#i think also when astarion says his parents probably never cared about him
digiships · 1 year
wait ok befoee i take a nap i think kaz'rith and astarion end up in the kind of friendship where kaz is often woken by astarion in the dead of night bc he either cant sleep or was woken up by a nightmare and he holds him close and kisses the top of his head and murmurs elvish lullabies to him or tells him stories of his life to help soothe him. bc in kaz's eyes he's still just a boy. he's still just a little star.
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merilaurecus · 2 months
Companions reactions to Modern!Tav from Earth coming back to Faerûn to visit
Gale (Blackstaff Academy Professor ending)
He was the one to help you get back (with a bit of help from Elminster I suppose)
More than happy to see you (and that his magic worked!)
Will do his best to stay quiet about your little comeback (Tara will do her best to keep him quiet too)
Will offer magic lessons since you're back in the world where The Weave™️ exists (this dude loves magic, won't let an opportunity like that slip, especially when he becomes ✨Professor Dekarios✨)
Will tell you everything that happened in your absence, much like the others
Genuinely happy to have you back, even if it's for a moment
Will cook something, you can prepare an extra pack for faerûnian food from him
Tara demands pets. Just not on the belly.
You're free to spend a while in the Academy, even join some lesson as a guest or a guest teacher
Astarion (vampire spawn in Baldur's Gate ending)
He finds you in the dead of the night, thinking you're one of the bad guys
When he pins you to the ground with a dagger it just feels like the old days
Immediately loosens his grip when he recognizes you
"What in the hells? What are you doi- How did you even do it?!"
Happy to see you as well and does not even need to hide it as he'd usually do
Together you hunt someone that night, for the sake of the old times
You both recall what you've been up to
If you let him drink your blood again he'll be elated
But careful as a babe. This time he'll be good to his words
Surely has some news from the spawn family (if he didn't join them in the Underdark). Reads you some letters from Gur and other spawn. Takes breaks while reading the one from Sebastian. You hug him understandingly
You end up watching the sunrise before the sun is too high and you leave to seek other companions
Wyll & Karlach (yeet into the Avernus ending)
You kind of didn't expect to see them
They went to Avernus after all
They're the ones to spot you
"SOLDIER?! IS THAT YOU?!" are the only words you hear before you're pulled into Mama K's tight hug, unable to let go
Anyway you're not willing to let go. I mean who would want to?
Wyll's surprised too, they're both excited and curious how did you do it.
They were just about to meet his father (obviously), last thing they expected was to see their friend from another world.
You just jump in and go with them, asking how things are going with Karlach's engine, both excited and worried
Finally hearing good news (about the forge) makes you talk about heart surgery again ( @tavshortfortavern thanks for the idea!; also special thanks for inspiring me to write my own headcanons, love Yours!)
You spend the rest of the day meeting with Ulder, training, talking and having a drink in the Blushing Mermaid in the evening with Astarion who 'accidentally' found you
You all almost get too drunk but you don't care, because it's a memorable night
You toast for Gale who pulled it off and thought about it in the first place
Lae'zel (Freeing Githyanki edition)
Also kinda unexpected and brief meeting
You can see she's pleased with meeting you again (even if she's reluctant to show it)
She tries to keep her cool, she's leading a rebellion and most likely has an important meeting here
'Never thought I'd see you. Did you get lost in the realms again?'
After finding out how did you do it she nods in acknowledgement. Probably doesn't want to compliment the wizard
You quickly recall your current state of life and say goodbye, but for longer than usual (a little bit of slavic way of saying goodbye for an hour)
You're sure you spied a smile on her face, but she'd rather die than admit it (if she's with her fellow githyanki warriors)
Shadowheart (both good endings)
Parents freed & alive
She visited Gate for some groceries and maybe running into friends
And exactly both thing happens
She's not sure if she saw who she saw, has to blink and make sure
'You... you're back? How'd you do that?'
'Then it's a fine wine bottle for Gale then. What you've been up to? I was sure I'll never see you again!'
Also turns into a hug mode, girl does not take prisoners
After hearing from you she tells you about her cozy life with her parents
It's pretty much calm, nothing changed much (which is good considering her mother's state)
Can't stop looking at you like you're something magical or just a dream
You grab the groceries and head back to her house where you surprise her parents too
Her mom does not recognise you, but you understand. Her father still shoots out best jokes in this part of galaxy
Coziest evening in a while
Parents freed & gone
Pretty much all of the above but she might have someone on her tail and gets scared you may get hurt (just like in Waterdeep, when you romance Gale she tells you she's been there with someone on her tail exactly)
Gets you under her protection and if you run into any of your companions you're under their protection as well
If not, you'll just happily walk around the city and have some dinner and recall your life after you left Faerûn
But you could easily tell she still misses her parents, which makes you turn into a hug mode too
You may even spend an evening drinking somewhere secluded (beach maybe?)
