#i took him forgranted when he was with us :(
Sherlock x reader - it’s you
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I saw you're watching Sherlock, so please can you do a request if you're willing, where reader is always dating red flag guys and when she felt a guy took her forgranted she found Sherlock there for her, then she realised the love she was looking for is right there infront of her. - Anon💜
Walking up to the flat, you walked through the door and looked around to find the man who had texted you, and you found him in the kitchen.
“What Sherlock in busy.” You sighed.
Since John had gone to visit his sister Sherlock had begun texting you for everything and calling you his flat constantly.
“Where does John hide his laptop?”
You blinked and pinched the bridge of your nose.
“I don’t know Sherlock, I can’t help you find it but I’ve got a date I need to go.”
Sherlock paused and looked at you, walking over he looked you up and down.
“No makeup, casual dressing. This isn’t a first date, you’ve been seeing this man for a few weeks at most. Your phone has chimed five times since you walked into this room, so he’s outside.”
“Oh god Sherlock don’t..”
He walked to the window and looked out, finding a man staring right up at you.
“He’s on his phone, texting. But he isn’t texting you, smiling, but not the kind of smile you have when texting friends. No, he’s texting another woman. He’s dressed up, not for your date, he’s seeing someone else after your date.”
You scoffed and shook your head.
“Can’t you just let me have something Sherlock? He’s not seeing anyone else, he’s just texting his friend. I’m going.”
You slammed the door behind you, fed up of Sherlock using his weird deduction thing on all the people you were seeing.
You knew he did it to John, but he always seemed to make a point of doing it to your partners just before you went on a date with them.
Getting outside you smiled at the man waiting for you and he quickly shoved his phone in your pocket.
“Hey Markus, sorry it wasn’t an emergency.”
“No problem, we can cancel if you want?”
“No, no it’s alright.”
“Are you sure, I don’t mind at all. We can rearrange.”
You looked at Markus and shook your head and he sighed, gesturing for you to get in the car and he walked around it without another word.
You went to the movies, and he left halfway through saying he had to take a call, and he was still in the phone when it ended.
He ended the call and smiled sweetly at you.
“Sorry, work.”
“You missed the rest of the movie.”
“It’s cool, I’ll just watch it later.” He shrugged.
He took you to dinner and again just sat on his phone, seeming pretty eager to leave.
You decided to test what Sherlock had said and looked at the time.
“Do you want to get a few drinks?” You asked.
“Uhm.. no. Sorry I’ve got to go, early start at work.”
You nodded and walked out to his car and for some reason he dropped you back at Sherlock’s instead of at your flat.
You stepped out the car and looked at him. You saw a nicely dressed woman walking over and she waved at Markus and he waved back without thinking.
He turned to you and you slapped him across the face.
“Next time you want to cheat on someone make sure you’re not picking up your next date where you drop the previous date off.”
“Previous date?” The woman asked.
“No, no come on it’s not what you think.”
The other woman slapped him across the face and he growled a little, raising his hand to slap her back but he was stopped by Sherlock grabbing his arm and pinning him to his car.
“How low can you be to hit a woman honestly.”
Sherlock shoved him and stepped away and Markus growled, getting into his car as he drove away.
The woman thanked Sherlock and turned to you.
“I am so sorry, if I knew he was dating someone else I would never have agreed to see him.”
“It’s fine you didn’t know. I’m sorry though.”
“No, no don’t be sorry. I’ve got some friends at a club, if you want to join you can.” She smiled.
You smiled at her and looked at Sherlock who was standing in the doorway to his flat.
“I’m sorry I think I’m about to get an earful from my friend. But you know what, maybe we can arrange something a different day, we can trash talk about men and how they suck.”
The woman laughed and agreed, giving you her number before she left and you made your way over to Sherlock, heading up to his flat without a word.
Sitting on his chair, you watched him look at you and instead he stood at the table, typing on the laptop he must’ve found.
“She seems nice, you should be friends with her.”
“Oh and you know about friends do you?”
“No. But I know you need new friends, your other friends set you up with some horrible men. It’s either that or you just attract the wrong kind of men.” He shrugged.
“Excuse me?”
Sherlock turned around to look at you.
“Well this one cheated on you, and he hasn’t been the first one. One of your ex boyfriends was stealing from you, clingy, obsessive, stalker, criminal. The list goes on really. You attract the wrong kind of men.”
You scoffed and stood up, pulling your jacket on.
“And I suppose you know what kind of man I should be dating?”
“You’d get better treatment out of a man like Mycroft, or Moriarty even.”
You walked over and slapped Sherlock.
“Screw you Sherlock, yes I may have dated some people who were walking red flags but at least I actually have people interested in me. You’re just going to die alone because you don’t give a shit about anyone. I bet you don’t even know a single thing about me because you’re so self centred!”
Sherlock rubbed his cheek a little and looked at you as you stormed away and got a cab back to your flat.
You were furious, but you knew Sherlock was right.
You did seem to attract the wrong kind of people, but that doesn’t mean what he said to you didn’t hurt like a bitch, because it did.
He didn’t have to call it out, he could’ve just kept it quiet.
You felt a little bad for slapping him as well, but you didn’t want to talk to him so instead you muted his number and went to bed.
When you woke up in the morning you saw you had a few messages and you opened them.
All from Sherlock.
Sherlock: come to mind when you’re awake.
Sherlock: john said I should apologise to you.
Sherlock: I know you muted my number. Come here when you read this.
Sherlock: hurry up and wake up.
Sighing, you showered, got dressed and left your flat, making your way to sherlocks place.
You didn’t want to go there, but you knew he was just going to keep texting and eventually come around to yours, so you went to his.
At least here you could leave whenever you wanted.
Getting in, you made your way up and walked through the door finding Sherlock stood at the window.
“About time.”
“What do you want Sherlock, I’m not in the mood to talk to you right now.”
You walked over to the sofa and sat down, putting your feet up on the table as you looked at him.
“I spoke with John, he told me I need to apologise to you.”
You rolled your eyes and shook your head.
“I don’t want you to apologise if you’re only doing it because John told you to. Don’t even bother.”
You got up to leave and Sherlock took your wrist to stop you.
“I’m sorry. Okay? I realise I am not good with other peoples emotions, I can’t say I really understand them. But I know I went over the line last night.”
You turned around and he let your wrist go.
