#i think she was owned by an elderly person who couldnt keep up with her
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A vet i called about getting an emergency visit for a dog we found in a ditch said that they had an opening on monday if that worked for me like lady i literally just told you she has puss coming out of a mass on her stomach DO YOU THINK I CAN WAIT UNTIL MONDAY??
#we had to bring groceries in and do a couple things before taking her somewhere so i called around to avoid emergency vet fees#only one actually sounded sympathetic and gave a suggestion bc they were full#shes with the humane society#the lady was a little apprehensive but once she saw her decided to help us out#i told her that we were heading to the emergency vet next and she full on said no#if we did that then wed be paying for it but handing her over means they pay for it#and she has a hold on her so once shes out of the vet and out of her stray hold we're first in line to adopt her#idk fully if we will but we're definitely considering it#despite having a massive mamory tumor and being 90% matts she was so sweet#she loved being held and wagged her tail when i scratched her back#her eyes were also infected so she couldnt see#she did not care that i touched her or picked her up#honestly shes pretty fat too so she definitely wandered out of someones house or was dropped off at the golf course near were we found her#but even the shelter said her owners would have a hard time getting her back with how terrible she looked if they came looking for her#i think she was owned by an elderly person who couldnt keep up with her#i feel bad imagining a little old lady looking for her dog but the dog was not being cared for at all
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Delusional -Part 12!
Delaney sat on the side of the uncomfortable St Thomas Hospital bed. Her head hung low as she tried to keep from breaking down. She couldn’t believe how her life had fallen apart so quickly when she tried her damn best to keep everything together. This time yesterday she was mentally preparing herself to die, believing she would never make it out of that room breathing. And now here she was in hospital after Gemma’s insistent pushing and threats to shove her size 9 boots up her ass if she didnt get herself checked out. All Delaney wanted to do was lie in her bed and let the world around her melt away. What else could she do? Life couldnt go back to how it was before. Nothing would ever be the same.
Her thoughts were cut off as Jax followed the Nurse into her hospital room. “Well Delaney, your hand is badly broken in 3 places. It’ll definitely need a cast. 2 ribs badly bruised but thankfully not broken and apart from the tenderness in your shoulders there’s nothing serious to worry about.” The elderly nurse sat on her stool in front of Delaney's bed. “I’ll just pop some butterfly stitches on the cut on your cheekbone, forehead and chin and then someone will be in to fit your cast.” Delaney stayed silent as the woman worked on her face. She kept her eyes on the Blue hospital curtain infront of her and avoided Jax’s worried eyes. Its not that she didnt want to talk to him, she just didnt know what to say. What could he want to hear other than, Im sorry i let my abusive ex fiance murder our baby we made by mistake one drunken night that you dont remember? Oh Yeah! That’ll go down a treat. All Jax wanted however, was to hold Delaney tight and tell her that he’ll never let anybody hurt her again. That if he had his own way no one would ever so much as raise their voice to her again. The pain he felt in his chest when he first saw her terrified on that video link hasnt left him for a second and he dont think it will until he holds her close again. His heart is breaking for the woman he loves more than he ever thought he could. He was always the one she put her trust in. He was the one who she always looked to when she needed help and watching her now in this hospital bed, still drowned in his oversized hoodie looking so fragile, she couldnt even look at him. And that hurt Jax more than anything.
The sweet elderly nurse smiled at Delaney as she finished up her stitches and left her and Jax in awkward silence. After a couple minutes Jax couldnt take it and had to break the tension. “We have alot to talk about Darlin’” Delaney looked away from him and stared blankly in front of her. “I’m sorry. I must of shit all over your and Tara’s ‘reunion’! Didnt exactly plan to get kidnapped did i?” She was tired, Hurt and instantly on the defense. Without turning to look at him Delaney gestured towards the door. “You can leave now tho. Im Fine.” Jax huffed at the Stubborn woman. “I wasnt with Tara! When you Kicked me out i went to the clubhouse and sat on the roof nearly all night. Until Ope talked some sense into me that is.” Sitting down next to her on the bed Jax tried to get her to look at him but she ignored his attempts. “Do you know what Ope made me realize?” Still facing the curtain Delaney pulled a face. “That she left you once and she will leave you again.That shes not really down for you or this life. If she loved you as much as she made out, if she really understood you she would never of considered asking you to leave your family and this life behind.” Delaney finally looked at Jax. “Ive never had even one conversation with her. But from what you have told me, from seeing how broken she left you. i cant for the life of me work out why you would want to risk going back to her? When i first met you you were so highly strung the slightest thing would make you flip out. You beat the shit out of a prospect for borrowing one of your tools from the garage, for fuck sake. I would see you drinking your body weight in jack each night before sloping off to your dorm with whoever caught your eye. But the one thing i will never forget is the sadness in your eyes Jax. You were fucking broken.” Tears welled in Delaneys eyes as she remembered how different he was back then. “I cant just sit back and watch you go back to the person you were before Jax. Thats not the man i know. Thats not the man i love.” Delaney stood from the bed as the Male nurse stood in the doorway and called her name. Nodding at the man she started to follow him out of the room to go get her cast fitted. She stopped in her tracks and shock spread across her face as she heard Jax speak the words she had secretly been waiting years to hear.
“Despite what you think. Its you, Delaney. Its ALWAYS been you.”
Another post finally up for you guys. Really hope you guys have been enjoying it. Sad to say i think it might be coming to an end. Got A few more chapters in me but i dont want to drag it out and let it get boring for you guys. As always tell me what you think, i LOVE hearing your guys opinions!! Next Part will follow soon.
Love to you all, Stay safe! Xx
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I you are willing to inflict pain now, In the five minutes that Yang fell into the void, 50 years has passed. When RWB falls, they meet Yang's grandchild who takes them to their grandmother who is starting to go senile.
Ruby sighed as she started cutting away the brush on this island, already feeling exhausted. She had no clue how long it’d been since washing up on the beach, but she had to find her team.
She stopped for a moment when she felt like she was being watched, looking around behind her. “Hello? Anyone there?” Her eyes darted to a moving patch of grass, making her grip her scythe. “If you’re a person, please come out. I wont hurt you.” She reached out with her scythe, moving a few blades of grass-
Ruby practically jumped as she turned around, smiling a bit when she saw Weiss. “Weiss! You’re okay. But… if you’re here then…”
Weiss hugged Ruby tightly. “I thought I lost you.” She pulled away, sighing. “But I’m… not sure. After Cinder cut Blake’s ribbon, Jaune, Penny and I fought her and then…”
Ruby took a deep breath. “Let’s… let’s find the others. Blake and Yang shouldnt be too far.”
Weiss sighed as she followed Ruby, sticking close to her. “Maybe we should consider-”
“I need to find Yang. I cant… I cant lose anyone else…”
Weiss hesitated as she heard Ruby’s voice start to break, holding back tears. “Right… I understand…”
Ruby kept moving forward, using her scythe to cut through the thicker of the brush to make the trek as easy as possible. If she and Weiss made it to this strange land alive, then Blake and Yang had to be alive too. They both had to be somewhere-
A kid with blonde hair and lilac eyes smiled and threw some fruit at Ruby, giggling as she did. Once she watched Ruby look up at her, the child started swinging through the trees, scampering about.
Weiss watched as Ruby took off after the kid, chasing after her. She quickly used her semblance to keep up, a little confused. “Ruby! Dont rush so far ahead! We dont know who that is yet!”
“It has to be Yang! I know it!” Ruby smiled a bit as she ran, using her semblance to maneuver around the trees and bushes as she went. After hours of traversing this godforsaken island she finally found-
Blake quickly grabbed Ruby by the back of the cloak, stopping her mid run and jerking her back. “Dont move.”
Ruby looked up at the sky in a daze, processing the voice that just spoke to her. “Blake? Is that you?”
“Yes, but dont move any more. You nearly set off a trap.”
Ruby blinked a few times before her eyes began to focus a bit, a few strings clearly laid out between a few of the trees. She slowly sat up, avoiding the strings and gently tugging on one, hearing one of the trees start to groan a bit. “That couldve been bad.”
Blake nodded and started making her way to the trees, untying the strings to disable the traps. “There’s a village just a bit farther. Whoever they are, they’re a bit paranoid about something out here.”
Weiss finally caught up, stopping just behind Ruby. “We were following a child through the trees. Ruby thinks it’s Yang.”
“If not, then they might be able to take us to her.” Blake finished taking care of the trap, smiling at Ruby. “Alright, you can stand up now.”
Ruby stood up and brushed off a bit of the mud and dirt from her skirt. “Thanks.”
Blake nodded and started walking towards the village, hoping they could find someone that would be able to help them. The village was fairly small, no larger than a small fishing village off the Island of Patch. There were huts made of various materials, mostly from the trees that surrounded it, some of them even made with stone or grass.
Ruby hesitated for a moment as she walked around, noticing how quiet it was. “Do… you think they’re just hunting?”
Weiss pulled out her rapier, keeping close to Blake and Ruby. “I’m not sure, but we should keep our guard up. Just in case its a trap.”
Ruby and Blake nodded, continuing to walk forward. Ruby started checking a few of the huts of anyone that was around, while Blake checked for any tracks that might help see where anyone may have gone. The sound of a fruit flying through the air caught Blake’s attention as she turned to see the kid Ruby and Weiss had been chasing. She watched as it turned a corner, disappearing from sight. “Found your kid.”
Ruby nodded and started rushing in that direction, stopping as she rounded the corner and saw an elderly woman with two, small children with her. Ruby put her scythe away and sighed. “I… was hoping you could help me find someone.”
The woman smiled warmly at Ruby, walking a bit closer. “Ruby. You made it.”
Ruby hesitated for a moment as it dawned to her who it was standing in front of her. “Yang?”
Blake and Weiss rounded the corner, stopping behind Ruby as they looked at their other teammate. Yang was hardly recognizable anymore to them, sporting long silver hair, a dress made from wool and grass.
Yang pulled Ruby into a hug, rubbing her back. “It’s been so, so long since I last saw you all. I’m glad you’re all okay.”
Ruby hugged back, starting to tear up. “I thought I lost you. But we need to find a way to Remnant-”
“We cant leave this place,” said Yang, pulling away from Ruby and looking at her teammates sadly. “There isnt a way out.”
“But we can find one.” Weiss stepped closer to Yang. “We have more of us now and we can start looking around-”
Yang’s eyes nearly glazed over for a moment, looking at her team and no longer recognizing them. She smiled at them and started heading to her own hut. “You three girls must be tired from your journey. I’m afraid this village has little to offer as I’m the last one here, but I have a little food I can spare.”
Ruby froze as she listened to her sister, no longer sure what was going on. “Yang, you can come with us.”
Yang stopped for a moment. “Yang… I havent heard that name in years…”
Blake started to feel her heart break as she listened to the woman she loved. “You… you dont remember us, do you?”
“Memories come and go. Some are more clear than others and some are just… fuzzy.” Yang looked back behind her, smiling at the three girls. “But you all look like skin and bone. Come with me and get something to eat. And then you can continue your journey.”
The three girls sighed and followed their former teammate, unsure of what to think about the situation. They were glad to have found their friend, their sister and teammate, but knew they couldnt take her with them. Ruby sighed and slowed her steps to almost a complete stop. “She’s… she’s gone, isnt she?”
Blake slowly nodded, putting a hand on Ruby’s shoulder. “I’m sorry Ruby, I really am.”
“Then we give her a bit of company for a little bit and then… then we head off.”
Blake and Weiss nodded in agreement, following their leader.
#rwby#ruby rose#rwby ruby rose#weiss schnee#yang xiao long#blake belladonna#drabbles#angsty drabbles#how's this for meeting up with Yang?
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I feel like Ive aged at least 6 years since covid started. Im angrier. Less adapted to being outside then I used to be- which is saying a lot. This time last year I was?? Actually healthier mentally then I had ever been and looking forward to having the house alone for a month which?? Was the most freedom I wouldve ever had.
A lots fucking changed. I drove halfway across the country- all 30 hours at once with my big brother AND two elderly dogs, plus my cat. All animals on too many drugs (the vet said they couldnt overdose, and then failed to give any further instruction) cami peed on herself twice, unable to move. I had to waterboard her in Phoenix, a truly terrifying hell city where all the roads are raised and overlapping and its a hot as shit cause its?? What june?? Time was so fake this year I mustve just been stoned the whole time till I ran out of weed, and since moving its been a relief to be able to turn off the spinning anxious thoughts for a few hours
my big brother joined us. He brought a new dog with him which?? Is always a lot, plus I have this pack of dogs now cause the puppy wouldnt leave the super cancer ridden dog alone, and Im able to get her cbd regularly here, so shes always comfortable now instead of just?? Sometimes which is a lot nicer. We didnt think shed make it to chrisrmas. I thought shed die with me home alone to take care of everything, like always. It was almost a relief, I wouldn't have to coach my brother through the grieving process at least, and I had already finished. Its hard now even, for me to realize she might even have another christmas (but I wont hold my breath)
I feel safer going outside here then I did in Austin. I only went out a handful of times in texas, for the last few months I was ordering almost all groceries, and only going to the store once mask mandates were mandatory (theyre not anymore. Im so worried for texas. I missed a huge freeze by mere months. I dont think my elderly dogs wouldnt survived it. If I was alone with them, Im not sure I woudlve.
My parents took my brother to mexico with them. I begged them not to go, told them how irresponsible it was to travel across boarders. To visit an island and take all the plane germs with. I told them that even if my mom and brother were staying at home all day with me, my dad was still going to work and he didnt know what his coworkers were doing. That they wouldn't know what the people on the plane were doing. That at any point they could become the stupid americans that killed half an islands population.
They left a week after today last year. The boarders were closed the next day. Their friend has been traveling back and forth ever since. I have no idea how, except for the fact shes white and rich and wont hesitate to destroy a child, so I can only imagine how shed treat costomer service.
