#i wanna be able to watch the mandalorian and it just be about the mandalorian
lyriumsings · 1 year
mandalorian was surprisingly underwhelming tbh idk it just doesn’t have the same gravity as the first two seasons i don’t hate it at all but you can clearly see it’s kind of meandering in the name of offshooting more content off of it
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
can you please do a demetri x fem reader?? reader has like the biggest crush on him, shes nerdy like him and has the courage of asking him out :3
oo okay! ; one little thing, I do only write gn/ they/them readers so everyone can enjoy and everyone feels included! gender wasn't mentioned practically at all but yk 🙏 ; but thank you for requesting! hope you enjoy! ; also I kept this short and sweet cause I rlly couldn't drag it out much lol
summary ; you've had a crush on demetri for a long time, and you finally gain the courage to ask him out
warnings ; language
word count ; 619
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You haven't known Demetri for that long, but after being introduced by Sam and Miguel, you'd come to like him, a lot. You were both nerds, finding peace in niche fantasy comics and superhero movies. He'd often make references and come over to your house to watch a new movie or the latest release in a comic series you were reading.
But he'd never taken the hints, ever.
You tried making advances a trillion times, your friends would often joke about you or stick you together. You didn't do karate like them, but sometimes you wish you did because maybe, just maybe, he'd look at you. Maybe you'd be able to impress him enough to see the potential you held in a relationship, if that even made sense.
But, after the fall of Cobra Kai and Kreese and Silver, you'd had some months to kind of tune into karate, see what they did, help them out with little favors. You had nothing better to do, so why not just help them out and maybe make new friends?
That's where Tory came in.
You'd ranted on and on to her and Robby about how much you liked Demetri and how you wished he'd just see the signs. They promised to help you with him, and they held themselves to their word.
You were at the county fair, accompanying Demetri, Tory, Robby, and Devon.
The moon was shining, the neon lights illuminating your path to the ferris wheel.
Robby and Tory whisper as you, Demetri, and Devon follow. Tory turns around as you enter the line, a look of realization on her face.
"How do you guys wanna do groups? Only two people can ride in a cart, and there's five of us." The blonde speaks
"I can go alone," Devon replies rather quickly, "You two should be together," She refers to Tory and Robby. "I'd rather go alone, I like sitting right in the middle," She shrugs, trying to write off the fact she was also in on trying to get you and Demetri together.
"Oh, uh, okay" Demetri shrugs
Tory and Robby nod, and as you realize they're staring at you to do the same, you do.
After a long wait, you hop into the cart with Demetri, awkwardly awaiting for the ride to properly begin. He takes notice of your awkwardness, unable to talk or start conversation, finding it a little confusing. He writes it out as you're probably just tired and hungry.
"So, did you see that new episode of The Mandalorian?" He asks
You shake your head. "Not yet"
You're both silent until you reach the top, your eyes gazing upon the whole lit up fairground.
"Wow, isn't that cool?"
You nod, deciding to just get it over with because you'll be able to escape within the next two minutes. You look back at Tory and Robby, nodding their heads, giving you a thumbs up.
"Demetri, I have something to tell you,"
He looks at you, a bit of worry on his face. "What's up?"
"I like you."
You felt like the whole world was crumbling beneath you, your heart dropping as you spoke. You scan his face, waiting for something, anything. Rejection would've been better than this silence.
In an act you weren't expecting, he places his hands on your cheeks and quickly kisses you, the audible cheers of Tory and Robby behind you like the music to your slow dance. Devon looks up on the curve, also seeing your lips smashed together. She smiles, leaning back in the cart as she takes in the faltering view.
"Y/n and Demetri just kissed!" Tory shouts down to Devon while your faces heat up.
"I saw!"
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mcflymemes · 2 months
PROMPTS FROM THE MANDALORIAN SEASON 2 *  assorted dialogue from the tv show, adjust as necessary
enjoy the fights.
they say it lives here. they say it sleeps.
i know you're good at killing.
where did you get the armor?
i'm sure you call the shots where you come from, but 'round here, i'm the one who tells folks what to do.
take it off. or i will.
i'm prepared to pay you for the information.
i'm not leaving my fate up to chance.
thank you for coming to me.
give it to me now, or i will peel it off your corpse.
you must promise you won't kill me.
i promise that you will not die by my hand.
that wasn't part of the deal.
you don't understand what it was like.
i've got an idea. get its attention.
maybe we can work something out.
they might be open to some fresh ideas.
i hope someday our paths will cross again.
we've heard the stories.
what am i supposed to do with this?
am i under arrest?
you might be in luck.
oh, stop your crying. you'll rust.
i'm not a taxi service.
i paraphrased.
what can i say? i'm an excellent judge of character.
i'll let you know if i see any.
how much will it cost me?
thank you for letting me know. i'll get right on it.
what the hell are you doing?
this was not a part of the deal.
if you hadn't guessed, we're in a tight spot.
that old thing's gonna break apart in this atmosphere.
are you sure you won't join us?
there's something i need to do.
this is more than i signed up for.
that planet is cursed. anyone who goes there dies.
i can lead you to one of their kind.
do you copy?
put some tea on. we'll be up in a minute.
i'll let you live.
we've been hitting them pretty hard.
this was the best you could do?
were you able to eliminate them?
looks like we made it. get ready for landing.
according to records, you're quite a soldier. we could really use you.
that was some pretty impressive flying.
can i at least buy you a drink?
i believe you two have met.
i'm surprised to see this place is still standing.
i'll take my chances down here.
we'll watch the doors.
can we talk business?
i'm only here for repairs.
you wanna come back here and try this? be my guest!
i'm sure we can work something out.
i cannot train him.
you've seen what he can do.
i must get back to the village.
i've seen him do things i can't explain.
show yourself. i've been expecting you.
you will learn nothing from me.
surrender, or face the consequences.
we must find a way to free them.
my price is high.
i believe this is your payment.
you made me a promise, and i held up my end.
your bounty hunter failed.
if you want my armor, you'll have to peel it off my dead body.
i give my allegiance to no one.
nice shot.
you look like you've just seen a ghost.
you may think you have some idea of what you're in possession of, but you do not.
it's all the same to these people.
hey, i'm just a realist. i'm a survivor, just like you.
let's get one thing straight. you and i are nothing alike.
everybody's got their line they don't cross until things get messy.
you did what you had to do.
everybody thinks they want freedom, but what they really want is order.
we got company. hang on.
you get to the roof. i'll drop in and pull you out.
hey, if you want to accuse me of something, then just say it.
let's just say they might recognize my face.
you're not going alone. i'm coming with you.
that's not how this works.
that was some nice shooting back there.
wish i could say it looked good on you, but i'd be lying.
i can't go in there.
are you a jedi?
that's who you belong with.
may the force be with you.
you're a disgrace to your armor.
i've heard your voice thousands of times.
i thought you were dead.
don't be afraid.
drop your weapon.
don't worry about me. just be careful in there.
i need your help.
you're sparing my life?
open the doors.
i suggest you shut your mouth.
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Magnolia - Din Djarin x Reader
Magnolia (Magnolia) - Meaning: Dignity, perseverance
Summary: Din is blackmailed by Peli into going to the doctor for the first time since he took his Creed. The doctor is not what he expected.
Pairing: Din x Reader (3rd person POV)
Word Count: 2386
Warnings: 3rd person POV, Peli being a bit of a bully, no Grogu, probably inaccurate Star Wars medical practices, Din being mysterious, tattooed!Din, needles/hyposprays, brief helmetless!Din but not in front of reader, awkward!Din warming up to someone, slight touch-starved!Din if you squint
Day 16 is the longest so far! This was supposed to be the first chapter of a series featuring Din and a doctor love interest, but I think it works here too. Also, today is my anniversary with my partner, so I'm dedicating this to him! 13 years together, 9 married. Holy shit, where does time go?
In Bloom Masterlist
Likes, Comments, Reblogs are ALWAYS appreciated! ❤️
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“I don’t wanna hear it, Mando!” the older woman exclaimed, “Doc, you here? Sit down, would ya? You’re makin’ me nervous. Doc?” 
A modulated voice said something she couldn’t make out as she made her way out of the exam room to the waiting area. Peli was facing her, hands of her hips, but her attention immediately went to she silver-clad form of a man sitting on a chair in her waiting room. His head was covered with a shiny helmet, his gloved hands resting on his thighs, and even though she couldn’t read his expression on his face she could see the tension in his form. 
“Good, you’re here,” Peli said to her, “My friend Mando here,” she jerked her thumb over her shoulder to the man, “has just informed me that he hasn’t been to a doctor since he was a child, and in his line of work that seems really stupid so I dragged him here, you got time for an exam?” 
“Of course,” she said, “but I feel it needs to be said that I don’t usually perform exams on unwilling patients…over the age of 8, that is.” She smirked. And the Mandalorian’s helmet tilted as if in disbelief. He rose to his feet, his full height and breadth unfolding to take up much more space than she’d initially thought. 
“Fine,” the modulated voice said, ”Let’s get this over with.” 
Peli’s smirk read of something deeper than concern for her beskar-clad friend, but she didn’t have time to parse it for meaning as the Mandalorian made his way toward where she stood in the doorway between the exam room and the waiting room. She stepped aside and held out an arm to usher him into the small room. 
“Thanks, Doc,” Peli said, “Send him back my way when you’re done, I’ve got his ship.” 
“Will do,” she replied, now understanding more about how Peli was able to manhandle such a large, broad person into her clinic.
The bell above the front door jingled as Peli left, leaving her alone with the Mandalorian. She would’ve been more uncomfortable if it weren’t for the numerous sharp instruments within her reach, as well as the hidden blaster strapped under the exam table. 
One couldn’t be too careful on Tatooine. 
The Mandalorian was looking around the small room, possibly assessing for threats until she cleared her throat, getting to work mode. 
“So I think we can just run a few tests and do a quick workup, nothing invasive. That should placate Peli, at least.” 
“Okay,” he said through the modulator, standing stiffly in the middle of the room as she busied herself with grabbing a holopad and passing it over to him.
“Fill this out,” she said quickly, busying herself with grabbing supplies for a blood draw and a retinal scan. 
“Um,” the voice said from behind her and she paused, turning toward her patient, “I, uh, I don’t know my birth date.” 
“That’s okay, just an approximate age is fine.” She went about her business, prepping a few vaccines and a bacta hypospray just in case while his gloved fingers tap-tapped on the holopad. When she was finished, she turned and leaned back against the counter and watched him as he finished. 
It didn’t take a doctor to note the obvious power of the Mandalorian’s body, half-bent over the holopad on the exam table. She scanned his posture, the way he held himself as he tapped with his right hand and noted a few things she wanted to mention. With how well-muscled he had to be under the heavy beskar, she figured he had a physically demanding job, and it was then she remembered Peli mentioning a bounty hunter friend of hers. 
