#i want a man who looks at me as jack sparrow looks at elizabeth swann
anonymousewrites · 1 month
Pearl of the Sea Chapter Five
Found Family! PoTC Cast x Teen! Reader
Platonic! Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, Jack Sparrow, Tia Dalma x Reader
Chapter Five: Arriving at Isla de Muerta
Summary: The Interceptor catches up to the Black Pearl, which means it's time to save Elizabeth. Or die trying (But hopefully not).
            Despite Jack’s compass not pointing north, though Gibbs insisted it still worked, and storms, the Interceptor made its way towards Isla de Muerta. A heavy fog covered the sea, and wrecks lined the way to the island itself.
            “Dead men tell no tales,” cawed Cotton’s parrot as they sailed in.
            “Puts a chill in me bones, how many honest sailors have been claimed by this passage,” said Gibbs.
            (Y/N) looked down and watched sharks pass by the shipwrecks below. Indeed, many lives had been lost in these waters.
            Will frowned and looked at Jack, who was steering the ship while glancing at his compass. (Y/N) was curious how it worked. If it didn’t point north, where did it point?”
            “How is it that Jack came by that compass?” asked Will, looking at Gibbs.
            “Not a lot’s known about Jack before he showed up in Tortuga with a mind to find the treasure of Isla de Muerta,” said Gibbs. “That was before I met him, when he captained the Black Pearl.”
            (Y/N) tilted their head. “He captained the Black Pearl?”
            Gibbs choked as he took a swig of rum. Clearly, he hadn’t meant to reveal that.
            “He didn’t mention that,” said Will suspiciously. He didn’t like how much Jack was hiding from them. It was dangerous. He’d have to keep an eye on (Y/N) in order to keep them safe.
            “He, uh, keeps things closer to the vest now,” said Gibbs. “A hard-learned lesson it was. Three days out on the venture, the first mate says, ‘everything’s an equal share. That means the location of the treasure, too.’ So, Jack gives up the bearings. That night, there was a mutiny. They marooned Jack on an island and left him to did, but not before he’d gone mad with the heat.”
            “Ah,” said Will. “So that’s the reason for all the…” He imitated Jack’s strange mannerisms.
            “Reason’s got nothing to do with it,” said Gibbs.
            “I think it might just be a Jack thing,” said (Y/N).
            “Now, Will, (Y/N).” Gibbs sat down on a barrel, and (Y/N) and Will sat with him. “When a pirate’s marooned, he’s given a pistol with a single shot—one shot. That won’t do much good hunting, nor to be rescued. But after three weeks of a starving belly and thirst, that pistol starts to look real friendly. But Hack escaped the island and still has that single shot. He won’t use it, though, save on one man. His mutinous first mate.”
            “Barbossa,” said Will, having heard the name floating about.
            “Aye,” confirmed Gibbs.
            (Y/N) leaned forward and tilted their head. “How did Jack escape the island?”
            “I’ll tell ya!” said Gibbs excitedly. “He waded out into the shallows and waited three days and three nights till all manner of sea creatures came acclimated to his presence. On the fourth morning, he roped a couple of sea turtles, lashed them together, and made a raft.”
            “He roped a couple of sea turtles…” repeated Will.
            “Aye, sea turtles,” said Gibbs with a grin.
            (Y/N) frowned. “What did he use for rope?”
            Everyone looked up to find Jack standing before them.
            “Human hair,” he said. “From my back.”
            Gibbs nodded with a grin.
            “Let go anchor,” ordered Jack. They had arrived. The Isla de Muerta and danger waited for them. “Young Mr. Turner and I will go ashore,” said Jack.
            “What? No. I’m coming, too,” said (Y/N). They weren’t leaving Will, and they weren’t abandoning Elizabeth now. Now that she was close, they were determined to help.
            “No,” said Will.
            “Do you want me to stay with you or with all of these people?” said (Y/N), waving their hand at the pirate crew. They hated to manipulate Will, but they were clever, and they could tell Will had been keeping them close due his suspicions of the others, so…they used that to their advantage. Perhaps they did have a bit of pirate in them.
            Will grimaced. “Fair point.”
            “Oh, good, the more the merrier when we march into near-certain death!” said Jack, grinning.
            Will had a feeling he’d regret letting (Y/N) come with him, but he also wanted to keep (Y/N) close in case of danger. He wasn’t leaving them with untrustworthy pirates.
            Will held the lamp while Jack rowed the small lifeboat into the caverns of Isla de Muerta. (Y/N) sat in the middle and watched as they approached a larger tunnel. Voice echoed from in front of them—the crew of the Black Pearl.
            Will cleared his throat as he saw a skeleton lying on the rocky shores. “What, uh, code is Mr. Gibbs to keep to if the worst should happen?”
            “Pirate’s Code,” said Jack. “Any man who falls behind is left behind.”
            “No heroes among thieves, eh?” said Will.
            Jack rolled his eyes. “For having such a bleak outlook on pirates, you’re well on your way to becoming one. Sprung a man from jail, commandeered a ship of the fleet, sailed with a buccaneer out of Tortuga…” A golden shine illuminated the channel, and Jack looked at Will as he gazed at the golden coins. “And you’re completely obsessed with treasure.” He grinned and looked at (Y/N). “Whaddya think?”
            “I like sailing, I like the sea.” (Y/N) looked at the coins. “I’d rather not be weighed down with that.”
            Jack tutted. “We’ll make a pirate out of you yet, treasure-seeking and all.”
            (Y/N) chuckled.
            “You won’t,” said Will forcefully. “Neither of us will be obsessed with treasure, and everything we’ve done is for Elizabeth.”
            Jack grinned and led the way up to a cliff where they could look down at the cavern below. “Not all treasure if silver and gold, mate.”
            “Gentlemen, the time has come!” Barbossa stood in front of his crew atop a pile of gold. “Our salvation is nigh! Our torment is near an end!”
            Elizabeth stood next to him in a burgundy gown, glowering at the men. Leave it to Elizabeth to never back down in the face of possible death.
            “Elizabeth,” said Will worriedly.
            “For ten years we’ve been tested and tried, and each man here has proved his mettle a hundred times over and a hundred times again!” declared Barbossa. The imposing crew shouted in agreement. “Punished we were, the lot of us, disproportionate to our crime! Here it is!” He kicked open a chest of coins. “The cursed treasure of Cortes himself. Every last piece that went astray, we have returned. Save for this!” He pointed at the medallion around Elizabeth’s neck, the necklace she’d worn for years.
            “Lizzie,” murmured (Y/N) worriedly, narrowing their eyes.
            “Jack!” said Will, getting to his feet and drawing his sword.
            “Not yet!” Jack pulled him back down. “We wait for the opportune moment.” He moved down the cliff.
            “When’s that?” asked (Y/N).
            “When it’s of profit to him,” spat Will.
            Jack paused and turned back to face them. “May I ask you a question? Have I ever given you a reason not to trust me?” He didn’t wait for an answer, which likely wouldn’t have been a good one. “Do us a favor. I know it’s difficult for you, but please stay here and try not to do anything stupid.” He grinned at (Y/N). “You, too!” He darted off.
            (Y/N) crossed their arms. “I find him fun, somehow, but I don’t trust him to not have something up his sleeve.”
            Jack narrowed his eyes. “I agree. Let us focus on saving Elizabeth and escaping.”
            (Y/N) nodded. Elizabeth was the first priority.
            And so, Will and (Y/N) crept down the cliff around the back of the treasure pile.
            On the pile of gold, Barbossa continued his speech. “Who among us has paid the blood sacrifice owed to the heathen gods?” Everyone cheered. “And whose blood must yet be paid?”
            “Hers!” They glared at Elizabeth.
            “You know the first thing I’m gonna do when the curse is lifted?” Barbossa grinned. “Eat a whole bushel of apples.”
            Curses? (Y/N) frowned. So magic is real. They could have smiled. Everyone claimed it wasn’t that myths were silly tales, but here was the truth. Magic was as wild and beautiful and dangerous as the sea, and (Y/N) found themself oddly energized by the idea. Something else free like they wanted to be.
            Barbossa pushed Elizabeth over Cortes’s gold and grabbed a knife.
            “Blood, blood!” chanted the pirates. “Blood, blood, blood!”
            “Begun by blood,” said Barbossa. “By blood undone.”
            Will and (Y/N) arrived behind Jack. Will grabbed an oar, and before (Y/N) could ask what he was doing, he swung. It hit Jack in the head, and he crumpled.
            “What was that?” said (Y/N).
            “We’re not becoming his leverage,” said Will, narrowing his eyes. “He needed us—me—for something. I’m not giving him that satisfaction.”
            “I feel bad leaving him behind for Barbossa to find,” said (Y/N), frowning and hesitating.
            Will’s gaze softened. (Y/N) was a good kid. “It’s what’s necessary.” He gently took their arm and pulled them farther into the cavern. “Come on.”
            They snuck around the treasure pile while Barbossa drew his knife across Elizabeth’s palm. Her blood dripped onto the medallion and dropped into the treasure chest. The pirates went silent, anxiously awaiting some sign the curse had broken.
            None came, and they looked at each other in confusion.
            “Did it work?” muttered one.
            “I don’t feel no different,” said another.
            “How do we tell?” asked a third.
            Barbossa rolled his eyes and shot the third. The pirate jumped, but he did not fall. The bullet rocketed through him with no harm done to him.
            “You’re not dead!” cried a pirate.
            “No!” said the shot pirate in relief. He frowned and looked at Barbossa. “You shot me!”
            “It didn’t work!” shouted another pirate. “The curse is still upon us!” An angry clamor went up.
            Barbossa grabbed Elizabeth roughly, and (Y/N) nearly jumped out in anger. Will grabbed them, silently cursing their wild nature.
            “You, maid! Your father, what was his name?!” demanded Barbossa. “Was your father William Turner?!”
            (Y/N) narrowed their eyes. That would explain why Jack was so concerned about Will’s name. His father was involved with the curse.
            “No,” said Elizabeth, smirking.
            “Where’s his child that sailed from England eight years ago and in whose veins flows the blood of William Turner?!” interrogated Barbossa.
            He needs Will’s blood to end the curse, thought (Y/N). Jack had fully intended to use Will to his advantage due to that. That upset (Y/N).
            Elizabeth just looked at Barbossa, smug at having tricked him. Furious, he backhanded her. Elizabeth fell down the back of the treasure pile. (Y/N) slid into the water and swam to the pile while Will tried to pull them behind him. He intended to lead the way in case the pirates noticed, but, as always, (Y/N) just forged ahead according to their own whims.
            (Y/N) shook Elizabeth, and when she jerked up, they put a finger to their lips. Elizabeth’s eyes widened in shock, and Will smiled and gestured at her to follow them into the water. While the pirates argued behind them, the three swam for the exit and the rowboat awaiting them.
            “The medallion! She’s taken it!”
            (Y/N) moved faster as Barbossa’s shout echoed towards them. He had noticed Elizabeth’s escape. They paused as they arrived at the rowboats.
            “(Y/N), come on,” said Elizabeth.
            “I have an idea,” said (Y/N), grabbing all the oars they could hold.
            Behind the lifeboat Will rowed furiously, a trail of oars led the way to the Interceptor. Hopefully, a lack of lifeboats would slow Barbossa and his men down.
            Elizabeth groaned as she looked at the men on board the Interceptor. “Not more pirates.”
            “Welcome aboard, Miss Elizabeth,” said Gibbs.
            “Mr. Gibbs?” Elizabeth hadn’t expected to ever see him again.
            “Hey, boy, where be Jack?” said Gibbs to Will.
            “Jack? Jack Sparrow?” Elizabeth was surprised to hear his name.
            “He fell behind,” said Will.
            Gibbs was silent, and the crew murmured until he lifted his head. “Keep to the Code.”
            (Y/N) remained silent and looked back at the island. They hadn’t wanted to leave him behind. They couldn’t trust him, but they hadn’t wanted to harm him. Truly. If only Jack hadn’t been so intent to send them all into danger…
            “What sort of man trades a man’s life for a ship?” muttered Elizabeth after Will recounted the story of how they arrived at Isla de Muerta and she had recounted her own trials against Barbossa. “Pirate.”
            “I don’t know,” said (Y/N), shrugging.
            Will carefully wrapped a cloth around Elizabeth’s wounded hand. “You said you gave Barbossa my name as yours.” He looked up. “Why?”
            “I don’t know,” said Elizabeth, avoiding Will’s gaze.
            Because you two are in love with each other, that’s why, thought (Y/N). Honestly, it was obvious.
            Elizabeth cleared her throat. “Thank you for making sure (Y/N) was safe.” She looked at them. “Though I do not know why they insisted on running into danger.”
            “Because you were already in danger,” said (Y/N). “I couldn’t leave you there.”
            Elizabeth smiled gently. “Thank you. Both of you.” She cleared her throat again and lifted the medallion from around her neck. “Allow me to be honest. This is yours, Will.”
            “I thought I’d lost it the day they rescued me…” said Will. “It was a gift from my father. He sent it to me.”
            “Why did you take it, Lizzie?” asked (Y/N).
            Elizabeth looked down in shame. “Because I was afraid that he was a pirate. And then Norrington and my father would have…” She trailed off. She didn’t need to finish her thought.
            (Y/N) interjected in order to keep them from all breaking down. “That coin is cursed. And Barbossa wanted the child of William Turner. That means they need Will’s blood.”
            Will’s hand curled around the medallion angrily as the truth settled in. “The blood of a pirate.”
            “I’m so sorry. Please, forgive me,” said Elizabeth, guilty for having taken the medallion.
            Will slammed the medallion down on the table. Jack had told him he was the son of a pirate, but he hadn’t wanted to believe it. Now he had to.
            (Y/N) rose and walked out of the room. Elizabeth quickly followed. They’d give Will the moment he needed to process everything.
            (Y/N) stepped out onto the deck of the Interceptor, and they felt the air whip around them. Something dark and bitter was carried in the air. They looked back at the direction of Isla de Muerta, and (Y/N) frowned. They had a feeling that the sea had more in store for them.
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ellena-asg · 7 months
I'm thinking about that moment in Tortuga where James says to Joshamee "So, do I make your crew or not? You haven't said where you're going. SOMEWHERE NICE?!". Yeah, I know he is irritated, bitter, sarcastic, unhappy and 100% a mess after losing his job and everything he had. But...
