#i think this is actually more terrifying that original needles
iris-echos · 6 months
Tmagp au where everything is the same except instead of needles its noodles and every time they move it's accompanied by the sounds of wet pasta
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greaseonmymouth · 1 year
As you've asked for asks!:
Do you have any quick-and-dirty book/fic binding methods a terrified-of-failure novice could use to bang something out to get over the first collywobbling step of Actually Doing The Thing? (this may be something I've been meaning to ask for ages)
yes! I absolutely do! in my opinion the best quick-and-dirty bookbinding method is a no-glue pamphlet: you don't have to mess with glue or measuring or cutting anything, all you need is your text, some paper, a needle and thread. you can use the same needle to punch holes if you don't have an awl.
this is going to be a little long but that's because I'm going to write out some fairly detailed instructions for an A5 sized pamphlet. If you don't want detailed instructions and think you can glean the necessary info from photos, just skip to the photos! I've also linked tutorials.
for preparing the text to printing, in whatever software you use (word, libreoffice, gdocs, whatever) make sure your document is set to page size A5. make it look readable. then save as/export that document as a straight-paged PDF. now go to the bookbinder JS tool (https://momijizukamori.github.io/bookbinder-js/), and upload the PDF. source manipulation: none printer paper size: A4 display unit (you can ignore, or choose cm if it gives you anxiety that it automatically displays points) printer type: select single-sided or duplex accordingly* rotate paper: ignore flip on long side: check if you are printing duplex and if your duplex printer flips the paper on the long side page layout:  tick folio page scaling: original page positioning: centered ignore the rest flyfleaf: ignore signature format tick: standard signatures. in the length drop down, this depends on the type of pamphlet you are doing. for folio i generally find 4-5 pages per signature a comfortable thickness. if you have 6 whole A4 pages you can still do that as a single signature or you can split it into two signatures 3 pages each. wacky small layouts: ignore this signature info click the generate preview button to see what your PDF looks like imposed! I love this step especially when I'm doing quarto (A6) or octavo (A7) sized books generate output - click this to generate an imposed PDF
for A6 and A7 sized books the instructions are much the same, except for these you make sure the page size is A6 or A7 in your software, and then you choose quarto or octavo instead of folio. for signature length drop down I keep signature length to 1 for octavos typically and 2 for quartos, as this still refers to sheets of paper, and for octavo 1 sheet of A4 paper will turn into 4 smaller sheets in one signature once folded and cut.
*if you don't have a duplex printer you will have to manually turn the paper to print on the other side. I cannot be arsed with this so I bought a printer capable of duplex printing (I didn't have a printer anyway). if you already have a printer check what it can do as you might be surprised and go from there.
now to the pamphlets! you don't need a cover - I have one for the long stitch pamphlet but for the saddle stitch one I didn't bother and just made sure the first page had a title on it. you can always take a different piece of paper and print a cover on or or just use coloured cardstock and create a simple cover, but a cover is not necessary unless you're doing a long stitch pamphlet. all you need to do is to punch holes and start sewing. there are a few different stitch types below, I wouldn't say any of them are more difficult or easier than others, but they do look different so...pick one you like the look of and go from there?
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pamphlet stitch (uneven number of holes) I haven't ever done a pamphlet stitch but here's a tutorial for how to do it: https://www.starpointestudio.com/simple-pamphlet-stitch-book-step-by-step/
saddle stitch (uneven number of holes) I realised that what I was thinking of as a pamphlet stitch is actually saddle stitch, as in this A7 pamphlet:
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here's a tutorial for how to sew saddle stitch: https://www.bookbindingworkshopsg.com/saddle-stitch-bookbinding-tutorial/ here's a video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWHkY5jOoqM (sealemon has a lot of bookbinding tutorials and I know many people who like her videos, I used her tutorial for coptic binding way back when I first made a book but I can't otherwise vouch for the quality as I haven't used her videos)
french link stitch (even number of holes) in this one I used french link stitch which I typically use for thicker textblocks that i'm not planning to use tapes with as the french link gives it some robustness, I used it here because I had never done it before and wanted to try it out. I am planning to take these stitches out and re-sew this pamphlet with a cover now that I've found a suitable piece of transformer fanart to use as a cover:
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french link tutorial. it's quite long but it has a colour coded bit towards the end that shows how the thread is supposed to link which i find very helpful to visualise: https://www.handmadebooksandjournals.com/bindings/french-link-stitch-binding/
here's a video tutoral from DAS bookbinding (he is my go to for techniques and he has the most soothing Australian accent as well, though fair warning not all of his videos are for beginners): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4ZPdbaM-Ws
long stitch (even number of holes) for this one I used long stitch and I had a cover. this one is my favourite variation because I can make these pretty and simple covers and the stitch looks nice on the outside as well, so this one scratches the 'i want to make a book' itch for me.
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here's a tutorial that also includes a how to on a cover that is different from my cover: https://lccprintmaking.myblog.arts.ac.uk/files/2020/06/Long-Stitch-Tutorial-A4.pdf DAS also has a video tutorial for long stitch but it's like three videos long, maybe watch it later :'D  here's one I haven't watched but seems decent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnignTL_wDQ
you can use saddle stitch for this kind of pamphlet as well, that's what I did for dozens of ships and hundreds of souls (https://ashmouthbooks.tumblr.com/post/681587080267202560).
I hope this helped!!
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anon-e-miss · 6 days
At Waiting's End - 7 Consequences
Camshaft was uneasy. Though Optimus Prime had been an ally in the evacuation, he was still a Prime and Camshaft had seen the degradation Cybertron had suffered under Zeta and Sentinel and he did not trust the Matrix of Leadership’s decision making at all. The mech would need to prove himself because carrying the Matrix was a mark against him and not a boon. It had been a long time since Camshaft had been in Iacon. He had never gained access to the Primal Palace from which the Autobot base had emerged. His handlers had been more concerned with technologies and trade secrets and not the cult of the Prime. One of ten thousand refugees, Camshaft did not go unnoticed, Autobots cast him a long look here and there as he explored the grounds. They left him be, which was exactly what he wanted.
“They’re treating that slut like a hero,” a voice sneered. Cocking his helm to the side, Camshaft approached. Fury quickly built in his spark. Was this the mech Prowl had mentioned? The mnemosurgeon.
“Didn’t he shoot down that trine?” Someone else asked.
“That’s his story,” the Tagonian sneered. “I can’t believe Jazz is buying that that’s his bitty. You’d think he’d be smarter than to get conned into raising someone Con’s bastard.”
“You think he was clanging with a Con?” The Seeker asked.
“How do you think the Cons got through Praxus’ legendary defences?” The mech asked. “Obviously that traitor was...”
The smartmouth’s friends jumped back as Camshaft hit him with a vicious right hook. He fell to the ground, visor shattered. Angry flashed from yellow optics and he tried to lunge at Camshaft but the spy spun and kicked him in the chassis, sending him flying. Camshaft pinned him down with one ped. Revealing himself to be exactly who Camshaft had thought him to be, the mnemosurgeons needles slowly extended from his servo, meant to be used as a weapon of course. Glaring into his optics, Camshaft smashed his ped down on that servo, spearing his palm with the blade hidden in his heal. The mech screamed. As one of the mech’s friends approached, Camshaft cocked his helm.
“I have no quarrel with you,” he said. “On the surface. You do keep this cretin’s company and that is a point against you.”
“Uh... we aren’t actually friends or anything,” the Seeker said, raising his servos.
“Coward,” the mnemosurgeon growled.
“You would do well not to speak,” Camshaft warned him. “If I hear you have spoken my creation’s designation or eluded to him in slanderous conversation again I will rip out your glossa and then drive those needles you violated him with through your optics.”
“You are Prowl’s originator?” A mech with a scope on his shoulder asked. He had a refined accent that suggested he had been educated in the Towers.
“Yes,” Camshaft replied. He gave the mech a look of challenge. Camshaft knew his creation had not felt welcome among the Autobots.
“Well,” the Seeker said. “You’re terrifying.”
“That is a sensible reaction,” Camshaft replied. “Should your security forces wish to speak with me, I am staying with Jazz.”
They did not try to detain him, no doubt because they were terrified. If that cretin wanted to file a complaint against him, Camshaft would welcome it. Was it Chromedome that he called himself now? Prowl had told Camshaft two designations for the same mech and he could not remember which was current. It did not matter. He was the sludge beneath Camshaft’s peds. He had never suffered a consequence for his abuse of his needles and now he had. Camshaft did not mind facing the consequences of this small act of vengeance, if it suited the Prime to dispense them. It would have suited Camshaft well enough to kill the afthole but he was too well-practised to kill openly. Should Chromedome not abide his order, Camshaft would consider escalating his vengeance but it would not be public and it would not be traceable to him. He was far too professional to be caught out so easily.
“Cam?” Camshaft froze. His processor pinched not unlike Prowl’s did when he had a crash brewing but Camshaft’s never went so far. Slowly he turned. How could it be? “Holy Pit, it really is you.”
“Downshift,” Camshaft whispered the designation. How could it be? He had met this mech in Polyhex, spying on Straxus’ operations. How could he be here in front of him after so long?”
“It’s been a long time,” Downshift said, smiling. “I’ve been thinkin’ o’ ya since Megs hit Praxus, wonderin’ if ya was there.”
“I was in the catacombs,” Camshaft explained.
“I’m headin’ to a security call, can I buy ya a drink, this dark-cycle?” Downshift asked.
“I... sure... yes,” Camshaft replied.
“Great!” Downshift exclaimed. “Maccadam’s, 8 o’clock?”
“I will see you there,” Camshaft promised.
Downshift smiled again and disappeared around the corner, going to the security call Camshaft assumed actually involved him. It seemed like a good time to go home. What was he thinking? Maybe he would just... no, Camshaft could not lie to himself so easily, he knew damn well he would be going to that bar. What was he thinking? He had told Downshift had been called home on urgent business. That business had been the carrying Camshaft had uncovered. After Sideways had stolen Barricade from him, Camshaft had been unwilling to risk losing another bitlet and he had followed Praxian tradition and had gone home to emerge his creation. From then on, Camshaft had remained in Praxus, raising his creation, guarding him from those that considered his glitch a fatal flaw. He had never considered tracking Downshift down. That was not what Praxians did. Yet, Downshift was half Praxian. Smokescreen looked entirely Praxian but in reality, his code was made up of more Polyhexian code than it did Praxian. Prowl had no idea.
“Originator, are you alright?” Prowl asked when he returned home.
“The Autobot Security Forces may be calling,” Camshaft explained, though that was not the reason he no doubt looked ashen.
“Why?” Prowl asked. He held Smokescreen tightly. Oblivious, the little bitlet continued to nurse. Bluestreak, sitting on a pillow at Prowl’s peds, looked up from his book.
“I came across a loathsome mech speaking ill of you and my grandcreation,” Camshaft explained.
“Who?” Jazz asked, stepping from the kitchen. His originator, Punch, was with him.
“Chromedome was the glyph Prowl used once,” Camshaft replied.
“What was he sayin’?” Jazz asked.
“It is of no matter,” Prowl spoke up. Jazz canted his helm to Camshaft. He wanted his answer.
“He called him a slut and suggested Smokescreen had been sired by a Decepticon,” Camshaft explained. “That he aided the Decepticons in annihilating Praxus.”
