#i wanna change back to being a 1d account
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twoghostslarrie · 3 months ago
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skepticalarrie · 3 years ago
Hey, since you’ve been in this fandom for wayyy longer than I, I wanted to ask you something. To me, the only undeniable anti proof is the one where Louis’ grandpa and sisters called out larries and posted a pic of him and El. To me, this could mean multiple things:
1. Louis has the worst luck in the world and Larry is not real. But like…there’s SO SO many elounor plot holes and what abt matching tattoos and serenading and just- fuck ton of proof alright. Just things I don’t think any conspiracy theory would be able to take this far w/o actual evidence. That’s not me saying I’m a no stunts- cus honestly I just don’t buy some no stunts arguments but, I digress.
2. Larries on twt are disrespectful af and the family was clapping back bc maybe back then THOSE larries kinda made it worse for everyone? Like the way they talked to Stan was borderline immature, and I’m pretty sure if my family/friend were closeted and forced to extensively stunt I’d do anything to keep the secret so less ppl believe. Also if u think abt it- if ppl didn’t make EVERYTHING abt Larry/ make fake proof back then- the fam/friends would have no reason to be angry bc larry prob wouldn’t have to bury this secret so hard- yk? Bc whenever the families have clapped back its been to tweets talking about the proofs that over reach. Or just @ing larries bc like I said, you gotta bury the secret somehow so your homie won’t have to.
3. Management/ label/ PR team asking them to do it/ taking one for the team. I think management having control of stans or lotties or anyone’s account is too far fetched tbh. I also don’t think it’s the label because I mean- it was denied after the 1D hiatus by Lous ppl, lou who didn’t have an album out until 2020. The label also has better things to do- Hollywood leaders are too busy hiding sex offenders crimes to care abt some ‘conspiracy’. I do think maybe they do it so Louis(bc Gemma only denied it in the 1D days when Harry was actively bearding just to hide Larry rather than in PR relationships for PR and profit) doesn’t have to do anything other than hang out w Eleanor here and there. That’s my understanding of it anyways. I think I’ve done my research enough to conclude this.
Do you think any of my reasons could be right? I wanna know your train of thought. Or do larries have another explanation for why the families deny it on socials? Lmk <3
Hey dear, how are you?
I think there are a lot of misconceptions going on here. A lot to unpack. And it's pretty ironic how the answer to your question is already on the question itself. This is obviously just my opinion, I'm not personally attacking you or anything, and feel free to disagree and do your own thing.
So. First of all, there's no such thing as blaming larries for the denials, or for making "everything about larry". Larry is making everything about larry, we're just reacting accordingly for the past decade. Yes there's a part of this fandom that is extremely annoying and doesn't seem to understand the concept of closeting, doesn't seem to understand how fucked up it is to go bother their families and friends with this. It's like people are expecting them to out Harry and Louis when they're asked about it. Which, again, is a ridiculous concept considering they're so severely closeted. So, no, larries don't have the power to make stuff about larry or to ruin solid friendships or make denials happen. The idea of larries being the ones to be blamed is absolutely ridiculous... and it's also the key point of the denials, you just hit the nail in the head by mentioning this!
There's this popular strategy used for changing people's minds or trying to shut down a particular idea, that consists in basically putting people against each other. It happens in politics, marketing and a number of other scenarios. And that’s what 1DHQ did since it was decided that larry rumours needed to be shut down. So instead of only using denials and beards, it was being pushed down everyone’s throats that believing larry was wrong, absurd, disrespectful. They started to promote larries as “not real fans”. So whenever a larrie would stand up and be vocal about it, we would be instantly silenced by other people in the fandom and called *delulu*. “Larry is a load of bullshit” “conspiracy theories” “disrespectful”. They were basically dividing the fandom by doing these kinds of denials, they created doubts in people’s minds and they wouldn’t need to rely on denials coming from H&L every single time, that way they had part of the fanbase already doing the dirty job for them by oppressing any kind of ideas about larry. Now, for something to be effective, everyone needs to play the game. If friends and family are going to out them, there’s no reason for the closeting to be happening in the first place. And we always talk about how people close to them have a massive part in pushing narratives and stunts. It sounds organic, it sounds more believable. So, naturally, they would need to play the “larries are crazy” game too. And it is what it is, that’s how things need to go. That’s why these kinds of denials happen and it will keep happening as long as they’re closeted.
Lastly, I would just like to add something else. You mentioned “undeniable anti proof” and elounor plot holes… and I think you’re trying to make sense of things from the original narrative point of view when I personally think it should be the other way around. Elounor doesn’t need to have plot holes, and antis don’t need “proofs”. This is not what makes larry real, what makes larry real is the consistency. Week after week, month after month. Patterns were created and then reinforced over and over. Consistency and context are much stronger than words and denials and stunts, and that’s what they keep showing us. Please check out this post for more about it and also my denials tag for more about the denials
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louloubabys1992 · 4 years ago
Ask for writers
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Tagged by @theisolatedlily​ thank u babe xoxo
1. describe how you first started writing and when you first posted: 
I got so into the 1D fandom that I opened a tumblr account and found loads of fics about Harry and Louis. I got hooked. I go way back as a fan. am one of those who started reading fics from tumblr accounts and livejournals. I know a lot still read from those until now, even me, until ao3 became the basis of fics. I read so many fics that i wanted to write my own as well. my first ever fic, officially, was an apocalypse/zombie au called Nothing Can Come Between You and I. I say officially because I posted a couple of fics before this one but they were edited fics from a writer who took down his/her fics for reasons I don’t wanna get into. I asked permission to post them and edit them. That’s when I started joining up as a beta as well :D
2. which of your characters do you typically resonate most closely with? do you base any characters off of yourself?
I typically write in Louis’ narrative but I don’t usually base it on any perceptions I have of him, even if it’s canon. most of my fics are inspired by circumstances I see around me in my day to day life or by events that one can relate to because they do happen.
3. where do you often find inspiration?
I read a lot of fics as I’ve mentioned before and each and every one of them has left an impact on me that made me the fic writer I am today. Whenever I lack inspiration, I just open my bookmarks on ao3 and read. And then, a bulb lights up and voila, inspiration hits
4. has quarantine helped or hindered your writing process?
helped a lot! i wrote more during quarantine than I do now even though am somewhat working from home. but when corona was at its peak back in March, everything was on hold and I turned to writing.
5. do you listen to music/noise while you write or do you prefer silence? 
silence. Am sadly not one of those people who could write in a corner in a cafe even though I wish I could do something like that.
6. what is your biggest writing pet peeve in your writing or in general?
word vomit. not into that.
7. describe your ideal writing setup: 
after midnight, laptop on a cushion on my lap, neck pillow for my neck, my bed, and a quiet house where everyone is already sleeping and my mind is brimming, racing faster than my fingers could type hahahaah
8. favorite time of day to write?: 
after midnight. it mostly has to do with the fact that I am not available during the day but even before when I wasn’t working, i would find myself procrastinating all day or totally lacking inspiration and then come night time, and my mind comes alive hahahaha
9. favorite genre to write + one you’d like to try writing in the future?
Canon fics
10. do you struggle with writer’s block? 
I mean, who doesn’t, right?
11. what is the easiest part of your writing process and the most difficult? 
easiest is after I’ve day-dreamed the scene because when I day dream, its detailed to the tee, down to the words and the dialogue but the most difficult is when I postpone an idea I had in my head. If I don’t write it down instantly, it never turns out the same and that’s quite frustrating
12. how do you come up with original characters? (
I do insert a lot of original characters in my fics and they are sometimes inspired my real people but only in terms of appearance not by character or name. so, if am describing an original character in any of my fics, know that he exists but his character is not the same in real life hahahaha
13. what is your favorite and least favorite word? f
wow, this is random. um. fav would be scars and least would be veggies
14. what is one thing about your writing that you’re really proud of and one thing you hope to continue working at?
I don’t think it was something I was proud of at first but a lot of people who comment on my fics say that they like my pacing and the dialogues. so maybe that? I would say I think I need to work more on my originality. sometimes, i find myself drifting to a fic I’ve just read, especially if its the same trope and am like, wow, that’s not mine at all.
15. what work of yours has your favorite ‘verse/world building? how did you come up with it?
definitely my first abo fic Hang there like fruit, my soul/Till the tree die. I love that au and I’ve always wanted to put my own tiny twist in it. am really proud of how it came about and am massively humbled by the comments and support it received :D
16. what font and size do you write in? single spaced or double?
arial, font 18 and sometimes bigger because I don’t have good eyesight
17. what is a typo(s) you find yourself making consistently?:
names, because sometimes the names I choose are apprarently just not cool with microsoft word for some reason....sighs
18. (if applicable) do you separate fic writing from fandom?
yes, but its not intentional, it just happens
19. what emotion is your favorite to write? which is the most difficult?Angst because that’s just me hahahaaha. the most difficult? hmm, emotional love confessions maybe or the transition from friends to lovers. yeah.
