#i turn 29 in 2 weeks i’m most likely going to make it to 30 i might make it even longer like holy shit that’s an actual possibility.
liesyousoldme · 2 years
met with my new therapist today and i actually really liked him! it feels like for so long therapists have been giving me bandaids for the problems i have and in one session he nailed the overall issue and what we’re going to do about it. AND he said he’s been working at the cancer center for 6 years and even in just that time the amount of patients he sees that have a short time to live has shrunk and shrunk because treatments are getting so much better and more targeted and people are living longer!!! basically i’m living life like i’m just waiting to die when i should just be living life the way i would if i didn’t have cancer basically
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i-sveikata · 8 months
Hi! I loooooved the new chapter, it was def worth the wait! So much to unpack this chapter but my main take aways are:
1. Love vegas' guards. I really relate to oat having to pee every five min. Same.
2. Super impressed with vegas and how he can get aroused in any situation. Like, bro you almost died and getting to smash pete is the first thing you think about??? He's gonna have a rough couple of weeks with no sex.
3. Kim is 25?????? I thought he was maybe a year or two older than chay. I know the series is very vague on the character ages. I think the novel is a little more clear with most of the characters being in their early twenties. How old are the all characters in your fic? Is vegas older than pete? I'm super curious.
4. I know this is a vp fic but I'm super excited to see how the other couples work out. Kinn is a massive tool but I'm still rooting for him and porsche to have a happy ending. Porsche deserves it. I was rooting for kimchay to patch things up in the show. I don't know about in this fic though 😅. I hope kim can at least give a real apology for Chay's sake at least. What are your thoughts on the kimchay relationship? Do you have any plans for them?
Thank you so much for the great chapter! Wishing you the best!
Ahh thank you angel!! Haha poor oat and his tiny bladder but of course Pete was just being impatient and getting annoyed by the smallest things because he was so worried about Vegas!
Omg Vegas is literally feral!!! But I do think there’s an edge of real insecurity to that where he’s afraid that if he’s not providing mind blowing sex at any given moment that Pete might not put up with him (this will eventually be addressed at some point tho) but yeah he is going to have a hard time in the next few weeks
Yeah all the ages were kinda vague so when I googled I basically just came across guesses for age ranges? So in this fic Kim is 25, I have Kinn as like 26/27 and tankhun around 29/30. Pete and Porsche are both around 24 and Macau and porchay are eighteen (though Macau is older and is closer to turning nineteen at this point) Vegas is a little older than Pete around 25/26. But also in the show the actor that played Kim looks wayyyy older than the actor playing chay so I did kind of want to play that up a bit to add to the unsettling vibe?? Like tbh all of these relationships in this fic (and in the show) are a bit unsettling that’s why the power and control and ideas of consent are all swirling around in the story tbh!
Kinn is a massive tool for sure but until things improve I basically considered that fight with him and Porsche as Porsche basically dumping his ass.
Tbh Kim and porchay were never particularly important to me but that’s because I don’t really find the young innocent/naive and ruthless/liar/false identity couple dynamic very interesting even if I do like their characters? Obviously there’s more to the story than what’s come to us in this chap from Porsches biased perspective but yeah I don’t really envision them having a happy ending in this (but I’m not sure if they did in the books anyway? But yeah it was a pretty bitter ending in the show) I think kim will do his best to apologise but he kinda seems to strike me as the most similar to mr korn personality wise? So he’ll be sorry that chay is hurt but not necessarily sorry for his actions if that makes sense? He’s ruthless and I think he got a little caught up in the pretending with chay too
But yeah basically I kinda wanted to highlight how the cruelty and the trauma trickles down into all of mr kan and mr korns sons and how they still pass that on in how they behave in their relationships in different ways tbh they’re all pretty fucked up
Oh you’re welcome! So glad you enjoyed the latest chap!
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inkribbon796 · 1 year
Egotober 2023 Day 1: I Just Want to Help
Summary: Silver wouldn’t go as far to say that he has a “biggest fan” just that he has someone who sees him as a “biggest inspiration”. Which normally wouldn’t be a problem, however Silver is a superhero with two dangerous supervillain enemies who run a massive criminal organization.
Prompt: Cape
A/N: Been a while, dealing with some serious writer’s block brain rot. Hoped to return early but didn’t happen. So I’m dropping off some Egotober stuff and hopefully some other stuff but I make no promises. This Egotober I’m going with an additional theme that was highlighted in: Six Ate Seven. So for some people it’s been a while but this works in that former reality. Where Patton is still a Lost One and deals with those characters. This is in the timeframe where they’re all still kids (teenagers to be exact). So you might see teen Ethan running around too.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Over the city streets of Egoton, Silver was keeping a watch on the town.
While he was conducting a sky patrol he heard someone calling out to him on the top of a fire escape.
“Hey, Silver!”
Silver looked over and saw the rather common sight of what looked like a kid wearing a mask. They were maybe a teenager in bright blues, a sweater and a pair of jeans, and a black domino mask that looked like it’d been brought at Spirit Halloween. A bright blue cape on and a shock of dyed blue hair.
A kid looking like a superhero was common. He and the rest of the Coalition saw it all the time. What was uncommon was one standing on top of the fire escape.
“H-Hello?” Silver said, coming to a stop to float mid air.
“I’m here to help,” he had a huge smile on his face as he half jumped up on the top of the rail and balanced on it.
“I don’t think the Coalition can legally add minors,” Silver tried to say. He didn’t wanna just crush this kid’s dreams right out the gate. Maybe in ten years they could set something up, but not now.
“No, I can fight bad guys, I can do this,” he said with a huge smile.
Silver floated over closer.
“Come on, kid,” Silver said. “This stuff is really dangerous. You can’t just be running around in a domino mask and a sweater. Wilford shots people on a whim. Dark flays people apart with his shadow aura.”
“And I have powers,” the young man said. “I can do this and I’ll do it with or without you.”
“You’re like what? Ten?” Silver asked.
“I am fourteen,” the young man boasted. “I’m a man.”
“Oh yeah, fourteen, that’s so much better,” Silver said. “You know what I was doing when I was fourteen? Playing video games and being too chickenshit to talk to girls. That’s what I was doing.”
“Yeah, because you were wasting your powers, I have them and I’m going to use them,” Ethan said.
And then he ran off and Silver’s heart was beating a little too fast. This kid was going to be the death of him. Either this kid was going to kill himself, or Mark was going to do it for him.
Silver tried to catch up with him but the kid had disappeared. Which was probably the most terrifying thing. He had to get this kid home safe and he couldn’t find him.
Silver hit his communicator. “SAM, we got a teenager running around trying to fight villains.”
“Seems like a you problem, Silver,” an automated voice said.
“No, no it’s us problem, you ass. He can turn invisible.” Silver began flying around.
Silver wished this had happened last week when Marvin had been in town. They had absolutely no one in the Egoton branch who could follow aura trails. Maybe he could get Marvin over stateside for a while, or they could find someone who could see aura trails. He’d take anything at this point.
While he was flying around, starting with the fire escape and radiating out from there. He called his entire team out to track down one fourteen-year-old kid.
“APB, we have a fourteen-year-old punk running around and trying to be a superhero. I need help finding him before Wilford kills him. He turns invisible.”
“I hear you,” Wade said, he sounded like he was in the middle of a crowd or his mic was broken again. “Why are you chasing a child?”
“In-vis-ible, invisible, dipshit,” Silver said. “Is there some toy or tool that the Septics left last week that we can use?”
“I think I have something,” Bob said. “Marvin was testing some weird shit out when he and Average were in town.”
Silver began a mad chase through the city, which unfortunately eventually led him to the Warehouses. The superhero hoped desperately that the kid wouldn’t be here. He could be in and out and that he’d just gone home.
Silver tried being stealthy, and for a second he caught sight of the teenager he’d been chasing. And Silver’s heart sank as he started following him.
In front of one of the warehouses in the cluster was Wilford.
Silver’s literal worst case scenario.
There was someone, maybe a teenager, with him in a tweed suit. With a matching dark green hat on his head. They seemed to be talking about something, Wilford talking with his hands rather animatedly.
Then Wilford’s eyes were tracking something and Silver’s heart managed to beat even faster.
“Oh, ho,” Wilford smiled as he reached out and grabbed something. “What have we here?”
A few things happened at once. One was the teenage hero turned visible again as he fought for air against the grip on his throat. Silver flew closer, trying to get to them before Wilford shot the teenager. And then there was the far more worrying thing to happen: Dark showed up.
The kid in tweed was pulled through a portal, worrying Silver, and Dark emerged in their place. Oozing purple, blue, and a little bit of red aura, dripping off of him like toxic waste.
