#i think i just like strong emotional bonds because i didn't get that a lot growing up
sethsbigtits · 11 months
um i think im demiromantic help me
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crystallilytarot · 8 months
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Your life after marriage. Choose a crystal /rock.
Pile 1 - marble
You will have everything financially. It depends where you want to live, of course, but I see a big, cozy house. Maybe a garden too or just some flowers/ plants and sunshine. A few luxury item too. You will probably move somewhere else with your spouse and it will be hard, at least in the beginning. Or one of you will travel a lot because of work, I think it's more likely your spouse. And it's gonna be hard because you can't spend so much time together. I feel both of you are mature, not neccesseraly like you are older, but you are both emotionally available, understanding and open. So if anything is bothering you, you can talk about that with your spouse always. I feel you both need to pay attention to this, because there are emotions and both of you want to know and understand each other. But sometimes you can get distracted because of work or just because of life, and your responsibilities. So take time to talk to each other always, and this can be a very harmonious relationship. I think you will travel together too, even if you only have time for a little trip sometimes. If you want children, I see a child, but can be that later you have more. I think there will be age difference between the children, if you want more. One of you feel like a little bit of an overthinker or just worry a little too much, but the other person is going to help with that. They feel like a lion or a bear. I mean like they are powerful, succesful, wise but calm too. I see you cuddling after a long day in the couch or in the bed. You can overcome anything together, your spouse is always there for you. It doesn't matter what happened, any bad thing, gossip, they are with you no matter what. And you can give strength and hope to each other. It is a very strong bond between you two.
Pile 2 - rose quartz
I feel either both of you are young or you just don't have so much experience in terms of relationships. Or at least one of you are more innocent in this way. But it can be that you didn't have this kind of relationship before. Because it will be different. Even if both of you were in relationships before, it will be so much more than that past connections. Special in a way. But because of this, you both need to work on this, but you both want to work on your relationship too. You won't take the other for granted. I see that you will always be able to compromise, in any question. Like a win-win situation, but it's not a good example, because neither of you will loose never. Even if you do something for the other person, they will do something for you too. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. You both find each other beautiful. And it's not even lust, you don't just think that the other person is sexy, but really beautiful, almost like an art. Chemistry is very good too, don't worry. It's a pretty balanced connection. I can see that you will go to dates even after being together 10, 20 years too. I see a picture of those cute older couples. You both can be strong when there is something hard in your life. You can overcome it together, but I see that neither of you want the other to worry, so sometimes you will rather suffer silently than asking for help. This can cause a little conflict from time to time, because it's not like you are bothering the other, they really want to help. I feel like you both are dreamers, but you can work hard too. I can see you both are romantic, it's like from a movie, roses, champagne, jewelry, little gifts, little love notes, everything. You are both so sweet. I think even your wedding will be very romantic, even if you don't want a big wedding, it will be just beautiful. Cooking something together, just really everything sweet. Little conflicts can be happening of course. I think it's just because of a hard time at work, money or for some of you, there will be people in the family or some friends who won't want you two together. Or I think they are just jealous. You don't want to pay attention to them, but they can be toxic, so if you can, it's better to not talk to them at all. It can be that both of you will have some new beginning in the first years of your marriage. Changing jobs, finishing your studies, something like that. So even if you want kids, I think it will happen a little later. Even pets too, I guess, because I think you will need time to get used to your new place together first.
Pile 3 - tiger eye
There are families, who always doing something together. A trip, going to the zoo, decorating for the holidays, kite flying in a windy day. Sometimes it's not even that you talked about it, it's just random. Like the kids say one morning they never seen a lion, okay, so let's go to the zoo. It feels like you always know each other, like your life will be completely different than before, but in a good way. Even in rainy days, the sun is shining for you. Sexual chemistry is very strong here. You can be soulmates. I think you will more likely live in a house with a garden, in the suburbs, or there is a park nearby. Don't get me wrong, I can see that you have everything for a comfortable life, but you can find joy in simple things. Watching the birds with the children. Enjoying a hot drink on a cold day. I think you will have a few gatherings too, birthdays or just enjoying a nice meal with friends. I can see 2 children, and I would say at least 2, can be twins. It's a very nurturing connection, it's like your home is your safe place, for both of you, and for the children too. Both of you are givers, I think the children will be like this too, no selfishness in your family. A very happy, lively home. For outsiders it looks like too good to be true, so you need to be careful who you let enter to your house, I don't think they really want to start a drama, more like some people can be energy vampires. Don't let them bring their toxicity to your well deserved happiness. If you do something creative, you will have more inspiration than before. Or just the inspiration to get up even in a hard day, because you will be happy finally, you will feel like you belong and like your life is complete. I see a lot of gifts, not always expensive ones, but like a little flower from the children. Or someone go out of their way to do something to make the other happy.
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feanoryen · 6 months
How I imagine Feanor's relationships with each of his sons
Given Feanor's bond with his dad, I think he tried recreate that with his firstborn but that didn't work out like he planned because unlike Finwe who's blind to Feanor's faults and Feanor who can never open up about his frustrations with Finwe, Feanor & Maedhros are both total hotheads.
However, they love each other just as fiercely. Surprisingly, both of them carry a lot of trust in each other despite their many disagreements and are comfortable being honest with each other. Maedhros will tell Feanor his opinions even if his dad won't like them.
Maedhros feels safe with his dad regardless, he knows his dad will love him even if he's disappointed in him (EX: The Ships). He became much more closed off after loosing Feanor, he can't really open up to others the same way.
Maglor shares Finwe's passiveness when it comes to Feanor. He does not like the idea of fighting with his dad, so he rarely voices his disagreement ever, but that doesn't exactly make them closer.
The love is absolutely there but Feanor does not know Maglor like he knows Maedhros. Maglor is an Enigma, he can easily talk to Feanor for hours but Feanor thinks back on the conversation, he realizes how little Maglor told him about himself.
Unironically, the most Feanor can learn about Maglor is through his son's music. Music is Maglor's outlet, his songs are his thoughts, the sounds reflect emotions he's felt.
But overall a very chill relationship. Maglor is an obedient son, Feanor is a supportive father. Maglor holds some resentment towards his father after he lived to see everything the oath took from him, but he'd still run into Feanor's arms as if he was a boy again if they ever reunited.
Celegorm's resemblance to Miriel complicates everything. Feanor knows he's strong and healthy, but he's still protective of him to a fault. Celegorm hates it, he doesn't understand why he's constantly fussing over him, but he feels like Feanor treats him like a fragile doll.
Eventually he does understand it, but he's not above telling Feanor off when his dad starts panicking over every little scratch he gets.
However, while he reasonably has his boundaries, Celegorm is highly affectionate. Both his elder brothers aren't very touchy people, and Feanor, while he doesn't ask for it, is highly comforted by Celegorm affection and warmth.
I think after Celegorm joined Orome's hunt and Feanor busied himself with the younger kids, their relationship becomes much healthier.
Surprisingly the healthiest relationship Feanor has with any of his sons.
Caranthir is a bit of a loner, and that worries Feanor a bit. When he sees Caranthir alone, he goes to spend time with him because loneliness is something Feanor understands on a deep level.
Caranthir is the opposite of Maglor when it comes to expressing himself. He's snarky and always let's his displeasure be known, however, unlike Maedhros he usually agrees with Feanor or doesn't care so he's never really at serious odds with his dad.
Feanor has a good relationship will all his sons but Curufin is the only one who shares interest in Feanor's first love, creating. Naturally, they're attached by the hip.
Feanor has all these hopes and dreams for Curufin, who desperately wants to please his father. Curufin isn't as good as Feanor & Feanor knows that, but he hopes Curufin will be able to get there one day.
Curufin never challenges Feanor like Maedhros does, doesn't mask his feelings in front of Feanor like Maglor does, doesn't instinctively make Feanor worry like Celegorm does, & he isn't as snarky or snappy like Caranthir is. Curufin is the perfect companion, Feanor even tells him they're a perfect pair.
And they are perfect pair, for Feanor, not for Curufin. Curufin wants to have the type of relationship with Feanor that Feanor had with Finwe, but he can't.
Finwe is the fuel that's makes Feanor's bright flame grow and grow and grow and grow until he's shines the brightest, but Feanor has become such overwhelming fire that he engulfs Curufin within him.
And Feanor can not pour all his love into just Curufin the way Finwe did to him, he loves his other sons deeply and passionately as well.
(Sorry twins, don't have enough to say right now but I might come back to you guys later)
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
Ugh, Panther I don't know what exact time you'll be getting this ask but as if now it is not the 2nd in my time zone. But I don't have any time tomorrow so I hope its okay to send something earlier. If not, please feel free to ignore!
I just need *sucks in breath and clenched fist* Yandere Gojo from JJK with the prompts 14. , 34. and possibly 35.
with someone who has sorcerer powers but has grown outside of the jujutsu society? They fight because they genuinely wanna help people and Gojo introduced them to the school to be a teacher too - in hopes to get another strong ally but uh oh he got obsessed. Like, he does not want to lose you like he lost Geto and maybe you'll grow to understand him too. so imo the prompts work well. Can either be platonic or romantic I think he can be both!
Thank you!
Sure, friend! I hope this is to your taste :) I really hope he isn't too OOC or anything. There was no plot structure here 😮‍💨... I just followed the direction my mind guided me.
He's a subtle yandere here Ig.
Yandere! Satoru Gojo Prompts 14, 34, 35
"It's too dangerous in the world. You need me, you should know that!"
"No one else understands me except you!"
"Don't push me away, dear... I only want to be closer to you!"
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Fear of attachment/loss, Trauma implied, Clingy behavior, Overprotective behavior, Controlling behavior, Soft yandere, Threats near the end, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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It had been a long while since Gojo had found someone he could relate to in some way. The companionship wasn't quite what Gojo had with Geto long before... but it was close. You were strong... yet so isolated from the rest.
A familiar feeling to him.
