#i think they'd be very sweet as friends found family or even something more
quantumleapt · 2 years
@aspirinqs​ inquires:  plots please ; oh beth, always with your charas! :o)
“PLOTS PLEASE.” always accepting.
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TORI!! You are too kind, you know I feel exactly the same about you!! This got long, as it always does!!
1. SAM AND DIANE FIX-IT (LITERALLY). Of course my first thought would be this... you and I both are so incredibly invested in making sure these two get a happy ending (and I know you’ve been itching to talk about it more) so this would be a perfect opportunity and exactly the sort of thing Sam would want to help with as well!! My first thought was that Sam (Beckett) leap into Sam (Malone) just for the sheer and absolute chaos of it all, but I also love the idea of him helping them get together just on his own as a friend as well!!!
2. COLLEGE DAYS. Sam and Diane are both perpetual students in a lot of ways; it’s absolutely not at all unreasonable to think that they would have crossed paths!! While Diane is (I imagine) a bit older than Sam, Sam is something of a wunderkind and graduated early (he finished undergrad at MIT at 18), so I could absolutely see them studying together and being close, especially given the fact that both of them have a number of different programs they’re involved in (Diane with all of her majors, and Sam with his seven doctorates: beyond quantum physics, he has doctorates in music, medicine, archaeology, ancient languages, chemistry, and astronomy)!!!
3. We could also COMBINE the previous two ideas; Sam and Diane were friends prior to Sam’s leaping; maybe she confides in him about some of her troubles. When he starts leaping, he goes back to her and tries to help her however he can, be that with her relationship with Sam and / or some of the other things she’s had happen to her, like her family trauma (specifically the ‘who would take care of Elizabeth’ incident, which I think about constantly)!!
4. GETTING RID OF SUMNER SLOANE. Diane should never have had to deal with him, and Sam would be all too happy to make sure the creep stays away from her for good and never manipulates her the way he did by building her confidence, encouraging her, and telling her she deserves better than him. This can be a follow up to 2 or 3, perhaps!!
5. PROFESSOR VERSE. Maybe once Sam’s returned home, or in the verse where he never develops Project Quantum Leap / it remains only theoretical, the two of them can be professors together!! I would adore to make that good / rewritten ending happen for her!! 
6. DIANE AND FRASIER FIX-IT. Following both from 1 and 5, but a good deal less specific, I know you don’t like how Frasier / season 5 of Cheers handled Diane, so this is an opportunity to fix that, too, and show off your divergences and verses!!
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reiderwriter · 4 months
🧺 Any More 🧺
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
For the CM Kink Bingo Challenge 2024
Requested: spencer realizing that he’ll never love someone as much as he loves you. (whether that be because of a case or what have you), his mind is absolutely blown with how much he worships you and how much you love and care for him and he shows you that with the softest most sickeningly sweet sex you and him has ever done. <3
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI! Discussions of case details, case burnout, very close friends to lovers, oral (f receiving), vanilla sex (p in v penetration). Discussions of mental health, and two idiots in love.
A/N: I'm hitting the prompt Vanilla for this one, so please don't be scared off by the KinkBingo tags! I had a lot of fun writing this one (and adding Pride and Prejudice quotes into the smut scene because HELLO). Let me know what you think in the replies~♡
Masterlist || Bingo Board
You hadn't seen Spencer in 100 days. Which in the grand scheme of things wasn't that long, trapped in the purgatory of a ‘what if’ the way you had been for the last eight years. 
You'd lived without him for longer than 100 days before. He'd been in prison, you'd been on assignments, you'd lived an entire life before meeting him, but now somehow 100 days was too much time, and you were exhausted. You understood why Spencer had to take some time away from you, from the team in an official capacity after everything he'd been through. You supported him even. 
But when even your free time didn't overlap anymore, you wondered if your relationship would ever be the same again. 
Spencer was a friend, your best friend, probably. You'd arrived on the BAU team, he'd rattled off some statistics, stammering the way through them, and you'd immediately warmed to the man. He was brilliant, funny, and fiercely loyal, and you tried your best to protect him even when the job seemed designed to break people like him into thousands of little pieces. 
You'd tried to convince him to leave before, after Maeve had died. You didn't want to see him heart broken again, but no one else had seemed to agree. 
“Reid needs purpose,” they'd said. “Reid needs something to do.” 
What Reid needed was to not end up dead before he had a chance to be happy, and happiness didn't come often in your field of work. 
You'd been almost vindicated a year later when he'd been shot again, almost fatally. Vindicated, maybe but distraught and inconsolable. Morgan had to carry you screaming and clawing out of his hospital room multiple times. It sounded stupid enough to yourself that it was only then you realized your feelings for the man. 
You wanted to be Spencer Reid's happiness, which was why you were so lost without him. 
He was coming back on Monday, and at least you had the weekend to sort your feelings out about everything.not just about him, but about the job you'd found didn't fit you well enough anymore, about the team you loved like family, about the relationship you knew would likely never come to fruition. 
You dumped your bags at your door when you'd arrived in your house that night, pushed yourself into your bedroom and let yourself collapse on your bed, balling up into as cozy a position as you could. You didn't even bother taking your jacket off, you just let your brain haze over and sleep rush in. 
Three quiet raps at your door lifted you up and out of bed again, not an hour later. 
You grabbed your phone, grabbed the second go-bag you kept at your house, put your shoes back on, and opened the door, expecting Emily and a new case. 
“Where are we going?” You said, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, not even looking up at your guest. 
“Hopefully, nowhere? I brought takeout.” 
Your eyes widened then, taking in all 185cm of Doctor Spencer Reid, tweed jacket and plastic bag full of chow mein included. 
“Spencer,” you breathed out, like a sigh of relief, letting the bag drop to the floor next to the first one and letting yourself into his arms. 
He held you carefully there for a second before leading you back into the apartment, wrapping an arm around you and ruffling your hair. It was brotherly, and it made you sick to your stomach. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“Emily said you were back from a case,” he started, unpacking the takeaway from the containers. “And it feels wrong to eat this without you.” 
You rolled your eyes and followed him into the kitchen, pulling two forks out of the drawer nearer you and stabbing them in the top of your two cups. 
“Hey, I can use chopsticks now,” he said, defending himself against an inside joke. Spencer was always useless with his hands. 
“I don't care if you can use them, I care that they don't accidentally end up stabbing me,” you said, taking yourself back to your bedroom, Spencer following. 
“You'd hardly die from being stabbed by a wooden chopstick, maybe a papercut or a splinter but-” 
“But you're just bad enough that I don't want to risk it.” 
You kicked off your shoes again and climbed onto your bed. Spencer followed. 
“Remind me again why we aren't sitting on your couch?” 
“Or at your breakfast bar?” 
“Glorified filing cabinet right now. Eat.” 
He shook his head but complied, leaning back against your pillows as you both began carefully eating. Silently, you pulled your laptop onto your bed, opened it up, and pressed play on a movie, one you'd seen more than once, and you'd forced Spencer to watch before as well. 
In a comfortable, friendly silence, you finished your food. You stretched out in a yawn once and then curled into his side, letting his mumbling voice, repeating the movie lines as they were spoken, lull you softly into sleep. 
Spencer knew he had to leave, but he couldn't bring himself to wake you. The movie had finished hours ago, he'd closed the laptop and turned off the bug lights, but he couldn't leave. 
Unlike you, he hadn't counted the days that you'd been apart. He hadn't needed to. He knew you'd be waiting there for him when he returned, knew you'd give him a smile and a pat on the back, and immediately start bouncing ideas off of him. It was what he loved about you. 
As he laid next to you in your bed, a place he'd absolutely been before, his heart thumped. Just once, but hard. 
Even in sleep, you looked exhausted. Your shirt was crumpled, hair a mess, you were still wearing makeup, and he knew he'd probably get an earful for letting you sleep like that in the morning. You were a mess, and he still wanted you. 
The thought came to him suddenly, another painful thump of his chest echoing in his mind. He rubbed absent mindedly at his chest as if experiencing heartburn. In the dim light of the room, he let his head drop to the pillow and wrapped two shaky arms around you and pulled you in closer. 
The two of you were a picture - both in suits, both with badges still somewhere on your person, both dearly clinging to the person they feared losing the most. 
When you woke the next morning, it was actually the afternoon. 
“Spencer,” you groaned, melting under the heat of his embrace. Somehow, during the night, he'd rolled on top of you, pressing you into the bed with a delightful pressure, head nuzzled into your neck, arms tucked around your waist. 
“Spencer, we should get up,” you said again, forcing your eyelids apart as your mascara tried to glue them together. 
“Mmmmhh,” he groaned, moving to pick himself up off you for a minute but lowering himself again. If asked, he'd blame your hand in his hair, stroking the rogue curls gently, as if he were a prized pet and you their carer. 
“Spencer, its 2pm.” 
“On a Saturday.” You laughed at how pouty his voice sounded, but he complied and rolled off of you slightly, arms still wrapped around you. 
“Come on. Get up. I've got some clothes that might fit you, let's get you out of the tweed.” 
He huffed but nodded and lifted himself halfway to upright, eyes still closed lazily as he let in the light millimetre by millimetre. 
“God, my face feels horrible,” you said, itching at your nose. “How did we even sleep so long like this? My belt is still on, Spencer, my belt.” 
“If you were still wearing a weapon, then I'd be worried,” he smiled. 
You shot him a sarcastic look and finally detangled yourself, only to clasp his hands and pull him forward as well, letting him trail you to your closet. 
“Here, change in the bathroom,” he nodded and walked away, following directions with eyes still closed, as if it were really his apartment and not your own. 
100 days without him, and it was as if it had only been 100 hours. Your entire body chemistry changed when he was around, the stick holding your spine rigidly in place, dissolving into calm, into a smile and a free giggle. It felt right again, and you almost forgot you'd ever felt wrong. 
After briefly changing, you swapped place with Spencer, who'd exited the bathroom with a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth and wet hair. 
“Dry it for me?” He asked, sitting on your couch, and you nodded your ascent. A shower and a quick change later, and you were doing just that. 
As much as he tried to keep his head upright, it kept lolling onto your thigh, yawns stretching out of him as he nuzzled closer to you. 
“Spencer, you're like a big kid, keep your head up.” 
“I'm not a kid,” he laughed, hooking his arms behind your knees and nuzzling closer into your soft sweats. “I'm just tired.” 
“You're right. A child would probably be better behaved.” 
“Our child would be,” he sighed, but you'd already turned the hairdryer back on, drowning out everything. Everything but that thump again. A child, he was thinking about children, and more importantly, he was thinking about your children. With him. 
He'd always imagined himself with a family, knowing it would ultimately stay in his imagination. But for a second, his visions changed. It wasn't just a child or two. It was you. Thump. 
Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. 
He only released the image when you finally pushed his head off of you and stood, turning away from him to get a glass of water from your kitchen. 
“So, any plans today? Books to read, papers to mark, undergrads to run away screaming from?” You let the ice water cool your hot cheeks, but kept your back to him. You were hot, embarrassed, and you were looking at him in a sickeningly sweet way that could only be described as love struck or struck dumb. 
“No, no, I finished all my obligations at the college yesterday,” he said, following behind you and picking up your cup when you set it down, taking a sip himself. 
