#i think this is after she grew up but like. she got her cutie mark for Bad Reasons (being a 'parent' to a younger sibling)
trash-magics-blog · 1 year
Adopting a kitten/puppy with them and how'd they react pt. 2‼️
Last time was with Soap, Ghost and Gaz so in this will be Alejandro, Rudy, Captain Price and Konig (all fluff obvi, just a cute lil time)
1. Captain John Price
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*he is so 🤤*
You and John adopt a beagle puppy and you guys name him copper(generic but I just couldn't get the thought put of my head). You and John had been married for about 3 years now and you both had your own little schedule and one night on the movie night you guys had set up, you and him decided to watch The Fox and The Hound. John loved the movie and it gave him the bright idea to get a beagle puppy and name him copper! John had surprised you one day by bringing him home and also bringing you a bouquet of roses, John loved spoiling you any chance he got. As the days went on, Copper quickly became the leader of the house, he trotted around happily and just did his own thing. He would also go with John and you anywhere, he liked standing in the bed of John's truck and feeling the wind flap his ears around being a happy lil dog.
2. Alejandro Vargas
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You and Ale adopt a Rottweiler puppy and you guys name her Lola. You and Alejandro were venturing around Las Almas and you guys came upon a vendor who was selling some type of food but also had Lola outside on a leash wrapped around a post and you started to play with her and bond with her while Alejandro was talking with the vendor. You and lola were just the best of friends and you dreaded leaving her behind, lucky for you though Alejandro and the vendor noticed how much fun you and lola were having and the vendor told Alejandro he can have the puppy for free, he smiled and thanked the vendor and still gave him 20 dollars just cause. "Let's go Mi Amor" he called, waiting for you with his hands in his pockets, you said bye to lola and started to leave her but then Alejandro questioned "Aren't you gonna bring your little Amiga?" You looked confused at first but then he nodded and gave you a smile that let you know lola was yours, you were overjoyed to bring her home and Alejandro loved seeing you so happy, he also grew quite fond of lola.
3. Roldolfo Parra
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*love him sm*
You and Rudy Adopt 2 kittens and name them Max and Flower. Max is a little orange kitten and Flower is a black and white kitten. Both of the kittens showed up outside yours and Rudy's door and at first you were just feeding them little pieces of meat until they both came inside and you and Rudy just went with it. You guys and the kittens lay around a lot and kinda just chill with each other,they like to hang around with you guys in the kitchen while you either cook and clean and they also you came up with the name Flower because on Flowers side she had a slight flower shaped mark and it just fit. Rudy had to take a couple days to come up with Max, he just couldn't think of any like, "perfect" names and one day he just started calling him Max. The kittens made you and Rudy their people, they were always around you guys no matter what and they completed your little family.
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*AUGH😩😩 he is so cutie patootie*
You and Konig adopt a Newfoundland puppy and name him Capone. Konig brought him after seeing one of those sad commercials about the puppies and kittens, it almost made him cry so he needed to get at least one to make him feel better he said. You were laying on the couch about to fall asleep and all of a sudden your bombarded with an excited puppy and Konig laughing at the puppy's actions, at first you were a little iffy about the whole thing but you quickly grew very fond of Capone. He was a quirky little puppy but he suited you and Konig, Konig often brought Capone with him wherever he went if you were busy cause it made him less anxious to be out alone and you and Capone would cuddle on the couch and take naps a lot which Konig adored to see after coming home, it made him feel like he did the right choice in bringing Capone home.
A/N: Sorry this took forever, I've been traveling a lot but, I do plan to do 2 more things, one with Rudy cause I'm in a Rudy phase😩 and the other just stating what Im comfy with writing and fandoms I'm gonna write for ect... But thank you for reading!!
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mylittleponyauprompts · 9 months
Separate post for Bubble Wrap specifically because I want to rant about her. She has a bubble cutie mark, vaguely representing bubble wrap packaging and the protection of fragile items. She's clumsy, so when she got her first job as a mailmare she took great care to protect fragile packages and wraps nearly everything in bubble wrap. I think it would be fun if she's the one to invent bubble wrap in mlp fim! It's named after her in universe because that's fun!
She still goes by Derpy and Ditzy but only by very close friends and family. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy being among those. And eventually Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie. I've seen head canons of Bubbles being cousins with Rainbow Dash and I kinda like that idea, grew up with each other and Rainbow Dash was heavily protective of her during flight school similar to how she was with Fluttershy. The friend group of three that often got bullied.
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aroaceleovaldez · 8 months
ahhh im the anon that asked about ocs SO cringe oc time!!
her name is charlie shes a centaur relative of chirons!!! her mother isnt blood related to chiron but theyre very close and have been for centuries so she grew up considering him as an uncle. she has a knack for getting into trouble and after a particularly disastrous incident (read: nearly killing a nymph on olympus) her mother sends her to stay w chiron so she can learn some discipline. at first shes totally stoked bc its hero trainer uncle chiron!! is she going to become a hero? will she go on a quest? will she get a prophecy!?!?!?? but no lol she gets there and he drags her around like a teachers assistant and makes her babysit the pegasi.
she gets along very well w mr D for no reason except that she gets on chirons nerves and he encourages it. she sits at the big table during meals too so she ends up bonding alot with mr Ds kids and they reign her in a little.
she likes the other demigods well enough, before she came to camp chiron told them all not to encourage charlie’s nonsense so naturally most of them are actively encouraging charlie’s nonsense.
she rly shines when it comes to looking after the younger kids so thats what chiron leaves her to do most of the time, theyre the only ppl she’ll let ride her around. they showed her a my little pony comic and she reads them all the time in private and wonders what her cutie mark would be was AFFRONTED.
she lowkey… has beef w the pegasi. “omg they think theyre sooo cool because they have wings its like i thought ur patron was poseidon? youd think theyd have gills or something? why would they want to be in the air… they have no loyalty uncle it sickens me” -charlie venting to chiron, who only asked how her day went
she tried his weelchair one time for shits n giggles and it was actually the most uncomfortable thing shes ever experienced BUT she got to try kick flips with the demigods which was a plus
also. any tips for starting a pjo ask blog? or just a pjo blog in general?
she sounds adorable! I love her beef with the pegasi, lol. its always lovely hearing about pjo ocs! and cringe culture is dead i killed it myself live your best life.
as for blog tips - my advice there got a bit long, so i'll make a separate post for it and link it back here when I've posted that!
Edit: Here's the link to the second half of this post
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glapplebloom · 2 years
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Forever Filly for everyone else...
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Rarity seems to be at her best. While the surprising return of Sassy Saddles is panicking, Rarity is calm and collected. That all changes when she finds an old picture of herself with Sweetie Belle having fun. She wonders how long it has been since the two just had fun together. While the show doesn’t give us an answer, the last time the two shared the screen together was 12 episodes ago in “The Fault in Our Cutie Marks”. And interacting was last seen in “The Cart Before the Ponies”, 17 episodes ago. So it’s been a while.
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With Rarity realizing how long it has been since she hung out with Sweetie Belle, her midlife crisis begins. She breaks down and begins crying but thanks to Sassy Saddles’ encouragement she decides to go to Ponyville to hang out with Sweetie Belle once more. Don’t worry, according to Sassy most of the work is done. Which I guess leaves the stuff Saddy is solely responsible for. And looking it seems to mostly be cleaning up and relabeling all of her binder. And the Eternal Elegance Empire Silhouette evening gown, which I am pretty sure could wait or be transferred to fellow Fashionista who works for Rarity Coco.
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So what is Sweetie doing while Rarity is panicking? She and the Crusaders are knocking their business out of the park! They just successfully gave a kid a Cutie Mark and are so on mark Sweetie predicted Zipporwhill was going to knock just on schedule. With the three of them, this should be an easy layup. But Rarity shows up saying she plans to spend the day with Sweetie. While Sweetie was reluctant, the other girls figured they could handle it. Spoilers, they can’t. Why is that? Because these two plots are one and the same.
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Rarity/Zipporwhill wants to reconnect with her little sister/dog. They try to do that by doing all the old things they liked to do when they were younger. But Rarity/Zipporwhill don’t realize that Sweetie Belle/Ripley has grown older. They’re not the young thing they were so their interests and tastes change. And the more they keep trying to do the old stuff, the more they’re going to resent it. And this storyline breaks off when Sweetie Belle goes off on Rarity.
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She couldn’t take it anymore so she gave Rarity a piece of her mind. Rarity is upset with this and wanted to give Sweetie a piece of her mind as well, but refused to do so when she was with the other. That’s because during her time with Rarity Sweetie figured out the problem: Zipporwhill is treating Ripley like a puppy when he’s a fully grown dog. Since he’s older, he can’t keep playing with the same stuff he did as a puppy.
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You don't still play with the same toys from when you were a foal, do you?
Technically I don’t, but that’s because I was tricked into giving away my Construction Brick Toy collection. Made up for that over the years.
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With Rarity overhearing Sweetie’s explanation, she realizes that the same thing was happening with her. She knew Sweetie grew but when the realization that the last time they did those things together was going to be the last time they were going to do those things together got to Rarity. Sweetie accepts the apology, Zipporwhill plays fetch with a stick making Ripley happy and with Sweetie’s suggestion the two enjoy a big sundae.
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Overall, a great episode. Definitely showing the highlight of changes when you were young to when you’re older. And just because you couldn’t do the things you used to do together anymore doesn’t mean there are new things to do. And we’ll see the two interacting with each other one more time in Campfire Tales later this season. Speaking of which, I do think this is a great showing of just how far along Sweetie came.
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When we first saw her, she was the annoying little sister who had good intentions and wanted to be like Rarity. But as the show went on we noticed Sweetie changing. She began to argue with Rarity. Became angry with Rarity. The more she showed up the more she wanted to become her own person. And after earning her Cutie Mark did so. And this episode is the culmination of her development from kid to young adult. Or possibly pre-teen. I’m terrible with age.
Click here for the original review and how it fits in GLAB Canon.
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intherainbowfactory · 2 years
Rainbow Factory: Escape Chapter (?#/??)
The three Cutie Mark Crusaders had more to worry about at the moment, however. Well, not so much a worry, more like an enemy: the pink prancing pony Diamond Tiara and her grayscale gilded goon Silver Spoon.
They walked slowly over to the three friends with malicious smiles, not saying anything. They just stood there behind Scootaloo menacingly, sniggering with the force of a thousand attention-seekers trying to get the attention of the CMC or unnerve them in some amusing way. The dastardly duo really wanted the little fillies to be afraid of them or angry at them, so they could laugh at them. And in a way, it kind of worked, since the tricky trio took lessons (“Except for me!” Scootaloo would have declared in a better situation, “I’m not doing any more studying unless it’s for a cutie mark!”) in trying to appear as if they didn’t care about any bullies anyhow.
They waited for a bit, the yellow and white foals sharing some carrot chunks, the orange one glowering at the table, before Diamond Tiara got bored.
“Well,” she gave a nominally innocent smirk and said in a sing-song pitch, “if it isn’t Apple Blue…” She and her crony took their places behind and to the left of Bloom, who was staring placidly at the two while still munching on her carrot sticks. 
“... Stinky Belle…” Sweetie merely turned her nose up at that dreadfully common remark. 
“... and Scootaway…!”
“Hey! Don’t call me that!”
Apple Bloom facehoofed and Sweetie Belle started taking stock of how to save this situation. Diamond Tiara shared an electrified look with Silver Spoon. “Well, at least one of you has some spark,” she snarked.
“Now y’all just bein’ ridiculous. Ah mean ah get yore tryin’ ta make fun of me for growing a blue goldurn apple, and ah will say this prim goober over here does smell like huckleberries (“Hey!”) from gettin’ them all over the place,” Apple Bloom conceded, “but Scootaway? What the hay’s that s’posed to even signify?”
Sweetie Belle took up the mantle. “Yeah! Get some new material already!”
As it happened, Diamond Tiara had briefly given some thought to retiring as a bully in her age since she was, as Sweetie Belle so succinctly said, running out of material. The whole thing was getting old, as well. However! She would have given away thousands of bits before she would admit to that, and she never simply gave anypony a bit. Besides, she was afr- concerned that her frie- associate Silver Spoon would think less of her for changing her ways. Oh, and don’t worry. These details will be important later.
Bringing events back to the present, Diamond Tiara grew angry, and you did not get a princess angry. She threw her ornate tiara on the ground. Silver Spoon thought, “Aw, snap!”
“It means, ya bumpkin, that she’s going to go into the pegasus device!” Diamond Tiara finished with fury and glee.
“What?” Everypony there was a bit confused by that. Apple Bloom was thinking about flying machines. Sweetie Belle was thinking of the industrial pegasus military complex. Silver Spoon was trying to justify her friend’s strange sentence to herself. As for Scootaloo, she was kinda expecting a crack at her small-ish normal wings, so this new information was a bit of a blindside, though it did make her curious. They all instantly forgot that Tiara called Scoots “Scootaway”, along with forgetting to ask about the origin of the name.
“Oohhh.” Diamond Tiara graced the three with her poise as she turned up her nose and upturned a hoof for Silver Spoon to give her back the diamond tiara. Shocked back to reality, Silver Spoon went about the duty with a smug look on her face, and Diamond regally replaced her royal wear.
… Scootaloo was starting to notice subtle changes in the air, in the atmosphere. It was a bit too sickly sweet, or maybe too corny. It changed so quickly. Hadn’t only a few moments passed since…?
Meh. Musta been because I ate that blue apple.
“Well, of course you wouldn’t know! After all, you are just a runt of a pegasus (“Ugh! There it is!”). Allow me to explain in a way that you’ll be able to understand,” she proclaimed with the utmost sincerity. She was getting to be very good at jabbing people like that. “You see, when a worker at the Rainbow Factory finds a pegasus foal that won’t be able to fly -that’s you!- the foal gets kidnapped and sent to the Rainbow Factory, where they get made into rainbows!”
They were all dumbfounded. “Y-you mean?”
“Yep.” Tiara’s face was now grim. “They’re forced to run in giant hamster wheels to sweat out the rainbow droplets that go into rainbows. Forever!”
An unsuppressed shudder came around the table at that. Silver Spoon wasn’t looking so hot, either.
“W-well,” Apple Bloom started to regain her confidence, and her diction, “ah reckon that if they really were kidnapping foals, th’ parents would have to care, right?”
“Oh, trust me,” Silver Spoon put in with a dead look in her eyes, “they wouldn’t.”
“See! It makes total sense!” Diamond went to hoofbump Silver Spoon, but her friend didn’t reciprocate. “Sorry.”
“I don’t think you have any evidence about any of this.” Sweetie Belle was starting to get annoyed by all this. She just wanted to finish her sweet daisy sandwich and test out some more telekinesis.
“My father told me about this!” She neglected to mention that Filthy Rich had told her it was just a wild rumor.
The other ponies still weren’t convinced.
“Y’all still got nothin’ on why ya think Scoots is gonna be kidnapped in all this!”
“Oh yeah? Well,” she snorted, “I overheard Rainbow Dust saying that he would have to ‘lecture’ our teacher on the pegasus performance of one of her students. Now”, she took on an annoying tone and got up close and personal with Scoots, “I wonder who that could be?”
“G’wan!” Scoots just closed her eyes and crossed her hooves. “You can’t bother me! Rainbow Dust isn’t even in charge of my flight group! He wouldn’t know a thing, he couldn’t do a thing,” she concluded. But was that really the case?
“He would if he was gonna kidnap you~~!”
… Do these words even have any meaning? Scootaloo contemplated the syntax of the preceding sentences…
“Oh, get a room, you two!” Sweetie snapped. ”This is like a bad day at the Carousel Boutique…” she muttered. Apple Bloom nodded wisely, even though she didn’t get it.
“Why, what perfect wording! I was just going to insist that Scootaloo join us in listening in on the conversation between our teacher and her esteemed rainbow guest. She would do so, I am sure, were she not… chicken.”
Scootaloo saw red.
“Scoots! No!” Apple Bloom stood on her bench, but it was too late. The orange filly had to defend her pride.
“Let’s go! Right now!!!”
It was at that moment that clouds began to converge over Ponyville, a choreographed invasion on the day’s sky, drowning the bright yellow rays of sunlight in an ocean of unfeeling, unthinking gray.
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sunshine-sparkle · 1 year
Sunshine Verse Next Gen - Sunshine Sparkle
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Finally getting around to posting ref sheets for this next gen! 
(I’m not much of an artist, but I hope to be getting into written content soon)
Name: Sunshine Sparkle
Nicknames: Sunshine, Sunny, Shiny, Shine. Most often goes by Sunshine or Shine.
