#i swear i'd posted this and i went insane trying to find it
Part Two of this
Karen bangs on the wall that separates her room from Kate’s. She can still hear her, puttering around in her room, click-thunk, click-thunk
“You're going to be late!” She hollers.
Karen can’t quite make out what Kate says but it’s a good bet that she’s swearing. There’s a noise, even more muffled, that is probably the girl in the room on the other side of Kate’s, hollering at her to keep it down. Kate swears some more. 
She’s so easy to fluster. Put a gun or a bow or a slingshot or even a javelin, one memorable time, in her hand, and Kate Bishop is as cool as a cucumber. Stick her in a dress and tell her to flirt, she falls apart. She can flirt on accident well enough, but on purpose--
Karen half jumps out of her skin, crossing her door and opening it a crack. 
“Yes?” she smiles sweetly at Kate. 
“Gimme your compact,” Kate says, and Karen’s smile vanishes.
“Asking works too, you know,” she informs Kate while rummaging around in her purse. She’s about to drop it in Kate’s outstretched hand when she stops. “What do you need it for? You’re not going to do the shine the light in his eyes thing, are you?”
“Maybe. Haven’t decided.”
Karen pulls back her hand. “Don’t. It’s overkill. You’re wearing a purple dress and red lipstick, if he doesn’t notice you, he’s blind.”
Kate grumbles but doesn’t outright protest, so Karen drops the compact back in her purse. “Speaking of the lipstick,” she leans forward, peering at Kate’s lips. “You forgot to blot. You're gonna smudge.”
“Oh, hell. You got a tissue?”
“Sure do.” Karen doesn’t reach for a tissue, though. Instead, she leans forward, planting her lips square on Kate’s. Not moving much, no, that would defeat the purpose and make Kate later than she is now, not that it hasn’t happened before. 
Karen pulls back, surveys Kate’s makeup with a critical eye. “Better,” she says, shoving Kate out the door. 
She swears all the way down the hall.
Kate sweeps into the club in an air of righteous indignation, sitting at the bar with irritation radiating off of her. 
Karen only pulled that trick on her a few times, and it never failed to wind her up. Always before stuff like this, too--
Kate realizes with a start that that’s probably the point. She came in, wasn’t nervous, and had enough je ne sais qoi that all eyes are on her, however briefly.
Still. Uncalled for. Kate doesn’t feel the least bit bad about palming the quarter off of Karen’s entryway table now.
“If I asked you to make me a Ramos gin fizz, would you punch me in the face?” She asks the bartender.
The woman looks her up and down, taking a deep drag of her cigarette. 
“What do you smoke?” Kate asks, trying another tactic.
“Anything I can get my hands on.”
“Right.” Kate pulls a half-full pack of cigarettes out of her bag. They’d mostly been an accident, not her fault that man had bumped into her on the street and triggered the instinct. “I’ll give you these on top of your tip.”
The woman throws back her head and laughs. “You want that drink that bad?”
“Mostly just want to see if I can convince you to do it.” She gives the woman a wink.
The woman laughs again, palming the package of cigarettes. “You’d better not ask me for one of these in an hour.”
“I don’t smoke.”
The woman gives her a strange look before turning around. “Give me fifteen minutes, doll. A fizz takes time.”
The woman retreats, tapping a man on the shoulder and telling him to keep an eye out on the bar. 
“You don’t smoke?” The question comes from a man, sipping whiskey, probably. His voice is low, rough. Reminds her of train bridges in France and the pungent smell of explosives. His hair short on the sides and long on the top. 
Marines. Always easy to spot.
“Last time I smoked my hands caught fire.”
The man laughs before he realizes she’s serious. “Really?”
Kate peels off her gloves and holds her hands up, and the man scoots over to inspect them further. 
“Shit,” he says, putting his cigarette down and taking her hands in his, tilting them so her scars catch the light. “How’d that happen?”
He doesn’t seem to realizes she’s a stranger and he’s holding her hands, and Kate wants to cackle. Take that, Page. I can flirt, too.
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Leftenmost Window bits that drive me to insanity
Sam went into the story and thought "You know what? Female character time"
AJ using myself twice in the same sentence bugs me for some reason help
"But my Egburt isn't a killer" and AJ immediately says a hypothetical that completely ignores what Sam said
"Would you rather be a gardener who has to go to war or a warrior who has to learn how to plant a garden?" SIR WHY ARE YOU ASKING YOUR DAUGHTER THAT? SHE AIN'T GOING TO WAR, SIR, DON'T WORRY
"I think the second one's probably safer 😃👍" YEAH, PROBABLY
"Are you saying that my Egburt is the gardener who's gone to war?" "No, no--" If I had a nickel for every time AJ completely ignores what Sam said just to say a sentence that makes no fucking sense, I'd have 2 nickels. Honestly, it's odd how I only remember it happening twice
"Don't be too hard on father! He gets his words mixed up" Luke came in to save AJ but then screwed him over again on accident with "after that injury in the Boer War in South Africa"
"He promised me he would" MA'AM? MA'AM. THAT'S A BIT SUSPICIOUS, MADAM
"There's only one trench you should be in" Sam. Please. No premarital sex. Wait until you two are married/wait until Egburt comes back alive
Sam mentioning his mother and then her just appearing "Aah! Oh the migraines!"
"Thewomeninourfamilyhavealwayshadagift.." "O..kay?" SAM IS SO CONFUSED BY THIS SHE PROBABLY THINK HER MOTHER'S INSANE (SHE KIND OF IS THOUGH???)
"What are you knitting over there?" "Scarf :)" "For you, Captain Egburt" SAM LEGIT JUST MADE LUKE EGBURT. HE WAS NOT EGBURT. HE WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE EGBURT
Odd how Egburt didn't get shot when he stood up but Tom's character did. Same for AJ's character
"How old are you?" HE'S YOUNG. THAT'S ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW 👍
Tom just going "😃!" when he and Sam said Egburt at the same time (Tom has the best expressions I swear) and then immEDIATELY TRYING AGAIN TO SEE IF THEY SAY IT IN SYNC
"Lie down in the--" "NO, GET BACK" but aren't you two ALREADY in the astral plane? Is there an astral astral plane??
"The women in my family have the power to project their consciousnesses across space and time.. Well just space, I've not checked out time" Nah, sis, don't worry, your great great grandson has 👍
"I said I'll come back don't worry and then I kissed her on her forehead" LUKE WAS GOING FOR THE DIVORCE PLOT
"You're a gardener, not a warrior, a gardener!" Ah yes, referencing your father's nonsensical metaphor. At least she understood that part
Hans and Heimlich are such a duo I love them so much. "No no, I don't want to speak to you >:(" Why does it seem like there's more to this than just Hans not letting him drive. Why is there some romantic tension here and the other Hans is just the third wheel
"Just double-checking for the scene.." Hans and Hans' reactions are understandable. What scene are you talking about, Heimlich?
Tom's German soldier not knowing his team. Sir, you have trained with them. What do you mean you don't know that one of them listens to American music?
why did you call your father darling after he called you darling?
"I have a closer relationship with father, he tells me more!" You mean your MOTHER? SHE'S the one who has the powers because the WOMEN of the family have the psychic powers.
Luke did a complete U-turn from the divorce plot. AJ then took the wheel and turned the car back to the divorce plot. Thank God we have Tom to save the plot from being darker than it already is
"And now I return it to my mind because it's- it's good" MADAM? MADAM THAT'S A BIT 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂, MADAM
TL;DR: Sally is the only Xavier to have a first name mentioned in the play & Mrs. Xavier is a 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴
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wearelondonhq · 4 months
TWILIGHT SAGA SENTENCE STARTERS.   feel free to change pronouns   /   change the sentence(s) to your liking.  
Happy Meme Day!!! If you want to take part all you have to do is reblog this post. Remember if you reblog to send them out to EVERYONE who also does. Meme lasts from today until the next Sunday (the 26th of May).
❛  i’ve got it,  i’ve got it!  i’m all right!  ❜
❛  you fell down two flights of stairs.  you went through a window.  ❜
❛  i’ll do whatever it takes to make you safe again.  ❜
❛  you’re in here because of me.  ❜
❛  ( name ),  calm down,  everything’s alright.  ❜
❛  you just can’t say stuff like that to me.  ever.  ❜
❛  rip him apart and burn the pieces.  ❜
❛  where else am i gonna go?  ❜
❛  where should i meet you?  ❜
❛  i put a new can of pepper spray in your bag.  ❜
❛  i’d never given much thought to how i’d die.  ❜
❛  c’mon,  we gotta talk boys!  are you being safe?  ❜
❛  dying in the place of someone i love seems like a good way to go.  ❜
❛  i have to go home now.  you have to take me home.  ❜
❛  you were a stubborn child,  weren’t you?  ❜
❛  when everything’s done,  i’m going to come back and get you.  ❜
❛  leave me alone!  it’s over!  get out!  ❜
❛  that’s gonna be a home run,  right?  ❜
❛  i’m gonna make it go away.  i’ll make it go away.  ❜
❛  what am i gonna say to him?  ❜
❛  death is peaceful.  easy.  life is harder.  ❜
❛  i just want to try one thing.  stay really still.  ❜
❛  i can’t hurt him.  ❜
❛  ( name ),  you are my life now.  ❜
❛  this isn’t real.  this kind of stuff doesn’t exist.  ❜
❛  we can do more stuff together.  ❜
❛  you’re not gonna drive home right now.  ❜
❛  ( name ), c’mon. i just—  i just got you back.  ❜
❛  why don’t you lemme drive?  ❜
❛  if i don’t leave now then i’m just gonna be stuck here like _.  ❜
❛  what if he kills one of us first?  ❜
❛  babe,  c’mon,  it’s just a game.  ❜
❛  is it enough just to have a long and happy life with me?  ❜
❛  i’ll keep her safe,  ( name ).  ❜ ❛  you’re ready right now?  ❜
❛  i/we won’t be bothering you anymore.  ❜
❛  i dream about being with you forever.  ❜
❛  if anything happens,  i swear to god.  ❜ ❛ 
❝ I decided as long as I'm going to hell, I might as well do it thoroughly. ❞
❝ I said it would be better if we weren’t friends, not that I didn’t want to be.❞
❝ What if I'm the bad guy/girl/person? ❞    
❝ Do I dazzle you? ❞
❝ The right thing isn't always real obvious. ❞
❝ You’re still waiting for the running and the screaming, aren’t you? ❞
❝ I am not really breaking any rules. ❞
❝ You think I regret saving your life? ❞
❝ I always say too much when I'm talking to you. That's one of the problems. ❞
❝ I know love and lust don't always keep the same company. ❞
❝ Do you like scary stories? ❞
❝ No matter how perfect the day is, it always has to end. ❞
❝ I miss you. ❞
❝ Distract me, please.  ❞
❝ You really should stay away from me. ❞
❝ It's too easy to be myself with you. ❞
❝ It's not the end. It's the beginning. ❞
❝ Your hair looks like a haystack, but I like it. ❞
❝ I'd rather know what you're thinking - even if what you're thinking is insane. ❞
❝ Can't you just thank me and get over it? ❞
❝ You've got a bit of a temper, don't you? ❞
❝ I don’t like to lie – so there’d better be a good reason why I’m doing it. ❞
❝ Without the dark, we'd never see the stars. ❞
❝ I hate you for making me want you so much. ❞
❝ Immortality must grant endless patience. ❞
❝ I'd rather die than stay away from you. ❞
❝ I love you. It's a poor excuse for what I'm doing, but it's still true. ❞
❝ I wished there was some way to explain how very uninterested I was in a normal human life. ❞
❝ I'm feeling extremely insignificant! ❞
"what  part  of  'mortal  enemies'  is  too  complicated  for  you  to—"
"i  don't  think  you  should  dump  all  your  other  friends  for  your  boyfriend."
