#remlo headcanons
remlos · 1 year
remlo as pet owners
it's entirely possible that they would own either a cat or a little puppy (or both)
the dog and cat in question
the dynamic would be so different for each one but one thing is certain and it's that arlo and the animals will be competing with each other for remi's attention
arlo sleeping on the couch with a cat curled up on his lap <3
remi going out for afternoon runs with their dog <33
with the dog arlo will have it learn every single trick in the book and have it going on daily runs
with the cat it would be chilling while arlo reads another self help book
them trying to have their dalmations 101 scene where they have the dog run while they couples bike 😭
remi entertaining the cat by having it chase a fly-fishing toy or the laser point tool and have the cat run around everywhere trying to catch it
arlo will be malewifing and trying to bake something and then there's a cat dashing all over the cutting board and sending vegetables flying everywhere
their dog will be disciplined as fuck bc arlo refuses to let it run wild and be a public nuisance like those owners who let their dogs act up whenever they run into another dog
but under remi's jurisdiction it would be completely unhinged and jump him affectionately (he gets grossed out every time)
arlo: "we need order over here" so in public their dog is the model of good behavior
he is so proud of the dog as he is able to go on walks with it unleashed and everyone is amazed, plays it off like its no biggie "literally every dog in europe is capable of doing this"
but he can't stop it from pouncing on him whenever he comes home
the cat meanwhile will just jump on the table and there is nothing to be done about that
the dog leaping into bed with remlo 😭 remi doesn't gaf and starts cuddling the dog
arlo hates it because fur gets everywhere and it gets in the middle of them (lowkey he loves it why lie)
arlo sticking his head out from underneath the blankets and the cat popping out right after him
arlo and the cat will be so petty 😭 whenever arlo does something the cat doesn't like it'll start knocking pans off of the countertops
he'll pull it off of the counter and its super pissed bc he's immune to it scratching
remi refuses to let arlo put the cat in his place
she takes it from him like "you're so harsh for NO reason" when she turns around the cat sticks its tongue out at him over her shoulder (their reverse tom and jerry dynamic)
arlo as tom and the cat as jerry
they have a hate-love relationship where arlo cannot keep the cat's name out of his mouth when talking shit but they are inseperable around the house
remi picks up knitting and the cat suffers immensely whenever she pulls it into one of her signature yarn sweaters that could double as a straitjacket
arlo and the dog dual waiting for remi to get home from work
as soon as she unlocks the door the dog is onto her immediately meanwhile arlo hovers around the doorway, she's like. just join us and stop acting like you were doing something else
remi goes out to petco all the time and buys those crazy treats that look like baked human goods
arlo makes the dog do at least 5 tricks before it can even get a fration of a morsel of the treat meanwhile remi spoils the hell out of it and sneaks it extra when arlo is not around
remi would buy those poor animals jorts and a t-shirt so its up to arlo to assemble their society-friendly fits
the dog instantly goes to remi for treats and pets meanwhile the cat jumps onto arlo like a baby bc it knows he won't try to make it dance or recreate silly cat videos
remi has a dogstagram that is spam-updated every thirty minutes to her own insta having posts every other day
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stingro · 2 years
okay ok uuhm
favourite and least favourite unO ships and why ?
-- @isen-hours
Favorite: Remlo, Blysen
Remlo really means a lot to me; I feel like they're so painstakingly raw and themselves around each other. It feels like they let a lot of their walls down around each other. Also, Remi's safety is Arlo's priority; it's not his other friends, nor impressing Valerie, nor dealing with Sera and John. They just feel so natural to me. I understand uru said they have a sibling-like relationship however i'm going to say she is wrong imo.
Blysen!!! Best friends!!! To lovers!!! Jesus okay like. Their friendship means so much to me. They laugh at each other they smile at each other they bicker but they would do anything for each other. God they just....there is just so much care. They're like stargazing, worn leather jackets, resting hands on cheeks, and playing video games inside at 3 am during a heat wave y'know like!!!
