#Juan del Val
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waru-chan8 · 2 years ago
There’s a part missing that it’s them asking for people to record them doing challenge and put on social media tagging them.
Roberto: (Jorge is ready), and the dancing crew too. Let’s go for it, and the challenge starts now
The guy hugging Jorge: the best, the best
Jorge Blimey!
Jorge: Very good! So good!
People: cheers!
Roberto: Damn champion! A big round of applauses to Jorge Lorenzo and for the crew of dancers, guys and girls. Thanks to alls of you. Noe. Jorge Lorenzo.
Jorge: Let me take a breath for a bit
Roberto: what’s happening in here?
Jorge: That I have my heart
Roberto: oh God. A dancer has born, or not?
People shouting: yes
Roberto: all done. Come with me
Boris: a star
Roberto: oh you forget (the trophy), not that is his do you wanna.. here.Take it that is heavy, take it that’s heavy How?
Jorge: I have the heart that.. That Malaysia comes to win my first championship at 190 (that sentence was difficult as Jorge is been over dramatic and confusing as hell)
Roberto: a bestiality. I love it
Pilar: so
Boris: Lovely
Pilar: you are putting things very dark because we have hear Noe, the choreographer saying ‘well we did took him out of his confort zone’. She said it in a diplomatic way 
Roberto: yes
Pilar: in away that they weren’t trusting you.
Jorge: I swear
Pilar: I was impressed. Moreover, you mixed different styles inside 1 choreography and I’m amazed with you, truthfully.
Jorge: no, no, without a doubt Pilar
Boris: (he)) impresses. With all the freshness
Jorge: it was. It was the the toughest challenge. Noe deserve a pay raise because I did x5/x6
Roberto: and all her team
Jorge: in hours compared with the other challenges. At first it looked impossible, that I couldn’t do it. It’s 2 minutes with a lot of sections and so but slowly I was picking from here and there
Pilar: How is it the moonwalk? Because you managed to do the moon walk. Can you do it again?
Jorge: well
Pilar: well, well. You won me
Roberto: he already got you
Jorge: no in here slides and
Juan: well
Jorge: and gets grip
Roberto: from one dancer to another, Juan del Val
Juan: no is true that this show tries to do that, take you out of your comfort context and see unbelievable things  and is see Jorge Lorenzo dancing. , the moment of confession has come, I wasn’t betting on you and you surprised me a lot. It was a big show, so congratulations. I don’t know which one is going to be your score but the truth is that you worked really hard
Jorge: Thanks
Roberto: Santiago
Santiago: the truth is, hat the key in here is take people out of their comfort zone. If I’m going to be taken out of my confort one, I prefer what Jorge did rather than Rosa’s (she was in a plastic bx filling with water and she had to stop the flow putting plugs into the pipes. But there was 3 types of plus, and she didn’t know which one was each. Also the more she closed, the greater the pressure on the other points) *mumbles something*
Roberto: we are taking notes
Santiago: having sad that, I was reminded, and I don’t know why, of the hooligans and Malaluf a bit for the theme, but it was amazing. I saw him pretty focussed. We were joking before saying, Jorge is so like that, taht for sure he will do the robot, and out of the blue he did it. So *everybody laughs*
Jorge: 5 seconds though
Santiago: it was our prediction, very well
Roberto: Mateo
Mateo (Dani Mateo, he is the guest judge. He is a comedia, TV and radio host for other channels from the same company as Antena3.): Guy.. Ah.. It had a lot of merit because we are talking about, we are not talking about a celebrity/star, we are talking about a legend. This gentlemen that is in here is a legend in his (sport), and that he had the sense of humour to come in here and dance with that... with that sense... with that farce (in the sense of wanting to fool around, party and be fun), with those looks at the camera, Jorge. Er.. *I think he says something related to one of his parodies, but I can’t understand him*
Jorge: It was difficult
Mateo: you had it well hidden
Jorge: I enjoyed it a lot
Mateo: Spectacular. Look I going to say that Jorge was the first impact I had. The one looking like a biker  today, was me. You know?
Jorge: it’s true
Mateo: they put me as a rider. I went out of the dressing room and I went out me, as a rider and I saw Jorge Lorenzo *Jorge says something like Batista? but I’m not completely sure* bailando una coreografia. This show is done by... *I can’t really understand as people is laughing and thei’s noise over Mateo’s voice*
Roberto: what’s happening in here? *laughing*
Mateo: what the hell is going on?