His eyes met Silver’s mask and he looked braced to attack.
Then his eyes tracked over to the kid. “Wilford, what are you doing?”
“Little tyke has a neat party trick, I only plucked him out of thin air,” Wilford smiled.
“Hmm, release him,” Dark said and to Silver’s amazement the madman did so.
“No fun, Darky,” Wilford frowned.
The teenager began backpedaling towards Silver, who was all too happy to push him behind him but kept a hold of his arm.
“Who’s your friend, Shepherd?” Dark’s head tilted.
“Not my friend, I’ll be escorting him back home,” Silver said.
Dark’s eyes moved between Silver and the teen behind him. His head tilted and he looked a little smug. “Is that yours, Silver?”
“No, I’d have to have been ten, if he was mine,” Silver said.
“Interesting, I would have thought you were older, but now that I think about it, you do sound twenty-four,” Dark smiled at him.
“Nope,” Silver tried to sound casual. “Not that young, I’ll take him, and we’ll be out. Forget you saw either of us. Just go back to doing illegal shit.”
“Oh, we will,” Dark smiled at him. “Now run off. And take your little child with you.”
Silver did just that, dragging the young man along but keeping an eye on Dark and Wilford.
Bob and Wade were waiting for them in costume.
“Gatling, Drowned,” Silver greeted stiffly and lifted the young man’s arm up.
Within seconds a bubble enclosed around the young man.
“Hey!” He shouted.
Bob was looking at the teenager beating his fists against the bubble.
“So this is your little Syndrome, huh?” Bob said.
“If this kid turns into a supervillain, I think you deserve it,” Wade smiled at him.
“I’m going to be a superhero and you can’t stop me,” Ethan said. “I don’t need you three to do it.”
“I don’t know, Silv, I like this kid’s moxie,” Wade said. “Maybe we can keep him around.”
The young man smiled at Wade.
“Absolutely not,” Mark said, flying up with a careful but firm grip.
He signaled and Bob made a handle grow out of the top of the bubble. Silver grabbed it and began flying off. “C’mon, before Dark follows us back to the kid’s place.” 
“Not a kid!” The young man shouted.
“You’re four-fucking-teen,” Silver shouted. Which reminded Silver. Dark had seemed to know that. But . . . That sounded off.
How did Dark know what a fourteen-year-old even looked like? As opposed to a thirteen-year-old or a ten-year-old. Dark hated kids, always looked at them with some kind of disgust.
It took some time to get both the kid’s name and his address from him. Mostly under threat of demasking and scanning his face and start calling up different schools to figure out who he was.
They arrived in front of a house in some suburban neighborhood. Not the biggest house, but no one could compete with Dark’s Hilltop Manor.
Silver knocked on the door as he popped the bubble barrier and grabbed Ethan Nestor by the arm.
“I just want to help,” Ethan glared at him. Still in his mask and costume.
“We can talk when you’re eighteen,” Silver said. “This isn’t a game. Just because I can get thrown against the wall and keep on ticking doesn’t mean everyone should be doing it.
Ethan was about to respond when the door opened and a worried looking woman opened the door.
“There you are,” she said.
Silver held up Ethan’s arm. “Ma’am, I believe this is yours.”
Ethan pulled his arm away. “I’m not going to stop.”
“You should,” Silver said. “If this was anything else I’d say follow your dreams, but Wilford is a madman and a murderer, and so is Dark.”
Ethan took off his mask and stormed inside.
“Thank you,” she said. “I’m so sorry.”
“Just try and talk some sense into him,” Silver said. “Have a good night, ma’am.”
She said goodbye and the door was closed and Silver flew off, going back to scanning the city and hoping he wouldn’t run into Ethan again.
He was wrong of course. He’d see Ethan several times over the next couple of weeks, and then more often over the next couple of years.
In the Manor, however, Dark was chewing Wilford out.
“What was that?” Dark held Wilford against the wall, his arm barred across his chest.
Wilford smiled at him.
“No,” Dark cut him off. “You had Illinois with you, within sight of the heroes.”
“It wasn’t that bad, Darky,” Wilford said.
“Only because I was watching,” Dark said.
“At best, I’m one of your enforcers,” Illinois said.
“Don’t, or I’ll just let Arthur and Kay be enforcers and you can stay behind.” Dark gave him a look and turned back to Wilford.
“J.J is the single biggest threat the heroes have against us, and I need that time traveling bastard to stay in England dealing with Anti and not in our city.”
“Jay is fun, Darkling, come on,” Wilford smiled.
“No, and that’s final, if I see J.J in town anytime soon, you will regret it,” Dark said.
Then he let Wilford go and steered Illinois back to the living room where the rest of the Lost Ones were playing games. 
Both Ethan and Illinois returned safely home.
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Christmas Reruns 2023 Day 22: The Christmas Wish
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Merry Christmas if you celebrate it and happy holidays if you don’t!  One of the things I love about Christmas is watching reruns of all the old classic Christmas movies–Christmas is a big time for nostalgia.  A few years ago, I decided to incorporate that tradition into my fandom life and post my CS holiday reruns.  So here you go!  Enough holiday (mostly) fluff to get you to New Year’s Day. (With a new story posting on Christmas Day.)
Word Count: 1849
Other chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
CS Genre: 5x21 Canon Divergence (beware this one starts pretty angsty)
Notes:  This story was written for my “Christmas with Captain Swan” collection in 2020.
These last three months had been the worst, the hardest and the most painful of Emma’s life.  No contest.  She wouldn’t wish this pain on her worst enemy, not even on the worst villain they’d ever faced.
Three months ago today she’d left Killian in the Underworld after promising to go on with her life, after promising not to put her armor back on.
In the first few days, her time had been occupied with the battle against Hades.   Like with every villain they’d faced, it had taken a team effort, all of them, all of the Nevengers, as Henry liked to call them, working together to find a solution with the least collateral damage they could manage, but they’d succeeded in the end.  What was even more amazing was the fact that they’d definitively defeated Hades without losing any of the heroes (although Robin Hood had only narrowly ducked out of the way before being hit by the Olympian Crystal.)
The town had held a huge victory celebration in Granny’s after Hades’ defeat, and Emma supposed she should feel some sort of satisfaction at their victory, but all she felt was…empty.
Without Killian, it was hard to force herself to even get out of bed in the morning.  Turns out losing your true love felt a lot like having your heart pulled from your chest, only the pain never went away, never stopped, never seemed to lessen.
She tried her best for Henry’s sake, for her parents, who were clearly worried about her, for the promise she’d made Killian, but it felt like she was constantly alternating between aching sobs and white hot anger.  She tried to comfort herself with the thought that Killian had, no doubt, moved on, and that she’d join him one day when her time came, but it was cold comfort when she had to climb into her empty bed every night.
Everything reminded Emma of Killian. Everything.  Maybe one day the memories would be a comfort to her, but for now, they were like a dagger to her heart.
Emma had started going to see Dr. Hopper once a week, trying to work through her grief.  He told her she was doing well, that she was grieving in a healthy way, but if this was what healthy grieving felt like, she couldn’t imagine the dysfunctional kind.
Emma took a sip of her cocoa and looked up at the beautiful Christmas tree in the front room of the home Killian and Henry had picked out for her.  Her parents, Regina, Robin, Zelena and Henry had shown up at her doorstep this morning with the tree, all the decorations, and everything they needed to make enough Christmas cookies to feed the town.  They’d insisted on bringing her Christmas cheer and brightening up her life with the sights and smells and tastes of the season.
“I know this holiday will be hard for you, honey,” Snow said, giving her a big hug after they’d finished and everyone but her parents had left.  “I remember those first few holidays after my mom and then my dad passed.  The joy and excitement of everyone around me felt like a slap in the face.”
“How did you bear it, Mom?” Emma asked through her tears, which had started falling yet again. “I’m trying to be strong, I’m trying to go on with my life, but it feels like a part of me–a vital part–is just….gone, and I don’t even know how to function.”
Snow caressed Emma’s cheek.  “You let yourself feel what you’re feeling, and you give yourself time.  You lean on your family and let us help you.  I don’t want you to ever feel like you need to stay strong for your father and me.  If you need to cry, cry.  If you need to break down, break down.  We’ll be here to hold you, to give you whatever you need.”
She had finally broken down then, sobbing for what felt like hours in her parents’ arms, but when her emotions were spent, she had to admit she felt a little better.  It had been cathartic.
“Thanks,” Emma said, finally.  “For the tree and the cookies and everything.  It really is beautiful.”
David pulled her toward him, hugging her to him and holding the back of her head. “I’m glad you like it.  Enjoy it if you can, treasure the good memories.”