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Species: Pegasus
Backstory: As the first born daughter of Princess Twilight Sparkle, Sunshine’s birth got a lot of attention. Most were expecting an alicorn, like Flurry, to be born. To the surprise of most, perhaps not least of which her mother, she arrived as a Pegasus.
Stellar Flare, immediately a proud grandma,  explained at once that her own father Nova Amber had been a Pegasus, too. Though Stellar spoils all her grandbabies, Sunshine was her first and she undoubtly the one she spoils the most.
Twilight did her best to spoil her little one, too, given she was often busy with her royal duties, and Sunburst was very much Sunshine’s primary caregiver. She grew up a daddy’s girl, and a lover of books and theory, but not so much a lover of court life.
This wasn’t something either parent forced her into more that absolutely necessary. She would often duck out early with Sunburst when she was little enough to get away with it, and make excuses for most lesser events when she got older.
Both were also incredibly proud when Sunshine gained her cutie mark helping with the Winter Wrap Up in ponyville, and proved to have roughly the same amount of raw magical talent (in Pegasus form) as her mother. Officially, she is the Princess of Seasons. Sunshine does travel and assist with severe weather events, accidents, and season changes often.
Most of the time, though, she is a simple weather worker and happy that way. Sunshine does not advertise who she is, much as she loves her parents. She never was one for the spotlight. When Ladybug was born a number of years after her, and a unicorn to boot, it took a lot of the attention off her. Sunshine has always been grateful, and the two get along very well.
Sunshine is the one most often to visit Aunt Sunset and Aunt Pinkie in their world, the one to dart down and spend time with both sets of grandparents, and the one to encourage her cousins to get together. Family is very important to Sunshine... just not in a royal way. 
There are citizens who feel that Sunshine’s talent is being wasted in what they consider to be a “menial job”, and many who think she does have alicorn potential. Sunshine disagrees with both and is, currently, quite happy where she is.
Traits: Sunshine is the child of two very nervous ponies - it shows. She’s extremely socially anxious in new situations, and hates things like ordering food or cold calling strangers. Though she’s very smart, she often has a hard time articulately it out loud and will have to write it to really get her point across.
Both shy and an introvert, Sunshine often feels lucky to have such a big, weird, and supportive family. Around her friends, especially the close ones, Sunshine blooms into a funny, well spoken pony, who will absolutely talk to you about books or magic or weather for hours. If you don’t mind, of course.
She, Cardinal, and Specter, who are nearly the same age, have been thick as thieves just about their whole lives. Cheesecake, who is about a grade above the both of them in age, joined the squad later on and dragged Gala along for the ride. 
Sunshine will always turn to Sunburst first, though, in a crisis - something he has never taken for granted. Over the years, he’s become quite good at advice, and Sunshine nearly always listens to him. She and her mother, though also close, don’t have this exact bond. Often, Twilight will hear about Sunshine’s problems through Sunburst and have to track her down to talk about her with them. Its an odd system, but it tends to work for them.
Over all, she is a kind girl; and loves what she does and helping people. She stores a lot of facts in her head, and she’d never hesitate to pull them out if she thinks someone would benefit from it.
Appearance: Sunshine is a light blue Pegasus with one white foot. She has lavender hooves and a lavender mane. Her irises are yellow, and her fur accents are dark blue. She had blue feathers near each hoof, except for the one white foot, where the feathers are white. There are dark blue feathers above her tail as well. Her tail is lavender, with a yellow streak.
Cutiemark: A golden shield with the four seasons represented on it (a water drop, a sun, a leaf, and a tree). Sunshine is exceptionally skilled in all types of weather magic, especially changing seasons.
Parents: Princess Twilight Sparkle and Sunburst Shimmer
Siblings: Ladybug Sparkle
(Paper Reed sort of counts as an AU siblings?)
Cousins: Flurry Heart, Even Beat, Morganite and Mara Sparkle, Luster Dawn, Aurora Daydream, Stardust Pie
Close Friends: Gala Apple, Specter Rush, Cheesecake Pie, Cardinal Shy
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arodovemlp · 2 years
Aurora Solstice
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ANOTHER NEXT GEN HEHEHE was gonna post tomorrow but TOO HYPE
Aurora Solstice is the first royal baby in Canterlot after Twilight's coronation, but, thats not who her biological mother is.
Princess Sunburst (yes, him)
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Sunburst moved to Canterlot to assist in running, well, Canterlot, and it wasn't long before he got his own set of wings! Much how the previous rulers Celestia and Luna ruled over the night and day, Twilight and Sunburst continue the tradition. He got along very, very, very well with Trixie and after Princess Cadence asked Twilight for advice on her own child, Sunburst decided he wanted a royal heir of his own!
Aurora Solstice grew up being told often how special she was, with her mother spreading it like the gospel and her father happily agreeing about his pride and joy. While royal duties are no small task someone close to them provided a very generous offer. Auntie Rarity offered as long as she is in canterlot for her boutique that she would love to help raise Aurora into becoming an upstanding pony fit of the royal title.
Aurora got to be a bit cocky without genuinely realizing it, only repeating the things she overheard her parents or auntie say. As much as she tries to watch her wording she simply can't word things in a way her brain isn't thinking. Often brushing off lower ponies who ask for favors that don't seem "fit" enough. This girl was raised by Trixie AND Rarity her ego literally never stood a chance
Auroras special talent is having an affinity for magical amulets and physical charms. While she was a small baby her dad got some magical ancient trinkets said to have been dormant since before pony time, and as soon as Aurora saw something shiny in her signt she HAD to play with it, and along came her cutie mark! This toddler being the only pony in all of Equestrian history able to even begin harnessing the amulet
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ponyaday · 3 years
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2/24/22 - Baby Tiddly-Winks
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theartisticpixelbit · 2 years
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Oops I did it again. I drew more horses, This time in a newish tyle but keeping the mane and tail I did the last Twily ref I did. I added a few more details in the new style, some markings and a new cutie mark as well as a new HC for her sexuality for the girl, Demi-Bi-Sexual. The general bio for the girl is the same though! MIDDLE NAMES WORK THE SAME AS LAST NAMES IN MY AU, MOST CHILDREN TAKE THE LAST NAME OF WHICH EVER PARENT THEY WANT Bio Name: Twilight Star Sparkle Nicknames: Twilight, Twilly Gender/Sexuality: Female (Demi-Bi-Sexual) Parents: Twilight Star Velvet, Night Star Light Siblings: Shining Star Armor, Spike Star Sparkle Partner: None Children: Cozy Glow (Forced Redemption) Other Relatives: Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (Sister-in-law), Starswirl The Bearded (Ancestor), Flurry Amore Heart (Niece) Headcanons - Twilight ages normally, she does not have an extended lifespan like natural born Alicorns - She doesn’t become the ruler of Equestria like in the show. She continues to run the school of friendship and handles a lot of diplomatic missions for Celestia and Luna who continue to rule Equestria - Twilight’s strength in magic comes from her attachment to her element of harmony and her ancestor Starswirl the Bearded - Twilight and Spike grew up together like siblings and they have a really close relationship. - After the events of “Twilight’s Kingdom” the mane 6 got those colorful strokes on their hair, Rarity and AJ dye their hair back to their natural colors - After the events of “Rainbow Rocks” Twilight kept the cyan color in her mane from ponying up during the fight against the Sirens - After the events of “Ending of the End” Twilight decided to take Cozy under her wing, much to Cozy’s disdain, thinking it was unfair the young pegasus was going to get turned into stone. -Twilight gains permanent sparkles in her hair after the Princesses transfer their powers to her during “Twilight’s Kingdom” She does not retain the flowing mane however.
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whereisten · 4 years
The New Kid
A Mark fic that’s part of our Halloween Series!
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Summary: the new kid in town is nerdy, quiet, and cute. The two of you grow close, but could he be hiding a secret that might put your life in danger?
Pairing: Spider-Man!Mark x female reader (Mary Jane?)
Other Characters: best friend!Haechan, Ex-Boyfriend!Jeno, Villain!Taeyong
Genre: Superhero! Sci-fi, fluff (enemies? more like awkward classmates to lovers), some angst and violence, comedy, a little suggestive?
Warnings: a little cursing, minor mentions of verbal abuse, gun usage, some violent acts, blackmail, hostage situation
Word Count: 10K
(A/N: alright well..this shouldn’t have been this long but I had a lot of fun with this one so I hope you enjoy it😂, Spider-Man Mark is just so adorable my heartssnsjksjsjksk. Also..barely proofread, so mistakes, I know they’re there, but I pretend I do not see them😌)
“Good morning class! Everyone please welcome our new student, Mark Lee!”
Your teacher held her arm out as she welcomed Mark in your Chemistry class.
Your head snaps up from your notebook. 
A boy with round eyes and short brown wavy hair walks in.
“Hi..” he gives a thin smile and a small wave.
Your first thought is of how adorable he is. Your second thought is of how he looks nervous to enter a new school just a month after the year has started.
The class is silent with the exception of a few sniffles and music blasting through headphones.
Please don’t sit here, please don’t sit here. 
You didn’t really have anything against him, you just loved having a table all to yourself.
“Please..sit beside y/n, for now.”
Damn it. 
Mark pulled the chair out and sat beside you.
“...hi.” He said as he placed his backpack down.
“Hi.” You raise your eyebrows and open your notebook.
You just had to sit next to the awkward new kid. Perfect.
[Two Weeks Later]
You and Mark worked on your first project together. You had to come up with a presentation for the fall science fair, so you had to work well together.
“It’s a chance for you guys to get to know each other and build yourselves!” Your teacher said excitedly but the truth was that you weren’t thrilled to be working with anyone.
You rolled your eyes and turned to Mark.
“Alright..where do we start?”
“Well, the instructions say to combine water and salt first, so I guess we’ll start there.” Mark puts his round glasses on and smiles at you, but you frown.
“Okay, you’re the nerd so..” you raise your brows.
Mark chuckled. “We barely know each other.”
“Come on, who in the world wears glasses like that, You look like Harry Potter.” 
“I love that movie, is that a bad thing?” Mark asked with genuine confusion.
“Harry Potter is great and all, but what horror movies do you like?” You started to doodle in your notebook.
You loved horror movies, you loved autumn and everything dark and dreary about it.
“Hmmm..I don’t watch horror movies..”
You gasp and drop your pen. “You don’t..watch horror movies?” Your eyes widened like you had been hurt deeply by his lack of taste.
He returned the same look of shock. “They’re not my thing.”
“Aish..what a loser..” you say under your breath.
You turned back to your notebook and continued to doodle.
“So where are you from anyway, Potter?”
“I’m from Toronto.”
“I see, and this little town looked appealing to your parents, didn’t it?”
He nods and looks at the side of your face, noting how under your bleak persona and poor attitude, was a pretty face and gentle touch. He could tell from the way you delicately drew in your book.
His senses also picked up on your relaxed blood pressure and steady breathing.
He saw every pore and heard every breath you took, your lashes looked extremely long as well, bringing about a dazzling gorgeousness to your eyes.
The very surface of your round lips was soft and plump, there was a shade new to him that rested at the center.
“Mark?” You turned to him.
He quickly looked away and shifted in his chair.
“Y-yeah..I’m living with my aunt here..my parents passed away a while ago.”
“Oh..I’m sorry..” you looked down at the table.
“Hey. You don’t have to feel bad about it..”
Mark smiled softly as he heard your heart rate speed up from nervousness.
“Mark..I-“ the bell rang and you thanked the heavens for it.
Mark turned and grabbed his bag before you could say anything else. “Well, I’ll catch ya later.”
“‘CaTcH yA LAtEr’” you mocked him to lighten the mood. “Yeah, Potter, I guess we’ll work more next time..”
He laughed.
His eyes became small lines and his cheeks puffed up, he was adorable, like a kid in a candy store.
You turned away before your face became hot.
[1 Month Later]
“The new kid is kinda cute..” Haechan took a sip of his juice while the two of you ate lunch.
“God, I wish I was in your class, do you think the counselor will change my class schedule now if I come up with a dumb excuse?”
You rolled your eyes. “Nah, I don’t think she will, and even if she did, why would you want to be in a class with that nerd?”
Mark was sitting by himself at a table in the corner, he was reading a book while chewing chicken tenders.
Haechan pouted. “But just look at him..I bet he’s the best kisser, do you see those lips?”
“Ew Haechan! He’s my partner in class, I don’t want to think about his lips!” You gagged and started to peel your banana.
Mark could hear you, he could hear everyone’s conversations in the cafeteria for little did you know of his secret.
“So you’re telling me you wouldn’t give him a chance, even though you gave a notorious school douchebag named Jeno one?” Haechan glared at you.
You kicked his shin under the table. “We don’t say that name here anymore.”
Haechan hissed. “You’re closer than I’ll ever be to that cutie..you better take advantage of that, I bet he’s super nice too.” He rested his chin in his hands as he swooned over Mark.
You rolled your eyes then locked eye contact with Mark just as you stuffed the banana into your mouth. You were frozen. The banana was about halfway in and Mark never let your eyes go.
You chomped on it and looked away.
Mark giggled and went back to reading his book.
“You open your mouth pretty wide for a girl that doesn’t know how to use it..” Jeno snickered as he walked by your table.
Your mouth was full so you couldn’t come up with a quick comeback, but luckily, that’s what Haechan was there for.
“Oh, shut up, big head. Like you could fill anyone’s mouth with that chicken nugget of a wee wee!”
You nearly choked and covered your mouth as you laughed.
Mark, who was over 30 feet away, laughed too.
Jeno quickly turned around to walk back to your table, but ended up colliding into Taeyong, the scary and filthy rich senior that everyone stayed away from.
Him and his posse, complete with Yuta and Johnny, were tall seniors that gave everyone death glares. Even the teachers weren’t safe. Taeyong’s father was the wealthiest man in town, he was a kingpin so he possessed a lot of power.
Jeno raised his hands. “Whoa, bro, I’m sorry.”
Taeyong steadied himself and pulled his hands out of his pockets. The entire cafeteria froze, you all had never seen anyone get in their way. Taeyong walked around in black clothing and never took his hands out of his pockets for it ruined his nonchalant attitude.
The black haired boy crossed his arms and stepped towards Jeno.
“If I were in the mood..I’d tell you to get on your knees and beg for my forgiveness..” his intense gaze made Jeno tremble. Hell, even you swallowed hard from fear.
“I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.”
Taeyong’s mouth tilted into a smile, he rubbed his thumb along the side of Jeno’s face. Johnny and Yuta stood behind him while they smirked and chuckled at Jeno’s subordinance.
“I know it won’t.”
He walked away and out of the cafeteria.
Jeno scurried back to his group of friends while the rest of the students resumed their lunch. 
Mark didn’t like the sound of this guy. He knew who his father was and he knew that he would be the only that could stop him and save the innocent lives threatened by him.
Later that day, you were getting ready to leave school when Haechan popped up behind your locker as you closed it.
“Shit!” You jumped when he popped up.
He cackled. “You know, for someone that watches a lot of horror films, you sure do get scared pretty easily.”
You huffed and swung your backpack over your shoulder. You didn’t notice Mark behind you and your bag nearly smacked him in the face, but thanks to his senses, he ducked quickly.
“Y/n!” Haechan saw Mark behind you.
“What?” You said as you turned.
Mark was there behind you, squatting below you awkwardly and looking up at your face.
You furrowed your brows. “What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to get a peak of something down there?”
Mark shot up straight and shook his head. 
“N-no, no I’m sorry I was just..I know we are a little behind..but I was wondering if you wanted to work on the project together after..school, or-or something..” he looked nervous to talk to you. He kept looking to the side to dodge your eyes.
“I can’t today..I’m-“
Haechan butt in excitedly. “Oh! That works perfectly! Y/n, I was actually coming to tell you that I can’t go to the movies tonight! I have to do some extra work with my partner too! We can all study at Starbucks!” 
You turned to him and glared. ‘What the hell’ you mouthed.
His eyes grew. ‘Just say yes’ he mouthed while nodding towards Mark.
Mark still looked to the side.
“Fine..meet us at the Starbucks on 10th at 5..loser.” You gripped the strap of your bag while walking away.
Mark chuckled at the nickname you gave him. He thought you were different, cute, but different.
At Starbucks, Mark was there before you were and ordered coffee for you.
“For me?” Your eyes widened.
Mark nodded and smiled widely. “Yeah! I don’t know if you like cream or sugar, so I got it black but everything is over there if you-“
You giggled and Mark swore he saw heaven when you smiled. “I know how it works, Mark, thank you for this.”