(Probably wondering why I didn't include reiyo, but it's bc most of my stuff is from headcanons, since uru hasn't given me any content to work with >:( )
Least favorite: Aside from the illegal stuff....Any girl ship with John that isn't Sera (bc i don't rlly care about J//era but i don't hate it), Ar//laine, Rovie
Any girl ship with John that isn't with Sera (looking at Jemi, Jelaine, Jlaire) just feels so blatantly vanilla and bland and unhealthy. Not every ship needs to be action packed or violent or w/e (I actually like Remlo for this reason), but it feels like they're just there to ship John with someone that isn't Sera. So heteronormative and boring imo. John broke Remi's back, John and Elaine HATE each other, and do I need to say anything about John and Claire? At least John and Adrion have the benefit of being friends again and still keeping in contact (probably).
Ar//laine is just....okay okay. Their color scheme is nice together. BUT. Arlo left this girl on read when she offered oranges and really only contacts her when he needs something from her. Elaine tried to speak up about something and Arlo fuckin glared at her. And granted these were early chapters, but even in the present, it feels like Arlo and Elaine only interact for the sake of needing something. It's a "pair the spares" ship and I'm not into it.
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remlos · 4 years
remlo on tiktok
i feel like remi is the kind of person that’d jump on trends meanwhile arlo is still wrapping his head around the concept of memes
arlo doesn’t even know what a “tick tock” is meanwhile remi and blysen are filming a dance (they’re being held at gunpoint and are only doing it for her)
remi always wants to do the “__ with my bf challenge” but arlo doesn’t understand shit which ruins the recording LMAO
he can go as far as the “most likely to __” vids which literally just involve pointing before he starts struggling
every time she posts something with arlo in it the comments are always like “WHO IS HE” “@????” “DROP THE HANDLE”
he gets away with being clueless just bc he’s a pretty boy but it’s not enough to satisfy remi’s thirst to film couples content
if arlo knows remi is secretly recording him he absolutely will not play along or he will and then do something to intentionally fuck up the take
but on rare occasions he’s unaware of being filmed remi gets a genuine reaction out of him and she doesn’t post it bc it’s too cute and she wants to keep it for herself
it’ll be one of those pranks where remi pretends to be sad over smthn and arlo rushes over to comfort her but she ends up shaking with laughter out of guilt over making him so concerned
he’s so shocked and confused at the sudden change in mood until remi points to where the hidden camera is and then he straight up leaves the room
remi backhugs him and is like nooooo don’t go 🤣🤣🤣
arlo will not speak to her for the rest of the day
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remlos · 3 years
remlo carnival au
if calling someone a metalhead means that they’re a fanatic over metal music then remi is most definitely a rollercoaster head
she will not rest until they’ve gone through the most hardcore rides like the king da ka (arlo i’m so sorry)
arlo telling remi all the possible consequences of going on a rollercoaster and she drags him there anyways
during the big drop he snaps the railing like a wishbone, when they land the guy who supervises the rollercoasters is like “:o” and arlo is like we gotta get outta here!!
remi is laughing at him while they make a getaway and he is trying so hard to keep a cool demeanor
rei’s promise is ringing FRESH in his ears
they go on one of those awful spinning rides and both get sick
convinced neither one of them could handle the zipper
arlo seems like the kind of person that likes his cotton candy compacted but remi doesn’t give a fuck and sticks her face straight into the spool they’re sharing, pulls out with her lips tinted completely purple
remi wrings arlo’s wallet dry because she wants to play all the rigged crane games and win absolutely none of them
she also drags him into the twd sharpshooter games and at first they function like a standard power couple but the second one of them dies first (usually arlo) they make it their mission to try to sabotage the other asap
it’s all over when they get to that one game where people have to shoot water to make the cartoon ducks move faster
remi’s the type to shoot arlo first and laugh at his bedraggled hair before it escalates into a full nerf supersoaker battle
arlo starts tickling remi and she’s like haha stop!! but then he gets too into it and tries to kiss her
the guy at the stand takes one of the guns and jets him with it
they both get completely soaked, by the end of it the standguy just hands a teddy bear to a sopping arlo
remi sees one of those huge plushies and is like “i want one” 
cue arlo proceeding to demolish every single one of those strength scales for her
the people waiting in line and the guy with the prizes would go slackjawed seeing the bell topple to the ground and they’re like “...the prize?”
