of his car.
“Z I am not a bad driver you drama queen” you said laughing as he grabbed your hand
“Mhm whatever’s makes you happy babe” he said cause you to push him and you both laugh.
When you made it to the team’s physical therapist Lauren he stopped right outside the room. “Are you sure you wanna come in? I mean so you don’t have to hear me describe my pain” he tried
“Trevor shut up and get the hell in there” you told him causing him to drop his head and walk in.
After saying your hellos she had Trevor sit on one of the table things they have in there and started to ask him about pains and their scale and where they’re located.
“Honestly I’ve felt a lot better over the past two days, I’ve been stretching every morning and not doing excessive movements or anything” he explained avoiding eye contact with you.
“Okay I do have to ask, have you had sex?” She asked causing you both to blush profusely.
“No she put me in the dog house, didn’t want me to get injured more by the thrusting” he said with no shame
“Trevor!” You scolded getting even more red
Lauren however was laughing and found lots of amusement out of the situation. “Okay, we’ll we’re just gonna run some test and then you can come in to practice tomorrow and coach will let you know what he wants you doing” she told him.
After he was all finished and you were walking back to the car you brought up his pampering over the last few days. “So, drama queen now was it being pampered these last few days?”
“I was not being a drama queen!”
“Z, you literally just told her you’ve felt good for the last two days and this morning you begged for my blanket and kisses because you were in pain” you said laughing.
“Okay fine..I might have been a slight drama queen” he said as you made it to the car.
“Mhm slight” you said laughing and he pulled your door open for you
“So since I’m cleared does this mean we can have sex when we get home?” He asked a few minutes into the ride back home
“Jesus Christ Trevor” you said laughing
“It’s an honest question!” He replied laughing as well
“Yes Trevor, we can have sex tonight” you told him watching him fist bump the air like a child.
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jaegeraether · 7 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 65)
Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson (11) / Lucy Bronze x Reader (55)
Masterlist (other parts here)
Join our WOSO Discord chat! Link in bio :)
((** 4.6k**))
Mostly Leah and Jordan :)
Leah POV
“I didn’t wake you, did I? I completely blanked… you stopped replying and I didn’t even think.” Leah stressed as she drove.
“No, no, you’re all good. I’m a little too wound up to sleep for long until Luce gets home, I think. I’m just waiting for the next shoe to drop with this whole drama.”
“Is Ridley still there?”
“She left after I fell asleep, she has some meetings in town.”
“So you were asleep?”
“Barely… it’s okay. It’s probably a good thing you have someone to talk to for your drive…” She cleared her throat and yawned. “Oh shit, did you see Beth scored a brace?”
“No?! I was there for her first. First one back since her ACL, I was crying.”
“That’ll be you soon, mate.”
“Not this year,” she almost grumbled.
“Oh? January?” YFN’s tired voice piped up with excitement for her.
“I’m hoping so. I feel bad for leaving – I should be there to celebrate with Beth after the game.”
“Okay stop right there, that’s your anxiety talking. Beth knows that you needed to do go.” YFN’s support calmed Leah, and she knew she’d called the exact right person.
“Yeah… wait, did you speak to her?”
“I’m always chatting with the girls. A few of them are coming over after the game actually. It was last minute. I think Kyra got excited when she saw Lucy and invited herself and-”
“-and the rest of the girls jumped on board?”
“Something like that,” she laughed wearily. “So it’s a good thing I’m awake because I need to organise some food for when they get here.”
“Don’t you go over-exerting yourself mate.”
“Pfft, I’ve spent the last week laying or sitting… I’m happy to hop around and stretch my leg.”
Leah laughed at the way she’d said that. Her one leg. “You’ll have two legs next week!”
“Hopefully the doctor’s okay with me walking on it. I get to switch from a wheelchair to sexy walking stick. I really hope it’s okay enough to because I’m worried about Luce’s knee when she carries me everywhere.”
“Not surprised. Has her knee been acting up?”
“At the risk of getting her in trouble with her England Captain… yes. It’s been a bit swollen and I can tell it’s giving her pain. She tries to hide it.”
“She’ll never admit it’s sore, especially while you’re still healing.”
“I know, she’s a pain. I’ve been massaging it and insisting she ice it, though. She and Alexia have been working out and training together, so I just hope she’s being careful.”
Leah heard the worry in her voice and it made her think about Jordan. She was never nervous to watch anyone play… except Jordan. She couldn’t bear to watch her be pushed around. She was only small, after all.
“She’s been through this a lot, YFN. She knows her limits better than anyone I know. She’ll definitely be looking after herself.” Leah reassured her.
“Mmn. I know you’re right; I just worry.”
“Well let me distract you then. I spoke to Jill and Alex and they’re both excited for the podcast idea. They said you’ve been chatting with them?”
“Not as much as I’ve wanted to because of this drama, but yeah I’ve chatted to them a few times over the week. Alex is coming over tomorrow to talk a bit more about it all, and we’ll catch up with Jill when we go to Manchester next week.”
“Oh? Lucy’s missing home?”
“Always. Missing home and family so we’re going to see them.”
“When will you be back? I’m happy to do my interview whenever.”
She heard her clicking on what was potentially her laptop. “Uh… so next week I have pencilled in to bring a few of the girls into the office and do some interviews there.”
“Didn’t work out at your house?”
“Oh, no it definitely did,” she yawned again. “I figured it would build morale of my staff to meet some players, and we’ve set up a big studio there for content… and there’s a wall I’d like you all to sign.”
“A wall?”
“Just a little side-project of mine,” she chuckled. “It’ll make sense when you see it. Viv’s just been subbed on.”
“What minute?”
“Looks like overtime?”
“I missed most of the game but maybe three to five minutes.”
“A good ten minutes at least then. She’s been dying to stretch her legs out there.”
“They’re long enough.”
Leah laughed. She was glad she’d called her; their conversation was calming her at almost the same rate that she became more anxious as she got closer to Villa Park. YFN must have noticed.
“Are you far out?”
“Thirty minutes out. I was thinking of stopping and getting her some flowers. What do you think?”
“Well she loves flowers. I think she’d really like that Leah…” Her voice softened. “Just remember what I told you about when she sees you.”
Leah nodded even though she knew she couldn’t see it. ‘You watch her face when she sees you, Leah. In that first split second that it takes to recover her expression… you’ll see everything she’s feeling.’
This is why Leah thought she was so nervous. What if she was angry she hadn’t told her… or showing how heartbroken she still was? It would hurt, but Leah knew she’d accept whatever came her way, as it was all her own doing. She just wanted her, and their life back – though only if Jordan wanted that too.
“I will.”
“Are you sitting close to the benches?”
“Right near them in the family and friends’ section, yeah.” She didn’t know if she was imagining her voice wavering, or if it actually was.
“She’s going to be excited to see you, mate. I promise.”
Leah arrived just in time for the girls to exit the tunnel, having been delayed in the flower shop procrastinating over which was the best for her. She put it in the back seat of her black Mercedes, right next to the toy she’d bought for Blu.
She couldn’t believe how nervous she was, and YFN was right there with her, on the phone and then texting back and forth with her after they’d hung up. She knew she was busy with the Arsenal and West Ham girls dropping by, but she still made time for her. A few weeks ago, Leah would have thought she was doing it for Jordan’s sake, but she’d gotten so close to the Australian that she knew it was for hers also.
She sat in her assigned seat, saying a polite hello to the people she knew, and felt herself almost hyperventilate when Jordan entered the pitch in the starting line-up. She’d never had this reaction to her – or anyone before. It confused her, but at the same time, it made her realise just how much she meant to her. Jordan was looking too small for her clothes as always, her shorts and socks almost reaching each other. She wore that expression she did when she was on the pitch, her serious face. Football was serious for Jordan, and that was evident by just how aggressive and impatient she was on the pitch; a sharp contrast to what she was usually like in person. So sweet and kind and shy almost. Her Jordan. She felt her body tingling and her hands shake a little as she watched her taking their line-up photos and start to play.
Leah’s phone dinged and she looked down.
YFN: A bit of a healthy distraction for you.
YFN sent a photo.
YFN sent a photo.
The first was a photo of the group who’d invaded Lucy and YFN’s house. YFN had obviously asked Lucy to take a selfie of the group as they were all doing strange poses to the camera mid eating or talking, standing and sitting. Most of the Arsenal girls were there, along with half of the West Ham team. She grinned at the photo.
The second was a photo obviously taken from YFN’s position on the couch, pointing at Beth who was showing two fingers, Katie hanging off her with a ‘COME ON’ expression for Beth’s brace.
YFN’s efforts to distract her from herself were definitely working.
Leah: You’re not getting sleep anytime soon. *melting face emoji*
YFN: My bigger concern is that I didn’t order enough for a fucking tribe.
Leah chuckled. The girls were always extra hungry after games. She should have warned her. She looked up to see the ball nowhere near Jordan, and looked back down again to reply.
Leah: Why do I feel like I’m going to get home, and the party will still be going?
She looked back up to see Jordan crash into someone. She touched the ball, but was still warned by the referee and threw her hands up. That made her smile. That is… after she’d stood up and she knew she was okay.
Her phone buzzed.