You rarely said his name, but he felt weak when you did.
Haechan and his lab partner joined the two of you. You did some more research for your project and talked about it while Mark jotted down important notes.
Haechan and his partner, Renjun, were supposed to be doing the same thing, but Haechan was too busy staring at Mark’s eyes.
“Haechan..Haechan!” Renjun tapped his hand.
They continued to work and as everyone got more tired, you noticed that Mark wasn’t jotting down notes like he did in the beginning. He was watching you talk, he liked watching your lips move and hearing your soothing voice. His eyes were locked on your face; it made your heart tremble.
“Mark?” You raised your brows and bit your bottom lip. 
“Yeah..yeah!” He shook his head to come out of his daze.
“Did you catch anything I said? You've been staring for at least five minutes now..”
“I was..focusing.” Mark averted his gaze to the ceiling.
You shook your head. “You’re weird, Potter.”
Mark licked his lips and looked at the table. “I’m sorry I’m just a bit tired..” 
“Me too! I think we should call it a night!” Haechan stretched his arms out and up high.
He cleared his throat as you all started to pack your things away.
“Mark..so we’re all going to the movies to see that new horror film, “Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark” tomorrow. Wanna come?”
You kicked his shin again.
“Mark doesn’t like horror movies.”
Mark scratched the back of his head. “Well, I only said I don’t watch them, not that I don’t like them..”
You sighed.
“Perfect! So we’ll see you tomorrow at 8! This is so exciting, it feels like a date!”
“Haechan!” You stood up from the table, glaring into his skull once again. 
He shrugged his shoulders and stood up too. The four of you walked towards the door.
Mark only laughed awkwardly.
“Hey.. y/n..”
You paused and turned around. “Yeah?”
“Will you be alright..getting home at this time?”
You laughed out. “I’m fine..I take the bus at this time all the time!”
Mark nodded.
He was caring and it was strange for you, for someone to genuinely care about you for the first time in a while.
He had his own car. An old Hyundai that got him where he needed to be. He had parked it outside of the Starbucks.
He waited with you at the bus stop right outside. Haechan took Renjun home.
“We can wait in my car if you want..it’s kinda cold out here.” He asked as you pushed your hands into your hoodie and shivered.
“My mother told me to never get in cars with strangers.” You turned to him and smiled.
He chuckled and stepped forward on his toes.
“Well, if that’s what you consider me to be then..I won’t push you..”
You shook your head. “Mark..you’re weird..I was just teasing, take me to your chariot before I freeze to death, please.”
You got into his car and the two of you sat in silence.
You checked your phone and saw that your bus was running about 20 minutes late.
You sighed and leaned back into his car seat.
“Do you like this town so far?” You looked out the window as you spoke.
Mark loved being near you, you calmed him down and his senses didn’t go crazy like they usually did. Sometimes everything was so unbearable, but not when he was around you. He was happy that no one was in danger while he spent the evening with you.
“It’s..alright..” he spoke honestly, finding it difficult to lie about how he struggled to adjust to his new life, without his uncle, without his hometown friends, without his “normal, super power-less” life. He had been bitten by a spider and given these powers just a few months before moving.
“Do you miss your friends?”
“Of course..” he swallowed hard as he remembered playing basketball with his buddies.
“And your girlfriend..”
You let it slip out before thinking. Why did you care?
“Oh, I don’t have a girlfriend..”
You turned to him with bunched up brows. “Boyfriend?”
Mark giggled. “I don’t have either..why do you ask?”
He smirked as he tilted his head.
You scoffed. “Oh, Potter, don’t give me that look..I just wanna know more about you.”
“What about you? Tell me about yourself.”
You swallowed hard. “Well..I think this town is boring..my parents are divorced and missing half the time..I broke up with my asshat of a boyfriend, Jeno, before school started..and now I’m stuck here with the school loser.”
“Stuck?” Mark raised his brows. “You can jump out any time you want and stand in the cold.”
You put your hand on the door handle but he quickly leaned over and placed his hand on yours. Your breath hit his neck. He turned to you with wide eyes as he realized that he was actually touching you.
You froze.
He froze as well. “I’m..I’m kidding, you shouldn’t leave until your bus gets here.”
He sat down in his seat and cleared his throat but you still felt his soft hand on your skin.
You chuckled. “You’re so strange, Mark. I guess it’s a Canada thing.”
“I like..spending time with you, if I’m being honest. I don’t have many friends here but you’re..cool.”
You turned to him. “Cool?? You think I’m cool?”
Mark put his head on the steering wheel and sighed, realizing the mistake he made. “Why did I say that?”
“Haha! Potter! You can’t take it back!”
The two of you spoke about music and entertainment. You told Mark that you were happy to see that he was going to try a horror movie with you tomorrow. You finally opened up to him as he did to you also.
You both laughed and genuinely enjoyed each other’s company.
He was a breath of fresh air in this town.
[The Next Day]
“It’s going to start in 5 minutes, where is he?” Haechan huffed as he looked at his watch.
You stood at the front of the movie theatre and looked around for Mark, but he was nowhere to be found. Was he really ditching you? You bought him a ticket and popcorn which had gotten cold by now. The ads that played before the movie were almost done. Haechan gave up and went into the theatre with Renjun. You stood there alone, awkwardly waiting like someone that was being stood up for their date. You looked at your phone but there were no texts or calls from Mark.
“Hey, I know you..” a voice spoke out from behind you.
You felt a sense of relief.
That was, until you turned and saw him.
Taeyong stood there with his hands in his midnight black trench coat, his hair was neatly parted to the side and two gold chains dazzled around his pretty neck.
“Are you alone?” He stepped towards you, a chill ran through your body and it wasn’t because of the temperature outside.
Your face fell, you stepped backwards away from him.
“I’m—I’m fine, thank you.”
Taeyong smirked when he saw your face of worry. He looked smug, dangerously handsome and cool.
“Whoever it is you’re waiting for...they’d be a fool not to show up..” his voice was deep, giving you goosebumps as you stared.
Was he flirting with you? 
You laughed awkwardly.
A girl in a thin black body con dress walked up to him and grabbed his arm.
“Ready, babe?” She flipped her hair as she stared at him, but he still looked at you.
You felt bad for her. Yeah, she looked good, but at the cost of freezing in 20°F weather? Not even a gorgeous man like Taeyong was worth that.
“Sure..” he said smoothly.
They both walked into the theatre. You followed soon after. You found Haechan and Renjun and joined them. Haechan gave you a questioning look but you shook your head.
Mark never showed up.
He was too busy stopping a robbery downtown. It was him against 7 heavyweight champions trying to rob a bank. They were Kingpin’s men, but Mark used his web to bind them to the counters until police came.
By the time he finished, the movie was almost halfway done.
He sighed and grabbed his mask off while in a dark alleyway. He unlocked his phone.
You to Mark: where are you, loser? The popcorn is getting cold.
He smiled to himself. You got him popcorn, one of his faves.
You to Mark: gonna eat this by myself if you don’t show..
The next text message was a picture of Sour Patch Kids candy, the watermelon kind that he also loved.
You actually remembered him telling you he liked watermelons one day in class.
He closed his eyes and cursed quietly. He wanted to get close to you, but he was already messing things up.
[The Following Monday]
You threw your backpack down and sat in your seat in class.
Mark walked in soon after.
“You ignored my texts..” he said softly.
You ignored him and put your Bluetooth earbuds in.
He sighed then looked at his notebook.
“So you’re just not gonna talk to me?”
You bobbed your head and started writing as music played.
Mark looked around. Everyone had their heads down, they were either writing in their books or reading. So he put his hand behind his back, he quickly shot a web out to your ear bud. It malfunctioned and suddenly stopped working.
You took it out and looked at it.
“What the hell..” you whispered, genuinely confused as to why it burnt up while actually in your ear.
“Listen, I’m sorry I didn’t show up on Friday, but something happened..I wanted to be there, and—“
You finally turned to him. “Yeah, you chickened out. I’m sure you had better plans for your Friday night than to watch a stupid horror movie with me.”
Mark frowned. “No, no it’s not like that at all.” He wanted to be there with you and watch your face as you enjoyed something dear to you, he wanted to share popcorn and gummies, but those moments are a part of normal life for a normal teenager. He couldn’t have that.
“Really?” You raised your brows and placed your head in your hand. “I know what being second place in someone’s life feels like, Mark. It’s the same crap my parents and my ex put me through..I won’t go through it again.”
Mark shook his head and leaned towards you.
“I’m not like them, I’m here for you, give me a second chance..”
“Hey! Less talking about the weekend, more writing about science!” Your teacher called out.
When class ended, Mark followed you through the halls.
“I had something personal to take care of, y/n. Can we see a movie tomorrow or something?”
You shook your head and gripped the strap of your backpack. “There aren’t any movies out right now that I’m interested in..”
“Okay, umm how about a pumpkin patch?!” 
You turned to him with wide eyes. “What are we? 10 years old?” You scoffed and turned to walk then bumped into someone’s broad chest.
You looked up slowly. It was him. “Oh..I’m sorry.” You exhaled.
“Be careful, I might just bite next time..” Taeyong’s smile gave you the creeps. It bothered you that you were seeing him more frequently.
Mark took your hand suddenly. “Hey..we’re gonna be late.” He spoke firmly and glared before taking you out of Taeyong’s sight.
Mark kept pressing you for a second chance as you continued to walk to the cafeteria.
“Okay, fine. Umm there’s this Halloween party this Friday, I don’t really want to go, but-“
“Let’s go! We can get something to eat after, my treat!”
You nodded quickly just so he’d leave you alone. 
“Okay, Mark, let’s just get through this week.”
[Friday Night]
Haechan helped you out of his car when you got to the party. You wore a tight white dress and a feathery halo along with a small pair of wings.
You looked amazing with glittery makeup and white heels as your accessories.
Haechan dressed as a zombie and did a spectacular job on his makeup. He looked like he had really been bitten on the neck and the virus had spread throughout, leaving him grey with purple and green veins throughout his face.
You pulled your dress down and waited in the kitchen for Mark.
You grabbed yourself a beer and cracked it open. 
Haechan drank with you as well.
He swallowed hard. “The nice refreshing taste of piss.”
“Yup, seems about right.” You winced and put the can down.
“Well, well..it seems the Virgin angel has arrived.” Jeno walked in behind you and grabbed a beer. He was dressed as a devil. The two of you had long since talked about dressing as the angel & devil pair  for Halloween as a couple, but now that you had broken up, you didn’t think that he'd still do it.
You rolled your eyes. “What happened? Were your natural horns not enough?”
Jeno chuckled and tilted his head. “We’re playing 7 minutes in Heaven next..I’d ask you to join, but I know you’re just a teaser, never a pleaser.”
You scoffed, but Haechan jumped in.
“That’s what your little friend over there said last night when you pulled your pants down.”
Jeno flipped him the bird and walked away.
You went to the bathroom and checked your makeup. You looked wonderful, your boobs stuck out and your dress hugged your curves perfectly. You rarely dressed like this but it was nice to look and feel..pretty., you quickly fixed your lipstick and left. 
As you turned the corner, you ran into him again.
“Ahhh..perfect timing, I did say I would bite you the next time we ran into each other.” Taeyong’s eyes widened.
You backed away and laughed. 
He was dressed fittingly as a vampire. He was dark and mysterious like one, so you weren’t surprised. He looked even more handsome than usual in his dark eye makeup complete with black liner and red eyeshadow. 
But the way he stared made you..uneasy.
His gaze trailed from your lips to your cleavage as he eyed you up and down.
You stood there in silence.
“Do you—“ he started to pose a question as he stepped forward but his girl walked up and hugged him from behind.
She squeezed him gently, but Taeyong looked annoyed. “Let’s go upstairs, baby…” she said lowly while looking into your eyes with an evil glare.
Haechan came and grabbed your hand. You turned away from the two love birds and followed him, never once worrying about what Taeyong had to say again.
“He’s here!” You heard Haechan gasp.
Mark walked in. He was wearing a...Spider-Man costume.
You giggled at how cute he looked in it. You saw his cute little butt as he spun around looking for you through the crowd in the house.
You raised your hand. “Mark!” You called out to him.
He finally saw you and started to walk over.
You couldn’t stop yourself from grinning. He was adorable as he giggled.
“Why Spider-Man?”
He shrugged. “Eh—I like the way my butt looks.”
You laughed and took his hand to the living room where a few people sat on the floor a circle. 
They spun a bottle and whoever it landed on would be placed in a closet for 7 minutes in heaven.
Two members from the group were missing so you and Mark took their spots as they did whatever they were doing in the closet. He helped you squat down while pulling your dress down your thighs.
You rolled your eyes as Jeno held his new girl crush close to him. If he wanted to be with her in the closet, why did he sit beside her? You thought to yourself.
Everyone took turns spinning the bottle and when it got to you, you spun it fast, hoping that it wouldn’t land on someone that you knew, that way it would be just as awkward for the both of you.
Mark watched the bottle spin and based on the speed and rotation of the beer bottle, he knew that one end would end up pointing to you and the other would point to..Jeno.
As it spun, he placed his hand behind his back. 
He looked up and pointed to the kitchen with his other hand. 
“Oh my god, what is that?!” He yelled, causing everyone to turn to look at whatever he was pointing at.
You turned as well, so Mark quickly shot a small squirt of his web to increase the speed a little.
“What are you talking about?” You asked when you turned back to him. Everyone else turned back too.
“Oh, I could’ve sworn I saw a rat..maybe it was a decoration.” He shrugged his shoulders.
The bottle slowed down to a halt and just as you dreaded. It landed on you and..Mark.
Jeno laughed out loudly. 
“What’s so funny?” Mark gave him a look of annoyance.
“It’s just that..she’s the biggest prude I know, good luck bro, she doesn’t give it up.”
“Maybe because she doesn’t want to..I mean, have you thought about how much of an asshole you are?” Haechan spat out.
Mark looked at you as you stared at him with wide eyes.
“Y/n..you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to..” 
Jeno chuckled again.
You didn’t really want to be this close with Mark, but you had to. You had to prove Jeno wrong, even if you and Mark did nothing but stare at each other. You wanted Jeno to know that you weren’t a prude like he thought.
You stood up and nodded. “Let’s go..”
The two of you stood in the tight closet awkwardly.
The light was dim, but you saw Mark’s features clearly. His dainty nose and high cheekbones, his wide eyes and cute lips. He looked to the side nervously.
The truth was, you looked amazing in your dress. He felt his face become warm when he looked at your cleavage. The glitter made your skin sparkle even more than it usually did.
“So…” you stepped up and down. “I’m glad you came..”
“I’m glad I came too.” He swallowed hard. “Oh.. that, uhh, sounded weird, I’m sorry..”
“Mark..” you giggled. “You don’t have to be awkward, it’s me..it’s just that I’m wearing tight clothing for once..”
He chuckled and looked into your eyes. He raised an eyebrow, making your stomach weak.
“It’s not just that..” his voice is lower, quieter so no one can hear the two of you.
“What is it then?” You smirk.
He stares at your lips and as he’s about to answer a red alarm blares out in his head. His senses are tingling, someone is in trouble.
He squints and turns away. “I-i have to go…”
You step forward. “What? Are you..okay?”
You place your hands on his shoulder.
He loves the touch but can’t stop this nagging feeling. He had to go where his mind told him to go, he had to tend to whatever needed him or else he'd go insane from the noise.
“I can’t explain it, it’s like a migraine, I..just have to go.”
He turns to head through the closet door but you step in front of him. 
“Mark, if you leave it’ll just prove Jeno right. Please just 5 more minutes, I’m sure you can stand being with me for just that.”
“I can’t. I have to go.”
You scoff and continue to block the door. “What? Do you have to run home to your aunt or something? Are you out too late?”
Mark shakes his head. “Y/n..it’s not that, I just—“
“Gotta be a good boy and go home now?” You teased him to buy time. You really didn’t want Jeno to gain any satisfaction from learning that the two of you did nothing.
“Y/n..” he looked intensely into your eyes. His eyes then floated down to your lips as he watched you nag at him.
“Mark, what is it with you? You bailed on me last time! Do you hate being around me or what?”
He took your face in his hands and kissed you hard and sudden.
Your back hit the closet door causing it to swing open.
But Mark didn’t care, he still held your face close to his and caressed your mouth. You closed your eyes and enjoyed the feeling of him on you. The way his tongue traced over your bottom lip for permission to enter, the way his nose poked your cheek.
You opened your mouth and turned your head to deepen the kiss.
