#i tried to make it funny and break up the text so it wasnt such a chore to read
surfinminho · 1 year
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Tell me
Genre: Suggestive(?), angst
Warnings: Chan is readers ex, gn!reader, fwb
Word count: 780
"you want water?" He asked. You hummed in reply staring up at the ceiling.
You always liked pillow talk. Specifically with Chan. It was always different, funny or quiet a. It interchanges every time.
You aren't supposed to be here though. No where near him.
He dumped you 2 years ago over text. Yea he knows that was a bitchy move. He deserved all the hatred you can give to him.
Regardless, as soon as he sends you a birthday text it was hard to deny you still had feelings for him. 
You didn't mean for it to happen. One thing led to another and you guys ended up naked in your bed.He fucked you the same way he always did. Till' you guys broke it off of course.You do miss him and the sex. Maybe not the way he would constantly ignore you, going days if Not weeks not uttering a single word to you.
He wasnt a great boyfriend but you couldn't help but like him more than you ever did.
It's pathetic really. All your friends tried to get you to stop liking him. Even set you up with other guys! But nothing worked, you wanted Chris back.
So when you end up in his bed for the nth time. You wonder. Wondered if this whole "friends with benefits" thing is even going to work out.
Staring at the ceiling, you let out a rough sigh with worries him.
"What's up?" Voice laced with sleep, even though he's not getting any.
"Chan, be honest with me. Can you do that?" You sit up slightly to face him in his eyes.
You see him nod before continuing.
"Why did you break up with me." you were genuinely curious. Even with the amount of small petty fights you guys would have, your love was never lost. People even referred to you guys as soulmates. Its like you guys were meant to be.
To randomly break it off, hurt and confused you.
"I.." he trails off like he's trying to make up an excuse. An excuse to not hurt your feelings.
"Making up excuses. Nothings changed has it." You scoff turning around.
"There is no excuses, '__'. I loved you I did it's just-" you cut him off before he could finish his stupid confession.
"Reject me."
"I said reject me. I need you to reject me so I can move on with my life." You turned to the nightstand to check the time.
"1:36 A.M" you weren't supposed to be here. Lying next to him in his bed. Naked, With the feeling of unreciprocated love deep in your chest.
" __ , I can't say I don't like you, I love you. But I just can't date you." He grabs your hand and entangles it with his own.
You felt your heart drop. You wanted to be with him for ever. For eternity even. You still loved him, even after two years.
"I broke up with you, because of you. For you. I can't stay with you without feeling any guilt. I hardly saw you, we would go weeks without talking for fucks sake." He paused to take a slight breather. Not wanting to get mad over something so little.
"I can't say this enough, I love you."
"You do?"
"I do love you"
"This isn't what love is Chris." you didn't want to cry. Cry over a conversation you started. Unfortunately, Crying was inevitable.
"We can't be together, I don't want to hurt you" he tried to reason.
"You don't get to make that decision. You aren't hurting me. I still need you." By this point, you were ready to breakdown in his arms. You had to stay strong, not to let your emotions take over this stupid thing you want to call a conversation.
"I was a bad boyfriend. You deserve someone who can be there for you, always talking to you, keeping you company when it's late at night. I am not that guy. Believe me baby I want to be with you. It wouldn't work out." Was he crying? He didn't know. He didn't know what he felt. All of it was just mush.
"You are that person. You are, please." You were begging at this point. Begging for someone to see themselves like you see them.
You swing a leg over his lap to get closer to him.
"For us, please." Your voice was barely above a whisper.
He doesn't say anything. Instead he looks you in your eyes, grabbing your chin before kissing you.
His hands slipped around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer. You felt him press his lips deeper into yours before pulling away.
"We can try."
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jamiewintons · 9 months
You Deserve Better (Jamie Winton/F!Reader)
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Summary: You and your toxic boyfriend break up, and your best friend Jamie is there to comfort you.
Tags/Warnings: Friends to Lovers, discussions of toxic relationships/cheating. Reader’s ex bf is named Owen because I legitimately looked up a random name generator and that’s what came up. Sexual references. Misogyny (from the awful boyfriend).
A/N: Based on an anonymous request that reads - "can i request jamie comforting reader after a breakup but he's like He didnt treat u right he wasnt exactly nice to you. and then he confesses he likes u and just some nice comfort plssss". So, I hope that the anon and everyone else who chooses to read this enjoys it very much!
Word Count: 2658
Jamie Tag List: @demontoucansam @the-fandomgremlin @clydethesnake @abloomingspaceship @butlersluvbot
Jamie had never liked your boyfriend. And it wasn’t because of the massive crush he had harboured for you since not long after the two of you became friends, no matter what Dave tried to say. Well, maybe it was a little bit about that, but Jamie also had plenty of valid reasons to hate the guy. For starters, he was a dick.
You had met Owen - the aforementioned dick of a boyfriend - at work about six months ago. Jamie had never been able to understand what you saw in him. Owen was rude, dismissive, and worst of all, utterly disrespectful of you. He mocked your interests, damaged your self-esteem with his 'opinions' on how you dressed and did your hair, and he especially didn’t approve of you having male friends - though thankfully, you were pretty adamant about keeping your friendships, but it did cause a lot of arguments that would often leave you crying on Jamie’s shoulder. 
Jamie always tried his best to be polite to Owen, even if deep down he hated the guy. He was sure he’d never disliked someone more in his entire life. You deserved to be treated like a princess, and Owen didn’t seem to appreciate how lucky he was to have been chosen by you. Dave often urged Jamie to make a move, but he didn’t want to be one of those weird guys who hit on their female friends. He worried that it would make you think that he’d only befriended you to try and get in your pants, and that couldn’t be further from the truth. When the two of you had met, Jamie was still mourning the disappearance of his wife, Layla, but his feelings of friendship for you slowly turned into romantic ones when he realised how sweet you were, and suddenly he realised you were the most beautiful woman in the world to him. He’d been sure he’d never move on from Layla, but you were the first person to make him want to try again.
But unfortunately, it was Owen that you liked, and not Jamie. All he could do was be a supportive friend and comfort you when you and Owen had yet another fight, but you’d always end up going back to him. It hurt Jamie to see you do that. Even if you didn’t come to the sudden realisation that you loved him, Jamie wanted to see you with someone who would make you happy, rather than someone who reduced you to tears every other week.
When he got your text saying that you and Owen had cheated on you and the two of you had broken up, Jamie couldn’t believe what he was reading. Cheating was a pretty evil thing to do in Jamie’s book as it was, but why the fuck would anyone ever cheat on you? You were smart, sweet, funny… as well as completely gorgeous - the whole package, really. Your only real flaw in Jamie’s eyes was that you didn’t see how wonderful you were (and that was probably part of the reason you ended up dating such a toxic nightmare). What he wouldn’t give to be able to tell you how amazing and beautiful he thought you were… but it would probably come off as weird, since you were just friends and you’d never expressed any romantic interest in him.
It was only about half an hour til the bank shut when Jamie got your text. You were probably the one of the only things in the world Jamie cared about more than his precious routine, so he asked someone else to close up for the night and left in a hurry. He made a quick trip to the shops to buy a tub of your favourite ice-cream - hoping to bring a smile to your face - and then headed straight to your house, knocking on your door and nervously fidgeting with his tie until you answered.
"Thought you might need this," Jamie said when you opened the door, your tear-stained cheeks making his heart ache. You were already wearing pyjamas despite the fact that it was only just after 6.30pm, so you were obviously going through a bit of a spiral. He couldn’t blame you for that after what had happened today.
"Thanks," you sniffled, taking the tub from Jamie’s hands and bringing him inside. You shut the door behind him, and went to place the ice cream on the table before moving back to give Jamie a hug. When you rested your head on his shoulder, he felt his heart melt. It took every ounce of his willpower to not press a gentle kiss to your forehead or run his fingers through your hair. He just wanted to hold you and make you smile again, but after a few moments you pulled away and he couldn’t help but mourn the loss of your body pressed against his. "I wasn’t expecting you to come over so quickly. You’re the best."
"It’s no problem." Jamie’s cheeks flushed a little when you called him 'the best', but he was happy that you didn’t seem to notice. He watched as you walked to the kitchen and grabbed a spoon so that you could start eating the ice cream he’d bought you straight from the tub. When you took your first mouthful of the ice cold dessert, your eyes did brighten ever so slightly. Mission accomplished, he thought to himself. "You’re going through something horrible, and it’s the least I can do as your friend."
"You remembered my favourite ice cream flavour," you mused, and Jamie followed you into the living room so you could sit side by side on the sofa. Then, you stabbed your spoon into the ice cream once again so you could scoop some more out.
"Of course I did." That was a pretty basic thing to remember about someone you’d been close friends with for years, Jamie thought.
"Owen never would have remembered something like that." You released a long, deep sigh of exasperation, looking like you were about to start ranting. Jamie didn’t mind. He knew that you would definitely need to vent after everything that had happened, and besides… he thought you were cute when you started rambling. Ugh, he was so sappy. "He never remembered anything about me. Honestly, I’m surprised he even remembered my name most days."
For the next few minutes, you spoke at length about all of Owen’s flaws. Honestly, it was refreshing to see you speaking your mind about him like this. In the midst of all of you and Owen’s fights while you were still dating, you would blame yourself for all of your relationship issues, no matter how many times Jamie tried to convince you that it wasn’t your fault. So Jamie didn’t interrupt - except to quietly agree with your assessment of the situation - and allowed you all the time you needed to get things off your chest.
"And this is a bit of a TMI, but he was really selfish in bed. Like he did not care whether I enjoyed myself or not. So good luck to that girl I caught him with. Hope she’s good at faking orgasms." You laughed dismissively, and then ate another spoonful of ice cream.
Jamie’s face flushed slightly, partially because of your use of the word orgasm, but mostly because he was trying not to think about the fact that if he had a chance with you, he’d do everything he could to make sure you were satisfied, and— yeah, he needed to not think about that, otherwise he’d have an embarrassing problem on his hands, and he didn’t want to humiliate himself in front of you. Then, what you’d actually said - apart from the bit about sex - sunk in. You’d actually caught Owen with another woman? "Do you, uh… do you want to talk about what happened?" he asked, both because he wanted you to talk about what happened for your own good, but also because it would distract him from thinking about… well, satisfying you. "Only if you feel comfortable."
You sighed again, but this time you sounded tired, defeated. "There’s not much to tell, I suppose…" You dropped your spoon into the tub of ice cream. It seemed like you were all out. Jamie internally scolded himself for not getting you a bigger tub. "I went over to his flat because we’d had lunch plans earlier, and he’d stood me up. Turns out he’d forgotten about me because he was too busy shagging some other woman. I walked in on them in bed together."
Jamie noticed your eyes starting to well with tears as you recalled the story, so he put his arm around you. You seemed to be comforted by the gesture and rested your head on his shoulder again, melting Jamie’s heart once more. God, you were so precious, but he couldn’t think about that right now. You needed a supportive friend, not an idiot fawning over you.
"When they saw I’d walked in, the woman quickly got dressed and left. Once she was gone, Owen and I ended up having another fight." Your voice had begun to get a bit shaky, another sign that you might start crying. Jamie wanted to nip that in the bud - seeing you cry was honestly a heart-shattering sight - but it was what you said next that truly confused him. "When I asked him why he’d cheated, he said that he had every right because I’d cheated first."
"What?" Jamie asked, utterly baffled. That did not sound like you at all, and even if you had cheated, Jamie probably would have known about it already since he was your closest friend and you told him pretty much everything.
"That’s what I said! Then he was like 'Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about', and when I asked him to explain he said 'Don’t pretend that there’s not anything going on between you and that Jamie guy'…" You’d cleaned up what Owen had actually said, since he hadn’t used such kind words to refer to Jamie and you didn’t want him hearing such horrid things being said about him.
Oh Jesus Christ… Jamie thought to himself, his heart pounding fast inside of his ribcage. Owen had actually thought that you and him had some kind of secret affair going on? He couldn’t help but feel like everything you’d gone through today was his fault, since Owen had believed he was justified in cheating because you apparently had already cheated… with him! That was when Jamie realised that you were still talking, and that he should probably get back to listening.
"He said 'Obviously you’re shagging him, because why else would he be hanging around you? It’s not like you’ve got anything else to offer,' and that’s when I told him it was over and I left. Then I came back home and texted you." You took a deep breath, having got to the end of your story. Well, there was something else that you’d wanted to say, but you weren’t sure whether now was the right time.
That certainly had been a lot. Jamie hardly knew what to say. "He’s a dick," was what he settled on saying, and he heard you let out a little riffle that made his heart flutter.
"Yeah, he is," you agreed, and Jamie could tell from your voice that you were smiling.
There was a long silence after that, with you still resting your head on Jamie’s shoulder. It felt so right sitting there with you like that, so close with his arm around your shoulder. It was like this was how things were meant to be. That was probably what possessed Jamie to say what he said next. "You know, I never thought Owen was good enough for you," he said softly, tilting his own head to the side and resting it on top of yours. You didn’t make any attempt to move away, so he assumed you were fine with it.
"I always thought that he was a dick, and he never treated you properly. You deserve someone who remembers your lunch plans and cares about whether you get off or not." He usually wouldn’t just come out and say something like that so plainly, but he was just speaking his mind now and wasn’t thinking too much about how he actually said things. "And you definitely deserve someone who doesn’t go around shagging other women just because he got jealous over something that wasn’t true—"
"It… wasn’t entirely untrue…" you replied, and Jamie sat up straight so that he could look at you.
"What… what do you mean?" Jamie’s heart began to race. Surely you didn’t mean what it sounded like you meant, right? He took a breath to try and keep himself calm, and it annoyed him how shaky it was.
"I mean, I… I have always had a bit of a crush on you…" You admitted, and Jamie was sure that he was dreaming or he was in a coma or something. There was absolutely no way that this was real. He felt you take your head off his shoulder and he looked at your face to try and determine whether you were joking or not.
You were blushing. Did that mean...? "A crush... a crush on me...?" Jamie asked softly, like the idea of anyone - let alone you, the most wonderful person in the world - having a crush on him was absolutely unthinkable.
"Yes, Jamie. I have a crush on you. A big one." You couldn't help but smile. You'd been unsure for a while whether Jamie felt anything beyond friendship for you, but his frankly adorable reaction to you telling him how you feel seemed to confirm that he did. "I have for years."
Jamie's face went completely red, and he was beginning to worry that he was going to faint. "You... you never said anything," he managed after a few moments of stammering uselessly, his cheeks feeling like they were on fire.
Of course you hadn't said anything! You'd been under the impression that the man was pining for his missing wife since the two of you had met. "I guess... I thought I wasn't good enough for you," you said with a shrug, not wanting to bring up the whole Layla situation if you didn't have to. Before you even had the chance to open your mouth to continue speaking, Jamie was talking again.
"You're not good enough for me?" Jamie shook his head, in complete disbelief. "Love, you're so far out of my league I feel ridiculous even fantasising about you.."
You couldn't help but giggle softly - both at Jamie calling you 'love', and him admitting that he'd fantasised about you. "You fantasise about me a lot, then?" It was hard to resist teasing him, especially when his cheeks flushed like that.
"I... uh..." Jamie rubbed the back of his neck nervously, unable to believe he'd just come out and said something like that to you, especially when you'd only just admitted you liked him. God, he was such an idiot sometimes. He knew that he should say something, do something, anything other than just sit there frozen, but he was at a complete loss.
Luckily, you seemed to know exactly what needed to be done.
The sound that escaped Jamie when he finally felt your lips against his was one of both contentment and relief. It just felt so... right. Like all of those years thinking that he wasn't good enough for you just melted away in an instant. Jamie brought his hands up to cradle your face as you kissed, stroking his thumbs against your cheekbones.
Eventually, the two of you had to pull away from each other, and Jamie could swear that the way you were looking at him right now was almost as good as the kiss. It was like you couldn't think of anywhere in the world you'd rather be than right here, with him - the exact same way he felt about you.