"sure,  sure.  i'll  stop  by  your  crypt  after  school."
"do  you  really  think  hurting  her  is  better  than  protecting  her?"
"i  thought  it  would  be  something  faintly  realistic."
"look  after  my  heart  —  i've  left  it  with  you."
"if  i  get  hurt,  it  was  because  i  tripped."
"i'm    not    going    to    hide    out    in    the    forest    while    you    all    take    risks    for    me."
"let's    get    this    stupid    party    over    with."
"i    am    not    really    breaking    any    rules."
"i    wondered    why    i    was    being    so    formal.    must    be    the    nerves."
"how  can  we  be  friends,  when  we  love  each  other  like  this?"
“you  try  very  hard  to  make  up  for  something  that  was  never  your  fault.”
“you  didn’t  choose  this  kind  of  life,  and  yet  you  have  to  work  so  hard  to  be  good.”
“you’re  the  very  best  part  of  my  life.”
“it  was  exactly  what  was  to  be  expected.”
“i’d  rather  deal  with  real  zombies  than  watch  a  romance.”
“can  i  help  you  with  something?  you  look  lost.”
“your  friends  are  a  lot  more  interesting  than  mine.”
“five  foot  four  is  perfectly  average.”
“you’re  like  a  little  doll.”
“do  i  look  like  i  tripped  in  your  garage  and  hit  my  head  on  a  hammer?”
“you  can  be  so  out  of  it  sometimes.”
“i’m  in  the  mood  for  action.  bring  on  the  blood  and  guts!”
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flame-cat · 1 year
hey fellas so @boyswillbeboxes and I have been cooking a fun concept for a few days and I thought I'd share it with you along with some Images I doodled. the post we're talking about at first is this one right here but if u don't feel like looking at it tl;dr its kim glaring at jean and being possessive of Harry. synopsis under the readmore! tws for suicide baiting and suicidal actions
me: thought of u makin that
rat: 😭😭
I'm so honored
God lmao you're right tho
Listen listen if Harry fails the check for the karaoke and Jean is there and doesn't clap for Harry, Kim swears a VENDETTA
That's CANON
He brings it up at the tribunal he's so petty
The second one
He says some really backhanded shit I don't remember the specifics but he's basically like Enemy Sighted
me: he took one look at this man and went "is anyone gonna become harshly overprotective of that" and didn't wait for an answer
me: like in my head it literally is just. jean is minding his business. he doesn't even do anything. and Kim is just glaring daggers at him from across the room. in my head it's a sitcom bit where every time Harry leaves the room with Kim and Jean left Kim threatens Jean's life and as soon as Harry comes back in hes Normal again and jean is like GET YOUR FUCKING DOG BITCH
rat: Nobody ever believes Jean when he says this is happening
"No he's so even-tempered he's really polite maybe you just misinterpreted?"
Or even worse it makes Jean look crazy
me: like jean comes back to his desk and there's his mug which is now filled with dirt and a sticky note that says "bitch"
he looks over at Kim's desk and Kim is staring directly at him with murder in his eyes
and then a couple seconds pass and he looks away like nothing happened and jean is like "oh its ON motherfucker" (it is not on. jean can't hope to fight back against the wrath of kim kitsuragi)
jean fills Kim's coffee with salt? Kim just drinks it all. completely straight face. doesn't flinch once
kim comes over later and is like "thanks for the coffee" even tho jean was SURE no one saw him do that
he goes to fucking pryce about it eventually and he's just like "I don't appreciate you spreading rumors about the newest member of the 41st. he's done exemplary work. far better than you. maybe you need to go through that sensitivity training again?" and he blows his fucking LID over that.
challenges kim to a fucking brawl in the middle of the bullpen and Kim is just like. officer you're embarrassing yourself *eyebrow*
his reputation never recovers. even more of a joke than Dick Mullen now
rat: Kim being so so SO careful never to do this when anyone else is around. But then one day Jean is in the bathroom, and then the door opens, and it's Kim. And Kim just stops. Looks at him. Smirks a little. Then reaches behind himself and locks the door
And Jean feels FEAR
Kim never actually touches him. But it's very clear he's more than capable of following through on his threats.
Getting in his space and grabbing his chin to make sure Jean is Paying Attention
me: jean starts looking over his shoulder on his way home. one time Kim tails him just to fuck with him. jean thinks he loses him but when he gets onto his street kim is standing outside of his building, having his one cigarette
jean is stood frozen. Kim locks eyes with him as he puts out the cig on his boot. walks away
jean i think starts to try and play dirty as well but idk how he'd go about it. he's too... hm. stupid
rat: Yeah yeah yeah for sure like. He tries to "trick" Kim into a fight but Kim is five steps ahead at all times, he never takes the bait
And god help him if he tries to antagonize Harry to get to Kim
That's when Kim gets SERIOUS
That's when Kim finds him in a dark alley outside of work
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Grabs a handful of his hair, smashes his face into a brick wall, puts him into a hammerlock hold
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Whispers in his ear if he ever catches him trying that shit again, he's not getting a warning next time
me: I think it'd be hilarious if Jean tried to threaten suicide and it just. doesn't work. I think it'd make sense for him to bait kim like "okay well what if I killed myself and framed YOU for my MURDER" and Kim is like officer don't be dramatic get over yourself please
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rat: Kim just staring at him like "Okay then. Do it. Right now."
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Maybe Kim even hands over his gun
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Jean trying to turn the tables by pointing it at Kim
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Kim never flinches
"Go ahead. Pull the trigger. Unlike your idiotic plan, I'll be missed. And we both know Harry never stops."
me: I just think that scene in the alley could end up with Harry intuiting whats going on, that an officer is in danger, so he goes to stop it and- hey JEAN IS POINTING A GUN AT KIM??? AND KIM ISNT??? STOPPING HIM????
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Jean having to reconcile the fact that Harry is no longer his, insofar as he was before
me: after a tense second of not moving. jean actually considering doing it.
rat: GOD Jean being like I could just do it. Shoot him, maybe have time to reload and shoot myself after. That might be the only way to truly Hurt Kim
me: kim catches on to that. and for the first time he IS afraid
hes fine losing himself. but losing Harry? he couldn't bear it. he would sooner die
then. all at once. jean drops it
he can't do it. too much of a coward. "GOD FUCKING DAMN YOU!!" punches the wall etc. definitely crying. meanwhile kim GRABS Harry by the shoulders. he's shaking with fury and also something else. "what the FUCK are you thinking-" and Harry cuts him off with "what are YOU thinking? what the fuck was that? what HAPPENED to you?"
Harry means "you two" but kim feels that in his soul
they leave jean to talk after that. and that conversation is not a pretty one
smth smth "I was trying to protect you" "that was too far" "he went too far first. he was hurting you" "so your solution is to hurt him back?" "he wasn't going to STOP" "then let me deal with it!" etc etc
no idea what jean does from there. maybe he actually fucking thinks and reconsiders things and idk grows as a person
anyway after that we get the dinner from hell
harry invites them to a get-along dinner. christ
im just imagining them trying to throttle each other on top of some takeout
harry is yelling TIMEOUT TIMEOUT
composure failure
rat: Harry like "can't we all just get along??" and Kim and Jean say NO at the same time
me: they both point at each other at the same time and go HE STARTED IT
harry actually passes an authority check and scolds them and they both realize how petty this is and its all very embarrassing and Harry is treating this very seriously. fully goes "do you have anything to say?" and they grumble sorry and he's like "not to me. to *each other*"
rat: He only passed Kim's authority because Kim hates seeing him sad
me: slow look at each other. jean holds out a hand. Kim grabs it so tight you hear joints snap.
they still hate each other so so much but Harry is Determined to make them friends
its like. harry is their get-along shirt
rat: Harry like the power of love and friendship will prevail and Kim tries he really does but every time he sees Jean he hears the Kill Bill sirens in his head
He makes an honest effort to threaten his life less but that's all he can manage
me: I do think this could get resolved eventually tho. like harry being put in some sort of crisis situation where his life is on the line or something
rat: Wouldn't it be funny if the situation was something Harry put himself in though
Like getting himself kidnapped by a gang
Like "wow this will really bring Jean and Kim together! ♡"
Meanwhile he's literally tied to a chair with his face bloody and nose broken
And Jean and Kim HAVE to team up. They can't take on a gang ALONE
Jean pretends not to care but he cares so much it makes him look stupid
If Harry actually dies what the fuck is he supposed to do
me: it works but not in the way he intended cause it actually touches on the heart of the conflict is that Jean wants to blame Harry for everything ever and also he does care so much it makes him look stupid so when they find out it was actually sort of on purpose they BOTH GET MAD AT HIM FOR THE SAME REASON
a horrible, deadly pact is formed. harry is now in grave danger
rat: Harry wanted them to be friends. And now, unfortunately, they are
He's never getting let out of their sight again
me: I like to think eventually they do chill out and become friends about it. like outside of all that. maybe jean finally gets over himself and Kim and Harry have a talk about being posessive- lol I'm just kidding those two are codependent to the fucking grave. but still I think they could end up being civil and the death threats just become banter
the competitive streak never dies tho. constantly trying to one-up each other. functional kismesistude
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crashstanding · 5 months
I wanted to join in recommending fics for this Trigun Fic week @trigunfanfic, so I went and dug around for some I don't think I'd seen recc'd
Take a Slice (of life) | Series by TheStoryTeller_with_an_Eyepatch
AU Verse that blends 98 and Trimax canons in a story telling way, and then that with Tristamp in a literal way. Older Vash and Knives, 300 years after the end of their story and Vash and Nai during the fight of Julai collide and learn to live with their brothers Mostly Teen for swearing and Violence, background Vashwood
embracing all the post-horror | Ongoing Fic by Soulstar07
Trimax Verse, this one is like a horrifically horny character study of Knives and if he happened to pull Conrad with his autistic swag and hatred of humanity. Something is intensely wrong with Knives in more than one way Canon Divergence, E, Knives/Conrad (alongside background VashWood but they are NOT the stars of the show)
Distant Cousins | Ongoing Fic by CrossingTheFourthWall
FF7 + Trigun Crossover Sometime after Octovern, Vash and Knives fall through reality and into another one, where Cloud finds them and ends up forming a mental bond with them. Feels very 2010's in the BEST of ways with a lot of interesting headcanons and interactions - no ships, rating for violence and horrors
The First Angel | oneoftwoshot by beelzebby666
This fic makes me fucking insane in many ways. Young Nico is able to see the ghost of Tesla in his dreams after meeting the wreck of her in life. They are one and the same.
