#i wanna have this bc i love telling people this story and next time someone asks i’ll just send them this post
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mvltisstuff · 2 years ago
hello again!! im the anon who requested sweet nothing (also, saw the edit note and don’t worry it was a fantastic fic and i love it, thank you so much for writing it ❤️) i was wondering if i could request another fic for buck where reader is like athena’s protege and she’s a lot like athena so athena and bobby basically play match maker for them, thinking they’d compliment each other very well but buck and the reader have secretly dating since they met bc they hit it off so well and athena and the 118 end up finding out and are shocked they had no idea. thank you if you get to this, no stress if you don’t. i hope you have a lovely day and remember to take breaks and drink water!!
the feels - e.b
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summary: above :)
evan buckley x reader
a/n: i love seeing these requests so much, please leave as many as you want, this one is so sweet 🫶🫶 i wanted to recreate the funny scene when may walked in on athena in bobby’s turnout 😭
the grants were sitting in the kitchen waiting for another delicious meal from bobby to be ready to eat. athena was sitting down, playing a card game with her two children as bobby was stirring a boiling pot. sharing stories about their days, athena begins her own.
“the station welcomed a new recruit today,” athena starts while cleaning up the cards. “i think i was telling you about her.”
“y/n? i remember you told me she was going to be working there, i just didn’t know she’d be with you.”
“she’s not riding along with me, but we’ve spoken a lot. she reminds me of myself. she’s young but one of the most determined ones i’ve seen. i think she has a lot of great potential.”
“maybe you should bring her along one day,” bobby suggests. “she sounds cool, you should bring her to the station one night for dinner there.”
“i’ll have to check her schedule. she’s trying to get more comfortable in LA, so that could help her. give her some friends,” athena says. “i know she came here to get away for a bit, i’m not sure why but i think something at home.”
“might wanna be careful bringing her, now that i’m thinking about it.”
“what makes you say that?” she asks.
“i’m worried someone might take a liking to her. buck loves you, and he reminds me of myself. and if she’s really similar to you…” athena walks over to bobby, giving him a light kiss before beginning again. “i’ll see what her timing is, i’ll let you know so you can tame the lion.”
the next day at work, y/n walks in uniform with her chunky belt with her gear. she sweetly says good morning to the people at the front with a cup of coffee before returning to her bosses office. “y/n?” she hears someone say from behind her.
“sergeant grant! hello, i was just about to go get started,” y/n says politely to her superior.
“you can call me athena, officer.”
“ok, athena,” y/n has a bright smile that could be the source of light to the room. “is there anything i can do for you?”
“no, you’re all set. just making sure things are good for you here,” athena knows that she’s strong despite the kindness act she puts on. she’s seen she’s not afraid to stand up for herself against all the men at the station. similar to herself, she’s ready for anything god throws at her. “if you get off earlier tonight, i was going to the 118. my husband is bobby nash, and he’s having dinner. i thought it would be a good place for you to settle in.”
“that sounds great, athena. i get off a bit earlier today.”
“good,” athena says with a thin grin. “i’ll see you then, y/l/n.”
they both walk away, going to do their paperwork and jobs of the day. on the first call, they had to deal with a specific threat, making two arrests as y/n shoved them back into the car.
she had easily clicked into her workplace, impressing everyone with her skill and ease with the job. her quick thinking came in extreme need, and athena knew she was going to be one of the best eventually.
after another call, the fire department had been at a site of a crash with drunk driving robbers. the police had been called to observe the suspects and ask them questions about the accident and even before that. after some of the crash on the street was cleaned up, y/n had been on the side, informing dispatch on the current nature of the situation. she was hanging around near one of the trucks when a man, couldn’t have been over 30, walked over to her.
“hey,” he says with a seducing smile, looking her uniform up and down. “i haven’t seen you around yet.”
“i’ve just started working here, i was a cop before but i recently moved here.”
“you liking it? LA can be a lot,” he tells her. “i’m evan buckley, 118. buck.”
y/n smiles and shakes his hand. “you’re from 118? athena and bobby invited me over for dinner tonight.”
“y-you’re y/n?” buck asks, a little surprised. she’s gorgeous, her hair was done back in neat braids. her uniform complemented her well, making her look like a boss, but also looks sweet with her bright smile and laugh. buck noticed her beauty and grace in handling herself.
athena and bobby stood to the side, meeting up at the end of the shift. “i think it’s too late,” bobby says, pointing to y/n and buck flirting very clearly to everyone but themselves. athena would never admit it, but she was actually happy. she thought buck needed woman like her, and she needed one like buck, and after a whole night of convincing each other before bed, they finally decided to take up a new career in match making.
the dinner had gone well, the team asking y/n about her past and why she wanted to become a cop. someone in particular was mesmerized by her stories. “so, y/n, where did you grow up?” eddie asks.
“i was raised in boston, and i went to suffolk for criminal justice,” y/n says. “i knew i wanted to help people, and i came to LA as an escape honestly. just try something new.”
they all nod and smile as they finish their food, laughing about shared stories and the two spend the night eyeing each other.
a couple months had gone by, and buck and y/n had been better close. very close. they were seeing each other almost every day, meeting up outside work to see each other. for being a bad liar, buck was hiding their relationship very well. they started dating a few weeks after the dinner, and no one had any idea. or at least they thought.
buck was definitely head over heels for y/n. she was a person who dominated wherever she was, but carried herself around with respect and a soothing personality. coming home from work, she was always a person to talk to. her sweet and gentle words were always a comfort to him. he thought she was the most lovely person ever.
y/n was obsessed with buck after she met him. he was incredibly charming, being able to light up a room at any time. being able to spend time with him at the end of their shifts was truly the highlight of her day, and she hadn’t felt this happy in a long time. he helped her get settled in the new city that she was venturing. he was always a shoulder to lean on during the bad days, and one to celebrate with after the good ones.
chimney and maddie had been driving over to bucks apartment. they had all agreed to have dinner together so she could spend time with her little brother.
buck on the other hand, had been too preoccupied to remember the plans.
y/n was dressed in a lace bra and panties set, wearing bucks work shirt with his name and badge on it. she was sitting on top of the counter with buck standing between her legs.
when chimney and maddie walked in, they saw bucks bare back, and both of their half-naked bodies. luckily, buck still had his boxers on, and y/n had his shirt. her arms were wrapped around his shoulders, a pair of handcuffs in her hands. “oh my god! evan!” maddie shouted and buck turned around.
“jesus, maddie!” he yelled and his immediate instinct was to cover up y/n. “what are you doing here?”
“some of us had dinner plans,” chimney adds, watching in a humorous way.
“you had dinner plans?” y/n asks.
buck throws his head back in frustration. “im sorry, guys, i completely forgot.”
“clearly.” maddie and chim say, together. “we’re going to go in the hall, give you a minute. while i call bobb-“ chim starts.
“no! do not call bobby because then he and athena will hate me!”
“i think athena would fire me,” y/n says.
“are you kidding? they’ve been trying to force you two together for months!”
y/n and buck give each other a confused look because they both thought they’d want them separate. surely, they weren’t stopping it but they especially didn’t think they would encourage it. they start laughing at each other hysterically at the thought of their superiors trying to get them hooked up. maddie and chimney exit in a hurry, leaving to the hallway.
“well, wanna continue?” buck asks and y/n gives him a questioning look.
“we have like 2 minutes, babe,” she smiles. “i don’t know if we have time.”
“you doubting me?” he says, leaning back in and kissing her again.
“prove me wrong, then,” she smirks and they spend their few minutes not wasting a second.
“bobby! sorry to bother you tonight, but you’re gonna want to hear this!” chim says after calling the captain.
bobby hangs up the phone, and is sitting next to the athena on their couch. athena hears the whole conversation. “i’ll quit my job if you quit yours, and we can start our own business.”
“agreed,” athena says, giving bobby a high-five at their dating app skills. “i will say i’m surprised they kept it a secret. she did seem a bit more upbeat though.”
“so what’s next? getting them engaged?”
“ok, woah. let’s not get too ahead of ourselves. we’ll give ‘em a bit i guess.”
“fine, but i’m getting every detail about this tomorrow from him.”