“I just think you should stop dating men like Markus and whatever his name was, Ethan? I can’t remember, but that’s not the point. You’re dating men who don’t care about anyone but themselves.”
“Sherlock please don’t try give me dating advice okay? Im fine doing what I’m doing, and at least I’m getting out there, and least people are taking an interest in me.”
“For the wrong reasons (Y/N)! They’re dating you because you’re beautiful! Not because of your personality and that’s all the wrong reasons to be dating someone.”
“And you know the right reason?”
Sherlock started to pace back and forth, running a hand through his hair.
“Yes! You should be dating someone because you want to know them, or you like who they are! Not just because you think they’re good looking!”
Sherlock stopped and looked at you.
“You said you bet I didn’t know anything about you. But I do. I know you like baby animals, you like music and when you were 17 you impulsively dyed your hair and regretted it. You have three tattoos, right shoulder, left upper arm and one your left ankle. You love the rain, but you also love sunrises and sunsets, you believe everything happens for a reason, and you cried at the end of the notebook.”
Sherlock carried on listing everything he knew about you and you just stood there smiling at him.
Everything you told him that you liked and hated, everything you said when you thought he wasn’t even listening to you or watching you.
The more he listened the more you realised how much he actually did pay attention to you, and you felt something stir inside of you.
“I know you love sour food, but you have a bad habit of eating it that you make your tongue bleed, and last month you tried to scar john and hit your forehead and you needed stitches.”
He walked over and reached up, trailing his finger along the faded scar from where you had hit your head.
“I know that you are much, much better then all those deadbeats you ever dated, and you deserve someone who going to love you for every weird, strange thing you like.”
He stepped away.
“If you’re any to carry on dating you have my word I won’t make any more comments about the men you see.”
“Well, I’ll try. I can’t make any promises but I could introduce you to some people I know.”
“Sherlock.” You said again.
He carried on talking and you sighed, walking over you grabbed his face and crashed your lips on to his making him stop.
He stood there, not sure what to do and you pulled away.
“I want to go on a date with you Sherlock.”
He blinked.
“Date me Sherlock Holmes.”
Sherlock looked down at you and you smiled, taking your hands away from his face as you took a step back.
“I get you may not have dated anyone, or even been on a date, but I’m just asking for one date, that’s all.”
“You want to date me? After everything I said to you last night, and over the past few months?” He asked confused.
You nodded your head and sighed.
“I’m sorry I slapped you Sherlock. But after hearing you saying all of that I… I realised you’re the kind of man I’ve been looking for…”
Sherlock grabbed his jacket and you looked at him confused.
“Well, come in then, let’s go.”
You jogged after him.
“A date, where else?
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uwujwi · 5 years
[22:42] you giggled at the corny joke chan made, pressing yourself more into his side and looking at your laptop screen.
woojin looked like he was holding back a laugh himself, yet he didn’t let his slip like you did. usually, the two of you would tease chan on his corny jokes, and sometimes woojin would tease you when you’d start making them yourself.
“you’ve been spending too much time around him,” he would say, pulling you in by your waist and pressing a kiss to your nose.
you missed moments like those with your two boys. whenever either of you would make a corny joke, it didn’t feel right not having woojin scold you jokingly. it was weird now, only having chan to cuddle with, the boys only teasing you about chan and not woojin, taking care of one boy instead of two.
but you knew that this was what’s best for him. if he truly wanted this, then the two of you would support him full heartedly. and your relationship would hold on, a little distance wouldn’t break you apart.
“i love you,” you expressed, soft smile on your lips as woojins own smile grew.
“i love you too, baby,”
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pixigirl · 4 years
Who will Marinette choose? Luka or Adrien and will Chloe save the day?
Context: Luka and Marinette are dating but she still has feeling for Adrien and Luka knows it.
A miraculous ladybug one-shot (which may have a continuation of some kind??). This is a typed version of an amazing role play I was part of in the Tumblr chat called Miraculous Ladybug. Owner: @fleur-de-jasmin-fdj
Participants: @viperionx, @pixigirl, @ravenabby, @purrpewl and  @fleur-de-jasmin-fdj
A: Adrien
B: Chloe’s butler - Jean
HM: Hawkmoth
  (At Andre’s ice-cream stall)
*gets ice cream and gives it to Marinette* Here you go!
*takes ice cream* mmm thanks Luka
Anything for you *smiles and sits down on the bench with Marinette*
*starts eating ice cream beside him* delicious
A: Oh, hey guys
Hey Adrien
H-hey Adrien
A: Enjoying the ice cream?
Y-yeah it’s delicious. You should get some.
*thinks: she still likes him, doesn’t she*
*coo coo (pigeon)*
Hey Chloe. You’re here too. You should also get some ice cream
Chloe? As in the mayor’s daughter?
A:Yeah she is our classmate.
Ugh! Like I have time for that high calorie stuff!
Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!
Your loss not mine
A: Come on Chloe be nice.
If you want some quality you can get only the classiest gelato at our new hotel restaurant.
Just saying.
What? You said be nice!
I prefer Andre’s ice cream over expensive gelato *laughs*
A: *laughs*
You can join us if you like
A: He has the best love heart ice cream
Y-yeah *looking at Adrien*
*raises eyebrow* heart ice cream?
*looks at Marinette and signs*
Yeah Chloe whoever eats Andre’s ice cream will stay in love forever
Really??? *surprised*
*nods* that’s what he told all of Paris
*looks at Adrien*
You just have to believe
A: believe!
W-well I personally don’t believe in baby fairy tales like that but if Adrikins insists!
Let’s go get some more ice cream I’ve finished mine
I’ll just wait here
Ok its your treat
Ok *goes to get ice cream*
*smiles and sighs*
*eyes Luka*
*looks at Chloe and Adrien* Soooooo are you two like together?
Like since kindergarten!
Wait what-?
You’ve been dating since kindergarten?!
A: I um – no?
Dating? I thought you were asking how long we have been friends
*shakes head* no I meant dating, sorry
A: Um... no? we are like long time besties
  What about you? I’ve seen you around school. Don’t you hang with Juleka?
She’s my sister. I have to pick her up from school every day, I go to College Francoise Dupont.
YOU’RE JULEKA’S BROTHER?! Wait… *squints hard and leans close into Luka* Actually I can kind of see it.
*Adrien leaves to go get ice cream so he can bring some back for Chloe*
You have the same eyebrows! *she says with triumphant*
Huh we do? I never noticed that, thanks for pointing it out miss bourgeois.