Roberto: one last appreciation. Eh we saw Valentino Rossi ...
Boris: the Rossi moment
Roberto: that moment was epic
Someone: marvellous
Roberto: we are sending him a ‘hello’ to Valentino Rossi as he will be watching us. You had a good relationship?
Mateo: he doesn’t miss one
Jorge: he is a joker, a joker
Roberto: you are buddies now, now?
Jorge: yes. When we where competing in the same class we where arch-enemies ands there was... was
Roberto: yes there was *hand gesture indicating contact*
Jorge: but now, he invited me to his ranch, we did the race of champion together and there’s a good feeling now
Flo: when he invites you to his ranch again, you bring us
Roberto: a kiss to Valentino Rossi. We invite him to ‘El desafío.
Flo: to a BBQ, with some ribs
Roberto: Jorge Lorenzo, congrats, well done. You can take a sit with your mates
I did no record it, but Jorge got euphoric and hugged by the other contestants. We was also proud of his show
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tardesdelibro · 9 months ago
Reseña: Bocabesada
Bocabesada de Juan del Val, no es un libro que tuviera intención de leer, pero fue un regalo y le dí una oportunidad. No había leído nada de este autor salvo lo escrito junto a Nuria Roca. Así que tampoco tenía una idea previa de que me iba a encontrar. He tardado en terminar de leer la novela, pero no sé muy bien porqué. No sé si me perdía con tanto personaje, si no me enganchaba la forma de…
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locustsend · 1 year ago
jeremy was pulling that second platform slow as hell he did not want to send val away
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jartita-me-teneis · 10 months ago
@la_tarambana ·
Solo con ver el mosqueo que lleva el lameculos principal de Pablo Motos, Juan del Val, el fichaje de David Broncano por RTVE me parece una maravilla !
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carabanchelnet · 2 months ago
ECOSISTEMA MEDIATICO Cuanta razón tenía Laura Arroyo cuando decía esto: "Ayuso sale siempre impune gracias al ecosistema mediático que se lo permite ". Pasa lo mismo con todos los miembros del PP, Mazón no seguiría en su puesto sin los Antonio Naranjo y Juan del Val que lo protegen Video publicado por Beltxa @BeltxaGorria
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perspectivaglobalnews · 3 days ago
Una noche vienesa para comenzar el año con armonía y alegría
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La Orquesta Sinfónica de Michoacán (Osidem) invita a toda la comunidad a sumergirse en la magia de la música vienesa con su tradicional Concierto de Año Nuevo, el próximo 24 de enero a las 19:30 horas en el imponente Teatro Melchor Ocampo. Esta velada de entrada gratuita promete ser una celebración única, llena de elegancia, vitalidad y un derroche de emociones.
Bajo la batuta del reconocido director Enrique Arturo Diemecke, la Osidem llevará al público a un viaje sonoro con un programa inspirado en las obras más festivas y grandiosas de la música clásica vienesa. Composiciones de la talla de "El barón gitano", "Voces de primavera", "Sangre vienesa" y "Cuentos de los bosques de Viena" de Johann Strauss Jr., y fragmentos de la famosa opereta "La viuda alegre" de Franz Lehár, serán los protagonistas de esta noche de gala.
La opereta vienesa, conocida por sus ritmos vibrantes de vals, polca y danzas llenas de alegría, será el alma del concierto, transportando al público a un mundo de historias románticas, cómicas y, sobre todo, llenas de encanto. Es la ocasión perfecta para iniciar el 2025 con una dosis de optimismo, diversión y belleza musical.
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Además, el evento contará con la participación de talentosos solistas como el tenor Juan del Bosco, la soprano Emily Valdés, originaria de Morelia, y el tenor Jorge Guiza, quien ha dejado huella en el Festival Internacional de Ópera de Verano de Morelia. Juntos, brindarán un toque aún más especial a esta noche mágica.
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Para ser parte de este evento tan esperado, los boletos de cortesía estarán disponibles a partir del 21 de enero en las oficinas de la Orquesta, ubicadas dentro del Teatro Melchor Ocampo, en un horario de 09:00 a 18:00 horas. No dejes pasar la oportunidad de disfrutar de una experiencia musical inolvidable y dar la bienvenida al nuevo año con la Orquesta Sinfónica de Michoacán.
