#i think theres times of the year hes more susceptible to it
dragscore · 7 months
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hiemaldesirae · 6 months
Question: how would your characterization of demon Alastor react to finding out for the last 60+ years that what he thought was Vox breaking up with him was actually Demon!Valentino drugging/r**ping him with his venom/aphrodisiac and Vox has No memory of what he and Alastor actually had? No memory of anything except maybe the last month? And to find out Valentino only did this so Vox (who was becoming a TV mogul) would put his pornos on the tv. How would he help Vox remember? What would he do to Valentino? Would Velvette also suffer?
okay so. nonny, i wont blame you for not knowing, especially since ive never explicitly talked about it on main, but for future reference, im not that big on the whole abusive staticmoth dynamic. i can see why others enjoy it, and i do read stories with it from time to time simply because the premise captivates me that much, but in general id say i much more prefer a version where val and vox are at the very least best friends if not crossing into the sort of blurry best friends who smooch sometimes territory.
now having said that, i'll still answer your question because again, not very fair of me to just brush you off for no reason when i never made my preferences clear beforehand. (this gets long, so i'll leave a readmore.) warning: my demon radiostatics are always freak4freak no matter what. so this does get a little iffy in terms of ethics
my favourite interpretation of radiostatic is two sickos who are just as closely obsessed with each other, so in the unlikely case that al would let vox go for that long, when he realizes again the first thing he's going to do is go and. well. for lack of a better term, atticwife him (i hope to god this isn't just a term used in east asian fandoms because if i have to explain this ill eat lead). maybe after a little bit of time, he'll allow vox some liberties, but even then it'd be very little. ill put it this way- imagine the most toxic irl relationship you can: someone who tracks and micromanages their partners every move, barely lets them outside the house without going with them, monitors every friendship that they allow their partner to have, and there you have it. thats radiostatic! ah, young love. so sweet, dont you think? after all, alastor can't risk his muse's eyes slipping off him again. he's been deprived of that attention for far too long, and it wasn't even by his own doing! that's an offense in and of itself.
now im assuming that its only val who's doing the exploitation here so presumably vel would have no hand in any of the mess, and perhaps not even be fully aware of the nuances behind the scenes. i mean, it wouldn't really matter either way because once alastor finds out the reason why his other half hasnt been reciprocating their insane little song and dance he's getting rid of any and all obstacles, permanently. vox doesnt need anyone else so long as he has him- and hey, he was friends with him, rosie and husk first, so its not even as if its much of a loss. the only people he'd presumably leave alive would be voxs own contracted souls, and even then thats a bit of a gamble depending on just how bad i want the both of them to be: without his contracted souls, vox would be weaker and more susceptible to whatever alastor wants, so i guess its a matter of whether or not i want the freak4freak relationship where theyre both equally strong but vox willingly submits because he gets more thrill out of it that way or whether i want freak4freak where vox has to struggle way harder and still ends up giving in anyway because al is simply stronger
as for what he'd actually *do* to val. i mean. he does still have that radio broadcast of his, doesn't he? i think you can probably put the pieces together. the thing with animal sinners is that theres simply so many parts of them to break... show-wise, i never understood how overlords like alastor or val could even rise to their position, with the amount of weak spots they must have. that broken antenna vox and val share is certainly something that speaks to their higher vulnerability. and moth wings are especially fragile: i owned little silkworm moths at one point (they were my babies, i loved them for the month or so i got to care for them) but their wings were so thin they were wearing holes in them by the second or third day. val's coat-wings look much thicker in comparison, but of course, my perception is limited by the show only. so i mean, who knows? im sure whatever happens, itll make the best entertainment in al's eyes :)
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textualviolence · 1 year
um what else am i currently or have ever been ashamed of or felt pressure to disavow ummm...
i liked good omens both seasons. Writing on season two couldve been better but those two actors have good chemistry & comedic timing its entertaining to watch them on screen and the little cringe love story did tug at my heartstrings a little like i do care what happens to them.
I was also very much a bbc sherlock fan during the peak of tjlc and i believed in it with all my heart and when the last episode of s4 came out i was in denial for 4 months and then i pretended id never heard of the show in my life for the following few years...hbomberguy made a whole video calling me a stupid idot loser for falling for it and it felt like a knife to the heart. & you know what i rewatched it recently with a lightened soul & no karmic debt & now recognize the pain behind the vitriol cause he was clearly also a disappointed fan though i could not see that at the time. maybe not tjlc who's to say but he loved bbc sherlock & hated himself for that once the last episode came out and we all realised it was bad its pretty obvious in the way he talks about steven moffat like an ex-lover who betrayed him. But i think its not even bad i still like it ill rewatch it and have a good time,
and yes i am a johnlock shipper. those ugly british men have a handle on my psyché though with the shifting tides im feeling like i would enjoy a wider range of pairings and themes from that show. I am generally very susceptible to outside influence when it comes to these things its part of why i find it hard to ignore when the trends oscillate wildly between loving something absolutely and hating it with a passion i find it very tiring because i feel it in my heart as if the urge came from the inside...sometimes something is just okay and its okay to like it an average amount without having to wildly overcorrect to atone for having liked it more than it deserved. maybe i was too intense about bbc sherlock and got my heart broken even though it was obvious i was projecting something that was not there on a cryptic blank screen, and so it is mostly my own fault but i don't have to hate myself for it either its all fine.
Loving something a little too much and being heartbroken when you realise it wasn't actually what you thought is painful but its part of life its not something to bury into the earth its fine....and im uncool to the extreme ive never been cool not once in my life im sort of embarrassing in most of the things i do and say and thats okay too i don't have to change because i can't anyways and besides its not hurting anyone. I'm literally a theater kid and theres something very freeing about being in the middle of a gaggle of nerds well sort of like being a tumblr blogger but the two balance each other out. I can't be cool on here because im a theater kid to my core in real life in the hamilton fan sort of way and i can't be cool in really life because im literally a tumblrina of the superwholock variety and in both there is a kind of peace and relief knowing that i will never have to be cool and am always lamer than most people around me at least in my heart of hearts...
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pixeljade · 10 months
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Sorry but im gonna make this its own post bc i know a lot of my "Biden isnt getting my vote" followers arent even gonna click into that last one but its IMPORTANT. While you are focused on how Biden is an evil fucked up man (he is, I agree), Trump is standing there saying "But I can be FAR MORE EVIL" in the sidelines!!!
Fucking, I get it, I hate Biden, but VOTES ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS. THEY ARE NOT A STATEMENT THAT YOU THINK THIS PERSON IS 100% OKAY. Voting is a COMPARATIVE SYSTEM, which means that your vote could be just as much AGAINST the other guy as it is IN FAVOR of the guy you're voting! Its okay! You can vote for Biden and its not endorsing even a single thing he does. Its just who out of these two horrid horrid people that you'd rather have in the role of president.
Some other arguments I have heard against voting for Biden:
"Withholding your vote can be a powerful political statement!" No it isnt. Every single election theres literally MILLIONS who dont vote. Has any of those withheld votes mattered? Has even a single candidate ever even mentioned non-voters as worth their time?
"The time spent voting is better spent doing other, more effective activism!" Even setting aside that the vast majority of people who dont vote simply AREN'T doing other activism, its literally one day, every four years, and its not even the full day. Its like fifteen minutes at most places, it can be hours at the most repressed areas. But even then, a few hours to choose who is the guy you'll be dealing with for four years is a pretty solid deal! I've been an activist in every conceivable way for almost two decades, and there's almost none of them that give you as much bang for your buck, especially without risk of prison.
"Okay it may not be an endorsement but Biden will take it as one" He might. But also that's why you do the other activism, you gotta keep the hot coals to any politician's feet if you want them to listen.