“I was… I was actually hoping we could spend some time together? Unless you had plans, which is totally fine-” 
“No, Spencer, yeah, I have no plans, that's…. Well I have to do laundry, which is a bit boring but, no. No plans.” 
“Two week case in Florida, I don't know how you didn't smell me yesterday, Spencer. I'd be running for the hills.” 
He laughed and stepped away again, grabbing the two go bags by the door and coming back into your space. 
“How about we get this done now so we can spend the day in a Who-Trek marathon?” 
“Make that a Who-Greys Anatomy Marathon, and you have yourself a deal.” 
He pouted again, and you snorted at the sight, taking another sip of water to calm yourself before you could react safely to that face. 
“Come on, you know you've been dying to know what happens next at the Grey Sloane Memorial Hospital.” 
“I thought it was called the Seattle Grace Mercy?” 
“Oh we better get to that laundry now. You have a lot to catch up on.” 
Grabbing a bag in one hand and his free hand in your other, you made your way down to your building's laundry room. But despite the man by your side and the relaxing day threatening to stretch ahead of you, a gloom caught you in the corridors. 
You'd worked for two weeks, practically solid. You'd killed a man two days ago, or at least someone on your team had multiple shots having been fired. Another day on your job, another unsub felled, and everyone else was content with this just being a part of the job description. 
It felt like each step towards the laundry room, each thing you did that was normal, that was regular, threw back in your face the pain you endured to save lives. 
The bag in your hand weighed you down, pulling you lower and lower by the second. 
You reached the laundry room, and you found the weight almost unbearable, stopping just before you could step in. You didn't have to think about what came next though, because suddenly the bag was out of your hands and Spencer was sorting your laundry for you. 
“It's a Saturday, so your neighbour's won't complain if we separate the darks and lights into two machines, will they?” He asked, not looking up at you as he worked pouring out the fabric softener and the detergent. “Y/N?” 
You hadn't noticed the lightness in your body until the tears hit your cheeks, the weight gone with his support. 
“Y/N, what is it? What's wrong?” He said, hands cupping your face, because of course he was immediately at your side. 
“I-I can't do it, Spencer…” your voice shook, pitching upwards, your vision blurring with tears. 
“Can't do what, Y/N? Talk to me please, let me help?” 
“I can't do laundry!” You said, finally bursting into a full fit of tears and burying your head in his waiting chest. 
“L-Laundry?” He said, trying not to laugh, but the smile slipping out anyway now you were holding him. 
You only sobbed again, nodding into his shirt, aware you were probably leaving snot all over it but not being able to care. It was your shirt anyway. You would just have to add it back to your laundry pile. 
The thought set you off on another wave of sobs, and Spencer set about comforting you again. Keeping an arm wrapped around you, he put his quarters into the machines and set them off before quickly ushering you back up the stairs into your apartment. 
“Y/N? Y/N, please talk to me,” he begged, smoothing your hair out of your eyes as you tried to gather yourself.
“I don't…. I can't….” You took a breath again, aware of the way your breathing hitched in your chest as you did. 
“I don't think I can do this anymore,” you said, and his eyes widened quickly. 
“This? Y/N, if you mean this as in us, then I can't-” 
“This job,” you clarified, hands digging into the soft flesh of his arms further as he held you, finally sitting back on your couch. 
“The job. Okay, the job. That's okay. We all feel like this at some point.” 
You sniffed again and refused to meet his eyes. 
“But this isn't like the other times this - It's like my whole b-body is protesting, and I can't sleep, and if I don't, then I might get sloppy and an unsub could-” 
“Y/N, focus on my voice. You're spiralling. Listen to my voice, let's take some breaths, and think about this for a second.” 
He guided you through some breathing, a hand on your back tapping out beats even as his voice grew quiet. 
When you finally relaxed, you were sat on top of him, his hand rubbing circles into your back. 
“I think it started when you left,” you whispered. “When you went to Mexico, and then, you know,” you've voice thickened, and you couldn't get the words out. 
“And then these last 100 days they've just been…difficult.” 
“100…difficult,” he echoed, almost breathless as he listened to you. 
“It's like I can't do it without you. I never had to try to do it without you, and now I get what people say when they say this job is shitty, because it is when your best friend isn't there.” 
You gave him a weak smile and wiped away your tears, trying to climb from his lap. But his firm arms held you still, and you didn't really want out anyways. 
“When I get home, everything is different, and I can't make myself do anything. If you weren't here, I wouldn't have done that laundry. I'd let it sit and avoid it for weeks. Do you understand?” 
“Y/N, lots of people feel depressed sometimes-” 
“It's not - Spencer, I don't think this is something I can medicate my way out of. I don't know what to do because I can't do my job without you, and I can't be happy doing my job, and if I leave my job I'll be without you and then-” 
Your voice cracked again. 
“And then I still won't be happy.” The words were barely a whisper, but they were a plea, too. You weren't sure what for. 
“You can't be happy without me?” He asked, but it was more a statement than anything else. Spencer felt horrible in that moment as his chest rattled, gleeful that he was your happiness. 
“I love you,” he said, outloud finally after eight years. 
“I love you, too, Spencer, but-” 
“No, Y/N. Listen to me. I. Love. You.” The thumping of his heart set the tempo for the choir that was his senses to begin singing, as he finally leaned forward and kissed you.
“I love you, and I don't care if you're working at the BAU or if you're avoiding laundry at home. I, god, you're amazing and wonderful, and you're a human being, and you've our yourself under so much pressure for the last decade to keep me alive, to keep all of us alive really and….” 
He took another breath, leaning into kiss you one more time. 
“And you deserve a break.” 
“W-When we take breaks, people die.” 
“Did anyone die when I was teaching for the last three months? When JJ went on maternity leave?” 
You shook your head, but your brain was still a mess. 
“You all had reasons, I-” 
“You have reasons, too. Y/N…. Y/N, let me be your reason.” 
For a moment or two, Spencer truly thought you were going to say no. He thought you would get up and walk away, or better yet, ask him to leave and never come back. 
So when you pressed your lips to his, he was sure that this was a dream. 
But to you, it was salvation. Spencer Reid's love was the lifeline you'd been thrown, and it was buoyant enough to make you start floating. 
His hands kneaded the flesh at your hips as he pulled you closer still to him, his tongue slipping into your mouth to explore every part of you there. 
“Y/N… love…you,” he mumbled with each spare breath he caught, and you only detangled your lips to hear him say it again as he pressed similarly heated kisses against every inch of your exposed skin. 
When Spencer's mind lost its ability to create original speech, he leant back on a lifetime of information, of learning love through books and people and marathons with you. 
“I know that all I know right now is that I love you. And I know that I always will,” he whispered, lifting you and carrying you back to the bed you'd only crawled from an hour hence. 
A hand slid under your shirt, and slowly pushed it over your head, letting it slowly drop to the floor as he held you tenderly. 
“To me, you are perfect.”
His mouth found one nipple, and he gently kissed, then suckled at it, hands softly caressing your stomach, feeling along every ridge of you as you writhed under him. 
“Of all the FBI Units, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine.” 
“Spencer,” you said, voice still thick with tears, but these ones more tender, more joyful. 
His hand eased your sweats over your ass and off, his hips settling between your legs as if he found the place he was made to lie forever. 
“The truth of it is, I’ve loved you from the first second I met you.” 
His mouth trailed lower until his tongue hit your clit, brushing against it languidly, as if it was his deepest desire to taste you and nothing else ever again.
His tongue flattened and flicked and pushed inside of you as you replayed his words again and again and again. You found yourself repeating them with him. 
“I love you,” you echoed as he pushed a finger inside of you. 
“I.. love you,” you gasped as he added another. 
“I love you,” you screamed as your back arched up off the bed, finding your pleasure in his tongue, just ad you'd found love in his words. 
“You have bewitched me body and soul, and I love….” He freed his cock from his pants, and took it in hand.
“I love…” With another kiss, he pressed the tip of it against you, asking for permission silently as you nodded your head. 
“I love you.” He pushed in slowly, but it wouldn't matter how he did it because now you knew how he felt, and you didn't want to return to a time of not knowing. 
Hooking your legs around him, Spencer dropped his forehead to yours and looked you directly in the eyes as he began moving. In and out, he thrust, mouth open in a moan of pleasure, likely mirroring your own.
The poetry, the movie lines, they were gone now, and Spencer was left with nothing but you, and love, and love for you. 
“Spencer,” you moaned out, and he felt his chest swell. Pride. His name on your tongue, his body pressed to yours, claiming you as his ad you claimed him as yours. 
He came with a shudder and you were not far behind, his undoing sending a shiver up your spine as his fingers grazed your clit again. 
You sat panting for a minute, still attached, still forehead to forehead. 
You weren't sure if it was him who giggled first or if it was you, but you were glad it was one of you. 
You spent the rest of the night, the rest of the weekend, wrapped in his warmth, dressed in his love, taking each day a step at a time as you basked in his adoration.
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biased as always, the number one Anne Stan, ofc i gotta christen this returned account with my girl <3
hlc react to mc developing a crush on anne? from the consistent visits to feldcroft to the occasional outing that mc can take her on, it’s obvious they’re growing to be a little more than friends…
A/N: Anne Sallow simping content coming right up lol
It all started the day Sebastian introduced MC to her. Even with her tired eyes, they were enraptured by her sweet voice and good nature despite being in such pain. Even if Anne was convinced there was no real help for her, MC was determined to make life just a bit more enjoyable.
At first, It was letters with little gifts. Those turned into visits without Sebastian tailing them. Eventually, sneaking Anne out of the house for some "fresh air." Even without Sebastian around, her uncle was rather unpleasant. Always hovering, to the point of being overbearing.
Their most memorable date outing by far has to have been when MC offered to fly her up the hill on their broom to overlook Feldcroft. She sat sidesaddle on the handle in front of MC and she held on to them as they gently glided up into the air. MC struggled to focus on where they were going having her so close.
So close in fact, that if MC hadn't been so distracted, maybe they would have heard the faint but distinctive whisper of ancient magic coming from the scar on her side.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: He gets suspicious when MC starts asking too many Anne centric questions. Then he gets REAL suspicious when he walked in on MC and Anne playing wizard's chess. He hadn't announced that he was going, so he was shocked to see MC with his sister alone.
Protective Brother™ mode activated. What were they playing at? His sister had enough to deal with right now, she didn't need MC drooling all over her. He doesn't fall for any of MC's excuses, no one visits Anne more than he does, not even her old school friends. There was no way MC's intentions were "just being friendly".
He keeps an eagle eye out for MC. If he can't find them anywhere, he goes straight to Feldcroft to break up the fraternizing. Anne will have to tell him off multiple times.
OMINIS GAUNT: He doesn't know this is going on until Anne casually mentions it in her letters. This....he struggles with this. Anne is very special to him. They'd been close since first year, she was one of his first and few friends and now she...she seems so...taken by MC.
He wrestles with his own pride and self loathing. He should have said something sooner. He should have told her how much he....it didn't matter now. MC was braver. She doesn't deserve a coward like him anyway. He's happy she's happy. That's all that matters...right?
IMELDA REYES: She knew Anne. They were on the Slytherin quidditch team together before Anne fell ill. She reads about Anne and MC in letters and snorts. She advises Anne to not be so quick to admire MC, they aren't that amazing.
