#i unfortunately can't make any promises on when the next part will come out but hopefully soon!!
caffedrine · 2 days
Matias Asbrink - Fake Lovers for a Day - Event Summary
This is mostly a summary for me - I make no promises on the accuracy of what’s happening. I’m not nearly fluent enough to get half the jokes/innuendo much less accurate plot points.
As a warning - this event goes into some dark things with Matias. Beware.
Matias, the First Prince of Achroite, the Land of Snow and Laws was a serious man who deeply respects the laws. Yes, he has some rather eccentric aspects to his personality, but deep down, he was honest and good. However, when he appears in court as a Judge, he only embodies the face of the cold impartial justice of the law. 
After finishing her role as Belle with no romantic entanglements, Emma went to Achroite with Akatsuki. Akatsuki, too young to be her father, travels around various countries to their bookstores, buying and selling rare and valuable books. 
Since coming to Achroite, Emma has grown accustomed to the sight of snow falling like flower petals, but the sight still makes her heart jump with joy. Snow was rare in her home country of Rhodolite, so she has never had a chance to get used to the fairytale scenery. Then again, the person who truly looks like he stepped out of a fairytale illustration is walking next to her.
Up close, Matias looks even more fantastical, with hair the color of fading twilight and eyes the color of snow in the shadows. His aura is as pure and beautiful as the white snow falling around them.
Matias notes that Emma has been exploring parts of the city and asks if she has some favorite places yet. 
While marveling over how approachable and personable he is, Emma tells him about a bookstore in the center of town. She’s been visiting almost every day and can’t stop. Matias recognizes the place; he’s been visiting it since he was a schoolboy. They both agree that the owner is what makes it so welcoming, with his cheerful, friendly, and all-around decent persona. 
Emma heard recently from the bookstore owner about a museum that specializes in romantic exhibits. She asks if Matias has ever been there.
Unfortunately, no. It’s a relatively new museum, but the owner is an eccentric with particular requirements for people to even enter. For one, all his customers must be in a romantic relationship, and come as a couple. 
Since Matias is single, and unless he misunderstood, Emma is too, they are both out of luck. 
That’s a shame, Emma heard that one of the limited exhibits would be centered around her newest favorite novel (set in Achroite). It’s a shame she’ll probably never get a chance to see it.
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(Now she knows what it’s like in Keith’s route when you want to read a romantic book/see a romantic scene but can't)
Matias pauses, deep in consideration. They both want to go visit the museum, but they’re both woefully single. Maybe . . . Maybe they could work something out?
Matias quickly assures her that he doesn’t intend to break any rules. But, if they become a couple for the express purpose of visiting the museum, and then break up right after, that wouldn’t be technically breaking any laws. Right?
Also, Matias isn’t the type to normally rush things, he knows the social etiquette rules around becoming lovers, and he doesn’t intend to have a whirlwind romance. 
After a fateful encounter, they would slowly grow closer over an appropriate amount of time. As they fall deeply and helplessly in love, they finally confess and soon, are united as one . . . 
Emma gives him a good shake, calling his name. This brings Matias back to reality, and he coughs uncomfortably, centering himself. Anyway - before he got distracted - he was saying that he’s not the type of person to push boundaries and rush into relationships. 
However, the exhibit they’re both interested in is on display for a limited time. Without wishing to offend, perhaps they can be lovers for a short amount of time, just to visit the museum?
Honestly, Emma is the only one he can depend on in this situation. As a friend, does she agree?
Emma understands completely. Matias is very popular with the women, and if he were to propose being temporary lovers, she has no doubt it will end with the other person in tears. Honestly, this arrangement works out for both of them. 
Emma agrees to Matias’ proposal. Even though they’ve been friends for such a short time, she knows that deep down he’s a good man. Besides, there is nothing weird about friends being fake lovers. Right?
Matias beams at her, his expression suddenly switching from friendly to sexy. He assures her that he will take good care of her.
Emma thought the princes of Rhodolite had prepared her on how to handle attractive men. However, their collective attractiveness could not hold a candle to the radiant sun of Matias’ charms. Emma has to take a deep breath to steel herself and then bows politely to Matias. She is in his (temporary) care as his lover.
Suddenly Matias holds out his hand to her. At her confused expression, Matias explains that he wants her to hold hands with him.
Wait a minute. Are they starting right now?
Yes, Matias doesn’t think he can escort her adequately on the day of their museum trip without some time to get used to thinking of her as his (temporary) lover.
From this moment until after they visit the museum, he intends to be lovers with her. That should give them enough time to go on at least one outing as lovers too. 
Wow, Matias does not do things by halves. Looking into his earnest eyes, Emma can tell that he is absolutely serious. 
Well then, they’ll be lovers for only a short while, but she will give it her all too. She timidly accepts Matias’s hand, and he grasps her fingers, rubbing them. As her lover, he noticed that her hands were cold, even though she was wearing gloves. He grows worried, Achroite is famously much colder than Rhodolite - is she having any trouble adjusting?
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(Now he cares)
Emma assures him that she is fine - it’s cold but she doesn’t mind. The country of Achroite is very beautiful, so to her, the positives far outweigh the negatives. 
Matias is relieved, Achroite is the land of snow, it would be difficult to stay here without enjoying it. So that she can enjoy the scenery even more, he grasps her other hand to warm it in his.
Matias is truly doting on her. Emma looks away bashfully as he brings her hands to his face to blow hot air on them. 
He touches her hands like they are precious treasures. The edges of his mouth lift in the beginnings of a smile as he exhales over them.
Forget her hands, the rest of Emma is growing uncomfortably warm. Maybe it was a mistake, to agree to be his temporary lover. 
They make plans for a date later in the week, and part ways to return to their respective duties. 
On the day of their date, Emma arrives at their prearranged meeting place a little early. She is still surprised by the events of the last few days; she has received a letter from Matias every day since she agreed to be his (temporary) lover. Andrea what Matias wrote . . . Her face grows red remembering. She knew that he was a romantic at heart, but those letters . . . 
Emma is taken out of her reverie by the sound of the people talking next to her. They’re discussing the bookstore in the center of town, and how it is running a fraudulent business. Their book prices are outrageous, and the owner has a nasty temper just because one of the two was a bit rough with his books. They agree to warn their friends to stay away from the bookstore.
Emma recognizes that store as one of her favorites. Yes, the prices are high, but the owner sells rare books. Also, as a fellow book lover, her heart sinks at the thought of a book being handled roughly.
Emma starts to interject gently, telling the two men that there must be a misunderstanding.
The two men immediately accuse her of being an agent of the bookstore owner. They ask if she’s in on the fraud and close in around her, threateningly.
Matias asks if the two men are prepared to make that statement in a court of law. He reminds them that perjury and defamation are very heavy crimes in Achroite, and they will need to be prepared to pay for any crimes. 
The two men fall silent, only now noticing Matias. He continues, that if the bookstore owner wanted to, he had two witnesses to them making false statements. He warns them that while they are free citizens of Achroite, they are still responsible for behaving in accordance with the law.
Emma rarely gets to see Matias like this, as the impartial arbiter of justice. 
Matias ends by adding that he personally will not tolerate continued disrespect to his girlfriend. Who totally loves him, as much as he loves her. Which is a lot.
Smiling beatifically at her, Matias drapes his arm around her shoulders and leads her away from the two thugs.
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(Step one of dating - make sure the local thugs spread the news)
After they leave the area, Emma thanks Matias for protecting her back there. Matias assures her that it was fine, besides, she did the right thing back then. Emma is confused and Matias elaborates. Like he said, those men were slandering the store owner. Granted, it’s not a crime if the victim, the store owner, doesn’t report it, but those men were still behaving criminally. He is proud that his ‘girlfriend’ can recognize and call out criminals so quickly. 
Oh, how awkward. Emma wasn’t calling out those men to uphold the law, she just wanted to clear up any misunderstandings about the store owner. She’s not a champion of justice or anything, and probably wouldn’t have intervened if those men weren’t talking about someone she personally knew.
But Matias seems happy with it, and it’s such a small matter that Emma decides to leave it be. She promises Matias that she will do her best to be a woman worthy of him.
After that, they went to the various places Matias had planned out on their date, and Emma’s appreciation for the country of Achroite grew. She tried candy with frozen fruit, admired the intricate woodwork, and freaked out when Matias seemed to look at her too closely. Matias immediately backed down from the last bit, explaining that he’d never had a girlfriend before and that this was a new experience for him as well.
Matias was also able to explain Achroite culture to Emma, which helped her gain a deeper understanding of a scene in one of her favorite romance books. Matias admires the fictional couple, as he too wants to find a love that he would risk his own life for. 
He adds though, that he thinks the male lead is entirely unreasonable, letting the main character get into all these dangerous situations. If he could switch places, he would keep his princess in a safe cage place free from all danger where he could keep her pure.
Matias notices the side eye Emma is giving him and apologizes for saying all that in front of her. His girlfriend. 
No - that’s not the part Emma was worried about. What’s this about a Princess? Is Matias cheating on his real lover with Emma?
Oh, no, not at all. Matias is talking about his future wife whom he has yet to find. 
Matias begins to describe his ideal future wife: a woman full of noble dignity, a warm heart, and an honest appreciation for things. 
As he continues, Emma is amazed at how specific Matias’ ideals for his future wife are. It’s almost as if he’s describing someone he knows.
Eventually, Matias winds down his explanation, finishing up that his future wife would be a lot like Emma herself. 
Emma gives him a puzzled look and Matias coughs uncomfortably. 
Wow, he is really looking forward to seeing the couple’s museum. Isn’t Emma?
They continue their date long into the day as the sun begins to set, dying the town red. 
Suddenly the air around Matias seems to change, and he pulls them both to a stop, staring at the crowd of people. Looking at him, Emma thinks he has gone as cold as ice.
Just as she starts to ask him what is wrong, Matias apologizes and asks her to wait just a moment. Before she can respond, he sprints out into the crowd. He jumps a man walking through the crowd, pulling him to the ground and pinning his arm behind him. Matias has recognized this man as a criminal who intends to break into Ultima Thule, free some of the prisoners, and escape the country. Matias knows everything, and this man will pay for his crimes.
This man has enacted illegal means to acquire restricted information, bribed some of the guards, and, worst of all, had made contact with an individual in Obsidian for his escape route.
The man is shocked at how much Matias knows. Matias tells him not to underestimate the National Guard, they haven’t apprehended him yet only because they were looking for his hideout. Thanks to this man, this criminal, walking through town, the investigation can be brought to an end. 
The man wails that ‘her’ body is failing and that she can’t take it anymore.
Matias nods, the man was waiting for the right time to strike but became impatient and moved ahead. 
Of course, even if Matias hadn’t just found him, the man would have failed. Ultima Thule’s security would have stopped him, no one can escape. 
The man screams that it’s not ‘her’ fault. She was just trying to help someone; she didn’t realize that person was connected to Obsidian. 
In a monotone voice, Matias pronounces that anyone who breaks the law is a criminal.
Matias notices Emma watching and a small thaw in his demeanor appears. He assures Emma this will all be over shortly. 
The man on the ground has heard that Matias has a lover. Matias tells him that his relationship status is none of the man’s business. 
The man shouts that if Matias has a lover, he must know exactly how he feels. The wish to do anything for your lover, even at the expense of yourself.
Yes, the man has committed grave sins, and he will commit them again and again for ‘her’ sake. He will bear any punishment, even if it costs him his life, just please show his lover mercy. 
Matias tells the man not to lump in his girlfriend with criminals. Unlike them, Emma is a pure and righteous woman. 
By this time the city guard has come, and Matias hands the man over to them. Then, as if nothing out of the ordinary happened, he comes back to where Emma is standing.
He immediately notices that she’s shaking and smiling gently and asks if she’s okay.
Emma assures him she is and asks about Ultima Thule.
Ultima Thule is Achroite’s forced labor prison. Criminals who’s crimes are not so bad that they’re executed are sent there to work off their debts to society. It’s in the coldest, most remote, and most desolate place in Achroite. 
Matias apologizes for the scene that Emma just saw. He understands that she isn’t one for violence. Would she mind continuing the date with him and giving him the chance to apologize?
Matias is trying to cheer her up, but Emma can’t shake the realization that Matias is being so kind to her because he thinks she is someone that she is not. Emma isn’t a crusader for justice, if anything, she’s sympathetic to that criminal’s plight. She couldn’t say for sure that she wouldn’t break the law if she and that man’s places were switched. 
Emma is one misstep from being hauled away to prison under Matias’ cold, unforgiving gaze. 
She realizes that Matias is dangerous.
Matias gently strokes her back as if trying to soothe her. He tells her that he made reservations at a nearby restaurant and suggests they head there for a break.
The food, which Emma had no doubt tasted delicious, tasted like nothing at all.
Sweet End 
On the day of the museum date, Emma looks at the exhibits with Matias, but she is still trembling with fear. The joy of the exhibits fails her as she focuses on the man next to her.
Matias stops her from going to the next one - he’s noticed her state and wants to apologize. He understands that what she saw during their date frightened her, and he wants to apologize for subjecting her to that scene. 
Emma thinks that it must be difficult for Matias, who is just doing his job, to have everyone afraid of him. She apologizes too.
Matias shakes his head and assures her that her feelings are natural. It must be a blow to realize how far into the country criminals connected to Obsidian can infiltrate. As a member of the criminal justice system, the fact that the criminal got so far in his nefarious plot is a stain upon his honor. It’s not only her whom he should apologize to but to all the good citizens in the square that day. He came so close to failing to protect everyone.
Er . . . Matias doesn’t quite get how she feels after all. Those words the man had flung at Matias, about having to understand him since he knows what it’s like to have a lover, ring in Emma’s ears. She wonders if Matias was unable to understand that man at all. Matias is nice and fun, but she truly has no idea what is going on in his head.
And that is what she’s afraid of.
In reality, Matias apologizes to Emma for failing to protect her. Emma shakes her head, reminding Matias that she wasn’t hurt at all. In fact, no one at the square was hurt. 
Matias disagrees, as her lover, it’s his job to protect her physically and mentally. And right now, she is full of anxiety and fear. 
Matias wants her to feel safe and have a fun time. He wants her to only feel happiness.
For that goal, he will put everything he has, everything that makes him Matias on the line. He tells Emma to relax and enjoy herself and reminds her of that exhibit she wanted to see. 
Matias wishes she would smile.
Emma is still afraid, but Matias’ passionate speech has touched her heart. She looks at him, trying to shake off the fear, and smiles. He smiles back at her, relief on his face.
And, oh, that smile. Emma can feel her face heat up.
Oh no. Emma can’t take her eyes off Matias. Not just her face but her whole body is heating up. She’s about to explode from the heat boiling up in her.
Suddenly Matias grabs her by her shoulders, and Emma realizes she was listing to the side. He asks if she’s okay, supporting her.
Emma snaps back to herself and shakes her head, trying to return to normal. She assures him that she’s fine and lets Matias lead her through the museum. 
That charm of his is something else.
Emma has seen a few ladies her age standing in a daze next to Matias, but she never thought she would be one of them. Ugh, how humiliating - Emma wishes she could just crawl off into a hole somewhere. As she considers cutting the date short to save whatever is left of her dignity, Matias catches her attention and directs her gaze at a painting.
Oh. That painting. The one Emma wanted to see more than anything else.
Matias had said that this painting was supposed to evoke the feelings of spring love, but that description falls flat. Emma’s heart leaps at the sight of it, entranced in the beauty before her.
Matias nods, this isn’t that far from how he imagined the scene. The man was fine, but he thought the woman should be smaller, like Emma, with long brown hair, like Emma. Hmmm . . . Oh, he gets it now.
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(Does Emma have a single/available sister by chance?)
The woman in the book was described as the most beautiful woman in the world, which is why he thought of Emma. 
In Matias’ imagination, her hair would sway in the southern wind, and her eyes would sparkle in the sunlight. She would turn towards him, smiling as if the whole world was celebrating. 
Emma cuts him short - he is praising her too much. Matias disagrees, as his girlfriend, it is no exaggeration to say she is the most beautiful woman in the world. 
Well, Matias sure has a strong imagination of his girlfriend. 
Matias suggests they move on to the next painting. He has created an itemized list and flowchart to look at the paintings he thought Emma would like the best. Emma agrees that this sounds like fun.
You know, Matias was looking forward to the paintings, but he thinks the best part will be seeing them together with Emma.
They walk through the paintings, admiring the exhibits. Before long, they find themselves at the exit.
Emma peers at the exit - it appears there are rules to leave the building. They must demonstrate how their love has deepened before they leave.
Matias muses that the rule leaves it open for interpretation but wonders about the various ways people can demonstrate their love. Emma thinks words or declarations of affirmation would probably be the most popular, though she grows flushed at the idea of saying such things to Matias.
