#i told my friend that i was delusional and they gave me the definition of delusions
merakiui · 4 days
Okay, but serial killer Azul getting revenge on everybody after he's presumed dead in a prank gone wrong.
Maybe you were a popular girl that he was always in love with, since you were the only one who wasn't outright cruel to him. One day you end up asking him to the prom and for him it's a dream come true, his true love is finally recognizing him. Unaware that it's a Carrie situation where you and your friends plan to humiliate him at the dance. He's so happy to spend the night with you, wanting everything to be perfect.
But when the prank happens, something goes wrong, leaving Azul worse for wear and you and your friends believe he's dead and get rid of the body. But he's still alive and not happy about what happened on the best night of his life.
Suddenly your friends begin to go missing one by one, until you're the only one left. It's then that Azul reveals that he's still alive. Except he believes that you weren't apart of the prank, that you were tricked into it somehow Delusional Tako. Now that all your friends are out of the way, you two can finally be happy together.
I hope you don't mind my rambling. Slasher Azul just gave me ideas.
AAAAAAAAA OTL oh, the wrath of a scorned octopus... this is so good!!! Being a popular bully and thinking it would be so funny to take that loser Azul to prom, only to then prank him alongside your friends. And when it goes terribly wrong the lot of you are in a panic. Suddenly, you have to delete all of the videos and pictures you took, and you all take an oath to never tell anyone about it, making sure to keep your stories and alibis in check in case you're questioned. All of you need to remain innocent when they start investigating his disappearance.
Dumping Azul's body somewhere in the woods and then going on with your lives, hoping no one will ever find him. >_< the heartbreak and betrayal and fear Azul must have felt that night... now he's just angry and so vengeful. He already hated your friends; he always thought they were a terrible lot. This was the final push he needed to do something about them once and for all.
It could never be you, though!! You must have been pressured into it by those bullies. After all, you asked him to prom! You were so excited, so sweet! He got you a pretty corsage with your favorite flowers. He made sure to look his absolute best, and you told him he looked handsome in his suit. So it definitely couldn't have been you!
He doesn't understand why you're crying, why you're fleeing. He should be the one crying! It's his life that was ruined, and your friends laughed at his suffering! Your friends tossed him aside so easily when they thought he was dead because they wanted to save their skins. You don't get to run away. Not this time. He's going to have that dance with you no matter what—the dance you promised him! A blood-stained, masked Azul is closing in on you, and you've run yourself into a dead end. :)
No one hears from you ever again.
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thomatri · 1 month
Kiss Boy
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Synopsis- you have a fat crush on Atsumu only one problem he’s straight…or is he?
Paring- Atsumu Miya x mreader
“So when you gonna ask Atsumu out?” Suna asks randomly as Osamu,him and I eat lunch. Atsumu sometimes eats with us but today he’s eating lunch with his other friends
“Uh never that dude like the most straightest person ever” I say rolling my eyes
“But you like him?” Osamu says
“Hey! I can’t help who I like” I say glaring
“Well I mean you can’t keep pretending you don’t like him” Suna says
“And why is that” I ask
“Cause it’s clearly making you depressed I’m sure you’d feel better if you just told him” Suna says shrugging and I sigh
“You should really join the volleyball team man” Atsumu says with a smile, him,Suna,Osamu and I are walking to the gym together for there practice and me to watch like we always do
“Nah I hate playing sports, but I’ll gladly watch y’all play” I say smiling at him
“Dang worth a shot Kita would love you on the team, and me of course” Atsumu says smirking at me and I roll my eyes avoiding eye contact so he doesn’t see my embarrassed face
“Chop chop love birds” Osamu says and I glare
“I’m coming dang” Atsumu says. Maybe I’m just delusional but he didn’t deny us being love birds
Suna notices my delusional and smirks
Practice feels shorter today for some reason maybe it’s just the fact I’m watching them instead of playing but on our way to the subway station our being Osamu,Atsumu and Suna of course Suna decides to ask dumb ass questions to Atsumu of course
“Hey Atsumu are You Gay?” Suna asks and Atsumu looks hella confused. Osamu snickers and I glare
“What type of question is that?!” Atsumu asks rightfully confused
Suna shrugs
“Well no im not Gay maybe a little bi never really gave it much thought” he says shocking all of us
“Is this how I find out my brother a homosexual”
“What the hell. Did you want me to make a rainbow sign announcing it?!”
Osamu actually considers it but shrugs
“I’m surprised I thought you were straight or definitely homophobic” Suna says snickering glancing at me
“Nah Y/n gay” he says and I stop
“Your gay arent ya?” Atsumu asks confused like he said something wrong
“I mean yeah but how’d you know?” I ask continuing to walk with Atsumu as Suna and Osamu have walked ahead of us
“Well It’s kinda obvious and I heard you and Suna talking about some guy you like” he says and I’m shocked and embarrassed
“I’m actually kinda hurt you didn’t tell me” he says chuckling
“Well I definitely planned to” I say cursing myself for what I’m about to say
“Really? When?” He asks
“I can right now” I say trying to ignore everything telling me not to
“Oh ok” he says and we’re engulfed in silence as I contemplate how to word it for a second
“Uh well” I start
“Is it Suna?” He asks
“WHAT NO” I say looking at him shocked
“Oh carry on” he says laughing and I smile god I could listen to his laugh all day
“I like you Atsumu” I say and he stops walking
“REALLY?!” He says and now I’m shocked again by his reaction idk what I expected but him yelling really wasn’t it
“Seriously?” He asks
“Seriously” I say shrugging trying to seek non chalont but inside I’m dying screaming throwing up
“Why?” He asks and I stare
“Uh your hot,funny,a great person,hot” I say shrugging
“I noticed how smart wasn’t on that list” he says glaring and I snicker
“You have other great qualities” I say shrugging with a closed eyed smirk
I open my eyes in shock when I feel Atsumu lips on mine
He brings a hand of cup my face and I lean into the kiss
We kiss until we’re out of breath
“Holy shit” He says
“Your a pretty good kisser for someone who’s never had a first kiss” he says smirking and I roll my eyes
“Can’t believe you remember that” I say and he laughs
“Fuck we missed the subway” I say and we both start to panic
No Suna or Osamu in sight
All of a sudden I get a call from Suna
“hey pookie” Suna says
“Shut the hell up where are y’all” I ask annoyed
“Boo your no fun, we’re on the subway we thought y’all could use a moment so I’ll just pick y’all up, Osamu already old there parents there spending a night at my place” Suna says
“Thank god you have a car,but don’t pull this stupid shit again” I say trying to stay mad but still extremely thankful he did this
“Damn a little thank you would be nice, trust I won’t though spending gas money just so you two idiots can get together. This is a one time thing” Suna says and I hear Osamu laugh
“Thanks,seriously” I say smiling
“No problemo friendo”
“See ya” Osamu says as Suna hangs up
“Welp” I say
“We’re stuck in the middle of the night alone” I say shrugging and Atsumu is grinning
“What’s got you so happy?” I ask giving him a confused look and he shrugs with his smile still painting his face
“Nothing just happy your my boyfriend” he says and I’m stunned not gonna,ain’t expect him to say that but I smirk
“Oh? You never asked me out”
“Will you be my boyfriend Y/n L/n” he says seriously and I almost bust out laughing
“Yes of course Atsumu Miya” I say smiling at my new boyfriend
After going to a park,calling my parents to let them know I’m spending a night at Suna which thankfully they ran with cause until he got to us we had no way home, and making out with Atsumu we finally got to Suna place where we both painted each others nails
Atsumu thought it made him look a little to feminine and Osamu just didn’t want to which we both didn’t complain about obviously
“I want all the juicy details” Osamu says finding a movie on Suna laptop
“Well I thought Y/n liked Suna, he confessed we kissed and I asked him out” Atsumu says and Osamu gives him a disgusted look
“That was the vaguest explanation ever I said details boy” Osamu says rolling his eyes and Atsumu glared and I groan knowing there about to argue
“Look Atsumu my nails” I say trying to distract him
“Ooo there pretty can you do mine” he says beaming and Suna snickers
“What happened to it’s too feminine” Suna says with a hand on his hip
“Damn your right hmm just do one hand I wanna match with Y/n” Atsumu asks and I laugh
“Alr loverboy” Suna says starting to paint the bleached haired boys nails
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malereadermaniac · 11 months
Smug Bitch Boy ~ Your Crush x Male Reader
Everyone knows you like him, he's such a cocky cunt about it though... Word count: 850 m!reader (no genitalia mentioned) / FDNI
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The two of you are good friends
When you first met, (y/c) was just some guy in one of your classes
Sure, you found him hot
And you may have developed a delusional level crush on him
But the two of you never talked - and what made it worse was when you and your big mouth told all of your friends and anyone who would listen about your crush on (y/c)...
Eventually, word got to him
(Y/c) knew that you liked him, so he'd look at you during class and catch you staring st him
He found it weird at first, he was sure he was straight - so a guy liking him made him feel weird
But after a little while (y/c) took it as a compliment and moved on
It was when he started to notice you everywhere and notice you more in class when things changed
(Y/c) would pay attention to what you said in class, and he eventually even started talking to you
It started only as passing comments and jokes, which you would laugh at and that was it
(Y/c) then started talking to you about things, you awkwardly answer and have a short chat before resuming your work
All of this was increasing your delusions about (y/c) liking you back
But to be fair, (y/c) did seem to like you
The two of you started talking more and more, even moving on to texting
He liked your company, even going out of his way to give you lifts to work just to spend some time with you
What (y/c) didn't like were the comments his friends made about the two of you - them of course knowing about your little (massive) crush on the (h/c) man
Slowly the two of you drifted apart, your crush faded finally and (y/c)'s friends hated how he hung out with you - so the two of you drifted apart
That was until the two of you were out at a party
Nothing big, just a couple friends at a get together st the one rich kids house
It was during a game of never have I ever that the question "never have I ever liked someone here"
You watched as others drank, forgetting to drink yourself as your friend beside you started choking
"Hey (y/n)! You need to drink too!" A slightly drunk (y/c) says
"Oh yeah? Whys that?" You ask, daring him to mention that a gay boy liked him in front of his dickhead friends
"You had a crush on me" the (h/c) man says with a blush and a smile
You blush at his comment and take a swig from your drink
He had such a smug look on his face as you drank
In his drunken state, (y/c) had a prideful smirk on his face as he chuckled to himself
It pissed you off a bit, mostly embarrassed you, but very slightly made you think about him again
What didn't help was that after the small party, you had to sleep round the hosts house - like some of the others there. And the room you ended up in meant you had to share a bed with the smug little bitch boy that you now were starting to have feelings for again
You rolled your eyes comedically when you were told you had to sleep next to (y/c), he chuckled and gave you a drunken wink as he went into the room
You following right behind him
"Hey could you leave for a sec while I change?" You ask, grabbing your pajamas out of your bag
"Why? We're both guys, (y/n)..." god your name rolled off of his tongue so well
After he said that, (y/c) took off his shirt
If you weren't already blushing, you definitely were now
His build was so attractive to you, you had to avert your eyes
"Hehe... you can look ya know"
"Piss off, (y/c)"
"I like it when you say my name.. my friends just call me by nicknames"
"Oh really...? I don't think we're close enough for nicknames haha" you joke as your follow his lead and strip your day clothes
Fuck he couldn't take his eyes off of you
"What? How come?" (Y/c) asks, stopping dead in his tracks
"Well... we stopped talking did we not?" You say with an awkward chuckle
"Yeah... I guess so" he thinks to himself, a tinge of regret visible on his face
You finish changing and go to wash up
The two of you get into bed and go to sleep
But (y/c) clearly felt the need to be closer to you, because he decided to spoon you to sleep
"(Y/c)." You mumble
"Whaaat. Don't act like you don't want this..."
