#i thought khao was going to have a panic attack last time
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firstkanaphans · 9 days ago
First is leaving for China so how long do y’all think it’ll be before Khao posts a thirst trap 🤔
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khaotic-kitsunes · 3 years ago
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I had so much fun writing up the introduction to this request! You’ll probably see why in just a minute too...but, fun fact, the lovely Khaos, the newest addition to the blog, helped me out with this request when I found myself a little stuck!
Khaos added a helpful amount of amazing to the ending scene, so be sure to thank them for their amazing input! Oh, and make sure ya let us know what you think, okay?
I would also like to add that I know it’s been quiet here on the blog and I’m sorry for that but personally, I’ve had some...curveballs thrown at me health wise so you probably won’t see a lot from me. So, yeah.
Cheeky Kitsune 🦊💋
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 Tamaki slowly peeked up above the ocean’s surface, keeping as quiet as possible to remain unnoticed while he allowed his eyes to land upon the object of his curiosities and affections; swallowing thickly when he realised that you had shown up at exactly sunset yet again, just like always.
 And, as always, you were alone. You had no companions that could prevent him from stealing you away to his secret cave and no one to help you if he decided to keep you to himself. An idea that appealed to him more with each of your visits to the beach.
 What interested Tamaki most, however, was the fact that with each of your visits, you made sure to only come by the secluded beach at sunset; when everyone else had gone home for the day. Tourists seemed to believe all the local’s stories of monsters beneath the water’s surface, waiting for the sun to go down so that their attacks could go unnoticed until it was too late.
 Of course, it was all nonsense. Tamaki was the only merperson to occupy this particular beach and he had been for quite a few years now; any and all monsters were long gone, migrated to places that weren’t so aware of the dangers that lurked beneath the depths.
 But it was also because of the late hour that you came to the beach, that Tamaki couldn’t approach you. He was all too aware of how a human woman might react to a random man approaching them in the water when the sun was beginning to set, shadows casting over the sky and melting the beautiful orange hues into an inky blackness.
 So, instead, Tamaki had to be satisfied with watching you from afar. Appreciating your beauty and daydreaming about all the different possibilities of meeting you; how he could befriend you and get closer, all while knowing it would be an impossibility.
 ~  ~  ~
 Tamaki stared at you with wide, saucer-like eyes, his mouth hanging open while you swam towards him slowly; your body remaining below the water’s surface, hiding the fact that you were without your bikini top.
 The very same bikini top that he held in his hands, a scrap of clothing that he had been inspecting out of confusion given that it was nearly midnight and he had thought that you had left the beach hours ago like you normally would.
 “…I think that’s mine” Your softly uttered words startled him, making him jolt and sink down further into the water while he released the bikini top; allowing it to float up to the surface, harmlessly bobbing up and down with the waves between the both of you.
 “Sorry, I uh, didn’t realise that someone else was here” He muttered out a pathetic excuse for an apology, trying his best not to let his tentacles move into your line of sight; desperate to at least seem normal, even if it wouldn’t be a lasting impression.
  Tamaki gulped nervously as he watched you reach for the floating bikini top, averting his gaze when you shuffled around to put the piece of clothing back on; the hurried movements of your fingers catching his attention with how the water splashed from the clumsy actions. The silence beginning to feel awkward while Tamaki tried his best not to look at you before you were ready, not wanting to come off as a pervert. Not to you.
 “It’s okay, I didn’t realise anyone else was here either. Not this late at night anyways and certainly not with the way everyone goes on about the monsters that are waiting for sunset so they can eat you” You rolled your eyes as the words left your lips, briefly giving Tamaki a once over before nodding your head to yourself; making Tamaki wonder if you were giving him the benefit of the doubt despite how strange it was for him to be here at this time, more so considering that he had technically been holding onto your bikini top.
 Then again, it would make sense for you to assume that he had thought it was a piece of seaweed; because honestly, that’s exactly what Tamaki had first thought when he picked it up.
 It wasn’t uncommon for people to investigate strange and/or suspicious objects that were found floating in the ocean, only to cast them away as quickly as they had been found. Tamaki had seen humans do so more times than he could count and luckily for him, he had had the brains to immediately release the skimpy piece of clothing; a guilty man would have tried to hide it, or simply kept held of it. Not Tamaki though, he had dropped it, allowed you to take it back and even averted his gaze so that you could have some form of privacy while fixing your top; even if it hadn’t been a great deal of privacy. There was only so much he could offer given the circumstances after all.
 However, even with these facts in mind, Tamaki could easily see that you were still on guard and he was happy to see such a thing. It reassured him that you didn’t trust random strangers in the water just because they had been polite enough to look away while you were topless.
 “Still, I am sorry…about your top, I mean. If I had of known what it was…” Tamaki trailed off as his face flushed with embarrassment, the tips of his pointed ears beginning to turn a similar shade of scarlet while he dipped further into the gentle waves of the night’s warm ocean waters; only stopping when his nose was beneath the salty waters.
 “It’s fine, okay? No harm, no foul” You hummed out the words in a soft voice, swimming around to face the embarrassed merman; all the while being completely unaware of what he truly was.
 “So…what brings you out so late?” Your question made Tamaki’s body go stiff, anxiety rushing through his system while his brain scrambled to think of something, anything to say in response to such an innocently asked question; anything but the truth, that is.
 There was no way known that Tamaki could tell you the truth behind his daily visits to this beach, especially when he could live happily and stealthily beneath the ocean waves for the rest of his life if it weren’t for your presence on this beach.
 Tamaki wanted to slap himself. Here he was, minding his own business in the ocean when the opportunity that he would have killed for, landed in his lap. The chance to speak with you, instead of just stare at you from afar and yet here he was, completely and utterly unable to get a single word out; instead, the fears of what could happen filled his mind.
 The terrifying what ifs of you hating him if he opened his mouth and said the wrong thing tormenting him into a nervous silence. Tamaki’s only relief from the situation, was that he would have the memories of having gotten close to you without making you scream and panic; though that also meant that no one would notice if he were to steal you away in that moment, if he took you to a place that no one would ever hope to find.
 But that was something that he couldn’t do and definitely something that Tamaki shouldn’t think about, unless he wanted to fuel the desires that he so often pushed aside. You would surely hate him if he were to do even half of the things that he had thought about.
 “Well, I guess I’ll see you around…” You mumbled out the farewell awkwardly, turning away from Tamaki in order to swim back towards the shore, no longer able to enjoy the solitude of an empty beach.
 “Uh, wait!” Tamaki called out to you again, finally able to find his voice once more as he reached out for you, his hand closing around your arm. Sealing his choice of interaction with you when you turned to face him. He should have let you leave.
 “Your…um, your strap, it’s loose…” He barely managed to mumble out the words without humiliating himself, averting his gaze when he found himself unable to meet your eyes; not needing the added kick of self-loathing on top of his nervousness.
 “You’ll lose your top again if you don’t fix it…”
 “Oh. Well, do you mind?”
 Tamaki gulped nervously as you turned your back to him once more, allowing him to reach for the loose strings belonging to your bikini top; needing to untie the knot that you had created in a rush minutes ago. If Tamaki were telling the truth, the knot probably would have held, but at the same time, he wouldn’t get another chance to let his skin brush against your own.
 Now, he was in heaven, making sure to tie a strong knot while at the same time, being sure that it wasn’t so tight that you wouldn’t be able to undo it yourself later on.
 “There…all done” He mumbled out the words under his breath when he was finished tying the knot, his fingers lingering on your skin for a brief moment, wanting more; though you pulled away before he could get ahead of himself.
 Leaving Tamaki to breathe a sigh of release, all while silently cursing both himself and all of his pent-up desires. More so when you spun around to smile at him, the radiance you gave off nearly blinding his mopey self.
 “You’re beautiful…!” Tamaki blurted out the words before he could stop himself, quickly slapping his hands over his mouth with his eyes going wide in a mix of shock and horror. Mortified that he had said something like that without realising.
 Your eyes went wide, the smile fading from your lips and making Tamaki wish that he had legs so that he could kick himself. Unaware that you weren’t upset, but rather the opposite, never having been so earnestly complimented before; it brought an unfamiliar warmth to your cheeks and to your heart.
 “Um…thanks…” Tamaki watched you as you swam closer to him, torn between escaping to the ocean’s depths and closing the gap between the two of you; desperate for both, yet knowing better than to actually reach for the object of his desires.
 With his mind struggling to choose between the two options, Tamaki froze in place at the worst time; allowing you to move closer until he felt your warm toes brush over his wriggling tentacles, fear filling him when you jolted back in surprise. Your eyes scanning the dark waters for seaweed.
 “What’s…wrong?” Tamaki mentally slapped himself for asking while he watched you lower your head closer to the water’s surface, still searching for seaweed that he knew you wouldn’t find. He was just thankful that it was so late in the night, making it nearly impossible for you to see anything below the surface; you weren’t like him, you didn’t have eyes unaffected by the dark.
 “Well, it’s just…I thought that something touched my leg…”
 Tamaki moved his tentacles as far away from you as he could, praying that the darkness would be enough to push aside your curiosity, but apparently, it was too late; your hands closed around two of his now squirming tentacles as he tried to pull them free of your hold.
 “Y-You…you’re a…” You breathed out in amazement, eyes wide as you stared at him and though it wasn’t in fear, Tamaki couldn’t take it. He wriggled his tentacles free of your grip and dove deep into the water; fearing what you would do now that you knew what he was.
 Tamaki ignored the muffled cry for him to stop, determined not to lose the strength it took to leave you behind instead of dragging you into the depths with him.
 Before Tamaki could get too far away however, he felt your hands close around his tentacles for the second time, causing him to freeze on the spot; heart thundering in his chest. He was already struggling to keep himself contained after having his tentacles grabbed the first time, but now it was too much; his tentacles were sensitive after all.
 Tamaki turned around in the water to look at you with a hunger that he had been pushing aside for far too long; using every last ounce of willpower he had left not to grab you and take you with him to his cave.
 The two of you remained submerged for a moment longer, staring at each other through the impossibly dark ocean water of the night. Tamaki knew you couldn’t see him, but your hold on his tentacles was enough to give you a direction to look at and like this, he had the rare opportunity to take in your breathtaking appearance; enjoying it as much as possible before wrapping some of his tentacles around your body and swimming for the surface.
 You were a human, which meant that you needed oxygen. A fact that he had nearly forgotten for a moment there, but either way; Tamaki wasn’t going to let you die. Not now, not when he could prevent it.
 “I’m not…I’m not gonna—” Tamaki motioned you to stop speaking as you tried to cough at the words, a suggestion that you decided to follow given that it was hard to regain your breath and speak at the same time. Given that Tamaki was no longer trying to swim away and that his tentacles were still wrapped around your body, keeping you afloat so that you didn’t have to put any effort into swimming yourself; you figured that you had time to catch your breath.
 “I was trying to say that I’m not going to turn you in. I was just…surprised, I guess” You rubbed at your neck as you explained yourself, your words making Tamaki’s stress melt away while thoughts of adoration towards you filled his mind.
 It was mind blowing to him that a human that had just discovered his secret wasn’t about to go running off telling everyone that merpeople existed and it certainly made him love you more than he already did.
 “Though, I am a little confused. I’ve heard those stories for years, listening to them as a little girl…how going out into the water at night is a terrible idea because monsters from the ocean will drag you beneath the water and steal you away” Tamaki grimaced as you giggled at the thought, clearly having no idea how close you had come to such a fate; even if the end result would have been different. Tamaki wouldn’t have hurt you, or eaten you alive like the old monsters of the ocean would have; no, he would have done so many different things to you. Things that would surely have you slap him if he dared to say them aloud to you.
 “Well, you know��don’t believe everything you hear I guess…” He managed to get a light-hearted chuckle out as he spoke, deciding that for the moment it would be better to keep you entrapped in his tentacles; mostly so that you couldn’t grab a hold of them again and push him into his instincts more than you already have.
 “I guess so, but I don’t know…you don’t seem so bad. Maybe having you steal me away wouldn’t be so terrible” Tamaki’s features twisted into unfiltered surprise at your giggled words, blood rushing through his ears and completely blocking out whatever it was that you were currently continuing on with.
 It seemed you managed to notice the faraway look in his eyes while his mind worked overtime to process your joke. Going as far as to reach out with your hand to brush your fingertips against his cheek, ripping him from his thoughts and dragging him back to reality; your eyes locking with his heated gaze the moment his attention was back on the present you instead of his fantasy version.
 “…You would let me steal you away?” He pulled your body closer to his with his tentacles as he spoke, the slippery limbs tightening their hold on you ever-so-slightly while you gulped nervously; unable to look away from the merman in front of you.
 “…I…yes, I guess so” You spoke softly, unsure words tasting foreign to your tongue but unregrettable all the same. There was a certain air of importance surrounding the spoken words and now you found yourself slowly beginning to sink into the water with a smiling Tamaki.
 It was amazing, how his eyes had lit up with joy at your uttered words. Though it made you think vaguely of the old fae stories, where your word was a binding contract and if that were to be held in the same regard with mer-people, then it seemed like you had agreed to a new way of life.
 “You won’t regret it, I promise. I’ve got the perfect place in mind for you, you’ll be safe with me…I won’t let anyone steal you away…”
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worldcakecakecake · 4 years ago
Feliciano and the King of Hearts
Chosen by the gods as the Queen of Hearts from the moment of birth,  we follow Feliciano’s story as he grows into royal life, learns to rule,  go against age old customs, and his relationship with his husband to  be, the King of Hearts.
Chapter 1 I  Chapter 2 I Chapter 3 I Chapter 4 I Chapter 5 I Chapter 6I Chapter 7 I Chapter 8 IChapter 9I Chapter 10I Chapter 11I Chapter 12 I Chapter 13 I Chapter 14 I Chapter 15 I Chapter 16 I Chapter 17 I Chapter 18 I Chapter 19I Chapter 20 I Chapter 21 I Chapter 22 I Chapter 23 I Chapter 24 I Chapter 25 I Chapter 26 I Chapter 27 I Chapter 28I Chapter 29 I Chapter 30 I Chapter 31 I Chapter 32 I Chapter 33 I Chapter 34 I Chapter 35 I Chapter 36 I Chapter 37I chapter 38 I Chapter 39 I Chapter 40 I Chapter 41 I Chapter 42 I Chapter 43 I Chapter 44 I Chapter 45 I Chapter 46I Chapter 47 I Chapter 48 I Chapter 49 I Chapter 50 I Chapter 51 I Chapter 52 I Chapter 53 I Chapter 54 I Chapter 55 I Chapter 56 I Chapter 57 I Chapter 58 I Chapter 59 I Chapter 60I Chapter 61 I Chapter 62 I Chapter 63 I Chapter 64  I Chapter 65 I Chapter 66 I Chapter 67 I Chapter 68  I Chapter 69 I Chapter 70 I Chapter 71 I Chapter 72 I Chapter 73 I Chapter 74 I Chapter 75 I Chapter 76 I Chapter 77 I Chapter 78
                                                  Chapter 79
“Now!” Arthur shouted.
 Renata quickly ceased the glow in her hand, gone like the flicker of a candle.
 “Now somebody go get-” Louis was interrupted by a sudden blast, white and rampaging across the room. They quickly thought it an attack from Destro that had managed straight at their location, but they didn’t hurt…the light became one of warmth, of familiarity. They actually heard Augustino laughing. The light was gone swiftly, everyone began to stand from their fall, just in time to see Feliciano arise, taking a large deep breath, to then cough as he held to the stairs of the pool. The first one to come to his side was Kiku, one hand to help him stand on the dry stone of the room, the other comforting on his back. They all rushed to circle him, but Kiku held a hand to give Feliciano some decency of space, to breathe back in actual living oxygen into his physical body…alive again after a month.
 In all honesty…Feliciano looked horrible. He was hunched as he leaned to breathe again, wet, dripping water to the ground, his clothes haggard and his body was only slowly recovering back its color. He still leaned on Kiku, who still offered to give him support.
 This was not how they expected him to return. If he was like this…it only meant… “You…couldn’t get it…couldn’t you?” Roderich guessed, deflated, all joining in this accept of what was soon to be a world ending failure. They believed it more so when Feliciano hanged his head lower, refusing to look at them.
 They sighed, some began to tear and whimper, given up, kneeling to the floor ready to have everything destroyed before them. But whatever wallowing that wanted to continue, was broken with a sudden red glow, cracking and even drawing upon Feliciano’s fallen hand. Feliciano chuckled, beginning to stand, carefully moving Kiku to the side. All water on him left, dried, looking pristine even if he was bare footed and still wore a simple blouse and pants. His hair and skin shone brighter, with deeper colors and from him came this stronghold of magic, decorating the room in a sense that alighted them, shone them forward to be coated in this new air.
 “I got more than just the alignment,” he assured as he opened and showed them his eyes covered completely in magic, bright, powerful, but yet still they held the childish wonder of Feliciano, assuring them it was deeply him. “Much…much more.” He opened his hands to let his arms begin to get decorated in shines of gold and red, letting the room tremble and grow with a garden of magic, of sparks and lights that fascinated all to a stupor. He let it all stop with a simple sway of his hands lowering, his eyes closing to then alight again with his usual amber. Before all could word and celebrate, smiling and shinning deeply with hope, another crash came into the room from a messenger, tired, huffing and ready to fall to the ground.
 “Destro is in the midst of the city! He’s approaching the castle and we are not enough to hold him! You must come and help us!”
 “Perfect! We have Feliciano with us and he holds the alignment,” Yao announced, as all brandished their weapons and magic again. Only but Feliciano startled and questioned as his gaze was frantic.
 “We’ll help him however necessary. We will attack this instant and make sure Destro is dead by the-"
 “Wait! Wait! Wait!” Feliciano interrupted his father, standing before all as a blockade.
 “Feliciano, we have to act now!” Lovino shouted.
 “I know, I know! Just please…don’t kill him…”
 They all widened and stood perplexed, for not just the words but the feel in his tone.
 “What do you mean not kill him? He has helped destroy a large part of Clubs and is the culprit for having the entire southern Hearts kingdom obliterated. If he comes any closer he’ll have us all killed instead!” Aldrich shouted.
 Even if all the energy currently rested inside him, Feliciano hurt, holding back tears as he shook and tried to control them to stay inside. “Let me deal with this! You can help me all you want when we have to defeat Khaos…but leave Destro to me.” With the words he managed his calm and straightening, a stronghold that actually got the rest to fall and stand back, lessening the hold of their weapons and even the energy of their magic.
 Feliciano sighed, calm…then potence as he turned to the messenger still trying to calm his breaths. “Tell everyone to fall back…and to come straight to the castle. One brigade is commanded to keep a Titanium shine spell so Destro can attack until everyone is safely secured inside. Once done, I myself will place a protective shield to keep the castle safe. I assure you all no harm will come.”
 “And then you’re going to face Destro alone?” Lili was dreading.
 Another shook that caused pieces to fall in the room, a roar that made them all shutter.
 “Yes. I will.” Decreed strongly in his voice, one everyone knew they could not go against, having to nod and accept, if even shaking with worry. “I will only put up the shield once everyone is in…and you have to promise you will stay inside.” He turned with strength in his foots, one that made all bow to in reverence and accept. “Only then will I head out and face him.”
 “Your majesty…what are you doing now?” Elizabeta dared herself to ask.
 “I will watch and make sure that my commands are fulfilled…and I have to look for my harp.” And with a surprising calm he took to the halls to head to its storage.
  The call was done quickly. Feliciano saw from his heights as messengers spread and began to lead way back to the castle. Some rushed alone, others needed assistance because of their wounds, depending on the help of other soldiers to make way, but they made haste. Whoever was left in the city made approach to the castle, all behind a line of wizards that kept the Titanium Shine as the Queen had told. The spell was but a hallucination, a tall pillar of strong grey magic that feigned the energy of a living person, a perfect distraction for Destro, who attacked it as viciously as he had done everything, the ricochets deadly to the city, tearing and coating in smoke of destruction. Entire streets were there no longer, others blackened, Destro’s mere presence calling poison to reign even in the skies, tempting to rain with burn.
 This was the first time Feliciano’s eyes fell on Destro, the expanse of darkness, raging and swinging with its own arms and face, with runes of red and white, shaped with strengths that were actually wider than Khaos. He had yet to see Khaos in his alignment, but already Destro proved much more evil than the depictions he had seen long ago in the cave of artifacts.
 He gulped, he gripped harder the column of the harp he had now…trying to contain his fear…to see…
 The ground shook, awaking Feliciano from his thoughts, to realizing that the wizards and the last of the soldiers were entering the front gardens of the castle. It was his time to leave…to face…to begin and end this all. He actually…believed. He had confidence, one that made him stand prideful, with a deep breath that was only for the beginning of a melody.