Gojo could tell you were a strong Sorcerer when you entered the school for a job. As expected... Gojo wanted to test you to see if you were right for the job. By the end of your examination... you were approved.
Leaving Gojo curious and excited.
In Gojo's eyes, strong allies were important in the field. It's what he strives to find and teach. Strength has always been important to protect the weak.
Gojo at first hated how interested he was in you. Yet you were so mysterious... according to you, you never went to Jujutsu High to learn your craft. Which leaves Gojo baffled on your strength.
You aren't stronger than him, far from it, but you are certainly strong and full of potential. During your job, Gojo often checked in with you. Many students never really saw Gojo away from you for long.
He was always playful and laid-back with you. Safe to say you both get along well as teachers. Perhaps even too well...
Gojo realizes he's too attached when the worry starts to settle deep within him.
The bond you share reminds him a lot of Geto. Too much, actually. Such a thought makes him pained.
Gojo's concern grows, even as he offers to train you. You're a teacher skilled in your craft. Gojo really shouldn't be worried.
But... are you handling the new environment well? You seemed like you lived an isolated lifestyle. Does the city bother you?
Gojo despises the worries he has. All leftover emotions from when he was a teen. He... just can't help himself, however.
You always care so much for others. As a teacher and Jujutsu Sorcerer, you end up sacrificing whatever you can to see students and friends safe. It's honorable...
But Gojo doesn't wish to lose another he's close to... not when he finally feels he has someone who gets him.
Such behavior makes Gojo stick around more often. To the point you even begin to wish he left you alone. Despite being a strong Sorcerer similar to him, Gojo also seemed to treat you like you couldn't defend yourself.
You didn't respect him babying you... it was an insult to your skills.
"Don't push me away, dear... I only want to be closer to you!" Gojo whines, a frown on his face as you sit in your empty classroom. You snort, amused that he acts like a child while treating you like one. You have no idea what's gotten into your friend and ally as of late.
"Satoru, I don't wish to speak with you." You state in a stern tone.
"Why?" Gojo replies, walking over to lean on your desk. He's as casual as ever it seems.
"You've been awfully... suffocating." You admit bluntly. "I am an adult who can handle themselves."
"... not in this world." Gojo sighs, gaze never once leaving yours behind his glasses. He notices your unamused look and straightens his posture.
"It's too dangerous in the world. You need me, you should know that." Gojo frowns. "The city has way more curses running around than where you came from."
"I can handle them." You retort.
"And if you can't?" Gojo responds, staring you down. Something about his staring unnerves you. You're silent, Gojo oddly going back to smiling after you stop arguing.
"I'm the strongest, you should really just let me take care of things for you. It would be much... safer." Gojo's tone is oddly relieved and gleeful.
"... Satoru... you can't be there for me all the time." You try to reason.
"Says who?" Gojo frowns. "No one else understands me except you! Am I just supposed to sit back and lose you?"
His words and lack of composure surprise you. Gojo's quick to fix his sudden outburst, however, sitting beside you and holding your hand. It's an action of comfort...
But you can tell there's a pained expression in his usually playful eyes.
"... just listen to me, okay?" Gojo whispers, looking back at you as his grip tightens. "You'll be safe if you just... keep me close."
"Satoru-" You try to speak, but Gojo covers your mouth.
"I don't care how strong you are... I'm stronger. If you don't let me protect you..."
Gojo's grin turns... unsettling. A twisted show of teeth that makes it look like he'll snap. You swore he even chuckled. Your heart beats faster when he leans closer.
"I may just have to keep you all to myself no matter the cost... that way you'd be safe and I can't lose you. How's that sound?"
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yuri-is-online · 6 months
hi, i'm not the same anon but i would like to hear more about the fyuuture kid au 👉👈 especially about riddle!!
hello new friend, you picked someone who is having a real bad time in this au (゚ω゚;)
I am going to give some general information about Yutu and then move on to some Riddle specific stuff.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, general au explanation can be found here, and the posts can be found on my masterlist under the series section.
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General Yutu Facts
"Yutu" is supposed to be a fake name fyuuture kid is using to help hide his identity, but I am open to suggestions on that. Originally he didn't remember his name and Crowley picked it out for him, but I like the idea of "Yuu two" being a nickname he had in both your world and Twisted Wonderland and picked as his alias to honor his parent. Yutu really admires Yuu, he has nothing but empathy for your situation and respect for your strength, and while he certainly fought with you from time to time (some Yutus more than others) he wants to be like you.
That desire was very much cemented when he heard about how you won against the overblot phantoms. Yutu's unique magic changes depending on who his dad is, but all Yutus have extensive experience in combat magic and have fought a lot of monsters. Including overblot phantoms, same as you. His fights didn't go as well though... he's extremely afraid of the Great Seven's phantoms and has regular nightmares about them.
Back to the names... I didn't have names picked out for every version of Yutu, but Riddle does happen to have been one of them. His real name was supposed to be March, yes like the march hare but if I'm honest I was more thinking about the saying "in like a lion out a lamb" because I thought that described Riddle's temper pretty well.
The other ones I picked out I still like are Merrin (I swear I found it on a list of mountain themed names??? But it means sea born or pearl of the sea), Laurie (yes like little women, his unique magic was supposed to something to do with painting), and Roland (I have an unironic love for French peerage ok please do not judge me).
Some of the Yutus were meant to have older siblings who stayed behind in Twisted Wonderland (Riddle! Yutu wasn't one of them), but that was very much an idea I didn't develop extensively since it was more left over from Fire Emblem Awakening. I wanted there to be a Lucina type older sibling character who was very protective of Yutu and wanting a future where he gets to stay in Twisted Wonderland and they get to be a happy family. But again I didn't cook this idea extensively so idk how to feel about keeping it as a part of the ayuu.
Anyway on to the Riddle specific stuff ¬‿¬
So that bit about Yutu's real name coming from a description from Riddle's temper: I like to leave what Yutu looks like up to the reader, but Riddle! Yutu if nothing else took two things from his father, his (lack of) height and his temper. His facial expressions when pouting and angry are eerily similar, and they both have a strong affinity for fire. Riddle! Yutu is a lot like Riddle Tsum now that I think about it? Very high energy and likes to jump around all over the place, but determined to be at least somewhat dignified.
Since traveling back in time Yutu has been "studying" with Grim to try and get his flames hot enough to burn blue to flex on his dad and to bond with the monster. He usually just ends up watching him though, the mental image he had of Grim vs what the little guy is actually like is really wild.
Back to the temper, unlike Riddle Yutu wasn't home schooled so he got into a lot of trouble for losing it on other students. He had a chip on his shoulder about not having a dad, having a parent with amnesia, and especially about being short oh god he is so spiteful about that. He got sent to detention a lot, and shamefully it made him fight with Yuu a lot too. Not that he hates Yuu, he was just very emotional and not always the easiest to deal with. His last few interactions with Yuu before they died were very strained, and he is filled with remorse for a bunch of stupid things he said.
When he gets to the point where he has to admit to Yuu who he is there is going to be a lot of crying and begging for forgiveness. He was a stupid, angry kid who just wanted to know who he was and didn't feel like he belonged lashing out at the one person who he knew wanting nothing but the best for him. He doesn't really feel the need to ask for forgiveness from his dad (yet)... by the time Yutu was isekaid into Twisted Wonderland Riddle had been corrupted by his overblot phantom and was wrecking the Queendom of Roses so he never really met the real Riddle until he traveled back in time.
He also got compared to Riddle a lot, Yutu isn't stupid by any means but because of all that time spent in detention he is a bit behind on the fundamentals. Not to mention all Riddle has done up to this point is practice magic and Yutu only just found out it was real so of course there was going to be a skill gap! But still, he's Riddle's son and Riddle was a very memorable student for Crewel, so Yutu was guaranteed to hear some comparisons. It didn't help the daddy issues though...
Speaking of Yutu's time at NRC, he did get placed into Heartslabyul by the Dark Mirror and he does know all 810 rules of the Queen's rules. He's not as obsessed with them as Riddle is but he still knows what he's supposed to do and tries to be on his best behavior. He was not interested in being dorm leader and wanted to instead focus on the things Yuu always encouraged him to do, like controlling his temper and getting good grades.
I sort of like the idea of his unique magic being the ability to grow/shrink because in the book Rule 42 of the Queen of Hearts says “All persons more than a mile high to leave the court" and I like the idea of him trying to use his spell to get out of arguments with his dad.
Riddle has no idea that Yutu hates him... at first. This is partially because Yutu is usually very polite to him and partially because he is utterly unaware of how much people are afraid of him in general, but he starts to pick up on it when he tries to interact with Yuu. He wants to have a private tea party with just Yuu? Well Yutu immediately starts acting like this is somehow scandalous and calls him out on his feelings in front of the prefect and he wants to lose it so badly- Yuu agrees anyway and Riddle immediately gets unreasonably smug while Yutu pouts. Take that sucker! He's going to study with the prefect all alone and since it's Riddle you know you really are just going to study.
I don't think Riddle really considers Yutu a rival for Yuu's romantic attention, partially because he isn't fully aware of what it is he feels for Yuu, but even if he was. Riddle knows that Yuu sees Yutu as someone under their care similar to Grim, they actually talk to him about it quite a bit and he has no issue with that. He is actually sort of grateful for Yutu's existence since it has given him an excuse to talk to Yuu more and let them know how he respects them.
Yutu's academic struggles are something that actually bring him closer to Riddle ironically enough. Riddle has created study guides for Yuu and Grim before, he has no problem doing that for Yutu and inviting himself over to give instructions.
"Did you not get a lot of help from your parents?" Riddle sounds nervous, and he should it's an invasive question to ask. Yutu wants to be angry, but when he looks at Riddle, he just feels sad. "Not that it is any of my business really but well. I just noticed you never really talk about them, even to Yuu."
"My dad wasn't really around." He forces himself to look at Riddle when he says it, but it doesn't make him feel any better. If anything it makes Yutu feel worse, he knows about as much about Riddle as Riddle knows about him now that he's forced to look at him. "And my other parent... they tried really hard. But I wasn't always willing to accept it."