Genetic Memory | Ongoing Fic by PSIDontKnow
I'm recing my own fic because no one can stop me Post Trimax, Wolfwood is brought back to life by outside forces and Vash is reduced to a bit of a mess by those same forces. Milly, Meryl, and Livio do their best to figure out what caused this whilst also trying to keep from causing Nicholas more stress - because he doesn't know them.
the grass crown (lay me down on wildflowers) | abandoned (?) fic by chuchisushi
Non-traditional A/B/O dynamics and some of the most tender Vashwood I've ever seen. Nothing I say will sell this fic if you dont want to read it, but it's damn good - and I dont normally go to Omegaverse things. Rated E
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causenessus · 1 month
HI NESS!! its like 3 pm rn so good afternoon 😋 i hope you're having/had(? idk when ur school day ends so like..) a good school dayyayay :)) HOPEFULLY YOUVE BEEN DRINKING WATER and ofc eating enough + taking ur meds 🙂‍↕️
when u mentioned some npc named cream cheese i started laughing like an idiot omg 💔 like picture me sitting in the living room next to my roommate bc we're watching a tv show and then i look down at my phone and start giggling out of nowhere.. cream cheese sounded like a real opp 😕🙏 i was the same but with mariokart bc rose gold peach was always hitting me w red shells fr LIKE I CRIED OVER THAT A LOT ACTUALLY (i was 7). and omg mario party!! i still play that whenever i have game nights bc i was able to buy a nintendo switch HAHAHAH and dude just dance hyperfixation goes crazy bc i got insanely good at rasputin solely because i thought i looked cool (i did not.) 😞
ALSO THE VOLLEYBALL GIRLS BEING MEAN IS SO REAL OMG.. lots of the vb girls at my middle school didn't like me for no reason it was crazy actually and that was partially why i didnt start until now LMAO theyre scary af sometimes akwkwnssj
IM GOING BACK TO SCHOOL TOMORROW and me and my friends were trying to figure out where to meet and its now coming to me that i have nothing planned whatsoever 😋 LIKE I DIDNT EVEN PLAN WHEN TO WAKE UP AND I ONLY REALIZED NOW PLS so today i have to lock in and plan an outfit hairstyle and lunch for tomorrow morning and uhhhhhh i wanted to write and post an akaashi oneshot before i went back to school bc i would probably lose the time to write frequently so... how do u balance out your time omg (DONT ACTUALLY ANSWER THIS ITS OK ITS RHETORICAL IM JUST YAPPING)
also i had no idea but like theres a district rule here that phones CANNOT be used at all in the school day unless u were explicitly allowed to.. like ive been getting intro emails from my teachers and their talking about A CELL PHONE VAULT⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ guys i just want my phone so that i can listen to music while i work on assignments please i swear im an ok kid 💔 i may just keep it in my backpack and always wear my hair down because im desperate.. i think i may have an aneurysm if i have to go the entirety of a day without music so desperate times call for desperate measures i suppose 😕
HELLO SAV!!! GOOD EVENING <3 (it's 10 pm rn oopsies) THANK U!! AND I HOPE YOU HAD A GOOD DAY <3 today was okay besides the embarrassment of hearing my own playlist being played in public...yk what i'm referring to..BUT also aa yes i will take my meds thank you for the reminder!! since 10 is when i'm supposed to take them 😭 i'll take them next time i get up!! bc i'm kind of comfy rn </3
PLEASE i never actually played mario kart </33 like then the switch came out and my friend had it and i played at her house but then she'd always get mad bc i'd beat her LMAO so i've actually never owned mario kart!! like i ended up get a hand me down switch from my sister's bf's sister who didn't want it anymore but it dies like within an hour of being used so i never play it </33 and DW i didn't look cool dancing to promiscuous even if i got 5 stars on it LMAOAO
but YES idk i think middle school volleyball is definitely the worst bc that's when the toxicity started for my friend in volleyball and i think it makes sense just because of what our minds are like at the state (trying to find ur place and form groups and everything yk </3 not to be a psych nerd or anything but ykwim </3)
AND AA BEST OF LUCK TOMORROW AT SCHOOL!! I'LL PROBABLY MESSAGE U AT MIDNIGHT TO WISH U LUCK AGAIN <3 I HOPE YOU GOT YOUR OUTFIT AND EVERYTHING PLANNED OUT!! i've also been just taking it day by day 😭 like my schedule depends on the day yk so like i've just been setting alarms the night before everytime my schedule changes (IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT BUT I GET U SAV I GET U) and aa!! i know your question was rhetorical but definitely don't stress about too much please <3 take your time and just do what you can manage!!
AND THAT'S CRAZY?? A PHONE VAULT??? MAN YOUR SCHOOL IS HARDCORE I'M SO SORRY 😭😭 i definitely just keep my hair down and use earbuds most of the time bc i CANNOT go without music and like it's fine!!! i have great grades tbh so no one has anything on me 😌 i remember one time i had this math final and we had to put our phones in like a shoe hanger everyday (idk what it's called) but thank goodness wireless headphones exist!! so like my phone would still be connected to my earbuds <3 and my teacher made me lift up a beanie i was wearing to cover my ears LMAO AND I HAD AN EARBUD IN BUT SHE DIDN'T SEE IT BC THEY'RE BLACK like i am not rich enough to afford airpods and i don't want them anyway 😭 they look uncomfortable and ugly and they draw so much attention bc they're bright!! offbrand earbuds all the way <3
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1864reruns · 3 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ౨ৎ suguru boyfriend instagram posts
tag(s)&warning(s). fem! reader, swearing, reader is a little bit insane (as always), we bully gojo a little more, sexual content (shoko offers reader head idk)
from vyon. sugururjruiekekemnejskakwk, i love the reader for suguru's posts :p suguru rides a bike, tell me i'm wrong
♫ Tommy February6 • ChOOse mE or Die
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tagged getonsuguru
liked by shokoi and others
un7uckyn finally got a helmet (custom made to fit my head so he cant take no other bitches for a ride) ( ´͈ ᗨ `͈ )
un7uckyn and by 'other bitches' i mean satoru lawl!!! 🤗🤗
gojostoru ﹫un7uckyn i already have one dw!!!
utashimes ﹫gojostoru the way i'd kill him after that, you're better than me
getonsuguru ﹫utashimes they aren't
getonsuguru my pleasure baby
liked by creator
unluck7yn ﹫getonsuguru yeah it is !!!!
shokoi what are you gonna do if suguru finds a bitch with your exact head circumference and takes them for a ride?
getonsuguru ﹫shokoi what do you get from saying this?
shokoi ﹫getonsuguru a little entertainment lol
un7uckyn ﹫shokoi the helmet is actually made to detect my hair follicles and dna! so if another person puts it on, it'll set off a timer nd blow up the person wearing the helmet and suguru!!! lol!!!
gojostoru ﹫un7uckyn fr?
un7uckyn ﹫gojostoru trying to squeeze your fat ass head into my helmet will just break it and the mechanism but feel free to try!
haihaibaras4yu you're both so cute !!!!
un7uckyn ﹫haihaibaras4yu i wanna chew on you sooo bad 🤍
nanamikento i hope you know i'm going to be printing this entire post out, comments and all, and using it as evidence to get yaga to get you a psych eval
un7uckyn ﹫nanamikento boo tomato tomato tomato why do u hate fun....
haihaibaras4yu ﹫nanamikento boo!!! 🍅🍅🍅🍅
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♫ The Ronnettes • Be My Baby
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tagged un7uckyn
liked by meimei and others
getonsuguru my baby's cooler than me
shokoi tell ur baby i'll be marrying their ass if u don't... i'm so fucking hungry and i miss their cooking
un7uckyn ﹫shokoi that's sooo funny cs i'm on my way to ur dorm w food rn!
shokoi ﹫un7uckyn come in with ur pants off, i'll give u head
getonsuguru ﹫shokoi ????
gojostoru wowww it's like you guys went to the beach alone.... where are my photos?
nanamikento ﹫gojostoru cheer up 👍
haihaibaras4yu ﹫gojostoru i posted them!!!
un7uckyn ﹫gojostoru LOLLL CHEER UP 👍
utashimes do you guys... not fight curses? why are you guys always posting ts?
un7uckyn ﹫utashimes the curses know when to not get in the way of my dates.
getonsuguru ﹫un7uckyn ur phone is getting the way of our date right now
un7uckyn ﹫getonsuguru noooo i'm defending our relationship rn, pull up ur pants 😒 we not fucking whilst ynsuguru deniers exist
utashimes ﹫un7uckyn i'm sorry i asked, stop replying
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[ getonsuguru ] unluck7yn replied to your story: u are so so so so cute and i'd rip ur heart out before i let u leave me 🤗
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[ un7uckyn ] nanamikento replied to your story: we all know what he looks like btw
2024 ©1864RERUNSㅤdo not repost / copy / translate.
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darthmaclunkey · 3 months
the adventures of kyle the monk and his posse of mean girls, or: how I unintentionally ended up casually roleplaying as a post-TRoS ben solo in baldur's gate 3. cringe under the cut:
a couple of months ago I'd had a really long day at the long day factory, and was alone in my flat on a friday night, four beers in, and decided to start another bg3 playthrough (after swearing I'd never touch it again, given that it consumed literal days of my life in march/april this year). I wanted to try a monk build, and because I'm cringe and was, as mentioned, four beers deep, I decided I'd make my tav and dream guardian look as close to kylo and rey as I could. unfortunately, because everyone in bg3 looks insanely cunty all the time, the resemblance isn't quite there, and I didn't actually plan to make my tav be like kylo ren, I just wanted to punch stuff and romance lae'zel. I named tav kyle, because that felt like an appropriate name for a dude who punches.
but after a few hours, I realised that the combo of the monk class and psychic powers from the tadpole actually was making kyle quite jedi-like. I'd chosen the soldier background, so kyle also had intimidation proficiency. hey, kylo ren seems like someone who always took intimidation skill checks! kyle was also playing the game a little dirtier than my last tav, mostly because I was trying not to savescum or reroll too often, so kyle was causing quite a bit of unintentional damage when he was trying to do the right thing. that sounds a bit like ben solo pre-fall to the dark side. so then I thought...actually, why not, let's do a little bit of roleplaying. kyle actually is ben solo, who passed out on exegol and woke up on the nautiloid, convinced that everything he's experiencing is weird force trickery, or that faerûn is just another galaxy he's been yeeted into. his life in the star war kind of sucked a bit, so he's happily along for the ride.