YFN: Come 9pm I’ll be dragging them out kicking
YFN: That was Lucy ^^ but she’s not joking. *nervous laugh emoji*
YFN: She gets grumpy when she’s tired.
Leah knew that all too well, having been in many camps with Lucy.
Leah: She’s worse when she’s hungry!
YFN: I’ve learnt to sort that out before it becomes a problem.
YFN sent a photo.
It was a selfie of YFN sitting in the corner of the couch and angled up to Lucy not so elegantly stuffing her face. Regardless of Lucy’s full mouth, YFN looked at her with an expression of adoration. They looked so happy. Leah craved that happiness she’d once had with Jordan. For seven years they were the envy of the party and sitting in the stands now, watching her play from afar, she cursed herself for taking that… for taking her for granted.
She put her phone down to watch her play, again adoring the way Jordan jogged after whoever had the ball, her shorts almost falling off of her, and then attacking the players with the ball whenever she was close. It was evident just how much she loved the game. And as if all of that wasn’t adorable enough, she wore black gloves to fight the cold she felt. There wasn’t much to her, so she was always cold. Their house always needed to be hot enough that she didn’t feel the cold, but Leah had always sneakily liked to have it just the perfect temperature that she’d snuggle into her as they slept or tuck herself into her body on the couch or as she just went about her day. She too loved their hugs, just as much as Jordan. The way she fit into her body was like it was made for her. Jordan was so affectionate that she’d always kiss her neck in thanks.
Not recently of course. Recently there had been the soft hugs without the kissing, and without the talking. It was nice, but she missed all of it.
Jordan was knocked to the ground hard as she went for the ball and Leah flinched, leaning to the edge of her seat to get a better view. When Jordan didn’t get up straight away, she stood with several of the crowd and watched worriedly. As more people stood, she was up on her tip-toes to peer over everyone to see Jordan clutching her knee and the medics run over. Her heart sunk.
The teams used the opportunity to chat while she was being seen to, her face contorting in pain. Leah didn’t want to admit to herself that the smallest part of her wanted something to be wrong so she’d have time off and Leah could look after her. She felt so ashamed and shoved the thought aside as her other feeling took hold. ‘Not the knee,’ she thought. ‘Please not the knee. Get up Jord. Please get up.’
Someone tried to get her attention and she brushed them off, her eyes only on Jordan. The medics helped for several minutes until Jordan was standing again and hobbling across the pitch. She wanted to stay on.
Of course she did. She loved playing football.
They stopped for half time an even nil score, and Leah waited for Jordan to look up and see her as she wandered towards the tunnel, but she didn’t. To say she was disappointed would be an understatement. She let herself mingle with the people around her who she knew, and fifteen minutes later, the girls were re-entering the pitch. Jordan hadn’t been subbed, which was great, and although it wasn’t yet dark, it was even colder and she couldn’t help but stress about her getting sick. It was raining now, and so cold she could see her breath as she jogged back out. Her knee looked to be okay though, which was a good sign.
The first goal came in the 54th minute by an unfortunate own goal from Aston Villa’s Anna Patten. Jordan looked frustrated as she shook her head and jogged back to her spot.
It only took a minute for Rachel Daly to score an equaliser, Leah smiling as she watched Jordan jump and shout excitedly, though she didn’t run to celebrate with her team. There was something different about watching her with Villa. Leah had noticed watching Jordan’s games that she didn’t look as happy when she celebrated with Villa, and she’d always wondered if she was just biased, though seeing her not celebrate with them made her realise she wasn’t imagining it. She remembered the giant grin on her face as she used to run and jump into their group when she celebrated with Arsenal. She was always so light that Leah could barely feel her as she ran and jumped onto her.
Oh, Jord. She missed seeing her at training every day. But it wasn’t even that. As she watched her, she missed living together, driving in together, training together, going home together. They’d always sit next to each other when travelling and share hotel rooms.
She was ripped from her thoughts by Jordan stealing the ball in a clean move. She smiled. The game was back and forth pretty even following that, though Aston Villa were controlling the ball more. They just couldn’t seem to get past the Everton defence. It started raining heavier and Leah pulled her coat tighter around her. A penalty kick to Everton in the 74th minute had Jordan throwing her arms up again in frustration. The kick came… and it was a goal. It wasn’t looking good.
Three minutes later, Jordan was subbed off. She walked off looking defeated, though as she high-fived her subbed teammate at the boundary line, her head raised as if she knew she was there. Mid high-five her eyes caught Leah’s and she froze. Leah stopped breathing as she watch Jordan’s eyes widen with… yearning. Her eyes reflected the emotions Leah felt. Jordan recovered her expression and looked at the substitute, dropping her hands. As she stepped off the field, she let herself look back up with wonder. She could see the happiness in her eyes that she was there. Leah gave her a smile and a wave. Jordan didn’t wave back, but she did smile shyly as she ducked onto the bench where she could no longer see her.
Only then, could Leah breathe again. YFN was right. That surprised expression from Jordan had showed her everything. She wanted her, just as much as Leah did. She breathed a deep breath out and the built up anxiety disappeared with it. She should have never been worried. She knew Jordan.
The game ended 1-2 to Everton, and Leah stood in the stands until the girls disappeared into the tunnel. Jordan had looked up again only once… fleetingly, but Leah had seen it. She grinned to herself at that as she made her way outside to her car. She was hindered a few times by fans and autographs but by the time she stepped foot outside, her phone buzzed. She excitedly grabbed at it, assuming it was Jordan, but it wasn’t. She stopped at her car and looked down disappointedly at the notification on her phone.
“You’re here?” Came a slightly out of breath voice behind her.
She spun around to see Jordan standing all rugged up in her puffer jacket, her nose red and her legs looking freezing where they weren’t covered.
“I… came to see you play.”
Half of Jordan’s face was hidden beneath her collar, and Leah couldn’t tell if she was upset.
“Did I overste-”
She was interrupted by Jordan’s body meeting hers, her head finding her shoulder, forehead pressing against her neck. Jordan’s hands slid around Leah’s body inside her coat to keep warm. Jord. Leah’s arms were moving around her before she even told them to, holding her close and keeping her warm. It felt right to let them stay in their silence for a while until Jordan was ready.
“Thank you for coming to watch my game.”
She let her head lean against Jordan’s. “Of course I came. You pencilled in a hug, remember? I didn’t want you to drive so far after your game.”
She let out a grateful sigh and pressed herself further into Leah. “Thank you, Lea. I’m really tired.”
“Would you like to reschedule?”
A few fans must have spotted them then and Leah saw them getting excited and start to run over from the stadium.
“No!” She stressed and pulled back. “No… we can still-”
“-did you drive?” Leah cut off.
“One of the girls drove me…” She responded, unsure about Leah’s change of pace.
“Do you have all of your things?” She asked, gesturing to her backpack.
“Yeah.. I mean I think so-”
Leah took her bag off and opened her passenger door. Jordan hesitated, still unsure about Leah’s impatience. Leah saw her hesitating and softened. “Let me drive you home please, Jord.”
Jordan’s eyes wandered over Leah’s face before she nodded and slipped into the car. As quickly as she could, Leah placed her backpack in the back seat and jumped in the driver’s seat as the mob of fans were almost on top of them. She saw Jordan’s eyes widen in realisation as Leah started the car and put some distance between them.
Most of the time, she’d be open and welcoming and go out of her way for the fans. Tonight, she just wanted to protect Jordan from that. She just wanted to get her home into where she knew she’d be warm and comfortable and could sleep.
Leah stopped the car abruptly at the exit of the car park.
“I…” She turned to Jordan. “I don’t know where you live…” she admitted. She hated not knowing that.
Jordan gave her a supportive smile and leant forward towards Leah’s phone mounted to the dash. She paused, looking for permission first, but Leah wasn’t worried at all. She had nothing to hide from Jordan, ever, and she showed that by looking at her with patience. Jordan hid a smile as she typed her address into Leah’s phone and soon enough, they were on their way.
“Do you want to have dinner?”
“Are you sure you’re not too tired?”
“I’d like dinner with you…”
Leah smiled as she drove. She dared not look at her, but knew Jordan was watching her. She wanted to have dinner with her.
“We can do that, Jord. Whatever you want.”
“And maybe we can watch the Lord of the Rings?”
“I thought it scared you?”
“Well, yeah, but you like it.”
It also meant they had more time together, as they’d barely gotten through any of it that last time they were alone. She also liked the idea of Jordan hiding behind her at the scary parts. “You’re okay to stay up late?”
She rolled her eyes. “It’s only gone seven. It’ll be done by eleven.”
Leah frowned. “I’m confused… you want to go out for dinner?”
“God no, I think we should order in.”
“We only had an hour and a half left, Jord.”
“Well, yeah, but I figured we could start at the beginning because I forgot what happened.”
Leah chuckled. It wasn’t beyond Jordan to forget, but as she snuck a look at her, she looked more like it was a sneaky excuse for more time together. “We can do that. I don’t mind a late drive.”
“You can stay… I can take the couch.”
Jordan’s obvious willingness to spend time with Leah softened her. She hadn’t felt so happy in a long, long time. Over a year, when she and Jordan were previously together.
“YFN offered me her bed on the condition that you let me stay…”
Jordan laughed. “Of course she did. You can take her bed then, we don’t want you driving home so late. Did she say anything else?”
