#i think about this every time i play file 09
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legionfusion · 2 years ago
ok but where the FUCK did akira learn how to fly a helicopter. is that like mandatory police training or something. did he just hop in the cockpit and go wild or ??!?!?
the way the game just presents information to you and expects you not to question it. the audacity lmao
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kalcifers-blog · 11 months ago
CW - Physical/Mental Deterioration, Derealization, Rotting Alive, Zombification, Bugs/Insects, Medical Horror
Word Count: 994
Character Count: 4,271
ALTR INFO: 18152 contracted an unknown illness after an encounter with ALTR 114209. He was advised to keep track of his symptoms in the form of a journal; IRIS Researchers have secured the journal to track 18152's both physical and mental development.
“Not been great lately, I've had cold or flu symptoms for the past two weeks, really has been messing with my focus, not great for when I'm trying to study or play as well as I usually can but I've been pushing through it!
I'm still a bit shaken up from that creepy ass guy from last month- it messed with me. I'm glad IRIS is here to help out with my case tho, hopefully they catch the freak. I keep getting all fidgety and anxious whenever I'm out in public. I mean I guess that's normal after something like that but still, doesn't make it easier. I would hang out with friends to make me feel safer but I don't wanna get them sick, hopefully this'll pass
“God my head will not stop pounding, I got my headache about 2 days ago, it started off only occasionally but god it just keeps flaring up and more often. My flu hasn't gotten any better. It makes it hard to do anything, I keep getting by, slowly but surely.
“Been bed ridden this week- I thought rest would probably help but, every time I sleep I keep dreaming of that guy- I don't remember it fully and it's probably just some weird trauma thing but he keeps.. I don't really know how to describe it? He keeps warping. I don't know its probably just some dream shit”
“haven't been able to eat properly.. keep feeling this itch on my neck, its not bad just annoying mostly. My phone hurts my eyes. Keep dreaming of creeper.im sure he didn't actually look like that. Sorry for the bad handwriting, I'm so tired nd my hands hurt. Might try sleeping again”
“woke up and puked, pretty badly too- dreaming of that guy hurts my head”
“Really should call a doctor I think. I did call IRIS, I'm sure I did, they said they'd send someone over. No one came- my body hurts, everywhere it's just this dull ache. I might try
and shower or something. I don't know what to do at this point- no ones coming I've waited and waited and no one showed. The itching got worse, I don't know what's wrong with me I just need someone to come help”
“Why is no one answering my calls???”
“Tried to shower, clumps of my hair just- came out. I just cried something is wrong with me I called IRIS again I told them it was urgent and I need help. The creeper answered me. It couldn't have been real- but it made me throw my phone accidentally. It broke and I can't get it to work again. I can't keep going on like this. The itching keeps spreading too- it now feels like things are crawling in my organs. I can't scratch there”
“Threw up again, mostly blood- it was clumpy, I think it was bits of my throat. It hurts my throat to breathe let alone talk”
“The man in my room can't be here- I didn't let anyone in, he shouldn't be here”
“I found out why I feel like there things crawling in me. I threw up a dead bug. The itching keeps going. I think I need to leave”
“I left my apartment. The air stung and I felt everyone's eyes on me. I don't care i just need help”
“IRIS won't let me in. Or near anyone.”
“They're keeping me here. They keep giving me things. They poked IVs in me- the skin just teared away. It hurt so much, it feels good to actually be given medication. It's not kicked in yet but I think it should soon. The nurse gave me a funny look when I described my creep to him. I don't know, I just wanna sleep”
IRIS Supplemental:
ALTR 181502, previously known as Robert “Robbie” James, was announced as clinically dead to the public on 05/11/2016. Within the IRIS Foundation however it should be known that ALTR 181502, while maintaining a “corpse-like” appearance, is very much alive. IRIS researchers and medics have been working on a plausible theory on the rapid and alarming decline in ATLR 181502’s health after an apparent encounter with ALTR 114209. This variation of effects with 114209 seems to be an outlier. But until a working theory has been confirmed, the containment is highly necessary for both ALTR 181502 and for the wider public. Some IRIS staff have left due to unknown illnesses after contact with ALTR 181502. Their symptoms are yet to be examined but they are all in highly secure quarantine zones until they are confirmed to not be carrying a “Zombie Virus” as the research staff seem to be calling it.
As for ALTR 181502- exact details of his initial encounter with ALTR 114209 are documented in his original report to IRIS. His condition remains unpleasant. And it seems the best we can hope for is to keep him in containment until we understand what's going on.
The journal, as well as the remainder of ALTR 181502's belongings have been quarantined or burned. We managed to digitise his IRIS issued journal for the research sake. In said journal we believe the figure he describes is ALTR 114209- as it is within it's behaviour to torment it's victims while they are in mental distress.
It was discovered, by one such medic, after attempting an autopsy on ALTR 181502, that he is very much no longer human. If the hive of moth larvae that has eaten away at all of his organs have anything to say about it at least. How he still is living, albeit not pleasantly, is about as good a guess as yours as it is mine.
End Supplemental.
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houseofwomn · 10 months ago
If all else fails, write some letters.
emily rose
teen | wc: 1.1k | cw: mentions of grief
a/n: first drabble of 2024. sorry it took so long. hope you enjoy ♡ banner credits from airidescence
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It’s been ten years and I still don’t know where to put all this grief.
Uncle Tommy suggested I see a shrink, so I told him to fuck off. I promised him I’d write these stupid letters instead. Journaling, mindfulness, yoga - all that does nothing for me. This shit better work. Anyways. Here’s a list of things you never got to see.
I stopped playing soccer after a broken ankle - it was gnarly. I remember crying in the hospital all night.
My grades got somewhat better. I graduated high school. Somehow became the youngest person in the city to make the Homicide Division. It’s shit work. The captain is a bit of an ass. Tommy met her at a few holiday parties and it did not go well.
By the way, Tommy misses you too. A few weeks ago, we looked through the attic and found a bunch of old photo albums and VHS tapes. We spent all day looking through them. There was a picture of us sitting on your old couch - the black leather one with all the cigarette butts in the cup holders.
My head hurts writing this. We still have nothing for you. No evidence, no lead. Not any fingerprints. The files don’t have anything. I’m pissed. There has to be something. It’s been ten years without you and all that I have left are some old photos and beat-up jackets.
You need justice. I need answers.
We miss you so much. I’m going to stop writing before I throw up.
Always surviving, Emily Rose 09/10/19
* * * *
I had a fluffernutter sandwich this morning and thought of you.
Don’t know why I love it so much. I probably have a dozen cavities. I’m sorry it’s been so long since my last letter - so much has happened.
I quit the NYPD, how shocking. I found so much - probably enough to fire every cop in my precinct - but HR turned on me. Dead rats in my lockers. Side eyes from everyone. So I left. I spent two weeks on my ass, bartending at the Drunk Tank until Tommy made me chat with an old friend of his. Mafalda. I think you knew her too. It’s better here, if not way more chaotic. We have a computer guy named Luke, he’s pretty awkward. A bit pretentious. Terrible cook, too. But he lost his mom around the same time I lost you. There’s a forensic analyst named Ruby who stops by. She’s sweet, always reminding me I can talk to her if I need to. We went out for drinks last night and I honestly can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard.
Also, I got rid of that stupid couch you loved. It was all ripped up and probably full of mold. Uncle Tommy and I spent a whole day looking for a new couch. I landed on this velvet green one with some fancy fringe at the bottom. Very bougie, I know.
You know, it’s annoying funny how people enter your life and insist on staying there. His name is Trystan Thorne and you’d love him. Uncle Tommy does, but I think it’s cause he buys him fancy donuts every morning. I wish you could meet him. I barged into his penthouse, beat his ass, and now we’re partners. Isn’t that weird? He’s infuriating, but it’s nice to have him around. Don’t tell him I said that. I told him some stories about you today and it felt so good to talk about everything.
Finally, some good news. We might have something for you. Some mafia leader named Big V. I told Tommy and Mafalda about her and they both think there’s a chance she did it. I hate that it’s taken so long to come up with just one possible lead. But I’d do anything to know what happened to you.
I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you more. I miss you so fucking much. Here’s to fifteen years without you.
Always surviving, Emily Rose 10/08/23
* * * *
It’s been only a few months since my last letter and so much has happened. Trystan was put on trial for a murder he didn’t commit. We had to fly half the team to Drakovia as a hail mary. Ended up playing a lawyer for a few minutes. it was weird.
I messed up so many times. Trystan and I fought over something we both knew the answer to. Sebastyan...Fuck. Vasili is dead. Every time I remember that look in his eye, I want to throw up.
It’s three am and Trystan is sleeping right next to me. He always listens to me talk about you. I keep imagining all the dinners and talks we could’ve had, just the three of us. You could’ve told him all your stupid jokes - like the one about eating a clock.
Tomorrow is my twenty-ninth birthday. Tommy told me he had something planned. I bet you ten bucks it’ll be a party at the Drunk Tank. I remember growing up, you guys would spend the entire night decorating the apartment with balloons. I hope Tommy isn’t doing that this year.
You’re here everywhere I go. I was doing laundry earlier and saw one of Tommy’s button-downs that used to be yours. It still smelled like you. I make coffee just the way you did - black. I have your small, round nose.
I hate that your life was taken from me. But I will find you at the end of mine. I love you, Dad. Come visit me sometime? Please.
Always living, Emily Rose 3/31/24
* * * * I’ve missed writing. I wrote this all in a day after I found the most devastating YouTube comment and just had to write something. Also, if you didn’t notice the start of the 2nd letter is a little reference to this fic. Anyway - there’s definitely more writing coming from me soon...Hope you enjoyed this angst xx
Click here for the masterlist of all my works so far! Tags: @choicesficwriterscreations @jerzwriter @logolepzy @stars-are-within-me@shadyinternetblizzard @urcowboyboyfriend @lexicook74-blog @leahtine @jahrobin @calisomnia @kyra75 @icarusfallsforever @inlocusmads @tessa-liam
@dutifullynuttywitch @juudaimes-true-form @plathski @cnvrsecupid @im-the-galactic-starfish (let me know if anyone else would like to be added to my perma tag!)
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kuu-stuff · 3 months ago
09 December 2024
Yesterday I went for a late walk after it rained most of the day. I feel alive again ! Why do I keep listening to Americans when they obviously haven't walked more than 10 min in a row for the past decade ToT My in-laws always stress when I go out after 4 pm like I will be stranded in darkness or something. Or saying that it's too cold to go out like if I'm not used to walk in the snow. Or some neighbors worrying that I'm not carrying pepper spray or weapon going through the NEIGHBORHOOD that is pretty much only used by the people living here since most of the roads are dead ends. They make it feel like I could die at any moment. Always worried about snakes/insects, luminosity, weather,... I was literally home by 7, it wasn't even completely dark yet and everyone was shocked that I was outside. This is so silly... I used to go to the forest at night, even in big cities I would walk after sunset, here even during the day I get sometimes comments trying to dissuade me. Do they think crime doesn't exist in Europe ? I'd argue that there is less chances of being attacked here. And as much as we don't have as many wild life, in 3 years I only encountered snakes in our yard and in a shed and the only other wild life that gives me hard time are mosquitoes and ants. I could ramble for hours but my point was that walking in the evening after a light rain when the water still drops from the trees when almost every houses are decorated for Christmas and no one is out is sooooo great. The weather is finally cold enough for me to survive. The smell in fall, after the rain is so aromatic. The sound is soothing. The animals are calm and play around. It's just so awesome and I missed it so much.
I tried the site blocktoon to post "This time I can share it with you" on it, just to try it out and I don't wanna complain because it's free and seems to be good for many people, but it's kind of trash ? It's little things like automatically only showing jpeg files while uploading while ... who tf still use jpegs for pictures ?? Then I couldn't upload some infos on my page without disclosing every single infos. The uploading time was loooong and I couldn't even preview it before posting. And especially, it made my pages look soooo bad quality. It's true that I didn't read what format they wanted and didn't want to go through the trouble to change each pages into jpegs, but come on, this is laaaame. We'll see if anyone reads it. I haven't advertised anything so maybe no one will. Bah, I'm just doing it because I lust for comments. ✰✰✰✰✰✰✰ I got a great neeeew idea for a comic and I got a ton of scenes and stuff already, maybe after finishing this part of "Contained" and next part of "This time [...]" I could try that ? I did want to take commissions in January so I could just relax and work on those and the new comic, like I did for "Here, within reach" (that I still have to finish too) ahlala...
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sammyloomis · 1 year ago
2023 completions
welcome to the 2023 edition of my ramblings about video games i completed this year!! including even more unwanted opinions and even less coherency
total games: 37
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09/01 - Sam & Max Save the World - 8/10
sam and max, freelance police, begin a long string of investigations involving hypnotised celebrities, sentient computers, and conspiracies that go all the way to the TOP, baby
startin the year off good game wise then!! tbh i started this one in 2022 but it didnt make that list cause i just.. wasnt in a game playin mood towards the end i guess fghj but anyway!! really liked this one, ive seen a few mutuals who like this series so i was excited to play it and it was a lot of fun :] defo an old school point and click game and i rly liked the main characters themselves and the supporting cast!! glad theres another remaster i can jump into right after this one
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11/01 - Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil In Me - 8/10
the crew of lonnit entertainment are invited to a recreation of the infamous murder house, the stomping grounds of americans first serial killer, h h holmes. they are hoping the location will help save their documentary, but will you be able to save... THEIR LIVES??
i feel like every dark pictures game becomes my fave dark pictures game as they come out, but this one really was Very Good. i can confidently say this is probably the most scared ive been while playing a supermassive game Ever. the characters, while dysfunctional, grew on me a lot over the course of the game which made keeping them alive even more nailbiting :’] speaking of, the deaths in this one were Particularly gruesome imo, just from a concept standpoint, so big kudos for that too!! my only gripe is that i think the new “features” such as puzzle solving and traversal mechanics just artificially prolonged the runtime without actually adding anything to the experience
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15/01 - Sam and Max Beyond Time and Space - 7/10
even more weird shit is afoot in the second sam and max game, this time our duo facing off against T-H-E-M, the bermuda triangle, and satan himself!! ... or was it santa??
