#i think he sees wyll as a younger brother
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thats-a-lot-of-cortisol · 1 year ago
Some sketches of my wizard Peri as I (slowly) work my way through Act III
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grac3333 · 5 months ago
generations pt2
georgia stanway x reader
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“aye wyls if you hug me any tighter i’ll pop” you laughed as the georgia’s younger brother wound his arms around you tightly.
“well sorry for missing you” he said sarcastically but still holding onto you.
it had been 2 months since you had seen him. the last time being while they were all at the airport seeing you off.
wyll unwound his arms from you as you reached out for the woman standing next to him.
“how’s germany treating you then hunny” g’s mum joanne had asked, hugging you just as tightly as wyll.
“it’s everything i hoped it would be” you replied with a smile thinking about the place that had quickly become home to you.
over the january transfer window of 2022 you had decided to make a big move over to germany. to bayern munich specifically. while at chelsea you had won everything there was to be won in england. you were ready for a change. a challenge. even though it meant leaving behind friends and family.
the city was lovely, the people were lovely and the girls at bayern were lovely.
you had slotted straight in with the team making such close friends over a short period of time.
but when for the first time in your life you had to live by yourself, you started to struggle. you were a social person who enjoyed the company of your friends so the second you felt like that, you were on a plane and back in the arms of your favourite people.
you had england camp soon so you used that as an excuse to come over earlier and drive down with g.
“oh i’m glad and you look gorgeous darling” joanne said beaming while holding you at an arms length. your cheeks flushed at the complement.
“wooooooo go g!” you screamed from your seat, standing up and clapping. you could have sworn that over the past months she had gotten fitter. a hand shot up and pulled you back down.
“oh god y/n all she did was pass the ball” he sighed and rolled his eyes at you.
“oi I’m being supportive cheer up” you grinned poking at his sides. you would never admit it out loud but wyll was your favourite out of g’s family and it was obvious he loved you as well.
“does she even know your here” he questioned and you shook your head in response, smiling. g thought you were coming over a day later but you were offered the earlier flight and took it. you had always loved watching g play. anyone could tell how she was in her element doing what she did best and it never failed to make you smile seeing her so content.
“is olly here?” you wondered a bitter taste in your mouth at his name, and you frowned on your own accord. the mother and son next to you shared a look at your facial expressions. your opinion on georgias boyfriend was clear from a mile off and even after spending too long with him in lockdown, the two of you just couldn’t get along.
“no he’s got training today don’t worry” wyll replied grinned and it was your turn to roll your eyes.
“what you grinning for” you swung your arm over his shoulders, your accent thickening on the words.
“nothing just don’t quit your day job for acting any time soon” he chuckled laughing at his own joke.
you frowned “what”
“it’s so obvious you don’t like him!” he exclaimed at you clearly not getting the hint.
you gasped pretending to take offence “i do like him!”
“the fact that your smiling right now tells me your lying” he teased pinching your cheeks while you swatted his hands away.
the game had finished 3-0 to city which of course you were buzzing about. the girls were doing their lap around as you made your way to the barrier. you were ready to launch yourself at g after far to long apart in your opinion (2 months).
georgia was chatting to keira, then two slowly toddling around.
“do they wanna walk any slower man” you huffed leaning on wyll.
“it’s not easy is it” he teased and you pinched his arm.
you giggled as fimilar arms entrapped you and the sent of a coconut shampoo, that you were very used to, flooded over you. you were quick to wrap your arms around her, pushing your face into her shoulder.
“what you are doing here!” she smiled brightly at you, breaking apart but still holing you.
“come to see my fav girl of course. kie come over here!” you pretended to call over kiera.
g gasped dramatically making you giggle at her and pull her in to another bone crushing hug.
“missed you” she mumbled against the skin of your neck.
you giggled in response (g always seemed to make you giggle) and hugged her tighter.
you decided to spend the afternoon at g’s house, the latter driving you back, not wanting to leave your side. the two of you spent the drive catching up after missing her much more that you were ready to admit.
“so germanys going well then” g asked eyes flicking from the road to you.
“oh georgie it’s gorgeous, everyone is dead nice and the girls have been so lovely to me” you gushed about the city that had grow on you.
“good love i’m glad you are happy. even if i wish it was closer” she said smiling at you, making you smile.
“i missed you g. so much” you said softly.
“it was only 2 months” she teased but you could tell she missed you just as much.
“i know but all of a sudden i live by myself and” you paused, never being good at talking about how you feel.
g took one had off the arm rest and laced your fingers together.
“i dunno it’s just lonely georgie and i’m not used to it” you sighed and she squeezed your hand.
“oh love i’m only ever a call away” she reminded, her thumb stroking the back of your hand.
your cheeks flushed at the small action. unfortunately for you, you were still hopelessly in love with your best friend, who currently had a boyfriend.
“thanks g i will definitely take you up on that” you smiled squeezing her hand.
“love you” she said making your heart skip a beat.
“love you more”
“no olly tonight” you asked subconsciously frowning while putting your plate in the dishwasher.
“nah we fought so he’s staying at a mates house tonight” she said sighing.
“oh babe do you wanna talk about it” you offered kissing the top of her head.
“well yeah cause there is somthing i wanna talk to you about as well” she said taking your hand and leading you into the living room, a frown forming between your brows.
the both of you settled on the sofa, g pulling your legs onto her lap and milo curling up on top of you.
“okay right what’s up g” you asked.
she reached her hand up to smooth out the frown with her thumb.
“my contract with city is ending and i don’t think i’m going to renew it” she admitted.
“oh my god”
“uh! i knew it! you think its a shit idea, nowhere else is going to want me-“ she stood up suddenly pacing around.
you stood up as well taking her hands and making her look at you.
“georgie no! i’m excited for you. and don’t say that i could name you about 50 clubs that would love to sign you” you sighed as the girl in front of you rested her forehead on your shoulder.
“so you think it’s a good idea?”
“no i think it’s a shit idea- of course i do you dickhead” you laughed and she flicked your ear at the comment.
“thank you” she mumbled and pressed a light kiss to your shoulder, making you so glad she couldn’t see you bright red cheeks right now.
part one here
thank so much for all the love and support on part one. I have so many ideas for this little series and can’t waittt. sorry this took so long to get out. thank youuuuu xx
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masterangst · 1 year ago
General Headcanons that play a part in Post!game long fic of mine
This could also could just be seen as random headcanons I have of the characters based on my playthrough
For starters, Wyll became a Paladin in my playthrough, and I actually think it fits his character very well. Oath of the Ancients, to be exact.
He's in the Hells with Karlach in the beginning, but he still comes and checks on things above
He has no problem living up to the Ancients tenants, and the powers he gained are quite helpful to him in the Hells.