 “I’ll journey and see beyond the lines of our kingdom,
Never a fear to be lost, never a fear to fall,
In pleasure, I will take the mysteries of what I could meet,
If you accept to be mine, my Queen.”
 He sung it underneath his breath, tranquil and peaceful despite this disarray.
 In the eternal reserve, there was indeed much more than just the alignment, more than just power and magic. There was information, knowledge and instructions about everything, even notes of power left behind. One of those messages was the ability to actually change the harp. No…he would not dare change the design, structure and color Augusta had placed, for it was sufficiently beautiful. All he needed was to change its size, something small he could carry in his palm, to easily begin his descend down the castle, like a singular entity that existed out of everything, merely trying to make a passing.
 “No heat, no cold, will stop me of my search,
No sun, no rain to go against my strength,
Just promise me your hand,
And love me in our eternity.”
 This music he tried to make his own sound, away from the shouts, the hurry of everyone trying to make their place in the castle for the shield.
 “My sun, my moon, my land, my love,
I know it’s a journey you will overcome,
But I don’t need you to go so far,
I want you here to kiss me.”
 He entered the place of action, of all running and creating a panic that Feliciano felt suspended in as he made his way across. He paid no mind to them, he left them to their disorder. No one really came into silence until they noticed him…easy, like he was just strolling through the castle trying to find a pleasant breeze.
 “Would you want all the gold I will find for you?
Would you like the songs I will bring from afar for you?
Would you accept me as your shield?
And would you want me always by your side?”
 He sang on, making that image more the one that all thought Feliciano was really going through. They all stood as they witnessed him, letting a rare peace fall on these halls.
 “What is he doing?” One soldier asked.
 “Isn’t he supposed to be facing Destro?”
 “They said he was going to do it alone!”
 “But he’s just singing!”
 The whispers continued.
 “I don’t want any of the riches you will bring,
I don’t care for any of the songs,
I only want you to hold,
I only want your arms around me.”
 The voices would always fall, beginning to just accept…and trust whatever it was that the Heartian Queen will do.
 It was his own silent parade down the rest of the halls, down every stair he needed to take, reaching ground, the main door of the castle now appearing before him. The commotion was the strongest here, filled, with people in shouted pain and tears, healers coming to act quick, screams and hurry to head in from the royals at the front.
 “Bring me your love, your kisses, your loyalty,
Your passion, your hope, your defeat,
Your promise, your weakness, your strength,
I will keep it all in my heart.”
 “The casters are almost here!” Kandake shouted, shock panic in her expression.
 “And where in the hell is Feliciano?” Vash shouted, just as he was met with a surprising silence, noticing how all gazed back to the very figure he questioned, making his way singularly down the hall.
 “Let the doors open wider…let the last of them come in,” Lili reminded, strong and pushing so all could fulfill despite this rare glow Feliciano shone in, distracting and even beautiful.
 “I’ll journey and see beyond the lines of our kingdom,
Never a fear to be lost, never a fear to fall,
In pleasure, I will take the mysteries of what I could meet,
If you accept to be mine, my King.”
 Nobody dared question the song…they just gave the necessary space for Feliciano to take, in that moment handing everything to him. He now had their lives and future, hanging in his hands and power.
 The last of the soldiers made entrance to the castle, the casters were now right before them, still holding to the spell, turning to the royals awaiting the next command.
 “Stop the enchantment. Head inside. I’ll deal with him.”
 They nodded, albeit fearful still as they turned their hands to release the hold. They rushed inside, leaving the pillar as it was, able to withstand a couple of more whiplashes from the remaining energy.
 There was still some time.
 While all shook at the image of Destro so near the castle, Feliciano stood stable, unaffected and with a calm some were envious the Queen could keep. The royals kept a guard around him, watching and waiting for any action. Only Pookie broke this as he took landing on Feliciano’s shoulder as usual, cuddling and comforting no matter the turmoil. It was almost like the monster before them wasn’t there at all.
 “If you are waiting for me to change my mind, I am not.”
 “To be honest, do whatever you want…just get rid of that thing,” Arthur admitted, his fear shown in the slight shake in his tone, as well as the fierceness he gave that made this a command.
 Vincenzo glared, but it eased as he placed a hand on his son’s shoulder, “we’ll be here, ready to serve you for anything. Defeat this menace…but stay safe.”
 Feliciano smiled, the enchanting one that spread and made them all shine on this eve of darkness. “As I’ve said before…stay in the castle. Leave everything to me.” And with that he took a step out of the threshold, beginning his way, the others not daring to close the door, for it was their watch to the spectacle they knew would mark them all forever. Many others took watch from any of the windows, frozen and expecting.
 In that chest of power, not only had Feliciano found information, but he found the forgotten lyrics to a song Augusta had long ago created, a hymn to the misery of losing her beloved.
 “My sun, my moon, my land, my love…” he had begun to sing again. It was louder this time, echoing to the point that all in the castle could hear it…they even wondered if it spread to the whole city, since Destro suddenly stopped, a widened expression in his eyes that was eerily human.
 “The sky has all fallen…” he continued, but he didn’t go on without a sudden deep breath, alighting in beautiful marks, ruby red. Once all that energy he needed was gathered, as he released his breath, large red lights began to grow from different corners of the city. He didn’t have to twirl his hand or utter some incantation…he walked on down the main courtyard, a simple thought in charge of letting these lights glow the streets they were located on, rushing forward until they reached the center of the castle. From the base it created at its edges, a net like structure began to grow, beginning a covering sphere of the castle, slow as Feliciano was still kept at its circulated area.
 “The kingdom weeps their king’s farewell…” he managed to sing on as he found himself ever reaching the official gates, only a matter of steps now.
 “And a queen breaks at her lover’s parting again…”
 To his surprise…Destro remained awfully still…as if he was enjoying from the song…perhaps trying to find its location…or trying to find his target.
 “But in your defend, all will join and fight for our future…”
 The shield continued its upward current, to the amazement of all who stayed inside the castle, distracted in its form enough that they didn’t see as Feliciano finally placed a foot outside of the perimeters. With his exit, the shield met at the top and finished. The castle was now well protected…nothing would be capable of destroying it…and even at the worst it will still stand. Feliciano could now keep his focus on only Destro.
 “…so the heavens will bless in your rest our perfect peace,” he finished the song, elongating an indeed rare silence in the city. To the surprise of those back in the castle, Destro didn’t lunge forward and Feliciano didn’t attack…they were easy in this stillness. They both continue to breathe out, nervous, like two strangers worried over their first meeting.
 Somehow…even for this, Feliciano had a song, new and his…with thoughts for Ludwig and a willingness to do anything…absolutely anything for him.
 “My sun, my moon, my land, my love…” he then began a slow reach, a walk forward, brave and with a shining happiness from his expression to his steps, eager, each new approach lighting the more, extinguishing more the fear.
 “My king who shines above all,” he smiled, such joy that already teared at his eyes.
 Destro continued this stillness, awed and wondered, frozen yet in his spot.
 “Darkened, lost and taken…” and Feliciano finally took that weakness to use, beginning a spell that lighted up the entire city, glowing in gold as he used it for an intense heat, one that surely burnt and brought Destro back to screeching and sending swings, destroying streets and buildings…and yet Feliciano stood in  their fault, smiling and unaware.
 “I know your heart is stronger.”
 Now the song was an add to this poison. Destro wanted rid of it, so he trampled forward meaning to fulfill his kill as intended.
 Raging, monstrous, Feliciano still looking so diminutive in his shadow, and yet the Queen continued to smile and only move forward, in a want to meet him.
 Many in the castle had to shield their eyes, some began to weep and others shook as if Destro’s was above them ready for taking. It could very well happen if he just swallowed Feliciano…which seemed would be very likely the case.
 “Your light is brighter…” And Feliciano dared halt, much to the anguish of the castle, slowly, painfully slow, raising a hand…not the one that had the harp. From there, he gathered light…warming and loving…comfortable and even…happy. Despite how diminutive it was, right in the middle of this darkening blaze, looking like it could easily drown between all…Destro stood just as Feliciano, both not daring any harm to the other.
 “You are ruler, you are king…” and they saw then that the song was dedication…dedication to Destro. The gaze their eyes shared was of childhood friends…turned to lovers…to then the King and Queen of Hearts. Destro let himself sit, the viciousness of his killing hands, turning gentle, forming fingers…familiar fingers that reached only for a simple touch. There was no fire, no magic, when Feliciano reached for its touch, he didn’t hurt, in fact, his smile was only larger, letting his hand caress the large hand of darkness like any regular skin. He embraced it, he even cradled it, letting himself lay on it, already feeling him entirely. He gazed up, with hint of tears from the peak of this happiness, to those large eyes that now more than ever reflected his beloved.
 “I know it’s you…Ludwig…” he couldn’t keep the last words in the tune of the song, for it was more important that he knew he was there, more important that they had this reunion, a reminder that at the worst…they would triumph.
 Destro…Ludwig…accepted this welcome, letting himself lean in blissful rest and comfort, careful as he lay right over the tiny figure of his husband. How he could, Feliciano raised his arms and embraced him, even as his face was formed this monstrous, loyal in giving him his ever devoting love, caressing and mending and how he wished he could kiss him. It was difficult, but…he tried, his lips reaching to any corner of a mouth he could reach, and with it, he began the full intent of his spell, one that went on its own course as he instead focus on feeling the powerful emotion of having his husband's lips again.
 “Is he…is he kissing that thing?” Vash couldn’t help but mention. The rest were too dumbfounded to response, only watching as the city began to glow more in the scene of this kiss.
 Despite how it was all gold, it seemed like color was brought back to the city, enveloping everything, slowly tearing apart every inch of darkness from this evil vessel. No more storms, no more poison, instead there was healing, coating everything in flowers, in new jewels to the buildings, in a brightening that made the damaged parts of the city new again. Destro turned smaller, smaller, every part of him slashed to nothing, disintegrating instead in shine and stars that made this grey day shinning with the colors of a beautiful morning. Piece by piece this vicious monster began to be chipped away until only this body remained…a human body. The golden light it was developed in was too much to really notice any features, but there was no hesitation in the way Feliciano desperately held to it, letting it rest on him, coming to kneel down until it could lay on his lap comfortably.
 Knowing it was safe, the shield on the castle fell, in a blink, and in that instant the castle doors slammed open with the insistence of the royals. Feliciano didn’t care for this commotion, he simply let his hands trail on the figure’s hair, their blond strands coming back, their silk and softness, the hardened head, the strong jaw, nose and cheeks. His skin turned its rightful pale, his body as perfectly as Feliciano always considered it, left with only tattered remains of surely the last armor he had fought with. The brightness began to dwindle, leaving a wondrous heat in the city that made them swear a melody continued to sing. With the last twinkling of gold gone, there was a sudden grasp of air, of steady breathing…along with a heartbeat.
 Ludwig remained in this rest, letting his body slowly get used to skin, to breathing in and out his control, testing with sudden grips and shakes that indeed…he was his own again. He baptized that aware with a fluttering of his eyes, that beautiful blue that the very sky seemed to have granted him. He saw a shining day, he felt the warmth of great summers and then he saw…his own angel, his sun, his love and queen and already he smiled. It caused a slight pang…but it didn’t matter…it was just the right reminder he was back…this was real…Feliciano was there.
 “Ludwig?” Feliciano still questioned it, still wondering if this was the plethora of all dreams and he was still stuck in one of the realms.
 Ludwig groaned and still found it hard to move for now…but it would pass, he would heal…and he will live. This time he could show a grin that reflected the light of this new sun on him, making it more real for Feliciano, who began to tighten the hold he kept on his body, whose eyes began to water, but even so his own grin wanted to keep expanding.
 “Feliciano…” he managed to speak, rusted and sore, “…do you…remember that spell I used to do as a kid after my power activation…the one I had to do-” “-two for each afternoon hour,” they repeated together in a perfect sync that made them chuckle.
 “And do you remember…how it was you that always convinced me to do it when I complained about it…and you always…tried to heal or calm whenever I got burnt afterwards…”
 “Yes…yes, yes I remember that dearly.” Tears fell, but even with this shake, Feliciano went on smiling.
 “I feel like…something just like that happened now…I couldn’t…control my power…I couldn’t…I couldn’t….” Ludwig found it hard to speak when he was shaking with the same tears that took him, the emotion piling. “-do anything…I left myself turn into a monster and destroy everything I hold dear, but you …you brought me back…you stopped this…you saved me…”
 “Oh, but Ludwig, despite all this darkness, you managed to see me between and let the spell heal…you let yourself be freed. It wasn’t me alone. Oh, how I missed you and how I love you, I love you dearly and I just…I just had to save you. These last few weeks…without you were awful. I was so lost…everything was darker and hopeless…I was so ready to give up and join you wherever you were but…there’s a world looking up to us, there are tons of other millions we have to save and…” he raised his arms to the jewels were their children lay. Ludwig managed slight reaches to be able to caress them, smiling, the joy letting him raise from his lay a slight more. “…we have our own kids to show the very world we live in.”  The jewels had gotten brighter, new red vines began to grow around Feliciano’s wrists and Ludwig was sure to touch every line, proving to his children that he was there…that he will be there. Their gazes met and they knew for sure all was real, their touch was theirs, their breath running and every fiber of magic in them was glowing now for their return. It exploded as they reached forward for their kiss, deepening and passionate, letting themselves in that fuel, letting whatever tears come down and fall for once in comfort and trust in the new flourished land below them. They settled between on one another in whimpers, in a hold all around them that was tight and placed, nothing, nothing…not even the approach of all, shouting, crying and celebrating was enough to depart them.
There’s so much that went wrong while writing this. To me, this chapter should have meant more, but in the end…I don’t know…it doesn’t feel like I wanted it to. I tried what I could of fixing it but after noticing I haven’t gotten any comments or words for this story in months…yes including the last amount of chapters…I should just…no care about this as most people do. So many times the last few weeks I’ve thought about stopping…but, NEWS, there’s only about three chapters left to finish the story, and after five years with this…I think I should give it the chance to at least let it be done. I told myself many times, I created this adventure for myself and anyone else who reads is just welcomed to come along on the ride. I really don’t like coming here all guilt trippy like this, but just…been through a lot the last few weeks, thinking a lot about usage of time…and sometimes I wondered why continue with a story that I only care about, wasting time? But then, exactly, I care about it, I adore it, I don’t need the lack of interest of strangers. It is great, I love it, and it is taking swell time. For those who have stuck and the very few who are the pushes that keep me going with this hideous mammoth. Thank you, and thus, I bring you a chapter in what I could of messy holiday shenanigans.
 As I said, savor it…only three more to go.
 Also, was this part really like the one in Moana? Yes, I know. I had this idea long before the movie came out, but sadly I was slower. The movie did give me the idea to add a song though~
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mythologyfolklore · 4 years ago
Ares and Athena through the years - Ch. 22
Chapter twenty-two: Apollon's birthday
It was rare, that Ares and Apollon actually got along.
But their roles in the Trojan War four hundred mortal years earlier had given them a thing or two to bond upon.
Today was Apollon's birthday.
The god of light, music, healing and plagues made surprisingly little fuss about it, considering how often he insisted on being in the centre of attention, like the pretentious prick he often was. Yet, when it came to celebrating the anniversary of the day he was born, he asked for it to be treated like any other day. He never threw a party or allowed the others to throw him one, though he did accept birthday gifts and wishes. He didn't even remind people, that it was his birthday. Which was why it happened sometimes, that one god or the other completely forgot about it.
Ares wasn't one of those gods – he always remembered his siblings' and half-siblings' birthdays, every single one. That was his subtle way of showing, that he cared.
And that was why today he was himself to sit with his half-brother and endure his fancy and pretentious music, even though he hated it. Ares liked the sound of war flutes and Spartan war drums, but apart from that, music wasn't his thing at all.
The Mousai weren't present (they were busy spreading inspiration on earth), so the two so opposite half-brothers were alone – except for all the animals, who had heard Apollon's music and had gathered to listen. The god just had that inviting and calm vibe, that drew animals in, especially when he sang and played his lyre. Ares on the other hand had a farouche and cold aura, which kept most at a distance.
When an old she-wolf placed her head onto Apollon's lap, he paused his music for a moment.
“Hello there, old girl”, he chuckled and fondly stroked her head.
Ares couldn't help but sigh in relief, because he had been close to falling asleep from the lulling music.
Apollon looked up. “Ares, you don't have to sit here and listen to me. I know you don't like my kind of music.”
“Meh, it's fine”, Ares assured him. “Just thought I might as well relax a little.”
The younger god smiled: “If it's relaxing enough for you to fall asleep, I do not mind. Besides, you look like you could use a nap. And a make-over.”
The war god blinked. “Huh? Do I have bags under my eyes again?”
“And dark rims. Also a few frowning wrinkles here and there. You look like an overworked middle-aged mortal.” The blond handed him a mirror.
Ares beheld his own reflection and laughed: “Oh fuck, you're right! I look like shit!”
He concentrated on his reflection, his face freshened up and he looked as youthful as gods were supposed to (though he still looked older than the other second generation Olympians).
“Better”, the war god nodded in satisfaction. “An' don't worry, Sunny. I'm fine. I just didn't get any sleep last night, no thanks to Zeus an' Hera.”
“If you say so”, the god of healing said doubtfully.
“Trust me on that”, Ares assured the younger man, despite both of them knowing, that he was lying – the fact, that he was referring to his own parents by their names gave it away. But the god of truth had the tact to accept the lie without back talk.
“I still think you should treat yourself to a day off for self-care, though.”
“Ya know I take care of myself as best as I can. I treat my body like a temple.”
“That's true”, the other admitted. “You have your physique to show for it.”
“Damn right.” Ares grinned and elbowed him playfully. “Admit it, ya like my looks. I've seen ya checkin' me out.”
“I wouldn't deny it, even if I could”, Apollon admitted candidly. “You are quite a handsome man – but also really unlikeable. So do me a favour and don't think I'm into you, just because my eyes have been wandering.”
“Rest assured, I don't”, the older god replied. “I wouldn't want ya to be anyway. Ya know how I feel about gettin' involved in that stuff. Speakin' o' which …”
“When are ya gonna tell Hermes?”
The blond blushed bright scarlet and began to stutter helplessly, until Ares finally took pity. “Never mind, just take yer time. There's no such thing as bein' too prepared, after all.”
Apollon arched an eyebrow. “That's coming from the war god, who rushes into battle and immediately starts slaughtering people left and right, without so much as an actual plan?”
“We're not talkin' about my main job here”, Ares retorted. “I separate my work from my private life. My work is wreakin' havoc among mankind an' bringin' war, as well as performin' the duties of a crown prince – ya know, representation, paper work, all that jazz.”
Awkwardly, Apollon rubbed the back of his neck and admitted sheepishly: “I always forget that you're the crown prince and how dutiful you really are – how much father trusts you with.”
Ares shrugged: “It's okay. Besides, the fewer people know, how much I know, the better. I don't need them pesterin' me with questions about stuff I've sworn to be silent about.”
The blond smiled wryly. “Pretty ironic, how much we know and how little of it we're allowed to tell, isn't it?”
“It is”, Ares agreed. “An' you've seen how Daddy's Owl of all gods failed miserably to handle my princely duties; how she got us into trouble with the Romans.”
Apollon shook his head. “I can't believe she failed at that. Of Pallas Athena, one would expect that she's careful and tactful.”
“Don't blame her”, Ares told him. “She's got the brains for it alright. What she lacks is experience. An' she never got the chance to get it, 'cause I'm not allowed to talk to anyone about it, let alone tell 'em how that stuff works. That stuff is confidential, it's between Zeus, grandaunt Thémis an' me, just like the works of fate are between him and you. There was no way she could've known, especially with how introverted she is.”
“I suppose you're right”, the younger god relented. “But still … you saw them back then. They were so … it was as if they were just waiting for an excuse to come at us.”
“Oh trust me, they were!”, Ares grumbled. “I've been dealing' with them for many centuries. The empire they're dreamin' of is yet to come, yet they're already itching to subjugate the entire Mediterranean, like the hubristic and power-hungry fucks they are (especially Mars – ugh, I hate that arsehole!). Even though as to date Roma is just a small city in Italy, they already act like they own the world- hey, Apollon, are you okay? Shit, what's wrong, you're shaking!”
“Ares … did you hear, what Mars said, before you interrupted?”
“I came right in as he was getting into my mother's face and started to brag about their so-called glorious future.”
“And he said, that he and his pantheon could always fix their problem of not having a god like me … Ares, you should have seen his face!”
“Oh, I did!”, the older god snarled. “And I swear on my immortality, if the situation hadn't been so dire, I would've run a spear through him right then and there!”
“I've seen the future”, Apollon choked out – he was obviously on the verge of tears. “I've seen what is going to happen. The Roman gods and their mortals are going to … they're going to … oh Khaos, I'm frightened!”
