#i wanna make it way bigger but I’m worried the chain won’t be able to handle its own weight when I hang it up lol.
werewolfest · 8 months
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Learned how to make rings out of copper n now I’m doing this :+)
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machinegunbun · 3 years
The house you eventually park in front of is much like yours, just a bit bigger, since Colson didn't live alone. The sound of sirens outside is carried almost melodically in the freezing wind. You soak it all in, wondering about who else in this city felt so far from home and yet right in the thick of it.
"She's a beaut, huh?" Colson quips, motioning to the steps, "but at least we got it to ourselves tonight," his grin could stretch a city mile.
Once inside, Colson immediately turns on a nearby heater and clears the couch, grabbing his RAW tray off the busted up coffee table, almost muscle memory, it seems, for both of you. You lay a fat sack down on the rolling tray as he sweeps the papers out of the way.
"Damn, do you really got glaucoma?" He snorts, untwisting the top. "No wonder I can smell it thru your backpack." He is all smiles while he breaks it down. "Have a seat, make yourself at home," he offers, pointing to the couch cushion free next to him.
You sit down on the very edge, causing Colson to stop in his tracks.
"Aw, come on, don't do me like that," he pouts, pulling a folded blanket from the chair to his left. "I got blankies," he teased, knowing how drafty all these houses are the heater won't cut it. "I said, make yourself at home," he playfully insists, and unexpectedly, he grabs your thigh to pull you so close, you can feel the heat emitting from his jeans.
He continues as if nothing had even happened, luxurious tongue peeking out to seal the blunt. So you wrap the blanket across your laps, and act nonchalant, too, trying to force the lump in your throat all the way down.
"A backwoods, that's classic," you offer as a change of subject, watching mesmerized as the ambient lighting and warm tones of the fake flames of the heater danced across his chiseled face. Godddd, why couldn't you control yourself?
Colson smirked before running a lighter across it. "Only the best for my guest."
The two of you sit cozy under the blanket for a short period of time, passively hitting the blunt and savoring before passing, while Colson rigged up a speaker. As the hip hop played softly, you felt your muscles relax a bit, most they had in 6 years.
Colson began probing you with his eyes again, like he was about to start 20 questions back up.
"So, you're not really from around here, are you?" He digs, pressing a thigh against yours to turn to face you better.
"Ah, no," you say, nodding
"From....?" He prompts, rolling his hand before passing the blunt.
"Down South," you're ashamed the more you divulge.
Colson pulls a face. "You don't have an accent, though," he contests.
"Got rid of it," you shrug. "People think you're stupid," you smile back.
Colson takes a hand and begins rubbing your thigh softly, as if to comfort you, although he can feel the tension increasing doing just the opposite. "I wouldn't think you're stupid, at all," he husks quietly, serious.
You don't want to make a sound for fear it will come out as a squeak.
"Look, I would ask what brings you all the way out here, but..." He trails off before hitting the blunt hard. "I'm a blunt motherfucker, so I'll just say it. I know about the..." He is swallowing the wrong words, struggling despite his frankness. "Well, the whole crew knows about the... The statutory situation," he whispers, like someone is listening. "You don't really talk to nobody, so.. They got curious. There's... There's lots of articles."
You almost disassociate, so he takes it as a sign to continue.
"I couldn't imagine. So, if I'm making you uncomfortable..." He begins to look worried, the desire to backpedal immediately written across his face.
You physically snap back, and force him to stop leaning away from you.
"You're blunt, huh?" You ask, now trying to comfort him.
"Yeah. I'm sorry," he relaxes into your touch, though.
"You don't have any chains or ropes here, so I'm not here by force," you smile, darkly, almost transported back to 15 again.
Colson winces, sympathetically, before shaking his head (to no doubt clear images) the articles he had read that paint an all too vivid picture out of his mind like an etch a sketch.
"Look, I ... I really wanted to get to know you, and... Everybody told me it was a bad idea, you know? Like I would fuck up your life. But I just really can't resist, you seem so cool, so sweet," Colson trails off, realizing in your vulnerable state he had began being too vulnerable as well.
"Thanks. I know that sounds stupid, but, most people... Well, most guys, avoid me like the plague."
Colson melts back into the couch, into your warmth surrounding you, before beginning to pull a cigarette out for each of you. He passes it to you, so intuitive to how on edge you're feeling. He knows you too well already.
"You don't have to be scared, you know," you remind him, "you can keep playing 20 questions." You're joking but serious. "I've possibly purposefully not made any friends here yet. I salute you breaking the ice AND addressing the elephant in the room," you admit. "I like cutting thru the bullshit."
Colson takes a thoughtful drag from his cigarette while formulating his next question.
" okay," he sounds more at ease, "do you have a boyfriend?" He risks, wincing at how insensitive it sounds, but he correctly got the impression it was forgiven and you wanted to move forward exactly as he intended originally.
"Oooh, no, actually," you giggle at the spicy question. "Other than, the, ya know... Situation, shall I say, never been with a man before." You're shocked at how honest you're being.
Colson can't help his jaw dropping. "How... How old are--you're still a virgin??" He is stumbling over his words.
"21, and, yeah," you choke out, sudden shyness taking over.
It was so refreshing he considered you a virgin still that you could die on the spot.
"Whoa. Just.... Damn," Colson stuttered, as the etch a sketch cleaned his slate once again. Hopefully be was clearing thoughts of how tight you must be still, not how damaged you are.
"Do, um," he clears his throat while putting out his cigarette, "what kind of tattoos and piercings do you have?"
"None, of either, actually," you admit, eyes hungrily scanning Colson's inked up neck.
It seems he can't believe his ears.
"Are you.. Holy shit, no way? Prove it," he challenges.
You shrug the blanket and flannel off to expose your belly, shoulders, and lift your crop top to show nothing on collar bones. Colson looks like he would spit if he had water he was drinking. He wasn't expecting you to show him anything for real.
He lifts a tentative hand to your cheek to brush your hair behind the ear, "wow, no ear piercings, either. You're magical," he says heavily. "You're younger than me, by, like, a lot, but anyone... like you, I never would have guessed..."
You realize now that his knuckles still lay resting on your cheek, stroking it softly, and he'll be able to feel them burning red hot with embarrassment and desire The shame, because you've never done this before, never been so close and intimate with someone, and the desire as well for the same reason.
"You're better than I ever even imagined," he admits before falling silent, soaking up your reaction fully,
Colson breaks the silence first. "I want to kiss you," he states, voice dripping with lust, and cracking slightly.
As you place a hand over his much larger on your cheek, he takes this as a sign to keep going. Leaning forward, foreheads almost touching, Colson licks his lips and scans your face hungrily.
"Can I?" He prompts, impatient, pupils blown, and jaw tight with anticipation.
You feel like you barely nod, hand dropping off of his, before he grabs it tightly to put it around his neck.
"Like this, let me show you," he whispers, lips ghosting yours.
In one Swift motion he slides a hand under your lower back in order to lay you down gently on the couch, hovering above you, on the edge of deranged with desire, like a wolf standing over a downed deer. You figure Colson has never had to exhibit this much self control before.
"I wanna defile you, take your innocence," he rasps, thumb finding its way to your bottom lip, stroking gently, opening your mouth ever so slightly. "I want it to be mine, I've wanted this for so long," he smiles, his rock hard cock pressing with a ungodly heat against your pubic bone. He's not even hiding anything anymore, using your exposed tummy and clothed pussy to hump and grind softly in order take the edge off.
"Can I touch you?" He asks desperately, biting his lip so hard you thought it might bleed. "I want to help you relax a little," Colson whispers, though you imagine it's just as much for him as it is you.
"Anything you want, Cols." You're almost choking.
He lets out a dark laugh at this, and in an instant his hands feel like they're all over you, exploring, finally coming to rest at your jugular, feeling the intense pounding underneath his fingertips.
"You're scared?" It's a question as much as it is a statement. "Or turned on?" Colson raises a brow, other hand massaging your thigh, slowly curling it around his waist, positioning and posing you like a ragdoll, your body defeated and limp to his touches. You are in a state of bliss and fear. "Maybe both," he concludes, smirking.
At this you close your eyes, expecting any second to wake up from this all too familiar dream, as you've pined for your coworker possibly even longer than he has.
Suddenly, Colson is at your ear, breath hot and desperate. "Don't be scared babydoll, you're in good hands," he reassures, nipping at your earlobe in such a way it sends a shiver all throughout your body. "I... Will go... Slowww," he teases out painstakingly, "slow as you need me to," he adds gently.
It was then you were startled into the reality of the situation by the sound of his belt coming undone, soft noises as it is expertly slipped out of his belt loops in one, fluid motion. Colson feels you panic underneath him, and he is quick to respond to this.
Havent had a chance to read it yet but i wanted yall to have fhis lmfaoo. A gift from bigblakdix to me to you
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lonelyboxpet · 3 years
little wolf
chapter one: new Master
cw: non-human/monster-ish whumpee, wolf-ish whumpee, pet whump, abandonment, muzzling, too small cage, new owner, self-depreciation, implied punishments (feel free to tell me if i missed something)
Pet just wanted to be good.
It only wanted to make Master happy, but still, it always failed terribly. A monster, that's what Master called it. An awful, useless beast.
Master was doing it a favor by keeping it tied up and muzzled. He was always so kind to punish the Pet when it was being bad, but Pet was never grateful enough. It was ugly, and hideous, and noisy, and clingy, and also disobedient. And Master deserved a good pet, not a bad one.
That probably was the reason why Pet was now stuffed in a cage too small for it, blindfolded, muzzled and chained, in the trunk of Master's car, going gods know where. Master finally decided to get rid of it, Pet knew. It was really sad that it wasn't able to make Master more happy.
It didn't want to go away from Master. Master was good, and Pet knew him. It knew what the rules are and what happens when it disobeys them. It didn't want to leave him.
But Master was apparently sick of it.
Pet tried not to cry. Master hated it when it was being loud. Stupid, stupid pet, too big and too noisy.
The car stopped, but the motor kept running. Pet twitched its ears when it heard Master's voice. He was on the phone with someone. It catched a few segments of the call.
,,... alright if… drop it off? Yeah… no, it should be fine… the money… all the papers… if anything… yeah. I recommend… Good… Okay, about five minutes? … Great. I'll wait there…. 'Kay. Bye."
The motor went off and Pet tensed up when it heard the car's door open. Master walked over to the trunk and opened it, letting some fresh air in.
,,Hey, mutt."
Master dragged the cage out, not worrying about dropping it. Pet felt how it hit the ground and a soft whimper escaped from its mouth.
,,Shut up and stop whining, mutt. They should be here in a moment."
Pet softly sniffed the air. It smelled like grass and warm asphalt, like an old small rest stop tucked away from civilization. Like a perfect place to get rid of a useless, broken pet.
It heard the sound of a car coming from a far away way sooner than Master and it couldn't help but tense up and whine. Master kicked its cage and it whimpered, but it couldn't stop itself. It tried to soundlessly beg for Master's mercy, but it was useless.
The sound came closer. Pet couldn't stop shivering in fear. Who is this stranger that will take Pet away? Are they cruel? Are they gonna kill Pet? What is going to happen to it? It didn't want to, it didn't want to, it didn't want to-
The car pulled over and stopped a few meters away.
,,Hello there," a male voice spoke up. ,,I guess you're the guy, eh?"
Master simply kicked Pet's cage again. Pet whined when it's small shelter rattled violently.
,,Take it," Master said, and Pet felt panic rising inside its guts. No. No no no no no. No, don't take it away from Master, it will be good, it will be so good, just let it go home-
,,Okay, man. Woah, the pup's bigger than i thought," said the stranger, his shoes hitting the ground as he walked over to them. ,,Uh… Why is it all caged and shit?"
,,It's a fucking monster," Master growled. ,,It's able to rip your throat out before you even blink. 'Course I trained the hell out of it, but still. It's less fuss when it's packed up, ya know?" Pet flinched a bit when he threw a box of things next to its cage.
,,Yeah, sure," the man replied. ,,I'm gonna just let it out, tho. It looks kinda crammed."
,,Do whatever you want," Master said and Pet could hear the smirk in his voice. ,,It's all yours now."
Master took a few steps back and Pet whined, hoping he would come back, but no. It heard Master's car starting and then driving away, the sound of its motor fading in the distance. Pet softly whimpered.
It almost yelped when the man's hand touched its back out of nowhere, biting the sound back in the last moment. It has to stay quiet. It has to be good.
,,Hey there, buddy," the stranger said softly. ,,Would you mind if I let you out of this stupid cage? Damn, you're all crammed up inside, it must be so uncomfortable. C'mon. I won't hurt you."
Pet forced itself to bite back all the whines and cries and waited, its heart racing. The man's fingers struggled with the lock a bit, and then it heard a soft click when he opened the door.
,,Come out, buddy. I wanna see you and take off those damn restraints."
No, the cage was safe. It was small and cramped and uncomfortable, but it was safe. Pet whined and shifted a bit, not even reaching the door, terrified.
The man sighed. ,,Alrighty then, pup. Stay in your cage if you want to. I understand that you're scared, but you don't have to. Can I at least take off the blindfold?"
Pet tensed up when his hand brushed against its muzzle and carefully let the blindfold slip down. It immediately lowered its gaze, not allowed to look into new Master's eyes.
New Master breathed out and smiled at Pet. He was tall and tan, with long, curly brown hair and freckles.
,,That's better, pal," he chuckled and brushed his fingertips over Pet's fur, ,,Now, let's go home, shall we?"
ohh god i'm new to this-
so, i always wanted to write my own pet whump story and i had this whumpee oc since i was like? twelve?? so hurting this little one comes naturally to me haha
anyways i hope you like it, feel free to correct any mistakes - english isn't my first language - and feel free to ask about anything!! ^^
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clementinesjourney · 3 years
I'll even be a clown.. cause I just wanna amuse ya...
AN: Still stuck on the series's storyline.. And i freaking love Mäneskin.. sooooo i thought i'll bring them into my little universe as well while still keeping our Buck around. Tell me if you like this kind of thing or not. <3
Warnings: none
Words: 1,5 K
Pairing: Bucky x singer!reader
Summary: Reader is a singer who has a great friendship with the band Mäneskin, who are coming to New York for a concert, and would love to have her sing with them on stage. Thats when Bucky realizes why was the girl at the bar so familiar..
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Wanda liked Mäneskin ever since she saw them in Italy. They were young, sexy, fun and talented as hell. So when she saw the ads of them coming to NY she had to get tickets for the whole gang. Bucky wasn't so happy, but what could he do. He preferred the 40's music still, but might as well give it a go, maybe he will enjoy it.
Soon enough the day of the concert came, the others were all over the place, Bucky was quietly sitting at the bar, playing with his whiskey, swirling it around in the glass.
-Do you usually just play with your drinks, all lonely in bars? - a cheerful voice asked next to him. He looked it's owner up and down. A pair of black Dr. Martens, black stockings, highwaisted black leather shorts, black mesh top, with a lacy burgundy bra underneath, golden chains in her neck, red, naturally wavy hair, a smile to die for, and damn those vibrant green eyes.
-Staring at strangers a little to long as well, i see - you said chuckling, signalling the bartender that you wanna order. - i'll have a gin-soda with lime and one of whatever he's drinking.
He was still just staring at you.
-Thank you it's reallly flattering, but you can close your mouth now. Don't be a creep.. - you winked. - Cheers. - You clinked your glass to his, sipping into it.
- i-im sorry.. - he said absolutely stunned how open you were.
- Hi sorry, i'm sober. - you chuckled, sipping more of your drink, enjoying the taste.
-You're crazy. - he said chuckling, running a hand through his hair.
- Oh shut up everybody is.. C'mon the show's starting. - you said, grabbing his dogtags, making him follow you to the middle of the crowd, dancing around to the beat.
The first few songs went in a blur, he danced with you to all of them. From the corner Wanda and Sam kept an eye on you two.
-He doesn't have a clue who he's dancing with does he? - shouted Wanda into Sam's ear over the music.
-Even i don't have a clue. Why?
Just wait and see. - shouted Wanda while giggling, sipping her wine.
The song ended, when the singer started to scan the crowds with the other musicians while talking.
-We have a dear old friend in the crowd, and we thought we couldn't miss this opportunity to sing and party with her again. The next song is one i always tried to seduce her with, wonder why never did it work.. he said chuckling obviously making a joke, making the women in the front rows melt. - please welcome one of our dearest friend and most amazing singer in NY city with the same warmth.. (Y/N).. come on in here you old hag.. - he said while clapping for you.
Without a word you left Bucky there right in the middle. He couldn't process what was happening.
You hopped on the stage, waving at the people, quickly hugging and kissing the band. You were then facing the crowd, smirking at Bucky, you gave him a wink as the singer came up right into your face from the side as he started to sing.
I wanna be your slave I wanna be your master I wanna make your heart beat Run like rollercoasters I wanna be a good boy I wanna be a gangster 'Cause you can be the beauty And I could be the monster I love you since this morning Not just for aesthetic I wanna touch your body So fucking electric I know you scared of me You said that I'm too eccentric I'm crying all my tears And that's fucking pathetic.
You were now facing him, taking over dancing around him, with him. You were glowing, you were having the time of your life being able to sing with your friends again.
I wanna make you hungry Then I wanna feed ya I wanna paint your face Like you're my Mona Lisa I wanna be a champion I wanna be a loser I'll even be a clown Cause I just wanna amuse ya I wanna be your sex toy I wanna be your teacher I wanna be your sinner I wanna be a preacher I wanna make you love me Then I wanna leave ya 'Cause baby I'm your David And you're my Goliath.
You were putting on a show, just as you used to back when you lived in Italy. When you nearly kissed, Bucky felt a pang in his chest. He just met you yet you had him around your finger from the first minute. In a spare moment you saw how his jaw clenched at how close Adamo was to you. Smirking, you know the handsome stranger will certainly take you home now.
The concert finished, and Bucky found himself drinking at the bar alone again, hoping you'd find him again somehow. And that is what you did.
-(y/n) by the way. - You said holding your hand for him to shake, with the biggest smile on your face.
-Bucky. - He took it, and his hand lingered on yours a little longer. - Can i buy you a drink?
- You can. - you said with a smirk. He was handsome you thought. You wouldn't mind having a bit of fun with him tonight.
The next hour you two were talking, getting to know eachother. It was time that the place closes, so you grabbed your leather jacket and went out.
-Do you wanna talk a bit more? I-i'm sorry if it sound lame. i'm kinda rusted in this department... But i would really like to spend some more time with you.. - He said while running a hand through his hair, resting it on the back of his head. He was nervous and you found it unbearably cute.
-It depends... do you have anything to drink while we're doing the ' talking'? - you tried to hint on having a bit more fun than talking. It wasn't that you were sleeping with every man you could, but you were set on the idea that whatever a man can do without shame so can women. You loved to live freely, doing whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted. And if it was a god-like handsome man you met at a concert, then hell so be it.
-I'm sure i can find something.. - He said with a smile. You saw how he calmed knowing that you'll go with him. It was cute that he worried you might not. He tried to mask it with that flirty-masculinity that you loved, but deep down you both know you had the reins.
On the way to his apartment you were laughing at some old stories he told you about his past. Dates that go wrong, nights he helped old friends to get home, nights they helped him. There was something about you that made him feel like a little boy trying to get his first date, yet let him be himself at the same time. It confused him, but in a good way. You didn't even realize you were holding hands the most of the way. When you arrived he took his keys out and opened the door, letting you enter before him.
You hopped down on the couch waiting for him to bring you a drink. It was whiskey, which had you make funny faces as it was stronger than what you used to usually drink. Youeyed up his record collection. You always adored the way vinyl made the music sound. It gave you a homey feeling. It was mostly records from the 40-50's, but what stood out is an album of Quentin Tarantino songs. You took it out and put it on while he watched you from the couch, smiling, fascinated by how comfortable you seemed in his place, as if you were living here. His smile grew even bigger when you started to dance around for one of your all time favourite songs that was in a Tarantino movie. Stuck in the middle with you by Stealers Wheel. You jumped around, took his hand, making him stand up and dance with you. You felt like freedom..
When the next song came ( Girl, you'll be a woman soon by Urge overkill) he put his hands on your waist, bringing you closer, you put your hands in his neck, looking deep into his mesmerizing blue eyes and slowdanced. You were smiling at eachother, then he leaned in to kiss you. It was the best damn kiss you've ever had. You wanted to have more, which ended in a heavy makeout session on his couch, him only wearing his jeans now as you admired his well built chest and over all just him... You had to admit he's pretty god-like. One thing led to another and the next morning you found yourself waking up in the handsome strangers bed when the sun just came up.It was around 5 am. His hands around you, legs tangled. Both of you stark naked. You smiled at him, gave him one last peck. By the time he woke up, his bed only had the remains of you. A lingering scent of liqour and peaches, and a note with burgundy kiss mark on it. You must've kissed the paper goodbye instead of him he thought with a sad smile. He would've loved to wake up to the sight of you, to memorize your face, your body.
The note only said: two weeks from now, where the sun emerges from the sea. 5 am.
He smiled at this little note. It's a date he murmured. He went out to make coffee, after all he'll have to deal with his friends asking all kinds of questions. He was sure they won't miss the content look on his face. He had an amazing night, topped it off with amazing sex, and maybe two weeks from now he'll get to meet you again..
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barnesbabee · 4 years
Hidden || S.M
Summary: ‘Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back’
Pairing: Song Mingi x Reader
Words: Plenty I’d say
Genre: Smut
A/N: This is, by far, the filthiest smut I’ve ever written. It’s also my favourite. Enjoy! (There’s many kinks and harsh things described, if you’re not into that maybe this isn’t your cup of tea....)
@mangotexts​ was a babe for helping me with the beginning of the plot, love u <3
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-  WARNING! There’s some very harsh/sensitive things described in detail -
  It wasn't supposed to be this way, it couldn't. Yet here you were, desperately scrolling down Craigslist in hopes someone was looking to share their flat.