The reason I chose to do this, is because Wyll embodies what a Paladin does. He strives to inspire others and beat back against despair and to help others. He preaches hope and wishes to inspire it in others. He loves his friends and cares deeply about his father and his city and isn't afraid to voice it/do what it takes to protect them.
Though, he struggles with his belief that because he's still tied to Mizora, that he's unworthy of the position, but believes he can do more good than he could before. Considering it's a very powerful combo.
He's also come to accept being a warlock under Mizora, deciding to see the powers given to him because of it as a gift instead of curse.
He's main focus is helping Karlach at the beginning and may develop into something more 👀
Him and my Tav, Axel, have become bounty hunters of sorts. It's a great way for Astarion to find people to kill and drink from. "Nobody actually cares about murder, as long as you murder the right people"
He's grown a lot more comfortable with his body and with sex. He still likes to enchant people with his charm, but now he does it cus its fun sometimes
He forces Axel to sleep in luxury and not in a bedroll every night. Also, it is the one that keeps Axels' appearance in check and repairs both of their clothes if they get damaged.
They created a technique together to take down their enemies. Sometimes treating it like a dance as seeing themselves in battle turns them both on. (I can make another post that goes into their relationship a bit more)
Now that he's not malnourished, his eyes have turned less red and his teeth are now not constantly pointy. In other words he appears more human/elfish to others now. He uses that to his advantage
He also has discovered a few abilities that spawn have that Cazador hid from him. Such as spider climbing, though he struggled with it at first. Only Axel knows of this.
Bg3 has almost it's own rules than just normal DnD. Because of this, and based on what is stated and shown in the palace. There is no evidence that the spawn were bound by their coffin like normal dnd. So in my story, that isn't a thing. And I stick with the notion that Astarion isn't forced to sleep during the day, but must at least trance once a day
He also is not the best as writing letters to everyone, but he's always watching over Axels shoulder and butting in to make corrections or add something
She has a little cottage where she homes Scratch and the Owlbear.
She's not very good at gardening but she's trying. She's determined to have a small garden by the beginning of spring (story is set in winter)
Also went on a few trips to find her connection with Selune
She struggles with overcoming her trauma with her parents and with Shar and feeling worthy of being a follower of Selune
Mostly been traveling and learning more about her parents for now. Has evaded Shar assassins and has a small map of locations she's knowledgeable about of Shars followers. She intends to use it someday, but not yet.
I imagine she gets lonely and wishes to be with the others again. Though she sleeps with Scratch every night and the Owlbear sleeps on the floor by her bed.
Scratch accompanies her on her travels and makes sure she's eaten and lifts her spirits when she's sad
Her and Axel write to each other all the time and she sees him like an older brother even though hes younger (she's 48, he's 39)
The only other person she's spent time with is Gale. She stayed with him when she went to the temple of Selune in Waterdeep. They also write occasionally.
Gale is quite content with being a professor. He feels like he doesn't have that dying need to prove himself all the time anymore
Though he still wishes to be recognized by his peers at the academy
Also has tried to rekindle his relationship with Elminster, but hasn't seen him in person yet
He still feels very lonely, however, and frustrated he's having to rebuild his career in a sense. He misses being on adventures and the people he considers his real friends
He keeps in regular contact with Wyll and Axel the most. Gale helps keep Wyll informed of upstairs news and gives him new things to read to keep him company. Also has decided that Wyll must be his invite to the Blackstaff ball.
Wyll forces Gales to practice his dancing and they exchange recipes as well
Gale considers Wyll his best friend, but won't say it aloud or admit to it. It's like a mother who says she doesn't have a favorite child but clearly does.
Wyll also considers him a best friend, but also besides Karlach
She didn't want to go back to the Hells. She was terrified and was ready to die, but having someone there helps.
She's tired of constantly fighting, I mean it's fun and all, but it's also tiring
She wants to settle down in Baldur’s Gate and have a place big enough for all her friends to visit her
The reunion party reminded her why she's still fighting. So she can come home and go on adventures again
Her and Axel are the closest. Axel was the first leader Karlach ever fully admired and didn't grow to regret it. She's also the only one who knows things others do not about him, and she takes pride in that.
She loves the color Pink and she can't wait to wear pretty dresses at the Blackstaff Ball no one tell Gale she's coming too
Sneaks away to relieve her sexual tension and lies about it. She lives with the guilt.
Is much like Astarion when it comes to letter writing. She looks over Wylls shoulder and makes comments about what he should write and how dumb the companions are sometimes.
She won't be in my story very much, because she's off trying to fight/negotiate a war, since Orpheus was sacrificed.
To be frank, Lae'zels arc is my my favorite one. Especially if you choose the route to go against her queen. She's a beautiful character. Anyways.
She's a bit busy with the rebel forces but she holds onto a memento given to her by Axel to remind her that peace sometimes works better than violence.
She misses her friends on the Material plane and fully intends on seeing them in the flesh once her battle is done.
Also checks in a lot with the hatchling Xan
She can't write to her friends, but she knows they are rooting for her
By the end of the game, her and Shadowheart had made up their differences and actually became friends
In terms of everyone together. I like to imagine that a permanent side effect of the worm is that now everyone must rebuild their stats.
I'm sure I have more, so maybe I will make another post. But I was thinking of the things that play into my long fic as well.
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roguishcat · 10 months ago
I wish I could freaking get this fic I have in my head down. There is SO MUCH there! Just for Astarion I have headcanons about his parents (and a younger brother Astarion accidentally screwed over without ever meeting him), a daughter Astarion adopts on a whim, ideas for Astarion's relationship dynamic with ALL off the party (from my Tav, my default Companion!Durge, to Wyll, Karlach, Shadowheart, all the way to Minthara!), and post canon stuff too! What Astarion does for work in between adventures (he's a professional stylist lol), the NEW party he travels with (he deserves more friends!) Astarion gradually gains various methods of overcoming his weaknesses to... pretty much all of his weaknesses (though it takes a long time and not all of them are permanent). Heck, I even have Astarion find His People™: a group of vampires who align themselves as Good or Neutral! Boy is living his best life!
(Random little headcanon among my ranting: as soon as Karlach's engine is fixed permanently her and Astarion go on adventures together and they have so much fun together!)
I love all of these! Your ideas and headcanons are gold!
I can definitely see Astarion getting up to all sorts of mischief post-game. I mean, romanced or not, at the Epilogue party the boy tells us all about how he's living his best life! The resilience that he has and the way he heals is just- just amazing.
Here is a little piece about Astarion overcoming his weaknesses. Starting with the crucial one, overcoming his inability to walk in the sunlight.
