#i uploaded them both as one post on ig but i don’t like how 2 pictures look together on tumblr haha
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dovesick · 1 month ago
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ryelleart · 2 years ago
(I accessed this on 12/8, so the # of total posts is a bit off by now, but everything else should be accurate)
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I posted 32 times in 2022
That's 2 more posts than 2021!
31 posts created (97%)
1 post reblogged (3%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 32 of my posts in 2022
#art - 32 posts
#my art - 32 posts
#please don't repost - 31 posts
#reblogs are greatly appreciated!! - 31 posts
#digital art - 31 posts
#please don't steal - 31 posts
#artists on tumblr - 27 posts
#fashion - 16 posts
#digital illustration - 14 posts
#meet the kents - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 33 characters
#reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Conner is dressed up like the Robinson sibling that flies, but Kara is the one who can actually fly between the two of them. Ironic, isn’t it?
You guys get a 2-for-1 deal today! I’d normally release these character posts as I go (which is why they end up being shared one-at-a-time), but I had both Kara and Conner ready to go, so why not upload both at the same time?
Clark & Lois|Jon|Conner|Kara|Ma & Pa|John & Lana|Karen|Bizarro & Pup Pup|Krypto|Kelex
11 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
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12 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
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I’ve had the biggest urge to draw this scene with Radioheads ever since I saw this post by @honeypixx over a month ago
(Btw, this isn’t the scene OP described, but the moment during the “Crazier Than You” number when Lucas convinces Wednesday to blindly shoot an apple off his head; I couldn’t figure out how to draw “One Normal Night” so I went with this instead)
Edit: I had to fix the IG link bc something went wrong
31 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
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Happy Halloween, from their family to yours! 🎃🚀
As promised, here’s the finished version of my Meet the Kents project! I actually came up with this idea along with last year’s WFV project, but I didn’t have time to make them both simultaneously. Fortunately, I finally managed to complete this piece, and I’m very happy with how it turned out! I hope you guys like it, too, and I hope that everyone who celebrates Halloween (and those who don’t) has a good day!
Please don’t steal/repost this anywhere!
(Here are the solo shots of the superfamily!)
36 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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What doesn’t kill you, will make you stronger…
Okay, so here’s the context behind this piece: this whole thing began when I came across Matt Ryan Tobin’s alternative poster for the 1985 horror movie “Silver Bullet”, which (surprise, surprise) is about a werewolf killing a bunch of people
I thought this poster was so cool (much better than the actual poster, imo), and bc I was suffering from The Quarry brainrot for a couple of weeks at that point, I thought “hey, this would be pretty cool if it was The Quarry themed”
And so, I sat down and began drawing immediately. Nearly a month later, this project could finally be deemed finished! I couldn’t share this on August 22nd like I originally planned, so I figured the next best time would be on Halloween
I had a lot of fun recreating this awesome movie poster, and I hope you enjoy this piece as much as I do!
Edit: I had to fix the IG link bc something went wrong
83 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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shunsuiken · 5 years ago
hi how bout headcanons of y/n and akaashi being each other's online crushes
THIS ONES REALLY CUTE AAAA thank u for requesting <3
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akaashi and his s/o are each others online crushes.
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so lets begin with how you guys discovered each other
akaashis the vice captain of fukurodani vbc and he likes to post instagram stories of bokuto spiking some balls
because their ace is the best ace amiright 🥰
he also likes to post videos of his members playing around
like konoha and bokuto having makeshift sword fights using brooms while washio stares at them confusedly in the distance
you end up coming across his instagram page because 1. its public 2. wtf hes so cute
so you decided to follow him!
you end up screaming literally three hours later because
you lowkey highkey went batshit crazy and your friend had to physically restrain you from throwing yourself out your window
whew sis youre whipped already 😳
and akaashi followed you back because he kinda recognised you from somewhere?? like he thinks hes seen you at a match before
like you were prolly in the seats, watching fukurodani go against, what hes assuming, is your high school vbc team
turns out hes right because once he checks your ig page out, you have some highlights under your bio and one of them said “vb matches 🏐”
so he taps on it and after about four stories, he sees his own uniform and the painful dump your highschool had pulled on fukurodani
akaashi literally gave himself a vibe check because he himself couldn’t actually fucking believe he was stalking your account
but the feelings mutual because you did too!
but you both don’t know that. duh
so you two obviously have never formally met before but i guess you guys can be called “online mutuals” since you guys often like each others photos
like you guys never miss to like a post when the other uploads one
and whenever you see akaashi’s @ pop up in your notifications board, you kinda just squeal and blush because omg.... the cute dude who you’ve never met before liked your photo.... again
(akaashi thinks you’re very cute, esp when you laugh... there was one post you uploaded and it was a photo of you mid laughing w a friend at a convenience store and he had a nosebleed at how cute & aesthetic you looked there)
(konoha was so concerned with akaashi’s flustered face it looked like he just made out with someone 💀)
you’re kinda curious as well like there hasn’t ever been a dude who is this consistent with liking your posts
and so early on when you’d just uploaded them 😳🤚🏼
you even experimented it at some point like the latest he would like one of your posts is thirty minutes
now now hunty its not just him whos guilty
because you are always there to watch his vbc videos whenever he posts on his story
is it weird to say you might have his story notifications on 👉🏼👈🏼 teehee
akaashi notices this whenever he checks his story views because your name is literally within the first fifteen ig @‘s
its also kinda confusing as well because you both don’t know if you hold anything mutual for each other even if you both pay attention to each others media pages often
cus that doesn’t guarantee anything mutual
but at some point konoha finds out about akaashi’s lil crush on you and discovers that its a lot worse than he thought LMAOO
so he and bokuto (because he obvi wants to help be a great wingman to his underclassmen) secretly take akaashis phone while hes changing and snap a quick selfie of themselves
they send it to you through your dms and the notification you see is literally “the user of this account has a crush on you”
[dinosaur screeching ensues]
and you reply back “???” because you’re like omg?? the feelings mutual??? but also like??? huh??
akaashi is yelling, there is chaos in fukurodani’s vbc clubroom and everyone else is in tears at how hilarious the situation is
“bokuto-san, konoha! what were you two thinking??1?1??1?1” akaashi’s swore hes never felt this panicked in his life
he sees your reply and he replies back saying “i’m sorry, my friends took my phone in secret.”
then you’re like :( was that just a prank? that was mean :( and you get kinda disappointed but before you can even reply back he literally speed types this:
“my friends aren’t wrong though”
aha did he just confess his feelings????
then i guess it means its your turn! ;D
“👉🏼👈🏼 what if.... what if i also feel the same way??”
konoha and bokuto are liking the way akaashi’s face is smiling so brightly tho 😚 they know they Won
#Bokunoha1stWin 🏅
you and akaashi end up getting to know each other better, he also likes the way you use memes to express your feelings sometimes
its amusing and endearing at the same time
you also become confident enough to reply to his stories whenever he posts them, sparking more cute conversations with him
he also likes to ask you where you go on weekends since you always go to such cute and aesthetic places
you guys slowly become that pairing thats always matching with the cutest clothes during ‘hang-outs’ and when yall post these photos everyone in the comments are like 👀
and its only called ‘hang-outs’ cus yall haven’t made anything official yet
but you both know you hold each others hearts 🥰
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daesungindistress · 4 years ago
Thoughts on GD's latest insta post? this might seem dramatic but I think this is the last straw for me, all the other things ot5 were seeing seemed like delusions but this one is pretty clear and on the nose. I'm ready to leave if they still support him, and gd is my bias so this is very disappointing... Unless they publicly condemn his actions I don't think I can trust them and continue liking them like before
Interestingly, just last night I was thinking about how he used his personal account to like that pic on IG not long ago when it was posted by an acquaintance. Not only that, he replied with a heart emoji. At the time I was willing to overlook it given the caption that made it less about BIGBANG and more about something else, as if the image was a generic (if clumsily selected) expression of unity, but I thought to myself, somewhat dramatically, if he ever posts it on his public account that’s it. It’s over.
Then I woke up today, saw he’d posted, and there it was. That damned photo that was giving me grief last night staring right back at me this morning.
I don’t know how it can be taken any other way, really. That is one of BIGBANG’s most iconic images; any VIP would recognize it as a symbol of solidarity and unity, and there’s no getting around that fifth hand. Uploading it the way he did today sends a strong message -- and a stupid one. One that’s hard to deny and one I cannot in good conscience stand behind. They may not come back as five, but evidently, Jiyong longs for it. He’s too damn sentimental for his own good. Trapped in his feels or some shit. Youngbae has said he struggles with that sometimes. Making difficult decisions. Dealing with confrontation. Letting go.
The problem is, this shouldn’t be difficult, not anymore. It’s been nearly 2 years. This isn’t just “a bad image” as I’ve seen it said, it’s downright offensive. It’s strange to think that photo of the five interlocked hands used to be one of my favorite representations of BB. Now I can’t fucking stand it.
So, my thoughts are that I am done making excuses for him. If GD intends to lead BIGBANG onward as four he’s going about it all wrong. Any criticism that comes his way is on him; he brings it upon himself and I won’t defend it, not a word. I’m just sorry for the other members that will get dragged through the fire by association. Daesung especially, considering what he went through last year because of Seungri. Any chances he may have had of making that long-awaited solo comeback in Korea are most likely dust. It's BIGBANG or bust.
I will add that GD is the one member of the group who I have always found near impossible to read. We don’t connect. So while I don’t know with certainty what he’s thinking or why he moves the way he does, after this, whatever is going through his head I don’t trust him anymore to make good choices, or the right one. There it is, the truth laid bare, ever since that ridiculous painting of those five figurines back in the spring. I’ve held onto this for so long because I am aware my words are watched and I want to be a source of reassurance for so many of you, meaning that unless you talk to me privately you would never know the doubts that eat away at me daily, many of which are centered on GD. I paint over the cracks again and again but I still feel them. It’s why I’ve been unable to get excited about those rumors of a solo comeback, which feels too much like buying time until the group can be -- brb throwing up --  five again.
FWIW I still don’t think it’s possible, I believe YG will prevent this from happening, what with how they were so quick to disown him once he was gone, but if that’s what the guys want? How is that any better?
Like you, I’m disappointed. Hurt. Angry. To put it lightly. But more than anything, and perhaps worst of all, I’m wary. It feels too much like the guys are playing both sides, trying to retain as many backers as possible. Trying to have their cake and eat it too. They send mixed signals, when they bother to send signals at all. I thought they were better than this. I wanted them to be. BIGBANG have promised us flowers but then GD goes and does shit like this and it looks like he plans to march us through the flames all over again. Like we haven’t gone through hell and back for them and been ghosted all year long as some backasswards reward for our efforts.
Like every other group who lost a member as a result of Burning Sun, I expected them to stand up for themselves and their life’s work and those who want what’s best for them a whole year ago, making it clear they were moving on as-is. I never thought they would handle this so poorly, so evasively, so cowardly, testing the waters to see what they could get away with, never displaying his face outright but relying on imagery that only fans would recognize... all this time they've let elapse in silence and this is where we are. Right back where we started, or so it seems.
