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skelnexswriting · 2 years ago
Tattoos and Markers
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➪ | Pairing: | Ghost x reader
➪ | Warnings: | Short Fluffy, Fem! reader, Y/n used, 3rd person POV.
➪ | Summary: | Y/n and Ghost are bored out of their minds during a debriefing. Looking down at the marker in her hand and Ghost's tattoo, y/n gets an idea.
➪ | A/n: | Just a short little story, lmk if you have any request! :D
The debriefing seemed like it had been going on for days. Ghost wasn't exactly sure when he stopped listening to whatever Price was saying. His mind had gone blank from boredom.
Y/n was bored out of her mind as well. She twirled the marker she had in her hand as she listened to Price talk. The information however, seemed to just go in one ear and out the other.
Y/n turned and saw Ghost next to her, who seemed zoned out. She looked down at his arm and saw his sleeve was rolled up. Tattoo on display.
An idea popped into her head. She uncapped her marker and went to color in Ghost's tattoo.
Ghost had only came back to his senses when he felt something cold and wet touch his arm. Ghost's arm flinched away and he heard y/n huff.
"Don't move." Was all she said while grabbing his arm again and pulling it back toward her. Ghost raised an eyebrow, confused as to what exactly it was she was doing.
But that was soon answered when he saw the colored marker in her hand. So that's what touched his arm..
The marker touched his skin again as y/n began coloring on his arm. He looked down and saw that she was coloring in his tattoos. As much as Ghost didn't want to admit it, the concentrated look on y/n's face was cute. She was so focused it looked as if this was some important task.
Ghost simply sat there watching as she grabbed different markers, coloring in the spaces in his tattoos. Her hand was almost touching his and it made his heart flutter.
Ghost looked away as she looked up at him. Thank god for his mask or else she would see his red cheeks. Y/n simply continued coloring his tattoos as if nothing.
By the end of the debriefing, Ghost had a very colorful arm and a proud y/n. Y/n even signed her name near the tattoo.
Soap walked over to Ghost, "Nice tattoo Lt. love the pop of color" he said clearly teasing him. "Can I color it next"
"No." Ghost simply said and left the debriefing room. It was clear that y/n would be the only one to ever color in his tattoos.
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skelnexswriting · 2 years ago
Her Touch
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➪ | Pairing: | Ghost x reader
➪ | Warnings: | A Fluffy story, Fem! reader, Y/n used, 3rd person POV, callsign = soul.
➪ | Summary: | Ghost never thought that he'd be one for physical touch. However, after experiencing Y/n's touch he found himself yearning for it.
➪ | A/n: | Sorry I've been gone for a while, but I'm back!! Hope everyone enjoys this small fluffy story.
Ghost was never one to express his feelings. Nor was he one to catch feelings. He just thought that he was simply incapable of it. However, all of that seemed to change when she joined the task force.
Y/n 'Soul' l/n. He had only met her once before she joined, so when price introduced her as their medic he was a bit surprised. He was a bit skeptical at first but soon warmed up to the idea seeing her skills.
Soul had always tried talking to Ghost, but he always gave short, blunt responses. Yet she didn't stop, she'd always say 'hi' or 'how are you doing Lt?'. Just little things when she saw him.
Ghost never really said too much. Sometimes he didn't even say anything, only giving a short quick nod.
Soap told Ghost that he should at least try to get along with her. But Ghost was never really one to just get close with people. Sure he got used to her being around, but he just didn't seem to find a reason to get closer to her.
But his mind seemed to change after getting a deep wound and having to visit Soul in the med bay. When she was patching him up her touch was so delicate and gentle, it caught him off guard. The way her fingers brushed against his skin sent a shiver down his spine.
It made him feel as if he was made out of glass with how careful she was with him. He couldn't deny but the touch made his heart flutter in a way it hadn't ever before.
He didn't want to admit it but the action made him blush. After he left the med bay he couldn't get the way her touch felt out of his head. He found himself looking forward to their future little interactions.
After that interaction, Ghost found himself wanting to warm up to her now. Wanting to feel more of the touch he had before. It was something that he had never experienced before and it made his stomach do flips.
As Ghost warmed up to Soul, he saw how she opened up more too. She was less shy and quiet around him. As time went on he found physical touch was her way of showing her care.
He first noticed this when she did subtle small touches. Like when they were walking, she'd 'accidentally' brush her hand against his. Or whenever she'd need something from him, she'd poke him rather than call out to him.
He also noted how whenever they were sitting next to each other during debriefings, she would grab his hand and play with his fingers.
He remembers the first time she did it. They were all sitting and listening to what price was saying. Ghost couldn't help but notice Y/n glancing his way every so often. He followed her gaze and found she was looking at his hand.
At first he was very confused as to why she was staring at his hand. Another fifteen minutes passed by when he saw her hand slowly move to his.
Surprisingly he just let her drag his hand toward her and he watched as she simply played with his fingers. The sight was adorable..she looked so content simply playing with his hand.
Since then during debriefings, he found himself simply giving her his hand without her having to say or do anything. He also noticed other little things. Like how she'd stay close to him or how whenever they sat next to each other she'd touch his knee with her own.
Ghost became used to feeling her touch in some way, sometimes even yearned for it. Sometimes he found himself initiating it, like slinging an arm around her shoulders whenever they sat next to each other on the couch in the lounge.
It turned into a normal routine for the pair. Ghost couldn't help but find himself feeling all giddy with her touch. He was grateful for his mask covering the blush that dusted his cheeks when he was around her.
It took a while before Ghost realized that he had romantic feelings for y/n. But once he realized he told her right away. He was blunt about it, wanting to get the confession over with.
To his surprise she felt the same. As their relationship grew, so did his love for her and her touch. He yearned for her after missions, simply plopping on top of her while she scratched his head.
Ghost never thought he'd be one for physical affection, but with her it just seemed like a must. No one had the gentle, caring touch that Y/n had. Y/n never failed to make his heart flutter and he wouldn't want it any other way.
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skelnexswriting · 2 years ago
His Protector
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➪ | Pairing: | Konig x reader
➪ | Warnings: | Fluff, Fem! reader, bartender! reader, Y/n used, 3rd person POV, reader is implied belgian.
➪ | Summary: | After Kortac’s recent success mission, they decided to go out to celebrate. Unfortunately that meant Konig got dragged along. Just as he was having a good time, his night took a turn. Luckily for him, Y/n was there to save him.