"And what if I don't?" You tease
"Oh c'mon (y/n), you had the fattest crush on me... and I hope to act on that sooner rather than later" (y/c) whispered in your ear
You elbow him, and the two of your chuckle
"Go on then..." you mumble as you start to fall asleep
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bimbo-baggins17 · 1 month
I redeemed myself with Hayden this time 😤😤
also I just think because he wasn’t sexually assaulted this time like he was in Indiana he felt better. I’m not gonna share my pic again (but it turned out waaaay better and he was smiling huuuuge and held me even closer). He actually smelled a lil this time but I loved it and I’m storing that away to keep in mind FOREVER. We also technically matched cause we were both in all black 🤭 He called me sweet a couple times too 🫶 I made him a bracelet but was too scared to give it to him so @sin-d (also was super excited to meet her!! We spent the whole day together and made some other friends in line) gave it to him for me. She told him I made it and he looked directly at me and was like “oh you made this?” My face was just like 😳 and I nodded. He said thank you and said that was very sweet. I showed him my tattoo again and his signature I told him I met him in Indiana and he got all excited and was like ‘Oh wow yeah, look at that. There it is!’. He was about to go on a smoke break too after a couple more autographs 🤭 I’ll show my autograph at least cause I got a lil more this time.
Also I do wanna say there’s a handful of people that are definitely super strange and delusional in this fandom and probably make it extremely weird for him with how they act towards him in person but we won’t get into that. Just let the poor guy live in peace please 😭
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rosypenguins · 4 months
Hello again. I’m back with another delusional prediction: his entire fucking backstory lets do this! (I want to see how much I can get right before S2 drops.) (And I also realize I talk a lot about Drew’s backstory anyways, so might as well just outline all my thoughts here!)
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Obviously, we know Drew’s parents are rich. It’s the thing he brags about constantly. So I imagine his parents have jobs that keep them away from home often. (Either they have to work long hours, or they have to travel.) I also imagine Drew’s an only-child, because… like, he lacks basic communication skills and his empathy’s terrible. All of this points to someone who grew up relatively alone.
So, with Drew’s parents just gone for most of his life, Drew was probably left under the care of nannies they’d hire, and honestly, I feel like Drew probably wouldn’t really want to interact with any of these people. He feels like the kind of kid who just locked himself away in his room and went on his iPad. (YOU CANNOT TELL ME DREW WASN’T AN IPAD KID I WILL NOT BELIEVE YOU-)
So these nannies pretty much made sure he got to school, ate, and went to bed. They didn’t actually engage with him much beyond that. (Unless like he was actively acting up or something.) And if they tried, Drew would probably be a little brat and leave. (Also I imagine that he’d only have the same nanny for a few weeks to a few months before his parents hired someone else.)
When Drew’s parents were around, they were pretty neglectful. They wouldn’t really engage unless Drew actively made an effort. (Which was rare at best.) They were very professional, and emotionally distant. Drew was always shut down whenever he was upset, and he was likely either yelled at or ignored whenever he cried. I like to imagine he’s parents probably have more traditional values, such as men always having to be strong and whatnot. It was considered weakness to cry, or display any strong emotions really. (I’m pretty sure it’s confirmed that Drew has a toxic masculinity mindset, which would explain a lot about his behavior, and how he instinctively resorts to anger to express his emotions.)
Drew was always told he had to be strong, and he wasn’t supposed to cry. And eventually, he stopped crying, because he knew it wouldn’t get him anything, and it’d only be a sign of weakness: something he was supposed to be.
Hell, the only real way Drew could even tell that his parents cared about him was how they’d buy him stuff. They’d buy him anything he wanted, they just never gave him their time. (Which is why he’s always buying stuff for his friends because it’s all he knows how to do.)
I don’t think Drew really understood why his parents were never around, at least for a while. He probably just assumed they didn’t want him or something. Or he wasn’t worth more than their time was.
Needless to say, I think Drew was a pretty problematic child in Elementary school. I imagine he’d be pretty defiant of authority, and pretty argumentative too. (All just lashing out because of the lack of attention he receives at home.) (Also in an attempt to gain control over something.)
But Drew eventually mellowed out, and just accepted how his life was. And I’m just gonna mention here too, Drew definitely has an insecure attachment style. Without a consistent parental figure giving him attention, and with how little he had control over in his early life, I feel like he’d developed a disorganized attachment style. (Being a combination of avoidant and anxious. He wants to keep people close, but he’s also terrified of someone else leaving him so he’d rather just keep his distance sometimes.) (He needs therapy BAD.)
Anyways, I feel when Drew was around 12 or so, his parents probably figured he’d be old enough to take care of himself, which at this point Drew just does not care anymore. He locks himself away in his room anyways, what difference would it make? His parents just gave him his own card so he could buy himself anything he needed. (This basically left Drew home alone for a majority of his life. He’d sometimes catch them late at night after work or early before work, or sometimes not at all because they’re traveling meaning he’d be alone for several days at a time.)
And I definitely feel Drew resents his parents for having him and never being around for him, but he tells himself it made him independent, and it gave him realistic expectation of what the worlds like. (In reality all his parents gave him is attachment issues, abandonment issues, and a shit-ton of cash.)
Anyways, as stated before Drew probably gained a reputation for being a problematic child in Elementary school, and maintained this reputation even when he started mellowing out and focusing more in school. So Middle School became his ‘fresh start’. (WHICH IS WHY HE TOLD JAKE THAT IN EPISODE 9-)
As per his parents demand, Drew enrolled in Honors courses. (That was probably one of the only things they really cared about honestly: his grades.) And he started building a better reputation for himself, making friends with cooler students and picking on others to make him feel better about himself.
But these friends he had were all based around being cool. Drew had to fit with them, and if he slipped up he’d probably be no better than the people he bullied. (Middle School’s a lawless land.)
And from the Comic Episode it’s sort of implied Drew didn’t go to Middle School with Henry or Liam, so I’m gonna assume they met sometime in High School.
And I think a reason Drew became friends with these two absolute losers is because they weren’t really all that cool. They’re just two goofballs, so Drew probably didn’t have to worry about being cool around them. (Same goes for why he hangs out with Jake, too.) He’s friends with them all because he’s not really too concerned about appearing cool. He can slip up now and then and know it won’t result in anything. And they make him look cooler by comparison-
(I also like the idea that Drew dropped the Honors classes he’d been taking sometime in Sophomore or Junior year just to be with his friends. I like to think he had to argue with his parents for a while just so they’d let him.)
My final note is on Jake. Drew- Drew has a crush on him. That’s simply canon. (Trust me guys it’s gonna be confirmed in S2 I promise-) So he gets really possessive and controlling because he doesn’t want Jake to leave like everyone else in his life did. He doesn’t want Jake to abandon him, so he will do anything in his power to prevent that.
So that’s all I got for the backstory. Now to talk about the affects.
So because Drew’s parents were never around, he probably had this complex he isn’t really worth much. Otherwise, why wouldn’t they find more time for him? And because he never really felt love as a child, he struggles to find worth in himself. He’s unable to find happiness in himself because he was never taught how to love himself. (And it’s hard to love yourself if you feel like no one loves you.) So his only source of happiness is his friends. (I’ve done a separate post about this topic but essentially Drew is co-dependent because they’re his only escape from his loneliness and self-hatred.)
And as another way to cope with his problems, Drew brags about his possessions and picks on others constantly. It’s a way to make himself to look better than others. To make himself seem like someone worthwhile.
And because Drew cannot love himself, he finds ways to be wanted. To be needed, to be worth something.
Which is why he spends thousands on his friends. Not only is it the only way he knows how to show his love, it’s also how he knows he’s needed. If he can buy his friends anything they want, why would they ever leave him? They’d have no reason to.
It’s why he kinda lets Zoey walk all over him in their relationship. It’s why he so casually buys Jake a laptop and a literal Switch. It’s all so they still need him. And all he wants in exchange is their care.
So when Zoey cheats and Jake lies, it crumbles his very worldview. He thought they needed him. He thought they cared. But to him, it was all a lie. And it all circles back to him feeling worthless and useless all over again.
TDLR: Drew’s parents neglected him for a majority of Drew’s life and he desperately needs therapy because of it. And he has depression probably. And at least like 5 of his problems could’ve been solved with a hug and simple reassurance.
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lost-walmartbag · 1 year
Prom with Stan Marsh
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Warning: Alchole use, swearing
Background: In this one-shot Stan and Wendy break up before prom and while comforting him he drunkenly admits his feelings for you. You don't believe him and when he is sober he confesses once more asking if you could go to prom with him.
Status: Request Open
Previous part
Next part
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You didn't know what to do for prom. You didn't have a boyfriend or any guy you were talking to. You did have a crush on Stan but he was with Wendy and while you weren't really friends with her it wouldn't be right to act on it. But that didn't stop the idea from going into your head when Wendy and Stan broke up for good 3 weeks before prom.
Wendy threw herself into planning prom while Stan moped around. You were friends with Stan so when you saw how sad he was you were the first one to be by his side. You were always there when they broke up because Stan always came to you for comfort. Stan texted you first in fact you were the only person he told. You went to his house immediately after he texted you and when he opened the door you saw he was holding a bottle of whiskey.
"Oh my god Stan." You say stepping inside and taking the bottle from his hand and putting it away.
"Give it back I need it." He mumbled drunkenly swiping for it but failing.
"Stan stop come here." You say slowly wrapping your arms around him.
He put his head on your shoulder and quietly cried. It hurt seeing him like this, especially about another girl. But it felt selfish to think about your feelings for him while he was being so vulnerable with you.
"I know Stanley I'm here." You say soothingly rubbing his hair.
"I just dont know what to do." He mumbled into your shoulder.
"How about we try to do something to get your mind off it? We can go get some food, watch a movie, just anything to make you feel better." You say pulling back and looking at him.
His eyes were red and puffy from crying but he was still just as beautiful. You just wanted to put your lips on his but you shook the thought away. He sniffles and looks at you but shakes his head.
"Bleach my hair." He stated putting his hands on your shoulders.
"W-what? No your drunk you'll hate me tommorow if I let you do that." You say clearly shocked by what he said.
"Please? She loved my hair. I need it to be different I dont want to think about her." He begged looking up at you with his puppy dog eyes.
You hesitated but the look on his face made you melt a bit. You nodded and sighed, you were so scared he'd hate you once he sobered up but in this moment you couldn't tell him no. You took him to your place where you could bleach his hair. You lead him to your bathroom and brought him a seat. You gave him a burger and a cup of water hoping it would sober him up.
"Stan I need you to tell me right now you won't hate me if I do this," You say wrapping a plastic sheet around his shoulders to protect his shirt.
He grabbed your wrist and looked up at you. You blushed and when you looked in his eyes you felt like he was looking at you like he was in love with you, but that had to just be you being delusional.
"I won't hate you. I want this please." He begged.
"Ok. Try your best not to move ok?" You say beginning the process of bleaching his hair.
As you worked on his hair, he hummed happily as he ate and drank his water. It was clearly taking his mind off things, and it made you happy seeing him like this. Once you finished, you rinsed off his hair. He was still a bit drunk but definitely way better than before. Once you finished rinsing his hair off you blow dried it and fluffed it up.
"Ok I think we're done." You say running your fingers through his hair and turned him around to look at himself in the mirror.
He stared at himself in the mirror as his lips slowly turned into a large smile. He jumped up quickly removed the plastic sheet and hugged you tightly.
"Thank you Y/N," His arms were around you tightly and it made you blush.
He looked at you and without thinking, maybe it was because he was still a bit drunk, he crashed his lips on yours. You were taken aback it was all you wanted but was this ok? He was a bit drunk was it ok to do this?
You couldn't help yourself and just kissed him back. You didn't care that he might have been using you as a rebound you just wanted this for a few more seconds. He pulled back looking down at you and smiled. You suddenly snap back into reality and shake your head.
