#i still think about it to this day i have had many a fried rices since
hartxstarr · 1 year
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i have to make sure i have this forever
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yooneunhay · 21 days
Essence of the Feathered Heart
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𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮 𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨; (eventually) ot8ateez x hybridbird!reader
𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨; human!Seonghwa, human!Hongjoong, hybridfox!Wooyoung, hybridbear!Jongho, hybridsiamese!San  x hybridbird!Reader
𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐨𝐯
"you're still a orange code for now so," the nice staff lady reached forward buckling the muzzle behind my head so it would fit in place on my face.
"sorry you have to wear this, it can't possibly be comfortable."
i never realized how pretty the nice staff lady was. i blushed as she smiled at me. maybe it was how close her face was to mine or the fact someone had been nice to me in so many years that made my stomach feel weird..i couldn't tell.
"i think your wing should be healed soon, though im not sure if you'll be able to fly for awhile." she said while petting my bandaged wing.
she smiled once again, "wait here for a bit, i'll be back soon to get you and bring you to another room." i nodded at her.
she soon left the room and i sat there on the chair waiting to meet this stranger who requested time with me.
𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐰𝐚'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯
i was walking to the adoption center with the food Hongjoong made in hand. it was a rather cold day so i wore a heavier jacket.
"i hope they like fried rice." i thought to myself as i looked at the food in my hand.
i opened the doors to the adoption center and walked to the front desk. there was a lady there who looked up from her computer upon seeing me enter.
"hi there, how may i help you!" she spoke
"hi, i was wondering if i could look at the hybrids that are up for adoption?"
"of course," she handed me a paper with multiple hybrids. their names, species and gender were all on the paper along with what code they currently were. there were no red codes since those hybrids were too aggressive to be talked to or be up for adoption. the lady watched me as i scanned over the paper looking for the bird hybrid i saw, then i saw it.
"Y/N, osprey hybrid." i said in my head.
"i would like to see this one, please." i pointed to the name on the paper.
"sure thing, let me get them ready for you." she walked into the back where i couldn't see her anymore. i went and sat down on one of the chairs near me. about 20 minutes later, the staff lady came back.
"you can follow me, the rooms ready."
𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐨𝐯
when the staff lady came back to get me she brought me to another room. it was similar to the room i was being kept in but there was no bed, the room was a bit smaller and there was only one chair but there was was a pretty big window that showed outside this time..and there was one more thing, a person. his hair was black and rather long for a guy, he was wearing a long black coat and some jeans, he was rather pretty i had to admit. the staff lady was walking behind me so i had no choice but to walk into the room. she smiled at me and mouthed "be nice" to me before shutting the door and walking away.
"hi there, Y/N," he started "i'm Seonghwa."
i wasn't really listening to him as he continued to ask how i was and what not. the smell of other hybrids was filling my nose. the most prominent one was a fox smell, but there was also a small smell of a bear. even if i didn't smell it i would know he lives with another human considering it was him and his hybrids with the other human on his lock screen.
"you must be hungry, i doubt the food here is all that good," he reached down next to him and picked up a container wrapped in a cloth and untied it.
"here, it's fresh, made today."
he handed me the container with some chopsticks for me to use. i stared at him for a few seconds before reaching out slowly and taking it. i couldn't lie, it smelled really good. i let Seonghwa unbuckle the muzzle. he sat it down next to him and i sat down near the other corner across from him on the floor and took a small bite. as much as i tried to hide it, the rice was really good. i guess Seonghwa noticed my wings relax as i ate the rice. he smiled at me, it made my face heat up a bit when i saw.
"do you like it?" he asked. i nodded slightly.
"i'm glad, i'm sure Hongjoong would be happy to hear that."
"your room mate?" i questioned.
he nodded, "how did you know?"
"i can smell them." he nodded again
we sat in silence for a bit while i finished the rice he gave me. once i finished i handed it back to him. he took it and wrapped it in the cloth once again.
"why would you want to think about adopting me?" i asked suddenly. the question seemed to catch him of guard.
he thought for a moment, "you look lost, almost like you need guiding in life right now. i'm assuming you're unregistered so you must not be use to being adopted." he finally spoke.
i stayed silent. he was right, i am lost. ever since my grandpa passed i haven't known what to do with my life. for the past two years i've just simply been existing. i wasn't sure how to respond to him so i just stared outside. maybe if being adopted means i can go outside without getting weird looks or possibly getting taken to a hybrid 'pound' then maybe life wouldn't be as bad or boring.
"i'll do it," i said without turning my head towards him. "i'll let you adopt me"
"i'm not going to force you into this if this isn't something you want." he stated "this is for you, it's your descision." i nodded at him.
"okay, i'll tell the staff."
everything had went smoothly, Seonghwa signed all the papers and i got all the stuff i had with me and now we were walking to what was going to be my new home.
"don't be nervous," he looked at me smiling "they'll love you, and you'll love them."
i wasn't as nervous as i was scared. i had only ever had bad interactions with other hybrids. for now i just tried to focus on how pretty the sky was today. it was nice to get out and get fresh air. it was a little cold but i didn't mind it all that much, i used my wings to shield me from the wind. after some walking we reached the door of what i assumed was his apartment. he opened the door.
"Hongjoong, we're home!" Seonghwa yelled out.
after a few seconds, a rather short man came from around the corner. i hid slightly behind Seonghwa, though my wings were still visible to 'Honjoong'.
"welcome home Hwa, and?"
"Y/N" Seonghwa answered.
Hongjoong soon approached me, "our other hybrids know about you coming here, so don't worry they'll be nice." i nodded at him coming out from behind Seonghwa. i hadn't noticed before but there was another person standing in the hallway to the door where we were. a hybrid, a fox. he seemed like he was holding in his excitement and trying to not jump on me. Hongjoong turned around to him.
"you can come say hi Wooyoung."
immediately upon hearing he could come over, Wooyoung rushed over and was immediately smelling me. it caught me off guard to be honest and i stepped back and made a sort of hissing noise at him, not like a cat but similar and flared out my wings, which couldn't go out all the way, trying to create a bigger image to scare him.
he looked at my wings with a sort of love look in his eyes, "wow, so pretty!" he said like he was speaking his thoughts. he reached his hand out to touch my wings but Seonghwa grabbed his wrist and stopped him, "Wooyoung calm down, let them breathe for a second!" he scolded the fox. Wooyoung pouted. i folded my wings onto my back again and smoothed out the fluffed up feathers. i stood behind Seonghwa and peaked around him to look at the fox. he continued pouting. i extended my arm out for him to smell me from more of a distance. he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me more forward. i stumbled and was now pressed against Seonghwa's back, he didn't move from me pushing him though. i blushed slightly as Wooyoung smelled my wrist so intently.
"you smell like a warm forest," he continued smelling me "i like it."
"Wooyoung come on, give them space." another voice spoke. i looked up at the sound of the voice and saw another hybrid. this one had a large frame, he seemed strong. he walked towards Wooyoung and pulled my wrist from his hand. Wooyoung pouted once again.
"Sannnn i was just smelling them!" he pouted to the siamese hybrid.
"i'm sorry about that." he said rubbing my wrist.
i pulled my wrsit out his grasp, "it's okay." i said softly.
"let me show you to your room." Hongjoong spoke up. i nodded and followed him. it was a short walk to the room i was going to be staying in.
"you'll be sharing a room with our other hybrid till we finish cleaning your own room, i hope that won't be a problem." i shook my head,
"no, it's fine i don't mind it" i responded quietly.
when we reached the room the other said hybrid was in there sitting on the couch in the corner.
"this is Jongho, i hope ya'll can get along, he's nice so don't worry." Hongjoong smiled at me. i smiled back and he soon walked away. Jongho didn't say anything to me, he barely looked at me. i noticed the small brown ears peaking out from his hair. a bear hyrbid im assuming. he was rather adorable, even though he was lowkey glaring at me, his fluffy hair with his chubby cheeks made his glare not all threating. i walked into the room and sat on the bed in the other corner from Jongho.
"that's my bed." he stated still giving me the same look he gave when i walked in.
"oh, i'm sorry.." i shuffled over to the other bed in the corner and sat on that.
Jongho got up and walked into the bathroom of our now shared room. i sighed. it's going to be awhile before he accepts me.
i didn't proof read this chapter this time as its now 2:30am lol and i just needed to get this chapter out quickly !! i hope you enjoyed this one though, i tried to make it longer this time so i hope youre happy with that !! if u wna be tagged in later posts for this series pls comment !!
tags; @astuteataraxy @newworldwritings
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gyuwoncheol · 1 year
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Pair: Best Friend!Mingyu x gn!reader
Genre: Fluff
WC: ~700
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Bestfriend!Mingyu frantically showing up at your front door when you texted him urgently to come to yours because there was an emergency
“WHAT HAPPENED?!” He barged into your house, panting for air as the door flew wide open. You couldn’t see it but even his car was haphazardly parked in your driveway
“Finally! Thank god!” You exclaimed, standing up from the couch and pulling him into the kitchen. Mingyu was tense, he stood tall and walked carefully, as if ready to fight whatever was going to jump at him
You hopped onto your kitchen counter to sit, letting your legs dangle as you picked up the large jar of kimchi beside you. “May you please, please, please open this for me?” You requested, eyes big and lower lip jutting out
Mingyu’s jaw dropped in utter shock, eyes glaring at you. He felt like a bucket of ice cold water just got dropped on him— partially feeling relieved but mostly just disbelief. “YAH! Are you for real right now?! THAT’S IT?!”
“Yeah” you said innocently as you gave him a toothy grin, both hands holding out the jar to him
“Oh my god, y/n! You had me WORRIED! I thought you were dying or something! Look! My shirt is literally inside out cause I rushed here when you texted!!!” Mingyu exasperated
“But I was dying! I’m so hungry and I really wanted my kimchi fried rice but the jar is really tight and my weak arms just couldn’t!” You pouted, flailing your arms all over the place
Mingyu looked at you with a shy smile tugging at his lips, you truly did look desperate and starving. “You are impossible, you know that?”
You pushed the jar to his chest as he stood in between your legs. There are just some things in this world that need the strength of your best friend’s biceps, your mother’s homemade kimchi being one of them. “Please, Gyu? Pleaaaaseeee?”
Rolling his eyes, he picked the jar from you and in one quick twist with his arms, the lid popped open easily. What was 500% effort for you (and still failed) literally took him zero effort.
“Oh! Aren’t YOU just a heaven sent!” You squealed, throwing your arms around his neck and squeezing him in a hug
Mingyu chuckled brightly as he placed the jar down with one hand and rubbed your back with the other.
“I better get a reward for this” he mumbled
You leaned back and looked up at him, “Free brunch? AND if you help me cook the fried rice, i’ll make you hwachae after”
Mingyu squinted his eyes at you, knowing all too well what you were doing, “and by ‘help’ you mean I do 90% of the cooking while you just hand me the ingredients and occasionally stir them?”
“And taste test AND praise you about how good it is the whole way through! That’s a lot of work too, you know?”
He raised a brow at you, rolling his eyes yet again. You truly were impossible.
“Cmooon, Gyu. Your best friend is starving” you prodded, beaming up at him, a smile that may be mistakened as innocent by many but to your giant of a best friend currently towering over you, it is your slyest most villainous smile.
Some days like today, you were such an annoying and needy best friend, knowing exactly which buttons to press; but he honestly secretly loved it whenever you asked him to come over, no matter the reason. With a busy schedule like his, he was surely impressed with how creative you’ve gotten to force some quality best friend time for you both.
‘Hook, line and sinker’ was all you could think of when Mingyu smiled widely at you with both canines showing. His eyes attempted to look annoyed but you could see right through them. Besides, he was already reaching for the wok that was hanging on your backsplash.