 College started in two days, and you had had no luck finding somewhere to live. You were starting to lose hope, and the best options were either staying in a hotel until you found a place, which you definitely couldn't afford, or get a place far away from your campus, which would force you to wake up at ungodly hours of the morning and spend a bunch of money in transportation every day.
   Just as you were about to lose hope, your eyes landed on an ad with the title 'Flatmate needed'. Your eyes glanced over the description and requirements. Everything seemed fine, until you saw the profile of the ad owner: it was a man. You didn't know about moving in with an unknown man... It certainly wasn’t the ideal, but you had no other options.
  You sighed and messaged him nevertheless, saying you were interested.
  "Well if he kills me I won't have to pay for college anymore..."
  The flat owner was quick to reply to your message, and you soon arranged a meeting.
  Mingi and you became close very quickly. You were surprised (and lucky to be honest) to find such a heart-warming and kind man ready to welcome you into his flat.
  Your worries washed away in less than a week of living with him, and every day was a blast with Mingi. He had the most fun, brightest personality, and you honestly loved having him around.
  Everyone had a dark side, you knew it, you just thought that Mingi happened to be an exception, but oh were you about to be proven wrong.
  Mingi had left the house about ten minutes ago, and you were frantically looking for your phone's charger, that he had hidden as a punishment for ‘not replacing the empty toilet roll’, again.
  "Goddammit Mingi..." You cursed under your breath as you looked through every drawer and shelf in the house.
 After looking through the kitchen, living room, and even the bathroom there was only one place left: his bedroom.
 You didn't want to go in while he wasn't home because, well, privacy. But your phone was about to die and you had no idea where the fuck he had gone or how long he'd take. You opened the door and started looking through his drawers, through his desk and even under his covers, but nothing. The only place you hadn't checked was his wardrobe, but you highly doubted he'd just hang your charger along with his sweaters.
   You ignored the fact and opened it nevertheless, and immediately regretted it.
   You froze in place, your hands still placed on the white doors of the wardrobe, unable to move. Your eyes were glued to the various sex toys displayed before you. You shouldn’t have been there, you shouldn’t have seen it and yet you couldn’t look away...
  There was everything in the wardrobe: ropes, chains, gags, butt plugs, vibrators, you name it. Every kind of extravagant sex toys was in that closet of Mingi's.
 You couldn't move, and even when you heard footsteps coming closer and eventually stopping right behind you, you remained immobile.
 You felt a pair of large hands grab your waist, and a man breathing against your neck.
  "Do you like my collection?"
  Mingi's lust-filled voice seemed deeper than usual, and it sent shivers down your spine.
  You didn't speak, you just let your hands, that had been holding the wardrobe doors, fall beside your body. Mingi chuckled and pulled you back by the waist, making his semi-hard dick press against your ass.
  "Do you wanna try them on you Y/N, hm?"
 You didn't even know what you were doing, but the man's deep, seductive voice, his dick pressed against you and the view before your eyes... It made you horny and curious, and you found yourself slowly nodding to his question.
  He turned you around harshly and looked you in the eye.
  "I need you to tell me you want this, because when I start I won't be able to stop it." He asked you, as his hands caressed your curves.
  You were scared but excited at the same time. There was a mix of emotions flowing through your body, but the rush of the moment overcame it all and you gave into his touch.
   "I want this Mingi." You assured him.
  Although you tried to hide it, Mingi could still spot the nervousness in your voice.
  "It's okay princess, if you think I'm going too far tell me to stop, okay?"
   You nodded along to his statement, giving the man the green card to make you his.
  His hands roamed around your body and his lips attacked yours as if he'd be waiting for this all his life. His fingers played with the waistband of your sweatpants and pulled them down slowly, never breaking the kiss. Once they fell down to your feet you stepped out of them and kicked the piece of clothing somewhere else. Mingi's lips trailed down to your neck and exposed collar bone. He nibbled on your skin, biting down and sucking harshly on the most sensitive spots.
  Your hands, previously resting on his biceps, traveled up to his hair. You tugged on it and threw your head back, giving him all the access he wished for.
   Mingi's hands went up your body and into your shirt, cupping your exposed breasts in the process. It was Saturday, you weren't planning on leaving the house and as per usual you didn't wear a bra on a lazy day. Generally, not having a bra would be a plus, even a turn on sometimes, but Mingi got off on seeing underwear, and slowly peeling it off, so the absence of it annoyed him. He pulled away from the kiss and removed your t-shirt.
   He stepped away from your body and analyzed you head to toe.
   "No bra, hm? Such a slut... I'll have to punish you for that."
   "But I never wear-"
    He wrapped his fingers around your throat and squeezed it.
    "Do not speak when you're not asked to."
    You nodded at his words. God you looked so innocent under his touch... You looked so, so appetizing to him. He didn't retrieve his hand, he just cocked his head to the side and looked at you for a second, imagining all the ways he could break you.
   Eventually he removed his hand and looked over to the bed, motioning you to get on it. You quickly complied and sat on his bed, anxious yet excited for what was about to come. You saw him fumble around in one of the drawers of the wardrobe but you couldn't tell what he was looking for, until he turned around.
   In his hands, Mingi held a blindfold and two ropes. Your eyes shot up at him with a questioning look. He smiled mischievously and knelt on the bed.
   Mingi grabbed your right wrist and wrapped one of the ropes around it, then proceeding to tie it to the bedpost. He moved onto the left wrist and did the same.
   You looked at him with worried eyes. Upon noticing this, Mingi kissed your left cheek lightly.
   "Don't worry princess, I'm gonna make you feel so good." He told you, and then blindfolded you.
    You heard him get off the bed and fumble with something, which you assumed were his clothes that he was stripping from.
     His cold hands ran up and down your body. His index finger hooked around the waistband of your panties and he pulled them, just to let them go afterward, causing the elastic to slap against your waist.
   You winced a little and he slapped your ass.
   "You can make noise only when I tell you to, got it?"
   You bit your lip and nodded. Every time his hands left your body you wondered what he would do next, and the blindfold, preventing you from even trying to guess what he was about to do, made your original excitement double.
   Mingi's fingers ran up and down your womanhood from the outside of your panties. You spread your legs wider for him as he felt the wet spot in your underwear get bigger and bigger. The man eventually pushed your panties to the side, never removing them, so your core was exposed to him.
   He appreciated it for a second before licking a strip along it. His tongue licked your pussy up and down and swirled around your clit, before entering you.
   Upon feeling his tongue fucking you and his thumb apply pressure on your clit, you bit down on your lip and grabbed the ropes attached to your wrists.
   You tried your best to keep quiet, and you were succeeding. Mingi didn't like that, so he replaced his tongue with two fingers and you immediately let a loud moan escape your lips.
   "Tch... You can't keep quiet for me, can you? Well maybe I should punish you the way you deserve."
   Mingi pulled your soaked panties off of you and reached for something in his nightstand.
   "Open up." He demanded and you opened your mouth.
   He quickly shoved a metal object in it, and you swirled your tongue around it before he removed it. He did nothing for a second, but you then felt the saliva-covered object push into your ass. A butt plug.
   You kicked the mattress under you as he entered the full thing. He slapped your inner thigh harshly.
   "Behave. Or else I won't let you come today." He threatened, and you shivered at his dominant tone.
   You could only nod at him. He told you to open your mouth once more and you complied. He shoved a gag in your mouth and tied it around your head.
    "Since my little slut can't keep quiet I'll just have to shush her myself," he grabbed the sides of your face violently "right?"
    You nodded once more, since it was all you could do. Once Mingi let go of your face he looked at you once more and chuckled.
    So little, so pretty, so innocent... All spread out just for him. Yearning for his touch. Mingi wanted to break you in so many ways. He jerked himself at the sight for a second, he wanted to fuck you so bad... But he didn't want the fun to be over just yet. He still needed to hear you beg, gagged and restrained like that.
   Mingi grabbed the vibrator he had put in the nightstand and turned it on. Just by the sound you knew what awaited you and you shivered.
   The man teased you by playing with it around your clit first. Your jaw began to hurt, from biting down on the gag ball so hard. He then inserted it in you slowly, and pushed it out just as slowly. You lifted your hips and bucked them up, trying to get as much contact with the vibrator as possible. The action made you earn a harsh slap to your ass.
   "You greedy girl..." He teased.
   He sped up his hand movements with the vibrator and increased the strength he did it with. Your breaths became heavy, your chest raised and fell quickly,  your legs started shaking and your abdomen was flexed as you forced your orgasm to hold back. Mingi noticed it and decided to torture you a little more. His thumb played with your clit and you started tugging on the ropes around your wrists, trying your best to distract yourself.
   "Come for me princess, come on."
   Once he allowed you, you released all of the tension built up and let your orgasm flow. What you didn't expect, however, were the strings of fluid being expelled from you, as your legs shook. It had never happened to you before, but you could tell you had just squirted all over Mingi.
   "Oh my God..." He growled.
   He pulled the blindfold off of your eyes and threw it somewhere, discarding the gag just as quickly. Your eyes were watery and there was drool all over your lips and cheeks.
   "You are so getting rewarded for that princess."
   His lips latched onto yours as he violently made out with you. He bit and sucked on your lower lip while one of his hands pinched and tugged on your left nipple. He kissed down your body until his lips were sucking on your right nipple.
   When he pulled away, he stood on his knees and looked down at you, appreciating the view once more. You looked so fucked out, he loved it. The teary eyes, the plump red lips, the marks of the gag on your cheeks, his bites showing up on your neck, and your red inner thighs that had the marks of his hands... God he could do this all week long.
    He flicked his tip over your clit a couple times.
    "Beg for me princess. I wanna hear how bad you want me."
    "Please Mingi, please fuck me! I've been waiting for so long and I behaved, please put your cock in me!" You begged, with your best innocent face.
    Mingi rammed into you with no mercy. He grabbed your hips for stability and pushed in and out of you violently.
    This man's stamina had no end.
    You were a moaning mess under his touch and you loved it.
    "That's right princess, moan for me. You look so pretty with my cock in you."
    You let out a whimper as one of his hands moved out of your hips to play with the butt plug.
    With his dirty praises, teases, and groans you clenched around him and came for the second time. Your whole body was trembling from the slight overstimulation, your mouth was open, and your were eyes closed in pleasure.
     Mingi pulled out of you and skillfully undid the ropes around your wrists. He got out of the bed and pointed at the floor beside him.
     "Kneel." He demanded.
    You quickly got on your knees for him and opened your mouth obediently, knowing exactly what he wanted.
    He grabbed your hair into a ponytail and brought your mouth to his dick. You wrapped your lips around the tip and swirled your tongue around it. You then wrapped one of your hands around his length as you took as much of him as you could, while the other one rested on his thigh.
   Mingi's hand, that was gripping your hair, pushed your face down on his cock, forcing you to take him all him. You gagged as he repeated this a couple of times.
   Finally, he removed his cock from you when he felt his orgasm coming and started jerking himself off.
    "Come all over me, Mingi, please..." You begged breathlessly, looking up at him innocently while you stuck out your tongue.
   The look on your face made it impossible not to come, and so he did. Mingi came all over your face, with a loud groan and a praise on how good you looked.
    He sat down on the bed, trying to catch his breath. You were both sweaty and panting. His hair was stuck to his forehead and a bead of sweat could be seen rolling down the side of his cheek.
   "Was I too rough?" He asked.
   "Nope." You replied wearing a smile, with his cum dripping down your chin.
   God, you were precious.
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how would you do a percy jackson adaptaion?
okay, so I know this is a controversial opinion right off the bat: I really don’t think it should be an animated series.
A large part of the appeal of the series is that it’s a fantasy series set very very firmly in reality. Literally, apart from the camps, you could go to every location hit in the books. Riordan mentions specific streets, buildings and landmarks, and that was cool when I first read them. I remember being a kid and waiting for him to set a scene in a place near where I lived! I remember trips to New York and being able to envision an epic war happening in the streets. So I think any adaption needs to be live action just to keep that same feeling alive, while I’m not knocking on animation, I just feel like taking the story out of real life would make it loose a little of the charm. Like, the scene where Manhattan is completely frozen in time? It would be haunting to see that in real life, but I feel like it would be less impactful if it didn’t…you know…look real? The series should be done in a way that makes you truly feel like you could just turn a corner and walk straight into a snake woman going about her day. 
Now: another large part of the appeal of the series is how funny it is, but a lot of that…is Percy’s inner monologue. He doesn’t actually voice most of it, there was even a book where Annabeth described him as being quiet. So, I think the best way to work around this: make it Interview With A Demigod. 
Imagine it’s got an interview with a vampire-esque setup- and this even works because within the riordanverse, the books canonically exist because Percy sat down with a ‘camp scribe’ and had his quests recorded. So, like, this isn’t even entirely out of left field. But just imagine, a college-aged, maybe a little older Percy, I can see it so clearly in my head, he’s wearing a sweatshirt that at first glance looks like it says NYU but a trained eye will see it actually says NRU for a camp jupiter easter egg, he’s sitting in some dinky little diner (maybe it can even be a monster donut or something with a clever greek myth related name) with a guy who’s recording the conversation on some old-ass tape recorder that keeps acting up but they can’t record on a phone because of the whole technology thing. Every now and then it’ll cut back to them to get some great Percy thoughts out there. They open with older Percy saying the ‘look, I didn’t wanna be a halfblood’ and then explaining where he was when the whole mess started. Once he get’s to “was I a troubled kid?” the screen fades from older Percy to 12 year old Percy getting in a fight with Nancy and her gang, and the voice over says the ‘Yeah, you could say that’ part as we see him get threatened by the principal to behave on the field trip. Boom, we’ve got an opening. Lowkey….I’m seeing Jordan Fisher as older Percy, but I’m not 100% married to the idea. 
And before anyone tries to argue that showing an older Percy would spoil he’s not gonna die in last olympian- like, reading the books, we all knew he wasn’t going to die. It was a first person narrative and he was consistently speaking in past tense lmao like we Knew he was gonna make it. We still enjoyed the series. It won’t ruin anything.
I want part of the score of the adaptation to be instrumental versions of songs from the musical, I think that could be a sweet nod to that team. 
They really need to nail camp halfblood. I know that goes without saying, but in order to keep the pacing of the story decent we can’t spend as much time falling in love with it like we got to with the book. The book is like, 24 chapters and the quest starts at chapter 12- for a movie or tv show, that’s just gonna feel like it’s dragging. So, the insanity of the camp needs to smack you in the face right away, and then it needs to endear itself to the viewers quickly after that. Don’t try to ease the viewers (or Percy) into the mythology is real thing, rip it off like a bandaid. He’s on his way to meet Chiron and Mr. D for the first time and even if he’s not comprehending what he’s seeing, there’s nature spirits and harpies all around going about their day. Hestia waves at him and then disappears into the flames. Hecate kids can be seen casting a spell on the porch of the Hermes cabin. The Stolls are seen pranking some Aphrodite kids. He sees someone surely die on the climbing wall but then you hear a faint ‘I’m okay!’. The Apollo kids put a rhyming curse on another cabin. Pure chaos all before he gets the ‘so, gods are real’ speech. And then after that…show how warm Luke is to him at the cabin and at dinner. Show the kids all goofing off at the campfire and really make it clear that they’re children. Show the strawberry fields rolling in the wind and Percy sitting on the beach. The whole couple weeks where he’s searching for powers and learning greek and latin with Annabeth can be a montage. Make it clear how hurt and scared he is when he finds out he needs to leave.
It needs to really get you feeling how Percy’s feeling, every laugh, every tear, every moment of fear or confusion needs to shine clear through. Like…think of Spider-Man Homecoming, the Washington monument scene. All things considered, it’s not the most high-stakes scene we’ve ever seen in that franchise, and when it cuts to the kids in the elevator, they’re worried but not quite freaking out, but that scene feels very high stress to watch because the movie is good at getting the viewers to feel what Peter feels. A Percy Jackson adaptation needs a touch like that, because Percy’s a very emotional kid and that’s what a lot of the scenes hinge on.
Lowkey- I’d love it if the casts of both the previous movies and the musical had cameos or bit parts (the movie cast did Nothing Wrong, it was the rest of that team). It’d be hilarious to see, like, Jake Abel as the owner of the poodle, or Logan Lerman as Older Percy and the reporter’s waiter that keeps trying to get in on the conversation, or Brandon T. Jackson as a satyr who’s still stuck grooving out in the Lotus Hotel and Casino. Kristen Stokes as a nature spirit, Chris as one of the ghosts stuck in the waiting room of DOA Records, just like any of those casts having small parts would be fun and sweet. 
There should be a lot of easter eggs for the bigger riordanverse. Promotions in the background for the new Tristan McLean movie. Gabe’s got a true crime documentary about the missing Grace children playing during his poker game. Mr. D is reading a paper about Rachel Dare’s father’s newest project. At some point while they’re still in New York they pass the Kane family’s mansion or whatever it was called. Annabeth keeps a picture of little her and Magnus on her nightstand. The barest of hints about the Triumvirate. Seeing kids in camp jupiter gear in some background shots, just out of notice of our main characters but implying the camps are going through similar problems (BITCH….if we got a titan’s curse adaptation…and we had a shot of Thalia in the foreground….but in the background we saw a blond boy in purple with a golden sword….well I would simply loose my Goddamn mind).
And show us how easily the mist lets things blend in, too- like, everyone thinks ‘Monster Donuts’ is just a normal chain, it’s just on an average street block, but if Percy looks through the window he can see who’s behind the counter. Show someone swindling some guys in a park and you have to look twice to realize he’s a gegeines. Like…how people are still trying to find all the background ghosts in haunting of hill house. I would LOVE to see a bunch of background monsters and mythical beings just going about their day as much as the mortals are while the gang’s questing. 
The effects need to be fun. The whole story needs to be fun, but one weird thing about the past movies are that like…in their attempt to make it gritty, none of the fantastical things happening on screen actually felt that exciting. We need bright colors and interesting choices, consistently cool action shots, a liveliness that makes you feel like you’re in the center of the action. I have absolutely no doubt Disney easily has enough funds to pull off great effects.
The characters need to be….in character lmao. Annabeth needs to be cocky and bratty with the skill set to justify it. Percy needs to be a sweetheart who pretends to be hardened because that’s what people assume he’s like. Grover needs to have dry humor and a Too Old For This Shit attitude whenever percabeth start bickering. Luke needs to be nice and friendly but in a specific way that you can look back after the betrayal and see he was trying to groom everyone. Sally needs to be loving, protective and strong. Chiron needs to feel defeated and determined at the same time. Mr. D needs to….be Stanley Tucci lmao
Also, I’d love if the adaptation could expand more on things that got brushed along in the books- Percy and Beckendorf’s friendship, Silena and Clarisse’s dynamic, make Nico’s crush on Percy a little more obvious, give Rachel some more development. One thing that haunts me about the books is Sally never found out that Gabe hit Percy. Absolutely they don’t need to make the abuse explicit, but I also personally feel like a lot of Percy’s mindsets throughout the series are somewhat a result of Gabe, and I’d like if that got, you know, acknowledged. Maybe in the scene where he figures out Gabe abuses Sally he could say ‘does he hit you too?’ or something to that effect. They could also go more into detail about Annabeth’s family, give Zoe some more depth….like the possibilities I’m screaming.
Okay this is already long and I’m getting tired but I can so clearly see a great adaptation in my mind….Disney please come through….It’s what we deserve…. 
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Prison Cell, Chapter 3
Sorry this took so long- it got so long that I had to split it into two parts. Anyhow, from this point forwards, you can expect a lot of violence, so be warned. This chapter will have a lot of interpersonal stuff, and the final chapter will be pretty much entirely action.
Sammy unlocked the door. On the other side of it was a demon. The demon. The one that had stolen her blood.
Its body was humanoid and wearing a suit and white bow tie, but its hands were made of ink. The top of its head was covered in black ink, which spiraled up into horns and spilled down its face, leaving only its mustache, mouth and chin visible. Seeing it in the light for the first time, Susie recognized it as the bottom of Joey’s face.
“Joey?” Susie asked, her voice full of wonder and fear.
“Once,” the demon said, and its voice was not Joey Drew’s. It deep, and rough, and horrible. “But I have taken over. Don’t worry- I don’t want this any more than he does. Once I find a way to separate humans from ink, I’ll go back to my dimension and free all of you to yours.” The demon turned and beckoned Susie to follow him. “Come.”
The demon led Susie through the basement, seemingly one large room full of very strange things. Pentagrams littered the floor. Scattered iron cages contained a few emaciated, ink-covered people. Shelves full of sharp tools and unknowable ingredients lined the walls.
“I can still hear him, you know,” the demon mused, taking a syringe and a number of bottles from a shelf, “Joey. His mind. I can see into him. Learn how to manipulate humans. I asked him how to crush your insurrection, and he said that I’d need to destroy your little story.”
The demon led Susie to a door and opened it, and when he did, she lost all her breath.
It was Norman, chained to the far wall. He was wearing the same clothes he had been when he was taken away several weeks ago, but now they were hanging off of him at sharp angles. Susie ran to him, and he cringed away from her. He didn’t want her to see him like this, or to feel how thin and bony he’d gotten.
“What did you do him!?” Susie demanded.
“Nothing beyond the obvious. You see, you thought that some of you could overcome us with physical power. That was your story- that your hope and your resilience would lead to freedom. I needed to show you that rebellion only forces me to take your strength. This isn’t something I wanted to do. Strong, healthy people do better work, and unfortunately Joey’s desire to manage the studio is in me. But... you forced my hand.”
The demon then pulled Susie Campbell up by the collar, pushed her against the wall, and put the syringe to her throat.
“He can’t protect you now,” the demon explained, perfectly calm. “His ability to do so was always under my control, and you made me take it away.”
All Norman could do was bury his head in his hands and listen to her whimper. The chains were too short for him to reach her, and he didn’t stand a chance against the demon anyhow. Not like this. The demon released her blood into one of the bottles, then reinserted the needle, working at an unhurried pace. He repeated the motion several times before letting her go. She fell onto her hands and knees, faint from blood loss.