"Stan I.." You started but he cut you off.
"I like you Y/N.." He says his face a bit red which only made yours worst.
"Your drunk." You mumble and take his hand leading him to your car.
"No I'm not. I like you Y/N." He repeated as he gets into the passenger seat.
"Stan I like you. And I don't want to be a rebound. If you really like me tell me again later. When you're not drunk." You say taking him home.
Stan understood, and after that day, you and Stan were a bit awkward with each other, but you two were mostly normal. Stan remembered every single thing that happened, but he didn't make that clear. He honestly didn't want to let you know he remembered. You thought that maybe he didn't remember anything which upset you, but you tried not to think about it too much.
Stan and Wendy didn't get back together after that which was a surprise as they usually got back together a day later. Stan hadn't brought up his feelings for you again and some time had passed. It was now two weeks before prom and you still didn't have a date. You were walking home one day when Stan ran up to you.
"Y/N!" He shouted making you stop so he could catch up.
"Hey what's up?" You ask looking up at him starting to walk again but now with him by your side.
"I like you." He said making you stop dead in your tracks.
You look at him with wide eyes. He stood there just looking at you. You shook your head and laughed.
"I think I heard you wrong." You say laughing nervously.
"No you didn't I like you." He said taking your hand.
Your breath hitches and your hands start to shake.
"Stan where is this coming from?" You ask in disbelief.
"You told me to tell you again when I wasn't drunk. I'm not drunk." He said touching your cheek. "Do you want to go to prom with me?"
"Your sure?" You ask getting closer
"A million percent." He said gently placing his lips on yours.
After that you were a bit nervous to make it 'official' as it was pretty close to when he and Wendy broke up. But you did promise to go with him to prom so you decided to make it public then. You bought yourself a glittery blue dress. It had thin straps, showed off your cleavage, and a large slit on one leg that reached your upper thigh. You sent a picture the Stan who used it to match his suit accents with your dress.
The day of prom came and you met up with Stan at your place. Once you stepped out and you both finally saw each other in your outfits in person it felt unreal. Stan stared at you just in awe at how beautiful you looked. You were no different, his black suit fit him perfectly and the blue tie that matched your dress fit him well, and even though his roots were showing and he definitely needed to re bleach his hair, he looked perfect.
"You look.." He started not being able to finish his sentence.
"You too." You say smiling softly.
Stan and you left and went to school walking in hand in hand. A few people started at you both as you walked in clearly as a couple. A few whispers were exchanged and even Wendy was looking at you both.
You and Stan just hung out with the guys and had a good time. While the guys were also shocked, they chose not to say anything as it was clear you both were happier. They were happy for you, especially Kyle, as he was Stan's best friend and saw how much he hated being with Wendy and how his feelings for you were killing him. The principal walked on stage and began speaking.
"Hey everyone I'm so glad you all can make it now it's time to announce prom King and queen!" He said cheerfully.
Stan didn't look up stage but rather whispered jokes to you making you giggle quietly.
"Your prom king is Kyle Broflovski!" He said and the applause and cheering began.
Kyle walked on stage and was crowned by Jimmy. You and Stan cheered happily and much louder than anyone else.
"Your prom queen is Wendy Testaburger!" The principal announced causing more cheering.
Wendy walked up stage and was crowned she looked over at you and Stan as you both clapped for her. Stan had mostly gotten over her and was just happy for her now. Her and Kyle started their dance and everyone watched happily.
You and Stan didn't pay much attention until the music changed and everyone hopped on the dance floor. You smiled and took Stan's hand and dragged him on the dance floor.
"Didn't think you were much of a dancer." He said with a laugh.
"I'm not but I'll try if it's with you." You said dancing around with him.
The night was a bit tense but you both were happy to be together. It was amazing being in his arms being able to finally be his after months of it being all you wanted. Stan felt the same. Being with you made him happier than he ever felt and he felt he could be himself with you. You both enjoyed your night and truly that's all you could ask for.
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A/N: Hey guys hope you liked it I wasn't gonna post but after I read @n0tangeliccc 's fic about Stan I got into my own little Stan mood 😫 so I hope you all enjoyed this and if you want a better Stan story definitely go read her stories bc they are a million times better! Anyway, I love you all sm. Thanks for reading! 🩷🩷
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sleeps24hoursaday · 5 months
having a baby with Marshall (Eminem) in the mid 2000-2010 headcannon
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(WARNING: bad spelling and grammar, a bit of spice)
( the playlist is the same as my dating head cannon)
Having a baby with Eminem
Things that would be included/ he would do during pregnancy:
Since the day he found out you were pregnant, he did most the house work and stopped going to the studio that often to stay with you 
He would always comfort you, only if you wanted him though. if you had pain he would rub your huge belly. or if you were tired he would bring you snacks in bed and you two would watch netflix.
you made a cute pink list of things you should pack for going to the hospital for labour, and he would stare at it and smile, you decorated the list with coquette ribbons and stuff so it was intresting for him.
he was extremly gentle with you since he knew about the hormone thing during so he said yes to everything you said so there wouldnt be any arguments and you would be completly relaxed and not stressed at ALL
things that would be included/ he would do after the baby was born:
He would spend ALL his time with Charlotte. His life depended on charlotte, he loved her so so much (obviously)
He would always carry her in his arms 
He would take her EVERYWHERE and i mean EVERYWHERE (other than when you two were on dates, he would leave charlotte with his brother Nathan)
Most his music was about charlotte (Also about you since you’re his wife obviously) 
Whenever you were holding charlotte he would hug you from the back and then put his head on your neck and look at Charlotte and he would hold you from your waist.
You two argued even less since charlotte came to the world, he’s a dad, a man, so he’s very understanding 
Sometimes you two want some time together, and privacy, so your grandparents take care of charlotte. and you two…ykyk
He was definitely a girl dad, one day you came back from the cafe with your friends and charlotte was putting on makeup for Marshall. When you saw that they both laughed and so did you.
One day when charlotte was 5 years old. She came home after school  and came to talk to you. She said she liked a boy and your heart melted. It was so adorable and then when Marshall came back home, she told him and he said “aww charlotte has a crush!” And then hugged her
When charlotte was 12 she was in her room, and she called you from her bathroom saying “mom there’s blood on my panties, I think i just got my first period” you rushed there to help her and teached her how to put on a pad and gave her a hug and warm tea. Marshall came home and when he found out she had her first period he said how proud of her he is, and gave her a big hug. You also celebrated it with her close friends and family. 
A random Friday she came home crying. You tried to calm her down but it didn’t work, you asked her what’s wrong and she said “I fell in love mom” you thought about it for a second, it took you back to the first time you met Marshall, you fell In love… then you gave her a huge hug and gave her some advice and you both had some delusional talk saying “he looked at me for a second I think he loves me” type of stuff then laughed and then suddenly Marshall walks in and says “what you ladies talking about?” And you say “charlottes in love, just like the time I first met you” he comes to sit next to you guys on the bed and hugged charlotte. He said “ it’s normal okay baby? I fell for your mom too, hard!” You all laughed ALOT and you two (you and Marshall) made eye contact and then you covered charlottes eyes and kissed for like 3 seconds. You always covered charlottes eyes even though she knew what you two were doing.
The night that charlotte said she was in love and you made eye contact with Marshall, you two went to bed and then you suddenly felt him wrapping his hands around your waist, tickling your stomach a bit… but then you both fell asleep (nothing happened)
The next morning, your mom is there to kinda babysit charlotte and you go upstairs to shower, you get in the tub and then hear someone outside the bathroom, it was Marshall. He comes in and looks at you and says: “I missed you, i thought we could do the things we did in the past” you interrupt him and say “same” you jump hug him and then go back in the tub and he joins you. He cuddles you and kisses you (like the start of the relationship). After you’re done showering you get out and give him a towel and start blow drying your hair, and he comes behind you and kisses your forehead. A few hours later you tell him “I don’t know why but I miss you” he doesn’t say anything and  hugs you tight.
At night, (you two slept together in the same bed obviously) he cuddled you form the back and hold you tight holding you by your waist. Then you a sudden urge to turn back to face him and kiss him. It caught him off guard but he didn’t pull away instead he was really in to it.
Him and Charlotte had an amazing father daughter relationship, tad a similar personality so they understood each other really well.
thank you guys so much for reading this and supporting me. I hope you enjoyed
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lcandothisallday · 1 year
A Shot Worth Taking - Jeremy (WMCJ) x f!reader
Part 4 - Sister’s Know Best
warnings: except for an awful ending🤡 but mentions of drug/drinking abuse!
series masterlist!
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You stood in your tiny kitchen, cutting up cucumbers for the salad you were making, while your friends Vanessa and Destiny hung around the island helping you with the rest of the dinner.
It had been about a month since your first date with Jeremy. You've been seeing him rather consistently in this month, and to say you were slowly yet surely falling hard for him was a severe understatement. All of him was addicting--his smile, his humour, the way he made you feel all giddy--all the way down to the way he dressed even. It's been a while since you felt like this and it was truly refreshing to meet a good guy.
"You know, Jeremy put me on some of these organic drinks...and they're actually so good," you pointed out to your friends. "You should definitely try it. They’re in the fridge--"
"Girl I'm not trying no damn nasty ginger drink that looks like murky water," Destiny scoffed, shaking her head. You tossed your head back in laughter. "I promise it's good!" you defended. "He also took me to this vegan restaurant the other day and like it genuinely changed my perspective on the whole diet.”
Destiny groaned and smacked her hand against Vanessa’s arm. "C'mon Nessa! Tell her his dick game can't be that good for white boy to have her out here eating rabbit food!"
"Actually, we haven't slept together yet," you hummed with a smirk. "So that argument is now invalid...but he seems like the type to have a good dick game," you shrugged, continuing to slice up some more vegetables.
"Speaking of Jeremy though..." Vanessa began. "I don't know if its such a good thing that you're seeing him," she admitted to you reluctantly.
You couldn't help your scoff before you set down the knife you were using and looked up at your best friend. "And why is that?"
"Danny goes to the same gym as him. And he told me some wild shit. Y/N--he pops pills, gets drunk in the gym and starts fights--apparently he used to date a dancer that taught classes there--"
"Yeah I know about his ex," you stated firmly. "They dated for like six years--and Danny's probably getting him confused with someone else! Jeremy isn't like that at all. He rarely gets mad or frustrated. He's always meditating--"
Vanessa shook her head. "You've only been seeing him a month!" she exclaimed. "How well do you actually know him babes? The pill popping--the drinking--probably the reason why him and his ex broke up if they were together six years! Don't be delusional, Y/N. Not to mention he's broke broke. Like I know we all struggle financially in this economy but he goes around selling those detox drinks around the gym--that can't be the best sign," she sighed. "Y/N...I just don't want you to get hurt. You clearly don't know the full picture."
You scoffed again and crossed your arms over your chest. "Oh so Danny does apparently?--God Vanessa I actually really like him! You guys are the ones who told me to shoot my shot!"
"I'm just telling you what Danny told me," she said calmly. "It's simply a warning before you get too deep with him.”
You let out a sigh of defeat and nod your head. “I’ll be careful.”
It was now the next day and Jeremy had invited you out to the pier for a late evening date. Your fingers were intertwined with his as the two of you walked along the water.
“How have your knees been?” you ask him.
Jeremy grinned and gave your hand a squeeze. “Really good! I think getting more movement in while playing more basketball lately has really helped.”
“Is that how it really works?” you questioned with an awkward chuckle, causing Jeremy to catch on. He stopped walking and took both your hands into his, before he looked down at you with a raised brow. “What did you hear about me?”
Your cheeks heated up immensely and you looked away. “C’mon Y/N—someone must’ve told you something for you to question my knees,” he sighed. The only reason he even caught on was because Tati had asked him the same question before, vying for a reason to suspect he was on his pain meds again.