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pbandjesse · 7 months
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My allergies are kicking off and I am exhausted. I had wanted to participate in house projects with James this evening but instead I have just been. Stuck here on the couch. Firstly I was freezing. Then I was just. So tired. Ugh. I will try to go to bed earlier tonight.
I didn't even sleep poorly. I would get woken up a few times. James pulled a lot of our blankets over themselves away from me. And I was cold. But it was fine. I was not thrilled about waking up but I was fine. I laid with James for a few extra minutes. But I would get up and things would be okay.
I asked James to make the bed with the. Blanket turned side ways so that we would have more length across both of us. And I hope that that works.
I would get dressed and felt okay. I really loved how my hair looked last night but of course it wasnt the same when I woke up. I sort of got it to a place I liked but I was still struggling today. I don't know what's up with me but I'm trying to be kinder to myself.
I left here earlier then I thought I would. I got a good hug from James before I left. And I got to see the pretty pink trees outside our house. Our tree hasn't bloomed yet and I'm curious what kind of tree it is. There seems to be a few of the pinks and them the rest may be the same kind but I do not know what kind they are. It will be fun to see how the neighborhood looks in different seasons.
I had a really nice drive to camp. No traffic at all. I listened to an album I loved when I was 12. And was just in a good mood.
I stuck to my morning plan and went to sweep top bar. Which took about a half hour. I flipped some mattresses and tried to make it look nice. And then I went to the office to go have my breakfast.
I would watch a TikTok that made me cry. About a girl and her dad having a really powerful connection over one specific song and he just passed away and it was just. A lot. I did not want to be teary when other people came in so I had to pull myself together.
Sarah would come in a little after 9. She had her own breakfast and we would start attacking our list of chores for the open house.
While Sarah would go work on cleaning the fort, I would design some table signs and then laminate then. The laminator did not work amazing but I ran all my signs through it twice. And headed out into the world.
I went over to the pioneers first and cleaned up the fire pit area. Moved the grill back in place. Fold red d the blue tarp. Picked up trash. It looks better. I also fixed a part of the fence and I think it looks good.
I would go and set up tables in the lodge. And clean the bathrooms. I was getting a lot done.
I started cleaning the signs outside. But I am short and could only reach half way. Which looked very funny. I got a lot of the green stuff off of the bottom halves though. And we would go with the gator later and I would stand on the back and we were able to reach two of the 4 signs.
I would go find Sarah in the fort. She was finishing up sweeping. I would help sweep the bathroom and we would finish up pretty easy.
We drove the gator to the Alaskans. I worked on the bathrooms while she swept. We had an excellent divide and conquer system and we got so much accomplished.
I would go over to tipis and picked up some stuff and tried to make it look nice. And since we were going to have our lunch break next anyway I texted Sarah I would meet her at the office. And I went for a little walk.
I walked down to the Glen to see if any of the frog eggs looked like anything yet. But nope. Still just dots. I'll keep checking. I want to see the tadpoles in there.
I continued the walk and went through and found some mushrooms and things and it was great. Just a really lovely walk.
I would have my lunch and me and Sarah both agreed we were so tired. So we took a long break before we would do anything else.
While I had my little break I would eat and watch videos. I did some research about cabinet colors to match with our pink wall. It was nice.
We would go back out and finished our last tasks. Used the gator as a ladder and cleaned the signs. We finished moving some beds. And I was proud of us for all of the hard work. We had lots of laughs driving around on the gator. It was a beautiful day. And even if I am feeling really self conscious I was still having a lot of fun.
We decided to go visit the horses. I hadn't met the new horse. And he is so sweet. We walked through the very muddy field and said hello to everyone. Have lots of pets and cuddles. And when we got to the bottom of the hill we saw a school bus pull up. And it was Aubrey! And she climbed the fence and starts walking and we're just standing there waving. And she finally noticed us and we were all laughing. We would tease eachother and walked up to her house together. She's a good kid.
We would head back to the office and checked in with Alexi about everything we accomplished. And it was nice that she was really happy with us and that made me feel nice. There was some stuff we couldn't do. Like putting the tent back together at homestead. But we did so much and I'm very proud of us.
Heather would ask me to design a job flyer. We need ropes specialists and apparently we are struggling to find them. I had fun making it and Heather would go in and change some of the copy which was fine with me, mine was mostly a place holder. We did laugh really hard when we realized that I wrote "flaying squirrel" instead of "flying squirrel" oops. Flaying a squirrel would be a good camp skill though probably.
I finished that up and when Heather said she was happy with it I was like. Okay! I'm going home! I will see you all on Sunday!
And I headed right home. It was a pretty good drive back, some traffic. Some people driving stupid. But I got home at 430 and got a pretty good parking spot.
When I got inside James wasn't home yet. I would bring the mail in. I closing s random Amazon package of pens? That neither of us ordered?? Very weird.
I went to put away some stuff. And found a jewelery box on the kitchen island with a necklace from James. That was originally supposed to be a Christmas gift but had gotten lost. But they found it and I was so happy. It's so sparkly.
I would go upstairs to take some photos of my possible outfits for Uganda. Which I'm still pretty unsure about but I'm getting clearer I think. And waited for James to come home.
When they got home they would play one round of their football video game. And then jumped right into tasks. I was kind of falling apart though. I got cuddled up on the couch and told James about the day. And they made me dumplings for dinner.
They would work on hanging the art I laid out some the shelf in the living room. And they got a lot of that done before the drill died and needed to be charged.
They would jump into painting the stairwell. And I would just be a little potato on the couch. But James said it was fine and just asked for my input when they needed it.
Now they are finishing up the hanging of pieces in the living room and it looks great. I'm so excited for how everything is coming together.
Now though I think I want to get a shower and get ready to sleep. Tomorrow I am hoping to go to thrift stores and possibly get the wood to build my skinny bookshelf. But we will see how the day unfolds. I just hope I can feel peaceful.
I have been feeling kind of stressed because I feel pulled in so many directions. Like I'm finally feeling better and so now it feels like everyone wants me to be doing everything and I just cannot. I need to be alone and I don't want to hurt my more extroverted friend's feelings. But man. I am tired inside. Walking around alone at camp today helped a lot. And I hope tomorrow helps too.
Sleep well everyone. I love you all. Goodnight
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indigo474 · 9 months
I ran 5.2 miles today- in 12 minute increments.. because i can do anything for 12 minutes. i'm not sure but i think its harder to stop running, take a 3 minute break and start again. I STILL cant get my music to play.. its so freaking frustrating. me checking in with my body- everything feels alright, no reason to stop. .. no reason to stop no reason to stop no reason to stop... even if my brain is telling me otherwise.... i hit the steps a little funny and my ankle felt it.. still no reason to stop. and afterwards.. i just want to keep running. i shower and put on regular clothes even though i want to put on workout clothes and run. I have been struggling these past few weeks to get out and run. part of it as silly as it sounds is because i dont have my music. i cant figure it out. part of it is the weather and part of it is just me. one of my reps asked me what i was doing new years eve.. chilling at home. she tells me we are supposed to get drunk. oh thanks.. i didnt know. she looks at me like im crazy.. like the time i told her was just the clouds coming down to visit us. I made myself good foo, i'm 1 documentary in. Madison is on 2nd shit today. She texted me her schedule so i knew she had to be in at 3.. at 2 i started wondering if i should say something.. i mean, shes an adult and can get herself to work but i know she has to be exhausted.. at 215 i went into her room and asked if she had work today.. yeah bro.. this is why i hate 2nd shift.. she eventually got up.. she asked me to please make her bed.. i did.. she asked nicely and she's been making it everyday.. tylenol pm on her dresser.. not a big deal. it felt like a big deal, but its not. it wasnt open.
I thought of a new business.. rent a dog.. RAD.. i cant have a dog. i dont want a cat. if i could rent a dog on weekends it would be great. like tonight, i would love to have a dog here with me. we could snuggle, i'd take him for a walk, maybe a few times.. i'm surprised no one has thought of it. MAdison asked for a cat- where are we putting the cat litter? In the basement. How often are you going to clean it? everyday. NO.
Tomorrow i am making vegan soup. I haven't made soup in a while. I got a nice loaf of Italian bread. I'm not 100% sure what kind i am making but.. carrots, onion and celery..i have to figure out if i'm adding chick peas and orzo or lentils, tomatoes and special noodles that i dont have that. I also dont have the canned lentils sooo.. i have no idea what is open tomorrow. I do want to run. maybe not as far.. both my knees hurt after my run. i was thinking, i'm going to need a way to carry water with me if i am going to be running 5+miles in the heat. I am going to have to figure this shit out. I have to figure out what i am doing this summer for a vacation.. so far i have tried to get concert tickets to 2 different shows. I have time. I have time to figure it all out. a lady in the grocery store said ohh thats my girl -- to me.. it seemed like an odd thing to say. my life if is one odd moment after another and I absolutely love it..
I'll probably be in bed before midnight. 2024 wow
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im-da-bronx · 4 years
Executive dysfunction life hacks, loopholes, and shortcuts
By me, your local adhd disaster
Some of these I am currently not doing but that’s more of a funds and location situation b/c I’m living with my parents
Get one of those roomba vacuums that plugs into a station. That way you only need to empty it once a month, and you don’t have to worry about remembering to vacuum.
Get one of those air filtering systems. I’ve heard that they suck the dust out of the air (less cleaning, yay!!) and it’s supposed to be really good for people with allergies and asthma. These, too, only need to be emptied once a month or so.
PAPER PLATES. PAPER PLATES EVERYWHERE. You WILL thank me, when you don’t have a pile of dirty dishes piled up in the sink. Yes, have regular dishes, but save those for special occasions, and use paper plates and disposable cutlery for everyday.
If you can, set up your bills to be paid automatically, top priority, every month. That way you don’t have to worry about forgetting to pay them, and you don’t have to worry about not having enough money, because you pay them FIRST, and then use the rest for other expenses. (Is it obvious I have no clue how banking works?)
Keep a wastebasket in your room. That way you can throw out all of the food wrappers without having to trek all the way to the kitchen/bathroom/wherever, and having a trash free bedroom is a must.
Try to do your laundry once a week, because if you’re anything like me, you’ll have only gone through three or four outfits, and it’s way easier and less time consuming/stressful/requires less spoons to fold three shirts, two pants, and six pairs of socks than folding a months worth of clothes.
NO DUMPING LOCATIONS. Try to not have a beanbag chair/steamer trunk/desk/whatever in your bedroom, because you WILL want to dump your laundry and assorted things there to deal with later. DO NOT. I do not have one, but I want to get a desk for my bedroom, and I will be getting a slanted drafting desk, because if it’s flat, I WILL dump things there.
Avoid over-complicated neurotypical organizers. If you’re not going to hang up your shoes every time, then just get a big bucket to dump them in. You will not be tempted to dump not-shoes into your shoe bucket, because shoes are gross and dirty and you don’t want your things dirty. **This comes with the caveat that you might wear the same two pairs of shoes over and over again, simply because you can’t see your other shoes.**
If you take medication every morning, put your Flintstones vitamins (or equivalent) right next to your medication so that you don’t forget to take it. I know that I forget to take my vitamins, and it’s really not good because I’m borderline anemic, and I’m not getting enough iron.
On that note, DRINK WATER. I will forget to drink water, so I try to make it fun. I’ll drink out of a dollar tree chalice, or a pirate’s rum bottle, or I’ll take shots or smth. If you can’t make yourself drink water b/c of the taste or smth (which happens), try to drink Gatorade or other flavored electrolyte juices (my go-to is fruit punch Gatorade, which is great until you brush your teeth and think you’re bleeding)
If you rely on packaged snacks to eat, try to buy healthier snacks, such as granola bars, trail mix, fruit cups, etc., b/c they’ll have nutrients that you need, and b/c sometimes the flavor mix up from ‘sugary junk food’ to ‘salty trail mix’ or whatever can be satisfying to those of us who get bored with repeating things. You don’t need to completely cut out junk food, b/c any food is better than none, but it will make you feel better if you’re in the mindset of, “I’m gross, I don’t eat healthy, I don’t work out,” b/c then you’ll be like, “wait, I ate a fruit cup today! Fruit is healthy!” And fruit is tasty and has water and vitamins.
Facial wipes. Sometimes (most of the time) I’m in a rush to leave or I just don’t have the energy to pull out the face scrub and completely wash my face, so facial wipes are a must. The ones I get act as a cleanser and makeup remover, and they don’t require rinsing afterwards (though I prefer to rinse my face if I can). These are great, because if you’re self concious of acne or oily skin, but can’t bring yourself to completely wash your face, these will make you feel fresh and clean.
Wide toothed combs for my friends with crazy curly hair. When I had mono (AVOID AT ALL COSTS) I would roll out of bed (often already partially in my uniform) brush my teeth, and use one of these on my hair. It was a huge change from before, when I would take a shower every single morning, and spend at least ten minutes on my hair and appearance every day. The trick with these (to not brush your curls out completely, but also avoid tangles and rats nests) is to start from the bottom with DRY hair, then wet your hands and run your fingers through, dampening the curls enough to re-clump and re-curl them, without making your hair dripping wet.
If you have to/like to wear makeup, but don’t like that it costs so many spoons, try to figure out why. My makeup routine used to take 30 minutes for just the basics, but recently I bought a kabuki brush (so soft!!) and it took 10 minutes to do my makeup. I then realized that my routine before consisted of 50% makeup application, and 50% washing my hands a million times b/c I had a super small sponge applicator and I’d use my fingers a lot.
If you have hobbies that require a bunch of supplies, but organizing them is a pain, get a giant plastic tub and dump everything in there. That way you don’t have to worry about “my paints are over here, but my canvases are over there” because giant tubs can fit a lot. I recently did this with my knitting and crocheting stuff, and it’s great, because while, yes, I really liked the baskets I had them in before (pretty woven reed ones), they weren’t conducive to stacking, and I had so much yarn that it would fall out and roll everywhere.
If you have trouble getting out of bed, try sleeping with a pet. When my dog would sleep with me, I’d have to get up to let her out in the morning, which was a mental “hey, be aware, you have to get up soon” when I went back to bed. DO NOT RELY ON THIS METHOD, use it as more of a guide/reminder, unless you have a specially trained service pet.
Try feeding your pets treats at the same time every day, coinciding with your ideal mealtimes. That way, they know it’s time for them to eat, and they’ll remind you, and you’ll remember to eat. **this also works with children, in that they’ll make you make them food, and you’ll be reminded to eat**
Slippers are great for of your feet get cold easily/you don’t like dirty feet/you don’t have the energy to put on shoes. Be aware, though, that if you don’t like dirty feet, or if your feet get really cold, you should wear socks with your slippers, because if you don’t, your feet will get really sweaty (gross) and then, b/c your feet are damp (ew) they’ll get EVEN COLDER (no)
Lists are good. If you’re like me, though, and you need about five separate lists (one for your daily routine, one for chores, one for your daily goals, one for your weekly goals, one for things you’d like to do eventually, one for ideas you want to look up, etc) get a day+week+month planner. If you’re like me, you won’t want to use a 2020 planner if you’re beginning it in July (b/c my brain is weird and doing that is just Not A Good Idea, though it isn’t Banned) so if you’re weird like me get one without any dates in it (or ambiguous dates, like the month and day, but not the year or specific week day) so you can start anytime, or plan ahead and get the yearly one in December.
Reward yourself!! If you know you did everything you’re supposed to in a week, buy a Frappuccino or an ice cream, something you don’t get very often. If you’ve been putting off watching that show, but you went for a walk two days this week, watch that episode! *try not to make the rewards too vague/far off or too close, because you either won’t do it because “I’m never gonna get one” or “why should I, it’s RIGHT THERE”
Put music on while you’re working/cleaning/etc. upbeat music will get you dancing, and hey you’re standing up, so you might as well take these shirts those three feet to the hamper.
Use the “fuck it” method (I’ll try it, and if it works, nice, if it doesn’t, fuck it, I gave it a shot.)
If all else fails, throw your phone away (social media is a huge distraction, I spent an hour writing this instead of doing other things)
Please feel free to add on to this!! I am always in need of finding new ways to do things, as I either forget, or realize there are too many steps to doing a thing, and my brain doesn’t like it.