But after her parents left, it didn’t take long before the pain returned.  She’d been looking so forward to the first Christmas she and Killian would spend together as a couple.  She’d looked forward to all the firsts they’d have, looked forward to introducing him to all this realm’s traditions.  She’d looked forward to making Christmas memories and traditions of their own.
But that, all of that, had been stolen from her, from them. 
Emma looked up at the top of the tree, at the bright, shining star.  Her mom had told her that in the Enchanted Forest, they’d had a tradition of making a Christmas wish upon the star on top of the tree.  It was said that if your heart was true, your Christmas wish would be granted.
What the hell; couldn’t hurt.
“I wish–” she began, having to stop and clear her throat, will away the tears that threatened to overwhelm her again.  “I only have one wish.  I wish he was back here with me.”
She waited, but nothing happened.  She hadn’t expected it to, but somehow it still felt like a betrayal.
Emma turned from the tree, threw on her coat and nearly sprinted out the door. Suddenly her house felt stifling, the tree, the decorations, all of it was too much. She had to get out of here; had to be with him, even if “being with him” now consisted of standing before his headstone.
It was a beautiful evening, the wind calm, the snow glistening in the last rays of the sun.  He would have liked it; he’d always had a fondness for snow, though she told him she thought he was crazy for it.  She smiled through her tears as she rounded the corner and then stepped through the arches into the cemetery.  She remembered the day he’d coaxed her out in the snow with him.  She’d been miserable.  It. Was. So. Cold!  But he’d been as excited as a child, and somehow his joy had been infectious.
It had always been that way with him.  He brought her comfort and joy whenever she was with him, had since the very beginning, if she was truly honest with herself.  That’s why she’d been so cold and distant to him at first.  It scared her how much he made her feel.
She stooped down before his grave, laying a flask beside the flowers her mom had no doubt left.  “Hey, I thought you’d like this more than roses.  Thanks for the pages.  Hades…Hades he’s gone now.  It’s done, so I hope you’re in a better place.  I know I should be happy about that, but it just feels like now you’re really gone, and there’s nothing left to do but just–”
The sobs threatened to overcome her again, but with a force of will, she pushed them aside.
“I miss you.”
For long moments she remained there, looking down at the stark letters of his name etched on the headstone.  She should have something else engraved, shouldn’t she?  She should say something about what a true hero he was.  Somehow, nothing seemed appropriate.  How did you sum up how much someone meant to you, to everyone he met, in a few short words?
The twilight was quickly fading into night before Emma decided there was nothing for it but to go home.  She’d no more than turned away from the headstone, when a sudden whoosh, a rush of energy passed over her.
What the hell was that?
Her heart stopped and then began pounding.  It couldn’t be….could it?
She whirled around, not daring to hope, not daring to believe, but when she was once again facing the grave the most beautiful sight she’d ever seen met her.
She raced to him, leaped into his arms, her lips connecting to his in a desperate kiss.  Oh gods, if she was dreaming she never wanted to wake!  She’d missed him so much–the feel of his scruff against her face, the soft, silkiness of his hair through her fingers, his taste, his smell.  Him.
She pulled away, resting her forehead against his as the tears–happy tears this time–streamed from her eyes.
“How are you here?” she asked through her emotions, before surging forward, kissing his cheek, his mouth, any part of him she could reach.
He laughed joyfully.  “It was you, love, your wish,” he said in between kisses.  “For some time, Zeus has been looking for a way to reward us–all of us–for our part in defeating Hades, but until today his hands were tied.  King of Olympus though he be, there are immutable rules surrounding the Underworld.”
“Wait…what?” She asked, before diving in for more kisses.  “Never mind.  I don’t care how you’re here, I’m just glad you’re back.”
They remained standing before his empty grave, one kiss leading into another as night settled in around them and the snow began to fall.
“I am, Emma,” he said finally.  “I’m back, and I’ll never leave you again.  Never.”
She laughed, cupping his cheeks and bringing him down for yet another kiss.  “I’m going to hold you to that.”
Emma took his hand, leading him back to her home–his home too, she hoped–her heart feeling so full it might burst, as he exclaimed in wonder over the Christmas tree whose lights twinkled merrily in greeting.
“I have so much to tell you; so much to show you,” she said, laughing in pure, incandescent joy, as they sat together on the couch before the tree, holding each other close.  “Killian, you’re going to love Christmas!”
He smiled down at her, before leaning down and taking her lips yet again in a long, slow, achingly deep kiss.  “I’ve no doubt I will, Swan, but for the moment I have more pressing matters on my mind.”
“Yeah?” she asked.  “Like what?”
His grin turned mischievous.  “Like moving our reunion to your bedchamber where I can properly–or rather, not-at-all-properly–show you just how much I missed you and precisely how glad I am to be home.”
She laughed, taking his hand and leading him up the stairs.
Her Christmas wish had given them a second chance, and she was determined that she wouldn’t waste a second of it.
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luckyjackalope · 11 months
32, 45?
32. What’s your biggest kink?
hard to say, but maybe… orgasm control and overstim. I love bringing someone to the edge, forcing them to stay there as long as possible, then when they can’t take it anymore, refusing to let them stop (all consensually, obv) 😊
45. How often do you masturbate?
three or four times a week, on average. some days I’m not in the mood, and some days once is nowhere *near* enough
thank you for asking! 💕
1. First kiss?
2. First time masturbating?
3. First sex toy?
4. First kink tried?
5. First time doing oral?
6. First time having sex?

-Turn Ons
7. Biggest turn on?
8. Biggest turn off?
9. Quickest way to get horny?
10. Weirdest thing that ever turned you on?
11. Top 3 places to be touched?
12. Ultimate fantasy?
13. Do you like the idea of a three or moresome?
14. Do you send nudes? Do you like receiving them?

15. Sex or masturbation?
16. Spit or swallow?
17. Cut or uncut dicks?
18. Rough or sensual sex?
19. Oldest person you’d sleep with?
20. Loud or quiet partners?
21. How much foreplay do you like?
22. How much teasing do you like?
23. What is too big for you to take?
24. Do you do hookups or only sleep with a partner?
25. How much kissing do you like during sex?
26. What’s the most attractive part of the body?

27. Would you have sex in public?
28. Last place you had sex?
29. Where would you most like to have sex?
30. Do you like spontaneous sex, or do you need to be in the mood?
31. Could you go through with a hookup at a strangers house?

32. What’s your biggest kink?
33. Are you okay with name calling in bed?
34. Would you do any BDSM?
35. Do you prefer to tie somebody up or be tied up?
36. Do you like orgasm denial/forced orgasm?
37. Do you like overstimulation?
38. Do you like having pain involved?
39. Do you like biting/being bitten?
40. Have you ever been made to/made somebody beg for it?
41. Do you have any strange or extreme kinks?
42. Have any roleplaying preferences?

43. Do you own sex toys? How many?
44. What do you masturbate to?
45. How often do you masturbate?
46. How often do you use sex toys to masturbate?
47. Do you masturbate with penetration?
48. Do you go for multiple rounds or settle at one or no orgasms?

49. Do you enjoy giving oral?
50. Do you prefer giving or receiving oral?
51. What makes you orgasm the fastest when receiving oral?
53. Can you deepthroat?

54. Do you like playing with your clit? If so how do you prefer to do it?
55. What’s your breast size?
56. How often do you go braless?
57. Do you finger yourself?
58. How familiar are you with your g-spot?
59. Do you squirt?

60. How often do you do unprotected sex?
61. How loud are you in bed?
62. Do you enjoy having nipples played with?
63. Do you like/dislike cum?
64. How good are you at dirty talk?
65. Do you get sleepy after an orgasm?

66. Do you trim, shave or leave pubic hair untouched?
67. How do you prefer partners pubic hair?
68. How many orgasms can you have in a day?
69. How many other people know your bra size?
70. What do you wear to bed?
71. Any funny sex stories?
72. What food if any would you use during sex?
73. Would you give somebody a sex toy as a gift?
74. What’s the weirdest porn you’ve ever seen?
75. Do you often get horny in public?
76. Ever used something that isn’t made for sex in the bedroom?
77. Have you ever walked in on somebody or been walked in on?
78. Do you have any friends you’d sleep with?
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evelyne-am · 2 years
22nd March 2023
Day 9
I’m still slacking and to my horror others are struggling too here and there. Most of the cast is finding it tough to remember the new cues and lines and line distributions. We spent two hours on the first five lines today barely getting through the act one. Director is understandably furious. We got a proper yelling because we are just stumbling at every line. He reminds us we haven't even done the first two pages and we have 58 left. The song we open with is the one I made and I havent locked it, so we keep making mistakes on that first opening scene for over an hour.