You let out a sigh. “Vanessa’s boyfriend--"
"Damn--I needa properly meet this Vanessa chick cos she clearly has it against me--"
You interrupt quickly. "I'm being serious, Jer. Her boyfriend Danny goes to the same gym as you…told her that you pop pills and that you pick fights while drunk,” you explained.
Jeremy chuckled as one of his hands moved up to run his fingers through his curls. “I only ever picked a fight once—and it was right after my ex left me…and as for the pain meds…they just help with my knees,” he shrugged. “Believe me if my knees weren’t still an issue after the multiple surgeries I’ve had I wouldn’t still be taking them.”
“So it’s not like…an addiction thing?”
Jeremy shrugged, “would you even wanna know if it was?”
“Touché…” you mumbled lowly, biting your lip in thought. “What about you and Tati?” you asked. “Why did you two break up?”
“Y/N I already told you,” he groaned.
You shook your head. “No that was before I knew what I knew,” you say stubbornly.
Jeremy scoffed, his hands leaving yours as he began to feel cornered. “So what? You want me to fucking admit it was because of the pills? And because all I cared about was basketball? Because yeah I guess it was and--"
You cut him off by leaning up and pressing your lips to his in a gentle yet determined kiss. Jeremy's words trailed off, his surprise evident in the way he momentarily froze before he responded to your kiss with equal intensity. The worries and doubts that lingered in your mind were momentarily pushed aside as you allowed yourself to get lost in the warmth of the moment.
After what felt like an eternity, you both pulled away, breathless and eyes wide. Jeremy's expression softened, and he reached up to cup your cheek. "I didn't want to bring this up so soon, but you deserve to know the truth," he admitted, his voice filled with sincerity. "So uh yeah. That's why we broke up."
"I really like you Jer...if you're working on yourself with these things then--"
"I am I am!" he rushed to confirm. "I'm in therapy and I'm getting better being off the pills and I'm not a violent guy--that fight was just at a bad time and--"
"Jeremy!" you interrupted him with a laugh. “I appreciate your honesty. That’s all I wanted,” you explained with a smile.
He let out a breath of relief as he nodded. “Can I kiss you again then?” he asked, his fingers anxiously playing with your own as he felt his cheeks heat up. You giggled as you nodded.
With a grin, he dipped his head back down again, connecting his lips to yours in another searing kiss. Your arms moved up to wrap around his neck while his hands rested on your hips. The kiss deepened, the world around you fading away as you lost yourself in the taste and feel of Jeremy's lips.
Perhaps you were being stupid and let the whole thing slide too easily, but you truly didn’t care in that moment. The way his lips felt soft against your own and how his beard lightly scratched your skin was all that mattered as you kissed under the moonlight and the waves crashed against the shore.
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inuiiwonderland · 2 years
Kalim al-asim x fem! Reader
A/n:Felt like doing some angst
You Weren't stupid when it comes to crushes and love…well most of the time. You wouldn't lie that the way your heart would speed up everytime you see him is a normal reaction to a friend. The way you would love to hold his hand and shower each other with love and affection.
"Him" being kalim al-asim
The boy you love with your whole heart. You just love the way he makes you feel when you see him. The cute bright smile he has on his face everyday. How he always asks how you are doing and wouldn't hesitate to help you if you sometimes run low on thaumarks.
So you couldn't blame yourself for falling for a sweet guy like him. He makes you feel happy and just overall joy. But the thing that is stopping you from even letting him know your true feelings for him,is because he is your best friend.
You didn't want to ruin the friendship you guys have just because you fell for him. But you couldn't help but think that maybe just maybe it won't go bad if you tell him how you feel. That you might have a chance to be more than just friends.
And that is were you fuck up
For being delusional and believing that maybe you might have a chance with him. The moment he told you that his parents set him up for an arranged marriage was the day you felt your heart break.
And to make things worse, the girl would come to NRC so the two can spend time together before the whole marriage deal. You have never excused yourself so fast and ran for your life back to your dorm. You could almost feel like your heart has been ripped out of you.
You could feel something wet slide down your cheeks on your way to ramshackles. It was a silent walk there as you tried to wipe away any evidence of you crying. Finally making it back to ramshackles you quietly made your way in.
You figured that grim has already fallen asleep by the quietness in the dorm. You made your way upstairs and to your room and got ready for bed. You hugged your pillow tight as you tried to forget all that happened today.
The next day you felt like shit. You didn't want to get up and face kalim at all. You know it's not his fault but you still feel like you're gonna break down if you face him today.
You saw that grim was still sleeping and you couldn't help but smile at your furry friend.
"Grim" you said as you lightly shook him up.
"Grim hurry we're gonna be late"
"5 more minutess…" he slurred out as he continued to sleep. You sigh and decide to worry about him later. You quickly got ready and mentally prepared yourself for what's to come today.
Especially facing kalim and giving him an excuse on why you left so suddenly.
"Ugh I don't want to attend any classes today" Grim whined as you two made your way to class.
"Me either, but we have to suck it up" 
You both continued walking until you heard a voice that you didn't want to hear so soon.
"Y/n!" There, an overly happy kalim ran to you while Jamil ran after him. You felt your heart drop and it suddenly felt so hard to breathe. You put on your best smile and "happily" greeted him.
"Kalim!" You said as he pulled you into a tight hug. 
"Why did you leave early?" He pouts as you try to quickly tell him the lie that you made up on your way here.
"Oh! I just didn't feel good! You know? My stomach started hurting so that's why I left" You prayed that he would believe it. But knowing kalim, he definitely fell for it.
"Oh! Are you still feeling bad? I can call my family doctor and have them-"
"No! I mean no, it's fine" 
"Oh okay, but if you still don't feel well then come tell me and I'll gladly call them for you!"
Oh kalim please don't make me fall for you even more
"Well me and grim have to go to class now! I'll see you later" you said as you quickly bolted out of there. Though what you didn't see was the look that Jamil gave you. 
It Was finally lunch. The part of the day that you weren't looking forward to- except grim who was already stuffing his face with food.
"Slow down before you choke" you said, but he ignored you and continued eating like he hasn't eaten in days. Ace chuckles at this and says how grim is eating like a pig, which made the cat mad and threw his fork at him.
You poke at your food as you remember that today the girl will arrive after classes are finished. You sigh and get up from your seat gaining the attention of your friends.
"Where you going?" 
"Bathroom, I'll be right back" 
Exiting the cafeteria, you made your way to the restroom. You went in, did your business and washed your hands. But the moment you left the restroom you felt your heart almost stop.
There, next to the door stood Jamil. You could tell he was waiting for you when he looked up from his phone and turned to you.
"Fuck Jamil you almost gave me a damn heart attack" 
He rolled his eyes and you looked at him with a raised brow.
"What are you doing anyways?" 
"Do you like kalim?"
"I-I uh..what?"
"Do you like kalim?"
You were honestly speechless. Not knowing what to say as he waited for your answer.
"I-I guess? Wait no! I do…I do like kalim" 
"Mm…figures why you ran out of scarabia last night" you could feel the embarrassment crawl over you as he said that.
"Oh fuck…you saw that?" You whined as you avoided his eyes.
"Mhm…kalim was upset that you left but was also confused. I just told him to go to sleep and not think about it too much" you just awkwardly nod as you both stood in silence.
"I assume he told you about that arrangement?"
"Uh..yeah" you say as you awkwardly rub the back of your neck.
"I mean I really shouldn't make it a big deal anyway! It's just one little crush" He raised his eyebrow at you which made you look away.
"Well maybe not little…" You both stayed silent again. You could tell he was in deep thought. You decided to excuse yourself not wanting to talk anymore about kalim engagement.
You bid him goodbye before leaving to go back to the cafeteria.
Maybe you might have a chance at being happy…but with someone else…or maybe not.
Part 2?👀
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coleszzzworld · 2 years
Title-Yandere headcannons ( ban - Seven deadly sins 🕊)
Authors note - ( hey y’all 😃 I know it’s been forever! I really do apologize, I have been very busy this month btw happy black history month❤️! But yeah I’ve been very busy I will be posting a lot tho! Enjoy!🫶🏼)
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(He’s literally so baby girl I can’t , but here’s today song for this canon !)
• ban is a delusional Yandere bro will literally think that your his soulmate and you where meant too be ! After he lost his first love (Elaine 🧍🏽‍♀️ ) he wold be so convinced that you where meant for him
•ban treats you with love and respect and he loves too tease you 🧍🏽‍♀️ he’s a goofy mf fr lol if your short he’ll tease you for it or if your tall he’ll tease you but not in a bad way he would never hurt your feelings!
•if he does some how mange too hurt your feelings he’ll apologize immediately he doesn’t play about hurting you . If you somehow hurt his feelings he’ll probably be all pissy and Whiney until you apologize 😭
•he definitely met you at Meliodas bar or in a village he was immediately obsessed with you . He knew he needed you right then and their ( pause 😏)
•he loves how you bond with his friends, your definitely besties with the girls ( Elizabeth Diane Merlin) he loves it lol .
•now let’s say some one is being mean too you , or trying too hurt you , whoever that person is better beg for mercy cause ban will be on that in a minute he do not play about what is his , he��ll kill that person and he can take a lot of hits or what ever that person is trying too kill him with , ban will kill that person then take you and leave and act like nothing happened, he has a lot of body’s fr 😭
•if someone was trying too flirt with you, ban is still sliding 😭 he do not care he’ll kill that person, he is literally on demon mode 😮‍💨 now let’s so you some how convince him not too kill who ever it was he’ll let it slide for now ;) but when your sleep he’ll probably still do kill that person like I said he don’t like people trying too take what’s his .
•he loves going everywhere with you doesn’t matter where he just loves being with you .
•now when he told you about Elaine and what happened too her , he was sad but he then said “well that happened and it’s over , but the universe gave me something better and that was you , we are supposed too be for each other y/n till death do us apart . “ you were just looking at him like ‘naw bro’
• if you never liked him in the first place and never wanted too be with him , and if you make it obvious that you don’t want him , he’ll probably just make you love him , like I said he’s delusional he literally thinks that you are made for him , but if you are in love with him since the start then he’ll love you too death
•he’ll literally lay his life down for you , but you can’t get rid of him if he dies or whatever he’ll be back he’s literally immortal
“Till death do us apart my love , well until my death does us apart . I’ll forever love and protect you we will always be together in this life and the millions of others ...”
(Idk I might do a series on ban 😮‍💨 his fine ass 😮‍💨 anyways I hoped y’all liked this ! )
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lyssak09 · 1 year
That’s totally okay!! I just love him so much and I think boyle would be an interesting yandere :) could i please request either headcanons or an imagine of him becoming obsessed with reader who is new to the 99 and a lot younger? maybe he’s obsessed with her having his child, and she resists a lot (which makes him sad) but ultimately he gets what he wants and she has their daughter. you can make it as dark/smutty/funny as you’d like! thank you so much my mutual bestie :))
Yandere Charles Boyle hcs
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This 50/50 serious and not serious. I hope you all enjoy this! And anything for you Noella! (Also, the amount of people this man has a chokehold on is crazy) TW: there is some NSFW stuff in here, just a forewarning. And please remember that Charles in canonically a freak in the show
Boyle is an interesting yandere in my opinion.
I believe he is a delusional, obsessed, and possessive yandere, just to name a few of his yandere traits.
He definitely fell in love with you extremely quick, like faster than when he fell for Vivian.
And since Charles fell for you so quick he goes full boyle even faster, and 10x worse.