Utterly haunted, Sammy escorted the two sickly individuals back to the music room, carrying with him the two first-aid kits and a message that Joey had written. The second he entered the recording studio, The instruments went silent. A bassist got up from his instrument and tackled Sammy to the ground.
“Okay, someone get these two to the infirmary and look after them,” the bassist ordered, “And Johnny, get the rope. We have a loyalist to hang!”
“Wait!” Sammy cried, “I carry a message from your lord!”
“Can it! You let this happen to them. Why would we listen to your stupid ‘message?’”
Meanwhile, Jack Fain picked up the message from the ground and read it. “Guys! It says if three days go by without incident, they’ll release our prisoners! Let’s not do this. Please.”
The man who’d tackled Sammy got up, snatched the message out of Jack’s hands, and skimmed over it. “Huh. You’re right. Fine. Take him to the elevator and I’ll take this to Abby. Hopefully she’ll actually use it.”
Abby read over the letter.
To the upper levels,
A lot of violence has occurred between the upper and lower levels recently, so let me make myself clear: I do not want war, and no matter what level you come from, you should not want loyalists to die. Without our work, you would starve. I’m sorry to have done what I did, but I think you all needed a reminder of what’s coming for you if you keep interfering with our work. I do not wish to have to do this again.
Simply put, be peaceful, do what’s needed of you, and everything will be fine. As a final peace offering, I will release your prisoners three days from now if the rebellion stops entirely.
-Joey Drew
Abby knew the letter was full of lies. That thing wasn’t Joey, and it wasn’t forced to keep them here. She knew that the others knew that, too, and she knew that now that the upper levels had tasted hope, complete compliance would be even more impossible than before. This so-called war was going to happen sooner or later, so she needed to make sure they started at an advantage. She called on Henry to help her make a plan, and called everyone into the recording studio that night to announce it. Thankfully, it seemed to satisfy even the most rebellious of souls.
The door to Susie’s room opened, and Abby stepped in. Susie's eyes opened weakly.
“Sorry you had to miss the meeting tonight. Big things are happening, and I thought I’d let you know about them.”
“Okay,” Susie said.
“So... Joey, or, his demon, rather, has threatened to come down hard on us if there are any more signs of rebellion- and we both know that there will be. He also promised to release our prisoners if there are three days of good behaviour. So, I’ve decided that we’re breaking out the same night that our prisoners are released. The plan is for someone stealthy to go down there in the dead of night, steal the keys, and come back. After that, we’ll leave in groups of seven in order to sneak out of the portal. We’ll do it as quietly as possible, but we’ll also be packing axes and spears made from the knives you brought up. Hopefully there won’t be too many causalities.”
“Why seven?”
“We’re expecting to have ten injured people, and we’re not leaving anyone behind. There are going to be 68 of us in total, assuming that none of the prisoners died, you know, I thought that one per group would have the least chance of really compromising a group’s chances of escape. Plus, smaller groups will be quicker and quieter.”
Susie nodded.
“Oh, and I’m sure you’ll be better by then. And Norman is fine, too, by the way. Well, physically. We looked him over and he doesn’t have any issues aside from the obvious. He won’t talk to any of us. I don’t know what that’s about. Maybe some kind of spell.”
Susie should have felt something in regards to that, but she was honestly too exhausted from the blood loss.
“Alright. I’ll let you rest now- but tomorrow, I’m going to have to ask you about everything you saw down there- especially anything that might help me plan. Goodnight, Susie.” With that, Abby left.
The rebellion required planning, and management. Every axe was pulled off the walls and moved into Sammy’s sanctuary, along with the knives- just in case a loyalist decided to take them away one night. Two people guarded the elevator on each floor and at all times, and not to keep loyalists out. Loyalists were allowed right through, but any especially rebellious souls had to be kept from ruining their plan. Henry and Abby were busy planning the groups and drawing up an easy-to-follow map to the portal room. Every department head struggled to keep the remaining workers to their jobs. It seemed pointless for them to work jobs they’d quickly be fleeing from, but it was essential in order to keep suspicions to a minimum.
It was the night before the march. Most were turning in early, knowing that tomorrow, they would have to be on their guard well into the night. Susie had tried to do the same, but she couldn’t sleep. There was too much on her head. Too many factors that had to align if she was ever going to make it out. The horrifying possibility of facing the ink demon again if they failed. And her mind, despite there being there bigger fish to fry, kept going back to Norman, if they could ever have what they had once had again, and if Norman even wanted that anymore.
“Has Norman talked to you, yet?” Susie asked Grant once he entered their room. Since Norman hadn’t rejoined them, there was no real reason for them to still be roommates, but they’d stayed roommates anyhow, just out of habit.
“No. As far as I know, he hasn’t talked to anyone.”
“I saw him speak today. Wally wanted to help him carry something, and Norman snarled at him to back off. So, it’s not a spell- just mental stuff from being imprisoned. I wanna help him, but he won’t talk to me. Can you try?”
“Sure,” Grant said. “I can’t guarantee it’ll work, but I’ll try.”
“Okay,” Susie said, biting back tears. “I just wanna know that he’s in a place where he’ll be able to handle things tomorrow. And... I know that this is the last thing that should be on my mind, but... can you ask why he’s avoiding me?”
“Oh, Susie. I...” Grant tried to find the words to comfort her. “I’ll talk to him.” Honestly, it didn’t seem like Norman was the only one who had to pull themselves together for tomorrow night.
Norman wasn’t used to being pitied. Even as a kid, after all he’d been through, his adoptive family had known that he was a problem child who needed to be set straight before he got even bigger and his aggression became more dangerous. He’d never wanted pity, either, and now that he had it, he couldn’t say that his opinion on it had improved any. He never thought he’d miss his coworkers looking at him like he was a frightening beast. Though he did cut the long, greasy hair he’d grown while imprisoned as soon as he had the chance, he’d been half-tempted to just wash it and keep it, just to somewhat retain that beastly image.
Mostly, he wanted a way to cope. He wanted to talk with his sister, or go for a walk in the woods, or somehow get out of the sight of these people without isolating himself in one room. That had been what he was doing in his off hours- both because there was little else he wanted to do and because he didn’t have the stamina he used to. It wasn’t Susie’s room. Honestly, he’d been too scared to even look at her.
Norman knew of the plan. Honestly, it had happened so quickly after he was released from his imprisonment that it was a little hard to take in. Yes, late tomorrow night, he and everyone else would end up escaping or die trying, and Norman would either reunite with his sister and put his life together from there, or it would be the end of him. It was happening, but it didn’t seem real.
There was a knock at his door. Norman pulled himself up and answered it. It was Grant. Well, out of everyone in the studio it could have been, Grant was the most tolerable.
“Hey, Norman. You... wanna play some cards?” There was a little pity in Grant’s voice. Thankfully not too much.
Norman ushered Grant into the room. They sat down on the floor, and Grant started shuffling the cards.
“So, you ready for tomorrow?”
“I guess. Kind of hard to believe it’s happening.”
Grant’s face lit up. “You’re talking!”
Norman shrugged. “It’s easy when it’s you."
“Uh, thanks. Do you want talk about... you know, what’s happened?”
“No,” Norman said, and the two played cards in silence for a while before Norman spoke up again. “Is Susie okay?”
“She’s fine. She’ll be strong enough to make it out, assuming the plan goes well.”
Norman’s face was unreadable. “Good." A long pause. “Y’know, she’s childish, and shallow, and stupid. But she was impressed with me because I was strong and I could protect her. And so, you know, she was pretty, and we did... things together. I thought that could be all it was, but she was sweet and kind to me and I went and caught feelings for her. Of course, shallow attraction based on one thing won’t last now that I look like starving stray dog, but whatever. So long as she’s okay. She’s a good girl. So long as she’s okay.”
Grant just stared at him. “Have you... looked her in the eye recently?”
“Uh, sorry. It’s just that you’re usually so good at figuring this kind of thing out that it borders on the supernatural, and right now, you’re really, really wrong. This entire, organized rebellion started with her trying to put together a rescue team for you. She wanted to be the first one down in loyalist territory, for you. She’s actually the one who sent me, because she’s worried about how you’ll do tomorrow.”
With the last line, Norman’s face went from appreciation and disbelief to twisted anger. “For God’s sake! Joey didn’t cut my fucking legs off!”
“Well, she can’t know how well you’re doing if you avoid her. Look, if you aren’t up for it, I can go back and try to comfort her, tell her you’re fine.”
“No. No. I’ll do it. And I’m sorry that I’m not my most pleasant right now.”
Grant smiled. Nothing ever changed- the best way to get Norman to do anything was to offer to do it for him. Susie slept in Norman’s arms that night, knowing it could be their last chance to be together.
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lokisgame · 5 years
A Generous Donation [17]
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8] [part 9] [part 10] [part 11] [part 12][part 13] [part 14] [part 15] [part 16]
Mulder found Scully in her office, staring at slides pinned to the light box. She turned and upon seeing him, smiled wide. "What are those?" "I stole them from a guy with a broken leg down the hall," he said conspiratorially, handing her a dozen roses, "he won't be able to catch me." "Then maybe I should give them back," she teased and buried her nose in red petals, breathed in, her eyes falling shut for a second. "Don't you dare," Mulder smiled and leaned in for a kiss. "Hello, Doc." "Hi," she kissed him back. "What's the occasion?" "I'm taking you out." "Out? Where?" "To dinner," he said, doubling back for her coat. "It's been a while." "But I'm not dressed right, and I'm supposed to visit Will." "You look perfect and I already spoke to Will, he's fine, he loves you and he hopes we'll have fun." "So it's dinner and fun?" "Sort of fun." 
"Just so you know, I don't do ice skating." "Oh dear, no," he laughed and held out the coat, "can we go? Or do you want to finish something here first? I can wait." "No, we can go," she said turning, and glancing at the roses again, "I'm just worried about these." She slipped her arms inside the sleeves, juggling the bouquet as she did. "If they die, which is unlikely," he said, pulling her into his arms, "I'll get you two dozen more." "You spoil me rotten." "It's about time, ‘cause you're worth it." "Alright, you old smoothie," she laughed, freeing herself and linking their arms, "now feed me, I'm famished."
Scully took in the long counter, tall bar stools, fogged up windows and the cooking that was happening right before the patrons. Long strings of noodles sprang out from steaming pots to the rhythm of chopping the vegetables. The place smelled delicious, still, she felt like teasing him a little. "So this your idea of fancy, ramen?" "I didn't say it's going to be fancy," he grinned stirring his soup. "You said you were hungry, eat up." "All the roses, the surprise, I just thought." She shook her head, amused, picking a piece of grilled chicken from the broth. Mulder looked up, doubt creeping into his eyes. "You don't like it?" He asked, but she already tasted the food and smiling, went for more. "Oh, okay," he said and went back to his food as well. "I picked this place because it's the closest to where we're heading next." "Which is?" Scully asked and Mulder grinned around a mouthful of beef, so she answered for him. "Another surprise." He shrugged and nodded. "If this is some monster hunt, I swear." He swallowed fast, put his arms around her and kissed her cheek. "It's not, stop worrying." "So stop being so cryptic." Mulder laughed, squeezing a kiss between her shoulder and neck just to make her laugh. "Now where's the fun in that." He took a sip of his beer and picked up his chopsticks again. "So, how was your day?" So between slurping and laughing, she told him.
"You still haven't explained the car," she said, pulling on her leather gloves before leaving the restaurant. "What happened to the Ford?" Mulder opened the door for her. "Nothing, but we need something bigger for tonight so I borrowed the bus from a friend." "Your friend is a fan of classic cars?" "Classic, Frohike would kiss you for that," he laughed following her out, "not that I'd let him." "Where to next?" She asked, talking his hand. "You don't recognize these parts?" She looked around as they crossed the street. The wind changed, carrying voices and the scent of cinnamon and pine. Scully laughed. "No! How did you know?" Mulder grinned and put his arm around her. "Charlie suggested it." They followed the chain link fence towards the twinkling lights and music, to buy their first Christmas tree.
Scully sipped mulled wine from a plastic cup following Mulder until he stopped by a spruce, almost a foot taller than him. "Okay, what do you think about this one?" "I'm not sure it will fit into my living room," she said grinning. "How about mine?" "I thought you didn't do Christmas." "I feel exceptionally festive this year." He took a step back to examine the tree from afar and Scully leaned into his side, putting one arm around his waist. "If it's for me, you don't have to do this." "Isn't the tree a vital part of the Christmas spirit?" "No, it's about sharing love and spreading kindness and generosity." She looked up and smiled even brighter, "Come to think of it, you could be my Christmas tree." Mulder laughed, kissing the cold tip of her nose. "As long as you don't try to wrap me in Christmas lights." "Do you even have Christmas lights?" "Nope, I was counting on you to help me with that." "In that case, we've got some serious Christmas shopping to do, mister." "Okay, but what about the tree?" "It's nice, but we can do better." "So we're picking two?"   "No," she pushed her hand under his arm and pulled him along, "we'll only need one."
Once they wrestled the tree inside Mulder's front door and decided on the spot, a little to the side from the fireplace with a nice view from the couch, Scully went about making hot chocolate, leaving Mulder in the living room, looking at the tree. "You think there are spiders in it?" "Don't tell me you're afraid of spiders." "It's not that I'm afraid, I'm just not a huge fan of bugs." He said and went to join her. "What could an itty-bitty spider do to a big guy like you?" "You know about venomous spiders, right?" "In Massachusetts?" "Isn't there anything you're scared of?" "Once you have a kid, everything scares you," she said over a little pot sitting on the smallest burner, "stairs, power sockets, knives, scissors left lying around. Either you learn to live with that fear or suffocate your kid trying to protect him from anything and everything." Mulder wrapped his arms around her waist, chin resting on the top of her head. "You did a good job, raising our kid to be brave." "I think he hides a lot of his fears behind humor." "Better that than violence," he sighed and began nibbling kisses over the side of her neck, "another point for you. Anyone ever told you you're awesome?" "You?" She giggled, tilting her chin and leaning into his lips, but her next words came wistful. "I wish you could have been there with me." "I'm here now," he murmured against her earlobe, "and we've got all the time in the world." He kissed her cheek, before catching her lips, then reached into the cupboard and took out a bottle of Jameson. Mulder liked his hot chocolate Irish.
They got two strings of rainbow colored lights and two boxes of ornaments. Scully ripped the packaging, unwound couple of feet from the knot and handed the loose end to Mulder keeping the rest to herself. "We'll start from the top and work our way down around the tree," she instructed. Mulder nodded and set his mug on the mantle. He took the cord, reached up and paused by the highest branch, looking over his shoulder. "Here?" "Perfect." She smiled and followed around the tree, untangling the wire for him. "This always was Will's favorite part," she said, "even when he barely reached the lowest branches, he would hold the lights trying to help. Then as he grew, we arranged the lights together, and now it's usually him doing the hanging and me holding the wires." "And who did it for you, when both of you were too small to reach the top?" Scully poked his side and he chuckled. "I scaled down the tree to my size," she said and moved the cord he just hung, one level down. "How do you know it should go there?" Scully shrugged and handed him another yard. "Practice?" "At home we never really celebrated anything between Thanksgiving and New Years," Mulder said taking the second set of lights and starting again, at the top. "Not Hanukkah, not Christmas, obviously. My father was too busy, and mom, instead of making an effort for us, waited. Like his word was the law and she waited for his say-so. And then Samantha went missing and even the pretense went out the window. No more fireworks in July, no more thanksgiving. Zip." "I'm sorry." "It's okay, I guess it would be worse if we tried to force it. You can't miss what you don't know. Then I went to college and stayed at Oxford for Christmas break." "I'm almost afraid to ask." "We drank and partied and don't ask me what else, because I don't really remember. It felt good to let go for a bit." "You don't remember your first Christmas?" "We went to London, then Paris, it snowed like crazy that year." "White Christmas, nice." They made one last round around the tree and Mulder went to kill the lights, while Scully did small adjustments to the arrangement. For a moment the room was illuminated by nothing but the fire in the fireplace and then Mulder came back, knelt on the floor and plugged the lights in. She forgot how to exhale for a second or three, until he was standing behind her, arms wrapped around her waist. Leaning against his chest and feeling his chin resting on top of her head. Barefoot, she fit perfectly, head to toe, into his embrace. "Oh wow," she sighed. "Yeah, my thoughts exactly." Mulder said and leaned into her, drawing her closer to his lips on the side of her neck. "Wait till we hang all the ornaments," she murmured, but his hands were already sneaking under the edge of her sweater, working buttons on her shirt. "Ornaments can wait," he breathed and nipped at the skin just above the collar. "I can't." "It's just two boxes," she sighed, doing nothing to stop his fingers from finding the tab on the zipper of her slacks. "Wanna know a secret?" "You discovered a Christmas tree fetish?" He didn't say, but fingertips on bare skin made her jump when a caress turned into a tickle, making her squirm in his arms. Mulder pulled her tighter to himself, his hand slipping under the lace trimmed waistband of her panties. She covered his hand through the fabric and ground her hips into his touch. "Shame, because I think," he pushed two fingers inside her making her voice hitch, "I think I did." Throaty laughter filled her ear and he tugged on her earlobe, a bite soothed with a kiss. Light fractured on her eyelashes and she gave herself over to the sensations of his confident touch and erection trapped against the small of her back. Mulder held her up, one hand kneading the breast, deliciously pinching the nipple, the other pumping in and out, fingers slipping over her clitoris with each pass. It was an exquisite torture. She longed for his warmth not the heat off her clothes, the touch of his skin instead of just his hands and lips. "I want to feel you," she moaned and he pushed deep inside her almost lifting her off her feet. But it wasn't the touch that sent a new shiver up her spine, it was his word. "No," he growled flicking her nipple and pushing a third finger inside her, curling them. That one spot which usually turned her all aglow set her on fire. "Come for me first." It wasn't a plea or a promise, it was an order, one she had no choice but to obey. With his tongue and teeth on her neck, she rocked her hips into his palm and the pleasure that was building exploded from her core, pushing the breath out of her lungs in a moan and knocking her knees out from under her. If it wasn't for his arms around her, she'd collapse. Instead, Mulder lowered her to the floor by the fireplace, tugging on her pants and panties. "Breathe, Scully." He said and she breathed, watching him take off his sweater and t-shirt, the flex of muscles and arch of his back as he knelt between her thighs. Light played on his skin, the fire behind him, the Christmas lights above her and his smile when he let his hands glide up her thighs and over hips, to the edge of her sweater and blouse. He pulled and she arched her back, but when the clothes passed her head, he paused leaving her hands trapped inside the sleeves. Scully tried to free herself, but he caught her wrists, pinning them over her head. "Leave it," he said, catching her lips in a light kiss. Nibbling on her parted mouth he traced his fingers down the inside of her arms. He grazed the delicate skin, fingernails turning tickles into shivers, past the sensitive crooks of her elbows, upper arms and armpits. His lips followed over her throat, the hollow at the base and down her sternum, until they met his hands, cupping both breasts and squeezing through the soft lace and he buried his face between them. She gasped and arched into his touch. Never had she surrendered herself so freely, following without a word his soft-spoken commands. Was it because she trusted him? Was it because he had given her so much already? Or was it because she felt that him finally wanting something from her and taking it instead of asking for it, made her feel needed. He finally claimed her. Finally, they were equals. She wrapped her thighs around him and resting her feet on his hips brought him back. He unhooked her bra and latched onto her breast, sucking at her right nipple while he pinched the left. "Not yet," he murmured between kisses, on his way from the right to the left, "patience." And she didn't fight him, letting him kiss his fill. She moved beneath him, panting the lower he kissed, not holding back the moans he elicited when he draped her thighs over his shoulders and opened her up again with his tongue and fingers. Licking inside and outside, he teased her mercilessly, bringing her to the edge, watching her pull on the makeshift restraints, with her back arched off the floor and her breath coming in gasps, just to stop and start all over again. She was lost in sensation when she finally felt him shift, the back of her thighs against his chest, sudden kisses on her calves beckoning her back. She was almost bent in half beneath him, trapped between his thighs and arms as he hovered over her. Mulder waited till her eyes focused on him, until she felt the tip of his cock poised at the entrance of her body, and when he had her full attention he pushed inside her. Slowly, deliberately, never freeing her gaze, he started to thrust, rocking into her, his speed building as she grew wetter with each pass. Deeper and faster, as her walls gripped him tighter. Mulder shifted his balance, changed the angle and freed one hand to stroke around her clit. Sweat glistened in the light of the fire and the tree, and he gave everything he had to her expecting nothing of her but to surrender and take it and he took pleasure in her body. She came hard and didn't even try to hide it, pulling him with her over the edge, his heat filing her to the brim, and drowning out thought. Minutes or eons later, she found Mulder pulling out and rolling off her. With one hand he pried open her fingers, still clutching on the fabric of the sweater. "Say something," he whispered, pulling her arms down and massaging the life back into her fingers. "You've been holding out on me." Mulder chuckled but kept working on her hands. "Did you like it?" Scully purred and rolled onto her side, straight into his arms. "It's like Christmas came early this year, like, three times." She murmured kissing his warm skin and the chuckle turned into a laugh. "I've got nothing," he sighed and brought her hand to his lips, biting the knuckles lightly, "you blow my mind." "There's something else I'd rather blow," she said, licking her lips. "What about the tree?" "What tree?" "The Christmas tree behind you," he laughed, "the one with the spiders in it!" Scully gasped and scrambled up, scooting as far away as she could until she hit the couch with her back. Mulder stayed where he was, his body shaking with laughter and she realized he wasn't serious. On all fours she crawled back, swatting at his side as hard as she could, getting nothing more than more laugh for her trouble. She straddled his stomach and leaning in, pushed his shoulders into the hardwood floor beneath. "Not funny!" "A little funny." Digging her fingernails into his skin, she dragged them over his chest, not enough to draw blood, just to leave a bright red trace. Mulder hissed, but it was a good hiss, he grabbed her thighs and held on.   "Hello," she smiled and moved lower, "you like this?" "What?" Stretching out on his chest, she scored him again, all the way up, until her fingers twined in his hair, turning pain into bliss. "This." "Yeah, this." With her tongue in his mouth and his fingernails on her back, they made love again in the light of the fire and the Christmas lights.