“Hey! Hey!”
Before the light god could have a full-on panic attack, Ares grabbed his shoulders.
“Stop!”, he ordered, calmly but sternly. “Look at me. Deep and slow breaths, do you hear me? Deep an' slow.”
Wanting to help a little more, he allowed Apollon to lean into him. Ares hated body contact, but his younger half-brother needed the physical proximity right now. So he sucked it up and gently rubbed the other's back, as the blond sobbed into his shoulder.
“Shhhh …”, he murmured, “Yes, that's right … just breathe. Listen, okay? Whatever scares you, it's yet to come. It's far ahead. Focus on the now. You're safe. You're with family. No one can hurt you now. Everyone and everything's alright. Shhhh …”
Somewhere along the line, the animals that were still here drew nearer and nuzzled the blond, sensing his distress in the way that only animals really could.
Ares couldn't help but chuckle at the display. “Animals really love ya, huh?”
“So what?”, Apollon grumbled defensively. “Not everyone can be the unapproachable, stoic guy you are!”
“You flatter me, but I wasn't making fun of you. Here …” The black-and-red-haired god charmed a box of tissues into his hand and offered it to the other. “Want some?”
The Archer accepted the tissues and dabbed his face. “Thanks. Crap, that was pathetic …”
“Don't say that. It's not pathetic to be scared of the future – especially, if you know how shitty it's gonna be. But if you let it distract you from the present, it'll hurt you and ruin your life. So let's not talk about the future anymore, hm? After all, today's your birthday.”
He felt the younger god sigh into the crook of his neck.
“You're right. Thank you, Ares. For being so understanding.”
The war god chuckled: “Hey, we may not get along most of the time, but you're still my brother.”
“Half-brother”, Apollon corrected. “Do you remember, how you used to remind me of that all the time? How you always called me 'bastard', 'whoreson' and other charming things like that, and used the epithets 'Letoides' and 'Latôios'¹ in the most derogative manner you could?”
Ares laughed sheepishly: “Oh yeah. I did that, didn't I? Sorry for that.”
He could hear the smile in Apollon's voice, as he accepted the apology.
Eventually the light god backed away. “I think I'm better now. Thanks again. I really needed that, I guess.”
“Yeah, I could tell. An' you're welcome.” Then he had an idea and smirked lopsidedly: “So, Sunny. Wanna hear somethin' crazy?”
The younger god shrugged: “Sure, what is it?”
“Has anyone ever told you I can actually sing?”
Apollon chortled: “Yeah, right! I'll believe it when I hear it!”
The older god's grin widened: “Play one of those cheerful dancin' songs you always perform at Dionysos' parties. And I'll sing to it.”
Apollon grinned back and picked up his cithara. “Alright, Andreiphontês². Show me what you've got!”
Athena was making pottery again.
Apparently Zeus and Hera had had another vicious domestic and a lot of earthenware had got shattered. So they needed new vases and pots.
With a sigh she molded the rim of the pot.
Really, when would her father and his wife finally get to their senses and get marriage counselling or something like th-
Athena yelped in surprise, as Hermes bust through the door, and accidentally squashed the still soft clay pot, rendering her work for nothing.
“Thanks a lot, Hermes! Now my work is ruined and I have to start all over!”, Athena snapped, scrapped the clay and angrily threw it into a bucket of water.
“I'm sorry”, he mumbled in the smallest voice she had ever heard him speak with.
That made her sit up more straightly.
“What do you want, Hermes?”, she sighed. “Please make it quick, because Zeus and Hera are going through earthenware like papyrus and I have a lot of work still ahead of me.”
The goddess's bright blue eyes narrowed. “You better not walk away like 'it wasn't important after all', after you made me ruin my own work! You busted in here and yelled at me to help you, so whatever it is, spit it out!”
“I … I just … want advice for a present.”
Athena blinked and tilted her head. “Present?”
“Yes … present. Because today is Apollon's birthday.”
Forgotten was the ruined pot.
It had almost slipped her mind (just almost, but still), that there was a birthday today (because for some incomprehensible reason Apollon insisted, that the mortals should celebrate his birthday, but not his fellow gods). He didn't even bother to remind others, when it was his birthday, even though it clearly hurt him, when they forgot.
“You want my advice on what you should gift him?”, Athena queried, as she washed her hands. “Listen, I may be the goddess of good counsel, but you know Apollon much better than I d- oh no, Hermes, no! Don't give me that look! Stop it! Stop giving me those puppy eyes! Anything but those damn puppy eyes!”
“Pweeeeaase”, Hermes whined and the puppy eyes intensified.
She sighed and dried her hands off. “Alright, fine. Well, I think you should give him something useful. Something he could use in everyday life. Hmm … he already has a lot of tunics and brooches and so on … oh, how about a hairband? With his impossibly long hair, he could always use one. Wait, I think I have a few pretty ones …”
She went over to her cupboard, got a wooden box from it and put it onto the table. “Here you go. You can pick two out of these – only two”, she added warningly, when Hermes eyed the hairbands with a scheming expression.
The god of thieves huffed, but began to search through the bands for two he deemed good enough.
But he seemed to have trouble deciding. “I don't know, they're all so pretty …”
“Pick something that fits his hair and eye colour”, Athena advised.
Hermes muttered under his breath, as he rummaged through the box.
Eventually he gasped and picked out two hairbands – both ruby red with golden embroidery.
“Ohhh, these are perfect!”, he squealed in delight. “They'd look so beautiful in his hair! Thank you so much, Athena! You're the best big sister! Oh boy, I hope he likes his birthday present! Bye!”
Then he made off with the new hairbands.
The goddess of wisdom sighed and inspected the box, if more than two hairbands were missing. And sure enough, that little bastard had stolen three: a dark green one, a bright blue one and one coloured like bronze.
The black-haired woman shook her head with a fond sigh.
That silly, little kleptomaniac …
Hermes hurried across Olympos, eager to deliver his own present.
It took a while to find the person it was intended for.
To his great surprise, he found Apollon sitting with Ares on the sill of a large window.
To his even bigger surprise, Apollon was playing his lyre and Ares was singing to it.
That sight was absurd in a lot of ways, last but not least because of the fact, that those two almost never got along and had absolutely nothing in common, save their father and their terrifying anger.
Hermes hid behind a pillar and spied on the two from behind it.
The two so different half-brothers seemed to be having fun.
Something about this bothered Hermes. A lot.
Why are these two sitting so close together, why are they genuinely laughing with each other, why are they smiling like that, since when do these two make music together, Ares doesn't even like music, this makes no sense whatsoever, since when does Ares even like spending time with Apollon, hey you big bully, get away from my beautiful sunshine, wait, when the fuck did I start thinking like that, what the fuck is even going on here-
Luckily, before the brunet could rile himself up he remembered, that Ares was very much straight and Apollon wasn't into people with Ares' demeanour.
Hermes giggled. Silly him! He'd been jealous, just because those two were getting along for a change!
Apparently the two men had heard his giggling, because they abruptly stopped their music and looked around in alarm.
“Did ya hear that?”, Ares noted.
“Yes, and I do hope that was just Hermes”, Apollon remarked.
“SURPRISE!”, Hermes shouted, jumping out of his hiding place.
The other two men screamed and Apollon dropped his lyre in shock. The animals that had been chilling with them, hurried to escape the perceived danger.
“Yes, for shame!”, Apollon gasped out. “That was uncalled for, Hermes!”
“Are you kidding?”, Hermes cackled, “That was a riot! You should have seen your faces-” But his laughter died instantly, when he saw Ares' dark expression.
“No, squirt, seriously! That wasn't funny! Sunny Boy had a mental breakdown earlier! His nerves are still raw as fuck and the last thing he needs is to have the crap scared out of him!”
The Messenger blanched, tackled hugged the blond god and grabbed his face.
“What happened?! Please tell me!”, he pleaded.
“Hermes, let go, I'm okay now-”
“No, you're not!”, Hermes cut him off. “Look at you, you're still so pale! Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that!”
“It's nothing, I'm better now, really”, the older god tried to reassure him. “Would you please let go of my face?”
“Oh. Sorry”, the brunet muttered and complied. “Can you tell me what happened now? And how you two of all gods could … uh …”
“Sit together an' actually have some fun?”, Ares supplied.
The Messenger nodded: “Yeah. That.”
“Eh, we just bonded over confidential business – and no, I won't tell ya what it was”, Ares added pointedly, when the other opened his mouth. “I just said it was confidential. And everybody knows that you can't keep a secret for shit, unless we make ya swear the Stygian Oath. So, sorry. Not tellin'.”
Hermes frowned.
He hated when others had secrets from him, especially Apollon.
The god of sunlight, truth and prophecy was actually incapable of lying, so his only other option was to either speak in riddles, or fall silent altogether. It didn't matter what option Apollon chose, because being unable to be open always took a great toll on him.
By contrast, Ares was a natural; he dodged, lied, cheated, countered any attempt at prying and feigned ignorance, like it was second nature to him (which Hermes was sure it was). What he refused to reveal, people would never know.
But this time, much to Hermes' relief, Apollon told Ares, that it was fine.
Ares shot him a doubtful look, but told Hermes: “He's seen the future and it fucks him up, because the future sucks and the Roman gods do too. That's all I can say.”
The Messenger nodded, knowing he would have to make with that answer. “Alright. Whelp, I'm sorry for my crappy timing. Should I come back later?”
Apollon smiled: “No, no. Stay here. Let's talk about more pleasant things. What did you come here for?”
“Oh, right!”, Hermes cried and flashed the blond a mischievous grin.
The blond's golden eyes narrowed. “What are you plotting, you little cattle thief?”
The brunet laughed: “Just hold still and close your eyes!”
Apollon arched an eyebrow, but complied.
The younger god giggled and lost no time in tying up the other's long hair with the new red ribbons. They really did go perfectly with those golden curls.
“What are you doing?”, the older god demanded to know.
“Just you wait … there! All done!”
Apollon opened his eyes and blinked in confusion, as Hermes held a mirror in front of him and one behind his head.
“Look! I got you new hair ties! Aren't they pretty?”
The brunet didn't fail to notice, how the cutest blush ever spread over the older god's pale face.
“Yes … yes, they are”, Apollon said and turned his head to smile at his younger half-brother. “Thank you, Hermes. I love them.”
“Happy birthday, Sunshine!”, the Messenger laughed happily and gave the other a warm hug.
Suddenly there was a click – reminding both, that Ares was still here. And currently smirking at them from behind his camera.
“You two are hopeless!”, the black-and-red-haired god snickered and put his camera back into the bag he always carried about.
Apollon began to stutter in embarrassment, while Hermes just stuck his tongue at his oldest half-brother.
“Oh shut up, you mystery-monger!”, the brunet retorted. “You hate music and I still caught you sing with him earlier! Speaking of which …”, he smirked, “… I didn't know you can sing! You sure have an amazing singing voice for someone, who despises musical activities! What a hidden talent you are!”
“If you tell anyone, that you heard me sing, I'll rip out your tongue!”, the war god snarled.
Hermes put his arms up. “Alright, damn! Relax! I was joking! Seriously, I don't see what your problem is!”
“To be honest, neither do I”, Apollon agreed.
Ares huffed: “Ya mean, apart from the fact, that I'm the god of terrible war an' singin' pretty songs doesn't fit into my reputation? It annoys me, when people ask me to sing for them. I know I can sing, but it's not really a hobby of mine. My hobbies are … ya know …”
“Blood and thunder!”, Hermes groaned. “Yes, we all know it!”
The war god grinned from ear to ear. Then he stood up. “Anyway, gotta go. Bye!”
Apollon jumped up. “Wait! You can't leave me here alone with him!”
The red-eyed god cackled: “Oh, I can and I will!”
“You're pure evil!”
“I'm necessary evil! Happy birthday, Sunny Boy!”
“Why, you old-!”
“Now, now! Let's not stoop to the level of petty insults! Have fun, ya love birdies!”, Ares sang. Then that belligerent arsehole flew up and away, leaving behind two furiously blushing Olympians.
But once they recovered, Apollon turned to the Messenger and grumbled: “I'm telling you, Hermes, he's pure evil!”
“A first class jerk!”, Hermes agreed. “Still, did he give you anything for your birthday?”
Apollon's expression softened instantly and he nodded, smiling.
In that moment the brunet understood.
To spend some time with the blond and let him talk about his cares: that had been Ares' birthday present.
1) Letoides/Latôios: Son of Leto (one of Apollon's epithets) 2) Andreiphontês: Men-Destroyer (one of Ares' epithets)
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megbox · 6 years ago
2018 Year In Review
Previous Posts: (2017) (2016) (2015) (2014) (2013) (2012) (2011) 
2018 has not been a banner year for self care. It has not been a banner year for much of anything, to be honest. This year in review will be much less colourful and exciting than they traditionally tend to be. It has been a year of hard work, stress, and feeling the pressure of the less-fun parts of adulthood creeping up on me. It has been really hard, to be totally honest. I have spent the majority of the year in a deep state of exhaustion and distress. There are positives within it all, though. Big positives, such as: 
I went on my longest trip ever away from home. 
I have developed so much in the professional sense and have fallen so deeply in love with social work and my future career path. 
I have made new friends who reflect these changing influences in my life, and the enduring friendships that have survived all of these years continue to strengthen and deepen as time goes on. 
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Tell me - why does January always suck? 2018 began with an opening double shift on New Year’s Day, which I feel is strongly symbolic of the year as a whole because you have an exhausted Megan struggling to responsibly balance my professional responsibilities, self-care, and partying. On January 3rd, Alex and I booked our flights to Asia and in doing so, solidified that we were going through with a plan made drunkenly over the table last summer at a karaoke bar. 
I did get to spend an awesome ski weekend with Alesta, Sydney x 2, and Shelby. It was especially nice because this particular group of people had never spent time all together - we were just united by being a group of girls who love to ski. We hit Lake Louise on Saturday, stayed overnight at a hostel in Banff, and Alesta and I hit Sunshine on Sunday. In Banff, we got a free jug of sangria because we are cute girls. We went to High Rollers and Sydney was drinking IPAs and porters like a pro. I went alone (like... what? Who am I? How drunk was I?) to Dancing Sasquatch after and made friends with some Nova Scotians in line. One of them paid for my cover and bought me not one but two of those infamous Time Machine drinks and extra bonus - Alesta and I got FREE lift passes at Sunshine. 
At the end of the month, my mental health took a sharp nosedive into oblivion and I don’t even really know why. I started experiencing a violent resurgence of something I haven’t felt since the end of the 12th grade, having what I now recognize as panic attacks. The first one came when I was studying on a Sunday at Higher Ground and I had no idea what the fuck was happening, I’d been there for several hours when I suddenly felt the urge to throw up. I packed up all my shit and burst out the door literally gasping for air but ended up being fine. Just shaky and confused. They started happening more frequently after this, with no predictable trigger, and I started to feel the physical manifestations of stress. That was new and it freaked me out. This lent itself to a lot of strange patterns around eating (since I was constantly feeling nauseous, or I thought I was, I didn’t want to have a full stomach. I also thought I had a food intolerance, and because I’m me was 100% convinced I was pregnant because the stress caused me to miss my period). 
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Things started to get so bad in February that I had to plead my manager at Famoso for less hours. He was an idiot in general but also did not seem to grasp the severity of what I told him. He would frequently schedule me for these long swing swifts all weekend long, leaving no time or energy for the mountains of homework I had to do. It did not help. 
February was especially busy with school. That’ll be a recurring theme throughout this year. It could honestly be a summary of this entire year - so I’ll spare you the details. But five courses at the University of Calgary is no joke. 
I never needed reading week so badly in my entire life. I was beyond happy to just be able to take a long weekend and not be at Famoso. Shelby arranged for a giant group of her friends to spend the weekend at her friend Sawyer’s massive, absolutely beautiful cabin in Invermere. I got to spend some quality time with two of my favourite people on the planet - Emma and Sydney. From the minute we got into Emma’s car together, to having ciders at the Emerald Lake Lodge on the way, to eating A&W and sharing a bed and “she gon’ fuck the fridge.” Sydney and I spent one afternoon on homework while everyone else went skiing and I was with her when she got the news that she’d won this massive grant and we celebrated by sitting in this magical massage chair and just loving life. We played Drink, Talk, Learn! And I gave a drunken presentation on the history and etiology of pugs. Emma and I went skating on Lake Windermere to cure our hangovers on Sunday. A keg and a bonfire were involved. It was so Canadian, honestly LOL. And so perfect. 
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Although I was still struggling with this weird panic-nausea cycle, it lessened through March as more and more assignments were completed. I started to see the light at the end of the tunnel, to use a cliche. I gave three presentations in a week, I remember that being particularly awful. 
I attempted Mellow March for the second time and once again failed. Mildly concerning. I caved on a Wednesday wing night with the Famoso friends. It was 27 days in. So close, so close. 2019 will be my year! 
I started getting really into podcasts at this time because I started commuting using public transit. I got really into Guys We Fucked (which I still love), and This Is Actually Happening. TIAH is kind of fucked up though, and after a while it started to fuck me up. I would have weird dreams about the content and I started becoming paranoid that there was something wrong/extraordinary about me. So I stopped. I guess that is something I have learned about myself this year, is that even when it’s not overt, I am really deeply effected by some of the things I learn. Typically, people of this nature do not excel in the field of social work so allow me to flag this as a place for improvement in the future.
I ran the 5km at the St. Patrick’s Day road race, which was awesome and I won the draw that everyone was entered in and got a FREE pair of these super nice, hot pink New Balance running shoes that I now cherish with my life. 
I had my first round of practicum interviews, which only ended up being one interview because I was offered the placement at CommunityWise before I could interview anywhere else. This is one of the best things to happen the whole year :) 
And a special moment for me as well was on March 31, I got to see Alvvays live. 
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In April, I finished hell semester and immediately jetted off to Thailand.
From the get go, the trip was a bit of a shit show. This was my second time to Asia, and my first experience with really planning a trip including flights, hostels, and transportation from place to place without the aid of a tour guide or travel company. We had a time even getting to Bangkok due to an untimely snow storm the day of our departure that forced our flight to Vancouver to be late and causing us to miss our connecting flight to China. After two hours in line at the Air Canada desk, an agent produced a new itinerary for us. Calgary to Los Angeles to Hong Kong to Bangkok. He printed the sheets out and when I looked at the times on the paper, the mental math wasn’t adding up. With me, the mental math never really adds up but this time it seemed impossible that we could leave so much later than planned for our trip and arrive in Bangkok only three hours later than we were supposed to. I brought this up with him and he assured me it was fine. I wasn’t satisfied though, and asked a bunch of other airport personnel the same question. They all said we were fine but lo and behold, we land in Hong Kong and are waiting for the Thai Airlines desk to open so we can retrieve the tickets for the last leg of the journey when the agent there tells us, “They put you on the flight that left yesterday.” Anger and distress ensues. I call Air Canada from the airport in Hong Kong and the call drops. I’m straight up crying on the floor at this point. But in the end – we fucking made it.
In Bangkok, I was welcomed back to the stifling heat and humidity of Asia. We met American doctors-to-be who were at the end of their trip and were totally sick of one another and were very happy to have company. We ate massaman curry for every meal, partied on Khao San Road (those nitrous balloons!!! God, they’re so fun!!), and spent a lot of money on a single cocktail just for a photo op at the top of a skyscraper but the sunset was perfect and it was totally worth it.
In Chiang Mai we drank Sangsom and Coca-Cola by the pool and ate street food out of Styrofoam containers. We met these Americans who were teaching English in Chiang Mai and they took us to a night club on the back of their motorbikes. I did a drug I said I’ve never do in one of the bathrooms at this night club and ended up going home with one of the aforementioned teachers. It was funny to me because at about 3:00pm, Alex and I went back to our hostel to change and get ready for the evening and at that point I said, “I think I’m going to end up hooking up with Cory.” I fucking knew. I KNEW.
In Pai, I had the DIRTIEST hostel experience of my life. I was showering… just fully naked and vulnerable in this nasty ass shower when I saw a bug I did not recognize from my sheltered upbringing crawl out of a hole in the wall. I have never felt more small. It was also 43 degrees and we were staying in a tiny hut with a plug-in fan that only worked half the time and somehow had the effect of making the room hotter? Pai was also the first time we rented motorbikes. It’s honestly so dangerous… like, what the fuck, Thailand. We experienced our first flash rainstorm. We went to a place called Sunset Bar and took mushroom shakes and holy shit I’ve never experienced more potent mushrooms in my entire life. We met our Irish friends who we’d later see in Koh Pha Ngan, and I slept with an Israeli soldier on our second-to-last night and I’m almost 100% certain I took his virginity.