➪ | A/n: | I used google translate for the german since it isn’t my native language, please comment if anything is incorrect🙏.
➪ | Requested by: | @bythe-water-fountain
Konig was exhausted. It seemed like Kortac has been getting sent off on all the rough missions back to back. Konig barely had anytime to rest before he was shipped off to another battlefield. This last mission had done it for Konig.
He was sore, tired and just irritated. Konig wanted nothing more than to sleep on his own bed. But with the victory of this last mission, that wouldn't be possible. Because of the teams success, they wanted to celebrate.
Kortac decided to all get together and head to the pub that was not too far from base. Konig had declined and retreated to the comfort of his room.
Yet just as Konig was getting comfortable, Horangi barged in begging Konig to come with them. Horangi tried naming numerous reason's why Konig should come. One being that the bartender he had a crush on would be there.
Konig tried arguing that he didn't have a crush on the bartender, but that was quickly shut down by the knowing look Horangi gave him. Seeing as Horangi wasn't going to back down, Konig begrudgingly followed him and the rest of Kortac to the pub.
Safe to say, Konig wasn't very happy. But after a few strong drinks, Konig felt all the stress slowly wash away. Konig started to enjoy talking with his team, even joining in playing a game of darts with Horangi at some point. Throughout the game, Konig could feel eyes lingering on him.
Turning around, he saw a group of ladies eyeing him. Making eye contact with one of them, they all began to giggle. Konig tried to shake it off but he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.
Konig decided to get another drink after he won against Horangi. Walking up the the bar, Konig was greeted by none other than his crush "Another Old fashion Konig?"
"Yes, thanks Y/n."
She smiled at Konig before going to make his drink. He learned that her name a few month ago. Konig had talked to her a few times, simply chatting while she made different customers their drinks. Everytime he couldn’t help the warm feeling that spread throughout his body.
While Konig was waiting, he felt something suddenly touch his arm. Turning around, he saw that it was the group of the girls from earlier who were staring. "What is a handsome guy like you doing here all alone.", one said.
And from her tone, Konig was already begining to feel uncomfortable. "Um. Just with some friends." Konig said, trying to cut the conversation short. But another one continued, "Wow, you are reallyyy strong. What do you do?" She ask while running a hand up and down Konig's arms.
Konig tried to take a step back, but they were not backing down. "Hey now no need to be shy." One continued pressing her body against his.
Y/n was just about done getting Konig’s drink done until she saw how the group of ladies were pushing themselves onto Konig. And by the looks of it, he did not look comfortable with it. At all.
Going out from behind the bar, Y/n made her way to Konig. Konig continued trying to pushing the women away, not wanting anything to do with any of them. Yet they didn't get the message. "You know you like us handsome~"
Just as a hand landed on his thigh, Y/n stepped in.
""Liebling da bist du, I've been looking for you." Y/n exclaimed, hoping Konig would get the message. Konig was shocked, but soon realized what was happening.
"Ah, sorry to worry you. I was just grabbing a drink." The women all gave y/n dirty looks after hearing the familiarity of the two. Y/n wedged herself between the group and Konig, creating some space.
Linking one of her arms with Konig's. "I'm sorry, do you ladies have a problem with my boyfriend?" Y/n grinned 'innocently' at the women.
Some scoffed. "Whatever, we were just leaving." Y/n waved them bye tauntly, waiting to make sure they left before checking up on Konig.
"Ah i'm sorry, I saw how uncomfortable you looked. Are you okay?" Konig almost forgot what happened, admiring Y/n from up close. "Danke, I don't know what I would have done."
"It's no problem" Y/n smiled. Y/n went back to her station, finishing up Konig’s drink before handing it to him. “Here’s your drink.”
“Thank you…, hey I didn’t know you knew german.”
“Yeah, grew up in a part of Belgium where they spoke it.” Y/n proudly announced. For the rest of the night, Konig simply sat there chatting with y/n.
He got to learn more about her. Her birth place, childhood, etc. And she also got to learn more about Konig.
Time seemed to fly as the bar slowly got emptier. Kortac themselves were getting ready to leave. Horangi call out to Konig letting him know that the team’s heading back.
“Konig! Come one we’re heading back.” Horangi called out to him. At first Konig didn’t want to come, yet now he didn’t want to leave. “Just give me a second!”
Konig turned to Y/n, giving her an apologetic look. “Ah Es tut mir Leid (im sorry)”
“Don’t worry about it, i’m sure I’ll see you again here.”
Konig was about to leave, but decided he needed to make a move. If he didn’t he knew he’d regret it later.
"Would it be alright if I um...If I can get your number." Konig could feel himself grow red with every word. He's never done this before. Y/n found it adorable though.
“Of course, let me write it down for you.”
Y/n grabbed some paper and a pen, scribbling down her number, handing it to Konig. Konig grabbed the paper, saying his goodbye before leaving back to base.
But that wasn’t his last time seeing Y/n. He had became a regular at the small pub. Returning to it after coming back from a mission.
And every time, he would simply sit on one of the stools, either talking or watching y/n as she worked. The two became close. Messaging each other whenever they could.
The closer they got, the more their feelings grew for one another. At some point, Konig even got the courage to ask y/n out on a date.
And she agreed. Joining him for dinner after he came back from yet another deployment. Soon the girl he once only knew for being a bartender became much more than that.
His lover. His protector. Lets just say that from now on, no women dared to make him feel uncomfortable.
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skelnexswriting · 2 years ago
Hi hi besties!! Hope you're doing alright . I'm doing well actually everything is back to normal now no worries ⭐
I just wanted to request for Konig and Reader again if you don't mind!
So the plot will be Konig x Bartender! Reader
Yes yes we're becoming a bartender LMAO
I saw a lot of the fanfiction that task 141 and kortac going to a bar and stuff so why not bartender reader?
The plot will be something like this
Kortac have just finished they last mission for the day and thinking they might go celebrate together like a family, of course Konig don't want to go but well Horangi just drag him there anyway (POOR BABY) and when they enjoying their time at the bar, there's this group of ladies that checking Konig out you know? Filrting, in his personal space something like that. And here come our hero, " READER ". The reader is a bartender that secretly speak german (cause WHY NOT?) that saw Konig getting really uncomfortable so they protect him. How, you may ask? Ahem
" Uh sorry, Do you ladies have any problems with my boyfriend? "
The rest is for you my friend !!!!!