Well, rules are rules. And Matias, who researched this in advance, is prepared.
He wraps a cute, fluffy pastel scarf around Emma’s neck. He explains that even with her gloves on, sometimes Emma looks so cold. 
He also has gloves for her, which match his own. They go past the wrist and are waterproof so should keep her warm longer. 
Matias’ idea to prove his love for her is to protect her, in this case, from the elements. Emma thanks him, now, not only is her body but her heart warm. 
And now it’s Emma’s turn. Her heart is fuzzy and warm, she takes a deep breath and begins.
When they leave the museum, the city is red with the sunset. Matias thanks her for being his temporary lover, he had a lot more fun than he expected.
So much fun that he doesn’t quite want their time together to end just yet. Didn’t they agree that they’d be lovers until the end of the day today? He asks if she wouldn’t mind grabbing dinner together. 
Emma’s heart pounds in her chest as she looks into Matias’ snow-colored eyes. They were endlessly kind when they looked at her, but she has seen them become frozen at a moment's notice. She’s curious about Matias, about the way he thinks. Maybe if she spends more time with him, she’ll find something that will satisfy her and wipe away the fear that lingers in her heart. Feeling hopeful, Emma agrees to spend the rest of the day together.
Premium End
On the day of their museum date, Matias arrived early at their prearranged meeting place and had been waiting for Emma. She apologizes for keeping him waiting and he waives her off - she was waiting for him last time and he hadn’t wanted to make her wait for him a second time.
Emma thinks that Matias really is a nice person. That time at the town square, he had just been fulfilling his duties as a guardian of the law. If anything, Emma should be relieved that he was truly impartial and egalitarian in dispensing justice.
But she is still afraid.
Emma tries to stuff the fear somewhere down in her stomach and smiles at Matias. 
Matias pulls out a notebook from his pocket and proffers it to Emma. He explains that he was researching the exhibits, and thought there were a few that depended on a deep cultural understanding of Achroite. He thought she would like to look up and understand those points at her leisure. 
Emma accepts the notebook and opens it, realizing that it is all in Matias’ own handwriting. Matias explains that while he hoped that it would be useful to her both as a reference for the museum and as something to aid her grow accustomed to Achroite.
Just as Emma begins to open her mouth to thank him, Matias beckons her closer, he wants to give her a souvenir from their last date. He takes out a package and starts touching her earlobes. Afterwards, she looks at her reflection in the window of a nearby shop and admires the wooden earrings. He also gives her a package of sweets from the coffee shop they visited.
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(This man is the reason why women's clothes should come with more pockets)
These gifts remind her of the good times they had yesterday and show his care towards her. Really, she had been having a great time until that scene at the end. 
But she’s still afraid.
Emma resolves herself to face Matias without being trapped by fear. The gratefully thanks him.
Matias’ snow-blue eyes narrow slightly and he reminds her that they’re lovers. These gifts should be as natural as breathing. Emma shakes her head, a lover wouldn’t take their partner for granted, and she can feel the time and effort he put into these gifts. She might not have experience with a lover before, but she is certain Matias would make his partner the happiest woman in the world. 
Matias assures Emma that she has been the perfect lover, the time he has spent daydreaming about her has been too perfect for words. 
Uhh, what?
Matias quickly assures her that he wasn’t skipping work to daydream about her, just when he had a quiet moment to take a break. He would picture the smile she would give him, and every moment basking in her radiant prescience.
Oh, that’s what he meant. Yeah, that’s okay then.
The feeling of fear hasn’t left Emma completely, but she thinks that she can enjoy their museum date. Seeing her smile, Matias smiles back. They haven’t even started their date, but Matias is having a great time already. That said, they probably should start making their way over. 
Matias courteously holds out his hand and Emma accepts it without hesitation.
After the museum date, Matias brought them to the dance hall in Achroite Castle. It was completely different from the one in Rhodolite, with soft wood tones and candles illuminating the national crest carved into the wooden floor. 
Matias admits that he hasn’t had many good experiences in this place, but he has always fantasized about dancing here with his lover. He thanks Emma for coming with him and asks if she would like to dance with him. Emma agrees and accepts Matias’ hand. 
Matias is impressed, Emma is a much better dancer than he was anticipating. Emma admits to practicing hard in the past. She is happy it worked out for them, after all, if she couldn’t dance then she wouldn’t be able to be his lover, right? After all, Matias is a member of the royalty, and his beloved would need to be a noble.
Actually, not necessarily. It would be better if his queen could dance, but it would be fine if she learned how to between their engagement and the actual wedding. Achroite is less class-conscious than other countries, so his wife could come from any class. 
Besides, the Asbrink family rules are very vague on the qualification for their wives. The only real rule is that she be worthy of the distinguished Asbrink family. Which is why Matias wants someone he can love and cherish and make happy. Emma notes that Matias looks so happy when he talks about his future wife. 
Choosing his wife is technically one of the few personal choices Matias can make in his life. He wouldn’t be constrained as a keeper of the law, or as the scion of the Asbrink family. He would be able to just be Matias and choose and love someone just for himself.
Emma understands that as both the keeper of the law and the first prince of Achroite, Matias has many responsibilities and rules he must follow. The time spent with his lover is probably the only time he gets to be himself.
Matias begins describing his ideal lover to Emma. Emma nods, she understands why he speaks so enthusiastically about his future lover. Matias adds that since his lover would be marrying a guardian of the law and the first prince of Achroite, the most important thing is that she is righteous and pure.
Emma thinks that his definition of the last bit would be that Matias’ wife would never violate the law no matter the circumstances. Emma doesn’t have it in her to live up to those standards. But she is his lover until the end of the day, so she should enjoy it while it lasts. She asks if they could dance a little longer, and Matias mutters that he wishes he could dance with her forever. She hopes that at least until the end of the day, Matias feels a little bit of freedom.
Suddenly Matias grabs her waist and spins her around. Emma is surprised and impressed, she never thought she’d be able to spin like that. Matias admits to trying it with her for the first time, he’s only read and fantasized about it.
Surprised, Emma asks about all the dance parties he’s been expected to attend as a royal. Matias reveals that he has always tried to keep a certain distance between himself and the ladies. If he gets too close, he will suddenly find it difficult to get away.
While Emma would normally think it’s nice to be liked, she can see the downsides. But with Matias’ seductive aura, she’ll need to be careful too. Subtly, Emma tries to move away from him, at least so she feels less of his body heat.
Oh no! Matias has noticed and asks why she’s pulling away. The hand on her waist tightens, pulling her closer to him. 
His snow-colored eyes exuded such sensuality that it made chills run down Emma’s spine. The shock of his face so close makes Emma lose her breath and forget how to breathe. A heat stirs in her body, and she suddenly can’t look away from his face. 
Her head was full of Matias, just Matias, and she climbed onto him and his heat. She wants nothing more than to cling to him.
A sudden image of a young woman dazed and confused next to Matias flashes through Emma’s head. She remembers that Matias doesn’t like women like that and awkwardly tries to push him away. Emma explains that she’s trying to put a little distance between them. She pushes at his chest again, but the arm around her waist only tightens. 
Matias reminds Emma that she’s his lover, so he needs her close to him. Emma refuses, if this continues, she’ll get in trouble.
With the saddest eyes, Matias asks what kind of trouble she is talking about.
Oh, that did it. The last of Emma’s strength leaves her body as Matias calls her name.
During the last night as Matias’s lover, she and he attended a dance party. Unfortunately, the prolonged exposure to Matias’ seductive aura overwhelmed Emma, and she came close to fainting. Thankfully Matias was able to steady her, and she was able to pretend that she simply missed a dance step and injured her ankle. Which did happen.
Suddenly she is in Matias’ arms as he lifts her. He tells her that they’re done dancing, instead, he’ll bring her to her room. And, since it’s late, he’ll arrange for her to stay in a guest room tonight.
Matias bridal carries Emma into a room and places her on the bed. He fetches a small box of medical supplies and begins tending to her ankle.
Emma apologizes for the trouble, but Matias assures her that he’s used to doing this in the National Guard. Weirdly impersonally, Matias rolls up Emma’s skirt, so her leg is exposed up to her thigh before he starts manipulating her ankle. Emma wants to preserve some modesty and lower her hemline, but she doesn’t want to get in his way.
Looking at Matias, it is clear that he has barely even noticed her state, and instead is focused on her ankle. She reminds herself that this is just a medical treatment, something that Matias is used to and has done to his fellow soldiers before. She tries to think of something else, but her thoughts just keep on returning to Matias bent over her ankle.
After what seemed like a small eternity has passed, Matias pronounces his field treatment as complete. He instructs Emma to keep her ankle elevated so the swelling will go down by tomorrow-
Matias suddenly freezes, as if realizing the position he and Emma are in. He immediately apologizes, explaining that he moved by instinct and had no ulterior intentions toward her. 
Oh, even though she’s his lover, he has gone too far to pin her down to a bed, and even touched her bare skin with his ungloved hands- 
Matias’ panic is making Emma feel embarrassed all over again. She quickly assures him that she understands he had nothing but the best of intentions and concerns over her injury. Honestly, she’s grateful that he was so quick and efficient in his medical treatment. Emma bows her head and Matias snatches his hands away from her leg.
Well, okay then. Matias nods to himself, regains his composure, and sits next to Emma on the bed. Once again, he is close enough for her to feel his body heat.
Well, there’s only one last thing for a couple to do on a night like this. Suddenly, Matias’ face draws closer to Emma’s. She begins to protest.
But why? They’ve just finished their second date, so shouldn’t they do the proper thing? Sit close to each other and talk about the parts they enjoyed and what they want to do next. And, as they talk, the bond between them grows and the feelings they have are reflected in their softening gazes and then-
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(Besides, according to the Asbrink family rules, no sex before the third date)
Oh, okay, Emma gets it now. She feels embarrassed - Matias apologized for touching her just to treat her injury, of course, he wouldn’t expect to go further physically. Emma sighs in relief and tries to objectively look at Matias. He seems to really enjoy being a ‘temporary’ lover, to the point that he’s forgotten that there will be no ‘next’ for them. 
Matias asks Emma to tell him more about herself - for future reference.
At Emma’s puzzled look, Matias explains that while they won’t be lovers, they’ll still be friends. Besides, now that he knows her a little better, he thinks they could be great friends. So, he wants to know more about her.
Emma understands that Matias’ words are saying that he wants a deeper friendship, but something about his sensual gaze makes her feel like what he really wants is something else.
Still, Emma agrees, and Matias smiles like the sun reflecting off of ice crystals. Maybe he’s still in the headspace that they’re lovers since the night isn’t yet over.
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Woohoo!! I finally have the next part of my comic ready (finally).
I can't even remember how long it's been since my last update (too long, I think).
I changed up Gene and Alexis' designs because I think it was high time for an update in their look. I'll always kind of be nostalgic for the original, digital designs, but I feel as if I've improved a lot as an artist since then.
Tumblr didn't feel like cooperating with me today, so I had to use a Google Drive link to show this off.
[ID]: Paper fanart of Gene from Bob's Burgers and Alexis, an OC. Alexis wears large, curved glasses, and has a tall and skinny frame with a skittish demeanor. A comic can be seen, with the first page consisting entirely of Alexis. They are sitting sideways in a chair with a concerned expression and thinking God, I hope Gene never finds out I wrote that note... I could never live down the embarrassment... Can you imagine what his reaction would be?
On Page Two, an imagine spot of Gene can be seen with an angry expression. He's saying, "Us? Together? Pfffft, maybe in an Alternate Universe. No way, Alexis." Then, in the next panel, the actual Gene can be seen trying to get Alexis' attention. He asks, "Alexis? Do you want to come over after school?" Alexis has a shocked expression on their face on the next panel, and says, "You actually want me to come over? Me? Are you sure?" Gene responds off-page, "Yes, silly!"
On Page Three, the last page, Gene can be seen again, a grin on his face and sporting a casual pose. He says, "My sisters really want to figure out who's been sending me random, secret, sweet notes in my locker. When we got back from lunch, we found another one. They think you're a good mystery solver." The next panel shows a note to back up Gene's claim, and it says: I hope you keep playing your music more than anything. ~Your Secret Admirer. The note is also adorned with music notes, and there's a heart after the words Your Secret Admirer. The next panel shows Gene and Alexis together in a side view, and Alexis says while blushing, "Wow, it could really be anyone." They are thinking at the same time: Oh my God. We're so close right now. Gene responds, "I know, right? That's why we need your help. Are you in?" The next panel shows just Alexis, still in a side view, and looking very nervous. They're thinking: Don't say yes, oh God, I can't go to his house yet. But at the same time, they say, "I... uh... I'd love to." Then they think: Dang it.
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osarina · 6 months
FEATURING: dazai osamu
SUMMARY: dazai decides to take advantage of everyone leaving the office for lunch to get some much needed time with you. you know it's a mistake, and that you're going to get caught, but you can't bring yourself to deny him—you never can. (wordcount: 1kish; nsfw)
AUTHOR'S NOTES: i was going to give you guys a long one shot today but i got cold feet unfortunately </3 maybe next week i'll have the balls to post it. for now, take a lil drabble i wrote
GENERAL WARNINGS: fem!reader, public ??? not sex but it was getting heated
“They’ll all be back any minute,” you whisper, voice breathless as you feel Dazai’s lips drag down your neck, soft and wet as he sucks and nips at your skin. 
He only responds with a hum, and you know your words probably aren't even even registering through his head. You think that you should be more insistent—push him back and get off of his lap, because Kunikida will be livid if he comes back to the office to find the two of you in a compromising position, and Yosano and Ranpo will never let you hear the end of it. But it’s hard to focus with Dazai’s tongue tracing patterns on your neck, with his fingers digging into your hips as he grinds you down on his cock.
His touch is dizzying, fogging your mind of all common sense, and he’s been testing your limits all morning so really, how can you blame yourself for finally giving in to a little release?
It started with subtle brushes and lingering touches that set your skin aflame, then came the lidded stares as he watched you instead of doing his work, and finally, just before lunch break, when you went into the kitchen to grab some water, he followed you right in under the guise of grabbing a snack from one of the upper cabinets. He caged you against the counter and pressed his body against yours as he reached above you, the outline of his cock pressing into your ass for a few seconds too long before Kunikida started yelling for Dazai to hurry up. 
“It’s fine, bella,” he finally murmurs against your skin, acknowledging your words. “Relax.”
“It’s not-“ You try to say, but Dazai doesn’t even give you the chance to finish the sentence, lifting his head from your neck to capture your lips with his. 
And if his touches are dizzying, his kisses are addicting. Your eyes flutter shut when you feel his lips moving against yours, painfully slow but you feel like you can’t even breathe, tongue brushing along your lower lip to get you to part them for him. You think you could kiss him forever and never get enough of it. 
His hands slip beneath your shirt, warm palms sliding up and down your sides as if to try to calm you down.  
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispers, breath hot against your lips as his eyes trace yours, lidded and hazy. “Heaven-sent.”
“Osamu,” you protest, a bit flustered. Dazai is always poetic and flowery with his compliments but heaven-sent?
Dazai lets out a soft noise, you can’t tell if it’s a moan or a shaky breath as his hips jerk up enough to make your body shudder. God, this is so bad, you know it and you know he knows it even if he won't admit it. This needs to stop before anyone walks in but neither of you can drag yourself away from the other.
“It’s the truth,” he replies, reverence dripping from his tone as he stares up at you, dark eyes wide with an emotion so intense that it has your breath catching. “You’re divine, utterly angelic. You’re not meant to be with someone like me. I’ll ruin you.”
You can’t tell if it’s a warning, a threat or a promise—maybe a combination of all three. Your fingers trace his cheekbones as you cup his face, eyes searching his as you ask with a teasing smile, “What if I want you to?”
The reaction is instantaneous—Dazai’s eyes darken, pupils dilating as he stares up at you. His grip on your hips tightens just a bit. 
“You don’t know what you’re saying,” Dazai rasps, his voice is a bit lower, a far cry from the loud dramatic tone he usually took—heat pools in your lower stomach as you let out a soft puff of air.
“I do,” you reply, leaning down to nip his jaw, relishing in the way he instinctively lets his head fall back, baring his throat for you. You kiss down to where his bandages peek out from under his shirt, before trailing back up to the spot behind his ear that makes him writhe, smiling against his skin when you hear the soft, pitched moan that spills from his lips. “I want you to ruin me, Osamu. In every possible way you can.” 
Dazai’s lips part to respond, but he doesn’t get the chance. The office doors slam open and Kunikida is shouting: “You two have no decency!”
You throw yourself off of Dazai’s lap, flustered and hot as you fix your shirt and make your way back over to your own desk, ignoring Yosano’s cat calls and Ranpo’s snickering.
Your fingers tremble as you log back into your computer, but it’s hard to concentrate when you can feel Dazai’s gaze on you even as Kunikida shouts at him. 