Koh Pha Ngan was alllll thunderstorms. We also decided to splurge a bit on food on this island and gorged ourselves with seafood and lavender Moscow mules at this nice restaurant down the road from our hostel. We partied so hard. We went to the pre-parties for the Full Moon – they have the Waterfall party two nights before, and the Jungle party the night before. I had sex with a total stranger at the Waterfall party up against a rock (when I recounted this story to Steven upon returning home he put on a redneck accent and said, “C’mon baby let me take you down to the fuck rock” and now that’s all I hear when I think about this experience in my head). The Full Moon Party was fun but not AS fun as the pre parties. It wasn’t as wild and the beach is so big but everyone concentrates in one little area. I took some kind of mystery pill (as you can see, I was very safe in Thailand) and had yet another sexual experience with a casual partner. I also witnessed a fight in the taxi back because one girl called another girl a stripper. It was bad.
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Continuing on with our Asia trip.
We landed in Krabi and intended fully to chill out a little bit after the wildness of Koh Pha Ngan. The first night was chill, we were staying in the Muslim quarter of the Krabi area so there weren’t a ton of nightclubs to go to and the hostel had some kind of run-in with police and weren’t able to take us out on the pub crawl we signed up for (lame). We had a roommate from Vancouver on the second day who bought a bunch of Xanax from a Thai pharmacy and gave me one. I can never do it again because it was so. good. But of course, I took one pill and stopped drinking just in case. This bitch continued drinking and took six or seven Xanax throughout the night. I honestly don’t know how she lived. We went rock climbing and drank beers on a boat tour one day and it was soooo great. We had the hottest tour guide. I did a hike by my lonesome that I nearly died on.
On the ferry ride from Krabi to Koh Phi Phi is where I got the sunburn that will likely give me skin cancer in later life and kill me. 90 minutes on the outside deck of a ferry (because I felt nauseous as fuck and didn’t want to vom in the cabin) absolutely fucked. me. up. We stayed at another pretty fucking gross hostel in Koh Phi Phi, and my roommates were all male which was a new experience for me. I went on a solo booze cruise cause Alex was sick. We took mushrooms again with our Canadian friend Kelsey and god, I was laughing so hard I was crying and I could not stop. I was like rolling around in the sand laughing so fucking hard about Fisherman’s Friends candy. It was so blissful. So pure.
And then… the sickness. This is going to be TMI but… fuck it. A bit of indigestion and stomach trouble is expected whenever a white person enters Asia. Different microbes etc. etc. But this… this was on a new fucking level. I knew something was up because on the morning that we woke up to take our ferry from Koh Phi Phi to Phuket, I vomited. And I never vomit, and I wasn’t that hungover (especially in relation to much of the rest of the trip). I felt okay afterwards though so we soldiered on. Three hour ferry ride, totally fine. We board our bus that will take us from the ferry port in Phuket to our hotel and about halfway through this bus ride, I feel it. I am wearing overalls. My heart starts beating loudly in my chest, sweat begins to bead on my forehead. Holy fuck, I am going to shit my pants. I clench until we get to the hostel – which is, of course, the last stop. It’s like a solid 45 minutes of pain. My stomach is ROILING. I have never felt anything like it.
I honestly know nothing about Phuket because I spent the entire 72 hours we were there running from my bunk bed to the bathroom. I would go so far as to say every ten minutes. At one point, I just brought my laptop into the washroom with me and watched Netflix for a few hours. A roommate who was with us switched rooms (understandably… I’m sorry, Helen). I didn’t eat for four days, literally not a fucking thing. Just Gatorade and water so that I didn’t die of dehydration. Because we had an airplane to catch and I needed to not be shitting the contents of my body out, I saw a doctor. He prescribed me like five different medications and told me just to take like eight of these pills and to expect stomach pain but it would at least get me through the flight to Seoul and hopefully home.
It worked, and we spent the last few days of our trip in Seoul. What an absolutely fascinating and beautiful part of the world. With Kieun as our guide, we got to see the best parts of Seoul. People took photos with us and gave us free shit. I had the absolute best meal of my life (it was the first thing I’d eaten in like four days… I really risked it all with the Korean barbecue honestly…). All-you-can-eat thick fatty slices of pork belly, grilled in front of us and dipped in sesame oil and salt with garlic and spices. Spicy chicken feet on the side, corn with cheese. It was wild. I cannot believe I stomached it.
And on May 12th, we returned home back to our lives and school and work and all of that boring ass shit. I remained ill for a solid six weeks upon returning home. To a lesser degree, I still have not fully recovered. At this point, I am unsure if I ever will. I truly think that second-round Asia gave me skin cancer and permanently altered my gastrointestinal functioning. Worth it? Unsure. But it happened nonetheless.
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My brother graduated from university and won a very prestigious award and it was very nice to watch him cross the stage and hear a nice speech about his accomplishments (he won so many scholarships that he basically had a free ride to school – I think it’s clear who inherited the brains).
I finished up my spring courses. Can I just say - spring courses are the worst? The two I picked were especially bad. The one about human sexuality was basically Sex Ed 101 which made for an easy A but I was hoping to investigate deeper on a number of topics. And the second one was way too hard for my tiny brain to accommodate and I got the lowest mark I’ve ever gotten on my paper and it brought me down.
I had a very random unexpected night where I slept with a really close friend of mine (like, friends for over a decade) who I used to have a little bit of a crush on in high school. We were very drunk and it was kind of a curiosity-satisfying move that has actually not resulted in a very big change to our relationship at all but I think it’s worth mentioning because younger me would have been stoked. This one’s for you, younger me!
We went to the High River Rodeo and Cabaret – another unexpected move but oh my god it was so fun. Matt, Steven, Amanda and I. You could buy as many beers as you wanted at a time and they were cheap because fuck the AGLC apparently. The rodeo was actually super fun. The cabaret was redneck af and I happened to see my roommate from the hostel in Koh Phi Phi and his buddies there? Although it was not a friendly reunion because I had unknowingly exposed him for cheating on his girlfriend when he was in Phi Phi (which he did. I shared a room with him, and the girl he loudly banged every night until 4am). Two-stepping ensued and I passed out in the car ride home. I have a great photo of Steven from this night next to a bottle of hot sauce. I do not recall why. I will include it below. 
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Okay, I am just going to preface this by saying July was a hot mess. 
Myself, Madison, Maeghan, and Cayley were all single and messing around on dating apps so we decided to create Tinder bingo. It’s exactly what it sounds like. The rules were that you could only cross off two things per date (so that you had to go on a minimum of three to win), you got bonus points for going on a Tinder date with the same person someone else had gone out with, and the first to win got their drinks paid for on a night out. So, I went on exactly one Tinder date. Which is something I said I’ve never do and never really saw myself doing but I went for it on this occasion because I think that in this day and age, a Tinder date is an experience everyone should have. So I bit the bullet, and went for a drink with this guy James at the Oak Tree Tavern. And oh... my god? What a terrible experience? LAUGHABLY terrible. His only desired topic of conversation were the nationalities of people I had slept with and in what circumstances. At one point he asked me, “when was the last time you had sex? Was it good?” He also talked at maximum volume and I guarantee you everyone else at that bar overheard our conversation. Midway through the date, he asked for a review of how he was doing and I told him he seemed a bit nervous. This angered him. He said, “I’M NOT NERVOUS” and I was like, “you asked, buddy.” He asked me if I would pay for him. Cayley literally had to come rescue me and I ran out of his car where he had unbuttoned his pants and had his dick out and was literally on the verge of tears begging me to touch it so hard. I literally bolted out of his car and he yelled out the window, “CALL ME!” He still hits me up on instagram sometimes. I hope his life gets better. 
I also moved again. This is my favourite living situation I’ve ever had. Great roommates who are almost never home. Cute house. Good location. A+ choice by me. 
I got really obsessed with the Thai cave rescue. It was just such a compelling and unique STORY and I would literally come home from work and refresh the BBC live update feed for hours until I fell asleep, then I’d wake up and refresh hoping for good news. I cannot wait for the movie. I will go opening day. #Obsessions 
Stampede!!! Oh my god, what a wonderful Stampede. The most memorable thing is that Steven and I went to the standing rodeo one afternoon and got absolutely. fucking. hammered. Whilst there, we met and befriended two Australian retirees named Lyn and Ken. They are rich and are obsessed with horseriding and rodeo stuff. They purchased many drinks for us and we convinced them to come to Nashville North with us, where they purchased MORE drinks for us and Steven attempted to show them how to two-step. They later invited me to go horseback riding in Banff and I accepted. They literally picked me up, drove me to Banff, we crushed two bottles of wine at the Park gin distillery, went on a three-hour horseback ride through the mountains, they drove me home and I paid for NONE OF IT. It was........ a day. I sat on my bed later and thought to myself, “that was fucking weird.” But now, if I ever go to Melbourne, I will hit them up. 
It was Ali’s birthday and we went camping in Waiparous. We took mushrooms on Saturday and just as they were beginning to fully kick in, the RCMP rolled in and kicked us out of our campsite. What a wild time to be faced with an interaction with the cops. Also - no one could drive except for two people who had stayed sober and they had to shuttle us to a new campsite. Have you ever tried setting up a tent on mushrooms? Do you know how difficult and hilarious it is? 
And lastly at the end of July, I went to Folk Fest. I saw Alvvays again. Front row! Like, against the barrier front row. It was awesome. It was folk fest that inspired me to cut my hair and get bangs again. No regrets. I love my bangs. I also experienced a level of street harassment that I didn’t know was possible from some random, innocent-seeming guy. It was terrifying. I called the police. No bueno. 
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In August, I got promoted at my job and basically became a baby manager. It was better in theory than in practice because my shifts got longer, I made less in tips (but more hourly), and the cash out for a restaurant is a long and frustrating process that depends on a lot of small pieces working together correctly in a big ass spreadsheet and I suck at math.
In happier news – August was also the establishment of podcast club. Podcast club is one of the best and dorkiest things I have ever been involved with. We pick a podcast each week to listen to, and get together on Sunday mornings at 10:00am to discuss the contents of the podcast. It was initially open to whomever wanted to come but has since whittled down to a core group and at this point, we’re all so close that it would almost be weird to introduce a new person into the mix. There is Kendal, who I go to school with and who started the whole club. Her boyfriend, Mitch. Lachlan and Maddy who are siblings. Matt, a YouTuber who was kind of a wildcard. Chad, also kind of a wildcard but who works as a youth counsellor – and me! Podcast club has made my life infinitely better and is probably the best thing to come out of 2018, in all honesty.
I also got obsessed with Harry Potter and read like almost the whole series and my new at the time roommates thought I was such a loser because I would literally post up on the couch in the living room with a HP book and they would come back five hours later and I hadn’t moved and all I wanted to talk about was Harry Potter. 
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September / October / November 
I am lumping these three months together in this review because truly, they are lumped together in my mind and heart. 
On September 11, I started my first practicum at CommunityWise. I really had no idea what to expect when I started there but looking back, I cannot believe how hard I lucked out. The U of C is VERY clinically-based when it comes to how it educates and describes the practice of social work. CW was the opposite of it all and day-to-day so much happens there that it is honestly impossible not to get dragged in at such a deep level that it literally forces you to care. When I was in practicum, I did a lot of reading and I came across this concept of a “disorienting dilemma” which is “an experience within which a current understanding is found to be insufficient or incorrect and the learner struggles with the resulting conflict of views. Such experiences often are those to which learners point as the beginning of the process of questioning their understanding and views and entering the transformative learning process” (Source). Truly, being in that space over the course of 300 hours created this for me. I was forced to confront a lot of racist and otherwise problematic shit that I have been brought up with and that comes up in small ways for me that I try and quash down for the sake of saving face. Poverty, addiction, mental health issues showed up LITERALLY on the doorstep and I was thrown into it all. The experience was a disorienting dilemma and it shook me out of my bubble and I have never fallen so deeply in love with social work. My supervisor and I formed a VERY close relationship that probably broke some ethical and professional boundaries and she was there for me to discuss social issues and experiences I was having in an honest way that really deconstructed things. I had my debit card stolen by a client on one occasion, had to call the DOAP team because I witnessed people in overdose more times than I can count, had to talk many a person down from suicide, befriended a very mentally ill person who suffers from delusions that they are an alien in a human body sent here to observe earth and report back to their master. We had to kick someone out of a workshop for being racist. It was a wild ride, honestly. There were many many positive things to come out of practicum. I built my professional network in ways I never would have been able to, I was able to move out of the “student” realm and step into the role of a social worker and advocate and professional. I did a lot of public speaking! I was out in the community talking to a million different people. I made videos and posters. And the best part of all is that even when my practicum ended, my connection to CW did not. They have hired me on as a digital storytelling intern (paid!) for the new year. Which is a major confidence boost and I just love CW and everyone there so much. I will literally be forever grateful to them for taking me under their collective wing and showing me I have the skills and abilities to be an effective social worker :) 
Ahem. Now on to some not-so-good things... 
The end of October was kind of difficult because I was attempting to manage practicum responsibilities, actual class projects and homework, second-round practicum interviews, and Famoso. I was very stressed out and it was not good, especially because I got a rejection from one interview and didn’t even get an interview at my top choice. I was feeling very sorry for myself and may or may not have cried at my desk at practicum. It all worked out in the end though, and actually I was offered a placement at the first place I interviewed – they just took a while to get back to me. She called me to let me know this while I was on a run and being idiot me, I picked up… panting and gasping for air in Nose Hill Park. She was like, “We’d like to offer you the place… wait, are you okay?”
I would also like to just slide it in here that I slept with my ex in October. Which wasn’t a particularly momentous occasion and was actually kind of funny because it felt so much like a one night stand. I am mostly putting this in here because I don’t think many people know that and I want to see who reads this far.
Along similarish lines – I PUT MYSELF OUT THERE AND ASKED SOMEONE ON A STRAIGHT UP DATE AND GOT REJECTED AND IT WAS HONESTLY SO EMBARASSING AND BRUTAL and it’s okay now but oh… my god. This also happened around the same time as the rejections from practicum placements and I had such a bad night where I got drunk on my couch alone and Cayley brought me burnt ends from her new job at a brewery because she was #concerned for me and I didn’t want to be alone. That’s a true friend right there.
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December is only halfway done - but I feel I can summarize it accurately. It has been a nice, tidy wrap up to the year. A month of podcasts, cleaning my house and my car and my life up, a mysterious knee injury that is really fucking me up, working a lot at Famoso, finishing my practicum and school semester. One thing I am dreading is that my brother’s girlfriend who our family is not particularly fond of will be joining us in Saskatoon this year. But we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. 
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In General 
2018 has been very stressful for me. But despite the stress, and sometimes out of it, have come some very nice, beautiful things. I said last year in my post that I wanted to become more deeply involved in my community and in activism and social work and in that way I think I have excelled. I’m in it now, you guys. I feel capable. I feel motivated. I feel CONFIDENT. And I’m fucking excited to see what comes in the future. 
I nearly doubled the amount of people I’ve slept with so that’s... a notable thing that happened this year. 
It has been nice to feel a return to a sense of belonging with my old high school group of friends. In a way, I feel more united with them than ever. I guess not having a partner that they all hate helps. But also, I think I’ve just been feeling more and more like myself. But to Connor, Steven, Matt, Adam and the assortment of new(er) members that come and go - I am very grateful for you all. It has also been good for my heart and soul to become so close with people from podcast club. It’s actually like... really hard to make new friends. Podcast club made it easy. And I found myself on a Friday night in Maddy and Ben’s apartment, watching cooking shows and teaching them how to play card games, laughing until I cried and drinking wine. And it’s like... who else gets together on EVERY Sunday morning to discuss podcasts? For fun? I know relationships change and dissolve and grow from each year to the next but I just have a deep feeling that some of these friendships are the real deal. And I’m really lucky. It sounds so ~fake deep~ and lame but honestly podcast club is making me a better, happier, less anxious person. 
I think 2019 is going to have to be the year that I really, truly grow the fuck up. I’m not mad about this. I look forward to crushing through 400 more hours of practicum, graduating and getting my degree. Hopefully entering the work force for real (this prospect is honestly so exciting to me... I creep the job boards every day daydreaming about what I might eventually do when I leave the world of waitressing) and making some adult money. 
I also like... totally got fat in 2018 so 2019 will involve some activities to counterbalance this. AND I have a ticket to Big Valley Jamboree. Which is hilarious because I think if you asked 2015 Megan what she’d never do, it would be “go to BVJ” but here I am, ticket in hand, excitement mounting by the day. Boots on, bitches. 
Some of my goals or things I’d like to work on in 2019 are to become less attached to social media and more invested in the actual moment/doing of things rather than recording them (ironic as I type this MASSIVE year in review post, yes), to get into a healthy and sustainable pattern of exercise where I don’t just like become obsessed with it for a little while and then slowly taper off and then do none of it for like six months... and honestly? I want to download a bunch of those dating apps again and just go for it. I think you can learn so much about yourself through dating and I’ve been such a recluse this year for the most part because I have been sort-of-but-not seeing someone since literally JULY but we’re not actually together and I don’t know what’s going on. I just need to get over my own insecurities and anxiety and just jump in with both feet. It’ll be fun. It’ll be crazy. I’m excited. 
The rest of it, as always, is an open book. Who knows where I will be, what I will be doing, or who I will be doing it with by this time next year? Not I. 
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worldcakecakecake · 5 years ago
Feliciano and the King of Hearts
Chosen by the gods as the Queen of Hearts from the moment of birth, we follow Feliciano’s story as he grows into royal life, learns to rule, go against age old customs, and his relationship with his husband to be, the King of Hearts.
Chapter 1 I  Chapter 2 I Chapter 3 I Chapter 4 I Chapter 5 I Chapter 6I Chapter 7 I Chapter 8 IChapter 9I Chapter 10I Chapter 11I Chapter 12 I Chapter 13 I Chapter 14 I Chapter 15 I Chapter 16 I Chapter 17 I Chapter 18 I Chapter 19I Chapter 20 I Chapter 21 I Chapter 22 I Chapter 23 I Chapter 24 I Chapter 25 I Chapter 26 I Chapter 27 I Chapter 28I Chapter 29 I Chapter 30 I Chapter 31 I Chapter 32 I Chapter 33 I Chapter 34 I Chapter 35 I Chapter 36 I Chapter 37I chapter 38 I Chapter 39 I Chapter 40 I Chapter 41 I Chapter 42 I Chapter 43 I Chapter 44 I Chapter 45 I Chapter 46I Chapter 47 I Chapter 48 I Chapter 49 I Chapter 50 I Chapter 51 I Chapter 52 I Chapter 53 I Chapter 54 I Chapter 55 I Chapter 56 I Chapter 57 I Chapter 58 I Chapter 59 I Chapter 60I Chapter 61 I Chapter 62 I Chapter 63 I Chapter 64  I Chapter 65 I Chapter 66 I Chapter 67 I Chapter 68  I Chapter 69
Uh…I can explain.
 I know, I know, it’s been so long! It’s the longest time I’ve left you all waiting for an update AND I REALLY WANT TO APOLOGIZE!!! These last few months were just extremely busy and there was just so much going on. It kept me away from the computer, but I managed what I could to squeeze something in each day. It didn’t help that this chapter was so long either.
 I can’t promise that my next update will be quick…but just know that I will always try to update and that sometimes…well…it might take me months! BUT I WILL GET TO IT!
 Anyways, here’s a chapter that I wish you enjoy from!
 Also, warning…I don’t know what to exactly call this warning. I can say it’s not rape, or too much blood…but there is…something that I don’t know what a proper name for this warning can be.
 So just uh…warning!
                                                    Chapter 70
The field was still as battered, smoke still rose, wounded still bled and everyone still marched on in deadly preparation, a reign of fear strong even from the heights Ludwig flew in as they made their approach and descend.
 Ludwig couldn’t tell the time, he didn’t even bother to know it, whatever it was…it couldn’t change the fact that the alignment was now to come in two days. The knowledge weighted heavy on every single soldier’s shoulders, slumped and looking like they were sinking themselves to the stricken lands of dirt and mud. Ludwig felt ashamed of how pristine he looked as he came out from the coach, if even his bandages, uniforms, and that he was wearing the same clothes that he took for leave. No one paid him attention, they all rushed between as they dealt with the preparations…for the alignment, all the final touches that made it surer and clear that it was there. They were to face one of the most monstrous things in their world, with less the men and women they had, many of their most powerful enchantments wasted or gone, and still many wounded that needed more time of healing to just stand.
 “Ludwig!” He recognized Renata’s call, reaching to him, colorful in this mass of decaying grey. Despite how bright she tried to remain, there was a deep tiredness in her eyes, an energy gone and her movements the slowest he had ever seen them.
 “Renata, what has happened in my absence?” He was soothing in his worry for her.