Omg you do!
*he notices that Chloe is still very close to his face* are we having a staring contest or do you just like looking at my face?
Hmmm… that’s a pretty unique eye colour you have. Are they contacts?
*shakes head* no they are 100% real
*finally pulls back* Get out! No way!
*laughs* I promise they’re real
*awkward silence*
*Luka looks over to Marinette in distance* So… you and Dupain-Cheng… what is your guys’ deal?
*looks at Chloe* we’ve been dating for three months. Its our uh three month anniversary today…
*blunty* cute
Yeah. I guess *shrugs*
*marinette still getting ice cream*
*takes a seat on the bench crossing one leg over the* sooooo…... Anniversary huh?
*comes back with ice cream* I see you two are getting to know each other better.
Oh yeah… I feel enlightened *blunt sarcasm*
He’s a reaaalll talker isn’t he
Mmhmm *hands them both ice creams* here you go
Thank you ma-ma-Marinette *takes it*
I am glad you are getting along okay
I communicate better with music *scratches behind his neck*
*slaps Luka’s arm* Why are you still teasing me about it
OW! *pretending to be hurt*
Because it’s cute
No its not
Yes it is
*Chloe rollers her eyes as she internally gags*
*glares at him*
Don’t look at me like that or ill keep going.
Not if I have anything to say about it *pretending to be mad*
*laughs* still as cute as when we first met
And you’ve been teasing me about it since we first met
*Chloe thinks: oh now I’m definitely gonna hurl…* Oh, Adrikiiiins!!!!
Oh here we go again
Are you gonna come back anytime soon? *hmm he must be too far away to hear me*
Well I’m gonna keep doing it for as long as we are together
Hahaha (sarcastically)*glares but lets it go because she doesn’t want her icecream to melt*
*chloe abruptly stands* RIIIIIIIIIGHT… im gonna just…. *walks over to Adrien*
*raises an eye brow at chloe’s strange behaviour*
*rolls his eyes playfully and starts to eat his icecream as he leans on marinettes shoulder*
Is Chloe acting weird?
She probably just isn’t used to proper relationships
Yeah I guess *still suspicious*
She’ll get used to it soon
I hope so. She can be great if she wants to
*Chloe hugs Adrien joyfully after he giver her an icecream*
*Marinette is trying not the be jealous but can’t help it*
*she accidentally breaks her cone and notices that her hand is now very wet and groans loudly*
*looks over* Oh no. What happene- *sees why* oh right.
I think I was just holding the cone too tight
Do you need help getting it off
*starts to wipe her hands with a tissue from her purse* No it’s okay I got it. Thanks.
But you could get me another ice cream 😊
Don’t worry you can just have mine, I haven’t eaten much
You sure? What about you?
I’m not hungry anymore…
Oh ok thanks
*fake smile*
Can I ask you something?
Sure *she says as she stares at Adrien*
*looks at her* Do you actually like me? *shes not paying much attention* well then I guess there’s my answer
What?.. What do you mean?
You’re still in love with Adrien, aren’t you?
We are dating that means I like you.
*sighs* when are you going to stop lying to yourself and me?
I am not lying. Adrien is just a nice guy is all.
*rolls eyes* a ‘nice guy’ that’s all he is to you?
He’s also a great friend?
I see the way you look at him Marinette.. you’ve never looked at me that way. If you love him so much then why did you decide to date me?
I look at him the way at look at anyone else.
Oh, come on, Mari! I’m not stupid!
What does he have that I don’t? Money? Fame? Good looks?
I never liked him for those reasons! Is that what you think I want?
I don’t like Adrien that way anyway
I’m sure you don’t
*crushes her cone again because she is mad*
I never stood a chance against him. He is perfect, I’m sorry I couldn’t be
Nonsense. I never said he was perfect he has his flaws, every person does.
*tears fill his eyes* did you ever love me?
*sighs* I don’t think I did
Ok well, did you ever like me at least?
*hesitates* Y-no, no I didn’t.
*tears fall down his face*
I am so sorry Luka. I am such an idiot.
*scoffs* I can’t do this anymore.
Neither can i. *woefully*
You should’ve told me the truth from the start. I’m done. It’s over *gets up and runs away still crying*
I’m sorr- *sighs and sits down*
*Chloe and Adrien have witnessed this event from afar and start to come down*
*Luka is sitting on the waters edge as he cries into his hands*
*Chloe could see Luka and is for some reason compelled to go see if he is okay*
Adrikins I need to go.. do stuff. Talk later *waves as she runs in Lukas direction*
-flash forward to Hawkmoth’s lair as the sky light opens-
HM: Such bitter sorrow of a broken heart who was so utterly betrayed by the one he loved… Fly away my little akuma and evilize that broken heart
-back to the river side-
*Luka is still sitting with his head hanging between his knees. He looks at the bracelet that Marinette gave him for their anniversary*
*footsteps approach from behind him* Hey… can I sit here?
*with tear-soaked eyes he looks at her and nods slowly*
*inahles deeply as she sits down*
*they sit in silence for a few minutes until chloe starts looking around awkwardly*
I’m not in the mood please *as he puts his hands on his face once more and sniffles*
Uh.. There? There?
Thank you but you don’t have to stay
*sighs* Ok look, I’m trying this new thing where I’m supposed to care about other people’s problems so if you a problem I’m willing to-- *but before she continues she sees a familiar black butterfly out of the corner of her eye coming towards them. She grabs his wrist*RUN!
Wait wha-
Shut up and run pretty boy! *successfully pulls Luka away from the bridge*
*he thinks: what? Pretty boy*
*he sees an alleyway and pulls them both into it*
*breathing heavily* Did it follow us?
*shrugs* wow this alley way is tight *as she shuffles around*
*Chloe puts her hand on his face* You HAVE to think happy thoughts okay. Or it will find you again, quick!
i-i can’t..
Yes! you can! Come on. You like music right? Sing something then
Chloe I- *Akuma enters bracelet undetected*
*Chloe’s eyes widen as he pushes her away out of the alleyway and a familiar purple outline appears on his face*
*Luka is shaking as he tries to resist*
HM: Heart Rocker… The girl you were deeply in love with took your feelings forgranted and crushed them. Not I give you the power to return the favour.
*groans* No… I-I don’t wan-want to hurt a-anyone!
