#i think a lot of people may just be a bit superficial about this ngl
going on dates to meet people with the intention of starting a relationship kind of is like. bizarre to me cause it just seems like it'd feel forced ?? with friends its like. "im saying the most out of pocket things so you'd laugh and i can feel like i can do that without judgment" and "i lean on you for support like you would for me", which i feel like is very foundational to a good relationship as opposed to a baseline "i think this person looks good". over time your friends will just become hot to you based on bonds alone. its that simple
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hoe-imaginess · 3 years
What would dabi and hawks type be?
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•There’s not an end all be all personality that Hawks looks for honestly
•As conceited as he can be (pretends to be, really) he has a hard time swallowing that same cockiness in someone he may be romantically pursuing. Like, sure, it’s funny to be snooty when you’re clearly joking about it. But if most of your personality revolves around being full of yourself, then that’s kind of a turn off
•Basically you have to be humble to some extent. He can handle confidence (he loves it, actually!) but he finds it really off-putting when you talk yourself up too much, especially at the expense of others? Like, don’t put down someone else because you have something they don’t, be it looks or something material
•You have to be a kind person at the foundation. Sure, you may be rough around the edges, or shy, or maybe even a bit tsundere. But if you aren’t a good person at heart, he just can’t rationalize getting involved with you
•You can’t be overly shy though. You have to be able to communicate with him as easily as he communicates with you— sure, sometimes his charisma is a lot to handle, but if you just absolutely shy away from his outgoing personality without showing any signs of opening up, then he can’t have fun with you, and hence, can’t see a relationship with you
•This is so cliche but: if you make him want to be a better person then you’re absolutely his type. As in, after he spends time with you he feels like he’s floating on a high of optimism, like he wants to try that much harder to be the best hero he can be, like he can’t wipe the smile off of his face because just being in your presence made him feel like he could do anything he set his mind to
•He’d prefer somebody that’s somewhat comfortable with who they are, not insecure, and definitely not routinely sensitive. Like... if you constantly have something negative to say, that’s a real mood-killer. He can understand if you need him to be a support system, but he’s not sure he has the time or the energy to make you a better you. He’ll help you where he can, of course, but there’s only so much he can do before it falls into your own hands
•Going off of that, Hawks can’t be there for you 24/7, so if you’re someone who’s overly dependent on their s/o, that’s really not his thing. Sure, if you express how excited you are to see him after he’s had a long week of hero work, he loves that. But if you’re counting on seeing him every single day and your entire mood depends on whether or not he makes time for you, then that’s just a no-go
•He wants you to have friends, hobbies—other things to do that don’t revolve around him. A good way to put it is that he doesn’t like someone that always has a free schedule. He needs someone that can enjoy themselves when he’s not around, which is going to be often. It’s too simple to say that he doesn’t like clingy people; it’s more accurate to say that his type is someone who can live their lives independently without resenting him for his busy schedule, or having some weird existential crisis because they’re dating a top hero that won’t always have time for them 
•Basically he needs a s/o that won’t suffer because of his priorities, and doesn’t constantly require reassurance that he cares about them, because of course he does. Just... don’t start unnecessary drama. That’s absolutely not his type
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•He doesn’t care if you’re not the intelligent type. To be honest, you can be dumb as a doornail and he still may like you, just because he thinks it’s funny how dumb you are. As long as you’re not an airhead on purpose, he doesn’t care what your IQ is, or if you can have intellectual conversations etc etc. Just don’t be a ditz because you think he’ll find it cute—he won’t
•Also ngl, if you’re actually dumb it’s much easier for him to boss you around and he likes that lmaooo. He’s terrible
•As for more superficial characteristics, he doesn’t much care what you dress like or how you present yourself. You might dress preppy and very put-together and that’s kinda fun to him? Because then he gets to turn you into a flustered and unkempt mess later. He likes seeing how easily he can mess you up
•And if you dress like a punk with the all-black ‘fit and chains and fishnets, obviously he finds that hot because hey, it’s HOT
•If you are blatantly into him and crave his attention, then he’ll probably indulge you, because he likes knowing you’re dependent on his affection (not that he really gives you any affection lmfao)
•Dabi wants to feel like he’s the center of your world, so if you wear your emotions on your sleeve and make it obvious how hot you are for him, he digs it
•I mean, he’s definitely gonna take advantage of you emotionally because of it, but we don’t have to talk about that—
•Then again, if you play hard to get, that’s sort of fun too. At least, for a time. If you run him around in circles for too long, then you’re just not worth the effort anymore. Play your cards right or he’ll get bored of you fast
•Sorry but if you’re strong, independent, and confident—then you ain’t for him. He needs you to be pliable for his own gains, needs you to be easily swayed, needs you not to be so headstrong that you don’t let him get in your head. Because he very much wants to get in your head 
•He’s seriously a manipulative bastard. His type is the type that lets him capitalize off of that. You’re absolutely not his type if you try to stick up for yourself or be your own person. He simply will not allow it
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visarcana · 3 years
In (Reluctant but Needed) Defense of Allen
This is something I wrote in the Slack channel discussion but I wanted to save it here. And I’m sure I’ll expand on it even more as I go. Well, I am trying to make Millerna a bit more relatable and sympathetic character in the fic; why stop there? Though I admit, this might be even one level up. Cause you either love or hate Allen, right? No gray area there. Nevertheless, let’s try (also, belated happy birthday to him!)
So what is the most superficial, caricatured image there is to get of Allen? I think there are two things that people often reduce his character to:
a manwhore (and turbo one at that) that would do anything that breathes and seduces women for the fun of it
a toxic, manipulative “30 year old” that preys on all these innocent teenagers, moreover, teenagers he sees his sister in (yuck, how creepy is that?!)
It’s usually one of these two, or a combination of them. And ngl, my image of him was not much better early on, after the first watch and reading some fics where he often became a straight-out villain.
It took me many years, several rewatches, and some new content to improve my opinion of him. First of all, let’s get some facts in here.