“I hope you know how lucky you are to have a best friend like me” Mingyu smirked as he started moving around your kitchen like he lived there
“Oh I count my blessings every day, Kim Mingyu. And you’re on top of that list.”
Mingyu threw his head back in a laugh before padding over to you to plant a quick kiss on your cheek, “Good, good. Now, hand me my ingredients, peasant”
You hopped off the counter and handed him some onions with a roll of your eyes, “Love you too, chef”
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hockybish · 4 months
will mas talk to luke soon about them getting back together ?
I Can't Do It Like This Anymore
l the cute photographer au l luke x maisie l masterlist l
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This girl had really been laying on the charm with Luke at the concert. She was trying to get him to come back to her hotel room with her, but he didn't want to.
"You know my hotel isn't to far from here. Whatdaya say we ditch and and go back?" The girl -Mallory as Luke had learned- flashed him a glimpse of her smile and a hotel key.
"Oh no thank you. I'm can't. I'm here with my brothers and friends. And you know it's kind of rude to um leave them?" Luke started off strong in his attempt to get Mallory to leave him alone.
He looked around at the group he had been with hoping one of them would come over and save him from this interaction, but no one was coming.
He felt Mallory slip the key card into the pocket of his pants and lightly pat the area. Letting him know he can have it, just in case her door is always open.
"I said no. I'm taken." Luke tried giving the key back, but she was already gone by the time he had gotten it out of his pocket.
Sighing he shoved it back into his pocket instead of throwing it away, an action he might regret later, and returned to enjoying the rest of the concert. But he couldn't, he couldn't get the interaction with Mallory out of his head.
During Fire Away, he walked out without saying anything. There were still so many people walking around, but Luke managed to find a quiet corner. He dialed the number of the person on his Lock Screen, the only person for him.
Maisie flopped on the couch, Roger the cat was making his way over to sit on her chest. It was the end of the day for her she was ready to climb into some comfy pajamas and continue her rewatch of grey's anatomy.
That was going to have to wait when her phone rang. She sat up and scrambled to answer before it went to voicemail.
"Hey Lukey! How's the concert? Wait you're still at the concert aren't you? Why are you calling? Is something wrong with you or Jack or Quinn? Or?" Maisie's happiness at the fact he called quickly turned into worry that something was happening and she wasn't there.
"Everything's fine Maize. I just miss you, that's all." Luke sighed. He slid down the wall he had been leaning against. There was another purpose to this call, but he'd get to that later. "How was your day?"
"My day" She paused for a second "was a day. Spent most of it with your mom trying to get her to like me and I just got back to the house when you called. And aside from talking to you, I'm heating up dinner." She grabbed the left overs from the fridge to heat up.
"What are you having?" Luke asked to keep her talking, building up his own courage to ask her something else.
"Fried rice from that one restaurant we like in town. I have a tiny bit leftover from when I got take out the other night."
"Is that it? You should really have more than that. I think there's some dino nuggies left in the freezer, eat those too, and a banana."
Maisie appreciated Luke taking care of her by reminding her of what she should be doing. Sometimes she forgot.
"What song is he singing now?" She could still hear the music in the background. Luke held the phone back to he identify it.
"Broken Halos"
"Oh I like that one! You're missing it, I should let you go, so you can listen." He knew that but he didn't care. He'd rather talk with her. He'd rather be with her than that Mallory chick.
"Luke? Are you okay?"
"No" He whispered
"What's wrong?" Maisie became alarm, and was ready to message Jack or Quinn while still talking with him.
"It's nothing bad. Please don't freak, but I can't do it like this anymore Maisie. I want us to be us again. Because I love you. I love you so much it hurts. I know, I know I promised I said I would wait for you for forever long it took you to be okay with us again. But I can't. I want you. I want to love you now."
"Luke .." Maisie knew this was going to be coming soon. She was going to have this talk as soon as he got back to Michigan. She believe's she is ready again.
"I got hit on tonight. Well I get hit on all the time, but it was different this time Maize. She openly told me she wanted to sleep with me and gave me her room key. I tried to give it back, but she was all like just in case and walked away. I didn't want to and I couldn't stop thinking about you and those nights when you snuck into my room at the house. And you're the only one I want"
Luke laid it all out on the line, hoping, wishing, praying that she would say what he had been dreaming she would.
"Are you done? I was hoping to have this talk in person, not over the phone." Luke's began to race, this was it. "I want us again too. I think I'm ready. If we go slow. Because I love you too. And I'm becoming too emotionally attached again for us just to be friends again."
"Really?" The biggest smile etched on Luke's face. He needed someone to pinch him, just to make sure he wasn't dreaming.
"Really Lukey"
"God I love you Maisie. But I gotta go now. Concert's over. I'll talk to you later, mkay?" The couple bid their adieus. Luke already had plans to look at rearranging his flight plans, but right now he needed to find his brothers.
"What's got you smiling?" Quinn cocked an eyebrow when Luke returned.
"Oh nothing." Luke tried but failed at hiding his smile which the guys teased him about on the ride home.
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aether-starlight · 7 months
Lovely - Xavier
Pairing: Xavier x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of grief and kitchen fires.
Summary:  After you begin spending more time with Xavier, you strike a deal.
Word Count: 1.6 K
Note: This is my first time writing Xavier, I'm still getting a hold on his personality and voice tbh. Hope this is not too oc.
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You liked your job. Loved it, even. 
It was also the main reason why you had very little life outside of hunting. 
When Grandma and Caleb had passed, you had felt incredibly bitter about it. Extra hours, missions outside of the city, late nights studying, the list went on.
It all seemed so insignificant compared to the time you could have spent with them, rather than being a hunter.
Now they were gone, and people seemed to avoid you on principle. Whispers about the connection between your profession and the unfortunate fate of your family followed you, so they preferred to stay away. 
Even fellow hunters remained away, with Tara being a blissful exception.
But there were only so many days off you could hang around with Tara without feeling like an imposition, which led you to hang out with the next person who didn’t seem to be phased by your reputation of a bad luck charm: Xavier.
Your hunter partner.
You really couldn’t escape your job even if you tried.
“Maybe I’m not likable,” you had mumbled to yourself, sitting on Xavier’s snug, worn-out couch. 
It was beige, spotless despite its age, only noticeable in the softened texture and armrests colored in a lighter shade from years of limbs brushing against them.
Xavier laughed, and on anyone else, it might have sounded cruel, but in the gentle baritone of his voice, it felt warm, intimate even.
“Who wouldn’t like you? You’re lovely.”
He said it as if commenting on the weather, something obvious and not embarrassing at all to mention. If you were him, your cheeks would have been aflame before even opening your mouth.
Because you had thought about it. 
He was lovely too. 
His tousled hair and bleary eyes so late in the morning made your heartbeat quicken, something fluttering in your stomach, similar to the feeling when an energy fluctuation surged.
Xavier laughed again, this time coming closer to you, dish in hand as he bent down to look into your eyes.
“Oh my, you’re redder than the tomato sauce I made for you.”
“How do you expect me to react when you say such things so easily?” You complained, unable not to smile back as soon as his lips curled, a flash of perfect teeth.
He had a great smile, you thought, contagious.
“It’s the truth. Now, eat up before it gets cold.”
“Bossy,” you teased, already digging into the tousled eggs with spinach and a delicious homemade sauce on top.
“I wouldn’t say that,” he chided gently, setting his plate at a low table in front of the sofa, sitting by your side. “I’m just looking out for your health.”
“And the integrity of your apartment?” You joked.
It wasn’t the first time you ate together. 
After visiting to find out more about your Aether Core, and then running into each other at The Nest, you had started hanging out outside of work. 
It started with borrowed books, truth or dare, a night watching the stars, then occasional movie nights.
Then your relationship experienced a drastic evolution when you accidentally activated the fire alarm of your whole floor because of a bowl of fried rice gone wrong—on fire—, and he offered for you to cook together. 
At first, you were not sure why he had even proposed it in the first place, but then you realized he was another God of destruction in the kitchen. Turned out that two wrongs could make one right, as incidents decreased considerably once it was both of you cooking.
Now it was a sort of ritual for you, to have breakfast together on your days off. 
“What are you thinking about?” Xavier asked, propping his elbow on the table and resting his cheek against his hand. 
Sunlight burst from his window, half hidden by an ocre curtain, just enough to highlight his eyes and the bridge of his nose. Reflections from the relic he used as a teapot littered the walls, yellow against copper.
Everything about his home felt cozy, warm…safe. 
Meanwhile, there were piles of boxes still unopened in your apartment. 
You had recently moved in when the explosion turned your world upside down. You had been supposed to open them with Caleb that weekend.
Now it didn’t seem of much importance. Not if you couldn’t do it with him.
“How do you make your apartment look so…homely?” 
The question was blurted out of you, and you instantly felt stupid for needing to formulate it in the first place.
Xavier’s eyebrows raised, chopsticks halfway to his mouth, caught off guard. 
“Make it look homely?” He pondered, food lowering back onto his plate.
Another thing you liked about Xavier? 
He was deliberate about things, every detail mattered, and he knew there were answers not worth rushing on. 
“I just…buy things I enjoy. Something that makes me feel happy to look at. That reminds me of…” he trailed off, a crease surging between his eyebrows.
You didn’t push. You had known him long enough to realize that once he shut down it was final, and even if he did answer, it was always elusive and hard to believe.
Instead, your focus drifted back to his initial statements.
You supposed it made sense. His apartment felt like sunlight. All warm and light tones, plush surfaces, and rows of books carefully organized upon oak bookshelves. 
Vintage furniture and artifacts were littered in a way that was both organized and stylish. A forest green vinyl player at the corner of the room, a mysterious wooden chest beside it. 
It was lived in.
The curtains of your apartment were always closed, plunging it into darkness, and the only picture you had kept close to your bed, on your nightstand. It was a photograph of you, Grandma, and Caleb smiling by the beach. 
It had been your first family trip, and even now you could remember it vividly, the rough sand beneath your feet and humid air closing around you, even through your shorts and a t-shirt.
You had an expensive holo-projector that you never used and sofas that you had sat in enough times to be able to count with one hand. 
You had considered getting a cat but then had been deterred by the thought that it would probably feel pretty lonely, considering your frequent missions and late-night arrivals.
When you focused back on Xavier, he was already studying you. 
You imagined your face must have been quite the picture. It was something incredibly frustrating about you: everything showed on your face, from happiness to sadness, to anger. It couldn’t be helped.
“I could help you decorate. If you’d like,” he suggested suddenly, looking as if the proposal had been stuck in his throat for a while now. 
You smiled to yourself, hiding your hands between your thighs, feeling terribly seen.
He nodded, lips curled in that gentle smile of his. 
“Yes. It’ll be fun. Just promise me we’ll host more reunions in your apartment once it’s done.”
A surprised laugh rose from your chest.
“At my place? Why?”
He looked to the side, almost bashful.
“I would like to use your holo-projector.”
It took a second for you to correct your sudden staring. He had never struck you as someone who watched holodramas.  
“Okay. Under one condition.”
Xavier leaned forward, a silent inquiry.
“You let me train with you.” You paused, deep in thought. “At least once a week.”
Somehow, Xavier always managed to wriggle his way out of it, and you were not sure why.
It was almost ridiculous, that you were hunting partners and hadn’t trained together once. What was more ridiculous was how you were turning the situation in your favor, considering he was the one offering you aid.
“You offer a tough bargain.” He huffed, resting his shoulders back on his seat with a slight pout to his lips.  “But sure, I’ll agree under a condition of my own.”
This time it was your turn to be surprised. You pulled back in suspicion.
“I have a feeling I’m not going to like it.”