I will no longer allow this angry aggressive woman to ever make me feel bad, and I will allow myself to finally fight back. Im an adult, maybe not all the time (cause lets be real I'll always be a bit too eccentric for most) but when I get angry and allow myself that anger, it's not a bad thing. Anger doesn't have to make me feel like Ive done something wrong. Im usually very just in my actions, and I wont allow my parents influence to tell me all anger is misdirected and hurtful for reasons I couldnt understand. Its okay for me to be angry.
I think being alone with animals for months is at least reassuring that my childhood was unreasonable if nothing else. Which of course is a silly polite society term for pretty fucked, if nothing else.
My aunt had to gall to say weve had a good 2020 cause our family wasnt hurt, and I had to walk away from the zoom call. I haven't attempted communication with any of them since, not that I normally do. Of course none of us died, all rich old white people, most of them retired and able to stay home all day (not that all of them did, I learned about my grandfathers routine and just.. Im honestly surprised no one got it yet. Of course I knew from the beginning if anyone was gonna get it and die, it probably wouldve been me. Hence the 8 months of solitude before the move.
Was the move in August?? Im so unsure about time. Even with 2020 vision.
I tried to date when I moved here. Strictly on tinder. What was the point? On and off testosterone due to the wonders of texas, hadnt changed my body nearly as much as they should've a year after being on them. I look much more handsome now. Im also allowing myself to toss gender aside completely. He/him doesn't mean man, and they/them dont mean nonbinary, so why not mix them since Im?? Not really either.
It wasnt even a thought process like that to start. Much more "this is nice" which I think more gender should be allowed to be. Dont gotta be deep just comfortable.
I wont ever allow my parents to forget what they did. I ended up with three dogs I didnt want (I was so looking forward to not having any dogs) and I ended up taking care of my brother. Again. Its easier without my parents at least. Everything always is. My dogs are even happier. Cami finally isnt anxious 24/7. Again, a sad reminder my childhood wasn't great. Daisy is healthier. Trauma can be stored emotionally or with health issues, often both. I think the cancer dog getting better and?? Surviving and thriving so much longer then the vet said (how good was my old vet?) Is another unfortunate nail in thay proverbial coffin.
Im not as soft and openly loving. Im even more touch starved somehow. Harsher. I still want to choose love and compassion, but Im not letting myself fall into the trap of being so nice people wont be nice to you. Fighting back is something I wont feel shameful about, because it never stopped me from doing it completely anyway.
I was already reaching this on my own though. This was just more coffins, more nails. This didnt need to happen. We know our government let this happen. Its still letting it happen. Im not sure when Im getting my vaccine. My big brothers sick of quarentine and keeps trying to get us to go out. Sometimes I yield, and we go to a park, or the top floor of the parking garage. I get a vegan hotdog from nearby. We talk and laugh and were genuinely just. Boys being boys.
I shouldn't have to deal with parent shit anymore. I do though, especially since two out of three are unemployed and we can really only afford to live here cause of them (they owe me if anything though. Especially with my brother and these animals) I hope I can get a job soon. Or maybe even go back to school. Im lucky I had so much saved up (for top surgery, which I guess wont happen before Im 25 like I really tried for. I wouldve done it before now, but texas waitlists and rules kept holding me up. I literally went to an appointment in dallas, a 4 hour drive, just to found out the surgeon canceled on me for the second time)
Its incredibly depressing, and I know Im lucky to have had that stash. So many people didnt have anything and lost so much. People lost people. Half a million at this point. I remember when it got to 300,000 and I just?? Felt so awful it was so close to how many people we lost to AIDS. Its over that by so many now. It doesn't really stop, does it??
Is that catholic guilt?? Or maybe just irish guilt in general. Is it something I inherited or earned through all the end of the worlds and once in a lifetime recessions Ive been through. Im not sure how many off the top of my head, theyve been coming since I was so small and its always more and more. Im not even catholic anymore. I cant stop being irish though, even though the brits tried (and succeeded. Weve lost a lot. The current royal cotastrophy is bullshit as well, the only person who deserves a royal title is from Meniappolos
My home is decorate all inside for st patrick's day. My big brother loves it so Im going all out, and its def making me feel much more irish then usual (which is a lot Im over half)
I think I just wanted to say Im not the same. I hope I can still be happy an obnoxious is public. I wonder if I remember how
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LOL YOUR ROOMMATE?? I can't stop laughing omg
god did i ever share the full story of what happened with my housemate last year? i think i bitched about her a little bit but here’s the full write-up of my six months with that housemate. unedited and probably full of errors and discrepancies sorry cause im going off entirely from memory
i’ve now moved out of this apartment, but i was there for a year with three other girls. two of them i got along with fine, and we introduced ourselves to each other before we moved in because that’s common courtesy to see if we get along right? but basically before any of us could talk or interview candidates for the last spot in the apartment, this girl, i’m making up a name and calling her emily, this random girl named emily basically came in and signed on for the spot on the lease without talking to any of us. uh, okay? so we eventually all get in a group chat and talk and introduce ourselves and plan to move in. day one: emily moved in before me and i moved in a few hours later. i walk in and see the kitchen and she’s already covered the fridge with magnets and pictures and paper clippings featuring…. herself. like, a few of them had her friends, but most of the pictures were of her. basically. am i crazy or is that fucking weird? so from the get-go she just seemed……. if not privileged (which i also knew she was later), then definitely some sort of weird type of entitled but i couldn’t tell if it was maybe just cultural differences? (she was russian but had grown up in the states. idk)
anyway. she had this boyfriend who would come over occasionally, it was no problem since we didn’t talk and just waved hi to each other occasionally. but from the first week she and another housemate who lived on the far end of the apartment were both having trouble sleeping because someone else on the floor was blaring their tv loudly all hours of the night in the room next door. after several weeks of not being able to sleep through the night, they’d pretty much had enough and managed to track down whose apartment it was, and it turned out to be this elderly black woman’s apartment. i don’t really know if the woman understood why they were so upset because i think she might have been going slightly senile as well, so i think maybe the tv, or the volume, was something she wasn’t entirely aware she was doing? but the other housemate, i’ll call her veronica (who is more chill but was still upset) understood that this was probably not a fight they wanted to pick. veronica noticed that the elderly woman had a middle-aged male visitor, who looked like family, come visit the woman a few times a week and take care of her/take out the trash etc, so veronica decided to wait until she saw the visitor again to talk to him about lowering the volume or turning the tv off, or maybe getting his relative headphones or something. but emily, like….. kept pushing it every single night. every single night for the first month or so she’d stomp across the floor and rap on the door loud enough to wake up the entire floor (the walls were thin and it wasn’t a big building). and most of the time the woman didn’t respond, but there was one notable time someone else got fed up enough to wake up at 2am and yell at emily (deservedly so) for waking up the whole hall. all of which i heard very clearly because my room was next to the main door to out apt.
things escalated when i overheard emily talking to her friend on the phone about the situation and then she mentioned that in retaliation, she went over in the middle of the night and put vaseline on the woman’s door handle. i was kind of stunned and disgusted that a grown ass adult (she’s at least a few years older than me, i’d guess late 20′s/early 30′s?) would do something like that???? but anyway a few nights later iirc, once again in the middle of the night, i was woken up by a shouting match down the hall because apparently the male relative had come back to check in on who he said was his mother, and HE WAS PISSED, UNDERSTANDABLY SO, AT FINDING MY ROOMMATE IN THE MIDDLE OF PUTTING VASELINE ON THE FLOOR CREVICE UNDER THE DOOR. LIKE. THAT’S NOT JUST PETTY BUT REAL FUCKING DANGEROUS TO DO TO AN ELDERLY WOMAN. he basically shouted at her and she kept talking about how she can’t sleep for months because of the noise, and whatever, but she stomped back to our apartment and they had this argument loudly at the door (remember, my room was right next to the front door). i listened to it for a couple minutes wondering if she would like, acknowledge what she did was wrong? and it became clear that she was so focused on the noise she wasn’t listening to this dude, so i came out and i tried to be a voice of reason. the guy was understandably really pissed that she would do something like that and i apologized for her and said she was wrong to do that (she had stomped off back to her room meanwhile) and he seemed grateful to talk to someone who wasn’t batshit crazy in the meantime so he mentioned that he had grown up in this building all his life before moving out so it hurt to see someone treat his mother this way who had lived here for 50 years or something. and after that i was just thinking like, jesus, this is so not the kind of fight you want to have with a family like this as a white woman in a gentrified apartment complex. like at some point you need to realize this is not your fucking place and if you must settle things, do it civilly or just dip out entirely.
i think emily eventually apologized and he accepted and they found out that the tv wasn’t even coming from the woman’s room at all, but from someone on the floor above who THEY also had had problems with for months.
veronica was away on a trip i think during this climax, but before, while it was still escalating, i was talking with veronica and veronica mentioned she and emily had bitched about the noise to each other often, but veronica said she drew the line when emily basically started making her complaints race-themed ever since she found out the elderly woman was black. etc the complaints turned from “it’s too loud” to “this neighborhood is so ghetto” and “that’s what black ppl are like” and stuff like that. veronica wasn’t cool with that, so she planned on handling any other complaints herself directly so she could resolve things like a normal person, but ever since veronica mentioned that i knew emily was a pos
emily also complained about people partying/drinking on the street outside till ~11pm, which imo isn’t too unreasonable, like normal people do, and basically being too loud or whatever. on some level i get it cause she had to go to sleep early to go to work early, but also at some point i was just wondering how she functioned as a human being in the real world
ANYWAY THE STORY I TELL AT PARTIES IS THIS ONE, THE ONE IN WHICH SHE LEAVES (i will try to keep this as short as possible while still giving you all the details you need to understand just how fucking weird it was):
in early november, emily group messaged everyone asking if her boyfriend could come live with us. to her credit she said she wouldn’t do it unless everyone was ok, and she waited to hear back from all of us. i was out of town at the time but i remember being really put off by this idea and i was going to say no, when i noticed that my two other housemates had ALREADY said yes in the chat. just like that. i was stunned. what? like, no follow-up questions or “we dont even really know him” or “how is this gonna work”? were they fucking insane?
i messaged her privately saying i really wasn’t comfortable with it, for xyz reasons. among those being 1) rent, because nowhere did she offer to split the rent five ways instead of four (they were basically going to split her room between them, which, no). 2) fridge/living space, which was small enough with four people to one apartment as it is, and 3) just overall “i dont fucking know him” atmosphere. she messaged back saying she understood, and i got to asking why this was so important to her to do now, because she mentioned she wanted to do it “asap” if we’d said yes.
and this is where my “no” turned into “hell fucking no.” she told me this:
in response to my question of if she’d want to put him on the lease, she said no, she wouldn’t want her boyfriend on the lease in case “something happens so she could just tell him to leave” (raising my question: what, exactly, do you expect to happen? maybe the landlord, who lives in the building, finding out someone’s living here illegally? bc THAT WOULD DO IT FOR ME)
she was marrying him in december which is why she wanted it to happen “soon” so they wouldnt be living apart. i asked why she couldnt just wait until the lease was up to do all this, to which she said:
her boyfriend’s green card (he was russian) had expired so he was now paying month to month and that’s when i realized, oh. bitch he’s using you for a green card marriage and you’re trying to inconvenience all of us instead of owning your life like an adult, or something
at some point during the conversation she like tried to bribe me with a couple hundred extra dollars per month “to cover the cost of the extra utlities/wifi/inconvenience,” which i politely declined. this was when i said basically “look i never got the sense you particularly liked living here (massive understatement) and i think that it’d work out best if you moved out, which you’re clearly already planning to do”
and she did start looking immediately. at some point while she was looking i overheard her talking to veronica mentioning that he was a huge fan of putin and she’d asked him to like, politely, stop?, lmao because she didn’t like his entire yknow politics, and he basically said “i’m sorry, i can’t betray my personal/national identity, i just really believe in putin” or whatever the fuck and i thought to myself, this bitch is marrying him anyway for some godforsaken reason
i don’t know why i hoped that she would be any more considerate moving out than when she moved in, but somehow i was still surprised when the sublet she picked out was someone she never introduced us to or mentioned before, she literally just said “hey here’s your new housemate and when she’s moving in” and dropped us a phone number and facebook page.
one last thing: while emily was moving out, veronica mentioned to me that she was really pleased i stood up to her because she felt massively uncomfortable with the situation too. i asked why she didn’t say something, and she said she talked to emily privately airing out her problems, and emily had managed to talk her into accepting that sort-of bribe privately off message, and emily told her ‘just say yes’ in the chat, so she did and was kind of kicking herself for it after. (our other housemate was off doing fuck knows what at this point; she was gone for weeks on end leaving us to take care of her guinea pigs for her with little to no warning.)
but then, veronica says, the big thing that astounds her is that this wasn’t even the same boyfriend who she’d had when she’d moved in. six months had passed by this point. SHE HAD BEEN DATING GREEN CARD GUY FOR LIKE, THREE MONTHS WHEN SHE DROPPED THIS ON US
and then she moved to fucking harlem, one of the yknow most diverse neighborhoods in the city known particularly for its black heritage, so i guess have fun honey
(her replacement somehow turned out to be just as bad as she was, so you can imagine why i was eager for my lease to end in may)
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How much is car insurance per month for a 16 year old?
"How much is car insurance per month for a 16 year old?
I really want to get a Pontiac G6 on my 16th Birthday, I`m just curious as to how much the car insurance would be on it !
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What would be the insurance rates for a 16 year old with aford maverick?
I have good grades no felonies pretty much no anything. How much would it be for a 1971 ford maverick
Car insurance. Using car but insurance under my moms name!!!?
