#i think he’d like haunted mansion tbh
cool-abed-filmz · 1 year
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the spray paint pens in procreate <3
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airabuhan · 1 year
anon asked: tomobigi disney world is the cutest thing ive ever seen i can imagine aira taking his idol merch with them to take silly photos the whole time 🥲🥲 it makes me want to ask, what do you think wouls happen if they went on the rides ? like big ones outside of disney world too. aira does NOT give me a vibe that hes great with rollercoasters i will be honest but id love your thoughts if this isnt too niche
AIRA WOULD TAKE HIS IDOL MERCH TO TAKE SILLY PHOTOS... i honestly wish i brought my aira nui to disney world with me it would've been so cute but :"D well.
as for kohaai and the rides, i mean for one i think kohaku would be dying inside of haunted mansion because it has so many ghost projections that look really good? (they're seriously so impressive when i went i was so amazed the whole time) and yeah i don't think aira would vibe very well with rollercoasters i agree hghghn,, i can imagine aira being super disoriented after space mountain too. tbh they'd both be disoriented after space mountain HAHA
it would probably be kohaku's first time going to an amusement park so he'd be amazed at all the rides and entertainment. it would be so cute to have aira showing him around hgnhh but overall kohaku can handle the rollercoasters better than aira (i mean.. kohaku and his parkour in road to show... so) i can't think of any other specifics for rides right now because i'm not the biggest expert on disney rides (and it was my first time going to disney world recently so) but tomobigi disney world date would be seriously so cute... i hope they are having so much fun [Smile or comment on the answer here](https://retrospring.net/@airabuhan/a/110808024654196711)
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chryzuree · 1 year
🎟✨Gush Pass✨🎟 gimme whatever ChrysiJacks plots/AU’s that have been giving you brainrot :)
well, LAST NIGHT, besides the haunted mansion au (jst the plot of the movie tbh, with adjustments made), i was mostly thinking abt the modern au chrysijacks confession scene, followed very shortly by the jacks ruins the whole confession thing by bringing up castor… the euphoria of chrysi finally being able to confess she likes jacks, and he likes her back, and they’re kissing!!!….. followed by the disappointment and outrage that jacks brought up the guy chrysi’s been turning down for two years straight now AND THEN JACKS DECIDED TO STOP PURSUING THIS RELATIONSHIP WITH HER. HELLO??? ASSHOLE??????? NIGHT RUINER???? chrysi LITERALLY jst brought him to a makeout point turned murder scene and jacks jst. ruined the vibe. and the relationship.
THEN, it’s like. he avoids her for a week at school (fair. she was pissed off at him badly enough for him to figure it’s smarter to jst avoid getting his head ripped off), which makes castor happy!.. until he finds out his best friend made out with his crush (get over it, dude). and then HOMECOMING HAPPENS, CHRYSI’S CAR BREAKS DOWN AFTER SHE TRIES TO LEAVE THE PARTY EARLY, AND WHEN SHE’S LOOKING TO JACKS FOR HIM TO SAVE HER FROM THIS… he jst leaves. he looks her in the eye, sees castor next to her, hears her plea that jacks take her home instead, and he leaves. he doesn’t say anything. doesn’t apologize or anything. jst leaves. ughhhh.
then the next morning, he hears abt there being a terrible wreck. killed someone. put the other person in a coma. and then he never faces chrysi again.
jacks fuck up hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate him, love the drama. he DESERVES to reunite w chrysi ten years later via azure being one of the photographers on jacks’s modeling gig + jacks was clicking through the photos & went too far to see chrysi in one of azure’s photos. you KNOW he’s screaming, crying, throwing up. FUCK. if he’d jst held her hand in 7th grade, he could’ve had her by now!!! if he’d not ruined their kiss, he could’ve been with her by now!!!!! instead he has to deal w the knowledge that his photographer is with the girl of his dreams instead of HIM and he wants to die!!!!
anyway. supernatural events are afoot and things get weird but YEAH. misery to jacks for 1000 years!!!!!!!!!!!
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songs the Sakamaki bros would have sex or make-out session to
WARNING: NSFW (if you’re below 18, just don’t freakin’ read things like this, okay?)
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DISCLAIMER: I just got this idea ‘cause an acquaintance told me she turns up the volume of her radio when she does it with her gf (that’s all the story ‘cause I ain’t curious about her sex life)
No brainer. Classical music. PERIOD.
Sometimes it would be the violin covers or orchestra pieces he always listens to since he’s lazy to change the music
Other times, it would be songs that came out from a sensual mixtape
Most of them probably from Two Feet or Cigarettes After Sex
Or even from LANY or The 1975
A rare one from the playlist would be Ariana Grande’s off the table
Shuu likes it slow, teasing you during foreplay
But he ain’t a lazy lover
Likes it when he makes you feel every sensation
Also a sucker for comfort sex so get ready for sad songs
Probs from Mitski’s “I Want You” or Lily Allen’s “Littlest Things”
But if you want to, he can notch a few things 😉
Another classical music fan
But this one likes the haunting pieces, ya know the ones used when you’re escaping a dark castle or running from a monster at the forest
Idk why he sees it romantic but for him it sets the mood
Thinks of sex as a means to be a sadist
What the actual fvck
Would also play Kiss of Fire by Hugh Laurie or Bei Mir Bist du Schon by The Andrew Sisters
Light BDSM
Would also test out his poison on you
He’s gonna make you cum either from pleasure or from fear
You like it either way so no complaining
Welcome to the wild side
The music taste of this Ore-sama is undoubtedly rock
Heavy metal, pop, punk, goth, emo—the sound of the electric guitar in the background fires him up
I picture him turning up the volume so high he’s gonna hear complaints from the other brothers later on
Most of the time, he’d play songs from All Time Low, ACDC, Pierce The Veil, Fall Out Boy, Nirvana, etc.
He likes having wild and rough sex
Would probably leave hickeys
I also think he’s someone who would invite you out on a sex in public
Poor boy can’t keep his pants on
Would also pull up a prank where he would turn off the volume, insert the microphone, and turn the speaker back on so his S/O’s moans would be heard around the mansion
Also keeps a record of the moans as a form of blackmail
This jerk
Would get in a fight with Subaru for being so noisy
You’d probably not show up in the mansion for a few days because of that
But Ayato has his ways to convince you otherwise so fvck everything
“What a bad girl.”
“You’re the bad one, Ayato-kun.”
“Che! You love this Ore-sama so suck it.”
Suck what???
The playlist of this one is as vast as the ocean
His music taste is a mix of all his brothers
So there are times he would play scary classicals or punk rock or sensual and playful based on his mood
I imagine him having comfort sex while My Immortal by Evanescence is playing in the background
But most of the time he’d play songs from Lana del Rey, Yohio, Panic! At The Disco, Blink-182, and Melanie Martinez
He actually turns the song “Tonight You Belong To Me” by The Lennon Sisters into a creepy one because of how possessive he is
For a sensual person, he prefers taking everything slow
Even your pain as he chokes you into oblivion
That’s some heavy BDSM sht
Would also play songs from My Chemical Romance like the ones from Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge or I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love
If he’s feeling romantic (which is rare), he would play Doja Cat’s Kiss Me More or The Cardigans’ Lovefool
Tho tbh it’s rare for him to turn on music because he would rather listen to his S/O’s moans and screams of pain as her heart beats faster in fear and anticipation
Would only turn them on if his S/O starts being noisy
Alexa, play Sexy Naughty Bitchy Me
Did someone say whore?
This slut has the horniest playlist ever out of all the brothers
You'd probably mistake him as a stripper
Most of the songs would be from Rihanna, Doja Cat, Ariana Grande, Charlie Puth, Lana del Rey, etc.
Basically, mostly sex songs that are popular with teenagers
Would also have the same sensual sex playlist like Shuu has
He plays them all even if he’s being a bitch to his flings
Would most likely mess you up and make you begging for more
This slut
He is a mix of a wild ride with sadism and BDSM
His music and moans are so noisy Reiji banned him from having sex in the mansion
Even noisier than Ayato
Never stops being a perv even when he’s alone
Stay away from him at all costs
He’s emo. Period.
Whether it’s a slow or rough sex, there’s always an emo song playing in the background
Sometimes you ask him if he’s sad or what
“I am not sad. Why are you asking me that?!”
Poor baby car
He probs share the same music as Ayato’s but more on the self-loathing part
Mostly Linkin Park, My Chemical Romance, Pierce The Veil, Nirvana, and the likes
Is actually noisy he just doesn’t know it
He is even louder than the music he’s playing so the brothers would hear his moans than his S/O
This gives them the nightmares
They tease him later on about this, especially Shuu and Ayato
“You even said ‘scream my name, louder’ the fvck”
“I did not say that.”
“Oh yeah sure while she’s giving you the head.”
The living room will be in chaos again much to Reiji’s dismay
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friggsdc · 4 years
Title: little delinquent pt iii
part ii | part iii | part iv
Warnings: Female!reader (bat!sis), mostly family fluff, AU, hurt/comfort, Jason’s language
Word Count: 4700~
Synop: It had Bruce and Dick sharing a look for a moment before the latter spoke up, “It’s not like I’m against continuing to expand the family, but…” he eyed the child you held nervously, “please don’t start bringing home every child you find…” he tilted his head, “he’s bad enough.” Bruce settled a light glare at his first son (that definitely wasn’t what Bruce was thinking), though Dick was stilled by the way your eyes narrowed at him instead.
“His name is Terrence,” that was all you said, brushing past as they were suddenly on guard at the inherited Wayne-scowl on your face.
A/N:  tbh I cut the last chapter in two, this is the second half ee;;;; but I rewrote it to be it’s own chapter tho haha. Hum… this doesn’t pick up exactly where the last chapter ended, but it’s still all here. c’: Also, if you wear glasses, just know grumpy ol’ Bruce would probably force contacts on you in public (he’d see them as more ‘professional,’ and glasses as a danger/hazard in the field). Glasses are for home only sighs.
Ngl I see lexcorp similar to westworld’s delos, lotsa fancy designs ee;;;; Cadmus like nasa test rooms, clinical as heck with little to no windows, and wayne ent with Alien franchise’s archaic but advanced spaceship tech, or dracula’s castle with cubicles lmao
             “Hey, Jaybird…”
Normally he knew what to expect, normally he’d open the door braced for a tackle, so when the rush of wind never came, he was at a bit of a loss. There you were, dressed like Bruce for some irritating reason. A size-too-big of a jacket, zipped up over a uselessly thin black turtleneck, a pair of black gloves, pants covering everything, and a pair of black lace-less… boots… with red… soles…?, and a suspiciously familiar-looking kid in your arms…
There was a slight guilty look on your face as you gauged his reaction, he could tell, you were nervous.
He eyed the kid something scary, his voice grounding out, “so, who do I have to murder?”
“You weren’t gone that long, you know.” Snorting, you pushed past him into the small safe house, frowning at the bareness of it all before situating Terrence on the floor mattress. “How you sleep on this thing is beyond me…” he just shrugged, “too used to it? Answer the question,” he pointed at the kid while closing the door, “who?”
“Terrence,” said child was looking around, but there was only so much that would grab his attention, as empty as the room was.
“His name is Terrence, and he’s no one else’s, he’s… mine.”
“You just said it hasn’t been that damned long—” his frustration was building; he wasn’t liking where this was going, not that you were aware which direction his head was headed at the moment, you’d just gotten here.
You shook your head, “don’t tell me you…” his anger settled into a dark scowl, but you refused to look at him, “you can’t seriously bring more kids into that fucking prison.” He was so conflicted, it was you, but you were still a Wayne. It scared him to think of more children stuck in that lonely mansion, becoming bitter like he had.
You remembered what Dick had said days earlier when he first saw the child,
“Jason—” you began, a slight warning to your tone.
He didn’t care,
“Don’t be like Bruce.”
His voice was so cold.
Terrence had crawled his way over to the legs of the table in the makeshift kitchen, eyes on a prize as he began trying to figure out how a chair worked.
“You know, that actually hurt.”
You didn’t hate your father like Jason projected, but you knew the way he spoke about him, the way he expressed his feelings, that he ‘hated’ him. It was a half-truth, you knew. Jason preferred not hurting you, next to Alfred, you were more tolerable than the other family members. 
Somedays Tim and Dick made that list. Somedays. 
But that didn’t mean he was actively trying to be kind, he wanted it to stab.
Petty. Resentful. Haunted.
He went to say more, but stopped, fists shaking slightly from anger.