Xavier was relentless. It never failed to astound you how he could switch from lazy to laser-focused in a heartbeat.
“Show me more of what you write.” His eyes seemed to darken, eyebrows lowering. You didn’t know when he had turned his chair so he was facing you from a closer distance.
Your head shook in automatic.
“That would imply that you have read any of it already.”
“I heard your slam poetry. I liked it, it was good.”
“You’re just buttering me up,” you whined. “And it was an accident, I definitely didn’t intend for you to hear it.”
He tilted his head, finding your gaze like a lost puppy. It seemed that he was pulling out the big guns once decisiveness hadn’t worked.
“Please?” He had leaned forward so you were watching him from above, an aggravating strand of blond hair out of place, the tips of his bangs too close to his lashes.
Before you could think any better of it, you brushed them back, fingers grazing his ear as you set it in place. 
The strands were soft and reminded you of a nighttime story someone used to read to you, about a prince and a fox.
He leaned into your touch, lips parted. 
Your fingers dug into the silky strands, easing out a knot.
He didn’t relent, celestine irises trailing after your movement, and your fingers trembled. It may not have seemed like it, but you were the prey in this scenario.
“Fine,” you breathed out, feeling lightheaded. “It’s a deal.”
He smiled, something playful flickering in his gaze. At that moment he was too pretty for his own good.
“Now, it’s your turn to do the dishes.”
You groaned, your daze broken in favor of dread.
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deiaiko · 5 months
#20.3 Company
"Where's Dan and Novick?" Grace asked, finding the living room unusually empty.
"They're going to the cinema since Agni gave us a day off today, cluck."
"Is that so?" Of course Agni had thought this far ahead. No wonder their teammates didn't try to wake either of them up. "I think we do need some time off."
"Speaking of, where's Agni?" Gyetang glanced at Grace and Agni's door.
"Ah. He's quite sick right now. I was about to fetch him some medicine and get us breakfast." Grace made his way down the stairs and allowed Bam to follow him.
Gyetang peeked from above. "Would you like me to take over your shift for lunch, cluck?"
Grace considered the offer. He did like cooking, and it usually worked wonders on easing his anxiety. But then Agni came to his mind, and Grace wanted nothing but to stay by his side until he got better. "I would really appreciate it, Gyetang. Sorry about that."
"It's no problem! How about macaroni soup?"
"Sounds good!"
"Got it, cluck." Gyetang gave him a salute and disappeared from his view.
Gyetang's cheerful aura filled some of the emptiness in Grace's chest. It sort of reminded him of Rak and Isu, and it made his heart ache again. He didn't want to cry now– he had cried enough last night, but the corner of his eyes started burning from the unshed tears. The fact that he would never be able to see them again was still a hard pill to swallow.
Bam tugged his shirt, and Grace realized he had been staring into the distance, stopping just in front of the storage room. He gave Bam an apologetic smile and went in, quietly searching between the aisles for the medicine Agni had listed. Bam not once let go of his shirt, as if he was trying to ground him. Surprisingly, it worked, seeing that his mind was brought to the weight of Bam's pull. Grace wondered how much Bam knew, looking at Bam's attempt to comfort him. Hwaryun must've told him what was going on, right? Was it the reason for his visit? Or did Bam just want his company after yesterday's breakdown regarding Rachel? Grace hoped it wasn't the latter.
Pocketing the needed medicine, Grace led them back upstairs to the kitchen where Gyetang had prepared two portions of reheated omelet fried rice and three glasses of orange juice. Looking at it, Grace realized he never had to find out what his old team's favorite foods were. So many moments he had missed, times that he could've used on getting to know them better. How could they still consider him a friend?
Gyetang waved from the living room, pulling Grace out of his daze. "Have you eaten yet, Viole? I can cook you something quick, cluck."
Grace could hear Bam's stomach growl, yet Bam didn't say anything. Grace figured Bam was probably torn between accepting and not being a bother to Gyetang. So he placed his hand on Bam's shoulder. "You can have Agni's share. I don't think he can stomach it right now anyway. I will get him some snacks instead."
So they both sat in the cafeteria, while Gyetang resumed playing on the game console. Bam stole careful glances at Grace between taking a spoonful, although Grace tried to ignore the worried look and ate his own ration as well. He wasn't really in the chatty mood right now, and he was thankful that Bam didn't try to start any conversation, or worse, pepper him with questions.
The food tasted bland, but maybe it was just him since Bam seemed to enjoy it. Grace finished the meal quickly. The uneasy and cold shinsu coming from their dorm room was getting harder to ignore. "Sorry, I can't accompany you for long. I really need to check on Agni."
Bam locked eyes with him before looking away, swallowing his food. "Okay."
Grace felt guilty for leaving his guest unattended, but he was more restless if he left Agni for longer. Even if Agni currently wasn't in immediate danger, Grace just couldn't help but worry. Still, he felt the need to make it up to Bam. So he put his hand on Bam's shoulder and pulled him into a side hug, "Thank you for stopping by. It means a lot to me."
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Bam leaned his head to the embrace. "I will stay here for a while, if that's okay."
The unspoken 'I will be here if you need me' was clear to Grace. A warm feeling filled in his heart and he knew everything would eventually be okay again.
"Of course. Make yourself at home." Grace gave Bam a few pats on the back before pulling away and making his way to the kitchen to wash the dishes. "Is there anything you would like to do in the meantime, Bam?"
Gyetang overheard Grace's raised voice from across the room. "You're welcome to join me, cluck! The game is more fun with multiple players."
The offer seemed to pique Bam's interest. Bam looked at Grace with twinkling eyes, as if searching for approval that he shouldn't need to ask for. Grace returned with a nod and a warm smile, knowing very well that at this point Bam hadn't gotten the luxury of being able to play games, let alone with a friend.
After putting the dishes to dry, Grace rummaged through the kitchen cabinet to find some salty crackers. He put them on a tray along with the juice and a bottle of water. Before going into his dorm, he cast one last glance at Bam and Gyetang. "I will be back for lunch. Just knock if you need me."
Let me know your thoughts in the reblogs <3
☕ Buy me coffee ☕
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xiaoscarasimp · 11 months
Smol bit of cat boi smut 3
So im back at it again. ^^ this didn't turn out quite the way I wanted it to, but that just means I have stuff for pt 4
Nsfw(duh) mdni
triggers: afab reader, somewhat sadistic scara, mirror sex, piv sex, consensual voyeurism, oral(both give and receive) cum eating and of course SiZe KinK
Cat Boi Smut 3 
After a few hectic weeks of trying to make heads or tails of the magic book Lyney gave you, you decided it was time to test it out. However, you were a bit hesitant, in fear of screwing up, so you decided to call that Fontaine twink.  You dial his number and it rings a few times too many for your comfort. When he finally does pick up, his voice is groggy with sleep; it almost sounded like you had woken him up at 2 PM on a Tuesday. 
“H-hello?” He asked, not sure of who was calling. 
“Oh, hi, Lyney? This is y/n,” You keep your voice even, but the nerves start creeping up on you. “Remember that magic book you lent me the other day? I want to test it out, but am rather scared to try it with just me and Scara. W-will you help us out?" Ah, shit, you stuttered. 
“O-oh, hi y/n!” His voice gained a bit more energy. “Oh, yeah, sure. Is your cat boy ok with testing it out? I help without both of y’all’s consent.” 
“...did you just say ‘y’all’s?’”
“...not at all. Ok, maybe I did; I slip up when tired. When are you free next?” 
“Let me get with Scara, but I feel like Friday night should be good.” Not that your cat boy ever had any plans outside the occasional show he’d like to watch as it airs; there wasn’t anything on Friday that you knew of. 
Lyney yawns on the other line. “Sounds good. I’m going back to bed, late night last night.” 
Your stomach starts getting butterflies at the thoughts of your next adventures. While you wanted it to be just you and Scaramouche, you didn’t want to take the chance of stuff going wrong; plus you had a feeling that your cat boy was starting to like not only being with you, but also with Lyney as well.
Once you get home, you let Scaramouche know that you two have a "date" with Lyney Friday night, and that you were going to test out the book of magic. His ears perked up at this, his tail twitching happily; however, his face portrayed none of the excitement that his body was. 
"Better not screw anything up," He pointedly says, although with a bit of affection. "Been getting bored lately because someone's too pussy to try anything on her own." The cat boy has the audacity to wink at you, smirking and glowering. 
You tackle him to the sofa and straddle him, hands to his throat. Scaramouche still has that cheeky grin; he knows you won't actually hurt him. You'll just tease him a little bit, make him beg for you. He starts laughing darkly as you tighten your hands playfully, his gaze egging you on. 
"I'm no pussy. If anyone's the pussy here it's you, pussy cat boy," you laugh. You release your hold on him and ruffle his hair and ears. He scowls at you, hopes smashed (unlike him). 
"I have dinner to cook tonight. Was thinking about a stir fry style dinner, i.e. fried rice beef and a few veggies. If you're a good cat boy, maybe I'll even pan fry you some shrimp." You say as you get up. His tail flicked happily, mouth was drooling slightly at the thoughts of pan fried shrimp.
As you're cooking dinner, you see Scaramouche scrolling his phone, even typing out a few things here and there. Usually, this was not abnormal behavior, but since you mentioned the date for Friday night, he was probably looking for ideas of what to do to you. The cat boy had a sadistic streak going for him, and how far he would take things with you underneath him had you a bit worried. 
"Hey, Scara," you call out. "Shrimp's done! Pan fried in garlic and herb butter." You puff out your chest proudly. The stir fry was also done, but Scaramouche had little to no interest in it; he only had eyes for the shrimp. 
As you guys discuss plans and boundaries for Friday, you realize that almost anything was on the table as long as it didn't kill or permanently mutilate either of you. Oral, toys, anal, pegging: all things that you and the cat boy consented to. 
Friday night had arrived at last. You and Scaramouche picked out some appropriate outfits for the night: you wearing a shorter and tighter than normal skirt with a lacy top with a nice lingerie set, complete with thigh high stockings and garter belt underneath. Your cat boy did not put as much effort in his outfit: going in his usual skin tight black turtleneck and skinny jeans. You weren't going to deny it: that look suited him very well; it accentuated his sharp features and complimented his hair very well.
You knock on Lyney's door three times, and wait a bit before hearing frantic footsteps on the other side before the door swings open. Lyney’s hair was almost perfect, however you could still tell a few hairs were out of place; he must have overslept a bit. 
“H-hey, welcome in!” Lyney stammers; very unlike him. “I was just getting some props ready for tonight. Have you guys eaten? I have a roast going.” He was speaking a thousand words a minute. It was actually rather cute to see the usually suave magician flustered. 
“Lyney, calm down,” You laugh. “A roast sounds lovely, don’t you think, Scara?” The cat boy was scowling in the background, not fond of the light blush on your face when talking to the blonde. 
“..fine, whatever makes you happy, y/n.” His tail flicked in annoyance. Scaramouche wasn’t fond of beef, but he knew that he needed the energy for their activities tonight. The cat boy’s eyes sizzled at the thought of those activities. 
As Lyney invites the two of you in, you can’t help but to be in awe of his house. It had an old-timey aesthetic, lined with wooden bookcases and dressers in the hall way. The hallway split off into multiple rooms, with a modern looking kitchen at the end. The smell of the roast greeted you as you got closer to the kitchen; it had obviously been slow cooking for hours upon hours. 
“Make yourselves at home,” Lyney says in an upbeat voice. “I’ll grab the plates. Eat as much as you like, my siblings have already had their fill.” 
He must mean Lynette, you muse to yourself.
“So when do we get to the fun?” Scaramouche asks abruptly, ears twitching impatiently. “Save the pleasantries and let’s get on with it. I need you to hurry up and teach y/n how to work the damn book so I can get rid of you." 
