#i still want to think of names for her gators
maskofgabriel · 2 months
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Warden of Time Ame
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bananadramaaa · 5 months
Idk if you’ve got any ideas or backstory for Alastor’s sisters, but I love the designs for them and have kind of taken some ideas about them and ran with it, mostly about the eldest, Adeline, though:
• Adelice was definitely a protector of the whole bunch. Alastor helped protect the younger sisters and worried a lot about his older sister, but Adelice would make a target out of herself to make sure the younger kids faced as little of their father’s bad days as possible.
• Leonore and Bertilda (the younger two) still experience a lot of the family drama, but it’s a little less than what their older siblings do since they try to keep them out of the fire, so while the older two seem to mature way too quickly, the younger two stay kids for a bit longer. This, however does piss off their father, who takes every moment to ridicule them on their inability to act like their older siblings when their older siblings aren’t able to keep them out of the fire.
• Adelice also gives off Tiana from Princess and the Frog vibes. She’s got a Dream and she’s gonna work hard every day to make it happen.
• Alastor Worries™️ and thinks she’s pushing herself too much, taking on the brunt of their father’s anger, taking on so many jobs, and trying to get as much of an education as she can for as cheap as she can get it. So he becomes her Distraction, constantly dragging her off to parties and out drinking and listening to music. Anything to get her to chill tf out.
• He’s also a hypocrite though, considering he takes on a ton of “side jobs” by the time he’s 15 before he starts working in radio to try to help out their maman. He somehow manages to get all the fun jobs though. She’s out here working in restaurants and factories and he’s playing piano at the speakeasy and working at a nearby gator farm during the summers. And even the jobs that shouldn’t be fun, he manages to turn into a blast, like apprenticing at the butchers or working the graveyard shift at the cemetery. He thinks he’s so damn funny, while his bosses low-key wanna strangle him. This somehow makes him more likable as a radio host.
• Eventually, Adelice manages to find herself a nice, rich, Creole man who she and Alastor run through the wringer trying to test just how wholesome of a man he is before she’ll accept his hand in marriage. This man is confused, but he is dead set on winning her heart. He offers her the money to achieve her dream, he offers her the happy and stress-free life that New Orleans won’t afford her, he offers a life where she’s free and not trapped by anybody, himself included, and most importantly, he offers to take her whole family away from their father and the impoverished life that keeps them with him.
• Their maman can’t fathom a life without her husband, but she can see why they’d want to leave.
• Alastor doesn’t want to lose his sisters, but he knows someone has to watch out for their maman and he’s far to attached to New Orleans to leave it now.
• Before all his sisters leave, Adelice jokingly says she’s gonna name a son after him and he politely declines the offer.
• They move to Alabama or something and he never sees them again, but Adelice has a bunch of happy children that she loves who know all about him :)
• Bertilda also gets married, but Bertilda and her husband find themselves unable to have kids so they adopt a cute little red-headed girl and her green-eyed little brother.
• Leonore dates a lot of people before she finds the perfect gal for her and they move in together as “friends.” Their maman was a bit progressive in some ways and taught them not to judge, where most others would do when Adelice and Bertilda don’t make a big deal out of it when they find out about it.
• All three of them keep an eye on the news regarding New Orleans and whatever can be said about their famous radio host brother from far away.
• The only times the lot of them return to New Orleans is when they hear about Alastor’s death and their maman’s death.
I've talked briefly about them in this ask :3 And I really enjoyed reading your version of their story. It seems more wholesome compared to what I have in mind for them (like Adelice definitely won in this one) XD
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void-occupation · 3 months
Alastor's Animal Noises
I won't call this an unpopular headcanon, just one that is slept on.
So, everyone knows about Alastor making deer noises, both in canon and fanon. In the show he canonically makes little fawn squeaks when Rosie hugs him (which lives in my head rent free at all times) and does the elk scream a couple times throughout the show. Fanon is just as up in arms about this trait of his, and I think it's great.
What if he ALSO made alligator noises? HEAR ME OUT - trust me, you won't regret it.
When you really think about it, there are a large amount of traits that Alastor has that would make it logical for him to share traits with an alligator as well as a deer. These include: teeth/habit of eating sinners(cannibalism) (alligators are known cannibals), place of origin being Louisiana, persistent presence of bayous in his life (near his home in the living world, supposedly where he hid his victims, where he died, and the bayou in his room), ambush predator (makes you feel at ease by being unassuming then strikes before you even realize the danger), and his temper (appears calm until he's NOT) just to name a few.
Despite what people tend to think, alligators actually make a TON of different sounds, though there's a few main ones I'll talk about.
First one is the territorial growl.
I feel like Alastor could make this sound when he's being territorial (obviously), threatening, or protective (as rare as that is). He begins making this sound a lot more often the longer he stays at the hotel because he begins to see it as his territory, and the residents as his people (not that he'd ever admit that lol). Also, I feel like hearing this loud, bass-feeling noise from this rail-thin deer man would be a bit jarring, especially if you'd never heard it before
Second sound is the defensive hiss.
This is a sound Alastor would make if he's feeling threatened. I'm thinking scenarios where he's annoyed/mad/anxious are when he'd hiss, because they're all scenarios where he'd be trying to get something or someone to leave him alone. It's a very different yet very similar sound to a cat's hiss. They can mean similar things, but hearing an alligator hiss is significantly more threatening, which fits Alastor's character. Also, it means he can still sound terrifying when he's the one who's scared (if he manages to make a distressed gator sound rather than a distressed deer sound that is lol)
And of course, we can't forget the mandatory cute sound, the baby swamp puppy chirps.
If he gets to make fawn noises, you bet your ass he's gonna make swamp puppy laser sounds. The scenarios where he'd make these noises are a lot more rare, but they definitely exist. He wouldn't ever admit it, but he sees Rosie as a mother figure, and just as he tends to greet her with fawn squeaks, Alastor will subconsciously start doing little baby gator chirps when he's looking for her and can't find her. His instincts are to call out to her so she can find him - the same way baby alligators do with their mothers - and the side effect is that he makes cute little laser chirping noises without even realizing it. He has a tendency to do it when he's looking for anyone he likes who is older than him. Zestial finds it charming and the few times it happened to him, Husk refuses to talk about, a lot of mixed feelings brought up by the fact that the man who owns his soul has given him at least somewhat of a parental role subconsciously.
anyways, these were just my thoughts on it, feel free to add on your own or use it as inspiration for your own work (let me know though, I want to see it!!!!) (putting this in the lee!alastor tags to feed the imaginations of my friends there who are always starving for more things)
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emmaiscool22 · 6 months
Secrets in Alabasta
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straw hats x strawhat!reader (luffy x reader)
gender neutral reader
Character is named Lucky for a reason! Please let me know if you want more from this same character! 
This is my first fanfiction ever, so please give me some feedback and be nice!
Warnings: angst?
written on: 3/22/24
word count: 1091
I stand in the middle of the vast desert, watching as two figures dig into the hot, dry earth. The sun beats down mercilessly, casting harsh shadows and making the air shimmer with heat waves. As the day bled into night, the guilt begins to consume me. I keep staring out into the desert waiting for him to find me. The sand behind me begins to shift as Luffy lays next to me trying to catch my eyes. I hate how well he can read people. 
“Everyone is starting to head to bed,” Luffy says, “what are you still doing out here? 
I shake my head, not trusting myself to say anything besides the truth that is clawing at my throat. Luffy’s eyes move from my own to my hands, which dig in the sand, hoping to bury my secret and my guilt. His hand grabs mine. “What are you still doing out here?” He repeats. I shake my head again and kneel over, the bile in my throat becoming too much as I throw up into the sand. Tears begin to leak out of my eyes. 
“Luffy,” I sob, “I can’t do this anymore!”
He stares at me.
“I need to tell everyone something!” I choke out.
He grabs my hand and pulls me up, leading me back to the worn down, broken home we are staying in while in Yuba. I lock eyes with Toto and he glares at me. He knows my secret, I think. I close my eyes and look away, as I let Luffy lead me into the house. The door slams open and six pairs of eyes are on the both of us. Luffy lets go of my hand, going to stand next to Sanji. 
“Lucky, has something to tell us.” Luffy exclaims dropping onto the nearest bed. 
I glance back at the door. I should run, I think. 
“What’s wrong Lucky-swannnnn!” Sanji spins towards me with hearts in his eyes. 
I could feel my hands start to shake, the sand I was previously holding raining onto the ground. My eyes follow it. I look back up and lock eyes with Vivi. She looks concerned, waiting for me to reveal my truth. I look away quickly, glancing at Chopper, Zoro, Nami, and Usopp. I take a deep breath. Chopper bounds towards me, holding out a handkerchief. I did not even realize I started crying again.
“So,” Nami juts out her hip, “what is it?” 
I move my gaze over to Luffy, who seems to be falling asleep. My gaze blurs and I listen to the sound of digging outside. The guilt begins to bubble up. I feel like throwing up again.
“There is a reason people call me Lucky,” my words come out involuntarily, “it’s a codename of sorts. My father used to call me that growing up and it stuck. His little Lucky-Gator is what he called me. But it's also a codename to my codename, Miss St. Patrick’s Day! Get it? Lucky! My real name is Y/N!” I cry out the truth. But I know there is more to say. My voice begins to waver as everyone's eyes start looking around at each other, confused at my rambling. Before anyone could interrupt, I begin to speak again. 
“I told you that I was in Shell’s Town to claim Buggy’s bounty. I wasn't lying about that, I mean at least partially. I was there for Buggy. More specifically, I was there to kill him. My - uh- my boss wanted me to kill him. But then you were there Luffy. And I felt like it was fate when you asked me to join your crew. I needed to get out of there.”
Zoro speaks up, “You aren’t making any sense.”
I grab at my hair, tugging it. “I know! I know! I am sorry I never told you. But I was so happy to get out. I am - uh- was an agent for Baroque Works, just like Vivi. Vivi didn’t know who I was because he didn’t want anyone to know me. I was a secret. That is why I don’t have a bounty. I should have one with the amount of people I have killed and the things I have done. But he worked with the government to let me off, because I am his daughter!"
Luffy sat up. Vivi asks, “Lucky, who is your father?”
I ignore her question and kept on rambling, “I promise I have no idea what he is doing here. When Vivi told us that he was here, I was just as confused as you all were. I haven’t contacted him since Shell’s Town and it was about -”
“Lucky,” Luffy interrupted, “who is your father?”
“Crocodile” I whispered, “I swear to you that I am not working with him. He doesn’t even know I am here with all of you. I know you want to kill him, Luffy. I don’t think I can stop you from doing that. Once he finds out I am here, he will have agents coming to collect me.” 
I step back towards the door. My hand on the knob. 
“That is why I am leaving you all here in Yuba.” 
Luffy shot up at that. I raised my hand towards him, signaling him to stop. 
“This isn’t up for debate Luffy,” I start, “I know you are my captain, and I should listen to you, but I need to leave you all here. My father won’t hurt me, but if he sees me with you, he will hurt you. I am going to go find him and I will meet back up with you all at some point, if you still want me.” 