Hey love! I'm glad to hear that everything is better and back to normal! AND I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS IDEA. You're request are always so creative, like how?! You literally saved me from a writer’s block. 🙏
Anyways I'm going to get to it and start writing 🫶🙌
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skelnexswriting · 2 years ago
Flowers Pt.2
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➪ | Pairing: | Ghost x reader
➪ | Warnings: | Fluff, Fem! reader, 3rd person POV,”Y/n” used, medic reader, soft ghost.
➪ | Summary: | Maybe flowers were Ghost’s thing after all. Because It certainly worked to capture the girl of his dreams.
➪ | A/n: | Sorry for the wait of pt. 2, i know a few were asking for it. So here it is!! Enjoy!
Part 1
“-Simon Riley”
Y/n couldn't help but just stare at the writing.
Was this some type of prank? The Simon 'Ghost' Riley. The name on the little white card just didn't seem real. Ghost seemed like anything but romantic.
Ghost wasn't known to be sweet or kind. He was harsh and strict. Ghost was someone that seemed like he wasn't capable of loving others. But maybe everyone was wrong.
Just like flowers were, maybe Ghost too was misunderstood. Now that Y/n recalls every interaction with him, he had been nothing but kind. Although he never said much, he always thanked Y/n for patching him up after a rough mission.
Ghost was also easier on Y/n compared to the others on the task force. It was as though that was his way of showing his feelings. Showing that he cared.
But the only way Y/n could truly know, is to confront Ghost himself...That was easier said than done. Y/n couldn't help but get nervous around him. Everyone did.
For y/n it was a different reason. She wasn't scared of him. Intimidated. Yes. But scared? No. She always found him intriguing. Like a mystery that had yet to be solved.
As Y/n made her way to Ghost's room, she couldn't help the butterflies she felt. Sure she had always had a small crush on the solider, but just the thought of him sending her flowers was enough to make her blush.
Knocking on the door, Y/n could hear some slight rustling from inside. Soon enough, ghost opened the door saying "what" harsher than he intended to.
"Hey Ghost! I was um..just wondering if you left this note." Y/n handed Ghost the note. Ghost already knew why y/n had came, even before she told him the reason.
Of course it was him that left the note..but how could he just tell her that. Ghost was finding it hard to find the words, continuing to stare at the card in his hand as if it'd tell him what to say.
Y/n could practically hear the cogs turning in his head. His eyes gave off more emotion than his body did. She could see the glint of nervousness that shined in his eyes.
"Hey, it's alright if it wasn't you. Might have been a prank or something." Y/n reassured him, getting ready to just turn around and forget this ever happened.
But before she could, his hand gently grabbed her wrist pulling her closer. Ghost took a breath before saying, “No wait. It..It was me.”
Ghost saw how Y/n was surprised. Now it was Y/n’s turn to have the cogs turn in her head. “Wha- Ghost..Why didn’t you just tell me, I mean why all the flowers? Not that i didn’t like them or anything-”
“Well I always hear you talking about flowers and how they are much more than just beauty.” Ghost cuts off her rambling.
“And well..they reminded me of you. You are so much more than just your beauty.”
Y/n was crumbling with every word. If he said anymore, she’d probably turn into a puddle of jelly. She didn’t know how he could get more romantic.
“I’m not the best with words so I thought that was the best way.”
Ghost looked everywhere but her eyes. Afraid he might find a hint of disgust or rejection in them. But he was shocked when he felt his mask lift past his lips.
Y/n wasn’t really focusing on the words that came out of his mouth, but rather the part of the mask that was covering his lips. Ghost was invading her senses. Drawing her closer like a magnet.
Soon Y/n found herself grabbing the edge of the mask, lifting it just enough to expose his lips. Even when she wanted nothing more than to tear off his mask and admire him, she would always respect his wishes.
Ghost exposed lips were soon covered again..but this time with her lips. The intoxicating feeling of y/n kissing him invaded his mind.
When Y/n went to pull away, he found himself chasing after her lips. He never wanted it to end. He craved for her touch.
He couldn’t help but feel disappointed when she began walking away. But when she said, “Hopefully I’ll be seeing you around lieutenant.” He knew this wouldn’t be the end of whatever relationship was blossoming
And it wasn’t the end. On their time off, they went on dates. Getting to know each other outside of the field. It was then that they could forget about all the horrors they see.
Ghost and Y/n were perfect together. They understood each other. Y/n knew that Ghost was misunderstood. And Ghost knew that y/n was much more than just beauty.
Soon the team noticed the change between the two. How Ghost would use his jokes to get a laugh out of y/n. Or the way Ghost visited the hospital wing more often.
They also noticed how y/n would stick around Ghost more. And how she would scold him more for getting hurt on missions.
Many people would miss these small things, but the task force saw right through them. Once their suspicions were confirmed, finding one of ghost mask in y/n’s room…Soap begrudgingly handed Gaz the 20 bucks he won.
In their own way, Ghost and Y/n were like flowers themselves. Waiting for the perfect time to blossom. And when they did, something beautiful came from it.
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skelnexswriting · 2 years ago
I have some random idea..
Mhm. I'm thinking a plot rn, stop me please 😫😱
How do you come up with these ideas. LIKE YOUR IMAGINATION IS 🙌🙌🙌. Ima need the plot rn. LIKE PLS 🙏.
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skelnexswriting · 2 years ago
Took you long enough.
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➪ | Pairing: | Konig x reader
➪ | Warnings: | fluff, Amelie is reader's bestfriend/konig's sister, Y/n is used, 3rd person POV, konig x reader is more toward the end.
➪ | Summary: | After falling for her best friends brother, she had to leave. But even after not seeing each other for a long time, those feelings never faded or went away.
➪ | A/n: | Requested by @bythe-water-fountain, Hope you enjoy the story Love! And I hope everyone else enjoys it too.
Y/n had been away from home for quite a while now. She was starting to really miss it. She missed her family and friends. The reason Y/n left in the first place was to go to college, studying to be a nurse
After 2 exhausting years of studying, she finally finished. Safe to say, Y/n was more than happy. One because she graduated, two because she could finally go back home.
Once Y/n was back home, she almost forgot what it felt. The pictures that decorated her walls, reminding her of what she had left behind. Y/n slowly looked over each memory. Ones from when she was little and ones from when she was in high school.