Allen is 21, he’s the same age as both Dryden and Eries
His sister was spirited away 10 years ago and around the same time his mother died, making him roughly 11 at the time
He then turned to life of crime, becoming a highway bandit, until he met Balgus
It was Balgus who changed his perspective of life, made him care about honor and all that, and made him into a master swordsman
His romance with Marlene happened as he was about 16 while Marlene was two years his senior and it was Marlene who was after Allen from the minute she first saw him, manipulating her father to get him a post of the Palace Guard near her (from the novels, feel free to disregard if you want though it’s all complement to the series)
Allen & Women
Obviously, we have to start here. But, consider this: Allen’s womanizing reputation may come simply from how he treats women, not necessarily from his body count. People tend to oversimplify things, so when they see him switching his charm/flirty side on, they would automatically assume he would have tons of experience. 
Because no matter how you look at it, there's just not a whole lot of time for him to play around too much. Obviously, he is not flirtatious yet as he trains with Balgus and coming from the novels and stuff, he is STILL not a "ladykiller" while in relationship with Marlene. And then he gets banned to a remote sausage fest of a border fortress.
The series itself is a bit vague in the Marlene part (there is that troubled look of his in that shot where they are hugging in the garden, but that's easy to miss or disregard)... so the viewers may jump to the conclusion that "hey, this guy already seduced the princess as a teenager, it's in his nature!". And that's their image of him they work with. 
I think the Marlene chapter in the novels definitely changed that image even for myself. It was not Allen who actively sought that relationship, or did a whole lot to make her fall for him. Heck, he barely DID anything. A good example of how a crushing girl can build a whole castle of melodrama about a guy she barely even knows.
After Marlene, there shouldn't be a whole lot of time for him to seduce half of Palas or whatever. And then there is the banishment to Castelo, where it doesn't look like a whole lot of women would come by. Still, his men recognize the way he treats ladies so they must have witnessed it before. Didn't have to be like every other day, a handful of typical charming Allen displays would paint his picture sufficiently for them. Let's also not forget that they are a rough bunch and probably not used to chivalry and courtly manner at all, so it's all the more remarkable for them.
I think the creators struggled with Allen’s image a bit, too. It's interesting that two of the deleted scenes in the early episodes actually showcased Allen flirting with  Hitomi. Besides one extra scene at Castelo, there's another one at the Crusade just before landing in Asturia for the first time. I think that one is the most daring, I mean, it looks like he's about to nuzzle up or even kiss her. And there's no Dilandau or other objective/protective reason to be so affectionate, except to ease her (and his own) mind before landing in the "Capital of Intrigue." 
I can see how this got axed because it really fixes his image of flirtatiousness. They possibly had second thoughts about it if they toned it down as much, and yeah, you don't really see him behave so forward even later in the series. Probably also because he befriends Hitomi and takes her a little bit more seriously. 
I also think the motive behind Allen's behavior is not to seduce women like sport (even though he's often portrayed like that in fanworks)... it is to be pleasant to them, protect them, tell them what they want to hear etc. In one of the filmbook secrets, Allen is called feminisuto (I refuse to write it as feminist, becaust the meaning is different here). 
Feminisuto in Japanese is a "guy who indulges women," basically, the meaning is the same as a gentleman. I think this could be sort of an archetype of a man in Japanese society, and knowing more about that culturally would explain a lot about Allen's character. One of the reasons I see is what happened to his mother and obviously Celena, but I want to talk about Encia a bit.
I think it's clear that Allen very well understood much of their family's misfortune was rooted in his father emotionally neglecting and eventually abandoning his mother. I think this influenced how he treats women a lot. Yes, he is overprotective and coddles them, but I also believe he is very weak towards them and can't say "no" to them.
For example, it's obvious that he doesn't want to get involved with Millerna from the start, but he is also too weak to refuse her properly, whether it's because of his attraction towards her or hesitation to hurt her.  Also, that early flirting phase is something he’s the best at, because he thinks it's all about that and doesn't really know how to build an equal, trusting relationship... he thinks being nice and attentive to women solves all the problems, without having to open about himself too much. Hitomi may be an exception, which is maybe why he asks her to marry him eventually.
Of course, Allen's looks combined with those caring and gentlemanly ways of his would just attract women endlessly. That's another thing, you may have witnessed it irl; the good looking guy, no matter how shy or awkward in the beginning, would gain a lot of self-confidence as women throw themselves at him just because of his looks and he gains more experience with them. 
Also, I believe Marlene was a big heartbreak for him so maybe he did become a bit of a playboy afterwards, while he was at his lowest... I think that’s the sort of a headcanon the fandom agrees on, that it was at this point that he fooled around with women. 
I also wrote a while ago already that I don't think he was banished immediately after the Marlene affair, giving a time window for Millerna and Eries to develop their respective relationships with him. Because they both are familar with him and if he was gone from the capital immediately after Marlene... then at least Millerna wouldn’t know or remember him at all, young as she was when Marlene left for Freid. 
Perhaps he was gaining a bit of that reputation few years after Marlene, and that was what eventually pushed Aston to order him far away from his daughters? That, or it was at a later point he found out about the affair. Or even both. I think it all comes together nicely, just depends on how you want to connect it all in your head. 
About him seducing younger women... I would obviously never condone anything like it irl but you gotta take the setting into consideration. It’s not like it doesn’t happen in modern-age stories, too, but I would be more forgiving in this kind of (pseudo)historical story.
I specifically believe that on Gaea, at 15 you are already considered “of age.” We see that as both Van and Folken attempt the dragonslaying to become the king at 15, Dilandau is a commander and the Dragonslayers are soldiers at 15, Millerna gets married at 15 (and in general, looks mature enough so that nobody would guess she is only that). Gaea’s level of development is 17-18th century Earth with a much shorter life expectancy, which yes, pushes these ages down and nobody would pause at that. 
The way I see it, 15 is Gaean 18 and the difference between Allen and the girls would be 24 and 18 years old in Earth terms. Of course, it’s still not ideal and nothing to be proud of on Allen’s side, but I guess Gaean society would not frown at him (or Dryden for that matter) for craddle-robbing. Also, let’s realize that by modern standards, an “adult” Marlene seduced an underaged Allen, too, though the age difference was much smaller.