You peek over one last time—he’s resting his head on on his hand as he stares in your direction, gaze lidded and so intense that you can barely bring yourself to imagine the thoughts that might be running through his head. 
When he catches you looking, the corner of his lip quirks up into a smirk, and you think, balefully, that there’s no way you’re going to last another six hours of work with him looking at you like this.
And more importantly, there’s no way you’re going to survive the night with him now that he's being given six hours to come up with countless ways to ruin you. 
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broke-art · 7 months
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Macaque x Fangirl reader
"You must be my biggest fan." The hooded storyteller leaned down next to your seat. "I hope that journal isn't to steal my stories." He gestures to the open notebook in your lap.
"What?! No! No of course not." You promised hurriedly. "Your stories are so good but, they're yours. I couldn't tell them half as well. No I'm-" paused trying to collect your thoughts. You certainly had been taking notes but not to steal anything. It's just the story reminded you so much of someone.
The hooded figure smiled indulgently.
"And who is that?" He asked clearly meaning the sketches next to your notes.
Some heat flared to life in your cheeks.
"Oh that is my depiction of the six earred Macaque." You explained ensuring to keep your eyes glued to the journal. "He was the brother of the monkey king? Played a super important role." You rambled. "Actually your story reminds me of-" the words died in your throat as you saw his grin slowly turn into a slight frown.
"You.....you know about the six earred Macaque?" He said slowly.
You nodded slightly.
"He's my favorite. It's really unfortunate how he died." You mumbled with a shrug.
The figure seemed to flinch a bit but when you looked at him he pasted on a grin that felt a touch forced.
"Sooo....you're a fangirl?"
A blushed burned at your cheeks and you tensed.
"I wouldn't call it that!" You shook your head adamantly.
The figure chuckled.
"Hey it's nothing to be ashamed about. Although-" He sat next to you thoughtfully touching a hand to his chin. "Why does my story remind you of him?"
You blinked.
"Uhm well it's pretty well known that when Sun wukong and Macaque parted ways it wasn't under the most...ahem....amiable conditions."
For a moment you thought you heard the man mutter under his breath, 'No kidding' But you couldn't be sure.
"But Macaque was still pretty renowned in his own way and when they did work together they were virtually unstoppable!" You slipped into explanations and gushed about how cool you believed the monkey brothers were.
That was until your own brother ran into the theater.
"Y/n! I can't find Mei or the others any-" He stopped short suddenly and summoned his staff.
"Macaque. I should have known."
"Get away from my sister. Now." M.k growled twirling the staff.
A low chuckle sounded behind you making you stiffen and slowly turn.
The man pulled back the hood to reveal a black monkey with purple eyes and a wicked grin.
"Ohohoho sister huh?" He looked at you with a risen brown and you felt your gut twist in knots.
"So... Fangirl." He addressed you stepping towards you. "Ready to meet the real deal?"
"I said-" Gold flared around M.k just before he launched at Macaque. "Get back!"
You screamed and raised your arms as purple and gold magic clashed and the resulting sonic blast threw you back into the bleachers.
"Careful there, bud." Macaque's mockery reached you just as your shadow morphed under you. "Wouldn't want someone to get hurt !"
At the last word the shadow opened a portal in the floor.
With a gasp you reached for M.k as you fell only to see him lunge for you.
"Y/N!" He shouted only for his fingertips to just brush your own before the world vanished into a void of black.
You came to with a groan touching a hand to your head.
"M.k you've got some explaining to do." Pigsy groused somewhere in the background as you got your bearings. Slowly, as the world righted yourself you spotted your journal.
You picked it up carefully as M.k dashed out the doors for some unknown reason. You flicked through the pages and froze on your latest page.
'To my biggest fan. Thanks for coming to the show. Was nice to hear someone remembers me. ' - Macaque.
You blinked and despite yourself you smiled slowly. Perhaps you really were a fangirl.
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golden-cherry · 1 year
deal - cl16 (9/?)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Series Summary: Your whole life has gone to shit. Your boyfriend broke up with you, you just lost your job and the Monegasque, who suddenly stands in your doorway, claims that it’s his apartment.
Chapter Summary: Finding an outfit is harder that it seams. Especially when your roommate can't really help you, because he's at his other apartment.
Warnings: fluff, angst (whoops), mentions of cheating (not Charles), mentions of smut (oral, fingering, p in v), angry Charles, text messages
Word Count: 3.6k
series masterlist
previous part
A/N: here it is friends. did my absolute best and honestly, I'm sweating so hard. I chose the name for Charles ex bc it’s the name of the girl my best friend absolutely despises. and this is not a Charlotte hate acc. hope you like it still. feedback is appreciated!
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The weather app on your phone is of relatively little help. 
Charles had said that you were going out to dinner around eight o'clock in the evening, and according to the app, it should still be fifteen degrees then, even though it's December. While he had said that "it doesn't matter what you wear," but if you were going to be spending more time with him soon, and by extension his friends, you would want to make a good first impression. 
Not that your first impression on Charles was particularly good. 
Since you promised Charles that he could sleep in his bed tonight, you try to keep the mess of clothes to a minimum. Instead of pulling each piece of clothing out of the closet and then tossing it into the nearest corner because it doesn't match what you had in mind, you put things neatly folded back in their place. 
After your roommate left the apartment, you started cleaning up your room so it wouldn't be too embarrassing if Charles stayed there tonight. After all, he doesn't need to see your underwear or the little stuffed animal turtle that sleeps in bed with you. Generally things that maybe old friends know about you, but definitely not the roommate you've been living with for two days.
The roommate who is no help to you when it comes to choosing clothes for tonight. Since he hasn't told you which restaurant it is, you don't know exactly what the dress code looks like, which is why you're now standing in front of the closet at a loss. 
In Monaco, when it comes to restaurant choice, anything is possible. You could dine at Le Louis XV, the most expensive restaurant in Monte-Carlo, or Jack Monaco, which is significantly cheaper, but you have a direct view of the harbor with the oversized and expensive yachts.
Secretly, you hope it won't be too expensive tonight. Joris would pay you back the rent soon, but you're still unemployed and unfortunately can't live quite as carefree Charles, who apparently has enough money at his disposal to have not one, but two apartments in Monaco. 
A fact that you would never blame him for. 
When you can't find anything that would theoretically go with any restaurant visit, you drop onto the bed, annoyed. It can't be that hard to find something, right? You fish your cell phone out of the pocket of your sweater and start typing. 
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Briefly, you consider actually sending the message, but alas, you're so desperate that you feel you have no choice. You hit send and are about to throw the phone across the room as if you've just confessed to your school crush that you like him. 
But Charles isn't your school crush. He's your roommate and first and foremost your friend, which is why you just drop the phone on the bed next to you. 
You sit up and narrow your eyes as you go through the clothes in the open closet. Somewhere in there is a pair of dark gray, straight-cut jeans that match the white blouse you carefully hung back on the hanger a few minutes ago. 
And sure enough. After a few minutes of rummaging around in the clothes, you find the jeans and as you hold them up next to the blouse, you're relatively pleased with the choice. There should also be shoes floating around somewhere that should go with them. But at least this is a good start. 
Satisfied, you clean up the rest of the room. Since Charles has not invited you to dinner, but also to a club, you will certainly be home late, so you decide to make up Charles' bed. Your bedding disappears into the hall closet after you take Charles' things out. As you bring them into the bedroom and spread them out on the bed, you find yourself briefly considering pressing your face into the pillow. For sure, Charles smells attached to it. 
But before you can do that, your cell phone vibrates. It's a message from Charles. 
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Your heart skips a beat. Do friends give each other compliments like that? You glance from your phone to Charles' pillow, then to your outfit for tonight. You bite the inside of your cheek and start typing. 
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You plug your phone into the charging cord as you head toward the bathroom to shower and get ready for the evening, so you don't see the two messages Charles sends you.
The Ferrari feels different somehow. After Charles sat in your old Renault yesterday, the expensive Ferrari feels strange under him. Not wrong, but different. Like something is missing. 
He feels the stares on him as he steers the car through the streets of Monaco. The gray Ferrari attracts attention, with its red and white stripes and the number 16 on the side. But not just because the 488 Pista Spider is a beautiful car. 
But because people know who owns the car.
The fact that you don't know that Charles is the Charles Leclerc is refreshing for him, but the guilty conscience gnaws at him. He should tell you that he drives in Formula 1, because after all, you would be dragged into the limelight by him, should people find out that you are friends and, above all, that you live together. Before that happens, he should at least give you the opportunity to get out of it. 
But Charles is too selfish for that. 
Even though you've only known each other for a short time, Charles enjoys your company too much to mess it up. You're so normal, so kind, without asking for anything in return like most want him to do. You're just you. And by God, he's never felt better than in his short time with you. 
He expertly steers the Ferrari into a parking garage entrance, where he has to type a pin into the designated keypad next to him before the barrier. The barrier opens so that he can drive a few meters further, where a metal gate awaits him, where he also has to enter a pin - a different one. Only then does he reach the parking lot that rightfully belongs to him. 
It has been some time since he has been here. After driving the last race of the season in Abu Dhabi about three weeks ago and becoming vice world champion, he had stayed on site for a short time to soak up some sun and recover from the stress before flying back to Maranello with his team for a final briefing and to discuss the upcoming season. But even that only lasted a few days. He could have been back in Monaco by now. 
But he didn't want to. 
He knew exactly what was waiting for him here. A conversation he wanted to delay as long as possible. He didn't stay away from Monaco for so long for no reason, and he wondered if he hadn't returned too soon. But he can't, first, avoid this conversation, and second, stay away from his home. He loves it here too much for that. Just like other things he'd rather not think about right now. 
In the elevator, he puts his key in the designated hole and then presses the button with the number of the floor where his apartment is located. Just a few weeks ago, he thought that if he entered this building again, his heart would be beating wildly in his chest or his palms would be sweaty, but he is not even nervous. 
He knows what's waiting for him behind the elevator door. And he's ready to wrap things up.
Charles enters the apartment as he has thousands of times before. And just like hundreds of times before, he hears the sound of footsteps on the floor moving quickly in his direction. But never before has he felt this indifference to those footsteps. 
"Charles?" A woman comes out of the room where the living room is located and rushes toward him with her arms outstretched. When she reaches him, she wraps her arms around his torso to hold him close, but Charles puts his hands on her shoulders and gently but firmly pushes her away. "Charles, I'm so sorry. What I did is inexcusable and I will-"
"'You won't do anything,'" he interrupts her, wishing he could jump in the shower to wash her touch off him. "I'm just here to get some things. And to ask you to stop calling." He walks past her down the hall and into the room where his clothes are. 
"And I told you I would do everything I could to make this right between us," the woman says as she follows him. She places herself in the doorway with her arms crossed as he packs some of his clothes into a large gym bag. "I'm not ready to give up on us yet, Charles. I love you."
Charles can't stop the laughter that escapes him. After stuffing several pairs of socks into his side pocket, he turns to her and puts a hand on his hip. "You gave us up when you fucked that guy, Annika. And dare you to talk about love. You don't even know what that is."
As his phone vibrates in his pocket, he fishes it out. A message from Y/N. He doesn't even notice that a small smile creeps onto his face at that. 
But she does. "Who's that? Do you have a new one already?" 
Charles quickly types a reply and presses send before turning back to his clothes. "No," he says coldly. "And even if it were, it wouldn't be any of your business."
"Of course it's my business!" Annika almost screeches as she takes a few steps toward him. "I'm your girlfriend, after all!"
"You," Charles zips up the bag and stands in front of her, "are the absolute last person I want anything to do with." He pushes past her into the hallway, where he drops the bag on the floor to go into the bedroom, where some odds and ends are waiting for him to take as well.
Annika follows him like a dog follows its master. "And why do you let me stay here then?"
"Because I'm nice."
"You're not that nice. We both know that."
Charles looks at the picture frames sitting on the windowsill. Among them is a picture of him and his father when Charles was little and went karting. It's a fond memory that he certainly doesn't want to leave here with her. "I've changed."
In disbelief, Annika laughs. "Never. In the two years we were together, I asked you so many times for things that should have been natural for a relationship, but what came from you? Nothing." Now it's her turn to put her hands on her hips. "You're so focused on your job that you don't notice what's going on around you! If you had paid more attention to me, then-"
"Then what? Then you wouldn't have slept with that idiot? Then we would have been happy forever? Peace and happiness?" Charles takes some pictures out of the frames and carefully lays them on top of each other so they don't scratch. He would leave the frames here, after all, they were gifts from Annika. And he definitely doesn't want to keep them. "Grow up, Annika. You knew what you were getting into from the start."
"But not that I have to share you with the whole world." Slowly, she walks toward him and as she stands in front of him, she places her perfectly manicured hands against his chest. "You're all I've ever wanted, Charles. But you were never there. And even when you were there, your mind was always at work or somewhere else, but never with me."
She's not exactly wrong about that. The season had cost him quite a few nerves and he definitely hadn't been a good boyfriend, and maybe none of this would have happened if he had paid more attention to her. But that's definitely not a justification for what she did. Charles knows his worth. And that's exactly why he clasps Annika's wrists with his thumbs and forefingers to take her hands off him. 
"For not being a good boyfriend, I am truly sorry." He drops her hands. "But that's no reason to cheat. You and I are done." Charles leaves the bedroom and grabs his bag in the hallway before heading for the elevator door. 
"You're leaving? Just like that? Throwing away two years like they never happened?"
Again, his phone vibrates in his pocket. Another message from Y/N, making his heart skip a beat. He grins to himself and types a response that, under different circumstances, he might have thought twice about. But the quicker he replies, the quicker he's out of this place and back to you. 
"I'm not throwing it away, you already did." Charles puts his phone back in his pocket and presses the button to make the elevator come. "I'm letting you stay here because I know how bad I've been to you and that this year hasn't been so easy for you either. But if I need this place one day, for whatever reason, you're out of here. And I don't care where you end up. Find someplace to live. Move back in with your parents. But this," he points to the space between you, "is over. Forever."
Annika runs a hand through her hair, then crosses her arms in front of her chest. "Then I hope for your sake that you treat them better than you treat me."
The elevator door opens, but Charles doesn't move a bit. Instead, he looks at his ex-girlfriend, who stands before him with raised eyebrows. "Who do you mean?" 
"Do you think I'm that stupid? Or blind?" She points her finger at his pants pocket. "The person you just answered immediately."
"And what's so special about that?" he asks, confused. 
Annika takes a step toward him. "You always make everyone wait for you. You make your fans wait for good results, your friends wait for calls. You even make your mother wait for you, because I'm pretty sure she doesn't know you're home yet." Annika stops in front of him. "But whoever that is - that person has all your attention. She doesn't have to wait for you. Let me give you a hint along the way, Charlie."
"Don't call me that. And I don't need your help."
"And even if you did." Annika stretches her arm out, past him, so the elevator door doesn't close. "The fact that she doesn't have to wait for you is good. Don't make her wait for you, too. It's not fair to her. And not to you, either."
As he sits back in the Ferrari - the sports bag and pictures safely stowed in the trunk - he doesn't know what to do with himself. 
Charles made it clear to Annika that their relationship was over, and it had been overdue for at least a month. But what she said at the end stuck. 
He actually keeps everyone waiting, which is why he keeps blaming himself. He could have told his mother he was back in Monaco a long time ago, but somehow he didn't. He could have told you that he's not just Charles, but he didn't, and so he keeps you waiting for the truth that you know nothing about. 
Would you even want to be friends with him anymore if you knew who he was? Or would you want to be friends with him all the more? 
Never, he thinks to himself. That's not who you are. And he can say that even though you've only known each other for a short time. 
And even though you've only known each other for two days, you're all he can think about. He thinks about how you sat together on the grass and talked about his father. He thinks about how you cried at Cars. He thinks about how you flirted with him even though, in your opinion, it wasn't flirting (it was to him, of course; he wanted to know how to win you over for a reason). He thinks about how you told him about your ex-boyfriend and how he would love to beat him up. He thinks of you standing next to each other in the kitchen washing the dishes. 
He thinks of you standing in front of him dressed only in a towel. With bare shoulders and bare legs and that - if he would get the opportunity again - he would not hesitate to pull you into the bedroom and fuck you with his tongue, his fingers or his cock in such a way that he would ruin all other men for you.
Charles closes his eyes briefly to get the image of you on his mind, and then drives off. He would love to drive to the lookout and talk to his father about the situation, but somehow it doesn't feel right without you there. 
But he can't talk to you about it either, because it involves you, and although it would certainly be best, he doesn't have the heart to tell you the truth. Not because he doesn't trust you, but because he's afraid of losing you. 
He slaps his hand against his forehead. "Get a grip, damn it," he says to himself. The two of you haven't even touched, and he's thinking about how he'd take you on every surface in the small apartment. That's just not normal. 