If they still support him they need to man up, do what they did with TOP in 2017, and open up about it. We had Youngbae giving interviews in which he spoke freely about how he was helping Seunghyun in the immediate aftermath of his ordeal. We had GD posting pics of himself with Seunghyun, along with the caption “our hyung”. We had fans asking GD directly if TOP was still a member of BIGBANG, to which GD answered plainly, yes.
The support for their bandmate back then was unmistakable. This is not that. But if this is support, it’s so underhanded. Whatever it is, just come out with it already. Stop speaking through imagery and expecting everyone to get it. Let us know beyond a doubt what exactly we’re waiting for so that if it’s not what we want we can make an informed decision to not waste any more time or emotional energy on people who aren't worth it.
All I ask is honesty.
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remlos · 4 years ago
remlo on valentine’s day
inbetween remi preparing for the safe house opening and how arlo is with plans, is anyone really surprised remlo would be super crazy about this holiday
remi plans out the perfect valentine’s a month in advance
arlo: this has to be. the most immaculate day. ever
he buys remi roses and bc remi is a little demon that knows exactly how to get under arlo’s skin she brings him a box of white chocolate candy
if uno was a true school shounen manga, they’d probably have fanclubs that give them stacks of gifts
remi goes to her first period desk and there’s mountains of chocolates and letters and enough flowers to make a florist pass away
she thanks the people who gave her things and they all end up fainting on the spot
arlo is the same too but the difference between them is that while remi takes the candy arlo sweeps them off of his desk because he would only accept gifts on this day from his future wife as a formal declaration of dedication
“this isn’t from remi.... what is this... poison”
there would be a dozen classmates hiding behind the classroom door watching his every move wondering “will he accept the gifts this year”
they collectively sigh in disappointment when he dumps them all into the back of the room
during lunch remi whips out the heart-shaped straws for the milkshake they’re going to share in the cafeteria for their cute couple photo (yes they are literally THAT highschool couple 🤢)
after school... cupcake bakery classes??
remlo together are way too chaotic, the teacher would get so sick of them because of how they aren’t concentrating (the flirting 🙄)
arlo “accidentally” gets batter on remi’s nose so he can lean down to lick it off and the teacher is like “YOU’LL GET SALMONELLA”
when the cupcakes are in the oven she can’t wait to get rid of them
remi: oh can we go out while they’re baking
the teacher, swinging open the front door: PLEASE
while they decorate remi secretly nabs the toppings leaving arlo wondering why they're already out
she’s having the time of her life making little frosting smiley faces and hearts meanwhile arlo is sweating over how to ration the frosting under the time crunch they’re under
remi is fine with the cupcakes being a little messy as long as they’re still cute and taste good but arlo loses it
in his head ofc. because today is supposed to go perfect and he will not mess it up
remi frosts a super sloppy cupcake and arlo is like. thats so ugly what the hell is it supposed to be and she’s like “🤬 🤬 US”
as revenge for the batter, while they’re cleaning up remi flicks some water on him while they’re both at the sink
the cupcakes do not survive the ride home they are inhaled immediately
2 dessert lovers + cupcakes = 0 cupcakes left over
they go out to windowshop and burn through every single one of them on the way
arlo plans on keeping at least half of the dozen they made but remi offers him one and then two and then by the time he realies he’s been blindly accepting them there’s nothing left to gram
they reserve a seat at some tiny niche restaurant with a view of the town
as soon as they get to their seating remi’s already looking over the rail to watch the sunset
remi: i’m SOOOOOO FULL!! i have literally NO idea how we’re going to get through dinner [inhales the penne alla vodka]
her stomach = tarturus
they try to reenact the lady and tramp spaghetti scene to no avail
the noodle keeps breaking off and sauce hits them both in the face, arlo gets a heart attack in fear of it getting on his cashmere
towards the end of their dinner, remi would be like “thanks for today 🥰” nd arlo just smiles fondly and kisses her forehead
they catch an uber and remi is out like a light the second they step inside of the car
if the next day they have school arlo tries to get remi to finish her work that night instead of the morning of but between the food and remi dozing off over her books he gives up and scoops her up and into bed
+ bonus headcanons:
remi's photo album is FILLED
arlo’s ig is literally just one pic of wellston from the rooftop captioned “order” and another pic of him, remi, and rei
meanwhile remi uploads their cutest pics with captions like “with asslo AGAIN”
everyone wishes they were them so bad
“everyone @ arlo nd tell him my cupcake’s cuter” and sera is the only one gutsy enough to comment that
arlo just makes the -____- face when he opens up the notif
in the midst of all the ultra 1920x1080 hd aesthetic shots are all their ugly candids, posted onto the close friends story (isen is screenshotting)
arlo always gets really good standstill shots of the scenery and remi when she’s not paying attention
never shows them to her so whenever she’s scrolling through his phone she’s like “WTF THIS WOULD’VE MADE SUCH A GOOD COVER PHOTO”
he’s like “okay so why don’t you just post it now” and she’s like “😡😡 it’s too late u wouldnt understand”
whenever remi’s choosing photos and goes to arlo for a second opinion he always picks out the ones she doesn’t like
she’s like “wtf why that one it’s so blurry” but it’s the pic where she’s smiling the brightest or something
arlo doesn’t explain himself ever so that combined with his ig posts makes her believe he’s just a boomer (not incorrect) when his personal favorite photos of her are the ones where she’s completely in the moment
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metalbatandzenko · 5 years ago
What kind of social media presence do you think the OPM characters would have?
Oh my god I love this.
Blast: Has a verified instagram. Has never posted. Does not follow anyone. Still has like. 3.2M followers.
Tatsumaki: Has a public twitter and a secret pinterest. Her twitter is mostly the occasional selfie or update on monsters she’s fighting. She will occasionally talk shit about the Hero Association on her public twitter. She has 14.7M followers. They love the drama. Her pinterest is a lot of aesthetic pictures, quotes and romantic movie scenes.
Fubuki: Has an instagram that is immaculately curated. It’s very clean looking. She posts thirst traps to her stories, and people lose their minds. She just cracked 1M followers.
Bang: Surprisingly adept at Youtube. Uploads weekly guided meditation videos, and has a few basic self-defense videos. He’s got 800k subscribers, and a pretty active online fanbase. The go grandpa jokes are rampant.
Bomb: One of his disciples got him a snapchat, and now he snapchats nonstop. He also has an instagram, but he has it on private, and treats it like a normal person’s instagram. He still has 20k followers though. Makes regular appearances on Bang’s channel. He often acts as Bang’s sparring partner for self defense videos.
Atomic Samurai: FACEBOOK. He’s like a mix of those wine moms who post minion memes nonstop and your uncle who won’t stop posting memes that make you kind of wince because they’re like. Lowkey offensive. People keep Ok Boomering him. He’s mad because he’s not that old.
Iaian: Has a tumblr where he posts poetry/lit analysis. He’s surprisingly popular and has one of the larger lit analysis accounts, and occasionally gets into beef with other accounts. It’s hilarious. No one knows it’s him though. His account has 37k followers.
Okamaitachi: An INFLUENCER. Has an Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter and a Youtube, and knows how to use them all. Super curated (main) instagram feed. Posts regularly to her story. Probably has like. 1.8M followers. Her tumblr is pretty standard. She’s anonymous on there, and her account is pretty small. Her twitter is mainly her tweeting about stupid shit the disciples/Kamikaze do, and occasionally promoting her Youtube channel. She’s got 900k followers. Her youtube channel is a makeup/fashion channel. She’s got her go to look and style, but she’s super versatile. She’s even gotten the other disciples and Kami to come on for a lot of her videos. She just hit 1M subscribers.
Bushidrill: Doesn’t have social media, are you kidding me? Dude’s probably got the OPM equivalent of a Nokia let’s be real kjhgkjdf
Child Emperor: Has a science youtube channel where he explains different scientific phenomenons, and shows DIY experiments. He’s got 8M followers. He also has a twitter and is just a complete ray of sunshine on it. His feed is entirely fun facts and questions about people’s favorite color, book recommendations, etc. He’s got 11M followers on it.
Metal Knight: Spends all his time on Reddit. This one is self explanatory.
King: Also spends time on Reddit, but isn’t like, a jerk about it. He has a tumblr dedicated to gaming and anime. No one knows it’s him. He has like. 72 followers. He’s also popular as a twitch streamer, though he wears a mask to hide his identity. He’s in like their top 2% of creators.
Zombieman: Got a twitter because Child Emperor asked him to. He only follows about half of the S Class (and Mumen Rider) on Twitter because he’s petty and wants to start drama so he can feel something. Never tweets, just retweets Child Emperor and occasionally tweets making fun of Amai Mask. Posts the occasional thrust trap which CE finds mortifying. Still has 5.2M followers.
Drive Knight: Zero social media. The Hero Association has enough information on him as is, thank you very much.
Pig God: He’s a really popular twitch streamer! Him and King actually collaborate sometimes, though PG doesn’t know it’s King. He also has an instagram where he posts solely pictures of pigeons. No one knows why. 
Superalloy Darkshine: Has a fitness instagram, youtube account, and twitter. But he’s like the positive guy! His instagram is full of encouragement, body positivity/self love, and affordable small changes to implement to do things like up Omega 3 intake. He’s got 2.4M followers on ig. His twitter is similar, but he’ll occasionally tweet things like “Was feeling down today. Then I remembered how much I’ve improved since yesterday! Never give up! Every day you are a new person!”. He’s good and soft. His twitter has 4.3M followers. His youtube is just as upbeat. He’s got workout videos ranging from beginner to advanced, and has a lot on explaining how to build up strength and endurance, or modify fitness excercises to be easier or more challenging. He’s got 1.2M subscribers. Recently got into tiktok, but he hasn’t gotten the hang of it yet.
WDM: Has a instagram. Posts the same pic every day. Still has 1.3M followers. Also has a twitter bot that just posts variations of “woof boof” every day. He still has 887k followers there.
Flashy Flash: Has a twitter and instagram. He mostly goes on twitter to vague people, but will occasionally post an obvious thirst trap. He’s got 7.3M followers. His instagram is pretty curated, but it’s solely pictures of him looking super glamorous. He has 800k followers on there.
Speed of Sound Sonic: Has an anonymous twitter he uses to badger Genos. He’d badger Saitama, but Saitama doesn’t have any social media. Genos just thinks he’s another creep and blocks him. He also has a pinterest where he pins pictures of black clothing and MCR lyrics.
Genos: Has a twitter and instagram, though his instagram is private. He shares “wisdom” on twitter. People think he’s shitposting. He’s not. He has 9.8M followers from trying to spread sensei’s wisdom.
Saitama: Does not have any social media. Occasionally shows up in the background of one of Genos’ rare photos on twitter.