"I can't say I understand what that would be like." Riddle looks like he is trying to and that should be what he wants, right? "My mother home schooled me so it's hard for me to understand that someone's parents wouldn't be a constant figure in their schooling."
"You were home schooled?"
Yutu didn't know anything about his grandmother, it didn't even really occur to him that he had one and once he learns about her... well it certainly makes things make a lot more sense. He doesn't want to meet her, but he is curious about what she thought about his parent. What would she think about him? Does he even want to know?
My last concrete thought is that Yutu doesn't really get the whole horse girl thing. He is sort of afraid of horses actually, but I can see him maybe wanting to ride with Riddle once their relationship gets a bit better just to do something with him.
I like the idea of Riddle! Yutu being very into baseball for some reason and there's no way he's going to convince his dad to do that with him ha. Well not in this timeline anyway, I can see good timeline Riddle doing a bunch of research on baseball so he can talk to his kid about it. And showing up to all his matches to scream in support of his kid instead of at the coaches. He is breaking the cycle we love to see it.
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minijinpachi · 1 month
Let's say it all together now, Rin wants to beat his brother to prove himself, not out of hatred.
I feel like this sentiment got kinda lost as the fandom got larger/the anime was released. Which I understand because there is a lot of emotions that are going into this dynamic, but let's look at what we know.
Rin wants to go back to the past, where he was his brother's number one person, his confidant, partner, friend, secret keeper, duo; this list goes on because they were siblings that did everything together. Rin, truthfully, is projecting his desires of returning to the past onto soccer. (Soccer for Rin is very symbolic, in contrast to Isagi who just has a clear love for the game.) He wants to go back to the time where he was Sae's exception to everything. Sae was good at soccer and didn't think anyone was worth being his partner, but then Rin became the exception. Sae could be harsh, yet he'd show gentleness towards Rin. Sae thought others were childish and silly, yet when Rin acted like a child he would care for and comfort him.
We can see that the Itoshi brothers had a bit of a codependent relationship, the term may be strong but you get the point. While they had individual dreams, skills, and experiences, once Rin also started playing soccer everything in their life became enmeshed with each other. They continue to develope and grow their bond until they are forced apart, but they're obviously still constantly thinking of the other. So, Sae pursued soccer wholeheartedly living not only his dream but his brother's as well but *thunder clap* Spain happened. We don't know what happened but it made him realize that he could not achieve his dream, much less two, or he realized where his true talents lie, either way heartbreak was awaiting Rin.
The first time Rin was not special in Sae's eyes was when Sae challenged him in one-on-one. It is exactly what we see, a test to prove himself, no stops or aid from anyone or Sae. This was a test for Rin's independence. (Notably, one that required him to face the least amount of embarressment when he fails.)
We often see Sae carrying the belief that no one in Japan is capable of becoming a worthy striker, but the subtext is 'not even Rin'. This is the nail in the coffin for their relationship, the initial wedge being Sae leaving for Spain and the distance between them. Keyword, their relationship, so their bond as brothers not their ability to be partners in soccer. BUT soccer becomes the proxy for said relationship. Hence, why Rin believes that he needs to beat his brother for their relationship to go back to how it was before because then he would be Sae's exception again. It's not Rin's goal to lead Japanese soccer into a new era or to become the best player in the world by other people's standards. He just can't stand being ignored and pushed to the side by his brother, and to him, it was soccer and his soccer abilities that caused the change in their relationship.
Another thing is that Rin would not view the soccer as a battle field if all he wanted to do was beat his brother out of sibling rivalry. This is serious to him, its not just a game, or just a competition. His life purpose is to prove Sae wrong and show that he is still an exception; Rin can be the striker to change soccer in Japan for Sae. (Or at least impossible to ignore but we all know that the Itoshi brothers carry an 'all or nothing' attitude.)
And then Sae acknowledges Isagi first....yikes
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dyns33 · 8 months
A story of witch
Happy Valentine day !
As a gift, here a looooooooong Morpheus x female reader.
Careful, some spoilers here, from the comics and so maybe from season 2.
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Time had a different hold on witches.
A certain influence, because contrary to common beliefs, nothing escaped time and nothing was perfectly eternal, but it slipped over them as long as they decided, and had enough magic to repel its effects.
Y/N had already been walking on Earth for several centuries when she met Morpheus.
She had heard many legends about the Endless. Rumors. Lots of warnings, especially regarding Dream, who was described as a changeable, dangerous, angry and resentful being.
Her many sisters whispered to each other that becoming his lover was as much a gift as a curse. He would offer you the whole world on a platter, he would do everything to please you, and then one day, without warning, you would no longer suit him, you would do something wrong according to him, the feelings would no longer be as strong, and then misfortune would strike you.
The king would always find a way to blame you for this new emotional failure. Then you risked Hell, endless nightmares, eternal sleep.
Too much hassle for little benefit.
Y/N didn’t think about any of that when she met Morpheus. Neither to the wonders he could offer her, nor to the torments he risked inflicting on her.
For a witch, some might have thought that she was young, still naive, far too in love with her books and grimoires, fascinated by stories, and therefore vulnerable to the charms of the dreams master.
She didn't think she would fall in love. Neither did he. The mourning of his marriage and his child were still recent, for a being such as him. Y/N had barely been born when this tragedy had happened.
The subject was not brought up, like none of his former lovers. Morpheus did not forget, he never forgot, but when a new relationship began, he did not look back to compare with the previous ones.
No doubt it was a mistake on his part, who then never learned from his mistakes.
Y/N hadn’t had as many relationships as him. Witches have the luxury of immortality, and they knew the consequences of it. Bonding with mortals wasn't a good idea, even less so with their peers. Too risky. Too dangerous.
Attempting to see the future in dreams could have been described with the same words. Y/N was taking the risk of being punished by two Endless, Destiny and Dream.
But Destiny never interfered in anything, and Dream was intrigued by the little witch, asking her not to repeat her experiments, but welcoming her into his domain.
As they walked in his garden, the inhabitants of the Dreaming knew before them what was going to happen.
"Your flowers are beautiful. Everything is beautiful here."
“Would you like to see my library ?”
"Oh, I'd love to ! But you must have a lot to do, I don't want to bother you more than necessary."
"You don't bother me, mikri magissa. You are welcome here."
It took a while for Y/N to realize that they were getting closer. The courting of the king of stories was subtle, ethereal like him, full of poems and tenderness while doing without many words far too heavy with meaning, and at the same time far too limited to convey all the ardor of their love.
Because they loved each other, there was no doubt about it. The end of their story came quickly, although to a mortal three centuries seemed like a lot. At the same time, those who knew Morpheus well could testify that this was quite a long time for a relationship with him. But as always with his relationships, there had to be an end.
“I’m just saying he’s not wrong.”
"You don't know what you're talking about, o mágos mou. This man is insane and I'm not lonely."
“However, I have felt you far from me for some time now. Perhaps forever.”
"Don't I love you more than anything ? Haven't I shown you my love on many occasions ?"
"I don't know. It's difficult for me to know with you, immutable and yet so variable. Sometimes you give so much, too much, and sometimes not enough, if it's not nothing. There is no middle ground with you. Probably not with me either. It's possible that I'll ask you impossible things."
“Nothing is impossible for me.”
“Yet you refuse to speak, to really speak. You flee this kind of discussion, as you fled the friendship of this man.”
“Don’t push me, Agápe μου.”
Y/N left the Dreaming that night knowing she wasn’t coming back. Morpheus' indifference to her departure could have been seen as fortunate, but it hurt her deeply. He didn't try to catch her, he didn't try to punish her either.
Even though it seemed obvious after several weeks that he would not pursue her, neither in her dreams nor in the Waking, Y/N took precautions to prevent their paths from crossing again. Using several spells, rituals, amulets and ancient seals, she ensured that her mind was cut off from the realm of her former lover.
This protection proved very useful when the sleeping sickness arrived.
Like the rest of the world, Y/N didn't immediately understand what was happening. She knew Dream enough to know that he would never neglect his work like that, that he would not abandon his position unless forced to do so, and that despite all the cruelty and resentment he was capable of, he would never do such a thing to the dreamers.
Something had happened, but she didn't know what.
Too afraid of what he could do to her if she went into the Dreaming, or what could happen to her sleep without the protections, Y/N didn't try to find out. It wasn't her business anyway, since they were no longer together and the fate of humanity wasn't part of her responsibilities.
Time continued to pass, and she still tried to help mortals when she could, with potions and incantations to help them sleep, or on the contrary wake up, ensuring that their nights were not entirely nightmares.
But this was difficult, because she was not the master of dreams. Without knowing it, she came very close to Morpheus the day her steps led her near a mansion with dark, gloomy energies, which she did not wish to approach too closely. However, there was something, abandoned under a tree near the property, which attracted her with strong force.
The body of a raven. A raven different from the others, a dream. Jessamy. Someone had shot her and she lay there, lifeless, far from her creator, far from her home.
Y/N took the poor thing with her. Necromancy being prohibited, it was not good to anger Death, and the existence of dreams being a complex thing, she did the only thing in her power, to offer a decent burial to the little emissary whom she had loved very much and who had often helped her control Morpheus' moods.
When collective sleep returned to normal, there were no signs. Nothing that made it possible to understand what had happened. Curious by nature, the witch repeated to herself that she should not try to understand. The rumors would spread quickly.
She heard about Burgess. Whispers recounted the long confinement of the maker of nightmares, who had taken revenge before setting off in search of his stolen instruments in order to rebuild his kingdom. Twice he went to the Underworld, he faced a Vortex, he fell in love. Nothing really new, just the same story over and over again.
Y/N didn’t want to know any of this, but the choice wasn’t hers. One of her sisters came to visit without being invited, and to ask her advice.
“I don’t see how I can help you, big sister.”
"You have experienced what I am experiencing. Tell me how to escape from Oneiros, because I no longer wish to see him and he does not seem ready to accept it."