You were staring him down, that same look of disappointment Bruce would give him when he made an obviously stupid decision, as if he were still a Robin in training. Like your father, you could read him like an open book when you tried, it made him feel vulnerable, guilty, small.
Fucking frustrated.
“Don’t look at me like that,” he was at a loss for words, “…shit.” He turned away from you, coming back to the moment as he tried to reign in his temper, “it’s just…”
“It’s fine.”
“No, it’s not.”
Instead of continuing to argue the point, too used to his outbursts (Alfred and your family primed you too well for dealing with the unstable emotions of others), you walked over and wrapped your arms around him, head resting on his clothed chest, “missed you, Jay.”
Almost hesitantly, his arms returned the hug, his head burying itself in your hair, “sorry…” he breathed out, almost too quiet. He was tense as you pulled back a bit, reaching up to grab his face in your gloved hands as you leaned up on your toes, pulling his head down to yours. You touched your forehead to his, making certain to be gentle, “Honestly, it’s okay Jay. I forgive you, okay?”
“Cold,” his hands cupped your (oddly chilled) gloved ones, eyes searching your face before he shifted, head nodding slightly, rubbing yours. A heavy sigh escaped him, an awkward smile forming, “so, how’s my cutest little sister been?”
Glad that he was trying to get past his guilt, you shook your head, “a roller coaster. Dad’s upset at me.”
He just snorted in amusement, relaxing a little as you continued, “And how was California? The Titans? I miss Kory…” you blinked at his flat expression, “what? You were at the Tower, right? With Kory and Roy, and the others?”
Wow you ruined the moment fast.
“Aaaand that’s where you stop being cute. I swear this family is full of creepers. I think Dick’s the only normal one,” you tilted your head as he kept his hands firmly on your shoulders. “Honestly, you and Tim are terrifying, your brother is a demon, and I don’t even want to describe Bruce.”
“Glad you didn’t include yourself in that, zomboy,” he groaned, “that’s hurtful,” then he pouted, finally getting a good look at you.
Terrence was old enough to stand on his two legs as he held onto the chair, but he kept stumbling as he moved uncertainly. His eyes were focused on his mission as he started trying to climb further up.
Something clicked in the back of Jason’s brain, sudden realization dawning, “what…” you sighed, his hand moving from your shoulder, “is this…?” You refused to meet his stare as his fingers hooked on the zipper of your jacket, “uhm…” you flushed as he pulled it down, a bright red bat in his face.
There was a sudden sparkle in his eyes.
“Huh, didn’t expect you to be that much of a fan.” You were burning from head to toe now, refusing to look at him at all, rubbing the back of your neck with a thick swallow. “That… that’s kind of the problem…”
“What, that you’re walking around with my colors?” His grin seemed disappointed, but turned a bit more concerned at the frown you leveled at him, “it… let me explain… I think I need help…”
“Definitely gonna need explanations. A lot of them.” The kid was one thing, this outfit was another. He made to sit down, and you followed, leaving Terrence to his own devices for the moment. 
It’s not like there was much trouble to get into, everything of worth or danger was out of his reach.
“What is it?”
“…Why’d you think I slept with someone? When you first saw Terrence in my arms?”
He leaned away from you, chin resting on his palm, propped up on the arm of the couch with his elbow, “I’m your brother, and he looks like… it’s… I’m supposed to get upset about that… just… answer…” he did his best to keep a straight face, but eventually he had to turn away, looking at the wall, ears burning.
“Hm…?” you leaned towards him and he didn’t have to look at you to know you had a less than innocent smile on right now.
You just laughed as you leaned into his side, causing him to crack a small smile, still not looking at you.
[“So… How to start this…”]
[“The suit, first, Terry after.”]
[“The kid. Just explaaaaain already, uuugh I have patrol in a few hours…”]
[A heavy sigh, “Okay, then... So, you know how Lex helps fund the Society’s shenanigans?”]
When it came to most places, breaking and entering was always easier at night, but for the LexCorp building? Nighttime came with problems, it came with heightened security, rigorous control, and the easy ability to spot something that was out of place. There was also your youngest brother who had filled you in on his adventures with Jon once, not a single detail of the LexCorp building having been left out; he was a thorough kid.
It was far easier to infiltrate during the day, the number of staff on the security team, the cliques of scientists and researchers, and the average workers meandering about made it easy to blend. You had donned a pair of (older prototype) smart glasses, normal from the viewer’s perspective, an integrative matrix mapping AI system from the wearer’s. Well, it could do more, but this was what you needed, the constant reconstruction of old building plans for more accuracy as you walked around.
Tim’d made some amazing things over the years, such as his matrix encryption to keep your work phone quiet, scrambling any noticeable connections that could be traceable. But this one was probably the coolest in your opinion, and he had yet to see the return of said glasses since you wouldn’t give them up, and he could never find where you’d put them. The glasses were a useful subtle change from the norm, a quick disguise, the security barely giving you a glance-over as you entered the passcode for the ID tag you wore, walking into the building.
With a slight wave from you, and a “Good Afternoon!” from them, getting in the backdoor was always the easy part. There were two more women next to you chatting in excitement and you made to stick close to them, parting only when you came upon the women’s locker rooms. The badge number Tim’d tracked down for you was useful until it wasn’t, Lex’s problem was needing levels three and above extensive background checks on anyone hired, and Tim knew exactly where to look.
[“Like I said, terrifying.”]
[“You do the same thing.”]
[“That’s a bit above my paygrade, usually I ask Tim for help when I need information from behind top-of-the-line security walls.”]
Next was invasion of personal privacy and property, and a lot of it. You’d have felt worse if it weren’t for having been raised this way, “you’ll find out that people are just that, some sick and twisted, some happy and kind-hearted, but in the end, we’re all the same. Eventually, nothing will surprise you,” your father would say.
It didn’t take long, going through a few lockers and purses, letting your glasses do most of the work. They were able to see in a three-dimensional matrix, constantly being constructed behind most any material or metal. There were plenty of lab coats in varying sizes to choose from, and you spotted one badge and wondered who the dumdum was. You had plenty of electromagnetic strips for your ID if you needed a switch, but it seemed unnecessary. Some people left their everything when they clocked out, too.
You’d secured your purse around your stomach and under your shirt, the bulge flattened at your side, tying the ends in place. It would uncomfortably dig into you, but you couldn’t leave it behind and it would only be for a short time.
No one had paid you any mind, too busy rushing to get in and out of the locker rooms, and you made to escape with a group of women in the same coats as yourself. The group and yourself came to an elevator, and you let them do all the work. One of them scanning their ID for the group, the rest blurting out the number of the floor they needed to get to, and yourself joining in. A strange calm settling as you got more into the coworker attitude.
Seventh level Research and Development wing.
[“Not his office?”]
[“I dunno, there’s probably some terrible top-secret info in there.”]
[“I mean, I was on the main R&D floor, how much more top secret can you get?”]
The entire R&D area was made up of floor to ceiling glass window dividers, a white and chromatic color scheme, and a lot of tightly sealed doors. You honestly didn’t even need the glasses to find the head researcher’s office, it was written in huge bold letters next to the dumb door on a plaque.
Weaving through a few people with their eyes busy reading clipboards and cellphones, you eyed each inch of the floor, and wondered if the other stock standard R&D floors at LexCorp were similar. No one paid you any mind as you stood in front of the group of office doors, all packed neatly in a little corner, and each leading to a different R&D office. They were mostly empty, only one occupied, most of the techbros and techgals were out and about doing work.
Again, the glasses did the decoding work for you, getting you the set of numbers you needed to enter the room. Unlike the rest of the lab, this office had less windows, though the few it did have were still large. Though they faced out rather than in, and it also wasn’t as large and as roomy as you’d have imagined. The Wayne R&D offices being waaay bigger in comparison.
Taking out two small flash drives, you shoved the sticks into the lone computer on the desk, booted it up, and just let them do their thing. Having the computer start with the flash drive, it acted as an executable program, letting it bypass any needed passcodes or security clearance for now.
One for unlocking the system, the other for information storage.
No doubt someone will notice that.
You wondered briefly if this was how the Cyborg felt, only ever having gotten to see him briefly before he utterly devastated an entire operating system. He then rebuilt it to his preferences, all in the matter of seconds. Tim had always lamented not getting to watch when you described it.
Notably, it was quite lovely how LexCorp’s researchers had everything organized in a folder subsystem so well. You were able to track down the needed information in less than a few minutes through the root directory.
Gotta be faster.
However, as you stared at the processing bar on your information download, there wasn’t a whole lot to do. Clicking the monitor’s sleep button to dim any light, you stood up and strode over to the door.
Being the lookout for a computer program was a new one.
[He snickered behind his palm as you smacked him on the shoulder.]
[“At least you got in without needing to hack anything yourself. Get dunked on, Dick, Damian.”]
[Light laughter echoed.]
Nothing had happened by the time the computer let out a small ding, indicating the download had finished. With both flash drives now pocketed, you turned to the next problem: getting out.
It really shouldn’t have been that hard, it was so stupidly easy to get in, thank you new temporary coworkers, but as you eyed the group of security detail by the elevator, you made a hard turn to the side.
Had you gone through the front doors instead of the employee entrance, you would have seen a ton of security. Through the back however, they really were only at certain check points, it’s not like just anyone could get in. So of course, there was no way they would have been able to get so far as the head office of any department.
How long had you been gone from the others? How long did you still have on Tim’s encryptions?
Oh heck.
The options were now trying to squeeze by the security, which was doubtful, they were checking everyone, or figure out a way to base jump without any gear. Neither option sounded appealing, you had no wings or grappling hooks with you, and it was still midday.
The corridor you turned into went from full on glass to a partition supporting windows, half and half, split horizontally to allow for more privacy, probably.
This was also exactly where you didn’t want to be.
Most of the rooms looked like chemistry labs, charts everywhere, huge gravity convection and forced-air ovens, and thermo-freezers that looked like they belonged in meat markets. It was almost overwhelming at how cool some of these things looked as you searched for an exit. So filled with anxiety and adrenaline as you were, you almost missed it out of the corner of your eye. It was the red shimmering of a glass bowl on your face that made you notice it, the barely-there stream of sun that caught it just right.
You wasted no time getting to work, the door just as easy as the others, passcodes, they were all passcodes. Where were the fingerprint and retina scanners? Hell, where was the facial recognition scanners? You’d come prepared for so much, so you were incredibly confused at the lax security features. But again, this wasn’t the ground floor and security clearance was stricter this far in, your badge did most of the infiltration for you.
Was your dad that paranoid that now, so were you?
[“The civi world is full of sub-par idiots.”]
[“You sound like Dami.]
[“…it’s uncanny, really, he said the same thing.”]
The room looked similar to the others, less windows, more wall, plenty of graphs and charts, but there were a few different things as well. A few of which you pocketed; the only expensive looking laptop was also grabbed straight off a table to the side of your quarry.
The most notable thing however was glaring you boldly in the face, all black and a giant red bat on the chest.
A batsuit.
[“Yeah, I’m gonna want to know why baldy even had this thing.”]
[“Tim’s going through the drives right now, Dami dropped them off…”]
Why did Lex have a batsuit? Where did he get it from, or did he help develop it? Terrence was part of all this, and what about your fa… the Batman? Why was Cadmus part of all this? Why was Lex? Were there more suits? More clo— children?
Shit shit shitshitshitshi—
To say you were freaking out a bit was an understatement.
Hearing heavy footsteps, you panicked and grabbed the garment from behind it’s glass case and took a dive behind the nearest desk. They hadn’t come in yet, they hadn’t gotten to this room, there was still time, but… still time to what?
You eyed the suit in your hands, it’s size horribly different from your own body type (but you could probably still fit it) and you decided to make a really dumb decision then and there.
You were gonna get caught regardless, might as well suit up and try to fight your way out. If you were lucky, you could get out of this without ruining your father’s reputation (or Batman’s identity.)
You began stripping behind the desk, fully intent on donning the batsuit. If nothing else, these things usually came with masks, even though you hadn’t seen a single one near it.
The moment you pulled the fabric over your legs, heels sliding effortlessly into the red soles, you watched almost in amazement as the fabric melted to your skin, reshaping to fit you. There was going to be a lot of bagginess in the suit when you wore it, a lot of tightness in weird places, too, and it had looked fitted to a larger male. So you hadn’t expected the suit to fit perfectly on purpose. It even had a built-in utility belt. Suddenly you were a bit giddy.
Again, what the hell was Lex Luthor doing?
“So freaking cool.”
The material felt almost like a second skin, there was also no sensory loss from wearing it, you could feel the floor as if you were barehanded.