Luka fight it. You have to
*he falls to his knees as he holds his head shaking*
*his groans get louder and tears start streaming down his face*
HM: But she will only hurt you more. I’ll give you the power to play with her heartstrings and destroy the one that stands in your way. All I ask for in return are ladybug’s and Chat noir’s miraculous!
N-no! I can’t i- *cries out in pain* STOP!
*Chloe runs to him*
I’m s-so sorry…
Don’t give up now pretty boy, you can do this! Fight him! You know he is trying to trick you.
It-it hurts too much… I have no choice.
I know it hurts. I know YOU’RE hurt! But you can’t let him win now. You are stronger Luka! *hugs him tightly*
HM: don’t listen to that selfish little brat. I can give you POWER! I can get you revenge!
Get out of his head!!!!
I-i can’t do it-
No! *she starts yanking at his bracelet* GET OUT!
*shouts in pain*
*black bubbles start to form around him so Chloe tries even harder*
I’m t-to tired. I can-t fi-fight any long-er
You are NOT going to get HIM HAWKMOTH! YO HEAR ME! YOU STUPID, OLD, TACKY FART! *she rips the bracelet free*
*the Akuma is forced to leave the bracelet and tries to fly away as the bubbles around Luka fade*
Oh nooooo you don’t! *as she grabs an old broom from the garbage and starts to hit it against a wall, crushing it*
*Luka falls to the ground barely awake*
HM: I will get him next time *screams in anger as the light shade closes*
*once Chloe is sure the akums is dead she drops to the broom, get Luka’s bracelet and realises* OMG Luka!
*she moves his head to her lap and pats his head* Come on pretty boy… wake up *she starts to tear up* come  pretty bo.. you’re gonna be okay. You’re gonna be okay….
*everything fades to black*
*Luka’s eyes flutter open* w-where am I?
B: Ah young sir. You’ve woken.
Who are you!? *looks around frantically* is this the Mayor’s hotel?
B:You may call me Jean.
w-wait.. the mayor, so chloe? Where is she? Is she ok? I didn’t hurt her did i? *he tries to get up but falls back down in pain*
B: The young miss is fine. She was quite frantic when she called me to pick you up. She demanded we place you in this suite to recuperate.
Sh-she did? Where is she now?
B: The hotel physician has already given you a look. You should be okay.
I sent Miss Bougeous to her room to calm her nerves. Like I said, she was quite frantic.  
I Understand thank you jean. Could you please let Chlode know I say thankyou? For everything
B: I was quite surprised when she called though, I haven’t seen her this upset about someone else since…
Since when…?
B:*shakes head* please pay my words no heed.
*chloe bursts through door*  FRANCOIS OR WHATEVER! ANY NEWS?! *spots Luka* You’re OKAY!!!!! *runs and and hungs him*
*he smiles* I owe you all my thanks. *he groans slightly because of the tight hug*
B: I will take my leave.
Yeah, yeah whatever claude
Thank you, jean.
*Butler nods and he leaves and shuts the door*
But really? How are you?
The doctor said you were ok but… It takes a lot to force hawkmoth out of your head.
*sighs* but you did it Chloe you got him to leave. You’re really strong.
*her eyes widen and she tries to hide her blushing with a blasé hair toss* Hmph! Its only natural. I AM the Great and Powerful Queen Bee after all
*chuckles* that it true but trust me, you’re amazing. I can’t thank you enough.
*stands and puffs chest with pride trying to hide her embarrassment* naturally!
Well…It would be utterly ridiculous if you stop!
*smiles and pulls her into another hug*
*her face is red* Ok…Ok.. You can let go now *weakly nudges him away*
But do you want me to?
*she is even redder and pushes away* Sh-Shut up Peasant!
So I’m not pretty boy anymore *pouts*
Oh shut it! *but she remembers something and she takes it out of her pocket* Oh here I picked this up for you.
Oooo a gift?
*she gives him a broken bracelet held together barely by rubber bands and staples*
*he tries not to laugh* I ug love it. Thank you
SHUT UP! Arts and crafts isn’t my strong suit ok! You caught me I’m not perfect!
Anyway. Your welcome to stay here for a couple of days if you want. You can bring your family too! I already had daddy deal with the expenses okay!
So! Just forget about that loser Dupain-Cheng and Adrien for now ok?! They aren’t worth your time.
Good-bye! *storms out completely flustered*
*Luka smiles and chuckles, shaking his head as he looks out the window. His heart still aches at the though of Marineette but at this moent… He thinks he is gonna be ok..*
--the end--
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And if you're ever in the mood to tell us which Hogwarts houses you'd sort these characters into: Prue. Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Buffy, Willow, Cordelia, Xander, Angel, Spike, Leo, Cole, Gunn, Wesley, Fred
Prue: Gryffindor
Prue is incredibly brave and will walk straight into danger without hestitation or regard for her own safety if she believes it’s the right thing and/or to save others. She’s fiery and always stands by what she believes in. However, she can be reckless and at times stubbornly proud and even arrogant. I know a lot of fans would classify Prue as Slytherin, which I do understand, because she certainly has a lot of Slytherin traits - cleverness, leadership and ambition. But but ultimately I think that Prue was a lot more quick to act than Slytherin’s tend to be. I know that at the time she was under the influence of a magical sin, but she threw herself into a pit of fire without hesitation to save an innocent and because of her pride. All in all, I percieve Prue as being on the border between Gryffindor and Slytherin and having the potential to be either, just like Harry, but her heart would take her to Gryffindor. 
Piper: Hufflepuff
Piper is kind, loyal, fair and hard-working. Particularly in the early seasons she has the meekness that is often associated with Hufflepuff. She’s associated with earth and is a very strong motherly figure who cares for others and keeps the people around her grounded. 
Phoebe: Gryffindor
Phoebe is immensely passionate and will follow her heart wherever it takes her, which feels very Gryffindor to me. Like Prue, she always stands up for what she believes in and has a rebellious streak. She often lets her heart rule her head and as a result gets herself into all kinds of predicaments. 
Paige: Ravenclaw 
Paige is unique, quirky, introspective and creative. She took great pleasure and pride in experimenting with the craft, creating new spells and potions and finding new and more effective magical practices. Paige isn’t afraid to go against the norm in pursuit of her own dreams, interests and ambitions. She never feels the need to fit in or conform, she always strives to be true to herself. 
Buffy: Gryffindor 
Buffy is a fighter; courageous and brave with a fiercely good heart. She acts on emotion and passion and is a true Gryffindor through and through.