The rumors had not mentioned the fact that Morpheus had fallen in love with a witch again. Older than Y/N, more powerful, crueler too, because Thessaly had little interest in things of the heart.
" … I repeat, I'm not sure I can help you. Make sure you don't inspire him with any more feelings and you'll be free."
"Sweet little sister, he still loves you and yet he left you alone. I'm asking for this."
"He doesn't love me. He didn't love me for a long time when I left."
"We argued often and each time my wing of the castle was razed and then rebuilt under his orders. There is no trace of his former companions left in all of the Dreaming. None, except you. He did not touch your room. He denied me access to it. He recreated it with everything else after his return. Can you tell me that doesn't mean anything ?"
Y/N didn’t respond. She didn't know what to answer, she didn't know about all this. Her eldest whispered that she was almost jealous. Many times she had wondered if she had gotten his attention because of their similarities, because she reminded him of his lost love.
It might be a good idea for her younger sister to discuss it with the Lord of Dreams.
"Or not. That would allow me to slip away without him probably noticing, but I can't wish harm on one of ours. I'll find a way."
This time, Y/N closed herself off to the whispers, not wanting to know if Thessaly had found this way.
Part of her wished the best for the lord of stories, who had suffered far too much in the last century despite all his wrongs, and who did not deserve to receive another injury. Another part didn't like knowing the older witch was with Dream.
She was afraid for her sister, and she was afraid for Morpheus, whose fickle heart was more fragile than he wanted to admit. The consequences were likely to be terrible for everyone.
Filled with memories, Y/N wanted to visit Jessamy’s grave. A powerful spell had hidden it from the eyes of the world, to prevent it from being desecrated, and she wondered if she had not made a mistake in doing so, for it was possible that Morpheus had never known where his faithful emissary rested.
But the magic of ravens was special, these beings knew things, and she shouldn't have been surprised to find one of them on the tree that protected the location.
"Good morning." she said politely, making new flowers appear near the grave.
"Hi. Do we know each other ? I feel like I know you."
"I don't think we've ever met. You're Dream's new raven."
"Yeah, Matthew. I don't know why I'm here. I'm sort of drawn to it, and Lucienne told me to follow my instincts for this sort of thing, but I don't understand. Are you the one calling me ?"
“I think it’s more your predecessor that you are feeling.”
"Jessamy ? Oh… The boss thought her body was destroyed or something. Were you the one who buried her ? That's nice of you. You don't look really surprised to see a talking raven. I feel like I'm supposed to know you. You seem important."
"Not really, no."
"The boss could tell me but he's busy at the moment. He's accompanying his sister on a quest. Good, it's keeping him busy. It's been raining too much since his break up, it's been days. Merv told me that it was almost always like that, frankly it's painful to watch. The time with this Nada, the time with his ex-wife, the time with another witch… I don't know what he has with witches. I didn't like her at all, she was mean."
“It rained in the Dreaming when I left ?” Y/N couldn’t help but ask, surprised by the news.
Before that day, she had always believed that her departure had had no impact. A total, cold indifference, showing that she no longer mattered. But Thessaly had talked about her room, and Matthew had talked about the rain, and Y/N didn't know what to think at all now.
She had left Morpheus because of his inability to communicate, the distance he put between himself and the whole world. His grand declarations of love always seemed hollow, lacking something.
Maybe he had changed. He would never have allowed his emissary to speak as Matthew did, who was moving around on his tree asking a thousand questions about the relationship between his boss and Y/N. He even allowed himself to order her to leave, because he really didn't need Dream falling into depression again by seeing her through his eyes.
"He's got enough problems, he… Oh. Oh, no. I feel it, he's there. Shit, shit, shit. I have to go !"
Years without any news and within moments Y/N hearing about her former lover almost every day. Until someone came to her door and she found herself face to face with Morpheus.
He seemed embarrassed. He had always been awkward in the waking world, out of place, because dreams hardly survived in reality. But there was something else. He would never have bothered to knock before. He would have come into her house to say what he had to say, demanding that she listen to him, and agree with him at the end.
Without saying anything, he observed her as if he were seeing her for the first time, turning his gaze towards her bedroom, the door of which was surrounded by several symbols used to repel dreams and nightmares. Y/N expected this to make him angry. He had already not liked her touching his domain when they first met.
"I thought you followed my sister into the sunless lands…" he whispered, looking down. "I no longer felt your presence in the Dreaming. I didn't think you were running away from me. It didn't seem to me that I gave you reasons to run away."
“I wasn’t sure you’d be happy to see me again.”
"I have waited a long time for the day when I would have the joy of seeing your sweet face again. It never came, but I am the one responsible for it. You were right about Hob Gadling, You were right about many things but I didn't listen, and I lost you. It was one of my greatest regrets."
“Why are you talking like that ?” Y/N asked as she approached, their hands almost touching.
"Mikri magissa, so much has happened. I am at a crossroads, with a big decision to make. I admit to being afraid, and you give me courage."
“Maybe I can help you ?”
"Even if you could, I wouldn't ask you. The search for my little sister is dangerous, a lot of blood has been shed since we left in search of our brother and I couldn't bear to see it happen to you. I had agreed to help her to see someone again, without understanding that it was you I secretly wanted to see, and now I must find a way to console my sister, disappointed by my lack of investment. But the only way we have left is one that I dare not name."
Y/N had briefly met Morpheus' family, including Destruction and Delirium.
The prodigal had spoken to her little before his retirement, but he had seemed tired, reaching the limits of his functions and no longer seeing the point of remaining with all the inventions of mortals and immortals which fulfilled his role perfectly without he needs to intervene. His siblings did not understand his decision.
One of the most affected by his departure had been Delirum, very close to his brother, who would have given anything for a family reunion.
"If this means your downfall, I can't believe Delirium would ask such a thing of you." Y/N said indignantly, not daring to come any closer. “There must be something else.”
"I don't think my younger sister is aware of what she's asking of me, nor do I think it's possible for me to go any other way without putting someone else in danger. I just came to see you, and thank you for what you did for Jessamy, and for the dreamers during my absence. I hadn't seen all these acts of kindness. But maybe it's you who didn't want to see me again. Not with my behavior. Oh, mágos mou… I so wanted to be better for you, but I could only change by going through all these trials, and for that I had to lose you."
It felt like goodbye, and Y/N didn’t like it. By definition, the Endless had no end, at least not while there was life in the universe. Without thinking, she placed her hand on Dream's cheek. He usually hated it, being touched, especially without permission, but he closed his eyes with a happy sigh, pressing his skin against hers.
Asking him if he was okay seemed stupid, but the question left her lips, and when his eyes opened again, they had a strange glow. He muttered that no one had asked him that question since his release. It was almost years ago. In truth, no one had asked him that question, even before he was captured.
Like he said, it could be because he had changed, and he didn't really deserve to be asked if he was okay before. And now that he was making an effort, that he was understanding, that he was improving, it was too late.
"I'll find a way. I'll talk to your sister."
“Delirium has always loved you.” he sighed. "My whole family, I think. I never noticed that our relationship is the only one that Desire hasn't tried to sabotage. But maybe they knew that I would sabotage it on my own."
“Let me talk to her.”
Much to Morpheus' surprise, his younger sister listened to Y/N. She even seemed to become Delight again for a moment, as the witch promised to find Destruction, even if it would take time. She just had to be patient, but also accept that it was possible that their brother didn't want to be found.
It was his decision to leave, as it was her decision to change, and Dream's decision to stay the same. But if she asked him to continue their quest, horrible things could happen, and she might lose another member of her family.
"… Okay. But you promise to look ?"
“I swear on our mother’s first ledger.”
"Several people have died trying to help us, Delirium… It's not safe to…"
"Oh, shut up. You'll be with her to protect her, you didn't care about the others. You're probably happy that Y/N came back. I'm happy too, she's nice, you two were good together. If you find our brother, then everything will be perfect."
Several spells, formulas and sacrifices were necessary to find the trail of the Prodigal, or Destruction took pity on them by inviting them to join him, but they talked, and as Y/N had predicted, he did not wish to return, but he entrusted them with a dog to give to his little sister.
Before disappearing between the stars, he took his big brother by the hand, walking together near the cliff, and whispering something to him.
"What did he say ?" Y/N couldn’t help but ask.
"He told me not to make the same mistakes and to think about myself for once. Not about my position, not about my kingdom, about nothing but me, and about you. O mágos mou, it's been a long time, but if you…"
The kiss cut him off in the middle of his question, time seemed to stop, and it was as if they had never left each other.
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my-mt-heart · 14 days
Day 2 of "what the hell is going on with TBOC's promo," which is kind of a rhetorical question because I'm pretty sure we're witnessing a duel between two opposing marketing strategies again. I wish AMC would just put their foot down already and tell the dudes trying to ruin everything for Melissa and the fans to sit in the corner and stfu because the whiplash is not serving anyone, especially not two weeks before the premiere. Let's look at these bios...
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Carol’s bio really does capture the true nature of what Daryl means to her and it gives her a strong emotional drive for her journey in S2. I think it also could've touched on her dealing with the trauma of losing Sophia all those years ago to round out her arc, although I'd argue that even that isn't separate from finding Daryl seeing as though that loss "ignited" their "unbreakable bond" in the first place. In any case, I like Carol's bio a lot and I have no doubt Melissa's performances throughout the season will bring it to life. Whether or not Zabel's writing can live up to it is a post for another day (Notice that the word "friend" did not come up once? That's how you know Zabel didn't get final approval on this one). Here's the thing about soulmates, though. If one feels that deeply connected, the other should too. If one of their stories gets damaged, the other's does too and that's what's bothering me right now. We should see their soulmatism reflected in Daryl's story as well, but we don't and without that mirroring, both his and Carol's journeys just feel sad.