𖤓°⋆.ೃ࿔*:・𖤓°⋆.ೃ࿔*:・𖤓°⋆.ೃ࿔*:・𖤓°⋆.࿔*:・𖤓°⋆.ೃ࿔*:・𖤓°⋆.𖤓°⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Astarion held the ring in his hand. Perhaps it was just his imagination playing tricks, but the metal band felt a little warm against his palm. Imagination or not, the seemingly plain trinket was supposed to keep him from burning to a crisp if he chose to feel sunlight warming his skin again.
And he wanted to do so much more. To wander as free and as careless as any other down the sun-kissed streets. To pickpocket a vendor in broad daylight. To enjoy the taste of his love's lips as warm daytime breeze flirted with their clothes. To feel the caress of the sun on his back as their kisses grew heated and he-
Astarion had to stop himself there. Because as nice as it was to imagine all the lovely, naughty things he would get up to, he had to stop being a coward and actually try out the damn thing. And so he did. Astarion slipped the ring onto his finger, marched straight to the curtains and threw them open. He winced, the harsh light blinding him momentarily. And then he opened his eyes, drinking in the colour. Oh, how he missed the brightness of it.
He heard a startled gasp and a plate crash as weak fingers let it fall to the floor. He grinned.
"Well, my love. It seems too pleasant a day to waste indoors, don't you think? How about the two of us have one of those picnics that you seemed so fond of as a child."
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rinwellisathing · 4 months ago
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Orphanage AU-
Trans masc! Astarion
Wyll and Astarion are also wards of Raphael's at his 'House of Hope' for wayward boys.
Content warning for abuse, threats of SA, and misgendering.
Astarion wrinkled his nose and took a step back, tensing as he found his path blocked by the wall of the dormitory, the older drow boy looming over him with a cruel smirk and a hungry look in his eyes.
"Didn't think they let girlies stay at places like this. Too dangerous for your precious virtue." He licked his lips, violet eyes narrowing as he looked the younger high elf over.
"Ha! Please, you're deluded if you think anyone in this place has their 'virtue'intact." Astarion scoffed, rolling his eyes. He ignored what the older boy had called him, best to avoid a fight he probably couldn't win, the boy was bigger and from what he'd gleaned in his time here, half crazy.
"Still like as any to be a tight little thing, small as you are." The drow growled, one hand moving to Astarion's throat. The younger elf instinctively shoved the bigger drow. Purely reflex, the memories of life with 'Papa Cazador'before he'd run off too present in his mind to stop and think.
"Don't touch me." Astarion frowned, glaring up at the drow. Shit, what he'd give for even just a sharp piece of wood or a broken bit of glass right now.
"You're a mouthy little bitch!" The drow crowed. "I like that."
"Seems like the feeling isn't mutual, though." A confident, calm voice broke the tension. Both Elves looked to see who had come in and watched as a human teen with warm brown eyes and an even smile placed some freshly folded linens on a nearby table before approaching. "Maybe you should see to your chores rather than terrorizing the others, Jackal."
"Fuck off, you little ponce. This is a private conversation." The drow growled, rounding on the human.
"In the middle of the dormitories? Perhaps you need to brush up on your words, doesn't seem very private to me." The boy replied with a shrug. "But, if Astarion agrees with you, then maybe I'm simply barging in..." He looked to the pale elf, noting Astarion's refusal to look him in the eye and his tense demeanor. "Well, there you have it. Not so private after all. And besides, if my memory is correct, you're supposed to be assisting Gale, Ilya, and I on laundry duty this week. Your absence is sorely felt."
"I've seniority. You little shit. Besides, between the three of you I think you can handle some sheets thatve been wanked in or pissed." Jackal growled.
"Oh, no doubt we can. But I'm not certain Sister Korilla agrees with your assessment, shall I ask her?" Wyll smiled serenely, folding his arms across his chest with the slightest raise of his brow.
The drow growled a moment and glared Daggers at the young man before taking off in a huff, shoving Wyll as he went.
Astarion frowned and looked away, unable to meet Wyll's gaze. "Thank you..." He finally murmured, almost grudgingly.
"There's no shame in needing help, Astarion. He's a brute after all and quite a bit bigger than most of us. Hells, he's the oldest one here. It's not weakness to need an ally to face down a monster." Wyll approached the elf, frowning at the bruises on his face.
"I'm not some damsel who needs protection." Astarion shot back, gripping his upper arms and tensing.
"No, but sometimes a brother in arms needs a friend to back him up." Wyll reached out a hand gently. "It's not weakness to ask for help." He lowered his hand when Astarion shied away from a touch and looked to the pile of linens. "Speaking of needing help..."
The pale haired elf rolled his eyes and sighed dramatically, forcing a smug smile and scoffing. "Oh of course, coming to my rescue so I'll help you turn down the beds. How noble."
Wyll gave a little laugh and smiled warmly. "You've found me out, Astarion, guilty as charged."
With that, the two began to silently strip the beds and replace the old sheets with fresh ones, working side by side without a word, though there was the occasional stolen glance neither openly acknowledged.
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ambrosearietes · 7 months ago
We (and by that I mean myself) demand more headcanons cuz they go hard asf😈
i have so many i’m gonna break these up by character. i will only do like the major ones. these are not all my headcanons just my big ones.
despite living in slavic countries for most of his life, adam speaks english with a british accent because he learned it from anthony. he can also do a perfect american accent because he played WAAAAAAAYYYYYY too much fallout
adam is autistic (this one actually is canon, i mean come On dude) but also has ADHD and C-PTSD
scrawny because he was malnourished during his time as d-class. very insecure about it.
he and sylvester sloan know each other through anthony. i mentioned that sloan babysat adam occasionally, i was completely serious. he let adam watch star wars and adam literally wanted to BE luke skywalker.
yeah luke was his gender awakening
uses she/her to refer to his younger self from before anthony saved him as a coping mechanism— in reality he’s trying to deny that it even happened to him in the first place.
smokes weed when the team is off. calvin does not approve.
marries harvey in every stardew valley playthrough.
romances halsin in baldur’s gate 3.
cracked at fromsoft games.
bisexual, he just doesn’t realize it.
calvin is a gamer. he had adam build him a setup. they play together. adam beats his fucking ass in everything and makes fun of him for it.
really, really bad habit of bottling his emotions (which is why olivia keeps dumping him)
was ~19 when he got arrested for the stuff hyun-ki mentioned. vehicular manslaughter while driving under the influence is considered a felony charge.
grew up in the midwest. talks like a midwestern dad.
his aunt owns a horse ranch. calvin REALLY likes horses as a result.
he once promised adam to take him to meet his horse and teach him to ride after everything. poor guys :(
he and aaron would have had a father-son relationship.