Sparks flew between you and you both felt giddy. Blood rushed through your veins. Mark’s senses were calmed for a bit as they focused on what he felt right now with you. The building tension and the satisfying release. 
You fell into him more and more. Even as the others cheered while watching, the two of you were consumed by each other.
You feel butterflies flying around without any intention of stopping and then..he pulls away. Your eyes open and you see your red lipstick all over the handsome boy’s mouth, confirming that what felt like a wonderful dream was actually a reality.
He stares at you through low eyes and licks his lips while panting.
Your lips are still parted while you too breathe heavily.
Your eyes are round and beg for more. Mark wants it too.
You look at his lips and lean forward, but he backs away and swallows hard.
“Catch ya later!” He runs out of the house as you stand there in shock.
Haechan’s mouth falls open.
[The Next Day]
Taeyong listened to his father complain about the new superhero in town while at dinner.
“I don’t know where this little shit came from but he’s ruining EVERYTHING. We can’t get a simple delivery done without him popping up.”
Kingpin slams his fork down.
“He shoots a web here, he shoots a web there, and suddenly, my men are down and out! Tell me how that makes sense?”
“I’m sure they will stop him soon, he’ll get tired and give up.” Taeyong’s mother continued eating.
“Christ, I’m stressed and then we get a call from your teacher saying that you’re not showing up for class?!”
His father turned his attention to him while pointing a finger.
Taeyong shrugged.
“What the hell you moving your shoulders for? Answer me!”
Taeyong puts his fork down and sighs. “That class is a waste of time..”
“No, the only thing that’s being wasted is MY time and MY effort to get you to good college, you think I want you to end up like me?” His father’s voice rose.
“Is that such a bad thing?” A smirk fell across Taeyong’s face, irritating his father.
“Listen to me, boy, you could never handle the shit i handle, so DONT even think about it. You take your sorry ass to class and you graduate and go to college. Make something of that pea-sized brain of yours.”
“Honey..” his mom placed her hand on his father’s, but he lifted it and waved her off.
“Don’t! He’s like this because you spoil him. He’s a spoiled little brat.”
Taeyong continued eating, he was used to being insulted by his father.
“Dont speak like that, you’re just stressed because of Spider-Man, dear.”
“Shut it! You know that it’s true, you know he’s worthless!”
He stood up and gave Taeyong a frightening glare.
“You got one chance to prove me wrong, boy, make one more mistake and you’re out and on the streets with the druggies!” He huffed and left the dining room.
Taeyong sat quietly, gripping his fork in his fist and thinking about what to do. How could he prove to his father that he would be able to take over the business?
You didn’t say a word to Mark for the first few minutes of class.
It was awkward but Mark didn’t seem to be bothered. He simply did his work in his notebook while listening to his music.
While the teacher was busy, you turned to him.
“Mark?” You whispered and leaned forward to get his attention.
He still moved his head to the music.
You tapped his shoulder.
He turned to you with large eyes and took his headphones out.
“Yeah?” He said innocently.
“What do you mean by “yeah?” Are we not going to talk about the party?”
Mark smirked. “Do you want to talk about it?”
You nodded. “Mark, what was that about?” You knew what it was, you felt it every time you looked at each other. You had a developing crush on the boy you called a loser, you were just trying to hide it but it was becoming difficult as he was perfect in every way.
His cute eyes, nice lips, beautiful brown hair..you loved it all.
But most of all, you loved how sweet and caring he was, how he spoke to you and made you feel like you were the center of the universe as his entire focus rested on you.
He licked his lips. “I...did that to help you prove your boyfriend wrong.”
You blinked rapidly. “That was the only reason?”
“Um..yeahhh.” Mark looked to the side and moved his head in a “duh” motion.
“Oh..okay..” you looked down at your notebook and continued writing, feeling disappointed. But what did you expect? For Mark to confess his love for you? What a bizarre thought. You shook it off.
Later that day when you were at lunch, Haechan asked you about Mark.
“So what did he say?” He asked with his mouth full.
“He said he was just covering for me.” You shrugged your shoulders.
“Ahhh..I doubt it though, you guys made out like..really made out, it was sexy. If I knew you could kiss like that, I would’ve kissed you a long time ago.” he raises his eyebrows.
You made a look of disgust. “Ew! As if!”
You and Haechan giggled and continued eating. 
You looked over at Mark’s usual eating spot in the cafeteria, but he wasn’t there.
“Where’s that big head, Jeno?” Haechan tilted his head when he realized that Jeno didn’t pass by for his usual snarky comment session.
“Hmm that’s a good question, I don’t see Mark either.”
“Oooo..are you waiting for a round two with him?” Haechan teased, but something didn’t feel right.
You stood up. “Hey, I’ll be right back.”
Haechan nodded and you turned away to walk around the halls.
You peaked down all of the corridors looking for him.
You eventually went outside to the soccer field and heard whimpering behind the bleachers.
You walked towards it and saw three boys gathered around another boy in the middle. The boy in the middle was crouching down and holding his stomach.
You walked faster.
“Give me his glasses!” You heard one of the boys say.
“He had these ugly things on and still couldn’t see us coming..”
You recognized the voice.
It was Jeno. As you got closer you saw Jeno raise his foot to kick at the boy on the ground, and to your surprise, it was Mark.
“Shit…” you ran closer, but Mark grabbed Jeno’s foot and threw him to the floor.
Your eyes grew as Jeno’s back pummeled down into the ground with so much force, you swore the floor shook. How was Mark that strong?
Jeno groaned in pain. The other two boys stared in shock before turning back to Mark and delivering blows to his chest.
Mark couldn’t take on the two of them.
“I don’t want to hurt you!” He called out to them, he was holding back for their safety.
“Hey!” You yelled as you got closer.
“Oh..look who showed up..the school slut..” Jeno said as he stood up straight and winced from the pain in his back.
“You gave it up to the new guy, y/n? Wow, I guess you are like your mother..”
“Hey!” Mark called out to him, but the other two boys held him up by the arms to keep him from hitting Jeno again. Jeno balled his fists up and was about to hit Mark in the chest.
“You’re an asshole, Jeno!” You ran up to him and swung hard, landing a clean punch to the side of his unexpecting face.
“Hey, what the hell is going on here?!” Vice Principal Kim called out.
“Shit.” You held your hand as a stinging pain shot through it.
The two boys let go of Mark and ran, leaving you, Mark, and Jeno to the mercy of the vice principal.
You sat in detention with a wrapped hand. Mark sat a few desks behind you and Jeno sat in front with a pretty black eye.
You are proud of yourself for doing something you should’ve done to him long ago.
You watched the clock tick for an hour as you sat there with nothing to do.
Mark felt terrible for getting you involved, he would’ve handled it on his own but you jumped in to help him and now you were hurt.
After detention, you grabbed your backpack and left without talking to Mark.
“Hey..” he ran up to you.
“Hey..I’m sorry..about that, I didn’t want you to get involved..”
“It’s not your fault, Mark, it’s just that..I’d rather be alone right now..” you had to walk home after missing the last bus.
“I’ll drive you home, it’s the least I can do.”
You turned to him and raised your brows.
“Without your glasses? Can you even see my face right now?”
Mark laughed. “Actually..I have something to tell you…”
“Go on..”
“I don’t need the glasses, I just like it when you call me Potter.”
A smile creeped across your face as you felt it become warm. You couldn’t help but laugh.
Mark drove you home as the two of you talked about Jeno’s look of shock. 
“His face was priceless!” Mark scrunched his nose up and laughed gloriously.
You enjoyed watching him laugh, and without his glasses, he looked even more handsome.
You reached home and sighed. “Ahh..great, now I have to explain to my parents why my hand is swollen..”
Mark lifted your wrapped hand gently. “How does it feel? Does it hurt?” He bunched his brows up.
“And if it did, could you take the pain away?” You smirked.
Mark nodded. “I wish I could..”
“It’s fine, I’ll be fine, I took boxing class in the 9th grade..” you teased him but his eyes widened.
“Boxing class?! That is so cool!”
You giggled. “Mark, you’re so gullible!”
“Oh..” he looked down in defeat and blushed. 
A moment of silence rested between the two of you.
You stared at his lips. “Well..I should get going..”
Mark parked across the street from your house so your parents wouldn’t see you coming out of a strange car. 
You unbuckled yourself seat belt.
“Hey..” Mark said softly. 
You turned back to him and watched his parted lips.
He leaned in closer as you swallowed hard. He was so close, just a few more inches.
Your phone rang out and you looked down.
Shit, Haechan texted you.
Mark smiled and leaned back into his seat. “I’m sorry, um..thanks again.” 
“You’re welcome, Potter.” You winked and got out of the car.
He got out of the car and watched you head home.
But his spidey senses started to blare, something was coming, but you were texting on your phone as you crossed the street.
Everything happened in slow motion. The pick up truck speeding towards you, the steps you took to cross the road. You were moving too slow.
He had calculated it all. If he ran to you, he’d be too late, if he jumped in front of the truck he’d be too late and he’d get hurt. 
There was only once thing he could do given the amount of time he had.
He stretched his arm out, flicked his wrist and shot a  long sticky string out to your back. Once it latched itself onto your jacket, he yanked you back hard.
The truck sped by right in front of your eyes as you gripped your phone and looked up. You didn’t know what was happening or why you were flying backwards all of a sudden.
Your heart races, but soon you were in Mark’s arms. The truck came to a screeching halt once the driver realized that he almost hit you.
He spun you around to face him, not realizing that you were now entangled in his web.
You look terrified. “M-Mark..what the—“ you were out of breath, you looked down and saw the strings coming out of his skin.
Mark’s eyes widened as he looked down as well. The truck sped off after realizing that you were okay. It was just the two of you now, standing there in shock.
You let out a shakey breath. “Y-You're..him..You're—“
He put a finger over his lips. “Shhh..you can’t tell anyone.”
“S-spider-Man? THE Spider-Man??” 
Mark nodded slowly. 
Your mouth dropped.
“Promise me you won’t tell anyone.” Mark looked into your eyes and pleaded, his arms still held you tight to his chest.
You nodded but no sound came out.
He licked his lips and smiled. “I’m sorry you had to find out this way.”
“Mark..holy shit, I’m gonna..”
“Please don’t pass out on me, I don’t want to carry you to your parents while you’re unconscious..”
“But Mark..I mean, you’re like.. a superhero..that’s so cool.” You grinned and still looked at him through surprised eyes.
Mark blushed. “You think I’m cool?”
“Oh, my God why did I say that?” You rolled your eyes.
Mark looked at your lips and it was your time to kiss him.
You placed your lips on his while taking his face in your hands. He hugged you tighter and kissed you back, diving into you like you were a breath of fresh air that he needed. You both closed your eyes and embraced the moment as your pulses ran fast and eventually matched.
You stood there for a few minutes while kissing and hugging like you were in a movie. 
Neither you nor Mark noticed a car that was parked 50 feet away. 
But not just anyone’s car, Taeyong’s car.
He had trailed Mark’s car after he saw the two of you leaving school. He had nothing better to do and just wanted to see what the two of you were up to, but then he saw how the web shot out of Mark’s hand quickly and how you flew back into him. He saved your life, all while thinking that no one would see him.
But he was wrong, and now Taeyong knew what he needed to do.
[The Next Week]
You and Mark hadn’t things official yet, you both were scared for what would happen to your friendship. But that didn’t mean that you didn’t want to kiss him for hours on end.
Mark felt the same way. You had been paired up with someone else at a different table in class. The two of you were now departed and he wasn’t happy about that so he made sure to keep an eye on you.
You finally ate together too. Haechan had his suspicions when he saw the two of you smiling at each other for no reason, but he didn’t say anything.
Then one day, you didn’t show up to class.
Mark texted you the entire night before and even sent you tik toks to laugh at. He knew you were fine and if you were skipping class, you’d definitely let him know. You didn’t respond to the texts he sent during the day.
His spidey senses tingled, he knew something was up.
He called you while at lunch. And to his surprise, you answered.
“Y/n? Where are you?”
There was silence over the line for a brief moment, then you sniffled. “Hey, Mark. I’m home today, I just needed..a break.”
Mark paused. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing, Mark, I’ll see you later. Please don’t come and look for me.”
“H-“ he started but you had already hung up.
He pursed his lips and looked intensely at his screen. Something was definitely up and he wasn’t going to stop until he found out what it was.
So after his last class, he headed to your house and knocked at the door.
When you didn’t answer, he walked around the house, looking for a way to get in without causing any damage.
He eventually found an open window on the second floor and after looking around to make sure no one was watching, he climbed up the side of the house and entered through it.
He stood up straight and saw that he was in your room, but you weren’t there.
Then he saw what looked to be a body under the blanket on your bed. 
He quickly lifted the blanket and jumped in horror. It was a slide-sized Spider-Man action figure.
He had a sticky note on his face that pressed “press my belly button.”
Mark pressed the button and heard it speak through its fake mouth.
“Oh, hello, Spider-Man, or should I call you Mark?”
His eyes widened as the male voice spoke.
“Well..it doesn’t really matter..see, I’ve got your lovely girlfriend here with me..” 
Mark here’s your muffled screaming in the background.
He grits his teeth. 
“And she is here, waiting for you at the very top of the largest building in the city. I know you’re new here, but I’m sure you can find it.”
Mark curses to himself, he was caught with you and by some bastard that he didn’t know. Did Kingpin have his men follow him?
“Oh, and that nice friend of her’s, hmmm Haechan is it? He’s outside her house, but he’s probably all tied up.. don’t be late, Markipoo, we wouldn’t want y/n to hang out with me much longer..”
The recording stops playing. Mark runs out of the house, but stops in his tracks.
He’s too late. 
Johnny and Yuta stand beside Haechan’s car. Haechan has JI mouth covered by a piece of fabric but his eyes are open and wet with tears.
He lets out a loud scream when he hears Mark.
They tied him to the hood of the car while the engine runs. He was literally tied up.
“Hey!” Mark calls out and runs towards them, but Johnny places a brick onto the gas pedal and puts the car in drive.
Haechan screams even louder as the car rolls down the hill fast.
Mark runs after it, struggling to keep up as it speeds down the street.
Johnny and Yuta stand back and laugh.
Mark had to find a way to beat, he had to calculate his speed so he could overrun it and stop it. Or he could shoot webs out from the back and pull it towards him.
His mind runs at 100mph as it goes through every possibility while he pants and runs.
“Haechan! Don’t worry! I’ve got you!”
The car is too heavy, and it’s going too fast, so he can’t hold it with his spiderweb material.
He leaps forward and up into the air, landing just a few feet in front of the incoming car.
He puts his hands in front of him and braces for impact. He had never taken on such a huge task before, he prayed that he would be strong enough to take a 4,000 pound car going at 80 miles per hour.
He grunts and presses forward onto the top of the car, causing it to make a loud skrrt sound and a huge dent to form. He uses his legs for stability as he struggles to stop it from going any further.
But he slides downward in his two feet.
“Shit.shit.shit.shit” he murmurs out.
Haechan cries to the heavens for help.
Mark pushes forward even harder while gritting his teeth. He lifts the hood slightly.
With a loud groan and harsh grip, he tears the engine out to stop the car.
The wheels slow to a halt and Mark places the car down.
He stumbles on his feet and nearly passes out, but he had to keep moving, he had to find you.
So he quickly puts his mask on before people come outside of their homes to see what the ruckus is about, then he unties Haechan.
“Oh my God..oh my God, what the hell?!”
Haechan panics and shakes.
“Mark, you’re—you’re..the guy..”
“Haechan, we can talk about this later. What is the tallest building and where can I find it?”
Haechan points in the direction of the tallest building in the town. It’s 1,000 feet high and is owned by none other than Kingpin.
Mark’s eyes narrowed as he clenched his jaw.
He swings through town quickly to get to you.
Once at the building, he decided that it would be faster to climb.
Meanwhile, Taeyong has you tied up and gagged.
Tears stream down your face.
“It’s such a shame things had to be this way..I kinda liked you.” Taeyong strokes your cheek with his thumb.
His phone rings.
“What is it?”
“He should be there soon.” 
You hear a man’s voice say on the other line.
Taeyong gives a devilish smile and looks back at you as he hangs up.
“Perfect.” He winks.
He steps forward to you and takes your bound wrists in his hand. He takes your gag off with the other.
“Would you like to beg for your life now?” 
“Fuck you, Taeyong! I never did anything to you!”
Taeyong smiles when you curse. “You’re right. All you did was go to class and look pretty...oh and decide to date a superhero. You had to expect us to use you as leverage.”