I glance around one more time. Chopper and Usopp share a scared look, and I can't read Zoro or Nami. Sanji lights a cigarette, and finally I look at Vivi. She has tears running down her face. I open the door stepping out into the night, the sand crunching underneath my feet. 
“We will find you, Y/N,” Luffy exclaimed, "You are my nakama!"
I turned and began walking into the night. I could feel a smile pulling at my face at the thought of Luffy using my real name. No one had called me Y/N in years. At that moment, I realize that the desert held more secrets than could ever be unearthed. And as I turn and walk away, I knew I would forever be haunted by the man digging in the desert. I know I have to free him from his chore. More importantly, I need to free myself from my father’s grasp.
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southerngothicchic · 10 months
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More Gator smut for those in need of it 😘
You can feel his eyes on you from across the bar. He's had you in his sights all night, bitterness growing as you ignored him. You knew exactly what you were doing, flitting around, going from your table of friends then up to the bar to order more drinks. You catch him staring at your legs, watching as he was practically salivating over how short your dress was.
As the night was nearing its end, he couldn't stand it anymore, he had to make his feelings known. He drags you out to the gravel parking lot, while you wince from his harsh grip on your arm. He leads you to his patrol car and stops next to it.
"Gator, what the fuck?" You ask, after wrenching your arm away from him.
"You really gonna act like you have no idea why I'm pissed?"
His eyes bore into yours, as you saw genuine hurt in them.
"Should I know every reason behind all your little tantrums?" You counter, unable to help yourself.
He shakes his head while rolling his eyes, trying to maintain his tough composure.
"You should really check your attitude with me, darlin'," he advises, taking a step closer to you.
"You don't scare me..."
He laughs, before trying to pin you against the fender of his car.
"But I do think you're a fucking creep..." you breathe, before trying to push him away from you, but he barely moves.
He smirks as he grabs your wrists, holding them against your chest.
"Says the slut that flaunts her body for attention," he replies pressing your body against the cool metal of his car. "You should feel lucky to have me, since there are some real creeps out there that would love to defile a pretty thing like you."
You only glare at him in response, while trying to wriggle out of his hold. He only grips you tighter, making you wince again.
"In fact, you should thank me for looking out for you," he continues, leaning in close. "Kiss me."
"No," you refuse, turning away from him.
He then releases your wrists so he could roughly grab your chin.
"I want you to put your arms around me and kiss me," he lowly commands.
Your eyes challenge his, as they now resemble the night that surrounds you.
You sigh, before slowly wrapping your arms around his neck and leaning up to press your lips to his.
This isn't how you wanted the night to end. You wanted to rile him up, but you didn't expect him to get so angry. Your goal was just to tease him all night, to make him so hot for you he couldn't think straight.
He eagerly kisses you back, with his hands dropping to your waist, to pull you into him.
A soft moan escapes his lips when you don't break the kiss. Truthfully, this is what you wanted too, he just had to be an ass about it.
"I can be so good to you, honey, if you'd let me..." he breathes, as his lips move to your neck. "I'd treat ya like a fuckin' queen."
"Really?" You question, already dazed.
"Yeah," he answers, his dark eyes meeting yours. "You just need to let me."
You sigh his name, before he kisses you again.
"Please?" He whispers, against your lips.
"Ok," you softly reply, with your hands now cradling his face.
He smiles. "Wanna get out of here?"
You nod.
"Good, I know just the place."
You look at him confused, as he parks outside the Tillman house.
"What are you-?"
"Relax, everyone's gone. We have the place to ourselves," he calmly explains, leaning over to kiss you.
"I still don't think this is a good idea..." you say, as your eyes stay fixed on the house.
"It'll be fine," he assures, with his lips against your cheek. "But if you don't want to, I'll take you home."
You turn to look at him and frown.
"Its not that I don't want to, I just..." Your voice trails off as he kisses you.
"I just wanna be with ya, honey. Please come inside with me," he breathes, his soft voice so sickeningly sweet.
"Alright," you sigh, as lust overrides your better judgment.
He escorts you through the quiet house, while you still feel on edge. You just felt wrong being there, though you couldn't figure out why.
After opening his bedroom door, he quickly pulls you inside. You take in your surroundings and try not to gag at certain things that adorned his walls. His arms are around you again, as he hugs you from behind. You feel his lips on your neck, as his large hands grab your hips and pull you against him.
"Feel that? That's how it's been all night, watching you in this slutty, little dress," he says, as you turn your head towards him.
"I wore it just for you," you reply, wrapping your arm around his neck, pulling his face closer to yours.
"I know you did, honey," he smiles, letting his lips brush yours. "You're such a little tease."
"Maybe I am, though despite what you think, I only want you," you reveal, before flicking your tongue across his plush upper lip.
He shivers as a whiny moan slips past his parted lips.
"Fuck, you are so hot," he breathes, before kissing you roughly.
His hands leave your hips to squeeze your breasts through your dress.
"Get undressed and lay on the bed," he then quietly instructs.
He lowers his arms so you can saunter forward. You turn to face him while slipping the sleeves of your dress off your shoulders. You then step out of your shoes, before gliding your fingertips over your chest. He actually licks his lips as his eyes hungrily travel your nearly naked body. You reach to unclasp your bra and let it fall to the floor, in front of you. You then teasingly slide your panties down and kick them to the side. You then make a show of laying on the bed, trying not to giggle as you watch his changing expressions.
He seems overwhelmed by actually having you in his room, that his brain almost short circuits. Once he reminds himself that this is really happening, he pulls his shirt over his head, leaving his white undershirt.
He then sits on the edge of the bed to unlace his boots. You then crawl towards him, draping your arms around his shoulders while you kiss his neck. He smiles as he imagines you always doing this after he would get home. It's a glimpse into a life he craves, one with affectionate domesticity that only makes him fall even more in love with you.
He turns his head to capture your lips in a surprisingly sweet kiss. You smile into it before pulling away to lay back down. He then quickly stands to unbuckle and unbutton his pants. He pushes them down his legs, just leaving him in his boxers. His eyes meet yours as he palms himself through the thin fabric.
"Now who's the tease?" You playfully ask.
"Patience, baby," he smiles, before taking off his undershirt.
You bite your lip as you watch him take off his underwear. He's bigger than you imagined and it makes you even wetter.
He crawls onto the bed and up your body, nudging your legs wider as he nestles his hips between them. His arms rest on either side of your head while you gaze up at him. He leans down to kiss you and you surprise him by deepening it. He gladly let's you lick your way into his mouth, as your tongue is now one of his favorite parts of you.
Muffled moans leave both your lips as your kisses grow in intensity. He can't help but rub himself against you, while both of you are so desperate for any kind of friction.
"Mmm, Gator..." you sigh, as he places sloppy kisses across your cheek.
"Yeah? You want it?"
You nod, as you guide his lips back to yours.
He lowers more of his body onto yours, as he shifts his weight when one hand glides down your body and slips between you.
"You're just dripping for me, baby..." he breathes, with his teeth lightly biting your bottom lip. "Bet you've been like this all night, haven't you?"
You whimper before kissing him again. He continues to tease with his fingers, before finally slipping his middle finger inside you. He only pumps it a few times, making you whine when he pulls it out and places it between his lips.
"Fuck, baby..." he sighs, " I'm gonna eat you real good later, but right now, I have to fuck you."
"Please..." you breathe, as he strokes himself a few times before easing himself inside you.
Your hands grip his shoulders as he slowly pushes all the way in. Curses and moans fall from his lips as his hips meet yours. He was almost afraid to move, as you felt so warm and tight, he could blow right there.
You whine his name, begging him to move.
"Oh, you want me real bad, don't ya?" His lips brush the shell of your ear as you sigh, frustrated.
"I've wanted you ever since I moved to this stupid, little town, and saw the way you looked at me," you breathe, feeling his lips now on your neck.
"You're the prettiest thing I've ever seen..." he whispers, into your skin. "You had to be mine."
He slowly thrusts into you, making you gasp.
"And you will be after tonight," he adds, kissing up to your jaw.
You whimper against his lips before he kisses you deeply.
"Faster, please..." you pant, into his mouth.
"Already so needy for more, huh?" He teasingly asks.
You nod, with a whine of his name.
"Ok, but..." He holds your chin between his thumb and pointer finger.
"You gotta keep your eyes on me as I pound ya into the mattress."
You nod, again, pulling him into a kiss.
You try to do as he wants, as he fucks you at a brutal pace. Your nails claw at his back as he grunts above you.
"There ya go, baby," he pants, "keep looking at me."
He manages to thrust himself even deeper, making your eyes momentarily close, before you force them open again. He smiles at you, giving you a sloppy kiss on the cheek.
"Such a good little slut for me, aren't ya?" He asks, while you only whimper in return, and wrap your legs even tighter around his waist.
"I'm gonna fuckin' ruin you, baby," he then growls into your ear.
You cry his name as that sends you over the edge.
"Oh, fuck, that's what you've wanted all along, wasn't it?" He says, as he keeps fucking you.
Tears stream down your face as he chases his own release.
"Been dreamin' of this, fucking your perfect pussy..." he breathes, as he mouths at your jaw. "Gonna fill you up, with every last drop..."
His thrusts are more erratic as he buries his face in your neck, biting down on your sensitive skin when he finally spills deep inside you.
You scream his name as it's all too much for you.
Heavy breathing fills the room, as you each try to come back down to Earth. His body weight is suffocating you, but you don't want him to move. You still cling to him, as he presses his lips to yours. You each share slow, lazy kisses. You actually pout when he breaks the kiss to lay next to you. He pulls you close, while you rest your chin on his chest, gazing dreamily at him.
He smiles as he gazes back at you, his hand reaching to cup your cheek.
You can tell there's so much he wants to say, but doesn't know where to start.
"You really are mine now, right?" He softly asks, as you nod.
You move closer to his face and press kisses all over his cheeks.
"Despite my better judgment, yes," you smile.
"Oh, you're still gonna be like that are ya? Maybe you need some more convincing that I'm the only guy you'll ever need," he replies, with a smirk, as he rolls you onto your back.
"Do your worst, honey," you say, before licking at his upper lip.
His eyes darken as he purrs, "Oh, I plan to."
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mwahmimi · 6 months
Ok… I would like a gator tillman smut like maybe he has been away for awhile because Roy asked him to take care of something and when he comes back all he wants it’s reader but he’s not only f*cking reader but makes love to reader… idk something like that
Far too long / Gator Tillman- Fargo / One Shot / Smut
CW- smut, the term daddy is used, overstimulation, squirting, fingering, p in v, porn with a slight plot, established relationship, x reader.
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“Been a while huh princess? Daddy has to work, you know that right? Daddy works to keep those hands of yours soft and manicured, while mine are dirty and calloused. Y’like that though don’t you? My hands all rough, rubbing against this pretty little pussy. Look at her, she’s crying out for me. Your little princess brain is leaking out of her.” Gator teases, he rubs his middle finger through your slit. Separating your folds and zeroing over your clit. Your breath hitches as he begins to curl his fingers inside of you, his fingertips grazing your g-spot every time he pumps them into you.