The next morning Mulder found Scully on his couch, with a mug of coffee in hand and her feet propped up on the coffee table. He leaned over her and kissed the top of her head. "Morning," she said, leaning her head back for another one, on her lips. The day didn't start until he got at least three. "You hung the ornaments." "We should get you some fun ones." "UFO's?" He teased, brushing her smile the third time, the charm. "Handcuffs." "Warn me, before I open my gifts in front of your mother." "I'm thinking neckties and scarves." "Try leather belts and gloves." "Gloves?" He climbed over the back of the couch, picked up the mug she had ready for him and pulled her under his arm. "I like to keep my hands warm." "What are we doing today?" "Visiting Will." "Other than that, obviously." "Oh, I don't know, watch tv, hang out, order in." "Tie you up and stay in bed until Monday?" "Tie me up?" His eyebrow went up on the 'me'. "Okay, we can take turns." Mulder set the mug on the floor and pulled her legs over his lap. A hand climbed up her thigh, pushing her back into the couch cushions. He pushed past the lace, whispering against her lips. "Will you always keep me guessing?" "As long as you keep unfolding like a flower." "I wish I've met you when I was still in my twenties." "You did," she grinned, glancing down, "at least part of you did." "Okay," grabbing her hips he pulled her down, "you've asked for it." Mulder yanked at the sash and the bathrobe and her thighs fell open. They didn't make it for lunch with Will. He didn't mind.
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waeziverse · 4 years
Royal Punch (chapter 9)
“OUCH! ARGH, damn it all to hell!”
Dimi had just finished her morning jog and had entered the house as he heard Aura yell and curse. The sphinx sat in the living-room, sucking her bleeding finger. On her lap, she had some green fabric.
“What are you doing?” The thirteen-year-old human girl asked.
Aura sighed. “I’m trying to make a dress for the wedding.”
“But you have ten thumbs when it comes to sewing.” Dimi picked up the fabric that was suppose to have the shape of a dress suited for a bride. It had… a shape. “It’s a little late to make a dress, ain’t it? Also, I thought you already ordered one.”
A dark shadow came upon Aura’s face. “I did. But when I came to collect it in the store in Onyxville, they told me I had to pay extra for unforeseen difficulties.”
“What’s that suppose to mean?”
Aura made a lifeless laugh. “I think it means that they noticed that my husband-to-be is a minotaur.”
Dimi had spent the first ten years of her life in the castle. Then, she had spent almost four in Jadedale. Both places had shielded her so much that she had not noticed bigotry the way others had. Jadedale was a wonderful little village and it was so weird how different it was in the slightly bigger town Onyxville that was only about seven miles away.
Maybe that was the reason why it made her so devastatingly angry. Because it was relatively new to her.
“Does Ivan know?” Dimi’s whole body stirred in anger.
“No, and you are not gonna tell him. It is enough that I’m upset this close to the happiest day of my life. So here I am, trying to make this dang thing so he won’t notice.”
“Should I have a word with that dress maker hack?” Dimi cracked her knuckles.
“No! Absolutely not.” Aura sucked her bleeding finger again.
Dimi sighed. Then, she smiled. “You should have told me. I know the best dress makers in the area.” Dimi opened up a window and placed her fingers in her mouth as she whistled. About less than a minute later, a couple of bluebirds flew in. One of them landed on Dimi’s fingers as the undercover princess gently stroke it. “I call this little guy Perla. She made my bridesmaid dress.”
Aura was baffled as the birds flew dangerously close to her and looked like they were studying her.
“They are taking your measurement by eye. Perla says a dress will be ready for you by tomorrow.”
Aura laughed. “Is this a princess magic thing?”
Dimi kissed Perla on the head before it flew out of the window with her friends. “Nora calls it zoopathy. I can talk with animals with my brain or something, I don’t get the details. I just know that me and animals get each other.” Dimi grinned. “You are gonna have to get used to certain perks you get as a result of marrying my godfather.”
Aura embraced Dimi.
Ruby narrowed her eyes as the head chef of the Captain Duck eatery slammed the door after throwing her bag and hat on the ground first.
“Fine! FIRE ME!” Ruby grabbed her hat and bag. “Your loss, you bigot prick! Your food stinks without me!” Ruby adjusted her hat so it would hide her... hair and made sure her dark glasses were on straight as she glared at the closed door one more time and walked away... only to pause and turn around to yell: “WHAT SORT OF SCHMUCK SERVES CURRY WITHOUT YOGURT?!”
Ruby stomped through the streets of Onyxville. Being a creature like her made people worried when she was around them, but her clearly being pissed made them downright scared of her as satyrs, minotaurs and others made sure to not get in her way.
“Alright...” Ruby mumbled to herself. “I need a new job. Perhaps Maltus will rehire me as kitchen-help if I suck up to him. With minimum pay, I should be able to afford my own place in Jadedale in... ah...” Ruby stopped up as she did the math in her head. “Eh... less than a year, I think. And then I’m out of this stinking town!”
The reptiles hidden under Ruby’s hat hissed.
Ikki the Faun was a waiter on the ferry Tanngrisnir. And he was a first-class suckup. His good looks and his ability to make people buy his cheap flattery made him successful in hunting a fairly big tip. He always made sure to spot the big tippers so he could serve them first and make them like him and would say yes when he offered to do all sorts of little favors.
The creature in cabin 7 however was one Ikki wished didn’t like him. He gulped as he was about to knock on the door while holding a tray with sushi and matches.
“The door is not locked. But wait a few seconds, I’m not decent.”
Ikki took in a deep breath as he placed a hand on the handle. He opened the door but began to feel chills down his spine as he realized that the wealthy creature had not quite finished putting on her dark glasses.
She sat on a very comfortable chair that was placed against the wall at the other side of the room so she would be the first thing you would notice when you entered the cabin. The expensive cheongsam she was wearing made it clear that she came from the kingdom of Rijita. The female creature had a lit cigar firmly cued between her first two fingers. The scent of expensive tobacco and her jewelry made it clear that she had money enough. She would normally be Ikki’s favorite type of passenger… if it hadn’t been for the snakes she had for hair.
Ikki was at a loss for words as the gorgon with white skin stood up from her chair. Ikki was a faun, he was shorter than most. But it really bothered him how tall this lady was compared to him. All of her snakes looked at him while they flicked their tongues. Ikki looked up at Veronica the Gorgon who looked down at him while smiling as she took a drag on her cigar. Despite her sunglasses, Ikki felt vulnerable when she looked at him.
“Pardon me, madam Veronica.” Ikki tried to use his silk-like suckup voice without much success. “I came with your meal as well as… as matches.
“Thanks, Ikki.” Veronica spoke with a soft voice as she exhaled thick gray smoke from her nose. “Just place it on the table.” She smiled as she placed a small bag of coins in his delicate little hand.
“Anything else I can do to make your stay on our lovely ship any more… any more… ah.” Ikki felt extremely uncomfortable about the situation, but he didn’t want to seem unhelpful to this sort of lady. “But you might wanna be left alone, apologi-”
“Oh no, don’t leave.” The gorgon smiled as she took another drag on her cigar. “Would you at the very least be a dear and tell me if we are far from Nesredna?“
Ikki took half a backward step toward the door while not losing eye contact with the snake-woman. "We should… arrive there tomorrow, madam.”
Veronica’s smile grew wider as she took a long, slow drag on her cigar. She exhaled, and a long gray plume of pungent smoke escaped her lips that took the shape of a cobra. She mumbled something Ikki couldn’t hear.
“You on holiday, madam?” Ikki felt like he had to say something.
“Not at all.” The gorgon smiled again. “I’m actually going home. Been traveling because of business, but decided that it is time to return home and set up shop once more.”
“What sort of-” Ikki stopped talking as he felt the touch of a hand with scales grabbing his chin. The gorgon had gotten down on her knees and now held the poor goat dwarf’s head as she studied his face.
“You are a very pretty boy. And you know that, don’t you?”
Ikki didn’t say a word. He stared into the shades as he thought about the eyes he had been told about. Eyes that could kill. He was frightened by the thought, yet he kept staring at the glasses of the shades, wondering what these eyes looked like.
There was a moment of silence.
Then, the gorgon laughed. She let go of the faun’s chin, got back in her chair and then sucked in a couple of puffs before she extinguished the cigar on a silver ashtray. “Relax, kid. I don’t bite.” She gave Ikki another big coin that he instinctively took. “Tell the cook that I want the usual for dinner.”
Ikki left in haste, leaving the gorgon alone once again.
Everyone was dressed in green and clapped and stomped their feet along to the beat of the music as Ivan and Aura danced the ceremonial dance required for them to get wed.
Dimi as well as everyone else smiled and clapped as Ivan and Aura looked so happy that they could burst. Sure, they sang horribly, but they were so happy and in love that no one cared. Dimi had been told how weddings worked. You had to be at least ten creatures attending for it to be official, and said creatures had to sign a document. Everyone were dressed in green to celebrate life. And everyone watched as the bride and groom declared their union by dancing and singing the old song Without Defense. Once the song was over, they were officially husband and wife.
… To begin with.
The creatures around who had gathered to watch the union between minotaur and sphinx began to get tired in their hands and feet from stepping and clapping to the beat.
“Psst. Nora.” Dimi stood next to the short elf who looked like she also had had enough of the poor singing. “You told me that the wedding song is about three minutes long, right?”
“Yes.” Nora had a stiff smile on her lips as her hands began to feel a bit sore from all the clapping. “Well, Without Defense is actually fifteen minutes long, but everyone just sings the abridged version that only last three, no one is nuts enough to actually-”
Dimi and Nora realized the same thing at the same time. But their reaction differed since Nora was a bit of a cynic as well as tired of being single, while Dimi was young and sentimental. But their statement was the same, even though Dimi said it with great joy while Nora rolled her eyes in annoyance:
The very bearded and long-haired human who had once been quite a handsome man was wearing shackles with chains. These chains were attached to a moldy stonewall, very much limiting his movement. He could stand up, sit down, and take two steps forward.
Pater knew that others were pinned to walls and was grateful for being allowed to stretch a little.
And he smiled as his little guest arrived. She was wearing a cloak to disguise herself. Once the guard had closed the door to the dungeon, the thirteen-year-old girl took off her hood to reveal her green skin and pointy ears. She had come despite her father forbidding it.
“I brought the Conquest boardgame today.” The girl said. “And some fruit.”
The former human king was very grateful. “It’s a pleasure to see you once again, princess Mayari.”
The heir to the throne smiled awkwardly as she sat on the cold stone floor and placed the boardgame between them as well as the bowl of fruit.
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Summertime Magic VII.
A/N: IT’S N’JADAKA DAY. In this chapter, Y/N and Daka discuss their past during a nice dinner at her place and her dad invites him to the annual family reunion on her mother’s side. Does he have what it takes to get on pop’s good side? 
WARNING: none...well, alcohol, drugs, and some tear jerkers here and super short. SAWWY. ):
SONG RECOMMENDATION: Hold Me By The Heart by Kehlani
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 Y/N woke up back home and her hair freshly washed. She grew tired of her locs and decided to make it a wash day. She walked around with her hair wrapped in a red towel and a big t-shirt on in the kitchen. She had a taste for some seafood soul food so she decided to make some seafood mac and cheese with a sweet potato pie for dessert. As the dinner began baking, she went into the bedroom to detangle her hair and put some creams in to make her curls pop. Afterward, she put her hair in a high ponytail like a pineapple style before washing her hands and heading back to the kitchen.
  She looked over at her phone on the coffee table and got an idea; she began typing at her keyboard. Thirty minutes later, she heard a knock on the door and when she opened it, she saw N’Jadaka. He wore a burgundy v-neck with jeans and his Timbs. He had his dreads tossed to the side and his chain on like usual. She watched him walk to the kitchen with his hands behind his back. She turned back to the food as he wrapped his arms around her waist. “Hey, baby,” she said when he kissed her cheek. “What up girl? I see you let your real hair out and all. Damn, you got a lot of hair.” She giggled until she heard she heard the timer. 
   N’Jakada walked up to Y/N and kissed her cheek, wrapping his left arm around her shoulders. “Daka, I’m tryna cook, baby”, he held her close and kissed her temple. “Don’t be denying my love, woman. You better take my love and better like it.” He started to kiss on her as she giggled and shooed him away. “So, Daka. Since you in here being all lovey-dovey, then you can help me with the cornbread.” He raised his brow and nodded. He started to help with dinner and she tricked him into making iced tea as well. 
  Soon, dinner was ready and everyone made their plates. They sat in comfortable silence until her phone vibrated. She looked to the screen and let it ring but after that, a message popped up. When Y/N rolled her eyes, N’Jadaka asked if she was okay. “I’m fine.” He lifted her chin up to look at her. “Who is it”, he asked with a stern look. She felt looked to the side then to his eyes. “Rodney.” He let her chin go. “Baby Girl, wanna talk about it?” She shook her head and he kissed her neck. “We gonna have to talk about it soon it or later, Y/N.”
“Fine. Rodney cheated on me..badly. We had our own place together and were together for years. I was at Leslie’s house doing hair and when I went home...he was fucking another woman. He, he didn’t hear me come in either so he kept going at it. I was frozen. I couldn’t move. My heart told me to run and hide but my feet wouldn’t let me. I’m not sure why I just stood there but when he turned, all he could do was ask ‘why I was home so early’? He never said sorry, nothing. I sent my younger brother, CJ, and Monte to come to pack my stuff while I stayed with my parents for a while. I tried taking my own life and all. I was on suicide watch, couldn’t eat or sleep like I wanted. I just don’t wanna let that happen again.” 
  He looked over at her and saw a single tear falling down her cheek. He wiped it away before he brought her closer. “Baby Girl, I would never do that shit. You mean a lot to me, and I mean that shit. I know it feels to be hurt, trust me. I lost my folks at a young age, had to go back to Wakanda with my family. Since I was a kid from Oakland, no one wanted to be around me. Then, when I graduated from high school out there, I moved out for college and met a girl. She made me feel like I had someone in my corner but I guess I couldn’t give her what she wanted. I was with her until I went off into the Navy and she said she wait for me but when I come back..” He stopped to clear his throat before continuing. “When I came back, she was six months pregnant. I knew for damn sure, it wasn’t mine. She had fucked a dude from my old basketball team, I was gonna kill him but I couldn’t. I felt like it was all my fault. Like I wasn’t good enough. Until I met you.”
  They looked at one another with small smirks before he said “you ain’t gotta worry about me, princess. When I say something, I really do mean it. Aight”? Y/N nodded and kissed his cheek as he held on to her. “I got you, baby and you got me. No matter what. Now, I’m ready for that pie and I hope you got some ice cream, too.”
“Ya know it.”
   The next day, Y/N was at the bank putting more money in the bank as one of her daily errands. She decided to go to her future shop for a while. She stepped out her car in a pair of jean shorts, white tank top, and slides that her man bought her. She used her hands to cup her eyes from the sun to look inside for a better look. She had five more clients that week which meant she would be able to get her shop in less than a week. Afterward, Baby Girl decided to drive to her folks' house which was thirty minutes away from the shop. She knocked on the door and patiently waited until a tall 6′2 young man with a faded style hair cut came to the door. He wore a black polo and jeans with tube socks on. “Hey, little sis.”
“CJ, I’m the oldest remember?”
“Yeah, but you the shortest too.” Y/N hit his arm and he hit her back softly. “Ima hurt you”, she said before he gave her a huge bear hug. “Where ma and pa”, she asked as they headed to the kitchen. There stood an older woman who looked like she worked out on her downtime but still a plumpy woman. Her hair was in a low bun and glasses sat her face. “Hey, ma.” The woman turned around and smiled big. “There’s my best friend. My baby is here”, she said walking up to her with open arms. Y/N looked at her mother’s outfit and said “ya think ya grown, huh”; she wore a pair of leggings and a white crop tee with their last name on the back. 
  “Girl, hush. I just slipped in this. We had just got back from the gym and I took a quick shower before I started to clean.” Y/N looked around and asked “Ma, where pa at?” Her mother pointed to the back door and said “where ya think? Him and that damn Lincoln again.” Y/N laughed, kissed her mom’s cheek and made her way to the back. She opened the door to see her father in the car, vacuuming the ground. He was a bigger man but he didn’t let that stop him from working hard for his family. His bald head shined like he had just shaved and his beard had touches of grey. He wore a pair of navy blue slides that Y/N gifted him years ago, basketball shorts and a basic tee. “Hey, pa.” He looked up and said, “Hey, baby”. He struggled to get up but she hurried to him before sitting him back down. “I see you cleaning, Doll again.” He patted the dashboard and said “yeah, got make sure she looks good at all times, baby girl. What made you stop by?”
“I went by to my future shop and I was just out running errands.” She placed her hands in her back pockets watching her dad clean. “How you doing, pa?” He cleared his throat and told her “fine” but not looking at her. “Pa, look at me.” He did with him leaning on his elbows. “I’m will be fine. I got some weight to lose and some more money to get but I hope the surgery will make everything better. I won’t be hurt anymore.” She nodded looking around. She thought about how her father was everything she looked up to. No matter if he was feeling down or fighting the stomach flu, he got his ass up out of bed and got to work to provide for his family. She hated seeing him like this, always have and always will.
  “So, baby girl. When am I gonna meet this nappy head muthafucka you thinking about”, her dad asked and she looked to him with a smile. “I was thinking about you, dad.” She sat on the back steps and he said “yeah yeah. I wanna meet this little nigga. Got you all googly eye and shit. Wanna make sure this little punk ain’t gonna hurt my baby’s heart.”
“Dad, I’m not gonna get hurt again. Promise”
“Mhm, well bring him to the family reunion. Ya uncles, grandma, and every other muthafucka gonna be there.” She rolled her eyes with a smile and laughed. “Okay, but let’s make a bet. If you like him, you gotta make me a whole strawberry cheesecake and if you win, I will make you your own pan of my homemade chocolate cake.”
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  It was the day of the reunion and N’Jadaka was on his way to Y/N’s house since he was spending the night. He grabbed his gym bag, knocked on the door and she opened it with a smile. “Hey, come on. I’m still getting ready.” He stepped in and followed her to the bedroom. They decided to wear jean bottoms with dashiki print tops and some Nikes they bought a couple days ago. She let put her hair in a low ponytail, grabbed everything she needed including the food and drinks they were bringing and were off. In the car, she told him “N’Jadaka, I should let ya know that my family is a little protective. They might give you a hard time but they are all really sweet once they get to know you.” N’Jadaka took her hand as they pulled up to the huge park as Rocky Steady by The Whisperers. “I’ll be fine. I’m a big boy.” He opened her door as a tall guy walked up to them. He wore a Laker Jersey, jeans and some Airforce ones. “There go my big legs”, he yelled out with a chuckle and she turned in excitement. “UNCLE ANDREW”, she hopped in his arms and he knelt down to hug her. “Lord Jesus, I haven’t seen ya in a while. Lookin’ just like ya mom every damn day. How you been?”
“I’m good. How is Vegas?”
“Ugh, baby girl. It’s great. They know how to treat a brotha out there.” She laughed with him and turned to N’Jadaka. “Unc, this is N’Jadaka. My boyfriend.” Andrew held out his hand and shook his as he pointed to him. “The Navy vet?”
“That’s right, sir.” Andrew nodded and patted N’Jadaka’s shoulder. “Good, good. I was actually apart of the US Army back in the 80′s. It’s good to meet ya son.” Uncle Andrew got all the stuff out for them and when they walked to their section, he saw the huge family that Y/N called her own. N’Jadaka looked around to see a group of men playing cards at the park table, hooping and hollering. Little kids ran all over the place with water guns and balloons, and some woman sat at the park benches talking and gossiping. A woman with curly long hair and tan skin walked pass Y/N and can notice that sweet, natural smell anywhere.
“Lana”, Y/N said in an excited tone and her cousin ran in her arms. When they separated, Lana saw N’Jadaka and smiled big. “Are you the new man in Y/N’s life?” He nodded with his hand out and said: “nice to meet ya.” She looked at his hand said “I don’t do handshakes. I do hugs.” She gave him a big bear hug and he chuckled. “Daka, this is Lana. Lana lives in Michigan, married and her twin boys are over there playing.” Lana smiled and said “yeah, I missed you so much, cuz. Michigan is okay but it’s not like LA at all. When it’s cold out there, it’s cold as fuck. I’m just glad to be here for at least a week.” Andrew kissed his daughter’s head as they all began walking. Y/N’s dad had a cigar in his mouth with cards in hand with her uncles, Michael, Chad, Winston, Donnie, Richard, and Anthony. Her mom was on the park bench with the women of the family including her grandma and when the women looked over to them, an aunt said “sweet black baby Jesus. Is THAT the man baby girl is dating?” Tasha looked and said “my baby is here and yes, Chanel. Don’t be a perv or Ima cut you.”
“You wouldn’t cut ya own sister.”
“I would for my babies, I will.” Their mother laughed a little as Tasha whistled for Y/N; Y/N saw them and smiled big. “C’ mon, you can meet the Glass Ladies. But real quick, be careful with my aunt, Chanel. Her hands like to wander, my aunt Kendra is a sweetheart and my grandma can be a little bit pushy but she means well.”
“Which one is ya mom?”
“The one in the sundress.”
“That’s ya momma. Thought that was ya sister?”
“Ha, very cute.” They finally were closer to the group when her mom ran to her for a hug. “My baby. How was the drive”, she asked and Y/N said “good. Everyone, this is N’Jadaka. My boyfriend.” Tasha stood back and looked up at him. “Damn, another tall one. Got me feelin’ all short and whatnot.” N’Jadaka chuckled and said, “it’s nice to meet you Mrs. Y/L/N.”
“Boy, call me, Tasha. So, N’Jadaka what do you do?”