remlo should share funnel cake... as a treat
arlo cutting a piece of funnel cake and faking feeding remi with it till he pops it in his mouth just to get her mad
makes up for it by having his bishounen moment where he takes a napkin and tilts her chin up to him like “you got powered sugar all over here” as another excuse to kiss her
remi grabbing his shirt to lean up into the kiss because he still tastes like the funnel cake, arlo in his head thinking OMG i can’t believe that worked
they race against each other on the gokarts and remi cheats and amplifies the mileage on her cart like 85209458457x
arlo is like U cheated and remi simply doesn’t know what he’s talking about
“i bet your ability isn’t outclassing anyone now is it barrier boy”
next round arlo barricades her just to be a sore loser about it and remi kicks him in the shins for that
she is literally lightning mcqueen
arlo needs to go watch cars and go back to the drawing board
remlo on the carousel??
they both spend time pacing around looking for the perfect horses/cart to sit in for the photo ops
remi asks someone if she can sit on the horse they’re about to get on and arlo stands behind her (menacingly) so they don’t have a choice
remlo leave drowning in different toys all of which will be on remi’s bed at one point or another
+ remlo on a ferris wheel
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remlos · 4 years
remi wearing arlo’s clothes
forget living rent free, this concept has pension in my frontal lobe
the first time it happens is completely accidental where remlo gets back from an unprecedented rainy day
arlo’s like “just grab something from my closet for now” without foreseeing the ramifications of his actions
pre-canon remlo means remi has 0 idea of what she’s doing to him when she comes out of the bathroom and his top practically hangs all the way down to her knees
she starts stretching in his shirt like woww this is so comfy 🥰 and arlo cannot make eye contact with her for the life of him
he’s finishing up his homework while she’s chilling at the table and his pen keeps trailing off the paper
remi leans over to see what work he’s doing and he starts sweating while telling her to go watch tv or something. literally anything to leave him alone so he can maintain some semblance of sanity
once remlo becomes canon remi takes that as an invitation to start wearing his sweaters or button-ups and it drives him up the wall
she’ll be eating dinner with him and when her sleeves flop over her hands he can’t take it
she discovers this once arlo’s rummaging through his fridge and she hits him with a backhug
he won’t unstick his forehead from the refrigerator door in a futile attempt to cool off but once he glances down at her sweater paws it’s all over.
when he picks her up he cannot get his hands off of her… that day remi realizes this is a lethal weapon to be utilized in her favor 😭
afterwards every time remi is about to get in trouble or wants something from him she’ll wear one of his shirts in his favorite color and there’s about a 100% chance she’ll win him over
arlo: HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU- then his ears go completely pink and he has to take a breather in the other room
the way his shirts would start to accumulate in her closet too… arlo doesn’t have the heart to tell her to change out of his stuff
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remlos · 4 years
arlo being touch deprived (a series of multiple events)
i feel like this deserves to become a subcategory of its own in the remlos masterlist
13-14 b.r (before remi) arlo has had 0 physical contact with anyone so once they’re canon you can only imagine how unused arlo is to any increment of affection he receives
remi reading with arlo and when she snakes her arm underneath his to turn to the next page so they’re intertwined he’s cupping the bottom half of his face with his palm edward cullen style to cover his blush
she looks up at him and he averts his head to avoid getting exposed until she tugs his earlobe and he reluctantly meets her eyes with his face tomato red
he’s like 😑😑😑 and remi’s like “ok ok fine i’ll give you space ☺️” 
the entire time after they continue reading but half of remi’s concentration is on arlo doing his best to focus on the book while he keeps rereading the same paragraphs 3 times in a row
down bad
down so bad
there’s virtually no way to recover from that
it would get too much for arlo at one point when remi asks him to turn a page but also reaches over intentionally
he just puts his hand over hers and locks lips
at this rate they’re on a mission to have pda in literally every single location
the librarian: i don’t get paid enough for this
they get kicked from the library (wave goodbye to your self help books arlo!!)