You shook your head. “Taeyong, you’re not like your father, you’re better than him! Please don’t do this.”
Wind blew your hair back as Taeyong had opened one of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the top floor.
Taeyong’s smile fell when you mentioned his father.
“I know I’m better than him, sweetheart, I get right to the source of my problems.”
He strokes your cheek again. “You know..you’re a lot prettier when you don’t speak, but right now..I want you to scream for me.”
He suddenly pushes you out the window but grabs the end of the rope that has tied your hands up.
You let out a blood curdling scream as you stare down as the tiny people and cars so far below you. You cry even harder.
“Just like that, sweetheart, you sound beautiful.”
He smirks and ties the rope to a pole to keep your body dangling.
“Mark!!” You cry out when you see him in his Spider-Man suit climbing up the building towards you.
“No! Don’t come any closer! It’s a trap!!” You try to stop him but Mark doesn’t stop, you’re right there and he has to get to you.
“The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout..” Taeyong sings to himself as he picks up his father’s machine gun.
He aims it out of the window and at Mark.
“Down came the rain and washed the spider out.”
He pulls back on the trigger, allowing bullets to fly in the direction of the crawling Spider-Man. 
“Mark!!” You cry out once again as Mark let’s go with one hand and dangles with the other. He quickly moves from side to side to dodge the bullets.
He regains his position and continues climbing.
“Oh, he’s a stubborn spider.” Taeyong grins and unloads on him again, this time never stopping.
He moves it from side to side to catch him.
A bullet flies right over Mark, breaking his suit and cutting his skin. He curses then looks back up.
He had to pay attention, he had to get to you.
Taeyong goes maniacal with the gun but he just can’t seem to get him.
He stops when he’s out of bullets and Mark is just a few feet away.
You think he’s given up because he’s lost, but Taeyong got just what he wanted.
“Okay, sweetheart..” he unties the rope from the pole and holds it in his hands. “It’s time to fly like the beautiful angel you are.”
You look back at him with wide eyes. “Taeyong!”
He lets go of the rope. You fall out through the window fast and past Mark.
Mark throws his head into your direction and leaps off of the building towards you.
He tries to fly down fast but he can’t keep up with your falling body, he’s so close but he can’t get to you.
You cry and think about your life, you never imagined this would be how you’d die.
You see Mark coming after you with all his strength, you know he’s doing his best. But it was impossible, there’s no way he’d get to you in time.
And so you felt yourself lose consciousness.
Your head fell back and your body fell limply.
“No, no, no, no don’t give up on me!” Mark yells and stretches his arms out, he shoots two strings from his wrists.
They latch onto you, he pulls back as hard as he can, your body flying into his arms as he still falls down the side of the building.
He spins around and shoots another string onto the building. His fall stops abruptly and his body flings itself into the glass. He holds you in his arms to protect you from the shattered glass.
You both fall onto the floor of an office. People jump up and yell in shock.
“Oh my god..it’s Spider-Man.” a few people say with gasps.
But Mark is focused on you. He doesn’t feel the pain from the impact, for his heart breaks for you. He unties your hands and holds one of them in his own.
“Y/n..y/n.. please talk to me..” leans over you and shakes you gently. Your body lies limply. Your mouth is slightly parted and your eyes are still closed. He hears a faint heartbeat.
He starts to tear up when you don’t respond.
“Y/n, I’m sorry..” he lifts his mask off and kisses you on the cheek.
He doesn’t care who sees him and can possibly expose his identity.
“Please..just wake up..tell me you’re okay..” he then kisses you on the lips.
Your eyes flutter open when you feel his soft lips on yours.
You place your hands on the side of his face, the people in the office clap and cheer.
You breathe him in before kissing him back. He pulls away and smiles down at you. His wavy brown hair hangs over your face and his eyes are teary.
“Are you crying, loser?” You give him a small smile.
Mark laughs and kisses you again.
Once you assured him that you were okay, Mark hunted Taeyong down at one of his father’s warehouses. Taeyong, Johnny, and Yuta waited there for him with a gun and several weapons, but they weren’t  prepared for Spider-Man’s speed, strength, and agility, especially when all three were amplified by Mark’s anger. He gave them all an ass whooping they’d remember for the rest of their life, then had the cops come to arrest them. Mark didn’t go into much detail, but you knew that Kingpin, disappointed and hurt, disowned Taeyong and left him on his own to deal with his own actions.
When Taeyong tried to tell him who SpiderMan was, Kingpin called him a fool and deemed him mentally unstable, for a scrawny and nerdy kid with Harry Potter glasses couldn’t possibly have been the Spiderman that was kicking their asses.
Everyone thought Taeyong was crazy and Mark was never identified by the people in the office room.
Johnny and Yuta gave Taeyong up and admitted that they didn’t know who Spider-Man was, for if they had gone along with him, they’d only look crazy too.
Taeyong was arrested for attempted murder of both you and Haechan and sentenced to life in prison. He was tried as an adult and without the assistance of his wealthy father, didn’t stand a chance at getting away.
Finals were over and you could finally celebrate with Mark. 
You joined him for the Winter Dance while dressed in a long, sleeveless icy blue dress.
“You look beautiful, like a princess.”
Mark blushed as he took your hand and led you to the dance floor.
You smiled and laughed out. He too looked dashingly handsome like a prince in his black suit and a bow tie that matched your dress. His hair was parted to the side and smoothed back, he didn’t have his glasses so he looked older, more mature.
The two of you swayed side to side. You laid your head on his shoulder and drank in the scent of his cologne. He smelled like flowers, his touch felt warm on your bare back.
There were stars decorating the dark gym in order to set the mood. White snowflakes also danced across the ceiling.
“I...have something to ask you..”
His low voice vibrates against your chest.
You raised your head and looked at all of the beauty marks on his neck and jaw. Funny enough, they were in all the places that you wanted to kiss.
Your soft voice makes him weak, he wants to hold you like this forever.
“Will you..” he clears his throat and glances down at you nervously. “..be my girlfriend?”
Your face lights up, you smile widely.
“I thought you’d never ask, Potter.” You kiss him on the lips and spend the rest of the night together.
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 3 years
Camp North Star - June 15th
Lee Siyeon x AFAB!Reader x Lee Yoobin
Word Count: 5834
Contents: recording studio sex, marking, slight voyeurism, teasing, dom Siyeon, sub Yoobin, nipple play, fingering, recording nsfw audio, eating ass, slight hair pulling, oral
Notes: hehe if you remember seeing a poll months ago with all the members of the groups in this au perhaps you know what that was for now
“Okay riddle me this, why do I have to do a swim test?” Siyeon questioned, sipping on her water.
“Because there is a beach and a pool,” you said. “You might fall in.”
“How do you accidentally fall in at the beach?” She asked.
“If you’re in a canoe.”
“Is this all a ploy to get me in a canoe with you?” She smirked.
“I mean I already know you’re coming on the canoe trip so it might happen,” you snickered. “We also may be planning to teach canoe over canoe rescues in one of out teaching sessions”
“Remind me not to sign up for yours then,” she grumbled. “So still, I’m not gonna be swimming.”
“Hey, maybe someone will throw you in,” you said.
“Who would wanna throw me in the lake?” She laughed.
“Probably Jihoon when he sees what a mess you’re leaving in the studio,” you snickered. Siyeon threw you a look while she wiped up the crumbs she had left on the table.
“He’ll never know if you don’t tell him.”
“I make no promises,” you said, sitting back in your chair. “Gossip is the main trade commodity around these parts.”
“You’re gonna be rich then,” she chuckled.
“If people keep their secrets, which Nayeon didn’t.”
“Of course Nayeon didn’t,” she snorted. “Would she be Nayeon if she didn’t brag about rocking your world?”
“I knew things would seep out sooner or later,” you said. “At least there’s the fun in finding out who knows what.”
“There is a rumor that something happened with someone else,” she gave you a look. “Care to elaborate?”
“Well so far he’s kept his lips sealed,” you said, sipping back your drink.
“So the rumors are true, no one is safe.”
You shoved Siyeon as she laughed. 
“Don’t say it like that! I’m not on the prowl. I am simply taking opportunities when they present themselves.”
“And so far you’ve had two then?”
“See I can’t tell if you think it should be more or less?” You chuckled.
“I’m not judging,” she said as she sipped. “I need more data to judge.”
“Shut up,” you laughed. “Leave me and my slutty ways alone. You know, I think it would be good for you.”
“Your slutty ways?” She chuckled.
“Being a bit more slutty in general. I mean unless you’re going to make a move…” You grinned as Siyeon’s cheeks flushed pink.
“I would make a move if there was a point,” she hissed. “I’m fine as it is.”
“Sure,” you said. “Of course you are. Chastising Jihoon for pining but doing nothing yourself.”
“Maybe your slutty ways are getting to your head,” she said.
“Says the girl who is desperately trying to pretend she’s okay with just flirting.”
Her face grew redder. “Well I’m not going to just walk into the dance studio and ask her to have sex now am I?”
“You could if you weren’t a coward.” You ducked away from her, slipping out of your seat and to the floor as she swung a pillow at your head.
“I am not a coward!” she cried.
You stood behind your chair, still snickering at her. “Prove it then.”
Siyeon stood from her chair and for a split second you thought she really was going to head to the dance studio before she kneeled on the seat of your chair and grabbed the front of your shirt, pulling you towards her. Her lips crashed against yours in a kiss that made you squeal in surprise. Her grip kept you close and as you relaxed into her kiss she pulled back just a little.
“Okay you know that wasn’t what I meant,” you chuckled.
“Maybe I need to have some fun too, take my mind off of her,” she murmured, giving you another quick kiss. Her hold on your shirt urged you to move around the chair towards her.
“You’ve got it too bad to have anything take your mind off her,” you chuckled.
She moved you until she had you pressed against the table. “Then think of it as practice. Let me gain some courage won’t you?”
“So I’m your guinea pig,” you giggled, jumping up and sitting on the table, grinning at her face, still flushed and close to yours.
“Oh shut up and kiss me properly.”
You were still laughing as you kissed her again. You let your arms wrap around her neck, letting your legs fall apart and pulling her closer. Siyeon’s hands found your hips as she pressed close against your chest, letting your tongue slip past her lips with a sigh.
You felt her fingers pressing into your skin, travelling along your thighs and back to your ass as you kissed her. Your fingers twirled into her hair, keeping her close to you and enjoying her lips on yours.
“So,” you hummed as she broke away for breath. “What are you planning for this little distraction?”
“You know I haven’t thought that far yet,” she murmured. “We’ll wing it. Tilt your head back for me.”
You did as she said, letting out a sigh as she started to kiss down your neck. You let your hands fall away from her, resting back on them and trying not to lean on the recording equipment. Siyeon’s lips travelled down your neck slowly, her hands gripping at your ass.
You let out a small moan as she pulled your strap off your shoulder and started to suck at a spot along your collarbone.
“That feels good,” you moaned, letting your head fall back.
“I know,” she hummed, pulling off your other strap. Her lips kissed lower, coming to the top of your chest and sucking the soft, sensitive skin with her lips. You let another moan slip past your lips, fingers slipping into her hair to hold her close to you and relaxing into the feeling.
“Anytime you need a distraction just let me know,” you murmured.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you could hear the grin in her voice. Her lips moved across your chest, slowly pushing more of your bra aside and leaving marks on your skin. You spared only a passing glance at the door. No one had any reason to be in the building at this time. And the only other one with access to the studio was Jihoon, and he was gone back to the cabin for the evening.
“Mmm that feels good,” you moaned. Siyeon’s hands kept moving, gripping at your ass and thighs before one came up to move the cup of your bra. She pulled it down ever slowly, lips trailing after her fingers. You sunk back, more of your weight on your arms as she sucked one of your nipples between her lips. A moan left yours and your gaze shifted down to meet hers, catching the grin that made the corner of her lips twitch.
Your eyes snapped open when you heard a sound on the other side of the door.
Siyeon pulled back quickly, both of you looking at each other, and then to the door.
“Did you hear that?” you whispered.
Siyeon nodded, looking between you and the door again before pressing a finger to her lips, signaling to you to be quiet before she stalked across the studio. Whoever was eavesdropping didn’t know you knew yet. You pulled the cup of your bra and your shirt back up to cover your chest, sitting up a little taller and crossing your legs while Siyeon threw open the door.
“Well hello there, Yoobin,” you could hear the smirk in her voice and couldn’t help the way it spread to your own lips. 
“U-Uh H-Hi,” Yoobin mumbled. You held in your laugh as Siyeon reached out and grabbed her, dragging her into the studio. She shut the door behind the two of them, clicking the lock before she put herself between Yoobin and the door and slowly walked her back towards you.
“What were you doing out there?” Siyeon asked.
“I-I- was, I n-needed to talk to you- I h-had a question?” She sounded as if she was saying it like a question, shrinking into herself and cheeks growing rosier.
“What was the question?”
“I-I it u-uh it slipped my mind,” she stuttered.
“Did you hear that?” Siyeon said to you, still walking Yoobin towards you slowly. “She forgot her question.”
“What a shame,” you sighed. “Yoobin, you should just hang out here until you remember.”
“I-I can go,” she said. “I-I don’t want to be a bother.”
Siyeon cocked her head to the side. “You don’t? Are you sure?”
You let your legs fall open again and Yoobin ended up between them, jolting a bit when she backed into the edge of the table, now caught between you and Siyeon.
“O-Of course n-not!”
Your gaze trailed along her arms and down to your hand and a smirk tugged at your lips.
“Then why were you eavesdropping?” Siyeon questioned, a grin drawing across her face.
“I-I- didn’t- I was going- I would have-”
Siyeon leaned in closer to Yoobin and murmured. “You missed one of the buttons on your shorts.”
You grabbed Yoobin’s wrist, holding up her hand, fingers glistening.
“And your fingers are wet, cutie.”
Yoobin stammered but no words came out as her face flushed red. She sunk more in on herself, seeming a little shaky as you let your hand fall to her hips, giving her a soothing squeeze. Siyeon brought a finger to her chin and tilted her head back up.
“Did you think we were giving a free show?” Siyeon asked, a teasing tone to her voice.
Yoobin shook her head quickly. “N-No I-I- n-n- I wo-”
“How long were you going to be out there?” You teased. “Did you think we wouldn’t hear you moaning?”
“I-I thought I was qu-quiet,” she mumbled.
“Not quiet enough,” you murmured in her ear.
“You got started out there all on your own,” Siyeon gave her a fake pout. “It’s too lonely being by yourself.”
Yoobin glanced back at you quickly before looking at Siyeon again. She gave a little nod, her back pressing back against your chest now.
“What do you say we have a little fun with you?” Siyeon’s voice dipped lower and even with the words directed at Yoobin they had arousal shooting through your body. Yoobin’s breath caught as Siyeon drew her finger down the soft skin of her neck, waiting on her answer. “I promise we’ll be gentle with you.”
“Very gentle,” you murmured to her.
“Okay,” she sounded breathless as she answered, nodding quickly.
You caught Siyeon’s smirk at you before she leaned in to capture Yoobin in a soft kiss. You brought your lips to the side of her neck, starting to leave slow, gentle kisses on her warm skin. A grin graced your lips as Yoobin let out little sighs and whines against Siyeon’s lips.
You watched with a lazy gaze as Siyeon’s hands found Yoobin’s hips, slipping them between where your legs pressed against the sides of Yoobin’s body. She curled her fingers around the hem of Yoobin’s shirt before slowly lifting it up. You noticed the colour in Yoobin’s cheeks rising even more. Her face dropped and Siyeon pressed her lips to Yoobin’s forehead in a soft kiss. You brought your hands to squeeze her waist reassuringly and brought your lips to her ear.
“Can we see you, pretty girl?”
You caught the shy smile that tugged at her lips as she nodded and let Siyeon pull the shirt over her head. Siyeon brought Yoobin’s head back up, capturing her in another kiss as her hands started to roam over Yoobin’s shoulders and down to her chest. Yoobin’s arms fully wound around Siyeon’s neck.
You let your hands trail down her body slowly, from her waist around to her lower stomach. Then playing with the waist of her soft shorts. You let your fingers dip past the hem just a little, drawing soothing circles into her skin and bringing your lips to her ears.
“Are you getting needy yet, pretty girl?”
“Mhm,” her whine was muffled by Siyeon’s lips but she pressed her legs open further for you. You chuckled at her eagerness, letting a hand slip down lower, teasing her. You brought your fingertips to the tops of her thighs and so close to her core without touching it, feeling her hips start to push towards your fingers.