20. what is one thing you hope readers always take away from your works?
the passion behind it maybe?
21. what is the best and worst writing advice you’ve ever received?
best advice is to sleep on it because I do come up with scenes for my fics when I am about to sleep ahahahah. the worse one I got came from someone who obviously doesn’t know a thing about writing. he said, ‘’just don’t write it and do something else.’’ I mean, really?
22. which one of your works would you most want to see turned into a film/television show?
nope, not happening.
23. do you write scenes chronologically or out of order?: 
most of the time in order.
24. how do you handle criticism?
quite well I think. 
 25. what is the advice you would give to someone who is looking to start writing?
Go for it. Writing is not a silly hobby. if it’s really something you wanna do, even if its just for fun or to pass the time or to make new friends. go for it, There are so many fics in this fandom that until this day, are still ingrained in my mind because they were so touching and moving to me. you never know what your words could do for someone or how much your words could make a person’s day a better day 
26. what kind of feedback on your work always makes your day?
the comments posted on my fics in ao3 always make me happy. I feel like its the best to find out if my work is worth someone’s time, you know? even though I do write for myself most of the time, the validation is nice sometimes :D
27. which fic ‘verse of your own would you most like to exist in? which fic’s characters would you most like to befriend? 
wow, all of them? 
28. what do you always enjoy getting asks about/wish people would ask about more?
hmm, I mean people could ask what they want so am cool with anything. am not picky. I get asked about plot lines or what would happen next when it comes to cliffhangers and I do my best to answer them without revealing too much :D
29. what has writing added to your life? how has it changed you?
I definitely made new friends through it and it’s been great :D
30. why do you write?
it’s my favourite thing in my entire life. It’s the one thing that no one in my life knows about, as in the people that I work with, my friends, even my family, none of them have ever read anything I’ve ever written and am fine with it. I feel like writing is purely for me and it’s something I’d like to keep as a part of me you know?
boost yourself + tags!
1a. share the last sentence you wrote:
Harry smiles despite himself. Three years together, since he was nineteen, and it shouldn’t be a surprise that Louis knows him so well, can tell by the sound of his voice if he’s okay or not, nervous or not, happy or not.
2a. describe the wip you’re most excited about:
the one am writing for the harry/men fic fest
3a. share the piece of dialogue from one of your works you’re most proud of: 
‘’You’re being really quiet and I don’t like it,’’ Louis points out.
‘’Just a bit tired,’’
‘’Stay here then,’’ Louis pats the bed. ‘’Sleep next to me,’’
‘’Are you sure? I don’t want to mess with anything by accident or…’’
‘’I won’t get a wink’s worth of sleep if you’re even an inch away from me,’’ he says firmly. ‘’And I’ll go on a limb here and say neither will you.’’
‘’No buts, I’m serious.’’ Louis cups his cheek, his blue eyes big and beautiful, like an entire fucking galaxy. ‘’I missed you something terrible these past few days,’’
‘’Be here with me, Haz. Please?’’
Harry hums before he pushes himself forward. He cannot stop it, cannot keep himself from gravitating towards Louis, taking what he wants, what he needs to make it through the night. He cups Louis’ face and kisses him but even then it’s not enough and he skates one arm around Louis’ small shoulders and tugs him closer, careful not to jostle Louis too much and kisses him like Louis’ a mermaid and he needs his air or else he’ll drown.
It eases an ache in him he didn’t know was trying to get his attention the moment he entered the room, something deep and visceral, calming down with the way Louis’ molds his lips against his, with the shape of his mouth fitting with his own, with the way his body is trying to align with his, like a constellation, each star coming together to mean something greater than they can ever grasp, something more infinite and vast.
‘’I love you,’’ Louis whispers into his lips.
‘’I’m never letting you go,’’ Harry says before he reaches for another kiss. ‘’Love of my life, fucking best thing to ever happen to me, you know that?’’
‘’My rock,’’ Louis kisses him back. ‘’My fortress,’’ and kisses him again, ‘’my strength,’’ and again and again. ‘’I love you so much. Would be dead without you,’’
‘’Don’t say that,’’
‘’It’s true,’’ Louis gasps as Harry devours his mouth, trying to stop him from saying another word. ‘’I would’ve crawled out that room right to your feet, Haz. I would’ve…’’
‘’Shh, just me kiss, babe. Just kiss me,’’ Harry pleads.
And so they do.
4a; line from my fics that I am most proud of:
hard to choose really
5a. link the last fic you read: 
bang bang (my baby shot me down) by thepolourryexpress
6a. link the last work you published: 
Ellen's haunted house by louloubaby92
7a. link to your ao3 (if applicable): 
8a. someone that inspires you 
Louis Tomlinson
9a. a comfort fic/work that you’ve been grateful for this year: 
bruise you like a peach by falsegoodnight
10a. other writers that you’d like to tag! 
@falsegoodnight​ @twopoppies​ @mediawhorefics​
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thenarrystore · 6 years ago
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Don’t have a date? Us either!
Under the cut is 20 Valentine’s Day Narry fics ranging from 300 to almost 11,000 words!
that too – from
harry came with flowers for niall
fluff, 300
right now (always, always) – from
LA, February 2018. Niall runs.
past relationship, 300
It’s Always Been You – PrettyinSoulPunk
This is just something short and sweet (with a very brief side of angst) that I wrote based on this old Valentine’s Day interview from 2013. I found the video again recently, and then this happened.
fluff, during 1d, friends to lovers, 1.7k
running around in love again – mozartspiano
they meet at a coffee shop on valentine’s day. it’s all a horrible cliche.
college au, coffee shop au, strangers to lovers, blow jobs, 2.5k
Top V-Day Date – sunshineflying
Niall and Harry are both alone in Australia after their concert, and they’ve got no plans for Valentine’s Day. They’d braced themselves to go it alone, but a challenge turns into the best Valentine’s Day date that either guy has ever had.
during 1d, friends to lovers, hand jobs, 3k
Just A Little Oblivious – thespacesbetweenus
After months of chatter from Niall and Harry Liam finally had enough and decided to do something about his oblivious band mates who were so obviously in love with each other.
during 1d, fluff, 3k
Valentine on Fire – littlepinkbow
Louis is sure that the way to Harry’s heart is by eating 30 cinnamon hearts. Or at least, he’s sure that he can get Niall to eat 30 cinnamon hearts if he tells him that.
high school au, 3.1k
come on in boy – Efflorescence_Amour
Prompt: Niall has a history of terrible Valentine’s Days that always end up with him getting broken up with. He’s been with Harry for almost eleven months, and he’s head over heels in love, but he tries desperately to get Harry to ignore Valentine’s Day because he doesn’t want things to end between them.
established relationship, blow job, 3.3k
let me change your ticket home – takesmeunder
Niall and Harry have been in an online relationship for nearly a year when they decide to have a Skype date for their first Valentine’s Day together. Niall doesn’t show up at their arranged time, and Harry’s devastated. Little does he know Niall’s got something up his sleeve.
online dating au, established relationship, frottage, 3.3k
I Don’t Wanna Be Your Friend (I Wanna Kiss Your Neck) – wishfulwannabe
Niall shrugged and Harry could feel the burn from where Niall was still holding his wrist. “Not a big fan of Valentine’s Day.”
“Me neither,” Harry added in, glancing at Niall’s profile out of the corner of his eye.
“What’s your horror story?” Niall joked and Harry knew not to be upset because Niall had no idea just how Harry came to despise this date.
OR Niall and Harry meet at a Valentine’s Day dance and become best friends but along the way Harry falls in love with Niall and Niall falls in love to, just not with Harry.
high school au, college au, strangers to friends to lovers, side: niam, 3.3k
Call Me Maybe? – Diaryofanarcissisticgayman
It’s not healthy. Harry is more than willing and able to admit that. It’s also not cheap. Each phone he buys is getting progressively older, and pretty soon Harry’s going to end up with an empty savings account and a mobile the size of his arm, and twice as strong. That said, it’s totally worth it. Every time Niall crinkles his nose up in a laugh at one of Harry’s jokes, every time the blond smiles when Harry walks up to the desk, every time their fingers brush as they exchange Harry’s mobile. All of that is totally worth a few (not so) accidentally broken mobiles.
for the prompt: “I’ve been breaking my phone on purpose just because you work at the help desk at the phone store” au where Harry is sort of obsessed with the blonde at the counter and Niall can’t understand why the other goes through so many phones (asked out on valentines day perhaps??)
au, strangers to lovers, 3.9k
Bookshops and Blue Eyed Boys – cheerstar051
For babyshades who prompted: Harry is miserable on Valentines day, until he wanders into a book store and topples over a pile of books… And he meets Niall. Neither Niall nor Harry have a date for Valentines day and decide to spend it together because why not. Please make the relationship flow!
strangers to friends to lovers, bookshop au, 4.1k
Raisins – liyumpeyn
Thankyou for the prompt @letmotifs! Which was “Uh, hi? It’s the guy who stopped by your flower shop earlier, the one who bought those roses. Anyway, did you leave your number in the bouquet on purpose, or…?” Directly quoted that in the story, hope you don’t mind and I’m sorry I butchered this so much, hope its okay!