2 sam and max games in one month, this may have detrimental effects on my brain :’] but really, i liked this one too!! not as much as the first, but i still liked the characters and overall story, i liked how it all connected to both the previous game and the events through this one. i found some of the puzzles a bit more difficult and obtuse, but they were still fun. another fun point and click game (tho somewhat dated in some cases fghjk)
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18/01 - Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments - 5/10
the game preceeding sherlock holmes: the devils daughter, which i completed last year, follows the titular character once more, solving 6 of his cases along with his partner dr john watson
eh, not much to say about this one. i certainly prefered the devils daughter, but that one was also kinda meh fghjk. with this one being an older game, the graphics and gameplay were a bit more janky, and i guess theyd changed voice actors for sherlock since this game cause i didnt like his voice in this one tbh. that being said, mystery wise id say its abt on par with the devils daughter. yeah, again, not much to say really :’]
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24/01 - Psychonauts 2 - 10/10
a mole in headquarters, an evil from the past is rising again, and even MORE figments hidden in really obscure places... another day at the psychonauts office :V raz once again must delve into various brains to figure out what the Fuck is goin on
okay this game was literally so fkn good in every aspect. visually stunning, amazing story, brilliant characters both new and returning... GOD!!! what the first game did well, this one blew it CLEAN out of the water, i loved it a lot!! like idk what else to even say, it was just such a solid game i cant think of much to critisise :’]
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04/02 - AI: The Somnium Files - 3/10
kaname date works for the police force for a department unknown to the general public, using groundbreaking technology, he delves into the minds of suspects and uncovers clues using their own memories. when a body shows up resembling a victim of a serial killer from a cold case, he begins his investigation
... man... spike chunsoft rly just know how to make characters that grate on me fghjk for starters ill praise the original concept and interesting story (when it finally got around to being revealed), but i disliked/was uninterested in most of the characters and thought the tropes they kept using were annoying and just plain weird. im not fully sure Why this game was a branching path type game since it never really plays into the plot and the main story could have easily been told with a single storyline. overall, didnt rly enjoy this one, but what can ya do they cant all be winners :’]
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13/02 - Sly Cooper and the Thievious Raccoonus - 5/10
sly cooper, youngest descendent of the illustrious cooper thief clan, had his familys secrets stolen when he was just a lad. now he sets out to retrive what was taken from him and beat up some bad guys as he does
i gotta commend this game for the humour and the creativity with it, and im defo lookin forward to playing the rest of these games based off this one, but i think this first entry suffers from a lot of Jank that made it quite frustrating to play :’] also, there wasnt any way to mute anything except the music or adjust the volume so it would routinely blow the FUCK out of my eardrums. that bein said tho, still fun, very quick game, but im keepin it a low rating cause im expecting to like the later ones better :’]
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26/02 - Hidden Agenda - 2/10
the infamous “trapper” killer makes a final confession while counting down the days on death row, claims he never killed anyone and he can help lead the police to exactly who did. detective becky marney must investige this case one more time and decide if hes lying, or if the killer is still afoot
im so so SO sorry to my friends who like this game but besties.... why fghj for starters i was locked out of playing it for almost 2 years when the app you are REQUIRED to use in order to play this thing just stopped working, and when i finally did start playing the jank didnt stop with just the app. the whole game seems to be a broken mess with textures flickering in and out, characters walking thru solid objects, its MADNESS. the story and characters are so.... not interesting :[ it takes only 2 hours to do a full runthru of the story so i never rly grew to care abt them and theyre so flat anyway that i didnt Want to. if it wasnt so clearly rushed i think itd be good, and some of the acting is actually rly stellar, but overall...... its a no from me
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04/03 - Minecraft - minecraft/10
its minecraft
technically i already got the plat ages ago but this year i finally got the coveted 100% so.... yeah ;w; i mean we all know what minecraft is so like...... idk what to say abt it guys, u already know how good it is (tho the console version is Vasty inferior to pc)
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05/03 - Death Stranding - 8/10
after a world ending catastrophe dubbed the death stranding wiped out modern life as we know it, humanity is scattered across america. its up to sam porter bridges, post apocalyptic delivery man, to travel across the country and unite those that remain
depsite how confusing this game was, and how slow it was paced, and how fkn damn weird it was half the time, i still had a lot of fun playing it :’] i enjoyed the characters, tho wish certain ones had more limelight, i enjoyed the actual gameplay, tho by the end game i was finding it a bit Too repetetive, and i found the story rly interesting, when i could understand what was going on fghj so basically for every good thing i liked, it was countered by something, tho they are fairly small things. also the ending cutscene is an hour n a half long and i was fkn 3 am when i was finally allowed to exit the damn game so, u know, beware of that
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10/03 - Ratchet & Clank - 7/10
young mechanic ratchet, with his new buddy clank, join the galactic rangers in stopping the blargs from destroying countless planets in order to build their own
another game thats been on my backlog for ages, im glad to have this one done and dusted :’] i certainly had fun playing it, but i feel like it was a bit Too kiddy in some places for my personal taste (dialogue and humour wise that is, but since this was also made by insomniac of spiderman fame, it makes sense) and after a certain point the game becomes piss easy with all the upgrades u get, but i still enjoyed it
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03/04 - Sly Cooper 2: Band of Thieves - 5/10
sly and his pals return to their thieving ways after learning that the infamous klaw gang have begun reassembling parts for slys arch nemesis; clockwork. they travel across the globe to stop them
man my descriptions are getting worse fghj but anyway, as with the first game, i rly enjoyed the characters!! and the music, and... thats pretty much it. i really dont know what it is about these sly games that i just cant seem to enjoy the gameplay but i Really Really dont have fun while playing them :[ which is a shame cause, like i say, great characters that id like to spend more time with. if this was supposed to be the best in the series, i think im gonna give the 3rd and 4th games a miss for now, but maybe ill come back to them in the future
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29/04 - Last Day of June - 7/10
a short game depicting a young couple named carl and june, and the tragedy surrounding their relationship
this game doesnt actually have a plat, which is something im trying not to be too picky about going forward in terms of playing games, but even tho this game was super short i really liked it!! the story is rly simple but incredibly sad, and even though theres a lack of “voice acting” in the traditional sense, there was still a lot of great emotive acting in this. that being said, the fact some of the voices sounded so odd detracted from the seriousness of the plot sometimes, and the actual gameplay was kinda boring, but still a solid short game :]
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29/04 - Predator Hunting Grounds - 1/10
and i dont like it >:[
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03/05 - Linger in Shadows - 1/10
this... isnt even a game apparently
i had it on my list of things to check out while i had the ps plus premium thinking it Was a game, but its not. its a strange kind of “art” thing according to the guide i used. i didnt rly know what was going on fghj. certainly a unique experience i suppose but nothing id recommend u go out of ur way to do, even if it takes literally 10 minutes to get all the trophies (no plat either)
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08/05 - Kurushi - 2/10
ps1 puzzle game, another one from the ps plus catalogue
not much to say abt this one again fghj seems like these last few games have been kinda duds huh :’] ah well, theres certainly better games on the horizon i suppose. as said, this is just some puzzle game from the ps1, janky controls and all. the music is surprisingly good, sounds almost like disney instrumentals :’] not that fun without assisstance tbh
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09/05 - The Gardens Between - 6/10
a very short puzzle game following 2 friends exploring a strange series of islands that tell the story of their friendship
when i say short i Mean short. like even without a guide i got this completely done in 2 1/2 hours, and that included me leaving the game on while i went to get something to eat from the kitchen. that being said, its a very cute game!! i enjoyed the puzzles, the style is nice and Capital-I-Indie, the musics nice and relaxing. the story was also nice, if sad, (can i say nice a few more times??? nice nice nice nice) but i just think this game is Wayyyy too short dfghj i think a lot more could have been done with it :’] glad i didnt pay the full £15 for this as it would have been a bit of a rip off
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09/05 - Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent - 8/10
fbi agent tethers is sent out to the minnesotan town of scoggins to investigate the local eraser factory shutting down
damn we’re just flying thru em now huh! ive actually played and 100%’d this game before on steam, as well as its sequel so i suppose im a little biased :’] but i rly like this game!! another short one, and another puzzle one, but i rly love the art style and story, as well as the puzzles being fairly simple but still fun!! its a shame the second game never made it to ps or id complete that one too but yeah, fun and simple puzzle game, defo recommend :] like most games like this tho, i wish it were longer
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11/05 - ABZU - 6/10
you are a diver on a journey through the ocean, discovering the creatures that inhabit the waters
short n sweet indie game (anotha one) and this one was pleasant!! i rly liked the style and music, the story was simple but told fairly well, and just overall a nice game :] beyond that, not much to say tho fghj defo a very pretty game, and id recommend if you have an interest in marine life n such, but beyond that its pretty bog standard indie game
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11/05 - The Pedestrian - 5/10
a short puzzle game where you traverse various signs as the tiny person within them
pretty straight forward puzzle game with a Weird ending that i dont quite understand fghj but overall it was enjoyable :’] most of these quicker games ive been playing lately have been super quick puzzle games so i might be getting burnt out on them, but even then i can appreciate the creativity of this one. its also another game with no plat which, considering it came out not 3 years ago, is kind of annoying
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14/05 - Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons - 4/10
two brothers venture on a quest to find medicine for their sick father
another short puzzle game, with a pretty interesting feature!! you control each brother with an analogue stick each, which can make coordination in some parts quite tricky if ur me fghj overall a pretty decent game, the story was kinda meh for me but i thought the gameplay was interesting, not much else tho
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20/05 - Bloodborne - 6/10
the town of yharnam is crawling with beasts and hunters alike. fight through the corrupted streets and discover the fetid depths of this city and all the inhabitants trying super duper hard to kill you
im editing this from when i first wrote it after immediately finishing the game because i was cranky and frustrated because i cant in good faith give this game a score lower than 5 (mainly because i know the fromsoft fans would dox and kill me). this game is visually very nice, in the sense that it looks Horrible, which fits the vibe. the gothic style along with the monsters are really unique and detailed to the point where some of them are hard to look at. that being said, i personally didnt like this game. at all. i know on a “technical” level its very good, but i struggled for a Long Time to “git gud” as it were and surprisingly, dying a million times because you cant dodge within a 1/2 second window before being stun locked to death GREATLY decreased my enjoyment of this game. and thats all im gonna say about it :V
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21/05 - Black Mirror - 4/10
following the suicide of his father, david gordon returns to scotland from india to inherit his familys estate. however, there are strange mysteries surrounding this house and the family who occupy it
pretty short horror/puzzle game that was pretty light on both the horror and puzzles fghj tho this game had a surprising amount of animation that looks fairly good which was a nice surprise. the characters were fine, and the story started out quite interesting but just felt a bit... weird. especially the ending, the final climax is basically just a bunch of qtes that ends really abruptly with little push back from the villain :’] for a free game i guess i cant complain too much
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23/05 - Vampyr - 8/10
dr johnathan reid, recently turned vampire, has just returned home to london after serving as a field medic during the war. the streets are crawling with rogue vampires, and an epidemic is spreading quickly through the city, all while johnathan is searching for his maker
FINALLY A GAME I ENJOYED. GOD. okay so this was surprising because ive heard a lot of people call this game p mid, and maybe id think the same if it wasnt preceded by a whole bunch of Crap ive recently played, but here we are!! i really loved the chracters, i thought they were all fun and interesting, even the ones we dont meet for too long, and i also found the story super compelling!! the game Does have a bit of jank to it, with weirdly long loading times (even on the ps5) and the occassional graphical error, but otherwise i rly enjoyed this one :]
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31/05 - Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart - 9/10
seperated after dr nefarious begins ripping holes into other dimensions, ratchet and clank must team up with another lombax named rivet and stop the universes from collapsing altogether
man this game was so fun!! i got the whole thing done and dusted over the course of 2 days :’] the writing was still a bit cheesy for me, and as implied the play time is Outrageously low for the steep price (which i thankfully avoided cause ps plus), but the gameplay itselt was Incredibly fun and engaging!! defo a huge step up from the first game in this reboot series. i also rly loved rivet so that certainly helped :’]
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02/06 - Lake - 5/10
meredith weiss, a successful programmer, moves back to her childhood town of providence oaks to fill in her her dad at his post office job. deliver mail to the residents of this lakeside town and decide how meredith wants to end her 2 week stint
pretty cute indie game i got through ps plus, i kinda wish the whole thing Was just a post delivery simulator :’] the characters are okay, the storys okay if a little eh.... i wanna say Loose?? like the plot beats (if u can call them that) feel kinda boring n half arsed. theres also a random romance option in this which feels?? out of place and doesnt actully impact anything that much. overall its an okay game, like i say the thing i found the most fun was driving around delivering post but maybe thats just my autism showing :V
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13/06 - PowerWash Simulator - 10/10
i mean... kinda does what it says on the tin guys
is a 10 a bit generous?? maybe. do i particularly care?? absolutely not. this game is a 10 if ever there was one. i truly dont know how else to sell this if the idea of cleaning stuff with a powerwasher isnt immeditely appealing to you like, maybe You’re the problem :V this game also has a weird amount of lore?? which is also v fun fghj so do with that info what you will
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19/06 - LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean - 7/10
a lego retelling of all 4 pirate movies, with all the usual lego bells and whistles
pretty typical lego game, so the gameplay and stuff is p fun!! ive actually never seen these movies so i didnt rly know what was goin on half the time, especially because this is an Older lego game so theres zero voice acting in this. i also had quite a few crashes and bugs while playing where i had to restart either the level or the whole game, which got annoying during the cleanup grind. overall tho, cant go wrong with a lego game tbh
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17/08 - Chicory: A Colorful Tale - 9/10
after all the colour in the world disappears out of nowhere, you must go on a quest across the picnic province to restore it using a magic paintbrush
you may notice the significant time gap between the last game and this one and uhhhh ngl folks i was Not Gamin dfghj i was Tired n a lil Sad but eh what can ya do, but this was a great game to come back with!! absolutely loved this one, super adorable art style and gameplay that reminded me a LOT of toem, very similar vibes but this game is much longer imo. id give it a perfect 10 if the collectibles weren’t so horrid to find fghjk but other than that cant recommend this one enough!!