You trailed your lips down to her neck, sucking lightly at her skin while your fingers danced around the edges of her core, not quite giving her what she wanted. You noticed Siyeon’s hands slipping up her body and around her back until they reached her bra. Her lips finally broke away from Yoobin’s, tipping her head back and kissing down her neck as she gently pulled her bra off.
A whine escaped from Yoobin’s lips, now unmuffled, which made both you and Siyeon chuckle. You dragged your nails lightly over her inner thigh.
“What do you need, pretty girl?”
“Please touch me properly,” her voice was quiet and whiny. She threw you a needy glance before a moan escaped her mouth as Siyeon grabbed her waist and began sucking one of her nipples between her lips. 
“Anything you want,” you purred, slipping your fingers between her legs and dragging them through her folds.
You felt Yoobin shudder against you, letting out a shaky moan as she leaned back into you even more. You brought you free hand up to her chest, playing with her nipple between your fingers while Siyeon grabbed at her ass, Yoobin’s other nipple still between her lips.
Yoobin’s head fell back against your shoulder, letting out quiet moans. You gathered her slick on your fingertips before moving your fingers in circles over her clit. You felt her weight on you more heavily and the tremors that ran through her body as you both brought her more and more pleasure.
“You got yourself pretty wet out there,” You hummed to her.
“Can you blame her?” Siyeon chuckled. “Imagine hearing us but not seeing anything, coming up with it in your head.”
“There’s so many possibilities, but none of them are quite as good as the real thing,” you purred. “Isn’t that right, Yoobin?”
“Mhm,” her voice was whiny and sweet.
Siyeon stood up properly, grabbing Yoobin’s chin and gently shifting it to look at her. She let her other hand trail up Yoobin’s chest, teasing her already sensitive nipples as she went. “I just had a very fun idea.”
You lifted your head from where your lips had been kissing along Yoobin’s neck to meet Siyeon’s gaze, fingers between Yoobin’s legs slowing. “What did you have in mind?”
She leaned past both of you and you watched her movements as she woke the computer and plugged in her usb. A grin started to tug at your lips while confusion still coloured Yoobin’s expression, looking between the two of you and trying to subtly move her hips against your finger that had now stopped moving. Only when Siyeon hit the on button and the light turned red in the recording studio did her eyes go wide.
“O-Oh,” blush crept up Yoobin’s cheeks.
“What do you say we make a little memento,” Siyeon purred. “Something fun for all of us.”
The smirk was already pulling across your lips as you pulled your fingers from Yoobin’s shorts. You moved her away from the desk and slid off of it. “I’d love to.”
“I-I- would anyone f-find it?”
Siyeon kissed the end of her nose before stepping towards the studio. “Only if you share it with them. Don’t worry I won’t leave it on the computer for Jihoon to find.”
Yoobin blushed even harder and you took her hand on yours giving it a squeeze. She gave both of you a shy smile. “Th-This sounds pretty hot.”
“Exactly,” you hummed, giving her neck a quick kiss. Siyeon opened the door as you led Yoobin into the booth. The space was small for three but cozy. You let your arms wrap around Yoobin’s waist, pulling her in for a few kisses while Siyeon moved a few things back and set stools in the middle of the room, then gently pulling Yoobin away from you.
“Right over here, pretty girl,” she cooed, pulling Yoobin towards the stools. “Now bend over for me.” She placed a hand gently on Yoobin’s back and helped her bend over the stool. Yoobin grabbed the legs of the stool to brace herself as Siyeon took her shorts and panties in her fingers and slowly pulled them over her ass and down her legs.
“You are so cute,” you purred, sinking to your knees behind her. Your hands came up her legs gently and you spread them a little more, hearing her cute, slightly nervous giggle. Siyeon’s hands slid over her back before grabbing at her ass. Yoobin let out a cute moan and Siyeon shot you a smirk before grabbing one of Yoobin’s legs, bringing it up to rest her thigh on the other stool.
“Can you keep your legs open like this for us, pretty girl?” she purred.
“Mhm,” Yoobin nodded quickly, looking back through the legs of the stool at you as you ran your fingertips along her inner thighs and then through her folds. She let out a shaky breath, giving you a sweet, needy look.
You smirked at her as you let a finger start to tease her entrance, Siyeon leaning down to pressing kisses along her spine. Yoobin pressed her hips back towards you, letting out a whine.
“What do you think, Siyeon,” you said, teasing laced into your tone. “Do you think she’s ready for a finger?”
“I think she’s ready for more than one,” she replied, both of you smirking at the way Yoobin whimpered and pressed her hips back even more.
“Please,” she whined. “P-Please, I need it.”
You pressed a kiss to the back of her thigh. “Of course, since you’re asking so nicely.”
You brought two fingers to her entrance and slowly eased them into her core. Yoobin let out a moan, eyes fluttering shut and walls clenching around your fingers. You curled and turned them slowly, watching her grip on the legs of the stool tighten as moans started to leave her lips.
“You sound so good, pretty girl,” Siyeon cooed, her own voice growing a little breathy as she kissed down Yoobin’s back.
You caught your own bottom lip between your teeth as you listened to Yoobin’s moans. Each sound was sending a rush of arousal through your body, down your spine and to your core. You shifted, pressing your thighs together more and you kept your eyes on her face, watching it contort in pleasure.
You fingers found a steady pace in her core, searching for the angle she liked the most and feeling every tremor and shake that rocked through her body. Moans and whines were leaving her lips as you brought her more and more pleasure and Siyeon kneaded her ass, finally spreading her cheeks with her hands and kissing near the bottom of her tail bone.
Siyeon met your eyes for a moment in a heated gaze that sent arousal rushing through your body before her tongue came out, licking over Yoobin’s ass, then circling her hole with a moan.
Yoobin’s moans grew higher in her voice, more whines punctuating them at the new sensation. “P-Please d-don’t stop.” Her voice was shaky and so was her body and you could only imagine how the pleasure was building in her now. Thinking about it was only serving to make you wetter and wetter.
Siyeon’s moans mixed with Yoobin’s in the warm air of the studio, hands grabbing at Yoobin and eating her ass with more and more vigor as Yoobin’s moans grew louder. Your own fingers moved faster in her core and you felt her clenching more and more strongly around them.
You brought your other hand up her thigh until it was between her legs and rubbing her clit. A gasp fell from her lips as she shook, clinging to the stool as her face contorted and scrunched in pleasure, unable to form any full words but desperately rocking her hips back against the two of you the best she could.
Yoobin let out a high, pretty cry as she clenched hard around your fingers. Her whole body shook as she came, you and Siyeon holding her on the stool and holding her legs open to ride her through her high until she was pushing away from both of you and whimpering.
You sat back on your heels, pulling your drenched fingers from her core. Siyeon helped her off the stool and to her knees on the ground before leaning down, grabbing your wet hand, and taking your fingers into her mouth.
You couldn’t stop the moan that left your own lips at the sight, at Siyeon’s heat-filled gaze trained on you. Getting Yoobin off had turned you on immensely and the need between your legs was all but searing.
“You look pretty desperate,” Siyeon teased, letting your fingers fall from her mouth.
“You have no idea,” you breathed, shifting your hips a little, praying for any little bit of friction.
Siyeon grinned at you. “Get up here.” She grabbed your arms and pulled you to your feet, chuckling at the way you wobbled on them, already so worked up. She was quick to turn you around to face where Yoobin was on the floor, still catching her breath, and start to pull off your top from behind. Yoobin looked up at you with her hazy, blissful stare, bottom lip catching between her teeth as Siyeon undid your bra and let it fall aside. She pressed against your back, bringing her hands up you your chest and drawing a moan from you as she started to play with your breasts. Yoobin leaned forward, a little closer.
“Do you want to play too?” Siyeon asked her. Yoobin nodded quickly, a whine escaping her lips as she scrambled closer. Still on her knees she nestled between your legs and held your hips as she brought her lips up to your chest. You let a small moan past your lips as she took one of your nipples between her lip. Siyeon’s fingers played with the other, starting to roll your nipple between her fingers quickly.
Yoobin’s gaze grew glassy as she looked up at you. Her fingers kneaded into the skin of your hips rhythmically as she ran her tongue over your nipple and sucked at you, muffled moans leaving her own lips.
“Mmmm fuck,” you sighed, letting your head fall back against Siyeon’s shoulder. You knew you had to be dripping by this point. Your fingers curled around the edges of the stool as they both played with your nipples, legs spreading wider.
You started to angle your hips down, legs spread as wide as you could before rocking your hips. The tiny bit of friction you managed from subtly grinding down on the stool was worth it, even as you felt Siyeon’s free hand grip your hair before pulling your head back roughly, drawing a gasp from you.
“Are you that needy?” She teased, her voice a low murmur in your ear. “Do you need it that badly?”
“Yes,” you breathed. “Fuck, please.”
“Yoobin,” Siyeon said sweetly. “They need your mouth somewhere else.”
You felt Siyeon release your hair and you tipped your head forwards again. A flush had rushed up Yoobin’s cheeks as she shifted back from your body and did as she was told. Her fingers found the buttons on your shorts, undoing them before pulling them down slowly. You lifted your hips from the stool to help her, letting your legs fall open once they were off.
Yoobin shifted closer again. Her movements were slow and cautious as she pressed a few kisses to your inner thighs, sweet doe-like eyes looking up at you and then Siyeon.
“Good girl,” Siyeon cooed. “Don’t worry. They’re so sensitive, anything you do will feel good.”
“Hey-” You felt heat rush up your face as you started to protest. But Siyeon tugged both your nipples between her fingers, interrupting your words with moans instead.
Yoobin moved her face between your legs and let her tongue run though your folds and over your clit. She let out a moan at your taste but it was nothing compared to the one that fell from your lips at the sensation.
A rush of arousal shot through your needy body, Siyeon’s fingers still moving on your nipples and working you up more. Even with Yoobin’s slow, slightly clumsy movements you still had a hand threading into her hair, still felt your high starting to build from the first few movements.
“O-Oh, fuck just like that,” your own voice was breathy and there was no hiding the desperation in it. “Keep doing that.”
Yoobin did just as she was told, repeating the movement with her tongue that was starting to send tremors through your body as your eyes fluttered and you focused on the pleasure building in you.
“You’re not even going to look at her when she’s pleasing you,” Siyeon teased. “Tsk tsk.”
“Feels too good,” you hummed. “Can’t open my eye- Oh fuck!” you cried as Siyeon tugged at your nipples again and Yoobin sucked your clit between her lips.
“Remind me if we do this again that you’re terrible at taking instructions,” Siyeon purred. “I’ll be sure to prepare some punishments.”
Any abashment had gone out the window as you moaned at her words, letting them sink into your mind and wrapping around all the ways she could punish you for not listening, all the ways you wanted to test her patience.
“Oh?” You could hear the smirk in her tone as she leaned in close to your ear, murmuring to you. “Am I learning something new about you? Is that what you want, to be punished when you don’t do what I tell you? Maybe next time I should tie you and see how long you last while I edge you, hm?”
“Fuck, please,” the coil was curling tighter and tighter in your core now, thighs trembling around Yoobin’s head as she ate you out faithfully, moaning against your core with each involuntary tug of her hair or rock or jolt of your hips. Siyeon’s fingers hadn’t stopped their ministrations on your sensitive nipples which only had the build towards release that much stronger.
“Maybe I’ll make you ride my fingers until you get off, and only if you’re good and loud and you cum for me will I give you my strap. Or maybe I’ll see just how many times you can cum until you just can’t take it anymore.” She purred.
“Fuck, yes,” each word she uttered whirred through your mind, drawing up pretty pictures in your imagination. The coil in your core curled tightly and tremors rocked through your body as they toyed with you, drawing you right to your edge.
“Maybe I’ll just have to turn you into a good little sub.”
Curses and moans cascaded from your lips as you came. The coil snapped, body releasing and pleasure rushing through you as you thighs crash in around Yoobin’s head, hand still in her hair, holding her close as your hips ground against her face and Siyeon’s fingers played with your nipples roughly. A wave of utter bliss washed over you until you were slumped back against Siyeon’s chest, shaking and panting.
She helped you down to the floor and you leaned against Yoobin as you caught your breath. Through heavily lidded eyes you looked up at Siyeon as she gazed down at both of you. Slowly, she pulled her shirt over her head, shaking out her hair before throwing her shirt to the side. Her fingers came to the zipper on her shorts and she undid them, swaying her hips before turning to give both of you a view of her ass as she pulled them down.
A smirk curled her lips at the way both of you leaned towards her, wrapped up in her little show. She took her time reaching behind herself to take off her bra and letting it fall away before slipping her panties down her legs.
An air of smugness came over her as she sat on the stool, spreading her legs and drawing a moan from each of you. You both shifted closer but Siyeon held up her hand.
“No touching yet,” she purred. You both watched intently as she drew two fingers through her folds before pressing them into her heat, a sigh falling from her lips. She pulled them out slowly and you felt your jaw falling open, nearly drooling at her glistening fingers, her own slick coating them and dripping from both her fingers and her core.
“Look what you’ve both done to me,” she said. You both shifted as close as she’d allow you before Yoobin let her tongue hang out of her mouth needily. 
“Do you want a taste, pretty girl?” she cooed, pressing her fingers back into her heat and pumping them slowly.
“Please,” Yoobin whined, nodding quickly.
A pout formed on your lips and you let your lips fall to Siyeon’s thigh, starting to suck marks into her skin as Siyeon stuck her fingers into Yoobin’s mouth.
“You’re needy again already?” She teased you. You let out a small moan against her skin and Siyeon threaded her fingers into your hair, gently massaging your scalp. You let your eyes fall closed, feeling comforted in your post orgasm state.
You felt Yoobin shifting closer, no doubt drawn in by Siyeon’s fingers. A whine hit your ears as her mouth was left empty. Siyeon hushed her before her hand disappeared from your head. You looked up at her just as Yoobin’s lips made their way between her legs. A low moan fell from Siyeon’s lips and as you opened your mouth to speak she shoved her fingers into your mouth, wet again with her arousal.
“I know you wanted a taste too,” she teased. You nodded at her, humming as you ran your tongue around her fingers, sucking them clean. Her other hand had found its way into Yoobin’s hair now, holding her close as she shifted her attention back to the girl between her legs.
“Just like that, pretty girl,” she cooed, praising her. Slowly, she pulled her fingers from your mouth and you felt the corner of your lips twitch as an idea came to mind. You pressed up against Yoobin’s back, a hand sliding between her legs.
She let out a gasping moan as your fingers came to her clit, rubbing it quickly. She moaned against Siyeon’s core which drew louder moans from Siyeon’s lips. You kissed along Yoobin’s neck as your fingers worked her up quickly, her own hands gripping Siyeon as she ate her out more shakily. 
“Mmm that’s good,” Siyeon moaned, letting her head fall back. Yoobin only ate her out more needily as you brought her closer to another release, finding the sensitive spots on her neck to kiss and nip at. 
Both of their moans only had your fingers moving faster, finding just the right movements of your fingers to draw gasps and whines from Yoobin’s lips, her thighs started to shake around you hand as you kissed along her jaw until she pulled back from Siyeon, crying out and clamping her thighs around your hand as she came.
She had a sweet, hazy look on her face as you helped her sit back before you took her place between Siyeon’s legs. She opened her mouth to speak to you but only managed a moan as you ran your tongue over her clit, eyes locked on her face and watching her every reaction to the movements of your tongue.
You greedily brought yourself lower, letting your tongue dip inside of her and tasting more of her arousal on your tongue as she moaned, grabbing at your hair again. You pressed in closer, starting to fuck her with your tongue, a hand coming up to play with her clit.
“Holy fuck, keep doing that,” she moaned, finally letting her own eyes fall closed.
You curled your tongue inside her, trying to make her hips buck and grind against your face and feeling each and every one of her tremors. Moans cascaded off her lips, louder than either yours or Yoobin’s. One hand gripping at the stool and the other holding your hair.
You moved your fingers quickly, rubbing her clit in quick circles as you ran your tongue as deeply into her core as you could, feeling her clench around it, her arousal running into your mouth and down your chin as she got closer and closer.
“Yes, fuck, just like that, oh fuck don’t stop,” the words and curses tumbled from her lips as she ground against your face as much as you would let her, trying to get even more. Her grip in your hair tightened as she got closer and closer to her release. Each tug on your hair drew a moan from your own lips that you knew was vibrating through her body.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” her voice was climbing higher and growing louder. She leaned back as much as she could on the stool without falling while she gave in to pleasure.
A cry left her lips as she came, clenching around your tongue and releasing her sweet juices onto it which you lapped up eagerly. Her thighs pressed in around your head and her hand pulled from your hair, shakily grabbing your wrist to stop your fingers.