The one where Harry fails miserably at impressing Niall and they wind up drunk and naked by the sea
strangers to lovers, 4.6k
Something Great – Narryornarry
Is it too much for Harry to ask for something great?
Or, after years of being in love with Niall, Harry finally gets something great.
during 1d, friends to lovers, pining, side: Niall/Original Female, 5.3k
I’m Glad It Was You – YoungBunny
After Niall arrives to school late for the umpteenth time, his teacher sets him up to be on the Valentines Day Prom committee, only to be partnered with Harry Styles, a boy he’s know for the majority of his life.
The only problem with this? They can’t stand each other.
high school au, enemies to lovers, 5.5k
call it magic – leitmotifs
Niall’s the Hufflepuff who’s had a crush on Harry since their third year. Liam and Zayn are Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, respectively, who are his best friends and who also proceed to meddle in this love affair.
There are palm readings, failed potions, and roses involved.
hogwarts au, pining, strangers to friends to lovers, 6k
savin’ my love for you – narryster
“You should put on your watch, you know?”
Even in the dark with the only light coming from the moon and the lamps on the campus, Harry can see Niall cocking his head to the side, probably wondering what is going through Harry’s mind now. “Why?”
Harry is still not exactly sure if he’s right – if he can be sure about the thing with Niall – but he’s hit by a warm and content feeling when he thinks about it. “Just do it.”
Or; Harry meets his soulmate on Valentine’s Day.
soulmate au, college au, friends to lovers, 8.3k
Can’t deny that I want you (but I’ll lie if I have to) – forthemoon
“Go with me. Let me be your date Friday. I’ll be super romantic and show you that Valentine’s Day isn’t too bad, if you spend it with the right person.” Harry says.
“Wait so like—like a pretend boyfriend sort of thing?” Niall asks. Harry’s smile falls a fraction of what it had been before.
“Um, yeah I guess, whatever you want to call it.” Harry shrugs.
college au, fake relationship, pining, friends to lovers, past: ziall, 8.6k
every lonely place – sakabelle
It wasn’t supposed to go down like this.
The plan was for Harry to sweep Niall off his feet and break his heart. And yeah, maybe it was a little mean, but Harry’s used to Louis being a little mean. Besides, Niall is a little annoying, so it balanced out. But he wasn’t supposed to develop feelings for Niall, and Niall certainly wasn’t supposed to find out it was all on account of a dare and stop speaking to him.
No, this is the exact opposite of how it was supposed to go. And now, Harry’s got to get Niall back.
college au, fake relationship, break up/make up, 9.8k
Come Together Right Now (Over Me) – sunshineflying
Niall and Harry are just exploring their new relationship when Valentine’s Day rolls around. Busy with the start of the On The Road Again Tour, they’ve got to be especially careful about how they make plans to spend the day together. Thanks to some help from their band mates, they’re able to pull it off.
Or, Niall and Harry sneak away for a romantic holiday in Australia, hidden from the fans, all thanks to a few little while lies from their band mates.
established relationship, during 1d, rutting, blow job, hand job, bottom!niall, top!harry, (mentioned vers!n/h), 10.9k
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larriefails · 6 years ago
This new BPH2 post, she really can’t let go of 1D or the past, can she?
The amount of drivel...
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Harry was portrayed as a lothario BEFORE July 2011? By whom? Doing what? He didn’t date anyone until C*roline (sorry, I make one exception for censoring names and that’s for child groomers) in like, November 2011, there were jokes about him liking Madison, the girl from WMYB but that wouldn’t be until August anyway. Articles about various 1D members dating or hooking up with fans were run of the mill, but that was for all of them. Cher Lloyd got linked to literally every member except Louis, and that’s because he had a girlfriend. Harry was seen as flirty and fans joked around about his unfortunate pussygate moment, but clearly, he brought that on himself, and it was after X Factor anyway
The only possible “Harry is a lothario” push she could be talking about is that jokey video where Harry is seen as having overlapping dates with all the girls at boot camp, but it’s obviously tongue in cheek, it finishes with Harry going on a date with Wagner, a 50 something year old Portuguese (?) man. And this was BEFORE the band was put together. Why would Liam, or anyone, have to be seen as a lothario anyway? Confused
Louis and Hannah’s relationship wasn’t “spotlighted” they were just dating... so she was there... and they talked about it on the show I think once, maybe twice. None of the other boys had significant others at the beginning. When Zayn started dating one of the girls from Belle Amie (a girl group that was competing there as well), it was actually spotlighted, same when he dated Rebecca Ferguson
She says “switching 1Direction to One Direction” to seem knowledgeable, it’s hilarious. One Direction’s twitter account was created on October 29th 2010 and it was already stylized “OneDirection,” this is just a “the more you know” bullet point she learned that she decided to throw in there to get more credibility. Anyone that’s been a fan for long already knew this, it was stated as a fact in one of their books, but don’t ask me which one now cuz it’s been 7 years. Anyways, what an important marketing decision, Kati, it surely affected a lot of the outcome of the band that would be known as “1D” by 90% of its fanbase anyway
“But there was no larger strategy until July 2011″
NO SHIT SHERLOCK. U wanna know why? Because they didn’t have music out until August... you really are some fresh brand of stupid, huh. Who would waste money in marketing campaigns months and months before having any music to sell? All of them were heavily involved in social media anyway, and with strategic performances here and there, some interviews, a very well received book, signing days, and several other nuggets, they managed to build a stronger fanbase and a lot of anticipation by the time they released WMYB. There was definitely marketing, but, no, of course there wasn’t an overarching marketing campaign for a band with no music for six months.. Just like there isn’t, idk, a hot air balloon business for cheetahs..
And that’s how she starts.. everything after that is drivel and more and more drivel. Very little of it makes any sort of sense or is backed up by any facts other than her wanting things to be that way
Such as this entire paragraph which has me in fucking stitches
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Listen, I’m sure more older people became fans as the band became more popular, and I’m sure there are some men sprinkled in between, but PROFOUND DEMOGRAPHIC SHIFT? Except Harry and Zayn, who have cultivated an older skewing demographic, the core fan base is STILL 13-18 year old girls. And even Harry and Zayn have large percentages of their fan base in that age group still. She really thinks the tumblr side of fandom is in any way indicative of the larger fandom, it’s fascinating to read someone that’s supposed to be old and wise, who’s a mother and a wife, be so blatantly wrong and so delusional. Not even in the tumblr side of fandom now are the fans mostly older with established careers. That’s just the big Larries, and big Larries are what? 1 in 2,000 One Direction blogs? (and I doubt at least 50% of their “well established careers” are real, but I’m not into doxxing people so I’ll take their word for it)
I almost lost my mind when she called tumblr tinhat wank “objective debate and evidence-based discussion.” OBJECTIVE! O B J E C T I V E? bulletprooflarry, the person that left tumblr for a month when Harry announced his solo career because she had been saying for ages he’d never go solo and couldn’t handle being so OBJECTIVELY wrong, is talking about OBJECTIVE DISCUSSION???? Kati you wouldn’t know what actual objective discussion is if it slapped you repeatedly with something smelly while yelling “I am objective discussion” as a plane writes in the sky “objective discussion is slapping you in the face” and some sirens wailed in the distance
Not even gonna go there with “evidence-based” .. I’m sure ur tag “all the reasons ever needed” filled with cropped and edited gifs of 17 yo Harry and 19 yo Louis looking at each other for 0.03 seconds in slow mo would hold in court very well
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H I L A R I O U S. Never seen before! Novel!!!! Only happening because of “this new smarter fandom with professional experience”! No other tinhat fandom doubts the protagonists of their conspiracy theory handle their social media! That’s just the new smarter fandom filled with professional men and women in 1D. Crisscolfer, Kaylor, Supernatural, Camren, you name it. Any CT mined fandom where social media is used, believes the exact same bullshit, Kati. U R NOT SPECIAL. You’re not smarter. The Larrie fandom didn’t “wise up” it tinhatted up. If you left your conspiracy bubble for three seconds and waltzed into literally any other corner of the entertainment world, you’d see that
After this, she drivels on and on about “pics or it didn’t happen” and shit like that. None of it is special to this fandom, Kati. None of it. What you’re describing is tinhatting. It has nothing to do with “this new smarter fandom.” Unless of course you believe in every other celeb conspiracy theory out there and how all the CT fandoms have also, coincidentally, become “smarter”
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This is equal parts self centered, arrogant, delusional, and wrong. 1D’s team did a ton of things to get new fans and it succeeded largely at it. 1D was one of the largest bands in terms of fanbase in the world. It got away with selling millions upon millions of records and selling out stadiums without getting huge songs. To this day a vast majority of the general public only knows 2 or 3 One Direction songs (WMYB, SOML, some will know Drag Me Down). I think it was too big for the teams it had, for sure, but that’s just logic speaking for itself. What other clients the caliber of 1D did Simon Jones, Modest, or Syco have? The only big fish in the game was Columbia. And at times it definitely showed in a lot of things. But to say that they were playing catch up for five years and had no plan whatsoever, is simply disingenuous. And so self aggrandizing.. Recognizing that they had their failures? Cool. Sitting oatur computer at home and pretending that u kknow better how to handle it? Demented
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You know when you read something that’s so wrong that you don’t even know where to start? Yeah..