he was a very “difficult” child due to him not being believed about his mother’s death. he had no idea how to cope with it. often got into fights, which is why his aunt ended up sending him to boarding school. she got a lot of calls even when he was there because calvin just. got into a fuckton of fights.
he didn’t go to therapy until the insurgency MADE HIM go to therapy.
legally can’t drive. doesn’t give a fuck.
he would occasionally let adam just lay on top of him like a cat. he thought it was platonic. like just guys being dudes.
would be a good father.
if he saw his dad again he’d shoot the guy without any hesitation.
blames the foundation’s negligence for his mom’s death.
likes planes a lot.
sees adam as her little brother. they’re extremely close by O5-3’s chapter. she’s rather protective and very quick to defend him.
adam taught her to play dungeons and dragons and gives her book recommendations. she plays a halfling life-domain cleric/college of swords bard (multiclassing)
loves mystery novels.
adam introduced her to stardew valley. she usually marries leah.
bisexual. does not know this.
easily frustrated with calvin because calvin is terrible at communicating his feelings. calvin is trying to work on this. it’s going terribly. despite this, calvin is very affectionate with her and she does how open he is with that.
very relationship-centric person. this is mostly because she didn’t get much characterization in twie.
keeps a sketchbook. mostly doodles flowers.
her and sophia would have gotten along amazingly.
likes to dabble in poetry.
would romance wyll in bg3
huge fan of law and order. adam questions her taste in television shows.
if she had procreate she’d be fucking unstoppable.
i don’t have much on her bc characterization is so lacking :((
would have gladly taken sam (O5-11) with her back to the insurgency. deeply regrets that she didn’t. she thinks about sam a LOT, it genuinely haunts her. like she will try to sleep and she’ll just hear that gunshot and want to throw up.
i don’t remember if i mentioned this in the last post but vincent is a cat person. had a cat named mira. she was a calico.
in his ‘ideal world’ he would have lived with aaron and been able to raise adam.
very, very envious of people with ‘normal lives’.
we don’t know much about what vincent did in the foundation— the dialogue from O5-13 at the end of the children matches up with what he tells aaron in the apartment scene so i assume vincent was felix’s predecessor and felix held another number. as for what he did, we do know he was, like, an ACTUAL engineer who designed bombs at some point (stated in O5-5’s chapter); he could have been in charge of security.
it’s implied he had a second-in-command type position under aaron and likely was on the first delta command before his first ‘disappearance’, unless he wrote the summa modus operandi then just vanished off the face of the fucking earth for a while.
records of vincent are next to impossible to find within the insurgency as he worked so closely with the engineer and they don’t even know who the engineer was.
aaron thought vincent was dead until he received reports of anthony wright working with calvin.
anthony and sloan were good friends and out of all members of delta command during the way it ends, he respected sloan the most. anthony would have considered an actual relationship with him if he wasn’t like “no, i’m probably gonna disappear again or just straight up die soon anyway.” anthony was right, he did in fact die.
sloan knew who vincent arians was, he just had no idea that anthony and vincent were the same person.
genuinely, anthony wanted to die.
adam gave him a reason to live outside of vengeance.
GENUINELY sees adam as his son. he’s a bit harsh on him during TWIE because he never wanted adam in the insurgency at all. he and adam had a conversation at some point where anthony expressed this and told adam he wished the latter just went to a good college and worked in programming or IT.
would not have been able to kill calvin had he made it to the end. would also have not been able to kill aaron.
frederick traumatized this man just as much as he traumatized aaron, vincent just absolutely refuses to acknowledge it.
sophia knew about vincent’s love for aaron and may have even encouraged it.
if his love for aaron was reciprocated, they likely had a relationship while aaron was with the insurgency and tried to be secretive about it but felix carter just “I know what you are.”
he would be very sweet as a lover. very sappy. hopeless romantic. given who he was in love with, are we even surprised?
cigarettes are part of how he started aging again.
the insurgency kind of knows he’s older than he looks, they just say he’s in his fifties because he looks like it, but even TWIE says he’s been around as long as anyone can remember. likely, vincent surfaced as anthony wright around the same time that sylvester sloan joined the insurgency.
his plan in case anyone saw any old photos of vincent and noticed that he looked eerily similar to anthony was to say that he’s vincent arians’ grandson and that his mother was arians’ daughter.
vincent had no children, but he did like being around kids.
during his years with the foundation he’d often lock himself in his lab just to cry. aaron often checked in on him.
frederick repeatedly called him aaron’s dog as a joke that vincent found very not funny. vincent/anthony isn’t really big on dogs because of this.
if anthony saw adam today he’d be immensely proud.
if anthony had made it to the end he would have tried to make aaron tell him why he left. aaron would not have been able to tell him.
anthony was a bit scared of how much like aaron calvin is.
would have liked O5-11 if they met.
if you claim to be frederick’s #1 hater and you’re not aaron siegel then you’re fucking lying.
very sappy romantic, similar to vincent, but only with sophia. she thinks it’s adorable. he just really loves his wife a lot.
cannot let go of anything for shit. if he was at the scene of vincent’s death he would have tried to bring him back.
had a very weird father-child relationship with sam.
tolerated most of the other O5s at best, especially rufus (O5-6) and valerie (O5-7).
felix has always been his favorite aside from sophia (and vincent during the insurgency days)
borderline personality disorder
capable of straight up hanging up on frederick. this annoys the absolute fuck out of frederick.
sees mortimer (O5-5) as family because he’s the grandfather of alison chao, at least in other realities. mortimer gets along well with aaron.
very easily sent into overstimulation, it’s unknown why. he’s only ever perfectly calm in a sensory deprivation chamber.
extremely pale.
lives at overwatch. often falls asleep at his desk or on the fucking floor.
wreck of a man, but a surprisingly exceptional leader when he actually feels like leading instead of letting valerie handle things.
the other O5s don’t even know much about him.
visits san marco as much as he can.
obsessed with the string theory, literally discovered it before the idea was even conceived.
had a wife and daughter, both died horribly. his daughter was extremely young and he’s a tad bit obsessed with the idea of bringing her back. driven by grief but also the fact he’s just a Bad Person in General
extremely manipulative (canon), but also just likes to fuck with people.
sometimes he doesn’t even call aaron or calvin he just speaks into their heads.
sometimes he’ll just call them and ask shit like this. aaron would hang up on him but calvin can’t.
can manifest however he wants, he usually chooses the phone.
reality bender (canon) and extremely powerful at it. like it’s lowkey concerning.
god complex.
totally the kind of guy to go “no don’t kill me im just a girl”
adam ivanov as the engineer would beat the shit out of him if given the chance.
what aaron described in the apartment scene was literal psychological torture. aaron was not the only person he subjected, just his favorite punching bag.
aaron, near the end of his life, got him a world’s worst boss mug and kept it next to the phone. calvin got a second one just to drive the point home.
a bit obsessed with antediluvian anomalies (project paragon). talks to calvin about them extensively.
hated vincent for no real reason he was just a bitch.