One person who was almost in everyone was her best friend Amelie. Amelie was someone who was very dear to Y/n. She had known her since they were barely in diapers.
Y/n mom had met Amelie's mother when they were in high school. The two were almost best friends, much like y/n and Amelie. Y/n remembers how close her family was to theirs.
They lived next to each other, so it wasn't hard to just stop by each other's houses. Y/n spent a lot of time at Amelie's house, whether it was in her room or outside playing.
There was also someone else she couldn't forget. Konig. He was Amelie's older brother. He never said much but y/n still remembered him to be very kind.
He would always bring her and Amelie water whenever they'd play outside. He was also very protective. Y/n recalls the one time that some boys wouldn't leave her and Amelie alone. Konig stepped in, and those boys were suddenly running.
Just replaying the memory brought back old feelings that had been stored away. Y/n didn't mean to develop a crush on Konig but it was impossible. How could she not when he was so sweet and protective?!
Konig was the guy any girl could ask for. When Amelie found out about her crush, Y/n didn't hear the end of it. At some point, Y/n was sure that Amelie was trying to set them up.
But Y/n couldn't bring herself to tell the boy. Whenever she was near him, it was like the words in her head were snatched and her cheeks looked like two tomatoes.
Instead of just telling Konig, she left. Little did she know, the boy felt the same. Konig couldn't help the heartbreak he felt when Y/n left. He didn't even get a chance to say a proper goodbye to her. So Konig left too, starting his career in the military
Amelie felt sympathy for both her brother and friend. The two both had feelings for the other, but were too scared of the fear of being rejected. If only one had just confessed, maybe they both would have stayed.
Y/n gave one last glance at the photos before messaging Amelie, letting her know that she was finally back. Amelie and Y/n kept contact with each other through the years, promising to see each other again.
It wasn't long before Y/n heard her doorbell ringing. She knew that it was Amelie so when she opened the door seeing her, it was no surprise. Amelie was practically bouncing up and down with excitement commenting on how y/n looked so grown now.
Amelie had changed too. She had also grown, Y/n didn't think she had been home for so long that things would change that much. Boy was she wrong.
Amelie dragged y/n to her house wanting to catch up. But she also wanted y/n to see something else. Well more of someone else. Konig had came home from the military since he was given some leave. Both Y/n and Konig had no idea that the other was back home.
When the pair walked through the door, Y/n almost thought she was seeing things when she saw Konig sitting on the couch. He had changed..A lot. He was still tall, but he had definitely gained more muscles during his time in the military.
Y/n almost had the urge to run out of the house, hoping that Konig didn't see her. But she couldn't since Amelie called out to her brother, "Konig! Guess who's back, it's y/n!!"
Y/n could only pray that her whole face wasn't a tomato right now. Seeing Konig again was overwhelming. The whole reason she left was for a chance that her feelings would disappear.
When his eyes met her, she could see the way they slightly widened. "Y/n?" It sounded almost like he didn't believe it was really her. "Nice to see you again Konig.", was the only thing she could manage to get out.
But before any of them could say any more, Amelie had dragged Y/n to her room so they could catch up. Settling on Amelie's bed that adorned the same plushies from when they were just kids. Y/n's eyes continued to wandering, seeing old photos also decorated part of the wall Amelie's room.
"You know it wasn't the same without you here." Amelie finally spoke, breaking the silence. Y/n knew that leaving wasn't the greatest idea she had, but it was the only thing she could think of.
"I know Amelie, but I just had to get out of here. Clear my mind.." Y/n saw the sadness in Amelie eyes, but she still gave an understanding smile. "I just really missed you, you know."
After y/n and Amelie had got their thoughts out, everything went back to the way it was before Y/n left. They laughed about all the things they experience throughout the years.
Hours seemed to pass by and it wasn't long before Amelie passed out on her bed while watching some stupid comedy movie.
Y/n signed, placing a blanket over Amelie before heading to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. As Y/n was turning the corner, she bumped into Konig almost falling in the process.
If it wasn't for him grabbing her waist, she probably would have. "Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't see you. I didn't-" Y/n cut off Konig's rambling, "Hey, it's alright I wasn't looking where I was going either."
It wasn't until Y/n looked up, that she realized just how close she was to Konig. She could feel his breath tickle her nose. She noted how his hand still held onto her waist. His eyes staring into hers.
"Y/n-" But got cut off by Y/n blurting out, "Konig I have feelings for you and I've had them for quite a while now."
Both y/n and Konig were shocked. Y/n because she didn't even mean for that to come out, but Konig was shocked because the girl he had feelings for just told him that she had feelings for him! Him!
Y/n's hand that was sitting on Konig's chest felt the way that his heart picked up in speed. but Konig still had yet to say anything. His eyes searching hers for any sign that told him she was lying. But she wasn't.
So Konig slowly leaning in, Y/n following his lead. The space between the two, slowly becoming smaller until there wasn't any. Their two lips meeting each others in a much needed kiss.
Konig's hands pulling Y/n closer, while Y/n's wandered to his neck, tugging at the hair she could. The kiss was full of love and desperation. Both wanted more. Needed more.
When Y/n pulled away from air, Konig's lip chased for hers. His forehead coming to rest on hers. Y/n saw the way his lips were slightly swollen, causing her to let out a quiet laugh.
"Took you long enough."
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skelnexswriting · 2 years ago
Hello Love! How's your day? I'm not doing pretty well these days 💧 crying, heart broken, anxiety and more A LOT more
I just think that maybe getting some fluffy plot of my mind would be make my day better, okay okay here goes.
(And yes of course it will be König again LOL)
Imagine König having a younger sister. Yes I know I sound a bit weird but well the plot is the Reader is his sister BESTFRIEND who has a crush on him since.. FOREVER. Cause when they were young König use to help them get away with all the creepy guys a lot so Reader immediately fell in love with him. After a long time of not seeing each other for years since Reader have to go to college in the other country, They reunited!! König sister rush to visit the Reader and immediately drive the Reader to her home just to make the Reader meet König again ! (cause she knows you have a HUGE crush on him—) well at that moment they might have a sleepover or some activities for fun it's up to you really. But when König sister when to bed.. you know what happened c'mon now. THEY FUC— I mean AHEM. The Reader confessed her feelings out of nowhere and the rest is pretty up to you ! ૮⍝ˊ꒳ˋ⍝ა
Why do I always come up with such cringe plot omg
Hello love, im doing alright, studies have been crazyy!!!But im sorry to hear that youre going through a rough time :( But you got this! better days will come, wishing the best for you!! 🫶
WYM CRINGE PLOT?! LIKE THIS IS SO CREATIVE.HOW ARE YPU SO CREATIVE?!???!! This is so good like what?! Im in love with idea. Might add a implied spice 😉🫢. BUT IM DEFINITELY GONNA BE WRITING THIS LIKE RN.