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(This is a long fanfic and will consist of multiple parts.)
The day Stolas met you, the life which had been boring at worst and full of love and respect at best, was in complete shambles. Broken ever since the "Brunch incident".
He and his wife were barely on speaking terms, and when they did speak, it would almost exclusively devolved into a fight filled with harsh words and thrown objects.
His darling starfire hadn't spoken to him in over a week. Something he'd usually chock up to teenage angst, but she actively avoided him now.
Something she'd never do before.
And so with his homelife slowly tearing him apart, he naturally thought a visit to his favourite Imp in all hell would brighten his day.
And that's where you came in.
You'd worked at I.M.P for the last few months and were quickly becoming a valued member of the I.M.P family.
Youd just finished a job and were about to fill out the rather tedious paperwork the job entailed, When the towering Demon Prince entered the office.
You were too proud an Imp to admit it, but when you first saw Prince Stolas you were a little starstruck.
Said Prince, apon finding a new Imp at I.M.P's office immediately inquired as to who you were
Taken off guard by suddenly be talking to a Prince of hell, you spent a moment fumbling your words, before finally telling him your name.
Stolas finding the whole thing quiet adorable.
Stolas sparked up a conversation, asking how you ended up at I.M.P and your work with the company. Something you were more than happy to tell him about.
You told him how Blitzø had hired you after youd single handedly killed 3 men in a fight with only a can opener.
Then you told him about how working as an assassin was challenging but enjoyable work, all things considered.
You tell him how working for the chaotic force of nature that is Blitzø was great too, when he wasn't being a prick.
As charming as Stolas found your slightly flustered conversation. There was a purpose to his visit. And so asking you if Blitzø was in, to which you told him he was in his office.
Stolas suddenly became anxious, wondering aloud if his outfit was presentable or not.
This caused you to laugh, placing a hand over your mouth.
Stolas was immediately indignant, demanding to know what was so funny.
You killed the laugh with a cough, before telling him you laughed because simply put "You'd never seen a more ravishing demon in all your time in hell" And for him to be anxious was funny to you.
Stolas Blushed hard, a Warmth he didn't understand spreading through his chest. It had been so long since he'd received such praise from someone who wasnt utterly subservient to him.
Sputtering out an timid thank you, before immediately making his way Blitzø's office, Ignoring your cries to wait.
Being violently thrown out of Blitzø's office was not how he saw this unplanned little 'Rendezvous' going.
Blitzø stepped out stared down at him, a mixture of disgust and anger plain on his face.
'I'm so sick of this shit stolas' Blitzø grumble out, pinching the bridge between his eyes. 'We made a Fucking deal, I come over ONCE a MONTH and fuck your brains out. And you leave me alone unless you have a job for us.'
Stolas tried to reply, trying to explain why he was there. But before he could Blitzø interjected 'I can put up with all creepy perverted texts and shit, but I am not your God Damned SEXTOY Stolas! I don't want to see your ass don't here again!' He screamed, before slamming the door.
Stolas just sat there. Unwilling to move. He felt like he'd just been slapped.
His eyes stung. His throat burned. He clutched at the ground, and even as his world fell apart around him, he could only focus on one thing.
He felt so cold...
He had no one.
No one loved him.
He felt so cold...
It took everything he had not to breakdown, he couldn't, not here. It was unbecoming of a prince to been seen showing such weakness.
The sudden sensation of something on his shoulder. Daring to open his eyes, he was shocked to find You, standing over him. Hand on his shoulder and a sympathetic smile on your face.
You reached into your coat and removed a handkerchief.
Croutching down you wiped the growing dew around his eyes.
Putting away the hanky, you stood up and offered him a hand.
Helping him to his feet, you asked him if he was okay. Stolas immediately tried to put up his aristocratic facade and assure you he was fine.
Only for the words to die in his throat and for him to almost burst into tears again.
Leading him into the nearby office, you find yourself in the conference room. You sat him on said conference table.
Quickly zipping off, you returned a moment later with a little plastic cup of water.
Handing the little cup, he took it with a wordless thanks.
Stolas felt cold.
He felt like his whole world was falling apart. He had nothing.
His wife couldnt stand him.
His beloved Starfire wouldn't stay in the same room as him.
He had nothing and no one.
No one loved him.
Why should he even go on.
Even through there crimson glow, you could see just how close he was to breaking down.
So before his despair could consume him completely, you did the only thing you could think of.
You climbed atop the conference table and pulled the poor owl-boi into a hug.
It was a little awkward due to the height difference, but standing on the table brought you high enough to pull his head onto your chest.
Stolas was utterly shocked, not just by the action itself, But the fact you did this on your own acord.
He didn't have to barter or beg or make promises for your affection.
You just... gave it freely.
He couldnt help himself.
It had been so long since he'd last felt the loving touch of another soul.
And for you to give affection so openly, he felt he could let himself be vulnerable to you. He releases a long anguished cry, bursting into tears.
You just held him close, gently petting his head, whispering words of comfort, telling him everything would be okay.
He didn't know why but your words brought out
Stolas threw his arms around you, holding onto you as though you were the last anchor in his sea of despair.
The poor owl drenched the front of your shirt with his dejected tears.
Stolas didn't know how long he cried for, and you simply didn't care.
You could tell he needed this and were more then happy to give the demonic prince some much needed affection.
Eventually, Stolas shed all the tears he had, standing up he unintentionally pulled himself from your warm embrace.
Stolas instantly missed the warmth of your touch. The same all consuming coldness as before instantly returning.
Looking up at Stolas you draw your handkerchief and go to wipe his tear stained face.
But before you could, Stolas grabbed your hand, his other hand was placed on the back of your head, he pulls you into a kiss.
You weren't sure how to react, stolas certainly didn't give you any time to figure it out as he pulled you deeper into the kiss.
While you were initially shocked by the kiss, you honestly, didn't care to put up any kind of resistance.
While you would of preferred he asked for a kiss, you could tell the guy needed this. And all things considered, you were happy to oblige him.
So when his tongue slid across your teeth, asking for entrance, you wrapped your arms around his neck you let it in, giving stolas full access to your mouth.
You began leaning into the kiss, doing your best to return his passion.
Stolas, took your returning passion as further permission, he became more aggressive.
His tongue dominated your mouth, as his hands began roamed across your body.
Stolas was in bliss, each time you shivered or moaned, bringing him further pleasure.
Taking each sound as encouragement, he became more and more aggressive. Sure that each sound you made was an unconscious sign of love.
He became more desperate to hear your angelic voice as moaned or cried out. Desperate to hear someone say they loved him.
Gripping his head, you tried to de-escalate the situation before it got out of hand.
Of course that was easier said then done, as Stolas was much stronger then he looked. But after much effort, despite Stolas's silent insistence that you continue, you finally managed to break the kiss.
Stolas's forceful nature found you pushed back onto the table. Stolas towering over you, staring down at you with those awe inspiring crimson eyes.
'We cant be this doing this' You try to tell him 'Not here. What if someone walks in on us?' The question hung in the air. When it became obvious it wasn't deterring his growing need you asked 'What if Blitzø catches us?'
Stolas pulled back at that.
Looking to the side he rubbed his arm, Anxiety bubbling in his chest.
Stolas hadn't thought of that.
What if Blitzø did walk in?
Finding him with one of his employees.
In his office.
Would Blitzø be upset?
Would he yell at him, scream and throw a fit, insisting he had betrayed him...
Would Blitzø even care?
There was a part of him that said 'Of course he would. Blitzø, no matter how much he denied it, surely Blitzø cared for him on some level.'
Stolas could tell himself that all he wanted, but deep down, he knew the truth.
He placed his hand on your cheek, looking down at you. He tried to speak only for a new wave of emotions hit him, causing him on reflex to fall silent.
It was in that moment, as he stood over you, did he realis he didn't need to hide his vulnerability from you. You weren't judging him, he could be vulnerable to you and would judge him for it.
His heart swelled and despite having just met you, he found himself developing a deep yearning to be with you.
'I-I know this is sudden. And you have every right to say no. But please... No one has ever shown me such genuine affection like you have today.'
' I'm so used to people only interested in me for my status or resources.' Stolas held himself, looking dejectedly to the side. A new wave of sorrow enveloping him.
'Your the only one who's shown me the slightes care, past what I could do for them.' He didn't meet your gaze, he ran his hand down your chest, his voice becoming just above a whisper. 'I have nothing (Y/N), I have no one. Right now your the only thing I have.'
'I need to feel something (Y/n), I need to feel something before I fall apart, and I want feel it with you.' He was practically begging you by this point.
Things like pity and mercy were a death sentence in hell.
There was nothing stopping you from saying no. You cared little for royalty. You weren't some door mat that took every word from royalty as gospel.
But right now, this great Demonic Prince standing before you. He didn't want your obedience. He wasn't forcing you to do anything.
He just wanted some sort of affection. something you knew you could give him so easily.
How could you say no?
With a deep sigh, you resigned yourself to your fate. Leaning forward you place your hand under his chin and raised his head to meet your gaze. Stolas was shocked when pulled him close and planted a kiss on his his beak.
'Lock the door' you whispered.
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1eos · 2 years
mx kendra i look at u as a supreme bad bitch and i want ur opinion on if i was too nice, my girlfriend tried to dump me a while back but i reasoned with her and we agreed to work out some problems, i did my part but she was still slacking so i told her i think we should have actually broke up like i dont wanna be here if u wont care enough to put in the work for me, she said ok, i tried to say we could still be friends, she told me i was childish and lowkey cussed me out so i left her on read. a few days later i see she blocks me so i started vague posting about her like i wanna talk shit but we have the same friend group who didnt know we were dating and i wasnt trying to embarrass her, she texts me, admits she was stalking my page after she blocked me and cussed me out again saying i wasnt allowed to vague her then when i said idc and it was funny she called me emperor kuzco and is mad i told her she should move on saying "i dont need your permission your majesty" so i blocked her mid convo. should i have been nicer?
gonna go with no...............................let me break down why
firstable i have two rules when it comes to interpersonal relationships 1. always initiate a conversation with good intentions and as kind as you can be 2. once someone is a bitch to you you know have every right to be a bigger bitch back. and she was a bitch to you first!
secondable i have been there when it comes to trying to be friends nd it not working out that's no one's fault even tho it makes tensions high as hell
thirdly she blocked YOU so there's no way she couldve seen your vaguing unless she was fucking looking for it so its a play stupid games play stupid prizes moment. i mean sure you probably couldve blocked back but ik for a fact she wouldve been mad abt that so damned if u do damned if you don't
fourthly she does need to move on........like ppl are allowed to talk abt what theyre going thru it might hurt to read but um....dont check their acct......duh. i dated someone i was moots with nd whenever we had beef we mutually blocked each other bc of this exactly LMAO
all and all this is a situation where i don't think anything good would come from you being 'nicer'. like trying to be friends got you cussed ut, not rising to the bait got you blocked. talking abt your feelings in your own space got you ranted to. it feels like nothing would please her but kissing her ass which isn't healthy for either for you and could create an even more toxic friendship with undercurrents of animosity . sometimes you gotta put a bitch in their place then block them LMAO
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literaila · 4 years
beg, scream, laugh
spencer reid x reader 
summary: maeve dies. spencer needs someone. needs more. 
warnings: messy, disorganized, typos, angst, fluff?, pining, break downs, yelling
a/n: hahahahahahahahaha so i wrote this in two hours and i know i said i wasnt going to but.. i lied, so uhhhh yeah enjoy it? sorry if you dont like it.. 
Something inside of her was telling her no. 
She could hear it, shouting, screaming at her to stop, to leave, to walk away before she could do anything she knew was wrong. 
It was yelling at her so loud and clear, so loud, but. He was standing in front of her. 
It had been two weeks without seeing him, two weeks of wondering where he was, where he had gone. She’d been worried about him for two weeks and now he was standing in front of her, his eyes were swollen, he looked like he hadn't eaten in days, and she could tell, she could just tell with one glance of him, that he was broken. Splintered into pieces. 
He didn't look like her best friend. He looked like a shadow of the man he had been two weeks ago. 
A poor shadow. 
And something was yelling at her to stop, begging her to leave, get in her car and drive away, check on him again tomorrow, let him, let her process this without doing anything first. 
She’d heard screams before. She heard them pleading, begging to stay safe, begging fellow people, fellow human beings to make the right choice, begging for their lives. She’d heard screams before. 
She was no stranger to screams. 
And for a moment, the screaming in her head seemed familiar. Too familiar. 
But, he was there. Standing in front of her. 
And she missed the way he’d been smiling only three weeks ago, she’d missed the passion, the desperation that she’d seen in him. She’d missed his voice, and his face, and his ridiculous memory. 
She missed the Spencer that wasn't collapsing into pieces. 
And, ignoring the voice, she thought, maybe. Just maybe. She could get him back. Maybe this would be good. Be so good for the two of them, maybe it would be good for him, maybe she could save him as he’d always saved her. Maybe, just maybe, she could make things better. For once, maybe she could be his whole. Bring him back to life. 
Maybe, she thought. 
And there was screaming, of course, it was in the background, like she was watching a movie like it wasn't really her own mind screaming at her. Of course, it didn't just go away. No matter how many things she reassured herself of, she could hear the voice, yelling, screaming, pounding on her body, begging her to stop. 
Screaming. It sounded so distant. 
Maybe. Just maybe. 
And so, when Spencer had asked when he had mumbled the soft words against her head, so close to her, so much closer than they’d ever been before. When he mumbled and sounded nothing like himself, nothing like the friend she had known three weeks again, when he mumbled to her, whimpered out only one more word. 
When he’d told her, please. 
She kissed him back. 
Weeks before, she looked at him as Spencer. Nothing else but Spencer. 
She’d looked at him and she had appreciated the smile that seemed to be plastered on his face. She’d liked the way he seemed happier lately like there was nothing wrong with the world. She’d been glad that he was so happy. 
He seemed okay. And she was just happy about that. 
She’d looked at him like he was Spencer weeks ago, and she hadn't seen anything. Nothing else. 
She’d worked side by side with him, teasing him, telling him that he was ridiculous, laughing with him like they always did, walking around an office and talking to him, discussing with him like they always did. 
She’d worked with him side by side and he was glowing. Lit up like the sun. 
And she’d appreciated it. 
She’d looked at her friend. 
At Spencer. 
And she hadn't seen anything else. 
He was just...
There hadn't been anything else. Nothing else. 
There used to be nothing else. 
A week ago, Spencer, a shadow, had pulled her into his apartment. Had grabbed her face like it was the only thing keeping him from falling off the face of the earth. He’d squeezed her waist, tugged on her hair, bit her lips. He’d held onto her and they’d stood in his apartment. 
It had felt like an eternity.  
He’d kissed her, tried to put himself back together. 
A week ago, she and Spencer had made out in his apartment, only two weeks after his girlfriend had died. And then once she left they hadn't spoken a word. Not a single glance since then. 
Spencer had gone back to work that week, reassured the rest of their friends that he was fine, that he needed to get out, that staying at home all day reminiscing over the time was not helping him. That he wasn't going to cope like that. 
And they’d all accepted. Hotch had been there before. They understood. 
None of them had mentioned anything that had happened, they hadn't checked to make sure if Spencer was okay when they knew he wasn't. They didn't call on him at night when he was alone at home to make sure he was sleeping. Didn't text him nice words during the day, didn't see if he was doing alright when they were away on cases. 
Not one person had said anything. 
Because they all knew Spencer, they knew that he wanted to stay quiet about it. That he was going to be silent until he was ready. Hell, none of them had ever known he’d had a girlfriend until he needed their help. It was just who he was. 
But the silence, it was terrifying. 
Ever since the night that he had kissed her, Y/N and Spencer hadn't said anything to each other. They hadn't mentioned a single word. 
And that silence between the two of them was terrifying. 
She knew that he needed someone, knew that someone needed to be checking on him, even if it wasn't obvious, he needed someone. And she was supposed to be that someone. The rest of the team assumed she was. 
But, she was frozen. 