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Long before the promo circuit for TBOC started, I was worried that we wouldn't get to see Daryl fighting to get home to Carol (specifically), catch glimpses of him missing/thinking about her (specifically), or feel that spiritual connection that Carol does and this bio does absolutely nothing to alleviate my worries. This makes it sound like Daryl is going to be solely focused on whatever is going on in France until Carol arrives and even then, I worry about how he'll interact with her (thanks again for your unthoughtful analysis on that, Zabel). Similar to how Daryl has been taken hostage by the French characters, albeit through gaslighting, it feels like he has also been taken hostage by Zabel, Nicotero, and other men in charge who desperately want to use him as a stand-in for the generic, emotionally unavailable action hero that male viewers are supposed to identify with and/or aspire to. They won't let him be the character many of us were drawn to in the flagship show: the unconventional hero who's loyal to his family and falls in love "forever" with one woman (Carol). Like I said yesterday, "loyal" Daryl is the only Daryl I recognize and the only Daryl I want to watch, so it needs to be explicitly clear where Daryl's heart lies. We need to see that Carol is his first and only choice and we also need to see that Daryl has no romantic interest in Isabelle. That's the other problem...
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Without Daryl's and Carol's bios mirroring each other as they should, Carol and Isabelle get framed as opponents in a quest for Daryl's heart, which is completely unnecessary, gross, and straight out of the "book of TV tricks" Zabel claims not to use. Daryl and Carol have 11 seasons of chemistry to capitalize on. Caryl's romance is the only one that's been earned, the only one I'm invested in, and the only one that needs payoff. Clemence is an extremely talented actress whose portrayal of a nun could've added something really fresh to the story, but having her catch "feelings" for Daryl after knowing him only a few months and question her long-standing faith of over a decade not only paints her as a weak woman whose weak principles are no match for a man's charm(?), but also glosses over the string of lies and emotionally manipulative plays she made against Daryl in S1. Isabelle's character has become nothing more than Zabel's and Nicotero's seriously problematic projections of what defines a woman, and I don't want it. It's an insult to Clemence, to Caryl's bond, to Daryl's history of childhood abuse, and to fans who have also suffered through CA or DV. So believe it or not, retconning her as a "former" nun all of a sudden does absolutely nothing to make this forced romance less abhorrent, AMC.
If the last couple of days have proved anything, it's that Daryl's and Carol's show needs a female showrunner who understands how to write not only complex female characters like Carol (and like Isabelle could have been), but complex male characters who don’t fit the dudebros’ definition of what makes him masculine or heroic. That's what Caryl, Melissa, and the fans deserve. They deserve a successful show and promo that gets everyone excited instead of confused and anxious. I enjoyed the clip of McReedus discussing the scene where Carol flirts with Daryl on top of the bus in S3, I liked hearing them confirm that Daryl's reaction was due to trauma and not lack of desire. I wish AMC would let them do the heavy lifting instead of trying to placate three EPs who keep self-sabotaging (seriously, you don't need all of them hogging the mic and spewing nonsense at Palyfest/NYCC). I don't appreciate being given consolation prizes (today's video, Carol's bio, yesterday's poster) after being kicked in the teeth. It says a lot about what I can expect from the season, which isn't very encouraging. It just means AMC is still trying to make everyone happy and will end up making no one happy and potentially ruining two iconic characters in the process.
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m9rtality · 7 months
I don't smoke
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SYNOPSIS ; You think you're inlove with a man that's inlove with another, until you meet him.
CONTENT WARNING — Angst, symbiotic relationship (not being inlove, depending on eachother for emotional stability), major character death.
GENRE — Angst
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“If you need to be mean”
I smiled painfully as I watched my boyfriend with his best friend, Gojo Satoru. I knew they were in love, it was so unbelievably obvious by the way they looked at each other. I knew it’d never be the one that own his heart but I was okay with being his second place. There’s a lot of things about Gojo Satoru that I could never compare with, he’s strong and smart but also has playful aspects and his personality is one of a kind. I’ll never be Gojo so I’ll be the next best thing, or at least I’ll try to be.
I sat at the bar while Shoko flirted with the bar tender while Gojo and Suguru danced together with drinks in their hands, Suguru was smiling bright than he ever did with me, when he looked at Satoru, his Satoru I could see the overwhelming look of love in his eyes. I wish he looked at me that way, yeah he loved me but never like how he loved his soulmate, his other half. The one person he wanted the most, he couldn't have so I was what he settled for.
“Be mean to me.”
I comforted Suguru in his depressive state, when he was at his weakest I was always there for him. I promised Gojo and Shoko that I’d always be there for him, no matter what type of mental state I’m in he will always come first. I didn’t mind because I loved him, Suguru was my soulmate but I was not his, and I was okay with that. At least I think I am.
I wish I could have Suguru all to myself, but he brought home two sweet girls named Nanako and Mimiko. I loved them dearly and I thought of them as my own daughters and it was obvious that Suguru felt the same way but never actually showed it. The girls worshiped him and it was sweet of how they looked up to him.
“I can take it and put it inside of me”
I stood by my fiancee’s side, I didn't agree with his beliefs but I stood by him anyways because that’s my job as his spouse. I stood by him as he wanted to get rid of all non-sorcerers, I stood by him during that entire time because I told him no matter how evil he became I’d always be on his side. I promised the girls that no matter what their father did he was a good man and he loved them more than life itself even if he never told him that because I knew he felt that way.
I was a sorcerer so Suguru kept me alive, but I missed the man I met before we got married. I missed how happy he was even if it wasn’t because of me. I missed when he cuddled me and kissed me, even if he belonged with another he still loved me and I missed when he showed me that. He now barely even touched me, kisses were more rare than seeing him because he was always saving non-sorcerers from curses then speaking horribly about them to Nanako and Mimiko.
“If your hands need to break”
I felt my heart shatter when I heard my husband had died. I couldn’t believe what I was being told by the man my husband loved, the man my husband loved more than me telling me that my husband, my lover is dead. The man my husband would always choose over me had killed my husband for ‘the greater good’ and now here I was holding him in my arms as we cried together over the man we had an shared love for, a man we both wanted but was fated to never belong to us.
I never expected that Satoru and I would bond over the man we loved, that we’d bond over the shared pain we had after loosing him. I never expected that I’d be continuing becoming a sorcerer just because Satoru had convinced me it’d be fun and I could teach the students with him.
“More than trinkets in your room”
I never thought that I’d be okay after Suguru died, I never thought I’d be happy without him but I feel horrible to say that I’m glad I’m away from him because I’ve never felt happier. I don’t have to deal with the pressure of walking on eggshells around him because I don’t know which version of my husband I’d get, I love Suguru and he’d never hurt me but he’d yell so much and I finally feel free.
I loved my husband but I’ve never felt happier without him and that makes me hate myself, but I shouldn’t. Satoru helped me accept myself, he helped me learn how to accept Suguru’s death and not let that make me end up like him. I never thought I’d fall in love with anyone that wasn’t Suguru, but here I was catching feelings for Nanami, I went to school with him at Jujutsu high but I never spoke with him much and now here I was, giggling and laughing while Nanami and I did cleaned the messy classroom after the 1st years chaos.
“You can lean on my arm”
I leaned on Nanami’s arm after a long day of teaching. I never felt happier than I did with Nanami, I thought I was in love with Suguru but I don’t think I ever was. I think it was just a Symbiotic relationship because we may have kissed, touched each other but that was only when we were in a bad state of mind or needed emotional support.
All the times we exchanged I love yous were simply a lie because I never loved Suguru and he never loved me, but I’m happy that I got time with him. I’m happy I was in his life an he was in mine. But I’m happy I lost him because now I know what it means to be in love and be happy, I’m finally happy.
“As you break my heart”
Everything went so fast. I was on a mission with Yuuji and Nobara and now I’m laying in my sweet student’s arms while they cried for me to keep fighting, for just a little bit longer. Yuuji said he’d get help and I’d be okay, Nobara repeated that Nanami will be happy to see me again. I could tell Nobara was trying her very best to get Yuuji to accept the fact that I was dying.
“I’m so proud of you two.. You both are so strong.” I said softly as I felt my vision slowly getting blurry and fading to black.
I never would’ve thought this would be how my life turned out, but I’m glad it did. I’m glad I was the way I am and I have no regrets in my life, I just wish I could’ve seen my sweet girls one more time. I haven't seen them since Suguru’s death and I wish I could see my girls one last time.
“Mommy?..” “Mama!..”
“Nanako?.. Mimiko.. You two shouldn’t be here."
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ari-gami · 1 year
So I've been itching to make some Punkflower fanfiction but i'm not too sure about my writing skills, so I'll post the first chapter here before i commit to AO3.
Summary: Hobie doesn't like the way Gwen handled the situation with Miles, especially after getting to know the guy better. It was messed up, and their friendship is on tense terms. Miles is still reeling from the emotional whiplash from Gwen, one minute feeling betrayed to being thankful, but forgiving her will be hard and he doesn't know if their friendship will ever bounce back into what it was. Luckily he has someone who has had his back from day 1.
"I Don't Like Your Girlfriend"
“You really like this guy huh?”
“Oh my god, shut up Hobie!”
“ I will when ya shut up about that spider from 1610.”
Hobie could see the light blush on Gwen’s cheeks as she turned her head with a huff. It was a bit endearing how her face would scrunch up at the thought of her own feelings, but Hobie knew she wouldn’t allow herself to admit them.
“You know it’s not like that.”
“You care a lot about him, Gwendy, you can admit that much.”
“That’s the scary part, Hobie! I can’t see him again and admitting to myself that I could have..feelings for him would just cause me more heartache. Also, Miguel wouldn’t..” she trailed off.
Hobie had a bitter taste in his mouth. He’s aware of the underlying statement. Miguel already thinks Gwen’s a liability if anything involving Miles Morales occurred, and he would not hesitate to throw her back into the very situation he saved her from if she tried to contact Miles. Gwen would be alone again, and this time, permanently.
He sighed and thought of what he would do if he had such a deep connection to someone, if he had what Gwen had. It's not that he doesn't have anyone close to him, he had Gwen and his bandmates after all, but the way Gwen described her bond with Miles made Hobie ache for something similar. To have a connection forged in mutual hardship, where both parties come out as changed people. To meet and have an initial spark so strong that it would set fire to all aspects of his life afterward. 