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skelnexswriting · 2 years ago
haii! could you please write a fic with König? his s/o sends photos/videos to him with their baby when he's away 🥹 please pleaseee 😭🩷🩷
Sorry for not responding! I figured I’d write it and paste the link for you here! But this was such a cute idea!
Here it is! Hope you enjoy!!
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skelnexswriting · 2 years ago
His Girls
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➪ | Pairing: | Konig x reader
➪ | Warnings: | Fluff, y/n used, 3rd person POV, Fem! reader, Mom! reader, Dad! konig, D/n means daughters name, and shorter type of story.
➪ | Summary: | Konig hates having to be away from his wife and daughter, he wants nothing more than to be with them all the time. However, when he's on deployment the videos and pictures help bring home to him.
➪ | A/n: | Requested anonymously! Hope they and everyone enjoys this little story. Please send any request you might have! Enjoy!!
The hardest part of konig's job wasn't the missions. No, it was the fact he had to leave his family for long periods of times. He often got home sick, wanting nothing more than to go back to them.
Especially since his wife, Y/n, just had their babygirl D/n. D/n was practically a mini Y/n, having her eye and hair color. D/n even got y/n's calm personality in contrast to Konig's chaotic one. She was simply an angel.
Konig made sure to check up one y/n whenever he could, sending a quick message. Although he wished he could do more, that was the best he could do from being so far apart.
In return, Y/n sent Konig videos of her and their child. He remembers Y/n sending him a video of their babygirl smiling. His heart ached to be home. He wanted to see his girls in person rather through his phone.
Konig's favorite video had to be where d/n was babbling causing for y/n to let out a little laugh. He loved her laugh. He loved seeing Y/n being such a great mother. Oh how he wanted to be there with his lover to tell her that.
But that was the best him and Y/n could do. The videos helped to fill a portion of that missing piece in his heart. One day Konig was surprised with a letter from Y/n.
Inside was a small hand written letter, along with a small photograph. It was a picture of him, Y/n and their daughter when she was at the hospital. The photo itself almost brought tears to his eyes. Konig looked at the letter that read,
"I thought this photo would help while you're away, whenever you need strength you can look at it and think of the two people that love you the most!"
He made sure to always keep that photo in the pocket over his heart. Right where is family belonged. Over his deployment, he received more letters and pictures from Y/n.
Everytime he kept the letter in a box that went under his bed for safe keeping. As for the photos, they either made it to the pocket over his heart or up on his wall in his room.
The photos made it as if both his wife and daughter were there for him during his deployment. It helped to give him all the strength he needed. Gave him all the motivation he needed to work harder.
Konig couldn't have been more lucky. First he got the girl of his dreams who wouldn't leave him because of the requirements of his job. Then that girl became his wife. And finally he was blessed with a kid of his own.
He was thankful to have the both of his girls. He wished he could be home more often and help Y/n with whatever she needed. Konig didn't want to miss the important steps of his little girls life. He also wanted to be there for Y/n too.
But no matter what happened, Konig knew that he would always have his family by his side. Y/n understood that konig had a demanding job, it not like he just wanted to leave.
In the end, both knew that they would have each other's backs. Konig would have theirs, and they would have his. Konig couldn't be happier to have his girls.
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skelnexswriting · 2 years ago
A Little Surprise
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➪ | Pairing: | Konig x reader
➪ | Warnings: | fluff, fem reader, pregnant reader, Y/n used, mostly 2nd person POV (you).
➪ | Summary: | Konig finally gets the chance to go back home. But what he wasn’t ready for was the little surpise that was waiting for him.
➪ | A/n: | Requested story, I tried my best but I wasn’t really sure how to write this sorry :(
Konig hated being away from home for too long. Especially since you were home all alone while he was gone. Not only did he worry for your safety but he missed you.
Whenever he was out on deployment, the days just seemed to pass by 10 times slower. Yet whenever he was home, the time seemed to pass by too quickly.
he wanted nothing more than to just stay by your side forever. Simply laying in your arms, basking in your warm embrace, hearing all about what happened at work that day.
He wished that his career was more flexible, but he was also happy with what he did. He knew that he was helping save innocents while also protecting the ones he loved.
It also helped that you had been so supportive of him, reassuring him that you'd never leave or make him quit his job knowing how much he cared for it.
Often when Konig was away , he would reminisce on the times he was home. Simply remembering the sweet moments he shared with you. Konig couldn't help the crave that grew on these long trips away from you. So whenever he got back, he made sure to make that known to you.
He definitely made sure of that the last time he came back home.
Now here Konig was again, thinking about how it would feel to be back home in her arms. You had made sure to send Konig messages, updating him on what was going on back home, but he still couldn't wait to go back.
Konig was actually packing his things to go back home. He was granted a few months off due to obtaining his recent injury. Despite the circumstances, he was more than happy to be going back home.
He was already thinking about how he was going to give you all the attention and love you deserved. Sending you a quick message letting you know that he'd be coming home, before heading to his flight.
The journey home seemed to last too long. He didn't know when he got to the front door of his apartment, but here he was. He was finally home.
Konig rushed inside, setting his things down while he called to you.
"Y/n, Liebling i'm home"
He saw you peak out from your spot in the kitchen. His heart couldn't help but skip a beat at the way your eyes lit up brightly and the way you rushed to capture him in a hug.
"You're home."
"I am"
He missed this feeling. The feeling of pure love and peace, he missed you. He wrapped his arms around you, not ever wanting to let go. If it was possible, he could stay like this forever.
When you stepped back, he only noticed that you were wearing his sweater. The fabric seemed to swallow you whole. "Is that my sweater, Liebling?"
"Hm, is it? I didn't notice" You hummed. Konig couldn't help the breathy laugh that left his lips, playing along with your little games. After sharing that sweet little moment, you dragged Konig to come eat knowing that he probably didn't on his trip back.