After what had happened, what she had done, what he had asked. She couldn't say a thing, didn't feel any words ready to come out of her mouth when he was around. She couldn't mumble a single word to him. 
She was terrified, scared that he was mad, that he hated her now, that he was heartbroken and miserable and she had only made that worse. 
She was terrified that she couldn't do anything to help him after kissing him just once. 
She was terrified of herself. 
It was miserable. 
Because she watched him all the time. She checked to see if she could tell if he was okay if he was eating enough if he was drinking too much coffee if his mind seemed to be in check. She checked to make sure he still wasn't that splintering shadow she had seen a week ago, checked to make sure he was holding himself together. 
But she couldn't tell. Not from so far away. Not when they weren't talking to each other. 
It was miserable. 
And now it was Friday, almost exactly a week after their first kiss. And they were the last ones in the building. 
Y/N wasn't exactly sure why she was there, didn't really know what she had left to do, but she did know that Spencer was still there and that she wanted to make sure he was going to go home. 
She cared for him too much. 
So she sat at her desk, yawning while flicking the hula girl Derek had gotten her for her birthday. She was bored, she didn't have anything to do, and she was trying to be discreet about her staring. 
Spencer was filling out paperwork, scanning over the same papers again and again, and she wondered why it was taking so long but she couldn't say anything. 
And then finally, when the clock hit past eleven, she decided it was time to go. She decided that if she was really worried, she should call someone else to help him, because she couldn't talk to him, could barely breathe in the same room as him, and there was nothing she could do for him. So she would call Derek, and she would get him to check on Spencer and she would go home and crawl in bed and try not to sob while she slept. 
She packed up her bag and intended to do just that. 
She was tired, and it was dark and cold, and she was miserable. 
And she didn't hear Spencer calling after her when she got in the elevator. Didn't see him as the doors closed. 
She stood alone, waiting for it to reach the first floor. Ready to go home. Thinking of what she would say to Derek. 
And then she was walking out to her car, trying not to freeze, trying not to start crying so soon, but someone was walking behind her. 
She turned around and saw Spencer, looked him right in the eyes for the first time in a week. 
“Didn't you hear me yelling? Are you okay?” he breathed out, looking more like a ghost than himself, his eyes wide. 
“What?” Y/N said shocked, forgetting everything that had happened, scared of the person she saw in front of her, and how much he had changed. 
“You were watching me all night, all week, and then you left. I wanted to make sure you’re okay?” 
Y/N’s eyes widened, looking similar to Spencer's. 
“Spence-” She looked away behind him, tried not to laugh, turned away a little bit. “You’re-” she almost broke down right there, turning away from him completely toward her car, breathing out a laugh while she thought over his words. 
Spencer was standing behind her, confused. 
“You’re asking me if I’m okay?” she laughed, turning back to him, running her hands through her hair, forgetting about the cold. 
Her body was shaking, her mind was rattling against her skull, surprised that Spencer was even talking to her after last week, surprised Spencer had even noticed anything. 
And Spencer was still confused. 
“Spencer.” She said, trying to get his attention again. “Have you seen yourself?” she laughed once, reminded herself that it wasn't funny. 
Spencer laughed a little bit too, looking uncomfortable. He rubbed a hand against his neck. 
“I don't know what to do,” he whispered, so low that she could barely hear him through the wind, so empty that Y/N felt like bursting into tears. 
And for the first time since she’d looked at him, she saw the thinning of his face, the dark circles under his eyes, his disarrayed hair, his red cheeks. She could see him, but it was so much different than it ever had been. 
His girlfriend had died. Right in front of him. And then, he was alone. 
He didn't know what to do. 
“I know Spence,” Y/N whispered, wanting to hug him but feeling frozen to the ground, similar to how she’d felt all week, just looking at him. 
“Will you tell me what to do Y/N? Because I don't know how I don't know how to move on, I don't know how to breathe without her.” 
His voice broke. 
She took a deep breath in. 
“She's gone. And I couldn't save her. I couldn't do anything to help her. That's my job!” he yelled, turning away from her, his body suddenly wild with bitterness, the two of them suddenly surrounded by anger. “I was supposed to save her, to keep her safe and I couldn't! And she's dead.” 
And then he shrunk. 
And Y/N swore, she swore she watched him crumble in front of her. He was standing tall, standing the same as he had been a second ago. But he was falling to the floor, she could feel him breaking, could see the hands tearing his body in half. He was crumbling to the floor and she didn't move. 
“I can't breathe. She’s dead. And I’m worried about how I can't breathe.” 
His eyes were wild as he turned back to look at her, he looked so different, so hurt in front of her and Y/N felt herself breaking with him, she could feel his pain in her bones in her blood and she didn't know what to do, she didn't know what she could do, and she forgot that he was Spencer, she forgot because she couldn't see her best friend in front of her. 
This was someone else. 
“God,” he laughed, running hands through his hair. “She's never going to breathe again and I’m worried about me.” 
His eyes were wild, they were so different. So unlike him. And Y/N could almost see what was going to happen before it did. 
She could see him moving forward, she could feel the wind against her face, the heavy breathing between the two of them. She could feel him against her skin, holding her close. She could feel his breath on her lips, intoxicating her, holding her hostage. She could taste him and she could feel herself under a trance, one she didn't know was there. 
And she could see all of this as he moved forward. She could see it. 
And she could hear the yelling in her head. She could hear the begging, the pleading, the yelling. It was so loud. 
And then he was pushing her against her car and he was breathing her in, swallowing her whole as the world collapsed between the two of them. And she was breaking, just like Spencer. But they were different. Spencer has splintered into pieces, falling apart bit by bit. 
But Y/N wasn't like that. 
She was a piece of glass. Shattering under his hands, falling to the floor, crashing against it. She was glass and she was breaking apart, all at once, and she was so fragile, and she didn't know what to do, and she didn't know anything, she didn't see anything, and she was glass falling against the floor, shattering under his hands. 
The world was collapsing under them. Spencer was whispering in her ear. 
I don't know what to do. 
I need you. 
She was falling to pieces, breaking against him, and breathing him in. And this was only the second kiss they had shared and it was already too much, she could tell it was too much. 
And the yelling in her head was so loud. 
Come home with me 
Y/N was in the center of the universe, pieces of her turning to sand. 
And she whispered a yes against his lips. 
The yelling in her head, unbearable. 
She couldn't help but regret it. 
Couldn't help but feel sick every time Spencer smiled at her, every time he tried to talk to her at work. 
She couldn't help but feel like she had done something wrong. 
The voice in her head was taunting her, laughing. 
I told you so. 
She’d spent that night at Spencer's, stayed with him, woke up next to him in the morning, feeling like she had done something wrong, like everything was wrong. 
But Spencer was sleeping beside her, and he looked a little bit better.
So, she stayed in bed until he woke up. 
A week later, when Spencer asked her to come home with him again. 
She thought about how terrible she felt, how terrible she felt to be kissing Spencer, to be standing next to him in the elevator, talking to him when she knew that she was doing something wrong. 
She thought. 
And then she’d noticed how his shadow disappeared a bit, how he was standing like he used to. 
She couldn't regret saying yes. 
A month later she didn't know what was happening. 
She knew that it was a normal thing for her to come over to Spencer's house on weekends. 
She knew that he smiled a little bit more now. 
She knew that he hadn't mentioned Maeve in a while. 
She knew that sometimes he seemed almost normal. 
And she knew that she wasn't supposed to be spending nights with him. Kissing him when they were alone. 
She didn't know what was happening. 
She didn't know if he was using her if she was using him if there was something they needed to talk about. She didn't know if it would all be okay if they were going to be fine when this was all over. 
If this was ever going to be over. 
She didn't know what was happening. 
But on Friday nights, when they were alone in the elevator, and Spencer asked her if she wanted to go watch a movie at his apartment, rubbing her hip with his thumb. 
She knew that she ignored the yelling in her head. 
And then three months later. 
Maybe she knew what was happening. 
Maybe she knew that what she was doing was wrong, that what they were doing was wrong. 
But she woke up on Saturday morning, she stared at him, made sure that he was still breathing. And when he woke up they made breakfast together, they laughed and Spencer seemed okay, and Y/N was looking into his eyes, checking to see if he was there. 
And she was looking at him. 
They were doing okay. 
It had been three months. Three months since their first kiss. 
And everything was normal now. Neither of them had mentioned what was happening, and they preferred it like that. 
Slowly, it seemed like Spencer was turning back into the person he used to be like he was keeping himself whole easier like he was doing better. 
And Y/N was glad. She couldn't stand to see him fall apart. 
And maybe she knew what was happening. 
Maybe she didn't. 
Either way, selfishness doesn't leave much room for thought. 
And neither do the voices in your head. 
It was a month later when Spencer asked if they could talk. 
And the world was spinning, normally. And when Spencer muttered the words, Y/N felt it stop. Felt everything stop for a moment, the world standing still. 
She pretended she didn't. 
Smiled at him. 
Told him sure that she was just going to finish making lunch. He could talk then. 
She tried not to let her hands shake, tried to keep herself from breathing too fast. 
And then he began to talk. 
“I think I’m finally ready. To talk about it,” Spencer said. 
And she nodded, thinking about how last weekend he had taken her to the library, read her a couple of chapters of his favorite book, asked her if she thought that people were good if they could repair mistakes, if sorry was enough. She remembered how they’d laughed together last week, thought about how she loved that. 
She nodded at his words, not looking up. 
“I’ve finally admitted it to myself.” 
“Hmm?” she hummed, her hands shaking, her mind whirling. Breathe. 
Something in her head was screaming. 
It was strange. 
That hadn't happened in a while. 
“I know what you’ve been doing for me,” Spencer said. 
And she finally looked up, her heart beating, her hands sweating. 
She remembered the night by her car, how he had screamed, how desperate he’d looked. She wondered how he could have known. 
“Doing what?” she whispered, the answer already in her head, hoping he didn't know. 
“Being with me. Taking care of me. Being there for whatever I needed.” 
I need you. 
The yelling had turned into whispers. 
It was strange. 
That hadn't happened in a while. 
The world started spinning again. She wondered why. 
“I-” she started. 
“And I’m so grateful. Honestly, I don't think I could have survived the past couple of months without you.” 
She thought about how Spencer had asked her to tell him what to do. What do you do? 
“Grateful?” she whispered, her eyes focused on him, on him, on them. What was she doing? What was there yelling? 
“I know it couldn't have been easy, and I’m sure that there were moments where you wanted to leave, to go somewhere, be with someone who wasn't mourning. But, I also know that you stayed. That you care about me.” 
It was silly to think that she could have forgotten, that she could have forgotten her purpose, that she would've ever thought- 
“You’ve cared about me more than anyone else, and it was what I needed. And you’re so amazing. I’m so thankful for you. That I have you as a friend.” 
Stop yelling. 
“But, I feel like I can hold myself together now. I feel like I’m not going to fall apart when I’m alone. And I don't want to do this to you anymore.” 
Anymore anymore anymore. 
Who is yelling? 
“You don't deserve this. You deserve someone who doesn't need you to hold themselves together, and I want you to start taking care of yourself again. And not me.” 
She nodded. 
“You’re an amazing friend. My best friend. And I’ll admit that I haven't been the greatest friend to you recently, that I’ve been using you even when I know it's not what you need. I know. I’m sorry.”
She remembered how she used to hear this yelling in her ear. Every time he was about to kiss her. She could hear something begging her to stop. 
How could she have forgotten? 
And she almost didn't recognize herself. SHe didn't know what was going on. 
“I hope you’ll still be my friend. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I needed to tell you this, I needed you to know how sorry I am, how terrible I feel for everything I’ve done.” 
She was looking in his eyes. 
They were so bright. 
She remembered the ghost that used to stand in front of her. 
“Y/N?” Spencer said, shaking her out of her world, out of everything. 
“What?” she asked, her voice quiet, monotone. 
“Are you okay? Are we okay?” he asked, and she could see him again, he looked like her best friend. Not nothing.  
“Of course,” she said, her words coming out even though she felt like she couldn't think. 
“Of course,” she said again. Her words, nothing. 
Of course, they were okay. Of course, they were friends. Of course, it was okay. Of course of course of course. 
He didn't kiss her. He wasn't falling apart anymore. 
He was fine. 
She was fine. 
Of course, they were fine. 
She almost couldn't feel her feet as she walked out the door. 
Almost didn't notice her heart, which she had left on the floor, in front of Spencer. 
I told you so. 
“Please Y/N. I don't know what to do. 
I need- 
I need- 
Glass can be glued back together. The pieces coming together again. 
Of course, it can be fixed. 
But, when he held her in between his hands, squeezed so tight, threw her down on the floor. 
She forgot that glue wasn't strong enough. 
She wasn't strong enough. 
To stand a broken heart. 
And the voice in her head. 
It laughed.
my masterlist here. 
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Keeping Up With Seijoh Ep. ∞
a/n: this made me tear up a bit ngl bc haikyuu always hitting us with ‘theres no next year for us’ typa bull like BLS TAKE PITY ON MY SOUL AND STOP TIME AND KEEP MY BOYS TOGETHER :(((((((
it has an infinity symbol bc this is in the future so there isnt really an episode number 
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
the third years coming back to seijoh the following year for a surprise visit, and watching over practice cuz they were in town for break. being impressed on how kyo has calmed down (a bit), kunimi actually giving a sh-, yknow the deal. just the growth of their kouhai makes them 🥺🥺 but THEN- Y O U walk in with the team’s bottles n the small gasp that comes out of your mouth when you see them. they GAWK cuz you’re maturing SO well (stfu oikawa- my eyes up are here) and just 🥺🤲
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oh god here comes the tears
it was something you knew was coming since yanno, third years and all that
but you were so sure you had more time left before it happened
didnt you just join the team and met them like yesterday?
nope love you met nearly a year ago
and they made quite an impact on you in the short term you were together
so during the day of graduation
it wasnt really a school day since it was mostly for third years and the whole ceremony but kouhais could come so they could send off their senpais
you already called each third year the night before, nearly 2 hours per boy, to talk to them and cry with them so you didnt have to cry during the day
but ofc
you were sobbing already when you saw your captain walk up and get his tube with the diploma inside
they tried to remain strong as they sat in their seats but a single glance at you and the team at the stands above, the tears were already either forming or full out slipping
i know yall finna beat me up for this but im not really familiar with the other third years in the team bc theyre not really shown in the anime or manga that much so i dont have a good grip on their character so can we pls pretend theyre not in here?? omg pls dont kill me though
the ceremony felt like a long time for the seniors but when it was finally over, they ran out of that building and yall did too and you bolted yourself into the arms of your captain
oikawa held you tightly against him and he didnt care about being seen by his fangirls, who were waiting outside for him, or the others who wanted to have you to them too
‘i love you, y/n-chan’
he mumbled and you nodded
‘mhm. i love you too, oikawa-san. i love all my boys’
iwa ripped you away from him and your face was buried into his chest
but it didnt last long since the others got a little impatient and just joined the hug turning it into a group hug
‘i dont want you to leave!’
kindaichi sobbed and kunimi sniffled, holding on tighter to the backs of his senpais
even kyo was sad but hes a tuff boy so he easily hid that behind his usual frown and glare
after seeing their parents and reassuring them they would be home soon, you started your trek towards your usual hang out spot
the second and first years were walking ahead of you while the third years fell back in step with you in between them
mattsuhana flanked your left while iwaoi were at your right
the tears were now gone but sniffles still filled the area and everyone was still down in their spirits
you held tightly to the warm big hands of iwaizumi and the soft touch of mattsun’s hand as if you were clutching your life-line
but you knew no matter how tightly you held on to them, they would still go and eventually leave you behind
the ramen shop was filled with another round of tears as everyone realized that this would be the last time seijoh og would have ramen here
kindaichi sobbed while kunimi aggressively shoved noodles in his mouth to hide his hiccups
you refused to eat because you were so sad that you were scared you might end up throwing it all up later so you settled on relishing your time with the boys
oikawa was busy talking to yahaba and telling him tips and tricks for next year while iwaizumi was consolling the others who were crying
that left you to harshly wipe off the tears and focus on the jokes that matsuhana were telling to help and lighten up the mood
‘think of it like this! you won’t have oikawa and iwaizumi fighting anymore!’
