#i think another part of it is bc i'm someone who fixates so much on soundtrack and plot etc. i Tend to rewatch the movies as opposed to eps
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jimtitkirk · 2 years ago
Hullo! Trying to revive the tried and true tradition of asks!! Do you have a favorite episode or favorite few? (Bonus: please elaborate as much or as little about why you like it depending on your energy levels of course❤️)
Hope you’re having a lovely day!
hihihiii!!!! thank you so much for sending this, and i hope ur ALSO having a fantastic day <333 ohhhh my god it's been a while and im way overdue for a rewatch, but here's what i remember:
for plot reasons, "space seed" is definitely a favorite and my most rewatched!! i'm a sucker for analysis, and ricardo montalban, mexican king, and not only is it an INCREDIBLE setup for TWOK, but i could probably write an essay post on how good of a villain khan is as a foil to kirk. to summarize, it's fascinating seeing two characters (protag-antag) that are genuinely well-matched in terms of wit and motive.
for gay (spirk) reasons, "the city on the edge of forever" always makes me go insane. the aesthetic, the LINES that are dropped ("[as if you have been and always will be by his side]" or however it goes), and... just... the angsty and melancholic YEARNING that radiates from spock, watching him try to support kirk as a friend, but internally being torn apart because he'd rather martyr himself for kirk's happiness and good the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one than consider his own needs...
i also just wanna put out there that "for the world is hollow and i have touched the sky" as a title, poetically, has made me go apeshit bonkers even before i watched it. like. what the fuck.
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heeseungiez · 3 months ago
nothing i don’t have | pjs
part 1: the tall emo kid
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pairings! park jongseong x reader, ft. huening kai x reader
summary! it was supposed to be simple, you and jay would fuck whenever either of you felt horny — no feelings. but it was hard not to catch feelings where park jongseong was involved. so you took the easy way out: you ended it.
genre! texts, written fic, college au, love triangle (corner)
word count! 1.5k
content warnings! swearing, jay is delulu and jealous
author's note! toenze is my new roman empire... i don't think i'll ever shut up about it. also realistically i'm only posting this bc yolo since i have nothing ???
masterlist | next
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It didn’t affect Jay anyhow, really. That you ended whatever the two of you had for another guy. Like, this was all just casual. And you still wanted to be friends which was exactly what the two of you were before… so not much had to change between the two of you. Other than, well, the lack of physical intimacy.
He didn’t care, really. It wasn’t like you were the only girl he hooked up with (you were) or that he couldn’t get any other girls, but… you ending the situationship was kind of exactly why he liked you. Because you understood everything was casual and there were no expectations, no feelings. The others, they always got attached.
And, look, Jay understood that maybe he was being too nice or whatever, but it was in his nature to help out when necessary, or to cook for people in the morning — it wasn’t like he made breakfast only for those girls anyway. He had roommates to feed, too.
You ended the deal because you had no feelings for him. Which was exactly what he wanted. So why the fuck did it bother him so much? And for Huening Kai, no less? The tall emo kid that barely spoke and people thought he was being mysterious or whatever.
What could you possibly see in him?
What did he have that Jay didn’t?
Jay let out a frustrated sigh and ran a hand through his hair, eyes still fixated on the conversation between you and him. So Huening Kai asked you out. And you liked him enough to say yes. That was certainly not on his bingo card. Realistically, he thought the type of guys you liked were someone like Sung Hanbin or Choi Soobin or… him. Not Huening Kai. 
What the hell?
“What’s up? Someone steal your cat?” Heeseung entered the shared living room with a grin. Jay had to dryly laugh at the irony of his question since, in a way, yes.
“Nah. It’s Y/N,” Jay replied, trying to sound nonchalant. “Wants to be just friends.”
“Damn, got tired of you already?” Heeseung teased, but he knew not to go further when Jay’s scathing glare nearly burned him. “What did she say?”
“Huening Kai asked her out and she said yes.” Jay shook his head. You and Kai weren’t even dating yet, and you already wanted to be exclusive with him? Why? Who even does that?
“Oh, Kai? He’s got music classes with me,” Heeseung said with a grin. “He knows how to play like five instruments. He’s kinda cool. A band kid, too. Pretty sure he has a band.” Jay didn’t need to know any of that. Not yet anyway. And then Heeseung added: “I think he was planning to ask Y/N out for a while. I caught him asking around about her once.”
Jay clenched his jaw. How long had you been talking to Kai before he asked you out? Was it out of nowhere or did you befriend him before? Which gave him another reason to be upset because if you did befriend him before, you didn’t tell Jay anything. In fact, you hadn’t been telling him anything about yourself or your life for a while now.
Which stung.
“Kai’s a good guy. You should be happy for her.” Heeseung made a point, giving Jay a long, meaningful look. There was more he wanted to express, but chose to not push his limits. 
Jay huffed.
Thinking about it, maybe he’d have actually preferred it if you were in love with him.
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Upon entering the Sanctuary Café, you noticed that it was already packed. But you were instantly recognised by Taehyun, who greeted you with a bright smile and led you toward a table that was empty, save for your reservation. It was in front of the stage set up for live performances, and it occurred to you then that Kai’s surprise was very likely just that. He prepared a performance for you.
Your eyes widened as you stared at the stage. It had a full instrument set up for a band. Drums, bass, keyboard and an electric guitar. The sight of it made you think of Jay for a bit, but you shook your head and got rid of the thought.
This would be your first date with Kai. The boy who actually doesn’t only want to sleep with you, but also wants to do everything else that real relationships include. Like holding hands and hugging in public and being affectionate without being judged. (The things you wished you could’ve had from Jay.)
A group of three guys entered the stage, none of which were Huening Kai. They glanced toward your table every now and then with a knowing smile, though. You watched them set up their instruments — the guitarist, the bassist and keyboardist. But the drums were empty. 
Because of course, he knew how to play the drums. He was a genius that never flaunted his skills, and the reality of it hit you just now. Huening Kai was a drummer — which was actually sexy as hell.
“Hello, everyone, welcome to the Sanctuary Café,” the guitarist spoke into the microphone with the largest smile. He had a cute dimple as well, and you thought he perfectly fit Kai — whenever he wasn’t closing in on himself. “I’m Kim Taerae, lead singer and guitarist of our band, Toenze. We’ve prepared a very special performance today because one of our members wants to dedicate it to a special girl.”
A round of awes went through the crowd. You looked around in hopes of catching a glance of Kai, but he was nowhere to be seen. Instead, your eyes locked with a person you did not expect to see today — at all.
Jay stood at the back of the café with Heeseung by his side, and you wished you could unsee him. Your heartbeat raced, and your mind felt like you needed to come up to him and apologise. But what would you even be apologising for?
“On my left is our bassist, Choi Beomgyu, and on the keyboard, you’ve got Han Yujin. And, of course, we’re missing a key member — the drummer,” Taerae spoke lightly, his smile hearable in his voice. “Some of you already know him from our previous performances, but for those who have yet to meet him — please give a round of applause to Huening Kai!”
Kai wasn’t even inside the café. He entered through the main door in a dark grey hoodie, the hood covering his face. The whole shop held its breath as he looked up. And when his eyes met yours, a smile spread across his lips. Taking off his hood, he revealed his face and carefully styled bangs. 
From the pocket of his hoodie, he pulled out a bouquet, and when he aimed through the crowd toward you, your heart nearly melted. All thoughts of Jay being here, too, evaporated from your mind. All you could think about was Huening Kai, looking beautiful as ever, heading toward you with a bouquet of flowers.