"Ah-ha! So you admit the activism between elections would be the same regardless, so why even vote?" Because one candidate is more susceptible to public opinion than the other, dipshit. Biden is caving bit by bit, but if Trump were in office, as the above image shows, HE'D SIMPLY JAIL US FOR SPEAKING AGAINST HIM. And then how would our activism work? Prison riots? Congrats, thats how you end up killed yourself.
alright sorry im just a little fucking salty over this but MY GOD some of yall are dumb as shit
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i yearn for you, each day i cry bigger tears, why can’t i hold you.
its valentines day, i live 6,744 miles away and 16 hours ahead from my sweet sweet boy. 
last year we spent valentines day together out at a party. we weren’t t even dating yet but if you saw us you’d think we had been together forever. the affection, warmth, and love was infectious from us you couldn’t help but smile when you saw the way we love. it is still the same. although we had one part of our love where we weren’t together. he was always the one i loved i just needed some time to think. ugh i regret that time period so much, being in rehab is so difficult everyone around you is critical of every aspect of your life. i hate admitting it i was susceptible to the influence and left him for a month. he never gave up and was always there. my scorpio placements have a hard time with trust and i notice that sometimes i put my partners through something difficult to show their loyalty.
i was so fucked up for that and need to work on my trust to this day. but this boy oh my he never fails to tell me he loves me, remind that i am his universe, and reassure me that he will always be there. i have never had anyone love me the way he has. and i am forever grateful.
being so far away from his is a punishment, karma if you would for hurting him and a consequence too of our actions. addiction ruins lives and we thankfully were able to get ourselves out. this was such a big test for us and we fucking pushed through it, i think we are so strong. i am strong but he makes me stronger. theres no one else in this world i would want to face the world with because he is the only one i know would always catch me if i fell. 
i just want to hold him. i have been crying this whole time i have been writing this but right now its getting worse. talking about touching him, kissing him, being held by him, smelling him, seeing him smile makes my eyes scream. i want him i want him so bad. but i cant i cant have him for 75 more days. i feel so much pain i am so unfamiliar with this type of pain though. i have never experienced this it feels like a type of loss. he is not gone but i have a void inside me and i don’t t know how to fill it. my heart aches i cant stop thinking of him. he’s not gone he’s not HE’S NOT GONE. i am aware of this but somehow i just cant find a way to make the pain go away. and i know this is my fault. but i cant hate myself for the past he always reminds me that. if i could thank him in person right now for being there for me i wouldn’t even need to say the words  because he would always know. we don’t need words to say i love you.
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thinking about clara telling 12 he made courtney feel not special and 12 at the end of the lie of the land telling bill “because in amongst seven billion, theres someone like you” and bill looking like
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and 11 telling rita in the god complex "offer a child a suitcase full of sweets and they’ll take it. offer someone all of time and space and they’ll take that too. which is why you shouldnt” in that fucking self-flagellating but also proud way they do and rita says “i dont know what youre talking about but whatever it is, i have a feeling you just did it again” because they did
they know they know they know what they do and clara didnt have to tell them theyve been doing this long enough they know. and they dont like it but theyre not gonna stop doing it either which must be Great for the self-worth feelings. they have a job to do and they cant stop doing it but they also cant do it alone but also anyone they take with them will most likely get hurt or die
this is nothing new but it’s just. im thinking about the way they do it. the way they absolutely know the effect they have on people. “you make people want to impress you. you make it so they dont want to let you down”
how casually 12 throws out that line, so genuine, i 100% believe it feels true when they say stuff like that, but also bill just had a Bad 6 months. he didnt have to say this. bill asked why he puts up with humans he could say something nice about humanity as a whole, but he doesnt, he singles her out, “i put up with the rest of them because sometimes theres someone like you”. it’s sweet and i dont think it’s a lie and i dont even think it’s a conscious manipulation but like
it’s just like, a really good way to keep people with you when you make them feel like theyre at the centre of the universe like that. the universe revolves around the doctor and when youre in the eye of the storm with them youre so special. you know more than regular people, you get to know all the secrets of the universe, you get to know about aliens, you get to play hero along with them!
ROSE: I can't tell her. I can't even begin. She's never going to forgive me. And I missed a year. Was it good? DOCTOR: Middling. ROSE: You're so useless. DOCTOR: Well, if it's this much trouble, are you going to stay here now? ROSE: I don't know. I can't do that to her again, though. DOCTOR: Well, she's not coming with us. ROSE: No chance. DOCTOR: I don't do families. [...] ROSE: My mum was right. That is one hell of an age gap. Every conversation with you just goes mental. There's no one else I can talk to. I've seen all that stuff up there, the size of it, and I can't say a word. Aliens and spaceships and things, and I'm the only person on planet Earth who knows they exist.
being the object of the doctor’s affection is i think probably a bit of a horrifying experience and not a position you really want to be in, but as long as youre still in that Comments About How Theyre Putting Up With All Of Humanity Because They Like You stage and havent yet reached the Tearing The Sky Apart For You stage, it probably feels really good (do i look susceptible to companion syndrome in this post hkfjghj)
and like i said it’s not that they dont actually love their companions. of course they do. it’s just that if youre terrified of being abandoned, making people feel special like this is a good way to make them not leave you
and i think 13 probably did her best not to do this again. she didnt invite them along to new adventures at the end of 11x1. she initiates goodbyes i think three times (”ive stayed too long, i should get back to finding my tardis”, “im almost gonna miss you”, “guess we’re done, nice having you aboard”) before the fam ask to come with her
and sure she plays the kicked puppy a bit in 11x4 but she waits for yaz to invite her, shes relatively passive, actually for the doctor shes incredibly passive. and she enjoys letting them into the tardis in 11x2, but she doesnt tease really secrets and wonders if they come travel with her. she doesnt really introduce them to the tardis, she doesnt say what the name means, she doesnt let them touch anything, nobody says “it’s bigger on the inside”, she doesnt invite them to all of time and space. she doesnt suggest it could be theirs to see. i dont think she ever does. just what the fam got to see accidentally was already enough to convince them.
i really need to rewatch so i might be wrong about this, but i dont think she ever makes them feel special the same way the doctor did with companions before. she makes them feel special like a tour guide maybe, with her little points and stars system, and calling them best friends, small mundane ways that dont show off her age or history or influence. i dont think she ever suggests theyre more important than other people. i think she emphasises her love for humans as a whole. i think thats the impression they get from her. i think thats what they would say if you asked them about her. “yeah she loves humanity. me? yeah she probably likes me, we’re friends”
she never puts them in a position where theyre the only one who can save the day/world/planet/universe. she always puts herself between them and the problem. she always goes ‘no im the doctor, thats my job’. she takes that responsibility so they dont have to. they take it! when they feel like theyre forced to! when the doctor’s gone in 12x2 or 12x10, they take that responsibility for sure. i think they want to, not just yaz but especially yaz. but they feel unprepared. the doctor hasnt prepared them for this bc she doesnt want them in that position bc in that position they die.
and clearly this has not been ideal. this has not led to an ideal doctor-companion dynamic, we’ve seen how this has hurt 13 as well as especially i think yaz and ryan deeply. but the strategy has been succesful. she lost her last two companions bc she didnt get between them and the problem. with bill literally, with clara metaphorically. (going back even further this might also be the case for amy and donna and rose. she let them into positions she should have been in taking decisions she should have taken)
and however badly things have gone for 13, the strategies of Get Between Them And The Problem, and Be The Doctor Dont Let Them Do It, have WORKED. she GOT THEM HOME. if yaz doesnt die, and im willing to bet money she doesnt, she got them all home safe and sound
14′s relationship with their companions will probably be a response to what went wrong in this round and it will have its own pitfalls that 15 then gets to fix but theyre trying, theyre learning. one step forward two steps back i guess. a fun little tango with death
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the-ship-maker-2 · 3 years
Uno reverse card! Reader is yandere for jess, jay, brian, alex, and tim (from marble hornets)(separate). >:) What do they do?
This is gonna be a long one
Reader is yandere for Tim HCs
-oh no
-no no no
-no not in a million years
-hes already paranoid as it is
-he does not need this bullshit added to it
-you would probably leave him gifts on his front porch
-or in his house 👀👀👀
-he throws all of your attempts away
-he hopes that by doing so hes not encouraging you to continue and eventually you'll stop
-but that just makes you try harder
-hes nipping that shit in the bud
-he ain't having it
-he thinks its amusing tho
-that you think that you can get him to love you
-you would leave little love notes outside of his house.
-telling you how much you love him and words of affirmation
-you almost had him fooled he almost fell for you
-but he knows that if you're a yandere then it's a bad sign
-he leaves you a not so nice note in return
-poor baby
-hes confused
-why would anyone want to love him?
-i mean hes flattered but why?
-tbh I think he might be more susceptible to that kind of relationship
-but the thing is that you're not really doing anything bad?
-you actually make his life easier
-getting rid of mild inconveniences
-lots of acts of service
-if you keep it up you might have a chance with him :)
-absolutely not
-theres only room for one yandere in this town
-and that's him
-ain't no one gonna take his place
-still he is curious about meeting another yandere
-and one that's yandere over him?