that kinda made things worse
geez makki stfu!!!!
you bursted into full tears and you sobbed, loudly and freely
you wheezed and then continued to cry
everyone flinched and got startled at the sight of you crying
theyve seen you cry before but not this intensely and sadly 
you wailed
everyone is so used to seijoh antics that they didnt even bat an eyelash when everyone started crying
‘damn it, i was trying not to cry!’
iwa growled and buried his face into his hands to hide the pain in his eyes
‘come here, y/n-chan’
mattsun cooed while sobbing and you went straight into his arms and his arms tightly wounded around you
he pressed kisses on your neck to calm you and he whispered promises to keep you from thinking that you would be alone
the boys were all still crying even when you paid for them and at the exit, everyone wouldnt let go of each other
ngl it was a weird sight of seeing these boys just hanging on and hugging the others and you were tightly pressed against makki’s chest 
‘dont cry, y/n-chan. we’ll be here, always. just a 4-hour ride to tokyo’
he promised but you shook your head
‘--too far’
you mumbled and he was able to make out a few words and he laughed
‘i swear you’ll see us in a few hours’
it took a few words of assurance from makki and eventually mattsun and iwa joined
oikawa stayed back because he already wanted to walk you home and iwa knew you were the one that was the hardest for oikawa to tell his plans to
waving them good bye, you fussed and made sure everyone was not crying anymore
‘you text me the moment you get home, all right? and kyo-san, let the food in your stomach settle before-’
‘before i take a bath-yea i know’
he rolled his eyes but he smiled lightly before hugging you
‘go home now, y/n’
he pushed you towards his captain but you pulled away one last time to give each boy a kiss on the cheek
their lips trembled, especially the third years, and wanted to keep their tears in but they rocket launched to space
yanno that one part in season 1 when kiyoko told them to work hard and then they just snot-rocketed and cried
oikawa interlaced your fingers as you both walked towards your house and it was quiet
you were sus bc it was too quiet and oikawa would usually be either skipping, humming a tune, or just yapping his ass off
but right now
he was quiet, slouchy, and,,,, not oikawa
you looked up to see his face and you knew it wasnt just the graduating part
it was like,,,, he was nervous
you squeezed his hand and that got his attention
‘oikawa-san, whats wrong?’
he suddenly stopped and your linked hands caused you to also stop so you watched him stare down at his shoes and you blinked at him in confusion
‘y/n, tell me to stay’
he,,, sounded like he was begging
desperate to hear you say it
‘why should i?’
you asked and he finally lifted his eyes to stare into your eyes
he gulped before further explaining himself 
‘coach got me a volleyball scholarship’
he whispered and your eyes widened before you launched into him for a hug and pulled back to cup his face
‘oh my god! tooru! a scholarship?! im so proud-’
‘in argentina’
he finished and your eyes dimmed, the lifted corners of your lips falling into a frown
you stuttered and pulled your hands away but he grabbed them, placing them back to his face 
‘but if you dont want me to go, i wont-’
‘NO! what?! tooru, its your dream! you and iwa-san wouldnt stop talking about that match with argentina and-and you want to go there! dont you dare let that slip away!’
you scolded frantically however oikawa’s face scrunched before he started crying
‘i-i can’t! y/n, i’ll be alone! its so far away! far from iwa, far from you-’
then you reached to your tippy toes and kissed his nose then leaned back with a big smile
‘no matter how far, ill always be right here. im always going to be here, waiting for you’
you mumbled and oikawa hiccuped then leaned his forehead against yours, eyes clashing that was so full of love and fear
‘then dont you worry, y/n-chan. oikawa-senpai will work really hard and he will come back and make you happy’
he whispered and you pulled him even closer to give him the biggest hug
‘im looking forward to it’
truth to be told with guilty conscience, the third years havent really been in touch
yes theyve called and messaged but there wasnt a normal kind of communication, especially with oikawa
but they decided to go over there during a simultaneous week break for universities in tokyo and iwa, makki, and mattsun pressured oikawa to fly back to japan just for a week to visit
‘iwa-chan im so broke righ-’
‘fine, we’ll see y/n ourselve-’
bahahaha im sorry i love oiks so much its not even funny
they agreed to not tell anyone, even coach, to surprise you all and to see your faces of surprise bc mattsuhana are little shites and they love to mess around
it was a normal day during practice
yahaba was teaching some first years how to serve while watari was giving exercising tips on how to bend their knees without shrieking in athritis
kyotani was doing jump serves while kindaichi and kunimi tried to block him
it was a normal day
the former third years knew the ins and outs of the place and oikawa still had his keys of the gym since he never gave it back so they were easily able to sneak in
they sat on the bleachers and observed everyones growth which really blew them away and took them aback by how much they improved in little time
like kunimis actually huffing and throwing a mini tantrum bc hes so into it and hes mad he didnt get that block right
they also noticed the larger amount of new recruits and based on their practice, it looks like they would be in good hands for the next few years
however, the true shock settled in when this happened
kyotani cursed loudly when the ball hit out but yahaba scolded him for saying a bad word in front of the first years
‘kyotani, dont say that anymore! its not good to teach the babies bad words!’
he ranted and the college boys shared a look of caution and fear, bracing themselves for kyotani’s normal screaming and tantrum for being called out
but they were the most surprised when the bleach-haired boy simply glared at him and turned away to go pick up another ball to hit
‘did,,,, did kyoken-chan-’
‘was he just calm right now?’
‘oh my god iwa-chan kyoken-chan got abducted by aliens!’
their eyes were wide and their attention snapped towards the bleachers where indeed, their 4 fathers sat
kindaichi screamed and he NYOOMED towards the stairs but kunimi grabbed him by the collar
‘come down here, senpais!’
yahaba urged and coach and naoi shared a look of initial shock but then transformed into happiness
it was nice to see the family together again
they quickly turned into a dog pile with the hugs that were given around like kyotani actually giving iwaizumi a hug and makki and mattsun affectionately ruffling everyone’s hair
the other first years were just staring in awe at the legendary third years of seijoh that theyve heard so much about
‘everyone, these are your seniors!’
yahaba presented and the 3 third years became very flustered but ofc attention whore oikawa soaked it up
‘yes, hello, my little disciples! you are my legacy so work har- IWA-CHAN!’
he was cut into his famous line when his best friend bonked him for being too self-absorbed again
‘waaa, l/n-senpai was right’
some first year mumbled at the scene and their ears perked up at the name
‘where is she?! y/n-chan!’
oikawa shouted and looked around
okay no but you actually walked in just in time, carrying the crate of water bottles, focused on not dropping them so you didnt really see the others
they were silent not because they wanted to mess with you and see how long youd figure out that they were there
they were silent because of how BEAUTIFUL you became
you gained a few inches and your hair is now longer with your baby fat slowly melting away and you were also finally showing your growth with your body
the eyes that used to gleam with childish innocence was now mature and poised like a perfect lady
even the way you walked with a crate made it seem like a ballet performance with the grace at every step and the flowery aura you exuded
you have turned from a ridiculously cute and pretty girl to a beautiful goddess
‘my god’
iwaizumi mumbled, flushing red and turning away to hide his fluster
oikawa whispered and he gulped, not remembering how strikingly attractive you are
‘have mercy’
makki whined softly, clutching his heart as it started beating fast and made his stomach feel all funny
did they act like this back in the day?
mattsun doesnt have control so he ran forward and you were just putting the crate down when you were lifted off of the floor and twirled around
so like yahaba waved off the others to go back to practice so its like not awkward to be standing around and see this happening
there was only one person who did this to you
you shrieked and you giggled happily as he put you down so you were able to hug him properly and eventually, catching sight on the others behind him
your gasp made them smile widely and you pressed a hand to your mouth to hide the shock and your overjoyed laugh
if they could take a picture of this and remember the amount of love your eyes held and the pure unfiltered happiness that swirled in those orbs
it was like they felt themselves falling in love with you all over again
‘oh my god everyone’s here too!’
you ran to them and jumped at the awaiting arms of iwaizumi and he was still the bara arm babie you remembered
‘i missed you, doll’
he whispered
‘hmmm,,,i missed you more’
he let you go and you skipped over to makki who engulfed you in his arms and you felt his soft brown hair because you remembered he loved it when you ran your fingers through his hair
‘youve grown! so much! you got even more beautiful!’
he exclaimed and you giggled, bashful at his compliment
‘hmm~, no i didnt’
he gave you a deadpan look and you chuckled before scurrying away towards the one you wanted to hug the most
he definitely got more toned and he got taller too
you didnt have any time to react since he grabbed you and squished you against him
‘youre here, oikawa-san’
he nuzzled his head against your neck
‘mhm, im here now, y/n-chan’
he placed a kiss on your nose and you scrunched your face but there was a big smile that was clear
then oikawa’s eyes trailed from your face to your,,, ahem,,, girls
‘jesus, y/n-chan really grew, huh’
he complimented and you blinked confusingly before trailing after his eye’s gaze and it landed on your chest and you punched him
‘urusai, oikawa-san! my eyes are up here! youre so perverted. pervert oikawa-san’
you pouted and moved to seek comfort in the arms of makki
‘hmm, oikawa’s perverted as usual. i think it got worse with all those argentinian women’
makki teased and mattsun joined to poke fun at their captain
oikawa whined and told iwa they were making fun of him to which his own best friend betrayed him and starting teasing him too
you simply watched on and your eyes watered, your sniffles catching their attention
‘eh? why are you crying, y/n-chan?’
oikawa asked while approaching you to wipe your tears with his thumbs
but you shook your head with a teary smile
‘n-nothing-just,,,, i missed you guys. an-and im so happy because its like our f-family’s back together and i just-i-’
you cried but it was out of happiness and their hearts warmed
ofc they felt guilty because they were aware that they werent as in touch as they shouldve been so you probably felt lonely and casted aside without any contact from your boys
but they know now to make sure you feel loved and cared for because as you keep saying, they were your boys
they were a family
seijoh is a family 
and you love them 
but they love you more
a/n: okay im sorry this is probably trash and all over the place and im crying and stressing but ive been writing in between my college alg homework and its been so hard like WHY IS NUMBERS SO HARD LIKE WHAT-?! but this has kinda been the baby of my break time and relaxing few minutes bc i procrastinate too much and i want to do something i like before i actually go insane and i promise PROMISE that once everything is cleared up i will edit this and im already working on the other requests so expect a few to be out by the end of the week or something like that!!
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aceofshitposts · 4 years
Happy Valentines Day everyone!!! This wasnt actually what I initially planned and it technically... isn’t v-day themed but it DOES feature idiots in love so that’s good enough, right? No beta we die like robins okay hope you enjoy! (will probably throw this up on ao3 tomorrow too)
ALSO a reminder that you can totally send me prompts for little drabbles/ficlets!! a sentence or dialogue or just an au you think might be cool (i adore aus) or if you just wanna say hi!
Jason's not stupid. It's just that. Things can sneak up on you sometimes, okay? They all have that habit of getting lost in the details or not looking for what isn’t expected. And boy, is this not expected.
"Please," Tim is imploring in the same tone a child asks their parent for a candy bar at the grocery store checkout, "Bruce isn't even going to be there so you don't have to worry about him."
That's. Really not the problem. The problem is Jason has no idea why Tim is asking him, of all people. Not that he doesn't like hanging out with Tim, as a matter of fact he probably likes it too much. Seeking Tim out had become a bad habit, if he’s honest, that has escalated from working on cases together to eating meals after patrol and even occasionally meeting up during the day to whisk Tim away from the office for a proper lunch.
They're friends, right? But that doesn't explain why Tim is inviting him to an important social gathering and not, say, one of the Titans if he needs a second that badly. Hell, Dick or Stephanie are better choices than Jason is. Asking Jason is. Is. It’s-
It feels a little like Tim’s asking him on a date. Which is absurd for all kinds of reasons, least of which is that Tim doesn’t like Jason like that.
"Why are you asking me?"
Jason winces. That sounded harsh even to him and the way Tim’s expression goes from distinctly hurt to completely closed off has Jason cringing even more.
“Okay,” Tim says, turning towards the open window.
“Okay?” Jason repeats, already forgetting that Tim hasn’t answered his question.
“Mhmm, don’t worry about it,” he says in a tone that suggests Jason should absolutely worry about it.
With that Tim slips out the window and into the early Gotham morning, leaving Jason with an extra breakfast burrito that they’d never even got around to eating before Tim had… whatever the hell that had been. Jason stares at the open window for a moment more, the wind blowing a napkin into his face, and decides he’ll deal with it after sleeping.
“What the hell did you do??”
If the sound of Jason’s bedroom door violently hitting the wall didn’t wake Jason up then Stephanie’s indigent yelling would have done the job just fine.
“What the hell do you want?” Jason asks, then shoves a pillow over his head in the vain hopes she will go away.
“Get up!”
The covers are pulled from his body which wouldn’t be so bad if this didn’t also give Stephanie better access to punch him squarely in the stomach. Jason snarls, leaping out of bed to tackle Stephanie to the floor. They grapple around on the floor for a while, Stephanie succeeding in nailing Jason in the throat with an elbow and pinning him to the floor.
“What,” she says pointedly, “did you do to Tim??”
Jason wheezes, only half due to the pressure still on his throat. Stephanie stares down at him furiously.
“I have no idea what you mean,” Jason says hoarsely. 
Stephanie’s eyes narrow.
“Well, you better figure it out because he showed up at my apartment and has spent the entire morning moping under my blankets and obsessively redesigning Redbird on his tablet.”
Stephanie gets up in one smooth motion then offers a hand to help pull Jason up from the floor. Jason rubs at his sore throat giving Stephanie an incredulous look.
“I dunno what his problem is; he asked me to some fancy dinner and I just asked why he wasn’t asking you or whatever-”
“You what?”
“What! What did I do?”
“What did you do??” Stephanie shrieks in lieu of answering the question. “You have to be joking.”
When Jason just stares at her for a good minute Stephanie’s expression breaks and she starts laughing.
“Oh my god, please tell me you got dosed with something from Ivy or took a blow to the head recently,” she wheezes through her laughter. “Oh, noo, this is too stupid.”
“If you’ve figured out whatever is going on, could you clue me in?” Jason implores which only makes Stephanie laugh harder.
“Nope!” she says, popping the P, “this is too fucking funny. You’re on your own, bro.”
Before Stephanie leaves she makes sure to steal some of Jason’s leftovers and laugh at him some more, giving a two fingered salute as she leaves through the same window Tim had earlier that morning.
Over the course of the day Jason tries to busy himself cleaning his weapons and kitchen but he just end up stewing in the echoes of Stephanie’s laughter. He’s slumped on the couch rereading the same paragraph of a random paperback he’d grabbed when around four in the afternoon he receives a text from Cass that’s just a smiley face. It’s the only warning he gets before Tim comes stumbling through his window, laptop tucked under his arm.
“Okay, so, I’m still mad at you,” Tim starts, which is great, “but I want you to watch this.”
He sets his laptop down on Jason’s coffee table and maybe Jason can finally find out what this is all about.
On Tim’s laptop screen he opens what looks like a power-point presentation, and isn’t that just incredibly Tim, with the title: “Reasons We Make A Good Couple and Shouldn’t Break Up”.
Back up.
“Break up??” Jason asks incredulously.
Tim’s head whips around to look at Jason, the slide on the screen changing to a picture of the two of them in uniform at the local 24 hour diner, probably taken by the waitress and posted on some social media platform, Tim reaching across the table to snag a piece of Jason’s bacon. It’s got several heart emojis all over it.
“You- yes? Isn’t that?” Tim sputters suddenly turning a bright shade of red.
“To break up don’t we have to date first?” Jason asks in a rush before his brain has really caught up with the situation.
Tim gets impossibly more red, muttering, “oh my fucking god,” while slamming the laptop shut. He runs a hand through his hair, looking as nervous and off kilter as Jason currently feels.