HI my mom gave me her car which is insured only under her name and i took it to California from Illinois. I registered the car in California and switched the title to only my name. Can I legally drive around using the insurance card with my moms name on it which is also from Illinois?
What is the Cheapest Homeowners Insurance for Senior Citizen?
My elderly neighbor has had her homeowners insurance cancelled because she couldnt afford to pay it. She is on a fixed income and her children do not help in any way. She owns her home but is having a hard time with paying the large payments. her mortage company says that if she doesnt take out her own insurance then they will purchase it for her at a cost of 2100.00 per year. This is way too much for a Senior citizen. i got a quote for her from progressive for 2600.00. Are there any cheaper alternatives?
What is the best individual health insurance?
im looking for an affordable good health insurance, i currently have a family plan with my employer but its expensive are there any individual plans out there that are affordable what are they? thank you?""
I'm added to my parents car insurance policy. . .?
I'm added to my parents car insurance policy. But the insurance card (the copy of insurance you keep in the glove box) don't have my name on it. Is this normal for insurance ...show more
Is insurance higher on certain cars?
Is insurance higher on certain cars like 2doors and red cars
How Will Obamacare affect Health Insurance premiums?
I am 35 and have applied for health insurance through Blue Cross Blue Shield. I have GERD and Anxiety. I believe Blue Cross Blue Shield will try to deny me coverage for those since I already have them. I am thinking of waiting until 2014 so that they won't be able to. But I'm curious. how will Obamacare affect the insurance premiums? If I wait that long will the premiums go up or down?
Insurance and Pregnancy?
Looking to start trying to get pregnant in the next few months. Currently I do not have any health insurance. What is the insurance protocol with pregnancy? I know obviously no ins co. will take me once I am pregnant. But how far in advance will I need to have insurance BEFORE getting pregnant? And any specific plan I should mention or ask for that will help pay for child birth & prenatal care? I plan on using a midwife, how will that effect it as well? Thanks in advance!!""
""17 Starting to drive, any cheap insurance sites?""
I'm now 17 and i am having driving lessons, i was just wondering if you know of any cheap insurance sites? Thanks""
Does your car insurance rate go up if you get a seat belt ticket in illinois?
Does your car insurance rate go up if you get a seat belt ticket in illinois?
SR-22 insurance?
If someone got an OWI in iowa, How much does SR-22 usually cost? (was not me who received one, but I am glad this person finally got one)""
Insurance on SUVs?
How much is insurance on SUVs usually... like a Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo or a Chevrolet.. anyone know?
Car insurance for a classic triumph? Rough idea?
I've just turned 17 and am well on my way to getting a license I was wondering for a 17/18 year old male how much would insurance per month/per year for a 1960-1975 triumph spitfire I am desperate to have it as a first car and I can afford one at 3000-4000 at the moment I was just wondering how much the insurance on it would be it is such a beautiful car can't wait to get one. I tried getting quotes from compare the market but it was all very complex and I didn't really understand most of it. Any info would be much appreciated THANKS!!!
""I am 15 and will be 16 in early October, today i got my national insurance number. Does this mean i can work?
I was just wondering now i have my national insurance number if i could start applying for some Saturday jobs?
Why are my insurance quotes so high?
I have tried searching for insurance on my moms car which is a Suzuki Swift GL 1.3 and I'm getting back quotes of 10,949.50 cheapest fully comprehensive and 6,404.20 Third Part, Fire and Theft. I passed my test january this year and I'm 18, I had temporary insurance on the car for a month in april and a week in june, the month in april cost 55 with Tesco and the week in june cost 70 with another company. I've also tried searching for insurance on other smaller engined cars like a citroen saxo 1.1i SX and got cheapest price coming back at 4,777.63 I live in Birmingham and have set it as the car being parked in the garage over night. Am I doing something wrong?""
Can you sue someone if they hit your car and you don't have car insurance?
I was in kroger parking lot and a lady backed out and hit my car. we both got out of the car she ask me if i wanted her insurance and i said yes but would this do me any good if i don't have any insurance? She said we'll just send me the bill. She gave me her address and phone number. But when i called her to tell her the estimate she said she was not paying for it. it happen on private property so can i sue her even if i don't have insurance?
Cost car insurance in michigan?
hi im 19 live in michiganand want to get a car. it will be valued at around 8,000-10,000 dollars. how much will the absolute cheapest car insurance be per year. i have never been in an accident or had any tickets. thanks for any responses!!""
How much is the average car insurance if I'm 18?
How much is the average car insurance if I'm 18?
Best bank for student insurance?
Hi, Which bank in the UK do you think has the best offer for student insurance? Thanks.""
2005 Ford Mustang Convertible V6 Premium insurance rate?
Hi. I am thinking about getting a 2005 Ford Mustang Convertible V6 Premium [Black] I am a 16 about to turn 17 year old girl and I have taken drivers ed. && I live in florida, about how much do you think that it would be""
Where can a 18 year old female get cheap car insurance?
I've looked around everywhere and the cheapest i could find was 2200, would it be cheaper if i phoned up the companies or what? how do they expect ,e to be able to afford that im a student and live in a village so i need it to commute to work and college. i cant rely on the buses because there always late and stuff. i would be willing to pay something around 1000. i have a fiat punto 1.2 and just past my test, i was going to do a pass plus test but they dont even ask if you have done anything like that.""
Co-operative car insurance - third party liability?
i am 17 years old. I have a fully comprehensive car insurance policy with the Co-operative insurance. i am a named driver on this policy but would like to be able to drive my parents cars. What i am wondering is, is it possible to change something on my policy so as to get third party liability on their cars, as i would not use them enough to warrent adding myself to their policys.""
Jason wants to buy a car. He has $2500 in his savings account. He also needs to pay $600 for insurance. How?
Jason wants to buy a car. He has $2500 in his savings account. He also needs to pay $600 for insurance. How much can Jason spend on a car? A. c < 1900 B. c > 3100 C. c < 3100 D. c > 1900
North Carolina Health Insurance?
Right now I have blue cross and blue sheild insurance. It's becoming ridiculous to pay each month and deductibles are through the roof! I'm a healthy 25 yr old female. I need to know, what are some insurance companies in the state of North Carolina that are cheaper, but are still helpful with doctor's visits and prescriptions. What health insurance do you have and what's the cost? Any help or opinions about would be great! thanks:))))""
Auto insurance question?
I was a passenger in a car accident and my laptop was broken. Would the drivers insurance cover it? Even if it was liability, it should still have to cover it right? He says the insurance says no because I wasn't injured... That doesn't make any sense.""
How much is car insurance per month for a 16 year old?
I really want to get a Pontiac G6 on my 16th Birthday, I`m just curious as to how much the car insurance would be on it !
Range of Insurance rates for a 25yo Canadian (New Driver)?
I am a 25 year old Canadian, buying my first car. It will probably be 6+ years old, valued at less then 5,000. I'm wondering about insurance. I spoke with a broker telling me prices range from 4,000 - 4,500 a year (~$333/mo). This sounds excessive. She also said with third-party coverage the type of car I drive shouldn't matter, which left me with doubts. What should I expect to pay?""
How much is insurance in a car for a 17 year old?
I get my provisional this week and I'm just wondering how much it is? I'm from Ireland by the way.
Car insurance for a young driver?
My parents told me that they would buy me a car but, all I have to pay is car insurance. I was wondering what is the most cheapest insurance company? I've heard about the General and Liability. Someone please help because, i need to know.""
Do you have affordable car insurance in Tennessee?
Do you get a good deal on insurance? Where do you have yours?
""No insurance fine, help!!?""
It was stupid and careless, but I went out, with an expired sticker on my car, as well as no insurance on my car either. My luck, I was pulled over and givin a $110 expired tickect fine, as well as a summons to court on the 12th of November. I was researching the Compulsary Auotomobile Insurance Act section 2(1)(a) and It has came to my Knowlege that when I attend the court date I'm looking at a $5000 -$25000 fine, I have currantly been laid off and if i did have a job, Istill can't afford that. Is there any way that it can be reduced due to income, any information would help, Im very scared, I have never broken any type of rule before and im already in debt. Also, how many demarite points could i lose due to the expired ticket and lack of car insurance. Please only mature answers. I know I was wrong so that info is not needed. thanks so much in advance""
How can i find the owner of the car and what insurance he's using?
Someone bumped into my car while I was working. I have a witness who gave me the license no. and I have reported this to the police but they said as it happened in a private car park, ...show more""
Does anyone know about how much insurance costs for a Mitsubishi Lancer?
Im 16 so if that changes anything and im from texas and the car is a 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer
Maternity Insurance Coverage?
My family doesn't currently have insurance. I'm 10 weeks pregnant and my husband is about to start a new job where we will be offered insurance. I think the insurance the company offers is Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida. I know that I can be put on his insurance but are they likely to give me a problem with the pregnancy? I've heard that insurance companies will refuse to cover your prenatal care if you don't have the insurance before getting pregnant.
I'm shopping for Auto Insurance can you help?
Can anyone tell me their experience with GEICO insurance. I'm shopping for auto insurance and they have the better quote so far. I've got quotes from State Farm and Allstate. Thanks...
Rebuttel for car insurance?
I just got this new job getting info for a insurance agent so they can do a quote for a person. I was wondering what is a good rebuttel when ppl say they are not interested in the quate. Its free and they get the quote mailed to them.
Do I need to have both insurance coverage?
I am in the process of starting a Virtual Assistant business. Would I need both general liability and professional liability (errors & ommission insurance) coverage? From my understanding general liability covers physical damages and professional liability is for written errors. Since I will not be doing work at client's homes and offices (probably only initial consults there), I would think I would just need professional liability. Btw, my business is in California""
Advice on teen car insurance ?
I'm 18, from Ontario and have had my G2 for over a year now. I was in a deathly car accident in january on the highway because of really bad weather conditions, I'm lucky to be okay. The cop didn't charge me because the weather was so bad and there were a number of car accidents that week. However the insurance company faulted me because I spun out first. Its been 2 months and my dad has done nothing but complain about his car being wrecked. He blames me 100% for the accident even though I hit black ice and there was nothing I could do, and he wasn't even there... For my 18th birthday my grandad (his dad) is giving me $10,000 for a car. My dad is making him wait to give it to me and he won't take me car shopping ! And when I do get one he's not putting me under his insurance ! I have to insure my own car at 18 with only a part time job. Is this unfair? Not being able to drive has been a huge hassel. What are the cheapest cars to insure ? I can drive standard so there's no limitations. What's the best insurance companies ? How much do you think it would be ? Also I'm going to college in Florida next year on an athletic scholarship so what is insurance like down there ?""
A guy crashed into my today and totaled my car-how much will his insurance pay towards a new car?
My car was worth about $8000, give or take (that's what the officer told me). It was completely paid off. How much will the other guy's insurance pay towards a new car, or should I ask for a check? Which will be the better deal?""
Why Are We Not Reducing Health Care Costs?
The U.S. currently spends 50% more per capita on health care than the next western nation (Norway). On average we spend twice as much as France, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Canada, and Switzerland. Our costs are increasing faster than these nations. According to the Congressional Budget Office the cost of Obamacare is an additionsl $1.76 trillion over ten years. For those who want to actually solve the universal health care problem, how about adopting one of the European plans noted above and cut our costs by 50%. Why the blind devotion to a bureauratic morass that will bankrupt the country? http://www.kff.org/insurance/snapshot/oecd042111.cfm""
Affordable Insurance?
My boyfriend is looking for some affordable insurance for himself. We live in Indiana, I already have insurance and our daughter is covered as well. I am finishing up college so I still qualify to use my father's insurance. What are some options for my boyfriend. (and I'm pretty sure he doesn't qualify for low income health insurance).""
How much would auto insurance cost if?
im about to be 15, and my dad is freaking out about car insurance prices, so how much so i expect to pay for a 2003 jeep liberty/ or honda civic? (texas) also we have geico.""
Will my car insurance go up drastically when I buy a new car?
I am looking to buy a new Honda, Accord in a few months and I was wondering how much my insurance will go up seeing how I am 18. Someone said it would be $3000 more a year so please help!!!!""
Good Car Insurance?
My dad is insured by Allstate and pays around 580, and now i have a license and want to get insured as well, but it would cost us around 1150. Does anyone know of a better car insurance for the both of use to go under for cheaper then 1150? We live in Maryland. thank you""
If you get disability do you lose your health insurance?
I live in Tennessee and I have PHP health insurance. I am thinking about trying to see if I could get disability because of my many health problems. I am wondering since the government pays for my health insurance and I get approved would I lose my PHP?
Insurance Group for Cars?
Hi, I am planning to buy a second hand car, I.e., when I search the car through net, it says Insurance Group is 4/5/6 etc. Can any one tell me how the Insurance Group are being defined which Grade enables me to pay less premium? Which Insurance Group car I should look for ideally? Thanks in advance. Regards, Reed.""
what is a good insurances for pregnant woman i live in Idaho. thanks
19 years old and cheapest insurance i've found is 4.5k WHATS GOING ON?
Right basically i'm 19, recently past my test tried looking at every single type of car there is even with pass plus discount and it's barely even gone below 6000 (4500 wasn't even what i found, it was my sister that probably got one of my details wrong) I've even tried having parents as named drivers and i cant think of anything else i've not already tried. Even friends i know have had it less than 2000 and at the moment i'll be happy to get below 3000 Pleaseee help!""
Auto accident??? insurance?
just wondering how much will my auto insurance go up if i file a claim?? there was no injuries and no damage to the other partys car. my car was estimated $4000 of damage to fix.. me and my mom pay $180 a month for 3 cars. 2 full coverage and 1 is only liability. good thing that i have full cov on the car i used.
How much would insurance for three months cost?
I'm in a sport, wrestling, and i need insurance for at least three months soon. If you know how much insurance like that costs for a company like choc, that would be great because that's where I got it from last time, also i prefer it to be cheap""
Where can i find affordable short-term health insurance?