“That piece of scrap,” Jazz growled. “I knew ya had issues but I ne’er knew it was that bad.”
“Prowl... you never told him?” Camshaft asked. “Now would be the time since I may have mentioned it when I was kicking his aft.”
“Jazz, Chromedome used his needles on me,” Prowl explained, as sparkling safely as he could. “It was not invited. It happened more than once.”
“‘M gonna kill ‘m,” Jazz growled.
“Do not,” Prowl ordered.
“If yer worried ‘bout Jazz gettin’ into trouble, what wit the bitty, I can take care o’ it,” Punch offered.
“No one is killing Chromedome,” Prowl said.
“Bitlet,” Camshaft said. “He is worth the paperwork.”
Prowl disagreed. It was not in his nature to fight bullies. He had learned to ignore them, they had just been too numerous in Praxus. But Chromedome had effected Prowl’s inclusion in the Autobots, having enlisted after him and he had effected Prowl’s sense of self and security and that was unforgivable. Feeling like an outsider, Prowl had fled the moment he had learned he was gravid, afraid somehow he would lose the bitlet, despite the fact that he had loved Jazz dearly. Vorns of bullying and harassment had made Prowl feel too vulnerable, especially with the onslaught of maternal code. Camshaft did not believe one beating was adequate punishment, only utter ruination or death would sate the originator’s wrath. He was, however a patient mech and he was willing to wait to sate his energon lust.
Jazz resolved the matter with the Autobot Security Forces. His glyphs, being the third in command, carried a great deal of wait and Chromedome was now finding himself the target of an investigation, instead of the victim of a crime. Camshaft showered but he did not polish. This was not a date and he did not wish to give Downshift the wrong impression. Prowl seemed worried as he readied himself to go but Camshaft reaffirmed his promise that he was not going to trouble Chromedome. His creation knew something was off and Camshaft did not believe he was terribly reassured. Camshaft brushed his crest against his creations as he snuggled with his bitlet and his mechling. Bluestreak was theirs, if not legally, in spark and that was what counted. He did not have the glyphs to tell Prowl that he the acquaintance he was meeting was his progenitor, so he did not. For the moment, Camshaft did not know if he would even tell Downshift. So much time had passed, what would even be the point?
“Oh frag,” Camshaft moaned loudly.
Downshift mouth was on his neck, his servos on his aft and his spike, buried deep in his core. His legs and arms were wrapped around the other mech as they moved together. Arching his back, Camshaft hooked his leg over Downshift’s hip and urged him deeper. Bowed over him, Downshift held Camshaft’s servos above his helm as he kissed his face, his neck, his wells. They were not even intoxicated. Downshift had bought a round of drinks and then invited Camshaft back to his habsuite to talk more, though they had not managed much talking. It was just like the first dark-cycle they had met. The attraction, physical and sexual, had been instantaneous and all encompassing.
“I never stopped thinkin’ bout ya,” Downshift told him when they rested later, intertwined.
“I as well,” Camshaft replied. He dimmed his optics. How was he going to dig himself out of this mess.
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claygoestothemovies · 1 month
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I certainly would not have expected Lee Isaac Chung’s follow up to MINARI to be a reimagining of TWISTER, but here we are. Unfortunately, TWISTERS is a mostly hollow experience with none of the heart or excitement of the original. That said, Glen Powell continues his career trademark of being the most fun part in any project he’s involved in.
We meet Kate (Daisy Edgar-Jones) in an action packed and terrifying opening (that the rest of the film never comes close to reaching) as she is testing out her theory on how to destroy a tornado, with devastating results. The rest of the story proper takes place a few years later, with her being the reluctant expert dragged back into a life she’s been running from by her old friend Javi (Anthony Ramos). Glen Powell on the other hand is an obnoxious YouTuber who chases storms and sells tees with his face on them and says things like, “If you feel it, chase it!” The script seems to think they have romantic tension, the actual chemistry between the actors leads me to disagree. I had more of a connection with the Nutella I had at lunchtime. In today’s sexless film landscape, perhaps that was by design.
In a film called TWISTERS, I’ll hazard a guess that most audiences don’t care about the depth of the story and are more interested in the storm centric set pieces. The scale is appropriate, although when you don’t really care about the characters involved, it’s hard to be invested in what’s going to potentially happen to them. I am curious about the number of drunk people who will attempt to set off fireworks into tornadoes after this film, though, it seems very tempting.
The most egregious sin this film commits, however, is a combo of truly eye roll inducing dialogue hand-in-hand with the most on-the-nose needle drops ever committed to the art form. Just in case you weren’t sure what a paper thin character was feeling at any given point in the runtime, there’s a song to tell you that information. It felt lazy at first, rolled around to funny, and by the end it was just irritating at how little the entire thing seemed to think of its audience’s mental capabilities.
In the end, it’s just another mindless summer blockbuster. No more, no less. And it gave at least two safety tips about what to do in case of a tornado spawning nearby, which could save a life one day, I suppose. So there’s that.
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artificialandroid · 5 months
Alright! So! I'm a fucking idiot A few days ago @r0m4ndotexe mentioned piercing headcanons for the NuCani boys and I meant to do something with it after the anxiety of posting and tagging died down only to promptly forget about it. Sooo!! Please indulge me as I rant for a moment and commemorate yet another "rare" post to these morons.
Eiden: Of course he had his ears pierced, nothing super complex or overly interesting but just the incredibly basic lobe studs as a fun starting point. Do not let him fool you!! The lip ring he wears is a fake! He will try to convince you otherwise! He is lying!! Yakumo: Obviously the easiest answer is to simply mention his gemstone and honestly I'm going to stick with it. Look at this poor boy and tell me he wouldn't be absolutely terrified of needles. He does like to add little decorations to his gemstone though!
Edmond: Absolutely not! He's thought about them of course and he's let his eyes wander more than once to Olivine's gemstone but he also has more than enough restraint. It'd be too impractical for a knight to be worrying about getting it caught anywhere, not to mention the maintenance. He's too busy and too worried about other things, but it's not like he hasn't thought about it.
Olivine: Olivine Olivine Olivine by sweet summer boy, of course, he has piercings! Nipples, lobes, helix, I'm again going to count his gemstone as one just for shits and giggles. However! This is where things get funny~ He does in fact have the piercing he mentions in one of his homescreen dialogues~ Originally he wasn't going to! A man of the cloth can't be allowing himself to be too indulgent after all, but then of course Eiden comes around. If you're going to name a piercing "Jacob's ladder" then it must be alright to some degree~?
Quincy: Too troublesome, because of course they are. The upkeep, the healing time, and the risk of getting it caught in a tree branch is just not worth it. Eiden has begged this man many times to get something, purely for his own enjoyment but the farthest he's managed to get is clipping a few of his fake rings to Quincy's ears while he's asleep and simply enjoying the view until he notices, or cares.
Kuya: Kuya Kuya Kuya, this man, this bastard of a man. Absolutely zero interest in the concept at first, I mean, what's all this uproar about sticking holes and metal in your body? For fun?? Humans are weird. Up until the point where he overhears Eiden's many attempts at begging Quincy to get his tongue pierced, it'd just look so good on him! Kuya isn't going to speak his agreement, but he will have a little surprise for the younger master the next time he's in an important meeting~
Garu/Karu: No, mostly for their own safety. Garu is interested though! The little shiny decorations that nearly everyone seems to have look like so much fun! But Karu is so against it that it's hard for Garu to hear his own thoughts. Why should they mark themselves like these lowly humans!? That and I'm again a firm believer that Karu is also afraid of needles but refuses to admit it.
Blade: Honestly I had a bit of trouble with this boy, at least in terms of trying to add some kind of reality to how it would work for him. Personally, I think he'd be incredibly interested, Darling looks so cute with his piercings and he loves loves loves when he shows them off! But I also think that it just wouldn't be that easy to actually pierce an E-droid's skin, that doesn't leave out fun little stickers though!
Dante: Number one on my goddamn bastard list, yes even in front of Kuya! Give me an SSR you bastard!!! Still love him though and what would make him even better!? Give This Man Traditional Middle Eastern Piercings!!! Give him that nose ring with the chain! The ears! The belly button! Bangle This Man!!! Please.
Rei: Now I'm again going to cheat here, Rei looks fucking identical to one of my own OCs so I am making the decree that they have the same piercings as well. Lobe, industrial, two helixes and of course the tongue. Easy, simple, 1000% self-indulgent, let's move on shall we~?
The familiars: Honestly the two familiars were the easiest for this (besides Olivine) so I may or may not be splitting this up a bit~
Little Aster: I don't care that it's probably impractical but this little guy has his wings pierced, not the actual membrane itself but simply cute little rings and chains around the forearm. Aster: Another easy and simple but he definitely has his lobes done and probably all around his helix as well. Scarlet Finesse: Now this! This is a masterpiece! Every piercing he has in his basic form with snake bites to cap it off~ I'm also a firm believer that much like Yakumo, Aster has a forked tongue. It's not as pronounced as Yakumo's is but Aster does have both sides of his tongue done.
Little Morvay: Best boy, baby boy, cute boy, so cute I'm going to strangle him I swear to god. I don't think he has any piercings in this form and originally had the idea of at least giving him little rings to put over his little horns but I'm going to scrap that idea. Morvay: Baby, baby, baby, baby, who going to match with my other baby and have his nipples pierced as well as simple little lobes and that helix. After all, what incubus wouldn't have his nipples pierced??? Mauve Mayhem: Everything, god damn everything, he's the other half of the reason why Olivine has so many and no I don't have favourites. Nipples, bellybutton, Jacob's ladder, industrial, helix, lobes, snake bites and his tongue. But~ Just like Aster and Yakumo, he has a differently shaped tongue, although unlike them, it's tapered. He has three studs down the middle~! There! Done~! I did it~!! And if you've made it this far, thank you for reading my mad ramblings! Hopefully, it's all coherent enough! Good luck with those pulls~!!!
