#i wanna draw oc now bye
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anarchicblade · 3 months ago
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Just a girl
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bread-is-my-life · 6 months ago
I'm an advocate for Stainmight. I love them so much and have been trying to convince others just how much sense they make as a ship. Stain would absolutely do anything for Toshi. He'd reform himself and become the best version of himself if Toshi asked it of him.
They deserve the world 🥹😭
HI HI NICE TO MEET YA!!! :3 You are so real for that... Also HE ABSOLUTELY WOULD!!!
Also let me give you those weird school doodles of em :3 ignore how their height makes no sense in every pic and other mistakes lol I did those instead of studying ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ I PROMISE THAT I WILL COOK SMTH SOON!!!
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(btw on the second pic Toshi forgot his scarf and Stain forced him to wear his but then they just decided to share it :D I might redraw it later and fix all the mistakes like Toshi's height LMAO)
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sometimesmaybespoof · 2 months ago
HEY I'm not dead I'm aliiiiveee!!!!!
*steps out of my coffin and everyone gasps*
So, reason why I haven't posted in a bit is because,,,
Come on gimme a drumroll!
*starts ripping up my surroundings with foam shooting out my mouth*
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acircusfullofdemons · 5 months ago
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misc paracosms // the ones who lived
The Ones Who Lived was the last paracosm I had before discovering MaDD. Heavily inspired by The Walking Dead Game by TellTale, it followed Echo, who was 6 when the zombie apocalypse started. There was no real "plot", just having Echo and co run around, trying to survive. Unfortunately, he died before a cure was made.
I daydreamed about this one a lot. Nearly everyone had a playlist, I drew the paras a lot, I even roleplayed them! But that ended up being my downfall, as I had to break off my friendship with my RP partner due to drama going on. It was a really bad time for me and I ended up forcing myself to scrap this paracosm in order to move on.
Every so often I think about this paracosm. About bringing it back in some way. I feel sad. They meant so much to me, and I thought that they'd forever be tainted by that experience. idk. The apocalypse does happen in Eternal Labyrinth so it's possible they're running around somewhere.
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shooks-stupid-stuff · 9 months ago
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ino acrylic charm design/actual physical item from a while ago, because i am struggling to make anything i can post
i will try and do some more shitty pen doodles tmmrw i promise (feel free to send oc suggestions if there's anyone specific you wanna see me doodle)
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givemedamage · 1 year ago
i wish I was as infatuated with my characters as you are because instead of doing what I really want to do (draw ) i just play video games or watch youtube teach me how to become obsessed with drawing to the point where it's more rewarding and stimulating than vegetabling all day
i don’t even know honestly i think im just reallsy unhealthily in love with a dead deer BUT SERIOUSLY I GET THIS i often find myself Lollygagging (youtube shorts/reels brained here sorry) while i’d rather be drawing because vidya games and youtube is just more appealing than forcing urself to sit down for multiple hours and COMMIT TO A DRAWING IDK i always have to have music or youtube or else i literally cant draw i think i’m going off on a tangent idk I JUST WOKE UP THIS IS PRE COFFEE BRAIN i tgink a big motivator for me is just like ‘haha Yes im gonna have a new finished drawing of (character) when i’m done w this haha’
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agiidraws · 6 months ago
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inktober 2024
day 4 • exotic
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allimili · 7 months ago
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Man its been a while since i drew with my finger
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ken-tfc · 1 month ago
Okay gonna need more characters I think, if you put it in the comments here or my ask box it’s FIRST COME FIRST SERVE! once I have enough I’m gonna stop doing background showcases at least for a while. You may still request ur character by then but it will be less rendered unless I feel like doing a render lmao
Trust me you guys who already offered will be priority. (In the ask box I’m afraid I lost the reblogs and mentions by now)
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Any character with a O beside it is what I need characters for, I will place you as I see fit lmao just wanna show a wip. Only suggestion to spots I will like actually listen to for this is if you and someone else who requested have a duo together, then I can work with that. I will post when the spots are full so please look at the reblogs on this post if you’re wondering. Depending on how many I get I might just draw all the rest as sketches around the train as a participation reward hehe
Bye for now!!