He is also drunk. Very drunk. And very... alone. What if alcohol makes him more open? What if James' question is, yes, bitter but... also sincere? What if the bitterness is in that moment caused by the bigger pain? What if frustration is caused by jealousy and loneliness?
Yes, I think that James may be jealous (but not in negative way) and damn lonely. Just look at his life portrayed in both: The Curse of the Black Pearl and Sins of the father (cause this book adds so much to James' bio).
His father was like "Pirates are the worst and you have to be anti pirate. If you are anti pirate then you are a cool kid". His society is like "We are noble, we are right, we have money, we serve the king, we obey the rules, we are cool". So James serves and obeys, he (unlike Lizzie) lets society to completely devour him, he has his career and place amongst the people but... not really.
Father abused and didn't really care about him. People respect him mostly as an officer and "fine gentleman". We see no friends around him. Gillette, Groves? Their relationship with James is shown as rather professional. Lizzie? At the beginning of the first movie they don't have any bond with each other. There is mutual respect and kindness but there's no friendship yet. Papa Swann? He is kind to James, sure. But James seems to still feel alone. He looks terribly lonely (shout out to amazing Jack Davenport). In so many scenes we see him standing in Dramatic Pose and looking at other people with these Sad Sad Eyes.
We see him working and working and working. Serving and obeying. Being many people's dog. Still feeling like "not enough" to some of them. Even his love for the sea (and him being a sailor) is somewhere in the background.
And then there is his proposal. He sees that Lizzie is very nervous but instead of "she doesn't like me in romantic way" he seems to have some hope that she will say yes and that he will finally have someone to love (and who will love him back - maybe). But soon he loses that hope. Lizzie falls, he meets Jack again, Will pops up too, pirates now are everywhere...
And what do James' eyes see? Jack isn't like those pirates from Norrington Sr.'s horror tales. Jack isn't evil. Jack has good manners. Jack is clever. Jack has his charm - and it works even on anti pirate people! (Groves and his "Best pirate I have ever seen OMG", Murtogg and Mullroy and their "Why won't we listen to Captain's advice and..."). Oh, for sure he has it. Joshamee Gibbs, a decent person and once a Navy's man joined his crew! And mr Gibbs seems to be happy with his new life. William Turner, the biggest cinnamon roll in the town - he met Sparrow and five minutes later they're best friends forever! And they have fun together. They have adventures together. They do friendly things for each other (Will defends Jack, he is ready to die for and with him!!!). Elizabeth Swann, the sweetest and wisest girl James has ever met, she... she is Jack's friend too! And she loves Will (a pirate!), she's going to marry Will! She is amongst pirates. She seems to be safe and happy with them. Papa Swann, even Papa Swann is now like "Err... I love Lizzie and Lizzie loves Will so I should love Will too, I guess. By the way, James, you can try to hunt Jack Sparrow and his pirates but Lizzie won't be happy, just saying".
Jack, Joshamee and their crew, Lizzie, Will... They all have now what James never had and what he still secretly wants (oh, I bet!). They have each other. They have friendship. They have love. They go where they want and do what their hearts want. They have freedom.
They are like found family having adventures, seeing places and sometimes being heroes to other people (being heroes without being someone's dogs). Being there for each other. Even when they lose something, they still have each other. They are brave in a way James can't be (oh, not yet). Strong, full of hope and so free. Always so free. Always so ready to fight.
They have it all. James at the end of COTBP has only his job and, still, his bitterness for pirates (so as always, nothing nice). James at the beginning of DMC has nothing. He lost ships, he lost career, he lost home and he's alone.
James' father and his society always were like "Pirates are outsiders, you are with us so you're a cool kid". But what if... when James looks at Lizzie, Will, Jack & Co, he thinks "No! THEY are cool kids and I feel like an outsider"? What if such thought hits him hard when he sees Jack's crew in that tavern? When he sees them again, after all what happened to him (and because of them). He sees them and they are like always: together, okay with their life no matter what, so damn strong and prepared for the future. They lose - they try again - they win. He always loses. He's always alone. What if that damn hurricane was a sign?
What if, when he sees them doing their things and when he's so alone and lost and so drunk... what if something inside him finally breaks?
And what if he joins them not only because of Lizzie wanting to help him and finally being his friend but first and foremost because he finally can do what he wants? He's free now (from his duties, from his father's ghost, from his society). He doesn't have to hunt pirates. Maybe he doesn't have to be so salty... He's lost. And he wants to belong. What if he can belong to their pirate pack? Oh, alcohol makes him very open.
So, do I make your crew or not? You haven't said where you're going. Somewhere nice?!
Somewhere nice would be great. Right, Jamie? You crave for nice things in your life. Being part of the pack would be nice, right?
James: Do I belong or NOT?! 😭
(but oh, soon he is sober and he looks like an outsider again, he watches Lizzie interacting with her pirates and looks like "How do they do all that friendship stuff? And... sea turtles? What sea turtles?! What are they talking about? They're so... I can't. I don't belong, I'm afraid. I'd better go back to previous life and..." 😢)
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eli-am-confused · 2 months
Ok I’ve been rewatching the Pirates of the Caribbean movies and I have some THOUGHTS!
(I have not finished the fourth movie so this is about the first three, tho really mostly the third one, At World’s End. This also mostly has nothing to do with Captain Jack Sparrow because he is perfect, no notes)
1) Why didn’t Elizabeth join Will on The Flying Dutchman at the end of At World’s End?
And you may be saying “Eli you have to be dying in order to join the crew!” Stab her! Easy fix! That’s how Will died!
Next you’ll try to be like, “Eli you have to be afraid of death to join the crew!” Bitch where? Yeah at first it may seem like that because Davy Jones is going around “are you afraid of death?” But the guys gambling their years? Will offering to join the crew for eternity as a bet? None of them were afraid to die in those moments! I think all that is needed is an agreement (most of the time audible) to staying on as crew and how many years they are willing to serve.
To anyone that wants to argue that being crew of the Flying Dutchman is an eternal punishment no it is not. It was only that way because Davy Jones created that situation from his own betrayal and grief. Will would never create such a hostile work environment so long as his father (and/or Elizabeth) are there to keep him sane.
So I think at the end of that movie Elizabeth should have either stabbed her self or made Will do it and join the Flying Dutchman’s crew for as long as he was captain. I think she would make it as first-mate while also still holding out her title as King of the Pirates so they could be equals to one another. Elizabeth goes to the pirates meetings as both the King of Pirates and representative for Captain Will of the Flying Dutchman. They live together happily. The End.
The only excuse I will take for Elizabeth not joining the crew of the Flying Dutchman is that she has given herself the duty of protecting Will’s heart as the King of Pirates which brings me onto my next point.
2) If Elizabeth Swann didn’t get to keep her title as King of the Pirates I’m going to riot!
I think if she didn’t become a part of the Flying Dutchman’s crew then she should’ve taken Will’s heart and kept it at the cove where all the pirates held their meeting! At the cove she continues building it up as a pirate stronghold and place of neutral pirate territory (meaning a place of relative peace).
“Eli why would pirates have a king who rules over them?” That is not what Elizabeth as the King of Pirates would be doing. She would hold the cove as a pirate stronghold, be able to call on the nine pirate lords when the need arises, be the final deciding vote in major pirate decisions that need a deciding vote, and be a middle man when pirates (specifically lords) are having major issues that can’t be resolved any other way. The cove would be yet another safe place for pirates to convene when they need to and Elizabeth as the King would oversee it with her crew.
In this she would have her own crew or multiple crews for different purposes. One of her crews goes to sail the seas and pillage and bring back riches for the cove and the other stays and keeps everything running, they can even switch off (other pirates would not be required to pay taxes to Elizabeth in this scenario). If you think a pirate captain owning multiple ships and crews under their command is unrealistic then look into the real life Pirate Queen Zheng Yi Sao (also just look into her cause she’s really cool and if you like pirates you’ll love her story).
This way Elizabeth could protect Will’s heart at the pirate stronghold she is king of but she could also still go off to sea to see Will when she wants to.
3)I hate love triangles and think polyam relationships are fun (basically fan fiction)
Anyone else watch the fight scene in Dead Man’s Chest and were like “damn James and Will should kiss.” Cause…
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Wow guys way to have both the gayest choreography and eye contact I’ve ever seen as someone who watched Spies are Forever. Like they also right after this fight over Elizabeth but damn if I couldn’t cut their sexual tension with a knife. Anyone else but Captain Jack Sparrow would have been so uncomfortable being the third wheel of this fight.
And I know what you’re saying “Eli James dies saving Elizabeth and her crew in At World’s End.” Yeah, ok, but what if he didn’t? This is my post about my thoughts I’m allowed to write some fan fiction while I’m thinking about it!
Anyway here’s my thoughts on how their polyam relationship could go if the writers weren’t cowards.
I think they all go on to do completely different things, separating for as long as they want basically. Elizabeth keeps being King of the Pirates basically as stated above, Will becomes Captain of the Flying Dutchman as he does in canon, and James either becomes a pirate himself (joining either of their crews) or keeps hunting down pirates as he’s been doing the whole series (preferably not working for the East Trading Company anymore for obvious reasons of the company just being the worst(you know what I’m talking about here)).
If James becomes a pirate he would stay on as Elizabeth’s first mate. He takes care of the other half of her crew while she’s away. James spends most of his time out at sea collecting treasure for the pirate stronghold but when Elizabeth wants to sail he stays at the stronghold to keep things (Will’s heart) safe there. Elizabeth and James take turns on visiting the Flying Dutchman.
If James continues doing as he has always done and hunts down pirates then there could be a much more interesting story there. I don’t think he’d actually continue to try doing any real damage, he’s more of a double agent. He pretends to be really dead set on hunting down the King of Pirates and the Flying Dutchman basically keeping all the other pirate hunters away from Elizabeth and Will. I’d love to see all three of them actually pretending to hate each other and be dead set on each other’s destruction but then when they capture each other they’re just like “are you doing ok? Do you need anything? Fruit? A warm blanket? Are you taking care of yourself?” And they’re just generally so sweet to each other. They play up hating each other because they’re all bored af and live for the drama ngl.
In that terms there are two ways it could go as they grow older. Either the hatred and bitterness become real and they actually end tragically or Elizabeth and James just join the Flying Dutchman’s crew and they continue on going and being really sweet and taking care of the souls they fairy on. Both options could be so much fun!
And with that onto the last real thing I wanted to talk about that has nothing to do with Elizabeth and Will.
4) Gay pirates getting married!
Just so everyone is aware this was a thing back in the day. Pirates very often got gay married and would share all of their loot with one another and basically do everything with one another. Sound familiar? Cause it should.
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That’s right. I’m 100% convinced these two idiots were married! And you might be like “Eli they made some pretty creepy remarks.” Yeah, they did, they’re pirates and bad people. Pirates don’t generally care about that type of stuff but I’m also sure they fucking talked shit out.
Anyway they definitely got married by Captain Jack Sparrow but then then they mutinied they got married again by Captain Barbossa just to “make sure it’s still legit” but in reality they just wanted to get married again. I’m sure Barbossa didn’t actually care tho as he enjoys weddings too and is always happy to up his Captain credits.
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Barbossa married these two as well! If no one remembers the end of At World’s these two join the pirates! I think that they got married like right after they left Jack and Mr. Gibbs. Barbossa again wanted to up his Captain credit.
That’s it those are most of my thoughts! If anyone wants to talk about any of what I’ve said here I’m happy to talk about it with someone. If not I’m honestly just surprised you read it all thank you!
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random-of-random · 3 months
The Pirate Queen
Chapter 8 - The Rescue of Elizabeth
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Author’s Note: I am so sorry this took me so long!!
In that moment she wasn’t afraid, more exhausted. The anxiety that had plagued her was more than enough for her liking. Everyone had to die someday, maybe today was hers. At least Sam was waiting on the other side.
She stood with a stretch before pulling her jacket around her and making her way toward the doors. Locked. Of course.
Clenching her jaw she listened carefully to the shouts of the men on deck. They had clearly found something and now she was worried.
Alice began pacing back and forth. Her mind wandered to if she could break the lock on the door, but what could, or even would, that do.
“Commodore!” The man who stood outside her prison said quickly. Alice moved back to the bed and sat down as the door opened. Norrington walked in. He was in full dress, the wig replaced, and the door shut quickly behind him. Alice would have been lying if she said his blue eyes didn’t make her heart race. If the idea of being close to him wasn’t everything she wanted.
“We have found an island.” He said quickly. “There was a thick plume of smoke rising from it.” He began to explain.
“James…” Alice said quickly and he looked to her. “Get to it.”
“We sent a boat ashore and it is Elizabeth.” James let out a sigh or relief. “She is with Jack Sparrow. They are bringing both of them aboard now.”
Alice took a breath and then gave him a small smile. “The Navy has found her. Thank the heavens.”
“Indeed.” Norrington replied. “They are bringing her aboard now. I know you two are friends. Would you come and greet her?”
Alice thought for a moment before quickly nodding her head yes. It was no secret that Alice grew to absolutely care for Elizabeth.
“Good.” Norrington said quickly and he walked to the door, giving it three quick knocks. The officer outside opened it. “Please?” Norrington offered his arm to Alice and the two of them walked on deck. It seemed the sailors were told to avoid her gaze as all of them began to look down. A few brave ones eyes followed her.
The longboat bringing the rescued back had already made its way to the ship. Alice was left against a railing before Norrington took his place beside Groves. It seemed an eternity and simultaneously a moment before Elizabeth and Sparrow were on board.
The first person Elizabeth went for was her father - who had avoided eye contact with Alice as much as he could. Still, when his daughter hugged him his features softened and Alice could tell how genuinely happy he was to be holding his daughter.
“Frances!” The use of her fake name caught her off guard, but she had no time to think before Elizabeth’s arms were around her and holding her impossibly tight.
“I am relieved you are alright, Elizabeth.” Alice said to her as the younger woman pulled from her grasp with a kind smile. Elizabeth moved once again toward her father as Jack Sparrow was brought on board. His eyes went from one person to the next until he fell on Alice and gave her a wide grin.