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whumpbug · 4 months
hi bug i am here to trade questions!! i have a burning one about your boy archie:
what exactly are his powers? what sort of things can he do? what are the drawbacks to them, how do they hurt him back?
thank you :>
thank you SO much for asking this because i've been wanting an excuse to talk about this boy ( ๑˘ω˘ ) like yours, i also wrote a LOT so i apologize in advance
okay so. i think i've said before that his enhancements are like if daredevil and captain's americas abilities combined but ill explain it in more detail for people who aren't totally sure about the specifics of that
the tl;dr is basically this: archie has enhanced strength and heightened senses. he's about 4 times as strong as the average male his age, and similarly as resilient. because of his enhanced strength, he can also run faster and jump higher (the boy has quads of steel). he can also see and hear much clearer and farther than your average human and can even hear heartbeats from a decent distance away!
under the cut is a lottt more detail and context for those who are interested!
so basically, i'm gonna start with some backstory.
archie's villain (hero) origin story:
archie grew up in the city and was never very. affluent.
he grew up with his mother because his father left when he was really young. he doesn't remember him well, but what he does remember is the effect his absence had on his mom. to put it briefly, he grew up around a lot of things that a child shouldn't have had to grow up around.
still, his mother did her absolute best to give him a good, safe childhood. unfortunately, there are things you just cant protect your child from.
when he was about 7, he was walking home from school and goofing around like a kid does, and he somehow got roped into a drug deal that was being made just a block from his apartment.
long story short, the guys were roughing him up (they were assholes.) and one of them was messing around and pretending to stick him with one of the syringes.
and then he actually did.
and it was agony.
poor, tiny archie was immediately overcome with the worst pain he'd ever experienced in his life to this day.
to avoid this section becoming a straight up 100k fic, ill just say that the recovery from the initial contact with the serum took archie weeks to recover from, and it many ways, he hasn't.
the boy is terrified of needles.
about the drug itself:
so you're gonna have to bear with me her because i am not a biochemist, and this might not make any sense.
so the drug, which i've dubbed VSD (Very Scary Drug) was originally made by a very shady crime syndicate, for underground fighting rings, kind of like a steroid but more permanent. the drug has 2 parts.
the first part of it works by acting on a specific DNA sequence, and spurring HGH (Human Growth Hormone) to amp up its production in the skeletal muscle cells, bone cells, and neuromuscular junctions (for better and faster reflexes)
the other part alters the somatosensory cortex, occipital lobe, and temporal lobe, and esentially causes them to be extremely active, to a point beyond human ability, but because of the first part of the drug, it's able to heal itself and create new cells
because VSD was designed to be permanent, it is very dangerous and not for everyone. the thing about it is that you have to be genetically compatible with it, or the entire thing could backfire or malfunction. only about 1 in every 100k people are even able to reap the effects of the drug. about 1 in every 100 even survive taking it at the dose archie recieved it.
if someone incompatible takes the drug, the effects are. dire. they can range from blindness, deafness, loss of sensation throughout the entire body, tumors, complete paralysis, and even the body just. not producing more cells. and then the vicitim would just deteriorate.
so yeah! not a fun time! and archie was incredibly lucky. the drug was obviously discontinued, and archie hasn't heard of anyone else who recieved the same effects that he did. there are only drugs that can do similar things now, but none are permant like archie's, and the abilities dont even begin to compare.
now what the hell can archie actually do?
well, let's first start with what he can't do.
the drug has no cognitive or behavioral effects, so archie is still the same old archie, only his body has changed.
the drug also has no effect on the immune system, both innate and adaptive. archie can get sick the same as any person, and has the same recovery time too!
now lets move on to the fun stuff!
like i said before, archie has about 4 times the strength as your average male his age. because of his muscle mass and bone density, he is also relatively resilient to injuries from "normal" people, but he's not like. invincible. if you smack that boy with a brick, its gonna hurt. he is sometimes unaware of his own strength and limits though, and throws himself to situations with the mindset of "this isnt even gonna scatch me" and is proven very wrong.
as for his senses, we'll start with vision
he can see about twice as far as your average person, and with clarity beyond even 20/20. he is also very privy to noticing small movements, even if theyre in his peripheral.
now hearing! he can hear much much quieter things than your average human. im not totally sure how to quantify this one, but basically he is hearing like.. everything. all the time. which we'll get into later. the way i gauge it is the fact than he can hear heartbeats, even when he'd just standing next to the person.
and lastly (and probably least interestingly) touch! he can feel sensations a lot more clearly than most. the sensation you would have on your fingertips is kind of what he feels all over, and it makes him have pretty bad sensory issues with certain things (me too archie, me too.)
how can we whump this boy?!
okay, now onto the drawbacks of these abilities!
you're probably thinking "bug. how are there even any drawbacks? these abilities seem sick asf! how do i get my hands on VSD?!"
and i'm here to tell you. NO no you do not want this. archie still suffers every day.
the first and most obvious one is the unimaginable sensory overload this boy feels every day. he hardly ever gets a quiet moment, and even when he does, he still can't tune out the sound of his own heartbeat thundering in his ears. it's hell. luckily, hes had 17 years to learn to cope, but he still has days where he curls into a ball in a dark room and sobs because everything is too bright and so so loud
also, the drug isn't painless. since the muscle mass isn't natural, prolonged use of his body (like in fights) cause horrific aches the days after. it feels like his body is trying to tear itself apart, which, it kind of is.
also, the headaches. god, the headaches. the human brain does not take kindly to being toyed with and doesn't archie know it. archie is sort just. in a perpetual headache. and he only really notices when that headache becomes a migraine. get this boy some ibuprofen, please.
another thing is increased appetite. because cells can't just synthesize out of nowhere, archie has to keep up with the rapid production. this boy can EAT. he is always hungry. always snacking.
lastly, the psychological aspect of the whole thing. growing up as a superhuman, where even playing thumb war could break your classmate's thumb, was hard. archie lived most of his childhood keeping to himself in fear of his own strength. as he got older, he learned to manage it a bit better, but he's still very anxious about it. he won't let himself near babies, cats, or small dogs.
and then, of course, there's the trauma. this manifests as a SEVERE needle phobia, as well as just a fear of doctors in general. its the reason why he and Simon's relationship just works. he doesn't see him as a doctor, he sees him as a friend who is always willing to take care of him when he needs it, and for that, he is forever grateful
and that's pretty much it! please excuse my probably horrid typos and grammar errors, i kind of rushed this because i was excited, so i hope you like it kia! thank you so so much for the ask! ヾ(^ ^ゞ
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curious-sootball · 9 months
Assorted OxDeadlands headcanons because this campaign lives in my brain rent-free:
Nate has been doing the "bumbling old fool" act since he's been able to look old enough for that - say, since his late forties or early fifties: he thought it was a lazy way of achieving things when he initially learned it from his fellow workers, but ended up changing his mind pretty quickly.
Young Nate pretty firmly believed in the value of hard work and humility - to a fault; he had a few very rough patches when he just arrived in America and was taken advantage of by his bosses (who were all too glad to hire a guy willing to do twice the work for half the credit seemingly without realising). As he would say later to Delacy, "It was a formative experience for me!".
I really like the idea that Nate absorbed a small encyclopedia's worth of knowledge about supernatural creatures of the Weird West solely for the purpose of steering clear from them as efficiently as possible - he can hold his own in a regular fight, but supernatural fight is a whole different can of worms (mostly inspired by @/melsrainpod including Johnny telling everyone that vampire tumbleweeds are a thing as Nate's in-character freakout in a fic, I loved that detail so much. Also, did you know Tumblebleeds aren't the only creatures pretending to be mundane things in Deadlands lore? There's a creature called Bloodwire, it looks like a living barbed wire and hunts by pretending to be part of ranch fences. Weird West is fucking terrifying)
Speaking of the original Deadlands lore - I think that OxDeadlands have a more matter-of-fact attitude towards the fact that supernatural things exist and affect people: the original Deadlands have both Texas Rangers and Men In Black Dusters keeping up the idea that supernatural stuff is just superstition and folk tales in everyone's minds (spoilers - it doesn't work too well). Isn't much on its own, but helps with the supernatural legislation headcanons that I have. (Imo being able to call a supernatural creature what it is really helps with writing and issuing laws about them). Not all states have the same legislation around the supernatural creatures and enforce it the same way.
Garnet always gets an uneasy feeling around large quantities of ghost rock - not quite the full body pins and needles of being in The Hunting Grounds, but close. After the finale, so do Edie, Silas and Delacy (and Nate, but he got that way after coming back as a Harrowed - as opposed to others, who were properly touched by the arcane after entering The Hunting Grounds), but to a lesser degree.
Edie knows how to bind books(that's how she maintains/expands her copy of the monster encyclopedia... read Reading is more fun(when you can draw on the margins) its so good) and later taught Delacy how to do that.
He and Bison Billy actually compiled and made a custom version of a song collection book for Edie as a birthday present; Bison Billy called in a favour from his friend, who runs a printing workshop, to print that collection without censoring the raunchier songs. (Don't worry, the workshop didn't get in trouble with the local law - that wasn't the first or the most NSFW thing they printed, they have this figured out)
Silas and Edie were really touched when Victoria made them packed lunches; they still think about it bitterly from time to time. (In a very guarded, filled with internalised guilt "if I hadn't let my guard down around that person, maybe the fallout of them betraying all of us wouldn't have been this horrible" kind of way)
One evening, a few months after the finale events, Silas, Edie and Garnet had a talk about the whole situation, because they all felt understandably uneasy about ending up as potential new Horsemen recruits (that sounds like a thing that would make someone rethink at least some of their life choices). Silas was mostly upset at the Horse afterimage and the implication that he had enough in common with Ben Bellows to end up as the new War Horseman. Garnet mused about Victoria getting desperately lonely - not in a defending way, in a "that line of thinking was not a product of a sound mind" way. Edie was still mad at Victoria for weaponising her memories of her brother against her and Garnet, and didn't say much.
Speaking of Victoria... you know how the Rider of the white horse (Conquest and later Pestilence) is depicted with a bow and crown? Victoria gets a flaming sword and a crown in the finale, but the bow is never mentioned (probably because pulling out a bow inside a house while riding a big gravity-defying horse is a bit ridiculous mental image, and that would've kind of killed the vibe of fighting a Horsewoman of the Apocalypse). Does it even exist in this universe? Because if it does and unsealed Conquest doesn't have it on hands, that has very interesting implications: given that IRL Pestilence replaced Conquest in the Horsemen lineup - was that a hint for the players to thoroughly search Daisy's office?
Continuing on with the weaponry/items descriptions for the Horsemen - these five either had them swapped around from the start or there's a story reason for their respective items: Victoria wields a flaming sword in the finale - usually the rider depicted with the sword is War. Either the sword originally belonged to Victoria, or she took it for herself after breaking the seals (as a sort of retribution for delaying the Apocalypse) Also, Andy mentioned that Johnny cut the fight short when they shot Victoria with the Coup - that implies that she could've wielded another weapon(s) later in the fight.
Hildegard and M.T. Boudreau also seemingly swapped symbols: Judge's main weapon is a pair of guns with sickles mounted on them - a very clear reaper imagery - but there is also at least one pair of scales (on the Justice statue) and probably more in the rest of the courthouse. Famine is traditionally depicted with a pair of scales, but they're never mentioned around Hildegard. One could argue that hell that is coming with the rider in this case is corporate hell.
I headcanon that the Red Hand gang bit of Victoria's backstory was mostly true - that's the name The Horsemen picked for themselves to stand out a little less among the outlaws of the Weird West, and that's how they operated for a while (assuming they needed "normal" human corporeal forms to get onto the mortal plane).
Speaking of "normal" humans: it seems like the closer the chosen avatar was to a regular human, the better respective riders adjusted to the mortal plane. Victoria obviously takes the cake,but there is also a clear pattern with the others - Bellows is pretty convincing as a regular terrible person, DuCrow runs a crooked, Poxwalker-filled sanatorium and is both a Mad Scientist and a Poison Woman, Hildegard is a cutthroat CEO and gets visibly monstrous once she gets shot, and M.T. Boudreau is a Hangin' Judge, a very prominently undead creature, and is notably the most unhinged of the five.
The Horsemen kept in touch via mail after sealing Conquest's powers and going their separate ways.
Daisy DuCrow used to be the Red Hand gang's doctor back before The Incident (technically, she still is one) - she's both the most informed about the topic out of the five and genuinely curious about how well the avatars hold up.
Daisy and Hildegard used to team up pretty often before The Incident - they still do, but less actively: Daisy sometimes helps raze some of Hilda's competitors' crops to the ground with blights, Hilda sends people to Daisy's sanatorium(as clients, potential new hires and future fodder for the regeneration machine).