“Please.. No more. No more teasing. Want you. Please.” You’re begging him, he’s been away for little over two months, some bullshit that Roy had sent him away to take care of. You weren’t interested in his work, you learnt a long time ago to ask no questions. Ignorance is bliss. But your body aches for him, your head full of nothing but Gator Gator Gator. Your clit practically throbbing his name in morse code. He knows just how to tease you, having dated you for so long he knew your weak spots, how to melt that mind of yours.
“See, any other time, Daddy would tell you to be patient. But fuck. Babe, I need to be inside you. Been away far too long. Never again. I’ll work from fucking home and dad can just fucking like it.” He spits his words out like venom on his tongue. You knew he was lying, as much as you loved him, he could never stand up to his father. That’s a problem for another day, you hum as he rubs his dick against your slit. Your pussy acting as all the lubricant you could ever need, leaving his length slick and wet. Ready for you.
With his first thrust inside you, you’re putty in his hands. Your breath hitches as his cock hits your g-spot, violating the area until all you can think about is how good it feels. Nobody has ever fucked you so good.
“My girl. My fuckin’ girl. Missed you so much. Not just this ass of yours either. Missed your love.” Gator groans as he gently slaps your ass, leaning forward to rub your clit. It’s almost too much, the praise and the feeling of his fingers kissing your hypersensitive clit.
“Daddy. Missed you too. Love you. Love how you make me feel, love you.” You manage to get those words out in-between moans, your eyes rolling into the back of your head with every movement he makes deeper inside you. You’re convinced you can feel him in your stomach.
“Love’ya too- Gonna fill you up so good baby.” His words tease you, all your thoughts muddle up into one, Gator. Gator and how he feels, fucking the moans out of your mouth. Gator and how he’s over-stimulating both your clit and your g-spot at once. Gator and how he’s still wearing that shit eating smirk on his face, knowing how much it gets to you. All you want in your life is Gator.
Your orgasm builds in the pit of your stomach, the familiar feeling rising higher and higher. You clench around Gator’s cock. Almost trapping him into cumming inside you as you come undone yourself.
“Close.. so close. Please.” You whimper, your face buried in the pillows of your shared bed as you desperately dribble saliva from your mouth onto the sheets. He picks up the pace, not wanting to waste any more time. He just wants you. He wants to make you feel incredible. And that he does, when your orgasm washes over you like a tidal wave. Gushing over his cock as your tormented clit becomes even more sensitive after cumming. He doesn’t stop fucking you, he pounds into your hole faster and harder than before. It’s all too much for your little body to handle and he knows that. You can’t hold it any longer, your pussy squirting over your boyfriend and the bed.
Soft groans come from behind you as Gator ruts. Wiping the sweat from his brow and pulling out of you, ropes of cum still dripping from cock and dribbling out of your abused cunt.
Gator wipes the mess from your body and his, ripping the soiled sheets off the bed as you both collapse on the mattress in each other’s embrace.
“Love you.” He whispers against your cheek before planting a gentle kiss through panted breaths. “Love you too.” Your eyes still tightly shut, as if opening them would make the moment just a dream. You squeeze his arm a little, needing something to grip onto as you crash back from ecstasy to reality. The pair of you lay there, breathing each other in, not wanting to move a muscle. Roy better not send him away for this long ever again.
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luci-luck · 6 months
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Earth “ponies” go first! MASSIVE autism dump comin’ atcha live
TW: ableism , grief , parental death (just in case the tags failed)
This is more so for me but I still wanted to share 🫶
Sandstone (Pinkie):
- b i g puppy energy
- Built for work but prefers to play
- Has crystal pony genes but depression makes them subdued. Can only go full crystal mode in a moment of pure and raw jubilation.
- after constantly being told who she’s supposed to be, they rejected the idea of labels entirely
- no labels for gender or sexuality means loving Pinkie does not impact your sexuality score!
- (intersex is not about gender but biological sex. That being said many intersex people use intergender as their gender as it relates to their experience as an intersex person.)
- deals with internalized ableism due to conservative fillyhood environment. Feels bad when they need to ask for help/support. Got herself an unofficial certificate in psychology so he can be his own therapist (it doesn’t work out)
- Parents would totally support the pony version of Autism Speaks just saying. Pinkie’s dad thinks neurodivergency is curable with hard work and the right attitude whilst her mom mourns the loss of her son after the diagnosis.
- ADHD makes xeir rejection sensitivity off the charts
- Internal battery runs on the company of others so can’t ever live alone.
- Had problems with food insecurity
- Relies on sugar as a steady supply of dopamine
- Can have moments of poor motor control. Clumsy
- Eyesight is bad but doesn’t wear glasses. Afraid that ponies will start thinking he is smart and they will expect even more from him. (In human world she wears contacts)
- Feels embarrassed being high support needs and just wants to be treated like everybody else. Hates when xer parents call her “special”
- Also hates being infantilized but is not confident in their decision making
- Xe is a sensory seeker unlike the rest of their family who are all sensory avoiders. Sisters compromise and try to meet his needs. Pinkie in turn tries to be mindful of their touch aversion but finds it hard sometimes. “Everypony’s just so scoop-able!”
- Trained Gummy to “stay”. Is very proud of his emotional support gator
- Is incredibly strong for her size
- feels like she has to constantly prove herself worthy of taking over the farm. Has gotten into arguments with Big Mac about overexerting herself
- Is a hinny (donkey mom and stallion dad) (ofc hinnies are supposed to have tails more like horse but I love the lion tail on AJ so 💁‍♀️) (I said mule in ALT text because most people don’t know what a hinny is)
- Because of this, she is more calm under pressure and thinks more logically
- has major depression from grief and ptsd (duh)
- Isn’t used to being in a stress free environment so she creates the stress
- Likes running the apple stand but certain families trigger her
- Obsessed with anything from the past generation. A time when her parents were young and happy
- Can be a bit insensitive to other’s problems and wants them to “put on their big girl pants” like she had to.
- Feels like she has to fill in the roles her parents used to do. Especially so Applebloom and Granny don’t have to stress over as many things.
- Was in the process of cutting her mane when she remembered that AB liked to braid it so she stopped half way.
- Is the mom of the friend group. Makes sure everyone’s needs are met before tending to her own. (Which is bad btw)
- Has problems with insomnia but getting better.
- Struggles with OCD and will repeat unnecessary tasks if she believes it will help protect her family
- Has an emotional support dog named Winona who also reminds AJ to take breaks 🐕‍🦺
- Sees no point in getting her chronic pain checked out. Will hopefully change her mind in the future. Wears leg braces to ease the soreness.
- Got diagnosed later on. Grief masked her autistic traits.
- Also has a hard time asking for help but has gotten better after she found out that Applebloom has been internalizing that mindset. She must lead by example
- Stick around long enough and she’ll happily invite you over with a hot cup of cider 🍺
- (Other people tend to fall in love while getting to know someone. Demiromantics however need to get to know the person first and then develop romantic feelings later)
- Thought she wasn’t capable of developing crushes until she got to know Coloratura.
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buckysgrace · 5 months
Gator Tillman Headcanons
Just some random thoughts I had about baby boy tonight <3
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I for sure think he was born premature? A teeny tiny little baby with big brown eyes lol.
Definitely got doted on because of his huge eyes and messy hair. Very hyper kid too, always needed to be doing something. Probably a biter tbh (spanked a lot sadly smh)
Threw an absolute fit when he was itty bitty and they were weening him off of the pacifier. That was his paci damn it!
Grew to love snakes because his mom hated them and he was quick to remove them from her garden. He thought it was funny to chase her while holding them
Roy use to make Linda keep it in a buzz cut because he hated how long it was on Gator. Thus, leaving Gator to find his own style when he was old enough.
He definitely showed cattle when he was younger. His favorite cow was named Rosie and he won several ribbons for how well kept she was <3
Knows how to ride a horse but doesn't have a desire to do so. Plus his lower back and hips are always so sore after
Prefers dogs over cats, but you best believe any time a cat is around him they're all up in his business
I also think he struggled with asthma when he was little too?? He hasn't had an attack in years but still carries an inhaler around
(don't bring up him vaping while having asthma, he gets very defensive and irritated lol)
Never been out of his hometown unless he needed to travel for competitions or for work. Probably never been on a real vacation before either.
I think he was always tall and lanky but stopped growing his sophomore year of high school?? He always wanted to be taller tho
Was in the FFA obviously.
Being an all-state quarter back I'm sure he had a ton of college offers? I imagine he was fairly average in school, probably enjoyed science more than anything else
Had a really hard time after his mom "left". I think he had a lot of anger issues at this time
His leg injury blew away any chances of him really believing that he could do better for himself, so he followed in Roys footsteps
He gets cold easy, so he always bundles up into layers and layers.
Sucks at cooking. Could not boil water to save his life. I think that he'd take cooking lessons later in life (or learn from someone hehe)
Has a surprisingly good green thumb if he'd keep up with it
Enjoys drawing in his free time and is actually really good at it.
Cannot survive anywhere where it gets too hot. He burns easily
He's in church every Sunday (sometimes Wednesday nights too, depending on his shifts) but it doesn't stop his potty mouth
Car lover of course. Likes to work on vehicles too. Occasionally welds I believe.
Loves going to car shows, or to tractor pulls lol
Most of his tattoos were random, little afterthoughts or done while he was drunk. I think he bought his own tattoo kit but opted out of it.
Flirts like a middle school boy. Will poke and prod at you, lots and lots of teasing. If you meet at a bar you best believe he's gonna be showing you all of his cool drinking tricks lol
A surprisingly good big brother, although Karen thinks he's a bad influence so he doesn't get to spend much time with them
Big fan of Game of Thrones but also loves Golden Girls lmao. And Westerns.
Does that thing where he acts like he's not interested in what's on TV but then he stands there with his hands on his hips watching the whole time lol
Do not ask him to pick you up something for the store, he will not find it
When he's high on weed he's very giggly; thinks everything is hilarious. Will absolutely lay underneath the stars and try to explain the way the universe works. Very snuggly and has the worst munchies (devours a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos in one sitting smh)
Will drink coffee (usually with a protein shake mixed in) but he 100% prefers energy drinks
Jack Daniels and PBR are obviously his drinks of choice hehe. Although he does love a good margarita occasionally
Absolutely devours some Taco Bell after he gets off the night shift. He always gets a box with a chalupa, beefy 5-layer burrito, and the fiesta potatoes but he's also getting a cheesy gordita crunch and the Cinnabon delights. And a Baja Blast. Mans has worked hard and he's hungry lmao
Hates ankle socks
For a late night snack he is breaking open something sweet. I imagine he prefers Heath bars and 100 Grand Bars.
He also loves carrot cake
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mymisfitsbabe · 8 months
Billy had just finished cleaning his kitchen, just finished putting away the last clean plate when someone pounded on the front door. Frowning, Billy pulled off his apron and tossed it on the counter. 
“Who is it?” Billy asked as he padded over on bare feet to the closed door. 
“Who the fuck do you think it is? Open the Goddamn door.” Gator called back. 