“i’ll get it from y/n, we will reconvene after a short recess.”
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criminal-sen · 3 months ago
Hello!! Going back to that post about being ok with people asking you about your fic... can I? 🙏 I'm gonna 🫣
So when I first found Imperfect, I hadn't watched Bleach in... dunno... 10-15 years?? Gawd don't wanna think about it. So, I'd forgotten a lot of stuff, and I hadn't finished the last 3-4 seasons. So I thought a lot of stuff you wrote about was canon, and when I rewatched it all for the upcoming 3rd part of tybw, I was like... so when are you guys gonna mention this??
But anyway, focusing on the actual question, how did you come up with all the little details about Mayuri? Like the way he talks to AJ in their own internal world, the microdosing of Super Human drug in daily life and they way it feels, the ability to smell pheromones... it makes the story, which is already awesome, much more realistic to me. It's almost like he wrote it himself, it's so, so enjoyable. Love it sm, you already know 😊
Anyway, no pressure to answer, just been thinking about it for a while and thought I'd chance it!
Aw that's so cool u mistook my stuff for canon, I feel like it's Highest Honor for ff to be believable enough to trick someone>:3c Tho I'm sure it was kinda frustrating too, sorry for that haha (and I've also been fooled so I very much understand the feeling)
Future Sen here: when I say I'm long-winded, this is what I'm talking about. This is like.. the textbook definition of Verbose. So under a cut it goes, have fun with soooooo many words:D
Hmm so the microdosing Superhuman Drug just popped into my head right before I wrote it in (chapter... 5? I think? Where he's sitting in the hotel after a flashback), I think I was having a bit of a conundrum on how he could sit there and have such a long and detailed flashback in such a short time? And before I could do the obvious fix of having more time pass, as literally nothing was at stake time-wise, I remembered the Superhuman Drug exists. And the more I thought about it, the more sense it made for him to use it, to the point where I choose believe it's canon unless proven otherwise XD Like you can't tell me someone whose whole thing is Thinking wouldn't jump at the opportunity to do more of it in less time. As for the way it feels, hmmm idk, I just thought real hard and made it up. All we know from canon is what he explained to Szayel, and what Szayel experienced, which is just. Brain thinks faster, making time feel as though it's passing slower. And od'ing on it is Real Bad💀
Hheeeehooo What Next>:3 (btw im having a blast rn, ty for giving me a free pass to be sooooo long winded about this very niche thing XD) Right, Jizo communication here we go>:33333 So him talking to Jizo was based on what I read in a wiki about the Zanpakuto... rebellion arc? I think it's called (could definitely be wrong)? Where everyone's zanpakuto spirit is running amok? I just remember reading he didn't speak. And though I have mixed feels about the design (hence he is Moth in my fic XD), him not speaking really made sense to me. He just seems like such a fucked up little guy🤔 Like.. okay so I've mentioned this briefly in a chapter preface but want to elaborate... so I strongly believe he consents to being modified, cuz even Mayuri would probably have a hard time wielding a zanpakuto that fucking hates him. Which means he's loyal (arguably to a fault) and trusts Mayuri to do very fucked up and painful things to him. Which, to be fair, Mayuri does equally painful and fucked up things to his own body.. and that makes me wonder if Jizo isnt merely consenting but is of the same mind about this fuckery? Like idk if I can even say this in a way that makes sense🤦‍♂️ but I like to think they share this no-holds-barred, nothing-is-sacred delight for experimenting on themselves. Like Jizo is also a mad scientist in all but name>:3 (I decided on this version bc it Fucks Severly imho, but also bc it's FAR less depressing than the overly-trusting, Stockholm syndrome one, like i cannot deal with writing something that sad tbfh) Anyway, regardless of which version, he is an intensely weird Creachure. And I just can't fathom him saying fucking.. anything... that would even remotely make sense to anyone but Mayuri??? And the telepathy thing just fits Mayuri's whole.. fast thinking, Big Brain vibe. If a zanpakuto were to impart information to him through words, I can see him tapping his foot like GET TO THE POINT>:(
Lastly, the pheromone thing.. haha well this one's pretty short (future Sen here, i am a liar! It is not short😬) - I borrowed it from another ff. It's that one I mentioned at the end of.. who knows which chapter... Quantum Mechanics by Illegitimi (no link, sorry, might put one after i post)... which was Mayuri/Isane, and which I loved So Much back in the day, despite hetero romance being kind of a fuckin.. icky vibe for me in regards to Mayuri. No problem with it fyi, just usually wouldn't choose to read about it. Ugh I'm talking too much about it already but I have changed a LOT since.. 2016? Give or take? And I don't think I could stand it nowadays for a whole bunch of reasons. But. BUT. It was very well written and had some very cool hcs for him that I've clung onto. The pheromone one just fits him - if he could sharpen his ability to sense something, ofc he'd do it - plus it's very fun for romance and smut reasons, which is undoubtedly why the author thought of it. They also had that scar across his nose, though iirc it was kinda squiggly and not the upside down V that I made up. In my defense though, there's a lot I didn't borrow from that fic, too. Some highlights: Mayuri practiced feng-shui (like he'd spend his precious Sciencing time to do smth like that smh) he had these absolutely luxurious captains quarters, complete with a whole fancy bathhouse, like there was a waterfall and shit nsvdhshdv (I'll admit this was quite fun in the ff but i obviously interpret his quarters a lot differently)... and, last one I mention I promise😬 his paint rubbed off easily, big reason why I changed it tbfh cuz it immediately didn't make sense to me, like his hands especially? Is that different paint than the rubbing off paint? Or does he leave paint on every surface he touches, and discreetly wipe it up and reapply before anyone notices???? Expmain yourself, ff writer😤 jk jk it was really good for what it was, and I still very much appreciate it for helping me form my version<3
Omfg I really... shit what time is it😭 (over an hour, I've been sitting here for over an HOUR jesus fucking.. goddamn) Okay well I don't get to blab v often about this stuff, and it turns out I have a LOT of words in me today! So it was a perfect storm😩 Well I hope this was enlightening, thanks sm for the ask, it was a very fun hour lol. And sorry for the uhhh. the amount of words:p
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ominus-potato · 5 months ago
Hi, just wanted some advice about fanfics on ao3, how do you write them? and how can I make my one shot fic impactful for the readers. I'm planning on making a fic but since it's my first time making I kinda don't know where to start.. It's fine if you don't know though! just thought of asking cause you're writing's really good imo.
Sneak peak of the next part of the Pining Mario series at the end!
Well when I write, I don’t do it on AO3. I draft my work on Wattpad and then cross-post it to AO3. This is because AO3 is a bit more complicated, can be dodgy with saving works and only work when I have Wi-Fi. With Wattpad, I can write offline which is very helpful. Some people also draft on google docs so there’s that as well.
In terms of ACTUAL writing, there are two ways to leave an impression on the reader. There’s the way liked with angst, pain and maybe a bit of comfort; and there’s the way of making a story so sickeningly sweet that the reader is gushing over every cute moment. The length of the story also plays a factor. If it’s under 4000 I’d recommend avoiding angst bc you don’t have much time to set it up and at it off effectively.
Personally, I pretty much never write angst unless I genuinely believe it’ll make a story better. I’ve read fics before where the author will just throw in a shit ton of angst for no reason other than to make the reader feel bad for the mc and it just feels really cheap. It’s hard to do angst right and it’s really tempting to just give everyone a super fucked up backstory and make them depressed or something but imo it’s just overdone to the point of exhaustion. It can make a story depressing and no longer a fun read.
Whenever I write angst, it’s a small part of a mostly fluff-filled story. Take the pining Mario series for example. 19,000 words of silly pining hyjinx with a few small drops of angst. Then have the angst bubble over a little in Shots and Cowboys, Mario has a small breakdown since we’ve been keeping up with the story from his perspective mostly. That then allows me to forward the story and give character a new motivation.
If youre going to use angst to get an emotional reaction, you MUST have good set up and pay off. Especially if it’s a longer story. Also, you don’t have to do this, but I’d recommend against adding angst unless it’s necessary. Don’t just throw it in there Willy nilly yk?