Bellows has a reputation for(among other things) just straight up refusing to die - which isn't entirely baseless: he has supernatural healing and a tendency to get carried away in a fight or in a challenge once he's angry enough. (I think it is specifically healing - powerful, but it can be overwhelmed. Harrowed don't pass out from pain, and only get immobilised if you behead them - which would imply that if Bellows was a Harrowed before the finale, he would have to have been playing dead from the moment Nate shot him onwards: through Garnet taking his ring and the townsfolk stripping his corpse. This guy canonically has an ego the size of a small town, I don't think he would've been able to convincingly play dead through all of that)
Speaking of poorly picked challenges: one of his bodyguards figured out that Bellows wasn't human after he won a drinking game against one of the contestants - a big, burly blacksmith who could bend a horseshoe with his bare hands - and shown barely a trace of that next morning, to blacksmith's utter bewilderment and bartender's disappointment.
Despite his temper, M.T. Boudreau is very good at keeping secrets: Victoria would've figured out that other four don't really want to go through with the original plan a lot sooner if it wasn't for him.
Also, M. T. is supernaturally hangry during both episodes of his arc (because Garnet set a sentenced man free), that's why he's so highstrung. He really hadn't taken being an undead as well as he thinks he had.
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tibby · 2 years
bc it is mandy monday can i ask for more mandy thoughts/hcs/analysis/anything u want to share (feel free to ignore if ur over me asking for jigsquadposts)
this is a week old and another mandy monday is upon us so i will talk about something i have touched on briefly in the past but haven't gone super in depth on, which is the significance that the matthews men play in amanda's life - daniel for the better, eric for the worst.
something i think is really tragic about amanda, specifically due to her implied (canonical in the original iii script) abusive childhood at the hands of her father, is that so many of the people who alter her life are men. with the exception of jill (and perhaps lynn), it's the men we see who change things for amanda, and usually in a way that damages her even more: john, eric, cecil, hoffman, xavier. only two men in all her movies show her kindness without any strings attached: adam and daniel matthews (arguably jonas too, but i can't imagine him being rough with her when she first ""woke up"" in nerve gas house helped things). adam's kindness causes her to have guilty dreams about the role she played in his suffering, and it leads to her mercy killing him.
daniel's kindness, however, leads to her protecting him more than she needs to...while also knowing she'd be leading his father to his suffering and death. it's interesting, and i wish they explored daniel matthews more in the later movies, because while i don't think amanda regrets hurting eric (when i think she does regret other things she's done), she does regret daniel having to take part in everything. maybe she considered killing his father to be a blessing (her own father, and the conditioning she suffered under john and her desire to save others from that fate), but forcing daniel to participate still hospitalised him and gave him lifelong trauma. given amanda's guilt and own lifelong trauma, i can imagine that hangs heavy over her head. both because despite her understandable thrill of having power she doesn't actually enjoy enacting violence against others (eric aside), and because daniel was genuinely kind to her.
while it's likely that xavier's actions in the nerve gas house did irreversible damage to amanda's view of humanity and john's philosophy (xavier hurting everyone + having to return to the atmosphere created by john and hoffman absolutely did a number on her), i think daniel matthews was fighting against that, if involuntarily. daniel matthews, only in the game to punish his father, who could have been like him in all the worst ways, but instead was the opposite. a terrified fifteen year old child who thought he was going to die but still went out of his way to try and help everyone else, even when amanda was the only one who helped him (and at first, that was all based on ulterior motives). daniel is the only one who asks amanda about her earlier game or tries to comfort her and is the only one who speaks up when she's thrown in the needle pit and almost jumps in there himself to help her, while all the adults just stand around. but it's not just amanda he's kind to. daniel worries about addison and jonas and is distraught by what happens to obi, and he even tries to reason with xavier. from the very beginning, he's the only one besides amanda who shows genuine concern for laura who is clearly weakening faster than the others. i honestly think it's the moment he helps her leave the first room that makes amanda start to change her perspective on helping daniel, because god this brief moment haunts me:
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amanda had to keep daniel alive for the sake of eric's game but i think it's undeniable that she grew to care about him in her own way, even before daniel saved her life (and lord, the daniel killing xavier to save amanda vs adam killing zep to save lawrence parallels). daniel reminded amanda that people can be good and humanity isn't beyond hope, and that meant something to her. i think in some ways, daniel's actions gave amanda a glimmer of hope and crushed it in the same breath: because he saved her life, but had he not been there, had he not been kind...she would have died. because john didn't account for her guaranteed survival by testing her again.
and so, daniel's actions alone aren't enough to save her on the path that other men had already put her on.
(and while eric matthews deserved everything he got and more, there's a certain tragedy in daniel being the one to save amanda's life, only for her to live on and set his father up for death. what is saw about if not being the ones to seal the tragic fates of the people we love?)
and while eric matthews wasn't the only man to push amanda towards her eventual death and destruction (again: her father, john, hoffman, cecil, xavier all played significant roles there), eric planting evidence on her and sending her to jail is ultimately the reason she fell into the paths of most of these men. amanda's addiction starts with her time in prison. it's that that leads to her knowing cecil, to the night of jill's miscarriage, to being tested, to being taken under john's wing, to witnessing xavier's cruelty, to being set up to fail by hoffman. eric matthew's cruelty and selfishness and abuse of power alter amanda's life forever, not once, but twice: he sends her to prison and sets off the aforementioned chain of events. and he makes her so hungry for revenge that he becomes the first person she tries to kill with genuine malice and hatred, and from that point on...she's changed. the kindness of one man did nothing to outweigh the cruelty of numerous others - particularly that of the kind man's father.
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ashtonisvibing · 1 year
big ol' list of jackie headcanons
@jselorekeeper's call for ego hcs has now made me wanna just... dump all my jackie hcs into a post. obviously, y'know, pre note, these are personal headcanons that i have for jackie. honestly this is just my fanon interpretation of him in general.
he's trans (trans man, he/him) and autistic, and his special interests are robotics and superhero comics (mostly marvel, he's slowly starting to dabble in dc as well)
speaking of marvel, he had a major crush on spiderman growing up (still does in terms of the adult iterations)
he has a german shepherd puppy named grimlock, named after one of his favorite transformers from the 1984 show (a personal favorite show of his)
his super hero identity "jackieboy man" is actually a herosona that he made as a kid! the video of jackieboy man that we've got, where he's in a red full body and cape and all that? yeah, that was the herosona. obviously now that he's an adult the suit looks much better, but he kept the name because... he honestly couldn't think of anything better
he taught himself how to play the drums when he was a young adult just for the fuck of it
as mentioned in the ask i sent to the lore keeper, jackie got his powers (super strength) from a group of scientists that had kidnapped and experimented on him when he was a teen to create a super weapon of sorts. it was extremely painful, and traumatizing for him. honestly the only reason he escaped (that i didn't originally mention cuz it was... a bit much, so warning for death) was because his body and mind just had enough, and with a huge burst of strength he broke out, killing quite a few in the process. afterwards his brain entirely repressed it, with the memories only appearing as nightmares. he only remembers now because marvin unlocked those memories when he tried figuring out why jackie was having the same nightmare since he was a teen. and because of all of this he's now terrified of getting any sort of injections (needles in general make him nervous but so long as he's not getting the injection he can stand to be around them).
on a brighter note, tattoos!! he's only got a couple, a trans flag on his right peck, and spiderman's logo on his left bicep. he might get another one but who knows, tattoos aren't his biggest thing (obviously he likes them, but he's not looking to go all out like chase)
his lip rings were a major impulse decision. they aren't really a thing for him, but this one time his brain said "get lip rings" and he went for it.
he's built his own little septiceye sam droid that acts as a camera of sorts, that he uses when out on lookouts and stuff, with a programmed personality to boot. its optic nerve even doubles as a laser! he also uses it whenever bing has parts that break down, sam can scan bing to help jackie identify the problem and fix it easier.
oh god, the dad jokes. i mean, he is a dad (yes i gave him (and marvin cuz marvelsepticeye my beloved) two fankids), but the amount of dad jokes he makes is enough to make a teenager groan and roll their eyes out of their skull. dad jokes and quick one liners are his specialty.
might be surprising but he's a huge fan of drawing, and has a realism style. although his sketchbook is 90% marvin drawings-
as a kid his preferred way of communicating important things with his parents was via slideshow presentation. i'm not joking, something about laying out everything he needed to say in a neat format always helped him when he got anxious about talking to them. it was actually how he came out to his parents as trans.
that's all i have for now but i can guarantee i will be adding more to this list as i come up with them
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perpetual-help · 1 year
Hello! I have a question about tattoos and piercings. So, is this a sin? I'm asking because I did my own research, and there is no official statement from the Catholic Church on this topic and there is only one Bible verse about it.
I feel conflicted right now, because I personally think that tattoos and piercing can be a sin, but don't have to - it depends what you tattoo and why (same about piercing). Meanwhile, my dad is strongly anti-tattoos. He calls tattooed people ugly abominations and labels all of them as stupid and says that they make him feel aggression (i'm not exaggerating - he actually says things like that on a daily basis and is very hateful and negative 😭). He says that you can get demonic possession because of tattoos (like, no matter what tattoos you have, every tattoo means for him the risk of demonic possession).
So, yeah, I'm conflicted because I have three small tattoos (made by people close to me - one by my best friend, and the other two by my sister). Those tattoos are covered by clothes almost all the time. One is just a circle, the other a monster munch ghost (I'm talking about a ghost-shaped snack lol), and the last one is a face of my original character (which I created in middle school and is very important to me ^^).
I'm 22 by the way (my first tattoo is from when I was like 21). I don't want to have more and my dad doesn't know about the ones that I already have. And yeah, I feel conflicted because of my own point of view on tattoos and what my dad thinks. That's why I have reached you.
Also, I really like your blog! It contains a lot of useful stuff for people who struggle with faith like me! (I'm a cradled Catholic who is a little bit of lost right now).
As far as I’m aware, it is not a sin - however, as you said, it would depend on the tattoo, your intention for getting it, and probably where it’s placed too.
Anything vulgar would be a sin, as it would turn the mind to what is impure when looked at.
If your intention is to gain attention by the tattoo, impress others, fit in with a certain crowd, that could be pride/vanity.
If the tattoo is placed in a more “intimate” region, you have to consider that you would need to expose yourself to the artist, which is immodest.
As for being possessed after a tattoo, I have never heard of this. I’d be curious to know why your dad thinks that? Did he hear it from a priest?
My personal view on tattoos is pretty neutral, so long as they don’t cause any of the above mentioned. I’ve thought about getting a couple of tattoos myself - I’d like St. Benedict’s cross and the Marian cross. My only issue is that I’m terrified of needles, haha, so who knows if I’ll ever go through with it.
I’m so glad you’ve found my blog helpful. Don’t be anxious, Anon. Go to your priest if those concerns persist and let him put your mind at ease. God bless you, I’ll be praying for you. ❤️
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dazzlingskydreams · 1 year
I made a fan kid!
