#i still want to write it out or draw it out in some form someday
tsubasaclones · 1 year
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Is shattering permanent in the comic (especially with the force fusions and cluster) or can it be fixed down the line like future did? Asking for your opinion on this too bc I found out about it in Future and it makes me feel weird (bc now it feels like any SU stuff and shattering has no consequence or tension, so haven’t been able to read or write stories). Maybe I’m seeing this wrong? Would love your thoughts
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So to answer your first question: The comic for WDAU works on the same rules as canon does. I have no intention to over-write anything canon clearly stated to be true.
The ability to put back together shattered gems is definitely a part of that.
So yes, theoretically, even in WDAU, gems being shattered is not 'the end' because they can be eventually re-instated through the work of the diamonds, IF they someday decide to Change Their Minds like they did in the original series.
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That being said...
I want to talk a little bit about something you said, because it tickles my brain in an interesting way:
"now it feels like any SU stuff and shattering has no consequence or tension"
And the best way to talk about stuff, I've found, is to ask questions about our underlying assumptions. So my questions for you (all) today are:
For us humans, death certainly IS a constant that remains ever-permanent, and thus it's easy to compare it to shattering and draw that parallel... but is that a fair comparison?
In fiction, death is often circumvented and there still remains reasonable tension in things like magic-heavy worlds, vampire novels, sci-fi where almost any sickness is eradicated, etc. Is this not quite similar to what shattering is for gems?
Is the perceived permanency of shattering the only reason it feels like a heavy consequence?
Are there OTHER consequences of being shattered that make it just as interesting, if not more than, to be explored as a plot device?
Must there be an ever-looming threat of something horrible and permanent happening to make a story good?
There isn't a right or wrong answer to these questions, necessarily. I'm not posing these in order to lead you to a singular, 'absolutely correct' conclusion or way of writing.
For some stories, death DOES need to be permanent in order not to make light of what the characters go through! In some forms of writing, there IS no other way around that consequence.
But I daresay SU is not one of those stories.
Let me put it this way - 100 years ago, medicine had only BEGUN to develop into the thing we know it as today. Sure, there were therapies and treatments for diseases, broken limbs, poisonings, etc. Some of them were quite good, even! But overall, the death tolls back then from basic illness were MUCH higher than they were today.
Pnumonia, Malaria, Syphillis, Smallpox, Bubonic Plague, AIDS.
These were things that people died from, with near CERTAINTY, for the LONGEST time. They were considered the road to a permanent black screen.
And today? Even though they are still, without proper intervention, JUST as deadly, we now have new tools and vaccines to combat them. Hell, if you get vaccinated fast enough you can get bit by a rabid dog and live to tell the tale, unscathed! Rabies used to be a one-stop-shop to the afterlife.
Despite this, we still view these diseases with appropriate fear. They are still dangerous - in the right conditions.
In the right conditions, the consequences for a LOT of things can be permanent. If permanency is what you're looking for.
So alright, the Diamonds can heal shattered gems now. Booooring. How easy it is to fix any shattered gem! What a simple solution to anything tragic.
But................... will they ALWAYS do so?
In fact...will the Diamonds ALWAYS be around?
Will the gems who got shattered always be picked up, piece by piece, and be brought back to them, perfectly preserved? Or will they lose pieces of themselves along the way - literally?
And what NEW consequences can we think of, when we stop thinking of the permanency of death, and start thinking of the Impermanence of those tools that keep us here longer and longer?
Just food for thought. 👀
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Can I request a Sesshomaru and Todoroki hc. Where their s/o likes to draw, and has a sketch book filled with drawings of them?
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° this really took on a life of its own as I started writing, I stayed true to the request but did add in a touch of angst , because that's what came to mind picturing this take place.
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° I hope you don't mind!
Sketches of You.
: ̗̀➛ Includes - sesshomaru x reader. shoto todoroki x reader. fluff. mutual pinning. slight angst. jealous shoto. bonus content.
: ̗̀➛ Warnings - gn! reader. slightly mean sesshomaru. annoying jaken. slight angst. cute loving moments.
: ̗̀➛ Word Count - 4,420
┊┊┊┊ ➶ ❁۪ 。˚ ✧
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(all art and characters are do not belong to me , credit goes to the original creators.)
Curiosity. That's what he first started to feel towards watching you completely transfixed on the book you had in your hands. However, his intrigued stares were never granted a glimpse because when he would approach, your hands would tightly clasp the book closed.
As if you could sense when his eyes darted towards your artwork , you never failed to keep it just out of his view unknowingly adding to his ever-growing interest.
Your hands moved gracefully along the paper , as if it was dancing along the pages with the pencil held between your fingertips. Attention immersed in the lines forming in front of you , while a slight breeze annoyingly moved a strand of hair into your eyes causing you to pause.
"What is that book in your hands y/n? Is it for the school you speak of in your time?" he decides to ask while staring at you questioningly, the curiosity showing slightly on his features.
You hurriedly placed the book in your bag as he moved closer to the tree your back was now leaning against. The sketches were far too revealing of your feelings for him to see. No, if he saw these sketches he would see every emotion you had for him. You weren't ready to know if those feelings would be returned or denied.
"It's a sketchbook. Some of them are for my art class , however a majority of them are just so I can have a little piece of this era to keep with me while I'm at home." you said with a blush starting to grow pink on your cheeks.
He looked away from you as he looked towards the sky instead, sunlight catching his golden eyes making them almost glow. All you could picture was drawing the scene before you as soon as possible before you forgot how his silver hair blew in the slight breeze.
Annoyed. He starts to become annoyed when you had let Rin look into the sketchbook but you still went through immense effort to keep his eyes from looking at what you were creating. Why am I not allowed to see your art , do you not think of me as worthy enough to look upon it?
"Y/N! Y/N! look at these flowers I picked! Can you draw the same ones for me?" Rin had asked sweetly while placing her hands on your knees while you had been sketching.
"Of course I can." A smile effortlessly taking over your features as you speak to the girl.
"It's beyond me why you would want something useless like a drawing of a flower, child!" Jaken made his irritation known with a shrieking voice.
You start to diligently draw the flowers provided to you as you tune out the conversation.
"Oh Jaken! y/n told me that even though the flowers may wither away someday. However, if I have a drawing of the flowers then I can always keep them with me." she cooed happily.
"Don't you think so too , Lord Sesshomaru?" The little girl bubbly questioned
"Hm." was his only reply.
"That reminds me, Jaken, there's one of you and Rin together here."
You remembered suddenly as you finished the sketch of the flowers, quickly turning to the page of the drawing before anyone could see the others that plagued the pages of your sketchbook.
"WHAT! You drew me without my permission!" he screeches loudly.
Sesshomaru's irritation started to rise as the conversation grew on. Jaken's inherent gasp of wonder as Rin and him looked upon your sketchbook and the sequel of happiness she had praised upon you.
You happily gave her the sketch of the flowers she tasked you with, and she quickly was treating it as her prized possession.
"Lord Sesshomaru! Don't you want to see the drawing y/n made for me? It's so beautiful!"
"No , I don't need to set my eyes upon such trivial endeavors." It was said with such disgust that Rin had paused slightly and silence filled the air.
He had said the words out of irritation and annoyance, however you wouldn't know that.
Quickly without even sparing a glance towards the paper in Rin's tiny hands , had he stood from his spot next to the tree and left the campsite.
Leaving you with silent tears you refused to let spill in his wake.
Disappointed. He's disappointed in himself for allowing such insolent behavior. He had acted in such a childish way that he could only imagine his younger half brother would have reacted towards Kagome. He wasn't like him , he was more mature , more refined. So why is it bothering him so much anyways?
Was it because you never let him see the art inside that mysterious book?
Or was it the fact he had learned you had drawn the others in his pack and easily let them look upon your art while you still kept him at a distance ?
His thoughts plagued him as he stared at the full moon in the silence of the night.
Confused. When you had apologized the next morning while packing up the camp. There was nothing for you to apologize for which had hurt his pride more than when he acted so childish in front of you.
"Do not give apologies for something that is not needed."
There was no reply from you as a shocked expression formed on your features.
He knew he needed to atone for his behavior , however per his customs he would rather do so the right way rather than a lackluster apology, so he had to wait.
Guilty. After that night , he noticed you had stopped drawing as much as you used to. Before you had used almost every bit of your free time to draw, now it was replaced with you picking flowers with Rin or making small talk with Jaken and himself.
A few weeks had gone by since that night, and you had yet to even take out the sketchbook more than once a week much to his dismay.
Even though he never outwardly expresses it , watching you draw under the shade of the trees as Rin pranced around in the fields of flowers with Jaken at her heels brought a sense of peacefulness over him.
The furrowed eyebrows in concentration as your hands moved the pencil gracefully almost effortlessly across the sketchbook resting in your lap. A slight breeze rippling through your hair and making one strand a bit into your eyesight. Before you had moved the strand behind your ear to stop it constricting your line of view.
He knew you loved to draw and apparently had a gift for it from the praise Rin and Jaken had given you that night. He didn't want his childish words to keep you from doing something you desired to do.
He took a moment to peek at you over his shoulder , your eyes glancing at the clouds above. A slightly sad expression overtaking your facial features before you had made eye contact with him almost as if you had known his eyes were on you.
He quickly moved his eyes forward to gaze at the trail in front of him, a stoic expression while his heart hammered in his chest. This was new, he never felt this way before. He never felt the need to make someone want to smile more strongly than he did right now, and he had no idea on how to accomplish that with you.
Content. He led you aside one night to a river near the campsite. The moon light was reflecting off the water enchantingly and fireflies decided to dance along grass nearby.
"You no longer draw , how come ? Is it not something you desire to do?" he asked with a stoic expression as gold eyes made contact with e/c, filling the silence between you two.
"Oh , I just figured maybe I should take a break from it for now, plus my sketchbook is almost full so until my next trip home I'm a bit limited."
He noticed how pink dusted your cheeks before you quickly looked away. A smirk slightly formed on his lips at the sight , he liked seeing a blush form on your cheeks more than he previously would have realized.
"You apologized before for something that didn't need your apology."
"Oh, yes, that's right." you stammer out not seeing where this conversation could be heading.
"Do not do so again. If you know you aren't at fault , don't lower yourself to others' bad behavior."
You stood there stunned, not quite sure what to say before uttering a quick " Yes." when his stern eyes reached yours.
When that conversation happened you had mostly apologized in order for there to be no ill will between you two and make sure he wasn't upset at you. Never would you have imagined he would tell you twice now not to apologize for something so trivial in the long scheme of things.
"If anyone needs to apologize , it would be this Sesshomaru for the unsightly attitude I had given you. I should have told you this before now , however it is a yokai custom to come bearing gifts when asking for forgiveness."
Sesshomaru pulls out a set of what looks like custom made art tools. They were beautifully handcrafted with fine luxurious materials, more than likely yokai crafted at that.
A gasp of awe escapes your lips as your fingers gingerly gloss over each of the tools, you focus mostly on drawing but you could now expand your art to other mediums such as painting if you so desired.
Your heart had swelled to the brim with affection and happiness that spilled out in the form of tears running down your cheeks.
"Is it not to your liking." he asked, his lips forming a tight frown.
"It's beautiful." you say with what you're sure is the happiest smile you ever graced him before.
Yes , he is content with this for now.
Realization. Later that night as you two were walking back to the campsite, you ended up asking him why he had responded in such a way in the first place. When he had told you how he felt irritated about the others getting to see your art, while he felt left out and cast aside, you instantly started to feel guilt weigh down your shoulders.
"There's a reason I never let you see. It's not a good reason, but I was just embarrassed of what you would say once you saw what I draw everyday." you say while heat spreads to your cheeks.
"Why would you be embarrassed of showing this Sesshomaru?"