I feel very angry with myself, even though my lackings are in a different place than others, M is correct when she says that we still haven’t jumped in fully. I wonder if I should stop writing the blog, it makes me feel like I’m still an outsider because I’m writing about it. But I also don’t want to stop because our director is really something and I would like to remember how I have been learning, how he is directing, and also these heightened emotions that I feel that may inspire me later. I already feel myself changing, my tolerance for inefficiency in my own teams is lowering. Even though I’m doing the same thing. Get to 100 percent AM!
We are on the 3rd version now. Originally we had thought it would be each person reads one part and is M1/M2/M3 turn by turn. 2nd version we played her at the same time, line by line like we are one person. Today's version seems final. There is only one M1/M2- though everyone else has dialogue its in 3rd person now. Sir seems to have picked M1/M2 as Sharm and Srab. They've played it the second day in a row. Sharm is doing super it I have to say. She’s the most experienced of the lot except M. shes able to stay in the zone and concentrate. We are working on act one which is basically pre 71, happisg times. I realise that we haven’t cried in a few sags. The first 6 to 7 days I was crying in rehearsal every day as we were learning the script. But as we are only figuring out the intros and beginning sequences none of it has been of the war of the crimes south so it’s very sort of mild. Md says that now we are forgetting the person who is actually telling the story. She is so right after rehearsal we are all feeling a bit down because I didn’t go well, I don’t blame the director for saying that he is going to see this for one more week before deciding if we will go through or not. Even though I know there’s a lot of preparation, the actual booking of the theatre, budgets, everything else is being done, so if you want to cancel you still can. After the rehearsal M calls me aside and says we need to fix that opening sequence, I’m very shame at least say yes let’s do it. She says come to our meeting tonight. I had plans to join the gym today because at this point I realise that we are no longer doing our morning exercise as we come in and go straight into the rehearsing of the play and I gained weight in the first nine days of rehearsals I’ve gained about 2 lb in any case postcode with my hunger is through the roof, stress from recent projects and personal stuff my hunger is through the roof, and though I still try to walk a little bit it’s not every day anymore like it used to be still only a few days week. also I missed the gym I haven’t been for over six months I used to love it so much. My plans though are now canceled. I go home and take a 20 minute nap and then I rush off to the meeting. Traffic is absolutely insane and I abandon my car and get a bike and thanks to a really nice bike I reach exactly at 7:29 when I am supposed to start the music work at 7:30. The meeting is in someone’s house, one of the core members of the group. I the first time see everyone in a more relaxed situation. The entire living room is split up the keyboard is kept open for me on one side on the other side people are making dinner on the other side the entire floor plan is being made with things draw been drawn to scale. The director seems to be in a better mood and everyone is figuring out logistics and planning things et cetera et cetera. everyone looks really nice they’re all dressed up in their normal clothes.
Did I ever mention that we have a sort of outfit that we wear ?. It’s T-shirts and pants that are not too loose or too tight; this is why you see me in a different T-shirt every day that is the actual uniform for rehearsal as it’s the one that is most flexible for all of our physical work. I’m the only one who still wearing my T-shirt and sweat pants. M is dressed in a sari and she keeps covering her head and I asked her why and she says that ever since the start of the play she dresses as a birangona at home. I have been considering doing a few things to keep the essence of the play with me when I go home, and I wonder if I can do the same or not I don’t know yet. I’ve considered giving up some of my favourite things to eat to do, just to channel a bit of the story is a bit more but A part of me realises that I might be best used to do the musical aspects then being a novice actor on stage, and the fact that I am in a Inner Circle meeting doing the structures for the music means that that’s also what everyone else is thinking. this is the first time that it is acknowledged at all in these circumstances that I have a sort of following all my own identity as a media person. Reference being we are trying to calculate how many shares to do how many tickets need to be sold how many tickets can be sold at certain prices and The host jokes that oh don’t worry Armeen will bring her own crowd. I have no idea if that’s true I know my friends would come. Overall it’s very light and jolly situation however once we wrap up our introductory song so I remind Sir that there is a second one to do and I actually feel like giving him ideas. I try to do a rap like spoken word piece and Azhar sort of points out doesn’t go. So I sort of give up for the day, I don’t know why I give up so easily these days. I don’t have a push sometimes when I don’t get my first brilliant idea naturally I give up very easily. The first song that I made for the intro it was literally the first thing that came out of my mind and it was based on a bunch of chords that I know that are good. The second song is different it’s not a soft song so not in my genre and obviously I am struggling with it and I just give up. but I admit it was nice to see The director a bit more relaxed; they all joke about each other and their romantic partners even Sir teases M, I’m a bit embarrassed so I just smile and sit in the corner. Our host is really sweet though she is evidently someone who has seen a lot of my work already and both the host chat with me a little bit. It feels weird to have references to my non-theatre life in theatre mode.
I’m struggling to fix my sleep schedule, when I go home it’s already pretty late, but I have my own things to do thoughts to have that I cannot ignore, I wish we were there were more days in the air, or more hours on the day that I could use to spend a little bit of time just thinking and also bloody apartment I don’t even have an AC right now and it’s getting really hot and I haven’t had the time to actually buy an AC and get it installed. Also I am dying to just organise my bookshelf it’s the first thing you see you when you enter my flat but despite the fact that I’ve had all the books nicely done I still do not have even 10 minutes to put the books in the order that I want to. I’m up till 2 am again with my own stuff. I haven’t memorised M2 either, I won’t say that I’m not enjoying being part of the music but I do realise it might lower my chances of getting any proper lines.
Oh God after disastrous rehearsal day I am a bit more relieved to see that the play is still being planned, they have decided to lower the number of shows from 25 to 19. M says it’s only physically durable to do the maximum 19 shows in a row. I have performed many many days in a row but never 19 shows I’m actually deeply looking forward to those 19 inches. Your girl hasn’t been on stage in awhile and it’s coming through.
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agentofship · 2 years
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#agents of shield - 17 posts
#jemma simmons - 16 posts
#fitzsimmons fic - 15 posts
#iain de caestecker - 13 posts
#alternate universe - 12 posts
#agents of shield fic - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 120 characters
#love it when translation is actually smart like that and doesn't just stupidly translate something that's not gonna work
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27 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
Just for the Night, chapter 2/2
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FitzSimmons, rated M, 7900 words Summary: Bringing home her cute new colleague for the night sounded like a good idea to Jemma Simmons. He's cute and a fantastic kisser, just what she needed to relieve the stress of spending Christmas with her whole family. She just hadn't planned that she would end up snowed in with her one-night stand AND her family for Christmas.
Once more, happy Christmas Libby <3 "I'm so sorry, they weren't supposed to be here until much later!" she whispered as she closed the door behind herself and leaned back against it as if someone might burst through it anytime. "I know, you said so but I bet they wanted to avoid--" "The snow, yeah. My mum tried to call but my phone was in the living room. I probably wouldn't have heard it anyway, I slept like the dead last night." Fitz smiled at that and there was something so sweet in a way that she didn't tell him the orgasms weren't the only responsible. Even though he'd greatly contributed to the short-lived state of relaxation she'd felt that morning, she'd been exhausted for weeks. "Anyway, the road's closed so--" His lips pressed against hers softly, taking her by surprise. She was busy panicking about the whole situation, how dare he interrupted her like that? But then, his arms wrapped around her waist, impossibly warm, and Jemma melted into the embrace with a slight whine. Maybe she should have gone and talked to him weeks ago. She might have brought him home to her London flat and gotten the opportunity to enjoy his affection longer without being interrupted in the worst possible way. "Good morning," he said, eyes and tone equally soft when he pulled back.
Continue reading on AO3
29 notes - Posted January 8, 2022
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Finally finished this portrait of Fitz/Iain from the wedding scene in 5x12 <3 It had been a while since I drew him and I’m pretty happy with the result! Done in watercolor and color pencils! Commissions open for this type of portrait or digital ones, more details via DM :) REDBUBBLE / ETSY
33 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
It Was All Make-Believe
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FitzSimmons, rated T, 2609 words (for now) Chapter 1/6 @libbyweasley​ and I are very excited to finally start posting this fic we've been working on for months based on Libby's original idea. The fic is all written and a new chapter will be posted every week. I've written three chapters from Jemma's POV and Libby has written all chapters from Fitz's POV. Hope you enjoy :) Summary: Fitz and Jemma go undercover as a couple and discover it isn’t as difficult as they’d thought it would be. But what happens when those feelings become a little too real? Season 1 AU They all moved to the briefing room, May and Ward looking as awake and ready as ever. Fitz, not so much.