“You can't just start showing up here, Tillman.”
“Just open the fucking door before I kick it down, Hargrove.”
Opening the door Billy sighed.
“What are you doing he- What the fuck is that?” Billy hissed as Gator pushed into his trailer and handed him a large furball. 
“It's a dog.” Gator sneered as he moved further into the small living room.
“Uh, and why the fuck did you bring it here?” Billy asked as it wiggled in his hold, it's sandy brown fur already shedding onto his black shirt.
Gator turned and gave Billy an exasperated look, but Billy's focus shifted as he spotted the shiner Gator sported under his right eye. Gator was still in his police uniform, his vest had some blood on it and he was covered in dirt splotches. He smelled like sweat and dogs.
“What the hell happened to you?” Billy asked, shifting the pup to one arm so he could grab Gator's face and get a good look at his eye. 
“Nothin. Anyways, you need a dog round here since it's so easy to break in this shit hole.” 
“Oh fuck off, just cause you decided to go all psycho horror movie on me doesn't mean I need a damn dog.” Billy passed the ball of fur back to Gator. 
“Just keep the fucking dog, Bills. It ain't gonna kill you.”
“What the hell am I supposed to do with it? I'm at work 12 hours a day.” 
“Take it with you, Benny loves dogs and the shop is gated off.” 
“Great, then give Benny the dog if he loves them so much.”
“I didn't get the dog for Benny, I got it for you.”
Billy sighed, as Gator set the dog on the couch. The thing was huge for a pup, thick sandy brown fur with bright brown eyes. It's paws and ears seemed too big for its body and the thing looked half wild. 
“Where'd you get it from anyways?” Billy asked, crossing his arms over his chest and eyeing the pup suspiciously. 
“It's a police pup reject. The mom got knocked up by a wolf and this is the pup. Bright side is it's trained.” Gator rambled as he sat next to the pup and started petting it's head. 
“A wolf? You want me to keep a wolf as a pet?” Billy balked. 
“Course, they make great guard dogs. Roy has a pack of bout six back home.” 
“Gator, I don't know. I've never had a dog before,” Billy carted a hand through his shaggy hair and sighed. “I don't have food for it and the store is closed.”
Gator shrugged, his face turning down. “I got stuff in the truck, you don't need to get it nothing. I just thought you'd like it. It's gotta be shit being out here alone all the time.” 
Gator was chewing on his lip, looking like he'd been kicked and Billy sighed. “What’s his name?” 
“Gator Jr.” Gator smirked up at Billy.
“That's a shit name.” Billy said arching a brow and suppressing and grin 
“Fuck you, Gator's an awesome name.” Gator threw the old beat up couch pillow at Billy.
Billy caught it and laughed. “I'm not calling him Gator, pick a different name you fucking redneck.”
Gator jutted his lip out and scratched the back of his head. “Fine, I guess her name is Eleven then. That's whats on her tags.” 
“Christ, there's eleven of them?” 
“Yeah, but the others are full German shepherds. The station is gonna keep those.” 
“Go get her stuff and show me how to not kill her.” Billy sighed. 
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queenslimeball · 7 months
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I'm home
Sounds like a dream part 2
Gator Tillman x fem!reader
Contents; angst, fluff, mother!reader, dad!gator
Summary; After finding out about his son, Gator can't deal with prison life. So he takes matters into his own hands.
Even with good behaviour, Gator isn't getting out of prison any time soon. He'd very much like to. Not for selfish reasons like they were for the first two years of his sentence. Now, he just wants to be there to support his family. His son.
Not a day goes by where he doesn't think of both Y/n and Alex. The only two people that really give his life meaning. Every day is filled with regret and remorse for what he's done. For what he thought he should've done. Now, it all seems insane to him. No matter how much he rants to the guards, who surprisingly haven't quit their jobs, he's just stuck. Nothing he can do.
Y/n's words still ring in his ears. "He reminds me of you in a way because he–"
Gator still wonders what she was about to say. Even three years later, it's still on his mind.
Three years, that's right, since he last got visited by Y/n and Alex. Another three years of crippling loneliness. Another three years with the added pain that he'll never know truly what his son looks like. That's the reason why he cries himself to sleep most nights.
He doesn't want to seem weak, so he keeps noise to a minimum, facing the wall. He can't control when the tears fall each time he thinks about it. He'll never see his son, and he'll never see Y/n again.
That's when, one night, Gator has a terrible thought. One that never even crossed his mind before, shockingly. It's a horrible idea, of course. An idea that most likely cannot be executed in his state. But he thinks it. And he likes the thought of it. I'm gonna break out.
The thought resonates with him for a long while. But each day that goes by, it seems more and more impossible for him. His dream life is just out of reach.
Y/n, with her five year old at her hip, enters the prison. It's been long enough since she's visited the father of her child, so it's only right that she sees him. Plus, Alex is old enough now to talk to his daddy properly. She wants Gator to have that experience of having a conversation with him. She knows it will make him feel better.
She approaches the front desk and smiles at the woman there, who doesn't seem as friendly. She looks up to Y/n, shooting her a glare as if to ask what she wants.
"Uh, hi! I'm here to visit Gator Tillman. Is he available?" Y/n says nervously under the receptionist's judging stare.
"No." She bluntly replies.
"Why not?"
"Haven't you heard?" The woman questions, as if obvious.
"Heard what?"
"Gator Tillman escaped."
Y/n leaves the prison in shock. How did he manage that!? Why did he escape!? She carefully puts Alex in his car seat before getting in the front of her car. She drove up here to visit Gator. It's somewhat of a holiday. Where is she gonna find her son's father?
Gator had received a lot of help. Luckily, he surrounded himself with the right kind of guys for him in jail. Ones who had been planning a breakout for years. Gator was allowed to tag along, so he quickly found himself on a bus to Chicago. Or at least he hopes so.
On the bus, he met a sweet woman named Georgia. She was on the way to Chicago and helped him get there. But that's as far as she could do. With the departure of Georgia and the sudden realisation that he's alone, blind, in a city he doesn't know he feels a sense of panic. He doesn't even know where Y/n lives.
Y/n is doing the dishes while Alex sits at the kitchen counter with a few pillows to act as a booster seat. He's drawing with the pack of pencils his mother recently bought for him, humming along to whatever song is playing on the radio that he doesn't recognise.
"Mommy, what should I draw next to the tiger eating an apple?" Alex asks. He looks over to Y/n, a bright smile on his face like usual as he kicks his legs happily.
"How about the tree where the apple came from?" Y/n suggests. "That way, you can draw an animal in the tree."
"That's a good idea. Thank you, Mommy."
When the doorbell rings, Y/n huffs, taking off the washing up gloves.
"Ooh! Who is it?"
"I don't know, sweetie. Wait here." She assures, kissing Alex's forehead as she walks by. The doorbell rings again and she shouts out to whoever is at the door that she's coming. Damn, this person is impatient.
Looking through the peephole, her eyes widen. She debates whether she wants to open the door or not, ultimately deciding to just do it...
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"I thought I'd drop by. Does a lovely lady like you need any help?" It's Devon, a guy she knows from work but often has to avoid.
"I never gave you my address." Y/n narrows her eyes at him, feeling slightly creeped out.
"Oh, I know." He chuckles. "I asked around."
"Who told you?"
"Charlotte. Nice girl. Didn't question it."
Goddammit, Charlie... She's Y/n's closest friend at work and the best friend she has as of moving to Chicago. She's a little bit ditzy but insanely friendly and sweet. It's no wonder she gave Y/n's address to Devon, no questions asked.
"Why did you ask people for where I live?" She says, hand on the door and having to physically restrain herself from slamming the door in his face.
"Well, I understand being a single mom wouldn't be easy. So... I wondered if you need any help with anything at all." He flashes a grin, as if that would charm her. Rather the opposite.
"I think I've got it under control. You can go." Y/n replies, pulling a face. Devon starts to speak again, but she quickly shuts the door and locks it. She heads back to the kitchen to continue washing up.
"Mommy, do you like my tree? I added a bird in it with a nest." Alex says, pushing the piece of paper in her direction.
"Aw, it's beautiful, baby." She replies, petting his hair gently. "Are you done, or are you gonna add more?"
"More! Can you help?"
"Something climbing the tree, maybe? Like a cat?"
"Ooh! Thank you, Mommy."
"Of course, sweetheart, of course." She replies gently, giving him a forehead kiss and walking over to the sink.
Devon, to say the least, is disappointed. Although, it's not a big deal. There's several other women he could and would go for. He shoves his hands in his pockets as he makes his way down the street.
The winter air is chilly and bitter, nipping at the skin of his face and making his eyes water. He doesn't want to be outside for that much longer, so he pulls out his phone to text someone, anyone, to see if they're free.
Turning a corner close to the building beside him, Devon bumps into someone. He staggers and looks up from his phone. "Hey! Watch where you're goin'!" Devon shouts, sending his text and putting it back in his pocket.
"I can't." Gator replies, trying to steady himself from the ground. That's when Devon realises he's knocked over a blind person.
"Shit– sorry, man. Didn't notice." Devon says, grabbing Gator's wrist to help him stand up.
"S'all good." Gator murmurs, palm flat against the wall to familiarise himself. "D'you mind helping me get somewhere?"
"Yeah, go on."
"An apartment complex should be nearby if I'm in the right place. One apparently with loads of flowers outside." Gator recalls.
"Oh, I just been there." Devon says, helping Gator around the corner. "Go straight down that sidewalk, and it's on your right."
Devon may be nice enough to give the directions, but he's not nice enough to help Gator get there. He's not that kind of guy. He wouldn't take that much time out of his day to help some random guy. So with that, he walks off.
"Oh, thank you! Do you, uh–" Gator trails off, hearing him walk away. "Hey–"
Gator huffs, left alone. He begins to make his way forward again. He's been on the run for months now, trying to find his way to his family. For the most part, he's failed this goal. But after getting a lead of her address, he hasn't stopped hoping to find them both. Now, he's so close he can just feel it. He feels that familiar tingling in his stomach.
The only things he hears are the wind rushing by his ears and the rolling sound of his mobility cane on the jagged sidewalk. Mutters of people walking by remind him to tug his hood further over his head. He doesn't want any chance of being caught. Not now.
He finally feels glass instead of brick. Windows... to the apartment complex? He finds the handle of a door and hopes that he's there.
Once inside, he confronts the dilemma that is finding the right apartment number. He knows it's number 34. He's definitely sure. He needs help...
Gator knocks at the first door he can find, hoping to encounter a nice person. He waits for a moment and hears the door unlock and swing open.
"Can I help you?" A woman's voice says.
"Yeah!" Gator replies. "Please. Couldja help me find apartment 34?"
"Oh, yeah, of course. Let's go to the elevator." She replies. Gator is relieved. He's finally made it, right?
After being guided into the elevator and shown down a hallway, the woman taps him to stop him. She guides his hand to the right door and bids her farewell.
Y/n is getting Alex ready for school when she hears an unrhythmic knock at the door. She sits Alex down on the sofa and allows him to watch the TV for a little bit longer while she goes to see who it is.