“Well, I’m a Navy Vet but I’ll be helping with my family business. We kinda got a lot of money so we opening a few youth centers. I’ll be in charge of the ones out here.” She stood back and said “well, check this out. A brotha helping out the community. The Marathon Does Continue.” He agreed with her as they kept talking and the men heard them laugh. Chad looked up from his deck and said “hm, that must be the young buck.” The men look up with raised brows and her dad took out his cigar. “Mhm, there he goes. Lemme call them over. Y/NNNNNNNNNN.” Y/N turned to him and the guys and he pointed at Daka. She was about to walk over but her dad stopped her with “JUST HIM”. She looked to him and said “don’t get killed. My dad is the hardest one.”
“Baby, I’ll be fine. Ya pops gonna fuck with me at the end of the day.” He kissed her forehead as she went back to the ladies. He stuck his chest out slightly with his hands in pockets. When he got there, the men all looked to him. “What up, cat”, her dad, Thomas said. “I’m good, sir.”
“Have a seat. Join us and grab a drink.”
“I’m good on the drink. I drove but I can still sit.” He sat across the way from Thomas as they handed out the new cards. The men started putting out their small bets and looked to Daka in shock when he said “$20″. Thomas took out his cigar and said “bold but do you know how to play Spades.” N’Jadaka insured him that he can; they began. “So, young brotha. I hear a lot about you. You really from Africa?” N’Jadaka looked at his cards still as he spoke. “I was born in Oakland but my unc took me in when my pops passed.” Thomas looked up to him and realized he had something in common with N’Jadaka. He was also taken in by family when his parent’s passed away. “I see. How you meet my daughter?”
“We were at the liquor store. I was picking up stuff for my homeboy’s crib and I saw her. Some dude was tryna push on her but I had to stop that dude. He was trying get at her and put his hands on her.” The men all looked up at him and Thomas said: “what you mean?”
“Well, Mr. Y/L/N, the dude was trynna get at her, she said nah and before ya know it, he grabbed her arm.”
“And what did you do?”
“Anything a man would do. I got in the middle of it. I could have broken his nose, easily but I wasn’t feelin’ it. Wouldn’t be a good look for any of us. So, I pretended we was a couple. The brotha fleed the scene. Y/N and I talked and that’s how it happened.” The men looked to them and saw Thomas with a start face as the continued. “Look, young man. Ima let you know now. I don’t fuckin’ play when it comes to my family especially with my baby over dere. Ya understand? Ever since she was little, I have always made sure she was good. She, my whole family is my responsibility. So, when a nigga comes into her life. I get a little protective, a little violent if anything happens to her. I take that you heard of Rodney.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Well, Rodney hurt her badly to the point she wouldn't eat. Couldn’t sleep at night. When my baby girl gets hurt, that’s when I want war. Y/N is my first AND only girl. She is my baby. You got any kids, son?”
“No, sir but I got a baby cousin I always watched over.”
“Then you kinda know then. As a man, we gotta protect who we love. By any means necessary.” He sipped his beer and looked back his cards; N’Jadaka had something to say. “Mr. Y/L/N, I know how you feel but I also know that things happen for a reason. Rodney was a pussy for what he did but maybe it happened because he couldn’t handle her. Y/N got a big ass heart and she smart as hell too. She got ambition, talent and her being beautiful is just a plus. Y/N got a lot of drive, something that 80 % of women ain’t got. Rodney couldn’t handle a strong, black woman but I damn sure can. I care about her way too much to even think about steppin’ out on her. I would be a dumb ass to do that. ith her, I can see so much more. I am very proud of her for being the woman she is now. I’m not tryna kiss up or anything but you did a great job, Mr. Y/L/N. Real talk.”
  Thomas looked up to him then at the others. He nodded and looked back to his cards; still no expression. After they all ate, the kids ran up to N’Jadaka to play with them as Y/N watched. She noticed how well he was with the kids and it warmed her heart so much. She can just imagine how he would be as a father.  At the end of day, they popped fireworks and said their goodbyes. When they got back to Y/N’s place and wore something to sleep in. “So, did ya pops talk to you about us?” She spat out her toothpaste and turned off her bathroom light. “Nope, we talking about my shop, his surgery and all. But nothing about you.”
“Yeah, I ain’t sure if he like me or not. In all my days in the navy, I can’t read him.”
“Baby, no one but my mother can. Don’t worry. He’ll warm up to you eventually.” They kissed a little before laying down and talking some more, falling asleep. All of a sudden, Y/N’s phone vibrate against the end table.
IOU a whole cheesecake, Y/N. Goodnight. 
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askmyboys · 5 years
The Family (their not ACTUALLY related tho I’llexplainintextshh)
Names: Luke, Alan, Scott, and Wyatt | Genders: Male | Ages: Unknown | Heights: Luke is 7'3", Alan is 5'0", Scott is 6'2", and Wyatt is 7'1" | Species/Race: Human | Hair Colors: Alan's hair is Peanut Brown (his hairstyle is Tapered Sides + Messy Comb Over),  Luke's hair is pitch black (his hair style is fairly lengthy, curly/stringy and honestly it looks very scraggly, it looks like he barely e v e r combs it or anything), Scott's hair color is Ginger (his hairstyle is: Shaved Sides + Long Parted Hair), and finally Wyatt's hair color is Hickory Brown (his hairstyle is Cool Textured Thick Hair + Short Sides) | Eye Colors: Alan's is Denim Blue, Scott's is Forest Green, Luke's is Seal Gray, and finally Wyatt's eye color is Charcoal Black (their eye colors are mostly the way they are because of the colors meanings) | Appearances: Let's start off with Alan... he usually wears sweaters, turtlenecks or hoodies most of the time- complete opposite to the others for sure, he'll wear some ripped jeans to go along with them and some regular boots, nothing TOO fancy- he just likes the comfy feeling of sweaters/turtlenecks/hoodies n such mostly, he does wear them bc of that but also to cover up all his scars- I'm going to get this out of the way already, all of them wear animal masks tbh- Alan's mask is a mouse, Scott's mask is a bull, Luke's is a wolf, and Wyatt's mask is a Fox, Alan has a circle beard, Scott has a short boxed beard and both Luke and Wyatt have full beards. Scott usually wears tank tops and ripped pants, combat boots included as well, he's not really much for fashionable looks- just whatever fits and is easy to throw on usually, he also has a ton of scars on himself as well, the most prominent one is over his right eye however it doesn't seem to affect his vision- oh he also wears fingerless black leather gloves with spikes on them- I do gotta also say- Alan's a skinny not so strong looking dude, Scott looks a bit chubby but he's definitely beefy and could probs take out 5 people at once if he so desired, Luke is pretty beefy considering those kinds of standards- he doesn't look TOO strong but he could definitely take some people out if he wanted, Wyatt is a large chubby man but don't underestimate him- he can EASILY kick your ass too. Luke's main outfit is a long sleeved black t-shirt along with overalls over them, and he also wears combat boots as well- if he's not wearing his overalls- he'll wear a ripped denim jacket (a simple white t-shirt underneath it), ripped up blue jeans and- well- okay the combat boots stay either way, he gotta have those- and he wears dark brown punk rave gloves (I have an image ref if ya wanna see- just ask and I'll show ya) he has scars on his arms, legs, chest, back- and especially his face- although they don't seem to bother him in the slightest tbh. and finally Wyatt usually wears ripped denim jackets as well, again a simple t-shirt underneath, and his boots look more punk like than anything really, he also wears fingerless/knuckle-less leather driving gloves on both hands (all the lads that DO wear gloves have them on both hands btw), he also has a bunch of scars all over him but like everyone except for Alan, his scars don't bother him- in fact he's happy he's got them- its proof of just how strong he is. | Personalities: Let's start off with Alan once again, he's the surprisingly "sweet one" of this fucked up bunch- he's shy, he hardly talks because of that fact but also the... "outsiders" as his "family" calls them (fun fact: their not actually related at all in the slightest, they just... consider themselves this kinda weird, fucked up family if you will-), so the outsiders terrify him- he's worried they'll corrupt him or worse, hurt/kill his family, he can't let that happen... So, despite his shyness n such, he WILL kill someone if it means protecting his family but that's the only way he'll kill or torture e v e r, he's the sweetest one compared to the others however so long as no one tries to corrupt him or hurt/kill his family then he's chill, he just isn't good at conversations because of his shyness and fear of corruption, he does genuinely care for his family however, they all do- they'd protect each other with all their dying breaths for sure. Scott is cold, uncaring, and pretty much the brawn of this group- sure, Luke n Wyatt are also pretty strong as well BUT- Scott still counts as the brawn, he's completely silent- doesn't ever speak a word- he's not mute actually but he just chooses not to speak, words waste time when he can be causing mindless carnage ...so long as Luke or Wyatt give him the okay that is, he HIGHLY respects them both as the leaders essentially in a way, as for Alan... despite his cold and uncaring attitude towards the outsiders, to his family he is respectful and even... friendly actually- he tries to toughen Alan up on occasion- not because he thinks Alan is weak, he just doesn't want him to be... left behind in a way- he wants him to be able to defend himself if the outsiders come into their territory. Luke is cold as well, he also rarely speaks- only when he needs to truth be told, he h a t e s the outsiders but loves his family, he won't hold back at all most of the time when an outsider comes into their territory- Wyatt has to tell Scott to restrain Luke when it comes to them, he also tries to help Alan out along with Scott, he wants Alan to have not only a strong body however he also wants him to have a strong mind- the outsiders... he'll give it to em begrudgingly, their smart... too smart, they could easily corrupt such a young fragile mind like Alan's and he won't e v e r let that happen, he has a high respect for Wyatt, Wyatt is like the true leader of this family- and finally Wyatt... Wyatt is a fuckin lunatic im just gonna say that right now, he's mysterious and unpredictable- you never know what his next move is going to be no matter how much you try to get a read on him, he's v e r y cryptic with his wording and well various other things as well (he's p much the cryptid of their territory at this point), he's cold, calculating, and cunning- he's pretty much the brains in this here family, always makes the plans when outsiders venture into their territory, he's ALWAYS prepared just in case, can't have a n y o n e ...well, anyone that isn't w o r t h y inside... but to be honest, most outsiders aren't worthy, they aren't f i t to be let inside, those that are however... Well... It's best to just wish them luck, that's all you can do at this point, because after he finds the worthy ones, there's not much hope for them afterwards... | Side Facts: Before I talk more bout them, let's talk about their territory that's referenced so much... So, their "territory" is pretty much a deep part of the woods, they have a fairly big log cabin, its a very old and dirty looking house both on the inside and outside in fact, there's lots of things on their property, lots of it looks like junk in a way, junked up cars even, honestly- it looks like something out of a horror movie which in a way is fitting given their personalities n such, you can tell your getting close to their home when you see lanterns hanging on the trees and that's a sign you should turn back and r u n, that is... If you can, there's usually one of them ALWAYS patrolling EVERY inch of their territory. Tbh- their territory is also gated off anyways and for a g o o d reason, so crossing the gate is of your own free will- so you'd p much be putting yourself in harms way willingly so yeaaahh... Now onto the lads, what do they do in their spare time when their not patrolling or keeping close eye on the new outsider that wandered inside, etc? Well, Alan usually spends most of his time inside and reading or he's making and inventing things and new weapons for the rest of his family, he's always happy to give them a new weapon when one of theirs breaks down or help out when they need (but first, lemme say that their MAIN weapons they have around the property and like to use is, well... Alan likes to use a simple baseball bat, Scott uses a hook/chain, Luke has an axe, and Wyatt will honestly use whatever he wants, in a way- their kinda similar to slashers when they start bringing out the weapons n such), when Alan's not doing any of that- he usually explores the woods, well MOST of the woods... He's always heard from the others not to explore the d e e p e r parts of the woods and of course he listens despite his curiosity. Scott usually helps Wyatt hang up more lanterns on some of the trees bc a lot of those outsider nuisances for some reason grabs the lanterns and usually winds up dropping them on the ground out of fear n other bullshit, they keep those lanterns there for a r e a s o n... aside from that, he'll borrow Luke's axe and chop some firewood (they dont have electricity, they dont really care for technology or any of that), mostly aside from doing work around the property- he'll exercise more with Luke, carrying and lifting heavy objects- gotta keep their strength up, he'll also help Alan try this as well ...he has on occasion panicked bc Alan was struggling so much with one object, it looked like it was about to crush him, Wyatt has warned both Luke and Scott to start small and then go for the much bigger objects, you can't rush these things. Luke usually also does some work on the property, he hunts food more so for the family than anything, he's a good hunter and damn good tracker, of course- he uh, uses a gun for the hunting not an axe lmao, he'll bring back the food to get them through the harsh winters and just to get by in general, he's also good with telling which plants/berries would be safe to eat and which are not, he patrols the area ON OCCASION along with Wyatt but, his self restraint to go and rip them apart needs to be stronger in order for him to patrol- he needs MORE self control than that, like Scott- he also helps Alan out with not only strength of the body but also mental strength- he knows those... book thingies, albeit usually an outsider item- will help him gain more knowledge, Wyatt has told him however that, even books can be mistreated by an outsider, they take stuff for g r a n t e d... Which is foolish, but he'll still help Alan out himself as well. and finally... the big finale of this long ass post, Wyatt, the l e a d e r of this fucked up family... He usually spends his time outside, keeping an eye on the property and ready to help one of his "brothers" as he calls them (again, just in case its been forgotten, they are not ACTUALLY related, they just think of themselves as this weird lil fam) if they need, he's essentially the overseer of them and of course their property, he makes the plans if outsiders come into their territory OR... if their worthy enough, he'll help them... see the light so to speak, he'll help them see the true meaning... blah blah ya know all that cryptic shit, he's been to the... D E E P E R parts of the woods before, he knows a l l about it... He tries to keep his brothers shielded from it, they don't deserve to be put through a n y t h i n g like t h a t, he's warned Alan himself before too of course like "Now brother, don't'cha dare go wanderin' into them deeper parts of the woods, it ain't safe... Not for a young fragile soul such as yerself..."
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Spiritocalypse Chap. 2 Pt 1
Alright, so since I got some good reaction (some in all caps) about me posting the rough draft of this as I go, here is the first half of chapter two. i feel like I should warn you, this is my first go at first person POV too, so sorry if the rough draft slips to third sometimes.
@pigeonbooks @pheita @wildwestiewrites @ramblingsofabourbondrinker @cog-writes @aschenink @youdontneedoxegyntoburn
If anyone else wants on my tag list for this, please let me know. 
When the helicopter touched down in Tuscon, I was tempted to kneel down and touch the ground. I resisted though, not wanting to look like a complete loser and an idiot. There were other black suited men waiting on us as we got out, some thankfully holding umbrellas. Agent Wild took one and then took my arm guiding me inside. Once there, he handed off the umbrella, but never let go of my arm. I glanced over at him, frowning. I was suddenly feeling like I was under arrest and that didn’t sit well with me. I’d never been in trouble with the law and I hadn’t done anything tonight to get myself in trouble either.
It didn’t help matters any when he led me into what looked like the interrogation room you saw on every television cop show. Could you really get anymore stereotypical? He let go of my arm and left without a word. Sighing, I sat down in a surprisingly comfy chair and kicked my feet up on the table.
“Miss Anders, please remove your feet from the table.”
I jerked at the sound of the voice, nearly falling out of the chair, but I put my feet down. Alright. I was being watched. Noted. The question was why? Did they expect me to do some kind of psychic trick like they saw on those fake television shows? Not likely. Most people who were sensitive were nothing like that. Quite often, in fact, we tried to hide it. Ignoring the fact that I was being watched, my mind went to thinking about who it might be that they were waiting on to join them.
I had a sinking feeling that I was going to be in for another ride in a chopper or plane. At least a plane I could shut the windows and not feel quite as exposed. There was a rattle at the door and I looked up as Agent Wild came in with a tray. It held two cups of coffee and an assortment of snacks. I had to admit, I was surprised.
“Why I told you to get your feet off the table, don’t want your feet where we’re going to have food.”  He picked up one of the coffees and took a sip off it, sighing like he was getting his fix for the first time today.
I sat up in the seat, reaching for my own cup. The umbrella’s had been great, but I was still wet and chilled thanks to the rain. “No problem. So how long before you haul me outta here like some sorta criminal again?”
Agent Wild pulled out a chair and sank down, frowning at me. “You’re not being treated like a criminal. More like a valuable commodity. You’ll understand soon.”
“I’d rather understand now.” Why lie to him? I wasn’t good with this cloak and dagger stuff. I preferred people to be up front with me.
My comment actually seemed to amuse the Agent as she smiled. “I’m sure you would, but we don’t always get what we want. Let’s look at it this way. You’re going to hear it all soon, from someone more qualified than me.”
Sipping my coffee, I let my gaze linger on him before I lowered it. “I don’t do well with big words Agent Wild.”
“You don’t do well with patience either do you?”
Shaking my head no, I smiled and reached for a piece of chocolate candy on the tray, popping it in my mouth and chewing. Just as I swallowed, the door opened and good old stoneface walked in. I started to say something about chocolate being able to crack that face of his, but when he stepped to the side, another person was ushered in. This man was in cuffs. I looked at Agent Wild then back to the prisoner.
Now, I was uncomfortable. No, being a prisoner didn’t make you bad person, but he just gave off a vibe that said he was dangerous. I had never been able to read aura’s, but I got vibes off people and his was pure danger. I sank back into my seat putting as much space between the man who was being sat at the table and myself as possible.
I knew I was staring. I couldn’t help it. He had long scraggly hair that looked like it hadn’t been washed in a month, his eyes stared straight ahead at Agent Wild, but they looked distant. Something was off there. I didn’t think he was blind because he was staring so intently. As he turned those intense eyes to me, I lifted my coffee cup to my lips and looked down, away from him.
He kept staring and I finally looked over at him. I knew now why his eyes looked odd. They were the strangest color I had ever seen. They were charcoal grey with a brilliant blue line around them. Maybe they had been tattooed like that. Something told me they weren’t. The blue line reminded me of the eyes that had stared at me through Sawyer’s screen. That made me nervous again and I looked away again.
“Hello, Callie.”
I looked up sharply as he said my name and Agent Wild looked at Stoneface who shrugged. “How do you know her name?”
The man looked at the Agent and smiled. “I’ve met her before.”
I was shaking my head. “No. No we haven’t. I’ve never seen you before.”
“That’s not very nice Callie. Sawyer introduced us. This evening in fact.” He gave me a smile that sent a shiver through me. He was not sane. Not by a long shot.
“That’s not possible. Sawyer didn’t…”
He began to laugh loudly, his eyes fully flashing that blue. I gasped, spilling my coffee in the floor. “Now do you remember.”
“That’s… no… I… how? How?”
“It’s called astral projection Callie. It’s I who told our friends here about you, Sawyer and the others. You all can stop it. With my help of course.”
“Stop what?” Agent Wild and I spoke at the same time and I glanced to him with a frown.
“The end of the world of course.” Shaking his head, he smiled and leaned back in the seat. “You can undo these cuffs, I don’t want to leave. This show is going to be too good.”
Agent Wild chuckled, "Not happening. I've seen your psych profile and your criminal record. I will chain you to the table though."
I watched, shaken as Wild moved forward and readjusted the prisoners bonds, giving him a bit more space to move. It seemed like he planned on the man being in that chair for a while. Astral projection was just a fairy tale. Even people like me, who could see the dead and other spirits were known to chuckle at such things.
How was I supposed to explain it away? He knew my name. He knew Sawyer. He knew what had happened in Sawyer's apartment. It was too many factors to be chance. He couldn't have overheard. I hadn't said Sawyer's name or my own since I was in this room. I realized I was staring at him and looked away. When the man chuckled, I blushed. He was enjoying my confusion and discomfort.
"Do I have to stay in here with him?" I already knew if that was an option, Wild wouldn't have brought him here in the first place.
"Sorry, Callie. Limited room."
The prisoner laughed. "Come now, Callie we can become good friends. Aren't you even going to ask my name?"
"No, I'm not. I don't care to know you." I looked over now, trying to be brave. "I don't associate with criminals."
My attempt at badassery resulted in the dirty, scruffy man, doubling over in laughter at my comments. My cheeks blushed redder and I couldn't look Agent Wild in the eye either. This was embarrassing. I should have just ignored him. I always did this. Got pulled in when I was trying to be the bigger person. I always ended up looking like an idiot too.
Agent Wild smacked the table, getting the man to stop laughing. "Unless you wanna make this trip in a hood and gag, you'll leave the young woman alone Katick."
I couldn't help but look up then, eyes wide. Katick? I knew that name from the news. "James Katick? The mass murderer Katick?" Blushing was no longer an issue as all the blood had drained from my body.
Agent Wild looked at me, sighing. "Yes, but he can't and won't harm you. He's got too much on the line with this. All of us do. Ain't that right Katick?"
James Katick gave him a cold smile. "You far more than I, Agent." His eyes moved to me and he inclined his head. "Nice to be known by you Callie, but… you forget. I pleaded not guilty. Innocent as the day is long." The smile he gave me was cold and I couldn't help the shiver that went down my spine. "Of that at least."
"Shut up Katick. You're not here to socialize. Don't speak unless its needed." Wild turned to me, but I was still staring at the murdered sitting just a few feet from me. "I'm going to have to step out. Just say out of his reach alright?"
I nodded without a word, eyes dropping to the chains. I shrank back in my chair, heart speeding a bit still. Katick just sat there, smiling at me, clearly enjoying my discomfort. I forced myself to look away, staring anywhere but at the man at the table. My mind began to wander to the others. Were they going through the same thing in different parts of the world? Where they all coming here then going somewhere else? Would I not see them until we got to the central location?
They had said not to bring phones, but I felt mine down in the bottom of my purse. The familiar lump gave it away, though it likely was dead, or close to it. I hadn't intentionally brought it. I'd just forgotten to leave it at home. It was sort of a relief to know that if things got insane, I might be able to call for help. At least let my mom know that I was alive and alright. I took a deep breath and was able to relax a little. I felt a little less adrift.