NATSAI ONAI: She finds it absolutely adorable. MC always thinks of Anne, constantly asking her if Anne will like what they've found or bought. Even asks for advice, not that she knows much about relationships, but she tries her best.
GARRETH WEASLEY: He gets nosey, seeing MC almost always nose deep in a letter that smells floral with a touch of birch. He'll poke fun that they're infatuated with their special pen pal and not so subtly imply that he has the perfect potion in mind if they want to speed things along. *Wink*
LEANDER PREWETT: Anne who? Sebastian's sister? Pfffft, good luck with that. Sebastian is a bulldog when it comes to family. Very protective, almost possessive.
AMIT THAKKAR: He first realizes that MC is acting strange when they started daydreaming heavily in class. Even in the more interesting classes. What's got them all starry-eyed and distracted from learning? ....he should have known. A girl.
EVERETT CLOPTON: He hears about it second hand from someone else who heard MC and Sebastian going at it over MC seeing Anne without supervision. Rumors spread like wildfire, especially when the arguably most interesting person at Hogwarts apparently developed a crush on Sallow's sister and was sneaking around with her. Made for very juicy gossip.
POPPY SWEETING: She hears about it through the rumor mill as well and tells MC to fly in on a hippogriff next time. That always impresses the ladies, trust her on this.
ANNE SALLOW: MC brought some color back into her life. They wanted to know all about her, they showered her with gifts, and would come to see her even without reason. She caught on fast that MC fancied her and she had fun playing coy.
Oh, MC wants to know what she likes for her birthday? What an odd, totally random question. MC has been staring at her for the last five minutes, not realizing she's stopped talking, how interesting. She loved pointing out MC's blatantly odd behavior and watching them fluster within an inch of their life. It's the Slytherin in her, she thinks it's funny.
When MC starts asking for more private outings, that's when she really starts to feel special. MC was willing to accommodate her in any way she needed. If she grew exhausted from a walk, they would carry her back. If she was having a particularly rough day with the curse, they'd tend to her hand and a foot, almost fussing as much as Sebastian. Almost.
The time MC flew her up the hill to the lookout, she felt herself falling, in the figurative sense. MC may have fallen for her first, but she fell harder. Holding on to them as they flew, she couldn't take her eyes off their face. She almost kissed them. She didn't, however, miss the fact that her scar hurt a lot less that day.
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lefthandedhotch · 1 year
hello <3 thanks to pinterest i have an aaron and jack ask because <3 my boys <3 like thats husband and son fr !!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
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he pet the small boy :3 actually CRYING because he's sooooooo so so so tiny :'))) and all smiley because his daddy gave him a medal :3 PLSSSS and then the team being all 👀🤭 when they meet beth CRIES i love them all soooo much :')) the only found family ever <3
thinking about them all meeting you there <33 aaron's fiance who he's been with for a good while and while they were a bit frowny :( at not getting to know about you sooner, they knew that he did it because of what happened with haley and foyet and they knew how important she was to him so they totally understood that he kept you a secret as long as he did🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 but penny tells them to all snap out of it because he only said fiance not wife so there's plenty of time to get to know you before and at the wedding which she will now be in charge of because she loves love 🤭🤭🤭😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 you look over at aaron and grin soooo happily because they're all as amazing as he and jack told you they'd be - actually!!! they're even more amazing than that!!!!!!!!!!!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 you kiss your sweaty sweaty man and congratulate him on the triathlon and how amazing he did and he gets all blushy and shy despite the team being there (penelope Can Not control her squeals of happiness ajsmskfnfkdkgkk) and you all go get something to eat and jack holds your hand so happy that his aunties and uncles can finally meet you and!!!!! because he has a medal🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 penelope is squished to your other side asking So Many questions and you look over at aaron so amused and so happy because he has such a silly bau family and you love them all so much already🥰🥰🥰🥰💞💞💞💞💞💞
hehehehehe hiiiiiiiiii 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 thank u pinterest and thank u jess-brain for the cutie hotchner boys thought!!!! 🤭🤭💕💕💕💕💕 fr fr thats husband and son!!!! 🥹🥹🥹💗💗💗
teeniest tiniest boy ever :(((((( being sooooooo proud of his daddy and sooooooo happy when his daddy lays the medal around his neck 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 and he immediately turns to giggle to you “it’s so heavy!!!” which makes you grin so big and squish his lil cheeks “that’s because you’re so little!” and aaron watches the whole thing with the biggest most heart-eyed grin Ever! which of course makes penelope squeal loud enough to make every racer and their friends/family in the vicinity glance over at your little group all curiously 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 and after you smooch smooch smooch your sweaty handsome darling aaron, that sweet blonde angel penny gloms onto you immediately and with the help of the little hotchner bug in your arms, she gets the whole story of how you and aaron met and fell in loooooooove 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 hehehe at some point when the team all realize that penny’s interrogation of you (with questions and comments sprinkled in by the whole team who are All very curious about you 🤭) is not going to end soon, rossi suggests drinks and dinner at his mansion!!!! you’re very excited because you’ve heard Many Many stories of bau parties and rossi’s home from your hotchner guys but aaron sighs all dramatically because he is Sweaty (which of course makes you giggle and smooch his cheek as you hum “but you’re cuuuuuute” and he’s immediately placated 🤭😌 also rossi says he can shower at his place AKDHDKDJSKSKS) but you and jack are happy so he’s happy to go hang out with the team and tell silly stories about you and him when you first started dating 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 it’s still kinda early in the evening at rossi’s but sweet lil jack is already snoozing and snoring in your arms (because he was up Late the night before making a poster for his dad) and you keep seeing aaron hiding snores behind his Big hand because he’s soooooo tired after working so hard that day :( so you hug everyone and tell them you’re taking your boys home (which makes them all 🥹💕 because they Love knowing that someone who loves them so much is taking care of them 🥺) and when you get them home and get aaron into bed so you can kiss his sleepy face and murmur over and over how proud of him you are and how happy you are to have met his people who are so so important to him (and now to you too!!!!!!) and all aaron can think as you fall asleep snuggled into his chest with your hand resting over his heart and his ring on your finger while he plays over the whole day in his head is that he can’t Wait for you to be his wife and he can’t believe how unbelievably grateful he is that you’re in his (and jacks 🤭🥹🥰💗) life 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭💞💞💞💞💗💗💗💗💗💗🥰🥰
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groverapologist · 3 months
Hello! Ok here's an ask for you: i've had this storyline in my head about rrverse next generation, and i'm trying to decide Percabeth's kids' names? Like, on one hand, i want their names to be meaningful, but also i really think Percy and Annabeth would NOT give their kids the same name as their friends who died, because, you know, names have power and all that.
So I was thinking something like little Jay, or Jaycee or some variation, in honor of Jason maybe? (I really want one of the kids to be named after Jason, but let's be real "Jason" is a cursed name, it's definitly not a good idea to name your kid that and Percy and Annabeth would both know it).
I think it'd also be likely if they named on of their kids for Grover maybe? But i personally don't really like the name Grover and idk if it'd be weird if they'd give the name of someone still in their lives? So maybe some variation of it? Maybe as a second name? Idk
Also for a little girl, i thought it'd be nice if they could name a kid after Sally or Thalia, and then i just found out the name Tally exists, soooooo....
Any thoughts on those suggestions? Ideas for other names? How many kids do you think they'd have?
Also also i really like your New Athens post and Percy and Annabeth and their kids would totally live there
i love to think they'd have two daughters, girl dad percy and girl mom annabeth may actually fix me.
for names, i like to think they went with the sally blofis-jackson method of naming which is using names of mythological beings with happy endings/happy lives. maybe a name of an Amazonian queen or powerful Amazonian in general. other names include Ida, Penelope, Myrene, Tara, Nelisa, Neda, Melissa, Melaina, etc. With the whole concept that names have power, I doubt they'd name their child over any goddess or person with a tragic ending.
if you want names inspired by the characters, there are a lot to choose from! you're absolutely right about them not naming their child jason. instead, there's jamie, jaycee, jay/jaye, jayden, jace, jess, jessy, jonas (annagram like annabeth's name), sonny, mason, even grace, though grace may be tricky due to thalia's disdain for her last name.
i feel it would be very normal and sweet for them to just outright name their daughter sally; if you still want alternatives, a lot of similar names are out there (sal, sammy, and sarah, which is the origin of the name sally). with thalia, i'd recommend a similar name, or even a name of another muse as piper is named after the muse of comedy. with grover, i'd recommend a middle name. i don't think it would be weird at all to name their child after someone they love that is still alive, but i'm arab and have seen a lot of arabs name their children after family, so my opinion may not apply here as i'm not american and don't know american naming styles too well.
now, personally, i don't think they'd name their children after anyone except maybe sally. i think the more likely alternative is making grover a godfather to their firstborn and another close friend (rachel? thalia? frank and hazel?) the godparent(s) of their second born. i think giving a jason-inspired middle name would be a nice idea, but i do have to say i would expect that more from piper or leo who were his best friends. i feel annabeth and percy have seen too much death and mourning to really name anyone after the dead.
these are all just opinions and i really appreciate your ask! i hope this helps, and thank you so much for the compliment!
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satureja13 · 5 months
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Beltane - Part 7 It all starts -> here (incl prequel)
A 'little' later than Ji Ho and Jeb, Noxee, Saiwa and Jack at the campsite got up too. And when poor Jack stumbled out of the tent, he almost choked at the sight of his beloved Noxee! She's so hot! Saiwa: "Noxee! Have merci!" Noxee: "Aww, our poor baby! I'll change into something more 'appropriate' and make us some churros, how does that sound?" And then she vanished and Jack cursed under his breath for not having a grip on himself. He wanted her to stay like this, just for a little longer... He's barely even seen her properly! Time he gets back ingame so he can meet the Queen again! And Lou. Distracting himself from Kiyoshi is already working just fine, that's a good sign!
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And while Noxee was making the churros (that's the only dish she is able to 'cook'), Saiwa and Jack wandered around the campsite. If it's not too draining for Ji Ho and Vlad to let them travel around in the Otherworld with the TTT (Teleporting TukTuk), they should come here more often. Saiwa even found the bunny again!
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Saiwa: "He's so cute, quiet and soft. Just the opposite of Jack ;P " Jack: "You know, everything we talked about yesterday, about not being able to get rid of Kiyoshi because of that fated mates thing, me prospering and unlocking my Super Soldier abilities. All that stuff frightened and intimidated me beyond measure. But!"
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Saiwa: "But what?" Jack: "But you, my precious friend, who is like a dearest brother to me, already unlocked my ability to decide to let myself not get hurt when others throw their meanness at me :3 " Saiwa: "..."
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Noxee: "Aww how sweet! Hahaha yeah, it's been like that since you two met at the lab three years ago!" Jack: "Right you are. Three long years Saiwa accepted many hardships to poke and pester me. As if he had seen it coming that I was going to need it one day ^^ I never got upset!"
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Jack: "And I'm very positive that I, the Super Soldier, will suceed in my quest to defy Kiyoshi's influence over me and heal!" Noxee: "I think you should better use your Super Soldier powers to run from Saiwa before he throws that bathtub at you hahaha!"
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And then Jack ran 🏃 But I think he has a point. Saiwa is the only one who gets upset at Jack's antics and scolds him. But it never hurt Jack (erm at least mentally. He gets hurt physically from time to time when he's running from Saiwa ^^'). He can work with that.