-oh this is too good
it's an elaborate cat and mouse game
-and maybe you'll both get what you want out of it
-shes so unaware
-she has no idea that she has a yandere stalker
-she just goes about her day
-as if nothing is going on
-meanwhile "every step you take I'll be watching you"
-her yandere would be in the same public space that she is
-watching her
-hiding in plain sight
-they think that this is their form of quality time with her
-but it couldn't be farther from the truth.
I hope you like these and feel free to ask again!
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It annoys me when people complain about Julian and call him “whiny “. The person that John hurt the most throughout his whole life is his own son! I feel like this gets glossed over because he was more attentive to Sean “At least he was a good father to one of his children”. John failed Julian massively. Having Sean should’ve motivated him to try harder with Julian but I feel like it demotivated him because he realised how much of Julian’s life he missed and that made him feel bad about himself. Even in May’s book she says that John would’ve avoided Julian for the rest of his life to avoid feeling bad about himself & the choices he made with his life. And even when he got his visa he was happy to fly to other countries but not the country containing his son! I mean c’mon that’s very shitty and inexcusable. People can’t relate to John’s callous treatment of Julian so it’s downplayed and undermined by the excuse of “Oh well, John was better with Sean”. I know John appeared more motivated towards the end but doesn’t absolve him of the damage and pain he already caused to his son.
I try to understand John’s neglect of Julian from his perspective - I don’t want to excuse or justify it, but I still want to know what was going through his head to make him treat Julian the way he did - but I just can’t really understand it in the same way I feel like I can empathise with a lot of John’s other flaws. Like I feel like I can understand Johns mistreatment of certain people, or his mood swings, or his anger etc. But when it comes to Julian I struggle to understand him, and I just think its such a shame that Julian never got the closure he deserved with John. But I guess a few things to keep in mind when discussing this are:
1. Alfs abandonment
That Johns father, Alfred, abandoned him at such a young age, this might have affected John in such a way that made connecting with children a real challenge. Of course, he ideally still would’ve made an effort to connect with Julian more - but I guess that this was 1963, and he was someone who at this point had had absolutely no therapy. John’s own father I think was placed in an orphanage around the age of 5, so this neglect and abandonment appeared to be a bit of a cycle within the Lennon family-tree. Alf didn’t develop the neurones to be able to connect with his son the way a father ideally should be able to, and therefore John had trouble forming these connections too.
A real tragic story regarding this disconnect is one that ive heard Paul tell a few times (see this interview at 6:24 to hear him tell it). He essentially compares his ability to just naturally connect with children, to John’s inability to do the same; Paul grew up in a household where children and babies alike were around all the time - and in addition to this, there seemed to have been a lot more affection involved in his early environment compared to Johns. So when Paul was able to pal around at ease with Julian, John asked “How do you do that?” - and its unfortunately just not something you can just learn. I think John did want to be able to relate to Julian, and a part of him wanted to be a real dad - but I guess he just lacked the initiative to do so, as well as not having the needed facilities provided for him to be able to function as “good” parent (< or in other words, that man needed alottttttttt of therapy omg—)
2. Aunt Mimi’s coldness
I think by now its sort of been established that im not Mimi’s no. 1 fan - I don’t hate her, and I think she genuinely loved John, but ive been pretty critical of what I perceive her parenting style to be like. One aspect of this parenting style is that I think she was cold and deprecating towards John, which I presume took a toll on his relationships in such a way that made him susceptible to cynicism and even bitter contempt towards those he loved most.
“She never hit him: her worst punishment was to ignore him…When she did, he’d plead, ‘Don’t ‘nore me, Mimi!’” - I think that this type of parenting style could have effected the way John relates to Julian, perhaps making him feel it was okay to abandon him, maybe as a result of some unrecognised childhood angst or revenge.
Theres also a story where I think John said something to Julian a long the lines of, “I hate your laugh!”. Like, Jules was just some four year old living his life and then John, his own father, had this massive fucking mood swing. I feel bad for Julian cause my parents were like this (had random fucking mood swings and said some pretty contemptuous things) so I can empathise with him. At the same time though, I feel like I can understand John getting these mood swings (although, I don’t think that showing that kind of contempt towards a child is at all acceptable, and assuming that this sort of thing was a regular occurrence, I would say he was emotionally abusive towards Julian. Maybe John got these mood swings from Mimi (check this post for more on that).
3. Yoko’s influence and isolation
I think we first have to take into account here that John had a history of neglecting and failing Julian, and from what im aware of, he only started making contact with him again during his ‘Lost Weekend’ after being encouraged to do so by May Pang. So I don’t think we can make Yoko take all the blame for Johns neglect of Julian (and certainly not his emotional abuse towards Julian). But I think we have to also account for the fact that Julian has stated Yoko would refuse to put him through when he would ring his dad. And I just don’t know how much John had to do with that - as in, I don’t if John knew Yoko was isolating him to the extent that she did, or if he was unaware that she was rejecting several important and significant figures in his life.
For what its worth, Julia Baird wrote in her memoir of John urging (or really, begging) her to go to Cynthias house and ask Julian to phone him, because he hadn’t been able to get through to Julian, and he was trying to construct a better relationship with him around this time (this was before Sean was born, like you said, he seemed to lose motivation with Julian after Sean was born). I don’t know why Julian wasn’t taking his calls around this time - John seemed to think it had something to do with Cynthia, perhaps it was an autonomous decision made by Julian, perhaps it was entirely just a misunderstanding; I don’t know.
When it comes to Yoko, im conflicted - to some extent, I think John was being manipulated by her, and she was clearly isolating (even abusing) him - but also, he’s a grown man, and so he had to take the initiative for his own life. So I don’t know, but id say she is still partly responsible for spoiling Johns relationship with Julian.
~ ~ ~
At the end of the day, all I can really say is that John was just a classic case of parents needing therapy before they start, y’know, parenting - but it was 1963, and thats just not something most people underwent back then, especially people with more complex and unrecognised traumas, as well as mental illnesses that, whilst prevalent, may not have been so apparent. To clarify that point, I think John could function well-enough in his day to day life to be able to get by, because I don’t think his traits of mental illness tended to disrupt his life to such a degree that he could not function (at least not in 1963, though in later years, id argue more so they did; but even still, I don’t think John tended to struggle with mania or psychosis etc.) But I think he was still dealing with mental illness in a way that wrecked almost all meaningful relationships for him, as well as made feeling love and functioning as an emotionally stable and consistent person, a real hardship and challenge for him. And this inability to feel loved and cared for etc. made being a parent, quite simply, impractical. He needed therapy, and its a shame he died before ever receiving real therapy because it would’ve been interesting to see how John might have come to terms with really acknowledging his failures as a parent, and because Julian might have gotten some real closure with his dad.
All in all, I think Phillip Larkin said it best
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telaraneas · 3 years
I’m sending you an analysis ask!! My ask is… Dave! What I always wonder about dave is how he became such a fan favorite among the young fanbase all those years ago. I feel like my original reading of Dave has been heavily influenced by the fandom activity surrounding him at the time (he was the 2012 hs fandom’s #1 sadboy). As a relative latecomer to the fandom, what were your reactions to Dave? And how do you feel today’s fans view him?
yeah i remember he was a big fan favorite, because this was one of the things you knew if you just EXISTED in tumblr around 2012, even if you knew nothing about homestuck you jsut saw a billion fanarts of that one kid with the sunglasses. but really, "relatively latecomer" relative nothing, i am a brand new baby fan latest of latecomers and i will happily give you my Dave Experience
i can't speak for how other modern fans view him, but for me personally, honestly i have to say i think i really didn't Get Him until late act6; which isn't to say he wasn't an interesting character before then, but that almost everything interesting about him went over my head on the first read.