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29/08 - Observation - 7/10
dr emma fisher wakes up after the space station on which she resides undergos a catastrophic failure. take control ships ai, S.A.M., and attempt to reboot the systems and find the crew, who have all mysteriously disappeared...
rly quite liked this one!! the fact u control the ships ai is a pretty interesting feature and made the interface really cool and sci-fi lookin, defo alien inspired on that front. i liked the story, even if it Did get a bit confusing, and the voice acting was also pretty stellar!! gotta dock points for some classic indie game Jank, and the fact that there isnt a whole lot goin on gameplay wise (p much entirely minigames that arent that well explained to you that u only end up doing once) but the story and overall eerie atmosphere rly saved it for me
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31/08 - OMNO - 5/10
short indie game where u travel through a mystical world, solve puzzles, and meet extraordinary animals
theres indie games and then theres Indie Games, u know?? this is the latter. and thats not a bad thing!! it just means its kinda... predictable. usual fare of no voice acting, gorgeous music, simple but stylised graphics etc etc. it was pretty cute and the puzzles were fun, but some of the controls felt a bit clunky and like i say, a little boring story wise imo (but maybe ive just played too many of these types of games). perfectly middle of the road :’]
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03/09 - Tacoma - 7/10
you have been sent on a mission to retrieve the ai from a ship where all the crew have seemingly vanished (sounds a bit familiar huh?? all sci fi is the same (affectionately)). explore the ship and piece together what happened to everyone
anotha one, anotha sci fi indie game :’] rly liked the story of this one!! and it was an interesting mechanic to be able to view scenes of the crew via an AR system, and then also view their files and such. despite their limited appearances, all the crew members were interesting and unique, and no spoilers but it made the ending and its lead up a lot more exciting and intense. gotta dock points for how Glitchy this game was, it crashed at one point and started stuttering so bad i had to restart it manually, and also for how short it is. still, good story, good characters
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06/09 - Chicken Police: Paint it RED! - 8/10
a gritty noir point and click detective game where u play as the infamous sonny featherland, one half of the crime fighting duo, chicken police. after a nervous dame shows up on his doorstep about her mistress recieving vague threats, he realises hes gotta take just one last case
anthropamorphic detective chickens..... played TOTALLY straight, mind you. like i was actually totally blown away by this game fghjk its Completely voice acted for one, and its Pretty Fuckin Good voice acting too, the story and mystery is Really interesting, the world its set in is super gritty and deep despite how little its kinda touched on through the story, i was very surprised!! i think the ending and reveal were a bit uhh.... abelist, not to get too into spoilers, but for a noir story i guess its par for the course. still, enjoyed this one!!
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08/09 - The Testament of Sherlock Holmes - 5/10
a mutilated bishop, a deadly poison, and some other shady bullshit, its another sherlock holmes game
this is actually the oldest game in the series thats avilable on ps, ive kinda gone about playing these in the exact wrong order :’] that being said, i do think this is my Least favourite of the 3 ive played thus far. like crimes & punishment, this game also has plenty of jank, and the voice acting is a lil ehhh stiff for my taste. the puzzles were fine, the story was fine, overall just Fine. this game follows 1 case rather than multiple like its sequels do
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10/09 - Garfield Kart: Furious Racing - 4/10
basically a mario kart clone but with garfield :]
now i am not one who loves racing games. in fact i suck quite badly at them. so u may wonder why i have a racing game in this list and well?? im ngl i bought this game as a meme and it ended up being so hard i had to put it down for a while dfghj BUT i came back to it and after hours of sweatin and gamer rage i DID IT!!! but at what cost. the game is fun, it looks nice, tho the only real garfield references it Has are its racers, the courses are kinda bland and generic. also the trophies...... my GOD the trophies..... not even a plat btw hhhh anyway if u like racing games check it out but if u Dont then DONT
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17/09 - The Last of Us: Part 1 - 8/10
in the fungusy zombie apocalypse, smuggler joel is tasked with taking an immune girl, ellie, to a group of freedom fighters to create a cure. a remake of a remake :’]
obviously its good. i mean cmon. i remember watching a playthru of the OG og game wayyy back when so i kinda knew all the plot beats, but playing it myself in this beautiful 4k ps5 remake was Glorious (dont get me wrong, i think it was totally unnessesary to remake it AGAIN but it do look pretty). i can certaily see why this game has such a cult following and got the reception it did. maybe a Tad overhyped?? maybe a tad. but still good!! gameplay is solid, story is solid, characters are solid, whats not to like?? docking points for the frankly OBSCENE price point (luckily i got mine Mega cheap but go-LLY)
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03/10 - The Last of Us: Part 2 - 10/10
after a devastating loss, ellie begins a gruelling quest for revenge and runs the risk of not only losing the ones she loves, but herself as well
i mean. fuck me guys. fuck ME. if the first game is good then this one is straight up glorious. the story is Vastly improved, so much tension and grey morality and Bone Deep Agony, emotionally and physically. its just such a hugely better game, both story and gameplay wise with a Bunch of new features and they arent afraid to take you to Extremely dark places with characters we already love and brand new ones too. this games going to be sitting with me for a long time i feel
and thats it for 2023!!
kinda fell off the gaming wagon in the final few months of this year due to a variety of reasons, but lets hope i can keep gettin games off the ol’ backlog in the new year :]
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codeandcanvas · 5 months ago
A process, a person, maybe a designer?
Around every first Saturday of the month, the following happens between me and my computer—some step repeat on other days, too, but rarely all:
encrypting local files
syncing encrypted local files with a remote cloud
copying notebooks from my notetaking programme into an archival section, named like this: year, month, and notebook name, like so: the notebook called “Projects” has its content moved to “2024-09-projects”, before the next step
exporting notebooks from my notetaking programme into various formats, then using an archiving programme to make an archival copy of these files
a certain analysis takes place, knowing I have my projects and ideas in one place: when I get around to them, I will do them
these exports and archives get synced from one local drive to another local drive, which itself is the decrypted representation of the encrypted local files I keep in sync with the remote cloud
While this is not exactly a pleasurable process, it does provide a certain comfort: all is not lost. And while physical archives are rarely easy to access or a joy to use (my SO might have the one exception I am aware of: a suspension filing system by Leitz, which I find really neat absolutely glorious), this is one of the systems whose only tedium comes from the redundancy in exporting.
As I work my way down my list of notebooks concerning topics like my projects and ideas, personal diary entries, changes to my workshop and its tools, social content, I take notice of why I do this process. Of course, there is that thing about being German and loving archives, sure, check that stereotype, sure, yes, sure.
But why I do this is at all, is this: my existence is meaningful to me. What I do is meaningful to me. My observations and experiments have value to me. Maybe there is a little bit of becoming older playing into this, but I have always found computers to be a delight for one simple reason: I can search all of my files. And with interesting new tools like AI, I can even analyze my own files in meaningful ways, looking for patterns, and most often: for tone.
If I would allow all of this to disappear into the obscurity of whatever social media does to a few people’s capacity to become involved in their own perception and processes, then all I would have done, is to allow my own words, my own life, to disappear.
I rather uphold structure. I rather write about what I have done.
Maybe you are into that sort of thing. Maybe you have read some of this, wondering about me and what I do. Maybe this is all very obvious and clear to you. All the same, I believe that knowing what we do, what we write, is of value to us.
And most of what I am currently doing, is writing. I haven’t done that for years, and I am still struggling to get away from any kind of promotional tone: not because I was ever any good at that, hell no, but because the idea of having to market what I do and why I do it, has basically poisoned joy.
Imagine doing work like this, and then having to satisfy some imaginary person you have in your head, because someone said something somewhere to get under your skin.
For most of us, creative or not, that is a sad truth of existence: that only with time we can find joy in what we do, rather than looking for joy given to us by satisfying what others demand of us.
And like I have said up there, doing this archival work is not exactly on a par with eating vanilla ice cream—but it satisfies something, which does not even need a fancy name. Maybe being your own person is about that: to neither be able to be understood by others easily, nor putting any effort into neither being understood nor being misunderstood.
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In a way, I am alone with my thoughts, in the company of a few hundred people. Imagine. I actually can’t. I just do these things, and write about them. Some of it in private, some of it like this, in the privacy of a few hundred mutuals, friends, and family.
I think I will finish up reading Maeda’s Creative Code now.
Maybe I will switch on some sort of archiving for my Threads account, too.
I think I want to blog like this. I think I just did.
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afairmaiden · 1 year ago
For the @inklings-challenge
(Late as usual, and just the beginning, but it's something, at least.)
An Acceptable Sacrifice, Part 1
From the journal of Nicholas Leonard, member of the Maldonado Expedition to Zone 13 Northwest
Monday, October 18
58°F, clear skies, low humidity.
Departed base at 13:00, under the command of Arik Maldonado, after considerable delays and against the advice of Rylan Gaines. Reports of severe weather approaching, believed to be greatly exaggerated.
Drove southeast about four hours until the road ended between the old wildlife preserve and state forest land. Nearly dark by the time we got out and unloaded everything. Walked another forty-five minutes past overgrown fields and what used to be a town before splitting up. Team A north, team B south. Continued east toward the river with Zane Benson. Made camp in what looks to be the parking lot of an old factory or something. Forced to put up with Benson's incessant chatter the whole time.
Transcript of the last known recordings of Zane Benson and Nicholas Leonard of the Maldonado Expedition, recovered 10/26/25
10/18/25 19:09:41
BENSON: Hello, hello. Can anyone hear me? If there are any spirits here, please make your presence known.
LEONARD: Hey! What do you think you're doing with that?
BENSON: I'm just testing it out, relax.
LEONARD: That's professional equipment for official record-keeping purposes, not playing ghost hunt, got it?
BENSON: It is supposed to be haunted, you know.
LEONARD: [inaudible]
BENSON: Come on, you know people have gone missing out here. Of course they don't talk about it, but it is strange, don't you think, that every time there's an expedition, someone doesn't end up coming back?
LEONARD: You volunteering or something?
BENSON: Look, I'm just saying—
LEONARD: And I'm just telling you to keep your mouth shut and do your job. We didn't come out here to trade ghost stories around the campfire.
BENSON: Well, I'd like to know what we are doing here. We're not looking for ghosts and we're not looking for people and there's certainly nothing of value left in these ruins. You'd think if they really want environmental data so bad, they could just send out some drones or something and be done with it.
LEONARD: Yeah? And how are they supposed to do that? You can hardly get a signal in half the city these days, let alone out here. We might as well be back in the dark ages. [pause] Is that thing still on?
BENSON: Would you relax? I brought extra batteries. I'll delete the files when we've got something to report.
LEONARD: You got the tent set up yet?
BENSON: Yeah, yeah, I got it. Bent all the tent pegs trying to drive them into this gravel, but I got it. You sure know how to pick a campsite, don't you?
Tuesday, October 19
Couldn't sleep. Weird dreams. Benson's ghost stories must have gotten to me more than I cared to admit. Keep thinking what the place must have looked like before, imagining people in strange, old-fashioned clothes walking around outside the tent. Crazy stuff—I know it really wasn't abandoned that long ago. Probably would have slept better on softer ground, but it felt safer here than in the field or woods, closer to reality.
As much as I hate to admit it, Benson's right. I don't know what we're doing out here. Could have just dropped off the equipment and come back for it in a few months, no reason to wait around a whole week, and they never did tell us exactly what we're supposed to be waiting for. Just to log the data and look out for "anything weird." This whole place is weird and getting weirder by the minute.
Woke up to thick fog. After breakfast, finished setting up equipment and logging preliminary data, then took photos of the area before breaking camp and heading further east. Walked about three hours. Should have reached the river already, but it's slow going with so much stuff, and on top of it all, we don't have nearly enough food. Rations barely enough for a week at the office, let alone a week of tramping through the wilderness. If the elements don't kill us, poor planning just might. Or maybe that was the plan all along.
Planned to stop for half an hour at most but Benson wandered off. Tried calling him but no response. Keep thinking I hear something, but Should be able to see him at least. In the woods now, but the trees aren't that thick and the fog cleared up hours ago. He took his pack, so he should have a couple of emergency flares and a whistle on him.