Metal Bat: A Tiktok star. Him and Zenko make dancing videos and skits, and they get over a million plays every time. He started a youtube channel back when he was 14, but just started posting vlogs, sibling challenges, and prank videos to it again. He’s up to 2.3M subscribers. His twitter is a combo of him publicly beefing with the Hero Association and celebrities, and him just. Fucking tweeting out random shit like “do you think geese can actually read minds and we just don’t know it because we don’t speak goose” at 3am. He’s got 7.9M followers. No one knows if he’s serious or not.
Tank Top Master: Has a joint account on twitter with all his bros. The TankTopArmy twitter has 2.1M followers. He also has a youtube that’s pretty similar to Superalloy, and they often collab. He’s at 1.1M subscribers on there.
Puri Puri Prisoner: Has a tumblr. He got really popular on tumblr, but then someone made a calloutpost about him and exposed him as PPP, and he lost a ton of followers. He’s still got 21k followers though.
Garou: Is on his 7th twitter account bc he keeps getting suspended. Uses his twitter to harass the heroes. Also tweets out his hot take on things like controversial food combinations to stir the pot. He’s managed to regain 700k of his original 2.2M followers on this 7th account, but he’ll probably get suspended again before he makes it all the way back.
Amai Mask: Has a twitter and instagram because it is part of his contract. His manager has access to both and manages his ig, which has 47.2M followers. He manages his twitter and occasionally vagues the S Class heroes, but his manager deletes the tweets. But screenshots are forever, and Amai’s got 38M followers on twitter to see his tweets.
Mumen Rider: Has a tumblr and twitter. His tumblr is super popular. It’s like the suggestion/nice message tumblrs. It’s all positivity and kind words, and focuses a lot on self care. He’s got 16k followers on tumblr. His twitter is very similar. There is #MumenNation on twitter. He’s got 4.6M followers, including the majority of the S Class. Even Amai Mask follows him. He’s just a nice guy.
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inmyarmswrappedin · 5 years ago
What are the top 5 things you love about druck?
Hi anon 🥤 I have to admit that I love comparing remakes (not necessarily ranking them, but that also works), but I love this idea of just talking about what we like. Thanks for sending me this ask! Without further ado:
1) David - Like I’ve said before, I’m not a huge Even person. I like him well enough, but I’ve never been crazy about him the way I’m about Eva, Sana and Isak. I never thought the remakes would make me love an Even as much as I love David. I mean, sure, part of it is that I think he’s attractive (for a teenie lol)... But I also thought Even or Joana (or even Niccolò once upon a time) were attractive and it wasn’t like this. Maybe it’s because he’s part Isak (and I do love Isak), in that he’s pursued as much as he pursues. Or that he’s so entertainingly angsty, both on social media and in person. Either way I love him and he’s the best thing about Druck as far as I’m concerned.
2) Social media - I can’t tell if Druck’s social media is realistic since I don’t know Berlin teenies like that, but what I like about is that it tells a story. There has been a lot of thought put into ensuring every ig account has a personality, as well as ways for instagram to flesh out the characters and the story. When Kiki uploads a yoga session and Essam later tries to emulate it, that’s storytelling. When David and Matteo aren’t talking to each other but like each other’s posts (and even some of their friends’ post lol). that’s storytelling. When Kiki drags Mia on ig and the girl squad refuses to play into it, that’s storytelling. When Matteo uploads a meme every Monday and Friday, but fails to do so when his phone is broken.... you get it. More on social media in a bit.
3) Politics - When I watched Skam (I started with s3), I knew I was in for something special when this show for teens referenced the Pulse club shooting in its opening montage. And then I watched Jonas talking about labor conditions in third world countries, and William and Noora’s essay talk about the refugee crisis and whether immigrants threaten Norway’s national identity. How many other teen shows can you name that don’t avoid but explicitly deal with the political issues of our time? Most remakes have incorporated Jonas’ opening speech because it’s so iconic, etc. and then completely dropped the political aspect of Skam. Not so Druck. Druck is one of the most political remakes. It’s political in the way Mohammed and Amira’s flirting involves him arguing that she’s the leader Germany needs. (I mean... Pull your head out of tumblr for a moment and realize this teen show made in a country where AfD is the largest opposition party in the Bundestag is making the point that, out of all the characters in the cast, it’s Amira who should be Kanzlerin.) It’s political in the way protesting and marching is part of the characters’ lives. And it’s also political in the way Mia and Björn’s conversation doesn’t focus so much on “omg strong female protagonist!” but in reassuring viewers that strides have been made to protect women better.
4) Kikira - Okay, so after waxing poetic about important stuff, I’m going to pull back for a moment and just enjoy that Druck gave me Kiki constantly gazing at Amira with the most adoring eyes. I shipped Sana/Vilde when I watched Skam. I felt like Sana had always had Vilde’s back in her own way, and I believed that in s3, Vilde had finally begun to realize that for herself. So I was disappointed as fuck when, in s4, instead of developing that friendship, instead of having Vilde finally support Sana for once, Julie returned to the Noora well. It was the perfect time to make Vilde or Chris different roles than they’d had so far, and... Anyway yeah, lol. For Druck, I was really hoping that s4 would develop Sam and the Sam/Amira friendship, but that also didn’t pan out. And I’ll be the first to say that the way s4 handled Kiki, Amira and their conflict was sloppy. But it mostly worked for me. Kiki doing her best to please Amira throughout the season, Kiki treating Amira as the friend who’d always had her back, Kiki reassuring Amira that she just had to be herself... Poetic cinema tbh. (Again, no, it’s not perfect, but they’re by far my favorite Sana/Vilde pair.)
5) Incorporating audience feedback - Druck feels like one of the few remakes where the audience gets to have a say in shaping the show. Druck’s social media game wasn’t always so 🔥. When fans complained about how sparse it was in s1, the team listened and gave it more importance. When Noah Steinkamp started a campaign for German Even to be trans, they listened and more than delivered. When fans expressed their desire for German Yousef to be Syrian or a refugee, they sought such an actor. The writers even acknowledged that they were aware that fans wanted Amira to be wlw. And even though they ultimately didn’t go with that, the fact that they knew and and mentioned it is big. Druck isn’t always perfect at incorporating audience ideas or desires. But the team values audience opinions just as much as their own vision for the show, and that’s not something every remake team can say lol.
Ethnic and body diversity - So like, if you watch any German production other than Druck, you’ll realize that the casting for Druck isn’t the rule in German media, but rather an exception. While Druck isn’t the most diverse remake, it’s up there. Druck acknowledges the diversity of today’s Berlin. Not just ethnic diversity, but in the diversity of bodies represented as well. And that goes not just for the background players (such as the refugee group girl that shows up in several seasons), but the main players as well. 
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j9only · 5 years ago
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Today with J9
Joong posted another KazzMagazine picture and then both of them posted a IGstory of a skin care product. Joong posted it on Twitter as well. Turns out it was a birthday presents from Nine. Nine said he wanted this for his birthday too, but an even bigger one (First text post), Joong suggested one of 100ML, but Nine thought 50ML was the max, so Joong suggested you just buy two. (He does know he’s the one that has to spend 130 euro twice to make that happen)  The second conversation below the picture had Nine say he would like a new home or his own car for his birthday. Joong said lately, he hasn’t even been able to ramen. Nine joked that since they have no money, they’ll have to make due with tap water. I totally think Nine should get a home for his birthday too, so he can live there with Joong ^^.  And can we talk about how Nine bought a present for Joong that is 130 euro. That is some money, considering he also got Joong the watch he’s wearing.  Like Nine really loves to spoil him with expansive gifts. Lucky Joong!
Joong continued to show us who ridiculously talented he is. I mean look at that lamp thingy. Such talent.  The boys tweeted they would be live, and live together more importantly because even though that happened 2 and half week ago, most of the fandom thought it was a lot longer than that. So they were very excited for it.  Nine tweeted wait around 22.00, and Joong uploaded an IG that they would come soon, because he hadn’t forgot.  The boys were watching the masked singer tonight, so they were always going to be on after that. Nine liked a picture of the singer revealed in tonight’s episodes.  They apologised for being late and explained that they wouldn’t do any games tonight, but they will play ‘guess the word’ next time with a special guest.  Joong taught Nine several Turkish words in the Live as Nine seems to want to learn. Joong put on glasses in the live, but Nine explained that they are fashion glasses both of them don’t need to wear glasses.  They taught the fans a traditional Thai game and asked them to do it as well and tag them. Nine also smothered Joong with a pillow. 
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giflinsky · 6 years ago
giflinsky’s gif tutorial
ok so !! before i start, a disclaimer: i do not claim to be a professional at photoshop or know how to do everything omg i know there are multiple ways to make gifs, but this is just how i personally learned how to make gifs from a mix of tutorials that i’ve found over the years
now onto the tutorial !! i’m gonna be gif’ing my baby ofc & here’s the end product
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step 1: pick the video you wanna gif
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usually i get my videos from youtube or instagram, especially since i mostly gif jack gilinsky & insta is where i get like 90% of his content from lol. for this tutorial, i’m gonna gif jack & jack’s day dreaming music video ok cool
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i use keepvid to download youtube videos, making sure to get the highest quality available ( 720p — 1080p ) & that the format is mp4 
step 2: opening in photoshop
so i currently use photoshop cc, but i’ve used photoshop cs5 & photoshop cs6 to gif in the past. tbh i can’t remember the differences so i’m pretty sure the process is the same?? if not lmk
anyway so to import the video, go to file > import > video frames to layers 
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upload your video & this thing will pop up
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depending on the length of the video & what scene you wanna gif, you can either click from beginning to end or selected range only. if the video is 10 seconds or shorter i usually pick the 1st option, but since this is a whole music video & i only wanna gif one tiny part of it, i chose the 2nd option. either way, check the box for limit to every 2 frames (tbh i’m not sure what happens if you change the number; every tutorial i read just said leave it at that lol)
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to clip the video to the part you want, use those lil’ sliders. it doesn’t have to be exact bc you can delete frames later
once you click OK, the gif should open in photoshop. make sure the timeline is open at the bottom & if it’s not go to window > timeline
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step 3: trimming the frames
so since i imported some extra scenes from the video, there are frames that i don’t want in the gif. all i have to do is select the unnecessary frames & click the lil’ trashcan at the bottom
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this next step isn’t really required, but i found that it helps load things faster ig? so i select all the layers in the right sidebar by using the shortcut option + command + a (control + alt + a on windows) then i press command + g (control + g) to group them together
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then i click the 3 stacked lines button & flatten frames into layers so that it’s only the frames that i want
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then i delete the original group bc i don’t need them anymore
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step 4: cropping
it’s just like cropping a regular image. it depends on the video (i.e. if it’s horizontal or vertical) & you can do whatever you like, there’s really no rules? for this gif, i used the 2:3 ratio to isolate gilinsky’s face
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step 5: resizing
since the video size is pretty big, i have to resize it to fit tumblr’s guidelines. these are the photoset sizes for 2019 for reference
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i usually make my gifs a little bit bigger, for example i size up 268px to 300px. i don’t really have a reason lol i just prefer things a little bigger i guess? anyway so to resize, go to image > image size or the keyboard shortcut option + command + i (control + alt + i)
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i made the width 245 pixels & it automatically set the height 
step 6: sharpening
this step is optional, but i’ve found that it can make a difference in quality a lot of times. i use this sharpening action. in order to use it, you’ll have to load it onto photoshop, so click the play button thing on the right sidebar or go to window > actions 
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click the 3 stacked lines, go to load actions, then select the sharpening action i linked
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once it’s loaded, make sure the 1st frame in both the timeline & layers are selected, then click play selection on the action bar & it will work its sharpening magic 
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step 7: gif speed
after you sharpen the gif, all the frames should be highlighted/selected. click the drop down arrow next to 0.06 on any of the frames & some numbers should pop up
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these are the options for how fast you want your gif to be. i usually use 0.08 seconds for gifs with more frames, but 0.1 seconds is a good general speed for most gifs
oh and make sure that drop down is set to forever, which loops the gif
step 9: coloring
this step is also optional. it’s really for aesthetic purpose, especially if the color isn’t to your liking
i’m not creative enough to make my own colorings lol so i usually use one of these PSDs to color my gifs. for this particular gif, however, i used this one. you can find a bunch of other PSDs just searching through the tumblr tags
i just open the file onto photoshop, drag the group over to my gif & it makes it pretty?