You quickly take the sketch book out of your bag and hand it to him before you can change your mind. He eyes you while his clawed fingers carefully open the book in his hands and you look away, embarrassed to watch his eyes linger on the sketches.
He's silent as his fingers graze the pages within , silently turning the pages every few moments after he takes in the contents of the page before.
"These are all sketches of .." he trails off in amazement, his eyes taking on a softer look than you have ever seen before.
"They are all sketches of you. yeah there's Rin or Jaken , maybe a beautiful valley every now and then , but you are what I sketch everyday. You are what I like to see most even when I'm in my era and not by your side."
That's when he realized the feelings he had towards you this whole time wasn't just ordinary feelings for a companion in his pack , or a human he had just happen to keep by his side.
He wanted to keep you by his side. He wanted to always make you smile the way he you are now with your eyes glowing and your cheeks dusted with a pink hue.
Most importantly, he couldn't be just content with you as a companion for much longer.
I never want to let y/n go.
"Y/n I desire to see everything you draw from now on."
"Of course" you reply shyly.
"You are stunningly beautiful when you blush like that. If only I had the skills you possess in order to show you as you had shown me."
Wide eyes catch the smirk dancing on his lips before he walks towards the campsite , hand still wrapped tightly around your sketchbook as he did.
┊┊┊┊ ➶ ❁۪ 。˚ ✧
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Bonus Scene:
"Sesshomaru , I've been meaning to ask this. where did you get these art tools ?"
He glanced down at you as your head rested on his shoulder, your new sketchbook on your thighs as you gracefully sketched a beautiful scene of the two of you this time under a cherry blossom tree.
A pleased smile graced his usually stoic features as his eyes became softer at the sight. "I had them specially made from a yokai craftsman in my territory, the day Jaken was left to guard you two I had gone to collect them."
You smile happily as you nuzzle your face into his shoulder more as a slight breeze whipped some strands of hair onto your face.
He reaches a clawed hand towards you elegantly , placing the strand back behind your ear taking a few seconds to pull his fingers away before smirking at the obvious heat rising to your cheeks.
»»———-  ———-««
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Shoto Todoroki:
Curiosity. He started to notice you would often be sitting close to the windows in the dormitory, with all of your attention focused on the sketchbook on your lap. You would never once glance up at the environment around you, not even when one of your classmates was usually loud. His interest peaked , he couldn't help but wonder what you had been drawing for days on end.
Shoto had decided to try and take a glimpse at your artwork after watching you work dedicatedly on the page before beneath your smudge stained fingers.
The sketchbook had been slammed closed before his eyes could see the mysterious artwork hidden within, only feeding into his curiosity even more. You had given him a quick glance , making eye contact before placing the book safely in your bag.
"It's not polite to look at someone's personal belongings without permission, Todoroki."
His eyes glazed over to the bag that now held the notebook that is just out of his reach, before returning his eyes to stare directly into yours evenly almost as if stating a challenge.
"I'm just curious as to what you are drawing that has you so transfixed."
A smile makes its way to your lips.
"Ever hear that curiosity killed the cat."
You hastily made your way to your dorm room, bag in tow. The thumping of your heart was echoing in your ears as you walked. That was close, too close for comfort. If he had seen inside, he would know just how deeply of a crush you have been harboring for him since you first met him.
While he still stood there, piecing together your sentence.
Were you saying I would die for being too curious?
Content. Since the day he tried to take a glimpse of your sketchbook , you had been careful to not let him approach too closely. Making sure that if you had sensed him , you would immediately close the book in your hands. However, the curiosity he felt started to fade. Taking in the sight of you drawing so earnestly and with such dedication was art in itself.
You were enchanting , eyes focused on the pages before you. a firm grip on the sketchbook as it laid on your lap and your remaining hand danced across the paper delicately. His eyes were in a trance as he watched you from across the room , gliding along with each movement your fingers made.
A small smile graced your lips as you finished whatever art piece you had set your heart on that day, and that's when he felt it. Watching your eyebrows relax and peace settle into your face as you looked content as you placed the sketchbook bag in the safety of your bag. He noticed he no longer really needed to know what you were drawing as long as you continued to smile just like that.
Warmth filled his chest at the thought as he gazed at your retreating figure.
Yes, he's content with this.
Bitter. Shoto realizes that you are drawing in Midoriya's notebook. the feeling of ice shivered down his spine as he saw you so intently focused with that same smile he felt so content at seeing. Now being shown to his best friend in the seat next to you. Oh, so that was why you never let him see your art , it's reserved for someone else.
Midoriya had asked you a few days ago to help him redesign the sketches in his notebook. He noticed how you were always drawing in your free time and decided you would be the best person to go to for the request.
You've never taken commission work before, and even though you weren't getting paid it did feel nice having someone look at your art and see how excited they got at the results. Watching how happy Midoriya was at the sketches you had already placed made you eager to accept more requests in the future if you ever got the chance.
"Wow! y/n I can't believe how amazing your sketches are!" he says in wonder.
"Thank you, but you are really flattering me too much." you say happily as you make the finishing touches on the last drawing of a figure of midoriya doing a move he's wanting to practice.
"I really mean it y/n! This is way better than anything I've ever managed to do. What made you start drawing?"
You quickly put down your pencil as you go into thought for a moment from the sudden question.
"I guess.. it would have to be the fact that even though moments pass by so quickly, a moment I draw will stay forever encased like a photograph for me to look at whenever I want to revisit it."
"Y/N! That's beautiful." he states with slight tears forming in his eyes, while he's forcing himself to hold them back.
"Oh Todoroki! You're up early this morning, come look at y/n's art." Midoriya said excitedly as he motioned for Shoto to join them at the table you were residing at.
Your heart hammered in your chest at the thought of him finally looking at your artwork. This was finally something he could see that wouldn't immediately show how much you liked him and you were nervous about his response to your designs.
"No thank you. I heard curiosity killed the cat." he says with a stoic expression.
e/c met a heterochromia mixture of grey and blue in shock, he had refused to see the art he tried so desperately to steal a glimpse of a few weeks before. Had he really taken you seriously with your remark?, or did he just no longer care to look at what you were drawing anymore. The excitement in your heart slowly fading out, you fell silent.
You watched as midoriya continued to talk to him with a slightly shocked and worried expression, before eventually shoto had left the room leaving you alone once again with the green haired boy beside you.
Numb. The days following he had started to distance himself from you and Midoriya. Deciding to no longer eat with the two of you at lunch like before or spend free time together in the dormitory like what had been a routine for him. He now isolated himself in his room to escape the questioning looks you would give his way or the worried expressions his best friend would give him whenever he became too silent.
He didn't want to distance himself from you , but every time he saw you he remembered that the only one you allowed yourself to open up to was midoriya. He realized he would never be able to get close to you the way he was and it made him feel cold.
The cold feeling overtook him in a way that was so intense that his body and mind felt numb.
I lost y/n before I even had a chance to get them.
You had noticed how he was distancing himself and your heart ached in pain at the fact. every time you had tried to reach out, to question what could be plaguing his thoughts he would shut you out. Not only was your mind suffering from the worry , but so was the art you had tried to complete in order to relax from the stress.
The sketches of shoto that you had tried to finish the last few days have been a failure compared to your collection of artwork consisting of the one man taking over your thoughts. It was pointless to try and draw him when he won't even talk to me anymore.
A silent tear strolls down your cheek as you look up to the ceiling of your dorm.
Why do I feel so numb?
Midoriya had told me recently that my art might be able to reach people when words fail.
Taking a quick glance towards your sketchbook before you could second guess your thoughts, you grab it tightly in your hands and make your way towards his dorm room.
Surprised. The knock on his door had shaken him from his thoughts, and the sight of you as he opened his door had his stoic expression falter slightly as his eyes widened just a bit where you could notice. He obviously wasn't expecting you to be here in his doorway, Why would he when he had been actively pushing you away ? and yet here you were smiling sadly back at him in silence.
"Y/n?" he lets out a confused gasp of your name that he believed he only spoke in his mind for a moment when you took a few beats to answer.
He notices you take a breath inward before releasing it and the determined e/c orbs reach him.
"I won't know what's wrong unless you tell me."
"And I won't know how to help you unless you tell me." you continue before he can reply.
"But I can care about you, and I want to help you so stop pushing me away!"
You place the sketchbook in his hands in one rough motion as you finish your last sentence. Your gaze now directed at the ground and the tips of your ears growing red and the feeling of his eyes lingering on you in the silence that fell over you two.
Shoto looks down at the sketchbook in his hands while processing the words you had told him. he knows he was being to hard on you, he shouldn't have treated you so badly the last few days. he just couldn't force himself to watch you be with his best friend when he had just recently discovered that the feelings he's harbored for you all along would go unrequited.
He slowly opens the sketchbook prepared to see sketches of Midoriya or even just random sketches of the world through your eyes, however once the contents reach his vision he freezes. his fingers grazing the person so familiar to him on the pages before flipping through each page.
"This is .." he starts before stopping, surprised to see that every page was filled with sketches of one person.
"You. They are all sketches of you." you say a small smile placed on your lips as you hesitantly glanced up to him.
His heart filled with so much joy and awe that a few silent tears slid down his cheeks as he realized that not only did the person he had feelings for , have feelings for him as well , but that he had unintentionally hurt you more than he intended when he distanced himself.
"I was jealous." he states, suddenly making your mouth open in shock.
"Midoriya was able to see your artwork. It seemed like he was so much closer to you than I would ever be."
Shoto gazes turns downward towards his feet as a slight blush graces his cheeks from the revealed emotions.
You were surprised by the sudden confession and let a lighthearted laugh escape your lips from the pressure of his distance to put on your heart. He glanced at you making eye contact before you leaned into him, placing a hand on his cheek as you got closer.
"You know that cats have nine lives ? so even if they do die of curiosity they can always try again." you say before leaning to press your lips to his.
Happiness. The ice he had felt had melted and the numbness from the cold was warmed completely from your feelings that reached him through the sketches you had shown him and the kiss you have given him.
"I'm sorry for hurting you." he says softly while placing a strand of your hair behind your ear and looking deep into your eyes.
You smile brightly up at him in return.
“Promise to talk to me next time before you jump to conclusions?”
He laughs slightly as a small smile takes over the frown that graced his lips.
┊┊┊┊ ➶ ❁۪ 。˚ ✧
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Bonus Scene:
“So why were you drawing in Midoriya’s notebook?” he asked while you ate dinner together in his room.
You looked at him with a bright smile excited to tell him all about how you were now wanting to start commissioning your artworks.
“He asked me to help him redesign his notebook. He told me his drawings were making his notes look too messy.” you said happily before stealing a piece of his food from his plate.
“I really wish I would have paid more attention that day.” he said with a small sigh before the smile returns as he gazes at you.
“However I don’t regret anything because somehow throughout all this , I managed to get you.”
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A/N: Should I keep my headcanons / imagines like this or make them more simple & short?
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pillow-anime-talk · 1 year
his talented baby. {pt.2}
synopsis: You as a person with a huge (and hidden) talent, and also a person who really surprises your boyfriend.
# tags: scenarios; current relationships; romance; some comedy; big fluff; some PDA; sfw
includes: gender neutral reader ft. sebastian michaelis & undertaker {kuroshitsuji} + josuke higashikata & rohan kishibe {jojo 4}
part one {click}
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— SEBASTIAN (ft. chess)
Sebastian was perfect in everything; in cleaning, in cooking, in playing various instruments, in foreign languages, in gardening, even in singing and dancing. There was, however, one thing he couldn’t achieve fully well, and that was the game of chess.
Of course, he defeated others (I mean here; Grell, Agni, Bald or Finny) with ease, but when you offered him a game one day, his so far intact worldview changed dramatically. Eventually he found someone better than himself, but at the same time he felt so damn frustrated that he couldn’t win against your person. You were better than him, than Ciel, and even better than Mr. Tanaka, who was almost equal to him and the young lord.