The silence seemed to go on and on as Agent Wild was gone. It left me with too much time to think and worry. What exactly was going on? It surprised me that if the veil was broken that the government would be involved. Didn't they spend a lot of money and time to shoot down ideas that the metaphysical and spiritual was a load of bull? I shook my head, hating to think that the conspiracy theorist were right about things. Surely this was a last minute scramble for the protective services of the world to try to put together a battle plan against an enemy that you couldn't fight and most couldn't even see.
"You're going to hurt your brain, Callie."
I glanced over with a frown at Katick. "Would you please leave me alone? I'm not comfortable talking to you."
"Ah, but without me, you'd be clueless and still sitting at home thinking you were going crazy as more and more spirits tried to warn you." He leaned forward on the table. "Or worse yet, tried to possess you."
"Bullshit, they'd have to be demons to do that." Of course I knew my lore. I wasn't some little kid who had never read or heard anything about spirits before.
Katick looked at me like I was the insane one, then began to laugh. "You are such a sweet girl. So naïve. That was before the veil was torn asunder. I was so hoping you'd be smarter than this, Callie. Hopefully your friends will make up for your ignorance."
"How am I supposed to know how spirits change when the veil is torn? It's never happened before!"
I stood up and walked over to the door, peeking out the little window. I didn't want to be in here with him. If regular spirits were now able to do what demons could do, they were all in trouble. I couldn't stand still, fidgeting constantly as I peeked out the window.
"You can't run away from it Callie. You might as well sit down and listen to me." The chair scraped over the floor, causing me to turn back to him.
"Why not save your breath for when we're all together?" I didn't want to talk to him. I didn't want to think about this. Still, I asked the question that rose in my mind. "How do you know what the spirits can do with the veil torn? You can't have experienced it."
"Oh, but I can." Katick's sick smile spread over his lips again. "I've seen it. Small tears. Just one or two spirits slipping through before whatever controls the veil or the other side sealed it again. They happen all the time."
I didn't know what to say. I just leaned against the wall and slid down it, arms on my knees. "God above…"
"It's not God you have to worry about, Callie. It's the devil." Katick began to laugh uncontrollably as if a fit of insanity had taken him. Or perhaps his moment of sanity had fled him.
"The devil is just a symbol for evil." At least that was what I wanted to believe, in this moment at least. It was less terrifying. I wasn't a police officer or someone in the military. I wasn't trained to be brave in these situations. I wanted to be, but I was scared.
The laughing stopped and Katick stared at me intently enough that I tried to shrink into the wall. "No he isn't. He might not be what the bible says after all the translations have gotten screwed up, but he's very real. You're going to have to face your fears, Callie. You're going to be a soldier in this war, just like me. I might be crazy, but I'd rather be me and be crazy, than be possessed by God only knows what and out of control."
I had to admit, I agreed. I'd rather be here terrified and fighting than giving up and just become some toy for a dead person. Did that count as necrophilia of any sort? I shivered at the though and then shook my head at myself for such insane thoughts at a time like this. "You have a point. Did you have something to do with them picking us?"
"Not specifically, but I've known this was happening for a few weeks now. Me and a few others they keep under lock and key. I've been astral traveling, looking for people with the spark. Your little group showed some potential so I pointed you out. It was up to Agent Wild's bosses who they picked up." The smile he gave her wasn't as unsettling as before. "Your lucky day I guess."
"You've known for weeks? Why would the government believe you when you told them?"
"That's a story for a different time, Callie. Now, it's time to go." He looked towards the door and my eyes followed him, head tilted up as to see who was entering. I never even thought to second guess that someone was coming.
Agent Wild stepped in, looking confused for a moment. "Callie?" He turned seeing me in the floor but his frown deepened. "Are you alright?"
"Yes, I'm fine. I'm just on edge." I stood up, dusting myself off. "Company doesn't help much with that, but he's not too bad."
Katick gave a toothy grin and held his hands up. "I'm ready to for my first class flight, Agent."
Wild sighed and shook his head. "I'm taking Callie first."
He held his hand out to me and I took it, surprised to feel it was a bit sweaty. It hadn't occurred to me that this situation might unsettle or scare an FBI agent. I didn't say anything out loud, but I gave him a smile. "Good to know the FBI has manners, Wild."
He chuckled at me and shook his head. "Surprised you're so snarky in a situation like this."
Opening the door, he motioned me out and I grabbed my things hurrying out with him before I answered. "It's a defense mechanism. If I can deflect, I don't freak out so bad. I use it on a daily basis. I have… some issues."
Wild didn't say anything in response, keeping his eyes straight ahead, as we walked. I wished in this moment that I could read his mind. To know the thoughts that he was keeping from me. No, I'm not a mind reader, but I have learned to read people. When you've got social anxiety, which thankfully I took my meds for today, a bit shy, and introverted, you found new ways to learn about people. Reading their body language, the look in their eyes, the way their muscles bunched around their eyes, gave me a good window into a person's mind. Also, I just got these gut feelings when I looked at someone. Sawyer said I was a bit empathic, but I never thought much about it.
"Something is bothering you, Agent Wild. I know I don't know you, but… I'm glad to listen." Listening was something I could honestly say I was good at.
He finally looked at me, smiling faintly. "You're not authorized for this level of troubling thoughts. Sorry, Callie." He patted my shoulder. "Nice of you to offer though. Do you need anything before we go."
A thought hit me and I opened my purse digging inside it. No meds. I wasn't thinking about this long a trip and they said no phone, just my identification. "I have medicines I take. If I’m not going to be home tomorrow… I'll need them."
"That can be arranged. We have medical on site where we're going. Anything else? Because you won't be home tomorrow. I can't guarantee next week or next month. Your family will be contacted tomorrow, but is there anyone else that needs contacted?"
I was staring at him. My mind hadn't processed past tomorrow. He couldn't guarantee next month. I couldn't work. I couldn't pay my rent. I'd be homeless. Oh holy fuck. I began to breathe a bit harder and he looked at him. Anxiety was crawling all over me and I crossed my arms. I began to pace a bit, working this out in my head. "I can have my mom clean out my apartment. I can leave a notice at my work…"
"Woah, woah… I'll do all that. Or have someone do it. I can't let you contact anyone. This is too sensitive." He stopped and looked around, then took my arm guiding me to a desk further down the hall.
The whole sterile look of the place, the grey walls, the limited furniture, and what there was being metal, made me think military or medical facility. The desk area even reminded me of a nurses desk. Wild picked up a pad of paper. "Here, write down everyone you need to contact. Bills, rent, landlords, anything that needs to be maintained to avoid notice of you being gone. You'll quit your job of course."
"Quit? How the hell am I supposed to pay my bills if I quit?" I had taken the pad and a pen off the desk writing down my needs, but that had me stopping and looking at him like he was insane.
"We'll pay you and your upkeep. Consider it compensation for your assistance in this matter, Callie. Any pay will be put into a new federal bank account for your use once this is over. Until then, you're a ward of the government and we will furnish food, clothes, spending money as needed, and any supplies to accomplish your work, which in this case includes your rent and bills." Wild smiled at her. "I feel for all you kids jerked up out of nothing. You kind of remind me of my sister. She's a few years younger than me. Snarky and has issues dealing with people."
"I hope she's not sensitive or they might recruit her too." I had gone back to writing, but the sharp inhale of made me look up. "Oh… no. Is she?"
"I, well… I mean… I shouldn't be discussing this stuff with you. I'd be telling you the parameter's that we used to pick our groups. I'm sure she's safe." He gave me a smile, trying to soften the blow of cutting me off. "You're safe. I hope you know that. I mean, not everyone is going to be as nice to you as I am, but I've always gotten docked on my reviews for my personality flaws." Wild chuckled and shrugged. "I get the job done. That's what matters."
Hearing him open up, just that tiny bit, did make me feel safer. I felt like someone in this organization would care if something happened to those of us being picked up. "I've felt safe so far… except for when we were flying. Flying doesn't make me feel safe." I chuckled softly and wrote down the name of my landlord, his phone number, my work information, and anything else I thought might need addressed in my absence. "I wasn't expecting for this to be so involved. I figured I'd be home tomorrow after some excitement."
"That would be wonderful, but I doubt everyone will even be gathered by tomorrow, Callie." He took the list I gave him and pulled the radio off his hip. He called for another agent. When they arrived, he gave him the list. The two men spoke for a few long moments and then he rejoined me. "All handled. Ready now, Callie?
I nodded and started to walk with him, much calmer now. "I have another question."
"I can't tell you where we're going."
"No, what's your name? I know your first name isn't Agent."
"Oh…" Wild didn't answer me right away, but after a few moments of debating, his dark eyes turned to me. "Antonio, but I prefer Tone or Tony. You should stick to Agent Wild for now. If any of my superiors think I'm favoring you then it won't be good for either of us."
"Right, no. I get it. Wild is fine. I was just curious." I couldn't help but wonder how much harder he had to work to get where he was compared to the white agents I had met today. I was sure it was a lot. I had it hard, paying my bills and things, but I still knew I was privileged in the grand scheme of things. "Will my other friends from the chat room be at this place we're going?"
"Eventually. Depends on flight time and weather of course." Wild pointed to a hallway up on the left. "That way."
I knew we were going to another aircraft of some sort, but I didn't like it. I could use something to calm my anxiety or else Wild was going without his coat again. "Is it a long flight?"
"Longer than the last one." He motioned for me to go as I had stopped when I got to the hallway. "It's a plane, not a chopper. It won't be so bad."
"That's what you think," I grumbled before sighing and heading down the hall.
Wild chuckled softly as we walked. "I can't be as… friendly, on the plane. There will be more than me and my partner and they want us being professional."
"Then why have you been so nice to me so far?" I knew he wasn't acting like the stereotypical agent. At least not like what I had seen on television.
"I am a human being, Callie. I'm not stone cold. Besides, like I said, you remind me of my sister in some ways. There are very few agents who can honestly pull off the tv trope version of an agent, but they don't expect us to be 'chatty' with the people we're responsible for."
"I guess that makes sense. It makes it harder for you to be objective if you've made close friendships with the people you're protecting. Then again, I guess it could have some upsides." We had reached the door that I guessed would lead outside to the airfield or wherever for getting on the plane.
"Upsides? Like what?" Wild opened the door and motioned me out. "C'mon. You can't put it off. I don't want to cuff you and force you into the plane."
"I don't want that either." I took a deep breath and headed through the door. It was another hallway, but narrow with very sterile, but yellow tinted lighting. It was like a hallway I'd expect to see in an old World War 2 movie. It didn't make me feel any better about what was coming either.
"You didn't answer my question." Wild's voice echoed about me a bit from the way the hallway was built and stretched far ahead.
I glanced back at him. "Sorry, my mind is on the plane. Upsides, like… having people trust you, or reading people. It's always easier to read people you're friends with or connected to instead of strangers, but it is possible to read strangers."
Wild was quiet for a moment and I could just imagine him nodding behind me. "I guess you have a point. Not that my bosses will care, but just don't get angry if I can't talk to you much or answer your questions."
"No, I get it. I won't get mad. Just… I hope the others can be as patient as you are with my flying freak out." There was another door coming into view at the end of the hall and I sighed. "That one goes outside doesn't it?"
"The girls a genius." Wild stepped past me and put one hand on the bar and one on my upper back. "C'mon. Standing here dwelling won't help."
I took a deep breath and nodded, stepping outside. For some reason, I had been expecting a jet or at most a standard plane. What was sitting on the runway was a huge military plane. There were dozens of people milling about, moving boxes, reading clip boards and barking orders. I was so surprised that I managed to keep walking. I was curious now. There were military bases all over the desert. It wasn't unusual to see military planes fly over, but I'd never been close to one.
I glanced at Wild, eyes a little wide. "All of this to escort me and Katick to an unknown location?"
"No, that's only part of our mission." Wild sighed and pulled me to the side, keeping his voice low. "If what Katick has seen is true, then there's a huge disaster ahead. We're prepping for all eventualities. All levels of government and law enforcement are working together on this."
I frowned, glancing back at the plane. "Then why hasn't there been a national alert sent out? Don't they do that?"
"Because we don't know yet what to warn for. We don't know that everyday people can defend against what's coming. That’s why we've reached out to people like you. People like your friends. You may be the only defense we have."
There was a sudden weight on my shoulders. A sudden pressure of a responsibility that I hadn't dreamed could exist. Defense? How were we supposed to defend against the veil between the living and dead breaking? "But we don't know how…"
"That's why we've got to hurry. We don't have much time for you and the others to figure it out." He motioned back to the plane. "We need to go."
I felt silly now, being afraid of the plane, when there was so much on the line. "Right. Yeah. Of course."
I followed Wild up the big wide platform and into the strange looking seats with lots of straps and belts. "Well, I won't fall out."
Wild chuckled. "No, no you won't. That is true."
"Wild is this the girl? Has she had her medical?"
Wild and I both looked over at the woman who was speaking. I looked over at my eye level naturally, but found myself looking down a bit lower. The woman was looking at the tablet in her hand, scribbling down things rapidly on the screen. Her mousy brown hair was tied up with a zip tie, clearly having pulled it up in a hurry. She looked up at Wild with a frustrated gaze in her grey eyes and lifted a brow, clearly expecting an answer.
"Sorry, Franny, she's not had time. We're fast tracking this."
"I don't care if you're super-fast tracking it. This plane isn't taking off without at least a brief exam and I'm pulling up her medical files now. I'll send all medication to the facility so it should be in your quarters waiting when you arrive." Franny looked to me and then looked around, motioning to a large metal crate. "Sit."
I glanced at Wild not sure about this new person in the fragile dynamic I'd built with him to keep myself calm. He nodded and I went to sit down. I didn't know Wild, but I felt I could trust him. He'd opened up a bit as we walked and I appreciated that, but it wasn't enough to really say I could trust him. I was following my gut and I hope it didn't end me in big trouble.
"What's the exam for, Dr…." I was guessing she was a doctor, but she hadn't given me her name at all.
"Ah, manners. Wild hasn't corrupted you." She took a moment to glance at me before she laid the tablet down. "Dr. Francis Peters, Franny to those who enjoy annoying me." The doctor began to listen to my heart and give me a general look over.
"Well nice to meet you, Dr. Peters. You didn't answer my question though."
Franny looked up at her, then glanced at Wild. He shrugged. "She won't let up. It's her coping mechanism."
Shaking her head, she checked my pulse then looked at my files. "It's to make sure you're not going to drop dead under stress, Ms. Anders." Franny frowned a bit, scrolling through, then sat the tablet back down. "You have slight sugar issues, a little overweight but not much, but otherwise healthy. Good. Wild will probably run any weight off you and you'll be eating a military diet. No extra sugar or salt. Wild… she's all yours."
Before I could say anything in reply, she was walking off. I hopped off the crate and looked down at myself. "So much for my self-esteem."
"Oh, I'm not getting into that conversation. I know I'd just put my foot in my mouth."
I couldn't help but laugh at him. It was a dangerous topic. If he said I wasn't fat, then I might take it as flirting, or if he didn't say it I might get upset that he was calling me fat and ugly. I wouldn't do either, but he didn't know that. I shook my head at him and didn't say anything, picking up my purse again.
As we walked up to the front of the plane, he kept checking his phone. "No one is going to text you what you should say to me about my looks. You're all alone."
Wild chuckled then. "Oh, no. I don't need help with that. This is business. No comments required or needed." He gave me a smile and motions to the seats. "Take your pick."
"I'm not sure how to take that." I gave him a smile and picked a seat where I'd have someone on either side. It made me feel safer. "Don't worry though. I'm ok with how I look. I'm happy."
"Good to hear that. This isn't a dating service, so not sure that it will matter. These things may not take looks into account." Wild sat down next to me, showing me how to do the multiple straps.
"Aww, but I was hoping to charm them, maybe get a date. Never know… could be a husband or a wife in it for me."
Wild looked up at me from the straps, clearly not sure how to take me in the moment. "Getting more nervous aren't you?"
I gave him a sheepish grin, my long dark hair getting nervously tucked behind my ear. "That obvious huh?"
"You spitting out your sexual orientation and that you're single in the middle of a stressful situation sort of gave it away, Callie." He shook his head and smiled. "You're gonna be fine. Trust me, this flight is going to be nothing compared to what's to come."
"I know that's meant to be comforting, but it's not. Not at all."
"Sorry, it's the truth though. Wouldn't you rather I be honest?"
"I guess so… still doesn't help my nerves either way." I finished strapping in and leaned my head back with a sigh. "Go do what you need to. The chubby nervous girl is fine for now. I'm not going to run away."
Wild smiled and put his hand on my shoulder squeezing it. "Good, I'll be back soon. Got to escort Katick out." He hung a tag around my neck. I looked at my driver's license picture and groaned. "Don't complain, we didn't have time for a photoshoot and you don't want shot on sight for trespassing."
"No, though this picture makes it seem like a good alternative." Sighing, I looked up, watching him go before glancing back to the picture. I was only 18 when it was taken. It seemed a lifetime ago. I was fresh out of high school, where I had never fit in. I hadn't gone to college since I couldn't afford it, but I had taken some online classes and gotten an associate's degree in business. I wasn't totally uneducated. I'd even made the dean's list for the place, not that an online college had the same prestige of a traditional school.  
I stared for a moment longer, momentarily pondering what had made me think green frames on my glasses had been a good idea. "Ah, being a teenager." I finally dropped the picture and leaned my head back. It was getting late by now and my body said I should have fed it proper food and put it in bed by now. I didn't see myself doing either of those for a while though. My eyes weren't just tired though, they were filling gritty, so I dug in my purse and got my eye drops out.
I was glad I'd had that Lasik eye surgery because dealing with contacts or glasses in this situation would be near impossible. I would have been blind otherwise. I glanced around, seeing I was finally all alone for the first time in a while. I let out a sigh and tried to relax. My muscles were tense, which was normal enough for me and my stress levels, but alone time helped me relax. It looked like it was going to be a rare thing.
What had I gotten mixed up with? It wasn't like I'd gone looking to join a mass effort by the government to save the world from the dead, but look at me now. Wouldn't my mom be proud? God, mom was going to freak if I didn't call her in the next couple of days. I had to wonder if the government realized what a headache they were causing for everyday people by jerking us out of our lives like this. Sure, Wild seemed like a decent person, but the idea that everyone I was going to deal with would be like that was beyond insane. I was many things, but it was quickly dawning on me that insane wasn't one of them.
I wasn't sure if I was relieved by that or stressed. Was the government going to keep this situation out of the news? Would anyone know it happened? If not then everyone would still think she was the crazy girl who saw ghosts. Ghost shows were super popular on television, but that didn't stop individuals from not believing or thinking people who said they were sensitive were liars or insane.
What were the others going through? I doubted that other countries would be in such… turmoil. America seemed like the last ones to get on the 'spirits are real' bandwagon. Even though I can see them, I never imagined something like this could ever happen. What had torn the veil? Why were the dead wanting to come back? Wasn't death supposed to be peaceful? I could ask one, but I wasn't sure I wanted to know. What if they told her it was horrible and not at all what they were taught?
I felt my stomach tightening from the train of thought I was on, so I decided to change directions. I opened my eyes and looked down the plane towards the opening at the back. There were still dozens of soldiers moving around, but there were also bunches of crates now filling the back of the plane. I couldn't see the entire opening now. Though I did see a flash of orange coming up the ramp. Ah, Wild had gone and gotten Katick. Great. More play time with the murderer.
Katick looked right at me and grinned when he got close. "Hello again, Callie. Ready for play time?"
I couldn't help but narrow my eyes at him. "Alright… just what is your flavor of, I don't know the correct term for it, mental abnormality? Telepathic? Clairvoyant? A mixed bag? Cause you didn't pick that choice of words by chance."
"I didn't?" He chuckled, lifting his hands to let Wild strap him in. "If you say so, Callie."
I sighed, realizing he wasn't going to answer me. I stared at him intently for a moment thinking at him to stay out of my head, but he just started laughing. I wasn't sure if he was laughing at my words or my stare. Maybe both. I probably looked a little insane. I looked away with a sigh, glancing at Wild. "So how long is the flight?"
"A while. More than 4 hours. Less than 10." He gave her a nod, glancing back as more suits walked up and began to settle in. I knew he was telling me that talking would be limited now. I sighed, but was glad when he sat down next to me.
I glanced around, then whispered to him. "I should have asked Franny for something for my nerves."
"That would have been good, Miss Anders, but just try to stay calm."
"Easier said than done." I sighed and leaned my head back staring at the ceiling. At least once the ramp in the back of the military plane was up, there weren't any windows I could see out of.
Katick leaned forward as far as he could and smiled. "They aren't going to make this flight easy. They're starting to increase in numbers." Looking around at the agents, he locked eyes on Callie. "I can help with your fears of flying, Callie. Just… let me in."
"Ohhh but fuck no. I'd rather be terrified shitless than let you anywhere near my mind."
"Callie… such language from a lady." Katick laughed and sat back. He was clearly impressed with himself.
One of the new agents, a silver haired man with a frown deep set on his face, grabbed Katick and jerked him back into the seat. "Shut your mouth. We don't even know if any of nonsense is real. Even if it is, ghost can't mess with a plane. Leave the girl alone or you'll find yourself muzzled."
"Oh, kinky. Cuffs and gags. You're getting me excited, Agent." The prisoner laughed as the man rolled his eyes.
I was looking around between them, more fixated on what the agent had said. "What do you mean you don't know if it's real or not? We saw them. We heard the warnings. How can it not be real?" I looked to Wild, not understanding why they would bring sensitives in if they weren't sure or ready to believe.
"I don't believe in all this mumbo jumbo. Just because our research team's been working on it for decades don't make it real. I'll worry when I see some proof." He seemed determined and the more I watched him, I knew he was scared.
I leaned back, a thoughtful expression on my face. How could I, a 23 year old woman, be less afraid of what was coming than this well trained government agent? I looked back at him and he looked away, clearly not liking the attention. I wanted to tell him it was alright. That it was normal to be afraid of something you couldn't see or couldn't physically fight. That introverted part of me stopped the words dead in my throat. There were more people in the plane and close than I cared for. It felt like they were draining my energy, so I pulled out my note pad taking notes about the people I was meeting.