An entirely other beast is Allen’s “cage” speech and his overprotectiveness. You really start to see the loss of his sister and mother seep through when he reprimands Hitomi even about simply walking around the city. And that “keeping precious things under lock,” you sort of see where it’s coming from but then; this is truly a character flaw and I have nothing else to say here. I just pity poor Celena after the end of the series but I know she would get him to change his ways, in many ways. Also, living with her and helping her gain her independence again should improve this (the guys growing up around sisters tend to have much better understanding of women).
It seems Allen subconsciously avoids an older and more experienced partner who would see right through his crap and confront him about it. I honestly hope for this to happen to him, could also be pretty hilarious to watch. Eries is probably the only good candidate from the introduced cast to give him a piece of mind, especially since he seems to respect her and she’s all ladylike. I could still see her doing it without breaking her form too much.  An older Millerna might as well. I mean, she did give him a bit of a wake-up call in chapter 14 of my fic, too, I hope at least.
The Bravery & Honor
This is too often forgotten but if you watched paying attention to anything else than shipping, Allen is always trying to act honorably. When he takes Van and Hitomi under his wing, that’s not calculation, nor attraction towards Hitomi... it’s just the right thing to do. He lets his fortress to be destroyed for that right thing, and King Aston is quick to scold him about it (“honor alone can’t save a country.”) 
You might be distracted by his princess hair or skirted uniform but Allen is a heroic, honorable character, and can wreck pretty much anyone with his mech. And does it all with a certain effortless charm of some sort of movie hero. I sort of recognize this sort of character from other mecha titles, the initially unreachable rival/friend/aniki who is annoyingly good at what he’s doing, is sort of an idol for the protagonist and helps him improve and often dies heroically. Allen successfully averted that, maybe because this is not quite a classic mecha story. And then, there is was Folken (this still kinda felt too soon).
Anyway, Allen gets in trouble again and again because of honor (he saves the kidnapped Van against all odds on Vione, he gets arrested for crossing Zaibach - at the time still an ally of his country, he escapes to Freid to warn them about the attack, etc.) Time and time again you see him make a decision when the dishonorable option would have been the easier one, and Allen takes the honorable way, again and again. 
And he teaches Van a thing or two about it, too. I think this is an important thing, because the origin of these teachings is Balgus, so through Allen as a senpai, Van still can get some of the Balgus’ lessons he never had a chance to obtain. But then, there’s something else between the two.
The Rivalry & Pettiness
This is sort of harder to track because Van is a trademark hothead who would pick fights with Allen against all reason... but it seems Allen enjoys it himself? I mean, enjoys knocking Van into dust. 
I will repeat myself here, but one of the things I disliked about Allen fighting Van at Castelo was how he mentioned Balgus for no other apparent reason than to throw him off (”Balgus never held back like that.”) And that was not nice of him in my charts because there is no way he would mention this if he didn’t know Balgus trained Van (he may have as well said “did you even learn anything from him?”) And it makes Van feel shittier than he had to about his loss, beating himself with the memory of his late master. 
This really gives me trouble because why would the honorable Allen proceed like that? He can win this with ease anyway, so why pull the Balgus card? And if you read about bushido... even remaining in today’s sports like karate/judo/kendo, it’s just disrespectful and weak to show joy over beating someone and such, same as using some petty tricks. And yet, Allen does it, despite being an alumni of The Balgus School of Honor.
Well, one of the explanations I found is, he probably tries to kick Van into action and improving, instead of pitying himself. And he sort of succeeds, cause Van really focuses on training more from that on, as confirmed by the artbooks.
Other possible theory was, when Balgus left back for Fanelia (”sorry lad, I hear my king is ill, g2g!”) Allen felt sort of bummed that his master ditched him? There was probably some talk where they agreed that Allen should get back to Asturia and regain his house. But maaaybe Allen had wanted to stay with Balgus and learn/adventure some more?
Another, and I tend to like (and when I say like I mean use) that one is, Van is eerily reminding Allen of himself at his age, I mean, at his emo bandit age. Van surely looks and plays the part of emo bandit all too well. So, being hard on him comes naturally to Allen, he would be hard on himself after all. He wouldn’t be so mean to another adversary, but to Van, who is his rival (in more ways than one) and reminds him of the him he would like to forget, somehow brings out the worse in him.
To be comprehensive, Allen has a similar hack and slash with Dryden, but the latter seems to be more on the winning side there, skillfully turning the knife in Allen’s wounds left by his father just as well as Allen managed to do with Van early on. Then Dryden gets a whipping himself. Yeah, karma is a bitch.
There, I think I wrote enough, and that on top of the chapter 14, where we sort of touch upon Allen x pretty much everyone... and that will continue for a short bit now, among other things. Regardless of the fic, I think the implication of the end of the series is that Allen wouldn’t have much time for romance from now on, his family relations with Celena and perhaps Chid would take precedence for a while. I wonder how that would change him and make him more mature. Allen at 30 or so, now that is something I’d like to see... 
So yeah, to sum up, 
YES Allen has a weakness for women BUT NO he would not have the time nor opportunity to whore around a whole lot
YES he acts flirtatious BUT it’s also about chivalry for him
YES he pursues younger women BUT they are of-age in-universe and he is quite immature himself
YES he is all this BUT don’t overlook that he is a honorable knight and without him, his ship, and protection, VH would have been screwed from the get-go and too many times to count
AND YEAH he’s supposed to be so relentlessly handsome on top of that kindness, chivalry, and heroism, that it must have seemed like he stepped out of a dream to them... so please forgive also these girls who don’t know any better YET
P.S. The reason it’s a reluctant defense is I feel like I may not be big enough fan of Allen to be writing this but here we are. On the other hand, I doubt I wrote more even about my top favs!