You awoke from your sleep on the couch to heavy and aggressive knocks on your door. Standing up and walking to your door, you started to get an odd feeling in your stomach. But you opened the door. You were met with a crazed and terrified looking Charles, he lunged at you and pulled you into a crushing hug. "You weren't answering my calls or texts! I thought something horrible happened! You can't scare me like that Y/N." Charles told you, tightening his hold on you. Turning your head, you looked at the time displayed on your clock, it read 1 am. You turned back to Boyle, letting out a sigh. "Charles, it one o'clock at night. I was asleep!" you told him while trying to wiggle out of his hold. Boyle wouldn't let go of you though. He started to push his way into your home with you in his hold until Jake came running to your door. "Charles! You're coming on too strong bud!" Jake told his best friend and started to pry him off you. "I'm sorry I took so long to get here Y/N, but I wasn't expecting to have to coming running over here after receiving over 1,000 messages!" Jake said while scolding Boyle. You gave Jake a smile of relieve once he freed you from Boyle, "Thanks Jake.". "Boyle tried walking further in your home trying to convince you to let him spend the night. Jake tried to get Charles to back off and let him take him home, but you gave in. You knew Charles wouldn't relent unless you let him stay. "Its okay Jake. Its late anyways, go ahead and head home. Charles can stay. " Charles gave the biggest grin after you said that. Jake nodded his head, understanding that boyle wouldn't stop till he got what he wanted. Jake tried to tell you goodbye but was interrupted by the door getting slammed in his face by Boyle.
Boyle is so jealous and possessive. Like if you look at a dude too long he will start to freak.
Charles sobbing, "Is it cause he's prettier than me?". "Charles! He's our freaking server! I have to talk to him!"
I can't tell you how many times he has assaulted someone for you. And of course he hides it well. He is a cop after all.
Sometimes though, on bad and stressful days, Charles will get sloppy and come home in a bit of blood. Not enough to scare you. But definitely noticeable.
"Charles, why is there blood on your shirt" you asked. Boyle paused for a second, looked down to his shirt and finally noticing the blood he missed. "Oh its nothing baby! A perp had gotten a couple of cuts while running, so when I tackled him I guess I got some of his blood on me and didn't notice." He answered your question with a weird smile. But you didn't wanna push anything.
Boyle is very forceful with his affections. He'll just randomly attack you with hugs, kisses, etc.
We all know this dude is weirdly over romantic.
He'll randomly show up to your apartment with a tub full of selfcare stuff so he can spoil you in the bath and shampoo your hair.
Expect lots of romantic dinners with some weird ass exotic food.
Boyle is also very very manipulative.
If you do anything he doesn't like then be ready to either be gaslit, guilt tripped, and or threatened.
I honestly believe that if you talked about ever taking a break from him, he would threaten to kill himself.
"If you ever try to leave me I will kill myself"
Then he goes back to spoiling you
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He will get you to marry him. Nikolaj needs a new mom after that unfortunate accident that killed Genevieve.
If Charles has to use his power over you he will. But first he'll butter you up to the idea by telling you all the benefits that come with being married to a cop.
If that doesn't work though then he'll either causally threaten you or get you two married without your knowledge.
It shouldn't be too hard to forge your signature on the marriage certificate, Gina will gladly forge it for him.
The whole squad is super happy for you and him. And fully support your relationship. After everything Boyle has gone through he deserves to be happy. And if he needs a little help that may or may not be illegal, then they'll help him.
The girls love having girls night with you. You love it too. Its the only thing Charles will let you do without his unbearable presence.
But little do you know that he planted a bug on you. And if you do anything he wouldn't approve off, you'll get ratted out to him by one of the three girls. (Probably Amy)
Your outing with the girls allows them to intervene if you two are having problems (aka you tried to escape again). They'll convince you that what Charles is doing is okay. And it usually works, so you stop trying to escape for a bit.
The squad loves you a lot and loves how happy you make Boyle. So if them sorta manipulating, gaslighting you, and looking the other way keeps you with him. Then so be it.
Holt, Rosa, Gina are the most likely to gaslight you. Terry, Jake, and Amy will 100% manipulate you.
They just want you to be with someone who truly loves you. And Charles really really really loves you
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Like I said, you're gonna get married to charles no matter what.
It'll be a very extravagant and erotic wedding. But of course only the squad and just maybe your parents can come. Charles just doesn't want them to disapprove of your relationship with him. Not that that really matters.
By the time it gets to the "I do"s you're probably gonna be in shock. But you have to say I do. Or else all hell will break loose.
After the wedding, you're officially screwed. You no longer have a chance to escape.
If you somehow managed to. Then Charles has basically the whole NYPD after you.
So really, there's no point in you trying to escape. Unless you manage to find the tracker he put in you, take it out, and flee the country.
Oh, by the way, you know how much Charles wants to be a papa? Well right after you two get married, its baby making time!
You might not be super pumped to be a mom but you don't really have a choice.
He might be shooting blanks but he will do whatever it takes to get his samples from his ex-wife. You two are going to have children, no matter what
Charles will randomly send you lists of baby names or themes for a nursery.
Everyone on the squad is super pumped once you do get pregnant. They're all gonna be aunts and uncles.
Jake can't wait to be a godfather.
Gina, Amy, and Rosa will 100% fight over who gets to be the god mother.
As we know, Boyle has delivered so many Boyle babies that he will want to do a hom birth. He will not let you go to the hospital. Not only will he miss out on being the duola but you might try to escape to.
Once your sweet baby is born you'll probably love it and hold it. Charles will be so happy.
Charles: "Isn't he/she beautiful?".
You: " ☺ Yeah, he/she is. If you ever make me do this again I will rip your testicles out and feed them to you"
Charles: "😳"
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Charles will spam message you during the day while he is at work. It gets to the point where you start leaving your phone far away from you. Of course every time you do that you get a terrified and upset Charles bursting through the door because he thinks something happened to you.
Charles will share every little detail about you and the baby. No matter how personal the story is.
"Charles, I swear to god if you tell another poor waitress about my morning sickness I will break your nose"
As we know, Boyle is into some weeeeird stuff when it comes to the bedroom.
Remember that box of stuff he sent to Jake and Amy on their honeymoon? He bought a duplicate and tested everything out on you first.
You were low key traumatized after and sent Amy a very long message about the box telling her to either enjoy it like freaky Charles did, or burn it before its too late.
I whole heartedly believe that in the beginning of your relationship with Charles, (aka before he showed you his creepy yandere side) he would drug your food with aphrodisiacs (to get you in the mood) or he would drug it with things that would calm you and make you compliant. (Before you knew he was drugging you, you just thought that he was really the one since you were always so calm and 'happy' with him)
You know how weirdly possessive and clingy he can be with Jake?(Like when he destroyed government property because he thought Jake was replacing him)
Well he's way worse with you. He would hint at attacking a friend of Jake's, but with you he threatens and 100% attacks people that he thinks are too close to you.
He might even kill a few if push comes to shove, and will he be upset about it?
Not really, sure he'll be in shock for a minute or two. But he won't be upset about taking a life, because it was for you. For your relationship with him.
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Charles is a family man, so seeing you mom Nikolja makes his heart swell. Sure when you first started dating Charles you knew about Nikolja, and you were prepared to take on a mother figure role if your relationship developed. But you were not ready for how quickly Charles thrusted that role upon you
From the moment Charles saw you he knew you were gonna be his wife no matter what. So he drilled into Niko that you're gonna be his new mom, even before you actually started dating.
He would take sneaky photos of you, he constantly staked you out before and after you started dating, and he would show the appropriate photos of you to Niko and would say "That's your new mommy."
Yes, Charles takes creepy inappropriate photos of you, 95% of them without you knowing. Don't act surprised.
Anyyways, Charles loves putting you in that mommy role with Niko. He makes you partake in the bedtime routine, has you go on mommy/son dates (before he trapped you), makes you go to parent teacher conferences, introduces you as his mom (and you can't disagree because you'll look shitty, Charles will be upset, if niko hears you said that you weren't his mommy he'll be so sad :(, and you do actually love Niko in a maternal way)
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On the sweeter side of this mess, Charles is very understanding and caring when it comes to your mental health. If you're going through a depression episode then he'll pamper you, hold you, and do anything (almost anything) to make you feel even a little bit better. He'll always make sure you're actually taking your meds if you're on them. Charles will even let you see a therapist!
He'll make it be online appointments though, and the room you're in will be bugged. So telling your therapist about your true situation will really do nothing for you, Charles will convince the doctor and anyone else the doc tells, that you're just really struggling, you're so overwhelmed that you're hallucinating! Which you know isn't true.
If you're struggling mentally, Niko will go to wherever you're at and cuddle with you, trying to make his mama feel better. He'll even bring you home a drawing he made of you and him at his art class.
Of course you love it, how could you not? So you make Charles buy a frame big enough for the picture and hang it up on your wall. The picture makes you feel a bit better when you look at it.
All in all, Charles does care about you in his own twisted way.
NSFW Stuff Below!! Be Warned!!
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I know how much you simp for him @flowercrowns-goodvibes so these might get raunchy 😬 sorry this part is so short 😫
Charles low-key manipulated and kinda begged you to be intimate before he napped you.
But after he kidnapped you he 1000% drugged you to get you to be more willing
Aka get you stop struggling, not that he doesn't like it. He actually believes you're just playing hard to get to get him to be a bit more rough and dominant when you struggle and yell at him.
Charles telling Jake about his night with you last night: Yeah, she kept yelling and fighting back, so I just grabbed the cuffs and put them on her and ignored her.
Jake absolutely mortified: Charles, THATS RAPE
Charles giggling like Jake's a silly goober: Noooo, she just wanted Daddy to get rough
Everyone near them violently vomiting
Like I said, he's a delusional freak 💙
Charles loves Roplaying with Jake for a case right? So just imagine him during sexy time with you.
He has a whole backstory for his character and yours.
Will get so butt hurt if you're not acting super into it like him.
Breeding kink breeding kink breeding kink
Dude is all about getting you pregnant. Just the thought of you round with his kid sends all the blood in his brain downstairs
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tinywitchgoblin · 5 months
Hey wassup, I’m delusional (and insane) and I saw your past posts, so which bad batch member would you ship me with?
Im Hispanic (Dunno if that’s important lol). Brown curly hair and brown eyes. Tan skin but I have low iron so I kinda look pale but not too pale. I got two little moles on my chin that I’m insecure about but sometimes I’m confident about them. I’m 5’5. I struggle with anxiety but I’m coping with my depression, I occasionally have really bad depressive episodes. I’m bipolar. Sometimes I act so confident in myself and other times I get insecure and try to hide my stomach.
Some things about me is that I love to write and make poetic shit, like I will sound like a insane hopeless romantic. I like to use cheesy pick up lines when I get comfortable enough. Music is my life and savior. Will legit make a whole playlist or CD dedicated to someone. I LOVE to dance to literally anything, usually if I try to get someone to dance with me is because I just wanna have fun with someone and be able to laugh and feel alive. Dancing is just a way to express myself and have someone alongside me. I love painting, cooking and reading. I adore romantic poetry. My friends consider me as the mom of the group. I’m loyal and I’ll always put other before me ( it’s a curse). If you need anything, honey I’m right here like a genie. I hopelessly devote myself to others. I LOVE taking care of others though, maybe it’s because that’s what I’ve been doing for majority of my life.
I Love cinema. Like deeply love cinema. I’m always up for a night or day full of movies and shows and being lazy on the couch or bed. My definition of Netflix and chill is to literally Netflix and chill, we are watching movies only! Will use quotes from movies on a daily basis and expect someone to get it and finish the quote. Kind of a introverted but I can be social if I know enough people in one space. I’m always up for adventure and thrill in life, like wanna go on a roller coaster? Heck yeah. Wanna dance? Aint gotta ask me twice. Try new things? Might be nervous but I’m up for it.
My standards for love and a relationship can be described as Melanie Martínez’s song High School Sweethearts.
Alright that’s it. Thank you and have a blessed day! <3
Thanks, you too 💚
I ship you with...