he’s sitting outside in defeat and remi is like “round 2?”
arlo: this is all ur fault
remi: and what makes you think that :3
he just gives her that resigned look while his face is still flushed pink
(honestly this would’ve totally happened in canon except remi wouldn’t notice the way he’s trying to contain himself bc her simply existing has arlo a mess. as it should be
she’d be oblivious and they’d argue over nothing as per usual)
imagining them both tangled up in each other and then blyke or isen knocks and arlo is giving them the darren nightmare stare bc they’re interrupting their time 
blysen are OVERR
they disappear due to unforeseen circumstances (arlo being mad af)
anyone who dares interrupt remi and arlo are mysteriously never seen again
they need their quality time or else arlo’ll pull a patrick bateman
remi opens the door all normal like “what’s going on 😊 what do you need” meanwhile arlo is envisioning all the different ways he could skin them and hang them over a spit roast
doesn’t drop the death glare until remi jumps back into bed and flings her arms over him
remi constantly tells him to relax but he simply cannot
they’re messing with the order and balance of his domestic life
she is helping him compensate for the 18 years of deprived physical affection and they are interfering!!
steam comes out of his ears till she takes a hold of his hand and you can see the fight practically leave his body
she lightly ruffles his head once and his eyebrows visibly unknit
remi’s second passive is controlling arlo’s blood pressure
can either lower it to a reasonable level or spike it up high enough for him to start passing out
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remlos · 4 years
remi in the kitchen
remi’s always down to learn about how to cook but her mom and rei were like there is no way we can have remi in a kitchen she will set our humble abode ablaze
so her culinary expertise extends as far as the toaster and microwave
and even then she still manages to burn whatever she has in there bc she forgets to set a timer
the inside of the toaster starts conjuring flames when her poptart melts and the sugar gets into places it shouldn’t have
… arlo teaching remi how to cook
it can go either two ways: we can get the legendary scene where arlo is showing remi the proper way to slice ingredients by putting his hands over hers while she’s holding the knife or remi sets off the smoke alarm and arlo struggles to air out the place before he gets an eviction notice
for the former it’s one of those moments where remi is the one who gets flustered instead
arlo’s completely in his head explaining to her what they’re going to do next and she is not focusing at all
she asks him to do it again partially because she didn’t pick up what he was saying and also bc she wants him to stay in proximity to her
arlo is patient with remi, he takes a lot of pride in making good food so he doesn’t mind repeating himself
(somehow that makes it even worse for her)
her face is as heated as a furnace by the time arlo steps away and he’s like “huh… we didn’t use the stove or anything… do i need to turn on the vent” and remi’s like no!! it’s fine!!