“For you, my lady.” He knelt down to hand you the flowers, and you stared at him with wide eyes. Grinning, he winked before standing up and heading toward the stage, leaving you absolutely flustered and frozen in place.
“Hello, everyone! This performance is dedicated to the girl that didn’t reject me. It’s for you, Y/N,” he said into the mic jokingly, but there was a hidden meaning behind his words.
The memory of how he asked you out lingered, and you giggled. You could still picture him, approaching you with his hands hidden in the pockets of his jeans. And then he asked you, in the most embarrassing way possible, if you were dating Jay. The smile that spread on his lips when you said that what you had with Jay was only casual was an unforgettable sight, really.
“I can make you forget him,” was Kai’s closing argument, and the confidence with which he had said it sent shivers down your spine. You couldn’t possibly reject him then.
Jay’s glare was palpable. You could feel it at the back of your neck, but you ignored him. Why was he glaring at you anyway? If there were no feelings involved, he shouldn’t care about any of this. 
“The first song we prepared for today is called Higher Than Heaven,” Taerae informed the crowd. “And the second song is Kill the Romeo. Hope you guys like them!”
Both songs were amazing, and both conveyed one pretty clear message: I’m better than him. You couldn’t help but laugh and enjoy yourself while Kai’s band performed. They were good — really good. And eventually, you even stopped sensing Jay’s gaze burning through you. 
Naturally, you turned around to check on the spot where Jay had previously been. Except he wasn’t there. Instead, you were met with Heeseung, who shrugged when he noticed you looking at him.
“He left,” Heeseung mouthed.
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yourstrulyray · 6 months ago
hi do you want to talk abt isaac.
basically i'm writing a cbs ghosts fic with a focus on some original characters but with a lot of nisaac and plenty of the entire cast in general
it'll have a lot of isaac's pov as well, with his thoughts about two people who can be openly queer in the modern era
but. since ive only watched like,, probably less than half of the show. i thought talking to someone else abt it could help me characterise everyone?? i also just want to talk abt it bc it's kind of a fixation right now haha
no pressure though!! hope you have a nice day
AAAAA yes please i would love to talk about my son hehdhd
let me list out some timelines pre-death first :3
isaac's marriage to beatrice: before or during 1773 the american revolutionary war: 1775-1783 nigel's death: 1776 isaac's death: 1777
so since the start of season 1, despite isaac's efforts we could all still see the fact he does not find women attractive (he literally called his wife, beatrice a handsome woman) so we're thinking bad comphet for our guy here.
(this only applies pre-nisaac) there are five male ghosts of the main cast, so when they all collectively agree that one girl is attractive (maybe not pete), isaac naturally plays along with it, but. plays along badly. everyone could tell that he did not find that girl attractive
as during nisaac, he is still obviously hesitant to be open because he had never been in a relationship with another man. a homosexual relationship. but not only is he hesitant, he is scared.
why is he scared? take a guess of what punishment you'd get for being gay in the 1770s (especially 1776).
the death penalty.
and we all know our guy isaac likes to talk about himself, he was so heavily disappointed to see that all he was in history was a footnote, and how he was jealous that his rival, hamilton, got a whole MUSICAL made about him (isaac loves musical theatre so thats twice the angy) so it's reasonable for him to be scared of death.
but hes already dead, why still be scared?
i actually dont know why but it's probably muscle memory for isaac to pretend. maybe he only found out that queerness was legalized/modernized through sam, not even through the recently dead ones. gotta hand it to him though i cant keep up a facade for more than a century XD
anyway, him being hesitant isn't the only problem, it's also the way he handles his relationship with nigel. his only other serious relationship was with a woman he wasn't even romantically interested in, so he has no healthy base to rely his current relationship with. also, his god-forsaken terrible communication skills, bros been pretending so much that even his personal feelings should be hidden 😭🙏 who hurt u man?
honestly his poo communication skills can still be linked back to his marriage with beatrice. maybe he had no problem with her, therefore no feelings were required to be shared, and he didn't have the need to communicate. but with nigel is a whole different situation.
oh yeah speaking of nigel, like isaac he doesn't have a healthy basis for a relationship. in this case, he previously was in a homosexual relationship, but it was only a sexual (?) one (with jenkins, but idk about the sexual part so jenkins fans back me up 🙏🙏).
we do see in the series that isaac is taking baby steps in the relationship, as opposed to nigel who rushes the starting-to-adjust stage, because this isn't his first gay relationship (whos gonna tell him) which then results to isaac having certain feelings about it, which then results to isaac not communicating as to pretend he can manage their relationship.
one thing about isaac's "certain feelings", it's usually about little things not even serious stuff. he had gone on many respites (temporary break up) with nigel because of their political beliefs (TGE WAR FUCKING ENDED GET OVER IT), hobbies, and personal likes. instead of adjusting to each other, they still choose to follow what they want instead of each other's wishes.
so, TLDR; nigel and isaac, despite having been in previous relationships, are doodoo at expressing themselves and adjusting to one another. (boo)
if you'd like the characterization of the other ghosts/sam and jay, my askbox is open at all times!! :3
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forbiddentaako · 4 months ago
Ghostfuckers spoilers ahoy, I have more rambly thoughts like with the Apology Tour post
Forget Stolitz and Blitzo's depression era for a second I need to talk about Blitzo and Millie's friendship bc I'm actually so feral about them its not even funny!!!! Like congrats to Helluva for getting me to care about stolitz and all but hitting me with a best friendship that was deeply important was diabolical and Im gonna get unhinged about their friendship in the same way people are unhinged about stolitz.
Like Millie and Blitzo being close friends didn't come out of nowhere to me because its very clear they are close from their other interactions in other episodes, but a lot of those involved the group dynamic being the focus, so it was really nice getting a look at what Blitzo and millie are like between just the two of them. And like the biggest moments are obviously the 2 conversations they have and the implications of said conversations, but also just the dynamic they have is really cute??? And overall narratively how Blitz and millie's relationship matters so much especially at this point in the story makes me want to bite things the longer I think about it.
With the first convo they have after Blitzo is having a hallucination induced breakdown the sticking point for me was Millie explicitly telling him her life is better with him in it, because first of all I don't think blitzo really ever hears that explicitly even from those he is close with, which must hit even harder at the moment with Blitzo feeling like he makes everyone around him worse without fail. And the fact that this comes after the 'what ifs' of how millie could have died in ways that would have technically been because of him-outcomes in which Blitzo's involvement in her life *did* actively make it worse-feeding into Blitzo's insecurities but simultaneously showing the audience that this is not an objective truth, something that millie reinforced verbally to Blitzo in their conversation?? I just think it was really well done.
Also with Millie it wasn't just that him being a part of her life makes it better, but the things that Millie points to as reasoning are just who Blitz is s a person and are aspects of himself that he doesn't even think about or realize have any affect on others, let alone a positive one. The fact that these are subconscious traits help to catch Blitzo off guard and force him to question his previously held beliefs about how he affects people because every other action we see him fixate on is something he has thought about or is aware of whereas he had never even considered this. They also force Blitzo to acknowledge that he does have good traits and is in fact a complicated person rather than an unequivocally bad one, an important step in actually breaking his cycles.
One thing that stuck out to me so much in this episode too was that Blitzo and Millie have excellent chemistry, which makes their relationship feel very organic and helps us as the audience being able to understand why the episode plays out the way it does.