You were lied about the band getting back together. One by one they have admitted to it, even if not in so many words. First Zayn said he didn’t even like being in 1D ever. Then Harry refused to ever confirm the band would get back together. You had Niall, Liam, and Louis preaching 18 months/2 years, but that soon changed. Niall got tired of being asked a few months into his promo in 2017, said “idk, man, idk! someday!” and asked not to be asked again. Liam lasted a little longer, but he literally said “ask the others, idk, man, idk!” a few months back. The only one standing is Louis, and I firmly believe it’s simply because he hasn’t done as much promo as Niall and Liam, who must’ve reached the point of exhaustion. His defeated “idk, man, idk” is happenning soon. I can feel it in my bones
There’s no leadership in 1DHQ because there is no 1DHQ because there is no 1D. The band is broken up. Gone. Donezo. There’s no one to steer one topic to the next
It’s not the “lack of leadership” which lead the fans to create “microfandoms.” It’s the fact that every member has gone solo..... that created microfandoms. You’re over 40, Kati, please, for the love of God, stop hanging onto a boyband that’s been dead for four years. This is so pathetic to read. Fans less than half your age cried about their lost band for a few days and got over it. You’re still throwing hissy fits on tumblr and talking about it as if it wasn’t deceased
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Just... no
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Louis DOES NOT have the most hardcore fans inside of 1D. He has the most LARRIES. His fanbase is almost entirely conformed by conspiracy theorists, that’s why it seems so hardcore to you. This is not a positive. As a fan of Louis, I can assure you it is not. This doesn’t translate well into literally anything. Y’all are a nuisance and ruin everything. You’re not fans of Louis, you don’t even LIKE HIM. You despise everything about him and everything he is. Everything he does. All the things that have shaped him. You call everything he says a lie and mock his desperate attempts for you to LISTEN TO HIM. That’s the exact opposite of a hardcore fanbase, you shithead. That’s as fickle as it gets, it can (and does) get lost any second. The smallest of his moves can set y’all off and wipe thousands of you from his ranks. Because none of you like even a little of who he really is. Y’all are gonna leave him sooner or later. It’s just a matter of when, not if. Hardcore my fucking ass
What has Harry done to make older white men think he’s cool? Paint his nails? Wear glitter and flowery suits? Sing about men? Proclaim at every chance he gets that he LOVES his mostly female/young audience? That he thinks they’re amazing and how much he appreciates them? What is it that appeals older white men? All the rainbows in everything he does? The only thing “older white men” might like about Harry is his music and its inspiration, that’s where it starts and where it ends, but everything he’s done and said since he’s gone solo is prone to prejudice them against him. He hasn’t lifted a finger to appeal to them. His team didn’t even push his songs on Adult/Contemporary radios (Niall’s did, but I don’t see you talking about that). Yeah, Hall Of Fame will expose him to that audience as well, but you know who else did Hall Of Fame? Miley Cyrus. Was she trying to appeal to older white men? Was that Jannelle Monae’s goal while inducing Janet Jackson? He’s co chairing the MET Gala in a couple of weeks. How’s that for a white older male audience? Being a Gucci model under Alessandro Michele must’ve helped a lot, I’m sure 🙄
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“If One Direction was going to come back” NO. Next question
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aggresivelyfriendly · 7 years ago
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~Meet Me In The Hallway~
Chapter 28-Fern Gully
I was laying on the bottom part of Harry's stomach doing my best to distract him with a game I had made up called, "Between Two Ferns."
It basically consisted of me going over all his tattoos and telling him why I thought they were stupid. It started when we had first gotten to South America. The hours in my bed at home had been frenzied and apparently noisy, but the lights were off and I missed a few additions to Harry' s body. It should have been a game for me. Surely, I could play those memory cards that little kids do and try to write down all of the 50+ tattoos the gorgeous idiot had on his body. I had postulated their meaning one night, using my deep thinking wanna be a writer and have read too many classics brain to give full meaning to many of the pieces of art he had chosen. I had then come to find out many of them were just completely stupid. "Oh, I wanted to try my gun." "Zayn likes Pink Floyd, well that album, I think." "Oh, do you not like 'Pingu', love?" These were the deep well of meaning for his forever etchings I'd run into. When we had a whole hotel room with a big white bed to sleep in one night in Rio, I'd been loose lipped from caipirinhas and loose limbed from Harry and told him that my Favorite tattoo had been the 'might as well' tattoo he had covered up with the giant ferns. I'd been emboldened by the alcohol I was slowly learning to enjoy in his presence. He'd been imbibing it liberally and I'd pulled him off Ben Winston to take him to our room. Some part of me meant this very innocently, but the newer, louder part meant every filthy implication of putting him to bed. I also wanted to try something new. The elevator had been empty, and for once it was handsy Melly. "Baby." He'd snorted, "that tickles!" He'd sneezed while I wiggled my fingers over his newly obscured v lines. "Good, now you know how it feels!" I'd giggled like I was the receiver of the tickles and the door had opened and he made a run for the door of our room. He'd swiped himself in and tried to close me out. My first instinct was to fight my way in, like I would with my brother, but instead I used a tactic I had recently discovered. I stuck out my bottom lip a little and looked up at him through my lashes, "Baby," I added a touch of whine to my voice. It really made me want to roll my eyes at myself, but Harry turned to custard when I combined these moves. He pulled the door back open and linked our fingers, pulling. The momentum of the move propelled me into his body and the closing door meant magnetized lips. Harry walked backwards through the living area making the most direct line possible without eyes and while physically connected to someone by teeth and tongue. It felt sexy, but Harry was undeniably clumsy and drunk. I had thought about his flailing limbs and falling habits one day and remembered when Michael sprouted up during puberty. It was like he was unaware of where his body began and ended suddenly. My brother had grown out of this growth induced bumbling. Harry had not. I wonder if from the outside looked like a pinball game as we ricocheted off of sofas and walls to make it to the bedroom. From the inside, the focus was on one another and getting to the room with the softest horizontal surface. The back of Harry's knees hit the mattress and I'd pushed him down. His hat popped off his head and the light from the window hit the sweat on his cheekbones making them glow. The light also caught the points of his collarbones and the ridges of his ribs and even the tips of his hipbones. These points of interest caught my eye too, in wonderfully frustrating ways. I realized then that he was drunk, but I was definitely tipsy. I pinched his right fern. I really wanted to pinch his v lines, but I couldn't see them so well anymore. "Why the fuck did you get these, mate?" I soothed my finger over the now hidden words. I missed them. He shivered at the contact, but frowned at my words. "You don't like them, angel?" He grabbed at my hands and started to sit up. I stopped his motion and pushed him back down. "Are they supposed to be arrows pointing to your dick?" I ticked up an eyebrow. "Because everybody knows where that is. Can't miss it." I cupped him through the damp cloth of his boxers and found him more than half hard. He swallowed and tried to find something to say. I decided to continue to leave him speechless. "Do you just like to keep the accounts that keep track of your stupid tattoos—" "Heeey!" "Busy?" His skin was on fire beneath my fingertips, running a few degrees above the usual and I wanted to be brave. I bit my lip and decided to go with the bold spirit I was feeling. Teasing him with words was familiar and made me more comfortable teasing him with other tools. I'd just hooked my fingers under his swim trunks when he found his voice. "You really don't like them?" The little people pleaser pouted. "Well," I pulled his trunks down watching his glans pop free of his waistband and hit between the two fern leaves. "I miss the less obscured view of your v lines." I leaned down and licked one, until my face was right next to his bobbing dick. I licked down the other way and stopped just above his waiting shaft. It flexed towards me and he whined. "But if it's a map telling me where I should go..." And I licked his tip and he made a new sound I wanted to hear on repeat.