I imagine he's now called kyle because the conversation with lae'zel on the nautiloid went like this:
lae'zel: what is your name, istik? reincarnated-as-a-monk-kylo-ren, confused about everything: my name is kyl- lae'zel: k'chaiki! we do not have time! follow me, kyle, we must defeat the ghaik
anyway, this is how kyle's time on the road to defeat the netherbrain has gone sp far:
convinced he's just experiencing one long fever dream after passing out on exegol, he's just going along with everything life hands him
years of jedi training and his high int stat have given him both an open attitude to spirituality and the ability to speedread books he finds along the way, allowing him to educate himself on the lore of the forgotten realms as he goes. being a monk, he also has a high wisdom stat, which is tbh not really in character, but let's just call that metagaming
he's not eating any more tadpoles though. no thanks. minthara and astarion are getting all his tadpoles
after a few days his dream guardian showed up looking like rey. he was so happy to see her, and very eager to help! she must be trying to reach him through the force! he'd do anything for rey!
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imagine his horror when she didn't just turn out to be a squid, but a squid called the emperor! he's had enough of emperors for one lifetime. their relationship is a bit frostier now. he might still fuck it if it turns back into rey, though.
having turned from the dark side just before biffing it on exegol, he's determined to turn his life around and start doing good deeds for people. unfortunately, he still finds the easiest route is always [INTIMIDATION] and Flurry of Blows - Topple, much like how back at home [INTIMIDATION] and Hit With Lightsaber always got him what he wanted. this means doing good deeds often means people just get dead. bless him, though, he's trying
he grew a beard and got a tattoo on his neck. when in faerûn, do as the locals do (serve and slay)
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he's also been mewing. get rekt, chosen three
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it wasn't long before he got laid, githyanki style (I did say this playthrough was ostensibly about romancing lae'zel) which he thought was great, given the closest he got to actual sex in his past life was a force skype hand touch
lae'zel then wanted to duel him to work out her feelings. he didn't win, but mark him down as scared AND horny!
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however, after freeing the prisoners from moonrise towers, minthara joined the crew. kyle likes minthara. minthara reminds him a lot of himself. minthara has started tempting him to go back down some very dark roads. minthara suggested the two of them take orin's place as bhaal's chosen, which kyle was very amenable too. [everyone else disliked that]. it isn't his first rodeo when it comes to usurping evil masters
he's spending most of his time with his mean girl posse: shadowheart, astarion, and minthara. all the snark and pettiness feels comfortable. it's a bit like being back in the first order, except these people seem to actually like him and don't want him dead
he also got some new armour that shows off his snatched waist. slay!
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he sees a lot of himself in the ragtag bunch of companions that have chosen, however unwisely, to follow him around, and through them is finally finding his chance at true redemption and getting the good ending:
he can understand what it's like to be shadowheart, brainwashed from childhood to carry out the work of a higher power, fed lies about your family, taught to worship pain and loss, and to be cut off from those who'd actually care about you. also the emo dress sense. remembering how hard rey fought for his salvation, he managed to help shadowheart turn her back on shar and free the nightsong
while he hasn't quite realised it yet, he has a lot in comparison with astarion; fearful of a powerful master who has controlled so much of their lives, wishing to seize that master's power for themselves and, in the end, become the very thing they hated and caused them so much pain. when the time comes, he'll help astarion resist the urge to complete the rite of ascension - just like rey tried so hard to stop him from seizing snoke's power. he really learned his lesson with that one
minthara's thirst for vengeance is tempting him to slip back into his old habits, but now he's reached baldur's gate and encountered orin - and minthara has confessed her feelings for him (sorry lae'zel) - he's determined not to let her fall under bhaal's influence
he likes gale, because:
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but he can also empathise with gale, who flew too close to the sun and got sent on a suicide mission that he can't refuse. snoke sent him on a lot of those. he would prefer it if gale didn't explode, and is going to try and stop that happening
it's hard not to like wyll, because wyll is nice to everyone all the time, but he also feels he understands wyll's situation, trapped in a pact he can't escape. the road to hell truly is paved with good intentions! he'll do what he can to help wyll break his pact and save his father, because kyle knows what it's like when you don't get closure on your relationship with your father before one (or both) of you dies
lae'zel strong woman hit hard. kyle like. but there's also nothing more inspiring than seeing someone turn their back on their god, and ask the god for forgiveness. to be honest, lae'zel is inspiring kyle's path to redemption as much as anything else
he's not spent much time with karlach, but he's got experience of killing abusive masters. he looks forward to helping her murder gortash to death. but if gortash doesn't die, kyle thinks he would probably fit in very well in the first order
anyway, now he's cutting about baldur's gate with his mean girl posse. they took some time to stop off at the circus of last days and let off some steam:
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kyle really enjoyed wasting 4000 gold on face paint. he also really enjoyed whacking dribbles the clown to death. it was a nice touch of whimsy after the horrors of the shadowfell
that's where we're at. lae'zel just got kidnapped by orin, which is a huge bummer, but kyle reckons she'll be fine fending for herself while him and the posse level up a bit. he's got dates with viconia de vir and cazador first. also a heist in hell. lots of punching to do. you know how it is
he's also wearing his pants over his trousers now which is, uh, you do you kyle. slay!
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0 notes
yegas · 4 months
yes! hahaha it's so funny because a few of the characters still very much resemble knb chars. and I just SEE knb. like one guy looks like kise with black hair and another looks like kiyoshi and OMG I JUST DID A GOOGLE SEARCH BC SMTH FELT OFF AND LMAO I'M SO DUMB. IT'S NOT BASEBALL IT'S GOLF HAHAHHA OMG IDEK WHY I REMEMBERED IT AS BASEBALL IT WAS SO LONG AGO I think it was bc I remember them swinging things and got mixed up 😂 and holy shit KISE LOOKALIKE WITH BLACK HAIR WAS NASH from last game wtf 😂 the guy from the golf manga looks like aomine! and teikou!akashi with glasses hahaha crap my memory is so bad 😂 but yeah dia no ace, I used to see it a lot on my dash along with other sports anime but never really gave it a try.. my most recent sports anime though is blue lock and I would def recommend it. this one's about soccer/football (w/e term you prefer haha
YES OHMYGOD HAHAHAHAHAHA ya I feel you! that used to be my source for new music bc there really wasn't anywhere else to find them! I remember keeping track of shows that featured my favourite artists bc these shows were on repeat and went on air at the same timings hahaha I swear the struggle to catch MTV [random show title] at 3pm! Matt was so fit! literally, like good job sir 👏 but the long hair, I get you hahahahahaha when I watched httk mv the first time, I was pretty shocked to see his hair and the only thing on my mind was 'what happened 🙃' and Brian had this.. idk what you call it... a mohawk? lol the goku hair was his best hairstyle imo (he's blond now maybe you've seen.. haha it's a look I have to get used to lmao) BUT YOU HAVE TO TELL ME ABOUT YOUR CONCERT EXPERIENCE! ughhhhh I've been dying to see them.. I'll be so sad if I never get a chance to do so 🤧
as for bands.. oh maannnn Idek where to begin, the list is extensive! I used to listen to a lot esp in my teens, but these days I only have a few constants that I follow. bmth is one that I've carried with me since back then. there's also fob. I would say paramore, but I'm not so keen on their new sound yet. others I got into a little later in life lol is the pretty reckless and in this moment.. I also had a vk phase so I TOTALLY KNOW DIR EN GREY!!! I think I gave them a listen once before but was too wrapped up in other vk bands hahaha (but it wouldn't hurt to give them another go!) I really like and still listen to the gazette. there's also oral cigarettes for non-vk bands ah, and buck-tick I had on loop for some time bc of shiki (great anime if you like horror btw!).. I'm also a fan of certain kbands like the rose and day6 (biiiiiiig fan of day6) if you're familiar with hallyu/kwave. I guess that concludes a summary of my current go-to bands. (oh, I'm giving a special mention to mcr since they were my gateway to rock music hahahaha omg my obsession with them was insane)
that's true. there'd been such useless updates in the past.. I guess some redeeming ones are how you can view people's tags on your post in the activity page and how it displays if you're following/mutuals w someone next to their handle. but yeah I haven't gone around much lately to know what other relevant updates there are hahaha
hahahaha I'm guilty.. I've gone down the reels hole quite a few times.. it's so detrimental though to my mental health lmao esp when I'd see all these.. relationship related reels lol I felt so much better after deactivating IG hahaha I don't have a tiktok acc but I do have the app, only to watch cooking stuff and other hacks in life 😂 OMG BUT you're blessed to have never witnessed the horror that was tumblr live. oh god. I didn't have access to it in my area but I saw enough thumbnails to know how cringe it was tg they removed it 🫠
thanks 🥲 it's a rollercoaster.. just when I think I'm feeling better, I get plunged into this pit of despair (kidding, I'm being dramatic) but you're right, one day at a time, slowly and trusting the process 😌
(sorry if I have typos btw. I have like 8 green lines on my screen 🙃)
HAHAHAHA GOLF i'm so interested now i wanna read it bc if he managed to make GOLF nearly as dramatic as basketball was, that would be such an accomplishment loooool! dw my memory prob sucks even more i swear i could rewatch/reread stuff every few months and forget pretty much everything that happened :') omg whats the name of the character that looks like akashi with glasses i need to see that NOW hahaha. okay i will start blue lock soon! i'm so behind on anime like i haven't watched new ones in years i missed out on so much ughhh now i gotta catch up. i need to watch jujutsu kaisen as well cos everyone's so obsessed with it (like half of my dash is only jjk lol). btw if u have any more recs pls lemme know im all ears!
hahaha yeah those were the days! I DIDN'T KNOW BRIAN WAS BLOND NOW it looks so strange im cryinggg hahahahaha
i saw them back in 2013 when httk came out omg i can't believe it's been 11 FREAKING YEARS wtf. i saw them in vienna with a tumblr friend haha it was really awesome! i have some pics on the sideblog here's the link. i remember lining up at 2 pm and the show started at 8 pm i think and i swear it was the coldest day of my life i was FREEZING like a mf but it was worth it cos i got to be in the 2nd row. but there was fire everywhere on stage and it was SO hot, like an insane temperature difference compared to outside, plus i was a dumb 15 yr old and barely ate anything all day and i FREAKING PASSED OUT during chapter four i think, and security pulled me out and gave me some water and then i went back (thankfully only missed 1 or 2 songs) hahahahaha. at least i learned my lesson for future concerts i guess :'D but the concert was really good i had no complaints abt the sound or anything, and the crowd was nice. and the supporting acts were avatar and five finger death punch, they were cool too. and i'm sure you'll get to see them!! where are u from btw? (pretty sure i saw that they're touring europe right now in case ur from here)
hey i've been listening to some bmth recently, but for some reason it's always songs where other artists are featured, specifically 'kingslayer' w/ babymetal and 'code mistake' w/ corpse. i also love 'vampir' with ic3peak (super into ic3peak). i should totally give their discography more of a listen, i only know some songs off of sempiternal (and i like them so idk why i never listened to more stuff lol). fob definitely has some bangers! and paramore was the first rock band i discovered along with linkin park! i saw the crushcrushcrush video on tv (wasn't mtv but this channel called viva, i don't even think it exists anymore), i was 9 and wanted to be hayley williams :'D she had the coolest hair in the world!