Blitzo is not actively engaged in his friendship with millie in the same way he is with his other relationships, and thus its harder to pick up on the effects he's having, which in turn makes it much easier for his preconceived notions to be challenged than with a relationship like him and stolas (more on that later if I decide to make another post about it). It's very similar with Millie's side as well in terms of not having to actively engage, and thus its very easy to reassure blitzo the way she does in the episode, because again, it's not a conscious effort to try and make him feel better, it's just her telling the truth from her perspective. Which not only makes their friendship feel so natural but also makes it so much harder for Blitzo to deny what she is telling him, because even if he doesn't want to believe it due to his self hatred he still trusts she's being honest. And the fact that Millie is someone he trusts like this!!! That this is just a part of their relationship!!! Matters so much to me!!
While in most of his relationships the work Blitzo puts in to analyze them would rely on trying to convince himself that he *isn't* a piece of shit, with Millie he would have to work to convince himself that he *is* one, and this shift mentally is gonna force him to re-evaluate what he holds as an unequivocal truth about himself and his relationships. Because he cannot hold onto the idea that he unconsciously ruins those around him when him and millie's relationship exists as it does with him unconsciously improving her life.
The second conversation also showed what I was hoping for coming off of apology tour with Blitzo genuinely wanting to make a change in his relationships with those in his life, and in some ways actually starting to. Ghostfuckers made things pretty clear that Blitzo's deeply rooted insecurities and self hatred are part of the reason he's stuck in these self destructive cycles and why he views his role in his relationships in such a negative light, but his friendship with Millie is the first step in him feeling comfortable enough in the thought that he is even capable of doing good and becoming better to start to correct his thinking. And this is shown at least subtly in the episode with the heart to heart they have at the end of it!
I really hope that going forward Blitzo is going to be leaning more heavily onto this relationship with Millie not only because I love them but also because it is the only relationship in his life currently that he perceives as stable, and the only one where he has been reassured that his presence is wanted and positive. It's very possible that because he hasn't dealt with his deeper issues yet he views his friendship with Millie as just an exception to his beliefs, but its still so important that he now has to acknowledge there are exceptions that he had never considered. Thus to some extent he has to grapple with the fact that he is not viewing himself objectively, and that can be a turning point into improvement because he can no longer belief that the way he is is simply beyond help.
Basically I liked apology tour forcing Blitzo to rock bottom, to have to confront his flaws and face the people he's hurt, and to understand why he needs to change because he can't keep living like this. But I liked Ghostfuckers because it forced Blitzo to acknowledge that he *can* be a better person, that things are more complicated than he was willing to acknowledge, and that he isn't a lost cause because if he dwells on the hopelessness he *still* won't ever be able to change.
Basically I can't believe the show about Blitzo's relationships with others is getting me attached to blitzo's relationships with others, and the fact that a pivotal relationship to both him as a character and his narrative arc is a platonic relationship means the world to me actually.
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allisluv · 8 months ago
hihi! i was wondering if you could maybe take any eddie roundtree requests? like a a fluff and/or smu alphabet? there’s such little content out there for him and it’s killing me bc i’m so fixated on him 😭😭
thank you for your request anon! i’m gonna make a start on the sfw alphabet asap <3
cw: nsfw, fem!reader, not proofread but what’s new
A = aftercare (what they're like after sex):
eddie is spent after sex. he'll wash you down with a warm cloth and thats about as far as he goes. but in saying that, he traces patterns into the skin of your back and whispers sweet nothings until you both doze off.
B= body part (favourite body part of theirs and thei partners):
eddie plays the guitar so i think it's only natural that his favourite body part is his hands. he likes that he has you falling apart on his fingers in a matter of seconds.
eddie is a boob man. whether they're itty bitty or the size of watermelons, he doesnt care. he's constantly squeezing and leaving hickeys there.
C = anything to do with cum:
eddie likes to coat your chest with thick, hot ropes of his cum.
D = dirty secret:
sex is very much about control for eddie. he loves being dominant (which i think stems from how little control he has in the band but that's another issue for another day) and he loves seeing your squirm and beg underneath him.
E = (experience how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?):
i know eddie acts like a playboy but i honestly think he has his first time pretty late for his age (which is not a bad thing at all!). he fumbles his way through it the first time but your pleasure is always his number one priority, even if he doesn't know what hes doing. he's a quick learner, though. that's all i'm gonna say!
F= favourite position:
eddie likes when you ride him because he has a perfect view of your tits bouncing. he's not picky though— so long as you're close, he doesn't care.
G= goofy (are they more serious or humourous?):
eddie is a sucker for giggly sex and he will do anything he can to make you laugh, even if at times it's at his own expense.
H= hair (how well groomed are they? do the curtains match the drapes?):
eddie's not a fan of shaving down there. call it the rockband lifestyle but he just doesn't strike me as someone who takes time out of his day to do it. he trims it once a month to keep it tamed but that's about it.
I= intimacy (how are they during the moment? romantic aspects):
eddie likes when sex is romantic. on your anniversery or your birthday, he goes all out with rose petals and champagne bottles. he worships you on a daily basis and that extends into the bedroom too.
J= jackoff (masturbation headcanon):
eddie prefers your hald over his own and thats the god honest truth— that’s one of the perks of you coming on tour with him.
K = kinks (one or more of their kinks):
eddie has a breeding kink and no i will not be elaborating. it just makes sense. i think he likes edging you and overstimulation, too, but he's just too soft-hearted to deny you for that long. he likes when you pull on his curls as well.
L= location (where do they like to have sex?):
eddie likes the risk of being caught, so he loves fucking you on the tour bus with the door unlocked and in an empty studio.
M = motivation (what turns them on?):
this is a bit specific but if you're a singer, he finds it super hot how you grip the mic stand between your hands. he can't help but hike your skirt up backstage and shove his tongue down your throat.
N= no (things he won't do):
its cliche but eddie won't do anfthing that hurts you. its just a major turn off for him.
O = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill etc):
i think eddie has a preference for receiving but he loves loves loves giving as well!! he knows what to do with his tongue too if you know what i mean
P = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc):
eddie prefers drawing your orgasm out but if he's had a rough or stressful day in work (otherwise known as billy getting on every single one of his nerves) then he'll fuck you into the mattress like it's the last time he's ever going to get to touch you.
Q = quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often etc):
eddie loves quickies. he'll pull your skirt up to your hips and fuck you in an empty closet just to see how quickly he can make you cum. he tries not to make them a regular occurrence but they do happen a couple of times a month.
R = risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks?):
eddie's pretty much open to trying anything within both yours and his boundaries. he's an exhibitionist so he's known for taking risks that could get you caught in the act.
S = stanima (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?):
eddie can go for hours without getting tired. this man is made out of steel when it comes to sex and he can last for just as long.
T = toys (do they use toys? on a partner or on themselves?):
eddie's pretty old school when it comes to toys. he prefers doing everything himself and knowing that he's the one who is making you feel good. he's not opposed to trying new things, though, and i think he'd like it more than he lets on.
U = unfair (how much they like to tease):
eddie loves whispering dirty things in your ear right before you're about to go on stage just because he knows your panties will be sopping wet by the time you're finished your set list. he'll always give you what you want by the end of the night though.
V = volume (how loud are they? what kind of sounds do they make?):
eddie groans and grunts when he's fucking you. he's shameless when it comes to talking you through your orgasm too.
W = wild card (a random headcanon):
he sometimes uses his belt to tie your hands to the headboard
X = x-ray (let's see what's going on under those clothes):
i'd say he's around five inches but he makes up for it in girth
Y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?):
eddie's like a fucking animal when it comes to sex. he could take you a couple times a day and still be hard.