If you wanna know how I do my stories, I really enjoy making them sweet and adorable with a little bit of drama and comedy. Like “Love is not a foreign language” where it’s just Mario and Mr Puzzles being adorable as hell for 6000 words. Then the drama comes when Puzzles reveals he can understand Mario and that only leads to more cutesy love.
A lot of it comes down to the story you’re trying to tell and how you want your reader to react. When I write a story, I want my readers to be invested in the drama and rising tensions, enjoying the little spurts of comedy here and there and ultimately, finding the main ship really cute in the end. I try to make people happy with my work bc I write the kinda stuff I would love to read! Because if I would read it, someone else definitely would.
Also, I feel like I must add that I have only ever written ship stories. If you wanted advice on stories in general with no shipping then I wouldn’t really know how to advise you on that. I love relationships between characters. Whether it’s ships or friendships. It’s my favourite part of any fandom so it’s where I specialise in my work.
Sorry I don’t really have like a plan or anything. I just keep it all in my head, know a few plot points I want to hit, and write to them. I try to get around 3-5 plot points for my longer stories and then just 1 or maybe 2 for the shorter ones. I sometimes add them as I go if I think it’ll make the story better!
For example, my plot points in Shots and Cowboys were:
•Mario tries to buy Puzzles a drink
•Mario and Mr Puzzles are interrupted by Wren and Mario is jealous
•Mario and Wren do something to fight for Puzzles’ affection (IE, play pool)
•Mario looses Puzzles to Wren, sees them kiss and is devastated.
•Mr Puzzles thinks that Mario is heartbroken over SMG4 and promises to help him move on.
Then if I get any smaller points like certain ships, lines, dynamics or interactions I wanna add I just sprinkle them in where I can.
I don’t really have much advice outside of that. I tend to just think of a scene or an idea I’d love to write and then more ideas pop up around it. It’s just one major point that gets built around. IE, Mario being jealous was the premise of SAC purely just because there were a few jealous Puzzles stories and I wanted to see if I could switch the dynamic.
Sorry for the long wall of text. I just wanna make sure it’s detailed enough for you. Just make it up as you go along and write what you wanna read. I re-read my stuff all the time because I genuinely enjoy what I write and it gives me exactly what I want. Have fun with it!
And if you’re worried about it being terrible, I’d advise you to read my old Lego Ninjago fanfiction that I wrote when I was 13. My god it was awful. But it shows development!
First story:
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Latest story:
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Enjoy that sneak peak of the next part of the Pining Mario series :D
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afictionalwhor3 · 7 months ago
I just finished watching HOTD and I have sm thoughts rumbling inside my head and I’m going to try my best to get them out in a way that makes sense
HOTD 2.07 Spoilers Ahead
- The ending of this episode saved it sm omggg. And please I understand why these side characters need this story building. Esp Daemon, I think we as viewers have been robbed in a lot of ways of seeing Daemon as a multi dimensional emotional character. However, this is why shows need to go back to 24 episode seasons. When there’s only 10 episodes before we lose these characters for two years I wanna see more action and not so much story building.
- The scene with Jace, my bbg 😖🫣🫠. I loved that scene bc it shows that Jace is insecure. He realizes what people say abt him and in some ways he probably believes it as well. Bc even if he has “plain” features the thing that separated him from the small folk was his claim to a dragon. Now that the small folk can claim dragons it’s like he is one of them. And I understand those frustrations (if we had 24 episode seasons 🙄) I would’ve loved to see wherever he went and have like a private moment amongst himself or even with Baela
- Daemon, Daemon, Daemon 😭😭. I’m sorry but him tripping acid in Harenhal is so genuinely funny to me. In seriousness tho we stan Oscar Tully cuz we love seeing Daemon humbled. The way he was able to spin the situation and make Daemon the uncomfortable one? Yeah you ate down mama
- The scenes with Matt and Paddy are just so good their chemistry off the charts. And the fact it was Paddy’s suggestion to do the scene as decrepit Viserys makes it even better bc it’s Viserys telling Daemon here the crown is yours, you’ve always wanted it, but while I hand it to you, look what it did to me.
- As someone who has not read the books, I saw that in the books Rhaena was happy in the Vale and that makes me sick cause that girl deserves it. Pray she claims a dragon next episode.
- Can a book person confirm is Alyssa had a sister? Cause ik with the kings guard from last episode (sorry I’m bad with names) they like made up Aerianna? So I wanna know if Hugh’s mom actually existed. Also hate hm character development/screen time he’s gotten as opposed to other side characters makes me sick.
- All those small folk in Dragonstone had me like, idk sista, but Rhaenyra seriously gained infinite aura points being able to calm Verthimor down.
- Vermithor knew damn well he ain’t have to burn all them people like that. Which leads me into my point that I love that these dragons have personalities. Like Syrax is literally just a girl, Vermithor is hot headed, Vhagar is an old lady, I just love that aspect of the show and someone give us a dragon personality fic
- Ulf stumbling onto a dragon like that I thought for sure he was dead. And also another clutch of dragon eggs???? Do they not know abt silverwing? Sm questions but when he went to kings landing I thought for a moment he was going to claim House Hightower. And when Aemond got to a haggard she was like “not again cmon”
- My favorite part abt next weeks preview was seeing Aemond tell Haelena she would have to ride Dreamfyre. Like she’s not meant yo be a warrior princess she’s meant to run in a field of flowers
But those are my thoughts if you somehow read this whole thing awesome and let’s talk in the comments I love talking abt these things it makes my day!!!!
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aew-regression-cove · 16 days ago
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caregiver finnick odair headcannons
🌊⊹₊ ⋆🔱 ࣪°•`. regressor reader
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Most playful caregiver ever-
^ (He has / pulls the goofiest smile that never fails to make you laugh)
He loves looking after you!!! He has been through a lot and feels as he hasn't been able to protect the people he loves up until now and so would do absolutely anything for you and he'd find it so healing to look after you!!!
Firm when it comes to your self care. He is not letting you neglect yourself.
"that's why I'm here sweetheart, not gonna let that happen or I wouldn't be doing a very good job now, would I?" He'd say in a light tone however serious about what he's saying.
^ Overprotective to the max!!!
Nose boops all the time!!!
Teaches you to swim
Overall pretty good with rules. (He thinks routines are important for you!!!), when it comes to bedtime there are plenty of cuddles whilst you settle down. I do however think he'd be the worst when it comes to limiting sugar lol 😂
Would spoil you as much as he can
Spends any and all free time with you!!!
Ocean/sea animal related toys when he can because he finds it a little amusing
He would enjoy dressing you in his jumpers!!! He likes how they look on you!!!
Does little things for you like thing your laces, zipping up your coat, ect.
"Guppy", "Baby", "Sweetheart", "Princess/Prince". He also loves nicknames based on the ocean!!! <333
I feel like he'd teach you (some very basic) moves with a trident (his weapon of choice ofc) in case for whatever reason you needed to defend yourself from something or someone. (You wouldn't ever have to tho because he'd do anything to protect you!!! And Snow is willing to negotiate if it keeps him in line 😭😭😭)
Gifting each other pretty shells and rocks the two of you find!!!
I think he'd enjoy telling you stories- he comes up with some absolutely crazy ones!!! :3
Loves loves loves playing with/fussing your hair!!!
Would let you put makeup on him or stick stickers to his face- :3
Picks you up and spins you when giving hugs!!! 🤗
He isn't the best at it but he absolutely LOVES artistic projects- he is getting paints and other art materials out constantly- (Peeta has corrected his technique before lol)
Ruffles your hair on purpose to mess it up- he finds it hilarious if you huff about it-
Struggles to sleep if you are not near him- he finds comfort in being able to physically see you (especially because of nightmares)
He somehow always knows when you are lying- and is slightly infuriatingly cocky about it 😂
He would have a lovely home after the war with you in district 4 <333
^ Lots of trips to the beach/sandy areas-
Mags loves helping Finnick look after you!!! Super gentle and she's always giving Finnick tips!!!
Johanna actually enjoys babysitting you and purposely causes trouble. (She 100% eggs you on with swearing whilst Peeta looks stressed and Katniss is unbothered lmao) — Those 3 are a deadly babysitter trio btw- so so good!!! 🙌🏻
He is the absolute best with boundaries!!! You don't wanna do something? He will always listen to why- and won't ever force you unless it's something that you actually really need to do-
Amazing with injuries- will distract you whilst patching you up- he's so good you won't even realise he's finished until he points it out!!!