I am not sure what to do about health insurance after I graduate from college (in a few months). I know that I am going to need some time to job hunt (my field is very competitive) and I would also like to do some volunteer work before I start my career. Problem is, if I am not a full-time student, my parents' health insurance won't cover me, and if I don't or can't find a job with benefits right away, I will be left uninsured. Any ideas where I can get affordable health insurance for short-term (no more than a year and a half) ??? Thanks!""
How much is car insurance per month for a 16 year old?
I really want to get a Pontiac G6 on my 16th Birthday, I`m just curious as to how much the car insurance would be on it !
Which Insurance is better ?
Hi Guys , I'm a beginner in IT industry. let me know which insurance or Tax exemption Payments are better .. LIC, TATA AIG or Kotak insurance or anything else ..""
Whats the Cheapest Motorcycle to insurance for 2014?
Hello, I am researching on what is the cheapest motorcycle to insure this year. I'm also curious what is a good bike for a beginning rider. I've been looking at a couple of questions regarding this subject, and I notices some of these questions are a few years back. I am curious to know, because I am considering getting a bike. But before I can, I want to get all my ducks in a row, and research as much as I can, so I can make the best possible decision. Further details on myself. I'm a male, age 24, I have my driver licenses, I live in California, but I barely have any driver experiences. Not even a year worth. So I'm already predicting the rate will be high for me. In every sense of the word I am a novice. So any helpful tips for a person just starting out to ride motorcycles, would greatly be appreciated. Also Bonus What Insurance should I look for, for a beginner like me?""
Car Insurance Question... PLEASE HELP!?
My sister bumped another car when she was backing out, when the car saw her backing out but still went ahead and there was no damage. My sister, in a moment of insanity, gave the woman, who is an attorney, her insurance number and some other information. All she took from the woman was her name and email. Now we have a claim coming in. We have no idea what to do. She is still in college, and is under my parent's insurance. There was obviously nothing wrong with the car. My parents are beside themselves with worry, because the claim could mean anything from $50-$20,000. Words cannot explain my anger towards my sister's naivety in the human race. What can we do? We will know more about the claim tomorrow.""
Car insurance for a new driver?
i want to buy a small car, but im worried that the insurance will be expensive what company sell cheap insurance? how much about did you pay? i want a small car, like a 1 litre engine thank you""
Whats the best and affordable health plan to get?
I have never gotten health insurance my whole life and for once in my life I am getting it for myself. I want to go see a dermatologist, and its way too expensive to pay out of pocket, whats a good and affordable health plan should I get? Got any suggestion to where I can go and get some help? Anything will be great, thanks!!!!""
""In health insurance, is a low deductible, or a high deductible better?
There is a $1500 deductible... And then there is a $5000 deductible. I'm thinking of the $1500 dollar deductible. Which one would you get?
Motorcycle or Scooter Insurance in London?
How much would the insurance be for a motorcycle or scooter worth less than 4,000GBP in London? I'm hoping that it would be a lot less than a 50cc scooter in Dublin worth about 400GBP costing 200GBP for insurance per year.""
Could somebody give me what they pay on average for insurance on a 2001 ford explorer sport?
i am looking to buy a 2001 ford explorer sport and was wondering if someboy wouldnt mind telling me their average yearly insurance payments?
How much would car insurance be?
When I turn 25 and my driving record is clean no speeding tickets how much do you thing car insurance would be on a 2010 camaro and I want to know car insurance on a 2005 corvette orba challenger what one would be cheaper
How long are car insurance companys supposed to provide a rental car for?
i have a 2004 chevy caviler that is completely paid for and some guy ran into the back of my car yesterday. It's completely crushed in. i have liability and he has full coverage progressive. I contacted his insurance company and they want me to pay 18 dollars a day to rent some stupid little kia shouldn't he have to pay for it till my car gets out the shop or claimed totaled and i get some money to replace my car. help me out as much as you can 10 points to the best and most detailed answer
Name of insurance company department?
I'm looking for a department that response to check the credit, background, health and others of customers making sure customers are able to get this insurance. What is the name of this department? May be the description is not very clear, any related department is ok. Thx""
""How can I tell the difference between regular car insurance policy ,and a group insurance policy?""
How can I tell the difference between a regular car insurance policy ,and a group insurance policy?""
How much would car Insurance be for a 16 year old girl?
I live in Michigan. Thank you :)
Will my insurance agent report to my car bank that car is not covered no more.?
I'm with state farm. I been playing 190 monthly. Now they want me to pay 450 dollars. I just paid yesterday and my agent said my next due payment is due on 7th this month for 450 dollars. He said it was to be paid when I first got with state farm but I switched agents and now I am expected to pay next week. This is unfair and without fair notice. My insurance is going a cancle if not paid in weeks from now. What do I do. Is my car bank gonna find out car insurance got canceled. I was told it was 190 per month. I thought deposit was high but why 400 ?
How much does roofers insurance cost? I'm a one-man show for residential work looking for the cheapest policy?
How much does roofers insurance cost? I'm a one-man show for residential work looking for the cheapest policy?
Motorcycle insurance?
can someone recommend me to a good motorcycle insurance. Thanks
Can you get auto insurance with policy dated back a couple days?
I got a ticket for 5 over, I have a clean record but no insurance, can I buy insurance that will back up that date. It was sat the 14th""
ok so i have a project and all the car insurance places are closed and i can't finish it! so umm can anyone help?? this is all the information i have, i just need an estimate for a monthly payment 1996 eagle talon married couple 25 years old driver low milage on car car is paid for, goood driving history car is used for job too for dilivering pizza live in florida umm if you need any more information let me kno please helpp worth 20% of final grade in class!!!!""
What is the best insurance in FLorida for a small child that is not hugely expensive?
I am trying to find a good plan to switch my daughter to in Florida. We are waiting to hopefully get Kidcare but if it falls thru does anyone have a plan they love that doesnt cost hundreds a month?
How much would i expect to pay for insurance?
I live in New York, I am 17, i have my car and motorcycle license. I took the motorcycle safety course that was offered. I have had my drivers license for over a year. I got it on dec 29 and i have not gotten any traffic violations. I dont know if any of this matters, i have excellent grades, i have ridden motorized vehicles for years. It is a 1999 CBR600F4 has 18,500 miles on it. How much would be a reasonable estimate without collision? with collision? how much did u pay? If you are 17, 18, or 19 how much do u pay? Thanks!""
Im In High School and need cheap car insurance!?
Uhggg my parents are making me pay for my auto insurance! I saved up for my own car and I only have a after school job, where can I get cheap car insurance..... for my age at least?""
What is the cheapest car to insurance and tax?
Smart Car?
How much would it cost to insure a Vw golf 1.6 - 2.0 litres for a 17 year old ? Thanks :)?
I was just wondeing because i want a Golf for my 1st car and i dont know the insurance rates etc....
Reasonable health insurance in CA??
My step-daughter, husband and I are currently insured trough Blue Shield of California. The Deductible is $7.500 annually and we are paying $520 a month. Whenever we are going to get my husbands prescription drugs, we have to pay 100% out of pocket, whenever my husband has to go to a doctor we have to pay %100, whatever we do, we have to pay 100% ourselves, when does the insurance come in??? Every year, we have to pay $7.500 out of pocket till we can expect the insurance to even consider covering anything, who has that much money to spend every year on health insurance?! Recently my husband started having kidney pain, hernia, heart problems... but we can't go to a doctor because after paying the $520 a month to the health insurance we are simply left with nothing. I have not been to a doctor for 8 years, now I am very frustrated, I really need to take care of my husbands health but every insurance is just a ripoff. Can anybody help me with some advice...or a good insurance with low deductible or none at all (if that even exists).""
Best car insurance today?
I just got my car licence.. and I'm looking for a place to inform me about car insurances. Thanks
How much is car insurance per month for a 16 year old?
I really want to get a Pontiac G6 on my 16th Birthday, I`m just curious as to how much the car insurance would be on it !
Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?
Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?
Truck hits curb due to icy road..Damage is extensive. Will insurance pay? ?
I was heading down a hill; the road was icy. The truck wasn't stopping properly. It slid into a curb; damaged the wheel (rim). Now, the truck swirves to the left when I drive. I thought I needed an alignment. Went to an auto shop; turns out I need to replace a control arm ($569 just in parts) and some frame pulling is needed....AND an alignment. Total cost: $1750 (with labor) I do have comprehensive coverage with a $500 deductible. I just called my insurance and am waiting to hear back from a claims rep. (they said within 24 hrs); can they deny this for any reason? I really need the truck fixed soon.... Also, will my premiums increase? By a lot???""
Insurance for teen driver?
i live in california and i just turned 18 and i got my license back in december. i want to know if say my parent's car has insurance, does that mean anyone can drive it? or is there such thing as each individual person needs to have insurance along with insurance for the car for it to be driven legally?""
What would my insurance be in this situation?
I am 20 years old I have had my license for 10 months but did not have insurance nor have i ever had insurance or a car under my name. I am goin to buy a cheap non sports car and am wondering what it will cost me for LIABILITY only to have insurance, yearly and monthly , and do i have to make a down payment?""
Will my liability car insurance cover another car?
Okay, so the brakes of my car aren't functioning pretty well. So it stayed at a shop. Meanwhile, I am driving my mom's car. But its not insured. Will my insurance cover her car if anything? I reside in state of Texas.""
Need to find a good place and affordable price for dental care..?
Hello I'm from Oklahoma and I'm looking for a good Dentist.That is affordable.I have BCBS Insurance.But it only pays a small amount.I will be 33 next week and I'm so depressed over my teeth.I got real sick a few yrs back and the meds and all just made my teeth rot..Please someone help..Thanks Melody
""Used Car, How Much Insurance?""
How much would I have to pay for insurance on a 1998 Nissan Sentra for $1,495? How much are taxes in Canada? 13%?""
What is the average car insurance for an 18 year old male who is just starting to drive?
I just want to know how much car insurance will cost me i know a lot has to do with the cost such as what type of car and such. I want an estimate because no insurance website has a quote for new drivers.
Why is my car insurance so high?
I can't seem to find decent coverage that doesn't break my bank. Here's my current policy that I'm paying 861/month for: Bodily injury/property liability: 12,500/person, 25,000/accident, 7,500/accident Comprehensive: 1,000 deductible Collision: 2,000 deductible NO other coverage. I drive a 2010 Jetta that I OWN, I'm a 23 year old male, I've never filed a claim/been in an accident, and I haven't gotten a ticket of any kind in 5 years. Does this make sense? Am I missing some secret to affordable insurance? I have a feeling it's because I didn't finish college and I have no credit, but still... Sigh. Any help is greatly appreciated.""
How much will my insurance premiums go up after an accident when I am deemed at fault?
It was a fender bender. I was deemed at fault (though the other car was going way too fast). No one was hurt. But as an at-fault driver, how much will my insurance premiums go up by? I want a ball park range here, or to know how much yours went up by after a similar experience.... anything. And I want to know if my premiums go up more for worse damage or more expensive repairs. My company will not tell me anything. Note I was covered for collision for with a $500 deductible. I am on a plan with my parents, and I pay them about $71 per month right now.""
Trampoline and home insurance question?
I would like to purchase a large trampoline. However, my boyfriend said he would have to pay more home insurance if there is one on his property. Is that true? Wouldn't that only be required if people outside of the home get injured on it? I would be the one using it mostly, the kids would too. They're young teens.""
""For an fha home mortgage what is a rough estimate of how much we can get, me and my wife combined make?""
69,000 a year, we have a car payment at 325, student loans total of 460 a month, a credit card payment of 15 a month with a balance of only 30 left, other than the normal cell phone bill and utilites car insurance etc that basically all we have , my credit score is a 688 , and my wifes will soon be around a 640 so we have the required score for an fha loan""
Can my ex-wife insure our kids through her husbands insurance?
My ex-wife is required to carry our kids insurance. She switched jobs and is now insuring kids under her husband. My only concern is, if he decides to leave her or gets pissed off he can drop my kids from insurance. Since he is not legally obligated to insure them. He is not adopting them. He is not legally bound to take care of them. Is my concern valid?""
Cheapest car insurance for a 21 year old 2002 Mazda protege 5?
Live in Ajax Ontario, and I also have 2 suspensions non alcohol related""
How to make insurance cheeper?
what are the things i can do to make my car insurance cheaper? i have good grades my car is 97 color gold
Are health care insurance premiums?
Are health care insurance premiums, long term health care insurance premiums, and the cost of prescription drugs an allowable federal tax deduction? I think I'm getting some bad advice from a friend of mine concerning tax preparation.""
I have read on comments under articles on Yahoo and someone said they are required to get the same health insurance but i can not find this on any news article.
Home Insurance?
If your insurance runs say from 1st November 07 to 1st November 08 and if you make a claim in January 07, and then make another claim on 26th November 07. Does this mean that this is counted as 2 claims differernt years or is this claims counted the same year?""
How does a 'unsafe vehicle' violation affect ones insurance?
I got my speeding ticket reduced from a speeding ticket to a 'unsafe vehicle' violation. How many points is that and how does it affect your insurance rates. I thought I herd te judge say it counts as zero points.
Can i have two different Auto Insurance policies?
I have two different cars can i have two different policies on each vehicle in the state of kentucky?
How much will my car insurance go down when I turn 25?
I have a clean record with no tickets and multiple coverages (auto,home,motorcycle). How much though will my insurance go down on average after turning 25?""
Can I drive my new registered car without insurance?
I have my driver licenese and tags and temp plate but no insurance yet but going to buy some car insurance monday but what I wanna know can I drive the car without insurance at the moment in chicago, il.""
How on earth do i as a 17 year old find car insurance under 3000?