Z = zzz (how quickly do they fall asleep?):
because eddie can last so long, he's typically exhausted after sex. he washes you down and makes sure you're comfortable before the two of you cuddle and fall asleep to a movie playing in the background
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hyunsvngs · 1 year ago
Nervous anon here again...could I please ask for the boys reactions of calling them daddy/mummy for the first time? 🥺
Also you all are so lovely!
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO BE NERVOUS ABOUT BBY. this has me thinking... mommy minho. mommy lix. MOMMY HYUNE. i have a lot to say.
chan: god, i can imagine you doing it as a joke. he's always caring for you, always looking out for you and he's just such a daddy. one day, he dries your hair for you with a towel and you're grinning, saying "thanks, daddy." oh god, he's instantly hard. he's babbling, blinking at your reflection in the mirror. "you- huh?!" definitely gets you to say it again and he's so blushy, giggling with his awkwardness. he's not so giggly when he fucks into you after tho, pinning you to the bed and making you tell him exactly who's fucking you that good - your daddy.
minho: no bc mommy minho. imagine he spoonfeeds you some of his pudding one day, and it just flies out. "c'mon, eat up for mommy." when he realises what he said, his eyes would go wide, plump lips parting. ears even tinged red with his embarrassment. but you're just grinning, licking your lips of the pudding. "am i mommy's kitty?" god he'd die. he's throwing his prized pudding away immediately, yanking your shorts down. he didn't even realise how much he was into it.
changbin: changbin strikes me as someone who would get SO blushy if you called him daddy. like, he's just fucking into you, and he's such the type to fuck you so good and so sensual you're doing the whole "give it to me, daddy. harder.". his ears are immediately perking up, eyes racking over your body. "yeah? 'm your daddy? god, again." and you'd whine, just repeating the word over and over for him. he'd get off on it SO bad, even though he's the furthest thing from the dom.. would probably ignite a breeding kink
hyunjin: GOD he strikes me as another mommy sort of guy. just imagine him laying there, versace robe and nothing else, hair wet from his shower and dripping little droplets of water down his bare chest.. you'd walk in, eyes raking over him. "god, hyunnie, you look really mommy right now," you'd say, taking in his appearance. he's just scrolling on his phone, legs spread. you can see his cock just existing under there, and all of a sudden, you're fixated on it. "wow, really?" he's giggling, and when you don't respond, eyes fixated on his cock, he's locking his phone and throwing it to the side. "why don't you come and ride your mommy then, darling?" oh my GOd
jisung: my brain immediately went to you calling him daddy and him calling you mommy. you're both making out, and his cock is just about breaching your hole. he's so drippy for you, the lubrication adding to the messy slide between your legs. "daddy, c'mon, fuck your mommy," you find yourself blurting it, and god, jisung's eyes just go WIDE. he's immediately bottoming out inside of you, hips feverishly jerking against yours. "mm- is daddy fucking mommy good? yeah?" and you're nodding, whining against his lips. he's whining himself and its just all hfsgdhjgd desperate for eachother
felix: MOMMY LIXIE AGENDA. mommy lixie who bakes u little treats when you're delirious in bed from the flu or something <3 ur all cosy in ur bed, just a lil burrito and felix brings you some brownies in, still in his apron. he looks so domestic, so malewife, so mommy. you giggle when he hands you a plate of brownies. "yay, mommy brought me treats." n he's IMMEDIATELY blushing, giggling a lil too. "am i mommy, angel?" you nod, thinking you just gotta stick with the part yk. "is my angel too out of it for me to fuck you? i think you need to feel mommy's cock, precious." OHMYGDO
seungmin: oh god so cocky. fucking you from behind, and you're just whining, gripping the sheets. "y-yes, that's it, daddy!" immediately smacking your ass, chuckling behind you. "daddy? seriously? are you that out of it?" you're whimpering, babbling in response. god he'd be all "daddy's fine for now, while you're this dumb. but i'm sir later, got it?" you don't even know what he's said, really, just whining out for your daddy while he makes you cum over and over around him.. oh my god
jeongin: NOOOO BC DADDY INNIE? JESUS. he'd be so fucking elated if you called him that. just imagining him fingering you senseless on the sofa, all the boys are out from the dorm and you're just whining into his shoulder, drooling all over it. all of a sudden, you're rambling, "daddy, your fingers are so long, i- hnng!". and jeongin's immediate reaction is to giggle, kissing your forehead. he's honestly abt to scream bc u finally called him that and he's been WAITING for it. just him going "yeah? are daddy's fingers makin' you feel good?" with a stupid lil smile im gonna die
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milfygerard · 1 month ago
It's very weird to me how Swifties who aren't dating or married being extremely obssessed with and taking it personally Taylor's assumed future wedding to Travis (I'm not denying it being a thing which might happen). It's the same people who won't let Joe Alwyn go as we rapidly run towards the two year anniversary of Joever. It just feels like a unhealthy thing to make your life and think about for hours a day. They need different and more hobbies. People taking Taylor's successes and failures a little too personally, in my eyes, and the only thing she hasn't 'conquered' yet is getting wedded. Even if reading into her actions it's not a priority and she seemingly has mixed feelings about marriage and long term relationships themselves. Reading her own lyrics and how she see's herself. i dunno.
despite my discussions i do try not to be too judgy with my reaction considering my own weird swiftie fixations (everyone has them) I think the marriage thing just bothers me bc of my own actual feelings on like....the cultural idea of heterosexual marriage and how much weight that is given, ideas that taylor has reflected on in her music many many times in many ways dating back to debut. And yeah part of it is that taylors feelings are clearly complicated and a lot of the talk feels more like everyone wanting taylor to finish the Real Main Quest of getting married and having babies which is such a present and aggressive cultural idea like i said earlier, and a very heavy decision to expect someone to make in a relationship that has been like 75% jetsetting between work and concerts.
As a very autistic person who gets very fixated on things (and an unemployed icon. Im trying my best its hard out here) it is something i understand, especially if most of your social circle are also entrenched in swiftiedom that it would be a Topic Of Discussion. Maybe im resorting to my overly reasonable instincts here considering how much I bitch abt this. I wont argue with online fandom being all absorbing (another issue ive also been dealing with as of late) and a dear Need for an entirely separate hobby or interest so that you dont drive yourself insane being trapped in taylorworld 24/7.
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captain-wereduck · 1 month ago
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So, hello there, this is Niil, my Perfect princess of a frog OC, a self-made blorbo that made me love Githyanki.
He is supposed to be an OC in a post-canon fanfic I daydream about writing (instead of writing) not a Tav, but I decided to give him a go, just to familiarize myself with the character.
90 hours later I realized it was an oopsie on my part but ah well.
What Niil originally meant to be, was a Gith scout. The one they send to sniff out the locals, find a neat place for a creche, gather information and so on.
Well, to be honest according to Voss he was supposed to be a corpse. Because Niil was too observant for his own good with too little mouth to brain filter.
He kinda quickly realized there was something really off about Vlaakith and the gith culture, poked and compared with istik societies to see even more...
Before his questions could kill someone actually important Voss kicker him off the Astral place, hoping that one or another solo mission would eventually resolve the problem of Niil. It did not, but Voss ended up with unwittingly useful informant.
Niil ended up very good at going solo. He figured out early he needs to be less prickly and that helping locals out made them much easier to manipulate and talk to.
(and do other things to, my boy is a proud alienfucker and will talk about it if asked)
He also continued with his little hobby of observing and comparing and he ended up a little bit fixated on all things related to child rearing of all things.