If he wants to get your attention or comfort you (sometimes her just does it for no reason/bcs he likes it) he gently cradles your face. <333
He has at least once picked you up and sat you on his hip, he can't help it- he just loves holding you close like that!!!
He has / can find a solution for literally any situation-
Warmest hugs!!! <333
Makes breakfast with you!!! (He'd sit you on the counter next to him whilst he makes the food)
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ⓘ this particular post is very self indulgent and personal to me so I will not be unlocking this post for anyone, sorry. <3
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crguang · 6 months ago
I want to let you know that I actually squealed when I saw that there was a new part of wasted w longing, so that was embarrassing. I giggled so much, love me some domestic fluff, I also gasped so hard at the ending that I started choking. can't believe you updated while I was in class so didn't see it until later.
kafka is so smug I hate her, I want to kiss her on the mouth so bad she's such a weirdo, but at the same time, I'm mad at her, I'll forgive her if she comes home early on my pulls tho, and also some kafka groveling, very excited to see that. also the writing is so good, like at the end I was questing everything about r's encounter's w kafka. and you said replying to someone else's ask that kafka cares atp. wdym atp? istg I love angst but I can't handle angsty endings being w out kafka also you said himeko is going to show up again, and I know that'll be funny. the cliffhangers are killing me, but I'm really excited for the next part, the plot is plotting. also the way at the beginning I literally said out loud, "oh she just got shot, it's okay."
the wanted poster is so funny, like whoever wrote it down must've seen footage of her shooting people as she breaks into somewhere and thought, damn, she is hot as fuck, and tbh that was my thought process when I watched kafka's trailer the first time.
hope your first day at uni was good! if you made me loose my 50/50 I'll---
not the squealinggg thats so cute im flattered. it’s funny whenever yall say i post when yall are busy because it’s always 4 to 6 am here i have a horrible sleep schedule 😭 i loved writing the more domestic part cause that’s the first time they actually spend time together without sleeping together and it was kinda cuteee, if you ignore the getting shot part.
“i hate her i wanna kiss her on the mouth shes such a weirdo” is exactly how i feel about kafka im so glad im not alone… also, i meant that at this point of the story kafka already knows that she likes R; she goes out of her way to look out for them, she stares a lot, wants to help them through their dilemma and other stuff that’ll come later. in her mind shes not in love with them but she does like them. i think due to her closed off nature, a lot of the little hints of how she feels are in the way she looks at R and since this is written from R’s (sometimes unreliable) perspective, i mentioned how they can’t read her eyes yet so to them there’s no reciprocation right now. and now that they’re mad at her everything she does will feel disingenuous when it might not be. it’s tricky to write bc as readers i want people to be able to tell that kafka cares even when she’s being a little shit while also staying true to how R sees things. i do think it’ll become much more obvious starting from the next chapter tho cause there will be some grovelling involved lmfaoo.
also this was literally her at the end:
r: i will call the police on you.
kafka: i am so attracted to you right now
its funny, R is always making themself available for her and has been doing that from the beginning so kafka’s very used to this behavior and its the reason why she’s so fucking smug. but now she’s seeing a new side to them that she really likes. they’re standing up for themself and i think it’s a quality that she’d find really attractive in a person. but yeah it’s fun i love this series mainly because the idea mostly came from anons so i love hearing what yall think about it.
my first day at uni was nice!! im looking to getting my shit together honestly, i feel like an actual adult now so hopefully it helps with my mood as well and makes it easier for me to be productive cause i dont write fast at all. if you lose the 50/50 bc of me i’ll write whatever you want as consolation prize
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kar1nsworldx · 2 years ago
. female!OC x Manchester City players . -social media AU . info; a story about Vinny, Kevins wife and the City boys 🫶🏻 they just goof around and have fun (all platonic interactions exept with kev, cause yk?hes my oc's wife in this lmao) . requested; nope :,) but their opened so send them my way cause i would love to write for you lot . note; i hope you all will enjoy this, and please send me requests if you would like to! 🫶🧸
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liked by kevindebruyne, userr 556 672 other people
vinny.db; got a fucking tattoo and i love it
tatts.studio: we hope you come again soon! ^vinny.db: you know i will 👀👀
johnstonesofficial: stunning! do you got any recommendations on what I should get for my next one ^vinny.db: maybe something on your side? i'll dm you what i mean ^johnstonesofficial: ooo thanks vin!
kevindebruyne: you wanna get matching tattoos ^vinny.db: oh fuck yeah! booking an appoitment as i tipe this rn 📝 ^kevindebruyne: shit.. ^rubendias: HAHAAHA good luck Kev ^jackgrealish: yeah mate thats on you 🤣🤣
sara_botello: 😻😻😻
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liked by vinny.db, bernandocarvalhosilva and 782 652 other people
kevindebruyne; "Are you happy to be in Paris?" oui
vinny.db: 🧸❤️‍🩹
bernandocarvalhosilva: nice outfits you got there 😂🩵
vinny.db: credits to a 75 year old woman who offered to take a picture of us! merci madame blanc! ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 ^jackgrealish: 🤣❤️‍🩹
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liked by vinny.db, johnstonesofficial and 472 641 other people
jackgrealish; on this day, 22 years ago I meet my best friend @vinny.db and the first thing we did together was sing kareoke 🤣❤️‍🩹
vinny.db: you really love embarasing me with these pictures, dont ya 😭😭
kevindebruyne: miss.rockstar 🤣 ^johnstonesofficial: shes a lil cowgirl 🤣
jackgrealish: love ya @vinny.db 🤣❤️‍🩹 ^vinny.db: o fuck off 😭❤️‍🩹🖕
userxo: AWEE shes was soo adorable 🥹
u_serrr: best duo ever <3
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liked by hns_cff, kevindebruyne and 782 552 other people
vinny.db; AJMO HRVATSKA! Idemo riješit Brazilce 🫶🫶 (Sorry Eddy) -Translation: LETS GO CROATIA! Lets finish Brazil 🫶🫶 (Sorry Eddy)
kevindebruyne; sometimes I forget that your actually Croatian 😭 ^vinny.db: kev how 😭 i literally swear everyday in croatian 😭😭
useriiii: wait your croatian?what?I tough you were english??😭 ^vinny.db: Hahah 😂 Everyone thinks that but yes Im croatian. My mum and I moved to England after my dad left us and my actual name is Vivijen Veršić. (Obvi my last name chamged after I married Kev). When I meet Jack he called me Vinny as he coudnt say Vivijen so it just stuck :) So if I meet someone I just tell them that Im Vinny so they dont have to twist their toung to say Vivijem bc its actually hard to say it for some people 🤣
erling.haaland: and croatia won against brazil 🤣 ^vinny.db: ofc they did ❤️‍🩹 croatia 🔛🔝
ederson93: 🥲🥲🥲 ^vinny.db: sorry eddy 😭🫶
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liked by ilkayguendogan, laporte and 682 542 other people
vinny.db; this is me after this absolute shit ass game against argentina - @juliaanalvarez if you dont win that fucking final i swear I will make an time machine and make you win it. I cannot see the french win the damn world cup again after we were robed last world cup. WIN IT JULI (also congrats :))
juliaanalvarez: we will do our best to win it 😅❤️‍🩹 ^vinny.db: you better do your best spiderman 🕷️❤️‍🩹
kevindebruyne; me and @jackgrealish as well as the other boys and gfs/wifes can confirm that Vinny cried a whole ocean of tears during and after the game. She also swore the fuck out of every argentinian player exept Dybala and Juli 🤣😭 ^jackgrealish: shes still crying 😭😭 ^laporte: Sara and the other girls are comforting her while they all talk shit about the refs and VAR 😭 ^vinny.db: every single FIFA ref, VAR member and every member ingeneral can roll over and die for all i care. Theres people (that arent even croatian) on TWITTER shitting on them for bad decisions. I hate FIFA ^obafemi.5: 😭😭
user-xxx: 😭💔
vinny.db: i need a drink im to sober for this shit ^rubendias: 🤣😭
mancity: 💔 <liked by vinny.db
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liked by kevindebruyne, jackgrealish and 872 652 other people
vinny.db; soo.. alot of people have been asking why I havent posted anything about myself. Heres why :)
kevindebruyne: cant wait to have our first kid with you ❤️‍🩹🫶 ^vinny.db: i cant wait either ❤️‍🩹🧸
jackgrealish: still cant belive that my best friend is having a kid with one of my best mates and that i'll be the god father. holy shit 🫶 <liked by kevindebruyne ^vinny.db: love ya grealo 🫶
sara_botello: girly your glowing ❤️‍🩹 ^vinny.db: now lucay will have someone to play with soon 🧸 ^laporte: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
johnstonesofficial: congrats! xx 🫶 ^vinny.db: thanks godfather number 2 xxx ^kevindebruyne: ❤️‍🩹
mancity: congrats to you two 🩵 <liked by vinny.db and kevindebruyne
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liked by kylewalker2, nathanake and 652 732 other people
kevindebruyne; welcome mason 🩵🧸
jackgrealish: @johnstonesofficial STONSEY WERE GODFATHERS 🫶🫶🫶🫶 ^johnstonesofficial: I KNOW GREALO 🫶🫶🫶🫶 ^rubendias: congrats to you two 🤣 ^bernandocarvalhosilva: what ruben said 🫶 congrats!
