#i think that one is harder cuz its an infinity symbol
aria0fgold · 2 years
Welcome back to the “Aria, aren’t you supposed to be writing?” saga of I got distracted...
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in my defense! I wanted to see if I can draw the sigil in PC using ms paint and a mouse since its main shape is just circles! And I can, but it’s terrible but an attempt was made lmnaopkassdxdfc
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firebuug · 2 years
da second madoka oc au ramble electric boogaloo. skuggy edition this time. idk what im doing
they r all little dudes. so he and buggy are like 14, and farrow is 15! i. do not know what skuggys little magicalgirl outfit would look like. i do want him n farrow to share matching infinity symbols so skugs can have that as a hair ribbon or a ribbon on his pants? instead of the traditional japanese schoolgirl uniform he has the buttoned-up male one, along with a big scarf around his neck that can act as a hood 😳 he’d probably have a gaiter as well that covers his nose and mouth??? idk the outfit ideas are a amagalmate that look awful combined so ill just piece them together in a doodle eventually. i do want him to look like an edgy little magical girl assassin tho lol
his wish was probably wishing for someones death lol. theoretically this could be farrow and it would be funny if at the same time farrow made his wish of “i dont want to die” but unfortunately kyubey cannot be two places at once. howeve r. theoretically . THEORETICALLY . but whatevs he is super bitter, if not his high school bully then he’d probably wish for the death of his dad LOL
his weapons r chainsaws why the fuck not. im giving him my old oc piper’s ability of dualwielding chainsaws bc hes been through enough shit i think he deserves it. he can either summon one big two-handed chainsaw or two single-hand-sized ones and just start ripping away. i guess his wish would give him some power but idk what itd be. maybe every time blood gets on his weapons it heals him? he can still feel pain and get exhausted but as long as theres blood on his blade he can keep going without being knocked out lol. idk. fuck ill think of a better one w time 💔 he is the one going thru the emo phase
his witch. is the moth witch. ok. so id love for it to be this fucker. cuz theme of death and his favorite insect. but unfortunately a bitch has got to be creative 🙄
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so instead his labyrinth is probably a big gallery/collage maze of a pinned butterfly and moth collection. n his familiars are mini butterfly-headed guys that kinda look like the fucker pictured above but like theyre schoolgirls w 4 big eyes on each of their wings. they wield big nails of varying types (so like they range from actual entomology pins to, like, metal construction nails) and try to pin u for the collection. theres also probably giant flying centi/millipedes that offer u a ride but usually end up dropping u off in a place farther from the center than before, but let u see the maze from above for a brief while
its like a big hedgemaze made out of boards upon boards of dead butterflies! 😦 and when you do reach the middle skuggy’s witch busts from their cocoon and is this towering indecipherable mass of different insects mishmashed together in the vague shape of a human with kind of a big cape that act like wings (but it cant fly, just flutter to blow a gust). a bunch of moths kinda swarm around it and obscure its face, but out of its head protrude like. a fuckton of different blades. like some are swords, some are cooking knives, some are giant entomology pins or sewing needles n shit. when you stab it, more moths pour out instead of blood! so its like farrows personal nightmare
UMMM because i love gimmicks in bossfights. its holding up this big scale of justice weighing on its back that keep the swarming moths calmed and only swarmed around it, but when it lets go of one side of the scale to pull a weapon from its head and attack the scale tips and the moths begin swarming the attackers instead! however the scale tipping weighs on him and makes it harder for him to hit, so hes just clumsily swinging at you. if you manage to get the scales to tip in the opposite direction, he will still swing at u, but the moths will start trying to hurt him instead. so its kinda like, either keep this scale untipped as much as possible, or tip it in a way that favors you, or fuck, just cut off one arm so when he lets go of the other side to fight the scales just balance themselves out in ur favor. either way his weak spot is in his face which is usually obscured by the moths, you can climb the scales when they’re tipped to reach it! idk whats under the moths. maybe a fuckin knifeblock. who knows. definitely not a human face though
anyways, after that nightmare of a witch, you will probably never want to see an insect ever again. its a bit easy once u get the hang of how its scales work, but for someone scared of bugs its probably the worst thing in the world
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