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brackenfrond · 11 months ago
So. Wondering about how Carver, in my BG3 playthrough, would feel about the companions and some NPCs and I took psychic damage. Naturally I have to share this.
Warning: spoilers for both DA2 and BG3
Because Lae'zel is forthright and an excellent fighter and he trusts that she'll watch his back and suddenly he remembers Aveline, always there to plant herself like a tree, to yell and snarl. Who he met single handedly fending off a swarm of darkspawn to protect the person she loved wholeheartedly.
Because Shadowheart is so devout, so fairhful in her goddess until she is asked to do the unthinkable and she can't. And he is so proud and for a second he sees Merril, of all people, clinging to her Dalish heritage, her religion. He heard about the elven gods being fake, and could see Merril's anguish in Shadowheart's stunned silence in the aftermath.
Because sometimes when he's half asleep he sees a flash of white hair and nearly hisses out an annoyed 'Fenris', until he remembers. Astarion is dissimilar to him in personality (Isabela, his mind screams. His personality is all Isabela) but everything else is too similar. Not just the white hair - the breaking of chains, the anger at his former captor, and the feeling of sudden emptiness when the job is done.
Because Gale grates on him purely because he is so much like Anders. Clever and quick, casting spells with efficiency and rambles about his interests in a way that reminds Carver of rants about mage equality. Sometimes he closes his eyes and sees a brught explosion and is too scared to examine that closely, wondering if he'll see the Chantry or his new mage friend at the epicentre.
Because Wyll is harder to place, but his prince charming demeanour brings to mind Sebastian, for as short a time as Carver really knew him. Because even with horns curling from his skull, from whatever hellish curse Mixora put on him, Wyll is good. And kind. And full of a desire to help people. And Carver can't examine that too hard, because it makes him think of Bethy, and someone else has already stolen her face.
Because Karlach is the hardest. She's boisterous and loud, bright smiles that can turn into pure, unbridled rage at injustice. Who when she can touch again asks him for a hug, and pats his shoulder and calls him 'soldier' and she is his sister. And Hawke is dead. Hawke walked into the Fade at Adamant and never came out and Karlach does not deserve to be compared to the woman who Carver still sort of hates while grieving her. Because Hawke was his sister and he loved her, but even after she was gone he was just 'her brother'.
Because the guardian, because The Emperor, had the gall to steal his twins face and he hates hates hates it for it. But he still cries when he thinks about the early dreams, of how he had called her name. Voice trembling, shaky, feeling like a five year old again. And she didn't know the name. Or it didn't know the name. It hurts Carver to think about it, and more than just in how to refer to the early dream visitor.
Because he sees the Tiefling refugees and is immediately transported back to Kirkwall, to being rejected over and over for being a refugee, and launches himself into helping them. He sees Isabela in Mol's cunning, argues with Rolan and finds himself warming to him as time goes by, his devotion to his younger siblings admirable. He snatches Arabella away from Kagha and had to be physically held back from attacking her because she's a child. The refugees echo him, in a way, and he mourns when her reaches Last Light and find out that soem are dead, others maybe good as.
Aylin and Isobel hurt. Because Aylin and Isobel make him think of brave, strong, powerful Hawke and small but no less terrifying Isabela, and that fucking hurts.
He punches Lorroakan in the face when he meets him. He feels vicious vindication when Aylin breaks his spine.
He hugs Shadowheart when all she has been put through comes to light, digs his hands into moonlight silver hair and prentends he doesn't feel her tremble.
He gives a soldier's salute to Lae'zel when she leaves to free her people, pride bubbling in his chest when she grins viciously in response, returning the salute.
He's proud of Gale for turning away from absolute power, from godhood, to make a name for himself away from gods who have only ever hurt him.
He stands at Astarion's side when he faces Cazador, snarling and ready to assist. He leads him away by the hand after everything, after he turns away ascendancy, and promises to find a way to let him walk in the sun after the tadpole is dealt with.
He hugs Wyll before he leaves for the hells, manages not to cry when he hugs him back.
He only avoids hugging Karlach because she is burning hot, hut vows to give her the biggest hug ever when he sees her again, because she deserves it.
He is welcomed at Sorcerous Sundries by the new master of Ramazoth's Tower and his two younger siblings, and nearly collapses into Rolan's arms. But he's smiling.
These are his people now. He'll see Mol grow to become a terrifying crime boss, and he'll hear Alfira sing her songs, hear her talk about Lakrissa, and he'll eventually meet Morena Dekarios and the famous Tara. He'll always mourn what he's lost.
But here. Far away from lands he knows, he finds a new family, a new home, and Carver Hawke gets a happy ending.
After all, he has always deserved that.
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sangre · 2 years ago
A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE.  REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG, with the information of your muse,  including headcanons, etc.
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name: catarina raverre. nicknames: rini from wyll + which the tiefling children from the grove picked up on and call her as well, rina from shadowheart and gale, cat (funny/condescending) from astarion, karlach will enthusiastically call him Raverre!! if not soldier, and lae’zel is trying not to pick up a nickname but settles on an over emphatic ca-TA around act 3. Full-naming is very weird and intimate for her, so of course, she hears it most from the dream visitor in the shell of her ear. tav is the quick and easy introduction he gives to other NPC’s (it's what her brothers called her growing up) and will hear it from just about everyone as well. age: twenty-nine. race: asmodeus tiefling, infernal bloodline on her father’s side, draconic lineage on his mother’s. gender: fluid, he/him & she/her. often dancing the lines to have fun in presentation and feeling with both at once. orientation: bisexual. zodiac: aries. a very strong case for an aries I think. moral alignment: chaotic neutral, though he’s protective of innocence and will go out of his way on select occasions to pay back in the name of karma :wink: (Karma is also the name of the dragon that her lineage comes from). class/subclass: sorcerer - draconic bloodline. (poison dragon) background: guild artisan. interests/hobbies: woodwork and architecture hold his attention in a quiet appreciation kind of way, as in he could watch someone whittle for a long time and enjoy the silence (haha) about it – and traveling to see different kinds of buildings and interior decoration and stuff like that is very compelling, as someone who was raised with a reverence for like... ruins and the history shown in the way places are built. she loves magic. being able to storytell and stuff through that medium is very precious and memorable to him. quite nerdy behind closed doors. demanded to be read to a lot as a baby before falling asleep. LIKES NAPPING! Is sleepypilled. some other misc things he likes are intricate weaponry and gambling (he's freakishly good at catching a cheater/reading people's faces). spoken languages: fluent in common, draconic, infernal, and primordial (in addition to being able to communicate in sign in common) profession: adventurer, mostly. back at home, she follows the raverre family line in serving as a warden for a vestige that comes from the hoard that the dragon from her lineage kept and protected. she has four older brothers and one much younger brother, hence a very no-nonsense approach to bullshit. height: 5’11” colors: deep pale brown, purplish red, toxic slutch green, and fiendlike nauseous pink. fruits: grapefruit, guava, strawberries, pineapple and passionfruit. drinks: iced coffees, iced fruit juices, anything that tastes like radioactive mcdonalds sprite and buzzes and freaks out his tongue. alcoholic beverages: dark honey mead, ginger beer with lime. smokes: no but she DOES BREATHE smoke if she coughs and her temperature is too high. drugs: recreational use if he’s with friends and he gets something fun from an alchemist or druid he trusts. drivers license: can this bitch steer a horse? (Catarina voice) Sure how hard could it be. (NO) (BE CAREFUL) (GET OUT OF THE WAY) (horses get nervous around her. Most animals are okay with her/love her in fact but for some reason I think, to a horse, she has rancid vibes. I think it’s because she stares them in the eyes). ever been arrested: YUP but it did not last long!