I didn't know the agents name, but he would be Silver in my note pad. I jotted down what I knew about him. He was a non-believer, scared of the paranormal, very closed minded, angry, and frustrated. I glanced to my left at Wild, who happened to be looking at me curiously. I gave him a smile and went back to writing.
Agent Wild was an easier entry. Handsome, confident, open minded, gentle in his own way, open minded, and willing to listen. Good ol' stoneface was sitting next to him and after I wrote stoneface on the paper, I just put a question mark. He'd not said or done anything, but after a moment, I marked out the question mark and put down observant. He was always watching. There was nothing wrong with that, but it could be a bit unnerving. I didn't know the other four agents sitting down the row, but I had a feeling they would be the first of many I met.
I began to write down Katick's name and he chuckled. I looked up and flipped him off. I thought at him to stay out of my head again and tried to remember how to raise a barrier like my friend had taught me. I visualized it around my mind and began to write again, hoping it would work. Katick's list was simple. He was insane and dangerous. I did note that he may be telepathic, clairvoyant, and could do astral projection.
I could write down all my friends, but if my barrier didn't work, I didn't want Katick seeing about them. Though, he already seemed to know of us if nothing else. I became curious and didn't know if I'd get yelled at, but I looked up at Katick. "Why Sawyer?"
Katick lifted a brow. "Finally, a smart question. Sawyer is an open book. He has no barriers and no protections. It's why he's so introverted and shy. People overwhelm him. You could try to teach him that trick you're doing with your mind. It's very frustrating." Katick smirked at me. "Besides, Sawyer is my nephew."
The shock must have been clear on my face. "What? No. There's no way. He lives in Argentina. Has all his life. He has no family in the states."
"My parents split when we were kids. Dad took my sister to Argentina. He's my sisters son. My family is gifted, but they refuse to use their gifts. Sawyer doesn't. He's scared, but he'll stand up when he needs too." Leaning back, Katick looked at the agents. "Surprise."
Silver was already ranting that this whole thing was an escape attempt and that they were all being played. Wild took a deep breath and looked at me. "Put your notes away, please." He then turned his attention to Silver. "Shut the hell up. The notification came from the upper levels. We were going to talk with Katick long before he reached out to us. Just relax."
I was just starting to wonder how long they had been aware
I was just starting to wonder how long they had been aware of the issue with the veil and was going to ask, but the plane chose that moment to start taking off and I gasped grabbing the arm of the seat. "Ohhh, this can't be over fast enough."
Stoneface leaned around Wild looking at me. "Once we're leveled out, Franny is in the lower deck checking over troops. I can tell her you need something."
I stared at him surprised. He could speak. I realized he was awaiting an answer and  I nodded. "Yes, please. Thank you." See, he was observant. He remembered the chopper trip and knew I was afraid. Maybe he wasn't so bad.
It didn't take long for the flight to be leveled out. The agents started unbuckling, leaving just me and Katick strapped in. I knew I could, but I didn't want too. I watched Stoneface disappear and I leaned towards Wild. "What's his name?"
"Ask him yourself, Ms. Anders." He was clearly amused, knowing I wanted it for my little note pad.
"You're no fun, Wild." Sighing, I sat back, trying to take deep breaths and relax.
Franny came up the ramp, looking through a bag. "Why didn't you tell me you were afraid of flying?" She pulled out a bottle and handed me a pill, then a bottle of water. "Take that. It will probably make you sleepy. Not so sleepy you can't be woken up if need be."
"Sorry, I didn't think about it. I figured you were busy." I took the pill and the water, glancing at Katick and back to Wild. "Thank you."
"I was busy, but taking care of you people is my job. Hurry up, so I can get back to checking out those downstairs."
I downed the pill and sighed. "All gone." I looked at Wild again. "If I fall asleep, I don't want to be alone with him."
"Not to worry. You won't be alone with him anyway Ms. Anders. Asleep or not. You can relax about that." Wild gave me a nod, that sparkle of friendliness in his eyes if not his expression.
I nodded and took a deep breath. "Thank you, Agent. I appreciate that." I drank more of the water before lidding it. There might not be a bathroom on this thing, better not fill up. The pill was quick working and I blinked a few times feeling my eyes get heavy as I yawned.  I closed them, not quite asleep, but not awake either.
Blue eyes filled my minds eye and I suddenly couldn't breathe. I knew who it was. I tried to push him out, but the drugs made it impossible. His voice seemed to echo inside my head.
"I'm not going to hurt you, Callie. I want to stop this, but don't trust the government. They have plans and they aren't good for any of us. I've not been in a regular jail. I've been in a government testing facility having my gifts tested to see if they could be weaponized. Stopping the rip in the veil is paramount, but they won't let you go after this. Wild might seem nice, but I can't get in his mind. I don't know if he's aware of what the end goal is here. Trust me just a bit Callie. We're all in danger."
I couldn't answer, my drugged brain not making words as sleep stole me away from his words. The drugs pulled me into that deep dreamless sleep that didn't let you solve any of your problems or work out scenarios.
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cow5secondchance · 3 years
Episode 4 - Honestly I’m a Vindictive Person - Blake
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Format: The Penthouse
Eliminated: Mario & Jennet (4-4-4 // 4-4-1)
These little weirdos don’t know what they’ve just done! Lit a fire under my ASS. I’m so sick of feeling down in this game like every week is something else that I get dragged into and then the one week I’m planning nothing, thinking everything is going smoothly and my number 1 ally goes home after literally being pummeled the whole game. I’m so damn annoyed. I want the switch, I want top of the penthouse or whatever they call it. I want power so I can feel like I can shake things up!!!! 
hello everyone i forgot to update yall since the second week so here we go! so we pulled off the plan to evict wyatt and i was so scared that they were going to pick me but i guessed they still love me and that makes me feel bad but urgh.. i just hope they could be able to come back </3 now we're moving to the daisy chain round in which isaac ruined everything after he saved nicole when he should save mario so thats a red flag. anyways, i came up with the plan to save everyone from the greenhouse and pretty people wink wink and i did that so congrats me. anyways, isaac put mario up and i was like maam not mario. no one talked to me about the votes. the alliance with blake, jennet, autumn, nicole, isaac and jarod? i think was made and now blake is upset with me for not telling him everything when i didn't talk about anyone in this vote and i just voted out isaac because i couldn't vote out mario? so white man.... urgh 
these white ppl are freaking out too much
I want to end up in the Penthouse. Put Kaleigh last, so she gets eliminated, as I don't think her Defender will save her. And then the 4 options left, the 6 who voted together now will just have to vote together again. I want those who are really playing to stay longer, even if they are threats to me. It's just more fun. So none of those just popping up to vote :) All plans though. Might delete later haha.
So this week went the way I wanted it to but not without a bunch of complications. So the daisy chain went pretty well I mean we controlled it from beginning to end and I think that we made it obvious enough to where the greenhouse people weren't seen as an immediate target. Then isaac and kaleigh ended up being up for banishment and I was really happy since kaleigh i don't talk to as much and i just voted isaac as well as him being way too chaotic for my liking. When Kaleigh won the uproot though that's when i got nervous because that meant there was gonna be a replacement and of course with my luck it was mario. Now this round changed my outlook on a lot of things because when i was campaigning for mario mario didn't do anything. He wasn't talking to people, he wasn't making bonds, and it's so fucking hard to save someone who won't save themself. There's also the fact that all of sequester voted the exact same way to save isaac which is also suspicious. Granted we in the greenhouse did as well. So this makes me realize that probably sometime soon, i'm gonna have to renege on the greenhouse four because mario clearly isn't gonna help my game much when it's my ass and were gonna be such an obvious target moving forward. Since the vote was 6-4 besides sequester and GH i don't think there's any clear alliances made so depending on who wins power this round i'm gonna have to make the move. the question right now is just how?
I put a lot of effort into winning that penthouse comp so it sucks that I didn't win BUT. If there was anything i trust to put my faith in it's definitely william since we just pulled a big move together so ik he'll at least have my back. I think i have a good chance of surviving this round but i guess we'll see
I AM SO BAD AT CHALLENGES. I reviewed the videos and all the details. But got bogged down with reading Wyatt's question - not the color of the shirt Wyatt is wearing! And just counted the painted art of Jennet, not the total. OH WELL. I have a pretty good relationship with William. I don't think I'll be in the bottom 5. Just depends now on who has the Switch and if it will be used on me. I feel it is with Jarod. Who else would Isaac give it to? Maybe Jarod won't use it on me, I think Jarod would have other targets aside from me at this point. So Greenhouse 4 still here. Mario is ... Mario. Wish Mario were more active. Harder to defend Mario now. I have a good relationship with Lindsay, William, even Kaleigh. Jarod too. Blake we get to talk. Autumn, Nicole and Jennet, I have been reaching out, but they are just so "busy" or maybe I am just not on their priority list. The Greenhouse 4 (well, 3 without Mario), William, Jennet, Lindsay voted together last round. So hopefully if we get to stick together this round, we will be safe too.
im feeling a bit down about my spot in the game! I think im probably a pick to go soon, and I really just need to find my footing in order to make a move in this game gr! last week i was at work, but it seems like william and nyx flipped the vote? but i cant be angry about it w/ william even though i AM so i decided just to rant about everybody ELSE to william and i think my whineyness is really working for me, serving nicole franzel, because i think william wants jennet gone which is like- good cause i think shes in the middle of the game.
william won the power! so.. i really don't know the outcomes tbh cause like even though we voted together last round, i didn't really talk to him (or anyone) about the vote. so i'm a little worried. i just hope the bond that we have made on the first round helps a bit with his decision.. please please i just wanna make it..
Nice line up for bottom 5, William. Most voted with him last round except for Nicole and Kaleigh. I think he believes Kaleigh won't be saved and so eliminated first. And then Nicole would be the target. I was surprised Isaac gave Nicole the switch. I thought it would go to Jarod. Maybe Isaac thought that too, so shook things up a little. I don't think Nicole will switch me. I would want the kill used, so we don't worry about it later on. But if mostly Greenhouse is on the bottom (if Nicole switches out with Nyx), then we should use save to mess things up.
Why does it feel like I am the only one making strategic plans with these 3? Am I in the wrong alliance? Maybe I can get us 4 to sure Jury and switch to Nicole, Jarod and Blake. Ugh. Tiring.
So, this week I thought that I would be good I mean william won the penthouse comp I was safe and while the bottom five wasn't desirable i'll take it. Then of course karma comes back to bite me in the ass and the guy i orchestrated a vote out for chose the one person I couldn't have getting the karma got it and i know for a fact based on the fact nicole refuses to hold any type of intelligent conversations with me i'm in trouble
Could it be? Don't want to jinx it but..... https://youtu.be/wKP0hNmg4gE 
I’m so glad I had a literal mental breakdown last week over everything because one thing didn’t go my way. Really embarrassing for me BEBSNSNSK but anyways! Moving on! I’m hoping Kaleigh doesn’t get the boot honestly and it’s a heavy vote, considering I put in a lot of work to get myself to 2nd in the totem poll and had to release a lot of information to William to get here, it would be really unfortunate if I were to somehow end up vulnerable through a twist ! The reason I don’t want Kaleigh gone is because there are 2 other people I would rather go in the bottom (jennet and captain) for flipping. Honestly I’m a vindictive person and LOVE them but, they gotta GO just out of spite truly. I’m really happy with the new alliance of Lindsay myself William and Jarod, and the reason I’m apologizing for being a literal nut job last week is because I made everything about me, I was spiralling because I was having stress with work and everything I think? Who knows? And I really don’t think I’m in as bad of a spot as I thought I was, especially if I can knock out some big players and Isaac or daisy wins the battle back. As for the battle back!  I’ll rank the 4 people out right now on how much I want them to return 1- Isaac 2- Daisy 3- Wyatt 4- Lanie 
I AM IN THE JURY FOR SURE! I mean, I want to win, but for sure I am not pre-jury! Now the double vote. It was a waste of the save. Nicole should have just eliminated Kaleigh. Now it means the second round of Penthouse will be an automatic elimination. That would be tough. I know many are looking at Kaleigh and Mario to vote. But if most put votes on Kaleigh, and a few on Mario, could we still swing the second vote off Mario? And onto a bigger threat? Maybe it will help us more farther along in the game. And who doesn't want a group of 4 lasting longer? There might actually be more votes on Mario than Kaleigh, because of the Greenhouse returnees still being complete. Let me think more on this. One of them is surely going home, do you want to save the other for a bigger threat like Jennet or Lindsay? I am cool with Lindsay. Jennet I haven't forgotten being their nominee.
I am not pre-jury! I know I kept saying pre-merge in the video haha Survivor on the brain. https://youtu.be/SErcWUpfCwo 
[this is gonna be a throwback diary room entry!] william put me in the bottom 5.. not surprised i think. i was hoping if our connection we made in the first round was gonna help here but its not. but i don't blame him.. i rlly flop with talking to people the past couple of days teehee. so thats kinda the wake up call for me to like keep talking to people or else i'll be over. i don't have any bad blood with william i think but i also won't forget that he's putting me in the bottom 5. period.
Ok so, with this heavy vote twist this means one of either Jennet, Lindsay, Mario, Captain, or maybe Kaleigh will be up to be voted for. This sucks because those first 4 are close allies. So now i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place because i'm gonna have to let one of them go. so now i have to pick my loyalties. I would like to get Kaleigh and maybe Mario out because then we'd be forced to work with other people in other alliances but I just don't think Xavier would turn on them like that. I just have to find some kind of excuse to pull this off. 
nicole saved kaleigh! thats good for kaleigh! this vote tho is gonna be something.. i don't wanna go so i'm fighting hard. blake told me he's not voting me. i know i can trust jarod, jennet and autumn and the greenhouse people.. so i think i'll be fine here? but idk. anything freaky could happen. for the voting plan, i think GH4 is gonna do kaleigh so thats 4 votes on her. and hopefully, jarod, jennet, autumn, blake and nicole is doing mario so it would be 5 on him. and lindsay told me she won't vote me so i think she might do mario too? since mario isn't talking to ppl. this is always my issue with mario like i love him but he doesn't even want to save himself and i just can't carry him anymore.
So I was going to try and vote someone else out. I mean majority look like they are voting Mario. So the G4 would be voting Kaleigh. If I could just convince Mario to vote someone else, it would be 2-2. But then Blake messages and says that the G4 are voting together, so is there something. So in order to just make sure Kaleigh gets out and not cause extra drama, I am sticking to Kaleigh. Well, it is kinda obvious I guess. I just told Blake I wanted to help us all get to "merge" since we had the worst placements of all coming in the game. I hope that was convincing enough.
So G4 voted for Kaleigh, I knew it if I switched to Jennet then Jennet and Mario would have gone home. But at least it's out in the open. So I think Sequester+Jennet voted for Mario. And Penthouse+Survivor (the others) voted for Jennet. Good to know where Jarod and Blake really stand, even with all their messages to me. The swing votes are the other 4. Gotta make better relationships with William, Lindsay and Nicole. And what's up Blake? Outing the G4 in the group call? When Sequester is the same, good thing Nyx brought it up. Watch your back, Blake.
Not thrilled about this vote for many reasons. So, William gets power, and he messages me, right? "I want to work with you me Jarod and Blake" okay that's cool but uhhh.... there's six white people left in the game and that's four of them... so me and jarod message like "???" and we work to stop the noms from being all POC cuz that's gross (the intention was Jennet+Greenhouse/Nicole which uhhhhhh). I talked him into at least nomming Kaleigh. Me and Jarod were under the impression that Kaleigh would go home tonight for general inactivity (also Mario because he's inactive as piss + a greenhouse kid did probably finally need to go tonight) Where did this Jennet vote come from? Who voted for Jennet? Why are they suddenly a target? I dunno man I couldn't fight it much because I was out with my friend while we were deciding who to vote for but I'm squicked out on every level right now. Clearly people weren't telling the truth to me on top of everything else.... that's not how you win my trust. My god, am I about to goat for Jarod? I think Mario/Jennet are going home but not happy about this all around. 
0 notes
steverogersnotebook · 7 years
Neighbors - Someone to Look Up to
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TJ Hammond and Steve Rogers (between TWS/CW) are neighbors who, after trying to find comfort on sleepless nights through baking and music, have forged a lasting friendship.
(my inbox is open for ideas, prompts and headcanons)
NEIGHBORS fluff | gen [platonic friendships] / Steve & TJ Hammond [SERIES of oneshots]
Many thanks to @avenger-nerd-mom for the idea behind this snippet (as well as her continued cheer-leading)
TJ let himself into Steve’s apartment, looked around the orange, brown, and black autumn decorations and saw why he’d heard the muffled “come in” when he’d rang. Steve was in an orange t-shirt and a black apron with a full-sized skeleton, and he was piping icing onto cookies.
“Um,” TJ hesitated, cleared his throat, and started again, “I hate to tell you this, because you look like you’re having a great time with those spooky cookies.”
“What?” Steve flicked his eyes toward TJ, not moving a muscle as his hand hovered over the latest perfect pumpkin cookie in the lineup. The piping bag stilled and a line of royal icing dangled from the tip.
“Well,” TJ’s voice rose an octave. “Parents don’t trust homemade treats. There have been too many urban legends about poison and people believe them. Then there are the dozen or so cases of pins or needles found in treats, which have clinics offering free x-rays of candy bags.”
“Why does everything have to be so –” Steve looked a bit deflated, and TJ felt terrible for opening his mouth.
“Shitty? I don’t know.”
“Why even do any of it then?” Steve set the piping bag to the side and broke the cookie in half that the stray icing fell onto. “Test cookie?”
“Yes, please. You know? Kids still get excited, they don’t typically know anything about the shitty stuff. Parents like to let ‘em dress up and they do the routine without making a big deal. I’m sure you can hand out cookies to the kids we know, whose parents know you. The rest we can take to the retirement home down the block. Unless you just wanna eat them all.”
“I’m sure I have a volunteer for that mission.” Steve smiled. “Y’ know, Ma used to call dressing up guising, she’d make soul cakes and she called trick-or-treating souling. It wasn’t ‘til I met Bucky that I knew that and trick-or-treating were one and the same.”
“Since you spend most of your life dressing up, have you decided not to?”
“Nope. I have a costume.”
“Oh really?” TJ asked around the bite of cookie. “I’m shocked. Or am I looking at it?”
“An actual costume. How about you?”
“I used to go to parties, not house-to-house. They were too busy for that. We did have a party once, at the farm. Apple bobbing, ghost stories around a bonfire, hay rides and scarecrows – please tell me you’re not going as a scarecrow?”
“Scared?” Steve laughed, before pulling back. “Sorry. If you’re scared – I mean…”
“As terrified as others are of clowns,” TJ laughed. “My brother was an idiot. He got his friends to prank me with a scarecrow. When I freaked out, he laughed and decided I should be a crow for Halloween or, as he put it, ‘a fraidy cat’.”
“Rest easy, it’s not a scarecrow. Or a clown. By the way, I was asking about your costume. Not that I’m not interested in your Halloween stories, because I am.”
“Oh, I might have to pick a different one,” TJ hesitated. Steve’s expectant look prodded him to continue. “I was actually going to be Tinkerbell.”
“Why would you have to pick a different costume? I hope you don’t think I’d judge something as important as self-expression?”
“I’m sure others will pick up the slack.”
“Do you have the costume? Maybe more important, do you have the legs for it?”
TJ laughed, relieved that he had one friend who was on his side, and amused at the important question. “Hell, yeah, I’ve got the legs for it.”
“Then do it.” Steve picked up another cookie, this time with no icing, and broke it in half. He chuckled as he offered the cookie. “We’re gonna look like a couple.”
“You’re gonna be a super-buff Peter Pan?” TJ asked, taking the cookie half.
“Pirate. Not Hook, but…” Steve stopped as TJ busted up laughing.
“But there’s no difference once people see Tinkerbell.”
“Exactly. Are you expecting anyone you’d rather not have think you’re seeing someone?”
“Cute dads,” TJ said with a smirk. “Single cute dads, of course.”
“Of course.”
“My homewrecker days are through. You really believed the Tinkerbell thing, didn’t you?”
Steve returned to the cookie side of the island and pushed a bowl and tray in front of TJ. “Ice these and talk to me. You do know I tend to take you at your word, right? You wanna be a jealous little pixie, you got the legs for it, like you said.”
“If I’m targeting single, cute dads, I need to be a little less over the top. I do think about it every year, but I just don’t have the guts.”
“You should do it. You’ll either love it and be glad you did, or hate it and know you don’t want to do it again. The one thing you won’t have to do is worry about whether you can pull it off or not.”
TJ was quiet, thinking about advice that he might not get from anyone else, even Nana would caution him to be careful because of his mother and the press. He concentrated on the outlines for the ghost cookies, and pondered where he’d get a decent costume on short notice.
Steve rushed to the door, plastic pumpkin full of candies in one hand, he hesitated as his free hand touched the knob. Taking a deep breath, he opened it, expecting to see costumed kids. He smiled wide when he saw TJ had followed through with his costume idea. “TJ, come in.”
“Hey, you look like a real swashbuckler,” TJ said as he entered the apartment, taking in Steve’s costume and the plastic pumpkin.
“And you weren’t kidding about your legs,” Steve laughed. “Remember, I traveled with showgirls. I know a great pair of gams when I see ‘em.”
“Whoa, gams huh?” TJ chuckled along with Steve. “I keep forgetting you’re older than Nana. You shoulda gone for the noir gumshoe if you’re gonna talk like that.”
“I lived through that era.” Steve shook his head, “Besides, I always wanted to be a pirate, the closest I got was a pair of Buck’s shorts that went below my knees, one of Ma’s scarves tied around my waist, and a hankie on my head. I wanted some boots or a hat, but those were too extravagant. I did cut an eye patch out of paper and scribbled it black with a piece of charred wood. I hated it, it looked ridiculous.”