sara_botello: congrats to you both! if you need anything you know me and ayme will be happy to help ❤️‍🩹 ^inesdegenertomaz: same goes for me and bernando! 🫶
ederson93: congrats 🩵
juliaanalvarez: cute lil guy 🕷️🩵
ilkayguendogan: 🫶🩵
kylewalker2: new city supporter has been born 🤣🩵
nathanake: absolutely adorable 🫶
obafemi.5: 🥹🩵
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liked by mancity, sara_botello and 343 652 other people
vinny.db; little guy is ready to see his daddy play irl for the first time 🥹🫶
mancity: our new superstar! 🌟
sara_botello: cute like his mother ❤️‍🩹
inesdegenertomaz: cutie 🩵
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mondothebombo · 1 year ago
I was hoping you would reblog it because you’re the author, I wanted to bug the most. >:)
Picked 4 questions cause I’m greedy 
When you think you’re all alone:
5. Is there any scene you're excited about writing?
11. Is there any scene you can't wait for people to react to when reading? Why?
15. Do you have any unwritten scene that you think about a lot?
20. Give a vague description of something that will happen without revealing too much
Not a question, I’m very excited for any more Wytyaa. If it gives you motivation I’m waiting for next chapter to come out to do more animatic/animation. :D
Going to rework what I already have be more fitting and better quality, I’ve been practicing my animation because I want it to be the best I can do. You should see the mysterious animatic I’m working on when it release it it’ll show you where I’m at :)
That song touched me in a way, I love how the resilience echoes in your story. I want my art to make people feel things. I’m very committed I promise it’ll be finished one day.
I’d love to get started….. But dang looks like someone gotta write the next chapter XD
Oli thank you so much!!!!! asdfghjkl i totally get it don’t worry and i gotchu. i make it a point to write at least a little portion of it everyday bc i’m so excited abt chapter 7, but there’s just so much i wanna cover it’s gonna be a long ass chapter
5. Is there any scene you’re excited about writing?
very much so!!! i have a plan in place for how i wanna have the others find out about skybound, or jay and nya telling everyone about the horrors, but it’s a ways off from happening
11. Is there any scene you can’t wait for people to react to when reading? Why?
there’s a few actually! there’s a nya centric portion that’s gonna start the next chapter that i’ve very proud of bc i’m taking inspiration off of personal experience. another scene where i expand on the fact that mustache told nya what jay wouldn’t. and im super excited to get to everyone else’s pov to everything, especially cole bc his and jay’s relationship is something i cherish
15. Do you have any unwritten scene that you think about alot?
since chapter 8 is going to dip into the seasons following skybound, im very excited to explore the fact that nya saw jays birth mother when she and kai went back in time in season 7. and im gonna deal with the whole ninjago decoded debacle
20. Give a vague description of something that will happen without revealing too much
the team is gonna take a trip to the hospital bc mustache wasn’t always a pirate
thanks for the ask! :D
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memberment · 6 months ago
Good evening
Guys I just got home from work and proofread everything I needed to including this next Dandelion chapter and I'm trying so hard not to just fucking SOB over it.
10:59 update......
I'm thinking about an absolutely diabolical twist for the Trin series(it doesn't actually change the story in any way, if anything it actually makes it make so much more sense). Like, I've been ruminating on it since last night but idk if it's gonna throw people off. But at the same time like part twos and threes never do as good anyways so do I really even care?? Like, I'm just out here telling stories in fanfic font bc I would rather throw myself in the street than make OCs and not share my fun little stories.
I think I may commit to it.
I don't wanna say it on here though bc it's one of those plot twists you get will not forget even though part three is like FOREVER out.
The more I think about it the more I wanna do it. Someone tell me I should do it.
Oh my god I am shutting up and finishing reading Dandelion, y'all will hear my virtual screams in approximately one and a half business hours.
(11:43) I'm actually fucking sobbing and I didn't even start the last few chapters. Like, I'm actually crying over this. It's not funny.
(12:00) Never by mag lo coming on while I'm finishing up reading this is not funny. I'm devastated. I hope you all hate me after this oh my god I feel like I just ruined my own life. WHY IS IT SO MUCH WORSE AFTER BEING DONE WITH THIS FIC FOR ALMOST TWO MONTHS. Jesus Christ. Yeah. No more angst from me for a long while. I'm banned.
(12:20) Me skimming through tags on fics debating if I want to pick up something new. Everything being totally normal. Suh happy. Trying not to stew in my own misery. And then I see such a vile tag my stomach twists and now I'm just like okay I'll go fuck myself I guess I'll go write or do my homework. I'm sorry, I adore ao3 and I'm never gonna be a hater, BUT SOME PEOPLE ARE WILD. LIKE I AM TALKING SO BAD I'M ACTUALLY CONSIDERING DOING MY HOMEWORK OVER THAT. LIKE I ACTUALLY JUST WIPED THE TEARS OFF MY FACE AND GOT OVER HOW SAD I WAS BECAUSE OF HOW GENUINELY SHOCKED I WAS. Like wow oh wow.
Anyways. Updates here if there's gonna be any. Also Dandelions up if anyones reading this LMAO
It's 1:40 in the morning and the beginning of Morning Glory is making me fucking unwell. I was not joking when I made that joke about like ten dreaded weeks of angst, Jesus Christ.
(2:12) This is my second time posting this exact part. Like I know I've posted this exact part. But I seriously love Christophe and all of his dialogue with my whole heart.
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(4:31) I do not recall making Dova this tragic and I'm literally about to sob over him. LIKE WHY???? WHY DID I DO THAT??? WHY ARE HIS LITTLE SUBTLE BITS OF STORYLINE SO ACTUALLY PAINFUL AS THE STORY GOES ON????? (I am allergic to happiness I am my own canon event at this point)
(5:02) Welp. I'm ruined and am now compelled by god to start working on Morning Glory again. We're at 73k rn. And only two chapters that aren't the prologue are under 4k. That's fucking terrifying. Like I have 17 minus the prologue rn. WE ARE LITERALLY THREE CHAPTERS AWAY FROM THE FOURTH OF JULY. THERE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE ANOTHER 16/17 OF SUMMER ALONE. AND THERE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE AT LEAST ANOTHER 14 AFTER THAT. LIKE THE 14 ARE THE PLANNED SPECIFIC EVENT CHAPTERS. BRUH. WHY DID I DO THIS????
regret is all I feel.
but I will push through.
(7:38) before I go to bed I will just say I am at 75.3k. I had no idea how I would even get close to 4k on a birthday chapter where the group effectively decided to just stay home and hang out. But now there is like 1.5k of them playing muffin time. It's wild. I love it. GOOD NIGHT.
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valeffelees · 11 months ago
An Ask Game for Writers to Procrastinate Working on Your WIP(s)
thank you kindly for tagging me @shrekgogurt @youarenevertooold, and @monbons i've been seeing this game make its rounds on my dash and was really hoping someone would pull me in!