Jaheira, Minsc & Boo
'The cub has found its way back. Though 'how?' still remains a question'
You explain and she admires how far the wizard has come to get you back for a visit
Minsc does not understand it, but is glad to have otherwordly friend back
Same with Boo, he's vicious but not towards Tav who occasionally fed him with extra snacks
Yes, hugs are mandatory even if none of them will show it (little hug for Boo as well!)
Jaheira is still busy with Harpers network rebuilding, might have to order few of them around as you speak
Takes you to her home where the kids also get a fucking aneurysm because they were sure you coming back was not possible
When you tell her your last life events she looks proud
But, like, tough auntie proud
'Seems like that world of yours is in the good hands'
You try your best not to go with explaining how it isn't so easy back there
Generally a day with the Busy Mom™️, the Madman and his Rodent
After you made your little tour at the Gate & Waterdeep it was time for the *trip*
You did your best not to show on the road, just for the sake of surprise
Though you were nervous about the animals you've met
Not because they could eat you, but you remember the wildshape
No bears though, you feel safe
When you reach Moonrise you use every little stealth skill Astarion has taught you
Though your knees protest against that
You spot him somewhere near The Waning Moon, fixing something
Your sneak behind him would make Astarion proud as fuck
Daddy Bear doesn't notice a thing (or so you hope)
With only few seconds to act you just tap his shoulder
He turns back expecting a kid perhaps, but instead his eyes widen upon seeing his old (young?) friend
The one he was sadly sure never to see again
He's not quite sure what to say for a few seconds so you just pull him into a hug
He hugs back with his and probably Silvanus' might
He's just so excited, but fortunately doesn't wildshape (iykyk)
He's also impressed in Gale's skill (even if it involves Elminster)
Eager to show you around, proud of his work, but don't you dare bring it up yourself! (unless you want him to turn into a mouse or just threaten you to do so, even as a joke)
You almost don't recognise the place without the curse
Thaniel & Oliver take you by surprise in turn, but it's also a lovely reunion. Without the curse they're flourishing and thriving, just like the nature around
Whole. Fucking. Ton. Of. Kids.
And stray people willing to start a new life here
But they're all happy and taken care of. It's loud, it's messy, it's chaotic, but it's lovely.
You can easily see Halsin put his heart into that and truly found his place in the world
'My friend. Would you like to stay?' his voice radiates with hope, and if you say yes, he's even more happy. If you can not, he understands
He's surprised you remember about the old druid. You ensure him you never forgot
You help around with the kids & the place, maybe even tell them a story or two to let Halsin rest (even if he's sleeping behind you in his bear form)
You may also get back with druidic magic here, even if you won't use it in your world, Halsin would gladly spend time teaching you and recalling your latest life events
You also visit Art's Grave if he passed away (which could occur)
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baldursgay3 · 1 year
It's time for me to ramble about my tav and his relationship with the group but also what will probably be a Lot about astarion
i will put this under a read only for most of it past act 1 to avoice spoilers dfor people but 
TL:DR:  Yandarai wants to see his friends and new family free of their gods and masters and seeing astarion so desperately want to be free makes him want to rip cazador's throat out himself so they can go cuddle on the fanciest bed possible with scratch and owlcub in their own fancy beds at the bottom of their own
(I also use the party limit begone mod so everyone comes with me all the time (this does not make the game any easier because i am incredibly bad at the game))
so preface Yandarai Irian is a "Half-Elf" archfey warlock who's patron Milkenan is his papa, and his other father Gyenodi also had a pact with Milkenan before they fell in love and he spirited him away from his noble family to the feywild to get married
Both of Yan's fathers are technically Elves (in appearance) but they're different types so he is often referred to as a Half-Elf, although he's closer to Eladrin (and with the fantastical multiverse mod in EA he was Eladrin )
Milkenan is Archfey/Noble Eladrin so powerful he could be considered Archfey, Gyenodi is High Elf
(Yan says he's a Half-elf but when asked what the other half is he'll only reply "elf" because he's a shit)
Before coming to faerun the only frame of reference he had for mortal beings was Gyenodi who has been in the feywild so long that he isn't as mortal as he once was anymore, and was a bit of a bastard before he left anyway, so Yan has no morals over things others would consider obvious, but he does know the Rules of the Court as thats all Gyenodi really remembers
He'll protect children and animals, but if neither of those are involved it'll be whatever he finds funniest
Until he catches friendship, and then also catches Feelings
platonic affection first comes for Shadowheart, she's standoffish and snarky and her secretive nature is something he loves because she's Interesting!! This funny girl is trying to hide that she's a sharran while wearing shar's emblem in 200 different places and she also has a toy that's stopping us from dying!!