love to think that this is before canon remlo so the both of them are just plain oblivious
arlo wondering whether remi was allergic to what she was chopping up and remi doesn’t even acknowledge why arlo is making her act up like that
remi nicking her finger on the knife and arlo insisting on band-aiding it
she’s like “it’s no big deal you’re never this considerate” and arlo is like “rei would kill me if he finds out i let you cook here so you better heal up asap” 
vs canon remlo where arlo would kiss the cut and i ascend into another plane of reality
either way the whole room is an entire mess by the end of it but they somehow managed to avoid setting his place on fire
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remlos · 3 years
remlo and studying
literally whatever this video is [HC END]
remi could probably pay attention if she wanted to (but it’s more fun this way)
her completely forgetting about a project and begging arlo for help and he’s like whatever. what’s the worst that can happen 
then 3 hrs later the both of them have gone completely off the rails
they forget that they’re supposed to be studying in the first place and start “discussing” (arguing**) about anything else
the librarian used to like arlo because he keeps to himself but whenever remi pops into view she throws her head back exasperatedly bc of the chaos the both of them are about to ensue together
arlo’s constantly like. ok let’s go back to work and then they never do because remi keeps finding different ways to distract him from the topic at hand
they have a reward system where if she has a streak of correct answers she’ll get a kiss
at one point they both say fuck it and just stick with making out instead 🙄
remi: [pushes books off of desk] ok let’s get to business
arlo: my notes 🗿🗿
arlo will be trying to focus and remi will start giving commentary on the material unprovoked
she starts questioning the board of education and saying shit about how they’re just feeding into the cog in the machine, arlo’s like “im just trying to help you pass trig”
their hustle during the literal last hour 😭
remi: ok now we have to study for real
arlo: the material is on the floor thanks to SOMEONE
during wellston finals remi passes out in the library while studying and arlo drapes his blazer over her
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remlos · 3 years
remlo’s music taste:
boomer. BOOMER
he’s basically a middle aged man embodying the vessel of a high school student
you know it’s bad when he swears his life up and down on eric clapton and the eagles
he probably also stans thom yorke on the low
has an instrumental piano playlist for reading because songs that have lyrics in them distract him from concentrating on the book/he can’t appreciate them as much as he feels he should
strongly believes music died the moment the general public decided to give that one chainsmokers and halsey song the limelight for a couple of months
he’s not self-conscious about his taste but he won’t share his music with you unless you’re close enough or ask
you can see his features noticeably relax when a song that’s nostalgic to him starts playing
eagles - witchy woman
billy joel - new york state of mind
steely dan - rikki don’t lose that number
the voidz - leave it in my dreams
radiohead - vegetable
eric clapton - wonderful tonight
bee gees - how deep is your love
her entire glossary is consistent of early 2000s hits and childhood throwbacks
shamelessly plays all the songs you’re afraid to admit you still like which makes for some great impromptu karaoke sessions
you’ll be minding your own business until you hear the first chords to a song you haven’t played in over 7 years that subsequently unlocks a wealth of memories you didn’t even know you had
completely a sucker for songs that belong in chickflick movies
avril lavigne during her peak is her punk pop ambassador
also has acquired a taste for some universally known classics from her parents
probably THE best person to hand the aux cord to during a road trip
no playlists, she hoards everything into one collection, hits shuffle and whatever you get you don’t get upset
her music taste is consistently upbeat so it’s not a noticeable problem until a christmas song queues?? in the middle of july???
grouplove - tongue tied
katy perry - waking up in vegas
avril lavigne - what the hell
p!nk - please don’t leave me
one direction - where do broken hearts go
all-american rejects - dirty little secret
sixpence none the richer - kiss me
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remlos · 4 years
remlo on valentine’s day
inbetween remi preparing for the safe house opening and how arlo is with plans, is anyone really surprised remlo would be super crazy about this holiday
remi plans out the perfect valentine’s a month in advance
arlo: this has to be. the most immaculate day. ever
he buys remi roses and bc remi is a little demon that knows exactly how to get under arlo’s skin she brings him a box of white chocolate candy
if uno was a true school shounen manga, they’d probably have fanclubs that give them stacks of gifts
remi goes to her first period desk and there’s mountains of chocolates and letters and enough flowers to make a florist pass away
she thanks the people who gave her things and they all end up fainting on the spot
arlo is the same too but the difference between them is that while remi takes the candy arlo sweeps them off of his desk because he would only accept gifts on this day from his future wife as a formal declaration of dedication
“this isn’t from remi.... what is this... poison”
there would be a dozen classmates hiding behind the classroom door watching his every move wondering “will he accept the gifts this year”
they collectively sigh in disappointment when he dumps them all into the back of the room
during lunch remi whips out the heart-shaped straws for the milkshake they’re going to share in the cafeteria for their cute couple photo (yes they are literally THAT highschool couple 🤢)
after school... cupcake bakery classes??