TAGGED BY: no one i stole this from one of my old RP blogs ^p^ i wanted to party TAGGING: tagging my bagu gagu fwiends but also fwiends for other ocs! @the-lovely-lady-luck @interstices @reides @fluffy-snow-fox @kirkewrites @roberthouses @jessieleaf @killdragons @cass1x1 @bvckywrites @devilatelier
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vacantgodling · 7 months ago
HIII hi i'm (mostly) normal again now and i'm gonna yap about sunbringer's song to you. specifically the fanfic version bc that's what's on the brain right now. though the specific thing i wanna yap about is also just a fact about eden as a character that means a lot to me. and that's his huge soft spot for children.
(off the top of my head i don't remember how much bg3 lore you're familiar with so. if any of this is confusing pls feel free to ask for clarification fjasld;kjf i love to yap about it. anyway)
SO ANYWAY! eden is a very selfish and logical character, and ESPECIALLY at the start of sunbringer's song, his main goal is to figure out what the fuck happened to him and save himself from the fuckin Parasite shit he's got going on.
he decides to let the other major characters travel with him because they're working towards the same goal, and he reasons that having more people working towards the same goal means that they'll get shit done faster. he doesn't have much interest in them as people, but he's helping them because he expects them to help him in return. everyone wins. and this is his approach to most interactions early in the story.
(side-note, but god i'm also so excited for eden to slowly become attached to the group. he thinks he's doing suuuuch a good job keeping them at arm's length and that this is all just to cure his fuckin brain worm, but before he realizes it he's decided that he would gladly die for any of them. they're his best friends. found family but he's the last one to figure that out.)
(and that but twofold for the romance shit he's gonna have going on with gale and wyll,,,,, i wanna talk so much about the romance arc i have in mind for those three and the slowburnnnnn but i'm nervous for no gd reason)
BUT ANYWAY. AN EXCEPTION TO THAT IS CHILDREN. there's a few instances in the early arcs of this story where eden is presented with a situation where a child is in danger, and without fail every time, he drops everything to help. eden has a HUGE soft spot for kids and their safety is important to him, even kids he doesn't know.
with adults, it's gonna depend on the circumstances whether or not he does anything to help. with a kid, he's going to help.
and a lot of this comes from his upbringing. eden basically had to raise himself and his younger brother, and he easily falls into an older sibling role when interacting with kids. that, and he remembers all too well how the adults in his life when he was a child didn't do shit for him... so, much of the time, he assumes that no one else is going to help, and it is up to him to protect the child.
one of my favorite examples from this in the first proper arc of the story is with a little tiefling boy who wandered away from his parents, and ended up being lured to the edge of a cliff by a flock of harpies that wanted to fucking kill and eat him. eden sees what's going on, figures out what's about to happen, and decides *absolutely the fuck not.* he takes charge and grabs the boy, taking him away from the danger and handing him off to another member of the group. and then he turns to take care of the harpies.
another example is with another tiefling kid being threatened by a powerful druid. eden knows logically that he should be working with this druid because she has a lot of power and influence in this area, and if he wants to be healed, he's probably gonna wanna stay on her good side.
but when he sees her threatening to fucking kill an innocent child, all of that goes out the window, and now the only thing stopping eden from attempting to gore this woman with his horns is knowing that this is a fight he won't win.
idk i'm not sure how much sense this is making but it's something that makes me super emotional to think about. all bets are off when it comes to kids, especially younger kids. eden sees a kid on their own and goes "is anyone gonna be their new brother?" and doesn't wait for an answer.
okay thank u for your time
1. i don’t know much about bg3 tbh my only knowledge of it is other people’s ocs, mainly eden tho HFJDJRJ so in my mind its just the eden game where eden is the mc and im sure thats not good for his ego PFF—
2. eden being a big brother makes me HMM EMOTIONAL and the instinctual way he just looks after any kiddo he comes across: wEH
3. i can’t wait until eden has the realization that welp he’s stuck with these guys they are his family now and he’s stuck it’s gonna be both sweet and really funny FJEJRJA
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astarionhell · 2 years ago
BG3 Tav Introduction | Jamil D'Oria
I have... about twelve other things I should be doing, most of them grad school related but the tadpole speaks to me and I must answer so here's some information I've been scrounging together for my Tav
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commissions from jilljoycearts and molliartsie
Jamil (Alfonso Parsa) D'Oria, 41, with a noble background and member of the bard class, from the College of Lore
I've been developing him as an OC for about three years now and he is my beloved boy (even though he's about twice my age lmao)
Alignment: Neutral Good? with a bit of chaos sprinkled in there maybe
Gender/Sexuality: Gay man, he/him
Astrological Signs: Leo Sun, Pisces Moon, Pisces Rising
Romancing: Astarion. Of course.
I'm thinking he would be very close with Wyll prior to the game plotline or shortly into it just based on their similar upbringings
I do not know any DnD lore and I am currently not able to get a crash course in it so if anything I say about him contradicts it, don't tell me <3
Some fun facts about him!