You’d never thought about it before, but now you couldn’t take your mind off Dick and his skintight suit. You felt almost nude in this suit, not used to something showing everything off like it was.
Did Dick enjoy this?
Your ears burned brightly as you finished suiting up, no longer able to think about a large portion of superheroes and villains.
How could you ever face some of them again?
How could you ever look Dick in the eyes again?
“Oh no…”
Perverts. All of them.
[Loud laughter.]
[A very red face.]
You had to admit though, it was so much cooler than your heavier and bulkier recon gear. It didn’t weigh you down and the sensory adaptation was something you’d never come across before. Speaking of, reaching up, you took the glasses off to get a clear view of your surroundings and immediately regretted it.
The suit seemed to come to life on it’s own as something came out of nowhere, engulfing your head in complete darkness.
A silent scream, too terrified to let out any sound.
You about died then and there.
The suit wasn’t that cool anymore.
Without missing a beat and calming your fears of being bagged or worse, the darkness faded, and you could see your surroundings. Blinking for a moment to adjust, you tried to get your bearings on what the hell just happened, your hand gingerly coming up to feel your face.
Were you hearing things or did the suit just...?
Unfortunately, that was the exact moment the door to the room you were in opened, and you panicked. It was a dead-end room, you weren’t as good at fighting as your brothers, and the security here could be scary when hunting down an intruder.
Stupid Lex.
Without thinking, you grabbed your things now bundled up in the labcoat like a bag, slung it over your shoulder, and bolted towards one of the windows looking out.
You were so used to recon jobs that you hadn’t taken into consideration that you had none of your gear (but your brothers did this kind of stupid thing constantly, so you’d be okay, right?).
You were too caught up in the moment.
You hadn’t heard the sound, mind too blank, but the glass falling around you was enough indication of just what you had done.
Base jumping it was.
You were in a batsuit, after all. 
Falling seven stories was terrifying, but definitely brought you back to reality. Securing the makeshift bag on your back, tied around your neck, you began thinking as fast as you could. Claws? The suit had them, you had noticed, but you were too far from the building, having jumped a distance, then... The suit had a built-in utility belt, right? Maybe there was something useful in one of the —
[Servo-Motors engage…]
[Checking system function…]
[Loading protocol…]
[84 feet till impact.]
[75 feet till impact.]
“Yeah I see that.”
[71 feet till impact.]
“Thanks.” Sarcasm, “What else can you tell me other than my unfortunate demise at the hands of gravity?”
[Thrusters not online.]
[68 feet till impact.]
[Grappling gun unavailable.]
[Batarang lines unavailable.]
[67 feet till impact.]
[Retractable wings availa—]
“Yes, that one, wings, please! Wait… thrusters?” you had little time as your whole body suddenly started tumbling, a set of red wings expanding between your arms and the sides of your torso. “Shitshitsh—” and then you were gliding, your arms having spread on their own from the force of the fall. “Oh… Oh my…”
The suit was cool again, “Dang this is… nice… Like a bird or… him.” You reeeaaallllly didn’t want to chance him hearing you say his name.
You wanted to try this higher up now, in a sea of clouds… It was like floating, an almost weightless feeling taking over. The wind currents were a bit to get used to, but it wasn’t terrible, having imagined it would be worse higher up, in them dang fluffy clouds... sigh.
[23 feet till landing.]
The suit helped guide you to an area with less people, something akin to your own Gotham alleyways (to a point, Metropolis’ worst streets were like Gotham’s safest ones). The small alley that led to several businesses’ back doors was rather clean, and there weren’t many places to hide. The best you could do was a growing shadow next to an empty dumpster.
“Alright then…” you sighed aloud, hands doing their best to find any seam in the suit, and after a few minutes, your—
[Heart rate at 142bpm.]
[Heart rate rising.]
[Blood pressure at—]
“—No kidding,” you thought, mind racing, and unfortunately, there wasn’t a single seam on the suit.
Anxiety was building in your chest,
[“Wait, the suit talks?”]
[“I think it has an OS on it? I haven’t tried the cowl since…”]
[“You should.”]
“Why do you look like Nightwing?” All you did was take the clothes from Damian and began to dress yourself over the suit, not certain at all on what you could say to this situation. You’d called Damian the moment you lucked out and made the cowl… come off?, and in his eagerness to leave Jon behind, he showed up quickly.
“You will tell me,” he was sounding just like dad.
“Dami, I uhm…”
“…I won’t tell father.” he could deduce a few things this pertained to, including but not limited to the child you had brought home, and how you avoided Bruce.
You could only sigh and nod at him, resigned. You really hope this didn’t come back to bite you in the bottom.
“What are you two doing?”
The clothes you had couldn’t cover most of the suit, the clothes Damian had brought you were able to do just that. Strangely, you weren’t feeling overheated, even though you looked like you were ready for cold weather.
“Ah, Jon.”
“You look silly.”
“Nightwing? Screw that brat.”
“Please don’t speak like that…” you sighed, your head in your hands.
He just huffed in annoyance, “I wear the colors better,” he muttered, “it sounds like a lot, what's your next plan of action?”
You let yourself slump forwards as he pulled you into a side-hug, arm slung over your shoulders, “it’s this suit. I can’t get it off, and—"
You and Jason about had twin heart attacks.
Without missing another fraction of a second, the larger male was on his feet, flipping over the back of the couch ready to attack before he swore at the sight in front of him. Striding over to the table in two long steps, “What the hell, Terry.” He haphazardly picked the kid up, a red helmet falling on the table with a clang, and turned to you, “your kid just tried to kill us, you realize.”
Having slid to the ground out of need to instantly roll to the side, you stopped, staring at the smoking gun that’d been pushed off the table, lying on the floor near you. Your eyes then shifting to the hole in the safehouse’s wall, “Uhm… The safety…”
He just snorted, “I don’t always have it on.” He wasn’t great at taking care of himself, sadly. You did your best with your busy schedule and budgeted time constraints, but when he wasn’t here, he easily fell into old habits.
“Please don’t let the demon spawn near him.”
“Please keep the damned safety on your guns.”
Batman was straining so hard that it looked like he was in the middle of a fight, an obvious aura of unrest around him.
“Whoa, you gonna punch yourself in the face? Wait, wait a minute, I gotta…” Batman groaned, irritated as a red blur came into the room, jabbered on too quickly, then took his phone out and pointed it at the big bat.
“Okay, I’m recording now, do it!”
It took a moment as Batman thought, rubbing his temples.
“I trained my kids too well,” at that, Flash put his phone down, tilting his head in confusion, “and that’s… bad?” He looked up at the League’s computers in front of him, noting the blinking [[ALERT ALERT ALERT]] off to the side.
“Because,” Batman reasoned, “I have to deal with them,” he ground out, glaring at the sign of intrusion.
“Ooooh, your kids hacked into the system again, huh?” Flash let out a low whistle, clearly amused by Batman’s misfortunes. Batman did his best to ignore the red nerd, calling on Cyborg to assist him, even though he had already been on his way, noticing it moments prior.
“Family, amirite?”
Batman said nothing in response,
Tim almost got away with it.
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blossom-hwa · 4 years
Where Gestures Fail, We Still Have Love - CHAN
I happen to think that Chan is a lovely human being and that he would continue being lovely even after decades of lonely years as a ghost. No cuts because this is less than 1k (tbh I'm surprised I can still write short drabbles LMAO) enjoy :D
(also I've made my first bingo!! witches/jumping in a leaf pile/ghosts :D)
Unbeleafable prompt: ghosts
Pairing: Chan x fem!reader
Genre: fluff, ghost!au
Triggers: mentions of death
Word Count: 686
Chan is dead. You are alive. Maybe you can’t kiss, but you can love.
Unbeleafable Masterlist | Stray Kids Drabbles Masterlist
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There’s an old mansion on the hill just a few fields away from your house. People say it’s haunted, and it’s easy to see why – with crumbling stone foundations, overgrown grass, and creaky walls, no one in their right mind would call it welcoming. It’s part of the reason why rent here is so cheap.
But you do. You might even call it comfortable, far more than the small cluster of houses in your community. In that mansion, the howling wind feels peaceful. The drafty walls are comforting. The quiet, cold atmosphere feels like home.  
Your neighbors think you’re eccentric at best, a lunatic at worst. They wonder why you tramp across the fields of weeds to get to a house full of zombies and vampires and other weird creatures they speculate about, some of which you’ve never even heard of. They don’t exist – at least not in your haunted house.  
But they’re not wrong about one species. There is a ghost in your haunted house – pale, translucent, very much dead. His name is Chan.  
You don’t know how old Chan is. He doesn’t either, not anymore. He just knows he died at age twenty. And that he’s been lonely for a long time.  
He’s sweet, your ghost. Kind. When you first stumbled into the house, curious and a bit frightened, he’d apologized immediately for scaring you. “I can show you the way out,” he’d offered, despite the fact that the door you came in from was literally right behind you.  
Ghosts don’t exist, you’d told yourself over and over. Ghosts don’t exist. They don’t fucking exist.  
But there was one right in front of you. And the longer you looked at him, the more you could see the loneliness in his face, the faintest glimmer of hope in his eyes.  
“I think I’ll stay for a bit,” you’d finally replied. “If you don’t mind.”
The smile on his face was worth the miniature heart attack he’d caused you at first.  
So yes, the old house on the hill feels like home, stony walls and drafty windows and all. It feels like home because of your ghost Bang Chan, someone with a kind heart and soul who makes you feel warm and loved even in the coldest of storms.  
“I wish I could bring you a blanket.” Chan blinks morosely as you shiver slightly, knees tucked close into your chest. Despite your sweater, the gusts of wind blowing through minute cracks in the stony walls still manage to pierce your skin.
You shake your head, though, smiling softly. “It’s fine, Chan. I don’t feel that cold.” Raising an eyebrow, your smile turns into a playful smirk. “Though I wish you could hug me instead.”
If a ghost could blush, Chan would have. Translucent cheeks turn opaque, while the curve of his smile widens shyly. “I wish that, too,” he whispers.
It’s impossible. You can’t touch your ghost, press knuckles against his pale skin. He can’t feel your lips, wrap his arms around your shoulders. You can’t give your warmth to each other, the way humans in love could.
It’s okay, though. Maybe you can’t touch. You can’t hug. You can’t kiss.
But you can see. You can hear. You can speak.
Chan’s all right with just seeing the sparkle in your eyes, and you’re all right with just seeing the smile on his face. You’re okay with hearing the warmth in each other’s voices and speaking that warmth into words. Because that’s love, isn’t it? It’s not just physical touch – it’s the feeling, the trust, the knowledge that someone cares and will look out for you.
Chan, even as a ghost, is that person for you.
So you content yourself with shy grins and gentle words that sound like honey and vibrate in the wind. You content yourself with bringing blankets and huddling on sheets, looking up at the pale ghost above. You content yourself with your ability to express a thousand emotions through looks and words alone.
And as long as you can see Chan’s smiles and hear his voice in reply, it’s good enough for you.
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phantomchick · 3 years
List of wips - aka struggles
Call Me A Jason Todd fic I started two years ago and still go back to poke at longingly, will the second and final chapter ever be posted? Who can know for sure.
I tell myself that I don't need Anyone (But the truth is no one needs Me) Another Jason Todd fic I haven't completed, posted two years ago for whumptober, it was the only day of whumptober I participated in, intended to be full of Captain Atom and Jason Todd interacting during the fall out of Bludhaven getting chemo'd but he doesn't show up in the first chapter and have you ever tried to read Infinite Crisis? It's a fucking mess. With this wip I have a close to justifiable excuse in that I refuse to write without knowing the canon, and reading through all the canon that's relevant is A Task.
The Monster in The Man A Merlin fic floating around my drafts, currently at a good bit over 5k wherein Merlin gets POSSESSED by an old enchantment gone mad. Written because a Merlin fic I read ended on a horror style cliffhanger and I couldn't handle it so I charged my way through the first 2k of a sequel and I've been adding to it ever since. Angst with a hopefully happy ending, if I ever frikking finish it.
The Dragon Lord In the aftermath of his father's death after Merlin inherits his father's dragon lord abilities he notices some minor changes to his interactions with his friends, the thing is that Merlin is a dragon lord and unusually what he hoards is people, things might just turn out the better for it.
Maelstrom A Naruto time travel fix it fic that wouldn't leave me alone until I got the first chapter out, ironically it has left me entirely alone since I finished the first chapter and I have no idea if inspiration for it will ever return or when that will be.