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You'd actually met Omega first, but once she introduced you to her brother Wrecker, the two of you were inseparable. You would write him love letters and make playlists for him, and he would shower you with compliments and support you in every aspect of your life. Once, he tried to write you a romantic poem back because he loved the ones you gave him, but it... didn't go as well as he wanted. When you asked him about it, he told you he wanted to make you feel the happiness he got when you gave him a poem or a playlist, but nothing was working. You reassured him that you felt his love in other ways, that his love was as unique as him.
One of Wrecker's many love languages is quality time, and he wants to spend it all with you. Sometiems you'll end up in the kitchen, attempting a new recipe (or maybe just dancing while some pasta is boiling away in the background). Other times, you're just relaxing on the couch, watching something on Netflix. If you're into it, he'll pull you into his lap and keep you close especially if you're watching a horror movie. Both you and he get super frustrated when Hunter has to drag Wrecker away because he needs help with something, but there's always the promise of hanging out again later.
Wrecker doesn't know much about mental illnesses in the clinical sense like Tech does, but he's really good at not only telling when you're not feeling well, but sussing out what the underlying issue is. He's very in touch with emotions (both his and yours), so he's usually able to tell if you're anxious, depressed, insecure, or any of the above. Wrecker doesn't like seeing you in any type of pain, so he will do anything he can to make you feel better. He'll sit with you, talk with you, make you some good, make sure you take your meds and/or get appointments scheduled (if applicable), etc. He isn't someone who does things halfway, and that includes loving you; making sure you feel your best is only a small fraction of that.
Thanks for reading! If you want a ship request like this one, drop it in my ask box, and don't forget to reblog 💚 it may take a little bit, but I'll get to it eventually!
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d0enti · 4 months
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TBHK—"Life is short, death is forever"
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➵Summary:W̶͙͎̭̳͒̿́̕ḩ̸̖̱̘̂̓͠ỉ̴̟̒͐ṡ̶̱̱̩̜̅͋p̴̘̮̐e̴̬̗̪͒͐ŕ̷̨͔̟̿͐s̴̲̝͒͊͑̈ ̴̜̅͒͠ͅő̸̝̹͖̪̓̕͝f̶͓͔̥͔̓ ̶̳͝t̶̛̠͈̻͌͝h̵͉̯͉̀̊͗è̵͚̱̐̽ ̶̭̈̈́͂̂Ȟ̴̢̆̈́̀e̵̫͆͋a̸̢̬͛͑r̶͉̙̪̤̉̾̉͂ţ̶̗̈́̆͜
➵A/N:This is part 2 of the Mitsuba story here you can find part 1 here so please read it before you read this
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It's been about a week since you started writing that story, the one Mitsuba gave you the idea for yet when you try to write something on it, you can really do it you keep trying to imagine a life before you death yet there's nothing so you decide to try bring Mitsuba into your story and it's starts working out, you write about you both going to a park him taking pictures and you drawing or writing you kept writing you were actually surprised at how much you were writing, it felt nice writing something like this what's more interesting after you met Mitsuba those voices stopped, it's was more quiet and peaceful when Mitsuba isn't around interesting enough Mitsuba started hanging out around you more often and talk to you about some stuff going around, even mentioning someone with stupid earnings, which honestly could be anybody, while you writing you start adding silly characters which words Mitsuba gave you, daikon legs, weird earrings and crazy knife so you drew few characters with those words in mind, honestly it's making you wonder if there's any words that Mitsuba describes you as other then idiot or dumbass.
"Then what the hell are they if not an apparition"
"that's what I'm trying to figure out with you Mitsuba, they can't be an apparition since there's no rumor going around about them nor can they be alive since nobody can see them and that they see you"
"for me it sounds like Mitsuba is in love"
"Shut up dog face I'm not!"
"I can certainly agree on the shut up part"
"hah?! What are you saying m'lady you don't want me to speak ever again?"
"I never said I want you to go mute, I only agreed for you to be quiet since we are trying to figure out about Mitsuba new friend"
"why won't we ask Tsukasa about that"
"oh hell we are not, that guy is scary"
"well you are not wrong on that, actually where is he?"
"problem going around killing Mokke"
"damn poor Mokke"
"indeed poor Mokke, while Tsukasa may be scary he's still useful"
"you're right about that"
"Can we go back to the [Y/N] situation?!"
"ah right, as I said there's literally nothing that they can be, they are definitely not an apparition,a human,a ghost there's completely nothing that they can be"
"I still think Mitsuba is either in love or delulu"
"I already said I'm not in love, and I'm definitely not delusional!"
"Alright, Alright your not"
"I'm going to go now"
Mitsuba then leaves the broadcasting room and starts walking towards the rooftop, what does Natsuhiko mean by in love? You are only his friend and nothing else, though if he had to be honest you pretty cute wait what is he saying?!
"Alright maybe I am in love, that sounds so weird coming out of my mouth"
"heh you in love?"
"What the?! Kou what are you doing here and how much did you hear?!"
"number one I go to this school so I'm obviously here, two I heard everything and yeah that sounded weird when you said it, anyway who is it?"
"oh right...as for your question, I'm not telling"
"why not? maybe I can help you"
Mitsuba thought more about it, he wanted to tell Kou but for some reason he didn't, I mean you told him nobody could see you even an exorcist so there's no way Kou could see you, and probably like Natsuhiko would call him delulu... Damn maybe he is delulu.
No there's no way he's delusional I mean he saw you and held your hand there's just no way everything was his imagination.
"who they are doesn't matter anyway I should get going I... I want to take a few pictures around the school"
"I could go with you"
"there's no need I can do it by myself, see you around"
Mitsuba then walks away, while he originally wanted to see you he decided to actually go and take some pictures for inspiration since he thinks you need them,do you need them? Maybe who knows
While Mitsuba was taking pictures he looked up towards the rooftop and saw you there writing something,he couldn't help but to smile happy he met you and could call you his friend, if he had to be honest while he desires to tell you about his feelings, he's just concorned yeah you knew him for a month or two but what if he destroys you guys friendship... He doesn't want that, you are one of the few people that can see him and is his friend, did he really want to risk it? Did he want to risk the chance of you starting to hate him and tell him you never want to see him again?
That would probably be one of his worst nightmares...you hating him and not wanting to see him, maybe even forget him.he certainly didn't want that Kou already forgot him before and started remembering him a few months ago, yes Kou is important to him but you? You are different he doesn't know why but you seem a lot more different when Mitsuba thinks about you he can't help but see you as some kind of goddess, beautiful in every way even the things that you think makes you ugly makes him love you even more, he loves you in every shape and form you like the sun to his moon he wants, no needs you to shine, when he looks through his camera he can only see pictures he took for you or genuinely you, looking so pretty and majectict even if you do some kind of a stupid pose you still look beautiful...absolutely amazing
Was it your looks or the mystery you hold maybe even both? You certainly took this ghost heart, a heart that will beat for you and only you his dear beloved...wait you not even dating him why did he call you his beloved damn maybe he is delulu
Well who knows maybe you will be his beloved when he will get the confidence to finally confess his love to you, when will this day come? He doesn't know
୨⎯ "One hour later" ⎯୧
"Heyyyy [Y/N]"
"oh hi Mitsuba you here early do you ne-"
"I have feelings for you"
"eh?! Wait could you repeat that?"
"I said I have feelings for you"
Well that was surprising and something you didn't expect Mitsuba THE Mitsuba telling you he loves you?!
Either your delulu or that's actually happening... Holy shit you didn't expect that, I mean I don't think it's a bad idea for you to date Mitsuba, yeah he can be a dick but come on he's silly, just a silly little guy so it's understandable that you will say yes isn't it?
Ï̵̡̢̞̜̰̱̤͖̫̮̮̝̳͎̠̬͙̳͇̏͊̈̀̓͗̅̕ͅţ̸̨̛͖͚̟͓͉̣̻̦̖̖͚̹͉͉̯̌͐͆̏͛͌̔̍͐̔̽̊̋̐̚͜͜͝͝ͅ'̵̨̛̯̻͙̬̱͔̖̼͈̫̣͉̘͔̣͚̠̀̅̽͊̒̒̐̾̑̍̔̑̎̚͜͠͝ͅͅͅś̴̨̛̙̱̗̼͎̩̦̐̀̐́̌̅ͅ ̶̡̧̦̝̫̫͎̜̪͓̻̖͔̹̣͎̦̬͍̹́͑̇̀̂́̈́̈́́̈̿̈́̍͛̌͘̕͜r̶̨̥͕͚̭̣̦͉̞̮̭̖̠̋͒̍́̀͋̊̎̑̂͝ȩ̵̛̤̪͙̪̖̺̩̺̲͕̭͍͓͇̞͇̝̠̊͌̑́̑̈́͛̎̐́͛͑̈́͗͘͝ͅͅp̸̡͔̜̰̮̹̹̜̘̜͈̲̯̳̽̓̈́̓̈̀͌̀̍̀̈ę̵̥̳͕̬̪͖͕͚̫̯͚͚̉̈́̓̎͛̿͐̄͆̄̈́̆a̷͙͖͓̰̹͎͓̪̦͔̯̫̦̩̮̭͂͑͛͒͆̍̒̓̀̍̿͋ṫ̴̢͎̖̦͕̠͕̝͠i̶̡̧͉̫͍̬̪̫̞̤̟̱̟͉̲̳̩̫͖̐͊͛̑͗͋̓̿̑̊̅̃̇̊͂̊̊̐̚͜ň̶̨̬̻̹͚̈́̍̈́̂g̸̫̹̝̙͇͍̝͎̗̻͖̼̠͔͚̹̐͑̅͗̈̍̃̇̈̈͜͝͠͝ ̶̡̧̧̳̞̼̼̖̲̺̗̥̮̔͋̈́́̉̌̃̂͛̈́̀̎̑͆͝ą̸̛̥̳̻̘̱̲̘̩̬̐̒̈̽̏̑͂͘̚͝g̵̪̜̬̞̲̰̝̖̉̃͌̽̅̑͐̕͜ą̷̺̜̜̳̩̭̯̭̥̋̑̈́̓̓̈́̑̎̓́̋̿́͘͠į̶̧̨̢̭̝̻̠͓͔͕̜̳͚͑̀̈́̓̈́̿͜͜ͅn̸̡̢̢͕̝̙̥̼̳̘͉͖̝̜̣̦̯͖̠̞͋͆̏͗̀̀̿̒͗̕͝ ̴̨̦̤̺̤͐̌̋̂̅́̉̌̂̿̊͛̓̐̎̐̚͝s̸̡̼̫͕̠̥̪̳͎̯̞͍̖͎̬͍̯̏̑͝ͅͅą̴̢̢͓̲̭̯̼̤̭̜̳͎̭̱̱͍̺̰͎̲̻͋̓ỳ̸̨̨̢̯̤̼͈̣̘̩̻̱̝̣͎͔͚͔̯̈̿̆̀̆̉̓̑̓͘̕͝͝ ̵̧̢͕͖̳͍̤̜͖̖̞̺̦͎͍̬̪͙̬͍͓̗͑̓̏̽̉͆͒̊͐̓͠n̷̟̘̮̮̘͗̓̾̃̈́̉̆͗̍̕o̶̡̡̜͖̻̗̭̰̼̺̠̪͎̗͉̪̲̟̮͆̀̔͑͛̂͌̎̄̄̀̃̿͠ ̶̝̱̣͈͈͕̦̪̞͙̬͔͇͚͉͙̜̩̜̱͉͑͑̽̐̿̌́Y̶̘̱̬̖̦̘̬̯̜̲̺̠̺͓̲̻̻̟̤̬̹͗͒͋̀́́̏͂̏̌̕̕͝Ọ̴̢̡̨̩̮̞̰͔̼̳̣̜̪͖̈̈̀̓̈́̑͗̌̓̇͝U̸̡̥͈̳̻̤̟̍͐͂͂̈͆̈́̓̚͝͠ ̴̠̦͍̓͛̏́͌̌̈́̽̇̂̎̀͆͛͠L̴̙̫̉̐͋̀͐̔Ḯ̷̢̞̗͎̮̘̠T̵̡̛̟̞̜͕̩̟͙̣̣͚̪̘̯͕̳̎͛͋͐͌̌̎̏̂̉̾̓̔͂ͅT̷̢̤̬͈̦͙̘̪̳̘̎̆͑̎̽̍̓̑̽͊̋̀́̃͝͝L̶͇̙̘̲̹͈͈̬̗̠̯̮͎̙̞̳̖̹͂̆͗̒̏̋́́̉̕͘͝͠͠ͅĚ̷͕͇̤̟̳̂̀̎̀̈͂̔̃͗̋̄̓̉̕ ̴̡̨̢̲͕͔̗̮̰̞͚͎͔͔̠̯͎̽̋̈́͌̕F̶̫̹͉͍̤͍̗̮̤̫̻̹̟̮̯̙̱͎̎͛̀̎̈̒͆̊̌̾́̾̓̿̀̀̕͘̕̕͜͝͝ͅỦ̶̘̗̗̖͎̭̠͎̗͖̠͉͍̜͇͎̅̓͛͆̈́͒͒̀͛̍́͛̏̈́̾̐̈͘͝Ć̵̡̢̡̧̼̼͓̤̣͎̥̲̬̲̮̏̿͛͌̂̈́̓͛̾͗̇Ķ̷̯̠̦̦̜̘̭͇̼͓͚̗̳̙̽̉̋̀̿̈́̈͐͝ͅͅ
Those voices...they back why? Ugh that doesn't matter Mitsuba just confessed to you and you love him back, so just say yes and ignore this damn voice
"I feel the same way Mitsuba, I like you too truly"
"wait really?!"