Lyney almost teleports across the room and grabs Scaramouche’s chin, purple eyes twinkling mischievously. "We'll see how long you'll be saying that, mon chéri. I think you'll find some of the more fun things can only be done between you and I." He winks and gracefully grabs plates and chairs for dinner. If you didn't know better, you'd think that you were watching the furniture and tableware come to life. 
As you guys eat, you set boundaries for the night; each party having a say in what they did and did not want to do along with safe words. Lyney offers up toys or all sizes for you guys to use, along with the thoughts of sitting some of the action out to let you enjoy your cat boy one on one. He wasn’t going to leave you alone in case something went wrong; he’d be watching over you. 
“Oh, yeah, I completely forgot to mention, yes you will be getting cat ears and a tail again; it’s part of procedure at this point. Don't ask why; apparently the creator of the tome had a thing for cat boys or cat girls or something like that," Lyney mentions casually. You weren't going to lie though: having cat ears and tail made you feel closer to your precious cat boy.
Lyney leads you two to one of the side rooms that has a bed with a canopy, surrounded by mirrors and few dim lights. There was a dresser on the left side of the bed, supposedly with the lube and toys Lyney had mentioned over dinner. The sheets were pink and appeared to be satin and the comforter was rather plush.
"Here you guys go!" Lyney leads you two in, arms stretched out. "The mirrors are two way, so I can see you, but you can't see me. Any questions? Remember: the magic words are felis nekomas. I did not make the phrase; blame the creator."
"Felis nekomas!" You say in a timid voice, scared of the tome not responding to you. To your surprise, you feel the sensation of the cat ears and tail sprouting from your head and back, wiggling on their own at first. You catch Scaramouche looking at you in awe when he turns away, face flushed with pink.
"Now, the shrinking or growing is variable," Lyney continues on. "Since it's a two way street, you can shrink him and he can do the same to you. Likewise with making each other bigger. Now granted, you can also be selfish and use the magic on yourself, but it'll be less efficient. Any questions so far? Also, same rules apply as last time: cumming will make you shrink and if you cum in or on each other, you will grow" You and Scaramouche shake your heads. "I'll keep an eye on you both; make sure to put on a good show for me, will you? I want to enjoy myself tonight too." 
“Lyney, what is the actual purpose of the room?” You question him. 
“It was my master’s room, and where I learned how to do magic. I figured it would be a great place to set the mood.”
You and your cat boy exchange glances, wondering what to try first, and how to give the magician the show of a lifetime. You decide that you were going to let Scaramouche take the lead since he was not in control at all last time. As the door shuts behind you two, you drag your cat boy over the bed and start kissing him gently, starting on the forehead, then progressing down to his lips. 
As you deepen the kiss by biting gently at his lip, his hands move themselves down your body, eventually finding their way to your tail. Once he was at the base, he tugged gently, sending shivers up your spine. You gasp and Scaramouche uses this opportunity to thrust his tongue in your mouth, swirling his tongue around yours. 
"Sc-scara," you moan, your senses overwhelmed by him. He deepens the kiss, and starts to push you backwards on the bed, one hand moving to cradle the back of your head. His knee moves between your legs, rubbing against your throbbing pussy.
"Heh," He chuckles. "If kissing has you this turned on, I'd hate to see the state of your pussy." The cat boy practically rips off your shirt, revealing the lacey bra. His eyes widen; you were wearing his favorite lingerie set. 
"So cute, but don't you think you're wearing a bit too much?" 
Scaramouche unhooks your bra and discards it, leaving your erect nipples exposed. The room wasn't cold by any means; they were stiff from arousal. He leans down and swirls your nipple with his tongue and groping the other one with his hand. His slightly rougher than normal tongue enhances the sensation ten fold. As he bites at the nipple, running his tongue over the sensitive bud even faster, your hands start to move towards your dripping sex. Scaramouche grabs your hands and holds them above your head, shaking his head. 
"Now," the cat boy says with a devilish grin. "It wouldn't be fair of my pretty little cat girl to get her pleasure first." His nails dig into your wrists as you rub your legs together in an attempt at soothing the burning sensation of arousal.
He presses his knee further into your crotch, his face daring you to rub yourself off on it. You start to rub your still clothed pussy on his leg, when he pulls it away, tutting at you. 
"You still have too much on," as he takes off your skirt, leaving you in a lacy thong and thigh high socks. Scaramouche knew about the stockings as they completed your outfit very well, but the selection of panties was a pleasant surprise. 
The cat boy slides the crotch of your almost non existent underwear to one side and starts running his tongue across your clit. As you approach the peak, Scaramouche growls, "Say my name," through licks.
"S-scara! I'm c-cumming!!" You are almost screaming at this point, pleasure rolling over you. “Scara, pl-please! I-I need your dick inside m-me!” 
“Good girls cum in my mouth first.”
As you cum, you start to feel the familiar icy hot sensation of shrinking underneath your lover. Your formerly too tight underwear and stockings were now comically too big. In contrast though, his tight clothing becoming even tighter; his bulge becoming even more prominent. Scaramouche had a Cheshire cat-like grin on his face; the sight of your small body underneath him, the anticipation of your tight, hot pussy, waiting to be filled by his throbbing cock. 
Once the shrinking stops, you notice that you are about seven inches to a foot smaller now, but Scaramouche grew by the same margin. He towers over you as he grabs your pretty little face and slams his lips into yours. Scaramouche quickly unbuttons his pants and practically rips them off, revealing a big, flaming red cock, dripping with precum. You start to wonder how that's even going to fit in you at this point, but more importantly: you were enraptured at the thought of being impaled by your lover. 
"You want this in your pussy, don't you?" He smirks, not missing the lust in your eyes. "Too bad. Good little whores only get this cock in their mouth." You start salivating at the sight of the precum dripping down the shaft. "But first: I think you deserve this." He holds up a slightly bigger than average dildo with a clit stimulator, although at this size, the toy was almost too big. Scaramouche slams the toy inside you, causing you to moan a little bit. He shows you the remote with an evil grin on his face, hinting that he was going to turn it on at any moment.
"And you're not allowed to cum until I do. Can't have you getting any smaller before you please me. Now: suck" 
You gently start licking the tip of his cock, starting at the slit and working your tongue around the head. Your tiny hands were gently massaging up and down the shaft, although they could barely wrap themselves around the large member. As Scaramouche moans in pleasure from stimulation, he finds himself wanting more. 
“Haaa, don’t be afraid to stick the whole thing in your mouth, you know. If you do, I’ll reward you,” the cat boy moans. As soon as your mouth wraps around the tip, he turns the toy to the lowest setting, making you moan in surprise and delight. The vibrations send shivers down his shaft, his cock almost bursting from the pleasure. 
With a sadistic smile, he looks down on you and cranks the toy up the max setting making you yelp and moan in surprise. 
“S-Scara!” You cry, tears pulling at the edges of your eyes. All of your senses were being overwhelmed by the taste and smell of his dick and the vibrating toy in your pussy. “I ne-need to cum!” You manage to moan with his member in your mouth.
“Good girls w-wait for their p-partner to cum first,” He moans, ears twitching in pleasure. Scaramouche just needed more of your tiny mouth and was prolonging the act to try to get more of it.
You feel his dick pulsating in your mouth along with your abused clit and all the sensations sent you over the edge before your partner could attain his high. You groan in frustration and pleasure as you shrink with your mouth stuffed full of cock leaking even harder than before. Scaramouche notices that the toy was becoming too big for your hole, and begins leaving a bulge in your stomach and starts fucking your face faster and faster. 
"Haa, you f-feel so d-damn tight. A small, perfect little mouth, j-just for m-me," He moans out. "B-be a good girl a-and swallow it all, hmm." You nod vigorously, the tip of his massive cock barely in your mouth. Your tongue runs over his slit right before he cums in your mouth, a sweet, salty, but yet bitter release. You swallow the entirety of his load, opening your mouth as proof you swallowed it all. 
As the magic would have it, you eventually grew a little bit and your cat boy was back to his original size, if not a bit smaller; his pants and shirt that were tight to begin with now a bit looser. You wrap your tail around his, noticing how right it felt. As you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, you became self-conscious of how small you looked beside him now, but somehow it felt so right. 
You had forgotten the toy was still inside of you as Scaramouche pulled it out, it  was dripping with your juices. The cat boy did something you’d never expect him to do: lick the toy clean, growing a bit as he did so. After the toy was licked clean, he then shoved his fingers back in your abused hole and swirled them around, hitting that sweet spot, causing you to arch your back in pleasure. 
“Hnng, Scara,” You moan, voice becoming winey. “I just c-came, i-it’s too much.” 
His ear flicked, as if he heard something in the background. “Shh, darling, we still have to give the magician a show of a lifetime,” he murmurs in your ears, breath stimulating you even further. 
Scaramouche lifts you up effortlessly and slams you down on his dick, facing away from him, staring at the two of you in the mirror. You try to turn your face away in shame but his delicate but strong hands grab your chin and force you to look at yourself, face stained with tears of pleasure. He was covered in sweat, hair plastered to his face, but it made him look even hotter, not that he wasn’t before. 
“I think our friend is watching; if I didn’t know better, I’d think he was enjoying himself. Same could be said for yourself.” His voice was a drug at this point, clouding over your mind.  The more he whispered sweet nothings in your ear, the more turned on you became, bouncing up and down on his cock, looking at yourself in the mirror, embarrassment. You tried to look away a few more times, but each and every time, he’d force you to look back at the mirror, pulling on your tail or ears as he did. 
All of a sudden, he bites down on your neck, your walls clenching down even harder on his dick as he does so, prompting him to bite even harder harder on the other side. The cat boy almost came the first time your walls clenched down on him, but the second time he bit down, he emptied ropes of hot cum in your abused hole. 
You can feel him shrinking underneath you, his shirt almost two sizes too big now. As you got bigger, you could feel him starting to get hard again despite just cumming inside of you just now. Your poor cat boy just couldn’t get enough of you, big or small. He tries to move out from under you, but you flip him around and straddle his face so he could lick you clean. 
“Now, lick,” you command, and he nods furiously. Scaramouche’s semi-rough tongue starts at your clit, stimulating it to almost another orgasm, but you decide to hold out for one last round. He then moves his way to your hole, tongue lapping up every last bit of the mixed juices. This time, however, you stop the spell from changing your sizes; you wanted to end the night like this before canceling the spell. 
“Mmph,” Scaramouche moans. “So b-bitter; I l-like it. Aren’t I supposed to be growing though?” He suddenly asks in a clearer voice. 
You giggle; teasing what you could see of his ears. “Sorry, honey, I want you to stay underneath me for a bit longer.” 
As he slurped the juices from your sex, you orgasm one last time, before releasing the spell, returning you both back to normal albeit a bit messier than what you started. Your tail and cat ears recede slowly,  eventually disappearing entirely. Panting, you look around for Lyney when he appears right beside you, clapping with a big smile on his face despite being a bit disheveled himself. If you had to guess, he was probably pleasuring himself while you and Scaramouche were going at it. The fact that mirrors were two way meant that he could have seen how small and needy you had become, the thought making you blush slightly.
"Bravo, mon chéri" Lyney says, eyes twinkling. He then grabs Scaramouche’s face, eyeing him top to bottom. His ears flicked in annoyance, jerking his face out of the magician's hand. "You guys are marvelous! Especially you, Scaramouche. The look on your face as you-” Your cat boy’s hand covers his mouth before he could go any further. You chuckle awkwardly, still pretty well fucked out and basking a bit in the after glow. 