And most of all, it's not fair. You confided in him about your ex-boyfriend because Charles is your friend. And your roommate. And that's what he needs to be to you. 
It wouldn't be fair for him to get into a relationship with you because one, you don't know who exactly he is, and two, he can never be what you need him to be. You need someone who is there for you, who takes time for you. Someone you can laugh and cry with. Not someone who is away most weeks of the year and can't even manage to call his own mother. 
You would always be waiting for him. And even though he doesn't want to agree with Annika, he has to. The whole thing is not fair to you. 
And so he deletes the last two messages he sent you, which you apparently haven't read yet, as he parks his Ferrari in an underground garage and walks the last few meters to your apartment. 
He decides that he is your friend. Only your friend. Because he has to be, and because he can't be anything else. Because you need a real friend, and not a relationship. 
Charles unlocks the apartment door and drops the gym bag to the floor beside him. 
"Charles?" Unlike Annika's voice, his heart starts to beat faster at yours and his palms start to sweat, so he quickly wipes them on his jeans. You come out of the bathroom dressed in dark gray jeans and a white blouse that accentuates your curves. As you stand in front of him, you turn once so he can check you out from all sides. In all his life, he's never seen anyone look so divine. "I'm sorry, I wasn't sure what to wear. I hope that's all right."
His smile is gentle and he hopes you don't notice how hard he has to swallow, and he would have loved to wrap you in his arms and never let you go. But his ex-girlfriend is still clinging to him, and before you touch each other properly for the first time, he wants her washed off.
It's not fair.
"It's okay," he says with a smile and goes to the fridge for a glass of orange juice. You stop by the apartment door next to the gym bag, but don't ask where the stuff is from. And for that, he's very grateful. "I'm just going to jump in the shower and then we can go, okay?"
He doesn't wait for your answer as he pulls new clothes out of his suitcase, walks into the bathroom, undresses, and stands under the hot stream of water. Even now, he keeps you waiting, which further solidifies his decision to keep your relationship purely platonic. While he's shampooing his hair, he makes a deal with himself that he'll do whatever it takes to make this friendship work. Even if that means suppressing his feelings. 
As he leaves the bathroom freshly showered and ready to go, you sit on the couch. He's looking at you, thinking about what Annika said, what he'd like to do with you, and all the things he could lose. And all of that just isn't fair. 
"I'm sorry you had to wait for me," he says softly, reaching for your car key that's on the dining room table. It feels better in his hand than the one from the Ferrari. So familiar. Like the key will fulfill everything he's ever wanted. 
"It's okay," you reply, getting up from the couch. You take a few steps toward him and smile at him, and his heart melts. "I'm fine with waiting."
the messages Charles deleted -
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next part
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imaginecolby · 10 months
prove it || c.b.
summary: after an argument between you, colby promises you that he'll do whatever it takes to get you to forgive him. requested by anonymous.
"i'm so tired of having this conversation with you! if you can't trust me, then we shouldn't even be in this relationship anymore!" you shouted, storming upstairs.
"you don't get to storm away from me in my house!" colby said, following closely behind you.
"well, maybe you should actually listen to me for once, and i won't have to storm off. i don't know how many more times i need to tell you that i don't want you for your clout, or your money. the faster you understand that, then the faster this fight can be over." you took a deep breath before speaking again. "colby, we have been going at this all day. i'm tired of fighting. until you get can get it through your head that i want to be with you, then i can't do this anymore."
you finished packing your things up, and made your way to your car to leave. you half expected colby to come running after you, but when he didn't, you finally let yourself cry. you drove back to your house in silence, letting the tears fall. this was the only thing that you and colby ever fought over, but after the fourth time having this fight, you didn't have it in you to continue to argue over it.
after a quick stop for food, you finally made it home. you sat on the couch, crying as you ate. you really were worried this was gonna be the end of your relationship, but you knew that you couldn't be part of a relationship where someone didn't trust you. you deserved better than that, and you weren't going to continue to put yourself through that.
a few hours passed with no word from colby. you figured you wouldn't hear from him tonight, and forced yourself to try to sleep. unfortunately, that proved to be easier said than done. you tossed and turned all night, mind racing with images of your night replaying in your head.
"god, this sucks." you sighed. you slept for a total of about two hours, and it hit you bad the next day. you moped your way through work, barely talking to anyone, or getting any work done. everyone was trying to get you to open up, and offer some comfort, but you weren't in the mood. you were just trying to get through the next few days, in case this was really the end. once you were finally off of work, you made your way home, and stepped straight into the shower. you sat in the bottom of the tub, letting the warm water massage your muscles, and washing away the stress from the day.
after your shower, you put on some pajamas and moved to the couch, turning on a movie. you rolled your eyes as all of your recommendations were romantic comedies that you were not in the mood for. you ended up turning on an action film that you ended up not paying much attention to. you spaced out as you ate your leftovers, feeling numb. you were all cried out, and now longer knew what to feel.
"god this has been the worst few days." you sighed, turning the tv off. you sat in silence for a while before there was knock on the door. you got up to the answer door, colby standing on your porch.
"hey." he said quietly. you stood there, your arms crossed across your chest, saying nothing. "can we talk?" you turned to move back into your house, colby following closely behind you. you say back on the couch, and he sat on the chair across the living room for you.
"talk about what? just so you can talk down on me some more? you've made it abundantly clear that i don't come from the same world as you and that i don't understand how the industry works." you spat, mimicking his voice. "news flash, i knew that when we met, and i knew that when we got together. you don't need to continue to make me feel bad about it."
"i know, i'm sorry. sometimes i just get too into my head about all this. you're the first real girlfriend ive had since i've been in LA, and im still having trouble figuring this out." he said softly.
"you can't continue using that as an excuse whenever you blow up at me. i understand you're having a hard time figuring this out, but sometimes it feels like you don't understand how badly it hurts when you say things like that to me. it makes me feel like you don't trust me and that you don't want to be with me."
"god, i'm such an idiot. i never want you to feel that way. i love you, and i love everything about us. i never want to make you feel like that i don't care about you, or i don't trust you. i regret that i ever did that to you, and i want to do everything i can to fix this."
"well, an apology is a start. but i need you to prove that you actually believe that and you do trust me."
"i do, and i will. i am so so sorry that i ever made you feel like i didn't want to be with you or that i didn't trsut that you were with me for the right reasons. i love you. i love you more than anything, and i want to be with you." he said, moving to sit next to you.
"i love you too." you said, pulling him into your arms. you hugged him tight and pressed a kiss to the top of his head.
"i'm sorry." he said again, looking up at you. "so so sorry."
"i know. and i accept your apology. and all the future ones i expect from you." you teased.
you and colby spent the rest of the night together, finally feeling better after the last couple of days. you hoped that things would continue to be good for you and colby, and you would stay in a good place for a while. maybe forever.
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show-your-fangs · 1 year
omg omg omg can I pls request hotch genuinely being the most clueless, dumb-and-in-love individual?
Basically the team has to point it out to him for him to see how soft he is for reader and how differently he treats them 💗😩 he’s in love, your honour 🤭
i love our stupid man in love, he's so cute i can't.
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this is part two of this blurb from my moments au
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x f!Reader
Words: 1.7k
CW: nothing, just fluff.
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He didn’t ask you out that night. Neither Morgan or Rossi won the bet, the unfortunate draw making them only want to try harder to win over the other.
That had been a week ago, the pool only growing as more agents got in on it and it had somehow gotten out of hand really quickly. Penelope had been tasked with keeping track of the bets, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to keep her mouth shut about it, especially when she was around you. 
The team had left for a case earlier in the week which meant you were spending a lot of time with her. From helping with research, running point from the office, making calls and setting up permits, warrants, everything and anything they needed, you were practically tied at the hip as per usual when the team was away. The only problem? Penelope Garcia could not keep a secret to save her life, and the more time she spent with you, the more she almost slipped and told you what was going on.
You had closed the case earlier that night after five days of grueling work. You were exhausted, more so emotionally than physically, so you’d invited Penelope to dinner as way to celebrate the little victory. But what had started as a simple night out had quickly turned wild as the waiter had taken a liking to her and kept the cocktails coming throughout your entire meal. You were on dessert, a forgettable chocolate lava cake with ice cream when she finally slipped.
“I just think it’s so silly,” she giggled in between sips of her drink and scoops of dessert. 
“What’s silly?” you egged her on, whatever this secret was had eluded you for the entire week and you just needed to know. 
“How much Hotch likes you,” her cheeks flushed pink but her brain didn’t realize what’d she’d admitted to yet, allowing her to continue. “The team has a bet going on when he’s going to ask you out and everything.” 
“Huh,” you mused. “That is silly.”
That’s when her brain snapped, dread and realization washing over her all at once. Her eyes widened, her spoon fell from her hand and onto the plate. 
“Oh my gosh, do you not like Hotch back? I could’ve sworn— I am mortified! Forget I told you, please I am begging you—”
You reached over and placed your hand over hers, gently soothing her out of her panic as a mischievous smile curled on your lips. 
“Can you get me on the board, Pen?”
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Apparently they were all convinced it wasn’t happening for a while. They had decided to overcorrect their previous assumptions, placing bets that were days if not weeks in the future. Penelope had added you to the bet list that same night, promising to keep the secret until the next morning. 
You knew the clock was ticking, knew that once you started the countdown, you had no business losing your courage. It was now or never, and the reminder that soon the rest of the team would be shuffling into the bullpen to start their day, that they’d know someone else had made a risky bet — it only got your adrenaline pumping even more. 
You poured his coffee as you watched him enter the office, gaze on his phone, powerful and confident strides leading him towards his office. He turned and waved from the top of the stairs once he finally noticed you, a small smile on his lips. You smiled back, your cheeks reddening slightly as you finished getting your own coffee in order, the pale tan a contrast to his straight black. 
You made your way to his office a minute after he’d settled, placing his cup on his desk and taking a seat across from him. This had been your routine for months now, you’d bring him his coffee in the morning and the two of you would fill each other in on your lives. 
Aaron had been dealing with his divorce, the guilt of having to split Jack’s time between him and his mom, the added stress of finding a new place and moving, of finding himself alone when he’d been used to always having someone to come home to after a tough case. And you? You had just started going to therapy after he’d encouraged you to. It had been a rocky adjustment to the job, and you were glad that you could confide in him as your boss but also as your friend. 
“Thank you,” he mumbled, pulling out the case files he’d taken back home the night before. 
You shot him a look, the look, and he couldn’t help but sigh deeply. You weren’t angry, you were simply disappointed, and he knew that. It had been hard, harder now that he had to force himself back out there if he wanted to actually have a life. But even after months of this new normal, the idea of dating made him even more exhausted than he’d like to admit. 
Because while Morgan or Emily thrived meeting new people, Aaron had met Haley in high school. He’d been with one woman his entire life, one woman for more than twenty years. He was rusty to say the least, the insecurity of it only growing the more he refused to take the leap, the more he refused to feel his feelings, the more he fell in love with you. 
“Haley had Jack last night—” he started but you were quick to interrupt him. 
“That’s a terrible excuse,” you chided. “There’s a million things you could’ve done instead.”
“Oh yeah?” the mischief was back in his eyes, making you gulp visibly. “What did you do last night?”
Your mouth opened in mock annoyance, he couldn’t possibly know—
“For your information, sir,” you mocked. “I went out with Penelope last night.” 
Whatever glimmer of hope Aaron had cultivated to tease you about taking work back home was extinguished in a second. He sat back in his chair, inaudibly admitting defeat. 
“Maybe that’s what you need too,” you started, your heart racing once more. His eyebrows shot up and you could tell his blood had also gotten to his head. “Ask someone out, go on a date, get laid.”
That caught him off guard completely. If he had been sipping on his coffee he would’ve choked, made an even bigger fool of himself. But instead his cheeks just reddened, his ears quickly following suit, a detail he knew you knew about him as you’d pointed it out many times in the past.
But you didn’t today, you didn’t say anything about his reaction but he was too hot to notice it right away.
“It’s what I have to do too, honestly,” you shrugged, faux confidence somehow allowing you to not combust right then and there. 
“Do you now?” he managed through gritted teeth, the idea of you dating something that he made sure never to think about because it always led him down a dark path of rage and an ungodly desire to ravage you to the point where you belonged to him and no one else. 
“Yeah,” you drawled on, almost sighing dramatically. That’s when he caught on, when his brain finally reconnected to his body and his heart only sped up even more. “But I don’t know…I’m not really into any of the guys Penelope or Emily have tried to set me up with, they’re not really my type.”
God, this was not actually happening. “What is your type?”
“Crime fighting single dads who adore their kids and participate in triathlons for fun,” there was no misinterpreting it now. 
“Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?” the words flew out of his mouth before either of you could register them. 
A bright smile took over your lips, your eyes sparkling with happiness. A shy smile slowly started to turn adorably embarrassed on his, his gaze tentatively raising to meet yours, eyebrows raised almost pleading, his eyes round and hopeful. 
“I would love to,” you said and he graced you with the most beautiful full smile you’d ever seen from him. It was unrestricted, genuine, life giving. 
“Great,” he cleared his throat as the clock struck eight, the reality of the world outside of your little office bubble a reminder of where you were. “I’ll pick you up at eight.”
“Can’t wait,” you reassured him, standing up with your own untouched coffee mug and making your way downstairs. “Oh, and it’s my treat. Trust me.”
You were gone before he could argue, but you knew that he couldn’t stop smiling, the warmth radiating from him was enough for you know it deep in your bones.
“Babygirl,” Morgan asked aloud, holding up the list of bets that Penelope had left on his desk earlier as the blonde returned to the bullpen from her office. “What’s this?”
He tapped on the bet you’d written down, the other agents gathering to inspect the new addition.  
“Proof of my victory, Derek,” you said cockily as Penelope handed you the envelope full of cash. 
The entire team turned to you, eyes wide and anger slowly boiling. But none of them let it out, instead they all looked impressed, they respected the move, the hustle, the boldness. Morgan scoffed in proud defeat as he held out his fist for you to bump, and you did, excitedly.  
It had finally happened, the start of something that had been brewing for months, and you couldn’t be happier. While the girls walked up to you to get all the details you shot Aaron a cheeky glance as Penelope filled Emily and JJ in on your conversation the night before, and for the first time ever, Aaron allowed himself to meet your glance, unashamed to be caught staring at you. 
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i've been smiling like an idiot all day
taglist: @ssamorganhotchner, @canuck-eh, @cr1minalskies, @xladyxdreamer, @mrs-ssa-hotch
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vtoriacore · 2 years
✧ the flirtiest one of all! [2]
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note: part two of this, fun fact it was actually 6.9k words on the original doc and i’m not telling you this for any particular reason haha i am the epitome of maturity i promise <3 (lying)
characters: azul, jade, floyd, kalim, jamil, vil, rook, epel
synopsis: pretty simple, you confess by out-flirting just about every human being, merman, beastman and fae on planet earth. because you’re suave babe, go for it!
heartslabyul & savanaclaw | ignihyde & diasomnia
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✯; azul ashengrotto
azul quirked an eyebrow when you entered mostro longue with that mischievous smile of yours but what caught his attention next is the purple rectangular box you were carrying, addressed as 'Ashengrotto'
"My, my. Got something for me, prefect?" 
"Depending on the answer you'll give me, maybe."
the little spark of excitement in his azure blue eyes which perfectly reflected the light definitely confirmed your suspicions on whether he knew or not
"Hm~ Well then it seems I'm inclined to ask for the question."
"That was a statement."
"Is that relevant?"
"No I just wanted a reason to talk to you longer~" 
the slightest surprise on his face quickly vanished as he tried to control his rapidly increasing heartbeat
"Well, don't keep me waiting [Name]. I'm a very busy merman after all. "
"Haha, okay I'll spare you the embarrassment."
"So, will you accept my feelings or are you just going to continue blushing?"
"Me, blushing? N-never."
"I have eyes, Ashengrotto. You'll have to do better than that!"  
"There is no winning against you . . . Regarding your first question though, it would seem a waste if I said no."
"Yeah, a waste of the countless affection I'd be willing to give~" 
"Affection doesn't produce a profit dear."
"No, it produces mutual feelings instead. And happiness, with the right person!" 
as always, your witty remarks never failed to make him gain those adorable red hues across his cheeks 
"If I ever die of exhaustion, it will be because of your antics."
"Correction, my cute antics :)"
"Well my dear angelfish, the exit is that way if you're done tormenting me."
"But the entrance to your heart is this way."
"Whatever will I do with you?"
"Dunno, but you got time to figure it out cause I'm not leaving." 
✯; jade leech
his cryptic smile stayed on the minute he saw you at mostro lounge, discussing something with azul as the merman gave this huge sigh of exasperation and nodded his head at whatever you had asked
he (naturally) came up to you once azul decided to walk away from you 
"Oya, oya~ What are you doing here my pearl?"