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it changed the gif from this
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to this
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step 8: saving
your gif is made! now all you gotta do is save & you’ll be able to use it however you please. go to file > export > save for web
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there will be another pop up window. these are the settings i have (based on the tutorials i’ve read). colors should be 256, but you can mess around with the selective and/or diffusion to see how your gif looks
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the last thing to check is the gif size. i believe the maximum for tumblr is 3.00M? any larger & the gif will freeze
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& that's all i have for y’all !! i hope this made sense omg i really tried to be thorough & provide enough screenshots but like tumblr made the quality booty so if you can’t see something or if you have any questions at all please feel free to send me an ask or hit up the IMs & i’ll try my best to help you out :) 
thank you to the anon who liked my gifs enough to request a tutorial, i really appreciate you & anyone who cares to like/reblog my posts !!
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pauleonotis · 5 years ago
Why you think hermione is black? I agree, but can you explain it? And harry? Im curious. Thank you! :) i love your blog btw
Thank you! <3 And okay so I uh... well I don’t really know how exactly I can explain it but I will try.
So first off I think I only have uploaded one drawing of Hermione, as far as I remember. With a light skin colour because I referenced Emma Watson but funnily enough I‘m currently drawing her again and from now on I do want to draw her with a darker skin tone too. You also can see in my older drawings that I basically referenced everything from the movies- but I won’t do that anymore.
Now as to why I stopped referencing everything from the movies. I’d say overall I simply fell in love with the headcanon of Harry and Hermione being a person of colour. I probably should mention that when I was younger I‘ve only seen the movies and never read the books up until 1-2 years ago (shame on me lmao). But I‘ve always found the fanart of them with dark skin so so gorgeous! (Even though back then I didn’t really understand why people were picturing them this way). And when I finally did read the books and afterwards also read some posts about parts in the books where it would make sense that Harry for instance doesn’t have light skin I then thought about it a lot and it then just made sense to me.
Also I wanna say that if I remember correctly it was never mentioned which skin colour Harry and Hermione have, which makes both versions (poc or not) somehow canon for me. (I btw found one of the textposts about why Harry could be poc again. I‘ll link it >here<).
But yeah idk what else to say. I’m so sorry if you maybe expected a more detailed reason...?And I hope my rambling does make any sense at all? ;-;
I feel like this is a really sensitive topic because I did notice that some people still argue over it (it happens more on IG than here but still-) so I hope I didn’t offend anyone with this post—!
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dailykai · 6 years ago
[Trans] 190113 KAI Birthday Party Translation:
Kai: Hi I'm EXO Kai! My birthday is tomorrow but I am holding a party today~ There are people who couldn't come today but I wish they won't be sad, because I will do this until the day I retire!
First section is 2018 EXO-L Awards (voted by Eris): Kai's best looks: 1. 180923 Gucci airport fashion (He chose this look himself). 2. Dubai Teddy bear airport fashion (He wanted to buy it, hesitated at the price, but bought it since he's a Bear). 3. Love Shot red suit.
Kai's best performances: 1. Olympic closing ceremony solo (The Olympic closing ceremony solo was one of the most nerve-wracking stages for me. My leg was injured at the time, but I still can't forget the rush of emotion of when I performed that. The beats of the gong were very free, so it was difficult for me to dance to it) 2. I See You (One of the most difficult choreos for him) 3. Gayo Daejun Love Shot solo (He thought a lot about how to bite the rose in his mouth, he was happy the footwork choreo got on camera.)
Kai: I always want to show you guys better performances. So I was thinking how I want to make high quality content and videos and upload it on YouTube.. I don't know if it will be possible but~ *
Kai said he doesnt like his red suit teaser because the panty line is showing ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ why do you not get rid of it?! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Kai: Yesterday, I slept late because I was hanging out with the members.. Guess what time I woke up today? Eris: ?? Kai: 4 in the afternoon
Q: Say 'I love you Eris' in both a cute and cool way Kai: How do I say it in a cool way? Can I just choose one way? ㅂㅇㅂ EXO-L: No~  EXO-L: Say 'noona I love you!' Kai: Noona I love you? But there could be dongsaeng! Noona, dongsaeng and same-age Eris.. I love you! 
Q: What is your Biggest charming points? Kai: Dance, Skin, Black Hair.. I have a lots of abs..? I compared it to Moonkyu and I have more. But the biggest attraction, I think.. I'm talking to myself.. hmmm. Dancing!
Q: Which album concept suited Kai? Kai: aigoo album..!! Please give me more time... no last hint????...... all!!! **answer is LOVE SHOT
Kai chose an EXO-L from the audience to do an acrostic poem with #BearDayParty (#곰일파티 Gom-il-party): Gom: I came to a party il: on Sunday par: With a bear ty: I want to see Kai in a tiara
Q: What is a food that Kai makes the best? Kai: I wonder what you guys answered to this. I can crack eggs well now. I can also make Budae jjigae (sausage stew) *Eris' answer to the question was 'Ramen' and Kai said "Is this what you guys think of my cooking skills??"ㅋㅋㅋ
*B-side track that Kai likes; EXO-L guessed Thunder but Kai’s answer is Ooh La la la. He danced when the music played and says he likes the "oohlalala" part.
*Eris sang Birthday Song to Kai* Kai: I made this bday cake myself! I told you I'm not that bad of a cook~ If I can make a cake, aren't I pretty good? You know how I blew the candles with you on Christmas? After that, I wanted to make a cake on my birthday to cut with you all.
Kai is doing Ato's lines from Miracle That We Met with EXO-L saying Yeonhwa's lines. HE is scolding EXO-L for their soulless acting & make them practice over & over so that they are saying the words in syncㅋㅋㅋ
Kai was decorating a piggy bank for an EXO-L!!! Kai: (Signing on the piggy bank) Where should I do it?  Eris: The belly~~~  Kai: Don't wanna~~ (I'll sign on) The butt ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ Kai’s message: Baby pig ♡ EXO-L, I love you EXO-L
Kai said he will also appear on variety shows this year.
Kai chose Eris out of the audience to give self-decorated piggy banks and also the cake he made! Kai: All of the things I prepared today are over.. But wasn't it fun? It was really fun for me~ I don't think I should do my bday party for only one day. Should I make it 3 days? Kai: I really like how my birthday is on January. I am so happy to receive such strength from you all the starting of 2019, I hope that you all can gain strength from seeing me too. I am always thankful for you, and miss you always. Kai: You know how I posted on January 1st on Instagram of how I wanted to spend a good year with you all? I will always work my hardest this year in order for it to be good. I want meet you all more often and show the good sides of me. Thank you so much, and I love you.
Kai: I don't want to part~ It's too sad, this time went by too fast ㅠㅠ It's 9PM right now. Should we take a photo together first? Kai: 3rd #BearDayParty, always on Jongin's side! 1, 2, 3.📸🐻 Kai: Next year, lets start at 6PM and do it until 9PM (1 hour more) ^^ ㅎㅎㅎ
Kai: Today was so enjoyable. Thank you for everyone who came today, let's meet again! Bye~ Go home safely. I really prepared a lot today but I think I should prepare even more next time. Should I do an IG live later? Yes? Bye now! 
 - END -
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sybcritics-blog · 6 years ago
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( lee jooheon, cismale, he/him, 24. ) — CHOI JUNGWOO, better known to the authorities as VULCAN, has been working for the kumiho for around SIX YEARS as a JANITOR. rumor has it, they can be DARING & KALEIDOSCOPIC but also IRASCIBLE & SYBARITIC which is why blood-stained hands, all black wardrobes, crooked smirks, and weaponry makes me think of them.
hey  demons,  it  me,  ya  girl,  gem  ...  back  at  it  again,  only  this  time  my  character  is  worst  than  the  first  one.  which  is  saying  something  because  oof  minwoo  was  an  absolute  disaster  !  so  if  that  gives  you  any  idea  as  to  how  this  shithead  is  gonna  be,  that  should  be  a  clue  !  
again,  his  whole  backstory  isn't  completely  figured  out  but  i  have  what  i've  already  figured  out  below  the  cut,  as  well  as  his  basic  information,  personality  &  some  wanted  plots  i  have  for  him  ! 
if  you  want  to  plot  with  this  lil  pyro,  smash  that  like  button  &  i'll  come  to  you  !  or  of  course,  if  you  like  d*scord  better  than  tumblr  feel  free  to  add  me  on  there  (  @𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕂𝕃𝔼𝕍𝕠𝕊𝕊!#9330 )  &  we  can  plot  from  there  !
                                         BASIC INFORMATION.
full  name:  choi  jungwoo. nickname(s):  jun,  woo. age:  twenty-four. date  of  birth:  october  31st. birthplace:  daegu,  south  korea. current  location:  seoul,  south  korea. ethnicity:  korean. nationality:  korean. gender:  cismale. pronouns:  he  /  him  /  his. orientation:  pansexual. crew  position:  janitor. occupation:  instagram  model  /  youtuber.  (  eboy  basically  ig  ) language(s)  spoken: korean,  english,   chinese,  japanese,  spanish,  greek,  thai  &  french.