You Don't Know Anything Long long ago in a land of asks and a time of legend @paradise-runway sent me a fic request for "one where the other Bat boys find out the circumstances of Jason's death and resurrection and their reaction?" it has been lingering in my drafts haunting me ever since, someday, someday I shall fulfill what has been promised.
Of Curses and Covenants A longfic exploring the magical underbelly of Gotham's history, focuses on the intertwined relationship of the Wayne Family and the Zatara Family brought about by how often Waynes through the generations have ended up being cursed. I have an index of all the curses ready, the problem with this one is the plot and the story.
Vicki Finds a Bat (temporary title) Vicki Vale stumbles upon a still alive young adult Jason Todd at a wafflehouse on the way back from snooping into Cobblepot's latest criminal schemes. Convincing the young man to go back home to his loving father might prove more of a challenge than she thinks however. (will have a happy ending if I ever fucking finish it, for now it looms in my drafts like an unhappy gargoyle)
Hug Deficit A fic about Jason being touch starved and his family fixing it, hurt/comfort all the way, post resurrection.
Stephanie Brown and The Mansion of Man Pain Robin Era Steph, she and Alfred have pumpkin spice lattes together, it's their thing because I say it is. Includes, Alfred raised 5 boys counting Bruce, he's not sure how to handle a little girl and Bruce trying to dad plus Steph trying her best. Would be a lot easier to write if I was any good at comedy.
Another Time, Another Place Some twenty years or so after their death, Martha and Thomas Wayne appear in the middle of Wayne Manor's ground floor parlour room, the major problem with this? Not only are Bruce and Dick away, Alfred's on holiday in England! Which is why Jason as the eldest has been unwillingly nominated by his younger siblings to deal with the situation at hand. Martha and Thomas in this are heavily inspired by @unpretty's amazing portrayals in her fics with them.
- Queen Blackfire and the Lazarus Lord An au with Soulmate identifying marks: Jason Todd was having an okay time as de-facto leader of The Outlaws, a band of misfits and rebels with hearts of gold (or at least silver) saving the world the best they could and filling in the gaps the more straightforward heroes tended to miss while they were at it. Then he found out he was soulmates with the Alien Warrior Queen bent on declaring war on planet Earth if the Justice League didn't find her soulmate for her. Things with his friend, team mate and potential future sister in law Kori just got super awkward and the only good thing he can find about this situation is how angry (and protective? But maybe he's just imagining that) Bruce seems over the whole thing.
Side note: Kommand'r freaked out during the years Jason was 'dead' and accidentally brought peace to a huge chunk of space and intergalactic society via building up her empire after throwing herself into work to escape the grief.
- To Grasp The Hand of a Fox Naruto and Kurama travel back in time to save the world but unfortunately they land in the same moment that Kurama's just been put under a genjutsu by Madara Uchiha, Naruto has to make his way to Konoha and wake Kurama up before the villagers seal him away inside Mito. Can he save his friend in time to save them all?
Those Winter Sundays Mcu fic. Snapshots of Tony working hard for the avengers and no one noticing. Civil War Team Iron Man.
- Salvation Rides a Solar Wind Iron Man fic in a Science fiction / Western style fic where Tony's presence is described through the eyes of the aliens he helps. Au where the war with Thanos goes very differently. The type of fic that needs like 5 multi chapter fics in a single series to truly shine, hence why I will likely never finish it.
And We Break Away Again Jason goes back to Talia after Damian is brought back from the dead by Bruce. It's not that he begrudges his little brother his resurrection, the opposite, but he can't ignore what Bruce did to him by taking him to the magdala valley and he can't ignore what Bruce doing for Damian what he didn't do for him, (do for Dick, do for any of them besides the blood related one) means. So he decides to go back to the only person who ever seemed to understand why he wanted to avenge himself in the first place, the only person who seemed to agree that he had a right to be angry that he'd died at all, the only person he can trust to hold him together while he feels like he's falling apart that won't judge him against the heroic mold while they're at it. Not sure if this will be a oneshot or a series but we're going good Talia with this one regardless, DC's been ruining her lately but through fanfic all things are possible so fuck them.
Fan The Flames In the aftermath of a magical fire taking hold of the Daily Planet in Metropolis, Superman is missing, can Batman and the rest of the Justice League find their friend as well as the identity of the evil arsonist before Lex Luther does it first?
In a Whisper (In a Wish) Ichigo Kurosaki protects people, it's not just who he is, it's what he is, down to the core of his very soul. The only problem is, that a few weeks ago he sacrificed half his soul to protect the world. It aches inside where he knows something important used to be. When everyone he cares for is avoiding him and he's starting to feel more like a shadow than a person, that aches at him too and he can't help but wish, quietly, privately, painfully, to himself if no one else that things were different, that he wasn't so broken or so alone. But if wishes were fishes they'd fill a whole sea (just be careful not to whisper them within the hearing range of the Hōgyoku).
An Honest Conversation (Is A Bitter Thing To Crave) Jason kidnaps Bruce but things don't go as Bruce expects. First of all the reason Jason was able to kidnap him was because Stephanie of all people was his insider, why would she support someone Batman knows she's only met once. And second of all the reason he's been abducted - So that Jason can drug them both with the same substance. And when Bruce asks what he's doing this for Jason only responds, "We don't trust each other enough to have a truthful conversation otherwise" and refuses to say anything more while they wait for it to kick in. What will be revealed by this forced honest encounter on both sides? -
carrying the world on thin shoulders Midoriya Izuku deserves better from literally all the adults in his life so this is part whump part hurt comfort part fix it fic that sprawls out from time to time but it's pretty bad tbh, at some point I'll probably make it neater and give it something resembling a coherent plot. Hopefully. -
Trust Issues HP fic. Harry gets dosed with a potion that's supposed to reinforce your strongest survival instinct, the person who drugged him might've intended to be helpful but said potion happened to be at extra strength and he was given what would be a normal fix for the regular version but for this one is twice the recommended amount. Great.. The biggest problem about all this - beyond his internationally wanted godfather Sirius endangering himself by hiding out in a cave near Hogsmeade against all rational advice, his best friend Ron hating him, everyone in school besides his other best friend Hermione also hating him or avoiding him and the entire Goblet of Fire problem - is that he can't bring himself to trust anyone enough to tell them what's wrong.
Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies A post marvel avengers story, thor pov probably, made because I like to dive into a pool of thor & loki sibling feels sometimes: Starts off as Thor regales his new human shield brothers with the story of his banishment and return to Asgard ending with Loki falling into the Void and the Avengers have some questions, questions Thor had not thought of, remarks on things that Thor doesn’t know how to explain away.  After he goes to Loki’s cell and asks him some things he becomes more and more angry despite having no one he can punch > Gets drunk and criticises Sif and The Warriors Three after they try to calm him down > mention of Loki still being underage by Aesir standards during Thor 1 seeing as Thor was being crowned due to being of age in the movie > heavy inspiration drawn from queen regnant by peaceheather. “For while the Treason I detest, the Traitor I love still.” Currently just an outline.
Separation Split personality disorder Red Hood and Jason Todd, alternatively, Red Hood is a demon/parasite latched on to Jay. A lot of work necessary considering right now it’s currently just an idea inspired by a cool tumblr fanart.
A Trinity of Head Wounds The dcu trinity in the aftermath of a fight against some alien invaders (or something along those lines), whump, hurt/comfort, starts with them arguing, ends with them bleeding on each other in a friendship way, whole thing should take place in a single room on the watchtower and be a oneshot so it's gotta be a short and sweet one-two gut punch with the feelings which is difficuuult.
A Stark in The Stars an mcu fic, a really over complicated mcu fic, mostly because of Steve Roger's timeline fuckery, Tony's alive but he's not supposed to be, but so are a lot of people who were dead but aren't now you might say what with the snap and the blip. The thing is that Steve's timeline fuckery is making it so that everyone keeps getting confused between the two different timelines of events, obviously more confused the more that their characters were connected to the films/the events that were altered, the punchline of this particular fic though is that Tony's still alive and he's unaware of the timeline of events where he died. And as he's currently in space he's also unaware that everyone on Earth thinks he's dead (because why wouldn't they? he died in endgame after all). That makes this fic super tough to write because like ultimate unreliable narrator right here and not sure how to tie in the whole 'oh wait actually everyone on Earth thinks I'm dead because of the canon timelines' thing in or at what point of the story to do that at. The fuckery of it all gives me a headache. Plot is hard. Also all of that's basically background to the actual focus of most of the fic thus far which is Tony travelling around space in an Iron Man suit up until the point where it won't be background.
Magic Chained Merlin au. When you put magic restraining cuffs on Magic himself you don't just bind him you bind all magic the world over. It is therefore, infinitely lucky that Uther Pendragon never became aware of this fact.
A Child in The Cold bnha Midoriya deserves better also Recovery Girl and Aizawa have shit to answer for as far as I'm concerned.
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themurphyzone · 4 years
3, 4, 13, 26, 27, & 34!
Thanks for the ask @plutonis! I’m sorry this is gonna be long cause I’m gonna rant about a WIP concept that may not ever come to fruition. 
3. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
I honestly don’t know. I think it’s just easier for my work to be noticed in a small fandom than a larger one. 
4. Are there any writers that inspire you?
I borrowed a lot from skimmingsurfaces and SylviaW1991. I was inspired to write my first PatB story last year from their works. 
Pluto listens to me scream about torturing mice, plus her works are always great if you like that bittersweet/downright tragic vibe. 
@deez-art for kickstarting the PatB Disney AU trend. 
Big shout out to everyone in Air Mice Nyoom for the mutual support!
13. First fandom you ever wrote for?
My first posted fic was for Phineas and Ferb way back in 8th grade, but I did fill up quite a few notebooks with Pokemon stories. My writing has improved a lot over the years, mostly because I never attempted to post my Phineas and Ferb/Sonic Underground crossover on the net. I was in middle school and we were all dumb at that age XD
That one still haunts me...I think I still have it somewhere in a notebook. 
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
Can’t say. Everybody in this fandom is so nice and I love hearing what people love about my stories.  
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
From the ending of Eurydice:
"Just say narf, just say narf.
We're alright, we're okay, so let's say narf.
You and I will have tomorrow nights again.
No matter what happens, I'm always your friend…"
I’m proud of my happy ending okay they needed it.
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
I have a WIP concept for a 101 Mice based off 101 Dalmatians, which would’ve involved a number of OCs (yes, including a group of OC Brinky kids.), but it might not get anywhere tbh. Mostly because I don’t really deal in OCs unless they’re minor characters.
The concept: The villain would’ve been an OC named Malicia de Vil, who’s a niece to the original Cruella. Basically she’s an eccentric rich woman who became interested in breeding mice to create fur trimmings for accessories and dresses (since the story takes place in southern California, an entire fur coat would be impractical), and ACME Labs took the generous funding they were given by her to create Project Gloss, which would’ve raised hundreds of baby mice to adulthood until their fur was ready for collection.
To accomplish this, the gene splicer from the failed Project BRAIN would be reconfigured to splice genes that favor long, lush fur, and sentience was just a throwaway side effect this time around. However, the mice subjected to this experiment were much younger than the ones used in Project BRAIN, and many didn’t survive.
Brain is in the middle of his usual plans of world domination when someone brings in 2 survivors of Project Gloss just after the gene splicing. They’re left in a different cage across the room and are squeaking from hunger and cold. Pinky is immediately drawn to the babies since he’s got a bad case of Empty Nest Syndrome since Romy left home, and so does Brain but it’s not like he’ll admit it. Brain warns about getting attached, but nope these are Pinky’s babies now, so Brain unlocks the cages for his friend so he can go care for the babies.
Still trying to salvage the plan, Brain goes into the gene splicer room to obtain a few spare parts for his machine...then he hears a tiny, weak squeak, and discovers a small, barely alive, gene-spliced mouse baby. Brain tries to steel himself against it and tries to gather what he needs first then retrieve the baby immediately afterward, but the squeaking suddenly stops and Brain panics, immediately dropping the plan in favor of warming up and reviving the baby. Thankfully, she survives.
Pinky is confused when Brain shows him the 3rd baby, but he quickly accepts her along with the other two. Brain is highly emotional at this point and just plops against Pinky, and he finds that Pinky has already named the two babies he was taking care of Colby Jack and Pepper Jack.
Pinky asks what Brain named the baby he’d brought in, and Brain tells Pinky he can name her if he wants, but Pinky says it’s only fair if they get to name 2 kids each, and Brain’s only named Romy so far.
So Brain concedes and after some deliberation, settles for calling the infant Amygdala (nicknamed Amy for everyday use), after the portion of the brain that controls memories and emotions. Pinky accepts the name and they sleep the rest of the night.