“... Your move, Sebastian.” You announced by moving the bishop to the field of your choice, taking his black rook at the same time. “Are you going to give up, my love?” You smiled gently as you took a sip of delicious English tea with the perfect amount of sugar. The man looked at you in response, frowning and looking at the chess alignment after a short while.
“No. Everything is fine, I just need to think for a moment.” He said calmly, though his face expression seemed to hide the urge to swear. “I am impressed with how quickly you made such a confusing setup, darling.”
“Well, well. My grandpa taught me to play. As the saying goes, the student has surpassed the master.” You chuckled as you put your chin on your right hand while looking at the fingers of your man surrounded by white gloves, who decided to move the king to space F5. “Maybe someday you will surpass me, who knows?”
Sebastian stared at you out of the corner of his eye, nodding in delicate, almost invisible amusement.
“Maybe someday, dear. For now, I will give you the honorable title of the best chess player.”
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— UNDERTAKER (ft. drawing)
Drawing has been your passion since you remember and you loved to paint literally everything; still life, nature, huge landscapes, other people, animals, and even things that didn’t make much sense (Picasso was one of your biggest inspirations when it came to cubism). In addition, in your bag you always carried your favorite blue sketchbook in which you drew tiny thoughts or things you noticed while walking, working or drinking coffee in a cafe.
That day, however, you were sitting quietly on one of the chairs in the funeral parlor, and the Undertaker was also sitting nearby – he was writing names with concentration, calculating in his mind the number of deaths in the last month and year.
His calm face was really handsome from your perspective; the faint light of the lantern caressed his pale complexion, and his green eyes full of mischief stood out behind his fair hair. Every now and then you glanced at the tall man, then your eyes focused again on the small notebook whose pages were blank. I mean, they were not all empty; some of them had sketches of dogs on them, others sketches of flowers, and others featured the figure of a tall Grim Reaper.
When you finished your illustration, you smiled and nodded, satisfied with your work. A beautiful play of light, self-confident pencil strokes and small additions in the form of ivy and rosemary beautifully composed the whole black-grey picture of Adrian.
“Excause me, darling...?” You whispered hesitantly, not wanting to interrupt his work. Nevertheless, the man quickly looked in your direction and a wide smile appeared on his face.
“Yes, my little flower.” He asked, instantly standing up and forgetting about the paperwork – you were definitely more interesting than the dead, after all. You showed him your drawing with a slight blush on your face and he opened his mouth in slight shock. “It’s me?” You nodded, and the Grim Reaper just chuckled. “Am I really THAT handsome?” He joked and you just rolled your both eyes. A short time later, Undertaker praised your talent, asking if you’d like to hang some of your sketches on the board next to the entrance.
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— JOSUKE (ft. playing drums)
More than five years ago, you and your three friends started a music band. Since then, you’ve been focused on making your dreams come true, on small concerts played in the Morioh, on school performances, also on learning notes and practicing singing. You were the drummer and leader of ‘CR△WL’; your vast musical knowledge, willingness to develop your passion and daily rehearsals aroused great admiration from the rest of the band and from people who watched your slowly growing career. Of course, Josuke was no exception, on the contrary – he considered himself your biggest and most faithful fan, who with the greatest pleasure went on dates with you to music shops or bookstores with records of old bands.
The young man was delighted every time you played the instrument – just like years ago in your garage when you first played ‘Paranoid’ by Black Sabbath for him. He was smitten and would come over to your house to listen to your covers or help you make a video for your YouTube channel (you were pretty popular for tutorials, trivia, and drum videos).
“...Y/N, Y/N. Would you be able to play this song?”
That day, Josuke visited your house once again. Your mom made you two some snacks, and you grinned as you practiced another song for an upcoming concert at one of the smaller festivals this summer. Your boyfriend seemed to be excited like never before, so you asked what is the title of mentioned song. Hearing the familiar words, you just smiled, nodding your head in response.
Instantly, your both hands and right foot began to beat the drums, which making the dark-haired teenager’s face look very surprised.
“Y/N... You really know every song on this planet!”
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— ROHAN (ft. rapping)
Karaoke, bowls full of ice cream and fruit, carbonated drinks, hot snacks and great company were what you’ve been missing for the last few weeks. Focused on studies and work, you didn’t have time to rest properly; but you finally met with your closest friends and you also took Rohan with you.
You had a great time gossip with besties who talked about changes in their lives and new achievements, for example, at work. You were telling about your experiences as well with a huge smile, while Rohan was sitting right next to you, talking to some people from time to time. He wasn’t interested in large gatherings, but he couldn’t say ‘No’ to you either because you were too sweet that evening.
Suddenly, one of Cardi B’s songs was played in the background and you almost squealed.
“Ooooh, I see that someone want to sing, huh?” The blonde haired girl asked, and you just laughed, thanking her for the black microphone.
Rohan almost spit at his new shirt as soon as you started rapping the verses without any problems, without even looking at the screen where the lyrics were displayed. You had a great time dancing a bit in the middle of the small room. You looked at your partner with a smirk, sometimes sending a kiss or wink in his direction. You were literally in your world; you showing your energy and love for music so perfectly.
Rohan was really surprised.
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Sundae Tropes : Three's Company
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A/N: Fic 1 of the Sundae Tropes Event! Some 69-ing for our 69 boys!
Sundae: Cookies And Cream With Sprinkles And Brownie Bits With Kensei And Shuhei = Marriage Pact + Threesome + 69
Follow along using #sundaetropes, #300followersevent and #vee writes.
Written for @j-u-u-z-o 🩷 I have to admit, a marriage pact and a threesome had me scratching my head for a bit but the plot kind of took over on it's own ^_^ Event masterlist | Vee's Masterlists
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The bright sunlight was blinding as you made your way to your office, not looking forward to the day ahead. After last night’s disaster with your date and drinking your weight in sake, the mere thought of doing anything was daunting. The incessant pounding in your head like drum beats made you feel like there was a marching band in your skull. Sitting at your desk chair, you laid your head down on the wooden surface, wondering if you could catch a nap. Your eyelids start drooping, and you feel your body beginning to transition into a semblance of sleep before you hear footsteps coming your way.
“Good morning rookie!” As high energy as ever, Kensei stomps into your office, his loud, booming voice making your head throb. You groan and cover your ears, trying to hide your face.
“Why’d you do that?” you whine through the gaps between your arms as Kensei leans over your huddled form grinning.
“Brought ya coffee!” You hear a cup being placed near your head and groan softly. 
“Don’t want coffee,” you grumble, trying to find an angle to relieve the pounding in your head.
“Tsk tsk tsk…coffee is the best cure for a hangover. Drink up! Can’t have my contract wife incapacitated!”
“Your contract wife would like the day off.” You try to close the gaps between your arms by drawing them in closer. “And how’d you know I was hungover?”
“I could sense your alcoholic ass all the way from your quarters. Your reiatsu really doesn’t hide anything.”
“Will you be calling me a creep when you end up marrying me someday?”
“Someday…if ever. I still have time to find someone you know.”
“Based on your current dating life, I don’t think you’ll last the 5 years we agreed on before getting married. You’ll be begging me to shorten the time on our marriage pact.”
“How rude. You think I can’t land someone?” You ask indignantly as you raise your head from the dark shelter of your arms only to feel dizzy and cause a nasty throbbing in your skull. You whimper and lay your head back down on the desk. Kensei sighs, then places a large hand at the base of your skull, squeezing, relieving the tension in your body. 
A sound of contentment leaves you as he does this, before massaging the back of your neck, then moving down to your shoulders. Typical Kensei. Always so tactile. You straighten up and let out a loud groan of relief before grabbing the cup of coffee and chugging it down.
“He stood me up taicho.” You admit softly as Kensei continues to work on your tight muscles. The throbbing in your head quiets slightly. 
“I figured as much.” His hands go back to the base of your skull and you feel your breath catch slightly as he threads his fingers through your hair before massaging your scalp, tugging on sections of your locks, stimulating the circulation back into your body. Little tingles begin in your scalp and creep down the back of your neck, then along your spine, delightfully sensual and tickly. 
There were reasons you had agreed on a marriage pact with Kensei, and the most basic one was that he knew how to balance out his love. He doled out tough love when he knew you could do better, but when at a limit he gave way to something a little softer and caring, like right now. There was a connection between you and Kensei that didn’t quite fit into any category, and it transcended beyond being his third seat. You two had an easy friendship and you never hesitated to tell the other anything. It was always unfiltered and raw with him. He had your back and you were fiercely loyal to him. Not just because he was your captain, but because you knew he’d never allow anything to hurt you.
The irony is that drinking is what caused the marriage pact to come into existence in the first place. Talks about how you were already his work wife and that it would be nice to find someone to settle down with eventually. Why not you? You had laughed, slapping him on the shoulder, spilling your drink because surely, he was joking right? He was your captain, the guy you sparred with and accompanied on scouting missions. But he fixed you with those brown eyes, carrying an intensity that hadn’t been there before. “Think about it,” he’d said before finishing his glass and taking you back to your quarters. 
Now here you were, marriage pact ready to go if neither of you found someone serious in 5 years. It was a strange thought at first but you got used to it. There was a sort of security in knowing that if all else failed, someone who knew you so well was there to ensure you got to experience marital bliss, something you didn’t realize you had not just wanted, but craved. 
“I wouldn't have stood you up you know.” Kensei brings your head in between both his large hands and gives a hard squeeze on both sides making you moan with relief. 
“Thank you. That's reassuring. At least if I marry you you won't leave me hanging.”
“Of course not.” You feel a twinge of disappointment as his hands leave your body but don’t complain, feeling your headache lessen. You sip more coffee as Kensei studies you, looking like he wished for more physical contact as well. 
A knock on the door breaks up the cozy atmosphere that was building in the office. “Come in,” you call out, and the door is pushed open by Hisagi, looking a little haggard despite how early it was in the morning. 
“Morning taicho, third seat,” He says politely before dropping off some files on your desk. “I need you to review these before they can be put away,” he says to you, then frowns at the fatigued look on your face. “Everything all right?”
“All fine,” Kensei answers gruffly, treating Hisagi with rough indifference, something you hadn’t understood. Hisagi rarely warranted half the criticism Kensei threw at him. “Our third seat is a little hungover,” he adds for context.
“Ah.” Hisagi shoots you a sympathetic glance. “I hope it goes away fast.”
“Thank you fukutaicho,” you mumble and take another gulp of caffeine. “I’ll finish these soon.”
“Appreciate it.” Hisagi bows to Kensei and takes his leave.
“The boy is always behind on work,” he remarks, staring at the closed door. You tsk at him.
“We’re all behind on work taicho. You’re too mean to him. He’s your lieutenant after all.”
“Am I? I thought I was just pushing him to be better.”
You snort at his words. “Oh please. You borderline bully him. He only puts up with it because he respects you.”
Kensei considers your words. “But he keeps barging in on me all the time. The office, texting me, it’s a lot.”
“Isn’t that typical though? All lieutenants do that. Captains and lieutenants are attached at the hip. You’re being unkind.”
“Unkind?” Kensei looks genuinely hurt. “Does my contract wife think I’m unkind?”
You giggle at his downtrodden expression. “Just be less harsh on him. It’s not hard.”
“I suppose I could be,” Kensei relents, stroking his chin thoughtfully, “And I guess I should be thankful you don’t mind him barging in on me at all times of the day. After all, if you do marry me, it’ll be like you’re marrying Shuhei as well.”
“Huh?” You stare blankly at him.
“Like you said, captains and lieutenants are attached at the hip. If you were my wife, you’d have to get used to Shuhei barging in on us all the time, no matter what time of day.”
You let his words sink in, and realize it’s not far from the truth. You would have to get used to Hisagi being a constant presence no matter what the circumstances were.
“I guess…you’re right. Marrying you would kind of be like marrying him also.”