Oldest of three siblings, has a younger brother Hakim and younger sister Eufemia
Part of a huge family on his mother's side, the D'Oria are an ancient established family with many many family members
He doesn't get along with his mother and travels as much as possible to avoid going home and back to his duties as the oldest son, however at this point she's all but disowned him and focuses on Hakim instead
His instrument of choice is a guitar gifted to him by his favorite aunt when he was a teenager that he would protect over his own life
Trained in sword-fighting as a teenager/young adult with his uncle, a world-renowned swordsman
Makes his own clothes more often than not
Technically needs glasses especially when it comes to reading and seeing at night, but refuses to wear them
Has a very friendly disposition that most people might assume is learned from years of nobility events, but he's just genuinely kind
Is not great with any kind of magic on his own, but can be used as a channel for others' magic
However, he has almost supernatural luck, which tends to rub off on those he spends the most time with after a while
Anyway, here he is, hopefully this will soothe the tadpole for a bit until I can sit down to write fic for him and Astarion
Some more art of him under the cut!
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commission from hirodraga
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commission from jilljoycearts
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prismatic-dreaming · 1 year ago
tav backstory ask game! 1, 2, 11, 15 👀
Is your Tav Baldurian? If yes, did they grow up in Baldur’s Gate? If no, where are they from?
She looks to you with a smile. "Ah, yes, I am - I wasn't born here, but it's been my home since childhood. My mum and I moved here when I was around 12, so we've been here for about half my life at this point. It's an interesting place to call home, that's for sure. We live in the Lower City, though I've spent time outside the city at the Selûnite enclave as well."
Does your Tav have any siblings? Are they close?
"Two, actually! Both adopted and notably younger, but I care for them dearly. Faeryl's ten, she's the kid of one of our neighbors who was killed when she was a baby. Thankfully I was watching Fae at the time. We'd thought someone had gone after her for being a drow or she'd gotten into some trouble, but now I think I know what actually happened... and I'd say I've gotten what justice I could for her. She's a good kid, curious about magic and helps me make potions sometimes. I'd be happy to help her on her journey if she learns magic sometime." There's also Kaelis, my little brother, he's twelve. Little troublemaker, but he's a good kid. Hopefully he'll stay out of trouble. There's some kids I ran into on my journey that reminded me of him.
Did your Tav know or know of any of the other characters?
"I had heard of Gale before, actually. I'm no wizard, nor the biggest fan of many, honestly - it's the magical elitism and the common audacity. But I keep in the loop on and have done some research on magic and mages. I never would have expected that an archmage would be someone I could sympathize with on having volatile magic inside of you. Though mine isn't threatening to kill me - anymore at least - nor is it explosive. I think. He'll get on my nerves at times, but we get along fairly well. Not the closest, but we are friends.
And of course I'd heard of the Blade of Frontiers, though I didn't know much about Wyll beyond the stories before we met. I always respected him, but didn't expect to meet him or end up as one of my dearest friends. Same goes with Jaheira and Minsc - and Boo, of course - strange circumstances to end up with revered heroes as friends. Though I suppose I ended up becoming one too. Still feels a bit odd."
Do they have any sentimental items?
this is the one that took me awhile to come up with (alongside siblings)
"Yeah. My mum's an artisan, makes jewelry, trinkets, various metal things. When I was little, and I had a pretty rough time when my powers were coming in, and she'd tell me I was as strong as a dragon, and that I'd make it through. I didn't get to see her as often as either of us would have liked when I was recovering. It couldn't be helped, since she had to get a new job and find a place we could live in the city. But one day when she came to visit she'd made me a little dragon and put it on a cord as a pendant. It meant a lot to me, reminded me of her encouragement. And I did get better." She's been holding onto the pendant, which she holds up to show. "I still wear it, and it was a good reminder during some of my tough times finally getting a real hand on my powers along my journey - though I learned to rely on the people around me too."
"During my adventures, I also found an owlbear plushie somewhere along the road that I ended up attached to. Named 'em Feathers, and they're little buddies with Clive." She chuckles. "I leave 'em next to him when we head out for the day." (note: clive is karlach's teddy bear and sera is dating karlach they are in love <3 added just in case for the few non bg3 playing friends who might read)
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moonslittlestar · 1 year ago
Lot's of thoughts this morning. Think I'm going to start planning which companion to put with each character. I swap out when needed but I think in terms of all their lore's, their main companions will be: Moon's companions: ☽ Astarion (Oddly attached / Romantic interest) ☽ Lae'zel (Adores her fighting skills and see's her as an equal warrior) ☽ Gale (Loves his book smarts, they nerd out together) Darragh's companions: ☘ Shadowheart (Romantic interest) ☘ Wyll (Admires his courage and good heart) ☘ Karlach (She's just good fucking banter - reminds them of one of their sisters) ☘ Halsin (Lover - joins when he can) Echo's companions: ♥ Astarion (Romantic interest) ♥ Karlach (Ride or die bestie) ♥ Wyll (wine buddy, helps Echo see the good in people) ♥ Halsin (Lover - joins later game) Ara's companions: ♬ Gale (Romantic interest) ♬ Lae'zel (She's been teaching him how to fight) ♬ Astarion (Great for a gossip and bitching about things and people they meet, doesn't judge Ara when he needs to not be perfect for a little while) ♬ Jaheira & Minsc (will join later game, they remind him of his family)
[W.I.P] Torán's companions: ⸸ Minthara (Romantic interest) ⸸ Astarion (annoying little shit that weirdly reminds him of his younger brother, doesn't understand why he hasn't killed him yet) ⸸ Shadowheart (Evil little sister)
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kyberled · 4 years ago
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send me  ‘ hc ‘  + a word and i’ll write a headcanon about it regarding my character. || ACCEPTING
@stubborn-amphibian​ asked:
hc + relationship with the clone troopers
He loves his men. That’s really the be-all end-all of it. Obviously, he doesn’t know all of the troops; there are far too many for that. And they’re all too different. But the ones he works closely with, he adores. He has a lot of them that he considers close friends, including Wyll’s Vibes, Darian’s Kay (and Rex), Alpha’s Vin and Noisy, Torrent’s Rex, and Sol’s Waxer, and then a handful of NPCs I’ve thrown in for flavour (The Twelvers - Kriss, Prez, Boone, Cooper, Lonnie, Tanzer, and Lowswipe - and Maverick, Beskar, Steppes, Razz, Otto, and Surefire from the 212th). And then there are some he regards as family, rather than friends: Xidori’s Wolffe and Collie’s Ace as his brothers (older and younger, respectively), Liz’s Cad as an uncle figure, and of course, Liz’s Cody is papa bear. On a different section of the spectrum is Michael’s Fox, who Braig figures he’ll never get along with on a personal level - they’re too different, he thinks - but he does respect Fox a great deal for the work he does, and for how much easier he and his brothers make the Jedi’s jobs by keeping things running smoothly on Coruscant. Those he serves with, he feels a great loyalty to. He knows they’d be lost in the war without them. He also feels protective over them, which I imagine looks kind of funny without context. This tiny, put-together teenager getting riled on behalf of the huge, battle-hardened soldiers. 