“I just have a few things to pick up for her… clothes and what-not.”
“She said she wants to stick around London while she’s healing,” she nodded. “I’ll help you pack her stuff up.”
“Thanks Jord.”
There were a few minutes of silence then as Leah went into her own headspace, her face falling into its natural grumpy look as she did so. Jordan noticed.
“What are you thinking?”
Leah considered brushing her off, but she knew better now. “I have something to tell you but I don’t want it to ruin the night. You just need to know.”
“The video is handled.”
She waited for questions, for emotion, but there was none. She replied after a few seconds of thought. “Okay, Lea.”
Lea pulled into the driveway and put the car in park, turning to look at her. “Okay?”
Jordan nodded and gave her a little smile. “Okay, Lea. I trust you.”
“Okay…” she replied huskily and reached into the back seat. “This is for Blu,” she said as she handed her the toy. She reached back again. “And these are for you.”
Jordan took the flowers with an excited expression. “Thanks, they’re pretty. And you can give this to him if you want… I think he’s going to be excited to see you.”
She handed the toy back to Leah.
Blu was all over her when they entered the apartment. She chuckled and gave him love and pats before his attention turned to Jordan. Leah couldn’t help but look around her and take in the place Jordan now called home. It suited her. She recognised all of the photos and little trinkets she had around, and the smell was even the same with the incense she liked to burn. And it was warm… Jordan warm.
They ordered take-away and Leah played with Blu while Jordan showered and changed. As they waited for their food, they found a vase for the flowers and packed the few clothes and items YFN needed in London. They chatted, laughed, and caught up with the recent activities in each other’s lives. Jordan shared her frustrations about her game and Leah cheered her up with photos YFN had sent her of the chaos at her and Lucy’s apartment. It felt so normal. She was happy for them to be talking again, and their recent silent dates together had developed a sense of calm and comfort in those silent moments between them.
The food arrived and they settled onto the couch with blankets and began the movie. Jordan let Leah set Blu up in his little bed in front of them and he fell asleep quickly. He was always a big sleeper, tired from walking around on those little legs all day, Leah imagined with a chuckle at the thought. There were sat close enough that their arms were partially against each other and Leah relished the moments where Jordan had to pause eating to hide her head behind her shoulder at the scenes that scared her. Jordan finished eating first, obviously, as she was so tiny she barely ate anything and the next time she came up from her hiding place behind Leah, her head stayed on her shoulder, her hand gently holding her arm. Leah let her rest in that spot, trying to keep her movements small as she ate with her left hand. After only a few minutes, though, she felt uncomfortable. She put her food down on the coffee table and sat back again, Jordan laying back down on the spot she’d claimed. Leah lasted another ten minutes until she wriggled uncomfortably, unable to keep still.
Jordan lifted her head. “Are you okay, Lea?”
“I…” she paused and pulled herself in check. Honesty always. “It’s just the cramps. They’re bad today.”
“Your endo?”
“Yeah,” she sighed. The drive had been bad enough.
Another cramp seized her and she squeezed her eyes shut and shuddered in pain.
“Did you bring your medication?”
“It’s in my bag,” she groaned.
“Stay here.” Jordan said as she stood, pausing their movie and taking the food to the kitchen. She returned quickly and leant over the couch, giving her a glass of water and her painkillers.
“Thanks, Jord.”
“Is it your lower back too?”
She nodded as she swallowed the pills, angry at herself for again ruining a night with Jordan.
She disappeared again and Leah heard the microwave, and the fridge doors.
“Do you need help?”
“I’m fine, just putting the food away. Give me a minute.”
The microwave finished and Leah heard the door opening and Jordan padding back over with two heat packs. Her mouth parted in awe as she looked up into her eyes. Jordan was taking care of her.
“Lay down, Lea.” She said as she guided her down, pulling a pillow under her head. Leah did as she was told, letting herself be looked after by her. Jordan gently put her on her side facing the tv, and placed a heat pack on her lower abdomen, and her lower back, tucking them into the waistband of her pants and pulling her shirt back down.
“Feel better?”
Leah couldn’t speak, so she just nodded.
“Do you need anything else?”
She was about to shake her head when she stopped herself and instead tugged lightly on Jordan who smiled. She took the remote and pressed play, slipping behind Leah, under the blanket. She pulled another pillow over so her head was higher and hesitantly, her hand found her abdomen which she tenderly rubbed in circles above her shirt. They’d done this so many times over the years, but this time it felt more personal, and even more special.
“Can you see the tv?” She murmured, relishing the feel of a warm Jordan pressed up against her back, her arm slung over her.
Leah inhaled sharply again at another cramp. Jordan paused her circling to hold pressure against the heat bag over her lower abdomen. That always helped.
“Why didn’t you cancel?”
“I told you I won’t make another mistake.”
She’d thought back to the promise she’d left her in a note, ‘…that was the last fault I’ll make…. no more mistakes…’
Jordan was silent for a moment as she thought about that. Her hand began circling her abdomen again reassuringly. “How do you feel?”
“Comfy.” Leah responded, proud of her little inside joke as she felt and heard Jordan chuckle behind her.
And then she felt Jordan’s lips touch the nape of her neck and linger, pouring affection and reassurance into her. Leah leant back into the kiss and felt that feeling she’d been missing for so long.
She felt like she was home.
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nknoxe-n · 2 months
୨⎯ "MARRY ME" ⎯୧
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Synopsis: How the professional player bllk boys would react to you proposing the idea of friendship rings, in which you are considered their best friend and teammate and decide to offer promise/good luck rings to play on the field with.
Warnings: [pr established friendship] [Implied male reader]
w.c 750
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Yoichi Isagi: I doubt this guy would do promise rings, in the context of being your teammate, he doesn't want anything holding him back, but I think good luck rings would be an idea he's open to for when you guys aren't close. Since this would be set at the point of post Blue Lock program he'd wear it all the time, if you both aren't playing on the same team he'll take it off and expect the same from you because he wants to beat you without 'luck' but he completely believes that the ring works. When Isagi gets nervous before games he plays with the ring a lot because he does believe that it helps in gameplay, maybe not in a magical way but in that he never feels alone with it on.
Seishiro Nagi: He doesn't see the point but will wear one if you really want him to, he'd probably ask to have one of those rings with the spinney middle to fidget with when he's bored and has nothing else to do. Nagi does not at all believe it helps his performance or give him good luck, he only wears it to make you happy and if it helps you play better he's all for it, but most of the time Nagi won't wear it on the field because he's always aware of it on his finger, and it distracts him.
Meguru Bachira: Ugh he's so so so happy you asked, he cares about you so much and wants to try all sorts of things out that friends usually do since he missed out on so much in his childhood. He'd want promise rings over good luck rings because he thinks that you're such a great player you don't need extra luck, and he wants you to promise to keep playing soccer with him. This man is flaunting it by the way, he insists you guys are like 'friendship married' and is constantly showing off the ring to people as if he was recently engaged, tells the media you're only friends but maybe more in the future, he loves drama.
Rensuke Kunigami: He's kind of hesitant to agree at first because he doesn't understand why you'd get matching rings, that's something only married people do, right? Kunigami gets the idea after you explain it to him, and he'd want promise rings without a doubt, he'd probably want to promise trust in general, nothing specific he just wanted something simple but intimate. He never wears it on the field though because he's too afraid he'll lose it. Kunigami will act like it's no big deal but the first time someone asks about it, he's all defensive and tries to brush it off because he's embarrassed, not of you he just thinks of it as a personal gesture and won’t tell anyone about it.
Hyoma Chigiri: He would immediately be up for it not generally excited or anything but really open to the idea of a promise or good luck ring, but he'd want the rings to be nice because he will be showing it off to any interviewers, he'd try to be coy and allude to possibly being engaged, but he will never tell. That being said, if the media were to notice you had matching rings (assuming you guys are on the same team) he would call off the joke because he doesn't want people seriously thinking you're engaged. He'd find the idea of having something like that on him while he plays extremely comforting, and it motivates him to play harder.
Itoshi Rin: Now he'd be hesitant at first, but once he agreed he's barely ever taking that thing off, only to get it cleaned or resized because Rin is pretty sentimental. He'd wear it on and off the field if anyone asked about it, he'd ignore the question, if the media made assumptions or figured out the rings were matching he wouldn't care but refuses to confirm anything. He'd want promise rings, and he'd want it to be a promise of loyalty because he doesn't want you to ever leave him or make him feel excluded from your life. Rin does not believe it makes him play any better or worse, but it does give him a slight reassured feeling and a good sense of comfort knowing he can rely on you to be there. He sometimes just stares at the ring when he's alone, mulling all the time you've spent together.
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hypostatic-oath · 1 year
Hiii! Welcome back!!! After reading your recent post, i had a thought about what if the isekai'd Overseer was founded wandering around Fontaine when the Traveler had yet to reach said nation. Do Focalors still trying to arrest and judge the Overseer, or do they belong to the category of the divine that she knows not to make an enemy of?
Hiii! Thank you so much, for the welcome and for the ask :D
Oh, I like this one. I'n usually afraid of writing characters before I have read all their lore (not me struggling with the locked voicelines for Neuvillette oof), but I think that Furina has provided the answer already - she is very much ready to put the Overseer on trial, and to make a big show out of it too. Why? Because of what happens with the Traveler, of course!