“And all things considered, wouldn’t you want to be sure you’re satisfied with all aspects of this possible future marriage with me?”
“What aspects are we talking about?” You ask this cautiously because there seemed to be something he was implying. 
“All of them…including sex.” 
You choke on your coffee and hastily cover your mouth with your sleeve. Kensei looks calmly at you while you splutter and recover from the initial shock.
“You want us…to sleep together. You and me?”
“Well, you, me, and Shuhei.”
You gape at him, suddenly feeling shy, a blush creeping into your cheeks. The three of you? Having sex? Now that the idea was on the table, you can’t help but imagine how that would be. Hisagi was attractive in a different way than Kensei. Stoic and edgy-looking, but he still exuded raw sexuality. You would’ve been lying if you said you hadn’t thought about Hiasgi before. But he had a major crush on Matsumoto and you didn’t want to get mixed up with someone who had feelings for someone else. 
An unexpected shiver runs down your spine at the thought though. Kensei…and Hisagi. Together. In your bed. All over you. You shake your head and try to speak sensibly. 
“Taicho…with all due respect. Have you lost your mind?”
Kensei grins at your reaction before responding. “Didn’t you admit to me a threesome was something you hoped to experience at least once in your life?”
“Damn it,” you hiss under your breath. You had to quit drinking with him. Damn bastard remembered everything. The more tipsy he got, somehow the better his memory became. 
“I understand sleeping with you. But Hisagi?” 
Unbidden, another image of 3 sets of limbs tangled on a bed comes into your mind and you try to push it away again. 
“I want my potential future wife to be satisfied. And that includes letting her explore her sexual fantasies. But Shuhei is the only one I’d trust with something like this.”
Your mouth goes dry and you try to laugh it off. “What makes you think Hisagi would even be open to this?”
“He’s not seeing anyone right now. I doubt he's getting laid, the way he keeps fawning over Matsumoto every given second. And why wouldn’t he be interested? A pretty girl like you? He’d better consider himself blessed that I’m being generous and sharing you.”
“I just…hadn’t considered…”
“Sleeping with me before we actually got married?” he finishes shrewdly.
“Exactly! I mean, we’re still captain and subordinate. And I get that if we were dating this would be normal but to do it like this …”
“Are you worried the sex will be bad?” he asks teasingly. “Because I guarantee you it won’t be.”
“No! It’s not that. I’m just-I’m-I-” You take a few deep breaths to calm your nerves, feeling suddenly overwhelmed and embarrassed. Kensei quickly envelopes you in his arms and squeezes tightly.
“Calm down. It’s ok. I only threw out the suggestion because I feel like you should make sure this marriage pact will fulfill everything you’re hoping for, even though we haven’t dated. And there’s no pressure. I promise I won’t let it affect our professional relationship. And you don’t have to sleep with both of us. Or even me if you don’t want to.”
He rocks you back and forth and the motion soothes you. Swallowing, you look up at him. “Promise you won’t be weird? And poor Hisagi…”
“Hisagi will be grateful I’m asking him at all. Don’t worry. No one is going to mention this outside of our personal lives.”
When you still look unconvinced, Kensei rests his cheek on top of your head. “You know I didn’t ask you for a marriage pact just because it’s convenient right?” You had hoped that wasn’t the case, that there was more to it than you being available to him. 
“Of course, there’s the most basic reason and that is, we’re comfortable around each other. We just vibe. But I also think you’re beautiful. Sexy. I sometimes wonder what you’ll look like in the throes of passion. So I am not joking when I say I’m putting everything on the table. Because at the end of these 5 years, if you do end up marrying me, I want you to do it knowing I’ll indulge any thought you might have, no matter how unconventional they may seem to you.”
His forearms rest on top of yours. “You never have to worry about it with me.”
Calming down at his words, you lean back against his chiseled chest. “Ok. Yes, a threesome is something I was hoping to experience.” 
Kensei grins widely. “I’ll talk to Shuhei. But don’t ever tell him I said I trust him.” 
You laugh and nod in agreement.
A few days pass before Kensei brings up the topic with you again, letting you know Hisagi had consented and blushed like a virgin when he was asked. 
“Be gentle with her Shuhei,” Kensei warns as he locks your bedroom door. You could hardly believe this was happening, both of these gorgeous men standing in your room, everyone tingling with the keen knowledge of what was going to happen. You can’t hide your enthusiasm, even though everyone is still fully clothed, you feel moisture gathering between your folds at the idea of what’s to come. 
“I will,” Hisagi murmurs before settling next to you on the bed.
Kensei sits on your other side. “Hey, let us take care of you hmm?” he asks. You nod, feeling like your tongue has turned into a lump of clay, unable to form sentences. Kensei tips your face up to his by your chin.
“What’s the safe word?”
“Don’t hesitate to use it, ok?” He pets your hair, and you feel like every stroke was setting off a synergy of desire in the pit of your stomach. “We’ll be gentle. Give us direction if you need to.”
“And let yourself relax,” Hisagi adds. “Enjoy this experience. Your first threesome”
You wet your lips. Kensei continues petting your hair before his hands slide down your arms reassuringly, leaning down to give you a soft kiss. Your first kiss with Kensei…you take in the feel of his lips, strong and patient against yours, his tongue, his taste, and feel like you were melting into a puddle of desire on the floor. Kensei, so tough and rugged on the exterior, felt so different now, showing you the kind of tenderness you could expect if you were his wife. You let him take his time, seducing you with gentle persuasion. 
Hisagi skims his fingers along the neckline of your yukata, before stringing small kisses down the side of your neck, nibbling the sensitive flesh, sending skitters of electricity down your body, causing your belly to fill with heat. Kensei’s large hands wander lower and undo the sash of your yukata. 
You gasp softly as air hits your naked body, nipples already peaked and pebbled from the kisses. You look up shyly at Kensei who’s drinking in your features with hazy eyes.
“You’re so beautiful,” he says huskily, cupping a breast in his palm, kneading the soft flesh, making you pant. A strangled noise of surprise leaves you as Hisagi lowers his head and captures your free nipple with his mouth, suckling gently, the sensation making your body feel like jello, and causing your clit to throb with need. 
“Mhm…” you sigh your pleasure as they both work on you, strong and patient, feeling their calloused hands steadily bring up your arousal. 
“Like that baby?” Kensei’s deep, husky, voice cuts through the fog in your brain, his hand tantalizingly playing with your breast, massaging the squish of it, the pad of his thumb moving over your nipple in circles.
You manage to nod, then stifle a groan as Kensei lowers his head and swirls the hardened peak into his mouth. The wetness on both your breasts, the different sensations from both of their mouths and tongues was something you hadn’t quite been able to imagine, Kensei going for more sucking and pulling while Hisagi was softer, the tip of his tongue flicking back and forth across your nipple. It felt like your body was being tugged in two different directions, the fantasy of being taken both softly and roughly at the same time coming alive like a fever dream.
Your fingers tangle in both their hair, keeping them latched to your breasts, feeling the blood rush through you, making you shiver from the sensations. Your sex throbs and spasms, and you feel impatient heat gathering in your belly, wanting more. 
Kensei leaves your breast to lick and kiss up your body, coming to the slope of your neck which you arch to give him better access, feeling the tempting nibble of his teeth, your fingers curling into the sheets as your grip on reality begins to fade. To your dismay, you feel Shuhei also move away from you, a sound of protest leaving your throat before you realize both of them are starting to lean you back, your body coming in contact with the bed, yukata spreading apart at your sides. 
“What an angel,” Shuhei whispers with a mischievous smile, tilting your face up by your chin, before leaning down to give you a kiss, his free hand running leisurely across your body, stroking your abdomen as Kensei tickles your inner thigh, his warm palm coming to rest on your mound, squeezing the fatty flesh as his tongue sweeps across your nipples.  
Your body reacts instinctively, hips bucking to provide friction as your clit rubs against the heel of his palm, your noises of satisfaction swallowed by Hisagi’s patient mouth. 
“That’s it…nice and easy sweet girl…” Kensei purrs at you while you continue to grind against his hand. He wedges the heel a little more firmly against your folds, your hardened bud now coming into direct contact with his hand as you shamelessly humped to satisfy the craving. 
Hisagi licks the shell of your ear, sinking his teeth into the upper curve, making you gasp,  before whispering, “Are you enjoying yourself?”
“Yeah…” The word comes out breathlessly as heat and tension start coiling in your belly, your core dripping from all the attention. Hiasgi’s hands come back down to your breasts and begin to massage them, holding your nipples captive and rolling them between his thumbs and forefingers. You feel your clit throb in tandem with the motions as you use Kensei’s hand, the dual stimulation from both of them causing your insides to melt, liquid heat filling your being as your mind becomes an insatiable blob of need. 
“Why are you both still dressed?” The question falls from your lips as your core flutters around nothing, the coil in your belly threatening to snap. 
The question makes both of them chuckle. “As the lady wishes,” Hisagi says in a gravelly tone, and to your pleasured delight, both of them undress and your eyes feast on the glorious muscles and toned structure of both their bodies, cocks erect and waiting for attention. Your mouth waters and as they settle back down on either side of you, your hands reach out automatically, taking an erection in each, pumping and stroking, your arousal heightening as they both collectively draw in sharp breaths.
“Fuck…impatient were you?” Kensei grins as you play with the heated velvet of his cock, enjoying the girth of it while Hisagi’s was lengthy, your hand taking longer to go up and down his shaft. Both were veiny and throbbing with need. Without thinking, your head dips down to lick Kensei’s leaking tip, tasting the salty precum beading at the opening while continuing to pump Hisagi’s length.
“Shit…” Kensei lets out a growl as Hisagi sucks in a harsh breath. Your tongue swirls around his cockhead, lightly putting the tip of your tongue into the slit, causing Kensei to his and buck his hips. Milky droplets formed and dripped continuously from Hisagi’s dick, and you turn your head to catch them, sampling him before giving him a tiny kitten lick that drew a needy groan from his lips. 
“Can’t make up your mind sweetheart?” Kensei asks teasingly as you refuse to let go of him but also don’t back away from Hisagi’s length, taking as much of him as you can into your mouth. 
Hisagi grits his teeth as your soft, wet mouth teases his tip before sucking down his length. You feel fingers gathering into your hair, controlling the speed as you bob up and down, a hum of pleasure arising from the back of your throat. Hisagi is seeing stars when you finally let go of him, strings of spit connecting your lips to his cock. 
Kensei watches the scene unfold, his eyes darkening with lust; your lovely naked body on display, legs parted wantonly, a little patch of wetness forming on the gusset of your panties. He runs a finger along the line of moisture before hooking his finger into the fabric and pushing it aside to reveal your pussy, arousal seeping from the folds. He uses his thumb again, so wide and textured, placing it on your clit and drawing little figure eights over it.
Distracted, you pull away from Hisagi, moaning at the slick pleasure, your innermost dirty fantasy coming to life, Kensei between your legs, and Hisagi shivering, desperate to feel the hot moisture of your mouth again. Kensei slips his middle finger into your sopping entrance, followed by the ring, before laying his tongue over your clit, laving the little bundle of nerves with controlled precision. 
Your moans have a desperate edge to them now, hips bucking against the sinful movements Kensei is making and Hisagi takes advantage of your open mouth to slip his cock back in, thrusting just enough to make your eyes water. You fondle his balls, hanging low and heavy, earning a guttural grunt from him as he struggles not to overwhelm you. 
 It doesn’t take long before you cum on Kensei’s tongue, your shrill calls muffled by the cock in your mouth, pussy and clit spasming simultaneously in orgasmic relief. Hisagi quickly pulls out and starts palming himself, looking at you with heavy-lidded eyes full of lust, trying to stave off his climax. 
Your mind is in a fog, still reeling from orgasm, so you don’t protest as Hisagi and Kensei begin to reposition themselves, until you find yourself laying down on Hiasgi’s body in reverse, your dripping sex now almost touching his face while his cock stands at the perfect angle for you to take it into your mouth.