Willow: Slytherin
Willow is incredibly intelligent, ambitious and determined. She actively craves power and thrives on having it. Her innate Slytherin-ness is ultimately what led her to go down a dark path in season 6, because it’s that desperate need for power that corrupted her and kept her wanting more and more (which is why Slytherin as a house overall has a general reputation for having more “evil” or “bad” characters in it than any other house). 
Cordelia: Gryffindor 
Cordelia is probably the easiest one to place, because she’s the very definition of Gryffindor. She’s out-spoken, confident, brave and straight down the line. She says what she thinks and she acts on what she feels no matter what. She fights for what she believes in and is true of heart. Although, interestingly on BTVS and early seasons ATS, I probably would place her in Slytherin. 
Xander: Hufflepuff
Xander is hard-working and loyal. Right out of school he goes into work and holds down a job all the way through the remainder of the series. At times he can be judgemental of others based on his own perceptions of morality, but that never impacts the loyaly he has for his friends and loved ones. He also fits into some of the stereotypes that Hufflepuffs tend to in regards of being “talentless” and perhaps fading into the background against the more vibrant and fiery personalities of Buffy, Cordy, Willow etc. But his dedication to fairness and doing the right thing gives him an inner strength that a lot of the people around him take forgranted. 
Angel: Gryffindor 
I actually found Angel very hard to place, because he doesn’t stand out to me as fitting into any of the houses particularly well. However, I had to go with Gryffindor based on the fact that Angel is the very definiton of heroic, chivalry and bravery. He’s committed to helping others and is never afraid to go into any situation. He can certainly be reckless and jump into decisions without much thought and as a result gets himself (and others) into trouble. 
Spike: Gryffindor 
This may come as a surprise to some people because I think most people would place him in Slytherin, but that’s just a default reaction based on the fact that Spike is an antagonist. Spike is very emotional and follows his heart, which I see at the core to be a very Gryffindor trait. Because he’s a villainous character, he doesn’t possess the traditional traits we associate with Gryffindor of civalry and goodness. However, he lacks the intelligence, cunning, shrewdness and ambition that Slytherin’s have. Spike can be manipulative and even cunning at times, but that isn’t the main aspect of his personality. He doesn’t have the strength, leadership or even confidence to be a true Slytherin. Furthermore, he isn’t driven by ambition or even self-preservation, he does things simply because he wants to. Being a vampire and some of the actions he takes as a Bad Guy clouds certain aspects of his personality, but he is in fact brave and will dive into situations to protect people. He would’ve done anything to keep Dru, Buffy and Dawn safe without any regard for his own life. Overall, Spike is probably the hardest character on this list to place because I don’t think he fits into any of the houses that well, but Gryffindor is the closest for me.
Leo: Hufflepuff
Leo is hard-working, fair, loyal and true. He works his butt off as a Whitelighter, Elder, father and husband; he’s always diplomatic, willing to see the good in others and give people second chances and he stands by those that he loves without question. Leo is a true Hufflepuff.
Cole: Slytherin 
Cole is cunning and manipulative. When he sets his mind on something he doesn’t stop until he achieves that goal no matter what he has to do to get there whether that involves trampling over others or even sacrificing parts of himself in the process. He’s not only able to fool Prue (sort of), Piper and Phoebe into thinking he is human, but he’s also able to play The Triad, Brotherhood and even The Source. When The Triad turned on him he killed them without a second thought to protect himself. He certainly had goodness in him and as a human, in particular, he had a desire to protect others but he once again, he was willing to do anything to make that happen including threatening and physically assaulting people. Cole is by far the most Slytherin type character on this list. 
Gunn: Hufflepuff
Gunn is not a natural leader, but is dedicated to goodness and a fair fight. He loyally follows Angel through everything because he believes in what they’re fighting for. He has a huge capacity for forgiveness and compassion, and is always able to see all perspectives which enables him to empathise with others. 
Wesley: Slytherin
Wesley is very clever and utilises the intellect and knowledge he has as a resource, and sometimes even a weapon. He’s very ambitious, in BTVS within his position as a Watcher and in ATS in regards to wanting to run Angel Investigations, as well as in the level of knowledge he wants to gain. Wes never tires of learning new information and enjoys being able to use that information in any way he sees fit. He values self-preservation and is meticulous in the decisions he makes. For example, in season 3, when faced with the possibility that Angel may kill Connor, he didn’t immediately act on that and kidnap Connor. He read and read and read as much as he could, agonised over what to do and eventually came to a decision that he felt was in the best interests of everyone. Wesley is a prime example of a Slytherin that is not a villain and proves that not all Slytherin’s are necessarily bad guys. 
Fred: Ravenclaw
Fred is witty and wow, oh wow, is she smart. Fred’s intellect and academia is beyond amazing. She values knowledge and is able to use the knowledge she has and her intelligence to find new methods and approaches to interpreting, presenting and calculating information. She’s unique and like many other Ravenclaws doesn’t tend to fit any of the conventions of a young female her age, but she doesn’t let that stop her from being true to herself. 
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llzehs · 6 years
Although dirtsheets have no credibility left in today’s world, but still, the way Dean’s been booked lately, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if this was true.
And you know what? Good for him. WWE no longer deserve him, and that’s the bottomline. No star is bigger than WWE, but Dean Ambrose is not just a star. He’s not an egoistic full of himself asshole who works for himself. He’s a kind of professional a company like WWE need with the way their things go. He’s the backup, whenever one of their plans go down the toilet. His utility is unlike the kind of top players they need for money. He’s the guy who does what he’s asked for and never complains. And WWE has taken him forgranted for too long. He have had his good moments, but after the injury that was the result of WWE’s negligence and maddening schedule, he worked his ass off to transform his whole body and craft, reinnovated himself in a way very few can nowadays, and WWE shit all over it. He insisted in his Chronicle how he’s no longer there for the money or titles. He doesn’t know how long he has left, and there are things he still want to do. Which WWE clearly won’t ever allow him to do.
I am proud of him if he decides to leave. Dean Ambrose drove his body to the ground literally for this company, only to be called lazy and phony. All cuz he did what WWE asked him to do. All cuz he was a professional and a company man. All cuz he wasn’t fucking selfish. But what happens to people like those in today’s world? People start taking them for granted. I’m not even talking bout WWE. My frustrations are mainly with the fans, who whined and cried about Dean not being treated right, only to turn their back on him when he was finally given the top spot. And alright, WWE did sabotage him by putting him in a lame as fuck feud, but fans have in the past stood by their darlings and forced WWE to take notice. Bryan. Becky.