Laezel comes next solely because she's so ready to just throw hands with everyone and the drama that causes is so good!! and then she opens up and he learns that she's just as isolated and alone and unsure of how this world works as he is
Gale is a funny little wizard guy who made so many bad decisions in the name of  love that Yan can't help but enjoy his dumbassery
Wyll is mostly in the same boat as Gale and he's even more interesting with the cool horns than he was without them. He knows what it's like to be a noble with some expectations to be more refined than he truly is
Karlach's enthusiasm is infectious even if they don't always see eye to eye on some matters, and he loves seeing her get so happy over simple things and finally being able to touch other people again. he gives her her first hug in a decade, and never shies away from any of her 
warm, friendly touches.
Halsin is Big and interesting and cares for animals and children as much as he does
Jaheira is Funny and that's the best thing you can be for Yan. She's been through a hell not that different to their current situation and she's still bantering and quipping with him. Her parenting is also funny to him as she's annoyed her own children who she raised clap back at her just as well as she does.
(I haven't got the minsc yet)
And then we have Astarion.
He's snippy, he's overly dramatic, he's the only companion who seems to actually use the tadpoles, he's even Bi
Yan knew something was Up with Astarion before the biting scene, but when you meet a guy with sharp teeth but literally nothing else that ticks the vampire list you don't really think too much on it you know. And then of course the Bite, and he lets him keep feeding while he sleeps because they have to stick together! If he's weak they're all weak and the situation they're in right now means any interpersonal issues will have to be put on hold, he's not the only person there that has tried to kill him already
The first night they spend together is fun, and the rare moment he's vulnerable in the sunlight about his scars is insightful and intimate in a way that he can tell is hard for Astarion. The second night once the grove has been saved is just as fun, even though it's mostly just groping each other in the forest while trying to eat each others faces because they're still battered from the fights in the goblin camp and it'd nice to just feel eachother up sometimes you know?
He calls him pretty when he offers to tell him what he looks like, although he would have much rather have been able to talk about all the little things like how the hair curls around his ears and how sometimes when he smiles his eyes crinkle up or the way his eyes get big and serious and shiny when Yan does something he genuinely appreciates and how long and gentle his fingers were when they were trailing down his neck and —
It's not love, or at least not yet. They're still in so much danger and there's no way this will last past them reaching the moonrise towers, let alone Baldur's Gate itself.
And then he asks Raphael to help him with his scars and also shows Yan just how much he wants to be Free of doing what other people want him to, even if it means taking over a whole cult to do so, sharing traumatic parts of his life under Cazador and how he does care for the other spawn in his own way.
He's still haunted by this man who is miles away, and for some reason Yan feels he Needs to help him get free far more intensely than he feels for the others in the group. They all have their own gods or masters who still Own them in some way, but only Astarion's spectre of the past fills him with Rage.
It seems it all comes to a head after meeting the drow woman in Moonrise towers. He'd already made up his mind that if Astarion wanted nothing to do with her, then he would do nothing to persuade him otherwise. But asking the woman about the potion she would offer them seemed to have given the other man the wrong idea.
Yan wouldn't deny it stung him a little, for Astarion to think that he would force him to, but the look on his face when he makes that clear is more than enough to soothe the hurt.
And then that night? The man admitting that while their nights of passion were just for his own protection at first? that hurt just as much somehow.
But it being followed up with Astarion Confessing his own feelings felt like heaven, as did the hands on his back and his head on his shoulder when Yan closed the distance to hold him.
It still wasn't love, but gods did it feel good having the other man smile against his lips.
It's only once they reach Rivington, having fought an avatar of death to get here, that he's able to think about everything that's happened. The others are asleep or meditating, the young child they've taken in curled up in a corner close to him. He can hear the owlcub hooting quietly at the other end of their camp, and he finally works up the courage to ask his papa through their bond
and Milkenan Laughs at him
You love your friends, but you're In Love with the sickly looking twig. Take care not to snap him by being too rough.
And if he were to hurt you, your father will come to make him regret ever living.