When the Traveler arrives in Fontaine, they are already known far and wide - Furina herself recognizes them and comes to "greet" them personally, albeit in her own way. I'd say that SAGAU Furina definitely knows that the Traveller is the First Vessel. There is no way she doesn't, either by means of being an Archon, or simply by word of mouth or the Steambird, in the same way she'd heard other things about the Traveler.
And what does she do as soon as we step foot in Fontaine?
Yep. An isekai'd Overseer would very much need to get their Phoenix Wright impersonation ready. I do believe she doesn't have ill intent, or that she actually wants to sentence the Overseer - it's more of a mixture of "hey, look at me!" and "I'm acknowledging your importance by coming here personally and making a fuss". One should feel honored, really. Furina likes entertainment, and I do believe that her theatrical worldview and the outlook of a lot of Overseers out there (guilty as charged) are rather similar - for us as players, the world of Teyvat really is a stage where a story plays out - better yet, it's a story wherein we can control the main character to make the story go further and interact with the characters! Of course, the difference lies in the fact that for an Overseer, the world of Teyvat really is just a game... while for Furina it's still her reality, no matter how many theatrical elements she adds to it.
As for whether she'd recognize the Overseer as a divine being she shouldn't make an enemy of... depends entirely on the way the Overseer interacts with her. We've seen her mask slip when the Traveler accepts her challenge ("Fighting gods? I've got a resume"). We've seen her take a step back in other occasions, too. But it all depends on whether the Overseer chooses to indulge her. The more drama-loving you are, the more you indulge in the theatrics, the further she'll go! After all, she's just found a kindred spirit. She's very excited if you play along! But if you're a no-nonsense Overseer with no time for her antics... she might just call in Neuvillette to accompany her the next time she needs to speak with you. Or she'll avoid the meeting altogether - forgive her, she's nervous.
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On thin ice (Hockey player! Miguel O’Hara x Figure skater! Fem! Reader)
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A/N: Hiii Im back from my mini break :) I wanted to write more, but I wanted the next chapter to begin a certain way so I’m making this one short hehe. Excuse any typos and grammatical errors. Miguel probs being ooc
(Y/N)- Your Name
Cursing, funny little hehe drama, Miguel being Jealous, ansty (?) (Like, If you squint)
Word count: 1k
Series Masterlist
Chapter 9: Until I fall asleep, spilling drinks on my settee.
It’s been 3 weeks.
It’s been 3 weeks since you were in that practice room with Miguel O’Hara.
It’s been 3 weeks since you kissed Miguel O’Hara.
It’s been 3 weeks since you started to avoid Miguel O’Hara.
You didn’t do it on purpose, at least not at first. The day after the very overdue make out session, you told yourself that you would wait a day or two before you talked to him about it, in an attempt to get all your thought in order. Then, that day or two turned into three… then four, then a week, then 3… and at this point, it would be too awkward if you finally decided to face him. What were you even supposed to say after ignoring him for 3 weeks? “Hey Miguel, sorry I basically ghosted you after we made out, even though I said I’ll talk to you afterwards.” You’d rather die of embarrassment. So now you found yourself purposely avoiding him, and although your boy problems should be the last of your problems, they wouldn’t leave your mind.
As you came out of the bathroom, tossing your hairbrush onto your semi-messy bed, you let out a heavy sigh as you saw Kate finish fixing the whiteboard calendar that hung in your dorm room for the new month of October, on the third Friday, she had wrote “MIDTERMS,” in big red Expo marker, and on the following Friday she had written “REGIONALS” in the same way. The two words made your stomach twisted, and for once in the past three weeks, your mind was finally off the topic of the hockey player you had kissed.
“You know staring at the board won’t make those words go away.” Kate said, snapping you out of your thoughts as she capped the Expo marker, you let out lips curl down into a frown and your thumb’s fingernail started to tap repeatly on the surface on your ringer finger’s nail, a habit you've developed when you're nervous, because you knew she was right.
“Can’t you let me pretend at least?” You were joking of course, before making your way over to where you had your gym back half-hazardly thrown at the foot of your bed, zipping it open and checking of all your skating gear was in the bag.
“You’re overly stressed, what is it? Midterms, Regionals, or Miguel?” She asked with a head tilt, hey eyebrow going up with the question.
“All the above…” you mumbled under your breath as you finish rummaging through your bag before zipping it close and throwing it over you shoulder.
“You’ve got this.” Kate sent you a sympathetic smile, which you returned before leaving your shared dorm.
You told yourself no skating on the weekends as an attempt to keep yourself from over stressing yourself, but here you were, in the middle of the rink on the first of October, on a Sunday. To be fair, you weren’t practicing, you were just going to practice some jumps and spins, holding to get your mind off everything that’s been transpiring in your messy life. It was honestly a miracle that when you arrived that the rink was empty. You were in the middle of going over your triple lutz, each time you came back down on the ice your landing was wobbly, that is if you landed it. Most of the time you couldn't land it at all, it’s a move you’ve been trying to perfect for months now. Hoping to have it down before coach Kavinsky could have choreographed the long program in hopes to get more points from the judges, but unfortunately you still had too much trouble with it. It would have been a risky move to put it in the program.
“You should probably take a break from that move before you end up black and blue.” The voice rang out through the empty rink, causing you to lose concentration and fumbling the move again.
“Fucking hell, Logan. You should know you can’t do that shit…” you groaned as you slowly gathered yourself to get your body off the ice after falling. Logan chuckled and shook his head, his hands going into his pockets as he walked towards the entrance of the rink, taking the guards off his skates.
“Sorry, sorry, you’re right…” He mumbled with a small smile as he helped you up, “I just wanted to check on you. I know you like to come here when you’re stressed.” He added in a more serious tone.
“Yeah I’m…” your words trail off, a heavy sigh leaving through your nose instead. Logan, already knowing your answer just gave you a sympathetic frown, rubbing your shoulder before pulling you into a hug.
“She’s already told you that she’s not dating Logan-“
“I don’t care Peter.” Miguel growled, leaving the stadium, shoving past the front doors and angry stomped to his car in the parking lot. Peter followed behind him. While you and Logan were in the middle of your beautiful friendship moment of reassurance, neither of you noticed Miguel nor Peter making their way to the ice with their gear on and hockey sticks in hand. But upon seeing you embracing your skating partner, he quickly turned back around and made his way back into the locker room, changed back into his regular clothes, then (quietly) storming off and out of the building. “You expect me to believe that bullshit!? She’s all over him, like she wasn’t all over me 3 weeks ago!” He yelled as he throws open his back car door and angrily throws his bag and hockey stick into the back seat, Peter also putting his stuff in the back, but in a more calm manner.
“Miguel, that’s her skating partner. Not to mention her best friend.” Peter tries to reason with his friend as they both go into the car. “Obviously they’re gonna be close. If she was dating Logan, do you really think she would have let you kiss her? Let alone return the kiss?”
Miguel didn’t respond to Peter’s question, instead just letting out a small huff of air and a grunt. His hands gripping onto the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles began to turn white.
If you wanted to play that kind of game, then fine. He’ll play. He’s the best player on the team after all, this little cat and mouse will be easy for him.
Taglist: @tayleighuh @cowboylikeevie @coralineyouareinterribledanger @jukioku @loser-alert @migueloharaspookiebear @serpentstarr @littlexscarletxwitch @darksidescorner @sukioyakio
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shuacore · 9 months
[ 00:53 ] skating in central park — bill evans
“holy balls it’s cold as fuck.” 
leave it to jun to keep it romantic. you hold back a snort of laughter, knowing it would only egg your boyfriend on more. he has his hand shoved into his pockets, breath coming out in steamy puffs of air. it’s biting this evening, but jun looks like a drama lead—so cute, all bundled with the tip of his nose red in his long trench coat and white puffy earmuffs—that you don’t even mind.
you sigh knowingly, twisting around to look at him with a smile. “come on! the christmas market is so cute.” 
“why can’t we just get drinks inside?” he whines, and you flit over, pressing a quick kiss to his cold cheek. this silences him for a moment as he regards you with wide eyes, smiling with adoration. your stomach flip flops around. ah, it never gets old.
“let’s just do a quick loop and then i promise we can go and get drinks. at a bar. inside,” you say in earnest, and this seems to persuade jun. you loop your arm through his, tucking yourself neatly into his side. he’s warm, even under all the layers, and you smell the familiar aroma of amber and cinnamon wafting from his skin. 
he groans,”fine,” without any heat, and presses a kiss to the crown of your head. your grin takes over your whole face as you tug him deeper into the throng of people. there are booths lining the walkway packed with sparkling decorations, large painted ornaments and tempting aromas of herbs and spices. your mouth waters as you pass by a booth selling pierogis, and you tug jun behind you as you move closer, pressing a finger against the glass.  