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perhapsthanatos · 3 years
10:32 pm with yuta ♡
nct’s yuta x fem!reader (got inspired by a dream of mine & found the idea really cute)
alternate title: be the james dean to my audrey hepburn
genre: fluff. a pinch of angst. non idol au. badboy!yuta au.
word count: 1400~
playlist: chinatown by wild nothing, lover’s rock by tv girl & work this time by king gizzard and the lizard wizard.
warnings: featuring johnny (not a warning though). smoking cigarettes. cursing. lowercase intended. not proofread.
a/n: hi i was supposed to post a vampire!haechan fic but i really wasnt happy w it in general :( the plot or overall idea of the fic was really good, but i just felt as if i didnt do it justice so here we are :( but ngl, i kind of like this concept more? maybe bc i can see it more vividly? idk, i feel like my writings r getting repetitive & its getting on my nerves lmaoo this is getting long im sorry do u guys even read this part anyway? i would also like to apologize abt the amount of projecting im doing lmao ive been having some rough days & i love my sister but hate being compared to her so often so this is a way for me to rant abt it ig? also so sorry its coming out a little later bc i woke up late today (& procrastinated for the rest of it so here i am posting really late at night) & decided to go to the convenience store to get ice cream (& a ton of other bad shit pls dont do this its rlly unhealthy) for breakfast bc i can :) any who, enjoy lovelies <3
“oh my, y/n! you’ve grown up so well! just like your sister!”
“oh! i’m sorry i’ve almost mistaken you for your sister! y/n is your name, correct?”
“y/n, darling, you are looking so dashing! you really do resemble your sister, don’t you?”
“ah, you must be y/n! i’ve heard all about you and your sister from your father!”
you swear that your reddening cheeks are threatening to fall off any moment now from all the fake smiling. the hundreds of superficial compliments, the insincere flattery and the need for these people to constantly compare you to your godforsaken sister makes you feel even weaker than you are. it gets harder and harder to keep up with a big persona that isn’t at all you. as lucky as you are to live such a lavish lifestyle, you can’t help but hate how your family has to be so perfect. you hate how you have never fit in with them, even if you are so good at faking it. you hate how you have always been stuck in your sister’s shadow, constantly haunted with the reminder that you yourself aren’t good enough. you hate how you now have to entertain the rich and brainless guests at your parent’s gala because she’s gone for some stupid prodigy competition and everyone is only talking about her in front of your face. so what if she’s better the better sister? you still have the right to earn respect, right?
you’re exhausted from all the small talk. your facade gets more brittle by the second under all the pressure. your body feels as if it's gonna give out due to your brain shutting down after all that interacting. you try to keep on going with the night as it unravels itself by being the perfectly poised poster child, trying to make your parents proud. but alive yet almost completely devoid, you decide enough was enough. what if you left right now? no one would notice, would they?
after pulling up your phone discreetly to send a few text messages, you pass through lots of people dressed in gold and finery in a way that wouldn’t have you noticed right away. keep your head down and don’t you dare make eye contact with anyone. nearing the end of the room, grabbing the first glass of whatever alcohol you see and downing it in one gulp, you start walking away as quickly as possible from the ballroom. “ignorant privileged fucks,” you angrily whisper to no one in particular, setting the now empty glass on whatever surface and begin to head to the main exit where no one could spot you running away.
“and what do you think you’re doing here, miss?”
a voice interrupts you, looking up you see that it is your father’s head butler; johnny. he is dressed in a simple black suit that makes him appear taller than he is. his long brown hair is slicked back and his bowtie seems brand new. you have known the man since he started working in your household less than ten years back. you were a reckless child, often trying to find ways to sneak out, finding a way to escape from this life and he sympathized with you. after all, he could barely imagine living your life, never catching a break for yourself and always pretending to be someone you weren’t. he often helped planning when you would sneak out into the night, scheduling things like what time you should leave and what time you should be back, more specifically a time when no one would notice. he would take care of your form of transportation and have your location on at all times, just to be extra safe. as much as he wants you to have fun and have a bit of freedom, he still worries that something might happen to you. because of all this, you two have grown to have a very strong bond. you could confidently say that he is most definitely a parental figure in your life since your parents (and even your sister) are often overseas for work.
“what do you think i’m doing? you think i wanna be in a room with those half-baked bipeds? fuck no!”
“i know, i was just joking. you looked like you were about to explode in there, i wish i could help.” he laughs, pulling out his phone preparing what you might need. “so what will it be for today? the driver? we just need to pay him to keep his mouth shut. a taxi? it’s cheaper than paying the driver, but you still need to pay… not like that’s a problem for you though. maybe an uber would be good enough—“
“actually, i got myself covered. thanks.”
his jaw slightly drops and his eyebrows furrow. he looks straight at you in shock. “what do you mean you got yourself covered?”
you look down at your feet, a nervous habit. “i got myself a ride, you don’t need to help me. i’ll be back as soon as dawn comes.”
he raises his eyebrow. “who’s your ride?”
“doesn’t matter,” you glance down at your phone seeing a notification and wave a goodbye, leaving rather suddenly. “i gotta go, i’ll text you when you need to open the gates!”
“y/n! wait! who’s your ride— and she’s gone.” johnny sighs, watching as you run towards the front gates, tossing your stiletto heels away on the grass while you’re at it. he heads back inside, silently hoping you’ll be fine.
knocking the window of the old black mustang parked outside behind the big bushes, the driver rolls down his window and sends the most charming smile.
yuta in his black beanie, long blonde hair, worn out doc martens, signature leather jacket and black skinny jeans. it almost makes you laugh on how he wears the same thing almost everyday but still manages to look so good.
he is most notable for having a big bad boy reputation and you knew that he was the breath of fresh air you needed in your life. a person who can understand having the pressure of having to be or to fulfill your persona. a person you can completely be yourself around. a person who is full of warmth no matter how cold he may seem on the outside.
“get in, princess.”
and that was all you needed. you tiredly walked to the other door and sat yourself in the car. rolling his window back up, he looks at you. you are wearing a simple yet stunning black dress along with silver jewelry adorned on your neck and wrists. your makeup is perfectly done but still struggles to hide the fog in your eyes. he has the sudden urge to clear them away. he softens at the sight of you. no one is perfect, but he finds you being perfect enough without ever having to dress up.