remlo together are way too chaotic, the teacher would get so sick of them because of how they aren’t concentrating (the flirting 🙄)
arlo “accidentally” gets batter on remi’s nose so he can lean down to lick it off and the teacher is like “YOU’LL GET SALMONELLA”
when the cupcakes are in the oven she can’t wait to get rid of them
remi: oh can we go out while they’re baking
the teacher, swinging open the front door: PLEASE
while they decorate remi secretly nabs the toppings leaving arlo wondering why they're already out
she’s having the time of her life making little frosting smiley faces and hearts meanwhile arlo is sweating over how to ration the frosting under the time crunch they’re under
remi is fine with the cupcakes being a little messy as long as they’re still cute and taste good but arlo loses it
in his head ofc. because today is supposed to go perfect and he will not mess it up
remi frosts a super sloppy cupcake and arlo is like. thats so ugly what the hell is it supposed to be and she’s like “🤬 🤬 US”
as revenge for the batter, while they’re cleaning up remi flicks some water on him while they’re both at the sink
the cupcakes do not survive the ride home they are inhaled immediately
2 dessert lovers + cupcakes = 0 cupcakes left over
they go out to windowshop and burn through every single one of them on the way
arlo plans on keeping at least half of the dozen they made but remi offers him one and then two and then by the time he realies he’s been blindly accepting them there’s nothing left to gram
they reserve a seat at some tiny niche restaurant with a view of the town
as soon as they get to their seating remi’s already looking over the rail to watch the sunset
remi: i’m SOOOOOO FULL!! i have literally NO idea how we’re going to get through dinner [inhales the penne alla vodka]
her stomach = tarturus
they try to reenact the lady and tramp spaghetti scene to no avail
the noodle keeps breaking off and sauce hits them both in the face, arlo gets a heart attack in fear of it getting on his cashmere
towards the end of their dinner, remi would be like “thanks for today 🥰” nd arlo just smiles fondly and kisses her forehead
they catch an uber and remi is out like a light the second they step inside of the car
if the next day they have school arlo tries to get remi to finish her work that night instead of the morning of but between the food and remi dozing off over her books he gives up and scoops her up and into bed
+ bonus headcanons:
remi's photo album is FILLED
arlo’s ig is literally just one pic of wellston from the rooftop captioned “order” and another pic of him, remi, and rei
meanwhile remi uploads their cutest pics with captions like “with asslo AGAIN”
everyone wishes they were them so bad
“everyone @ arlo nd tell him my cupcake’s cuter” and sera is the only one gutsy enough to comment that
arlo just makes the -____- face when he opens up the notif
in the midst of all the ultra 1920x1080 hd aesthetic shots are all their ugly candids, posted onto the close friends story (isen is screenshotting)
arlo always gets really good standstill shots of the scenery and remi when she’s not paying attention
never shows them to her so whenever she’s scrolling through his phone she’s like “WTF THIS WOULD’VE MADE SUCH A GOOD COVER PHOTO”
he’s like “okay so why don’t you just post it now” and she’s like “😡😡 it’s too late u wouldnt understand”
whenever remi’s choosing photos and goes to arlo for a second opinion he always picks out the ones she doesn’t like
she’s like “wtf why that one it’s so blurry” but it’s the pic where she’s smiling the brightest or something
arlo doesn’t explain himself ever so that combined with his ig posts makes her believe he’s just a boomer (not incorrect) when his personal favorite photos of her are the ones where she’s completely in the moment
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remlos · 3 years
remlo dancing (ft. remi wearing heels)
remi is like “am i doing it right” and her heel is just implanted on top of his toes
arlo, choking back tears from the pain of being stomped on for the 25785357645th time: yeah
whenever she stumbles arlo keeps breaking out into a grin
she gets frustrated and tells him to stop laughing at her 😡 arlo’s like srry, it’s too cute
cue remi flushing red