My boldness started to flag when I realized I wasn't sure what to do, so I stroked him in a way that had become familiar and looked at him beseechingly. "Just," he sucked in a breath. "Just put it in your mouth. You'll be amazing, Melody. Just," he bucked into my hands and I wrapped my lips around the tip. His head popped up to watch, "watch the teeth."
So I opened my mouth wider and pursed my open lips and went down until it was uncomfortable and came back up. A natural suction was created and Harry's neck got weak. "That's it, Angel!" So I repeated the motion, and he reached a hand down to where I was holding his base. He moved my hand with his, up and down while I sucked his tip shallowly. Out of curiosity I pulled off to watch him and I stroke over his cock. The foreskin would come up and swallow his flared head and go back down again. I licked his glans and then again when the jacket covered it. His hand was speeding up and he was panting with anticipation. I jerked my hand to get him to let me take back over and chased his prepuce up and down until his hand buried itself into my hair and he quietly humped my mouth. "Angel, Melody, you gotta..."
I opened my eyes wide. He sounded like he was really close, stumbling over his words.
"I'm gonna cum!" He pulled my mouth off by my hair and I loved the yank. He covered the ferns with thick white spurts and I was transfixed.  Condoms had kept me from coming into contact with his ejaculate. I ran my fingers through and lay my head on the top of his thigh before bringing some gathered fluid to my mouth. It was bitter, but not unpleasant. He whined watching me.
"Next time, don't stop me?" I asked, I was pretty sure boys liked that from being unwillingly adjacent to a lot of male voices for years. "Melody," he prayed a hallelujah and linked our fingers again over a fern. "Still not sure I like these, but they seem to work!" I pinched his right fern and he yelped out a laugh. After that, I'd lay on his lower stomach sometimes before during and/or after and give him my opinions on things like the word big-stupid, sparrows-love, and padlocks-did a five year old do that? I also liked to do it when he was feeling stressed. It distracted both of us from the unforgiving pace we were going at. It was crazy to be on this beast of a tour. The crowds, the dates-one right after another, with no breaks, the constant promo, and now the 1D boys were also recording an album. Most nights Harry did not make it back to our room until 4 am. He'd fall into bed and lack enough interest to fade into me. The Take Me Home tour had been constant and strained and even crazier than the current circuit we were making around world with the film crew and writing and recording and adding dates upon dates.
It did not seem to be as thoroughly exhausting though. It may have been that those were incremental changes. The boys weren't faced with nearly a year of traveling to start with. Also, they had been fresher then. Fresher faced and had not already made three back to back albums and two circumnavigation of the globe in three years. The excitement of their new lives, fame, and money could have staved off the exhaustion. It wasn't so new now. But the pace remained. And it remained relentless. I could see it on the face of all of the boys. Niall weathered it best, you could bottle his energy. Louis got snarkier, Liam alternated between drinking and exercising, and Zayn withdrew. But I saw the changes in Harry more. To be fair, we essentially lived together, like a roving band of gypsies and Harry and I shared our caravan. When he came in and literally timbered into bed, with few words and no cuddles, I worried a little. One night was worrisome, night after night was problematic. "Fuck!" Harry roared walking in one evening. It wasn't the emotion I missed from him, but any show of personality not on stage was appreciated. However, this was accompanied by a slung bottle of water I had to jump over. "Ahh!" I found myself stumbling and tripping over my own feet. "Shit, sorry Melly! Didn't see you." Ouch.
I let the fact that he saw me rarely go. He came over and pulled me up. I thought he'd hug me, but the waves of emotion radiating off of him were of the don’t touch me variety. I took a step back from him and crossed my arms. "What's up Harry?" I gave him a glance over. "They fucking added a video shoot during our off time!" He ranted and started to pace. "Off time, which we don't fucking get, ever, and I had plans, in LA for meetings, about, like, after. Dammit, I'm gonna look like a stupid kid or uninterested! Fucking managements gonna milk us dry and then let us fade to oblivion. Give us no time to get another career or make other connections." All of his thoughts made sense, I knew they were all frustrated with the scheduling and pace and were continually pushing for more creative control. I had never heard these specific frustrations from Harry though and wondered where they were coming from. I knew in our time apart he had had a whole life I was unaware of and that he met and became close to some important people. There was a time when I'm sure I would have known all about his new plans and hopes, but a lot of the time that we used to spend talking was now spent doing other things, and lately, with recording, even that wasn't happening. At least I got to hold him while he slept. Harry gave a big sniff and coughed before running out of steam and deflating onto the couch below him. The coughs intensified and I thought about that too, worried about that too. He was sick, a lot. He had nearly not made it to me last tour because of his weakened immune system. He needed a break, they all needed a break, but they were just over half way through and I had already heard there would be another tour on the heels of this one. I worried. Mostly for Harry, and the other boys, their health and life and careers. But I also worried about Harry and I. There were things I didn't know, that I should. We weren't talking enough, and our other modes of connection where being belayed by late nights, the need for sleep, and snotty noses. I made my way over to the couch and fitted myself behind his body. I tried to tell him everything with that move. Harry nuzzled into me and found his way to my lap like he'd loved since our first movie date that wasn't a date. My hand was going to his hair as he reached to bring it there. "I'm sorry, H. I know you are tired—" "Honestly Melly, at this point I miss tired. Um, i'm so far beyond it that.." he shook his head and I petted him. "If...." I wasn't sure how to tell him I'd take the cup from him. "Is it weird to tell you I'd be you for any length of time to give you rest?" He rolled onto his back then to look up at my face and his lips turned down and his eyes filled.   He caressed my face while he let his frustration leak from his eyes. "No, because then, um, then you would feel like this. And I'd never want that for you." I leaned down to kiss his sweet lips and scoffed when he turned his face. "Harry..." "No, like, you'll get sick, like last time, Angel, and I won't be able to take care of you. Because I'll be fucking gone, like always."
“Baby, is there anybody you can talk to about this? To fix it?” I was scared to ask.
He looked at me in a way I’d never seen. Harry usually looked at me like I was magic, or brilliant, or his. In this moment, he looked at me like I was simple, and not in a good way. “Melody, they don’t care. They only want to milk the cash cow. If I am burned out or washed up at 23, they don’t care. Only I care, or you, or my mom. Maybe close friends, or Jeff?’ There was a question there.
“Who’s Jeff?” I’d heard the name mentioned and seen him pop up in the google alert I’d set for Harry.
“Azoff.” he said, like it meant something. I was going to ask the other questions, I was. I knew that they were important and that there were things that we should say-puzzle pieces missing, but Harry had blown out a breath and settled himself into my lap. “Angel?”
I pulled my attention from where I was staring at his hand, he’d started to wear rings. It was laying on his thigh. “Yeah?”
“Thank you.” His hand cupped my chin.
“For what?” I placed my fingers over his to tangle them together.
“For just…” he closed his eyes. “For being here, for….listening, I guess.”
“Always, H.” I promised and squeezed his hand. “I’m still your best friend.”
His eyes were closed, and I could tell he was nodding off.
The next day, i went shopping with the girl’s, and they all giggled when I bought Harry a ring. Lottie doubted he would even wear it. But Lou, Lou seemed to know him almost as well as me.
“He’ll love it,” she inspected the square lettering-PEACE- “he could use it.” and I nodded along with her.
Harry held me against him when I gave it to him that night. “It’s perfect, Angel.” He slipped it on immediately and we both admired the way it looked against his skin, and then my own.
At the time, it was a sweet moment between us. My wish for him and a promise to be his resting place. I think it still means something to him, he still wears my ring.
I still wear a matching one.
It mattered. It matters, but now I think maybe it was a volley into no man’s land, a lost cause. I was a little child trying to stop a flood by sticking my finger in a dyke.
Because the only way to save us, was to sacrifice me.
 I don’t know who you are, but playlist anon-I love you!!!