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They ran a lap around the lagoon and then breakfast was ready. Saiwa was still a bit upset. And it didn't make it any better that Jack suggested to try the I-don't-give-others-power-over-my-feelings method on himself hahaha! Noxee: "Babies, let's eat!"
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Noxee made very special churros for her Babies! They are sparkling like crazy! Noxee: "Made with extra love by an extra Queen for my extra Babies <3 " Saiwa is lost in thought. He has to face Jeb again soon. And then they'd have to part again when they head back home to Tomarang. He doesn't know what's worse. And Jack wishes he could eat Noxee's churros more often - without Greg at that, too...
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Even though they are not blood related, they are like a little, dysfunctional family 💖
I mean, I get it that Saiwa refused to stay sit to eat because the flowers are placed at the counter. But why Jack? There is nothing! And why is Noxee eating while sitting even though there is an object at her counter? Omg this is so annoying! -.-
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'Cerco l'estate tutto l'anno e all'improvviso eccola qua. Lei è partita per le spiagge e sono solo quassù in città. Sento fischiare sopra i tetti, un aeroplano che se ne va.'
'All year I'm looking for the summer and all of a sudden, here it is. She left for the beach and I'm alone, up here, in the city I hear wistling above the roofs an airplane that is leaving.'
Azzurro - Adriano Celentano
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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n0b0dy11 · 1 year
Home ~ S.B.
pairing: siriusblack x fem!reader
genre: fluff and angst?
warnings: azkaban, stupid sirius, order of the phoenix
Sirius hadn't been a player all his life, sure he had hoped from girl to girl for a very long period in his life but everything had changed when he met her.
Y/n had always been around, she had been going to Hogwarts for just as long as the Marauders. The difference, she liked quiet. Y/n was a girl who liked the background, the silence while in the library, the peace by the Black Lake.
She hadn't meant to catch the eye of the heartthrob Sirius Black, she hadn't meant to ruin all the other girls' chances. She merely wanted to survive school, live her life and raise a family with a caring and sweet husband.
How times changed. Now she was a single mother raising twins with her husband a mass murderer and in Azkaban.
"Just let me take you out on one date!"
"Black, you aren't even asking me! You are springing this one me as if it's an order and I have no choice."
The boy shook his head and walked closer his hands out reaching for hers, when he took her soft ones in his he smiled happily. They fit perfectly, "Will you please go on a date with me?"
"You don't even know me," she whispered taking her hands back. His smiled dropped as he searched her eyes for a joke or lie in them. Then it dawned on him, he had never even been this close to see her eyes were the prettiest he had ever seen.
"I can get to know you! That's what dates are for right?"
"Not with you," she said as she started backing away from him. "You don't go on dates to 'get to know a girl', I can't believe you'd even think I'd fall for that."
"It's the truth!"
But it was hopeless as she had her back turned and was walking off towards the great hall, "You don't think I'm stupid do you?"
Now she was chasing him, memories of him, she had photo's stacked away in a closet which she only showed to her children. They deserved to know their father , from their mother's point of view.
Y/n was sitting in the library as usual, it was the only place she now found peace and quiet. Sirius had somehow found her by the Black Lake, in Hogsmeade, everywhere... But in the library she could she curl up with a book somewhere in the back and never have him bother her.
Until today.
"Can I talk to you for a sec?"
"I already told you Black, I am not interested as -"
"long as I keep toying at your feelings I know, believe me I know." The boy sat himself down beside her, his hands holding a book themselves. "I wanted to tell you something."
Y/n looked up at him, expectantly but also a little bored, "Go on then."
"I, uh, I won't try to persuade you anymore."
She scoffed, letting her head fall to down again, "I told you it was all fake, you didn't really wanna go out with me right? Tell me was it a prank? A bet?"
He looked at her surprised, "What? No!"
She just rolled her eyes, not daring to look up at him, "right."
"It's true! I just- " he took a deep breath. "You don't believe me, so I will let you go, but I - I want to start over? I really like you, Y/n, so it would mean a lot if you maybe just gave me chance as friends, and I promise I won't try anything."
"Just friends."
That didn't last for long though. Once they were friends the real bets rolled in, when they'd get together, when they'd get married, how their kids would be called etc.
Now however the bets were that she had helped him, that she'd killed her best friend along with her husband.
"I know he promised you it was only platonic, but have you considered it?"
"Considered what Lils?"
"Being more than friends?"
Y/n scoffed, she wanted to open her mouth and tell her she hadn't. That it was stupid she even thought so. But she couldn't. Of course she had thought about it, he was bloody gorgeous, funny and just magnifique.
"It doesn't matter," she answered instead, "Like you said, it's only platonic."
"But that can change."
"Lily," Y/n sighed, "I know you're trying to do well, but it isn't going to work. We differ too much, he's popular, handsome, sporty- I'm, me... He could have anyone he wants Lily, why would he ever settle for me when I've blown him off in the past. He wouldn't be interested anymore anyway."
The redhead sat down next to her, taking her hand in hers, "Those are your words, Y/n. He loves you-"
"He doesn't."
"Have you seen him with a girl these past few days? No, because even if he told you it was platonic, he can't find himself loving anybody else. He loves you, Y/n. Don't let him go because you're scared."
She took that chance, she hadn't let him go. Except that one night and it caused her him forever.
"We have been together for a year now," Sirius said. He had Y/n's hand in his as they walked together in Hogsmeade. He had wrapped her in one of his Gryffindor scarfs and beanies. He loved to dress her up in his clothes, even more so when he got to undress her later on.
"Mhm," she hummed her hand clasped around his swaying between them as they walked.
"I didn't know what to get you-"
"- Let me finish," he chuckled shoving her gently with their interlocked hands, "I knew you didn't want something but I did so."
He got a little box out of his pocket and handed it to her, "You know normally if you ask someone to marry them you get on one knee and give them it themselves." He rolled his eyes at her remark, but as she opened it and did find a ring in it she gasped and looked at him, "I was joking you know, I don't think-"
"It's not an engagement ring, darling, it's a promise ring. That one day I'll change when we do get married."
"You want to get married?"
"Of course. Nobody else can handle my good looks!"
Their wedding was amazing, being married to him was a dream. He made her favourite's for breakfast, massages before sleep, kisses all the time... He was the perfect husband.
When Y/n had gotten pregnant that didn't change, he made her weird cravings, even tried some with her, he talked to her belly every night, gave even more massages ... He was the perfect husband.
Then the twins were born, he loved them. A boy and a girl. He loved them. He cried even more than Y/n when they were finally there.
It was the weirdest thing when she found out he had done such a stupid thing, she didn't believe it. After her and the twins, he loved James the most, he was his brother. Lily was Y/n's friend, best friend!
Y/n kept his memory alive by the twins, told them stories and showed them pictures. She never lost faith in him.
Then the news came, he escaped. She smiled bittersweet at the paper, at her husband. A tear rolled from her eye and then the door, knocking.
She didn't want to open it, having dealt with enough reporters and ministry people. She tried ignoring it, but as the door opened and he spoke she sobbed.
"Still keeping the key under the extra flowerpot I see?"
"You're home!"
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honey-minded-hivemind · 6 months
No no no, YOU'RE good, I love how intricate your ideas get!
BRO YOUR BRAIN POWER, Everything would only be more heartbreaking (how did you even do that) if reader was the extant child/relative of one the yans, my brain explored the idea with the professor or magneto, someone who wouldn't have suspected reader was their child, what would be worse for reader is if nobody knew and it was found out AFTER they're back. I'm evil :)
I could Imagine the reader, being the sweet selfless thing that they are, and being the only one who can't use their powers to escape like the others can, they might resort to begging the three to run and leave them behind, it's the very last thing any of them want, OH MAN it'd tear them up inside, but especially if reader were the oldest, the kids could be swayed to listen, even if they really really don't want to.
🐑 Anon
🥺🥰☺ Thank you, 🐑 Anon!!! I'm enjoying these small asks posts, as it's helping me discover how I want to write the first main story post! It's helping me think over how each character would act, possible relationships, and exactly how far I want it to go... So thank you, and for everyone else, who keeps asking about this au, and sharing your thoughts and ideas for it😊
And yes, it would involve more angst if they found out Reader was their child after they're back, but I raise you this: What happens if they found out when Reader and the others initially died? (Isn't that a fine wine of angst?) They never suspected and never knew Reader was a relative of theirs, and the pain and guilt over only ever knowing after Reader had already died. It would be worse if, when sorting through some of Reader's stuff after that dark day, they find a few papers in their handwriting, mentioning they know that one of their mentors or guardians is actually their parent/sibling/relative, but that they aren't going to tell them, because they don't want to ruin their relationship... Or if Reader had a DNA test or birth certificate or something else, detailing the fact they're related... The absolute misery the adult/s would be in, knowing they would never be able to right it, that they'd never be able to let Reader know they would have accepted them, no matter what... It breaks them all over again...
If Reader begged the others to go, to leave them, the three would be torn. If Reader is younger than them, they are staying no matter what. Only being forced to leave them would keep them from being by their side, sticking together til the end. If Reader is older, they would reluctantly leave, but only after Reader forces them into a position where that's the choice they're left with. And the three would be doing everything they can to get back to them, to try and rescue them from the strangers wearing the faces and powers of their teams, the people they call family...
I think I've finally decided on how old Reader is, and I say they are the youngest. Not by a lot, granted, but that doesn't stop them from being seen as someone to protect, no matter how powerful or awesome their powers are. They could be able to turn into a beast-like creature, or transform into any animal they want, or have fangs and claws, and they'd still be getting defended. It doesn't mean Reader themself isn't protective. Reader has lashed out before, during the few weeks they'd all been held captive, all to protect their captured friends or to defend the other platonic yans... Reader did suffer for it, though, terribly... It's why their death was a little different than the others. Where the others deaths were rather quick, Reader's was dragged out, made as painful for as long as it took to pass on...
It's really no wonder the adult and older teen platonic yans snapped and took their time destroying the people who'd done it. Who didn't even give them a chance to reach them before it was too late. And what a bloody, long drawn-out mess it is... And when it's finally done, well... There's a new world order on the verge of forming, and when it is brought to fruition... a lot of their enemies realize what a dangerous mistake they made...
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yanderenightmare · 2 years
Reaaaally feeling the bully!Bakugou being sweet and redeeming himself to victim!darling!!! But could you make one where darling doesn’t accept him after all 😈 😈 😈 and he’s suddenly not so inclined to be sweet anymore???
Changed it up a bit from the last one cuz i didn’t wanna write the same-ish thing, but anyway check that one out too here
Bakugou Katsuki x darling
TW: yandere, NSFW, noncon, mentions of minors/teens having sex (but no actual depictions of it), toxic relationship, possessiveness, angst WC: 3.5k
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No One Else
She’s not sure why she'd ever let it drag out for so long. 
In the beginning, it could be blamed on things outside their control. Where, between the tension that had always simmered within their strained dynamic as pretty girl and vile boy -plus the oncoming of puberty and its whirl of hormones- they were both left in a turmoil of strange pheromones making them panicked, embarrassed, confused, and most of all in dire need of an outlet for it all.
One of which they surprisingly found in each other.