Dean was put in a bad spot against Brock, then Austin in that POD. And since WWE can’t punish them, they punished Dean. Fans turned on him. They made fun of his body. They made fun of his wrestling and storylines that was clearly choreographed by the creative. Dean’s only fault is he wasn’t an asshole like Punk and whined. He took it all like a man, and did his job.
Dean worked hurt for years, only for his injury to get so bad he almost died. But, even in that time, he did everything that was in HIS power to shut his critics up. They said he was too thin, he transformed his body. They said he was phony, he showed passion and storytelling many few can. They said he was lazy, he tweaked his wrestling style and became more aggressive.
What do WWE do? Screw him out once again by ruining his character with their lazy writing. Dean was on a roll, its not his fault it didn’t go anywhere. He was still cutting out amazing promos, the content wasn’t his. He was reading a script. You can only make so much out of bullshit. Fans, once again gave up on him. The amount of disrespect he gets from so called wrestling fans is astonishing.
So you know what? Screw WWE. Screw entitled ungrateful fans. Dean’s road buddy, his best friend, the man who’s been his biggest support is no longer there. Dean’s being treated like shit, and fans don’t fucking care. They’ll only care when he’s gone like they do for Roman. At least in Roman’s case, he was on the right spot and being backed by the higher ups. He could take the heat cuz he was onto far bigger things.
If Dean decides to retires, I’m happy for him. He deserves it. He has done enough for us and he doesn’t owe anyone anything. He has been loyal to WWE, did everything unselfishly. His body and his health matters the most. If he’s no longer enjoying the one thing he loves the most, on top of it he has to deal with losing Roman on the road, I say he should do what’s best for him. Put himself first cuz that’s what he deserves.
If he decides to leave for another promotion, good for him. I’m sure if he’s taking this stand they won’t make the same mistakes as WWE. Dean doesn’t need titles or money, he wants to have fun. Let him enjoy his passion, and you’ll get the best out of him.
If he stays in WWE, I hope he takes a stand and don’t let WWE take him for granted anymore. He deserves to be treated with respect, and if they cannot give him that, they don’t deserve a star like him. You have no idea how bad I want this news to be true, cuz for me watching him every week is not as important as his actual happiness and health and there’s no way he’s happy the way things have turned ever since he returned (watch his Chronicle).
At the end of the day, WWE is bigger than any single superstar so they’ll probably recover from this blow. But with new promotions and opportunities, I hope they start taking notice of the talent they have and start treating them right. Its not bout being on the top, its bout being able to express your craft in a way that satisfies you. Wrestling is a passion that demands a lot out of you. Its not just a job. Specially for someone like Dean.
In NXT, they only have few people wrestling and feuding for the top title. But every other title matters, every superstar has a story and a chance to express their talent. You cannot built a whole brand around one guy and then complain about guys not grabbing the brass knuckles. I have always been WWE’s biggest supporter, but with the way they have misused so much potential talent, they need to reevaluate themselves.
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So from what i have gathered from this season is Stefan is working for Cade and became a Ripper again .. He seems to be blaming Himself for destroying Elena because he stayed and fell in love with her.. Now he is human tormented by all he has done and Caroline is trying to save him.. But i believe she will fail...
cont. Stefan is Human and his spiraling from all the killing he has been doing this season… Do you see Caroline being the one to help him ??
Like I said before, I haven’t watched season 8, so I probably know as much as you. The extent of my knowledge, is pretty much what you said. Alaric’s daughters were in danger and Stefan made a deal with The Devil (who I believe is Cade) to save them, because obviously they’re like Caroline’s daughters, so of course he’d sacrifice himself, because that’s just what Stefan does. Since then he’s essentially been a slave to Cade and he forced him to turn off his humanity too. That’s really all I know and even some of that might be wrong. However, I don’t think Stefan has been blaming himself for destroying Elena. I think you’re probably referring to the scenes from 8x07 (x) whereby Cade essentially tells Stefan that he’s the one responsible for ruining Elena’s life and bringing tragedy into it and blah blah blah. Those are Cade’s words though, not Stefan’s, and Stefan actually argues against it. He says that he always fought to protect Elena, that he loved her and being with her was a time in his life when he was good. So, I don’t really interpret Cade’s words as being how Stefan feels. That was most likely Cade trying his best to tear Stefan down and emotionally taunt him. Stefan tends to be his harshest critic, he is prone to blaming himself for situations that aren’t even his fault and he carries the burden of guilt for things for a long time, which leads to him punishing himself internally, but when it comes to what Cade said, Stefan knows it’s bullshit. Elena told Stefan multiple times that he was not to blame for the things that happened after they met, because he wasn’t. 
I know that you think you brought all this bad stuff into my life, but my life already had it. I was buried in it. (1x10)
I wanted to know the truth and I got it. It’s not just me that’s in danger. It’s Caroline and it’s Tyler and it’s Bonnie. They’re all part of breaking the curse. I can’t blame anyone else anymore because it’s not because you came into town or because you and I fell in love. That’s not why everyone that I love is in danger. It’s because of me, everything is because of me. (2x09)
Elena was the doppelganger, regardless of whether or not she met Stefan, Klaus would’ve hunted her down. She was the key to breaking the curse and actually, Stefan coming into her life is what saved her. Imagine if Klaus had found her and she was just living her ordinary human life without the protection from Stefan and Damon. She would’ve died immediately. Then there’s the fact that it’s not just Elena that was supernatural, it was also Bonnie, it was Tyler. Bonnie was a born Bennett witch and Tyler was a natural born wolf. Did Stefan cause that too? There is just no logical way for Stefan to be blamed for the things that happened to Elena. If anything he’s the one that brought hope, light and love into her life at the most crucial time when she needed it. Stefan’s no fool, he knows that even if he’d have walked away from Elena at the start, it was inevitable that she’d face danger from the supernatural world. I think the only thing he likely still feels guilt about when it comes to Elena is not saving her in 3x22. That is the decision that haunts Stefan and that I think he will probably regret until his dying breath. 
Yes, Stefan’s human now (yay!) and honestly, that alone is enough to make me want to watch the show, even just to see the Stefan scenes. I’m so eager to learn what this means for him. He’s only just reverted back to being a human, so obviously he’s overwhelmed with emotion and trying to deal with the guilt and shame of his actions in the recent weeks when he was without his humanity and doing Cade’s bidding. But people take forgranted that that isn’t the only thing Stefan’s dealing with. 