¡Ven a vivir la magia del Concierto de Año Nuevo y deja que la música sea la protagonista de tu inicio de 2025!
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vavalladolid · 26 days ago
Juan del Val habla ya habla sin tapujos del final de su relación con Nuria Roca
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torosytoreros6 · 3 months ago
Juan Ortega o Juan del Val serán homenajeados en la gala «Quijotes del toreo»
Juan Ortega o Juan del Val serán homenajeados en la gala «Quijotes del toreo» que se celebrará en Albacete el próximo 9 de noviembre. Mariló Leal y Francisco Javier Martínez serán los encargados de presentar un acto en el que también se homenajeará a Emilio Romero, Manuel García Sánchez y Pepe Villena. La entrada Juan Ortega o Juan del Val serán homenajeados en la gala «Quijotes del toreo» se…
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agendaculturaldelima · 4 months ago
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🎶🎼 Teatro Musical: “JUANITO, LA FIESTA SORPRESA”👦🎂🥳🎈🎉
✍️ Dramaturgia: Luigi Valdizán
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💥 Juanito cumple diez años de aventuras, juegos y canciones; ante tan magno evento, sus amigos del bosque le organizan una fiesta mágica y diferente. Uno a uno, se van sumando a la celebración, aportando un regalo único y especial; así recibe una sorpresa inolvidable gracias al apoyo y cariño de su comunidad, amigos y familia.🎁👪
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💃 Espectáculo de danza, circo, música y teatro que nos invita a festejar la vida, el valor de la amistad y la familia. Pedaleemos juntos en esta nueva aventura con nuestro querido Juanito. ¡Están todos invitados y nadie puede faltar! Es tiempo de celebrar, de abrazarnos y de bailar.¿Preparados? ... ¿Listos? 3, 2, 1, ¡A Pedalear!🚴
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📝Juanito, es un niño que recorre el mundo en bicicleta en búsqueda de experiencias nuevas, lugares asombrosos y personajes curiosos y peculiares, pero en esta oportunidad serán sus amigos los que irán a buscarlo a su casa para celebrar juntos la alegría de ser familia. La obra propicia, a través del uso interdisciplinario de distintos lenguajes artísticos escénicos, un espacio para reflexionar sobre la importancia de la comunidad y la red próxima de cuidado en las infancias. Esta puesta en escena combina la narración, actuación, música y danza para invitar al público a participar de manera activa en el desarrollo de la historia, generando condiciones que permitan acercar a las familias a la enorme diversidad de formas de ser, ritmos y melodías que el mundo puede ofrecer. La obra tiene 12 composiciones originales que exploran diferentes ritmos y estilos, que van desde el vals criollo hasta el rock pesado, pasando por la balada andina y el festejo.🌱🐻🐸🐗
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👥 Elenco: Franco de Lorenzi, Francis Ormea, Daniel Reyna, Jose San Miguel, Luigi Valdizán, Camila Vera y Rodrigo Zalles
📢 Dirección: Luigi Valdizán
© Producción: Centro Cultural Universidad del Pacífico y Las pequeñas aventuras de Juanito.
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📌 TEMPORADA: Del 21 de Septiembre al 08 de Diciembre.
📆 Funciones: Sábado y Domingo
🕟 4:00pm.
⌛️ Duración: 60 minutos
🏛 Teatro Juan Julio Wicht del Centro Cultural Universidad del Pacífico (jr. Luis Sánchez Cerro 2121 - Jesús María)
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🎯 Entradas:
🎫 Adultos: S/.45
🎟 Niños, Estudiantes y Jubilados: S/.25
🖱 Reservas: https://www.joinnus.com/events/theater/lima-juanito-la-fiesta-sorpresa-en-concierto-62893
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newsssc · 5 months ago
Juan del Val's unexpected 'I do' to Nuria Roca in the middle of their vacation
It’s been a very special year for Juan del Val (53 years old) and his wife, Nuria Roca (52 years old), who after months working on the different programs in which we can see them every week have finally decided to take a well-deserved break, one that they are making the most of. The couple has been together for quite a while. weeks traveling around Spain as outside our bordersbut what we least…
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lgdeantonio · 6 months ago
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waru-chan8 · 2 years ago
It’s mostly safe. Between 1:09 and 1:33 there’s a slow-Mo of Jorge moving and setting the torches on fire with his own body.