 “Nothing to report. We haven’t found Khaos and there has been no other attack from any of his men. We’ve searched everywhere but-” she noticed how Ludwig stood solitary, no other coming out from the coach. “Where’s Feliciano?” She peeked, hoping to find him seated in the coach. It was when Kiku arrived with his own hurries and reports, expecting to see Ludwig aided with his Queen, but Renata knew with the look he gave the coach…no one else was with him. His eyes asked Renata’s question again. Ludwig couldn’t look either in the eyes, couldn’t dare raise his head as he now felt the presence of the other royals and the brigade from the White Kingdom. Silence went on, for Ludwig hailing across the field, ready to point and blame when he opened his mouth.
 “Feliciano is in Berlin…” he simply uttered.
 “Berlin…why would he stay in Berlin?” Zuma was as confused as the rest.
 “…I left him there…”
 Heavy astonishment, their silence more piercing and dangerous.
 “Ludwig…oh Ludwig…no…” Elizabeta reached the fear first, trembling, arms raising in the hope it could aid whatever tears or panic could show.
 “Please…please do not tell me…” Roderich begged, nearing, his viola eyes in broken anguish.
 The rest whispered as to the Clubian royals’ shaking reaction, not remembering the tale as well as these were heavily trained to know it word by word.
 “Ludwig…where exactly did you leave Feliciano?” Ivan demanded with a Kingly tone, in the most fearsome Ludwig had ever seen him in.
 Their own disarrays were now sealing into him, a weigh that was choking. Could he settle with silence? To letting it extend until they gave up and moved away. With the intense of their stares, in it enough will to remain for as long as possible, he heavily doubted it. He thought about running, escaping, wanting to be alone until the alignment, but with how crowded and covering they remained, no such exit would be possible.
 “In the castle…”
 “Where and how?” Elizabeta demanded.
 “…old birthing chamber…under…”
 “Under…what?” Roderich hoped he wouldn’t answer what all were terrified he would say.
 “…validity sphere shield…this one induced with new magic…similar to the one Romulus used on Augusta.”
 Collective groans, whimpers, buries in the palm of hands, cloaks, armors or even weapons. The Clubians held from reacting strongly by gripping their hands, trying to breathe, but one such royal could not take it in like the rest had done. In a brashness no one expected from such a collective and controlling man, came the attack of Kiku Honda. He punched his own King to the ground, his small frame towering, angry, vengeful, all were suddenly fearful of the peaceful Jack of Hearts. “How could you…how could you risk our entire world like this!” Kiku shouted in high tones he had most likely never touched, firing and ready surely for new attacks. They all had to be prepared to stop him, but Kiku gave Ludwig the chance to sit, to use a quick healing spell to aid with the bruise, breathing the only sound.
 “Kiku, there might still be a chance…” Renata tried to desperately alight, holding Kiku gently by the shoulders, easing, wanting to clear hostilities. Antonio joined her in that hold, both changing glances of what to speak. Antonio dared to move forward, rather fearful in the steps he got closer, Lovino ready to defend at the worst outcome.
 “Ludwig, we desperately need Feliciano. Things are not looking so good as they are, and Feliciano is our key, chance and hope for the rest of us. You have to bring him back. We have to act fast. The alignment is only two days away and we are depending on Feliciano’s lead.”
 Ludwig’s answer was silent, finishing the healing spell that cleared the red from Kiku’s hit. He straightened, as postured as the rest, composed, a strong devotion in his expression that was powerful compared to the fear induced of the others.
 “He will stay in Berlin.”
 Many groaned, others whimpered, some tears fell and already they were crumbling.
 “We will not accept this,” Vash shouted, his hold on his little sister dearer than ever.
 “We will all die if this is your choice,” Roderich was of the many ready to be torn, body already shaking, trying to hide the peak of his desperation by burying it in the palm of his hand.
 “I have it under control!” He shouted back to all. “I will protect the kingdoms.”
 “Without any Ace power!” Alfred joined the disarrayed shouts.
 “Without the person who is prophesied and is the sole one that can defeat Khaos.” Lovino had to really be held back, along with Kiku, he seemed ready to battle on the King of Hearts as well.
 “Must I keep repeating that I have just as powerful magic that is capable,” Ludwig pierced with a strong point and stature.
 “Will it be enough? …Will it truly be enough?” Yao questioned, of the few who kept his tone even.
 The silence Ludwig took, how his eyes seemed to search for an appropriate answer, did nothing to assure the rest.  
 “I’m confident,” he ended up saying, “I know what I can do, and I am sure it can work.” It was enough to bring a sense of ease, but many were still dismayed, doubtful and already wearing defeat.
 “Is there…really no way we can convince you to get Feliciano back?” Kandake came forward with another try, Abasi with a dear hold on her, for he felt her shake, her fear.
 Ludwig gave it another thought, but he was decided and that strength of blue in his eyes solidified his choice. “No. He stays in Berlin. We’ll defeat Khaos without him.” He stood proud in this sea of dejection, many, very slowly, sighing and beginning to accept what outcome could arrive.
 “So…what plan do you have now?” Gilbert could somehow smirk and cross his arms, ready in service despite how he was decorated in Joker symbols. It was the first time he had released himself in public as a Joker.
 “What we’ve always had. For the alignment…I will face Khaos. Leave everything to me…” He said nothing else as he walked away, with news and checking to see if everything will be placed as he expected it to be. The rest he left down casted, unsure, no accept and still trying to think of ways they can disobey.
 Nothing came plausible.
 They needed to stay there and help in what had taken months to prepare, as well as Feliciano was trapped in a shield that they knew only Ludwig could open again. Going there to try and take him out would be a waste of time and effort.
 They had to have hope in Ludwig, they had to believe he was solely capable, a mantra that they tried repeating in their heads to not lose all perseverance as they settled to work, only more darkened than they had earlier been.
  The two maids, along with their pass queen, followed the instructions they were heavily taught to access the birthing chamber, with trays of food, new clothes, remedies, even a couple of sketch materials.
 Two days have passed, but they kept addressing it as the day before the alignment. They decided it was well time to visit the Queen, hopefully passed on his reaction after being locked by his King. It was eerily silent as they reached the level, the hazed red colors, the round of the hall and the walls that separated the room the same ones they knew.
 “Where’s the field?” One questioned, looking about hoping to see its shimmering colors. Louis shushed, wanting the composure she had explained, not wanting to startle Feliciano in surely the disarray he found himself in.
 They walked the round of the hall in silent steps, high and ordered as if they were serving on an important feast. The glowing they had expected came, small from the red door Ludwig had left opened. They peeked, what little they could see already shown broken, splattered, in pieces and burnt. They had to come in more to finally see Feliciano. He lay on the now torn bed, slanted in his fury, his back to the door, still, too still. They wondered if he was asleep, if truly his vengeance was gone. Was it safe to show themselves fully, for Louis to test a hand on the field, the magic accepting her passage, her coming, along with the two maids, who couldn’t help the wonder. It was gone the moment they truly realized the utter catastrophe in the room. The colors were barely noticeable now, not a spot on the floor clear, not a single object whole, traces of all kinds of magic damaging the walls, showing new glimpses of the shimmer of the field, but it was still there, Feliciano was still trapped. He surely knew by now they were there, but still he did not react, a new movement how he curled himself more, trying to hide how he could.
 “Feliciano…” Louis called, hoping the familiarity of her voice could cause either a reaction or a comfort, but she received no kind of answer to it. “We have brought some things for you.” No turning. “We…need to check on the children.” No words. Louis sighed, “Feliciano…you need company. You need to talk…it helps-”
 “There’s nothing you can do to help me,” his voice finally filled, teared, unknowing, Louis almost couldn’t recognize it, the shine of his tone, bright and always joyful, gone.
 “What is it that you want?” Louis dared ask knowing well the answer, but whatever worked to get him to speak, to react.
 “To get out of here…to save everybody…save Ludwig…I don’t want to stay here and be useless…I want to protect my world and my children…” More tears were surely running down his cheeks, yet his voice carried on well without whimpers, surely used to this new agony.
 It pained Louis to see and hear this, a breaking that made it hard for her to stand as postured as she usually did. The maids had long lost it, close to tearing and whimpering themselves.
 “Feliciano…I know you want to and if I could grant you that, you would right now be fighting alongside everybody on the fields, but it’s not in my power…”
 “Then why are you here? I don’t need anyone right now…”
 “You do, you do so much, my dear…” like the caring grandmother she was, the one Feliciano never knew, she kneeled, making space for her to sit in what she could in the breakage of the bed. It took great amounts of bravery to extend a hand, to run them across the soft curls of an angered Ace, lean and provide a warmth that could momentarily forget, that could distract, but it was a grand opening to a cascade of pain that Feliciano had unknowingly kept to himself. Instead of the attack the maids were expecting, only whimpers and screams came, Louis accepting it all, not straining at the high shrills that had the maids moving back. It was unnatural, for them the room was surely shaking, but despite it, Louis kept her kind embrace and Feliciano dove himself more, finally turning, in her lap, coating the fabric in her dress in the puddles to come of tears. She kept her spread on his hair, another hand on his back, gentle, soothing, working its effect on getting Feliciano to slowly reach a steady breathing, letting an ease wash in the room, for the maids also to not feel so dizzy.
 Louis pointed with her expressions to get them to leave the stuff where they could out of the debris and so they did with their usual pristine preparations as if it was in any other part of the castle. They remained for minutes on, watching as Feliciano fell silent again, reddened with tears still surely, but his voice lost the will to continue its shouts.
 Louis sighed, her hands still on his hair, on his shoulder. She whispered, “is there really nothing that can be done?”
 Feliciano shook his head like such a turn pained him.
 “How did Augusta release herself that first time?”
 “…when Romulus died…”
 The maids shivered at the implications, while Louis had to breathe and settle her mind away from an image of a battered grandson.
 “…Ludwig will do fine…”
 “…he doesn’t truly know what he’s going up against…”
 “…he has powerful magic himself…”
 What Feliciano knew were words against everything she would surely say, words that had haunted him enough since the day before. He didn’t want them to circulate in the room, it was like it would only bring it more to life.
 “…everything will be as it was before…”
 “The circumstances are now different, Feliciano.” Louis’s tone had started to become scolding, implementing, as it was of her past position.
 “How so?” He so desperately wanted to find.
 “Ludwig holds Romulus’s soul. We know he will be affected by the alignment as well.”
 “Implemented by Khaos…with Dark magic…”
 “He studied it well, you were there with him to see it.”
 “…he once attacked me with it…” he gave that harsh reminder…his side hurting, burning again as it once had.
 “He…he-he….couldn’t control that! It just happened…I thought he had apologized enough to you.” “
 He couldn’t control it…” was the only thing he could repeat…eyes with such dull darkness that Louis thought him lost again.
 “Feliciano, please, this is not the attitude to have right now!” Her scold was truly high this time. “Where is your courage, your spirit, your trust?”
 “Oh, Aces! Can’t you see where I’m stuck right now, Louis?”
 “I don’t think this is the attitude you had when you got stuck in Khaos’s castle, or when you were trapped by his men, in the Washington invasion… or when you first came here…” he didn’t give a single reaction. “I know it’s hard…but whatever the problem was…you always made do…something always turned out for the better…I know there will be a way out of this…” she confided in such a way that cleared, a new light to shine upon the room that made it distant from the world. “But for now…there’s nothing I can do…but give you my faith.” She landed a kiss on his head, the last of the topic before they focused on mostly breathing, in getting Feliciano to eat, to change from the clothes he surely came wearing from the field and finally a quick inspection on the jewels. The twins were doing fine and Louis couldn’t keep the smile at the news, her caress dear and loving to the stones, accepting and already in love.
 “We will come back daily about this time. Is there anything specific you want or perhaps someone you want to see?”
 “I’m all right…the cooks know what I want…and I guess… I just want to see Augustino…” what an endearment, Louis decided she would make sure to bring the young boy if it got that elation from him.
 “As you wish.” She clapped, signaling the maids to prepare their leaving. “Try to rest…and to think of the well being of your children…if anything there is an incantation symbol on the wall that you can use to call us if anything.”
 “All right…” he sat down dejected, still as hopeless. Louis sighed, deciding that moment to do it, to take out the chest, the little golden one that Feliciano couldn’t ignore its glimmer from the corner of his eyes, reaching for it even before Louis brought her own extend.
 “I hope it helps…” she left it dear on his hand before she turned, goodbye enough in her eyes, taking her passage through the field. She did the favor of shutting the doors, away and now Feliciano was alone.
 She was right…he needed the company, but now he had none but the familiar gift on the palm of his hand. He didn’t waste a moment on opening, on letting the melody create that friend or lover he needed that moment, taking the leaning once again to the bed. Now he could cuddle into the chest, leaning into its sound, on inner magics that could connect to his heart so far away.
 For now it was beating, Feliciano waving it to the music, keeping it open for as long as possible to make sure.
 “…I only want your arms around me…” he sang in whispers, trying to keep up. “…I will keep it all in my heart…Never a fear to be lost…Never a fear to fall…” He was tired now, ever so close to slumber, but yet so attentive to the song. “And a queen breaks at her lover’s parting again…” He desperately hoped the song could play on even in his sleep.
  Sharp, sharp, sharp, sharp, he wanted it the sharpest it had ever been. Had he worn away the silver? Did he endanger the red and goldened handle?...But was it sharp enough?! He brought down the filer again, with strong intensity that could have easily broken, if it was any other but the King’s sword.
 This is how Ludwig dealt with the stress that morning, how he welcomed the impending of the alignment and how he would surely spend it until he was called to take the position that had been waiting for him for months. No one bothered him and he was ready to lash at anyone who even dared to come close enough to his tent.
 “Beatorum praesto persecutionis,” he kept repeating. “Nos autem nunc vivo in.” They were words from one of the dark books, written by Khaos himself, the changes Ludwig made but translating them to the old Heartian language in the hopes of not letting the magic be too indulged in darkness. Despite it, he felt great evil rummaging through him, coding him in what terrified him in ruin, but it was powerful, it was brandishing his sword well, it was strengths that made him believe.
 “Ludwig…” Kiku introduced himself as gently as he could, entering still with caution. “You should come…I believe soon it shall start.”
 “How do you know?”
 “Look to the sky yourself.” This was the moment he stood and brandished the strictly prepared armor. It was the envy for surely any knight or soldier, shields of protection that heightened his stature and girth. It was black, with beautiful reds and golds in symbols that proclaimed him Heartian and King. It took him some minutes to prepare it, all the while Kiku just stood by the door watching, Ludwig knew still with blame, holding himself from anymore words of venom, but with the real time to fight so close, the less they needed was another argument.
 Ludwig was ready, enchantments well on him, sword, shield, all the spells memorized in his head, he was to head out and face whatever uncertain future was coming.
 The ones there were all the royals, the leading members of the White Kingdom, Feliciano’s family members as well in his own. They were all in their own imperial armors, standing unique each in their color and magic, angered, but with powerful vengeance that Ludwig knew would serve well. Abasi was the one to point high with his spear, Ludwig following it as it headed directly to a peculiar line of stars. The sky, despite the grey of the dwindling smoke and pest of the air, was still bright with dashes of blue for the morning, so it was surprising to see these groups of lights shine so brightly into their sky despite. Everyone, even with the heavy burden to come, were awed but both appalled at such universal mystery.
 “They can be nothing else,” Ivan reminded, with touches of tremble in his voice.
 Ludwig nodded and began easy breathes.
 The rest of the camp was both oddly silent and active. Everyone was working and preparing, heading to their stands, already a group at the edges of the wrecked Khaos castle ready to try the first of the alignment attacks. There had been no spotting of Khaos since the last reveal, but everyone expected that he would be by his castle the moment the stars placed themselves.
 “…this is terrifying…” Kiku dared to omit, with such stillness in his face that it betrayed his words, but he couldn’t show to back down.
 “Courage…” Ludwig reminded, having to be the pillar, looking up and trying to hold the entire field’s hope. “We will prevail…”
 It was hard for the rest to agree, but they nodded, strengthening their protective shields and maintaining their breaths.
 “Now…the Oralee are at the outskirts. Rosangeliz has sent me messages that they are ready to hold out. Emanuel has informed me that they have their messengers ready to act…and Nina that she has her chain ready to call for evacuation on the towns at the edges of the radius. Yao, send your Spadian squadron to aid them for the worst outcome.” Ludwig began moving along and settling.
 Yao nodded and headed his direction to work.
 “The Vikings will take the air. Abasi, Kandake, go with Pookie and your people to join them. Do you know the silence spell?”
 “We are trained and prepared. Luck, your majesty!” Abasi called lastly, taking their winged companions, Pookie following as obedient, if even constantly looking backward in the case his master came.
 “Arthur, join your brothers in keeping the protection spell. Let Zack and Ralph know we’ll be counting on them for the backups.”
 The Queen of Spades rushed.
 “Francis, Vash, Lili, keep the gates.” Meaning the flow of men and women that were to come and fight from all over the kingdoms. They had learned well the strengths of all their men grouped and rode off together in one of their large feathered battle birds, unperturbed.
 “Elizabeta, Roderich, are you prepared for the holding chant?”
 “My men and women have everything.”
 “Join them, give them confidence.”
 They nodded and went.
 “Ivan, are you sure you want to leave your sisters at the face of battle?”
 “I know their abilities, they will do well.”
 “And are you sure you want to stay with them?”
 “Positive. We will hold.” Ludwig didn’t have to command him in his leave.
 “Alfred, cannons ready?”
 “I can’t wait to blast them!” He was the only one with pure excitement as he ran off.
 The only ones by his side now were Kiku, Feliciano’s family and many other Heartian soldiers of honor. They will not leave his side he knew, no matter what commands he gave them. They were brandished and ready to face the most difficult, in what they knew was their place in what would be this battle. Ludwig sighed in acceptance, taking a glimpse to the sky…only a single star missing, nearing its place…nearing the alignment.
 There was one thing he needed to make sure, voice loud to all who were there, hoping the words could spread and reach even the furthest extend of their people. “Do not fear,” he impended, wanting the words to be written across the sky if they had to, “the writings mention how only his image was enough to break upon many. Don’t let him reach you all like this. Stand strong. We are powerful, we will not be doubted or undermined. If we are to go down, we went down showing the best of our power and the creeds of our kingdoms. We will not give him the satisfaction of making it easy. We will strike our own fear.”
 “For the kingdoms!” Kandake shouted from her top in the skies, the power in her hands shinning to alarm all, and a wave of shouts and cries went along.
 “For Pisa!” Zuma joined her.
 “For our people!” Elisa shouted from her ground, joined by the Amazonians.
 “For Augusta and all the Aces!” Meimei, such a meek figure impotent with her own magic.
 “For a future!” Sadiq commanded on, starting waves in his reach of the field.
 “…for Feliciano…” Ludwig whispered it to himself, turning away from his men and focusing on continuing the path set…to the very center, the castle of ruins were he was surely being waited for.
 There was no commotion for him, everyone else was too determined in their own part, they only gave them but space, and perhaps a good luck wished in a foreign tongue. Ludwig swore the missing star was following his path, inching ever closer, already a burning, unfamiliar, felt to all, beginning on their earth.
  Feliciano groaned that morning, pushing aside the number of the day, only feeling the beat of his beloved still ringing. He turned, he looked high above only for what he wanted to see be blocked by the glass and light of the dome.
 He felt nothing of its ignition.
  It was odd, how his blood boiled, but it was in unfamiliar magic, nothing of what the books mentioned, but Ludwig could identify darkness.
 He had it, it was his, there was nothing to worry about, he headed on.
 He wondered if any of the others felt such power, but all they talked about was feeling this heat and energy below them, but not from within them.
  Feliciano stood, he paced, he tested small spells…it was only the usual.
  They all reached the head, with the most guarded and armored soldiers, surely the most anguished, yet it wasn’t shown. Their weapons were brandished, their magic was the highest they could get it to and they were ready to turn, to shout and attack at what was surely the image of the worst of nightmares.
 The hills that surrounded the castle, long free of the limits of the field, had been equipped with their biggest nuclear weapons, men and women already at their handles, flags, different powerful and beautiful creatures screeching already what seemed victory, decorating and gating view to the debris and embers of the castle, well destroyed in the last days of battle. The edge was there, Ludwig met with Ivan and his two sisters, they only nodded in quick welcome, their eyes back to the ruins quick…and nobody was there, only silence, blackened bricks and smoke.
 “Are you sure this is the place he will receive the alignment?” Yekaterina, the eldest of the Braginsky siblings, asked, fretting, her eyes never leaving the spot, not daring to miss a single object out of place.
 “It has to be,” Ludwig was sure…he could feel it in the intense as his blood continued to pump, a new burn that he tried to keep at bay, ignoring its pang.
 “Then why is he not here?” The younger, Natalya, demanded, shown furious at not seeing his presence.