I've tried everything I can find on the internet.. and nowhere can I find any insurance under 3000 as a 17 year old male.. even as third party fire and theft, and I've been using the cheapest, oldest, least powerful group one cars I can find...and I've tried with pass plus etc.. I know people ask this all the time, but I really need a car as I live out in the country and have to commute to the city for school every day, and my mum can't do lifts.. Any help would be appreciated greatly!""
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old?...?
Im 16 about to be 17. My mom told me she doesnt want to add me onto her insurance plan and she wants me to have my own, whatever. How much would it be for a 17 Year old to have insurance under his own name, living at home with a parent [Westchester, NY] is the main question. any help? first car is going to be a 99-00 Honda civic si""
Which is better hmo or ppo insurance?
Which is better hmo or ppo insurance?
How much is car insurance per month for a 16 year old?
I really want to get a Pontiac G6 on my 16th Birthday, I`m just curious as to how much the car insurance would be on it !
0 notes
Why is car insurance expensive for young male drivers than female drivers?
"Why is car insurance expensive for young male drivers than female drivers?
Why is car insurance expensive for young male drivers than female drivers?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr
2005 Ford Mustang Convertible V6 Premium insurance rate?
Hi. I am thinking about getting a 2005 Ford Mustang Convertible V6 Premium [Black] I am a 16 about to turn 17 year old girl and I have taken drivers ed. && I live in florida, about how much do you think that it would be""
Cheap health insurance?
I graduated college and I am getting kicked off my parents plan. I don't have a job with benefits available, although it will become available in September. Are there any plans that have a low monthly payment? I don't need anything fancy, just catastrophic insurance. I don't need RX, Eye, Dental, just the bare minimum. Any suggestions?""
Car insurance for learner driver UK?
I am considering to buy a car before I pass my test. Without buying the car first I can't get a quote online. I understand insurance is not much differenet for a learner driver and someone that just passed their test. Anyone knows how much roughly insurance cost for a learner driver? Thinking of getting a 2002-2003 ford focus, and I am a female 27 years of age if that makes any difference.""
What is the cheapest Auto insurance I can get?
I'm 23, just got my license, i have a Honda civic 2002. Thanks!""
""I don't have health insurance, need dental work help!!!!?""
Hello, I am a 21 year old male currently attending college, and working part time as a swim coach. I make just enough to pay for my car, insurance, phone, gas, and food. I looked around at different health insurance plans, but could not find one that is affordable to me, and has dental coverage. Over all I am in good health, have not visited a doctor since I was a kid. Last time I went to a doctor for a physical in high school, well I am afraid same goes for dental. I have not seen a dentist since last time I got a filling which was when I was like 14. I need to see a dentist ASAP, not that my teeth hurt, but I can see a cavity on my wisdom tooth. With the new health care reform and all, I am I eligible for any thing in particular? Any new programs or plans?""
If I live with my mother and my father is buying me a car will his insurance cover me?
My parents are divorced and my mother has custody of me. My mom's boyfriend bought my older brother's car. So my dad said he'll buy mine. Will his insurance cover me since I live with my mother? Or will I have to pay the insurance to my dad and pay insurance to my mom since I live with her? So basically I would be paying them both for insurance according to my mother. The car will be in my dad's name.
Car insurance with dwi?
I went to a bar in upstate ny to see a friend's band play. I was drinking at the bar, so I decided to stay at a friend's house down the road (walk there obviously). Someone I thought was my friend took my car to go home ( I left the keys in the ignition ). I know I'm a dumb *** for leaving the keys in the car, don't flame me for that please. Anyways this guy got pulled over by the cops and got a dwi. The car was legally parked when they pulled him over so it didn't get impounded. My question is will my insurance go up? I wasn't driving the car and this guy had no license or any kind of insurance whatsoever. He was also under 21 if that helps and no I didn't report the car stolen. But when the cops questioned him he just told them he took the car.""
How much would insurance be on a red 2001 Toyota Celica?
http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/toyota-celica-cars135552689;_ylt=AkwAdUBozMXShhqd.AL.Qh34XY54;_ylv=3?sortcol=price&sortdir=up&location=Boiling%20Springs,%20NC%2028017&listingtype=used&model=celica&make=toyota&distance=50 heres the link to the specific car and also i am a 16 year old male living in NC and my parents have state farm (if that helps)""
What does Enterprise car rental insurance cover?
We rented a car for a week and we got the basic coverage for our rental car. Yesterday we stopped at a crosswalk when we saw two people and were then hit full speed by a pickup truck. It totaled the rental car and thankfully were are ok. As we were sitting there it was told to us that a witness said there was no one at the crosswalk when it happened and the witness filled out a report. I know what I saw and it hurts that people would be so dishonest. By the end of it the officer said no citation would be issued. I think the police are going to say it was my fault for stopping to quickly. I think that's ridiculous but anyway. If I have the basic car rental insurance and they say its my fault, will the rental insurance cover all that? Thanks for any responses. I am still shaken up!""
Cheapest car insurance for young driver please?
I'm a 17 year old male from England and have a full uk licence i was just wondering what sort of prices other people have been getting for their insurance and which companys are the cheapest to go through any help would be appreciated. Thanks for looking at my question and answering :)
Does anyone know where I can find affordable auto insurance for a single parent of two?
I just purchased a 2006 Chevy cobalt four door and I need insurance that will work on a single parents income and I need it yesterday. Can someone help?
What is a non-standard property/casualty insurance company?
How can you find out if your insurance company is non-standard? What makes a company non-standard?
Affordable insurance plans??
Hello! I am a 21 year old mother of 2 ( a 13 mo. old and a 26. mo. old) My husband and I do not qualify for medicaid (apparently you have to be dang near homeless) and we need health insurance. He has a heart condition (hes 25! ) and I tend to get sick alot! lol anyone have any ideas for affordable health insurance?? ( under $100 /mo if possible) thanks for your time, Be Blessed!""
Where can I check and insurance company's ratings?
I am shopping for life insurance. Where can I check out an insurance companies ratings and credit ratings? I am thinking about the following companies: Northwestern Mutual State Farm Stifel Nicolaus ING New York Life TIA
""Is anyone with Endsleigh for their car insurance, and has done pass plus?""
How much did you save? I am 18 and am about to buy my first car after using my mums. I did pass plus but on confused.com quote it doesn't ask if i have it. Well anyway, endsleigh is the cheapest quote but i was wondering how much i will save when they know i have pass plus?""
What is the Cheapest Homeowners Insurance for Senior Citizen?
My elderly neighbor has had her homeowners insurance cancelled because she couldnt afford to pay it. She is on a fixed income and her children do not help in any way. She owns her home but is having a hard time with paying the large payments. her mortage company says that if she doesnt take out her own insurance then they will purchase it for her at a cost of 2100.00 per year. This is way too much for a Senior citizen. i got a quote for her from progressive for 2600.00. Are there any cheaper alternatives?
What does this quote about Health Insurance mean?
(The Headline - 2 Calif. health insurers to pay $13M for dropping clients ) This fine sends the message that if you come into California to sell health insurance, YOU MUST PLAY BY THE RULES, said Cindy Ehnes, the director of the state's Department of Managed Health Care. [caps mine] http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2008-07-18-insurance-settlements_N.htm""
What is the age that someone who is not on your car insurance can drive your car?
What is the age that someone who is not on your car insurance can drive your car?
What is the average monthly insurance payment on a BMW 1998 323is 3 series coupe?
I'm wanting a buy 1998 323is 3 series coupe with 140,xxx miles on it for only $2,900. It's in amazing condition inside and out. My daily commute is only about 4 miles total ...show more""
What is the average cost for General Liability Insurance for a Security Guard Company in California.?
I'm trying to get an idea of how much a 1,000,000,000 Liability Insurance Policy would cost for a Security Company in California""
Best car insurance for over 60 male?
Had a DR10 drink driving in 2009. (Long story and yes should not have done it but) Require best option for fully comprehensive covering legal etc. Any idea of which car insurance company is best?
Health insurance?
Is there anyway someone who has been rejected by private health insurance companies can find affordable health coverage? What are some companies/resources?
Car insurance__________________?
How much do you pay for car insurance? (in a year), mine is going to expire in november (november, 30) when I am supposed to go to the agency to renew it? Can I go for example on november 1st?""
Best Health Insurance???
My husband and are getting health insurance...who's the best to go with?? We are looking at united health care right now...r they any good?
""Insurance, Drivers license, and insurance all from different states?""
Someone has told me that this is illegal and that it falls under the tri-state law but I havent been able to find any links or anything describing this situation. Im wondering because my husband has a California license and our truck is registered in Arizona with Missouri insurance (we live in Missouri now & my husband is active duty Army) When we contacted our insurance company when we moved here they just informed us that we would just need to make sure our insurance has where we currently live & keep the vehicle. According to the person who told me their husband had a TX license, KY registration, and NC insurance.""
Why is car insurance expensive for young male drivers than female drivers?
Why is car insurance expensive for young male drivers than female drivers?
Is insurance cheaper on a 4 door car than a two door car?
Is insurance cheaper on a 4 door car than a two door car?
Should medical insurance be only for childrens?
I am doing a paper on medical Insurance for my class project I have 10 question that I need answers too.
How much will my car insurance rates go up if i turn my car accident into the insurance company?
I have full coverage and I'm 17. I currently pay 120 dollar a month for car insurance and I have good grades. I back into someone's car and dented it. Is it worth it to turn into the car insurance place?
Do you purchase the new car or car insurance first?
I want to buy myself a new car. I have never done this before. My parents have always taken care of things and now I want to do this on my own. I want to put down a $15,000 down payment/cash and I have no credit. Will this be possible? Do I look for insurance first? Or do I buy the car first?""
Why is my car insurance so outrageous?
I live in Massachusetts and it is more than 3000 per year (252 per month). I am 18 so i have only been driving for a little over two years and i understand the inexperienced driver thing, even though i have never had an accident or fender bender or anything. Anyway, when will this go down? I want to purchase a home within the next year or two, and i dont have a huge income so this takes a large chunk. I know that it varies by state so would i be better off in Connecticut? I know it is cheaper there but by how much... and what does your state have to do with it?""
Cheaper insurance for full time students?
well this semester i am suppose to be a full time student, because my parents said it makes insurance cheaper but what happens if you withdraw from one of the classes, does the insurance go back up, or they don't know about it, and they assume your still a full time student?""
What price would insurance be for a Scion?
What would an insurance quote for a Scion xB be? ... for a Scion tC?
Whish insurance compay should i go to (auto)?
i just bought a 2000 Toyota camry Ve last night and i have never had any insurance before because i havent need it , i am 23 years old and i am looking for insurance some people told me go to Gieco has good prices""
Will a speeding ticket affect my insurance rates?
This is my first speeding ticket and the cop claims I sped 15 mi over the 25 mph limit. If I plead guilty and pay the fine and attend traffic school, will this still be reported to my auto insurance company?""
Which state does someone have to live in for cheap car insurance?
Which state does someone have to live in for cheap car insurance?
""Primary Mortgage Insurance, California?""
I live in southern California. I recently called my bank about refinancing my mortgage. I was advised if I refinance, the PMI insurance I pay will go from $168 to about $340 or something. In other words, by lowering my rate, my PMI goes up. Is this true? I would assume the PMI would lower or stay the same since its now easier to make payments. Please advise...""
Car insurance/traffic ticket question?
I got a ticket for speeding (67 in a 50) a little over 8 months ago. I took it to court because it was a first offense and got the points down from 2 to 1. I never got anything from my insurance company, so I thought I got lucky and my rates would stay the same. About three weeks ago, we had a bad wind storm in Maryland and a tree limb fell on my jeep. I reported it the same day and the insurance is fixing. Yesterday I got a letter in the mail from my insurance saying my rates were going up from the ticket in March. Do you think that my report of the tree limb triggered them to look at my driving record and raise the rate or is it just a coincidence that this happened at the same time?""
""Am I paying too much for auto insurance, or is it average for my age range?""
Insurer: GEICO Premium: $240/month (6-month policy, includes collision and comprehensive w/ $1,000 deductible) Gender: Male Age: 20 (almost 21) State: FL Driving for: 5 years Accidents/tickets: None Vehicle Type: SUV Vehicle Year: 1995 Supposedly, my premium is supposed to go down when I turn 25, at least that's what GEICO said. The other companies are just as expensive. What are your thoughts?""
How much would it be for a 16 year old kid to buy a 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 and get insurance?
How much would it be for a 16 year old kid to buy a 2010 Chevy Camaro LT1 and get insurance?
How much will insurance costs?
I am under 25 years old, live in CA, and first time car owner and getting insurance on a car older that 15 years... which company do you recommend and why? Thanks!""
Average cost of utilities in a 2 bedroom house in southern indiana?
I am moving into my first home and have no idea how much its going to cost. Its a 2 bedroom with a basement. There are 2 and a half of us moving in (2 year old son). I know for a fact the cost of my cell phone bill and my car insurance and gas but don't know how much to budget for anything else. Please help?
Best as in cheapest auto insurance company in California.?
I have a perfect driving record, but i'm not currently insured because I'm looking for someone else... Had allstate.. any suggestions?""
Why Will Companies Keep Offering Health Insurance?
Why Will Companies Keep Offering Health Insurance? Who here believes that if Universal Health Benefits are offered through the US government to all US citizens that companies and employers will continue to offer health insurance benefits to their employees as a payroll/benefits expense. Do you really believe companies will continue to pay such a large amount of overhead when they can simply stop offering those benefits and let the government program take over? What employer in their right mind would keep dishing out $500 a month per employee when the government is begging to take that system over? If you think Yes, please tell me why.""
Question about state farm auto insurance?
My payment was due on the 1st, and now it's the fifth. I just paid it today through online banking. The bank says it may not be processed until tuesday, but i have to get to work before then. Am i fine, since it was technically paid today, or am I just f*cked?""