“where to?” he asks as gently as he could. he knows that you are most vulnerable during these moments and that it is hard to finally break down your walls after a day full of stress, so he doesn’t pry immediately. all he wants to do is to keep you here, safe and away from your burdens and for you to stay comfortable with him, even if it couldn't be for long. but is that too selfish of him to ask? he hates how you hate your life and it is taking every bone in his body to not run away with you. but who is he to tell you what to do or what to change anyway? all he can do for now is try to find a way to make you genuinely smile.
“take me anywhere,” you whisper to the latter. “i just want to be as far from myself and my life as possible. miles away or the nearest convenience store, just take the long way home before dawn.”
you look down at the cup holders, spotting an open cigarette box. you tug one out of the nineteen and light it with the lighter you kept in your pocket. you lean back and close your eyes. he only admires as you bring the cigarette to your lips, exhaling a cloud of smoke afterwards. letting the radio play quietly, he starts the car and begins to drive away from the mansion. he can’t help but wonder how you (an elegant daughter) and him (a bad boy) are millions of worlds apart, but more similar than you think.
© perhapsthanatos (efa)
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domjaehyun · 3 years
im an aries sun, cancer moon, virgo rising, aries venus, leo 12th house and scorpio 3rd house hehe
do we see smth here👀👀
i am so . conflicted by the information you have just given me 😭😭😭 when i see aries i am happy but i- i really. am not a fan of virgos 😭😭😭 while i’m at it i am also rly not a fan of cancers but i feel less strongly abt them than i do virgos skfkskdkd
i am going to . put this under a read more bc it got pretty long sjfjsjdkdj but here are my thoughts !!!!
IM GONNA BE UPFRONT THE HOUSES DONT MEAN ANYTHING TO ME bc i don’t know off the top of my head what each house stands for yknow? so my brain went brrr after the four placements you named 😭😭😭
however based on the virgo rising AND your aries sun i feel as if you might be absolutely insufferable when you think you’re right about something 😭😭😭 like genuinely if you ever presented a stance to me that i didn’t agree with, i would just disagree and walk away from you without another word bc i think you’d enrage me otherwise 😭😭😭
aries sun & cancer moon make me feel as though you tend to be someone who feels Very Deeply and Strongly about things bc cancer tends to be a pretty “sensitive” placement and aries is also very sensitive but ppl like to believe that we’re just Really Angry !! i think though tbh that like. aries placements can be very sensitive and feel very passionately about things but i don’t think that’s a bad thing at all !!! i feel like your cancer moon might make you slightly more prone to react with sadness? in instances of confrontation? like you might mask the sadness as a lot of people do, but your reactions might be initially Stemming from the sadness and may be more closely aligned with your sadness !! this isn’t to say that cancer placements are “sad” or anything but it’s that, like, from what i know, esp as a scorpio moon, between both of our moon signs, i’m Way more likely to suppress the initial seed of sadness where as i think of cancers as a bit more “in touch with” or like more readily inclined to share their emotions. also that’s an interesting combo bc i’m p sure i’ve heard cancer get depicted as a very Maternal Sign and aries gets depicted very like . Child Like if that makes sense? so it’s v interesting to me !! you might spend a lot of time attempting to self-soothe when you’re upset abt things !!
uH ngl i am not 100% sure what aries venus would imply off the top of my head besides the Very Passionate Lover part! you might be kind of a serial crusher? kind of like a hopeless romantic? but in the sense that aries is an easily excitable sign always looking for something new so you might always be developing lil crushes or obsessions w people!! on that same vein though you might come off to some as a bit … fickle isn’t rly the right word but like . HhHHh the word itself is escaping me but basically you might seem very like “i KNOW HIM YALL I KNOW HIM” one day and the next day you’re like “i’m sorry to say it i hope i don’t sound ridiculous—i don’t know who this man is” because people think you like someone and drop them super quickly but i don’t believe that’s the case at all!! keep in mind that i used the word “crushes” because they are superficial connections. it might be easier for someone like you to lose attraction to someone you don’t have an actual connection with BECAUSE you don’t have that connection with them. you wanna be passionate, you wanna be All In but if they’re not all in (which, if you don’t know them v well, they’re obviously not) then it’s very easy to lose interest. a lot of people think that aries placements, among other signs, are reeeeally into The Chase of attraction yknow? and like!!!!!! i really agree!!!!! i am super into the chase and the tension of the chase (admittedly, sometimes way more than i’m into whatever might happen when the chase ends and someone gets caught) but i think an important distinction to make is that a lot of people paint aries placements as the Chaser….which tbh i kind of find inaccurate and a bit reductive given that for some reason aries is a “masculine” sign? because the chase IS very thrilling for aries placements, but it can go either way. as an aries sun i am thrilled with Being Chased and Being Pursued but i am never in a million years going to chase anyone or initiate with anyone yknow?
but in that regard i feel like your other placements play a factor too—as a cancer moon, someone more “in touch” with your emotions AND with that “maternal” vibe might be more compelled to do the chasing; even your aries sun might be playing a factor in that you might be a little bit impatient if the chase isn’t happening the way you want it to? not to mention the potential impulsivity where it’s kinda like ….Fuck It YOLO kind of vibes yknow??
i’m very curious to know like . if i was correct abt any of this tbh so if you . wanna come back and let me know if any of this resonated w you i am eager to hear!!!!
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aconstantache · 4 years
HM: The Minute I Saw You by Paige Toon; Fair As A Star by Mimi Matthews; You Deserve Each Other by Sarah Hogle 
10. Take A Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert - loved, loved, loved these MCs. They were both so well-realised and multi-faceted. Zafir may be one of my favourite heroes ever and the depiction of a South Asian family here is also an all-time fave?? No boring, tired, sad diaspora vibes? No overused tropes re: Muslims? MIRACULOUS. So Zaf is a romance novel-reading lover of love and Dani is Not About Relationships. Unstoppable force meets immovable object etc etc.