"Didn't even have time for breakfast," he grumbled as he took his place next to Jemma. "Why do these always have to be so early?" Jemma shook her head and pressed the second mug of tea she was holding into his hand. "Oh thank you." He took a sip and his face turned a little less grumpy for a second. "Maybe the problem is that you stayed up working in the lab so late," Jemma pointed out and he huffed. "You're one to talk!" "But I can function on five hours of sleep, you obviously can't." If his still only half open eyes and messy curls weren't enough to prove her point, Jemma reached out to straighten his collar. "That's because he's still growing!" Skye tousled his hair as she walked past him to take her place in the briefing room.
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41 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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It had been a while since I’ve worked on a Liz/Jemma art :) (Based on that gorgeous Liz photoshoot I’m planning I’ve done this one using both color pencils and watercolor and I’m thoroughly enjoying it.  I’m currently open for commissions (both traditional and digital fanart). Send me a DM to know more :) 
44 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
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tsoanatural · 2 years
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383 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
“He wanted so badly to help and wanted so badly to fit in and I think we can all identify with that and that’s what made the character so loveable. At the end Castiel finally felt like he belonged.”
Misha is trying to fucking kill me.
474 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
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alright y’all this has been a really wild week but i’m so fucking lucky that the incredible ceecee @evanbucxley did me the honor of letting me turn her incredible fic ripples all the way down into a paperback
With some coercion, Buck allows Maddie to set him up on a date. Surprisingly, the date goes well — and it keeps his mind off the unnamable feelings he’s been studiously ignoring for his best friend.
Until Christopher’s science report on gentoo penguins — no, seriously — sets off a series of events that has him somehow spending more time at the Diazes’ side, and he feels like he’s going just a little bit insane trying to juggle a burgeoning relationship, his jealousy over Eddie’s own new relationship with Ana, and his inability to move on from the place that’s been his for three years in the Diazes’ lives.
Oh, and Eddie keeps looking at him like he has something to say — except he never says it.
This is the tumultuous road to finding out what Buck truly wants, paved by pebbles.
or; christopher partakes in some parent trapping
it’s 414 pages on size a5 paper, and for sale for the printing price plus shipping ( below is proof that neither ceecee nor i will make money off the sales )
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539 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
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diaz : 2
sleepy buck : 0
973 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
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1,686 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
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girlsloveamystery · 2 years
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#cw nancy drew - 20 posts
#nancy drew - 7 posts
#nancy and ace - 6 posts
#film - 4 posts
#nancy x ace - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 28 characters
#sweet pea and betty siblings
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. “Thanks for coming to the planetarium with us, Betts.” The shortening of her name had started the week prior, when they went out for another coffee run and he accidentally slipped up and called her that. He hadn’t been sure how she’d take it but when all she did was blush faintly and smile, he knew he had done the right thing.
She nodded her head, green irises shining happily. “Thanks for not scheduling it on a day I go into the office. I’m happy to help in anyway I can.” Her voice was sincere and he knew her words rang true as they came as she smiled brightly at him. He shrugged a shoulder.
“It was for me as much as it was for you,” he assured her quietly. “I need all the help I can get on field trips like these.”
Betty smiled kindly, patting his hand the next moment. “You’re doing a lovely job, Jughead. The kids adore you.”
It was Jughead’s turn to blush at the praise. He had always hoped he’d make a good teacher; wanting the kids to know that they could rely on him whenever they needed him most. He was relieved to know that the majority of them seemed to at least know that. “Thanks Betty.” He smiled shyly, feeling very much like a schoolboy with his first crush. He knew it would be inevitable that he would ask her out on a date.
23 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
Have the writers stopped fucking with Jughead and Betty yet or?
24 notes - Posted March 21, 2022
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“Betty Cooper, you are a sight for sore eyes,” Jughead grinned at her, taking in her appearance and she wished she had thought to touchup her makeup but she had been busy with the pie.
She pulled a face. “I look like I’ve been in the kitchen all evening. Probably smell like it too.”
Jughead bent his head down and placed a gentle kiss on her lips, hopefully the first of many that night, and shook his head. “You smell like chocolate, an utterly divine scent if you ask me.”
Betty melted into the next kiss he placed on her lips.
Pulling back, they turned and faced Charlotte, who was staring at them from the hallway. “Charlotte, didn’t I tell you to wait in the kitchen?” Betty quirked an eyebrow at her daughter.
“Yes, but it was taking you a while at the door and I wanted to make sure everything was okay,” Charlotte said. “I didn’t expect you to be sucking face with Mr. Jones.”
Sucking face? Where did she even learn that phrase from? Jughead laughed. “Hey, Charlotte. Sorry you saw me, uh, kissing your mother.”
“I don’t care Mr. Jones,” Charlotte shrugged a shoulder, smiling good-naturedly the next moment. “I mean, it’s better than my dad.”
26 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
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Just then, he heard her retching again and cut off the stove, running towards her the next moment and gathering up all of her hair as she was violently sick into the bowl he spent the day cleaning out periodically. "You're all right, baby, you're all right." His tone was low and soothing for her, hoping to encourage her to stay as calm as possible. No one liked throwing up repeatedly but the silver bullet had done a number on her. Betty slumped back into the pillows a moment later, finished for the time being.
"I'm sorry," she croaked in a raspy voice and Jughead winced when she did, knowing her throat had to be feeling like an inferno by now. He pushed her sweaty hair off her forehead and rubbed soothing circles into her skin there as he helped her take a sip of the room-temperature water that was resting on the nightstand.
"Its okay, baby," he assured her softly, letting her know he was in no way upset about taking care of her. He wasn't – not in the slightest. He rubbed her back slowly as he encouraged her to drink slowly, lest it upset her stomach once more and when she had her fill, he pulled back the glass from her lips, removing it from her trembling hold altogether. "Better?" His question was laced in gentleness; only the tone his mate could pull from him as he nudged a lock of hair behind her ear.
29 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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“Yes, he was nice,” Charlotte said softly, tucking herself behind her mother’s body and Betty led her into the building and down the halls to where her classroom was. Walking inside, she spotted a young man – not much older than her – with raven locks and a genuine smile as he greeted each new student. She led Charlotte – who was still tucked into her side – up to him and waited for their turn. Mr. Jones turned to them after the current kid scampered away and smiled at Betty and Charlotte. Oh my ovaries.
“I’m Jughead Jones,” Jughead said, holding his hand out to her. Betty smiled sweetly, flushing slightly as she shook his hand.
“Betty Cooper, Charlotte Cooper’s mother,” she replied, running her hand down her daughter’s hair.
“Oh yes, she had Michelle, the babysitter take her to back-to-school night, right?” Jughead asked with a smile.
Betty felt her cheeks redden more as she looked down, feeling ashamed of not being able to do more for her daughter. “Yes. I – uh, am sorry. I would have been here but I had to go into work last minute. Out of my control.”
Jughead smiled sympathetically at her. “Not judging you, Ms. Cooper. I understand the importance of a job.” Then he directed his eyes to the little girl, smiling brightly at her. “You ready for a fun day, Charlotte?”
Charlotte stayed close to her mother’s side, hugging her leg as she stared up at Jughead shyly. “Yes, Mr. Jones.”
31 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
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waru-chan8 · 2 years
Roberto: before jorge gets out of it (the “pool”) I wanted to ask you a question, but from there. What was his maximum time in practices? (Meaning for how long could he hold is breath under water).
Juandi: arround 3 minutes suffering a lot...
Roberto: Around 3 m(minutes) suffering a lot *impressed*
Juandi: A lot, a lot.Once (I think he tries to say)
Roberto: rarely did he reaches 3 (minutes). Jorge Lorenzo, Juandi had said to you before, 3:33. 3 minutes and 33 seconds!
Flo: you are dammed/you are death x2. I feel... I feel absolutely attacked by Jorge Lorenzo and as henchman Juandi. I feel totally attacked They holdid for 3:34 (minutes (Waru’s comment: i not a translation error, for some reason Flo thinks believes is 3:34 minutes even when corrected)) only to screw/mess with me.
Roberto: 3:33 (minutes)
Flo: 3:33 minutes just to screw/mess with me
Roberto: What (time) did you do?
Flo: 3:30 (minutes)
Roberto: Oh!
Flo: No oh, no
Roberto: 3 seconds
Flo: you know it. He didn’t last 3 (minutes), he was around 3 (minutes) he said it. hen why did he hold if for 3:34 (minutes) and not 3:29 (minutes)? Why?