OMG SO HAPPY U KNOW DEG <3 they moved away from vkei so many years ago, their newer stuff is super experimental, like all the albums are so different from each other. my faves are uroboros (the remastered/expanded version), dum spiro spero and vulgar. def give them a go! and the gazette are also great, i was obsessed with the song '濁' from their latest album!
yep i love horror, def gonna add shiki to the to-watch list then! gotta check out those kbands as well. i'm familiar with some kpop, not too extensively (there are soo many groups haha) but i have a playlist that i made and listen to pretty often. i think my favorite kpop group rn is ateez. and yep mcr are legendary!! i remember seeing helena for the first time on yt and being blown away haha!
ooh true, those updates are some of the good ones! and i get you, 2 of my friends also left ig a long time ago for mental health reasons. it's probably better not to have it anyway. i don't really spend much time there tbh (youtube is my main time-waster) and pretty much everything the algorithm shows me nowadays is makeup tutorials and animals (and desserts whenever im trying to eat healthy lool). AND LMFAO TUMBLR LIVE I JUST HAD TO GOOGLE IT i never heard of it before but i can only imagine omfg.
i know what you mean. stay strong, it'll get much easier soon, trust me!
0 notes
royslovelanguage · 3 years
tell me about hardison. please please tell me about hardison. i am asking i do v much want to know what you think
did i make this gifset as an escapism from studying? no. no, of course not.
ANYWAYS. since i already a lil post with some writing about my favourite parts of hardison's character, i thought i'd make a gifset of my top 10 favourite ✨alec hardison✨ moments, in order.
10) 2.08 – it's moments like these that make me remember hardison was the one pulling this reluctant family closer together, and none of them know how to behave now that they're part of a family.
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9) 2.05 – this grift in general is just hilarious, as well as the episode. aldis hodge is just great at delivering these kind of comic relief/serious lines.
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8) 1.02 – he sets the tone! he is literally the glue – after nate. he is the mission statement. he's just a young sociable guy who's really good with computers, looking to use his skills, and then he finds them, and it's oh, i can steal from people, hang out with these weird, talented people, AND be on the moral high ground?
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7) 3.04 – now there are lots of fun moments in this episode, but i like him here, just doing the impossible trying to keep the 'rottweiler' from biting all of his friends.
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6) 3.04 – need i say anything? (but i will nonetheless.) i mean, he's just breathtaking here, hypnotism aside. it was one of the times that made me wonder what else is in hardison's past? violin is one of the harder instruments to learn and he just ended up being crazy good at it at 14 (iirc)? literally king shit.
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5) 4.10 – he is a problem solver, he is a lover, he is a decent hummer. i just love how into it he gets. the way he loves parker is one of my favourite things about him. just before i started watching leverage i was like "god, are there any good het relationships on tv", and then i just saw hardison with his joy at everything parker did and his understanding when she couldn't quite voice what she wanted yet. a being of love and nerdiness, he is!
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4) 4.07 – i swear there is cocaine in the season 4. this episode was everything. but this scene? the quiet but overwhelming fear? him working to help the team find him as much as he can? every time i watch this scene i can't look away. "i don't want to be alone again." sir you are literally driving me insane.
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3) 5.09 – now this is obviously one of THEE episodes of the series, the ot3 episode. i also love love love how they went full ham on showing off hardison's skills (which i wrote about here), but i LOVE an unhealthy amount how they showed his fear, and therefore his bravery. eliot and parker work through stressors fairly efficient, but hardison's fear is overwhelming, and alone, he couldn't temper it. this moment for his character was so important because after years of doing the hard job so that other people can have some security, he believes he has reached the limits of his skills. we're nearing the end of the season and we're seeing the most intense version of his fear.
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2) 4.01 – i would rank this episode in my top 5 of the whole series, but that's for another day. his dramatic moment is funny (and i think that's its main intention) but it's also touching. i mean, he's just tapping at his computers not sure if his best friends' are okay, if the job is going to work, and then he hears their voices again, and you can see the weight come off of him. another show of his strength!
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1) 3.07 – if i could describe to you how much this scene makes me laugh. hardison complains so much and his whole monologue is makes me scream (humorously). it's number one just for the pure hysterics of it. (for the reader's peace of mind, i am black.) from a wide view of the show, i just like how, with hardison's character, he's a black guy, not a Black Guy. it's not his personality, but it is his experience. it's not the main act, but it is an undercurrent. obviously leverage is not the type of show to make nuanced statements on race, but i think moments like this are just it! yes we live in a fucked world. yes it sucks. yes write about it and make the stories we tell an escape of that fact and a re-rendering of that fact.
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alrighty, that's all folks. tl;dr alec hardison is the king of found family, a genius, and a very talented complainer <3
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etherealbelphie · 2 years
Obey Me Brothers Playing The Stanley Parable
Warnings: Spoilers for The Stanley Parable and The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe (Trust me, it's better if you go in blind) Mentions of suicide (the zending), swearing
The crossover no one asked for! I've recently gotten into TSP, and the brainrot is real. So I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and give headcanons for how the older brothers would play this game. (I might do the younger 3 later.) It's worth mentioning if you don't know The Stanley Parable, specifically the ultra deluxe update, this post will probably make literally no sense...so...sorry. I think I've added all the right warnings, but if I should add some please let me know. I'm also on mobile, so if formatting is weird I'm sorry.
(Was this an excuse for me to add as many TSPUD references in one post as possible? Maybe...)
Doesn't realize the bucket is something you can interact with
Also doesn't listen to the narrator whatsoever
Winds up in the warehouse and jumps onto the catwalk
He picks the blue door over and over until the narrator literally forces him to choose the red one. (This old man didn't realize the door was literally right behind him.)
He doesn't stay in the lights room for long and heads for the stairs
He jumps 4 times in a row, not bothering to go back to the lights room in between.
I honestly feel like he'd be cackling the whole time (You heartless bastard!)
Probably only plays it once, that was a satisfying ending for him. (Bro 😭)
Somehow realizes the bucket is something to interact with right away
Mammon 🤝 the bucket
They're literally besties
He listens to the narrator at first and goes through the left door
Then he finds the broom closet
He tried the door but didn't really expect it to open
When the narrator said there was nothing there, he almost left, but you made him stay.
Unfortunately the broom closet detour made him realize that funny things happen when you disobey the narrator
So instead of going up the staircase, he went down
He got the insanity bucket ending, and he thought it was freaking hilarious.
He definitely plays a few more times, but never gets the freedom ending.
He just wants to disobey the narrator-
Obeys the narrator very well :D
He knows he can always start the game over afterwards, so he figures he ought to follow the instructions on his first run.
And he does a very good job up until the mind control facility.
He decided to press the 'on' button instead.
He did it for the lolz.
In his defense, he didn't really think it was going to do anything.
Oh boy was he wrong
Despite what the narrator is saying during his countdown monologue, Levi is still running around and trying to deactivate the detonation.
It doesn't work (because it literally can't) and he gets blown to smithereens.
Rip Levi Stanley
Immediately says "THAT WAS SO COOL" and boots the game up again
He was going around the office, touching every little thing, but it didn't make a single difference, nor did it progress the story in any way.
Until he clicked the bucket and picked it up.
Well, he didn't really mean to do that, but you can't put it back down...so...it's bucket time!
Disobeys the narrator 2.0
Except he stays on the cargo lift
He answers the phone and ends up in the apartment with the bucket
I feel like the entire time he plays that scene  he just slowly looks more and more horrified
Artistic recreation: ^-^ --> °-°--> ○-○ --> ○0○
(I think the art world will really take notice.)
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fr1d4y-wr1t1ng · 3 years
Comfort Comrades
“Could I request some platonic comfort headcanons with the main 4 eddsworld guys and a reader who had a rough past before knowing them? They're currently big comfort characters to me and I think it would be nice to have. Thank you.”
Yes!! Yes yes yes I would love to make these headcanons!! I'm a sucker for hurt/comfort so I'd love to try my hand at these. Also, shout out to my fellow trauma holders, how much Inside have we gotten on our fyps??
Request: Yep :D!!
Genre: Platonic Headcanons!!
CW: Implied panic attacks, mentions of past trauma, and swearing!
Characters in Post: Tord, Tom, Matt & Edd! (Eddsworld)
Description: Shits rough. But you can't really change that now you've gotten older. But don't worry, one of your favorite people is here to attempt to help :)!
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Okay, admittedly. He's not the best when it comes to comforting.
To put it simply, he doesn't really know what to do. I mean, he’s seen other people comfort and get comforted but... he just has no clue what he's doing. At all.
He'll bring you your favorite items, try to put on your favorite song, etc. And if that doesn't work, he starts to internally freak out.
But, once he's calmed himself (somewhat) he'll sit next to you and just... ask what's up. What's gotten you here?
And when you explain what you've went through and what's happened. He seems... pissed?
Tord then goes through the effort of threatening who/whatever caused you such emotional hurt in your defense.
He's fucking pissed at them, and if he ever finds them... woo boy prepare for a storm buddy because they AREN’T making this out alive.
But, he gets somewhat sympathetic. He knows that it's... hard out there. He can share the same sentiment of being traumatized.
If you start crying, he's going to (hesitantly) let you cry into his hoodie. He's not going to be happy about it, but he'll let you.
Once your tears stop he'll invite you to watch Return of the Insane Zombie Pirates from Hell 4. And if you do accept, he'll make you popcorn so that you don't have to make it yourself.
Once his “comforting” is done, he'll leave you alone for the rest of the night, because he isn't exactly sure what just happened.
But hey, at least you (kinda) feel better, so that makes him feel fine.
Like Tord, he has no clue what to do.
He physically and mentally freaks out in his room a bit, he just doesn't wanna fuck you up more yk?
But once he's done, he walks out and slightly pats your back. As a gesture of “I’m here for you”
“Is uh... everything okay?”
If you decide to tell Tom about your traumatic experiences, Tom will sit and quietly listen to whatever your talking about.
He gets quite upset, but tries to conceal it a bit as to not worry you too much.
Once you're done, he replies with a simple “I’m sorry that happened, that really fucking sucks” before leaving to grab you a blanket and your favorite drink.
If you wanted to go into more details, he's all ears. But if you’re done after that. He’ll slowly and gently rub your back as you cry. Mumbling encouraging nothings in an attempt to make you feel better.
After that's done, he invites you to his room and has you sit on his bed. Why? So he can play you some music on Susan!
He knows some of your favorite songs (don’t ask him why he learned) so he plays you some of the tunes, singing along with you as you both jam out.