 “The alignment hasn’t really started,” Reinhardt added in the hopes of clearing any tensions.
 “He could have showed some sense of welcome into it though,” Gilbert was agitated for it to start already.
 “The star is coming ever closer,” Lovino kept a glance. It showed on how smoke began to arise from Ludwig, surely from these new burns, a worry to all, but Ludwig stood ignorant to it as he continued to wait for his enemy.
  Feliciano had paced every spot of the room, hoping to be bathed with this light that might give him…something. Yet all remained as it was. He had given up and reclined himself to sitting on the bed, staring at the jewels that would be his children, omitting a smile.
 I’m going to be all right…your father is also going to be all right.
  To many, the star looked already placed, but Ludwig could see that it was only but minutes as it truly wasn’t in its rightful order. He looked up to make sure, an alighting now starting that brightened, made some tremble and move back from the Heartian King. When he looked down, Ludwig couldn’t escape the added presence, the man siting between the many of the ruins, his clothes, the dark elegance that was more fit for a ball or feast than a battlefield. His robes and capes flew about with a new breeze, smiling, comfortable, a cocky lean as if he was simply admiring any view but the collective wrath and decree of war from an entire world.
 “He’s here…” Ivan had to remind, for many looked on to him wondering if it was even Khaos, with his placid state and being completely alone. He too was shinning with magic as did Ludwig, his smoke looking evil…but then again…there was also an edge to darkness for Ludwig as well.
 The star was to be placed now but seconds away.
  Feliciano gripped his hands and could do nothing but pray to the Aces.
  Khaos stood, men raised their weapons, those who had major weapons already targeted, those on the furthest reach began their running for when the other parts of their plan were to take place. Khaos slowly began a reach forward, slow, but how he loved how some already moved back.
  Feliciano felt how Ludwig’s heart quickened, he didn’t know if magic or fear, yet there was something different in there…something that he rather not feel from Ludwig. It made him tremble, shiver, repeating those words of comfort.
  The star came, the alignment was placed, and Khaos welcomed it with open arms, as if wanting to embrace the armies, but from that embrace, came sudden jets of black, sticking to the ground. They remained in the crater of his old palace, but one dared into the people. They all moved just in time to not be pierced from it. Some already tried cutting or disintegrating with spells, but no matter, their attacks just bounced off and left this dark pillar as it was.
 More kept sprouting as Khaos came closer, with each, another shake to the ground, some protruding from uncomfortable areas of Khaos vessel. The side of his face, his head, his ankle, his hip, but yet it was no weigh, nothing stopped his evil grimace and forwarding.
 “Move back…” Ludwig whispered, everyone in the vicinity moving as followed, leaving Khaos to grow more of these pillars, taking more space, the ground now unstable and many had already tripped. They gazed and looked to Ludwig for any new sign…now he blazed in smoke and light, the blue of his eyes heightened, the colors of his uniform now blended in white, but he didn’t dare release yet…he knew he would need much more, for now he was leveled with his people, making sure they would all be safe in this crucial first part.
 More the ground shook, more dark pillars kept raining on them, taking more space, growing higher, thicker, more of Khaos’s vessel was left unseen, now a blackened empty puppet that hanged rather atrociously from its awakening place.
 “Keep moving back!” Ludwig called.
 There was a new rumbling, felt upon all the field, a reach, a wind, a coming, that Ludwig knew Khaos was creating.
 “Begin the backup shields!” Ludwig called out.
 “Now?” Vincenzo shouted.
 “It’s still too early!” Kiku reminded.
 Now they all had to shout, the wind, the shake, now too potent for their voices.
 “Do as I say!” The growl, a tone with power that brought immediate shivers. They all looked worriedly among each other, but in the end, not daring to disobey this new form Ludwig was being born into, Renata gave the signal, a raise of the hand with light that told Vash from above. There was question and doubt, but he passed over the signal to the long distance.
 The two in charge of the backup were disturbed, but followed, others at their side preparing suddenly to help.
 A dark smoke began to arise, all corners, even to those who waited at the outskirts of everything. Because of its sense of uneasiness, Zack and Ralph couldn’t help the tremble in their voices, the spell many times failing. The smoke was intensifying, with every shake the ground gave, it became more liquid, solid, a flooding beginning that streamed between all their feet, the hoofs of their beasts, the base of the longest weapons, causing falls, some sticking and not being able to stand again, thus worsening the screams and shouts.
 “The back up! The back up!” Ludwig called, for those at the very front took the worst, this filling already drowning bodies completely.
 Zack and Ralph managed enough focus, and so finally their power gleamed, spread and enunciating with other dependents of the spell. All soldiers began glowing in different kingdom colors, light enough to pierce this darkness, to stand, to breathe, to let this stream pass them well in safety. The spell elongated and lite up until reaching the Heartian King, the spell giving him slight color to his whitened form, still in control, in lead, but held.  
 The darkness came together, higher, reaching the winged ones, now fortified with their spell, thus they could stand above all as beacons. It was now above them as a large, large, dark blanket, with a hollow sound that brought powerful winds, many falling, crying, not taking the heavy screech, the utter blackness that came, but others were there to help in standing, with words to keep them yet strong on facing.
 It all was wrapping a single center, tightening a towering figure, one that Ludwig was the nearest to, not at all unfazed. He had his sword, he had spells ready, he would attack singlehandedly if he had to, for many of those who had stood around him were now too far back to really depend on.
 “Get further back!” He called, swinging his sword and with a new echoed deep voice with the insistence.
 Khaos would take a large space he knew, and he wanted all away from what would surely be his foot.
 Before him came what seemed like the rise of a mountain, the darkness that came from all around them filling it higher and higher. Here were the most intense of the winds, those in the first line finding it hard to keep their ground, having to use spells or weapons to keep them in the area. It was more difficult with the constant shake, the heavier darkness falling, painting the sky in what looked like the most intense of storms.
 A glow of white, like thunder and lighting, joined in the strike, runes, symbols and other letters decorating with a crack across the mountain that continued to go upward. Even from the far distance Ludwig had reached, as well as several of his men and women took, they still felt a burn from it, hurting and dangerous. Luckily, they had spells prepared for this particular dark magic and so no one had disintegrated under its white light as surely it must have happened the first time.
 “This is nothing!” Gilbert had shouted, with his hair flying all over the place, a hand holding tight to a beam he created to keep him from sliding to the ground.
 “Ludwig! The Sloane cannons!” Lovino shouted in reminder, pointing to the keepers who already had their aim.
 “Not yet!” Ludwig responded with a more immense voice.
 The mountain continued to grow, surely reaching to a stomach, chest, elongated arms, coming down as if to lay upon the ground.
 They moved back and back, all clear to see the last the main form would take, a head and face, an orb flowing with darkness for hair, falling and moving about with the intense wind that continued. It was dormant, faceless, seeming to rest as it took the last of the energy it picked from the area.
 Suddenly all ceased, the wind was no more, there was a minimum light from the surviving sky and all looked hopeful, their weapons and magic at a rest as if expecting all to be over. Ludwig never kept his guard down, wary of the tranquility this giant presented for now.
 Eyes of white opened, then a cracking grin, long, growing, and there was a pierce. It shouted its welcome of rebirth, a roar demanding, cringing and truly monstrous. It sent a wave that continued to shake, with harvested wind that had the soldiers pained at such a chilling sound.
 “I will surely have nightmares after this,” Kiku commented after that first initial scream, but what Ludwig liked was the indifferent tone and watch, unperturbed to fight. He will come forward at the first attack.
 “Let us at least make that after,” Vincenzo stood ready.
 “Ludwig, what now?” Antonio awaited.
 Ludwig glowed in white still, intense, held up, a hidden deity that they were all slightly fearful to get closer to, afraid to be in his area of vengeance.
 “Tell the Oralee to begin evacuation of the next towns immediately…for the next command of evacuation…everyone in the Club Kingdom has to leave.” The echo in his voice was unrecognizable, it was truly the depth of gods.
 “Everyone in the Club Kingdom?” Natalya startled.
 “Ludwig, this is the largest kingdom of the four,” Renata felt like she had to remind.
 “And I want it empty if something worst is to happen.” Anger like thunder.
 They all didn’t dare utter anything else, trembling now for two imposing figures.
 “We have to keep him here…if not…we cannot let him leave the Club Kingdom.” They all bowed and Ludwig was sure it was to be fulfilled.
 Khaos’s new build stood with no action, only a loud rhythm of breaths that made him just as intimidating as his roar, as will surely be his attacks.
 Ludwig focused on the breaths of this new body, with it, trying to meet it, to read into all the power it held… that he could use, that he could walk forward with, confident of its strength.
 In a terrifying movement, a single sway of the head at this enormous top, reminding everyone that this monster was alive, Khaos met his gaze with the tiny lighted figure of Ludwig coming. He smirked an evil grin, menace to swallow all. Ludwig didn’t let himself be bothered, he stared up to him without a tremble, fears extinguished with the light he moved with. He came at the most intimidating front he could take, near his base, surely an easy spot to be embraced completely in this dark fortress of power, yet he bared anger, shield enough that didn’t even let Khaos instantly attack, only staring, a continuing face of what was to be dealt with.
 Ludwig had his own roar, his own commence, a shrill with a bang, a light that circled and seemed to bless the entire ground, one that wasn’t as fearsome as Khaos, his armies being able to stand and watch in belief. Already it shriveled darkness and made it disappear, Khaos joining in another shattering shout his pain and decree that this was not all he could do, and it was only but a piece and the true start.
 Large arms lounged and came for their first attack, aimed to the largeness of people. Ludwig raised his King sword and cut with another large light attack, with fire, with burn, beautiful, enough to weaken the aim, so everyone could prepare their own blast against it.
 “Charge!” Ludwig shouted moving forward to attack what he could of Khaos center, with same rings that he hoped could help weaken.
 A group of the heart and spade kingdom slashed and threw at that hand that landed, not fearing to climb, to stab, even bite and try out the magic they could. Abasi led those who were winged to direct similar ring light spells that Ludwig used at Khaos side, in the safest vicinity they could take, enough for Khaos to be annoyed, distracted. The jokers of the diamond kingdom, ran and cleared what they could of the darkened ground, moving more people forward to take whatever Khaos swung. Mathew, prince of Spades and Alfred’s younger brother, lead a group that held smaller Sloan cannons, beginning a roar of bombs, of smashes into the darkness.
 It was only but pinches, but good enough to keep his gaze and arms busy, inconveniences that led to Ludwig being able to do more of his magic, now a wrap of power to constrict and detain, flying high in a rush that the King had to admit was glorious and made him feel unstoppable.
 Herakles had managed to lead men from his islands to join at the front, adding strength and weapons when others fell, Alfred now declared other cannons to fire, Yong with his lead stopped large scaled magic from even hitting the ground. Elisa did well in commanding a special spell that was like drumbeats, a shake to keep the many tails Khaos called to shrivel or head away from their aim. Sadiq was there to help and strengthen whatever weapons seemed to weaken, adding his strength to the power of others. Yao, with some the Spadian squadron, helped to direct, defend, protect, worried for his family and all that were in his near care.
 Khaos surely had to be confused at such action, all his attacks were failing, more of the armies were moving forward, a great symphony, ordered, successful and with more a push for victory.
 Despite losing so many in the first wave, the weakness, even without Feliciano, all was working as it should, Ludwig could feel Khaos shrink under him, even as he moved over large terrains of body that could be their own land.
 They will achieve, Khaos will go down, easy without even having to leave the old territories of the field. Ludwig could go from this moment to live his normal ruling. He could already see himself going back to Feliciano triumphant, there to help him in his next stage of bearing, to be there for his coming children, to continue to see a prosperous Hearts, with new hopes for the future. Yes, it all seemed to bright and wond- this is not enough.
 He faltered at the deepness of this voice, human, gentile. It wasn’t from around him, he was too far from the others, it couldn’t possibly be Khaos as it was silent even if Ludwig could hear it clearly.
 As spells continued to work around him, ones he should be aiding in spreading, Ludwig stopped in search for this call, but nothing shone responsible or solitary.
 Forget this, he should be joining his people, he looked up, he should- this is not enough.
 Again, from nowhere.
 This is but the beginning, this is but a trap.
 Ludwig angered at it, scowling at a distance, proving it wrong by continuing his force.
 You should have listened to me.
 Ludwig called binding ropes, tall to reach his height of the sky. He will capture Khaos all around it and make it the more difficult for him.
 The voice was wrong.
 You should have been done with him when you entered the field the first time as planned.
 “Silence!” Ludwig shouted, a sign for the spell, as he had the base of the ropes, titanic and large, his figure small as he kept the base. Kandake raised and ignited, with the others, joining in the already intense of the alignment on Ludwig, a glimpse that slightly burned them as they helped to let the rope grow, engulf the largeness, cover it until almost the darkness had completely disappeared.
 “It’s working! It’s working!” Elizabeta had called triumphantly, smiling widely and already thinking it over.
 It was a contagion many couldn’t resist, some already shouting in acclaim.
 Ludwig flew away, getting perch in Pookie, who stared on doubtful but waiting. The animal nodded in Ludwig’s welcome, but then returned his vision quickly on the cocoon, prepared to still continue the fight.
 Ludwig desperately hoped it could hold, that it could disintegrate. This was a spell from Pisa, one that writer had seen the past goddess do herself on that alignment long ago.
 She had died that time, the voice said, but Ludwig scoffed, intensifying his energy to make the ropes more constricting.
 It will work, it will work, it will work, it will work… the energy just suddenly didn’t…it was like it was taken directly from Ludwig’s hand.
 “Take cover!” Priya shouted, desperate, surprised as if she hadn’t had visions of all this occurring before. Luckily all headed, and so many managed to protect themselves as the rope of light seemed to be sucked back into darkness, a last evil grin from the monster before it exploded it all around. A boom, intense enough to cease hearings, of waves of wind, rush, burn. Many were surely sent flying, others ran…and others fell at its intensity. Ludwig and Pookie were part of the many who were thrown to the mountain, blinded and shocked. As others tried to stand, some needing instant medical attention, others trying to understand what happened or where they even were, Ludwig knew he had to stand and act quick, for Khaos could take advantage. The first thing he noticed the towering monster do was dive and reach for a group of Diamonds led by Gupta, defenseless as they tried to help one of their own from bleeding their life away. Ludwig ran against it, not feeling the usual human pang of tiredness, the power of the alignment granting him the speed and action he needed to raise his sword and swing against the ray of darkness that could have landed. Khaos moved back enough for the lingering shadow to be away.
 “Get the wounded and leave! Just leave!” Ludwig commanded loud, quick before he had to turn to Khaos, who came back for another grasp of kill in his hands. Another large light ray of magic, moving with the handle of Ludwig’s sword, so ginormous and great that many were stupefied at its beauty.
 “Get out!” He had to remind, or else they would stay and endanger themselves more.
 He continued these attacks until he made sure that the perimeter of where he now blazed was empty, all held back to continue their own attacks from the distance. Alfred and Mathew awaited commands as well as good signs to know if they could go on with firing. Ludwig gazed about the area in a small break of breaths, sighing at knowing that it was as desolate as he wanted. The fact that he was alone now seemed to make the crooked grin grow more, huffing, trying to blurt out a laugh.
 Ludwig would rid it. He had the alignment, he had to make use of it. As Khaos had called for darkness to liquid the grounds, Ludwig had his own, a call that brightened him more, looking simple as waves of lights came in the largeness of the radius. They tried to rid of whatever darkness Khaos was using for energy, a good surrounding that could cover again. Khaos was ready to tear it apart easy, but just as it was ready to flood him, instead, it suddenly halted, and with a fierceness in the raise of Ludwig’s arm, it instantly attacked in solid spikes across him. He screeched in pain, immense and terrifying, the soldiers in the back cringing. In what Khaos could, he repeated the action, in direct to Ludwig, who still so small, was able to easily wind pass them, not a scratch, not at all perturbed, he continued to fly above, calling pillar upon pillar to pierce.
 Nothing will work, the voice said, and Ludwig had to agree with it, it was like Khaos had gotten used to them and he yet still managed to continue his own magic against the king.
 Something different, something from another arsenal of his magic.
 Don’t, the voice again, for it knew what it was he was thinking, but Ludwig had seen it work before, he had practiced it, he was sure of its mastering, with the alignment, it could be the deadly he wanted.
 You once hurt your own Queen with this spell.
 Couldn’t it just disappear? Couldn’t it go away and let him deal with this by himself. He had a plan, a quick glance to Alfred, who, along with a mix of Spadian and Heartian soldiers kept and protected well the Big Sloane, unused still in the battle. He couldn’t shout it and risk letting Khaos hear…luckily they had planned on secret messages to pass long ago. He omitted a golden ring, a large one with fire, insignificant to Khaos, but Alfred had read the message clear. He responded back an equal blue one that meant he understood and will act at the next signal.
 This was it, this had to be what will work.
  Feliciano felt the agitation, the peek, it could barely let him breathe, the small room adding in constriction.
  Ludwig had to continue to distract him with the white pillar pierces, Khaos each time becoming more adept in his avoidance, making it more difficult for Ludwig to keep his aim and to even gain the energy to try out the next dark magic. By now, Ludwig depended on what the armies threw forward from afar, despite how everything burned easily by many of Khaos’s dark ribbons.
 The smaller Sloane cannons worked again, firing in aid, and Francis, in a rather surprising waring burst, came forward with a wild shout, disheveled with no glitter to make him recognizable, with his people calling forth shots of lights, large ones to compare to Ludwig’s own pillars, a spell that worked with the combine efforts of the people Francis had.
 Perfect, this was the space he needed to call forward, to concentrate and call the darkness within him.
 Be wary…the voice was a faint whisper this time.
  “It’s going to be all right, it’s going to be all right,” Feliciano whispered to himself, biting tears away, caressing at the jewels as the closest he could to some comfort.
  Ludwig had the perfect spot, he had a clear watch, everything before him brightened to make the perfect finishing attack.
 He touched magic of the universe, he touched the darkness within him, all paved like a well-known route. He had made his way, practiced and could make it the grandiose no one was expecting. Both his arms outstretched, as if holding the largest of bows and with concentration, a large pour came easy. He had taken Feliciano’s advice on creation and art, a mental brush bringing the intricacy and form of this weapon, darkening dust coming and enlarging, a giant by his side, many soldiers and the holders of the cannons stilling in awe, reverence and terror.
 Ludwig waited until it was in complete formation, the structure one proud and confident despite the dark colors it was painted with. Then began the charge, a matter of darkness that he ignited from his center, making it grow and intensify with the weapon, the magic spreading all throughout, different corners working to make different charges that made lightning, made tremors, some soldiers who had managed closeness, running back to safety, ready for a new protective spell.
 What was coming next would be grand and dangerous.
 The only quick signal Ludwig gave, was a specific small lightning bolt, with it, he freed, he fired, and Alfred timed it well so the Big Sloane could join in it. The protective spell was shouted as warning and just as quick, it all exploded in white, force and destruction. It ate all around to nothing, many who were not quick enough to wear the spell, disintegrating in fury fire and burn. The roar and extend went on, far into the long-forgotten forest, whatever trees that had stood through the last battles, gone, the village of Tiksi disappearing easily, those who were there, only but messengers or healers with other soldiers that needed attention, depending on the spell to save them from this blow.
 The center of it all still roared with energy, Ludwig trying to keep the attack so it could continue its power. He was the only one who managed to stay standing (well, he was floating in this power still), no spells, only but his sear defense given to him by the alignment. It was able to give him a presence in the middle of this rapture, a slow of time, of nothing, only but white, silence and a sureness that kept him elevated. Nevertheless, he continued the pierce of his large weapon, feeling a body that kept sinking it, and so with a force of anger and frustration, he pushed and aided with however deep Ludwig had to carve this deadly wound.
 There was a sudden hold at the bottom, Ludwig could feel large hands taking it, not pulling or moving it out of its place, it only seemed to tighten it, as if trying to destroy it by the mere force in the grasp of his monstrous hands. It failed and it surprised Ludwig that Khaos did not do more.
 Perhaps this was working…perhaps this was vanquishing. Ludwig, even if he couldn’t properly see it, felt the grin, a crack like earthquake every time, a heavy wave that heated with fires ready to engulf.
 How was Khaos possible at this even after one of the mightiest attacks?
 “Charming that you almost believed…” echoed his old voice, calm, unfitting to his new form, in this state of frozen time.
 Suddenly the air was choking, there was constriction in his muscles, his grasp slowly disappeared, the pain too much to keep holds.
 “For a long time, you have been mine, boy…”
 Ludwig could feel a flood, coming up to him.
 “For a long time, you have been what I am…”
 He was not, he was not, he was not! He kept repeating to himself, but it was somehow unheard, he couldn’t move, couldn’t fight as this flooding came closer, as it grew, as it spun around him, analyzing and filling before it lounged.