9. Two Rogues Make A Right by Cat Sebastian - the ultimate in hurt/comfort decadence. Literally the entire plot is one person is really sick and the other person spends the entire rest of the book looking after them. LIKE, MAYBE THAT IS THE ONLY THING THAT HAPPENS?  It takes a bit to get into it but also the sick one is kinda villainous and the one looking after him believes there’s good in him despite all evidence to the contrary. V good dynamic! 
8.  Wild At Heart by K.A. Tucker - I read and LOVED The Simple Wild last year and was so happy the author decided to write a sequel. I would read ALL the books about these two characters just living their life in this universe. I know Tucker is branching out and writing about other characters in the ‘verse and: eh. I only want to read about Calla riding snowmobiles and Jonah telling her how competent she is I’m sorry!!! Wild At Heart focuses less on romance and more on Calla getting used to Alaska but it’s still satisfying seeing them work out how to compromise and start a new life together. 
7. Beach Read by Emily Henry - I love when a romance novel has a lot of hype and it lives up to expectations (see The Roommate for the opposite, ugh that book was bad.) Honestly I get off just on the blurb of this book: he writes pretentious literary fiction! she’s a bestselling romance author! they help each other write and slowly fall in love at the same time! It also deals with slightly heavier themes and there is focus on a recent death and some other stuff which I know a few people struggled with but there’s plenty of humour and light-heartedness so it all works imo
6.  A Dangerous Kind of Lady by Mia Vincy - It is so rare for me to like every book in a Historical Romance series but Mia Vincy’s Longhope Abbey is 3/3 atm. I loved the first two (as mentioned last year) and this one is an A+ addition (ngl I have qualms about the fourth book but I think MV has won some trust at this point so.) We originally met these MCs in the first book when they were introduced as very happily married and devoted so rewinding to them being conflict-stricken and angst-ridden youths was great.
5. You Say It First by Katie Cotugno - So I simultaneously adored this and also found it irritating. This book focuses on ‘liberal’ Meg who has progressive values and is very involved in things like voter registration phonebanks. She ends up on the phone with Colby who is her age and struggling with his family’s lack of money, his dead-end job, etc and has no time to discuss how the electoral system could help him. From a political point this had the potential to be really interesting but I think it’s pretty mishandled by the author. I think she could have done a much better job at writing a character who has no faith in the political system for valid reaons but like, some of Colby’s opinions are just nonsensical? Also Meg often feels ‘liberal’ in a way that is twee and annoying and superficial. Why did I place this so high when I have such a list of complaints??? Despite all this, the relationship between Meg and Colby is so sweet and satisfying and well-built. Most it it takes place over the phone and I love that liminal space that exists just for the two of them. It managed to outweight my negatives!!!
4.  If We Were Us by K.L. Walther - I know people have had qualms with this book but I still loved it. The boarding school vibes; the friendships; the siblings. Quintessential YA things done well! Sage and Charlie are best friends and would be perfect together (valedictorian types) except Sage is far more into Charlie’s twin brother (v not valedictorian type) and Charlie isn’t into girls at all. Two good, satisfying romantic relationships found here folks!
3. Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall - FAKE DATING EXCELLENCE. I think every year I need something new to fill this particular category and Boyfriend Material is a really stellar entry. That being said, I don’t think there’s much actual fake dating going on in this book apart from premise-wise but we move! Luc and Oliver have a good mix of awareness and conflict so you get the Good Stuff TM of them being together and sweet and wonderful while still having to wait for their climactic Get Together.
2. Today Tonight Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon - I’m obsessed with “I’ve hated you all along! Wait... have I?” narratives and it’s executed so perfectly here. Rowan and Neil are two massive nerds and competitive rivals who end up spending their last hours of school together. There is very little plot to this book - it is almost 100% relationship development and hangout time - which is almost always all I ever want from romance.
1. Mix Tape by Jane Sanderson - I read this all the way back in January (what a completely different time in the world!) so it’s a testament to how good it is that I still feel strongly enough about it to give it pride of first place. This is the kind of book - because it’s not reeeeally genre fiction - that seems destined for a sad or, at the very least, ambigious ending but (HA!) it provides a warm, wholly satisfying happily ever after. Anyway if you’re into second chances after decades and decades apart and people communicating through songs and yearning and never being able to Let Go - this is for you!
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Harvest, amber, spice
harvest - what fictional character do you most identify with? Why? Ugh, this is a really tough question. I don’t tend to really identify with fictional characters that much. Like, I’ll see certain traits and whatnot in different characters and relate to them or project onto them for one reason or another, but I don’t often point to a character and go, “that’s me,” yknow? The only character that currently comes to mind rn is Zolf Smith from Rusty Quill Gaming, which is... a weird choice, ngl. Superficially, have basically nothing in common. He’s a gruff, uncharismatic dwarf cleric with a tragic backstory and a below-average number of legs. None of this fits in with my life or how I see myself (and like okay, obviously I’m not a dwarf or a cleric bc those things aren’t possible, but I have thought about what I’d be in a dnd world, and I’d definitely be a human bard. And I know that’s a bit of a cop-out since I, like all dnd players, am human IRL, but I know people vibe with different fantasy races a lot and I’ve never particularly vibed with dwarves). Like, I don’t even vibe with the aesthetic  of it all. He used to be in the navy, and then he became a pirate, and at some point became a cleric of Poseidon, and I’ve never really been into the whole nautical thing (unless you count liking sea shanties, but that’s about it). Despite all this, there’s something about... his outlook, I guess? and the way he handles things? that I really relate to (which is probably worrisome, as he is canonically pretty fucking depressed but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). I dunno, just... a lot of times I feel like I understand the way he makes decisions and could see myself making the same ones if put in his situation. Also, when he gets into arguments with other party members (which happens quite a bit), I find myself taking his side more often than not. Also, there’s something about the way that he cares about people that I can relate to (although I feel like I’m usually better at comforting people, likely because I don’t have a charisma score of 8)
amber - share an unpopular opinion that you may have. I fucking love the wording of this one. Not an unpopular opinion that I do have, but one that I may have. Fuck it. I think bacon is overrated. Do I believe that??? Do I not????? You don’t knooooooow~~~ It’s an opinion that I may have!!!!!!!
spice - have you ever encountered a house that you believed to be haunted? Nope! Wish I had something more interesting to say here. I don’t.