“ooh, let’s get some,” you say, and your excitement is enough to convince jun to hand over eight dollars to the stand, smiling fondly as you feed him bites from your fork. they’re warm and buttery and a perfect snack to combat the bitter chill of the winter air, and with full bellies you continue tooling around the market. you peruse spice stands, cooking stands, art stands, hand knit hats, scarves, and mittens, hand-painted ornaments, and a million other handcrafted things, all the while jun follows faithfully behind. his eyes glint merrily in the Christmas lights swinging in the night air. 
the pathway opens up into a lively center square, and you gasp excitedly, reaching out to grasp jun’s gloved hand tightly in your own.
“look! ice skating!” you say with vigor, skipping over to the barrier and watching the skaters with wide eyes. you turn back to your boyfriend, blushing to see him watching you again with poorly disguised amusement. “we should do it!”
jun’s eyebrows disappear underneath his fringe. “oh…i don’t know…”
you seemed to be spending most of your time convincing your partner to have a good time with you. 
“come onnnn! i’ll pay this time,” you plead, tugging on his elbow like a needy child. normally you’d take no for an answer, but it’s christmas for god’s sake, and you want to go ice skating with your boyfriend. not surprisingly, it doesn’t take much for him to relent—a few ‘please, please, please’s and an extra whispered promise in his ear for some winter activities you could do once you got home—before he’s pulling you by the hand to the booth and smacking a bill on the counter. 
“two pairs of skates! sizes 7 and 11, please.” your smile is blinding as you place a giddy peck to the cheek, and there he goes blushing again, like this is your first date and not your 200th. you like seeing jun all flustered around you; even after four years it still makes your stomach flip.
the worker hands jun his change and two pairs of skates—one of which he hands off to you—and you find a place to put them on. then the two of you are standing at the edge of the rink, hand in hand. you’ve only ever really gone skating on the ponds near your house, and even then it’s only been the two of you or family members during the holidays. and suddenly you’re a little nervous. experienced skaters and hockey players zip by at blinding speeds, and you inhale a sharp breath as the speed of a skater passing by ruffles your scarf. 
sensing your hesitation, jun gives your hand a soft squeeze and pulls you onto the rink. you grip the wall, white-knuckled, as jun leads you around the edge. it’s slow-going at first, as you get your bearings on the ice, but jun seems to pick up the movements naturally. he’s always been more adept at picking up new skill and ice skating seems to be no exception.
“wait, how are you so good at this?” you ask, breathless, as jun skates gracefully backwards, all the while still holding your hand in his. your trepidation is replaced by incredulity as jun releases your hand and swiftly flips around and glides off in easy loops.
“what the hell?!” you curse loudly, earning you a few grumpy glares from parents of young kids, but you’re too preoccupied watching your ice-skating-prodigy boyfriend to notice. the wind whips through his dark hair, pushing it off his forehead as he passes by you, close enough to feel his fingers graze your arm. “when did you learn to do this?!”
your knees are still unsteady on the ice, and you keep your fingers wrapped around the wall as you hobble around, trying to catch up with your boyfriend. 
“wait!” you call out in slight desperation as he skates past you one more time, weaving in and out of couples and kids making their own rounds. you frown, still sedentary, as jun finally skates back to you, skidding to a stop so you feel a light shower of ice sprinkle your face. 
“hey—ouch!” jun whines, rubbing his shoulder where you just punched him. “what?!”
“since when have you been good at skating?!” you ask in disbelief. he shrugs, exclaiming aloud when he dodges another swing. 
“stop!” jun protests, wrapping his hands around your wrists, and then he knits his fingers in your tightly. “just… like this, come on.” he pulls you gently away from the wall amid objections, showing you how to swish your feet in a graceful back-and-forth pattern. you start to gain a little speed. the wall seems miles away now, other skaters are dipping and weaving around you, and you turn back to jun with your arms held aloft, his name already formed on your lips in jubilation—
this time you do curse loud enough for enough people to hear. jun laughs raucously over the sound of other skaters as you lay flat on your back on the ice, your elbows, hips and pride aching. his face appears over yours, hair hanging down, face glowing with mirth. he offers you a hand, and pulls you up slowly as you wince. talk about old bones—you were going to be feeling that for a week. you hold your butt, massaging the muscle as it aches. 
“fuck,” you groan, lightly punching jun again as he laughs. it soothes your dignity just a bit to see him so happy, throwing his whole head back as he wipes the tears from his eyes. 
“here, i’ll help you,” jun promises, holding his arm out to you. this time it goes a little smoother as jun guides you around the rink. you almost make a full second rotation before you stumble again, this time taking your boyfriend down with you in a spectacular display of limbs and more curse words. the two of you laugh, amid a tangle of arms and legs, breathless. the air doesn’t seem so biting anymore. even on the ice, feeling the bruises blossoming on your shins and butt, watching your boyfriend heave himself to his feet, brush off the snow from his long winter trench coat like some kind of rom-com lead has your heart fluttering in your chest. he pulls you to your feet again, and sputters in surprise when you lurch forward to press a kiss to his lips. 
it fills your chest with warmth, and you laugh short-winded against his mouth as jun’s hands rest on the back of your neck. he’s a bit too eager, biting your lip slightly as you pull away before he’s finished. (you are still in public after all.)
“what was that for?” he asks, nose and cheeks red from the cold. you lift your hand to his face, tracing the line of his cheekbone lightly with your thumb. 
“mm, nothing. i just love you,” you say, quietly, unable to stop the smiles from filling your face. 
jun leans in again, lips centimeters form yours when someone yells, “get a room!” and you freeze. jun laughs loudly again, throwing his head back like he always does. you hid your face against his chest as you giggle in embarrassment. his arms are warm around your body.
“do you wanna take a break?” he asks when you resurface. 
you falter. “but we just got them,” you say, feeling a bit guilty. 
“hey, we have them for a whole hour,” he assures you, and presses a kiss to your temple. 
despite your protests, the activities on land are much more your speed. after finding a secluded little bench, jun disappears for a moment, only to return with two steaming mugs of hot apple cider. it’s sweet and a little spicy but it sends a welcome wave of warmth through your body, letting the steam defrost your noses and cheeks from the winter air. jun wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you into his side as you watch the skaters together. 
and you just sit in quiet for a while, every so often commenting on the booths or other market-goers. unbeknownst to you, jun watches you fondly, taking in your slouched posture, your bright eyes as you drink in the christmas festivities. that alone is enough to make his chest want to burst. he tucks you just a bit tighter in to his side, lifting a hand to press a gentle kiss to the back of your gloved knuckles.
his presence is just as warm as the cider cupped in your hands.
check out my masterlist!
a/n: just a fun little wintery jun-fic that's been on my mind. i was also thinking of posting it to skating by vince guaraldi (also a good one if u want the ambiance!!!!) but i liked the mellow tones of bill evans too :3
xx thanks for reading LOVE U!!!
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quiverpaw · 1 year
things i’d like to see more frequently in the wcue roleplay scene: (long post)
-sharing tongues (cats gossip in wcue like no other. but they don’t actually share tongues! this includes sharing tongues with a cat before they are buried.)
-vigils apon becoming a warrior (this is NEVER done. it’d bring a new air to the roleplay, i think!)
-elders burying cats. (usually the leader, medicine cat, or a random warrior will do in rp.)
-elders and queens in general. this includes den dads and early retired cats!
-apprentices travelling to the moonstone with the leader. (this used to happen in the early arcs. since most wcue players are only knowledgable on these arcs, this would be a great thing to pick up on doing)
-proper battle training, battles in general. (most apprentices either never recieve a mentor or only go on the occasional hunting or border patrol. battle sparring never actually includes learning new techniques most of the time!) (battles straight up do not happen. skirmishes do. Usually with rogues!)
-a more even spread of cats. Usually most of the server will flock to one clan (80%), 15% will become rogues or loners, and 5% are either non-cats or kittypets.) with the addition of more clans comes more interesting conflicts! (taking territory, battles, gatherings, tresspassers, forbidden love.) ideally in a 60 people server, there’d be 12-15 cats in each clan, or in a two-clan server, 20-30, with the rest going to outsiders/non-cats.)
-more time for deputies and leaders. A deputy in wcue is far more important than the leader in almost every way, which is NOT a good thing. a deputy should be able to appoint patrols, be able to join said patrols, and still have time to talk before they have to sleep. the leader usually has to officiate ceremonies and talk about allowing in outsiders, as well as recieve reports. leaders should be able to join patrols as well.
-apprentice’s assessments. this is, in my opinion, the least utilized aspect for app players. when a cat reaches close to warrior’s age (in wcue, this is 12 moons), the leader (or deputy) talks with the app’s mentor and haves said apprentice go on a solo hunting mission. if they bring back enouh prey, they’re granted their warrior name. usually the deputy or leader also conducts regular normal assessments to check the progress of the young cats.
-more diverse personality types. in wcue, there generally are only six personality types: charming, ‘evil’, quiet, aggressive/rude, kind, and nervous. most cats don’t go into depth beyond these core traits, and i think it would be really nice to see a more diverse cast of personalities. there’s plenty of generators online for personality types if needed!
-medicine cat apprentice appointments. just straight up- this does not happen. they have their own special moonstone ceremony! why wouldn’t you utilize that? and on second note:
-medicine cat gatherings. also straight up do not happen.
general parts of fandom changes i want to see
-the stop of use of names like ‘blindkit’ or ‘lostsight’. this is pretty obvious.