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So this is Takahiko, my Arukenimon/Mummymon fan kid at about 7 years old. He's pretty sulky and doesn't smile much with people he doesn't know. This boy is much happier reading in a quiet room than dealing with new people. He's not a bad kid though; if he cares about someone, like his parents, he gets pretty attached to the point that it can be considered by some to be clingy. If he befriends someone he will help them out any way he can. His emotional empathy is also surprisingly high, so if someone he cares about is sad he'll do his best to cheer them up in his own way. Plus he has an extremely warm smile that can be disarming to people that aren't familiar with him! (I purposely didn't draw it so his default personality with strangers comes through more. Maybe another time!)
Takahiko's a really musical boy. He plays the recorder really well and, if necessary, can use it to obtain some level of control over insect digimon like his mother. He also can make spirit needles, from the darker hair surprisingly, but since there aren't any more control spires he has no idea what they're for. He occasionally just makes them, looks at them a bit, then leaves them on the table and heads away. (Honestly though even if the control spires were still around; this kid would only use them to make a dog to play with.) He also has the entirely unique ability to communicate with the Oikawa butterflies to some extent, to the point that he's aware that they used to be a single man. He calls him the nice butterfly man. Other than music, he loves the stars since his dad loves horoscopes so much and spends time looking at constellations. He is absolutely terrified of bats though and vampires of any kind, even cartoon ones, leave him in floods of tears. This is probably a subconscious response to the trauma his parents experienced in a certain dream world that got imprinted on his dna somehow.
His darker patch of hair is where Mummymon's data is more prevalent. That area of his face, his right arm and left leg are a similar shade of grey. He also has only the one eye but, unlike Mummymon, the other eye is kinda there just permanently closed. This doesn't bother him though. He can see just fine and he thinks his grey patches and weird eye are really cool! Plus he's so well wrapped up clothing wise, that it isn't really apparent. He is ambidextrous and can summon a sickle, which is connected to his digimon form, but he usually isn't in a position to need one. Also he loves his purple scarf. Seriously, don't try and take it away from him.
Takahiko is unusual in that he picked out his own human name. He couldn't actually turn into a human until he was around 4. Until then his parents just called him by his digimon name(s)/pet names etc; but then one morning they get up and the kid is just standing there in human form asking Mummymon what's for breakfast. (Yes he was originally an egg, but it's more complicated than that and I won't get into it here.) Anyway, once he realises, he decides his human form needs a name too because all his evolutions have specific names. So he looks through his books and picks one he really likes, and is pretty determined to use it. Arukenimon takes a look and sees that it can be written with the kanji for 'resolute prince' and decides 'Yes, that's a suitable name for my son' so she agrees to it. Mummymon gets no say in the matter but is too proud to care.
I know there are other well established fan kids for the pair; but I'm so happy to finally have one of my own that I just had to talk about him at least once! Seriously, I have had no idea what their kid would look like for years, to the point that I was semi-convinced that a child was impossible for them and to have this cute little guy just come flying at me makes me so happy! I'll leave it at that because I could write a lot more about him. (This is a *severely* cut back version of the full bio I wrote for him.) I might put some more stuff in the tags though. If anyone is curious about him feel free to ask. I know a bizarre amount about this kid!
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kanene-yaaay · 2 years
I am here if you need
Alternative Title: Little Brothers.
Kanene’s notes: So, in the brazilian dub Ritsu was always calling Shigeo “his lil bro” (probably because he is taller than him sdfghjkjhg) and I kept this nickname on this fanfic because it’s honestly the most adorable thing so just a heads up in the case that is not something that happen in others dubs or on the original. Hope it’s not very confusing!
Warnings: There are rasbperries here and nursery rhymes, but besides that, nothing! Lots of brotherly fluff and angst full of hurt/comfort with Switch!Shigeo and Switch!Ritsu. Around 5.000 words.
(Please consider reading my notes before the fanfic pls ^.^)
Ritsu is his little brother and Shigeo loves him.
Sometimes, everything is simple like that.
He doesn’t think life has ever been different. It’s like waking up to the sunrise every single day. You simply know that the next time you open your eyes, the sun will be there to greet you at the first signals of consciousness.
But he wouldn’t say Ritsu is like the Sun. Actually, he is much more like the Moon. A constant calming presence. Strong. Important. Always there when you need it. He is intelligent and funny and so, so amazing. And popular too, which is only natural. Of course everyone would love him. His little brother is incredible.
Shigeo couldn’t be prouder of him.
This is also a constant in his life when it comes to his brother. Love and pride.
(And fear and jealousy. But they were working on it).
Both feelings have always mingled together, accompanying their hurried steps as they grew up on those hot afternoons spent climbing tall trees and pointing at the caterpillars and bugs they found in their way.
They also followed the brothers as Ritsu went to the hospital to take his vaccines even though he was deadly afraid of needles and shaking the whole ride to the place, tightly holding Mob’s hands as the older one teared up and sniffled in empathy at his sibling’s struggles.
And on the moments they fought and Shigeo would freeze, stop and lock up because he was so afraid of losing control and then Ritsu would appear hours later with two cups of warm tea for them to sip quietly, sitting together with arms pressing on each other as the silence said words they couldn’t ever express.
Also on the way the older one would always keep money in his bag for the days when they stumbled on each other on their way to home so they could make a small detour to the ice cream store and have something nice after a busy day.
Or with how Ritsu would untwist his spoons when Mob lost control, and Shigeo would still remember his bro’s favorite shows as a kid and Ritsu would frown at him when he talked about Reigen but not say anything because he may not trust the guy, but the trusted Shigeo’s choices.
And. And. And.
That is why it was so easy to not be hurt when Ritsu got his powers and he found him in that alley. Because Ritsu was amazing. He was his little brother and Shigeo knew that feelings are a complex, difficult thing to control and when we can’t control them everything becomes terrifying (because you’re hurt) and scaring and pushing people away seems like the only good way to protect yourself. But it was fine. It was fine because Shigeo understood (he had someone who helped him to understand) and now that he understands he could help his brother. He would be there for him. Because he loved him and Ritsu also loved him and nothing in the world could ever change that.
That is why he sometimes laid awake, frozen in his bed in the middle of the night, frightening memories and horrible nightmares of those six hellish months mixing together in an undistinguished way, plaguing his mind and leaving him out of breath, as if there were rocks laying on his chest and a hand squeezing his throat, making his tongue feel like concrete in his dry mouth.
Sometimes he really despises the way that illusion changed him.
It was on one of those nights that Mob decided he couldn’t bear to stay alone in his room any longer.
Walking to the bathroom to wash his face only woke him more, however at least it also decreased the feeling that cotton was filling his brain and made his thoughts stop dragging themselves in the darkest spaces of his mind.
He stopped in front of Ritsus’ door, knocking on it very lightly, anxiety buzzing in his chest non stop. He didn’t care if it seemed childish. His fingers began to pull and fiddle with his pajamas’ shirt. It was nothing, really. Nothing really important. He just... He just... He really needed to look at Ritsu’s eyes right now and see more than indifference or disgust.
Ritsu opened his door. His eyelids were dropping. He was clearly tired, yet very alert even if all his movements were still sluggish from sleep.
And still...
“Lil bro,“ his voice was calm. Patient. Warm. Of course it was. It was Ritsu. What was Mob thinking? He would never... He wouldn’t...
“Something happened?”
Mob shook his head.
Quiet washed over them. Ritsu watched his brother for something and Shigeo kept staring at him because that shine in his eyes showed that he was worried. He was worried but also he wouldn’t pry and the oldest couldn’t put in words how much that alone made him relax.
(Worry was very different from indifference. Or hate. You didn’t worry about someone you didn’t care about. Shigeo held to this thought as if it was the only thing keeping him standing.)
Before he could say anything (his tongue was still so heavy) Ritsu held his hand and pulled him to the kitchen. Shigeo’s hand was sweaty. That couldn’t be comfortable.
He didn’t pull away.
(Ritsu cared.)
“Do you want some tea?”
It was more of a courtesy question than anything, really, since the taller one was already getting the teapot. Still, Shigeo said a tiny sound in agreement and moved to grab their cups either way. He had to let go of his brother's hands for this but it was fine. Because from time to time Ritsu would bump their shoulders together (I am here) or Shigeo would poke his arm to show the night outside their window (I care) and Ritsu would choose one of their favorite blands (I care) and the smell would be all over the kitchen so Mob had to open the window in the most careful and quiet way ever to not wake up their parents and then, since the window was open and they were already there, both would take their time to take a deep breath and stare at the night sky.
(I care. I care. I am here. I love you. I love you. I love you.)
They spent a handful of pieces of time like this before going back to Ritsu’s room, sitting on his futon and watching senseless videos on his phone.
Almost instantly Shigeo felt a head lay on his shoulder and he didn’t need to turn around to know his younger brother would be struggling to keep his eyes open. Therefore he calmly took the phone from his hands and adjusted himself carefully to not disturb the other.
Suddenly, he was nine years old all over again, putting a blanket over him and Ritsu while watching more videos in the middle of the night in secret until his sibling began taking more and more deep, paused breaths, indicating that he had fell asleep and now Mob could move him to lay on his futon without waking him up.
But he wasn’t eight years old anymore and didn’t realize that the nightmares and tea and the warmth and the comfort of having his family so close would make him fall on the hands of the dreamland easier, much before he could even properly adjust the blanket on themselves.
Did he remember to close the window?
When Shigeo woke up, he was laying on a futon that wasn’t his in his old room. The memories of the last night came back as he moved to sit, rubbing his eyes and yawning and. ah. He forgot to wash their cups last night.
Breakfast was fine, with mom talking and dad laughing and hot, enjoyable food between all of them.
He walked back to his room after he was finished (thankfully it wasn’t a school day) and left his door open due the another set of footsteps following him. It was a sunny day. Dimple must be at Reigen’s if he stayed out until now. Or maybe visiting Teru. It was fine. Today was going to be an okay day.
He turned around when the door closed, still a bit slow with the sleepiness that refused to leave his bones. His gaze found Ritsu’s, he didn’t look as worried as yesterday. That is good.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
He almost said ‘no’, the word already on the tip of his tongue. However... he didn’t want Ritsu to feel like he was pushing him away. He wanted to set a good example.
Besides, it all didn’t seem so horrible now that it was day and he wasn’t alone and they had tea and a good, warm breakfast. It felt less unspeakable
“...I had a nightmare.” His brother kept an open face, calm and understanding. “I don’t remember it well. But you helped.” He hugged him, hoping it would say more than just the few words he had. “Thank you.”
“I’m always here for you, lil bro.” Ritsu hugged him back.
They stayed a bit like this.
Ritsu huffed a laugh.
“Do you remember the thing to cheer us up that dad always did when we were little and ran at him after a bad day?”
Ah. Shigeo did.
“And that you also began to do when I would show up in your room after a nightmare?”
Shigeo experimentally wiggled on the embrace, not being surprised when Ritsu’s arms kept him locked on the hug. Hands began spidering their way on his ribs and suddenly Mob was more than aware that his position wasn’t the best for protection and that he fell in a trap.
And yet, his arms - trembling and shaking with the effort to not shoot downwards and trap the offending hands and wiggling fingers in their attack - were determinately kept firm, still hugging Ritsu close.
This was a family tradition, afterall.