“We must head for Port Royal.” Governor Swann said quickly.
“But we have to got save Will!” Elizabeth argues.
“No!” Governor Swann interrupted. “You’re safe now. We will return to Port Royal immediately. Not go gallivanting after pirates.”
“Then we condemn him to death!” Elizabeth argued.
“The boys fate is regrettable.” Governor Swann tried to placate her. “But then so is his decision to engage in piracy.” Alice rolled her eyes and immediately took a slight step toward Jack.
“To rescue me!” Elizabeth pushed. “To prevent anything from happening to me!”
Alice felt Jack beginning to step forward. “Jack, don’t-“
“If I may be so bold as to interject my professional opinion.” Jack started as he walked toward Norrington and the Governor. Alice gave a grimace and tried to make herself invisible. “The Pearl was listing after the battle. It’s very unlikely she’ll be able to make good time.” Jack turned his attention to Norrington. “Think about it. The Black Pearl. The last real pirate threat in the Caribbean, mate.” At the moment he turned to look at Alice. “Present company excluded.. though you’re more up toward the colonies are you, love?”
Norrington coughed and Jack turned his attention back to the Commodore. “Yes, sorry, how could you pass that up? Eh?”
Norrington seemed to scoff. “By remembering that I serve others Mr. Sparrow, not only myself.”
“Commodore.” Elizabeth spoke up. “I beg you, please do this. For me.” Norrington began walking up the stairs. “As a wedding gift.” Norrington seemed to stop in his tracks and Alice felt her heart sink. The look on James’ face was one of elation, then confusion. Alice could not bare to look at him a second more. She turned to the horizon. The water offering her the comfort she most desperately needed. Tears were welling in her eyes and she desperately tried to push them away.
“Elizabeth.” Governor Swann interjected. “Are you accepting the Commodore’s proposal?”
“I am.” She answered with certainty.
“A wedding!” Jack Sparrow’s voice jumped over everything. “I love weddings! Drinks all around.” Norrington gave him a hard stare. “I know… ‘Clap him in irons’ right?”
Norrington began walking down the stairs, his eyes focused on Jack. “Mr. Sparrow, you will accompany these fine men to the helm and provide us with a bearing to the Isla de Muerta. You will then spend the rest of the voyage contemplating all possible meanings of the phrase ‘silent as the grave’. Do I make myself clear?” No one saw his eyes flicker to Alice, his heart dropping as he saw her staring into the horizon.
“Inescapably clear.” Jack said quickly before he turned to Alice. “We have to talk, love.” He was quickly dragged away.
Alice stood silent, her heart pounding and her mouth dry. Norrington had accepted Elizabeth’s proposal. Nothing she could have ever wanted mattered. Even in her wildest dreams. Her throat felt painfully dry, yet at the same time she wanted to scream, wanted to cry.
Groves grabbed her arm softly. “I am sorry, ma’am, I have to take you back to your quarters.” Alice barely nodded as she let herself be led away. He took her to the same captain’s quarters, his touch soft and understanding. Still, he left her there and the distinct click of the lock let her know where she stood.
She almost couldn’t feel her legs as they lead her toward the bed and she sat, contemplating everything she had just heard. Her only goal now? She needed to get out. She needed to escape this ship and her back to her men. More than that, Jack Sparrow. She didn’t relish seeing a fellow pirate hung, so now she knew she needed to get him out as well.
Alice was deep in thought and plan when the door opened again. She looked up a moment later, but the person standing in the quarters surprised her. Elizabeth Swann shut the door being her, those eyes dead set on Alice. She needed a talk.
“Who are you?” Elizabeth asked quickly.
“You don’t mince words, Miss Swann.” Alice answered.
“Neither my father, nor Commodore Norrington would bring you here, if it wasn’t vitally important”
Alice let out a small chuckle. “You knew I wasn’t who I said I was.” Alice said quickly. “I told you the truth days ago.” Elizabeth seemed to take a big breath before she walked across the room and sat on the bed next to her friend.
“You’re Mad Alice, the pirate, aren’t you?”
Alice laughed. “I never doubted your intelligence, Elizabeth.”
“So, it’s true?” Her voice seemed quiet and sad.
“I meant what I said. I was going to tell you.” Alice assured her. “I planned to write you a letter when we were safely far away from Port Royal.” To Alice’s surprise Elizabeth wrapped her in her arms and hugged her tightly. It was unusual at the start, but soon Alice’s arms wrapped around Elizabeth as well and the two stayed like that for a moment.
“I need you to know-“ Elizabeth started as she pulled away. “I made my father promise to not have you harmed and to let you leave as soon as we return to Port Royal.”
“Thank you.” Alice said softly. She did believe Elizabeth - that she had made her father promise. However, people that hated pirates as much as Governor Swann were not in the habit of making these type of promises - even if it was for his beloved daughter.
Alice filed that away as a potentially positive thing, but she didn’t know if she could trust it. Did she trust Elizabeth and even James? Yes. Everyone else on Port Royal? Not as far as she could throw them. Alice mind turned to the last days.
“Tell me, Elizabeth. What of Barbosa?”
Elizabeth’s face paled. “Alice…. They.. they are not what you could ever believe.”
“What do you mean?”
“The worst tales I could ever imagine are true.” Elizabeth replied and Alice could feel the young woman’s body shaking against the bed before she continued. “The moonlight shows what they really are - cursed. It’s as if their skin peals away. In the moonlight it shows their skeletons.” Elizebeth’s eyes are wide. “They are stuck that way.” She grabbed Alice’s hands. “I swear to you that I am not lying.”
“Elizabeth…” Alice said softly. “I believe you.” Alice didn’t feel the need to reveal the pirate stories that had already been told. Elizabeth seemed to let out a breath she had been holding. “There are things in this world that we can never explain. Who am I to judge?” They two women sat in silence for a moment. “You must tell me though… Will… tell me of Will.”
Elizabeth’s face softened. “He was the man I was speaking of before the attack. We… the ship I was crossing on a child, we found him in the water. His ship had been attacked by pirates.” Her eyes misted. “His father was a member of the original crew of the Black Pearl. They killed his father before they knew he needed his blood.m to break the curse.”
Alice couldn’t help but laugh and Elizabeth turned to her in surprise. “Forgive me, Miss Elizabeth.” She said quickly. “It just seems that you are one who finds yourself surrounded by pirates.”
Elizabeth chuckled. “Well, I have come to find that not all pirates are bad.” Alice gave her a kind smile.
“Alice… I, I need to apologize to you.”
“For what?”
“Because I am going to have to marry Norrington.” Alice lowered her head. “I know how you feel about him. I see the way the two of you look at each other and-“ Alice held up her hand.
“Please, do not apologize, Elizabeth. What else could have ever possibly happened?” Alice laugh. “A Commodore and a notorious Pirate? That could have never worked.”
“Alice…” Elizabeth’s eyes were soft. “I need to ask you something. Will you answer me honestly?”
“That I can not promise you.” Alice answered. “But I will try.”
“Are you in love with James Norrington?” Elizabeth asked. The silence in the quarters overtook them. The waves lapped against the wood and the sailors shouted orders and walked along the ship, their footsteps echoing. Alice thought about how to answer. If she knew an answer. Or course she knew an answer. Her eyes turned to Elizabeth who seemed to be eagerly waiting. Instead of saying a single word, Alice’s eyes softened. A smile crossed her features. Elizabeth didn’t need to hear a single word.
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ha1taniwh0re · 1 year
Can I have Elizabeth Swann x Fem reader where she sees scars on reader and kisses them when reader is changing? (Like near death or abuse scars not self harm)
Of course, I hope you will like it💓
Beautiful scars
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Well when I met Elizabeth it was on Tortuga. I was the first pirate who saw that she is not a man.
"Why are you dress like that?" I asked while drinking my drink.
"What do you mean?" She asked
"You are not a men a I can see your boobs from here" I said and smiled.
She started blushing a little.
"Im trying to find Captain Jack Sparrow" she said.
"Jack? Well lucky for you Im one of his crew mates" I said and looked at her.
"you will lead me to him??" She asked.
"I will but for good price" I said.
"I don't have money" she said.
"Who said I want money?" I said.
"Than what do you want?"
"I don't know, you?"
She was so red I thought she will explode.
"Im not some Tortuga whore!!"
"I didn't mean sleeping with me. Well we will get to that part maybe but later. I like you... you are beautiful and I can say strong women" I said while started walking towards her.
She didn't move a bit.
"Like I saw fearless women" I said and kissed her and she kissed me back.
That's how I ended up being in relationship with Elizabeth. Now we are on Black Pearl in my cabin. It was early in the morning so I woke up and sat on the edge of the bed to get up but I accidentally woke Elizabeth up.
"Why are you up so early?" She asked.
"Oh my dear Lord Im so sorry that I woke you up" I said and kissed her on forehead, "Go back to sleep" I said.
"Alright" she smiled and lay down again.
I smiled at her and got up to change into my clothes. While I was changing my shirt I didn't notice Elizabeth looking at me.
"How you got all those scars??" She asked and got up from bed.
"Well Im pirate baby, I fight all the time" I said and smiled.
She looked at them for a few minutes and started kissing them. The feeling was good. I continue to change while she was still kissing my scars. When I wanted to put on my shirt but she took it from my hands and kissed me. I kissed her back and we started walking towards bed while kissing, and after a few steps we fell on bed.
"Elizabeth Swann.. what are you doing??" I asked while chuckling.
"I want to kiss your every scar and I didn't finish when you wanted to pur your shirt" she said and smirked.
I will leave the rest to you<33
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Hello! You did such an amazing job with my last request! Can I get a one-shot where the reader is a member of Barbossa’s crew? She develops a crush on him and writes about it in her journal. One day, he finds her journal and reads it, and this is how he learns about her feelings.
A/N: Hello dear💖, thanks for your request, forgive me if the writing isn't as good as the last one, I haven't been writing in a while, as for anyone else waiting for their requests, I will get to it soon just working through it slowly.
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A journal of desires📚💋
Synopsis: Barbossa finds y/n's secret journal detailing her desires for him.
Warnings: none.
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Water sprayed onto the girls face as she was just about to finish her last sentence; the green, slimy seaweed dangled over her head. “Blar! blusterous sea biscuit!” the girl spat out the salt water. Y/n was hired as a gunner for the pearl, someone who’s in charge of manning the canons and looking after the groups who fired them, though she wasn’t a master gunner. Y/n tried to shake out all the dripping, wet water from her book. She hope the black soot wasn’t running off the page. Y/n jumped off the barrel stock of gun powder, her mind was in two places; on one hand, she was worried if the briny deep dripped inside the gun powder. Two if anyone had heard her enough to cause scuttlebutt. She prayed to hope it was neither; quickly y/n opened the barrel to feel the texture of the gun powder which was luckily for her still dry.
“On yer feet lass, ye best not be slackin, less ye want ta’ be keelhauled” The master gunner spotted sight of y/n feeling the gun powder.
“Aye, just checkin’ tha’ gun powder, we ad’ a monstrous wave pour overboard” Y/n saluted her higher rank.
“And” he asked.
“It be dry” y/n softly replied.
The master gunner gave y/n a filthy look of annoyance. He wasn’t particularly friendly with those lower than him but at least he had experience with the canons. The master gunner walked off to attend his duty while keeping an ear out to hear an order from the captain to aim the canons.
Y/n came from Tortuga, she stole goods and fired shots of ammunition at the Navy when they crossed into the faithful bride. Barbossa admired her strong aim, never once did she miss on sight. He appointed the talented lass as the gunner. There were other ranks of course that filled the spot: the quarter master, the first mate, the cook, the gunner, the medical surgeon, navigator, the boatswain and finally the captain. There’s quite a lot in terms of roles to smooth out the ship but no one could be more experienced than the captain himself. He had sailed with the legendary Jack Sparrow and fought alongside the famous pirate king, Elizabeth Swann.
Y/n quickly jotted the last remaining sentences in her soaking journal using the last remains of soot.
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With her final smile of the last entry, she closed the journal and slid the book in between the gaps of the barrels. Though just as y/n strolled off to attend her maintenance duty, the journal peeked out from the edges.
Captain Barbossa wondered down the main deck to listen toward his fellow mates complaining; the master gunner blabbered on and on about the minor inconveniences of having that blasted wench on board. That is until he noticed a journal in between the gaps of the barrels, intrigued he reached for it—even if it was slimy and wet. Hector curiously opened the front page of the book, reading word from word his eyes started to appear slightly wide at the description of him. “Dashing, handsome and desirable” he thought, it was quite interesting to see who in the seven seas desired him, considering he was the opposite of what you would want in a man. Closing the book quickly, he turned toward the master gunner gripping him by the collar “I can ear yer whales o’ scuttlebutt, best not thin’ I care laddie” he threatened.
The master gunner fearfully nodded; he landed on the ground with a ‘thud’ as the captain went off to find who wrote in the journal. Barbossa had planned to give them scurvy toward this sick jest, he had no tolerance for weird sorts of jokes like this. Hector observed the Journal to see who it was written by, though his curiosity had been put to rest when he saw the name “Y/N, L/N”.
“Aye, so it be yer, hm?” Barbossa muttered to himself, he slid the journal in his coat to privately confront y/n.
Barbossa went off to locate y/n’s whereabouts which luckily didn’t seem too hard as she was swabbing the deck with the other rum pot deckhands. “Avast missy, need ta’ speak wit’ yer’” Barbossa directed the girl, with another sigh y/n prepared for her next punishment from slacking off within writing. The two travelled inside the captain's quarters, Barbossa stood in front of the desk which held maps, treasures, and slices of green apples.
“Am I in trouble captain—” Y/n questioned, “Nay ye be naught, though I be curious ta’ know why ye wrote such descriptive literature bout me features n’ desires toward me” Barbossa held up the Journal.
Y/n was nearly as red as a beet in that moment, she couldn’t believe out of everyone who had to find out, it just so happened to be Captain Barbossa.
“I-I can explain Captain, its, it's quite simple really I…Just so happen to have a—crush on ye” Y/n quietly admitted. By the blusterous seas, she would rather just be plundered right now; all her embarrassing thoughts and dreams felt like they were getting exposed. It’s like she woke up one day naked in front of the crew. Captain Barbossa didn’t play it off awkwardly though instead he just placed a hand toward the woman’s shoulder “aye, we all be youn’ once n’ full o’ curious feelins’”.