Roberto: laughing his ass off
Flo: Jorge, we are seeing your true self, it’s showing
Roberto: Let’s...
Ana: *laughing her ass off* that’s true, you (Flo) have a point
Flo: it’s true! (about Jorge holding it long enough to surpass Flo).
Mariló: Congrats!
Flo: He old it just to mess with me
Roberto: Jorge Lorenzo come with me
Flo: no, no the world is against me
Jorge Lorenzo: mother of God
Roberto: congratulations Juandi
Jorge: I’m not doing this in my life
Roberto: a big applause for Jorge Lorenzo. 3:33 (minutes) and he comes 3rd in this season (8th in the general ranking) in the apnea ranking. Also come with me because, of course, that means that mathematically we have to add 3500 euros to the Openbank solidarity card. 3500 euros plus the 6000 euros for the winner (male and female) of this night (10/02/2023). We was saying it for the duration of the whole video, I don’t like to suffer, I don’t like to suffer, but he carries it/it’s written in his DNA. At the end... you don’t like to lose
Jorge: Juandi was not extracting/pulling my hand and I was saying, at the 2 minutes mark take my hand, and it was not time, it was not time. And I was saying, I’m suffering
Roberto: before the assessments, what was in your head? This is something I’m very curios about, what where you thinking in the inside?
Jorge: at the end, I had to focus on one circuit. I choose Mugello (Waru’s comment: I want to said that watching this with the audio comments to make the translation easier, it says Montmeló 🙈) that is one of the las circuits I’ve been with the Porsche, this year I’ll race in the Porsche (Exclusive, Jorge returns to race cars), and I tried to do it as slowly as I could. At first I was very slowly as If I was doing it with a 50cc, you know? 6th (gear?), 5th (gear?) lowering very slowly. But when I reached the last part of the circuit, I was...
ROberto: full throtle/full gas
Jorge: I was... how is it said? To
Ana: the contractions
Roberto: nearly hyperventilating
Jorge: no, the contractions
Roberto: ah the contractions
Jorge: the contractions and I had another lap to run/go. It has been really though. As I said before, I won’t do it again in my life. I won’t do an apnea again in my life because I suffered the most with difference and it’s crazy, no? At the end, we have normalized times that for normal people that when I was talking to friends on the phone where telling me 3, 2 minutes something? You are crazy,I can’t even do 1 minute. And the truth is that all the contestants in here we give our everything, and today it was my turn
Ana: Ole to you
Roberto: 3:33 (minutes). Juan del Val, please go ahead.
Juan: it’s what you have just said, I’m totally with you. There’s times where we take lightly the times and it looks like that they are something normal to pass 2 minutes or 3. And then what we say each week, there are contestants and competitors, at your life you’ve been a competitor and then you get in there (the “pool”) and it shows. Congratulations.
Santiago: at the end. At the end it shows that to be the number one in anything, the suffering is important part. Moreover, I imagine Jorge, that he has said, I don’t want to suffer but I don’t want to end below Flo... To get Jorge Blanco (4:13 minutes) no, but I have to surpass Flo. And you made it. At the end the suffering has his price that’ll be a good score
Jorge: thank you
Roberto: by 3 seconds
Jorge: I had Laura (3:40 minutes) but I thought...
Flo: moreover, we ned to say that
Jorge: I gonna let it be (At the start of the show, the show how proud Laura was and that she got the time tattooed on her arm)
Flo: We have to say that he had his coach (Juandi, who is the same coach for all contestants in the apnea challenge) saying we have to get/pass Flo. There was (team) orders in there?
Santiago:They went for that/they went for a catch
Jorge: we could choose the strategy
Flo: what where your orders to Juandi to give you the times?
Rosa: mother of God
Jorge: I told him, without a doubt, we have to win against Flo today
*Everyone laughs*
Roberto: no aces under the sleeve (the expression he uses means to tricks). FLo, it’s over, don’t search for it that you’ll find it
Flo: look I’m not really competitive at all, 0, but just hearing this from Jorge Lorenzo it has given me a boost, si fucking great
Jorge: and it’s the second:
Flo: it’s the second one
Roberto: he is the Rossi of the apnea (Waru’s comment: I’m sorry if you imply that Jorge’s objective is to beat Flo and Flo is living rent free in Jorge’s mind as a competitor, please refer to him as Dani Pedrosa). Let’s see Yélamo (he is a pundit on a political face to face programme on another channel of the same “house”. He also competed for Jorge Blanco as he got injured. He only gives his opinin, he does not cas a vote).
Yélamo: I can say very little Jorge. My admiration, mentality of steel because there’s a breathing technique obviously, but the mind plays a very imporant part . And then Robert...
I do know assessmets is not over, but Yélamo just ask to move the poll to his show to put the panelist in the water to keep them quite. They joke about what would happen. I thought I could pare you from that
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unfoldingmoments · 2 months
Your Secret Power
HUMILITY Humility is the way you open the door to a move of God in your life. Humility is earth’s invitation to heaven & God always respond to the humble heart. Humility is an inner awareness of my own frailty and God’s power. Humility is my secret power because in humility I connect to God’s power. 3 statements to think about when you think about humility: 1. I don’t need to win, I need to obey God. If you enter every relationship trying to define winners and losers  you’ll always loose. If you enter every relationship with competitive winning and losing spirit, you’ve already lost. I don’t need you to lose in order for me to win. There’s enough blessing for everybody. Prayer and the word are required for a healthy relationship with God. Humility is required to have a healthy relationship with others. I’ll never have a healthy relationship unless I donor and walk in humility. Love for Enemies Luke 6:27-36
27 “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.
32 “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. 33 And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that. 34 And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full. 35 But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. 36 Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Galatians 6: Humility looks like loving, doing good, blessing, praying, offering, giving.
I’m going to choose the high road of humility which will look like weakness but it is really meekness. 2. I don’t need to be right, I need to obey God. Take Up Your Cross
23 Then he said to them all, “If anyone wants to follow after[d] me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily,[e] and follow me.
Jesus was wronged in the cross, for the sake of a relationship Principle: You will not always be in the wrong but that doesn’t mean you always need to be right. Choose your fights. Sometimes just celebrate someone try something. Just because you’re not wrong, that doesn’t mean you have to be right. I wanna be right. I am on the cross, I’m choosing a better way, I am choosing my relationship over my need to prove you wrong. Day to day I don’t have to push everything, I don’t have to get my point across all the time. Don’t get a fight for couple of weeks. It’s not that easy but it’s simple. 3. I don’t need vengeance, I need to obey God When you are mistreated, you feel powerless/ weak Vengeance will hurt me and people around me. Romans 12:18  17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Give careful thought to do what is honorable in everyone’s eyes. 18 If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Friends, do not avenge yourselves; instead, leave room for God’s wrath, because it is written, Vengeance belongs to me; I will repay,[d] says the Lord. 20 But
If your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, give him something to drink. For in so doing you will be heaping fiery coals on his head.[e]
21 Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good. Pastor Jabin recounted a traumatic bullying incident from when he was ten. As a child engrossed in Lego, he became a target for a group of older, intimidating bullies. He described them as towering over him, their size and aggression making them terrifying. They physically assaulted him with punches to the chest and body, leaving him deeply traumatized. The experience fueled a burning desire for revenge, and he vowed to one day be strong enough to fight back. This incident left him with deep-seated anger and resentment. If you’re not careful ,you’ll allow moment a present day reality, If I am not careful, I can still treat people and make decisions from and response from from that little 10 years old who felt so powerless. I’m going to put up walls,   My temptations will be 40 yo man of God with emotion of bully 10 yo kids I have to refuse vengeance or I’ll end up hurting people who never hurt me, trying to get revenge on people who can’t even remember. But I still feel what I felt. If I stay love before God I can’t fall Genesis 50 Joseph’s Kindness
15 When Joseph’s brothers saw that their father was dead, they said to one another, “If Joseph is holding a grudge against us, he will certainly repay us for all the suffering we caused him.”
16 So they sent this message to Joseph, “Before he died your father gave a command: 17 ‘Say this to Joseph: Please forgive your brothers’ transgression and their sin—the suffering they caused you.’ Therefore, please forgive the transgression of the servants of the God of your father.” Joseph wept when their message came to him. 18 His brothers also came to him, bowed down before him, and said, “We are your slaves!”