He didn't miss the way you seemed to be nervous. He tried to ignore it but the longer he was there, the more he noticed it. Had something happened? Had you done something?
Konig saw the way you would avoid eye contact during dinner and the way you fidgeted with the fork in your hands. Why were you so nervous? "Liebling, is something wrong?"
You looked up seeming surprised. Eyes widening at the sudden question that came from him. You seemed almost hesitant to speak, your mouth opening but no words coming out.
It wasn't until you took a breath that you began to speak, "I have something to tell you Konig.." He watched as you got up from your seat across from him, disappearing into your shared bedroom.
A moment later you came back out, holding a rectangular shaped black box. Without a word you simply handed him the box, waiting for him to open it.
Konig himself became anxious, slowly opening the box. He peered inside, only to see a little pink positive sign staring right back at him. Could this mean- “Yo-You’re Pregnant?”
Konig turned to you, only for you to lift up the baggy sweater that was hiding the small baby bump that formed over the few months he was away. “We’re gonna be parents Konig”
Konig for more the happy, he was ecstatic. He had always wanted little ones, ones he could love and protect. He just didn’t think that it would be possible. But now it was.
Konig got up, hugging while spinning the two of you around. Giggles spilling from your lips. You could see the brightness in his eyes.
You’d two would be parents. And they were going to have the best dad they could ever ask for. Konig was more than happy with this little surprise.
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skelnexswriting · 2 years ago
Hello, first of all forgive me the bad english is not my first language... Could you do a story where König is away for a few months and when he comes back he finds his wife pregnant (by him of course)? love your writing 🥰🦋
No need to apologize for your language, I understand 🫶 and Aww this idea is so cute and im glad you enjoy my writing! If you want me to notify you when it’s done just send me a message (I wont tag you in the story, you’ll remain anonymous.) :D
here it is!
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skelnexswriting · 2 years ago
No Words Needed
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➪ | Pairing: | Konig x reader
➪ | Warnings: | Mostly fluff, Gn! reader, Y/n used, code name mute, blood/violence mentioned.
➪ | Summary: | Konig constantly worried for his mute loved one. He always worried they'd be in trouble and not be able to call for help. Well his brilliant thinking was able to come up with a solution and boy was he glad he did.
➪ | A/n: | This was requested anonymously. I hope they and everyone enjoys this story! (feel free to send any request you may have!!)
Communication during missions could be difficult. Anything could go wrong that made communication between the team impossible. However, it was even harder when one team member couldn't communicate.
That one team member was Mute..
There has been times that Mute has wanted to say something, but just couldn't bring themself to say it. The constant insecurities lingered in the back of their they decided to stay quiet.
Konig didn't like the idea of this though. He had always tried talking to Mute about this and listed all the things that could go wrong one day. What if one day they were in trouble and couldn't say anything. How would he know? How could he keep them safe?
He had tried coming up with different ideas that could signal to him or the team whether they were safe or not. It took a while before he finally came up with an efficient solution.
Konig had found his solution when watching a movie. He wasn't trying at that moment but was thankful when the idea came to mind. In the film, he noticed when they were using morse code the machine made a beeping sound and that got Konig thinking.
A beeping sound..that was it! What if Y/n could use beeps to communicate with their team?! Of course they wouldn't be doing full on morse code but they could set a certain amount of beeps to let the team know of Mute's staus.
Konig decided to discuss his discovery with both price and Y/n as Price was their team's captain and Y/n was.. well the person who'd be using the system. He pulled them both into a debriefing room and went on a rant about his discovery. If Price hadn't told him to slow down, no one would have understood what the poor boy was trying to sa.
"What if Mute used beeps as a way of communicating?! One beep for safe, two for safe but hostiles are near, and three beeps for In danger."
Mute agreed to the idea, liking that they could communicate with their team without having to actually say anything. Price decided that they could give the system a try.
The team got Mute a radio that had a custom button in order for them to do the beeps. Making sure they tested it out before going on missions, double checking that the button actually works and that the team can hear it.
And well the radio worked! Mute's teams could hear the beeps meaning that Mute could communicate with them. Konig was more than happy that his idea worked. Now he would be sure that Y/n was safer and had the ability to reach out for help if they needed it.
But he could only hope that the three beeps wouldn't be used often..
Konig was informed that his team, Kortac, would be joining Mute's team, task force 141. He was happy to hear that he would be working with his partner, although he knows to not let it distract him. They would be dealing with a hostage bomb situation.
Konig could tell from the debriefing that it wasn't going to be an easy mission. This hostile group was big and had lots of resources. They'd be going to a facility with lots of buildings. It was going to be hard to tell which building the hostage was in.
Once they headed out on the helicopter he couldn't help the bad feeling that was lingering around him. Y/n reassured him that the teams would be fine and that they'd get through this mission. But he didn't like that y/n was going to be far from both teams, with nothing but them and their sniper.
Something didn’t sit right with Konig from the start. Everything about this mission just seemed off. When they first arrived it seemed like the place was abandoned..but now. It was swarming with enemies.
Bullets flying in all directions, accompanied with flashes anf grenades. It was pure chaos. They were definitely out numbered. The longer they were there the more konig grew worried.
He didn’t know how many more people he could take out before more came. Everyone was yelling callouts through the comms but there was one person he hadn’t heard from..Y/n. “Mute whats your status?!”
Only silence responded back. Konig waited to hear any beeps but none came. Too many scenarios were going through his head. Had they been captured or injured.. Konig decided to ask the others. “Had anyone heard from Mute?”
And much to Konig’s dislike he only received no as an answer. Konig couldn’t leave his spot, he was surrounded. How could he check up on them.. Konig frantically looked around for any sign of the silent sniper. But that’s when he heard it..
Three beeps.
As if those three beeps flipped a switch in Konig’s brain, his body went on autopilot. Konig ran to Y/n without another thought.
He didn’t care that he was leaving his position. He didn’t know what was happening but all he knew was that he was going to get to Mute.
The closer he got the more he could hear. Two people were struggling, Fighting. He already knew it was going to Mute and a hostile, but he could only hope that mute was the one winning.
Konig picked up his pace again, trying his hardest to reach Mute as fast as he could. But then he heard a gut wrenching scream. This was a scream that made one's blood run cold while their heart stopped beating. Konig started running, he needed to get to y/n.