“Shut it…” Scaramouche mumbles, a flush of red marking his face. Although he knew that Lyney was watching them, and even knew exactly where he was to try and give him the best angle, he still was embarrassed after the fact. He turns his head towards you and asks if you two were staying the night as it was quite late and none of you guys had anywhere to be in the morning. You sarcastically ponder for a moment before saying yes.
“Great! I knew this was going to happen, so I prepared a room for you two!” Lyney absolutely beamed; it wasn’t often he had guests, especially ones that put on such a show for him. He does an over exaggerated magician's bow.“Right this way then!” 
You two follow him down the long hallway before arriving at a wooden door which opens into a large open room, not unsimilar to the one you were just in, minus the mirrors. The bed had the same type of satin sheets, but this time in blue although the comforter was just as plush as the other one. 
“Room comes with its own bath so you guys can refresh yourselves before bed. I feel like you guys might need it,” Lyney winks. Knowing what he was getting at, you accepted his offer, but told him no funny business. Scaramouche scowls in the background, but the magician shrugs him off. 
Thanking him as he steps out, you strip down to go relax in the bath. You extend the offer to the cat boy to come in with you, but he shakes his head and mutters something about not wanting to get water in his ears. 
Sighing, you step into the huge, white bathroom that looked like it had a swimming pool in the middle, which you discovered was the actual relaxing area. Upon closer inspection, you notice that this pool had what looked like hot tub jets-perfect for relaxing sore muscles after a long stressful day. You almost start to wonder if this was Lyney’s personal bathroom, but shake your head at the preposterous thought. No way he would let guests into his precious space, right? 
You head over to the wash area and rise yourself off before settling down into the tub, letting the heat and jets add to the bliss of being fucked out earlier. As your mind starts to wander, a shadow looms over you. 
“Scara?” You question sleepily. “I thought you didn’t want to bathe with me tonight.” 
A pair of hands cover your eyes, startling you awake. You try to squirm out of them, but they have a firm grip on you.
"Guess who?" 
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fuckingstrange · 9 months
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| Day21: Faking Sick or not well? |
WARNINGS: Seasonal depression mention, Caring Reid, implied late seasons Reid but it's wtv
WORDS: 469
PAIRING: Spencer Reid x m!reader (refers to reader as "man" one time)
Rushed ASF bc it's the 23rd (like 4am) and I gotta get three fics out by the end of today so I don't feel like a mad man going to jail for missing so many days already
You sit on the living room couch, nearly half asleep as Tom and Jerry plays on the TV. You're still in the same pajamas as three days ago, when you had gotten drowned in a wave, more like a tsunami, of depression. 'tis the season for messy depression. It was all you could even think to do to call Hotch and claim you're sick, not wanting the team to worry about you or show up at your house because you didn't show up to work unannounced.
It's around 6pm when your front door opens, your gaze remaining on the TV. If it's a burglar, they'll find out there's nothing worth taking. It's not until a bag full of Chinese takeout lands on your field of vision on the coffee table that you look at who it is that came inside.
You're met with Reid, his brows furrowed as he stares at your scruffed up appearance, the matted clothes, messy hair, darker than usual eyebags all just confirming his suspicion on why you weren't really at work. He takes a step back, turning around and marching off to the kitchen. He returns not a minute later with two forks, shoving one in your open hand that slightly dangles off the couch.
“Eat.” He orders, grabbing a small thing of fried rice and putting it in your other hand. You sit up with a groan, adjusting yourself so you can lean your upper back against the arm of the chair. You don't argue, simply open up the small takeout container and begin slowly eating, gaze still on the cat and mouse running around on your TV.
Reid begins eating as well, though his gaze is on you rather than the cartoon. He takes a bite right after you do each time, making sure you're eating with him. “You didn't have to do this, y'know.” You mumble, taking another bite of the fried rice, attempting to put it down but hearing Reid’s near growl of disapproval you're quickly pulling it right back close and scooping up some more. “Yes, I did. I knew you weren't sick the day Hotch told us you called out of work. You never take sick days, even when you're sick, I have had to drag you out of there and into your damn bed when you couldn't go thirty minutes without vomiting a couple months back.” He argues.
You just shrug in response, “Well, if anybody asks..” trailing off, with the fried rice still in one hand, you use the other to slowly cover your mouth and make a fake coughing sound. Reid gives a soft scoff, followed by a light chuckle. “Just eat your damn dinner, man.” He says, reaching over to give your leg a light nudge. His action pulls a tiny smile from you.
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ratherbefangirling · 1 year
Single dad Namjoon AU
Ok imagine We have a Single dad Namjoon and the maknae line as his three kids.
Namjoon who divorced his ex because of differences and she took a job abroad leaving the kids on him. Leaving twins Taehyung and Jimin with him Jungkook is his god child?(and he'd already bonded with the little boy as they were neighbours too). Jungkook's parents were his good friends but they died and the others of Jungkook's family didn't want him. Jungkook the shy innocent baby, Taehyung who is the most mischievous but also befriends every one, Jimin who was innocent and caring and sensitive but all of them were still young.
And we have the you. A someone enjoying her single life and career. But you love cooking Maybe cause you came from a big family so when you learned cooking it was in big batches. And so you continued making large portions and putting them into a separate freezer unit you bought on sale so you can reheat and eat it and not have to think about meals throughout the week.
So whenever you has extra left over you give it to neighbours. (Feed thy neighbours)
And you meet Namjoon newly shifted because he got a good job and the area is a good neighbourhood.
The three 'munchkins' as you call them are so cute so whenever they request for something you include that for next time (even though the kids have some questionable suggestionslike chips in rice) . The kids have interesting ideas. It's also fun to feed them different cuisines. Sometimes they even help you and it feels nice to make dumplings together even if they are funny shapes sometimes.
One day when he's busy you even go to the kid's school because someone was bullying Jungkook. Jungkook hugs you and even calls you mom and your heart softens for the boy. (You decide to teach him self defense too later.)
So when Namjoon gets a promotion. He goes to buy his kids toys for Christmas. Buys good card stock paper and writes you a letter (probablythe sweetest one you've ever recieved). Thanking you cause he had been struggling making dinner and ordering out was unhealthy. Many times youe meals saved his day. He puts in some cash in an envelope and gives it to you next time you come. A little Christmas gift. Because you were sent to him as a blessing from the universe.
You didn't have to.
I wanted to. You were the first one I wanted to tell.
Yes you enjoyed a single life but you could understand why someone would dedicate themselves to kids too.
Like When Taehyung came from school after you taught him math and hugged you. Or when Jimin saved most if not all his pocket money to buy you a beautiful dinner set. Or when shy Jungkook came after school religiously helping you prep ingredients and learned how to cook your comfort meal (because you got sick one day and wanted your comfort meal) and your favourite meal (to surprise you for your birthday) .It nice to go on picnics with them or camping with them. It was nice when you felt to drowsy to move by the campfire. Namjoon put a shawl on you so you don't catch a cold. Or when Namjoon 'rescued' you from a date and treated you to cheesy fries after.
So yeah that's it.
Feel free to add on.
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dira333 · 11 months
Congrats on finishing Passing Peonies! As you could probably tell from my tags, I'm completely enthralled with it!
I was wondering if you'd considered what Shigaraki would be doing post war? This isn't necessarily a request for the follower milestone (though I do plan on sending in a request or two after I've gathered my thoughts). I was just curious if you'd had any plans regarding him in that universe.
Thank you for asking! I do know what Shigaraki is doing in the Passing Peonies world but I didn't want to convolute the story with too many people to focus on. So glad that I get to talk about it!
Deku managed to defeat All for One and Shigaraki by doing what he does best - get through to Shigaraki and convince him of the power of Friendship. Without Deku's example, Shouto might not have been so successful with Touya.
Not everyone from the League of Villains wanted to change, because not all of them wanted to be heard and understood in the first place.
The Public demanded harsh punishments but Allmight, coupled with Deku "the world-saver" and his friends, demanded a change in the system. Touya, Toga, Shigaraki, Spinner, Kurogiri... They were taken in for physical and psychological therapy. But, and that was important... They were not allowed to meet each other at first. They could ask questions about each other if they wanted to, but people were afraid that it would pull them down and hinder their healing if they were confronted with people from their past.
That did not work as well as they thought they would. Kurogiri almost broke out of the hospital he was in because no one would tell him where Shigaraki was held and if he was still alive.
Toga's mental health improved significantly once she had regular contact with Touya and Spinner was moved to the same hospital as Kurogiri and Shigaraki in an attempt to benefit Shigaraki's recovery.
Touya is the first to actually enter the rehabilitation program of all the villains, because he has the biggest support system: his whole family, plus Hawks.
Toga is second, because she has Touya to rely on, as well as Ochako who never misses their weekly trips to get coffee or try on cute clothes.
Kurogiri could have been the first but he will not leave Shigaraki's side. Him, Spinner and Shigaraki are living in a remodeled three bedroom apartment in a hospital wing.
Spinner is retaking highschool classes and is thinking about working for a mechanic as soon as he's allowed to start rehabilitation - his therapist is still a bit concerned with his obsession with Stain.
Kurogiri has weekly cooking classes with Present Mic and Aizawa which are doing nothing for his memory but they have gotten close.
And finally, we have Shigaraki.
After two years in therapy - at the end of Passing Peonies - he's doing a lot better. He wears gloves all of the time even though he's wearing quirk cancelling anklets and there are days where Kurogiri has to hang blankets over all the mirrors because Shigaraki doesn't want to see himself but he's doing better.
Kurogiri has taught him how to cook and he's making a fantastic fried rice with egg on top whenever Deku comes over (about once a week). Allmight visits him daily - he's at the hospital anyway, so why not? - and some days they spend by reading books together or Shigaraki explaining Memes to Allmight who has to peer at his phone through reading glasses like the old man he is.
Maybe in a year or so he might be able to start the rehabilitation process himself but he's not thinking about that now. He's just trying to get better, one day after the other, and not think too much about the future ahead.
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cervicrazed · 4 months
Redoing @the-goblin-cat 's Whole Hog Request bc I answered the wrong set of questions 🤦🏽
OC Lore for Dead Wood's resident "Goat" Boy Below:
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^ This is Kennedy Leeds! ((& Devil Form))
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Kennedy was originally designed by @psygull and given to me as a gift!!
He was The Jersey Devil reimagined as a high School athlete so I named him Kennedy (jock name) Leeds (name of the family from Jersey Devil folklore)
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
He meets Bambi (aka enters the story) at 18
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
He's got a small crush on Jak L., but is trying to find the right way to ask her out. He's seemingly oblivious to her flirtations with Bambi
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Growing up with 12 other siblings kinda turned mealtime into a Battle Royale, so he'd visit the local food market in the evenings after school. His favorite dish comes from Ms. Hayes' stand; a bowl of fried rice topped with grilled catfish and garnished with Devil's Fruit (a sweet red fruit with two stems that look like little devil horns. Needs to be De-Hexed before eaten, otherwise it'll taste bitter & you could end up w/ a magical foodbourne illness)
💼 - What do they do for a living?
Was a student until very recently - helps Bambi on fetch quests for The Lich Doctor in exchange for magical items to resell on the side.
Also runs a pest contol hustle but strangely only books appointments for the 13th of every month.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Meditation! He got into it hoping it would better help him retain control when in his Devil Form; he's able to stay conscious and aware for a full 30 seconds now!
🎯 -What do they do best?
His first and only answer would be Hockey; he's ingrained it so deeply into his identity he's not sure who he'd be without it. In reality, he's a natural leader when thrust into stressful situations (which happens a lot!)