Because most of the aliens spoil and coddle their young and somehow manage to end up with decent warriors once in awhile anyway. What is this magic, how and why.
Eventually Niil learned about the whole mess of Vlaakith betrayal and Orpheus and stuff and it was more of a confirmation than a shock to him.
In the fic that I'm not writing Niil would end up tasked with finding a place for a new creche vaguely close to Baldurs Gate, one that belonged under the rightful ruler and as a proof to Githzerai that the murdery Githyanki can coexist with other people just fine.
Ends up bumping into Astarion, who is currently hero-ing around and trying to figure out how to get invited into that big vampire mansion. Niil ends up as a very convenient door opener and exactly as convenient murder partner. And hey, he just found a real neat place for a creche, this mansion is huge.
As Tav, Niil ended up on the mostly good deed route - he doesn't go out of his way to ask everyone around about their problems, uses intimidation a lot, but if something is happening right there he'll help out. Helping out is a very neat manipulation tactic, people want to help him back and talk to other people about it. That equals with less people trying to murder Niil for being a gith and looking like a gith.
He got along with Astarion(same sense of humor) and Minthara from the get go (tho a lot of times it feels like he and Minthara talks about two different things while somehow having the same Convo, it's the weirdest thing), surprisingly enough Karlach was sus about him for the longest. Also got into small conflict with Gale, because stop trying to shove all that magic talk down his throat, please.
Upon the gameplay Niil managed to:
- Fail every History test. I did not reroll, he's an alien, how he's supposed to know that
- bullshit thiefling kids into thinking he's a swamp elf
- he's a glass Cannon, he folds like a wet paper twice per fight, if it drags on
- bullshit lady Esher into thinking that owlbear egg is a Githyanki egg. Trust him, he's a Githyanki, he knows how babies looks like.
- he got swallowed whole by a big thorny monster
- somehow got bugged and zoomed off the game map
- casually dropped himself to his death off the high ground bc the game funked up pathfinding around it.
- somehow managed to bullshit the Emperor into thinking he's not going to free Orpheus
- he's currently dodging Voss very hard to not talk to him about Orpheus
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- he also rolled a very neat random Guardian. He's.... Really too much into purple for it to be healthy
- also a proud member of "sleeves are bullshit" club
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pinchan · 2 months ago
12 7 2 for any ocs!! :D <3333
hiiii vera :-3 i'll be answering using multiple ocs bc they've been rotating in my head lol
(number 2 under cut bc it got REALLY long oopsies)
7. What is an aspect of their appearance that you like the most?
midas' lack of (visible) face is easily my favorite part of her design, it adds to the dehumanization and mysticism surrounding her character. she's a walking corpse without a name or a face :-)
it's kinda hard to say for danilo, its design is supposed to look plain and boring so ToT i think i have to say its hairstyle, since i do have notes for myself to convey their emotional state through their hair
i also like akira's hair. another intentionally bad hairstyle to convey a bit of the character lol. but my favorite about her is of course her stitches, they're her core design element after all and shows a bit on how her ability works
12. Do you have a playlist for the character? What songs do you associate with them and why?
for this trio i have a playlist that has songs that fits at least one of them, so it's a trail mix rather than a dedicated playlist. some songs there that fit all three of them are:
Curses - The Crane Wives
Christine F - Surf Curse
The Perfect Girl - Mareux
The Wolf - SIAMES
2. How long was the process before the character reached its final version? (or a version that would be clearly recognizable as the character?)
midas' process of creation was hilariously and needlessly convoluted. i've talked about it previously here. tl;dr: her conception went as far back as 2022 but it never came into concrete creation until early this year
design-wise, it went through quite a few iterations. i kept getting unhappy with its design, but i think i'm finally happy with this one
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(oldest to most recent)
danilo was also a funny one, although quicker. here's a quick one that i just now realized i never uploaded here:
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they weren't supposed to be any more than "haha funny priest gets off to pain" one-note character, and a lot of their character traits that i wrote down when i uploaded them on artfight were mostly quick thoughts that i had no real plans for, but unexpectedly a lot of those traits come together very, very seamlessly. from their near-perfect memory (caused a major conflict with their daughter), their distaste of wealth, even their scars and the choice they made to be a priest. they're a very happy accident :-)
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my first ever art of them vs the "transition" process to where we're at now. around this time i've also started to solidify their character, so i decided a mildly awful hairstyle like their current mullet thing would be fitting
creation date wise, akira is the oldest of the bunch. she was initially created as a jjk oc on early 2022, and i've posted her exactly once at that year lol. she was initially created to be paired with kenjaku as well as nao. i thought it would be fun if kenjaku were to meet someone who's so like them yet they hold no respect for, i always love hypocrisy in character writing
like midas, her character took a backseat because i was still fixating on ko around that time (more specifically developing ko's jjk au), but this year i've exported her to an original story with both danilo and midas. these three were created completely separated from the others and weren't intended to be in the same story at all, but their character works like turning gears with one another and now they're grinding my brain
jjk akira didn't have much going for her besides her cursed technique. like the other two, akira's finalization took time this year. when driving an idea struck me to frame akira's curiosity for life in a different way than kenjaku's: hunger. rather than intellectual curiosity, akira's drive for knowledge is something more primal, seeing herself and others as no less or more than animals, and she's made herself an apex predator to learn about it all firsthand. from heart to liver, from fat to blood
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old vs most recent design
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minquiec · 1 year ago
A brief intermission as we cut to a bus that has crashed into my life: the bus also known as choso from the Hit Anime And Manga Jujutsu Kaisen
Yknow the fixation is fixating when you start making ocxccs about it
Off topic but I've actually only ever made two proper ocxcc ships with lore and planning in them (the first being my genshin one and the second being jipunk which was THIS year (had my genshin one for TWO YEARS which is crazy) so the fact I'm making another shows how much this man is affecting my mental state rn
But it also means I still love my other ships very much so 🎉🎉🎉 even if I don't draw it as much cause I can't focus on two things LOLOL
I said this on my story but the concept was like, a seperate setting bc I'm toooo dumb to understand jjk lore
but yeah bc of that their dynamic is like
aloof and reserved individual who doesn't quite understand the concept of love outside of the familial one and is actually quite hesitant and shy abt it x a strange but kind person who slowly teaches him the aforementioned concept
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Ok so the idea of how it goes is like choso randomly wakes up in a place
And this is highkey spoilers for like the 'endgame' of this but I'm never gonna make an actual plot sooo (plus I need to explain this before I sound insane)
The inspiration is like Elysian Fields (bit obsessed w this recently, I drew a jipunk piece abt this too) and ITS ALL CAUSE OF CHOSOS NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE IN THE MANGA AND WE'RE ALL FREAKING OUT ABT IT
But yes he wakes up in an unfamiliar field in an unfamiliar place but he's strangely calm about it (dunno why he is but I'll get back to thinking abt it later) but he spots this house in the distance and naturally he goes to it
And so he would meet haruko who's a little strange because she has no last name and isn't bothered by the fact that one. She lives in the middle of absolutely nowhere, and two. That he just shows up
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She's even like "oh I haven't had visitors in a long while ☺️"
Aaannnd then cue a slow burn slice of life romance im gonna force them to have bc ASHBBENBKKKRMENJ SLOWBURN AGAGG cause there's no way someone like him is falling at first sight (imo anyways)
(Just a fun fact I fell asleep after writing this part and then woke up again HAHDHS it was 2 am.)