Once you feel better, he gives you a soft smile, glad that he could at least help somewhat.
And if you asked, he’d stay with you for the rest of the night until you asked him to leave. Being alone is hard sometimes, he can get that.
He’s just happy that you’re alright now :).
Admittedly, he doesn’t notice anythings wrong at first. He just assumes you’re just upset about something that one of the others did and moves on.
That is until he notices you on the couch, seemingly panicking ‘over nothing’.
He, of course, takes a seat next to you in order to figure out what's wrong.
Once he notices you're absolutely 100% panicking he goes full “comfort Matt” mode.
I'm talking getting your favorite food, putting on your favorite movie/video, grabbing your comfort items, etc.
And after you calm down from your initial panic, he asks you what's wrong, if you decide to open up well...
It's time for Matt cuddles. No you can't escape this, he's going to ‘cuddle the sadness out of you’ whether you like it or not.
He'll watch anything you want to watch, and he'll be there for however long you need.
He may get a little distracted if you hand him a mirror BUT he'll listen if you need him to. He'll probably forget but he's going to try and listen.
He's a very happy guy, and it really helps when you can be down in the dumps!
He immediately takes notice in your switch of moods, going from your usual self to your panicked state.
His plan of action is to grab your favorite drink and Cola (for himself), sit next to you, see you take at least one sip of your drink and ask you what's wrong.
When you open up, he's happy that you did. Of course he's upset that you went through what you had. But, as he says, “You’re here now, and that's what matters.”
He tells you that you're strong and that he's proud of you. Of course, if you wanted to ramble or to just trauma dump than he'll listen as you do
But he doesn't do much? He acts more as a vessel to pour out your frustrations out on. Once you're done spilling, he starts trying to go through other memories that he's had with you.
He tries getting your mind off those horrible places and tries to think about your adventures together, and what adventures you'd want to go on. Or what'd you like to do that weekend. Or anywhere you wanna go.
And as he decides to finally leave you alone, he'll give you a small hug of reassurance before heading off to his room.
And within the next 24 hours yes you will have a small doodle on your door will small praises.
He just wants to make sure you feel ok :).
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chlodani · 4 years
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This is my new smau. It's a Sokka x F!Reader pairing smau. Title: More Than A Roommate
Trigger warning: Mature! Slight swear warning! If your sensitive to mature language and swearing, I've warned you ahead of time. Mentions of sex!
Y/n's new roommate seems intensely interested in her life and wants to know everything about her. She's flattered and a little freaked out, but it’s nice to have someone to talk to. Though she thinks it's a problem that he's so handsome and their living together. But what will he do when he finds out Y/n's a Firebender? Will he accept her for who she is or will he shut her out because of his bad past with the Fire Nation?
Special Edition Part 19 Continued. . .
Y/n's P.O.V.
I quickly gathered what I needed. It wasn't much, but I did grab my sword. I never know when I'll need that. Even though I'm a Firebender that can bend red flame and red lightning, I'm still badass with a sword. Though I can't take all the credit, Sokka helped me with part of that. He's helped me to practice and he's taught me what he knows. A tear slipped from my eye as I stood in Sokka's room for a moment, staring at his boomerang on the wall. As I turned my head, I looked at the picture he had of us on his nightstand. I picked it up, looking at it, as a couple more tears fell. I cleared my throat, closing my eyes forcing the rest of my tears away. Wiping away the tears that remained, I opened my eyes setting the picture down. I looked directly at Sokka in the picture.
"Dont worry Sokka, I'm coming for you,"
With that said, I walked out of the room, heading out of the apartment.
. . .
Adelina's P.O.V.
I paced back and forth in my sister's apartment waiting for my friends to arrive. They were taking forever. I just wanted to leave on my own and go find my sister. She could be in serious danger right now. As Toph said I can believe that she went off alone, but I'm just so angry with her. If something happens to her, I would never forgive myself. She's my everything. She's my Boo. I need her. And whether she admits it or not she needs me to. And this is one of the times she needs me. Ughhh! I wanna kick her ass so bad. Though I guess I cant blame her. I am as much in love with Zuko as she is with Sokka. If Azula was doing this to Zuko, I'd wanna do more than just kick her ass. I jumped as the door opened. Pretty much all my friends walked in at the same time. And Iroh was behind Zuko. I face palmed myself. I looked directly as Zuko.
"Zuko, what is Iroh doing here?" I asked him trying not to show him how angry I was for my missing sister and future brother-in-law.
"We're not the only ones who are Y/n's family Adelina. Iroh is to. Uncle's known you guys since you were kids, he wants to help. He cares for her too," Zuko explained to me.
"And you forget Lina, that my nickname used to be, Dragon of the West - I am still a Firebender and I want to make sure nothing happens to the people I love," Iroh explained to me calmly.
I sighed as I looked at him. I didn't have time to debate.
"Fine, - But we have to go, - Right now - We're already running out of time," I told them in a hurried panic as I headed to the door.
Nothing will stop me from protecting Y/n and Sokka.
. . .
Y/n's P.O.V.
I headed to the Earth King's old quarters. I figured if Azula is going to be hiding out anywhere in Ba Sing Se, with that sicko of a dick waffle Jet and the Dia Lee agents, its gonna be there. And I wasn't playing around. As soon as I got to the door, I blasted two of the Dia Lee out of the way. I want my Sokka back and nothing will keep me from him. I walked throughout the halls and the main throne room but I didn't see Azula. I knew they both were hiding here somewhere. As I walked throughout the throne room, I felt a familiar presence. I stood firm not wanting to turn around. He quickly grabbed my wrists as he stood behind me, standing as close to me as he could. He made me drop my sword. I closed my eyes as the sound of the sword hitting the floor hit my ears. Jet held my wrists tightly, as he pressed himself against me.
"Its nice to see you again Y/n, -"
I could feel shivers running through my entire body. And they weren't the good kind.
"Jet? -"
"We haven't seen each other in awhile Y/n. I've tried texting you but you didnt answer -"
He was getting closer to my neck. I had my eyes closed, because I didnt want to admit this was happening.
"When texting didnt work I tried calling but you still didnt answer -"
Jet moved his lips along my neck so softly, it drove me insane. My breath hitched as he pressed himself against me.
"Though, I can look past you ignoring me for weeks, if you - give me the chance I deserve, -"
"You know you don't deserve it," I told him.
"Really? -"
Jet quickly turned me around, pressing me to the wall behind us, pushing himself against me. He had my wrists held down, so I couldn't fight back. He still moved his lips along my neck. He knew just how to do it, in ways that would drive me crazy. I tried to move, but Jet had me held down.
"You lied to me Jet," I said to him.
I tried to show him I was angry, but he was hitting the sweetest spot on my neck. The spot he knew was my favorite before when we were together years ago. I honestly hate him right now.
"I lied to you only because I love you - I needed you back. I cant live without you. - "
He gently pressed his lips harder. I wanted to cry, but I forced myself not to. I still forced my eyes to stay closed.
"I need you in my life - I dont want to be forced to live without you - "
"Then you shouldn't have lied to me and joined Azula,"
He moved his lips down farther.
"You don't understand - I needed you - I still need -"
He brought his knee up between my legs, creating friction. A slight whine left me.
"Where's Sokka?"
I tried to speak sternly, but with what he was doing, it was really difficult to keep my composure.
"Look Y/n, I know you still love me, - You cant deny it,"
"Yes, I can - You're nothing that Sokka is - You never have been and you never will be,
! - He's better than you in every way!"
Jet said nothing for a moment as he looked at me.
"How can I prove to you that I still love you?"
I stared directly into his eyes, with the straightest face I could possibly have.
"You can't,"
I could see the anger hidden behind his eyes. In an instant he pressed his lips onto mine with force. He pressed himself against me as hard as he could. I honestly didnt know what to do. A part of me still did love him. Those feelings dont just go away. Jet still had me held down, but he kissed me like he used to when we were together before. Before I even know what I was doing I kissed him back only slightly. I honestly wish he'd never come back. I wouldn't have to deal with any of this. Just as I felt him moving his hands down to my thighs, he was ripped off of me and thrown to the ground. I looked over to see Mai.
"Thank you Mai," I said to her in a soft tone.
"Damn Y/n, if you were over Sokka that quickly, you could've just dumped him," Mai said to me.
I shook my head.
"No, I'm not -"
I was just staring at Jet. Mai had her foot on him, holding him down.
"What happened with me and Jet is a long story, but the only person I care about right now is Sokka. I need to find him. As far as Jet is concerned, he can go to hell," I told Mai.
She knew I was upset with Jet by the tone of my voice.
"Well, I may need your Firebending as an assistant while I tie him to this post," Mai said to me forcing Jet to his feet.
I stared directly into Jet's eyes as Mai held him. Jet knew I was angry.
"I'd be my pleasure," I spoke in a calm voice.
"Y/n, don't do this! - You know that we're meant to be together," Jet protested as Mai dragged him over to the post.
"We were once - But life goes on Jet - Not everything has to stay the same. I moved on from you. You should do the same -"
"I can't," Jet spoke as Mai finished off the knot.
I squatted down in front of him.
"You can,"
Jet almost had tears in his eyes as he looked at me.
"I love you,"
"Then let me go, - There is someone out there for you Jet, but it's not me. - Maybe it was once, but we've grown apart. And deep down you know that. - When you kiss me you try to hard to make the feelings real, when you know they're not -"
"I love you Y/n, I always will,"
I gently took hold of Jet's hand.
"Of course you will, - You'll always love me - I was your first love, and you were mine we will always love each other, but that doesn't mean we should get back together just because we feel our old feelings and we think they're the feelings of now. - I fell in love with Sokka - Deeper than I ever did with you - And that's okay, because that means I can move on, and you need to move on too, -"
"I dont think I could ever let another girl kiss me,"
I exchanged glances with Mai. She gave me a knowing smile. She knelt down beside me, quickly grabbing his face, attaching their lips, kissing him with a passion. I could tell he was surprised, by the look on his face. He didnt even know what to do. Mai and I both stood up at the same time.
"Where's Sokka?" I asked her.
"He's just down that hall, in the third room on your right, - I'll stay here with Jet so he doesnt try anything too crazy. Just be careful of Azula, she could be lurking," Mai warned me.
I nodded to her. Without another word I left them alone, to find Sokka. Azula is going to pay, for even thinking about hurting my man. I headed down the hall, to the room Mai told me of. Sure enough when I entered, there was Sokka sitting against a bed on the floor, tied to the frame. He had his head down looking at the floor. I cautiously entered the room.
"Sokka, -"
He perked his head up, when he heard my voice.
"Y/n! Oh thank God you're here!" Sokka exclaimed as I rushed over to him.
I smiled as I looked into his face. I couldn't stop myself as I touched his face softly.
"Yeah, - I had to come," I told him softly.
I started to untie him.