He takes that as their blessing, but keeps the words of his true feelings to himself for what might as well be a million years.
(he so desperately wants to curl up in a bed with him for a full tenday, just be safe and warm and pressed up against the other man at all times. Maybe when this is all over Astarion will let him drink his essence for a change)
The meeting with the Nymph only intensifies this, the True answers to the woman's questions being far too intimate for admitting in front of her, but knowing deep in his soul that he can Never be happy while Cazador lives, that he'll never be free if he goes through with the ritual himself. No longer a slave to a master, but to his own fears of becoming one once again.
The mansion and the echoes of the horrors that took place in it make it worse, the burning hot anger feeling like bile in the back of his throat. The screaming for Cazador's spine reach fever pitch as Astarion is ripped from them in the ritual room, and doesn't let up the entire battle.
It's only as he sees they have gotten through to Astarion when it comes to the state of the ritual that the screaming and the bile and the Hatred fizzle out into pure Relief, watching the man that he loves plunge the knife into Cazador again and again until there's no more movement and the man is Finally Free.
They free the thousands of souls from the crypt, far too drained to think of the consequences past they're innocent in all this. The Gur outside are (rightfully, Yan agrees when he can breathe again) upset at this but let them past, having fulfilled the promise to end Cazador. The walk through the mansion with the knowledge of the vile torture (that happened to your love) that went on inside those walls weighing so heavily on Yandarai's heart.
Karlach insists they have a drink in the Elfsong proper before going back to their rooms, all so proud of Astarion even if they'd never say it.
And then Astarion asks Yandarai if they can take a walk together. So he can show him something Important.
How could he say no to him? Even if it is just a cover to go kiss in the moonlight, Yandarai would gladly go along with any excuse.
Until they come to the Grave.
Astarion Ancunin. 
Only thirty-nine years.
Yandarai isnt sure how old he is, since the Feywild moves at whatever pace it feels like. He could have been born 1000 of Faerun’s years ago, or the day before he stepped through the portal out of his home realm and right into the mind flayer attack. But he Knows that thirty nine years is Nothing compared to 200 of pain and suffering and knowing you’ll never escape.
The gentle look on Astarion’s face as he carves his new death date in the stone makes Yan’s heart skip.
They kiss and hold eachother close right there, Yan whispering reassurances and praises into skin. He’d rather not be making love in the middle of a graveyard - his coat was expensive and gravedirt is so hard to wash out -  but it seems they just weren’t meant to have each other in a bed (or even inside) just yet. Frankly they could have just shared a chaste kiss and then headed back and Yan would have been ecstatic, but the trust and care and Love Astarion is showing in this moment with him, baring himself on his own grave to Yandarai is something he’ll never forget or be able to reciprocate. 
They head back and brush off what they can, trying to act casual around the others and less like they’d almost been caught by a mortarch fucking on a recently vandalised grave. As funny as it would be to see how they would talk themselves out of being shamed and kicked out, he was in far too much of a sappy mood for it to be ruined like that.  
He might be slightly possessive over the vampire spawn at times, but only in the sense that he doesn’t want anything bad to happen to him (or for anyone else to touch him or even look at him slightly funny) a little more intensely than he feels about the rest of the group.
But Astarion can look after himself just fine, and is his own man for the first time in two hundred years. He’s allowed to do what he wants! As long as he can watch and keep kissing him in the middle of exploring horrible deadly places as shadowheart makes a gagging noise and jaihera rolls her eyes at the sickening display of affection
(In another timeline where Astarion went through with the ritual, Yandarai can no longer look him in the eye after the man gives him the ultimatum, become his spawn forever and always be seen as degrading himself for the Vampire Lord or break it off and part ways once the Elder Brain is dead. The Astarion of that time is not the man he could tell he loved. Not the man who could have truly loved him back.)
The long slog of battles to gain access to the upper city is dark, the amount of bodies piling up by the minute. It’s only made bearable by the times they eat dinner together in the little pit of the room, Astarion’s thighs pressed against his own as they sit in a mound of pillows and he complains his cup is empty. 
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antiqua-lugar · 9 months
Do you have any tavs and if so tell me about them!
Hi! Thank you so much for your ask and sorry if it took me a bit, I had to grab screenshots and make sure I did not write way too much.
Without further ado, these are the main three featured on my blog as they are the ones I got at least to Act 2 with:
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Caradoc Howell
My main and favourite Just Some Guy. He’s a Wild Sorcerer Mephistopheles Tiefling who works in a grocery shop near the Upper City where he does a bit of everything but mostly errands and “special orders”, aka anything rare or difficult to find in the Lower City that is not really illegal - think less “rare poison” and more “my master wants pheasant for dinner what the fuck am I supposed to do now”.
