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indie Esiemo of the First Desdencant game!
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explosivelines · 3 months ago
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explosivelines · 4 months ago
- starter call-
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explosivelines · 5 months ago
it took esiemo months of waitching for his suit to complete because without it he be a living bomb
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explosivelines · 5 months ago
- starter call-
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explosivelines · 6 months ago
- starter call-
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explosivelines · 6 months ago
"...Where do they even come from?"
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while such things could help with a food shortage, he's a bit sad that he couldn't cook something with the fish. So he'll have to fish the old fashion way after all.
"Maybe I have some bread crumbs to feed them."
His mind changes to see if he could fatten them up or just do something. the battle field is calm now.
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A look of horror spread across the young woman's face. "No! You can't!" Her blue eyes were wide and she shook her head quickly. "They're protected by me. They are NOT for eating." She insisted defensively.
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explosivelines · 6 months ago
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Deep in thought upon the after effects of a battle, fire and water working in tandems to create the most unmanageable place to ever put your foot on. Would you get burned or drown the next step?
"Do you think we could cook those fish that come out of your little ponds?"
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explosivelines · 6 months ago
"Some guys just have skills that are bad against collosi."
Like Freyja whose poison skills don't do much damage once the big guys with bigger poisons come into play, outright negating them until something else arrives.
"Its... well, fighting Collosi is something we're suppose to be doing. We can't really avoid it though if things get desperate."
And things have gotten desperate.
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"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you actually LIKE fighting those big pain in the asses."
It's hard for her to pretend like she enjoyed THAT part of her job. But being part of the descendants & aiding 'humanity's last bastion of hope' in Albion meant they all had to make sacrifices & hard choices.
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"I haven't had the pleasure yet but I'll take your word for it. From what I gather though we haven't had any Colossi sightings recently––I'm thankful."
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explosivelines · 6 months ago
- starter call---
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explosivelines · 6 months ago
when you accidnetally send a ask to a non follower...the horror....
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explosivelines · 6 months ago
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"So, what do you want for dinner?"
Albion was full of life, another collosi was intercepted before any true damage was done to the place and no one died. And Blair, kind hearted blair decided, that everyone should eat well!
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explosivelines · 6 months ago
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starter call with Blair.
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explosivelines · 6 months ago
Esiemo is not to dwadle, but this lull on activity had made him rather a paranoid person for now. The lack of anything regarding action in both sides means that something big might be happening and he's not doing so well in being a detective about it.
"We got some good strong descendants helping out, that new gal, Hailey is a damm killer against collosi."
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SHE PAUSES, blinking a few times just a little dumbfounded by the statements made.
"That is––surprisingly simple of a plan given the whole...explosions thing."
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SHE huffs after the fact, the mention of Colossi not showing up recently causing her to furrow her brow.
"You'd better find some wood to knock on before we get one showing up at our doorstep when we get back to Albion."
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explosivelines · 6 months ago
i think a crossover between destiny and first descendants would contrast a lot and be interesting.
guardians are immortal unless you really know how to kill , and take majority of the army reserve force, Descendants are less then 30 digits at best and are very mortal and most of the soldiers are normal humans
guardian powers are actually very standarized and though powerful , can somehow become predictable. every descendant power is personalized and become traumatic, half the time they are bless with suck trope
the traveller uplifted humanity for the sake of it [without delving into spoilers] while the magisters uplifted humanity for more selfish reasons.
guardians don't take death so well -see cayde- while descendants are used to death.
guardians due to their immortal life spans are almost non human with how they approach things when they get old enough -save for those who are humbled and pure veterans like the vanguard- while descendants face a limited thing called the human life span.
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explosivelines · 6 months ago
What was this guy problem.
Esiemo is not one to judge...ok he can judge pretty hard, but right now he's doing his best to not judge. After all judging was for the weak!
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"We got enough supplies to last us a good while. If you're having problems right now with anything, just tell me. I'm sure I can...think of something."
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you  are  human.   no  you  are  not.  the  cervid  prince  glared  at  the  other  and  he  had  his  sword  with  him.  looking  those  beams  remind  him  of  the  gastro  beams  on  the  ships.  a  blade  ship  as  it  is  called.  “  i  am  well.   about  yourself?”   he  wants  to  bring  his  tailblade  out.  he  wants  to.  regulus  made  a  clench  of  his  jaw.  he  never  done  it  before.  he  does  not  have  a  jaw  in  his  regular  form.  no  mouth  either.   
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explosivelines · 6 months ago
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"Well it ain't a deluxe meal, but hey. At least we got something to eat, you doing good there new guy?" Seems human enough, and Esiemo was duty filled to see that all humans were safe and sound before going out again. the post was just a cave outfitted with camping supplies and a lot of guns.
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explosivelines · 6 months ago
- starter call! warning explosions.-
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