He was silent as he finished and passed her the holopad. Under the ‘Name’ field he’d put simply, ‘Mando’ and she couldn’t help the smile that rose on her face. As a race, Mandalorians were notoriously secretive. 
Scanning the rest of the info sheet, she saw he mentioned back pain and bad knees as places of concern. Other than that, she didn’t see anything glaringly off. 
“Okay, this all looks about right for your estimated age, but I still want to take some blood and update your vaccinations,” she glanced at him from under her lashes and he grunted in what she assumed was assent. “Can you take your, um,” she gestured to the armor adorning his thick arms, not knowing what they were called, “arm pieces off? I’ll need to get in your veins there.” 
The Mandalorian hesitated, going eerily still. If she wasn’t mistaken, she thought she heard a sharp intake of breath through the modulator. Tension rose within the room, but she was well-trained so she turned her back to him to offer a little privacy and used the moment to sanitize her hands and pull on a pair of exam gloves, pleasantly satisfied when she heard the clanking of armor being shed and the heavy pieces being carefully placed on the table.
She turned back around and watched him rolling up the sleeves of his flight suit, exposing his  muscular arms up to his biceps and she had to remind herself that she was a professional — salivating over a patient was unethical. With a deep breath she went back into Doctor mode, assessing his arms for easy-to-access veins. 
A hiss sounded from him when she palpated his inner elbow and she looked up at his blank t-shaped visor. 
“Did that hurt?” she asked. 
The helmet shook, “Cold hands.” 
She smiled, “Sorry, should’ve warned you. Kind of ironic isn’t it?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Considering it’s hotter than a Mustafarian volcano outside,” she explained, pressing further and finding a juicy vein. “Little pinch,” she said, using the prepped needle to pierce his golden-brown skin. If she wasn’t mistaken, she glimpsed the bottom edge of a tattoo hiding under his rolled-up sleeve. 
When the vial was full, she pulled the needle out and took some of the prepared bacta gel across the small hole in Mando’s skin, then put a small bandage over it. “That can come off in half an hour. Let me get this sample going so I can get your results before you leave, then we can do the retinal scan.” 
She moved toward the far side of the room toward her lab equipment, but a large hand on her wrist stopped her. 
“Retinal scan?” Mando asked, helmet tilted in concern. 
“Yeah, it’s really quick. Just to make sure your brain function is normal, no big deal,” she explained with a shrug. With how still he once again was, she guessed it was not, in fact, not a big deal to him. 
From what little she knew of Mandalorian culture, their armor and weapons were sacred to them but he’d already taken off his arm pieces. Maybe something about the helmet was different? 
“I…my Creed, uh, I can’t remove my helmet,” he said haltingly, removing his hand from her wrist. 
It was her turn to tilt her head in confusion, “What, like ever? How do you shower?” 
“I can take it off, but not in front of other living beings. If I did, I couldn’t put it back on.” 
“Oh,” she breathed. She nibbled on her lower lip as she tried to think of a solution. She didn’t want to let him leave without the scan but at the same time she couldn’t ask him to break his Creed for a fifteen-second scan. 
“Ah! Okay,” she exclaimed as an idea came to her. She grabbed the scanner off of its charger and put it on the exam table in front of him. “I’ll step out, you remove your helmet and run the scan yourself. It’s easy,” she said, sensing his hesitation, “Push this button here and hold the scanner in front of your eyes until it double beeps, about fifteen seconds, then you put your helmet back on and I’ll come back. Think that’ll work?” she asked, looking up at his visor hopefully. 
After a few seconds, he replied “Yeah. That’ll work.” 
Her smile widened and she nodded, “Let me get your blood tests going and then I’ll step out.” 
Din’s POV 
This was the exact reason he hadn’t been to a doctor since taking the Creed. Every Mandalorian covert had their own stash of medical supplies and were trained in first aid, so it never seemed important. He’d been cursing himself for mentioning his back pain to Peli until stepping into the Doctor’s office. 
The fact that she was holding his ship pretty much hostage until he went to the Doctor was only part of what got him here. 
To her credit, the Doctor had been respectful and considerate so far — her solution to his issue with the brain scan was simple, but spoke volumes to her character. Having only known her for a few minutes he could tell she was trustworthy, even though something in her eyes spoke of some hidden truths. 
Not wanting to keep her waiting in the other room for long, he double checked his surroundings before removing his helmet, pushing the button on the scanner that she’d shown him, and waiting for the ‘beep-beep’ to signal it had finished. 
He replaced his helmet and called her back into the room. She swept back in and smiled at him. 
“That didn’t hurt too much, did it?” she asked in a joking tone that made him smirk. She was cheeky, this doctor. 
“Virtually painless,” he said. 
“Good, wouldn’t want to completely scare you off,” she joked again but his breath caught in his throat. She placed the scanner on its charging port and looked at the screen in front of her, assessing the results with a furrow in her brow. 
Din took a moment to finally look at her. He’d already noticed how pretty she was, hair drawn back and up off her neck to combat the heat of the Tatooine suns. Her eyes were sharp and intelligent, and every time she’d looked his way he felt like she could see through the beskar he wore. Unknowingly, she’d already locked eyes with him a few times despite his helmet. While she looked over his results, she absentmindedly played with a necklace — some sort of pendant on a long silver chain — he didn’t see any more jewelry. 
“Well, your brain looks normal. No irregularities or past concussions showing up, but I guess that’s what the helmet is for,” she said, glancing his way. He nodded.”You mentioned some back pain, which is normal for your age, but I can take a look and maybe get you some pain supplements.” 
He nodded again and swept his cape aside, gathering it over one shoulder and exposing his jetpack. 
“Well,” she said with a chuckle, “that’ll do it.” She grabbed a different scanner while he took off his jetpack. His entire spine straightened as he felt her fingers ghost along his lower back. 
“May I?” she asked, and he swallowed hard, mouth suddenly dry. 
She gently lifted the back of his flight shirt, the coldness of her fingers raising goosebumps along his arms. The scanner she held chirped, and she dropped his shirt back into place. 
“Just what I thought,” she said as he pulled the jetpack back on. “Looks like it’s muscular, not spinal, so I’ll throw some anti-inflammatory salve, and if you’d like, some pain supplement. A mild one,” she added.
“Thank you,” he said. 
She crossed to a cabinet, bending down to open it and Din averted his gaze. From inside she extracted a small tin and a glass jar, cursing when she found it empty. 
“Kriffing hell,” she muttered, “Sorry, looks like I’m out of the pain supplement. Outer Rim supply lines suck.” 
“That’s okay,” he offered, but she was insistent. 
“I feel bad now, getting your hopes up like that. I have something stronger but I figured with being a bounty hunter you’d want to keep your wits about you.” 
“I appreciate that. The salve will do fine for now.” 
“I mean, if you ever find yourself in a trading outpost or on Arvala-7, you could get some for yourself. I’ll write down the name.” She busied herself with that for a moment before another mechanical buzzing caught her attention. 
“Ah, your blood results!” Fluttering past, she slipped the piece of flimsi into his gloved hand. He caught a whiff of her scent — night-blooming flowers and citrus, with a tinge of sweat.
She pursed her lips, and Din wanted to reach over and pull the bottom one loose with his thumb. All her touches had awakened something in him that he usually kept locked away. “Hmm…looks like you’re a little low on Potassium and a few different vitamins, but no major illnesses or viruses, which is good. No malignant bacteria hiding in your bloodstream either, no parasites…damn, that beskar keeps everything out, doesn’t it?” 
She glanced his way, but kept on talking, “I’m still going to recommend a few vaccines, and a bit of a diet change. Let me guess, you mostly survive on ration packs?” 
He nodded, “I do.” 
“I’m going to suggest eating some more fruits in general, that’ll help with the vitamin deficiencies and the potassium. Ration packs are pretty nutritious, but with your lifestyle you burn through certain things quicker than others, so it’s best to supplement the packs. Just a few more hypos and you’ll be all set to go back to Peli with a clean bill of health. Any other questions or concerns?” 
Part of him wanted to ask if she was busy later that night, especially when they locked eyes under his helmet. His mouth went dry, and all he could manage was a shake of his head. 
He cleared his throat, “No, no. Thank you, Doctor.” 
“You are very welcome, Mando,” she said, handing him a small bag with papers and the salve inside. 
“Din,” he offered before he could think about it.
He cleared his throat again, “My name is Din.”
Her smile was radiant and Din felt a flutter in his chest. “Nice to meet you, Din. Whenever you need me, I’m here.” 
He reached out and shook her proffered hand. “I’ll be sure to take you up on that, Doc.”
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supersaiyanjedi14 · 7 months
Prompt: Speaking Love Language/Free
*My AU; Ezra looks to communicate his feelings in a way Sabine will instantly understand.  If only his sources of guidance weren’t butting heads.*
“This right?”
“Almost.  It needs a bit more of a curve around…here.”
“That’s exactly where you pointed last time.”
“And it’s not right yet.”
“Why didn’t you say so before?”
“Do you want my help or not?”
“I’m seriously starting to wonder if I do!”
Throwing up his hands, Ezra marched away from the work bench, resisting the urge to smack the other man in the mouth.  He had been working on this for the past week, every second of his precious little spare time dedicated to making it perfect.  When preparing a gift for the woman you love, you naturally feel compelled to make sure it is just that.  On paper, consulting someone familiar with the designs you are tying to replicate would be an ideal situation.
In practice, the fact that the only one available is the brother of the object of your affection, a brother who seems to relish in being as annoying as possible, makes the situation a bit more complicated.
Tristan laughed at Ezra’s dramatic distress.  “If it makes you feel any better, it’s a lot closer than it was when you started.”
“Yeah?” Ezra replied sharply, “Well maybe, next time, get the big details right on correction #1, not #17.”
“I didn’t correct it that many times.”  Tristan protested.
Ezra rolled his eyes.  “Wanna bet?  I’ve been keeping track.”
“What’s all the commotion?”
Turning to the new voice, Ezra saw three men walking into the rec room.  One of them, garbed in a pilot’s fighter jacket, was only familiar to Ezra by reputation.  The other two, a second Mandalorian in blue armor and an officer with a dashing cape across his shoulders, were far better known.
“Hey, Lando, Rau.” Ezra greeted his friends.  He turned to the other two.  “Lt. Janson, right?”
“That’s me, sir.” The pilot responded with a light salute.
“At ease, at ease.”  He turned back to Lando.  “Not much.  Tristan’s just being difficult.”