                                    PHYSICAL  APPEARANCE.
face  claim:  lee  jooheon  (  joohoney  )  of  monsta  x. hair  color:  changes  frequently,  currently  dark  brown. eye  color:  brown. height:  6  '  1  ". weight:  175. build:  athletic. tattoos:  far  too  many  to  count. piercings:  multiple  in  his  ears,  a  tongue  piercing,  nipple  piercings,  a  scar  on  his  right  brow  from  an  old  brow  piercing.
physical  ailments:  alcohol  abuse,  drug  abuse  & lactose  intolerance. neurological  conditions:  back  pain  &  occasional  migraines. allergies:  pollen,  mold,  dairy,  shellfish. sleeping  habits: 3-4  hours  a  night,  restless. eating  habits:  mostly  junk  food,  fast  food  &  take-out  but  he  does  enjoy  going  to  fancy  places  every  once  in  a  while  as  well  as  cooking  meals  at  home. exercise  habits:  jogs  every  morning,  is  in  a  boxing  group  that  meets  every  week. body  temperature: hot  natured. addictions:  alcohol,  tobacco,  drugs  &  sex. drug  use: frequent. alcohol  use: frequent.
                                          PERSONALITY. ( PT 1. )
label:  the  cataclysmic. positive  traits:  daring  &  kaleidoscopic. negative  traits:  irascible  &  sybaritic. fears:  large  bodies  of  water. hobbies:  boxing,  card  games,  video  games,  reading,  cooking,  comic  books,  jogging. habits: tbd. quirks:  tbd.
season:  fall. color(s):  black,  red,  green. music:  isn’t  super  picky,  doesn't  care  for  country. movies:  mostly  action,  suspense,  horror  &  comedy. sport(s):  watches  baseball  &  hockey. beverage(s):  anything  but  sparkling  water. food:  fast  food. animal:  dogs.
father: tba. mother: tba. sibling(s):  younger sibling, nineteen. children:  n/a. pet(s):  german  sheppard  puppy. family’s  financial  status:  upper  class.
zodiac sign:  scorpio. mbti:  entp-a.  (  the  debater  ) enneagram:  type  eight. (  the  challenger  ) temperament:  choleric. hogwarts  house:  slytherin. moral  alignment:  chaotic neutral. primary  vice:  lust. primary  virtue:  pride. element: fire.
born  in  daegu  sk  to  a  lawyer  and  a  police  officer,  jun's  life  was  always  pretty strict.
they  always  made  sure  he  was  living  like  they  wanted  him  to,  cracking  down  and  making  sure  he  was  behaving  &  that  his  grades  were  at  the  top  of  his  class.
little  did  they  know  that  their  son  found  ways  around  having  to  obey  everything  they  said,  sneaking  out  of  his  bedroom  window  to  roam  the  streets  of  daegu  in  the  middle  of  the  night  &  things  like  that.
that's  also  where  he  first  found  his  interest  in  fire,  seeing  people  mess  with  small  bonfires  /  fireworks  all  the  time  caused  him  to  grow  curious.
so  one  night  on  one  of  his  adventures,  he  approached  a  group  of  kids  that  were  probably  only  a  few  years  older  than  him  and  they  allowed  him  into  their  group  &  allowed  him  to  start  messing  with  the  fireworks  himself.
it  was  from  that  moment  on  that  he  started  to  rebel  a  little  bit  more  with  each  day  that  passed,  eventually  sneaking  out  &  staying  gone  the  entire  night  only  to  sneak  back  up  through  his  window,  get  2  hrs  of  sleep  and  then  head  to  school.
parents  never  figured  out  about  it  though,  he  was  good  at  lying  to  them  &  anyone  with  any  sort  of  'authority'  so  he  was  able  to  continue  pleasing  them  &  pretending  to  be  this  pefect  son  all  while  living  the  life  he  actually  wanted  to  live.
the  only  thing  that  came  as  a  shock  to  his  parents  was  him  moving  out  at  the  age  of  sixteen,  getting  his  own  apartment  and  whatnot  so  he'd  stop  having  to  hide  how  he  wanted  to  live  or  have  to  sneak  out  of  his  own  home.
however,  to  them,  they  just  thought  he  wanted  to  become  more  of  an  adult  &  so  they  never  really  questioned  it  or  checked  up  on  him  without  warning.
he  had  just  turned  eighteen  when  he  was  approached  by  the  mastermind  after  getting  into  a  fight  at  a bustling  club,  leaving  the  other  person  laid  out  on  the  ground  while  jun  barely  had  any  injuries  whatsoever.  
the  mastermind  offered  a  job,  keep  people  quiet  or  clean  up  after  the  ones  who  can't  and  you'll  get  paid  shit  tons  of  money...  who  was  jun  to  turn  that  offer  down?
a  few  months  after  that  is  when  his  instagram  persona  started  forming,  posting  his  outfits  on  the  app  started  to  cause  people  to  follow  him  &  ask  for  more...  n  before  he  knew  it,  he  was  getting  agents  messaging  him  offering  to  be  HIS  agent  &  allow  him  to  make  even  more  money  just  by  posting  the  simplest  of  things  on  a  daily  basis.
again,  who  was  he  to  really  turn  down  the  offer?  especially  considering  the  fact  he'd  already  grown  a  taste  for  all  things  expensive.
&  thus,  jun's  double  life  began  once  more,  though  this  time,  both  sides  of  his  life  were  things  he  truly  enjoyed.
                                       PERSONALITY. ( PT 2. )
the  Worst...
short-tempered  as  heck,  will  snap  on  people  for  breathing  in  his  direction  wrong  if  he's  in  one  of  those  moods...
loves  violence... it's  a  problem.  will be  that  asshole  who  starts  bar  fights  just  so  he  can  fight  someone  ksfjghsdf
.... if  you  haven't  figured  it  out,  the  boy  loves  to  play  with  fire.  constantly  burns  stuff,  always  tries  to  take  things  of  other  peoples  to  burn  them.  also  likes  to  ... possibly  set  empty  buildings  on  fire  only  to  watch  them  burn  down.  yike.
can  be  extremely  goofy  &  joking  one  moment  and  then  the  biggest  grumpy  asshole  the  next.  all  really  depends  on  his  mood  at  the  time.
when  he's  in  a  good  mood  though,  he  loves  to  mess  with  people  &  joke  around  or  just  go  explore  the  area.  day  trips  are  his  favorite  thing  in  the  world  even  though  he  won't  admit  to  it.
however,  when  he  isn't.... don't  mess  with  him  bc  he  will probably  try  and  snap  ur  head  off  or  yell  at  you  for  the  dumbest  shit.  probably  figures  out  he's  being  a  dick  a  little  too  late  but  will  still  own  up  to  it  and  apologize  eventually.
a  bit  of  a  wild  card,  honestly.  you  never  know  what  mood  he's  going  to  be  in  or  what's  going  on  in  his  head  at  any  given  moment.
a  heaux,  shock  shock...  but  like  actually  really  bad  abt  it,  constantly  has  some  new  hook  up  or  something  like  that.
this  is  a  work  in  progress  as  well  so  that's  all i've  got  atm
                                                   PLOT IDEAS.
someone  from  his  past  who  knows  that  his  father  is  a  police  officer  &  constantly  gets  on  his  ass  for  all  the  stupid  shit  he  does  bc  they  don't  want  him  getting  caught  let  alone  his  own  father  finding  out.
his  go  to  person  for  all  things  stupid  as  fuck.  getting  high  on  the  roof?  check.  getting  drunk  &  dancing  on  the  bar?  check.  walking  around  seoul  at  4  in  the  morning?  check.
the  fire  &  ice  combination  we  all  want  for  our  muses,  they  fight,  bicker,  try  to  throw  hands  w  each  other  even  but  at  the  end  of  the  day,  they  actually  care  about  one  another.
someone  who's  able  to  see  the  softer  side  of  jun,  either  by  just  being  around  for  his  'down'  days,  or  finding  out  that  a  sleepy  /  just  woke  up  jun  has  a  tendency  to  be  soft  and  a  tiny  bit  needy.
the  jokester  friend  who's  always  pranking  jun  &  jun  tries  to  one  up  them  &  get  his  revenge.
the  LOATHING  plot...  idk  what  it  would  be  for  but  they  just  literally  can't  stand  each  other  &  they  make  sure  it's  known  to  the  world.
someone  who  puts  up  with  his  instagram  persona  and  goes  on  shopping  trips  &  appears  in  the  dumb  videos  he  uploads  to  both  instagram  &  youtube.
speaking of,,,,,  the  'dating'  rumor.  basically  they're  really  close  friends  &  are  seen  by  the  media  together  a  lot  so  people  just  assume  they're  a  thing  &  start  getting  hashtags  about  them  trending  as  well  as  all  the  other  fun  stuff  that  goes  along  with  that.
will  add  more  as  they  come  to  mind  !
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skammovistarplus · 6 years ago
Culture and Translation - S01 E10
After the cut, lots of thoughts of bullying and betrayals. Also, me trying to get through these quick before season 2 starts dropping. 
CLIP 1: And now, for a lot of thoughts on bullying
¿Con las clases empezadas? (“Mid-term?”): Nora asks Eva something like, “with school having started?” I reworked it as it sounds awkward.
Es que no me entra nada (“I have no appetite”): Eva says something like, “I can’t get anything inside.” Again, no one says this in English.
Okay, so when this clip dropped, there were some discussions on twitter. Firstly, as someone who has attended high school in the US and Spain, I don’t believe Nora would be nicknamed Joan of Arc at an American high school. I don’t think Joan of Arc is that well-known of a figure that side of the Atlantic. Joan of Arc is a fairly recognizable figure in Spain because she is a Roman Catholic saint, and Spanish culture is highly influenced by Catholicism. In my opinion, a person like Nora, living in Wisconsin, would be called a SJW or a snowflake or something along those lines. The issue is, Spanish people don’t understand what those nicknames would mean. They would, however, understand the nuances of getting called Joan of Arc.
Then there is another issue. Nora says, “I swear that, in the US, being a freak is a lot worse than here.” That raises some questions, because the kind of bullying Eva is victim to, is actually really serious. I believe she has it the worst out of all the Evas. To recap: She has been abandoned by all her friends except for Nora. People are talking about her and pointing at her. People throw notes at her, and she is the victim of 24/7 cyberbullying, which involves a picture of the Eva/Cristian kiss and defacing the pictures posted to her ig. This has been going on for around a week. Tyler Clementi, to name a notable victim of cyberbullying, suffered under similar circumstances.  
So, since Nora is speaking from personal experience, how severe was the bullying she suffered in Madison, the bullying that makes her say that, “in the US, being a freak, is a lot worse” than what Eva is experiencing. Some viewers felt that Nora was minimizing the bullying Eva was going through, as Nora only mentions namecalling, being nicknamed Joan of Arc. Spanish teen viewers (the target audience) felt that Nora was exaggerating what “being a freak” is like at an American high school. That is because Spanish teens’ knowledge of American high school comes from, you guessed it, TV shows and movies. In particular, a movie that was brought up in the comments to the clip was The Perks of Being a Wallflower. When this movie was dubbed for Spaniards, the title was translated as “Las ventajas de ser un marginado” (Perks of being marginalized). Now, you will agree that being marginalized is a lot stronger than being a wallflower, and so that led to the impression from certain viewers that being bullied in the US is a glamorous affair where your best friends are Ezra Miller and Emma Watson, you eat cannabis brownies, drive through tunnels for the aesthetics and go to school dances.