Roberto:Let’s take a bit of air as the team also does the cleaning/removing of all the torches and we lower the heart beat (he uses turn them back on place)
Mariló: Jorge guy (in surprise/disbelieve)
Roberto: a big (gigantic) applause for Jorge Lorenzo
Jorge and Pedro talk but is not cached by the microphone.
Rosa: you can see the back he has burned it. Damn it!.
Roberto: let’s turn him around as it was suggested by his coach Pedro, so we ha can see how Jorge Lorenzo’s back looks like. Jorge. We where saying 30 seconds
Juan: To 0
Roberto:...and 0
Juan: to 0
Roberto: you’ve gone to the limit
Jorge: (Jorge is barely making sense in Spanish, probably still shaky from the experience) No.. one can get used to.. they are always... when you have the fire... in the back, in the back... You want to go as fast as you can, but I had to be precises, and wait 2-3 seconds. It was difficult, but... everything went well
Boris: very well, extraordinarily well
Jorge: I was feeling very hot, but I don’t think I got burned, but we will check later but
Other contestant: you are incredible.
Boris: you are the king
Roberto: let’s see you never better said. Look at yourself in the slow-Mo cam. The very slow one.
Jorge: I never watched myself Damn it! (I’m not sure, but I think Jorge says ‘Que putada’ which could be interpreted and how insane, but music is too low for me to understand it properly
Roberto: well *without words* all yours
Juan: For moments like, I believe that this programme is the best in the TV (someone said arghsi in complain) because in here, there’s an emotion and tension eh enormous.
Jorge: I did well in taking this off (? what is he talking about? The balaclava?)
Juan: and we feel it like this from here. Congratulations Jorge for the temperance of stopping to set all the torches on fire. For me it’s a challenge, with this I always have an small argument with Santiago, it’s a challenge that enraptures me and I think it holds lots of credits just for trying to do it. (Pilar(?) says yes). Congratulation.
Jorge: thanks!
Pilar: I’m going to congratulate Jorge and I’m going to give a small scold/reprimand to the program in general. Let’s see, on each side, we had 15 torches. 15 torches  and we said he needed about.. that he could only stay 30 seconds with the suit (Waru’s note, Jorge said 2-3 seconds per torch and it was 15 torches per side, so he actually needed 30-45. Conclusion: it was a miracle he managed to complete the challenge). He only has 2 seconds per torch (Waru’s note (again) this considering that each torch at each side is lit at the same time and easily). You gone a little on the limit (Waru’s note (again) this is like going to Austria with normal brake disc and expect that nothing happen (reference to Race 2 in Austria in 2020 and Maverick Viñales). Poor Jorge ,Poor Jorge
Jorge: Knowing... I don’t know my time.
Someone: guy  it was 30 seconds
Pilar: this was was very extreme
Santiago: Pilar
Pilar: no, no, no
Santiago: to defend the programme, I’ll tell you that the torches where covered with a flammable liquid and I don’t think that the precision was so good
Pilar: would you be able to do this?
Santiago: for me it was more difficult, what Rosa López did
Rosa: no way
Santiago eating the plastic with the teeth upside down (she and Ana Guerra had to scape from the plastic covering the torso while being upside down at 6m of high and then jump) than what Jorge (driving a 3000kg truck over a 8m long line of glasses) and Jorge (this challenge)
rosa *laughs* no
Roberto: if anybody understands about fires in this table, it’s Roberto Brasero
Brasero (invited judge. He had his own challenge that does is not in contest. He usually is the weatherman for Antena3, the channel where El Desafío is broadcast). No, you went for a walk of 400ºC, as you told us. In here, you can also smell it because people from home can’t smell it. The smell of burning of petrol/gasoline, that you felt so many times. I think that apart from the physical abilities, it had a mental component your ... moment as a rider,
Jorge: yeah, totally