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xsecretblastsx · 4 years
1x11 - Roman Holiday
Happy Christmas Everybody! Or rather I’m trying to delude myself into thinking it’s winter because it’s awfully hot in here. Too bad the episode only lasts like 40 minutes. Anyway here’s the recap.
This one didn’t get as long as the last ones, but I’ll use the keep reading break anyway because it’s a bit more neat for everyone.
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Thoughts I had while watching the episode:
The Constance choir, oh how I miss it.
 I have a coat really simliar to the one’s Jenny’s wearing, mine’s probably cheaper though. 
Global Warming Grinch! what a surprise Dan’s complaining about something yei!
Here comes Vanessa raining on Serena’s parade! Auch. I never really know with her, because she seems nice and sincere and everything, but doesn’t she realize how uncomfortable this is for Serena? She doesn’t acts like Dan’s best friend, she acts like the soul mate or something like that.
I had almost forgotten about Bart Bass, if only. It’s not like Bart knows the actual meaning of the words “I’m in love with you” but I do ser her point on this Lily, ugh. I can’t believe I typed that.
I really like Blair’s outif the perfect mix between school uniform and holiday spirit. Also, I love her, but what with the long face at hearing Chuck is at Monaco? She dump him, so she shouldn’t care.So.. no,  Nothing that she needs to know.
It’s sweet the amount of traditions Blair had with her dad, no wonder she wants him to move back to New York
I’ll never understand this show’s obsession with Dan’s cabbage patch doll.
Blair bear! I had totally forgot about that aww.
That look Blair share’s with her mom, haha “you don’t say what a suprise indeed”
Auch, I was vaguely wondering though in which episode Dan’s mom leaves again, not that I particularly care but I guess is this one
I know shows tape earlier than the season they’re suposed to be, but the park looks so autumm-y for Christmas, is taking me out of the mood. But since I don’t live in New York what do I know.
Blair’s skating outfit thoug, an all time fave.
I had totally forgotten Eleanor had a love interest this episode.
I mean to be fair, that watch is the kind of gift Serena would have made any boyfriend she had because it’s the kind of stuff she’s used to, and I feel for her because she was so excited, I do get where Dan’s coming from, it’s probably the same thing I would said in that situation, but aww Serena.
Again, Vanessa seems nice but, not cool girl.
Blair’s face at Chuck’s text was hilarious, though she shouldn’t be as surprised, Chuck’s pervy on a good day, and she sort of burned him. Not a good combo.
Blair Waldorf in action, sorry Roman.
I’ll never understand why Blair would ask Chuck to  don’t speak to anyone about them, like honey letting him know you want to keep that secret, is giving him levarage. 
Not a fan of having a scene were Serena is like “i came with my tail between my legs, please Vanessa help me to find Dan a gift” and even worse Vanessa is like “I would gloat, but I like you” that’s sorta gloating anyway, ugh. 
Victoria’s Secret themed Christmas party, only on gossip gir.
Rufus and Lily, acting like scaredy cats teenagers.
“Friends doesn’t steal other friends husband” you tell him Eleanor.
This loos “so promising” for  Blair, so Nate said he would go to her mom’s Christmas party, except he didn’t and nowshe’s  tracking him down because he didn’t bother telling her. Same old story.
Blair spelling it out to Vanessa, and for once I think she wasn’ wrong in what she said. Also I love it when Blair is looking out for her friends.
Honestly I would react exactly as Serena and Eric if my mom dropped on me the bomb that she’s dating Bart Bass. That’s scary.
For once I’m liking Eleanor, also she’s dead right, Blair learned scheming from her mother, unrealistic dreaming from her father. Quite the combo. That’s why I lover.
Gotta love Lilly helping Dan to get that tree inside.
I mean considering I’ve seen the whole show, sorry Howard, but your words sound a bit hollow.
Ok, Serena’s gift for Dan was nice.
Dorota’s themed aprons are such a nice little detail. 
Ngl, it mades me sad seeing Bart doing more of an effor with Lilly’s kids and never really bothering with Chuck.
Imagine if Lilly had answered the phone.
That photo of Nate looking like they’re in the Caribbean when they’re supposedly in Monace would never not be hilarious
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Normally this is the part where I rant and rant about the episode, but this time I just dont’ have that much to say. I know a lot of people love this episode a lot, but I’m just not one of them, I didn’t fight it particularly memorable on first watch, and now on rewatch even less so, this episode is heavily focused on Derena and the end of the Humphrey marriage, and I don’t really care about either of those things. The only thing I really find interesting about this episode was Harold’s visit,, but on this episode for some reason Blair’s storyline felt like a B plot, that’s probably just me, but l’m finding out that episodes with a lot of Derena feel like such a drag to me now. I almost wish I could care about them again, if only for this season.
So, Blair’s dad. I’ll get it out of the way soon, I’m not a fan. He may have been the loving parent while Blair grew up, but I don’t feel he really knows her, not the way Eleanor does, and I’m not even talking about her dark side, but as Eleanor pointed out, how could he thought she would be glad he had brought over the man he left for when it was supposed to be them enjoying the holiday.
We were told on the Thanksgiving episode that that was suposed to be his first visit after moving to France, and I mentioned there that it sounded like Blair hadn’t seen her father in a long time, which isn’t nice.I feel Harold never really grasped how much he hurt his daughter when he left for France, it was a lot to take for a 16 year old girl who was a total daddy’s girl. First, there’s the separation of her parents, then the fact that her dad is gay, those two were quite a lot, and then he’s like oh I’ll move to France. I’m sure part of the reason Harold stuck in out in his marriage was Blair, and he shouldn’t have to hide who he is and keep married to Eleanor, but I think he could have thought about it and delayed his moving to France. Like Eleanor said this episode Blair might like to act like an adult, but she was at this point still very much a girl in need of her dad.