In short, this clip attempted to broach the topic of bullying in the US as compared to bullying in Spain, to an audience who has no real references of what American high school culture is like, outside of American popular culture. And to do so, they gave an unrealistic example (American students using Joan of Arc as a demeaning nickname), failed to explain why Nora would feel that bullying at US schools is “a lot worse” than what Eva is experiencing (which barely holds up as an argument, as what Eva is going through has led students in the US to grievous harm), and led more educated viewers to wonder about the extent of the bullying Nora went through. And while bullying at American high schools is an important topic, should that be a topic that Skam ESPAÑA deals with? Is it relevant to the average Spanish teen’s experience? Personally, I feel like the writers may have bitten off more than the show can possibly chew, with this narrative choice, which informs Nora’s character as it is her backstory.
On a lighter note, Nora compares Eva to a dog, which should imply her stance on dogs isn’t so hard-line. The word she uses, “galletitas,” can mean a number of different things in Spanish. Generally speaking, “galletas” are cookies, but they may also be biscuits, salty crackers, or yes, dog food. I went with “kibble” to keep to the dog-related teasing.
Again, the characters suggest that Eva talks to her mom, but she doesn’t. As I mentioned, this is generally true of Spanish teens (we aren’t a hivemind after all), and more specifically, of bullying victims. One of the biggest issues about bullying in Spain is that victims take up to a year to tell their parents.  
CLIP 2: Learn English with Skam España
Okay, so this is definitely more about the effects on bullying than culture or translation anymore. Is everyone in that library talking about Eva? At this point, it no longer matters for either Eva or the viewer. The bullying she has gone through so far has made it so that both Eva and the viewer now feel paranoid that everyone is talking shit about Eva while Eva is present. Maybe those guys are just checking 9gag! But since they took out their phones at the same time Eva got an IG notification, it feels like they are definitely mocking Eva. I thought Eva’s actress was great through the entire bullying arc, and I liked that Skam España expanded on the bullying sl from the og, so that we could get a fuller portrait of the effects of bullying on their victims.
¿Con qué estás? (“What are you studying?”): The literal translation would be, “What are you with?” I.e. What subject are you working on right now.
When did Amira take that Bio test? She’s supposed to be in Eva’s group (we saw her in the third clip and she’s also on the Science track), but of course, that test was all about Eva and Lucas’ friendship angst.
Phrasal verbs are the bane of every ESL student’s existence, Cris included.
No seas plasta (“don’t be a pain in the ass”): “Plasta” is a synonym of “pesado/pesada,” which I already covered in an earlier post. It literally means “flattened mass.”
Me cago en la puta (“shit on a whore”): More pooping! Now we’re pooping right on top of prostitutes! But yeah, that’s the literal translation and, you know, sometimes you want to find the closer English equivalent, and other times, you just want to make sure people understand who or what we’re pooping on this time. Cris is really frustrated with her English skills, so she uses one of the stronger pooping variations.
This was one of the clips that were most fun to translate, for the challenge of translating an English quiz to English.
CLIP 3: Mess
Es que ya hay que tener mala hostia (“You really gotta be a fucking asshole”): “Tener mala hostia” is the stronger versión of “tener mala leche” (literally, to have bad milk). A person with “mala leche” is someone who acts in bad faith, a malicious or a bad-tempered person. The idiom comes from the idea that a mother’s breastfeeding milk can have an impact on her person’s temper or personality. “Hostia,” as we’ve covered, is the sacramental bread used for the ritual of the Eucharist, but it’s used more commonly to mean a smack across the face.
Cris makes a point of singling out the person who first uploaded the pic to instagram. When I link Skam España to people, I point out that they should also follow the social media posts, and here’s the reason. If you follow the social media posts, you already know who first uploaded the picture to instagram. It was Inés. The hate ig took it from her stories, cropped it, and posted the first meme. The sequence of events is clear if you followed the show in real time. However, if you bingewatch the episodes and don’t follow social media, you get the impression that, at this point, how the Eva/Cristian picture made it to the hate ig is a mystery. And also, that whoever uploaded it first (who we know to be Inés) is the one with beef against Eva. And, well, there’s beef of the level of “I uploaded a compromising pic to my stories to be a dick” and beef on the level of “I’ve vandalized all your pictures, turned you into a meme and covertly filmed you at school.”
This confrontation is so odd when you consider that, unlike the og girl squad who didn’t know about the letter written in period blood, the Spanish girl squad suspects the second years of being behind the hate ig. In fact, they know the girls have pulled similar shit before. And, best of all, Cris actually hooked up with one of them, so you’d think Cris’ presence might help matters?
The second year girls have a different Maths teacher. This one is a guy. The girl squad’s Maths teacher is a woman.
I find it funny that Rubén was suspended for three days for fighting with ALEJANDRO, but ALEJANDRO was not punished himself.
I just noticed that there should be an “into” in the sentence, “People are huge assholes and anything can turn INTO a joke to laugh your ass off.” Oops.
CLIP 4: Failing grade in Biology and in Friendship
As noted in the subs, in Spain we’re graded on a 0-10 scale. 5 is the passing grade. Lucas got an 8, which is considered a “notable” grade, but not “outstanding” (those are grades over 9). Eva got a 3, which is well below 5. Much like Isak, Lucas is good enough in Biology that he does well in surprise exams. He seems to be resentful of what this grade might do to his GPA though, lol.
Lucas says that his mom was hysterical after his dad left, but the language he uses doesn’t make it explicit that his mom is mentally ill. The writers may or may not keep this part of Isak’s background. Thought I’d mention that since we know at this point that they have no issues giving the Skam España characters entirely different backgrounds. So far, it’s clear that Lucas’ parents fight a lot and that his home life is massively impacting Lucas’ mood and life, but we don’t know what the fights are about.
¿Para esto vienes de buenas a hablar conmigo? (“Is this why you talked to me like nothing happened?”): “de buenas” is kind of tricky to translate. You can come at someone “de buenas” (good) or “de malas” (bad). If you come at someone “de malas,” it means you’re already on a bad mood when you start a conversation, or you’re angling for a fight. On the other hand, if you come at someone “de buenas,” it means you’re in a conciliatory mood, or trying to avoid a fight.
CLIP 5: Hi privileges
Comiéndoos la boca (“Sucking face”): Inés actually says that Jorge and Eva were eating each other’s mouths. This is a common Spanish idiom, by the way!
El insta es muy jodido (“Insta is a mindfuck”): Eva says that Insta is “really fucked up,” as in, it does a number on one’s mental health. I went with “mindfuck” to get to the point of what Eva means, but keeping the swear word.
Eva asks Inés why she stayed friends with Jorge, but not her. I saw some commentary to the tune of, “why did they add that bit of dialogue? It adds nothing to the conversation, we already know this.” Personally, I think it’s good that they added it, because it’s a good starting point for a discussion, and particularly when it comes to the s2 storyline. Skam has gotten massive kudos for promoting sorority and friendship between girls. However, the s2 storyline is about Noora being forced to choose between her friend and a boyfriend. Vilde never dated William, but the storyline shares some of the same elements: Eva is torn between a guy she likes who likes her back, and her friend who is in love with that guy. So is Noora. Skam offers two outcomes to that scenario. Eva’s decision results in her expulsion from her friend group, while ultimately the girl squad friendship is stronger after Noora’s season.
Inés says she assumed that boyfriends come and go, but that she thought she’d stay friends with Eva forever. Was Eva Mohn right in choosing a boyfriend over her best friend? Was Eva Vázquez (since, thanks to the bonus clip, we know more of how Eva and Jorge got together)? Was Inés right to hold a grudge against Eva? And if she was right to do so, was she right to not hold a grudge against Jorge?  Is it ever okay to choose a boyfriend over your friends?
Again, if you haven’t kept up with the social media, Inés’ apology may seem confusing. It seems like she admits to being the person behind the hate ig, but then why would she not take credit for the meme? The first profile to make a meme out of the Eva/Cristian pic was eva_la_z0rra (or eva_the_s1ut). That’s because Inés is not behind the hate ig. She just uploaded the pic to her stories. I have noticed that people who didn’t keep up with the social media posts assume Inés took responsibility for the hate ig, which is interesting. You could watch og Skam without the social media posts and the story would be exactly the same than if you’d watched it with the social media posts. Social media added characterization details. When it comes to Skam España, you come away with two very different conclusions as to who ran the hate ig, depending on your level of investment (reading and watching everything vs just watching the episodes).
Retirar el saludo (“to snub someone”): This idiom doesn’t come up in the clip itself, but it gives cultural context to Eva and Inés’ conversation. In the course of a day, we say hi to everyone we know that we come across. We don’t necessarily stop and have a conversation, but we acknowledge them with a “hi” or a “how are you doing.” In Spain, we have a specific idiom for when someone’s fucked up and has lost their “hi” privileges. This is “retirar el saludo” (literally, “to remove the greeting”). Through the conversation, Eva seeks to get her “hi” privileges back, and eventually Inés agrees she will say “hi” to Eva when they see each other at school/around the neighborhood/at parties or botellones. It doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll stop to talk and catch up, but Eva now gets to be told “hi.”  
Social media: 
Cris turned 16 this week! I love that the writers specifically picked her birthdate so that it would fall on a day where the girl squad was still broken up. Needless to say, people were very salty in the comments, heh.
I’ve liked the way Skam España has referenced the og with similar social media pics, Kose Club, and song choices. Referencing songs from the og on insta is actually clever as it helps them circumvent music license issues, lol. That said, I think naming the Spanish girl squad after the og girl squad name Las Losers would be far too much. I hope they leave it at that, just a reference on a text update.