“For the love of-“
“Relax, Tristan,” Fenn Rau reprimanded the younger Mandalorian.  “You should know better than to be baited by his teasing by now.”  Rau turned to the bench.  “Ah,” he realized, “still working on this little pet project for Sabine?”
“If I meet Master Wren’s exceptional standards,” Ezra flamboyantly gestured to a pouting Tristan, “it should be done soon.”  He held up his work for the others to see.  “What do you guys think?” he asked.
Lando nodded.  “Not bad.  Though I think working on it out here in the open might be risky.  In my experience, the best gifts come with an element of surprise.”
Rau groaned.  “Really, Calrissian?”
“Just giving him some pointers.”
Janson snorted loudly.  ��From you?  That’s rich.”
“Like you’re one to talk,” Tristan shot back.  “Wasn’t it that Mirialan on Onderon that you scared off by eight parsecs?”
Janson’s face went red.  “it was one time, Wren, one-“
“Okay, enough.”  Ezra cut in before an argument about Wes Janson’s love life could break out.  “And to answer your question, Lando, don’t worry.  Everyone in this room is sworn to secrecy.”  He turned to the far side to the man in commando fatigues watching a holodrama.  “Isn’t that right, Dameron?”
Dameron paused his show and raised a hand.  “Silent as the grave, Commander!”
Sadly, Ezra’s attempt to avert conflagration were futile.  Janson regained a measure of his flair and turned to the commando.  “Oh,” he said in a slow, sarcastic tone.  “So he rejects our sage advise, but turns to you?”
Dameron got up at the challenge.  “He doesn’t ask anything.  If he did, though, I’d happily offer him tips.”
“Oh, so you’re an expert on romance?”
“Well, considering I’m the only one in this room who’s married, yeah, I’d say I am.”
“So what?  I’d actually be able to-“
“He didn’t want Calrissian’s schmoozing tips,” Rau cut in, “why would he want yours?”
“Schmoozing?” Lando blurted out in mild offense.  “I’ll have you know-“
“Oh, give it a rest.”
“I don’t see you adding anything, Wren.”
“Maybe because I don’t have anything to compensate for.”
“Why you little-!”
Whatever the conversation had turned to was thankfully muffled once Ezra slid the door to the rec room shut.  He considered putting the project on himself for a little extra filtering.
“Romantic advise isn’t that helpful tonight, is it?”
Turning around with a jolt, Ezra instinctively hid his gift behind his back, but relaxed when he saw the Twi’lek standing there.  He let out an exasperated breath.  “You have no idea.”
“You’d be surprised.” Hera grinned.  She turned to look at what Ezra was holding.  “So that’s what you’ve been slipping out to work on.”
Ezra nodded and looked down at it.  “I wanted to do something up her own alley, you know?  Show her how I feel in a way she can understand the best.”
Hera looked at the gift.  “I think it’s beautiful.”  She smiled warmly.  “Sabine’s going to love it.”
“You sure?”
Hera shook her head and placed a hand on his shoulder.  “Positive.  Besides,” she murmured as she walked off, “it’s not like she can’t already read you like a datapad.”
“You’ll see.”
Ezra just shrugged.
A few hours later, there was a knock on the door to Sabine’s cabin.  Setting her airbrush down, she walked over to answer.  She was greeted by the sight of her smiling boyfriend, who was holding a hastily wrapped mass in his hands.
“Hey,” she answered brightly.  She gestured to the package.  “What’s that?”
“Let me in and I’ll show you.”
“Hmmm,” Sabine mused, “I don’t know.  Strange men coming to my door bearing unexpected gifts.  I think my mother warned me about such things.”
Ezra’s face warmed a bit.  “Strange? Lady Wren, I must protest.”
Sabine let out a laugh.  “Come on, get in here.”
Regaining his composure, Ezra smiled and strode into Sabine’s quarters, the door closing behind him.  The two sat on her bunk and Ezra passed her the present.
“Go on,” he said.  “Open it.”
Normal, Sabine would have been happy to play hard to get.  Even all these years later, that light teasing they engaged in hadn’t faded away.  Experience often allowed one to see things others would not be able to perceive so easily, and the two of them had a knack for wrapping their earnest remarks in layers of sass, a little puzzle to piece through.  Now though, her curiosity got the better of her.  She quickly tore the flimsi off in one swipe.
Her eyes widened at the sight before her.  It was a shoretrooper helmet, but decidedly non-regulation.  The tan helm was now a vivid magenta, with blue markings along the jowels and orange stripes across the nose.  The forehead was adorned with a pair of purple arches, with a bright green spot right in the middle.  It took only a few seconds for her to recognize the markings.  The Nite-Owl, just as what her own helmet bore.  And looking closer at the blue markings, she saw them clearly.  The jaig eyes, the mark of honor for courage.  A little stylized and not in the traditional place, but jaig eyes all the same.
“Wow,” she said in genuine wonder.  Ezra wasn’t exactly the artist type, yet she could see dedication a parsec away.  He had clearly gone the extra mile to do something in her own style.  Not quite as complex as her own work, but the care he had placed into this was undeniable.  “This is…Ezra this is amazing!”
“Thanks,” he said as he placed a hand behind his head in a bashful look.  “The helmet came from that mission to Valo a couple months back.  I asked Tristan about how to do the symbols right, though the hard part was finding the right shades of paint.”
Sabine’s eyes snapped back to the helmet at that last word.  Paint.  Color.  Ezra wouldn’t have chosen just anything.  Taking a careful look at the gift, she began to unpack what she saw.
In Mandalorian tradition, certain colors held significant meaning.  Many warriors were known to paint their armor with specific colors to represent their chosen undertakings and causes.  While Sabine had never been picky enough to stick to one hue for a mission, she knew the significance of these shades by heart.  She checked off what she saw.
Blue jaig eyes on the sides.  A green center to the Nite Owl.  The orange nose stripes.  The pink and purple base.
Blue, for reliability.  Someone who you could always count on come hell or high water.
Green, for duty.  For a person driven to uphold whatever they believed in and see it through to the end.
Orange, for a lust for life.  Someone who treasured every day, every experience, and everyone they shared it with.
Purple and pink had no explicit meaning to Mandalorians.  But they didn’t need one.  Those colors spoke of something more specific.  Someone more specific.  Someone who considered those colors her personal favorites.  Someone who exemplified all the other colors on the helmet, yet was something all her own.  Someone the creator of this masterpiece loved above all else.
Ezra had been babbling on about his ongoing work for the past minute, but the deep kiss she quickly pulled him into shut him up.  No other words were needed.  He could tell exactly what she was thinking.
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blackkatmagic · 1 year
hi kat! just wanna say i just binge read when the dead tree flowers & arcana, and thank you for introducing me to one granta omega!! i can't believe he's not more well known in sw fandom although his character is just so cool?? alao his background: a force blank person who's the son of qui gonn's former padawan?? like cmon people, the fic potential alone is massive. so once again thank you for writing about him 💕 looking forward to whatever plot he plans next!
I'm so glad you've been enjoying my new fixation lol. Granta is so much fun, and not as obscure as a lot of characters I latch onto, so it's surprising to me too that he's not used more in fandom, even as just an antagonist.
From something entirely different but still Granta-focused:
There's a wild thing bleeding out in the sands of Korriban, collapsed at the feet of the towering statue of a long-dead Sith Lord like some sort of offering.
Myles stops, even though he shouldn’t. Even though there's on a timetable and up against a deadline, and Jaster will definitely do something stupid if he’s left alone for more than thirty minutes. Something catches his eye, though, pulls his feet to a stop in the deep red sand, and he turns and looks despite all the stories, despite all the good sense he likes to think he has.
There's a wild thing bleeding out in the sand, and it takes Myles a long second of looking to be able to tell whether it’s man or beast.
It’s a man, probably. A man in dark leather and dark cloth and steel, the sand around him turned from scarlet to rust with how much blood he’s already lost, his dark hair like a tangled web of shadow spilling over his face and across the dune.
 “Myles?” Montross asks, impatient, but something keeps Myles from being able to pull his gaze away from the crumpled figure. Maybe it’s the boneless sprawl of his body, or maybe it’s the way one hand is stretched out, reaching for something Myles can't see. Maybe it’s the face Myles can half-see, fine-boned and handsome, with a scruff of stubble that tries for roguish and falls flat at absentminded.
Maybe it’s the fact that, even to Myles's stunted Force-sense, there's something overwhelmingly strange about the man, absent and shadowed and halfway to gone, even when Myles is looking right at him.
“Keep going,” he tells Montross, waving the squad on. “I’ll catch up.”
Montross doesn’t argue, just tips his head and keeps going, calling the warriors around him onward with a gesture. Myles watches them trudge up the next dune, then turns, picking his way through the deep sand as he approaches the base of the statue. It’s a grand one, even if it’s half-buried, the face cracked away into smooth and featureless stone. There are markings around the base, a wide swath of pedestal that’s deeply carved and inlaid with metal. Not gold or treasure hunters would have ripped it up long ago, Myles thinks critically, but enough to catch the sunlight and burn.
The dying man is sprawled across the inlays, one hand reaching towards the base of the statue, one hand pressed against a wound in his chest. There are scorch marks in his light armor, just a breastplate of interlocking scales, but—the fact that he’s even wearing it is interesting. Most people who aren’t Mandalorians don’t tend to bother.
“Still hanging on?” Myles asks, crouching down over him as blood smears across inlayed stone, though he can see the heartbeat flickering on his HUD. Living doesn’t always mean alive, where wounds like that are concerned.
Through a tangle of black hair, lashes flutter, rise. There's a rasping breath, and dark blue eyes fix on Myles with all the ferocity of a nexu caught in a hunter’s trap, brutal and vicious and terrified.
Man or beast, Myles thinks, amused despite himself. Maybe the line isn't quite as definitive as he’d thought.
“I guess you are,” he says, and pulls his helmet off. Korriban is ferociously hot with the sun up, and it feels like being trapped in a vast mirror that reflects the heat and light back on them, turning the desert into a land of mirages and tricks of the eye all around them. It bleeds a shine of red and gold into the air, something that flickers and burns. The man is cold to the touch when Myles reaches for him, though, skin clammy from blood loss, and he can't fight it when Myles rolls him over onto his back.
There's a lightsaber wound burned into his chest, right through his armor, and the metal is melted and warped and fused to his skin.
Myles cocks his head, some edge of awareness that a Jedi is probably nearby twisting itself through a much sharper sort of assessment. The lightsaber wound isn't bleeding; that’s from what looks like the shrapnel of an exploded blaster, buried in the man’s side where his jacket and breastplate didn’t provide quite as much protection as they should have. Survivable, Myles thinks, calculating times, the man’s size, how much blood he must have lost already. It’s the wound that’s killing him, not the lightsaber burn. Maybe exposure, too; his lips are dry and cracked, and with the heat what it is, he won't survive the trek back to civilization even if his wound miraculously patches itself up.