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And this episode he may have said there would always be a place on his life for Blair no mather what, but it was never the same, I mean last episode was Cotillion, and Blair didn’t have any of her parents there, it was probably Dorota the one that was exicted for her, taking pictures and everything. I guess we’re supposed to think she probably talked frequently with her dad over the phone, but I feel in many ways it was mostly a superficial relationship, like I never got the impression Harold went out of his way to see his daughter. But I could be wrong.
The other bit I would like to mention is that not long ago I got an ask about what do I think Blair cared about Chuck not being into town this episode, having watched the episode again now, and I said:  i feel she believed it’s always wise to keep and eye of Chuck and be wary of his intentions, gods knows what he’ll plot just for fun, and now they share history, a secret one at that so she has reason to be cautious, considering the message he sends her at the end of the episode she wasn’t wrong. And while I still think it had a lot to do with that, I do feel having her ask him not to spill the beans, wasn’t the smartest choice, I guess she was banking on him not using it as leverage because they’re are friends and because he had let her know at one point he had felt something, it’s what I call wishfull thinking. 
On a more subconcious level I think she simply wanted to know because well she’s into him. She likes him. She ends their fling out of anger and it’s part that anger that leds her back to Nate, (and it also trills her that after so long Nate wants her, he’s going after her, not Serena). Of course at this point she’s not about to admit even to herself whatever she feels for Chuck, not only because she’s back on track with her so planned life but because well… he’s Chuck Bass, but that doesn’t mean she’s not atracted to him still.
Random bits I would love to mention
The one shot I’m writing (and hopefully finishing one of these days) is actually set between last episode and this one. Not that it wasn’t hard to guess, but I’m glad I got Nate’s location right.
Funny but like a week ago Buzzfeed shared this bit about the watch Serena gave Dan, turns’s out it costs about $25,000. 
“All the grace of Nancy Kerrigan but packing the punch of Tonya Harding” sometimes the Gossip Girl voice is just so on point. 
I’ve always loved Chuck’s voice mail “leave a message and I might listen to it”
The kind of headband Blair’s wearing at that Christmas party were sold anywhere last winter here. Guess they came back.
Lily’s golden dress makes me think of Klimt’s paintings. I like that.
Seriously Gossip Girl’s voice overs this episoder are making me laugh so much “sugar, spicy and everythin nice” not so much.
The Palace hotel decoreted for Christmats time!!  I love it so much. 
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10thstellium · 6 years
    NGL I’m not a big fan of Twitter ( in general tbqh ) as a platform for astrology. I feel like the vibe is very different a bit superficial. I feel that there’s so much that goes into astrology that the limitation with characters in a tweet already hinders what can be said. Granted people do threads with good reason, I do feel the value of it being a teaching practice becomes glossy summarization by omitting important factors. A majority of the things I see off twitter are very basic capitalizations on stereotypes, but every now and then I come across good threads from people who really know what they’re talking about. I personally, don’t care if people believe in astrology or like it, but I feel like twitter astrology and even the little horoscopes in the back of magazines really aid the negative stigma toward people who do practice and enjoy astrology.       A lot ( but not all ) of the people who share their knowledge on astrology via twitter also are extremely subjective to a point where they aid in building particular mythology around the signs which is also why I think the stigma is reinforced. That’s where phrases like “I’m an *insert sign here* and they say *xyz* about my sign but I don’t really feel like that’s what I am so I just don’t care about astrology” become mildly disappointing to hear, because obviously there’s so much more than their Sun sign but there’s a great fixation on Sun. Conversely, other people may start to run around react based on the very shallow exposure they’ve received and project ideologies they’ve adopted about those signs onto other people. I’ve literally seen that happen more times than I care to mention and it’s wildly ridiculous.
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chromsai · 6 years
let’s play “Send Me a Character “: Ray + Zarc, please?
First impression: oooo pretty and tall!
Impression now: i will forever crave more content of our goddess
Favorite moment: the first time she took zarc down aaaaaaaaaaaaa what an absolute BADASS
Idea for a story: oh i have plenty, though ngl they all basically involve zarc. hmmm... i do like the thought of a story involving how she came to become a pro duelist. god i would just love to have known more about what was her aim/motivations for that, or was it just out of sheer competitiveness or because she wanted to live up to her father’s own name & expectations?! oh god the possibilities are endless
Unpopular opinion: she’s the strongest duelist in all of (at the very least) arc v canon. like. this is just a fact and yet people still be mad pffft
Favorite relationship: zarcrayzarcrayzarcrayzaarrccraaaayy hnnnggg
Favorite headcanon: she’s an empath. she doesn’t quite have the same ability as zarc to communicate with her monsters, but she definitely knows they’re real and she feels their emotions and their will very strongly.
First impression: oh. my boy.
Impression now: i. i love him. with all my might. and, this might sound a bit weird to admit but, i relate to him? he may be a bit extreme, but i just find him pretty relatable, goddamn.
Favorite moment: i love. all. his moments. all of them.
Idea for a story: i. have. a. lot. but i especially love to think about all the possible events prior to him becoming a famous duelist, and of course, the events leading up to “the incident”. augh...
Unpopular opinion: he fucked up. big time. and his actions aren’t excusable... but... he deserves... deserved a second chance. and i’m glad he got it through yuya. uGH FUCK DUDE. I’M. *lays down* fuck.
Favorite relationship: zaaaaaaarrccraaayyyy 4 lyfe.
Favorite headcanon: :) he had no real friends (: (just his dragons, of course. but he was bullied as a child for saying “nonsense” like that he can “hear the voices of his monsters”, but he always grew up trying to befriend everyone even though because of this ability, he never truly “clicked” with anyone. he had acquaintances, but no one that actually cared. :/ the only people that would try to get really close to him were fans or some others that tried to take advantage of his fame and fortune or were in it for superficial reasons when he finally got famous, but by then he just knew no one was genuine anymore or at least he couldn’t see it that way anymore because he was 1) slowly losing it and 2) slowly realizing how selfish society really is) and was really lonely. this is also part of why no one but Ray was able to defeat him, and why no one could get through to him when he had become one with his dragons. which also leads to why the yuu boys are so attached to their respective bracelet girl, since you could say that Ray was the only one able to “reach out” to him, in one way or another, and also why yuri’s like that lol
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