Brain researches the details of Project Gloss soon after the babies’ adoption and realizes that their new charges will be raised only for their fur and will be killed for it once they’re grown. So the mouse family stow away with a young intern couple who are essentially this AU’s versions of Roger and Anita so the babies can be protected. The interns, while they don’t speak mouse, care deeply enough to allow the mice to hide in a purse so they can be smuggled out of the lab and into their home. A hidden camera catches them at this though, and Malicia de Vil is highly displeased and orders the interns’ positions terminated, though neither of them are particularly upset about this.
3 months later, Colby, Pepper, and Amy are thriving, and their big bro Romy even drops in for a visit every now and then, much to Pinky and yes, even Brain’s delight. While Pinky loves his family, he also craves a date night with Brain, and they go out to dinner. Romy is having a movie night with Bunny at their own place. The babies are tucked in and asleep, and the interns are just cuddling on the couch.
Then somebody breaks in, non-fatally injures the human couple, and steals the mouse kiddos. Halfway through their dinner, Pinky is overcome by panic and thinks something is terribly wrong. Brain tries to reassure him the kids are just asleep, but Pinky won’t listen and rushes out the door in the direction of home, so fast that Brain can’t keep up. Brain stays behind to get the half-eaten meals boxed up and paid for, annoyed with Pinky for breaking the date night. 
By the time Brain gets back, Pinky is a complete mess, the humans are just calling 911 to report a break-in and injuries, and the kids are nowhere to be found. 
Eventually Brain finds a lead that points to the de Vil mansion, and the two set out to rescue their kids. They also recruit Romy and Pharfignewton’s help in the journey. 
This took way too long to type lol XD 
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freddyjoncs · 4 years
what’s your favorite scary movie?
t a g g i n g : mystery inc, mayor jones & freddy’s real parents
t i m e f r a m e : february 2020 - august 20th
l o c a t i o n :  freddy’s apartment
n o t e s : it’s about time i wrote this haha. it’s trash tbh anyways
Freddy had been in Elias for a while. By this time he had hoped that he would have known more. that the answers he was expected to find would already be laid out before him crystal clear. But that hadn’t been the case. The trail had run cold and Freddy was running around trying to make up excuse after excuse to the gang as to why they were here. Freddy was amazed his web of lies hadn’t unraveled yet. Then again, if there was one thing his father had taught him it was how to keep a facade going. 
but could freddy really even call mayor jones his father anymore?
The letter he had received on his door that day detailed the life of someone that was supposed to be him. of a sweet baby boy named Robbie Chiles who was taken from his parents too soon. Freddy wanted to believe it was some sick prank. Someone who wanted to send him on a wild goose chase since he was known as the paranormal investigator in Coolsville. His infamous role as the gang’s leader had gotten him mocked by school makes and people within the town which he found absolutely funny considering everyone knew there was something off about Coolsville. The paranormal happenings, the dark past no one spoke of. Everyone liked to turn a blind eye to it in hopes that it would go away but Freddy knew better. 
This letter told him that Brad Chiles and Judy Reeves were his real parents. But it couldn’t have been true. He was Frederick Herman Jones, Jr. His father was Frederick Herman Jones Sr. His mother? Well she was long out of the picture before he arrived. His father gave very few details as to his mother was. All he had was one picture of her and her alone. Not her holding him as a baby. Not her with his father. Just her. Freddy didn’t want to believe his entire life had been fabricated and that the note that sent him here to Elias was true.
Maybe that’s why he had held off on research - he was afraid. Of afraid of the truth that settled in the pit of his stomach. The truth that something more malicious was afoot in his life. That the man he called father had lied to him his entire life. 
The need for the truth gnawed at him for a year until Freddy finally gave in to do his own research. He couldn’t let the gang in on this one. This is something he had to figure out on his own. Their trip to Gravity Falls could wait for another minute. Freddy needed to do this for himself.
He had gone off the grid the same he had many times before. Not answering calls and locking himself in his apartment. A note of his own was pinned to the door to let the gang know he was fine but busy. He didn’t need distractions right now. In due time he promised himself he would let them in and tell them everything he found something. until then this was his secret to keep. 
Freddy knew one thing about Coolsvilles history. It was a tale parents told their kids to scare them. A cautionary tale to keep them safe and to learn from the mistakes people in the past had made. Besides the paranormal happenings it what put Coolsville on the map. That story happened to be the Coosville slasher. It’s not a story his father told him of course since his father hated that people made a spectacle of his beloved town but Freddy had heard the story for other people. It had been a while since he heard it but one name stuck out.
Judy Reeves.
The same that had been detailed on the note. His research lead him to many articles of the 1994 Coolsville prom that left five dead. Judy was the center of it all. Well, she wasn’t the slasher. That case had been left unsolved. It was one Freddy wanted to solve but he left it on the back burner as a case for another day. Judy was the quote on quote final girl of that story. So he had a final girl and a real life horror movie.
But why did it involve him?
The more he researched the more Freddy found out about Judy. Her boyfriend being Brad Chiles. The other name depicted in his note. Another step closer to the truth. After graduating high school it seemed the two had turned into paranormal hunters themselves starting their own group. 
A coincidence. One that was eerily similar to him but a coincidence nonetheless in Freddy’s eyes. He knew he wasn’t the first to form a group of ametur sleuths and he knew he wouldn’t be the last as long as Coolsville was still standing. After a week of research it seemed as though Freddy’s trail had run cold once more. It seemed as though anything regarding Judy and brad had been erased after the year he was born. It was as if someone was trying to erase their existence. He had come this far he couldn’t give up now.
It would have been easier to ask the gang for help. Velma was a whiz with this sort of work. He probably would have had answers sooner if he would have just asked for help but Freddy couldn’t bring himself to ask them. He refused to. Call it his pride or the fact the case was all too exposing for Freddy’s liking. Whatever it was that was holding him back from asking for help he didn’t. Instead, he decided to put himself in Velma’s shoes (he never thought he’d be doing such a thing) and think where the brainiac would go next for research. The answer was so glaringly obvious he almost wanted to hit himself for not thinking of it prior. 
The coolsville archives.
As the mayor’s son he had certain perks that he used to his advantage all too often. So much to his dismay Freddy took an impromptu trip to Coolsville. Freddy had been so certain that the coolsville archives would hold the key to this note that haunted him for so long. Sadly, they couldn’t help either. There was absolutely nothing on Judy Reeves or Brad Chiles. Again, it was as if someone was trying to get rid of their existence completely. That when the knowing feeling residing in Freddy’s gut became unbearable to deny. He had to go to the one place he never imagined this case would lead him to: his own home. To be more specific...
his father’s office.
Freddy knew well enough his father was never home. He was practically raised by the nannies and butlers that frequented the Jones household. So when he returned home he wasn’t greeted by his father as suspected. Instead he was given warm greetings from the very people who did raise him. They were just as shocked to see Freddy homes so soon. if it was up to freddy he wouldn’t have returned home at all. the relationship between him and his father was practically nonexistent at that point. after failing to live up to his father’s expectations and running off to Elias to form Mystery Inc once more Mayor Jones had practically disowned his son the day he left. Sure, it stung at first but time soon helped Freddy heal from that wound. Besides, it’s not like he hasn’t disappointed his father before. All freddy ever lived in was his father’s disappointment, expectations and shadow. 
Although he father was never home, Freddy knew that this wasn’t something he had all day to do. His father could return at anytime so he decided to make this as quick as possible. Mayor Jones office was always something that was prohibited to Freddy when he was younger. He could roam any place in their mansion expect for that office. It was off limits. Mayor Jones was an extremely private man. Freddy knew his father had secrets. He just wasn’t aware of how deep these secrets were he harbored. 
Freddy’s hand lingered over the gold doorknob, fear piercing his core. He was afraid if his hand made contact with the knob he would be electrocuted or some sort of security precaution would be set off. freddy wouldn’t have put it past his father to take such extreme measures to keep what needed to be private just so. but when his hand made contact and a shock wasn’t sent through his body, Freddy relaxed just a little. When the door finally opened and freddy stepped in his was paralyzed once more as he took in the surrounding that had been forbidden to him for years. The space practically radiated his father’s energy: cold, unwelcoming and dark. 
As much as Freddy wanted to peek through everything his father had been hiding from him he knew he was here for one reason only. thus, he started rummaging through the desks and drawers, making sure not to leave any trace he had been here. When he found nothing he sat there defeated thinking where else there could have been something to tell him the truth. Lifting his blue eyes he came face to face with a mural of him and his father above the fireplace. It felt too obvious for something to be there but Freddy believe just about anything at this point. carefully taking the painting down Freddy came face to face with a safe. God, this was too predictable. 
As expected the safe was coded. Freddy thought it was wishful thinking that his birthday would have been used as the password but he also knew his father all too well. So when the safe opened after entering his father’s birthday Freddy wasn’t too disheartened. 
And there it was.
Staring back at him was a folder titled ‘freddy’ in black cursive writing that was his father’s hand writing. His heart stopped for a moment as he stared back at the folder before picking it up and shoving it into his backpack he had carried with him. Freddy wasn’t an ametur anymore. He knew exactly what to do to make the scene look less incriminating. Heading back to his father’s desk he searched for a folder that looked similar to the one he was taking. Thankfully Freddy learned how to forge his father’ signature long ago so he had his handwriting down pat. After making sure everything looked as if it was still untouched Freddy left his father’s office. Before leaving the house completely he begged his butler, Wadsworth, to not let his father know he was here. Wadsworth didn’t argue, if anything he seemed to comply with fReddy’s request which gave him peace. His stay in Coolsville was short and soon Freddy found himself in Elias once more with the evidence he was looking for this entire time.
His heart was pounding hard against his rib cage as he got back to his apartment. Nothing else mattered to him expect for what was contained in this folder. Sitting at his messy desk that was covered with various clues he had gathered over the past few months Freddy opened the folder and came face to face with his worst nightmare.
After reading letters after letter and various documents Freddy came to the conclusion he hoped he wouldn’t have.
The note was all true.
Frederick Herman Jones, Sr was not Freddy’s real father. 
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selfshippinglover · 4 years
Main Timeline with Mark <3
So Actor and I are together in a few different ways depending on what route I’ve decided to go down. I wanted to go through the basics of my main and favorite timeline though! Naturally, it all starts with Who Killed Markiplier.....
~The trio (I.E. Actor, Wilford, and Damien) are all still childhood friends. I am also childhood friends with Damien.
~I meet Mark at a later date after being invited to one of Mark’s crazy mansion parties. Damien asks me to come as his plus one. Though I’m not to thrilled to be going to a big, crazy party full of strangers, I agree to try it. After all, the friends he’s always talking about will be there. It would be a good chance to meet them!
~I end up meeting Wilford, Celine, Ben, Chef, and then Actor
~We all end up becoming fast friends despite the everything about the party atmosphere. Whenever they’re not drink, I spend time getting to know them.
~Upon meeting Mark, two things are immediately clear: This guy is CLEARLY a narcissist......BUT he’s also very interesting? Like, I find myself gravitating towards him despite being off put by the first thing he says within earshot of me XD
~I realize over the course of the night that Mark and Celine are together. They hold hands, and kiss and cuddle
~Overall, the night goes well and we start hanging out in a bigger group! Annually meeting up and sharing laughs at Mark’s mansion
~During this time, i find myself catching feelings for Mark that I try to ignore. He’s not my type anyways.....
~At another party sometime later, Mark and the guys manage to talk me into getting drunk 1 time. Unfortunately me for me, that one time I confess my feelings to a stunned Mark and then pass out. I can’t recall a damn thing the next day and Mark doesn’t speak of it.
~He doesn’t forget it either, though
~He teases me on and off about having a “crush on him or something” but it’s just a game
~Eventually, Celine and Mark get married. I attend the wedding and do all i can to help things run smoothly while smiling in the face of heartbreak
~I attempt to date other people but I keep finding myself drawn back to the man I have no chances with internally *cue personal angst cause unrequiteedd*
~Things continue on as normal until the big break up err well, the reveal that Celine was cheating on Mark with Wilford
~The rift between all of us starts to grow between hurt feelings and fears
~Despite this, I choose to keep them all as friends. Sure I can’t talk about a certain someone with another someone but, at least we can staill talk!
~For awhile, that’s all I can do with Wilford and Celine while they build their new lives together. Just talk.
~Since Damien and I have been best friends the entire time, I catch him up to speed on what’s happened
~Damien admits to me that he’s kinda glad since he’s always thought that Mark wasn’t good enough for his sister.