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wannawrite · 7 years ago
The Royals - KD [ pt.2 ]
who?: Wanna One’s Kang Daniel 
genre: 🌺🌸
type: bullet point 
TW:  violence, guns - GUN! CONTROL!, profanity
blog navigator.
part two \ two 
mafia! AU 
you’ve always known he could break bones, but you never thought Kang Daniel was capable of breaking your heart 
concludes daniel’s story! sorry this literally took a decade to upload, hope y’all ain’t starved 
- Admin L 
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disclaimer: pictures used do not belong to me and credit goes to their original owners everything purely fictional DO NOT READ IF TRIGGERING 
time went on as usual 
eventually, you announced to your friends and family that you and Daniel were no longer a thing 
it was tragic sad
at least your friends never left your side through the thick and thin 
JooE even offered to throw away the painting she had painted but you insisted she keep it 
you avoided him as much as you could at school 
not much because he was literally EVERYWHERE 
last time, you appreciated the fact you too had so many clashing classes and lunch slots...
now they just were more opportunities for the dagger lodged in your chest to sink deeper 
• thankfully, Daniel didn’t shoot a sad puppy dog look or a cheery smile because you would hAVE CRACKED INTO PIECES AND GOTTEN BACK WITH HIM YEAH 
whipped enough for you to still congratulate him on graduation day and made that a final goodbye to your ex-boyfriend 
okay maybe you were just a courteous person 
you wondered how his mafia was doing 
how was Jeon Somi? what was Ong Seongwoo up to? 
after a short two days of staying at Somi’s apartment - she got you out of the wrecked Kang mansion - you grew attached to her and considered her your friend 
however, you only managed to get her KakaoTalk and due to her busy schedule, she almost never replied to your messages 
in a sense, you missed out on the exciting mafia lifestyle 
but better safe than sorry right? especially when dealing with the law 
some people just weren’t cut out to be part of organised crime associations 
sometimes...whenever you let your mind wander, it would take you to an alternate universe where you had stayed with Daniel 
here Daniel had accepted your help and stuck with you 
a world where you too held the mark of a royal - a tattooed crown 
you would be one of them 
and it would be you and Daniel. Both of you missions together, going up against NCT, fighting side by side 
mundane school life thrown into the wind, caution tossed far away 
you could be travelling all over the globe with the love of your life, tracking down NCT members and claiming heists
that could’ve been your new life
but it wasn’t 
and Daniel wasn’t involved in your current...that bit kind of sucked the most if you were completely honest 
...you wanted him, and all of his dark secrets 
haha but you had neither 
strangely, life seemed well enough for you to forget the majority of the details, only remembering the important parts 
life goes on
people move on 
so why the hell was there a bitter aftertaste on the tip of your tongue when you saw a post on IG with Daniel in it 
he seemed to be posing with close friends, pulling candid faces 
who tf are they and why do I still follow them 
uhhh Kim Jaehwan from that one Christmas part from 3 years ago? 
it was more of your cousin’s party, which is why you only knew your family there
you think you only followed him because he followed you? 
how does he know Daniel? 
why is Daniel so important to him that he must appear in one of the three pictures on his feed 
+ Jaehwan has a lot of followers 14k...they’ll all be seeing Daniel 
...those kinds of things happened occasionally 
look that dumb prick went drinking again and he spent money on a bitter Hite can 
stupid...I bet he couldn’t even walk into his house that night 
wait, why do I still care? 
graduation was the last incident you had seen him face to face 
surprisingly, he disappeared right after school had ended, as if he vanished from the face of the earth 
perhaps it was another Kang Daniel effect 
at least he was gone 
that part helped your brain to more or less erase a small chunk of your memories of him 
you just hoped he wasn’t gone for good 
you drew out your own map, paved your own path, created an individual route in life 
did whatever the hell you wanted to do 
whatever deemed morally and lawfully correct that is 
be good children okay 
whenever you could, you worked as a flight attendant on one of the country’s top airlines to fund your college tuition 
the stack law school fees weren’t going to pay themselves 
not to be nsfw but here I am organising baguettes on a jet powered by dinosaur bones, flying through clouds  
keep :) calm :)) 
I’m sure everyone is familiar with how boarding a plane works 
you’re checking people’s boarding passes as they march into the aircraft 
some of the names start ringing bells into your head 
fire alarm bells 
Kim Jaehwan 
Kim Chungha 
Ong Seongwoo 
Kim Sohye 
they’re dressed like ordinary passengers, but black masks hide the bottom half of their face 
is Seongwoo wearing circle lenses? 
why the hell are they flying economy when they have 11 private jets? 
just what are The Royals up to now 
f o u r  years ago...it was about trying to salvage Daniel’s relationship with you, protecting you two from NCT 
what are they doing now? 
The Royals: Where are they now? not clickbait
a heist? an ambush attack? meeting with dealers? meeting with NCT? or had their enemy changed? 
dealers as in firearm and car dealers...not drugs 
don’t do drugs kids
and don’t buy illegal firearms or cars, you’ll end up in jail 
just don’t do illegal things 
a small fraction of your heart began to beat wildly once again 
this was the first time you had such a close encounter with people you thought had been left in your past 
a brief look of recognition crossed Seongwoo’s eyes when his gaze fell on you but he pressed his lips together and continued moving down the aisle 
great...just fantastic, the whole gang of them are sitting in the rows I’m in charge of in 
do! not! crack! now! 
Jaehwan couldn’t possibly remember me because he spent the whole party with my cousins and ended up drunk playing the piano 
Seongwoo would’ve shown some sort of response if he remembered 
so, I’m just another flight attendant 
nothing’s gonna happen 
even with that phrase chanting in your head, your hands still shook and heat still scorched the back of your neck 
you simply could not stop yourself from observing them, your eyes rarely left the four faces 
so much so you almost dropped an entire tray of drinks on another passenger 
finally, after serving the passengers’ lunch, you got a chance to catch your breath
‘tired?’ your colleague asked you as she fanned her face, trying to stall the melting of her makeup 
‘definitely, work never stops,’ you replied with a chuckle 
you wondered why she was pulling a weird face and gesturing to ‘turn around’
when you did, you nearly smacked into a girl who bore a black mask 
• your co-worker stepped out of the pantry, closing the thick purple curtain behind her 
‘how can I he-‘ 
it all happened in one fluid motion 
the girl’s hand curled around your throat, your body slammed into the cabinet-lined walls, a gust of breath leaving your lungs 
‘who sent you to keep watching us?’ she snarled, ripping away her black mask 
‘I-I...’ well, what on earth were you going to say? she wouldn’t believe me anyway 
‘don’t test my patience. I won’t spare a second in stopping your air supply.’ There was a furious glint in her eyes, but you had seen this look before
it was the look Daniel gave you when he broke up with you 
it wasn’t out of pure aggression or force, she just wanted to protect her friends
he just wanted to protect you 
maybe himself too 
a bit too late to understand now....
oxygen was rapidly dwindling in your bloodstream and your head began to throb
the sound of metal scraping metal and the curtain being pulled open called you back to consciousness 
‘sohye! want the hell are you doing?’ 
he yanked the girl - supposedly 
Sohye - off you, allowing you to heave deep breath 
Seongwoo restrained her from you, ignoring her attempts to break free. ‘Calm down! It’s them. They...they’re Daniel’s ex.’ 
she froze in her spot, like a deer caught in the headlights 
wow who knew being Daniel’s ex was such a big deal 
who knew it would get me killed? 
‘I-I t-thought NCT sent them. We have no clue who to trust nowadays; NCT has spies everywhere!’ Sohye hissed in a hushed tone 
Seongwoo nodded understandingly, his eyes darting around to ensure the three of you weren’t being watched 
he turned to face you
‘I need you to come with us.’ 
your brows knitted together, puzzled, not quite making sense of what he was trying to tell you 
I’m not a Royal? I haven’t seen one in 4 years 
‘This plane is headed to Dubai right now. There, a jet is waiting to take us to London,’ Sohye explained 
clog wheels began churning rapidly in your head, trying to understand what they were saying 
‘We’re going to see Daniel.’ 
blood coursing through your veins froze, your eyes went round like hard candy, everything around you seemed to stand still 
Kang Daniel, it’s been more than four years since I’ve seen you 
I never imagined that our first meeting would be like this
‘how the hell do you expect me to get out of my job?’ you retorted to the four gang members. ‘I’m due the next flight back to Seoul.’ 
Chungha let out a chuckle. ‘We’ve got connections. I bet someone is already filling your spot.’ 
The Royals were powerful enough to let your strict boss let you off so easily 
you took a glance at your small overnight luggage and back at the Royalty 
deep breaths 
think about it...it’s now or never 
‘okay, let’s go.’ 
Seongwoo grinned, he grabbed the handle of your luggage. ‘Woojin is waiting in the jet for us.’ 
...hmm...don’t think my chances of escape were high anyway 
Kang Daniel is one rich prick 
I love him 
you just like his private jet 
who wouldn’t fall in love with the jet that had polished wood floors, plush calf leather seats and a seemingly unlimited supply of food and beverages 
there were even private bedrooms for night flights 
Jaehwan heaved a deep sigh of relief when the plane wheels left the tarmac runway 
he looked like he was just pale of fainting 
‘NCT was watching us. I could feel their eyes on me. Those young kids Jisung and Chenle are unbelievably sneaky.’ 
• is anyone else shook by how drastically nct dream has changed bc me 
‘wait, NCT was around this whole time?’ you asked, chewing the inside of your lips nervously 
‘yeah, they’ve gotten wind of you and more information. Some weird idea of Taeyong’s decided that you were a threat and needed to be eliminated too,’ Chungha spoke up 
‘our mission was to take you to HQ in London, where there are fewer NCT associates. Somi sent us.’ 
‘Daniel doesn’t know......’ 
wonderful, I’m going to give him the surprise of a lifetime 
‘And I had no idea what you looked like until today, sorry I tried to kill you just now.’ Sohye apologised, smiling sheepishly 
you wondered if it was a common saying among The Royals
‘how’s Daniel?’ you blurted out, unable to keep your curiosity at bay. A warm blush suffused into your cheeks 
the four members snickered with knowing smirks on their faces 
‘He’ll be pleasantly surprised to see you in person. I’m sick of him staring at polaroids in his wallet all day.’ 
it was safe to say that made your blush redder than a tomato and butterflies erupt in your stomach 
uh those butterflies morphed into blood sucking leeches by the time you found yourself packed away into a limousine and on the way to The Royals London HQ 
why London? did they expand so wide internationally? 
you just had too many questions 
Daniel...Daniel...Daniel...Daniel was the keyword that chanted in your brain 
the HQ was a very low-key building, unlike the lavish apartment complex in Korea 
till smack in the middle of the busiest centre of the city
it seemed like a classic office building, just extremely well-guarded
you figured there weren’t many Royals wandering around London 
‘c’mon, this way,’ Jaehwan whispered, leading the whole gang - now inclusive of Woojin, the pilot - through an entrance, easily passing by security. ‘Daniel isn’t around-‘ 
‘well, well,’ a voice called out 
h i m 
i miss him
i miss that voice so much, but I never thought anxiety would arise when he called out to us 
Daniel’s steely eyes bore into yours, his gaze had changed, his overall appearance had gone through a massive transformation 
though, you swear those liquid brown orbs softened when he recognised who you were 
‘you brought them here? who is responsible for this?’ Daniel growled out through clenched teeth 
before anyone could open their mouth to respond, you voiced out, ‘It was me.’ 
everyone’s eyes were on you, revealing their true shock 
‘I-I contacted Seongwoo after many years of searching...and then I begged him to intercept my Dubai flight to take me here because...because I knew you would be here,’ you fibbed, hoping it was believable at least for a second 
you answered all his unspoken questions. ‘I missed you, Daniel. Is that such a crime?’ 
a huff came from his devilish lips, he gestured for you to follow him as the others retreated
Daniel lead you into a study on the far side of the building, the pristine floor-length glass windows offered a fantastic view of the city below 
his expensive taste was evident from the fabulous art pieces that decorated the walls, the sparkling dark mahogany furniture and a knitted couch 
suddenly, you felt Daniel’s arms snake around your waist, his soft lips came onto yours, deepening the kiss with urgency 
‘I’ve been wanting to do that for forever,’ he muttered against your lips after pulling away to catch his breath 
he continued before you could say a word. ‘I was absolutely furious when I heard about Somi’s mission. All I wanted was to keep you safe, but here I was doing the exact opposite.’ 
huh? not a single NCT member could come to your mind just pondering about it? 