-not using overly complicated words to seem experienced! this is a big one. part of the exp/luna debate, many players like to have over-complicated names, use words people straight up don’t know, anything of the like to seem sophisticated. warriors itself does not use words like orbits or cranium. stop
-stop the hate around younger players. generally, in wcue, there’s a INSANE, and i mean INSANE hate for younger players. given a cruel nickname like ‘luna’ because it’s a common name for young kids to use, people make fun of little kids who are just learning about roleplaying. how is a kid supposed to become experienced if you’re just being cruel. instead, the least you can do is void them, or at least teach them a thing or two.
-less apprentice groups. (this is a bit nitpicky) these usually only exist because people find teenage drama interesting, but apprentice groups are pure terrors to the rp scene. they usually don’t take a mentor, refrain from training- only hunting occasionally, and are very unaware of the ongoings of the rest of the clan because of their personal interdrama. these groups will flock in around 7-10 apprentices, which insanely disrupts a clan’s balance. a apprentice friend group should be a natural thing- one that occurs from training or patrolling together, not sitting and camp and crushing on each other.
(also nitpicky) -less magic schools. i know you’re trying to roleplay harry potter. stop. don’t do that
-roblox groups dedicated to organized rps! many people don’t have discord- it’d be more accessible to younger people as well.
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sukunasweetheart · 2 years
Headcanons for sukuna as a volleyball player - idk if i wanted this to be set during highschool or not so i guess it'll be kinda generic or all over the place haha,, dedicated to @luvkun4 my love, who likes haikyuu and sukuna so its a perfect combo for her
warnings; NSFW, throat fucking, rough and angry sex, degradation, femme reader, youre kinda his pocket pu$$y but also his sweet gf, minor angst but with happy end -- this wouldve been a good fic but i dont have the energy for a fully written fic nowadays, im alr working on a billion rn
edit; THIS ENDED UP BEING SO LENGTHYY sorry, i wanted to add in the drama
right.. idk from where i should unpack this
we all know... sukuna would be competitive as fuck.
i know for a fact that he hates losing so much
which is what makes him such a good player tbh, the balls not gonna touch the ground as long as hes around
he’s a wing spiker, and definitely the ace (cough, totally not inspired by this gorgeous fanart)
hes so mean and arrogant but is willing to demonstrate teamwork in order to win and so theres obvious respect between him and his teammates
uraume is the manager, tho its clear that they favour sukuna the most pff
sukunas such a powerful player, no one can beat him one on one and hes so sexy when hes playing seriously
volleyball sukuna and his fuckin horse cock, u bet u wanna get wrecked by his shii
problem is, i cant find a creative way of how yall first met 
idk, probably through mutual friends, out in a big group at a restaurant ?? maybe you hooked up with him afterwards and you both caught feelings for each other
yeah something along those lines
anyway ofc seggs after matches are a regular thing haha
its almost an expectation that you come to see his games now
here comes the smut smut smut
vb sukuna would totally drag you into the unisex bathrooms so you can “help him relax” right before the game starts...
nothing like cumming down your throat to get him all warmed up
and youre such a whore for him, you can never say no bc YOU DONT WANT TOOO <3
even tho you make a fuss about the icky floor pfft, he grunts and lays a bunch of toilet paper for u to kneel on, what a gentleman
his soft groans as he lodges his thick cock into your warm mouth, and then pushing your head down to go even deeper
the pleasures just too great, the thrilling mixture of being in a public toilet right before a big match, fucking your tight throat raw
and your teary eyes, fluttering your lashes up at him with a mouthful of dick, he could laugh from how adorable you look
after hes done spurting stringy thick ropes of his seed down your esophagus hes just: “thanks babe... you sucked the nerves right outta me.”
and you know its bullshit bc hes smirking in that sarcastic way, and its a fact that sukuna doesnt know what it feels to be nervous!!!
lucky for you, he treats you better than anyone else - he wipes your mouth and kisses you before parting ways with you
likes to give you another smirk once he finds you amongst the audience
its crazy how much energy he still has after games
on the rare occasions when his team loses... oh boy
100% takes his frustration out using sex
just thinking abt the simmering anger...practically throws you onto his bed
pins your body down and slamming into you with his whole body weight
ruins you so bad, bruises and bites literally everywhere
but like... you’re into that shit
butterflies in stomach whenever the other team ends up winning
“ugh...fuckin’ squeezing me like that... you don’t want me to stop, do you?”
“maybe you like it when i lose a game. what a whore.”
“sukuna...sukuna, too bi-big..”
“oh? and you’d think this cunt would be pretty used to it by now,” he responds cockily. it turns you on when he uses such vulgar language.
spills so many loads into you, youre like a cream filled donut by the end
spanks you too, handprints on your ass and all - omg imagine the strength as a vb player
the aftercare is nice, usually he brings you to the bath immediately and check you out if you need ointment applied to your skin or vice versa
but it wouldnt be surprising if he got lazy with it on some days, especially after an exhausting game, having sex on top of that is gotta be tough
also he spends a lot of time training and practicing, which adds to your loneliness
sometimes you overthink it and feel like youre just being used, but instead of communicating it, you just act more sensitively around him
and vb sukuna sucks at picking up the small cues, so he just thinks youre being unreasonable
the two of you get into a pretty heated argument which ends with you storming off one time
theres a bit of silent treatment going on, but then afterwards you start talking with him “normally” again
theres an obvious distance growing between you and him, and your attitude is colder than it used to be. sukuna thinks its something thatll pass sooner or later
but then you text him, saying that you wont be able to come and see his game
thats not right. hes had a few fights with you before, but you’ve never skipped out on coming to watch him like this, ever.
but being a prideful tsundere he is, he just replies with a “do whatever you want” before chucking his phone off to the side (which he checks later again, to see if you said anything more after that. you didnt.)
on the day of the match, hes constantly checking the crowd if youre there
its not like *glance* he cares *glance* about you coming *glance* or anything *glance*
his mates raise eyebrows and tell him to focus properly and hes never looked scarier lmao
they won in the end, but the taste of victory isnt the same
the group wants to celebrate and go to some restaurant to eat but he skips out and goes home alone
and when he opens his door to an empty and dark living room, he cant shake off the feeling of uneasiness in the pit of his stomach
totally doesnt google search “signs of an incoming breakup”
feels worse afterwards
eats a nice and nutritious meal he cooked for himself, but it tastes kinda like cardboard
i said previously that sukuna doesnt know what feeling nervous is, but now he does, hes terrified youre gonna pull the breakup card on him, he wont know how to deal with that
he has a feeling that if he doesnt do something about this now, he will lose his chance forever
sukuna calls you but you dont pick up
he finds his way to your front door and rings the bell, and you call out from the other side asking him what he wants from you
“why didnt you pick up any of my calls? i want to talk.”
he hates how whiny he sounds.
you crack open the door ever so slightly, so only one of your eyes are visible to him
“about what?”
“about... this. about us.”
“...you’ve been crying. let me in.”
he gently pushes open your door and you stand out of the way, letting him
...and he starts with an apology. about saying mean things to you during the argument, about acting like he doesnt care when he does (he cares so much abt you that it drives him mad), pretending not to notice how upset you were
you watch him sternly, but end up bursting into tears bc youre so relieved he came out and admitted to his faults, and that theres hope for this relationship
youre bawling as he pulls you into his arms, and you confess that not going to see him and treating him coldly was the hardest thing youve ever done in your life
sukunas so relieved you still feel deeply for him, and simultaneously upset bc youre upset
you reveal that youve been feeling neglected, feeling like he only liked you for your body, and you too, apologise for not communicating that and acting sensitively instead
hes appalled, calls you an idiot but then retracts that statement and denies ever having thought in that way
the two of you snuggle up so close together in your bed, communicating and chatting and catching up for hours while he occasionally eyes the mountain of used tear-filled tissues in your room, rather concerned
for a while, he doesnt initiate sexual activity unless you specifically want it bc he wants to prove he likes spending quality time with you just as much <3
and when sex does eventually happen, he makes it very romantic and meaningful, with proper aftercare, continuously whispering “i love you,” throughout
and he shall do anything to have you keep loving him back.
some general stuff with vb sukuna:
mad tall. i wont give an exact number but anywhere between 195 - 200cm tall :>
mad horny. hes like an animal
hes such a big eater,, i mean, i see sukuna as a big eater in any au but this one in particular bc hes an athlete haha
u probably make protein shakes for him and stuff, but hes not rly on a strict diet or anything, he just eats anything and everything
has a lotta fangirls >:( but he ignores them now, after he met you >:) but before, he probably played around a lot and hooked up with some >:( he never liked any of them to stick around, tho >:) except you >:)
goes on morning runs, at like 6am and gives u a kiss on the cheek beforehand
is so fucking touchy clingy, always needs you on his lap, hands under your skirt or shirt
the last guy who tried to hit on you got a nosebleed, getting hit with a volleyball (its so funny, he changed his aim mid-spike during a practice match)
haha he was sent to the bench for that one (everyone was chuckling behind their hands)
the headband was given to him by you, bc he once complained abt having to gel his hair every morning + gel doesnt keep his hair in shape when hes sweating excessively
thats all for today <3 thanks for reading
tagging; @yuujispinkhair @moonchild-artemisdaughter @skunaskitten
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aledethanlast · 9 months
Seriously, how are those FBI agents doing in that Baltimore hotel for the David Wesninski AU? They signed up for none of this, yet here they are, dealing with the craziest family drama any of them have ever witnessed. Honestly, their faces when it gets confirmed that Wymack is the identical twin of this serial killer must be priceless
The first thing you need to understand about fbi ops is, you don't just write those up on a whim. Theres investigations and plans and preparations. They were prepared for the Hatfords to push the agreed boundaries and kill against orders. That's why they were contacted in the first place. They were prepared for the cleanup, and the inquiries, and to throw the Hatfords under the bus as an excuse to begin what was sure to be a years-long investigation into Nathan Wesninski's network.