~I feel hurt on Mark’s behalf just by his words
~Damien gets caught up in mayoral duties(and maybeee some gambliing) so I don’t get to talk with him for a little bit
~Then there’s handsome, aristocrastic, irratating and ravishing Mark
~Alone in his mansion, fallen into a depression that becomes fueled by neglect and alcohol
~I’m the only one that even reaches out to Mark during this period of time
~I keep my distance at first, Leaving my thoughts and feelings out of his affairs. I check in on him by talking with Ben 
~But after Ben expresses worry over his master’s worsening condition and refusal of help(Plus he wasn’t answering any of my calls or letters) I decide to go to the mansion and check up on him.
~God he looks awful. It’s as if all his charisma, charm, and attitude had been sucked out of his body. Even his hair and outfit were unkempt. It seemed as if he’d been wearing the same clothes over and over too
~I end up staying with him in the mansion for a whole couple of months. He pours his heart out to me. I pour my heart out to him. I do everything I can to help him.
~I first start to hear inklings of the entity haunting the mansion now. Voices here and there. Maybe a weird shape in the peripheral?? It seems like just little missable coincidences
~An unfortunate side affect of being alone with the man you like is also feeling things a bit more than you’d like. The yearning increases 1000% dkhdf
~We grow closer and stronger together. He even tells me about the times he killed himself and the true nature of the house. 
~The houses little pulls and such keep getting stronger. With the knowledge that the house has a conscious of it’s own in mind, I can take it better. Mark and I help one another to deal with the house and talk about our thoughts inn case it seems like we’re thinking a bit more out of character about things.
~After a few months, Mark seems to be getting back on his feet. Sometimes he can crack a joke, be an asshole, smirk, and be more like his old self. 
~during these months, we spend many nights staying up together and just talking. About anything and everything. Celine, Damien, the stars, if life has meaning. On a night like that, around midnight, he finally tells me about the fact that I confessed to him. He chuckles, and flushes quietly, saying that it was, “the most sweet and thoughtful way he’d ever been described”
~I profusely apologize. He apologizes for not saying anything sooner and all is well. (Besides the pain in my chest at now truely having been rejected :.))
~Things continue on in this fashion. I basically become another house inhabitant. I still talk to Damine, Celine, and Wilford when I can. Ben and I cook food and chat and dance.
~Sure, Mark may not like me the same way I like him, but it was still great to even be with him and the other two in his mansion
~We share more cutesy, intimate moments together. (dancing in the living room, falling asleep to movies, etc.) and eventually, he starts to feel the same
~I notice him teasing me more often and being a little bit clingier? It’s strange but I’m not about to complain(God the increase in romantic tension is SO palpable that you can taste it sdjkk,hbkg)
~We can finally truely talk in the open about the whole break up without Mark bursting into tears now QwQ
~I officaially move into the mansion now
~All is well as things FINALLY seem to be getting better. Hell, he even wants to patch things up with the other three! Acknowleding that things will never be the same but wanting to try again nonetheless
~And then, slowly, things change for the better. We all heal and apologize and we can friends again! :.))
~I know that the house is cursed and no matter what bad stuff is supposed to go down but uhh, my canon now kdghfdf (Plus, when we die old and by one another’s side, we’ll go to the Upside Down instead of the other side) We spend our whole lives fighting the house tbh. So do Celine, Wilford, and Damien though. They kept coming back so that means their cursed as well dfhjdfsh
~So yeah, main timeline is literally ONLY pre Who Killed Markiplier shit because I FIRMLY believe that if mark hadn’t been left alone at his lowest point in a haunted fucking mansion, things would’ve been okay. After all, Mark confirmed that it was the house’s suggestions that got this all started. Sure, Actor was pissed and depressed before but only after the tampering and unable to die stuff did he choose revenge. At least that’s how I gathered it?? 
~In conclusion, make it better and avoid 3/4ths of the bad stuff fic world is where I usually live ,dhfshdf
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mychemicalficrecs · 5 years
sorry to bother you but do you know of any fics like the unholyverse??? i read it and absolutely loved it & would like to read somethinh similar lol
Hi there!
Tbh I kind of haven't (yet) 😅There's a whole bunch of fic with religious themes, horror and/or supernatural elements though, I'm sure you'll find something interesting!
Here's a link to the Unholyverse series again for everyone interested.
And just for the record: you're not a bother, I love making these lists!
If You Liked Unholyverse...
Not A Saint by happilyappled, Frank/Gerard, 6k, Explicit. Father Way is not just a priest and Frank is not just any other man.
Tell Me I'm an Angel by SeraphStarshine, Frank/Gerard, 205k, Mature. Gerard thought that committing suicide would finally end it: no more pain, no more sorrow - nothing. The last thing he expected was to wake up in Hell, reborn as a demon under Lucifer’s control. He is planning on ending himself - for good this time - when he runs into an angel named Frank. Even though it is forbidden, he can’t resist spending time with him, and before he even realizes what is happening, he has fallen in love with this mysterious angel. Little does he know that their innocent romance is a part of something much greater which could ignite an all-out war between Heaven and Hell.
Father Way. by Frnk, Frank/Gerard, 6k, Not Rated. Father Way was the youngest priest in the parish, he had only joined a few months ago and Frank completely stopped going to confessions. Its not that Father Way was some old man, it was the opposite. He was around 25, fresh out of training when he joined the church.
Won't You Light My Way? by FallOutFromGrace, Frank/Gerard, 6k [WIP], Explicit. The land of the living became all the more interesting when one of the humans he was trying to turn to his own desires happened to have a spark of the divine. Well, for Gerard, at least. To everyone else, it was a horrific disaster and possibly and end to an era ruled by the spirits and entities down below. To him, it was an improvement to a boring existence.
Hunting With Bullets by Oni216, 21k [WIP], Mature. Having a band is the perfect cover to fight evil that lurks in the dark. It provides distraction, a reason to live, and decent lyrics for no one to fully understand. And it takes its toll. It always takes a toll.
From Grace by blood_infexions, Frank/Gerard, 40k, Explicit. “The connection a guardian angel will have to their human surpasses anything mortal man could fathom. It is pure, untainted love.” Frank is Gerard's guardian angel... until Gerard attempts suicide. Consequentially he is sent down to earth to live as a human again.
Desecrated Kids by wellthisisprettyrisque (collettephinz), Frank/Gerard, 144k, Explicit. Everyone moves into a new town and thinks it's strange. Stepping out of the car with a weird feeling tingling down the back of your neck isn't actually that unheard of, but finding that unmarked grave in the woods behind your house is. Frank Iero wonders if his mother moved him here so he'd disappear off the face of the planet, or if she actually wants the body to be found. All he knows is that this town has some horrible things happening to it, and no one seems to care enough to lift their heads and actually see. He has no idea what's going on, and is one of the few people that wants to find out. Luckily, Gerard is a few steps ahead of him.
Howl (Frerard Werewolf AU) by FrerardAndTheAssbutts666, Frank/Gerard, 18k, Teen And Up Audiences. In a small village, the townspeople all live together in harmony. But when a young woman is found dead, a wave of fear washes over the former peaceful village. Especially when signs of Werewolves, and Witches are linked to the murder. 17 year old Gerard Way is a young man who is well liked by everyone in the village, partly due to his families status in the village. Despite the fact that his village is a God fearing one and he wears dresses. And when another murder is committed, showing the same signs as the first, the village turns to full blown panic, and reinforcements are sent in to help. A Werewolf hunter and his son have traveled to help save this village from the belly of the beast, all while Gerard begins to question everything. The only person he could truly trust during this time of fear, is his boyfriend and lover, Frank. Frank and Gerard have been having a secret relationship, fearing they would be condemned to death if anyone knew. But as more blood is shed and more bodies hit the ground, Gerard begins to piece together that the beast is closer than he thinks. (Loosely based off Red Riding Hood with Amanda Seyfried and Gary Goldman...Okay more like its pretty based off it :p.)
Written in the Sand by Scarlet_Cross, Sarah/Brendon in a later fic, 28k, Teen And Up Audiences. Desert is brutal, it gives no second chances. It demands respect, sacrifice, and blood. (It's set in a super AU danger days pre-music videos universe. Mostly centered on the MCR boys, but there will be cameos, references, and side shoot offs into different bandom areas.)
The psalm of David by ratfromasewer, Frank/Gerard, 6k, Teen And Up Audiences. There's the world that's "after" and there's the world that's "before". After the slippery road, the accident, the almost-becoming-an-angel.
Stairway to Heaven by fleurdeliser, tuesdaysgone, Frank/Grant/Gerard, 58k, Explicit. Father Way accidentally taps into the memories of an angel, and stumbles into the middle of a millennia-long doomed romance.
Shadows In The Parking Lot by cellphonecharm_au, Frank/Gerard, 61k, Explicit. In which there’s a mass grave under Frank and Ray’s apartment complex, Frank doesn’t believe in ghosts, & Frank’s ex-boyfriend is, conveniently, a paranormal consultant.
Shadowplay by theoretically_yours, Frank/Gerard, 74k [WIP], Explicit. Malimore is a small town in Southern California where ghosts are as common as any other household pest and vampires come out to steal the souls of humans at midnight. Frank Iero is a young paranormal investigator whose interest in the supernatural began after the bizarre and untimely death of his parents. One day, when he and his partner take on a particularly gruesome case, all hell breaks loose with Frank caught at the very center. This is the story of how it all happened.
When Both Our Fates Collide (Frerard) by A_A_Dolan, Frank/Gerard, 11k, Mature. Frank Iero is a loner traveler who is a demon hunter. He is part demon due to him having to sacrifice part of his soul to save the life of his son, Miles, after losing his wife and twin daughters to demons. Along the way, Frank has a quest to save the life of someone who can save humankind from death and destruction. A man by the name of Gerard Way. Frank ends up finding Gerard...as a professional, exotic dancer in the bad part of town. Gerard is special and unique and it’s Frank’s job to protect him at all costs. Eventually Frank discovers that Gerard is an angel and has powers stronger than all demons combined...when that news gets out, all demons and angels are on the search for Gerard.
Love will scares us apart by francoantoniohierro, Frank/Gerard, 56k, Mature, Explicit. Haunted House AU. Frank Iero is looking for answers after the death of his best friend. The only people willing to help are the Way brothers. On the other hand, the Way brothers are two paranormal experts looking for amusement.
Famous Last Words by SaskiaK, 22k, Mature. The Paramour Mansion is not for the faint-hearted. Mikey recalls some of events that almost tore him apart
Stay out of the Light by orphan_account, Frank/Gerard, 10k, Explicit. Reserved bookworm Gerard, and arrogant, conceited boyfriend Frank are best friends, though they share little in common. They share even less in common when Frank mysteriously gains an appetite for human blood. As their classmates are steadily killed off in gruesome attacks, Gerard must uncover the truth behind his boyfriend's transformation and find a way to stop the bloodthirsty rampage before it reaches his own brother Mikey. Jennifer's Body AU
The Brandy of the Damned by Nokomis, Gen, 15k, Teen And Up Audiences. An ill-advised detour leads My Chem to a town populated by the dead.
Get Up and Kill by MontyKarl, 10k, Teen And Up Audiences. The zombie apocalypse is upon us. The Way Brothers may well be our only hope...or at the very least their only hope.
In The Walls by thesamefire, Gen, 72k, Teen And Up Audiences. When My Chemical Romance move into the Paramour, they get a lot more than they bargained for. All they want to do is write an epic album, but Mikey is falling apart and Gerard isn't sure what to do about it—or about the fact that they're trapped inside the house with no escape from the increasingly strange and terrible things that are happening to them.
Break The Walls (And Kill Us All) by tabulaxrasa, Frank/Gerard, 27k, Mature. Frank owns an antique store, but he's not very good at it. About the only thing he IS good at is having a crush on his best customer. Until Frank unknowingly unleashes something into his shop— something that doesn't like him very much. And it's not going away any time soon.
the house that dripped blood by addandsubtract, Frank/Mikey, 11k, Mature. “When do we leave?” Mikey asks, and Gerard steps back. “Two weeks,” he says, and Mikey sees flashes of empty hallways and open doors as Gerard pulls his fingers away.
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cncobby · 6 years
CNCO at Disneyland/California Adventures
as a native californian and an avid disney lover writing this WRECKED me so i hope you all enjoy~
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cali boy obviously loves his disney
u guys are season passholders duh
always there right when the park opens 
he refuses to let go of your hand the whole day
“babe you don’t have to hold my hand all the time ya know? its not even that crowded today”
“nah i gotta or else you’ll get lost”
*eye roll* “yeah ok dork”
being so cutesy in line
all the smooches??
just like small ones when you’re leaning on him since the lines are long
forehead ones
cheek ones
so many smooches all over ur face
forcing him to wear the minnie ears
“they look cute i PROMISE”
“can’t i just wear the hat??”