But yeah the situation is literally just the forced proximity trope where it's "oh I have to live with this stranger while I try to understand wtf is going but oh no I appear to have slowly fallen in love"
I just want someone to be nice :(( and kind :(( to him :((((( hold his hand pls and be so nice and gentle w his heart cause he's new at this :((((((((
Thinking abt how it's a slow burn is making me crazy rn cause it means we have a lot of stolen glances AHEGGEFGGG and like getting nervous HHHRGGGGRHH and shyness YYYRYYHGGRHHH and it's mostly all from choso cause I love it when a man falls harder 🔥🔥
Anyways I think that's mostly it for now cause I can't remember what else I wanted to say 🧚
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smallraindrops-blog · 8 months ago
I started watching Dungeon meshi a few days ago (and I started the manga), and Hades 2 reawakened my fixation on the games.
(Potential spoilers for Dungeon meshi?)
So seeing the Fanart of Hades characters as Dungeon meshi characters has me gnawing on my enclosure. Falin Hypnos, my beloved.
That's said I keep thinking of an au for WMFTD where Y/n is in Falins' role and Hypnos is in Marcille.
All this boils down to dragon Y/n and necromancer Hypnos being even more obsessed devoted and in love with one another. :) (You brought me back even though the ones we love most told you not to, I came back wrong, but I know I still love you. You did the unthinkable, and now I am forever indebted to you. You are mine, and I am yours.)
As for the other characters, I think Zagreus would be Laois (brotherly bond and instead of food, his thing would be filling Achilles codex and fishing), while not fulling matching characters I think Thanatos would be in Chilchuck role, and for Senshi... I'm not sure. You could put Meg there not because she necessarily fits as Senshi but to keep her with Zagreus and Thanatos, a knight, maybe? I was thinking of putting Achilles in Senshi's place because it just seems fitting. (And the Angst potential)
But aaa, that's all for rambling. I hope you enjoyed it and have a good day!
I enjoyed your rambling! ^-^ also on mobile. sorry for mistakes.
Putting my reply under a readmore.
But yes I love that line between devotion and obsession because that line might be thinner than love/hate. Also don’t cross that stuff out! That is the goooood shit. 🤌
As for the role for people to play:
Zagreus as Laois fits really well, methinks. It works bc part of the reasons Zag left the house was because he felt like he didn’t fit in.
I think with Y/N getting nom on and leaving Zagreus behind would only increase that feeling of isolation for him.
especially if the others kinda blame him for what happened. ( also maybe the dragon could be a hydra? so in place of feathers, y/n ends up with those horns things? And fangs? )
Maybe Achilles’ codex could still be greek monsters along greek gods and Zagreus having his own personal one for all the different kinds of fishes and the many ways to cook them.
If it was up to Zagreus, they would eat fishes for every meal. The others veto it very quickly.
I actually he would be a great fit for the chilchuck role. Both of them would much rather keep work and personal life separate.
also while Thanatos can fight and fairly well, he is not a skilled/trained combatant like Meg or Y/N would be.
so letting him have a role where he focuses on overall safety and solving puzzles would really let his natural skills shine.
also since y/n isn’t a healer, it would help Hypnos to have someone who also has the skills and patience needed for healing spells.
also I think the fights between Zagreus and him about not being reckless and learning to trust the eachother could be interesting.
She could fill in for the Namari/Shuro role. She just didn’t leave the group since she had personal reasons to want to stay ( but it could be interesting if she did leave after Y/N became a sandwich bc the whole episode with her was one of my favorite)
especially if she ends up getting her sisters to help find y/n
it would also help bc while Zagreus is learning how to fight, the lost of skills and knowledge of combat after Y/N got nibble on would be huge blow to the group.
It also possible she felt some guilt for what happened to y/n as well but still blames Zag which could have some fun tension/fights.
As for the senshi’s role, I love the idea of it being achilles, but if I may suggest another character, I think Dusa would be a good fit for the role.
She already shown to be super helpful and has skill in domestic tasks along with being an outcast. Like the group find her and she ends up helping out by showing Zagreus how to de-bone and cook the many different fishes. Along with dealing various monster and gods since she lived in the dungeon for so long.
She would also be a friend of Zagreus while being a neutral third party, something the group desperately needs.
Achilles just wouldn’t be able to stay calm or listen if he lost his son. He would likely get everyone killed along with himself before saving Y/N. Especially if Pat is no longer in the picture.
So maybe…
Tall man Pat and Achilles adopted little Y/N, who might have elf or something else in him but no one knows for sure. As y/n get a little older, his parents began working in the dungeon together, leaving him with Persephone and baby zag. Y/n would start studying fighting skills so he could join his parents sooner.
Something happened, monster or demon and it left Y/n alone with baby Zag, hiding until his parents found them.
So Patroclus and Achilles takes Zag in and they grow up as brothers.
Somethings happened to Patroclus and Achilles, the only thing found of them were ruined gear along with Achilles’ bloody and torn codex. maybe that was part of the reasons the brothers decided to go down there. To try get some answers.
I think hypnos would be unsure at first but seeing the deep pain Y/N’s eyes would make him agree. Also only because hypnos totally thought Y/N as a great friend, nothing more. Nope. He definitely doesn’t get jealous when he caught Meg staring at Y/N a few times.
and he totally doesn’t cozy up to y/n whenever he got cold in the dungeon. Or share more snacks with y/n or fuss over Y/N more when he is doing the healing magic.
They formed the group and everything seemed to be going well.
Then y/n became an ‘all you can eat special’ and the journey began.
And like Hypnos might be going a little crazy bc he just lost his best friend, someone he knew as a boy then as a man and he just really wanted his best friend back. That was all.
Then they finally got y/n back and hypnos knew he was being clingy but y/n didn’t to mind, even letting hypnos hold on to him for far longer than appropriate and hypnos just didn’t want to let go. Maybe they share quiet, gentle kisses when alone together, promising to talk more when they got out of the dungeon.
Then shit goes sideway.
Hydra!y/n is huge, powerful, quick moving and terrifying. With dozens of little hydra following him around. ( kinda like the harpies kinda did with Falin.)
But he seemed to recognize Hypnos, he touched Hypnos’ chin like he did before they shared those kisses. And he was able to say Zagreus’ name.
Also lol imagine poor hypnos during that shirt ripping part with y/n.
So Hypnos can totally bring Y/N back to normal. Totally. He is not crying thank you very much. No, he didn’t want a tissue, Dusa but thank you.
And yeah lol. Thanks for letting me ramble lol.
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acourtofthought · 2 years ago
Okay beside the fact that right now Azriel is not an ideal love intrest we can admit that he is loyal to his friends and family? that much is clear.
SO WHY THESE E/RIELS THINK THAT HE WOULD TURN HIS BACK ON HIS FAMILY FOR SOME GIRL WHO HE MET FOR 2 YEARS AND ONLY FEELS LUST FOR!? Like it's some kind of a revenge from IC (specially Rhys) bc they won't let them be together and honestly were did that came from?
It pisses off every time that someone mention it. Like no, trust me he will never do that!! He will never turn his back on his 5 century family to be with her. He gave up after Rhys told him to stop whatever he was about to do and it was never mentioned throughout the story and we know he's a little rebellious towards orders so if he REALLY wanted to be with Elain it would've happened. (And pls don't tell me it was from Nesta's pov it's was from Cassian's too and he knows his brother or sjm wouldve found a way to mention it)
They're so aggressive and embarrassing!! They don't even know the characters they're dealing with. The ONLY thing that they care about is these two characters become a couple... to what end!? For sjm to change her whole plot line and characters!? Will it really be the story yall fell in love with?
Oddly enough I was thinking of this exact thing this morning.