The Jedi that tried to kill him left him to die slowly. That’s a hell of an act of mercy from a righteous and compassionate monastic order.
A little amused, Myles drags his fingers through tangled hair, shoves it out of the man’s face, and jerks his hand up just before he gets bitten for his troubles. There's a full-body wrench, like the man is trying his level best to move, but he collapses again a moment later with a ragged, desperate sound, fingers scrabbling futilely at the sand.
“What are you, an animal?” Myles asks, raising a brow, and catches the man’s jaw, tipping his head. He’s breathing hard, exhausted and fading, fine spasms shaking him, and Myles cocks his head. “I can save you,” he says, and dark eyes flicker to him, narrow. “But I'm Mandalorian. Once I do, your life belongs to me. No matter what I want to do with it.”
There's a pause, so long that Myles almost thinks the man can't hear him—
A laugh, raspy, wild, that shakes through the man like a spasm. One blood-soaked hand rises, wavering, and Myles almost thinks it’s going to fall bonelessly to the sand again.
Instead, it lands on Myles's breastplate, a smear of crimson against the blue and gold of the metal. The man stares at him through his tangled hair, bloody teeth bared, eyes burning, and rasps out, “Please.”
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swan-of-sunrise · 1 year
Taking Care of Business (Chapter Forty)
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Summary: Tensions run high when both factions of Mandalorians meet for the first time on Nevarro, and Din and (Y/N) bicker over an impromptu gift for Grogu from Greef Karga.
Pairing: Din Djarin X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings/Disclaimers: None
A/N: I couldn’t wait to get to our new and improved IG-11 because it meant I could have DIn and Alor’ad squabble over parenting Grogu lol thank you for reading, I hope you all enjoy!
Chapter Forty The Exiled (Previous Chapter)
“I hope these two groups get along.” The worry lacing Bo-Katan’s words made Din look up from the blaster he’d been reassembling after a thorough cleaning, and he noted the tension in the Nite Owl’s shoulders as she piloted the Gauntlet down onto the surface of Nevarro; in their absence, the Mandalorian covert had gathered its remaining members from their old planet and established a thriving settlement on the outskirts of the city, its population evenly numbering the Mandalorian mercenaries accompanying them alongside their stolen fleet. “They’ve never met, and what little they know of each other, they hate.”
Din shrugged and went back to reassembling his blaster. “They will if they wanna survive.”
“You know, this isn’t all that different from what happened between the Naboo and the Gungans,” (Y/N) pointed out, tucking her holopad into her satchel and standing to retrieve Grogu from Bo-Katan’s lap. “For centuries, both societies hated one another but under the threat of an invasion by the Trade Federation, they were able to set aside their differences, work together to successfully defeat their common enemy and bring about an age of peace for Naboo.” Cradling the child in the crook of her arm, the captain placed a comforting hand on Bo-Katan’s shoulder and gave her a small smile. “Both groups may hate one another now, but they have more in common than they think. Once they realize that, they’ll finally see the benefits in working together.”
The Nite Owl returned her smile as she prepared the starfighter for landing. “Well, I certainly hope that the Mandalorians down there all share your optimism, Captain.”
The Gauntlet touched down and as the ramp extended itself, (Y/N) placed Grogu in his floating pram and Bo-Katan slipped her helmet back on while Din holstered his blaster, a part of him hoping that he wouldn’t be forced to draw it after both factions met. They followed Bo-Katan down the ramp and across the flats to where the Mandalorian covert was gathered behind the Armorer and Paz Vizsla; after taking a quick glance around at the rest of the stolen fleet, Din noticed that the Mandalorian mercenaries had wisely donned their helmets before exiting their ships. The gesture of goodwill wouldn’t go unnoticed by the covert, but Din knew that it still wouldn’t be enough to gain their immediate trust or approval.
Bo-Katan and the Mandalorian mercenaries stopped before the assembled covert, the tension of the momentous moment filling the air and making even Din hold his breath in anticipation for whatever would happen next; he rolled his eyes and forced himself not to sigh in exasperation when the mercenaries all removed their helmets in unison, and a muscle in (Y/N)’s jaw tightened as her narrowed eyes watched Paz’s reaction to Bo-Katan slowly removing hers in solidarity. Both sides sized each other up and just when it seemed as though the tension would finally come to a head, the Armorer banged her tools together and called out, “Welcome, fellow Mandalorians. We invite you to make camp.” She turned to look at Paz, who reluctantly assumed a more relaxed stance under her pointed stare. “Let us prepare a feast for our guests.”
The Mandalorian covert was seemingly more at-ease as they broke away to follow the Armorer’s command, but the mercenaries remained where they were until Bo-Katan roughly patted Axe Woves’ chestplate and led them back to the fleet. (Y/N) whistled a low tune and turned to Din with a shrug of difference. “Well, that wasn’t quite the reaction I was hoping for…but since no one died or got seriously maimed, I suppose I’ll count it as a success.”
“They’ll warm up to one another soon, alor’ad, just as you said,” Din reassured his worried wife, pursing his lips as his gaze flicked between Paz Vizsla and Axe Woves’ distant figures and snorting at the effortless and inexplicable way both Mandalorians appeared to irritate one another. “But don’t be surprised if a couple of fights break out before they do…”
“Mando! (Y/N)!” They turned to see Greef Karga walking their way; a warm smile illuminated the High Magistrate’s face and while his protocol droid struggled to keep up with him on the uneven ground, he chuckled and excitedly shook both Din and (Y/N)’s hands. “Welcome back, my friends! Welcome back!” He gestured towards the docked starfighters, starships and the Imperial light cruiser and shook his head in disbelief. “That’s quite a fleet you two have assembled.” With another smile, Greef handed (Y/N) the ornate glass bottle he’d been clutching in his gloved hands. “Little welcome gift to celebrate our new neighbors; that’s all the way from Coruscant, so you might wanna wait for a smaller gathering before you open it.”
Din gave his old friend a grateful nod. “Thank you.”
“After the…um, interesting week we’ve had, I’m sure that we’ll be able to find the time to enjoy a drink or two with our new friends,” The captain replied as she examined the elaborate bottle with interest before carefully tucking it into her satchel and looking up at the High Magistrate with a bright smile on her face. “Thank you, Greef.”
“Of course, Captain, but that’s not the only gift I have for you.”
(Y/N) arched a curious brow and Din returned her quizzical look with a shrug before resting a gloved hand on the small of her back and following Greef across the lava flats towards the city. Grogu’s coos of interest from his floating pram as they walked through the bustling streets made Din smile beneath his helmet, but his smile faltered when he spotted the handful of construction sites that were the result of Pirate King Gorian Shard’s attack on Nevarro. “I hope that the damage to the city hasn’t been too severe.”
Greef shot him a reassuring smile as he glanced over his shoulder at them. “Oh, it’s nothing that the good people of Nevarro can’t handle, Mando. Your people have been instrumental in helping us move past Gorian Shard’s siege by aiding with our rebuilding efforts; in no time at all, Nevarro will be returned to its all its formal glory and if our new neighbors truly intend on retaking Mandalore, then our planet will be the first in what will surely be a long line of allies to your people’s homeworld.”
“The Mandalorians will be lucky to have such a loyal ally in Nevarro and its people,” The captain remarked, reaching down to slip her hand into Din’s and give it a gentle squeeze; his wife’s touch was a stark reminder of how long it had been since he’d gotten the chance to look at her without his helmet’s visor getting in the way and now that they were back on Nevarro, the tract of land promised to them by the High Magistrate was beckoning to him more than ever. He’d finally have a place where he could safely remove his helmet for his wife and foundling, a place where all three of them could finally feel safe after spending the majority of their lives surrounded by the life-threatening anarchy that made up the galaxy. It’ll be ours to enjoy the moment our people have reclaimed Mandalore, Din vowed to himself, his longing for a quiet life to enjoy with his family kept at bay by the silent promise he made.
Once they were standing in Greef’s office, the protocol droid left to retrieve their next surprise and returned with a familiar face in tow. IG-11 was just as tall and imposing as Din remembered him to be before his untimely death, but it only took him a moment to realize that while the former assassin droid looked like his old and unexpected friend, there was something lifeless about him as he stiffly walked into the office. “What did you do to IG-11?” He asked, his brow furrowing when he spotted the Anzellan seemingly piloting the droid’s body from the hollowed-out crevice where he’d once stored thermal detonators during his bounty hunting days. From his spot on the office’s illuminated tabletop, Grogu tilted his head and let out a puzzled sound, and (Y/N) shot Din a look of confusion as she smoothed a comforting hand over the child’s wrinkled head.
“No, that’s IG-12 now.” The High Magistrate’s proud expression never faltered even as he took in Din and (Y/N)’s equally-baffled reactions. “Do you like him?”
“Do I like him?”
“It…he looks great, Greef, it’s just that…” (Y/N), struggling to find the words to express their trepidation, bit her lip and looked the droid’s body over before blurting out, “Are we sure that he won’t attack again?”
“Don’t worry, Captain, I assure you he’s safe.”
Din frowned beneath his helmet and took a step closer to Grogu. “You’re sure?”
Nodding, Greef gestured towards the droidsmith operating a set of controls from the hollowed-out crevice in the IG unit’s chest. “Well, the Anzellans stripped IG down to his base motor functions. They removed his memory circuit, and the pilot provides cognition.”
“Yes,” IG-11’s familiar voice answered when the Anzellan pressed a button on the droid’s control panel.
Grogu’s excited coo caused (Y/N) to disguise her giggle with a cough and when Din turned back to face Greef, he simply shrugged and watched the Anzellan crawl down from his perch. “Think of it this way: it’s more like a vehicle. Hmm? It’s safer that way!”
The Anzellan hopped onto the tabletop and his little eyes widened in terror when he spotted Grogu walking towards him. “Bad baby! No squeezie!”
While the droidsmith scampered away and continued to grumble about Grogu’s past antics in rapid Anzellan, Din looked between the child and the former assassin droid’s body, his jaw dropping when he finally understood the significance of Greef’s gift. “Well, he’s too little to operate this thing-”
“No, no, no, no. Let’s see if he fits.” Din turned to (Y/N), fully expecting his wife to veto the High Magistrate’s idea and insist that the child wasn’t old enough to pilot the repurposed droid, but to his surprise, she stepped aside and allowed Greef to place Grogu into the hollowed-out crevice; he shot her a pointed look and when she gave him a helpless shrug, he sighed in exasperation, tightly crossed his arms over his armored chest and looked on as their friend placed the child into the crevice. Grogu settled into the narrow space and placed his clawed hands onto the controls, causing Greef to chuckle and turn to them both with a bright grin on his face. “So, what do you two think?”