“Do you remember that silly song that dad would always sing when he tickled us?” Of course Shigeo did, afterall, he was the one who first took upon himself to learn and keep that tradition going during his own cheering-up tickle attacks against Ritsu. The same song that pried, amidst his giggly and squeaking protests about ‘how much he despised it’, the biggest and brightest smiles from his younger sibling. “I can’t recall it that well, but you will help me to sing it, right, lil bro?”
Before a single word could come out of his lips, Ritsu focused his tickly attention on his lowest rib, pinching and drumming on a spot right in the middle of it that never failed to fish a loud squeal and scramble his thoughts all over around the place because it tickled, it really tickled so, so much, the sensation spreading all across his torso and making him want to curl in a ball and smile and laugh and laugh and-
Giggles were dancing freely on the air and Mob was nodding his head non stop even before he noticed what he was doing.
“Thank you so much, lil bro!” Any naivety of those words would be lost at the scene of the gigantic, teasy (and yet a tad soft, because that shy, smiley expression on his lil bro's face was so much better than the haunted, exhausted eyes he saw yesterday) smirk on Ritsu’s features. He couldn’t help prodding the spot on both the right and left ribs at the same time only to see Shigeo try to wiggle from one side to another and stop because that made him jump into another tickly finger and then half second later wiggle again because it tickled.
After a few seconds of tormenting he stopped, though, giving his brother a breather, warmth spreading on his chest as he watched Mob use the break to shove his face on his shoulder, little bounces of his own shoulders being the only hint of the quiet titters and yelps that still spilled from his mouth. Ritsu gave his head a couple of fond pats with an amused snort.
He wasn’t finished, however.
“How does the song start, again? It’s been a while since I heard it…”
A huffed chuckle and a hesitant, mumbled sentence was what answered him, and because Ritsu was a little shit, he scribbled the vulnerable, incredibly ticklish neck that Mob’s hiding left unprotected. 
“Sorry,” the playfulness in his voice showed that he was pretty much not sorry at all and would definitely do it again if Shigeo didn’t try to talk louder “can you say that again? I couldn’t hear you.”
Giggling giggling giggling.
“...R-round ahahand r-snrk” Shigeo shoved his face even more on his shoulder as Ritsu quickly changed his attack back to his ribs, being mindful to give every single inch of ticklish rib a few scratches and a good prodding before jumping to another. “round thehehe gar-r-rden gohohoes the teddy be-eek!”
Ritsu gave the weak spot on the back of his middle rib a last tickle before having mercy at his older sibling and continuing the song. And, well, if he even mimicked the goofy voice his father always did when he sang it… no one but his brother needed to know. 
“One step.”
He pretended to “walk” in the direction of the unprotected armpits. Mob’s titters became more squeaky, already tipping on a full laughter.
“Two steps.”
He paused for a grand effect, mentally counting to three before unmercifully wiggling and digging his fingers on the target, keeping up his attack even when the older one jolted in the air, an unexpected bark of loud laughter breaking the previous silence and making Shigeo throw his head backwards, arms shooting down a second too late, only trapping the offending, playful tickly digits in their attack as his laughter turned into an unstable mix of squeaks and hiccups.
“And tickle under there.~”
The called one just snickered, paying the half heartedly protest no mind, especially since no more words or moves accompanied it. Knowing his brother he would endure a whole hour of goofy nursery rhymes and silly tickles if that meant keeping up the playful moment.
Such a softie.
Before his laughter would become more hiccups than anything Ritsu decided to experiment and see if he still knew how to get a few snorts and airy giggles with the next rhyme.
He positioned both of his index fingers on Shigeo's cheeks. 
"Now, how does the second part goes again…?" He pretended to think while swirling his digits on the spot, receiving plenty of puffed snorts as the bright eyes of his brother stared at him, his grin growing bigger at every small skittering. "Round and round…?" He looked at Shigeo expectantly.
"Thehehe hayssstack."
"Right." Then,his voice was back to the singing, goofy tune again, he almost decided to change his attack to tease the shortest's ears but Mob seemed to be having fun. "Round and round the haystack, went the little mouse."
"One step."
Once again he pretended to "walk", now directing the scribbling to the so ticklish neck. 
"Two steps."
Shigeo's shoulders began to shake uncontrollably.
"And right up in the air."
He feigned going for his chin before changing to squeeze his sides on the last second, fishing a loud high pitched squeal, the belly laughter filling the entire room for a full second before falling to a silent laughter and the usual hiccups. Shigeo's torso weakly wiggled from left to right before he failed limply on Ritsu's arms, still giggling like crazy.
"Huh? Oh, shoot. That doesn't rhyme,must be something else then. Let me just try again." He stopped, leading his hands to spider over the other's stomach. "One step. Two steps. Into his little house." 
And, as Mob was about to hold his wrists, the tickling came to a stop. And they stayed there, Shigeo giggling out the rest of the giddy feeling buzzing on his nerves and Ritsu chuckling and giving his back a couple of fond pats.
It took some minutes before Shigeo's voice filled the air again.
“I had forgotten about this tradition.” Mob said, honesty and warmth painting every word. “Thank you for reminding me, Ritsu.”
Ritsu smiled. His older sibling was really a big ol softie with a giant melting heart. "I'm always here for you, lil bro."
After a few weeks, such moment had been almost forgotten, being, instead, kept in a high shelf in Ritus’s mind after his brother’s nightmares became more sparse and their bimester's finals came to pull and throw them in a frenetic pace of clubs, studies and way too much schoolwork for just 24 hours per day.
In fact, that memory only resurfaced after his tests were over, right during that stressing period right after you finished every major thing you had to do, when your body was exhausted from weeks of study and work but you mind was still too full of everything (every exercise every test every record every observation every question and answers and notes and classes and-) to be able to let go of the adrenaline that kept him going and actually relax.
The taller didn’t even realize that Shigeo was in his room until a light touch on his arm broke him from the staring competition he was having with his textbook, wondering if it was worth it to study a subject or two just to make the anxiety gnawing the corner of his mind more bearable. 
"Hm?" He blinked, recovering fast from the unexpected touch. "Do you need something, lil bro?"
(Help with your studies? Help with understanding a confusing equation? A quick run down on the subject of last week? Help with cleaning? With your powers? With work?)
(Was he even worth something if he didn't hel-)
"No. Thank you." The attentive and calm eyes of the older one ere enough to make him let go of the book and stay on the here and now. Ritsu attempted to look patient and open, trying to not show his confusion and internal struggling to the other. He needed to get a hold of himself before he did something stupid again.
"Are you alright, Ritsu?"
The taller one stopped. Blinked one, two, three times before a smile opened in his face.
(It didn't reach his eyes.)
"Of course, lil bro. Why wouldn't I be?" He turned around to put his book in his bag again. Maybe he should start preparing his things for tomorrow.
"Because your tests were only over today and you've been through a stressful week of studies right after working hard during the school's festival, which usually overload the students council with more obligations than the normal amount." 
Ah. That is right. The school festival. Has it been that long already? After a time everything starts mixing up in the same mess. His hands kept organizing his bag even if his breath hitched for a moment too long. Wednesday was when he had math in the first and second period, didn't he? He should probably check his exercise to see if his answers were correct. 
Another light, careful touch on his shoulder made him stop.
"Ritsu, you are always here for me when I need it." Shigeo's tune was calm and light-hearted like it always had been. Like he always had been. Like helping Ritsu was not a chore only natural. "So if you need or want" his gaze became firm then, more determined "I am here for you too. You can trust me."
One blink.
Two blinks. 
Ritsu opened his mouth to say something but no words came out.
That was right.
He could trust him, couldn’t he? Shigeo already proved that before, when they…
His lil bro always tried so hard for him. Ritsu could… He could try a bit more for him, as well. 
"I am stressed." The words were low, stumbling out of his lips before he could stop them. Like ripping off a bandaid. "And there isn’t a reason for it anymore. I should try to… relax a bit."
Shigeo nodded and Ritsu scratched the back of his neck in a sudden bout of shyness as the other’s eyes scanned him, understanding.
Shigeo nodded once again.
"OK. That should be a good moment to tell you that I have a message for you, then."
"Really?" A message? That is… not what Ritsu was expecting. But his lil bro was good at breaking and going over expectations. He wondered if it was from someone at the school. "What is it?"
Mob looked at the window behind him, pointing at something. Voice as neutral as ever.
“Oh. What’s that?”
“Huh?” Ritsu turned around, scanning the scenery in search for something strange. It was only when he heard a small sound behind him that his eyes widened and he realized that he fell for the oldest trick in the book.
Arms came and hugged him from behind.
Flashes of memories filled his mind in less than one second. Laughter, wide smiles, giggles, wiggling fingers, surprise attacks. 
He would forever deny the way his voice was wobbly, embarrassing high pitched giggles already bubbling on his throat just at knowledge of what would happen, the buzzing feeling of anticipation making him want to kick and squirm around like crazy.
“It’s our cheering up tradition.”
Hands began giving the stomach they were resting on a few experimental pokes, each one of them leaving him wiggling from one side to another like a quite energetic worm. Ritsu could perfectly visualize his brother’s face even without looking at him: the way his eyebrows would be frowned in a concentrated way, curious eyes jumping from the teasing pokes to his reactions in search of what would bring out the brightest smiles or the most wheeziy snicker, just like a musician tuning his instruments.
“It’s not!”
“It’s a family thing.”
“It is really nOT!” In the last part, Ritsu’s voice was taken over by an unintelligible ‘eee’ sound as Mob gave the horribly, unfairly, awfully ticklish spot right under his bellybuton a scratch, legs almost giving out in the need to move and kick and stay and laugh and laugh and laugh.
“I-I’m… n-nohot- snrk. Come on!” He and Shigeo’s hands were caught in a game of cat and mouse for a bit when Ritsu wasn’t able to even start a sentence without having his words captured by pieces of barked laughter and badly muffled chuckles since his brother refused to leave that damn spot alone and it tickled so much. It tickled so, so bad. Shigeo’s ones escaping from his grip (not that it was that strong in the first place) with the skill of someone who tickled him since they were tiny humans and wasn’t about to stop now. The playful wrestling though gave him a breather and a chance to wheeze out his sentence. “I’m not seven anymore, lil bro.”
“Physical activities are a good way to destress and relax.” Mob’s tune was pensative, a light hint of a considerating humming in his voice as Ritsu finally succeeded in getting a hold of his hands, not letting them go even with the light tugs that this resulted. And, well, if a gigantic smile was plastered on his face and a couple of giggles escaped from his lips because of the playful moment, that is nobody’s business.
Besides, it was hard to not let a victorious (and strangely nostalgic. Had this ever happened before?) feeling wash over him as his older brother gave up from trying to free his hands.
Well, that wasn’t so bad.
Ritsu ignored the little sad weight on his chest that wished that it didn’t end so soon. Maybe… Maybe he could turn around and get a bit of a payba-
A big raspberry hit his shoulder blades, right in the middle space that connected both of them, a weak spot that even he had forgotten about. But as it seems, not Shigeo. Or his own body.
The sound that came out from his mouth was more of a screeching than actual laughter. Loud, fast - and not even remotely close from the huffed, quiet reactions from his older brother, - and uncontrollable giggling stumbled right out of his mouth when the maddening and tickly buzzing that made his nerves tingle didn’t go away, the tickling following him no matter how much he squirmed and wiggled around in his attempts to escape it, his hands letting go of Shigeo’s wrists to trash and shake around, totally unable to stop the older as he decided to throw quicker and smaller raspberries around both shoulder blades, fishing plenty of crackling squeals when they slipped and “accidentally” hit the back of his ribs and neck.