“I’m. I’m so sorry, Jay, I thought-” Tim starts rambling, words flowing together into an incoherent string while Jason’s brain tries desperately to parse what’s happening.
Like a lightbulb finally turning on in the middle of the night, Jason understands.
“Tim. Are we dating?”
Tim stops, jaw audibly snapping shut. He looks at Jason for all of two seconds before his gaze darts away miserably, looking at the floor.
“Yes?” he ventures, sounding unsure. “I just. I assumed you wanted to take it slow.”
Jason can’t help the bark of laughter that escapes his throat.
“Do I look like I do anything slow, Babybird?”
Tim growls in frustration, throwing his hands in the air and then pointing an accusing finger at Jason.
“We go out all the time! I hang out in your apartment! But whenever I’d try to initiate something more, you’d back off! I was trying to be considerate!”
Oh holy shit. Stephanie is right, this is stupid. Jason had thought he’d been projecting his own desires onto Tim, that there was no way Tim would want to be close to him like that. Even after all this time, Tim still finds ways to surprise Jason.
“Well, this explains why Stephanie punched and then started laughing at me this morning,” Jason laughs while draping an arm over his eyes. They really were Batman’s kids if their complete inability to communicate like normal people was anything to go by.
“God, Jason, I am so sorry,” Tim says, dropping down beside Jason on the couch with an oof. “I never should have assumed anything.”
“Hey, Babybird?” Jason shuffles over so he can throw his arm over Tim’s shoulders.
Tim startles, looking at Jason with wide blue eyes.
“Shut up and let me kiss you.”
Yeah, okay, maybe sometimes Jason is stupid. But he can at least find solace in the knowledge that sometimes Tim is also. Besides that, Jason tells himself, what really matters is that they got their shit together in the end. Even if that realization is undoubtedly going to come with a large amount of their family all pointing and laughing at them for being idiots.
“So,” Tim ventures after they’ve spent half an hour making out on Jason’s couch, “does this mean you’ll come with me to the dinner?”
Jason muffles a laugh against Tim’s collarbone and says, “yeah, sure I’ll come.”
“Okay, cool, cool. We’ve got to be there in an hour then.”
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brelione · 4 years
Defender (JJ Maybank X Reader)
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Warnings:Canon Rafe,Canon Barry,Violence,short.
Request:Hello, can you do one with JJ when his girlfriend is in some kind of danger and he is very worried about her? A bit angsty and fluffy❤️You’re the best!!!
JJ woke up at two in the afternoon to a call from you.He smiled, wondering what you were calling him for.Sometimes you’d call him to tell him a fun fact or about a really funny joke you had just heard.
The others werent awake yet and he wasnt planning on being awake for a couple more hours, wondering why you would be awake at this time.Half asleep he answered the phone,his smile quickly fading.
 “What?”He asked, wanting to make sure that he had heard you properly. “I have no idea what to do, like they’re still there.”You whispered,glancing outside your bedroom window to see Rafe and Barry standing there, both of them holding pistols as they waited for you to answer the door.
You knew what this was about, that they were probably hoping JJ or the other pogues were there so Barry could have his money back.Your bedroom door was locked, hoping that they wouldnt kick the door down.
 “Alright, just stay put im on my way.”He whispered through the phone, scared that if he talked louder Rafe and Barry would break in faster.You stayed still, hiding under your windowsill as far from your door as you could be.
You couldve called the cops but then you’d have to explain why the two men were here in the first place and what your boyfriend had done which would do more harm than good.You did your best to keep your breathing under control, knowing it wouldnt help to be gasping and sobbing the whole time.
He got on his bike, figuring that it would be faster than John.B’s shitty van, speeding to your house with his heart pounding in his chest, tears pricking at his eyes.If you got killed it would 100% be his fault.He couldnt let it happen,picking up the speed, thorns slashing at his ankles but he couldnt care less.
Barry kicked your door in, shouting for you.Rafe hoped he wouldnt be forced to kill you.You were one of the few pogues he wasnt absolutely disgusted by and he didnt want to make that list any shorter.
 “Come out, come out wherever you are!Cant hide from us forever!”Her shouted,chuckling right after.Rafe was shaking, knowing that Barry probably wouldnt hesitate to shoot you.JJ skidded across the grass of your backyard,jumping off the bike with his hand on his gun,hurrying around the front of the house to see that the door had been forced open, cursing.
He wouldve texted or called you to ask if you were okay but luckily he thought about it, knowing that your phone would ring and give away your location to the two intruders.He tip toed through your house,finding Rafe in your kitchen.JJ was careful as he came up behind the older boy, getting close enough to press the cold barrel of the gun against the back of his head. 
“What the fuck are you doing here?”JJ whispered,knowing that he had power over Rafe at this moment.Rafe went to turn, only for JJ to kick him to the floor, foot on the boy’s back and then gun to his head, Rafe’s gun falling from his hand.
 “I-Barry is upstairs-he knows that you took his money.”Rafe managed to squeak out, the bottom of JJ’s shoe pressing further into his spine.JJ leaned down, grabbing Rafe’s gun. “Get the fuck out and dont come back, ever.I will blow your fucking brains out, understand?”JJ asked, stomping down on his spine to prove his point.
Rafe held back a shout, nodding, running out as soon as JJ removed his foot.He now had two guns which meant that now he was more powerful than Barry.Speaking of, he could now hear the sound of all the other doors being forced open.
He carefully made his way up the stairs,Rafe’s gun in his hand now because it seemed more powerful.He saw Barry approaching your door, praying that you had barricaded it.He was shaking slightly, knowing that he had the upper hand since Barry hadnt seen him yet.
He ran at full speed towards the man, slamming him to the ground.It was all kind of blurry,everything happening quick as JJ’s hand pressed into the brunette’s throat, lifting him up before slamming him back down, blood coming from his cheekbone,temple and lip.
He was nearly unconscious when your door flew open to reveal you holding a metal baseball bat as you prepared to bash someones head in. “If you ever come back here I will fucking kill you.”JJ shouted,shaking Barry by the shoulders.Barry was to dazed to even look at the blonde,his head rolling to look at you instead.
 “You got yourself a defender, huh?”he chuckled, coughing blood.You glared down at him,stomping on his hair and making him hiss in pain.Barry got up, stumbling out of your house, the blood not stopping.
JJ let out a sigh of relief, looking up at you.He took the bat from your hands, hugging you tight. “Fucking hell, (Y/N).Im sorry.”He muttered,squeezing you so hard you thought your ribs might break. 
“Its fine,JJ.Im fine, everything is fine.”You whispered,fingers combing through his hair.He was just lucky that he had arrived before Barry got to the right door, silently thanking the universe.
He insisted on taking you back to John.B’s, claiming that you would be safer there not that Rafe and Barry knew where you lived.You held onto him as he drove the bike,head on his back.He had gone slower on the way back, not wanting you to get your ankles slashed by the same thorns.
He had to explain the situation to the rest of the pogues, all of them outraged by the situation.They had lectured him about taking the money, “I knew we shouldnt have taken that money, I told you this would happen!”John.B exclaimed, becoming frustrated. 
Pope and Sarah a lot more concerned about how you were doing mentally and physically after it, Pope asking if you were hurt at all and Sarah apologizing for her brohter doing something so terrible.
You told them that you were perfectly fine, not understanding why they were making such a huge deal of it. “God, I hate my brother.”Sarah groaned,resting her head against her palm.Kie rolled her eyes, looking over at you.
 “Thats what you have to say?Rafe tries to kill (Y/N) and all youre worried about is what it has to do with you?”Kiara sighed, making JJ smile. “Uh oh.”He mumbled into your ear, kissing your cheekbone lightly. 
“Shut up!”Sarah shouted back,John.B smacking his head against his seat. “Guys, seriously?”He asked, looking between the two girls. “Oh, as if you’ve been helpful!What are we gonna do now that they know where she lives?She cant go back there!”Kiara exclaimed, making JJ sit up.
 “I agree there, that’s why I think she should stay with you for a while. I mean think about it, your parents like her best, right?And you guys have that fancy ass kook security so they cant get to her there and you two get to have fun sleepovers.I see this as an absolute win.”JJ agreed, his hand somehow ending up on your knee.
Nobody really protested it, agreeing that it was probably the best option they had. “I’ll just find a way to sneak in at night.”He whispered into your ear.Kiara bit the inside of her cheek, thinking about it.
She would be lying if she said it wasnt a pretty good plan, nodding. “Yeah, okay.”She agreed, pretty sure her parents would be fine with it.They liked you mainly because you were a girl and you were quieter than the others, they couldnt really complain about you much.
The rest of your day was spent pressed against JJ’s chest on the living room couch, kisses being placed on your forehead and neck. “I love you.”He repeated over and over again. “Love you too.”You muttered, his constant touching making you tired. 
“Im sorry that Barry tried to kill you.”He muttered, sounding so serious that it made you laugh. “It’s fine...”You mumbled, still kind of shaken up over the whole situation. “Nope.”He replied, kissing you gently. “But i’ll make it up to you, promise.”He held up his pinkie, twisting it around yours.
@nas-marie-loves-u @28cnn @sexytholland  @yuxsh06   @ifilwtmfc  @cherryobx @poguestarkey @n1ghtsh4d3-67  @poguestyleskye @judayyyw  @sunwardsss @meaganjm @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @jj-fic-recs @homophobicclownmoviestan @jj-iz-bae @natalie-kate-98 @negativity4you @nxsmss @ofmaybankheart @broken-jj @joshy-obx  @curroptbunnie @outerbnx-stiles​ @angelreyesgirl100  @hannahhh-marie @sadnessrehab  @outerbongs​  @copper-boom​  @httpstarkey​ @teenwaywardasgardian @drewswannabegirl​  @simonsbluee   @jiaraendgame  @khiaraaa-in-spacee​  @on-socks-off​  @abbiesthings​ @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
Ok so its 2:30 am and im going feral over syndicate au
After they “officially” (or as official as they can be at least) hire jekyll as their chemist things are somewhat awkward between henry and jacob for a bit. With the other people henry can be professional and friendly towards but jacob was literally the one introducing him to all of this. Via a one-night-stand
Except that attraction between them is obviously there?? Like they (probably) wouldnt have done the wahoo with eachother if it wasnt there, so all theres left is for them to get to know eachother. And they do slowly get to know eachother through meetings, and business exchanges where jacob tries to flirt and henry is flustered but not too flustered to laugh, and then they start talking outside work and then before they know it theyre back to making out except this time theyre SOBER and they decide it means something. And then BOOM, boyfriends
And then jacob thinks hes funny, and the kidnappings start happening
Also i would to know how jacob would react to the big reveal that jekyll = hyde. Personally im a big fan of “oh wow my beloved youre genuinely an insane person :) thats cool tho. Love you lots xoxo”
Hey dude. You know what I was... Is it called daydreaming if I did it to go to sleep? Either way you know what I was imagining over and over and over when trying to go to sleep?
Exactly this.
I can imagine Henry being so incredibly awkward around the other assassins and especially Jacob at first. After all, Jacob was a one-night-stand and all other assassins wanted him dead (he assumes) but he quickly befriends Evie and Greenie because he is as social as a puppy and is just as likable as one. But he keeps a distance from Jacob because he finds the entire situation incredibly uncomfortable and especially after what happened with Robert. He doesn't want to get hurt like that again and even if his heart slowly, slowly is letting go of Robert and willingly opens itself up again, he desperately tries to lock it away and make sure he isn't too close to Jacob. Jacob, who probably is a person to fall head-over-heels with persons he just met and especially if they have even shagged (he literally fell in love with two of his enemies after 1-2 meetings, canonically, one being a gal and one being a lad) is probably quite hurt by Jekyll taking a distance but he still tries. Hence the flirting, hence still trying to get to know Henry.
A few months pass, maybe. Henry gets used to working for the assassins, he spends most of his free time on the train because he can escape both Lodgers and friends alike and just... Relax. Even if he spends most of his time there, and even if he tries to get away from Jacob to not end up more hurt, he just can't. He keeps getting pulled into those handsome eyes and those flirty jokes and he just can't deny that he is feeling something for Jacob, and Jacob notices. Suddenly Greenie and Evie are gone on an emergency mission and Jacob and Henry are alone on the train. Perhaps Jacob would offer Henry some whiskey, perhaps they would just sit around and talk on one of the couches. Perhaps Jacob would slowly inch his way closer and Henry would pretend not to notice. Suddenly Jacob's hand is on his thigh and Henry's breath hitches, his face shots up to meet Jacob's gaze and their noses brush together. They are alone, Jacob takes his chance, and so softly he presses their lips together. Nowhere near as hungrily as their first meeting and nowhere near as possessively as during their shag. It's soft, it's adoring, and Henry can't help but melt into it. He doesn't want to but something in him feels safe with Jacob, much safer than he had ever felt with Robert, much more loved than he had ever felt by Robert, yet he quickly falls back to reality when Jacob's hand moves-- maybe not even up his thigh, maybe he just accidentally nudged it-- and Henry places his hands on Jacob's chest and breaks off. So many thoughts and feelings swirling around in his head, yet all he can feel is how his heart clenches so violently and everything in him is screaming stop, stop, go back, you are ruining it, all while it's also screaming run, run, don't look back, don't let yourself get hurt again.
Henry stands up, Jacob follows as Henry begins to panic so slightly. He is apologizing profusely, he is saying that Jacob please shouldn't take this personally, it's just... He can't handle this right now, he's sorry, Jacob did nothing wrong but Henry just isn't ready for it. Right as Henry is about to leave the train, Jacob stops him. He asks what he did wrong, or what's making Henry panic so. Henry stops, for a moment, takes a deep breath, and tells him that he just... Does not know what Jacob wants from him, and he has been hurt by pretend-relationships enough that he doesn't want to experience that again. Jacob tells him that he actually likes him, he would like to have an actual relationship with him sometime, if that would be something Henry would want and would be comfortable with. Henry pauses, another deep breath, and finally, he just says that... He needs to think about it. Please give him some space, he will give him a letter once he has gotten to think things through, he is sorry for being difficult but it's just... So, so much for him and after what he has been through. It's nothing personal, he assures Jacob, yet both of them just feel so, so hurt as Henry waits for the nearest train station and leaves. It's in the middle of the night, yet he is trudging his way back to the Society alone. Jacob debates following him, just to make sure he gets home safely, but doesn't.
Maybe it takes a few days, maybe some weeks, maybe even months, but soon, when Jacob enters the train after a particularly foul mission, Evie has a letter for him. "Jekyll came by and told me to give it to you", she says. Jacob could not grab it any faster, hastily tells her some weak excuse before excusing himself to his personal train compartment. He sits on his bed, he takes a deep breath, and he opens the wax seal of the letter-- so formal and official, he thinks. He wonders what Jekyll has told him, what news he is about to get. He can't deny that he likes him and that he likes him a lot. More than he liked Pearl. More than he ever liked Maxwell. What he feels for Henry feels good and real and he just feels miserable at the thought that Henry might not feel the same.
He opens the letter; the actual text and paper are just as "official" and formal as the actual wax seal and letter fold.
And then he reads it.
And the first thing Henry does, no surprise, is apologizing, and Jacob feels his blood run cold. But then he continues to read, and Henry is explaining why he was so scared. He has been hurt before, his last boyfriend treated him like a side piece that he just threw away and they had known each other for two years and it has affected Henry a lot. He apologized for being difficult, but he is willing to try out a relationship if Jacob is still up for it, and if he is just willing to take it slow and be patient with Henry.
And Jacob, of course, is willing to be patient. He is willing to wait for Henry because he likes him.
At the end of the letter, Henry asks Jacob to meet him in his office somewhere during the evening; he will keep the window open.
And Jacob does come.
And they get to talk it all out, they get to set some boundaries and actually talk about what they want out of all of this. Obviously ends with Jacob embracing Henry in a way only lovers can, and loads and loads of kisses.
Look, I'm just... So soft for this ship, ok? And now I have an excuse to ramble on about it bc more people actually ship them through this au and I love it.