“Rise up on your knees a little baby,” Hisagi’s voice instructs you as he pats the sides of your legs. In a trance, you listen hypnotically, raising your weight, trying not to feel shy as Hisagi’s fingers spread apart the folds of your pussy like flower petals, reveling in the glaze your pussy has from its recent orgasm, feeling intoxicated by the tang of arousal and need. “You smell so good…” The tip of Hisagi’s nose enters your opening as he inhales and you squirm, embarrassment rising, as he shushes you amusedly. 
Kensei’s large hand rests on the curve of your ass, squeezing, before drawing your cheeks apart, looking at the view. “All pink and pretty and nice,” he murmurs. “Shuhei, check her.”
You gasp in surprise as Hisagi inserts his fingers into you, fingers reaching into you and scissoring, your still sensitive pussy jolting with pleasure.
“Ready,” Hisagi confirms, withdrawing and using the gathered moisture to rub at your clit, causing you to buck and bring your pussy right on his face.
“Relax baby,” Kensei runs his hands down your back, shoulders to ass, calming you down. “Don’t be tense…this is all fun, remember?” He presses warm kisses between your shoulder blades and makes his way down, and you sigh, trusting them with your care. Hiasgi laps at your slickened bud delicately, the feeling soft and undemanding. You whimper and then take his cock into your mouth, letting your desires act out for you, enjoying the way Hisgai also moans as you pleasure each other.
You squeak as Kensei adjusts you slightly, grabbing your hips and raising you a little higher so that your weight is on your toes, then before you can understand what is happening, his tip touches your leaking hole and pushes in. He stretches you so deliciously, filling the empty space that had been craving for something to grasp. Your noises of pleasure reverberate against Hisagi’s cock and as Kensei begins to thrust, the tip of his cockhead angling so that it hits your G-spot, you feel the edges of your vision beginning to fade. 
So this was what marriage to Kensei would be like, your remaining brain cell thinks to itself, as you lazily lick and suck Hisagis’s dick, while he continues working on your clit. Their combined sensations are overwhelmingly gratifying and you know you wouldn’t last long against both of them. 
“Enjoying that cock?” Kensei’s voice teases from above you. “I guess you can’t really tell me which one,” he chuckles before playfully slapping your ass. You giggle against the meat in your mouth and continue bobbing your head, Hisagi groaning against your pussy as he controls himself from cumming. “Almost there?” Kensei asks, taking cues from your movements.
“Mm-hmm,” you manage to mumble, unwilling to leave Hisagi. 
“Good…let it happen…” Kensei fucks into you with a consistent rhythm, Hisagi matching his tongue to go at the same pace. Hisagi grits his teeth together, feeling hot and flushed, while Kensei is barely holding back his grunts of pleasure, all three of you driving each other to the end. 
As your second orgasm of the night hits, you feel Kensei’s cock twitch and spasm inside you, feel the gush of warm liquid coat your inner walls as he spills his seed into you, and at the same time, Hisagi shoots bullets of sticky cum into your throat. You pull back to swallow, some of it dripping back down on the sides of cock, pooling into his dark hair.
You sigh in relief and rest your cheek on Hisagi’s hip as Kensei pulls out of you.
“How was it?” Kensei moves towards your head and grabs you under the arms, pulling you up the bed and cradling you against his chest as he leans back on the pillows. Hisagi cleans himself off before joining you as well. 
“It was really good.” You lay comfortably between both of them, Hisagi gently stroking your arm, Kensei supporting your weight. “Like, amazing.”
Both the men chuckle approvingly. “Glad to hear it third seat.” Hisagi pats your ass with affection, making you blush.
“Hey now Shuhei, don’t just go patting my future wife’s ass without permission now,” Kensei almost barks the words but you can hear the humor in them. “And for future reference, no uncommunicated sex. That goes for both of you,” he adds. “I want to be there every time.”
“Of course taicho,” you agree, and Hiasgi hums in acceptance. You raise your head inquiringly, and Kensei arches an eyebrow.
“Maybe…we could cut it down from 5 years?”
Kensei’s roaring laugh fills the bedroom and you and Hisagi join in, knowing this won’t be the last time this happens. 
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thepepsislvt · 8 months
What if we had another Barto fic because were so starved for his content esp in writing if the reader was like a strawhat that luffy picked up in like skypiea maybe..like a shandorian with the little wings 👀.. just a thought..
I WIN yes i will write more of Barto bc i love him and im glad so many other people love him too!
this one seemed rushed and i apologize i wrote this before my second shift of work :(
Bartolomeo x Winged! Gn Reader
warnings: all fluff, some cursing, mention of doflamingo
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you were born on Skypiea and thats all you’ve known
you were always so curious as a child but nobody would tell you what the rest of the world was like
So when you hit your teenage years you decide that one day you're going to leave the floating island
You had wings so you could easily fly away but you couldn't navigate the ocean by yourself
Most nights you would hope and pray that someday, someone would save you.
That's when a certain pirate with a straw hat came and fucked shit up on your island
At the age of 19, you knew this was your getaway, a savior you had spent all of these years praying for
After he won the battle he was fighting you came up to him and his crew as they were about to depart
“Strawhat! You must take me with you! I will prove myself worthy to join your crew-”
“-and I won't take no for an answer! Wait did you say okay? That fast?” you looked at the pirate captain with confusion and shock
All he did was smile and nod
So it was easier than you thought
It didn't take very long to get along with the rest of the crew members
You would give Usopp, Chopper, and Luffy rides through the air
Zoro taught you how to use a sword
Naomi taught you to pickpockets even though you probably won't use that skill
The Entire crew loved you
When Frankly and Brook joined the Straw hats you easily got along with them as well
When you got separated for two years on Sabaody you couldn't have been happier to see them
Your wings had fully grown and you could now use them to their full potential
You guys may have changed a lot physically over the past two years but nothing has changed between your friendship
During the events of Dressrosa, you decided to follow Luffy to the Colosseum to make sure he doesnt give away his identity and draw unwanted attention towards him
While you and Luffy were watching the fight, a certain green haired rooster head had caught your eye
he was hated by the crowd for being vulgar but thats what you liked about him
after his victory in Block B you knew you had to go and greet him
what you were not expecting was him to start crying and saying how much he wasn’t good enough to be in your presence
how can such a scary looking man with the title “Cannibal” fall to his knees over someone like you?
you were flattered by his kind (?) response and had to console him
he asked you to sign your wanted poster he kept
after the defeat of Doflamingo, you hung around Bartolomeo more, falling more and more for him and his wild personality
he had finally accepted that you were actually his friend and took his fanboying down a notch (he still has his moments though)
you had asked him out since you know damn well he wouldnt have the balls to ask you
when you did he just about died on the spot
but y’all had the best time on your date
Sanji and Nami had helped you dress nicely for the event
at the end of the night Barto and you were just star gazing as you told him all about each constellation
Barto knew he had to something he just didnt know how
“you see those six stars up there forming a ‘W’? they call that one the King of Pirates in honor of Gol Roger himself! isnt that cool?” you had explained while pointing to the sky
after you didnt get a response from him you looked over to see if he was alright only to be met with his face close to yours
“Barto? are you alright?” you whispered to him
He just stared into your eyes before kissing your cheek, leaving you flustered and your wings spread out in suprise
“was that okay? should i not have done it?” Bartolomeo started to panic and think of every possible negative outcome before you kissed his lips gently
“more than alright”
he Smiled and started giggling all giddy
“I GOT KISSED BY MY FAVORITE STRAWHAT!!” he yelled out into the sky
you only laughed and kissed him again
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heyclickadee · 4 months
A couple things:
1. The thing is, I actually don’t really think we’re done with the bad batch, for a variety of reasons. There’s too much unresolved, for one thing, and “end of this chapter with these characters” is not how anyone says, “We’re never touching this again.” I really do think we’re getting an immediate follow up with more of a focus on Rex and Echo, but that the rest of the bad batch will still pop in from time to time, giving all of them a chance to round out the last little bit of their stories and character arcs—because they are all just a little bit undercooked. (For example: Crosshair doesn’t even get lines after Tantiss, and the last thing he says about himself takes him from implicitly to explicitly suicidal. The hug is beautiful and cements his place as part of the family, but we never get a moment where he forgives himself or no longer believes that he deserves to die. His redemption arc is magnificent, but it needs that last little push to feel fully resolved).
And, for another variety of reasons, I actually do still think we’ll be getting Tech back in one way or another. So much of what is left unresolved in TBB forms a chalk outline around a Tech-shaped void, for one. The writers aren’t committed enough to have come up with a decent reason for why he had to go in the first place—stakes does not cut it and is actively undermined by never treating it like a character death—for another. They were, at the very least, not committed enough to actually kill him. Tech is the only character in a show that loves making us watch who doesn’t die on screen, and the only one who’s “death” moves nothing forward and is never treated like an actual death. And we have no definitive proof he actually died, for another. (Even if he was CX-2—CX-2 got “killed” two other times on screen and popped up five minutes later each time like a daisy. If you do that you’re going to have to burn the body and scatter the ashes for me to think he’s dead, impalement or no. Besides, you can’t definitively kill a main character via subtext. You still have to be clear and direct.) And Tech has too many callback lines and potential survival foreshadowing for someone to never tug on them at some point, for another. You’d have to kill me to keep me from doing something with, “Better late than dead.” Basically, tl:dr, I think Tech will come back someday, whether they have plans or not.
Because I can’t really get on board with the idea that The Bad Batch was just always badly written. I can’t agree with that. It was never perfect, of course, but it was always remarkably well written and thematically consistent for 46 straight episodes and then tripped on the chalk of the finish line. Besides, I’ve never seen bad writing that was perfectly set up amazing writing if all they did was one simple thing—ie, follow through with what they set up. It’s not that the ending is bad, it’s that it’s bad in this particularly insane way. If it was just normal bad, I’d have dropped The Bad Batch like a rock by now and done my best to forget I’d ever watched it. But because it’s bad like this—basically, a non-ending that resolves nothing but Hunter’s Cut Lawquane arc, Rampart (which was good, actually), and the problem of Hemlock continuing to draw breath (which was just the last major obstacle in Hunter’s Cut Lawquane arc, so it’s not even a separate thing) and answers NO questions—I’m obsessed.
And I can’t get behind the idea that The Bad Batch ending is like this and that we got shorted a Tech return because they got shorted a season. I’ve seen many serialized animated shows that got shorted a season or more, and what every one of them did was cut out everything they could in the middle so that they could get to the resolution they wanted, squash the originally planned last season’s arcs into the actual last season—not leave those arcs undone and the resolution out. The only way them being shorter a season works as an explanation for all of this is if the creative team found out season three was the last at the same time we did. And even then, the solution there would have been to take out five minutes of fight scene and replace it with five minutes of resolving everything in the short and stupid but still THERE way.
For example: Give Wrecker and Crosshair one line each after Tantiss that tells us what they’re going to do. Unmask CX-2 as Tech after spearing him (or don’t spear him) and add one line where Hunter says he’s recovering and that it’ll be a long road, but they won’t give up on him. Or! If you don’t want to bring Tech back in the short and stupid but there way, add a line to the epilogue where Hunter tells Omega, “I see Tech when I look at you sometimes. I don’t want to lose you the way we lost him,” which seems like a no brainer, or, “Tech would have been so proud of you,” which is absolutely a no-brainer if you actually want to close things out for Tech. Tech would still be gone, but at least it’d be resolved, and that’s all short, simple stuff you could add to the very last episode to make it feel finished. If you’re shorted a season or even a few episodes, you cut everything that doesn’t matter, you do whatever you can to get your story resolved—unless you have somewhere else to put it. Which, given how open Star Wars canon is and how heavily it relies on recontextualization, is a very real possibility here.