They were a shared tickle spot and one of the favorites for Shigeo to tickle, warmth filling his chest at the knowledge that he could make Ritsu happy and smiley with just a few playful tickles.
His hands were now free, though, so he could go back to his original plan.
Shigeo undid the hug, watching with an amused quirk of lips as his sibling clumsy tumbled out of it, frenetic, airy titters still floating in the room as if the tickling had never came to a stop. He waited for Ritsu to turn in his direction, bright, shiny eyes finding his before he slowly - so teasing slowly - lifted his hands, fingers mimicking claws as they clawed the air.
He used to do that all the time as a kid, Ritsu even called it-
“No!” Wide eyes and even a wider smile. Ritsu watched as the older approached with a giddy alarm, adrenaline running on his veins and muscles tensing in preparation to scramble away. He couldn’t believe Shigeo was doing that, it was so childish. “Do. not. No. Not The Claw!”
Mob didn’t stop his approaching steps, only clawing the air fast and faster as he got closer and closer and closer. “Shigeo!!”
“Tickle tickle tickle…”
Just three taunting words and then Ritsu was running away, laughter falling his lips when he managed to dodge from Shigeo and jump over his forgotten bag on the floor, shivers and the ghost feeling of poking fingers on his torso following him at every step, especially when he glanced behind with the corner of his eyes only to see the other one chasing right after him. 
Oh, that is right. He is on the Body Improvement Club, shit, shit, shit-
This was so silly. This was so childish. So stupid and it didn’t make any sense and it was so so fun.
That was the moment he tripped on his futon.
(For some reason, he also was always very bad at running away from the tickles as a kid. Looks like he didn’t outgrow that feature.)
Ritsu didn’t even process the string of protesting nonsense falling freely from his lips as he turned around, a mix of protesting ‘nonono’a and promising ‘don’t you dare!’s as Shigeo sat close to him. Still, his lil bro’s voice, calm and with drops of something a tad playful seemed to echo in the entire room.
“Got you.”
His clawing hands lunged to his belly. Ritsu screeched.
Only for his hands to stop a few inches from the skin, the tip of the finger barely grazing the spot before pulling away.
Ritsu began wheezing, hotness running from his neck to his face, feeling like a little kid facing the tickle monster that was his older brother all over again. He couldn’t believe Shigeo was doing that. He was so- This was so (silly, awful, amazing, soft, playful, amusing, silly, silly, silly) unfair.
A yelp was pried from his mouth when Shigeo again pretended to lounge on his sides. A loud squeal when the clawing hands threatened his ribs. A half snort, half chortle when they gave his hips an experimental squeeze before also moving away.
He was already a mess of squirms and uncontrollable giggles (one of his hands running to try to cover his mouth) when Shigeo decided to take mercy on him and slowly descended his hands to his knees, attacking it with plenty of squeezes and spidering so he wouldn’t get used to the feeling.
The tickling spreading tickly shocks across his entire legs and happily followed him, no matter how much he trashed or kicked around. Loud, bright peals of laughter and squeaky snorts dancing in the air in harmony, no anxious thoughts or stressed feelings filling his mind besides the only one sentence that repeated non stop on his brain and left a happy, comforting feeling on his chest.
‘It tickles. It tickles. It tickles.’
When tears began to run across his cheeks Shigeo decided to stop, carefully rubbing the knees to free them from the remaining sensation of fingers skittering on them. Ritsu threw one of his arms on his eyes, letting all the giggles and wobbly laughter get out of his system, breathing slowly going back to it’s normal pace.
It took a few minutes until he could talk without falling back to the laughing pit.
“That was your message?”
“No. Shou asked me to tell you to meet him at the central shopping mall tomorrow after school.” Mob paused a bit, Ritsu already thinking about how he would say to Shou that his brother was no messenger pigeon and for him to actually use his phone once in a while before having his thoughts cut by the rest of the shorter’s sentence. “But you told me what was wrong. I wanted to help you.”
It was soft, the relaxing the silence that fell on them. Literally. Because relaxing made Ritsu let go of his powers (when did he activate them again?) that were keeping them and a handful of objects in his room hoovering in the air, which made all of them have a less than stellar encounter with the floorboards.
But, as both the Kageyamas brothers re-organized the room, two twin sets of fond, content smiles decorating their features, they couldn’t say exactly that they minded the turn of events that happened on that evening.
#Ticklish!Shigeo#Mob pyscho 100 tickles#MP100 tickling#Switch!Mob#Switch!Ritsu#Switch!Shigeo#Ticklish!Ritsu#this was supposed to be a lee ritsu fanfic when did it take such a detour SDFGHJKKJHG#*hitting shigeo with a piece of cardboard* stop.getting.character.development!!! this was supposed to be just fluff!!#WHERE DID THE ANGST CAME FROM#Shiego as a smol kidwalking around the street w a pic of his bro like#'hello good afternoon has you seen my brother? He is not really lost. He is just very cool'#Random headcanon: Mob knows no self preservation and while being tickled he will simply LATCH on the closest person to him#(most of the time the person who is tickling him)#and if you tickled him and Ritsu together most of the time he would simply  h u g  his lil bro while Ritsu tried to stop himself from-#-trashing and kicking around non stop so he would'nt hurt Mob and I just think this is very cute#Ritsu being soft caring and going out of his way to support and cheer up Shigeo: Pfff. My bro is such a SOFTIE. Good thing I am tough#All the memories in the beginning of the story is inspired in real stuff that happened w me and my sisters so-#thanks for my siblings for being so amazing heh#Ritsu fighting like his life is on the line: NO TICKLES // The person: *stops tickling him*// Ritsu: No… No more tickles? :(((#Look he is grumpy and SERIOUS and on the ‘fight’ spectrum of ‘flight or fight’ mah man will deny liking to be tickled to his grave SDFGHJKJH#Mob as a kid gives his bro a poke on his side and see him giggle and then his pupils dilate like a cat seeing a shiny something and that was#the exact moment Shigeo became a tickle monster#Both Shigeo and Ritsu are teasy lil sh*ts when it comes to tickling someone but both in very different ways and it was SO FUN to explore tha#MP100 tickles#mob pyscho 100 tickling#Kanene's fic#Kanene's fanfic#Cheer up tickles
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Do you have anymore henchmen ocs fleshed out enough to share or just the riddler and scarecrow ones?
Also the scarecrow henchmen being all dramatic and convinced they're in an enemies to lover slowburn while the riddler henchmen is just like "Please just let me do my job man. I just wanna see up these TVs in peace" is so funny to me.
I had. So Much Written. And Tumblr deleted it. God Damn It. Okay gonna retype my stuff, hopefully I don’t forget anything 😭
First: All notable rogues have a “henchman” who either resembles them greatly, or matches their theme, almost none of these rogues or even the heroes know this tho, because the henchmen keep sabotaging each other and creating a net zero impact on things
Whenever I think of a storyline where Batman or someone finds out about these henchmen, the plot is usually that the rogues start disappearing and their henchmen start neatly sliding into their places, of course Batman or someone would pick up on that fact quickly as the rogues look different, but also they’re just so good at sabotaging each other that everyone’s going to notice when Gotham’s become peaceful because the different schemes start canceling out
I have a little bit of stuff for each “main” rogue henchmen, but I keep rethinking it, so the only ones who are actually stable characters (other than the previous two mentioned) are Joker’s henchman, Alice (who’s not actually a henchman but is also extremely obsessed with wonderland and keeps trying to kill Jervis because of his characterization of the mad hatter, but circumstances keep stopping her), and Cat Woman’s “henchman” who also, once again, not really a henchman, but is also obsessed with cats and keeps stealing the strays around Selina’s apartment to take them to the vet
When I originally typed this up I had gone into depth on those three, but tumblr deleted it 😭 so I’m not gonna rewrite that again on this post but if you’re interested I don’t mind making a separate post talking about them!!!
Also!! For 11 and Scarecrow’s henchman, what’s really funny is that the latter’s design includes gloves with needles on each knuckle to inject people with fear toxin, like terrifying claws, and 11’s terrified of needles, so it’s more like one’s doing a terrible job of flirting while doing an even worse job at being an enemy (cause they keep protecting them from the chaos happening from the nearby fight including the other henchmen), while the other one is trying to set up tv’s and keep a certain amount of space between them
Just trying so hard to plug things in while trying to maintain a healthy distance from Murder Claws over there who keeps following them and using bad pickup lines about “fear” and “attraction” showing the same symptoms or whatever, 11’s not actually sure what they’re saying they just really need them to stop coming closer with those damn gloves-
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jadeglas · 2 months
So.... Just had a bonding moment with a new mutual (I think we're mutuals now) about how awesome crazy antagonists are (like Joker), and I provided a vague example based on a fanfic that I collaborated on ages ago, and they asked what the fic was, and then I had to explain my 120k+ unfinished monstrosity and then I had to wade back into it to find where the juicy POV actually started, and I just...
If you've written fanfic and are now starting OC, it's ok to be terrified that your OC will never be as good as your fanfic. That fanfic was a collaboration, whether you realize it or not. Bare minimum, you were working with the original artist (without them knowing) to create your fanfic. Best case scenario, you colab'd with a whole fandom, soaking in ideas and perspectives and head cannons that molded how you perceived these fictional folks - and if you're super lucky, you got to write that story with a dear friend.
With your OC, it all comes from you - that's why you've got to start sharing it! Find a friend, tell your mutuals, shout to the void. Bc you wrote that way once - so real that these characters that don't even exist felt more vivid and alive to you than some of your favorite memories. You did that, with help, but you were putting the words together, you were at the helm. And they weren't just that alive to you - everyone who followed your journey writing that fanfic, reading it, waiting on pins and needles for the next post? It was real to them, too.
So keep pushing, keep writing, keep sharing. Bc one day your OC will be just as real, just as vivid - it just feels harder bc there's fewer folks helping right now.
0 notes
alittle-eccentric · 11 months
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Day 10 - This was probably my favorite day of the trip. I have wanted to go to Enoshima for a while now, and I have yet to spend time at the seaside (other than Yokohama, but that's not really a sea side area) in Japan before. We had the BNHA café booked for that evening, but it was the nicest day that we had left weather wise so we headed down super early.
It was quite far, but 100% worth it. I was looking forward to riding the Enoden tram, as it runs along the seaside and looks so cool. However the trip from the train station to Enoshima, was just through residential areas. However it was still super pretty and I enjoyed it.
Once we arrived it was a 20-30min walk from the tram stop to Enoshima Island, which included going across a long walk away in the sea that connects the mainland to the island. It was a lovely walk through a more traditional street and then across the sea, where we could almost see Mount Fuji through the clouds.
Once we made it to the island we were greeted with warning signs about birds that will attack you for food which made eating a terrifying experience lol. We made our way up into the shrine and opted for a escalator ticket which included a trip to the needle at the top and a trip down to the caves.
It was just a beautiful day, really sunny and low 20's with a breeze so it was very pleasant. We slowly made out way up the different levels (each one was beautiful with shrines and stunning views) until we got to the needle which we rode to the top and once up there I had the most perfect view of Mount Fuji. This made my trip, it really did. I was SO SO happy to see it, and with such a clear beautiful view too! My photos unfortunately do not do it justice at all.