The second thing you need to understand about law enforcement operations is that you're either going shit shit shit shit shit when things are going according to plan and fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck when they aren't.
So, on the whole? It was a shitty night. The whole thing got pushed back by like two hours because of an alleged break in, and then by three more hours after a fight with op command on how much can they look over the police's shoulder without tipping their hand. And then it all goes down, and there's corpses everywhere, and it's all gone to shit...
And then Junior is on the front lawn.
Which, first of all, how are you not dead? Rhetorical question, clearly Nathan tried. Second, no seriously, how are you not dead. The fuck you mean it's a secret bitch I will [redacted]-
But it's fine. It's fine. Actually, hold on, this is great. They get to skip years of investigation all it costs is some witness protection. The kid seems like a real shithead but once they get him talking...
And then Towns says "We gotta talk about his team."
Oh right, them. "Once they calm down we'll give them a basic rundown of what's happening and send them home. Considering what they said so far it doesn't sound like they know much."
But Towns shakes his head. "You don't know who they are, do you?" Browning raises a brow. "Palmetto State Foxes?" Nope. "Edgar Allen. The ravens." Nope. "Kevin Day?"
That does sound familiar, but Browning knows he doesn't get the points for that. "Sure, one of the other players, no?" He never cared for exy, personally, and while he gets that people get excited about college sports he's always believed in some healthy iconoclasm. He shakes his head.
Towns grumbles. Then out of nowhere, he says, "Call Suzie."
"Call her. Right now. Put her on speaker."
She should be at lunch, so Browning obliges, but he really doesn't see what his teenage daughter has to do with...
Click. Suzie's high, confident voice. "Daddy?"
"Hey Suzie, it's Freddie, your dad's pal from work," Towns says.
"Oh. Um. Hey?" Suzie sounds nervous suddenly. "Is my dad okay?"
They both suddenly realize what this call must look like, especially after Browning hadn't come home last night, and they both rush to reassure her that he's fine. "We've just had a long night," he reassures her. "No, I'm just calling because...hey Freddie, why am I calling?"
It's Towns' turn to raise an eyebrow, as if to say watch this. "Nah, I was just wanted a reminder, what's your husband's name again?"
Silence. A quick, sharp inhale, and in his mind's eye Browning can see his daughter's eyes focus like an eagles. "Well, first of all, it's future husband, because daddy says that the law says I have to be 18 to get married..."
"But his name is Kevin Day. He's the world's best exy player, even after he had an accident last year. A lot of people abandoned him but I'm never gonna because when a mom and a dad love each other very much..."
A thousand dinner conversations run through Browning's head line an electric current as he opens his phone browser and searches the name. The results look nothing like the bruised shell of a man his colleagues have stuck in a hotel room, but they look like every poster on Suzie's wall. A terrible, terrible thought strikes him. "What about his friend. The, um, the short one."
The response is automatic. "Neil is cute too I guess. There aren't as many good posters of him, but Jessica from biology did her binder from shots she printed from youtube. Her dad yelled at her for wasting the ink."
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
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2737377474883 · 1 year
Hi, can you do one with Jill Roord, pls?
Where the reader and Jill are on a vacation with Daan and Ellie, Viv and Beth, Katie and Ruesha, Jackie Groenen and Lynn Wilms.
Where all of them are sharing a house together.
None know that Jill and the reader are dating for a while, so Jackie kept flirting w the reader since the first day of vacation, same thing goes for Lynn who kept flirting w Jill.
The reader and Jill speak Italian with each other while they're w their friends.
Idk a little bit of drama (like Jackie tried to kiss the reader and Jill got all mad and jealous about it) and the reader got upset and mad so she punched a wall a couple of times and she ended up w a broken hand.
Meanwhile Viv and Daan saw the reader doing it and they rushed to call Jill.
Idk something cute and fluff at the end
The other find out that they're dating and started asking them so many questions.
I don't have any ideas how to make the other players involved, so feel free to do it.
Jill Roord x Reader
First of all, I would like to apologize for taking so long. I hope you like it and it meets your expectations.
English is not my native language. Sorry for incorrect grammar and spelling.
I can't speak or write Italian, so these sentences are in italics.
I put the last suitcase in the trunk and get in the car. I look at Jill who is sitting in the passenger seat and give her a little smile which she returns. I start the engine and drive off. Jill plays around with the radio until she concludes that every station is playing “tasteless” music and connects her phone to the car speakers.
“You hear that? That is good music.”
I just look over at her and a smile creeps over my face. She starts to sing along and dance a little in her seat. We reach Lynns driveway, but she is nowhere to be seen.
“I think Lynn managed to oversleep again.” I say.
“Nah, she is probably just trying to find all her stuff, but as we all know, that can take a little longer because of her chaos.” Jill says while looking out the window “look the light in her living room is on.”
“I will send her a text to hurry up and you stop stalking her it´s creepy” I say and send Lynn a message. Jill just gives me a cute smile and asks: “Are you exited to spend time with the girls again?”
I look up from my phone and say:” Yeah, I really miss them sometimes, it’s great to catch up and this time not after a game. Besides that, we didn´t really had a few days off or time for vacation since the season started.”
“Yeah, you´re right I miss them. But to be honest with you I would like to spend a week in Italy just you and me no one else.” She says.
I put my phone away, lay my hand on her thigh and say:” I would love that, but I think we will be able to sneak out for a date.”
Jill lays her hand on mine and gives me a tight-lipped smile. I turn my hand and take hers in mine. “Hey, what’s wrong?” I ask worried.
“I´m sorry that we have to hide our relationship and can´t just be ourselves in front of the others.” She mumbles quietly.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, okay? I understand that you are not ready to tell the girls about us just yet and we will do it when you feel ready not a second earlier, alright?” I say trying to make sure she understands me.
“I understand, thank you.” She says, gives me a smile and squeezes my hand.
“You don´t have to thank me, my love.” I say.
Jill looks out the window and pulls her hand away as soon as she sees Lynn. Lynn makes her way to our car and Jill gets out the car to greet Lynn and help her with the suitcase, as if Lynn wasn´t able to do that on her own. They both take a seat in the back, and I drive us to the airport. I see in the rear-view mirror that Lynn has placed her hand on Jill’s, which is resting on her thigh. I know that Jill is just nervous, and Lynn just wants to comfort her, but it still annoys me, and I can´t help myself and roll my eyes.
The flight just took 3 hours, and we arrived in Ibiza. We made our way out the airport and I already saw Katie and Ruesha waiting for us, filming our arrival probably for Katies McVlog or Ruesha`s RueTube Diary.
“Look who we have got here, Y/n, Jill and Lynn from Wolfsburg and now we are finally complete!” Katie says while filming us.
“Good to see you again Ladies, where are the others?” Lynn asks excited and they tell us that the other girls are already in the house we rented for our vacation. We make our way to the house, Ruesha is driving, I´m sitting in the passenger seat catching up with her while the others are in the back filming for Katies Vlog and singing along to some song that I never heard before. We park in front of the house and carry our luggage to the door, which Jackie opens.
She immediately pulls me into a hug and says:” It´s good to see you again, I missed you so much my dear.” She wraps her arms around me and pulls me inside and the others just follow us. “Yeah, it´s good to see you again.” We leave our luggage in the corridor and enter the kitchen where Beth, Viv, Daan and Ellie are sitting. We greet each other with hugs and decide to cook dinner because it´s already quite late. Because me and Jill are the only ones who can cook without setting the kitchen on fire we are in charge and Lynn and Jackie offered to help us.
I stir the sauce when I feel someone resting their chin on my shoulder and wrapping their arms around my waist. It´s not Jill as I expected at first, but I can tell by their touch and smell that its Jackie, I turn my head to look at her and she asks: “That looks so good when will it be finished?”. “Just a few more seconds.” I answer but she just groans impatiently, and I just chuckle a little. The other girls already set the table and now we are sitting at the table and enjoying the food.
“Oh Y/n that tastes so good, you are so talented it’s unbelievable.” Jackie says, who is sitting next to me, and I have to chuckle because it’s the easiest and most idiot prove recipe I know. “Thanks” I mumble while looking at Jill to see if she likes it, but she is in the middle of a conversation with Lynn and Viv, and I don´t want to disturb her.
After dinner we decide to clean up and watch a movie. I´m cleaning a plate when I see Jackie sitting down on the countertop next to me and we talk for a while. I´m wiping over the countertop and am about to clean the sink, when I feel a splash of water hitting my face, I shut my eyes and wipe over my face with the sleeve of my jumper.