i think my issue was partly that i was taking his facade mostly at face value and that i didn't really get WHERE his angst was coming from in the ocassions it popped up. like.. it's not that i bought into the idea that he's this cool ironic guy who doesnt afraid of anything, but i guess mostly his typing style and sense of humor were a bit too true-to-life for what the kind of person who thinks "ironic enjoyment of shitty things, too cool to actually care about anything, troll the shit out of anyone who engages with you honestly" is peak comedy actually speaks like, which made him kind of an unpleasant presence to me at the beginning; knowing he was definitely using that irony to cover up something didn't really help, because that's just universally true of basically everyone who's Like That, and that doesnt make them any less insufferable
the thing about dave strider is that he actually keeps up the disaffected cool kid act for a looooong time, and with so much going on and so many characters and stories to think about, i never spared him as much thought as i could have... until act6 happened, and dave was revealed to be a massive dork, and that SERIOUSLY changed my understanding of him as a character. like it's really hilarious how much his early arc persona totally falls apart when you take away the comfort of text-based communication. the addition of body language and the loss of the fractions of a second to formulate answers REALLY change his dialogue and how he reads as a character in ways that are subtle but were kind of shocking to me when i was reading it
like, for example i never had the patience for his long random tangents in chatlogs because i got the feeling he was doing them because he was just that sure that whatever he was on was THAT witty and funny, or alternatively, NOT that witty or funny, which is why he went on those tangents to be ~ironic~ or whatever, and tbh i have adhd and not enough patience to sit and read his diatribes
eeexcept, late comic dave recontextualizes the HELL out of this by revealing that no, HE KINDA REALLY DOES JUST GO ON TANGENTS FOR NO REASON 100% GENUINELY AND ITS NOT A CALCULATED PSEUDO-IRONIC THING AT ALL which makes his lenghty rambling read VERY differently
that sort of stuff. like, i was fully prepared for the irony to be a cover for someone who does genuinely care about things- but i was NOT prepared for the CONCEPT OF IRONY ITSELF to be basically the only thing about his demeanor that wasn't mostly genuine, whether dave himself realized it or not. dave has been a riot on rereads, hes like a totally different character with hindsight
on the topic of Dave Angst in specific, i have to admit- the whole thing is actually VERY subdued before late act6 unless you're actually looking for it and paying attention to dave as a character; and while i imagine this was a given for many readers at the time, who already liked him as a character and were reading and thinking about each update as it came out, to me as someone blitzing through the comic at a stage where things were starting to get complex, i COMPLETELY missed major moments that inform his problems, philosophy, worldview, fears, and general arc
because of this, a lot of the major moments where dave is actually OBVIOUSLY distressed or upset, left me mostly asking "hold on, what??? where did this come from, what is this about?????". to be fair, even back then i was pretty sure that there WAS something there that must have been set up earlier and i just missed it, but it was still kind of a confusing read. some specific examples: dave getting upset at terezi after the coinflip godtier timeline splitting debacle, his whole disjointed speech about the reluctant hero thing in the first meenah walkaround, his entire conversation with grimbark jade where he just states he's not time traveling again. those moments totally blindsided me on my first read
another moment that completely blindsided me, but which i actually Got on the first read regardless, was the long-awaited striderchat. i did not AT ALL expect the direction that went, but it did a fantastic job at recontextualizing what i had initially just accepted without question as a comically exaggerated videogamey home situation (not that much of a stretch when the final member of the party was raised by a dog in the middle of nowhere), into a traumatic enviroment that informs a lot of WHY dave is the way he is and why he used to think and approach the world the way that he did
other than that, theres a lot of Dave Angst i am still only just untangling on the reread because his anxieties sometimes stem from really esoteric ideas that i couldn't wrap my head around when i was busy trying to keep track of the billion plot threads of act5 which i was reading as fast as possible lol. but like, just earlier today i had the realization that dave's fear of death manifests MUCH more strongly in fear over being responsible over alt versions of him dying, than it does when his actual life is being directly threathened. dave would be susceptible to dumb thought experiments along the line of pascal's mugging, is what i'm saying, much more so than he would be to getting actually mugged.
tldr dave is an interesting character and i like him very much now, but boy did i not Get Him until recently
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missputotyra · 3 years
Digimon Idea - The MC and Her digimon pt 1
@cosmic-orchaid - The Main character is a black woman , She also has Austim And works in a grocery store with starving artist.She Obtains her digimon after the U-scans go crazy causing the Entire store to be Teleported into a Digital Space
- the MC and the entire Front end of the Store are Attacked by a Rouge Tyrannomon Who more than likelly attacked because its Grocery store( a Chain Simlar to Korgers’s) . Of course The MC and her Coworkers are saved by Champion( Fusion ) of her Digimon Doublemon who after giving the MC the. Digivice deforms into Two owl like Digimon as the Store Shifts back to the Real world.
- Digimon in this universe are seen as well a sentient Ai that random company found and Marketed some of the frienfly ones as Companions the Digital world was always around but company called Bando found it and Marketed them as “ virtual companions “ or It’s Just takes places Years after 02 . So MC or any other digidestined don’t really have to hide thier digimon cause it’s so common place to see them
- The MC and Her Relationship with Philip and Shotaro is complex
- Philip usally Sits at home and Generally the One You see MC Petting or Stroking when she’s Nervous In public .
- Shotaro dosent like being stroked in public cause his Half boiled Shotaro wants to appear hardboiled so MC Respect this . He dose timidly Ask to be stroked at home .
- Theres Three people other than MC they will let Stroke them , Older lady , Recluse and MCs mother
- they dont like Wangxian stan petting them cause shes too rough and they technically dislike being pet and coddle in such manners.
- So Shotaro is rather protective of MC, Her mother and Philip especially cause they live near a “ bad neighborhood “so gunshots are common infact it seems That Shotaro is wary of the sound and it’s common after it happens for him to check all the rooms in the house and then crawl into bed with MC and Philip.
- Shotaro and Philip have spooked MC accidentally on many occasions due to the fact their Owls.
- Shotaro and Philip also don’t like being called Animatronics , Furbies or Falcomon
- Shotaro accidentally got himself a Job at the grocery store where MC works due to fact that customers thought he was the stores mascot which is unsurprising a purple barn owl. All that was need was a sign that says “ Please don’t Pet me , I bite “, and an apron. He Was only there to spy on MC due to a recent incident invovling a rude Customer and MC‘s Mom became a Mama Bear for a moment .
- Philip is rather reserved with his feelings and the MC has Similar Resevered nature . He also tends to wander A lot - Due to fact that she is a Black Autstic person MC thinks the others wouldn’t really care for hearing about her struggles and Anxiety regarding being in a society Where as A Black woman she can’t make mistakes or else be seen as a Mad black woman , “Ghetto “or stupid. While also dealing with being Autistic , MC dosent have the same Luxury , The police could harm her cause you can’t have a Panick attack when your Black and autistic a suspect the police to know how to deal with it calmly. In a society that suscept a 22 year black woman to have sex with 12 different men and have a 7 year old child but then treats her like child when she mentioned she has autism ,In a society where during her middle school years every kid though she was “manipulating” her way into getting better treatment just for needing a computer to type up papers so the teachers didn’t have to try deciphering her handwriting and Needing to listen to music , In a society that can make Autistic Black people outcast labeling them as “ Oreos” , In a society that makes you do your hair everytime you go out , In a society where your former stepdad dosent believe you will ever drive cause you Failed 2 times and In a society that you can’t deal without Therapy , Stimming or Medicine .
- MC is Very much masking alot of her issues under guise of being friendly . This dose relate To Kamen Rider W Shotaro notably tries to Mask his Emotions to look Hardboiled only to be told he‘s “ halfboiled “ and even Incompetent at times and Philip dosent understand how to express and be open with his emotions meaning he comes off as Rude ,Cold and Robotic unless he takes interest in something. S
- This especially true with how she deals with Wangxian Stan MC has no Idea how to Address Wangxian Stan with out making her more upset and Everyone Eles is excepting her. To deal with Wangxian Stans behavior.
- Similar the other digimon seem To think of Philip and Shotaro as a Get of Jail free card since they can Naturallly fuse and are compatible with all the Relics execept 1.
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stargazerauraa · 3 years
chapter 4
chapter 5
Today is the day that you've been dreading for the past two weeks. It's been playing on your mind since your father called you late on a Sunday evening.
"Angel, how are you?" Your fathers voice lifts your spirits. even more so when you hear him call you the nickname he's called you since you were little.
"I'm okay, are you? Why are you calling so late?" You often worry when he calls you out of the blue.
Your mother has tried to cut you out of everyone's life. Especially hers, but she sees how close you and your father is and she disposes it, so she keeps him from calling you.
You hear him chuckle on the other end of the phone at the worry in your voice. You've always been a worrier.
"Family dinner in two weeks time, i want you to attend."
The line falls silent on both ends, "No." You reply sternly after a few seconds. Theres no way you're attending a family dinner, especially when that demon you call your mother will be there.
"Angel-" He starts but you cut him off. "Your wife doesn't want me there why are you inviting me."
Your father takes a deep breath, "That's your mother too, not just my wife." He sounds exhausted and you can't help but feel bad, but this has to be the worst idea he's ever had.
"Do you forget that i don't care?" You toss your half eaten sandwich in the bin, the thought of going making you feel sick.
"Please, just attend the dinner. For me." He knows you have a soft spot for him and he plays on him. 'Smart' you think as you try to open your water bottle with one hand.