She's a lot more shocked to look through the peephole this time. But she rushes to open the door quickly, swinging it open with a little too much force.
"Gator!? What are you– I went to visit you a few months ago and you wasn't there! Alex was so disappointed."
"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I'm here now." He reaches out, hand brushing against Y/n's ear, despite him aiming to find her cheek. "I'm home."
"You can't be here.." She replies reluctantly. "You broke out of jail! I mean– what if I get in trouble just for knowing you? For harbouring you from the cops?"
"I broke out to be with you." Gator's voice cracks. "To be here for Alex. Please."
Y/n knows what's safe for Alex. She does. But the desperation in Gator's voice really gets to her. She can imagine he's been through a lot. And he's had to find her blindly. She was confused with how Devon found her address, but Gator? That's a whole other level. She reaches out for him, arms sliding around him and gently pulling him close.
"You're home." She murmurs.
"Really." She adds. She pressed a gentle kiss to Gator's jaw. "The fact you broke out of jail to be here for me and Alex means alot."
"So you'll be with me again? I've made it up to you?" He asks pleasingly. He needs this to be true.
"I'm prepared to be with you." She replies, cupping his cheek in her hand softly. "If you're here for me, I'm here for you."
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chicken-wayng · 12 days
“I need Alicent to regret all her life decisions”
Same, Alicent needs a reality check asap. Daemon kills your grandson, Rhaenyra doesn’t punish him and instead welcomes him back with open arms. You think you, Helaena and Jaehaera are safe around these people?
I know I've said it before, but Alicent reminds me of the basic religious southern woman.
Southern Christian women are raised from birth believing that a man is their savior. That a husband and children are going to be their greatest achievement. A man will provide for them. A man will tell them what's okay to say and think. If a man says gay people are nasty, gay people are nasty - if you have those thoughts you're nasty and need to ask for forgiveness to block them out. If a man says a person's skin color makes them a thief, rapist or criminal then it's best to stay away from that colored person; regardless of the fact that the man has stolen more from you and actually has raped you. Which is another thing, rape doesn't exist between a husband and wife in the southern Christian mindset, and if you're not married according to the bible all you have to do is pay off her dad and marry her but to the SC mindset you can slut shame her and make her think its her fault, and why should he be forced to marry a slut?
I'm going on a soap box so I'll back down but I know these things because I was raised this way. I was raised to believe I was nasty for liking girls, I was raised to believe brown people ("especially Puerto Ricans like your nana and dad!") were bad. I was raised in so many sickening ways I'm still having to unlearn a lot of it. However I have resources that just aren't available in Westeros.
When I wanted to know why brown people were bad, all I had to do was get online and read about real life testimonies from the civil war all the way up to present day. What I learned is that we can't even say America has been segregation free for 50 years! 50 fucking years ago they were lynching not only adults but babies!!! I used to use "gator bait" talking about little children, cuz that's what you do in Arkansas, only to learn the term comes from slave days when they'd throw the slave's BABIES to gators!!! How disgusting
When I wanted to know why gay people were bad, all I had to do was get online and learn about the queer people from the 1600s to now. We've existed forever, so what I feel wasn't a phase, or a sin, or anything bad, it was normal. I was raised with the Holy Bible and the biggest lesson we learn is Jesus' love for us. "Love is used over 500 times in the Bible," is what my nana said. Why would he put it in there over 500 times to turn around and tell you to hate? Well I didn't get an answer to that from church or the bible, I got it from Queer Christians (that I was taught weren't a thing.) who told me love is love.
When I want to know why something I was taught doesn't feel right I can look into it. Alicent and Rhaenyra can't. That's part of the tragedy and why they'll never be able to apologize and stop hurting each other. In this way the patriarchy has deepened the divide between them. However their own choices have also done so. Alicent doesn't need to understand bastardphobia to use it to hurt Nyra and Nyra doesn't need to understand the patriarchy to understand why Alicent has to make the choices she has to use the patriarchy to hurt her. They both know they're hurting the other and that's all they care about. The "if I can't love you, if I can't have you think of my name endearingly then I'll have you hate me. I'll have my name ring in your ears until the void takes you." Is toxic but they can't stop. They regret it, but they won't stop. The love is there, but they won't stop.
I need Alicent and Nyra to regret their choices like I regret being a horrible person for the first 15 years of my life.
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wroteclassicaly · 1 year
i’m here dw <3 i’ve been thinking of the idea of him fucking you and interrogating you hehe. “you wanna cum? you better answer my fuckin’ questions first.” taking total and complete control over you when you’re being difficult is sooooo 💫🫶🏻 He -han
Mr. Tillman loves him some bondage. 🥵
Also… I’m sorry that this took on a mind of its own, and I gave some Headcanons/backstory, that we don’t have yet. I do know Roy is most likely Gator’s dad, because his name is listed as Roy Tillman, so I’m assuming? 😭
Warnings: Language, bondage, edging, possessive Gator, vaginal sex, and use of a sex toy!
If you told yourself that you never thought about what Gator would, or could do to you with the plethora of binds he kept on him (or in that rust bucket he called a pick-up) — you’d be the biggest liar in the whole entire Midwest. Asking didn’t seem like an option to you, and you weren’t sure if Gator would a) use those specific things on you, or b) think you could handle them. You weren’t the type of girl that he usually took home to bed and be rid of. When you started sleeping together it surprised everyone in town, because let’s face it, word travels when a Tillman is involved in even a spill on aisle twelve. The whispers were more aimed at you, the quiet little mouse that ran the town’s one and only library, and resided on the edge of poverty.
Your grandparent’s lived and died in a trailer, and your dad left with his high-school sweetheart. Your mom had scurried out of town and went further into the country, residing on a farm with her flavor of the last few years. You’d known the Tillman’s since you were born, school mates with Gator, your grandfather working for the city with Roy’s father. It was a weird cycle, things often happening that you didn’t want involved in. So you opted to stay in town in your upstairs studio — charmed by it’s exposed pipes and original hardwood floors — rough, but yours.
Your work was a flight of stairs and down the street — away. You’d pass your favorite diner and the station, both of which Gator always routined in the morning, similar to your own schedule. More often than not, you’d see him clambering from his merlot colored 1948 Ford pickup. He never shut up about restoring the thing, much to Roy’s constant dismay.
“Buy a new one, boy. Waste of time.”
Gator added that to his many blissful defiances towards his father. Ones that could be overlooked. He knew better than to tow the line on the bigger things, even if he was ‘Sheriff’. Still, Gator Tillman did whatever job he was presented with, and he did it well. It followed on the spurs of a roughened elegance, like a soft spicy cologne, the leather of his combat boots, that thick gel he laid his chestnut tresses back with, or the beard burns he decorated along your thighs.
The morning that started it all, is when you’d had some continuous issues with idiot kids breaking into the return box and busting it into dents. Was it a big deal? Not really. But you weren’t about to lose your shitty minimum wage job for childish theatrics, all because your manager was a tight wad, and the town hall was in Roy’s back pocket, unwilling to let funds go for things that weren’t firearms. You hadn’t unlocked the box for returns, and you heard the kids throwing rocks, ramming it with the tires of their bikes —sheer boredom on a summer morning.
Gator was already out there, leaned over the top of a neon green set of handlebars, palm clasped on the pre-teen’s shoulder, shaking his head. The kid was pale, holding up his hands in apology, and turning towards you with glossy eyes. A quiet ‘M’ sorry, M’am.” Had tumbled off his lips. If they hadn’t continuously caused so much damage, you would’ve felt bad for him.
As he rode off into that crisp morning air, you’d turned, only to find the sun illuminating Gator’s enriching chocolate eyes, irises scattered with shards of mossy green and embers of golden flecks, his caramel colored hair slicked back until it looked darker than its natural shade — shining, freckles splattered all over his face and neck, a glimpse of his gold chain peeking out from his navy blue t-shirt, his vest tossed over his loose jean jacket, with his look completed by his thigh holster and weapon — strapped to his gray and black camouflage cargo pants. He drank in your reaction like a man dying of thirst. And the rest became one for the small town history books.
“Gator, just… fucking… PLEASE —“
A hand that is tainted with the musk of your own arousal, it lays flat over your mouth, his chain dipping between the valley of your perspired-drenched breasts, a brutal thrust delivered. His stubble formed beard, it scratches at your earlobe, his lips whispering out in a tone of mocking. “Didn’t I tell you not to talk unless you have answers for me?”
You mumble against his hand and he reaches back over with a free set of digits, snatching your wand off the table and pressing it back onto your clit. “What’s that, sweetheart? Was that a confession or another mouthy mistake?”
Tears soak your lash line, your cunt dousing him with new waves of cream each time he gives another push. He smirks, eyes blown and receptive, features a lit with mirth. He loves you not giving it up as much as he’s giving it to you. This… interrogation became more than his jealousy. A fun little game that he knew would also test his sanity not to claim you outwardly.
His spit-slick hand leaves your mouth, the vibrator being pulled off as you start to buck into his pelvis. You whine loudly, panting, his hand slapping above up into your bed frame, caging you in beside your cuffed wrists. You’re dripping down his balls and your ass, out of your fucking mind with raw need. You’ll say anything he wants, at this point. His calloused thumb-pad hovers over your clit, lips puffing out another questioning demand. “I asked you who he was and why he thought it was okay to act like your little hero, huh? He sniffin’ around you, wanting to hike up his leg for a piece of territory?”
“I need you, Gator! I want —“
His thumb grazes your clit and presses down… hard, leaving a painful ache snapping inside of your belly, but not enough to give you what you need, simply just encourage its flames. You tighten around him and he pulls out some, shaking his head. “Don’t care what you want. He’s playin’ on my turf, with my bitch. And she’s already been claimed.”
You attempt to twist your hips, but he rises onto his knees, hairy thighs pressed into the underside of your own. He’s in your face again, clicking his tongue to the roof of his mouth. “You wanna cum? You better answer my fuckin’ questions first!”
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landojpg04 · 8 months
Revenge on the Ranch//G.Tillman
This is gonna be a multi-part series. It's gonna follow the story of Rumor Abbott as she progresses further into her career as an agent for the FBI and what she plans on when coming across blackmail. She is a long-time girlfriend of Gator Tillman and would do about anything to protect their love.
This story may have some dark themes, but I promise to detail all of the warnings. As mentioned previously, I am creating my own plotline but incorporating some themes from Fargo and Outer Range. I hope you guys enjoy it!
Warnings for this part: Language (few cuss words), Mentions of R*y Tillman.
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Two weeks earlier
“What do you mean, they canceled the competition?” 
“Im telling you, they didn’t have enough cmpetitiors so now I’m done a month early.” Rhett was my older brother. He rode bulls professionally, and during the off season helped ur father and eldest brother Robert at the ranch. 
Rhett and I were closer in age making us closer in our relationship. He was the one to ship me away from the butt fucks of nowhere. Said my talent was a waste in the city we grew up in. Because of him I got into Quantico and began to pursue my dream.
“Well shit, what are you gonna do now?”
“Mom found out and entered my name into the homecoming competition. Said it’s an easy win. So guess I'm going back.”