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lululawrence · 7 years ago
Hey there! I've come to your blog and tumblr in general after a long, long time, so I hope you're doing well. That being said, I'd love to know how you would describe the 1D hiatus or the past few years in the boys' context?
like to summarize the hiatus so far? good heavens. i almost envy you for not being here for all of this but at the same time i’d not wanna be anywhere else lol 
let’s do this one by one, shall we? i in no way say this is all encompassing, i’m going to miss a hell of a lot of shit, but as i said, it’s a basic summary, yeah? 
this got out of hand so i’m putting it all below a cut. lol 
let’s start with niall. he went on the lads holiday we wanted all of them to have, proper travelled the world and barely touched social media (his public accounts, anyway). he was hardly recognized, as far as we could tell, and had a great time with his friends going all around asia and seeing placed he’d never been able to explore before. he started songwriting and let us know by giving us this town. he did the jingle ball circuit that year and then in 2017 gave us slow hands and too much to ask as his singles while he toured small venues and rocked it and released his album flicker. he’s now out there ruling the world, as our irish king should, and has released on the loose most recently as he tours bigger venues on a longer tour whee! add in all the golf fun he’s been having between the modest golf stuff and the masters and such and he’s basically living the life we all deserve.
i’ll do harry next because, surprisingly, his is easier to explain than even liam’s lolll so harry went ghost. and then he showed up with no official confirmation actually on set for dunkirk, so that was when we finally learned FOR REAL that he was doing it. after dunkirk, he went ghost again and then all of a sudden in april last year we got an advert for him. sign of the times was released with info about his album and a small venue tour. it was like the hunger games trying to get tickets for that small venue tour sigh. dunkirk promo was an absolute gift, the film was amazing, and then he then put on a few small shows he announced the day of and gave the revenue to charity. lovely, right? then the small tour went off and was amazing and basically went ghost after the tour until it was time to kick off his big tour, which he’s in the middle of now. there was some super minimal stunting from his side, lots of quality promo but still on the minimalist side, and overall just kinda quiet as harry goes and is loud on the stage hehe
liam. okay liam. so 2016 was quiet and full of rumors and then he confirmed he signed a single deal, the first of any of the boys. like niall his is with UMG and not sony, so we were really excited for him. something i forgot to say for niall is his label is 100% behind him and doing AMAZING things for him promo wise. like holy mother they are perfect. niall is very much being marketed as the every day guy and he’s doing great with it. for liam they are also doing great promo, but liam’s promo is just...different. gosh i’m the worst at this i’m sorry. okay so liam signed a very public deal and then didn’t really release anything for a long time. niall released music and then louis did jho with steve, and then harry did his thing, and THEN liam released strip that down with quavo. tbh niall and liam ruled the summer radio last year with their singles, and liam’s promo was so fucking on point. he was doing interviews and shows and was just kinda everywhere, i’m still so proud. liam also did a collab with zedd and kept promising an album but the date kept getting pushed back. OH and somewhere in last year i think bear was born? i obviously keep good track of that. so add a baby that people feel about 70 different ways about in there with music stuff. then in fall of last year he released bedroom floor, and then in the winter he and rita ora did for you (is that the title? i know the song, not the title i’m sorry) as part of the 50 shades shit and liam rocked that too. he’s now also released familiar with j balvin and we still have no word about his album. lollllll so basically he’s been nonstop promo with a fair amount of music and just...no album. plus a baby and constant rumors about his relationship with whats her face. JUST GIVE US THE ALBUM AND TOUR PLS! oh and he performed for the biggest crowd, bigger than even 1d tour crowds, in dubai just a month or so ago! isn’t that awesome?
and now louis. snort. okay so there was the baby shitshow in early 2016 paired with 5 gazillion pap walks with danielle and/or the baby. lots of partying with the lads. basically he was seen constantly with nothing to sell other than the fact he is obvs very much a dad and very much straight. then in december of 2016 we got word that jay died and suddenly he was releasing a song with steve aoki. just hold on did awesome things, steve was incredible for louis during that entire time, and the promo was pretty damn good. during all of this danielle was suddenly gone and we were thrown back into elounor like it was 2012. everything went a bit quiet after jho, but we got updates he was in the studio, which fine. and then back to you with bebe happened and it was great and fun and promo was alright minus the baby stuff and he promised the album was making good progress and he thought maybe a couple more singles before releasing it hopefully by the end of the year. *stares at the camera* i have opinions on his twitter use so i’ll refrain from saying anything other than it was prolific and there but not necessarily helpful. in addition to the magazines and modeling that liam, niall, and harry all did, louis also did a couple of them and they were mostly positive. he gave us a song that wasn’t technically a single, a song he said was for the fans, just like you on national coming out day so you know there is that too. and then he released miss you. he did a shitload of promo earlier in the year when there wasn’t anything to sell yet, he did a little for bty, but then almost nothing for miss you. literally almost NOTHING. and that song got almost zero radio play. and like wth?? anyway. he’s switched managers though still with the same company, other things have changed but we haven’t seen much evidence of what it means for him but are also still waiting for his album. and tour, though he promised small venues as well so we anticipate the hunger games part 2. add in the fact the baby is still supposedly his and eleanor is still apparently there and that’s basically that.
so. there you go. the worst summary in the history of all summaries. i hope this helped? all i know is they all still love and support each other so much and imo harry and louis are still incredibly supportive and in love. and that’s what you missed on glee.
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epiphany-in-exile · 7 years ago
Billboard Taylor Swift's 2017: The Timeline 12/18/2017 by Allison Stubblebine From the record-breaking 'Reputation' to speaking out against sexual assault, Swift continued to change culture in 2017. Taylor Swift didn't do a lot in 2017... until she did. Following months spent attempting to fly under the radar, and the Instagram blackout of Aug. 2017, Swift took the rest of the year by storm, with a not-so-traditional album rollout for Reputation and a series of larger than life visuals to accompany the first singles. Fans got a sneak preview at what was to come from her personally curated Secret Sessions, but those were hidden away from the lens of the media. Now that Reputation is here to stay, Billboard has taken a look back at Swift's action packed year. Jan. 27 - “I Don’t Want to Live Forever” music video release Swift kicked off the New Year with the release of the visuals to Fifty Shades Darker track “I Don’t Wanna Live Forever.” Swift and former 1D artist Zayn trashed a hotel room for the video, lit by flashing shades of blue and red. The song peaked at No. 2 on the Billboard Hot 100. Feb. 4 2017 - Taylor Swift plays “only show of 2017” Swift broke some disappointing news to fans during her pre-Super Bowl set for DIRECTV Now Super Saturday Night. "I have to be really honest with you about something: As far as I know, I'm doing one show in 2017. And as far as I know, this is that one show," Swift said long before the announcement of Reputation. She added, “You're the crowd in my most recent daydreams, when I'm thinking about being onstage, so I was wondering: If you don't feel like dancing for yourself or screaming for yourself, you don't feel in the mood or whatever, you're like stressed out, would you do it for me tonight?" Feb. 15-16 - TAS Rights Management, LLC filed nine separate trademarks for “Swifties” Swift’s brand nailed down the things most true to her: Swifties. Nine separate trademarks were filed for the word alone, including one involving “a website featuring non-downloadable audio recordings [and] video recordings.” The idea that Swift would launch her own streaming service was debunked. Mar. 2 - Ed Sheeran teases Swift’s upcoming album The singer revealed that his pal would be putting her music out quite late on in the year, saying, “Taylor [Swift] isn’t going to be releasing until probably the end of this year—Christmas is the smartest time to release because that’s when everyone buys records.” Looks like he was right. Mar. 10 - Man arrested for stalking/burglary inside Swift’s apartment building A man was arrested in Swift’s New York City building on charges of burglary, stalking, and trespassing. According to a Page Six report, the man allegedly hoped to meet the singer face-to-face. While the man was initially held on $20,000 bail, he was found unfit to stand trial and reportedly “placed in the custody of the New York State Office of Mental Health” as of late September. April 4 - “Busy working” on new album in Nashville After the singer had been spotted driving around Nashville, a source confirmed to ET that she’d come “to get away from the paparazzi,” and also that she had “been busy working on her upcoming album.” May 15 - She’s really in Nashville! Swift celebrates Mother’s Day at home with her mom TMZ did the heavy digging and proved that Swift really had been in Nashville - though she may have been hopping back and forth, as she was spotted getting onto her private jet after a spending the weekend with mama Swift for Mother’s Day. July 4 - Keeping it low-key for the first