They’d been but foolish teenagers at a silly house party at the time, their first-ever shots of alcohol buzzing through their system as they shared a kiss like none other. 
They’d stumbled up the stairs and gotten frisky in the bedroom while family pictures of their shared friend and his family witnessed them tearing at each other until the skin of childhood had shed and left them both as grown-ups. 
Waking up with a new special understanding of themselves and each other, one with a strange respect and newfound curiosity for the other’s body.
But why he hadn't grown bored of it since and why she'd never put her foot down and ended things was beyond her.
Katsuki had explained it once, one of those times he'd come stumbling into her apartment, drunk and in the midst of buckling up his pants while pawing at her. Kissing her sloppy, he’d mumbled out something along the lines of how no one else knows him like she does. 
And she supposed that had mainly been the reason; that they just knew each other too well and had known each other too long, to which point everyone else just seemed alien; that there was a sort of comfort -if one could call it that- in the familiarity of each other that just couldn't be replicated or replaced by anyone else. 
She’d been raised and groomed to sustain Katsuki and all his ugly tempers all her life. And -blinded by a sense of distorted credit she used to don herself- she couldn't quite imagine anyone being able to handle him but her. And -though she still can’t really put her finger on why- the thought had used to make her proud.
It had made her feel somewhat special...
And needed.
She thought it would go on forever then…
Not that she’d ever bothered to give it much thought. 
That is… until she had that very flirty encounter at the café where she worked. Where, in between being sweet-talked into a stuttering blushed mess and being asked out for coffee someplace where she wouldn't have to serve it herself, she’d come to question her current relationship and started doubting her true obligations toward Katsuki as a partner.
They didn’t go on dates. They didn’t live together. They didn’t text or call one another. They didn’t eat dinner or plan things or visit each other’s parents. 
She didn’t have anything in his apartment, nor him in hers. She’d never washed any of his clothes. She’d never worn any of his clothes. She’d never even driven his car. 
They’d never given each other presents. They didn’t tell people about their relationship. They didn’t talk about work, their day, or their feelings. Actually -having given it a long thought- they didn’t really talk at all. 
In fact, when it came down to it, the only thing she'd been able to think of that they'd ever done together… was sex.
Sex and nothing more…
She doesn’t know if things would have ever changed if he hadn’t asked her what the number scrawled in blue pen on her arm was...
But nevertheless, that’s when Katsuki started acting strange.
She'd never expected he’d get so upset by it, but she ended up apologizing that night while promising him that next time she wouldn’t be so silly, that next time she’d make it clear she already had a boyfriend.
She remembers thinking how the way he fucked her that night had been nothing short of desperate. Having given her nearly no room to breathe with how tightly he’d held her, his face nuzzling into her neck with lovebites, thrusting into her in such a way he was barely even pulling out, pounding her cervix more than her cunt to the point she’d feared it bruised, having had to pat his shoulder to tell him to calm down. 
He’d held her face then, and she’d realized that they hadn’t really had too much eye contact before. She remembers that even then, she couldn’t really decide if she liked it or not. Or rather... she’s sure she’d found it unpleasant, though just hadn’t had the guts to give the feeling any influence. 
She regrets it now that it’s too late. Maybe if she’d done or said something back then, she wouldn’t be in the situation she was trapped in now.
For lack of a better -more suitable- word, she’d have to say he’d become clingy if only it didn’t sound too sweet and childish for someone so much larger than her. But maybe she’d just feared calling it what it had been.
And what it had really been…
Was threatening.
Overbearing and possessive, and needlessly protective. He’d quickly become paranoid with jealousy. Portraying strange obsessive emotions she hadn't known he harbored for her at all until then.
She hadn’t really been able to put her finger on it at the time.
It started out small. Or, small in comparison to now. Small pleasantries he’d never bothered with before. Small niceties she’d never imagined the two of them would do together. 
Thinking back, the first deviation -aside from the triggering night he’d initially seen the phone number and felt the threat of her slipping from his grasp- was the time he’d come and visited her at work when out on patrol. And though he hadn’t really asked, she’d come to realize -rather hesitantly- that he’d come there to eat lunch together with her.
Maybe she’d been too swept up in the embarrassing buzz to notice, caught in the paparazzi of hushed whispers and judgy stares -all of them asking whom the Plain Jane thought she was, eating lunch with the up-and-coming pro-hero Dynamight- she hadn’t really the time nor mind to pay attention to him and all his newly awoken instincts regarding her.
It seemed fucking silly now… How she’d foolishly thought the bizarre lunch was an isolated incident of which wouldn’t ever happen again, only to find herself quickly schooled the next day and the day after that, coming to understand she was to expect it as a regular thing. And soon, it wasn’t even the strangest thing anymore.
Soon he was driving her home every day, coming inside, eating dinner, watching the news until late, and staying the night. Soon she found herself waking up in his apartment alone, coming downstairs to find he’d made her breakfast before leaving, combined with a little note telling her when he’d be back. Soon she wasn’t spending a single week or weekend without him. Soon she couldn’t find anything to wear that didn’t either remind her of him or smell like him or that downright didn’t belong to him completely.
And he’d started taking her places too -on dates- broadcasting their relationship to anyone with a cameraphone who could snap a picture and send it to every gossip magazine in Japan. He’d introduced her to his colleagues -whom she knew to be “friends” from some rather upsetting stories he’d told her when he was in a less and less rare mood for talking- and they’d seemed to know whom she was just as intimately, giving her the sneaking suspicion that Katsuki’d been running his mouth and saying private things he ought not to.
But that had all been child’s play.
It got out of control when he’d ordered a delivery truck to pack down all her things and move them all to his apartment before she got home from work. Sure, he’d introduced the idea of living together in passing, but she couldn’t remember ever committing to it or being at all close to an understanding of where and when.
Thinking about it now, that was probably her last chance of escaping before things got ugly.
But then, it was already too late. She was living with him suddenly. Sharing all his space while unable to shake that awfully crippling feeling of just being another medal or trophy up on the mantle. Just a decorative doll he’d locked behind glass.
She’d felt as though her head was in a cloud. And not in a nice way, but in the utmost hollow way. As though she’d put herself on auto-pilot and just gone with the stream like jellyfish.
And now…
Now he was down on one knee.
Asking -no demanding- that she give him everything. 
For life until due death.
Just the two of them. 
She swallowed thickly, feeling her head prickle as though it had fallen asleep without taking her with it. 
Her lips dry, her eyes dry, feeling more sober than ever.
She took a breath and, on the next exhale, spoke.
They both just stared at each other for a while as though neither could decide who was more shell-shocked and had the right reserved to remain still the longest. She left -deciding it was the person on the floor with the expensive ring weighing down his hand- and walked towards the mudroom.
“What are you doing?” He asked then, hesitantly at first. Shaken from his spot, he’d resumed his full height again, loudly stomping across the floor to reach her.
“I’m sorry- I- I can’t stay here- I need to go.” She rushed, head spinning, only able to understand how she wanted to put shoes on and leave. Maybe get a drink at a bar by herself and figure her shit out without being suffocated by him.
“Don’t do this.” He said then, sounding desperate and somewhat feeble if it weren’t for how he had her pushed against the wall in the same second.
She nearly decided against herself when seeing the look on his face. Warped into something truly fragile. Plead had his brows pinched together while his sharp red eyes -now doe-like- had glossed over and looked nothing short of hopeless and scared.
She’d be lying if she said it didn’t make her heart twist and ache and feel a little guilty.
But nevertheless.
“I can’t marry you, Katsuki….”
She couldn’t keep doing this.
“I’m sorry- I don’t love-” 
She didn’t get to finish. The word taken, stifled, strangled in a fist closing around her throat.
“You do love me.” He refuted quickly, as though terrified to have let her finish. “You’ve always loved me.” Trembling while he said it, as though trying to force himself into believing it too. 
Shaking her collar in unstable hands. Bearing down on her until she couldn’t be pushed flatter against the stone behind her, until his forehead rested against the wall and his lips brushed the shell of her ear in hot, heavy strained breaths. 
“You’re just confused.” He rasped, voice light and breathy and nearly amounting to a giggle -or a sob- she wasn’t sure which.
But she couldn’t care much when she couldn’t breathe. Head burning into a numb wet cotton that was no longer able to tell her to push him off and instead let her hands go limp against his chest, knees going weak beneath her. 
“Katsuki… Kat… su-”
She was convinced he’d kill her before the tiniest slither of air was allowed back in through her windpipe, gasping for it like a glutton until coughing it all up again when choking on her own desperate gulps. 
Her hands held her throat in an act of soothing it from the forming bruises and shielding it from further attack. But Katsuki was ahead of her and had his sights on attacking something else.
He took her by the hair and started pulling, dragging her from the door and further into the apartment.
“Stop- stop it- Katsuki-” She begged between hiccups and coughs, her hands clawing at his in an effort to free his grasp from her scalp. Her shins dragged to burns against the cold marble as her legs kicked in the struggle, hitting the floor in a series of sporadic thuds until he stopped. “Katsuki-”
He’d crossed the threshold of their bedroom and was now throwing her down on the mattress, pinning her in the same second with a hand gripping her jaw and eyes a searing cold that seemed to lash out at her like unstable fire, glaring at her with a look so blank and empty she felt it like the chill of death creep throughout her bones.
“If you want me to be nice, you should shut up.”
She knew she ought to listen, but still, one last prayer slipped off her tongue against her better judgment before she could think twice about it. “Katsuki, please don’t do this-”
“Don’t do what!?” He barked -spit flying and teeth bared just like a rabid rottweiler- louder than she’d ever witnessed, loud enough to make her wince. “Break your heart!?” His voice cracked on the cry, and he paused, giving another gruesome and gut-wrenching chuckle. Head ducking between her breasts with spikey hair nipping at her throat like a million needles. 
His hand tightened even more, clawing into her cheeks.
“I’m just making things even.”
She’d never realized just how hopeless she was if she’d ever needed to fend him off. But she’d never needed to before, never wanted to until now.
Now that he had her so helplessly beneath him, where the reality was slowly dawning on her and making her ever more hysteric, slowly settling upon her like dust after an explosion. The ensuing violation and her utter defeat in fighting it, her failure in doing much more than make it worse, where every time she landed anything that weakly resembled a slap or kick, he retaliated tenfold by crushing her in his strength.
Spreading her legs by positioning himself between them, he cared little for all her bleating where the former fight she’d tried to make match his diminished into desperate attempts to protect herself instead. She was sobbing now, gasping for breath with her chest rising and falling on beat with the deafening drums of her racing heart.
He tugged his tie loose and threw it off his head, wrapping her wrists in the loop and tightening it into restraints. Only now noticing just how brittle she was. So much smaller than him. So much so, he nearly abandoned his task of tying her hands to the bedpost in all. But -finding he might lose his cool and break her arm if she dared continue shoving at him- he pulled them over her head and fastened them anyway, if not for his than for her sake to avoid it.
And then she really was less than nothing beneath him. Just a defenseless pile of warm plush flesh soft against him and all his scarred muscles and callouses and years upon years of dedicated training.
She’d pulled her thighs shut, but it hardly mattered. His hands -buried in the fine plume of her cakey fat- had them both spread again with nearly no strength put into it at all. 
It was all right there -taken with no effort- only a cute pink cotton panty stopping him. 