"I knew you would, love - Jet and Azula are insane. Once I get outta here I'm gonna give them both a piece of my mind,"
"Don't worry baby, Mai is taking care of Jet and I'd suggest leaving Azula to me,"
I helped Sokka stand to his feet.
"What you think I cant handle it?"
I put my hand on his arm.
"No, sweetie that's not it. It's just I dont want you to be in the crossfire of one of Azula's lightning blasts,"
"Fair enough,"
I gave him my sword as a defense mechanism. Just as we started to walk out of the room, I heard footsteps down the hall coming this way. I put my hand on Sokka's chest, stopping him. I waited and listened. Just as they were right outside the door, I blasted them with fire, knocking them back a few feet. Sokka and I rushed out the door. It wasn't Azula like I had thought. It was one of the Dia Lee. I took Sokka's hand and we rushed off together to find her. Once we were outside in the courtyard, we stood there and waited. I could feel the presence of someone around. I listened and waited and made sure of my surroundings carefully. Just as I felt her a few feet behind us, and I knew she was going after Sokka, I stepped in front of him, putting a huge firewall in front of us, to protect him.
"So, I see you've defeated my Dia Lee and my secret weapon," Azula said to me in a challenging tone.
"It wasn't much of a secret weapon, - I mean come on using my ex-boyfriend, you really think I couldn't defeat him?"
"I just thought he was more angry than he actually was - Pathetic really, -"
"Well, now you have no beef with us, so you can let us go willingly," Sokka said to her.
"That's where you're wrong, - You see Jet mentioned something to me about helping me get revenge on Zuko and his friends for betraying me and lucky for me Y/n happens to be one of his best friends since we were kids. Today is just my day," Azula explained to Sokka.
A challenging look crossed my eye.
"Bring it on," I challeneged.
A devious smile passed her as she just stared at me. Just as she shot a huge flame of blue at me, I fired back at the same time with a huge flame of red. Our flames collided making an even larger flame of red and blue in the middle. I wont let Azula win. I'm stronger than she is. And she knows it. That's why she's trying so hard. Azula was trying to fire back stronger, but I was better. I went even larger with my flame, causing hers to dissipate, knocking her to the ground. Anger crossed her face as she looked at me. I stood before her with a determined look to my face.
"You've always been jealous of me Azula. - I can fight better than you - I never focused on my anger as a fuel for my fire. Your Uncle didnt just teach Zuko, he taught me and my sister too. We followed by everything he taught us. And we've stuck to it everyday of our lives since, -"
In her anger Azula got herself up and shot a fire kick at me. I quickly blocked it.
"You should've listened to your Uncle," I told her intimidatingly.
"Oh, I've learned a few things from my Uncle," Azula said to me through her anger.
I watched as Azula got into her familiar stance. I knew exactly what she was doing. I readied myself. Iroh told me I might need to use this to defend myself someday. Azula shot a bolt of lightning my way. It pushed me back as I caught it. I almost couldn't breathe or hold onto it. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the terrified look in Sokka's face. I let that fuel me. In just a few seconds I was the one controlling the lightning. I felt the energy and it was exhilarating, but it was also terrifying. Just as Zuko had stated once before. I redirected the lightning to shoot just past her head, singeing her hair. She was beyond angry as she looked at me.
"I've learned a few things from your Uncle too," I told her now even more intimated.
Sokka stood by me proud as he put his arm around me. I looked over just as our group of friends came running in. And Iroh was there to. Adelina ran over to me trapping me in her arms tightly. Zuko had hold of Azula.
"I am so glad you're safe," Adelina said to me in a slight panic.
"Yes, Lina, I'm fine," I told her.
She leaned away from me.
"It was so awesome! Azula shot lightning at her and she just stood there in firm ground and redirected the lightning at her! She was so cool!" Sokka exclaimed.
I chuckled at Sokka's reaction. I love him so much. It's hard for me not to love him.
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sengenweek · 5 years
SenGen Week: Day 04 (Correction)
Day 04: January 01
Soulmate au / first date/meeting
Title: Colorfools.
A/N: You can see every color, except for the color of your soulmate's eyes. Once you see the eyes of your soulmate, you can finally see the color that has never been available for your sight.
He was lonely, and had nothing better to do that day, so he'd gone to a nice coffee shop downtown just to kill some time outside his house. Being indoors all the time was getting to his nerves. The coffee shop was a nice place, decorated with whites and browns in a second floor, and a big window with view to the outside, but the view was plagued with people and cars; nothing interesting to see. He opened a notebook containing drafts for his next book, as his drink and snack arrived, he was already engrossed in his writing and thanked the waiter absently.
He wrote and scratched several lines, using at least three of his pages when he decided to leave his pencil aside to take a sip of his coffee, looking once more to the window as he munched on a donut. And he noticed something, someone who looked briefly upwards and Gen got a glimpse of their eyes. Their eyes. A color he'd never seen before, a beautiful and mesmerizing shade enlightened by the sunlight. And as soon as the person –a boy, a teen?– had glanced up, his eyes went back to the floor, leaving Gen to observe a very strange mop of hair that stuck up. He was with two other people, a tall young man, and a girl with long hair, but Gen barely paid them any mind, he was stuck on the other teen, the one with odd hairstyle, and such beautiful eyes. He was about to get up from his seat and run to him, run to catch him. But as soon as Gen had seen him, the crowd had engulfed him.
Red. He knew what the color he'd never been able to see was called. Red. Gen saw it, again, in the traffic lights, in the neon signs of Tokyo, in the package of his favorite drink, Cola. Red. In the cover of his notebook, in the ink of his pen, in the drawings of his deck of cards. Gen saw red, the color that was missing from his life; and he loved it. He loved the color that painted his soulmate's eyes. And he regretted the fact that he may never see this person again, may never even hear his voice.
The girls at school –as well as some boys– seemed to have gained an interest in someone named Asagiri Gen, a sort of magician. One day, one of his classmates read aloud a quiz from one of his 'psicology' books, and Senkuu quickly disregarded it's value, and decided it wasn't really worth the effort to read more from it, so he didn't even looked at it.
That afternoon when the rest of his classmates as well as Taiju and Yuzuriha had left the classroom, he noticed his classmate had left the aforementioned book in there, so he took it to put it away and return it the next day, he lifted the book and saw it's cover which portrayed Asagiri Gen himself in the front. Asagiri Gen. A magician. A 'writer'. The complete opposite of him. He saw the deep blue of his eyes. He saw it in the night sky, in his father's tie, in the sea, in the wallpaper of his computer, in his jeans. He saw the color he'd never seen before, and got excited –happy, even–. So he thanked Asagiri Gen for putting his face in his trashy book, and left it at that. There was no need for Senkuu to do anything else about this.
And that was a filthy lie, because he tamed his hair down, wore a hat and glasses to attend one of his shows, he sat on the back row, hidden. Asagiri Gen's magic show was no big thing, he used every old trick in the book with a little personal twist. His smile was big and false. Like his show, Asagiri Gen seemed to be an act. Senkuu wondered what he'd be like in reality. So every now and again, he would read one of his trashy books, aimed towards the public to produce sales, and once or twice, assisted to his shows. Never once did he make contact.
'AD 5738, April 1st'
Whoever carved that was totally insane. Whoever carved that, had kept track of time while being petrified. Whoever carved that, was awesome. And Shishio Tsukasa feared this person. This Ishigami Senkuu person had to be someone worth knowing. He was hopeful to find him alive, despite having heard Tsukasa say he'd killed him with his own hands. He was quickly despached to go find the village of primitive people and the smell of ramen invaded Gen's nostrils.
'Ishigami Senkuu must have lived, then' was his first thought.
He snuck around the people and snatched a bowl, being his usual confident self even as he got surrounded by three of them, aiming very sharp spears –and knives– at him.
"I thought I'd seen your face somewhere before, Asagiri Gen"
He turns to look at the one he can only asume, is Ishigami Senkuu, and his heart beats so wildly in his ribcage he'd swear it would burst it open. He only ever saw them once, he only ever saw him once, but Gen would recognize that shade of scarlet, that weird mop of hair, anywhere. It took all of his self-control to keep his façade. The young man didn't seem fazed at all, he put Gen to work and got information out of him, not that he was going to keep it a secret anyhow.
"All I have to do is make a false report. 'It was only a primitive village.' 'Senkuu is dead.' With that, I can save you, Senkuu-chan"
'^I can save you^ I don't want you to die'
He hoped Senkuu had gotten the message, since he didn't show any reaction to seeing him. And Gen knew he'd never mistake his soulmate.
'But. Soulmate or not, you're amazing, and I want you to live.'
He didn't know if Gen was avoiding the subject on purpose, but he supposed it wasn't good to just dodge the situation forever. The matter of being soulmates had to be adressed eventually.
"Senkuu-chan~!" Ah, yes, speaking of the devil.
He turns to look at Gen, smiling brightly, the scar on his cheek making his grin far more devious than it should be.
"What are you doing up so late at night?" he questions.
"I could ask you the same, Gen"
"Insomnia~! Your turn~!"
"Stargazing" he grins.
"You like the stars?"
"Yeah, they're a good way to know your location, and the time at night. Although, after so many years, they shifted in their place. They're not where I remember them being"
"Everything has changed" he mumbles nostalgic.
"It's not so bad. With consistent and sustained effort we can bring it back to being more or less where everything was. It'll take years, perhaps even decades, though"
"Ah, yes. You'll work everyone to exhaustion"
"You damn right, I will" he beams.
Gen can only sigh, a tiny smile tugging on his lips.
An observatory. Gen really surprised him this time. 'He must've remembered when we spoke of the stars' he mused. He really should speak to him now, he knew jackshit about these kinda feelings, but he was sure this was more than just a gift for his birthday, the words the mentalist spoke were far too much of a hint.
As if being summoned by his thoughts –again– the mentalist burst throught the entrance on the floor elegance in his movements.
"Stargazing?" he asked.
"Yes and no. I'm trying to find where the stars are now"
There's a map on the floor, notes and constellations drawn into it. Gen takes a sit right next to him.
"And how is that going?"
"My hand hurts from scribbling so much" he sighes.
The mentalist takes his right hand gingerly, tracing circles and triangles and squares into his open palm, lips pursed –almost pouting–, inspecting it as if it were an antient text.
"Don't tell me you read palms too, mentalist" he jokes.
"Why, yes I do~!" Gen answers gaze never leaving his hand.
"Oh really? And what does my future say?"
"You have a tewible luck. As always"
Senkuu changes the position of their hands, now he's the one tracing figures on Gen's palm, making him chuckle.
"What does my future say, Senkuu-chan~?" he asks amused.
"It says... You will be kissed shortly"
"Eh? Kissed?"
Senkuu leaned –eyes open– and placed a chaste kiss on Gen's lips. And Gen looks cute when he gets paralized and blushing, his eyes three times larger than a moment ago.
"Thank you, for my birthday present. And for the color blue. It's beautiful"
Gen tries to speak a few times, but he only manages to look like a fish, so he gives up, and buries his face on his sleeved hands.