“uh no this is what the people want”
taking his sunglasses for yourself
“baby this is why you should just let me buy you new sunglasses”
“why when i can just wear yours??”
so. many. selfies.
i mean what else is there to do in line???
cute ones, funny ones, gross ones
he’s really good at taking candids of you
attempting to do cute poses when the cameras take pictures of you at the end of the ride
him being pouty bc the ride messed up his hair
“baaaaabe can you fix my hair again the ride messed it up”
taking the cutest couple pics in front of the castle
watching the fireworks together!!!
u guys are just talking when u absentmindedly note that your dream proposal would be at disney 
he’s like “noted as FUCK” to himself
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being the big kid he is he’s so excited for all the rides
also just spending a day with his baby?? his favorite activity
tbh his favorite part is all the food
you guys probably spend more time eating than on rides
seeing his face when u buy him that giant turkey leg is PRICELESS
u have to stop him from stopping at LITERALLY every cart/restaurant
“baby if you eat that rn you’re going to vomit on the ride”
has the most fun on autopia and the cars ride tbh
(since he gets to drive like a fucking maniac)
he LOVES all the characters
fuck the princesses he wants pictures with pluto and goofy
he screams louder than you on rollercoasters 
buying matching couple stuff
matching hoodies
matching bracelets
matching mickey and minnie ears
he surprisngly loves the train that takes you around disney
(also gives him an excuse to smooch you during the tunnel parts)
he falls in love with toontown
loves how cartoony everything looks
once u guys go over to california adventures he literally is exploding with excitement
end up spending the rest of the day there
(not that you mind he’s so cute how can you say no)
literally squeezes ur hand to death on california screaming
he’s also fascinated with soaring over california??? “AMOR IT SMELLS LIKE ORANGES”
you end the day on silly symphony swings overlooking how pretty everything looks at night
“lets do this again baby” 
“yeah? you liked it that much?”
“yeah i also like how happy you look when we’re here”
that makes u have the BIGGEST smile 
ur so in love w this goof
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took you on a surprise date!
he knows how much u love it and he FINALLY had some free time
woke u up at the ass crack of dawn
“baby wake up i have a surprise for you”
ur like ???? bro its SEVEN IN THE MORNING
so u just throw on a oversized shirt and leggings 
and then all of a sudden ur in the car???
u see the disney hotels suddenly and ur like ... wait
he smiles that cute toothy smile he has
“i did baby, we’re going to disney!”
you’re literally bouncing in your seat
he’s laughing at how adorable you are
u guys go during christmas disney and everything is so pretty and magical
homeboy came prepared with a whole bag of snacks and drinks 
also bough matching ears beforehand that say “mr. and mrs,”
you’re like huh foreshadowing are we???
he just winks at you
going on all the rides but also just walking around looking at how beautiful everything is??
he is the perfect insta boyfriend taking cute pics of u in every possible angle
starts calling you princesa throughout the day bc he see’s how much u love the princesses there
he also got u guys a reseravation to the blue bayou???
wow this man really owns ur heart
also u guys may have made out on the pirates ride
(who doesnt lets be honest)
giving you piggyback rides when your feet get tired
“cant let mi princesa have sore feet”
buying souvenirs for aaliyah 
“do u think she’d like this??”
“maybe i should buy both”
you’re like babe i think she would like the stuffed turtle and the stuffed fish but do u
stay really late and ur both pooped at the end of the day
 he’s like one more surprise!!
ended up getting you a suite at the disney hotel 
“nothing but the best for my princess”
u really have found the disney prince you’ve been searching for
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u guys go during halloween disney!!
couples costume as harry and ginny
(yes i know they arent disney characters)
forces u to go on haunted mansion twice
“babe its literally just looking at stuff”
eating everything and anything pumpkin
buying all the halloween treats!!
“zabdi that looks nasty plus we have enough food”
“theres never enough halloween food”
he’s so sad tower of terror isnt actually tower of terror anymore
watching live shows together!!
he ends up loving mickey and the magical map
taking a boat ride on mark twain riverboat to take a break from walking
cuddling together and just being happy bc its halloween and your with ur baby what else is better???
you guys end up sitting at a restuarant and just people watching
looking at all the cute couples costumes
and all the little kids who are dressed up
he casually just like ... drops a BOMB
“when we have kids they can go as lilo and stich and we can go as nani and david”
u look at him like uh what did u say
just winks at you and is like 
“yeah i said it amor i wanna have kids with you”
takes every ounce of self restraint to not jump out of your seat and give him the biggest smooch
bc hello family friendly park fellas
when u guys watch the parade or the fireworks he always hoists you onto his shoulders
“can’t let my little shortie miss out”
buying matching pins!!
u guys start collecting and trading pins together
so now everytime he’s free in california u guys make a point to try and go to disney at least once
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baby is soooo excited 
they rarely get time off and its been TOO LONG since he’s visited disney
u guys legit get there as the park opens
running around and dragging you to every ride
his favorite is astro blasters
also loves the bugs life section in california adventures??
runs around to all the little rides and games 
posing and taking cute photos together with the different characters
showing him all the “secret” disney food
he LOVES the light show at the end of the the night
sharing frozen lemonades and ice creams
u guys go to all the less crowded/less known places in disney
he loves the goats near adventureland
u end up getting SOAKED on splash mountain
literally RUSHES to get u a new outfit bc he cant have his baby being cold thats a no no 
ur just standing there giggling as he’s running around the gift shop trying to find clothes in ur size
u end up in an overized tie dye shirt and basketball shorts
“erick i look ridculous”
“i think you look beautiful cariña”
“ur just biased”
*him being fake offended*
“are you saying i dont have good fashion sense???”
“yes thats exactly what i’m saying”
“...you make a good point”
he loves watching the frozen show
(even tho a part of u is heartbroken aladdin isnt showing anymore)
(he’d make such a handsome aladdin)
you guys end up strolling around main street near the end of the night
just taking cute ass pics together and looking at all the cute souvenirs
he gets u a cute little heart bracelet 
engraved is his initials in it
“there mi vida, so my heart is always with you”
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pilferingapples · 5 years
Tell me more about Marius and Montparnasse being mirror images of each other :3c
Since you ask, Nonny! But this will be a Long Post:
they really do get the same physical description: 
Marius was, at this epoch, a handsome young man, of medium stature, with thick and intensely black hair, a lofty and intelligent brow, well-opened and passionate nostrils...As his mouth was charming, his lips the reddest, and his teeth the whitest in the world, his smile corrected the severity of his face, as a whole. At certain moments, that pure brow and that voluptuous smile presented a singular contrast. ( 3.6.1, Hapgood translation)
A lugubrious being was Montparnasse. Montparnasse was a child; less than twenty years of age, with a handsome face, lips like cherries, charming black hair, the brilliant light of springtime in his eyes; he had all vices and aspired to all crimes. 3.7.3
--both got that Snow White thing going on:P   Hugo doesn’t bring in physical descriptions a lot in Les Mis; when he does, it’s for reasons beyond just painting a visual--generally to evoke a Type and/or some hefty Symbolism (always Some Symbolism, tbh, it’s Hugo).
More importantly, though, Hugo sets up Marius and Montparnasse as being different sides of the same virtue/vice.  Marius gets chapters talking about Heroic he is and how his poverty actually improves his nature because Marius overcomes it by working . Montparnasse, by contrast, is led into a life of violent crime because he wants to be idle.
There is like... a World of Concepts to delve into there, but in contrast with Montparnasse , it’s clear what specific fate Marius is being saved from by his time of poverty. He is, by choosing to refuse either debt or the safety of his family wealth, essentially refusing to become the kind of wealthy asshole that Bamatabois and Tholomyes are. It’s a life that would be very easy for Marius to have-- a life that Gillenormand is even sort of pushing him towards, though Gillenormand would doubtless find Tholomyes sorts to be impossibly dull and classless. It’s a life Montparnasse is willing to kill for , literally. And it’s a nice damn life! --If you don’t mind being the absolute worst sort of person, a person who cares for nothing but image, and who lives at a self-imposed distance from everyone else; someone who helps no one and wouldn’t know where to start if they wanted to, but hurts a lot of people and never cares, because caring is ever so uncouth.
Hugo really does see idleness as massively dangerous, at best--a soul-destroying thing. It’s portrayed as an injustice that Valjean can’t get work , not just that he just can’t have food because Humans Need Food. Part of the wrong Tholomyes commits against Fantine is taking her away from the habit of work ; it’s an important part of her Hope Spot in M-sur-M that she gets to enjoy Honest Work again, and earning her living by labor. To force Idleness on to another, or lead them into a Lack Of Work, is treated in  Les Mis as a moral wrong. For working people to not have work available is a condemnation of the system!  Again, it’s not about money (though Hugo definitely thinks work should pay enough to live on), the work itself is treated as something essential. For someone to choose idleness for themselves by that logic is...what, practically moral self-harming?,and a kind of deep depravity.
(Hugo does not like this ideal of the dandy. He does like flâneurs, though! That’s definitely something I want to get into more later, given how often the two are conflated....)
Anyway, Montparnasse is damned by the exact vice that Marius saves himself by avoiding--a vice that is, in Hugo’s moral universe, a very  big deal (as I try and fail to reckon with here).  This makes Montparnasse the crucial Example A for Hugo’s insistence on the valorization of Marius’  decision to work through his poverty! Work redeems Marius from the dangers of Idleness--and for Hugo, those are real and desperate dangers, that really do lead to crime.
Even before the Gorbeau raid, Marius is always vulnerable to the damnation of Idleness. He’s prone to slip from thinking into daydreaming; he veers away from work when he thinks it might cut into his independence and Reverie Time. The narrative is not entirely negative about this with Marius, but it is  treated as a potential weakness-- something fine while, and only while, it’s kept in check by his habits of work and thought.
Because, post-Gorbeau mansion, Marius  really does  start to fall to the Demon of Idleness!  He stops working altogether; he goes into debt,  Gasp!; he loses the habit of work , he loses focus, he spirals into depressions and goes into pointless, directionless obsession with Cosette and starts spending all his time in The Field of The Lark, a field famous, though Marius doesn’t know it, for being the site of a murder .  Murder most Romantic, yet, committed over a passion. Marius is, at this point, symbolically mixing the role of lover and killer; as Montparnasse also does, rather less symbolically. 
And hey, why is Marius spiraling into The Hell of Idleness? 
Because of A Girl. Or rather, because of the Ideal Future he’s projecting off his interactions with that girl.  What was the Start of Darkness for Montparnasse, again? 
The first grisette who had said to him: “You are handsome!” had cast the stain of darkness into his heart, and had made a Cain of this Abel. (3.7.3, Hapgood)
Now obviously the grisette who complimented Montparnasse isn’t responsible for his murders, any more than Cosette is responsible for Marius pining his life away in The Field of Dramatic Murder Symbolism. I don’t think Hugo means to genuinely blame the women for the men’s behavior at all-- but both Marius and Montparnasse do  start their downward slide in pursuit of the elaborate head-canons about their own futures that a woman’s attention inadvertently sparked.
Marius and Montparnasse are both romantic interests for Eponine (and both are dead ends, with Marius representing a healthy future that she can’t have and Montparnasse representing the doomed future she doesn’t want). Both of them try (ineffectually) to act as guides and friends to Gavroche. Both of them do feel a certain duty to Thenardier, not so much for his own sake--neither of them owe him squat-- as because of an existing sense of duty to others. Both of them do  have a sense of loyalty to their friends, -- just as they share a potentially damning vice in Idleness, they both share a real virtue in their sense of loyalty and duty to comrades.  Note that this is a real  sense of duty and loyalty for Montparnasse as well as for Marius--he really does take a risk to free the rest of the Patron Minette!  But Montparnasse has given that loyalty to horrible people for a horrible cause. 
Also-- while they do  both have a  real sense of loyalty to their groups (groups where they are the junior members), they are also both prone to getting distracted from those friends and their goals by romantic interests-- Marius may be far more serious in his love for Cosette than Montparnasse in his flirting with Eponine, but they do both have this tendency to romantic distraction! That Marius, at the barricade, overcomes his to take his post again , while Montparnasse toooootally flubs his role in P-M’s Gorbeau scheme because it’s Flirting Time, is another manifestation of the Curse of Idleness, really. 