 It was an attack, a pierce, unlike any Ludwig had ever suffered before. It plunged throughout his whole body, gripping and straining, in turns that he knew was shredding his body to pieces. He tried any kind of defend, any kind of raise to stop it, but it kept itself sealed as it took him, as it spread, as he slowly felt sinking to a deep nothingness. Breaths were dwindling, it seemed to cease even his chance to speak, to see. There was no air, no assurance, no chance.
 “It’s time to show, what I have grown inside you for centuries,” Khaos introduced.
 It was the last he heard, it was the last reach before he was dropped to a place where control, action and thought was no more. Gone he was…only a whisper in this void asking for his beloved, for Feliciano…and Feliciano felt a rip, something by force completely stripped away, no preparations, no mercy, it was just gone. A large part of him suddenly empty, with it leaving a burn, pain to have him screaming to the tops, a wail so intense it had the force to completely eradicate the now weak shield, the slim glass falling upon him and he did not care how it rained on his body, how it piled and added to the adjusted ruins.
 It was nothing, nothing compared to this!
 Another shout shook the ground beneath him, the castle joining in his sorrow with its small crumble.
  The air was cleared, Kings and soldiers hesitant in the way they raised their eyes, hoping, hoping desperately that they would meet nothing, only but the Heartian King triumphant…… but he was not there. Khaos was, with his still sickening grin, the same large intimidating form, with the marks that now seemed more intense, new carved runes and even a new width that made him claim more of the area. Many of course trembled and dropped, but others were still searching for the one King.
 “Ludwig…Ludwig…where’s Ludwig?” Kandake frantically searched for any trace, Pookie with her in the same look out…but the animal had an inkling that didn’t tremor well, a whimper, a howl…a farewell.
 “Ludwig…Ludwig!” Renata called, a loud alarm that made many realize, a hoping for his appearance, but no matter how long they stared…their beloved king never showed, never arose from rubble or came with new light ready to battle on.
 “Please…don’t tell me…” Arthur, like everyone else, was afraid to word what was becoming clear, a reality that made them all fall, tainted with the fear that only fed the still standing Khaos more, their desperation making livelier his smile.
 “What do we do?” Young Soo turned to Cheng, hoping instantly for new commands, attacks and magic to blast, to try again. Cheng only trembled, all his words but stutters.
 “We just used one of the most powerful weapons we have, and the Heartian King is nowhere to be seen,” Gupta answered for him, close by as he had been aiding.
 It was just then that there was a new pulse, a new vibration across the land that brought silence once again.
 “Arm yourselves! Be ready!” Carlos shouted to the men surrounding him, knowing they shouldn’t let themselves be surprised, especially now. They kept their magic and weapons close to themselves, ready to act, but all their gazes were distracted on this new presence, on finding it as it continued to just be an air around them.
 “What do we without Ludwig?” Neeraja turned to Kiku, who was just as petrified and lost as all.
 “I…” what other plans did they have that didn’t depend on Ludwig or Feliciano? What weapons they haven’t used? What hidden spell have they yet to try? Kiku couldn’t provide an answer to all these new stares as whatever came to life around them began to grow, the form of a new figure, of dark matter that brought more a shake, more darkness and even a poisonous air. It was sure to tower as Khaos, it was sure to kill and destroy, it was sure to aid the Dark King in fulfilling the end of the world, becoming more the high possibility.
 Some already dropped their weapons in defeat, some fainted, others even ran away from the field. The royals stayed, battered, worn and tired, but aimed their weapon and magic ready to fight on, as their defined duty for their kingdom. Other few joined…many already decided that this perhaps could be their last day, brave on facing it, at least they knew they did it trying to protect what they could of their world. They tried to stand strong even as heavy gushes came, dusting the grounds, many loosing sites of their companions, yet they were still decided on fighting, the colors of their kingdom color and magic shinning bright in this haze.  
 “We advance how we can, fight and defend as we have done…we cannot give up now,” Yao replied, an impossibility as the wind grew stronger, as it spun upward adding more form for surely the monster to come. Soon, a large arm, darkened with flecks of red, arose from this turret of wind. It was immense, the shape of human muscles adding to its ferocity, much more define and surely powerful than the slimmer of Khaos. It had encryptions unknown and it was slow as it tested this new air it was feeling for the first time. They couldn’t underestimate it, their magic as powerful and never ceasing for whatever calmness they thought they could take.
 “…send the messengers to start evacuating the Club kingdom,” Lili was immediate in the command, a message that was well passed, the assigned soldiers already heading off to start.
 The wind was coming down, even if there was still a rush, one that kept their hairs sticking out and their poses as ready to fire.
 “Stay strong!” Pedro commanded over the people in his proximity.
 The rush was gone instantly and then there was a pounce, large boulders of darkness falling upon them all. They brought storm of lightning and fire to spread, thick and ferocious, a monstrous roar rampaging behind it all, quick and continuous. His ever-ringing roars and earthquake thumps against the ground, crowned him in battle, in an entrance to the apocalypse.
 This was the monster that Khaos will puppet to bring about life to an end and already it seemed successful in its welcome.
  Feliciano showed that defeat laying as if wounded in bed, the suffocation, the tears, the utter defenseless of this new emptiness keeping him tied, his shouts and wails the only he could utter as he tried to find a reach, tried to find something of his King.
 Empty, nothing, gone, gone, gone, this ailing gone that only made stronger the hurt. No matter how deep he tried to find, there was no trace of the lively magic that was Ludwig. His essence, his fire, was extinguished, a sign that Feliciano wanted to desperately believe was not, gripping, kicking, screaming the more to deny it. His prayers begged the Aces that this was not the outcome, that he was there, that he just need help in finding him again, but no answer came, even Augusta was dormant, only but a hum of a forgotten lullaby.
 My sun, my moon, my land, my love…
The sky has all fallen…
The kingdom weeps their king’s farewell…
And a queen breaks at her lover’s parting again…
 The song tried to raise him, but Feliciano ignored and pushed it away, only letting it ring more in reminder.
 History began a fulfill of repetition. A route was set to play, and now, we see if it all falls the same way it once did.
Uh…I can explain.
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worldcakecakecake · 7 years ago
Feliciano and the King of Hearts
Chosen by the gods as the Queen of Hearts from the moment of birth, we follow Feliciano’s story as he grows into royal life, learns to rule, go against age old customs, and his relationship with his husband to be, the King of Hearts.
Chapter 1 I  Chapter 2 I Chapter 3 I Chapter 4 I Chapter 5 I Chapter 6I Chapter 7 I Chapter 8 IChapter 9I Chapter 10I Chapter 11I Chapter 12 I Chapter 13 I Chapter 14 I Chapter 15 I Chapter 16 I Chapter 17 I Chapter 18 I Chapter 19I Chapter 20 I Chapter 21 I Chapter 22 I Chapter 23 I Chapter 24 I Chapter 25 I Chapter 26 I Chapter 27 I Chapter 28I Chapter 29 I Chapter 30 I Chapter 31 I Chapter 32 I Chapter 33 I Chapter 34 I Chapter 35 I Chapter 36 I Chapter 37I chapter 38 I Chapter 39 I Chapter 40 I Chapter 41 I Chapter 42 I Chapter 43 I Chapter 44 I Chapter 45 I Chapter 46I Chapter 47 I Chapter 48 I Chapter 49 I Chapter 50
After two months of dealing with no electricity and signal, stressing over my move, I finally have managed to update! Greetings from Ludwig’s country, where things are settled enough for me to now have some time to write. I really, really, really, really apologize for the time it took me, things were honestly still very difficult and things in Puerto Rico are still as bad as I left them. But now expect some…semblance of normality to my updates, hope that you’re still interested, there’s still SO MUCH left to go. I hope you enjoy!
Warning: There’s an attempt of rape in this chapter. ONLY AN ATTEMPT. I can spoil and say that it will be the only time in FATKOH it will happen. I have marked a ‘*’ to signify where it starts and ends for those who are uncomfortable and don’t want to read it.
                                                Chapter 51
If they were going to escape, Feliciano had to clear a lot of things before they settled themselves on such a mission.
 With some ounce of freedom, Khaos having entrusted him enough to let him walk on his own, Feliciano kept a faithful watch on how the movements of the castle worked. He took notice of all the few guards and where they were located, the schedules of the servants, including Angela, all openings, all windows, doors, their nearing to the ground and what kind of leverage they could give to two people who would climb down with a heavy load of books of the highest importance. He smiled to all he passed by, trying to feign that his eyes weren’t gazing to whatever cranny, whatever light, whatever item that could help.
 After he was sure of his inspection, he settled on his next focal point, and that was finding the places Augusta had told him about. Luckily much of the castle remained in the same structure it had been long ago when it was in the heavens, marred, some pillars leaning out of place or halls blocked, but just in Augusta’s words. He settled with searching for the most hidden one, one of those many that was blocked by debris of centuries. Using a slight amount of his power, he moved the rubble away, granting him entrance to the elder walls coated in age, felt and scented strongly in the humid air and heavy cold. Luckily the cape he wore provided warmth, taking and wrapping it well on his figure.
 He inspected the hall around him, making sure he wasn’t followed, no spying eyes, no other lingering presence, before he dared set forward into this new hell, ready to face the freezing, perhaps danger, but overall a sure chance. With his magic, he rose the parts once again to close, no proof of his presence and confident no one would spot him or follow behind. Decided, he continued, finding nothing but the same extend, the same humidity, the occasional crack of white that drifted heavy cold air and the light of snow that blasted upon the castle eternally. He panicked whenever it seemed that the walls shook, bits of pebbles falling right by his head, along with the same rumble of hurried steps moving above, shouts, in the darkened language, surely of general and commanders training their men or moving them about the castle. Perhaps he was down below the training grounds and it made him panic. Was this really the safest route? Under the grounds of dangerous men who he was sure would not give a care if they had to smash across the floors to reach them, capture and bring them the worst for their try. He could hear them, even their whispers, even their gossip and noted to remind Ludwig that if this was the route they chose, they had to be quiet until they found their opening…which Feliciano hadn’t found yet. He had to force himself to continue, more determined on silencing his steps, which only made him slow, agitated, especially as it turned colder, darker, his hands having to feel the dampened walls to continue to have his leverage.
 Soon he was in the gulf of utter darkness, not a glimpse of light, all escapes away from his vision, only but his forward, only but his straight through, until he bumped, until it ended. He met with another wall surely, of tightly stacked bricks, large from what he could caress and without a breeze to spare from the outside. No matter what he pushed, no matter whatever small line spaces he tried to get in between, there wasn’t any budging, any new light, any chance of air or a sureness that Feliciano now thought was wrong to depend on.
 It couldn’t be this easy, Khaos must have sealed everything off decades ago, the design must have surely changed in the move from the heavens, there was no way it could be here, there was- focus and keep looking.
 He felt that whisper, felt her voice, her presence linger oh so sweetly around him for mere seconds, falling to her command, her trust. Breathe and go forward as he had done, as he had learned, as he needed to be.
 Like magnets calling for their meet, the very wall seemed to drag his hands forward to a center, to a recognize, an instant warmness, an embrace that seemed to say: “Welcome back, our dear Ace.” An alight of red, a heart symbol glowed, spreading, unlocking and then it was gone. Nothing instantly happened and Feliciano was worried that whatever this was just didn’t work properly. In a sigh he pushed his hands slightly forward and there was light, the bricks…floating away, in a disarray, but maintaining close enough to the side walls that held it, trying the best they could to lessen the storm that began to enter.
 The large white expanse, the surrounding snow-covered hills, a passage right between that was perfect, in the distance dark spots, surely of the dark men who were scouting, looking for a new escape or a new attack on the recently strengthened field. Feliciano let his boots step on the crunch of ice, daring testing foots forward to the harsh cold, the bricks flying away, but maintaining still in the area waiting for their close. Feliciano wrapped his arms around himself stronger, murmuring heat spells and turning to gaze upward to the largeness and intimidation of the dark castle. The tunnel he just went through was actually quite far off from the building, some towers even hazed by the storm, which meant that it would make their escape less noticeable, they would probably think them dots of their men.
 He took one last glance to the distance, only visible through a small part between the pass, his eyes trying to extend as far as the wall of trees that stood at the other side of the field. Of their side, of their belong and where they needed to return. It was a fearsome distance, Feliciano could already feel the strain in his legs, of the hurry and force they would surely have to take.
 There was a sudden echo of a shout, instantly straining Feliciano to a shocked halt, leaning into a fetal position hoping he could be mistaken for a rock to whoever was shouting in the area. As the minutes passed on, the shouts continued, Feliciano watching in between the strong wind that hit for the source, but the more he focused his hearing, the more he realized that it was coming from inside the castle. He remembered the training grounds he walked under, the shouts approving that it was in fact what he thought, Feliciano even managing to spot some men marching as others lead. He had to go back inside before someone noticed, slow, practically crawling, until finally he felt under him the stone, the bricks following behind him in quite an elegant assemble, closing, adjusting back to its earlier fortitude, back into the pitch darkness, to some sense of inner walled heat, to a hiding that let Feliciano breathe and relax into the area.
 He was sure of an exit now, they had a way, now it was telling Ludwig, now it was getting the books.
 He made his way to the cellars, first time without Angela’s guidance, onward without a care of who would notice. He was desperate to say, desperate to formulate something to get them out as soon as possible. Now that there was something, now that they could head out, the darkened walls seemed to get blacker, seemed to taunt him more and he couldn’t take it much longer. He practically smashed himself upon the door, for a moment dizzying, but it was enough to remind him that this door was locked and needed key. To hell with it, he laid his hands on it, worked on another heating spell like the ones he had used constantly to bring him warmth, letting it melt under his touch until it fell uselessly to the floor, granting him instant access to the room. It startled both Ludwig and Pookie, who stood when they noticed the hurriedness Feliciano came in with, not bothering to even close the door behind him, only wanting Ludwig’s embrace, his strong arms around him, his callous hands tracing over this new darkened fabric. Pookie offered to close the door, then settling himself on Feliciano’s shoulder as Ludwig lulled him in simple sways, silent for now, just letting this all relax the brunet enough until he reminded, until he jolted in hurry.
 “I found a hidden escape route!” He announced quite excitedly, for once a smile, giddiness close enough to force Ludwig into a join of jumps and dances.
 “You-you did?” Ludwig was honestly surprised.
 “Mhm! And I found the library, it was in Khaos’s room!”
 “Did he do anything to you?” He feared, letting a hand trace on his face, trying to bring comfort to whatever horridness he tried to do.
 “I didn’t let him! I told you I could do it! He fell easily and I even got the code to entering!”
 “And just by… seducing him?”
 “Mhm.” Innocent, cute, a childish smile that brought a lot of questions to Ludwig.
 “Are you…serious?”
 “Yes! Now all we have to do is hurry up and plan something to get out of here quick!” He determined, more so in the way he grasped harshly to Ludwig’s hand.
 “How much time are you allowed to be here?”
 “I’m staying the night with you like I always do!” Especially when they had to plot something like this.
 “We won’t miss a single detail then,” Ludwig leaned, letting a smile, enough to prove that they would work out something together. They would have an outing soon.
 “I can’t wait to leave and stop wearing stuff like this!” Feliciano held disgustingly to the cape of his wear.
 “I can’t wait to rip it off you!” Ludwig let himself the furies of the moment, only to realize late what exactly it was he said, paralyzing him, leaving Feliciano in a blushing deep red.
 “I mean um…yeah I would rip it off you, but not in that way, I mean, maybe one day when, okay um, if you want, now is not the moment, not that you’re not alluring right now, um….uh…um…” only stuttering and gibberish continued, the red in his pale cheeks worsening, making him shine adorably to Feliciano, who chuckled so enchantingly.
 “Ludwig…in the right moment, I’ll let you rip anything you want off me.”
 Ludwig couldn’t believe he let himself doubt that seduction of the highest charm…or that he could stay standing or even manage to continue speaking on about their plans afterwards.
  That morning, just at the dullest gleam of light began announcing what they could tell as day in that prison, Feliciano took a silent peek to the hall as his awakening. There was no one, no whisper, no steps, no energy, he could move forward, sparring Ludwig one last smile before he headed off, door shut, the lock burned to a crisp on the floor and Feliciano just hoped that he could keep Angela distracted enough to not check this area. He settled off trying to find the said woman, worried to not spot her through the early busying of the servants, guards and soldiers. He ended up finding her in one of the upper floors, on a nice comfort area showcasing the everlasting storm, settled well with a book on her lap, reading in a tranquility that made her shine like any other human.
 She did not deserve to serve this castle, Khaos or to even be cursed as something of his creation. He really wished he could do something to liberate her of this, offer her a promise, but he couldn’t now, he didn’t know what kind of future he could give her, how he could manage to escape with not only Ludwig and Pookie but also her. Would they accept her in the kingdoms if they did manage out? Could he show that she could prove herself worthy no matter being those of the dark? Could she be happy? Would she even accept leaving this tyranny that she has been enforced for centuries as her normal? Could he confide in telling her his and Ludwig’s plan? No matter, he would try to give her what he could, he just needed to formulate better how exactly he was going to do it. The time would appear, the chance would be given anew, Feliciano was confident, but for now, he had to fulfill a dire mission.
 The breaths he took in preparation were enough to startle Angela from her reading, an honest smile in welcome to the arising queen’s presence, no annoyance in the close of her book, actually quite excited to be able to speak to him.
 “Your highness, good morning, is there something I can do for you?”
 “Oh no, don’t fret about it, I was meaning to ask if you’ve had breakfast this morning.”
 “I’ve mentioned it to you, your highness, but I’m not allowed to unless King Khaos approves.”
 Feliciano rolled his eyes and gave a small groan, “I won’t permit it, come on, let’s go get some stuff from the kitchen and we can share in my room.” Angela actually turned giddy, setting her book aside and not showing any other negations as she followed behind the other.
 In the usual hides they took when doing something against Khaos’s wishes, they reached the kitchen, stealing away some bread, cheese, fruits and yogurts before they headed off and found a morning and evening in Feliciano’s assigned room. They ate, they chatted as if they had been good friends for years, such topics as Feliciano talking about Ludwig’s muscles and Angela teasing him about it. They laughed, holding such an opening and connection that by the time lunch came, Feliciano offering Angela one of the cherry drinks he took, he felt bad for adding the sleeping liquid he had gotten from the kitchen, settling her off to sleep in a matter of minutes. She seemed so relaxed, so comfortable, Feliciano wondering about the last time she had such a fulfilling sleep. He settled her to rest on his bed, making sure she was well covered as well as that her head laid comfortably on the pillows, settling one last note under her sash before he was ready, out into the halls to go on with the next part. If things went as they hoped, that note would be the last Angela would see of the arising queen.
 Feliciano took his usual stride down the halls, eyes alert and focused, wanting to seem unsuspecting for any guard or servant he met, but for Pookie and Ludwig to send him a proper signal of their reach. By the end of the hall, near to what would be the upward that would lead to the tower where Khaos’s room was located, Feliciano spotted the familiar little winged lion, taking circling flights around a pillar, glowing upon seeing its master. It would have quickly dashed into Feliciano’s welcoming arms if it wasn’t for the sudden hand that took a grasp of its tail, pulling him back to their settled hiding. Once Feliciano reached, he spotted Ludwig, unscathed yet still as hesitant, not daring to leave the shadows of this particular pillar until they were sure of their surroundings.
 “Any guards?” Feliciano questioned in a whisper.
 “There were some pacing earlier, their rounding was just as you said, I easily moved around them,” he was proud.
 “Are you sure no one spotted you?”
 “Great, now come on, before somebody realizes you left your cellar or a servant catches us.” Feliciano took his arm and lead him upward, their next destination and one step forward to their liberating. They were cautious, they peeked through every hall, making sure of its vacancy before they headed on, easy steps, slow, unsounding, a repeat until Feliciano stopped them before a familiar door, one of the most imperial in the castle, in solitude, surprisingly no other in the area but the three of them.
 “Are you sure Khaos is not here?”
 “Angela told me he’s focused in his study room right now and there’s a big chance he won’t leave until dinner,”
 “We still have to hurry,”
 “I know,” Feliciano breathed, both shaking as they stood rather fearful before the doors, as if awaiting some kind of trap, a shout, anything that would stop them that very moment, but it never came.
 Sure, Feliciano simply worked with the locks of the room with his magic and pushed open the doors, not so quick as to not let any of the hinges resound soundly, just a mere thing for only this hall to hear. They were inside, Feliciano instantly hurrying to the empty wall that he knew led forward to the library while Ludwig and Pookie took watch of this room for the first time, distracted to not have noticed as Feliciano practiced the spell in a whisper, even the movements of his hands, awaiting until Ludwig was by his side to properly do it. A breath, an alight, a release of his power, the words, the magic, lighting up as to be expected, once again taking familiarity of Augusta’s magic, which it took with comfort and welcome to this new holder, her great grandson.