But, Braig is a Jedi. As far as he’s concerned, protecting people is what he’s here to do. Sometimes, this means protecting them physically. Defending them in battle, for instance - the way he sees it, he’s a Jedi, he’s got the heightened reflexes, he’s a Force Healer. He has an infinitely higher chance of surviving the front lines than someone who can’t connect to the Force. This has lead to more than a few ‘I’m supposed to protect you / no I’m supposed to protect you’ back and forths, but he means well. Sometimes protecting them physically means taking their medical care into his own hands. As I said, he’s a Force healer. He’s usually in the med-tents after battles, and it’s not always because he got himself scraped up. The Force can heal serious wounds faster than bacta, even if he’s still just learning, and there’s only so much he can do at the moment. Sometimes, though, it’s for older injuries. Darian’s Kay and Liz’s Cody, for example, both suffered from chronic pain from injuries that hadn’t healed right at the time. He might not have known how to fix the issue, but he could ease the pain without side effects, and it was enough. (This also leads into the story of how Braig played the system to get Kay out of the Kaminoans’ research labs and into better care, but this is going to be long enough without that.) And, sometimes, caring for them medically just means using his status as a medic and the knowledge that he can get away with murder at this point to assign the men a few hours of ‘medical leave’ if they look too run-down. Go nap, trooper. He’ll deal with the CO’s. 
Sometimes, protecting them means looking after them emotionally. Somebody has to, after all. This might just be talking to them, listening to them, and generally making himself available for the men to come to with their concerns. He knows he won’t understand like their brothers will, but he also knows he has more power and influence than they do (and depending on the point in time, more than he should reasonably have), and as such can probably solve some issues that would otherwise be over their heads, so. He does what he can to be someone they can come to if things get rough. He might not always know exactly what to say or do - he’s only a teenager - but he tries. It can also just mean helping them cope with everything going on. Liz and I often joked that Braig was Cody’s teddy bear/comfort item. Having a bad day? Give the padawan commander to the Marshall Commander. Cody Can’t sleep? Cuddle up to your Littlest Jedi and the problems get better! If you want a favor from Cody, make sure Braig is there. It puts him in a better mood. In a more direct, if not toned-down manner, Braig also taught Cooper a few meditation tricks and breathing techniques from the Temple when the latter suffered a panic attack during the Tassish mission. We all know the Kaminoans wouldn’t care to help them in that department, so, someone has to. 
… And sometimes it means picking fights with visiting dignitaries because they’re badmouthing the men within Braig’s earshot. Yes, he did this. No, he hasn’t been punished. In fact, the master he was with - Sam’s A’Sharad - basically told him ‘good job, kid, my turn next’. We’ll see how that affects the budding complex he’s got going. Even if he did get punished, though, he figures he can take it. He’ll get over it. There’s significantly less they can do to him than to one of the men, and he knows it. He’ll ask politely, of course, try to open a dialogue and resolve things quietly, but if you keep going at it, well - Jedi protect those who can’t protect themselves. He will do his best to rectify the situation. 
And then there were the no-Order-66 post-war shenanigans from a while back where the teenagers got into politics to try and get the men citizen status and the accompanying rights. Why not? Trying to be idle after the end of the war just… Didn’t work for him. Yes, he was glad for the rest, but he had to adapt to it. In the mean time, why not challenge the entire Senate? What’s the worst that could happen? I don’t think all of us who were involved ever came to a conclusion, but it did get absolutely buckwild. The mafia was involved. People were getting bribed left and right to stand behind the movement, when their own morality failed them. One of the senators, half way through a meeting, just went “I have a spy network, would that help?” “Uh, yes?” Anyway, it was a mess, but he’d do it again in a heartbeat. He just doesn’t think he’s allowed to call himself the friend of the men he’s close to if he’s not going to stand up for them and try to improve their situation. 
Long story short, he’s trying his best, and he loves his boys. 
Which is why Order 66 hurts so much more.
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thats-a-lot-of-cortisol · 1 year ago
Peri: Shadowheart, hands down. He gets along well with all of them but their specific brands of sarcasm & bitchiness immediately meshed. They have a lot of respect for and care about each other too, of course, but they first bonded over gossip and wine. He sees Wyll as a younger brother and he & Jaheira kinda just organically adopted each other as surrogate family. His playthrough for sure has had the strongest "found family" vibes so far. He and Lae'zel were a bit stand-offish at first (mostly because he was dodging her "why tf do you seem so off" questions), but he enjoys swapping stories about the different worlds they've been to.
Corentin: Astarion! A bit predictable for a durge run, but they appreciate that he actually took them seriously when they talked about The Thoughts™ and didn't treat them poorly because of it. Corentin's not great at pestering people so they don't usually have good comebacks for him, but they've been as much a rock to him as he has to them throughout their travels together. Lots of insomnia-fueled cuddle piles, I think. The next closest is Shadowheart, but Karlach's pretty up there too. Their relationship has been recovering from the coronation revelations now that Gortash is dead and they've had time to talk about it. They've held back a bit from the others for fear both of rejection and of hurting them, but the combination of the group taking new information in stride (for the most part) and their duel with Orin drawing near has helped them put down their walls a bit.
Diodore: she and Karlach get along amazingly (something something "not the monster you think I am", something something "I'd rather die than go back to the place I've left behind"). They clicked almost immediately. Karlach expressed concern about Dora's budding relationship with Astarion when no one else did and, even though it ended up working out, Dora knowing that she would 1) notice if something went wrong and 2) be in her corner stuck with her; it's the first time she's had someone like that in her life. I think she and Halsin get along well, too. They're happy to exchange information about the flora & fauna of their home regions and something about the combination of an intense archdruid and equally intense ancients paladin creates a...vibe, to say the least. Dora + Wyll + Karlach (dragging Astarion along with them) is the most "Chaotic Good" party combination, while Halsin + Dora + Astarion + Lae'zel is the most unsettling. She and Shadowheart butted heads at first but they've since gotten much closer.
Candor: honestly, he's been flitting around so much and it's so early on for him that he doesn't have a set best friend yet. He does like antagonizing Wyll, though. You know that one "you do whatever you like!" meme? Yeah. He gets on fine with everyone, but I think he's got a sense of competition with Astarion that may keep them from getting close, at least at first.
Io: Shadowheart. It's the Cleric Connection™. Because they're my tav for a multiplayer game I've been prioritizing Lae'zel (who they're romancing) for going out & about, so they don't have many interactions with the others outside of camp, but they get along with all of them just fine.
Arbutus: will not have friends. Probably. I think he'll mesh well with Minthara but he is set on claiming his birthright.
We talk a lot about who we're romancing in bg3 but who's your tav/durge's best friend?
what's their friendship like?
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