"Never seen you so flustered before. How cute" Senkuu chuckles.
"You're so mean~!" he pouts.
"Sorry. But it seemed like we avoided the subject for too long"
He spreads his fingers, letting only one bright iris to be discerned.
"I suppose you're right" he agrees. "You knew since the modern days who I was"
"I saw your face in one of your trashy books"
"Heh. I saw you once from inside a coffee shop"
"Yes. It was only a fleeting moment when you looked up" he explained sheepishly. "I wanted to go after you then, but you got lost in the crowd. I think you were with Taiju-chan and Yuzuriha-chan"
"Heh, I probably was"
"I like it. Red, I mean"
"I wonder if everyone just loves the color they'd never seen before"
"Probably most people do" he smiles, finally revealing his face.
And Senkuu takes the chance to steal another kiss. This time Gen responds, draping his arms on Senkuu's neck, the other pulls Gen closer by his waist.
Scarlet and cobalt meet, they suit each other quite beautifully.
A/N: So, I posted day one again for mistake. Kids, don't go operating heavy machinery when you're sleep deprived, just sayin', ya could get something wrong. Also on:
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thisnerdsadventures · 3 years
a summer to remember
hello friends, i definitely just abandoned this whole blog, now didn't i
well i am happy to report that i am still alive, and am thriving!
Here's a rundown of everything that has been going on:
[inserting a readmore because this is long af]
So in May, I was definitely just all over the place because I was 1) trying to finish a paper published in a conference!! it literally drove me insane. anyways, then i had to go and finish a 78 page thesis, which involved a really convoluted timeline because i had to finish it ~ a week before the actual deadline so my PI could read it over, but then i had to finish it a few days before THAT so my PhD supervisors could read it over, which meant that i had like one (1) week to write like. all of it.
Luckily I had most of the first half already written, during whatever shitshow April was (April was a lot of coding for the paper, and then not having time to write my thesis). But THEN i had to organize all the data from my own personal experiments, make figures, and draft the entire results section. AND i had like two final reports to do for my class, so my last weeks of academia looked like....
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Of course, the day before my thesis was due, I pulled an all nighter, because, of course. What other way would I ever end my academic career. Submitted it though, and I graduated! [LINK TO MY THESIS]
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Also! I got vaccinated and felt like death for a whole day, but then my friend came over and we ate fried chicken and watched this show called Miraculous, which is a kids show from France, but for some reason is actually hilarious and really entertaining. Then I felt better, so I proceeded to work on my thesis.
Also, I guess I should talk a little bit about the class I took this semester, which was an industrial organization economics class. We looked at things like how different markets are organized, why they are that way, what market concentration means, how mergers affect competition, and what kind of effect that may impose on consumers. For the final case study (which, I will say, I wrote like 2000 words in a single day, so . applause for me), I looked at the Nvidia-ARM merger and how that may or may not affect competition in the GPU market, the CPU market, and the mobile chip market. I think my analysis was a little bit more surface level, which was fine for me, since I'm by no means an economics expert or even remotely should have any expectations at all, but I read a lot and learned a lot and that's the goal!
So yes, my brief excursion into the field of economics was overall positive, I feel like I learned a lot and now I can read financial articles about the tech industry and not be completely lost, which, again, was the goal.
But yes, May was a lot of work, and once it wrapped up, I got to spend a lot of time with friends post-vaccination! After the 1 or 2 week mark after my second dose, I started going back to the gym, especially to play basketball with folks, which I had missed a lot. I spent a lot of time at my old dorm just hanging out, and got to have a cute salmon dinner over at my other friend's place. And we made cheesecake too.
June (MA->NY->MA->CA)
I finally went to visit my best friend in New York. I hadn't seen her in > 400 days, so it was really a very anticipated event, except we saw each other across the crosswalk, but then the light took like five minutes to turn green, so it was really anticlimactic. Anyways, we ended up bumming around New York and Long Island for a week, and it was nice to spend some time with her after such a long gap.
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We spent a day at a vineyard and I fell asleep so
After getting back to Boston, my mom came back from Taiwan to help me move out of my apartment. It was a lot of finding people to sell things to, sweating because it was very hot that week, and praying everything would work out (it did). I also got to have a few final meals with various friends and my mom and I got to take one last lark down the Infinite, which I was really grateful for because it was the first time visitors got to go inside campus in over a year.
Also got into my school's MBA program! Yes i applied to a deferred program (which is like you get into a program, but you don't have to go for 2-5 years, as a way of getting in right after undergrad/grad school, but then accumulating some work experience first). It was hilarious, I was literally shopping in my campus store for a new sweatshirt and I got a phone call from the admissions office saying I got in. My mom had been pushing me to apply to grad programs, and I didn't tell her about it because I didn't know if I would actually follow through. But I got to surprise her with the news, and she was so happy she did the whole "calling all the relatives" thing again.
After flying home, I told myself I'd read more and exercise more, which I have been doing. I got a membership at Planet Fitness, which has been really good for me (going 3x a week), and I've made my way through at least 5 books this summer so far. My holds list at my local library is literally insane. (For recs, I recently read Normal People, which I absolutely devoured, and In the Dream House, which hit really hard for me.)
This summer was also really about reconnecting with high school friends. All three of us were unemployed, with plans to come in the fall, so we were all free to hang out all the time. We started out at the local library planning out a road trip, and we worked out a few times together, and a few coffee dates too. We took a fun day trip down to LA one day, and we visited Malibu, went to the Getty, hit up some local food places in the city. Driving down the PCH with Taylor Swift blaring and the windows down on a hot June day, just hits so different. There is nothing like it.
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My friend's birthday was in June, so we put together a little video for her and bought some jewelry, and had a Zoom call to celebrate. Then I got BBQ with some friends and sat in the parking lot eating ice cream until 11 at night just trading stories from our pasts. It felt like the perfect summer life, just staying out until whenever, grabbing food wherever we wanted, with friends I had had for literally a whole decade.
It was already a really good summer, but then July. July was crazy.
July (CA -> MI -> CA -> NV -> CA -> WA -> OR -> CA)
So one Sunday morning, I woke up to a text
Actually, I'm going to do a separate post on the whole Michigan trip because that sh** was on another level of spontaneous, impulsive, crazy life stuff. But anyways, so July started off with a trip to Michigan to visit my friends, and then I came back for the 4th, had 36 hours of rest before my high school friends and I went on a road trip.
This road trip was a little ambitious. We hit spots all up California, from hiking in Sequoia Nat'l Park to Kings Canyon, driving up to Sacramento and visiting art museums, and then going up to Tahoe but staying in Nevada, going kayaking and hiking and sitting on the beach for hours. It was reallllllly hot, but luckily I don't think it ever broke 90 degrees. The views were beautiful, especially at Kings Canyon. The drive in, you're surrounded by huge rock walls, with a thin river rushing by next to you. The hike itself literally feels like you're in nature, like the trail is somewhat defined but not paved, there are no sounds of traffic, the path isn't heavily trafficked so we were the only ones there for the most part. We even saw a deer and washed our faces in the river. Throughout the whole thing, we climbed into so many waterfalls, trying not to slip on rocks.
I hadn't been to Sacramento in over a decade, but it was a cute day trip. There isn't a ton to do there, but it was a nice reprieve from the constant driving and nature. We visited the Leland Stanford Mansion, the Crocker Art Museum, and Old Town Sacramento. A good chance to get a nice coffee, a sit-down meal, and some air conditioning. At Tahoe, we went kayaking on Pope Beach, with the clearest water I have ever seen, followed up by a hike up to a beautiful view of the Lake.
On our way back, we stopped at a lot of interesting places, like small towns like Lee Vining, where we found an Upside Down House; Manzanar, the site of an old Japanese internment camp during the WWII era (which also hit hard); and Randsburg, a literal living ghost town. Overall, getting to travel with my friends finally was so fun, they were so much fun to be around for five days, and getting to explore so much of California was so fun - even though I'd been here for so long, I never knew these places existed.
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So I came back and had around 48 hours to recover before my mom and I took a trip up to the Pacific Northwest!
I've always wanted to visit Seattle, and figured I'd hit Portland on the way too. We originally wanted to go to Hawaii but it got so expensive by the middle of the summer, so we decided to stay a little closer to home (probs the better decision bc I was already so tired by this point).
Seattle! Got to visit Pike Place Market many times, grab some coffee at the original Starbucks, see Mt. Rainier, and grab food with three friends! Also went to Bainbridge Island for a day which was SO cute - got to do an olive oil/balsamic vinegar tasting, which sounds so extra, but is actually really unexpectedly fun. At Starbs, I did a cold brew flight, which resulted in a rough night of tossing and turning for me, but I think it was worth it. Other things included the Pinball Museum, Space Needle, and Chihuly Glass Museum!
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So I lowkey really wanted to visit Portland because I wanted to achieve a long-lasting dream of seeing an NWSL game in person. So I went to the Thorns Pride game!!
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The Thorns fanbase is actually insane, I cannot express to you, like there's this whole fan section that actually did synchronized cheers and routines and was actually ROARING when they scored the entire game. I swear the audience was actually watching them at points instead of the match. Overall, the stadium was going crazy, like I thought I was at a tied Celtics-Bucks game with how loud it was in there. Also I swear, Ali Krieger made eye contact with me and waved.
In addition to that, Portland also has a huge rose garden, a nice Japanese tea garden, a lot of good donut stores and a huge bookstore, so all very up my alley. We also took a day trip to see Mt. Hood and more waterfalls!!
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That's a summary of the SEA - PDX trip. Once I got home, my high school friends and I did not waste any time on reuniting to hang out - we went and played ball, grabbed lunch, and then coffee, and then did the same exact thing like two days later and watched a bunch of TikToks, and then spent a whole day at the beach to send my good friend off to medical school in Arizona. They somehow convinced me to go in the water and I got body checked by a wave.
Saw this sculpture on the beach and teared up a little
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So proud of my friends for making it to med school, I am so excited to see them at their white coat ceremonies and beyond, I swear I will cry at every step of the way I'm so happy for them. Now that July is pretty much over, most of my fun summer plans are too, and I finally get a chance to catch my breath from that busy busy month. Spending a lot of time watching the Olympics and trying to muster up the motivation to start a fulltime job in < 1 month!!
Overall, I feel like I've been having a really solid summer given the year that was the covid year. I had a Lot of fun, literally probably two summers worth of fun consolidated into one. I think in the beginning of the year, I really wanted this summer to be good, and I didn't have a lot of set plans for the summer, even by the end of May. But somehow, things came together, like Really together, and I had the best summer of my life in this summer 2021. On top of that, I'm reading more than I have since probably middle school, I feel the most in shape that I ever have, I can DRIVE NOW. Only thing that would've made it better was if I got to go back to Taiwan to visit the fam, but unfortunately I can't go back because of strict travel restrictions there and they had a COVID outbreak too :/ I still got around 3.5 weeks of summer to go, so we'll see how the rest goes :)
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