"yeah really,you may be an idiot but you an adorable one"
"...now I don't know if I should be mad or embarrassed"
"based on your face, you both at the same moment"
"you just had to ruin the moment..."
"did I really"
Before Mitsuba could reply you pecked him on the lips and laughed at how red he was, honestly he looked idiotic like that but still cute, well what can you say you got yourself a cute boyfriend with a very high ego which can be annoying but who isn't annoying in this era?
After the confession you and Mitsuba got even closer and the voices stopped again,you didn't know if it was good or not I mean they stopped earlier but came back just how they didn't bother you back then now they seem to be the most annoying thing ever, but who cares about those voices you were enjoying time with your boyfriend even sometimes drawing corny stuff just to make him embarrassed or write something like this, for some reasons when you wrote them he kept caring you a pervert, meh you know he doesn't mean it he's just embarrassed just like the little shit he is, you can't help but look at the notebook and see drawings and short stories about you the more days passed the more cuter the stories were...it brought you comfort,but how could you feel comfort if you don't remember it? It's honestly scary... feeling comfort as if it was your most important memory...if it was why can't you remember it? It was important but it seems like it wasn't at the same damn time.
Honestly you hope that mysterious memory that you can't remember will eventually disappear...
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prolife-is-prolie · 8 months
Prolifers assaulted her when she went to get an abortion. Years later, they celebrated when she had a miscarriage. (Part 1)
TW: In this interview, A discusses being in an abusive relationship, being raped, getting assaulted outside of Planned Parenthood, her friends suicide, her miscarriage, and some hate comments left by trolls.
December 24, 2023
Central Florida was usually sunny and warm outside. But today was different. The clouds covered the sun and the sky was gray. The wind blew and the grass was damp from rain and dew. This wasn’t the weather I was hoping for on Christmas Eve, but the weather in Florida was unpredictable. I rang the doorbell and stared at the brown wooden door in front of me, complete with an old brass doorknob and floral engravings. From inside, I heard the barks of a small dog and a woman shushing him. The dog quieted and the door swung open.
I was greeted by my good friend, A. Her hair was dyed a vibrant red and flat ironed straight and she wore a small black velvet dress, complete with black platform boots that made her almost my height. Her eyelids were coated in dark eyeshadow and her lips were dark purple, almost black. Her lip rings shined as she smiled and embraced me in a hug. It has been almost a year since I last saw A and she was still as beautiful as she was when I last saw her. She and I worked at the same nightclub a few years ago and we remained close. 
A gave me a tour of her house and introduced me to her dog. He growled nervously from inside his crate before quieting down again. I was going to interview outside on her porch, but plans changed upon seeing the weather. So instead, we decided that the kitchen table would be our best bet. I watched in awe as A navigated the kitchen in her boots while making us cups of hot cocoa.
Me: How do you feel knowing that there are prolifers who have the same fashion sense as you?
A: Oh God, Don’t remind me. You’re probably referring to that Kristen Turner girl and her friends. They’re so gross. They wished they looked like me.
Me: Prochoice women are definitely better looking. Anyone who says otherwise is delusional. 
A: Absolutely! Have you seen that photo of Kristen and her buddies posing by bending over with their hands on their knees to show their boots off? They posted it on the anniversary of Roe overturning. I’m embarrassed for them.
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A finished making the hot cocoa and handed me a mug. What she said was true: Prolife women wished they looked like her. Her dress reached her knees and hugged her curves. Her hair reached mid back when straightened and it glistened in the kitchen light. Her tan skin and her height in her platform boots made her resemble a goddess. When I first met her, I couldn’t help but be smitten with her. She was quiet at first, but talkative once she opened up to you. And as she sat across from me, I took in her beauty. But I wasn’t here to gawk, I was here to interview her.
Me: So, tell me about when you got your abortion back in 2021.
A: Well, I was in an abusive relationship with this guy I met after a night of drinking. I was definitely at rock bottom. My ex boyfriend who I was still in love with chose another girl over me. And then months later, I started talking to another guy and then he also chose another girl over me. So I sat on the sidewalk and began drinking, and that’s where my abuser first saw me. He raped me numerous times throughout our relationship. And then I became addicted to heroin and cocaine, and then not long into our relationship, I found out I was pregnant. I scheduled an appointment at Planned Parenthood and they gave me an ultrasound. They gave me counseling and asked if I was 100% sure I wanted an abortion, and I told them I was.
I was terrified about my boyfriend finding out I was pregnant because he was unpredictable. He dropped some subtle clues that he wanted to be a father, but then he would beat me and leave me cut and bruised. I was convinced that if he found out I was pregnant, he’d kill me. And also, I wasn’t even in a good place to be a mother. I was drinking and doing drugs almost daily. I didn’t live with my boyfriend, but he would pick me up almost daily. The environment I was in was not a good environment for pregnancy and eventually a baby. So I knew what needed to be done. 
The doctors determined that my best bet would be to get the procedure done in the clinic as opposed to taking the pill at home because of my PCOS and irregular periods. After my abortion, they were going to check my pelvic floor and uterus free of charge to see if I had any serious abnormalities, which thankfully I didn’t. The doctors sat me in a conference room with the door open and a laptop. They showed me a video of the type of procedure they were going to do on me. And, you’ve seen that abortion procedure in that movie called Unplanned, right? Well, the procedure in real life did not resemble that at all!
Me: Not at all?
A: Not at all! The woman in the video was about as far along as I was, and the fetus was just a blob! They went in there and suctioned it and that was that!
Me: Abby Johnson, who created Unplanned, loves to say that if someone were to see an abortion in person, then they would become prolife. She doesn’t understand that millions of women have seen abortions and they’re still prochoice!
A: Exactly! I am still as prochoice as ever! But anyway, after my first appointment, they made me wait two weeks just in case I had a change of heart. I know it’s not like that everywhere, but where I was at the time, it was like that. So after two weeks, and after numerous beatings and drug and alcohol binges, I walked to Planned Parenthood for my appointment. I lied and told them I had reliable transportation, but I didn’t have a car and I didn’t even have money for an Uber. Thankfully the clinic wasn’t too far from me.
So I reach the clinic and there are protesters outside. I’m thinking “fuuuuuck.” I keep my head down and try walking around the clinic and hope they don’t notice me. But they did. And they swarmed. They swarmed around me like cockroaches. I soon was surrounded by people and giant pictures of aborted, bloody fetuses. Some of these people were begging me not to get an abortion and some were yelling at me and calling me a murderer and demanding that I repent to God. They called me demonic and some were even telling me to keep my legs closed. And then I was hit in the head with a water bottle and the raw eggs and mustard started flying. 
Eggs and mustard dripped down my face and it was all in my hair and these people were pulling my hair and grabbing my arms and they were so determined to keep me from getting into the clinic. The security guard saw this shit going down and he was able to push through the crowd to get to me and he escorted me through the back entrance of the clinic and it then occurred to me how many sets of security doors I had to walk through. These protesters were so crazy that there were multiple security doors. These people screamed and protested and threw things, but they still did not manage to prevent me from getting my abortion. The doctors took my bag, which had another set of clothes and my wallet, and I got changed into a gown and pretty soon, my abortion was over. 
A nurse named Nurse Penny talked to me as I sat in the recovery room. She noticed that I was covered in cuts and bruises and just looked so unhealthy. I told her about my boyfriend and about how he treated me. And she made me promise her that I would get clean and I would leave my boyfriend. She even called me an Uber so I wouldn’t have to walk home because it started raining. And I found it kind of funny because when it started raining, the protesters left. If they really cared about life and “babies” as much as they say they do, then rain shouldn’t have been enough to send them home. If they really had these beliefs, they would have opened an umbrella or thrown on a poncho and toughed it out. 
But yeah, soon after my abortion, I left my boyfriend and got a restraining order. I locked myself in my room and quit the drugs cold turkey. If it wasn’t for Nurse Penny, I would still be with my boyfriend. I would still be on drugs. And hell, I would probably be dead by now if it weren’t for her. 
Me: That is such a heartbreaking and breathtaking story. I am so sorry that you endured that. I know you don’t like telling this story, but back in June, on the one year anniversary of Roe overturning, you told your story on TikTok. I posted your video to Instagram and almost instantly, the comments started filling with prolifers who deny the validity of your story. What do you have to say to them?
A: I want them to know that I see their comments and I think that all of them are full of shit. What would be my reason to lie about this? To make prolifers look bad? They don’t need me to do that. They already look bad on their own. But at the end of the day, I know that my story is true because I lived it. You know my story is true. All of my friends know that my story is true. That’s all that matters. These prolifers get mad when I tell my story because they don’t want to admit that they have a toxic mindset. They don’t want to admit that the policies they support do more harm than good. These people are jokes. If they don’t want to believe me, that’s fine. But at the end of the day, they are the ones who are wrong.
Me: Well said. They absolutely are the ones in the wrong. So how has your life been since your abortion.
A took a deep breath and took a sip of her cocoa. We both knew that this interview was going to be difficult. But she was still willing to do it. 
Me: If you need to take a break, you can do so.
A: Oh no no, it’s fine. I’m fine. But…life is hard, you know? This past year alone has been hard. My dog got hurt pretty bad in February. They didn’t know if he was going to make it. The vets even asked if I wanted to sign a DNR just in case his heart stopped. But as you saw when you got here, he pulled through and made a full recovery. And then in May, I had issues with yet another guy. Me and him had a brief fling and he told me he loved me, but then a year later, he ghosts me and gets a girlfriend. I guess I saw it coming from a mile away, but it still hurt. And this happened after I learned that a friend of mine killed himself.
Me: Oh, I’m so sorry.
A: It’s okay. He,(let's call him F)  was battling his demons for a while and he unfortunately lost. We had some issues and I said and did some stuff I regret, but he told me he forgave me. And then he drifted off and I found out he killed himself a day or two after my birthday. 
Me: I’m sure F really did forgive you.
A: I know he did. Despite what his friends tell me, I know he forgave me.
Me: Don’t let them convince you otherwise.