Mom always did sneaky things to get us back home. Said shes done with Dad and Robert antics. This was a classic move by Reese herself. 
“Hows training going? You almost done?”
“I got a few months to go but its going good. I got to work this team this past week. Was able to locate and gather more intel for them.”
“Thats what I like to hear.”
I hummed to his response. I was sitting on the balcony of my apartment. The city was loud, in many ways than once. People yelling, sirens from every cancer with my head constantly going round in circles with thoughts.
“So you able to come up with me?”
“There it is.”
“Look you know Mom signed me up for a reason, she knows us.”
Mom did know us. I haven’t seen Rhett since last Christmas or have been able to get away to see him ride.
“I don’t know Rhett.”
“Come one, please. Do this for your favorite brother”
I laugh at his opinion.
“You think youre my favorite?”
“I definitely am.”
“That's presumptuous.”
“Well then, don’t go up for me–go up to see lover boy.”
I went silent thinking about that. Gator and I haven't seen each other since New Year. My schedule is the opposite of his. We talk every day still; we just haven't seen each other.
“What day are you gonna go up?”
“Probably Thursday. Friday is the competition.”
“Thursday, I have work till noon. But if you can't pick me up, no worries, I’ll drive up.”
“Sounds good. I'll see you later, Rue.”
“Bye, Rhett.” I hung up the phone. Immediately looking down at my lock screen. A picture of Gator and I last summer. I needed to go home, even for just a few days.
I finished work around 1250. Today, I was on the desk for a gruesome case. I was able to find some information, but they weren’t able to raid till it was signed off by a judge. 
I began my walk from the office to my apartment. 
On the way there, I wanted to grab a pick-me-up drink, stopping by my local coffee shop.
I walked in, and there were two people in front of me. I took this time to text Gator,
How’s it going?
I send and within seconds I see the three dots.
Dad scheduled me to be out on the field. It’s like he know’s
You're gonna be back soon.
I’m counting down the hours 
I smiled at the last text. I look up and notice it was my turn to order.
“Hey Rumor, your usual?” I nodded and smiled. I began to pay when I heard the barista talk to me again. “You know, Rumor, there's a band playing at the Klatch this weekend; I have an in and was wondering if you’d be willing to go with me.”
The barista’s name was Vincent. He’s been working here since I moved. He went to college but dropped out, exclaiming he wasn’t gonna spend his life working away. 
“Sorry Vince, I’m actually planning on going back home this weekend.”
“Yeah, to see that fake boyfriend of yours.”
I just pressed my lips into a thin line. Despite Vincent knowing about Gator, he has always given me shit about him. Saying it would just be better if I said I wasn’t interested in him rather than creating a fake boyfriend.
Rather than responding, I just grabbed my drink, gave a small smile, and walked out.
Yeah, it's definitely time to go back home.
And like an angel from heaven as I turn the corner to reach my apartment. There he was sticking out like a sore thumb. Dressed like a cowboy. Hat, boots, and one of his sponsors jacket on.
“Rhett!” I scream overwhelmed with emotions.
He was standing in front of my building. I run towards him, he engulfs me in a hug.
“Holy shit Rue. I have never seen you run that fast.”
“What, I can't miss my favorite brother?” I say.
“That is exactly what I like to hear.”
I laugh.
“Okay, let me shower, pack my bags, and then we can hit the road.”
Rhett nodded.
“Thank god I have time for a nap.”
Arriving at home was bittersweet. The ranch looks the same. But those who occupy it look older. Dad has a few more gray scattering his beard and Momma is aging like fine wine. Both of them cried when we got out of the car.
If it was up to them they would have us at the ranch year long, but they are the type of parents who don’t hold their kids back from their dreams. And for that, I am thankful.
“Honey, you haven't been eating,” Momma exclaimed. I roll my eyes at her.
“Mom I eat just fine.”
“Rob, go get your sister’s stuff! Rhett needs to rest up.”
“You owe me so many drinks tomorrow.” Robort says hugging me once more.
I laugh at thow we have resumed the hustle and bustle of the house like it once was all those years ago. 
Rylee was now walking and had long hair pulled into braids. I got up to swoop her, having her grow into a fit of giggles.
“Aunty Ru-Ru!” She says while giggling. 
I see Jane and rush to give her a hug. Jane was always the older sister I never had. 
“Hell Rumor look at you!” She said taking me in. “Crime stopping does wonder for you.” I laugh at her comment. Jane and Robert were high school sweethearts. Jane was always around, she got me ready for my first date and did my makeup for all the special occasions. I set Rylee down and pulled Jane into another hug “Miss you sis.” I said.
“Don’t go soft on us killer.”
I look down to see her belly growing.
“Son of a bitch.” I say under my breath.
“Hey don't talk like that about your nephew.”
“Rumor, come eat!” Jane laughed hearing Momma call me. I walked over and sat down. Content with the peacefulness around me.
After dinner and the catching up conversations with the family, Momma sent us all to bed because of the competition tomorrow. Exclaiming we all needed to be on our best behavior, as it was the first time since graduation we would all be together. I laid in bed and reached that call button. I heard it ring a few times before I heard him.
“How is my girl doing back?”
“Momma made me eat two servings of food and made us all go to bed. So currently a little happy."
“Sounds like Reese.”
“Where you at?”
“An hour or so up north. Roy sent me up due to a call about some missing cattle. I’m just sitting here till six and then heading back.”
“He hates me.”
“That I can not dispute. He is even making sure that I go to the station before the competition tomorrow to ensure my papers are up to date.”
“I hate him”
I heard Gator snicker.
“You’ll see me before your brother is up to ride, I promise.”
“I miss you.”
“I’m pretty sure I miss you more.”
I took a deep breath, and Gator did the same.
“Not to be a pest but why didn’t you text me back earlier?”
“Some asshole I was dealing with tampered my mood.
Then Rhett was already at my apartment.”
I heard him hum.
“Anyone I need to deal with?”
“Not yet. But you can deal with your father for me.”
He laughs.
“Call me if you can't sleep. Ill be up, but get some rest.”
“I will. See you tomorrow.” 
“See you tomorrow, love you.”
“Love you.”
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stardancerluv · 7 months
The Past Follows Like Your Shadow
Part 5
Summary: We see some Gator’s life…good bad..
Notes/Warning: 18 & up!!! In this chapter I do a version of the scene where they discuss with Munch failing to get Nadine. Violence ensues (Gator’s arm is broken..and a few implied un - alivings) Gator gets sick..not vivid description. Some of the dialogue is right from the show.
Wanted to show some of Gator’s au life. And realized that flashbacks will be a staple to show the past.
❤️, reblogs, comments & feedback are welcome!
Annoyance was bubbling in him as his keys jangled in his hands. Easily, he opened the front door, the smell of stew and giggles reached him. As he turned to close the door, a hush came from where the giggles had floated from. He rolled his eyes. He hung up his baseball cap then his harness.
Soft footfalls came up from him behind. He stiffened as arms wrapped around his middle. They squeezed him. He patted one of her hands.
He turned to look down at the poofy mess of her hair and big, bright eyes that shone up at him.
“Papa called.” He hated that she referred to his father like that. “He said you need to call him when you get in.”
“Alright. I’ll do that and then I’m taking a shower. How long will the girls be here?”
“Don’t you wanna say hi?” She squeaked out. “There’s been some big news.”
“I asked a question.” He felt his jaw grow tight.
“Oh! Sweetpea, don’t be stern.” She reached up and patted his chest. “Just a little longer. We are having some good games tonight, I already won a dollar.”
He rolled his eyes. “Congrats, sugar baby.” He eased his tone.
She brightened at his pet name for her.
“Now tell me.” He attempted a smile. “What is the big news?”
She giggled. Her eyes bright as the candles that flickered in the jack o lanterns on their steps.
“Y/N, is back in town. You know the girl who slept her way through the football team and even one or two of the cheerleaders.”
He pressed his lips together. He could still taste you from the hungry kisses you shared.
“Oh?” He shrugged. “Is that all?”
She happily nodded.
“Alright, I’m gonna go shower.”
“So you’re not going to come say hello?” She withdrew her arms from around him, and hugger herself. She chirped, rocking on her heels.
“Nah, been a long day.” He scratched the back of his head.
“Alright.” Before he could stop her, she came in for a kiss. He did manage to move and her overly sticky lip gloss hit his cheek.
Nodding, he felt like he had to climb up the stairs to the shower. The shower curtain rings scrapped against the rod, as he pushed the curtain aside so he could turn the knobs. He’d turn up the heat, to distract from not being able to share his bed with you.
When the two of you were kids, you managed to do it twice. Their friends had backed up their alibis; to be fair his friends were afraid of his father and so were yours. It didn’t take much to convince your friends for help.
After pulling off his boots he stripped off his camo pants and shirt, he left them in a heap beside the bath tub. Leaning against the small white pedestal sink, he sneered at his refection, before the steam ate it away.
If that asshole Tommy had not gotten wind of the two of you, maybe life would be different right now.
He groaned as the needles of the hot water prickled his back. Eventually, the water finally beat hard enough to relax him. Finally, allowing him to slouch under the water. He easily soaped of up his body and face, before washing his hair free of the gel.
The sheets were crisp when he pulled them aside and he climbed into bed. He was grateful, to have this quiet moment alone.
Throwing an arm over his eyes, he remembered how he had placed his hands over his eyes as you stripped down to panties and bra before climbing into bed with him. That had been the first time.
You both were a giggling mess. You had shivered as you climbed into the bed beside him; so without thinking, he wrapped his arms around you. He had been too nervous to look down between the two of you. His body certainly knew what he was holding onto. It made the two of you giggle more before you both grew silent for a kiss.
His body reacted again, just as fast remembering how you just looked as he pressed you into the sofa tonight. Still as curvy and beautiful as ever. The sounds you made, he had to bite the inside of his cheek.
The door creaked open, he rolled away. Lights from the hallway hit his eyelids as it poured into the room.
“Don’t forget to turn the light off.” He mumbled and squeezed his eyes closed tighter, if it was even possible.
Roy’s words rang in your ears. “You whore of Gomorrah. Get away from my son.” He then tore the blanket away from the two of you, very fast.
You had never been more relieved it was the dead of winter. Gator was like your own furnace, but you both had decided to wear your pajamas. You had heard sometimes people slept naked when they liked each other, you couldn’t imagine what that was like. Sleeping, even with a t-shirt felt almost too naked.
“Father, stop.” A slap rang out. You immediately looked in Gator’s direction, even in that shadowy bedroom, you could see tears glisten in his eyes.
Roy was cloaked in darkness. He looked taller and meaner then usual.
“We’re adults, can’t you just leave us alone.” You hiccuped out.
“The whore speaks.” You saw him raise his hand and you shrank back into your bed.
His father was supposed to be in the next town over investigating a robbery and your parents were in the big city celebrating their anniversary. You would have snuck, Gator out by dusk and he would have rode his bike home. No one would have been the wiser. Your life after that went from tough to bad.
You pushed the memory away. Sighing, you rolled over in the scratchy sheets. Aunt Mavis did not believe in fabric softener. You’d go and get some tomorrow.