time in years on the Fourth of July Paparazzi were very upset that Swift didn’t have an Independence day blowout tailor-made for media, even though she'd been keeping a relatively low profile all year. Aug. 14 - $1 Countersuit Win The long-drawn-out legal battle between DJ David Mueller, who was accused of reaching under the pop star’s skirt to grope her during a photo shoot in 2013, was finally put to rest. After Mueller attempted to countersue for damages that occurred following Swift’s accusation (which was quietly made to the station, who promptly let him go), the singer was awarded a single symbolic dollar in damages. Swift’s attorney Douglas Baldridge explained the value, “It means no means no, and it tells every woman that they will determine what is tolerated with their body." Aug. 18-20 - Bye bye, old Taylor… and old posts In the internet-breaking fashion Swift seems to have perfected, the singer’s social media accounts went into full blackout mode. No old posts were to be found anywhere, signaling that she was gearing up to launch something huge. Aug. 21 - She’s back, but only with some snakes In one of the best social media moments of the year, Swift posted a three-part series of glitch-y snake videos without captions to her Instagram to break her short-lived blackout. The image of the snake had become synonymous with Swift’s internet-meme identity, following the drawn-out beef with Kim Kardashian and Kanye West regarding West’s “Famous” lyrics and video. Aug. 23 - It’s an album! After five days (AKA an eternity in Swiftie time), Swift revealed the project behind the social media madness. Continuing in the three-part posting style, Swift announced “FIRST SINGLE OUT TOMORROW NIGHT,” posted the cover art, and announced the release date for then-upcoming album Reputation. All posts were still caption-less. Aug. 24 - Look what you made her do. Swift released Reputation’s lead single “Look What You Made Me Do” with a clever caption on Instagram: “..ready for it? New single #LookWhatYouMadeMeDo out now.” Of course, the forthcoming track title remained an inside joke to the singer’s team upon posting time. Aug. 27 - Look what you made her do, part two. The singer premiered the visuals for “LWYMMD” at the 2017 MTV VMAs, snagging 43.2 million views in the first 24 hours alone, now standing with over 783 million views. The Joseph Kahn-directed visual is loaded with references to the “old Taylor,” including a tombstone for Nils Sjoberg, her songwriting pseudonym on ex-boyfriend Calvin Harris’ 2016 hit “This Is What You Came For,” nearly all of her most iconic outfits, more snakes, and nearly all her besties’ names scribbled on a new version of her “You Belong With Me” music video costume. Sept. 3 - “…Ready for It?” released Swift released the second track off Reputation after she previewed it on Saturday Night Football the night prior. It followed suit with the darker, much more dramatic new Taylor, yet gave no clearer picture of what was yet to come. Sept. 5 - No. 1, again Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do" tops the Billboard Hot 100, where it would reign for three weeks. The song was her fifth Hot 100 No. 1 and broke the weekly streaming record for a song by a woman; it also stopped the record-tying 16-week reign of "Despacito." Sept. 7 - TayTay On Demand Ever wanted to know what Swift is up to at any given moment? Well this isn’t exactly that, but the trailer jokes that it will be. Swift announced her new video-on-demand channel in partnership with AT&T and DirectTV called Taylor Swift NOW, accompanied by a hilarious play-by-play of Swift’s day in the studio (complete with Andy Samberg cameo). Oct. 11 - The Swift Life app announced Stans will finally have a one-stop-shop for finding out everything there is to know about their fave singer. It is said to function as a social network of sorts, leaning into Swift’s hobby of “lurking” and replying to fans on social media, and also offering an opportunity to “collect Taymojis, stickers, pics, and more.” Oct. 20 - “Gorgeous” released The predictable yet addicting pop track the world was waiting for finally arrived. Swift sang of a romantic interest that was somehow too gorgeous for even a superstar like her to talk to. James Reynolds, two-year-old daughter of Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively, was later officially credited in album liner notes as the voice at the beginning of the track. Oct. 27 - “…Ready for it?” returns with visuals The fans surely weren’t ready for it, yet with the Joseph Kahn directed video packed with hidden messages, it wasn’t long before Swifties decoded them all. Among the most obvious are Swift’s birth year spray-painted on a wall, the Chinese characters for “Year of the Snake,” as well as a similar lightning strike in the intro to Calvin Harris’ “This is What You Came For” album art. Nov. 2 - “Call It What You Want” lyric video released Fans started to get a fuller picture of what was coming from Reputation in just over a week. Swift seemed to be finding her way to happiness in the first ballad to be released from the album, but she was still attempting to rid herself of the drama she’d endured. The day was special for more than one reason, coinciding with the 13th anniversary (Swift’s lucky number) of meeting Scott Borchetta, the Big Machine Records executive who signed her and gave her the fateful big break. Nov. 7 - Track list revealed on Swift’s Instagram Account Three days prior to the Reputation release date, Swift posted the back cover to the album, featuring the track listing. Nov. 8 - CMA Win Even though she's left country in the dust on her own albums, Swift's song for Little Big Town, "Better Man," nabbed song of the year at the 2017 CMAs. Nov. 9 - The album was leaked, and this is why we can’t have nice things In this day and age, so many albums leak prior to release date, but not quite in this fashion: missing from the leaked files was track no. 13, “This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things.” Whether it was at the hands of Swift’s team, Swift herself, or a sneaky fan, it was quite the clever move. On the same day, an intimate recording “New Years Day” from what looks like a secret session was premiered on ABC during an episode of Scandal. Nov. 10 - Reputation is out everywhere, except for streaming services Reputation hit shelves and online retailers; a Target exclusive version included a magazine with poems and photos from Swift. She announced 20 days later that Reputation would be available to stream at midnight on Dec. 1. Nov. 11 - SNL Swift plays Saturday Night Live, busting out "...Ready for It?" and an acoustic "Call It What You Want." Nov. 13 - Tonight Show Following the death of Jimmy Fallon's mother, Taylor Swift agreed to appear on The Tonight Show to play a moving version of "New Year's Day." Nov. 20 - Reputation Is No. 1 Swift's Reputation becomes her fifth No. 1 album on the Billboard 200. Reputation notched 2017’s biggest week for an album, as the set earned 1.238 million equivalent album units in the week ending Nov. 16, according to Nielsen Music. Of that sum, 1.216 million were in traditional album sales -- the largest sales frame for an album since 2015. It would hold the No. 1 spot for three weeks. Nov. 28 - Grammy Time The Taylor Swift-penned "Better Man" from Little Big Town is nominated for best country song -- which is a songwriter(s) award, so Swift will get a trophy if it wins. She's also nominated for best song written for visual media for her Zayn collab "I Don't Want to Live Forever." Dec. 1 - Taylors In the Stream Reputation appears on the major streaming services. Dec. 4 2017 - Reputation, but make it fashion (UK Vogue cover) Vogue UK revealed its first cover of the new year would feature Swift. Newly appointed Editor in Chief Edward Enninful styled the singer during his second cover after taking the reigns from Alexandra Shulman. Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott, also photographers for all Reputation visuals, shot the twelve-page spread. Two days later, the high fashion mag revealed a poem Swift wrote exclusively to run with the feature, titled, "The Trick to Holding On." Dec. 6 2017 - Swift is one of Time’s “Silence Breakers” Her summer court case was not meant to be a media spectacle, but it was meant to prove a point with the symbolic $1 request. As Time gave the platform to “The Silence Breakers,” women who helped bring sexual assault and harassment to the forefront of the national conversation, as its 2017 Person of the Year, Swift was among the individuals highlighted. The Time interview is the first time Swift has done press about the court case, and in it she detailed reaching out to Kesha for support, as well as her feelings as she sat in the courtroom. "I was angry. In that moment, I decided to forego any courtroom formalities and just answer the questions the way it happened,” Swift said. “This man hadn’t considered any formalities when he assaulted me, and his lawyer didn’t hold back on my mom -- why should I be polite? I’m told it was the most amount of times the word 'ass' has ever been said in Colorado Federal Court." Dec. 8 2017 - Swift Plays iHeartRadio’s Z100 Jingle Ball in NYC The pre-Super Bowl performance wasn’t her only concert of 2017, after all. Camila Cabello and Lindsay Lohan were Swift’s biggest fans at the show, posting videos dancing the night away to various social media platforms. Dec. 11 - Reputation Continues to Be Big Swift earned her 55th Hot 100 hit with Reputation album track "End Game," featuring rapping from Future, Ed Sheeran and herself. Dec. 13 - B'Day & Tix While some fans were able to buy tickets in advance, the general public tickets for Swift's Reputation Tour went on sale Dec. 13, 2017 -- not coincidentally her 28th birthday. She released a tour trailer to celebrate. Dec. 14 - Still Getting 'Ready' Swift dropped a lyric video for BloodPop's bouncy remix of "...Ready for It?"
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chicagofreestyle · 8 years ago
I'm tired about the hate Camila has been getting for the past few months so let me address something. After the release of ILWYDLS, a large chunk of people started turning their back on Camila. People would call for her to leave the group and basically bully her where she was either needing to defend herself or not come on Twitter at all. This went on for the longest time until she actually left. And even to this day she's receiving hate comments.