Worse and worse. Definitely heard something. Started running. Fell. Hopelessly lost. Still no sign of Benson. Getting dark quick, looks like rain. Thought to check pack and found signal flares missing, radio damaged beyond repair. Thinking my best bet might be to try to stay where I am. Don't know if they'll be able to track our last known location, doubt they'd send out a search party either way. McLaren would be in charge of any search efforts, and I know he's had it out for me since orientation. Wouldn't put it past him to sabotage the whole thing. Wouldn't be surprised if he orchestrated all this in the first place. But at least they might try to retrieve the equipment.
10/19/25 16:35:14
BENSON: Hello, this is Zane Benson. It's about...four? Four-thirty? Tuesday, October 19. I—I'm not—I'm not really sure what just happened. I just stepped away for a moment after we took some readings and I got turned around. I don't know where I am, or where Nick is. We were supposed to be close to the river so I kept walking east but I'm not seeing anything. I think— [pause] Hello? Nick? Is that—
[end of recording]
Transcriber's note (10/27/25): Recorder was found by Zane Benson's pack, approximately two miles from the other recovered equipment. Benson and Leonard remain missing, presumed dead.
Signal to the Outer Ring has been restored.
[part 2]
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tekni-kali · 1 year ago
Day 225
09:57p, Saturday, June 09, 2023
Uhm....soooo 176 days since I typed out a post for the blog. Coooooolll.....I made my way back...eventually? Let us see how long I stick around this time. I would like to try my best to make something somewhat consistent.
We'll see...
I revived my iPod Mini today. I took a picture of my desk and thought it looked neat, so that's kind of what brought me back here...Here's the picture:
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Things I see:
Apple iPod Mini
Left Nintendo Switch Joycon
Nintendo 3DS XL
USB Extender adaptor thingie
Cup of Pens
Digital Pen for computer graphic drawing doodles
Christmas lights plug
My Cup!
4 stickers of my art
Hollow Knight stickers from amazon
The desk mat
the hdmi splitter button
Warm ikea lamp
Monitor stand!
Okay...thats enough of the things I see in the picture. I like the idea of using the iPod mini again. I wore it on the walk to 7/11 and it worked out really nicely clipped to my shirt and holding the bag in place....I didn't have to fiddle with it at all!! The one thing I may try to investigate to replace for improvement is the headphone/earbud situation. These hot pink jlab beauties were on clearance for eight fiddy at the local wal greens. The bass is distorted but the noise isolation is nice.
Now I am curious as to whether there is a bluetooth adaptor that I can connect my earbuds to then plug the 3.5mm into the ipod to play through it....
That's what I'll look up next. I'll come back in a bit maybe.
10:25p -
Well...that was fun. I didn't look that up yet but I did want to come back and write a bit about my day...so maybe I'll try to do that?
I washed the dishes. I did a driveby someones house to pick up free chairs from their front lawn. I panicked and drove away....then came home and re-arranged my music files and revived the iPod. I collected Behb from work we'd made plans to go to the state park again....by the time we left the house we would've gotten there at 4 and the park closes at 5:30.....traffic was very bad because of all the holiday events. They had every turn around closed so I essentially just spent 30ish minutes driving around what normally should be a 5 minute square. I was very annoyed.
When we got home I boiled two eggs, fucked up peeling one of them and just threw it away. Then Behb suggested an idea for an activity...popcorn and movie night! He didn't think we had popcorn, I told him there was some in the pantry....it was too expired to eat so we walked down to the gas station and bought a bag to pop deciding along the way that we'd watch Die Hard....cuz...christmas movie - holiday festivities and what not.
I strung up lights last night! First I stuck the command strips to the glass on the window and they didn't stay....then I stuck them to the wall and clipped one of the three wires in there and they haven't fallen down yet! I also strung some over the picture and hung up the two christmas arts his family gave us last year...those combined with the christmas tree wax warmer and we're officially festive!
But newai....
When we returned home, we learned that Die Hard isn't streaming on any of the streamy services we have, and we didn't want to pay $3.99 to rent it once.....so I started scrolling....and suggested: Scooby Doo Movie (2002ish) or Jumanji (1995 w/ Robin Williams).
Behb popped the corn, brought a beer, and picked Jumanji. Turns out....ITSA CHRISTMAS MOVIE TOO! At least...Christmas was in it....so...that counts. I honestly don't think I'd seen it before...but it was a good watch and I was entertained so I'm glad it worked out.
Tomorrow is Behbiversary! It will be 4 years since we swiped n started conversing. I am glad we are progressioning together. I'm going to look for strawberries and chocolates for us to make after he's off tomorrow. He got me roses ^_^. Okay...gonna go click around...I think I'll be back soon...I think I want to add some more...but a break now would be nice. So...ye...brb
You know...I just thought...I can probably use the 3.5mm aux cord to plug the Mini into the JBL Flip....then I get iPod muzik on loud speaker....that will be a tomorrow try...I do want to get up for my earbuds now though....IDK, it just seems silly using it in the apt.
I got my earbuds! and found sum muzik:
I think I'll get some screenshots off the switch to post up here. I think I decided I don't want to put pictures in this post...but I"ll work on organizing them to post separately like I did before....but...ye...this seems long enough...so...I'm gonna post it now.
Catch ya later!
0 notes
hxseok-honee · 4 years ago
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sundress [a blossom spinoff] || modern hogwarts ! yoongi au
[i guess you fell into the wrong hands // and now you're effin with the wrong man]
>> childhood best friends. platonic soulmates. dumb dumb and big-head. no matter the name, their relationship has never changed. the lion and the snake. the promiscuous boy with commitment issues and the girl who sticks by his side no matter what. he's not himself without her and she'd give him the world if he asked for it. they keep each other whole, nothing else needed when they're together.
he can't help but want to fix things when her ex-boyfriend jungkook won't stop calling, and she can't help but go along with his crazy plans, no matter how much they cross the lines of friendship. but if they're being honest, there never really were any lines, were there? <<
[spinoff of my au 'blossom'!!]
>> a/n : so.... i never claim a favorite au because i love every single one and i am obsessed with every single one while im writing it.... anyway, welcome to my favorite au! i have a lot of Feelings for blossom!yoongi and it seems you guys do, too, so please have this entirely self-indulgent spinoff and suffer with me!!!
as someone heavily influenced by music when i write, the playlist is very important in all my aus, but especially here! the writing style of this au will be a bit different from my regular work, so im making a lot of changes to how i structure this one. my authors notes for each chapter will be a single line from one of the songs on the playlist so you have a feeling of where my head is at while im writing -- if youre someone who likes to have mood music while reading, feel free to check out the song referenced in each chapter!
BEFORE YOU READ : please make sure you read 'blossom' before starting this au as all the characters are the same and the timelines start in the same place, so there will be some familiar events from 'blossom' that probably won't make sense here unless you read that one first.
BEFORE YOU READ (x2) : sundress contains explicit content, so i ask that anyone under the age of 18 please not interact with this au (comments, asks, etc) at any point. thank you for understanding!
that said, 'sundress' is NOT part of my hogwarts series, so the plot of this au will have no impact on the series as a whole. thanks for reading! <<
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genres : fake dating, fwb, best friends to lovers, mature(???) content????
warnings : a LOT of suggestive content (no fully explicit content), yoongi is everyones favorite thot, jungkook is a total dick for a long time and literally the ONLY source of angst in this whole au!
-> status : [complete] <-
-> taglist : [closed] <-
-> update schedule : twice a week (mon/thurs) <-
>> playlist <<
[01]. she'll be just fine. [written]
[02]. "I'll fix this." [written]
[03]. chlamydia hands
[04]. weird nurse fantasies
[05]. stalker behavior [text + written]
[06]. "Here goes nothing" [written]
[07]. she needs him. [text + written]
[08]. weirdly normal [text + written]
[09]. "I like it." [text + written]
[10]. a totally real couple
[11]. just his type [written]
[12]. is he right?
[13]. playing this game [written]
[14]. looking respectfully
[15]. "What's stopping you?" [written]
[16]. lets play Too Hot
[17]. the jealous girlfriend card [text + written]
[18]. make you feel better [text + written]
[19]. youre just H Word
[20]. just friends [written]
[21]. figure your shit out
[22]. smoke break
[23]. say it back [text + written]
[24]. tweeting couple stuff
[25]. stupidly attracted [written]
[26]. granny pjs
[27]. take care of you [written]
[28]. that's rough, buddy
[29]. OUR room
[30]. filing a complaint
[31]. pee pee dance
[32]. driving me bonkers
[33]. achievement unlocked
[33.5] “I love you” [written] [SMUT]
[34]. still thinking about it
[35]. like a lie [written]
[36]. "... Are we in love?" [text + written]
[37]. a family affair
[38]. do you see this shit applejack
[39]. she said we're grounded
[final]. off to start a life
[epilogue]. tootsie roll ass
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volucerrubidus · 2 years ago
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Login... Username: AlbinCounter Password: *************
New File Located... Downloading MP3 File...
Playback 09:20 ▶  
Good evening, Gotham, and… probably the world. I’m not really sure who out there can hear me, or might be listening.
Some concerns have been raised, in fact, that the enemy can hear these, too. And I honestly have no doubt that they can.
But there’s no chance that we have of out-deceiving them. For the first time in my life, The Bat’s methods will not work here.
In fact… The Bat himself has been compromised. And because of that, I have to assume that most, if not all, of the League is, too. There is no hope for us if we play their game. So instead, I’m going to let them know that no matter how hard they try to beat us, they will constantly and steadily be losing, at every turn. They will have to listen to their downfall, increment by doomed increment.
I’ve already vetted one trusted ally. And I’m in contact with other possible allies. Those of us who are left will not go down without a fight.
I’ve got a lead on a study subject. Someone we can examine and test to find out more about these creatures.
What we know so far is that they are vulnerable to light and sound. Intangible weapons. They have access to your brain: every memory, every function. But they only know what you have done. They cannot foresee what you might or could do. They cannot imagine something that your mind wouldn’t normally imagine. So, as frightening as it is to think that someone acting out of their modus operandi might be your ally, remember that your enemy is the picture-perfect version of the person you know. They fit every criterion; they answer every question—flawlessly.
So, get creative. Get spontaneous. Think outside of the box.
They can’t. But we can.
To prove that I’m still human to all of you: 
[an opera song plays—starting soft but getting louder as it goes on. Over the din, Red Robin yells]:
I fucking hate Delibes!
[The song plays in full, the high note eventually being blasted from the speakers].
Okay. Sorry. That felt like a good way to prove it. And, to be honest, it was a little bit of revenge. I hope that hurt, you brain-sucking parasites.
Getting back on track, though, let’s talk strategy, folks. Survival strategy. Not… combat. Obviously that will have to be kept secret.
In order to survive in this current apocalypse:
Do not go out at night. Preserve your power during the day. Don’t drink tap water unless you purify it yourself. Keep your lights on all night, even when you sleep. Shelter does not mean that they can’t get in, too. Collect supplies, but remember your fellow man. The only way we win is if we win together. Be suspicious of everyone, but if you know they’re human, then help them out. Help each other out. Nothing is more valuable than community right now.
We still have 6 months of satellite power for phone use, so don’t be afraid to use your phone to contact people. It won’t give out until April. Hopefully, we won’t even have the chance to see that happen.
As soon as I know it, I’ll also upload a list of the compromised. Keep an eye out for that.
For now, though: Stay safe. Stay hidden. Stay in the light.
This is Red Robin, human, safe, hidden.
Over and Out.
End of Transcript...
Logging out... See you next time.
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wolveria · 4 years ago
Inside Your Wires - Ch 6
Pairing: Human!Connor x Android!Reader
Series Warnings (18+ only): Eventual smut, slow burn, fantasy bigotry, violence, brief noncon elements, angst with a happy ending
Chapter summary: Connor gets his new assignment. He's not thrilled.
Story moodboard by @uh-kitty-got-wet​
Chapter 5 art by @semains​ (18+ only)
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November 6th, 2038
Saturday 09:56AM
There was a time when Connor didn’t have to come in on Saturdays. He remembered the days when mandatory overtime was few and far between.
Not anymore. 2038 seemed to be the year shit just kept happening, and now that he thought about it, quite a few of it seemed to be because of androids. Ones gone missing. Disobeying orders. And now, homicidal.
Connor rubbed the bridge of his nose after putting his car into park, regretting how enthusiastically he’d hit the bottle last night. It wasn’t too bad this time, just an annoying throbbing behind his eyes, but it made it more difficult to see and he’d had to squint through his windshield.
Whatever. The reason for his shame-drinking was no longer relevant. Connor just had to survive until lunchtime, and if he were lucky, Hank would let him go early. He tried not to itch at the butterfly bandages on his cheek, applied himself after he’d woken up in a haze with blood on his pillow having completely forgotten the injury existed.
Connor kept his head down as he walked through the lobby of the station and through the security checkpoint to the bullpen proper. He tried not to be completely antisocial, however, and sent weak smiles at the coworkers who bothered to notice he was there.
Helen, Alexander, and Rupert all acknowledged him with various degrees of warmth, some colder than others, and all pretty much deserved. Ralph gave Connor a nervous smile from his chair, though it quickly faded as his eyes flickered to something across the room.
Frowning, he followed Ralph’s eye line across the bullpen and scowled when he spotted Colin leaning casually against Connor’s desk, talking to… someone. He couldn’t see who, Colin’s figure blocking them from view.