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Kennedy loves opportunities to show off his strength; be it knocking through walls or deadlifting a horse, he can't help but feel a sense of pride from the admiration. It's one of the few positives his curse affords him
He has a zero tolerance policy for anyone who threatens his family, Found or Biological! (Minus his dad though, he hates that guy)
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
His first time ice skating! When he was about 13 or so, the lake froze over and he was dared by Siblings 10, 9, & 7 to go skating across the thinnest part. Not one to shy away from a challenge, Kennedy went for it - just narrowly avoiding falling into the freezing water. He did still trip and chip a tooth on the ice, but the thrill and joy of skating never left him.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Coming home from school one day to find his mother bed ridden with blisters blooming into flower shaped scabs all across her body; Hexed by unclean food. The potion that could cure her required 'The Blood of the Beloved', but when Kennedy volunteered she told him point blank; "I don't love you enough for that to work."
He quit school to hunt down his dad shortly after.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Yes & No -> his current design is technically my take on Psygull's original one, but the major beats are still there; slightly shaved head, letterman jacket, cocky grin, etc
I keep changing his Devil Form but I think I'll end up just keeping it the way she originally had it (maybe w/ a few more goat features)
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
I don't know! He was a gift 😌🎁
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
Whatever genre combines a Disney Channel Sports Movie with a Brother's Grimm fairy tale
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Cis + Bisexual! 🩷💜💙
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
12! (That poor woman)
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
He tries to do right by his mother, but he can sense she kind of blames him for his dad skipping town. There's a certain bitterness she has for him that he can never seem to alleviate. He feels like nothing he does will ever make her proud.
He resents his father with his entire being. He passed down The Devil Curse onto him and instead of sticking around to help him learn how to deal with it, he left as soon as he was born. Kennedy doesn't understand what was so wrong with him that his dad couldn't be bothered to stay.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
The family dynamics & his own Big Brother persona he adopts when w/ Bambi & co.
He pretends to be a bastard but he's got such an obvious soft spot for the people he cares about it never really sticks - it's a really fun trait to play with
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
On and off, but a little more so recently bc I gotta update his ref sheet
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
No!!!!!!! Inconceivable
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Monophobia -> fear of being alone or abandoned 💔
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
The OG Jersey Devil
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
Since January 2019!
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
I was 17 when Roz handed me this fun little guy
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takeyourcyanide · 4 months
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Fandom: Soul Eater
Character(s): Franken Stein, Marie Mjolnir
Word Count: 2 550
Tags: Age Regression/De-Aging, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Non-Sexual Age Play, Age, Regressor Stein, Caregiver Marie, Psychosis, Not Beta Read
Summary: Stein is essentially caught to an extent regressing, having been unable to suppress it and right in the middle of it when called out by Marie.
Notes: This was a little rushed near the end, I think, but I didn’t have much more I wanted to write for this at all - not many ideas near the end. I have an odd one queued up and ready for posting later. It’s been difficult to write lately. But I’ve wanted to.
Something was wrong. Terribly wrong. Distressingly different, even. The walls around him, the people he’d seen earlier that day, everything and everyone seemed to be replaced, but with what? And what was so wrong? Where was the answer he was so desperate for?
Stein, sitting up restlessly in his bed, fiddled with the floppy ears of his little stuffed rabbit, pulling at the ends of his hair, the taste of blood filling him mouth as he bit off the skin of his lips and cheeks; an accidental and frequent incident of a sort of ‘auto-cannibalism.’
“Go away,” a whispered command left his mouth, and not of his own volition, as he scanned the area surrounding him repeatedly, their dense presences encapsulating his bedroom.
A gentle knocking on his door startled him out of his stupor, the rattling of Marie’s attempt to twist the locked doorknob grating on his sensitive ears.
“Hey, Stein? I made dinner, if you want some food,” she offered, Franken standing slowly up, still holding the mangled bunny to his chest unconsciously.
He went back and forth with himself, scrambling for coherent thought, as he questioned whether or not he should exit the chilling and unwelcoming air of his room.
Was the Marie speaking to him even Marie? Is she attempting to lure him out? Even if he were to stay in his room, he’d be dragged out eventually. And he might as well see this either “new” or “normal” Marie for himself, as it would help him to determine which label fit her - or ‘it’, rather -best.
He unlocked the door, cautiously pulling it open, preparing to be devoured by whatever lurked outside of it.
Much to his comfort, he was only met with a seemingly giddy hammer, presumably proud of whatever she’d whipped up, the ties of the grey apron embroidered with stitches still wrapped snuggly around her waist.
“You all right?” Mjolnir’s smile fell as she analyzed her meister’s expression, his eyes particularly wide, apprehensive and tired-looking, his bottom lip.. bleeding? “What’d you do?”
“What?” She pointed towards the beading crimson, alerting Stein to his own self-inflicted injury.
He brought a pallid finger up to his lip, patting around the area that was pointed at. He pulled his finger away from the flesh he only just became aware was stinging and tingling painfully, finding that a decent amount of blood had feathered across the tip of his finger.
“Oh,” he licked the blood off, earning a suppressed look of minor worry and discomfort from his weapon.
“And what’s with the rabbit?”
Oh. Whoops.
Stein shrugged his shoulders, trudging past Marie and into their dimly lit dining area, sitting at the round, steel table with his bunny.
He might as well commit to it. There was no point in pretending as though Marie never saw the stuffed toy. Though, if she really were replaced, she’d most likely see him as prey now. Or would she? Oh, well.
Mjolnir sat directly in front of him, dumping clumps of stir-fried rice and a few pork chops on the creepily still and quiet man’s plate.
“I’m not judging you or anything, by the way. I don’t care about the rabbit, I was just curious,” she clarified, almost feeling a little guilty about seemingly putting him on the spot.
Stein lifted the steaming rice from off of the plate with his fork, chewing on a mouthful as Marie stuck her own fork into a pork chop.
“Feel free to tell me if this doesn’t taste good. I’ve never made this kind of rice before, and I’ve never made pork chops before, so I’d appreciate some feedback,” she moved her gaze back and forth from her food to her silent meister, of whom began playing with his food as opposed to eating it.
“Not hungry? Or do you not like it?”
“It’s good,” he mumbled, watchful eyes observing and peering empty daggers into Marie’s soul.
Mjolnir’s eyebrows furrowed, frankly a little creeped out by his incessant staring, but also rather concerned.
“Is something wrong?” She asked after finishing another piece of one of her pork chops.
“No,” he plainly responded, much to Marie’s dissatisfaction.
There was an unnameable thing about Stein’s mostly blank expression that was somewhat childishly petulant in a way that made her, oddly enough, want to scoop him away from whatever was bothering him so badly. There was something different about his demeanor - it wasn’t as outwardly scary as usual, more untrusting and uncharacteristically afraid; vulnerable in a way she thought she’d never see from him.
It reminded Marie of an old friend and some of her behaviors… She explained to her what it was once, and why it happened, but for the life of her, she couldn’t remember the name of it. All she could remember was that it involved children and illness, or something. What was the name of it? It had been so long since she last did any sort of research into it, though she remembers finding it fascinating in a sort of cute and sad way…
“Oh! I know what this is!” Marie happily exclaimed, hitting her fist into the palm of her hand elatedly at the memory finally coming back to her.
Stein almost flinched at the sudden raise in the volume of her voice, his eyes shooting open even wider.
What did Marie know? What had she found out? Had he seen through him? He shouldn’t have left his room. Why did he do that? What does she know about him? How much does she know? Why’d he ever-
“Do you regress, Stein? Isn’t that what it’s called?” The meister looked genuinely horrified, though the weapon was much too excited to notice at first.
“You know what that is?” He shakily uttered, bringing Marie back down to earth.
“Yeah, a friend of mine a long time ago did it… It’s okay if you do.. I forgot a lot about it, but it stems from something, doesn’t it? Like trauma, and mental issues, and stuff? I don’t necessarily know why you do it, but-“
“Don’t. tell. anyone.”
“Oh, I wasn’t planning-“
“I don’t want to do it. It just happens a lot. Don’t tell anyone about it.”
“Of course, I won’t, Stein. I was just going to say that if you wanted to, I could help you with it. I did for her,” she reminisced. “We had supplies and everything.”
“I don’t want supplies. And it’s fine, you don’t have to,” he stared down at the table, refusing to look Marie in the eyes, or really anywhere. “I don’t need supplies, I’m not trying to endorse it. I’m not ashamed of it or anything, it’s not that it’s never nice, but it isn’t a lot, and.. I don’t know. It’s, uh…… I don’t, uh-“
“It’s okay, Stein,” she softly interrupted. “Do you know what age you usually are- or, um.. regress to, I mean?”
“I don’t want to say.”
“How come?”
“I’s pathetic.”
Marie took another quick bite of her pork chop, chewing as quickly as possible.
“It’s not pathetic, Stein.. You can tell me.”
He looked so completely beat down- not even in a sorrowful or sullen way. He just looked so tired. She considered whether or not she should pester him into getting more sleep, but it didn’t seem like that was exactly the problem.
“I don’ wanna say,” he whined into the head of his bunny, having positioned it even closer to himself. “Don’ wan’ your help.”
‘This is going to take a while,’ Marie sighed to herself exasperatedly.
“So, you’re pretty young, then, huh?” She prodded in a much sweeter voice than before, Franken pouting in response.
With the way he’s beginning to speak, his petulant expression, and desperate clinging to his rabbit, it’s not as though it wasn’t obvious.
“Why d’you wanna know?”
“Because I want to help you, Stein.“
“Why?” He appeared genuinely confused.
“Because if you regress pretty young and it just happens against your will like you said, then that probably makes things difficult for you, right?”
Stein put a decent amount of effort into shrugging his shoulders, removing his face from the bunny only slightly in order to frantically scan the room for the people he felt approaching him.
“See? That’s why. You can tell me when it’s becoming an issue for you, and I can help you do whatever you need to do.”
“Why my age?”
“Because depending on your age, you may need more help or less help.” She pushed her plate away, much too distracted now to eat. “You know.. the girl I mentioned regressed pretty young, too.”
He peaked out from further from behind the rabbit, curiosity getting the best of him.
“She was, like, two, maybe? Anyway, I have experience with younger ages- it’s okay if you’re younger, Stein.”
“Still not gonna tell you,” he whined.
“How about… hmm… What if you let me help you, and I could guess what age you are after?”
“Fine,” he groaned, the slight furrow in his brows adding to the pout on his lips. “You’r no’ gonna gimme a choice, anyway.”
She was relieved that he caved in. She didn’t know how much more of his struggling to enunciate his words and speak she could take until finally grabbing him and squeezing him like a little squeaky toy.
“Well, you can’t just keep denying everyone’s help,” she stood from her seat, coming to stand beside Stein, who immediately jerked away from her. “It’s okay! I’m not going to touch you or anything, I promise.”
“I can and I will.”
Stein held his rabbit tightly and far from Mjolnir’s reach, his countenance and leaning form indicative of suspicion and a full preparedness to bite.
Marie released a sympathetic sigh, tilting her head and frowning. “Awe, your lip is bleeding again, sweetie,” she cooed.
She ran over to the wooden coffee table she brought in when she first moved in with him, swiftly pulling a tissue from out of the colorful box perched directly in the center of it.
“Would it be okay if I cleaned your lip up, Franken?” She kneeled next to him, an aura of patience about her. “It’ll be quick.”
“Like the taste..”
“We still don’t want it to get too messy, do we? It’s already running down your chin a little… You really did a number on your lip, huh?” She held up the tissue, gazing expectantly as if to ask for his consent.
Stein looked her up and down… once and twice. He fiddled with the ears of his bunny for a moment, pensive and apprehensive. Flashes of possible strangulation, of choking, of attack flooding his mind. He wasn’t even necessarily scared, just filled to the brim with a crippling sensation he couldn’t precisely label.
He inched ever so slightly closer to her, tilting his head as to give easier access of his shredded lip to Marie.