Once he finally reached them, there Mute was pressing down a wound on their stomach while the enemy laid motionless at their side.
"I got them Konig.." Mutes voice was low, he'd only barely heard what they said. But the only thing he could focus on was the fact they were losing a lot of blood.
He rushed to their side, applying more pressure to the wound, making Y/n wince. Konig comforted mute, "I know Liebling you're so good. We're gonna get you some help, ok? Just keep those pretty eyes open for me yeah?"
Konig already called for the medics, now all he had to do was keep his beloved awake to ensure their chances of living were much higher. Whenever he'd notice their eyes starting to shut, he'd make them tell him something. But that only worked for a little while, slowly Mute grew more and more tired. The idea of sleep sounded like heaven to the soldier.
Mute didn't even realized they'd shut their eyes, their eyelids were just top heavy to keep fighting for them to stay open. The world around them was slowly going dark.
When Mute was out, Konig couldn't help but freak out. He had tried everything to keep them awake. To keep them safe but he failed. He was grateful for the medics to get there so quickly. He couldn't do anything but watch as they took Y/n farther away from him.
He only felt like he could relax again once he got the news that Y/n was alive and stable. They were safe and that was the only thing that mattered to him. No words were needed. He'd always come to save the one he loved.
His mute.
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skelnexswriting · 2 years ago
Is it ok to ask for König x reader ( maybe another part of Different but Perfect ) and Mute gets caught and injured with König hearing it through the comes and rushing to reader
Of course, i love this idea! ill start writing it and if you would like me to message you when its done just message me! (And i wont tag u in story if you don’t want me to! 🫶)
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skelnexswriting · 2 years ago
His Sun, Her Moon.
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➪ | Pairing: | Ghost x reader
➪ | Warnings: | Fluff, Y/n used, fem reader, a sweet little story!
➪ | Summary: | Everyone had someone who was their sun or moon. And for ghost, Y/n was his sun. But for Y/n, Ghost was her moon.
➪ | A/n: | I thought this concept was cute, so hope you enjoy!
Ghost never expected to find love in his life, given his past and career. Yet he did..
He fell for the medic of his own team.
He always thought she was just as bright as the sun. Especially the smile that never seemed to fall from her lips.
He found that she was also just as warm as a spring day. She was kind to the people she met. She also cared for those on her team.
Ghost couldn’t count the number of times she saved him.
He still remembers the first day she was put on the task force.
They were told that a field medic was being assigned to the task force. Ghost wasn’t fond of the idea of a new teammate.
He didn’t know who he was expecting but it definitely wasn’t a woman who was so bright. He disliked the thought at having a female version of soap on the team. One of him was just fine.
The first weeks he found himself avoiding the medic. He just didn’t have much interest in getting to know y/n.
It wasn’t until ghost got shot that the two talked.
Y/n didn’t hesitate to get to work. She pulled ghost to cover, sat him down, and got to work. Ghost was caught off guard at how she could work fast and accurately yet so…gentle.
Maybe he should get to know her..
And he did.
He kept finding excuses to talk to her.
“come eat dinner.”
“We have a debriefing.”
“Price needs you.”
It didn’t matter what it was, he just needed to talk to her.
Soon he got the courage to make small conversation. He’d talk to her while walking to those said debriefings, or when they sat next to each other, even when they were on the way to a mission. He learned small things about her that he hadn’t before.
As a few years pasted, he grew close to Y/n. At first he couldn’t stand the idea of a new teammate but now he can’t seem to go without her.
She was the only one who he trusted. The only one who could make his heart pick up in speed. He even gave her the codename sol because to him. She was the only sun he needed.
And to y/n, Ghost was like the moon.
He wasn’t bright or colorful.
Ghost was surrounded by darkness yet to Y/n he still shined. At first she was intimidated by the famous skull mask solider. But overtime she saw past that. She saw the secret care he had for his team.
How he’d talk to soap during missions to calm soap’s nerves. Or the way he’d train gaz so he’d be prepared for future missions. Or how he made sure price didn’t over work himself with filling out reports.
To everyone ghost was as scary as darkness itself. But y/n slowly saw the light that bled through. Like the way a full moon softly lit up the sky.
She was relieved when he started to open up. She learned more about Ghost. Even some dark parts of him. But even the moon had a dark side. He was just misunderstood.
When the two finally got together, things changed for the better.
Y/n brought out the light of Ghost. Most saw it, even soap. They saw the slight change in him. He had someone to fight for.
Ghost needed Y/n and Y/n needed Ghost. Just like how the sun needed the moon and the moon needed the sun.
She was his sun and he was her moon.
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skelnexswriting · 2 years ago
Forget Him
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➪ | Pairing: | Konig x reader
➪ | Warnings: | fluff (tiny bit of angst), cheating ex, fem reader, Y/n used, 3rd person POV.
➪ | Summary: | Konig tried to warn Y/n of the guy they were seeing but she just didn't want to believe it. What she didn't realize was the perfect guy was in front of her this whole time.
➪ | A/n: | Sorry for not posting but I'm back! Thank you to @bythe-water-fountain for requesting (sorry for the wait!!), hope they and everyone enjoys :D
Most people would have thought that Konig and Y/n were a couple. Oftentimes it was shocking to find out they were not, even more when they found out Y/n was in a relationship already.
Everyone could see Konig's crush on y/n from miles away. The way his eyes lit up when she entered the room or the way he listened carefully to her when she talked.
But she wasn't his..She was in a relationship and he had to remind himself of that.
But not all relationships were good relationships. Bad relationships happened, but many people didn't want to accept that fact.
Some refused to believe what was happening right in front of them. Like Y/n.
She didn't want to believe that it was happening to her.
Even after her best friend, Konig, had tried to warn her many times. Y/n couldn't bring herself to believe him. She held onto the hope that her boyfriend was loyal and loved her. She wanted to believe that Konig was making the whole thing up.
But he wasn't...he was telling the truth.
The last thing y/n expected to see coming home was to find her boyfriend in their bed with some other woman.
Y/n decided to go home for the break they were given after this recent mission. She was excited to go home and greet her boyfriend. But she didn't leave base without Konig trying to warn her.
"I'm serious maus. He isn't a good guy."
Y/n refused to listen. She packed her things and headed home.
As she got closer she noticed another car that wasn't his. Y/n couldn't help the doubt that crept up from the back of her mind. Was Konig right?