Y/n didn’t know what was weirder, the fact Barbossa was just so casual about this or the fact he knows all her desires. “D-do you want to go stargazing captain” Y/n asked nervously.
“Aye, a captain always follows the stars home” Barbossa smiled with a lightful banter in his tone.
The two spent their evening speaking of old tales and adventures from their youths.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta ✨
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sweettee18 · 1 year
POTC Imagines
Cutler Beckett x(Child) reader
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The Locket
Warning: Tragic story, death
Cutler Beckett had been raising his daughter, Eliza, for nine years since the death of his beloved wife, Ava, an African-American noble woman, daughter of a former pirate king. When Eliza asked about the locket he wore in front of his neck cuff, that’s when he decided that she was old enough to know what became of her mother on that tragic day.
It had been nine years since the death of Cutler Beckett‘s wife, Ava, who left the world, leaving him to raise their daughter, Eliza by himself. With a help from Captain Jack sparrow, her godfather, along with Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann and Governer Swann(He Lives In This Story)😊 . And of course, Captain Hector Barbossa of the Black Pearl.
Ava was known to be the daughter of a former pirate king, who later retired and became a baron. He married, and had a family. A wife, three sons, and four daughters. One of which, was the one Beckett fell in love with, and that was Ava. He never thought that he would fall in love with someone until he laid his eyes on her. Somehow, the pirates, Beckett and EITC made peace and later on, he and Ava married and had little Eliza.
Throughout the years, he became very protective of his daughter, not wanting to lose her too. As she grew older, she began to be very fond of everyone, including Beckett’s right hand man, Mr. Mercer, whom she often called ‘Uncle Ian’, which made Mr. Mercer smile.
One night after supper, as Beckett was tucking Ava into bed, Ava asked her father, “Papa? What is that you wear on your neck cuff?” Lord Beckett looked down at the brooch that she pointed out. “Oh, this was a wedding gift that your mother had given to me on the night after our wedding.” He said as he took off the brooch and opened it. “It is actually a locket that she had given to me after we married.”
Ava looked closely at the picture of her mother. She never thought she looked so beautiful. “How old was I when she passed away?“ Ava asked as she looked at Beckett, who began to have tears in his eyes, knowing that one way or the other she will have to know what happened to her mother.
“ You were just seven weeks old and Captain Jack sparrow had just became your godfather at the time the tragedy occurred.” Beckett said as he did his best not to break down in front of his daughter for he did not wish for her to see him cry.
Nine years ago…..
“Three months after me and your mother married, she discovered she was pregnant with you. I was ecstatic that I was going to be a father. I loved your mother so much. Her smile brought the light in the room. When I first met her, she was a little harsh toward me.
“What was her impression when she first met you?” Beckett looked at his daughter and did his best not to laugh as he said, “At first, she didn’t like me because of my hatred for pirates. What she told me will forever be in the back of my head. She told me the next time she saw me again, I’d better start running. Because she would put her foot so far up my alleyway, it’ll take both the crew of the black pearl and her family to untie her shoe to get it out.
“It wasn’t going to be a good feeling going in and it was not going to feel good coming out.” Eliza began to laugh at her mother’s first impression. “Did she really say that?” Eliza asked. He replied, “Yes, she did and I will never forget it.” “What was she like?” Eliza asked. He replied, “Your mother was beautiful, in the face, in the body and in the mind. Even though she can be cruel to the wicked, but she had a heart of gold and was gentle as a lamb. Any person that she came in contact with loved her, including her sisters and brothers as well.
“All of that changed when one night, her father invited me to dine with him and his family. But the whole time I had my eyes on Ava. That night was a big storm and of course I wasn’t going to go anywhere anytime soon until it cleared up. Everyone was asleep in their bedrooms until I had a gut feeling something was wrong. I go into Ava’s room and she turned her head and saw me with my sword in my hand and I tell her, ‘don’t move’. I stabbed her pillow. I told her to give me her hand, pulled her out of bed, flipped over the covers with my sword still intact, to reveal a copperhead that laid in waiting to strike her while she slept.
“Everyone rushed in the room to see what was going on. Her father was shocked to see what was in front of him. Almost immediately, he recognized the serpent. He whispered the name of his former rival. sometime after the battle between Captain Jack sparrow and Davy Jones. Somehow we were able to make peace between the Pirates and me.
“After a little while, your mother and I married. And this locket that you hold in your hand was her gift to me on the night of our wedding. Not long after, you were born. I remember the day I held you in my arms. You were so tiny, but yet, very happy and healthy. We decided that we were going to have Jack to be your godfather. We planned on having more children after you’ve turned a year or two. After the christening, that’s when your grandfather’s former rival showed up and pointed his pistol at him, saying that he killed his son during one of their encounters. And now he was going to have to pay with his life.
“He aimed for him, but Eliza threw herself in the way of the bullet, sacrificing herself to make sure that everyone that she cared about lived. I remember I held her in my arms, the same way I held you the day you were born….” Beckett said, as he felt the tears roll down his cheeks. “…. She told me to take care of you to make sure they give you all the love that a mother will give to her child, and she passes in my arms. Your grandfathers rival was apprehended and was sentenced to death by hanging. Not once he showed any remorse for his actions.
End Of Flashback
That is why over the past few years raising you, I’m afraid I was going to lose you too, just like I lost your mother.”
Eliza scooted to her father’s side and placed the locket in his hand and closed it into his fist as she looked up at him and said, “I’m not going anywhere anytime soon, because as long as I’m here with you, everything will be all right. You will see.” She smiled at her father and then pulled her into a hug.” I love you so much, Eliza. Never forget that.” He said as he hugged her tighter, afraid that she would disappear into thin air. She replied as she hugged him back, “I love you too, Papa.”
They stayed in that position until Eliza fell asleep. He joined behind her and held tight to his chest. His little girl he called ‘his precious gift’ that his wife left him. Even though he wasn’t religious, he looked out the window and saw her cross necklace hanging on the windowsill and whispered, “I love you, Ava. I never stopped loving you, and I never will.”
I hope you guys enjoyed the story. I know it’s sad but I wanted to sit. Want to put in example that not all people are bad. Don’t forget to like comment and share. Have a blessed day everybody.
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debbie-anniversary · 8 months
Fanfiction Spotlight
Hi all! This is Debbie Anniversary coming to you on a very cold January morning with a small showcase of my work on AO3.
This is not by any means a master list of all my work (currently standing at 31 stories), but rather some of the favorites according to my readers with a few of mine chucked in for good measure. Please check them out if you're interested! <3
Some of the fandoms I've written for include:
Stardew Valley
Pirates of the Caribbean
Kingdom Hearts
Death Note
Iron Giant
Star Wars (Prequel Trilogy)
If you want to read my other stories and leave any comments or kudos, that would absolutely make my year! Thanks and stay warm!
Stardew Valley
Every Waking Moment - Complete - AO3
Pairings: Alex/Female Player; Alex (Stardew Valley)/Reader
Rating: General Audiences
Main Themes: Domestic & Romantic Fluff, Make-Ups
One Shot - 1,971 words
Summary: He still hated you for not being careful last night. Before you stormed out the door, you shot him an ugly look, leaving him standing on the stairwell, your little boy in his arms.
Pirates of the Caribbean
Jellyfish - Complete - AO3
Pairings: Elizabeth Swann/Will Turner
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Main Themes: Canon-Compliant, Missing Scenes, Swordfighting/Training, Romance
One Shot - 1,518 words
Summary: ~Elizabeth withdrew one of the weapons and admired how it glinted in the light when another blade gently struck against it. She looked up and met Will’s soft expression.~ Will teaches Elizabeth how to properly swordfight.
Dead to Me - Complete - AO3
Pairings: Jack Sparrow/Elizabeth Swann
Rating: General Audiences
Main Themes: Canon-Compliant, Introspection, Guilt, Mutually Unrequited, Vignette
Quadruple Drabble
Summary: ~She lies to herself, knowing she desires so much more than to just speak with him.~ Elizabeth considers her history with Jack when she sees him again in Davy Jones's Locker.
When He Calls - Complete - AO3
Pairings: Jack Sparrow/Elizabeth Swann
Rating: General Audiences
Main Themes: Poetry - Free Verse, Friendship/Love
Drabble - 228 words
Summary: ~ I know he calls me "Bonnie Lass," and he called me "Dearie” once, but he rarely calls me "Lovely." ~
Kingdom Hearts
Midnight Mocha - Complete - AO3
Pairings: Terra (Kingdom Hearts)/Reader
Rating: General Audiences
Main Themes: Hurt/Comfort, Nightmares, Coffee & Couch Cuddles, Angst with Happy Ending
One Shot (broken into two parts) - 4,037 words
Summary: You live with three other keyblade wielders, training for your own destiny. Your heart is drawn to the man that you spar with every day.
Death Note
Dreaming - Complete - AO3
No Pairings, General Fiction with Light, L, & Misa
Rating: General Audiences
Main Themes: Kidfic, Friendship, Fluff
One Shot - 2,432 words
Summary: L rarely sleeps. The two other children he's come to know in the orphanage keep him company while he's awake.
Iron Giant
Hands of Design - [Ongoing] - AO3
Pairings: Annie Hughes/Dean McCoppin
Rating: General Audiences
Main Themes: Post-Canon, Artists, Love Confessions, Christmas Fluff, Character Introspection
Multi-Chapter [Ongoing] - 3,448 words
Summary: A little over a year has passed since the Iron Giant sacrificed himself to save the citizens of Rockwell. While most returned to a routine way of living, Dean focused on the strong emotions that continuously pulled him towards a familiar face. A familiar face who may not receive a gift this year from Dean due to his indecisiveness.
Star Wars
Smooth Gelato - Complete - AO3
Pairings: Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker
Rating: General Audiences
Main Themes: Slice of Life, Canon Divergence, Family Fluff
One Shot - 743 words
Summary: Anakin and Padmé take their children out for a small sweet treat.
The Retainer - Complete - AO3
Pairings: Jareth/Sarah Williams (Labyrinth)
Rating: Mature
Main Themes: Post-Canon, Time Skips, Regret, References to Depression, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
One Shot - 1,720 words
Summary: Within the first few months following the events of the labyrinth, Sarah easily fooled herself into thinking she had held the victory. That she had moved on. That her life had resumed as normal. ~Rated M for various heavy/sensitive themes.~
The Golden Rule - Complete - AO3
No Pairings, General Fiction
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Main Themes: Character Study, Introspection
One Shot - 1,104 words
Summary: Agent 47 reflects on his professional motives after he completes his mission in Whittleton Creek.
0 notes
asparrowandaswann · 5 years
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Find yourself a man who looks at you the way Jack looks at Elizabeth.
Whatever your OTC ship, there’s no denying that he cares for her. Personally, I see nothing but love, care and admiration in those eyes.
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oh captain ~ jack sparrow;pirates of the caribbean
word count: 2488
request?: yes!
“Can you do a Captain Jack Sparrow smut where the reader has a kink of calling Jack her captain”
description: in which she loves to call him her captain, even in the most intimate of situations
pairing: jack sparrow x female!reader
warnings: swearing, smut
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It all started as a joke.
I came aboard the Black Pearl in search of my sister, Elizabeth Swann, and her secret lover, Will Turner. It was no secret that they were travelling with notorious Captain Jack Sparrow and, although my parents did not exactly like Will Turner, they had sent me as a way to tell Elizabeth that they were giving her their blessing to marry Will.
Of course, the moment I - a single, young maiden that had often been described as “beautiful” by my suitors - stepped on to the ship, the captain himself couldn’t keep his eyes off of me. There was many a moment in which Elizabeth had to actually tell Jack that he was being too forward or too crass with me. I liked to play along with his games as well and would tease him back. My favorite way of teasing him was to call him “Captain” in a sarcastic manner.
The first time I said it was in response to Jack’s very bossy tone as he told Elizabeth and I to do something. “Oh, of course, Captain.”
I could see a fire light in his eyes even then as he looked at me. “What did you say?”
“Well, you insist that we on the boat here refer to you as your supposed title,” I had told him. “I was just saying it. I thought you would like that.”
“The way you said it,” he pointed out. “It wasn’t very...crewman like.”
“Oh, my apologies, Captain.”
The fire ignited in his eyes again, but he decided to leave it be this time and to go on to yell commands at his other crewmates.
That’s how it all started. It was just a joke, a way to poke fun at Jack without being too harsh. I used the nickname almost every time I saw him, and almost every time I could see a look on his face that was hard to understand.
That was, until I found myself bent over his desk moaning the original teasing nickname repeatedly.
I never expected to find myself falling for Captain Jack Sparrow. Elizabeth had told me many a story about his attempts at courting beautiful maidens, including herself despite her love for Will. The stories led me to believing that Jack was just a man who wanted to use then leave a woman. I wrote him off as nothing more than a scoundrel, a pirate captain. Oh, what a fool I was.
No one on the ship knew of our love affair, especially not Elizabeth. I loved my sister dearly and I knew she would never judge me for who I had fallen in love with, however I also knew she couldn’t keep a secret from our parents for the life of her, and the last thing I needed was to break my parents hearts by telling them that their youngest daughter had fallen in love with a pirate.
That’s why I continued to use the teasing nickname in such fashion in front of my sister, but every time I used it, I could see that spark of desire in Jack’s eyes.
There was one day that we were on course for some sort of treasure that Jack was dying to find.
“It’s been lost for hundreds of years,” he was explaining to Will. Elizabeth and I were trying to help some of the crewmen and overheard the conversation that both men were refusing to tell us. “Wealth and riches beyond your wildest dreams. You could buy over Elizabeth’s parents with that sort of money.”
“I don’t think anything could buy over Elizabeth’s parents at this rate,” Will joked. “But do you really believe it to be truth? I’ve heard it’s nothing but a - ”
“A pirate’s tale,” Jack finished. “A way to lead pirates to their deaths? I’ve heard those stories, too. But there’s only one way to find out.”
“Mad man is going to get us killed,” Elizabeth whispered to me. “He only cares for the riches he may get, he doesn’t think of the countless lives he’s risking.”