🦈 Tell us the name of one of your WIP(s)
my main three wips at the moment are without sun, ballad of the final sparrow, which is more commonly known as bitverse, and fragile things (and how to break them), but i've also been fucking around a bit the last two or three weeks with a new (terrible, evil, very self-indulgent) wip called god-forbid.
🍄 Describe one of your WIPs in the format of “___ + ___ =___”  
i think i might be dumb bc i don't understand this question at all.
🌍 What tags or warnings will your WIP(s) need if you intend to share it?
bitverse: heavy angst, psychological horror elements, alcohol abuse, allusions to suicide, unhealthy coping mechanisms, dead dove: do not eat.
🧭 An alternative title to one of your WIP(s)?
ballad of the final sparrow -> baz is typing fragile things (and how to break them) -> there's a werewolf in london god-forbid -> the gap between a tragedy and comedy
⚠️ Which WIP you’re most likely to finish or update next?
i have no idea. i mean, you'd think the answer would be without sun since it's the only fic i actually have posted at the moment, but unfortunately i am an untrustworthy villain.
💾 What is the document of your WIP called? (Not the story title, but what you’ve saved it as.)
same as the fic title. if i start a new wip and don't know what to call it, i'll pick something at random and add (working title) at the end.
🖍 Post any sentence from your WIP
from without sun:
“You don’t like peppermint,” he says. But maybe she does. Maybe that’s one more thing he can add to his growing list of things he got wrong about Agatha Wellbelove. No. 1 — Dislikes peppermint; actually, she is quite fond of it. No. 2 — Likes Simon Snow; him, not so much.
♻️ A scrapped idea for your current WIP
one of the biggest changes i made to the plot of without sun really early on was penelope's role in the story. i had a clear idea of the story i wanted to tell as soon as i saw the prompt for the fic. without sun was always supposed to be about more than simon and baz. the story is about grief and love, and the space we take up in the lives of the people around us. but n e way, in my orig draft, penny was actually supposed to be able to communicate with simon a bit, and there was gonna be a whole sect of scenes in the middle of the fic where they sat around together trying to break simon's curse what we know and what we don't know style via passing notes. i ended up tossing this idea really quickly tho, and i'm glad i did bc one of my favourite moments i've ever written in any fic happens in chapter two of without sun and it belongs to simon and penny.
🤔 What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
so many. or, well—what counts as "haven't even started"? i hate to let ideas sit around in my head bc it feels like leaving raspberries in the fridge for too long, like that shit is gonna get mould on it, so usually the first thing i do is rough out a few scenes and/or script out a very rough outline of the plot (like this / this / this style) so that i have something to come back to later. i have dozens of zero drafts just lying tf around. but otherwise, yeah, so many. one big idea i have is called heart on fire and it's based on fanart, but i haven't started it yet bc obvs i wanna get permission from the artist first but i've been holding off reaching out to them about it until i've knocked a few of my less intimidating longfics off my wip list bc heart on fire is gonna fucking hefty so i don't wanna give'r until i'm sure i can manage it.
🤡 How many WIPs are you actively working on?
🛠 Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
i'm having a real bitch of a time with agatha's main scene in chapter two of without sun, i've been fighting with it on and off for months, but i can't get it to do what i want it to do.
❤️ Not a question, just a second kudos to send.
sorry for any doubles but, tagging: @drowninginships @cosmicalart @that-disabled-princess @fatalfangirl @cutestkilla @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @artsyunderstudy @thewholelemon @roomwithanopenfire @hushed-chorus @blackberrysummerblog @imagineacoolusername @nightimedreamersworld @prettygoododds @confused-bi-queer @mooncello and an open tag for anybody else who wants to procrastinate their wips!
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mitskook · 1 year ago
a very mitskook 2023 wrap-up
hi everyone
so i didn't write very much in 2023, that much is apparent. now i'm not gonna sit here act like that's a massive loss considering the vast amount of extremely talented writers that produced wonderful work this year, but i am still disappointed in myself from, i guess, a labour of love perspective. i look at the work i have contributed to the fandom over the years and i still have more i want to add, more stories i want to tell (trust me the wip folder makes me weep too).
but every time i wanted to write, the idea of making a love story made me so miserable i had to scrub it from my head. and worse, when i pushed past that obvious discomfort, the love in those stories soured into resentment, rage, and a cruelty i couldn't justify (to this audience at least). particularly with tsdverse, this next installment is about m'boys really grappling with conflicts that have no easy answers (if they have answers at all) and man am i so fucking glad i wrote that flashforward with heejin to keep a north star on where they would end up because if i hadn't, i would've completely shattered them in a misdirected fireball of righteous grief. im glad i had that to hold on to bc i haven't had much else.
my 2023 has been. uh. trying amongst the good stuff (and i promise there was some good stuff) but not this. my mum had a heart attack, i was fired for not coming back to work straight after her surgery, and i was couch surfing and unemployed for long enough i felt like i'd wrecked my life forever. and, of course, i was mourning my relationship that ended at the end of last year, and to be honest i'm still not done with that. that's the absolute joy and misery of tying your heart to someone you're hoping will be around forever: your eyes don't see anything the same anymore, certain songs that come on shuffle make you break down on the tube, you realise huge swathes of your social media presence, including ao3, were built for one person and it wasn't you, and now? all those things are monuments to the emptiness you feel every time you remember they're not in your life anymore.
to be extremely clear, i'm not blaming my ex for these feelings, and if anyone harasses them on my behalf i will personally hunt you down and gut you with a knitting needle, but in missing them as much as i do i realised how inextricable they were from my writing process. i mostly wrote fic to make them happy, to hear their praise and notes and excitement to read the rest, and that was unfair on everyone; me, them, and you (if you look forward to my work, i don't wanna presume lmao). that's too much pressure to put on someone who just wasn't interested in bangtan rpf anymore, and that's normal, it's okay to move on from that, but it meant even before the breakup i didn't know who i was doing it for anymore. that level of directionlessness (<- not a word but whatever) gummed up those creative gears until they had no choice but to stop.
anyway to maybe cap this pity party a bit, i want to start sharing my writing more on here, and i won't wait for people to clamour to let me know that that's wanted bc again, i need to start rebuilding my confidence in my writing and feeling out where i fit into this community after basically silently moping around for a full year. i want to sincerely thank everyone who's ever read my work. i won't promise to do anything but my best, and in the meantime i'll give all the snippets to you.
lots of love
zeeb "hyperlight" mitskook
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yarart4ever · 2 years ago
yall please be warned of @Tigresslover7 ...
because can we talk about this one yall.
so recently, I made a fanfiction on my ff.net account (idk why it doesn't show on the front feed but if you wanna find it it's here as well as on my account) called Scandalous. a semi-wholesome, semi-steamy TiPo fanfic for me to indulge in. which yk, it's normal. it's okay to self indulge.
but there is a fucking limit.
if yall don't know, Tigresslover is a small creator on tumblr (and apparently now on fanfiction) who's main theme is to... you guessed it... basically be in love with Tigress from kfp.
now on it's own, there's nothing wrong with that, and ofc I wouldn't be talking badly about a small account who just simply liked a fictional character, I'm a small account that fangirls over fictional characters all the time, it's chill, we all do that.
but not at the fucking expanse of other people.
like if you look at this person's account alone, obviously they praise the Tigress art when reblogging it, which is appreciated for other small artists in the kfp fandom.
but there are times where this person would just see a TiPo fanart, take it, crop out Po, leave a caption about how beautiful Tigress is and just post it on their own account. no credit. nothing.
they literally morph other people's art, even little prompts people make (my art and my prompts included) and morph it to fit their own little picture.