             If Hobie had been in Gwen's shoes, he wouldn't have stayed away from Earth 1610. He would've disassembled the watch to reverse engineer one for himself and jump right through the portal back into Miles’s world. (Not that he wasn't working on it now, he hates the idea of multidimensional travel being monopolized.)
             But Gwen was in a delicate situation and right now craved approval from adult figure- that's where they differed. Hobie could tell that if she had to choose between Miles and the Society, she would most likely choose the Society. The idea of that made him a bit sick, knowing that Miles would be betrayed and alone if Gwen didn't play her cards right. He would be all alone, just like Gwen had been, and the worse part, he might never know of the betrayal.
           He would give her time to make her decision, but Hobie would also be making his own. If Miguel starts shit with Miles for being an anomaly, Hobie would be there to help him. If Miguel decided that shunning Miles wasn’t enough and actively went to attack him, Hobie would do everything he could to stop him. The idea that the Society is trying to squash out an outlier to defend the so-called canon went against everything Hobie stood for. 
He just hoped that if it ever came down to Gwen sticking with HQ and Hobie with Miles, their friendship could be salvaged.
           From what Gwen shared, Miles was the type of Spiderman who couldn't be held down when he made up his mind. When everyone ganged up on him, he found a way to prove to them that he was capable of lifting the mantle. (Not that Hobie approved of the other spiders' methods. Actually, he hated the thought of them refusing to help him at such a low point in his life. He truly believes that Miles didn't need to prove himself because, in Hobie's mind, he proved himself by instantly jumping to help send the other Spiders back.) Miles went against everything thrown at him saying he wasn't ready and instead defied the expectations and did it his own way.
            That's pretty punk of him.
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Lose Controll ❙ TP Dreadwing x f!robot reader ❙ NSFW 18+
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Word count: 1800+
Warnings: Smut ( rough interfacing and spike in valve ) dom Dreadwing and angst. NSFW 18+.
Notes: You asked for it anon and you got it. Really enjoyed working with this darling beast. Sorry for the delay. I decided to make the reader his significant other so hope that's alright. Also might've gotten a little dark and controlling along the way with a angst sort of end so hope that twist is alright. 🥰
Coffee ☕
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The storm was harsh, nothing the war ship couldn't handle, but that's not what has you worried. Dreadwing wasn't answering his com and you weren't able to find him anywhere on the ship, and after what felt like yours you finally return to your private quarters and wait there for him, only to end up pacing the room, making you look like you've lost your mind. Perhaps you have.
Then finally, he returns, soaking wet that proves that he was outside for whatever reason. But he seems lost, broken, like not even the sight of you was enough to make him smile just a little.
"Primus...Dreadwing, where have you been? I've been trying to get a hold of you." Your words fade as you continue to gawk your optics at him while he passes you as if you weren't even there, and you don't like this one bit. "Don't you dare ignore me! What happened?"
"Nothing." That wasn't convincing.
"Well something happened to put you in this sour and miserable mood. Why have you been ignoring me?" You continue to throw questions at him, both annoyed and worried for him.
Watching him sit on the berth and keep his optics averted down on the floor before you approach him, your tone lowered when you see that he's hurting. "Darling, please talk to me."
"I don't want to talk about it." His tone is gloomy, his optics still not meeting your gaze.
Talking about emotions wasn't his thing, you know this already, and on a rare moment he might open up as you will too. You were together, not bonded, but you've been through a lot over the past years together. You loved him and always stuck by his side no matter what. When he found out about the news of his twin brother it broke his spark, though he didn't show his mourning for him to anyone else but you. Now here you both are as you try to get through to him.
"Alright, fine." You sigh before stepping in front of him and touch his shoulder plating lightly. "How can I help you? I'll do whatever you want."
"Anything?" He sounds curious.
"If it helps you, then yeah."
The silence lingers in the room, a calming peace you might call it, and a part of you thinks you might've gotten through and he'll open up about what is bothering him, at least this is what you had hoped for.
Dreadwing finally looks at you, optics staring into your own, like he's trying to start a flame between you both. This confuses you as he's never looked at you in such a way before. He looks almost feral, a beast slowly crawling its way out right before you.
"On your knees."
"Excuse me?" You're baffled by his demand.
"On. Your. Knees."
This time he grabs a tight hold on your arms, tugging you off the berth to stand in front of him again. You feel your vents hitch from the sudden action and the growing tightness he held, your entire frame tense as you stare at him. There's no emotion in his face, nothing.
You finally moved onto your knees, slowly sinking, with your optics fastened onto his own as you kneel before him. He retracts his panel and his enormous spike springs out into your view, hard and throbbing close to your face.
"Use that mouth of yours."
"Are you being serious?" You have to ask him, because this is beyond the Dreadwing you know. He may look tough, primus he is strong and a skilled warrior, but when it's just the two of you he's always gentle and loving to you. Never controlling or dominant. What's happened that has changed him?
His answer is by gripping the back of her helm and pulling you towards his erect spike. His leaking tip brushes up against your cheek plating leaving a trail of trans fluids and making you give out a short grunt from the contact. He's dead serious.
Your servos are placed over his upper thick thighs, digits digging into the soft metal armour, throwing him a stiff stare, before taking his spike in your servo and giving him a tug along his throbbing base. Whatever got him riled up, you'll help settle him back down.
Shuffling forward you coil your glossa across his leaking tip and give him a firm suck, swallowing his leaking trans fluids with a satisfied hum before you start to slowly take more of him. Working both your servos at his base you feel every throb and ridge running along him, you mouth opens wider so you can take more of him, using your glossa to glide across every bumpy ridge, slowly bobbing your helm down along his spike and taking as much of him as you can.
You almost had him all the way, but his size doesn't seem to make that possible so you gently squeeze and pump what you couldn't take and start to move your mouth along him, every pulse from his cable vibrating against your glossa.
As you work him you hear his heavy moans lingering deeply in the air. You can't look up due to him having his servo pressed behind the back of your helm, at first pushing you only a little against him forcing you to relax your intake as best as you can.
You think to yourself that you may as well use this moment to get off yourself as you dip your servo down between your thighs where you've already retracted your panel and your valve was eagerly waiting to be touched. Letting out a fluttering moan you rub your sensitive node and press a digit into your depths, working yourself as you suck Dreadwing off following his demand you continue to try and give him the best damn blow job you've ever given him. It's not often you go down on him, he always likes to frag you face and face, more romantic like.
Not tonight.
He suddenly pushes you down on him more, forcing a whimpered gag to leave you while you focus your intake to relax more for him as you pump two digits into your soaking valve.
This changes when he stands up abruptly and thrusts his large hips against your mouth, forcing another muffled whimper out of you as he keeps both servos against the back of your helm as he pretty much face frags you, small drops of his trans fluids escaping from the corner of your mouth and pooling against the floor.
He only does this for a moment before he lets go of your helm and you pull away, coughing and venting harshly while feeling both aroused and a little overwhelmed by his actions.
In the silence he tugs you up a little harshly, kissing you firmly, before pushing you against the berth, face down. This is also new. With more silence he positions you the way he wants, pushing your shoulder down and lifting your waist up so your aft is level with him, kicking your legs apart and positions his leaking tip against your valve.
He thrusts, firmly, his frame pressing up against your aft as he fills you completely. The stretch is sudden causing you to hiss out. Dreadwing is rather thick, which you love, but everything is just so different tonight as your mind is sent into a frenzy by both Dreadwing and the growing arousal that boils through your frame.
There's a tight hold at your hips before you feel him snap his waist into you over again, spike firmly entering and leaving you over again. Your body rocks against the berth, scraping metal hitting your audios as you try to relax yourself and hold onto anything for leverage.
"Frag...Dreadwing." You sob his name mildly through your burning arousal. He's fragging you so firmly, rutting against your aft like a feral beast in heat. Each smack, each grunt given by him, it adds to your own arousal, already feeling yourself stimulated by his surprising actions as you lay there and take it like a good femme.
Both his fluids and your own mix together, running down your legs and pooling against the floor, the berth creaking with every harsh movement given to you by him.
His grip doesn't loosen, in fact, it's tightening, and you know without a doubt you're going to have dents left against your hip plating. Dreadwing, your love, your handsome warrior, fragging you to his desire, using your body and letting out whatever anger that was trapped in him out through you. His heated grunts only grew more feral, spike throbbing like crazy, and you know he's getting close.
He's on your back than, his intense fragging never ceasing. His fierce growls filling your audio making you quiver with ambition, growing a liking to the rough treatment that you respond very positively through. Than it happens.
You feel yourself break loose through a rapid overload as it erupts through your entire frame and sends shocks through Dreadwing's throbbing spike. His harsh vents crackle as his movements stagger before he collapses against your back, full weight, forcing a grunt out of you as his warm fluids fill and soak your depths.
Your body lays there front first against the berth with him laying on top of you, his weight slowly starts to strain your own so you try to shift out from under him. He gets the silent message and finally removes himself from you, only for you to hear him making soft half broken sounds. He's crying.
"What the frag?" As much as your valve aches, your concern was on Dreadwing again. Despite what happened just now, you didn't care. You both got off, overloaded, it was fine and you did get aroused by the change.
Dreadwing is almost curled up against the berth before you are at his side, caressing his face plating and holding him close as you settle yourself against his side, letting out comforting purrs into his audio to try and give him any form of comfort that didn't have anything to do with interfacing.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be, it's fine."
"I hurt you..."
"You didn't." You say to him, trying to be convincing. Maybe he did, but you weren't mad about it. A little rough interfacing was fine. "I'm fine, I promise. Now please, lay down. We'll talk more after some recharge, and you're going to explain everything." Perhaps he might open up once he's gotten some good nights rest.
Finally he's listening and you both end up curled up in the berth together, him clinging to your side with his helm resting against your chassis. All you can do is continue to stroke his helm and let out soft purrs that he seems to be liking.