Regardless of whether or not Stefan has wished to be human again for a very long time, the reality of it is something very different. His entire world has shifted now. Who he is, what he is, his future, literally everything he knows has been turned on it’s head in an instant. It’s going to be a long process and take a while for him to adapt to such a huge change. Elena swung right back to being a human as though she’d never been a vampire, but she’d been a vampire for a few years at the most. Stefan has been one for over 170 years. That’s a very long time and I can’t see him adapting to being human as easily as Elena. 
As for Caroline helping him, I think she will try to do her absolute best. Say what you will about Steroline, but it is a supportive relationship. As his best friend she was his sober sponsor and the one he turned to when he was in crisis mode (sometimes even above Elena) and I think she will be that for him now. But ultimately, I don’t think it’s about anyone supporting Stefan or getting him through it, I think it’s something he has to do on his own. People can be there for him, but he needs to get things straight in his own head and figure out where to go from here on his own. He’s already questioning his relationship with Caroline, which makes total sense since he’s a human and she’s still a vampire. And I think this is an issue that could potentially come between them and prevent Caroline from being able to help Stefan as much as she’d probably like. There’s a barrier between them now and also a lack of understanding. How can Caroline empathise with Stefan or relate to him, when she’s never been through what he’s going through? Transitioning from human to vampire is a major adjustment and we’ve seen how impossibly difficult it is from watching Vicki, Caroline and Elena deal with it, but the transition from human to vampire is just as major, yet Caroline’s never been through it. And guess where I’m leading with this…yes, you guessed it. Elena has been through it. Which brings me to an important point - maybe Stefan will turn to Elena for support. 
It’s only natural when you’ve gone through such a huge life-changing thing that you’d seek out the person that will understand what you’re going through. Who understands what Stefan’s going through better than Elena? Not only are they both vampires turned humans, but they’ve also had similar views on being human. If Stefan doesn’t have at least one conversation with Elena about what it means to be human or even ask her how she felt after she took the cure, then the writers will have failed massively. 
But yeah, I think that Caroline will try to help him, but whether or not she can actually reach him is another matter. Stefan’s still very raw at the moment, he’s confused, he’s basically a lost puppy with no idea what to think or feel, no clue where to turn. Like I said earlier, I really think that the person that will get him through this is himself. If you take away his vulnerabilities as a vampire - the blood lust, the darkness, the urge to kill, the intensified emotions - Stefan is actually a very strong person. The things he said to Caroline in 8x12 about their relationship shows how capable he is of being reasonable and mature, of handling his emotions in a healthy way. He shared his reservations and confusion with Caroline in a fair way and he’s being honest about what he’s thinking and feeling. And actually, despite the fact that Stefan did have the urge to sometimes rip into someone’s throat whenever he was angry or sad, even as a vampire he still fought to rationalise his emotions. Like I said in a previous ask, he’s not like Damon whereby he just feels something and reacts immediately. He’s always been more conscientious than that and as a human I can imagine that that quality will become amplified. So bearing this in mind, I think that with time, Stefan will be able to pull himself out of the fog he’s in at the moment and be the happiest he’s ever been (if the writers will allow him).
What Stefan needs to do next is deal with the guilt of all of the murder and hurt he’s caused people as a vampire, not just recently, but across the nearly two centuries that he’s been a vampire. He needs to apologise and make amends to those that he’s able to and then accept that he did those things, but there’s nothing he can do to change it and forgive himself, so that he can finally move on. Then he needs to figure out what he wants from his life. Not necessarily in 50 years time, because let’s be honest what teenager (and technically that’s what Stefan is, he’s only 17 years old) plans or thinks that far into the future? But he should be considering where he wants to be next year at the very least. He also needs to figure out where he stands with his relationship with Caroline, which is something he needs to figure out with her, rather than on his own. Next he needs to really explore who he is now. The writing has always told us that vampirism only heightens who you already are, but we all know this is a complete lie. In fact, I don’t even know why the writers ever included that little addendum, because it’s completely unfitting with everything we’ve witnessed with all of the characters. Elena and Caroline changed drastically after becoming vampires and for Stefan, being a vampire created a completely different layer to him that never would’ve existed in him as a human. That layer has been so dominating and so central to who he was a person that it’s actually took on an identity and life of it’s own. It’s the Ripper. I’m sure I’m not the only one that actually thinks of Stefan and the Ripper as being two separate identities. I understand that they’re two sides to him, but even still, the two are very separate in my mind. So the main question leading on from this is who is Stefan Salvatore now? An entire part of his being, his personality, his identity has been stripped from him. Yes, it might have been the worst part of him and he’s probably grateful that it’s gone, but the fact remains, that it being gone changes who he is. 
These issues and so many more are what Stefan needs to deal with. Whether or not we’ll actually get to see him do it or not is a different matter, because the writers tend to gloss over things such as this. But my point is that all of these things are really things that only Stefan can figure out. Caroline might be able to be there for him, Damon and Elena too, but in the end Stefan is the only one that can figure out the next part of his life. He needs to make peace with who he is now, where he is, want he wants and how he feels and no one else but Stefan can do that. 
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I know I asked you about relationships on the show before, but while I watched SOA tonight, I found myself wondering what your take is on Gemma & Unser’s relationship? Because I feel like it was quite one-sided. I believe Unser cared for Gemma (he does say in a later season that he’s in love with her, which I always find to be messed up) but I feel like Gemma just didn’t care much for him, unless she needed him for something (like she does with most of the characters she’s relationships w)
Oooh, I’m so glad you asked about this because I’ve always found Gemma and Wayne’s relationship very interesting, but I haven’t really spoken about it before. 