Against his better judgement, Connor drew closer, pressure building at the back of his neck, an uneasy feeling of dread that increased with each step.
“Con’s just gonna love this. But seriously, if he bitches about it too much, or gives you a hard time, you can always partner up with me. I won’t mind one bit, promise.”
Connor would have rolled his eyes at his brother’s typical cocksure demeanor, but instead, he went stock still at the familiar voice that answered.
“While the offer is appreciated, Lieutenant, my instructions stipulate that I must assist Detective Anderson with his new, specialized caseload. I’m sure you can understand that CyberLife only wishes to cooperate with the DPD and does not want to interfere with police procedure—“
“What the hell are you doing here?”
The YN800 model blinked and turned its head to meet Connor’s eye, its little blue light blinking for a moment before solidifying again.
It was sitting in Connor’s chair.
“It’s good to see you again, Detective,” it answered, chipper as ever as a fake smile graced its features.
Connor looked the prototype over, his nose crinkling at its appearance. The suit must have been brand new, there were no stains or bullet holes, and her—its hair was once again pinned upwards into a perfect knot.
He felt his insides churn at the near slip, at thinking for even a split second that this thing was a person. Shoving down the crude thoughts of the night before, Connor gave the order through gritted teeth.
“Get. Up.”
The prototype did as it was told, for once. It rose out of his chair, not even having the decency to look chagrined as it straightened its jacket of nonexistent wrinkles.
“I’m sorry, Detective, but I tried to call your phone and left you a message. It was not my intention to surprise you—“
“Oh, no, it’s never your intention to do anything, is it?” Connor snarled back. His headache was in full force now, and he swore he could see the bright lights of the station brighten in time with his heartbeat.
“Aw, c’mon!” Colin slapped him on the shoulder. “Be nice to the temp.”
“Temp?” Connor answered, voice pulled as taut as a wire.
“Yeah, you know. The temporary assistant. The new girl. The—“
He shoved Colin’s hand off his shoulder, leveling a glare at both of them. Colin merely shot him a shit-eating grin while the YN800 stood there, hands clasped behind its back at parade rest, polite and perfect as ever.
All three of them turned toward the voice booming across the room.
“Get in here!”
Connor glared at the android, as if Hank’s shouting were its fault, which was probably the case.
He turned without a word and stalked to the captain’s office, shoulders hunched as his heart raced and his hands shook at his sides. He let the glass door fall shut behind him, but when he didn’t hear the whoosh of it close, he glanced over his shoulder to see the YN800 had followed him inside.
Connor stood in front of the desk with his arms crossed.
Hank sat down in his chair, pointedly looking at the chairs in front of his desk. Connor remained standing.
The older man glared, answering Connor’s attitude with a look and a heavy sigh.
“Bet you’re wondering what that’s about.” Hank jerked his chin over Connor’s shoulder. The prototype had taken a spot at the back of the office, observing politely with its hands clasped in front of its hips.
“Yeah, I am.” Connor was a little too cranky this morning to try a more diplomatic approach. “What the hell is it doing here?”
“I’ll get to that. First on the docket, I got a shit ton of android-related cases filling up our database every day and I’m at wit’s end.” Hank took a deep breath, bracing himself as he met Connor’s eye. “Which is why I’m assigning all of these cases to you.”
“You’re what?”
Connor stared at him, dumbfounded.
“You think that case last night was a one-off? We’ve got more android-related crimes rolling in, including assaults and homicides just as bad as the Ortiz case, and right now, you’re the one with the most experience.” Hank leaned his elbows on his desk as he leveled a formidable glare his way. “Is that going to be a problem, Connor?”
 “Yeah, it is a problem, Hank! Why the hell do I have to do this? What about Colin? He was with me at the crime scene and was there for the interrogation!” Connor shoved a finger at the glass wall to prove his point.
Hank’s jaw tightened. Connor had seen that behavior enough times to recognize how he was pushing his luck.
“CyberLife asked for you specifically.”
“What?” Connor blinked, dumbfounded once again, racking his brain but coming up empty. “Why?”
“The hell if I know!” Hank barked back, rising to his feet as he pointed a finger at Connor, “and frankly, I don’t give a damn. Colin’s got enough on his plate—“
“—and I don’t?” Connor interrupted, scowling. Hank sighed and rubbed a hand down his face, and Connor almost felt guilty for his outburst.
“That’s not what I said.”
“But it’s what you implied.” He tried not to sound like a hurt child, but, well, that’s exactly what he sounded like.
“For fuck’s sake, Connor! There are more people that are gonna start dying from this!”
“Yeah, I know, but—“
Hank lifted his hand, palm forward, effectively shutting Connor up.
“You saw what one of those deviants was capable of last night, and that was with three of you and another android trying to get it under control! You think the average person stands a chance against one of these fucks? That a little ol’ grandma can defend herself against the murderous robot gardener coming at her with a pair of shears? What the hell happens when a nanny bot decides to take a human kid for itself? Oh, wait, that’s already happened, and you would know that if you checked the goddamn case files I sent you!”
Connor was silent as Hank deflated. The older man leaned back against his desk as he looked through his glass wall out over the bullpen. His voice was rough but much quieter for the next round.
“We’re totally in the dark, Connor. We don’t know how bad this is gonna get and how many androids we’re dealing with. This has the potential to turn into a fucking nightmare with Detroit as ground zero.” Hank’s gaze drifted over Connor’s shoulder to the elephant, or the machine, in the room. “CyberLife was gracious enough to send us a state-of-the-art prototype until this issue is contained. It’s gonna be your partner until such a time that these androids are no longer a threat, and then you’re free to go back to being a misanthropic son-of-a-bitch as much as you like.”
Connor was thoroughly shamed by the end of Hank’s speech, that old familiar feeling of disappointment making his gut roil with nausea, but his anger hadn’t entirely flagged. He clenched his hands tightly to his thighs, fingers desperate for either his coin or his cigarettes.
Connor hadn’t felt the need for one in months. This was bad.
“Hank,” he tried again, his voice soft and pleading in that way he knew Hank couldn’t ignore. “I’m not saying this just to be a pain in your ass. I understand the stakes, but I genuinely believe I’m not qualified for these types of cases. I’m not a CyberLife technician, or an AI specialist, or a computer engineer. I’ve never even owned an android.”
That last one was technically true but only in the barest sense, and Hank gave him a knowing look. It wasn’t without sympathy, and his own answer was given with more kindness than he probably deserved.
“I know, Connor. I also know you’re the sharpest pair of eyes on the force, not to mention the quickest brain and the best instinct. You see shit other people don’t, even Colin, and you’ve got this creepy knack for taking one look at a person and knowing what makes ‘em tick. I’d say you’re almost like an android yourself, but I know how much that’d piss you off.”
Connor gave him another narrow-eyed scowl, and Hank immediately put up his hands as a sign of surrender even as a smirk played on his lips.
“My point is, I need you on this, son. I know it’s not ideal, hell, it downright sucks, but I know you can do this. I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t.”
And there it was. As effective as Connor’s pleading expressions could be, they were nothing in comparison to his need for Hank’s praise. The old geezer knew it, too.
And throwing a “son” into the mix was a goddamn dirty move, but Connor couldn’t even muster up annoyance. He just sighed, gave Hank the smallest hint of a smile, and said, “All right. But only until these cases are solved. Once the deviancy issue is addressed, the prototype is going back to CyberLife and you never give me an android case again.”
“I’ll pay for the postage to ship it back myself,” Hank said, smile wide and pleased as he patted Connor on the shoulder before returning to his desk. “And I want daily reports on the progress you and your new partner are making. Gotta make sure CyberLife’s best is pulling its weight.”
“I can assure you, Captain Anderson, I am worth every penny. And considering it took a small fortune to build me, I—“
“Yeah, yeah,” Hank interrupted the prototype, using that catchphrase that Connor and all of his brothers had picked up years ago. “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”
The android blinked almost comically before giving a slow nod. It then turned to face Connor, straightening its back at attention, and he rolled his eyes. He was still being handed the shit end of the stick, but he couldn’t deny that the cases were piling up and Hank really did need the extra help.
But why, out of all the androids in the world, did it have to be one like that.
Exhaling sharply through his nose, Connor turned and left Hank’s office, not waiting to see if the android would follow, knowing with a sinking feeling, it would.
Next Chapter
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nicolebonnet · 4 years ago
🌻 a gif tutorial by: me! 🌻
i know there are so so many WONDERFUL tutorials out there, but i can’t say no to a very kind anon so!!!  here we go.  hopefully this is helpful for someone out there!  if anyone doesn’t do well with picture tutorials and would find it more helpful for me to do a video, i would also be happy to try that too!!
this is definitely not the fastest way to do it, i’m sure, just the way i’ve always done it and i’m bad at learning new things so ldkjfoiw also i’m using photoshop cc 2021 (tho this method should work for any version of photoshop i think) and i use video frames to layers to gif just as an fyi
step 1: get whatever media you’re giffing!  i use torrents and direct downloads.  that’s how i’ve always giffed, i’ve never tried capping so i can’t help with that.  sorry!
step 2: make clips of the scenes your fc is in!  i have a folder dedicated to the character the fc is playing and keep all my clips in there.  when i do movies, i typically only do about 12 clips at a time because it just feels less overwhelming for me.  when i do a show, i only clip one episode at a time for the same reason.  i use quicktime to clip, but i know some people use VLC and i’m sure there are other options out there to try, too!  again, this is just what i’ve always used so i’m comfortable with it and know how it works.
when i clip, i try to start the clip a few seconds before the scene my subject is in and a few seconds after just to make sure i’m getting every single frame.
step 3: import video frames to layers!  so once you have photoshop open, go to file > import > import video frames to layers
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then go to your folder where you have all your clips saved and choose the one you want.  i took this one out of my trash because the rest of the gifs i have to do in this episode are in the dark and that was gonna be too annoying to me lkdjfkslofw so i’m just re-making one i already did a few days ago.  i’m giffing sofia carson and you can see that my clip starts on someone else’s face so i can make sure i have every frame of hers!
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step 4: select the range for your gif!  just like with clipping, i try to get a few frames before and a few frames after of the fc i’m working on so that i don’t miss anything.  if you aren’t interested in giffing them in every single second (which is totally fine, i know a lot of people prefer not to!) then you don’t need to be as concerned with it
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because i’m using a direct download, i’m not going to limit my frames to every 2.  it’ll be really fast and choppy.  if you screen recorded, i would suggest limited to every 2 frames and then going through and deleting each duplicate frame (when i giffed via screen recording, i found that every 6 frames or so was a duplicate).  this will make sure your gif is smooth and exactly the same as one made from a direct download.  it IS time consuming though, so i recommend doing a direct download/torrent if possible!  if you ever need help finding downloads or need something torrented and converted for you, please feel free to message me and i’ll be happy to help!!
step 5: delete the frames you don’t need!  this is the time to delete any extra frames at the beginning, end, and any duplicates
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step 6: set your speed!  you can do this later if you want, but i like to do it as soon as all my extra frames are deleted.  my personal preference is typically .06 seconds for most of my gifs.  if they’re on the shorter side (under 35 frames), i’ll do .07-.09.  i know some people have very strong feelings on gif speed lskdfjpwe i do not.  it’s all about what feels best for you!  .06 is where i feel my gifs feel the best, but there are plenty of beautiful gifs that are slower or faster!
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step 7: crop it!  as you can see above, i set my W x H ratio to 268px x 170px.  this is a size i really like, but you can make yours smaller or larger.  i do suggest using the W x H ratio setting to set it to your specific pixel measurements because it cuts out having to resize after cropping.
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also, i have a few hundred frames in this one particular gif that i’m going to cut down in the next step.  however, i know that she remains pretty much in the same place throughout the frames which is why i’m cropping them all at once.  if it’s a gif where you get a few hundred frames that you’re going to turn into multiple gifs and the person moves around a lot, definitely only crop one gif at a time!
step 8: delete the frames you aren’t using!  everyone has a different way of deciding how many frames their gifs are.  for me, if they’re talking, i actually go and watch the segment i’m giffing to see what they’re saying, read their lips as i go through each frame, and crop it there.  it’s a little more time consuming i guess but i feel like it gives me the best results.  totally optional, though!  if the person is NOT talking, then i typically just try to make it between 60-80ish frames and base it on facial expressions or body language.  sometimes it’s more, sometimes it’s less!  again just comes down to what your preference is.
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step 9: convert to timeline!  basically just press that lil highlighted button down there next to the “forever” and convert to timeline.  pretty self explanatory
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step 10: sharpening!  this is where i use my sharpening action which is linked right here.  i’ve been using it for a while now and i really love it!  i’ve tried other sharpening actions since i made it and they just don’t make me as happy as this one lol
hit play on your action:
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for my action, i get this popup twice and just hit “continue” and it keeps going through the steps with no problem
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step 11: COLORING!!!  get your psd and slap it on!  i have different one base psd that i use for almost everything and will edit it to fit whatever scene/show/movie i’m working on.  i’ll also save different versions of it based on the media i’m giffing.  for example, the lighting on liv & maddie is SUUUUUPER different from the writing on pll: the perfectionists.  so i have a “liv” psd and a “loralie” (name of my char that i use sofia for, idk why i named the first psd after liv and not my char but whatever ldkfjsoi) psd.  same base, same layers, just different levels.  i also will often combine psds!  i’ll put my base down and then add layers from other psds or create new ones to fit whatever scene i have going!
step 12: save your gif!  go to file > export > save for web (legacy)...
people use different settings for saving their gifs, too.  these are my personal settings.  i really like them and feel they work for my gifs.  feel free to copy them or play around with your own settings!  just make sure it’s always on the 256 colors
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step 13 (optional): preview!  i like to hit the preview button just to make sure i like my gif before i save it.  if i don’t like it (coloring looks off, too fast/too slow, feels like it cuts off in a weird place) i’ll hit cancel and undo everything until i’m back to wherever i need to fix it.
step 14: save your gif, yay!!  YOU DID IT!!!!  save that beautiful gif and feel so proud of yourself!!