it’s awkwardly silent for a moment until she presses her cheek against his chest while they’re moving along to a slow song
arlo’s like “uh” and remi steps on his foot again
we will never know whether or not it was on purpose
either way arlo’s foot is going to be sore as hell rip king
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remlos · 4 years
sleep-deprived arlo
this particular one is so rent free in my mind
arlo the kind of mf that’s out like a light by 10 or 11 pm 
how else would he get to wellston for doc’s tonics at like 5 am
“as king i need to be in top shape which means sleeping early, keeping my grades up, working out, etc, etc”
lists his entire schedule while everyone else has already turned him out at one point
remi goes ahead and messes with his schedule bc otherwise “he’ll get so boring he’ll actually age into the old man he is on the inside overnight”
(if not for her something always goes wrong regardless… nothing ever goes to arlo’s plans. the self help books are not helping in the slightest)
arlo waking up in a daze, his hair a complete mess and remi pulling him back underneath the covers 
he would panic since it’s like 6 pm and his internal alarm clock is all out of schedule
meanwhile remi is just chilling on her phone
sleep deprived arlo saying something to remi about how late it is and it all just comes out as blabber because he’s half awake
she just nods her head and is like “i have no idea what you’re saying”
would pat his head and coax him back into going to sleep
he gets frustrated but he’s too tired and ends up passing out again anyways
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remlos · 4 years
remlo & 5 love languages
words of affirmation → acts of service
physical touch → quality time
acts of service → physical touch
quality time → words of affirmation
gift giving → gift giving
physical touch → words of affirmation
quality time → physical touch
words of affirmation → quality time 
acts of service → acts of service
gift giving → gift giving
**left is what they would most likely value, right is how they would act on it
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remlos · 4 years
remlo watching (horror) movies
remi is more visibly scared while arlo is like 😑 but on the inside he’s creeped out
at the beginning arlo fucks with remi and goes “ᵇᵒᵒ” during a tense moment, she skyrockets 10 feet into the air and sends popcorn flying everywhere
gets mad at him for pretending to scare her, then the actual jumpscare happens and they both stop fighting like O__O
they freeze up and settle back in their spots (nothing like a good frightening to get the both of them to settle their differences)
… or miss it entirely while getting wrapped up in their argument
but by the end of the movie they’re both staring shellshocked at the screen while remi has both of her fists in arlo’s shirt
remi: that was SOOO scary, i don’t even know how i’ll be able to sleep tonight!! [immediately knocks out once she hits the bed]
leaves arlo to fend for himself for the rest of the night with nothing but his own post-movie paranoia
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remlos · 4 years
remlo and graduation
arlo showing up for remi with her parents and the wellston students in the crowd being in awe he returned
he’s sitting there smirking in the audience and all of them are whispering like “holy shit why is he here 😭😭”
when remi reconvenes she’s like “ARLO!!!” 😁 and leaps into his arms but he’s holding a bouquet and has to drop it to catch her
remi: you actually came 🥰
arlo: the flowers 😭
her parents are right next to them shaking their heads
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remlos · 4 years
remlo on a ferris wheel
that ‘character a’ ‘character b’ trope where a is looking at some scenery and is like “this is so beautiful” and character b says “yeah” but they’re just looking at character a
years later remi is going through old photos and realizes that arlo took a bunch of photos of her up on the ferris wheel and maybe 3 of the actual backdrop
he’s looking over her shoulder while they’re going through his stuff and she teases him like “hah you took pictures of me 😂😂 you think i’m pretty” to which he responds dead seriously “yeah. i do.”
remi turns beet red and he kisses her on the cheek and is like “ok what’s next”
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