"Good question~ I'm sure you're smart enough to figure it out."
and figure it out he does once he catches a glimpse of the heart shaped turquoise box in your hand addressed to him in beautiful handwriting
"Hm, it would appear I'm totally clueless. If only you would be so kind as to explain the meaning of this." 
"Oh what a true shame, Leech."
"Yes, very unfortunate indeed."
"Need I make it more obvious?"
"I might have to request a verbal explanation, fufu~"
"How about I give you the physical one instead~?"
undoubtedly, the wink and statement you gave him managed to make even the jade leech's heart itself skip a beat as he gulped slightly
"I wouldn't be entirely opposed to that."
"I'll take that as a yes for the feelings I'm confessing to you, then."
"And who am I to decline such proposal?"
"Just about the most charming man in existence~"
"Ah, you never do fail with coming up with pick-up lines it seems."
"Of course not, deem yourself lucky for being my test subject in that aspect Leech."
oh jade would definitely consider himself a winner if this is what he gets to hear after today
"Well I cannot say they're not entertaining~" 
"And completely genuine, by the way."
if there was a world record for the most times someone manages to make the merman even slightly flustered, you'd definitely take the title with ease
"At this rate, I'll have to start coming up with my own quips. I can't be the only one getting swept of my feet like this."
"Hmph, that was smooth I'll give you that one!"
✯; floyd leech
has this stupid grin the second you step foot into his dorm room when jade is out, and it only widens once he realises what you're carrying with you 
"Heya Koebi-chan~"
"In high spirits are we?"
"Hmmmm? Have I ever not been?" 
"I'll pretend I didn't hear that. And are you not going to ask why I'm here Leech?"
"No, why would I~ You're obviously here for me!"
"What if I was here for Jade?"
"Then I would make you stay here for me instead!"
even with his playful response, you could definitely tell that if you brought jade into this once more, floyd wouldn't spare you any mercy and have you be a victim of his infamous squeeze
"No need~ I actually did come here for you."
"Ehehe~ Of course you did!"
"Tsk, confident one aren't you?"
"Mhm~ Confident enough to say that the chocolates you're carrying are for me Koebi-chan!"
"Won't you look at that~ You guessed it right!"
the beat that floyd's heart skipped amplified the excitement he felt when you handed him the box of goods
"They smell really good! Are you sure you don't wanna work as a chef for the lounge"
"I'm good. And they look good too, I spent around an hour making them for you." 
"No fair! I was going to confess first on white day. Spoiling my plans like this, the nerve~"
"I didn't confess yet Leech! But now that you reminded me, you better accept my feelings." 
"Threatened with a confession? Didn't think that was your style haha!" 
the merman definitely felt nothing but pure joy as he unwrapped the first chocolate and popped it into his mouth 
"Hm~ So what if I did? As far as I know, the law doesn't prevent me from wanting to be with my crush." 
"Ah, ah~! One more word and I'll give you a lil' squeeze." 
"Did I ever say I would mind that?"
"Then I guess you won't Koebi-chan! But just so you know, I don't plan on letting go!"
✯; kalim al-asim
pleasantly surprised to find out that you're visiting scarabia and is immediately beaming at you when you enter with a cute looking box of what appeared to be spice laced chocolates (the smell made his mouth water!)
"Good morning [Name]! What a nice sight to see so early on!"
"Morning Asim, you're in a good mood~"
"That's because Jamil let me host a banquet for Valentine's day! Isn't he the best?"
"Let me guess, he made you promise to not cook with him after you insisted you wanted to help, right?"
"Woah are you sure you don't have magic yourself? That was so accurate!"
"You're too sweet sunshine, unfortunately that's still a no."
kalim grinned at the nickname as his heart palpitations grew, amplifying when he looked at the crimson box of chocolates with golden trimmings again
"So, is there a reason as to why you're visiting Scarabia?"
"Yeah, you're actually the whole reason." 
"Ahhhh that's cute! Would you like to stay for the night?"
"Depending on your answer, maybe~" 
"My answer to what?"
"To whether you'll accept my feelings or not."
the pearly white haired boy swears he felt his heart leap out his chest as his ruby red eyes widened 
"Oh my- I'm so happy you feel the same way! I absolutely do accept yes!"
"You should also be happy about the fact I spent an hour making these!"
when you handed him the chocolates his perpetual grin only became bigger if that's even possible
"Awe thank you so much [Name]! You're the best!"
"Mhm no problem~ I made it a point to ask Viper for your favourite kind of chocolate."
"You're so sweet, how about we go on a magic carpet ride?? Like the one of that very old tale where princess Jasmin and-"
"Ah spare the details Asim, I know exactly which one you're talking about."
"Great! I heard it's very romantic. Ooh! Maybe we can do a cute duet too!"
"Whatever you want, just make sure you'll focus on the steering."
"But how would I focus on anything but you?"
"You asking me this so genuinely is actually surreal."
✯; jamil viper
the moment his smoky grey eyes landed on your form and the maroon heart shaped box you were carrying with you, he immediately knew what was up, or hoped he knew what it was
"Oh prefect. Good morning."
"As formal as always I see?"
"Were you expecting anything but?"
"I don't set unrealistic expectations, Viper."
"Was that an insult?"
"Are you taking it as one?"
"Do you ever give straight answers?"
"No but I will be needing a very straight answer from you though."
the teasing smile you gave jamil never ceased to make his heart skip a beat, no matter how much denial he was in at the present moment
"Depends on the question you ask, [Last name]."
"Hm rude~ I should be asking Kalim if he would accept my feelings instead . . . Too bad I'm already super invested in you, no?"
just the mention of kalim alone made a scowl appear on jamil's face as he gazed straight in your eyes
"Yes, and too bad I'm already accepting your feelings so you can't back out. What a shame."
"Woah Viper~ Possessive much! Not that I don't like it, ehe." 
"Tsk, you're really irritating when you want to be."
"But it's only because I love your reactions. They simply get cuter as they go."
jamil looked at the ground as a red hue crept over his face, he feared that if you said anything else he might just lose every bit of self restraint he has
"And . . . you're sure you want to be with me? You know what it means . . ."
"Absolutely, 100% positive that you're the one and I am not budging on this no matter what you say."
"Tsk, you're not making this easy for me at all."
"Easy wouldn't be fun, just accept that we're totally fated already."
"Because you're madly in love with me ;)"
"Why do I even bother. . ." 
"There you go, being delusional again."
"Wouldn't have to be delusional if you didn't make me darlin'!"
✯; vil schoenheit
notices when you walk in right away, and is very quick to spot the velvety box you're carrying, definitely surprised when the tag reads 'Schoenheit'
"Afternoon prefect, do you need anything from me specifically?"
"Yeah your attention on me for a second or two."
"Well in that case, make it quick."
"Wow being this rude should be illegal~" 
"So should taking up someone's time. Someone who has a scheduled shoot in approximately 4 hours."
"Are you saying I'm wasting your time?"
"Did you take my statement as such?"
"Guess I'll go confess to LeBlanche then~ I'm sure he'll like what I made." 
vil's eyes narrowed in the slightest as a light scoff left his lips, he didn't expect such a reply but your fiery nature was one of the things as to why he fell for you in the first place so he didn't have a place to complain
"You're really something else entirely."
"Always have been, love~" 
the nickname itself made the blonde shiver, but combined with your killer smile, he couldn't help but avert his eyes for a few seconds
"So I'm guessing you're here to confess after all?"
"Yeah, so if you would be as kind as to accept my feelings please~" 
"You were already aware of what my answer would be, weren't you?"
"Oh definitely~ Now before you deny the gift, it's dark chocolate. And won't affect your daily calorie intake too much."
"Good, I do admire the thought behind that."
vil couldn't help but smile at the notion of you caring enough as to take care of the small details, but may have become even more smitten with you when he opened the box to see the beautiful designs which were clearly inspired by him
"You better appreciate them, took over an hour to make~"
"Would you really spend that much time and effort into making something so superficial?"
"Duh~ Only for you though!"
"In that case, thank you dear. Please do expect something in return on white day." 
"Positively can't wait. Anything you do is bound to turn out great!"
✯; rook hunt
chances are he already knew you were making something, but didn't know for who so when you came into the pomefiore dorm and requested to see him, boy was he mildly amused (not to mentioned excited)
"Bonjour mon amour~ I've heard from Roi du Poison that you inquired about my whereabouts?"
"Well then your hearing must be excellent because that's exactly what I needed!"
"My, my you seem to be in a bonne humeur~"
"That's because my hard efforts to make the greatest chocolates ever paid off!"
"Oh? Tu as fait du chocolat? How intriguing, for who~?"
"For the person who stole my heart~"
rook glanced at the velvety red box in your hand yet to his dismay, couldn't see what was on the tag. however, that didn't stop him from wishing it was reserved for him
"As always, tu es très énigmatique, my dear."
"Hehe~ I saw you glancing at the tag. You must be curious~"
"Naturally, anyone would be, non?"
"Well, you better appreciate the effort I put into this because it's for you~"
the blonde haired hunter couldn't help but smile at the sweet gesture as he anticipated the confession which was sure to follow with a hitched breath
"Well I'd love to accept them." 
"Since you're accepting the chocolates, you have to accept my feelings too Hunt~"
"With pleasure, [Name]. Or mon cœur. Whichever you prefer!"
"Are you trying to woo me with the way you say my name? Because it's working."
"That wasn't my intention, but I'm glad to hear this."
despite the cool facade rook maintained, he would definitely be lying if he said he didn't feel his heart drum faster throughout his chest at your endearing words
"If that's the case, then I should politely ask for you to stop charming me like that, it just isn't fair~"
"You're as equally charming mon amour, does that not equal out?"
"Unfair! You're doing it again."
"Je n'ai rien fait, je promets~" 
✯; epel felmier
the way you came into his dorm with an apple pie laced with cinnamon, he definitely tried to suppress a smile that was threatening to break out on his face
" Hey prefect, what brings you here?"
"Oh you know, my legs."
"Hey- you know what I meant!"
"Okay, okay~ I'm here for a very important reason."
"That would be?"
"You're very impatient, read what's on the tag~"
"Uh, 'Felmier'. My last name?"
by this point, the lilac haired boy began to suspect what was up but nonetheless waited for what you'd say next with a hitched breath
"Congrats, you can read~ Now guess why I'm here."
"W-wait . . . Don't tell me you're . . . confessing?"
"That's exactly what I was about to do but I guess I won't tell you."
"Ah- wait that's not what I was sayin'- uh saying!"
"You should stop hiding your accent around me, it's so adorable~"
"Gh- whatever ya say just spill it!"
"Okay, okay~ Well I'm here to ask if you'd be willing to accept my feelings?"
"I- yeah . . . Yeah I do-"
"You're making it sound like we're getting married~ You should ask for my hand first!"
the red hues decorating epel's face along with the loud beating of his heart did not make it easier for him to look you straight in the eyes
"Oh just hand over the pie . . . I'm puttin' your efforts to the test."
"Hehe~ Okay, okay but you better appreciate it or else."
"I do . . .. And don't make a comment on that!"
"Okay I won't haha! For now."
"Hah- tsk I'll never carve apples for you again . . ."
"Hey Felmier! You take that back this instant!"
"Maybe if you beg for forgiveness."
"Is this how you treat your future spouse?"
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ja3yun · 10 months
The Sun That Always Burns | S.JY pt.5
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sim jaeyun x afab!reader
warnings: smut(ish), mdni, cheating (i'm sorry), almost handjobs, heavy makeout, alcohol, serious longing, ynjake make stupid decisions, lmk if there is anything else.
wc: 4.7k+
synopsis: you and jake's high school relationship blossomed into a romance filled with hope and promise. However, as time went on, jake's long-term expectations began to weigh heavily on you, who struggled to meet them. your paths eventually lead you in separate directions, each experiencing different aspects of life and ultimately moving on from your past love. unexpectedly, fate intervened and you both reunite after years apart. the reunion allows you to rediscover your feelings for each other but also forces you to navigate the complexities of your past and present.
a/n: hey...hi...how we all doing. listen if you hate me after this chapter I get it </3. I did leave this on a cliffhanger but the next part is the finale! i love my little pookie yn she's trying her best she just can't handle her liquor (she's so real, so me). hope you all enjoy and see you for the finale next week!
The shower hits off your skin as you finally have time to process everything that’s happened over the last few days; seeing Jaeyun again, coming to terms with his engagement, getting forgiveness from him, and his dad’s words. It’s a lot to process. The one thing you can’t seem to understand though is his and Yeoreum’s relationship. When you first arrived it was as if everything was sunshine and rainbows with the way she was talking. Her nonchalant way of saying he got over you quickly, how they’re soulmates, but that's not what his actions are saying and definitely not what they’re argument was eluding to. Your mind scrambles to piece it all together, like, maybe it’s different because you’re here and once the wedding is over and you leave they’ll go back to the way Yeoreum painted them. 
But he kissed your hand. He made all those CDs of your old mixtapes. He told you he loved you.
The warm droplets act as a blanket around you providing comfort and warmth as you run your fingers through your wet and soapy hair. Thinking about him just made more memories rise to the surface. How when you got stressed with exams he would make you take a shower with him and he would innocently wash your hair for you. His fingers would rub your scalp as if to ease the pain your brain was in from cramming so many topics in it at once. With his chest flushed against your back, he raked his hands through your hair and made sure he didn’t miss a bit. “I’m practicing. For when we’re old and brittle and have to look after each other.” He would say so casually. That was the thing about Jaeyun, he always made you feel like no matter what happened, his love for you was eternal.
You turn the shower off and step carefully onto the mat, but as a chap sounds from the door you jump and almost lose your balance. Gripping tightly onto the counter to steady yourself you curse under your breath and wrap a towel around your body. “Yes?”
“Y/N! Hurry up, we’re going out tonight.” Eunseo’s pretty voice travels through the door. After confirming it was her you open the door and look at her confused. “Me, you, Heeseung, Jake, and Yeoreum are going out. Like a joint bachelor-bachelorette thingy.” She claps excitedly. 
“Didn’t they already have their parties? You got really stressed when the inflatables you planned went to your elderly neighbour.” A chuckle leaves your lips as you recall the incident. The delivery of nonsensical blowup dicks and penis straws went to Mrs. Kim, a 87-year-old lady, who lives next door to Eunseo and she, unfortunately, opened it. Their relationship was never the same.
Eunseo scowls at the thought, “Please don’t remind me, she thinks I’m a sex pest or something now.” Her hand raised to stop you from saying any further as she carried on, “But this is just to let loose. After that walk and shit, I think they need it.” Nodding you agree and she smiles, “Then get ready! I’ve looked out your fit.” That could only mean one thing: you were going to be cold tonight.
After getting dressed you trail behind Eunseo you walk into the living room to find the rest waiting for you both which seems to be a theme this past week. Eunseo apologises like she always does and then hurries everyone as if she isn’t the reason the taxi fare is already up by £20. 
Heeseung puts his hand on the small of your back, leaning down to whisper, “You look so good. If there wasn’t a bro code…” he trails off and leaves it there with a cheeky smile. To be honest you felt hot, probably the hottest you have in any of your best friend’s clothes. She had looked out a black corset top with lacey detailing at the side, a white mini skirt with perfectly placed black bows on either side of your hips, and black thigh-high boots that were not the easiest to get on. This outfit called for your hair to be curled and eyeliner so sharp that it could open envelopes.
Nudging him you laugh and keep walking, “You couldn’t handle it.” You playfully sway your hips and Heeseung pretends to fall to his knees, a hand clutching his chest. When little moments like this happen, the world suddenly feels like it’s aligned. Like you had your old life back.
The taxi drive is short, and full of chatter and excitement. Yeoreum and Jaeyun seem to have made up, or at least enough to fake it for the journey, her laughter and his hand on her thigh being your indications. 
The club is busy, filled with people your age and younger just trying to get drunk. Thursdays are always the best day to go out; it’s cheaper and has a more student-based clientele than on a Saturday when creepy men in their 40s come out from the shadows. Eunseo flashes her signature smile and you guys are let in without any hesitation. You look at her skimpy outfit and think that might have helped the situation.
Music and heat hit you all at once and it’s overwhelming but in the best way possible. The musky smell of alcohol and smoke from the machines feels like a time machine back to your second year of college, a mixture of shame and fondness washing over you as you remember the many hook-ups and walks of shame you did.
Eunseo grabs your hand and raises it as she leads you to the bar to get the first of too many drinks tonight. She orders two double vodkas with lemonade and two baby guinnesses, they've become your favourites over the years. As the bartender goes to make them she turns to you, “Are you going to make your move on Heeseung tonight?” A loud sharp laugh leaves your mouth at her question, she really wasn’t letting this go.