His heart clenched at that, flickered and tugged with misery at the look of her crying into her own arm, trying to comfort herself while her chest heaved, already tired of screaming and bawling. Having resorted to soft sniffles and weak snivels while tiny quakes shook through her still, goosebumps adorning all her exposed flesh, which was every part of her sept for what her pretty silk dress kept hidden.
She was so beautiful…
Precious and just…
Too good.
He knew that. He knew that she was too good for him and had always been too good for him -part of the reason why he used to act as though he hated her- when, in reality… he actually…
“I love you.” He cried. “I’ve always loved you….”
Hot tears splashed in big droplets, staining the silk with splotches that seeped into large flecks on her stomach. 
“I can’t live without you-” He continued, his hands shaking where he held her apart while his body sagged forward, bowing down, donning soft kisses to her neck and jaw, upon the tears staining her cheeks with streaks, whispering in a voice close to breaking. “I can’t- I won’t-” Choked and pitiful, raw from shouting only a moment earlier.
One of his hands detached from its bruising grip, whilst the other loosened and slid higher -pulling her dress up on its way- and started rubbing loving circles into her midriff. She heard his buckle go undone a second later and offered another whimpering sob, her own hands jostling in their bonds on beat with her shaky breaths while trying to angle her face further away with the aim of avoiding the attack of his wet teary kisses.
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry, but I can’t… I can’t let you go.”
She felt him press against her clothed cunt with the weight of his swollen thickness and let out another whimper. Nose stuffed full with the smell of his breath and the scent of his sweet nitro-like sweat and eyes full of unyielding tears. 
His hand reached for her panty, hooking the trail and pulling it to the side, making her sink her teeth into the plump of her lip to suppress yet another whimper while she cringed with uncomfort and the unanswered wishes for him to stop as he nibbled on the corner of her mouth with more teary proposals.
His fingers soon prodded her slit like they’d done nearly every day for years since they were but teens. Touching her with a perfected skill he’d learned would have her shiver with arousal. 
She yielded quickly, her sex turning puffy and wet sooner than she had the time to be embarrassed about it.
“No one knows you as well as I do. No one loves you as much as I do.” He chanted against her skin, entering her with both his longest digits, pumping them deep and scraping them in a cruel curl into that spot he knew had her toes doing the same. Smiling, once her hips made an involuntary jolt in response. “No one else but me.” 
He pulled his hands to himself once she’d left three of his digits warm and soaking with slick, lathering his own arousal with it before nudging his cockhead against her opening in a sticky kiss and breaching it.
She stiffened, and he groaned into her neck at the feel of her clamping down even tighter as he bottomed out into her already taunt choke.
“No one else would know how to love you.” He hissed, setting a sweet tempo, lips still close, grazing on the peachfuzz of her cheek, ghosting her skin with hot breaths and even hotter words.  “No one else would know the first thing to do with you once they had you.”
She shook her head, more so in askance of space than anything else. Needing air free of him. Needing to clear her head off the building warmth she felt spread from her core. Needing to shake the coil loose before it could knot itself further. But it seemed the more she tried fending it off, the faster it neared its end, like a spark aided by the wind in chasing the tail of a wic until exploding what dynamite found at its end.
She always shook so prettily when cumming -so preciously- when spilling over and moaning all flushed and cute for him with her hips riding it out against his until it left her panting, blushed, and adorned with a shiny sheen of dew, making her look golden in the glory of the after high.
He used to regard it as something sweet she’d give him, like a reward or devotion. 
Only now did he realize how utterly at his mercy she was -unable to keep even this from him- just completely laid bare to accept what he gave and give what he decided to take.
She was his, and not even she herself could deny it. 
She belonged to him.
She belonged to him. 
She belonged to him. 
“No one else.”
tip-jar: Kofi
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raving-raven-writing · 3 months
Sweet Tooth: Season 3 Review--NOT SPOILER FREE
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Okay, so this season, I actually managed to take my time with it and not binge it all in one day. Overall, I thought this show was really sweet and had one of the best found families when it came to this trope. It was just very unique too, imo; I don't remember seeing anything involving hybrids like Gus that also tie into a post apocalyptic world. The show is based off a comic of the same name, so maybe one day I will check it out. If you didn't read the title, this is NOT spoiler free, so reader beware. The show continues with Gus and his friends trying to find Birdie, Gus' mom. They get information that she is up in Alaska. So now, from Colorado, they must make their way up to Alaska while avoiding the Zhang family, who is intent on capturing Gus and using him to find a cure for The Sick. This season is a bit darker in comparison to the previous seasons, imo, but it is like going through a tunnel, while being able to see the light at the end. This season I would say is probably when Gus is forced to face the world for what it is---he sees the cruelness of people, the greediness of people, and lots of death. The end kind of had me laughing since Zhang's people turned out to not be as loyal she thought. She was still set on sacrificing Gus to try and reverse The Sick so human birth could start again. But, I think they were more than happy to be alive, and to be free of The Sick, than to think about following her again. But they made up with those at the Alaska base and helped them rebuild.
With everything that happened in this season, the goal was to get to a cave where The Sick originated. Birdie had the notebook of Captain James Thatcher, who was the first to discover The Sick, and thus, he and his crew were the first to contract it. However, with all the notes, there was no location written down of the whereabouts of this cave. Gus and Dr. Singh were going off of vision like dreams, while Zhang is just trailing after Gus.
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There is a lot of death in this season, from the entire ship of dead they run into, to the death of Dr. Singh, who saved Gus from getting crushed by a rock. But I think the saddest death was that of Birdie, Gus' mom. They'd only just met each other, seen each other for the first time, and she died after not even knowing him for a day. But she died for him, to protect her baby. Personally, I think she sacrificed herself to save Jepp, who was closer to Gus and just as protective.
Towards the end of season two, with the narrator's voice, I started thinking for certain that, "This is Gus as an adult." And I was right. The ending shows an aged Gus and Wendy telling the other hybrids a story of "Big Man". Basically, the cure for The Sick, was development of The Sick itself. People, humans, were the illness and the The Sick was created to be a cure. So the humans that were left were the last generation of humans. Everyone born after that was a hybrid. Honestly, I think it was a cool way to end things. For something that you think was going to end sadly, being set "post apocalypse/ fall of society), it has such a sweet ending. Literally, it was tooth rotting sweet--so the show name does justice, haha. Think of it like a phoenix rising from the ashes I suppose. You think everything is lost, the world has ended, but it has only just begun anew.
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discopaddock · 1 year
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PAIRING: pierre gasly x fem!reader
GENRE: fluff
NOTE: finally found time to write 2nd part! hope you guys like it. PART 2 TO THIS
WARNINGS: none just my english
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The next few days were living hell for Pierre. Everything reminded him of his ex-fiancée. In addition, he had to arrange the wedding and hoped to get his money back. Because he was the one who took care of the financial issue of planning the celebration.
Unfortunately, his family did not leave a dry thread on him, constantly asking him about the reason for Dulcinea's run off from the church.
As if they couldn't leave him alone and end up with one and the same question.
Plus, Charles kept telling him about some girl that he should talk to her, and he honestly couldn't remember anything since his run away from the church on that fateful day.
But when he saw a photo in his gallery with a Y/H/C girl looking to the left, something clicked on his sad mind.
He also remembered that drunk as a bum, he asked her for her phone number. So when he went to the contacts on his phone and saw an unfamiliar name there, he felt a twist of embarrassment in his stomach.
He had no idea what he had said or how he had behaved that afternoon and evening, and he was embarrassed and disgusted with himself.
So he forced himself to write two short text messages in which he introduced himself and apologised for his behaviour.
Unfortunately, he had to wait a long time for the answer, because it came more than two hours later.
He was happy and relieved when he saw the message, the content of which said that Y/N was not angry with him at all and did not blame him for his behavior.
But the text that she thought he had forgotten about her made him huff appalled.
"I never forget, sweets ;)"
He replied yes and then started a completely different topic of conversation. About macaroons. He asked about her favorite flavor of those stupid cookies she had brought with her that day.
Y/L/N nearly spat out the tomato soup she was eating when she read the text. Nevertheless, she wrote him back, and so began their conversation, at the end of which they agreed to meet on the beach of the Bievre River.
When Charles heard from his friend that he was going to meet a girl next week, he thought the friend was joking. He was terribly surprised to find that Gasly was deadly serious.
Of course, Pierre emphasised at every turn that it was not a romantic or sexual meeting - he didn't know this girl and wanted to meet her sober.
And so he did, and Y/N herself turned out to be his first platonic, or so he thought, soulmate.
She was a wonderful friend, and not only in his opinion, because Charlotte Siné herself fell in love with her (reciprocally) at first sight.
Lottie became very close to her and together with Eszter they were confidants of Y/L/N's secrets.
They were also the first people to know about her crush on Pierre.
This happened about five months after their first meeting. Of course, Y/N had liked Gasly before, since they'd really met, but she thought that phase with him would pass.
Unfortunately, that didn't happen.
The first one to discover it was Balog, who noticed that her best friend's phone wallpaper was no longer with Timothée, whom she had adored since she was about fourteen, but with Pierre, and it wasn't some random Pinterest or Instagram picture of that man. It was a photo the brunette had taken on the day of his failed wedding as Charles was driving them home.
Eszter confided her discovery to Charlotte, who immediately stated that she would come from Monaco to Paris for coffee and told the Hungarian woman to prepare bedding for her.
That night was not easy for Y/N, who admitted her infatuation and cried, thinking that it was not serious that she liked a man whom her fiancée had just left, Pierre would not like her that way and she should not push herself like this relationship because only I will suffer.
And well, she might be right about the last one, but about the first two, according to the girls, she was wrong.
Soon after, Charlotte accidentally spilled a little crush on Charles to Charles, who promised not to tell Gasly.
He lied.
He lied perfidiously.
The very next day he told his best friend about it, who, hearing the source of this fact, only hit him on the head.
Pierre had already noticed that Y/N had become interested in him in a romantic way, but he also didn't want to enter into any relationship at the time. He had just finished dealing with the cancellation of the wedding, and here Leclerc told him to go on a date.
The brunette man really liked Y/N. He found her extremely attractive and thought she was an amazing person.
But he needed time.
Plus, he didn't want Y/L/N to feel like a temporary distraction.
First he had to heal, and only then enter into new relationships.
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skelnexswriting · 1 year
Took you long enough.
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➪ | Pairing: | Konig x reader
➪ | Warnings: | fluff, Amelie is reader's bestfriend/konig's sister, Y/n is used, 3rd person POV, konig x reader is more toward the end.
➪ | Summary: | After falling for her best friends brother, she had to leave. But even after not seeing each other for a long time, those feelings never faded or went away.
➪ | A/n: | Requested by @bythe-water-fountain, Hope you enjoy the story Love! And I hope everyone else enjoys it too.
Y/n had been away from home for quite a while now. She was starting to really miss it. She missed her family and friends. The reason Y/n left in the first place was to go to college, studying to be a nurse
After 2 exhausting years of studying, she finally finished. Safe to say, Y/n was more than happy. One because she graduated, two because she could finally go back home.
Once Y/n was back home, she almost forgot what it felt. The pictures that decorated her walls, reminding her of what she had left behind. Y/n slowly looked over each memory. Ones from when she was little and ones from when she was in high school.