Basically, what if your Tav was Just Some Guy working at Aldi.
As you can imagine everything after being tadpoled was absolutely wild to him but he got through it by the power of Having Worked In Customer Service his Charlatan background. He even got a delightful husband out of it! Whose ex is the Goddess of Magic. It’s fine. They are both Just Some Guys (Who Saved The World) now.
And who regularly go on adventures for anything Gale really needs for his research with their friends. And Arabella, who might or might not be a Chosen of Silvanus, keeps crashing at the tower. And Lae’zel definitely got them to the Astral Plane for a visit. And Gale is doing an impressive job of teaching Caradoc how to use his magic and now he is way better than he was when they fought the Netherbrain.
But still! Just Some Guys!
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Elendris Galaadon
A Sun Elf who discovered his love for blacksmithing when he was fifteen and never turned back. He disappointed everyone in his House by moving to Baldur’s Gate to learn from dwarves and gnomes and also getting married at barely one hundred year old to another one hundred year old elf. Look, it was True Love!
They got divorced by the time they were one hundred and fifty and he came out of that thinking that he was fundamentally broken and truly incapable of loving anything except his craft and his workshop - and his people who work there. Everything else can go fuck itself. He spent twenty years barely getting out of his workshop until he got tadpoled.
He is now learning that caring about others is Good, Actually, if nothing else because if he doesn’t it might have repercussions about people and things he does actually care about. His morality is still a work in progress as we reach Act 3 and his decision to not ascend Astarion is still mostly motivated by the fact that he really likes children (including children that are vampire spawn) and he really loves Astarion and doesn’t think that would have made him actually happy. Oh and killing seven thousand people is bad, they say.
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Cedric (no surname because he forgot)
Cedric’s parents died when he was around six, he run away from the orphanage when he was seven and got extremely lucky to be noticed by a Dragonborn Druid who immediately took him in when he saw him talking with the local cats. They were supposed to move together to a groove outside Baldur's Gate once his teacher's work in the city was done, but he got murdered when Cedric was sixteen.
Since his only skills were healing, talking to animals and turning into a huge wolf, he fell into criminal work. The fact that he is now one of the kind of people who probably murdered his parents and definitely killed his teacher does not escape him and he is now a pretty closed off and apathetic twenty five year old.
Being tadpoled has been a blast and not only because he gets to turn into a cat and jump on everyone’s lap (especially on Lae’zels).
And the rest
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Those are the main six Tavs I developed playing around the character’s creator or with my other Tavs’ backstories. Very quickly: 
Ves’i’ran is a Gythianki ranger that after a rite of passage gone Very Wrong got to spend all of five minutes in the Astral Plane before being sent back to Faerun to scout for mindflayers activities and ships. He wants to be loyal but he also has very much been going native. Also the only woman he ever loved was probably murdered when she tried to flee to the githerai.
Illiambaste is an ex-Eilistraee acolyte turned Assassin Folk Hero after she found out the full story behind her father’s escape from Menzoberranzan. He risked everything to bring her with him when he escaped and she wants to live up to his example.
Kava and Felix are Caradoc’s best friends back in Baldur’s Gate and now it’s their turn to get tadpoled! Kava is a Bard who takes her profession and her duty as storyteller and collector of tales Very Seriously and who takes pride in her found family of various contacts and networks all over the Storm Coast (and beyond!) (she's definitely not doing any spy work on the side!). Felix is a Vengeance Paladin who grew up in the Underdark and decided that enough was enough when he and some of his people got kidnapped by the Duergars to be slaves. Once rescued he booked it to Baldur’s Gate where he became a baker because he has terrible insomnia so what does he care about working nights.
Havelock is a noble Half Drow Cleric of Selune born of an illicit affair between a patriar and the eldest daughter of a Matriarch who did not need more males so they immediately shipped him back to Baldur’s Gate thinking maybe they could get some future political leverage out of it. His father did look after him but there is no love lost between them and high society was not kind to him. His father’s wife however always loved him and she is the one supporting his political career. He had quite a temper when he was young and did punch one nobleman in the face when he was fourteen (now he would simply blackmail them into submission). 
Finally, my Cleric of Kelemvor. She loves fighting. She is very fucking tall. I don’t know yet why it’s so important to her that everyone is granted the peace of eternal sleep. 
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