 It opened, they couldn’t believe, perplexed in the spot, meeting this new void only with their stature and silence.
 “Come on,” Feliciano confided, leading both in the descend, torches alighting their movement and the doors closing behind, leaving them truly alone in the room, with safety and time to be able to choose what they wanted to bring with them.
 Ludwig made sure to be close, always one step behind Feliciano, guarding him over whatever suddenness could occur, ready to defend away, even if said person was practically skipping his way down the stairs.
 They were so close, so close!
 Finally they reached the bottom, the library igniting in the colors Ludwig did not expect to see, wondered, mouth agape as he took in its shine, wondering if it was possible to just bring all of this with them. Feliciano was distracted himself in that very thought and it was actually Pookie who reminded with his hurrying flight around them, insisting, they still didn’t know what could happen. Feliciano took out two bags he had hidden under his cape, one for Ludwig, one for himself, enough a sign for both to begin, to search through, pick and take.
 The hand of creation, Ace power, generational power, curses, universal alignment, monsters, war strategies, dark magic, they even ended up bringing one of spells, so many unknown ones that Ludwig couldn’t hold his curiosity about. He let himself open one of them, quickly going over the lines that took his major interest, especially ones that could be omitted through simple mind lengths for when your body was incapacitated. Lost he was in his reading he didn’t notice as Feliciano filled his bag to completion, determined to have more than enough as Ludwig surely did…that was until he spotted him distracted in pages.
 “Ludwig!” Feliciano couldn’t believe he was actually scolding him to hurry, startling the blond enough to a closing of the book, placing it in the bag and continuing with whatever pickings he could still squeeze in. Even Pookie joined, taking some that he seemed to transfer into the jewels of his head as some sort of saving, Feliciano hoping he could later release them once needed.
 No other book took Feliciano’s or Ludwig’s interest afterwards and their bags were now heavy enough with more than necessary. Determined, they placed them on their shoulders, ready for the run to the hidden tunnel that would bring them out.
 “You got everything?” Ludwig made sure.
 “Let’s go!” Feliciano hurried them, quickly taking their upward without another distraction.
 They were just beginning and already they were panting under the heavy weight of the bags, mixed along with their anxiousness and begging for a freedom that was there, so close, so close. There was the door, there was their exit out of the darkness, into a new light, closer, closer, closer. Khaos’s eyes met them as soon as they were out, impending them, glaring with such a scold stronger than whatever their parents had used in their growth.
 “How rude,” he simply said, motioning his hands with magic that was easy for him, in an instant pushing them against the wall, frozen and hanging, their bags falling, the books spreading upon the floor and easily revealing what they had taken. Khaos only tsk as he saw them before him, pushing some aside with his foot as he came closer to where he had them strained to the wall, not giving them the peace to let a single movement free, using his magic to only pain them for every breath and every spot of blood that moved through their bodies. Groans resounded, whimpers, aches, melodies to the dark king, who dared to smirk before them.
 “After I grant you my hospitality, this is how you repay me,” he reprimanded, enjoying the spectacle their anguish showed.
 “I should have seen this coming, this shouldn’t be surprising me, but I do admit I was rather blinded, Feliciano was just so delectable to deny,” he admitted as much, letting them fall, slamming them hard against the floor, coughs joined along in their cringing.
 “I really did not think you would both go this far, I thought I finally had you both easily in my grasp, but you are just like Romulus and Augusta, so eager to pester and anger me at no limits or restrains, really, what disrespect.”
 A new weight laid on them, like a heavy waterfall pushing them harder against the floor, leaving them breathless. “You forget that I am also a god, you forget that I was here before those lousy Aces, that you both wouldn’t have even existed if it wasn’t by my doing. I am an entity of the universe, I am not to be messed with, I am not to make a fool of.” His voice roared, adding to the crush that seemed to be breaking Ludwig and Feliciano’s bones.  
 It was hard to do any kind of flexing, even at their neck did it seem to crack to the worst, bounded to be statues with deplorable fates if this falling aura continued. How Feliciano managed to be able to turn his head, going against any more forceful restraints of magic, he thought had to do with pure conviction. He would not let himself be handed so easily, he still held belief in breaking out, in showing, in doing anything, something to prove stronger than this choke Khaos had of them. It was truly proud until he noticed that Khaos wasn’t alone, finally noticing the body that he held from the back of her dress. Feliciano knew she was unconscious, her familiar black hair falling down to hide her face, her body showing that slump of defeat, with no life, gone, splayed on the ground clearly uncaring to the darkened king that held her. Feliciano’s eyes began to salt with pain, biting his lip to hide both the groan of pain and despair over Angela.
 “What…what did you do to her?” He somehow managed to growl, somehow managed to anger, show through no matter.
 Khaos was impressed once again with the young arising queen, smirking, first of all raising a little note that he hid well in the palm of his hand. It was the note Feliciano had left her, letting her know of his escape with Ludwig, thanking her for everything she did, apologizing for his brash leaving and promising to one day set her free from Khaos’s clutches.
 Feliciano froze, he stuttered as if trying to find some kind of excuse, but the note was free for Khaos, watching as he easily let it burn to a crisp in his hand, the ashes of it flying away just as he had dropped the lifeless body on the floor. Feliciano gave a panic shout, trying to ease himself closer in some kind of saving, but it was then as her hair was moved out of place that he saw the horror of paled skin, darkened vines pumping to her darkened eyes, lips and any rose that once made her lively.
 “This is not as pitying as I thought.” A simple snap of his power and she began to crumble away in the same ashes, as easy as the note, as useless as garbage, away and Khaos as uncaring, no matter what she had been to him once.
 Feliciano clawed, let the tears taint his cheeks well, the sight causing a thirst that wouldn’t let him scream his mourns, wouldn’t let him send blame to this monster. A monster, a monster, he’s a monster, Feliciano glared true in his eyes, sharp and vengeful even in his limp on the floor.
 “You-you-you’re awful!” He managed to spat, nothing to Khaos, it only made him grin that sickening way.
 “I only do what’s necessary to protect my castle and all its belongings,” he simply said, excusing it lightly.
Ludwig and Feliciano did not expect him to suddenly push Ludwig back unto the wall, Feliciano thrown in just the same harsh towards the single bed in the room, his body jumping slightly before Khaos deepened him more into the fabrics and pillows.
 Suddenly the force was gone, instead a different kind of caging that left them both perplexed, managing to stand, wanting to run, but with each try Khaos just pushed them more into their decided surface.
 “I’ve grown impatient,” he stated. With another flick, a dark binding wrapped itself around Ludwig’s torso, sticking him into place on his spread on the wall, his face forced into the frontal looking of the room, on nothing else but on the bed Feliciano tried to break himself from. Khaos turned to the bed, a sickening smirk that made Feliciano tremble excessively, fearing what could come, trying to push himself away, away from those eyes that traced on him so disgustingly.
 Khaos paced toward the bed rather slowly, with a hunting intent, but it was different from that of violence and blood, it was another kind of subjugation that had even the nails on Feliciano’s toes shaking. Ludwig began to understand, dread coming in, fists intensifying and the force of his body continuing in his try for an outing. He had to, he had to, no matter how the binds crushed him more with each push and extend, he had to get out!
 “Don’t look so scared, just yesterday you seemed rather eager for something like this,” he sneered, his knees meeting with the edge of the bed, bringing himself closer to that adoring heat, his eyes traversing as he wanted, forcing with his mind to leave him as he was, already enough of a delight, if even the tears that slowly began to coat his eyes.
 “As dashing as you look in my robes, I think you would look better without them,” he smirked, raising his hand yet again. A snap and just like that Feliciano found himself draped in only but his long undershirt, loose, opened across his chest for Khaos to lick his lips at, a hand reaching.
 “No…no…no, no, no, no!” Feliciano began to shout as the tears began to fall with his desperation, moving away, but he was well tied with magic, hands now above him, his legs not bothering even if he willed them to kick.
 “Leave him alone! Don’t you dare!” Ludwig handed his own shouts, baring even teeth as he continued in his try to pull out.
 “Pipe down and enjoy from what you’re about to see, you can learn a thing or two, lucky you are that I even let you watch,” he smirked, hands now over the petite man, his breath powerful enough to make Feliciano’s entire body shiver, for his whimpers to be clear, his heaving more potent and it all fueled Khaos in his want, in his prepare, already beginning to unzip his own robe, coming in to take that scent that was sweet, even powerful with traces of his Ace blood. He needed him his, instant, all and for that damn Heartian prince to see and break with the joy he was to take.
 “No…no, please, don’t! Don’t! Don’t touch me!” Feliciano tried to command, his voice trying to go over any force, any continuing potent.
 “Don’t you dare come any closer!” Ludwig joined, his own body beginning its own hurt the stronger he tried to weight upon his bonds.
 “You’re both in no position to tell me what to do. I’ll take what I want how I want it,” was the last he would say, the intent clear and sure, a single hand reaching to land on Feliciano’s cheek, tracing it rather lightly down the soft expand of his neck and over to his clear chest. Simple, yet already so haunting, so breaking, whimpers being the only thing that managed to grant movement to Feliciano, tears reddening his features as if Khaos was tracing him with burning fire.
Ludwig did not want a touch, he promised himself not a single finger on him and already that simple movement flared, it was enough to fury, it was enough for his mind to expand, to find, to remember. Deep he found his concentration, deep he went for a sort of help and deep it was he found it. It was dark, it was new, it was unfamiliar, but just enough, just what he needed. He submerged his mind in it, he grasped it, he took instant use of it, feeling an assurance, an acceptance, in fact, it insisted Ludwig to its use, a new familiarity away from Augusta’s…was it…? The magic was flaring, it was arising, it was attacking too quick for him to take notice of this new presence. Like a cut in time it pierced, right through Khaos, a large pillar of utter blackness, solid, smooth and even going through the bed on to the floor below. The space it took was large, enough of a stab that would have killed instantly any human. On a god it worked as a paralyzing, eyes blank, left stranded in that last predatory position with only but the start of surprise and shock on his lips. A drop of blood or two would leak and coat the sheets of the bed, even on Feliciano, who still whimpered, still shook and let the rest of his tears fall freely as himself. He could move his hands, his legs, his body, and the first thing he did was raise his palm to simply wallow over the large relief, but flowing still with confusion over what just happened, unsure, still fearing the cage, the worst that was to come. Ludwig had dropped then as the magic wore off, landing and already sprinting towards the bed, easily pushing Khaos frozen figure aside to get to Feliciano, who instantly raised his arms and Ludwig picked him up, both embracing out their relief, Ludwig not minding at all the shoulder that tainted in tears, rubbing his hands over his back as he continued in his mess, shushing and even kissing his head to assure.
 “I’m here, I’m here, it’s over, you’re safe,” he constantly repeated in sweet whispers that drove Feliciano to hold tighter, his hands joined in the caressing of their bodies, uncaring to his half-dressed state and whatever blood fell on him.
 Ludwig, Ludwig, Feliciano just wanted Ludwig.
 Yet there was still an urgency, they couldn’t remain like this longer, they had to make due.
 “We don’t have much time,” Ludwig hurried, helping Feliciano to stand, to calm his shaking enough, handing and even helping him dress in parts of his own robe, taking even curtains or fabrics from around the room to give a more protective wrap for the cold they were sure to take soon.
 “Did you…did you kill him?” Feliciano wondered as they finished with the last zip, still hunted by just looking at Khaos’s frozen figure.
 “No…” Ludwig sounded disappointed, but with quite a sigh of relief to have at least done something to stop him. “It probably just paralyzed him, we only have eight minutes before the magic wears off, we have to hurry.”
 No more consolations, no more stranded eyes and figures, they hurried to once again pick up the books, hurling them in their bags in a mess that in another situation would have annoyed Ludwig, but feeling the timer seeming to ring from Khaos’s mid falling body was anguish that just pushed them enough until the bags were well in their backs and they could hurry off into the halls. They left the doors swung open in carelessness, letting it even rung eerily across the halls, hoping their steps were enough to drown it. They had to make do with this silence, they had to run and make their way across the halls with no disarray yet of Khaos’s orders, news and even fury that they knew would be at a peak once he was released.
 They didn’t care over the occasional wondering timid servant who would surely eye them warily, instantly setting a haste to Khaos’s room to inform, only to find him in his cage and surely ring an alarm that will fill this castle in a hunt. They had to be at least out in the snow by then.
 They made it to the rubble that covered their exit with no one behind them, but Feliciano wasn’t going to let it leave them in any clearing of what could potentially happen. In a strong blast, everything was gone, louder than either had been expecting, surely calling and revealing. They could hear faraway calls, shouts in the darkened language, surely pointing and heading their direction. They bolted, running into the tunnel unfearful of the darkness, dreading more what could come to meet them from behind, only being led by a glow Pookie omitted to keep them from tripping or hitting against any sudden curve it took.
  Back in the room, now filled with fretting servants who moved about trying to free their master from such a dark point right through him, the magic was now starting to disperse, slowly, like raising embers until Khaos was once again granted movements, blinks, snarls and an easy standing on the ground if even leaned and trying to regain the breaths of his human body.
 “Your majesty!” All of them exclaimed, coming close to offer whatever kind of help.
 He only continued to burn a new potent, fisting his hands the more he came to the realization that Feliciano wasn’t beneath him, that Ludwig wasn’t on the wall and that they were off with his books, elsewhere, escaping.
 “Master?” Another dared to come close, even to put a hand on his shoulder. The mere movement was enough of an awakening for their king to reach his arm and grab roughly on the servant’s neck, who instantly began choking, but did nothing to release knowing that he could make it worst.
 “Get them…”he began to growl, still regaining.
 “Ge-get…get who-who sir?”
 “Who else would you expect? That prince and his useless queen! Get them! Send everybody! Now! Before they get any further! They cannot leave this field!” He shouted, he fierced, throwing the servant to the floor in an uncaring swing, for now paining at any further step he took, still continuing in his lean, forcing more magic to heal. The servants in the meantime ran off with their commands while their master prepared himself to act.
  There was no time for wonder, for curious questions, a single stop was threatening enough, so when the wall opened at Feliciano’s touch, the bricks flying off into the blizzard, neither of the runners hesitated, they passed through at the first opening, into the crush of ice underneath them, the strong wind hitting, cold choking and rampage footsteps behind them.
 The walls of the field, they repeated to themselves, their eyes only set on its far distance in the horizon, between the hills, their feet forcing in its push, trying to ignore the shouts, the roar, the coming behind them.  They should have expected for this to not be easy, should have expected a throw, the lance of dark magic hoping to pierce any of the fugitives, landing in a heavy shake on the ground that caused Feliciano to stumble, momentarily hitting his knee on the ground before Ludwig helped him up, holding his hand and leading him forward despite how harsh the steps now became.
 They kept raining on them, making them evade in zigzags that distracted, smoke rising that seemed to hide the passage, but Pookie kept emitting his light, kept guiding forward for them to pass through yet undamaged through all the assaults.
 It was just as they had the walls of the hills surrounding them that one lance was thrown well enough ready to land on their heads, but Ludwig was quick, he had a spell under his breath ready, creating a quick protecting field that had the lance bouncing off the opposite direction, landing instead on men that were coming close, making them drop, disorientate, a new smoke that instead helped Ludwig and Feliciano in advancing more.
 “We have to attack back,” Ludwig realized, letting himself think of other ideas.
 Feliciano silently agreed, looking back to notice how that last trick gave them better distance from the men.
 As they approached the exit of the passage, then now into the last expanse, as Feliciano noticed vicious men begin to appear through the haze, he recalled an old spell, one of the ones he had used on the walls of the attack on Washington. He started it with a goal of reaching more, intense, burn, fire, he had to remind he had ace magic, he had the hand of creation, he could make it large as needed be. The push he threw back was enough to light up the entire passage, the jets aiming well, the smoke, even the flakes, reaching as high as to make the field alight in disturbance. The impression in Ludwig’s eyes as they were finally out of the cage of the hills and into the last they needed to traverse made quite a pride glint in Feliciano’s eyes, managing a smile, a smirk in Ludwig’s direction, more relief as the wall came closer.
 It didn’t last, they should have been expecting men awaiting outside the hills who had already received the message. They shouted, many insults, many just battle roars to form as a sort of intimidation. It scared, it made them tremble, fear shone once again in their eyes. They came closer, they gripped their hands once again as a last sign of belief, as a sort of planning and agreeing.
 As the groups of either side combined to crash on them, the royals gave a high jump, letting some men crash between themselves, then kick away any sword or spear away with strong forces, blasting away whatever sudden magic they could against any clear weakened spot on the men. They used their falls, their bodies, even their weapons as stones to jump forward, until they could land in the secureness of white ground, for now focusing on avoiding any kind of lunge and just running on ahead.
 So close, so close, so close.
 The knowing of their proximity seemed to taunt their bodies, weakening, breaths wavering, how they could duck and move around throws and advancing men was surely their perseverance and desperation to just be outside, just be outside. The trees were starting to become clear, the pedestal still up and the new orbs still shinning in their new reign. Feliciano pointed, asserting their closeness, too breathless to even speak. It was just as then a cut managed across his hand, wincing at the added pain, trying to halt the beginning spread of blood by holding his hand against it. He groaned clear, the steps against the ground seeming to push more pain into the wound. Ludwig couldn’t stand it, one hand reaching as some sort of help, the other throwing spells upon spells trying to keep the distance from them, attack any who came closer, trip, duck and yet some managed to hit, pushes that already both could feel purple bruises growing at.
 Feliciano couldn’t stand Ludwig getting hurt, and he wouldn’t let him any longer, he determined, he was sure, the desire of protection so strong Feliciano could outgrow it from his soul into the air in a strong blaze of fire, sprouting and raging like a volcano dance quite uncontrollable. Even Ludwig and him suffered from the intense heat, but they managed between, through the harsh fire, until the point of Feliciano’s most extended finger could touch the wall. That was it, quickly Feliciano could make the cut as Augusta had told him, just a quick opening for Ludwig and him to squeeze through, having a sudden refresh of cold air away from the fires. It was closed, they passed, landing upon the snow in a mess of exhaustion, befallen to defeat, to an air that let them that rest, with no throws, no dark magic or curses, only the anger of the men as they tried their usual escape from the wall. Useless, their voices sounded muted in the royals’ ears, their breaths clearer, the heave of their chests more visible than the constant flinging of the weapons hoping for the cut Feliciano had so easily made.
 They remained in their lay as if testing, proving, clutching to the snow underneath them like it was whispering all the comforts they needed after that run, after that successful escape.
 Successful…successful. They were out…they were out!
 Ludwig and Feliciano exchanged that glance of fulfillment, of momentary smiles, their breaths now showing their ultimate relief, even beginning to laugh.
 A sudden shout, a sudden bang against the wall, lighting it in the distinct colors, reminding them that they were still there, still trying, sending angry glares and surely muffled insults in their language.
 Hesitant, a small tinge of fear in their expressions, they finally stood, ignoring the pain, the blood and the new bruises. Feliciano dared to move forward and swayed his hand in a signal that sunk the pedestal, the orbs now hidden in their new place, fulfilling their duty of energy for the time needed. They could go, they had their bags with the precious books, the road continued on with their freedom, for a return, one that to Ludwig shone more beautifully and promising.
 The taller brought a hand to grasp at Feliciano’s, pulling him away from the haunting image of the continuing fighting men that seemed ready to crack at any time. That grasp of Ludwig’s hand helped Feliciano to distract, to settle more on the calm of his blue eyes, to try and ignore the action and darkness just behind them. Ignore it, ignore it, ignore it, Feliciano told himself, settling his pace with Ludwig in their settling off into the woods, away, never to return and focus instead on the new that was to come. Whatever new worries that would be there to face, elsewhere.
 Now let themselves breathe that bliss of freedom.
  Khaos could see it all play out by mere dark spots in the distance, the worst to happen, two single figures walking away into the forest that lay beyond, with a cargo of importance that only flared the dark king, the grip in his hand harsh enough to break easily the glass he held, wine that one servant hoped it could calm or heal him enough. In that realization, the few who were there ran off, knowing that this was his worst state.
 Let them, let them think that they won for now. The worst is yet to come, and when it arrives, no ancient wall would be enough to stop him, no weapons, no armies, he doubted even Augusta’s little gift of protection and hope with the current arising queen of Hearts. What stopped him from raging on his storm, from flooding the castle in his vengeance, was the upper stare he gave to the clouds above, going between them as if he could see the stars sparkling in their refuge.
 A year, he knew, a year that those two better enjoy before he set off his new war, before new plans could arise, new intense power and this time he’ll have Ludwig, oh rest assure he’ll still use him, all when the time comes, all when it aligns.
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