(Y/N)’s eyes sparkled with mirth, and she was doing her best to keep a smile from forming on her lips. “I think that it’s wonderful, Greef. Din?”
“…They do nice work, I’ll give them that,” He answered as diplomatically as he could and shook his head. “But Grogu is too young to operate heavy machinery.”
The captain arched a brow. “Sweetheart, he’s older than us both.”
“Well, maybe when he’s older-”
Both Din and (Y/N)’s heads whipped around to look at Grogu, whose clawed hand was still resting on the button he’d pushed to communicate with them, and Din’s gloved hands moved to rest on his hips as he incredulously asked, “What do you mean, ‘No?’”
“I think he’s saying he’s old enough to operate it,” Greef chuckled.
Din shook his head again. “Mmm-mmm, get him out of there.”
“At least let him try it out in the office.” (Y/N) rested a hand on the unarmored part of his arm and stared up at him with imploring (Y/E/C) eyes. “Greef went to all the trouble to have this made for him, after all.”
“No,” Din sternly replied to Grogu before turning back to (Y/N); while he normally couldn’t resist his wife’s pleas, Din remained steadfast and refused to give in. “Alor’ad, this is not a good idea.” He turned away before she could argue and reached for the child. “C’mon, kid.” Instead of listening, Grogu used the controls to push Din out of the way and began piloting the droid around the office. “Hey-”
The droid stumbled over its feet and nearly knocked over the bust of Greef Karga, but the High Magistrate’s proud grin never faltered as he looked over at Din and (Y/N). “Will you look at that?”
Din sighed in annoyance as he addressed Grogu’s enthusiastic voice command. “‘Yes’ what?”
“Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.”
Resisting the urge to cross the room and detach the droid’s vocabulators with his bare hands, Din turned back around to face the captain and rested his hands back on his hips. “(Y/N), do you seriously think that this is a good idea? What if he gets hurt or accidentally hurts someone else with that thing? That very annoying, very loud thing he can barely control?”
(Y/N) tilted her head to the side as she crossed her arms over her chest. “You know, Din, I seem to recall you trusting him enough to let him crawl into the wall of the Razor Crest and reconnect live wiring; how is this any more dangerous than that?”
“Hey, that was your idea, not mine.”
“But you went along with it.”
“…Technically, yes, and that situation ended just as badly as this one inevitably will,” Din hastily added as a smug smile graced his wife’s features, and he looked over at his old friend for some much-needed assistance. “Karga?”
The High Magistrate raised his hands in surrender. “I’d rather not insert myself into a marital quarrel, Mando…however, I’d be remiss not to remind you that your stunning wife also happens to be a rather fantastic pilot; if she can teach your covert’s young foundlings how to fly, then surely she can teach this little one how to control IG-12.”
“Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.”
As (Y/N) watched Grogu toddle around the office with unabashed triumph written across her face, a miffed Din said his goodbyes to Greef and led his clan out onto the streets of Nevarro. “I still think that this IG-12 is a terrible idea. Grogu gets into enough mischief as it is; he doesn’t need any added temptation to cause even more.”
“And I think that Grogu only wants to be an equal in our clan,” (Y/N) countered and when Din shot her a questioning look, she fell into step beside him and continued. “Lately, he always insists on coming along whenever I’ve flown a mission and he was nearly hysterical when you went off on your own on Mandalore. It’s possible that IG-12 helps him feel more independent and puts him on the same level as us, both height-wise and in terms of abilities.”
“Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.”
“And you’re telling me you don’t find the vocabulators on IG-12 to be incredibly annoying?”
Din arched a skeptical brow when (Y/N) cleared her throat and gave him an overly-cheerful smile. “The novelty will wear off in no time, sweetheart. You’ll see.”
“Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.”
“…That wasn’t exactly an answer, alor’ad.”
“Yes, it was.”
“No, it wasn’t.”
“Yes, it-wait, why’d he stop using the vocabulators?” (Y/N) quickly whipped her head around to see where Grogu went, and her eyes widened in shock when Din nudged her arm and pointed to one of the street vendors’ food stalls; the child was controlling the droid’s hand to grab a cup of nuts and stuffing them into his tiny mouth, only quickening his actions when he noticed Din and (Y/N) hurrying over to him. “What are you doing? Stop, Grogu!”
“No, you have to pay for those.” Din wrenched the cup of nuts out of the droid’s grasp and hastily pressed several credits into the indignant Tarsunt vendor’s hand with a murmured word of apology; the Tarsunt’s grumbles only continued and when Din turned, he saw that Grogu had picked up a meiloorun fruit. “No.”
(Y/N) reached for the meiloorun but the child held it high over their heads. “Hey, Grogu-”
“Give me the fruit, Grogu.”
“Grogu, give it ba-” The captain’s words were cut short when the droid’s hand inadvertently squeezed the meiloorun too tightly and sent a stream of juice shooting directly into her face; Grogu whimpered, realizing that he’d gone too far with his antics, and released the squashed meiloorun, and Din handed the vendor several more credits as (Y/N) wiped some juice away with the sleeve of her coat. While Din quickly ushered them away from the vendors’ food stalls before they could cause another scene, (Y/N) shot Grogu a stern look that would’ve intimidated a rancor. “Okay, this isn’t working for me.”
Din cleared his throat in a vain attempt to mask his chuckles. “I take it that it’s too soon to say I told you so?”
“I love you too, ner cyar’ika alor’ad.”
Later that evening, the Mandalorian mercenaries were finishing up their meal while the members of the Mandalorian covert gathered around and talked amongst themselves; both factions watched one another like loth-cats, distrust written across the mercenaries’ uncovered faces and tension apparent in the covert’s armor-clad bodies. Din and (Y/N) sat with Grogu by one of the many bonfires scattered throughout the encampment and while his small clan half-heartedly ate their dinner, Din kept a watchful eye on both groups of Mandalorians, knowing that the stress of interacting after so many years of conflict was bound to boil over into a fight. Maybe Bo-Katan will find the words to deescalate both sides before that happens, he thought to himself as he watched the Nite Owl stride into the center of the encampment and take a reassuring breath before addressing her fellow warriors.
“Mandalorians.” The quiet chattering amongst the crowd vanished as Mandalorians from both factions respectfully listened as Bo-Katan loudly continued. “It is time to retake our homeworld. Even though the planet is not cursed, there are still dangers; thanks to Clan Mudhorn and their brave exploration of Mandalore, we now know that dormant species have been awakened from the bombings and the remaining magnetic interference has made it impossible to scan the surface from above atmosphere.” Several Mandalorian mercenaries glanced over at Din and (Y/N) with curious eyes, but they both remained focused on the Nite Owl pacing amongst the gathering. “Which is why I’m proposing that we leave Nevarro and move the fleet into orbit above Mandalore. We send down a small recon party, we’ll scout the surface, find out what remains of the Great Forge, and establish a safe perimeter. Only then, will we bring down the others.” She glanced around at the assemblage before her, and Din could almost see her bracing herself for an unfavorable reaction when she announced, “I need volunteers from both tribes.”
The Mandalorians that surrounded the bonfires all exchanged apprehensive looks and remained silent under the weight of Bo-Katan’s request. When Din looked over at (Y/N), she was already looking at him with a determined gleam in her (Y/E/C) eyes and he could feel his heart warm at the sign of his wife’s unwavering loyalty to the Mandalorian covert; he held his hand out to her and waited for her to thread her fingers around his before standing beside her. “We will go.”
“Grogu as well,” (Y/N) added, and the corner of Din’s mouth curved into a smile when the child softly cooed and clambered to his feet.
Bo-Katan gave them a nod of thanks and glanced over in time to see Koska Reeves stand, holding her helmet under her arm and giving her fellow Nite Owl the barest of smiles. “I will go.”
“I will go,” Axe Woves called out as he got to his feet and bowed his head in deference.
Din’s brows shot up in surprise beneath his helmet while he watched Paz Vizsla of all people rise to his feet and loudly declare, “I will go.”
One by one, over a dozen Mandalorians from both tribes stood and pledged their assistance to Bo-Katan, who struggled to maintain a neutral expression under such a display of unity and allegiance. As the last Mandalorian made their vow, the Armorer stepped forward bowed her helmeted head in respect. “I will go as well.”
The smile that the Nite Owl had been fighting to suppress finally broke out across her face, and she threw Din and (Y/N) a look of pleasant surprise just as Mandalorian mercenaries and members of the covert converged around her; while both factions finally began to mingle with one another, Din and (Y/N) took Grogu to their tent and coaxed the child to sleep in preparation for the long and difficult day they’d be facing in the morning.
“Everything okay, alor’ad?” Din quietly asked, a frown forming on his newly uncovered face as he watched the captain unbuckle her holster and tug her boots off, the tell-tale line that signaled a troubling thought appearing between her brows while they both prepared for bed.
(Y/N) shook her head to clear her mind and flashed him a brief smile of reassurance. “Mmm-hmm, I’m fine.”
Unconvinced, Din adjusted the blanket covering Grogu in his pram and slowly crossed the tent to stand behind his wife, gently taking hold of her shoulders and rubbing soothing circles against her stiff muscles. “Ner kotir alor’ad. You don’t have to hide what you’re feeling from me.”
“It’s just…” She trailed off and turned around to face him before continuing. “We have a solid plan and a group of loyal warriors on our side, but I can’t shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen on Mandalore.”
“Is it possible that our exploration of Mandalore is what’s making you feel that way?” Din asked and when she shrugged noncommittally, he cupped her face between his bare hands and gave her an encouraging smile. “Everything’s going to be fine, (Y/N). We’re better equipped to explore Mandalore now and more importantly, we still have one another. Ner cyar’ika alor’ad, I swear on all the stars I’ll never leave your side.”
The anxious look in (Y/N)’s eyes softened at his utterance of their familiar vow as she wrapped her arms around his waist and smiled up at him. “Ner cyar’ika beroya, I swear on all the stars I’ll never leave your side.”
“This is the Way,” Din murmured, leaning down and capturing his wife’s lips in a long and meaningful kiss, the fear of what might occur the next day put far out of both of their minds.
Mando’a Translations:
Alor’ad-Captain Mir’sheb-Smart-ass Ner cyar’ika alor’ad-My darling captain Ner kotir alor’ad-My brave captain Ner cyar’ika beroya-My darling bounty hunter
A/N: Like I’ve already mentioned, we’re having work done in the house and it’s been difficult finding time to write, but I’ll hopefully have the next chapter up on time! Thank you all so much for reading and commenting! Oh, and I’ve created a Spotify playlist of all my favorite music from the world of Star Wars, so if you’re interested in checking it out the link is down below!
Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2KuSKJhVOPPvxdJ9YHeo4M?si=2977ff31bf0c4bdd
Chapter Forty-One
Taking Care of Business Masterlist
Tagging: @remmysbounty​ @sinon36​ @seninjakitey​ @thatonedindjarinfan​ @ginger-swag-rapunzel​ @mostclevermiss​ @momc95​ @welcometothepedroverse​ @sarahjkl82-blog​ @elinedjarin​ @ccomandercody​ @crowleysqueenofhell​​  @goldielocks2004 @wondergal2001​​ @groovy-lady​​ @impala1967666​​ @fluffy-canada-pancakes​​ @icee228​​ @siimiasoi​​
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dilf-din · 1 year
Yeehawgust Day 12: Cowboys Are Frequently Secretly Fond of Each Other
The Mandalorian (Western AU)
WC: 1050
Rating: T
Characters: Din Djarin and Cobb Vanth
Warnings: light descriptions of injuries, made up cowboy lore, fluff out the wazoo
A/N: I’m afraid I might never be able to write anything other than gay cowboys now, sorry mom
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Cobb slapped the last calf on the rear as it trampled into the pen then swung the gate shut with the toe of his boot. He wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand and let out a breath of relief for the sun sinking on the horizon. They had made it though another day. Almost lost a good number of the herd earlier, would’ve if it hadn’t been for Din’s sharpshooting. Cobb took a long draw from his canteen then poured the rest into the dish at the base of the pen for the dogs to lap up.
Din was on the other side of the fence gathering wood for a fire while Mayfeld and Dune tended to the horses. It wasn’t before long that the four of them were stretched out in front of the fire while the rabbits they caught earlier roasted over the flames, fat dripping down and sizzling when it hit the embers. The group didn’t exchange many words while they ate. The dusty wind had dried out their throats even with bandanas and scarves tied up to keep the sand out. Every few words led to a coughing fit, so silence it was.
“I’ll take first watch, y’all get some sleep,” Cobb said, gesturing at the others with his head in the direction of the bed rolls that had been set up near the horses.
Cara nodded, and with a quick, “Night,” had pushed up off the ground and away from the three men. Mayfeld followed close behind with a nod at Cobb.
Din stayed stationary, his back up against a fence post. His black bandana still hung over his nose and mouth leaving only the glint of his deep brown eyes reflecting the soft flames and a peek of dark hair curling around the base of his neck. Cobb had never seen his face, no one had. It wasn’t something someone in his line of work was able to risk. A mercenary who took jobs wherever he could find them, wanted and employed by both sides. He was known for his skill and lack of attachment, a legendary killing machine of sorts.
Cobb was leaning against a log directly across the fire from Din. His hat sat next to him letting his hair shine silver in the moonlight. She wasn’t quite full tonight, two or three days though and the whole valley would be flooded in her glow. There were never any clouds to block out the heavenly lights in this part of the desert, no high peaks or mountains competing with the flat horizon.
“You can go on ahead and rest,” he repeated himself, tilting his head to catch the man’s eye.
“Not after today. We’ll need two people on watch,” Din said plainly, wincing as he readjusted.
“You’re hurt,” Cobb said clambering to his feet.
“It’s nothing.”
Cobb was by his side in an instant, turning back the corner of his vest to see his blood soaked shirt plastered to his side. He peeled up the hem to get a better look and find what appeared to be a knife wound, about 4 inches long and not very deep.
“It didn’t hit anything, just grazed me,” Din said softly as he watched the man’s hands working in the amber glow of the firelight.
“At least let me clean it,” Cobb said, more of a statement than a question.
Din nodded in consent as Cobb rose to get a clean rag and a flask of gin. He poured the clear liquid over the crisp white cloth and slowly drug it across the split skin. Din’s jaw tensed at the sting, but he stayed perfectly still.
“Should be good as new in the morning. Might wanna put a fresh shirt on though,” he suggested, wringing the rag out into the red earth.
Din nodded and stepped to the far side of the pen with his pack. Cobb took the time to stoke the fire and throw the bones from their meal to the dogs. He glanced over his shoulder to see Din’s bare back. He had several long scars that reflected the white of the moon like rivers carving through the valleys of his taut shoulders. His hat was off, and he had emptied the rest of a canteen of water into his hair, running his hands through the curls, trying to shake some of the sweat and grime out. Cobb looked away, feeling as if his gaze had lingered too long already.
When Din rejoined him, he crouched in the dirt next to him instead of returning to his original spot across the way. Cobb shifted slightly, nervous from the sudden proximity.
“Thank you.”
Cobb shrugged and cocked his head to look at him straight on.
“Ain’t nothing you wouldn’t have done for me.”
Din nodded once as if in agreeance. The pair sat in silence for a while. The air was filled with the soft sound of the cows shifting and lowing, the dull thud of their bells clanking. Din had his right knee up with one arm wrapped around it. The other hand sat in the dirt, pinky outstretched just barely a centimeter from Cobb’s.
“You know,” Din started, “I’m not really used to people getting close, physically or, otherwise, but I don’t mind it with you. It’s nice to feel like someone’s looking out.”
Cobb smiled into the dirt, hoping the low light would disguise the flush in his cheeks.
“You know why I asked you to come?”
“I can assume the same reasons everyone hires me.”
“Well, you are useful, but, mostly, I just like having you around,” Cobb smiled, this time meeting his gaze. In the dirt below them, their hands butted up against each other until Cobb’s was on top, lightly lacing his fingers through the open spaces of Din’s. Din let go of a breath he had been holding for most of his life, muscles instantly relaxing into the touch.
“We would’ve been toast out there without you today,” Cobb mused, running his thumb over the rough skin of Din’s hand.
“Trust me, I know,” he deadpanned.
Cobb laughed quietly, and though he couldn’t see it, beneath Din’s handkerchief, his mouth had turned up into a smile at the sound.
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heartpascal · 1 year
I'M EVEN MORE DEVASTED NOW 😭 (i just watched the new mandalorian ep and i'm not gonna say anything anymore) AND THEN YOU POST THAT 😭 I AM SO DEPRESSED AND DEVASTATED 😭
i'm gonna add more to that thought and what if— joel or tommy was awake?
"Look at me, kid. LOOK AT ME!" "Open your eyes, please!" "NO!"
"Don't you dare say that." "Tell me it's not true. Tell me it's not fucking true, please!" "...Maria."
I AM DEVASTED! JESSE! 😭😭 (he's probably gonna see her soon but we ain't gonna talk about that) ELLIE AND JOEL 😭 joel and maria just lost another child and i can hear that one song going "i told you once, i can't do this again, do this again, oh." AND THE WHOLE FAMILY JUST AVENGING HER WITH TOMMY GOING FIRST 😭 I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! 😭
songs that makes me devasted about this:
• as the world caves in - matt maltese
(i can absolutely see this as the title name if you ever expand on it and just know it's gonna break my heart 💔)
• hold on - chord overstreet
• you said you'd grow old with me - michael schulte
• fourth of july - sufjan stevens
(am i bringing this back? yes, yes i am. specifically; "the evil, it spread like a fever ahead. it was night when you died, my firefly." and "the hospital asked, 'should the body be cast?' before i say goodbye, my star in the sky.")
• walked through hell - anson seabra
• remember me - coco
• sorrow - sleeping at last
• touch - sleeping at last
• it's quiet uptown - hamilton
(this song is making me fall apart—)
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i am currently just putting that as like a blanket warning and then gonna do keep reading thingys so hopefully people who don’t wanna see don’t see!! ( THIS WAS BEFORE I WROTE… ALL THIS. )
omg yes shhh i’ve only watched episode 1 of season 3 so far oopsies. i have so little time for mando AGH i wish i had more >:( but i also neglected sm homework last week oops so my own fault really
no because if JOEL was awake? and he watched that happen? i genuinely don’t know what he’d do. there’s two options, one of which we heard of after sarah died, and the other being he goes mad for revenge. (let’s pretend abby didn’t use like. a fucking shotgun on his leg and it was recoverable, shhhhh)
TOMMY. he’d be so torn. i don’t know what he’d do either!!! they would just be so fucking despondent. like what is even the point if r is gone? what are they meant to do now? and if he had to watch? if he watched, and wasn’t able to do anything? can you imagine the pain he’d be in after locking eyes with r, wondering if r would ever forgive him for this? tommy would absolutely blame himself. would blame himself for letting reader on patrols at all, for helping abby, for trusting this group that they didn’t know, for doing nothing when reader needed him to do something, anything, the most
you saw how tommy reacted in part 2 when abby threatened ellie, how he fucking yelled and screamed at ellie to leave. can you imagine how much he would yell and scream at abby to just leave reader alone, to just stop, please, don’t do this to her, she didn’t do anything
can you imagine how tommy would react if he found out why abby did it? how joel would react? how ellie would react?
lets think about this for a minute actually, because ellie would NEVER forgive joel. she wouldn’t. because she already hated him for what he did at the hospital, she was just barely coming to forgive him for it, and now not only did he take that away from her, but his actions also led to reader being killed. joel would never ever forgive himself, but neither would ellie.
hell, if joel went to seattle for revenge, i don’t think he’d be coming back no matter the outcome. it has to be said. what does he have left, anyway?
my dear, sweet maria. she would be so torn after her initial denial, because god does she want to avenge reader, she wants to tear them all apart for what they did to her, but then there’s this baby who needs her. tommy would be long gone, by then, anyway. she couldn’t orphan her child. but what about you?
and the blame she’d have for joel, too, if she found out?
joel would be having the absolute WORST time.
your dialogue for maria’s reaction is so so accurate too, and you can really see tommy just looking at her, saying her name, because there’s nothing else he can say.
and when tommy and maria’s son grows up, and he’s wondering why his dad left, and he doesn’t understand because he can’t remember reader. he doesn’t remember her looking after him, only has the names on the chalkboard that’s still set up on the mantle of the home he shares with his mother only. because maria wouldn’t welcome tommy back after he left. couldn’t. a part of her resents him for not saving r too, although she’d never say it out loud.
i wanna talk about jesse more but this is already long i’m sorry HAHAH so i will move on to my favourite thing. SONGS!!!
as the world caves in — i’m an awful person for immediately thinking about how joel’s world litch rally caved in (via the golf club to r’s head…) OK BUT FOR REAL NOW. i love this song. it hurts so bad. for all of them, the world had already ended. they’re living in post apocalyptic times for gods sake. but this… this is worse. this is their actual world falling apart before their very eyes.