Licking your lips as you closed your eyes, you could still taste Gator and mixture of something else, probably that damn vape. You wondered when he had picked that habit up.
Sleepiness began fall over even with the delightful ache between your legs, that made you already want more. Did that make you a horrible person? Were you finally the whore that Roy called you all those years ago. Mary Sue, had always been picture perfect but with a nasty heart, that was probably why she hasn’t been able to take Gator’s seed. You chuckled in the darkness at the thought.
He better not think that now that you are back in town that you’d mother a child for him, to help him carry on the Tillman name.
The velvety darkness of sleep began creep up you. Your eyes grew heavy, as you wondered what was it that he wanted. You would be finished with your aunt’s house by the end of the month, at the very least. And hopefully this time, you’d never come back; even if he looked and felt even better above then you could have ever imagined.
What exactly did Gator want from her. you pushed away the past. You didn’t happily embrace any of this new development, but you were secretly very pleased to know how Gator felt above you again.
“Why you want the tiger?” The man garbled out.
It was hard to resist rolling his eyes, or tapping his foot as his father and the older man spoke.
He’d be lying if the man creeped him the fuck out. The way he spoke, his demeanor it didn’t sit right with him.
“She’s my wife.”
“Don’t tell him shit. I already said I can handle this.” He looked up at his father from under the brim of his cap. “We know where she lives now. Her alias.”
He placed a hand on his chest and pushed him back. He looked down. Why did always have to demean him in front of others. Annoyance began to bubble in him. He was his son. He should treat him as such.
“She made vows to me.” Roy Tillman continued. “A pledge. In sickness and in health. Consider it a debt unpaid leaving me in limbo. Husband yes or husband no. See she hid from me nine, ten years ago. Interest accrued. Until the debt could no longer be paid with money.”
Roy paused and glanced at him. He resisted making a face. Behind his back he clenched and unclenched his hands.
“If a man is pure, his actions are only ever good. You believe that?”
“I’m a nihilist.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” His confusion got the better of him. He gestured to the old man.
He slid him a look. It gave him a chill.
“I believe in nothing.”
“You believe in money.” Roy immediately replied.
The man made a face.
“Well, thanks for your help.” Roy added. “Go on with Gator, he will make sure you get paid.”
“Dad?” He was confused. Why would they still pay him after he failed to deliver Nadine.
“Original plus pain and suffering.”
“Sure. Of course. Take it out of the rainy day fund. Take him to the fix ‘em place.”
Unease filled him. He knew what that meant. He didn’t particularly like the idea. But the old man had annoyed him enough. So in the end, who the hell cared.
He gestured for the man to follow him. “Come on, numb nuts.”
“The man is grateful.” The old man replied.
He left the shadowy recesses of the riding pen and walked into the bright day. It oddly comforted him.
He shook his head when he man bent to retrieve the cigarette he had left smoldering earlier.
Leading him to shed was going to be easier then he expected. Almost made him feel relieved. But until this man was gone, he would not relax. Gator inwardly smiled seeing his father’s men prepared and ready. This would be over soon.
The man stopped and took a pull on the cigarette, squinting at him.
“What?” He spit on the ground besides the man’s boot.
When the man didn’t budget, he patted him on the arm. “Hey, hundreds ok?”
A bird distantly chirped, he glanced at it and then back at the man. He didn’t say anything but turned away from him and began to walk again. Once he was few steps away, he finally pulled his gone from his holster. His blood pumped hard in his ears.
“Surprise.” A smirk curled his lips.
The man with no warning lunged at him. He a shot went off. The man grabbed him and got a hold of his gun. Within a breath, still holding him, the man took out two of his father’s men with his gun.
“What are you gonna do now?” He didn’t have time to get scared. He just started right back at those dark eyes.
Distantly, he heard the man toss something, must have been his gun. The man drew even closer, he refused to move. Next thing, he felt a twist and then felt something give, something snap and a scream erupted from him as pain exploded within him.
Not realizing, he had closed his eyes he opened them and the man was gone. He slumped to his knees, the ground felt softer then it ever has; his arm hung loose, beside him. Bile, hot and acrid shot up his throat and he threw up on ragged grass and dandelions in front of him.
“What the fuck happened?” Roy’s sharp voice came from behind him. Blinking in his father’s direction, he was crotched low to the ground with his gun drawn in front of him.
He coughed and spit out the bile that tried to coat his mouth. “Got the damn drop on us. He killed Bob and Lester.” He coughed again.
“Fuck.” His father muttered and walked away.
“What about me?” He called after him.
“Get yourself patched up. We got work to do.” He didn’t even glance back.
The wooden floor boards shone, the wood was warm and comforting once again. The water and soap had to be changed three times. It made you wonder when she last mopped.
When the bell from the dryer rang out from the basement you smiled. Fresh, soft sheets would now be smoothed across that large bed. You could sleep and not have to wear layers for risk of rubbing your skin red with irritation.
Smiling, you laid back with your hands behind your head. You had won a victory with those sheets; they had put up quite a fight.
It had been a good day. The floors were clean, the curtains no longer gave off clouds of dust and the bed, despite still being a very lumpy with soft sheets and blankets you could be sleep on more comfortably. Perhaps, you would actually cook today. You had stocked the fridge. Could be fun, a gas stove wasn’t too difficult to understand.
@delikaitxx @keerygal (hope you don’t mind!)
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loveroftoomanyfandoms · 4 months
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Every Little Thing She Does is Magic, Chapter 3
Pairing: Platonic Steven Grant x Reader (for now)
Rating: T
Word count: ~2600
Story Summary: Steven meets a beautiful woman in the Egyptian exhibit at the British Museum...
...Too bad she's his new boss.
Tags/Warnings: Canon Divergent since Steven still works for the British Museum post-canon, No Jake Lockley, developing friendship, boss/employee relationship (of sorts)
A/N: Here's chapter 3! I'm still not quite sure how long this will be, but hopefully I'll have an idea soon since I know where the plot's going.
If you'd like to be added to the taglist for this or any of my stories, please let me know!
Title from the song of the same name by The Police.
“...So, what do you think?”
Steven turned as Christina walked up next to him. He had been in his new position for a few weeks and was attending his very first members-only museum gala. “There's quite a lot of people here, isn’t there?” he replied.
Christina shrugged. “Usually it’s the same bunch of trustees and benefactors wanting to brag about their ‘generous’ donations while simultaneously making sure of where said donations are going, but yeah, there’s definitely more members here than usual.”
“Have you seen Dr. Y/L/N yet?” 
Christna shook her head. “No, but I’m sure she’s around here somewhere.”
She waved at someone. “Oh, if you'll excuse me, I just saw one of my old professors from uni. I'll catch up with you later, okay?”
Steven nodded. “Yeah. Laters, gators.”
Once Christina had left, he continued looking around the room. Maybe I should walk around, see if I spot her.
Good idea, Marc replied in his head.
Steven took a single step before someone moved out of his line of sight, revealing Dr. Y/L/N.
She had traded in her usual business attire for a silky floor-length purple dress with a shimmery beaded bodice and a pair of high-heeled shoes. On her left wrist was a wide, flat, silvery bracelet that reminded Steven of the bangles that Egyptian queens were frequently depicted wearing while a double-layer teardrop diamond necklace rested at her throat.
Steven’s breath caught. Gods, she’s beautiful.
Stunning, Marc agreed.
Dr. Y/L/N was engaged in conversation with an older gentleman that Steven vaguely recognized as one of the museum's trustees -- or from what Steven could tell she was actually being talked at while she discreetly looked around for an escape route.
She smiled as Steven caught her eye, then while the man speaking to her was briefly distracted by a passing waiter she made a face before quickly schooling her features back into a blank mask.
Steven chuckled and shook his head as the man turned back to Dr. Y/L/N and began speaking again while she pretended to be interested.
Go help her, Marc said.
I don't know, make something up. Say you need to talk to her about something important.
Steven downed the glass of champagne he had been holding just to have something in his hands and set the empty glass down on a nearby table. “Right, off I go then.”
He walked over towards Dr. Y/L/N. “Dr. Y/L/N, there you are!”
“Ah, Steven!” Dr. Y/L/N replied, looking relieved. “Cohen, this is Steven Grant, our absolutely brilliant Visitor Engagement Specialist here at the museum. Steven, this is Cohen Robbins, one of the museum's benefactors and member of the board.”
“How do you do,” Cohen said, shaking Steven's hand.
“Pleasure to meet you, sir,” Steven replied. 
“Steven has been instrumental in improving the museum's visitor numbers,” Dr. Y/L/N continued. “Just in the past month that he's been in the position we've more than doubled our guided tour numbers and increased memberships by 20%.”
Steven’s face flushed at the praise. Dr. Y/L/N had loved his revamped tour and had approved it as the new standard as soon as Steven could train the rest of the Programming staff.
“It's all been thanks to Dr. Y/L/N’s incredible leadership,” he replied. “I'm just grateful that she's given me the opportunity to show her what I can do.”
He cleared his throat. “In fact, I actually have important museum business to discuss with her now, so unfortunately I need to steal her away. Quite urgent, you see, can't wait till tomorrow.”
“Apologies, Cohen,” Dr. Y/L/N said. “I'll see you at the next board meeting.”
Steven began to lead Dr. Y/L/N away. “I was thinking about what you said regarding our next special exhibition and I've come up with something that I really think you'll --”
He dropped the act as soon as they were out of earshot. “Everything okay? You looked like you were in need of a bit of a rescue.”
Dr. Y/L/N nodded with a smile. “I was, actually. I knew that events like this require a lot of schmoozing benefactors and listening to them talk about their art and car collections, which totally isn't my scene but unfortunately came with the job description, but I swear if I had to listen to Cohen blather on about his prized Vermeer painting for one more minute I was going to go insane. You're a lifesaver, Steven, thank you.”
Steven huffed out a laugh. “Happy to help, ma'am.”
“Are you enjoying the gala so far?”
Steven nodded. I am now. “Yes, ma'am.”
He had been surprised to see the invitation to the gala in his email inbox a few weeks before and in questioning Christina, he had learned that while the galas were open to all staff (which he never knew since Donna had never bothered to let the gift shop staff know) the Curation and Programming department heads in particular were encouraged to attend in order to show solidarity and support for the museum -- and to be on hand to answer any questions about the exhibits. It's not actually required, she had said, but we get overtime for it so it's worth it.
Dr. Y/L/N smiled. “Good. I'm glad.”
Steven gestured towards the table that was acting as a makeshift bar. “May I get you something to drink?”
Dr. Y/L/N nodded. “Yes, a glass of champagne would be lovely.”
“Be right back.”
Steven walked over to the bar and requested a glass of champagne and a bottle of water, then headed back over to Dr. Y/L/N once he had received them.
He handed her the glass of champagne. “Here you are, ma'am.”
“Thanks so much, Steven.” Dr. Y/L/N grinned. “The one upside to these parties… getting paid to dress up and drink fancy champagne.”
Steven took the opportunity to admire her once again. “You look lovely tonight, by the way. Very reminiscent of an Egyptian goddess.”