“There we go,” she drawled softly, padding against the area gently, folding the tissue and wiping the thin trail of blood from off of his chin. “And, just so you know, it’s fine if you don’t feel like speaking, okay?”
Stein hummed, eyes following Marie as she threw the bloodied tissue away, three eyes attached to spider-like legs creeping around her feet.
They crawled quickly after her, as she returned to her former position, crouching before her brooding, sulky meister.
“Do you want to sit on the couch?” Stein shook his head languidly.
“You wanna go to bed? You sleepy?” Stein nodded his head, the movement forced and guarded, as though he were admitting to some dark, never-before-told secret.
“Okay.. but before we go, are you sure you’re not hungry?” He nodded once more, the mere thought of food nauseating. “Do you think you can stand?”
He shrugged his shoulders, swinging his body up and off of the chair, his eyes rolling as his head spun.
“Wooh.. I’ve got you,” Marie caught Franken, the side of his face against her chest. “Got up a little too fast, huh…”
She wrapped one arm around his torso, the other coming under both of his popliteal fossae in preparation. “Are you okay with my carrying you, Stein?”
He shrugged his affectionately confined shoulders as best as he could, a glint of an effervescent turmoil in his eyes, which was shrouded in a veil of something indescribable that Marie had only ever just seen. Perhaps it was a glimmer specific to his regressed self.
“All right…”
She hoisted him up, cradling him tenderly against her frame, Stein hiding his face in the crook of her warm neck.
As she walked to his bedroom, treading through the awfully cold corridors, she swayed, effectively rocking him from side to side. It was almost a bit of an experiment- to see just how young he really was. And when he all but began to melt, fingers unconsciously coming to his lips (though he immediately ripped them away once he caught himself), she knew precisely how she needed to treat him and what she was getting into.
She adjusted the covers on the bed, awkwardly handling Stein as she slipped him, as well as herself, underneath the mounds of blankets. She’d managed to maneuver him to lie beside her, a hand in his oddly mussed hair, scooting farther down for optimal comfort.
“How long has it been since you last washed your hair, Stein?” He, once again, shrugged his shoulders. What little perception of time he still could grasp onto was proving to be less than adequate. “Awe.. If you wanted, I could help you with that stuff… it’s seems like you’ve been forgetting a lot lately.”
Stein flung - or, rather, cautiously and experimentally inched his arm around Marie, his rabbit tucked in between his chest and her side, nuzzling further into her as if she were his stuffed toy.
“And you know I’m here to sort of supervise you and your mental state, anyway. I don’t mind taking care of you at all, Stein, I promise. And I won’t tell anyone about helping you.” She booped him on the nose with the tip of her pointer finger, as she continued, “We can say that you remained just as functional as you’ve ever been and never needed any help at all. How about that?”
Stein hid his face against her chest, huffing out a tired sigh. A dense lump formed in his throat, refusing to be deterred with a swallow, as a burning sensation raged behind his eyes, though no tears of his fell.
‘We can say that you remained just as functional as you’ve ever been and never needed any help at all. How about that?’
He couldn’t even function anymore. What happened.
He knew what happened.
He knew precisely what happened.
He’d lost all of his control.
Would he ever regain it?
He would never regain it.
With his muffled whimpers came comforting coos from his weapon.
And with the madness came a complete degradation of who he was and what he was capable of.
It was all gone. He was gone.
Gone forever.
And that was even more evident in the fact that he was too incompetent to repress his regression in the presence of another.
He would never regain his former control.
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mybrainismelted · 10 months
🌿w e e k l y 🍄 t a g 🕯️ w e d n e s d a y🌙
thanks for putting this one together @darlingian!
hello forest dwellers, star gazers, and dream weavers. let's reveal a little bit of ourselves to each other and experience the joy of being known. (Or keep your secrets, Gandalf, idc.)
which character from any media would you like to have as a father?: Hmmm, Uncle Phil from Fresh Prince maybe
if money, laws, time, and effort were no object, what animal would you want to have? Raccoons are very cool pets
what is your Chinese takeout order?: I like just about anything, but I'm a bit of a basic bitch when it comes to my usual order. Chicken Balls, fried rice, beef and brocolli
what's your favourite emoji?: 🙄 since I'm on desktop and don't have as many options
would you rather have a library, greenhouse, or home theater in your house?: There was a time when I would have said library, but honestly it's a toss-up between greenhouse and home theatre. The greenhouse would be lovely in the winter, but the home theatre would be really cool
what childhood tv show do you think of the most fondly?: Mr. Dressup
what was your tumblr like when you first joined?: In June? Pretty much the same....
what clothing style do you love but don't feel compelled to replicate yourself?: Bohemian
if you were plopped into a fictional world, which one would you know the layout of the best?: oh gosh, maybe Pern?
what is your favourite piece of art?: I don't think I really have a favourite
do you have a water bottle? what does it look like?: I have a giant water jug that I fill every day to remind myself to drink. But I also got this one for my birthday:
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what fanfic trope is a quiet fave?: Have to agree on the slow burn
do you carry a daily bag? nope. if it doesn't fit in my pockets, I don't need it
If you had to ship Mickey with another Gallagher, who would it be?: Blech. None of them
what is a fanfic trope you didn't expect to like and then very much did?: also agreed on the AU's. When I first started reading fanfic I thought the idea was awful. Now I'm all about the AU
Do you think s11 Mickey can still carry s11 Ian?: hmmm, probably not. He could do it when they were kids an Ian was skinny for dancing, but now? Even without the covid weight, Ian's so much bigger than him
who got custody of the killing bat when they sold the house?: I think it turns into the potato masher war 2.0. Everyone steals it from whoever currently has it every chance they get.
tagging @juliakayyy, @jessieoneday, @jrooc, @krystallouwho, @softmick, @creepkinginc, @crossmydna, @michellemisfit, @stocious, @scurvgirl, @lingy910y, @palepinkgoat, @mickeysgaymom, @gallavichsuperfan, @ian-galagher and @such-a-barbarian
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putschki1969 · 9 months
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2024/01/15 Blog post by Wakana 真奈ちゃんと最高の餃子を食べたお話〜一生餃子推し〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ Do ❗NOT SHARE❗ on other sites ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
A Story About Eating The Best Gyoza With Mana-chan 〜Lifetime Gyoza Fans〜
I decided to really laze around during the New Year's holidays, I didn't do any of the strength training or cooking that I usually do, I didn't sing at all, I basically just slept and slept some more without thinking about anything else. Then, I gradually started forgetting what my life was like before so I got scared and immediately went back to my usual routine 😂 It's scary because if you don't set boundaries for yourself you can easily let yourself go forever! ! 😭
Hello, this is Wakana (0 ̄▽ ̄0)/
Generally, I enjoy singing all-year-round but after focusing hard on a concert, I like to take a break from singing for a while🧚‍♀️ It depends on the situation and my mood but those breaks could be a few days or even a month. If I don't do that, I feel like my perspective on many things will become too narrow...🥺 Lately, I've once again realised that it's important to create a sense of contrast and variety so I don't get stuck on something (^^)✨
Now! I would like to finally talk about my Gyoza Eating Journey that was featured in my latest newsletter. In Vol.#5 of my journey, I visited two amazing gyoza restaurants together with Mana Ogawa-chan🥟🥟\\\\٩( 'ω' )و //// Mana-chan is active as a singer, she also does stage work and participates in a project called Benesse Kodomo Challenge ♪(*´ω`*) I can't believe she was still in elementary school when we first met...😱(I was already an adult at that point)
Mana-chan also loves gyoza! ️ We live by the motto “NO GYOZA, NO LIFE”!! ️ (no, okay, this is really just me who is saying this). Anyway, I have been wanting to do some sort of gyoza activity together with her for the longest time😆♡ Finally, that dream-like project came true!! ️ Thank you Mana-chan😍
I asked Mana-chan to make a suggestion on where we should go first. She requested a Chinese restaurant called "Rengetsu" that was introduced in my gyoza guide book! Since I had read a lot about it in the book, I was of course very interested. Furthermore, there was another restaurant mentioned in the guide book which happened to be near Mana-chan's recommended place so I really wanted to check that out too, it's called "Min Min"🥟That's pretty much how we ended up going to two restaurants! (^-^)
First of all, let me introduce "Min Min" in Akasaka! The vending machine outside was only selling food that I love 😳✨ The inside of the store was much more lively than I had imagined from the outside, and the tatami room seats made it feel a bit like an izakaya😆 We had an appetizer but I was so focused on the gyoza that I don't remember anything about it😂. The highlight was definitely the fried gyoza! ️🥟 They are as big as a steamed bun! And so chewy! ! Akasaka's "Min Min" is a direct descendant of the currently closed Shibuya's "Min Min Yan Rou Kan" which is said to be the origin place of fried gyoza in Japan. Apparently they make around 1,000 pieces a day😳 We had our order together with their famous "vinegar and pepper" dipping sauce which actually originated at this restaurant♡ The gyoza filling had plenty of chives which Mana-chan was a big fan of! All in all, they were really delicious 😍 Next up we had boiled gyoza! The soup is so flavourful that you'll want to eat it with some noodles! Honestly, it was so delicious that you will be left wanting more 😳✨ Lastly, we had miso gyoza which was actually my first time😳 They were so rich in taste...!! ︎ The bean paste which looks reminded me of mapo tofu was so smooth and rich that I really wanted to eat it with rice! Look at the face I am making, pure happiness...😂 Akasaka's "Min Min" was truly the best~😭💕 There were many other menu items but we didn't pay attention to anything other than the gyoza��We left the restaurant having thoroughly enjoyed a nice variety of gyoza: Fried, boiled and miso🥟
Next, we went to the restaurant Mana-chan wanted to visit, “Rengetsu” in Aoyama!🥟 The noren at the entrance was so cute ♡ The gyoza on the fabric looks like flowers 🥟The inside of the restaurant is very compact with only one table and a counter. My manager had made reservations for me a month in advance so we were able to get in but it was fully booked😳 (By the way, Akasaka's "Min Min" was also fully booked! Seems like both restaurants are really popular😍) As appetizers we had Szechuan pickles and a "green chili pepper, cucumber, and coriander salad"! Both were spicy and Mana-chan struggled a bit with those since she has a low tolerance for spicy food...! First, we wanted to try "Rengetsu's" signature meal, the boiled gyoza with minced lamb! ! Oh, oh, it was so delicious...! ! ! ! ! This was the best boiled gyoza I've ever had! ! ! 😭✨The sauce was also great! Apparently, the owner of "Rengetsu" won the Chinese Cuisine World Championship back in 2012😳 The taste was worthy of a world champion for sure! ! Of course we had another plate of boiled gyoza and then we moved on to the much anticipated fried gyoza 🥟 This one was also delicious! ! ! ! 😭😭✨ The sauces were different for boiled gyoza and fried gyoza, both delicious of course! ! (I actually switched between the sauces). We ordered another place of this too...😍It felt like a true indulgence and we were eating as much as we wanted😂
This was my 5th time eating gyoza for the fan club magazine and I had a special guest join me for the first time, it was really delicious and fun, I want to do this again and again! ! 😂Mana-chan and I got to talk a lot, not only about gyoza but also about work. Thank you so much Mana-chan! ! ! ・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+ (Mana-chan always has a cute smile on her face (*´ω`*)💓)
There are still many restaurants I want to go to...My journey to eat gyoza will never end! ! \\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////♡ If you have any delicious restaurant recommendations, please let me know! ! ! Until next time~☆( *'▽'*)/
***Wakana*** Instagram post by Wakana
2024/01/20 Blog post by Wakana おしゃべりガーデン第5回目!〜その2〜
Talk Garden Vol. 5!〜Part 2〜
It's part of my daily routine to keep an eye on the plants in my house, but when my heart gets distracted by other things, I end up not being able to keep an eye on all of my plant babies so they will often end up running out of water. The frequency of watering varies from one plant to another, so it is essential to watch each of them very closely for sign of dehydration. (Sometimes I'll just lift the pot to determine how much water is left in it. By now I have a pretty decent understanding of how much water my plants need based on their weight!) For my bigger plants, I am using a moisture meter (I became a big fan after receiving one at a plant shop I visited a while back), so when the meter turns white, it's a signal to water my plant. I also want to keep track of the times when I water my plants throughout the year so I always write it down on my calendar. It's been dry lately, even my giant plants like Schefflera and Everfresh have been having a hard time😳 When I'm home all day and can take a close look at the plants, I try to take them for a walk around the room. Basically, I just move them around, following the sunlight🚶♪ Recently, I have also tried having my children stay in another room with considerably more sunlight, I pretty much send them abroad to learn and grow. However, studying abroad is a bit of a gamble for both humans and plants, there's always a risk that you don't like the place you're going so instead of growing stronger, the experience will end up weakening you. Not every place is a perfect match for every individual, for some it works, for others it doesn't...😭
Hello, this is Wakana (0 ̄▽ ̄0)/
As usual, my Queen of the Night is holding a bud festival but she really does it at her own pace...😳 There are a lot of buds but they don't grow at all 😂 The thing is, she will suddenly start blooming out of nowhere so you really need to keep an eye on her!! Sometimes buds are blooming and I don't even notice🤣
On a different note, Part 2 of "Wakana's Talk Garden Vol. #5" has just been uploaded. In this episode we are talking about our "Resolutions for 2024"! ! I received a lot of your passionate goals and things you want to do this year!\\\\٩( 'ω' )و //// Thank you 😊♡
I also decided to add a new corner to the podcast (the topic might change on a whim) *laughs* Here are some photos of the things I talked about in that corner! First we have a dried persimmon! (If you know of any delicious ways to eat it, please let me know!) And then we have a very old tablet. (I can't even read a book without the screen freezing every few pages)
2024 will be the 5th anniversary of my solo debut. I'm planning to sing a lot for you this year, so please wait until I can make some announcements 😆 In my Talk Garden podcast, I was asked the question, ``How do you get through difficult times?'' The truth is, I have had so many people help me. I am who I am today because of my family, all the people who have been by my side, and everyone who has supported me😊 I am once again reminded of my privilege and am filled with gratitude. Thank you so much everyone✨I will continue to try my best so that my music can reach all of you who have always been by my side♪
To begin with, please look forward to the live performance “Wakana 5th Anniversary “Prologue” ~Premium Online Live~” held on February 6th, this event will officially kickoff my 5th Anniversary celebrations🤗I will be accompanied by Saku-chan on piano 🎹♪ See you online on February 6th! ! ・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+
Until next time~☆( *'▽’*)/
Wakana’s Talk Garden #5 Part 2
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ Do ❗NOT SHARE❗ on other sites ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Episode #5 Part 2 »»—— CLICK ME 🎁 CLICK ME ——««
Vol 5 Topic “Resolutions for 2024”
For next month’s episode which is scheduled to air on February 10th, the topic is “Memories of Valentine’s Day.” The submission deadline is 01/31.