“Really, was that necessary?” I mumble under my breath.
“Wow, Y/n it´s so hot when you speak Italian.”
“Thank you, I guess?” I reply to Jackie.
I hear someone clearing their throat and turn around, to see Jill standing there impatiently holding a bowl of crisps.
“Everything is set up we are just wating for you.”
I nod my head and follow Jill into the living room. I`m about to sit down next to Jill when I get pushed to the side and Lynn takes my spot. I feel a hand wrapping around my wrist and I get pulled down to on the sofa, next to Jackie. We start the movie and I feel Jackie cuddling into my side and holding my hand. I look over to Jill, who is resting her head on Lynns shoulder while Lynn has her arms wrapped around my girlfriend. I take a deep breath, which doesn´t get unnoticed by Jackie.
“Are you alright?” she asks worried.
“Yeah, I´m just fine.” I reply with a little smile.
Jackie smiles slightly and rests her head on my chest. I try to focus on the movie, but my eyes keep wondering over to Jill and Lynn. The movie ends and I want to get up to go to the bathroom when I notice that Jackie has fallen asleep. Everyone but my girlfriend smile at me and I just growl a little. I pick Jackie up and carry her upstairs. As I turn to indicate that someone should open the door to Jackie’s bedroom, I see Katie and Ruesha holding their phones pointed at me and I realize that they must have filmed all of it. I just roll my eyes and lay Jackie in her bed and gently tuck her in.
I`m in the bathroom brushing my teeth, Jill enters and does the same. When I´m done I sit on the lid of the toilet and wait for Jill to finish. Jill is finally done, and she is just doing her skin care, I get up and hug her from behind. I rest my chin on her shoulder and just observe her. I lightly kiss Jill´s neck and she giggles a little. She turns around and puts her arms around my neck. My arms wrap tighter around her waist, and we look deeply into each other eyes.
Suddenly I hear the door open, and Jill quickly pushes me away from her. I take a step back and look at the person who has ruined what was probably the only romantic moment between me and my girlfriend today. It´s Lynn of course it´s Lynn, it`s always Lynn.
“Hey Jilly, I´ve already taken our suitcases to our bedroom, are you finally done?” Lynn asks impatiently and grabs my girlfriend´s hand and pulls her with her.
I just give my reflection an annoyed look and make me was to Jackie´s bedroom, because all the other rooms are filled with happy couples.
The next morning, I walk into Jill and Lynn´s room to let them know breakfast is ready only to see them both snuggled up in bed and sleeping. Viv comes into the bedroom as well and sees the two.
“Oh, they look so cute and peaceful together!” she marvels.
“Oh yes, the perfect couple.” I answer full of sarcasm and make my way downstairs.
The two finally mange to get downstairs and we can start with breakfast.
“How did I get into bed yesterday? I can´t remember going upstairs.” Jackie asks completely confused.
At least now I know I didn´t disturb her while she slept. The others just smirk at me and Beth tells her to check out Katie´s Instagram story. She does as she is told and a smile spreads across her face.
“I hope I didn´t make you feel uncomfortable.” I say cautiously and give her an apologetic smile.
“Oh don´t worry darling I guess I have to thank you and your strong arms.” She says and puts her hand on my upper arm.
I raise an eyebrow in confusion and just tell her that it´s alright.
The weather is very good, our house has a pool, and we just want to relax so we decide against going out and exploring Ibiza and just plan on spending the whole day at the pool.
We get changed and enjoy the day at the pool. After a round of chicken fight in which Lynn had to be a team with Jill, I sat down with Beth and Viv, who were just relaxing on the loungers in the sun and reading. We talked about the season, the injuries they both have, and we all got mad about the fact that the World Cup might not be broadcast in Germany. I´m making my way inside to get some new drinks when Jackie offered to help me, which I gratefully accepted. We go into the kitchen, and I get the bottles out of the fridge and take a few more ice cubes from the freezer.I was about to grab a glass that is on the counter behind her when she hugs me. I ask her if she´s alright as she looks deep into my eyes. She doesn´t answer me, her gaze wanders from my eyes to my lips and she comes closer and closer. Realizing that she wants to kiss me I try to push her away, knowing it´s too late when I hear a glass hit the floor and shatter.
I turn around and my expectation is confirmed. In front of me is my girlfriend with tears in her eyes, her lips are pressed tightly together and her hands, which were previously holding the glass, are now clenches into fists. Shit, I really screwed up. Jill just shakes her head slightly and storms out of the kitchen into the corridor.
I free myself from Jackie´s hug, jump over the shards and run after her. I need to fix this; I messed up so badly.
I find her in the corridor. I slowly come closer to her and want to put my hand on her shoulder, but she slaps it away and glares at me angrily with tears in her eyes.
“What have I done to deserve this just because I´m not ready to make our relationship public yet, really Y/n? I would never do such a thing!” she screams at me.
“I didn´t kiss Jackie, she wanted to kiss me, but I pushed her away!” I try to convince her but she doesn´t believe me.
“Well, it didn´t look like that, besides, you´ve been flirting with each other the whole time since we are here.” she accuses me.
“What am I supposed to say, Lynn and you are always flirting and cuddling not only here but also in Wolfsburg.” I say and immediately regret it.
“You know what Y/n I´m not even going to discuss it with you now. You cheated on me with Jackie I can imagine what you did in your room last night.”
That was the last thing she said before storming up the stairs.
I destroyed everything we had. How am I supposed to get by without her. I must transfer to another club, I can´t stay in Wolfsburg if she is in a happy relationship with Lynn.
I´m so overwhelmed with my emotions, usually Jill helps me when everything is a bit too much for me, but I can´t ask her now. I need something to calm me down. I can´t control myself anymore and the wall I was leaning on before has to suffer. I hit the wall a few times before Daan pulls me off the wall.
My breathing calms, my racing heart slows down, and I become aware of the pain in my hand. My gaze wonders off the wall and over to Viv who holds me in her arms and looks at me worriedly.
“Hey, it’s alright calm down.” she tells me and pulls me into a hug.
“I`m so stupid” I sob into her neck.
“I know what goalkeeper punches a wall; your hands are the most important.” She laughs lightly trying to cheer me up.
“Are you coming, Beth is already in the car?” asks Daan standing at the front door with Ellie.
I look at Viv confused; she tells me we´re driving to the hospital because my hand looks bad. I didn´t even realize before how battered my hand looks, so I just nod still a little bit confused.
I sit in the treatment room and wait for the doctor to let me go home. My arm is broken but not displaced which is good otherwise I would need surgery. I got a cast which is wrapped in a green bandaged to protect it. I chose green for Wolfsburg even through I know I´m not allowed to play with the cast on.
When the door opens, I expect the doctor or a nurse but it´s Jill. I sit up straight and look at her confused. She walks up to me and pulls me into a tight hug. Well, that was unexpected. She rests her forehead against my collarbone and repeatedly murmurs apologies. I wrap my arms around her waist and tell her to look at me. She starts at me with big teary eyes but this time I don´s see any anger in them.
“Hey, my love, you don´t need to apologize, I should have realized earlier that Jackie was flirting with me and I shouldn´t be jealous of you and Lynn, you have every right to be mad at me.” I apologise.
“No, I don´t. I talked to Jackie; she told me that you never flirted with her in any way it was all on her side. She apologized to me and I´ve now told all our friends about our relationship and Lynn is really, really sorry.” She explains.
“I hope I didn´t scared her too much.” I reply.
“She will be fine.” assures me Jill.
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
“That’s impossible.”
We smile at each other and wait for the doctor to arrive. We make our way to the entrance area of the hospital where the others are waiting for us. I am approached by a little boy.
“Excuse me are you Y/N?” he asks nervously.
“Yeah, that’s me.” I confirm.
“I´m a big fan of yours could you give me an autograph?” he asks.
“Of cause, where should I sign?” I reply.
“Could you sign my cast, I wanted to keep it anyways?” he asks.
“Of course, if that’s okay” I ask and look at a woman standing behind him who I think is his mother. She just nods and I kneel carefully in front of the little boy and his mother hands me a pen. I´m having some trouble signing because of my cast but luckily it doesn´t hurt.
“Why are you waring a cast are you alright?” he asks worriedly.
“I had a little accident but nothing to be worried about. I broke my arm like you broke yours. Would you like to sign my cast, then we could be cast buddies?” I ask him.
His eyes widen and a smile form on his face. He looks up at his mother who nods at him, and I offer him the pen. He takes it and is about to sign my cast when the others come and wait for me.He writes his name on my cast and looks at the others.
“Wow, that’s a beautiful name thank you buddy.” I say and notice that he tries to hide behind me and his mother.
“Hey, its alright, they are my friends, you know them, right?” I ask.
He doesn´t dare to speak but comes out of his hiding space. He smiles slightly as I explain to the others that he´s a fan of us. My girlfriend kneels next to me and offers to sign his cast. Jill, Daan, Ellie, Viv, Beth, Katie, Ruesha, Jackie and Lynn sign his cast and his mother takes a picture of us.
When we are back in the house, we are bombarded with questions, which we both answer patiently. Lynn and Jackie apologize to us several times and we enjoy our vacation
I hope you liked it. If you have any improvements, suggestions or requests, please feel free to contact me.
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