The IC is the only real family Az has really known for the last 500+ years. His mother is still alive but she's not a regular part of his life (from what we've seen so far). But he and his brothers have loved and fought for one another for centuries. Rhys sacrificed his body for them for 50 years. Rhys sacrificed his life for his friends and family by dying for them in ACOWAR. But suddenly Az is going to throw that friendship out the window because Rhys is a big bad meanie who won't let him have Elain after Az's refusal to tell Rhys he's over Mor and doesn't want just to screw Elain?
I think it's an immature mentality that thinks love between two people is all that should matter because when you enter into an actual adult relationship, you do realize that love isn't everything. Your relationships outside your significant other are still just as important and to some extent, the opinions of those that love you and know you best aren't something to ignore.
If your love has to burn every bridge in your life then it's not healthy. I'm not talking about failed relationships that were always toxic and that you learned to walk away from. I'm talking about friends and family who have always supported you but because they sense your fixation on someone isn't healthy you become defiant and oppositional and develop a "screw you! I'll do what I want!" mentality.
I think Rhys only wants happiness for his brothers but he KNOWS that the way Az is behaving is concerning. He KNOWS Az needs to really deal with his feelings for Mor before moving on with anything else. And he KNOWS the things Az is saying about Elain is not the way you're supposed to think about someone you really care for.
The take that Az and Elain will defy everyone and prove their forbidden love is glorious and right is so in the opposite direction of SJMs underlying theme of found family that she puts in all her books. It means that the entire E/riel book will be them lying to everyone around them. It means they don't care about hurting others because they'd rather sneak around than try having conversations with the people that are owed conversation.
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alternativememories · 1 year ago
both sides...
i have a friend who has sucked for a while now. i've been thinking about writing about it for a minute but i've been putting it off like everything with our friendship lately...but part of who i want to be is someone that shows up, even when things fucking suck, and i can't waste any more time. i know what i've got to do and it's time to rip the band-aid off. our friendship is over and i've gotta be real about it.
i'm fucking sad, man. i see him as a younger brother. so much of how we see things and approach things is similar to one another. the ways that he has sucked for some time are really similar to how i struggled when i was younger. he had a breakup recently, which in the big picture i thought would actually end up being good for him. i think both he and his ex have stuff that they need to work on individually and that this would be a good opportunity for him to get himself squared away.
but the spiral continues. the last time i saw him we talked about where he was with things and where he's headed and it was mostly half-assed excuses. it's apparent that he's not showing up for himself, let alone anyone else for that matter. he smokes, which has kept him comfortable in the cycle of not showing up in any meaningful way, and he lacks accountability. he's living with his parents right now and it seems like they're enabling his behavior.
it's shitty. we lived together up until the end of october and to be honest it was toxic as fuck. it came down to money and cleaning. in moving in, we agreed to not have his now-ex on the lease to keep things simple in case they ended up not working out as a couple. however, when she ended up staying at the apartment more than A and i and we wanted her to pay toward the bills, it was an issue *eye roll*. initially, the conversation about contributing was shut down bc homie talked to other roommate and he supposedly said that he didn't care if she paid and that was the end of it...(we'll revisit this)
at one point during this conflict, there was a text about wanting to be friends after the lease would end...i've thought a lot about that since. it took me some time to figure out why i couldn't help but fixate on it, but with where we are now i think i know the answer. the statement operates through an inherent assumption that how things were handled was damaging to our friendship. to be honest, it was. the bills conflict was infuriating bc the argument against contributing was school loan payments being high; meanwhile in watching behavior they ate out all the time. and you know, everyone has bills. but not everyone takes advantage of their friends to pay theirs.
with the cleaning thing, it became clear that he was frustrated by the cleanliness of the apartment but never communicated what those expectations even were. eventually we landed on a chore-board. but this wasn't without its problems bc it just led to them not being accountable for their share of the chores; beyond that, there was noticeable passive-aggressiveness toward the other roommate who tbh idk if he ever even agreed to in the first place. weird to someone to a standard they never agreed to but maybe that's just me...
when he and his ex broke up he told me a very specific story of what led to the fracture. i want to say that i found the specificity odd but dismissed it bc i was excited to have my friend back. when they were dating he was very reclusive and we were barely friends anymore. truthfully, we moved here in a pandemic and while i have loads of coworkers, he's really been my only friend here...but a few weeks ago i found out that it looks like he's lied about those specifics of the story that he told me, knowing that it fundamentally changes the reaction. it's manipulative.
in thinking about it, i've really tried to explain away or excuse the poor behavior...but to be honest, it's inexcusable and with what he's lied about, there's no recourse here...there's no way to police the behavior, and with him lying about it, no way to trust anything he says that it's even stopped. now i'm wondering what else he's lied about to get what he wants. the first thing that comes to mind is the bills conversation. it's a fundamental breach of trust and i don't think our friendship can be repaired. it fucking sucks and this fucking sucks but it is what it is...because he sucks.
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starleska · 2 years ago
girl i am just SO curious since we have the same type and all abt your thoughts on Cagney Carnation from Cuphead 👀
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oh hell yes!!! thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about the deranged flower again 😳💖💖💖 i adore Cagney Carnation. who doesn't?? such a captivating design - one part mob boss, one part flower, one part monstrous abomination with some very sexy teeth 🙈🙈 Cuphead is one of those franchises i have a tonne of f/os from: Cagney Carnation, Chef Saltbaker, Werner Werman, King Dice, Baroness Von Bon Bon...and doubtless the next time i revisit the fandom someone else's wonderful fanart will tip me into fixation for another character 😂 but Cagney is special...i totally get why we all went feral for him 😂💖 he's yet another instalment in the 'characters with long supernumerary appendages who could easily rip us apart' roster...the incredible strength, his silly little dance, and how absolutely badass his final form is, it's no wonder he's so beloved!! easily one of the best and most iconic fights in the whole game with a banging song, and so many fun details. i went back and S-ranked him recently and felt on top of the world 🙈
listen, i am down so bad it's not funny 😂 Cuphead really does lend itself to so much creativity and fandom fun...feels very much like Don't Hug Me I'm Scared in that way. whether folks are drawing him as a grumpy lil flower, an Eldritch abomination or a handsome gijinka, there's no version of him i don't like;;; OH!!! have you heard Man on the Internet's lyric cover of Floral Fury? he'll forever be my headcanon voice for Cagney (until we get an official one, of course 😉). for now, all we have to go off of is his laugh, which is...um...🥴 i even made a little Cuphead OC to ship with him!! their name's Aster, and they're a star from Hilda Berg's moon phase 🥰 it's been a while since i made them, and i'd love to revisit the universe and make more OCs...i think everyone should try their hand at making one for Cuphead selfship purposes, it's great 🙈 i am still devastated that we didn't get him in the previous 'season' of The Cuphead Show. Netflix fuckery continues to blight us, but i'm still holding out hope!! did you know that storyboard artist Karl Hadrika shared a still from a current 'lost episode' of the show, showing Cagney with his tommy gun? 👀 i'm still very hopeful that bc The Cuphead Show is so staggeringly popular that we will get another season...but until then, we gotta sit tight and gush about Cagney amongst ourselves 🥺💖
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xfindingtrouble · 2 years ago
after percy meets pelor, he cries. in private, of course - it's not something he wants to do in the face of the potential end of the world. there is more to worry about than his own baggage, there is more to focus on than his Beef with the almighty. but there is something surreal about facing the dawnfather.