ALso realized I completely forgot the last part heeh <3
So far, I have imagined the assassin crew (Jacob, Evie, Greenie) needing Henry for something but they see this... This blond gremlin breaking into his office. They immediately think of cornering him and questioning him about why he is breaking into Henry's office, except they enter at exactly the wrong time and manages to catch the transformation as Hyde turns back into Jekyll. They all stare in horror and yet Jacob doesn't hesitate to immediately run forward and cradle Henry; spitting and trying to keep himself from vomiting as all that slime and goop comes out of his mouth and eyes. Henry coughs, he manages to open his eyes, and the first thing he sees is the assassins and Jacob's face. He coughs again, he presses out a panicked smile, and the only thing he says is "oh fuck."
Jacob, without even thinking about it, immediately helps Henry to gather himself and clean himself off of the slime, Evie and Greenie are just standing on the sidelines unsure of what to do. Finally, Henry is rested against a cabinet and his breathing is calmer, and he manages to explain everything. Yeah, he was really depressed a few years ago and he thought there were things that were horribly wrong with him so he wanted to get rid of that. Except he accidentally personified all of that "bad" stuff and now that person is Edward Hyde. Jacob would definitely be... Slightly concerned, but would very much be like "oh so you are slightly insane and also halfly schizophrenic? Ahaha is no big deal I still love u darling xoxo"
...Y'all think Jacob would start flirting with Hyde too after that?
Honestly! I very much like all kinds of confessions when it comes to the Jekyll/Hyde reveal, so? Gimme all your thoughts, I crave them all. I just love the angsty routes <3
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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After I finished my post last night I ended up getting very upset about my dad. And cried on James for a little. And decided I should just. Go and see my parents today. And so that's exactly what I did.
The decision made me sleep a lot better. James got me a different blanket out and I slept pretty great. I did wake up before my alarm and felt pretty good. I always wake up easier when I have something to do. I got up and made the bed and went to get dressed.
Something scratched my eye and I couldn't get it to stop hurting for a half hour. Which was frustrating. But I used a bunch of eye drops and tried to wash my eye out. I couldn't really put mascara on because of it. But whatever.
James and me left here at 730. I drove us out to the museum to drop them off and went to great breakfast. I got out of the car to give them a big hug and kiss and then was off.
Except not really. Because when I got to McDonald's I realized I had James's coffee still. I texted them and they biked up to me to get it and I got one extra kiss. Very sweet. Love them so much.
I had a good drive out. It took about 2 hours and there was not traffic. I listened to lots of music. I did end up crying listening to some show tunes. Happens sometimes. I needed the catharsis I guess.
I was excited to be out of the car when I got there around 10. My legs kind of felt like jelly. But I was so happy to see my parents. And the doggies.
It was really great spending time together. We talked about my dad's leg. Which looked pretty scary and he looked pretty pale. But he was in good spirits. I did not like hearing him say 'if' around coming to my wedding. But I also just want him to be okay and whatever that takes is more important. I don't want to be selfish but I also. Have to have him there. It isn't acceptable that he wouldn't be there.
Around 11 my aunt Renee came over. She's not actually my aunt, she's my sister's mom. But she's always been my aunt and she's lovely. I really enjoyed all of us hanging out. I got to learn a lot more about my dad's younger life and there were lots of laughs. I don't think she's heard me talk so much before. I was kind of a standoffish kid. But man did she hear me today. I talk a lot and very fast. My grad school director used to say I talk through the trees. And it's absolutely true, I get there eventually but we are not on a path at all. I think she thought I was funny though and that is still positive.
We ordered lunch. And we compared jewelry. Talked about childhoods and memories. I told them all about art and stories from my life. Renee told us about the wild 21 day vacation she's going on. Which sounds amazing. And we talked about the wedding and how things are going to be. The decorations and the hotels and stuff.
We have to make some changes to the plan because of moving my dad around. But that is okay. So I may stay in the hotel on Thursday instead of James. But we will see.
Renee left and I spent another hour and a half with my parents. We talked about music and life and it was really nice. I wanted to stay more but I also wanted to get home before 9.
So I said goodbye. Mom sent me home with detergent and cat food. I let her know my dad's car windows were open? I got pictures with them and gave them hugs and then I was off.
The drive home was not as pleasant. It was directly into the sun the entire drive. And just horrible traffic. So it took almost 3 hours. Which was not ideal. I tried to keep myself awake and aware by having a full dance party. Which was a lot of fun and very silly.
I had the two pieces of pizza my mom gave me before I left. So at least I wasnt starving. I would take a break after 2 hours to stretch my legs. Mostly because my foot hurt really bad today. But I would just walk around the rest stop for a couple minutes before I was off and back on the road.
I got back here closer to 830 then I was happy about. But I got home in one piece.
I was really happy to see James. They were a little sad because they somehow lost their engagement ring. Again. I'm not upset but I feel bad that they are upset. It will be alright.
We both showered and that made me feel a lot better. Though I am pretty exhausted. I am also excited because I just got offered the grant position at the visionary museum! I hope it leads to more!!
But now is time for sleep. I hope you all sleep great. Take care of yourself! I have the garage sale with Anne, I hope it is fun! I hope you have a great night!! Sleep good!!
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waitimcomingtoo · 5 years
I honestly love your work sm! I have a request, maybe a skateboarder! Reader where she likes to go to the skate park and do tricks? And ends up going to the hospital because she broke her arm or something while Tom is in a interview? tom gets really mad at the ready because she wasnt being 'ResPOnsiBle' and the reader just jokes and laughs, only angering him even more? Fluff and angst if you want (I almost broke my leg at the skatepark, then I got yelled at 😅)
Thank you so much! I hope your leg is all good 😉
See You L8ter, Boy
Pairing: Tom Holland x Skater!reader
Warning: medical talk if you’re squeamish
Synopsis: “That fall could’ve kill you. You joke now and say it’s just a broken arm, but what about next time? What if next time, it’s broken arm, and a broken leg, and a broken neck? And what if I’m in another interview and my people have to cut in and tell me my girlfriend died?” Toms voice cracked at the end, and a tear rolled down his cheek.
Requests are CLOSED
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“It’s funny because we shot Homecoming thousands of miles from my actual home, and then we shot Far From Home 25 minutes from my parents house.” Tom recalled the unique situation regarding the movie titles.
“And were you able to live at home during filming?” The interviewer asked.
“No, we actually rented a house. All of us.” Tom gestured to the group. “That’s why I think the summer of 2018 was the greatest summer of my life.”
“He’s gonna start talking about football about, so you better ask the next question.” Zendaya interrupted from Toms left side.
“I’m done.” Jacob laughed, slapping his knee.
“Hi, sorry to interrupt.” A lady with an earpiece stepped next to the interviewer, out of the cameras shot. “Mr. Holland, your assistant needs to speak to you.”
“Now?” Tom asked, craning his neck to look for Harrison. Harrison had a phone to his ear and a panicked look on his face. He motioned for Tom to come over. Harrison was mouthing words and pointing at the phone, but Tom couldn’t make them out.
“Would you excuse me?” He said politely to the interviewer.
Tom excused himself and bolted out of his chair. He ran to Harrison, leaving Jacob and Zendaya to finish the interview.
“What’s wrong? Who are you on the phone with?” Tom inquired.
“The hospital.” Harrison held the phone away from his mouth.
“The hospital?” Tom asked for confirmation. “Why? Is everyone okay?”
“It’s Y/n.” Harrison said with a hand over the speaker. Tom felt himself turn a little green. His stomach did a somersault and he felt his pulse quicken.
“What?” Tom whispered in fear.
“Alright, thank you for calling. We’ll be right there.” Harrison said into the phone. He hung up and turned to his best friend.
“She’s okay.” Harrison said, first and foremost. Tom felt a wave of relief rush into his body. That’s all he cared about. “She fell off the halfpipe at the skatepark. She’s in surgery now.”
“Surgery?” Tom spat in shock. “What happened?“
“They couldn’t tell me much.” Harrison shook his head sympathetically. “But I have the address. Let’s go.”
Harrison drove since Toms hands were still shaking. His throat felt dry, as did his mouth. His entire chest felt tight. White hot fear blazed in his veins the entire 30 minute trip to the hospital.
“Relax, man.” Harrison said cheerfully when he caught sight of Tom in the mirror. “She’s gonna be okay.”
“I didn’t kiss her this morning.” Tom said tearfully, looking out the window and biting his finger.
“You can’t think about that right now.” Harrison sighed.
“I was running late and she told me she was going to the skate park and I didn’t kiss her.” Tom recanted his regrets. “She asked me for one but I said I didn’t have time. I just told her to text me and I ran out the door.”
“She’s gonna be okay, mate.” Harrison said calmly. “It’s just surgery.”
“People don’t always wake up from surgery.” Tom slammed his fist on the door, making Harrison jump. “I’m sorry.” Tom said softly. “But she’s my life. I’m nothing without her. And I let her leave this morning thinking I didn’t want to kiss her.”
“She knows you would’ve kissed her if you had time.” Harrison tried to comfort his friend.
“Who doesn’t have time for a kiss?” Tom said guiltily. “It would’ve taken two seconds. I should’ve kissed her.”
The boys pulled up to the hospital shortly. Tom jumped out of the car while Harrison went to park.
“Tom Holland, here to see Y/n L/n please.” Tom told the lady at the front desk with anxious fingers drumming on the desktop.
“I’m sorry, sir. Only family members are allowed back there right now.” The lady told him.
“I.” Toms voice cracked and he slammed his hand on the desk. “I am family. I’m her boyfriend.”
“Are you engaged?” She asked.
“Yes.” Tom lied. You weren’t. He had every intention of proposing, even having purchased a ring, but he hadn’t gotten around to it yet. Now he was wishing he’d proposed to you the night he got it.
“Then right this way, sir.” A nurse in blue scrubs lead Tom down a long hallway. The statement hospital smell filled Toms nose as the bright lights pierced his eyes. The nurse brought him to a room at the end of the hall and stopped.
“She just got out of surgery, so she’s going to be tired. You can wait in here.” The nurse informed him. Tom thanked her and took a seat. You were sleeping, or he hoped sleeping, and looked peaceful. There was a nasty scrap up the side of your face that had little white bandages holding it together. Your right arm was elevated and in a red and blue cast. If Tom wasn’t about to lose his mind over you being hurt, he would’ve appreciated the homage you paid to his character. Other than a few more scraps and bruises, you looked okay. The worst was your broken arm.
Tom shifted in his seat a thousand times as he waited for you to wake up. His leg bounced up and down for an hour straight. People came in and out to check your vitals and give Tom all the information they had. Finally, your eyelids twitched and your heart rate monitor beeped faster. You stirred in your sleep before your eyes opened slowly, adjusting to the lights.
“Y/n?” Tom rushed out of his chair and took your good hand. He pressed a firm kiss to it before moving up and kissing your forehead. Hot tears of relief plopped onto your sheets and hit your arm.
“Thank God you’re alright.” Tom breathed, finally feeling his heartbeat return to normal. His world began to turn again, knowing you were alright. He felt better until you moved away from him with a confused face.
“Woah, woah, woah.” You said, taking your hand out of his grasp and scooting back. “Are you the doctor?”
“What?” Tom asked, dumbfounded. “No.”
“Nurse?” You shrugged, giving Tom a once over.
“No.” He repeated, heart beginning to race again. “Y/n, it’s me. It’s Tom. I-it’s Tommy.” Toms voice wavered as new tears, no longer tears of relief, filled his eyes. “Do you really not know who I am?”
“No.” You shook your head apologetically. “No, I’m sorry. Have we met?”
“Have we met?” Tom whispered in disbelief. “I’m-I’m your boyfriend. We’ve been together for three years. We-we we’re in love. Please tell me you remember that.” Tom pleading, desperately wanting to take your hand but not doing so in case it made you uncomfortable.
“No.” You shook your head again, smiling a little when he looked away. “I don’t. I’m sorry.”
“Do you remember anything?” He asked desperately.
“I remember that you’re a gullible dork who falls for anything.” You said in a serious tone before breaking out in a smile. Toms head snapped up. You gave him a apologetic smile before bursting into laughter.
“You don’t have amnesia.” Tom stated, coming to the annoying but relieving conclusion that you were messing with him. He put his head in his hands and ran his fingers through his hair, giving it a stressful tug.
“Not that I can remember.” You joked. You poked your tongue out of your mouth as Tom looked up at you.
“That wasn’t funny.” Tom pointed an angry but gentle finger at you. “At all.”
“You didn’t kiss me this morning.” You shrugged, sending a dull pain through your broken arm. “That wasn’t funny either.”
“I’m so sorry about that.” Tom sighed. He leaned in and pressed a tear stained kiss to your lips, holding it there until he couldn’t breath. Your heart rate monitor went from 89 to 131 with his kiss. “I’ve felt terrible all day. I’m so glad you’re okay.”
“She’s lucky she is.” The doctor said upon entering the room. You and Tom shifted your focus to him. The doctor hung your x-ray up on a board and switched the light on. “Your arm is broken in three places. Your wrist, forearm, and elbow. We inserted metal pins into your arm during your surgery to keep your arm in place while it heals.” The doctor explained.
“How long will she need the cast?” Tom asked, something you hadn’t even thought to ask.
“About six weeks.” The doctor said.
“And how long for the scrap to heal?” Tom continued, impressing you with his sudden taking of charge.
“That depends. Everyone is different but it shouldn’t be too long. You’re very lucky you’re walking away from this with just a scrap and a broken arm. It could’ve been a lot worse.” The doctor told you with an honest expression.
“What do you mean? I thought it was just a fall.” Tom asked, looking between you and the doctor.
“A fall off a six foot tall halfpipe.” The doctor told Tom, something he hadn’t known before. “You’re lucky you didn’t land on your neck, or crack your head open. This could’ve been fatal.”
“Fatal?” Tom looked at you with an exasperated face. “What were you doing on one that tall? I thought you only went on the little ones when you were doing tricks?”
“I was trying a new trick.” You said sheepishly, feeling embarrassed by your crash and burn.
“Why would you try a new trick off that tall of a pipe?” Tom asked you harshly. You felt your cheeks burn at him getting angry in front of the doctor. The doctor sensed a fight coming and made his exit.
“I’ll leave you two alone for now. We will need to keep Y/n overnight, but she’ll be good to leave in the morning.” The doctor left swiftly and shut the door behind him.
“What the hell were you thinking?” Tom yelled once you were alone. You gave him a pointed look. He never raised his voice at you once in your three year relationship. He didn’t believe there was a problem out there that couldn’t be fixed with a calm conversation. He hated being yelled at and never wanted you to feel threatened in his presence. His sudden outburst came as a shock to you.
“What?” You asked with a an awkward smile. “Why are you yelling at me?”
“You need to be more responsible!” Tom snapped. “If you’re going to be doing the dangerous things you’re doing, you need to have some responsibility.”
“Alright, Alright.” You waved your hand in dismissal, not taking his anger serious. “You sound like Uncle Ben.”
“This isn’t funny, Y/n.” Tom shouted, getting out of his chair and kicking it behind him. There was absolutely no humor in his voice now. He was serious. Dead serious. “I cannot believe you’re still making jokes about this.”
“Tommy, relax.” You said soothingly, trying to bring him back down. “It’s just a broken arm. I’ll just use the smaller ramps until I heal.” You joked, keeping your side of the conversation light.
“You’re crazy if you think you’re getting on that board again.” Tom laughed sharply as he paced around the room. “Not after this.”
“I’m only teasing.” You reached out for his hand but he just shook his head angrily and folded his arms. “But I will be getting on that board again. Just as soon as I get this cast off.” You shifted uncomfortably in your bed. His eyes softened at your obvious pain. He hated that he was yelling at you when you’d already had a bad day.
“I’m not letting you anywhere near the skate park until you can prove to me that you’re responsible.” Tom told you in a way you knew there would be no compromises. He wasn’t a controlling boyfriend by any means, but you’d crossed a line today. He was angrier with you than he ever had been before.
“I’m just curious, what are your thoughts on responsibility?” You teased, only making Tom madder. It wasn’t your intention. You weren’t pushing to make him angry, the opposite actually. You were trying to assuage the situation and calm him down.