We stayed a while to enjoy the view and then headed down and explored the area and the gardens before having an ice cream (while protecting ourselves from flying devils). I also got my first fortune, which I think was lucky and and I then failed at tying it to the shrine and tore it because I am a buffoon. After we headed down to the caves. What I hadn't considered was we had got the escalators up to save our feet and legs, but caves would be down, so we ended up walking ALL the way down to the bottom and below to visit the caves.
I personally think it was worth it, I really enjoyed walking along the sea front to get to the caves (there was a rock shaped like a turtle!) and then exploring the caves. However the walk back up was pretty unpleasant. But we made it. We finished looking around the area before slowing making our way down the hill/mini mountain back to where we started and then heading to the main land in search for something to eat.
We had the BNHA café later that day so we couldn't do everything I wanted, instead grabbed a very late lunch. I planned to eat lightly so I could have the burger at BNHA, but the sandwich meal I ordered was HUGE so I ended up being stuffed when we left. One last stroll along the sea front and then we headed back to Tokyo.
I was in fact not hungry for dinner, but it ended up in my favour as I was quite happy with best boi Bakugou's nacho salad. Originally I had planned to go for a bigger meal and have Deku's burger, but instead I was pretty happy with this. It was super quiet in the café. It wasn't the best one I have been to, but it was still pretty cool. Matt had Todoroki's waffle which was half chicken half ice cream, which he said was nice, so I will take his word for it!
And after that we headed back. I honestly loved Enoshima SO SO much. There is so much more I would like to do there and surrounding areas I would like to visit that I didn't get chance to. Also I want to ride more of the Enoden. I will 100% be back to that area again when we are next in Japan.
TBH I actually would give anything to live there. It felt so much like 'home'... who knows maybe one day?
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eulangelo · 3 years
callout for @genderfluidlucifer
google docs
tw for transmisogyny + TERFs + emotional manipulation
Lucifer is a huge transmisogynist who will complain 24/7 about how TERFs hurt the ace community, but the moment @randomclustermissile , a trans girl (who is not an exclusionist at all) tries to point out transmisogyny in inclusionist circles (in the most vague and general way possible, without pointing fingers nor calling anyone names) Lucifer will immediatly jump to block her and so they did with me (another inclusionist) and i have to suppose to everyone else who agreed with that post, even arriving to vagueing about us in private group chats to suggest that we were “sympathizing with exclusionists”. all because we dared point out transmisogyny in inclusionist circles. lucifer is TME but apparently they think they’re the authority on TERFs and their talking points but actual trans women are not, according to them, since this is the stuff that they would go and spew to other people. (screenshots from @enbyoctoling​)
here’s more examples of Lucifer (again, a transmasc person) going deep in detail about how according to them, TERFs/SWERFs hate aro/ace people and are an active threat to us
1. link
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[Image ID: Three screenshots of a post by Genderfluidlucifer. The first screenshot is of a paragraph that reads, "Hey. So I can actually answer this. Anon your commentary about how you thought terfs would approve of sex repulsed aces is sort of it. Except...not. Basically terfs hate ace people for not wanting sex in the approved by terfs way. Terfs are actually extremely interested in [forcing] amatonormativity onto everyone. Because for as sex negative as terfs are...they don't want to actually acknowledge or change the fact that amatonormativity is at the root cause of rape culture and misogyny."
The second screenshot is a zoomed in section of the post that reads, "So yeah no I have NO idea where exclus allies are getting this idea from that terfs would even remotely care about the sexual rights of ace people. Terfs generally hate any sexualities in the LGBTQ+ acronym that aren't LGB because they can't force a gender binary onto those sexualities. At least, not as easily. That's why it's actually a massive sign of someone who doesn't call themselves a terf being a crypto terf if they use the term LGB in a positive manner. Along with the term SGA, as it is deliberately exclusive of nonbinary and not inherently SGA centric queer-aligned sexualities. /END ID]
link to the full post, these are just excerpts but the whole thing is just a very long rant about how TERFs hate ace people and so on (i think it’s worth noticing that although the actual post is kinda long, trans women are never once brought op in a conversation about TERFs issues and the only time transmisogyny is mentioned is not relevant to the conversation)
2. link
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[Image ID: A screenshot of a reblog by genderfluidlucifer. The original poster is nothorses. It reads, "Because apparently I have to say it: Testosterone is not a 'violent' hormone. It doesn't make you 'more aggressive' or a worse person, it doesn't make you 'dangerous,' or 'toxic.' Transmascs do not need to be 'warned of the dangers of T.' We do not need to spend our transitions terrified that we're going to become a danger to those around us - that HRT is going to turn us into a monster.
Everyone experiences mood swings during hormonal shifts (pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, estrogen HRT, etc.) and while you might have grumpy moments or feel anger/frustration that you need to learn to handle differently, that doesn't make you a bad person.
Testosterone can change the way you access/process emotions somewhat, but if you're already thoughtful about how you handle your feelings and treat others, you're going to be fine. It's normal to lash out on occasion, by accident, then apologize and work to do better. It doesn't make you a bad person. Everyone on HRT is prone to this, and everyone experiencing hormonal changes is prone to this.
Getting HRT should be positive and affirming; you should not have to spend your entire transition terrified of becoming a monster."
The post then has a reblog by captainlordauditor that reads, "The big danger of T is that needle ouchy." /END ID]
here’s them reblogging from known transmisogynist user @nothorses (once again, the irony that a post about how testosterone is seen as the "aggressive hormone" does not mention transfem at all which are literally the main victims of this rethoric in the first place)
3. link (1), link (2)
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[Image ID: Two screenshots of posts by genderfluidlucifer. The first screenshot reads, "Queer exclus: We're not repackaging terf rhetoric! Saying that is transmisogynistic! Also queer exclus: Remove the plus from LGBT!" and has tags that say, "I will pay these people to grow some god damn self awareness. Imagine being this dense. Queer discourse." The post has 15 notes.
The second screenshot reads, "Honestly it is so stupid and frustrating to see ace exclus continue to deny that the ace discourse was started by terfs. Proof was given countless times. And a big name terf like galesofnovember even admitted to starting it. Those of you who demand proof but ignore all of this never wanted proof to begin with." and is tagged with, "ace discourse. The post has 38 notes. /END ID]
heres another two post of theirs conflating TERFs with ace exclusionism
4. link
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[Image ID: A screenshot of a reblogged post by furbearingbrick. The original poster is boxlizard, Lucifer's old account. The original post reads, "By the way for people still in denial about it, here's galesofnovember, a terf, admitting that she intended to start the ace exclus movement. She's taking credit for it. Normally if the victims of this behavior weren't ace/aro or other queer identities y'all be ready to rightfully lynch her. But since it's us, y'all just still wanna stamp your feet and go, 'Nuh uh!' instead of acknowledging facts." The part that says, "admitting that she intended to start the ace exclus movement" is a link to a galesofnovember post.
There is then a reblogged addition from furbearing brick that reads, "archived versions of the receipts" and has two links to the webarchive. The tags read, "Bringing this back since it's apparently still relevant. Terfism mention. Aphobia mention. Queerphobia mention. Blocklist." and has 1,455 notes. /END ID]
this is their post that ive already talked about but basically they found a 52 notes post made by a TERF in 2012 and this one person said "i dont know why i dont get to be the princess of the anti-ace-brigade" and apparently they are convinced that this means TERFs started the ace exclusionism movement and that this is one of their goals. which is insane when TERFs in real life only care about making life miserable for transfem people first and foremost.
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[Image ID: A screenshot of a reblog by genderfluidlucifer. The original poster is yu-gay-fudo. It reads, “Just in case you happen to be unaware, some of the “radfem lite” they post to warm you up to their rhetoric, just off the top of my head:
- Ace/aro exclusionism
- Bi exclusionism or claims that bi people are “less queer” bc of “straight passive privilege”
- Saying you have to be dysphoric to identify as transInvalidating nonbinary people
- Calling queer a slur regardless of context, saying people can’t identify as queer, and saying that it can’t be reclaimed
- “Mogai hell”, “kweer”, or otherwise mocking less common labels and claiming they are “just cishets who want to feel special”
- Excluding sex workers from feminist discussions or claiming that sex work is inherently evil
- Basically anyone who thinks they can determine what other people identify as”. The tags read, "queerphobia tw. twerfs tw. no id." and has 70,727 notes. It was reblogged on March 22nd, 2021 /END ID]
another example of conflating radfems to things that, while wrong, have little to nothing to do with them because being a radfem, again, is something very specific that has all to do with transfem oppression.
Emotional manipulation
Lucifer has done nothing but block, break boundaries, spread lies and vague about people, some of which were even mutuals with them knowing they would see the posts. when confronted about it Lucifer's only answer was "just say you hate me and block me" but they actually ended up blocking everyone first, making it impossible for anyone to set some boundaries with them or even just to calmly confront them about anything.
[proof: Io(popncourse) and Lucifer had a disagreement in a shared discord server, which prompted Lucifer to vague Io in a vent post. Io confronted them, as being vagued is one of buns triggers, to which Lucifer initially agreed to delete the vent post, but then proceeded to victimize themself and immediatly blocked Io. later on, Jude(malewifedeckard) was confronted by Lucifer, then after Jude told them “I’m worried that you’ll vague me just like you did with Io” they proceeded to block Jude and vagued about him too. when Io made a post (which was not a callout, it was just bun setting buns boundaries) explaining what Lucifer did, Lucifer immediatly jumped to victimize themself, acting like they were being called out and straight-up lying, even going so far as to say that no one tried to hear them out, which is a blatant lie if you consider the aforementioned Io and Jude’s attempts at doing so, with Lucifer immediatly blocking and cutting ties with the both of them. ] 
(screenshots taken by @popncourse and @malewifedeckard)
as seen in the proof above Lucifer’s behaviour is not ok because they don’t accept any kind of confrontation and immediatly jump to blocking, and after blocking, they'd immediatly go and vague about the people who confronted them pacificly, spreading more lies and painting themself as the victim and even arriving to say “no one hears me out at all” which is simply not something you can say when you block people who are trying to hear you out in the first place.
this is by no means an invitation to go and harass them, send them hate or anything like that. i absolutely don’t want anything even remotely hateful or negative to be sent their way after this post. 
this post was only made because:
1. as an ace person who fully supports the inclusion of aspec identities in the lgbt+ community i don’t want to support an enviroment that costantly downplays transmisogynistic oppression in order to be taken seriously. there are hundreds of ways to make aspec activism without acting like we(as in TME aspecs)are the victims of a system that seeks for the annihilation of transfemenine people in real life everyday. i especially don’t want to support TME individuals who act transfem-friendly but then block any transfem who tries to speak on transmisogyny without a second thought.
2. Lucifer’s behaviour has hurt two friends of mine and i don’t want to associate with someone who actively breaks people’s boundaries without taking accountability when messing up.
3. i cannot associate with someone who spreads lies about me accusing me of sympathizing with exclusionists all while having me blocked so that i can’t see it nor defend me. they complain about people not hearing them out but they’re the very first person who does not try to hear people out, and instead jumps to spread baseless rumors. this is not someone i can nor want to associate with. 
(image descriptions provided by @malewifedeckard)
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