19 But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? 20 You planned evil against me; God planned it for good to bring about the present result—the survival of many people. 21 Therefore don’t be afraid. I will take care of you and your children.” And he comforted them and spoke kindly to them.[b]
Ref: Your Secret Power | Jabin Chavez | City Light Church https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbeMfkQBqKM
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arpov-blog-blog · 6 months
Look Beyond Polling - When folks who work in politics and elections assess the health of a candidate or party committee we look at much more than polling, including money raised, electoral track record, candidate charisma/performance, the competence of the campaign team, endorsements/local support, strength of arguments, life story and potential negatives/baggage. A central reason why I am much more optimistic than most right now is I am looking at a much broader set of inputs than polling, as Tom Bonier and I did in 2022. And what all of this tells me, drawing on my more than 30 years in the game, is that I would much rather be us than them.
The Polling We Have Is Not All Pointing In The Same Direction/Trump Does Not Lead - The central mistake made by many in 2022 is that they focused on the polling showing a red wave and dismissed polling which showed a close, competitive election. Remarkably, this is happening again this cycle, as yes there is polling showing Trump ahead right now, but there is also polling showing Biden leading and a close, competitive election. Almost all the polls taken in the last two weeks has the race within margin of error, meaning it’s close. Of those six polls find Biden leading. The Economist’s polling aggregator now has Biden ahead:
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Senate polling is encouraging, and Dems now lead in 538’s Congressional Generic tracker - All of our Senate incumbents are holding. Gallego has had encouraging polling in recent weeks, as had Colin Allred. There is no bad polling for us right now in the Senate, and this week Dems jumped ahead in 538’s Congressional Generic tracker.
The way I am describing the race right now is like a basketball game where the score is tied after the first quarter. We have most of the game ahead of us, and a lot can and will happen. What is likely to happen is that the Biden campaign’s messages move voters, our coalition comes together, the rancid Trumpian shitshow continues to embarrass and struggle, we go to work and and turn a close race into a strong Democratic win. That’s what’s been happening all across the country, in election and election, since Dobbs. And that is what is likely to happen in November too.
But the key here, job #1, is for all of us to sign up for the Biden campaign by making a small donation today, and begin the process of planning what you are going to do to help him win. If we made 2 million phone calls into NY-3 in 5 weeks, imagine what we can do in the 7 battlegrounds over the next 8 months….
Together we’ve built the most powerful political machine our party has ever had, and it’s time now to put it to work to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, keep the Senate and flip the House. Here’s the Washington Post:
Democrats also enjoy a still vibrant network of grass-roots groups around the country, which have remained engaged since 2018 and are largely able to coordinate with the Biden campaign. Julie Chavez Rodriguez, Biden’s campaign manager, spoke last week to Swing Left, a network of volunteers. She invited people to join the campaign’s “I’m On Board” organizing effort. “As we jump into March, as we come out of Super Tuesday and the president’s State of the Union in the next couple of weeks, it will be a real opportunity to just remind voters of just what that choice, how important and how critical this election is, and really what everyone can do to get on board,” Rodriguez told the group on Feb. 29. While Biden has lacked the movement-like charisma of his Democratic predecessor, Barack Obama, Democrats continue to enjoy significant state and local organizing muscle, largely through loose national networks of local progressive groups. The campaign of Rep. Tom Suozzi, who recently outperformed polling by about eight points in a special election on New York’s Long Island, credits these groups with giving him a huge advantage, as have other campaigns in special elections in recent years. Suozzi’s campaign team said about a third of the door-knocking, letter-writing and phone-calling that took place in that race came from groups outside the district, such as the Massachusetts-based Swing Blue Alliance. Democrats widely believe that the opposition to Trump will solidify, powering volunteer efforts despite the misgivings about Biden’s candidacy. “In the past few years, fear of MAGA has helped fuel the building of the most powerful grassroots machine the Democratic Party has ever had,” Simon Rosenberg, a Democratic strategist who now works with local activist groups, said in a statement. “Their money and hard work will ensure the Biden campaign is the biggest and strongest Presidential campaign Democrats have ever run.”
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chimielie · 1 year
hii 1- 44 for your ask game pwease
fine. im gonna do it.
under readmore to respect people’s dashes HAHAHAHAH. bear warning that there’s like 2 things that could be considered nsfw (but not rlly i don’t think) and like 3 questions abt substance usage!!
1 age: 20
2. shoe size: us 5.5, which is an eu 36 i think?
3. do you smoke? cigarettes very rarely and only socially
4: do you drink? yessir
5: do you take drugs? nope
6: age you get mistaken for: like 23? it's usually not far off but always older
7. have tattoos? no
8: want any tattoos? yes i think so! but that's for a later date when i have the funds
9: got any piercings? yep! the usual ones in my earlobes and i also have my nipples pierced :)
10: want any piercings? i'd like to get my doubles done, but i'm pretty happy with what i have now
11: best friend? my irl bestie: i've known her since we were 7? she's basically family. on here it's definitely my beloved mika
12: relationship status: down bad for my boyfriend (11 months next week!)
13: biggest turn ons: glasses, light biting, nice arms and back, athletic trainer, 27, iwaizumi hajime,
14: biggest turn offs: answered here
15: favorite movie: crazy rich asians (the wedding scene...)
16: i’ll love you if… you understand me?? i feel like all the people i've loved the most felt like they really could see me which is a pretty general answer but i love so many people so much
17: someone you miss: my little sister :(
18: most traumatic experience: i don't want to answer this seriously but sometimes i remember that iwaizumi isn't real and that's very upsetting 😞
19: a fact about your personality: i'm so eepy rn
20: what i hate most about myself: not applicable i don’t want to do that to my brain!!!
21: what i love most about myself: good with words :)
22: what i want to be when I get older: an accountant!!
23: my relationship with my sibling(s): my little sister is one of my best friends she's incredible i'm so proud of her
24: my relationship with my parent(s): i’m an eldest daughter soooooo
25: my idea of a perfect date: answered here
26: my biggest pet peeves: answered here
27: a description of the girl/boy i like: answered here
28: a description of the person i dislike the most: my best friend's ex-boyfriend 👎
29: a reason i’ve lied to a friend: said i was gonna go do homework and then took a nap
30: what i hate the most about work/school: it stresses my boyfriend out and cuts into my naptime
31: what my last text message says: “tell her you don’t have any more storage on your phone” to my roommate bc her mom wants her to download life360 LOL
32: what words upset me the most: probably not the Most but i think really cynical statements like “love isn’t real” or “healing is impossible” or stuff like that make me not want to talk to someone so much bc those are like. fundamental parts of my thinking yk? ofc jokes don’t bother me
33: what words make me feel the best about myself: “you do everything right all the time” HAHAHAHA
34: what i find attractive in women: glasses
35: what i find attractive in men: glasses
36: where i would like to live: i’ve always wanted to live in san diego… someday 🤞 i also daydream about ireland a lot
37: one of my insecurities: perpetually terrified of seeming mean by accident
38: my childhood career choice: estate planning lawyer 😭
39: my favorite ice cream flavor: honeycomb!!
40: who i wish i could be: someone who always has a lot of friends visiting :) and hosts a lot of dinner parties
41: where i want to be right now: san diego
42: the last thing i ate: i am currently right in the middle of eating prosciutto on toast with roasted red pepper tomato soup!!!
43: sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately: answered this earlier but it bears repeating: iwaizumi hajime i need u
44: a random fact about anything: answered here but here’s an extra: i have a little marcel the shell figurine on my desk and i pick him up and talk to him whenever i have writer’s block and it’s really helped boost my productivity hahahahahah
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nostalgiaispeace · 1 year
1. What is something in your life that you feel hopeful about right now? i’m hopeful that i’ll get the career i’ve always wanted.
2. What was the last thing you worried about that turned out better than expected? literally everything i worry about turns out better than expected
3. Name somewhere you are planning on visiting in the near future? no idea.
4. How often do you go grocery shopping and how much food do you usually get in one go? every 2 weeks and enough to last me 2 weeks.
5. What is a meal you eat extremely often? Or do your meals & food choices vary a lot? usually Mexican food or pasta dishes
6. When was the last time you felt unable or unwilling to speak your mind to someone? never
7. What was the last thing you changed your mind about? i don’t remember.
8. Who was the last friend you saw, and what did you do together? jennifer and emily. we went to the park and lunch with riley.
9. Who tends to show up in your dreams? Do you ever wonder if you appear in anyone else’s dreams? people i work with; no
10. What is something you wish you could say to someone who is no longer in your life, or something you wish they could know? “you were so so wrong.”