Advice onCar insurance?
which cart insurance is best for two 19 year Olds? I have never had insurance of my own and I have never gotten a ticket or been in an accident. My boyfriend will be 20 next month and he has had insurance but not recently. We are on a fixed income and would prefer to only spend around 150 per month. Any advice on insurance for a 2000 4x4 2 door Ford explorer? It's a 6 cylinder engine..automatic transmission.
""I payed my Ticket, If I dont go to traffic school how much will my insurance go up?
I got a ticket that was 200$ because i live in california and i didnt see the judge to have him/her bring it down. If i dont go to traffic school how much money a month would my car insurance go up? im 18 years old. (tommorrow is my last day) and it says in the area i live in my final exam must be monitored my somewere else which means i cant do all that in one day. so im hoping i can miss and it only goes up 20$ or something.
""What does Flood Insurance cost in Houston, Texas? We are moving there in a few months. Thx!?
Friend of ours told us it can be expensive in Houston. Is that true?
Car insurance without deposit or low deposit?
hi im looking to insure mg mg zr but have little money till i get on the rd so i need an insurance company that will insure me today for no or very little deposit not 140 deposit and 11 installs of 80
Personal Medical Insurance?
Why is medical insurance is a dream of riches or expensive commodity in U.S.A ? For example, Denmark, Canada, and other countries it is affordable and free to the people who contribute to the development of the country? (In Denmark for example if you can speak Danish, and work, you get free Insurance, like such in another countries). Why can't we make it affordable to everyone? What pro-active thoughts, comments, actions, suggestions you have for in this regard? Thank you.""
California Temporary Driver's License?
I'm 20 years old and have a valid UK driver's lisence. As I am now living in California, I was given a 'California Temporary Driver's License'. This expired yesterday but I have my behind the wheel test on Monday (12/7/09). Is this expiration going to be an issue? I did mention it at the DMV office, but the woman just ignored my question as if it was stupid and continued to book my test. Surely it means I am not licensed to drive a vehicle on my test date? Also, the car I will be driving is fully insured by someone I live with, and it is her name that is on the insurance documents. The policy insures anybody with a valid license- can I use this for the test providing it passes all their other requirements referred to on their website? Thank you in advance for any help. I have searched through all DMV related sites but this issue is never addressed.""
Why is car insurance expensive for young male drivers than female drivers?
Why is car insurance expensive for young male drivers than female drivers?
""Liability only car insurance, does it matter what car you get?
I'm pretty sure you pay more if you get a mustang than a honda 4 door civic. Just liability only - not full comp and collission. No notes that if you have a loan in the car you have to carry full coverage. I know that already. Car would be cash and use same year for both cars.
How do traffic tickets affect insurance premiums?
So if you get a traffic ticket you generally get: a fine, driving school and it makes your insurance premium worse. Is this always true when it comes to the insurance? Is this a rule defined by the insurance or can something be done to avoid that insurance thing? The state is CA btw.. if that matters..""
How much is insurance if...?
I am 16, female and driving a sports car [[camaro]]? please give an average for texas and several different companys!""
Car insurance?
I got NYC Driver's lisence but my car is register under someone else's name in New Jersey. If i get a ticket speeding ticket I know it will affect my record but my question is, will it also affect the insurance of the guy the car is register under? if so how much?""
Health Insurance ?? I can buy on my own thats affordable.?
I own a small business and need some health and dental for me ,2 kids and my husband that is affordable and actually works. And that you dont have to be low income to qualify.""
Where can I get any driver over 25 business car insurance?
I'm fed up with filling in heaps of info for online quotes, only to find that the company doesn't offer any driver policies""
Should I be put on my moms car insurance?
should I be put under my mothers insurance, or should i take care of my car insurance my self? Im 18""
Liability insurance for small pizza delivery business?
Do I need any kind of special liability insurance for a small pizza delivery business? My delivery drivers will drive their own insured cars not company owned vehicles.
Can I drive my second car without insurance?
Hi, I bought a second car, the insurance on my first car allows me to drive any other vehicle with the owner's permission. Is it illegal to not insure my second car?""
How long do i have to wait to change to a cheaper car insurance company?
I just got this car last week, and it's used and the dealer financed me, but i had to go get full coverage on it before i drove it off the lot. It was late in the day and i was panicked , so i hit the 1st office i could find, and that's going to be about $150 a month for full coverage (!!) Do i have to wait for a period before shopping a new insurance co. ? If so , how long?""
Confused about car insurance.?
I recently got my license but my parents aren't getting me a car just yet. If i ask to drive one of their cars they say no because i don't have insurance. They said they will get me insurance within a month but I'm curious if this is correct. My friends dad said as long as that car i am driving has insurance i can drive it, but my parents are saying I need the insurance. I don't know, I'm really confused.""
How come Americans can't afford medical insurance?
Yet we seem to have PLENTY of money to blow on Ipods, Itunes, Iphones, lap top computers, DVD players, flat screen TVs, designer clothing, fast food, porn, alcohol, cigarettes, and concert tickets?""
Need help for car insurance. lied about points?
i recently took a car insurance policy but i didn't tell my insurance company that i have 6 points and have told them my wrong address. but today i have called them, that i will be changing my address this weekend. so this will be sorted as my i have to pay 300pounds more. I want to tell them about my points too, but i am scared, will they cancel my policy I took the policy 12 days ago. i want to tell them about my points. please can anyone tell me who actually worked for or still working in a car insurance company, that if i tell them now before my cooling off period over will they cancel my policy or just amend the details which will be little increase in my premium? I am a second driver on this car.""
How long will my accident affect my insurance premiums?
I just filed a claim with my insurance company, in California. If they find me to be at fault, then how long will my insurance cost more? Is there a certain time that it won't be on my record, or count anymore?""
Can anyone help with car insurance?
I'm 17 and I passed my test about 2 months ago. I am looking to buy a Peugeot 306 and insure it with my mum as main driver as she is not a main driver on any another policy then have me as named driver. The only problem is that she doesnt have any No Claims Bonus as she is named driver on my dad's insurance. Could anyone tell me which company might be cheapest to do this with please?
My car is registered in wisconsin how can I get insurance in california?
My mother bought me a car in wisconsin and i live in california, but the car is still registered in her name in WI. how do i get insurance coverage without having to register the car in my name? is it possible?""
Will one point on my license make my insurance rate increase?
I have been driving for about two years. Being a new driver, my insurance rate is of course considerably high (on a side note, I think auto insurance is legalized theft). Now. Aside from that, I received a speeding ticket. It was 83 mph in a 55 zone. Oops. In court, the judge reduced it from two points to one point on my license, and the record now shows 64 in a 55. Should I expect an increase in my insurance rates? I am insured with Allstate.""
Health Insurance for Uninsurable?
I haven't been able to get health insurance in the past couple years due to constantly changing jobs, and not being able to stay on my feet as much as I would like to in my career. I have diabetes, which is causing more serious issues with my limbs and eyes that I can't wait to take care of. I am in my low 30's, single, and a resident of Illinois. I know the affordable health care is suppose to start accepting applications in October, and care beginning in 2014, but I just can't wait that long. I tried any other state and federally funded option, but they have suspended their applications due to the new programs coming out later this year. Would anyone have any other ideas, my family will help offset some of the costs, I just need to find some kind of a plan with pre existing conditions to include diabetes.""
What are some cheap insurance companies for new 17 year old drivers?
I've been using comparison sites. Mainly confused.com and the cheapest seems to be admiral, elephant or Quinn to insure a 1.0 nissan micra 2004 for a 17 year old female with a comprehensive policy. (Cheapest being 1239 with low mileage and parent on policy). However, I know some cheap insurance companies aren't on comparison sites and you have to go direct to them. So, any suggestions that I may not have found?""
Would using a motorbike for a year make insuring a car cheaper?
i'm at college and i am looking at learning to drive a car and i was wondering that if i used a motorbike or moped for a year without claiming on insurance would it decrease the cost of car insurance? because that is what my friends have been saying
UK car insurance question?
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old boy, 3rd party F&T. 1. Provisional licence holder 2. Full licence holder Thank you""
Car insurance question?
The other week, my dumb *** relative backed into my parked car. Essentially, he could of saved himself two grand if he bothered to turn and look like he was supposed to. My question and PLEASE only answer with relative/helpful information: If I don't use a rental during the time my vehicle gets repaired, will it lower his costs with his provider? Or will it not matter? I only ask because, though an idiot, is still family (plus his parents are being ******* cause their kid can do no wrong if you know what I mean). So if not using the rental will help with his rates/etc. let me know.""
Maternity leave- short term disability insurance?
Is there a private company that offers short-term disability pay? I am not pregnant, but I plan on getting pregnant within the next year. My employer does not offer short-term disability, and the only company I have found that offers STD coverage is Aflac. With Aflac, it HAS to go through the employer, and my employer said no. Does anyone know of any way to get private coverage through any insurance company for maternity leave if your boss is a douchebag?""
Which life insurance is the best one to get and the most affordable and reasonable? Is it the whole life
insurance? or premium life insurance? or term life insurance?
How much will car insurance cost for a teenage guy?
How much will car insurance cost for a teenage guy?
Why is car insurance expensive for young male drivers than female drivers?
Why is car insurance expensive for young male drivers than female drivers?
""Car accident, insurance coverage, process?""
I had an accident with another car on the highway, road condition was icy. I traveled with 46-50 miles/hour, kept the car in my lane, followed the cars with normal distance. The other car - one lane or two lanes to the right of me hit an icy spot and crashed into the right side of my car at the door and partially the right fender. I had no damage in the front side of my car, but the front of the other car is damaged substantially. First she admitted that she hit an icy spot, but gave the police another untrue statement about the accident. No tickets were issued by the police. We both have full insurance coverage. The damages on both cars clearly indicates, that her spinning car caused the crash. I already contacted my insurance company. Is there a chance that the insurance companies will be able to work this out and her insurance company will pay for the repair on both cars? Therefore, I will not have to pay my deductible amount? Can the ins. co. override her statement if the independent investigation indicates that her car caused the accident ? Thanks for your answer.""
How much would insurance be for a 17 year old male in Alabama?
Please only educated, backed-up answers.""
Has anyone ever had short term car insurance ?
how much is it ? i work alot in the summer so i only need a car for a month please help am new to this.
NJ car insurance?
NJ My daughter borrowed my car and was in a minor accident. She has her own insurance. My insurance company paid the other drivers claim and my insurance went up. Shouldn't my daughters insurance pay the claim. We have twoseparate companies.
What is car insurance rates?
uhm im doing report, and i need to write bout 3 ways that how teenage car accidents rising affect us. One of my answer is car insurance rate would go up; &yet i dont know wht that means. some one help?""
I need help trying to get the cheapest car insurance.?
Im 18 years old i past my driving test in September but can afford insurance, the lowest quote ive been given is 3000 pounds which is outrageous. Is there any way i could find cheap insurance and what would be the car to help too !!! :) Thanks !!!""
How much would insurance cost?
I'm a 16 year old male who makes a's and b's in school and my parents just bought me a 2008 Gmc Sierra Denali and I'm currently driving without insurance how much do you think it would cost for me?
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old?
How can I find out the cheapest rate?
Does having a nissan 350z as your first car and a new driver added gonna make the insurance go up?
their are 3 drivers in my family and the insurance is like 200 i think would the bill go way up if a new driver is driving a 350z?
Can you drive any car with the COOP's fully comp insurance?
if i have fully comp with the COOP does this mean i can drive other cars who drivers are fully comp too. I have had a look all it could find was this, http://www.co-operativeinsurance.co.uk/cfscombi/pdf/Car_Insurance_Policy_Document_Part_A.pdf PAGE 14, 1 (iii)""
Can new auto insurance company find an incident not reported with DMV but claimed with current insurance comp?
I want to change my auto insurance comp, i have claimed an accident with it for which i did not get a ticket. So will it matter if I don't report it to the new company while asking for quotations? Do insurance companies talk to each other or share data?""
How much is an average car insurance?
I am a 17 year old male. I turn 18 October 4th. I have taken a drives education course which should reduce the price. My grades are great. I'm looking into getting a 2008 mustang and I live a mile from work. And i live in the state of florida. How much SHOULD my monthly car insurance be?
Teen driving auto insurance.?
I am a 16 year old man and i am a week away from being eligible from getting my licence. If I were to get my licence would I need to obtain auto insurance? I would drive my parents car not my own so would I need Insurance or would my rates be deductable explain please thanks for answering.
Help. Court tommorow. Auto insurance issue!?
A few hours after I purchased a truck from a dealer, I was pulled over and ticketed for no insurance (california). I did not purchase insurance through the dealer. Don't I get at least one day to buy this myself?? Judge is very strict. I go to court at 9am tomorrow.""
How much will my insurance go up?
I got a ticket today for reckless driving (drifted coming out of school.) I'm only 16 and I'm a male, so how much will my insurance go up?""
Health insurance for 1099?
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First time dealing with car insurance for a 19 yr old?
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Why is car insurance expensive for young male drivers than female drivers?
Why is car insurance expensive for young male drivers than female drivers?
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Isabella Rossellini:’ There is no work between 45 and 60 – you’re in limbo’
At 43, Isabella Rossellini was sacked as the appearance of Lancme. Now, 20 years on, shes been rehired. She talks movies, her father, Ingrid Bergman, and her rollercoaster life
In 1996, when Isabella Rossellini was about to turn 44, she was sacked. After 14 years as the look and spokesperson of Lancme cosmetics, she was told in no uncertain terms that she was past it. Beauty advertising was about the reverie, executives told her , not the coarse actuality, and women dreamed about being young; the actors face would soon become an undesirable remember of the ageing process. And so, despite Rossellinis insistence that eternal youth was neither her daydream nor that of any woman she knew( she replies she told Lancme that the new reverie was to be independent, to be strong, to insist yourself ), she was replaced, preferably humiliatingly, by the very similar-looking Juliette Binoche dark whisker, pale skin, full cheeks, high-pitched cheekbones only 12 years her junior. Heartbroken at future prospects of losing her task, her central generator of income and two seconds family of colleagues, the mother of two expected a elderly executive what she was supposed to do next. He alleged, Rossellini withdraws, I am not your wet nurse.