“Of course he doesn’t,” I responded. “Anything that will shower him in gold and recognition is his top priority.”
“What are you two talking about down there?” Jack called from his perch at the steering wheel.
Elizabeth and I shared a teasing glance before Elizabeth responded, “Just about how smart you are, my dear captain! This journey can only go right!”
Jack raised an eyebrow at the obvious sarcasm in Elizabeth’s voice before his eyes landed on me.
“We were discussing how much recognition you will get once you find this totally real treasure you’re looking for,” I said. I paused a moment before giving Jack a brief smirk as I added, “Captain.”
He shuffled a little, trying to make his lust seem like he was just annoyed with me and Elizabeth. I couldn’t help but smirk triumphantly at him before turning back to Elizabeth, who was also giggling.
“You both doubt me,” he finally said after a long stretch of silence, “but I’ll show you both, and this whole boat, that I am right and this treasure is real.”
He came down from his perch and walked into the room that was designated as “his office”, his eyes meeting mine for a split moment. “I’m going to study the map for some time, please do not disturb me.”
What he really meant was, No one else come disturb me, I will be fucking (Y/N)’s brains out.
I felt myself becoming tingly between my legs, a regular sensation that Jack was able to get out of me. I tried to keep a light look on my face, but it was hard to do so when all I wanted was to follow him into that room.
“You two should be kinder to him,” Will said, although he, too, was laughing. “He’s been kind enough to let us travel with him.”
“After trying to get under mine and (Y/N)’s skirts for a few months,” Elizabeth added. “He knows that we like him and that we are grateful for him. It’s just so easy to tease him sometimes.”
Tell me about it, I thought to myself.
“Maybe we should leave the captain alone to his mapping for a while,” Will said, wrapping an arm around Elizabeth’s waist. It was his only silent way of asking Elizabeth for what Jack was trying to get from me.
“Perhaps we should,” she responded and gave her husband to be a light kiss on his lips.
The two left without another word to me, which was alright by me. It meant that I didn’t have to make up an excuse as to why I was “disturbing” Jack when he asked me not to.
Once I was sure they were too busy with one another to notice me, I turned and raced for the door. I hastily did mine and Jack’s secret knock before shoving the door open. I was shocked to see that the room before me was empty - the desk where Jack usually sat waiting for me was empty, and there was almost no sight of him at all.
Before I could even consider why this had happened, the door slammed behind me and I felt someone take hold of my throat and shove me against the closed door. Jack’s lips met mine and I felt the familiar explosive feeling I had whenever we kissed. His hands were already roughly pulling at my skirt, trying to pull it up around my hips.
“Someone is impatient,” I breathed against his lips. “You told everyone not to disturb you, remember? You don’t have to be so fast and so rough.”
“But if I take you quickly once, I can take you again before anyone notices that we’re even gone.”
His dirty words ignited a fire in me. I giggled as he picked me up in his arms and laid me down on his desk. The poor thing had seen more of our action than any actual work that Jack had ever done. I was surprised that it was still standing after all this time.
I took hold of the back of Jack’s neck and pulled him in for another kiss. Our lips moved so perfectly with one another as his hands trailed up my bare legs, his cold rings leaving shivers where they trailed. I pulled at his pants, trying desperately to get them off. He chuckled against my lips, the vibrations running through my entire body.
“Who is the impatient one now?” he asked.
“Not like the great Captain to leave a girl waiting in her desire,” I teased, hoping the nickname would be used to my advantage.
Lucky for me, I knew that was the one thing that could break Jack. He roughly pulled at the strings around the back of my dress, causing it to loosen and fall off my body completely. Once my dress was a heap on the floor, Jack pushed me onto the desk so I was laying on my back. I watched as he undid his pants and pulled them down just far enough for his hard member to pop free. Just seeing how hard he was from the little amount of teasing we had been doing was enough to make me start dripping in anticipation.
I gasped as I felt him pushing himself into me. No matter how many times we had sex, I still continued to be shocked by how big he was. He made my eyes roll into the back of my head just by filling me with his hard cock.
His hand found my hair and he roughly pulled me up so my body was pressed against his. “What’s my name, love?”
“Captain,” I breathed, dying to move my hips against his to get some sort of friction between us. But I knew that would only result in him punishing me for being naughty.
My response earned me a few slow thrusts. I bit my lip as to not moan too loud, but it was hard to keep quiet during one of our rendezvous. They were often few and far between, leaving the two of us very pent up and needing of release when the time came.
“Say it again for me my pet,” he purred.
“Captain,” I moaned, wrapping my legs around his waist to pull him as closely as I could. “Oh, Captain.”
The grip he had on my hair tightened as he began to thrust into me more, now going at a quicker and more steady pace. I pressed my lips to his to try and muffle my moans, which were now starting to become loud enough for anyone who would be passing by to hear.
I moaned out the name a few more times, which led to me being laid back over the desk yet again with Jack leaning over me, his thrusts so rough now that the desk was being moved. I arched my back against him, trying to get him as far into me as he could go. One of his hands was gripping my thigh while the other was wrapped around my throat, pressing slightly against the sides every now and then, and causing me to feel lightheaded.
Jack was always able to hit a spot in me that made my brain turn to mush and my eyes roll back into my head. I could barley think straight when he was pounding that spot relentlessly inside of me, especially at that moment when the only thing I could feel was waves of pleasure rippling through my body.
I managed to pull my thoughts together enough to utter out a sentence, “I’m so close, Captain.”
“Let me feel you come undone around me, my pet,” he said. I could feel him twitching inside of me, indicating that he was close to finishing himself.
My fingers curled into the desk as I felt myself hitting my climax. My entire body seemed to curl in some way as I felt myself contracting around Jack. His hands slipped under my arched back, pulling my body up to press against him as he did his final thrusts and finished inside of me.
The aftermath of our love making rarely lasted long in fear of being caught. Jack held me for a short amount of time, kissing the top of my head and whispering sweet nothings into my ear, before he finally had to pull away from me and begin to redress himself. I pulled my dress back up.
“You mind tying me back up?” I asked him, turning around to present my still bare back to him.
He laced the strings through their proper holes and tied it tight enough that it would stay up, but not too tight to cause discomfort.
“Do you really think you’ll find that treasure you’re on route for?” I asked him once he was finished. “Do you think it’s real?”
“I choose to believe every treasure is real until proven otherwise,” he responded. “I know everyone on the ship thinks that I’m leading us to our deaths, but I truly believe there is something waiting for us at our destination.”
“Well, if you believe it then I believe you,” I said. “What do you plan on doing with your riches once you get them?”
“I’ll share them amongst the crew,” he started. “There’s supposedly enough to keep a dozen men from having to work for the rest of their lives, and I have just a little over a dozen men on this ship. What I keep for myself I’m going to use to get a better ship. The old Black Pearl is starting to see her end I’m afraid. And, with whatever is left, I intend to buy you a rock so big and so stunning that any royal woman would be jealous of it.”
He lifted my hand to his lips and gave my knuckles a soft kiss.
“You intend to marry me?” I asked him.
“Of course I do. Why do you seem shocked to hear that?”
I chuckled. “Well, the stories I’ve heard about the great Captain Jack Sparrow, none of them made it sound like he would ever settle down with a woman.”
Jack smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist, looking lovingly into my eyes. I could get lost staring into those beautiful eyes of his.
“A man must know when the right woman has come along,” he told me. “Especially a pirate. And the moment you stepped foot on my ship, I knew you were the right woman.”
“You sweet talker,” I said before pressing my lips to his. “When you do get me that ring, just know that I will say yes.”
“Of course, my love. And I cannot wait to have you to sail the seas with for the rest of my life.”
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anonymousewrites · 14 days
Pearl of the Sea Chapter Fourteen
Found Family! PoTC Cast x Teen! Reader
Platonic! Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, Jack Sparrow, Tia Dalma x Reader
Chapter Fourteen: Finding the Chest
Summary: Jack, Elizabeth, and (Y/N) land on a strange island to find Davy Jones's heart. They aren't the only ones.
            “There’s something to knowing the exact shape of the world and our place in it,” said Beckett, watching as the map on his way was painted. He glanced at Governor Swann, manacled and lacking his wig of stature.
            “I assure you, these are not necessary,” said Swann.
            “I thought you’d be interested in the whereabouts of your daughter and ward,” said Beckett.
            “You have news of them?” said Swann, eyes widening.
            “Most recently seen on Tortuga, and then they left in the company of a known pirate, Jack Sparrow, and other fugitives from justice,” said Mercer.
            “ ‘Justice?’ Hardly,” scoffed Swann.
            “Including the previous owner of this sword, I believe,” said Beckett, twirling the sword around. “Our ships are in pursuit. Justice will be dispensed by cannonade and cutlass and all manner of remorseless pieces of metal. I find it distasteful to even contemplate the horror facing all those on board.” He looked at Swann, who swallowed.
            “What do you want from me?” said Swann.
            “Your authority as governor, your influence in London, and your loyalty to the East India Trading Company,” said Beckett.
            “To you, you mean,” said Swann.
            Beckett raised a brow. “Shall I remove those shackles?”
            Swann looked down before meeting Beckett’s gaze. “Do what you can for my daughter and ward.”
            Beckett nearly smirked. He nodded to Mercer, who undid the manacles.
            “So you see, Mr. Mercer, every man has a price he will willingly accept,” said Beckett. “Even for what he hoped to never sell.” He would retrieve that chest before anyone else, and then he would have what he desired—control of the seas. Power.
            “Beckett?” Jack frowned as he heard the name from so long ago, and the brand on his arm itched.
            “Yes,” said Elizabeth, and (Y/N) nodded.
            Elizabeth had explained all that she had learned from her…discussion with Beckett. He didn’t want treasure; he wanted something else. Not only that, but although he’d handed over the letters of marque, signed, and sealed them, but he refused to let them all go free without issue from the navy if he didn’t receive Jack’s compass.
            “They’re signed,” said Elizabeth.
            “Lord Beckett of the East India Trading Company.” Jack gagged as he looked at the papers.
            “Will was working for Beckett and never said a word,” huffed Gibbs.
            “We told you we were arrested and needed the compass to be free, so of course there was some lord involved,” said (Y/N), rolling their eyes. They hadn’t held anything back maliciously. It had been unconsciously done.
            “Beckett is a problem, though,” grumbled Gibbs. “If he wants the compass, there’s only one reason for that.”
            “Of course,” said Jack.
            “To control Davy Jones?” asked (Y/N).
            Jack nodded. “With the chest.”
            “He did mention something about a chest,” confirmed Elizabeth.
            “If the company controls the chest, they controls the sea,” said Gibbs.
            Instantly, (Y/N) straightened. The ocean was one of the only places where freedom could still reign—the waves and the winds were not to be tamed by human beings. If Beckett were to do so…freedom itself would be broken.
            “A truly discomfiting notion,” said Jack.
            “And bad,” said Gibbs. “Bad for every mother’s child what calls themselves a pirate.”
            “It’s bad for freedom,” said (Y/N). They crossed their arms. “We can’t let him find it.”
            Gibbs glanced up. “I think there’s a bit more speed to be coaxed from these sails.” He didn’t want the navy catching up and hurried away. “Brace the foreyard!”
            “Might I enquire as to how you came by these?” said Jack, gazing at Elizabeth as he lifted the documents.
            “Persuasion,” said Elizabeth.
            “Friendly?” said (Y/N) dubiously.
            “Decidedly not,” said Elizabeth, and (Y/N) grinned.
            “Will strikes a deal for these, yet you were the one with the prize…full pardon,” said Jack. “ ‘Commission as a privateer on behalf of England and the East India Trading Company.’ As if I could be bought for such a low price.”
            (Y/N) was glad. Anyone who let go of their freedom so easily couldn’t be trusted in any capacity. They were too willing to let themselves be used.
            “Jack, the letters, give them back,” said Elizabeth sharply.
            “Don’t make her persuade you,” said (Y/N).
            Jack shrugged and continued on. Elizabeth’s hand twitched for her sword, but she resisted the urge to stab him. Instead, she huffed and stalked off.
            (Y/N) leaned over the side of the ship and watched the sea go by. “Jack, do you think we can stop Beckett?”
            “If we get the chest, the sea is ours.” The collective pronoun flew from him before he could stop it. “And then we can save dear old Will, he can marry Elizabeth before she gets rid of all the rum, and everyone is free to do pretty much anything they want!” Jack hurried on before the pronoun mistake could be noted.
            “Are you going to abandon us to ensure you have the power of the seas to yourself?” said (Y/N), cutting straight to the point.
            “Didn’t I just say you all will go off and live your happy, boring little lives?” said Jack jovially.
            “You’ve promised a lot, Jack,” said (Y/N). “You have a tendency to twist your words instead of doing the right thing.”
            “There isn’t right or wrong on the seas. Just human nature,” said Jack.
            “Wrong,” said (Y/N), turning and facing him. “There’s freedom on the seas. Freedom to the wrong thing, yes, but also to do the right thing.”
            “Is this going to be about trust again? Because I still don’t think you should put trust in pirates, laddie,” said Jack.
            (Y/N) shrugged. “I told you before, it’s about you trusting me. I don’t need to be tricked to help you stop Beckett or Jones. I’m here to protect freedom, the seas. That’s what I care about.” They looked at him. “So you can make yourself an enemy of freedom by leaving us behind to Beckett’s imprisonment or Jones’s servitude, or you can do the right thing and uphold freedom. Something tells me you respect that, even if you don’t respect loyalty.”
            Jack gazed at (Y/N) long and hard. Freedom seemed to be the theme of this adventure. He wanted to be free of Jones’s deal, Will wanted to be free of Jones, Elizabeth wanted to be free of Beckett, and (Y/N)…They wanted pure freedom. To be themself, to explore the seas, to exist without rules holding them to a standard they simply didn’t wish to uphold.
            “I do value freedom,” said Jack.
            He always had. That’s why he’d been branded a pirate. He refused to send another human being into eternal imprisonment. He refused to violate another person’s freedom so fundamentally. Jack may run around and abandon people to be locked away, but he would never turn the key himself to leave them to endless servitude.