A: For a while after his death, I did. This is going to sound so dorky, but F was a Twitch streamer and he had a Discord that I was a part of. I ended up leaving after a while because he wasn’t talking to me as much. Last Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve 2022, F’s friend (S) started talking to me on Discord and he ended up adding F’s ex-girlfriend to the chat. F’s ex claimed that he was abusive and even offered screenshots as proof. S and I were devastated because F always seemed so sweet and chill. I couldn’t confront F about it because his ex begged us not to, and F didn’t really talk to me anymore anyway. As someone who has also been in an abusive relationship, I didn’t want to scare her off or reopen any old wounds. So I began to hate F for what he did to her. 
S told me this past May that F killed himself, and I didn’t feel anything because I still hated him. It was then that S and I discovered that F’s ex girlfriend deleted her Discord and nobody knew where she was. We talked to F’s brother and we found out that the screenshots she sent were most likely doctored. That’s the real reason she didn’t want anyone talking to F about being abusive: the screenshots were fake. F was never abusive. It was all just one big hoax and now he was dead. He died with me hating him, and that’s what kills me so much. He will never be with his family again. He will never stream again. He has followers who don’t know what happened to him and they never will. His Twitch account is still up and I can’t bring myself to watch his videos.
I’m still grieving. I can’t get over how lonely he must’ve felt when he did this. He didn’t know how loved he was and now it’s too late to show him. 
Me: It’s not too late. He knows how much he was loved. 
A: Are you sure?
Me: Positive.
A decided to take a break. She stood quietly at the sliding glass door and stared out into her backyard. In the distance, thunder rumbled lowly. The houses on the other side of the canal in the backyard glowed as the Christmas lights began to come on as well as the lights from inside. It was only 5 PM but it felt later. I wanted to comfort her, but I knew she just needed to be left alone for a minute. She didn’t want to be touched. In the meantime, I read over my notes and stood so I could stretch. I excused myself so I could use the restroom quickly. When I came back, A was once again seated at the table.
A: I’m ready now. Sorry about that.
Me: You always apologize when you let your feelings out. You don’t need to. You’ve been through a lot this past year. You’ve been through a lot in your life in general.
A nodded before telling me that she was ready to discuss the main purpose of this interview.
Me: So, around the middle of last month, you discovered you were pregnant. How did that make you feel?
A: I was terrified. I was disgusted. I was angry at myself for letting this happen again, especially now when abortion rights are on the line. But to be honest, I’ve been thinking about having a baby for a while. But I would always psyche myself out by focusing on only the negative aspects of pregnancy and motherhood. And I would always convince myself that I would be a horrible mother. Because I’m not the best at interacting with my young niece and nephew or children in general. Also, as you know, I’m not in a relationship. I got pregnant from having a fling at a concert I went to. I felt so stupid and so dirty when I saw those two lines on the pregnancy test. So I ordered abortion pills from someone out of state. And I drank, a lot. And I got my vaccinations updated for the Flu and Covid, and I even got the other side of my lip pierced. And I did all this while knowing I was pregnant. 
But then…this is going to sound so stupid, but I was watching the news one night and I saw that one of the news anchors just had a baby. And she was absolutely adorable. She was all swaddled and had a pacifier in her mouth, and I knew she was going home and she was going to be cuddled and so loved. I realized I wanted that. I wanted a little miniature me so I could love them and raise them and watch them grow. I was willing to endure the bloating, the swelling feet, the bleeding gums, the bizarre cravings, the acne, the mouth ulcers, and the mood swings. So it was then I decided to keep it. I wasn’t ready to tell my family but I told my friends, because I knew they wouldn’t judge me the way my family would. And for the most part, my friends were supportive.
Me: For the most part?
A: Yeah. One of my friends…I could tell that he was questioning my decision. He began to bombard me with questions. And I could tell that he thought I was making a mistake, and I could tell he was annoyed with me. Because for the longest time, we discussed how neither of us wants kids. And yet there I was, pregnant and wanting to keep it. I guess he felt betrayed in a way. He never said he felt that way but I could tell.
And another guy who I talked to on Snapchat was also pretty upset. He started asking me how much I made in a year and if I had my own car and my own place. And then he came right out and said that I shouldn’t have a baby because according to him, I wasn’t making enough money and I was going to struggle. Keep in mind that I have never met this guy in person before. We were only friends on Snapchat. That was it. But he still felt that it was his place to tell me what I should and shouldn’t do. And then he tried to turn around and tell me he was saying these things because he didn’t want to see me struggle being a single mother and potentially being homeless. Once again, I have never met this guy in person before. We do not know each other. He had no reason to care this much. But yeah, I basically told him to go choke and he responded with, “When I get proven right, I won’t be happy about it.” Along with a frowning emoji.
Me: Wow! What an asshat!
A: Yeah, he was. But I pushed his opinion aside and I wrote you those DMs to post basically announcing my pregnancy and telling these antichoicers not to congratulate me. Because everytime a woman tells her story about how she was going to get an abortion before changing her mind, antichoicers flock to the comments to congratulate her. They think that this means she is now prolife and they consider it a victory, another badge for them to add to their sash. 
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Me: They have no shame. Those were some badass DMs that you sent. 
A: Thank you!
Me: Now…I’m trying to find a nice way to transition into this, because I know it’s hard for you.
A: It’s okay. Let’s just rip the bandaid off.
Me: How did you know you were miscarrying?
A: Well, I spent the day with family. We were supposed to go to St. Augustine to see the Christmas Lights. But I was annoyed because despite St. Augustine being only a couple hours away, family kept making pitstop after pitstop after pitstop. We left at around 11 and got there at 4:30. We were in the car longer than we were actually at St. Augustine. So between my family constantly lollygagging and my grandmother body shaming me, I was in a pretty rotten mood. And then while I was sitting in the car, I felt myself starting to cramp. And my heart dropped because the cramps weren’t letting up. I kept quiet because my family still didn’t know I was pregnant. But I was just hoping and hoping that I wasn’t losing it. I got home at around 10 pm and I instantly went to the bathroom and saw that my panties were covered in blood. 
I knew right then and there that I was miscarrying, because I miscarried before. I told my friend, who is a mother, and she told me not to worry because pregnant people bleed sometimes. I called my doctor the next morning and she was able to squeeze me in. I was actually supposed to be going to her that Monday to find out the sex. When I arrived, she did the ultrasound and she confirmed that my uterus was empty. Sometime during the night. I expelled the fetus and flushed it without even knowing. I was no longer pregnant. I lost it.
Me: I am so sorry.
A: It is what it is. I deactivated my Instagram for a couple weeks because my algorithm kept showing me pregnancy and expectant mother videos. And when I came back, I wrote a letter to what was supposed to be my baby, and I moved on. I didn’t think that when you posted my letter, so many trolls would start flooding to the comments. 
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Link for part 2
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tiredmamaissy · 1 year
i had the question about relationships…or situationship, whatever tf this is.
i’ve liked this guy for a few months now (let’s call him pineapple) we both attend the same school, but we have completely different classes. i only get to see him when i’m walking on campus after my last class. anyway, i have a really close friend…i’ll call her coconut; i told coconut i liked pineapple and she encouraged me to talk to him but i’m was too afraid to do so. it took a lot of her convincing me and pushing me to finally muster up the courage to say something to him, and it honestly didn’t go THAT bad. he wasn’t the most enthusiastic person in the world but he was still nice. assuming that i randomly approached him while he was working out would make sense as to why he was a bit caught off guard but yeah! it was a short conversation. i made up an excuse that he looked really fit and i basically asked if he had any tips on growing glutes, n you know…he gave me tips i guess.
that was about 2 weeks ago. we quickly became friends after that short conversation as i s realized him and i shared some friends. (not sure how i didn’t realize it but yeah). he quickly started inviting me to hang out with his friends and it was honestly great. though i’m a naturally timid and lowkey awkward person, i had fun hanging with him. his friends are literally ALL boys but they’re nice guys! besides some of them making uncomfortable sexual jokes about us two, it’s cool ig…(?).
that’s just some background info so i don’t blindly go into the difficult part of our “relationship”. he’s a fuckboy. like big time. i only had to spend a few days with him to realize how easy he was. went to a party WITH him and ended up leaving WITHOUT him because he was too busy getting his dick sucked by some random girl who pulled up mid-party…but i still like him? i genuinely can’t shake the feelings i have for him. he’s been nothing but kind to me. he buys me things, makes me laugh, makes me smile, all of the above….he just sleeps around…with a lot of girls…while also treating me like his girlfriend. or does he treat me like his girlfriend? i dunno if i’m just delusional. his friends refer to me as pineapples “girl” so i kind of assumed we had a little something going. maybe i am reading this wrong.
i don’t know where i’m going with this. i just want to know if you think i’m wasting my time. does he like me? i hope so…i think so…but it doesn’t stop him from having sex with other girls.
im nearing a point of just pinning him down and screaming how i feel at him. i just want him to know how strong my feelings are, how deep they run, how much i care for him, how much i admire him. i dunno. what do you think, issy?
Thank you for sharing this with me (and us), and I wish you could see my face rn 😭 I would like to say that you don’t have to listen to anything I’m about to say ofc, what you decide to do is completely up to you!
I would say talk to him. Sounds cliche but there’s definitely a lot of uncertainty about the relationship. The biggest being - are you in a romantic relationship or not? And if so, what are the boundaries of the relationship? Is it open? Does he value monogamy? Do you? You would need to sit down and ask yourself what your values and expectations are regarding intimate relationships. The fact that he went with you to a party and left without you bc he was with another person is disrespectful to you (to say the least) despite the relationship status.. so I’m sorry that happened to you.
If he’s openly engaging intimately with other people, I’d say it’s safe to assume that he doesn’t see the relationship as something ‘official’. But at the same time, he’s engaging in relationship-like things w/ you. Which is why you’re confused. Mixed signals. Which is so unfair to you. And the only way to clarify things is to sit him down and have a serious conversation with him about.. everything. And from there you’ll be in a better position to not only answer your own questions, but to make a well informed decision about where you want to go from here
Wish you nothing but the best. 💖
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gvftea · 1 year
To the girl who said she sabotaged her 7 year relationship because she thought she could pull Josh, girl me too except we were together for a year not 7 years. Here’s my story: Josh and Sammy have always been my favorites. I’m attracted to Josh’s personality and think he’s cute but I’m sexually attracted to Sammy and love his sense of humor. Obviously we know Sammy is dating Hannah and I don’t like to (knowingly) manifest dating people who are in relationships because karma and bad karma is real. So I bought some crystals and started off with an innocent manifestation that I would meet Sammy and I had no expectations about what would happen if we met. Then a few months later, guess who comes into my job while they were in my city? Sammy and Hannah! I didn’t want to come off as a fan girl so I didn’t mention anything about GVF but he was super nice and tipped well. I don’t know how impressive this is considering I’m a bartender who works at a popular bar in a big city but I figured if I could manifest meeting him I could manifest dating Josh. Me and boyfriend at the time were doing long distance and were drifting apart. Escapism kicked in and instead of trying to find a way to make it work with him I started to imagine how much happier I’d be with Josh, getting to be a rockstar’s girlfriend and going on tour. I was fully convinced I could pull him since I manifested meeting Sammy. Eventually I broke up with my boyfriend and told him I was interested in someone else (lol) and spent months trying to manifest Josh until I just gave up and decided to let the universe do it’s thing. Well fast forward to last week and well….you know. Needless to say I will never try to manifest a celebrity ever again. I was in my delusional era and definitely learned my lesson the hard way. At least I knew better than to move to Nashville and I never crossed the line when it came to boundaries or invaded their privacy in any way. Anywho, I decided to share this story to lighten things up on here so go ahead laugh at me, I can take it. My friends have been clowning me all week and I know I deserve it 🤡🤡🤡
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