i cant talk about hold on because i think i will actually break down in sobs and cries. but agreed. that song hurts so bad
you said you’d grow old with me — these lyrics hurt particularly bad if you relate them to jesse i think. and ellie actually. “we had plans, we had visions, now i can't see ahead” i’m crying and sobbing. they’d both be so empty. they wouldn’t know what to do with themselves. and they’d remember so many things they forgot to tell reader :( “you've got your peace now, but what about me?” SOBBIIIIINGGG. actually look at all of these lyrics because they all fit so well and they ALL hurt.
fourth of july — may i just also add “what could i have said to raise you from the dead?” because it makes me sad. and as you SHOULD bring this one back. it hurts. also the repeated “why do you cry” hurts so bad because not only will all the characters be sobbing but also r didn’t want to die :(
walk through hell — all of you go and look at EVERY single song lyric here. because ouch. like i’m in pain rn listening to this
remember me — “remember me though i have to say goodbye” yelling crying screaming sobbing. and also “remember me each time you hear a sad guitar” joel coded joel coded joel coded. he never got to teach r how to play even though she wanted to learn (shhh) and that would haunt him forever i think. or however long he lived..
sorrow — OUCH. all of this just hurts and then you have this especially joel coded line “slowly, then all at once / a single loose thread / and it all comes undone” sobs he lost everything. also i think this song really fits with how like. lost and unsure everybody would be going forward like “i feel out of focus / or at least indisposed” TBE MORE I LOOK AT THE LYRICS THE MORE I COULD PICK OUT THAT FIT SO WELL. howl you know what you’re doing. i should be mad. i should be.
touch — “all i want is to flip a switch / before something breaks that cannot be fixed” need i say more? no. i needn’t. but i will. “predicting god as best he can / but god i wanna feel again”
it’s quiet uptown — howl im gonna need you to stop using hamilton against me please and thank you. but this song is maria coded. THERE I SAID IT. it’s maria coded! “you hold your child as tight as you can / and push away the unimaginable” her with her son after tommy leaves too. she’s so stuck on the fact that she couldn’t protect r that she worries she won’t be able to protect him either. she can’t lose a third child. AND MORE IMPORTANTLY. “i spend hours in the garden / i walk alone to the store” TO READER’S STORE!!! TO THE POTTERY SHOP!!! imagine the pain maria would feel when all the flowers outside have wilted away, unreplaced, and then she has to throw them away. she’s alone. she’s so alone. i’m in pain. with everybody off avenging r who’s their to mourn her? everybody forgets about your shop soon enough, except for her. she cleans the shop, sends her son to be looked after by someone she trusts, only for a little while. she can’t manage long. AND THEN THE SECOND PART IS TOMMY CODED. “if i could spare [her] life / if i could trade [her] life for mine / [she’d] be standing here right now / and you would smile and that would be enough” …… i’m going into hibernation actually. howl HOW COULD YOU.
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direwolfrules · 2 years
3 Mandos And A Baby AU: They’re In Love Your Honor
I've been neglecting Ursa and Alrich in this AU, and that's a goddamn crime. They're too adorable together. Clearly, I have sinned.
So, Ursa and Alrich actually do a great job of keeping their relationship from leaking outside of the halls of the Academy. Even within the Academy there are only three people who know for sure that they're dating. We don’t count the Cadet Squad as people by the way, they’re more…sentient headaches.
If you ask the Professors? They're friends. Study-buddies. Alrich is Ursa's pet scholarship student. The heir to Clan Wren certainly isn't dating a boy who's only able to attend the prestigious institution through a scholarship.
Their fellow students only respond with a pointed "this line of questioning treads dangerously close to violating the Honor Code". Translation: "The last time someone tried to gossip about the two of them their speeder blew up and their crush was sent a really embarrassing drawing". The speeder thing was actually totally unrelated, but eh. Ursa's not gonna turn down free fear.
So, news of their relationship finally breaks...I wanna say when they're nineteen? Some big festival, fireworks, picture perfect romantic moment, and both of them have adult minds but their bodies are full of teenage hormones. They kiss. Publicly. Right as a journalist who'd been assigned the second most boring beat in Sundari passes by.
No one expected the front page of Mandalore's biggest gossip rag to be a very dramatic shot of the kiss (Alrich, once he gets over the shock, frames it. It's actually a really nice picture).
Ursa's father? Furious. His heir – his strong, proud, traditionalist heir – dating a New Mando boy? And also, to a lesser extent: his little girl, dating?
Alrich's folks aren't pleased either. Such a close tie to a family that openly borders on indecency with their traditionalist politics? It could actually cost them in the circles of New Mandalorian society that they're trying to ascend.
Bo-Katan's trying to stop Pre from exploding. He's very unhappy that the heir to one of his vassal clans would do this. He had plans for her, cousins and other vassals he was going to introduce her to. Strengthening ties between vassals and interconnecting the members of Death Watch even more is necessary. The more people he can pressure with a single point the better.
When she hears this Bo, once again, questions all her life decisions, and promptly shoves those realizations in the same box as Korkie's parentage.
She manages to calm Pre down and convince him it's all part of a strategy on Ursa's part. If she can get to Alrich she'll have better access to his underclassman mentees, one of which is the dear Duchess's beloved nephew. Access to Korkie means access to the palace, and Ursa's always been very good with explosives.
Pre promptly decides that yes, this is a brilliant plan, and also that he'd come up with it. Bo's so glad for helmets cause if Pre saw how hard she rolled her eyes Bo would be deader than that kid from Clan Priest who got caught chatting up one of the other verde, instead of guarding the cells. (There was no need for anyone to even guard the cells, they were empty, but Pre just likes shooting his finite supply of loyal warriors)
Anyway, back in Sundari things are not looking good for our favorite couple. Some professors have gotten it into their heads that Alrich isn't good enough for Ursa. He's suddenly getting worse marks, his submissions of certain assignments are "disappearing", and the other students are definitely picking up on it. He gets tripped in the halls more often now, and has had his art supplies sabotaged more than once.
No one's done anything to Ursa, they still think she blew up a guy's speeder after all, but an attack on Alrich might as well be an attack on her.
No, Ursa's biggest issue comes in the form of her family. Her father is not happy and keeps trying to arrange matches to traditionalist/Death Watch aligned clans. Ursa tends to shut these matches down by spending the entirety of the arranged date talking about how perfect Alrich is. It's an effective strategy and Ursa takes delight in making things as awkward as possible.
Alrich at one point is visiting his parents, and they're giving him a "what will society think?!" talk. His father's up for a promotion soon, that bump in salary could secure them a place in the upper-mid levels, why doesn't he think of his little siblings? What will the Duchess think of the boy who's mentoring her nephew? He better believe his palace invites are gonna dry up real quick!
As they're ranting Alrich gets a notification on his datapad telling him his next visit to the palace, to discuss Korkie's schooling, has had a minor change. He's now allowed a plus one. (Satine saw the news, sipped her tea, and decided that anyone who doesn't suggest Korkie's insane deserves nice things.)
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grippingbeskar · 2 years
goodbye 2022– a love letter
okay, so i am not one for long, sappy posts. in fact i think i can count on one hand the amount of times i’ve written about personal stuff on this blog, because i wanted it to be a space for me to just escape life and write for the first time.
i just wanted to make this post to say thank-you. i think i have written that word out about 1,000 times since making this account, but it will truely never be enough to express how greatful i am to have this space, and that all of you have been so fucking welcoming and kind to me.
when i started this account nine months ago, i genuinely had no idea what it would turn into. i’d been reading fanfic for most of my life, and the last few years i’ve been obsessed with the punisher and the mandalorian (not much has changed). i’ve always been the type of person to make stories in my head, especially with how much i read, it’s almost like i can’t help it. i also have taken a very big interest in writing recently, so i thought why not have a bit of fun with it and write a few chapters of a story and see where it goes.
my first official post on this account was the first chapter of the element of surprise series, and i remember getting my first few notes, and even a comment, and i nearly jumped out of my skin. every single one since then has been so special, and i still get all giddy and excited when i see someone interacting with my stories. after that i posted my first frank castle story, looking to tomorrow. i was so insecure about it, but at that point i think i had literally 0 followers, so i had NOTHING to lose.
after a few more chapters and frank one shots i started to get a little more inspired, and that is all thanks to the lovely people who cared enough to encourage me. i would have 100% stopped writing if you all hadn’t been so welcoming and amazing, and my life trajectory has seriously changed for the better. not even exaggerating.
now i’m here nine months later. i’ve finished my first series and nearly completed my second, both of which are over 85,000 words in length, which is fucking WILD. i have also written 30ish (im counting my drafts in this lmao) stand alone fics, and did my first ever celebration, writing out a bunch of requests (which i still actually have three or four in my drafts. trust me they are coming i’m just slow pls).
i am just so so greatful to have this space where i have so many encouraging, kind people that share the same interests, and find genuine enjoyment in the shit that i write. i’ll never be able to type out in words how much it means. every time someone reads my fics, i just want them to know how much it means to me. even if you don’t interact (i’d love to reply personally if you do!) i just love that people are reading my writing. so thank you. THANK YOU.
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now. i have a few ppl i wanna mention who have made this experience all the more incredible.
@everybirdfellsilent for being my first tumblr friend and my longest. you are so, so incredible, and i genuinely don’t know where i would be if i hadn’t found you on here. thank you for your constant support, editing help, beta reading, screaming about sexy fan art, obi-wan thirsting and everything in between. i appreciate you more than you know and i love u for it.
@buckymcbuckbarnes BITCH you know i love you. do i even have to SAY!!!! thank you for everything— you are such a special person to me, and i literally can’t tell u how glad i am to have found you. watch out 2023 bc we have big things COMING. and they will be cumming if you know what i mean. thank you for your incredible playlists and every single fic and tik tok you send me. i love every single one. i love you. we say it all the time and i mean it.
@tea-and-wine for all our chats, even though sometimes they are few and far between, i always appreciate your messages and kind words. i hope you make 2023 your bitch!!
@marvelswh0re for your thirsty frank and matt thoughts and all your kind words. i still think about that convo we had about how frank is receiving a bj. it’s just always in my mind. i need him to **** ** ***. sorry got off track. THANKYOU!!!
@lemon-world1 for being SO lovely, and for all the amazing words you’ve left on my frank series and everything in between. it means so so much to me. i can’t explain it. also congrats for sharing your frank fic, it was incredible and i can’t wait to see what else you have in store!
@castlesnchurches i will never be able to express how much i love reading your comments on my fics. probably one of my fave things ever. you motivate me so much just by being so lovely. thank you thank you. xx
@dinahmadanimybeloved for your amazing messages and supportive words, i hope 2023 is a good one for you xx
@hellskitchenswhore FOR GENERAL KINDNESS!!! thankyou so so much. it means the world ❤️
and to every single person who has interacted, liked or read a fic of mine/ followed along for the journey— and reading this right now!!! i’ll never be able to tell you how happy you have made me. thank you for making a pretty shitty year that much better ❤️
get ready for more fics, more series, and more SEX in 2023. YEHAW.