It was pretty rough , without doubt, it was difficult to, she announces now, as we sit in a grand, flower-filled area at the site of the violation, Lancmes HQ in Paris, where, at 64, Isabella Rossellini is all smiles and once again the ace entertainment. My daughter was 10 and my son was one, and I was a single mum. I announced and was depressed, and I worried financially. As a fortysomething single father of two myself, I tell her I can well dream. What Im struggling to understand is how, when Lancme called her simply eight months ago to ask her to return to the bend, Rossellini didnt suggest they jostle their mascara up their derriere and construction it.
She is unfathomably magnanimous. There was that sense, when a sidekick wants to know why I was going back, she agrees. I said, Because Im flattered, Im exceedingly touched, I miss them. Its very personal, but I dont know whether Im being forgiving. Rossellini says the company from which she was expelled is now most varied. When I was here 20 years ago, the secretaries were women and the bosses were husbands. The manufacture was one of men forming commodities on the understanding that makeup was for seduction, she says. But I employ makeup on even if I go out with my sister there is a pleasure in the gesticulate. I was not understood.
Significantly, the labels CEO is now a woman, Franoise Lehmann, and it was she who obliged the most recent ask. Having propelled expeditions fronted by Penlope Cruz and Lupita Nyongo, she felt it was high time Lancme celebrated older age, more. As Rossellini justifies, Last year , Lancme turned 80, and we were thinking, what was life like for women 80 years ago? They couldnt vote or own their own apartment its stunning. We wanted to reflect the liberation of the status of women that has been so strong in our century.
Ingrid Bergman and Roberto Rossellini with Ingrid, Roberto Jr, Isabella and Renzo in 1953. Image: Rex
Having been born into scandal, Rossellini had ensure her “mothers ” drop-off contaminate of sexism and double touchstones. Ingrid Bergman met the administrator Roberto Rossellini on the make of Stromboli, fallen in love and contributed birth to his son while still married to her Swedish spouse, Petter Lindstrom the parent of Isabellas eldest sister, Pia. Despite a profession as an Oscar and Tony award-winning performer, and perhaps because of her likenes as a modest, elegant manifestation of womanhood( Bergman had just played Joan Of Arc ), her success was eclipsed by her adultery. In March 1950, in the wake of the circumstance and her precede wedlock to Rossellini, Bergman was denounced on the flooring of US Congress by Senator Edwin C Johnson as a atrocious lesson of womanhood and a potent force for cruelty; she was, he suggested, an debate that actors should undergo background checks before being employed to entertain Americans. Despite Johnsons belief that out of Ingrid Bergmans ashes will grow a better Hollywood, the proposed bill substantiated futile, but the arguing marred her vocation and family life. Bergman temporarily lost custody of Pia and retreated to the more forgiving European film industry. She and Rossellini later divorced, sharing joint detention of “their childrens”, Roberto Junior, four-year-old Isabella and her non-identical twin sister Ingrid( an academic who educates Italian literature ).
Bergman remarried, but Rossellinis childhood persisted involved. She and her siblings lived between New York, Paris and Rome, remain in hotels and accommodations with a nanny, her parents and step-parents taking it in turns to drop in and spend time with their seven collective juveniles, who were understandably close( Rossellinis trademark chipped tooth arose when her 12 -year-old brother hurled phone calls at her look. Bergman announced for three days, but Isabella decided to keep it ).
With her baby, Ingrid Bergman. Picture: Rex Shutterstock
Before contacting her teens, Rossellini spent six months bedridden and two years in a body cast to correct scoliosis, or curvature of the backbone. She had no intention of following her father into the film industry. I come from a generation of women where, though my mother was a far-famed actress and had a big career, we always presupposed in the family that she was gifted with a tremendous flair so she was an exception, a freak. The other women in their own families might work, they are likely not work but, the majority of members of all, you are a good baby and you marry.
She was, nonetheless, assessed to be financially self-sufficient from a young age. Her father-god, sarcastic of coin and commercialism, had died with merely $200 in his bank account, while Bergman had entrusted her own financial affairs to controllers and been repeatedly burnt. My mom never operated her fund. It was frightening for that generation. Women[ in their own families] ever gave it to the men to take care of. I did say to my mum that I was going to take control of my own fund. I had visualized what happened if you dont.
At 25, while working as a television reporter, Rossellini was sent to interview Martin Scorsese, who was promoting his cinema New York, New York. They hit it off, inaugurated dating and got married. The resulting revelation have all contributed to pattern presents, and very soon Rossellini was working with photographers such as Richard Avedon and Bruce Weber, and appearing on the report of Vogue,( much, she has said, to Scorseses hassle ).
With then husband Martin Scorsese in 1981 in New York. Photograph: Getty Images
Despite this relatively late start in modelling( I didnt know prototypes were 14, Rossellini once announced ), Lancmes contract made her the highest-paid simulation in “the worlds” when it came in 1982. In an sarcastic event of record repeating itself, the contract contained a decency rider( much like the contracts of the 1950 s Hollywood studio system ); this was soon quite scuppered when Rossellini became pregnant by a modelling colleague while segregated from, though still technically married to, Scorsese. Later, she would appear as a drag tycoon in Madonnas 1992 Sex volume, to the fear of Lancme, who worried that beings would think she was gay.
Given the pious moral imposed on her and her mom, I wonder if Rossellini ever reflects on how much weve changed. I have a feeling that its went worse, she articulates. My parents paid a bigger price, but the latter are unique. Nowadays, theres paparazzi everywhere. Its likewise the organised fame thought the red carpet has become a undertaking. Sometimes we insure the actors, and we know their reputations, but not necessarily the cinemas they were in. Its not exceedingly petitioning to me, because I dont been in love do red carpet. Its like a charm contender, and I think everyone appears awkward about it. A mas of performers are very shy parties. There are a few who love public attention, but theyre a minority; I guess performers like to act, and they like storytelling.
Rossellini has often said she opts pattern to action, which minimise her great aptitudes. She tells me simulating “ve given me” the confidence to act. Both my parents were very famous, so I was reluctant, but simulating gave me the be thought that I could dare. Her iconic act in Blue Velvet, as the bereft mother and lounge singer accepting shocking abuse at the mitts of Dennis Hoppers Frank Booth, prevailed her an Independent Spirit award in 1986. Director David Lynch originally missed Helen Mirren for the character, but Rossellini urged him to cause her a chance; the pair went on to become a duet for six years.
With Kyle MacLachlan in Blue Velvet. Photo: Rex
Wild At Heart, her next campaign with Lynch, won the 1990 Palme dOr at Cannes and, ironically, just a year before leaving Lancme molted starred in the critically acclaimed camp-fest Death Becomes Her, in which Rossellinis character sells the secret of eternal youth to desperate ageing housewives in Hollywood. I wonder if, given that role, and the sacking from Lancme soon afterwards, she herself became insecure about her advancing years?
Rossellini cheerfully contends she made a clear distinction between her professional and personal life: When youre young, there is so much pressure, because you work, you need money. As you grow older, the focus becomes clearer and clearer, if you like. Nothing ever talks about that, how wonderful it is to grow older. They ever talk about wrinkles, but ageing is interesting, wrinkles or no wrinkles.
Despite implicit pressings within the movie and beautiful industries, she has repelled reconstructive surgery( as someone with an acute radar for even discreet undertaking, Id stake my reputation on her illusion being wholly without involvement from either needle or knife ). In 2012, Rossellini took part in the documentary About Face: Supermodels Then And Now, and responded, Sometimes I wake up and think, Is this the new technology? Tells go and do the operation. But the majority of members of the time I wake up and think, Is this the new paws bind, is this the new road of being misogynist, is this a new way to tell women theyre ugly, is this a new channel of telling women they should be this and this? And you commit standards that are impossible to be reached, because the underlying problem is misogyny.
She is, she tells me , not interested in chasing perfection. When parties tell me, You seem so glamorous, you search sophisticated or stylish, its fantastic. But when people say, Youre beautiful, I find it a little deigning. Worse now, because they say, Youre still beautiful. In Italian, we say its a bayonet with both hems, because I know that they represent it to satisfy me, but its almost like alleging to a black lady, Youre not so light, you dont seem so pitch-black. I am old-time: this is what 65 looks like. She is irritated that her generation isnt better gratified for. There is no fashion for women my age, Im sorry to say. She tugs at her charming navy silk tunic. This, I designed myself, because its hopeless to find acts that arent for simply one form. It has to be scrawny, or it has to be sexy I dont just knowing that going on in fashion. I point out that sleeves are as easy to find as black orchids. Exactly! “There wasnt” sleeves. I crave sleeves! You cant find them.
I wonder if it isnt old age that Lancme and Hollywood couldnt deal with, but middle age. Geena Davis, Michelle Pfeiffer and Holly Hunter, all big stars in the 1990 s, struggled to get good employment opportunities in their 50 s. Rossellini agrees: My mum told me that there is no task for women between 45 and 60, because you are in-between. You are not young enough to play the young girl, but you are also not old-fashioned enough to play the matriarch, the voodoo or grandmother. So there is a period of 15 times where youre in limbo and they dont has been able to hire you. Then after 60, a great deal of work coming through. That was true for my mum. And you realize, Maggie Smith is the hottest happening on Earth. Helen Mirren is the hottest act on Earth. Then there is this gap.
Rossellini fell right into it. The movie characters thinned out and, while barely in the desert post-Lancme, she was forced to create her own opportunities. She launched a short-lived but very good cosmetics route, Manifesto, for women of all ages and skin colours. She wrote and performed speeches, made a documentary about her father, performed in plays off-Broadway and took on enjoyable activities like a cameo in Friends, as Rosss dream woman. She bought a small organic farm, investigated animal action and preservation, and studied guide bird-dogs, though she lately had to stop after some lead tugging justification her to drop-off and disable her back.
Guide hounds are labradors and golden retrievers, she excuses. I could have broken my back, so I imagined , no more teaching large-scale hounds! So what I do now is whelp and its fascinating. Like a pup doula? Exactly. They communicate me pregnant momma, they have the puppies, then I keep them for 2 month and distribute them to all the voluntaries for guidebook puppy training.
With her daughter, Elettra, in 1985. Photograph: Rex
She had been blithely withdrawing from showbusiness for a year when she was offered a part in Joy, the romantic humor starring Jennifer Lawrence and Robert De Niro, best friend of Scorsese, with whom Rossellini has remained close. She stopped cashing her actors trade union pension cheques, rejoined the workforce and, in the wake of Joys popularity, was offered a estimate gig on upcoming world TV demo Master Of Photography and a role in a drama.
She still oversees the farm. All the person or persons at “the farmers ” thought where I was, because I was hurtling again. For the moment, I try to manage it all, so well see how long it lasts, this burst of wield, she tells, taking nothing for granted. But she affection TV, and thinks it more attractive a hypothesi for full-grown females performers and onlookers alike. The conjecture I have is that the movies forming “the worlds largest” money are realize for young males, and thats why they are these large-scale war movies. Not because full-grown females dont like them, but because we have a family to create and so we work, “were about” babies, we cook, we are the caregivers and we have careers. So at night after dinner, we cant go out and watch cinemas. She detects television streaming on Netflix, Amazon and online boxed situateds please open brand-new and far more inclusive potentials. I think there will be a lot of actresses wreaking again, she smiles. Im doing a series announced Shut Eye, and first of all I never expected to be a leading role in something again. Im a contribute with other actors, but I am a extremely, very substantial proportion. Theres a whole new audience of ripen people who can watch 45 instants of television and then was sleeping. So its highly fragmented. We dont have these large-hearted phenomenon series where you have the entire country watching, but you have enough parties to establish numerous series, tell many stories.
I wonder if Rossellinis story, as the simulation, pastured middle-aged woman and then back again, is one she wishes she didnt have to tell, or so liberally forgive. She smiles. I feel that its a story and this is the last chapter. Its a glad ending.
Read more: www.theguardian.com
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How dropping acid saved my life
When writer Ayelet Waldman fell into depression she started microdosing with LSD. She tells Rachel Cooke about her extraordinary experiment with acid
Some time ago for reasons that will become apparent I am not allowed to say when, exactly the American writer Ayelet Waldman scored some LSD. She did this, not on a street corner or via the dark web, but middle-class style, through an acquaintance of an acquaintance, for which reason the drug arrived at her home in Berkeley, California, in a stamp-encrusted brown paper package whose sender (an elderly professor, she believed) identified himself only as Lewis Carroll, a fellow resident of her town. Mr Carroll had, however, troubled to write her a brief note. Our lives may be no more than dewdrops on a summer morning, it said. But surely, it is better that we sparkle while we are here. The bottle he enclosed contained 50 drops of vintage quality LSD, of which he advised her to take two at a time. Waldman was delighted. Not to put too fine a point on it, she believed this drug might save her life.
For as long as she can remember, Waldman has been held hostage by her moods. When she is up, she is up; when she is down, she is down. These highs and lows she has managed over the years with the help of therapy and a number of drugs, with which she has had varying degrees of success. At the time of the parcels arrival, though, she had entered a new and much more scary phase.
I was so profoundly depressed, she says. It wasnt the kind of depression where you fall into bed. Ive been through that before, and while its grim, its manageable. This was more of a mixed state, a kind of activated depression, and thats a dangerous place to be. I was doing everything I could to ruin my own life. I was afraid that if I stayed on that track, I would force my husband to leave me, and that I would probably attempt suicide and being a very capable person, I dont think a failed attempt was on the cards.