What I think may have happened here is that The Bad Batch ended up being the first part of a longer story that had to be artificially cut in half. Whether it was always planned that way, whether it was something that unexpectedly happened partway through the production of season three, or a secret third option (the creative team set things up to to be resolved in three seasons but always wanted to do a longer version, but the longer version (in the form of another show) didn’t get greenlit until they’d already written most of season three, so all the payoff got schlorped over to that follow up show while the payoff stayed in this one, leaving us, the audience, with this incredibly unsatisfying mess of a finale in the meantime while whoever is in charge of announcing shit at Lucasfilm doesn’t see the problem). Put a pin in CX-2, slap something that looks like a happy ending on the rest, resolve nothing, do it all in the next thing.
(Slight sidebar: If it turns out that the reason we didn’t get Tech back is because something went horrifically wrong during the writer’s strike—basically, the finale got hit with extreme budget cuts and the script patched by AI—I think we’d still get Tech back. Tech in the first two seasons was something of a writer blorbo, and no one is leaving their blorbo dead over that. That’s a good way for them to bring back their blorbo and have that blorbo murder the hell out of a thinly disguised CEO insert.)
And if that’s what we’re looking at—well, okay. I can see wanting to give certain things (especially a Tech return) more time. If this is what’s happening I actually think it will be more satisfying in the long run, from a story perspective, anyway. I’ll be able to live with that.
That said….
2. If that’s the case—if what we’re looking at is a story artificially split in half one way or another and we are getting a Tech return and the rest of the resolution eventually in an immediate follow up, something that will ultimately work really well in the long run—that doesn’t mean I think it works now. Right now, it’s awful, from every angle. We don’t know for sure that anything else is coming, it makes for a deeply unsatisfying story right now because the “ending” we have is all we have to go on, and it’s unnecessarily stressful for most everyone but especially the autistic fans who relate to Tech.
And the thing is, if Tech were neurotypical? I don’t think we’d really be question the idea that he could still come back eventually. He’s a clear writer favorite to the point that they basically gave him the entirety of season two, except the two Crosshair episodes, great lines and moments in other character’s episodes, and they apparently liked using him so much that either CX-2 was Tech or they physically couldn’t stop themselves from writing and animating Tech in a season he wasn’t in. Killing off one of the writer faves and the fan favorite in order to bring them back later is something that happens. But it’s something that hits differently when that writer and fan favorite is also the only canonically autistic character in the franchise.
Which. Is I think where we run into a problem. You see, I never really got the impression that the creative team ever thought of Tech as The Autistic One. Does that mean I think the didn’t write him as autistic? Of course not—they absolutely did, and did so intentionally. What I mean is that that wasn’t the sum total or even the primary way in which they thought of him, otherwise I think we would have ended up with a terrible Sheldon-Cooper-esque. Instead, the Tech they wrote, and the Tech we got, is just a guy. A really amazing guy who’s noticeably different and autistic AF, but treated like any other character. And on the one hand, great! I know people have a lot of different ideas about this, but I personally want writers to deal with autistic characters that way—to just write us like we’re people. And if what they’re doing is bringing Tech back later and on a longer timeframe than what we expected—also great. It means that all the ambiguity, hinting, and complete and total lack of processing or closure makes sense, because that’s how you write a fakeout death. That’s textbook how you write a fakeout death. But—but—
The flip-side of just treating Tech like any other character and, perhaps, playing a long game with “killing” him off and bringing him back later like someone would do with a fan favorite, if that’s what they’re doing, is that you end up in the situation that we’re in right now. The interim situation where it feels like Tech’s sacrifice was never given the weight it needed to feel final or meaningful, where we’re given no closure and no opportunity to let go, where we DON’T know if anything is coming next even if we do get hints, where Tech got dropped, where nothing makes sense, and where the autistic fans in the audience who relate to Tech feel like Star Wars kicked them in the face and told them that they don’t belong here.
I want this to be a long game, and I do think this could, one, be a situation where they team is having to work around some kind of corporate shenanigans to play that long game, and; two, could end up being a fantastic story that I love even more than the version I wanted.
But even if I’m right and that is the case, I also hate that this is where we’re at in the here and now, that it’s hurt people as badly as it has, and think that they should never do anything like this again, because the game stopped being fun a long time ago.
tl;dr: I don’t think we’re done yet, I think this is part of a longer story, I think we’ll get Tech back at some point whether it was planned or not, but I also hhhaaaaaatte the current situation and think it’s been mishandled.
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22ayla19 · 10 months
Arthur Bryan x reader
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Your brother always gets into trouble and you always have to heal him to the best of your ability, but no matter how you look at it, you still have to learn and learn to heal. Being Jiwoo's sister, over the past six months you realized that you would only dream of calm days. Either a fight, or a kidnapping, or something else. Not enough nerves...
Kartein was scared when he saw you, you looked so exhausted. He already healing you out of pity and sympathy, although later, having learned about your healing abilities, he became a kind of mentor for you.
After your brother was healed, you could already go to the academy, which you did too, since you were also a student, but apparently even at the academy it would not be calm, since students from the World Academy of the Awakened Ones showed up there and caused a commotion.
“Will I be able to at least someday not worry and live this year calmly?..”
In subsequent events, the best newcomers of Korea fought with students from the World Academy, and your brother also intervened, which made everyone shocked, including you.
He managed to fight with Duke Grane, came out victorious, and then Cain Luterain joined the fight.
When the teachers saw you, they immediately prepared a sedative and water, you never know what will happen to you.
Well, Jiwoo came out victorious everywhere, although in the battle Cain fought as Kayden in the form of a cat, so in fact, it was not your brother who fought with Cain there, but Lancelot with Caseinate Natria.
After all this turmoil, you and your brother met Arthur, who was very glad that he had a draw in the battle, unlike others.
- You know, Jiwoo Seo, your sister is beautiful. If there was an opportunity, I would marry her,”-Arthur said with a sly smile.
- Given my condition, it’s surprising that you found me beautiful,- you answered the future womanizer.
- There’s nothing surprising here, you’re really beautiful. If we had met under different circumstances, I would have asked you out on a date. Do you mind if I find out your phone number?
Perhaps it was very unexpected, but you still gave him my phone number. You didn't expect anything from Arthur. Just because he flirts with you doesn't mean anything. And he didn't seem bad.
“If there had been other circumstances, we would become friends.”
Time passed and you met Arthur again at the World Academy. He didn't leave any chance to flirt or get closer to you, which your friends clearly didn't like, but that didn't stop Arthur from continuing to get closer to you.
Well, he managed to make you fall in love with him. He didn’t achieve this for selfish reasons, he just fell head over heels in love with you. At first it was just sympathy, but after many correspondences and phone calls, he realized that he fell in love like a fool.
Almost before leaving, he confessed his feelings to you, although he understood that his family was unlikely to approve of you, but he didn’t care. Until the time he lost his arm in the battle with Duke.
Then Arthur felt very lousy. It seemed to him that after this loss you would no longer love him, you would be disappointed in him, but... how wrong he was.
After Arthur’s conversation with your brother, you understood that the younger Bryan was depressed after all the events and, having warned your brother, you went on the first flight to Arthur.
To say that he was surprised is to say nothing. Although his depression spoke for itself. He seemed to be glad that you came to see him despite the distance, but he felt as if you had personally come to part with him.
- Why did you come?
Well, you understood what he was getting at and immediately knew what to answer him.
- You think that after everything that happened, I’ll leave you because of some loss, don’t you?
- . . .
- If I wanted to break up, it would be better if I stopped writing to you, calling you, asking about your well-being. Doesn’t the fact that I came to you personally from Korea itself mean that I care and worry about you?
Arthur looked into your eyes. In them he could only see the care that you want to give him, something that he really lacks now. Taking a few hesitant steps, Arthur hugged you, thereby showing how much he was grateful to you.
It doesn’t matter that he is no longer the heir of the Bryan family, the organization cares too much about reputation. The most important thing for him now is that his true love is next to him. He doesn't need more.
- Please... stay next to me forever... you are my only support... the only one who understands me without words... words cannot describe how much I love you...
- I love you very much too, Arthur.
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yourfavouritefighter · 11 months
OK obsessed with the swap ​​idea
- Does Jackson still get bullied?
- How is Holt's life in the monster world?
- How does the trigger work?
- What is their personality like in this world?
- How out of touch is Holt?
- Do they know about each other?
I would love a first days fanfic?
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yo glad you like the au! I don’t have all the details set in place so sorry if things are a tad bit inconsistent but here we go! (Also sorry for the late reply I didn’t see the ask rip)
-I feel that both of the boys would get bullied but in different ways and for different reasons, Jackson would be pushed around since he’s quite nerdy, so I feel manny still wouldn’t like him. However holt would probably just be excluded from things, or have rumours spread about him, but due to him being prone to fighting back it wouldn’t be direct bullying like it is for Jackson.
Holts life in the monster world
-Holt would still Dj however he’d most likely do it whilst in a disguise of some form, (even if it’s just a mask or some make up) as many monsters don’t trust him. He doesn’t like the fact he has to Hyde his identity but the extra money comes in handy.
-This may change in the future but my current plan is to have Jackson be triggered by extreme silence. So there has to be near to no sounds for him to appear. As such the headphones double as extra noise if necessary or as music. I also thought about him being triggered by piano specifically alongside the silence trigger.
-Holt: He’s a bit of a joker and pretty immature, he likes to just chill and have fun in life. However he is quite hot headed and can have a short temper. This pairs to mean people don’t trust him too well and don’t want to mess with him (well not directly at least, no one minds the anonymous pranks or rumours just as long as it doesn’t tie back to them).
-Jackson: He’s more reserved than his counterpart, preferring to follow rules and structure, unlike holt’s ‘rules were made to be broken’ mentality, he prefers to stay out of the public eye, whether it be due to not wanting people to find out his identity or avoiding the bullying (since I haven’t decided if people know about him and holt yet). His quiet nature means he can be quite the push over at times making him prime for taunts and attacks from his peers.
(Man I really gotta draw some art of Jackson interacting with people)
Out of touch?
-I’m not too sure what you mean by this, whether it be out of touch with monster culture, or out of touch in the sense of being isolated from his classmates. Either way due to his DJ-ing and being a student at MH he’s picked up a lot of monster slang and culture. And as for friends, he’s known Draculaura since before MH and managed to meet Frankie on his first day, so he isn’t alone there. In the au I’ll still have him be friends with a lot of the usual characters (e.g deuce heath frankie etc with some exceptions)
Do they know?
-As of joining MH definitely yes, but as kids their mother tired to keep it secret, as she doesn’t get along with her Hyde, as such it was a shock when during quiet time at school he burst into flames. Holt was quickly pulled from the school, switching between a mix of homeschooling, monster schools and normie schools. Usually not lasting long at any of them, due to his temper and monster side.
A fic?
-Maybe??????? I’m not too great of a writer, but I might work on a one shot or really short fic about it….someday? If I have the chance and people are interested in it I might take a crack at writing lmao
I hope that covers everything! I’m happy to answer any more questions people have on the au and I really appreciate all the support it’s got! (I really wasn’t expecting it lmao)
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hantheheart · 6 months
im having Lancelot thoughts so.
Headcanon list for my Purse chihuahua (yes hes stuck with that moniker now)
He's good at styling hair. Won't do shit to his own hair, but if he's left sitting idle for too long, the person nearest to him is going to wind up with a new hair style for the day. He learned from helping do his mom's hair when he was young and Jericho's here and there.
He actually collects knives. not just for using his magic with, but because he likes seeing what cool and wild designs people make. He'd like to try his hand at making one someday, he's got a couple of sketches of designs.
He's fairly good at drawing. It's very sketchy looking, but he only draws landscapes of the places he's been to.
His fox form's fur is actually pretty coarse. This is intentional on his part.