“Eunseo, he isn’t my type I have told you this.” The shots come first and you clink it on the bar and shoot it down. “He’s hot but I’m not interested.”
“Those two sentences don’t go together, babe. And what’s one night? You’ve been with plenty of uglier men than him.” Her eyes are on Heeseung at the other side of the bar, buying drinks for him and the bride and groom. 
“I don’t know,” You desperately try to come up with an excuse as to why you won’t fuck him. It’s a boundary you can’t cross but if you tell her that you need to tell her about you and Jaeyun’s history. Your drinks are now in front of you both and you use that as the perfect excuse, “Come on, let’s dance.”
One hand holding your drink and the other holding Eunseo’s hand you lead her to a spot and start to move your hips to the music, letting all the tension you’ve felt go. A genuine smile creeps on your face and you down your drink. And another. And another.
Shots. Doubles. Test tubes. Cocktails. You’re surprised you’re still standing. 
The lights are blurred as you laugh at nothing, jumping around and splashing your drink on innocent bystanders along the way. Eunseo is off finding herself a suitor for the night so it leaves you on your own for a while. That is until familiar hands make their way to your hips and hold you still. 
Your head slowly turns around, scared that if you go too fast you might vomit. A concerned look from Jaeyun is what you are met with as he speaks to you but with the music and your drunkenness you can’t hear him, instead, you wrap your arms around his neck and giggle like you’re in high school again after seeing his face. “Jaeyun.” His name comes out with a laugh, “Come to dance with me?” Your head tilts, your eyes shut, and your mouth pouts. 
“Y/N, come on sit down with us.” His head nods to the booth his fiance and best man are sitting at, their eyes on you both. Sober you would agree and keep your distance, but drunk you is in charge and you know fine well how that goes. She doesn’t make your life that easy.
“Baby” you whine, “One dance? Pretty please?” Your bottom lip hides your top one and Jaeyun almost falls to his knees. You’re so cute like this he could eat you up, or eat you out if he was in different circumstances. His eyes dart to Heeseung in a pleading manner and he seems to catch the gist, pulling Yeoreum to the bar for another drink. 
Jaeyun gives in. “One dance, and then you’re sitting down.” His hands gently squeeze your hips like he used to when he was warning you. 
“On your lap?” A smirk slips onto your face and your free hand plays with his hair.
Jaeyun blows out air and looks up to the ceiling, trying to calm himself down. “No, Y/N.” He speaks to the sky before finding the courage to speak directly at you again, “On a seat.”
You were making this so difficult for him, if it wasn’t your outfit it was the reckless way you were behaving as if his fiance wasn’t just meters away. The skirt that was already short was now basically halfway up your ass and his hands longed to be placed there. You’re the bain of his existence and all his morals in this moment.
You bring your hands back to your chest, clutching the drink and downing it before throwing the plastic away and reaching up, doing some sort of dancing but to Jaeyun it’s more like one of those animal mating calls. You’re calling him to you and he’s seconds away from answering. His hands let go of your waist and hover over your arm, “Come on, let’s go sit dow-” 
“You promised one dance and I have yet to see you dance Mr. Sim.” Your words slur but the tone is authoritative yet playful. Awkwardly, he grants your wish and dances with you, aware of where is appropriate to touch and what’s not but when you grab his hands to place them on your ass he squeezes impulsively, bringing you closer to him. “That’s it.” You say so innocently but it has his two heads fuzzy with need. 
“Princess, we can’t dance like this.” Despite his words his hands never leave your backside. Here comes that pout again decorating your face and your eyes twinkle.
“But I’ve been a good girl.” 
Oh fuck. 
Jaeyun growls and squeezes your plump cheeks, the action pressing his cock against your lower abdomen. You jump a little asking for him to pick you up like you used to do and his mind is so overcome with desire for you his hands slide to the back of your thighs and hoist you up. Smiling proudly you look down at him, now slightly taller from the height he’s holding you, you lean into his neck and brush your glossy lips over his sensitive spot. Even after all these years and with more alcohol in your system than an aunt at Christmas you’re still aware of Jaeyun’s likes and wants. 
Jaeyun carries you to the back of the club which was basically in pure darkness, the only light coming from the emergency exit sign and a passing strobe light. Every sensible fiber of his being is lost, the only coherent thought he has is to listen to his heart calling out for you.
He perches you up on the thin bar that’s screwed into the wall, the metal cold against your skin but at this moment you couldn’t care less. Your lips are now on his neck, kissing your way down to his shoulder and his chest rumbles with a moan. “Princess I’ve missed you so much.” His hands hold you steady, thumb rubbing against the lace on your corset. 
“Missed you more.” You puff out, eyes locking onto his. “I love you”. The phrase slips out of your mouth purposefully for the first time in 4 years and Jaeyun’s eyes flash with something, something electric and his mouth is on yours quicker than lightning. His lips that you’ve craved finally find their way back home to you. “I love you so much.” You whisper, your lips always connected. 
Grabbing his t-shirt you pull him in closer, scared that if you loosen your grip he’ll be gone forever. He feels your desperate touch and his tongue swipes against your bottom lip as he grinds his hips into your core. He uses your moaning as a gateway into your mouth, his tongue exploring around and coming into contact with your soft kitten licks. Just as before, a growl leaves him, kissing you so passionately and deeply. “Love you so fucking much, baby.” 
His words fuel you to lose all sense of control and your hands slide down his torso to his jeans, pawing over his concealed cock. You missed Jaeyun more than anything, and god did you miss his dick and how it was tailor-made just for you. 
As your hands slip into his jeans he stops kissing you and looks at you deep into your soul, begging for it, and then he really looks at you. You’re drunk, eyes glazed, you might not remember this, or worse, regret it. He's also doing the one thing he promised never to do to any woman. Cheat. His heart stops as he comes to terms with what he has to do.
“Princess, we can’t.” Reluctantly he grabs your arm and pulls it, the warmth of your palm gone, leaving his cock twitching and aching for you. You’re confused, looking between your hand and his face.
“Did I do something wrong?” The innocent question paired with your bambi eyes almost has him saying no and letting this continue but he shakes his head and holds your hand in his.
“Never. You’re such a good girl, yeah?” You smile and go to touch him again but he grabs your face with his hands, the action stopping you. “We just can’t.” You whisper a small ‘why?’ almost inaudible, “Because, baby, you’re drunk and this is complicated. I want you so much, please don’t think I don’t.” He assures you as he sees the tears fill your eyes. His lips kiss yours again and he’s playing with fire but if tomorrow you sober up and don’t speak to him again, he has to have one last kiss.
He picks you up and places you down so your feet are on the sticky club ground. “Let’s get you back to the house, okay Princess?” He whispers and turns around but your small hand is suddenly on his cheek, guiding it to face you. “What is it, love?” his hand lays over yours as he melts into your touch.
“Please don’t marry her.”
A dull pain spreads across your forehead as the sun infiltrates the room rudely awakening you. There is a taste in your mouth but you can’t quite place it, it’s strange yet familiar. You don’t remember much, and what you do remember is blurry and without a timeline. There were shots, vodkas, and dancing, these are the only memories you have.
Looking around the room with squinted eyes you try to adjust to the light, it’s warm and you’re sweating which makes you feel disgusting and sticky. A groan leaves your lips and that’s when Eunseo turns to you, the first time you’ve noticed her since your sleep was disturbed. Her face is stern as her body swivels in the chair to face you.
“Good night?” She says bitterly. Oh, you’ve definitely done something wrong. Quick, think about everything, shots, too many more shots, dancing, a dark room? You shake your head to align your thoughts but nothing is coming. Eunseo scoffs and strides over to your bed, sitting down on the end of the bed. “You really don’t remember?” Her tone is accusatory with a glint of sass. Now you really had to think about what she was referring to. 
“Um, I remember you going to hook up with that tall guy with the pretty lips?” Maybe you could get her to speak about that instead of whatever awful thing you had done.
Your heart was pounding in your chest as the hangxiety kicked in tenfold. “Think harder.” She demands, her whole body now facing you with her legs tucked under her, “When I was hooking up with the hottie?” 
“I-” You had no answer for her, maybe after a couple of paracetamol and some coffee you could then hazard a guess but for now it was a distant memory buried under the alcohol that is admittedly still in your veins. “Eunseo what did I do?”
The question causes silence and the room has tension so thick not even a knife could slice through it. “Are you really sure you don’t remember?” She’s mad. Really mad.
Okay, so you got to the bar, had drinks, got drunk, danced with people, kissed Jaeyun, got in a tax-
Kissed Jaeyun.
That’s the taste in your mouth. It’s him. Dancing with him, kissing him, touching him, craving every inch of him, and Eunseo knows. She saw it. 
Your rapid heartbeat is going so fast you think it’s stopped. Your face shifts from confusion to guilt and shock. “See! Now you remember! Please explain yourself.” You couldn’t. There was no excuse to be said without blurting out every detail of your life and more importantly, your life with Jaeyun. 
Stuttering you look around wondering if there is any way to escape this conversation, maybe a secret passage that you can teleport from. Unfortunately for you, there wasn’t a way out. You had made your bed so now you have to lay in it. “Eunseo I-”
“No you know what, let me speak.” She stands up and clasps her hands together, “I can forgive you, just tell me you were so drunk you thought it was someone else, please.”
“It’s more complicated-” She cut you off again.
“I know he’s hot, okay? But to kiss my sister’s fiance like that, you don’t have any shame huh?” Her tone is spiteful as she spits at you trying to wrack up any rationality that you can muster.
“Eunseo please just listen to me.” I stand up and reach for her but she pulls away. Her demeanor is standoffish as she places her left hand on her hip. “It’s so much more than you think.”
“Oh, what? It was love at first sight? You thought it was Heeseung? Taking advantage of the fact they’re fighting?” A step forward from her has you stepping back, “Fucking tell me, Y/N because I am struggling deeply here.” 
“He’s my ex.” 
Her body stills, her hands laid flat in front of her as she processes your words. “Not your ex that…” she trails off thinking, her eyes following an invisible pattern on the ceiling as she tries to work it out, “Not that ex you spoke about? Surely not?”
Every inch of you wants to pretend it isn’t. Pretend that it's another fling and it means nothing to you but as you stare into your best friend's eyes you realise you can’t lie to her, not anymore.
“That ex.” You breathe out and sit down. “Eunseo, please hear me out.”
The thing about Eunseo is that she has always been understanding but as her gaze burns into yours you wonder if she’ll be so kind. Her weight sits next to you as she sighs and it’s your opportunity to speak. “When you invited me, I didn’t know. I didn’t know Jaeyun would walk in beside Yeoreum.” Your voice is pleading with her to believe you but her face remains the same so you continue, “I was so drunk last night I think instincts kicked in. I shouldn’t have kissed him.”
She scoffs, “What was your plan, hm? Did you see him and go ‘oh yeah I’ll get him back easy’”
“Never. It has never been on my radar. It was the drink. I-”
Eunseo interrupts you by sticking her hand in your face, “You still love him, don’t you?” You can’t even look at her, just the swirling mix of her words and the memory of Yeoreum during her argument with Jaeyun swirling in your mind. 
You nod, “Listen, I am not trying to break them up, me and Jaeyun haven’t spoken much. We’ve reconciled and that’s about it.” It wasn’t completely a lie, you wouldn’t tell her about the whispered I love you he shared when you saw him on the first night, or the mixtapes and handholding, she didn’t have to know. “I’m not breaking up this marriage.”
“Wow, so kind of you,” Eunseo scoffs, “Listen, I love you but I need you out of here.” Her tone is less venomous but still pointed. “Your relationship with him, from what Yeoreum has told me about his ex, isn’t simple. It’s deep. It’s dangerous to my sister’s happiness, and she will always be my priority.” Your best friend’s face is hard yet holds a fondness in it.
“I understand that, I wanted to leave earlier I just didn’t know when the right time was.”
“Now.” She stands up and crosses her arms as she faces you, “Now is the right time, Y/N. The longer you’re here the longer I have to worry about Yeoreum being left at the alter.”
“Eunseo he won’t-”
“Of course he fucking will, Y/N. He would leave my sister for you. That has been made perfectly clear.”
Wait. The argument Mr. Sim tore you away from, that’s what she was meaning. “What are you talking about?” You feign ignorance hoping she knows more than you do which seemingly it does. “What did he say?”
“He said enough. Look, Y/N,” She pinches her eyebrows, “I love you, and I know deep within me this isn’t your fault but please, go home. For me. For Yeoreum.”
You suck in your bottom lip to stop you from crying. If you lose Eunseo you’ll be right back to where you used to be, alone because of your own stupid mistakes. You rub your hands on your thigh and breathe out slowly, gathering your thoughts and calculating your next moves. There is animosity and hurt in the air and it breaks you. “Eunseo I-”
“I know, Y/N. But please. Don’t take Jake away from my sister.”
“What Jaeyun and I had, it’s so…” Pausing you stand and look at her, “It’s so difficult to explain. I don’t need you to forgive me, but please don’t tell anyone.” Your voice is above a whisper as you plead with her, “If you’re the only one who knows please keep it that way. He loves your sister and he is so happy. That is all I’ve ever wanted.” 
A sorrow flashes over Eunseo’s face as you sob. No one in this world will understand the love between you and Jaeyun, not until they’ve experienced it themselves. You make your way around the room and gather your things, ready to leave him once again.
Unbeknownst to you, two doors down Heeseung and Jaeyun are having a similar conversation. You seem to be the topic of conversation the day before the wedding, just like Heeseung had warned you of. 
Jaeyun is sitting on the bed Yeoreum refused to sleep in last night, his eyes tired as he tells Heeseung the details of what transpired last night. “She asked me not to marry Reum.” He breathes out slowly. 
Heeseung’s body turns slowly, his eyes wide and head at a slant. His flabber has been gasted and as he looks at his best friend’s sullen look he only has one question. “And?”
“What do you mean ‘and’?” Jaeyun’s voice is defensive like the answer should be obvious, but really he just wants to use this chance so Heeseung will tell him what to do. He loves you so much so that as soon as you asked him not to marry Yeoreum he almost instantly broke the wedding off. But he’s not that cruel, he knows there are too many people that will be hurt. If he really was going to call off this wedding he had to do it as respectfully as possible. 
But did he even want to call off the wedding? Yeoreum needed him. 
“I mean 'and' are you going to cancel the wedding?” Heeseung’s words prevent Jaeyun from answering internally. “Yeoreum isn’t exactly speaking with you right now, she was putting on a brave face in the club but look,” he gestures to the still-made bed, “She can’t even sleep in the same room as you. And you literally can’t see anything but Y/N when she’s around. I don't know what you said when you argued with her but it must have been bad.”
“I’m fucked, Hee.” Jaeyun plants his face into his hands and rubs vigorously into his eyes, trying to shake up his brain to make sense of it all. “Reum asked me yesterday after the walk if I would leave her for my ex.” 
The sentence piqued Heeseung’s interest once again, and he wondered what his friend would have confessed. He doesn’t say a word, opting to slowly sit next to Jaeyun. “I-” Jaeyun starts to speak again, “I told her...” The pause is a cause of concern and Heeseung leans forward to try and make eye contact with Jaeyun.
“Jake do NOT tell me you told her you’d leave her high and dry for Y/N?” Heeseung’s hands are gripped to his knees as he holds his breath. The stillness and lack of response were enough of an indication of what happened for Heeseung to shut his eyes and sigh, “What the fuck are you thinking? That’s cold, mate.”
“I don’t fucking know, Hee. I love Yeoreum, she helped me over the past few years to finally get back to a state where I felt like part of myself again-”
“Do you love her?” Looking straight into Jaeyun’s eyes, Heeseung asks a question that has been on his mind since the moment he found out Jaeyun proposed. “Answer me this honestly, did you propose to her because you thought it would help you move on from Y/N? Or because you genuinely love her?”
Their eyes are communicating silently. That wasn’t true, he really loved Yeoreum and he wanted to marry her because they were in love, not because it felt like a fast-track way to get over you. Right? Jaeyun thinks hard.
“Let me tell you what I think.” The oldest speaks up again, “I think you asked her to marry you because you thought settling with her would make you forget about Y/N.” Jaeyun’s face scrunched up, confused by his best friend’s words. 
“That’s no-”
“Answer me honestly, Jake.” Heeseung is trying his best to let Jaeyun see the truth, to finally put some sense into him. Jaeyun knows there has always been tension between his fiance and best friend, ever since they met it was like there was a wall between them no matter how many times Jaeyun tried to get them closer. But despite his quibble with Yeoreum, Heeseung wouldn’t say this for anything. And it’s not the first time he’s heard it either. 
“You know I’ll support you, but you need to think about this. Think out what you truly want.”
He recalls a conversation he and his dad had with him a few weeks after he announced he was engaged.