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step 15 (optional): if you’re making multiple gifs from the segment you imported, go back and cntrl/cmmnd + z everything until you’re back to having allllll the frames again.  delete the frames of the gif you just made (in this case, it would be 52) and start again from step 8!
i hope this made sense and was helpful for anyone!  please let me know if there’s anything you need clarification on!!
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mostlysignssomeportents · 4 years ago
Patent troll's IP more powerful than Apple's
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I was 12 years into my Locus Magazine column when I published the piece I'm most proud of, "IP," from September 2020. It came after an epiphany, one that has profoundly shaped the way I talk and think about the issues I campaign on.
That revelation was about the meaning of the term "IP," which had been the center of this tedious linguistic cold war for decades. People who advocate for free and open technology and culture hate the term "IP" because of its ideological loading and imprecision.
Ideology first: Before "IP" came into wide parlance - when lobbyists for multinational corporations convinced the UN to turn their World Intellectual Property Organization into a specialized agency, we used other terms like "author's monopolies" and "regulatory monopolies."
"Monopoly" is a pejorative. "Property" is sacred to our society. When a corporation seeks help defending its monopoly, it is a grubby corrupter. When it asks for help defending its property, it is enlisting the public to defend the state religion.
Free culture people know allowing "monopolies" to become "property" means losing the battle before it is even joined, but it is frankly unavoidable. How do you rephrase "IP lawyer" without conceding the property point? "Trademark-copyright-patent-and-related-rights lawyer?"
Thus the other half of the objection to "IP": its imprecision. Copyright is not anything like patent. Patent is not anything like trademark. Trade secrets are an entirely different thing again. Don't let's get started on sui generis and neighboring rights.
And this is where my revelation came: as it is used in business circles, "IP" has a specific, precise meaning. "IP" means, "Any law, policy or regulation that allows me to control the conduct of my competitors, critics and customers."
Copyright, patent and trademark all have limitations and exceptions designed to prevent this kind of control, but if you arrange them in overlapping layers around a product, each one covers the exceptions in the others.
Creators don't like having their copyrights called "author's monopolies." Monopolists get to set prices. All the copyright in the world doesn't let an author charge publishers more for their work. The creators have a point.
But when author's monopolies are acquired by corporate monopolists, something magical and terrible happens.
Remember: market-power monopolies are still (theoretically) illegal and when companies do things to maintain or expand their monopolies, they risk legal jeopardy.
But: The corporate monopolist who uses IP to expand their monopoly has no such risk. Monopolistic conduct in defense of IP enjoys wide antitrust forbearance. What's the point of issuing patents or allowing corporations to buy copyrights if you don't let them enforce them?
The IP/market-power monopoly represents a futuristic corporate alloy, a new metal never seen, impervious to democratic control.
Software is "IP" and so any device with software in it is like beskar, a rare metal that can be turned into the ultimate corporate armor.
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No company exemplifies this better than Apple, a company that used limitations on IP to secure its market power, then annihilated those limits so that no one could take away its market power.
In the early 2000s, Apple was in trouble. The convicted monopolist Microsoft ruled the business world, and if you were the sole Mac user in your office, you were screwed.
When a Windows user sent you a Word file, you could (usually) open it in the Mac version of Word, but then if you saved that file again, it often became forever cursed, unopenable by any version of Microsoft Office ever created or ever to be created.
This became a huge liability. Designers started keeping a Windows box next to their dual processor Power Macs, just to open Office docs. Or worse (for Apple), they switched to a PC and bought Windows versions of Adobe and Quark Xpress.
Steve Jobs didn't solve this problem by begging Bill Gates to task more engineers to Office for Mac. Instead, Jobs got Apple techs to reverse-engineer all of the MS Office file formats and release a rival office suite, Iwork, which could read and write MS Office files.
That was an Apple power move, one that turned MS's walled garden into an all-you-can-eat buffet of potential new Mac users. Apple rolled out the Switch ads, whose message was, "Every MS Office file used to be a reason *not* to use a Mac. Now it's a reason to switch *to* a Mac."
More-or-less simultaneously, though, Apple was inventing the hybrid market/IP monopoly tool that would make it the most valuable company in the world, in its design for the Ipod and the accompanying Itunes store.
It had a relatively new legal instrument to use for this purpose: 1998's Digital Millennium Copyright Act; specifically, Section 1201 of the DMCA, the "anti-circumvention" clause, which bans breaking DRM.
Under DMCA 1201, if a product has a copyrighted work (like an operating system) and it has an "access control" (like a password or a bootloader key), then bypassing the access control is against the law, even if no copyright infringement takes place.
That last part - "even if no copyright infringement takes place" - is the crux of DMCA 1201. The law was intended to support the practices of games console makers and DVD player manufacturers, who wanted to stop competitors from making otherwise legal devices.
With DVD players, that was about "region coding," the part of the DVD file format that specified which countries a DVD could be played back in. If you bought a DVD in London, you couldn't play it in Sydney or New York.
Now, it's not a copyright violation to buy a DVD and play it wherever you happen to be. As a matter of fact, buying a DVD and playing it is the *opposite* of a copyright infringement.
But it *was* a serious challenge to the entertainment cartel's business-model, which involved charging different prices and having different release dates for the same movie depending on where you were.
The same goes for games consoles: companies like Sega and Nintendo made a lot of money charging creators for the right to sell games that ran on the hardware they sold.
If I own a Sega Dreamcast, and you make a game for it, and I buy it and run it on my Sega, that's not a copyright infringement, even if Sega doesn't like it. But if you have to bypass an "access control" to get the game to play without Sega's blessing, it violates DMCA 1201.
What's more, DMCA 1201 has major penalties for "trafficking in circumvention devices" and information that could be used to build such a device, such as reports of exploitable flaws in the programming of a DRM system: $500k in fines and a 5 year sentence for a first offense.
Deregionalizing a DVD player or jailbreaking a Dreamcast didn't violate anyone's copyrights, but it still violated copyright law (!). It was pure IP, the right to control the conduct of critics (security researchers), customers and competitors.
In the words of Jay Freeman, it's "Felony contempt of business-model."
And that's where the Ipod came in. Steve Jobs's plan was to augment the one-time revenue from an Ipod with a recurrent revenue stream from the Itunes store.
He exploited the music industry's superstitious dread of piracy and naive belief in the efficacy of DRM to convince the record companies to only sell music with his DRM wrapper on it - a wrapper they themselves could not authorize listeners to remove.
Ever $0.99 Itunes purchase added $0.99 to the switching cost of giving up your Ipod for a rival device, or leaving Itunes and buying DRM music from a rival store. It was control over competitors and customers. It was IP.
If you had any doubt that the purpose of Ipod/Itunes DRM was to fight competitors, not piracy, then just cast your mind back to 2004, when Real Media "hacked" the Ipod so that it would play music locked with Real's DRM as well as Apple's.
Apple used DMCA 1201 to shut Real down, not to stop copyright infringement, but to prevent Apple customers from buying music from record labels and playing them on their Ipods without paying Apple a commission and locking themselves to Apple's ecosystem, $0.99 at a time.
Pure IP. Now, imagine if Microsoft had been able to avail itself of DMCA 1201 when Iwork was developed - if, for example, its "information rights management" encryption had caught on, creating "access controls" for all Office docs.
There's a very strong chance that would have killed Apple off before it could complete its recovery. Jobs knew the power of interoperating without consent, and he knew the power of invoking the law to block interoperability. He practically invented modern IP.
Apple has since turned IP into a trillion-dollar valuation, largely off its mobile platform, the descendant of the Ipod. This mobile platform uses DRM - and thus DMCA 1201 - to ensure that you can only use apps that come from its app store.
Apple gets a cut of penny you spend buying an app, and every penny you spend within that app: 30% (now 15% for a minority of creators after bad publicity).
IP lets one of the least taxed corporations on Earth extract a 30% tax from everyone else.
Remember, it's not copyright infringement for me to write an app and you to buy it from me and play it on your Iphone without paying the 30% Apple tax.
That's the exact opposite of copyright infringement: buying a copyrighted work and enjoying it on a device you own.
But it's still an IP violation. It bypasses Apple's ability to control competitors and customers. It's felony contempt of business-model.
It shows that under IP, copyright can't be said to exist as an incentive to creativity - rather, it's a tool for maintaining monopolies.
Which brings me to today's news that Apple was successfully sued by a patent troll over its DRM. A company called Personalized Media Communications whose sole product is patent lawsuits trounced Apple in the notorious East Texas patent-troll court.
After software patents became widespread - thanks to the efforts of Apple and co - there was a bonanza of "inventors" filing garbage patents with the USPTO whose format was "Here's an incredibly obvious thing...*with a computer*." The Patent Office rubberstamped them by the million.
These patents became IP, a way to extract rent without having to make a product. "Investors" teamed up with "inventors" to buy these and impose a tax on businesses - patent licensing fees that drain money from people who make things and give it to people who buy things.
They found a court - the East Texas court in Marshall, TX - that was hospitable to patent trolls. They rented dusty PO boxes in Marshall and declared them to be their "headquarters" so that they could bring suits there.
Locals thrived - they got jobs as "administrators" (mail forwarders) for the thousands of "businesses" whose "head office" was in Marshall (when you don't make a product, your head office can be a PO box).
Productive companies facing hundreds of millions - billions! - in patent troll liability sought to curry favor with locals (who were also the jury pool) by "donating" things to Marshall, like the skating rink Samsung bought for the town.
Patent, like copyright, is supposed to serve a public purpose. There are only two clauses in the US Constitution that come with explanations (the rest being "truths held to be self-evident"): the Second Amendment and the "Progress Clause" that creates patents and copyrights.
Famously, the Second Amendment says you can bear arms as part of a "well-regulated militia."
And the Progress Clause? It extends to Congress the power to create patents and copyrights "to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts."
I'm with Apple in its ire over this judgment. Sending $308.5m to a "closely held" patent troll has nothing to do with the "Progress of Science and useful Arts."
But it has *everything* to do with IP.
If copyright law can let Apple criminalize - literally criminalize - you selling me If copyright law can let Apple criminalize - literally criminalize - you selling me your copyrighted work, then there's no reason to hate on patent trolls.
They're just doing what trolls do: blocking the bridge between someone engaged in useful work and the customers for that work, and extracting a toll. It's not even 30%.
There is especial and delicious irony in the fact that the patent in question is a DRM patent: a patent for the very same process that Apple uses to lock down its devices and prevent creators from selling to customers without paying the 30% Apple Tax.
But even without that, it's as good an example of what an IP marketplace looks like: one in which making things becomes a liability. After all, the more you make, the more chances there are for an IP owner to demand tax from you to take it to market.
The only truly perfect IP is the naked IP of a patent troll, the bare right to sue, a weapon made from pure abstract legal energy, untethered from any object, product or service that might be vulnerable to another IP owner's weapons.
A coda: you may recall that Apple doesn't use DRM on its music anymore: you can play Itunes music on any device. That wasn't a decision Apple took voluntarily: it was forced into it by a competitor: Amazon, an unlikely champion of user rights.
In 2007, the record labels had figured out that Apple had lured them into a trap, selling millions of dollars worth of music that locked both listeners and labels into the Itunes ecosystem.
In a desperate bid for freedom, they agreed to help Amazon launch its MP3 store - all the same music, at the same prices...without DRM. Playable on an Ipod, but also on any other device.
Prior to the Amazon MP3 store, the market was all DRM: you could either buy Apple's DRM music and play it on your Ipod, or you could buy other DRM music and play it on a less successful device.
The Amazon MP3 store (whose motto was "DRM: Don't Restrict Me") changed that to "Buy Apple DRM music and play it on your Ipod, or buy Amazon music and play it anywhere." That was the end of Apple music DRM.
So why hasn't anyone done this for the apps that Apple extracts the 30% tax on? IP. If you made a phone that could play Ios apps, Apple would sue you:
And if you made a device that let you load non-App Store apps on an Iphone, Apple would also sue you.
Apple understands IP. It learned the lesson of the Amazon MP3 store, and it is committed to building a world where every creator pays a tax to reach every Apple customer.
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aperrywilliams · 4 years ago
New blurbs-series: 10 days to my birthday!! (Day 7)
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(Not my gif)
Author Masterlist - Series Masterlist
My birthday will be in 7 days from now. So I’m going to celebrate myself with 10 Spencer Reid’s blurbs. Enjoy! (This one is longer too. I couldn’t help it!)
Day 10 | Day 09 | Day 08 | Day 07 | Day 06 | Day 05 | Day 04 | Day 03 | Day 02 | Day 01
Day 07: Spencer Reid gives you a present for the first time.
Your birthday was approaching and you weren't very excited. Not because you have something against your birthday, but because it is a time of year where you start to question the things you have done and the things you have not done. Without wanting to, you become more introspective during those days and although the last year has been better than others, there are things that you miss and that over the years make you wonder if you have made the right decisions in your life.
