#deer alastor
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sauce-cat · 2 months ago
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📻🍎 it was only a matter of time before I drew radioapple deer,
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carlizwall · 5 months ago
Oh deer!
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I edited the text to avoid any misunderstanding, but hey! There's color now!✨
The adorable deer design of Alastor and Lucifer was created by @heheartistuwu 💕
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multifandomfanatic02 · 1 year ago
"Stuck in a Trap."
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𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 : deer!Alastor x human!Reader
𝙎𝙮𝙣𝙤𝙥𝙨𝙞𝙨 : reader finds herself wandering the woods alone and falls upon a wounded stag stuck in a bear trap.
𝙏𝙖𝙜𝙨 : deer Alastor, human reader, marked, soulmate trope in a way
𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩 : 1.3k
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It was a cool night in spring. Nice enough to take a walk outside. You had decided to chose a descent into the woods behind your house. It wasn't dangerous or anything, had a nice gravel path. A few miles into it became an attraction to some tourists. Those who were into the whole haunting thing.
The most you heard were some silly ghost stories. What nonsense, you thought. Some believed there was a portal straight to Hell sitting in the thicket somewhere. Some believed there have victims from past murders buried in there. You weren't exactly into paranormal shit, you've lived and roamed these woods for years now.
No, the closest you have seen were the crazy amounts of dead deer lying on the floor. Hunters perhaps? Maybe mountain lions? Nah. The state of the deer made you feel bad, queezy more like. The poaching of the animals was upsetting to say the least. Whenever you went on these walks, you made sure to break whatever traps you could find. More often than not, all being bear traps. It was illegal in this area after all. Nobody really enforces the law around here considering how scared everyone was with this place.
You had been walking for what felt like a few hours. Your cue being the red and pink sky to head home. Oh but it just feels so right to be there. It wasn't until you heard a loud animal like cry that you stopped in your tracks. You bet it was a deer caught in a trap. What were you thinking following a scary sound like this. This kinda thing should only happen in scary movies.
After a few minutes of wandering around for the source of the sound, the creature in question comes in to view. It was a stag. What a divine animal this was. It was a lot larger than most deer, the biggest set of antlers you had seen. And it's color was dazzling. It was as if it reflected the crimson sky above it. There was no way that it was it's natural color.
Inching closer to it, the reason of it's cry came to your attention. A hoof was caught in a bear trap like you originally thought. Blood dripped from it's ankle, in attempt to soothe it, he licked it. Blood staining around it's mouth. Looks like he'd been there for quite some time.
Bending down to the ground, you hold up your hands hoping the creature would realize you were going to try and release it. All he did was bellow in hopes to scare you away. But you just stared in amazement. Your hand just inches away from the trap, the stag notices and understands your actions. Staying still for a few seconds.
His hoof finally free, you put the bloodied old bear trap in your bag. The beautiful creature bows his head slightly, one of his front hooves folding beneath him, obviously showing a little gratitude. You bent down to meet his gaze, returning the unusual human-like gesture. You didn't really think about it too hard.
Your hand reached out to him, in hopes he'll accept your advances. The stags ears laid back against his head as he pressed his forehead into yours. He backed away slightly, giving the entirety of your forearm a well deserved lick before bounding back into the thicket of the woods.
What a strange interaction. Something you surely won't ever forget whether you liked it or not. Upon looking down, you notice a green glow surrounding the area the creature marked. Looked like it was making out a subtle A-like symbol. Well time to proceed home and wash off.
A few years had gone by and the mark still remained on your arm. After many specialist appointments and surgeries, the doctors were just as stumped as you were. It wasn't a tattoo of any kind, no ink was found in the skin. It wasn't skin cancer. And crazy as it is, after several biopsies the mark simply grew over the scar tissue. It was a complete mystery as to what that mark was. And if you told everyone where you truly got it, they would all think you were nuts.
If that wasn't enough, you often felt prying eyes around your secluded house. The paranormal stories were beginning to sound sane after all the experiences you had. There have been many nights where the stereo would turn on by itself or static would just be heard. Or nights when a dark yet comforting shadow would loom over you as you slept. You eventually became accustomed to these intrusions. Most would have moved out by now.
Whatever was here was like a dark guardian angel. You weren't thinking about the holy ones whom would just, look after you, wish you the best of luck and bring you to heaven when you died. No. This one was different. The type to personally interfere with human affairs to keep you safe. The idea wasn't too off-putting considering you had done been in two severe car accidents and a tornado; somehow leaving all situations unscathed.
More often than not, you would have dreams about the stag you had found in the woods all those years ago. Talking about how you belonged to him. How you live under his protection. He had a name too but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. His voice was really unique and drew you in like a magnet. The dreams you've received were so surreal. Like you've known him all your life.
If this was paranormal, you were going to do some digging. The term typically refers to the dead, right? The town library should have records of your property and the folks who lived there before you.
It thankfully didn't take much to get the information you were looking for. There were several newspaper articles from the 1930's that included details of a man named Alastor. Alastor.. that was the name you heard in your dream. It explained the mark on your arm.
He was a local serial killer who targeted those who were for the most part ill intentioned. Especially toward women. He was found dead in the woods behind your house, burying one of his victims. Mistakened for an animal. Which is why to this day hunting is illegal in those set of woods.
More newspaper articles opened up about his profession. Despite the mans.. er.. hobbies, he was quite the talent as a radio host back in the 20's. Youtube even had some of the old audio recordings. Your heart soared upon hearing his voice. This was him. The stag you saved, the shadows watching over you, and the voice that whispered to you in your dreams.