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mushyblushyredhead · 9 months ago
Hello there. I hope you're doing well. I've discovered you recently, and I LOVE YOUR ART🩷 I was wondering if it would be okay to ask you if you could draw my Hazbin Hotel oc Holly getting tickled by Angel Dust? If not, it's alright. I don't wanna bother you, but if yes, here's a full body picture of her and a picture of her in her main outfit (it's the only full body picture of her I have) Now I'm going to go back to my cave, bye 😁 👋
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Haiii! AAHDKJFKH thank you dearie!! That means a lot!! 🥺🙏🏻💕
Eeee super cute OC btw! Holly is a cute name! Eat up! :3 Can we all agree Angel Dust would make an evil yet amazing ler? Like c’mon! THE ARMSSS!!! 💖
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cozymochi · 2 months ago
Hey Mochi! Sorry if I already asked, but do your ocs like wearing accessories? If so, what kind? :3
(I wanna hoping to draw acessorie fanart for them if thats ok!!)
(That’s okay with me 😩👍 Also going on a limb and assuming this is just about the boys.)
At least if I go by “accessories” in it’s more broad definition rather than just referring to jewelry (cuz if that was the case, only one guy would be wearing it.)
First context! I’m just gonna answer based on what I’ve drawn. Warning: No pictures just boring wall of text.
Emilio is a weird case. Like, in theory I would think he would be more accessorized, but he really hasn’t been. Not really. Call it a failure on my part because I simply haven’t explored this far visually, or on purpose for chArAcTer reAsOns. Aside from his showy boots, he doesn’t really do much in terms of accessorizing what he wears.
Out-of-uniform he seems to have a fondness for scarves. That counts as an accessory. But, as of right now I just have yet to experiment much, and even then, I don’t imagine straying too far from that. But, we’ll see.
The closest accessory wear that Cecil even has are just fingerless gloves— and when out-of-uniform he has a fanny pack. I think the most I would do if I had to explore accessorizing with Cecil would be expanding on gloves and, crap attached to belts.
Either way, he’s not much of an accessorize-ing type either.., but he does a little. Not enough to be adventurous, though, just enough to allude to being off the beaten path. Just…not enough to commit further.
Then there’s Nyoka who has… many hair thingies and trinkets, some weird chain linked to his glasses that’s attached to one of his diamond earrings. Least of all that other ear…thingy that’s shaped like a snake.
Then out-of-uniform it’s all of the above + this collar thing, pendants, rings, fancy watch, and sometimes bracelets. But TO BE FAIR— this is on purpose, he’s wealthy and this is just a shorthand means to show that off. His family has ties to gold n’ minerals, of course he’s wearing it. He’s just more ornate in general, it’s just his thing.
So TBH!!! At least based on all that? I guess that doesn’t really answer a definitive yes or no at all. Though, maybe none of this actually matters.
BECAUSE HEY! they’re meant to be twst boys, and regardless of what logically makes sense for a character in-universe— normal twst boys are going to be thrown in over-the-top highly accessorized, and improbable runway stuff anyway for that sweet VIEWERBASE….!!
I’m just y’know. By myself. And also they’re not in a VN with gacha mechanics, they’re in scattered drawings and mostly unpublished writings (latter of which even if they were published, only a small fraction of the art-viewers would even willingly look at.)
Anything I end up doing is just to convey an idea or a vibe since I’m considered the source™️, so doing any “for the lulz” experimentation isn’t much of a priority. Otherwise, a message I want to present might be compromised. I don’t really have the benefit of a VN everyone reads as a buffer to give context to justify why a stuffy-rule-stickler is suddenly wearing short-shorts and a halter top.
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berie-kat · 3 months ago
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Doodles from my hoilday that I forgot abt hehe
Did I draw angst for Toa in my Au? Yes, why? Bc I wanna make trauma
I love this Au so much, but I still gotta work on the world building for it to make sense. I hope I can execute it well enough.
Also a doodle of my oc I’ve made a long time ago, I decided to redesign her outfit. Shes apart of this story I’ve made and hopefully one day make somn out of it
But for now bye!