Firstly, the important thing to remember when discussing any of Gemma’s relationships is that she is completely incapable of love, at least in regards to the way most of us view love. There’s no disputing that she loved many people - JT, Clay, Nero, Jax, Thomas (her son), her father, Tara, Abel, Thomas, Wayne and I would even argue that she loved Wendy and other members of the club such as Tig, Bobby, Chibs and Juice. However, the narcissistic nature of Gemma’s personality means that she’s completely incapable of pure, selfless and unconditional love. I think I’ve discussed it in other meta’s before, but even with Jax - who is arguably the person she loves most in the world and whom she claimed to love from “the purest deepest part” of her soul - she cannot be selfless. Her love for Jax was still centred upon her own needs and what he could do for her. She even admitted that much in a conversation between her and Jax where she said that after Thomas died she took all the love she had for Thomas and forced it onto Jax, essentially putting immense pressure on Jax to be her everything. It was exactly the same with Abel and Thomas, she fixated on them and tried to overshadow Tara and prop herself up as the boys’ mother, despite the fact that she was their grandmother. She fought against Tara tooth and nail to stop her from taking them out of Charming, and that is just proof that Gemma was incapable of selfless love. Anyone that truly loved a child would never wish for them to stay in the kind of life they were caught in whilst living in Charming. In season 6, those two young babies were in the clubhouse minutes before it exploded and was completely obliterated. They were constantly in danger and the fact that Gemma wanted them to stay in that hostile, toxic and lethal environment just so she could keep them close shows how selfish her love was. 
But onto the point of your ask - Gemma and Wayne. Romantically, their relationship was completely one-sided. Wayne was clearly in love with Gemma throughout the series, although he rarely admitted it aloud. There were moments where Clay suggested his feelings for Gemma extended beyond friendship, even Gemma did on a couple of occasions, he was also jealous over Nero and then later admitted to Gemma that he was in love with her. When he chose to die with Gemma in season 7 instead of living without her, that was conclusive proof that he was in love with her. I actually always thought Wayne being in love with Gemma made perfect sense and I’m glad it was included in the show. It’s a love that was never thrown in our faces (which I appreciate), but that always had echoes throughout the series and I feel that it was a very realistic take on what it is like to be in love with someone that doesn’t love you back. Unrequited love is tragic, and in Wayne’s case, it’s not just tragic because it was unrequited love, but because Gemma didn’t have the capacity to ever understand, appreciate or return his love. The reason is because where Gemma is incapable of pure love, Wayne isn’t - he loved Gemma completely and there was so much proof of that throughout the series. When you consider how well Wayne knew Gemma (I believe Wayne knew her better than anyone, which even Gemma said in season 6) and the fact that he knew the deepest, darkest parts of her and still loved her… that alone is very telling of how unconditional that love was. This is particularly evident when you compare Nero’s love for Gemma to Wayne’s - Nero never truly knew who Gemma was, because that more ruthless, violent side of her seemed to be more muted or suppressed when she was around him. Whereas Wayne saw the ugly parts of her and loved her regardless. Unfortunately for him, as I’ve already said, his love was wasted on a woman that didn’t have the capacity to return it. However, I think Wayne understood that Gemma could never love him the way he loved her, but that didn’t make a difference to him. Her friendship still meant a lot to him, and he never demanded or expected anything from her. Wayne loved her the way we expect people to love one another - selflessly. It’s never really discussed or brought up, but Wayne must have been in constant pain to have been so close to a woman he was in love with knowing she would never love him the way he loved her. That’s a very painful thing to live with, and he could’ve easily walked away to try and get over her and move on, but he loved her so much that he was willing to push his own feelings aside, in order to completely devote himself to Gemma. That again, is another testament to his love for her. 
Although Gemma was never in love with Wayne and incapable of ever loving him in that way, I do believe that Gemma loved Wayne very deeply as a friend. He was the only constant relationship (outside of her immediate family) that she maintained across the series and in fact, it was probably one of the healthiest (although still not completely healthy, but it’s impossible for any relationship involving Gemma to be healthy). Yes, Gemma often went to Wayne when she needed him for something, but that’s true of many of the relationships on the show, even the ones that were built on love. I don’t necessarily think that diminishes their bond, because there were plenty of scenes between them that were just the two of them talking or supporting or comforting one another. Out of all the relationships Gemma was involved in on the show, her relationship with Wayne was the one that involved the least emotional blackmail, manipulation, lying and general selfishness. To my recollection she never turned on him, she never fought with him (at least not seriously) and she never did anything to deliberately or maliciously hurt him. Wayne did a hell of a lot for the club and was severely mistreated and took forgranted by them, and in my opinion, Gemma was the only one that actually cared about him. To everyone else in the club, Wayne was dispensable, particularly after he stepped down as Sheriff, but I don’t think he was to Gemma. If Wayne had been killed earlier on in the series, especially if it had been at the hand of the Sons, I think she would’ve found that incredibly difficult to deal with and I even believe she would have done everything she could to prevent that from happening. She almost had a protectiveness over him, and I think where Wayne was in love with her, she perceived him more to be a brother of sorts. 
I actually think Gemma and Wayne’s friendship is one of the most underrated on the show. We know that they’d known each other since they were children, so they clearly had a very close bond that stretched back decades. There’s no doubt that he knew her better than anyone because of how long he’d known her and the fact that he was one of the people she trusted most. Gemma kept so many secrets that I lost count, but she never seemed to lie or hide as much from Wayne as she did from the other characters. In season 2, he was the one she trusted with her rape. I know he found her so some could argue that it was coincidental that he found out, but I still think that the level of trust she had with him meant that she felt comfortable with him knowing more so than she would have with anyone else. In many ways I think Wayne was actually Gemma’s center of gravity, because he was the most “normal” out of everybody in her life. Wayne was a calming presence and he helped her to see reason. I’d also argue that he was one of the few people that was genuinely not afraid of her, and that meant that he also wasn’t afraid to be brutally honest with her and tell her when she was wrong. Gemma really needed that because she’s a naturally impulsive and reckless person that will immediately jump to the extremes, instead of taking a step back to analyse a situation and decide on an appropriate course of action. Wayne was a constant source of support in Gemma’s life and probably the most reliable. All of her other relationships constantly went through their ups and downs, but her relationship with Wayne never really faltered. I think that’s also perhaps why it seems like she only goes to him when she needs something - because she often did, because she knew when she was at her lowest ebb, desperate and alone that Wayne would be there for her without question. 
So those are my thoughts on Gemma and Wayne’s relationship, I hope you found it interesting and it gave you some food for thought where they’re concerned. I definitely think they’re one of the more interesting dynamics on the show and as an individual character, Unser is one of the most overlooked and unappreciated characters on the series. He did so much for the club (without him they wouldn’t have even survived in the early seasons), he made so many sacrifices, endured so much pain and he never received any gratitude or love, and ended up dying at the hand of a man he had protected for years all for the love of a woman who did not even deserve his love. 
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