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pentechnics · 2 years
I completely agree with what you said about mando. I have seen all the SW movies (including the newer trio loft) but I really don’t remember anything but was able to follow mando s1-2 with no problems. I also wasn’t really watching because it was SW but rather because the relationship between Din and Grogu is so special
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Let’s talk about it!!
I feel like the real magic of Mando, the thing that made it stand out so much, was that Din was just a dude. A random guy trying to live his life and help support his covert. He wasn’t part of the greater star war — no force, no jedi/sith, didn’t even live on one of the major planets — just dealing with the fact that his existence lies within the results of those bigger actions.
My introduction to Star Wars was The Force Awakens and that is still my favorite movie and is near and dear to me (that one and TLJ were the only SW things I’d seen by the time I watched Mando), but I really wasn’t sucked into the SW universe until Mando came out because I just didn’t vibe as much with the bigger picture elements, if that makes sense. There was too much going on and too many strands of the story to keep up with and too many people who just had to be right about everything—
but as we know, DIN DIDNT KNOW SHIT ABOUT STAR WARS. and therefore, WE could know no shit and we’d be right where we need to be to follow his story! What a beautiful concept!
And that doesn’t necessarily go away once Grogu enters the picture — he just has several questions. As do we. And we go with him to find the answers! And that’s where weaving in Ahsoka and Luke made perfect sense and now that Grogu has chosen to not pursue that branch of the narrative we don’t have to be as involved with it, y’know?
And here’s where I get beefy with how Jon is portraying the next arc of Din’s story. It seems — we won’t know for sure until we see the season, but it SEEMS — like they’re going full-on into him becoming the Mand’alor and reuniting Mandalorians. The second part is lovely, we know he lost his covert and needs to figure out for himself what being a Mandalorian means to him now. And finding more of his kind will definitely help him do that. Shared trauma. Group therapy. Love that for him.
I have no doubt that he’ll still be my simple guy. I just don’t wanna have to know all of TCW to be able to understand this season or ‘get the most out of it.’ I wanna not know shit and learn alongside him again.
But more than anything, knowing him as a character, I just don’t think being Mand’alor fits. And that’s just my opinion and I recognize that but listen our mans has lived his life in quiet corners and secluded alleys by his lonesome (covert and Grogu excluded) by choice. Do we really think he’d want this?
And hey, maybe my interpretations are wrong. Maybe he won’t do it. Maybe he’ll go as far as to help reunite the scattered clans into a more cohesive people and then pass off the reins to Bo-Katan or whoever else might show up (not Paz, tho. We know he would never lmao) and then go back to being a simple space dad and raising his kid. We’ll see.
I know some diehard, lifelong SW people that aren’t as into Mando because it’s not ‘classic Star Wars.’ And I know others, including myself, that love it the most for that very reason. It has a little bit of give for the classic fans, like those cameos and mentions of greater things. Those just aren’t the forefront. Which I love!
Plus, at the heart of every Star Wars story is found family, which is exactly what Din and Grogu are. Like you said, my love, their connection is just so unique and special! They and their dynamic are the driving force behind this show — it doesn’t need anything else to carry it. They are why we love it so much. Bigger SW is a pile of puzzle pieces of things that get put together to form a narrative and Mando is more like a poster. It’s all already there, created by a few key elements and has some of those in common with the puzzle, but can stand alone. You don’t need to do the puzzle to enjoy looking at the poster. (Idk if that makes sense but it’s all I can think of rn lol)
The force is just Grogu’s little quirk. The empire’s just the bitch that made Din’s life harder and made it personal when they tried to hurt his kid. He took names and kicked asses, and then he was done with them. Mandalore’s gotta just be the current thorn in Din’s ass that he needs to tweezer out.
Side characters. Assist trophies, if you will. But not the driving force. That’s them:
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also I hate the whole ‘repenting for his sins’ dialogue but tbh I think they’re just using that for hype I don’t think it’ll actually be that deep and he’ll instead take the time to come into his own and explore other types of mandalorian life that feels much more like what he’d do but that’s just me. Also I’m still very much recovering from what they did to BOBF so I can’t help but be anxious in general about how this is gonna go. Wouldn’t put it past Jon to shoot himself in the foot with his best work.
Double also, after seeing that thing Jon said I am just pissed that there just seems to be no effort or forethought being put into the timeline of the narrative!!! Hire writers, Jon!! Give Din and Grogu the intent their story deserves, in every way!! Or I’ll bite your face!!
ok rant over thank you for this ask darling!! ❤️
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joels6string · 2 years
do you think we’ll get (at least one ) helmetless scene in the mandalorian this season?
so far this season doesn’t really do it for me so the thing i’m looking most forward to is seeing din djarin’s pretty face lol
Eh I don’t know. I don’t really care either way. I’m kind of hoping they don’t because then what was the point of the first two episodes and making him redeem himself? It would have to be a good, believable reason for me to support it because I hate wasted time in series’ that are already too short lol.
I love this season. We got a mythosaur already?! And Grogu is very much his own character with autonomy and a budding personality. But I also just love Star Wars and this season is just so much bigger in terms of making Mando matter within the existing world instead of it just being it’s own little standalone thing. The Andor vibes of last episode were amazing and they’re establishing some future villainy for not only more Mando, but all the series set in this time period. I find this era so fascinating because the OG trilogy is superior and with a Galaxy in ruin after the fall of their fascist Empire I know mistakes were made and I wanna see them. We’re watching the First Order brewing! I also think, at the end of the day, Grand Admiral Thrawn is coming, and like…hell fucking yes.
I’ve had so much fun theorizing what might be happening and what all these huge reveals mean so far, and I’ve never been able to do that in Mando before. Like, purgills (Ezra and Thrawn?? Does Grogu draw more Force power from hyperspace??), the mythosaur (Din my man are you the prodigy???), is Paz Vizsla going to try and get the saber again and it was never Bo vs Din at all? And Bo having to swallow she’s been wrong about the Creed and the Way forever?! Elia is def still working for Moff Gideon so wtf is he up to and why did he need Pershing’s brain wiped? Or maybe she just doesn’t want Pershing’s knowledge to get out and WHY?! Next ep is going to be Grogu-centric it sounds like from the title so do I get to see more of Order 66?! I’m thriving over here. If something in s3 doesn’t connect to Ahsoka I’ll be more disappointed than if we don’t get a helmetless scene 😂
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princessbatears · 2 years
Hello my lovely buddy! ✨💗 How are you doing lately?
Have you watched latest TLOU yet? It’s brutal, but as the game players, we knew it all along.🫣 Troy playing as James is perfect, though we all know what happened to him at the end.🥹 Only one episode left. Tell me what you think about it. Also can’t wait to watch Mando on Wednesday.😌
P.S. I wanna share great news in my life with you! I’ve changed my job position and its grading is a level higher than my current one. So I’m kinda like promoted! 😭🙌🏻
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Hello! I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to your last message, life got busy, so I'm just transferring things here for the sake of ease.
I loved the premier! It was shorter than I was expecting, but it felt like kind of a set-up/clean-up episode so that we can barrel into the action next time. We got so much cuteness and hilarity that I desperately wanted in only half an hour, so I can't complain! I love that Grogu can cuddle with Dad in the ship, it makes me feel much better about his situation. 🥰😂 And I laughed very hard when he squeezed the little mechanics and Din is just like 🙈 I want to know how Din got into that little shop, as well. I'm so curious where the season is going with the Darksaber and Mandalore!! Tomorrow is a new episode and I can't wait!
Episode 7 was so sweet and so sad. I loved Ellie and Riley together and the way the ended hurt. I can't imagine the guilt Ellie must have felt when Riley turned and died and she didn't. Poor thing. 😭
Oh my goodness, episode 8 was so dang intense! The way they made David even more evil and creepy put my hairs on end. But Ellie bested him in the best way possible. And Joel came at just the right moment to comfort her. It definitely did things to me the way he was finally able to call her "baby girl" after 20 years of not being able to say that. 😭❤️ I'm not prepared for the finale. I'm really going to miss the show and am thankful we've got Mando to help ease the pain.
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AHHH congrats on your promotion, that's so exciting!!! You deserve it! I hope it comes with some great new challenges! Thank you for sharing that with me, I smiled so big when I read that!
Sending you soooo much love! I can't wait to hear what you think of our episodes this week 😍
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ooops-i-arted · 2 years
Friend,have heard nothing from you online for some time - I hope you are well and safe? I am finally watching Rebels and need someone to appreciate my slurs about Filoni's writing. Though I'll admit this series is superior to Clone Wars, there is still way too much of a certain orange menace popping up for no reasons
I truly hope this finds you safe, well, and in a good place in life
Thanks for checking in! Busy parent-teacher conference week and then started spring break out of town so that's why I've been MIA.
Damn I miss Rebels. I LOVED the Ghost crew, such a wonderful cast of characters, and Season 1 especially gave us a unique perspective of the Rebellion from a group "in the trenches" so to speak, when we usually see it from the brass' point of view (Leia, Mon Mothma, etc). Of course you know Filoni, he turns it into a vehicle for his faves whenever he can. Who cares about the main characters when we can worry about Ahsoka and Darth Maul (who DIED and it was IMPORTANT in TPM) and Rex instead. I keep meaning to go back and finish it but the season 2 finale left such a bitter taste in my mouth I still haven't been able to. (That and I can't bear it if Filoni butchers Thrawn. I'm happier not knowing lol. Although I do really wanna see Sabine's involvement with the Mandalorians and the Darksaber.) I have lots of fun memories of making art for Rebels though and the fandom was overall a really positive and fun space.
I would like to get around to writing this week (I have a Baby Yoda Meta to write!) .... but I may just play Legos instead lmao. Hope you're safe and well too!
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zenathered · 4 years
My 2020 Tumblr Top 10
1). 6,404 notes - Apr 13 2020
2). 2,801 notes - Sep 25 2020
The Yoko Taro mood pack.
3). 1,998 notes - May 29 2020
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4). 1,065 notes - Apr 30 2020
Incredible. Chaotic. Energy.
5). 1,051 notes - Sep 24 2020
6). 1,027 notes - Apr 13 2020
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7). 1,021 notes - Jun 4 2020
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8). 697 notes - Apr 20 2020
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9). 663 notes - Feb 27 2020
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10). 615 notes - May 3 2020
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Created by TumblrTop10
I’d like to thank Yoko Taro and Tifa Lockhart for giving me distractions this year. >.>
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