“Son, this is pretty fast. Are you sure?” His dad kept a stoic expression and his tone of voice was stale. Jaeyun simply nodded and smiled before telling him ‘It’s what makes sense.’. With that, his dad heaved out a breath, “But is it what you want?”
“Of course it is!” Jaeyun’s voice was raised, “You don’t think I want to marry her? Why would I propose if I didn’t?” A knowing look from his father shut him up almost instantly.
“Jaeyun, listen to me seriously, marriage isn’t going to help you get over Y/N.” Jaeyun stands up. “Dad, I am over her.”
His dad shakes him by the shoulders, “You will never be over Y/N. And that’s okay, but that means this marriage to Yeoreum won’t make you forget, won’t help you the way you think it will. Seriously consider my words before this gets out of control.”
Heeseung waits for him to process his words, staying silent to give him time. He wanted nothing more than his best friend’s happiness. If you asked him a week ago, he would never have said anything, let Jaeyun go through with the marriage because at least he is somewhat content, finally living his life without you. But now that you’re back and he sees how obviously you and Jaeyun still crave one another, he needs Jaeyun to seriously think about tomorrow. 
“Heeseung,” His breath catches in his throat before he utters the next words, “I need her.”
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onceuponastory · 7 months
twelve minutes - bucky barnes x reader
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But for now we stay so far 'Til our lonely limbs collide I can't keep you in these arms So I'll keep you in my mind - you and i by PVRIS
Plot: Almost a year after their breakup, Y/N sees Bucky Barnes again. Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader (past) Warnings: Mentions of a breakup and heartbreak, angst without a happy ending. Bucky being a shitty boyfriend. As always, if I miss any triggers, please let me know! Notes: So You and I by PVRIS, one of my favourite songs ever, turned 8 on Friday, and I had to write another fic for it to celebrate (please ignore I'm a few days late) so here we are!
Not beta'd, so any mistakes are my own.
One night, Y/N stands outside the Avengers tower in the cold New York air. A chilly wind blows, and she shivers. She can still hear the party inside, the muffled music and laughter. Maybe she should just go inside? Isn't that better than being out here, alone and in the cold? 
But just as she’s about to turn back, she shakes her head. She didn’t even want to come tonight. Although the Avengers are still her friends, a party attended by her ex, Bucky Barnes, was not the ideal way to spend her night. But Natasha whined and begged for her to come, promising her she’d have a good time and it wouldn’t be that awkward. Unfortunately, it was just as awkward as Y/N expected. In fact, it was worse.
Sure, people still spoke to her, but she could tell they all had one question on their lips, one she was not willing to answer: "So, when are you and Bucky getting back together?"
And so, Y/N left. She types on her phone, ordering an Uber to take her home. Sighing, she wraps her jacket around herself as another chilly wind blows. Soon, she’ll be home and can eat her sorrows in ice cream. 
“Leaving so soon?” A familiar voice asks. One that Y/N was hoping not to hear tonight. 
“Hey Bucky.” He looks different from the last time she saw him, almost a year ago, now. Just over ten months, in fact. Not that she’s counting or anything. He’s bulkier, no doubt an effect of Steve’s constant early morning runs. Each time he left their bed, he promised to come back, kissing her cheek softly. Even now, her skin tingles just thinking about it. Bucky smiles, brushing some of his longer hair out of his face. 
He looks good. 
He looks great, actually. She can’t deny it - he still looks as attractive ever. Deep down, something registers in her gut. It’s a strong, passionate longing feeling, the same one she used to have whenever she thought of Bucky. One that she thought disappeared a long time ago. But seeing him now is reigniting that feeling. Desperately, she tries to bury it.
“Good to see you again.” He murmurs, a sign that he’s feeling just as awkward as she is. After all, how often do you run into your ex at a party you didn’t even want to go to? “Nat never said you were coming.” He looks around, a brow raised. “Where’s that boyfriend of yours? She said he’s a lawyer.” Of course she fucking did. She’s going to kill her next time she sees her. “Can’t imagine he’d pass up a moment to spend time with you.”
“We um. We broke up. Well, he dumped me for his secretary, actually. So… yeah.” She’s immediately embarrassed, not meaning to spill her heartbreak to anyone, let alone Bucky fucking Barnes, her ex of all people. Honestly, part of her reasoning for coming tonight and hopefully dragging Harry along with her was to make Bucky jealous, show him that their breakup wasn’t affecting her that badly. 
And look how well that turned out. 
But her wounds are still raw. Perhaps, after suppressing her feelings for so long, she simply needed to release and express her frustration and pain to someone. And Bucky just happens to be the one she’s letting it out to, the welcome respite she’s needed for so long. That's how things used to be between them. Whenever something was wrong, Y/N and Bucky relied on each other for comfort. They would spend hours in each other’s arms, talking about their problems until they felt better. Y/N still aches for that comforting grasp, even now.
But now, things are different. Including her and Bucky.
Especially her and Bucky.
“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that.” He sighs. “I’ve fucked up, haven’t I?” 
“It’s okay.” She lies, but knows that if she dwells on it too long, she’ll start sobbing in front of him. Her chest tightens in an all too familiar way. This is what people like Bucky Barnes do. They come into your life and leave a mark. Once they’re gone, you work so hard to heal yourself and make a new life, and then they come back in and destroy everything all over again. And she won’t put herself through that again.
“Looking back on it now, we just weren’t a good fit. Or at least, he didn’t like me as much as I liked him.” The heat on her cheeks deepens, as if she’s embarrassed to admit falling in love with and getting her heart broken by someone like her ex. To admit that she subjected herself to so much pain and heartbreak yet again. But thankfully, Bucky doesn’t mention it. 
“Honestly, it’s his loss. You deserve better.”
“Thanks.” And again, silence envelops them. She wonders if he’ll start talking about their breakup, or continue ignoring the enormous elephant in the room. And honestly…. she doesn’t know which she’d rather have. To lay everything out in the open, or just ignore it all again, pretending everything is fine. When her eyes drift back to him, he’s not looking at her anymore, and despite how angry she was at Bucky for what happened, and how much she likes to kid herself that she doesn’t care about Bucky anymore, it still stings.
Deep down, she wants him to want her, like she wants him. To still want her, even now.
“Can we talk?” He asks suddenly. She already hates the idea of being forced to spend time with another ex so soon after losing another relationship, but there’s not much else she can do. And honestly…. She misses Bucky a lot.
“Sure. You have….” she peers down at her phone screen, the light illuminating the space. “Twelve minutes.” Bucky raises a brow.
“Twelve? That’s very… specific.” He chuckles awkwardly. Y/N doesn’t laugh. 
“It’s how long until my Uber arrives.” 
“Oh.” There’s disappointment lacing his tone, which Y/N picks up on. She stares at him, waiting for his response. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry for what happened between us.” 
“Okay. Me too.” She nods. Bucky raises a brow. 
“...That’s it? Y-You’re not going to say anything?”
“What can I say? You said that you’re sorry for how it ended, and so am I.” She shrugs. “There’s no point in beating ourselves up, Bucky. We just never worked out. You were always too busy, and after a while I just stopped waiting for you. The fights got too much, and we just stopped loving one another.” Honestly, she never stopped loving him. But it’s better to lie and tell him that the feeling is mutual than waste all her tears on someone who actually stopped loving her. She stopped being important to him and was no longer the key priority in his life. Missions were his priority, followed by dinners, drinks, and world trips with teammates - things she stopped being invited to. As an Avenger, he can't refuse to save the world, but she thought she mattered to him. Realising she didn't hurt her deeply.
So one day, she decided enough was enough, and… it was over. And she’s missed him terribly since then.
“You really think I stopped loving you?” Bucky frowns. There’s a strange mix of guilt and accusation in his tone. Y/N nods. “Well, I didn’t. I never stopped.”
Y/N gasps, and his revelation makes her heart pound. What if this is a good sign? A chance for them to make things right? “I thought you did. I thought you stopped caring.” For a moment, she wonders how he’ll react, if he’ll take her into his arms again, and whisper sweet nothings. Maybe they’ll finally make things right.
Instead, he turns defensive. “I didn’t. And it’s not all my fault, you know. I did try to make it home to you, but you didn’t understand how busy I was sometimes.” He snaps, sending a fresh strike of pain through her already damaged heart and destroying all hope she ever had of them rekindling their relationship.. 
“You had a funny way of showing it.” She retorts, rolling her eyes. Anger flows through her veins, overtaking her last shred of guilt. Why is it her who has to fix things first? To be the villain, the one who has to admit that they’re in the wrong? Angry and bitter tears sting at her eyes. “But yeah, whatever. It’s my fault our relationship fell apart.”
Immediately, Bucky regrets his words. “Look, that’s not what I meant. I’m sorry.” He hates that this is what they’ve come to now, unable to speak to one another without anger, bitterness and hurt feelings. But maybe this is a chance to make things right? A whole twelve…well, probably ten minutes, now. “And I’m sorry if it seemed I wasn’t trying hard enough. I loved you a lot.” He sighs. “I still do.”
“I never stopped either.” She admits, and Bucky’s eyes widen.
“Really?” He gasps. “W-Well, do you wanna get a drink somewhere? Or some dinner?”
“Wait.” She raises a hand, cutting him off. She sighs. “Not tonight.”
“Tomorrow? I’ll wait. We can go whenever you want.” He urges. But Y/N just can’t ignore the feeling deep inside her, of guilt and apprehension. What if she lets him back in and it happens all over again? If she gives him all of her heart and gets it back broken, yet again? She’s already been through two heartbreaks in this lifetime, and she can’t go through that pain again.
Especially not one caused by Bucky. 
“I’m sorry. I can’t.” She whispers, biting her bottom lip. Bucky frowns, confused.
“What do you mean? W-Why not?”
“Because I can’t do this again.” She whimpers, her voice cracking. “Our break up destroyed me, and I’ve just been through another one. Another break up between us would actually finish me off.” She shakes her head. “Maybe one day we can talk…but not now.”
Bucky opens his mouth, ready to speak. But he nods. “I understand.” He sighs. He keeps his gaze on her, his blue eyes imploring and hopeful. Suddenly, the sound of an engine approaches. Y/N sighs. “Guess my twelve minutes are up.” Bucky chuckles nervously.
“Goodnight Bucky.” She says, getting into the car and closing the door. He watches her go, looking crestfallen. She looks out of the window, locking eyes with him.
“You okay?” The driver asks. “Need a minute?” Y/N’s heart aches, and her chest aches. 
“No.” she murmurs. “You can keep driving.” And then they pull away, and Bucky fades into the distance.
Please follow @onceuponastory-library and turn on notifications to be notified when I next post!
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Some thoughts I have on cute story line/au
Wally and dick are dating took them forever to actually admit they got feeling for each other even if everyone else alrighty knew.
Wally is the flash berry is still alive and the flash. They kind of both are at the same time. No it's not confusing unless your arent from key stone or central city. If your from bludhaven you are to scared to ask due to seeing Nightwing and flash kissing. If your from anywhere else then you are probably confused.
Bruce gets lost in the time line
Dick unfortunately has to take up the mantle of Batman
Wally doesn't like that but support his boyfriend in any and everyway he can.
Dick moved back into the manner makes Damian Robin and works closely with him. Wally just about spends every night there even if he isn't living there technically. Since his name is on their old apartment and they don't fully want to lose it yet.
Dick and Damian become close. And thus Wally and Damian become close.
Damian starts seeing them as his parents. Calling them dad in different languages they don't know
Dick has an idea of what's Damian is doing. He knows his Damian even if they don't say it. Dick and wally refers to Damian as their kid.
Wally and Dick go to all meet the parents and Damian art shows and just every and anything they can. Damian will not say it but he is glad to have them there. He gets so upset if anything wrong happens cause he doesn't want them to think he not good enough anymore.
Wally and Dick get engaged Damian knew it was happening. He when with Dick to help pick out the rings. Well he when with Dick to help look at rings and get an idea of style. then waited as Wayne enterprises made something that would work for a speedster. He also inspected the ring very closely to make sure the people who made it didn't mess up.
Bruce comes back
Damian thinks he has to go back with Bruce and Wally and Dick won't want him anymore. Bruce of course thinks he is entitled to Damian. Wally and Dick are heart broken but think its best if Damian stays with Bruce.
Everyone but Bruce cry
Bruce is a bad parent and doesn't see Damian as anything but the killing machine he was trian to be and how he was right when he was dropping off at Bruce door step a few years ago.
Damian is the ring bearer for the wedding of course and hoes with them on wedding planning.
Alfred hates how Bruce is not showing love and how excited Damian is when Dick and wally come over. And how sad he gets as soon as they leave.
Alfred prints out adoption paperwork for what feels like the millionth time and instead of giving to Bruce puts in Dick pile of papers.
Wally and Dick almost cry when they find it and fill out what is their part. They take Damian out for ice cream. And ask Damian if he wants to be with them. Damian of course says yes and how their his dads and please don't leave him again.
They go back and start packing up stuff and go to the bat cave to get Bruce to sign the papers.
Bruce says no he will not and that they baby Damian and he needs to be watched carefully. Dick and Wally are going to get killed if they trust Damian so easily. And he will not let them take him.
Dick and wally are so upset dick gets mad. And yells at Bruce about how he been gone and Damian been hurt so much by him. Wally ends up being like Bruce you have 3 days otherwise we are taking this to court and taking our child back the hard way.
Damian doesnt understand why he can't go with them now. Wally unfortunately understands that it looks worse if they kidnap Damian by taking him now. They promised it only going to be a little bit and they get him very soon.
Damian spends the next three days packing up everything when he not busy. Alfred brings him boxes. Bruce tried to unpack things saying he not going anywhere. Alfred starts moving the boxes to a safe space that Bruce can't get to. But isn't Dick and Wally's place.
Bruce doesn't sign the papers
They go to court Dick and Wally get a lawyer for themselves and one for Damian. Bruce says it stupid for Damian to have his own one. And it's actually Dick and wally having two.
The judge ends up picking Damian a new lawyer and whoever wins have to pay for Damian's.
A lot of Damian's teachers are called in. Damian art teacher is one of the ones who help a lot. She brings up a project about their family tree and how Bruce and Talia are on there. But also Wally and Dick are on it. And Damian has put himself under them but arrows to Bruce and Talia with blood parents.
Talia ends up showing up. Which no one really knows how she knew what was happening. She says wants her son with Bruce that's why she drop him off at his place. (To train with the Batman)
I need to go to bed about 40 minute ago I'll come back and finish my thoughts
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selfloverrrrrr · 4 months
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You're alone...? (Part-4)
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Warnings : Noncon, kissing, Kidnapping, biting, size difference, Yandere Gojo, protective, jealous, Mafia Au....
Summary: Gojo and Sukuna are rivals. Sukuna pulled Gojo's trigger without any reason now Gojo came to take revenge....
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( All characters are aged up/18+)
Minors Do Not Interact
Read the warnings carefully....if you don't like my stories block me not report
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Part 1, Part 2 , Part 3
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A day passed. It was the next morning. I was sitting on Gojo's lap in Gojo's office. Gojo was sitting on his chair. We were giggling and laughing at each other's talk. We were alone in his office.
"Your cheeks are soft... I heard that men's cheeks aren't this soft they are kinda hard....my brother's cheeks aren't this soft too" I said pulling his cheeks. He looked at me and smirked. "Oh.. really? My another mussel is soft too wanna make it hard?" He asked with a smirk. I blushed so hard. "Can you stop?!" I said looking away from him and he laughed.
Suddenly the door of his office opened. Maki entered. "Mr.Gojo Yuta called me to tell you go to the 2nd floor...he said someone attacked here" Maki said. "Did he said who attacked?" Gojo asked. "No he didn't " Maki replied and Gojo nodded. Gojo started walking towards the door.
I grabbed his hand. " Why are you going without your gun....are you mad or something?" I said. "I don't need gun tho... they all are there with me " Gojo said. "Shut up ..... I won't let you go without a fucking gun!" I said. "Okey Madam I'm taking the gun" he said and took the gun. "And...." I spoke. He looked at me. ".....be safe " I said. He smirked. " I've to be safe for you, darling " he said and I smiled. The he went out.
Me and Maki were alone in the room. There was silence after Gojo left us there. "So.... you fell in love with him?" Maki broke the silence. I looked at her. "You mean Gojo?" I asked. She nodded. "Yuppp.... Fortunately or unfortunately.... I did" I replied and we both giggled. "What about you?" I asked. "Hmm?" She responds. "Do you like anyone?" I asked. "Yupp I do.... actually he's my boyfriend" she replied. "Oh really? Who's it?" I asked. "It's Yuta " she replied with a blush. "OMG I KNEW IT! DON'T TELL HIM THAT I'M TELLING YOU THIS. I HEARD HIM TAKING WITH MEGUMI ABOUT HIS GIRLFRIEND AND HE'S WAS SAYING ABOUT BUYING A RING" I Replied excitedly. "OMG.... really?!" Maki asked and I nodded.