Daniel shot you an unamused yet worried look 
‘did you really think Lucas was a nice guy from church? he’s the biggest sinner I’ve ever encountered.’ The surety in Daniel’s voice was alarming 
‘...which is why you’re here now...and I kissed you...’ 
you want to yell at him, shred his expensive paintings and throw marble statues at him 
but you can’t 
‘you were a real bastard for leaving me four years ago,’ you spit, meaning every single word. ‘Don’t think I’m going to waltz right into your arms again.’ 
not that you want to hurt him, you just want him to realise what he’s done wrong 
okay yeah maybe you do want Daniel to regret leaving you in the dust 
‘I know. I’m sorry I was a such a coward, I was wrong.’ 
the very tips of his ears begin to go red as he takes a step away from you, backing straight into his desk 
only two picture frames sit on the tabletop, one of them of his elite unit and the other frame held a picture of him and you 
if NCT broke in, they would get every single bit of information without trying too hard 
I suppose that’s why there are guards patrolling EVERYWHERE 
Daniel’s shock towards your next words was clearly written all over him 
ah yes he knocked over his laptop 
‘it’s okay, I understand. I would’ve done the same if I was in that position. That doesn’t excuse the fact I’m still hurt and upset over that incident but we grow up and mature, I think we don’t have to be petty about it.’ 
internally, a conflict was stirring but being the mature person you are, you were willing to get Daniel back as a friend 
hopefully, you won’t be s w o o n i n g into his hold after 2 seconds 
Daniel perked up immediately, his eyes glazed over dreamily. ‘Serious?’ 
‘woah lover boy, I’m not going to be kissing your lips again!’ you hurl with a playful - almost flirty - chuckle. ‘I’m saying we can be friends.’ 
we all know what happens from here onwards 
‘reeeeaaallllyyyy?’ Daniel drawls out, flashing an enchanting smile. He sweeps you off your feet, planting you on the desk 
your heart begins to pound as he leans in, lips barely brushing your earlobes
‘you’re so certain about that, aren’t you?’ 
face is pink 
Daniel is too cheesy 
avoiding his alluring moves is hard work but you still try your best 
‘yes, of course, I am.’ 
he pouts sulkily like the young teenager you recall him to be 
‘fine then. want to grab dinner together?’ 
the offer is extremely tempting but you know you’ll fall in DEEP 
‘daniel...I really shouldn’t’ 
‘what? two friends can’t eat dinner together? that’s a tad bit unfair, don’t you think?’ Daniel points out, furrowing his brow. His eyes say he’s won it all 
how bad could this be? 
how long am I going to live for? 
better, how long will Daniel stay with me? 
‘okay then,’ you agree, seemingly nonchalant while your heartbeat speeds up. ‘Pick a place and tell me the dress code. After, we have to talk about this whole NCT thing.’ 
he nods too excitedly, unable to contain his enthusiasm 
the WANT to go on a date with Daniel again arises after years of suppression 
a fresh start 
saving the story from the very end is the best beginning 
perhaps, Daniel was still the guy who held that special place in your heart 
even though he messed up a few years back, nothing could be worse than living unforgiven 
too merciful to leave him in misery 
I won’t live regretting my actions anymore 
I just hope that...Daniel was lying when he said he didn’t love me 
if not I’m calling Somi and we’re getting out of here lol 
I’ve  a l w a y s  loved them, I should never have pushed them away 
‘just wait and see, being in love gets you places.’
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lightsandlostbells · 7 years ago
SkamFr 2.7 reaction
Emma exposed as RPF shipper
Episode 7 
Clip 1 - Lucalex
Ahhh, a relaxing afternoon hanging out with friends, being on your separate phones. That seems like an OH YOUTHS complaint, but I’m saying it in recognition.
“They seem really close … imagine if they’re together?” If they were a couple they’d be pretty brave about posting pictures of them together on IG at this stage, even non-coupley pics, and even if you assume they are out and not closeted.
Emma is so into this concept of Lucas and Alex together. She was biting her lip in excitement over two dudes getting into a car together.
She also is quick to come up with that ship portmanteau (Lucalex) so you know she’s on Tumblr.
Manon, you sounds very reasonable about this Lucas-Alex situation, but you also brought up the car incident to your friend who is clearly ready to start drafting her Lucalex 100k slow-burn masterpiece. You can’t expect to dangle such a tasty morsel in front of a salivating person and hope to take it back.
But at least Manon isn’t like, wow what a fun game this is after her conversation with Lucas last episode.
“This guy is gay, I slept with him two days ago” - Mickael always taking everything Eskild said or did just a few steps more scandalous.
Mickael and Lucas are hair twins.
Clip 2 - Ate a dick
Their kissing is passionate so I give them props for that. On a scene by scene basis, just evaluating them in this moment, they’re fine. I don’t know how big Noorhelm fans feel about this actor, but Charles, whatever his character faults, has more intensity than William and I read more affection in his expressions. I found the comment about his boner far less awkward than in the original.
I still love Manon’s lamby cardigan!
Bless Daphne but the “ate a dick” comment and the subsequent reaction were about 10 times more unintentionally awkward than the original.
I mean, Manon is right. What obligations do these girls have to these dudes at all?
Julien is a little effeminate ... Daphne sure won’t let that concept of lesbian Manon go, huh. I guess if Emma is writing Lucalex fanfic, Daphne is all about those f/f epics. 
Also mentioning how beautiful Manon is … Daphne … girl….
(Daphne’s fic is all Manon/Female Reader amirite)
Clip 3 - Bedroom makeouts
Uhhh … in the previous clip, released on Tuesday, Charles says he has to study later on Tuesday. Then he says “Tomorrow? We could go to your place.” Manon agrees. Yet this clip was also released on Tuesday. They’re wearing the same clothes in both clips. Like … what? Am I hallucinating this glitch? Sloppy.
I don’t even know how they made this mistake considering it can’t be a post-production error, or that someone just uploaded it by accident on Tuesday, since they’re wearing the same outfits. This is a writing/filming mistake. Did they have a text where they changed the meeting time or something? They should have just changed the timestamp and released it on Wednesday, even though it’d be noticeable with the clothes, or edited out the bit with where Charles suggests tomorrow. Do some awkward ADR.
The whole joke about her waiting for marriage to have sex has never sat right with me because of how he didn’t accept no as an answer when they got together. It’s one thing if they got together in a healthier way, you could give it the benefit of the doubt and take it in a lighter way, but because they didn’t, moments like this are kinda tainted for me. (Plus the classic line in the final clip of the season ... but we’ll see if they keep that line.)
Heh, Mickael’s comment about if it were his room, the guy would be naked, and Charles laughing at that, was good. 
As well Mickael talking about announcing people are straight. “It’s not a stigma!”
So far Mickael seems more of a blatant comic relief character than Eskild - he’s just more, if that makes sense, and we haven’t seen some of the more nurturing, affectionate moments between he and Manon - in fact I’d say Manon has seemed more annoyed with him than Noora did with Eskild.  However, we haven’t yet gotten to the more serious scenes with his character, so I hope that we get to see Mickael pull off the heavier material.
Charles takes this whole incident well and laughs and smiles a lot, so that’s nice. 
I applaud them for leaving out that annoying line about William’s pals being excited to party with a Muslim girl. Charles’ crew definitely has the same idea in mind, as seen later, but I mean ... I don’t need that Our Hero being so casual about the ideas of his buddies fetishizing a Muslim girl. Because that’s what it was. 
Clip 4 - Call me
Manon just sank Emma’s ship. For a moment, anyway. 
Emma’s like, either I get to hook up with Alex or my OTP is canon, win-win!
“Maybe he made a move and Lucas turned him down.” I think Mickael is the kind of person who would assume if he got turned down, the guy must not be into dudes at all. Because how could you resist Mickael otherwise?
More setting up S3/Lucas’ story. That’s fine, it’s fair to lay that foundation, and Emma obviously knows heavy stuff is up with him. It’s nice that they show some concern over what he’s going through.
Manon’s joke about Emma’s strong body odor and Emma’s resulting sadface was very cute.
Clip 5 - That escalated quickly
Daphne said they were the only girls Charles invited but there are clearly other girls on that bus? I guess the emphasis is that they’re the only ones Charles invited, and that the other Raptors invited the other girls. Just pointing this out because the squad were the only girls at the Riot Club party.
That is some champion hair-flipping from Daphne, what a queen.
Well he can’t be French Julien Dahl if he has a face and is not just some mystery man shrouded in smoke.
I want to knee those dudes Imane is speaking to in the nuts. She is showing a ton of grace and patience here. And like, they’re not being OTT bad. They’re being just casually ignorant and annoying enough.
Ha, I know you don’t want to be set up but this is like the easiest small talk in the world, Manon. It’s Madrid.
Daphne talking to Charles, oh my God. Give it up already. This is agonizing.
Manon has been looking extremely pretty with her lovey-dovey face lately. Although the cuts from her looking gorgeous to Charles - who is not an ugly guy, to be clear - with that somewhat unnerving look on his face was kind of jarring.
“Promise me not to move from here.” OK I’m cracking up because they easily could have seen this fight from inside the bus. From a perspective of ensuring her safety? Sure, stay on the bus, good advice. From the additional POV of Manon, you’re not supposed to see me like this? Lmao, you guys are fighting like 10 feet away.
I was laughing during part of it? I know it’s not supposed to be a well-choreographed fight scene or anything, it’s just a bunch of teenage idiots roughhousing but they just looked so ridiculous.
And then the dude just shoved Charles and it IMMEDIATELY ESCALATED into him smashing the bottle over the guy’s head!
I mean,  if they wanted to make Charles seem more like a real ~bad boy~, this worked? It was so OTT, my dudes. 
And all the girls look horrified and concerned except Emma, who is too drunk to give a single shit. Bless.
General comments:
For what it’s worth, in terms of charisma level, my personal ranking is Edoardo > Charles > William > Alexander. Don’t know anything about Daniel yet to determine his ranking.
Ummm why are these dummies posting pics of their matching Starbucks cups on Instagram? Do Manon and Charles not think that Daphne is going to stalk every fucking thing that Charles posts on social media and realize that Charles and Manon were at Starbucks at the same day … or that the other cup in Charles’ pic is labeled “Ma-” and has the exact same lipstick print as the cup in Manon’s pic ... Save it for when your relationship is no longer a secret, you twits.
Not to be harsh because I’m sure that would be cute later in the season, but come on.
I don’t speak French so if I missed the context of something, feel free to correct me.
If you got this far, thank you for reading!
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