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minaramen · 2 years
Idol Star 2023 - Prince Stage: Touma Inumaru
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[Disclaimer: I’m NOT a professional translator. I’m using my knowledge from 4 years of university. Please, feel free to let me know if you notice  mistranslation/typo/error of any kind]      
Touma: Hey!
Touma: So we're gonna meet at 12 today, right?
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Minami: Aren't you confusing me with somebody else?
Touma: Mh?
Touma: Did I message the wrong person?
Minami: Who knows. I'm me.
Touma: I double checked the icon AND the home screen! I'm not wrong!
Touma: You’re my fellow ŹOOĻ member Natsume Minami, aren't you!?
Minami: Yes. I'm the versatile Natsume Minami: both your friend from ŹOOĻ and composer 
Touma: That’s enough, thank you, I didn't need so many details!
Touma: Being hacked on SNS is possible, y'know, and I was panicking that I had messaged the wrong person!
Minami: You were just in too much of a hurry, I think
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Touma: We were supposed to go out for a meal today, right? 
Minami: Actually, no
Minami: I don’t know whether you’re mistaking me for somebody else, but I suppose things work differently for those who keep many people around 
Touma: Wait, I’ve never had many people around, actually! We decided to go to the diner together, didn’t we? The one where they make delicious stamina rice bowls! 
Minami: Are you possibly referring to the plans we had for tomorrow? 
Touma: Uh
Touma: Are you for real 
Touma: I'm sure it was today..
Minami: I thought we were supposed to go tomorrow after you finish filming for Idol Star 
Touma: Ah, yes, yes... you're right. I totally blew it 
Touma: Today they give you an extra fried chicken portion for free, I thought you'd be happy to go...
Minami: In other words since you knew I'd been happy to go you got over excited and made the mistake 
Touma: Uh?
Minami: What happened, then?
Touma: No, I mean, that's probably how it went 
Touma: I'm sorry Mina. I'll ask somebody else!
Minami: Wait. Don't give me the "that's probably how it went" speech. Explain to me exactly what happened 
Touma: Uh? Well...
Touma: I was like "Oh, cool, today they give an extra fried chicken portion for free! Mina will be over the moon with joy!"; I got over excited and somehow made a mess with the day
Minami: I see. I understand now 
Minami: Who are you going to invite?
Touma: Ah, it's a guy you don't know, Mina! A friend from my hometown 
Minami: But I'm your friend as well, right?
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Touma: It’s pretty embarrassing to talk about that directly, but yeah, you definitely are! What about it? 
Minami: Nothing
Minami: Where are you now?
Touma: I've just finished the recordings, so I'm still at the studio!
Minami: It’s perfect, then. I happened to work close to there today, so let’s meet somewhere and go 
Touma: Really?? Is it okay with you??
Touma: Let’s go together!! Fried chicken is delicious, so I wanted you to eat lots of it!
Touma: Wow, I feel so happy! Thank you, Mina! It was sudden but you're still coming!
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Minami: By the way, is it okay with you if I ask Isumi san as well? Apparently, he's nearby as well 
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Touma: Ooh! Great! I'm gonna ask Tora, then! Apparently he got into restaurants' daily specials, lately
Minami: I'll go and meet Isumi san first, then 
Touma: Mina!
Touma: We're still having the meal together tomorrow, right?
Minami: That’s the plan, yes. Are you busy?
Touma: No, I was just wondering if it was fine with you to go eat with me for two days in a row 
Minami: If you don't mind...
Touma: Thank you!! Of course I don’t mind, I'm super happy! Watching you eat is quite a thing, Mina, I have so much fun every time 😄
Minami: I’m glad to hear that. What do you think about a change of plans tomorrow? I'd like to take you to a restaurant I really like
Minami: You can eat delicious meat for one coin
Touma: Meat? Amazing! If you're a regular customer, Mina, it must be delicious 🤤
Touma: Since we're all working at the same location tomorrow, let's ask Haru and Tora as well
Minami: Yes
Touma: Okay, once Tora answers back I'll let you know the meeting place 
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The end
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purplesurveys · 16 days
Do you actually read privacy policies when signing up for new things? No, not really. The main thing I do privacy-wise is when I disable tracking whenever I download/sign up in a new app.
Did you have a lot of birthday parties when you were younger? if so, did you invite everyone in the class? I didn't. I wasn't popular and never had that many friends to warrant a birthday party. This is besides the fact that my birthday fell during the old summer season (March-June) so not only did I never get to throw a birthday party apart from my 7th; I also never got to experience being greeted by classmates hahaha.
Do you like when things are color coordinated? It's pleasant to the eyes but it's not like it's a mandatory for me.
Have you ever participated in one of those “guess how many jelly beans, mints, etc. are in this jar!” contest? if so, have you ever won? No. I've never come across those!
Do you think you would be good at memorizing lines if you were an actor or actress? If we're speaking strictly about memorization skills, yes. I have no interest in being an actress though. The task has always seemed so daunting to me.
Can you juggle? No, though I've tried to more times than I can count. It's just not meant for me, heheh.
Have you ever mistaken a ringing phone on tv or in a movie for your own? It has for sure happened. Sometimes I've heard a ringing phone thinking it's our landline, only to discover it was the neighbor's.
How often do you use bobby pins? Almost never. The last time I used them was probably during my college grad shoot to hold my hairdo together.
Have you ever used a pedometer? Not a separate one, no. I occasionally check my steps from my phone though.
Do you live on an avenue, road, drive or something else? Street.
Are your eyes a different color inside than they are outside? Nope.
What were you doing 45 min ago? I was finishing up some work so I can clear up my load tomorrow. Feeling proud of that :)
What will you be doing in 20 min? Either doing another one of this or preparing to go to Angela. It's her birthday today and she'll be at dinner with her family first, so I'm just waiting for her go-signal to tell me she's free so I can come over.
What did you do yesterday? Yesterday was a full-on rest day because I knew I had lots of work/personal errands to do today. That said, I watched The Emperor's New Groove, Toy Story 1, and Toy Story 2 while watching BTS and Seventeen stuff in between. 100% a lazy day.
Are you in a good mood right now? I wanna say 70% in a good mood? I did all the errands I told myself I absolutely had to do today and I'm stoked about that – and I'm also still seeing Angela and Hans tonight so I'm bound to have a great evening. The only thing that sucks is that the weekend is over again and I feel barely well-rested.
Who was the last person in your bedroom? My sister.
Are you listening to music, if so, what song? No, I have a Ryan Trahan video in the background.
What do you usually order from McDonald’s? Most frequently, a plain cheeseburger and barbecue fries. Other days when I find even that boring, I'll switch it up - usually either a Big Mac or fried chicken and rice.
What is your natural hair color? Black.
What was the last movie you watched? What’d you think of it? Toy Story 2. I love the entire franchise, but it's still nothing compared to the first movie.
What was the last thing you had to drink? Cookie butter coffee.
What are your school colors? Maroon and green.
Are you worried that you won’t be accepted into the college you want? It was definitely a worry I had, but I ended up passing.
What is the last class you failed? Continued from earlier this evening. A 40/100 in my Economics class in college. The only failing mark that sent me straight to laughing because of how ridiculous it was.
Has it snowed where you live yet? Or does it never snow? It does not snow here.
Have you ever taken a picture with Santa when you were little? I was only photographed with a Santa when I was 2.
What is the population of the city you live in? Close to a million.
When is the last time you were in a classroom? A few months ago. Andi took me through the law department.
Do you have any homework to be done? What is there to do? Work-wise, no; I did them a few hours ago already.
Did anything exciting happen today? Yes, I saw Angela and got to give her my birthday present. I gave her two Pandora charms and tbh the most exciting thing about it was her confirmation that I didn't get her any dupes (she collects charms in the first place). So YAY we don't need to replace either of them haha.
What color is the sky outside? Pitch black.
Do you own any clothing of your favorite color? Just a few. Purple isn't really my color.
How many tattoos do you want/have? Zero/none.
Do you use cup coasters? When it's available, yeah. When it's not, I don't mind not using one.
Are you on a laptop or desktop? Laptop.
Have you ever rolled down a steep, grassy hill for fun? No.
Do you like to draw very detailed drawings, or just stick figures? Stick. Or nothing at all. I can't daw.
Do you own a shirt that says “Vote for Pedro”? Nope.
Do you like Nerds candy? It's always tasted terrible to me. All the rich/popular kids snuck boxes of them in school all the time to flex and Nerds was one of the ways I learned they were all full of shit because it actually tastes horrible.
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