“Sounds adorable,” TJ disagreed. “Is this your dream costume then? Your hat is very – commanding.”
“It’s over the top. I’m considering changing into my uniform, either of them.”
“As much as I love a guy in uniform, keep the pirate get-up. It’s Halloween, not work. That’s just cheating you.”
Just then, the doorbell chimed and a chorus of “Trick or Treat!” trailed after it.
“I guess I don’t have a choice.” Steve shrugged. “Why is this so nerve wracking?”
“Want me to get the first one? You can see how it’s done.”
“No. I should be able to manage this. They’re kids.”
TJ smiled and stepped away from the door, resisting the urge to mess with the skirt of his costume, or his wig. The door opened to three little ones, six and under if TJ guessed it right. Their parents stood across the hall, watching the trio. His smile grew as he noticed the littlest one, hiding behind a slightly bigger Harry Potter. The child’s blue costume was a little too big.
TJ wondered if Steve had spotted the tiny version of himself yet, and he stifled a giggle as he thought about the idea that he’d just talked Steve out of donning his super suit. He got his answer the second Steve saluted the child and lowered himself to one knee to offer the kid their choice of candies.
“Captain, are you keeping these wizards safe? Or are they keeping you safe?”
The tyke pulled a plastic shield up to hide their face, covering all but part of one brown eye.
“I think either way, it’s a very good plan. How about some treats?” Steve asked, careful to give the kid space.
Once each bag was a handful of candy heavier, they said “Thank you” in a staggered chorus. Steve and TJ both waved and wished them a Happy Halloween before closing the door.
“You did great,” TJ offered as he walked to the front window. “Looks like there will be more in a bit, they’re a building away.
“That wasn’t so bad,” Steve admitted. “You hungry? I’d thought about ordering a pizza, but decided to put one in instead. It should be ready in a bit.”
“Next time I’m ordering out so you can sit and relax.”
“It’s relaxing.” When TJ gave him the look, Steve leaned against the arm of the sofa. “You’re right, make it a local place and not a chain, and you have a deal.”
“As if I didn’t know that by now. That Mini-Cap was pretty cute.”
“They were all cute,” Steve countered. “You know, I should have talked you out of that costume after all.”
“I can’t tell if you’re serious or not,” TJ turned away from the window. “Why?”
“After I talked you into it, I had a dream about the show I did back in the war, when I took off after Bucky. A soldier yelled from the jeering crowd ‘nice boots, Tinkerbell’.”
“Flashbacks? You should have called me.”
“It didn’t bother me – well – doesn’t bother me. I was just teasing. Your costume is impressive. I’m glad you didn’t give in to self-consciousness.”
“There were a couple of minutes there,” TJ sighed. He put his hand into the pumpkin bucket, shuffling the candies inside. “You got the good stuff. Full size? Trick or treat!”
Steve laughed, “there are several packages, I know there will be plenty of extras, help yourself.”
“I’m fine, I’m holding out for pizza and some of those cookies. Did you end up doing soul cakes too?”
“Nah,” Steve was interrupted by the ringing doorbell. “Just the ghosts and Jack-o’-lanterns.”
TJ snickered as the door opened to a little more than a half-dozen kids, ranging in age from elementary to middle school. The older kids had turned word puns into their costumes. TJ thought it might be interesting to make a game of it and keep score.
He was rethinking his plan as Steve guessed every single one. TJ barely managed to figure out the slender girl in the cottony cloud costume with pictures tucked into the fluff: The Cloud, and there was the one he himself couldn’t figure out at all. A boy wearing a ponytail wig, a Starbucks cup, and the letters ‘R’ and ‘E’ on his chest: Ariana Grande.
The small ones were dressed as a fire fighter, two witches, and Max from Where the Wild Things Are. TJ was impressed that the only correction Steve received was that the witches were ‘princess witches’.
As that group left, two visitors replaced them. a two-foot Hulk with an Iron-Dad had Steve’s face alight. Hulk showed his muscles and roared. He held up his plastic Hulk fists, which were bigger than his little head. Steve crouched in front of him, “Can you show me your best Hulk Smash?”
The little green guy punched Steve’s palm, Steve groaned and rolled backward. With a smooth somersault, he landed upright on his feet.
“That was one super smash!” Steve announced with a grin, while TJ applauded both performances. Iron-Dad had a very cute smile as he pulled off his mask, and TJ chewed his lip before smiling back.
Hulk roared again before taking the offered candy and saying, ‘thank you’.
“Would you like a homemade cookie?” TJ found his guts and started toward the island, perfectly aware of how good his ass and legs looked walking away. “When he’s not moonlighting as a pirate, my neighbor here, is a great baker.”
“Sure, sounds great.”
TJ wrote his number on the napkin before placing one of his best ghost cookies in the center. “What about Hulk?”
“Hulk has enough candy to keep him green for the rest of the year.”
“I’m not going to take all the credit for that cookie, TJ decorated the ghosts.” Steve winked at TJ as he put a few more candies in Hulk’s bucket.
“It’s beautiful. Thank you.”
Steve’s grin was beyond devilish when he closed the door behind the pair. “He deserves to know how talented you are.”
“I’m improving, after almost a year.”
“Well, just wait until he hears you play. You did give him your number?”
“I did.” TJ was beet red and trying not to smile. “You’re a decent wingman. Thanks. He’s a very cute dad. couldn’t tell if he was single, but…”
“He was clearly interested. Just make sure he is single, you told me you weren’t into homewrecking.”
“Okay, remind me never to tell you anything.”
“No way, you tell me everything.” Steve laughed as he answered the door to another Captain America, this one in a tutu with blonde curls poking out of her helmet. She’d brought Thor and Falcon along. “My goodness, it’s a night for Avengers! Did you guys see Iron-Man and Hulk?”
“No. Have they been here?” Little Miss Cap asked.
“You just barely missed them.” Steve nodded, again getting on level with the children. “Look at you all. You look just like the bigger versions.”
“Hulk wrestled the pirate for his,” TJ announced. “Which one of you thinks you can beat this scallywag?”
“Tinkerbell? Did mean ole Captain Hook kidnap you again?” Falcon asked eagerly, “I would fight him for that.”
“You’ve mistaken my friend for nasty old Hook? No, Captain Blond Beard is my friend.”
“Oh, good. He’s a pretty big pirate.” Falcon admitted.
“I love your Tinkerbell costume. You look really neat.” The quiet Thor finally said. “I wanted to be Black Widow, but my mom said I had to be one of the boy Avengers.”
“I happen to know someone who knows the Black Widow,” Steve said, sitting back on his heels. “I’m pretty sure she’d be flattered. I think she might disagree with your mom, but she’d tell you to do what keeps you safe. I also know that if we had her ask Thor, he’d agree.”
“I think the Captain has some good advice.” TJ agreed, watching as the kids took candy and said, ‘thank you’. He looked down the hall as the kids left, seeing a couple of parents at the end of the hallway. They seemed stunned when the kids caught up to them, engrossed in whatever they’d been talking about. “Well, at least the mother didn’t hear us giving the ‘you be you’ talk.”
“Well, you know I wouldn’t get into a discussion of that sort in front of the kids, but in adult company, I’d have a few things to say.”
“More kids, more Avengers.”
“What? Aren’t they tired of us yet?”
“Not gonna happen.” TJ grinned, holding the door as one family approached followed closely by a second. A pop star, several pun costumes, a couple of princesses, a princess cat, two pirates, Jedi and Sith, and more superheroes filled the night and emptied several buckets of candy, ate cookies, and enjoyed both TJ’s Tinkerbell and Steve’s pirate.
Once the knocks and doorbell rings had tapered off, Steve pulled the ‘treats’ sign from his door and locked up after what he’d determined would be their final visitor. He looked at TJ where he was sitting on the sofa. The pizza had been removed from the oven sometime during the festivities, and TJ was piling pieces onto plates.
“You really think people are going to tire of you and your team?” TJ asked, looking up at him through glitter tipped false eyelashes.
“You really think Iron-Dad isn’t going to call you?” Steve countered, falling onto the sofa next to TJ. He took the plate TJ handed him. “There sure were a lot of little Avengers. I lost count.”
“Twenty-nine. Including eight mini-yous. I hope Iron-Dad is single and doesn’t throw the napkin away before seeing my lame attempt at a pick-up.”
“You were so shy, you shoulda been Bashful. You know one of the dwarfs?” Steve teased as he took a bite of the cold – but still good – pizza.
“Hahaha! You’re very funny. I just didn’t want to upset the little green guy.”
“Wise.” Steve chuckled.
“You were so nervous when this started. How do you feel now that it’s ended?”
“Like I could eat a whole pizza and a few cookies.”
“You were having so much fun with the kids, you didn’t give yourself time to eat. Did you even sneak a candy bar?”
“No. I figured after all of the sample cookies earlier…”
“Don’t you even think of finishing that statement. I’m the one who’s had to increase gym time.”
“You don’t have to come up every time I tell you I’m baking.” Steve shrugged. He put a large piece of his pizza slice into his mouth and shrugged again.
“I don’t come for the baking.” TJ tossed his head back against the sofa cushion. “You do know that right? I don’t come because of your hero status or your famous name. Fame sucks.”
“It has its moments,” Steve agreed. “But seeing those kids, happy and excited. They think some guy in tights is worthy of a Halloween costume?”
“They do. They plan their costumes with excitement too. You know, kids get these things in their heads and they don’t think twice. I want to be Captain America, but I’m a girl? Ok, make it a skirt. It’s not about tights, and you don’t wear tights anymore. That’s a combat uniform and you know it.”
“Thank you, TJ. I really didn’t expect to see anybody dressed as me, and as weird as it is, it’s really –” Steve set his plate aside and laced his fingers together across his middle, gazing up at the ceiling before turning to look at TJ. “– it’s just flattering, you know?”
“Only when you’re someone to look up to. When you’re the president’s kid, it’s far from flattering. Especially when you’re the family disappointment.”
“Yeah –” Steve sighed, “– well, I look up to you. As for being the family disappointment? No. You were let down. You know your father’s history, you know your mother’s ambition. Consider, coming from those examples, and the neglect you experienced, you and your brother made it.” He looked at TJ, knowing an argument was imminent. “Better late than never, you know?”
“Thank you, Steve.”
“It’s the least I could do. You still wanna deliver cookies with me tomorrow?”
“Yeah. Yes, I do.”
“How about a scary movie? No clowns or scarecrows, unless you’re feeling brave?”
“Not feeling brave. Not the least bit. Hit me with whatever else you’ve got.”
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silverlight013 · 7 years
Ebony and Fire
Chapter 1
My eyes flutter open to the sound of muffled arguing voices. I try to hone in but I can’t make out the words. My vision is blurry at first, but then it starts to clear.
               Where am I…
               “Look, she’s awake!”  I try to sit up but something, a hand, pushes me back down by my shoulder. The hand moves from my shoulder to my forehead and seems to feel to see if I have a fever. The hand is cool to the touch and I close my eyes briefly as I welcome the cold. My body seems to be radiating with heat.
               Ugh…I’m so warm…and I feel like I got hit by a bus…
               “Can you hear me?” I open my eyes at the male British voice and look up. The hand disappears and I follow it next to me where a man is sitting. He seems to be in his twenties and is very lean. I look up toward his face and notice his glasses as they refract the light. I nod at him as the glare disappears to reveal two piercing emerald eyes. My breath catches slightly; I’ve never seen eyes like these. They seem to pierce my very soul, but in a way…they make me feel comfortable…warm. My heart quickens slightly and I can feel my face heat up. I peel myself away from his eyes and take in the rest of him. His hair is tawny, but styled upward; though it doesn’t stick directly up. It’s just…slicked back…it’s…hard to explain, but it looks good on him. Makes me wonder how it would look if it was down…He’s dressed in a purpleish-black leopard print button up shirt that’s rolled up to his elbows. Through the collar I can spy a small black skull necklace. Well that’s odd, that doesn’t really fit with what I’m seeing. I wonder if it was a gift…He looks at me for a second and then sighs as he pulls a black and silver glove over his hand, it’s now that I realize his other one had been gloved the entire time. It seems like he only took one off to feel for a fever. “You were out for quite some time you know, we were all getting rather worried.”
               I pull the comforter up to my chin and look about the room. My eyes stop at the foot of the bed where a group of three boys are standing. Well, not boys they seem to be in their twenties. One boy; well, man, is taller than the other two by a lot and is jacked. His arms are folded and he’s in a tank top. I can see his muscles rippling underneath it. There is a chain around his neck that falls to about his chest that connects with some sort of ‘X’ pendant. It almost reminds me of a rosary. Under the tank seems to be what looks like wing tattoos across his arms. I shudder at the thought of how much pain that must have been. Woah, ouch…My own tattoo was pretty painful and that is only about the size of my fist. I can’t imagine something that big. I glance up to his face and he waves his hand gently, the hand he waves has a single glove on it, but it’s not complete. It looks more like a brace of some sort…or a glove that’s only purpose is to protect from calluses, it looks weird.  I dig down a little more into the covers, nervous,  as I meet his eyes. They’re a golden brown and are as equally comforting as they are intimidating. Like I wouldn’t wanna piss him off because he could destroy me… He also has a scar that runs across the one that’s my right. I cringe again. Damn…how did that happen? His hair is slicked back, but it’s longer than the man to my left’s and he seems to have shaved the sides by his ears. He has a bit of a beard as well, but when I look at it I meet his eyes on accident and shift briskly to the next boy.
               The boy in the middle is standing with his weight on one foot; his hands are in front of him and are resting lightly on his white belt. He glances from the ceiling down to me and meets my eyes. My breath catches slightly at I see at how blue his eyes are. So pretty... His features get softer as his mouth peels up into a smile. His smile makes me less nervous and I come out of the blanket a bit. As the light catches his face freckles appear , giving him a sort of cute young look. His hair is blonde and seems to stick up on one side like he went to bed with his hair wet, it makes me smile back. I look him up and down and take in his sense of style. His shirt is black but seems to have a white or silver maze pattern that goes through it. He has a bandana on his right arm, my left, and his hands are covered by black gloves and a few bracelets. His hands are still resting on his white belt that’s looped through black-no I think that’s actually leopard print skinny jeans. I look back up to his eyes, seeing as how the end of the bed keeps me from seeing what he has on his feet. His smile fades slightly as a sadness shoots through him, but it’s gone just as fast as it came and I can only imagine that it was because of how messed up I must look…
               My eyes shift to the boy next to the blonde; this boy has blackish-blue hair that seems to be spiked in the back, and is dressed in all black. Our eyes meet and my heart aches, his eyes are so blue and…they look so sad…so…depressed, so tired. I know that feeling; where something is weighing down on you so much that you’re just exhausted and it shows in every aspect of your being…The boy frowns slightly, like he’s wondering why I’m staring at him, so I drop his eyes. His black attire seems to be a long sort of short sleeved jacket that reaches down past my view, a t-shirt with a skull pattern around the neck, and pants that seem to be like lounge-ish  low-crotch pants…it’s hard to actually tell what they are. He folds his arms and shifts his weight to one foot, I notice that one of his hands has a glove that reaches to mid-forearm, it looks padded and the fingers are cut off. Is it for blocking?
               I continue to look around the room; I seem to be in some sort of hotel room. Okay that’s weird…and super not comforting…I don’t even know where I am, or even where here is! A familiar feeling grips my chest and it gets harder to breathe.
               “How is she doin’ Iggy?” The brown haired mountain of a man addresses the man next to me in a sort of gruff voice.
               Iggy? Is that seriously his name? That doesn’t fit at all…maybe his name is really Ignatius…I guess in that scenario I’d call him Iggy too…
               “I’m not quite sure…but she has obviously regained consciousness and her fever seems to have broken, so that is good news. Other than that I don’t feel comfortable examining her until She gets here…”
               She? That’s awfully vague…I wonder who it is.
               “Can she talk?” The voice seems to come from the black haired boy; I look at him then to ‘Iggy.’
               Iggy looks at me puzzled and then to the black haired boy and back. “I’m not sure. Can you say anything, dear?” I look up and into his emerald eyes.
               What do they want me to say? Yes, I can talk, but where the fuck am I? It would be nice to know that…
               “What’s your name?” The black haired boy seems to be slightly agitated now. What did I do? “Where did you come from?”  My brain tries to find the answers but there is some sort of block, everything is…fuzzy.
               I…can’t remember…how did I get here? I can’t even remember what I was doing…The harder I try to remember  the harder it gets to breathe and the bigger that tightness in  my chest gets.
               “Dude, chill, let her answer one question at a time.” The voice seems to come from blondie, but I can’t focus, I can’t breathe.
               Where am I? How did I get here? Where is home? Can I even get home?  Who are these men? Have they done anything to me while I was unconscious? What will they do once I want to leave? Will they say that because they took care of me that I’m in their debt…where am I?
               The questions pile up and up and the noise of the men talking draws further and further away until it’s nothing but muffled voices. I sit up to try to be able to breathe easier, but I can’t. I find myself leaning forward gripping my shirt as if it’s choking me. I can’t breathe. My vision blurs as tears form. No, not right now, this can’t be happening. I can’t fight it. I can’t breathe.
               “Ignis! Look!”
               There seems to be shifting next to me and ‘Ignis’ kneels on the bed with one hand on my back and tries to look at me in the eyes for some sort of physical ailment, but I know he won’t find one.
               “What’s wrong?” He seems to be nervous, but he’s more concerned than anything else. I look at him through blurred vision as I gently begin to rock back and forth as my anxiety tears through me, ripping down all my protective walls so it can claw at my brain. My heart pounds in my chest as it tries to fight the monster gripping it. I have to say something; anything.
               “I can’t breathe.” It all comes out as one word, but he seems to understand immediately as the tears fall to the comforter. He snaps his head to the other boys.
               “Out now!”
               I stare down at the blanket as they all seem to shuffle out and I hear the door close behind them. My sobs come in short bursts and it escalates until I feel like I’m screaming, but there is no sound. I try to calm myself, I try to focus on something and try to shut this down like I’ve done oh-so many times, but it’s too late, the dam has burst and I have to ride it’s wave until it’s over. I feel the hands of ‘Ignis’ gently rub my back and he seems to have gathered what’s happening.
               “What do you want me to do?” His voice is calm and soothing, but it barely scratches the surface. My body is wracked with a monster that is eating away at my mind, destroying me from the inside, in times like these there are only two things that help; mind altering medication…and being held…
               I don’t think I can ask him to do that…but this needs to stop, nothing else is working. Can I even speak? My screams are so silent that I’m not sure my voice even works anymore…this fear of nothing, this anxiety has such a tight grip I don’t think it will ever let go…All I want is to feel safe…to be held and told that it’s okay. Please…just help me…
               I feel pressure on my hand as he seems to take it in his and squeeze it lightly. I look up to him with tear filled eyes and as I try to hold everything in my lip quivers. I feel so helpless…I see that there is room in the way that he’s sitting to just slide into an embrace. Ugh I don’t want to do this…but I don’t have a choice, my brain isn’t capable of rational thought right now. Oh forgive me…
               I pull my hand away from him and lean into his chest an place my head so I can hear his heartbeat and wrap my arms around his thin frame, he seems obviously surprised at first but then after a second I feel him softly place his hand on my back and he seems to hold me tightly as he rests his chin on my head. I feel like a child who has just woken up from a nightmare…
               “Shhh, you’re alright my dear, you’re safe now. Nothing can harm you.” His voice is soft and melodic; it hits a part in my brain that kick starts the recovery. His embrace is warm and it makes me feel safe as he holds me tight. I breathe him in with a breath and my nose is filled with a mix of coffee and cologne, whatever the cologne is, I like it and I’ll have to see later what it is. The coffee smell however, I’m not too big of a fan of, but they blend alright.  
               I have no idea how long I sit there, wrapped in the arms of a stranger, but eventually my sobs quiet and I am able to quell and shut down the monster in my head, and return it to its cage. My brain is muddled and I’m beyond exhausted, but I manage to let go of him and wipe my tears away.
               “I’m sorry you had to see that…I’ll be okay now…” My voice is quiet and tired.
               “Are you sure you’re alright?” He still seems wary and like he’s worried I’ll break again at any second. I sigh; I’m used to this reaction.
               “Yeah…just tired is all…”
               “Perhaps you should rest again…” I nod as he moves from the bed back to the chair to give me some room. I lay back down and onto my left side so I can continue to face him.
               “I hope I didn’t scare them…”
               “They’ll be fine. Does that happen often?” He seems concerned and leans forward and places his hand on my exposed one, as if still trying to comfort me. It works.
               “More than I’d like to admit, yes.” I pull the covers over my shoulders a bit more and get comfortable; I can feel myself sliding toward sleep.
                “And do you normally deal with it yourself?”
               “Sometimes…” I yawn.
               “Well, I guess I’ll let you get some rest.”  He goes to stand but I grab his wrist without thinking.
               “Hey, um, I-actually I don’t know what to call you.” I think his name is Ignis, but I wanna make sure.
               He looks down at me and smiles warmly. “Ignis Scientia is my name, but you may call me Ignis.” I nod and drop his wrist. “Did you need anything else?” I snuggle back down.
               I should probably warn him about what happens after…
               “Yeah…normally I sleep for like four hours after this…so you might want to wake me up in two, just so I don’t freak anyone out.” He nods and chuckles a little but I’m not sure what’s so funny.
               “I understand. Get some rest, I’ll come wake you later.” I nod as he leaves the room.
               I adjust in the bed until I find its maximum comfort spot and sigh. Well that was embarrassing…I hope I didn’t freak anyone out. I’m not sure what triggered that one…maybe just that I still don’t know where I am or how I got here…or how to get home…but I guess on the bright side I feel a bit safer knowing that there is someone like him in the group…someone who will comfort a complete stranger with no problem…
               As I feel myself slip into the void of sleep one name floats through my thoughts. Ignis Scientia…
Thanks to  @crossedquills, @ignis-scientia-estrogen-brigade, and @hypaalicious for putting up with me bothering them earlier for a little Ignis insight and helping me with a title. I hope it isn’t too terrible. ^^’
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