"Camila was using 5H for promo but couldn't take the heat when they were asked about her"
This one is pretty stupid. Go back to any of her interviews and you won't see one single bad sentence about them. She wished success for them on Down. If she had been asked and refused to answer, the 5H stans' narrative would've been she doesn't care about them enough to acknowledge them. The only ~not so positive~ mention MIGHT be I Have Questions. And even then she doesn't want to reveal who it's about. 5H on the other hand completely ambushed her. In the letter tweeted on December 19th, it was worded to say she had announced she was leaving at that exact moment but in the interview they said they went over the entire OT4 thing in April 2016. They basically wrote off her depression as "we couldn't change her and I sleep at night knowing I at least tried" (which was pretty fucking ironic how they demeaned her considering the focus shifted on Lauren's mental health like 2 sentences later). If you tell lies about someone, expect a reaction. It’s simple.
"Camila is racist"
Concerning the Facebook messages, never ever was she Camila Cabello. She was always Karla Cabello, there's literally screenshots online. She never called Normani the N word. It’s actually simple to get the most generic photo on Google, make it your profile picture and go along with it.
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Concerning her 1D fan account and few DMs that leaked from 2014, she was literally a kid who owned up to it the minute it got leaked. She never tried shifting the blame, she took the heat and apologized for everything. I'm not excusing her for her actions but we're not all born knowing what's right and what isn't. Since her apology, she has shown support for the Black Lives Matter (each word has a different tweet) movement, even being seen in a Colin Kaepernick shirt (who is currently offering a free program to teach POC how to interact with police officers). The "Camila is racist" narrative is used as a petty way to demean her for something people made up or she had already apologized for. Camila isn’t the person she was before. A person who has not grown will try to change the environment around them to seem right, they wouldn’t correct themselves.
“Camila went behind their back and released solo music”
Come at me with this and I’d rock your shit. Let’s do the timeline that every 5H fan loves to hear.
July 10th 2015: Ally Brooke and Camila attend Taylor Swift’s concert in East Rutherford, New Jersey. Shawn Mendes is the opening act. Backstage, Camila and Shawn apparently wrote IKWYDLS. Ally is left in the pit.
November 18th 2015: IKWYDLS is released. Camila is a snake.
Here’s the actual timeline:
January 19th 2015: Worth It is released on iTunes.
January 28th 2015: Worth It debuts on the Billboard Hot 100 at #82
July 10th 2015: Ally Brooke and Camila attend Taylor Swift’s concert in East Rutherford, New Jersey. Shawn Mendes is the opening act. Backstage, Camila and Shawn apparently wrote IKWYDLS. Ally is left in the pit
August 8th 2015: Worth It peaks on Billboard at #12.
August 14th 2015: Fifth Harmony join Taylor Swift onstage to perform Worth It
November 14th 2015: Worth It falls out of the Billboard Top 100 charts.
November 18th 2015: IKWYDLS is released.
December 1st 2015: Lauren Jauregui and Marian Hill meet backstage after Lauren attended one of her shows.
September 19th 2016: That’s My Girl music video is released.
September 27th 2016: That’s My Girl is announced as the new single.
October 14th 2016: Camila Cabello releases Bad Things with MGK.
December 8th 2016: Lauren Jauregui releases Back To Me.
December 10th 2016: That’s My Girl debuts on the Billboard Hot 100 at #73
December 30th 2016: Lauren Jauregui joins Marian Hill to perform Back To Me at one of her shows.
December 31st 2016: That’s My Girl falls out of the Billboard Hot 100.
To sum it all up, Camila released her music at the end of the group’s singles’ life on the charts. IKWYDLS didn’t release until Worth It fell of the charts. Bad Things was released a few weeks after That’s My Girl showed no life whatsoever to be a hit like Work From Home or Worth It. Camila is a snake for writing with Shawn Mendes at a Taylor Swift concert. Camila is a snake for releasing her music when Worth It fell off the charts. Lauren, however, is a lyrical genius even after it was revealed she planned to collab with Marian Hill back around the time IKWYDLS was released. Lauren isn’t shunned for releasing Back To Me when That’s My Girl starts doing numbers? Lauren isn’t to blame for the group’s falling out when That’s My Girl was barely breathing and she decided that performing Back To Me was a must? That’s funny. Also let’s not mention how Ally debut her own solo song A WEEK AFTER Fifth Harmony’s comeback single Down was released and how Lauren collaborated with Halsey to release Strangers A WEEK BEFORE Down was released. Fifth Harmony and their fans had to be pissed after experiencing the same thing with Camila, right? Nope, now they say that solo projects keep the group together.
“Camila never defended the girls. She left them in the dust while her fans kept attacking them”
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Except she did. This was a response to Normani receiving racial comments.
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Response to The Vamps sexist comments about Lauren Jauregui.
MEANWHILE Camila was receiving comments saying she wasn’t committed or wouldn’t “share” solos. She responded to the person:
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This was a HUGE thing so Fifth Harmony had to have said something right?
Here’s your answer.
So you’re telling me Fifth Harmony managed to go through all those months not seeing the hate Camila got? You’re telling me Dinah and Normani, people who constantly check their indirects and timelines never peeped her getting hate and only saw love and support to them? But you wanna say Camila was the one who always stayed mute?
“Fifth Harmony tried their best. They asked for meetings and she never went”
Before I get to that, let��s do a flashback:
“LaPolt successfully transferred the Fifth Harmony trademark from Cowell to the group, meaning the women now own the name, along with the right to control how it is used and to profit from any deals. (The agreement -- signed in April 2016, months ahead of Cabello’s exit -- doesn’t name Cabello in the “Fifth Harmony Partnership.” “I don’t represent Camila,” is all LaPolt will say.) She then renegotiated 5H’s contract with Epic, which she characterized as “a very adversarial” process.” ----- Taken from Billboard article recently.
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Camila wasn’t listed on May 11th 2016, not April 2016. Here’s the funny part:
“We called for group meetings which she refused, we asked LA Reid and the label to step in and try to set meetings, which again, she refused. We even went as far as group counseling which she did not show up to.” ---- Fifth Harmony’s letter to fans announcing Camila’s departure.
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Camila was spotted with LA Reid in April 2016, a person the group claimed Camila never saw. At the second picture, the guy’s name is Joey Arbagey. On his Linkedin profile, he’s listed as the VP of A&R at Epic Records, So you’re telling me it’s just a coincidence Camila was seen with LA/Epic Records consultant a few weeks before everything was done for good? Camila just attended a meeting that the group said she never went to? Interesting.
And last but not least
“Camila never tried with them. Fifth Harmony tried being there for her.”
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lewisandneil · 8 years ago
aaaa i wanna know more about your thoughts on elounor (if you don't mind) 🤤
nonnie! im sorry i didnt answer you earlier :( ok i just their entire love story is so aksjdkasjd. they met when they were 19/20 years old and eleanor was right by his side through the whole 1d getting fcking bigger than anyone ever expected it. she was there supporting him and at the same time getting so much hate, that sometimes im like how could she endure so much?? like im pretty sure more than 60% of her replies whenver she posted something on any of her social media accounts back then were disgusting shit. but she stayed, she loved louis and louis loved her right back?? 
like at the very beginning he tried to protect her so much with all the explosive tweets, the bullshit one being the most rmembered one, (ok and let’s not forget how she was also there to back him up in HIS twitter fights). he was there for her when she graduated, he did everything for her not to feel so overwhelmed by this huge thing that was being linked to 1D, you just could see how much they loved each other and complemented each other??
and then like i guess a lot of love stories do, it came to an end? and suddenly they found themselves being just eleanor and louis without elounor. and suddenly eleanor found herself being free to post/do whatever she wanted wihtout getting the wave of hate she used to? without being called awful names? without stupid people trying to erase her story every single step? she became this fashion blogger without the l*rries trying to bring her down? and she made a name for herself. and i can only imagine how refreshing that was for her, like it must have felt so good. and then there was louis... having lost 2 of the most important people in his life in a period of a few months? and trying to live the single life for like the first time after so many years... having fun, bringing his squad to be there for him and relying on them.... finding himself about to be A DAD, finding another girl who wanted to be there for him and loving her so much, having to learn how to be in another relationship with somebdoy who was not eleanor, and well the most painful one of all the changes he had to go through... losing his mum in one the most devastating ways. 
And the incredible thing is this whole lot of things changed him and her too... like it would to any other person. and altho im not sure when they started talking again, i guess one of the things that brought them back together was jay... jay loved eleanor so much and eleanor loved her right back. I guess she was someone louis could lean on (even tho i know danielle was with him too ok), because she knew like only his family and closest friends did, how much jay supported him throughout all his life and specially while in 1D, eleanor knew because she was right beside jay, the two women (apart from his sisters) who knew eveyrthing louis had been through for the last 4 years. 
In the end idk if we will ever know how they ended up reconnecting again, but like they did?. as I said as two very different people, from back when when they were together, but who decided to love each other again, who believed that giving their relationship another chance was worth it, accepting all the changes that came with this decision. Sometimes I think of Louis and Eleanor as the girl/boy version of the other one. And that is beautiful
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