The plans for this year were no different from those of the previous year: get home, indulge yourself with a bubble bath, enjoying a delicious wine and eating lemon cookies, your favorite treats. Then you would sit on your couch to watch your favorite movie: Cyrano de Bergerac – the 1990’s version with Gerard Depardieu -. When you read that play in school you fell in love with the story and then when you saw the movie, you couldn't help but think about the things that made you so similar to Cyrano. You had to admit it, you’re such a romantic masochist. You dream of a love story with a happy ending. Something that Cyrano didn't have, by the way. And so far, neither have you. All your relationships have been rather trivial and those that have been a little more than that, didn’t have a happy ending. And so you are now, happily single, but thinking that real love has been elusive with you.
But apparently your plans would be ruined this year. Just two days before your birthday, the team is called to a case in Texas. 'Work is work' you said to yourself, taking your travel bag and walking to the elevator with your co-workers. Maybe if the case was going fast, you could get back in time.
Regardless of your wishes, the case was getting difficult, and after the first day there was no progress in locating the unsub. The second there was more progress, but they still couldn’t arrest him. The team was frustrated and so were you. On the third day - your birthday - Garcia called frantically informing that she had the location of the unsub. Three hours later he was in custody. That brought relief to everyone, who just wanted to go home, but Hotch scoffed at the idea saying it was too late to fly and that they would be coming home the next morning.
You couldn't help but huff at the news. Apparently it went unnoticed, except for Spencer who was by your side when Hotch dispatched you all to the hotel for the night.
Curiously, Spencer had been watching you all day. In the morning while you were at the police station, he brought you a coffee. And every so often he would come over to ask you if you were okay or if you needed something. It was as if he wanted to talk to you, but he didn't dare to.
Back in your hotel room, you flopped onto the bed. You were so immersed in work during the day that you could almost forget it was your birthday. But now the case was solved and seeing you in a hotel room, alone, without your bubble bath, without your glass of wine, without your lemon cookies and without your favorite movie, sadness began to flood you. No one had remembered to congratulate you either. Not that you expected your colleagues to remember your birthday, they probably didn't even know it, but your hypersensitivity at that moment longed for at least a gesture towards you.
At that moment you felt a knock on the door. Reluctantly you got out of bed to see who it was. Spencer was on the other side of the door. The first thing that caught your attention is that he was with his satchel. Why did he stop at your door when he arrived at the hotel?
“Hello (Y/N), I hope I didn't wake you up,” he told you.
“Spencer... hi. No, I wasn't sleeping. Actually, I wasn't doing anything. Did something happen?”. You started to worry because he looked nervous. Would the case have been re-activated without you knowing?
“No, it's okay. Nothing wrong happened. Ehm... can I come in?”. He asked. There you realized that you were both standing in the doorway.
“Yes, yes... sure!, come in”. Once inside the room, Spencer was silent for a moment.
“Do you want drink something? ... I think there is water in the minibar...,” you offered.
“No. Thank you. Well… the truth is, I'm here for something in particular”. Saying that, he opened his satchel and took out a package wrapped with a red ribbon. “Happy birthday (Y/N),” he said grinning. “Well, I don't know if you celebrate your birthday, I guess so, it's not like Christmas or Halloween, where religious beliefs can be a reason for divergence... but if it bothers you, that's fine. I just thought of giving you a gift, and I had it in my bag all day, but I couldn't find a good time to give it to you...,” he rambled.
You were so excited that you cut off his speech by hugging him tight. He hugged you back still with the wrapped package in his hands.
“How did you know?... I didn't tell anyone,” you told him trying to remember if you had mentioned something to anyone, while Spencer handed you your gift. You looked at the gift without wanting to open it yet.
“Maybe I asked Garcia to look at your file? I knew your birthday was this month, but I didn't know the exact day…”
“Spencer!,” you scolded, feigning annoyance. You both laughed at your reaction.
“I promise that I only asked Garcia for your birthday, no other sensitive information...,” he defended himself.
“Thanks Spencer. I didn't expect anyone to know, in fact my plans were to be home and spend some time relaxing. But hey, duty is duty, right?”
“Regarding that, I hope you don't mind that I brought some 'fun'...”. You looked at him oddly, as he searched for more things inside his satchel. Your eyes lit up when he pulled out a packet of homemade lemon cookies and a bottle of wine.
“Are you kidding me?!... how did you know?...,” you were almost speechless. How did he know what you were hoping to spoil yourself with this day?
“Well, about the cookies... it was not difficult for me to realize that the lemon cookies made by Garcia are the only ones you eat during the meetings. And the wine? Well... I bet on the classic,” he said with a grin. “But something is missing to complete this celebration, and it is what you have in your hand,” he told you pointing to the gift that you had not opened yet.
You quickly unwrapped the gift and your surprise could not be greater. It was a copy of Cyrano de Bergerac, limited edition with illustrations by Marguerite Sauvage. You knew there was such an edition but you never thought you were going to have one of the 1,500 copies that were printed.
“What?!... Spencer... how did you know...? I can't believe it”.
“Hey, what can I say. I like to pay attention to detail, especially when it comes to you”. Your excitement kept you from seeing how Spencer flushed when he said the last. You jumped on him and gave him a loud kiss on his cheek.
“Thanks Spencer, really. You didn't have to do any of this...,” inadvertently you started shedding tears of joy. In your entire life you have not seen a gesture like this before towards you.
“Of course I do (Y/N). You deserve good things. And if I can do something to make you happy, I will do it without hesitation,” he said simply.
The two of you sat on the bed, both with a glass of wine and munching on lemon cookies. Spencer wanted to read you the entire book as one last gift that night. Listening to him read, you couldn't stop staring at him adoringly and asking yourself a question in your head over and over again: what did you do good to deserve Spencer in your life?
That day was the first time Spencer gave you a present, and it was the first time you started feeling butterflies in your stomach when you looked at him.
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chandelier-s-notebook · 4 years ago
Doodlewash April 2021 prompt 20: Roses
Songfic using Black Roses by Aviators.
The color black has often been synonymous with death and mourning and is usually used at funerals. But black roses do have a more positive meaning as well. They can stand for the beginning of new things and major change.
Reminder 93-10-01 = Tommy 83-11-03 = Hannahxxrose 93-08-02 = CupToast/Crumb 66-16-01 = Plushys 09-10-01 = Purpled
If anyone wants to be part of a taglist of the Vigilante AU, feel free to message me/send an ask/or mention it in reblogs.
We are husks
Plushys had been trapped in the warehouse on 1889 Coral Lane, not that she knew where she was, for eight months now. When she was taken it no one took her nail file off of her person. She hid it in her hair when she was forced to change into the warehouse uniform.
She got two meals a day, and she started a tally on the wall. At every other meal, another tally was put on the wall with her nail file.
But the tallies were very much racking up. She was tried. She wanted to go home.
After five months she was given a cellmate; 83-11-03, Hannah Rose. Hannah was a street rat. She grew up fighting for her place in the world. She clawed her way to get what she had; only for it to be ripped away by a group of men and a white van.
After Plushys made her new tally on Hannah’s first day she offered the girl the nail file. Hannah made her first mark, and settled in for the long run.
Plushys and Hannah were placed in the same fighting ability category. They’ve been pitted against each other a few times.
The people in charge of the fighting ring have a few wants. They make money by keeping the bettors as patrons. And the way to do that is to have a suspenseful fight. Plushys and Hannah deliver on the wants of the criminals.
Hannah was a street rat. Plushys was the twin sister of a vigilante. They knew how to fight. They knew how to make an event.
They had learned how to riff off each other. They could fight to the brink of the end only to comeback down in a way that was satisfying for the audience and kept up the suspense. They did this for a few reasons: one, they didn’t want to hurt each other; two, they needed to keep the criminals happy; three, the longer they went on for, the more time the other kids could rest up and get in the mindset; and four, it was a little fun when neither party cared too much.
“66-16-01 v. 83-11-03!”
Plushys caught 5up’s eye in the crown. “Please get us out of here,” her eyes begged.
Hannah threw the first punch. She was so ready to get out of here.
Alive but barely breathing
Crumb was not okay. She just wasn’t. She may have been born in District 93 but she was privileged by their standards. She had a loving mother and father and a stable live. She wasn’t built for fighting.
The only thing keeping her afloat and winning was her fear instincts driving her. And a few lessons by Hannah and Tommy during whatever downtime they could squeeze out.
If she doesn’t fight, her opponent was going to break her; literally.
Just because she could didn’t mean she liked it. She was forever grateful that Hannah and her cellmate 66-16-01 took forever to finish up. It gave her time to collect herself and to hind in her mind palace. She could hide away and repress the memories once all this was over.
Hannah suggested it to her. Tommy cautioned that one day the walls would fall and the memories would hit her like a freight train.
Crumb didn’t have the capacity; she was already going through so much trauma. What was a little more after the fact?
Sure she trusted them with her life, but she wanted her parents to help her feel completely safe to break.
The gong sounded. Hannah had 66-16-01 in a chokehold and the latter had tapped out. Crumb should really learn her name.
“And next to the mat 93-08-02 v. 87-08-01!”
Hannah offered 66-16-01 her hand. She ruffled Crumb’s hair in a comforting way as they passed.
The two eight year old girls bowed to each other; shaking, the both of them. “Meri.”
Crumb was not okay. But she had to be. She had to keep going.
Sometimes we pull ourselves together
If Hannah and Plushys’ version of rebellion was to play with their food and drag their fights out for just shy of too long. Then Tommy’s act of defiance was beating his opponents in as little time as possible. Even that one time he was given a fight against eight people, he was done with them all in about five minutes.
That year Tommy spent living in alleyways really helped here.
He rolled his shoulders up straight in the ring, six moaning bodies on the floor, bruises forming on his skin. The others looking much worse than he did.
He was honestly surprised that none of them were bleeding. Wasn’t that a pleasant thought?
He stood there, breathing heavy, for a moment. An uncomfortably long moment. Like they were waiting to see is any of his opponents was going to get up and fight back.
The gong sounded.
Tommy stared defiantly at the audience, unblinking, as aids put the six other kids on stretchers and got them medical attention.
“93-10-01 wins another match.”
But our efforts fade away
With every trip to the Warehouse on 1889 Coral Lane for intel, 5up hates his father more and more.
That man saw no problem with whatever was going on here.
In fact, now that he was going to the fights with his father, the man was paying more attention to him than he had in years. 5up hated it. He hated everything about this.
At least he now knew for sure what kind of person he needed to be to get his father’s approval. A guide on what not to do.
5up stared back at 93-10-01. This kid. This kid. He had so much spirit, and he was using it to fuel his rage.
5up could tell that 93-10-01 was tried. That he wanted to go home. Soon.
Soon. They were in the final stages of planning. They had a big enough team. They’d only need to hold out a little longer.
“93-10-01 wins another match.”
5up half-raised his hand, signaling he would be cashing out.
93-10-01 turned his head away and walked off.
We are dust
Plushys, Hannah, Tommy, and Crumb sat together in the children’s canteen.
“I hate him,” Tommy said.
“Mr. Nicchi Jr.”
“Give him time,” Pushys said. “This is a big job.”
“I know.” Tommy look at Crumb. He put some of his greens onto her place. “I don’t know how much longer we can hold you though.”
“I know.”
“And he’s a bettor.”
“He has too,” Plushys said. “It’s his cover. He can’t come in here and just demand they let everybody go. It’ll be more intense than that.”
“I know.”
“I promise he’s a vigilante.”
Tommy swallowed his food. He glanced at Hannah out the corner of his eye. “I trust you.” He took another bite. “I have too.”
Plushys looked around the canteen. She stabbed her fork into a softened carrot and held it above her head. “A toast. To eight months.”
Tommy raised a fork as well. “To three.”
Crumbling by the moment
“To three.” Hannah raised her fork and carrot as well. She ate the steamed vegetable and went back to longingly looking around.
Her spirit was falling.
But it shouldn’t be.
She was a street rat. She knew how to do this. She knew how to fight and she knew how to win.
She was very close to breaking down and lashing out, but that didn’t go well for the last kid that did that.
Hannah was tried. She felt dead. She didn’t want to do this anymore. She wants to leave, but she can’t.
Even if the door is right there.
The door outside was right next to her and Plushys’ cell. They had a nail file. They could break the bars.
But she can’t leave everyone else behind.
We try to push away the ending
The guard gestured to the food tray in front of Tommy.
“Right.” Tommy stood up. “I’ll see you guys next time.”
“Bye Tommy.”
“Just hold on a little longer.”
“We’ll be fine.”
Tommy grabbed another tray for Purpled and made his way down to room 322.
Purpled grunted.
“I do not understand why they have this gag on you.”
Purpled shrugged. He jokingly try to bite Tommy three seconds later though.
“Hey. Without me you wouldn’t eat.”
Purpled gasped. “You would never do that to me would you?”
This was nice; both of them pretend that they aren’t kidnapping children and just two bros hanging out. Ignoring that Tommy was fork feeding Purpled food, as they still had him chained up.
“So when are you breaking us out?” Purpled asks.
“What? Where did that came from?”
“Seems like something you’d do.”
“I mean yeah.” Tommy looked down at the food. He lowered his voice, “Someone’s coming to help us.”
“I hope so.” Purpled looked away from Tommy’s fork. “Punz will come for me.”
“Yeah,” Tommy said distractedly. He honestly didn’t know if he should tell Purpled that there was a group of vigilantes coming to get them, the heroes. He was a posh upper ten boy, what would be think? ”Purpled? What do you think about vigilantes?”