“Is this a joke to you?” Tom asked in a low voice, suddenly seeming totally calm, which filled you with fear. “You do realize this could’ve been a lot worse, right?”
“No.” You said seriously, finally reaching Toms hand and pulling him onto your bed, careful not to bump your sling into his broad chest. “It’s not a joke. I know this is serious. And you’re right. It could’ve been worse.” You said softly, putting a soothing hand on Toms cheek. He leaned into your touch, genuinely calming down this time. “But it wasn’t. It’s just a broken arm. I’m going to heal.”
“The paramedics said you weren’t wearing knee or wrist pads.” Tom suddenly remembered something a nurse had come in to tell him.
“Because those are for losers and noobs.” You said, still serious.
“And what about your helmet?” Tom asked, poking you in the chest with an accusing finger.
“Oh.” You grimaced, not realizing Tom knew about that. “Right. I left it at home and I didn’t realize until I got there. I didn’t think I’d need it. I’ve never fallen before. I thought I’d be fine.”
“Yeah, but you weren’t fine.” Tom said sadly, trying to make you see things from his point of view. “You wiped out. The doctor said you could’ve cracked your head open or landed on your neck. What the hell were you thinking?” He repeated, calmer this time. He sounded more upset than angry now. He wasn’t and anymore. Just worried about you being careless.
“I guess I wasn’t thinking.“ You said honestly.
“Exactly. That’s why I’m so upset.” Tom realized as he tucked some of your hair behind your ear. “That fall could’ve kill you. You joke now and say it’s just a broken arm, but what about next time? What if next time, it’s broken arm, and a broken leg, and a broken neck? And what if I’m in another interview and my people have to cut in and tell me my girlfriend died?” Toms voice cracked at the end, and a tear rolled down his cheek. You immediately wiped it with your thumb. You pulled his head closer by the nape of his neck, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“I’ll wear the helmet the next time, okay?” You asked, tilting his chin up to look you in the eyes. “I promise.”
“And the knee pads?” Tom asked, pressing his forehead against yours, bumping your nose with his.
“Fine. Sure.” You agreed. “If it makes you happy.”
“And wrist pads?” He continued.
“Alright.” You nodded.
“And the elbow pads?” He asked.
“You’re pushing it.” You smiled, causing Tom to smile finally. “Are you trying to make me look like a Ninja Turtle?”
“Hey, I’ve never seen a Ninja Turtle with a broken arm.” Tom shrugged, causing you to giggle.
“Fine.” You slammed your hand down on the bed. “I’ll wear the wrist pads and the elbow pads and the butt pads-“
“Butt pads?” Tom cut in, wrinkling his nose.
“-and the knee pads and whatever other pads you want.” You declared. You snapped your fingers. “And the helmet.”
“You promise?” He asked hopefully.
“If it makes you happy, then yes. I promise.”
“You’ll do that for me? Even if it makes you a loser and a noob?” Tom reiterated your words from earlier.
“Yes I will.” You tilted his face towards you with your pinky and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “Because I love you.”
“Oh, do you now?” Tom teased, taking your hand in his and giving you another kiss. Just out of your sight, he felt around in his pocket for the ring.
“Can I make it anymore obvious?”
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queenofwerewolves · 3 years
Future Hope
chapter one - Where it all began.
We all thought the new decade would be a new fresh start, a new beginning for humanity, we were all so excited for the the arrival of 2020... and it's unknown horrors that we awaited along with it.
it started with just jokes and memes, the virus wasnt affecting us, it didnt seem like a big deal. Then it reached Italy, then the United States. In a span of three months, the entire world changed and was affected by COVID-19. Then it happened.. the attack and sudden uprising of those who had privilege, but didnt know of it's power..
it started with the Black Lives Matter Protests, but it got worst, so unhumaningly worse. People around the country and the world tried to help and stop this evil, but it wasnt enough to stop them. The White Suprimacy.
Death, despair, anguish, loss for hope... What has the world come to?
Even after two years of the incident, in the year of 2022, the same horrors from before was still going on. No one could stop them, those who tried were imprisioned or now buried six feet under, people gave up, they lost hope... Until a new reason for that hope arrived.
It started as a friendship group. Eight people of different kinds, intetrests and hobbies brought together by a common interest, which soon grew into an unbreakable bond, sharing pictures or tagging one another with a funny meme attached to it, simple acts but filled with love.. Until this group almost lost a member.
A fight was happening while she was visiting a store, it was between a simple teen wearing a pride shirt and a middle aged man, bickering and arguing issued, but no one expected the man to pull out a gun and attempt to shoot the kid... Only to miss, and shoot the beloved group friend...
She was texting her friends while it happened, only for them to not hear anything for weeks... But she finally replied, after weeks in the hospital, recovering from the shot. One of the members couldnt have it anymore, and kindly asked for everyone to create a Discord account so they could all see how their wounded friend was doing. Everyone agreed, and surprised her with a call.
Maria was her name, and she couldnt be more delighted about the surprise..
"Yo! Yooo Bitch can you see us?!" Shouted one friend from their call
"For fuck's sake Spike the woman was shot and you have to call her a bitch?!" Rudely replied another friend, who's background was dark and gloomy and had far too many halloween decorations.
Maria laughed softly. "It's OK Spooks.. Wow.. I cant believe Im seeing you all.. Just wished it wasnt at the hospital through a videochat..." She said with a soft smile.
"It is truly a concerning situation we've been dragged into.. but it brings me joy to see you alive and well Maria" Said another friend, looking a little too-well dressed in the call
"Im guessing Griff begged you all to make a Discord huh..?" Maria said, looking at the video box of young man with a concerned yet and embarrassed look.
"Queen... We were so worried..." He answered, slightly choked up. "We thought you were a goner.. When you finally texted back I..I just had to see you..!"
Queen. A nickname she never thought someone would ever call her, hell it was a title that she didnt even deserve. Until she met Griff, which started to call her that, and her other friends jumped along, she always loved that nickname.. Made her feel special...
"Seeing you all together... All for me... It makes me want to cry.. But we dont have time for me getting emocional" Maria answered, suddenly stern
"Why is that Queen? Something going on?" Answered another friend, who was sucking on a lollipop during the call, such the sweet tooth she is.
Maria smiled. "No Muffin.. I simply have a proposal for you all.. And I hope you all are in with me...Because Im getting pretty sick of the way things are in this shit world.."
And so was born a new hope, a group of fighters that are indignified about the way things are, and how they almost took their friend away.
After healing completly at the hospital, they all met in person for the first time. Maria told them that they way they are now wont be enough to make a change to the world, but she knew how to fix that. After a small walk through the woods in the park, they came through a gated area, which Maria crawled under a broken spot of the gate and the others followed, doing the same.
"Long ago" Maria started speaking. "After I moved here, I decided to explore around this park for fun. That's when I found this abandoned gate and went through the same broken piece of wall of the gate we all came through, I believe that's here can help us become better then we already are."
Spike, chewing a piece of gum sneered at her comment. "Oh sure, what is it? A wishing well?"
"Well..." She answered as they came to a stop.
In front of them was a perfectly clean, almost sparkling fountain with clean crystal water still working and flowing out of an angel's vase. The fountain was too bright and shiny, it sure as hell didnt match the rest of the area's gloomy and dark visuals..
"It's a wishing fountain!" Maria spouted out, smiling wide. But the rest werent as.. cheery as she was.
"A fucking... wishing fountain?" Spike answered. "You expect me to believe that's a real wishing fountain? If that's true then why dont you wish for this shit world to become better?"
"I tried!" Maria answered "Apperently it doesnt make big wishes like that, it only makes wishes about yourself or something very small. Like wishing your room to be clean kind of small"
"I mean.. It kinda has that magic aesthetic, I mean, that thing is impeccably clean while the rest is covered in dirt?" Kip answered, glancing at the fountain.
"I know it sounds silly but it really works, I actually did my wish already!" Maria said smiling wide
"Bullshit" Spike answered "You aint a fucking Werewolf, what makes you think we believe you actually wished to be one?"
".. Cause I didnt wished to be a Werewolf..?" Maria answered, dumbfounded. "I always said that I LIKE Werewolves, but I never wanted to be one. I wished to be good at using a scythe and knife throwing, like exceptionally good ya know?" She said excitedly. "And before you answer, YES I do have a scythe, I bought one. Dont ask where."
"So... who goes first?" The smollest of the group, Rook, asked.
"I'll go" Said Griff, pulling out a coin before Maria stopped in this tracks. "This.. Doesnt accept coins" Maria said, seeming a bit worried.
"Then what?" Griff answered back, only to shocked when Maria answered "Blood".
Before Spike could throw a fit, Maria cut him. "Just a drop! Literally! I got a needle here with me, all you gotta do is prick your hand and let the drip fall after you make a wish."
"Let's just get on with it before Spike goes crazy again" Said Blink, the tallest of the group and the one to deal with Spike's bullcrap
Griff took Maria's needle and stood in front of the fountain...And said outloud his wish..
At first he whispered his wish, as if he didnt want anyone to hear it.
"Uh.. It has to be out loud or it wont work Griff." Maria said.
"I-I said.. I wish to be a strong, masculine and really beefy Wererabbit that's really manly and buffed up!!" he shouted with a tone of embarrassment in his voice.
"A Werebunny.. Griffy?" Said Maria in disbelief. "What?! It's co- ow!!" Without looking, he pricked his hand with the needle, and let the drop of blood fall into the fountain's water, mixing along with it. The fountain suddenly shined so brightly that everyone had to cover their eyes for a brief moment before it died out.
Then.. Silence.
"... So.. Now wh-AHCK!!!" Shouted Griff, hit with a sudden shot of pain throughout his body, which made him fall on his knees as everyone backed away from him. They watched in horror as not only he grew almost three times his size, but he got much fuzzier, his ears stretched into rabbit ears, his muscles swelled and bubbled as they grew bigger, his body shifted painfully into a hybrid between man and rabbit. When he finally finished, he just collapsed on the floor, panting exaustedly.
His friends were inicially shocked, until Maria snapped out of it and rushed to his side, placing a hand on his head. "Griffy? You OK..?"
He answered, in a much gruffer, deeper voice.. "Yeah.. Yeah Im good.."
"Jesus.. It worked.. Can you stand?" She asked. Griff nodded as he slowly got up and almost knocked his head on a tree branch from how tall he was now. Everyone was looking up at him, jaws dropped in shock and awe, until..
"HOLY SHIT YOU'RE NAKED!!!" Rook shouted as she covered her eyes, running in place "MY EYES!! THEY BURN!!!"
"We.. better finish these wishes quick and get you some pants." Maria added, Griff simply nodded as he covered himself embarrassed.
One by one they did their wishes. Becoming who they wanted to be to fufill their purpose with Maria.
Spike wished for strong arm strenght, fast stamina and an aluminum bat that never breaks, and can destroy almost anything. Blink asked for a sword, the ability to parkour and jump from building to building like some kind of vigilante. Kip asked to be part cat for the heck of it and that whatever she draws will become a reality. Muffin asked to be a fairy, to bring joy because she isnt a fighter. Togekiss asked for high I.Q, the ability to see simulations of possibilities in the future and telekenisis and teleportation. Spooks asked to be like an Underworld Goddess, with the power to summon shadows and have the darkness on her command, and finally, Rook asked to be part bird and a wizard with elemental nature, and musical spells,to honour her beloved Lammy, she also wished to have a split personality to be like her favorite character, ENA.
And so the team was ready, and soon they would make a change to the world, the revolution has begun, it was time to shine..
For a Future Hope.
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writerofshit · 4 years
I know the usual interpretation in fahc is that Ryan shares his woes with the other gents, but I just really love the idea of Jeremy overhearing him on a voice call with Meg (either gaming together or while she's preparing for a hit) moaning about how the new guy in his crew is cute and funny and hotter than the arizona desert and she's just like "pics or it didn't happen. Also ask him out, if he says no you can fake your death and come work with me"
Oh my GOD yes, I am absolutely here for this idea.
I love love love their friendship so goddamn much, especially in the FAHC universe. Because she's not in the crew, never really even worked with them all that much, just happens to be good friends with them. She's roped Ryan into so many various shenanigans over the years, including: making him go on 6 am runs with her, having him help her plan Gav's birthday party one year, assisting her with a hit during NYFW (which is when the 'Ryan as an undercover model' thing began) and what they refer to as 'The Strip Club Incident'.
Meanwhile, she's become the one Ryan trusts most with anything personal. He's not going to break in the middle of a heist to ask anybody else whether they think he and Jeremy would make a cute couple. He also isn't going to ask if they think he's capable of settling down, or complain about how running affects his knees.
Meg has told him a thousand times that he can absolutely be part of a disgustingly domestic couple, he's made for it, really. She's set him up more times than he can count, never once with any success. Every other week she calls him up with "So I have a friend..."
"How many goddamn friends do you have Meg? And how many do I have to embarrass myself in front of before you stop?"
And then Jeremy joins the crew, and Ryan falls head over heels for him. Just falls so fucking hard it's unbelievable. He mentions it offhand to Meg one night, which he immediately regrets. He tries to play it off like "New guy in the crew, kinda cute, its whatever." But she zeroes in on it.
"The fact that you even admitted he's cute means you actually like him."
"No.... Come on, if that were true I wouldn't have said anything at all!" Which is bullshit, because he knows her well enough that had he avoided any opinion, she would have jumped to the obvious conclusion. He thought the tiny admission would make her assume he wasnt really interested. An attempt at reverse psychology that failed horribly, of course.
They argue back and forth for a bit before he hangs up on her, threatening to make her run alone if she ever brings it up again. Except shes Meg, he literally cant say no to her, and she cant let anything go.
She pesters him on and off for about a month before something happens. He's on the phone with her while she's on a drive to a hit somewhere, lamenting his ever growing crush on Jeremy. "He's hot and he's funny, Meg, this isn't fair."
"Oh my god, so are you, you self deprecating asshole." She says, with this exasperated sigh like they've had this conversation a million times. They have, but she doesnt have to point it out like that. "You're an absolute catch, Ryan, Jeremy would be lucky to have you."
"You and I have different views of me."
"Yeah, I'm right and you're an idiot. And hey, if it all goes to shit I could use a partner. You'd be driving right now and I'd be sleeping."
"Thanks so much. At least I have a fallback career as your chauffeur."
It's a fairly standard conversation, except for the fact that Ryan's in the garage and has her on speakerphone while he fiddles with his bike. It is admittedly, extremely cliche to accidentally discuss someone while the subject of your discussion is listening at the door. Cliche, but also par for the course of Ryan's luck.
"Are you guys talking about me?" Comes a voice from behind Ryan.
Ryan freezes, and Meg laughs through the phone. "Oh shit, Ry, is that who I think it is?"
"Are you- do you like me, Ryan?" Jeremy fully ignores the listening ears on the phone.
"I- Meg, I'm gonna need you to turn around and come help-"
"Sorry Ryan, I'm going through a tunnel!" She says, completely clearly. "But text me and let me know how it goes!"
"Liar, don't you fuckin-" and then she hangs up, and Ryan is left alone with Jeremy. Jeremy who is staring at him, looking mostly confused, and slightly entertained.
"Um. I can explain? How- how much did you hear?"
"Meg thinks I'd be lucky to have you and you have a fucked up perception of yourself."
"Oh. I- I have no explanation, actually." He supposes working with Meg wouldnt be too bad. He's not keen on getting stuck with every driving job that comes along though.
"She's right."
"That I'd make a good chauffeur?" Because jokes. Jokes are the way to get out of this.
"I would be lucky to have you. Just... Never thought you'd be interested in me." Jeremy says, and Ryan's brain short circuits.
He says something that he intends to be 'are you serious' but comes out sounding a lot more like his brain just keysmashed. But Jeremy only smiles at him, and Ryan falls a little more.
A week or so later when hes recapping the whole thing over text to Meg, Jeremy sleeping peacefully beside him, he leaves put the part about flubbing his confession. She still calls him out on it though.
'Bet you didnt even say you liked him, just bleh-ed at him until he got it.'
He regrets being friends with her sometimes.
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