Sighing, you answer him reluctantly. "Fine, for you. My god, you know i'm a push over why do you have to do this?"
He laughs and hangs up, leaving you wondering what the fuck just happened.
You stand in front of the mirror in your dress that's far too short, tight and low-cut for a 'family' dinner and smile.
"This ought to piss her off. It's perfect." You say, admiring yourself.
Your mother doesn't like people who go against the norm, or women who are comfortable in their own skin.
She especially doesn't like revealing clothing. So you wear exactly that.
All of the confidence you seemed to exude beforeyou got to your parents house disappears once you knock at the door. You feel like a kid again. Small and vulnerable. Susceptible to her hurtful words.
Your father opens the door and embraces you in a hug immediately. "I like the outfit." He praises as soon as you release the hug.
"It'll give your mother a heart attack, i'm glad you wore it." You laugh with him as you make your way to the dining room.
As you enter you see your two sisters sitting with your mother. Your eldest sister inspects the ring on your mother's finger and your other older sister giggles at something.
You haven't seen them for years, they haven't changed. Their hair is still blonde and they wear the same formal gowns they do every time mother threw one of her obnoxious parties that you weren't invited to.
"Angel is here." Your father announces abs you both enter the room."
You take a seat at the end of the table, facing your mother and father with your sisters either side of you.
"You made it. And you look like a whore, couldn't you dress appropriately for once?" She stares you down, forgetting that you're no longer a 17 year old with self esteem issues.
You glare back, "Hi, mother."
One thing you learnt was the less you say, the more aggravated she became.
"I invited her because this is a family dinner and she is family. Let's just eat well, okay?" Your father chimes in as he always does.
You nod and take a sip of your water as the food arrives. The nausea of being back in this house hits you but you know that you must eat, otherwise it's just another thing for her to scold you for.
"Angel, how is the firm? You're making good money i hear." He starts, hoping to shine some positive light onto you.
"Yes, i get payed one of the top salaries within the firm. I got a promotion recently that i was really hoping for…" You feel yourself loosening up a little.
Your mother exhales and drops her spoon into her bowl, the clattering sound bringing silence upon the five of you. She has a bored expression plastered across her face as she clasps her hands together, placing her chin on her hands.
"Yes yes that's great. Did you know that your sister started her own company last year ? It's really taking off." She brags as she pinches your sisters cheek jokingly.
They talk about anything and everything that has nothing to do with you for the rest of the night while you simply sit and listen like you always did.
"You know," Your mother slurs slightly as she gulps down the rest of her wine in her glass. "You look terrible in that dress."
She places the glass down slowly, "Did i tell you that already?" a drunken grin emerges on her face.
You’re definitely ready to leave now.
"Yes, you did and i told you that i don't give a fuck about what you think." Your patience is running out and she's pushing your buttons.
Her glaring eyes darken as she gives you that familiar look. Anxiety spreads through your body as memories of your childhood resurface. All by that one look.
"You've always been a disrespectful little girl. Never appreciating anything i do for you, unlike your sisters who are always grateful. What went wrong with you?" She bellows as she slams he hands upon the table making the cutlery move.
Your sisters do nothing. They don't stand up for you, their little sister. They don't flinch, or even look your way.
"Honey that is enough. You've had enough to drink so you're taking it out on her, like you always have done." Your father stands up for you as he grabs his wife's hands harshly, pulling her away from you.
Your mother's face contorts into an emotion you can't read. It's like disbelief, anger, humour ... you've never been able to tell what shes thinking.
"What the fuck do you mean by that? I'm not the one with the issue here," She begins to take steps forward to your father, getting into his face as she waves her arms around in anger. "She is the issue. You're precious angel." She spits out your childhood nickname as if it were offensive to her.
One thing you can't stand is when she gets aggressive with your dad. You always feel some sense of needing to protect him from her. "Get the hell away from him," You start as you grab your jacket from the back of your chair.
"Obviously me being here causes problems. For some reason, you can't stand to be in the same room as me or even breathe the same air as me." Suddenly, emotions begin to arise that you've kept hidden for so long. Words that you swore you'd never say begin to fall from your lips.
"They are the daughters you always wanted and craved, but me? not so much. I never asked to be brought into this world to be treated to badly by the ones who were supposed to love and protect me,
i'm sorry i can't be the daughter you wanted so badly but i never asked for any of this. It's not my fault."
You slip the jacket on, letting your hands fall to your sides before turning on your heel, ready to leave this hell hole. "Pathetic." Is all your mother can spits out as you leave.
Stopping in your tracks, you turn around and face the humans you share blood with. The one that brought you life. "You're not my mother as far as i'm concerned, and you,"
You point to both of your sisters, "are no sisters of mine. As far as i'm concerned, i'm an only child with a father and no mother. You're dead to me."
With that, you turn once again and strut out of the dining room and make your way to your car.
Your heels the only sound as you've left everyone speechless.
As you drive home, tears blur your vision of the road but you done even care. It feels as though a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. Instead of feeling weighed down you feel as though you could float away.
It's now just you and your father. And that's all you need.
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steelfolk · 4 years
Just some thoughts about Grimsley's character arc.
Small tw for mental illness and addiction.
Ok so everyone knows Grimsley comes from a shitty family, because his wiki says so. So he was probably raised terribly too, and he's mentioned in pokemas that he didn't trust anyone easily because even the closest people to you can use you, or something along those lines. Over the years of being league member, any time something went wrong, he usually tries to shrug it off and hide his feelings. However seeing his reactions when he loses a battle makes me believe he's also susceptible to having mental break downs, either in hiding or accidentally in front of his fellow league members. But I would assume he hides his true emotions from them. In his original pokemas story, he's chill or whatever, connects with Nanu and theres not much else to be said. Nanu is for some reason connected deeply with Grimsley, its possible that Nanu is one of the few people he actually trusts with certain information, the player being another person. Then, cue his buddies  (the npcs)  deciding they have had enough of his battling style, to which he admits that was not his intended style and that's not how he battles at all. However, they yell at him, instead of just, yknow discussing it with him. This probably triggers something in him, so he considers leaving Pasio and going somewhere else. It's possible he ran from his family and right into the League, since Alder also seems like someone who helps people in need. Nanu, Alder, both people who Grimsley can trust. However, Will and his Xatu can probably sense emotions, thus why  him and Karen were so quick to arrive and stop him from leaving. The next day in the story, Nanu sees Grimsley with the Sharpedo and the new outfit and mentions that Grimsley looks happier. Is he ACTUALLY happier though? He probably feels better than before because Will and Karen picked him up off the ground, but anyone with mental illness knows it's not that easy to just... be happier. My theory behind this, he now has more serious, not so happy expressions. It looks out of character on him. So his real emotions are starting to show, but is it a good thing?
It's always good to be true with yourself, but if you can get help, that's even better. Unfortunately, something must have happened back in unova that made him snap and run off. A lot of people like to say he was kicked out of the league. The wiki says he left. I think he ran. I also dont think it was anyone in the league's fault that he ran either. I feel as though they tried to support him and help him, but they could not. Remembering Nanu, he fled to Alola as a complete mess.
Take that as you will. That's just how I interpret the whole thing.
Another thing: Many in the fandom believe that Grimsley may have a gambling addiction, myself included. Keeping this in mind, its possible he only views himself as a person of worth if he has money on him. I don't know how his family treated him, but I definitely know they used him, due to his dialogue in his first pokemas story. Many addictions are formed for awful reasons, and Grimsley, being victim of being cast aside and used, probably views himself as more useful if he gained a lot of money very quickly.
All in all, this man is at his limit by the time his Sygna Suit arc comes along. You can so easily tell. He's more soft spoken during battle. He's not as excited when he battles with Sharpedo as he did with Liepard. Grimsley needs a friend and a hug. And a vacation.
If you have anything to add on, or even different ideas, don't be afraid to comment on this post. I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts.
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Sheryl’s Redemption
This is something about the show that has bothered me for a while... but not in the way a lot of you are thinking.
Yes, Sheryl redemption was a bit rushed. She’s been a bad mother for over thirty years and maybe a bad person for even longer. That doesn't go away in ten minutes or less. Her change of heart felt a bit rushed and her reunion with Gary after this shift is also brushed over a lot. These are all things I agree with. They crammed plenty of stuff into the season 2 finally. Most of it amaze-balls. So its understandable this was quick, and thus not as good as it could have been.
That’s not my problem though. My problem is the way they caused this redemption is through ABUSIVE, MANIPULATIVE, BULL SHIT. 