"I love you, my beautiful warrior." You hear him say next, making you smile calmly.
"As I love you, darling."
The storm outside eases, but another is already starting to brew.
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lenaboskow · 2 months
Ok what is sentinel cause I’ve seen it a few times in fic and mentioned on here and I have no idea what it is 😭
sorry this took so long i went a little deeper than i probably needed to lol.
so i went on a research binge before i started reading the fics and this is what is what i've gathered. feel free to add onto this in the rbs because this is just what i've seen in the 911 fandom and on my research binge but here it goes:
a sentinel is someone who has extremely heightened senses. think being able to tell the difference between brands of spice, able to hear the heartbeat of someone in a different room, able to read the small text on the wall across the room. when they learn to control their senses, they typically will envision "dials" that go 0-10, with 4-5 being human range. certain things can cause them to "spike", and if it gets too bad, they'll "zone" which puts them in a catatonic state, leaving them vulnerable. this happens when the dial is at 10.
depending on the au, sentinels can function to varying degrees without help/being bonded (because just being around a guide can help to some degrees). but they're always better off when bonded to a guide.
guides are basically what they're named. they help guide the sentinel in controlling their senses. a lot of times, they're also empaths. this means they can sort of sense the emotions of people, and encourage them to feel certain emotions. they're most sensitive to their bonded sentinel.
one thing i didn't see mentioned in research binges is the terms "online" vs "offline". a sentinel or guide doesn't always know they're a sentinel or guide. for the first part of their life, they're offline. then, usually in times of stress (eddie usually comes online in afghanistan, for example) or danger (i've seen buck come online when eddie was in danger before), their senses hit a switch and suddenly they're able to use their abilities, coming online. usually i've seen it depicted that other sentinels and guides can sense when this happens within a certain radius.
also, there's s&g centers that help train s&g teams (and even solos that haven't bonded) and care for them when they're sick in a way that regular hospitals wouldn't be able to (they have shielded rooms, i'll get to shields in a moment). usually these centers have what's called an alpha team (the reason i thought it was similar to omegaverse), who are kind of the highest level. they're like, really strong.
shields are another thing sentinels and guides use to control their abilities. it's an ability that effectively "shields" them from the intense senses (i'm probably not explaining this properly but hopefully you get it). they can create them themselves, or they can enter a shielded room at the s&g center if it gets too much. i've seen guides shield unbonded sentinels and vice versa (there's one fic in particular where chris comes online as a guide when buck is struck by lightning (i think) and the alpha sentinel creates a shield over him until eddie and buck can watch over him because he's still a teenager)
now. bonding. in most cases, bonds can technically be created by an intense mutual meditation session. however, this is fandom and there's another obvious way to create a bond. sex. though i have seen one fic where buck and eddie were bonded before getting together, and then when they got together and had sex for the first time it kind of made it deeper? it depends on the author.
that's all i can think of for now, i'm probably missing some things, but feel free to add onto this like i said. i'll edit with any major things i missed, as well. this is now my favorite au for buddie because it works so well with them being firefighters
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tenebraevesper · 5 months
Knuckles (My Thoughts)
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So, I have watched Knuckles, the 2024 show that basically came out yesterday, and before watching it, I have heard a lot of mixed opinions, ranging from ''the show is great'' to ''the show is awful, I hate it''. I had figured I might as well add my thoughts to the fray.
There will be spoilers in this review, so if you haven't watched the show, you had your warning.
So, for starters... this show is absolutely bonkers, and I definitely enjoyed watching it! X3
Honestly, I feel like there was a pretty good mix of comedy and action, and while there is some over the top acting, it didn't really take away from my enjoyment. It was a pretty wild ride from start to finish, and I kinda want to know what the writers were smoking during some scenes, because there were moments where things just get a bit surreal.
The show is also peppered with a lot of emotional moments, but I'll get to that bit in a moment. So far, I think people were right when they called this Sonic the Hedgehog, but it's Knuckles and Wade instead of Sonic and Tom.
The main crux of the show is that Knuckles has a bit of a crisis. He has found the Master Emerald, he has found friends in Sonic and Tails... and the only reason he's on Earth is because of that promise to them, as he clearly doesn't feel like he is at home... yet. So, how does he deal with that struggle?
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Well, Pachacamac tells him what to do. Not gonna lie, even though I had expected him to appear, I was still baffled, because Pachacamac in this show is basically Oogway, Mufasa and Mr. Miyagi rolled into one. Clearly, Knuckles still holds great admiration for him, but let's remember that this was the guy who hunted down Sonic and Longclaw, leading to the mutual massacre. And now, he's a ghost that Knuckles can talk to, a lá Tikal. Kinda weird, but I think this is also the moment the show doesn't give a damn about being grounded.
Pachacamac suggests Knuckles that he should continue the legacy of the Echidnas, with Wade Whipple becoming his new protégé. Knuckles knows Wade is a loser, but he accepts, especially given Wade's determination to show everyone and their mother that he isn't some kind of loser and will become the bowling champion at the tournament in Reno, Nevada. So, he and Knuckles go on a road trip there while also being hunted down by two rogue G.U.N. agents, who want to deliver Knuckles to The Buyer, a guy who formerly worked for Robotnik and wants to use his quills to power his weapons.
Now, I will first start with the negative stuff that I noticed during the plot. Yes, people were correct, the second half of the show does focus a lot on Wade and his family rather than on Knuckles. Should it focus more on the titular character? Absolutely! Am I disappointed with what we got? Ehh... not really. Not gonna lie, I was actually quite invested in Wade's family drama.
Honestly, I can't really think of any complaint aside from the lack of Knuckles' screentime. Maybe it would've been better if the show focused on Knuckles bonding with Sonic and Tails, but it was always advertised as a Knuckles and Wade road trip, so I can't say I was lied to (not to mention, we had a whole movie of Sonic, Tails and Knuckles bonding). I suppose that another thing to add to it is the abrupt ending, although we do get a post-credits scene with Knuckles and Wade going to their next adventure, and the fact that they just don't address some plot points (like we don't know how the Wachowski family reacted to Knuckles' absence).
Well, that's my negative thoughts on the show, what's the positive stuff?
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First of all, Knuckles himself - he is absolutely awesome every moment he gets! His character is on point, and he gets a lot of goofy, but also very wholesome moments. He also works very well with Wade, their personalities bouncing off each other and their interactions can turn from hilarious to absolutely heartwarming, especially when bonding over their respective lives.
I think that's a really strong point of this show - Knuckles helping Wade, in his own way, to overcome his insecurities, while just being his Echidna Warrior self. At the same time, he also learns about simple things in life, like ''what his jam is'' (to no one's surprise, it's the show's theme song, The Warrior by Scandal) or about Wade's family's traditions, as well as finally accepting that Earth is his home.
Also, Knuckles and Wade's mother beating up the bounty hunters was one of the best scenes in the show, hands down.
As I said previously, I also got quite interested in Wade's family life. I really like his mother, but his sister is a bitch, even if she stands by Wade's side. His father, not gonna lie, Pistol Pete gets the same amount of hate from me as Locke... Huh, maybe they did base Wade's father on one of the most hated characters from the Sonic Archie comics? After all, both abandoned their sons for a ''greater purpose''. In any case, it was satisfying seeing Wade beating his father in the bowling tournament and use what he learned during his journey.
Furthermore, this show is peppered with many lore bits, but the most jaw-dropping is this one:
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So, if you guys don't know, this is Iblis, one of the Big Bosses of Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), alongside Mephiles, and basically the main reason Silver the Hedgehog and Blaze the Cat went back to the past to save the future, with Silver fighting Sonic due to the belief that he was responsible for the apocalyptic wasteland that is Silver's future. Both Iblis and Mephiles are halves of the sun god Solaris, who was defeated by Super Sonic, Super Shadow and Super Silver.
So, in this show, in this story told to us via a rock opera arranged by Pachacamac and starring an... unconscious (dead?) Wade? *shrugs* So, yeah, in this story, apparently, Knuckles defeated Iblis with the Flames of Disaster, aka beating him up with flaming fists.
Not gonna lie, that's metal.
Also, another lore bit that is dropped is how a different alien visited Reno for a bowling tournament in 1974, which tells me either two things:
One possibility is that it was Shadow who appeared at the bowling tournament, which is but funny and pretty awesome, and now I have an image of Shadow, Maria and Gerald Robotnik wearing those bowling T-shirts.
The other possibility is that Black Doom dropped after making his deal with Gerald and decided to sign up the Black Arms for a tournament, which is just plain hilarious.
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So, yeah, overall, I liked the show. Is it the best? Not really, but it is something I'd rewatch if I want something fun and wholesome.
#Sonic Cyber Revolution (Masterlist)
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druidshollow · 1 year
infodumping about rain world ancient ocs- about that ask i just answered
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just in case the incredible @inkycorvid wanted me to talk about my ancient ocs instead of my ancient headcanons im making a post talking about my idiot guys in a very annoying structure. gotta cover all my bases
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he/him, bisexual, sometimes has beard barbells sometimes doesn't. middle aged (in genetically modified to live for a longass time terms), very much divorced. admin to eleven rivers, not very nice to eleven rivers.
-like never smiles, always looks either pissed off or miserable
-his mask is very wedge-shaped. big karma 10 symbols on sides
-practically every time red is used in the context of my rain world ocs it relates to him. either symbolically or literally. see red highlights???? probably flowers' fucking fault!!
-two strands of hair always fall in face
-wears wrappings often. once my bf said he probably wouldnt get divorced so hard if he wasnt dressed like a weird mummy
-no left ear
-comes from a considerably privileged background. family had incredibly high expectations
-traumatized by everlasting fire's attack and afraid of iterators. will not enter a puppet chamber unless entirely necessary
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-creates strong emotional attachments and reacts to rejection with self-isolation and bitterness
-late game, before he begins his plan to demolish eleven rivers and ascend himself but after the twins are awake he begins drinking an unhealthy amount and projecting his anger all over the place, especially towards rivers
-likes vultures. thinks they're crazy neat
-does not and can not have any comprehension of the ramifications his douchebaggery will bring about in the future (huge rammies. absolutely massive rammies)
-becomes an echo when he tries to ascend. his echo sits right snug over eleven rivers' chamber!