With shaky breaths she slipped from the stool to join you both on the floor, messily kissing both of you and smiling against your lips.
“That was so good,” Yoobin murmured.
“Agreed,” you hummed.
“And we have a memento,” Siyeon said breathily, reminding you that the recording equipment was still running.
“Perfect for a lonely night,” Yoobin mumbled.
Siyeon looked between the two of you. “If either of you are ever lonely, just let me know.” She smirked. “I’ll warm you up.”
You both giggled as you relaxed back against the wall, Siyeon shifting to join you. “Just make sure you don’t leave that on the computer,” you warned. “I don’t think I could ever look Jihoon in the eye again.”
“I don’t think I could look at anyone else who hears it ever again,” Yoobin said, blushing.
“Don’t you worry,” Siyeon hummed. “Some people are dumb enough to do that, but I’m not.”
You sat up suddenly. “Wait who?”
“Yeah, I wanna know,” Yoobin chimed in.
“It’s a secret,” she grinned. The two of you protested but she just chuckled. “Maybe I’ll tell you one day, but you’re really gonna have to work to earn that gossip.”
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neologyro · 3 years
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Robbed by a Crow Series:
Matsukawa Issei
Your day gets worse when a crow steals your transit pass from you, luckily a cute middle blocker is there to help you.
Word Count: 2457
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
You heaved a sigh of relief as you exited the school building. You stretched your arms out, shaking out all of the stress and tension that had built up in them over the course of the day, you rubbed one shoulder trying to get rid of the tenderness that had developed in the last hour. You had just spent the last 2 hours hunched over books, hastily finishing an essay that was due at the end of the day. Maybe you should have managed your time better, then you wouldn’t have been trying to get a 10 page essay done in two hours, but alas, your procrastination had gotten the better of you and it had been down to the wire trying to finish it before 6 so that you wouldn’t get late marks.
Now you were tired, and going home and just relaxing for the rest of the evening sounded heavenly. But when you rounded the corner you caught sight of the gymnasium. Specifically the gym that the volleyball team practiced in. For a moment you contemplated stopping by, all of their practices were always open, though by now all the good spots in the viewing gallery would be taken, so you’d likely have to stand, and your back certainly wouldn’t thank you for that.
But still you started heading towards the gym, even if you didn’t go in, you might be able to catch a quick look, and the train station was that way anyway.
You hadn’t made it very far before remembering that your friends had mentioned that they would be watching today, and you knew they’d never miss an opportunity to tease you about your crush on a certain middle blocker. It wasn’t fair they’d always tease you for your crush, but heaven forbid you bring up their crushes.
So you decided to spare yourself the headache and potential embarrassment, you’d just head home and maybe, just maybe, you’d get up early tomorrow and catch some of their morning practice, your friends never went to those.
You were just nearing the gym when you felt your phone vibrate, pulling it out you looked at the notifications, you saw that you had a few texts from your friends, apparently the volleyball team had closed practice to the public a bit early as they were working on some new things, so they had gone home. The other message you had was from your mom, asking if she needed to add any more money to your transit pass.
You unlocked your phone, navigating to your transit app so that you could check, upon opening it you saw that it had updated and you needed to out your information in. Sighing you started to dig through your bag, looking for your wallet, once you located it you pulled it out, opening it so that you could find your card.
Almost immediately after pulling your shiny transit pass out of your wallet you saw a shadow fall over you, and the card was tugged out of your hand.
“Hey!” You shout, turning around to give whoever just took your pass a piece of your mind, only to be met with… no one? You stood in confusion for a moment before you spotted a crow sitting a few meters away, pecking at a piece of plastic on the ground in front of it. Upon further inspection you determined that the piece of plastic was in fact your transit pass.
You started towards the bird, hoping to startle it and make it leave your card alone. Unfortunately your attempt did not have the desired effect, rather than dropping your card and flying away, the crow flew away, with your card. Luckily for you it didn’t go far, landing in the large tree near the volleyball gym.
You quickly made your way over, planning on getting back your card no matter what. However now that you were at the base of the tree looking up at it you realized just how big the tree was and how high up it you would have to go to get to the nest.
For a brief moment you debated just texting your mom to let her know that you had lost the card and would need a ride home (because there was no way you were walking home, it would take you an hour and a half, and you were already tired), however you quickly tossed that option out, this was the third transit pass you had gotten this year, your parents would kill you if they found out that you had lost another one.
Having decided what to do you began scanning the area for anything that would help you climb the tree as the lowest branches were just out of reach. Sure, you could reach them if you jumped, but you seriously doubted that you had the upper body strength to pull yourself up. So you knew you needed something to give you a bit of a boost... something like the garbage can beside the gym doors.
You quickly took your bag off, placing your blazer and phone inside of it before zipping it up and leaving it on the ground next to the tree so it wouldn’t get in your way. You then made your way over to the gym doors, hoping that you would be able to get the garbage can without being noticed.
You were in luck, the doors were only partially propped open, so someone would have to be trying to look through to really see anything, so you were in the clear to grab the bin. Reaching the bin you had a second bit of luck - it wasn’t one of the bins that the campus bolted to the ground, so you would actually be able to move it. Your luck ran out when you tried to do so; it was heavy, and you couldn’t quite lift it, so you had to drag it.
The scraping sound it made pierced through the stillness of the evening causing you to wince. You really hoped that no one had heard it. Luck was partially on your side in that area, not many people had heard it, but the quartet of third years that happened to be standing near the door certainly did.
You however were so engrossed in your task of dragging the bin to the tree that you didn’t notice a head poking out of the gym doors, watching you in confusion and amusement. His friends called him and he went back into the gym and you were none the wiser.
It took you much longer to get the bin to the tree than you thought it would, but once you finally had the bin under the tree you carefully studied it, making sure that it would hold you without tipping over. You didn’t fully trust it, but felt that it would likely get the job done.
And so, after psyching yourself up a bit, you began your careful ascent. You carefully lifted yourself onto the lower branches, you were almost off the bin when the sudden sound of the gym doors being thrown open and loud voices of people exiting the gym startled you, causing you to kick the bin away from you. It made a loud noise as it fell to the ground, however since it was so dark no one noticed you dangling precariously on the lower branches of the tree and simply ignored the fallen bin, carrying on with their evening. Everyone but one curious middle blocker who recognized the bin on the ground as the bin that had been beside the gym doors, the same one that he had watched you drag away.
He couldn’t help his curiosity, he waved goodbye to his friends before making his way over to the tree. The tree that you were once again trying to climb, however you were finding it rather difficult, you did indeed lack the upper body strength to pull yourself up, and with nothing to push off of to get yourself fully onto the branches you were simply left partially hanging out of the tree.
You swung your leg around, hoping to build up some sort of momentum to help swing it onto a branch to help you climb. You were shocked when it hit something solid. Glancing down you saw that someone had caught your foot. Your eyes trailed down his arm, and eventually landed on his face. Standing beside you, with your foot in his hand, was none other than Matsukawa Issei, your crush.
He just stood there for a moment, smirking up at you before he spoke.
“How’s it hanging?” He evidently found this situation hilarious, you did not, and your face showed as much. Infuriatingly however, as your frown grew so too did his smile, until he couldn’t hold himself back and began to laugh.
It took a moment for him to calm himself before he addressed you again.
“Come on, not even a smile?” His smile grew exaggerated as he continued to tease you. “I thought it was a pretty good one.”
You still didn’t respond, partially out of annoyance, and partially out of embarrassment. Not only did someone find you in this situation, but it was Matsukawa, the boy that you’d had a crush on since you first watched him play. You had wanted to gather your courage and approach him, tell him how good of a player you thought he was, maybe even ask him out, but you still hadn’t quite got there yet. This was a terrible first impression, now he was just going to think you were some sort of weirdo that he found dangling out of a tree.
Seemingly unfettered by your lack of response he tried again.
“Come on cutie, you’ve gotta give me something to work with.” He gave you another smile, but this one seemed softer and more genuine, it seemed less like he was making fun of you, and more like he was being friendly. It was then that you realised that he had probably come over to help you, not make fun of you, he just couldn’t help the joke.
“The bin, it uh, fell over.” You finally spoke, internally berating yourself at how lame you sounded.
“I saw.” His eyes trail over to the bin, spotting it laying on its side a few feet away, your bag on the ground nearby. “So, do you need a hand?”
You didn’t trust yourself to not make a fool out of yourself if you spoke again, so you just nodded, you really could use his help with getting down.
“Up or down?” He looked at you expectantly, waiting on your response. You weren’t even really sure what he was asking. When he noticed your confused look he clarified, “Do you need me to help you up the tree, or down, out of the tree.”
Oh, that made much more sense, you looked up the tree, seeing where the crow was still perched. You thought for a moment before replying. “Down please.”
Smiling he adjusted his grip on your leg before reaching up with his other arm to wrap around your waist, gently pulling you out of the tree before gently setting you down on your feet, back on solid ground.
You turned to him, bowing while thanking him for his help. You could hear him chuckling above you and you began to feel your face heating up. Slowly you straightened out, once again facing him.
“So… Do you climb trees often? Or is this a new hobby?” He was studying you curiously, evidently very interested in why you had been up the tree.
“Oh, uh,” You searched for the words to properly explain what was going on, “I uh. No.” You fumbled over your words again before continuing. “I needed to get my transit pass back.”
He looked confused for a moment, looking between you and the tree. “How’d it get up there?”
At this point the embarrassment of the situation was taking over again, and you simply pointed up at the crow, pointing out the culprit to Matsukawa.
He followed where you were pointing, and when he saw the crow he quickly put two and two together, bursting out in laughter.
“No way, the crow took it?” His laughter trailed off, and he wiped a tear away before continuing, “Man, that’s some bad luck. Here, hold this.” Suddenly he thrust his bag into your hands, you almost dropped it but managed to keep your hold on it.
You looked in his direction, about to question why he had given you his bag, however the question died on your tongue when you saw him. He took his blazer off, tossing it to you as well, before hopping up into the tree, climbing it with ease. His presence startled the crow, causing it to fly off, luckily it left your card in the nest. Matsukawa quickly retrieved the card before making a quick descent, hopping out of the tree once he was close enough to the ground.
He passed the card to you, and you gratefully took it, a wide smile taking over your features.
“Thank you so much! I don’t know what I would have done without you.”
You bowed again before handing him back his things. He smiled at you, finishing putting his things back in order he reached out towards you. You, confused simply cocked your head to the side, watching his hand with confusion. Suddenly his hand was on you, ruffling your hair, further messing it up. You yelped and quickly ducked out of the way, bringing a hand up to try and fix it. You gave him an unimpressed look, causing him to smile more.
“Well, I’ve got to head out, got early practice tomorrow. You get home safe.” With that he started to walk off, leaving you underneath the tree, staring after him.
He got maybe a few meters away before he turned back to you.
“Oh, and try not to let any more birds rob you, I’ve heard the chickadees are especially vicious, you might want to be careful.” Heat rose in your face again, and you weren’t sure if it was annoyance or if you were just flustered, but you weren't able to come up with a comeback before he turned back around, waving a hand over his shoulder in parting.
You just stood there for a few moments, before the caw of a nearby crow startled you out of your reverie. You tightened your grip on your card before grabbing the rest of your things, hastily shoving it back into your bag, you’d check the balance later, when there were less birds around.
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nodameshield · 3 years
how are we doing? have the tears dried yet? I know mine haven’t :: 
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let’s start light : research fellows count ! (also, lady, only ten years old? - I resent that).
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Goh understands this?? he’s got a silly proud smile and it’s following Ash’s butchered storytelling??? love 
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research fellows count ! 
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perfectly attainable dream 
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sure, go for it.  (look at both of their supportive lil smiles, we love best friends) 
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we all know the scene that’s coming ahead, but I thought this was a beautiful demonstration of growth already on Goh’s side.
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Listen before the sad part begins let us appreciate for a moment how Ash and Goh were smiling at EACH OTHER after the interview was over. cuties. 
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behold : the last frame we have of baby Sobble. I’m going to miss you, bean. thank you for everything<3 (he was so proud of his good deed as well!! my very heart) 
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just how fast the night changes, indeed.
Drizzle went through shock and pain at record speed and swiftly landed on anger - only to fall into ✨depression✨ just as quickly.
and then we just stayed there.
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(oh hey Cinderace ! good to see ya)
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a rough morning
 (I’m sorry, this scene was just fucking funny - the drama)
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Cinderace’s proud big bro moment was just too sweet to leave out - let us not forget, he’s been a big bro since he was Raboot (and even as a temperamental Raboot, he was always gentle to Sobble). And now his baby bro has evolved as well. precious ! 
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Goh handled this situation very maturely from the beginning. And here’s when the build up starts. He’s saying ‘hey, let me help you how I think you need to be helped” and he genuinely doesn’t mean any harm! naturally, his reaction is to help his Pokémon, in the way that has worked in the past.
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but then he starts to understand maybe that’s not the best approach this time around.
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and he’s ready to respect those new boundaries (of course, there’s no blame on Cinderace, either. Much like Goh, he - and everyone, really - was just trying to help in the way he thought was the best).
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shoutout to the animation on this bit because Pikachu’s ears darting down was a delightful detail. Chloe’s expression and Grookey’s simmering down drove the point home as well.
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ah, you coy little thing. Did you forget how your trainer almost left you behind because of how rebellious you were??? Because you made him feel as though you’d be better off without him?? (Cinderace has selective memory, you can’t change my mind, don’t be miss-leaded by the cuteness)
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this build up was wonderful - we begin to hear all these reasons why, yeah? maybe he just wants to be alone.
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maybe he’s still very afraid and careful of his surroundings, and his evolution made it worse? (he’d been popping up in random places in previous episodes, hiding, which was also great foreshadowing for this episode !) 
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maybe he’s cocooning himself until he’s ready to evolve again? (which, considering his disappointment and how badly he wanted to be Inteleon already, is a very plausible reason)
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but Prof. Cerise gets it right when he says ‘we can’t really know for sure’ (which ties greatly with Goh’s upcoming scene) - is it your Drizzle’s quirk? are they all like this? who cares? Isn’t wonderful how he’s a living creature? how he’s got nuances and a personality? shouldn’t that be enough of a reason to look after him, and try to help him right now?
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my child, still thinking he’s got to do everything on his own.
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and these two are just like ????? Goh ??? watchu talking about ???
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can you imagine how MUCH this moment means to him?? he was ready to keep going alone (it’s what he knows) and even when Ash and Chloe prove him, time and time again, that he’s not alone, there’s still something in Goh coded to believe others won’t care as much/won’t be there when he needs them. and that’s why he insists: I’ve got this. I can do it alone.
and, sure, but you don’t have to. that’s the beauty of friendship.
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you tell him, Chloe. (actually, without Chloe calling him out, he might have taken longer to figure out where Drizzle was. so...) // but also, it gives us a glimpse into the fact that, while Goh might have felt very lonely, Chloe has been observing and caring for him - in her way - for a long minute as well.
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my very point above. 
HEY, LISTEN: he doesn’t know, either. he’s a child, words are hard, and you rotate along the four moods of childhood (happy, upset, scared, hungry (?)) and don’t ponder much on anything else because you are a child, there’s no emotional intelligence to speak of, no need for it, you’re being shaped by your environment and all the stimuli of the world being a new place. things like loneliness, confusion, anxiety... we can’t put those into words - hell, they’re fucking abstract and confusing even when we are adults.
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and Goh’s stimuli and environment was, given what we know of his family life, a rather lonely one. Did his parents have a lot of spare time to take him to the park? I don’t think so. Was he good at going out there and asking other kids to play? ... probably not. 
Chloe doesn’t strike me as an extrovert, either, so even if she wanted to get close to Goh or invite him to hang out, perhaps she was too shy as well. Heck, perhaps Goh’s reaction would’ve been like the one above, he simply didn’t know. Maybe he didn’t want to ! and that’s perfectly fine as well.
am I forgiving the anipoke team for making Goh cry? no, never. but this was beautifully executed so I can grow to live with it.
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“why are you depressed?” “you have nothing to be sad about!” “look at all the wonderful things you have!” “just be happy again!” - sound familiar? yeah, this was incredibly well done.
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as adults, perhaps we see this and think ‘shit, how cool that they’re prodding on these topics, it’s important’ and it is !!! so important !! but if it’s this impactful as young-adults/grown-ups, imagine how impactful it must be as a child to see this and feel perceived. I’m honestly so proud of this moment, this whole episode. I’m grateful they took the time to look into this maturely. and even if children don’t do a full-fledged analysis on it, if they relate (like I know so many of us did) they won’t forget it. and that’s beautiful.