I need this boy to have some not so "cool mature and untouchable" vibes
His parents held on to all his old toys and things from before he and Jericho vanished and when he finally returned home, he buried himself in stuffed animals and toys he genuinely thought he'd never be able to see again.
He has a stuffed rabbit he used to carry with him as a kid that, after it got to worn out to be fixed, he turned into a little bag he keeps on his belt with things he considers precious to him.
He and Tristan made up a secret code so they could write each other letters no one else could understand and they still use it when they're older. They teach Percy and Gawain so it becomes "The Four Knights Secret Code". It mostly gets used for dumb stuff like planning to sneak out in the middle of the night with friends or late night snack runs
he does actually have pretty sharp canines even in human form so he will bite if necessary. He just doesn't cause he knows it makes him look feral.
He's more a cat guy, honestly. Dogs can be a bit too high strung for him and he's more cat like himself anyways. Man can, will, and has napped in weird places just because "the sun hit just right" and will make eye contact before knocking shit over just because. He thinks he's hilarious for this. Tristan and Anne do not.
Jericho used to tell him "little white lie" stories for stuff he'd ask that she either didn't have an actual answer for or didn't want to explain to him and he still believes some of them. This leads to many hilarious moments of Lance vehemently telling people something and the rest of the gang explaining the truth to him.
Donny can and has agreed with Lancelot only because its kind of funny to see everyone look at him like he's lost his shit for saying he also believes an old wives tale or a children's story too.
It's a personal goal of his to be able to beat Meliodas in a fight, not for any particular reason, but just because it feels like a good goal to have since Meliodas is technically the strongest person in Britannia.
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Written at 3am on mobile.
Plz come home blade, this is the "fluffiest" idea I have for you rn, I promise to write a genuine soft fic if you come home soon.
Blade x fem! Reader
Warnings: blood, murder, violent thoughts towards reader, slight dubcon, fear/paranoia, possessiveness, toxic relationship. Like, extremely so. Even blade hates himself for it lmao. Slight (?) Yandere blade
Minors/blank blogs dni.
In which you realize you'll never be able to let go, regardless of what happens.
The scent of copper and sight of crimson makes your head dizzy.
He's never killed anyone in front of you before. You always had an inkling that he does, considering he would return from other missions given to him by other people in blood, some wounds healed others not. You've also patched him up before too, wincing at the sight but said nothing.
You wanted to ignore it. Play pretend and smile, but once you learnt his name, the bounty on his head, his actual job...
It wasn't long until you fully cracked, and before you knew it, you started to be fully afraid of him. And yet, you couldn't let go, despite every fiber in your beings screaming at you to run away.
Maybe you should have.
Because the sight you're greeted with is nothing short of horrific -
Seven dead bodies, cut straight through the chest. Some had their skull split open, his sword covered in crimson. You didn't see it action, he told you to cover your eyes.
But it just made everything worse. Their screams still echoing in your head, ears ringing, mind-space blurry and unable to comprehend just what exactly happened here.
You knew he would come even if your brother didn't tell him to. He would always come, and while it seemed romantic at first, it started to worry you later on.
Because he's the only one 'allowed' to hurt you.
This group had chosen the wrong target. You almost pitied them, but as Blade turns around, suppressing a maniac grin, your world comes to a halt. Your ears are buzzing and you can't make out the words he's saying.
"... Why? You - you didn't have to kill them - "
"They would have killed you if I didn't." His voice is steady, so unlike your trembling form. He takes three steps towards you, stopping in place when you scoot away, bare knees surely bruised by now.
"You could have - you could have just taken me before they did anything. You're just - you're just using me as an excuse to - !"
You bite your tongue. Blade wouldn't kill you, right? But from the way his hands would tremble around your neck, how his bites draw blood from your flesh, the bloodlust that hanged in the air even as he would stroke your hair oh so gently. He probably would, someday. He wants to love you whilst killing you.
He's incapable of loving you normally.
You don't move away again when he walks closer. You don't cry when he squats, eye-leveled with you. You don't push his hand away as he gently takes your cheek in his hand.
Blood gets smeared on it, tainting you. From the smile on his face, you think he likes the sight. He always told you how red is a lovely color on you.
You just wish he didn't look at you with dreamy eyes, just right after looking at you like prey.
His thumb wipes away the tears you didn't know you were shedding. More blood smears across your face.
"They hurt you."
"Like you don't?"
Blade hums, free hand moving some stray hairs out of your face. "You know I love you. Right?"
You breathe in. Does he even know the meaning of 'love'? Why does his definition of it has to be so twisted? Why is he so possessive yet distant?
"I wish you would love me normally."
"I can't love like you do." A single kiss to your forehead. And then another to your nose, and then you let him kiss you on the lips. It's soft, gentle. So unlike the grip he has on the back of your neck. Firm enough to keep you in place, fingers twitching as he imagines cracking it.
While at the same time imaging how sweet you look, how he's 'happy' that he came in time -
How much he genuinely loves you.
He's too lucid to deny he wants to hurt you. But he's also too possessive and 'lovestruck' to let go, even when it's common sense.
You're also too deep in to push him away. When his lips start to move against yours, you return it hesitantly.
Why can't you make up your mind?
When Blade pulls away, you think you can see the slightest hint of guilt and self-loathing within those eyes. It leaves as quickly as it's shown, and you're left pondering if you just imagined it.
"I'm sorry, but I'm not sure if I can stop loving you."
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writeblrfantasy · 9 months
writeblr celebration!
it's been an incredible year for writers everywhere, and in a time when it's harder and harder to get recognition for your work, during a year that has given so much to me, i just wanted to give back and shout some people out. this is just a very, very small chunk of the writeblr pie!
first off, a huge congratulations to @ashen-crest for the explosive and incredible launch of a rival most vial. watching this go from your brainchild to the blorbos on my dash to a fully formed book to a viral sensation on indie lists and fantasy contests everywhere. it was, no question, my favorite read of the year. there is genuine magic in those pages, i am convinced. it's been magic to watch the book soar just as it deserves.
i hope the success continues to follow you in the new year!! you deserve every bit of the reward for all of your hard work. congratulations, and i can't wait to see what you come up with next!
next, @magic-is-something-we-create finished whispers, a lifechanging and deeply emotional read that i still think about 7 months later. watching you write this was inspirational and incredible to witness, you are an absolute Writing Beast. it's my favorite book of yours now. in my head, whispers is still just a concept that you'll write someday. it's crazy to remember that it's fully just. done. whoa
(go beta it for him if you have the time to read a Thick novel! you won't regret it. like i said, lifechanging) in addition, your drawings only get better and better with each one. watching how fast and how amazingly you completed each one was the best part of my week. you are a stunning artist in every way, and i wish you the best of luck in 2024 <3
@aritany, congratulations on surviving the tradpub trenches and emerging on the other side with your book!! your book is gonna be out in the world so soon! that's so cool, and so hard, and i'm so proud of you for making it through. i know your publishing career is going to be incredible.
(congrats on slaying nanowrimo, btw!! 10th novel is no joke) and i just can't wait to see what you come up with in the future. every idea and concept of yours is god tier. i always get so excited talking to you when you have a new wip, it's literal magic in the air. happy 2024 to you, may it be prosperous physically and mentally!
to the lovely @abalonetea, congrats on publishing your novels this year. the success of IDS85 has been incredible to witness; you deserve every bit of that reward. i only wish that all of your books got such recognition! it's always so fun to see what you're doing, what wonderful ideas are cooking up in your brain. no one does horror like you do, and the fact that you do it while balancing your day job is so impressive. i'm wishing you luck and love and ease in 2024!!
and for my good friend @ettawritesnstudies, where to begin! it was such a pleasure to meet you in person this year, a pleasure to watch and cheer you on as you graduated (!!) and worked on runaways. i hope i get to hold that book in my hands someday soon, or whatever else you publish. if you have one fan, it'll be me. if you have one person buying your books, it'll be me.
(i need to be like sleepy and have a dedicated shelf of writeblr friend books.) all the luck and vibes and love to you for 2024, i'm so excited to see where you go next.
and last but not least, @sleepyowlwrites holds this whole community together. writeblr is made so much better because of you, how inclusive, thoughtful, and kind you are to each one of us. thank you, sleepy, for everything you do and your gentle soul. i think of you often. i wish you the best of luck with your wips in 2024 and beyond, and i hope the best of successes touches you!
life is busy, and we all get caught up in the day to day, but i'd love if you could take a moment to spread the love! reblog with your favorite writeblrs and their greatest accomplishments. i want to end the year/start the new one with a vibe of positivity and sharing the successes we've all had. let's pass it on <3
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elysiumblue · 1 year
Pick a card - WTF is going on? 💀
I decided to do this reading for you, because this is THE reading I always wanted to find. Most of the time, I just want to figure out WTF is going on.
This time, there are 5 piles for you to choose from, because I have zero idea what can come out from such a general question. The messages of some piles are more specific than others, so don't force it to fit if you don't feel it's right.
Some of you may come with a question in your mind, and some piles may not be able to give a concrete answer for your question. However, I tried my best to give some advices that can help with your situation in all piles. 🙏🏻
👇🏻Please choose a color that you're drawn to! 👇🏻
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And find the corresponding reading for you below!
Pile 1
You may be in a love or a friendship triangle. If this doesn't fit at all, it may not be your pile. Don't force it to fit if you have 0 suspicions about it 😭
You do not expect such things to happen, as things seems to be fine between you and your person. However, your person has connected with a new person recently, and things seem to be happening quick between them.
You feel super powerless about this situation. You may try to do things that used to work between you and your person, but it seems that it doesn't help to draw their focus back to you. Although you feel like there is nothing you can do anymore to save your relationship, you cannot find the courage to get out of this relationship that brings you more and more frustration. Instead, you hold on to the past memories with your person, and blindly believing that things will return to the past eventually, they will be interested in you again, they will ditch the other person one day, etc...
However, it seems that your person does not want to focus on you anymore. For some reason, they believe that the other person is a better option than you. They think that they vibe better together with the other person, or maybe they just find that the other person is more attractive and more interesting. It may even be possible that their coldness towards you is intentional, so they can get rid of you faster, and move on to the other person. Anyway, it is clear that they are not putting energy in this relationship.
Such situation sucks. You feel more and more powerless everyday. It brings you so much frustration and the negative effect is expanding. However, the knowledge of you are powerless can also be a relief. Relationship that last forever is rare.
Most of the time, the connection we formed will eventually end someday. The right one that your fated to be with, will not miss you, and things will not be this difficult between you two. Instead of holding onto this relationship and spend all your energy to save this relationship (that only you are paying efforts into), you can decide to let go, and still keep the beautiful memory you two made together. This way you can also free yourself from the constant stress that is draining you right now, and regain power and clarity to write a better future for yourself.
(I can't pick one song 💀)
Pile 2
You believe that you are at high value, and are confused by the small or lack of results. However, I am sorry to say that the other party does not think the same way as you, especially if this situation is a romantic one. I am not sure if it's the other party failing to recognize your value, or it's you that have to work on yourself, because value of oneself is a very subjective thing. But I will give you some advice to work on yourself, as it is easier than working on others.
One thing that leads to your frustration is your impatience. You are focusing too much on wanting the thing, now. It seems that most of your energy is invested into figuring why it is not happening now. According to my knowledge in law of attraction, this is the worst way to manifest something, as you are basically telling the universe that you are obsessed with the experience of wanting, with your actions...😩 You can try focus on improving yourself, or just move onto a next goal. Stop focusing on why this thing is not happening right now.
You may also tying your self worth too tightly to the outcome of this situation. This may be a factor in why you care about this so much. However, as I mentioned before, value of oneself is a very subjective thing. One person failing to recognize your value does not mean that you are worthless. It is completely unrelated. You need to focus on appreciate yourself as you are, believing you are the high value individual whole-heartedly, no matter the outcome of the situation. For example, you are equally beautiful no matter that person like you or not! It's not like being with that person will magically transform your appearance. 😭 Also, trying to figure out why others does not like you will more likely to bring more confusion.