He wouldn't cheat..would he?
Y/n made sure to enter the house as quietly as possible. Slowly unlocking the front door and stepping inside. The house was suspiciously quiet.. Y/n continued to walk further in the home.
But that's when she heard it.
Another woman.
Y/n rushed upstairs, flinging the bedroom door open. There was her boyfriend on top of another woman. Eyes filled with guilt.
"Y/n its-"
Yet it all made sense. The sudden cold shoulder. The 'bruises'. It all made sense. Konig was right.
"Don't. I should have listened to Konig."
Y/n didn't stay to listen. What else needed to be said?
She drove straight back to base. The thought of how she should have listened to Konig, haunted her. How could she have been so naive?
Why didn't she just listen to Konig, he would never lie about such thing.
At base she barged into Konig's room, tears now freely flowing down her redded cheeks.
"You were right..A-and I know that I was stupid to not listen you can tell me now I told you so"
It broke Konig's heart to see her this way. Someone so strong looked so broken and fragile.
"Oh maus.."
Konig got up from his bed, engulfing Y/n in a hug. Broken sobs coming from the girl.
God did he want to kill that asshole. But Y/n needed him, he would do anything for her to be his. She needed someone that truly cared for her. Someone like him.
It has been about a year since y/n split ways with her now ex. At first it was hard. She couldn't sleep or eat. She was often haunted by memories of them two.
But now?
She was doing just fine.
Having Konig by her side made things a whole lot easier. Being around him more made her realize things she hadn't before.
The way he remembered the little things about her. The way he would always stay close.
It slowly made Y/n fall for the man she knew to be her best friend from work. Now Y/n understood why people thought the two of them were a couple. Konig cared. He cared all this time, that's why he tried to warn her. He was trying to protect her.
Konig was someone Y/n wanted. No, needed. And he was there even when she didn't realize that. Konig was the one who comforted her. The one who protected her. The one who cared for her.
She was so focused on someone who wasn't it that she couldn't see what was right in front of her. Y/n almost laughed at the situation.
She had to tell Konig.
Y/n looked around base, finally finding him in the shooting range by himself.
Konig looked over, eyes crinkling under the mask telling her that he was smiling.
"Hi maus, is everything alright?"
Y/n didn't respond, she rushed over to him pulling down to her height. She lifted the sniper hood just enough to expose his lips, pressing her own to his.
She felt Konig's body tense before melting into her touch, but then he pulled away.
"Y/n but what about getting over exbf/n?" (exboyfriends name)
"Forget him. I need you and I should have realized that sooner.."
Konig's heart fluttered at her words. She would finally be his and he'd be hers. He could finally show her the way she deserved to be loved.
Now when the two would be assumed a couple...
It would be true.
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skelnexswriting · 2 years ago
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➪ | Pairing: | Ghost x reader
➪ | Warnings: | Fluff, 3rd person POV, “Y/n” used, shorter story, fluff ghost :]
➪ | Summary: | Words weren’t Simon riley’s thing. But maybe sending flowers was.
➪ | A/n: | I got sick and wasn’t feeling well so i wasn’t able to post :[ But now im better so hope you enjoy this short little story! (There might be a pt. 2 idk)
Part two
Flowers..They were many types, many with different meanings,
Everyone has dreamt of getting flowers from that certain someone. Even soldiers like Y/n.
She may have not wished it constantly but she always hoped that one day, the person she loved would get her a beautiful bouquet. One with a deep meaning behind it.
When Y/n enlisted, she had little hope that she’d find someone since she’d be across the world most of the time..
But that changed when she was recruited as task force 141’s medic.
She didn’t mean to fall for the mysterious solider who wore the skull mask. It just happened. Although, Simon riley wasn’t a man of many words.
He was known for many things, but word? no. The few words he said came off as monotone or harsh. Many times he meant it that way, but not all the time.
When y/n first joined she thought ghost just simply disliked her, but later she learned the solider wasn’t good with his words.
Ghost actually liked the medic..he just didn’t know how to express it.
He remembered her once talking about how she loved flowers. Not just because of their beauty but their meanings.
Ghost found himself looking up what the different type of flowers meant, trying to find the perfect ones. Making sure to note which ones he liked.
He knew he wouldn’t be able to woo the medic with words but he could try flowers.
First he got hydrangeas for gratitude. He put them on y/n’s desk to find with a simple note saying “thank you”
He didn’t sign or anything so that she wouldn’t know it was him. He watched as you smiled at the flowers and placed them in some water.
Next he got Y/n violet, representing his loyalty to her. Again he placed them on her desk, leaving a simple note with bouquet.
Y/n took care of the flowers, the hydrangea lasted quite a while. Y/n’s heart fluttered at the thought of someone leaving them. She’d just have to hope it was the person she longed for.
Sunflowers were next. Representing adoration. This time Ghost decided to leave them at Y/n’s door. Like the last two times, a simple unsigned note accompanied the flowers.
Y/n kept the notes, simply tucking them away in her drawer. She tried to piece them together seeing if it sounded like anyone she knew.
But she still had yet to figure out the mystery “florist”.
Then it was Zinnia. He’d read it meant respect, honor. Ghost had a lot of respect for y/n. She’d patch up the task force in the middle of a battle field without hesitation.
The flowers were again placed at her door, with a note.
This little “game” had been going on for quite a while. Ghost was surprised to see y/n hadn’t caught on to it being him.
He thought the lack of words would give it away. He wanted to confess with this next flower. But he didn’t want a simple that was too simple.
He needed one that was unique but still represented the deep feelings he had for y/n.
They were perfect. Aster represented undying love. That exactly what Ghost felt after a year of having y/n by his side.
One thing would be different though. He’d sign the note he left, then y/n would finally know.
Ghost placed the flowers on Y/n’s night stand. The notes read, “These flowers can only express a portion of the love I have for you. - Simon Riley.
It was only a matter of time before you saw the note. Ghost couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous. He’d never done something like this.
He decided to hide in his room, as if that would stop the outcome.
Y/n had finally finished writing her reports, so she went back to her room for some rest. She couldn’t help but feel a but sad when she didn’t see the usual flowers waiting at her door.
But to her surprise, they were waiting on her nightstand, with another note.
Her eyes moved along with words but stopped at the signed name.
“- Simon Riley.”
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