The door opened again. Nobara entered. "Maki saan come quickly! Mr.Gojo is injured and he's not even letting anyone help him!" Nobara said. My heart skipped a beat. "Wait! Can you please tell me who attacked???" I asked. "It's..... your brother.... Sukuna" she replied. "Oh fuck! I've to go! Or else Sukuna's gonna kill Satoru!" I said and run towards the door.
Gojo's POV
When I enter the second floor. I saw blood and my bodyguards fighting with opponent's bodyguard. I saw Megumi running towards me. "Gojo! It's Sukuna" he said. "Where's he?" I asked and Megumi pointed . I went towards the direction. I saw. He saw me too. He started walking towards me and smacked me directly on my face. "What kind of -" before I could finish my sentence he smacked me again. "Where's my sister???!!!" He asked. 'I can't hurt Sukuna! I promised her!' I told myself. He smacked me again. "Gonna make your death so much painful" he said. I saw my guards coming to beat him "don't come here... don't touch him!" I warned them. Sukuna started smacking me continuously.
Y/n's POV
I run to the second floor. I saw blood everywhere. My heart started beating so fast. Fear got me. Then I saw sukuna. And I saw Gojo infront of him on the floor. There was blood on his face and Sukuna was continuously. "Sukuna! " I called while going towards them. Gojo and Sukuna both looked at me. Sukuna got up and hugged me. "Oh my God!!!!! Fuck I was so scared! Are you okey? Did he hurt you? I know what he did with you! Fuck I'm gonna kill that dick...he won't touch you Again!" Sukuna said. "Sukuna I'm okey...but listen to me! Don't hurt him... please " I pleaded. Sukuna paused. "What?...why?" He asked in a cold tone. "... I.... I love him... please don't hurt him " I said. "ARE. YOU.OUT.OF.YOUR.MIND???" He said. "I... i-i really l-love him " I said. He slapped me hard. He grabbed my face and said "you should fucking DIE!!". His nails digging into my cheeks. I saw Gojo went up and smacked Sukuna. Sukuna fell on the floor. Gojo smacked him again. "Guys...kill his guards " gojo orders. Gojo looked at me "I told you darling... not if he hurts you!" He said and shoot Sukuna's leg 5 times. "Listen motherfucker! If I see your face again... I'm gonna kill you myself" he said and again shoot on Sukuna's leg. But I didn't stop him.
Gojo took me in bridal style and carried me towards our room. I don't wanna see sukuna again. Cause if he can slap for this he's can kill me too and I don't want Gojo to get hurt who kept my promise when he was almost dying... I know Gojo love's me... and he's gonna protect me in any cost!
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Give me your requests guys....
I love when you give me your requests 💕
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greenandsorrow · 8 months
WARNINGS; sexual references, ken x fem!reader, reader uses she/her pronouns, ken finding out about periods, fluff & happy ending, plot doesn't connect with the movie, probably grammar mistakes
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Bonus Part
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After their rather intense night they just got comfy under the covers, this time with Ken being the big spoon. Y/n was laying her head on his chest, just where his plastic heart is, his heartbeat lulling her into a deep sleep. Our lucky Ken had his arms wrapped around y/n's frame, while nuzzling the top of her head, inhaling the flowery scent of her shampoo, feeling his eyelids getting heavier.
Since that day they've been inseparable. Ken figured out how to control his waking up in the real world or in Barbieland. He was also informed that there's a portal to y/n's world at his favourite beach. Y/n's house has become his own and she was happy and patient to get him used to human activities such as going out for a snack, walking her home after her classes and so on.
Life is good, it's sublime. Y/n is looking forward to Ken's surprise for her birthday...she was able to figure out what it was but she'd never reveal that to her giddy man. Ken is planning to take her to Barbieland for a day and that means she can meet her childhood friends, the Barbies.
Currently, Ken is waiting for y/n at her apartment because she had exams to take. He is so proud of her for the silliest of accomplishments so y/n can hardly imagine the excitement he feels for her determination and wit at studying. Unfortunately, she wasn't in the mood for celebrating, or making out, or having a tickling session, or watching horse documentaries. Ken was devastated.
Y/n went straight to her bedroom to change into the fluffiest pyjamas possible before curling up next to Ken and letting out a deep sigh.
"Why did it have to happen today out of all days?!"
Ken is puzzled by her statement. His expression is rather adorable as he tries to understand what is going on in her head. He finally speaks in a sheepish but also curious manner.
"What did happen today that shouldn't have y/n?"
She huffs and buries her face in his arm. She is already tired from all the studying, frustrated with her headaches and exasperated from the too familiar cramps.
"It's nothing Ken...", she murmurs.
Under any other circumstances she would've been delighted to share this part of her human experience with Ken...however the thought of having to break down what periods are to her blonde partner has y/n riled up now.
Ken is of course too dramatic at his reaction to her dismissive answer. He takes an expression of pure heartbreak.
"Are you bored of me?! Oh no y/n!"
Y/n can't help but chuckle a bit and her mood lightens up. He can't be so pure, it's infuriatingly cute.
"It's my period Ken, it's not your fault I act like so grim..."
Ken's confusion is comically obvious and she decides to explain what needs to be explained.
By the end of her primary school teaching moment, Ken is looking at her with a new kind of awe. If women weren't fabulous enough before in his blue eyes, they definitely are now.
And so another monthly ritual is added to Ken's list of being y/n's hype man. He makes a huge, too bright and silly looking calendar and writes down his human's days of the month. She always has a bag of chocolates and plush toys waiting for her, maybe a flower or a cowboy accessory. Y/n has a whole collection at this point. The best part, though, is what comes after the marked days on the calendar end....
Let's just say Ken's libido is that of a teenager's and how could she complain when she's ovulating?
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Well, that's it... the little happy ending I had promised. Boytoy was the first thing I ever posted on here and the first thing I wrote in general for the public eye🥺 Looking back, I know I could have done it better, but I don't want to be ungrateful because Boytoy made my blog gain an audience. I want to expand my writing on other fandoms so stay tuned! Thanks for all the support <33
my masterlist
Dividers by; @cafekitsune
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Tags; @notleclerc @moonmaiden1996 @vilovedr @goldenvespa @hope4rain19 @l8nightreads
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Hell's comin' with me
Aventurine and Boothill are on a mission to send Oswaldo Schneider to hell. You have your own reasons to team up with them. Implied Aventurine x reader.
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It was getting harder to breathe. At this point you weren't sure if you should blame your tight dress chosen by Aventurine for this evening, crowd of powerful people surrounding you or expensive wine you indulged in for this strange heaviness in your chest.
Everything about your appearence from expensive jewelry matching golden attire to artistic but elegant make up you spent hours doing had one purpose - getting people's attention off your partner in crime and his attempts to get more informations about Marketing Development Departament's head, Oswaldo Schneider from his assistant's private devices.
Your eyes scanned the room impatiently while you desperately tried to keep up your conversation with one of the most important IPC workers hoping he won't realise somebody is tinkering with his phone, foolishly left inside his bag by the table. Not an easy task if you don't speak the business language of numbers and statistics.
Old man paraded his knowledge and experience in finance, seemingly hoping to come off as a professional and wealthy man to impress you. You smiled at him politely and did your best to ignore the way he stared at your body.
Wave of relief washed over you when you saw Aventurine giving you a discreet sign that he downloaded all of the needed information already. Next thing you know gambler was right by your side.
- My dear, I hope you didn't get bored already... - he interrupted assistant's monologue, taking you by the hand. - I know very few people able to stand my lovely coworker once he gets a chance to talk about his job.
- Sir, we were in the middle of conversation... - old man looked at Aventurine with irritation, inhaling sharply.
- Unfortunately, this needs to end right here. - Sigonian gave him a fake smile. - You see, I still need to introduce my partner to my colleagues from Ten Stonehearts. - he guided you away from other male, towards the exit.
- Do you have everything we promised to that guy? - you spoke up to break the uncomfortable silence.
- Not really, Oswaldo's assistant isn't stupid enough to keep such personal information about his boss in his phone, even if he looks like a complete idiot. - Aventurine smirked maliciously, opening the door of his car for you.
- Do we have enough to make sure Schneider won't be able to hurt what's left of my planet or any other inhabitet place in this universe? - you glanced at Aventurine. He carefully drove past the wall littered with IPC recruitment posters before responding.
- Yes, it's enough to make sure Oswaldo can't do anything like that in the future, but it doesn't really matter. Once he's gone somebody else will take his place and do exactly the same things.
- If you think so then why are you doing that? - you argued. - I didn't expect you to be optimistic about the outcome of our mission, but come on. What's the point of this in that case.
- I have two reasons. First of all I work for Ten Stonehearts, my departament and the one ruled my Oswaldo are competing with each other. - he stated calmly. You rolled your eyes at his words in disbelief. - My second reason is much more important. Schneider is responsible for IPC's reaction to humanitarian crisis on Sigonia.
His gaze turned cold and sharp. You gulped nervously, knowing history of that planet. Conflict on Sigonia in it's last stage resulted in wiping out almost whole clan of Avgins, with only one survivor left. The man sitting by your side. You were more than eager to help him get his revenge for broken promises of safety.
- And you? - he turned his gaze to you. - Why do you want to take part in this mission?
- My family lives on one of the planets terribly indebted to IPC. In exchange for quick advancement IPC took over our independent government and made sure our debt could only grow. - you sighed, rubbing your temples. - They control our politics with threat of punishment for all the money we own them. My sister is one of the brave people who work towards setting us free, she hopes to get some of the debt forgiven by legal means. Somebody ordered to get her eliminated, with all evidence suggesting it has a lot to do with Oswaldo. She made it this time but as long as he's alive I won't be able to stop worrying about her.
- I understand. I know how it feels to lose your family and the whole world you used to know. - Aventurine squeezed your hand soothingly. - I will make sure you won't know this feeling.
- Is this all you have? ! Mudlefudger! Weren't you supposed to give me his full data and everything about his past as Nameless? - tall man with metal body and cowboy attire growled at the two of you.
- Hey, why not concentrate on what we have, Boothill? - Aventurine suggested. - Oswaldo's complete, detailed harmonogram for the next three days.
- Why would I give a love about how he spends his time?! I need to know his weaknesses, not what he eats for his fudging breakfast. - Boothill lashed out at gambler.
- No need to argue, guys. - you interrupted their friendly banter. - I noticed interesting break between bussines meetings and usual off-duty activities in our target's plans...
- That's exactly what I wanted to point out. - Aventurine glared at cowboy. - I checked his closest coworkers and their schedules in our system. It seems that for about an hour none of his official bodyguards will be guarding him. I don't know why is that so, but it might have something to do with his past. He might want to keep some secret from everybody, including his own subordinates. If we spy on him and make sure he's completely isolated at this time...
- I will finally be able to avenge my little daughter. - Boothill completed the sentence through gritted teeth. His fingers clenched around his gun.
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capybonara · 1 month
Cironus the Bard
So part of my zorca lore is they have no kingdom, and records of how it vanished is lost to time. Ever since, recording stories through song are an important part of their culture. Bards are the historians and record keepers, and each song, old and new, are passed on to the next generation. It is a well respected profession!
When he's young, Cironus shows a lot of promise and decides to learn the craft. This makes his family very proud! His mother and grandmother especially
...until they realize he's too loud.
Songs of the Elders consist of traditional hymns, with powerful voices (because whales) They consider Cironus' style disrespectful to tradition. Zorca are loud but they don't like his brand of loud. So what does he do?
He respects their opinions and spends a lot of time alone as he continues to practice! This unfortunately gives everyone the impression he is goofing off.
"Oh that Cironus, he's never around for PROPER lessons!"
"He's always off somewhere shirking his duties as a bard. I don't think he ever took it seriously 🙄"
"Why can't he be like his siblings and treat his role with respect?"
It hurts him, but he just puts on a smile and continues to practice on his own. The privacy does work in his favor because as he tests the range of his vocal chords he discovers something remarkable ✨
Sometimes in a generation, a bard is gifted with an ancient magic known as THE BALLAD OF THE WIND FISH. Their voice has the ability to heal and rejuvenate those who listen and because he's worked hard, Cironus is very good at stunning enemies as well! But since he hasn't found an audience willing to listen, his talent has not been fully appreciated. It frustrates him because he wants to help others! He can play a variety of songs, and he's a talented songwriter, but his magic only comes out when he uses the full power of his voice!
His siblings, Sardon and Kaska support him but in time Kaska starts to have some doubt, being pressured by their elders. She begins to wonder if they're right, and worries that she and Sardon have only been enabling bad behavior. But Sardon knows how important it is to Cironus and his support doesn't waver, even when his brother begins to show a wanderlust for land that's not common among their people.
It comes to a head when a certain event literally has the sky falling down around Hyrule, and Cironus can't ignore his calling any longer.
A bard records history through song, and they can only tell stories by being witness to them.
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daegall · 1 year
pairing: bf!hyuck x reader
genre: fluff, established relationship!AU, domestic!AU
warnings: none, but tell me if there are anything!!
word count: 714 words
a/n: hi let's pretend i didnt' dip for more than 2 months ahahaha anw bro i have 2 cats now and this was legit me the first week with them (minus the haechan part, unfortunately.) anw, i hope you enjoy and forgive me for not posting/replying to everything because i have a shit ton on my plate rn ty <3
networks/taglist: @neoturtles @knet-bakery @kflixnet @nct-writers @k-radio + @soobin-chois @markhyuckselca @jaehunnyy @justalildumpling <3
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It's midnight. You want to sleep, and cry at the same time. You glare at the source of your misery, Jeno's kitten that you promised to take care of while he was on a trip with Jaemin.
At first you were ecstatic to hear that he wanted you to help him out, and didn't understand why he had warned you about the small angel.
The cat was a devil.
This is the fourth sock he's ripped up and placed on your head, all in one night. You can't even start counting how many times he's woken you up at night by jumping on you or sitting on your face or scratching on your door.
All you want right now, is to sleep. And your boyfriend. God, you miss Donghyuck.
Speaking of the devil, your front door swings open, and it's none other than Donghyuck himself, freshly woken up just like you, hair all messy and shirt extremely crumpled from something you can only assume as sweet blissful sleep. Something that seems so out of touch with you.
"Hi," He mumbles as you look up at him from your seat on the floor.
"Hey," You respond.
"Where is he?"
And as if on cue, the tiny kitten runs from under your bed, running straight for Donghyuck's feet, where he paws at his socks. With a sigh, you reach out for the kitten, pulling him off.
Donghyuck observes your expression, the frustration and anger as you stare at the kitten. He makes his way to you, squatting next to you.
His fingers brush slightly by your cheek, brushing off the cat fur stuck to it, before he leans in to kiss your cheek tenderly. "It's okay, go rest. I'll take care of him until the morning."
Your eyes light up just moments after, the smile curling at the edges of your lips causing Donghyuck to grin as well.
You lean into his touch, feeling relief wash over you like a warm blanket on a cold winter night. "Really?"
Your boyfriend smiles, tilting his head when you do. "Of course,"
What you find funny, just minutes after you've handed Donghyuck the duty, is that you can't seem to find the sleepiness you had before. Donghyuck has the kitten in his care, playing with him and making sure he doesn't ruin any more socks, but you can't stop yourself from walking out your room to sit next to the both of them.
"What are you doing?" Donghyuck asks. "Aren't you tired?"
You are. You're extremely tired. But you find your wants right where you are, taking care of a silly cat with Donghyuck.
"Wanted to be with you," Is your response, before you carefully take the kitten in your arms.
Finally, a smile is on your lips as you play with the kitten.
And somehow, you've changed since the last time Donghyuck saw you with the very cat. You no longer have frustration and hatred in your expressions, you're admiring the kitten so dearly, chuckling when he tumbles down your legs.
Suddenly, Donghyuck can't take his eyes off you, he's sleepy as well, but it seems like he could stare at you for hours and not get sleepy, because that's just how much he loves you.
He loves that you still care for the kitten after it had annoyed you for hours, he loves when you tell him about the funny stories you have with the cat from the afternoon, he loves that you can't help but forgive and love the kitten after everything.
And despite you being so very sleep deprived, and it being very visible in your expressions, you are the most beautiful to him right now. In your pajamas, with the worst lighting from whatever light source is coming from your room, but the beauty of you caring is so ethereal.
And when you get up to chase the kitten around your room with laughs, you seem like an angel.
Donghyuck's cheeks hurt, he's been smiling so much, and he doesn't even care if they're sore, you always make him smile.
That night, he lies with you in his arms, and with the kitten curled up right next to you. He's exhausted, he should be sleeping, but god, does he love this sight of you.
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