            Not to mention, the more that he saw this teenager—(Y/N)—standing before him with nothing but a desire for freedom, genuine and caring, the more Jack wanted to uphold that, too. They had a strange faith in him no one else had as if they could see more in him, and Jack didn’t want to lose that. It was a strange feeling, but it was true.
            “I know,” said (Y/N).
            They smiled slightly. They knew Jack was dangerous, double-crossed everyone, and always had a plan to help himself hidden beneath the surface of any deals he made, but he also had a genuine…genuineness to him. And he never harmed (Y/N). In fact, he protected them at times. So, no matter how far fetched it seemed, there was a part of (Y/N) that had faith that he’d make the right decision in the true times of strife.
            “And that’s why I know you’ll do the right thing one day,” said (Y/N). “You’re just not willing to admit it.”
            “This is awfully trusting for someone who claims not to trust me,” said Jack, attempting to tease, but his tone fell flat, still serious.
            “I have faith, Jack. Not trust,” said (Y/N). They grinned, and the glint of mischief in their eye was akin to the sun skimming the waves. “And besides, I’m sure you’re curious of what glory and rewards doing the right thing may bring you.” They leaned back on the side of the ship.
            Jack gazed at them. “You’re very odd, you know that, laddie?”
            (Y/N) shrugged. “Is that a problem?”
            “No,” said Jack. “You make an excellent pirate.” He grinned.
            (Y/N) laughed. “What can I say, freedom on the seas with a bit of danger excites me.”
            “Careful. Or you may start doing the wrong thing,” said Jack, teasing once more.
            “How amusing it would be if I started doing the wrong thing and you started doing the right thing,” laughed (Y/N).
            Jack looked at (Y/N) fondly. “Amusing indeed.”
            “A child of the sea is a child of all.”
            Tia Dalma’s words echoed in Jack’s mind. He was beginning to see it. (Y/N) was changeable, untamable as the waves. They were willing to fight for one thing—freedom. They cared about their family—Will and Elizabeth—but their heart was wilder than theirs. For all their love and devotion, there was only one place it was clear that (Y/N) was truly at home—the sea. They had a heart of freedom, and it swam freely within the waves.
            Jack wanted to keep that freedom going. If (Y/N)’s free heart was drowned, it would be a great loss. It would be Beckett’s victory, removing any trace of freedom from the sea, including from the hearts that were as untamable and wild as the ocean itself. He wanted (Y/N) to be safe from his influence and allow them grow into their wildness.
            “Child of all.”
            Now, if Jack could only figure out what that meant.
            “Land, ho!” called Gibbs, thankfully interrupting philosophy that Jack wanted nothing to do with.
            Jack sat with his jar of dirt at the front of the rowboat while Ragetti and Pintel rowed. Norrington, Elizabeth, and (Y/N) sat within it, and Elizabeth held the compass in her hand to guide them while Pintel and Ragetti squabbled.
            Luckily, their sanities were not lost by the ways to pronounce “kraken” before they reached the beach. They dragged the boat onto the sand, picked up shovels, and waited for Elizabeth to guide them. They left Pintel and Ragetti to watch the boat and tide.
            Elizabeth frowned as they reached a sandy hill and began to walk in circles. The compass needle kept spinning. “This doesn’t work,” she huffed. “And it certainly doesn’t show you what you want most.” The compass kept spinning.
            “Yes, it does,” said Jack. “You’re sitting on it.”
            “Be pardon?” said Elizabeth.
            “It must be buried underneath you,” said (Y/N).
            “Move!” Jack shooed her.
            Norrington and Jack dug into the sand with their shovels, tossing a pile of dirt, grass, and sand behind them as they went. Finally, they hit something solid, and they scrambled to pull it out. Once they did, they revealed a chest. Jack hit the rusted lock, breaking it. Nervously, almost reverently, he opened the lid. Papers and maps sat within.
            (Y/N) brushed them aside to find another, small chest. Tentacles were carved in it, and, when they lifted it out, they found a heart carved over the lock. Leaning in, their eyes widened. “Bloody hell.”
            Norrington, Elizabeth, and Jack leaned in.
            Ba-dump. Ba-dump. Ba-dump.
            A faint heartbeat thumped within the chest. The entire legend was true, and not even in a metaphorical sense but a literal one.
            “It’s real,” said Norrington. “You were actually telling the truth.”
            “I do that quite a lot, yet people are always surprised.” Jack glanced at (Y/N). “Most people, anyways. Smart ones consider I tell the truth.”
            “People think you lie for good reason!”
            All heads snapped behind them to find Will standing there, soaking wet.
            “Will!” exclaimed (Y/N) and Elizabeth, running to him and hugging him.
            “You’re alright!” said (Y/N) in relief.
            “Thank god! I came to find you,” said Elizabeth.
            Will hugged them in return.
            “How did you get here?” said Jack, thoroughly surprised someone could escape Jones.
            “Sea turtles, mate. A pair of them, strapped to my feet,” said Will sarcastically.
            “Not so easy, is it?” said Jack jovially.
            “But I do owe you thanks, Jack,” said Will.
            “You do?” Jack frowned.
            “After you tricked me onto that ship to square your debt with Jones, I was reunited with my father,” said Will.
            “That was an accident,” said Jack with a cough.
            “And we bartered to try to get you back,” said (Y/N).
            “How hard did he?” snapped Will.
            “Probably harder than you deserved, seeing as you were resourceful enough to get out on your own!” chirped Jack.
            “Jack, did you lie to me?” said Elizabeth.
            “He didn’t. We told you the truth about the souls and getting a hundred to save Jack and Will,” said (Y/N). They didn’t need infighting right now, not when so much was at stake.
            “You told the truth. He didn’t,” snapped Elizabeth.
            “We were finding a way to save young Will,” said Jack, shrugging.
            Will grabbed the chest and turned the lock towards him.
            “Oi! What are you doing?” said Jack.
            “I’m going to kill Jones,” said Will.
            Jack drew his sword. “Can’t let you do that, William.”
            (Y/N) groaned. And here was Jack, in fact, doing the wrong thing. Are these people incapable of communication?
            “ ‘Cause if Jones is dead, who’s to call his terrible beastie off the hunt, eh?” said Jack. Will stepped jack, and Jack kept his sword trained on him. “Now, if you please.” He held out his hand. “The key.”
            Will pulled Elizabeth’s sword from its sheath and pointed it at Jack. “I keep the promises I make, Jack. I intend to free my father. I hope you’re here to see it.”
            Norrington drew his cutlass and pointed it at Will. “I can’t let you do that, either. So sorry.”
            “Can we all put our swords away and just talk it over like mature people?” (Y/N) loved a good fight, but this was just people being idiotic.
            “I knew you’d warm up to me eventually!” said Jack, grinning at Norrington.
            Norrington just turned his sword on Jack, who frowned and pointed his at Will and then Norrington and then back at Will. All three men were willing to fight one another.
            “Lord Beckett desires the contents of that chest,” said Norrington. “I deliver it, I get my life back.”
            Alright, if that’s what we’re at, then no more talking, I guess. (Y/N) drew their sword and pointed it at Norrington. “I’m not letting you hand over control of the seas to a man like Beckett.”
            “Don’t make me fight a child. I still have some honor,” said Norrington.
            “Well, I don’t, just a raving fury at anyone who helps a tyrant like Beckett,” sneered (Y/N).
            All four with swords stared at each other, all tensed. Elizabeth watched, hands itching for a weapon. Norrington swung. The fight for the chest was on.
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chaoticbienergy333 · 3 years
So I made a little analysis of the evolution of Elizabeth's outfits during the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy and here it is. (I've only analyzed the outfits that I think are the most representative of her character development in each movies.)
In the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy, costumes are an integral part of the identity of the characters, especially for Elizabeth Swann.
Indeed it is surely the character with the most developed arc of the series.
In the first film, The Curse of the Black Pearl, the story begins with Elizabeth who from a very young age has had a thirst for adventure and a lot of curiosity for pirates and their world. But Elizabeth is a lady of high society and at this time it was the duty of everyone of their rank to get married.
And it just so happens that a certain Commander Norrington would like to make his request. For the occasion, her father gifts her a dress that she loves very much, but she is not fooled and very quickly discovers her father's intentions which are to marry her.
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The corset of the dress is unfortunately too small or too tight and constrains her breathing so much that she ends up fainting during the Commander's proposal.
In this I see a hidden message which is the following one: A corset is not supposed to take your breath away, however if it is not your size it could do it, just as life in high society isn't for everyone.
And in this case, the life Elizabeth wants is not that of a lady but that of an adventurer, of a pirate.
Elizabeth (literally) suffocates in high society.
In the second film, Dead Man's Chest, Elizabeth joins Jack Sparrow's crew in order to save Will Turner.
For most of the film, she will wear a traditional pirate outfit. Note that pirate clothing were unisex and that women and men wore the same type of outfits, namely an outfit suitable for fight at sea.
(Look at how chill she is.)
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It is therefore no longer a question for Elizabeth to highlight her image but to integrate the crew. We see her much more at ease in this outfit, in this way of life, than in a dress and a corset in high society.
As for the third film, At World's End, Elizabeth becomes Pirate Lord and then is elected Pirate King. During this election and during the final battle of the film Elizabeth is wearing a pirate outfit, but this time not just any pirate but the King of the Pirates. This outfit surely represents the pinnacle of her development within the pirate community and her own person. She represents a strong and independent woman and above all:
she is finally FREE.
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To conclude I'd say that the evolution of Elizabeth is underlined by her different outfits which highlight her status and create benchmarks over time.
Also don't hesitate to tell me what you think of this analysis, if you have something to add or whatever your opinion is I'll be glad to know about it. 😌
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commodoreseverus · 3 years
The letter that explained everything
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Pairing: Elizabeth Swann x James Norrington (one-sided), Elizabeth Swann x Will Turner
Warning: Character death
James Norrington is unlocking the door of the brig.
"Come with me." James said to Elizabeth but she doesn't move, "Quickly!" He added urgently as she nods to crew and they exit.
"What are you doing?" Elizabeth asked James.
"Choosing a side." James said as Elizabeth exits cell. Bootstrap sees empty cell and looks around.
"Do not go to Shipwreck Cove. Beckett knows of the meeting of the Brethren. I fear there may be a traitor among them." James said to Elizabeth quickly.
"It's too late to earn my forgiveness." Elizabeth told James.
"I had nothing to do with your father's death. That doesn't absolve me of my other sins." James said looking down at his own feet.
Elizabeth looked out to her crew, shimmying along the rope that led to their ship, her ship, and felt something within her...catch.
James Norrington had betrayed her. He had betrayed everything she stood for, everything he himself stood for, when he plotted and schemed and gave the heart of Davy Jones to Cutler Beckett. Even now, perhaps especially now, that betrayal struck deep.
And yet.
Had she not betrayed him? Accepting his proposals of marriage, leading him on, giving him hope when all along her all consuming love for Will had made sure that there was never a hope for the Commodore? Elizabeth had grown up quickly in the past years, quicker perhaps than she should, and the childishness which had pervaded her when she was first taken captive by Barbossa and played with men's hearts so easily was fading fast.
It was time to stop the circle of lies and betrayal. It was time it ended.
"Come with us."
She turned, meeting James' eyes, suddenly turned from sad and resigned to shocked...hopeful. Even after all the time which had passed, all the wrongs between them, he still looked at her like she was worth it all. She could still inspire hope in him. The catch in her chest tightened at that look - it was as though they were back in Port Royal, back to being the 'sensible match' of the town, back to his blind adoration of her. Yet somehow it was also vastly, painfully different because they both knew better than that now.
"James, Come with me."
At the clarification his eyes widened further and she saw him take in a breath that was sharp, disbelieving. However almost as soon as the words were from her mouth a voice called out in the darkness,
"Who goes there?"
He grabbed her, pulled her behind him by the belt around her waist, shielding her with his body. His sword was already drawn and though her eyes skirted the upper deck, looking for the one who'd spotted them, her eyes drifted down almost as quickly as they'd been raised, tracing the line of his jaw, the collar of his coat, small things which she had once been very familiar with in the long hours of polite company and conversation.
"Go. I will follow." James said and gives the letter he had written earlier to Elizabeth.
"You're lying." Elizabeth said as she looks at his frightened face.
"Our destinies have been entwined, Elizabeth... but never joined." James said sadly and kissed her, which he knows it is the first and last kiss he gives her. It is already enough for him. A small but sweet kiss. "Go! Now!" He said to Elizabeth urgently before he turned to Bootstrap and said, "Back to your station, sailor."
"No one leaves the ship." Bootstrap said.
"Stand down. That's an order!" James said frightened but he still trying to sound brave.
"That's an order. That's an order. Part of the crew, part of the ship. Part of the crew, part of the ship." Bootstrap muttered more likely to himself.
"Steady, man!" James said.
"Part of the crew, part of the ship. All hands, prisoner escape!" Bootstrap suddenly shouts.
"Belay that!" James shouts, truly frightened. He then shoots the line between the ships and as he is turning back around Bootstrap spears him, then cuts down to water where Elizabeth is.
"James! James! No!" Elizabeth shouts
When Elizabeth went back to the Empress, she reads the letter that James has given her before his death.
To my dear Elizabeth Swann,
I know I might be dead by the time you read this letter. I want to tell you that if I died, don't cry for me. I think I don't deserve happiness as I have betrayed your trust after giving Davy Jones's heart to Beckett. I was really upset after the supposed execution of Jack Sparrow as Will Turner has rescued him and when he declared his love to you, I feel my heart is broken into millions pieces. My heart is so broken that I have loss my mind as I ordered my ship, the Dauntless into the hurricane. After that, I lose everything. Including your love, and all the trust of my shipmates as I sent them to death because of the hatred that I have to Sparrow. I really regret that.
I just want to tell you that I have already fallen in love with you when I first met you...when you are 12 and I am 19. I know my love to you will always be there, deeply in my heart. I know I will never have the love from you like I have to you. It seems that you see me more like a friend or an older brother you never have than seeing me as a lover. Although I am really sad at first, I now see myself only a protector to you. I will always there when you need me, protecting you, even it meant for my life. I will even sacrifice my own life if it can exchange for you safety because I really love you. Our destiny has been entwined but never joined. And it seems to be the beginning and end of everything.
Always there in your heart,
James Norrington
She cried after she finished reading it. It is so sad that it has cut deeply in her heart. She is now full of regret that she hasn't save him before it's too late.