Lets set the stage shall we? Sheryl has been traveling alone in space for twenty some odd years, looking for some kind of dimensional keys that may, to her knowledge, not even exist. Well after decades of looking, she finally hits pay dirt, collects all the keys, and has the reward she wanted for so long, just within her grasp.
Then life kicks her in the teeth. Gary has taken the keys, stabbed her (not that she didn’t deserve a little karma with him) and has, to her mind, basically taken her last chance to save John away from her. They (maybe. MAYBE) tell her that the Titan Oreskis lied to her, that it was never really going to bring John back to her. Essentially making what could be 1/4 of her life wasted. (They also left her with KVN overnight.)
Sheryl isn’t showing it, but this has made her vulnerable. She is susceptible. 
Then H.U.E, Tribore and Fox come in to show her the memories of her past, right in front of her. Her fight with John, likely the most painful day of her life.
NOW all this above? Its fine. Bringing up the memory is a good way to help put Sheryl’s problem in perspective, they talk about it. This is fine.
BUT then they pull out these memories of what could have happened if Sheryl had stayed, and THAT IS WHERE I DRAW THE LINE.
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THESE ARE NOT REAL. They didn’t dig these up from an alternative time line. These were images that were falsities! Prevarications! Fantasy. They made these up! They present these as things that would likely have happened, when they have no way to prove it! Sheryl is being emotionally manipulated. 
And I can show you!
Firstly, who says John would have even taken her back? How could he? He chose not to trust her without hearing any of her side. He ordered her out of his home before she even told Gary she wished he was never born. What could Sheryl have said to make this better? Would he ever trust her around Gary? Would he ever trust her around his work?! John would live with this nagging doubt in the back of his mind for the rest of his life. Never knowing if Sheryl loved him or was using him. He called her a monster...
And even if, and this is a big if, John took Sheryl back, thats no guarantee she’d have been a good mother. She’s shown to be hard, gruff and stiff, even before meeting John. If anything I’d see her being more like Avacato as a parent, not taking him to the beach. She and Gary could have still had a difficult relationship. Possibly even an abusive one on some level.
These two images.
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JOHN, at this point, WOULD BE DEAD. He would have been dead for years!
He was working on a way to close the breach in space since before Gary was born. You really think Sheryl being there would have kept him on earth?! He left Gary, at the age of twelve, with apparently no one else to care for him when he closed the breach in real life! (What you think he actually willed Gary’s custody to Sheryl in the real time line?) With Sheryl around in this fake one, he’d had double the reason to leave. Double because he’d have more important people to him to save, and no reason to worry about Gary being cared for.
These images are fake. They are LIES. They are made to make Sheryl feel guilty, and ashamed. They are MANIPULATIVE and they are ABUSIVE. Sheryl is already vulnerable due to life screwing her over and revisiting her past with the holochamber thing. She was starting to change without these. She was open to conversation. This is just beating her over the head when she’s down. I know she’s not a good person, but this is just horrible to do to someone.
You want this in perspective?!
Todd H. Watson did something very similar to Gary.
When Gary is in the Happy Place Powerplant, he gave Gary everything he wanted. Family, respect, power, and a chance to be the prefect hero. Then, after what was likely a very long (To him) journey to save his cookie family, Todd kicked him in the teeth and destroyed them.
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These images are things Gary wanted.  A slight more twisted ‘look what you could have had.’ If Gary hadn’t been a thief, if he had been better. He could have had a family of his own. He could have been respected. If had just been better back ‘then’.
And all these images. Cookie family. His heroics. They weren’t real. Theres no way they could have happened. However the effect they had on Gary are very much real. They made Gary hurt and vulnerable. 
And susceptible to influence. To Todd’s idea that its Gary’s fault his family is dead.
Now thats not to say that H.U.E, Tribore and Fox didn’t have good intentions. Especially compared to Todd, but dose that make it right?
Look, maybe I’m going too far into this. Maybe I’m not putting it into word correctly. I just think if you want someone to change, it need to be from their own volition. Through conversation, reflection, the reaction of others and seeing how one’s actions affect these people around them.
Not by guilting them with things that could have happened. Things they could have done. Things that are hypothetical. Things just made to hurt them, and to kick them in the teeth when they already have none left to spit out. Its not leading to redemption. Its a fucking punishment. Its a form of gas lighting. 
I dunno. Its just never sat well with me.
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Alien force balancing part the third
Alien force aliens too strong, me don’t like, gonna change to make more interesting fights and higher stakes. Let’s end this exercise in proposing changes to a kids show that’s been off the air for like 7 years.
1. Chromastone
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Current power set:
1. Energy absorption
2. Laser and shield generation from absorbed energy out of pink crystals
3. High durability
4. Flight (????)
Revised power set:
1. Energy absorption
2. Laser production from absorbed energy out of pink crystals
3. High durability provided he’s not full of energy
Chromastone’s species is related to Diamondhead’s and serves as a back up to all the minds of Tetrax’s species so I’d say he’s a sort of messiah for the Diamondhead species and I think that should be reflected in how Ben uses Chromastone. What if, instead of pure “absorb energy show out rainbows through hands” Ben had to concentrate to ensure the energy is coming out of his hands as opposed to any other of his pink crystals? I think possibly a “calm demeanour” restriction to actually use his powers foreshadows Chromastone's actual role and purpose and forces Ben to develop maturity and could maybe provide a cool scene where someone is kidnapped that Ben super cares about (probably Julie but I’d also love this with Kevin) and he uses Chromastone with deadly precision because he’s at this weird state of hyper rage calm and ultimate concentration and is DECIMATING whoever is keeping the kidnapped person hostage. For everyday use this would just mean Chromastone does more absorbing and can act as an energy sponge more, he could still shoot the lasers back he would just do less and they would have to be more accurate, putting more stress and importance on each shot. Second big change is Chromastone’s durability, I want him to be more susceptible to physical attacks when he’s more charged up with energy. I get that he’s made of probably a diamond like substance but having him invulnerable to energy and physical attacks is like that annoying twat in your class who had an everything proof shield during pretend games at recess NO TRISTAN WE CAN’T TELL ON YOU FOR THIS BUT STILL FUCK YOU WE DIDN’T EVEN WANT TO PLAY WITH YOU AND NOW LUCAS IS CRYING BECAUSE YOU’RE SUCH AN INSUFFERABLE FUCK HEAD. So the more energy Chromastone has got the more brittle he becomes meaning he can be durable or offensive but not both. This can be how Vilgax kills Chromastone also by charging him up WAY too much and Ben is freaking out so can’t expel the lasers out and then Vilgax just flicks him because the original battle was so lifeless and anticlimactic.  Also can we please have Gwen shoot a load of mana into Chromastone when they’re surrounded and then destroy everything around them, that’d be sick. 
2. Jetray
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Current power set:
1.  Supersonic -> light speed flight
2. Laser vision and tail
3. Durability to survive gunfire
4. No need for oxygen
Revised power set:
1. Supersonic flight and swimming
2. Ability to generate electricity around body like an electric eel
Jetray is one of the main reasons I started making these posts, in the OG series XLR8 was fast, Stinkfly could fly and heatblast had projectiles, in UAF Jetray does all of these and does them better meaning Jetray is rarely going to be in a situation where he’s out of his element. Jetray also has some of the highest bullshit levels I’ve ever seen, no need for oxygen??? Super speed in space??? GUNFIRE DURABILITY??? FUCKING LASERS???? Thats too much man. I’m taking away the Superman factor and just making him a fast flyer while also giving him the Superman blue factor and giving him a little bit of electricity. Jetray won’t be able to shoot the electricity or anything but he can zap people if he’s in direct contact with them, and of course he can do some problem solving with it like maybe holding a metal stick and using it as an cattle prod or Kevin absorbs some metal and Jetray supercharges him making him basically Mjonir. There should also be a cool down on the electricity so not everything Jetray does is going to be zapping fools, there’ll also be just good old Jetray aerial combat. Just as a final little change I want to change the actually design to the one in the bottom right of this concept picture.
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Tbh Jetray is super ugly and I’d rather him have this buggy face instead of the thumb with eyes and a mouth he currently has.