though percy claims he's never prayed much [ & i think, for the most part that's true ] I'm sure he has when things were darkest. he probably prayed that someone would come save & cass, that they would both survive it, that he may be forgiven by the end of it all... but there was never an answer. in fact, the only reason they got whitestone back at all was because they did it them damn selves. sarenrae had a hand in it via pike but the dawnfather didn't help them.
i'm sure in hindsight, he'd see that pelor had a hand in saving his people. pelor wasn't absent, not by any means, vox machina cold just handle their own problems. he & cass survived it on their own, they grow on their own terms, but not without suffering. but there were other lives in the balance! but percy is just a single perspective in the greater picture. he is mortal, he is selfish, he is petty [ i say with love ] & as much as he likes to think he knows it all, he doesn't. he can't.
but there is still this resentment that lingers forever. because percy asked for help when he needed it most & was failed by the gods again & again. i think this is also partially because the gods work with people who are willing to meet them halfway & percy spent so long looking for a sign that he never took that leap of faith necessary? in fact, Cassandra was the one who finally trusted the gods with her fate & then paid a very expensive price for it.
but anyways there is something so visceral about facing any god, let alone the one you begged for mercy & never delivered it. the god who knows who they are, greets them as vox machina. proof that he'd been paying attention. also sarenrae saying that she hears every prayer is like salt in the wound for percy because it leaves this question of what would happen if he had prayed to her? what would have been different? would he be kinder, better, more consistent? he'll never know! it's soo much worse when pelor claims that whitestone is under his watch & keep. it's honest, yes, but it's so personal.
of course he would never want to change the journey he's taken to try & heal but i feel like it poses this question of ' what if i didn't have to take that journey at all ' which of course he would have... but percy deals in a lot of extremes, especially revolving around guilt & sense of self. he wants to say he wouldn't change anything he'd been through but there's so much he would undo if he had the chance. he's plagued by regret his whole life, he just learns how to manage it. though the feeling lingers, he learns how to forgive himself & the person that was even he wished he never had to become that person to survive.
also it's worth noting that this is like the straw that breaks the camels back. he'd just fought & killed delilah, vax died & came back to life, he'd faced another god only hours before. what they're dealing with is bigger than any single perspective.
he thought that maybe his role as a hero was over, though he knew better. all while he wonders in the back of his head whether or not whitestone is safe & when vecna is going to target it because he knows it's coming. there wouldnt be a ziggeraut under his home if it wasn't. delilah would have never chosen whitestone as her base of operations if it wasn't important. There would be a big, ugly cry at some point but it just makes him sick!
especially bcs he wants to believe. it feels like he wants to say he does, but this is something he knows he can't lie about. he sees vex, finding faith, right before his eyes & there's still this bit of him that remembers. that fixates on his unanswered prayers as a scared child. he trusts her, he's happy for her, he loves her... & maybe he's jealous. just a little bit, hidden beneath the rest of it.
also it is sooo worth noting that percy is not a crier. he's cried enough, there aren't many tears left for him that he hasn't already shed. but sometimes he can't help it.
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thesunofalcoritres · 1 month ago
PLEEEEEASE TAG MORE POSTS WITH YOUR CHARACTER DYNAMICS... i need more info on your miserable little guys.
also, NEEED to know... Does Richas ever become a bearable human? With productive interpersonal relationships (or at least one healthy friend besides Sar'ebru)? Definitely not asking as someone who barely avoided his fate as a teen in a gifted program (i was snatched up by a competent therapist and freed from Golden Child Prison, but I watched helplessly as a lot of people i knew were dragged in)
omg thank you so much for the ask 🫴💖 <- for you. i know this blog has been kind of dead lately bc ive been very fixated on my batman art (obligatory plug @feartoxinjelloshot) but rest assured i still hold these little freaks close to my heart & one day they WILLLLL be a novel series i swear. one of my new years resolutions was to start outlining the story this year at some point
but to answer your question: i'm not sure i would call sar'ebru and richas' relationship healthy necessarily. they're more like... identical twins who completely despise each other but also have a permanent suicide pact if the other dies. which is not to say they think of each other as siblings but you know what i mean. they are superficially filling the same role but their core natures are actually fairly different. getting a little into the weeds here but there are like, a set of church-fueled social archetypes that rider/dragon pairs are often forced into, which most people don't take seriously outside of like really devout church circles (think of like, idk zodiac signs basically), and one of them (called maolove, after the "angry moon") is characterized by interpersonal conflict between dragon & rider and so sometimes this is like, idolized and awarded by the church, who control functionally all aspects of richas and sar'ebru's lives. it's not life or death because the institute is actually kind of moderate as far as church circles go but it's just like. another brick in the pile with regards to "things that could fuck those guys up real bad".
admittedly i can't get as deep into this as i'd like because i don't have as great of a handle on sar'ebru's character as i'd like yet, and she's inherently unremovable from the equitation, and also richas' plot arc is kind of one of my weak points thusfar, but i've always envisioned that richas does eventually get a bit better, but at great cost to himself and likely others. richas is incapable of giving up his ways unless something deeply devastating happens to shock him out of it, and unfortunately for all of us collar beating him within an inch of his life for the 5th time that week is just not going to cut it. if she died it would probably work but collar doesn't die in the story so that's right out. at risk of extremely esoteric future-spoilers i've been going back and forth for a while on wether or not elijah dies at some point because he is extremely death-coded and it would make a lot of narrative sense, but also i like him. much to ponder. i don't think i've mentioned it here outside of that one pentagon graph but elijah and richas kind of have a weird quasi-friendship that gets deeper as the story goes on - there's a weird pavlovian hatred that richas has of elijah for a while because of his (richas') insane hate/love problem with collar, but once he gets over that they kind of start to actually get along, especially since elijah is a grounded medic so he's almost always around to patch richas up. elijah is (rightfully) put off by richas' previously mentioned Collar Problem, but in the circumstance that richas ever managed to cool down about that, he wouldn't have much of a problem with richas.
collar (though it is mostly* not her fault) is also just kind of inherently a big part of richas' current mental state. he is unfortunately devastatingly in love(???) with her and his ultimate psychological goal most of the time is to "defeat" her and prove his own superiority so that the institute will lift him up and say "you're our favorite little birthday boy here's 5000 kisses and a chocolate cake and a pony" but this will never happen because when she was at the institute collar was generally a little better than him at most** things, and now that she's betrayed them all and left, EVERYONE cares about her and finding her ALL THE TIME because she's a NATIONALLY WANTED TERRORIST. or WHATEVER. richas would still have the golden child complex with or without her but she definitely isn't helping. surprisingly richas' beef is mostly with collar and not beowulf, which is funny because they're usually doing the same thing, but richas is biased and also knows that beowulf could just eat him if he pissed her off to the degree he pisses off collar. richas doesn't know this but his secret main goal is to get beaten up by a hot woman ("woman") and this is kind of hard to do when the woman in question is a dragon who weighs multiple tons and can use your bones as play-dough. i digress though. richas and collar do kind of reconcile later on which is its own 50 page paper to write quite honestly but their dynamic does.... CHANGE. i don't know if i can say it gets better but it gets different?!? beowulf has something to do with this. like i said, richas plot kind of a weak point for me atm. will come back to this. may change in future
*look i don't want to blame her for this but she is aware of it and allows it to continue because secretly deep down she is also a bit obsessed with him. she's not in love with him but she does want to shake him around like a chew toy until he bleeds out and dies pathetic & floppy style. his ego will not allow this.
**well, at fighting and stuff. richas is actually the much better talker between them and has a distinct skillset of his own, but envy blinds or whatever
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