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random-of-random · 5 months
The Pirate Queen
Chapter 5: I’m Alice
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Author’s Note: Whhhatt? A revamped story plus a new Norrington chapter in one day? Yep! I hope you guys like it!!
Alice was sure the servants thought her state of dress was odd, but there seemed to be too much anxiety in the air to give her more than a passing curious glance. Governor Swann was no where to be seen, though Alice suspected he would be at the fort a while after what happened.
The same woman who had come to find her led Alice up the grand staircase and into Elizabeth’s bedroom.
“Lady Frances.” Elizabeth immediately curtsied as her maid left the room. The room was styled very classically. Everything neat and in it’s place. It felt very… not Elizabeth. “Your clothes-“
“Are you alright, Elizabeth?” Alice asked quickly. This wasn’t the time to discuss fashion.
“I…” Elizabeth let out a soft sigh. “I am… I’m just…”
“Today seems to have been an all around trying day.” Alice offered before encouraging Elizabeth to sit on her bed. Alice sat next to her. “You were taken hostage by a pirate, if I am to understand correctly?”
“He was using me to get out of a situation.” She begun to fidget with her hands. “He saved me. I fell off of the fort. If Jack Sparrow hadn’t…” Her voice faltered again and Alice grabbed her hand softly.
“Please continue.”
“That’s the pirate’s name - Jack Sparrow. Commodore Norrington seemed to mark him as a pirate straight away. When they were going to arrest him he grabbed me and held his gun to my head. He escaped, but only for a few minutes before they caught him anyway.”
“That must have been very frightening.”
“I don’t believe he really wanted to hurt me.” Elizabeth’s eyes turned to hers. “I think he just needed an escape.”
“More than likely.” Alice agreed. Sparrow was a lot of things, but downright cruel wasn’t one of them. “Your fall must have been scary too.”
“Oh, goodness, yes. After Norrington proposed I just couldn’t seem to catch my breath. I fainted right off.”
“Norrington proposed?” Alice asked, feigning ignorance.
“You knew he would.” Elizabeth pushed. “I am sure there is no way my father didn’t tell you that arrangement had been made.” Well, Alice had been right when she told James that Elizabeth probably already worked it out.
Alice chuckled. “He did. And now, when you’re married, you will be able to tell people how you fell for James during his proposal.” At first Elizabeth let out a small laugh, but her smile quickly faded. A far off look took over. One Alice recognized well. “You don’t love James Norrington, do you?”
Tears seemed to well in Elizabeth’s eyes. “I do not.”
“You have feelings for someone else.” Alice said calmly.
“How could you know that?”
“Because James is a good man, and you would only be this sad about his proposal if there was someone else you cared for.”
“I have no idea what to do.” Elizabeth seemed to fiddle with the chain around her neck.
“If it were up to me?” Alice started. “I would say choose your own life. Not the life you feel you are supposed to take. You are assured a good life with James. He will be caring, kind-“ her voice softened, “a good husband, but if that is not who you want-“
“So, it’s true.” Elizabeth said quickly. There was no judgement in her voice, just curiosity. “You care for Commodore Norrington.” Alice stood to look out Elizabeth’s window, before giving her a soft smile. “But you’re husband-“
“I can promise you for a fact, Elizabeth, that my husband doesn’t care anything of what I am feeling or for whom.”
“You don’t have a husband, do you?” This time Alice could tell Elizabeth’s anxiety levels were rising.
“No, I don’t.”
“Are you who you say you are?”
Alice took a deep breath in. “No, I’m not.” She saw Elizabeth start to stand. “But I don’t mean you or your father any harm. I need to make that clear.”
“Why are you here then? Are you even from England? Even nobility?”
“I have never set foot in England.” Alice said with a small laugh. “And I am certainly not nobility.”
“I had a feeling about that.” Elizabeth said carefully. Her brain was fighting whether or not to trust Frances. They had been alone enough times that if she meant harm, she could have done it.
“I knew you were smart.”
“Well, that and no noble would ever say to not marry the best social match.”
“They are set in their ways, aren’t they?” Alice asked and Elizabeth let out a small laugh as her anxiety began to calm.
“Who are you?”
Alice watched as the last of the sunset made the sky a brilliant orange and began to fade into purple.
“I can’t tell you right now. It’s getting late. It’s been a long day for you and you need rest.” Alice looked her in the eyes. “I promise you that you will know the whole story, just not tonight.”
Elizabeth seemed to think a moment and then nod. “Alright, but I will hold you to that.”
“I would expect nothing less.” Alice said with a final curtsy before she headed back out Elizabeth’s door and toward where her crew was waiting.
The sun had completely set and everything was packed. Now it was just a matter of taking the next few hours and transporting it down to the docks. A ship was already waiting to carry them and their cargo to meet her ships in Tortuga.
“We can leave nothing behind that would lead Norrington or anyone from the Navy to suspect we are anything more than what we said.” Alice called as they were doing a last search of the house. They left strategic things behind. Cases of clothing, food, instructions that they planned to return once Frances “husband” was better. In reality, a letter would come in three months declaring their intentions of staying in England. The dresses were to be taken to Elizabeth, anything else in the house redistributed.
“Captain!” Giles voice called. “You best come take a look at this!” Giles was standing on the balcony that oversaw Port Royal.
“What is it?” Alice asked and Giles handed her the telescope he was using. Creeping over the water was a dense fog. It seemed to come out of no where - the conditions had not been right for fog. More than that, it moved in an unnatural pace.
“We’ll never be able to sail in that.” Charlie said, his tone annoyed and frustrated.
“I don’t think that’s the reason we won’t be able to sail.” Alice almost whispered. A ship had come through the fog. Black sails, a pirate flag. “Tell me I’m not seeing what I’m seeing.”
Edward took the telescope. “The Black Pearl.” They had heard rumors of the Pearl. It was spoke of in hushed whispers by other pirates over glasses and glasses of rum. Except for Jack Sparrow, of course, who would tell any sod who would listen the tale of Barbosa marooning him and leaving him to die. The rumors though, the ones that started after Barbosa mutinied against Jack. The blood thirsty crew who were stronger than anyone could imagine, the ships that would aimlessly sail the seas, the mysterious island they always returned to. The question was why was it in Port Royal.
The warning bells at the fort began to ring followed by the first echos of cannon fire as the crew was gathered outside.
“What in the hell could Barbosa want with Port Royal?” Elias asked.
“I can’t imagine it’s the naval plans we wanted.” Alice said quickly. “We should get inside. Lock the doors.” The crew did as she said and they extinguished most of the lights except for in the study where they were trying to come up with new ideas. They certainly couldn’t leave while the island was under attack.
Edward was pacing. “Barbosa is so foolish to attack this way. They must want something big.”
“The best way to go about that would be to take prisoners.” Charlie added.
Alice agreed. “And the best prisoners to take would be….” Her voice trailed off as she looked to her men in horror. “The Governor and his daughter.” A gunshot fired from the direction of the Swann house.
“We have to do something.” She said to Edward who nodded. “They could be raiding houses. Everyone else, stay here. If anyone comes in, take care of them.”
“Sure thing, Captain.” Charlie promised. Alice tied her belt tightly and she put her pistol in the hostler on the side. Edward handed her a sword and the two left the front door, running for the Swann residence.
By the time they arrived they could see Elizabeth being carried down the hill by two pirates. She struggled desperately, but it seemed no use. Neither Edward nor Alice had the time to go after them as two more had come out of the house and were on them in a flash. Both Edward and Alice were trained fighters, but these pirates were strong. Stronger than either had anticipated.
The pirate Alice was flighting backed her into the house where they had to step over the body of the Swann’s butler. The sound of their swords clashing echoed in the dark mansion. Though he was strong, the pirate was sloppy. He lunged and she was able to side step and twist, pushing her sword between his ribs. As he fell, Alice waisted no time getting back outside.
Edward sat on the ground.
“Edward!” She was next to him in two seconds. His white shirt was becoming stained with his blood from a large gash on his arm. “What happened.”
“He nicked me and ran off.”
“This is more than a nick.”
“I’ll be alright.” Edward assured her.
“Get back to the crew and see that looked at. I’m going after Elizabeth.”
Edward grabbed her shoulder. “Be careful…. Something about these guys.”
“I will.” She helped him up before taking off toward the heart of the town.
It was chaos. Buildings were burning, people were running in the streets to escape the many pirates that had flooded the shore. Alice headed toward the docks. If they had Elizabeth still alive, she could only assume they were taking her to Barbosa.
As she came upon the Fort, James was out at the front. He and his men fighting off the pirates. From Alice’s vantage point she could see one sneaking up, ready to strike James. She jumped into the fray, stopping the blow. James took a moment to register who was fighting beside him, doing a double take when his mind worked out that it was Frances. Still, he didn’t have a moment to say even a word as the fight continued.
The pirate Alice was fighting laughed as their swords clanged, but then he quickly took several steps backward.
“Fighting for the Navy, are you Alice?” She took her pistol from her belt and aimed it at him, but he slowly backed up more giving her a wide grin.
A memory seemed to flash through her mind. Back from when she first came to the Caribbean, before Sam died. Sam and that man drinking at a bar.
As the man turned to run, the other pirates followed him in some sort of retreat. Alice put her pistol back on her belt and quickly helped James drag an injured man back up and into the fort where a doctor was tending to the wounded.
“What do you think you are doing?” James yelled as he turned toward her.
“Helping!” She replied before they both heard shouts of joy that the pirates were heading back to their boat.
James grabbed Alice’s hand and tore through the fort and into his office. When he slammed the door behind him the candles flickered making shadows on the wall.
“Who are you?” He asked, his eyes trained on her. Alice clenched her jaw and didn’t answer. “You’re not a noble woman. Not fighting like that.” This time Alice let out a little huff of a laugh. “Is your name Frances Craven Somers?”
“No.” She finally said and she watched his brow furrow in anger, but then another look highlighted the emotion that had welled in him - betrayal.
“Is your husband the Viscount Henry Somers?”
“I don’t even have a husband.” With this she dropped her accent and James visibly took a step back.
“You… you’re not….” It was as if his brain was fighting with himself. His piercing green eyes focused on her again. “I will ask once more.” His voice was dangerously low, as if he dared her to lie or not answer. “Who are you?” Alice carefully took out her sword and pistol. James tensed for just a moment before she set them on his desk. Walking around him she looked where her crew described finding the documents until she found the list of pirates they were continuing to hunt.
She set it on the desk in front of him and pointed to her own name. “I’m Alice.”
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Mind if I ask for POTC headcannon character x reader, their reactions to you telling them your asexual? (Cap Jack, Elizabeth, Will, Norrington, I dunno just whatever characters you wanna use for it?) ⚓
Hello dear 💖, thanks for the request.
How they would react to you being asexual⚫️⚪️🟣
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Jack sparrow🍺
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Jack would be on the ship. He was conversing with you about perhaps any adventures you wish to go on.
Jack even hinted that if there were, any guys or gals/people you like.
You looked at Jack with some sort of confused expression. "Jack, I'm not sure if I feel attracted to anyone," you looked down. "I have no desire to be with anyone, but I still want to be friends."
Jack smiled and placed a hand on your back. "Aye love, just means you like the sea more, you thrive on adventure."
"Ain't nothing more I envy then that" Jack smiled.
You nodded. You were glad he saw nothing wrong with you. All the times you were in Tortuga, and yet nothing happened between anyone.
All you desired more was to be a pirate and enjoy the sea without anyone tying you down.
You were still happy to be friends with people, just not intimate.
Elizabeth Swann🦢
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Elizabeth was with Will when she saw you.
She questioned why you weren't socialising with anyone on board; morally, any lass/lad/pirate would be into Jack Sparrow.
You, however, didn't desire that. You had no desire to be with anyone and yet you couldn't explain it.
Elizabeth wandered over to you. "Everything ok y/n, you don't seem to be joining us."
"I'm, I'm not really sure, I feel like I should be desiring someone, but nothing, I don't feel anything toward anyone" you looked down.
Elizabeth wasn't sure what it was you were saying except she said, "Then perhaps you haven't met the right person."
You looked up at her and said, "I think there's nothing wrong with just wanting friends and enjoying the seas, I'm sure I'm asexual."
Elizabeth wasn't familiar with the word, she had no idea what it meant but she respected your decision.
"If it's friends you oh so desire, then that's alright, I would've once loved to be on my own" Elizabeth leaned on the side of the pearls railing.
You smiled back, hugging Elizabeth. You were glad she understood even if she wasn't sure what the meaning was.
Will Turner🏴‍☠️
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Will was a passionate man in romance, he wanted nothing more then to be with Elizabeth.
However, when he hears of your thoughts on love, he questioned.
"So, is there anyone in your life" Will joked around.
You shook your head, confident in your words "unfortunately Will I don't desire that kind of life."
"I want to sail the seas and live freely. That's all I picture," you smile "encase your wondering I'm asexual."
"Oh, so, you don't desire to be with anyone," Will looked confused. "So that means you're like Jack, your life is devoted to the sea."
You signaled your hand to say 'kind of'. "It's rather more. I'm just happy to be my own."
Will understood your decision and didn't ask more.
James Norrington⚔️
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James was an old fashioned man, he had no idea what the word meant.
James held you close aside from Elizabeth and Govener Swann.
"Miss/sir/y/n, I greatly appreciate your company, but I must ask if perhaps you would be kind in joining me for my ceremony." James politely asked.
You glanced up. You thought there was some hint in romance, but you had to clear something up before he thought further.
"Listen, admiral, I appreciate your generosity, but unfortunately, I have no desire to marry or to be with anyone." You smiled with confidence.
"I'm asexual, someone who doesn't desire to be attracted to anyone." You explained.
James paused for a moment. Of course, his heart was still set on Elizabeth, but the word didn't make sense to him.
"I-indeed, I had no idea such a thing existed. Are you sure perhaps you haven't found the right suitor." He asked.
"No, I'm sure." You place a hand on his shoulder. "I just want to have friends".
James still didn't understand due to the way he was raised. However, he still cared for you either way and respected your decision.
"Very well, to friendship." James smiled.
Hector Barbossa🍏
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Barbossa was admiring his golden dabloons when he heard you coming in.