What didn't make sense was.. why was he a stag of all things? Why did it feel real? Well, as it turns out, the power of the human soul varies in the afterlife. Some could just interact with inanimate objects while others can only muster a sound whether it be naturally or through something called a spirit box. Then, what was Alastor?
Ultimately, you had fallen in love with Alastor. Over the course of your life, you had gotten to know him from your sweet dreams. He often thanked you for your kindness. Never had he met someone that put his faith back into humanity. Who would show such a lowly animal mercy and generosity? And the day that you arrive in Hell, he'll be there to catch you and say.
"The name is Alastor, the radio demon. A pleasure to be finally meeting you properly. Welcome home, ma chère."
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a/n: i would just like to say that none of the pictures are mine, creds to the amazing artists 🎨
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zelest-art · 1 month ago
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The deer meme- Charlastor coded
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luncalxartwork · 10 months ago
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Who upset his duck?!?
You better hope that you brought enough bread for the both of them as an apology. And for your sake it better be artisanal.
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moraent-keys · 1 year ago
So apparently red deer shed the velvet on their antlers before shedding their actual antlers, they get completely red and it looks like a massacre tbh
So naturally I had to draw Alastor shedding
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Alt version
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justetna · 1 year ago
Now we know these are his ears 😭😭😭
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r4diopl4y · 1 year ago
“After all, the world is a stage, and a stage is a world of entertainment.”
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Just a quick doodle of Al (peep me trying to push my alastor has a deer nose agenda)
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gingerrrprince · 7 months ago
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my friend told me about pronking and i immediately had to doodle some fruity deers
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heheartistuwu · 6 months ago
to Deer Alastor: i have 5 tanks worth of Venison behind me, if you allow me to pet you for 10 minutes- i’ll give all- and by All, I mean ALL.
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We tried good 😔🤫
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emiimagination · 1 month ago
Doe Lucifer Week 🍎🦌
Howdy ✨😄
As you may have seen, a Doe Lucifer Week is planned for early June.
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And… well, as a Radioapple Fan, I'm quite tempted to participate.
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But (because of course there is a but 😅) my spinning head has imagined several scenarios and I don't know which one to choose for this week.
I have three options for Doe Lucifer Week
The Deer Gods AU where I would write more of a prequel to the current fiction, when Alastor and Lucifer go from two young lonely Cervitaurs to a couple.
A new AU (maybe The Fallen Doe AU?) where Lucifer would have been cursed by Heaven to have a doe demon form, which means that he could never be taken seriously by the Demons of Hell, abandoned by Lilith and therefore never was King of Hell since he let himself waste away... until one day, Alastor the Radio Demon save him.
A new AU (The Doe King AU) where Lilith, outraged that Lucifer offers to carry the child they can't have, makes a pact with Sera, promising her that she will never give Lucifer children if she helps her make him weaker. With the power granted by Heaven, she curses Lucifer to be stuck in a doe's body and chases him from the throne. Lucifer manages to survive thanks to the support of the Sins Asmodeus, Beelzebub and Belphegor but he has no motivation to fight against Lilith because his heart is broken… until he meets Alastor.
You see the dilemma? That's why I need you.
Please share that I have as many opinions as possible. If I can work on the project early enough, I could also do the translation quickly. Maybe even in time for the week
Please please please
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sauce-cat · 2 months ago
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📻🍎 snack offering
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rubitheracoon · 10 months ago
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Don't tell me these don't look the exact same
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carlizwall · 8 months ago
Look, a deer 📻 demon
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zelest-art · 1 month ago
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A little spirit inspiration heheh
Charlie, Vaggie and Alastor are enjoying some graze time in the meadow when Charlie sees a ripe apple. Charlie thinks it’s to high up and she doesn’t want to hurt herself for an apple so she gives a contempt sigh and continues to graze. Alastor and Vaggie see this and Alastor wants to be a gentleman and give the doe her apple. Alastor leaps into the air since he is much taller than the two doe’s and gets the apple from the lowest branch. Proud of himself and shows it to Charlie. Charlie is excited and takes a bite but nudges it back to Alastor so he can have his share of the sweet apple, it’s only fair since he went out of his way to get it. Vaggie sees this and thinks Alastor is a show off, Charlie sees Vaggie and looks to Alastor asking if he can get her an apple too. Alastor agrees and grabs an apple for Vaggie. Vaggie is actually surprised that he would honor such a request for Vaggie, until he chomps down on the apple - immediately angering Vaggie. Vaggie backs up and tries to donkey kick him in the face for the disrespect. Charlie can only watch and sigh since this is the norm for them.
Context: in the Deer Au- I have them in a poly relationship Chaggistor
During the year when does and bucks are separated most of the time- Charlie and Vaggie have each other and are a very affectionate couple
And then during early spring and winter season (mostly near the Rut) Alastor joins their pairing for half the year or so mostly for Charlie but he does respect Vaggie- but he like to tease her. Sometime Vaggie and Alastor compete for Charlie’s attention- and Charlie knows this but pays no mind to it- she only steps in when they get too aggressive ( mostly during the rut)
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writerandbaka · 11 months ago
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Some sketches inspired by the Ao3 fanfic "The Deer And The Prince" written by Enderberries417
The Princess and the Frog is one of my favorite movies of all time, you have no idea how much this crossover drives me crazy with deer Alastor and Lucifer (✧▽✧)🧡
Really hope you like them and if you are curious, give this reading a chance, the fic is linked on the title at the beginning of this post!! („• ᴗ •„)
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