I decided not to say anything about it and just move on at first. there were times where Tigresslover would reblog a prompt I make with their own prompt, writing it word for word, and just cropping out Po. basically stealing my prompt.
which, again, I did not say anything about, despite my discomfort of them basically stealing my idea. but I didn't see it as anything worth being upset about as, yk, fair, my own prompts were inspired (keyword: INSPIRED.) by other mainstream sources. so I let it go without causing flames. instead, I settled my discomfort by simply blocking them just so they won't copy my work.
and you won't fucking believe what happened next.
if you think I am bluffing on the copying before hand, I understand that. but please, I beg you to read my work that I linked above, with THIS recent work that came on fanfiction.net not too long ago. in fact posted literal DAYS after I posted my work. just look at them side by side. and see for yourself the true evidence.
oh. my. fucking. god.
when I tell you I am not overexaggerating when they copied my one-shot almost word for word-
literally the only change they caused to this fic is- you guessed it- taking Po out of the picture and inserting THEIR character in it.
I can understand if they were simply inspired by my work, fanfiction is so expansive and limitless, but there are bound to be some similarities within some works, I'm obviously not the first person who thought of this scenario as in fact I took inspiration of the plot in my story from a few saucy animatics I saw on instagram, but there is a HUGE difference between being inspired by something and just blatantly copying and morphing someone else's hardwork to fit a personal view.
so anyways, I flamed them in the reviews, and bc fanfiction.net is lagging with updates and has always done so, I am going to wait until it updates well enough so that I can report them for stealing.
the reason I bring this to yall's attention (if you're still reading which if you are, thank you for sticking around) is bc I know for a fact that I'm not the first and only person they have copied, I believe I even recognised rewritten and stolen work from fellow TiPo prompt accounts, and ofc I have seen them take many iconic TiPo artists in this fandom, crop out a good portion of it just to fixate on Tigress, etc. the only problem is that I'm probably not going to be the last they steal from, which is not good at all.
you may think I'm blowing this out of proportion, but I see great value in literature and art. I love seeing the effort, time and care fanartists and fanfic writers being poured into their works, and when someone takes their work, copies it and morphes it without even bothering to give credit, it's them just showing they're diminishing that time, effort and care. and that's not okay.
do with this information what you will, if you wanna block, report for stealing, or just go about your day as it doesn't affect you, I understand your actions either way. but I am personally going to report them. bc no one deserves to have their work diminished and stolen for someone else's personal views.
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dwindlinghaze · 1 year ago
hiii lovely congrats on 500 you deserve it and so much more!! i wanna request 🩰 dancing princesses for marauders bc i want to know who someone else would ship me with for once hahah
so my gender preference is male, i love reading (especially murder mysteries, historical fiction and romcoms), i love the mcu and i've watched pretty much all of marvel movies, most of them even twice, three or more times. i'm slightly socially awkward, but i have a close knit group of friends who i'm extremely extroverted around. i'm a math and economics girl, and i love history. i'm super delusional. i'm hindu. i absolutely love travelling, my favourite places i've been to being rome, london and dubai. i'm 5'4, closer to 5'5, i have kind of golden skin and a slightly chubby face. my love languages are terms of endearment, words of affection and physical touch.
thank you!! if you can do this, that would be great! if not, that's okay too don't put too much on your plate lovely<3
helloo 🫧🤍 thank you sm for participating in my 500 celebration
☾⋆。𖦹 °✩
🩰 : i ship you with james potter
╰┈➤ i think james is into murder mysteries. once he played a game of solving a murder case with the marauders and asked you for help, knowing that you must be so much better than them in the field.
╰┈➤ he'd also ask you a million question after you've finished a novel of a murder case.
"wait wait- hold on, so the brother of the man was the one getting arrested because the other guy who is supposedly the man's friend framed him? for money?" he asked bewildered, pointing his fingers in every direction accusingly in the air. "well- not exactly," you laughed and shook your head. it was a task to tell him stories because he tend to pull conclusions way too fast. it's funny though.
╰┈➤ james didn't know anything about the mcu at first before you mentioned how big of a fan you are to him. you like to tell james about the background of each avengers but it was all too confusing for him, though he's invested after watching the avengers with you. you were showing him every marvel movie in its chronological order.
he never shuts up about the modern technologies in the film. "look at that! that's so cool if you ask me. the avengers tower is absolutely ahead of time, i mean- who would ever thought about making that!" he rambled. "i know right? i want to know what's your favourite character," you questioned him. "maybe pietro maximoff?" he shrugged. (jk i don't know which one he'd like but pietro it is because yes;))
╰┈➤ when he first saw you in the light of day? he's absolutely infatuated by how beautiful you were; your skin glows golden under the sunlight. he's all over you, words falling off of his lips about how beautiful you are with his arms firmly circled around your waist.
"have i mentioned how stunning you look?" he said in awe as he watched you doing basically nothing. "thank you," you thanked him with a smile and a small kiss. his arm dropped down to your level in order for him to place his warm hand over the small of your back, rubbing them gently.
╰┈➤ travelling with him during holiday breaks to all the places you want to visit !!
"pack your bags honey 'cause we're going to rome!" he announced on a normal thursday afternoon. you were just finishing up your last bit of work and was taken aback by his surprise. "since uh- when? i mean when?" your eyes widened in disbelief yet a glint of anticipation can't be unseen. "i know you're free next week so next week," he grinned. "i've already bought tickets and booked a hotel."
╰┈➤ once you're sure the relationship is serious and committed, you will introduce him to your close friends! james loves the positive energy together with how full of joy you were around your group of friends. it makes him extremely happy being surrounded with the people you love and love you.
╰┈➤ just imagine celebrating hindu festivals with him !! he would be in awe of every single thing.
╰┈➤ james' love language is definitely words of affirmation. he loves expressing his feelings by words. sometimes they're extremely cheesy and mortifying but at the end of the day, you both know that he means well and that it's all true.
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hannahbarberra162 · 5 months ago
thank you so much for responding to me twice now!! im sorry im sending these in so frequently, I dont know how tumblr works but i hope that, even if you dont post a reply to this, (which btw you NEVER have to, please dont feel obligated), i honestly only want you to read the ask. (even then its okay if you dont lol), im a bit overenthusiastic about your work, if you couldn't tell haha 😓 (not that it doesn't deserve all the enthusiasm in the world!!- I just know I can ramble when something excites me.)  I'll try to space out my asks more as to not overwhelm you or anything. i  honesty would love to read whatever you have to offer, even if it's just posting little snippets. I feel bad requesting stuff, though, from what I've read you're probably a busy college student with enough on your plate! still, without making any specific requests, whatever you have to offer, ill eat up like it's my last meal!! id love to see your works on other chatacters! i honestly didn't even really care heavily for mihawk or shanks but you know damn well i ate up your works on them! and like i said, i dont even really know Marco besides your interpretation, (which are canon in my mind haha) and literally had to look up who thatch was. yet i STILL have enjoyed your writings with them to the point ive been up late wondering what happens next. whatever you write, ill enjoy! you just have such incredibly intriguing stories, i honestly have never been so hooked before. thank you so much for writing! i guessed that either Marco or Ace was your favorite, so im glad i was close with Ace! i had the same sort of question as i did with Marco, but I didn't wanna ask both in one message. kinda a 'why him', sorta thing, not that i dont get this one completely- ive seen him in action and i love ace too! But i wanna hear why YOU love him, how YOU see him, same as what i asked for Marco. you don't have to answer if you dont want to! i know ive already typed a lot, so ill cut myself off here!! thank you my goat!! 🐐 and thank you for my appreciation of the WBP!!
(I've also really enjoyed your jinbe work so far!! he's one of my favorites🌊)
@celine-zzz Don't be sorry!!! This made my day, my week, my month! I lose confidence a lot and reading things like this make me think it's worth it. Thank you so so so much for your praise!!!! I actually screenshot nice asks like these and reread them haha. Ask whatever you want!! I like interacting with other people!!! Talk to me all you want!!!
I don't mind getting requests, I just don't ask for them bc I don't know that I can fulfill what people want. But I'm always happy to try! Heat Transfer is actually based off a Nonnie ask and I spiraled from there.
And, ah, I'm quite a few years past my college days 🫠🫠🫠 I'm not sure if that's better or worse, but time comes for us all.
In truth I started writing characters I felt I had a better handle on. I find Ace to be the most relatable. I think he's the most like someone you could potentially meet, maybe other than Law. Someone who is confident and self loathing and insecure and smart and dumb and self assured and all of that wrapped in a cute bundle with freckles. I also find Ace easy to write because I do feel that I've met people like him in real life, so I think of the dumb shit they would do lol. He reminds me a lot of a few of my friends, maybe that's why I feel protective over him.