3. Humungousaur 
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Current power set:
1. Big strong dinosaur 
2. Thick and durable hide
3. Ability to increase size and mass
Revised power set: 
1. Big strong dinosaur
2. Thick and durable hide
3. Black spikes that Ben is able to shape into different dinosaur parts and maybe weapons
I am admittedly harsh with Alien force for it’s heinous crime of not being the show I watched when I was a child and thus less smart and full of criticism and anxiety and because of this I really try and give credit where credit is due with alien force but humungousaur is something I can’t give credit for. I know that the show is unrealistic and doesn’t have to adhere to normal physics but even in a world with a magic alien watch that has a person change mass and size, having humungousaur gain mass doesn’t make sense because humungousaur’s species don’t all wear those magic alien watches so I think they should take the omniverse route and quietly sweep his size changing under the rug. In addition I think they should take notes from the... 🤢 take notes in design from the r-🤢... TAKE NOTES FROM THE REBOOTED DESIGN 🤮🤮🤮. 
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Writing that makes the old man in me scream because the reboot Ben has FUCKED so many aliens (rip XLR8 & Wildvine) but they really did good with humungousaur. Really the design isn’t that different but I LOVE the black scales and I think it’d accent my proposed power change really which is to have those black spike form claws or triceratops horns or the normal mace on humungousaur’s tail essentially giving him the necrosword from marvel but with more dinosaur themes. (Real quick I only watch clips of the rebooted Ben 10 and I did see some pictures while writing this of humungousaurs with swords and shit on their tails so maybe I’m ripping this off but what are you gonna do huh? Call a cop?? I’ll just have sex with them 😎 ). This power change I think will give ben more routes of attack like  headbutts using horns or tail swipes with the mace or even making all the black spikes go on his hand and unleashing a BEAT DOWN on someone. Honestly Humungousaur like Goop is a good boy who didn't really require a change it was just something that bothered me more than something on a kids show should bother someone.
4. Alien X
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Current power set:
1. Anything?
Revised power set:
1. Still anything
Ah Alien X, basically the antithesis to this whole time sink I’ve forced upon myself. Okay another cop out but Alien X was a really really good concept, it’s weird that the universe personified as DNA but who cares, this literal god has proper balances to ensure he doesn't break the show and they used it sparingly enough to make sure it never felt cheap and always had weight. The fact that Gwen and Kevin had to both use keys to activate Alien X was a realistic and cool decision and gave a sense of actual danger when using it. The problem with all this though is that Ben then only really has 9 aliens because Alien X is never used, so my proposed change is to make Alien X the 11th alien and just pop LODESTAR in his place for 10th, EVERYTHING else would be the same just Ben would have access to Lodestar earlier and since LodeStar is a good good boy I don’t think he needs any changes.
Thanks everyone for reading this hot mess of a series, if weren’t clued off from the title alone theres 2 other parts in this series which are probably better because I used all the aliens I had ideas for power changes first and then went “shit, there’s still 4 left”.
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We both walk into one of the rooms in the house, me stumbling, him holding the door open for me- constantly wary I may tumble. He watches me as I lay on the bed. I am as drunk as I have ever been and having freshly watched a horror movie easily susceptible to sudden bursts of fear. I have asked him to come upstairs with me until I have fallen asleep as I am tired but scared, he agreed. I lay down on the bed and pat the pillow next to me, “come here”, He follows my instructions. He is sitting somewhat rigidly- my drunk self doesn’t appreciate this, I grab him by the arm and pull him down to my level. We are lying side by side, I am looking at the ceiling and he is looking at me, studying my side profile and the nape of my neck.
“I’m going to the toilet. I won’t ask you to come with me but be here when I’m back”. Thankfully the girl has an en suite, I walk in and stare at myself in the mirror. I fix my boobs which are propped up in a pretty lace bra that I got on sale in VS- I’m wearing a low cut body suit with some jeans. My figure looks amazing. I get rid of some of the smudged mascara under my eyes. I look around for some makeup- a stray concealer will have to do so I reapply some under my eyes. I also swirl some listerine and then do what I came in here to do- pee. When I come back in he is slightly more relaxed, his hands folded behind his neck and his legs slightly crossed. His shirt has lifted a little and is revealing a tiny slither of skin that makes the butterflies in my stomach go wild.
“All done”.
He turns to his side just as I resume my position next to him. I gesture at the light and he reaches over and switches it off, revealing himself even more. It’s all dark now but there is still a ray of light coming in from outside- perfect for my viewing pleasure without the harshness of a full chandelier.
“For the record I didn’t want to watch the movie but everyone called me a pussy and now I’m here being babied by you”. I’m focusing very hard on not slurring my words but the cocktail of alcohols I took earlier are making their mark. Only one part of me is sober- the one that knows I’ve wanted him for over a year- the one that got me drunk enough to give me the confidence for this moment in the first place.
He chuckles, his laugh is deep and hearty and rumbles through my core.
“I’m not babying you, and anyway... I don’t mind doing it”
“I wasn’t implying you did... anyone would be lucky to be in your position right now” for a second I think I’ve gone too far but he leans slightly closer and says, “they would be”. More butterflies- they’re going wild and so am I.
I slip the blanket over the two of us- the goosebumps on my arm are hard to ignore and I’ve been outside for most of the night so the warmth is welcome.
“Hug me” it’s not a weird request, we’ve hugged before but never before while lying down- never so intimate. He obliges- assuming his usual awkward nature I thought he would just put an arm around my shoulders but he scoots right up to me I turn to my side and he slots into his position as big spoon perfectly. I’m going wild inside and I’m not sure I can contain myself anymore.
I move back to close the gap between us- I expect him to move back but he presses his body up against mine as a response. I lift up my midriff and he slots his arm under me. I slot my cold feet back in between his and finally, We are one. I can feel his warm breath on my neck.
If this goes nowhere further tomorrow and the rest of our days as best friends may get very weird. Even though I am drunk and off my rocker I am willing my brain to remember every moment, everything I felt. He is dead sober and I know he’ll be replaying this moment in his mind for years to come.
“Did you see the way she sat in him? Unnecessary and completely overbearing- I wanted to slap her” talking about the girl whose house, and bed we were in. Neither of us were big fans of her, my previous best friend and his ex, we didn’t harbour great feelings for her but we both managed to stay pretty close to her.
“He looked so uncomfortable bless him, he must have been in excruciating pain sitting under all of that” I feel every word he says it before it even becomes vocalised. As someone who suffered an eating disorder and two major weight losses I wouldn’t normally approve of this humour but this girl ripped his heart out chewed it twice and spat it back out, I hate her in more ways than one. I laugh- I have nothing else to add and I’m scared I’ll say something that will mess up this moment. I’m running my fingers along his forearm and he has cupped my stomach. Mind you I’ve been working diligently on making sure there is nothing to cup- even as I lay on my side I am perfectly flat- I’m constantly hungry and work out too much but nothing feels better than the confidence from this new body. He was worried for me for a bit when I first came back from summer almost half my size but he enjoys my new body almost as much as I do. He himself is a frequent gym goer- especially now in this moment I can feel him muscles tense and un tense- his arms, abdomen and thighs. I press even further against him, I can feel every inch of him against my ass. I’m not sure if he’s just huge or I’ve done enough to excite him so I move even closer. I feel a slight twitch and the pressure against my behind grows- he really truly is enormous. I wonder if I should turn around and make the first move but he answers my question for me by nuzzling his face in the space between my collar bone and jaw- not long after I feel his lips on my skin. There are fireworks going off inside me. I let out a whimper- I’ve never been this intimate with a boy- especially not one I’ve wanted so passionately. He laughs- he loves teasing me- I can already tell he’s going to make me wild before he gives me any form of satisfaction. I’ve made it no secret what domination makes me feel like- I’m sure he’ll show me just how dominating he can be. He moved his hand from my stomach to my breast- between my recent growth and the padded bra I was wearing, there was plenty for him to grab. Another gasp. This time he makes a low groan of his own to match mine. I put my hand on his upper thigh and move it into the gap between our bodies. I slid it down to his length, now pressing eagerly against his length. Almost in a synchronised action to mine he slides his hand down to the zipper of my jeans. I regret wearing a bodysuit around about now but I thank the heavens for the full body wax I’d got just two days before. My body was ready as he undid my jean button and then the zip. He did it slowly to agonise me and my breaths were becoming shorter.
“It...i...theres... it’s a body suit” I manage. He puts his other hand to my lips to silence me and continues to caress my neck with his lips. Then in a single snap he undoes the snap button on my body suit. As he does so he brushes against my eager lips and another whimper escapes me. He laughs again. He slides his hand into my underwear and teases me. I can’t take much more so I turn my body around to face him. I hug his face with my hands and he leans down to reach me. Our first kiss, his first proper kiss. But he is good. He has both hands on my ass and I have one on his face and one on his chest. I can feel his heart beat and unlike his tough demeanour his heart tells a different story. I pushed him onto his back and began to straddle him, I could feel his erection pressing up against me. I move my hands to the bottom of his shirt and slowly begin to pull it up. He took his hands off me to finish removing his shirt. He has an incredible body- carved like a god and a layer of hair covered his chest and abs. He proceeds to remove my body suit which is already loose. He is gentle yet rough all at once. When he takes it off he pauses for a second to admire me, then he runs his hands along my stomach and up to my boobs which he cups.