One person who was almost in everyone was her best friend Amelie. Amelie was someone who was very dear to Y/n. She had known her since they were barely in diapers.
Y/n mom had met Amelie's mother when they were in high school. The two were almost best friends, much like y/n and Amelie. Y/n remembers how close her family was to theirs.
They lived next to each other, so it wasn't hard to just stop by each other's houses. Y/n spent a lot of time at Amelie's house, whether it was in her room or outside playing.
There was also someone else she couldn't forget. Konig. He was Amelie's older brother. He never said much but y/n still remembered him to be very kind.
He would always bring her and Amelie water whenever they'd play outside. He was also very protective. Y/n recalls the one time that some boys wouldn't leave her and Amelie alone. Konig stepped in, and those boys were suddenly running.
Just replaying the memory brought back old feelings that had been stored away. Y/n didn't mean to develop a crush on Konig but it was impossible. How could she not when he was so sweet and protective?!
Konig was the guy any girl could ask for. When Amelie found out about her crush, Y/n didn't hear the end of it. At some point, Y/n was sure that Amelie was trying to set them up.
But Y/n couldn't bring herself to tell the boy. Whenever she was near him, it was like the words in her head were snatched and her cheeks looked like two tomatoes.
Instead of just telling Konig, she left. Little did she know, the boy felt the same. Konig couldn't help the heartbreak he felt when Y/n left. He didn't even get a chance to say a proper goodbye to her. So Konig left too, starting his career in the military
Amelie felt sympathy for both her brother and friend. The two both had feelings for the other, but were too scared of the fear of being rejected. If only one had just confessed, maybe they both would have stayed.
Y/n gave one last glance at the photos before messaging Amelie, letting her know that she was finally back. Amelie and Y/n kept contact with each other through the years, promising to see each other again.
It wasn't long before Y/n heard her doorbell ringing. She knew that it was Amelie so when she opened the door seeing her, it was no surprise. Amelie was practically bouncing up and down with excitement commenting on how y/n looked so grown now.
Amelie had changed too. She had also grown, Y/n didn't think she had been home for so long that things would change that much. Boy was she wrong.
Amelie dragged y/n to her house wanting to catch up. But she also wanted y/n to see something else. Well more of someone else. Konig had came home from the military since he was given some leave. Both Y/n and Konig had no idea that the other was back home.
When the pair walked through the door, Y/n almost thought she was seeing things when she saw Konig sitting on the couch. He had changed..A lot. He was still tall, but he had definitely gained more muscles during his time in the military.
Y/n almost had the urge to run out of the house, hoping that Konig didn't see her. But she couldn't since Amelie called out to her brother, "Konig! Guess who's back, it's y/n!!"
Y/n could only pray that her whole face wasn't a tomato right now. Seeing Konig again was overwhelming. The whole reason she left was for a chance that her feelings would disappear.
When his eyes met her, she could see the way they slightly widened. "Y/n?" It sounded almost like he didn't believe it was really her. "Nice to see you again Konig.", was the only thing she could manage to get out.
But before any of them could say any more, Amelie had dragged Y/n to her room so they could catch up. Settling on Amelie's bed that adorned the same plushies from when they were just kids. Y/n's eyes continued to wandering, seeing old photos also decorated part of the wall Amelie's room.
"You know it wasn't the same without you here." Amelie finally spoke, breaking the silence. Y/n knew that leaving wasn't the greatest idea she had, but it was the only thing she could think of.
"I know Amelie, but I just had to get out of here. Clear my mind.." Y/n saw the sadness in Amelie eyes, but she still gave an understanding smile. "I just really missed you, you know."
After y/n and Amelie had got their thoughts out, everything went back to the way it was before Y/n left. They laughed about all the things they experience throughout the years.
Hours seemed to pass by and it wasn't long before Amelie passed out on her bed while watching some stupid comedy movie.
Y/n signed, placing a blanket over Amelie before heading to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. As Y/n was turning the corner, she bumped into Konig almost falling in the process.
If it wasn't for him grabbing her waist, she probably would have. "Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't see you. I didn't-" Y/n cut off Konig's rambling, "Hey, it's alright I wasn't looking where I was going either."
It wasn't until Y/n looked up, that she realized just how close she was to Konig. She could feel his breath tickle her nose. She noted how his hand still held onto her waist. His eyes staring into hers.
"Y/n-" But got cut off by Y/n blurting out, "Konig I have feelings for you and I've had them for quite a while now."
Both y/n and Konig were shocked. Y/n because she didn't even mean for that to come out, but Konig was shocked because the girl he had feelings for just told him that she had feelings for him! Him!
Y/n's hand that was sitting on Konig's chest felt the way that his heart picked up in speed. but Konig still had yet to say anything. His eyes searching hers for any sign that told him she was lying. But she wasn't.
So Konig slowly leaning in, Y/n following his lead. The space between the two, slowly becoming smaller until there wasn't any. Their two lips meeting each others in a much needed kiss.
Konig's hands pulling Y/n closer, while Y/n's wandered to his neck, tugging at the hair she could. The kiss was full of love and desperation. Both wanted more. Needed more.
When Y/n pulled away from air, Konig's lip chased for hers. His forehead coming to rest on hers. Y/n saw the way his lips were slightly swollen, causing her to let out a quiet laugh.
"Took you long enough."
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misslavenderlady · 5 months
Okay it's just been eating me up and I'm curious if you've ever considered... Bree in the White Wedding AU? 👀
Like, imagining her in the shoes of being the Bride/sacrifice, hows our girl holding up... And what about her and Michaels relationship like after ever? What would her gown or wardobe look like? Who's she closest to of the boys? And is she destined to a terrible fate, or does she find love in these vampires she's trapped for eternity with??
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Sorry if it's a weird question, I've just enjoy thinking about Bree and her boys so deeply it hurtsss 😭 Even without the WW AU involved I love how mysterious and romantic the boys are with her and hiding their identities away with strange dreams and secret gifts at her window... 🩷🦇
CHERRYYYYYYYY ILY THANK YOU FOR THIS ASK!!! I'm so honored that you love to hear about my girl Bree!
So I've thought a lot about this, and I tweaked a few things. Both with Bree's story and the setup for the boys.
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Some things I wanted to do for this was to lean into myth of Persephone and Hades. The boys see Bree as this sweet, perfect lady that they wish to take away for themselves, and Michael is trying to protect her from them.
In this au, Michael never pursued a career in medicine since he became a man of the cloth. As a result of this, Bree never had anyone to help build her up on her worst days while working at the doctor's office. She felt very alone and suffered a terrible depression. She only had her books to keep her company, and it made her heart ache for a new life. A fantasy where she'd be taken away from the pain and stress and enjoy life on her terms.
One day, the supervisors at her workplace announced they would all be doing charity work for National Nurse's Week. Everyone had their own projects in mind for what they'd do to help others, and Bree was no different. She wanted to do something out of her comfort zone for her own project.
She decided to volunteer at the local church as a candy striper. Wanting to go all out for this, she dressed in a cute uniform and put together a cart full of goodies. After church service, she invited everyone to take something to help brighten their day. The kids in particular loved it, begging her to come again sometime soon.
Little did she know, this would catch the eye of one of the priests, Father Michael. Bree was enamored the moment she laid eyes on Michael, though she knew she could never act on such feelings since he was a priest. However, Michael was quite fond of her as well. They spent hours after her volunteer work walking through the corridors and garden paths of the church, bonding over the things they had in common. For the first time in a while, Bree felt like she had someone she could call a friend.
Acting on the wishes of the kids, she made a habit of coming to the church once a month to be a candy striper and hand out treats to all the guests. She even started writing notes with positive messages to help brighten everyone's day. Michael truly admired her kindness, feeling hopeful for the future.
It got to a point where Bree would even visit the church after her shifts. She got to meet Michael's family members and found them to be quite lovely. Michael enjoyed the time they spent together, and found himself wondering what it would be like to leave behind his faith and promises just to be with her.
But little did he know someone else had their sights on Bree.
One night, Bree came to the church to drop off an early birthday gift for Michael. The main entrance was locked, so she decided to look for an alternative way in by taking a shortcut through the back. It was connected to a demolished chapel from long ago. A flourishing garden with hauntingly beautiful flowers. She decided to explore the area, admiring the flora.
In the shadows, something was watching her. Four sets of eyes. She could feel a gaze upon her, but didn't see where it was coming from. The chill in the air seemed to call out to her. Almost like a voice was saying her name ever so softly.
Bree....come home....come to us....
Michael appeared mere seconds later, just having come out to finish some work for the night. He grabbed Bree, and made a run for the parking lot. He pushed her toward her car and begged her to drive home as fast as she could. He even gave her a crucifix to keep on her at all times. She was confused and overwhelmed, but Michael only told her never to return when the sun was down.
Bree was confused by all of this, and spent the rest of the night wondering what happened. By the time she fell asleep, that's when the dreams began. She dreamed of four handsome figures appearing to her, telling her sweet nothings. How they admired her kindness, how they thought she was beautiful, and how they'd take her a way from this cruel world. She'd never have to be alone ever again. They'd treat her like the queen she deserved to be.
In the morning when Bree woke up, she went to open her curtains to let in the sunlight, and found something on her windowsill. A rose from the church garden.
Over the course of several weeks, a pattern formed. She would try to talk to Michael about what happened the night in the garden, but he would shut down the conversation. She had more dreams from her visitors and find special trinkets and gifts at her window the next day.
Finally, she couldn't take it anymore. She needed an answer to this mystery.
She ventured out into the garden, bringing her dog Pepper with her for protection. A voice spoke to her from the shadows in a voice she recognized from her dreams. It beckoned her to join them. To be theirs and that they'd take good care of her. Before her appeared four handsome men. David, Dwayne, Marko and Paul. Bree's heart was racing in her chest, especially when David took a clawed finger and slashed the twine that her crucifix was attached to.
Pepper broke from her leash, frightened by the creatures interacting with Bree. She ran off into the church, whining and barking to get help from anyone who could hear her. Michael had burst out of his office, alarmed by the noise. He followed the dog outside to see what was going on.
Michael had tried to stop them from taking her, but he was too late. David scooped her up in his arms, and took off into the depths of the ruins. The last thing he heard were Bree's screams and the boys laughing evilly.
The boys originally planned to make Bree a sacrifice when they first began spying on her. They wanted to use this sweet, darling human to grow their powers and become mighty vampire lords. They even planned to sacrifice her on the church grounds so Michael would be a witness. But things changes the more they observed her in her dreams, the more their bloodlust turned into love.
They had true feelings for Bree and wanted her to be their bride. Their queen. Their vampire lady.
It's been a very difficult situation for her. Bree's life was completely torn from her. She knows she'll never be able to go home or see her family. She had to come to terms with the fact that monsters were real. It was all terrifying. And yet....it was also fascinating.
Bree knows very well that her situation is messed up. She'd never wish for someone else to be in her shoes. But the boys truly do take care of her. They pamper her and give her whatever she asks for. They each take turns courting her and getting to know her, showing their devotion. They even give her a shoulder to cry on whenever she recalls the memories about her stressful time as a nurse.
She can't deny that they do treat her well. They dress her in a flowy, soft dresses with flowing sleeves. Something innocent looking and comfortable. They often put flowers in her hair to make her feel extra pretty. They even gift her a vampire's amulet so even when they give her space, she has protection.