So yeah: Two dark-haired fresh-faced young Romantic beauty types, sharing in common a (potentially) Fatal Flaw and a (potentially) saving Core Virtue, sharing similar relationships to their relative social groups and  to specific characters. Both Very Good At Violence; both set into a new course of life by the sudden awareness of their potential future, prompted by a woman’s attention. --And I didn’t even get into the importance they both put on presentation (though in very different ways, again reflecting their crucial divergence)!   
Montparnasse is who Marius might easily have become if he’d been willing to Coast on his money and status-- oh, Marius would have been a murderer in the way Tholomyes and Bamatabois are murderers, then, not likely the hands-on style Montparnasse has (though then again, Marius is  prone to passionate overreaction...) .  But, as the narrative links between Montparnasse and those two emphasize, it’s really not such a great difference.  Montparnasse is the shadow haunting Marius, a reminder of why his dedication to work and independence is so crucial. And the ways Montparnasse and Marius diverge from each other are a constant, complicated combo of choices and circumstances changing very similar people into two utterly different lives. 
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peeterparkr · 6 years
Hc’s about going to Disney with Peter 💛💛
Disney Sunday!
It would be so fluffy
I feel like Peter would be kissing your cheek in every ride
And he’d take pictures of you 
Peter Parker loves Disneyland 
Just imagine him 
So you’d start the day taking a picture with Mickey
And just stroll Main Street holding hands
And find the perfect selfie in front of the Aurora castle
But the boy wanted so badly to go to the Big Thunder Mountain 
you’d scream
he’d be raising his hands 
But then science!Peter side would show up 
And just start with explanations on how the rollercoasters work
You’d buy Minnie’s ears
and he’d buy a sweatshirt 
A mickey mouse fluffy sweatshirt
Then you’d go to Star Tours
Because you’re both Star Wars nerds
He’d be all excited
and nerdy
and geekyand adorable
And that’s where he’d buy his star wars themed mickey ears
‘Am I the Han to your Leia?’ 
you’d freak out in the gift shop
He’d be humming the Indiana Jones theme song
Peter yoou wanna go to the Indiana Jones ride? 
HoW diD YoU KnoW? 
he’d be lkasdkajsdlkajs
‘Is Snow White Scary adventures really scary?’
‘…No Peter’ 
‘are you actually..?’
Peter Pan ride
oh god 
i want him
Haunted Mansion
i didn’t think …
Peter and his excuses to hug you 
‘idk y/n I feel like Mickey would want us to kiss here’ 
k i s s i n g 
Peter is adorable 
Cut to Peter humming ‘It’s a small world’ 
‘you wanna go to small world?’ 
Okay but in Jungle cruise he would be giving you his own tour
‘see that hippo?’
‘that me’ 
you’d be playing tag yourself with the animals tbh 
in Space Mountain 
He’d give you random facts about space
then you’d give him made up facts about space
at first he’d be confused
then he’d make up facts with you 
you’d go to the carousel 
and from then you’d call him prince charming
he’s adorable
and finally, end up kissing with the fireworks cuddled up 
i love peter parker 
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hipchub · 7 years
top ten fics 💝💖💕
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1. the dead of july / @whimsicule / 117k— harry is captain america, and louis’ been dead for 70 years.
i love both 1d and captain america so this was a real trip. if you love dying and being dead then 10/10 would recommend
2. love endless (the road to recollection) / @wubwubnparmaham / 171k
— the year is groovy 1973, and eighteen-year-old louis tomlinson is perhaps the gayest teen to ever grace the gloomy, hateful town of fortwright. would be fine if he wasn’t so viciously bullied at both home and school for such a “harmful” sexual preference. yeah, yeah, we’ve all heard this story, haven’t we? believe him, louis didn’t think he was anything special either. until he found the mansion. the notoriously haunted mansion hidden deep within the forests of his tiny blip of a town in bumfuck nowhere, idaho. no one with a brain ever goes near it, but louis could use a little excitement in his life…and possibly a band-aid or two. after discovering the mansion was less abandoned than he’d thought, he’s now left with the most riveting mystery of a lifetime; every new finding leaving him with more questions. who is this elusive owner, and why won’t they show themselves? why is there a set of journals in the same handwriting that span over centuries? why in the world is there a padlock on the refrigerator…and who the hell is alexander?
history and vampires? sign me the fuck up! there’s four parts to this incredible fic and they’re all around 150k to 200k each (idk how the author does it tbh). i now listen to rue des cascades on a daily so thank u for that
3. with a whimper / @kitundercover / 132k— dystopian au. louis has been alone for too long to remember how not to be, and harry has too much to worry about to deal with a scrawny, wild, stranger.
this fic is so so thought out and so incredible wow. throughout the whole thing i kept thinking “wow is this from something? it’s so great it has to be based off something right??” and it.. isn’t….. a m a z i n g 
4. the galaxy’s edge / @the-cheshire-pussy-cat / 113k— in which louis is a bounty hunter with a messed up past. harry is a prince who just wants to prove himself. niall and zayn have too many things to figure out together. and liam just wants to take care of his family. things never quite go as they are planned during a simple rescue job.
aliens and royalty? lord help m,e yes this fic was soo good and i have a strong urge to reread it
5. the king of spades / @hazmesentir / 109k— undercover metropolitan police officer dc louis tomlinson has worked his way up the ranks of a prominent london crime family without raising suspicion, but when he finds himself pitted against a rising crime boss with a police background and a favoured employee by the name of harry styles, everything starts to unravel. finding himself in the middle of an escalating war between two bosses whose bad blood runs deep into a violent past, louis has to be even more careful where he steps in case his big secret catches up to him – and if it does, he knows he won’t survive it. not to mention he’s falling for someone he can’t have – whose earnestness and honesty is a bright spot in a dark world – he can’t sleep because his nightmares haunt him and he’s in way over his head, but it’s just a game, always just a game, and if louis plays his cards right he might just make it out alive.
6. landslide / @aimmyarrowshigh & @spibsy / 143k— the year is 1976. In november, jimmy carter will take control of the white house. americans are meeting laverne & shirley at their apartment in milwaukee. hotel california diverges from the reign of kool & the gang. and the fbi is still reeling from the repercussions of watergate, the tragedy at wounded knee, operation family secrets, and the strategic terrors of the anti-cult movement. that’s what special agent harry styles has been told is the basis of his mission to an abandoned farmhouse in rural new hampshire. with his hair grown out long and his shirt untucked, he’s going undercover to do reconnaissance on suspected cult leader louis tomlinson, who has led a group of people out into the middle of nowhere, leaving no record of the life he’d had before. all harry knows is what the agency gave him: tomlinson’s name and instructions to figure out what he’s doing with the eleven people he brought with him. in the year that harry spends undercover and under louis tomlinson’s wing, he learns more than he ever expected.
7. who painted the moon black / @throughthedark / 95k— hunger games au where louis tomlinson is district six’s victor from the 69th hunger games and harry styles is district seven’s victor from the 72nd hunger games.
8. black with autumn rain / @whimsicule / 93k— harry is a journalist, louis has lots of secrets and the moors aren’t exactly the ideal place to rekindle a lost romance.
this fic ruined me and i now have an extremely strong desire to visit the north york moors 
9. fading / @tothemoonmydear  / 202k— louis knows about beauty; the combination of qualities that pleases the aesthetic senses. he creates that combination every day in the garments he designs while studying fashion at uni. the cut of the design, the color of the fabric, the intricacy of the stitching; it all comes together to create something beautiful. when the science student with the long legs and dimpled smile agrees to model for him, louis decides he’s found beauty personified. harry just thinks louis needs someone to show him how beautiful he is.
i love depressing fics and this one was beautiful ):
10. and down the long and silent street / @whimsicule  / 86k— wherein louis and harry are on the opposite ends of the social ladder, but their paths still cross on the filthy streets louis calls his home. the odds are staked against them from the beginning, and even more when louis’ past finally catches up with him.
(this is set in the 1800s and i’m such a slut for old fics so!)
-ˏˋ BONUS ˎˊ-11. love is a rebellious bird / @100percentsassy & @gloria-andrews / 134k— au in which the boys still make music. louis is the concertmaster of the london symphony orchestra, harry is the new! and exciting! interim conductor/ex-cello prodigy who “has made Mozart cool again” according to esquire magazine (louis hates him immediately, which is definitely why he internet stalked him in his dark bedroom late at night that one time), and niall is the best. zayn and liam are around too. don’t hum bolero.
this was one of the first few fics i read on ao3 and is the fic that overall shifted me from wattpad to ao3 in 2014 (thank god) “don’t hum bolero” will forever be engraved into my brain
-ˏˋ CAPTIVE PRINCE BONUS ˎˊ- 12. the veretian flytrap / @just-another-day / 175k— the court treated it like a joke. his uncle told him it was a weakness. laurent chose to listen to what auguste had said it could be: an advantage.
this is the second captive prince fic i read and it rly murdered me! it’s a canon divergence au so it’s extremely similar to the books and i love it
you can find more of my fic recs here!
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fen--harel · 7 years
for the halloween asks! alaina: pumpkin, ouija board, mummy; stefan: vampire, witch, zombie; erasmus: ghost, pumpkin, haunted house; asiel: corn maze, graveyard, vampire, ouija board
Pumpkin: What is your favorite season?
          Alaina is definitely a spring/summer kind of person ! I mean of course she looks adorable during fall/winter cuddling in a blanket with hot cocoa, but she definitely prefers how pretty the world looks when everything is starting to grow again and the hot summer days that are perfect for tanning and swimming. 
Ouija Board: If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
          I couldn’t imagine Alaina with any other name and she definitely would refuse to change it. She absolutely loves her name ! But I think if she had to change her name it would be to Elena or one of the five thousand nicknames Asiel has for her. 
Mummy: What is your biggest fear?
          Her step father. Definitely hurting her loved ones. Alaina would never intentionally hurt anyone she loves (hell anyone she even doesn’t love) but if she did she would feel absolutely awful. 
Vampire: What is your favorite supernatural creature?
           I don’t think Stefan is the kind of person to be into those kind of things but I think if anyone asked him it would have to be either a demon or a vampire ?? (Just bc he’s one himself lol) or some sort of mythical creature that has unchallenged power - that’s his kink 
Witch: If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
            If Stefan could have any superpower it would definitely be mind control !! He’s already a very persuasive cocky asshole, now he just needs the powers to really solidify it. 
Zombie: Do you think that you could survive a zombie apocalypse? 
            Yes? Just because he’s Stefan Fucking Sinclair. You think he’d let any dirty zombie touch him ??? Nah. Hell nah. 
Ghost: Do you get scared easily?
             Scared ?? Probably not ?? But like uneasy ?? Yeah. Like he wouldn’t be afraid but more-so worried ?? If that makes any sense ?? Idk I can’t describe it very well. Pre-Meeting Stefan however, he would definitely get scared easily and cried a lot as a child. You could yell “boo !” and surprise him and he’d pee his pants. 
Pumpkin: What is your favorite season?
              He loves winter !! He feels as if its the most calm out of all the seasons. When it’s summer people are loud and more excited, spring just doesn’t feel right, and fall is, well, Asiel’s favorite season so it’s automatically Erasmus’ least favorite. 
Haunted House: Would you prefer to live in the city or the country?
              Erasmus would love how quiet the country is but he loves the busy life of the city, so to counteract how loud the city is he would just never leave his house tbh.
Corn Maze: What is your favorite autumn activity?
               Skull fucking a pumpkin. HALLOWEEN ??!! IN GENERAL ?!! WOW ?? He would LOVE decorating the mansion for the holiday, dress up, going to Halloween parties, watching horror movies, carving creepy pumpkin, and going trick-or-treating. He’s an October baby !! It’s a given that he’s a Halloween slut !
Graveyard: Do you know any good scary stories?
              Asiel would be the little shit that would read creepy pastas. And he would tell Alaina the Candle Cove one but in a way where he said that he had watched it when he was little and about how he found that forum. And then for a good week Alaina would make Stefan turn the TV away from the bed before they slept. 
Vampire: What is your favorite supernatural creature?
              Incubus/Succubus bc let’s be honest, he’s actually one irl.
Ouija Board: If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
               Asiel: “Captain Blackbeard, and that’d be my first name. Captain Blackbeard Xenos. Xenos, Captain Blackbeard. Or something else super cool, like Skull or Achilles. No !! Blade !! Like the vampire vampire hunter! But c’mon, how could my name get any sexier than it already is? Asiel? That means “the work of god”, baby ;)”
I hate him. 
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