“Wow. I love your tits”
That sent lightning bolts down my spine. His rough persona in bed contrasted his gentle self so perfectly I could cry. I was aching with need for him. He reached behind me and undid my bra. I was nervous for this- I hated my nipples I thought them much too big for my boobs but they were rock hard now and he didn’t seem to mind as I let the straps fall then slowly pulled the bra from me and let my boobs go free. He cupped them yet again and ran his thumbs around my nipples in circles.
I was whimpering again so I leaned down to kiss him. I moved down from his lips to his chin and then to his neck. I made a trail of kisses all the way to the top of his jeans. I looked up at him to make sure he was comfortable with what I was about to do. His face was already contorted with pleasure and I took that as my cue to undo his jeans and pull them down. He quickly removed them with me still on him and lay back down. I ran my hands along his underwear. He let out a choked noise- I liked teasing almost as much as he did, if not more. I kissed around the band of his underwear and proceeded to pull it down. All nine rock hard inches of him bounced out of his Calvin Kleins. I had never done this before but I’d watched more than enough porn to know exactly what I wanted. In a last ditch attempt to tease him I kissed from the base to the tip. I then focused on his tip for a few seconds before attempting to fit him in my mouth. I was more successful than I had hoped and the sounds coming from him confirmed that. He put his hands in my hair and began to press me down onto him- I loved this. After a while I could feel him succumbing so I worked even harder- using my hands and tongue to give him the best experience I could. After a few minutes I felt him release into the back of my throat. I looked up at him triumphantly. He looked ecstatic. An animal energy radiated from him. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me up onto him again. He proceeded to kiss me aggressively, even possessively until he flipped me around. He pinned my arm above my head. This was what really got me going and he knew this. I let a low moan escape me. He kissed down from my neck to my breast where he spent a considerable amount of time before moving down to the top of my jeans. He looked up at me and I nodded- or as close to a nod as I could muster. He undid my jeans and threw them across the room where they landed on the vanity with a noise. I was wearing see through lace underwear. It made me look and feel great. He used his teeth to partially remove them before proceeding to half rip them off of me. He uses his fingers to pin my legs to either side of me. He used his tongue to open me up. It took him eleven minutes to bring me to ultimate ecstasy. I was so loud I was sure someone would walk in, at one point he moved one hand from my thigh and clamped my mouth shut. When I finally came he was so proud of himself that he fell into a fit of laughter. By that time he was hard all over again but I didn’t make a move to re-engage as I didn’t want to have sex yet and I was sure my body would betray me if I did. I went to the toilet- wiped off my makeup and brushed my teeth with some toothpaste on my finger. I tied my hair up in a pony tail above my head and walked back in- stark naked. I decided against looking for my clothing so I picked my panties off the floor and put them on again- he was watching as he stroked himself so I put on a show. I ran my hands over my boobs and the rest of my body. I turned around to reveal my behind- arguably my best feature- and his favourite. I’d put on enough of a show that by the time I’d found his shirt to cover myself he had come again and was ready to sleep. I passed him his boxers so we wouldn’t be entirely indecent when someone eventually walked in and lay beside him. He reached over me to grab the blanket and put it over us. I fell asleep after kissing him passionately as a goodnight. Curled up against his chest, my legs in between his legs and one of them over the top of me.
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kihowon · 6 years
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hey yall i’m gabe, he/they, est. and this is my boy kiho he’s a rather new muse modified to fit this world but overall he’s still the guy i know an love n hope yall do too!!
┅ ☆ ★ ✮ ∟ ‖ do kyungsoo. 21. male. he/him. ‖ — a lolipop stained tongue, blaring black-light neon, eight-bit sound effects accompanied by the sound of heavy clicking. 」did you hear that KIHO WON is planning on attending the next race ?! i won’t lie, i’m pretty excited to see their NAVY BLUE AND ORANGE & AUDI R8 SPYDER in person. i know people say they’re really CORDIAL , DEXTEROUS  & UNWAVERING, but don’t you think they come off way too SUSCEPTIBLE, RETICENT & SENTIMENTAL ? i hear they’re always blasting ONE MORE by YAEJI ? oh well, they’re a member of the KINGS so i guess i shouldn’t complain. ┠ gabe , est , 21 & he/they ┨
my boi kiho born in seoul, to his mom and dad, jiho and kihyun won, tho his parents divorced at a young age.
his dad worked for a tech company while his mother was an architect
at a young age his father had forced him to live with him, giving kiho zero choice but to bid farewell to his mother who he felt closest too. this trait of his overbearing, demanding father had ruined most of kiho’s childhood, leaving kiho to find solace in other things outside of his home rather then to be home and be told to do things by his father
his self esteem isnt the highest but he’s learned to build a tough skin to insults 
kiho found this solace in gaming and arcades mainly, he coins it his dream job.
though most of kiho’s money he achieves through racing, repairing cars, or taking it from his dad without him having any knowledge of it
he didnt visit his mom often when he was younger only seeing her whenever he finally begged his father to let him go or when he sneaked out, but as he grew older he still found himself stuck between wanting to see his mom but worried that she might not like what he’d grown into or what he’d gotten himself into, now he only sees her two/three times a year with some money and gifts only to give her the idea that every things okay and theres nothing she’d ever have to worry about
his mom is really his everything, he calls her more then he’d like to admit often believing that even from afar his mom is his best friend even though he can’t tell her much
but being the self taught technician that he is, learning it begrudgingly at first at his father’s insistence to follow his footsteps, he found use it once his interest went from car games to real cars.
he’s a pretty good mechanic and technician, he prides himself on it really though people don’t really expect a lot from him he’s really just an odd kid
no one expects kiho to be a great driver with the way he carries himself but he really is, and if anyone ever asks him how he does it he swears it’s with the help of forsa, sometimes even mario kart
his first car was rather shirt compared to the one he has know, which he won through pinkslips
kiho all in all is really just a kid in a adult world, managing his best, he excels at arcade games like ddr, pump it up, but like if yall thought u were bad at dancing?? ur a fool because kiho might have really good coordination for dance games but his body?? the rest of his body?? doesn’t compute???
but dude plays a mean pinball, like duel him to a game of ice hockey and uR ON. smash bros?? oOF ur in for a battle.
he’s pretty naive and most likely to go along with anything, he’ll try anything once, it’s one of the many reasons he got involved with the kings, it started as a small thrill that grew into an addiction very similar to his kleptomaniac tendencies.
kiho’s never really had a strong group of friends other then ones he met online, or the regulars at the arcade he works at, he’s always drifted through, had friends, known people, but he’s never trusted anyone so deeply, but he’s also a bit scared to? 
it’s what made joining the kings so easy, finding a home outside of his own, finding a group of people willing to accept him, encourage him?
he’s easily susceptible and getting him hooked on street racing, a familiar group, well it wasn’t too hard to convince him
he’s also pansexual, and a biggo mess when it comes to relationships meaning he doesn’t know how they work, he’s never been in one? he’s barely kissed anyone or done anything with anyone and he’s def just like a shy simple romantic kinda guy, and all he’s really looking for is someone to hold his hand?? someone please just hold his hand?
he’s overrall just a lame boy with a good heart who likes people n just wants to be liked back and u know play games, whether it’s fooling people into thinking he’s a shitty driver that anyone could beat and showing them up, like the lowkey hustler that he is, or with a controller in his hand, he’s always ready for a challenge
wanted connections/plots ahhh
maybe a mentor? someone who brought him into the kings, taught him, helps him build his confidence?
honestly a good friend someone he can trust n just have a stress free game sesh with
someone who’s car he takes car of like his own? just like someone to talk mechanic with like the lil nerd that he is?
honestLY i dont have much im really just open to brainstorming n taking any suggestions!!<33
welp thats pretty much it, though i feel like i’m missing some things but like if u wanna know more or like pLoT, please lemme know or like straight up like this post n i will come to u!!!
i dont really have much set with what i want to plot out so im really willing to brainstorm n take anything or everything you want filled as long as it matches kiho’s personality :)
anywaY thank yaLL for reading my long ass post ur a real trooper n u deserve the world<3
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