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Michael is....not happy with this setup. He doesn't have the power to defy these vampires and their wishes. He longs to free Bree from them and give her back her life. If they keep her, then soon they'll want their wedding to take place, which means turning her. Michael also feels that he can't be with her since he's a priest. He's in love with her, but there are just so many problems keeping them apart.
Despite the face that Bree does develop feelings for her vampire grooms (the strongest of which she feels for is Dwayne given he was the most gentle and patient with her in the beginning), she still has a lingering crush on Michael. He's the one taking care of Pepper for her while she's away, and she can't stop thinking about all the quality time they spent together. However, she worries that the boys will never want to share her with him. Plus she harbors guilt for having feelings for a priest.
The boys have big plans to make her the ruler of Santa Carla. A queen amongst all vampires. In their eyes, she's already one of them and she has quite the potential to be a powerful being. Even if it takes a long time for her to come to terms with it, they'll stand by her side forever.
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haovcrse-a · 3 months
— ✍️, 🤪, 🌦️, ☕️ , 🪐, 🎞️
✍️: overall, how does the fandom trait you? are you a beloved character, or hated? are you popular, or a minor side character? anything in between?
both fandoms would be split pretty evenly!! some can only see me as one or the other, while a majority understand the complexities of my character! i don't think i'd be hated per say. there will always be those few that say im overrated / trash or wtvr and that's ok! i think i'd be maybe just above average likability hah!
genshin wise, im a side character for both versions! in hsr, i play a little bit of a bigger part in the pencaony arc for both sunhao and gallahao. for zhade, i think id be popular among the angst lovers for the most part hah!
🤪: what is your trait that fanon would exaggerate?
genshin fandom: they'd probably boil me down to my "tsundere" look to the point where i start looking genuinely mean in the eyes of new fans. media literacy becomes dead when it comes to my character <//33 my unwillingness to help heizou despite the subtext between the lines... the occasional light-hearted insults i'd throw ayato's way... or the unsureness of how to express gratitude toward's thoma's actions... guys it's so bad
or making my past the defining factor of my character!! saying that change isn't possible for a long-term thief or merc (though the latter would be argued with dehya's release)
star rail fandom: ooh ok so the ones people would make depend on which universe we're talking about !
zhade — mean doctor who's hogging people's husband TwT LMFAO no bc. i just think "those" types of fans would probably see me as such for sure. blade and i have a very strange relationship to people on the outside; it makes sense for people to think im being excessively blunt.
the other side to this is that they infantilize me. like like those "uwahhhh he's so smol 🥺🥺 must protect" kind of scenarios but isn't just for jokes and is fully serious... 'n when it comes to shipping... it's usually based off a gay stereotype for that reason TwT
gallahao — that gallagher genuinely finds me annoying, and therefore the fandom does too. g!zhao is more sly, teasing, & definitely more outgoing than the other two vers. id get sampo treatment to a degree where people find my fakeness to get what i want annoying (for the plot!!)
sunhao — stoic to the point where i don't—can't—even talk apparently LMFAO. would also probably turn me into a soft boy kfdjghkl.
🌦️: would you be accompanied by mostly fluff or angst fanfics? both? explain why.
hmm a healthy dose of both. genshin would probably have more fluff for sure—most of the angst would be hurt/comfort stuff based on the whole thomayato kidnapping plot. but my genshin s/i's aren't as sad as my hsr ones LMFAO.
hsr... is a toss up. gallahao would have the most fluff, while zhade would have the most angst. sunhao would be a good mix. ooh in general, there would be a bunch of sweet platonic found family stuff too !! angst for zhade for the sole reason of ppl playing around with how we both get possessed often lol. him the mara, me my own powers... also the whole. scared to get close in fear of hurting the other plot ive got going on for my character story!
gallahao would be treated as the sweet side couple. some occasional angst here and there of a case gone wrong, but a majority of it is just flirting and how people image we got together.
sunhao <33 hurt/comfort is the most common. the whole bodyguard x his assignment + childhood friends to lovers?? people go ballistic. lots of sweet moments, and also ofc ones where one of us has to be bleeding out 💀
☕️: what are the most common plots of shipping fics between you and your f/o?
thomayahao — always something to do with miscommunication of some sort.
yizou — they don’t tend to stray away from the whole thief x detective thing much; usually the setting is different (modern aus, cyberpunk, etc.)
kazuscarahao — amnesia. which is admittedly my least favourite trope. usually more canon compliant with things and the whole sumeru plot
sunhao — anything to do with the whole “protector x protected” trope!! doesn’t matter the au, that usually ends up being the plot.
zhade — one of us is injured or possessed and the other is trying to save or disarm the former without killing them. all. the. time. most of the fandom fixate on this point.
🪐: what would be your most popular au and why?
hmm i think modern aus in general would be a fan favourite. they’re versatile and have many sub-aus to fit with them!! those or royalty aus where many make me out to be the knight :DD
🎞️: what ‘canon’ scenes would the fandom point to as evidence for the validity of your ship?
i don’t remember a lot about genshin stuff so i’ll do my hsr ships for now TwT
zhade — hmm i don’t know about actual scenes, but our voice lines are what people point to!! at first glance, it looks like we don’t enjoy each other’s presence. he’s annoyed with my meddling and heals, while i grumble about him always getting excessively hurt. but when you take in the actual voice acting, people realize our words aren’t as sharp!!
there’s also ig a scene after the xianzhou arc. after karka and blade make their escape, at the very end of the last act, there’s a dark screen where it’s just the tow of us having a hushed conversation. it’s just me asking him about the mission and also tending to his injuries while he says my actions aren’t need.
sunhao — literally every scene LMFAO we’re almost always together and he always glances back in my direction throughout the story. ooh also the scene where him and robin are falling through the air… i’m standing on the platform looking at him worriedly, looking as if i’m about to jump to make it to him, before my eyes soften as robin cradles him. obv most people argue that i’m just in awe at the sibling bonds heh but why can’t it be both??
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spinnysocks · 9 months
young tlg crocodiles aus
i didn't realise i couldn't save ask answers as drafts! :( but anyway, @devilsrecreation asked: So what exactly are your ideas for the baby crocs in The Lion Guard I’m really curious 👀 so here's my response!!
as she already established in her hcs, pua is basically everyone's adoptive dad! in this context to makuu, kiburi, tamka, nduli and neema! he has different relationships with all of them but he's closest to makuu and kiburi for sure
i like to think that makuu is older than the other four; i was going to say don't question me on ages but i just found out it takes ~12-15 years for nile crocodiles to reach full adulthood! so it checks out that makuu could be a year older and still hang out with them. there's probably so many non-mature members of the float that they have younger groups within it
speaking of that, i actually think makuu didn't get along very well with the other crocodiles his age. but, one day, he briefly interacts with the younger kiburi's group and gets to know them really well. he kind of becomes their secondary charge behind pua. no danger was gonna get close to those four lmao
i think crocs are pretty wholesome & innocent when they're babies but get more into the crocodile way as they mature. it's just really cute to think of baby kiburi, tamka, nduli and neema innocently interacting
there's this song i fell in love with while coming up with the mjuzi nduli au called little fang by avey tare! for me personally it fits my ideas for that au, i think it's also sweet as a lullaby/poem that pua sings to the five kiddos. i really recommend it it's an adorable song
i'm a sucker for crack/uncommon ships, i saw pua x basi once and it kinda stuck with me. i'd just enjoy seeing their dynamic as two leaders who work together when it's the time of year for the crocs to share with the hippos. because of their bond (platonic or romantic idrk), i imagine one of the reasons beshte is so friendly is bc he grew up around and got to know the crocs when they'd share big springs with the hippos. he says "I know it's crowded, Kiburi. But it really is a good spot" because he remembers the crocs' younger years and knows they can be reasonable, but things changed that weren't under his control and he couldn't do anything about it.
he feels kinda dissapointed about how things changed, cuz to him the crocs were like the neighbour's family you get to know really well. to stir up some more sadness, it's almost always beshte who's kicking out kiburi's float. beshte sends them back to the outlands himself so they don't hurt his friends, even though he remembers when they were 'good' or more understanding/just before makuu and kiburi's rift in general
since it takes so many years for crocs to mature, i imagine the younguns would spend ALL THE TIME playing. pua has a soft spot for the five of them so their playtimes and adventures become kind of like a bluey episode where they learn something valuable. kiburi listens to him more than anyone, while makuu's a bit more like "Yeah, yeah" bc he thinks being older means he doesn't need to learn anything new
one of pua's lessons would be not to judge or underestimate someone for being different, such as neema for being mute or nduli for not being born in the float (my own hc is that he's from an outsider float that was really struggling which is why he's so small. he was found by pua really young and his parents agreed he'd have a better life in the pridelands)
pua taught the five a lot of good lessons but obviously not all of them stuck. i haven't come up with what caused the rift between makuu and kiburi exactly, but i think kiburi's float would still want to be friends with makuu, and even more so after he redeems himself. despite being fully grown now they still kinda see him as a cool older brother that they can learn from but they'll always stick with kiburi because, at the end of the day, it's them four against the world lol
whew. that's it for now! i could write for days about these guys. and i probably will make a follow-up post at some point
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bookishjules · 4 months
🎱 ⇢ post your AO3 total stats 
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
🎱 ⇢ post your AO3 total stats 
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🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
hmm 🤴🏻🔃⛺🤫💕
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
lena @ann-perkins4 . does she count as a mutual? idk she'd definitely be the first and possibly only call. second .. might actually be nero @potato-jem bc ik they can keep a secret and keep a cool enough head in the situation. also idk.. i feel like they'd have some good instincts. also australia is very far from the us, which has benefits. okay actually i'm adding marissa @dontdoitfrancis bc she can get to me in an hour and also idk her favorite book literally starts with covering up a death so... i'm trusting my scorpio bestie here.
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
have i talked before about the trauma nurse that came to our school in 6th grade (age 11) and the assembly we had where she showed us videos of what could happen if you don't wear your helmet, or if even one person is unbuckled in a car? yeah turns out everyone dies. needless to say the bus ride home was torture. i cried the whole time and then immediately put a helmet on when i got home and refused to take it off the rest of the night. and still to this day i refuse to put my car out of park unless everyone in it is firmly buckled in. and every time an uber driver tries to be efficient and starts driving away before i've even found the seatbelt, my anxiety starts spiking so high. forever thankful that my mom did not make me go to school when the same assembly came around the next year.
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
i made a friend at my new job. i'm going to oregon and seeing my whole family next weekend. bc of my new job i have a free gym membership and i'm finally starting to try and get back in shape <3
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
genuinely i would not remember. i am constantly googling anyway, so nothing really feels weird to me to look up, and i kinda tend to avoid writing anything that would require heavy research tbh 🙈
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
just one? look at all those chickens!! (used to refer to literally anything)
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
okay i could tag so many people but i really want to shout out @thephonyqueenofengland who i think has read and commented on more of my fics than probably anyone outside of my close mutuals. every time i see a notif from them i smile, and their sweet comments during my 12 days of christmas thing were so encouraging and really made the whole thing feel like it was worth it. <33 (i've been wanting to say something to you awhile. to thank you. but i didn't know how, so here is an official thank you for being you <3)
writing truth & dare ask game >:)
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