That isn't a very good answer, but in summary he's my bby and I want the best for him <3.
Jinbe is who I'd actually want to ship myself with (see self indulgent fic) and I'd most want to be friends with and spend the day with Usopp.
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raideo · 2 years ago
Issey drama anon here, please tell us about Romance Doll because I have not heard anything about it
also, have you heard of Quartet? I've seen like 50 gifsets from it and it seems legit funny as hell
UMMM WELL- I'll put my thoughts on Romance Doll under a break at the end because the movie is pretty nsfw and weird and yeah...
Quartet is on my list! I'm definitely going to watch it at some point, but I also really wanna watch Miracles! Honestly that one has been the most interesting to me from the beginning but my adhd is just causing me to watch whatever's convenient first, not the ONE IVE REALLY WANTED TO WATCH THIS WHOLE TIME. I still have to finish Koisenu Futari too... I stopped that one cuz I was watching it with someone and we had a long period of time where we couldn't watch it. And then also it's just VERY HEAVY as a person who happens to be demi who has gone through periods of feeling like I could be aroace in the past. It's so realistic and deals with the painful things as well as the funny things and I am scared to finish it bc I KNOW THERES MORE HEAVY SHIT TO COME but it's an amazing show AND I DO WANT TO FINISH THAT ONE TOO.
And on a completely polar opposite note: ROMANCE DOLL, LMAO
Ok so, this movie is very much one of those WEIRDLY REALISTIC stories where all the characters are so real and flawed and HUGE MISTAKES ARE MADE by characters and it's just such a wild ride. You probably haven't heard about it because its FUCKING WACK.
Without giving too much away in case you wanna watch it (netflix dropped it last monday, which is actually why I ended up watching it over the weekend at all, but it's still available to rent on amazon 🙄) Issey plays Tetsuo, an unemployed art college grad who is desperate for a job. His friend gave him a tip about this sketchy job opening but told him literally nothing else about it. He shows up and this old woman greets him and shows him around and he's a bit shocked to find out it's a shop that makes SILICONE SEX DOLLS. The woman is like "your friend didn't tell you that???" And Tetsuo was like "he literally just said there was a job here-" and she laughs and says "Some friend he is then!" Honestly I loved the old lady she's great, I wish I could remember her name I'm too lazy to go look it up rn.
Anyway so yeah, he takes the job even though the interview was super awkward and there's this gross pervy old guy who works there and he doesn't really care about the subject matter he just needs money (mood)
One thing and another happens (and a lot of me wanting to slap the old man into next tuesday, seriously he's the worst) and a little bit later Tetsuo meets the love of his life through some bullshit connection to his job, and they end up getting married some time after, but she doesn't know what he does for a living and ITS ALL VERY HARD TO EXPLAIN WHY HE KEEPS THAT FROM HER without spoiling things but just- the movie is wack, I really didn't like it in the beginning but it pulls a complete 180 and ends up being this weirdly emotional and AT TIMES, a holesome wholesome slice of life movie??
Don't get me wrong it doesn't sugarcoat things like objectification of women and there's some degree of realistic portrayal of that bc of the whole Tetsuo working at a sex doll shop thing, it is very true to life- how men can be gross even if they aren't going so far as assaulting anyone. It doesn't excuse it either it just presents it as it is, which is good I think. But then there are OTHER moments where the movie is very sex positive- so its a wild fucking trip tbh. Definitely don't watch it if you have sensitivities to the things I mentioned above bc bro omg the first half almost had me like "yeah I can't watch this" a couple times jfc.
BASICALLY by the end of the movie the message is that communication and being open with people you love (and not getting bogged down with anxiety and guilt) is important, because on top of not being fair to the people who are important to you, hiding things from them can eat you up inside and make you act irrationally and hurt them even more whether you realize it or not. And also, you never know how someone will feel about the things you don't want to tell them. Something that could be huge to you could be no big deal to another.
Its just a very interesting movie. I don't know if I'd recommend it, theres some NUCLEAR SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT CRINGE MOMENTS like oh my god i wanted to die- and like I said above, there's lots of intense subject matter and some not so pretty moments that a lot of people may want to avoid. Id for sure check one of those sites that gives content warnings before watching bc hoo boy...
But all that aside, once again Issey is an incredible actor and his range is apparent in this movie. I saw some like- borderline SLAPSTICK physical comedy moments that had me so surprised bc he did them so well but its so new and different from anything else ive watched him star in. Dude is just unstoppable tbh. He HAS 👏 THE 👏 RANGE!! 👏
Also you get to see him naked a lot. So there's that!
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allthecastlesonclouds · 10 months ago
heard your head was full of thoughts. spare one for a curious mutual 🫴🫴🫴
(gimme ur thoughts i wanna know)
so rosé canonically doesn't have much lore at all– first season bc karina didn't have roleplay experience and had a headache creating her, and second season because it just didn't come up and rosé's a little shit <3 BUT WE HAVE SOME AND IM EXTRAPOLATING
she had a balcony in her old apartment and an outdoor cat visited her (<- canon. headcanon ->) she said she didn't name it but she started calling it barfield bc it was an orange tabby, then forcibly stopped herself by moving away. every apartment she's had since has had a balcony, though, because she really does love them and she misses the cat. they're the right vibes for her, she thinks.
she cannot cook (the most she can do is reheating stuff) but she is a plants girlie and, on the aformentioned balcony, she grows a buncha vegetables and herbs. she's got tomatoes (much to gma's chagrin) and mint and cucumbers and spinach and basil and also lavender just for funsies!
she's afraid of needles and is also afraid of death. her previous job got violent and she simply had to leave. she'll never get a tattoo or her ears pierced, but she will draw on her skin whenever with enough skill that people will ask her where she got her tattoo.
and fuckin FABIAN he's HAUNTING ME this BOY
he'll send the hangman to other people's houses to check up on them. if someone mentions in the groupchat that they're having a hard time, there is a dog pawing at their front door in the next 5-10 minutes. fuck traffic laws his friends don't feel good :(
he had a crush on adaine freshman year and then felt bad for having a crush bc it wasn't the same sorta relationship as bill/hallariel and focused all his attention onto aelwyn
he wears his blanket battlesheet constantly. It's a sash. it's a scarf. it's a shawl. one notable time it was a skirt over his leggings. he has been dared to wear it superhero-style and those videos Are Blackmail
the more stressed he is the more his dyslexia seems– this school year's been ROUGH. bringing fig or adaine to the banker's is not just great for the extra money he receives but he can also actually ask for the paperwork and have it read over now! he doesn't have to just Go Off His Banker's Word!
that man got his ears pierced when he was 5 by one of bill's friends. pirates wear earrings and bill seacaster will give his boy the chance to wear them. after toxic masculinity is dead he starts wearing some that are less "piratey."
riz and fabian refusing to go to therapy duo :D :D :D
and then ghost stories.
fuckin. bird song by juniper vale is so incredibly gs!fig. i found the song as i was writing chapter two and decided i had to make it the title because it was perfect. just. rahhh. all she wants to do is bond and explore and learn who she is because she may be slightly older in this but the Identity Issues are still Very Prevalent (because i think they come with having shape-shifting abilities)
and actually i have a whole playlist for the au and i have at least one song for every character besides kristen and i can't find a good song for gs!kristen and i'm sobbing
anyway the two for riz are tardigrade song by cosmo sheldrake and false confidence by noah kahan
there's a disproportionate amount of noah kahan on that playlist actually but they all apply to different characters so it's okay!
fig listens to paramore. adaine simply embodies paramore. coincidence i think not (they are so incredibly Besties)
gorgug's majoring in environmental engineering
riz and adaine listen to and read the news daily. fabian's news intake is solely whatever people tell him. fig will listen to the news if it's on but prefers media she can turn her mind off with. gorgug will read news emails. kristen is in a cult.
riz lives about 10 minutes from sklonda. they have lunch together twice a week.
they all love chocolate because chocolate is delicious. however if it's ice cream riz goes vanilla based. this is kinda just a riz headcanon in general however i think fabian brings this up midbattle and riz judges fabian for judging him
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