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she/her, bisexual, sometimes wears fancy shinies on her hair. middle aged in modified to live a very long time terms. flowers' ex wife. doing WAY better than him. admin to a fleck of flame, very nice to a fleck of flame.
-blue, cream stripes, frills on upper back
-short face, short hair, short body. short
-walks with cane after everlasting fire's attack
-implant in right ear later game, ear still there
-does in fact smile! makes lots of smug faces. she is in general very emotionally intense and expressive, and is also very morally headstrong. quick to jump to anger when she thinks lines have been crossed.
-she was named "flight to the sun, thirteen sparks" at birth, and changed it when she was enrolled in the school of solutions
-punk by ancient society terms. not big on ascension, very much a "don't we have it pretty fuckin good? why are we in such a rush to leave" kind of person
-stayed in the iterator project after fire's failure because in losing him she realized how human the iterators were. spent her life working to make their rights more solid and complexities more widely understood
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-very close friends with fleck. looks at fleck as her son, looked at fire as her son as well
-met flowers at the start of their schooling. they quickly bonded as they got to work together and were endorsed for esteemed position together
-left flowers in part because of the trauma surrounding the situation with fire, but more because she didn't like what she was beginning to see in flowers. he invented the first model of the demolishers after fire's attack, which descent hated. they would have split up eventually even if fire had lived and they'd continued work on him together. i think their political views and morals are too different, and their personalities too headstrong for it to've been avoided forever
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she/he/they, genderfluid and swaps pronouns often. pansexual. like in their late 20s early 30s equivalently. admin to glass incident. flowers' younger sibling, probably a nepotism hire
-shithead or confident expression
-lots of ear piercings, bridge piercing. no permanent ear implant
-three "bangs" fall on face. tends to let hair down when feeling more feminine and tie it up when feeling masculine
-frills on arms
-dresses a bit... revealing sometimes to be fully honest. wears a mask the least out of their group, doesn't like it for sensory reasons
-quite similar to flowers in shapes and colours, just with green stripes instead of red
-actually quite intelligent and insightful, but their primal need to cause chaos and keep everything lighthearted often overpowers this
-since flowers did so well in school and had his first project be a massive failure, lots of higher eyes were on wander throughout school
-joined the iterator project to stay near flowers
-was VERY happy to be selected to work with corners
-puts maybe too much energy into caring for flowers and trying to help him, when he pushes back so hard
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bark, cloud, smoke, west and journey are less important background characters! ive never even drawn bark or journey until right now, lmao
bark is a very old man who just wants to do his work in peace. cloud is an introvert who is very calm and professional. smoke is pretentious and self-involved. they're a teacher at the school of solutions and endorsed flowers and descent for the esteemed position. west is a hot guy flowers knew in school that he had a short-lived fling with after his divorce. journey was rivers' admin before flowers, but then she went to the void so she had to be replaced.
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hope this suffices and everyone is properly tired of seeing these guys!
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fandomwe1rd0 · 2 months
Over analyzing this goofy scientist pickle man show again! (I won't stop)
Honestly, if you think too much about what happened to Rick, it is legitimately heartbreaking, like his trauma is no excuse for how he acts, but just thinking about seeing your wife and child die in front of you is heartbreaking, and Rick saw it first hand, sure he didn't deal with it in the most healthy way, but him still being able to go on shows how strong he is. Especially knowing that he blame himself. Just the constant blame that you couldn't done something about it and just stayed frozen. The long no he screams out afterwards breaks my heart, I know he's a horrible person, but I will never not cry at his backstory. It is legitimately heartbreaking and beautiful.
It's just so sad that now he feels like he shouldn't love anyone because they either die or leave him is really really heartbreaking. And it makes every scene where he's mean to Morty even sadder. Because it was shown in Something Ricked this way comes that it's not who he is. And it's shown in Air Forde Wong that he doesn't want to be mean. He sometimes just lashes put without even realizing it. It's become a habit to him at this point, a second nature, but it's not who he is. It's who he thinks he needs to be to protect the people he loves since everyone he loves either leaves him or dies in front of him.
When you think about it, in his own way, he feels like he's protecting people he loves. That's why he's meanest to Morty, I always wondered why he was meaner to Morty than he was to say Beth or Summer or heck sometimes he's even nicer to Jerry. But after really thinking about his backstory, it makes sense. He doesn't want Morty to die, he doesn't want to lose Morty. It would destroy him. So he's meanest to Morty as a way to protect him, and is unable to see the damage his consistent emotional abuse casues. That's why he's sometimes mean to Summer in later seasons after they formed a bond. The more he cares about you, the meaner he's going to be to you because he's terrified of losing you, with some exceptions (Jerry and Rick Prime)
Thats why he's so horrible to Morty, and although Morty knows Ricks backstory, and 14-year-old isn't going to pick up on the fact that Rick emotionally abusing him is his weird way of protecting him. A 14-year-old is just going to know that it hurts. And even if he did, Ricks insults would still hurt. We even see that Morty thinks Rick doesn't care because of his consistent emotional abuse.
Now because of Rick, Morty hates himself and is now fully codependent on Rick.
Rick is learning to get better and is definitely a lot gentler to Morty in season 7. But he still scarred Morty deeply.
Holy fucking shit.
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nattaphum · 11 months
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NOVEMBER 3, 2023
Mile: Now i’m an actor of Be On Cloud. As for what i’m interested in now, I would like to have more time for music. In the past, fans may have seen me playing some music and making some songs. I stopped doing it 5-6 years ago, so I would like to revive that because music is what i love the most. Music is charming. Music is a friend. When we’re happy, it can stay with us, when we are suffering, it can stay with us. But most importantly, music allows us to capture various moments. This is the coolness of music. Let’s suppose we listen to something. And we may think of someone, think of some moments of life, it's nostalgia. Some people or some moments can be recorded through music so each person has different memories.
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Mile: the atmosphere is that everything was fast. And we didn’t stay very long, just 3 hours. At first, I was excited before going but I didn’t create a picture in my head. I like to do this, i like to challenge myself to face whatever is presented in front of me. I didn’t create a picture in my head and that’s a technique to manage the excitement. We went there to enjoy ourselves. That night was a very fun night. Some people may plan to do 1 2 3 4 but that day I didn't think of anything. When I arrived to the event, i just let myself go. It was fun. And then I met people I didn't expect to meet and i liked them very much.
Mile: I was glad to know I made it into BoF. When we knew the details and found out that it was for both of us, we really felt that our work or the way I and Apo present ourselves was understood. The important thing is that our team 'Be On Cloud' has grown to the world. It feels that we’re growing step by step. To be honest, I appreciate being 1 in 500 of BoF, but i will not be excited nor i will be bragging about this because i know that way ahead, there is still room for improvement. But thanks to everyone.
Mile: it gives you that type of experience that money could never buy. It’s experience in the fashion like we said earlier, or the world tour going to play concerts. Going to the World Tour, we were able to see the energy of all the fans. Each person is not the same. Touring allows us to meet groups of fans from many countries. Sometimes we had some technique problems. We were impressed because it made us realize that errors can happen all the time, even if it is a very big stage with a strong team behind.
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Mile: First of all, it has to be “love at first sight' inside of me. It doesn't matter what type of watch but I have to love it, there must be a certain bond. I choose watches using my feelings. It looks a bit like i’m flirting with the watches (smiles). Secondly, it has to be a rare watch. Rare, the word 'rare' is my weakness. Some watches I liked a lot, that were not rare, I didn’t buy them.
Mile: Seriously, I will treat my emotions by, playing music, exercising, or doing anything that feels comfortable. I’ll do anything that distracts me from the reason why i’m suffering. I’ll change the interest, change the atmosphere, i’ll take myself out of there and for a while, i will have an overlap of ideas. And then i’ll finally deal with the idea that it’s bothering me. I retreat myself of one step to look at the problem in a second moment.
Mile: I think the number 2 is the period that I have tried everything i wanted to do. The number 2 is a period that i like. But it's a period where i learned a lot. Actually, i didn’t need to be responsible for things or the results that came from my decisions. If anything that you do, does not affect anyone, you can try it all. So you don’t have to be very careful. But i’m not sure… I may answer the number 3 but I just entered the number 3 and i’m gonna be here for a long time.
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Mile: First of all is knowledge. But if it is an investment related to myself, I want to invest in real estate. I think the property has the highest potential.
Mile: It's good to change the atmosphere (smiles). It’s what I learned when I had a lot of problems. It was in my 20s. At that time, i have experimented a lot. Because there were a lot of problems, both that i created myself and not. It made me learn one thing, which is important. Life is uncertain. Therefore, if we do anything, one day it will change. It’s the nature of this world. We must be born and get extinguished. When we understand this concept, when things get worse, we can manage ourselves.
Mile: I'm very happy. I like the watches very much. And I feel that shooting for a watch is something that i wanted to do for a long time. As for Franck Muller, I already knew the brand and i was interested. Because their watches have a unique character. The more I see this collection, the more i think it is very outstanding.
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Mile: I think because I'm not far from being myself. It's impossible for us to be ourselves 100%, no matter what industry we are in. But we should be honest with what we feel as much as possible. Both behind the screen and on the screen. And I think I am a person who understands people and that includes understanding myself.
Mile: I want to thank them again. Because I'm not sure if every time i say thank you, everyone receives that message. Because fans are not just in Thailand, not just in Asia. There is South America. There is a lot of Central Asia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan. Because the popularity of Asia has expanded a lot. Therefore, what i mean is fans around the world. So I want to thank anyone who came to read this. Fans treated us well from the first day until today. 99% cute as before. Thank you to everyone. They’re part of our happiness. We are happy and happy to be part of their happiness.
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