"Whaddya want" he growled.
"Sorry captain just thought I needed to discuss with you for something." You nervously said.
"Aye, can't-ch ye see I'm busy" Barbossa had a bad habit of being disturbed.
Barbossa watched you before you said "Captain, I think I'm asexual."
"A-wha" he questioned "is it some kind of scurvy".
"No, it's a feeling someone feels when they don't desire any attraction" you explained.
Barbossa understood, "Aye, then that be your decision missy/laddie/y/n."
"Just means yer less addle (stupid) then Jack" he smiled.
You laughed at Barbossa's reaction. You enjoyed being a part of his crew and not wanting anything more than that.
Barbossa didn't really care what you felt, only that you were good at what you're doing. He always thought Sparrow would've ended up this way due to his love for the sea, but then he does think otherwise.
Joshamee Gibbs🍻
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Gibbs was sitting on a barrell drinking rum.
You came up to Gibbs, nearly scaring him. "Blasterous mother on the Port bow."
You say to Gibbs apologising "sorry Gibbs but i was wondering on what your thoughts are on me."
Gibbs looked up, confused. "I mean, about me being asexual, Master Gibbs I don't desire to be with anyone."
"Now why would thar be anytin' wron' wit tha" Gibbs smiled.
"Just means yer devoted ta' tha sea n' ye truly r' a pirate." Gibbs winked.
You hugged Master Gibbs, he was truly understanding toward your feelings.
"Now c'mon, le's go tell Jack if ye want ta mend tha' helm (the wheel)." Gibbs smiled.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta ✨️
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kessielrg · 3 years
[Kingdom Hearts] The Shinrai no Kokoro
Summary: In which Sora temporarily makes Sabrina his captain during a trip to the Carribean. No better way to gain someone’s trust than to place them in absolute power, right?
Rating: K
Word Count: 2,691 words
If you liked this story, please reblog!
- - -
It didn’t matter how old he was, where he had gone, or what his mission was as a Keyblade wielder, there was a special part of Sora’s heart reserved for sailing the Caribbean. He didn’t have time to find Jack Sparrow, or see how Elizabeth Swann was doing, though- he had come on a special mission with a very special someone in tow. Not Kairi -to whom he did promise a private leg around the archipelagos-, but none other than the disagreeable Sabrina Sidney.
Sabrina was a friend -a very close friend, if certain people had their way- of Ventus. She was always disagreeing with someone, for no other reason than she could. Ventus (with a few moments to Aqua and Kairi) was the only one she seemed to occasionally open up to- something that Sora (as a friend magnet) couldn’t fathom. Who wouldn’t want to be his friend? How could he not want to add Sabrina to the list of people he could trust in times of need? Her persistence was admirable, and the way she thought certain problems through would impress Sora just enough to be in awe. But she had a chronic ‘can-not-spit-it-out’ problem. So when she just walked up to him earlier today to say she wanted to go to the Caribbean in his vessel, Sora was beside himself.
Among anything, he was excited.
Wearing his pirate attire again after so long felt like a hug. His hands on the ship’s wheel was like shaking hands with a friend. He would belt out in sea shanties if he knew Sabrina would enjoy them. Just enough so she didn’t tell him to be quiet and hide away in the captain’s cabin for the trip, at least. For now, he didn’t. Instead he kept his hands to the wheel as Sabrina occasionally checked the map and compass for their course. Sora liked when she placed her hands on the rail overlooking the lower deck and stood tall as she watched the seas roll past them. Her raven hair would probably be flying if she didn’t have it tied back into a bun, helped by the numerous braids of various widths to keep each flyaway in place.
He knew she wouldn’t admit it, but Sabrina liked to dress up as a pirate too. She wore a long sleeved linen shirt that fastened in the front- the top three hook and eye clasps undone to show a small portion of her chest to give fools with less respect than Sora a small show. The necklace she wore with a medallion sized pendant also helped emphasize the area. Her canvas breeches were cut a little below her knee, with small patches of wear that looked almost strategic. The coat she wore was a deep purple with golden embroidery along the sleeves and edges; the coattails were shorter than Sora’s, only reaching to mid-calf on her.
As she stood tall, you could almost feel the confidence radiate off of her. Sora only caught a glimpse or two just to show admiration. But he didn’t keep his gaze for long- he had a ship to command, after all.
“Doesn’t this feel great?!” Sora declared, hoping to garner her attention. “The wind through the sails, the smell of the sea, nothing for miles but us and three different shades of blue…”
“And the constant reminder you grew up on an island...” Sabrina noted with a dull tone. She looked over at him, the disapproving look on her face proving to be nothing more than a major downer.
“This trip was your idea.” he reminded her, almost in a smug little voice. It didn’t phase her in the slightest. “At least have a little fun, Sabi.”
“I’m not on a Gummi Ship, I don’t have to.”
“You didn’t laugh once on the way over either,” Sora also pointed out. Not long after a wide, mischievous grin crossed his face before he said, “Although I do think it picked up your thoughts on surprising Ven…”
He was barely able to dodge her attempt to whack him. However, his hand was still on the wheel, so the ship violently turned before Sora was quickly able to steady it again. He offered a sheepish grin in a half baked apology. Sabrina huffed before returning to study the maps. Sora’s grin didn’t stop as he looked over her for a moment.
“Oh!” he then realized. “We need to establish this ship’s rules!”
Sabrina looked up again, her expression less than amused.
“What are you talking about?” she questioned.
Sora’s grin got even wider. “You, Lady Sabi, get to be my fine vessel’s captain. But only for today! We’re on a very important mission, and you’ve got the maps.”
“Whatta joy.”
Sora offered her a boastful grin as he gave his nose a little brush. “It’s all for Ven, right?” he mused. “You’ve got the maps for the treasure you’re giving him. It only makes sense to make you captain for the day. Now, where’re we headin’, captain?”
“Keep the course straight,” she told him, looking between the map and the compass, “Eastbound all the way.”
“Aye, aye madam!” Sora agreed with a salute before maintaining their course. The start of a new journey causing a buzz in his body. He was even taking it with one of the most solidary people he knew too! It was enough to almost make him want to sing. In fact… 
“Yo ho mateys, away!” the young man almost belted out at the top of his lungs, “There’ll be treasure and adventure today! Heave-ho, here we go, together as a team! Captain Sabi and first mate So-ora, are we!”
Sabrina did absolutely nothing to hide her groan as she buried her head in her hand.
. . .
The duo dropped anchor when they came to a small cove hidden behind a dormant volcano. They both took an oar on their little rowboat so they could get closer in. Sora got out first so he could help Sabrina out, she took his gesture with some hesitation. Just the acknowledgement made Sora happy. He didn’t leave her side once as they ventured further in.
“There.” Sabrina said when she noticed something on a large rock ahead of them. Sora let her go on ahead, but something out of the corner of his eye made him pause.
“Sabrina,” Sora spoke up, “I don’t think we’re-”
He didn’t have time to finish as a loud wail filled the area. Sabrina and Sora immediately recoiled from the sound. When they were able to collect their bearings again, someone else was indeed with them. A siren now sat on the rock. Seeing her caused a chill to run up Sora's spine, and he immediately went to Sabrina’s side. Sabrina, too, had become more apprehensive at the newcoming.
“Who dares to take my treasure from me?” the siren questioned, its voice not quite male or female. Its black and blue eyes flicked from Sabrina to Sora and back again with a dark gaze.
“I am.” Sabrina said without an ounce of hesitation. “What of it?”
The siren raised an eyebrow at her.
“The treasure here, the Shinrai no Kokoro, can only be taken by one who passes my test. Do you accept this challenge?”
To this, Sabrina scoffed. “Well, if you’re going to make it complicated...” she grumbled, her eye roll deliberate as well.
“Very well.” the siren agreed with a nod. The siren then opened its mouth to let out a sound that made Sabrina recoil so badly, she had to cover her ears. To Sora, it had a different effect. His muscles started to relax, his pupils dilated, and his mind took a backseat to the soothing sounds of the siren. Once it was sure he was completely under its thrall, the siren stopped its song.
“That’s your test?” Sabrina questioned. “Some high pitched wail that did nothing?”
The siren smirked at her. It then turned its gaze to Sora and gave a nod. Sabrina found it odd, immediately turning to look at Sora as well.
“Sora?” the young woman asked, cautiously looking him over. “You alright, there?”
Sora summoned his Keyblade. Sabrina let out an annoyed sigh.
“You have got to be kidding me.”
Sora raised his weapon and pointed it at her, the tip blazing in preparation of a magic attack. Sabrina immediately protected herself with Barrier before it had the chance to hit her. As she called her own Keyblade, it left her open for a new attack. The possessed young man readied his Keyblade before driving toward her. A sound of surprise escaped Sabrina’s lips as she fumbled out of the way. How she ever avoided that was beyond her- and, unfortunately, the siren was not done with Sora yet.
“Why do you seek the Shinrai no Kokoro?” Sora asked, his voice mingling with that of the siren’s. It was hard to tell if they were simply talking at the same time, or just an effect of the siren’s control over him.
“Because I wanted to give Ventus something nice for his birthday. It’s, like, a week from now. Which you would know.” Sabrina sharply told him, jumping out of the way from a rather hard hitting swing. She quickly turned to the siren to seethe, “If you’re going to possess someone, the least you could do is leech his memories before asking obvious questions.”
The siren simply offered half a shrug in response. Sabrina had some choice words for the creature but didn’t have time to say them as she happened to parry another blow from Sora. The shock of it caused him to stumble backwards slightly.
“Why give the Shinrai no Kokoro to Ventus?” Sora asked.
“Do I really have to say it?” Sabrina groaned. She almost didn’t notice that Sora was preparing to perform Sonic Blade and was nearly hit at the first blow. It would have been a successful dodge had he not clipped her arm on the last strike. 
“Fine!” she shouted in aggravation. “It’s because I like him! And since I don’t show that I like people in a ‘normal’ way, these few times when I do would mean more to the people around me. Especially for him. He doesn’t give up on me in a way that isn’t annoying or overbearing, and deserves to know that I do see it. The least I could do is remember his stupid birthday.”
The siren gave a small sound of approval at this. Why was a concept that was going to grade on Sabrina’s nerves for awhile. Not that she had much time to think. Sora, despite not being a ‘master’, still apparently knew enough to have an upperhand while possessed. Maybe the siren was just drawing out his frustrations toward her- if they truly existed. Wouldn’t that be a fun concept? It would explain why his inner mind apparently had no resistance to all of this. Not that Sabrina was going to go on and beg for him to snap out of it either.
What she needed to do was think smarter, not harder. She moved to an area where she could get a better read on his attacks. It wasn’t much, but there was a definite moment where Sora had to configure his body before attacking- like a puppet adjusting its limbs so the strings did not get tied up. It was enough of an opening that when he rushed at her again, their Keyblades let out a loud clang as they connected. Sabrina and Sora were now in a deadlock. Up close, Sabrina could see the haze over Sora’s eyes from the siren’s control.
“Why choose Sora to accompany you?” Sora asked her as he pressed their Keyblades closer together. One of them would have to give soon, their strength was close to being evenly matched in this state. Sabrina did not plan on being disarmed first.
Unfortunately, in a way, she still had to.
“It’s because you’re the only one I trust with this.” she admitted, somewhat in a grumble. “I am capable of seeing when someone wants to get through to me, and I know the Carribean is your favorite world, so of course I would ask you to help. You’re the only one I could ask. I…” (the young woman took a moment to give a small, disgusted groan) “I trust you.”
As the words came from her mouth, the grip Sora had on his Keyblade started to weaken. His pupils returned to normal size as he gave several confused blinks.
“Wait…” he slurred- his voice belonging just to him again, “You mean that?”
“We wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”
What Sora did next happened so quickly that Sabrina was caught completely off guard. He dispelled his Keyblade, bringing her to rock forward a bit from the sudden weight change, then he launched himself at her to give a tight bear hug. The force of which knocked them both to the ground. Sora’s laughter filled the cove as he held Sabrina tight. The siren gave a small, approving smile at the display, even as Sabrina started to demand for Sora to get off of her.
Even after Sabrina managed to shove him off, Sora still laid on the ground in a happy -practically relieved- laughter. Sabrina scoffed at him as she got up. She took time to brush her pants and jacket before giving her shirt a little shake to get the sand out.
“You have done well.” the siren approved, earning the attention of both teens again. “Come.”
Sabrina adjusted herself a bit more before taking careful strides to the siren. Sora, his laughing starting to cease somewhat, also got to his feet but he did not stop her. He could quite clearly see the siren hold up the palm of her hand; a ring nestled inside that was silver with green and purple jewels embedded within it. Sabrina opened her hand as well, allowing the siren to let the ring drop on her palm. The siren smiled as she covered Sabrina’s hand with both of its own.
“The boy you give this treasure to will value it above gold.” the siren informed the young woman. “Not because it has any true value on its own, but because he knows it came from your heart.”
“As all sappy gifts go.” Sabrina huffed. The siren offered a soft smile before her form dissolved into a pile of sand.
Sabrina turned around to go back to Sora, letting out a long, tired sigh in the process. She slipped the ring onto her finger for safekeeping. It fit so well, she wondered if whatever magic kept it the perfect size would still work when Ven got it. Sora patiently waited for her to be at his side again. He gave the ring a look as well. It was rather pretty, and for a moment the two of them just admired it. If it had any rare magical abilities to it, he wouldn’t have been the one to know. But it must have had something special to it if Sabrina thought Ventus would like it.
“We’re ready to head out captain.” Sora told her, standing tall as he gave her a salute. Sabrina blinked, looking up at him with a confused glance. It took her another minute more to even realize what he was saying.
“Then get back to the rowboat.” she told him, her usual attitude returning in full swing. “We wasted enough time here as it is. The last thing I want when we get back is Aqua questioning where we went. If Aqua questions where we were, everyone questions where we were, and there goes Ventus’s surprise.”
“Aye, aye madam!” he agreed, finishing off his salute. He then gave a rather gleeful laugh as he started to run back to the ship. Sabrina watched him with a small shake of her head, unsure if she should be annoyed and amused. She looked back down at the ring then back at him.
“Thank you, Sora.” she said, soft and barely audible, before following him out.
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