11. Instead of flat earth, what do you think of the simulated earth theory, that we’re basically all just a giant computer program or virtual reality? lame
12. What worries you most about your future? uncertainty.
13. What is something you do to feel better when you’re scared? getting a hug.
14. Who do you feel you can count on the most in life? Is there anyone you wish you could count on more? my mom; yes
15. What makes you trust someone? When was the last time someone broke your trust? If I feel comfortable with them; in 2020
16. When was the last time you shared a secret with someone, and how did they react? I don’t remember
17. Are you more likely to give advice or to ask for it? give.
18. When was the last time you felt totally lost, figuratively speaking? How about literally? i’m not sure
19. In what ways are you emotionally strong? In what ways are you emotionally weak? In every way i am
20. What is the strangest book you have ever read? How did you find out about it? i don’t know. probably something written by stephen king.
21. Do you prefer to watch movies or tv alone or with other people? Is there anything you refuse to watch alone? doesn’t matter.
22. What was the last thing you broke? How about fixed? i don’t remember
23. Is there a sign or symbol that means a lot to you for whatever reason (eg. seeing certain animals or birds, 11:11 or other repeating numbers, syncs, butterflies, hearts in nature, etc)? nothing really.
24. Do you have any personal ghost stories or paranormal experiences? yes
25. What do you get complimented on the most? I’m not sure
26. What is something unusual that you find attractive? i’m not sure
27. What time do you tend to eat your first meal of the day? And your last? 1pm and 630pm
28. What was the subject of the last video you watched? i’m not sure
29. When was the last time you traveled out of town, and where to? Indiana and it was for easter
30. How would you describe your overall aesthetic? i don’t really have one
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rhythmandstrings · 2 years
Here we go again!
1. What did you do in 2022 that you’d never done before?
Paddle the Whanganui River, finish a degree, get Covid, keep plants alive for over a year, knit a sock, hire an employee.
2. Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Nah, still don’t really do those.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Yep. One close friend, and one other friend, as well as several acquaintances. Living that early 30s life...
4. Did anyone close to you die?
Nobody close, but several friends lost parents this year.
5. What countries did you visit?
Just around NZ. Hopefully next year, now that the borders are open again!
6. What would you like to have in 2023 that you lacked in 2022?
I’m hoping by the end of the year to have a place of my own. Maybe even one where I’m paying my own mortgage, rather than someone else’s?
7. What dates from 2022 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Whanganui River, Pukawa trip, Vanessa and Alister’s wedding, Milford Trip, Caitlin’s visit, Rakuira trip, Wellyfest, probably other stuff. Basically all the lovely travel away with friends.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Finishing a degree in Youth Development, definitely! With straight A+s to boot.
9. What was your biggest failure?
I don’t think I had any super major ones this year, which is really nice. Probably some work stuff around people management and communications of responsibilities.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Got Covid after the Milford trip. It was highly shit and I was down for two weeks, and still recovering for a further three months. 0/10, would not recommend.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
Travel and rips away with friends. A new tramping pack. Some lovely artwork.
12. Whose behaviour merited celebration?
I don’t know. I always find this question really hard. Most people deserve to be celebrated?
13. Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
I also always find this one hard. A few of our ex-volunteers, Putin, and the general awful that is alt-right assholes.
14. Where did most of your money go?
Food, rent, travel, and the dentist.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Caitlin visiting. Also travel stuff, friends’ wedding, Jenny Mitchell concerts, and Vanessa starting at work
16. What song will always remind you of 2022?
I’m really not sure this year. Maybe Tug of War, by Jenny Mitchell
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? Happier
b) thinner or fatter? Oh, definitely fatter
c) richer or poorer? Richer
18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Going for walks outside, reaching out to friends
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Buying takeaways
20. How did you spend Christmas?
The usual combination of family and family friends. Lunch at family friends’ place, then an assortment of people over for dinner at my parents’ place.
21. Did you fall in love in 2022?
22. How many one-night stands?
Technically none, but maybe kind of one.
23. What was your favourite TV program?
Buffy. Binge watched it all for the first time, and can’t believe it took me so long!
24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Not really. I don’t really do hating people, and those that would otherwise fall into the category aren’t worth my brain space.
25. What was the best book you read?
Bonk - the curious coupling of sex and science, by Mary Roach
26. What was your greatest musical discovery?
I feel like I’ve done a lot of listening to new albums from artists I already know and like this year. Maddie Poppe?
27. What did you want and get?
A degree, a bit more free time, several good adventures.
28. What did you want and not get?
Jeans that fit right
29. What was your favourite film of this year?
I haven’t really watched many movies once again. Onward?
30. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
Turned 31. Went to work and had dinner with my family.
31. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Sorting out my stuff enough to be a bit further along the house buying journey? I think overall it’s been a pretty solid year for the most part, though.
32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2022?
Jeans, leggings, t-shirts, and a fair bit of plaid. Comfortable and clean clothes are still my go-to here, and really doesn’t change on a year-to-year basis.
33. What kept you sane?
Music, podcasts, friends, colleagues, monthly supervision sessions, naps.
34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I don’t think I can even name someone for this one...
35. What political issue stirred you the most?
Probably the war in Ukraine.
36. Who did you miss?
Caitlin remains top of the list. Ireland is very far away.
37. Who was the best new person you met?
Marlene and Udit, I think
38. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2022:
Trusting others’ assumptions about the priority level of different projects is not the same as confirming them with the whole team, and it’s really a lot better to be sure of this sooner, rather than at the last minute.
39. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
“It’s just the way that it goes // sometimes the world feels awful slow // and it’s just the way that it is // we all go fishing, ‘til we’re sick of fish // and it don’t make no sense // we all dream of the green over that fence // but it comforts me to know // that it’s just the way it goes.” - Lucy, Jenny Mitchell
40. How did you spend New Year’s Eve?
Board games, pot luck, spa, and friends down the road at my parents’ place.
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justsahina · 2 years
Turning 30 today has lived up to being the anxiety inducing milestone I thought it would be. But, over the course of the last few weeks, I started a ’30 for 30’ list - to jot down 30 things I’ve learnt in my life so far - the good, the bad and everything in between. The first one, is the one I’ve carried with me the longest, and has meant the most to me. It’s the one that will pull me back out and keep me going for a year ahead dedicated to not just surviving, but thriving.
1. ‘You survive the days you didn’t think you could.’
2. Happiness really is a choice.
3. Embrace who you were, because it’s made you who you are.
4. Cats can cure depression.
5. Spend money on experiences rather than things.
6. Putting your faith, like really putting your faith in Allah and surrendering your fears to Him, is the hardest but most rewarding part of your journey.
7. Setting boundaries will lose you friends - even best friends - set them anyway. You do come first.
8. Never ever settle for anything - whether that’s for respect, friendships, jobs, security, or love.
9. Life is far too short to hold yourself back from fulfilling the big and small things that make you happy.
10. Accepting chaos in your life and letting it happen as and when it does, takes the pressure of expecting it each time.
11. By giving yourself permission in life to be who you are, you also get the permission of people in your life to be who they truly are with you.
12. Don’t be kind just because you don’t know what someone else may be struggling with. Be kind because that’s the kind of person you want to be remembered as.
13. Invest in your akhira - always always always pay your zakat.
14. You will never ever regret spending more time with your parents, no matter how hard it seems at the time. Your small moments with them, are big memories for them.
15. ‘You can’t heal in the place that hurt you’.
16. Your failures will not kill your dreams, but your insecurities will so get that under control. Those are thoughts, not facts.
17. Falling in love and having your heart broken can be the end of your world then, but once you’ve healed (and with time, you absolutely do), it can be the beginning of a new one.
18. Make a will. Think about death (not in a morbid way) but as a way to sort out your affairs for the akhira.
19. The perfect man does not exist, but the perfect man for you does.
20. A tumble dryer is the best gadget in the house, hands down.
21. I’m thankful for the struggles that have shaped me into the person I am.
22. Being an aunt was one of the best things to have ever happened to me.
23. You are not the main character in someone else’s story and that’s okay.
24. I’ve resigned from two jobs when I wasn’t being valued the way I deserved to be - I’m here to tell you, it’s okay to be that quitter.
25. Love yourself harder than you’ll love anyone else and your glass will always be full to the brim. I used to like who I was before, happy with myself and choices - but after moving out and really finding myself in my own space, I’ve come to love the softest parts of me that I never let turn hard when the world threw shit at me. People will have you believing that being soft is a bad thing - when really it’s their biggest fear that you continue to be kind in the face of a hard world that turned them - but not you. Stay soft.
26. There are people who won’t like you simply because you’re a reminder of everything they’re not. Ignore these people.
27. The world could be falling to pieces, cataclysmic events, asteroids in the air - and I’ll still make a to-do list as if that could fix anything and everything.
28. Do all the things you don’t want to do first, so you can have the things you want to do as something to look forward to later.
29. You’re always just one decision away from changing the trajectory of your life.
30. Pay attention to the smaller details of the bigger picture.
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