It was while she was in this state of mind that she stumbled on The Psychedelic Explorers Guide, by the psychologist and writer James Fadiman, who since 2010 has been collecting reports from individuals who have experimented with regular microdosing of LSD and psilocybin, a naturally occurring chemical found in a variety of mushrooms. Fadimans book is certainly not the result of a scientific research project; there has never been an officially sanctioned study of microdosing.
Here comes happiness: Ayelet Waldman at home. Photograph: Barry J Holmes for the Observer
But the people whose accounts it gathered together spoke repeatedly of experiencing, thanks to LSD, increased focus and better mood. They reported rarely losing their tempers, and becoming more fun to be with. None, moreover, had suffered any side effects. To put it simply, they went to bed feeling they had enjoyed that most elusive of things: a really good day. As Waldman read on, she grew envious. How she needed to have one of those! Was this her glimmer of hope? She thought it might be.
Waldman contacted Fadiman, and received a memo entitled To a Potential Self-Study Psychedelic Researcher. The protocol was simple. In order to participate in his international self-study group on the effects of sub-perceptual doses of LSD, she should take a microdose of the drug every third day. The suggested dose was a minuscule 10 micrograms, one 10th or less of what a person would have to take in order to experience an altered state of consciousness (ie to trip).
Meanwhile, she should lead life as normal, pausing only to record her moods, productivity and physical symptoms. Did this sound to be blunt preposterous? It did. Waldman is a middle-aged mother of four who, in addition to writing novels, lectures on the criminal justice system (she is a Harvard-educated former lawyer). As someone who is law-abiding and swotty, nothing in the world irritates her more than hippies, slackers, free spirits. Even people who wont stay on the right hand side of escalators drive her nuts. Ken Kesey she is not. But she was suffering. She had nothing to lose. Why shouldnt she try it, just for a month?
Having found a supplier, then, she did indeed begin taking the drug, an experience she has now recorded in her own book A Really Good Day: How Microdosing Made a Mega Difference in My Mood, My Marriage, and My Life. Its publication is certain to cause controversy. In fact, the madness has already begun. When we speak via Skype, a month or so before it arrives in bookshops, she tells me that only a few days earlier an excitable reporter got in touch to inform her that his editor had given him permission to drop acid with Ayelet Waldman. (Her response to his question about when they might schedule this journalistic endeavour was: Like, never.)
Loved up: Waldman and husband Michael Chabon. Photograph: Albert L Ortega/WireImage
Attitudes to drugs in America are irrespective of those states that have legalised cannabis far from liberal. Trump has appointed to the Department of Justice a war-on-drugs advocate [the Alabama senator, Jeff Sessions] who is so retrograde in his thinking, he believes the US suffers from an under-incarceration problem, she says. Its for this reason that she wont reveal when her experiment ended: there is a three-year statute of limitations on drugs charges. Do I think a white, middle-class lady will be high on his list of targets? No. But in this crazy new world we live in, you cant be too careful.
Its reception will also doubtless be muddied by the fact that she is its author. In America, Waldman is well known as an acclaimed writer in her own right and as the wife of the Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Michael Chabon, to whom she has been married since 1993. When she writes about herself, moreover and this is something she does a great deal in A Really Good Day people have a tendency to respond with unnerving fury.
Most famously, this was the case in 2005, when the New York Times published her essay Motherlove, in which she declared that she loved her husband more than her children (If a good mother is one who loves her child more than anyone else in the world, I am not a good mother. I am in fact a bad mother.) In the days that followed, ABCs daytime show The View hosted an unaccountably vitriolic debate about Waldman, her neighbours could be heard tearing her to shreds in Starbucks, and her inbox filled with emails from strangers threatening to report her to social services, the better that her children might be taken away.
Waldman is clever and funny and open-hearted. But as she readily admits, even her more sympathetic readers may sometimes have cause to wonder, in the case of A Really Good Day, which aspects of her behaviour her compulsion to tell the world things that others might prefer to keep private among them are simply the result of her personality, and which can be attributed to her illness. It is hard to distinguish between them, she says, almost wonderingly.
Still, she is probably better placed, now, to cope with any onslaught. Waldman is no longer using LSD her experiment really did last for only a month but its effects have, in some ways, been lasting. I miss its anti-depressant quality, and I miss the way it made me focus. It was like Ritalin [a drug commonly prescribed in the US to children with ADHD] without the side effects, which is frankly incredible. But that month got me out of a dark place. Within the first couple of doses, it was like the computer of my brain had been restarted. I was still moody. I had some really good days, but there were also crappy days, and days when it was just the normal shit. Somehow, though, the bad days were not hellish days, and so I had the capacity to work on issues I just couldnt before. Sure, I was hoping for joy. What I got instead was enough distance from the pain I was in to work on the things that were causing it.
Expand your mind: 1960s LSD advocate Dr Timothy Leary, who advised us to turn on, tune in, drop out. Photograph: AP
That work continues. Im still not on an even keel. Im still struggling with my moods. But Im committed to that. Im doing a new kind of therapy that is working quite well, even if not quite so well as it might be if I was still microdosing. If someone sends her a mean tweet in the coming weeks, she is unlikely to respond as venomously as she might once have done, or even at all.
Given its benign effect on her, why didnt she just find herself a new supplier, and continue taking it? There were, she says, two reasons. The first was her complete inability to purchase illegal drugs: towards the end of her book, she describes how, having made contact by text with a dealer, she panics, having convinced herself that Lucy is a police informant. The second was her determination to write a book about her experience: for that to be safe, she had to no longer be using.
If I could have overcome those things, there is no doubt in my mind that I would have carried on. Of course, it might not have kept working; Ive been on medication before that seemed to be working, and then wasnt. But if it was to be made legal, Id be the first in the queue, and I periodically remind myself that, if I get desperate again, I do have the option.
Her book is well-researched and, in the matter of LSD itself, careful and no-nonsense. The drug, a variation on the ergotamine molecule (ergot is the fungus responsible for the disease known in the Middle Ages as St Anthonys Fire) which was first synthesised in Basel in 1938 by Dr Albert Hofmann, has, she argues, an undeservedly bad reputation. The scare stories it trails of young men and women whose LSD hallucinations lead them to jump off high buildings have little basis in reality. Rather, they are largely the result of conservative Americas response to the 1960s counterculture, to Timothy Learys suggestion that people turn on, tune in, drop out. Twenty million people have used it in the US, and millions more around the world, with no ill effects at all.
Its complicated, but when it comes to the drugs possible use in the treatment of mental illness, what you need to know is that LSD stimulates the 5-HT2A serotonin receptor, which in turn leads to the stimulation both of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), something a pharmacologist described to her as like Miracle-Gro for the brain It stimulates growth, connections, and activity, and of glutamate, the neurotransmitter most responsible for brain functions, such as cognition, learning and memory. (Hence its supposed new-found popularity in Silicon Valley, though Waldman thinks that, in reality, there are more magazine articles about tech dudes using LSD than there are, well, tech dudes using LSD: If there were some mass secret movement, it would have been a lot easier for to get hold of my drugs.)
She believes that during her experiment her neuroplasticity was enhanced, and that this didnt only enable her to work for hours at a time, to achieve a real sense of flow at her desk, but that it also made her happier and less impulsive. What little research has been done backs her up a study at Imperial College London showed that even a single dose of LSD produced robust psychological effects though scientists still dont fully understand the relationship between what happens in the brain, and the psyche.
Why isnt more research carried out? The simple truth is that LSD still carries with it a lot of leftover political baggage. During the writing of her book, the few researchers sanctioned by the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) who are out there were reluctant to allow Waldman to quote them, fearing that to associate themselves with a personal experiment would tarnish their hard-won credibility.
So far, so good. However, when her book is on more personal territory, as it frequently is, Waldman is vastly less cautious, and for the reader especially, perhaps, the British reader this can be, well, excruciating. I know! she says, when I tell her this. Can you imagine what it would be like for me if I lived in London? Chabon, a feminist with whom she shares the childcare, has the power of veto over everything she writes. But because hes a writer, too, this seems not to be something he often invokes. In A Really Good Day, nothing is out of bounds, from their agonising couples therapy (My husbands eyes filled I collapsed in his arms, crying so hard I soaked his shirt), to their sex life (I know you love me, I said, as we made love), to their periodic use of MDMA, aka ecstasy, as a way of opening up their lines of connection. What we did was talk, she writes, of the first time they tried it, in a hotel room theyd booked specifically for the purpose. For six hours, we talked about our feelings for each other, why we love each other, how we loved each other.
Waldman reveals that her moods can be triggered by everything from her writerly insecurities, to the dog, to the sound of her husband eating nuts (she suffers from misophonia, or selective sound sensitivity syndrome): I handed him a handful of almonds, and walked out of the kitchen I heard a crunch, the smack of lips; I felt a wave of anger. She is also fed up that her husband earns more than her, and that she has to share his writing studio, which has an uncomfortable couch: Though hes welcomed me in, I feel like a girlfriend whos been given a drawer in the bachelor pad bathroom. Poor Michael Chabon. The reader begins to feel he is some kind of saint.
Well, he is somewhat saintly, Waldman says. He makes my friends crazy. He gives great gifts. He has impeccable taste in clothes and jewellery. He is a know-it-all, but then, he does sort of know everything. Hes misanthropic, in that we [the family] are all he has space for; he doesnt have any close friends, which I think he would benefit from. I was about to say that hes far better than I deserve, but thats the pathology speaking, because I am a very good wife for him.
Isnt he ever mean to her? Yeah, sure he is. He encouraged her to embark on LSD experiment because he was desperate, too.
Before we hang up, I have to ask: does she ever worry her extraordinarily intense relationship with Chabon on Twitter she has been known to post pictures of her husband, along with a line informing her 15,800 followers just how much she loves him might be another symptom of her illness? For the first time in our conversation, she is hesitant. The gale of her voice drops to a light breeze.
Yeah, I have thought about this. I have said to him: If I were to get healthy, would I still love you, and would you still love me? There is a way that Ive confused needing with loving. I dont want to sound like a Hallmark card, but love is [supposed to be] unselfish, and in my most internal, whirling dark places, I think I need him so badly because he takes care of me, protects me, makes me feel safe. One of the things that saved our marriage in that [dark] period was when I brutally tried to disentangle those things.
The upshot is that she thinks, now, perhaps its OK to need him. After the LSD, when I was having this intense new therapy, I took a drive one night in northern California, where the countryside is very beautiful. I had this thought: maybe I dont love him after all. It was terrifying, and I was crying. But then the phone rang, and it was him. How did she feel then? His voice filled me like a glass of water.
People have been curious, even excited: an extract from A Really Good Day
A fewdays ago, I began tentatively to tell people about this experiment. To my surprise, I encountered few negative reactions. Every once in a while a listener might arch an eyebrow or smile uncomfortably, as if trying to figure out whether her discomfort meant that she wasnt hip enough, or whether I really was nuts. But those have been in the decided minority. Most people have been curious, even excited.
Those with histories of mood disorders were intrigued to hear that my spirits have lifted, that though I sometimes feel the familiar clutch of anxiety in my chest, I am generally able to use mindfulness techniques to make it dissolve. When I told them that I have not gained weight and that my libido has not withered away, they got really excited. The side effects of SSRIs are so ubiquitous and unpleasant that the idea of a medication protocol with fewer of them is thrilling.
Friends who incline to the spiritual were disappointed when they heard that Ive experienced no connection to the divine, but reassured when I mention the pleasure Ive taken in the natural world, the tree outside my window, the smell of the jasmine beside the city sidewalks. Risk takers and hedonists were disappointed that I was unable to provide details of hallucinations. No kaleidoscopic colours, they asked wistfully, no feeling that the floor was shifting beneath your feet? I live in California. The last thing I want to feel is the floor shifting beneath my feet. They urged me to try a real dose. It would change my life, they said, as though my problem is that my life has been too devoid of weirdness. Besides, my life is changing.
Tonight, however, was a different story. These two writer friends are about 20 years older than my husband and me, which puts them firmly in the boomer generation. They were in their 20s in the 1960s. Theyve travelled the world, rejected a life of secure conformity in favour of the risks and rewards of art. What better people to confide in? I thought.
Well, I said, Ive been writing, but not working on a novel. Ive been writing about microdosing with LSD.
What does that mean, the woman of the pair asked? Are you writing some kind of nonfiction article on people who use LSD?
I took a breath and then explained.
Her face froze. If she had been wearing pearls, she would have clutched them. She looked horrified, even disgusted, as if Id told her that Id taken up murdering baby seals. Her husbands reaction was only slightly less disturbing. He smiled uncomfortably and changed the subject. I immediately agreed, yes, the antipasto was delicious, and, no, I didnt want any more.
Their reaction launched a series of cascading anxieties. Will I be condemned for doing this? Will people reject me as a nutcase, a crank, a deluded acid freak? Will I lose whatever credibility I have in the world? Will parents not let their children come over to our house any more, under the misapprehension that I keep drugs in my home?
As soon as dinner was over, I tried the technique for dissipating anxiety that my cognitive behavioural therapist recommends. I took a few deep breaths, exhaling for half again as long as I inhaled. My chest and throat unclenched. The anxiety ebbed. I was calm again. I was OK.
Also, I had some perspective. This couple were young in the 1960s, when Timothy Leary was spreading the gospel of psychedelic recklessness. For all I know, they had complicated histories with the drug that influenced how they responded to me. In all likelihood, their discomfort had far more to do with them than with me.
A Really Good Day: How Microdosing Made a Mega Difference in My Mood, My Marriage, and My Life by Ayelet Waldman is published by Corsair at 13.99. To order a copy, go to bookshop.theguardian.com
Read more: http://bit.ly/2i5NhJg
from How dropping acid saved my life
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