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darling I’m blanking on your TW handle I’m so sorry - but someone in a tweet SO RIGHTFULLY pointed out that these are the words Goh would have needed to hear when he was younger. saying them to Drizzle it’s a full circle moment for him, he’s hearing them as well, and it’s helping both of them grow.
He’s not forcing himself as Drizzle’s trainer. Goh bears no entitlement here. He’s saying ‘Hey, if you’re comfortable, if you want to share , I’ll be here’ / as a kid, people did care for him, they kept wanting to know what was going on, but Goh couldn’t put that in words and people pestering him only made it worse, but if someone had said ‘hey, when you’re ready...’ then,,,,yeah,,,,maybe it would’ve been different. 
he’s offering that safety now to his Pokémon, something he didn’t have, but he grew to understand is what he (and now Drizzle) needed. If that doesn’t have you breaking down in a teary mess then you are stronger than I’ll ever be, because my glasses were cloudy by this point.
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why, why, why. because you needed to hear all that as well, baby! so did a number of us. thank you.
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I’ll say that, however it was that you connected with this moment, that’s yours to cherish. 
Personally, I too had a lonely childhood marked by parents who overworked, and I too spent a lot of time alone in kindergarten and through elementary school because it was hard to make friends (turns out i’m an extrovert, ha, talk about breaking out of your shell...) so, obviously there were easy common grounds for me in this episode.
but I LOVED to read the reactions and realize so many people still connected with it, one way or the other. So many of us felt seen and understood and acknowledged in emotions that are so hard to put into words !! 
so, again, if you identified with Goh or Drizzle or any of the topics in this episode, that’s very beautiful, and I hope the underlying message that you’re not alone gets through.
With Sobble, and now with Drizzle as well, Goh is very adamant to remind us that, however we are, that’s fine. there’s something that makes us special, regardless of other people’s opinions, or their ideas of how we *should be* // that’s the message I’m taking with me, at least.
 and i can’t wait to see how this story line evolves !! I have no doubts that, when the moment comes, Inteleon will be a wonderful addition to the team, but Drizzle is here now, and he’s plenty wonderful already x
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ha ha, yes. I watched this episode three times. And all three times I was a mess.
side note but a very important one: the animation, the voice acting, the dialog, the scenery of the starry night - the entire scene was so beautifully executed. so  carefully crafted. ugh, amazing. just perfect. so happy.
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cryptid-currency · 3 years
Starlight Glimmer: Rewrite
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Starlight is one of my favorite characters but I know a lot of people dislike her. I totally understand why and I wanted to change her up a bit. So this is my alternate Starlight Glimmer. I didn't change everything but I did make some differences and i'd like to think I made some kind of improvement.
Name: Starlight Glimmer
Age: 27
Gender: Demigirl
Pronouns: She/They
Orientation: Lesbian
Relations: Firelight (Father)
Unknown Mother
Occupation: Student at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns (Formerly)
Leader of The Children of Stars (Formerly)
Student of Twilight Sparkle
Residence: Canterlot (Formerly)
San Palomino Desert (Formerly)
School of Friendship
History: Starlight Glimmer was born to Firelight and an unknown surrogate mother. She was born into luxury, spending a lot of time among the elite unicorns of canterlot. From a young age Starlight showed tremendous magical abilities and quickly surpassed even the older unicorns.
Celestia noticed her talent and once passing her exam with flying colors, Starlight was accepted into Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. She quickly rose through the ranks and became one of the top students in the school. Unfortunately Starlight began to experience burnout. Her grades began to slip, something she was all too aware of.
Starlight couldn’t accept failure. She locked herself in her room and became cold and withdrawn. It was during this time that Starlight began to fall down a dark rabbit hole, studying forbidden magic and putting not only herself but others in danger.
On a cool night Starlight snuck into the Canterlot Library, specifically the Star Swirl the Bearded wing. She felt the need to prove herself and to do this she found a powerful but dangerous spell. When she tried to cast it things went disastrously wrong. The spell backfired and not only did Starlight nearly destroy the library, but she shattered her horn. The spell backfiring also left her with a gray streak in her mane and dulled her cutie mark.
This left her magic unstable and left her scarred. Her reckless behavior got her kicked out of school and Starlight was left broken. She felt like a failure and placed the blame on those around her, her father and her teachers and Celestia. While they were partially to blame for ignoring her obvious troubles she completely deflected blame from herself.
She ran away, leaving Canterlot behind and began to travel. She heard of an ancient artifact called the Solar Ruby, a gem that not only gave her control of her magic but let her drain the magic of others. During this time Starlight's views began to morph, she saw unicorn magic as a burden and was the cause of unicorns' problems. Society puts pressure on unicorns to be powerful because of their magic.
Using manipulation she was able to spread her message and grow her cult. She would twist her past, putting fear into other unicorns with her broken horn. She would explain how her horn shattered because of magic and how magic had ruined her life. Once unicorns joined her she would drain their magic using the Solar Ruby. Her commun was in the San Palomino Desert, taking in travelers and convincing them to join. If anyone wanted to leave or get back their magic Starlight would berate them and convince them that she knew best and that this was the best way a unicorn could live.
She gave the cult the name Children of Stars and their numbers quickly grew. She had a tight grip on the commun. This is until six mysterious ponies appear in their small village talking about friendship and magic.
Starlight drains the mane six of their magic and locks them up but they are able to convince some of the more skeptical members to break away from the cult and help them. Sugar Bell specifically becomes a sort of leader of the rebels. She manages to help the mane six get their magic back and the Solar Ruby is shattered. Everyone gets their magic back. Starlight is enraged and quickly flees. There is a rock slide and Starlight is gone, for now.
Starlight returns again and the events of canon play out similarly. Starlight and Twilight travel back in time. Instead of the mane six, Starlight continuously tries to sabotage a young Twilight which causes a ripple effect and creates multiple dark futures.
Twilight pleads with Starlight to stop, asking her why she is doing this. Cue Starlights tragic backstory. Twilight tries to reason with Starlight saying she was never a failure and how Twilight is sorry that happened to her. Starlight breaks down and realizing this will do no good, sets everything back to normal.
After some debate among the mane six Twilight takes Starlight in as her pupil, teaching her about friendship and helping her control her formerly destructive magic. She doesn’t become a guidance counselor, instead she becomes a tutor of sorts.
She would eventually reunite with her father, Celestia and expresses both remorse for her actions and anger towards them.
Personality: In the beginning Starlight comes off as friendly and welcoming, if not a bit off-putting. She is manipulative and powerful and will do anything to maintain that power. She constantly shifts blame onto others and refuses to acknowledge her own faults.
When she was young Starlight loved learning and advancing her magic, burying herself into her studies. She is similar to Twilight in this way, except Twilight never had a burnout, and more importantly Twilight had the support of her friends and family.
While not intentional, Starlight tends to put others in danger and has a hard time understanding consequences. She has trouble listening and would rather do things her own way than how she was told to.
She is socially awkward from her isolated youth and her time in the cult. She is emotionally closed off but holds a lot of regret, anger and sorrow towards her past.
Description: Starlight is a unicorn with an average build and a horn with a broken tip. She has a pale lilac coat and a purple mane and tail. Her tail has been cropped short and her curly mane is kept in a messy bun. She has a silver streak in her mane and her eyes are a similar purple color to her mane. She has two faded scars, one on her muzzle and the other over her left eye.
Her cutie mark is a purple and white star with two silver streams. Her cutie mark has slightly faded from her backfired spell. Before it was broken she always had the Solar Ruby, a glistening red stone that was embedded on a silver necklace.
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decokelow · 3 years
Theories to Neighsay’s racism
Credits to: Catrina37
From what Catrina37 saw in mlp, some look of the villains of the season have a Freudian Excuse, something that happened in their lives that made them that way:
Nightmare Moon- feels overshadowed
Discord-Never had a friend
Sombra-comics said he was an outcast among the crystal ponies
Tirek- Jealous of his good brother
Starlight-traumatized over losing her friend due to his cutie mark
Chrysalis-obviously, she doesn't want to share love because she's scared of transforming.
Stygian-felt betrayed by the pillars
But was is Neighsay's excuse? Something made him think non-ponies are bad. Here are Catrina37′s theories:
Grew up in a family of haughty unicorns, descended from Platinum.
Had his cutie mark scratched by a nonpony since we haven't seen his mark
Lost a friend because a nonpony attacked that friend. Hint: she was in a movie
So I might be explaining Catrina's theories to Neighsay's Racism
Grew up in a family of haughty unicorns, descended from Platinum.
Okay so this theory could be partially, and possibly true, but that's a "ponism" situation, it ain't a racist situation. But what if he had a strict family like how he was strict? What if they told him only the non-ponies' dark side?
Had his cutie mark scratched by a nonpony since we haven't seen his mark.
This could be possible I mean, look close in this image below. This is from S9EP26 (School Raze-Part 2).
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It appears his flank doesn't have a butt mark. So I would say it could be possible.
Lost a friend because a nonpony attacked that friend. Hint: she was in a movie.
We all know who is this friend of his. Since we have the MLP: The Movie, we should be talking about Tempest Shadow. I mean this could be possible, like when Neighsay found out Tempest got attacked by that Ursa Minor, he got more afraid than usual since it is a nonpony after all. Then I would just be imagining Neighsay reuniting with Tempest moments later after School Raze. This would really explain the image below. This is from S9EP25 (The Ending of the End-Part 2).
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As you can see, Neighsay and Tempest are looking at each other...LOVINGLY. So might as well SHIP THEM! So, NeighShadow would be the ship name, right? Hmm...So I would say POSSIBLE!
Have any thoughts or more theories? Comment down below and I'll explain in my next post!
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peakywitch · 4 years
Hello you creative human you! I was wondering if I request some good old tommy angst with him finding out his daughter has lost her virginity? Could do with reading some drammmma while I’m working from home😂💕
His Daisy - Tommy Shelby
Warnings: usual stuff, you know (swearing, mentions of killing and sex)
Word count: 1.2 k
A/N: Hello my cutie!I couldn’t use angst, I’m so sorry, but it’s cute cute cute and has a lil drama so you don’t get bored. How’s your work doing, everything fine? i hope zoom calls are not drowning you!
As for why i didn’t use angst: i don’t believe Tommy is a slut shamer, and neither should we. Yes, my feminism got in the way, but i wasn’t comfortable. Sorry! Hope you enjoy it anyway <3
Ps: i’m not saying you are a slut shamer, nor that you think tommy is one, haha xoxo
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Six in the morning was marked on the clock, which sounded in time with Tommy's footsteps.
“Tom,” his wife began, “you're going to dig a hole. And I don't think you want to be in a tunnel again. "
As he finished his millionth cigarette of the night, he collapsed into one of the black chairs in the living room.
"I swear...” he spoke, slowly and furiously “that as soon as she walks through that door, I will drag her to the car and I’ll take her to a house of fuckin’ nuns, Y/N. I swear to fuckin’ god."
His wife sighed and pursed her lips in disgust.
It was not the first time that Daisy had escaped during the night. Y/N and Thomas knew perfectly well, but she always came back at three in the morning.
Tommy changed position every two seconds; he was uncomfortable, angry, nervous and scared. Y/N did not remove her fingernails from her lips, nor did she stop fearing the worst.
They spent ten minutes in silence, in their pajamas and in the middle of the room. The house that had ten rooms seemed even smaller than the tunnels of France that still lived in Tommy. And with every minute that passed, the house got smaller and smaller, and the knot in both throats grew and tightened more and more.
After five more minutes, footsteps and quiet laughter were heard in the front yard. Tommy separated his palms from his eyes and looked at his wife in relief. His face was deformed just after hearing the voice of a boy, which accompanied his daughter's voice. Like a shooting star, Tommy bolted for the door to give his daughter a warm and agitated welcome.
"Daisy, you are going to kill your father." Y/N sighed, getting up from the chair, while listening to how the laughter stopped.
"Dad…” said Daisy, seeing the man in pajamas.
"Indoors. Now."
Tommy's voice erased all happiness from the night before. She turned to dismiss the boy, but her father's rough tug interrupted her, forcing her inside.
"Dad!" she yelled complaining, but the slam of the door made her scream inaudible.
"Daisy, where were you?" Y/N asked, stepping to one side of Tommy.
"It doesn't matter..." she said, trying to free herself from Tom's grip.
"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" he asked, walking into the living room with her daughter's arm in her hand. He sat Daisy on the chair in which he was the last fifteen minutes “You're going to sit in that damn chair, until I feel like. Or until you tell us where the fuck you were! "
"I'm sleepy, we'll talk later."
Daisy tried to get up, but her father's scream commanding her to sit scared her, sending her back to the black single chair.
"Mommy, you know where I've been..." Daisy started.
Thomas's expressionless face scared Daisy even more. The anger showed in his eyes, always.
"Save the stories, young lady. Tell us where the hell you have been because today I am sending you to live with nuns. "
"Yeah, of course."
“Daisy, we haven't slept in five hours. Please just tell us where you were." Y/N sighed, hugging herself. It was a cold morning.
"I was with Adam." she said, sighing heavily.
"Who the fuck is Adam, Daisy?" Thomas asked, keeping his tone.
Daisy looked at Y/N.
Y/N had forgotten to talk to Tom.
"Daisy, go to your room." Y/N spoke. She had promised her daughter that she would explain to her father.
"Y/N..." began Thomas.
"Now." she sentenced, heading to her husband's study.
"Y/N!" he yelled, following her. He turned in his footsteps and ordered Daisy to stay right there because otherwise the boy would become history thanks to the Peaky Blinders.
With the second door slamming in the morning, Thomas Shelby and his wife locked themselves in his study, demanding an explanation.
“Tell me where the fuck was Daisy, Y/N.” he demanded, while serving himself a glass of scotch.
“If Tommy Shelby doesn’t drink his scotch at crazy hours it’ll evaporate.” She said in a whisper.
“I will drink whatever the fuck I want, at whatever hour I fuckin’ like, Y/N!” he defended himself angrily. He finished his glass in a second, to sit shortly after in a chair, near to where his wife was standing.
“Now, tell me where Daisy was. Because apparently, you knew the whole bloody night, and didn’t bother to tell me.”
His calm tone always exasperated the woman, he had that voice every single time, every day.
“Yeah, of course. I’m an idiot. I made you spend five hours awake, because I knew where she was and just wanted to make fun of you. You are right.” She argued sarcastically.
Tommy took his glasses of, dropped them in the table by his chair an touched his nose bridge. If there was anything he hated more than war, was sarcasm.
When she seated on the black chair next to her husband’s, she took his hand in hers.
“Tommy, look at me.”
When she saw his eyes, she traveled twenty years back in time. His concerned look was the same look he had when Daisy was born. She smiled slightly, he looked as beautiful as ever. His mood never mattered, sad, angry or happy. He was always the most handsome man she ever lied eyes on. Well, when he had that playful smile on his face, he was charming.
“I didn’t know where she was, Tom. I did not. But I now know.”
“Does she have a…?” he whispered.
His mouth could hide his smiles, his eyebrows could hide his frowns, but his eyes could never hide happiness or if he was worried. It was as if they changed, there was something that changed.
“Boyfriend?” she helped him, he nodded “yeah, kind of.” Y/N smiled, Tommy did too.
“Did they…you know?”
Thomas Shelby could say the alphabet of bad words. He knew them all. He knew a few in other languages, too. He had no shame in saying them everywhere and to anyone. He could also be very abrasive with his words, but with Daisy. With Daisy, he never said a bad word. Not until she turned sixteen. He got used to say “muffin” and “puppy” in front of her. Arthur once made fun out of him, but his gaze shut him up, forever. So, the fact that he wasn’t saying the word “sex” didn’t shook Y/N at all.
“I think so.” His wife smiled, looking into his eyes while caressing his hand.
“I swear to God, if that fucker hurts her, Y/N, I…” he started, whispering angrily.
“You will take care of your daughter. Because she will need you. In a month or two years. And you’ll be there for here. As you were there, holding her little hand in yours when she was born.” She interrupted him, with a smile on her face.
He fought the tears. He fought, hard. His baby was a woman now, and he had to accept it. And be there to hold her hand and hug her until her heart was in one piece again. But that didn’t mean that he had to forget about revenge if that ever happened.
He let out a smile, he couldn’t fight the smile. And he didn’t know if it was because of the beautiful daughter he had, or if it was because he knew no one could harm for free his Daisy.
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