Pile 3
This is a very specific type of situation. You are heavily doubting yourself and the outcome of this relationship, as you don't believe that your person likes you back. You feel that your intuition is yelling at you that your person likes you, but your mind is yelling as loud, if not louder, that there is no way that your person will like you back. Your mind is a total mess right now 😔
One reason for this thought may be that you don't believe that you are worthy. You may be mistreated before, or be told that you are worthless at the past. It may not be your situation, but it doesn't matter, because the past doesn't matter anymore. All you have to know is the past is not the future, and the future is different.
If they are still contacting with you, then just give into the passion, and enjoy the growth of this relationship. Don't do silly things to sabotage this relationship, like ghosting them 💀, just because you don't believe that things is bad. You know it is good, and your intuition is constantly remind you this, even when your mind keep telling you the opposite.
Stop wasting time in thinking, or to be more accurate, making up why you are worthless, and why you don't deserve love. There is nothing to be investigated in such topics, because they are completely false. The healing begins as you start believing in yourself. It's time to walk away from the past, to a brighter future.
Pile 4
It seems that you did something right to manifest something or reach a goal. It seems that your method is on the darker side, can be some tricks or spells, but I won't judge you 😭 You probably here to see if your thing is going to work or not, and the answer is it depends.
The outcome is highly related to how much you believe in yourself. If you did this because of lack, and you are not actually sure if you are worthy of the outcome, or straight up believe that doing the thing you did is the only method that you can get things in life, then it probably won't work. Instead of using such things as a panick button, you need to be more patient and do more work on building your self worth. I believe that it is extremely difficult to manifest things that exceed your worth, even if it works, it comes with a huge cost that probably won't worth it at all.
No matter it works or not, you will probably see the results soon. If you're manifesting a person, that seems to have interest, or even in a relationship with another person, you will observe that your person is starting to question the connection with the other person, and start decide between you and them. If even yourself is doubtful about your worth, how can you persuade your person to think that you are the better option?
Overall, I cannot get a concrete yes or no answer. The outcome situation highly depends on your self esteem and confidence.
Pile 5
I feel a huge sense of despair when channeling the message for this pile. You probably were cut off by someone. It is similar to Pile 1. But the difference is you don't even have the illusion of having an option in your situation, as it seems that things are "finished", probably by the other person, no matter how much you don't want this to happen. 😔
I am very sorry for the pain you are going through right now. You feel that there's nothing you can do in this situation anymore... and you are right. There is little you can do to skip this pain you are suffering now, as it is a normal reaction for people when they go thru such situation. Accept that you are very sad, and it is reasonable to be sad. Also, please take care of yourself. Things will definitely be better in the future. The pain won't last forever. 🙏🏻
Try not to think about how things used to be in the past. Thinking about the past probably won't do much to help the situation, but it will definitely make you feel worse. Focus on the present. Find something to distract your mind from going back to the past. You can try drawing, as it works for me 💀 Actually, just do anything that you feel drawn to. Maybe binge watching YouTube works too for you. 🤷🏻‍♀️
You may feel stuck right now, but I am sure that you can walk away from the past, and cut ties with this connection in the future. It is just a matter of time.
(Similar to Pile 1, I can't pick one song 💀)
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sakkesdoodlebox · 1 year
Hello! Hello! Anon passing by!
Okay I have four things to say.
· I love your drawing style! It's so beautiful! And the colors you use are great!
· I loved Subnautica Peter! The idea of ​​an unknown monster sneaking up on you whenever it gets the chance is terrifying, especially if we add Peter's 'habits' into the equation, as there's a huge chance he'll simply try to keep you underwater when you try to get back in. to the surface to get air
· Still about Subnautica, since it has Peter, would there be other characters like TK and Don? But more like peaceful or questionably curious monsters?
· Have you ever heard of Borrowers (Also known as The Littles)? The little people that live hidden in the walls that 'borrow' material like food, buttons, thread and other things in such small quantities that you would normally think it was a mouse. I can see either Peter being a Borrower who would reveal himself without even thinking twice, trying to appear as harmless as possible or a human having to appear harmless to a Borrower to try and keep them to himself when they let their guard down.
(I ended up saying a lot of things without meaning to, I hope nothing was written strangely, English is not my first language, so I depend on the translator to be able to say some things.)
Hello there :D
Thank you so much!!! I'm glad you like my style. ;w;
Glad you like Subnautica AU. xD It's pretty big one and there is lots of things to discover and figure out. But main thing is Subnautica Peter has 3 forms.
1. Human like, but not perfect form. He has gills and some scales, but should be able to be on land long times like those kids from Luca.
2. Beast form what is usually seen when is red moon... and he is pretty.. horny. :]
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3. Fish form where he can be as big as orca or bigger than games sea emperor. (Average size of the human is below next to a sign... and where this sized Peter can be found is 2700+ meters below sea lvl or 8 858 feet)
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You can't escape this fish even on land... >:}
I don't have plans on making Don Or TK part of this AU, if someone wants so make their own version of subnautica au then by all means. They can, just don't use my design for Peter. :)
Oh. I know what you mean, we use different name in my country, I think I had some ideas on it before, but never got around to it. Maybe someday. ^^
(It's alright to use that tool. I use it almost everytime when I write but try to write without. xD Lol. Hope google can translate this text without issues. Thank you very much for this anon.)
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 7 months
not a single person cares but unfortunately I’m hyperfixated so that won’t stop me posting the last binding writing <33
basically I wanted to draw this concept, did not have the ability and remembered I’m also a writer and should write smaller things more <3
There’s an old house, out in the English countryside. It’s surrounded by sprawling land, dominated by creeping vines that infest cracks and dust that has settled into the air itself. There’s a beehive and a garden and a tree on a hill and something about those three things hangs in the air like a myth fighting desperately to not be forgotten.
The house belongs to someone. Someone who inherited it from someone else, who tries to look after it like it was looked after in days gone by but the house is large and the time for such manors long past. It’s a memory, a creature trapped in amber and if you listen closely, sometimes you can hear it’s heartbeat still.
The house has stories, like every good house does. Stories about frozen lakes and the way magic used to be and about faeries and bizarre things that can’t possibly be true. Names are attached to the stories, but they’re impersonal. Dusty words with nothing but the ghost of a breath and a laugh, if you’re still listening close enough.
The house has an attic. The attic holds life, the way it used to be. There’s a walking stick and some journals, books with faded scribbles down the margin, old waistcoats and shirts that have managed to survive for so long untouched. There’s a box in that attic too. A box that holds photographs and the someone who owns the house know will find them someday, sitting back on their heels in the old attic of an old house and maybe they’ll smile at what they see.
The first photograph might have been black and white once, but it’s faded to a sickly sort of yellow, edged with the brown of a bruise. It shows two young women in the middle of four men. It’s as impersonal as the names given to the stories. On turning it over, the someone will find a note written in a carefully swooping hand.
Sir R. Blyth, Mr E. Courcey, Miss M. Maud, Miss V. Debenham, Lord J. Hawthorn, Mr A. Ross, 1910
The names won’t mean very much. Each individual looks hardly different than the last, though the man identified as Sir R. Blyth has the same round face and twinkling eyes as the Miss M. Maud. Siblings perhaps, though it’s hard to think of such a thing existing so long ago. The man on the left - Mr A. Ross, according to the note - is an odd one out, with the way his clothes are patched and his grin slants. Mr E. Courcey is faded of colour, the Lord so stern he must not be a real person.
These aren’t real people, the someone will think as they brush their thumb over the faded image. Too stiff, too emotionless. They didn’t live and breath here, did they? They can’t have. Nothing but letters that form names and ink that forms faces.
The second photograph is different. It’s tucked into the bottom of the box, almost like it wants to remain unnoticed. It’s not different at first glance; still faded and bruised, taken at the same time as the first image but it’s different nonetheless.
The colourless man has more of a smile, the Sir R. Blyth gazing at him like he’s forgotten about the camera entirely. One arm loops around his waist where before a distinct gap existed between them. Next to them, Miss M. Blyth is pressing a kiss to the cheek of the other young woman, who’s mouth is open not in a smile but in a laugh, a hand fluttering over her chest. Next comes the unpleasant looking Lord, who’s mouth has been pulled up as though on a string. One of his hands rests on the shoulder of the Mr A. Ross - he in return is scowling up, arm raised mid swat but something about it lacks venom.
There’s writing on the back of this photograph too:
Robin and Edwin, Maud and Violet, Alan and Jack, 1910
Maybe they’re smiling at whoever took the picture. At a comment made or face pulled, the way you might encourage a smile from a child. There’s comfort in this image, trust, care and it breathes life into the coolness of the attic. It makes the someone think. About arms around waists and kisses on cheeks and the stories that got lost instead of told, hidden in the bottom of boxes at the back of attics.
There’s something sad about that, in a poetic way. Something close to tragic, but the stories don’t have just have names anymore. They have faces, have the hints of lives and if they can only be seen this way, in light filtered through a dusty attic window then the someone will hope that that’s good enough for them.
For the man called Robin, who must see the stars themselves in the one called Edwin. For the dimpled young Maud and the way the woman called Violet is laughing like she’s made up of scraps of the sun. For Alan - the odd one out - who scowls like he’s trying to decipher the way the moon is shining through the Lord with such a boyish name as Jack.
They’ll tuck the picture into their pocket and hope against hope that it’s good enough for them.
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bonesandthebees · 6 months
I heard your asks were open for this kind of thing, so why not (I don't mind a late reply, anyone can take a break. Trust me, I've taken a few days off myself. No need to apologise if that is the case)? Things have been pretty damn hard for the community, and I admire you for what you've done with the character. Your work has always been amazing to read, and I'm glad you're going to continue your ongoing work at the very least. I've seen you speak about how the community is gone... Which I'm not so sure of. So many people came together to support the victims in this situation, and so many people have taken c!Wilbur in as their own. There was very little involvement of that man in the Minecraft community in the first place... At least toward the end of everything. Sure, he was still referenced and included, but most work was not his (work from the QSMP admins or the fans of the Dream SMP). It's certainly sad to see people move on, but I can fully understand why they're doing that. All of this has sucked for me personally, given that I'm an Introject. My head mates have taken to calling me the "better one" because I'm actually fucking normal. I often see the Dream SMP as my work, and I've been working on perhaps putting a rewrite out there someday. This community is beautiful, and I don't think it will ever truly die out. If it's a group of people in the future, drawing c!Wilbur or fan art of a fan fiction... Or if it's only one person, just having a good time. You all are far more powerful than you think, and you all are beautiful. I respect everyone so deeply for the work that they've put in to everything. Remember, you didn't know and you couldn't have known. It wasn't your fault. There were no signs... There was nothing. Sincerely, the better Will (Good God, it's like that fucking meme).
aw thank you, yeah I didn't want to lose out on a story I'd been so excited to write for so long because That Guy turned out to be a shithead. I refuse to let him ruin that for me.
I'm definitely exaggerating a bit when I say the community is gone. you're right, there are plenty of people who are reclaiming the character and I think that's fantastic. but from what I've seen, it's a minority. the majority of the community has decided to move on, whether that be by focusing on other characters (like the uptick I've seen in bedrock bros content lately, or those of us shifting to qsmp) or by leaving for other fandoms entirely. and the community is never going to be what it was, or even a fraction of it. I'm mourning what it used to be, I suppose.
also, I can't imagine how tough this must be for introjects like you (and I'm sure any fictives based off c!wilbur are also struggling, though I'd imagine not to the extent of introjects). I hope you've been holding up alright!
I also have so much respect for this community and I'm just so glad I got to be a part of it at its peak. I definitely think it's always going to exist in some form, it's just going to be much quieter than it used to be.
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