“Thank you.” Dr. Y/L/N briefly glanced down at her outfit. “That's actually kind of the look I was going for.”
She paused. “You look really nice as well.”
“Thank you.” Steven had "borrowed" a tux that Marc had stashed in the back of their closet after a mission. It had been a bit wrinkled when Steven had pulled it out but luckily there were no bloodstains, so after a bit of dry cleaning it was as good as new.
Dr. Y/L/N took a sip of her champagne. “Oh, I meant to tell you, that teacher from the school group you gave a tour to on Wednesday emailed me this afternoon and absolutely raved about you, said it was the most engaged she's ever seen some of her students and that they were still talking about it yesterday in class.”
Steven grinned. “Oh, they were a fun group, asked some good questions.”
“She also wanted to know if she went ahead and booked another tour for next term if she could request you as her class's tour guide.”
Steven nodded. “Yeah, that's not a problem. I'll make a note when she sends in her tour reservation to schedule myself for it.”
“Okay, I'll email her back on Monday and let her know.”
“Okay, great.”
“You know, that was actually the fourth message we've gotten about how great your tours in particular are just in the past two weeks alone. I need to watch out -- another museum might get wind of how amazing you are and try to steal you away.”
Steven grinned and shook his head. “No chance of that, ma'am. I plan on staying right where I'm at.”
Dr. Y//N nodded with a smile. “Good to know.”
“--Ah, Dr. Y/L/N, there you are!”
Dr. Y/L/N turned as Helen walked up. “Good evening, Helen.”
“‘Evening, ma’am. ‘Evening, Steven.”
“Good evening,” Steven replied. 
“Sorry to interrupt, but it’s time for your welcome speech, Dr. Y/L/N.” 
“Oh, it is? I'm sorry, I had no idea of the time.” Dr. Y/L/N turned back to Steven. “Would you mind holding my champagne for me, please? I'll be right back.”
Steven nodded and took her glass. “Absolutely, ma'am.”
He watched Dr. Y/L/N head over to a makeshift stage and clear her throat as the music that had been playing softly over the museum's intercom system faded into silence. “Hello, everyone,” she said. “For those of you that don't know me, my name is Y/F/N Y/L/N and I’m the director here at the British Museum. On behalf of myself and the entire museum staff, I'd like to welcome you to this evening's members’ gala.
“For years the museum has been the cornerstone of enlightenment and knowledge and it is only with your continued support that we are able to present such a large and wonderfully diverse collection of artifacts for exhibition. It's an honor and a privilege to be part of the growth and development of the museum and its collection, and from the bottom of my heart I thank you all for being here. Enjoy your evening.”
Steven politely applauded along with the rest of the crowd, then watched as Dr. Y/L/N made her way off the stage back towards him.
He handed her her glass of champagne. “That was a lovely speech.”
Dr. Y/L/N smiled. “Thank you.”
“It really is fascinating, though, innit? I mean, the history of the museum.”
Dr. Y/L/N nodded. “Oh yeah, very. And to think it started with someone's private collection.”
Steven took a sip of water. "So you never did say what brought you to England, if it was strictly for work or..." He trailed off.
Nice segue into finding out if she's single, Marc said in his head.
"Well, the short answer is strictly work," Dr. Y/LN replied. "But the long answer is that I got a dual Master's degree in history and linguistics before getting my doctorate in Archeology and had originally planned on being a real-life Indiana Jones, but then the university museum offered me a position as their director and I almost had to take it. I enjoyed it immensely but I’d always wanted to come to England, and a couple of months ago a museum job board I’m part of had posted that there was an opening for the director of the British Museum, so I figured why not at least apply? Honestly never thought I'd actually get it, although I'm really glad I did."
Steven gave her a small smile. “I am too.”
Dr. Y/L/N shook her head. “Sorry, I’ve been blathering on about myself for too long. Tell me about you.”
“Oh, er, well…” Steven licked his lips nervously. “There’s not much else to know besides what you’ve read on my CV, really.”
“Nothing? You don’t have any family? Friends? Things you do for fun?”
“Well, there was my mum, but she’s…” Steven trailed off. “She’s gone now.”
 Dr. Y/L/N gasped softly. “Oh. Oh, Steven, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s alright. It was a while ago.” Steven shrugged. “I’ve got a goldfish, at least. Gus. Gus the goldfish.”
“Gus the goldfish…” Dr. Y/L/N nodded with a smile. “I like that.”
Steven took another sip of water. “I don’t suppose you have any pets.”
“No, I considered getting a pet of some sort, but my hours at the university museum were always so long that I would’ve felt bad leaving whatever sort of pet I chose to get home alone for hours on end.”
Steven nodded. He wasn’t exactly sure which iteration of Gus he was on thanks to Marc. “That’s understandable.”
“Maybe one day. We’ll see. So, what do you do when you’re not working?”
“Actually, I’m studying hieroglyphics at the moment.”
“Oh wow, that’s so cool!”
Steven grinned at Dr. Y/L/N's enthusiasm. “Yeah, I’ve been meaning to see if I can translate whatever’s on Akhenaten’s coffin so I can add it to the information on the display placard, although it’s probably just something like ‘here lies Akhenaten, who died from eating spoiled lentils’.”
“Want to go find out?”
Steven blinked at Dr. Y/L/N in surprise. “What, really? Right now?”
“Yeah, why not? I don't think anyone will even notice we're gone.” Dr. Y/L/N gave him a cheeky grin. “Come on, I promise I won't tell the boss.”
Steven chuckled, then nodded. “Okay then. Let's go.”
They quietly made their way upstairs to the 3rd floor and into the Ancient Egyptian hall.
Steven crouched down next to Akhenaten’s sarcophagus so he could read the inscription that had been etched onto the side. “Alright, let's have a look.”
“Well?” Dr. Y/L/N asked. “Does it say he died from eating some bad lentils?”
Steven chuckled. “Actually, no. It says ‘Here lies Akhenaten, beloved of the Aten, great of kingship in Akhetaten, who has elevated the name of the Aten, the perfect one of the manifestations of Re, who is beneficial to the Aten.”
Dr. Y/L/N crouched down next to him. “So he was a sun worshiper.”
Steven nodded. “Specifically the sun disk, Aten. He tried to force monotheism and make Aten the only worshiped god, which backfired spectacularly. He wasn't very well-liked and is sometimes referred to as the ‘heretic pharaoh’.”
Dr. Y/L/N winced. “Ouch. No wonder his sarcophagus isn't as nice as some others.”
“It appears that it wasn't even made for him originally -- it was made for a woman and was either second-hand or retrofitted to him.”
Dr. Y/L/N turned towards him. “So what happened after his death?”
“Polytheism was slowly reintroduced, and he was largely forgotten about until the discovery of his tomb in 1893.”
Dr. Y/L/N shook her head. “Geez. Imagine going from being an all-powerful pharaoh to getting stuffed into a second-hand coffin upon your death and left to the annals of history.”
Steven nodded as he stood. “Yeah.”
Dr. Y/L/N went to stand as well, but wobbled as she straightened.
Steven instinctively grabbed her hand to keep her from falling. “Woah there. Are you alright?”
Dr. Y/L/N looked down at their joined hands then back up to Steven’s eyes, an unreadable expression on her face.
She blinked a few times then nodded. “Yeah, yeah I’m okay. Thank you.”
Steven was filled with relief. The last thing he needed was to have Dr. Y/L/N be hurt, especially while they had snuck off to go look at an exhibit. People would talk. “Oh, good.” 
He let go of her hand and took a step back. “We should um, we should probably get back downstairs, yeah?”
Dr. Y/L/N cleared her throat. “Right, yes. Yes, of course.”
They headed out of the Ancient Egyptian exhibit and back down to the gala on the first floor.
Dr. Y/L/N paused at the foot of the stairs. “I um, I probably should go speak to some of the benefactors since the gala is almost over, but just so you know, I really enjoyed our conversation tonight.”
Steven smiled. “I did too. Enjoy the rest of your evening, ma’am.”
“You too, Steven.”
Steven watched as Dr. Y/L/N walked away. If he got to spend every gala like he did this one… he definitely wouldn't mind having to attend.
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mysticdragoni · 7 months
Dreamzzz review & Theory
I finished Dreamzzz and I’m so conflicted, I had a gigantic theory that I would like to talk about because the ending of the season was NOT what I was expecting, wasn’t bad but my theory had me in a chokehold - Dreamzzz spoilers ahead.
I liked it, but I didn’t love it, I did however LOVE the creative design that went behind everything,
Turtle taco truck, gator cars, ALBERT, shark boat, lumina’s castle looking like a space shuttle, the weapon on the top of the castle, ALBERT, the fact that Mr.Oswald was wearing the astronaut symbol from the 1984 minifig, Zian’s design, ALBERT’S SOUTHERN ACCENT, Night Hunter sway walk + chain sound effects, Logan’s outfit is cool as ice.
My issues: the story was hard to focus on at times, they had some fill in moments that were too long, also random pauses that went on for too long? They would say something and then stand there longer than necessary, characters had this issue of being great in one episode then problematic in the literal beginning of the next episode. Logan would randomly switch up a lot in the beginning episodes, being nice then a douche bag. Then he was nice for 7 episodes only to be upset he has to help Izzie in the maze so she doesn’t get seriously hurt by the night terrors.
I also did not like Filippo’s face, the stained glass look was an awesome design but the creepy lion face will haunt me.
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Here was my fueling for all of this that never happened but still could (season 2 hear me out)
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I mean look at this, I can totally see this as a family, also convenient Lunia is missing and so is her mom. Not to mention her dad is also missing, meanwhile the Night Hunter said he couldn’t return to the waking world until he conjured up Lunia’s hourglass.
Also I’d like to point out that her father’s hairpiece looks very similar to Hunter of the angle was right.
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I had a gigantic theory that Zoey’s parents were Lunia and Hunter, that the end would be a gigantic reveal, parent vs parent, Nightmare King orchestrating the fight. Zoey would go to find Lunia, find her at her castle weakened or context, Find out that’s her MOM. Then the Nightmare King shows up on the boat to attack the place, Lunia recognizes Night Hunter, says his real name, which makes Zoey go: Mom… DAD?!
And the Nightmare King laughs about it, loving the idea of breaking up a family in the process, Hunter is reluctant and wide eyed as he doesn’t want to fight.
My theory started as her mother was attacked by the nightmare king and while trying to fight him off with Hunter, she was defeated and he was corrupted, forgetting who his family was. Or perhaps he known and just held it over Zoey’s head with the teasing “Kiddo” and helping her at one point by misfiring his arrow. You know, like an evil dad who doesn’t want his daughter to win, but also doesn’t want her hurt.
I think the reason he’s all bundled up isn’t just secrecy for Mateo, but also so Zoey doesn’t recognize him. I think he ran away from home in the waking world too when he turned on Lunia and helped the Nightmare King be free.
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But yeah, I still have the theory that they are her parents, at least Hunter is her dad, it would have been such an interesting twist. Oh well, show was cute, I have a character I’m making for it.
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