Purpled took a bite of his food and thought about it while he chewed. “Vigilantes are unregulated menaces that try to do good.” Purpled tipped his head forward. “They do good. They do good, I know that.”
“You know that? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’ve seen the records. Heroes have notes on every problem creator – that they know of. But there are different categories between vigilantes and dipshits.”
“Well that’s not what they’re called in the system. It’s more formal. But, like. vigilantes create problems for heroes, and dipshits create problems for vigilantes. Those guys can’t really be called really villains can they?”
“No. No they aren’t. Usually just the local robber.”
Purpled laughed. “The local robber?”
“Yeah. That’s a thing that exists in the lower districts.”
“You ever seen a local robber?”
“Sure. Had to hide behind a few shelves at the grocery store. Dude had a gun.”
“What the hell?”
“Just because District 9 is little crime free doesn’t mean the rest of us get that.”
“What the hell?”
“People gotta do what they gotta do.”
“And that doesn’t get reported?”
“Purpled if every single crime was reported to Hero HQ the whole system would collapse in on its self because of how many things they would have to deal with.”
“Purpled. Vigilantes keep us safe.”
“Heroes keep us crime free,” Pured countered.
“And poverty keeps me the local thief in my area.”
“You’re what? Don’t vigilantes get called on you?”
“Nah. I’m just a kid. I don’t need much and I’m not messy about it. There are so many other kids doing that as well. They don’t really care.”
“What does that mean?”
“Literally all the food stalls just give out extra produce that’s going to go bad at the end of the day so they don’t have to worry about thieves during the day.”
“What?” Purpled’s mind was exploding the more Tommy told him about how he lived.
“Loose the same amount of coins but there’s no crime going on. And the food is already almost bad anyways so it’s going to get thrown out.”
“Why would you give out rotting food to children?”
“They don’t give out rotting food!” Tommy defended. “People just don’t buy the strawberry’s that are four days old when fresh ones are right there on the table. And even if the food is almost going bad, it’s going to get eaten that night so it doesn’t really matter.”
Purpled opened the closed his mouth a couple times. “I hope Captain comes for me.”
“Captain?” Tommy offered Purpled another bite of his dinner.
“Captain Sparklez? Lives in District 87?”
“Oh that guy. He helps vigilantes sometimes I’ve heard. He’s probably coming.”
“It’s going to be a group of vigilantes isn’t it? Punz isn’t coming for me?”
Tommy decided that honestly was the best policy. “I don’t know.”
And black roses fall the same
Hannah and Plushys both added another tally to their calendars.
Hannah started to file away at the bars on the cell wall. It might be helpful when they were finally able to get out of here.
Hannah looked at the black roses growing through the cracks in their exterior wall.
“We’re getting out of here.”
“We will be free,” Plushys added.
@causeimfabulous @anty-kreatywna @sleepysnails
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tobebugjewce · 4 years ago
THE WALTEN FILES: my jumbled notes on my blind run-in with this web series
first off this is gonna be long and unorganized, also this is my second time writing this as i had lost literally half of my progress and im This (imagine two fingers almost touching with a 0.0000000001mm distance between them) close to ripping all of the fucking hair out of my goddamn head. but now this will be extra long and yes, i will lose some accuracy to my first writing but thats okay ill probably edit this a kajillion times over
which brings me to my next tangent; im literally braindumping here. so to have a smidge of organization all afterthoughts, edits and corrections will be boldened, i forgot what im gonna do with italicized text but ill probably bolden it here yeah im pretty sure its for side tangents, separate from Corrections, which are in bold. also theyre for emphasis too.
so in general, this post right here is all of my notes i wrote down on my grid-patterned sticky notes (which i used WAYYYY too much of) about the first 3 uploaded walten files youtube videos transferred onto my handy dandy digital notebook, this b(l)og. yeppers peppers. you know im serious about this shit when i typed probably over like a thousand fucking words including boldened shit, italicized shit and motherfucking links, lost it ALL, and im sitting here re-typing it again.
i feel bad about this but im not gonna trigger warn right here, but this is technically a warning. if you want a list of triggers as to what this post (and the walten files in general) i will link a little list to that here
without further a doo doo, (mama mia) here the fucking fuck we go again.
clarifying this now, im gonna put some useless shit which i thought was code onto this because even though it was useless it was part of my notes and im physically going to combust if i dont put down every single thing i wrote on my papers. so what i thought was code was in the closed captions, i started writing it down when i got to the second video but came back to my first videos notes to include them. i wrote down the first letter to every word that was capitalized in the closed captions, which i had on as a default because number one i knew going into this id need them because most web horror things like args and cryptic shit like that has some of the most crucial shits in the closed captions. number two i am autistic and have auditory processing issues and have most closed captioning on as a default if theyre available.
the numbers in parenthesis are there because i wasnt sure they should be included in the “code” or not. i also thought of this with the BSI - bunny smiles incorporated and also the years 1978 and 1979. the shits in asterisks are coughs and light coughs, which were capitalized in the closed captions so i included them too just in case
i then jotted, in parenthesis of course, the names of the animatronics when they were listed in the animation section of the video; bon aka the blue bunny, sha aka the sheep one, boozoo aka the clown<3 honk<33, and banny aka the purpled eyelashed up one who is also a bunny btw. also i got boozoo the clown and boozoo the mustache guy confused because apparently the clowns name is billy???? but they named “boozoo” in bons sleepover and showed the clown? idk maybe im an idiot and theyre the same or just an idiot and theyre different or a super mega (matt and ryan?!?!??) idiot in general which is probably the case
i started drawing little stars to write down things i thought would be super important or to 100% look at again. the first subject of this pointy torture was the part of the video where at 3:00, i marked it down to make sure to reverse the audio as it was most definitely a weird audio that has that signature warp-y effect that makes sure you KNOW its in reverse. i then listened back to it Very carefully (still got it wrong) and got this: “you finally start to remember. that old doll. they will look out for you soon” im also pretty sure i heard “sophie” at the end of that audio but im not entirely sure and dont remember and i dont wanna go back to check lmfao but anyways it didnt matter because i was wrong anyway. after i had finished all 3 walten files i watched the film theory video on the walten files (which didnt cover all 3 but was dece.) out of curiosity and to hear matpats signature silly little voice explain some stuff i already knew, and click some shit in my brain that i couldve thought up of if i was a bit more... i dont know honestly. anyways yeah so the actual audio is “you finally start to remember. that old day. they will look out for you soon.” so yeah. day, not doll.
i then wrote down “sarah evelyn”, the name on the bons sleepover animation (i dont remember if she created it or animated it or whatnot) and scribbled will she matter? under her name. turns out no, as i didnt see her name in the rest of the series, let alone the first video. this is also a great time to mention how matpat theory helped me realize that the walten files are collections of videos, uploaded onto youtube by anthony. (i already knew about anthony as he signed his name in the descriptions of the youtube videos, making me categorize this overall web series more into an arg type genre.) but yes, the tapes, recorded “irl” footage, animated clips, vhs tape recordings and other audio-visual content is all collected and labeled the walten files, as i had mistaken each video to be a tape. stupid me. alrighty, onward!
i starred this one, good for me; MISSING: Jack Walten LAST SEEN: 06/11/1974
i jotted down with an arrow that; sophie was a nightguard? she was wearing the uniform explained in tape 2 i dont know why but i went back into my video 1 notes after i had watched video 2. organization purposes. i guess.?? 
i then paused the video when the screen flickered a date, the beginning of video footage dated 10/10/1982 (Brian Stells?) god my little genius ass assuming the videographer was brian stells, based on the id card i saw earlier.
i then wrote down what text i saw on the dead, mangled, bloody body in the purple security suit; “i cant feel anything” “he thought i was her” then drew a little arrow pointing to; thought brian was sophie? or ashley? i also starred the name Brian Stells this is totally out of order LMFAOOOOOOOO also i wrote down ashley because, again, my little pea brain went back on my video 1 notes after watching video 2. but yep thats all i wrote for The Walten Files 1 - Company Introductory Tape
Tape #1 - created 07/02/1978
awesome how thats first and foremost in the captions. god. so sexy of you martin walls. /j /nsx
this pack of notes is chunkier because again, like i have mentioned before i am an absolute goober and thought the capitalized letters of the words would actually mean something. I MEAN MAYBE THEY DO AND IM JUST DOING IT WRONG but i stopped doing it after this video because holy shit it was exhausting and my stupid little fingers couldnt take the writing anymore becasue i am WEAK. 
so write off the bat (squeak) i wrote down 197[] the blacked out rectangle over the last digit of that year and everything im also now assuming its probably 1978 or 1974 because lore reasons but whos to say but yeah i also wrote down this;
Tape #2 - created 08/13/1978
then, straight up in the beginning of the video i caught it, the flash of text, as i had by now realized i gotta be SUPER stupid focused on the screen in case i miss anything, i wanted to be crazy precise on my theorizing and mental notes, among other things. but yes i saw it, the first half of a youtube link;  “https://youtu” 
claps hands together and rubs them evilly. oh yeah baby. thats the hot lunch. this shit right here? the cats pajamas. lets fucking go.
i wrote down this goofy shit i pasued to inspect when i saw bon sorting through a file cabinet and naturally scribbled down the labels and other written things i could see on the files; 
relocate X/X/75 felix
storage K-9 07/23/1975 felix k(ranken)
Bons Burgers 06/28/1974 Jack Walten
Shipping Service 1975
New Location -> 1982
i also wrote down more goofy shit, like when banny was created for some reason; in 1974
starred, i noted to go back and reverse the audio at 5:09, when played back, i didnt write it down so i dont remember. lmao.
i also marked to screenshot and brighten the darkened image i saw at 5:20, i was going to do it on my phone then realized i can just do it on my computer so i quickly took a screenshot, brightened it and wrote down what i saw; a missing person poster that read MISSING: SUSAN WOODINGS(?) Last seen: 1974 i was very unsure of the spelling of her last name because the image was so goddamn low quality and grainy but its what i saw. this is where tape #3 gets thrown in, which im gonna type again because i like how the formatting looks;
Tape #3 - created 07/09/1978 (BEFORE tape 2?!//1/1??? its more likely than you think)
i wrote down more dates, any dates i saw, i jotted down. i wrote; 
Technical Support 1978 
Brian Stells (for some reason i dont remember right now)
alrighty this is where the stupid capitalized letters come in, but before it looks like i vomit a keysmash time infinity on this, ill put down the little inbetween things i wrote in the midst of the caps lockalypse like timestamps and stuff, so here you go;
- Reverse at 8:16 which i did but of course didnt write down what i heard. i think it was too warbled to hear anything clear out of it, or it was just the good ol auditory processing issues fucking me over yet again. WAIT yep yes i did here it is: “rosemary would go to the restaurant every night hoping that [her] beloved husband would reappear after being missing for weeks but no response until one day [s]he heard a voice [saying] ‘i know where he is rosie’ coming from the back stage” the bracketed stuff is the corrections, i misheard the audio and thought the audio said “his”, “he” and “singing” like a nimrod
- Brighten at 10:14 which was another missing person poster, but i dont think it had any information on it because i didnt write it down, just;
- Sophie again (pic at 9:08?) (dismemberd and put in Sha) i was stupid and wrong haha idiot it was rosemary who was put in sha but anywho
i starred and underlined a huge thing i discovered which was;
- Walten had 3 kids which i dont remember how i found out but it doesnt matter, its good important info i uncovered.
- Tape #4 - Unkown Date
- recorded 07/12-07/14 1978 
- Hilary B, Ashley P & Kevin W i made sure to get these names down as soon as i saw them on screen but then realized shortly after i wouldnt really need to have it as the closed captions made sure i knew which person was talking by using their first initial (capitalized of course) before each line of text. this is the perfect time to announce the arrival of the clusterfuck of capital letters, which is going to include colons which will indicate that the letter before it is the initial of the person talking. without further aedue, here comes another chinese earthquake;
holy shit its finally over okay now onto some MORE of what i wrote down in between and also after that keysmash attack;
12 doors? (backrooms) 27? 26? i was unsure because ashley was unsure too lmfao
found cassette (6/11/78) <- says “discard”? yeah it did
Tape in clown audio, speaking voice; jack, susan, charles(?), rosemary, sophie, last word sounds like “walrus” it was walten lmfao
Ashley died? yeah she did lmfao OR AT LEAST I THINK SO??
starred this one, Reverse @ 17:06, then got this;
“they left the next day, they thought ashley left early, but she was in the backdoors, screaming as much as she could, but no one heard the screams, the following days the caretakers would complain about an awful smell coming from the backdoors, company decided to shut down facility until new advice, the relocate project was unsuccessful. ashley is still there, but she is not screaming anymore, she saw something she wasnt supposed to see and now shes beautiful” the phrase “shes beautiful” was repeating like a bajillion times in that wall of text. then, god motherfuckng bless: 
at 17:23 i found the other half of the youtube link, “.be/k07QqEDOfQ” i pieced that bad boy together as instant as i think any form of ramen could never be, but remained ever patient. because i made sure to jot down this before moving onto my next segment;
@ end of vid 2, “shadow man sees* me when lights go off” im an idiot *it was actually “feeds” not “sees”, which AGAIN, i only found out after watching the stupid little film theory video *begins snarling and foaming at the mouth*
okay im not proud to admit im editing this to post it and realized ive lost my notes. well. 
might as well post what ive got! if i find my shit ill add onto this, i suppose.
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