Brasero: I suppose it was one of your nightmares, seeing yourself engulfed in flames and it this case, you have surpassed it. And I’ll only say something to you, the hood goes directly to the trash. Do not try to
Jorge, that’s for sure
Rosa: look, it’s cool
Roberto: Well, Jorge Lorenzo, challenge completed, we will see ho the jury will asses it later. You can go calmly there, (signals one side), they are saying there (shows the other way) But before, go there and change (and that we see is... announcing the next challenge and contestant)
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fabioperes · 6 months ago
I Visited the Most Remote Town in the USA (Outside of Alaska) P.S. Jase asked me to tell y'all that there IS, in fact, a small gas station in Jarbidge where you can fill up ;) My bad! For exclusive content, PATREON → https://ift.tt/lOMs8u9 For casual daily updates, INSTAGRAM → https://ift.tt/BvDTqcR For my social commentary, UNPLUGGED → @UnpluggedEva For written thoughts, NEWSLETTER → https://ift.tt/Q5k4gVi For the food that fuels Vilk's adventures → https://ift.tt/rRkTdVX → Thank you to my wonderful supporters on Patreon: Bulent Alkanli, @_bulentalkanli_ Śānti Collective Martin PSW Christian Tucker Positive Travel, @inspiring.positive.travel Katarzyna, @katarzyna_photo_equine Vee Jeffry Watson Juergen Rehbein Dalibor from sLOVEnia Christopher Dow, @TaoOfDow Robert Jureit, Photographer, Explorer Viet Chu Photography, @the_viet_x Muhammad Fahad Bhutta Martyn Greville-Giddings Gene and Dena Dahilig Sara Rijaluddin Geanina Butiseaca Ryan Luna Tony 24p Jeff Falgout Ricardo Santos Andreia Santo Piotr Koscianski Greg Scopel Sylvan The TerraMax Michael Steele Fred 42 74Coree Kyle R BarryMcE Sovelars Patrick Low Chris Katie Duff Calderoni James R. Young Otto Weisspfenning Nate Jonas Ken Dick David J. Kiss Jessica MeadeSports Slava Val Tamiwawa Nicole Arno Benson Elizabeth P. Ellie Little Tom Bicak Meghan L Riley Kelly Turner Rich Kaitlin & Audrey Jeff Wheelock Damon Wong Michael Campos Erik Klee Claudio Las Vegas Tom Lioba Washington Dave Steve Burre David Perry Vinod Acharya Chris Peterson Arne Shulstad Tim Joseph T. Warren Herd Pierce Castleberry Marlin Edwards Andrew J. Salmon Alec R. Sam Crowter Rich K Joan Arlet Renée Theriault Soft Roaders MN Gary Jepson Dr Beth Raul O Speed2Fly Gary Jepson Dimitar del Mar Raul O Soft Roaders MN Cornell J.W. Cheri Fairbrother Blair Anderson Sharon Tuck David Honl Anna Julia Eahsan Steven and Ginger Harrod Arik Burns // Papa Snuggs Edward Coyne The Wandering Goats Rashid Nora and Robert Visser Bob Wolford Anton Riazanov Pete Simons Christian The Thuli’s Victoria Adam jtoddsherman Jael Chairi Matt Schwoebel Avner Juan Torrico Leva Brian Miller Anton Riazanov Patrick J Al Patzke Steve Ross Chris Friedline Hu Zhening Steve Ross Terry Buckley Brian B Fred Schulze Dr. Wayne and Dr. Patricia Tope Darrell Klasey Thor John Carter Michael Twórczy Derek Silva Jeffrey Parks Music Wally Hartshorn Jim and Harriett Esk and Family Thomas Wilson Julian Brian B Minchi Fox Terry Buckley Ashanti B David Stiversx + J. & T.S. Paulo Roberto Jay Yogan Rob Brannon Katie Ann Curtis Chrystian SimonsDad Gregory Pappas James Costa CaptWoody79 Jim, Harriet, and Yuki Patrick Heiden Annie Steve McConnell Joe Savage Ron Horn George Lotridge Jakub Jelonek Christina V via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uacxPmj2PlA
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locustsend · 1 year ago
why tf they made that box so damn big
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jartita-me-teneis · 10 months ago
@la_tarambana ·
Solo con ver el mosqueo que lleva el lameculos principal de Pablo Motos, Juan del Val, el fichaje de David Broncano por RTVE me parece una maravilla !
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carabanchelnet · 10 months ago
¡BOOOM! La UCO localiza en Andorra más de 6 millones de euros que atribuye al enfermo terminal de vida infinita, presidente de la Generalitat val. 1995-2002, ministro del Gobierno PP de Aznar y alcalde de Benidorm 1991-94. Eduardo Andrés Julio Zaplana Hernández-Soro #HazLaCola Video publicado por Juan Miguel Garrido @JuanmiGG_News
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