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screamingfr · 1 month ago
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I made a thing and I wanna show it off-
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So uh yeah this is an OC/sona thing of mine- She exsists in a silly little oc-verse I share with some of my friends! She came into exsistence this tuesday! Im gonna ramble now lmao sorry
(Text on the doodles is in norwegian)
So I've been sick since like the middle of last week - the flu or a cold or something I dont know. What matters is I've been coughing up a storm, and my friends started joking that I'd die, and at some point, zombies came up, and now we have a whole zombie apocolypse oc-verse and its fun! I mean, we still gotta work out the story and worldbuild some more, but this is literally just for our amusement! It's giving me motivation to draw, so it's all great! Lmao, I just needed an art cover for the playlist I made for her character, and this lovely thing came to be! And Im doodling lots too- its good. I haven't drawn a person in a while. lol, I've been keeping to my birds. It's the last of us inspired as one can tell by the way she is kinda a toned down version of a clicker- but shes concious and aware cause magic. cuz this is our universe, and we can do whatever we want . If we want magic, we will have magic! And like she is literally me but Zombie apocolypse- it would be boring if she was fuckin stupid all the time. Anyways I just wanted to show off my art since I havent posted anything in a while- I hope whoever sees it thinks its cool cuz Im proud. Uh bye!
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wombywoo · 7 months ago
I'm absolutely in love with all your art, COD community wouldn't be the same without you for sure. And Quinncent.. Quinn is doing something to me with his sad eyes and throat scar
Maybe someone actually asked this: but how do you feel about AUs in particular and drawing your boys or cod(141 ensemble) in different settings, non military, non modern maybe, fantasy, creatures, etc
We were blessed with your fan art for valiants period au and it was soooo good in your realistic style
Have you ever thought "omg I wanna draw them in this situation/these specific outfits/ long hair/different facial hair it would be perfect" and did exactly that but never showed anyone hehe
Asking cuz if I were skilled with creating something decent on paper I would have had a literal chest with hundreds of different sketches
ahhh thanks so much for your kind words! I'm happy to contribute to the cod fandom as well as my own dubious little science-project lol 😚
As for your question--confession time: I really...don't care for AUs that much 😔😔 I consider myself the vanilla-est consumer in this regard, but when I'm into a piece of media, I generally prefer stuff that adheres to the canon universe. This also goes along with fic-reading--I don't really ever read AUs that are so divorced from the source material. I suppose it's because I get into a story/movie/game etc for a reason, so removing all those elements until it's stripped bare feels like something brand new entirely, and thus not what I came for. Idk if that makes sense 🤷‍♀️
That isn't to say I dislike all of it--I do find it fun when I see others interpreting characters in different settings and scenarios, etc. I just don't tend to partake personally~
Broadly speaking, I like to dress up characters a lot, so I suppose that's my preferred AU method, lol. I've done a few cod pieces (lol) like that and they were fun~ I do have a few visions of my OCs in certain outfits (maybe some period clothing eventually 🤫) But for now, I think I like having them as they are 🥰
(breaking: just pictured quinn with long hair and I'm not sure we're ready for that level of comedy quite yet)
(mustache!vincent AU....not off the table...)
(I will also add that turning the characters into animals in any way is most definitely Not My Thang sorry to disappoint :'D) ok bye
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spir3 · 3 months ago
i wana do a drawings
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^^ @thisbeartblog's character, Therli (name shortened) ^^ ((I drew the art above))
give me your ocs and I'll draw them.......................
i will give u my ocs and u draw them.........................................
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now look at this cute mott bye bye
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soulhymn · 1 day ago
OC x Entity 303 fanart lol
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Hii y'all, today I'm posting this fanart I made for one of my favourite artists lol. They don't have Tumblr but I'm still posting it here because I'm high key dead here and I wanna revive and shit idk man
Exams finally ended and bye bye to 11th grade so now I can finally draw (without feeling guilty)
NGL I feel like I'm forgotten yo, pls don't forget me 🥺
Also the artist I drew this fanart for is @ ngocblueice in Instagram and Twitter btw. They already saw it on Instagram and liked it and it made silly me happy
see ya (Sorry for not being whimsical enough I'm still recovering from exams yo 🫥)
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